#i know he doesn’t remember but babies look for comfort when they’re scared and he was just
oddberryshortcake · 1 year
I’m feeling sad all over again thinking of Silver waking up after 400 years in a dark and cold abandoned castle all alone and with no one to comfort him until Lilia came like what the fuck
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luveline · 8 months
Hiiii sugarplum. I would absolutely adore some stripper reader x Hotch maybe like some of him comforting her or just coming to visit like outside of the case and some fluff 🥰🥰
ty for requesting!! fem
You’re texting on the wall outside of work when a shadow cuts across the streetlight illuminating your lap. Your head flinches up, phone to your chest, but the man standing in front of you isn’t one you’ve ever been scared of. “Fuck, Aaron, you scared me,” you say with a nervous laugh. 
He smiles at you in his gentle, unassuming way. “Sorry. I took care to scuff my shoes as I walked.”
“Oh, you took care,” you say. Your smile is far less gentle than his; your cheeks apple, your words coloured with it. “I was in my own world.” 
“I thought we talked about you coming outside alone.”
“Did we?” you ask, the short wall you’re sitting on biting into your hands and thighs as you tip back to grin at him teasingly. “Gosh, I’m sorry, Mr. Hotchner, I can’t seem to remember any such talk.” 
“Mm.” He rolls his eyes. “You don’t remember that?” 
“Don’t recall, no.”
“So you also won’t remember the conversation we had about flowers.” 
Your first date, your only date, and your first bouquet. He’d given you flowers and read the embarrassment on your face immediately. You aren’t the kind of girl who gets flowers. 
What’s wrong? he’d asked. 
You’d held the flowers to your chest, something in you worried he’d take them away, though you’re almost positive he’s incapable of being cruel like that. Do I look stupid? 
Of course you don’t. 
There hadn’t been much else to say about the flowers, until after the evening had gone well, and he’d asked you for another date. High with the delight of knowing Spencer’s nice, handsome boss doesn’t just think you’re pretty, he likes you, you’d said Sure, if you bring me another lovely bouquet, we can go on as many dates as you like. 
Aaron pulls the bouquet from behind his back. Petals bounce off of his tie, pinks and whites and baby blues against his black blazer and pristine white shirt as he taps his chest. They’re beautiful, and far too many. 
“Are they really for me?” you ask. You’ve never seen such a big bouquet in your life. It’s a wonder they fit behind his back. 
The strangest thing about dating him has been his sudden propensity for moments of shyness. “That depends,” he says, the slightest hint of nerves in his otherwise dulcet tone, “are they nice enough?” 
“They’re the prettiest flowers I’ve ever seen.” You stand up and hold out your hands, pull them back to your chest, and then hold them back out again. You can’t not want them. 
He hands them off to you. 
It must be weird for him to meet you like this. He’s very high up the ladder of his career, and it doesn’t make much sense for him to fall for you. You’re younger, less educated, less prestigiously employed. You hadn’t understood what it was about you that pulled him in, but you can remember how clearly he told you he was interested in you. No shame. Not a hint of reluctance. He’s bringing you flowers outside of the stripclub, ignoring the fact that you’re in sweatpants and a tight corset-type bra, and he hasn’t looked at your body once. 
“I was just texting you,” you say, opening your phone to press send on the text waiting in the hot bar. 
Aaron’s phone immediately pings. 
He reads it quickly. It isn’t a long message. Hi, handsome. Want to pick me up tonight? 
If he’d said yes or no didn’t matter, because you’d just wanted to talk to him, and here he is. 
He finally ducks in. A half side step into your reach, his face angled down, he kisses you chastely on the lips and everything fades away. The neon pink at your feet, the buzzing streetlights and the passing cars, the steady thump of music from three different buildings, it all disappears under his warm hand. He kisses you, and he hugs you to his chest, careful not to crush your flowers. You could glow from the inside out. 
He’s still smiling as he pulls away. “Are you hungry?” he asks softly. 
“So hungry.” 
“We can get anything you want.” 
“Really? What if I want the same as last time?” 
It had been expensive and you’d felt vaguely underdressed. Aaron doesn’t baulk. “Anything you want… You may need to wear my jacket, though. I don’t think your current outfit adheres to their dress code.” 
You push the flowers just under his nose. “Funny.”
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fawnnpaws · 2 months
gawd…… ur brain. i love u.
patrick and the self-loathing… art being so insecure so sad… they’re both extra clingy to you that night, need you to make it all better.
and patrick the next day….. you’ve never seen him like that. neither has art. it’s so eerie. especially if like. you also grew up w them. idk. i looove a girl best friend trope. ANYWAYS!!! everything just feels so #off. poor sweetie patrick hates himself kinda, doesn’t know what to do
and if i said this all actually takes a huge emotional toll on you but you don’t say anything bc the two of them are worse off and you need to fix it………. if i said you fix everything for them and are their emotional comfort but end up breaking down yourself in a week because you didn’t talk about how you felt because that’s what you’ve always done with art and patrick……… its not entirely their fault, you just want to take care of them, but it’s been years in the making. years of mediating their spats, comforting them through break ups despite your pining for them, giving so much of yourself to make sure they’re okay and never voicing that you might need something in return. and now you’re navigating this new dynamic where suddenly you have the two people you’ve wanted most since you were fucking 12 years old.
you thought you knew what they needed, you thought you were equipped to handle anything they threw at you. you’d known them for the majority of your lives at this point, so seeing something completely new from patrick is terrifying. it takes days to figure out the root of the problem, days of walking on eggshells trying to get patrick to open up again. art is particularly needy because he’s just as scared as you are when patrick stops responding to your texts and spends more time out doing who knows what. you know he’s punishing himself, but you don’t know how to get him to stop. it takes locking him in a room with you and art to get him to talk, then it takes hours for the three of you to lay it all out. you address patrick’s self blaming and art’s insecurities, but you don’t say anything about how it’s affecting you. you don’t even think it’s affecting you at all - you just feel relieved that your boys have worked their feelings out in the open.
so, when things return to an improved normal, why don’t you feel better? why does it feel like there’s something gnawing in your chest? and— why are they looking at you like that?
“what’s wrong? are you okay?” they both speak at the same time, so you’re not even sure who says what, but suddenly, the two of them are on either side of you on the floor of your room with worry written all over their faces.
“what?” you hear yourself ask the question, but the words feel distant from you. like you’re watching yourself through backward binoculars. it’s then that you feel how wet your face is. you’re crying. you hadn’t even realized. come to think of it, you’re not sure how or when you ended up on the floor either. your tongue feels numb and you can’t stop the tears. you know they’re talking to you but you can’t hear them anymore. it’s like you’re being swallowed whole by a dark cloud.
the next thing you remember is an overwhelming sense of comfort. you’re laying down, pressed between two bodies. you know these bodies. art and patrick. your boys. you blink your eyes open, taking a moment to adjust to the light coming through your window. it hasn’t been that long, then. above you, art and patrick are sitting propped against your headboard and talking in hushed voices. yours cuts through them, though it’s still soft with sleep, “what happened?”
they look down at you and it’s clear how relieved that are that you’re awake. that you’re somewhat okay.
“we’re not sure, baby, but we think you might have had a panic attack.” patrick says, instinctively reaching out to touch you but hesitating, like you’re made of glass he’s afraid he’ll break. you gently take his wrist and bring his hand to your face so you can nuzzle into it. art wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you up so you’re curled up in his lap, patrick closes the gap where your body was between them and pulls your legs over his lap, so you all stay touching.
“this week was really hard on you, wasn’t it?” art asks quietly.
you think for a moment and your lip wobbles, “i just wanted to help you both. i didn’t think i needed anything else.”
“you did help us. so perfectly.” patrick says, his hand still on your face. “we should have seen it was taking a toll on you.”
“no, i should have been able to handle it. i always handle it.” you insist, tears threatening to fall again. you feel art’s arms tighten around your waist.
“you’re right, you always handle it - handle us - but we need to take care of you, too.” art says. “i mean, jesus, we put so much on you this week alone. we should have checked on you. we should have been checking on you for the last ten years.”
“you’re our girl.” patrick smiles, leaning closer to look you in the eye. “just because you can, doesn’t mean you have to do everything by yourself. we’re here for you, too, sweetheart.”
you nod, letting out a choked little sob, and the two of them are on you again, cuddling you, holding you as close as they can. you can hear the steady rhythm of their heartbeats, feel the soft rise and fall of their chests. you remember what art always asks when he’s being held like this and decide to test it for yourself, “i was good?”
the answer is immediate from both of them.
“the fucking best,” from patrick.
“so so good - perfect, baby,” from art.
warmth and love radiate from them through you, so much so that it makes you dizzy. you understand why art asks that question now.
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babydin · 1 year
Make A Wish - REQUEST
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ANON REQUESTED: But what if Sarah never died? And Reader was married to Joel pre-outbreak but when the outbreak happened they (Reader and Sarah) got separated from Joel and he was convinced they had both died. But then they reunite in Jackson.
- Joel Miller x f!reader - 18+, minors DNI! - Joel is dad, references to violence, domesticated af, angsty, fluff, pre-outbreak, post-outbreak, time-jumps. - 2490 words  - Comments/likes appreciated. Requests are open! A/N: I had some song inspo with this one in the way of Zambezi by Rationale (released under Tinashe). I also headcanoned that the Miller brothers are (at least) half Latino seeing as they had two Latino actors play them. Fight me on it.
Do you remember the day the soldiers came with all their guns? 'Cause I remember begging you to leave my love, "Just run! Past the river, don't you dare look back for me my love. I will come. I will come, because you're the one."
 You knew what you were getting yourself into. Your mother thought you were insane but she didn’t know Joel Miller like you did. He was 4 years divorced when you met him with the sweetest little girl. He made it clear from the outset that he was a single father, and Sarah’s mother had left when Sarah was a baby and she wasn’t coming back “I’m tellin’ y’now because girls tend t’ cut an’ run the second they find out I’m a twofer.” he explained on the first date your best friend had set you up on. “Sarah is my number one, she is my top priority.”
You hadn’t intended to date anyone who ‘was a twofer’ as he put it, but the way he spoke about his daughter, and the way his face lit up when he did, you knew you wanted to give him a shot.   You dated, you married after two years of being together, and you had 8 years of marital bliss as a perfectly happy family before the world turned on its ass.
You find Joel and Sarah in the kitchen making dinner. The Clash are playing from a vinyl record in the next room and they’re both so into it; You remember Joel telling you that Sarah had been a fan of the Clash since she was a baby.
“You should be sitting down doing nothing, birthday boy.” You tell him, swatting his rear end playfully as you lean over his shoulder to see what he’s fixing. Of course it’s a chili con carne; he was half Texan half Latino.
“And leave the cookin’ to you two? Yeah ‘cus that’s how I wanna spend the rest of my birthday… dead.”
“Hey!” Sarah drawls.
You pinch his sides and it coaxes a ticklish squeal from him.
Sarah goes to set the dinner table, singing to Joe Strummer's ongoing debate about whether he should stay or whether he should go.
There’s an almighty bang from somewhere and it’s enough to make Joel put his spoon down, “Sarah?”
You both turn around to go into the dining room but Sarah’s on her way back with a fist full of cutlery to ask the same question.
“What the hell was that?” Joel asked, “Did you drop something? Did something fall?”
Sarah shakes her head, her ringlets bounce as she does and her eyes are full of fear.
Joel’s trying to figure out if she means that or if she’s saying no because she’s scared to say yes. The second bang answers his question.
“What the fuck?” he mutters, and goes to the front door to see what’s going on. Sarah finds comfort in your arms and you rub your hand over her back and tell her it’ll be okay. You can hear commotion outside and you put one hand over Sarah’s ear and press her into your chest so she can’t hear.  You can hear Joel talking to the neighbors but you can’t hear what he’s saying, then suddenly there’s a PA urging people to stay inside.
Joel comes back after a few moments, “Military jets,” he says from the hallway as he makes his way back through the house “they just sonic “they just went supersonic, there’s somethin’ happenin’.” he doesn’t come back to you, he goes straight to the living room and turns on the TV. You don’t fully listen to what is said but you hear the words ‘risk to life’ and ‘infected’.
“Jesus fuckin’ christ.”
You jump nearly out of your skin and cling tighter to Sarah when the door bursts open and Joel’s brother Tommy runs through the house “Joelie! Joel!” He finds the two of you in the kitchen and then Joel joins you all.
“What the fuck is going on man?” Joel begs the question, leaning in to turn off the stove. The chili is ruined now, he’s sure of it.
“There are soldiers everywhere, they’re telling everyone to stay inside, but the infection is spreading like wildfire here, if we stay we ain’t got a chance in hell Joel, we have to get out of town.”
You feel Sarah’s body tremble and there’s a slight moisture that falls on your shirt and you realize she’s silently crying. If you squeeze her any tighter she might suffocate but you do anyway, just to try and shield her from the horrors that are unfolding. She had started calling you Mom when she was 9 years old, and you loved her like she was yours from the day you met,  “We can’t just leave. We can’t–” You look at Joel desperately.
