#i know a lot of fans found this hot idk how
kimberlyannharts · 3 days
Ultraman: Rising!
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Sure we all know the Power Rangers reboot has been passed on at Netflix but instead we have this hot new piece of toku instead: Ultraman: Rising! And I finally got the chance to check it out last night.
I know Ultraman is one of the big toku/kaiju genre staples but it's never really been on my radar of things to watch. I'm not sure why! I guess Super Sentai/Power Rangers just has more of the it factor that appeals to me. So because of that I really have no context to the story besides it's a guy who can turn into a giant silver superhero that beats up kaiju.........or maybe it's an alien who looks like a human and the silver superhero is his true form? or maybe the human and the silver superhero are two separate beings that share the same body? idk. It's probably all three of those things depending on the series. But this film was marketed as a standalone that new fans could enjoy AND....the big one.....it's ANIMATED, so I felt more inclined to check it out.
And it was really really good!! I enjoyed it a lot!
Spoiler-ish thoughts on the film below:
= Let's get this out of the way: the biggest draw to this was the animation and art direction, and yeah, it slaps. The textures and stylization (always love 2D painted effect animation on explosions and things) and lighting were a full-course meal and the scenes where they focused on Ultraman's shining eyes staring through a window or computer screen were just SO striking. To the point where I feel that if I got around to watching the actual live-action Ultraman, it might feel a little underwhelming in comparison. Oops
= It does kind of fall in the cliches of the "selfish guy learns maturity by having to be a father" plot (with bonus "son is estranged from his dad and mom is missing but they work to improve their relationship" sprinkled in) which makes me appreciate The Return even more (sorry, I'm still Returnpilled) but it's still charming and I can hope if we get more movies they give a little more focus to Ami and Emiko (speaking of which, I know they weren't doing a romance this movie, but Ami having a daughter and the movie being about Ken raising a daughter? oh you know it's happening and I'm here for this because they're both so hot)
= I think Ken is also a better example of the "showboating egotistical hero who learns to mature" than most because the movie isn't afraid to show him vulnerable even before his character development. I was genuinely surprised at that scene where he starts crying out of the stress of balancing his baseball career and figuring out Emi
= Apparently there was some discussion that the movie didn't bring up Ultraman's origins which, as someone who knows next to nothing about Ultraman, that didn't really bother me? Obviously I can still give more benefit of the doubt than people who don't know much about the tokusatsu/kaiju genre to begin with, but even so, I was still pretty down with the concept of "this guy has the ability to turn into a giant silver superpowered man and passed the ability down to his son" - and I think in the age of superhero blockbusters in general the idea isn't that farfetched that it requires more explanation. In any case it's a bit of a moot point since future movies are clearly going to talk about Ultras and their origins more, based on the stinger.
= Is Emi a clear kid-appeal character meant to be shown off in marketing and merchandising because of how squishy and cute she is? Yes. Is she just so fucking squishy and cute and my newest baby child? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. I am not immune to monster baby. I think it helps that I always found the old monster screeches cute and applying them to a baby babbling was kinda genius in its execution. And I'm glad they kind of got the obligatory "haha babies poop and are smelly and gross" jokes out of the way early (yeah they had the whole "acid reflux" thing in the second act but I've seen way worse in other media)
= The subtitles calling Sato's Ultra form "Ultradad" and his Ultra mustache were both really funny
= Obviously I knew Ken wasn't going to die when he threw himself on Dr. Onda's mech (btw the mech was sexy) but I definitely expected a little more than just a busted arm with how they were building up how the blast would have "destroyed them all" kdjkfdj maybe they cut to after he had recovered a bit. Though in general I'm not quite sure of how durable Ultraman is
= Kind of a milf. reblog
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can we talk about how cringy this scene was?
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yeah i'm sorry, i'm sure this was written as the Angsty Villain Monologue™, but it just comes off as an edgy teenager trying to be intimidating.
"some people have a bad day, i've had a bad life" you're not special, catra. you've had a bad life and you decide to make that everyone else's problem. other people has had a bad life because of you.
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sunkissed-zegras · 2 months
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౨ৎ ─ summary | request -> "paige x iowa!reader (pre-relationship) on game day where maybe r is mic'd up the whole time so fans hear how they flirt, joke around, etc so they start shipping them? the other uconn/iowa girlies always tease them abt it and one night they all go out to a bar tg and someones on live and accidentally catches p and r against a wall kissing or smthn 🫣" for my lovely disco nonnie!
─ word count | 2.6k
─ warnings | teasing, lots and LOTS of teasing, mention of injuries, so much flirting, teasing, slightly suggestive, kissing.... oh and did i mention teasing????
─ taglist | guys idk why my taglist isn't working pls help me and lmk
─ ev's notes | okay so i want to know if yall like the little comment section i put in some of the posts, because i love doing them and i wanna know what ur thoughts are.
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"OKAY, HEY LADIES and gents. It's your favorite, me. Y/N L/N," you tried to whisper into the mic secretively as you looked around. Before you could continue talking, you felt Caitlin grab your shoulders and shake you, eliciting a yelp from you.
You sent her a glare as she giggled and walked away, causing you to roll your eyes. "Anyways, sorry for that stupid interruption. It's game day here at Iowa and we're going against... I don't even remember their names."
You were obviously joking, you had plenty of friends on the UConn basketball team and it was running joke that you didn't like them. You smirked into the camera, knowing full well that your faux ignorance would rile up some competition.
"But hey, who needs names when we've got game, am I right?" You grinned, your enthusiasm showing. "So, while we prepare to show those other guys what real basketball looks like, let's talk strategy."
Leaning in closer to the microphone, you adopted a more serious tone, though the mischievous glint in your eye remained. "First off, we gotta dominate the boards. Rebounds win games, folks. Then, we'll run those fast breaks like there's no tomorrow. Speed kills, baby."
You paused for dramatic effect, pretending to adjust an imaginary headset. "And of course, let's not forget about defense. Lock 'em down, make 'em work for every shot. That's how we do it here at Iowa."
You turned around to see some of your teammates giggling at you, causing you to roll your eyes. "I'm getting bullied again, guys. Remember amazing, hot and very cool players have feelings too, okay?"
"Can you shut the hell up and come stretch with us?" You heard Caitlin shout from the court, causing you to sigh dramatically.
With a playful wink at the camera, you turned away, joining your teammates on the court for the pre-game warm-up. As you stretched and bantered with them, you saw the opponents walk in. You couldn't help but bit your lower lip as you averted your gaze from a particular blonde whom you've gotten close to these last couple of months.
After last year's game, Paige followed you on Instagram and you began talking more. However when you two got injured around the same time, it caused you two to talk more and form a closer bond. Eventually, it turned into Paige texting and calling you every single day and now, it's like you two have known each other your entire lives despite you guys seeing each other face to face three times.
You couldn't help but steal glances at her as you stretched, a small smile playing on your lips whenever your eyes met. The familiar banter and teasing between your teams seemed to fade into the background as you found yourself drawn to her presence.
But amidst the closeness, there lingered an unspoken tension ─ a delicate balance between friendship and something more. You couldn't deny the flutter in your stomach whenever Paige's eyes met yours, or the way your heart raced whenever she flashed you a smile.
Caitlin's voice broke through your thoughts, snapping you back to reality. "Yo, Y/N! Focus up, we've got a game to win!"
"Oh my gosh, look it's serious Caitlin I'm so scared," you spoke into the mic quietly, hoping that she wouldn't hear you. Unfortunately, she did and she got up, holding up her hand as you put your hands over your head. "No, I'm sorry!"
Caitlin laughed at your antics, her laughter infectious as she waved off your dramatic apology. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood today, Y/N," she teased, giving you a playful shove before turning back to the team. "But seriously, let's focus up. We've got a game to win, and I don't plan on losing to those guys."
"Yeah, me neither." She helped you get up from the floor as you walked to the bench. "Thanks, Cait," you said with a grin, falling into step beside her as you made your way to the bench.
As you settled onto the bench, you took a moment to mentally prepare yourself for the game ahead. The familiar sounds of sneakers squeaking on the hardwood, the echoing noise of the crowd, and the anticipation building in the air all served to fuel your determination.
You rose to your feet, eyes fixed on the court ahead. With a quick glance at the UConn's lineup, you immediately spotted Paige among their starting players. Your heart rate quickened slightly as you realized the task at hand — you needed to guard Paige and shut down her scoring opportunities.
In any other situation, it would be easy. Even if the person you were guarding was someone you were friends with, you always made sure to stay professional but this was slightly different. Paige had been the theoretical shoulder you'd been crying on for the last year about your injury that you'd just healed from.
As you stepped onto the court, Caitlin's words from earlier echoed in your mind. You couldn't afford to let Paige get the better of you, not today. You made your way toward Paige and as she met your eyes, she gave you a small smile. You could still talk to her, right? She held out her hand for a quick dap-up and you accepted it gratefully.
"Bro, me and Nika were just talking about how your hair is probably gonna be perfect. You have the best game day hair," Paige spoke finally as you laughed nervously, your gaze momentarily averting to the floor then back to her.
You felt yourself blush under her gaze as you playfully brushed off the compliment. "Oh, you think so, huh?" you smiled, trying to keep the mood light despite the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "Well, what can I say? Gotta look good for the cameras,"
Paige smirked in response. "Oh, trust me, you always do," she teased, her words laced with a playful flirtation that made your heart skip a beat.
You looked into Paige's eyes, you couldn't shake the feeling of warmth that washed over you. There was something about her presence, her easy smile, that made you feel at ease, even in the midst of a game.
"Says you, with your cute braids. You gotta teach me how to do those one day, you know." You playfully nudged Paige's shoulder, a smile spreading across your face."Now you're just showing off," you teased, your tone light and playful as you admired the braids that framed Paige's face.
Paige chuckled, a soft sound that sent a shiver down your spine. "Or I can just do them for you once you actually visit Connecticut, like you promised."
You just realized that you were mic'd up, as you glanced down at the mic. You laughed nervously, shaking your head. "Alright, alright, you've got yourself a deal," you replied with a playful wink.
You then felt Kate's hand tap on your shoulder, motioning for you to come to the bench with her. Paige gave you a small smile as she did the same, your heart fluttering at the sight of her smile. With one last glance at Paige, filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation, you followed Kate to the bench.
"Are you gonna lock in, Y/N?" Caitlin's voice rang out as you glanced up at the tall brunette. You saw the slight smirk on her lips as she gazed at you, teasing you without saying anything. She was practically screaming "you're whipped!" as she did.
"Yeah, I'm locked in," you responded as you averted your gaze, laughter echoing in between your teammates as a blush covered your cheeks.
"You know, cus if you're not, I can guard Paige while you go shoot-"
"Oh shut up, Caitlin I hate you." You groaned, causing her to laugh along with the rest of the team. Caitlin's teasing banter was a familiar part of the pre-game ritual, and despite your protest, you couldn't help but smile at her antics.
"Hey, just looking out for you, Y/N," she teased, her tone lighthearted as she flashed you a grin.
As the referee's whistle blew, signaling the start of the game, you shook off any lingering distractions and locked into the moment. This was it the moment you had been waiting for. With a deep breath, you blocked out the noise of the crowd and zeroed in on the game plan.
At one point, as you and Paige push for position under the basket, you couldn't help but let out a laugh as Paige jokingly accused you of stealing her post moves. "Hey, imitation is a form of flattery, right?" you quipped, earning a playful shove from Paige in response.
But perhaps the most memorable moment came when you and Paige found yourselves face-to-face during a heated confrontation for the ball. With the game hanging in the balance, you couldn't help but exchange a playful smirk with Paige, feeling a slight warmth on your cheeks.
