#i know i know 13 year olds say words blah blah
i think my only actual complaint is that barbie was called a facist? calling her something more sexist or from the mainstream concept of barbie, bimbo/slut/gold-digger/naive/anorexic/tart, would've made the points hit harder imo
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themagnusbane · 11 months
I swear, in all these Only Friends discourse that has been raging since the finale dropped on Saturday, I wonder if anyone actually took a second to be like: this story is being told through the eyes of 20-21 year old college students. They are the mouthpiece through which this story is being narrated. Is it possible therefore that their age, their lack of experience, their slightly sheltered lives, might play a role in how they navigate their friendships, the world at large and how they react?
Like @jojotichakorn has started several times, and I agree a 100%; this story isn’t a morality lesson. Nobody is saying casual sex bad. You are evil if you’re non-monogamous. Blah blah blah. As a graysexual polyam person who just uses the term queer cuz it’s easier than me having a 30 mins convo with a stranger about my orientation and how everything intersects for me, this show was everything. Cuz PEOPLE ARE MESSY! People are messy and judgemental and annoying. Just because they’re queer doesn’t mean they WON’T be messy. I was especially a fucking shithead at 21. Hell, I was a virgin until I turned 22 (not quite as sanctimonious as Mew, thank SPIRIT!!). Who I am now at 33 is vastly different from who I was over a decade ago. I moved out at 22. Been living on my own for that time. The person I am today is a product of all I have seen and experienced. I lost the black and white lens through which I viewed the world, in that period of time.
And you know what? I do feel that these kids (cuz they are kids to me. I haven’t sat in a university class in almost 13 years 🤷🏾‍♀️), will grow, and learn and evolve. Boston I think will do fantastically well in New York. He will continue to come into his own. Will figure out what kind of relationships work best for him (both in regards to his friendships and his sexual and romantic—if he wants any—relationships), and he will thrive.
Mew will eventually get that stick out of his arse and get off his high horse. He will realize that people are messy, imperfect, and make mistakes, and that he too is flawed. And that is okay. That he doesn’t need to be burdened to replicate the perfect home life he had with his mothers. That hell, just because he fancies himself better than others, doesn’t mean that he isn’t as capable of the depraved things the human mind can conjure up 🤷🏾‍♀️.
Ray will probably battle with his addiction all his life. Will realize that battling addiction is a life-long process. Will lean on the support he has. Will probably learn to forgive his mum, and come to terms with her frailty as a human being, and what that meant with regards her suicide. He will also probably let himself admit that as much as he loved her, and wanted her to hold him and love him, he is justifiably angry at her that she did neither of those things, and then left him. He will probably confront his dad about the role he played, and didn’t play in all of this. He might decide to break up with Sand later. And they will still be good friends. Or Sand might be that ex he hasn’t spoken to in years, yet he still thinks of and smiles when he hears I Wanna Be Yours.
Same goes for Sand, and Top and Nick as well.
And who knows, at some point Cheum might realize that she can be quite the shitty friend. That she’s been a shitty friend. She might reach out to her now former friends, and honestly sincerely apologize. Or not. That’s another thing. Some people take forever to grow. And some don’t learn a lick from their experiences. And when time has passed and they looked back at all their burned bridges and try to reconnect, they are left with hands fluttering in the wind, and everyone they love out of reach 🤷🏾‍♀️.
But yeah. I don’t know about y’all. Maybe you were well adjusted uni students who were always right and knew the right words to say, and didn’t fuck up every other Saturday, and whose lives were peachy. But I was a dumbass, making dumbass choices, being a sanctimonious dumbass, and being an absolute menace. And that was how I watched the show. Knowing that this is a story of these kids, told to us by THESE kids. P’Jojo was just the conduit for their story. But it is ultimately THEIRS. I just watched it for them. Not for any moral lessons (this isn’t a parable or a fable. And I say this as someone who has been fascinated by mythology since I was 7), but to be entertained by the lives of these messy kids, crash-figuring their way to adulthood, and thanking the universe that my early 20s are way behind me, cuz fucking hell. That era of my life was some shit-show!
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bigtittybitch514 · 1 year
Something in the Way
“If you're alive, raise your hands,” a male voice commanded. You obeyed, slowly lifting your arms in the air.
"Would it count if I said I was dead on the inside?"
This is my first fanfic, just felt compelled to write! :)
I’m probably going to make this a series, which will go all the way to RE4. There will be fluff! There will be angst! There will be smut! (eventually). I love slow burns and try to be lore accurate, and as non-ooc as possible. I haven’t actually played the game bc i get too scared, but I watch the hell out of gameplay and read wikis and blah blah. It’s hard to fully grasp locations admittedly when you haven’t played the game before, so I fully admit that it’ll be gray in that area. Anyway... enough about me. 
(a little bit about you, I’ve given you a bit of a past just to correlate with the story, at the end of the day: I want you to think about yourself or your own characters)
no y/n
RE2, then RE4 later
she/her pronouns
you are 20+
TW there will be mentions of gore, violence, and blood!
3.3k words
You're headed to Raccoon City to search for your estranged mother, but little did you know that chaos awaits you. On the bright side, a charming rookie cop may just be a pleasant surprise along the way.
"My darling daughter,
As I write this, I feel the end coming near. I'm so sorry for not being there for you when you needed me most. Life got in the way, and I made mistakes that I deeply regret. I hope you can forgive me. Please know that I love you more than words can express, and I'm so proud of the person you have become. You're strong, kind, and compassionate, and I know you will make the world a better place.
As I face the end, I need you to promise me something. Please do not go looking for me or try to find me. I need you to focus on your own safety and survival. You are strong, and I believe in you.
Remember that I will always love you, and I will always be with you in spirit. Please take care of yourself, my love.
With all my heart,
That was the email you received in your Hotmail account this afternoon. You had read it over and over again until it burned into your memory, reciting it in your mind to ensure that you would never forget it. You tried to reply, asking your mother what was happening and what she meant, but there was no response.
Admittedly, you were not very close to your mother. After a nasty divorce, you went to live with your dad in Washington, and since then, she had faded in and out of your life like a distant memory. Some "Happy Birthday" calls, "How's school going?" emails, and "I miss you" letters were all you had of her since you were 13 years old. It hurt like utter hell.
But every time she called, you answered, and she gave you updates on her life. Whenever she wrote, you reciprocated. You went back and forth with yourself on whether or not you should respond until the aforementioned email popped up.
Unfortunately for you, "do not go looking for me" was enough to trigger your stubborn heart to do exactly what she didn't want you to do. You had always been headstrong, "got it from your father," your mom always used to say. You weren't sure what her email meant, and you sure as hell didn't like what it was implying. Was she dying? Dying from what? Why? Her email left you with nothing, no proper closure. Your chest ached.
Was it too late? Would you ever see her again? Would you ever reconcile? You never even got the chance to forgive her.
Even if you didn't remember much about her, you at least knew where she lived and what her job was. Mom was a pharmacist for the Umbrella Corporation in Raccoon City, over by the Arklay Mountains. She moved there not long after the divorce and has worked there ever since. She didn't speak much about her job, though you also never probed about it either.
What is there to question about a pharmacist job anyway? “Hey, you ever filled a months supply of Viagra?” Does Viagra even get prescribed? You’re not sure. 
Soon after receiving the email, you made your way towards the industrial city as quickly as possible. The drive usually took about 10 hours, but you managed to make it in 7 ½ hours by driving like a madman. You were worried about getting pulled over, but luckily, it seemed like no police officers wanted to do their job today.
The drive through the mountains was breathtakingly beautiful, yet nerve-wracking. The twists and turns were treacherous enough during the day, but as dusk turned into the dark of night, they became even more terrifying. To make matters worse, rain began to fall in sheets, pounding the roof of your dad's beat-up old truck with an incessant din. You couldn't help but curse aloud at how this great scenic drive was being ruined.
Your old wipers were no match for this kind of weather, and as soon as you got close enough to the city, you decided to make a pit stop. Your ass was aching too, and the next exit sign indicated a gas station to the left of the freeway. You turned on your blinker and merged onto the exit intersection, eager to stretch your legs and relieve yourself. Your plan was to fill up your gas tank, grab a few snacks for the rest of the ride, and be on your way.
As you approached the gas station, the bright lights illuminated the area like a birthday cake in a dark room. You pulled up quickly, eager to get out of the rain. Parking your truck on the opposite side of a Jeep Wrangler, you found it strange that there was no one inside or outside the vehicle. But you didn't think much of it and stepped out of your jalopy, using your arm to shield your eyes from the downpour.
As you made your way to the pump, you noticed that the gas station was also empty, with no lights on inside. This was starting to feel a little fishy. You looked back at another car and saw that it too was empty. Something was definitely not right here.
And then you saw it.
Dark red blood was splattered all over the concrete beneath your feet.
"What the fuck?!" you exclaimed in shock and horror.
In the distance, a piercing screech cried out like something straight out of a horror movie, and it made your blood run cold. Your heart was racing as you frantically looked around, trying to locate where the sound may have come from. Your mind raced with possibilities, but nothing could have prepared you for what you were about to see.
And then you saw them. Maybe ten of them. Dead bodies, shuffling towards you in a grotesque parody of life. Their flesh was rotting, their skin hanging off their exposed muscles in ragged strips. The stench of decay was overwhelming, and bile rose in your throat as you tried not to vomit. 
As they drew closer, you could see the extent of their injuries. Some had chunks of flesh missing, exposing their bones and organs. Others had been shot or stabbed, leaving gaping wounds that oozed with pus and blood. And yet, despite their injuries, they kept coming towards you, their eyes fixed on you with a hunger that made your skin crawl.
You tried to back away, but your legs felt like they were made of stone. You were rooted to the spot, paralyzed with fear as the undead creatures moved closer. Your heart pounded in your chest, your breaths coming in short gasps as you desperately tried to think of a way out. The zombies were moving closer, their decaying fingers reaching out to grab you, it felt like their rancid breath was almost hot on your face. 
Holy fucking shit.
Suddenly, your body moved before you could think, hands shaking as you fumbled with the keys before finally jamming them into the ignition. "Come on, come on, come on," you muttered frantically to yourself. The engine roared to life, and you slammed the truck into reverse, feeling the impact as you hit a few of the undead behind you, their putrid flesh smearing across the back windshield.
Without hesitation, you hit the gas and plowed through the horde in front of you, sending limbs and gore flying in all directions. Tears streamed down your face as you screamed in terror, the sound muffled by the roar of the engine. It was all too much, too real. Your father's voice echoed in your head, telling you to be strong, not to cry.
But you couldn't help it. The sobs wracked your body, making it hard to breathe. You forced yourself to slow down, to take deep, shuddering breaths in and out, trying to regain control. The road ahead stretched out, empty and silent, and you drove on, heart pounding in your chest, praying that you would make it to Raccoon City alive.
The drive to Raccoon City was eerily silent. The usual sound of music blaring from the speakers was absent, and the only thing you could hear was the hum of the engine. Your hands clutched the steering wheel so tightly that your knuckles turned white. You tried to shake off the fear that had gripped you earlier, but it was no use. Those things you encountered were like nothing you had ever seen before.
You desperately searched for a logical explanation to what you had witnessed. Was it a flash mob? A sick prank? But deep down, you knew those weren't plausible explanations. As your thoughts raced, your thumbs drummed nervously on the steering wheel. Was this what your mom was warning you about? Despite everything, you knew you had to find her. She was still your mother, and you were determined to reunite with her.
It was about a half an hour before you arrived in the city. It was a harrowing scene, a city in utter chaos. The streets were littered with abandoned cars, some still smoking, as embers licked the sides of buildings. The once bustling city now looked like a warzone. And in the midst of it all were the undead, their groans and moans filling the air. A repeated message to survivors blared on speakers, urging them to head over to the police station as soon as possible. Your heart raced as you wondered if your mother was there.
As you drove through the chaos, your truck garnered much attention. Its engine roared and headlights pierced through the darkness and rain. You couldn't help but think back to your father's strict parenting and the basic combat and defensive training he instilled in you. He was an army veteran who raised you to be fearless, and you couldn't let him down now. Even though it had been years since you had thoroughly practiced, you knew how to defend yourself if necessary.
But as you drove through the chaotic streets, you couldn't shake off the feeling of terror that had gripped you since you first saw the walking dead. You were determined to find your mother, but the fear of not making it to the police station in one piece was starting to weigh on you.
You frantically scour the old truck for anything that could aid in your survival: a car jack, McDonald's wrappers, and your backpack. Nothing seems particularly helpful, except for the backpack. You realize that it might come in handy if you needed to carry supplies like water, herbs, or even a weapon while searching for your missing mother.
As the walking corpses pound and scratch at your vehicle, you feel the truck shake violently. You know it's time to make a run for it. Although you don't have a solid plan, you've had years of self-defense training and are confident in your ability to use your legs and elbows to fight off attackers.
You pray to God, if they exist, that you'll find something to defend yourself or that you'll have enough skill to make it out alive. You put on the backpack and with a swift kick, you shatter the back window and scramble onto the roof.
Now, you need to find the police department. But where the hell could it be?
As you shield your eyes from the pouring rain, you scan the area, thinking of heading north in the hopes of finding a clue to guide you in the right direction. To your surprise, your truck wasn't that far from the sanctuary. A large brick gate with the letters "RPD" above it caught your eye, the light shining behind the sign like an angel was paving the way for you. The fence was made of sturdy brick, and the gates were steel. You just hoped they were open for entry.
You bravely leap off the top of the vehicle and make a beeline for the gates, the creatures screeching and reaching their arms towards you. As they try to grab hold of you, you execute a swift and powerful kick, sending one of them flying into a nearby bus and breaking its neck at a disgustingly awkward angle.
As you barely escape the grasps of the monsters, you finally reach the gates, but guess what? 
They're fucking locked. 
Shit! What are you supposed to do now? 
You frantically search for an alternative entry point, dodging zombies left and right, shoving and kicking them aside as you go. Finally, you spot a fire escape on the adjacent side of the building that leads up to the second floor, which appears to be zombie-free from your current vantage point. However, the fire escape is not easily accessible as it's about 50 feet away and you're on solid ground. But just then, you notice a tree next to the window swaying in the wind, creating a potential opportunity for you to reach the fire escape.
You sprint towards the majestic tree, grateful for its existence as it becomes your savior in this moment of peril.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you desperately cling onto the slick wood with your fingertips, refusing to look back at the grotesque monsters that hungrily pursue you. Your muscles strain and ache as you haul yourself up through the slick and treacherous branches. Panic overtakes you as you inadvertently step on a brittle branch, causing it to snap beneath your weight. Time seems to slow as you teeter on the edge of disaster, but you manage to grab onto a sturdier branch just in the nick of time, your heart pounding in your chest as you gasp for air. As you climb further up the tree you see your opportunity to move towards the ledge of the fire escape. 
You make a daring leap towards the fire escape, and for a moment, time seems to stand still as your eyes fixate on the dizzying drop beneath you. But your body moves on instinct, your fingers grappling for the metal bars with a desperate grip that tightens with the surge of pure adrenaline. You manage to catch hold of the bars, your fingers aching from the impact, but you cling on for dear life. You push your body forward, lifting yourself up and over the metal railing.
