#like so many times its like oh turns out this character is lying or it did happen but i dont have the full context
80ssuperstar · 23 hours
Hey Guys I made this Story that's based on The Ancient Indian Tale of Prince Rama and Princess Sita and the Ten Headed Demon Ravanna but I made it different with the Characters like: Prince Mordecai and Princess Samantha, Ravanna, Hanuman, Bharata, Indrajit, Manthara, Surpanakha, Queen Kaikeyi (Prince Mordecai's Jealous Stepmother)
Once upon a time, in the magnificent kingdom of Ayodhya, there lived a noble prince named Mordecai, beloved by all for his wisdom, courage, and kindness. He was the heir to the throne, destined to rule alongside his beloved wife, Princess Samantha, a woman of unparalleled beauty, grace, and compassion. Their love was the envy of all who beheld it, and their kingdom flourished under their benevolent rule.
However, their happiness was not to last, for lurking in the shadows was the wicked ten-headed demon, Ravanna, whose heart burned with jealousy and malice. Ravanna coveted Princess Samantha for himself, and he plotted to separate her from Prince Mordecai and claim her as his own.
Mordecai: "My dear Samantha, our love is like the eternal flame, burning bright amidst the darkness. Fear not, for I shall always protect you, my beloved."
Samantha: "Oh Mordecai, my heart sings with joy at your words. Together, we shall overcome any obstacle that dares to challenge our love."
One fateful day, as Prince Mordecai and Princess Samantha were taking a leisurely stroll through the enchanted forest that surrounded their kingdom, they came across a wounded deer lying in agony. Princess Samantha's compassionate heart was moved with pity, and she beseeched Prince Mordecai to help the poor creature.
Samantha: "Mordecai, look! A wounded deer lies in distress. Please, we must help it."
Mordecai: "Fear not, my dear Samantha. I shall use my magic to create a protective circle around you. As long as you stay within its bounds, no harm shall befall you."
That night, as Princess Samantha rested within the safety of the magic circle, she heard a terrible cry echoing through the forest. Believing it to be her beloved Mordecai in grave danger, she rushed to his aid, unaware of the treacherous trap that awaited her.
Samantha: "Mordecai! I hear cries of distress! I must go to him at once!"
Mordecai: "No, Samantha! Stay within the circle! It is not safe!"
But it was too late. Ravanna, with his dark magic and deceitful wiles, had disguised himself as Prince Mordecai and lured Princess Samantha out of the protective circle. Seizing her in his powerful grasp, Ravanna vanished into the depths of the forest, leaving behind naught but despair and heartache.
Ravanna: "Foolish princess, to trust in the illusion of safety. Now you are mine, and no one shall stand in my way."
Prince Mordecai, upon discovering his beloved Samantha missing, was consumed with grief and fury. Determined to rescue her from the clutches of the vile Ravanna, he embarked on a perilous journey, aided by his loyal companions, including the mighty monkey warrior Hanuman, the valiant prince Bharata, and the wise sage Vishwamitra.
Hanuman: "Fear not, Prince Mordecai, for I shall lend you my strength and my cunning. Together, we shall vanquish the foul demon Ravanna and rescue Princess Samantha from his grasp."
Bharata: "My lord, I pledge my sword and my loyalty to your cause. Let us march forth and bring justice to the wicked."
Vishwamitra: "Prince Mordecai, the path ahead is fraught with danger, but with courage and determination, you shall prevail. Trust in your heart, and victory shall be yours."
And so, Prince Mordecai and his companions embarked on a perilous quest, braving treacherous jungles, raging rivers, and dark caverns in their relentless pursuit of Ravanna and his captive, Princess Samantha.
Along the way, they encountered many trials and tribulations, including battles with Ravanna's fearsome minions, such as his son Indrajit, the demoness Surpanakha, and the wicked maid Manthara, who sought to thwart their noble quest at every turn.
Indrajit: "You dare to oppose my father, Ravanna? Prepare to face the wrath of Indrajit, the mighty warrior prince!"
Surpanakha: "Ah, Prince Mordecai, how handsome you are! Why waste your time on that insignificant princess when you could have a powerful demoness like me at your side?"
Manthara: "Princess Samantha is a threat to my mistress's ambitions. I shall do everything in my power to ensure that she remains in Ravanna's clutches forever."
But through courage, perseverance, and the power of their unwavering love, Prince Mordecai and his companions overcame every obstacle that stood in their way, drawing ever closer to their ultimate goal of rescuing Princess Samantha from the clutches of Ravanna.
At long last, after a fierce and epic battle that shook the very foundations of the earth, Prince Mordecai confronted Ravanna in his fortress atop the towering mountain of Lanka, where Princess Samantha was held captive.
Mordecai: "Ravanna, your reign of terror ends here and now! Release Princess Samantha, or face the wrath of a righteous prince!"
Ravanna: "Foolish mortal, you dare to challenge me? I am Ravanna, the Lord of Lanka, the most powerful demon in all the realms! You are no match for my might!"
But Prince Mordecai, fueled by his love for Princess Samantha and the strength of his noble heart, fought with a courage and determination that knew no bounds. With the aid of his allies and the blessings of the gods themselves, he clashed with Ravanna in a battle that shook the heavens and the earth.
In the end, it was not the strength of arms or the power of magic that determined the outcome, but the purity of Prince Mordecai's love and the righteousness of his cause. With a final, mighty blow, he vanquished Ravanna and rescued Princess Samantha from the darkness that had ensnared her.
Mordecai: "Samantha, my beloved! Are you hurt? Fear not, for you are safe now, and I shall never let harm befall you again."
Samantha: "Mordecai, my hero! Oh, how I have longed for this moment! With you by my side, I fear nothing, for our love is stronger than any magic or malice in the world."
And so, Prince Mordecai and Princess Samantha returned triumphantly to their kingdom of Ayodhya, where they were greeted with jubilation and celebration by their grateful subjects. Their love had been tested and proven true, and together, they ruled wisely and justly for many years to come, a shining beacon of hope and inspiration to all who beheld them.
I Hope you guys liked it 😊🥰
For: @fxe4596 , @nicomxm23 , @mordorigs , @jgquintelslut , @pinkcandycatmakesart , @anifaz , @isrrael120 , @notadumbdog , @martingeekermmd , @eeveepalooza , @apollothedeity, @sidoresca, @siinhorhy, @insomniacz, @rhyliethecaterfly , @yeetafry, @at-weeb96, @kiwithekool11437, @kiko2032, @orchestralauthor, @untitled14360, @loudlyhappycupcake
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cinnabeat · 2 years
i love reading media all at once and going yeah that makes sense and then seeing people talk about it extensively and realizing i didnt retain shit
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sinsirellaxx · 3 months
Can you do toxic boys reacting to you showing up at their dorm crying? I’m in love with your writing ugh
Slytherin Boys – What they’d be like if you show up at their dorm crying
Warning: There are no warnings for this one I think. The boys are quite tame and fluffy-ish here
A/N: Thank you so much!! ❤️ Glad you like it and I hope you'll enjoy this one too! I know there is a huge misbalance in terms of length for each characters but I just couldn't help myself with some of them. I initially wanted to keep all of them short.
Have fun reading!
Mattheo …
… who would silently pull you into his room and right into his arms, letting you sob into his chest. He’d carefully stroke your hair and press soft kisses onto your forehead, letting his lips linger on your skin. Mattheo who’d slowly pull you towards his bed, removing your shoes and tucking you both in. Mattheo would close the curtains to his bed to give you more privacy in case anyone else walked into the shared dorm. He’d not ask any questions for the time being as he didn’t want to further upset you with nosy questions. After you had calmed down a bit, he lifted your head from his chest to be able to look into your eyes before he carefully spoke. “What happened, love?”
Theodore …
… wasn’t in his room when you knocked on his door. If you hadn’t felt as threatened and anxious you would have never entered his room without him, but you did. Upon entering his room, you sighed out in relief and immediately closed his door. Walking up to his bed you took off your shoes and your tie before lying down on and pressing your nose into his pillow, taking in a deep breath. As his smell surrounded your senses you could feel your muscles relax. Your eye lids fell close as you slowly nodded off.
Theodore walked into his dark room with a sigh. He was worried because you hadn’t replied to any of his messages or calls. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed the drawn curtains of his bed. When he noticed your shoes on the floor a small smile appeared on his face. Found you.
Opening the curtain slightly he slipped into bed with you, spooning you from behind. Pressing his nose into your hair he breathed in your smell – oh how he loved you.
The sudden movement seemed to have woken you up as you slowly turned in his arms, eyes puffy from all the crying. Just like a small child does when it sees its mother your eyes started tearing up when you looked into his beautiful eyes.
Wrapping your arms around him tightly you hid your face in his chest, crying softly.
Theodore, slightly confused, tightened his grip on you. “What’s wrong, cara mia? What happened?”
Lorenzo …
… would be instantly angry. Why were you crying? Who made you cry? He’d have so many questions swirling around in his head, but he wouldn’t dare ask – not until you hadn’t stopped crying. His current priority was you. He hugged you close to his body and whispered how much he loved you and that you were safe. He felt you relax after a while, your sobs just mere sniffs now. He carefully lifted your head with a finger under your chin and placed soft kisses onto your puffy eyelids, nose and finally your lips.
“What’s wrong, love. What happened?” He asked softly, his hand on your chin moving to cup your cheek. He listened to you closely as you told him that you had found threatening notes in your belongings the past few days and that they were getting worse. Threatening you to stay away from Lorenzo Berkshire.
“Don’t worry love, they can’t hurt you. I’m here – you’re safe with me.”
Lorenzo was seething – how dare they threaten you and try to destroy the relationship that he has carefully built. However, a small voice in his head told him, that this might be another chance – an opportunity to pull you closer into his web. You’d depend more and more on him now, that you were scared for your life. And he didn’t even have to move a single finger.
Draco …
… threatens to tell his father about it. He was shocked to hear that Cormac McLaggen has been bullying and spreading nasty rumors about you for rejecting him. Draco would make it his mission to ruin his life and he’d succeed. That he was sure of.
Your boyfriend would spend the next few days pampering you: going on dates, buying you flowers and things you might like – anything to cheer the love of his life up. What you would have to deal with, however, was that he got even more protective of you: he’d want to be around you all the time – which you didn’t mind as you felt safer around him.  
Blaise …
… immediately picked you up and placed you on his bed. He’d help you change into comfier clothes, pressing occasional kisses onto your skin as he listened to your rant. You had failed your exam even though you had spent so much time in the library, studying for that damn thing. “It’s fine, love. We can study together next time, how’s that sound?” He offered as another sob escaped your trembling lips. He pressed a kiss onto your red nose – he couldn’t help but find you endearing, with your teary eyes, your red nose and your trembling cheeks – he just wanted to eat you up. You nodded at him with wide eyes as you threw your arms around him, crying into his crook of his neck. Blaise gently patted your back, a small smile on his lips.
Tom …
… would be mad. Mad that you were crying. And mad at whoever made you cry. He always felt awkward whenever you cried because he did not know what to do to console you. He knew however, that you liked physical contact, so he pulled you into his chest and wrapped his long arms around you tightly. He didn’t need to ask any questions – you were already so vulnerable and distract that he could freely see into your mind to find out who or what made you cry. You wouldn’t even notice. And after you had fallen asleep, he’d sneak out and take care of the matter himself.
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choso-star · 6 months
jjk men and jobs!!
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jjk men and there modern jobs!!
gojo, geto, choso, nanami, toji, megumi, yuji, ino
authors note
wow this was a lot more than i was thinking id wrote for my first time! let me know what you think!
CONTAINS! nsfw, fluff
bartender! gojo
-i just see gojo as a bartender, i have literally no clue why i just do.
-just imagine him standing behind the bar, muscles showing through his tight dress shirt, sleeves slightly pulled up🤭🤭
-thats definitely how you guys met, him standing behind the bar on your 21st birthday, your friends long gone partying and you just sitting there, looking all sweet.
“aww look at the little birthday girl layin down and takin my cock so well” all you can do to respond to the man pounding into you is clench your pussy around his cock. “to fucked dumb to say anything? its okay baby we’ll be finished soon and i can send you back to your friends” when you do end up going back to your friends, gojo is back behind the bar serving drinks and your walking out of the bar with cum dripping down your leg.
tattoo artist! geto
-i have such a love hate relationship with this man😞
-he looks like he would genuinely be so talented, and so skillful with his hands(🤭)
-his favorite tattoos to do are definitely the more intricate ones he can really put his heart into
-you probably came into his shop, no appointment and wanting your first tattoo. normally, he probably wouldnt have done it for anybody else, but you’re just to cute to refuse.
“hold still princess, it’ll only hurt for a moment” geto says, pressing the needle to your skin, a loud cry leaving your throat. normally, this wouldnt bother him but today its just different. no matter how many times he tells you to stay quiet or for you to not move, you dont listen, you cant help it after all. “y’know what if your gonna keep bitchin i’ll make you quite”
piercer! choso
-this man has my heart he could literally do anything to me
-choso is such a sweetheart, he really is, but he doesn’t necessarily look that sweet.
-with his strong build, arms covered in tattoos, several piercings, he looks a little more rugged.
-this certainly wasnt your first piercing, but it was one of your more painful ones, and based on the reviews, choso was your best and safest bet.
-you were definitely nervous but once you saw choso you almost turned around and left. but your committed, your going to get this piercing.
“just lay down on the chair and it wont take very long” you lay down, ‘to late to turn back now’ you thought. as you lay back choso takes his seat in between your legs, preparing everything to complete the piercing. his hands slightly lifted up your shirt to expose your belly button. you would be lying if it wasn’t a great sight. “so pretty, ready for your piercing?”
ceo! nanami
-i know, i know “ceo? everyone puts him as that” its just what he is😞
-he looks so good, sitting at the desk in his office, one foot crossed over the other propped on the desk, working on paper work
-your just his little secretary bringing him coffee every morning and checking up on him every so often. i guess you wouldnt want colleagues to know what you always do at your 2 o’clock meeting.
“such a good girl bent over the desk for me” he says, fingers plunging in and out of your tight cunt. “nanamin p-please give’m more” you slur out, then feeling a sharp slap across your ass, causing you to whimper. “if you dont shut up your not getting any of my cock”
plumber! toji
-oh god he can come clean my pipes whenever 😊😊 (please send help)
-definitely fucking hates his job😭 wishes he didnt have to work but knows he needs the money bad.
-you would think he would half ass shit to get it done but he’s doing everything the best he can so he never has to come back.
-and then he came to your house, or, your daddys mansion.
“m’better hurry up before your daddy gets home” toji says, holding your hips as you bounce on his cock. “t-toji your too big., m’gonna cum soon- ah” you cried out, but your sobs fell to deaf ears as toji started fucking up into you harder “c’mon baby lets make this quick, we can do more next time”
toji didn’t fix all of your houses pipes this time, looks like he’ll have to come back to finish the job.
actor! megumi
-he’s a pretty boy so ofc he’s gonna be on screen
-all the girls want him, he’s literally the josh hutcherson of his universe. constant edits being made of him, always being shipped with someone new.
-what they wouldnt expect is the one he wants isnt an actor, a producer, another celebrity of any kind, but his own personal makeup artist
“hold still megs i have to put more blush on you” you say, slightly sticking your tongue out to concentrate. megumi’s hands find there way to your hips, and pulling you down onto his lap, causing you to accidentally get to much blush on the side of his face“megumi! now im gonna have to redo your base” you whine, but megumi doesn’t care, pulling you into a slow kiss “as long as i get to spend more time with my favorite girl”
delivery driver! yuji
-i felt bad for giving him a delivery driver (no hate to delivery drivers obvi) i feel like its so much less glamorous but it kinda fits him😭😭
-yuji is a little pizza boy, driving around the city in his busted, broken toyota camry, but whatever pays the bills right?
-but, hes a broke college student and this is the only way to pay off all his loans.
-its his last house for the night, he walks up to the door and sees you, teary eyed and holding a tub of ice-cream in one hand and a spoon in the other.
“fuck.. you like that? do i fuck you better than he ever could” he said, your pushed against the wall with yuji fucking you at a pace you cant keep up woth “mmmhm.. m’yes- y..uji soso good!” you cry out, tears spilling from your face as he keeps going “good, i’ll fuck the thoughts of him out of your mind”
firefighter! ino
-oh my lord imagine this man in firefighter gear, AWOOGA, that hose aint the only thing spraying🥰(im sorry that was so bad😭)
-ino is a caring person, putting others safety before his own, i mean thats his job as a firefighter.
-so when someone sets your apartment on fore, ino is the first one rushing in to help, even tho he has no clue who you are
-he helps you out, and then theres the investigation, but ino is the only one you trust to talk to about what happened! looks like you’ll be spending a lot more time with him!!
“cmon baby im only fucking you in here cause you basically begged for me infront of those police officers “ he says hips snapping against your own, balls slapping your ass. “i only wanna talk to that firefighter ino! cant i talk to ino!” he says in a high pitch tone meant to be mocking you. “well now im here so talk to me baby, tell me how you feel.”
