#i know its so so hard but youre all so valued
starscabaret · 16 hours
Cowboy Yandere! Lane HeadCanons ✧.*
pairing : yandere! lane x fem reader 
summary :
authors note : i hope yall enjoy pls lmk
warnings : nsfw, breeding, pregnancy, daddy kink 
yandere! lane is a country boy through and through…he eats as much as a prize bull, making him damn near the size of one. Due to his hard labor, he is the perfect blend of muscles and fluff. He is the size kink king.
yandere! lane cannot be convinced to wear a condom or use protection no matter what stage of the relationship y’all are in. He wants a football team of kids and you will have them all.
yandere! lane also won’t wear a condom because the idea of anything separating him from his darling’s insides is infuriating. 
yandere! lane is a true dom, he values your pleasure more than anything. 
yandere! lane size comes into play when he’s pounding your pussy from behind. He tries to hold himself up and not squish you underneath him but somehow his chest always ends up pressed to your back. His arm around your tummy pulling your smaller body onto his cock as he continues his pounding. You couldn’t escape him if you wanted
yandere! lane never suppresses his guttural moans and groans from you. He doesn’t know how to be quiet but neither do you…
yandere! lane lives by the phrase ‘save a horse ride a cowboy’. When you’re on top of him he’s using his hips and hands to bounce you silly on his dick. Or he’s guiding your hips in just the right back-and-forth motion. 
yandere! lane washes his hands of all dirt and grime the second he enters the house, because right after he is going to find you and pick you up for a kiss. “Missed me Dollface? Daddy missed you.”
yandere! lane has rough hard days sometimes. If he’s too tired to fuck you silly he loves to pull you on his lap, lift your legs, and mindless play with and finger your cunt. Your back to his chest his large form looming over you with his chin resting on your shoulder. “Mhm good girl darling, too tired to fuck you properly, but what kind of man would I be if I didn’t pleasure my sweet girl every day?”. He definitely has just gotten off work, still clad in his jeans, hat, boots, and a black t-shirt. 
yandere! lane does not like to see you beg. He’s too soft and believes his darling shouldn’t want for anything, he is very willing to give you anything and everything that you want. Especially his mouth on your pussy.
yandere! lane will fuck you any and everywhere if you let him, god do you look so plump and round in a pair of blue jeans, but those long tight skirts are his favorite. The way they look when it’s pooled around your waist as he plows into you in the back of his truck drives him insane.
yandere! lane prefers that you have most or all of your pubic hair, his pussy just looks so cute with its little bush.
yandere! lane will not pull out no matter how hard you beg and squeeze his bicep, what’s the point of cumming, if it’s not in you?
yandere! lane when he finally gets you pregnant is the happiest man on earth, kiss your job bye bye the day you pee on that stick. You often catch him admiring every part of your body. Below your pregnant belly, he watches intently as his dick slides in and out splitting your perfect cunnie in half. Thinking about how it was just like this he bred you the first time. 
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instantbee · 2 days
I had a friend ask if Solas knew what he was doing to Lavellan when he offered to take her Valaslin away. For context my Lavellan is a Mage. She’s her clan’s First, and I think that *significantly* alters the way the scene reads
In short, absolutely not. He did not know or consider the impact this could have on her.
I think he panicked, realizing he could not bring himself to confess everything to her he reached for the first thing he could think of. Because he was staring at her face when he did it, the Vallaslin was what he landed on. Because seeing someone he loves so much covered in (what are to him) slave markings dedicated to a horrifyingly abusive master is viscerally disturbing and makes him so sad.
Solas generally has a hard time understanding or grasping how things have changed, so he underestimated what the Valaslin could mean to a Dalish elf. And especially a Dalish First. Someone who is so wholly invested in rediscovering and preserving the history and values of her people. And he takes something that is viewed as a defiant reclamation of identity, and a refusal to assimilate to a dominant culture. He takes that and turns a thousand years of that tradition and meaning on its head and says “no, this thing you thought was defiance is emblematic only of subservience” it is a soul crushing revelation. Which was absolutely not his intention at the time
She accepts having her Valaslin taken in an emotionally fraught moment before she can really fully think about it. Emotions are incredibly high, and she makes a fast possibly rash decision because she trusts the person taking it. Because she’s come to love and respect him. She maybe regrets it afterwards. Possibly would have done so regardless of if he broke up with her immediately following it.
