#i knew with the 😏 this would be a fun one haha
allison3k0 · 4 days
Okay so basically our school had a fun carnival thing that they do every September, and they require you to have a wristband so you can do everything that they're offering. (One of those ones that's like a hospital bracelet). So, me and my Bestie were about to leave the school in her car when I said "I need to get this thing off" cuz it was getting tight on my wrist. So, I just started walking toward my TC and my Bestie goes "Girl! Where are you going?!" in a pissed mom type of tone and I said "I'm gonna get him to help me get it off." and she was like "OML, he's not gonna have scissors" and I said "No, I know, I wanna see if he'll help me get it off." So, we walked over to where my TC was standing and I asked the other teacher who was there with him if "Anyone has scissors cuz I need to get this thing off" and they said no, so I asked my TC "Here, can you help me get it off?" and I reached out my hand in a fist. He put down his tumbler of coffee that he always has with him and was like ready to reach out when suddenly THE STAFF OF THE COMPANY THAT SET UP THE STUFF FREAKING HAD THE AUDACITY TO STOP A MOMENT FROM HAPPENING AND SAID "Hey, you wanna see a trick?" Like what else am I supposed to say, so I said "Yeah sure" and I put my arm out to her, so she took the loose end of the wristband from the inside and made it go around so that it was where the other end was, and she just pulled it and it came off. Now, I already knew you could do that, but the thing is, I WANTED HIM TO HELP ME LIKE COME ON. So I had to give a fake ahh reaction like "Oh! Wow! I didn't know you could do that! Thank you!" and I went to leave after that, and right before I left I saw my TC had a huge smile on his face while he was looking at me. I WANTED HIM TO HOLD MY HAND SO BADLY SO HE COULD TAKE THE WRISTBAND OFF, LIKE I LITERALLY WAS SO CLOSE TO HAVING AN ADORABLE AND WHAT I WOULD CONSIDER A ROMANTIC MOMENT WITH HIM BUT NOOOO THIS B!TCH *SS LADY HAD TO DO IT INSTEAD!!! I'M SO PISSED!!! YK WHAT, F THAT LADY, SHE PROBABLY GETS NO B!TCHES. I'm so f*cking done. I was THIS close to having a moment with him... Like even my Bestie who doesn't support my "delusions" at all said to me "He even put down his coffee, he was going to do it, but he didn't, haha" just to make fun of me but also I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE HE PUT DOWN HIS COFFEE AND WAS READY TO HELP ME LIKE OML HE WAS GONNA DO IT BUT THAT LADY HAD TO INTERRUPT A BEAUTIFUL MOMENT LIKE A FREAKING MOVIE WHEN THE LEADS ARE ABOUT TO KISS I STG I HATE THAT LADY LIKE OML PLSSSSS I WANTED HIM TO HOLD MY HAND SO BADDDDD I WANTED TO FEEL HIM TOUCH ME (Ayo? 😏) LIKE COME ONNNN.
Edit: I forgot to mention that my Bestie went to her car to cool off in the ac while I went to play smash bro's in a video game truck (where Mr S was stationed to help with) and when she came back to see me again she didn't see me outside the truck so she got my TC to look for me. Apparently she asked him "Is A in there?" and he looked to see if I was, and I was, and what's funny is I was completely absorbed in smash bro's so I didn't even notice (Also I won as peach against 3 random people from my school). So my Bestie told me "You're welcome, I got him to look for you." I was thinking like wtf you mean look for me? He knew I was there- but I was like "Oh???" and she said "Yeah I asked if you were in the truck and he looked for you in there. You're welcome." I WAS FREAKING OUT INSIDE LIKE SHE REALLY HAD HIM LOOK FOR ME LIKE SHE COULD'VE JUST CHECKED HERSELF BUT NO SHE HAD HIM CHECK FOR ME LIKE OML MAYBE SHE DOESN'T HATE ME AFTER ALL (she never hated me, I'm jk, but maybe she doesn't hate me having feelings for him after all, since she helped me in a way with him)
TLDR; School carnival wristband, wanted it off, went to TC to have him take it off me, lady staff decides to do it for me by showing me a trick. I'm pissed.
Thank you for coming to my TC Talk 🥲
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heongiu · 1 year
Hello may I request gun, jake, and goo when their s/o wants to go to the gym for the first time? Headcanons, maybe sexual (😏😏) or not, it's up to you
Thankyou for the request Anon! and Omfg I'll try to add a little nsfw in between hehe ;)
Park Jonggun
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Well you were the one who approached him and asked him if you could accompany his gym for the first time.
And it did not go well haha..
"What? You? Going to gym? Are you sure you'll be okay?"
He's continuously gonna question you, well uh you've never thought about going to gym before. He's kind of..worried.
Well if you insist, he'll let you go, but dont expect him to let you do your thing.
"Y/N that's not how we do pull ups.. "
"Y/n that's the wrong set of dumbells.."
"You should've learnt some basics to start with, it's would've been easier that way"
Y/n this Y/n that, you got so frustrated you simply left, and he didn't care too much, cause he knew you'd come back in an hour or so because you didn't know what else to do (lol)
NSFW: There can be instances where you're all panting from exhaustion after doing so much of exercise/cardio or whatever and he'd get turned on by your well, moans. He wouldn't care to find a spot to fuck you, he'll uhh just do it.
Kim Joongoo
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Let's just say, he'll annoy you, pester you and irritate you as much as he likes.
"Y/n you're going to gym?! SERIOUSLY?!"
"do you wanna be muscular? Haha I bet you do because you wanna fight and defeat me, but you still won't be able to~"
Well you can do whatever you want, wherever you wish to and just don't hurt yourself, and if you do..
"PFT-- oh I'm sorry like did you get hurt really bad sweetheart?"
He does care about you but he won't stop making fun of you for your silly little mistakes
"Hey your posture was so off *insert wheezing* o-oop sorry but like THAT WAS HILAR-" You smack him on his head with your bottle and he goes "ouch-ouch" in pain.
Well at least he cared to help you, so next time, maybe learn the basics and the advance by yourself.
Its better I promise, and if you really wanna learn from him, well uh then good luck!
NSFW: he's a little touchy whenever he teaches you, touching and rubbing your thighs up and down when he corrects your stance. Or 'accidentally' placing a kiss every now and then on your neck when he's close to you. And not just any kiss, it's very seductive.
Kim Gimyung
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Yayy Green flag arrives once again!
You tell him you wanna go to the gym, and he's all happy and smiley.
"Really? That's great" giving you that cheesy grin, winking at you.
You both at the gym omg it's gonna be a great time together.
He would like love to help you out like whatever you're doing he'll keep asking you if you're fine with it.
Even when you're doing just fine.
Might cackle in between of your struggle but will rush to you for your help.
And he'll smack your ass in between your exercises, especially when you're hitting legs and your back is visible.
He'll make sure any creep looking in your direction gets disposed of.
Occasionally even Jerry is accompanying you both, maybe even lineman, brad and Jason, but that's just when Jake feels like they should come as well. Other than that if you want that time to be spent only between you two, he has no problem.
NSFW: Sometimes when you struggle, he finds it sort of, cute. And it's kind of a turn on for him. He loves your little frame trying to do courageous tasks. Smacking your ass in between exercises, touching your ass unintentionally when he's helping you. Phew.
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Story Event: I want to steal you (95k bonus)
Thanks Cybird for being awful teases. I guess that's how it's going to be with Victor then. By the end, Kate will die of thirst.
I have a sudden urge to give this girl a harem ending. 😏
I opened my eyes to the rare sight of all members of the Crown gathered together.
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William: "It's time for you to choose to whom you're going to belong to, Kate."
(To choose... 'whom I will belong to'?)
(What's with William all of a sudden ---)
I wanted to laugh it off and say what a joke it was, but the atmosphere was too serious for that.