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kurogane2512 · 3 months
Haloo, Can I get a ninety nine x FEM reader(chief) from ptn? The plot It's like ninety nine found out that some of the sinners are doing seggs with chief and somehow she was curious what chief's face would look like and how she mø@ns so she decided to sneak out of her cell one night and went to chief's office
This was funny and hot to write at the same time and I was confused whether to make it NSFW or not. Also, 99 deserves more content too man I want to see her in lighthearted events and how she's doing after her interro
Game: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Ninety-Nine x fem!reader (Chief)
Type: Smut with plot
The MBCC Cafeteria was buzzing with noise and activity as it was time for dinner, the Sinners assembled and took their seats after a tiring training regime and were already pleasantly digging in their food. Ninety-Nine was seated with Hella and silently ate her portion while Hella chatted away with EMP and others, that's when Ninety-Nine overheard some Sinners on the table beside her talk about a strange topic.
"Hey, who's going to accompany Chief tonight? Yesterday the Countess went, right?" it was Bai Yi who spoke.
"I believe it's your turn tonight, Ms Bai Yi. Unless you are interested to switch?~" a red-haired woman spoke, Ninety-Nine remembered her name was Cabernet.
"Hey, don't take my chance so easily! I have been waiting for so long~"
"So have we all, Ms Bai Yi. Chief had been busy for weeks and we had to stop this.... routine of ours~" the psychologist, Chameleon answered now.
"It was a shame, truly. We should help Chief relax now that she has time again~" Cabernet replied.
Curiosity took over Ninety-Nine as she heard more of the conversation, wondering what this 'routine' was. All of a sudden, Langley walked in near that table and sat down.
"Apologies, Bai Yi. But you'll have to give Chief to me tonight, I have important work to discuss." Langley said.
"That's not fair! I demand compensation for this!" Bai Yi roused, making Langley smirk.
"Oh, don't worry. You'll be given your due rewards~"
Bai Yi hummed in annoyance and accepted the deal. Now Ninety-Nine was even more curious, what was this routine that even Langley, the leader of the 9th Agency, was involved in? After dinner, Ninety-Nine discreetly made her way to your office and as expected, she found Langley inside. She couldn't hear nor see much from the glass opening on the door, but the sight in front caught her by surprise. Langley was all over you, roughly kissing you while pinning you on your table followed by pulling you to the couch and straddling you.
Ninety-Nine leaned in and wished to see better, but the couch was too far away from her view now and all she could see was your legs lying on Langley's shoulders while she rocked her body. She could hear faint sounds of moaning and whimpering and she was sure it was your voice. Ninety-Nine didn't know what to do, it felt like a crime standing there and watching this act unfold. Her body moved on its own and she practically ran back to her cell.
"That was.... the Chief does these things with other Sinners here? Has she also tried with Hella... No, that can't be. Hella would never accept, and I know Chief isn't that kind of person either. Not to mention, it looked like that other woman initiated it first. Everyone else also spoke of it as if they enjoyed it a lot...."
Ninety-Nine felt her body become warmer, her temperature rising unusually as the images of you moaning in pleasure ran through her mind. She pictured how your face may look, and she didn't realize how much she wanted to see you that way now. From then on, she regularly snuck to your office at the same hour and watched a different Sinner come in and have their fun.
She was surprised how many Sinners did this with you, and it looked like all of them had a good time for which they kept coming back. Their conversations during dinnertime also became more vivid and clear as they discussed specific actions they did with you, praising and fawning over your adorable reactions and surprising dominant moments. Ninety-Nine couldn't hold back anymore.
This time, she came to your office before anyone else could.
"Chief, do you have a minute?"
The familiar voice surprised you, "Ah, Ninety-Nine? Is everything okay?"
"Yes, I had... a question."
"Oh okay, sure. Ask away."
"What do you do every night with other Sinners?" Ninety-Nine asked with no hesitation at all, you almost choked on your coffee at her directness.
"W-What do you mean I do with other Sinners?!"
"I heard them talk about you at the cafeteria... and I have been watching you for a few days. Since when did you have this arrangement with them?"
Your face flushed at her statements, they talk about you and Ninety Nine has been spying on you? You wanted to hide in a corner now.
"I-I... I just do it for their own good. Some of them have certain... urges, and I fulfill them." you replied while looking away. Ninety-Nine hummed then stepped closer to you and forcefully pinned you to the wall.
"Do it with me too then." Ninety-Nine's statement came out as a command, an order. Her scarlet eyes gazed into your soul with determination, you knew she was absolutely serious.
"W-Wait, why? Are you having some problems in your body? I will have you treated the correct way, you shouldn't do this just because of others...."
"No... it's not that. I have never experienced such things, I don't know how it feels. But when I heard them talk about you, and heard your voice myself... I wanted it more. I wanted to see you in that state and hear you properly."
Your face flushed in embarrassment, was she talking about hearing you moan? You felt you had no choice. You never expected to do this with Ninety-Nine of all people, but somehow you were drawn to her and wanted to see how she is in that state. You finally agreed and like an animal in heat, Ninety-Nine lunged forward to press her lips to yours. Her movements were rough and erratic, she really had no idea what she was doing but she wanted to devour you.
"Wait wait, Ninety-Nine, slow down...!" you tried to speak in between the kiss and Ninety-Nine stopped in confusion.
"Is this not the way? I saw them do this every time before starting."
"N-No, you aren't wrong but you don't have to be so quick. You first have to set the mood a little and take it easy, shall I show you?"
Ninety-Nine was calm but you could tell she was slightly nervous too, perhaps even intrigued. You smiled at her then guided her by her wrist to the couch and seated her beside yourself. She looked at you and waited for you to move and do something. You looked at her all over and suddenly felt nervous yourself, you had had sex with so many different people with different experiences but somehow initiating things yourself with someone like Ninety-Nine was challenging.
"Chief, what do I need to do?" Ninety-Nine questioned with sincerity, you could tell she really wanted this. You sighed then shifted closer and gently held her shoulders then leaned forward, slowly and steadily kissing her lips. She had the urge to kiss back roughly just like before but she held back and let you guide her. Your lips were soft to touch and pleasant to feel, she didn't realize how much she wanted this warmness more.
You tilted your head and kissed her deeper, swiping your tongue across her lips and on instinct, she parted her mouth slightly and you took the opportunity to go in. You moved your tongue with hers and passionately kissed her, Ninety-Nine was taken aback by the intimacy. Her body temperature rose like never before, it wasn't anger that was fueling her but something completely different.
"....Mmh~" Ninety-Nine moaned when you pulled back from the kiss, slightly panting as you gazed at her.
"H-How was it...?" you asked.
"....Not bad, I can see what you mean."
You smiled then trailed your gaze over her neck and chest, feeling aroused looking at her exposed skin.
"Do we remove our clothes now?"
"Ah, do you want to continue to that....?"
"Of course, that's what I want."
You nodded then slowly moved your arms around her and removed her top to expose her breasts. She did the same to you and removed your shirt, intently gazing at your naked form which made you slightly embarrassed. Her eyes trailed towards your pants and her hands were already on the move to discard them.
"I want to do what they do with you, Chief."
"....Everyone does different things, they all have different desires and way of doing it. You shouldn't want to follow them. Tell me, what do you want, Ninety-Nine?"
Ninety-Nine was at a loss of words for a while as she pondered deeply then finally spoke, "I.... I want to see you and hear you. I don't know how to do that but.... that's what I want."
"Alright then, is there something your body is telling you to do? Some kind of urge you are getting?"
"I...." Ninety-Nine was breathing hard and gazing at you. As if being controlled by her urges, she pounced on you and pushed you down on the couch then straddled your lap.
"This... I want to do this."
You blushed then cupped her face and pulled her down into a passionate kiss once again. Ninety-Nine was more confident now, her tongue moving impatiently to taste you. Her knee dug into your core making you moan into the kiss, and she only wanted to hear that more. She released the kiss and sat up on your lap then brushed her hand across your core, dipping it past your pants and touching your clit.
You softly gasped and squeezed your thighs together but Ninety-Nine was quick to shove them apart followed by taking off your pants and underwear completely. She looked at your throbbing wet core and felt arousal rising in her own body, her eyes intensely gleaming at the sight.
"I know I have to do it here. But tell me how to."
You nodded and she extended her hand towards your folds, slowly and gently rubbing her fingers on them. She was too focused on how her fingers moved, scared to unintentionally hurt you. Your softly moaned at her ministrations, your sounds making her more eager and she looked up to see you being all hot and aroused.
"Hah.... you are doing it right. Just... try moving here now, mhm~" You guided her hand towards your clit and she grasped the bud then lightly squeezed it, earning a whimper from you.
"Ngh~ Yes.... just.... rub and circle it.... aah.... slowly and easily...."
Ninety-Nine nodded and did as you told, circling your clit with her index finger and thumb followed by gently pressing and pulling it. You threw your head back with a moan, and she was determined to go further. She moved her hand towards your vulva and inserted a finger inside, your eyes widening in ecstacy and your body spasming.
"Aaah! Yes... you can put in 2 fingers... N-Ninety Nine...."
Ninety-Nine nodded and inserted another finger, slowly pushing your walls apart and going in until they were completely hilted inside. It was so warm and wet, she thought. Your walls were clenching her fingers and drenching them in your juices. She then attempted to pull them out and earned another whimper from you.
"Y-Yea...thrust them... you are doing right, aaahn!~"
Ninety-Nine quickly sheathed them inside and hit your sensitive spot, your body arching. She looked up to see your face drowned in absolute pleasure, this is what she wanted. She continued the thrusting movement as you said and she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy this, it was a different feeling inside her and she wanted it more. She gazed at you exposed neck and suddenly leaned down to kiss your collarbone, her fingers not stopping their movements at all.
"Aaah.... I'm cumming.... keep doing this, Ninety-Nine... mhm~"
She licked up your neck and kissed your jaw on complete instincts, she didn't know what compelled her to but she felt like marking you like an animal. She scissored her fingers and hit all the right spots, her thumb even circling your clit now. You wrapped your arms around her and arched up as you released on her palm, a loud and melodic moan ringing in her ear. She pulled out her fingers and saw them covered in your juices while you panted and came down from your orgasm.
"T-There's tissue.... in the drawer.... haah..."
You pointed to the drawer in your table for her to wipe her hand but to your surprise, she licked up all your release from her fingers. The sight was erotic, to say the least. She was lapping them up like a starved dog, and you couldn't help but wonder how she would eat you out if you made her.
"Hmm.... slightly sweet and sticky. I see why that red-haired woman likes doing this so much."
"R-Red haired woman? Does she mean Cabernet?! Just how much has she seen me with others?!" you thought, bewildered.
"Do you.... want to do more?" Ninety-Nine asked.
"....I don't mind. Let me do it to you now." you said with a smile and Ninety-Nine smiled back as well, a rare smile on her face.
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bones4thecats · 4 months
How Did They Meet Their Singer! S/O?
Type of Writing: #4 - Poll Result Characters: Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, and Eoel Felmier Name: How Did They Meet Their Singer! S/O? Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: In Vil's part, the story I mentioned in completely fictional, basically was something I made up on the spot, and I also mentioned songs after the piece of a characters that I can see them singing with their S/O!
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👑 Vil is a famous person within Twisted Wonderland, and, due to his standing, he was getting many different offers for some movies that were going into production
👑 One stood out more than others, it was the retelling of an old book series that his father used to read to him all the time as a kid, The Apple of the Roses
👑 This story was kinda like a fairy-tale, with its own twist, that being the main character turned out to be the real villain of the story, and it just felt nice having himself be offered such a role, as the supposed 'main antagonist'
👑 He knew there was going to be singing, as it was specified as a musical-re-telling, so, he also expected his character's love interest to be a grand singer themselves
👑 But, when it was announced that you, the newest addiction to a mass of rising singers, was set to be his love interest, he suddenly really wanted to meet you and start practicing, which was not normal for him
👑 When you stood in front of him, dressed up all nice while maintaining the most polite expression you could muster, he was quite taken-aback, normally people are super on-edge around him
👑 Well, everyone besides that damned Neige
👑 Vil set his headphones on his ears as he watched you do the same across the glass panel, laying the sheet of lyrics on the stand as you adjusted the microphone to fit your needs, and he cleared his throat and nodded his signal to the people viewing
👑 He'd be lying if he said he wasn't shocked when he heard you sing your lines, your honey-coated voice swapping between powerful and soft like nothing
👑 Oh, he was going to enjoy making this more than he thought...
Mount Rageous ~ Link Rewrite the Stars ~ Link Close ~ Link I Don't Wanna Live Forever ~ Link
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🏹 He was first introduced to your music when he joined Pomefiore, and Vil was speaking about his new friend in the industry, a singer by the name of Y/N L/N
🏹 Rook listened intently as Vil spoke about your talent, about how your voice could vary based on the tone and loudness of the music being played, and Rook was very much wanting to meet you and hear your voice
🏹 Not just by some app on his phone, but by a real-time show
🏹 So, when Vil decided to have Rook go with him on a small trip during Spring Vacation to watch him perform and record with you, he jumped up and pledged how amazing this was and honored he'd be to see the most fair and the fairest-voiced in the land in the same room
🏹 You walked inside and hugged Vil, asking how his time at Night Raven was and he answered with an polite 'well' and he introduced you and the hunter to one another
🏹 He put you off at first, with how blunt and lovely his compliments were. You, obviously, had many admires sending letters to your apartment, but, hearing how genuine his were, you got flushed
🏹 Vil smiled and lightly grabbed your hand, telling Rook to ready his ears, since recording was going to start soon
🏹 There was a small glass panel separating you and Vil from one-another, and, when you started the beautiful melody with a soft undertone while Vil was strong, his eyes sparkled
🏹 He heard you over the many apps that the students of Pomefiore would play, and he knew your voice was amazing, but, to him, it was far better in-person
🏹 Rook must speak to you about this later on! But, for now, he can enjoy himself in humming alongside you and his housewarden
Beauty and a Beat ~ Link Beautiful Mistakes ~ Link The One That Got Away (Duet Ver.) ~ Link You Are The Reason (French Ver.) ~ Link
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🍎 Oh boy, he was super confused when Vil asked him if he knew who was singing a song
🍎 Epel was just walking around, doing his, in his opinions, stupid lessons, when Rook ran into the room while playing one of your newest songs, which was a mixture of country and pop
🍎 He just stood there and answered with a solid no, and Vil face-palmed lightly, as to not damage his flawless skin, and he ordered for Rook to call you
🍎 This poor boy just wants a day off from these idiotic situations, please great seven send him to his farm for a day
🍎 You answered the call of Vil's and smiled, greeting your old friend, asking him what he needed, in which he answered with a classic 'someone wanted to talk to you'
🍎 Cocking an eyebrow lightly, you chuckled and told him to show you whoever wished to speak to your lovely self, and hearing that, Epel began to hide his face out of embarrassment
🍎 Of course, he had heard about you from his first year friends, Ace and Deuce, but he had never really dug into anything to find out who you were exactly, he grew up listening to pure country music, give him a break
🍎 You gave him a smile and a sweet-sounding hello, in which he stuttered lightly before eventually gaining confidence to ask you some questions that were 'appropriate' for the moment, at least in Vil's eyes
🍎 Epel looked through the screen and into your eyes, noticing how you were looking up every few second, and he noticed you were in a recording booth, that was when he asked if you were about to record a song
" Oh! Yes, actually I am rehearsing to sing my newest song; The Apple of my Heart. Would you like to watch and listen? You can if you want, I don't wanna pressure you! "
🍎 His eyes widened in curiosity and he answered with a yes, allowing you to nod and lay your camera down, pointing to you and your headphones snugly held onto your head and you gave a thumbs up to your live-audience and began singing
🍎 Holy hell-raising of a bad harvest, your voice was amazing! He could listen to you all day!
🍎 Before you could hang up and get back to work, you asked for his number and wrote it down as he said it, and you promised to give him a quick message, after all, he seemed really fun!
🍎 Oh, what has he gotten into now...?
Hold You ~ Link Never Say Never ~ Link Thank God ~ Link Meant to Be ~ Link
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makeste · 6 months
BnHA Chapter 410: Kacchan Fights a Baby
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was born and then he grew up and murdered the Demon Lord.
Today on BnHA: Kacchan fights a baby. Tomura and Deku finally remember that they were supposed to have been fighting too this entire time, and get on with that once again. Tomura is all, “[literally just reaches out and grabs Deku’s face because Deku’s main character powers suddenly abandoned him in a fit of confusion].” Deku is all, “[chops off Tomura’s fingers which is somehow not even in the top twenty of violent things that have happened in this series in just the last five chapters].” Tomura is all “joke’s on you I still got your quirk :D” and fuck me he actually stole Danger Sense, what the fuck.
logically I knew AFO still had to be alive somehow because he’s too big of a villain to go out that easily without a proper sendoff. but deep in my heart, I’m still secretly disappointed
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it just isn’t fair, lol. this guy has died more times than Rasputin and he’s still out here scheming his schemey schemes. when oh when will it end
sir you did not just say you had yet ANOTHER unused trump card up your sleeve??