Joel looks at you, and he looks at Tommy. You can see he’s torn, he needs to keep his family safe and right now he doesn’t know if leaving is the safest option or staying put is.
Should I stay or should I go? 
“Alright, let’s go.” He says finally. “Go upstairs, throw some stuff in a bag.”
“Hurry up.” Tommy adds.
  You punch him in the chest as you walk past him, holding Sarah’s hand to lead her upstairs to help her pack a bag. You try to keep her talking to distract her from the screaming, and the gunfire from the situation that has escalated outside, through the window you see a faint glow of flames and you wonder how the hell you’re even going to make it out of the town. It’s difficult for a 14 year old to whittle down the most important things in her life to one rucksack, it’s difficult for you to decide what from your 10 year relationship with Joel means enough to survive the apocalypse. Because that’s how it felt. You take your wedding photos, you take childhood photos from Sarah’s life; things like that can’t be replaced but other shit can.
You both head back downstairs and you throw Joel his bag. The vinyl has stopped and it’s now skipping but it doesn’t feel like there’s time to lift the needle. You just leave the house and cram into Tommy’s truck. Something down the street catches Joel’s eye and he gets back out again.
“Joel!” you and Tommy both yell at the same time Sarah cries out “Daddy!”
“I’ll catch you up!” he yells back.
“The fuck you will.” You mutter under your breath, getting out of the truck too, “Joel Miller!”
He stops and turns around, “Run.” he orders, looking over your shoulder at his crying daughter in the back seat of the truck, “I’ll find you.” he looks back at you, “I promise I’ll find you.”
There are soldiers surrounding you who start to scream at you to get back inside your house, their guns aimed to tell you that their threats are serious.
“I’ll find you.” 
You knew what you were getting yourself into. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you fell in love with Joel Miller and his four year old daughter. Your mother thought you were insane and maybe she was right. What you didn’t expect was for a bunch of mutant mushrooms to eat away at people’s brains and turn them into, well, there was no easier way to say it than zombies. You didn’t expect Joel to be missing, presumed dead, and to raise Sarah mostly by yourself. The people of Jackson were helpful people, they were in a tight knit community because they had no choice but to be. Where else were they going to go in a world of nothing? It had been four years since you last saw Joel. Four years, nine months and twenty nine days to be exact. You made a point to count the days because you didn’t want Sarah to ever miss a birthday. She was turning 18 now, and if the world was normal she’d be getting excited to make plans for college and register to vote - because Sarah Miller was very opinionated and had a good head on her shoulders, and she definitely would not have let her voice go unheard - but the world wasn’t normal. So you woke as you always did, tucked up together in a double bed, the morning sun illuminating the room with a golden glow and the two of you stretching like a couple of lazy house cats. “Happy birthday, baby!” You croak, pulling her closer. The older she got the closer your relationship became, it might’ve been pathetic but she was your best friend and you hoped you were hers. She wasn’t a child anymore, she was an adult (although it pained you to admit she hadn’t been a child for a long time). “Thank you.” She smiled sleepily and scrubbed her eyes. She wouldn’t have known if it weren’t for you counting down the days. “What’s your birthday wish this year?” You ask. Sarah sighed and looked over your shoulder at the photograph on your nightstand of you and Joel on your wedding day, six year old Sarah who had been a flower girl, tucked onto his hip as you all smiled into the camera. A perfect picture of a happy family. “Him.” It’s been the same wish for the last four years, and you wish you could fulfill it for her. “I know, baby. I miss him too.. More than anything actually. I don’t miss going to the movies, or grocery shopping, or parent-teacher conferences or any of the boring, mundane stuff that just doesn’t exist anymore. At least not in the capacity that it used to… I just miss him.” In an attempt to lighten the mood a little you add, “I made a cake for you last night, you want some for your breakfast?” “For breakfast?!” “It’s your birthday! And you’re an adult now.” The day passes by as the days often do, slowly and unspectacularly. On slow days nothing happens in Jackson, occasionally bandits come and try to raid the dam that powers the town but their missions are always shut down quickly by those appointed to secure it. You and Sarah are tending to the patch of vegetables you have in your front yard when you hear a voice from the entrance of the town echo “Stop right there!” Both of you look up. You can’t see what’s happening but you wish people would stop pointing their guns. You can only assume someone has wandered through the forest and found the town, the guard on the gate has stopped them in their tracks. Understandably, newcomers aren’t welcomed warmly in fear of infection. You see the person set down a rifle, and a backpack and their hands disappear from their side to, you assume, rise in surrender. You strain slightly and hear a gruff voice speak but you cannot make out words and no matter where you position yourself you cannot get a good look at the newcomer.  The guard yells for Tommy, who is always close by and your interest is piqued. You rise from your knees and your eyes scan for where Tommy is going to come from, when you find him you watch him, you study his face and you watch it fall. He points a finger at the guard, “Put your fucking gun down! Don’t you dare! Don’t you shoot!” he picks up his pace, he jogs, he runs. You start to walk and you hear a second voice yell for Tommy. It’s the newcomer’s voice. It’s familiar somehow. The two men come into view, locked in a tight embrace, you can only see Tommy but you keep walking towards them, you barely hear Sarah calling out ‘Mom’ from the swirling in your head. “Tommy?” You ask when you’re in earshot. The newcomer pries himself out of Tommy’s grip and his head snaps in your direction. A lump forms in your throat and your chest heaves so much you feel as if you could throw up. Joel. It’s him. It’s really him. He’s got flecks of silver running through his hair now, maybe a few more wrinkles. Patches of darkened skin from wounds he’s gained over the years, and a few small fresh purple bruises. You haven’t seen him cry since Sarah moved up from Kindergarten to big girl school and she was gone all day and he didn’t know what to do with himself. You thought he’d be better when she went from middle school to high school but he was just as bad then. But he was crying now. He was sobbing in such a way you wondered if he’d been alone for these years apart; you didn’t ask, it didn’t matter. He was here. You could hardly believe it. Your eyes filled with tears of joy; you had dreamed of the day that Joel might be returned to you, although you had given up hope of that ever happening, you had imagined yourself being the same sobbing mess that Joel was but you weren’t at all. Your body was vibrating with delight, and your smile was so big your cheeks were hurting. “Hi.” you whispered. That was all it took for him to drag you into his arms and squeeze you so tightly that it almost winded you. You took all of him in again, the feeling of his body against yours, his arms wrapped around you, the smell of him in your nose. “I thought I’d lost you forever.” he whispered, “I thought you’d—” he couldn’t finish that sentence, but you knew, because you thought the same of him.  “You said you’d find us. You did.” Us. Joel’s eyes open and scan the surroundings over your shoulder, you hear him sob and he pulls away from you and he runs towards her. His baby girl. Sarah starts crying as she jumps up into his arms, her limbs wrapping around him like a koala bear. It doesn’t matter how old she gets, she’ll always be his baby. You approach them and hear Joel whispering “Look at you,” as he brushes his hand over the back of her head, “my little girl, look at you.” Sarah dropped down so she could look at him too, your arms wrapped around Joel’s middle as he studied her face so carefully, his fingers delicately mapping out her features, “You’re all grown up,” he says in a chuckle, but with a hint of sorrow in his voice. “I wished for you.” Sarah tells him, her voice has more childlike innocence in it than you’ve heard in a long time. “Today is my birthday, Daddy. I wished for you.” Joel put one arm around you so he could embrace the both of you, “I always knew you were magic, babygirl.” “Are you staying here with us? Are we going to be a family again?” “No.” you answer before Joel does, much to the surprise of your husband and daughter, “Not until he’s had a shower.” Joel breathes out a sigh of relief and kisses your forehead.
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cutielights · 11 months
I think exactly one person voted ‘No’ on The Poll :p <3
100+ followers rottmnt fluff alphabet!
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
He loves going swimming with you, beach, pool, waterparks? They’re all game in his eyes
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
He loves your hands, cuddling and absentmindedly playing with your fingers
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
“Hey, hey I’m here, breathe, it’s me, Leo, remember?” He’s practiced in these things. Guides you through the 5 4 3 2 1 method
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
When it crosses his mind, he pictures it with kids, training them to be ninjas. But that’s in the future, he’s in the now
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
You guys take turns, kind of looks like a competition to the outside eye
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
The thing he does most is sulk for a few days, silent treatment. Depending on who he thinks was truly in the wrong, he’ll confront you or apologise himself.
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He is so insecure about not being enough for you. He is so grateful you put up with him, please comfort him, he needs to know you actually love him and don’t hate him, super aware of everything you do
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
The secrets he keeps are more of, ptsd related things. Doesn’t want you to worry about his nightmares. Can be coaxed into telling the truth, usually with cuddles after said nightmares
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspired? He’s definitely more open with his feelings now, healthier coping mechanisms
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
Possessive Jealousy? No. Insecure Jealousy. Plays it cool on the outside, but nervousness runs rampant in this boy’s skull, what if you think that guy is better than him? What about that yokai? They’re conveniently attractive and oh god they’re making jokes and you’re laughing?! Oh no oh no oh no
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
It was awkward to say the least. You both knew you wanted to kiss, but didn’t know how to express it. Kinda went like; “So-“ “Are we gonna-“ “y’know…”. after some failed attempts, you finally kissed
Love confession- how did they confess?
He confessed in the middle of a Jupiter Jim marathon. It was accidental as he thought you were asleep, after panicking and saying he didn’t mean it, you returned his feelings
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
Scares him half to death. Not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just- he feels he’s not worthy of marriage
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Baby, Honey, Love of my life
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
Zones out just staring at you with simultaneously the most dorky, smug, and lovestruck smile on his face
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
110% he gives you kisses in public, he is holding your hand, either piggybacking you or the other way around, it’s game
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His ability to clock you feeling down the moment it happens is wonderful if not otherworldly
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
He can be cliche, nights at Hueso’s, but also mixes it up a bit with nighttime strolls or Hidden City shenanigans
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Of course he’s helping! Maybe a tad too enthusiastic at times, but he wants the best for you
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
He is doing new things all the time with you, but only new things you want to to ofc, may give you a nudge outside the comfort zone every now and again, just to help things along
Understanding- are they empathetic?
He might not seem it at first glance, but he is empathetic. Helps you through nightmares, injuries and anything that may ail you
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
Holds it above his own mental sanity
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
He is an arms guy, jumping into your arms or picking you up and spinning you around in his
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
He is kissing your cheek to get attention, on the hand when being overly dramatic or romantic, on the forehead when cuddling, so very affectionate
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Quite sulky, whiny about it the whole time, saying things would be so much better if you were simply in each other’s presence. As for coping? He cuddles a pillow at night until you return
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He is ready to do anything. Stay in the prison dimension? If it means you’re safe. Steal a cake? If it makes you happy
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
He loves working out with you. Buuut if that’s not your speed, he won’t complain about getting pizza
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
He can’t pick a favourite! Perhaps your height is his favourite, he likes using you as a teddy
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
He’s bringing you ice cream and a shoulder to cry on after a bad day, maybe even some flowers too
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He gets very anxious about the future, especially the future of your relationship. Sits down to have a very serious talk about it, would you want to get married? Would you want kids? Can we afford kids? How do we acquire children? Takes it seriously and doesn’t marry himself to one particular future
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
You both stand on the same level of equality
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Snaps if he’s particularly stressed about something. Apologises after taking a few deep breaths. It’s extremely rare for an argument to last more than a day
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
Oh my man thinks you’re way out of his league, will forever be eternally grateful for you and everything you do
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
If he has secrets, he wouldn’t be able to keep them for long, they eat away at him. Mind Raph helps him tell the truth before it does some damage to the relationship
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
You’ve definitely inspired him to take more time to himself, and just relax, even just for a bit
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
He refuses to call it jealousy, he just refuses to. He knows you would never do anything with that person, that conveniently attractive person, with a great personality, and you’re laughing at their jokes?! “Haha, yeah we just need to go… somewhere else.”
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s getting better with practice. The first was at a drive in theatre, neither of you were really paying attention to the movie, something about a cafe owner going broke, he blurted out the question so quickly you didn’t even hear the sentence. You had to ask him to repeat himself twice before he had calmed down
Love confession- how did they confess?
With flowers in your favourite colour, he stood on your fire escape and poured his heart out in front of you
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
It crosses his mind often, he’s very concerned about the future, dislikes that he can’t just know what will happen. As for marriage itself? He’ll ask someday, but not now
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
He’s obvious. But in denial with it, even when called out
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
He’s not one for PDA, preferring cuddles in private
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His pure strength and size is good for many things, including amazing cuddles
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
Cliche, he knows it’s cliche, but it’s cliche for a reason right? Flowers, candles, the whole shebang. People wouldn’t keep doing it if it didn’t work!
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
He would! Would help you set realistic goals and work up to the ultimate one
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
He likes his routine, throwing in a surprise here and there
Understanding- are they empathetic?
Yes! Ofc, he is. Doesn’t want you to suffer, cuddles count as therapy right?