Moreover, the William I knew always seemed free-spirited and fun but most certainly wasn't a jokester.
(Then what does this all mean...?)
When I suddenly crossed my sight with Harrison's, I blurted out instinctively.
Kate: "Harrison, what the heck is this all about?"
Harrison: "Unlucky for you, what Will said is basically it."
Harrison: "Everyone here wants you so badly, they can't wait to get their hands on you."
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Harrison: "I like you, Kate. Now, is this a truth or a lie..?"
Liam: "That's not fair, Harry. Kate, choose me... I'll go crazy without you."
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Elbert: "Kate, look only at me... I want you... I don't want anyone else to have you."
Alfons: "You can't be satisfied with those tedious men. Wouldn't you rather do something shameless and fun with me?"
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Roger: "It's my job to play with you, isn't it? I'm certain I can torment you until you cry."
Ellis: "Kate, I'll make you happier than anyone else... so choose me."
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Jude: "The moment I take my eyes off you, you're immediately being hit on... Didn't I put a collar on you so you'd know who you belonged to?"
Kate: "What on earth happened to you all...?"
William: "Now then, Kate. `What would you like to do`?"
I stood there stupefied and completely lost for words until someone took my hand.
???: "--- Kate. Here, come with me."
Guided by their hand, I run out into the corridor. Only then did I get a chance to look at the face of my saviour.
Kate: "......Victor."
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Victor: "Phew, I'm glad I could get you out."
I felt instant relief wash over me under the gaze of his jewel-like eyes.
Kate: "I... have no idea why this is happening..."
Victor: "I knew it was a matter of time."
Kate: "Huh..?"
Victor: "You're so charming, Kate. It's no wonder that living together under the same roof made everyone fall in love with you."
Kate: ".......Victor."
Victor: "I have no idea who you're going to choose."
Victor: "But I'll always keep watching over you. Think of me like a large birdcage."
Kate: "Birdcage..?"
Victor: "Yes, I want to see you live freely. See what you want to see, do what you want to do."
Victor: "I'm sure those things will make you an even more wonderful lady."
The door to the birdcage called Victor was always opened.
Always watching over me and setting me free. ...... I guess that was what he meant.
(I'm glad Victor feels this way. His words couldn't be more reassuring)
(... though I wonder why I feel a little bit lonely?)
Victor: "Those are my true feelings. Nevertheless... let me add one more thing."
Victor: "Kate, the last man you choose whilst flying freely..."
Suddenly, my arm was pulled and I found myself in his strong embrace.
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Victor: "...is going to be me."
The scent of the deep night that accompanied Victor enveloped my whole body and finally made me realise the meaning behind the loneliness I had felt before.
(Ah, I see...)
(I wished for Victor to want me like this...)
(Not as a bystander but an interested party)
As soon as I became aware of it, my chest ached so sweetly that I couldn't even put my arm around Victor's back.
Victor: "What will you say to that, Kate?"
Kate: "Y-yes..!"
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Victor: "........"
Kate: "......w-what?"
(Maybe that was all ---)
Victor: "Haha! I was going to cover you with my coat since you were having a nap, which is quite rare for you, I might add."
Victor: "Are you awake, Kate?"
(Ugh, I knew it!)
Kate: "I'm sorry, I can't believe I fell asleep while you were reviewing my report..."
Victor: "I'm hardly surprised. You were working on it until late, weren't you?"
Kate: ".... how do you know about this?"
Victor: "I noticed that light was pouring out of your room."
Victor: "You always give your best, Kate. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your honest work."
Kate: "......... no, no, not at all!"
As the vivid memory of my dream resurfaced, I felt my cheeks begin to heat up.
(... why such a dream? I have to try not to be overly self-conscious about it)
While I let my gaze wander, trying to hide the content of my dream,
I noticed a beautiful birdcage on the office desk.
Kate: "Victor, that birdcage..."
Victor: "Hmm? Oh, this one?"
Victor: "This is, my dear Kate"
He lifted my chin with his index finger and narrowed his eyes.
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Victor: "--- something to keep you locked in."
Victor: "Just kidding. It looks like Elbert got a mynah bird, and Al asked me for a cage for it."
Victor: "I've heard that mynah birds can talk..."
Victor: "Huh, Kate? Is something wrong?"
Kate: "This is bad for my heart... Victor."
Victor: "It is...?"
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imagine--if · 1 year
I have been wondering who Riddler’s girl partner was, being who told the police that she had seen them go into the café. His plan necessitated his capture at that point, and I highly doubt he would have left things up to chance — no, she will be important.
A/N: That's such a relevant point and I can totally work with it 💚This was so fun to write haha it's getting me back into doing stuff for The Batman againnnn 😁 enjoy reading!! And let me know if you like the new imagine blog post layout thingy (I do 😏)
Wordcount: 716
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"Lieutenant, we got a witness here, says she saw someone coming down the fire escape right after the shot. She said he went into the corner diner. The guy's sitting by himself at the counter, right now."
You blink up in faux worry at the policeman, who nods at you with a stern but thankful look.
"Thank you, miss. You should go home, where it's safe."
You nod, backing away from him, as he rushes off to get the rest of his team. Police cars start pulling up outside the diner you've come to time and time again, never a hotspot for trouble and the flashes of angry red and blue reflecting in its long windows now. GCPD stream out of their cars, guns held firm in their hands, as they shuffle around the building and hesitate at the entrance. In the midst of the chaos, a shadowed, jet-black dramatic figure appears, cold eyes boring through the glass of the diner and to the quiet man in the warm navy coat, sitting peacefully indoors.
The peace is sliced through as Martinez kicks open the door, his gun entering the place before he steps in, voice loud and demanding.
"Police! Hands up!"
But the man takes his time, his gentle grip flicking and working expertly on a symbol in his drink, calmly, patiently. You smile softly in the darkness of the opposite street, looking past the heads of police and cars to watch the familiar figure work his magic so naturally. It could only ever be natural to Edward Nashton, and it was something you were so used to, but still so amazed to seeing every day, for a time that seemed like so long, but must only be a few months. You could make out his face even though you couldn't see it properly; a small, nervous smile quirking up his lips ever so slightly, his round face boyish and youthful as it turned to take in the sight of uniformed apprehenders, glaring at him as if he was the pig, an unfeeling psychopath with no story good enough to make up for what he did.
But you knew.
He blinked up at them in a mirror-like way to how you stared up at that policeman, curious and innocent, with that glimmer of something more, darker and dangerous and oh-so-clever, in those murky green hues.
And though you couldn't hear what they were saying, you whispered it anyway, gazing at the sight with a shiver of adrenaline and love and nerves and a barrel of other emotions you couldn't stop to identify.
"He just ordered a slice of pumpkin pie."
Martinez lunges forward in the diner, slamming down The Riddler with a hateful force, two other men rushing to help, rifling through his pockets, yanking out the IDs and demanding an explanation that was left unanswered. And as they worked, guns raised and eyes glaring daggers, Edward's own stare flicked suddenly from the scene to you, barely visible in the drowsy streetlight at the end of the road you lingered at.
Even from there, you could read those eyes, soft and sweet and obsessively adoring, no matter the situation, And he smiled, smiled wide and prettily, ogling for your admiration, your approval. For you to tell him that you're proud of him, that you're in this together, that you can still see him because he's not invisible now, and he never will be. That he matters, and he matters to you.
All this is said unspoken, in one loving, long glance, and then he's ripped off the counter, shoved to the cars, the crowd of police following suit, along with the infamous Batman, who catches his gaze and returns it with one of coolness and intense indifference.
You let out a breath you don't realise you've been holding as he's driven away, leaning back against e concrete wall behind you, and roll your eyes to yourself with a knowing smirk. Now would come the stream all set up and ready for them to find, and then to rake their brains over when The Riddler's 'pretty little mystery' was mentioned near the end, in the midst of the retribution, and his followers would flood the chat with crazed hearts and impatient comments, ready for the real change.