Is she still a Dalish First if she’s Valaslin-less? It’s a marking that she earned and she’s thrown it away. In some ways she no longer belongs to and with her people because of its loss.
And then on top of that he leaves her with no explanation beyond “I have distracted you from your duty.” Duty to what? To whom? To her people? She just abandoned a marker of that duty by giving up her Valaslin. Is that what he meant? Was it a test? Did she fail? Why did he take her there and tell her that only to leave her all alone. To take her from her people and then leave her entirely alone.
She’s now stranded amongst Andrastians and Chantry soldiers. A little Dalish girl with no Valaslin. Nothing there to differentiate her from the city born elf servants that actually run Skyhold except the clothing that the Chantry’s inquisition has *deigned* to give her.
She’s alone, she’s surrounded by a religion that hates and persecutes her people, she’s been stripped of everything recognizably Dalish about her and plastered in Andrastean clothing and symbolism and held up as a herald of a religion she doesn’t belong to. Is she even *her* anymore?
Or have all the rough edges of Elfness been shaved and sanded off her and made acceptable to the chantry and the humans? She’s been stripped of identity and cast in a role that will be discarded once she is no longer useful. Then her history will be rewritten, just as the first Elven Inquisitor was (thank you Jaws of Hakkon DLC for THAT) and nothing will remain of the Dalish Elf she was
And Solas helps with that. Facilitates that crisis of identity that was already brewing. He doesn’t mean to, but when has Solas’ intentions ever stopped him from fucking up?
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thefooljester · 2 days
creepypasta+ marble hornets jealousy headcanons
features: the slenderman, eyeless jack, jeff the killer, timothy w. [masky], brian t. [hoodie], ticci toby
reader: not specified
warnings: canon-typical violence [non graphic. implied], implied smut content [non graphic]
• Honestly, I think the Slenderman is actually pretty good at handling his emotions, especially those that make him a bit more human(e) than he'd like to admit ;)
• For once, I think he's hardly ever pushed to a point where he feels like he isn't in control of a situation. He's, well, an anomaly, an entity, a spirit, a God - he shouldn't care about mortal problems and instead ease your burdens as you are cursed with this wretched lifespan and a mind far too complex to comprehend.
• As a natural protector and provider, the Slenderman easily is the dominant one in a relationship. He makes most of the important calls and he's assertive enough to stand his ground whenever a choice has to be made. He also...likes doting on you. He thinks you're precious.
• Which is why he probably struggles with people who enter your life as a mentor. Whether it's professors, tutors or just people you clearly respect, the Slenderman feels like his position as your unique partner is threatened because these ...people can teach you valuable skills and life lessons whereas he can, at best, teach you his strange ways.
• At his core, though he wouldn't want to admit it, his pride comes from a place of askew values and thus, he'll automatically think less highly of himself if you seem to be thriving just fine in another's presence... It's because he doesn't really understand the difference between platonic and romantic love.
• You'll have to explain friendships and relationships to him. Deep down, he still remembers these things, but he's seen enough horrors to send him astray. He needs someone deeply patient and caring, gentle even.
• After internalizing the difference, he'll become more secure in your relationship and jealousy will be foreign to him again. Seriously.
• Jack's jealousy is hard to assess because of the strange inhabitant that shares his body. One body, two tenants... a bad omen indeed.
• The demon in him, though suppressed most of the time, is possessive - obviously. It seeks power, it seeks might and it seeks pure and utter submission from anyone that crosses it or risk being shredded to bits and eaten. Jack has a tight hold on...that thing, but in times of weakness, its urges are just that much stronger than Jack's logical mind and gentle soul.
• The demon doesn't love you. It's has a twisted infatuation with you because Jack is in love with you and that evil being lives to see him suffer, but it doesn't love you one bit.
• Still, it views you as its property because you belong to Jack, by extension... you belong to Jack's tormentor.
• The demon seeks to poison every single thought of Jack's whenever you're talking to another person... or you're gushing about someone else... or anything that makes you you. You don't deserve an identity, after all, you're bound to a demon. He should come over and teach you a lesson, take a little bite out of you... Just a little scare.