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
Important, he is making sure you are safe 100% of the time, he knows what a pain villains are for stealing s/o’s
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
Piggybacks! Or carrying you bridal style, just imagine all the things you can see up there
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
Yes and yes, not so much as PDA, but as general cuddles for movie nights
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Won’t try to outwardly express this to anyone, shows up outside your window, if that’s not possible due to some unspoken reason then he probably just messages you, staying up later than he usually does
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
Man is ready to jump off a building for you
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
Going to conventions, dancing, pure enjoyment of the other’s company
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
Any facial markings or scars, stretch marks included
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
Asks before doing absolutely anything. “Can I come in?” “I’m going to come closer, is that okay?” “May I touch you?” Does his best to calm you down, if not, then he’s finding the root of the issue and eliminating it
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He pictures his future quite often, the vision changes from time to time, but your always next to him in it
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
Says he’s the dominant one, but really likes when you’re the dominant
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Fights actually don’t happen that much with the two of you. If you do fight, he only lets it last a few minutes before cutting contact and giving you the silent treatment. Forgiveness is given in a few days and you guys are on good terms again
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He can forget sometimes, but he spends a day without you and takes it all back, realising how much he relies on you
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
According to the internet, honesty is key to a healthy relationship, so he does his best although honesty is quite difficult sometimes, in general
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspired in the way that you give him new insights he himself hadn’t considered fully yet, set on one path, helping him see the bigger picture on things
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
It’s through the roof, although, he’s in denial about it
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
It didn’t happen until at least six months, awkward at first, but followed your lead after some reassurance
Love confession- how did they confess?
He had a whole plan on how to do it, like a months long plan. You got there first, catching him off guard
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
He’d get married if you really wanted to but, he doesn’t see the point exactly. That doesn’t stop him from being emotional on the day however
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Darling, Significant Other
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
Gets extremely defensive about the fact that he’s definitely not on cloud nine that he forgets to act like it
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
Absolutely not, especially not in the first few months. Hand holding is acceptable, and the occasional hug
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
The ability to force himself to stay up all night, caffeine helps of course. You guys can just talk in the dead of night, as we all know, that is the best bonding time
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
Gets creative with it, but isn’t shying away from flowers. Better yet! Mechanical flowers that bloom in the day! They never die!
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Much like his red older brother, helps you set realistic mini-goals, and then helps achieve them. Not too hands on however, wants you to accomplish it yourself
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
Routine. Routine. Routine. Cannot function without it. If there’s something new he needs to know about it at least a week in advance and that’s being lenient
Understanding- are they empathetic?
He is empathetic, just not the best at expressing it
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
This is so important to him, you would not believe
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
He pulls you onto his lap when working on something, refusing to let you leave
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
After the initial phase he most definitely is, but only in private will you get kisses
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Calls and messages 24/7, if that’s unavailable? Workaholic
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He’s ready to destroy his inventions for you. Yes- he has backups, but that’s beside the point!
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
Let’s go, come on we’re going to paint New York with graffiti. Loves cooking with you and showing you techniques he learned recently
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
Loves your hair/fur/whatever, running hands through it
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
Comfort foods, but never overboard with it, too much is unhealthy. Movie nights and gentle words
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He honestly doesn’t think about it all that much, preferring the moment. But he does picture his future with you in it
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
Passive, prefers standing on equal ground with people
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Dr feelings isn’t letting fights go unresolved, preferring to talk it out and get to the bottom of the issue
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He’s super grateful! Does occasionally let it slip, but just tell him and he’ll remember himself
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
He wouldn’t keep secrets on purpose, likely the only reason he hasn’t told you anything is because it hadn’t come up in conversations yet, or he’s self conscious about it, not wanting to be a bother, but never out of malice
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspiration in the sense that you’re his favourite muse? Yes! Inspiration in the sense that he’s changed? Probably not
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
He tries his best to not get jealous, but sometimes he just can’t hold it back, Dr delicate touch tells the person you’re taken
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Rooftop rambles at night are a must in this relationship, it happened under the moonlight, you could taste the pizza on his breath
Love confession- how did they confess?
He tried making it romantic, he really did, but one disaster after another passed through. He was about to just leave and take it as a sign you guys weren’t supposed to be together until you confessed instead
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
He’s up for it if you’re up for it, but only after a while, when you’re both adults, just to be safe
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Baby, Honey, CutiePie, Angel, Wonder
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
He physically has heart eyes, most obvious in his cloud-nine shenanigans, zoned out whilst staring at you once and added way too much baking soda it was a disaster
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
PDA all day, as long as you’re okay with it ofc, mostly just hand holding and an arm around your shoulder
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His ability to completely clock whenever you’re down avoids most complications
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
He gets creative with it, thinks the traditional things are nice, sure, but overdone
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Oh absolutely he believes in you! Supports your goals and helps out with what you may need
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
New things. Hidden city dates all the time because it’s the most unpredictable, carefully avoiding the law enforcements.
Understanding- are they empathetic?
Absolutely! Have you met this boy? Sureee Dr Delicate touch isn’t empathetic, but that’s not a problem with you guys, he hasn’t met you yet.
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
You’re pinned in his contacts, he adores baking or cooking anything for you, overall one of the most important people in his life
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
Has one of those jars that have the lolly sticks with things to do with a s/o written on them, you made it together! Orange stick for an indoor date, green for outdoor, white for something that can be done anywhere
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
Affection levels at 110% he’s giving you all the attention you deserve and could ever want
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
He spams messages for a while, but if you’re not responding for some reason, listens to music in order to zone out. Takes his mind off of things ya know?
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He would go to the greatest lengths. This man would have taken Leo’s place in the prison dimension if it meant you were safe and alive
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ilyhaitanii · 11 months
crybaby ft. alhaitham
sfw. reader is a crybaby, and has a fever, they don’t live together, but it’s implied they’re dating. maybe ooc? (idk this is how i imagine him. he v much has a sweet spot for his darling)
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this is not the first time alhaitham has found you fast asleep in the most bizarre places. he’s found you asleep on your bathroom floor, on the stairs leading up to the house of daena, hell, even flat on the dining table. today, however, he finds you asleep by your front door.
he was making his way to work. a thick rainstorm the previous night had made the whether muggy and sticky. he groans slightly as he feels his clothes stick of his skin uncomfortably. however, when he spots you fast asleep on your porch, he deadpans.
upon closer inspection, alhaitham finds that your clothes are also sticking to you. your hair is damp, the ends coiled due to being wet. and your bag is underneath the bench, perfectly dry. he sigh, rubbing his temples. he’s going to be late.
he crouches down to your level, a hand gently shaking your shoulders. he watches as your lashes flutter against your cheeks, brows furrowing as your being awaken from your peaceful slumber.
“sweetheart,” he says in an uncharacteristically soft voice. your eyes stutter as they open, the bright light of the sky hurting your eyes. they soon land on alhaitham, who has a concerned look on his face.
now that he’s even closer to you, he can see the flush on your cheeks indicating your body is warm. silently, he takes a hand to your forehead. you’re burning up.
your throat feels scratchy, your back and limbs are aching in pain. so much so that you start to tear up. your lip trembles as you watch his expression contort. he gently picks you up in his arms, shushing you to calm down. he has so many questions. how did this happen, why did this happen, why didn’t you call him? however, he doesn’t say anything.
one arm holding you, he slings your bag over his shoulder. “keys?” he asks softly. you shake your head, unsure as to where they are. he sighs having fully grasped the situation. “you got locked out again, didn’t you?” you weakly hum in reply, tears rolling down your cheeks.
you’re embarrassed, sick, and achy. all you want to do is change your clothes and go to sleep. he holds you bridal style, keeping you close to him. you curl into his chest, eyes screwed shut. you sob into his chest, your ears flushed due to embarrassment. alhaitham truly doesn’t mind it. “i’m sorry,” you sob loudly.
alhaitham feels sweat lining on his forehead, hair sticking to it. he feels the way your tears make his clothes stick more to him and it makes his patience run very thin.
he’s irritated, hot, sweaty, but when you feels the way you tremble in his arms, it all melts away. he can save the lecturing for later, for now he’ll take you to his home, carefully bathe and change you, and allow you to sleep. he’ll make yakhni soup for you, feed you medications, and whisper sweet things into your ears. “its okay, mahiya. let’s get you home, hm?”
alhaitham finds himself less irritated as he stirs the yakhni soup and is in the comfort of his home. bear slippers clad his feet as he look around his house. the sight of the furniture makes him cringe, but knowing it angers kaveh makes him feel a little satisfied. he thinks back to all the silly scenarios you get yourself (and by proxy him) into.
he remembers the time you got stuck in a tree because a you were trying to help an injured bird. you cried like a baby, scared for your life. he reminisces on the time where you couldn’t decide between pomegranate or oranges for making a dessert one night and sobbed due to frustration. you’re such a crybaby, he thinks. but honestly, deep in alhaitham’s heart, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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© ilyhaitanii - please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my content, and do not repost it to any other platforms
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strniohoeee · 6 months
Hidden In The Shadows Pt. 4(Final Chapter)
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Waking up dazed and confused, Y/N is taken by surprise when certain events seem to take place. Unsure of how to feel Y/N battles with the decisions of staying or leaving for good
Warnings⚠️: SADDDDD NGL😭, but like not really but also IDK??? I wasn’t sure how to end this installment, but I know I didn’t want to make it some fairytale type shit LMAOOO
Songs for imagine: Blue Moon- Elvis Presley, Bang Bang(My Baby Shot Me Down)- Nancy Sinatra
Tags: @lacysturniolo @gamermattsgf @nicksmainbitch @s7urnfilms @sturnssmuts @vickyzloserz @mayhem-72 @sturn3g1rl @mattsturniolowifey
Blue Moon
You knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
If my mother could see the position I was currently in she’d be so ashamed….disappointed even. She’s always taught me stranger danger and leave it to her daughter to sleep with the stranger and the danger….
I can’t remember much, but I can remember the emptiness….the cold darkness of my mind. My physical body slumps somewhere while my conscious fights to wake me up.
Who knows what’s going on in the real world right now. I could be tied to a pole and slow roasting like a pig, or maybe even locked in someone’s dungeon. Or what if this is all some crazy bad dream and I’m actually back home in my comfortable bed….
My thoughts were slowly coming to a halt as my eyes began to open slowly. Squinting at the sensitivity they were facing I groaned and cleared my throat. The throbbing in my head and the burning of my nose leads me to believe Matt used an awful lot of chloroform to knock me out. He’s lucky he didn’t kill because I’d haunt his ass.
Opening my eyes fully I realized I was tied to a chair in a basement? Oh actually my basement? Looking around I realized I was in the same place I was when Matt caught me.
I began to move against the ropes, pulling and yanking as I groaned in anger.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” I heard from behind me, causing me to stop and jump
“Who’s there” I asked trying to look over my shoulders
“Why’d you have to be so nosy? Making everything so complicated” I heard him say
“You fucking psycho….Matt let me fucking go” I said pulling harder against the ropes
“You see I just can’t do that” he replied to me walking from behind me
“You fucking weirdo….oh god….oh my god I had sex with a fucking psycho… please just kill me that would be less embarrassing” I say shaking my head and tapping my feet on the ground
Coming from behind me Matt stands in front of me. Except he doesn’t look angry…. He looked concerned and scared. Which made me a bit scared and anxious
“What are you doing?” I yelled at him yanking myself around
“sit still” he said in a firm whisper
“Fuck off” I said in annoyance to him
Grabbing my face to have me look at him I attempted to yank away.
“GET OFF OF ME” I yelled at him trying to bite him
“STOP IT AND LOOK AT ME” he says with wide eyes
Letting go of me he steps back. Looking over his shoulder he turns back to me. Placing his pointer finger over his mouth he motions for me to stay quiet and then with the same finger points behind himself and then points to his ear.
“Listen here darling you’re going to do as I say” he says sternly and loudly
Digging in his back pocket he takes out a piece of paper, unraveling it he faces it to me so I can read.
They’ve been on you this whole time and they used me to get to you. At first I was going to do it, but I like you too much. They’ve been in your house multiple times and have found all the information you have on this town. I’m so sorry for who I am and what my family has done; but I don’t want to hurt you. They are having me watch you while they put all your stuff in your car. They’re planning to kill you and make it seem like it was an accident. However I won’t let that happen. I’m going to get you out of here and I have a plan! But they don’t fully trust me and are listening to me and watching my every move. So please just do as I say. I’m sorry.
After reading the note a tear slipped down my face and I looked up at Matt. His eyes softened and his lip trembled, swallowing thickly he nodded his head. Folding the paper back up he put it in his back pocket.