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(ETA: the translation isn’t fully clear here, but I think the trump card he’s referring to is the whole “I’ll just go back inside him and join the part of me that was already in there and we’ll take over Tomura’s body again together” plan that he was trying to pull off. I think. if not though, that’s certainly something worth speculating about.)
well as always the psychology in this series is unironically fascinating! he just wants acknowledgement at the end of the day, huh. just wants some love and attention. too bad he was born in a rat-infested hellscape and learned all the wrong lessons and turned into a crazed omnipotent murderlad
also he really did turn back into a baby sdfsdlkjfl oh no. I need to see Katsuki’s reaction to this immediately
oh my lord
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lmao this is so incredibly fucked up
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ngl though, this is karma at its finest. he tortured and killed so many people trying to earn everyone’s fear and awe and reverence, only to literally blip out of existence at the end with absolutely nothing to show for it
everyone please enjoy this series of panels of a deeply vexed Bakugou Katsuki picking a fight with this slowly melting evil baby
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“you think I care that you’re a baby now. you think I won’t fight a fuckin’ baby. let’s do this you little punk”
also I’m sorry but it��s absolutely ridiculous that the gigantic chest wound Tomura inflicted on him got sewed up so neatly lol. AFO’s not the only one who stubbornly refuses to die no matter what
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just once, it would be nice if Horikoshi didn’t immediately shred my plot nitpicks to pieces mere seconds after I write them
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me: wow it sure is uncharacteristic of Katsuki to just pass out before he properly wraps up this battle
Horikoshi: oh yeah good point, sure would be a shame if someone... IMMEDIATELY ADDRESSED THAT CONCERN ON THE VERY NEXT PAGE
me: ఠ_ఠ
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holy fucking shit. his body was all “um, just a quick reminder that you’re HORRIBLY WOUNDED and have lost like ten gallons of blood and all of your cells are about to call an emergency meeting to shut this thing down before you get us all killed.” and he was all “WHAT WAS THAT?!” and his body was all “oh my GOD, FUCK, OKAY just forget we said anything”
and meanwhile Baby AFO is just lying there all “(◉⌓◉)”
this six-month-old child is truly and sincerely still trying to kill Kacchan while screeching death threats in high-pitched baby talk
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this actually would have killed him too, if he’d succeeded in passing out. all that just to be punk’d by a damn baby
you are actually shitting me right now
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at this point I’m genuinely not sure which of them has the more powerful angry toddler energy
oh no ffuffkdsfk
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meeeeelting. meeeeeeltiiiiiing!!! oh what a world what a world
jesus Horikoshi I am genuinely speechless
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... welp
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-- lkjf
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three times. three times in the same fucking chapter. I give up. apparently I’ll literally believe anything this man says. does it feel good, Horikoshi. preying on your readers’ hopeful naivete
yeefuckinghaw lmao
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I actually had a theory about this! well more of a wishlist item, really. I can’t remember if I’ve actually posted about it yet or not. but it’s like. you know how Deku and Kacchan are always being really dramatic about holding hands? wanting to hold hands; not wanting to hold hands; being afraid to hold hands; holding hands via proxy, etc. etc.?
and you know how both Endeavor and All Might have each done their own version of the victory pose that Kacchan is referring to here? with each one using a different hand?
so you see, I was thinking that it might be nice. might be a little poetic and all that. if at the end of the fight, Deku and Kacchan did, in fact, hold hands. and then did the victory pose together. and it became like their iconic hero moment. them standing there together. having accomplished their goal and defeated TomurAFO through teamwork. realizing their shared childhood dream. and sharing that moment of triumph with each other and with the world, ushering in a new era of heroes
anyway yeah. I was thinking that might be a pretty good ending. but it looks like Kacchan maybe really is about to pass out here now, lol, so maybe not? anyways time to finally scroll down
-- okay I literally said awww again out loud
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what a fucking nerd. I have never felt more fondness for a character in my life
every damn person watching this on the news better have leaped to their feet and started applauding, goddammit. those motherfuckers better be CHANTING HIS FUCKING NAME. all those nagging reporters better be bombarding his phone with calls. those fuckers who deleted his footage from the Shouto interview better be shamelessly leaving him dozens of voicemails acting like none of that ever happened and presumptuously asking when he can free some time in his schedule to visit their studio again. all the heroes who haven’t hugged him yet better be lining the fuck up. that one guy from the post-kidnapping press conference in chapter 86 better be writing a fifty page letter of apology!!
oh hey it’s a random pre-battle flashback mysteriously taking place in Troy “a few days before the battle” even though I thought they only moved into that place the night before the fight
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I love how Katsuki immediately narrows his eyes (I assume. we can’t see for sure but that’s the vibe I get) at Jeanist and has to resist the urge to call the police on him for that pun
so Hadou’s wondering what Jeanist is talking about because they already evacuated the civilians, so what else are they trying to protect. and Edgeshot is all, “well obviously we’ve gotta protect everyone’s future,” which is a nice... rearshadowing?? for him saving Katsuki’s life later on lol
and now Mirko is all “get to the fucking point already.” which, same
so Jeanist says that Tomura is an even bigger problem than AFO, because at least AFO doesn’t want to murder everyone on the entire planet. and he concludes with “he’ll probably try to touch the ground and use his quirk.” which is a conclusion that I have to say wasn’t really worth two pages of flashback buildup for, considering that we all figured that out years ago
I’m guessing this is all just some sort of awkward transition back to Deku’s fight now lol
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and now we’re getting two pages of exposition on how long it would theoretically take Tomura’s Decay to spread throughout the city, and then the entire country, yikes
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damn. talk about stakes
and now finally back to Deku!!
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shoutout to everyone who correctly predicted that Deku was once again talking out of his ass when it came to being out of Gearshifts. we all knew. unlimited supply
wow Tomura way to throw AFO under the bus
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the way I recall it, AFO wasn’t the one who failed to kill him back then lol. but go ahead and talk your shit king
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holy shit?!?!
like my first thought was “well last time he did this he just tried to steal OFA rather than Decay him, so he’ll probably try that again and it’ll be fine.” only to remember that the AFO inside Tomura is currently permanently(?) out to lunch, and Tomura himself doesn’t give two figs about stealing OFA. so, uhhhh >_>
(ETA: nevermind.)
but then this happened
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Deku what the actual fuck
OH MY GOD??!?!
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okay. okay, fuck. lemme gather up my thoughts, and then we’ll wrap this up
they’ll never admit it, but you know the other OFA Vestiges secretly resented Shino a tiny bit for being the only one of them to not be gruesomely murdered. bet they all feel guilty for thinking that now
Shino and Banjou also seemed to have this cute little pseudo-rivalry thing going on, so I really feel bad for Banjou now. :/ he looks so horrified in that bottom right panel
gotta admit, I did not see this coming in the slightest. OFA has been this immutable “I do what I want!” quirk for so long that I never thought Tomura or AFO would actually succeed in stealing it, even partially. that shook me to my core
BUT, it’s also really exciting to me because it’s going to make this battle much more interesting if Deku can’t use his get out of jail free card. shit just got way more real and I’m here for it
lastly, so! let me tell you guys my prediction. I still can’t see Tomura being the final villain lol. I just can’t. it feels too anticlimactic. if I’m wrong, I’m wrong, and I’ve certainly botched MANY predictions in the past, but I have not yet learned my lesson from any of it and I will not apologize lol
so here’s what I think. Deku and Tomura battle it out for the next chapter or two, and Tomura snatches up more of Deku’s quirks one by one. we see all of the Vestiges disappearing and the mood gets more and more desperate. eventually we’re down to just Kudou and Yoichi. Deku is panicking, but for some reason Kudou seems even MORE panicked
Kudou/Gearshift eventually gets stolen too, and it looks like this might finally be it for Deku (I have no idea how he’d stop Tomura from Decaying the ground once Blackwhip gets stolen, btw, but maybe Katsuki or someone else interferes in desperation towards the end). but just when it looks like Tomura is finally going to take the last piece of OFA, Deku’s vibes suddenly do a 180, stopping Tomura in his tracks
cut to the OFA Moon Gorgeous Meditation Realm, where Deku and Yoichi are staring at the door -- yes, that door -- in shock. because it’s finally been opened (now that the other Vestiges are no longer there to keep it at bay). and just like that, enter AFO, for the THIRD FUCKING TIME :D :D
tl;dr, HERE’S HOW HORCRUX!DEKU CAN STILL HAPPEN!!! wait where are you all going. wait come back
anyway so wow that was a really bizarre chapter that I truly thoroughly enjoyed, which should probably be a bit concerning. on to the next two week break! (for anyone who’s not aware, Shounen Jump will be on break next week, so yeah.) I’m on chapter 391 now. so close but still so far. the end of the year has gone by too damn fast tbh
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"Better Story, Improved Effects." Mickey Altieri X Reader.
Soooo I was re-watching Scream 2 last week while sick in bed and something finally clicked in my brain and I realized oh fuck, I love Mickey. So shit, here we are, his first smut! I dunno where this all came from but maybe it was just lying dormant under the surface and now it’s all out here to play and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! Big shout out to @eggsandbeer for the title, beta reading and to her and ALSO @ace-of-clubs-and-diamonds for the help on his character and all the hyping up since this was my first time writing him.
Part two now here.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 7.3K. Mickey Altieri X FEM! AFAB! Reader. Warnings: Drinking. Cheating. You Are Randy’s Girlfriend. Shit Talking. Rude Behaviour. Manipulation. Making Out. Grinding. Dirty Talk. Vaginal Fingering. Oral Sex. Blow Job. Eating Pussy. Teasing. Banter. Orgasm Denial. Extreme Frustration. Bad Mouthing Randy. Filming. Sex Caught On Tape. Dub-Con. Voyeurism. Exhibitionism. Spanking. Masturbation. Cuckolding. Vaginal Sex. Squirting. Cream Pie. 
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The last way you wanted to spend your Friday night was attending a party solo and thoroughly annoyed with your boyfriend, and yet here you were.
You had been looking forward to unwinding from a hectic week with Randy, some drinks, getting a little messy, perhaps a bit publicly indecent. Then that turning from a kind of foreplay of its own to hastily finding a dark corner secluded enough to hook up with a minimal, (but still a very exciting and arousing), risk of getting caught. 
But no, sadly, instead of getting to do any of that you were walking up to the party already well underway totally alone and all because Randy had other plans he didn’t bother making you aware of until about an hour ago. He bought a ticket to go see some movie he had already seen a hundred times, a fact you pointed out quickly that had him replying with equal speed, saying, “But I’ve never seen it on the big screen!”
As if that makes it all okay and would quell your negative emotions and upsetness about him leaving you behind and kicking off his weekend without you. He made some over the top, big and grand promises about making it up to you tomorrow and you rolled your eyes with an unconfident, “Uh-huh”.
It left your lips before he proceeded to try and smooth his departure with a few kisses that you barely returned and on top of that didn’t do much of anything to smooth down your ruffled feathers. He left in short order and you finished getting ready for your night out in a huff. Did you pour some extra effort into looking good so he would feel extra bad and stupid for ditching you for some lame movie? Yes. Was that just a touch petty? Also yes but who could blame you?
Soon as you pushed your way through the bothersome cluster of assholes that were all hanging out and talking in the doorway, for some fucking reason, seriously, who does that? Your first order of business was getting a drink. 
The first one went down too quickly and quietly, you didn’t leave the drink station in the kitchen and certainly didn’t talk to anyone yet. One of your hands on the countertop as you gulped down the sticky sweet mixture. You made a second drink after the first and then decided to venture out and seek something out to make you forget about Randy, at least for a little while, the living room that was filled with music and people seemed like as good a place as any to start. 
He was hoping he might see you here tonight but seeing you here alone was an unexpected treat. He’d caught sight of you the second you walked in although you did not spot him right off the hop. 
He’d been keeping his eyes on you for a while and if Meeks was here there was no way he would have gone this long without latching himself onto you, he is many things, loud, opinionated, and fucking clingy. He doesn’t think there is a single time he had seen you two together where Randy hadn’t been hanging off of you, like he needed to touch you in some way at all times or he would be in physical pain otherwise. To be fair he isn’t sure he would be much better if you were his. None of your other friends were about and your expression told him you were upset, about what he didn’t know, and would he be a good friend if he didn’t walk over and check in on you? 
You on an average day was already a treat for the eyes but on a night out like this, when you poured in that extra effort was truly something to behold. He made his way over to you, sliding up beside you, a hand tapping you on the shoulder as he asked, “What’s with the frown?”
Your head snapped up, looking to see Mickey right beside you, hand hovering over your shoulder and smile on his lips but eyes concerned. “Is my bad mood so obvious you clocked it from across the room?” You follow the question up by taking a healthy sip from your drink.
A raise of his eyebrows as he brought up his own cup, he’d crouched slightly when greeting you but standing back up to full height and with a half shrug as he said, “Well it is kinda hard to miss when blue is very much not your colour.”
You stifle a laugh into your cup before saying, “Cute, very cute.”
A grin breaks out on his face, he already got you laughing less than a minute into him walking up, this was a great sign. “Soooo what’s up?”
“Ahhhh-” A dismissive wave of your hand as you raise your cup for another sip, and he laughs, a shake of his head as he points to you, “No, no ‘ahhhh’, something is up so spill!”
“I don’t wanna bring down your night.” You say honestly.
He scoffs, “Doubt that you could do that, and what are friends for if not to listen to whatever is eating you?” 
He made a good point. Maybe if you vented and got it all off your chest you would feel better? So you give in much easier than you probably should have. A heavy sigh and you take his hand with the one that wasn’t currently holding your drink, urging him as you say, “Okay, c’mon.”
Mickey brightens at the contact that you initiated as he lets you drag him off through the glass sliding doors leading to the backyard. 
Sitting on the back patio you proceed to spill your guts, the thump of the music lessened now that you were outside, much easier to hear each other and talk properly. When you finished filling him in he was less than impressed to learn of the reason for your bad mood, what kind of idiot was Randy to ditch you like this? He was of course, nothing but sympathetic to your plight and your pain but also that not so small and sick part inside of him saw this as a golden opportunity, a perfect way to hopefully do what he had been dying to for months. He just had to play it right. 
He started easy, saying, “Wow, no wonder you are so upset.” 
You exhaled with a nod as you leaned back in your chair and that led to him following up with, “I mean I knew Meeks was a fucking idiot but this might be one of the dumber things he has ever done.” 
A small shocked laugh spilled out and it emboldens him, he wants to lean closer to you but doesn’t want to push, not yet so instead he is continuing further before you could hope to respond, “Like does carrot top have any brains at all to rather pass up a party with you for a fuckin’ movie? I bet if I cracked his skull open all I’d find is some loose un-popped corn kernels and a pool of that artificial butter schlock they serve at the theatre he is at right now.”
“Damn Mickey, tell me how you really feel.” You responded before you giggled and he said with a sure nod, “I will! Randy fuckin’ Meeks is totally fucking brain dead for doing this and you should be pissed up at him.”
“Yeah?” You ask, fingers circling the rim of your cup and he said loudly, arms outstretched, “Yes! I mean Christ! What, you don’t think he deserves just a little bit of your ire for pulling this stunt?”
He makes a compelling argument. 
He had you smiling, had you laughing and more importantly, he validated your feelings. The more you both talked, the more he decried Randy’s actions and backed you up as your second drink was finished, you felt it. The annoyance, the anger, the unfairness, you ended up telling him a few more things, disagreements and issues minor in nature that Randy had done to upset you, things you think you would be over but when a bit tipsy and upset, venting, it all comes bubbling up to the surface. 
It really couldn’t have gone better, you giving him those few more insights gave him more chances to plant further unrest between you and him. 
You felt insanely heard and listened to, and maybe it was your overall mood, maybe it was a bit of the drink, but everything he was saying made sense, perhaps Randy wasn’t that great a boyfriend, this movie thing might be indicative of a bigger problem in your whole relationship. Your head felt confused but that was lessening, the longer you chat, the more he insists Randy’s behavior is fucked up, you find it harder and harder to deny that it held weight and made sense.
All and all the conversation was around a half hour before he was encouraging you to get up, saying, “Enough about that asshole, it’s Friday night and look around, it’s a party! He’s out having fun and you should be too.”
He was right again and you told him as such, feeling less burdened, lighter and overall excited to have fun and put those awful feelings aside for the time being. “Yeah! No more moping, fuck him, it’s his loss.”
“Hell yeah it is.” You get up and the pair of you end up marching back into the party. Another drink, talking about not as heavy topics, snacks, sitting in on a card game or two, watching part of a movie that was playing on the tv, and a few hours later you were sitting almost shoulder to shoulder watching a very spirited game of beer pong. 
You’d switched to water for a reprieve and during a small lull you said to him, “Hey Mickey?”
A questioning hum that had him turning his head to look at you, “Yeah?”
“Just wanted to say thanks for this. I was feeling really fucked up earlier and if you hadn’t stepped in I woulda had a totally shit time tonight but you completely salvaged it. So uhm, thanks.” 