Before you know it, your knees give out as they hit the metal bars beneath you, your body succumbing to the intense exertion you just went through. Despite being accustomed to physical exhaustion, the experience of genuine fear was traumatic. You realize that your life could have ended in mere seconds if you had made one wrong move. Once you get back home, if you do, you'll definitely be discussing this with your therapist.
Your feet feel uncomfortably squishy in your Chuck Taylors, learning the hard way that the cloth shoes are definitely not made for running in this kind of weather. The rain is relentless, and you can feel your socks getting soaked through. You hope the powers that be don't bless you with trench foot by the end of this horrifying adventure.
You peer through the shattered window of the second floor, noticing the broken glass strewn about the darkened halls of the police station. The only source of illumination is the faint glow of moonlight. It's no surprise that the place looks abandoned. You take a moment to break off the remaining shards of glass, careful not to cut yourself on the sharp edges. With a roll of your jean jacket sleeve, you scrape off the remaining slivers of glass before cautiously sliding yourself through the window. As you land inside, you can't help but be hit by the putrid odor of death. The walls are adorned with blood and the lifeless bodies of the fallen, as if a deranged artist had been given free reign of the building. 
You make every effort to remain silent, as the last thing you want is to alert any zombies that might be lurking inside the building.
As you scan the area, your eyes catch sight of wooden planks scattered on the ground, nails jutting out from their undersides. Someone must have tried to use them to barricade the windows, but it didn't seem to have worked out well. The darkness was all-encompassing, making it nearly impossible to see anything, despite your eyes adjusting to the dim environment. You do make out a staircase adjacent to the window, but the idea of ascending to the third floor seems uncertain given your lack of knowledge of the building's layout. You need to think fast and find a weapon.
Onwards then!
Silently navigating through the bloodied and cluttered halls, you cautiously avoid tripping over any obstacles that could give away your presence. Bodies of officers lay scattered on the floor, their once-protective uniforms now torn and blood-stained. Many of them had been infected and turned into zombies, their lifeless eyes staring off into the distance. As you survey the scene, you notice some of the bodies had gunshot wounds, while others had knives still embedded in their chests. It was clear that this area was now zombie-free only because someone had taken the time to exterminate them, but the question lingered in your mind: who could have done it? 
After some time, you stumble upon a staircase leading downwards. You contemplate descending to the first floor, hoping to find something of use in the main hall. So far, you've scavenged through numerous bodies, but none of them had any usable firearms. However, you did find plenty of bullets, which could come in handy later on. Another curious detail you noticed was the abundance of red and green herbs scattered throughout the building. It was almost comical how many medicinal plants were growing in a police station, but in this apocalyptic world, you knew their healing properties could make all the difference.
As you searched a corpse, the beam of a flashlight suddenly appeared on the wall in front of you, casting your silhouette in the middle of it. Your heart racing, you froze, realizing someone was behind you. The sound of a gun being cocked only added to your anxiety.
“If you're alive, raise your hands,” a male voice commanded. You obeyed, slowly lifting your arms in the air.
You attempted to make light of the situation, hoping to ease the tension. "Would it count if I said I was dead on the inside?" you chuckled, but the fear still lingered.
You heard a small snort of laughter from the man behind you, which made you think that maybe he wasn't as serious as he seemed. It was a welcomed sound in a tense situation. After a few seconds of silence, he spoke up.
"It's okay, you can turn around. I put away my gun. I'm an officer, well, I was supposed to be."
You noticed a hint of melancholy in his voice, but his tone was also encouraging. Still, you kept your hands up just to be cautious. When you finally turned around, the industrial flashlight shone in your eyes, causing discomfort. You shielded your eyes immediately.
"Ah, damn, sorry!" He scrambled to turn the flashlight away from you.
Despite the dim lighting, you could make out the silhouette of a man in front of you. He towered over you and was clad in a vest adorned with more pockets than you could count, like some sort of real-life action figure. His uniform looked like SWAT gear, vest emblazoned with the letters "RPD" that you assumed stood for the police department. As he drew closer, a musky scent mixed with the unmistakable metallic odor of blood wafted towards you, making you wrinkle your nose. You couldn't help but notice the dried blood and grime splattered across his torso, arms, and even the front of his legs. It was pretty clear that this guy was the one responsible for taking down the zombies that had been lurking around the station.
“My name is Leon, Leon Kennedy. And yours?”
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claire-elvisgirl · 1 year
A Growing Lily - pt. 2
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Hope you like part 2...let me know what you think! And part 3. Is almost ready!
Word count: 3435
Summary: You’re divorced. Elvis takes you and you little daughter to live with him. 13 years after he acts like a perfect possessive and jealous father.
Warnings: +18, mention of booze, authoritarian fathership, rebellion, relationship step-father/daughter
13 years after...
In the first years your life was exactly as you expected. Lily was growing and you and Elvis were united as ever. But thirteen years could change even the most perfect couple. He was always caring and loving with you and Lily, but you seemed to have lost the joy of loving him, even if you would never leave him. You were so grateful to him for saving you, for giving you the new life you deserved and now you simply couldn’t tell him that things have changed a little for you.
Lily had turned into a beautiful 18 year-old girl and she was Elvis’ real joy. He spent most of his time with her, spoiling her and cuddling her as his little princess.
One day he got back home and find Lily on the couch, reading a book. He leaned down behind her and kissed her head: “How's my favorite little girl doing tonight?”
“She gasped surprised: “Elvis...you scared me! I’m good... you alright?”. After she turned 15 she wouldn’t be able to call him daddy again. She was growing and he was getting older too. He was 35.
Lily grabbed his hand as he seated next to her on the couch: “Where's mama? I haven't seen her all day...is she ok?”
He looked at her seriously: “She's upstairs in bed and do me a favour, darlin', don't bother her, alright?”. You asked him to let you sleep. You hadn’t felt well all the night and you were so sleepy that you had to recover. Lily looked at him worried: “Is she sick?”
Elvis looked up annoyed. “Not exactly, sweetheart. She been cryin'...ya mama got a lot on her mind, but it was my fault this time, so she needs her sleep now.”
“What happened?” she asked worried.
He smiled: “Don't you be worryin' your little pretty head about your mama, sweetheart, she’s fine. Just let her sleep, don't you bother her tonight, ok?”
Lily got up from the couch. “Well...ok...I was about to tell her that I'm going out tonight...”
He looked at Lily: “You are, sweetheart? Where you goin'?”
She headed to her room: “Hanging out with my friends, we would probably go to that beach party I told you about!”
He pointed his hands on the couch and followed her. “Seriously Lily? I thought we talked about that…I don’t want you to go that party...who knows how many people, drugs, booze... just ain't safe, ya hear? I think I maybe have to talk to your mother...”
Lily smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek: “Oh please...I'm not 5 years old anymore...and mama agreed to let me go! Didn’t she tell you?”
He ignored her kiss and kept on talking: “Well, sweetheart, just cause you aren't five anymore doesn't mean a thing, darlin'!” He was in rage. But suddenly he calmed down “Just promise me...no booze, no drugs, no messin' around! Okay?”
“Alright... no booze, no drugs, blah blah blah...ok...same things...” she answered.
“That's a good girl, you know how I love you and I get so worried when you ain't around, sweetheart.”
“I know! But you dunt have to worry! Now I have to get ready. Danny is gonna pick me up in 15 minutes!” She headed for the bathroom but he stopped her. “Oh…and another thing Lily: no make up this time, ya hear?”
She passed over him: “Oh Elvis please...no make up? Seriously?”
He looked at her seriously grabbing her cheek. “I think you need to be natural, Lily, you are more beautiful that way. Ya don’t need to cover that natural beauty. No make up Lily, that’s it! Ya hear me?”
She rolled her eyes back, taking his hand away: “Alright, but it's not fair!” she answerd hiding some make up stuff in her purse.
“Fair or not, darlin', when I say something, that's what I mean and you know that. So ya better behave and stay out of trouble!” he yelled going back to the living room.
She got angry and turned to him: “You know... you're not my real father Elvis! you can't keep on treating me like I was a child. As you can see, I'm not a child anymore!!!!
He stopped and got back. He got very close to her and he stares from up to down: “Hey!! don't ya raise your voice at me, young lady!! You are still too young, so you better listen to what I say. Understand?”
“Too young?? Oh God, Elvis, I'm 18 and technically I'm adult...”
He was getting angrier: “Well, you may be an adult technically, but mentally you still got a long way to go til you're a grown woman. Furthermore, you're legally my step-daughter, and the rule is no make up, no booze, no drugs and that's the end. Ya understand?”. He threw a punch on the wall.
She stepped back scared. Then he kept on talking: “Don’t look at me like that...I'm only tryin' to protect you and keep you out of trouble. Now go. Your boy is comin' in a few minutes.”
She came to your room to tell you she was going out and that she loves you. You kissed her and wished her a good evening. Then she came back with a short pink dress on. As she passed beside Elvis he grabbed her arm. “I think you didn’t heard what I told you!!! Where do you think you’re going with this thing? Don’t you think it’s a little too short?”
“Oh please Elvis, not again, mom said this was alright! I bought it with her!”
“I don't care what your momma said! I’m in charge now! I'm your step-father and I said no. This dress is too short, and you’re not going to wear it! Understand?”
She laughed at him: “Are you serious? Is this some kind of joke?”
He looked at you: “This ain't a joke, I'm dead serious right now. So, you’re not gonna wear this dress. That’s it!”
In that moment the door bell rang. “Too late!” She went to open the door to find her boyfriend Danny.
Elvis stopped the two lovers: “So…where ya going?”
Lily snorted: “Elvis please I told you... we're going to the beach!”
He was standing in front of the door: “Yeah, beach party, right..”
Danny felt the heavy situation and promised to take care of Lily. “You better son, otherwise ya gonna make me have to follow you and keep an eye on ya!?”
Lily pointed her finger at him: “Oh don't you dare....”
Elvis towered her: “’Don't you dare’ what? Ya got a little attitude there?!”
An annoyed voice came from upstairs. It was you who stopped all the circus: "Elvis please stop it...let them go!”
He looked up: “Oh for the love of Christ, alright...just go on, and do me a favorite, behave yourself. And don't be callin' your momma and tellin' her I told ya to behave, ya hear me?”
“Oh thank youuu... you're the greatest!” she kissed him on his cheek then she went out with Danny. Elvis remains alone and he sat on the couch.
“God, that damn girl's gonna be the death of me. She's gonna do what she wants...and if she ever gets herself in trouble, I don’t know what I’m gonna do...” He said to himself with annoyance and with a pinch of sadness in his voice.
Lily spent a wonderful night with her friends. As she promised there were no drugs or other bad things...except a little bit of alcohol.
The day after Elvis woke up early, his thoughts were already on his stepdaughter. He went to check her in the bedroom, but the bed was tied up and nobody was in the room. He went to the bathroom, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and splashed cool water on his face to wake himself up. He couldn’t help but think about Lily and he was worried about her.
He was about to wake you up, when he heard the doorbell. Elvis rushed up to answer it. To his surprise, he found Lily and Danny at his doorstep.
“Well...isn’t it a bit late to come back!?” he was furious. “You were supposed to take it easy and come back by midnight. Are ya two alright?”
She entered the house: “Don’t worry Elvis, I'm feeling very good!”
“And Danny here? Is he treating you well? Please tell me he is behaving. I'm trusting him to take care of you...
“Oh don't you worry, he took greeeat care of me!” she answered looking at Danny with a mischievous face.
Elvis's tone changes and he became harsh and authoritarian. He saw a big smile in her expression, and knew she was hiding something. “You...you two...haven't done nothing stupid, Lily?”
“Come on Elvis... you worry too much....” then he kissed Danny and she sent him away: "You better go!".
She sat on the couch and Elvis went straight to her. “I'm pretty sure you broke your promise! What happened last night?”
“Dunt get mad, it's alright!”
“C’mon, you know me better than that! I just want to know how you spent your night, 'cause I couldn't stop thinking about you, I was worried!” He got closer to Lily, to the point that he was sitting right next to her. Their eyes met when he looked at her with a kind and worried look. Elvis smiled as he spoke: “Oh, this is killin' me, Lily...just tell me what happened, please. You know, I care about ya…”. His tone was sincere and honest. He looked at her with genuine worry and he put his hand on her thigh in a protective gesture.
She pushed him back: “What are you doing?”
“Don't worry about it, Lily...don't worry at all! Now, just tell me what happened, and everything’s gonna be alright, ya hear me? You broke your promise, you know that? But I want ya to be honest with me now!” He then slowly moved his hand to caress her thigh. He wasn't thinking straight anymore, his desire just took over at that point.
“Elvis please...what are you...?”
He couldn’t hold back his feelings anymore: “Darlin', now listen to me...ya know I love ya, like any other father, but hey, every man has needs and you just don't know how hard it is to resist you, and...” his hand had already traveled up to the edge of her dress, his eyes were now fixed on her lips like a hungry predator. The thought of kissing her was overwhelming him.
As she realised what was happening she got up from the couch: “Dunt you dare…I'm gonna tell mama!”
His desires overpowered him, and he was now ready to go much further to have his way. His thoughts were only focused on her, everything else had disappeared in that exact moment. Elvis got close to her and kissed her hard, while his tongue tried to find its way into her lips. He was now desperate to possess his stepdaughter. He pulls her on the couch so her body was now on top of him. His hand grabbed her hair and pressed the back of her head down, bringing Claire face closer to his.
She struggled to push him away... "It can't be happening!” she thought. His hand moved to lift the edge of her dress higher and higher up her thighs. He was trying with all his might to resist the urge to take her right there and then, but he was into it. In that moment, as she was trying to escape, she felt her body shiver and a strange pressure grew in her lower belly. “Oh my God..”
She grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away standing up and leaving him on the couch: “What are you trying to do?? Are you mad?”
“Honeybee, ya know what I'm trying to do! I want you in every possible way, and ya know that. I love the way you look, the way you move, the way you smell. You are mine, ya hear me? You are mine!” He stood up and grabbed her again. This time he pressed her against the couch with his whole body on her and pinned her against the couch as his hands were under her skirt and tried to undo her bra.
She cried “No, please...mooom!”
In that moment your voice came from upstairs: “Lily, what's going on sweetheart?” You asked while getting downstairs. Lily jumped from the couch. Elvis looked at her in a frustrated way, as he fixed his clothes to look good again. “Ah shit Lily! Why you had to go get your momma?” As Elvis heard footsteps getting closer to the living room, he tried his best to hide his arousal.
Lily ran upstairs and locked her in her bedroom. Elvis hears her crying and his face was filled with sadness. As you came down, he found himself with you in the living room and he tried to lie, but he seemed to be a bit nervous. You looked at him with a skeptical look.
“Oh y/n, sweetie, Lily was just scared because I yelled at her for breaking her promise and going out with his boyfriend. I just yelled at her 'cause I'm worried she'd break her promise again, she's not in trouble, ya hear me?” You looked at him worried. “Believe me y/n, Lily is ok, she’s in her room now, I sent her to rest!” You were so tired that in the end you believed him and went to get lunch ready. Elvis, in a desperate gesture, decided to knock on Lily’s door. He knocked very hard, as if it was a threat.