⭒❃.✮:▹𝓉𝒶𝑔𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 ◃:✮.❃⭒ (message me know if you want to be removed. ghost blogs/dead accs have been removed.)
@misadventures0fdes @junebugp @simestandswithtaylorswift-blog @carley-carley-carley @lostbunn @dragovegogrimborn @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @dangerouslittlefairy @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowersleep @hxney-lemcn @callsigncrash @bokksieu @skateb0red @philiasoul@felicityofbakerstreet @deadlights-darling @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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hotcat37 · 5 months
Woke up N the first thing I saw was ur OTP ask game post N f4n *KNEW* what 2 do so here I am :3!! 54, 42, 39, 34, 30, 21, 13, 10, 7 N 3 for Bojere pls! (U don’t gotta do all of them if it’s 2 many N Deaf! Jere AU preferably cuz it’s been idk how long but that fic *still* has a chokehold on me N U bet my Ass is gonna be wrapped in a f4 ton of fluffy blankets with snacks N plushies as soon as U bless us with a new chapter!! X33
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I'm glad the AU lives in your mind rent free 👀 Thx for sending some numbers!! :3
54: who's more likely to carry the other to bed?
Probably Bojan because he likes to pick Jere up and carry him around randomly for fun haha Jere does also have strong arms though so it's not out of the question for him to carry a sleepy Bojan to bed and tuck him in <3
42: what's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together?
Snow for sure <3 They love making snow men and playing and watching the snowflakes fall. They also just find it cute to see the other bundled up in a big winter coat and a cozy scarf💞
39: who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health?
I can see both of them doing that tbh They both have huge empathy for animals so both of them would be on board with helping an injured bird or abandoned cat or something. But I do think Jere would be the one to play responsible adult at some point once the animal is healed again and explain that they have to set it free even tho they've both gotten attached to it
34: who's more likely to tell a dirty joke to make the other blush?
Jere 👀👀 He can be surprisingly raunchy lmao The fact that he communicates mostly through text and looks so innocent is something he uses to his advantage. No one would suspect a thing if Jere casually shows Bojan the dirtiest message you can think of on his phone lol While Jere is often the one to start things, though, Bojan tends to be the one to finish them 😏
30: your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits, what are they wearing?
Jere: he'd really love to see Bojan in leather so he'd give him a pair of his own pants and a leather shirt so he can swoon over his handsome Bojan 🥰 Bojan: he's putting Jere in more skirts... 1, because it's sexy. 2, because Jere really does look nice in skirts <3
21: who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor?
They're both pretty protective but unfortunately Jere is more likely the one to be harassed or treated rudely by a stranger so it's more common that Bojan would (fiercely) defend his angel. Bojan doesn't get angry easily but if someone is mean or hurtful to Jere he can become absolutely livid. Jere prefers to avoid conflict but he's not above using a right hook to protect his Slovene 💪
13: who's the bigger tease?
I couldn't really choose one in particular. Bojere have a really playful dynamic so the teasing is pretty equally divided haha
10: describe their first date
Something active. Maybe like a bowling date. It'd be just something lighthearted, something they'd do as friends. Except whoever scores a strike first gets a kiss 🤭 Hand feeding each other fries n whatnot 🥰 Then at the end Bojan would try to pay for everything but Jere distracts him and ends up paying ahead. Bojan is devastated until Jere tells him he did the math and Bojč can pay his half of the bill later. Equality 💪💪 Afterwards they walk to Jere's dorm together hand in hand ♡
7: would they build a pillow fort together just because?
100% They'll have sleepovers on the floor surrounded by pillows even though there's a perfectly fine bed waiting for them
3: do they wear the other's clothes?
Yes 🥰🥰 Jere likes to wear Bojan's hoodies and rings. Bojan also wears Jere's sweaters cuz they're oversized anyways and also his socks cuz Jere has a bunch of socks with fun patterns :3
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i-sveikata · 8 months
Hello and I am SO ecstatic about the chapter, IT WAS AMAZING. I couldn’t resist and read it yesterday at work, and then spent half the night at home and I don’t regret anything. First of all, how much I hate Korn and Kinna (my dream is, that when Vegas recovers, he and Pete will show everyone what they are capable of 😏), because the handcuffs were so terrible on their part, I hate it. I really liked how Pete said: But Porsche loves you, why can’t I have Vegas? IT WAS WOW, because Kinne put Porsche in a situation with no choice and he is now there as a prisoner, and on the other hand we have Pete, who in contrast now clearly sees how much freedom and choice Vegas gave him (even the example with money), I like how Pete thinks that he wants this with Vegas", that this is the beginning for them, that he sees how Vegas is trying ✨The scene when none of them thought that Pete could hide Macau and Vegas who IMMEDIATELY looks at Pete says this about a lot of things, no one still understands what he is capable of (but he has not yet shown himself more positive Vegas right under their noses) POV VEGAS OH MY GOD I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN, that he would think about Pete and all sorts of dirty things , because this is Vegas (but there was a very cute moment when he saw Pete sleeping with Macau, and then the ring on his finger that means so much), but we all know that Vegas is a horny ass. And the moment when he thinks about what he needs be careful not to push Pete (that means so much and I'm so glad he understands that). Poor Vegas is in a situation where he can't have sex with Pete and he's actually so sad about it, it's funny (I I think Vegas will find a way to even take Makoo and grandma into account there, because well, this is Vegas), I would really like to read more about his thoughts in principle, and about his thoughts during any sexual contact, because I’m sure it’s such a fire🔥🔥🔥Thank you for this chapter, the expectations were worth it, I am completely addicted to this fanfic🩷🩷What is it like when you wrote a work that so many people are addicted to? I am sending you rays of kindness and hugs 🫂
Omg thank you so much you are so kind for saying so!! Haha we love that no regrets read for sure! Yeah ugh really showing themselves as the literal worst in this chapter!! Pete really does deserve to go a little apeshit on them tbh
Yeah it is so wild for him to be comparing the two when he obvs first thought Porsche and kinns relationship was normal and healthy but oooooh boy have we seen that slowly go to seed. Think the biggest difference is Vegas is willing to change and adapt his approach to things (and also a big part of his character is pleasing Pete so it’s simple for him to course correct when Pete tells him he’s not happy with certain things) Kinn is a bit different in that he wants Porsche for himself but he’s not always that concerned with Porsches happiness and feelings he’s always just overriding everything to keep himself in control (wild that the way they are in their relationships also reflect how theyve have been taught/treated by their fathers)
Oooh yeah Vegas easily revealing how deeply he trusts Pete and that he knows who would be the one to step in for Macau is just chefs kiss
Omg hahahah yeah that was the least surprising thing about his pov that he was such a horny ass about it lol. We’re going to continue into his pov for a little while longer and there definitely will be more sex scenes (but yeah Vegas will be fighting for his life to get Pete laid hahahhaha)
Ahh you’re so very welcome I’m so happy you enjoyed it!! Thank you!! Oh yeah it’s very strange because I wasn’t expecting such an intense reaction to it (in a good way) and it has been really fun to engage with all the fandom about it ☺️
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mushiemellows · 7 months
as some1 whos been digging through the frobin tag on a03 for a few years now wishing upon a star some1 would do anything at all with the machine fucker element <- for lack of better way to put it You are a godsend and staying right here has been living in my head for weeks like hoooly shit finally a fic where robin puts her hands in his chest . thank you for that finally some1 gets it
Yes!! Thank you so much, you’re so kind. ☺️
Yeah, I was totally shocked too at like, not just the lack of smut that uses the real advantages of cyborg fucking. But the lack of Franky smut in general???? It’s 2024 I thought we were all down with this, we live in future times. That one was one of my main motivators for getting the words out there, I was just so shocked at how few people had given a crack at it (and after months of sifting through the tag I decided the best way to see what I wanted in the world was to just do it myself, haha). Franky’s so versatile 😏 and soooo much fun to write. I looooove making up fake robot stuff, and I knew if Robin was going to get under the hood, she’d have to do it in a big way. But I could have definitely taken it even further. Maybe I still will…?