• Jack sees this entire thing very differently. He's a laid-back guy and quite trusting if you consider his unusual circumstances, plus he's brilliantly intelligent and can read you very well. He knows you like him back, he knows you fell in love with him for him, and nothing else...
• B U T Jack just loathes himself. He's hated himself for all that he's become already, he cannot view himself in a good light at all; he thinks he's a monster that deserves to be exterminated, but he really started despising himself as soon as he subjected you to being with him. He thinks he's robbed you of your own humanity.
• Look at you... beautiful, witty, funny and so warm. You feel like home, and he thinks he deprives you of your life because you deserve a boyfriend who isn't... him.
• He feels threatened when you're with other people, particularly those that are objectively attractive and intellectually gifted. It makes him incredibly insecure and he's jealous in a self-deprecating if not self-destructive way... Like, he came up with thousands of reasons why you should start dating them and break up with him right now... because look at him. Look into his empty eyes, how could you love that?
• Jack needs a lot of reassurance because otherwise he's spiraling.
• Jeff's jealousy, on the other hand, is spiteful. He's angry and he'll let everybody know about it.
• He is emotionally attached to you, as a friend, a partner and just... on a human level. He feels like he really met his match and is convinced that you're his happily ever after... which causes him to act a bit unhinged when other people decide to shoot their shot at being with you.
• Jeff, contrary to popular belief, is quite intelligent. He isn't a genius or something, but he is pretty smart and as soon as he suspects that someone else likes you, he will basically be out of control.
• He's quite touchy already but the physical affection and PDA will run rampant around the person that causes Jeff to feel even the slightest bit of jealousy.
• He trusts you because you're his and he's yours and you've proven time and time again that you're fully committed to him of all people, but he is just... possessive by nature.
• He wants to let other people know that you're taken and that he isn't keen on messing around when it comes to you. He's definitely the type to become super petty towards the third party and behave like an asshole.
• Degradation isn't beneath him, he'll call the person he's feeling jealous of names, insult their personality and scoff at them in broad daylight. Jeff's not ashamed to come across that way and he doesn't mind being disliked for it.
• In fact, he prefers it.
• The type to gossip about "that person" with you. Like, "Doll, did you see that guy? What the fuck." then cackle like a mean girl - he's terrible in the best way.
• Tim mainly feels jealous whenever his capability at being your partner is questioned, aka when he feels like someone else just seems to get along well with you...and oh, their life isn't a mess, and huh...they could protect you so well...
• He, much like Jack, thinks very little of himself because of the way his life went downhill after meeting the Operator. He thinks that just by being near you he's putting you in danger.
• Genuinely believes that he's just... incapable of being a person after all that has happened. You're such a bright light in his life, the only good thing that has happened to him in like, 10 years... and he's such an anxious, paranoid mess. He looks like he could move mountains but he's just a timid guy who's shaking in his boots whenever he needs to call someone.
• Do you really want that? Wouldn't you... be so much happier with someone who could give you stability and security? Someone who isn't plagued by an entity that could warp your entire personality until a killing machine is all that is left?
• He's basically murdered his best friend Brian in cold blood once because of his fear of the Operator... What if he loses control and lets Masky choke your life out?
• Or what if the Operator takes revenge by making you into one of them?
• Tim couldn't bear watching that life vanish from your eyes. He loves you so, so much. He loves that you care and that you hold him like a lover, he adores that you're sharing your strength with him and that you, in return, lean on him... He doesn't ever want to betray that.
• He's a sad type of jealous. Fuelled entirely by his intrusive thoughts... and his mind will be so foggy that Masky would temporarily take over, seeking control of the situation.
• Masky isn't good at expressing himself verbally because he's rough around the edges. He somehow manages to mess everything up with everyone... always too harsh, too mean and too direct. He has an overbearing personality. You still put up with him and flash him that gorgeous smile. You always know what he means... He feels like he's your soulmate.
• You usually don't get to be with Masky very often because Tim is overly protective of you. He doesn't want Masks to "corrupt" you or make you think differently of him.
• Still, Masky loves you because he and Tim share the same core identity. Both of them know that.
• Masky loves you so much... it sometimes hurts that he cannot be with you as often as he likes.
• Meaning that whenever Masky feels like Tim is on the verge of throwing this one thing away, that one thing they agreed upon being the ultimate dream - a life with you, Masky is MAD.