He smiles, a shrug before he says, “Least I can do, I sure as shit wasn’t about to let you sit around all dramatic and morose.” 
You laugh before trying to defend yourself, “Dramatic and morose, huh? I don’t know if it was that bad.”
His silence speaks volumes. 
You speak his name in a questioning and warning tone and he holds up his hand, a wishy washy and wavering hand motion as he said, “Ehhh-” 
A scoff of mock offence bracketed with a laugh and you playfully punch him in the shoulder, “You dick! I thought you were saving me from my shitty boyfriend for the night! I didn’t know I was just trading one asshole for another.” 
He plays up the impact, rubbing his shoulder as if it actually hurt and he says, “I’m just being honest, I thought you liked me when I was honest.”
“Honest or mean?” You fire back with a grin and he says, “There’s a difference?” 
“For the average person, yes.” 
All the back and forth was very fond and fun. You were feeling much better than you had been earlier by now and you suggested, “Wanna get out of here? Go for a walk?”
“Sounds good to me.” 
You had no destination in mind. Just fresh night air and more conversation. As you meander about the topic, unsurprisingly considering you were talking with Mickey, the talking turns to movies. 
“What do you mean you haven’t seen Stab?” He asked dramatically aghast, way too loud and head up towards the sky as if God themself would have the answer he seeked and you laughed, “I just haven’t!”
“Well we can fix that, no, we should fix that.” He insisted, a wave of his hand encouraging you to follow as he changed course, you turn to follow, a small jog to catch up to him, “What is it that good?”
“God no! It’s garbage.” He said with a look over his shoulder towards you as if you were nuts for even suggesting it was good. You laughed, “Right, so it’s garbage and so I have to see it?”
“Naturally.” He said with a confident nod, hands sliding into his pockets as you fell in step beside him and you say, “Isn’t it not out of theatres yet? I doubt a show is gonna be happening past midnight.”
“No worries about that, I got a bootleg.” He assured and you asked incredulously, “A bootleg of this garbage movie that you don’t like?” 
“Do you not own bootlegs of movies you hate?” He asks and you say, “No because I’m not a fucking psycho unlike my present company apparently.” 
He laughs the comment off and soon you are at his place, you had never actually been here before. It was late but you weren’t in a rush to go back to your own abode alone, leading you to step into the door he was holding wide open. Wasn’t a bad place at all and you had it to yourselves, it was slightly cluttered but clean and no off putting smells or gross dishes or garbage so hey, a big win and a leg up on many other college living spaces you’d seen in your time here. 
Your eyes wander over the space, posters littering the walls, books scattered around and other items as he puts the tape in before coming to flop down beside you with a smile, “You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” 
The couch wasn't half bad, there was more than enough room on it for you and him and yet you didn’t stay far apart for long. As you watched and talked, Mickey pointing out flaws and inaccuracies, jokes and riffing you and he scooted nearer, until this moment right there, where you were just about shoulder to shoulder. One of his hands was on his own knee, the other one gesturing to the tv screen as he said, “I mean have you ever seen organs look faker? The colour is totally off, the blood spray should have been bigger and this is supposed to be outside! Where’s the steam?! The inside of a freshly ripped into body should be hot.”
It wasn’t like horror was your favourite genre and you are sure it isn’t his but you could appreciate the passion he held for the craft, for authenticity of film making, you keep the mood light tease, “Oh yeah because you know just what a murder scene looks like, right?”
He laughs, hardly managing to stifle it before he says, “You don’t know everything I’ve done, I could have all sorts of life experiences you are unaware of but besides that it doesn’t take a killer to know that based off the body's internal temperature if sliced into like that-” Another point to the screen, the mangled torso with the mess of red and innards on display, “-it would steam up in the fall evening air.” 
You hum with a nod and then a line read on screen was so bad he started up again with another joke that had you laughing in a way that made it hard to breathe. He was piling on, you leaning into him fully now and then that is when his hand makes contact, again only after you touch him first. 
A simple move from his own knee to yours, both cracking up and as you come down his hand doesn’t move, instead a simple squeeze as his gaze shifts from screen to you and back again. He is wearing that sideways grin that before tonight sure made your own stare linger a bit longer than it should for a person with a boyfriend, but now? It was having a different effect. 
You’d thought about it, mostly before you got with Randy, but Mickey was a really attractive guy, you got along absurdly well and tonight he treated you amazingly, was here for you in a big way when you needed him. You weren’t even tipsy any longer, you can’t blame the feelings he was giving you on the alcohol. You were only human and him encouraging you to feel your emotions, validating them, the close proximity and clear chemistry you both had wasn’t helping this either. You were positive he was into you. 
Were you seriously considering this?
He interrupted your thoughts, “You having a good time?”
The question startled you. Not just because he spoke but what he said, Mickey was a pretty self assured guy, the question might sound insecure in nature but it wasn’t spoken in a tone that lended to that. You play along and respond, “Yeah, yeah I am. Why do you ask?”
“Oh just know that what we got up to tonight probably wasn’t what you were initially planning to.” He responded with ease, not insecure, just concerned and you sighed, he was a really good guy wasn’t he? 
“Yeah it wasn’t but that isn’t your fault it’s Randy’s for ditching, besides what we did almost all of what he and I would have anyway plus some extra stuff.”
You gesture to the screen and the movie you certainly wouldn’t have seen were it not for him. He asks next, “Well glad I could help give you a good Friday night but that almost all has me curious, what exactly did you miss out on?”
You were painfully aware of the fact that his hand was still on your knee, your eyes drew down slightly at the maintained contact, your shoulders still pressed together, your thighs touching, you leaning into him has created multiple points of contact that you were only just paying attention to now. His body was warm, he smelt good and the question he asked made your mind run back to your intentions at the start of the night, of that semi public risky fuck you wanted to have with Randy. 
A subdued shrug, so small that if his eyes weren’t locked onto you and your shoulder on his he might have missed it, “Nothing two college kids in a relationship wouldn’t normally get up to post-party.”
The silence that followed was heavy and tension filled and he said, his eyes moving over you in a way that could be read as more than just ‘friendly’, “Shame I can’t help you out with that.”
Fuck it.
“Couldn’t you?” The question was spoken with your gaze raised, gaging his reaction, the slight raise of his eyebrows and confusion on his features meets the small uptick of the sides of his mouth, “What about Randy?”
“What about him?”  You bite back with a casual shrug.
This was too perfect for him but he still had to play this right. An amused exhale before he reminds you, “He’s your boyfriend?” 
“And yet I am here with you, alone in your place and on your couch with him nowhere in sight.” And any remaining gap was closed by you, leaning that last bit, one hand meeting his cheek and you tugging him closer to kiss him. As soon as you made that final move, as soon as your lips met his all bets were off, this was happening, patience and hard work pays off and he can take.
The response you draw from him is immediate, a soft groan, his hands moving, finding your waist, shifting his body and adjusting his posture to better return your sudden affection. You move with him, allowing him to do what he wants, take more of the lead, something he seemed to do with a startling amount of ease, as if he expected you to not only bend but to be into it.  
You were very much into it. 
It wasn’t like what you had with Randy was bad but he was relatively inexperienced when you got together and still wasn’t the most confident without some major prompting and praise. He was a good kisser but more than that you had a great rhythm off the hop, found a solid groove with a natural give and take that seemed to feed into one another beautifully. His hands feel good on your waist, they are grounding and it drives you to want to touch him further. The thumb on your hand still cupping his face swipes over his cheekbone and you tilt his face to be closer still, a move he permits along with your other hand starting on his side before wandering up the expanse of his chest through his shirt. 
His hands slip lower, you feel a rough press of him over your hips and then his hands on your outer thighs and he tugs, a further adjustment so you are underneath him, he is leaning further forward, his body starting to cover yours as the make out hastily progressed. The need overwhelms you first, he breaks the kiss and his lips drags down your jaw and further still, kissing over your neck and you arch, squirming your hips, grinding against him and he smiles against your throat from how well this is going so quickly. 
Your fingers hook in the neck of his shirt, tangling, twisting, you pull, desperate for more contact as you grind again, he nips lightly at your pulse and you moan again, softer and so sweet, addicting for him to hear. Another few passes of tongue and of teeth that have your thighs hugging his hips and the next grind that happens is mutual, as is the breath that is caught in your respective throats. “Fuck, you’re better at this than I imagined.”
The smile on his face shifts to a grin that is outright cocky, one of his hands on your hip he pulls, makes you grind on him in a way that has your head falling back with a sigh and he asks, “Have you imagined me like this a lot?”
Your hands don’t stop wandering his body, feeling him and when you don’t respond right away, more concerned with the next move of your hips and the subtle rush of pleasure, he continues, “Thought about me being the one doing this when you’re with your shitty little boyfriend?” 
A shake of your head,  but you don’t stop, you start to tug, a silent plea for him to take off his shirt and one he gives into as you say, “He’s not that bad.” 
He is sitting up on his knees, the lack of contact makes you want to complain but the fabric is peeled away and thrown to the side and any possible complaining is forgotten about. A scoff, “Sure, yeah, he’s a real great guy, hence why you were just grinding yourself all over me with your tongue down my throat.” 
A laugh that is too light all things considered, “Shut up.” 
He listens. Your hands on his shoulders yanking him until he is against you once more, your mouth crashing into his. Your body was warm and soft, you were talking about this being better than you imagined but he was stuck with the same realisation, you were a good kisser, had amazing give and take and of course the mental aspect, you were in a relationship but ready and willing, touching him, kissing him, it had him aching in his jeans. He started to tug on the bottom of your top and you broke the kiss in a hurry to free yourself of the constraining material. The sight of you in your bottoms and the pretty lace framing you up top turns him on so much more.
It progresses quickly after that. You spread below him on your back, your tongue parting his lips allowing his into your mouth, an action he completes with a small groan his wandering hands choosing to settle, particularly one finding its home between your thighs and you arched into his touch with a hushed, “Fuck yes.” 
He lets out a pleased hum, your hands work with his, removing the remaining clothing to give him better access and when there is the last layer between you and his touch he asks in a tone that is as humorous as it is sickeningly sweet, “Am I allowed to speak?” 
A hurried nod as you squirm, his fingers brush over you more firmly and he says, “You’re fucking drenched. I don’t think I’ve ever felt someone get this wet from just a little making out, how hard up for it are you?”
“Very.” Your breath hitches and he knows he’s found the right spot to focus on, fingers swirling over your straining clit through your damp panties. “Is he not doing what he should be?”
Your brain feels foggy, you are far more concerned with the sensation starting to wash over you, limbs feeling heavier, eyes half lidded and rocking your hips with the movement of his hand, “Who?”
He laughs, “Who? You already forgot all about him? That tells me everything I need to know that poor ol Meeks isn’t satisfying you.” Before any protest or defending of your boyfriend could leave your mouth he is tugging the crotch of your panties aside and feeling the bare heat of his fingers against you makes you gasp, head falling back against the arm of the couch. 
You try to push out what you wanted to say, try to tell him, “I-I didn’t forget M’ just, ugh, distracted, you-you’re distracting.”
“Awe yeah, I’m a really big distraction, do I make it hard to think?” He asks as his fingers pick up the pace, pressing more firmly you moan and nod, “Yes! You do.”
“I could make it worse.” He teases and he moves quickly. Still shirtless, in just his jeans he is on his knees and tugging you further down the length of the couch, underwear half on, your legs over his shoulders his head dips down and his strong but soft tongue licking that first stripe over your clit has you crying out with an arch of your back. 
He did make it worse. You couldn’t think properly as soon as the make out started, your mind was far too busy with him and the taste, feeling, the pleasure, it stole all logic and sense. With his lips wrapped around such a sensitive part of you, cradling your clit and sucking indulgently, pretty mouth latched on and tongue lathing over you between his lips, fingers digging into your hips and ass as he held you where he needed, you felt like you were threatening to fall apart in less than five fucking minutes. 
Panting out his name, heels digging into his well toned back, fingers scrambling against the corduroy like material of the couch cushions as the feeling built, if he kept this up you’d be cumming against his talented tongue in about two more minutes. Thighs squeezing his head as well as your erratic breathing clues him into how close your end is and he pulls back, the wet strand of spit, the leash connecting his mouth and your clit breaks as he moves back, his fingers take over, messy circles drawn and you whine as the edge backs off from the change in pressure and technique, “How are you doing up there?”
His own voice sounded rough with arousal, the knowledge that he is into this, getting off on eating you out makes another wash of arousal soak into your brain, heart still pounding as you tell him, “Good, so good, please Mickey, keep going.”
“Keep going?” He asks, his head resting on your inner thigh as his fingers continue to dance over your pulsing clit, your tongue darts out, wetting your bottom lip, a nod as your eyebrows draw together, “Yeah, please? I was getting close, an-and your mouth is, fuck, amazing.”
He preens under the praise, “Oh is it?” He is playing dumb as his thumb comes down and he pulls your clitoral hood up, nerve dense tissue exposed and vulnerable, he blows gently and you shiver, body tensing, Christ, how were you so sensitive that even air passing through his lips felt this good? 
“Ye-yeah, I wanna cum, please, please-” And he decided to tease you further still, he leaned in, tongue out and your eyes are wide, teeth tugging on your bottom lip, desperate to feel him again, for him to keep going, to push you over the edge. Less than an inch from contact he pulls back with a sigh, “I dunno-”
Your head tips back with a loud groan as you roll your eyes, “Fuuuuck, Mickey, c’mon, I’m dying over here!” 
“Yeah? Does it hurt, yet?” He asks and you do notice a distinct ache along your swollen walls, a throbbing pain of denial in your clit steadily building and how awfully empty you feel at this moment. 
“Starting to, yes.” You bite out and he says, “Maybe I should be nice and help you out.”
“Yes, please, please be nice to me.” You beg and with your head still back, staring up at the ceiling you are unprepared when he licks over you again, the yelp that leaves you makes him snicker before he says, “Sure, I’ll be nice, I’ll get you off.”
You ramble, babble out your thanks and his mouth is back where it should be, lips locked over your clit, licking, sucking, one of his hands sliding between your thighs and two fingers delve inside to aid further, you clench around them with a stuttered moan of his name. It takes about three minutes for you to be on the edge between him working your clit and his fingers fucking in and out of you, curling just so in and out again and again. “God, Mickey, don’t stop, don’t stop, M’ almost there-”
And then he does just that.
He stops, his fingers stay lodged inside of you, fingers pressed to that sweet spot he’d found with ease but no longer moving and you want to cry, you ask in completely frustration, “Mickey what the fuck?” 
“I know, I know, I told you I’d help you out and M’ gonna, soon as you give me something.” You are looking down the length of your body to him between your spread thighs and are just about ready to agree to anything so long as he’d make you cum. “What is it?”
The grin on his face is positively wolfish, he licks again over your clit and you inhale sharply, “Nothing big.” 
“No?” You ask and another lazy lick combined with a rock of his fingers he says, “No. I just want you to tell me I’m better than Randy is and I’ll make you cum your brains out.”
Your heart drops, you shake your head, for some reason, that wakes you up, makes the heat inside you cool, you feel like that is the line, that is too far, you say, “No, I-I can’t do that.”
He tsk’s, “Shit, guess you don’t want to cum that bad then.” He didn’t stop though. He didn’t pull away, far from it, he goes back to eating you out and fingering you he just kept fucking stopping before you could cum and he kept on posing that question, your juice painting his chin. 
“You wanna admit it yet?” And you kept on telling him, “No-no, I-I don’t ha-have anything to admit.” 
It made him laugh. He had two fingers three knuckles deep inside you, right now and felt your clit pulsing in pure frustrated need in his mouth less than two seconds ago but sure, you had nothing to admit. “I can feel how hot and worked up you are, how many times have I edged you already? You are a really, really bad fucking liar.” 
“M’ not lying!” You attempt to assert but your voice wavers, “No? So I’m not better than Randy? He makes you sweat and tremble like this before he’s ever even made you cum once?”
You bite the inside of your cheek and refuse to meet his gaze. You want to thread your fingers in that stupid sexy messy hair and grind on his tongue until he makes you cum, not have this stupid battle of wills.
“Mmm, yeah that is why you aren’t able to look at me, because I am so far off base.” He sounds unbearably smug and he slides his fingers out of you and you almost break, you want to sob and plead for him to continue but he is sucking the mess that had coated his fingers and you again feel your mind going blank at the visual. 
He is getting up and his erection pressed against the denim looks like it has to hurt, he was starting to undo his pants and said once he was standing at full height, “How about you return the favour though and see if your tune changes?”
That sounds way too appealing to you especially because you could pay him back with some torture of your own and torture you do. After taking in the sight of him bare, your mouth is practically watering, he looks frankly delicious and you intend to dine happily. Your hand locks around the base and you lean in, eyes staring up at his face as your tongue makes the first pass, intent on taking in his expression and how he reacts to the movement. It is positive to say the least, the slight inhale, the tensing of his muscles, and the small curse that spills out. Your tongue flicks over his flushed tip, tasting the ample pre-cum that he had been leaking, your lips close, a chaste kiss before you begin to move down one side of his shaft, he is impossibly hot and throbbing in your grip. 