Iowa had ultimately won the game but there was no bad blood between the two teams (thankfully), players from both teams exchanged handshakes and congratulatory words, acknowledging the hard-fought battle that had unfolded on the court.
Sure, some of the players were a little hurt but it wasn't like it was the end of the world. However, you knew at some point the two teams would have to play against each other during play-offs but you didn't let yourself get too worried right now. Right now, it was important to savor the moment, to celebrate the hard-fought victory with your teammates and bask in the camaraderie of the game.
"You looked good," Paige spoke as she leaned against the wall of the bar. Some of the girls on the team wanted to go out and celebrate and the UConn girls wanted to join. And that was how you found yourself standing next to Paige, a little tipsy as you leaned against the wall beside her, a warm flush spreading across your cheeks at her compliment.
"Thanks, you too," you replied, unable to hide the smile that tugged at the corners of your lips. You felt yourself shy away from her gaze, a stark contrast to how you usually were ─ teasing and outgoing.
Paige noticed that quickly, a small smirk appearing on her lips as she took a tip of her drink. "Aw, look at you, all flustered," she teased, her tone light and teasing as she nudged your shoulder gently.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," you replied, rolling your eyes in mock exasperation. "Gotta stay humble, right?"
Paige laughed, the sound sweet and infectious as she leaned closer to you. "Don't worry, I think you can handle it," she said with a smirk, her words sending a shiver down your spine.
She gazed at you for a little longer as you looked away, only for her to grab your chin and hold it so that you kept looking at her. With a soft chuckle, Paige leaned in closer, her breath warm against your ear as she whispered, "You're cute when you're flustered,"
"I never thought that you could be shy, you know... with all that shit-talking on and off the court." Paige remarked as she let go of your chin, her gaze still heavy on you. "It's kinda giving me an ego boost,"
"Oh shut up," you mumbled as you took a sip from your own drink, Paige's gaze following your lips. There was something about the way she looked at you, the way her eyes seemed to linger on your lips, that made your heart race.
As you lowered your drink, you met Paige's gaze once more, a playful glint in your eyes. "You're not so bad yourself, you know," you replied with a smirk.
Paige chuckled softly, the sound like music to your ears as she leaned in closer, the warmth of her breath sending a shiver down your spine. "Oh, I know," she teased, her voice low and teasing as she leaned back slightly, a playful twinkle in her eye.
She wasn't usually ever this cocky, sure she's had her moments but never to this extent ─ she didn't know if it was the alcohol or just you. There was something about her self-assured demeanor that was both enticing and captivating, drawing you in with each exchanged word and shared laugh.
"Well, aren't you just full of yourself tonight?" you teased, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of your lips as you leaned in closer to her.
"Can you blame me?" Paige replied with a grin, her confidence unwavering as she met your gaze. "I mean, if you had a pretty girl getting flustered over every word you say, even after her beat team yours, you'd be feeling pretty confident too," she continued, her playful tone tinged with a hint of desire as she leaned in closer, the warmth of her breath grazing your skin.
"Well, I guess I can't argue with that," you replied with a grin, your tone light and teasing as you leaned back slightly, a playful twinkle in your eye. "But just remember, I'm not one to stay flustered for long."
With a playful smile, she leaned in closer to you. "Well, lucky for you, I happen to enjoy a challenge."
Her eyes kept flickering down to your lips as she downed her drink, putting it down on the table next to you. She leaned in closer, as if to test the water, grazing her lips against yours as your breath hitched.
She took your reaction as a yes, her hands finding your hips as she pushed you against the wall. She pushed her lips into yours in a hurried kiss, the intensity of her touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through you.
You responded eagerly, your hands finding their way to her shoulders as you pulled her closer, the world around you fading away as you lost yourself in the moment. With a sense of urgency, Paige deepened the kiss, her hands exploring the contours of your body with hunger.
The taste of her lips was intoxicating, a heady mix of alcohol and longing that left you breathless. You forgot all about your teammates and who might see this and recognize the two of you, because neither of you really cared anymore.
Jada drank her water as she kept skimming through the comments of the live, reading them and chuckling at every remark toward you and Paige. Kate was behind her, momentarily blocking from everyone seeing what you two were currently up to.
Kate heard someone call her name as she quickly got up from her spot, turning to respond to the voice. As she moved away, the brief obstruction she provided from prying eyes was gone, leaving you and Paige momentarily exposed.
As Jada's gaze flickered to the screen, she froze, her eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected sight before her. "Oh shit- I mean, shoot." She quickly moved her phone as she glanced at the sight, giving the camera a shocked look as she thought about what she should do.
She had basically just outed the two of you but to be completely fair, it was on you two for making out in a very public bar. "Guys, don't worry that wasn't Paige that was just some other blonde. Sorry guys, you know how Y/N has a thing for blondes."
She sighed as she locked eyes with Kate, who gave her a shocked expression as she looked down at her phone. Kate gave her a look before Jada looked down at her phone, laughing as she waved.
"Looks like we are gonna have to end the live, sorry guys. Love you, bye, mwah mwah."
Paige finally broke the kiss, leaving the both of you to catch your breath. She smiled as her finger swiped your bottom lip, tracing the outline of it gently. You couldn't help but catch your breath, the taste of her lingering on your lips like a sweet memory.
"You're fucking beautiful," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur as she leaned in to place a soft kiss on your lips again.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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cyyfics · 9 months
I LOVED your Simon headcannons!!! Could I request gender neutral reader giving Simon a Blowjob? I just generally imagine him all whiny and needy. Like he gets an involuntary erection and the reader helps him out <33
Accidents Happen
Pairing: !Simon Petrikov x GN! reader
C! Warning(s): NSFW!, blowjobs, overstimulation, hair pulling, something else idk how to describe??? Like ur like idk, sort of spit/saliva kink, gagging, throat fucking sort of, sort of choking tbh
Synopsis: you and your best friend Simon were just lounging around on the couch on a hot summers day, who knew it would end like this?
Pronoun stuff: ur genitals aren’t mentioned like at all except for maybe one line and it’s pretty gender neutral
Note: ur the one being more dominant and harsh to him in this story, just letting u guys know Cus like ik some ppl don’t like top! readers ???
Also sorry for the Wattpad words 😨
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Your day started out like normal, you were simply lying in bed with your leg draped off the side lazily; that was until you got a knock on your door. Planning to stay lazy, you stayed in bed for a little longer not planning to get up. ‘If it’s really that important, they’ll find a way to get to me..’ you thought to yourself as you neglected the person at the door.
“Y/n!” You perked up as you heard your name being called, the sound of a familiar voice ringing through your head “shit, it’s Simon!” You scrambled to get up from your cozy bed to go help him at the door. Your footsteps were heard from outside the house at how fast you were running down the hallway, Simon stared at your front door with a bead of sweat upon his eyebrow as he heard you coming.
Finally, you had opened up the door for him. He was standing there with one of his arms sheepishly rubbing at his elbow, “Simon! What’re you doing here? Not that I mind, but I thought you would’ve texted first..” you crossed your arms and squinted at him. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I was in the area and thought about seeing you.” Simon apologised, the sentence actually sounding pretty sweet to you. “You’re drenched in sweat, did you run here or something?” You chuckled to yourself a little as you looked him up and down.
“No. Just walked. The heat is horrible out there.” Simon huffed and leaned against the wall, you cocked an eyebrow at him “You sure you’re not just exaggerating? I know your body temperature hasn’t been the same since ic-“ Simon cuts you off. He doesn’t wanna hear the name, doesn’t wanna remember any of that. “No. It really is hot out there. I saw a candy girl and she was literally melting!” Simon exclaimed.
You found it kinda cute, but not in a weird way, you told yourself. “You can sit in front of the fan if you want, just turn it on over there.” You pointed towards the fan that was set up in the corner of your living room “..Why do you have a fan out here?” Simon irked at you “..Because it gets hot in the living room? Duh.” You furrowed your eyebrows at him and gave a weird look. “..Right then.” Simon switched the fan on and immediately started to lay down on your couch.
“Oh, and now you’re just stealing my couch. How thoughtful.” You walked over to join him and found that he had left you little room to sit down, “Yes I am actually quite thoughtful- thank you for seeing that prince/ss” Simon chuckled to himself before moving a bit on the couch. “That’s still not leaving me a lot of room, Simon.” You deadpanned at him “Come lay on me then, I don’t mind.” He invited you over to him. It wouldn’t be weird, you told yourself, you and him had cuddled or laid with each other before, it’s what best friends do.
You hesitantly crawled up to him on the couch, resting your head on his shoulder awkwardly. “Isn’t this only gonna make you feel more hot?” You asked him “Probably.” Simon didn’t really care though since he had the fan turned on him. As you laid there on top of him, Simon moved one of his arms to wrap around you- to make sure you don’t suddenly fall off the couch or something, obviously..
The TV was switched on and before long the two of you were watching bad movies and junk. It was like any other day, that’s how it started. The two of you would always just be hanging out doing random things, sometimes it’d be things even like just standing in the same room together. You two just enjoyed each other’s presence. “Oh, this is a boring movie. I preferred the book much better.” Simon giggled into his hand, you couldn’t help smiling and giggling back at him.
Just as the two of you became engulfed in whatever garbage you were watching, you suddenly felt the air in the room go stagnant. Something was off, and you didn’t exactly know what yet. That was until you felt something ‘weird’ and ‘foreign’ pressing up against your lower back, you weren’t sure what it was at first but you got an idea when you moved your hips back a little and felt Simon tense up. You stayed still for a bit, seeing if he was going to say anything, possibly something like ‘Y/n don’t do that that’s my crotch’ or ‘I’m sorry that I’ve accidentally got a boner let’s just ignore it’
He said nothing, and neither did you. But you were ever so curious to find out if he would eventually say something, to confirm your theory you had to test it. You ground your hips back against his front, making the man involuntarily twitch for just a moment. You didn’t miss it, with the way his arm around you tensed up. “Something wrong?” You turned over your shoulder to ask him, looking up at his now slightly flustered face “N-No, why would something be wrong? Nothings wrong.” Simon stammered out.
“Oh, okay then.” You turn your head away to focus back on the TV but just as you do you feel his hand that was holding your side slightly grip you a little tighter, sending this tingling sensation down your body. You still didn’t dare say anything, wondering where this may be leading to. Simon pulled you a little closer to him, you were flush against him, he tried to do it slowly in hopes maybe you wouldn’t notice but you did. “Simon.” You spoke “Hm?” He tried to act as if he had no idea that you knew what he was doing.
“Why did you-“ he cuts you off “Why did I what?” You furrow your eyebrows at him “pull me closer.” You finish “I didn’t do that.” He lies to you, and yet his fingers grasp onto the fabric of your shirt to hold you a little tighter. You roll your eyes at him, simply deciding to mess with him now at this point. You shifted in your place a bit, your ass now rubbing right against his hard on. It’s a little more obvious now what you’re doing, and Simon ends up realising that just as he releases a soft moan.
The sound reaches your ears, making your cheeks flush. You weren’t expecting a moan, nor one this cute. You tease up a little, turning your head to look up at his face- which was already looking down at you with a slight annoyance. Yet, he had the most adorable flustered looking face you’d ever seen. “Y/n!” Simon exclaims “yeeeeesssss?” You draw it out, you weren’t worried about him being upset with you since you knew the man and that he wasn’t actually mad or upset. “Are you doing that on purpose?” He narrows his eyes at you “doing what?” You bat your eyelashes at him innocently.