• He wants to burn his love into you, to remind everyone of the fact that he's (also) your man. He'll kiss you roughly, hold you close to him and stare down at you with his intense deep brown gaze. His eyes are so much deeper than Tim's.
• Tim's gaze is a gentle caress, a sweet, fond look that watches over you whereas Masky's eyes are drawing you in with passion, they're making you want to fall into his arms and be pampered.
• And they are both yours, and Masky will remind everyone that you are theirs, too.
• Hope you don't mind... marking.
• Brian rarely gets jealous. He's not an insecure man and he's perfectly content with your relationship as it is. He adores you wholeheartedly.
• That doesn't mean that he doesn't have a breaking point.
• He feels that flick of anger ignite in him whenever someone touches you in a flirty manner. He knows that look in their eyes - they're testing the waters. And you, bless your heart, though sometimes uncomfortable, always remain friendly. Your kindness is such a virtue, but Brian just boils when someone's hands are too frisky for his liking.
• Touching your lower back will make him snap his jaw shut and swallow a sound of protest.
• He knows how to behave himself. He is aware that causing a scene will only get you in trouble and embarrass you potentially. And it's not like he has some sort of ownership on you.
• You're his saving grace, he'd never want to inconvenience you.
• Well... Brian likes reassurance - the naughty kind.
• He wants to remind himself that there's nothing to worry about.
• He'll come over to you - public or not doesn't matter to him, teasing you in that way is his bread and butter - and rile you up. Fleeting touches, breaths down your neck, wet kisses and even friskier hands that squeeze all those terrible spots that never fail to draw a noise from you. In front of people. Yeah...
• Brian is relentless.
• He'll watch you like a hawk, smiling down at you as he feigns innocence, your own gaze growing hungrier by the moment. He loves watching you fall apart at his hands.
• Hoodie, on the other hand, is a surprisingly jealous man. He is nonverbal so making himself known is rather difficult, PLUS he's never out in public, but he feels what Brian feels.
• If Brian feels like someone had crossed a boundary, Hoodie knows that someone must have pushed his buttons and did something truly unacceptable.
• But... Hoodie isn't as suave. He just isn't the type - he also doesn't enjoy sexual tension as much as Brian does. He prefers the emotional aspect of love. He manifested because of Brian's fear, he's basically the place where all those outsourced feelings of inadequacy and insecurity went.
• Thus, Hoodie is a troubled guy. Brian may have some trouble forcing a smile in public - he manages though, but Hoodie only ever smiles around you. He is stoic, he is basically dead inside...and he's quite shy around you. You're the first normal person he has met and he... never thought to get to live with you.
• Hoodie wants to remind you of the deep bond you share. He instantly takes you out on a date... something cheesy, like a slow dance in the middle of his bedroom.
• He wants you to know that he'll never treat you with disrespect and always tend to your every need. Hoodie can read your expressions like a book and he knows that sometimes, overly "friendly" touching can feel uncomfortable, especially when it's not exactly welcome or unprecedented...
• Hoodie aims to make you forget about those other people. Focus solely on him and lose yourself in his doting. Come on, he knows just the song that describes his feelings for you. Listen to it and kiss him, please.
• You're such a rare treasure... so rare that Hoodie understands that others might want you, but they'll never see you for what you really are: An angel, his angel.
• Toby also gets jealous very easily but not out of distrust for you but rather because he doesn't trust anyone else to treat you right. He knows that he can be a lot, but you deserve even more than that.
• While he admires other people's taste and lowkey congrats them for wanting to be with you, but he'll also be super obnoxious about the fact that you chose him and rub it in their face.
• People always belittle him. They think he's weak, dumb and he's had his fair share of being on the receiving end of the r-slur when he grew up... Now look at him. Fucking look at him. He is working on getting his life together, he's working on himself and he has a partner who loves him and supports him no matter what.
• He won. Other people should be so jealous of him. Naturally, he makes sure they are.
• Flashes you a gummy smile that is so sickly affectionate every time you turn your head in his direction... He is so stupidly in love with you, wow... Just wow.
• His whole face lights up when you turn your attention away from other people to focus on him. Nobody's ever done that and yet it's totally in your nature. You were made for each other. You're so good to him.