Also, while I’m here, I can’t not point to To Be Wanted by CowboyBiBoh who also has a Robin Gets Her Hands In There Scene (I think chapter 5 or 6?) which is significantly more sweet than my Sticky Bondage Panic scenario.
Staying Right Here’s not quite done, and this totally kind message actually came at just a perfect time. I was kind of moping in bed lol, and the next proper hot scene I write feels like a BIG task. There’s one small chapter update that should be up by this weekend maybe? Then a medium one after that. Both’ll be medium suggestive but not like. How I normally write hahaha. And then Epilogue 3 is going to be a whole different kind of monster, and I’m not going to be a coward about it (🔴😎🔴)
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unioncolours · 8 months
okay miss bex — congratulations and also a challenge for you, should you accept; for ship you’ve not written before, might I suggest TemaTen? 👀 (blood prompts also encouraged for Temari from ANY angle) ♥️
A new ship and a new character I've never written before - this will be exciting 😌 Thank you for joining my 60 subs challenge 🥰
Since it's @notquitejiraiya who sent this ask, I obviously had to make my little snippet a sports au (which I've never written before either haha) ❣❣
No blood in this snippet though, I am saving it for other asks 😏
Note: I am open to multishipping Temari with girls, hence why this challenge is totally fine ✨
TemaTen Sports AU
Words: 637 words
Tags: Modern au, Sports au, yearning
There are few words to describe the pain of sliding burns from when bare knees scrape against the floor of the rink. One doesn’t bleed from these burns, but one can see how the outer two layers of skin have been peeled off.
There was no time to whine over sliding burns as Tenten re-grabbed her floorball stick she had lost grip over, pushed herself up on both feet and continued running. Only when the whistle sounded, telling everyone it was time to quit the game for the evening, did she stop running and investigated the pale red, somewhat wet-looking burns on her bare knees.
The floorball sessions on Thursday evenings were a highlight of workout and socialisation for fifteen young women in their small town. The games were never performed with blood taste in their mouths or even for the sake of winning, it was for the sake of running and have something fun and sweaty to look forward each week. It was a cheap hobby too, and the club only costed the rent of the hall.
Tenten grabbed her water bottle after looking at her burns, and gorged it down. It had had become warm in temperature already and tasted awful, but her throat was so dry from running and fighting for the airy ball used in floorball that she’d drink anything.
Suddenly something smacked her butt, and she recognised it immediately as Temari’s floorball stick.
“You did well today,” Temari said. “Did it hurt?” Her gaze was fixed on Tenten’s knees.
Tenten looked down at her knees while correcting her two space buns she had put her hair up in for the occasion to get it out of her face.
“Like hell, but it’s fine,” she snorted back, hoping the redness in  her face could be exchange with healthy rosy glow from running, and not from happiness that she was perceived by Temari. She had even been smacked on her ass with her stick. Could that mean something? Tenten straightened her back. “You played well too today.”
“Thanks,” Temari said as she put her stick into the bag for it. Her top was low enough to expose a chest shining with sweat and Tenten suddenly regretted her choice to put on a t-shirt instead of a top. She wanted to show off her breasts too. She wanted Temari to notice her, to look at her in that way. She grabbed the end of her stick hard, so hard her knuckles whitened as she shoved it into her own bag. “Got any water to spare?”
Tenten stared at her.
“My water?” She quickly gathered her wits as she reached the bottle over to Temari. “It’s warm though.”
“That’s fine,” Temari said and hungrily drank from Tenten’s bottle, right in front of her.
That had to mean something, right? Especially since Temari’s own bater bottle was visible just a metre behind them, peeking out from her tote bag.
“What about your own?” Tenten asked.
“It’s warm too,” Temari said. “What a pity. Thanks.” She gave the bottle back. “It tasted nice.” You tasted nice was all Tenten could imagine she said.
After staring at Temari collecting her bags and shoes, Tenten couldn’t handle it anymore. For seven months had they met weekly during the floorball sessions and only exchanged a few words here and there, so how could it be that she was fawning over a random woman playing floorball when she barely even knew who Temari was?
“Hey,” Tenten mustered all her courage to say that single word. “Would you like to see me some other time too? Other than next Thursday? It’d be nice to hang out in a café or something…”
Gosh, what weakness was this to become tongue-tied?
Temari raised one corner of her mouth into an arrogant smile.
“I’d like that.”
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
Under the Same Night Sky
A little pre-order 66 Rex and Mari slutty shenanigans for this evening 😈😏
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Captain Rex x OC: Mari Vontas
warnings: established relationship, oc pairing, sexting, dirty talk, usage of toys, fluff and separation angst.
Click. Click.
Two tones signaled on Mari’s comm as she sat in her living room wasting away in front of the holonet channels streaming on her projector. The room was illuminated only by the neon signage just outside her window. She rubbed her eyes and sat herself up enough to reach over for her comm laying on her caf table.
Click. Click.
Again, it signaled. This time of night it could only be one person. He was away. Lately, it felt like he was always away. Anywhere but where she’d like him, softly snoozing wrapped in her blankets and gripping onto her for dear life like he always unconsciously did when he slept. This mission had lasted more than 46 rotations, more than a month without the scent of him lingering on her clothes and her couch cushions. She hadn’t heard from him in a few days and he always tried to check in to alleviate her worries.
When Mari’s comm lit up as she tapped in her passcode, she smiled wide at the message she’d received.
Rex: thinkin’ bout you, mesh’la. can see lots of star systems where I am. hoping one of them’s yours.
He was always more gushy and sentimental when he was gone a longer period of times. Mari didn’t blame him. She felt the pangs of loneliness as deeply as he did. She just didn’t have to worry about it showing in the middle of a war zone like he did.
Mari: don’t worry I can spot you from anywhere in space, blondie. ;)
She giggled to herself, the desire to poke fun at him was too good to resist. She slid herself back down into the comfort of the only blanket that still vaguely carried his scent and snuggled back into her lounged position on her couch. It wasn’t often they caught each other at the same time and it wouldn’t be unusual for the him that the soonest he could follow up would be rotations later. To her luck, this was one of the rare times they were both up and free at the same instance.
Rex: very funny. ;) knew you’d be up. you holding things down back there? can I see you?
To Rex’s unbelievable luck, she was doing quite well. She’d spent the entire afternoon at a banquet for the Devaronian Royal Peace Council who’d just come in that morning to attend a special convening of the Senate. She looked beautiful, deciding on a rich sapphire satin gown that would’ve made Rex’s lungs ache for air he’d struggle to find in her presence.
Mari: holocall?
Rex: can’t. boys are asleep all around me. don’t wanna wake ‘em. can send me a holo of that pretty face tho.
Mari scrolled through holos of that evening, searching for the best one she’d taken of herself and settling on one that was more her usual sultry smirk than the kind shy smile she always saved just for him.
She sent the holo over and in seconds he replied again.
Rex: there she is :) blue was a nice touch. I’d show you mine, but…don’t think you’d be pleased with what you’d see. I’m fine. Just don’t want you to be worried. I’m alright. Hopefully wrapping things up. I miss you. every part of me misses you haha.
Mari smiled proudly, knowing exactly what he meant by every part of him. After all he can barely keep his hands off her when he’s 2 feet from her, forget 2 star systems away.
Mari: every part, huh? well I can help with that ;)
Rex: you’d do that for me? fuuuck.
Mari: of course, baby. whatever you need, I’m yours.
Rex: maker- I’m so lucky. can you show me that perfect ass?