“You will listen to me and me only! Make any stupid moves and I will kill you myself” he says loudly with a sincere look
“Go to hell” I spat at him
Listening above he heard the two men walk away from the basement door. Ushering over to me quickly he got down and began to whisper
“Okay so here’s the plan. There is only one way out and only one chance to get this right so please do as I say. They’re loading up your car and they’re planning on having me drive you to a secluded area a little outside of this town. They want me to set your car on fire” he says shaking his head and looking down
“What?” I say shocked and beginning to panic
“My getaway car was planted in the area and they will be checking tonight to see that your car is completely burnt. However it won’t be there because you’ll be on your way back to Vegas. You’ll be out of their hair which will give you time to leave Vegas” he says grabbing my hand
“But what about you Matt? They’ll kill you….” I say as my voice shakes
“Exactly” he says nodding his head
“No….no you can’t do that! Come with me” I say to him looking at him in the eyes
“I can’t…they’ll catch up before we leave and we’ll both be dead instantly. Suzie and I tried it when we were 14. Thought we could leave and be young lovers together. They shot her dead in front of me… told me I’d be next if I ever stepped out of line again. You remind me so much of her I can’t see that happen again” he replied wiping tears from his eyes
“Matthew no…. I can’t leave you to die” I say sobbing
“Maybe it’s been my destiny all along” he says to me
“Maybe you can escape right before they come looking for my car. You’d get a good head start on them! Meet me in Vegas. We can run away together” I say nodding my head and licking my tear stained lips
He chuckled lightly and shook his head, opting not to answer as he stood up.
“I need you to walk outside with me when it’s time. Pretend to mouth me off, kick, scream holler! I’ll stuff you in the car and we’ll be on our way” He says to me
“Okay yeah yeah” I respond nodding my head
“But for now we wait” he states, backing up and leaning against the pole.
About thirty minutes passed before we heard anything. Barely mumbling a few words to each other. My throat had run dry from the anxiety. The fact that I could die if one thing goes wrong but mainly the fact that the last moments I’ll be sharing with Matt is him helping me escape my death that will then become his death….. my heart couldn’t take letting him die
He was destined for more. The way his eyes would light up anytime he asked me about what Vegas is like or what any other place I’ve ever visited was like. What stuck with me the most was the way his face would change when he’d realized the life he was living and what he’d have to go back to. The twinkle always disappearing. It made my heart heavy.
I wouldn’t let him die. It’s not happening and I don’t care what I have to do to prevent it. He’s had such a painful life and he’s going to honor it by dying….
My thoughts were interrupted by Matt, my eyes slowly shifting from the basement window over to his face.
“They called us up, I’m going to grab you by the back of your head and I need to just start lashing out immediately, got it?” He asked me
“Got it” I said to him
Quickly helping me out of the rope that held me to the chair he grabbed the back of my head as my arms were tied behind my back.
Gripping my hair harder I knew it was time to give it my all. Taking a shaky breath I began to yell
“LET GO OF ME, YOU AND THIS TOWN A BUNCH OF CRAZIES” I yelled as I thrashed against his grip
“Quit it” he yelled back as he pulled me up the stairs with him
“You think you can get rid of me huh? MY WHOLE FAMILY WILL COME HERE LOOKING FOR YOU” I said firmly
“LET GO LET GOOO” I kept yelling as I pulled against him, tears streaming down my face
He walked us towards the front door and that’s where Beaufort stopped us.
“Such a fiery little lady! I knew from the moment you called you’d be a problem. But one thing about me is I make my problems go away” he says sucking his tobacco and grinning at me
“You won’t get away with this you sick son of a bitch” I spat at him
“Watch me” he said smiling and opening the front door for me
“NOOO STOP NO PLEASEEE” I yelled as I kicked and thrashed against Matt. My legs swinging as I tried to “escape” his grip
“Should’ve stood in your home town. So sad you’ll be having a little accident” Beaufort says to me as he steps onto my porch
“I’ll kill you all just you watch” I yelled as Matt shoved me into the back seats as I continued to kick and hit things
Beaufort smiled an evil smile as he waved goodbye. Matt hopped in the front seat as we began to back out of my gravel driveway.
Driving down the road Matt looked in his rear view mirror before looking at me
“Okay we’re in the clear” he says to me
Sitting up I looked at him opening my mouth to talk but stopping once I saw him shaking his head no at me.
“You can’t get me to change my mind” he says
“Matt this is not okay. I basically just signed your death wish” I said to him
“And I told you maybe it’s what’s best for me” he replied shrugging his shoulder
“Okay and maybe it isn’t! Maybe it isn’t” I said sternly to him as I began to lose my patience
“Matt we’ve had such an amazing connection this past month, a connection I’ve never had with anyone else before and you can’t just leave me” I said pleading with him
“Don’t you get it? I can’t have them coming after you. I care for you lot sweetheart and if I had to live with another love of mine being hurt I couldn’t live with myself.” He replied gripping the steering wheel harder
I huffedd out a breath of annoyance and sat back in the seat, letting a few tears fall from my face. This is pure insanity! I couldn’t live with myself if Matt got hurt or even killed. I felt confused, one hand I’d be safe but on the other hand Matt would potentially be….. dead.
I hadn’t even realized how long I was in thought until the car came to a halt and I heard Matt put the car in park.
Hopping out of the car I followed suit
“Take the car and run like hell outta here darlin” he said handing the keys to me
“Please come with” I begged as I chewed my bottom lip
“I can’t little lady” he responded shaking his head and wiping his nose
“Ditch your getaway car and come with me burn your car and let’s go, we can run like hell out of here together” I said gripping onto his arms
“I can’t, I have to go back” he says looking me in my eyes
“Can you at least attempt to leave town? Maybe tonight before they come looking for my car, leave before them” I said basically begging
“I can try, but I can’t make any promises darlin” he states swallowing thickly
“Please Matt…. For me” I say wiping my eyes
“The best I can do is try, this is for you. Whether I make it out alive or not just know I want you to be safe and I will always be with you” he says to me pulling me in for a hug
“I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done” he says to me as he pulls away
“I’m going to miss you” I say to him
“I’m still here” he says smiling at me
I shook my head and hugged him once again
“I better head on back” he says pulling away
Turning on his heels he walks over to his car as I follow behind. Hopping in his car he rolls down his window as I lean on it.
“Now darlin you have to promise me that you’ll listen and you’ll get out of here. Don’t try and save me” he says smiling as he bats tears from his eyes
“I promise” I responded in a whisper
“And you have to promise to never forget about me” I told him as I smiled
“I could never! I swear I’ll try and contact you if I can pretty girl” he says back as he nods his head
“Thank you Matt for getting me out of here” I say one last time
Looking into his eyes I lean over and plant my lips on his. The kiss was needy and sad. It was a goodbye kiss…. A goodbye that meant forever. There was no see you later with Matt….
We hugged and shared one last final kiss. Parting ways I got in my car and we both drove off. I was numb the whole way home. I mean how does one process all of this? My life felt so unreal?
There were many hours of crying, sitting in silence and contemplations of turning back around. I just felt so confused, I didn’t want to leave Matt and I also didn’t want to die…. I didn’t have many options
Arriving home was the most bittersweet moment. I couldn’t really tell anyone what I really went through. What that town and what those people are truly like
I spent many days in and out of therapy really trying to understand what happened to me and how to process it. What really ate at me was the fear of being found, the fear of dying and especially the fear of never seeing Matt again.
One year later
If I knew that that day I hugged and kissed Matt goodbye would be the last time I’d ever see him, I’d hold on tighter. When I finally realized Matt wasn’t coming back it hurt bad… I mean I’d hid away blaming myself for all of this.
Wondering well maybe I didn’t push hard enough because if I did he would’ve caved and came with me. Not knowing if he was dead or alive really ate at my soul. Many days went by where I wanted to call his landline, but that would be a one way ticket to my grave.
It was hard moving. After experiencing something so intense with someone and needing them by your side to never seeing them again will always sting the most.
I was angry because I felt he didn’t try hard enough. Because if he did then he’d be here right now. And then that was filled with sadness and worry. I wasn’t sure if he was okay and I had to live with the fact that I would never know.
It’s so crazy how you’ll be living your life one way and then it flips upside down so randomly.
As I finished typing my chapter on my computer I let out a sigh. Writing a book about what I went through and losing Matt was the only way I could seem to cope.
It was actually Professor Wayne who convinced me to write this. He was actually helping me a lot through all this and he truly saw how it changed me. But everytime he saw the excitement in my eyes once I finished a chapter he knew it was genuinely helping me mentally.
Pressing save I closed my laptop and looked out my window. The rain is pattering against the glass. Such a bittersweet feeling. A year ago today I was about to sleep with my weird neighbor and friend and now I’m here in my empty apartment staring out the glass and reminiscing.
It’s still an open wound that I’m working on daily to stitch close. No one prepares you for traumatic events, especially ones that chemically alter your brain. I watched the rain trickle down the warm glass as I blink slowly. Racking my brain for answers…. I mean hell I’m just looking for one simple answer
I just want to know is Matt truly dead, or is he just
Hidden in the shadows….
The End
Yallll I hope you enjoyed the finale cause I hated it🤭 this is why I don’t write series because I’m so shit at ending things. But anywho I hope you liked it and I can’t wait to write some more for yall 🥹🖤
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months
aaron had been gone for three days. he kept in contact with you through the case. with finally solving the case he was headed home to his family.
aaron sighs as he lays his head back on his seat. david noticed he was less stress. he was happy to see his friend was finally doing better.
david was glad you were home. aaron had been more stress and smiled less and less as the days went on.
seeing this more relaxed and comfortable aaron felt familiar.
“how’s yn and the kids?”
aaron looks at his friend. “they’re fine.”
dave gave him a look.
“they’re great. it’s just—”
“what is it? last we talked about it you said you two were great. going to counseling and everything. what’s wrong?”
“yeah, they are great. fantastic even! but she doesn’t know.”
“know what?”
aaron sighs. “she hasn’t seen the scars, dave. she doesn’t know the full story of foyet.”
dave hums understandably. he knew how insecure hotch was about the scars foyet left on him. all the stab wounds he’d have to see everyday for the rest of his life. aaron couldn’t bare looking at them himself. he feels weak whenever he sees himself.
“im guessing you two haven’t—”
aaron shakes his head. “no.”
“what’s stopping you from showing her?”
dave gives him a questionable look.
“fear of her seeing them and—i don’t know. not looking at me the same.”
“aaron, yn isn’t that kind of woman. she loves hard and loves you, and everyone around her, for who the are. she won’t see you any differently.”
deep down aaron knew this. but he couldn’t help the intrusive thoughts running through his head. he had to tell you, that he knew. it was the how he was confused over.
“you know what i say about scars.”
aaron smiles. “scars remind us where we’ve been,”
“they don’t have to dictate where we’re going.”
the two of them nod at one another before zoning off.
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when aaron walked into his house he knew everyone would be sleep. he had hoped you’d be awake but wouldn’t be surprised if you’d fallen asleep yourself.
to his lucky stars you were awake. you smile at your husband as he walks over and kisses your forehead.
“how’s my girl?”
“just missing your lovely husband.”
aaron chuckles quietly.
“you mind if i get ready for bed before you smother me in cuddles?” he half jokes. you giggle before nodding.
“go ahead.”
aaron took a quick shower. he made sure the door was locked. not ready for you to see all the stab wounds. once he was out he stared at his chest in the mirror.
he runs his hands over the permanent scars. he grabs his shirt. putting it on along with his boxers he leaves your shared bathroom.
aaron smiles once more. he climbs into bed and holds you close.
“missed you.” you whisper into his chest. aaron clears his throat.
“there’s something i didn’t tell you.”
you look into his eyes. noticing his nervousness you frown.
“what’s going on?” you sit up.
“before george foyet killed haley, before they went into witness protection, he found me. he was in my apartment. our apartment.”
you listen intensely.
“he was waiting to hurt me. i knew what he craved. fear. i wouldn’t give it to him. i refused. i think—i believe that’s what set him off more. i knew he wasn’t there to kill me. he had a bigger plan for that. but he needed me to hurt. to feel helpless,”
“aaron? what did he do?”
“remember how i told you he stabbed himself repeatedly?”
“god, aaron, he didn’t?”
aaron nods. “over and over and over. i barely made it. he called the police and they got me to the emergency room as soon as possible. they patched me up and everything. im—i was scared to tell you. scared for you to see. i didn’t want you to look at me—”
“no! aaron this isn’t your fault. it wasn’t your fault. he—he’s the one that hurt you. you’re so strong baby. so very strong.” you couldn’t help but cry.
he holds you, shedding a few tears himself. thankful he has such an amazing woman like you.
when you look him in the eyes you smiled at him like he was the only man on this planet. aaron smiles right back at you.
he leans forward before connecting your lips. the first kiss you two had in two years. it felt amazing. it was exciting.
aaron was still the best person you have ever kissed. he kissed you like you were the only girl in the world. and to him, you are.
when he pulls away he smiles once more. “i love you yn. im—im not there yet. i want to, trust me i do. but i just think we need a little more time until we get there.”
you nod understandably. it had been two whole years. you knew you’d wait a life time for aaron. and aaron would wait a lifetime for you.
“i understand. there is no rush. we have forever.”
aaron hums in agreement.
“goodnight, darling.”
“goodnight, aaron.”