• He often stands behind you when you're talking to someone else. He doesn't even focus on the conversation, he's just looking around before looking at you with so much love in his eyes... and sometimes his hands wander.
• He's so excited to show you off, to celebrate your relationship publicly... he's always so eager to hug you from behind and lay his head on your shoulder, basically smothering you. Is delighted if you do the same with him...
• He's also the type to randomly drag you into a sloppy kiss, teeth clashing and everything. But Toby doesn't want to embarrass you at all, he's just there to illustrate his affection and let everybody know.
• Is fine with sticking his tongue out at people who are clearly interested in you but cannot even talk to you properly because he's hogging your attention.
• Suck it, loser.
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skunkes · 9 months
doing figure drawing studies because i know thats what i should be doing right now but also ive been in a very insane deranged state for the past 2 months that leaves me like this whenever i look at a man for too long
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overthinking it
#esp bc of the contrast with 10s face#who was so loud abt it#i think 12 had things most like balanced. was somewhat at peace with the cognitive dissonance of how he carried out his values#and also found maybe the best way to carry them out#13 deals with the cognitive dissonance by just i think compartmentalising like crazy?#like hard split between the doctor thats Nice and Fun and the doctor that kills#we see her try to manage the dissonance as loudly as 10 does when she Cant separate them so much#'you saw right? i gave it a chance'#10 doesnt try to separate as much i think#but then once 13 is forced to be the doctor that kills by necessity in villa diodati#after that i think she just stays on that side#she just accepts being the doctor that kills. she commands the fam like theyre soldiers. yaz like a second in command#she directs actual unit soldiers without any resistance whatsoever#like theres a kind of acceptance to it that i think shows here between them#no im wrong abt 12. there was a resignation there but no peace with it. hes a doctor of war but that doesnt mean he wants to be#he wouldve killed himself over it#so 13 KNOWS she is a doctor of war#and when people in s11 are like 'youre great i wanna be just like you' she looks ashamed bc she knows they shouldnt be#because SHE shouldnt be. but she is. and i think she just kinda gives in in the second half. stops pretending shes not#so these two also know#'name: the doctor. occupation: not a doctor'#its interesting tho bc the war doctor was like. the disowned one. the one removed from the personal history from memory#exactly like all those in the fobwatch#i think she assumes theres probably a lot of doctors in there like the war doctor#who did things that would undoctor them#occupation: not a doctor
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shdwtouch · 2 months
I finished my final project ! ; w ; I'm actually really proud of it, even if it doesn't look great. not bad considering, I think. I hope I get a good grade; even if I fail tho I'll still pass the class. I just worked really hard on this and will be upset if my professor doesn't like it orz she has been so nice and supportive so I want her approval oakajsisis
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mister-eames · 10 months
I know it’s been said before, but you spark so much joy with your headcanon & arthur/eames discussions 🥺 also! Still thinking of that pic of Tom Hardy in a muscle tee & other recent photos of him where he is lots of grey in his beard. Idk if you saw JGL at the ceremony where he presented rian Johnson with an award but he had a deep velvet plum suit on, a beard and his hair is long & wavy. & now I’m thinking about older eames/Arthur who are comfortable happy and still sickeningly in love
Nonnie!!!!!!! Thank you so much for stopping by, these asks always are so thought provoking and indulge me so much, I'm always happy to talk about Arthur/Eames and Inception in general!
Okay so, I had not seen that video and I am SO GLAD you brought it to my attention. JGL LOOKS SO FREAKING GOOD!!! THE SUIT!!! THE BEARD!!! THE CURLS!!!!!! Oh my god. If anyone has not seen the video check it out here you wont regret it.
And, you said it -- "Comfortable, happy and (still) sickeningly in love" is all I want for Arthur and Eames (and my life tbh). My headcanon is that they settle down and retire and while they still dabble in a little criminal action here and there (like being criminally sexy!!!) they live quieter lives a handful of years after the Fischer job. They love each other, right? They want to be safer because they want to build a life over building dreams, because life can be so short, you know, and I think in the film you learn just that--anything can happen at any given moment and you just...slow the hell down. Even when that means taking life in the slow lane and changing course - and so they do.