Mari smirked, she had him right where she wanted him even from hundreds of lightyears away. Normally, she’d search through her existing catalog for something great she’d taken of herself and saved for him for another day. But she looked so good tonight and she missed him so much that this warranted something brand new.
She stood up from her spot on the couch and crossed through the circular threshold to her room. The large round wall mirror was the perfect place to pose for him and she knelt down in front of it, admiring the gorgeous makeup she’d flawlessly managed to apply. Slowly, she hiked up her dress to reveal the blue and white lace set she’d chosen just to remind herself of him. Stars he was about to lose his mind.
She snapped a holo of her behind, the blue piping hugging her every rounded curve, dip and crease just perfectly. She beamed, honestly proud of how titillating and enticing she had made herself look. A few taps later and she’s sending it over to him, no caption necessary.
Rex had only gotten progressively dirtier with time. As their relationship went on, he got more and more comfortable letting his freak flag fly if only because he so desperately wanted to keep up with her insatiable appetite and skill. He wasn’t inexperienced, but he wanted to explore more of his sexuality with her than he ever found himself wanting to before. She made him feel safe enough to get filthy and he loved every step he took into self-discovery with her leading the way.
Mari knew enough about her boyfriend to know where this was going to end up. She stripped off the remaining articles of clothing she’d thrown on when she got home tonight and padded over to the secret drawer where she kept her toys hidden away. One in particular that was the closest she’d get to Rex himself; a long and thick one that still was no comparison for the real thing. It would have to do though.
No sooner did she pick up the blue silicone toy, her comm clicked again. Multiple times in a row.
Rex: fuck…
Rex: fuck, Mari.
Rex: mesh’la…fucking HELL you look so good. you have no idea what you do to me…
Rex: I’m so fucking hard. let me see more, pretty girl.
She rushed into the cuddly warmth of her bed, positioning her holopad on her desk not far away and posed again for a holovid now. More suggestively this time, legs spread wide and her hand delicately tugging at the thin band of lace blocking her center from view. The other hand peeling down the straps of her bra and slowly slipping it off of her into a heap in her sheets. Though her eyes started by watching her own movements, they ended staring right up at the screen the way she’d demurely blink up at her boyfriend’s lust darkened gaze if he were here.
She fired the holovid over to him immediately, feeling her own blood starting to sizzle with inebriated need she had tried to put off until he returned to her. Here she sat alone, half naked, aroused and absolutely beautiful in a bed that truly belonged to two people who shouldn’t ever have to part.
He responded quicker this time, his own need spurring this on faster than usual.
Rex: you’re fucking perfect. play with those tits for me. wish I could kiss them both. And somewhere else too…
Rex: take those panties off…captain’s orders ;)
Mari: only if you’re pumping that pretty cock for me, sir.
She responded, attaching a follow up of her with her tongue swirling lewdly around a finger.
Rex pinged back instantly. The holo was dark, their makeshift barracks not nearly sufficient enough for their usual dirty exchanges, but she could just make out his fist wrapped around his shaft just below the tip. The sight of him being presented to her but not in front of her now was a special form of cruel torture.
Rex: fucking pounding for you, mesh’la. wish it was your dirty fucking mouth wrapped around me right now.
Mari nearly squealed with joy, she loved it when he got like this. That he felt perfectly safe enough with her to actually do this. She hit record again, this time tugging the lace fabric of her panties down her legs and over the blue garters she’d decided to leave on. Her hand delicately grazed the swollen bud of her clit and she cried out in ecstasy, completely overwhelmed at the idea of this being his hand instead of hers. The drawn out desperate mewl of his name followed and she sent it back to him quickly as she kept up the torturously slow circles on herself.
In seconds her holo was actually ringing, a comm channel opening at the quick tap of her finger. So much for not wanting to wake his men.
“don’t…have a lot…” He was panting as he was clearly exerting himself to keep up with her, “Of time. Gotta be more quiet than I’d like. But Mari…mesh’la be as loud and filthy and sexy as you want. Let me watch you go, gorgeous. fuck.” He rasped, the quiet whisper tone of his voice not enough to conceal the overwhelming arousal deepening his voice.
“Rex…it’s nice to hear your…voice…oh fuck..” She replied before tipping her head back and resigning to the pleasure rippling through her as her slow, deliberate circles on her clit became slippery dips into her folds.
“Gods, look at you. You’re soaked, aren’t you? Talking to me makes you so hot, huh mesh’la? You look so fucking sexy…you’d look so good taking this cock. I know that’s what you’re thinking about. Taking me like a good girl…” Rex rambled as his arousal carried him higher and higher toward bliss.
Mari couldn’t see him, he was probably on their private comm channel and likely listening to her through his helmet. But thank the force and every star above just hearing his voice was enough to make her soar. She eased herself as close to her propped up holopad as possible and tipped her head back, her tits pressed out provocatively toward the camera. Rex stifled a desperate moan, her name chanted like prayer in her ears as he sped up the strokes of his fist along his length.
Mari sighed, turning toward the screen before bringing her toy into frame and making Rex nearly choke with excitement. “N-need more, Rex. It’s not you…but it’s close.” She whimpered, slicking up the surface of it with the pool of wetness already coating her fingers and folds.
“Think about me. Pretend it’s me. Call out for me. I’m here, darling. Always. You need me. That pretty pussy is mine. Take it all for me. Mmmmf fuck, Mari. Show me…” He instructed, soft groans of restraint he was forcing upon himself filling her ears.
She lifted her head and looked directly into the holopad, making burning eye contact with what she could imagine were Rex’s big perfect brown eyes or his two blue jaig eyes glaring down at her. She slipped the toy inside her effortlessly, the melodic sound of erotic satisfaction filling her ears, the room and Rex’s bucket.
“Rex. So good. You’re so good. I can’t…can’t take it much longer.” She moaned, the swell of arousal buzzing through her system as the blunt end of the toy bumped her insides at a pace she imagined would match Rex’s.
“Yes…fuck oh fuck…yes you can Mari. Because you’re such a good girl for me. Such a tight wet little cunt. You can take it so good. You always do. Show me how good you are. Make that pretty pussy come for me. Can you do that?” His deep voice rumbled louder, his drive toward climax making the dominant side of him come out.
Mari gasped as the sound of his voice made more arousal surge through her lower belly, a hot lick of torturously delightful tension binding ever tighter. The only solace from the burn in her core was the slicked toy bumping into it with every rock of her hips forward. She imagined every time Rex would thrust his hips just so, gripping the plush of her round thighs to lift her legs higher, grinding himself deeper and harder inside her. His powerful pistoning hips were the only respite she’d ever known from the brutal ache of desire that lived within her very soul.
With his voice spurring her forward, his pants and groans and mutters of her name had her head spinning. Her body clouded with ever rising levels of bliss. She teased her clit the way he would, pressing and rolling repeatedly, gradually speeding up every so often. She thrusted the lengthy toy in and out of her the way he would his cock, to the hilt, to her favorite spot, until he made her sob with delight at how good she felt.
Numbing tingles spread through her from her core to the tips of her fingers and toes. She was nearly there. Just needed to hear him one more time. To put up the façade for a little longer.
“Rex….oh Rex I’m…close. So close, Captain. Please, please can I come? Baby, please?” She let the begging commence, the pleading moans making the breath audibly catch in his throat.
Rex chuckled darkly followed by a deep guttural groan he was desperately trying to muffle. “Mari, my mesh’la. Come for me. Say my name when you do. Nice and loud. Wanna hear who makes you come so good. Fuck I’m gonna come too.” He harshly whispered, the sputtering sounds of his breathing stopping momentarily as his climax began to suffocate him. “Together, ok?”
That was it. Not the filth, the freaky, nasty, depraved shit he called to her this entire time. No. It was the softness, his need for her to go with him, his accommodation of her, the thought of him needing her pleasure to find his. That did it.