“You know what.” Simon spits flusteredly, his cheeks a bright red colour. “Do I?” You turn your head back around, moving your hips against him again. “So you are!” Simon squeals in embarrassment “you are doing this on purpose!” Simon huffs “No clue what you’re talking about Simon.” You pretend to yawn “Right. So you aren’t rubbing your butt up against me on purpose?” Simon deadpanned at you “Where would you get such an idea?” You asked him trying not to laugh.
“From this.” He gently moves you off of him a little and shows you the growing erection showing through his pants, from what you could see he already looked pretty big actually. You looked down at him with widened eyes, licking your lips that had suddenly become dry, still trying to tell yourself that you only see this man as a friend. “Christ, Looks painful.” You swore under your breath, feeling suddenly sorry for this poor man.
“It is.” His cock was strained against his tightened pants, begging to be freed. “And you’re telling me, I did that?” Your tone switched up at the end there which told him that you weren��t innocent at all, not that he thought you were. “.. yes, I guess you did!” Simon turned his head away from you in annoyance. You didn’t say a word, only turning over to face him now. Your hand slowly slid down to find its way to his clothed erection, stroking him gently with your fingertips.
“Y-Y/n!” Simon gasped softly as you touched him, your hand brushing up against his aching cock. “Yeah? What’s up, Simon? What’s wrong?” You asked him ‘innocently’ even as your hand kept stroking at his clothed dick “you’re touching my-“ he gulped nervously. “This okay?” You cut him off to ask him “yes.” Simon replied a little quickly. Simon was panting under your touch now, trying to fight his urges as his hips slowly grind themselves up against your hand.
“Get it out for me, please.”
Simon didn’t hesitate as he started to undo his belt, pulling it off and throwing it to the floor. He then unbuttoned his pants, zipped them down, and tugged them down to his thighs. He then slid his underwear down enough to reveal his length “fuck..” you muttered out quietly as you eyed his erection in its full glory. He was actually surprisingly long, and he was curved. “What’re you gonn-“ Simon bit back his words as he felt you suddenly move your head down to kiss at his tip.
Simon loved it, he couldn’t lie. His eyes were watching you with such content and desire, he could watch you sit and kiss his cock all day. (Not really, if you did that he’d probably get super overstimulated and cum all over your lips and face.) You slowly parted your lips, letting your tongue drag along his slit before moving your head and licking a long line down his shaft. “A-ah..” Simon whined out as you started to lick at him, teasing him before you got to the main bit.
In all honesty Simon could’ve came right then and there, because just seeing you like that in a lewd state made his mind start reeling. Simon whined impatiently, covering his mouth with a hand, his hips jerking up against your touch. You took that as a sign and opened your mouth, wrapping your lips around him as you took him down your throat. There was a slight sting as you felt him take up the room down your throat, making it hard for you to breathe at all. You still tried your best though, moving your head up and down along his cock.
Simon couldn’t stop his greedy self, his hips grinding up against your face, one of his hands grabbing at your hair gently. He wasn’t pulling you or anything, only tangling his fingers in your hair as you sucked him dry. Your mouth was filling up with saliva as you took him down your throat, You don’t stop sucking him off though, instead letting a bit of saliva dribble down your chin. Simon was covered in your spit too, a bit of it starting to cover his thighs. It was a hot sight to see actually.
Simon moaned loudly, his hand that was tangled in your hair now grabbing it slightly tighter. You kept going, your tongue resting against the bottom of your mouth as he basically face fucked you. His hips were grinding against your face and his hand in your hair was slightly pushing you down against him too. It wasn’t long before he ended up cumming, hot bitter liquid pooling down your throat.
You had to swallow it, not sure you could even spit it up with the way it naturally sunk down your throat. Simon pulled out slowly, your tongue sticking out a little still covered in a bit of his cum. You put your tongue back into your mouth and swallowed it, the sight was a real pretty thing to see. Simon now felt a bit exhausted, panting as he laid back on the couch. You giggled at his cute mannerisms, before leaning back down and kissing at the head of his dick to overstimulate him.
It was just to tease him though, wanting to see more of his cute faces. Simon clenched his eyes and used a hand over his mouth to muffle a loud moan that had escaped him. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” You gave him mercy and sat up, allowing him to put himself away. “T-That felt really.. good” Simon admitted.
“I liked it too.”
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aesthetixhoe · 1 year
paparazzi — J.C.
warnings: cursing, angst, mentions of anxiety/self worth issues,
word count: ---
pronouns used: none!
request: can u write where like us and jack are out like at the mall abd fans come up to us asking for photos and all that? (were also a actor/actress. idk is this made sense to u😭)
authors note: I added a bit of other stuff into this, so sorry if this isn't what you wanted. i love this idea deeply! <3
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Being an actor and going to the mall was... Stressful. You never knew if you would be recognized, so you always had to wear presentable clothing, plus you didn't know if the people who would recognize would even like you.
The mall was no exception. With the endless stores filled with fellow teenagers and young adults who knew both you and Jack, there was bound to be at least one person who knew you.
Going out with Jack was easier than being alone. He's always there to tell you that no matter who you see, or how they feel about you, you still have fans that love you... Including him. He'll hold your hand, and tell you to squeeze it if you get anxious, give you more small kisses than usual (which is already a lot). The PDA worries you further, thinking that if someone who likes him more sees you two kissing that they'll post about it and try cancelling you or something, but the love is worth it.
You came to the mall to go shopping, you needed some more casual clothes, and Jack needed some higher end items for a premier. Walking into the mall was thankfully uneventful, but once you got further into the populace of the mall, that's when the pictures started.
It wasn't paparazzi standing right inside waiting to run you down but to get pictures, but there were teenage girls who found Jack attractive. While you were also an actor, and have also been in popular things, you weren't a hot boy...
“Oh my god! You're Jack Champion. Holy shit, can we get a picture with you?!” And so it started. He obviously said yes and you moved to the side, not before he kissed your hand though. He wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder, smiling big for her friend with the camera. They switched so the previous camera girl could get in on it. They thanked him before walking past, both still bright red, slightly shaky and whispering about how cute he was. You had to agree.
About every 30 feet was another person asking for a picture, or autograph. He would stop and gladly do whatever pose they asked for, or sign whatever they wanted. He loved all of his fans, and was willing to do anything for them.
After splitting up and going to your designated stores to buy the items you needed, you two found each other.
The walk to leave was mostly uninterrupted, just a few people recognizing you two and taking pictures. “Looks like we have some paparazzi huh?” Jack jokes, smiling at you. God he's so pretty.
“Yeah...” You say in mindless agreement. You were too busy looking at his smile and the way it made his eye squint slightly.
“Stop staring.” He says as he blushes and looks away. He loves your attention, but it doesn't stop him from blushing every time.
Once you two were home you spent time scrolling through Instagram, looking at the posts jack was tagged in, seeing all the pictures fans had taken with him.
Then... There was a picture of you.
It was a “news” Instagram account that posted celebrity sightings.
“Ah, I see you've found the stalker photos...” Jack chuckles as he approaches the back of the couch. He puts his chin on your shoulder watching as you scroll through the pictures.
“Yeah. I'm actually... Kinda flattered?” You almost ask. He hops over the back of the couch to join you in sitting. He looks at you questioningly.
“What do you mean?” He asks quietly. You hated having candids taken, they ‘always looked bad.’
You look at him before looking down embarrassed. “Well... Normally it's just pictures of you. And I hate photos, you know that, but... It feels nice to be recognized. I just feel like an accessory to you sometimes...” You admit softly.
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him. Once you make eye contact, both of his hands settle on either of your cheeks to keep your head steady.
“[Y/n], you'll never be an accessory. You're your own person. You're an amazing actor, and an even better person.” He states into your eyes, and you can feel something. Something warm deep inside of your stomach. Something in your chest, like you'd just drank a hot drink on a cold day that warmed up your insides.
“I love you.” You breathe out, thoughtlessly. Thoughtlessly.
Your eyes widen in shock as your mouth falls agape. You actually said it... Holy shit. He's silent. Oh fuck. Oh god. This was such a mistake.
“Jack, I am so sorry. I-I wasn't thinking and it just fell out and I know we haven't said it yet, and I don't want you to feel obligated to say it back but I just-”
“I love you too.” He smiles softly, leaning in to kiss your lips. It felt like the stars aligned and the earth stopped spinning and time stopped and everything else people use to describe being in love.
You pull away, looking into his eyes, tears welling in yours. “Are you ok? Should I not have said it?” He asks, brows furrowed in worry.
“No!” You exclaim grinning, then reaching your fingers to the nape of his neck, “I'm just so in love with you.”
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hazybisou · 4 months
🍊💌 and we both wanna say i’m sorry
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pairing ; fem!reader x quinn hughes
summary ; it’s been 1 year and a half since the breakup. of course they’ve both changed since that night. quinn just never expected to see her doing the one thing that reminded him of her.
authors note ; hi. so uh long time no see. honestly idk what came over me but like i js completely abandoned you guys. aside from that i’ve been busy with school and mid terms were what took up most of my time. but i’m back👌(for now at least). hopefully you enjoy this. anyways this has been on my mind for a while now and like i had get it out: orange peel theory!!! idk if i would consider this angsty or not but you decide. enjoy! <3
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it was extremely hot. the windows were open, letting in a slight breeze. he was laying on the couch in front of a fan. he laid there eyes closed. there was something about the heat that made him want to close his eyes and let the day get away from him.
slowly but surely his eyelids began to shut. all of a sudden he heard a pair of keys jingle, his head lifting off the couch as he watched her figure come into view. “hey, how was work?” he asked y/n who smiled at him. she toed off her shoes before making her way over to quinn.
he opened his arms as he felt her climb onto of him, head laying on his chest. she sighed, “it was good, surprisingly,” she closed her eyes, “how was you day?”
“it’s was fine. went out, ran some errands, bought some groceries.” he mumbled as he dug his face into her hair. “speaking of groceries, i got you what you’ve been asking for this whole week.”
her head lifted up from his chest. “oranges?” he nodded and she squealed. “oh, how i love you.” she began to pepper his face with kisses.
he chuckled and held her closer. “i love you too.” he pressed a peck to her lips.
he began to sit up with y/n in his arms as she climbed off of him and onto the couch. he stood up and she let out a yelp as she felt his arms wrap around her thighs and waist, picking her up bridal style. she tucked her head into his chest as he carried her towards the kitchen.
“where we goin’?” she whispered.
“why?” she lifted her head off of his chest.
he smiled at her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “im a little hungry.”
he turned walked towards the counter and set her down, y/n going to sit on one of the barstool. her eyes were trained on quinn who began to heat up leftovers from the previous night. her eyes suddenly caught the sight of the color orange. she smiled and reached out to grab the fruit.
y/n held it in her hands trying to peel it. as much as she loved having oranges available, she hated the hassle of having to take the peel off, especially with her manicured nails.
“quinny..” she trailed off. he turned around and hummed. she held the orange up with a small smile on here face. “open it, please?”
he shook his head and smiled before grabbing it out of her hands, complaining her request. one the last bit of the orange peel was off, he grabbed a couple of pieces for himself.
“quinn!” she whined but nonetheless took the orange back as he handed off the fruit to her.
he chuckled. “you asked for something, you pay the price.” he held the slices up. “this the price.”
she rolled his eyes but smiled at him and he grinned before leaning across the counter, cupping her face in his hands. he leaned down slightly as his lips found hers. he pulled away for a second before going in once more, this one with a lot more passion.
he pulled away and looked at her. “i love you.”