I imagine Arthur and Eames in their forties and fifties, teaching and consulting for work - Eames being disgusted every time he does his taxes and Arthur being disgusted with himself for wearing polo shirts in the summer and secretly loving it. They are starting to go grey, more grey with every handful of years - they are starting to go soft in places. There are crows eyes and forehead lines and heartburn and creaky bones. Diets to manage IBS and blood pressure. Worse, they start to do things their parents used to do -- like watch the news on TV and mutter into their dinner about idiot politicians and neighbours who park like dickheads on the street and wont trim their trees back out of their yard, and they reminisce about how things were different when they were kids and seriously why the fuck are they the only normal people who live on this street?
They keep busy. They learn new things. For his forty-fifth birthday Arthur builds Eames a library in their Philadelphia home with his bare hands. Eames buys the battered skeleton of a '67 Ford Mustang and restores it for Arthur. They read books and watch movies in bed and keep guns in their bedsides just in case. They go on long drives together and still sometimes travel the world to see old faces and so they still remember what it feels like to be homesick and miss the good life. Eames' knees play up. Arthurs back has seen better days. They're uncles to their siblings kids and to Phillipa and James. And they take that job very seriously.
They still have their domestics and spats every now and then. But they make up and move on. They're partners (in life and crime) and they get their thrills out of making the other happy. They're the people the other cannot wait to come home to.
They have always attempted to manufacture their own luck and they finally did it because here they are, content and happy.
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arsenicflame · 23 days
i do think being unconditionally loved is an experience that can be so so healing actually. it cant ever fix anything alone but to feel loved and valued and considered is something that makes carrying burdens just that little bit easier. to trust that youre someone they think about when youre not around, because they tell you. to feel like youre someone important to them because they tell you. to feel safe in knowing youre not being too intense, too annoying, too much, because everything you offer is offered right back without a seconds hesitation. this isnt something i ever thought id get to have, but i found it when i wasnt even looking. and no, it still isnt easy. it doesn't change most things. but it gives you a reason to try.
#not to get sappy or anything#nyxtalks#feelings warning ahead#i don't know i guess im all up in my feelings but. just knowing someone thinks about me when im not around has been kinda life changing#it seems so silly. to put so much weight on just 'hey youre not here but i wanted to tell you this'#but i genuinely mean it when i say that i didnt think id ever have it. that i thought it was asking too much to expect people to remember#i exist when im not actively forcing my presence on them. but she makes it feel like the easiest thing in the world to do#and it makes me want to believe that i deserve that because shes one of the most wonderful people ive ever had the pleasure of knowing#and if /she/ can see that in /me/ then who am i to tell her shes wrong?#i do still worry about so much. i do still think horrible things about myself. those things dont just go away#just because of a little consideration. but i want to see the person she sees. i want to be worthy of the love she shows me#i wish i could tell the person sobbing on their bathroom floor in January about how she doesnt stop. how she manages to be everything#you could possibly want without ever even asking.#i dont want to misrepresent how hard it still is. its not changed. but i think i value myself just a fraction more now#talking to her has also helped my understand myself a lot. introspect on so many things#maybe its not the healthiest take to want to be doing better for somebody elses sake but.#is wanting to do her proud really so bad?
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bigothteddies · 1 month
maybe a house would be nice. admittedly I am only saying that because I realized I could have a housewarming party and try to invite my favorite people to come visit
#unimportant thoughts#itd be so fun! just imagining sharing my space with the people i love and having them in my space to celebrate it#its all I could want ! im gonna be daydreaming about it sctually#i mean i still could do that with an apartment BUT less space also noise restrictions#UGH i could throw a yearly christmas party!#my family had a big christmas party every year when i was a kid with some families we were close with :(#i miss it a LOT#nostalgic about the fact that there were kids my age i could play toys with and eat at the kids table sure but STILL#i could do that for my friends !#i could maybe cover a plane ticket or two and get some of my favorite people together for a nice dinner and sleepover ;(#i could decorate and cook a meal and have wrapped gifts for everyone under the tree :(#meatz has a friend that throws a big halloween party every year and i really admire it#to throw and host a party rvery year where the prople you love can gather and see each other snd have a good time#is a PRICELESS fucking thing to provide and its something i admire#DOING things and hosting events and making stuff happen is a Big Deal#its a value and service many people dont appreciate#fortunately its been BEAT into me by the BMX scene#that the most importsnt thing you can do for BMX isnt to post your opinions online#but to host your own event to provide for the sport your own way to get people involved and to have a good time#and i wsnt to do that in life !#its hard ive arranged beach trips where no one shows up ive hosted movie nights where people leave halfway through#but I know ill find people that want to do things and hang out just as badly as I do !