This is going to be too easy. 
Is what you initially thought but you would also be very wrong, because even as you let him breach your mouth, even as you begin to suck and take more of him in, you don’t feel in control or empowered. You feel weaker and hotter, he made you feel so fucking good with seemingly such little effort that you being able to do the same, to pull such reactions out of him makes you want consider his previous offer more seriously. 
You try to push those thoughts away as you blow him.
You gag yourself, choke on him and it makes him groan your name, his hips buck, he fucks in and out of your lips stretched around him and drool slips out, slides down your neck as you hold his hip with one hand, the other around the base of him still, hand working him in tandem with your mouth. You look up again, his eyes are still on you, on the length of him sliding between your slick lips, his neck and chest blooming red, flush from pleasure painted over his features as he pants and you squeeze your thighs together. 
All in all you used your mouth on him for around five minutes before you break, pulling him out you ask, out of breath and needy, “Fuck me?”
Randy is coming inside after going to get himself some breakfast, it’s around ten AM, sun shining and he is carrying a stack of mail and thinking about giving you a call soon to make up for him bailing last night. The movie was a good time but he missed you, he didn’t do much after the movie, came back here and went to bed basically, he thinks you will probably be up soon. He is about to sit down on the couch when something catches his eye, namely, a tape half in half out of the VCR. He comes forward, he pulls the tape out and there are no markings whatsoever on it, odd. 
He is curious enough that he thinks why not, he shrugs and pops the tape in, he walks back around the coffee table and is flipping through the mail again but what he hears gives him pause, makes him stop. 
Hearing a very familiar modulated voice greeting him, “Hello Randy. Been a while. Seems like some stuff has changed for you, like the cute girlfriend, she’s new. I like what I have seen of her, how much I have seen of her, thought you’d be interested to see what she was up to last night that I managed to catch on video.”
And the voice over cuts out and instead he is hearing your voice, gasping out, “Mickey oh my fucking God-”
He pauses flipping through and looks up and what he sees playing out on the screen makes him gasp.
The video shows a well lit apartment, the main focus of the shot is a couch, the view is from the side and bent over the arm of the couch pointing at the lens is you, not a stitch of clothing on, fingers digging into blue fabric, open mouthed and moaning, with who the fuck else but Mickey Altieri behind you. He was fucking you and seemingly you were loving every second of it, your face twisted in bliss and rocking back onto him, “Yes, yes, yes-”
“Good?” He asked with a laugh and your head pitches forward, a shaky nod and you hum the affirmative, “Mmhm!” 
“Yeah it is, fuck you’re tight.”  His hand reaches out, he grabs your hair, wraps the handful around his fist and he tugs hard, you cry out and clench down on him making him suck his own teeth from the sharp jolt of pleasure, he is pulling your hair so your head snaps back up, making sure he is showing off your gorgeous expressions for the camera. 
Little did you know that when he passed by the camera set on the counter earlier to grab his bootleg he turned it on, that it had been running this whole time. It didn’t take much to edit it, or to add the voice over or for him to sneak it into Randy’s apartment either, honestly it was too easy if anything. 
Randy had dropped the mail and was slowly sitting down, he can’t stop watching as you rock yourself back, helping impale yourself on Mickey and moaning the whole way. His hand that wasn’t pulling your hair is sliding down and the cry that tears from your throat makes what he is doing obvious, fucking you doggy style and toying with your clit at the same time has you telling him in a few more thrusts, “Shit, oh, ohh Mickey, fuck, I-I’m close again, fuck-” 
“You gonna give it up? You gonna say what we both know is true?” He prompts and you shake your head, “I-I cah-can’t, Mickey, just, let me cum, please-”
“Not till you say it.” His hand is out of your hair and laying a hard hit onto your ass that makes your back arch and finally you can’t take it any longer, your confession pours out, “You’re better than him okay?! Fuck, fuck! You’re so, so much better tha-than Randy, make me feel so good, he-he’s a joke next to you, God, don’t stop!” 
“Oh there you go, see? Doesn’t being honest feel so, fucking, good?” Those last three words are bookended by a brutal thrust, another strong move of his fingers and finally you break, nodding along, agreeing as you cum chanting his name over and over like some broken and fucked up prayer, trembling the entire time as the pleasure tears through you and threatens to make you collapse. 
“What the fuck…” Randy asks quietly as he continues to watch the scene unfold, watch as Mickey keeps railing you totally dumb and you agree with all the fucked up things he asks, drooling and telling him, “You’re so good, so much better, keep, ah, keep fucking me, please!”
“You think I’m able to stop now? Not a fucking chance.” 
He can’t bring himself to turn it off. Even as you continue to insult him, even as Mickey makes you parrot back that Randy is quote, “A shit fuck-ing boyfriend who doesn’t deserve you.” 
When you say it though it sounds a lot more broken and pathetic, "He-he's a shit fu-fuck-ing boyfriend who-who doesn't deserve meeee-"
Randy gets shamefully, embarrassingly, painfully hard as Mickey fucks you harder and harder, fucks you through another two more orgasms and a few more good position changes. Watching you ride him while he has a hand locked around your throat is hard to take, but the worst has to be when Mickey has his arms wrapped around you, fucking up into you and you are just trying to take it, legs shaking and too weak to do anything else but cling to and kiss him as he has you, as he holds you. That sloppy kiss is broken, your eyes squeezed shut as you are telling him for the fourth time since the tape started, “Mickey, I’m close again, God, yes!”
And not only do you cum, not only do you sob out his name as Mickey’s hard dick slips in and out of your well fucked hole, no, you end up squirting too, something Randy didn’t even know your body was capable of. Your moan bleeds, cracks at the edges and the man fucking you laughs, a blissed out joyful sound of disbelief, “Holy shit!” 
The amount that comes out of you is impressive, he watches as the camera picks up the rivulets of liquid as they race down Mickey’s shaft and his sac and the quickly darkening stain under the pair of you as he doesn’t relent even for a moment. Mickey kisses you, deeply, sloppy and to add further insult to injury, after you are coming down from your orgasm, he breaks that same kiss he initiated and asked, “Randy ever make you squirt like that?”
And you laugh, eyes rolling back and a shake of your head as you breathlessly admit, dumb and cock drunk as you tell him, “No way, not once.” 
The tape doesn’t even stop there, it goes on until Mickey is the one warning you minutes later of his impending orgasm and it is like you become possessed, your hands lock behind his neck, a burst of energy, motivated, you ride with abandon and Mickey doesn’t even have to ask, you are too far gone, you are the one who begs, “Cum inside, don’t pull out!”
He should get up.
He should turn off the tv.
He should take out the tape and smash it to bits but no, he does none of those things. He watches helplessly as Mickey’s hands grip your hips so hard Randy bet’s they will bruise as he holds deep and unloads inside of you. Mickey let out a groan of your name and you shiver and Randy is sure you can feel every pulse of him as he fills you. 
The come down is sickeningly and stomach turningly intimate, he feels as if he is intruding on a private moment even though you are his girlfriend. He watches the kisses passed back and forth, the soft touches and he is about to wonder when the tape WILL finally cut when he hears that mocking voice of Ghostface again, “Pretty hot, huh? I think they make a good couple, what about you Meeks? You enjoy the sequel?”
And the screen goes black.
He sits there staring at the tv set for all of thirty seconds before he gets up and goes over. He doesn’t hesitate to hit rewind. He should talk to you, confront you about what happened, what this means, what you did but when the tape finishes rewinding he doesn’t do that. 
He takes his original seat and frees himself from his pants and guilty enjoys the second of what is sure to be many viewings with his dick hard and hot in his palm.
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kur0m1sblog · 1 year
Hey! Could i request Hobie Brown that's trying to get with fem!reader, but she's nervous because she's never been in a relationship before?
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summary: Hobart is one of your best friends, he suggests and asks for you to go on little dates and go out with him sometimes (all the time). when the two of you are sitting on the Brooklyn bridge he suddenly asks why you won’t in it’s on going out with him.
characters: Hobart Brown. Jessica Drew.
warnings: cussing. intimate touching. hobie being whipped for you. a little angst.
genre: fluff. romance. angst.
reader: fem! spider! reader
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Hobart Brown. You’d met him about a year or two ago.. he was one of your close friends. He was always near you, never wanted to leave you alone. He had this thing for you, a romantic type thing.
The first month of knowing him he’d ask you out to go get some treats from a bakery, but you politely declined and went on your way. He looked dumbfounded you remembered. From then on, he’d get flowers for you, treats and trinkets, he’s given you many of his guitar picks. All of them are placed in a trinket holder he’d also gotten for you.
Hobie always got you stuff, he was just sweet like that.
You sat at the cafeteria, some other spiders sitting around eating there lunch, while you were playing with your salad thinking about Brown. “So when are you going to finally get with him?” Jessica asks as she pulls a chair up, and lays her hands on her belly.
You look up, a little shocked from what she’d just asked. “I’m sorry what?” Blush spread across you face as you bit down on your lip, trying not to smile from the mention of his name.
She looks up, places her hands on the table, and leans forward to continue speaking. “I said, when are you finally going to get with him? I’m tired of hearing you’re name from his mouth constantly..” You blush slightly when you hear that he mentions you to her.
You get up and throw your salad away, and walk back to her, you’re thick heels click-n-clacking onto the ground and stop once you sit back down. “How fatuous of you to ask Drew, uhh, what made you think I was going to get with him.” You giggle out and bite your lip as you realize you kind of sounded like an asshole in that moment of time. “Uh anyways, not I’m not so comfortable with getting in a relationship right now..”
She raises an eyebrow. “And why is that now? Not your type, too clingy, annoying?” She asks picking off his flaws that seem to only specify to things he shows and does to you.
You wave your hands as she continued picking at him. “Wow wow, that’s not the case at all.. Hobie is my type it’s just, I’m nervous to get into a relationship.” Opening your water bottle, you chug it down, you’re throat had gotten dry from the topic. It felt much better to feel as sense of relief and the cold liquid made its way down your throat. You wipe your chin and look back at her, hoping she knew what you meant.
Eyebrows furrowed and raised slightly, she asked what you meant. “Wait I’m sorry, what do you mean?”
You sigh and tap your nails on the polished wood surface, “Okay to get to the point, I’ve never been in a relationship. That’s all, and I’m nervous to get into one with him because I do t know how it’s supposed to play out y’know?” You say searching understanding in her dark brown eyes.
Instead your greeted with her laughing hysterically and laying her head on the table as she continues her fit. Staring at her like she looks like she nuts, she laughs her words out. “So your saying you’ve never had a relationship?! That’s impossible, your attractive like out of this world attractive?! Do you see how many spider’s follow your body until you turn and corner and head to your destination.” She says as she stops laughing, realizing you were actually telling the truth. “Oh my god, you’re not lying are you…” She says looking equally shocked as you did second before.
You blink awkwardly, silence between the both of you. “So yeah psssh, anyways I gotta go now.” You say pushing you’re chair in and running down the lobby, “See you laterrrrr~” you drag out as you turn a corner and disappear.
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After you were finally done patrolling the city with Hob you both sat atop the Brooklyn Bridge, looking at the colors that were mixed in the sunset in front of you both. You’d place your hand on the structure as you both sat on the edge. It was comfortable silence, sometimes it was just like that between the two of you. Moment later he placed his hand on yours and finally asked you the question he’s been wanting to ask you.
He looks at you, the soft wind blowing as your hair sways back and forth in the air. “Y/N, why haven’t you gone out with me..?” He said staring at your hand that was placed under his.
Taken aback you looked at him, face a little flushed from the question. “Why I haven’t gone out with you..?” You say looking at him deep into the eyes, you saw that there was something hiding in there, his emotions. He nodded.
You took a deep breath and looked down at both of you’re feet dangling off of the tall bridge. “Well… look it’s not that I don’t like you back, I do Hobie, it’s just I’ve never been in a relationship.. and I’m nervous because I don’t know how they work and look I’m sorry.” You said, a wave of guilt flew past you as you finished.
He furrowed his eyebrows, “Love, why ya’ apologizing..? It’s fine Dear…” He said looking at you, he rubbed your knuckles and squeezed your palm in the process.
You looked up, he really was the one for you wasn’t he. You liked the way he understood and layed low on the subject. You kissed his cheek, and layed your head on his shoulder, wrapping his hand around your hip and pulling you closer, and you nuzzled more into his side.
You closed your eyes and looked at the sunset, hues of of purple and pink mixing together, dancing in the sky. “Thank you, Hobart.” You whispered, the both of you spent the rest of the night there until it was time for you both to go home.
It ended with him walking you to your apartment steps, you gently kissing him on the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark on him, and waving goodbye before saying your last piece to him, “Thank you for understanding Hobart, I’ll talk to you in the morning..” Closing the door, you had a sweet smile on your face, you were happy to have him to say the least..
✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
notes: Thank you for requesting, I actually enjoyed making this, have a great morning/afternoon/night!
June 7, 2023
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
Seeing Him (‘Seeing Her’ Part Three)
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summary — george weasley is very bad at getting a girlfriend.
paring — george weasley x fem!bookworm!reader
disclaimer — i do not own harry potter or its characters.
warnings — i didn’t edit, my bad lol. also i inserted wuthering heights a little too much (by the way you should read wuthering heights)
read part one and part two!
“You are repulsive.” The words left her mouth bitterly as she stared at him, her eyes narrowed.
“Woah!” He exclaimed, his eyes widening, “I’m sorry—it just wasn’t my thing!”
“Frankenstein is everyone’s thing!” She fired back, though, a small grin cracked on her face, “You are a waste of perfectly good eyes, you know that?”
“You like my eyes?” He wiggled his eyebrows, a smirk lighting up on his face.
When George Weasley had taken out the girl he’d long been staring at, a stroll through the book store turned to hours of talking, and one date turned to three. It was so natural, and yet, so odd. A girl who’s presence was only marked by the books she read and a boy who’s troublemaking reputation surpassed that of many fictional characters had somehow found harmony between fantasy and reality. Well, most of the time.
“I meant that your eyes are perfectly capable of seeing and consuming beautiful literature, yet you’re squandering it.” She huffed at him, though, the smile on her lips was obvious.
“Beautiful literature and beautiful ladies,” George spoke, still smirking, “And I’m using up all that eyesight power by staring at you.”
“Horrible boy,” she scoffed, the grin still on her lips.
“Beautiful girl,” George replied, his eyes dancing across her face.
Whatever had bloomed between the two had proved strange to almost every other student at Hogwarts. It wasn't as if people shouted or stared when they saw them walking together in the halls, but there was the occasionally lingering look that said 'huh, I wouldn't have put those two together.' It was especially odd that a known flirt had seemed to retire his previous career. George, who'd always been one to chat up a new girl each week, was now only seen with the same girl day after day. If that hadn't been enough to set off a few social alarms throughout the school, a few students had even seen George reading — and not just dirty magazines.
"Things seem to be getting pretty serious," Fred chuckled as he talked. He and George had just gotten out of detention and were headed through the halls towards the Gryffindor common room.
"I'd say that was rather normal." George shrugged, "Flitwick snored just as much as usual."
"Not detention, you git." Fred couldn't help it when another laugh left his lips, "Things are getting serious with your girl."
"Oh," George shook his head, a smile lighting up on his face, "Yeah, I guess."
"D'you make it official?" Fred nudged him, "Tie the noose around your neck? Connect the ball and chain?"
"Shove off," George groaned, nudging him back with a bit more force.
"Oh, come on, did you?" Fred sighed, relenting his antics for a moment. George looked at him, a sudden frown curling on his lips. He shook his head.
"No." He shrugged as though it didn't matter, "It's only been a couple dates."
"What?" Fred's eyes seemed to widen to the size of planets, "Only a couple dates? I've never seen you this gross and lovesick! She's got you reading those old muggle books for Merlin's sake!"
"I like to read," George spoke, lying straight through his teeth, "I'm a big reader."
"Yeah? And I think hours long Transfiguration lectures are riveting," Fred let out a dry laugh, "Listen, even if I find the puppy-eyes you give her disgusting, it's obvious you're head over arse for her."
Even if George wanted to retaliate, it was true. He walked her to class, insisted on carrying her things for her. He even read Pride and Prejudice to understand a joke she made once. He was enamored with her in a way only dead old ladies like Emily Brontë could describe.
"Yeah, I know," George let out a sigh, "Trust me, I know."
"Don't tell me you're nervous." Fred chuckled, a smile spreading on his lips, "I may be the more attractive twin, but you've still got a nice face on you. Give it a shot, alright?"
George groaned, but as they pushed past the portrait of the fat lady, he couldn't help but feel that Fred was right. Not about being the most attractive, of course; he was right about giving it a shot. And so he planned.
Plan A seemed nearly impossible to screw up. It was simple, really; he'd catch up with her on the way to breakfast like he always did, and ask her to be his girlfriend. No pomp and circumstance, no fanfare, just a quick question and a sweet smile. When the time finally came the next morning, he was so confident in himself that his toes were barely touching the ground. He left the common room with a skip in his step, ready to meet with her near the stairs where they always did. His eyes met hers.