“Honeybee, I need to talk to ya. Please open the door!”. He was knocking on the door over and over and over again. He seemed nervous, frustrated, and sad all at once. He needed her to open that door so he could convince her. “Lily please...I didn't mean to scare you, sweetheart...and I won't yell at you again, I promise! But I really need to talk ya, darlin'. Please, sweetheart...I promise it will not take long!” He sounded desperate at this point. She felt him crying and she opened the door a little bit. He saw the little slit of the door open and his heart beat fast. He took all his strength to keep his composure and not look at her with lusty look.
“Lily please...I'm gonna fix this, I promise...just listen to me and don't tell on me, ya hear me?” His words were sincere, but he couldn't help looking at her and wishing he could hold her.
“What did you got on your mind?” she asked shocked. Elvis looked up and tried to fix his eyes on her eyes. “Listen to me Lily, don't say anything to your momma, ok? I couldn’t bare to lose both of you!”.
Lily is very angry and she felt betrayed by him. All of her life she looked at him like the hero of the fairytales, her prince charming and now she was seeing him as a monster. “How can you ask me that? Do you realise what you were about to do?”
“Lily, please... I wasn’t about to do anything, you hear me? I just wanted to hug you and...I'm sorry...just please, don't tell your momma. Please!” He started to sound needy, pleading, and desperate. He sounded as if his life depended on her not telling on him. Lily looked at him and in that moment something changed inside of her. She saw him vulnerable and almost lost. Elvis, who just wanted to kiss her, saw Lily getting closer to him. She got closer and Elvis' heartbeat increased even more. The temptation was bigger than ever for him.
“I won't tell her...daddy!”
Elvis saw her smiling. She was a lot more beautiful and cute when she smiled. Then he smiled back at her and put his arms around her waist, ready to hug her. She suddenly leaned towards him, expecting a kiss. Elvis was confused. He kissed her passionately, in a way he never expected to. He couldn't resist her anymore. His desire for her was too big to resist. Finally, his tongue was in her mouth and their lips were dancing free. She pulls back shocked at what she did: “I'm...I'm sorry daddy...I..”
Elvis was still holding her, and didn't let her go. His eyes were on her lips and he couldn't resist her anymore. This was just a kiss to her, but for him, it was like a dream becoming true. He kissed her again, but even more passionately than before. As their lips danced, he was the happiest man in the world, knowing it was a mistake that would cost him everything he had. He couldn't resist his stepdaughter and he was enjoying her lips and her body now more than ever.
He pushed her against the wall and kept kissing her passionately. Her legs moved a bit, but Elvis felt that she was into it. So he kept going, pushing her body against the wall. His desire for her was as big as his love, if not bigger. He couldn't get enough from her. Elvis didn't want this moment to end, but the thought of letting himself go any further also crossed his mind. He knew this would cost him a lot if anyone came to this room. As he kissed her on her neck, Elvis made sure to whisper: “Be quite baby...” then he locked the door.
He put his hand on the back of her neck, as his other hand moved slowly down to her butt and thighs. He loved to touch her body and he couldn't resist her anymore. He wanted to take her right there and then. He wanted to get her out of that dress and make her his own. He kissed her slowly and passionately, taking his time with her, giving her as much pleasure as he could. Elvis stopped his hands slowly from touching Lily’s body, as he took his eyes off her body and he started to look in her eyes. He looked at her with desire, but at the same time with deep feelings of love and tenderness.
Suddenly Lily pushed him away. “Please Elvis, stop... this is not the right way!”
Elvis was confused. He had never felt this way for a woman before, but at the same time he was just a man who couldn't resist his desire. Elvis knew he was in trouble, and he had a big decision to make.
“Lily, ya know I want to hold ya, ya know I want to kiss ya...and I want to give ya everything you... deserve, ya hear me?” he said while he kept on caressing here gently.
She looked down: “What I'm trying to say is...I want it too, but not this way!”
Elvis wasn't expecting that. He looked at her in shock. She was telling him that she also felt what he felt, but she was too scared to fully admit it.
“You mean...ya want this too? Oh God, ya can't imagine how much I want to be with you and make you mine, but you know I can't Lily...you know I can't...”
She held him and looked him in his eyes: “I loved you since I was little...when you took us with you I was just a child and you were my big hero. I remember I called you daddy back then but now...I just can't. That's why I never called you that way anymore...”
“Lily, you mean you love me? You...you fell in love with me a long time ago? I never knew that! I...I can’t believe it. But...you are too young for me Lily. We could never be…” Elvis was torn apart. He would have taken her right then, but still he saw her as the little girl he raised and he couldn’t do anything but feel guilty.
“I don't care if I'm too young!” said Lily “I want you to teach me how to love you. You know, I have to confess you a thing: Danny tried to do something last night, but I stopped him! I didn't want him to be the first, I wanted to be you!” At that words he took courage and chose the path of his new life. He could have the opportunity to be with her. So he didn't want to waste anytime and he had the perfect place for spending some quality time with her. “Lily, come with me! We'll need to be careful, but once we get there, there's no one that we have to hide from. It's just you and me, alone and free!"
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trans-joy-is · 7 months
When I was in my last year of middleschool (so I was... 13 or 14 years old I believe) the school organized a small party. I did not want to go because people, noise, and don't want to wear a dress because that's what women should wear blah blah blah.
At that time, I wasn't out but I wasn't really on the closet either. Like, I wasn't really aware of the word '' transgender'' and until middleschool, I never questionned my gender because I did not know I was supposed to be a girl because I was AFAB, you know ? I was like "I can' t be FtM, I'm not a girl'' 😂 [Laughing smiley]. But in middleschool my classmates started to pressure me into presenting as a woman. Ergh.
Anyway, I was almost out to myself.
Since I did not want to go to the party but my parents wanted me to go, a friend of mine said we would go together. She wasn't aware of being trans at all at that time. Her parents brought her a suit and I was wearing a trousers with a shirt I stole to my father. When I arrived at the party with my friend, she gave me her jacket. It was the first time I was wearing a suit jacket. Oh my gods, I was sooo happy. On top of that, the jacket was way to big for me so it hid my boobs. Wonderful. People stared at me but I didn't care. I was so good and sooo proud. And my friend was happy not to have to wear her jacket (she would understand that feeling a few years later after coming out). I remember people saying '' you can't wear that ! You look like a boy ! " and I would answer '' So what ? '' or '' what if I'm one'' so it' s also the first time I stood up against my harassers.
I think that's one of the first time I felt trans joy, and maybe my most precious trans joy memory. I'm happy I was able to experience it with another trans person. It was the beginning of my transgender journey, the next year I came out as non binary to my friends. I' m happy that the event that started my journey was a trans joy moment.
That party was 6 years ago. Today, I'm queerer than ever. My social transition stagnates but I'm still trans, I don't want to take testosterone but I'm still a boy, and I'm FtM and non-binary. I never talked to another FtM or transmasc person IPL or IVL but I know that everywhere in the world there are boys like me and it makes me so happy. There is a little european trans guy thinking about you, and xe are so proud of you and xe think you are really strong and beautiful and smart, and you are terrific. Xe wishes you all the best in the world. You rock.
- @queerpatoisant-e
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finalshaper · 2 years
13 19 43 😈 for the guardian asks
send me asks about my idiot
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13. Is your Guardian stealthy or "stealthy?"
If I am interpreting this correctly...
If it's stealth as in sneaking around Assassin's Creed style, Nebula is nearly inaudible when he wants to be. You couldn't even hear the noise of his mechanicals as he moves, like the shadows themselves concealed him in the silence of space. Living out in the wilderness for six years before turning himself up at the Last City has taught him well to be as quiet as physically possible for a Titan, for an Exo.
In any other situation where he's messing around, he isn't exactly the most quiet. He knows he isn't doing it because survival and tactical advantages are on the line, so he lets himself go a little. He's still incredibly quiet depending on the situation, but you can at least hear him a little bit if you really listen closely or he happens to slip and make a noise that's less-than-quiet.
19. If your Guardian left behind audio logs like Cayde after his death, what would they say? Who would they be addressed to?
Nebula would leave behind both audio logs and written files. They would be found everywhere -- in the nooks and crannies between the places the world forgot, blared on repeat between the lines of his favourite songs, played like an ode or an elegy aboard his beloved Morning Star. So to speak, metaphorically, blah blah.
They would address anyone who finds them, anyone who cranes their neck and strains their ears to hear the whispers on the wind, those attentive and sharp enough to hear whispers of his life and death between the singing of songbirds and his legacy echoed in the yips and barks of coyotes over a wasteland.
They can be found in Cayde's old stash sites. In Pulsar's library. In Atlas' accounts of the Hive. In the eyes of Zavala, of Ikora, of Banshee and Amanda and everyone in the Tower that had been blessed by his presence, stolen away so suddenly and sharply. He dies, and in his will is the world laid at the feet of his inheritors.
The physical journals and audio files are just as widespread as the metaphors I've painted to describe them. They can be found in hidden places, yes, but also bought with the right price, or handed off from one person to the next, and some of them you might just be lucky enough to find copies of them. They address his "Inheritors," -- his children, his crew, his lovers, his friends, and even whoever may be listening and reading. Most notably, however, they address Cayde -- his King of Spades, his dear Wormwood.
Coordinates wrapped in riddles to riches untapped. A legacy of sorrow and of strength and of pain, his life story recounted in simple words and plain speech. In warnings, in instructions, in fables and tales from his life that make him sound a thousand times more legendary than he actually is. After all, he is just a man. Before a Guardian, he is a man. Before a father, he is a man. Before a husband, before a lover, before a hero, he is a man.
And even in death, he doesn't want the world he's leaving behind to forget this.
43. If your Guardian is the type for pranking, what kind of pranks do they do?
Look. I may have previously described Nebby as this big serious brooding badass but he is actually a big goofball. Pure of heart, dumb of ass. He's serious only when the situation or circumstances call for it and his level of seriousness often dictates just how dire the situation is. Is he snappy and sarcastic, maybe making perfectly-timed witty comments? Not that serious. Suddenly barking orders and glowering at anyone who looks at him expecting him to laugh and say it's a joke? Oh shit, the Witness is here type serious. It takes a LOT to make him take anything serious, which he is often chided for -- "Do you not understand the weight of the situation at hand?"
Some of Nebula's pranks are harmless, like purposefully rearranging people's things so they think they've misplaced it only to find it hiding under their nose. But some of them are more on the disruptive and even mean side -- but he means well regardless.
Depending on the person he's pranking, he often knows just what makes them click. Just what would drive them up the wall. And he plans just what to do, meticulously, with as much precision he can muster -- and then, he strikes, having constructed the perfect prank to either tease them slightly, make them laugh, or come across as pure mean-spirited depending on the individual, their comfort level, and the observers (if any).
Yes, he has gone after Ikora. Yes, he has gone after Zavala. Banshee. Saint. Eris. He has a hit list and he swears he will mess with everyone on it before he dies his final death or so help him.
Buuut considering how sweet he is, he often helps with cleanup and the like, and makes sure that the person he messed with is laughing by the end of it. That is, if they can.
and as a bonus because I DESPERATELY want to answer this one:
28. Their reaction to Cayde's death? Were they bloodthirsty, hungry for revenge; or tired and grieving after so many lost?
ready the screaming at me in the comments and the ask box because this one is a DOOZY
Cayde-6 was his first husband. Together they raised the twins Ace and Kookaburra, who accompanied Cayde to the Prison of Elders. Of the four, Nebula was the only one who survived. On his way to where Cayde was upon responding to a call he made to him, he saw the bodies of the twins.
Ace, having been shot in the head, clearly after postulating himself and puffing himself out, taking the Scorn who killed him down with him. Nebula swelled up with pride, despite the fact that he was so utterly crushed. However, somewhat hopeful that one day a Ghost would find Ace. Kookaburra was found mutilated in a room full of dead Scorn, having been brutally torn apart by her, where she clearly sustained several major stab wounds, gunshot wounds, and other wounds before killing her opponents, and succumbing to her injuries.
Nebula didn't have the guts to tell Cayde. He didn't have the guts to tell anyone. His life was torn away from him within the span of a few hours -- but part of him felt that Cayde already knew. He was with them, after all, unless he went ahead. That could explain it. Both of their children were dead and he wouldn't even know. At least they went down fighting -- that had to amount to something.
Nebula was there when Uldren shot Cayde. When the thread that kept him stable through loosing his children snapped, snapped with an echoing shot, with silence, with a cry that must have been from him even if he couldn't exactly feel or hear him making it. Losing Cayde so suddenly, so brutally, just as he was arriving to the scene, was his last straw. If only he had been quicker, if only he didn't slow down, then maybe. Just maybe.
And Uldren was gone as soon as Nebula saw him, too spacey to process anything other than a pain so visceral it had no words, the man he'd spent twenty long years with was torn from him, the man he'd raised children with, the man he swore that if he lost he would never love again. And there was hatred, agony and hatred, a desire to tear into Uldren like a wretched animal. Uldren took everything from him.
There was rushing to Cayde's side, there was heaving him into his lap, watching the light fade from his optics, begging him to hold on. He'll use a healing grenade, anything, anything -- he promised Cayde he was going to be okay, to stop being so lovingly insufferable for two seconds, he was going to save him, he was going to bring him home...
And bring him home he did.
Wrapped in cloth, laid across Nebula's rounded shield, the only part of him visible being one of his hands, adorned with a wedding ring.
Nothing worldly can we take to the life after one's final death.
And Nebula carried him home, strapped on his shield, bearing the weight of a widow on his shoulders. A vilomah, grief threatening to crush him whole.
He was tired. He was grieving. But he was also burning with the fury of a thousand suns.
And he sold his soul to hunting Uldren. To rallying Guardian after Guardian to his cause, working as one. A swarm of a thousand bees flocking around a singular Queen; a Queen of Hearts. Everything he did was for the sole purpose of avenging Cayde, even if it didn't seem related. All a tiny piece to a thousand-piece puzzle, climaxing in leading a pack of thousands of Guardians to Uldren's location for the sole purpose of scaring him into surrender, or tearing him apart like ravenous wolves.
Nebula was the one who killed Uldren, hands shaking, burning with hatred. And when the deed was done, it ended not with a whimper, not with the bang of a gunshot, but of a roar of victory. Death thrown off the back of his pale white horse. And it was responded to by the voices of thousands. No longer will Nebula hold the title of The Widow, no longer would he be known as Widow-of-Hen, Widow-of-Spades or Hunter's Widow. Only the Queen of Hearts remains.
But even then. Even then, that wouldn't take away the pain. No amount of killing would bring Cayde back, and he set in motion what could possibly be a brutal cycle of revenge killings. No more, he declared. No more.
He spent much of this time in solitude. Visiting his husband's gravesite, and the accompanying cenotaphs to their children, their bodies having been left out on purpose in hopes that they might one day be selected by Ghosts. Unlike Cayde, the twins actually had a chance.
There was nothing left for him now other than tilting his face to the light and hoping that it will all pass. That he will breathe again. That the weight on his chest would stop crushing him whole.