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vaugarde · 1 month
terribly sorry for progressively getting more and more annoyed and tired with jn. this show kinda gets a lot more exhausting on a rewatch when you know its not going to get better
#i think what happened when it was airing was that like. it was the direct successor to sun and moon right?#and that was a show EVERYONE shat on when it got revealed. the setting the art change the shift to a goofier style etc etc#but then it aired and aside from some hiccups while adjusting the first few eps- sm turned out to be a joy of a show#not just for a casual watch- you can tune on most episodes without context and just have a pleasant time bc its a cozy show#but also if youre more into the battle scene bc this series kinda goes hard on them#and while the episodes had a goofier tone to them the episodes never felt like they were talking down to its audience#everyone brings up the deaths and how maturely they were handled but seriously- they didnt need to go that hard on the minior episode#and yet- it took fans a long time to really come around to it and stop giving it bad faith criticism#the most popular youtubers were finding every excuse to shit on it and mock the fans#so i think when jn was announced with another slight art shift and a different format- i think we all got a little defensive over it#like hey sm had hiccups too! jn just needs some time to grow into itself and find its footing#and we had no reason to think it wouldn’t. like there were some red flags like how mimey was handled and some clickbait episodes#but we got genuinely nice episodes back then too! the scorbunny eps were neat and ash and gohs intro eps are great#the pichu opening is REALLY strong and i thought it showed a ton of promise for the show#the leon and eternatus stuff was being set up#so i waited for jn to pick up and waved off a lot of criticism as bad faith bc hey. ppl were ruthless to sm and forgetting that we do have t#to work with the limit that its a childrens series. which is fine.#but well…… suddenly we’re in the final arc and its not better. its worse. holy shit did it get worse#episodes like the drizzile one were now the exception. not the rule.#most episodes that are pleasant on a first watch became an absolute slog on a rewatch#the ‘’fanservice’’ feels more like a marketing ploy than an attempt to respect the characters. the production value was a goddamn mess.#entire arcs went unresolved#so it gave me rose tinted glasses until it all fell apart at once for me at the end#but now i have the joyful experience of watching the whole thing through knowing damn good and well it gets worse. yay#echoed voice#jn lb
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
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merkerlerspeaks · 6 months
You know. Sometimes you can just tell when God has put people in your life on purpose to show or teach you something.
My robotics teacher is a very, very compassionate, gentle Christian man, and very much persuing Jesus. And he is very understanding when my chronic condition effects my ability to attend class- perhaps likely due to his wife also having a condition like mine, perhaps due to the fact that he is just a very kindhearted person. (Luckily, I am able to do the majority of the class online, so it hasn't effected my grades).
There is also a young Christian man/late teen in my class as well who is also just such a big sweetheart. Very meek, very gentle, very smart. Also very much persuing Jesus.
I just very much admire it. My exposure to Christian men for the past 6 years has been predominantly my brother, which...well if you read my personal posts then we know how that has been going lol. I really appriciate being able to see...the variety, I guess. The ability to be able to speak to these people and not feel as if I am being spoken down too, and instead actually listened too. And the fact that they are christian men feels very healing.
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catgirlwizard · 1 year
#personal#its ridiculous how i was so depressed 2 days ago and then my partner was like. whay if i came over right now even though#its almost midnight. and what if i slept over at your house for 3 nights in a row. and now im sitting here having eaten breakfast for the#first time in like 4 weeks and feeling happy waiting for him to wake up so we can shower together and were#gonna go on a build-a-bear date and i no longer feel like i deserve to d*e with him here#hes just so sweet and i love him a lot and im really lucky to have him in my life <3 ive never been in a relationship where i felt this#safe and comfortable and accepted before and i know he hasnt either and its just nice#definitely helps that were both trans autistic queers with parental trauma so theres a lit about each other that we understand without#needing to explain it in depth#but also he really values communication and even thiigh im so used to shutting all my feelings off and not telling people about them#im trying really hard to not do that with him and its? nice not bottling everything up for once?#he really listens to me when i talk and tries to understand and respect my boundaries all the time and its realy nice to have that#ive been awful at establishing boundaries in past relationships and i didnt feel like my boundaries mattered to at least one ex so its#a nice change of pace to have someone go out of their way to make me feel reapected and valued like thay#and thats not even mentioning all the hot gay transgender sex we have because like. both being on t kind of makes that a necessity dhdjdjdj#its just nice having him in my life and feeling loved and cared for and getting to love and care for him back and im so lucky#that everything fell into place for us to date each other because i really dont know what id have done without him this past half a year#this is so long fhdjsjsjsj im just waoting for him to get up and feeling emotional about how much of a good influence he is in my life <333
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mrfoox · 2 years
Talking with Fabian and whooooooooo boy that was an conversation and a half...