She was lovely. She'd done nothing different; her hair was how it always had been, her smile was the same. Yet, when George saw her, it took all his willpower not keep his jaw from dropping to the ground.
"Ready for breakfast?" She asked, her voice like a serenade in his ears. His face reddened as he nodded, and he knew then that Plan A was impossible.
Plan B was much more exciting, yet, still simple. This time, he made sure that he'd have his words prepared for him so he didn't have to do any talking. Over the weekend, he'd picked up a rather nice copy of Wuthering Heights at the muggle book store in Hogsmeade. She'd been eyeing it for a while; he'd noticed her staring at it while telling him about another book. Along with the book, he wrote her a sweet (albeit grammatically poor and rather cheesy) note that ended with the question 'will you be my girlfriend?' He was going to slip it into the novel before he gave it to her. While walking from Charms to lunch, George couldn't quite contain his smile.
"Hey," he said as they exited the classroom, "I've got a surprise for you." "Oh?" She raised an eyebrow, her eyes glowing with anticipation. Without any further teasing, George slipped the novel out from between his stack of books and handed it to her, a proud grin on his face.
"Merlin!" She exclaimed as she exchanged her things for the book, "George, this is wonderful! I've been wanting to get this copy."
"I know," George spoke, trying not to look too adoring of her as he took her books into his hands, "Flip through, it might have an introduction or something." With a smile, she did as told, thumbing through the pages eagerly. George craned his neck, trying to see if she'd found the note nestled within the pages.
"Find anything good?" He sounded almost smug.
"Yeah," she said excitedly. Looking to George, the smile on her lips only spread wider. This was it. She was smiling, she was happy, she was going to say--
"There's a biographical notice of Ellis and Acton Bell in the front." Her gaze moved back to the book, "I told you about that, right? How the Brontes wrote under male pseudonyms? Well, Emily used Ellis. It looks quite interesting."
"Oh, yeah," George's face fell a bit, but he tried to hide it, "Is there, uh, anything else?"
"There's an editors note, too." She shrugged, but grinned at him, "Thanks, George, this is really incredible."
His mouth opened, the words on the tip of his tongue, when he froze. He'd woken up so excited that when he left his dorm, he'd snatched the book off his desk and ran down to the Great Hall. He'd never put the note in — it was still on his desk.
"No problem," he responded, a bit stunted, as he tried to swallow the frustration he felt with himself, "No problem at all."
Plan C had to work — it had to. The second he returned to his dorm later that afternoon, he threw the note in the trash and got right to work. If there was one thing George knew how to do, it was to go big. He could write out a sign in the sky using fireworks, or maybe hang a banner over the astronomy tower. Maybe a thousand flowers in her dorm would do. A giant cake that he pops out of could work.
As he collected his ideas, he couldn't help but feel that everything he thought of just wasn't right. He went through Plan C, Plan D, Plan E. Eventually, he had to start numbering his plans. As the sun dropped lower outside the castle, a huff left George's lips, catching the attention of Fred, who was laying against his bed, playing with some sort of puzzle contraption.
"What's got your knickers bunched?" Fred chuckled, sitting up to look at his brother.
"Every plan I try doesn't work," George shook his head, "I've been trying to ask her to be my girlfriend for days now."
"Fireworks?" Was Fred's immediate reaction.
"Thought about it. Not sure how much she'd like it." George shrugged in response.
"Oh, come on, everyone likes a bit of dramatics sometimes." Fred moved, sliding his legs off the bed to sit down on the edge.
"Yeah, I know, but this just feels different." George's nose scrunched, "I want to do something personal, y'know?" "Fireworks spelling out her name is personal." A smile crept onto Fred's lips.
"That's not what I mean." George slumped against his desk chair, letting out a dramatic groan. At that, Fred relented with a sigh.
"Did you ever try just asking her?" He asked, cocking his head.
"That was Plan A." George let out a long breath.
"Well, maybe just retry Plan A," Fred suggested with a shrug, "And just don't screw up whatever you screwed up before."
"I didn't screw anything up." George stuck his tongue out at his brother.
"Whatever you say." Fred grinned, and with that, he returned his attention to the contraption in his hands.
Retry Plan A. The thought stuck in George's head as he looked down at his desk. He had given up on it fairly quickly. She made him nervous — sure, he could flirt with her, but when it came to fessing up his actual feelings, he was at a loss. He ran a hand through his hair as he thought it over. Looking out the window, the near absence of the sun reminded him that it was time for dinner. She would be at dinner.
Without even a goodbye from Fred, George shot up, scrambling from the dorm, through the common room, and down the stairs. He hastily tried to fix his rushed appearance: he redid a few of the buttons on his shirt and combed his fingers through his hair (the mess was untamable). When he finally made it to the Great Hall, he was nearly out of breath. His eyes scanned the tables for her, and when he finally found her (laughing her head off about something with a boy that George was easily ten times more attractive than, in his opinion), he set off. His steps were heavy and confident, and when he reached her, he sat down right next to her, not even bothering to introduce his presence.
"Oh, hey!" Her eyes immediately lit up at the sight of him, "I was wondering where you've been."
"I'm right here." He grinned at her. Once more, his lips parted, ready to ask her the question. Will you be my girlfriend? Would you mind being my girlfriend? Please, my Queen, I will beg on my hands and knees for you to even consider being my—
"This is my boyfriend, George, the one I was talking about." She smiled kindly at the boy across from her, gesturing to the redhead next to her.
George's brain nearly short circuited at the word, his eyes going wide and lips curling into the largest grin anyone had ever seen.
"Boyfriend?" He repeated the word as though he'd just imagined it.
"Oh!" Her face twisted in horror, "I'm sorry, I guess I never really asked. It was an assumption, I guess." Before she could continue her apologies, George grabbed her by the shoulders, trying not to squeeze her to death.
"I have been trying to ask you to ask you to be my girlfriend for a week," He said, the smile never leaving his lips, "I tried to ask you in the morning, but you were too pretty, and then the book I gave you, I wrote this note that I was going to put in it but forgot—” The words rushed from his lips in quick succession, his cheeks rosy enough to match his hair.
"So," She cut him off, a small giggle leaving her lips, "You want to be my boyfriend?"
"For Merlin's sake, yes, yes I do!" He couldn't help the excited laugh that escaped him.
"Could I have my notes back now?" A voice spoke up, causing George to whip his head to its source.
"Oh, sorry Theo." She chuckled as she slid the boy his book, and he nodded, giving a quick wave as he stood and left.
"Well he's grumpy," George mused, turning back to her with the same smile he'd been wearing.
"Oh, that's just Theo." She shrugged, "He's always like that."
"Well, enough about him, we haven't talked about me nearly enough." George's eyes sparkled as he spoke.
"I feel like we talk about you far too much." She laughed back.
"Ah, but being your boyfriend obligates you to talk only about me for about ninety-eight percent of your time," he beamed.
"Does that mean I reserve ninety-eight percent of your thoughts, being your girlfriend and all?" She tilted her head.
"You reserve a lot more than ninety-eight percent of my thoughts, darling," he chuckled. When each of their laughter subsided, they stared at each other for a moment, content but unsure. Tentatively, George reached forward, his hand gently making contact with her cheek.
"So," his voice was a low whisper, "Since I'm your boyfriend, can I kiss you?" An even brighter smile lit up on her face, and she let out another small laugh.
"That can be arranged." She grinned. When George leaned in, so did she, and their lips met in gentle kiss. It was light and sweet, yet the undertone of excitement lingered as they pressed against each other. When they separated, a bit breathless, they gazed at each other a moment more. It was a tender stare that held something strong. Maybe it wasn't love just yet, but it was close. After all, he was seeing her, and she was seeing him.
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Taglist — @noncorrected @dreary-daffodils @skivingsnackbox @ironnightnight @quionnia @superduckmilkshake @emilykolchivans @adhdduckie @aree-you-sirius-rn @anotherbookreader10235 @withered-rxse @eyebagsanonymous @wannabe-goblin-king @willowcho25518 @laryfairy @superstaarrs @cillshot @pirate-with-internet-connection @ireallywannasleep127
hope you guys liked the last part!! i’ll probably be doing some more george soon bc he’s 🤭🤭🤭 but besides that i’m working on an enemies to friends to lovers remus fic with a bit of angst and such. also i’m DEF making some sirius stuff soon bc he’s my number 1 🤭🤭
oh and btdubz, i’m gonna make a google thingy for my tag list. everyone who’s currently on it, you’ll still be there, but you can specify what type of content you’d like to read from me. okay, toodles!!
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elvenbeard · 20 days
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(I was tagged by @cybersteal and @arcandoria for this a long while ago, and got real carried away with this idea xD also inspired by everyone else who took the "interview" bit a bit more literally, so yes! :D thank y'all for the great ideas and being an inspiring af fandom!)
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Juanita Tseng: V, thank you so much for taking the time today, so happy to have you here! Let me ask, is that your full name?
V: Hah. Well, obviously not, but it’s served me well for many years now.
J: Any special story behind it?
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J: What’s not a secret is that most of our viewers only know you as “mystery man” so far, at least that’s how the scream sheets often choose to refer to you. How do you feel about that?
V: Well, nothing I could say against either. I like my privacy and I’m a man, so they got that right at least.
J: Hahaha, that’s fair! Even more so I’m glad we’re getting the opportunity to get to know you a bit better today. As I told you in advance, there’s some burning questions our viewers have, and everyone’s been eagerly submitting them already as we speak. So, without further ado, let’s get to the first one. When is your birthday?
V: It’s in June, but I’d like to leave it at that.
J: Interesting! Gemini or Cancer?
V: Whichever is the one that comes first.
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J: That’s fair! Alright, how tall are you?
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J: Who is taller?
V: Me of course.
J: Of course! Okay, next question… Ah! Let’s stay on the topic of Kerry for a moment longer. From my last interview with him we know you two met through a mutual friend.
V: That’s right.
J: How did it go? Was it love at first sight, or more of a slow burn?
V: Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to him when we first met. But it wasn’t love at first sight, no, more… curiosity. We crossed paths a few more times, also thanks to that friend, and got to know each other better like that. We just clicked. That’s all there is to it really.
J: Awwww, that's so sweet! Now, it’s no secret that Kerry has led a quite adventurous life and there is a bit of an age gap separating you. So, I gotta ask:
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J: Only men?
V: Yup. And now the next question please, cause none of it matters.
J: Hahaha, sorry, I know I’m such a tease! But we gotta ask our viewer’s questions! Speaking of which, one of them is curious about your upbringing and cultural heritage!
V: Now that’s a 180° turn. Born and raised in and by Night City. Can’t say much about cultural heritage, as it’s a bit of a mix of many things.
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V: Mh-hm.
J: Let me see… would you be up for some quick shotgun-style questions?
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V: Ready when you are.
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J: Favourite season?
V: Anything that doesn’t involve sandstorms.
J: Favourite flower?
V: Lotus.
J: Favourite Scent?
V: Clean bedsheets.
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J: Average hours of sleep?
V: I aim to get at least 7.
J: Numer of Blankets you sleep with?
V: One or none.
J: Favourite Fictional Character?
V: Oh no, uuuhh… Hmm… No, I can’t just choose one.
J: Haha, that’s alright. Would you say you’re a bit of a nerd?
V: Oh yeah, unashamedly. Me getting started about my favorite fictional characters would be a whole interview on its own.
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J: Anyway, that’s right on cue, we’re almost out of time for today! I think we could fit one… no, two more questions!
V: Alright, let’s hear ‘em.
J: What would be your dream trip?
V: Hmmm… Kerry asked me to come along for his tour next year. I imagine that could be fun.
J: Oh, definitely! By the way, dear fans, don’t miss out on buying your tickets!
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V: Maybe.
J: It’s been really nice to have you here today, V!
V: Thanks again for the invite.
J: As you know, I like to end my show with a random fact, something fun I’ve heard about in the past week or something about myself! Would you like to share a random fact with the viewers today?
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V: I try.
J: Haha, well, I'm glad you found your way to my little studio, too! As I said, would love to have you over again anytime!
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########## a few minutes later ##########
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Thank you again for the tags! This was so much fun and really turned into its own thing beyond an OC ask meme XD I did this meme before with some slightly different and/or more in-depth answers for anyone curious [here] cause like stated back then, how Vince replies to personal questions always strongly depends on who's asking. And he might be more or less truthful about the information given or keep it all very surface-level instead, too.
For this lil story here the idea was obviously that the whole interview is basically just a promo thing for Kerry's upcoming tour xD So of course Vince is gonna support his bf if it helps boost ticket sales XDD A year earlier he might not have done it even then, because he was veeery reluctant about having their relationship be known beyond telling their closest friends. But here at this point some time in mid-to-late 2078, he'd feel secure enough with his life, their ilfe really, that he wouldn't mind being seen in the public together like this and also "outing" himself like that in front of a larger audience, for lack of a better word. It's the character growth and support of each other and a love language and everything \o/
Also: not sure who to tag at this point cause I think most of you already did this, but if you're reading this and havent answered all of Juanita's questions for your OC yet, consider yourself tagged!
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iouinotes · 2 months
All for you | Carl Gallagher
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pairing: Carl Gallagher x female!reader
show: Shameless
warnings: angst, fluff, smut (the reader and Carl are 18 years old in this ff)
summary: Carl is challenged that he can get your money, if he makes you fall in love with him. He loves the challenge until he loves something else more...
authors note: sorry for so many pov switched, I didnt notice it, when I first wrote this ff. Also I haven't had the chance to watch all the seasons yet, but I still hope that Carl's character is somewhat accurate :))
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Carl's pov
"Frank, goddamit youre no help! Why are you even lying around here - oh forget it, I don't want to hear it." Fiona's voice echoes in the room, while the entire Gallagher household is present.
The everyday discussion has been going on for too many minutes in which I could have done something better. The damn question “How do we get enough money?”
Lip at college, Ian with his gangster boyfriend, my shitty sister with her kid and then Liam. This family is screwed. No wonder with a father like Frank.
As the argument continues to escalate, I have the misfortune of sitting right next to him.
"You care to share some money, son?" Of course, my attempts to ignore him are unsuccessful.
"The drug trade doesn't always work out so well, but the weapon thing was something. You could give one to your good old dad, you know what the neighborhood is like." I run my hands through my hair in frustration, shaking my head.
"Just get one or two girls pregnant at school, then all of our problems are solved. But she has to be rich. After all, you want to get your hard work paid." Why the hell am I still here?
"You used to be more enthusiastic about my ideas. If you don't want to do play daddy, then use your charm. When I was your age, my cock was enough and the girls were happy."
"Be fucking quiet, no one wants to hear about your pathetic youth." It's no use, he keeps talking.
"I'm only saying, If you make a rich girl fall in love with you, then you can get money to do something nice for your family."
As I get up and walk away from him I take a breath, the tension caused by this idiot sucks.
Still, his words got me thinking. Maybe there's a new girl who would be perfect for this job...
Your pov
When I moved here, I wasn't sure what to expect. New school, maybe mean classmates and bad cafeteria food. That I might be able to join a group and make friends, people who laugh with me in class or go to the cinema together on weekends.
I was prepared to get lost in the hallways a few times, perhaps to be peppered with embarrassing questions by the teachers. I had even prepared myself for being called a nerd again and therefore spending my lunch breaks alone.
Then things turned out differently. I met two girls who, although they scared me at first with their need to gossip all the time, are good people at heart.
They studied with me (meaning they told me the newest gossip and braided my hair while I did our homework), showed me the city and its pitfalls. I felt comfortable, prepared and confident for what awaited me here.
Oh lord, was I wrong.
On a Thursday in the middle of the week I met a boy who messed everything up. Literally.
I met him when he was running through the halls twenty minutes late, but stupidly didn't pay attention to me, who was about to cross his path. Let's put it this way, it ended with my books on the floor, my jacket hanging off my shoulder, and his hair being a huge mess.
When he looked at me, I expected to hear something like "sorry" or "I'll help you."
You want to know what he said?
"Cute top. Let me know if you need help taking it off."
Then he got up casually and walked into the classroom across the hallway, a grin on his face as if he had won the Bachelor title.
After this encounter two things became very clear to me. 1. Look both ways when crossing the halls and 2. Stop daydreaming about this boy, even if he has beautiful blue eyes.
The first thing worked better than the second.
After a few descriptions, which actually only consisted of "incredibly impudent and incredibly good-looking", it was explained to me who I was dealing with.
Carl Gallagher. A boy who has lived here since he was born, someone who is rumoured to be more dangerous than the Italian Mafia.
Even though I thought that was exaggerated, I quickly realized that I should stay away from him and that he meant trouble.
Aside from the fact that I wasn't going to be in the situation of talking to him again anyway, my eyes couldn't stop themselves from looking at him.
There was something that defined him, something that made me want to watch a grin creep across his face when he made an inappropriate joke, how he would push his blonde hair back and his eyes would shine mischievously, as if he had already planned the next bank robbery.
I wasn't the only one who found his charisma attractive tho, of course not when he looked like one of God's angels, but he never really seemed interested in other girls. At least not with any serious intent, you might hear him flirting or making comments about his free bed, but you would never saw him in a relationship.