All at once the burn in her belly snapped, her walls clenched around the toy that could bring her to this but would never feel even half as good as her Rex. The circles on her clit ignited the numbing tingles radiating outward to join with her spasming walls collapsing around her toy.
“Rex!!” She cried out in carnal ecstasy, her body rolling and writhing, her every muscle tensing in response to the high careening into her.
“Fuuuuuck.” He groaned, breaks in his panting signaling each time he shot a ribbon up into his own hands. Three, four, five times over. He giggled happily to himself, his high fading and leaving him completely boneless for at least a little while.
Mari grabbed her holopad and laid back on her sheets, keeping her connection to Rex as close to her as she could. Aftershocks rolled through her for a few minutes afterwords and he coaxed her through all of them. “Oh R-Rex. I feel….so good, baby. I’m so happy.” She sighed, pulling her blankets up to cover herself and looking into the screen hoping by some miracle she might be able to see his perfect, smirking handsome face.
“I know, my little sunshine. I know. Look so beautiful too.” Rex assured, the tiredness of a battle weary soldier finally starting to settle back into his usually gruff voice.
Mari’s eyes hung heavy with sleep, the incredible height of her climax sending her crashing down just as hard. “Wish…I could see you..your handsome face too, Rex. I miss you. I miss you so much.”
He stayed quiet for a while, Mari almost thought he’d fallen asleep on her. But he yawned and spoke softly, the way she chose to believe he only ever did to her, “I miss you too. So, so fucking much. You’re all I ever think about. When I have time to think.”
“Please stay safe out there for me, wonder boy. So I can have you for real next time. I’ll wait for you.”
“Toys don’t compare, huh?” Rex’s soft chuckle made Mari’s heart pound with more love than she could ever recall feeling for anyone. “My impatient little mesh’la, I’d never make you wait. But next time you need to, give me a show like that again. Promise?”
“I promise. And Rex?”
“I love you. Be careful.”
“I love you. I will.”
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wanderbreadsworld · 1 year
For the fic directors commentary, I would ask for commentary on the Kenny x reader X Claudio one but I'd é be happy with whatever you choose ⭐<3
I had to think of my favorite parts to comments on. Parts of the story will be italicized, while commentary will be regular text in (parentheses). It's a lot longer than I thought it would be, I'm so sorry 😭. But I'm glad I did this instead of redoing and commentating the whole fic jhdbsgker.
Backstage, their own fighting was putting me on edge. But, then the bell rang, and Claudio had pinned one of the bucks. With a sigh of defeat, I didn't realize that Kenny powered out of the ring, Claudio hot on his tail. It just looked like Claudio was going for another victim, so I didn't think twice about it.
But when I opened the door, two large men stood in front of me instead of the one I was used to. Claudio was right behind Kenny, both of their chests heaving from the run back here.
"Hi guys, awesome match. You gonna come in?" I wasn't sure who my question was directed towards, but they answered by turning to each other, a quick mumble of some french from Kenny, making Claudio nod and walk away to his own dressing room.
(This part for some reason took me a HOT minute to write. It was one of those things, where I knew what I wanted for the smut, but I needed to write the intro to get there lol. It worked out though! I think it's pretty okay to get us to where I needed to be!)
And when Kenny came out he gave me a warm smile. The kind that made his face look so soft and warm. The kind I fell in love with. (This is one of my favorite lines. It still feels a little out of nowhere in the story I feel, but it's so fucking tooth-achingly sweet, that I had to keep it.) But before I could tease him for "taking so long", there was a knock on the door. It wasn't totally odd for someone to stop by, but it still caught me off guard.
"Can you get that baby? Let me put a shirt on." (Noooo, don't put the tiddies away!) I hopped up while Kenny threw on a shirt real quick. I hummed to myself, hastily opening the door because if anyone, I expected the Bucks to be there. (It's not them though, now is it 👀)
But instead, Claudio stood in the doorway, freshly bathed himself. My face scrunched in confusion at the sight. It wasn't often that Claudio played games with Kenny (haha! Because you won't be playing games. It'll be something much more fun 😏), and not usually on Wednesday nights.
I went to turn to look for Kenny, only to bump into his warm chest (mmm, boobs). All I could do was look up and back at him as his hands moved to sit on my hips, keeping me there for the moment.
Kenny and Claudio shared a look. The taller man stepped inside, Kenny pulling me back, so the door could close.
With the door shut, both men stood incredibly close (Oh, to be sandwiched between those two BIG men🤤). The only thing that broke me out of my thoughts was Kenny clearing his throat to grab my attention.
"I may have made a bet with Claudio the other night. One where the prize would've been your body for the night." A blush heated my face at his words and what they meant (Just for reference, apologies for not implying it better, but this is something that these two have talked about before and teased. In the future, any Kenny x reader x ((insert third person)) will take place in the same universe, so this sharing kink has been discussed. I may even make a fic where they discuss their kinks and I can give my own two cents on what Kenny's into). So that's why Claudio was so eager to follow Kenny after the match. That's why they fought particularly hard against each other.
"The bet was one of us had to pin the other, but I can't go back on my word completely. So I told him I'd share. I should've told you first, but I knew you'd love the surprise." (Damn right I love the surprise! Who DOESN't want a surprise second dick!) Kenny smirked against my ear before pulling away, standing up and pressing himself against me. His growing erection pressing against my lower back. (Fucking hell man. You know that dick is B I G too. I wanna feel that against me.)
(I will skip around some, and auto translate the bits of French. I love the dirty talk in this story. Really plays into my kink for foreign languages, and a good touch of dumbification is just 🤌 The translations are under the cut, because they take a WHILE to get through, it took me forever lol)
"N'hésitez pas à l'emmener au lit." ("Feel free to take her to bed") His smooth voice easily switched to French. I wasn't sure when he learned, as he had never told me, but I didn't question. Nor did I get the time to ask when Kenny pulled away, Claudio swooping in and sweeping me off my feet. (Yes Claudio, lift me off my feet with so little effort, you strong bastard 🤤)
"Sait-elle ce que nous disons ?" ("Does she know what we're saying?") He asked, a smirk on his face as he looked at Kenny.
When my boyfriend shook his head, Claudio looked back down at me, tutting with feigned pity. (God, need that man to feign pity on me. Also, who needs to know what they're saying? It's gonna be a good time no matter what they say!)
"Pauvre petite chose." ("Poor little thing") With those last words, I was dropped to the bed below, squeaking from surprise.
"Voulez-vous qu'il vous utilise?" ("Do you want him to use you?" God, I need Kenny to use me too) Kenny's smooth voice sounded, and I tried to make sense of what he was saying. My confused look earning a dark chuckle from him.
"Tsk tsk, tu dois lui demander bébé." ("Tsk tsk, you gotta ask him baby") That fake pity was back in his voice, and it made me shiver with delight. Being their stupid little toy that didn't understand, and only wanted more. (All I want is to be filled with Kenny. It's all I ever need, and knowing when it'll happen next is all I ever need to know🤤) It was too perfect.
Without another word, Claudio worked my underwear down my thighs and licked his way to my clit before sucking on it gentle, groaning to himself at the taste. (Also wanted to put this here, because I just feel Claudio is very good at eating out.)
"Si ça la rend comme ça, on pourrait la briser." ("If it makes her like this, we could break her") Claudio teased to Kenny, both men chuckling.
"Vous n'avez même pas vu comment elle est sur votre bite. Attends, ça va mieux." ("You haven't even seen how she is on your dick. Wait, it's better". Pls Kenny, slut me OUT)
"Maintenant soyez bon. Je lui ai dit de ne pas être gentil, alors écoute. D'accord?" ("Now be good. I told him not to be nice, so listen. All right?") The lilt in his voice that told me he was asking a question prompted an immediate nod to me. Not fully knowing what I was agreeing to was turning me on more than I thought. What made it even better, was no matter what I knew I'd have fun, because Kenny would never do anything that I wouldn't want to happen. (Gotta keep that consent in there! Kenny would never do anything to actually hurt you)
"Regarde-le. Il a laissé cela vous arriver. Tu vas être ruiné, petit agneau. Soyez une bonne salope et rendez-la heureuse." ("Look at him. He let this happen to you. You are going to be ruined, little lamb. Be a good slut and make her happy". Claudio teasing like this just came so easily, and I hope it is as enjoyable to others as it was to me!)