#miranda talking shit#Uuuh i was kinda rightfully anxious? I told him about how i am a little freak and i basically am down to date 90% of my friends#But i got told by Oliver that it could be i act that way bc i dont want to be abandoned/left so im willing to compromise however they want#Me to... So talked about that with him and yep. We finally got into the whole... 'what are we' business. Or well kinda not directly#He said he didn't want to bring it up but we basically are on the subject so... And how hes worried that i will think too much about him#'i worry the more time we spend together the more your life will revolve around me and you'll value me so much more than i do you'#'it doesnt seem fair to you so ive occasionally not talked with you because i worry about that. You're a great friend but I know how much#You think about people. And im worried if you think about me too much you'll develop feelings or I'll mean more to you than before' i... He#Isnt wrong? Thats kinda how i work. The more people prioritize me the more ill value them and cherish them? But also... Idk if he understod#That i dont actively think about kissing or dating my friends? Its just a thing i know that if anyone asked I'd be down for it. But i dont#Daydream about it or anything. But then again he said some cryptic fabian shit like 'i dont have anyone else to compare with so i assume#What we have is normal. I sometimes want to cross the line to see where i still stand with you after doing it' like bro... Im so sorry i am#I am so far from 'normal' and him having me as his biggest both friend and female/woman in his life is probably such a mess i am crying#Me: ok then cross the line and see how you feel. 'but thats the problem. You dont have a line you're so open and down with everything you#Dont really react badly' I know i... Probably am making things hard for him sometimes but this was an holy shit moment /: hes worried to#Spend too much time with me bc of how i can potentially feel? Meanwhile I'm basically 80%+ of all his social interactions 😭 at one hand i#Appreciate him thinking of me and worry i guess but... Yeah. I told him: listen Fabian. My life does not revolve around you and youre not#The only one i think about. You are safe.' his and mine relationship is my favorite but also i definitely worry bc i know how much what we#Have or talk about or act is his... Only reference for girls basically. I mean outside his mom. He's not had any other girl friends and no#Actual girlfriend. So his reference to whats... Okay and appropriate is basically dictated by me and im seeing that very clear now im kinda#Afraid. Like... Im not normal on any level. If he's basing his view on women on me hes going to have an awful time truly... Idk if i should#Be offended or flattered that he thinks he's the center of my world 😭 like hes not completely wrong. I talk with him multiple times per#Week. But i can also say hes not all i think about at all waking hours lol. I obviously love him and care so much about him but im not#In love with him. Not as far as i know anyway. I dont think of him how i do people i have crushes on for example so yeaah. It bothers me#More that he couldn't just say 'im not into you' bc thats fine. He added the whole element of 'im not sure' like buddy now im going to be#Anxious about that in the future. I guess he have no reference to crushes so he cant tell but like... How do you want me to act so you can#Tell? I want an solid answer putting in an maybe is cruel even to me. This is funny bc tbh i dont even know if i would be able to date him#Even if he said he wanted to. Bc i know his biggest wish is to be a dad and i have nog fully embraced that idea even /: 'i can feel how ego#Centered i am. Assuming im the center of your world like that' at least youre self aware sweetie. Sounded like he was at peace with all we#Said and im here like... Binch there's so much to think about i wish i could read your mind i need more information to understand all this
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cowboy-robooty · 2 years
The 8th grade england should just comit suicide he'd be better liked dead rofl
bro hes 13
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cinnabeat · 2 years
i love reading media all at once and going yeah that makes sense and then seeing people talk about it extensively and realizing i didnt retain shit
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