He never held hands or kissed anyone, had a real smile on his face or said sweet things, he was just Carl.
Suggestive, hot-tempered and like a flag that proclaimed: Stay away from me, because you will lose this fight.
I also felt that if I continued to watch him, I would lose the battle for platonic feelings towards him too.
"Please don't tell me you're looking at our school bad boy again. You better be careful, he might want to sell you a gun." Kenzie's voice makes me sigh.
"These are just rumors. Besides, it's not my fault, he's just -" Her hand on my shoulder interrupts me.
"We know, you have heart eyes every time you talk about him. There are so many great guys in this world, I'm not saying at this school, but you choose this one?" Her look says more than a thousand words as she looks over at Carl, who is pushing his way trough the crowd.
"I'm not in love, just curious. Those are two different things, okay?" Her eyebrows raise.
"You mean, curious how his lips would feel on yours?" Her laughter at my expression is lost in the sounds of the cafeteria.
"Very funny." I murmur to her, food forgotten on my plate. When the school bell rings, I stand up and pick up my backpack.
"My class is canceled now, but I'm going to the library. Will you meet me later?" As I walk backwards I see her thumbs up and the hearts she makes in Carl's direction. My reaction is two quick middle fingers.
As I walk out of the school building, I check my phone and tie my hair into a braid. The library is a few blocks away and the cool air makes me shiver.
When I get there and wave to the boy at the entrance, I turn to my favorite department. Call it cliche, but I love romance books. I mean, I don't know what it feels like to love someone with all my heart, but that doesn't mean I don't love reading about it.
The books I actually need are a few rows away. History, literature, everything I am assigned to get for school.
As I stroke over a few tapes and finally pull out a book to read the first few pages, I hear a noise next to me that makes me look up. After all, the library is usually a pretty quiet place.
As I look into the familiar blue eyes, I feel my cheeks turn red.
I have to stop myself from staring.
"Always a book in your hand, I see." Oh his voice hasn't changed. I try to shrug casually as I answer, but I'm not sure if it actually works.
"Aren't you going to be late for class again?" At my sarcasm he smiles, he takes a step in my direction which weakens my control over my voice.
"I thought I would learn something somewhere else too." These coded words make me swallow.
"So, you're here often?" I almost think he's not answering me, but maybe I'm just not concentrating, because I'm paying too much attention to every mole on his face.
"Actually, I didn't even know this shitty town had a library." His words make me laugh, but several requests to be quiet around us, make me whisper in response.
"Then why are you here?" I think my breathing stops as his hand brushes my fingers that are still holding the book.
"You're here." I feel my heart beating nervously faster, I probably look pretty confused and when I notice his grin, something flutters in my chest.
"No interest in books, huh?" Can my answer actually be any lamer?
"Dont worry, I have a newfound interest in you."
Your pov
If someone had told me a few weeks ago that I would become friends with Carl Gallagher, I would have found the idea absolutely crazy. To be honest, I still find the situation insane, but damn my cheeks still turn just as red when he's with me as they did the first time.
It turns out that he really has no interest in books, even though he visited me at the library almost every day since we met in the romance department.
I've never met anyone like him, funny and couragous without any reserve, always looking for trouble, acting self-confident. But also sweet.
He's like a current that pulls you along, like a wind that blows so hard that you fly with it. He feels like freedom and it is wonderful.
He makes me laugh, he carries my books, plays with my hair, walks home with me. In such a short time I feel like he didn't knock on the doors to my heart, instead he made a home there.
Maybe this is what it feels like to fall in love.
It's not a gentle announcement, more of a realization that makes you incredibly desperate and happy at the same time.
But with him I actually just feel happy.
"Ready, sunshine?" As soon as I come out of the classroom, he comes towards me and takes my bag from me. My heart jumps at his gesture, which feels like winning the Olympics.
"You're crazy, where do you even want to go?" He has something planned but won't tell me. When he puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean against him, I get a few sideways glances from our classmates.
Carl ignores everyone like always, it's crazy but the way he's so confident is pretty attractive to me.
"Does the guy in your cheesy books also tell you where they go on dates? I bet not, so just wait."
"It feels like you're kidnapping me."
I feel his smile on my back and have to giggle quietly at his response.
"Mh, I plan to do that. But only for a few hours, otherwise my head will roll tomorrow. Your father takes your curfew pretty seriously."
I feel his hands on my hips, guiding me forward, hear the birds chirping around us, but can't figure out where we're going.
"Just a few more steps, baby. Then you'll see." As he promised, it is only a few meters away and when I see a small, calm lake, my mouth falls open in surprise.
"Carl, oh my God! It's wonderful here, thank you so much." I turn around in his grip and look at him, his smile reflects the love that I feel.
"Yeah? How much do you like it?" As his eyes focus on my lips, I feel a tingling feeling in my stomach. Slowly, my fingers stroke his chest and I see him swallow, even though he tries to hide it.
"I think it's incredibly beautiful here, I love it. And...I really like you." I shyly lower my gaze, my words are met with an unknown silence that makes me anxious after a few seconds. But when I look up at him again, he pushes a strand of my hair out of my face.
"To me, you are much more beautiful than this sight. I like you too and I thought that was pretty obvious." I smile broadly, butterflies fly around in my stomach and as the sun illuminates his face, I feel incredibly happy.
"You're so nice to me, I don't know how I deserve this." An expression crosses his face, but when I blink he smiles at me again.
"After all, you are the first person who explained the topics for the history exam to me, without giving up." My hand cups his cheek.
"I wouldn't give you up, you've become too important to me." As I stand on my tiptoes, our lips brush, his hand is on my back and pushes me closer to him.
"You are an angel." With his words we kiss and everything else around us blurs, only he remains. Everything is unimportant except him, standing in front of me, so handsome, that it is difficult not to look at him.
"Come on, let's go for a swim." As he pulls me towards the lake, you can hear our loud laughter in the air.
Carl's pov
"When are you going to collect the money? You've been with her for the last three months and nothing has come of it." Frank's annoying voice frustrates me more than anything else.
"I am working on it. Besides, she's actually really caring." When I see the dismissive hand gesture in my direction, I roll my eyes.
"You are completely wrong, son. A person is there for a certain period of time, but money? Money accompanies you throughout your life, especially if you buy beautiful bottles of the best alcohol."
I sink into the sofa, but want to turn away when I feel his hand on my shoulder.
"If you put it off any longer, it will be harder to get out of the situation. Girls your age will start planning to get married, if you stay with them for months."
But when he leaves, I feel conflicted. Can I really do this to her?
Carl's pov
"Happy birthday!" Her voice makes me jump and, confused, I turn around on the bench to look into her excited eyes.
"Why are you jumping around like that? Are you practicing for cheerleading?" I'm making fun of her, but the smile on her face doesn't fade.
"No, idiot. I'm just really curious to see how you react to your gift." My breath catches for a moment as I take in her words.
"You got me something?" When she leans forward and gives me a kiss on the cheek while pressing the bag into my lap, I start to smile too.
"Open!" Her encouragement breaks me out of my trance and I quickly tear up the paper, looking at the tickets with wide eyes.
"But...these tickets cost a fortune? Did you sell your liver or something?" When I look at her, she smiles back at me.
"I talked to my dad and he agreed that you deserve something special for your birthday. Are you happy?" As I look at the cards, I suddenly feel a pang in my heart. It must be showing on my face, because her happiness is also fading away.
"Do you not like it? I thought it was your favorite team? I can get you something else." When I look at her, I quickly pull her between my legs and kiss her.
"Shh, breathe angel. It's perfect, thank you. And well, your father. It's just a lot of money." Her hands play with the fabric of my shirt.
"You always say that. Do you have problems at home, with money, I mean? I've never been to your place, I don't even know where you live." What should I say to her now?
"It's okay." Her raised eyebrows look at me reproachfully, making me sigh.
"Each of us has to contribute a certain amount of money every month and if I don't sell fucking drugs, it will be tight." Her astonished look makes me pause and I gently stroke her arms.
Before I can say anything else, she kisses me. I look at her in surprise.
"What's that for?" She smiles shyly, looks at the floor for a moment before looking at me again.
"You're just so honest, I admire that. And that you've never asked me for anything, you know. That I lend you some money."
Fuck. Shit. What do I say?
"Yeah, I mean, I don't want to burden you with that-" but she interrupts me again, her concentrated expression makes me curious.
"What's going on in your pretty head?" My hands wander over her sides.
"It's the end of the month, how much are you missing?" I frown in confusion, but when she doesn't let it go, I tell her the amount.
"$240, the rest I earned by helping in the neighborhood." But despite the high sum, she just nods, looks at me again and gives me another kiss.
"Okay, maybe I'll be your sugar mommy." I have to laugh at the absurdity, but the longer she grins at me, the more I think she means it.
"What, are you serious? Thats fucking crazy, how am I supposed to pay you back?" Her eyes look around, but since the classroom is relatively empty during recess, she finds herself between my legs again. She slowly lets her hand wander down my stomach until she squeezes my cock through my clothes and I close my eyes in delight.
"Hmm, maybe you could help me relax between classes." Her eyes sparkle mischievously and I look at her with a grin.
"Anything you want, sugar."
Let's put it this way, the next few weeks the breaks were filled with kissing in the back corner of the classroom, dry humping on the toilet or Carl doing his best to pleasure me with his tongue in the caretaker's room, like now.
"Ahh-, Carl. I'll cum if you keep that up." His head has disappeared under my skirt, his fingers are stroking the bare skin of my thigh and the sinful movements of his tongue are making me see stars.
As he adds a finger and runs it over my folds, slowly until he inserts it, he looks at me again.
"You coming for me? Yeah, be a good girl or do you want to get caught by the old janitor grandpa spreading your legs for me?" As my eyes roll back, he pumps another finger into me, scissoring it thoroughly and hitting that sweet spot inside me.
When I moan loudly, he grins.
"You like that? Just wait until I bury my cock in you and you cant walk straight afterwards, so that everyone will notice." When his finger presses my clitoris, I see white and as I come I try to muffle the sounds with my hand over my mouth.
When I get off my high, I blindly search for my panties. But Carl beats me first.
"Hmm, no. I think I'll keep it as a little souvenir. Maybe you can get it back when you come to my house later." I don't know what surprises me more: that he wants me to run around exposed at school or that I'm invited to his house for the first time.
"Really? I'd like to come." But he interprets my words differently, his fingers stroke my entrance again and I moan and squeeze my eyes shut.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Very well and for a very long time." When the bell rings, he lets go of me and I whimper slightly.
"Carl-" but he interrupts me by pulling back and straightening my skirt.
"I'm sure our agreement was between recess, now it's class time. Come on, I'll make it up to you later."
Your pov
As we ride the bus toward his home, I take his hand and intertwine our fingers.
"But don't expect a mansion or any of that shit." Ever since we left school, he has been bad-mouthing his hometown every free minute he has.
"Don't worry, I'll only have eyes for you anyway." The statement makes him laugh and he relaxes a little. As we get out and walk a little way along the street, we are watched by a few people.
"Why are so many people staring at us?" When he look at me, I'm obviously confused.
"Not everyone here wears designer clothes that cost several thousand dollars. If you come here more often, they'll call you a princess." Giggling, I slap him on the arm and as we climb the stairs to his house, I look around curiously.
"So this is where you grew up." His shoulders shrug casually, but I see him trying to gauge my reaction.
"Yeah, where in the world could it be nicer?" I laugh at his sarcastic comment and we both smile at each other as we enter the house.
I hear him calling into the house, then a girl with red hair appears, carrying a baby.
"You must be Debbie, the little one is so adorable." When I hold out my hand, she just looks at Carl with her eyebrows still raised.
"What did you do to end up with her? Also my daughter's name is Franny and yes, I know condoms exist." Surprised, I don't know exactly how to answer, so I leave it to Carl.
"My tongue is magic, Debs. Too bad you won't find out yourself anytime soon, Derek has moved away. By the way, Franny seems hungry." I'm unsure of the dynamic between the two of them, as she turns away and walks away, I resist the urge to say goodbye.
"That was...nice." His hand pulling me towards the stairs distracts me.
"She's a real ray of sunshine, come on. The others aren't back yet, so you can be as loud as you want this time."
When we get upstairs, he leads me into his room and I look at the magazines, posters and little things scattered everywhere.
"Cleaning and you are definitely not friends, huh?" I laugh at my joke, but Carl has other plans than letting me inspect his room.
He puts his hands on my hips and pushes me against the closed door, my breath catches as his eyes find mine.
"Do you want to keep playing housemaid? Then put on a damn maid costume, otherwise keep your eyes on me." At his stern voice, I press my thighs together and, grinning, I drag my fingers across his chest once again.
"Would you like that? Me on the floor, my ass in the air, and no underwear? Oh wait, what a coincidence that I'm not wearing any now either." His eyebrows raise, I see his eyes darken with lust.
"Let's save this little fantasy for another time, right now I just want to see you on my cock." Smiling, I lean towards him and start kissing him. I loosen the belt I bought him and pull him closer to me by his waistband.
"I think I did well today. After all, I didn't complain about getting through the school day without underwear. Do I get my reward now?" Grinning, he takes off my top and looks at my lace bra.
"Everything you want." He drops to his knees in front of me and kisses his way along my thighs, lifts my skirt and presses a kiss to my folds. Slowly he moves his tongue higher and kisses my stomach, I lean my head against the door.
"Does that feel good?" I just nod, burying my hand in his hair as he puts his mouth on me again.
"Ahh- Carl, I want you now." His fingers stretch me, the wetness running down my legs, making me tremble.
"You got me, sweetheart. What do you want me to do?" His head lifts to look at me and I place my fingers around his chin, seeing the moisture on his lips.
"I've been prepared enough, I want your dick now. Let's see if it's as magical as your tongue." Grinning, he stands up and lifts me up, lays me on my back on his bed and lies down between my legs.
He places a few kisses on my legs, then stretches up on his elbows so he's hovering over me. Then he kisses my cheek and my lips, lets his tongue slide over them and lets me taste myself.
I run my fingers through his blonde hair and pull his body closer to me. When he pulls a condom out of his pocket, I hold my breath.
"You still want to do this?" His look calms all the worries I had. I nod, stroking my fingers over his heated cheek.
"I trust you." His next kiss is passionate, his hands gliding over my body, caressing every bit of exposed skin. I lift my back off the mattress and let him take off my bra. His head lowers to run his tongue over my navel. As he sucks on them, I moan softly.
One of his hands starts kneading my breasts and when I try to take off my skirt, he stops me.
"Leave it on, okay?" I kiss him in response.
His hand strokes my sides and my own hands rest on his shoulders as he presses the tip of his cock against my entrance.
"Ready, baby?" When I agree, he presses himself into me and for a moment I have to squint my eyes because it hurts.
Then I feel several gentle kisses on my cheek, my forehead and my lips. His attempts to distract me work and as I become more and more relaxed, he slides further into me.
Slowly he presses his hips against me, the stretch so great that I can feel him all the way into my stomach. He waits for a moment, whispering sweet things in my ears until they get dirty and I beg him to move.
My hands wrap around his shoulders as he thrusts into me for the first time, the air around us thickening as he grunts and a moan escapes me.
"You're doing so well, God, you feel so good." His hips move faster and faster, the pleasure spreads through my body and the wetter I feel, the easier he slides in and out of me.
"You are perfect, my perfect girl. Do you feel good?" His hands stroke my skin, gently pinching my nipples, playing with them and making me squirm beneath him.
As he grips my hips and pushes himself harder into me, my head starts to spin. My noises get louder.
"Carl- god, please go harder" And so he does, the room is filled with the sounds of our bodies and sweat forms on us.
"Baby, do you want to ride me? You have such pretty thighs." I nod and when he pulls out of me I can't think clearly, I just want him to fill me up again.
He leans back and as I stabilize myself on his shoulders, I sink back onto him. The feeling is even better that my eyes roll back. His hands grasp my hips, helping me move.
"That's right, baby. You're doing so good, riding my cock like the good girl you are." At his words, I tighten my grip on him and he curses as I move harder on top of him.
The faster I go, the more exhausting it becomes, but as I feel a knot forming in my stomach, I ride him so fast just to chase my pleasure.
Then suddenly as he hits my spot inside me over and over again, I go boneless on him and melt in his arms. My come drips all over him and as he continues to fuck me, reaching his own climax, I tremble in his grip.
"Just a few more thrusts, baby. Ah, keep holding on to me." Even though I have lost my strength, I move on him a few more times until he comes and I lay my head on his shoulder.
We're both breathing heavily, but everything feels so good, so warm and comfortable, that I don't want to move a single muscle anymore.
He carefully pulls out of me, I moan slightly at the loss. He gently lays me back on his pillow and gives me a kiss before throwing the condom away.
He pulls the blanket over us and puts his arm around me to pull me closer. I snuggle up to him and feel so safe that I quickly press my lips to his skin.
"That was wonderful." He also presses a kiss on my hair.
"That was incredible, you are the best. I can't wait to do it again." Our embrace becomes tighter. For a moment the room is silent.