"Nous parlons de vous. En parlant de ta stupidité, petit agneau. Regardez-moi." ("We are talking about you. Speaking of your stupidity, little lamb. Look at me". God, I love that. The whole "little (insert name here)", it gets me every time) He pulled me closer to make me open my eyes before continuing. "Vous vous débrouillez si bien. Maintenant tais-toi et prends le reste." ("You are doing so well. Now shut up and take the rest") With his last words, Claudio's body left mine, and I nearly cried at the loss of being filled.
"Vous avez si bien réussi. Viens maintenant, ma chérie." ("You've done so well. Come now, my dear". Kenny helping you to the finish ;) man won't leave us hanging after all!)
"Maintenant dis merci." ("Now say thank you") Knowing what "merci" meant, I figured what he wanted me to say.
"Thank you, Claudio." I said before I took a sip of water to wet my dry throat, not realizing how painfully dry it was.
He just smirked, nodding before he replied.
"Anytime." Hearing him speak in English almost made me angry I couldn't understand their earlier conversations, but I let it go. I'm sure Kenny would happily recount, and then relive some of his favorite phrases and moments. (God, Kenny will not hold back recounting what was said. I know he'll tease even more for you asking too. But that's part of the fun 😏)
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
Sorry timdayas but we riding the ausmothee band wagon I need another film with them two, they got a cute sibling dynamic or more like older brother trying to calm down their extroverted high energy little brother.
Make it fun or serious Idk, studios lets get them together again or throw in josh oconnor and lets make queer love triangle rom com.
Haha for real though.
Hey, I'm all for that Anon lol. I love Timmy and Austin's little vibe together. I never knew that they would bond so much and get along together so well! Lol
I would for sure love to see them in a film together again.... maybe one where they're NOT playing archnemeses lol 😆
I could SO see them in an updated "Oceans 11" type film with an all-star cast 👍🏾😏
And haha a queer love triangle story with Josh O'Connor.... hey, why not? 😅 I'm up for anything at this point lol.
I wouldn't mind lol. Josh is a good actor too. 😊 I know Timmy has experience in those types of roles. I'm not familiar with Josh's whole entire filmography, but I'm curious if he's ever done an LGBTQ+ role before? 🤔
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kae-karo · 10 months
Ao3 wrapped thingie
6+9 haha nice. Also 28 and/or 29 :)
HI ANON ehehe nice 😏 for context (x)
6. Favorite title you used
OKAY SO it's gotta be a tie cause i absolutely loved the meaning behind the titling (both for the fic and chapters) that i did for consumption (x) but also getting to use a jacksepticeye reference for the do you have 90 minutes? (x) title rly cracked me up
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
augh. i mean it should come as no surprise to anyone who's followed me for the past 6mo but i think ryusae became a really comfortable pairing to write? just like. super easy to slip into. close contender would be ryurin though cause that angst and enemies-to-lovers type beat hits really well sometimes lmao
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
has to be KNOCK.ME.OUT (x) like idk what about it just really got me but i legitimately reread that fic like. at least a dozen times before i posted it (i was originally holding onto it for an event but the event got cancelled last minute, so i posted it on the original posting date anyway) but like rereading a fic once or twice before i post it is pretty standard, so rereading it that much,,,,idk it just had a stranglehold on me in the best way lmao
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
A tiny upturn of the corner of his lip, you knew what that meant once and it's slipped away, the memory of a page but not the words printed on it.
Because you miss laying on the same plane with him, because you kept the taste of being lost together under your tongue while you watched his back grow smaller in the distance.
"I stole your dream," Michael says, and you hear the shattering of glass in his voice. His eyes trip between sky blue and the darkest shade of nightfall - he doesn't mean it, already knew that wasn't the right answer. A throwaway guess. He only needed one, and you thought you were clever.
"I lied," you say instead. "One guess."
"You're cruel, Itoshi." To call you Sae would paint him blue, and he doesn't say it, but you hear it hang off the end of his lips anyway. They curve up, a crescent moon smile.
"Pots and kettles, Michael." This paints him blue too, by your hand, and he can't avoid it.
He didn't, and here you are, weaving blue through your fingertips like it's the ends of Michael's hair and you're fifteen again, and you mean it, that he should've broken you a little better, because you still haven't found all the pieces he shattered you into, and it's growing tedious trying to figure out where they all went.
Maybe Michael held onto a few.
i gotta say that as far as favorite lines/passages go, the absolute first thing that comes to mind is dark blue (x), in which i had a lot of fun with imagery and 2nd person pov and just the concept as a whole. the final bit as well is a favorite, but it requires more context than just the quote itself, so i'll leave that for anyone who wants to read the fic lmao
[send me ao3 wrapped asks from this list!]
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1000kgwoodendoor · 11 months
henlo? First blog haha. Not funny.
Ok Intro ig(I doubt anyone would be reading this but here it goes)
hi, call me mitch(not my real name), call me that cus I’m a man-bitch, haha geddit?
ok, I’m bi, I know for a fact I’m not confused 😏😏. I like guys and also girls. I knew since I was 11, maybe when 12 when I realised, “hmmm I ain’t straight”.
Middle school(secondary school) rolls by and it’s been really difficult, I think, making male friends cus I really dk how to approach them cus I feel very very very awkward when I talk to guys(especially the cute ones🤓🤓), which would kinda expose my sexuality yk. So I don’t talk to guys, which means I mostly have female friends. Which again, is kinda sus. But uk, teenagers always like to joke about being gay and all, so naturally I did so too, except I’m not joking, but people think I am, so alls good.
I’ll share a story that absolutely broke my heart when I was 14. So I had this girl best friend, she was my desk mate, we had a lot of fun laughing in class and the jokes I said and made about our teacher. We were so close to the point where we would play games together and she would share with me about all her crushes. It’s as if I was her confidant, and I was happy playing that role because who wouldn’t HAHA, and ig I liked her. And there was this guy in our class which was cute, tanned, smooth skinned, skinny and veiny. he was someone that I sometimes would play games with but not that close as to talk to each other everyday, but I had a crush on him :).And of course, god decides that both of them should date. When I knew my heart instantly shatter, it felt so heavy like I was sleeping under a weighted blanket. Double the heartbreak of a normal person. I didn’t cry though, cus I know no one would actually like me(I was fat). I kinda just accepted it.
But 2 years down the road, I lost weight and I’m just thinking, can I ever find love? cus I would dream of cuddling my ukw, fake falling asleep just to lay on their shoulder while watching a movie, laying on their chest and interlocking our fingers. All the cute things ‘normal’ couples would and can do. But I’ll wake up every morning, facing the plain white ceiling, and just thinking to myself, okay another day another round of hiding myself from the world, yay☹️. (And ps, my parents are deathly homophobic so coming out is out of the question for now.) I am lost, like honestly. What do I do? Don’t get me wrong, I love my life , #saynotosuicide but I really want to experience the sweetness one would feel when in love but that feels so out of reach to me!!! :(
And what tags should I use if I want more ppl to see this HAHAHHA
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It’s CMA-
I’m writing this from a paleontology society meeting this time lmaoooo. Time to learn about trilobites and clover’s traumatic past in one fell swoop.