“i love you too.”
he hated it.
he hated this feeling he felt in his chest. was he sad? no. was he happy? definitely not. it was complicated, he didn’t know what he was feeling. all he could do was watch.
quinn was angry. angry at himself, at her. no..he could never be angry with or at her—only himself. he let her slip away and didn’t make the effort to bring her back.
quinn sat there across the room, watching her. watching as her head was thrown back, laughter coming out of her lips. she didn’t even realize it. he wanted to laugh. yet he couldn’t.
he still loved her.
after almost 2 years, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. she was like a plague. stuck in his mind and heart forever. he never saw her after that day. not a single text was sent. not a peep.
she had completely vanished from his life.
or, at least he thought she had.
yet there she was right in front of his eyes, sitting at a table with two other girls.
he looked down towards her hands and watch as her nail dug into the piece of fruit. she slowly began to peel it off. she was so delicate with it. she always was. with everything.
he watched as she peeled it all off completely before taking the trash to the garbage can. she took a piece and put it into her mouth.
he laughed.
he. laughed.
she had done it.
he knew she didn’t need him anymore. she never did. she just needed to learn how. and she did.
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i hate this. good night. isn’t 🙅‍♀️ proofread 🙅‍♀️why tf do i only write at night when ik i’m tired and running on 2 hours of sleep???
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Noise Complaint (Chris)
Request: none
Warnings: secret relationship, semi public sex(hotel room), protective triplets, slightly possessive chris, degradation, filming/pictures, praise kink, daddy kink, getting caught by a fan, being found out by Matt and Nick, super rough sex, dom!chris, lingerie, choking, slapping, spanking, oral(male receiving), cum swallowing, creampie, facefucking, hair pulling, choking, maybe more idk
A/N: this was written when they were on the versus tour which is why it obviously mentions the tour
Y/n’s pov
We were going into week three of the boys’ tour and it was getting increasingly harder for Chris and I to hide the fact that we’re dating. Nobody knew, not even his brothers or Madi, who’s my best friend. At home, it’s a lot easier to hide the fact that we’re dating because Chris and I have always been super close, so us going to “hang out” alone wasn’t abnormal. Thankfully I was invited to go on tour with them since Madi couldn’t go this time, meaning I would have to share one of the two rooms with one of the triplets. You’d probably expect me to be sharing a room with Nick, which I wouldn’t mind considering he’s one of my best friends, but Chris had managed to convince both Matt and Nick to let him sleep in the same room with me by claiming he needs to cuddle with someone when he’s not sleeping in his own house. Since we’d usually get one room with two beds and the other with only one bed, neither Nick nor Matt wanted to have to share a bed or cuddle with Chris so they had “forced” me to be the one sharing a bed with Chris. Not that I was complaining anyways.
This was basically the only time when we could be completely alone however, Matt and Nick always had the room next to us meaning we could never have sex if fear of them hearing us. Luckily for us, the hotel we were staying at tonight only had rooms on separate floors. Currently, we were at the venue getting ready for the meet and greet as we just finished the show, everyone was still dressing in the color for their team. My color being red, I wore black cargo pants with white stitching, a red belt, a red corset top, and red Jordans, I paired my outfit with some silver jewelry and some basic makeup, adding winged eyeliner and red lipstick. As soon as I walked out of my dressing room, Chris pushed me back into it, “You look so fucking hot right now babe, I don’t know how I’m gonna control myself out there.” he said trying to go in for a kiss but I had to swerve it. Chris started pouting as I said “Sorry handsome, I don’t want to get any lipstick on you. We don’t want anyone to find out we’re dating, remember?” “Yeah, yeah, I just don’t know how I’m going to control myself out there because if I’m being honest, all I want to do right now is rip your clothes off and fuck you.” he said as we walked towards the door to leave.
We met back up with Nick and Matt as we all walked out to the meet and greet area and started taking pictures with fans. There was this one guy who came up to me and started flirting, I could tell that Chris was irritated but it’s not like he could do anything about it. “You’re hot, can I get your number and take you out to dinner? You know, maybe I can get you away from these boys and show you what I can do.” the guy said, making me slightly uncomfortable. Luckily for me, Nick saw this and came over to us “Hey man, can you not talk to her like that and move on to she can take pictures with non-creepy people? Thanks.” he said shooing him away. The guy did leave, but Chris still kept looking at me out of the corner of his eye to make sure nobody else bothered his girl.
After the meet and greet, we had all decided to go get dinner at a restaurant, and guess who just so happened to be our waiter? The creepy guy from earlier, and I think all the boys could tell he was making me uncomfortable. Due to this Nick ordered for me so I wouldn’t have to talk to him and we got threw dinner without an incident, well except for when we got our receipt, which had his number on it. I could literally feel the jealousy radiating off of Chris as we waited for our Uber, “Chris what’s wrong? You look super pissed off, are you okay?” Matt had asked him. “I’m fine, I just want to be at the hotel already.” Chris replied through gritted teeth making both his brothers give him a weird look before we got inside the Uber and went back to the hotel. Laura had met us in the lobby, handing us our room keys and telling us our room numbers as all five of us piled in the elevator. Laura got off first, then Matt and Nick, as soon as the doors closed Chris grabbed my hand, “I don’t like people flirting with you, I wanna punch them all in the face.” he said while rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand as we walked to our room
As soon as we got inside our bedroom, Chris pushed me up against the door “I want my fucking kiss now, you’ve had me so hard all day.” he said before capturing my lips in a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his hair as our kiss turned into a heavy makeout. He started pressing his body against mine so I could feel how hard he was before he pulled away, “I’ve been waiting to do that all day. God, Y/n/n you look so hot in this outfit, shit I never thought you wearing red lipstick would make me so fucking hard, you’re gonna have to start wearing it more often.” Chris told me. I had a little surprise for him, I had just been waiting for when we could get the chance to fuck on tour, I bought it at one of our stops after hearing Chris say I looked hot in red a million times. “Would you do me a favor?” I asked him in a seductive voice, continuing to speak after he nodded “Can you go stand in the bathroom for like five minutes, please? It’ll be worth it, I promise you’ll like it.” “Ughhh you know I don’t like surprises!” he whined. “You’ll like this one I promise!” I told him as I shoved him into the bathroom, I quickly went to change into a pair of red heels and a lacy red lingerie set before quickly reapplying some lipstick.
I sat down on the edge of the bed before telling Chris he could come out, “This better not be som- holy fuck!” he cut himself off as he stopped dead in his tracks a few feet away from me. “Do you like it, baby?” I asked innocently, he was at a loss for words, only being able to mutter out a delayed “Uh-huh, really like it…” as I stood up and walked over to him. Chris couldn’t stop staring at every move I made, I grabbed his hand and led him over to sit on the bed. He slid off his shirt and shoes as his eyes continued to scan my body, “Are you just going to sit there and stare at me or are you going to use me like I planned on letting you?” I said as I traced my finger across his jawline, tilting his head up to look at me. His lips were wet and red as he kept licking and biting at them and his eyes were so blown out that you could barely see a small sliver of blue.
Chris quickly stood up to take his pants off before sitting against the headboard, pulling me with him “As much as I love those heels, Imma need to take them off because you’re gonna be real uncomfortable wearing those in a bit.” he said making me take them off, instantly pulling me onto his lap when I was done. He grabbed the back of my head before smashing our lips together in a hot and needy kiss, he swiped his tongue across my bottom lip while pulling me hair causing me to gasp, giving him a chance to slide his tongue into my mouth. Chris suck and licked my tongue and lips, letting out a deep groan when I started slowly grinding on him, his hands quickly making their way down to my ass with a tight grip. He slowly pulled away biting my lip, “God, I’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight! You’re gonna be so full my cum like the filthy little whore you are, gotta show you who you fucking belong to after that guy flirted with you today!” he growled into my ear.
I knew he was serious when he said I’d be filled with his cum considering neither of us had cum since tour started. I started trailing kisses down his neck and chest, disappointed that I couldn’t leave any hickies “Look like such a slut right now, wish I could take pictures and shit because you look fucking hot.” Chris groaned. I stopped kissing his body and looked at him from between his legs with an innocent smile “Who said you couldn’t? You can take videos of me sucking your cock or fucking me for all I care.” When I said that Chris groaned and his cock twitched. You could tell he was constantly dripping precum from the growing wet patch on his gray boxers. After a second he stood up and grabbed my wrist, dragging me with him before he grabbed his phone out of his pants “Get on your fucking knees for me, I’m taking you up on that offer.” he said while caressing my face before pushing me onto my knees.
He pushed down his boxers, stepping out of them before he tapped his cock against my lips, I quickly opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out waiting for him to put it in my mouth. He placed his thick cock onto my tongue before thrusting into my mouth, pushing some hair out of face while I sucked on the tip. “Can I really record you baby?” he asked while caressing my face, I pulled off of him for a second, using my hand to continue to stroke him. “Yes baby, you can record it and take pictures of whatever you want tonight.” I told him before deep throating him, Chris let out a loud groan before he started to record me. I looked up at the camera innocently as I started sucking him off “Put your hands behind your, I’m gonna fuck that pretty little face of yours.” he said as he placed his hand on the back of my head.
I placed my hands behind my back as Chris started slowly thrusting his cock into my mouth, I hollowed out my cheeks making him let out a low groan. He started fully fucking my face roughly causing me to gag when his tip would hit the back of my throat. I started to whine and moan against him when he started fisting my hair and pulling it, the constant abuse of my throat combined with him pulling my hair caused tears to start falling down my face. “God, you look so pretty like this for me! Next time I’m gonna cum all over your slutty face!” he grunted out, making me whine around him again. I felt his cock twitch before his grip on my hair got tighter and he’s thrusts grew erratic. “You gonna let me cum down your slutty little throat baby?” he asked, I moaned around him as a response before his hips sputtered.
Chris shoved my face down so his cock was literally down my throat, my nose pressed against his pubic bone. “Fuck baby, so good for me.” he praised as he came before pulling out of my mouth. “Open your mouth for me.” he said making me quickly oblige, showing him my mouth full of cum. “Swallow.” I did as he said, sticking my tongue out to show him I did what he asked before he stopped the video. After he caught his breath he helped me stand up, “As hot as you look in this I need it off, right now.” he growled helping me take the lingerie off. Once Chris had helped me undress, he cupped my face in his hands to wipe the dried tears and mascara off my cheeks. Chris sat up against the headboard again, telling me to sit on his lap. He grabbed my throat to pull me into another rough kiss harshly sucking on my tongue, groaning when he felt my wetness spread across his cock, which was already hard again.
Quickly flipping us over, pushing my right leg up against my chest before slamming into me. I let out a loud moan as he gave me no time to adjust before he was pounding into me. “Fuck, so goddamn tight for me! You like being treated like a slut don’t you? Such a good girl.” he grunted as I scratched my nails done his back. “Yes! Yes, your good girl daddy! Please, so good!” I moaned incoherently. “Please what baby? What do you want?” he asked me but I couldn’t explain what I wanted as he was pounding into me so roughly and it felt so good. Since I was whining and moaning so much I just grabbed his hand, making him lightly slap my face. “You want me to hit you? God, you’re such a kinky whore!” he loud groaned before actually slapping my face making me let out an extremely loud, high pitched moan as I came around him. Chris grabbed my jaw harshly, getting closer to my face “Fucking bitch! I didn’t say you could cum, you didn’t even fucking ask!” he growled at me before slapping me again as I cried out, quickly becoming overstimulated. “Open your damn mouth!” I did as he said before Chris spit into my mouth making me whine “Fucking swallow bitch!” he said and I quickly obliged.