Once there was four. Then there was two.
And now there is one.
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thatfuckincat · 2 years
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I posted 5,300 times in 2022
That's 1,181 more posts than 2021!
99 posts created (2%)
5,201 posts reblogged (98%)
>perfectly balanced
Blogs I reblogged the most:
>Makes Sense. Most from buggachat are from when i rb'd the entire beau comic
I tagged 4,195 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#miraculous - 665 posts
#she ra - 545 posts
#toh - 470 posts
#dc - 456 posts
#unrelated - 348 posts
#amphibia - 272 posts
#video - 151 posts
#me - 134 posts
#steven universe - 120 posts
#fav - 108 posts
>I have gone on several reblog sprees for miraculous stuff, no wonder
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but im specifically imagining some old guy poking his head out of his window to yell at some troublesome kids who are also the protagonists
My Top Posts in 2022:
words cannot fucking describe my confusion WORMS????
6 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
Fintan is a really long pole cat like 5 feet long he has no hips and his back legs just float behind him he also only dresses in a pink leotard when he’s tryna seduce a king into releasing a plague
when hes tryna WHAT
.. heres the real question, does he look good in the leotard?
7 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
>Oh ya, the time when i got a taste of the kotlc fandom
sometimes i underestimate tumblr's capacity to simp over the most pathetic men possible.
Wheatley??? the moron that succeeded at one (1) thing ever??? THAT Wheatley????
every single decision that metal sphere has ever made resulted in unintentional destruction. He was in control of aperature for less than a day and nearly destroyed the entire facility.
Wheatley would sell you to satan for a corn chip, and then through a convoluted series of failiures end up getting sold in your place.
13 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
>still right about this
i've been tasked w/ describing the one and only fintan pyren to you so here we go. dude's an elf that's definitely over 1k years old, probably 4k+. you can tell bc his comically pointy ears. former leader of a bad rebel organization. got his mind and sanity broken by telepaths once but he's fine now because he played one of the telepaths that broke his mind and sanity with his Excellent Planning Skills. powerful pyrokinetic that's also a pyromaniac. isolated in an ice prison bubble for his crimes. bitchy blond (hair length: hella long, flat as his paper thin ass that he insists is 'absolute cake'). dramatic as fuck. also gay as fuck - has definitely dated shakespeare, a current elvin gov leader, and the current ogre king. thinks 80's fashion is trendy, hence neon stripper outfits beneath his former evil organization's uniforms. (minors wear rainbow tutus over their pink leotards, though, because fetishization of minors = bad.) also he's got blue eyes and he's slender and blah blah blah but most importantly: short king who hasn't come to terms with being short. oh yeah he's also mentoring a baby gay smol pyrokinetic who comes to lessons with her hydrokinetic gf. yeah i think that's all the basics you need to know
Ah i see, so all ive said before, but with ears stretched out in photoshop. and fire powers? hot. i see why they didnt put HIM in the center of the earth now. wait did you say shakespear. ogre king? i wanna hear more about sharkgirl and lavagirl too! baby gays are my favorite!
13 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
damn i was gonna make a post about how yall are treating lila too harshly but like. she's not even that bad. Shes a canonically great liar, loves attention, and is 14~. of course she does all that shit.
yall are exhausting.
14 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
>fight me mlb fandom
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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guardianofthestarz · 7 months
this year my goal was to read at least 25 books (which now seems too easy) and i decided to start with rick's books cuz i loved pjo
(i then realized i had actually never finished the pjo series - i didnt finish the LAST book... thats crazy)
i went on yt and found a vid that showed the RIGHT way to read all his books so my journey started.
anyway blah blah blah, i wanted to talk about the kane chronicles
obv spoilers if you havent read those and if you care
hell nah. that series was so bad 😭😭 (imo ofc and ill explain why i think so)
i should mention that i read the first and third book, but i only read half of the second book cuz it got very looooooong and boring to me (i just read the wikipedia summary for it)
also the only reason i read these books was cuz i knew there would be a collab between the magicians and demigods and that sounded rly interesting to me!
im usually not that picky when it comes to books/fics/anything so i was surprised i didnt like these books. first of all theyre so long, and for what.. the world ends in 3, 4, 5 days yet each book is 90k words at best and 120k-ish words at worst. it just dragged ooooooon and onnnnn and onnnnnnnnnn. i thought maybe its just the length that im not used to (even tho ive read way longer fics but i thought maybe its not the same..) then i started reading the heroes of olympus series which was a similar length and i sped thru those. which prob means that the kane chronicles were just boring. i was gonna say that it just felt like there were attacks and fights just cuz, but then again, thats kinda similar to percy jackson books. i cant put my finger on why some fights felt kinda useless and filler.. unlike in pj books. also when they beat apophis it felt too easy. there was so much build up to that final battle, and in the end he got destroyed in like half a page or smt.. not satisfying! and since we know the kane siblings are still alive (cuz of the recording being sent etc), it didnt feel like there was anything at stake.
the egyptian mythology was actually pretty interesting, i did like learning about it. however, at times there was just a LOT of info being dumped- so many gods/stories etc that i had a hard time remembering everything. i think w the percy jackson/greek mythology books there was just more time for rick to set the scene and build the world so it didnt feel that overwhelming (even tho it was still a lot, im ngl).
and now my biggest complaint... i thought rick could write powerful female characters butttttttttt maybe that was just annabeth LOL. SADIE WAS SO ANNOYING!!!!!! she was SO unlikeable but i think we werent supposed to dislike her??? yeah shes young but so was percy and annabeth and every demigod from the pjo series and they were much more enjoyable to read about. all she cared about was guys. more specifically, sadie, a 12yo, was head over heels for ANUBIS, a THOUSAND YEAR OLD god, who oh yeah,,, looked like a 16yo guy but idk if its just me, thats still a WEIRD/uncomfy AGE DIFFERENCE 😭shes so lucky that she ended up w basically both guys she had a crush on, but she still made it such a big deal when that happened.
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like anubis had stabbed her in the back or smt lmfao. also should mention that in the pjo books for ex., percabeth didnt just happen when they were 12/13... a long time passed so that relationship could feel unrushed and natural.
dont get me wrong, liking a guy etc is all normal and very teenage-y (even tho sadie wasnt even a teenager when all this happened). but making that MOST of her personality, or smt she constantly thought about and prioritized during the END OF THE WORLD. she just seemed very irresponsible and immature (which makes sense cuz shes a child.... maybe i shouldnt be reading these books as an almost 20yo) (but i can still tell when some1 has annoying qualities objectively) (even if its still a kids book)
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idk thats just annoying. carter was tryna save the day/world and sadie had other things in her mind. or when she wanted to go hang out w her friends for her bday even tho the world was ending VERY soon and they had to get going. yeah she wants to be a normal kid but rn theres more important things you gotta think about bbg (and yes i do understand that the dance or her bday hang out would help w morale but at least be on the look out for stuff and dont think that youre not still on the job and most likely putting every1 in danger..). save the world first, then enjoy your life. maybe take a cake to go while youre traveling. maybe call your besties and talk to them on the phone for an hour or whatever
carter wasnt perfect, but even his obsession w zia wasnt THAT bad. it felt more normal and smt the reader (or i) could get behind and not dislike him too much for.
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(when carter said that i thought he was in my head cuz i was literally thinking that sadie always leaves him to deal w important stuff)
i feel like theres more i had to say but theres too much negativity in this post already LOL im sorry 😭 this trilogy wasnt a 0 or 1 star, it was closer to 2 or maybe even 3. i didnt mind ignoring most of these. the only thing i couldnt ignore was sadie's attitude sometimes and ofc the weird relationship between her and anubis, but when walt showed up etc i had hope and it did get slightly better!
ofc im not a writer and i couldnt prob never write anything half as good as any of rick's books, but this is just my experience as the reader. as i mightve mentioned , rn im reading the heroes of olympus books for the first time and im enjoying them quite a lot!
lmk if you agree or disagree w anything, i usually change my mind somewhat easily so id love to see this series from some1 else's pov
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z0mbojpeg · 11 months
welcome,to how to get bullied in school,high school,college,whatever works to you! i'm your host,Z0mbified,a funkin' idiot to the ones who knew me in 2021,today i'll cover you on a step by step tutorial on how to make your parents disown you and never come back!
[AUUUGH,Z0MBO,I AIN'T READIN' ALLAT!!: step 1,optional,fnf costume,step 2,merch section,backpacks,shirts and shit,basically everything thats related to merch(unofficial ones,the official ones are good,if they were on brazil me personally i'd buy 'em),step 3,say blah blah blah is from fnf,when they clearly aren't.]
enough with the chit chat,lets begin!
we all know the cosplaying community that we may love or hate,some are nice,some are not,either way,we all know how to get everybody to hate you!
how? you may ask,
just show up there with a friday night funkin' costume! they'll all think "wtf this kiddo doin'"(BONUS POINTS IF FNF MOD) and staff will immediately take you out! and i do not mean on a date,i mean you'll be banned forever!
don't you love it when you have a weeb friend who goes to whateveryoursituation is and gets judged? well,join in aswell!
with these outfit combos,you sure will never see your parents ever again!
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RUV MASK,[insert highly overused mid fight masses joke here]
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i don't even have words for this one
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"tricky is from fnf"
"tankman originated from fnf"
"ohh,that hank guy from accelerant hank mod? yeah he's from fnf"
i sure hope this tutorial helped you out,thank you for viewing it all and have a safe journey scrumbling! (scrolling + tumblr)
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coralsgrimes · 1 year
So I’m not sure how accurate this info is (I honestly can’t be bothered to look it up), but according to some ppl on dl, Benny could be making bank in these T-Mobile ads. We’re talking in the MILLIONS type of bank!! So maybe that’s why he’s not bothered by the lack of projects. Of course, like with anything on the internet, but especially on dl, take this with a grain of salt.
In millions? Please I gotta laugh
Like he probably getting pretty penny from these but lemme say what I can find from quick google run. And that is millions of articles from sites like celebritynakedbuzz.com that talk about big campaigns by big stars that even yer Christian grandmother would know about lol so ye somebody is making millions. Bradley with momma and Travolta probably got as much for their super bowl ads
As to Benny.... Well the first thing is that he is desperate. He has no projects coming up like his career stiff like priest walking through preschool. But what he wanna do is he want to progress his music career and it's self funded so he needs them coins. He was crying about the ep being so expensive and that half of it was a ride on freebies. Not this time around and he's going for a full album, ye know a long play which is more than five songs. He gotta pay for all of that and then he needs to pay the vanity label to release his vanity album. Hun I could probably get a PhD off the ground for years with that kinda money.
So ye first of all he is desperate. Second, them fucking ads are union contract I would guess. Soooo there would be a lotsa peeps involved that would be getting on his pay. And another thing here is that his agent manager or whoever was negotiating that deal for him, and we can kinda guess his team is not the best lol. Same people that got him black mirror pity cameo and a film that was announced and then disappeared. Alternatively, he just tries his shots at parts he can't get but he fully believes he deserves better. Honestly me thinks both are happening at once lol
Okie so desperate for monies, union job blah blah blah. Would say that he did got pretty penny, the ad was doing rounds in prime time (during oscars lol) but it's nothing close to big celebrity endorsements like. They don't use his name, he's just an actor that 2% of people who know him know him. First glance I would say he a commercial actor and his character is supposed to be a celebrity actor lol especially given the amount of ads they made. Imma like not even sure who they trynna target with the ads? Who unknown british actor appeals to in America? Like celebs would do super bowl for monies and exposure. Right now Benny is just too exposed but no one knows his name. Remember the who is the T-Mobile's actor guy pieces on them unknown sites full of viruses?
And another thing, but this is just me logical conclusion from what I've been reading. The additional residuals (big word lately with them strikes) for him would kick in if the ad would be running longer than 13 weeks or like 3 months. So the thing here is like I'm not in us so I can't tell if they are stopping the old commercials from airing but roughly every 2 months we are subjected to a new Benny ad. If ye not following me thoughts, what me thinking here is that they made so many of these to pull out old ones and bring in new ones, so not to pay more? Again lol imma scientists not a marketing expert lol
Then there's something called exclusivity deal but I doubt they paid lotsa here cuz it's not like Benny is a hottest commodity in the phone plan crowds lol he not hot anything anywhere actually x.x
Would joke that the player guy in the latest one made more than him in total xd
Again might be wrong might be right. Also he probably had to put that latest post as a part of the deal but like even me who knows nothing about social media marketing can tell that his socials engagement is nonexistent lol
Well this is something xd
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swagmmorg · 2 years
Sammie i like it girl
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#Sammie i like it girl free
It’s cool to just see us all grow and still flourish the way we’re flourishing, because it’s hard to stay in this business this long without selling your soul, and without having to sacrifice your brand to stay relevant. I actually ran into Romeo when I was in LA about two weeks ago. Are you in contact with any of these people still? Eventually you guys grew up and dropped the “lil”. We had the Lil Sammie, Lil Bow Wow, Lil Romeo, Lil Wayne, Lil Zane. You’re from that “lil era” from the late 90s to 2001. So it all worked out and then at 18 I decided that I want to come back to music and by the grace of God and my loyal fan base they embraced me back. Just the average guy that’s blessed to do extraordinary things. I need to be like the superstar Sammie, but I also need to be Sammie Leigh Bush Jr. But in hindsight I’m glad that it happened because I need balance in life. The other 50 percent was actually my mother, my manager at the time, as well as Dallas Austin, they made an executive decision to part ways. Making some mistakes outside of the public eye. When you went “ghost” the first time were you avoiding the lack of normalcy and the backlash of not being able to make mistakes in private like a normal kid your age would be able to do?ĥ0 percent of my first hiatus was a collective decision between myself and my parents to just go to school and enjoy being a child. So just to be living out my dream at such a young age, and to be accomplished, and sell a million records, was a dream come true. But those are the sacrifices you have to make when indulging in this industry. I couldn’t play Little League football anymore. I couldn’t go to the gym and play basketball anymore. I don’t think as a child I was prepped for that part of things.
#Sammie i like it girl free
And at 12 years old I was blessed to land a deal with Capitol Records and Free World Entertainment via Dallas, Austin. At 8 years old I knew that I wanted to pursue music professionally. I was humbled of course, and grateful, that my dreams started to manifest. Well today didn't really have a topic but as i go on day by day i will eventually have blogs that have one topic not one's that bounce around.How’d your life change after going platinum at just 13 years old?ĭrastically. I think that would be just absolutely amazing. Sometimes i imagine myself working for The New York Times. But now that I'm thinking of being a journalist, I'm trying to create scenarios. And me personally i can't deal with little kids when they have an attitude. Older ehh not so much, because they know more words hence more things they can say to get on your nerves. Like for example, i think i would be a great teacher because i think i work really well with young kids. Creative because everyday i create a new scenario of whatever my new career choice is. My friends all call me indecisive, i call it creative. It used to be very fun,back when my career choice was to be a kindergarten teacher. By the way, i intern at a nursery school. My boyfriend is coming to pick me up from my internship. Well yea back to today, it started out blah. Just Blah you know, everyone has been Blah at some point and time. So today started out kinda blah.For those of you who don't know what blah means well, Blah means like so-so, not really good.