Also I watch binged dimension 20 a court of fey and flowers and am now in the mood for some regency romance/drama let’s goooooo
Lmaoooo clover straight up saying that an apology wouldn’t work without even trying😂😂 queen of the emotionally constipated dumbasses club (I think we all know who the king would be…. (Not romantically just in general)
Yessss her uncle is calling her out on her bullshit finally!! I love that everyone who loves her is totally willing to call her on her shit and she completely refuses to listen to any of them lmaoooooo
“The head of the family said yes” LMAOOOOOOO I mean we knew they were going to bond over their protectiveness of Lottie but this is genuinely hilarious
“She doesn’t like you anthony” lmfaooooo damn Ben. I love how you write them like normal siblings just roasting the shit out of one another.
(Have you seen that LOTR tumblr post that’s like when the fellowship is half reunited and they all start roasting one another immediately and the king goes like ‘surely we are witnessing the reunion of dear friends’ or something like that? Anyway that’s siblings in ur fic. They roast because they care (like monsters inc but not))
Lmao Ben and Anthony and clover are that meme from the office of the three people pointing finger guns at one another
(note: at my meeting they’re talking about paleobotany which feels fitting for it being the meeting I’m reading clover’s story in lololol)
I do wonder if Lottie was more willing to listen to clover because she doesn’t know her as well, so the betrayal stung less, or because clover was the one who inadvertently revealed it, compared to Ben and Anthony who would have theoretically would’ve kept it a secret forever.
…. Does Lottie know what lust is? Also bless her for forgiving clover right away and being understanding. I just hope no one overheard them talking….
Omgggg they’re bound by fate that’s so sweet 😭
Oooooh the marina/Colin scandal is coming up!!! Haha Anthony really isn’t getting a break
“Holding you” skdjndsnnddndn I am unwell. The way that they’re so casually affectionate even when no one else is around and clover still thinks that they’re not in love with one another I just-
(also knowing that her parents are going to come and ruin this as soon as possible…. Grrrrr….)
Fuck this chapter is an instant fave for sure
CMA my love hiiii! 🥰😍
Oh that sounds like a very fun meeting! 😁
Exactly! 😂 She's not used to apologizing at all, so she was so using that as an excuse 😁 And her uncle knows her so well😂
Both Anthony and Clover absolutely adore Lottie🥰 And them bonding over that will be entertaining for sure! 😁
I love how you write them like normal siblings just roasting the shit out of one another. IT IS SUCH A FUN DYNAMIC😍 I'm so happy to hear that you like it, I love writing them like that 😂
Wait I haven't seen that LOTR post! Ooooh I'm so curious now! ❤️
Totally fitting for Clover😁
I think there were a lot of reasons why Lottie was willing to listen to her! ❤️ One of them was that she approached her first and another one is, like you said, Clover ended up telling her the truth even if it wasn't intentional, while Anthony and Benedict were still hiding it from her ❤️
Lottie definitely does know what lust is😈 And she'll get to experience it soon 😏
Bound by fateeee🥰
Anthony needs to take Lottie and go on a realllyyyyy long holiday to get over the string of scandals this season 😁
They are having a bunch of romantic moments for months now, and Clover is still in so much denial 😂
Character development my beloved! 😂 It only took her like thirty chapters😂
Thank you so much for this darling! ❤️ I hope you're having a wonderful day! ❤️
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gerudospiriit · 1 year
[catch me liveblogging the final battle and shit under the cut tho aljdf]
[I wish I were livestreaming this fight rn but this is the best I got alsjkdfkjaf:
oh boo i have to fight dehydrated Gan--nevermind. how you doing, Gan? 😏 have a nice rest? you probably really should have rehydrated sooner to get used to having you know...a not corpse body by lets gooooooooooo.
plan of attack: wail on him and try to figure out his moveset. so far, it's kind of working 🤣
oh fuck he can do the witch time thing too fuck. but it's good you can dodge out of it.
it's really cool that he's a master of all three types of weapons like link. that's neat and terrifying.
you can't flip out of the flurry rush liek me that means im better than you lol
now it's demise's turn i see
now you brought in reinforcements. BUT MINE ARE BACK TOO ASSHOLE HAAAAAA
glad you're enjoying this as much as me man. this fight is pretty legit fun.
wow those were my pals how dare you. and don't taunt/beckon me like that unless you plan on a different kind of battle somewhere more comfortable ok
wow man was not just glooming my hearts but also stealing my hearts wow. that was pretty tough
oh is he gonna eat it. is this what got spoiled. oh shiiiit
oh is he just gonna look like calamity ganon ish? laaaame
oh i got eated. shit.
is zelda dragon gonna come save me?
ah nabs is hurting again good. great. her feels.
oh there we go. now we got dragon ganondorf
yeah theres zelda dragon gonna boop his nose. or catch me. preesh
imagine if they all just ate their stones. what a battle man
zelda. zelda plz. catch meeeeee. :'D in all seriousness tho this is a neato fight too like daaaaamn. jumping off dragons and shit? fuck yeh.
so does this mean zelda didn't lose herself? called that one. She's always special girl haha
okay but i really feel like ganondorf is just making the same mistake as jafar here, like esp in kingdom hearts since video game comparison. so far, this fight is so much easier, and part of that is because he can't really touch me.
skyward sword prepared me for these midair fights and sky diving.
oh that blood moon is a nice touch wow
where am i going? his head? jump straight in his mouth, got it. (jk i see the glowing weak point lmao)
rip ganondorf again
another head stab nice
catche meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. thnks
this is how you do a final battle fuck. botw was so lackluster in comparison. THIS is memorable holy shit
is link gonna go the way of goku at the end of gt? fly away on zelda's back?
rauru???? wait my clothes? where tf
oh we returning zelda back? oh rauru and sonia? wow
idk im gonna miss dragon zelda man. but she's baaaack. i knew it would happen but yaaaay
ey links arm is normal. and aw that's sweet. rauru and sonia leave together
gotta catch zelda now oh shiiit
im glad you understand cuz i don't. so did rauru and sonia like...keep her from losing herself? the warm loving embrace thing? or was that just want brought her back. the three of them together? their love and all that?
aklsjdf athat was honestly so good. liek im so glad they did amillion times better with totk than botw. *chef's kiss* im still confused af on a lot of things and might makes some more comprehensive posts about shit later, but this was a solid game outside of causing confusion lore 😭😭
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2. First time masturbating?
12. Top 3 places to be touched?
33. What’s your biggest kink?
50. How often do you masturbate?
53. Do you go for multiple rounds or settle at one or no orgasms?
2. 6 or 7. I obviously had no idea what I was doing, I just knew it felt good. That led to me doing it in class a few times 😅
12. Ooooh that’s a good question! I don’t know if I’ve ever really thought about it before haha. I think my favourite place would probably be my waist/hips because it conveys a sense of closeness/intimacy/affection; you don’t touch just anybody there. My next spot I think would have to be my head/face. Again, I think for the same reasons as before hahah, but also in addition to it being comforting/soothing. Lastly I think I’d maybe say my thighs because that can be a fun flirty way to touch and it always gives me butterflies 😏 (Thinking about all this, I realize I just really like to be touched, period, hahah)
33. Biggest kink is probbbbbbably piss. I do feel like I have a bit more of a narrow playing field in my piss kink compared to others, but fuuuuuck if it isn’t a main go-to
50. Nearly daily. There are periods where I’ll go days in between, but those are rare. I’m actually chuckling to myself now thinking about how back in my Christian days how much I would shame myself for masturbating and how guilty I would feel afterward, but I couldn’t keep from doing it. It was a constant ‘battle’ for me and I even gave it up for Lent one year 🤣🤣🤣 Very glad to not be trapped in that line of thinking anymore and to realize that sex is so fucking natural and normal
53. Typically an orgasm for each of us hits the spot, but occasionally I’ll get two/ride a wave of orgasms, and on rare occasion he’ll cum twice 😎 The only times where either one of us doesn’t cum is when it’s already been agreed upon beforehand; we never leave the other hanging!
(And thank you kind Anon for including the questions!! 😘😘😘)
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