Me and Chris have never had such rough sex before but we were both living for it, not even registering the fact that we were in a hotel room and the people next to us could probably hear our moans. Chris suddenly pulled out making me whimper, “Hands and knees slut.” he ordered and I quickly did as he said. He pushed on my back making me arch it before he licked from my clit all the way to my ass hole, loudly groaning as he pulled away. “I’m gonna fuck your tight ass one day and you’re gonna let it happen.” he said before slapping my ass. “Chris please, need your cock back inside me.” I begged “You’re fucking greedy aren’t you?” he asked rhetorically as he ran his tip through my folds teasingly.
Chris then started thrusting into me at a slow pace, “Faster daddy, please!” I asked in a whine voice. He started thrusting quickly and hard, his nails digging into my hips as a form of leverage. Both of us were being extremely loud at this point since this new angle felt amazing, he had leaned forward to play with my nipples. He knew my nipples were extremely sensitive so he used that to his advantage, relishing in the fact that he was the only person to make me feel this way. With the combination of Chris playing with my nipples, aggressive thrusts, and loud groans he was letting in my ear were getting me extremely close to cumming again. “Mmm please can I cum daddy? Feels s-so good don’t stop! F-Fuck please!” I cried out making Chris let out an almost animalistic growl in my ear. “You can cum but I’m not fucking stopping!” he said moving one of his hands to my throat. I came around his cock for the second time tonight, crying as I was extremely overstimulated.
Chris pulled back to sit up straight again on his knees when suddenly our hotel phone started to ring. He slowed down his thrust, making me whine before going to pick up the phone. “Be quiet baby.” he told me, still slowly pumping in and out of me, Chris cleared his throat before actually answering the phone. “Um hello?” he asked confused, I started thrusting back against him causing Chris to completely stop moving and slap my ass harshly. “Uh oh okay, y-yea. I’m s-sorry.” he replied to whatever the person on the other end of the phone said before hanging up. Slapping my ass one time before flipping me over, looking down at me with a stupid smile. “We just got a noise complaint, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop. It just means you need to shut the fuck up!” he laughed before thrusting back into me.
Chris once again started thrusting into me but this time he smashed our lips together in an attempt to stifle my moans. These thrusts weren’t as rough as before, but they were still quite fast as we were both nearing our orgasms. We pulled away for just a second, Chris saying “Shit baby are you close? Because I’m about to fucking cum in you!” I just nodded in response not wanting to be loud again. He brought his hand down to rub my clit in fast, tight circles as he pressed our lips together again. After a few more thrusts, I was cumming around his cock with a whine, this caused Chris to cum as well. Filling me up before slowly pulling out, using his fingers to collect the cum dripping out of me only to shove them in my mouth a second later. He laid down next to me as we caught our breath for a minute.
Once our breath was back to normal Chris stood up before grabbing my hand and helping me up as well. My legs were trembling and it was kind of hard to stand but we silently walked over to the bathroom. Chris told me to pee while he turned the shower on, going back out into our room to grab our toothbrushes, my hair brush and, my makeup wipes before returning. We took a quick shower using the soaps that the hotel had in there before we got out. Chris wrapped one of the big white fluffy towels around me before grabbing another one for himself, I grabbed one of the smaller towels to wrap my hair in making chris giggle. “You look cute like that babe.” he said sarcastically as we got ready to brush our teeth. I used a makeup wipe to get the rest of my makeup off my face and some red smudges of lipstick off from around Chris’ lips. He insisted on blowing my hair so I didn’t argue and just let him do it since my legs were still shaky and I was tired.
Once we were done in the bathroom we went over to our suitcases to get changed, I wore an oversized shirt and panties while Chris just wore some boxers before we climbed into bed and went to sleep. We woke up at 7am as we needed to get back on the bus to drive to our next location, quickly getting dressed in some comfy clothes and brushing our teeth before gathering our things to meet Nick, Matt, and Laura in the lobby. Unfortunately for us, we walked out at the same time as the person from next door that made the noise complaint. We were just going to ignore her until she said our names, “Y/n? Chris? You guys were the ones fucking extremely loud next door?” she asked making us both blush and turn around. Chris awkwardly scratched the back of his neck before sheepishly nodding “Oh my god are you guys dating!? That’s so cute I love it! Oh shit did I ruin your night last night?” the fan said super fast.
“You can’t tell anyone about this!” Chris and I said at the same time, not wanting this to get out. “We don’t want anyone to know we’re dating yet, not even his brother know so could you please keep this private and between us?” I asked nervous. She agreed to do so as long as we followed her fan and main accounts on insta, which we obviously did before taking a quick picture with her. As we started to walk away, Chris turned around again “Oh and by the way, you didn’t ruin our night, you just made us realize we gotta be more quiet.” he said while laughing. We got into the elevator to go down to the lobby when Chris grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a quick passion kiss, pulling away right before the doors opened. Nick and Matt got into the elevator with us, Nick seemed to be oblivious but Matt gave us a weird look. “Why are you two blushing and shit?” he asked suspiciously, but luckily for us the elevator doors opened and we walked out to meet with Laura to go to the bus. Once we got settled in on the bus, Matt looked over to Nick before saying “You owe me 50 bucks, they’re definitely dating so pay up” making Chris and I blush.
“How do you know that? We’ve been so careful!” Chris exclaimed as Nick looked at us, irritated because he owes Matt money now, “I don’t know, maybe it’s the because she’s wearing your hoodie or the fact that you have pink lipgloss on your lips” Nick said. Both brothers started laughing but quickly stopped when Chris said “Well at least I scan do this more often” pulling me in for a quick kiss. Both boys gave us a cheesy smile as they were happy that we were finally dating before we all drifted back off to sleep.
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ovaryacted · 3 months
Might be a bit iffy because I don’t know if this leans into the omegaverse thing you mentioned in an earlier ask, but re2r Leon with a puppy kink, being embarrassed about it because he thinks it’s weird and then him and reader just slowly easing into it…fluffy smut I guess???
Idk I just say whatever random shit pops up into my head sometimes😭 (but also just re2 Leon reminds me of a scruffy little dog and I know damn well I’m not the only one) -🐏
Hey, ram anon! So the omegaverse is different, involves genetic stuff with mates and the whole alpha, beta, and omega dynamics that people like to explore. Real Wattpad and Tumblr vets know what I'm talking about (that was a crazy time LMAOOOO). BUT, pet play is an actual kink that people have and I think that is what you're describing! Personally, I wasn't a big fan of pet play in a literal sense (because you live and you learn more about stuff so your opinion can change), and now I don't think it's so bad because there are many ways to mess around with kinks as a whole.
If it were up to me, pet play would be very fun, especially involving RE2R Leon. He gives pathetic puppy dog vibes and will always be at his partner's beck and call even if it comes off as embarrassing because he doesn't realize it's a kink that he enjoys. I think for him in particular, the whole dom/sub role exploration is what would get him off with the addition of a lot of praise.
It really starts with the pet names, where Leon would be praised for doing things he didn't think would actually matter. Doing a good job at work? You tell him you're proud of him. He's been doing good keeping up his routine? You remind him how good he is, and how taking care of himself makes you happy. He fucks you the way you want and makes you feel good? You praise him for doing that and call him a good boy for following your orders.
Leon doesn't realize that your ability to just acknowledge his accomplishments no matter how big and small makes him beam from ear to ear. It makes him feel good that you care about his presence in the first place, that you have this much control over his outlook on life. With every statement of validation you give him, he becomes more devoted to you, like a dog who has found their forever home. If he had a tail, it would be wagging from side to side, that's the best way to put it.
But when he finds himself more curious about why he likes your praising so much, he comes to terms with the fact that it's more than just you caring about him. To Leon, you are his escape, you keep him put together and grounded when the world gets to be too overwhelming. You have him wrapped around your finger and you know this, nor is he complaining about this fact anyway, that's what he wants, what he enjoys.
So when you come up with a proposition to help Leon figure out the best way to explore this new dynamic, he follows along, because he assumes you know best. Currently, he rests his head on your lap, your fingers running through his hair and raking through his scalp. It feels nice, better than good, and a rumble of a sigh slips out of him, reminiscent of a purr.
"That feels good baby?", you ask to him, and he can feel the tips of his ears growing hot at just the sound of your voice.
"Yeah, feels nice", he says with his eyes closed. He's trying to bask in your attention, in letting you pet or touch him however you wanted.
"Good. You can stay like that for however long you want", and of course, he's going to stay until he gets his fill. This was only the beginning of an introduction to something Leon would eventually need. Baby steps.
It takes a while to fully ease Leon into this new kink lifestyle. At first, he didn't think you'd be into it, would judge him for liking something out of the ordinary. But you're just as into it as he is, and it progresses the more you test the limits.
Now with his face in between your thighs, he licked at your cunt incessantly, lapping at it like his personal water bowl. Your hand remained in place at his head, holding him against you, and the other was curled around the leash that was connected to his neck. The suggestion of wearing a collar and leash in the bedroom would make some people raise their eyebrows, but not for you. You didn't expect Leon to be so enthusiastic about the idea, but the feeling of being yours was enough to make his body throb.
Leon's knees were planted to the floor as your legs slouched over his shoulders, his hands rubbing on the underside of them and pressing himself closer to where you needed him. The tip of his nose rubbed into your pulsing clit, his tongue caressing your inner walls as they clenched around him. Your hips moved towards his face, feeling him hum against you and whining when you pulled him away from your heat.
"How does that feel honey? Mama knows how to take care of her puppy no?", Leon looked up at you with hazy blue eyes, his tongue lolling against his plump lips and giving you a nod.
"Mhm, so good. Need more...please let me give you more", he nuzzled his face into your inner knee, placing a soft kiss to calm his own desires.
"Good boy. Make me cum and I'll fuck you after, a treat for being so good for me", the praise made Leon's cock twitch against his pelvis, your fingers pulling him back towards your dripping seam with a tug of the leash. He didn't waste any time, whimpering at the taste of your slick filling his mouth once more and his eyes fluttering closed again.
Anything to please his owner, anything to hear you praise him the way he craves. Being owned by you is where he belongs, ready to do whatever you said just so you can tell him he's a good boy, your good boy.
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luveline · 10 months
Idk if you’re still taking requests for Hotch but if you are— when I have bad anxiety I get a head to toe rash- hives and super itchy/hot. And Hotch comforts them/takes care of them, lots of reassurance. Thank you!
thank you for your request ♡ gn!reader
"Don't be so rough with yourself," Aaron says. You're in such a sad mood that he's managed to become the chipper one of you both. "Let me see." 
"I'm not being rough," you insist, smoothing Aloe Vera down your leg with two cruel hands.
You're being normal. Anything beyond petting is too mean for Aaron, though, and he takes your hands. 
Sleeves rolled to the elbows already, he certainly doesn't care about how messy and gross this feels. Head to toe, hives spot your skin. They crop up whenever you feel acutely anxious, worsen your anxiety by ten, and then linger unhealed. Aaron never signed up for this, and he's never baulked either way. You might even say he likes it. Not your incessant itching, but getting to help. 
Your foot on the bed, leg held up, he squirts Aloe Vera into his hands. It's cool, kept in his fridge specifically for you, a gesture that manages to cheer you up some.
"You're rough," he affirms, passing big palms up and down the flanks of your shin with a familiarity to aid your calm. His touch feels better than any medicine, though the itchiness prevails, and you're glad for it when he stops and ushers your opposite leg onto the bed. 
You curl a hand into his shirt to stop from falling over. "Sorry," you say. 
"It's okay. Don't worry about it, honey." 
"It's gross."