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if you wanna be added or unadded to any of my stories taglist please let me know
@slut4ethan @zaddyhotch @rosiehale23 @whotfskai @shergoretzxx @vodkori @14buddy22 @ivebeenthearchersstuff @madesavage05
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kakujis · 11 months
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baji vers | geto vers
synopsis: unbeknownst to you, the grave you visit everyday has been empty for years. keisuke is finally ready to come see you again.
warnings: gn!reader, vampire!baji, character death, devotion, grief and dealing with it, slightly angsty but also fluffy, pet names (baby, kitten), swearing, a little selfship coded, NOT PROOFREAD!, SFW feel free to interact but pls remember i'm an 18+ blog!
ft: vampire!baji x reader, 2.4k
network: @enchantedforest-network
an: here's baji's version!! actually, this one was supposed to come AFTER suguru's but... erm... hehe. it also was supposed to be spookier, but i am nothing but a big ole softy for my loverboy. ): happy halloween! i wanted to post it on his birfday, but i think this is more fitting! could've been longer but i just wanted to get something out LOL. thanks to nie for letting me ramble about this lil fic!!
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life is such a finicky thing. and sometimes, the time ticks by too slowly for your liking until it’s suddenly too fast, too short, too soon.
you’ve been to this grave a hundred - no maybe thousands of times, over the years. and yet, like the snowfall, your tears slip down your cheeks, hugging the warmth of your body, til they fall onto the ground disappearing into the asphalt. 
chifuyu matsuno thinks one day, he’ll beat you to it. one day he’ll be the one who arrives first, turning around with a smile and holding a bag of peyoung yakisoba. it’ll be his eyes rimmed red with hands trembling so hard that he’s sure they’ll snap. but you are always here first, almost every day for the past god knows how many years. 
every aspect of the word “first”, is what keisuke baji had embodied. first division captain, first born son, and your first love. he was rowdy, rough, sometimes a little insensitive, but at the end of it all, he was loyal. he was yours. 
“if i’m yours, then you’re mine.” he grinned, toothy, vibrant and all encompassing. his hands held yours like they were the world, and maybe, in a sense, they were. but even the world cannot last forever, the stars themselves bursting at the seams when their time has come. 
“they’re so pretty.” you told him, leaning against his shoulder, pointing up with your index finger. “don’tcha think?” 
“they’re alright,” he mumbled, but he kept his eyes upward, staring at the same stars as you. “i'd rather look at you.” 
“you’re so fucking cheesy.” you laughed, before pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. 
when stars die, they leave a beautiful supernova, an explosion of color across the galaxy, painting the universe in rich hues of color. but when baji died, you thought it was so fucking ugly. you remember throwing up the first night, your own shitty constellation within the porcelain of your toilet. 
then the world started to dim, like the world was dipped in muted shades when there used to be so much vibrance. the sun was no longer as bright and you no longer sought comfort under the moon, hiding away from even her blue light. 
if there is solace in one thing, it’s that baji was a really good liar. sure, he was different that day and sometimes had trouble looking at you, but there was nothing to suspect that he would decide to plunge in that knife and bleed out on the ground of that god forsaken junkyard. 
“i’m scared you’ll go away,” you told him one night, so desperately wishing now that you would’ve noticed the way he tensed ever so slightly. “like, one day, i’ll wake up and you’re not there anymore.” 
you remember how he leaned in, nose brushing against yours before pulling back slightly. “and where would i go that doesn’t have you in it?” he grinned, another bright fanged smile that eased every single worry out of your brain. and you decided in that moment, that keisuke was always going to be the one that held your heart in his hands. 
“marry me one day.” you replied and he laughed, before holding up his pinky to yours. “good. saying no wasn’t an option.” 
but today is not a day to be caught in memories as the sun plummets below the horizon, as the sky shifts from a pretty magenta pink to inky black. feet bouncing off the pavement, you scurry over to his grave. you chastise yourself for being late today of all days, it was his birthday. 
“sorry!” you call out as you finally make it, hands on your knees as you suck precious air back into your lungs. “sorry i’m late, kei.” 
you do the usual of pouring water onto the tombstone, before you light a candle and spread the blanket beneath you, sitting cross-legged as you pull out the contents of your bag. “i got a little something extra today,” you say, eagerly pulling out the sealed little slice of cake you got at the bakery. “okay… so it looks a little fucked, but don’t mind that.” you giggle, before sighing.
“if you were here… what would you say?” you mumble to yourself, before putting on your best keisuke voice. “hah? it’s still edible isn’t it?... or something.” you nod as if in response to him, before tearing it open and setting it down. “chifuyu saw you earlier right? did he bring you something good? oh! and, i was looking at some of the cats at the pet shop earlier, they’re no peke j but, they’re still cute, y’know?” 
you always do this. you ramble and ramble, relaying your day to him as if he’s listening intently to you. sometimes, you’ll imagine when the two of you sat in his room, his lips quirked up into a smile as he nodded and listened to you. 
“the cake is good!” you exclaim, taking a bite. it’s fluffy, creamy, and sweet, it almost masks the saltiness of your tears that seep past your lips, onto your tongue and settle on your buds. 
“fuck- sorry. sorry for crying.” you use one hand to wipe away at your tears, the other holding onto your convenient plastic fork. it’s harder to breathe now, sobs wracking your body as your mind floods with “what ifs” once again. what if you had asked him to stay with you that day? what if you tried harder? what if you had noticed something was wrong sooner? could you have done anything? and what if-
lost in your thoughts you almost miss the familiar drawl that used to set your heart and soul on fire. “still a crybaby, eh?” 
you freeze, the fall breeze caressing your cheek as you sniffle and ever so slowly, turn. you must have been hearing things, you think, as there’s nothing there but the other stone graves and the leaves on the wind. 
“maybe i am losing my fucking mind...” you mutter, taking a deep breath to calm yourself, “i should look into therapy.” 
you shake your head, a little spooked. it’s getting later by the moment, the only light nearby being the candle, a warm-orange flame surrounded by night. you lean over to blow it out, but stop, feeling that you should stay a bit longer. not only are you late, but it’s keisuke’s day, it wouldn’t be right to leave so soon. you frown, before settling back in place. 
“anyways, what was i saying?” you hum, taking another scoop of your dessert. “something-“
“something about the new cats at chifuyu’s shop right?” that familiar voice sounds again, closer this time, tickling the shell of your ear. 
you immediately jerk around and almost pass out at what you see. crouched down and smiling, that familiar wolfy grin is keisuke, looking just like you remembered. from the way his long, inky hair frames his face to the vivid carmine of his eyes, it’s keisuke. 
“hey, continue the story baby, i was listening.” he gestures to the cake on your fork, slipping off the utensil from the shakiness of your hands. “lemme have a bite?” 
you’re snapped from your stupor when he finally touches you, cold fingers lightly guiding your hand upward towards his mouth. you immediately scramble back, the cake falling onto the blanket below. 
“kitten,” he says, frowning at the mess, “y’know i hate wasting food.” the pet name almost sends you into a spiral, the way it falls off his tongue so easily, just like he always used to say it, almost like it was your name at times. 
“you’re not real.” you whisper, shaking your head slightly, the words trapped behind the door of your brain unleashing in that moment. “i’m hallucinating. i have to be.” 
he inches towards you as you continue to crawl back, back hitting the cold gray stone. keisuke leans in, snuffing out the candle between his fingers first before redirecting his attention to you. he’s so close you’re sure he can feel your breath, but the odd thing is, you can’t feel his.
“if i wasn’t real…” he starts, inching in so close your noses just barely touch, just a hair widths away, “could i do this?” he kisses you then, just barely holding back his deep fervent need to snatch you up and take you home. wherever that was. 
it’s strange, baji’s cold, nearly ice, and yet you feel the familiar rush of warmth through your veins that once bloomed so deeply in your heart, that everything suddenly does feel real. the two of you stay like that for a few moments and when he pulls away you lean in again, snatching him by the collar to press another kiss to the lips that you missed so much. 
baji’s wolfish grin plays on his face in between the kisses you continue to plant against his lips and his skin, alternating between his cheeks and jawline. “yeah, yeah, i missed you too, you big crybaby.” he laughs, cupping your face to swipe at the tears that fall freely once again. 
you whine when he forces you to pull off, bringing your hands up to his, almost as if you’re sure he’ll run off again and be gone by morning. “you’re really keisuke? …this isn’t a joke?” you shake your head as you ask, hiccuping and trying your best to heave in gulps of air. 
“yeah, it’s me.” he answers, the crinkle of his eyes never leaving. 
but you just don’t get it. how is baji here and not well, six-feet under? almost as if he can read your mind he speaks, “i’m not really sure how it happened either.” he starts, releasing you and staring down at his palms, opening and closing them, almost as if he’s also in a daze. “i shouldn’t be here, i know that. i made sure i wouldn’t and yet, i woke up not too long after that day.” he lifts his shirt up and you wince in anticipation, but there’s nothing where the old stab wound should be, like it never happened. 
hesitantly, you place your hand flat against the area, before your fingertips trace the outline where it should be. you exhale deeply before speaking again, “how come you only showed up now?” 
he gives you a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his neck, as the hem of his shirt falls back into place. “well… i had to sort of figure things out. dunno how well received i would’ve been if i just showed up after my own funeral.” he jokes, but you glare at him. 
“do you have any idea at all how badly that fucked me up?” you ask, remembering the countless nights you spent staring up at your bedroom walls so utterly exhausted from crying or the days you spend in a haze, trying your best to get through the day. you won’t lie, you’ve been so angry since that day. endlessly lonely, endlessly empty, and just when you thought you’d be able to get over it, he shows up like it wasn’t that big of a deal. 
“well, i watched you a lot.” he admits, gazing around the cemetery. “you come here every single day, you cry every single time, even when you say you’re not going to. you’ve cursed me out in death more times than i can count and i think you’ve tried every single type of peyoung soba. you, chifuyu, and kazutora have only come here together a handful of times and everytime one of you ends up drunk crying.” he snorts, before continuing, “you sleep with my hair ties under your pillow and almost had the balls to ask my mom for my toman jacket, multiple times.she would’ve said yeah, by the way. every evening you say goodnight to me and that you love me.” 
he grins when you sit there, mouth agape, and asks, “did i miss anythin’?” 
you shake your head, “but what now? i still don’t get why you came here today?” 
he shrugs, “i’ve got a question for ya.” but his expression is serious now, the shift in his features making you nervously fidget with your hands. but before you can look away, he tilts your head towards him, the other hand intertwining with yours, locking you in place. “you still wanna be with me forever?” 
your heart pounds in your chest, almost alarmingly so, as you gaze at him with lidded eyes while your voice is light, fluttering back up to him and relaying the answer he’s been waiting to hear. “of course, keisuke.”
“and you’d do anything? …let me do anything?” he questions further, squeezing when you nod your head. 
you’d let me turn you?
and you’re aware now, what it is he’s asking. and maybe, you think it’s because you centered so much of you life around him, that leaving it behind doesn’t sound too bad. if you were the clouds, then baji was the sky, always trying to stay in that space so intrinsically bound to one another that only death could have separated you. 
he never said the word, but he didn’t really need to. what was the one thing that could have escaped death like this?  what else was he but a vampire? 
“okay,” he sighs, “if you’re sure.”
“more than ever.” you state. 
keisuke is fast, picking you up and into his arms. naturally, you wrap yours around his neck, a part of you still thinking that this must be a dream. 
“well, there’s no way we’re gonna do it in some freakin’ cemetery.” he jokes and you giggle. if his heart could beat, he’s sure it’d flutter just as fast as yours. 
“hey are you gonna turn chifuyu?” you ask, blinking up at him, “or tora?” 
“you think they’d wanna hang out with us? for eternity?” he asks, picking up the pace as he walks.
“hmm, maybe you’re right. besides, takemichi’s gonna miss them too much right?” you continue, the breeze kissing your now dried cheeks. 
“don’t forget mikey.” he adds, before continuing, “well, it’s not like we can’t visit sometime.” 
you nod, placing your head on his shoulder, “not too soon though, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” 
he smiles at you as he answers, “don’t worry. we’ve got all the time in the world.” 
as the two of you leave, you peek back towards the lights of the city, becoming smaller and smaller with each step. and you wonder how upset chifuyu’ll be tomorrow when he finds your half-eaten cake, spread out on an already forgotten blanket. 
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laiiaaa · 1 year
“Baby, I’m scared.” Rafe looks down at his outfit for what must be the twentieth time tonight. He’s sure he’s more nervous than he’s ever been—what with the fact he’s literally going to meet your parents in T-minus five minutes—and if his lip could talk it’d scream at him for biting at it for an hour now. 
“You said that already.” 
“I know.”
“Quite a few times now, if I remember correctly—”
“I know, baby, I know—” He cuts himself off with the heels of his hands pressing to his brow bone, a subtle wash of comfort blanketing his nerves when he feels your touch brushing up his forearms to grab his wrists.
“Rafe, come on.” You tug at his arms to reveal his face: brows furrowed, eyes petrified. “They’re going to love you, okay?”
If he feels relief at your words (he doesn’t), his face doesn’t show it. “But what if they don’t?”
You let his arms go, and, as if there were some electromagnetic field drawing then there (he’d tell you there absolutely is), his hands smooth over your waist, one moving to rest at the small of your back. “That isn’t going to happen.”
“How do you know?” Even with you beneath his hands—perhaps the most familiar ticket item to him now, your soft curves and supple skin known to him like the back of his hand—he can’t stifle the rough and ragged beat of his heart. 