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spookyboywhump · 3 years
Self indulgence is drawing scene kids
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MC is Half Demon and Blah Blah Blah-
Time for the Group Retreat!
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Lessons 5-6 Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
I’m quite hyped for this one, ladies, gents, and esteemed readers! For simplicity’s sake, since this is before M!MC and A!MC arrive, L!MC will go back to being referred to as just MC. Enjoy the Headcanons!
Since the previous Underground Tomb incident ended much less violently, Lucifer is now more worried than angry about MC’s rampant shennaniganery.
Like... his kid was poking holes in his totally foolproof “Your cow-uncle went to live on a farm in the human world” story. What if MC somehow got into the attic and got hurt?!
It didn’t help that they were still in this weird phase of their father/child relationship. On one hand, Lucifer obviously cares for his kid, and his kid likes him... but it’s also only been less than three months and we all know how emotionally constipated Lucifer is.
MC’s also getting REAL sus of all the secrets their dear old dad is keeping... doesn’t help that they STILL haven’t went up into the attic.
Anyhoo~ the announcement for the retreat was a barrel of laughs.
“I’m proposing, a group retreat!”
Everyone met Diavolo’s announcement with the exact same confused reaction. It’s like the entire assembly hall was doing the ‘Guy Blinking’ meme.
“A... group retreat?” Lucifer repeated slowly. “For what reason exactly, Lord Diavolo?”
The Crown Prince was giddy with excitement as he explained. “MC told me about their middle school overnight trip and it sounded like it would be quite fun!”
Simeon, Luke, MC, and Solomon were all seated next to each other in the ‘exchange student seats of less importance’. Luke leaned over and whispered a question to MC.
“Why are you so friendly with the crown prince?”
MC smirked and shrugged. “Lucifer had the Demon-Flu and couldn’t go meet with Lord Diavolo last week so I went for him. Lord Diavolo’s surprisingly bad at Connect Four but has really good luck in Snakes and Ladders.”
Luke’s jaw dropped in complete and utter shock and horror.
“We’re playing CandyLand and the Game of Life next time, want to come?” MC added.
“Play CandyLand... with him..?” Luke looked at Diavolo, who was still explaining his plan for the retreat, then looked back at MC. “I’ll only go to shield you from his corrupting influence.”
“Yeah... Corrupting...” MC had to hold back a laugh at the thought of Diavolo, who during MC’s visit lit up like a Christmas tree upon being called ‘Dia’ and believed that Mood Rings were the greatest human invention ever, being a corrupting influence.
“MC! Torture dungeon or no!?” MC was snapped out of their conversation by Mammon shouting at them from his seat.
“Do ya think there’s a torture dungeon under the castle, or not?”
“I’m not sure,” MC turned to Diavolo. “Lord Diavolo, is there a torture dungeon under the Demon Lord’s Castle?”
There is in fact, no torture dungeon. Presumably...
Everyone packed up and headed out to the Demon Lord’s Castle!
The fabulous seven all broke several speed limits and traffic laws in order to be there early. Listen, they had to get there before Purgatory Hall, it was a matter of pride.
Besides, what’s the Royal guard going to do? Arrest six of the seven rulers of hell and a kid? Ha. No. Not when Diavolo controls their paychecks.
The rooming situation remained the same, Asmo, Simeon, and MC were roomed together, and MC got to watch Asmo get psychologically profiled by Simeon. It was truly a sight to behold.
MC was nice enough to assure Asmo that they really liked him and thought he was very sweet.
Asmo, not used to being complimented on his personality, almost started openly weeping.
So, the tour of the Demon Lord’s Castle began! Asmo got yelled at by his ex in the painting and the usual batch of idiots got sucked into the catacombs under the castle.
Lucifer wasn’t terribly sure how or if he should express his concern for MC being stuck in the labyrinth.
All these new fatherly feelings of worry are very very odd. He didn’t worry this much for Satan, mainly because Satan was usually the threat.
Even as a baby...
Lucifer found himself checking his DDD every few minutes to see if MC had texted or called from wherever the painting dragged them to, never mind that if they did text he’d hear the phone ding.
“Lucifer, don’t worry too much,” Diavolo patted Lucifer on the shoulder, a bright smile on his face. “Your brothers and MC will be perfectly fine! There’s nothing too dangerous in the catacombs that they wouldn’t be able to take care of.”
Resigning himself to the fact that MC was under the care of his last choices for babysitting, Lucifer put away his DDD. “I know they’ll be fine, but I’m not overly pleased with the situation.” He shot a glare at Helene in the portrait, who rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
“Lucifer worrying about someone, I’m truly, genuinely shocked.” Hearing Satan’s attempt at goading him, Lucifer, flawless demon that he is, resisted the urge to throw his DDD at his brother.
“Quiet, Satan.”
“ITS HENRY 1.0!”
MC and Levi continued their screaming match as the group ran for dear life from a giant snake.
Yeah... nothing the brothers couldn’t handle... sure, Lord Diavolo...
They made it out of the scary catacombs... don’t worry.
Lucifer did that parent-thing where he cleaned the catacomb dust off MC’s face with a napkin.
Yay! Parenting!
Failed pillow fight attempt #1 happened that evening. Because Mammon was obsessed with being the fun-uncle and saw his brothers encroaching on his place as favourite uncle.
MC doesn’t know how to break it to him that he’ll probably always be the favourite uncle and he doesn’t have to be such a dumbass to keep his spot.
Scavenger hunt went on as canon dictates.
Asmo had his diva tantrum and stormed off, but MC also wanted to win so they didn’t go after him.
Clearly expecting someone to go beg him to come back, Asmo was very annoyed when no one went after him.
“Um, helloooo? Anyone going to comfort me~?”
“Well I don’t want your comfort anyway, SOLOMON.”
It was very close, L!MC insisted their loss came from sabotage. No evidence was found but just LOOK at Satan’s face.
Time for the Formal Dance~
If you’re wondering why Luke didn’t say anything when MC was suddenly poofed into their demon form, you’re assuming that Mammon wasn’t in on the “let’s prank the chihuahua” plan.
“Mammon..? Is MC behind you?”
“Nope! Why?”
MC was able to get to the other side of the ballroom with Luke none the wiser! Hell yeah, nothing like screwing with your friend!
So it’s canon that Lucifer is like, a solid 20/10, therefore MC is ADORABLE. What I’m saying is, some of the younger demons asked them to dance.
Asmo was also being MC’s hype man, which was very nice of him. Mammon also tried to give advice on how to be cool and suave. Beel was there for moral support.
“Alright kiddo, you need to be aloof and mysterious! People love aloof and mysterious, that’s why I’m so popular.”
“Don’t listen to him, MC. He flew into a wall as a kid and it killed all his brain cells. Just be proper but not snooty, sweet but not saccharine, friendly but not annoying,”
“Ask them if they want to share some of the hors d’oeuvres.” 
“Okay, first, aloof and mysterious are the last words I would ever use to describe you, Mammon. Second, Asmo I have no clue what you’re asking me to do. Third... Beel that’s the best advice I’ve received in recent memory.”
None of that mattered anyway because MC got swarmed with dance offers.
“Well,” MC smirked and held out their hand at the demon that was bold enough to ask them to dance first. “I admire the confidence.”
The demon’s smile brightened, then dropped completely when their gaze drifted behind MC. “I uh... on second thought... I’m gonna...”
MC’s potential dance partners all quickly scattered to the snack table. The half demon growled and turned around to see their father acting like he didn’t just scare away MC’s groupies.
“Father! What was that for?!” MC huffed, Lucifer rolled his eyes and grabbed MC’s wrist and began to pull them away from the dance floor.
“You’re too young to dance.”
“That’s crazy! They looked like they were my age.” MC protested, their wings fluttering in annoyance.
“Even if they looked to be your age, MC, they’re hundreds of years older.” Lucifer said calmly.
“What about that equivalent age stuff you told me about? Like how Luke is hundreds of years old but by angel/human standards he’s technically younger than me?”
“That doesn’t matter right now.” Lucifer lightly pushed MC towards the hallway that led back to their room.
“But I want to dance with someone!” MC felt their wings involuntarily fluff up.
Lucifer turned and smiled at his dear little brat, crouching slightly to get to their level. “Not on my watch.”
MC’s face was literally this: >:0
Lucifer is out here being the dad in every comedy that involves someone bringing home their partner to meet their parents.
MC was banished to their room, they spent their time angrily reading the manga they had packed.
When Levi escaped the party slightly later MC grilled him for details of what went on after they left.
“Nothing too interesting... except... um...”
“Spit it out, Levi!”
“I can’t understand you, stop mumbling.”
“Lord Diavolo and Lucifer danced together...”
So yes, MC’s desire to get a picture of Lucifer sleeping stems from VENGEANCE!
How DARE their father send MC up to their room and make them miss their OTP dancing together!?
So they call up their troupe of idiots and get ready to go be menaces to society.
MC also invites along Asmo because he seemed like he could use the adventure.
And because MC couldn’t plan the prank without Asmo noticing so it was better to just implicate him as well...
MC brightened and clapped their hands. “I know that growl!”
“It’s not my stomach, I packed snacks.” MC couldn’t see this, considering the room was pitch black (it must’ve been some kind of magic because demons have excellent night vision), but Beel waved a bag of chips in the air and got to eating.
“No, I’m not talking about your stomach, Beel.” MC skipped towards the source of the growling despite Mammon and Levi’s pleas for them to stop.
Ah! There he was!
“Cerberus!” MC cooed, the three headed dog stopped growling and barked happily. “Whose a good boy? Is it you?”
Cerberus let lose a bark that would probably make anyone crap their pants, but MC giggled and kept petting him. “Yeah! You’re the good boy! You like cuddles! Yes you do! Yes you do!”
A flash of light from a camera caused MC to drop their baby talk voice and stare angrily in the direction where the light came from.
“Whoever took that picture better delete it or I’m going to feed you to the dog.”
Cerberus growled in agreement. What a good boy.
“Well, as nice as this is...” Asmo huffed. “We’ve clearly been duped because this is not Lucifer and Diavolo’s room.”
“Oh well!” MC chirped and continued to pet the three headed dog. “Look at the doggy!”
“MC, you’re crazy. Dontcha ever forget that.” Mammon whimpered as Cerberus growled at him.
So yeah, they couldn’t get out of the room, so they ended up opening up the other door and falling into the catacombs like a bunch of lemmings.
Asmo charmed Henry, and they got out of the labyrinth no problem.
Yay! No consequences! Oh no- hi Lucifer.
Lucifer gave them all the mother of all lectures. Satan showed up with the rest of the gang and brought popcorn.
Belphie wasn’t there, okay? Satan needed to be a little shit for him.
Ah yes, the pillow fight... Mammon’s crusade to be the best uncle culminated in a massive pillow fight that ended with MC, Lucifer, and Diavolo standing over everyone’s unconscious bodies.
So they uh... won the pillow fight.
MC couldn’t sleep. They legitimately couldn’t. As exhausting as the pillow fight victory had been, everyone was snoring, and MC was bleary eyed and awake at one in the morning.
They eventually sat up and looked around, Asmo was passed out in a very unflattering position, Solomon was chanting god knows what in his sleep, Levi was half hanging off Simeon’s bed, Simeon and Luke were sleeping like angels (hehehehe-), Beel was in the middle of eating his pillow in his sleep, Mammon appeared to be dreaming about winning the lottery, and Satan was... suspiciously absent.
He was there a minute ago... weird.
Deciding that this wasn’t worth it and they should just go sleep somewhere else, MC got out of bed and avoided stepping on anyone as they vacated the room.
The Demon Lord’s Castle at night could rival the House of Lamentation in terms of overall creepiness. MC had gotten used to the spirits and curses that littered their home, but they had only been to the Demon Lord’s Castle once before, so they were extra careful not to accidentally touch anything. Their stomach rumbled and they frowned.
Damn, they had the midnight munchies... they needed a snack.
MC made their way to the kitchen and on there way, noticed a peculiar room through a half open door. Taking a few steps back to peek into it, they noticed... doors. A lot of doors. And ivy covered steps. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to any of the placements, and the room was... weirdly chilly.
“You can come in if you’d like, MC.”
Barbatos’ voice nearly caused MC to hit a high note that they hadn’t been able to hit since their voice began to change. They straightened out their wrinkled pyjamas and stepped inside.
The butler himself was walking down one of the flights of stairs.
“Um...” Quickly remembering their manners, MC straightened their posture and cleared their throat. “Good evening Barbatos.”
Barbatos smiled and inclined his head in turn. “Good evening to you as well, MC.”
“How did you know it was me outside? You were up there a second ago.” MC asked.
“It’s a part of my powers. I can see possible futures, and I foresaw you passing by my room and getting curious.” Barbatos explained.
“Oh,” MC said, half nodding and continuing to look around. A the sound of a door closing out of MC’s vision made them squeak and look around for the source of the noise. “What was that?!”
“It’s nothing to be worried about.” Barbatos raised his hands in a placating gesture. “These doors in my room are gateways to different timelines and some are gateways into the past of this particular timeline. That was another version of me passing by.”
“Does this... happen often?” MC knitted their eyebrows.
Barbatos hesitated before answering. “Not really. It’s quite rare. Lord Diavolo has expressly forbidden me from using my full powers freely.”
“Ah... makes sense...”
“Now, I believe you came down for snacks?”
MC blinked in surprise. “How did you- oh... the time magic...”
“Yes, the time magic. Now, would you prefer yogurt and fruit, or apples and peanut butter?”
“Yogurt and fruit please!”
I’m sure MC’s knowledge of how Barbie’s room works will totally not come into play later. I’m sure.
Solomon and MC graced the brunch table with their cooking. I think you can guess how it would have turned out if Barbatos hadn’t intervened.
Rest In Peace to Beel’s tastebuds.
Anyway, the rest of the retreat was all fun and good.
MC may or may not have slipped up and called Diavolo ‘Dia’ in front of Lucifer. It would’ve sparked a lecture if Dia’s puppy-like excitement wasn’t so damn adorable.
Lucifer’s got a heart... somewhere... it’s probably all shrivelled up and tiny, but I’m sure it’s there.
Everyone went back home, brought closer together through... pillow fights and surviving Solomon’s cooking I guess..?
Anyway, MC got home, unpacked their stuff, watched Kakegurui with Levi and Mammon, let Asmo paint their nails, made and ate dinner with Beel, continued their piano lessons with Lucifer, and received a 100% fake smile from Satan.
It was a nice day with their new family, MC curled up in their bed and prepared to go to sleep.
“Help me!”
MC lurched upwards in their bed, whipping their head from side to side, trying to find the source of the voice. Their room was completely empty, the perks of being half demon extended to being able to see in the dark. No new smells either, they were alone in the room.
Auditory hallucinations were common before falling asleep after being sleep deprived, creepy, but not too unusual.
Okay- that one couldn’t be ignored. It was common knowledge that the House of Lamentation was definitely haunted in some capacity, but the ghosts never really bothered the demons living inside, MC was partly convinced that some of the ghosts didn’t even notice that the demons were there. So it couldn’t have been a ghost calling their name.