"Not any more gross than me." He's methodical at first, spreading the translucent gel in equal palmings down the length of your leg. He forgets what he's doing halfway through, feeling at your knee and inner thigh like he would laying in bed together, touching just to touch. 
"You don't get hives when you worry." 
"No, I get wrinkles. Mine are permanent, so really, you shouldn't complain." Your laugh makes him smile, happiness stickying his tone as he murmurs, "I should say sorry to you. I'm harassing you." 
He pushes the hem of your pyjama shorts up a touch as he spreads cold gel there. The linen shorts stick to the gel as soon as he moves his hand. You fan your face, feeling uncomfortably hot and scratchy. 
Aaron helps you put your foot back down on the floor and sizes you up. You've managed to cover pretty much every hive at this point, your skin shining with a green hue if you catch it in the light the right way. 
He sits down at the top of the bed and opens his nightstand drawer. Inside is a number of things, a cell phone, pills, a bag of throat soothers. He reaches toward the back and unveils a handheld fan, charged and raring to go as he turns it on and points it in your direction. The Aloe Vera suddenly feels wetter, the cold providing a quick relief. 
He's already asked you what's worrying you. He knew before the hives that something was wrong, not just because he's a profiler. He really, truly cares. Aaron's frowning now like the pain is his own, waving the fan in a gentle side to side. Your eyes slip closed, content to feel it wash over you like a rare breeze in the middle of summer. 
"You know the worst part about all of this?" he asks. 
"What, baby?" you ask, lips barely parted. This is the most escape you've found all day. "You can't kiss me?" 
"I can't kiss you," he says firmly. "How'd you know?" 
"You always say stuff like that." 
"You always provoke me…" Aaron shifts closer, taking your hand into his. "Feeling any better?" 
You preen at his soft touches, his thumb skirting lightly across your fingertips. "A little." 
"This is better than the Chinese menu, right?" 
Aaron had taken to fanning you with takeout menus whenever you got too hot before his recent purchase. He fanned you for hours, until you could imagine the twinging ache in his biceps, his overworked wrists, never once complaining. 
"This is amazing, Aaron, thank you," you breathe out. 
He kisses your fingertips. "You're welcome." 
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abbysbug · 5 months
Popular girl x Nerd/loser girl trope
Popular(fem) reader x Ellie
Headcannons about Ellie dating a girl who looks like she came from the "mean girls" movie.
Take your time and take care 🫶!
nerd!ellie williams x popular!reader
a/n: idk if you meant looks as in appearance or attittude/personality so i kinda did both.
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honestly, before you and ellie started dating, you were kinda homophobic to her (internalised homophobia). plus being gay at your school was kinda embarrassing.
ellie only found out you were gay when you were crying in the locker room alone. it took a bit for her to pull it out of you but you ended up admitting you were lesbian and had feelings for her.
ellie was gobsmacked. you were attractive but she's never really thought about you like that until then. you ended up running away from her when she took too long to reply.
it took her one week to corner you and tell you that she wanted to give you a chance.
you came out as lesbian publicly the same day. you wanted to show her how sorry you are and how much she means to you. it was a big moment for you.
people were mean and cruel but you held your head high and bullied them until they went quiet.
at first, your relationship with ellie is a LOT for her to take in.
you're extremely popular and pretty. meaning you're invited to parties every weekend and people hit on you constantly.
of course, she knows you'd never cheat on her, but it hurts seeing people flirt with you and not having the confidence to say anything.
whenever you're invited to parties, you always invites her to come along but most of the time, ellie is too busy studying (or feels too awkward to come).
your grades are okay, but ellie's are incredible. she's tried teaching you maths and science but you're hopeless at it. most of the study sessions end with the two of you cuddling or making out (or both).
people are kinda judgmental about your relationship. ellie is used to it but it enrages you.
your relationship isn't the healthiest and arguments are pretty common. you storm off and ellie has to be the one to fix it.
shopping is one of your favourite things in the entire world. ellie doesn't enjoy it too much, but she enjoys seeing you happy (and in hot new dresses)
ellie is the little spoon and NOBODY can change my mind.
ellie is 100% on the debate team and you always go to all her debates. you’re her no.1 fan.
you love pda. you love to have your arms around her waist or any part of your body touching hers. ellie is a little awkward, but she's warming up to it.
ellie rambles about nerdy little space and dinosaur facts. most of the time you have no idea what she's talking about but you love listening.
for one of your first dates, you took ellie to a dinosaur museum. she loved it and explained facts that weren't displayed.
you thought she was adorable as she explained all these facts. it was literally one of the cutest things she’s ever done.
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boydepartment · 5 months
Hii. So can you write sim for Hoon where like him and reader are ice skating partners and aren’t really the biggest fans of eachother but they end up kissing once or twice but reader tries to go back to how they were before but SH wasn’t having it. IDK💀 Idek if you write this kinda stuff
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stfu - park sunghoon x reader (skating au)
a/n: i have never ice skated in a professional way in my life nor done competitive sport anything. SO IM GONNA TRY MY BEST! :3 also! i am totally okay with writing stuff w smooching :) i just wont write smut so you’re all good anon i pinky promise
warnings- annoyances to lovers, bickering, i wouldn’t really call it angst, kissing obviously lolz kinda open ended and i am open minded to doing a pt 2 this time
wc- 400-500
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park sunghoon was annoying.
and hot, but mainly annoying. when you found out you had to work with him because your managers wanted a collaboration between the both of you, both you and mr. annoyingly hot were not pleased with the information.
obviously you were both in competitive skating and anything and every opportunity was a competition
it was weird though having to work on this competition together as a team.
you sat down on the bench after a somewhat successful practice with him. he really was professional on the rink. you took a swig of water.
“you need to practice landing more. you almost fell, i saw your leg shake.” sunghoon sat next to you.
your eye twitched and you went to stand up with your bag, “you’re not my trainer or manager.”
“yeah but like it or not i’m your partner right now.” sunghoon looked up at you, you looked down at him, “the last thing i want is for you to fuck this up for the both of us. because i know im not going to mess it up.” he stood up and placed his hand on your shoulder, “so please take-“
you slapped it away and kept glaring at him, “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
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that’s how your interactions went for almost every practice, he would nitpick you, you’d bite back, he’d be snarky, and you’d both go home.
that was your relationship. until one practice where things got a WHOLE lot more complicated.
you were waiting outside to get picked up after practice, it was a warmer spring day and you were enjoying the balance between the cold of the rink, and the warmer night air.
“do you need a ride?”
you looked over and saw sunghoon, “i have someone picking me up.” your phone buzzed and your ride was apologizing profusely, cancelling on you.
“looks like you don’t anymore. did you annoy them that bad?” sunghoon asked looking over your shoulder.
“fuck off, sunghoon.” you turned your heel preparing to go wait for the bus but he softly grabbed your bag.
“i’ll give you a ride home.” his voice was stern.
“okay why?” you flipped around, you weren’t impressed by this gentlemanly act.
sunghoon looked at you, “it’s nighttime and you’re walking to the sketchy ass bus stop by yourself. let alone riding the bus by yourself. it’s late.”
you looked at him, “okay and you don’t think i could handle myself?”
“walking alone and taking a sketchy bus is dangerous for anyone. plus if someone wanted to kidnap you they’d let you go in 5 minutes tops because you yap too much.” he said simply, turning around to start walking. you followed him angrily.
“i don’t yap! you’re fucking ridiculous! you talk more than i do!”
“no i don’t. you asked for an explanation i gave you one.”
your shoes were loud on the concrete and it made sunghoon laugh slightly.
“you’re so fucking annoying! i can handle myself!” you don’t know why but you were following him to his car, he was right about the bus and you already had bad experiences. but lying was better than admitting he was right.
“mhm.” sunghoon hummed and unlocked his car, walking to the passengers side to presumably open the door for you.
“i can open the door myself! i’m perfectly capable of-“
you were cut off by him pinning you to the car by your waist. your breath hitched.
“perfectly capable of what?” he asked, his eyebrow perked up ever so slightly.
you went to speak but he beat you to it, “i easily just pinned you to the car, and you can’t do anything about it. what makes you think i’d let you walk home or take the bus alone?”
you felt yourself not being able to talk, looking at him with wide eyes, your heartbeat on fast forward.
“like i said a few weeks ago, whether you like it or not, you’re my skating partner right now and i’m not letting you be reckless because you’re too fucking stubborn to think about anyone but your burning hatred for me.” his grip tightened slightly before loosening.
“who said i hated you? and who said i think about you?” your spark of annoyance came back.
he chuckled and looked away, his side profile and laugh making your knees buckle ever so slightly, “no one has to tell me for me to just know y/n.”
sunghoon looked back at you and leaned down to your level, “no one has to tell me for me to know that i drive you fucking crazy on and off the rink.”
your whole face contorted in anger and you placed your hand on his collar before he leaned in more to crash his lips into yours.
all you remember is how your hands felt in his hair and the feeling of his hands sneaking under the bottom of your shirt to softly touch your bare waist.
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after that night, right after practice you would already have an uber waiting for you. you wouldn’t run into him. you’d avoid him after work hours. and act professional on the rink.
after the practice the night before the competition you walked to the bathroom. you wanted to take a breather and wash your hands. when you looked up in the mirror you saw sunghoon standing against the stalls.
“what the fuck are you doing in here? this is the girls bathroom!”
“rinks closed. closed practice remember?”
you turned around and leaned on the sink, “so you waited for me in here like a fucking creep?”
“you’ve been avoiding me, why? that’s not very good chemistry for the competition…” he shook his head disapprovingly and walked toward you.
“so you only kissed me to focus on that? work?” you scoffed and looked away, “very typical of you sunghoon.”
he pulled you closer to him just like he did that night, “no. you’re not just some business partner to me. obviously i like you and i refuse to sit back and not let you at least be aware of that.”
“you what…?” you breathed out.
sunghoon chuckled again before leaning down to you, his lips so close to touching yours, “do i need to repeat myself? i like you. cancel your stupid uber and i will give you a ride home.”
he pulled away from you and started walking out of the bathroom, “we’re going out to get food too. hope you like western food.”
“o-okay…” you mumbled touching your lips before he fully walked out.
what the fuck was going on?
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landovilla · 7 months
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read your mind.
༉‧₊˚ reader gets a certain reply to her story.
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pairing: charles leclerc x poc!reader
fc: aeri from aespa!!
trope:situation opps!
warnings: suggested smut but no smut happens. semi-love bombing?? toxic umm.. time skips a lot.
content: reader kind of falls too fast. charles being a dickhead idk. lando 😂😂 shh.. texts & insta post (just once). maybe bad gammer sorryyy. low caps !!!!!!
words: 1.3k ??
🎐 speaking!: hi this is my first post im kind of nervous... mo encourage me to start posting on tumblr!! also might make a part two if it gets attention 🤗 hope you enjoy!!
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she wasn't a fan of him, she never was at first. It was just an accident that he followed her nothing else. But it wasn't accident that he replied to her story right?
charles_leclerc replied to your story!
ynusername's story
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erm.. I think you replied on accident!
that was no accident sweetheart
you're very pretty
tell me something I don't hear🤣 be original racer boy
haha racer boy?
isn't that what you are lolol
I mean yeah?
ok 👍
she didn't reply after that. she didn't felt the need to. yes, a famous man that hundreds of girls drooled over would kill to be in her position! but yn had heard questionable actions the man had gotten into. she thought he would get the damn hint by now but he didn't.
ouch delivered for 1 week :(?