“I know,” you start, draping your arms around his neck and shoulders, “because I love you.” You step into your tip toes and gently pull him closer to press a kiss to his lips. He tastes like the swig of whiskey he took just before stepping out of the car, and smells like it too when you pull away and murmur against his lips, “And you know that already.”
“I do,” he agrees. Peering down at you now, he swears he could stand out here forever, feet away from ringing your parents’ doorbell while the sun sets behind you, doing nothing other than soaking in the smell of your perfume and the feel of your lipstick transferred onto his skin and the thrum in his heart left over by your praises. But of course, that anxiety looms strong: “You said they’re tough customers, though.”
You roll your eyes, yet a smirk pulls at the corner of your lips. Worrisome little boy. “That was last week. And honestly, love, I’m as tough as they come. You’ve already made it this far.”
This gets a laugh out of him, genuine this time, for it brings up old memories of you two in English composition freshman year: he made a lousy attempt at getting your number on the first day, to which you insisted he entertain you first. You hadn’t expected this to mean finding you in the library and whisking you away to a speakeasy, which, in time, became your ‘place’ so to speak. (You hadn’t expected the bartender to try setting you up with him either, but years later it makes for an awfully entertaining story—consider it a mission accomplished on his part.)
You cup his cheek in your hand before kissing him again, longer this time, for he keeps you there, pressed against his chest and smiling against his anxious mouth. “We can’t just keep kissing out here, you know.”
He pulls you in tighter, arms curling to fit snug against your waist. “I’m sure we can.”
“We’ve got to at least say hello and have dinner. They’re expecting us.”
A kiss to your lips, then your cheek, then your temple. One more to your lips—slower, calculated even—a nip at your bottom lip before he says, “Then they can stay expecting.”
And for a minute, he catches you in his web. You indulge in his idea, teasing your fingers at the nape of his neck, humming into his mouth when his hand slithers up your spine as he dips down, forming a pretty arch in your back he wishes he could see for himself. Your mind loses track of what you’re in front of, filled with little more than the feeling of his mouth, his hands, his love and affection flooding at your fingertips—that is, until you take a step backward and nearly trip over your bag at your feet.
Finally, you give him one last real kiss. “Nuh-uh,” you hum, pulling away to plant dismissive kisses to his jaw while leaning just far enough to land a fingertip on the doorbell before a muffled ding-dong rings through your parents’ foyer. You look at Rafe, who stares back at you with his eyes wide in disbelief.
“You did not—”
You cover his face (which now has lipstick stains of varying saturation, you now realize with a pesky giggle) with your hand. “It had to happen sooner or later, you avoidant brat.” Stooping down in half a second, you pick up your bag and give Rafe a pleading look. “Hold this, please?”
His eyes flit from your bag, to your pout, to your bag now inches closer, back to your stupidly beautiful face. His expression softens, and he sighs while wordlessly taking your belongings.
You reward him—and yourself, somewhat—with another kiss to his cheek. “They’re going to love you,” you whisper for the last time.
He tries to believe you with all his might—trust, he does—even with blood rushing to his face and a million thoughts brimming at his fingertips and a terrible case of jitters that hasn’t left since last night. So forgive him for thinking little else other than Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, or Fuck, fuck, fuck, when your mom greets you and him with a hug. Forgive him for nearly dropping your bag when he goes to shake your father’s hand (he’s trying, okay?). Forgive him most of all for forgetting to speak until you remind him (Rafe, you snip under your breath, pinching his wrist again).
Because truly, his nervous mishaps don’t matter—at least, not to your parents. They see the way he sticks by your side, whether with his full body hovering near yours or with his free hand mere millimeters from your back. They catch those hopeful and reassuring glances he exchanges with you, as if he’s looking at you to say, Wow, we’re really doing this. They don’t miss and won’t forget when he hangs up your coat for you and offers to set the table, a gesture they know he knows, knowing you, is unnecessary. And maybe the most noticeable of all the little quirks of this first meeting are your lipstick stains on his lips, his cheeks, his jaw—perhaps because they’re so loud, but more so because they speak to them this: there’s nothing on this boy’s mind other than a dumbfounded, lovestruck awe of everything you are, and he doesn’t care to look like a fool to show it.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
Can we have more regressed ghoul? Preferably Dew? Thank you
Have some teeny tiny Dew!!
It was Mountain that first noticed Dew was missing. After a show the ghouls liked to form a cuddle pile at the back of the bus, watch whatever film they could find that managed to interest all of them. Dew liked to be somewhere in the middle, surrounded by as many bodies as he can. But this evening  he was nowhere to be seen. In fact, Mountain wasn’t sure he could remember seeing the smaller ghoul since they all left the stage. 
He pats at Swiss’ thigh, making the half asleep ghoul leaning on him jump. 
“Have you seen Dew since we got off stage?” He keeps his voice low, knowing he’ll get shushed if he’s too loud. 
Swiss blinks bleary eyed at him but shakes his head. 
“I don’t think so, why?” 
“He’s not here. I haven’t seen his for a while, I’m worried about him.” He gets up, pressing a kiss to Swiss’ forehead as he does. “I’m gunna go see if i can find him.” A he leaves he sees Swiss’ shuffling up to where he was sat, cuddling into Cumulus’ side. 
There’s not many places on the bus Dew can hide, under the table in the kitchen was one place, but Mountain checked there on his way to the bunks. The next place was he bunks. Dew’s own bunk was an obvious one but when Mountain pulled the curtain back he found it empty. 
He checked each bunk, finding them just as empty, until he got to his own bunk, pulling the curtain back he found Dew curled up, lying on his side facing him. He was cuddling a rat plush to his chest, one of the many that got thrown on stage for them, but this one was Dew’s favourite. But he only ever cuddle it when he was regressed, chewing on the tail, burying his face into the soft fur. 
“Oh hi, little one. I’ve been looking for you.” Mountain runs a finger down Dew’s cheek.  Dew’s eyes flick you to him, but there’s a distant glassy look to them. “Why don’t you come watch whatever film they’re all watching, hmm? I’ll let you sit on my lap.” 
Dew would normally jump at the chance to sit on Mountain’s lap, especially when regressed, taking any opportunity he could to be cuddled up as close as possible to anyone. But right now he just blinks slowly at Mountain, his glassy unfocused eyes looking right through him. 
“Dew?” Mountain frowns at the lack of response, tucking a finger under his chin. “You okay, baby?” 
Once again Dew doesn’t respond, just blinks at Mountain like he doesn’t even understand what he’s saying. 
“Oh, you’re tiny right now, hmm?” Mountain gently rubs his thumb under Dew’s chin. As expected Dew doesn’t respond, just slow blinks at him again. 
Mountain stands outside the bunk, one hand rubbing under Dew’s chin, the other running through his hair, untangling the braid he has from being on stage. He keeps pressing light kisses to Dew cheeks and forehead, whispering little praises to Dew, watching as his eyes flutter closed. He doesn’t know of Dew falls asleep or if he simply likes the attention 
Mountain isn’t sure how long he stays there, but there’s an ache beginning to form in his legs, just behind his knees. He’s just about to suggest to Dew that they move to somewhere more comfortable, so they can cuddle properly, when Dew’s face scrunches up in discomfort and he lets out a high pitched whine, clutching his rat even more. 
“What is it, baby? What’s wrong?” Mountain keeps his voice soft, not wanting to scare Dew. Dew just whines again, looking at Mountain with watery eyes. 
“Shhh, it’s okay, babyboy. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” 
Mountain gently  scoops up the small ghoul into his arms, supporting Dew’s head with his hand as it rolls back into his shoulders when he’s picked up. 
“Oh, you really are tiny right now, huh.” 
He cradles Dew into his chest, gently rocking them from side to side, humming a small melody as he kisses the top of Dew’s head, hoping it calms him. Dew’s completely limp in his arms, still clinging to his rat, letting himself be cradles against Mountain, drooling against his chest. His whines eventually die down to little whimpers before they taper off to nothing. 
“There we go, that’s what you wanted, hmm? Just wanted to be held.” Mountain runs a hand though Dew’s hair. “How about we lie down? Get nice and comfy.” 
Mountain shimmies his way into Dew’s bunk, It’s the one directly below his, it’s easier for him to shuffle his way into Dew’s bunk then trying to climb into his own while carrying Dew. He’s not even sure how Dew manage to to get up that high with how little he was. 
He settles onto Dew’s bunk, Dew curled up fully on his chest. He grabs Dew’s blanket from under his pillow, wiping the drool from his chin, and tucking the blanket under his chin to catch any more possible drool.
“There we go, That’s better. Now you can sleep if you want, little one.” Mountain runs his hands down Dew’s back, scratching lightly at the base of his tail. Dew let’s out a small chirp, curling up even smaller on Mountain’s chest. He rests his head directly over Mountains heart, listening to the gentle rhythmic thumping.  Mountain thinks Dew’s fallen asleep this time, the ghoul is so quiet on his chest, letting out the occasional deep breath and small sigh. It isn’t until Dew move, the first time he’s moved on his own since Mountain found him, that he knows he’s still awake. Dew snuffles against his chest, mouthing along the neckline of Mountains T-shirt.
Mountain gently steers Dew’s head always from chewing on his shirt. “I know what you want, babyboy. I’ve got you.” He runs his thumb over Dew’s bottom lip. Dew parts his lips, letting Mountain push his thumb into his mouth. “Such a good boy, aren’t you?” He strokes at Dew’s cheek with his pointer finger, as Dew lets out a small squeak, happily suckling at his thumb.  It only takes a couple of minutes before Mountain is watching Dew’s eyes flutter closed, finally falling asleep, still drooling around his thumb. He can’t help smiling down at the small ghoul. This might have been the smallest he’d ever seen Dew go, maybe Aether had seen him like this before. He’d ask him later, and he’d Dew too, hoping nothing had triggered him to regressing all small. But right now he was perfectly happy to watch the tiny ghoul sleep, happily sucking away on his thumb. 
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bunnygirl678 · 3 months
I keep thinking about a role reversal au for pokespe, like I’ve outlined a fic and write on it when I feel like
But Gold being the one taken by the masked man, Blue not getting attached to him like she did Silver so when she escaped he got left behind. He has Aibo but that’s it.
Silver growing up with his gym leader daddy, a totally normalish life, probably overprotective if there had been an attempted kidnapping, there is no team rocket, just spoiled baby boy with his sneasel.
and maybe he goes to Johto because daddy set him up to fill out the Johto dex, and gold escaped from the mm at like 11, but instead of revenge or finding out his past he just wants to live free, but he sees Silver be given totadile and then how upset cyndaquil is so he takes exbo just to reunite the pair,
But silver who has been sheltered and doesn’t have a lot of friends sees how exbo already loves this boy and decides to invite him to help fill out the dex, silver gets picked up by a car service every afternoon and brought to his nice home, gold always meets up with him in the mornings at a prearranged spot.