“MC! I need help!”
The voice reverberated through their head, like it was trying to hit every part of their skull to make sure it was at least felt if MC couldn’t hear it. MC massaged their scalp and got out of bed.
The House of Lamentation at night truly lived up to its haunted reputation. Cold, clammy, dark, even by demon standards. No spooky old house was going to scare MC though, they walked down the hall with their head held high.
They walked closer to walls and furniture, knowing that the floor was less likely to creak in those areas. How did they know that? Mammon had told them it worked like a charm. Well, it’d work better for him if he stopped tripping over the furniture and alerting Lucifer.
MC was much more nimble and careful, stepping slowly and lightly around the hallways until they reached the door to the attic. They reached out to clasp their hand around the doorknob, then froze. It smelled like…
Oh no.
MC leapt away from the door like it was rigged to explode if they touched it and practically dove for cover into an alcove. The all too-recent smell of Lucifer’s fancy cologne and the increasing sound of someone coming down the stairs made them clamp their hand over their mouth and crouch down.
What was their father doing up there?
He had said the attic was full of old junk and there was no reason to go up there, so why exactly did he-
The door slammed open and Lucifer stomped down the hallway back towards his room, MC presumed. They were about to let out a sigh of relief when the footsteps paused. MC felt their heart drop right into their gut when they heard the footsteps coming back in their direction.
What were they going to say to him when he found them? ‘Sorry! This isn’t where the bathrooms are!’ The last thing MC wanted was to add to their father’s ever growing list of stresses. MC was totally responsible and grown-up, their father didn’t need to worry.
MC clamped their eyes shut and tried to slow their heart rate. Demons were beings of darkness and shadow, they could blend in quite easily. They took a deep breath, cleared their head, and felt the shadows of the hallway shift and cover them like a blanket.
Lucifer’s footsteps stopped, MC heard a tired sigh, then the footsteps started up again, this time in the direction of his room.
They allowed themselves a sigh of relief before relieving themselves of their hiding space and opening the door leading to the attic staircase.
If the rest of the House of Lamentation was considered clammy, cold, and foreboding, the attic staircase was that multiplied by a factor of twelve. MC felt themselves shudder involuntarily when they stepped closer to the staircase. Every primal part of their brain was telling them to turn around and walk away, but one tiny part was holding them back. They placed their foot on the first step, waiting for any kind of resistance, nothing other than the feeling of passing through invisible cobwebs.
Upon hearing their name, MC craned their neck to try and get a look at what could be waiting for them at the top of the stairs.
“Are you coming, or not?”
The cascade of warning sirens that began to blare in MC’s head went ignored as they continued to scale the staircase.
When they reached the final step, they were met with a long hallway, with a single door on the right side of the wall.
“H-hello?” MC tried to instill some force into their voice, but it still ended up quavering a little.
“Down here.” Someone knocked on the wall next to the door, almost causing MC to jump.
Oh. Oh no. MC stood straight in front of the door, and when they saw who was looking back at them they nearly passed out.
Belphegor’s eyes flashed as he gave MC a once over. His eyes narrowed when his gaze snapped to MC’s. The analytical expression melted into a lazy grin.
“That’s me,” he said softly. “Nice to finally meet you, MC.”
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Every Drop of Grace
Endverse destiel
Rating: on the border between M and E (I’m over cautious, probably most people would say M)
About 3k
“Do you ever wish we could have something...normal?” Dean’s voice falls into the quiet night, a stone falling into a once-still pond.
Cas can’t hold back his snort. “Dean. You grew up hunting monsters. I’m a fallen angel. There was never going to be anything ‘normal’ about either of us.” Dean huffs in response, burying his face deeper into the hollow of Cas’s neck. “It also doesn’t help that our relationship–if that’s what you want to call it–began after the end of the world.”
“The world didn’t end,” Dean protests weakly. “It’s still here. It’s just…”
“Right,” Cas says, giving in to the urge to roll his eyes–it helps that Dean is behind him and can’t actually see his eyes. “The world is still here. We even have this tiny bit that’s almost safe.”
Dean doesn’t argue, though Cas can feel how much he wants to. Cas idly wonders if Dean ever argued a monster to death, but he doesn’t voice the thought. He doesn’t want Dean to leave. He smirks into the darkness, though. He can absolutely imagine a cocky, 13 year old version of Dean facing down a werewolf. “You’re doing it wrong!” shouts the smaller, higher-voiced Dean. “You need to lull me into complacency, then strike. No wonder you’ve been caught by a kid.
Cas chuckles softly at the made up–but completely plausible–memory. At Dean’s questioning hum, Cas skips his imaginings and brings the conversation back to where they started. “Considering the chaos all around us, I’d say what we have is amazing, Dean.” Having you at all is amazing, he does not say.
Dean smiles against Cas’s skin.
There is much Cas misses about being an angel–healing, flying, super-strength, not being so damned fragile–but on the opposite side, there are so many things that make the Fall worthwhile. He’d touched Dean when he was still an angel, and it had been nice enough. Better than nice even; there’d been something special about touching Dean from the first time he’d held the hunter’s broken soul in hell. But in this his human senses are far superior. The touch of Dean’s lips on the soft skin between Cas’s shoulder blades makes his heart race, his breathing quicken. Dean laughs, not more than a soft breath, and Cas’s stomach flips at the heat across his skin. He’s getting hard, just from a few small sensations.
Yes, the Fall was worthwhile. Even if they’re doomed, he wouldn’t trade this for all the Grace ever created.
Dean goes on, most likely unaware of Cas’s growing arousal. Cas focuses on Dean’s voice and on keeping his own breathing as even as possible, and soon he���s nearly as lost in Dean’s memories as Dean himself.
“I always tried to find fun stuff for Sammy, growing up.” Dean’s voice catches a little on his brother’s name, but he pushes through. “Most of the things I did pissed Dad off, but I didn’t let him stop me. The kid had to have something good in his horror of a childhood. Little things: a bag of marshmallows to roast over a campfire, a Monopoly game we could play in motel rooms, a baseball cap I knew he wanted. I found a pair of roller skates in his size once; I think he was about eleven. Man, that was a mess. Dumb kid took off like he knew just what he was doing and two yards later fell flat on his face. Dad put four stitches over his left eye and lectured him the whole time about what if that rock hit your eye instead of your forehead, blah blah blah. Sammy took it like a champ, didn’t flinch once, and as soon as Dad was gone Sammy put the skates right back on and took off again. And that time he didn’t fall. Well, he did, but not right away, and not so he needed stitches.”
Cas can tell Dean is working up to something, even if it all just seems like rambling. Dean is a roadmap, and sometimes Cas can follow. “A few months before I turned 16 I stole Dad’s car for a couple hours and took Sammy to a drive-in. You ever…?” Dean answers his own question before Cas has the chance to even shake his head. “Nah, you weren’t much of a movie-goer back in your halo days. At a drive-in you sit in your car to watch a movie–outside, at night. You park by a little speaker that pipes the sound right to you, and the screen is gigantic, big as...well, I don’t even know, it’s been too long, but trust me, it’s big. You look out the front of the car and all you see is the movie. You’ve got the sound filling up the car and the movie filling up your eyes and it’s like you and whoever you’re sitting with are in your own little world, whatever make-believe world the actors and all the rest made for you to live in. For a few hours, anyway.”
Dean’s voice is rough, almost raw. “That’s what we have, Cas. A few hours in a bubble full of make-believe, until the bubble pops and it’s the end of the world again.”
Cas wants to scream, to deny every word, to tell Dean it isn’t make-believe, it isn’t, and he wants to spend every minute from now until they fall to dust proving it, but instead he hears his traitorous mouth whisper, “I know.”
“It’s okay,” Dean says, and Cas isn’t sure which of them Dean is trying to comfort. “It’s okay. The pretending, the bubble–it’s enough.”
It isn’t. Cas wants it all, wants every bit of Dean. His smiles and his glares, his laughs and his curses, his happy chatter and his incoherent tears. He wants to be fucked into the mattress and then hold Dean in his arms until the sun comes up, to have Dean stay all night instead of slinking away in the darkness.
It isn’t enough. The coffee’s been gone for awhile, but he wants to make Dean tea in the mornings, good strong tea to bring a little of the sparkle back to his green eyes. He wants to go with him on foraging runs, venturing out of their little corner of the world to find supplies to last them just a little bit longer. He wants to have Dean’s back, to protect him, to keep him safe. He doesn’t have his mojo anymore, but he still has his blade, and he’s had millenia of practice to hone his skills.
Cas doesn’t want only darkness, grasping and clutching at each other when the rest of the world sleeps. He wants to give Dean every kind of pleasure, and maybe a little bit of peace. As a fallen angel, Cas doesn’t think he gets to go to heaven, but he doesn’t mind. He has here, he has now.
So this little bubble of half-truths and fairy tales…
It’s not enough.
Cas’s eyes begin to sting. “Fuck.” The word is mostly air, barely a sound at all, but of course Dean hears. Because Dean can see through Cas’s pretences too. That’s how these things work.
“It’s nothing,” Cas says, but Dean sees through that too, maneuvering them both so they’re face to face on the narrow bed. Cas closes his eyes, willing the tears to stop before they can properly begin. He hates to cry, hates to have his feelings fly so far out of his control that they stream down his face in the form of wet, salty tears.
“It’s nothing,” he says again, when he trusts that his voice won’t give him away. Then, grasping at the first thought that passes through his head, he says, “I just don’t like when the bubble pops.”
The lines around Dean’s eyes soften. He presses a kiss to Cas’s forehead and says, “We’ve still got a few hours. I’m not going anywhere.” His yet is unspoken but Cas hears it anyway.
Dean’s got one hand holding the side of Cas’s face, fingers threaded into his hair, the other resting lightly on his hip. Their legs are tangled together, and when Dean moves in to kiss Cas again their hips move together and Cas can’t take it anymore. There is so much skin, it feels like skin for miles, but also like he can feel every individual cell, every molecule of Dean’s breath, every miniscule drop of sweat…
“Dean,” Cas groans, because it’s too much, his brain is going to overload. It doesn’t matter that they had sex not long ago–Cas needs more, needs to be closer. “Dean.” It’s almost a prayer. “Please.”
And Dean is there, even before he calls, pushing him onto his back. Dean kisses Cas, hungry, and Cas is happy–eager–to be devoured. He’s got his arms wrapped around Dean, clawing at his back, trying to pull them closer together. There’s a part of his brain screaming that Dean thinks this is all pretend, so maybe if Cas can get them close enough together, if he can somehow press the truth into Dean’s skin, then maybe Dean will understand.
But then Dean thrusts his cock (hard, so hard, and all for him) against Cas’s, and he stops thinking and just feels.
Cas throws his head back and Dean nips at his throat; Cas hisses and claws at Dean’s back again. There’s a growl coming from deep in Dean’s chest, but Cas can feel the smile against his skin. They both like the small shocks of pain–reminders of life.
Holding himself up on one forearm, Dean reaches between them, wrapping his strong, calloused fingers around both their cocks. A moan escapes Cas’s lips, and Dean chuckles softly. “Do you remember the first time we did this?” He’s looking deep into Cas’s eyes, and not for the first time Cas suspects he sees a bit of faerie in the emerald depths; enchanting, beautiful, tricksome, and dangerous. He knows there’s nothing to the thought; he knit Dean back together molecule by molecule, saw every strand of his DNA.
Dean twists his hand in a particularly skillful way and Cas is pulled back to the present. Their first time. Yes, Cas remembers. How could he forget?
“Summer sun,” Cas manages, in between gasping breaths. “Your freckles…”
“My freckles?” Dean laughs. “That’s what you remember?”
“I might be only human now, Dean Winchester, but I remember–” He gasps as Dean’s palm brushes against a particularly sensitive spot– “I remember every second of that afternoon with perfect–” Another shuddering gasp– “Perfect clarity.”
Dean’s hand stutters to a stop, and when Cas sees the look in Dean’s eyes something in his stomach twists. Don’t be too real don’t be too real shouts a voice inside his head, clearly battling with the part of him that wants Dean to know everything.
I’m a mess, he thinks.
To Dean he says in a low, broken voice, “I was leaning against the trunk of a tree, looking up at the sun shining through the leaves. It occurred to me that I’d never spent any time looking at trees, or leaves, or much of anything at all while I was an angel. I did what I was told. Didn’t even take time to look around and enjoy the view.”
Dean’s hand starts to move again. For a moment Cas’s eyelids flutter closed, his eyes rolling upwards in pure pleasure, but then he continues, concentrating on speaking slowly and carefully and without breaking. He almost succeeds.
“I hadn’t been human long. A month? Five weeks? Not long enough to get used to human senses. So when you walked up and the sun shone down on your face, your freckles standing out against your pale skin… And then you put your hand–” The memory of Dean’s hand reaching out is too much and he has to stop to breathe, to gain control, because he doesn’t want to come yet. The story isn’t over. “You put your hand on my shoulder and said, ‘Hey Cas.’”
That had been it. Just a touch, some freckles, and his name on Dean’s lips.
“There was something in your eyes,” Dean says, taking over the narrative. “I hadn’t meant to kiss you. But you looked...kissable. Blue eyes wide and…” He gives his head a quick shake. “I don’t know what it was. But as soon as our lips touched I knew it was the right thing to do. Knew I shouldn’t have waited so long to do it.” At this Cas raises his head up just enough to slot their lips together. It’s an electric current, sharp and warm, just like it always is.
It’s home.
“And then you pushed me up against my cabin wall.”
They’re both breathing heavy now, each of them close to their release but trying to hold on.
“It was the closest wall I could find,” Dean says, a little defensive, a little embarrassed. “And it was a little more hidden than the tree we started out against.”
If Cas had the breath to spare he’d laugh. He lets out a puff of air instead, and Dean’s eyes light up in response. “Yeah,” Cas says, teasing. “Sun shining down on us, completely visible from three sides, only blocked by the cabin. Couldn’t be bothered to–”
Dean stops him with a kiss. Cas doesn’t mind. Cas’s mind is full of lips and skin and hands and sparks and pleasure that is building and building and threatening to heave him overboard–
Cas is on the edge, barely hanging on, when Dean stops.
The stillness is both total and false. Neither of them moves, almost as if they are frozen in time, and there is no breath of wind coming through the open window, no branches scratching at the roof. But there are two hearts pounding, two men gasping for breath, and the whispers of a thousand words not being said.
Cas refuses to be the first one to speak. He knows if he opens his mouth, he’ll never stop.
It feels like an eternity has passed–though it’s probably only been ten or fifteen seconds, Cas’s sense of time has been skewed since his Fall–when Dean breaks the silence.
“What do you want, Cas?”
Cas tells the truth, the real truth, before he can think, and for a moment he wishes he could somehow call the word back, erase it from history, go back to their bubble of make-believe. Dean would probably let him brush it off. He could call it sex induced lunacy. It’s probably even true.
But no. No. He’s fucking tired of pretend, of half-truths, of bedtime stories. This isn’t enough. He means it, he wants everything.
Dean is looking into his eyes, searching for something. Cas can’t read his expression, he’s guarding his thoughts too closely.