I'm a busy girl..
not even time for me?
no who are you?
are you mark lee didn't think so
just wanna know the pretty girl
you literally don't even know who I am
NO. How did you find my instagram?
lily follows u
um ok but ??
she posted ur post once on her story and i just had to take my shot
erm congrats! 🎊🍾
are you always a cold bitch
and do u think every girl can just fall for you!! oh I'm so sorry !
I must admit ur funny
I know I am☺️
yn wasn't going to keep texting him that's what she said. she was wrong, she found herself clicking the Instagram app opening his messages. she found herself texting him everyday, as the time passed soon or later they exchanged numbers. the more they talked, the more she found out about him.
she knew he was three years older but it was fine! he didn't seem to have bad intentions. she loved the way he would give her pet names or responding quickly. yn just felt like she could fall in love again after her ex situation.
the two soon or later began calling after two months of charles begging, she finally gave in. "so.. are you gonna say something or just be staring at the screen?" yn spoke softly looking into her camera. his grin widened, "you have a hot voice too-" she stared at her screen for awhile before replying, "ok I'm hanging up now-"
hii pretty girl
yn 🤍
helloooo char:)
cant wait to see you after all of these months
it's literally been what?
5 months talking 😃
and? I promised you that confession in person didn't I?
shut ur mouth
only if it's ur lips
he was the sweetest once they met, he wrapped an arm around her waist instantly. charles pecked her cheek and looked at her with a wide smile.
she smiled back,
they were happy for awhile, why wouldn't they? charles would take her on the most expensive dates yet. he would have her by his side no matter what the occasion. when it was race day, she was there even when he lost terribly. she would always be there for him.
but they weren't official, she never thought he would take this long to ask her to his official girlfriend. when she confronted about it to him, he always said the same thing.
"I do want you to be my girlfriend. It's just I want to plan it out perfectly just for you, my girl"
she should've never believed him. she should've started getting suspicious when he suddenly stopped asking her to go to his races occasionally. but she didn't question it, just brushing it off thinking he was just busy that's all.
hey pretty, how are you?
good gooddd
you've been lagging on me tbh😞
Ik ik
it's just been busy lately
yk training and stuff
yeah I know
I just miss talking to you
you'll have me to yourself soon
right ☺️
yn just thought he was busy that's all. he's a celebrity and celebrities are always busy, right? it wasn't until a week later where he finally invited her to a dinner celebration with other f1 drivers. his hand resting on her lower back the majority of the time as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear.
"you should've not worn this dress. you look out of this world" he whispered in her ear before placing a peck on her cheek. she felt herself start forming a smile at his compliment. no matter how hard she tried not give him an reaction she always failed. the sweetness from him quickly ended when he left her alone in the table going to chat along with the other boys.
she was incredibly bored, one of her fingers tapping the table. she didn't know anyone in the celebration. the girlfriends of the other drivers were in their own world not even paying attention to her. yn was safe to say she felt excluded by everyone here. she would've been talking to lily but lily seemed to skip this dinner party this time.
20 minutes ended up passing by, she felt incredibly small at this point. she flinched slightly feeling someone tap her shoulder. her gaze shifted to the person next to her. he was smiling at her widely. "hey! did charles dumbass leave you here alone?" yn chuckled slightly. "I guess he got too caught up with the others" he hummed with her response.
"I'm lando" she hummed giving him a soft smile, "lando? alright im yn" he grinned this time showing off his pearly whites. "yn, what a pretty name for a pretty girl" she laughed shaking her head.
she placed her chin on her hand taking in his appearance, "I would compliment you back but I don't think I can" he leaned closer to her. "oh really? why? is charles your boyfriend now?" she was going to say yes but he wasn't her boyfriend. "well not yet. though I only have eyes on him" lando tilted his head and leaned back onto his chair. "if I was him I would've made you my girlfriend already by the third month" his words made her heart sting.
the ride back to the hotel was silent. when the two had step inside charles closed the door behind them leaning against the door. "didn't know you were all smiles with lando" yn sat on the edge of the bed looking at him. "what? he was just keeping me company" she frowned, why was he acting like this?
"stay away from him pretty, he just wants to steal you from me" he spoke softly as he walked in front of her. "you can do that for me right?" his hand brushed her strand of hairs away from her eyes. she was a weak women, "yeah I can" charles smiled satisfied he grip her chin up placing a kiss on her lips. he slowly pushed her down onto the bed. "so good to me, yeah?" he heavily breathed.
"god, let's get you out of this dress"
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yn felt stupid for waiting his notifications. she wonder what went wrong was it because she responded too quickly? she didn't know but she was tired. she was tired of his excuses for not asking her out officially. she was tired of him responding so late to her lately.
what position you got her in😂😐
oh now u reply lol
yn, you know im busy.
and im sick of you being so-called busy everyday.
you know that's what I mean though. It's not my fault I have training and stuff.
you know what charles, im tired of whatever we have going on. I don't wanna be just a stupid situation. Why won't you make me your girlfriend yet? it's been over 7 months of us talking, going on dates, literally fucking?? what else do you want from me?
im sorry yn. it's just im scared my fans will hurt you they aren't used to me dating girls with black hair and yk?
what the fuck.
im starting to think you don't actually like me
I do I swear
no you don't. you would've accepted me. sorry im not a blonde girl with blue eyes. have fun with your new bitch i can tell you've been texting someone new.
wait yn please just listen to me
he spammed her for almost a week but that quickly ended. she was heartbroken, who wouldn't be though? she hated the fact that he just was experimenting around with her. that same week he was spotted with a girl with blonde hair. it broke her, so she did what any girl would do after a situation.
she instantly went insane, crying to sad songs on blast. she clearly looked like a mess, it didn't help that after that her fall semester started. people stared at her like she was crazy. her hair was always in a messy hairstyle she didn't even bother wearing makeup or dressing up.
"you seriously need to get over him" her best friend said through the phone screen. yn looked at her with a frown, "i seriously cannot" the friend sighed shaking her head softly. "that's because you keep making it worse. I say dye your hair blonde and post just to show him you'll look good in any hair color" yn raised her eyebrows as she fixed the camera on the call.
"isn't that just making me seem desperate though?"
"well, if he texts you just ignore him. hey who knows maybe another driver will text you" she winked teasing.
"I don't think so... charles didn't let me talk to any of them" she sighed flopping down on her bed again.
"and? he isn't here now is he?"
ynusername posted!
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ynusername 🪩🍾
comments off
you have two new messages!
hey, I missed you, pretty girl.
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🎐: wowahhhh that was crazy 🤣😂(no it wasn't) I hope you enjoyed this short oneshot!! lmk if you want a part two fr😊
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rinniemybeloved · 1 year
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notes : is this really a kenma x reader or just kenma as a dad? Idk
warning : pregnancy (?) kodzuken, but . . . he's a father. Concerning, i know.
pairing : dad!kenma x mom!reader
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would he want kids?
sorry but no. Literally just no.
he thinks kids are outrageously annoying
he doesn't really have time either. my man is working without breaks.
but sadly (luckily tbh) you got pregnant
u told him when he was in the middle of a game, he did not pay attention to you until you pulled the headphones off of his head
when he actually comprehended what you, he did not look the the happiest
but he was not really happy though!!! he just didn't want to show it at that moment!!!
I always see people saying that kenma is very private with his personal life. to me that isn't really true
when he announced that he was gonna have a baby to his fans, they went crazy.
even his whole fanbase was worried about him being a dad 😭
He'd probably want a boy since he very lowkey believes that boys are better at gaming
but he found out that you were having a girl
girls tend to be cuter though, right?
when the baby was born kenma was PANICKING
he doesn't know how to hold a baby at all, he was almost gonna drop the baby
you two decided to name her Ayaka <3
yes, he named his daughter after a game character
he had to do a lot of convincing though :(
new dad kenma is hilarious.
he doesn't know how to put a diaper on a baby
he is confused on whether the baby will be too hot or too cold
he thinks newborns can eat a whole apple
it's mostly you taking care and doing all the 'parently' things
shares food with his daughter. a lot.
when his friends see this, they're all so surprised.
"I've never seen kenma share anything, not even with (y/n) !"
"He probably loves ayaka more than us 🙄🙄 "
even gets a little sad when his daughter doesn't wanna eat with him
is constantly trying to teach her how to play video games
she's probably gonna know how a controller works even before she knows how to talk
kenma is oddly very proud of it
he doesn't show her in any videos though, he will wait until she says she wants to
but when she does say she wants to be in his videos, he's gonna start posting random 10 second videos
"my daughter chews on her shoe"
"giving my daughter a lemon for the first time"
"trying to put headphones on my daughter"
they are all so cute but strange at the same time 😭
she's exactly like kenma in some ways
she absolutely HATES being touched
except for her daddy though
like this girl will glare at someone and then turn around to snuggle with her dad
such a sassy lil thing
kenma is the fun parent, he kinda just wants ayaka to enjoy herself
you'd bake cookies and tell kenma that your daughter can't have more than 3
but guess what? those two would wake up at 4 in the morning and secretly eat way more and you wouldn't know a thing
he'd also spoil her a lil too much for your liking
if his daughter wants something, it will be hers in less then a few hours
in conclusion, Ayaka's life as the daughter of worldwide famous kodzuken is something a lot of people would want
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Requests are open!
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btsficsandsuch · 10 months
hi! so, i was thinking, maybe a yoongi x reader where the reader is overall a physically weak person,, not that she can’t do stuff but more like she’s frail and things and with the summer and the heat she often feels tired and dizzy— so one day yoongi comes home from a bad day and just finds the chores undone or the dinner’s not ready, or maybe something like that and just blames her for being ‘lazy’ but then she actually tries doing something and almost faints- idk, smth like that! thank you and take your time,, also stay hydrated with the heat and stuff :)
Hope this is okay! Sorry it’s been a few days. I haven’t been feeling great myself. This heat is brutal!
Smoke Alarm
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This heat was absolutely killing you. To make matters worse the air conditioning in your apartment was broken and no one could come out to fix it for another week. You tried to do a couple chores around the house but with the heat and humidity you instantly started to feel dizzy and nauseous so you laid in bed with the fan on you trying to cool down. The thought of having to turn on the stove to make dinner in this heat made you sick so you decided that it would be a perfect day to order some takeout. You just had to wait for your boyfriend Yoongi to come home and find out what he wanted to order.
Somehow even in the heat you managed to fall asleep and take a nap but you were woken up when you heard a slamming door. You knew Yoongi must be home and it sounded like he had a bad day. Following the sounds of the slamming you found Yoongi in the kitchen rummaging through the cabinets slamming each one after coming up empty. “Hi Yoongles, How was your day?”, you say timidly trying to test the waters and see just how upset he was.
Your boyfriend turns around and glares at you, “Busy. I have a lot going on. Unlike some people apparently.” You bite your tongue telling yourself he’s just hot and cranky. “I’m sorry your day was so bad. Do you want to tell me what happened?”, you say reaching out to him. He moves out of your grasp. “No Y/N I don’t want to talk about it. I wanted to come home and eat a nice home cooked meal and take a shower and relax but I can’t do that since you couldn’t bother to cook anything. What did you even do all day? It doesn’t look like anything was done around here.”, he replies. Trying your best to stop the tears from falling you reach out once again, “You’re in a building with AC all day. It’s nice for you. You know I can’t handle the heat as well as you do. It’s really hot Yoongi and it’s miserable trying to do anything when the air conditioning isn’t working.” He rolls his eyes before grabbing an apple and storming off to his studio.