So the two of them wander around Johto becoming bffs catching pokemon, somehow it comes out that Gold lives where ever, so sometimes trees, sometimes alleys, his clothes are ratty, Silver starts bringing him lunch, brings him a Viridian city gym promotional blanket (remember there is no tr so Gio is still gym leader)
A snow storm moves in and silver is freaking out, where are you staying this is dangerous, ect, gold is like idk I’ll figure it out, no worries, when silver’s ride comes he grabs gold and pulls him into the car, he’s like I can’t let you freeze to death
Silver shows up at home brining along this dirty very homeless looking boy, Giovanni is like omg wtf ew, I don’t want this street rat around my perfect baby boy, but again, blizzard, and he can’t/wont just leave him out in the cold
Gold has a hot shower, wears some of silvers clothes cause his are dirty and falling apart (and not weather appropriate poor cold baby), he has dinner with Gio and silver, Gio is polite but gold knows what he thinks, he likes hanging with silver so he ignores the judgement
Gio puts gold in a guest room as far from silvers room as he can, everyone goes to bed, due to his terrible childhood, Gold is prone to nightmares, of course he lives wherever so he has always only had himself and Aibo for comfort, he has a nightmare, wakes up crying into Aibo’s fur as his Pokemon tries to comfort him, he’s too far from Silver for him to hear buttttt sneasel hears, goes down the hall and grabs gold and Aibo and guides them to Silver’s room, the boys end up cuddling, after silver wakes up and is like omg what’s wrong
Gio goes to wake silver up and finds the dirty boy curled up with his son, he’s pissed off but again there isn’t much he can do, he ends up moving an extra bed into silvers room but again each morning gold is curled up with silver
silver starts asking about the nightmares, gold notices he doesn’t get them when he sleeps in the same bed as silver, they’re like 11 here so it is innocent just two kids cuddling and being friends, gold finally admits his past, being a child soldier, doesn’t go into the details but it’s obvious it was bad, silver is like omg we need to tell my dad! And gold is like no! He’s scared if they tell an adult somehow he’d be returned to the mm
The storm ends, silver insists that gold continues staying with them, Gio hates it but silver is spoiled af so he gets his way, it’s fine Gio makes comments about gold a lot, subtle digs (ha cause he is a ground type gym leader lmao) gold knows but ignores them, he’s used to it. Knows how people see him
He’s a smart ass and one time he gets himself and silver into trouble, except it was actually golds fault, there was a sign with warnings or something, it comes out that he never learned how to read, thinks silver will judge him, but he’s really kind about it, really cautious about ect
One day when they’re out filling the dex silver just caught a shiny gyarados, the masked man shows up, he’s like oh boy, I’m taking you back, I spent 9 years training you, you think you can leave that easy, then he notices silver, gets excited, I actually wanted you but my attempt was ruined, so I settled for that little brat, he was never that great anyway, but at least I’ve got a gym leaders son now,
Gold is like, ‘hell no you aren’t taking him, do what you want with me but you aren’t going to hurt my friend’ gold uses his new pokemon, fights hard, tells silver to run, tries to buy him time,
Silver doesn’t leave, instead calling his dad in a panic, tells him everything happening and a quick recap, Silver waits for his dad, wants to go back to help gold but gold flipped out begging him to run,
Giovanni arrives in time to see Gold being flung into a tree, he hears MM mention him being a terrible soldier, wasted his time, ect, says he’s going to take silver, gold staggers up, barely standing but says that he won’t let silver be taken, he’d rather die, mm says something about if that’s your wish, gold gets thrown into the lake of rage, as he’s falling he sees Gio, smiles as he sinks his last thought is he’s glad silver will be safe then darkness
Gio fights mm, ends up beating him, cops come, all the while as gold was sinking silver sent out his new gyarados who dives down pulling gold out. Silver tries to do cpr then an ambulance comes they try to ignore gold to help silver who has like a tiny cut,
Silver is just like no save him! They end up taking gold to the hospital, Gio takes silver to get looked at, cops end up finding out about all the kidnappings there were some bodies too (making this darker than canon lol) they go talk to Gio, silver is sitting with gold in his room, trying to help him feel better,
Gio feels like shit cause omg this poor kid and I was an asshole to him, asks cops what is going to happen to gold, is he going to a foster home? Cops are like no, unfortunately there isn’t space, kid is going to stay on the streets, goes in and tells gold he’s going to live with them now
Gold thinks he said it just to appease silver, when they leave to go home, gold is sure he will never get to see silver again, in the morning they don’t show up like promised and gold is just like, well at least I got to have a friend for a while, I’ll cherish it forever, cop comes and is super rude to him but gets his statement, gold has really high anxiety without his pokemon especially Aibo, they’re in a daycare while he’s in hospital and he is not sure how to pay to get them out, he doesn’t have money, let alone pay for the hospital
Mid afternoon the door opens, he assumes it’s the doc about to kick him out realizing he was just street trash, instead it’s silver and Gio, Gio apologizes for being late, cops wanted statements from both of them, he hands gold a bag with a stuffed version of his team, you can’t have them in your room but these guys may help you feel less lonely when visiting hours are over, it’s the first stuffie gold has ever had,
A day or two passed and he gets released, still not convinced he’s going home with Gio, but he does! And suddenly it’s spoil time, like gold has a broken foot, but he’s put in a comfy spot, gets lots of treats, his team with him, silver hangs out, finally feels like he has a home,
Time passes, Gio decides to raise them like brothers, gold gets tutors to help him learn to read and math and stuff, him and Gio end up really close, gold gets into sports with Gio being his coach, silver is happy, he’s training to take over his fathers gym, Gio sets gold up to have a daycare, thinks of him as a son
Gold and silver are besties, at least until they hit puberty, they shift into dating without ever talking about it, one day they’re cuddling like always the next minute they decide to try kissing, nothing changes except now they kiss lol,
They decided to get married really early like 18, it’s fine, gold doesn’t ever really talk about his childhood, they know things were bad but not to the extent, one day gold is walking in the living room holding a glass of water, he trips, glass shatters and he lands on the floor, Giovanni gets up to help him, but all of a sudden gold is in a ball crying begging for Aibo not to be taken away again. Totally inconsolable, silver comes running and they are both like ??
After that they get gold to start letting it out, telling them the things that happened, getting beaten, forced to train till he collapsed, having Aibo taken away as punishment, ect
He has a few more episodes through the years but for the most part he’s happy
Him and silver never split, die of old age ect ect
Idk if anyone is still reading but this is what has been spinning around in my head lately lol
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beauspot · 2 years
ok i’ve had time to sit with this viewing of wakanda forever and im only going to try to add things i haven’t spoken about before UNLESS my opinion on something has changed. i do have namuri and okoyuma brainrot so excuse any shipper nonsense you don’t care about 🥴
L O N G P O S T 👇🏾
Small Details I Noticed:
as t’challa was being carried to the city of the dead after the funeral two wakandan ships cross in the sky like they’re doing the wakandan salute
when ramonda meets with the united nations she wears purple and gold symbolizing how she’s “taking care of business” like killmonger
the color red is associated with tradition in wakanda and everything new is associated with the color the blue and blue typically is associated with what element? water
aneka and ayo are so cute 😙
the shift from background music to it being diegetic sirens was masterful
i couldn’t figure out why namor said shuri was the first surface dweller in talokan but he had a suit. then i realized duh it was from the start of the movie 🥴
Why does no one go for the Talokanil masks
t’challa falls in love with a river tribe girl, ramonda finds comfort by sources of water I don’t find it coincidental at ALL her whole family has ties to water.
every time he issues a threat Namor is looking at Ramonda but when he sets the shell down to ask them to call? he looks at shuri.
shuri wears white while she’s working in her lab because she’s still in a mourning period.
shuri’s tribe wears red namor is represented(partially) by blue and what color does shuri wear when she’s taken to his domain? purple.
attuma is down horrendous he ain’t even join the fight in wakanda he just went looking for okoye. STAND UP.
namor and shuri pausing to stare at each other before she shoots cause they really don’t want to fight 😐
people keep saying ross’ scenes weren’t necessary and yet fully missed that namor was proved right by his scenes
N’Jadaka TOLD YALL ramonda gave her life to save riri. (doesn’t justify namor’s actions but don’t take away her agency)
shuri’s panther ears on her helmet point down like she’s ready to pounce whereas t’challa’s pointed up showing he was docile
shuri’s actions fully show us namor’s origin and how he ends up as adamant and stubborn as he is. their hatred turned them into warmongers shuri is just able to stop herself before she does something truly irreversible.
namor is such a loser he really thought shuri was finna call him on his shellphone.
in the midst of everything she remembers holding hands with namor as they watched the sunrise…hm.
Random Thoughts I Had During the Movie:
That chairman who introduced Ramonda was fine as hell
That french lady shook her head like her men ain’t break into that lab that’s wild.
Attuma’s first entrance (on the ship) had me grinning from ear to ear like “HEY BIG DADDY!”
Namor can really be brutal as fuck. The way those agents were screaming as their helicopter was spun into the ocean was scary as hell! (i’m still on his side tho ✋🏾🫱🏾liik’ik talokan)
hi anderson cooper!
i wonder why ramonda cut her hair
when shuri told her mother K’uk’ulkan was covered in vibranium he looked at her like “oh so you looked me over?” 😁
the jibari are hilarious
mbakus very silly but he has a big heart and is clearly very wise
nah okoye is right the midnight angel suit is u g l y
i cannot fully express how annoying i find de fontaine
riri my darling baby girl i love you
okoye don’t look ashy and i’m tired of them coming at my good sis
okoye is so funny 😭
the car chase scenes are always the best in these movies
i need the wakanda forever script
attuma GROWLED at okoye just kiss already
i like that attuma got his own whale and everybody else gotta share
ross is such a smol little guy who’s scared of him 🥴
angela was acting her ass off we know this but you know who else? danai. yup. i should watch the walking dead
everybody in this movie fine as hell
nakia should be in more avengers movies
nakia grew them dreads fast
their shaman was fine too everybody is HOT
why is de fontaines hair purple she looks twelve
if namor got in my face like that i’d kiss him idk
shuri fully forgot she was wearing that man’s bracelet until it was pointed out to her
mbaku’s face when he saw that whale underwater took me out.
see namor dodging shuri’s fire makes no sense he literally stands still when he’s being fired at initially and then hits the ship fire out of the air with his spear.
riri don’t listen cause ramonda definitely told her ass to run
i just-don’t get namor sometimes because he fully could have killed the scientist and shuri and he clearly doesn’t care about eternal war he just DOESN’T DO IT.
Nakia’s funeral outfit is beautiful
i will fully admit that the beauty of tenoch blinded me to namor’s brutality. that man is vicious.
aneka is so funny
iron heart has such a cute anime suit i kinda love it and hate it
we’ll probably see a different one since she can’t take it home though.
there’s something so silly about the way shuri and mbaku start to arm wrestle
the way he said “princess” and stared at her on the ship…he wanted to fuck so bad omg.
the lighting when shuri gets stabbed is insane, it becomes less saturated and green and i really like it 😗
namor’s little butt jiggle as he fell?? lol
the dissenting wakandans and talokanil are going to be a problem moving forward. they’ve each lost people and they’re not gonna let that slide.
Final Thoughts:
I really love this movie obviously but i think Tenoch being hot kinda blinded me to how cruel Namor can really be. Cause the whole time i’m thinking, he’s hot and he’s right i’m on his side. In general he doesn’t use excessive force and he gives people ample opportunities to stop fucking with him before he really goes off tho.
I still stick with my assessment that Namor isn’t a villain and you’ve missed the point if you think he is, that his actions weren’t justified but i understand he needs to protect his people so it’s not without reason.
I don’t understand why people think shuri shouldn’t have been the black panther okoye is in the dora, nakia is a spy who else was gonna be the panther?
i don’t know exactly why but this movie excites me and i am growing to love it more than any other marvel movie. this is most likely the last time ill see it in theatres since i don’t want to make myself bored with it but i’m really thankful to ryan and co for putting this out they did chad justice
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mpregstory · 2 months
Oliver and Julian had been enjoying their vacation by the seaside, a much-needed escape from their bustling city life. With the baby’s arrival just a couple of weeks away, they thought a serene getaway would be perfect for some relaxation. They had rented a charming cottage overlooking the beach, where they spent their days basking in the sun and their evenings listening to the soothing sounds of the waves.
One afternoon, as they lounged on the porch, Oliver suddenly winced and placed a hand on his belly.
Julian looked up from his book, concerned. “Hey, are you okay?”
Oliver took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “I think… I think I’m having Braxton Hicks again.”
Julian frowned and put his book aside, moving closer to Oliver. “Are you sure? It can’t be contractions, right? It’s not the right time. The baby’s not due for another two weeks.”
Oliver nodded, but his face remained tense. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure. It’s just that these feel stronger than the ones I’ve had before.”
Julian rubbed Oliver’s back gently, trying to calm him down. “Okay, just breathe through it. Remember what the doctor said, they’re usually harmless and just a way for your body to practice.”
Oliver took a few deep breaths, his hand still on his belly. “I know, but it’s hard not to worry. What if the baby decides to come early?”
Julian shook his head, trying to sound reassuring even though he felt a twinge of worry himself. “Hey, don’t think like that. The doctor said it’s normal to feel these false contractions as we get closer. It doesn’t mean the baby’s coming right now.”
Oliver closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing as the contraction slowly eased. “I guess you’re right. It’s just so hard to tell sometimes. I don’t want to risk anything.”
Julian kissed Oliver’s forehead and wrapped his arm around him. “I know. And it’s completely okay to be worried. But let’s take it one step at a time. If these start becoming regular or more painful, we’ll call the doctor. Right now, let’s just try to relax.”
Oliver leaned into Julian, finding comfort in his embrace. “You always know how to calm me down. I just don’t want anything to go wrong.”
Julian smiled, brushing a strand of hair from Oliver’s forehead. “Nothing’s going to go wrong. We’ve come so far, and we’re going to meet our baby soon. We’re ready for this, no matter when it happens.”
Oliver nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. “You’re right. We are ready. And we’ll handle whatever comes our way.”
Julian squeezed Oliver’s hand. “Exactly. Now, how about we make some tea and put on a movie? Something light and funny to take our minds off things.”
Oliver smiled, the tension slowly leaving his body. “That sounds perfect. Thanks, Julian. For everything.”
Julian helped Oliver up and together they walked into the cottage, the earlier scare slowly fading away as they focused on the simple joys of their evening.
Once inside, Julian led Oliver to the cozy couch, where he helped him settle down. “You rest here,” he said softly, “I’ll get the tea ready.”
Oliver watched Julian as he moved around the small kitchen, admiring the way his partner’s muscles flexed under his shirt. Despite the earlier scare, a familiar warmth began to spread through him. Perhaps it was the adrenaline wearing off, or maybe just the comfort of being with Julian, but he felt an undeniable desire building within him.
When Julian returned with the steaming cups of tea, he noticed the change in Oliver’s expression. “What’s that look for?” he asked with a playful smirk.
Oliver took the tea, his fingers brushing against Julian’s hand. “Just appreciating how lucky I am to have you,” he said, his voice carrying a hint of mischief.