It hurts, having Dean hide from him. They’re naked and in each other’s arms, and Dean’s…
Well, really they’re both hiding. They’ve been hiding from the beginning.
There’s a burning behind Cas’s eyes again, but this time he can’t blink the tears away. When the first tear rolls down Cas’s face Dean pulls back, a fraction of an inch, in surprise. His thumb wipes away the tear.
“It’s not enough,” Cas says. “I can’t do this anymore, Dean. I meant what I said, I want everything. All of it. I want to spend the night with you and wake up with you in the morning. I want to kiss you in the daytime, with the sun on your freckles. Are you ashamed of me? The camp screwup, the broken angel? Because people talk, Dean. Everyone knows you come here, and they know what we do, and they don’t care. The world is falling apart. There are bigger things to worry about. There are bigger things for us, too, but right now all that matters is I can’t hide anymore. I love you, Dean. I think...no. I know I always have. And I don’t want to waste another second hiding in the dark.”
And Dean just looks at him. Once upon a time Cas put Dean together, molecule by molecule. Saw every bit of him. That’s how Cas feels now. Examined. Seen.
It should be horrifying, but it’s Dean, so Cas just looks back, waiting. He doesn’t even wipe away the tears that keep falling despite his best efforts to blink the damned things back.
The silence goes on so long Cas is sure Dean is going to get up and walk away. It’s okay, he tells himself. I want more, I want everything, but to love...that will never end. It will hurt, but I’ll still love him. No matter–
And then Dean is kissing him. It’s not heated, or frantic; it’s a soft, gentle kiss and makes Cas feel wrapped in love. They both smile, their foreheads pressed together. “Wish you’d said something sooner, Cas.”
“Didn’t want to push you away.”
Dean pulls back a little. “That’s...well, yeah, that’s…”
Smile widening, Cas says, “We’ll work it out.”
In what Cas supposes is an answer, Dean kisses him. A bit more playful this time, he even bites at Cas’s lower lip. Cas can’t hold back his moan. The feel of teeth rasping against his skin…it’s almost too much.
And then Dean’s hand starts moving again, tugging and twisting at their dicks. Cas is almost startled, he’d been so caught up in his confession of– but now isn’t the time, he’s groaning into Dean’s mouth and he thinks there might be words but his brain isn’t quite connected to the rest of his body at the moment. All he knows is good and Dean and so much love and skin and when Dean murmurs Cas’s name it’s too much for him and he spills his seed between them. Dean chases after, a punched out sound falling from his lips.
They lie together, still, their come sticky and drying between them. Somewhere far off in the camp a door clatters shut.
“I wish–” Dean starts.
“I know,” Cas interrupts. But it’s not the time to dwell on what might have been.
Dean shifts them into a more comfortable position. “Okay.”
“We should–”
“No.” This time it’s Dean interrupting. “Not yet. We can clean up in a few minutes. Right now I just want to hold you.”
Tucking his face against Dean’s chest, Cas murmurs, “I can’t say no to that.”
Dean somehow pulls Cas closer, and Cas’s skin sings. Worth every feather, he thinks. Every drop of Grace.
For @bend-me-shape-me ‘s Dean/Cas summer prompts!
Week 2 (drive-in cinema) and week 3 (I can still recall our last summer)
I hit week 3 kinda sideways…but it works!
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justlookingvm · 3 years
Tessa Virtue’s leap from Figure Skating Olympic Champion to Executive MBA | Kneading Dough Canada
Host: Vinay Virmani
T: If you’re going to build something, you need options in your life. I’ll say this especially as females, it’s important to be independent. To feel like you can be self-reliant and to take care of yourself.
[Intro presented by Tangerine]
V: Tessa, welcome to Kneading Dough Canada.
T: Thank you so much for having me.
V: It’s a pleasure. Kneading Dough Canada is a financial empowerment platform as you know, where we talk money, we talk mindset, we talk about financial lessons that you’ve learned along the way to hopefully inspire the next generation.
T: Well I’m so grateful to be on, I really appreciate it. I think it’s always refreshing to hopefully lend that female lens but also maybe that perspective from the amateur sport world too.
V: Yeah, you know Tessa you’ve accomplished so much, both in your personal and in your professional life. As an athlete you have achieved so many incredible honours, you’ve represented us, this country of Canada at the highest of international levels, but what I’m really excited about is you’re about to add another accomplishment in the form of three very special letters, MBA behind your name. Talk to me about that decision.
T: It’s been you know lingering in my mind for a long time. Education was always a priority in my household growing up in my family, and I thought about law school for quite some time and then I retired at 28 or 29 and thought maybe that’s too long (giggle) and realized also I wanted to flex a bit of a creative muscle. So this MBA program has been a dream of mine for quite some time. I want to be a student again in every sense of the word and I’m eager to learn the ins and outs of the business realm and that corporate sphere that I’ve had a unique perspective of, you know for 10 15 years, but if I’m going to take on a new role whatever that may be then I really want to feel like I’ve adopted that rookie mindset once again, and earned my stripes, I’ve gotten the credibility to to deserve a place there.
V: I want to take it to the world of figure skating though, because the world of figure skating is so glamorous as a sport. You know
T: I wasn’t sure where that sentence was going to land. It could have gone so many directions.
V: I I’m so like fascinated by the world of figure skating because the glamour, the imagination, the costumes, the drama, the whole production value. It looks so beautiful and elegant, but behind it there’s also rigorous routine, training and it’s not cheap.
T: Uh huh
V: So growing up, dd you have those conversations with your family and did you understand the investment that it was taking to sort of put you through the highest levels of figure skating.
T: The 2 things that my parents were always wiling to invest in or prioritize were education and sport. And it was important to them that we were exposed to as much as we could be. I’m the youngest of four. You know I’m of two minds because on one hand I do believe they tried to shield me from the burden of that sacrifice, that they made for all kids and for you know all of these adventures. But I was also keenly aware of it. I knew the the toll and I knew the cost and um you know I felt that responsibility…
V: Was there anything that you remember early on where there was an incident or a moment where you were like, I recognize like you talked about the toll.
T: My parents were so conscious to ensure that I wasn’t carrying that weight, and yet I moved away from home  when I was 13 and I was kind of budgeting at that age for groceries and 7-eleven runs (laughs), whatever it is that a 13 year old needs. Taking taxis everywhere and I made a decision when I was 15 um to be able to do it on my own. My mom was always quick to say you know you have to look after yourself and you always have to make your own way and she was all about sort of creating that sense of security and freedom, so that I had options.
To be honest I had a tumultuous relationship with my father when I was a teen and I think it was just a decision, at that point. I didn’t feel right.
V: Yeah
T: I didn’t feel right accepting that kind of support anymore um and maybe it was a bit of pride you know, not wanting to
V: You don’t want to be dependent on anybody.
T: Totally. Yeah, and that’s not to say that I’m not aware of the privilege that I had growing up to have those opportunities. It was just a real marker of OK, if this is the path I’m choosing, um and I really need to make sure that I can I can do it on my own or in a way that really isn’t such a burden.
V: You know talking to you today has reinforced independence. You know being independent, not being dependent and and just being self-sufficient. And how gratifying that is, you know I think a lot of people, especially as you said, I hope a lot of young women watch this show and and really listen to your advice. And the fact that you took that decision at such an early age.
T: You know it’s interesting I found old journals not too long ago, and there was a page in one and I don’t know, judging by my handwriting I might have been 12? 11 or 12? And I had written my goals and that were, you know the to win the Olympics, be on Oprah, which I’ll settle for uninterrupted and Kneading Dough, uh buy a cottage, like buy a family cottage
V: Right
T: And at 12 that was on my mind and the feeling of walking into this cottage that my mom and I were able to dream of and then buy together, is so visceral and it’s it’s so much about, like I think back to being young and maybe not having, especially for her like that sense of security and and just really feeling like that can be a safe place now. Um so again it’s more of the representation of that.
V: I’ve heard you say something that has really resonated with me always because it’s something that I believe in. That the highs are so much better when you’ve experienced the lows. And obviously Scott Moir and yourself accomplished so many great things together. Something that I always try to tell the younger generation is, sometimes you have to just sit back celebrate your failures.
T: Well we learned to embrace it by making it part of our process, in that, not only did we anticipate failure and expect it and embrace it, well, we practiced it. So we learned to fall on demand, get back up, refocus, and
T: be back into our program still trying to amalgamate as many points as possible.
V: You know I remember once um I must have been in grade school and I and I failed a few subjects. I was never a good student.
V: And you know we didn’t have a lot of money at the time and I remember my my dad, I was really afraid to tell him that you know I’ve failed these courses and blah blah blah, but he said to the family, he said, alright everybody get ready we’re going for dinner. And we went to this restaurant that was only saved for like birthdays or anniversaries. And so we get there and he’s ordering all these great things on the menu and I’m like “dad, I don’t think you heard me like I failed, like I failed and here you are taking it t the restaurant.” And I remember he looked at me and he said “You know I want you to celebrate this failure. I want you to take it in because if you’re winning all the time, you’re not going to learn anything.”
T: Wow, and obviously that stayed with you
V: Oh yeah, you’re always going to learn so much more from the losses.
This next set of questions is called the two cents round, so you can’t overthink these things.
Tessa, we all know about your discipline but what do you splurge on?
T: Clothes
V: Clothes, OK, all right. What part of your budget are you working on lowering?
T: Clothes (big laugh). Actually not really because I will say, it’s more what it represents like part of that is like my I love it and it’s become also intertwined with my career and my brand if you will. Um
V: Its an investment in yourself.
T: I think so, that’s how I twist it
V: So, what is us the best financial decision you’ve made so far?
T: Hire the right people
V: Building the right team around you.
T: Yeah absolutely.
V: Describe your financial persona in just one word.
T: I want to say careful?
V: Careful.
T: Careful in that I’m strategic
V: I like that, OK
T: But I’m willing to have some fun.
V: OK, all right. Tessa if you could run any business, what would it be?
T:  My own.
V: Your own. OK. All right I’m not going to push you more. [Tessa laughs]. They say patience is a virtue, how long did your first paycheck last?
T: I mean I spent my whole career basically operating at a deficit, so everything went back into training. I worked towards certain things and the you know I was really fortunate to get some funding and bursary grants, and then eventually sponsors and um was able to build this little nest egg, but mostly  it went right back into training.
V: Tessa, this year we’ve been having such important and meaningful conversations about women in sport. And you know of course there’s such a long way to go for those conversations really to achieve equality, but as somebody who’s such a big advocate for women’s empowerment in sport, how do you feel that you want to lend your voice to those conversations?
T: I think, currently the biggest impact I feel I can have is really connecting with those young female athletes at that precipice of maybe dropping out um for all the heart breaking reasons that we’re learning about through research. Whether that is you know body image, or lack of self-confidence, lack of self-worth, it’s just not good enough. Like the access to resources, there are opportunities, um I think those conversations are really important and that’s where I’ve been feeling most fulfilled, when I’m able to connect with those athletes and you know I’ve been able to benefit from all of the lessons and the opportunities that sport has lended it uh to my life. And I just so want that for other female athletes. And you know we’re seeing that there are more mentors, more representation, more access to viewing these formidable female athletes, and I hope that resonates.
V: Tessa, we’ve uh had the opportunity to work on a few branded campaigns together. There’s this Tessa grace, and there’s this element of everything being held to a certain standard. In everything that you do, especially things that are public facing. Talk to me a bit about that.
T: I hate the word brand but I’m going to say it, my brand has been
V: I mean you definitely have a very strong brand
T: Well it’s been built on the very foundation of me and my personality and if those values aren’t upheld in every sense of you know the word, then I’m I’m not useful to anyone. Then I’m then no brand would want to hire me, um because it if it gets diluted, then I then I just think um it’s losing the very essence of what resonates with people. And I’m really careful about that like I only partner and pair with brands that I would authentically stand behind and feel really good about promoting.  
V: I love that
T: And I’m conscious of where I lend my voice and my likeness, a very clear mission statement, and you know I love to be hands on but that’s where like the creative fulfilment comes in
V: Right
T: And honestly that’s where the most successful engagement also comes. If I’m involved and it’s a collaborative process, um it’s much more successful for the brand too.
V: You know, over this past year, there’s been such a strong connection to mental health and financial wellness. Many Canadians have a very high debt to income ratio, which can be very stressful. For you, how do you protect not only your mental health, but when it comes to financial wellness. How do you really protect your sanity?
T: As an amateur athlete I grappled with that um day after day. I think it’s important to find purpose in saving and planning. So, you know my mom started those conversations with me when I was young but that was all to sort of plant the seed of like you need to plan for this. And if you’re going to build something you need options in your life. For me you know it’s helped having a corporation for example, because a lot of my money is tied up there and it it’s great um but, it’s also made me very careful and strategic in how I spend it.
V: What is your one big piece of financial advice to all young women out there?
T: Surround yourself with the right people and set yourself up for independence.
V: I love that. Financial freedom.
T: Financial freedom.
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justnothuman · 3 years
Tanjiro Kamado x reader
Ok so i made something i think would be cool so yeah.
-you are 18 and Tanjiro is also 18 in this story
-16+ ig idk
-lowkey if your under 13 read like half then stop please, but read it at your own will i camt stop you tbh u probably read a lot more graphic things.
-i apologize for the bad spelling in advance lol
3rd person pov
Y/n was on her way from yet another boring in mission 'it was to easy' you state rolling your eyes in a aroggant fashion. y/n was wallking like a sloth barley dragging her self. 'Ugh. So boring, i wonder what my little brother is doing rn...probably having a lot more fun then me..' she said with a sad expression. Zenitsu is your little brother well 'little' your twins but your older for a little yet you still refer to him as little brother. You were both taken in by the old man, and unlike Zenitsu you were never rly a crybabby, you always wanted to become a hashira so that ur little brother didn't have to be a demon slayer cus it was never his first choice. You cares for your little brother a lot considering your something like a mother figure to him cus you're perents died when you were both around 5 years old you had to move fast abandon your childhood for your little brother at a young age you left him in the old mans hands and asked him to atleast teach him 1 move nothing more nothing less as long ass the move was affective, just so Zenitsu could protect himself. And you cant believ you acomplished becoming a hashira your gratefull too Shinobu who is currently training Kano (yet when i was training i didnt even bother to lern the quiet girls name she didn't seem to really care anyways, when you two were training together ,yet i tryed to avoid it, it use to get really awkward you couldn't really seem to talk to her it kinda feels onesided ,it was).
Your Pov
Well that got boring reall quick. {You'r crow suddenly comes out of nowhere and starts yelling} "Go the butterfly mansion!GO TO THE BUTTERFLY MASION!!" "OK!OK! I GET IT U DAMN CROW." {Even if u can be quite rough on your crow that dosent mean you hate it just that it can agrivate you some times when you hear it yelling.} Oh well its not really like i have much to do.
-at the butterfly mansion-
You enter the manssion and low and be hold your little brother Zenitsu was there, for once you actually didnt expect this u haven't seen him in only a few weeks tbh u have a small crush on one person that hes traveling with its this boy named Tanjiro but hi s little sister is so CUTEEEE. Zenitsu rushes to you "Sissss!!" He says while crying.