Sitting in the kitchen you were starting to feel bad. He had clearly had a terrible day. You knew you didn’t have to do it and Yoongi had told you many of times before this that he didn’t expect you to sit at home and be a housewife but you always enjoyed cooking and cleaning and having a nice home for him to come home to. It was how you showed love.
Looking through the kitchen you found some ingredients to put together a quick dinner deciding that maybe some food will make the both of you feel better.
Within a few minutes of the stove being on you could already feel the temperature in the kitchen rising making your vision blurry. You took your time slicing the onion making sure you don’t cut yourself. The longer you stood by the stove the worse you felt so you decided to walk over to the sink and grab a cool drink of water.
Yoongi had only been in his studio for about 15 minutes and he realized what you meant by it was miserable. He was soaked in sweat and lightheaded. Now he understood why you didn’t want to do anything. He had spent so much time at the company building that had a working ac that he didn’t realize just how miserable it was spending time in the apartment since he had only been there for a few minutes here and there since the ac broke. He knew you didn’t do well in the heat and he started to feel terrible for talking to you like that. You were his girlfriend not his maid. He decided he was going to apologize and the take you out to dinner to get some food in you and get you out of the heat for a while. He was shaken out of these thoughts when he heard a loud whistle going off. It took a moment but then he realized it was the smoke alarm in the apartment.
Yoongi quickly ran into the kitchen finding a pan with burning pork belly and smoke pouring out. He turned off the stove and placed the pan in the sink turning on the cold water before quickly opening the window to let the smoke out. This wasn’t like you at all. You were an amazing cook and you would never just walk away and leave the food unattended. He was finally able to get the smoke alarm to stop and after looking around that’s when he found you. You were passed out on the ground with broken glass and water around you head. His heart felt like it was going to explode.
He grabbed a couple towels and using one to push the glass away from you and the other he soak with some cool water and wrapped it around your neck. “Y/N please wake up. Please. I’m so sorry for what I said. This is all my fault.” He started reaching for his phone to call for medical assistance when he saw you start to stir. “Yoongi, what happened?”, you asked confused as to why you were on the floor. “You passed out at some point. The food burned and it set off the smoke alarm.”, he said while slowly helping you to your feet and walking you to the couch facing one of the large fans towards you. He came back and handed you a cold bottle of water before taking a seat next to you.
“Why would you do that Y/N,? If you didn’t feel good you should’ve said something. I was so worried. What if something happened to you? What if I wasn’t home and the place caught on fire and you were unconscious? You could’ve been really hurt or even worse.”, he said looking to be on the verge of tears. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to make you something for dinner.”, you whispered. Shaking his head he continued, “No I’m sorry. For everything. I had a horrible day and came home and took it out on you. I in no way ever expect you to cook or clean for me. Especially if you’re not feeling well. I’m a grown man and can take care of myself. I should be cooking for you anyways.” “Oh I better get the fire extinguisher ready.”, you quipped. “Hey I’m not the one that almost burned down the apartment today now am I?”, he questioned with a laugh trying to avoid the light punch you threw to his arm.
You leaned into his embrace for a moment before becoming uncomfortably hot. “I’m sorry, I’d love to cuddle you right now but it’s just too miserable.”, you said pushing away from him.”Yeah it really sucks in here.”, he signed. After a few moments of silence he began looking through his phone and after a few clicks he got up and reach his hand out to pull you with him. “Where are we going?”, you asked confused. “I’m not letting you stay here in this oven any more. We’ll stop and get dinner somewhere and then I rented us a hotel for the next week so that you’ll be comfy in the air conditioning.”, he said grabbing your hand.
The two of you packed some clothes and were getting ready to leave when you stopped and looked around. “What’s wrong babe?”, Yoongi asked. “I just feel so gross and I don’t want to go to dinner smelling like sweat. I want to shower but I hate the cold water and it’s too hot for a hot shower.”, you said with a pout. Yoongi walked over wrapping his arms around you, “Well Y/N we could take a cold shower TOGETHER. I’ll warm the water up for you.” Looking up at his smirk you rolled your eyes before taking his hand and leading him to the bathroom. Maybe a cold shower didn’t sound too bad after all.
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simplyjake · 4 months
Enha hyungs with filo!reader
summary: meeting the fam and visiting the philippines with your lovely boyfriend!
a/n: this is VERY self indulgent yall. im filo-american
i think its fully gn!reader.. let me know of any mistakes!
All da titas LUV hee
Girl atp during your family parties
You enter and ur man isnt with you
“Anako where is your boyfriend”
Like damn my bad tita i thought you wanted to see me more
Yk… your niece/nephew
The younger kids love him
Hes the life of the party
This goes without saying but you teach him a lot of tagalog
Or whatever dialect you speak!
You taught him putangina mo and he hasnt stopped saying it since omg
“Yo jake”
“Putang ina mo”
You teach him how to make your favorite meals
I think heeseung would really enjoy bibingka 
Though let me just say
Good luck getting your man back during a party fr like
If hes not doing karaoke w the titas, hes playing mahjong with the uncles, if not them your older cousins steal him to game and the young kids love playing house with him
And once you found him with one of your cousins babies in the room as he sings them to sleep 
like which one gave him that baby please..
Okay so jay
When you brought him to the philippines for the first time
Pookie LIVED at the mall of asia let me tell you
Like honey we still gotta do everything else
Jay would love baguio too
Doesnt even care if they are over paying him for the taho he LOVES IT
“Jay pls stop talking to them in english theyre overcharging u”
“Womp womp i dont care this street food is fire” 
Did he fr just womp womp you…
He said this after getting said taho
You made sure he knew how to bless the elderly before you meet everyone
And he makes sure he does it to all the lolas and lolos in your family!
Hes just in awe with the country and how pretty it is
He asks your parent how to cook some of your fav dishes
Just so he can make it at home whenever you feel homesick
He actually had to buy a THIRD luggage for yall cus he would not stop buying souvenirs and clothes when you went.
I think jays fav filo dish would be balatong idk
I dont make the rules
Tbh i kinda do
After the trip jay has a talk with you
He really wants to have a house there for whenever you visit and have it be next to your family home :( so cute
Makes plans to propose at your favorite place in the ph!!
Ok jake
The titos LOVE jake
Honorary filipino of the family fs
Your younger girl cousins are all over him HELP
“Can i have my man back”
“You heard them y/n, i guess i have to stay with her”
Oh hes sick
Constantly offered your lola to help cook 
She said no plenty of times but he wouldnt take no for an answer!
You took him to visit paoay 
Jollibees number one fan
LIVES for the pineapple quencher got it anytime he ordered
Hesitant on the cheese and ube pie
Ended up buying like two during the visits
Jake love love loves igado
Its now one of his favorite dishes
His fav dish tho was the empanadas by the small shop near your house
After the trip he is now officially in the gc u nd ur cousins have
He was already planning your next trip back
Even though youre halfway through this one
Like babe let's maybe finish this before anything else ok?
Since hes a bit on the quieter side
Hed be a bit awkward meeting everyone first 
If you're in a filo family yk how they are when you bring a man home oml..
But in the end
He fits in well with your family fr
Also hot take
I think sunghoon loves balut 
I cant remember if any of the enha members have tried it before so forgive me
But i just feel he woul enjoy it the most
Loved the beach trips you and him would take 
He buys the silly “I love the Philippines” shirts
Gets a few little trinkets to display around the house
Became friends with your tourist guide
Now they follow each other on facebook
Based off true events
Talkative s/o and bf who listens
You tell him all about the history of the places you visit
And he looks at you absorbing all the info you tell him
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
Blurb idea; you love matty’s curls (who doesn’t) and he’s been gelling them a lot lately so you hide his gel and he has to tickle you or something to get you to return it
A/N: Hiii, thanks for sending this request...so sorry for the delay!! I hope you like it. I have to be honest though, idk how i feel about this (this = my writing today lol). 😘
Matty was standing in front of the mirror hanging on the bedroom’s wall. Y/n’s eyes following every one of his movements carefully. 
He had to attend an awards show, to which Y/n was invited, although her period decided to show up that morning and her pains during that time were really painful. Attending a show wasn’t in her ideal plans for the day. Her boyfriend understood after a one-hour-long discussion. Matty threatened her about skipping it and spend the night with her in bed.
“Hate this.” Matty mumbled, applying gel to his hair. 
“Are you going to have fun and not think about me, right?” Y/n lift herself to rest back on the headboard.
“I’ll try…” he said, side glancing at her. His curls were hard to tame.
She protested, “Matty.” 
“I’ll be back early.” Matty stated, combing his hair all the way back. Y/n scrunched her nose, annoyed with his answer. 
“I’ve told you, you don’t have to! I promise I’ll be okay.”
Matty turned around, with his white shirt tucked inside his black pants, showing his upper chest because his shirt wasn’t completely done. Y/n stared up at his hair shining wet under the bedroom lights. 
“I’m a different man now. I have a girlfriend to come home to.” he winked at her, going back to his task in hand. She was aware he would be texting her constantly to check how she was feeling, stressing over her feeling bad. 
Y/n moved slightly, uncomfortable. “You should go and celebrate with the boys, I know it’s going to be a big night for you guys.”
“What if I want to come and cuddle my hot girl instead?”
“Why you hide your curls?” Y/n decided to drop the party topic
Matty took one last glanced at his hair, checking everything was as he wanted. He moved to sit on their bed. 
“I look bad?” he reached for her hand.
Y/n brought it to rest her face on his palm. “No…of course not.” his handsome man. “I just hate that hair gel.” her voice full of disgust. 
“Because I want the mop.”
“I look like a child who doesn’t know what a comb is when I set them free…” he explained.
“And they’re reserved for you.” Matty approached his face to hers, taking Y/n’s lips in a sweet kiss.
Y/n mumbled, “Double liar.”
A week later.
Matty was running around the house, worried he was going to arrive late to his early meeting. The last thing on his list was taming his wild hair, even though the gel hair was nowhere to be found. 
“Y/n?” he shouted from the bathroom, down on his knees searching under the sink. Nothing.
“Yes?” replied from under the blankets.
“Have you seen my hair gel?” 
Y/n tried to sound really innocent, “No.” failing miserably.
She heard his heavy steps, appearing in the bedroom door.
“Y/n…” he arched his eyebrows at her.
“Give it back.”
“I don’t have it!”
“Y/n, come on…I have to go.”
She tried to change her strategy, “You look good.”
“Y/n Y/l/n.” 
“I swear…” Y/n started laughing without being able to avoid it. “I don’t have it!”
Her sweet laugh making Matty chuckled loud. 
“Okay, you asked for it.” he rubbed his hands, jumping into the bed. Y/n giggled trying to escape his tickles. “Tell me where is it.” Matty insisted. 
“I- Stop! Matty!” 
“Just tell me!”
“I threw it away, it’s long gone!” Y/n finally admitted. 
Matty stops, prompting himself above her form. “For real?”
“For real.” Y/n said, taking a big breath in.
“Y/n!” he complained.
“I don’t feel bad about it! You look better like this.” she let her hands reach his messy hair.
Matty fell all the way down on top of her, speaking on the skin of Y/n’s neck, “Can’t believe you.”
“Fans are going to thank me later.” she said, proud of herself.
“Don’t think so.”
“Oh, mister. You don’t know what your fans want…”
“I do!” Matty fought back, backing up to stare at her eyes.
“Are you going to keep the curls free? Let them breathe.” Y/n pouted visibly, trying to convince him.
“Are you serious about this?” Matty brushed her hair back.
She nodded, “Very serious.” 
“Okay then.”
“I love you, Matty.” Y/n hugged him.
He pinched her hip,“I love you, curl enthusiast.” Y/n answered with a belly laugh. 
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