Julian raised an eyebrow, setting his tea down on the table. “Oh really? And what exactly are you appreciating?”
Oliver took a sip of his tea, his eyes never leaving Julian’s. “Everything about you,” he murmured. “Especially how good you are at making me feel better.”
Julian leaned closer, his hand sliding up Oliver’s thigh. “Is that so? Maybe I should do more of that.”
Oliver’s breath hitched as Julian’s hand continued its journey, stopping just shy of the growing bulge in his pants. “Maybe you should,” he replied, his voice now a whisper.
Julian’s fingers traced the outline of Oliver’s erection through the fabric, sending shivers down his spine. “You know,” Julian said, his voice husky, “I’ve missed this closeness.”
Oliver moaned softly, his hips instinctively pushing towards Julian’s touch. “Me too,” he admitted, his hands clutching at Julian’s shoulders.
Julian leaned in, capturing Oliver’s lips in a deep, slow kiss. As their tongues intertwined, Julian’s hand slipped beneath Oliver’s waistband, wrapping around his hardness. Oliver gasped into the kiss, his body arching towards Julian, craving more of his touch.
Julian broke the kiss, his forehead resting against Oliver’s. “You sure you’re up for this?” he asked, his thumb brushing over the sensitive tip.
Oliver nodded, his eyes dark with desire. “I need this, Julian. I need you.”
With a tender smile, Julian carefully maneuvered Oliver onto his back, his hand never leaving its place. He kissed his way down Oliver’s neck, savoring the soft moans that escaped his lips. Julian’s other hand slid under Oliver’s shirt, caressing the smooth skin of his belly, feeling the gentle curve where their baby grew.
“You’re so beautiful,” Julian murmured, his lips trailing over Oliver’s chest. “I can’t wait to meet our baby.”
Oliver’s hands tangled in Julian’s hair, pulling him closer. “Neither can I,” he whispered. “But right now, all I want is you.”
Julian’s fingers worked deftly, freeing Oliver from his pants and underwear. He took a moment to admire the sight before him, the way Oliver’s body responded to his touch, the way his eyes shone with love and lust.
Lowering himself between Oliver’s legs, Julian took him into his mouth, drawing a deep, guttural moan from his partner. Oliver’s fingers tightened in Julian’s hair, his hips moving in time with Julian’s ministrations.
It wasn’t long before Oliver felt the familiar heat pooling in his belly, his climax approaching fast. “Julian,” he gasped, “I’m close.”
Julian’s response was a low hum of approval, sending vibrations through Oliver’s entire body. With a few more skilled movements, Oliver tumbled over the edge, crying out Julian’s name as pleasure surged through him.
Julian continued to gently stroke him through the aftershocks, his own arousal evident. When Oliver finally came down from his high, Julian moved back up to kiss him deeply, their bodies pressed together.
“Thank you,” Oliver whispered against Julian’s lips. “That was incredible.”
Julian smiled, brushing a sweat-dampened strand of hair from Oliver’s forehead. “Anything for you, my love. Now, how about that movie?”
Oliver laughed softly, feeling more relaxed and content than he had in weeks. “Sounds perfect.”
As they settled back onto the couch, wrapped in each other’s arms, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, their love would see them through. And soon, they would welcome their baby into a world filled with warmth, tenderness, and unending love.
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Walks Like A Duck
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
When you show up at home with ducks, Natasha tries to say you can’t keep them. With the help of the kids, you might just change her mind
Note: Two Nat fics in one day, woo! I’ve been so busy I went a week or so without writing, but we got ducks at my farm this weekend so I got inspired. This is a fun one! Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Mama Nat Masterlist, Main Masterlist
“No way, detka. These are grown!” Natasha says as you get out of the car and grin at her.
“They’re so cute, Nat! Look!” You open the hatch further and set the crate on the grass.
Natasha looks down at the ducks and back to you.
“No,” she tries to put her foot down. “We already have chickens. That’s enough.”
“Please?” You beg her, a sweet pout on your lips. Still, she resists. She shakes her head.
You’re about to give up when your kids start filing out of the house.
“Come here, kiddos! We got ducks!” You holler at them to come see them.
“We did not get ducks,” Natasha corrects. “We’re taking them to Clint’s.”
The oldest kids have no fear as they approach the crate. You open the hatch to let them out.
Belle and Taylor run away and find shelter behind Natasha’s legs.
“Look the girls are scared. We can’t keep them,” Natasha says. She places her hands behind her back and each little girl grabs one.
Ivan takes the initiative to try and lure the ducks out of the cage. They do so easily. “Why are you being such a party pooper, Mama?” He asks.
You hold back a laugh at his words, especially when Nat gives him a pointed look.
He raises his hands in mock surrender. “I’m just saying these ducks are cute and we should keep them.”
“Your sisters are scared, sweet boy. No,” Natasha says.
“Mama, please?” Ali tries. “I’ll help Belle and Taylor get comfortable with them. I promise.”
“Yeah, me too,” Jack adds.
“Me three!” You hop in. “Come on, babe. It’s four against one.”
Natasha sighs and shakes her head.
“Since when do we take family votes on things like this?” She poses the rhetorical question, no real frustration lingering in her voice.
Natasha watches as the ducks waddle up closer to her and the littlest babies. They both hold onto her tighter.
You swoop in and kneel behind Natasha to talk to the girls. They both look to you.
“They’re really nice, girls. They won’t even touch you if you don’t want them to. I promise. Watch your siblings,” you say, directing them to look at their older siblings.
The ducks just waddle around and quack. Natasha is beginning to give in as she watches the kids run around. The boys get a kiddie pool of water together for the ducks.
“You hear that sound?” You ask. They nod.
Natasha turns around kneels with you.
She asks them the next question.
“Do you remember what sound they make?”
“Quack, quack,” Belle answers.
“That’s right, sweetheart. Great job!” You say. She preens at the praise.
“They really do make the sound!” Taylor says.
“I know. It’s pretty cool. So, do you think you can be my brave girls and we can keep them?” You ask.
“We’re brave,” Belle says matter of factly.
“Yeah!” Taylor adds.
“It’s okay to be scared too,” Natasha says. “Being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared. It just means you’re feeling the fear and doing it anyways.”
The girls both nod. You look to Natasha and she’s offering you a go ahead smile.
You stand up and shout, “The ducks are staying!”
A chorus of cheers and thank yous come from the kids. You watch on as the older ones help the little girls get acquainted with the ducks.
Natasha grabs you by the hips and pulls you closer to her. You grin at her cheesily. She can’t help but return it.
“If you’re going to bring home animals again, please make sure you warn me,” Natasha says, a little seriousness in her voice.
“It just happened so suddenly,” you say. “But I will, baby. I promise.”
“Mhm,” she hums. “You know you probably will have to make it up to me.”
“Oh yeah?” You ask.
“Yeah,” she remarks. She leans in, but stops short of your lips. “Big time.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Natasha kisses you so lightly that it leaves you wanting more. She releases your hips and returns to the kids and ducks. She’s insatiable.
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mrsnancywheeler · 7 months
Ok I’m back with the songs 🫡
I can’t remember if anyone else has mentioned this, but finnick/sweet girl are very much giving this is me trying by miss blondie herself
I've been having a hard time adjusting. I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting” “And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad. I have a lot of regrets about that”
This reminded me a lot about their recent argument at the end of chapter 6, where sweet girl called him a liar and accused him of purposely playing mind games with her :(
“And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound. It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you. You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town”
THIS MIGHT JUST BE FINNICKS ENTIRE INNER MONOLOGUE AFTER THEY BROKE UP #IDK !! OR !! HIS THOUGHTS DURING READER’S GAMES! How he has to keep up appearances and his playboy persona to make sure his sweet girl gets sponsors, but he’s actually feeling so much grief and stress. 
Another song they remind me of is  Wasteland, Baby! But specifically:
“I’m in love, I'm in love with you. And I love too, that love soon might end. Be known in its aching”
Just reminded me about how they’re meant to go through tragedy :(( 
we can't be friends (wait for your love) by Ariana Grande’s SCREAMS young!reader going through the breakup with Finnick :((
“We can't be friends, but I'd like to just pretend. You cling to your papers and pens, wait until you like me again. Wait for your love”
Just her initial reaction to the breakup and how she still loves him :((
“I don't like how you paint me, yet I'm still here hanging”
“Me and my truth, we sit in silence. Baby girl, it's just me and you. ‘Cause I don't wanna argue, but I don't wanna bite my tongue, yeah, I think I'd rather die. You got me misunderstood, but at least I look this good” This reminds me of when Finnick was saying all those things he didn’t mean about his sweet girl, and although she’s hurt by it she still loves him (and deep down she knows he doesn’t mean it!)
And Comfort Crowd by Conan Gray is so them coded like PLEASE mainly about how reader keeps rejecting any comfort because she doesn’t feel like she deserves it + how she was afraid to voice that she wants said comfort during her hijacking
“Wellin' up in tears as I lay upon your belly. Telling you, ‘I’m fine I don't really need nobody,’ But you say through a sigh that I said that lie already”
Need I say more. 
“And even if I cry all over your body. You don't really mind. Say you like your shirt soggy.”
This could go for both Finnick and Reader! About how they both feel guilty for receiving comfort from the other person (Finnick bc he wants to give comfort too, and Reader bc she feels like she doesn't deserve it)
I hope this isn’t too long hehe but these were my #thoughts. I’m a yapper at heart <3 lmk what you think!!
BUT SIDENOTE I SAW HADESTOWN FOR THE FIRST TIME LAST NIGHT W JORDAN FISHER AND !! His performance was fr giving me finnick vibes bc he was really giving that obsessed yearner vibe IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT LOL but it was so good!!
buckle up folks because I love a lot to say 🫡❤️
this is me trying is so them, like very heavily
they're both really at their core such sunshiney people who've been so broken down and used by the world that they've really been dulled. and reader is always quick to bite back, especially when she's scared or frustrated or doesn't want to reveal her emotions, she doesn't have a complete grasp on reality yet, she's scared of being left behind, scared that finnick will die, scared of being alone and frustrated that he broke his promise to her so she lashes out.
110% to both of those, like he's so broken up, aching for her, in pain, blaming himself for everything, but he has to be what's expected of him. some drinks, laughing, flirting, smiling, when all he wants to do his curl up in bed crying as he holds into some remant of hers that he held onto all this time.
in the context of the most recent chapter "I just wanted you to know that this is me trying" is so very much both of them for different reasons
finnick says the things he does and does what he does because he wants to help her get better, to be delicate with her, keep her safe, keep her protected from the dangers of the time and her mental state. he's trying his hardest even if he doesn't always handle it in ways that bode well.
reader is trying to be herself again, she just wants to be treated normally regardless of how that affects her. once she's her she'll be less paranoid, more trusting, she's trying so hard to replicate that so she can get there and feels like he's not letting her. that her attempts are being shut down.
they are the tragic lovers, so in love, so obsessed, and constantly fated for hurt after hurt. all I'm saying is to watch moulin rouge and think of them because it's so finnick and his sweet girl in another life.
LITERALLY THOUGH if she could've she would've followed him around like a lost puppy dog, it would have fed into the narrative about her, but she's so desperately in love that she would have waited so patiently. in a way she did, but if he'd told her he was breaking up with her for other girls she was so young and so already achingly in love with him that she would have kept trailing around waiting for him to come baxk
(side note, finnick is really the love sick puppy, but reader reminds me of a stray cat who picks someone to love, always waits to be fed by them. given a little bit of attention and now will be attached for the long run. I thought googles description was really funny because it's just so her "With time and patience, a stray cat may trust you and want pets consistently. If you have grown close to a stray cat, it may feel upset or distressed if you suddenly leave it." so yeah she's a stray cat who finally got some love before being suddenly stranded again)
ANYWAYS yes, the way he talks about her and paints the portrait of their relationship is so hurtful. she totally cries about it consistently because to her he's perfect, and although she largely wants to believe what he said when they broke up and trust he still loves her, a part of her can't help but feel so stupid for letting herself be lead on by someone who's been said to be a playboy anyway. it makes her so insecure, so much more guarded, but she doesn't hate him, no she could never. she's in love with him. no matter what he says or does she's long placed her roots and won't tear them up.
that's literally the most them interaction to have never ever interacted, some of her tears have welled up, she's choking on pushed down sobs, and insisting that she's okay even though Finnick can read her like a book. he's softly scolding her for lying while she continues to try and insist until she's completely broken down into sobs.
reader could have the roughest day ever and still insist that she's fine, comfort finnick, love on him, hold him, and he spends the time hating that he's enjoying the loving when she's so obviously lying, masking everything. it's such a paradox. meanwhile she feels terrible for aching comfort because of things she does, she wants to suffer, but the lure of giving into finnick's arms is too much sometimes. especially knowing that he loves her so much and so well. she just has to let herself take what she needs even if she hates herself or it later.
ofc this isn't too long pookie, I love hearing y'all's thoughts no matter how long, yap to me endlessly pookie, I'm a yapper too. ❤️
YAY EXCITING I would love to see Jordan Fisher as Orpheus, he's so talented. I'd die, and yes it's just so Finnick 😭💕
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