You had the erge to just move out of the way so he hits the wall but you stayed in place he didnt see you in quite long. "Sis WHERE WERE YOU!???" "Missions and shit." You werent really good with words pretty much everything you didn't know how to describe you labeld as
✧*。SHIT✧*。. You realised someone was standing there, it was Inosuke you waved to him he really didnt care all that much about the wave he just ran to you "FIGHT ME Y/N IF YOU FIGHT ME AND I WIN I WILL PROVE THAT I AM BETTER THEN A HASHURAS STUDENT!" "Uhhh..No?" You said and he just keept going on ratling on about how he wants to fight me an Blah, Blah, Blah, Something else cought my attention though the dark red haired boy tanjiro looks like he's training his hair's not like usual its down i guess u cant train and maintain the hairstyle you started training with, its in you to obviously fell a bit of attraction like c'mon who wouldnt .
Then aggain it wasnt just a bit or just now it keeps happening i guess you could say it was a mild crush. You never really thought it but ur lack of communication and coldnes you directly show towards him pretty much countering every time he did something good for you. Obviously you weren't doing it on purpouse its just every time he did a simple thing like help you up or offer you a hand u tend to turn beet red and just end up doing it by yourself, you actually rly want to take his offer but in that momment its like ur mind and body just cant work together. At this point you were staring for a bit to long and Zenitsu and Inosuke were long gone, ig Zenitsu got the hint but no idea how the hell Inosuke stoped asking u to fight him, hes usually quite the persistant kid. maybe Shinobu "needed" them? Oh well thats better anyways.
-You wanted to see Nezuko so u decided to try and find her you alreday knew your way around the butterfly manssion i mean u were here for over 4 years, it didnt take you too long to find her but she was asleep as expected, you alreday knew about how instead of eating humas Nezuko got her strength back from sleeping. Since were on the Nezuko topick when u were at the hashira meeting you also put your life in her hands like both blue boy, Urokodaki and the dude who's name you dont care enough to remember. Considering you were a hashira you were there, and thankfully Urokodaki told you about the situation, even though he isn't the one who trained you the old man and Urokodaki were good friends so sometimes he would wisit. When the white haired peice of shit took Nezuko u were pissed u said " Listen, i dont really like breaking the rules but if u so much as hurt a hair on her haid i wont hesitate to kill you." Everyone was shocked at ur statment the white haired boy was amused "Oh i dare u to try!" You burst up on the platform witg one yolt of speed u weren't even visible how fast u were u pinned him againt the wall with pne hand "Luckly u didnt hurt her this time" As u droped the boy from chocking. U bowed and apologised to the master as u walked out the master had a soft spot for you considering u hung around here since u were 11 u were the youngest person to ever pass the test ~purple flower place where u kill demons forgot the name~ Thats also mostly why shinobu took me in she trained me for over 4 years and then i started doing more serious work after i beat 2 members of the 12 kizuki im acepted as a hashira well it would have been after the first one no.11 but a lot of the other hashiras objected saying that one was too weak and to easy to defeet for any hashira so i went and killed the no.3 at that time i must say it was hard as shit vonsidering i had a broken leg a broken arm and a few broken ribs. I was 17 at the time and that w as 1 year ago. But lets not talk about the cringey me in the past. Tbh my priorites rn are to get stronger then the water kid, whats his name...name..name..OH yeah its Gizu or is it Giyu or myb Giyuu, yk what idc tbh.... -you fell asleep next to Nezuko's bed u honestly cant sleep well at night bc u kerp getting nightmers about ur parents, all u remember from ur parents is that they went on a bussines trip and left you and Zenitsu with the old man as they left and you never saw them again.-
Tanijro pov
I guess shes back. I still to wonder why she started giving me the cold sholder right of the bat yet she was even nice to the boar boy who actually came of as aggresive from the start. I can't help but fell jealous. She can' even look me in the eye. Everytime i offer her help even as simple as getting up she just does it her self coldly. Yet there were some of our interactions when it wasnt bad at all she wasnt being cold she was actually being super nice. It was the first time y/n met Nezuko she didnt threten her even though y/n was a hashira, the both of them quickly became friends. That night she was reading a story to Nezuko it warmed my heart to see someone seeing Nezuko not as a demon but as a little girl just like i did. Tbh i think thats when i started falling for her. I fell f or her even more when she defended Nezuko but i felt guilty bc she was putting her reputation on the line while i was just standing there tied up, weak. I couldnt even say thanks. I sidn't feel jealous of Nezuko for being protected by y/n i was happy about it, yet i wish y/n cared for me that much
{she does︵‿︵(´ ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ `)︵‿︵} . I actually think i'll go wisit Nezuko, i cant sleep anyways. *tanjiro walks over to Nezukos room* As he opens the door je sees...y/n!? What was she doing here? Why's she still dressed? Should i wake her up? No. Im a YOUNG GENTELLMAN. I'll just carry y/n too her bedroom and she wont evwn realise. Yeah, yeah that will work.
3rd person pov
As Tanjiro carys you to your beddroom he does so as slowly as possible so he dosen't wake you up in the middle of walking just as you were crosing Zenitsus room, low and behold who you bumped into Zenitsu ofc. "OMG!!WTH R U DOING WITH MY BIG SISTER TANJIRO!!!" he keept nagging and nagging. Then u kinda woke up u were in ur half sleep " Zenitsu stfu, i dont care enough. Say one more word and ill kick your ass. Tanjiro love would you be so nice to cary you-uh-me to my room or in general some where." Zenizsu waa shocked his moth widened as he was looking at the sight of his annoying big sister in the arms of his caring friend. CALLING TANJIRO LOVE!? WHAT!? AND HIS FRIEND'S FACE THE SAME SHADE AS HIS HAIR!? HUH!? HE THOUGHT YOU HATED TANJIRO!? AND NOW THIS!?
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The poor kid was so confued not being to put the peices together he stood there just watching you two walk away.
U got too your room slowly. Tanjiro put you on you're bed as he was about too walk away you grabed his haori "Tanjiro wait. You do understand when im here u can talk to me" You said releasing his haori patting the spot next to you as the boy sat down " Befor i heard you crying in your bedroom are you okay? And u also tosed around like you were having a nightmare. Do you want to talk about it. Or maybe sleep here, considering everything maybe jt would help you calm down, im nkt usually the best person with words or the most comforting, but i try." The boy was smiling to cover up that he was barley holding back tears. You hugged him and he just started crying, sobing his eyes out. Letting all the stress that was stacking up. When he was done you encouragde him to stay untill he gave in. You tucked him in "I'll be right back just to get something, ok?" He noded. You walked down to Tanjiro's room u took the sheets and pillow going back you saw Nezuko you quickly tucked her in and told her too sleep she needed the strength. (honestly sometimes u seemed like 2 people that were polar oposites the energetic you that has no empathy what so ever and the affectioneit human tbh the affectioneit human was mostly reserved for Tanjiro, Nezuko and your annoying little brother Zenitsu )
You bolted to your room to find Tanjiro asleep you pecked his cheek and huged him tightly you were so worryed you even shed a few tears untill you snaped back. You placed the pillow and blanket onto the floor, you thought it would be inapropriet to sleep next to him. You didnt really know where to change but tbh u didn't really care if Tanjiro saw u half naked, like underwear reveals as much as a bikini. Luckily he didnt wake up at that moment but while u were changing u notived his eyebrows were creating a worrying expression.
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After you were done changing. You sat down next too him, you were worried sick "Tanjiro, hey. Wake up." you said as you shook him a you wanted to yell at him to wake up but you could wake up Nezuko and she needs the sleep. Do you just super aggresivley start shaking him. Meanwhile Zenitsu with his hearing things in his sleep he hears the bed squeking faster and faster then just stops, poor boy was scared. But nvm that, after shaking him for ages Tanjiro finally woke up. "hey are you okay?" he just started crying and hugged you pulling you down "Im so sorry if im making you fell uncomfortable y/n, im so sorry." " Hey, hey its okay your not makkng me feel uncomfortable at al, i could never feel uncomfortable becouse of you." Tge boy keeps crying and telling you stuff from his past here and there. When he colected himself he said "Is that bed for me ilm get into it." "Oh god no, loom at your mentall state ur no t sleeping on the ground." " but-" " no buts Tanjiro" you said the ladt part firmly light l y pushing hum down to lay down. As you layed down on the floor truly it was very uncomfortable but you'd to anytging for that red head, anything. Plus i really like how he smells and you love the idea your bed is gonna smell like him for at least one more night and his scent was all over these sheets which helped you sleep better, but you could have slept next fo him yet you didnt wanna take advantege of his currant state.
Your pov
Honestly i never thought this boy could be as bad with words as i am some times. Honestly i think i fell for him even more. (You were tosing and turning all night bc you couldn't sleep that kept going on till 4 am when you devided to just go make something) -honestly i have no ifea what to make for everyone i mean i've got a solid 3 hours till everxone wakes up. And honestly i think i should make something extra for Tanjiro he's got it rough. And maybe i should wright an apology leter on it for being so cold some times, i try not to but i just get nervus. Oh well. Yeah i got the perfect thing to make! Japanese pancakes everyone loves those, right?
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Everyones gonna get one and then i'll give Tanjiro a whole stack.
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Uuu and i'll add some barries it will be delicious.
Now how do i make those that fluffy, ig i'll have to wisk the egg whites really good and i have to get some vanilla and and some rum, UUU.. i need powdered sugar, but i dont think we have that. Hmmm...well i guess i could get my sugar really fine by preshuring it with a spoon! Yeah! Lets start.
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Ok all thats left is the tea and to plan t the bomb (put the pancakes in your room next to Tanjiro). Oh yeah and ofc wright the apology leter. -you sat down to wright a little message on the napkin.- Man i need to fix my wrighting who the hell can read this? Oh well. Lets brew the tea.
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Ok all set i guess i can bring it to my room. -you walk down the hallway to your room puting the tray of food on the night stand next to Tanjiro, and planting a light kiss on the lips.- "Awe so cute" -you whisper looking at Tanjiro- Whats the time man i hope its around 6am it was 6:54 am. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. I NEED TO PUT THE PLATES AND PANCAKES ON THEM. AND MAKE THE TABLE. -You bolt to the dining room and as fast as humanly posible you place the plates with pancakes and everything on the table.
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Yes, i made it in time! Slay you fucking PUSSYS!! HEH!
3rd person pov
You go back to your room to wake up Tanjiro first so he dosen't need to wake up to screaming. As you enter your room you see him comfortably sleeping unlike last night when he had a nightmare. Honestly it let you breth when you saw him sleeping, people no matter how strong are voulnrable while they sleep. Thats also why you cant sleep whenever your around someone you love. Because what if they get hurt and you fidn't even realise. This would be a completly diffrent thing if you were hugging him it would at least give you some security they would first kill the person most likely to kill them first, which gave you some reasurance.
You fully enter your room. Now you were in a crisis of how the hell to wake him up. 'Should i yell? No thats the opposite of what i want. Maybe just shake him, yeah i'll do that, it worked last time.' You go up to the boy, and start shaking the life out of him "Hey! Wake up please." You keep shaking him for a little longer till he wakes up. "Yeah, what is it y/n" he says sleeply muttering, which made your heart warm. "You gota wake up." "I am awake-" He jolts up, now sitting on the bed "Did i over sleep?" "No, no your fine its 7:10am." "That's goooooood- heyy what are those? Are they for me?" " Yeah the pancakes and tea are for you now eat up and i'll wake up the others." " Ok but you really didnt have t-" The door closed and he heard you running across the mansion and yelling "WAKE UP SWINES ITS TIME TO EAT!!"
Tanjiros pov
Damn i love that girl. But im pretty sure she made pancakes for everyone, i wonder if shes just babying me out of pity... Hey whats that on the napkin. -Tanjiro picks up the napkin and looks at whats written- Her hand wrighting is almost the same as mine. ~Dear Tanjiro im sorry for being so cold sometimes, i just freez up in front of you here and there. Cuz i like you, yeah bet you already knew, heh. So do u like me back? [__] Yes, of course! [__] Yes, of course!
Wanna go out? [__] Yes! [__] Yes?
You really have no choice.~
3rd person pov
When you were all sitting down. Zenitsu asked "Wheres Tanjiro sis?" "Why are you asking me? But hes in my room eating, why?" And suddenly all eyes were on you all the staff, lady Shinobu, Kano, nurse girl well everyone except Inosuke who was murdering his pancakes. "Whats wrong?" "And why was he in your room dear sister?" Said Zenitsu in a i know tone. "I don't know." You said felling awkward under the presure "OH SISTER. NO NEED TO HIDE THAT YOU SLEPT WITH MY BEST FRIEND! AND BRINGING HIM FOOD IN BED THATS AFTERCARE!" zenitsu said standing up and acussingly pointing his finger at you hoping youd crack under the presure and run away
"Oh, and what if i did sleep with him? What if it is aftercare? What the hell are you going to do about it YOUNGER brother?" Zenitsu sat down embarassed. While Shinobu was laughing her ass of "Omg, omg i can't, you are the same as ever y/n!" "Yeah, yeah whatever." Then you saw Tanjiro walking in, handing you the napkin you left him and standing there waiting for your reaction. Zenitsu commented "What are you thst big of a baby now Tanjiro, you cant even throw out the trash by yourself" Then you stud up and kissed Tanjiro as Zenitsus jaw droped.
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(What the kiss looked like kinda just a lot more blush, especialy from Tanjiro)
Everyone except Zenitsu and Shinobu and well Inosuke wasn't really listening was shocked they thought your cocky comments were just a joke to piss of your brother. You pulled away letting the red haired boy breath, as he was a blushy mess as expected "Tanjiro did you eat the pancakes?" He just noded unable to utter a word from his shock and emberasment. "ok then c'mon"
Inosuke pov (short)
I HAVE NO IDEA WHATS GOING ON BUT THESE PANCAKES ARE SO GOOD!! *chewing noises* HEY, WHEN DID Y/N LEAVE? "Can somone pass me those pancakes!?"
3rd person pov
You draged tanjiro to a sakura tree not farr from the mansion. As you sat down on a log next to the tree and patted your lap "Lay in my lap please." "Ok" The boy could barley utter words still blushing a bright red shade as he layed down on your lap. You looked up and he also looked up looking at you "You know red head befor you came along i almost always didn't know what to say because i always came of as blunt i didn't mean too, but when your around i don't even need to think what to say i just start saying it." The boy was smiling gently when you looked down. You squished his cheeks and said "Aweee, your so cute! I love you." "And i also might have opanly lied too everyone that we had sex" You were blushing a dark red all across y our face and the poor boy was burning up and almost fainted. -zomming out of sceen- "HEY! TANJIRO DON'T DIE ON ME!Hey!" You say jokingly.
The end
Hi im the person who wrote this whats your favorite song mine is
Currently watching *you sleeping*
◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► ───○ 🔊⠀𝟸:03 / 4:41 ᴴᴰ
Tell me please. And tell me if this made your day better or worse and if i should fix somethings for when i wright in the future. Thanks for reading!
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