When I whisper his name, he hums in response.
"I know it's cliche to say something like that after the first time. But I just feel it so much that it hurts to keep it to myself. I love you." As I lie on his chest I hear his heart stop for a moment and then it starts beating much faster.
"I- no one has ever said that to me before." When I raise my head and look at him, he doesn't look at me. Instead, his eyes are fouced on the ceiling.
"I just want you to know. I don't want to put any pressure on you to say it. I just thought you should hear it. You know, now that things are serious between us." Again he is silent and I start to worry, but then he looks at me.
"You are truly the most incredible person I have ever met. I consider myself very lucky." He smiles at me, then leans down and we kiss for a moment. It feels like heaven.
We lay there for a few minutes, just cuddling and telling each other how our day was. We laugh and as the sun slowly sets, I start to get dressed.
"I wish I could stay here with you. But you know what my parents are like." He leans back on his elbow, watching me get dressed and contact my parents to pick me up.
"Hmm, I think we would do it again. If you stayed here tonight, I mean." I smile at him, sit down on his bed for a moment and ruffle his hair.
"I wouldn't mind, darling." The nickname makes him blush and when he leans forward to kiss me, I playfully push him away.
"I have to go, are you coming down with me?" He nods, feigning annoyance, and as we walk out of his room, he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him.
He steals his kiss there, but more than that he steals my heart.
We smile at each other and for this moment everything is just perfect. We go downstairs and just as we are back in the living room we hear a door open loudly.
A visibly drunk man stumbles in. I see Carl tense up next to me, staring at the stranger angrily. I quietly lean towards him to whisper my question.
"Who is that?" When he rolls his eyes, I get a bad feeling.
"That's my father, great isn't it?" The man in front of me is dirty, has unkempt hair and an unpleasant smile on his face.
"Should I ask my parents if you can stay overnight?" My gaze is more focused on the man than on Carl.
But he just shakes his head, and just as he is about to answer, the man sees us too.
"Oh, my son! It's so good to see you, not really, but I'll take your bed. Fiona has mine. Is that your little girlfriend? She looks expensive, very good catch. How much money did you rip her off? I hope it's worth it to go through all this drama." I frown in confusion, but when Carl freezes next to me, I become uncertain.
"What does he mean by that?" This time my gaze is directed solely at Carl.
"Nothing, he's drunk-" but before he can finish, the man does.
"How rude of me, I am Frank. The proud father of this child, at least one of my descendants has made something of himself and used his talent. He has my good genes, the good looks and I teach him the tricks. Like exploiting an innocent, very very rich girl for money. It doesn't bother you, I hope? You seem to have enough, but I hope my son returns the favor to you."
The words catch me so off guard that I can't move. I don't believe anything this man says until I see the guilty look on Carl's face.
"W-what? That's a lie, right? Tell me he's lying, Carl." As he runs his hands through his hair and tries to answer me, Frank speaks again.
"Oh, you haven't confessed to her yet? My fault, I should have waited. I didn't think you would humiliate this girl for so long. I told you this wouldn't end well." But Carl ignores him completely when he notices me moving away from him.
"Wait, I'm sorry. It wasn't like that-" But I interrupt him, already feeling tears gathering in my eyes.
"So what happened? You act like you don't want any money from me and-" Carl's look becomes frustrated.
"You offered me your money! You said if I matched it, everything would be fine for you." I'm almost speechless, is this all a nightmare?
"Are you serious? I offered it to you because you weren't asking for it. And now I find out it was your plan from the beginning? You just talked to me, just spent time with me to get my money? Who does that?" Frank's voice intervenes.
"I invented the strategy, my dear. It's turning out to be quite useful." But I don't pay attention to him, I just look at Carl.
"Please, I'm sorry. Yes, it was meant that way in the beginning, but it's different now. I-" My tears flow when he admits it and any feeling of happiness disappears. All that remains is betrayal and sadness.
"You what? What am I saying, you were probably happy that I only wanted you in return. I'm such an idiot. You didn't just take my money, you took my first time too!" As he comes towards me, I step back.
"Listen to me, I didnt force you to do all this for me. You wanted it." The more he talks the more desperate I feel and the greater my anger becomes.
"You idiot! I thought you liked me! I thought you finally noticed me too." My sobs get louder and my vision blurs. When he tries to grab my face, I slap him.
"My cue to go. I can see that you're sorting it out between yourselves just fine." Frank's footsteps fading away are nothing compared to the sound of my heart breaking.
"I like you, I really like you. At first it wasn't my intention to start a relationship with you, but then I got to know you and-" Every word that escapes him is only worse.
"Stop talking! You know what the worst thing is that I liked you for so long before you even talked to me. And I thought it was a miracle when you first spoke to me in the libary. I should have listened to the others, you only care about yourself!" I wipe the tears from my cheeks, wishing I could be anywhere but here.
Then before he can say anything, I turn around and run out of the house. But I hear him following me.
"Wait! Don't just walk away, I have to get this straight. Hey!" He catches me, turns me around and holds my tear-stained face in his hands.
"I'm an idiot, I know that. I'm sorry for hurting you. I- God, I love you. You hear me? I love you too. Please stay." But I just shake my head and try to free myself from his grip.
"How do I know if that isn't a lie too? You've betrayed me, I can't talk to you now." When my car pulls up, I get in without turning around. I don't look back, even though his loud curse can be heard throughout the whole neighborhood.
Your pov
I spend the next few days without saying much, but I cried almost the whole time.
I miss him incredibly, not a day has gone by in the last few months when I haven't seen him and now I've been alone for three days.
I wish he was here, but on the other hand I am so hurt and feel terrible. He is the reason for this.
I wish I had never found out. I wish he had never done it, never lied to me. Didn't use me for money, but worst of all, I don't know if he even likes me.
Today is the first day that I go back to school. Even though I put on make-up, choose a nice outfit and listen to my favorite songs to distract myself, I can only think of him.
His blonde hair, his beautiful eyes, the way his lips felt. How he felt inside me. Then I remember that he loves me and how he finally said it, something I have wanted to hear for so long.
But then I think about what he did and everything feels empty again.
As I enter the school, my friends come to meet me. They already know what happened, they all hug me and I feel a little better.
Until I see him.
And he sees me too. It takes all my effort to avert my gaze. To get my books out of my cupboard, but then I have to stop because he is not standing next to me offering to carry them.
I take it myself, close my door, but before I can go any further, he is standing in front of me. My heart stops. Oh, how his eyes shine.
"Do you need help?" His eyes focus on the books and I have to swallow several times before I can answer.
"No, I have to go to class now." But as I try to walk past him, he stops me.
"You don't answer my texts, you don't call me back. I'm not allowed into your house and you avoid me at school. What can I do? Please tell me what I need to do, so you forgive me." I laugh, but it is without humor.
"What can you do? Move."
I can see his shock, but he still doesn't step aside.
"Can't you hear me? I said-" but he walks toward me until I'm forced to lean my back against the lockers.
His eyes find mine.
"I can't sleep. And when I do, I dream of you. There's a - a hole in my heart that only you can fill. It hurts and I hate not being with you. It's even worse to be here, when you don't look at me the way you usually do. You don't smile at me, God, you don't look like you're in love with me anymore. It's hell."
Tears gather in my eyes, his words are so desperate, it hurts to see him like this.
"Maybe you should have thought about that before you took advantage of me. Before you slept with me." A tear runs down my cheek and I know my mascara is smudging.
"I know, I know. And I feel so bad, I'll do anything to make it right. Just tell me."
When I look into his eyes, my heart also hurts.
"Move, Carl. I can't see you now." This time he lets go of me and I go to class with tears in my eyes.
Your pov
It's been four weeks since we last spoke, but it doesn't hurt any less to see him. Even if I don't let him talk to me, he doesn't give up.
He puts flowers in my locker, chocolate, and notes full of apologies and sweet promises.
Everything warms my heart, but it still feels like this money thing is unresolved between us. I know now that he likes me, very much in fact, as he makes it clear, but that doesn't change the real problem.
That he used me for my money.
As I leave school that day, I feel exhausted and, as I often do, I wish I had his arms around me.
Holding me tight, his lips kissing me, loving me.
As I wait for my father's car, I suddenly hear his familiar throat clearing. With my heart pounding, I turn around and see him smiling uncertainly at me.
"I know what I had to do and now I've done it. Here." He gives me an envelope and I take it uncertainly.
"Carl, your letters are flattering, but-" He quickly interrupts me.
"No, it's something else. Open it." The deja vu hits me unexpectedly and I slowly open the envelope, the content leaves me speechless.
"What is that supposed to be?" It's rhetorical, but I ask anyway.
"All the money I owe you. What you've kindly given me, I pay it back. Every cent. You can count." He looks so proud, I almost have to laugh.
"How- did you rob a bank?" He grins contentedly at my reaction.
"An old grandma." This time I laugh and he comes closer to me, slowly taking my hands.
"No, seriously. How did you do that?" He looks at me lovingly.
"Working in the kitchen every day after school, I found a part-time job with Fiona. The payment is bad, but it was worth it. I understand that money was the problem and well, that I wasn't honest to you." As I lower the envelope, we look at each other.
"Promise, no more secrets?"
He smiles and suddenly the world is a brighter place.
"Promise, but we continue one of our agreements." I raise my eyebrows questioningly, seeing him grin as he leans toward me, his breath brushing against my lips and he whispers:
"I'll still spend my breaks with you in the janitor's room."
The laughter that escapes me gets interrupted, when his lips meet mine.
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jayden-killer · 11 months
what would happen if your favourite fictional character appeared in your bed..?
Part 2
A/N: finally came back! Exams period is almost done, so I can mainly focus on writing fan fics and replying to your comments. Thanks to everyone who never stopped giving me support during these months.~ For this story I was heavily inspired by the "Reality" song by Richard Sanderson. Last night I watched "La Boum" and something clicked in my mind the moment the movie titles came by. I highly recommend that movie (and its main song!).
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Fantastic. Another day gone bad. Not only I lost my notes taken at university with great effort (who knows where they flew thanks to the wind...), but it had rained until the end of the afternoon and a careless car passed by at great speed, soiling me with rain and migo mixed together.
«Ugh! You fucker!» My feet stomped hard on the dirt, realizing that what had just happened was just the beginning of a long evening. I'll just open the front door, walk into the kitchen, and throw my comfort on the sofa that I look forward to.
It seemed like an eternity would pass on the way back, and my body barely even managed to walk, almost like a dead weight. Don't walk on the ground. That would have been the last straw.
«Shit,» I thought aloud, the moment my eyes saw my house from afar, «Finally home». Taking the keys out of the backpack was also, a real pain in the ass: a real tangle of wires and metal had formed there since my headphones had not been folded properly. A sigh escaped from my lips the moment I walked through the front door, searching with difficulty for the light switch. I didn't waste any more time removing the ruined clothes (and placing them in a water bath) and letting a hot shower melt my nerves. It was just what I needed.
I knew I had a smile as I lathered my body thoroughly. Now the scent of lavender was something calming.
``I should make some tea too``.
«Oh, now that's what I am talking about! ». My smile didn't leave my face, as I excitedly opened the book I had left hanging a few days ago, due to my exam period. Being under stress didn't help me find the concertation and desire to identify myself with the main character of the book. ``That's enough``. This thought flooded my mind. ``Now you can rest, because you deserve it, so enjoy your reading``.
``Thanks, other me, maybe you're right`` I replied to the little inner voice that I assumed had a satisfied grin on her face.
Yet my eyes fell on the mega poster that took up most of my bedroom wall: Miguel O'Hara. This man was going to be the death of me one of these days. I remembered the day when my heart wanted him only for me: in the new Spiderman, starring Miles Morales, many would have said that he was the perfect villain, even if I kept countering, claiming the opposite. Of course, his anger issues didn't help get people on his side. He was perfect in every aspect: tall, muscular, intelligent, thoughtful. My god, where do I have to sign to have him next to me?
«Too good to be true». I sighed aloud again as I pulled my attention away from the poster and back into my book. I think it wasn't long after I started reading and my eyes started to get heavy. I might have let go of the book, and fallen asleep with it on my chest. It had been a bad day in every way. Perhaps that is the reason I imagined hugging Miguel more than once. Maybe that's why I also felt my mattress getting heavier under my back.
I was awakened by the sun's rays penetrating through the curtains of my room. I loudly grunted at the thought of getting up early to do my daily cleaning chores around the house. But what harm would it have been to stay in my warm bed for at least an hour longer? Turning over, I had the feeling that my bed had gotten much heavier. Or was I still dreaming of hugging Miguel?
Slowly my eyes opened and focused on an unfamiliar figure lying next to me. I had a moment of confusion. Why...was there a person in my bed?
Only when I fully focused on who was in front of me I almost fainted on the spot.
"AAAAHH!" I grabbed the first pillow nearby, slapping the stranger hard several times, and leapt out of bed, the pillow still in my hands. The man, taken aback, tripped on the ground, and a great thud resounded in the bedroom. I hugged the pillow tightly to my chest. Oh, holy god. What was happening at that moment? I was so confused I could have sworn my face was as just as confused.
The man grunted aloud and scrambled to his feet, throwing his hands in surrender.
«What the fuck did I do?!» he yelled, in sheer confusion too. Maybe at that moment, I could have passed out, I swear to whoever you want! Because whoever I had in front of me was a real dream.
«Holy shit...»
I swallowed hard. «You are Miguel O'Hara. Miguel O'Hara was in my room, in my bed!»
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Fandom: Castlevania
Characters: Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes/Alucard
Relationships: Adrian x reader
Note: I suck at titles
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You walked through the dark hallway in hopes of finding your room. Even after months spent in Castlevania, you still couldn’t navigate through endless corridors even to your own space. You were confident you had walked through this particular hall three times now. Just when you were about to turn left, you heard a faint noise. You keened your ears to decipher the sound and concluded it must be someone's voice. There was only one person other than you who lived in the castle. You pushed the ornate doors to one of the drawing rooms ajar and found Adrian reclining in one of the lounge chairs.
He looked like he was posing for a painting, but then again, he always did. You knew Adrian was something more than a human but these small things which it showed, such as being in a state of constant elegance and poise, no matter the situation, still amazed you. He was lying on the comforter with his torso slightly turned to the back of the chair. One of his legs was stretched over the edge while the other one was bent at the knee. His right arm was hanging off the armrest while the other was holding an empty wineglass precariously perched between elegant fingers. How he didn’t splatter the red liquid on the pristine white shirt, which was unbuttoned to reveal almost the entirety of his chest, was a mystery to you. His head was buried in several pillows and golden tresses fell loosely down the chaise and around his face. He had a faraway look in his eyes and was mumbling something incoherently. When you stepped closer and had a chance to decipher his mumblings, you realized he wasn’t talking to himself, he was singing. Poorly.
“…and the fish’s at the sea…they sway by me…” or whatever gibberish you were able to discern. Probably some tavern song he learned from Trevor. That moment he noticed you standing there, golden eyes squinting at you.
“Oh…hello-” A small hiccup found its way past his lips.
You were trying your best not to laugh but your mouth still twisted into a smile as you watched him cover his mouth in embarrassment.
“Pardon me. I think I’ve had too much to drink.” He sat up, or rather, tried to sit up as he swung his legs over the sofa. You attempted to help him, pressing your arm at his back. “Are you alright?” You tentatively asked him. You didn’t know what his life was like before you came in. He wasn’t willing to share many details about his past, but from the small pieces of information, you concluded he was living a very sad, lonely life. That sometimes resulted in evenings spent drinking away his sorrows.
He shooed your hands away. “Nothing is wrong. I’m a vampire, so I am particularly able to hic keep my countenance in place.”
At that time you were fully grinning at his efforts to remain decent in his drunken stupor. Of course. You thought to yourself while you watched him fix his collar as if to add modesty to the already gaping hole in his shirt. There, you could see the pink sliver of scar that ran across his entire torso, marring the otherwise flawless pale skin. What sort of fierce battle the powerful dhampir face to mark him in such way. Every time you caught sight of that scar, your heart clenched painfully at the thought of Adrian in pain. He snapped you out of your thoughts with his drunken ramblings.
hic “You astound me, did you know that?” He said out of the blue and you were staring at him in surprise. He continued, “You are hic …most incredible person I’ve ever met in my life.” He looked you in the face a desperate look in his eyes as if he needed you to understand his statement more than he needed his next breath. “I mean that I mean it,” he softly whispered. “You are unlike anyone that I’ve ever met in my life, he put his hand on your cheek, studying your features.
“I…expose myself… to you.” You looked at his opened shirt in panic. The last thing you need is to have the dhampir deep in his cups to start undressing in front of you.
Adrian noticed your frightened expression and realized he was misunderstood. With laughter, he added, “no, not like that. I mean emotionally,” he grabbed one of your hands and placed it on his chest, right above his heart. It seems alcohol also made him sentimental. “I bare my soul and you don’t run away. I‘m a vampire lord’s son, THE vampire lord’s son…and you’re not afraid of me…and we can go on walks…and talk…and…and…I’ve just never met anyone like you…” his words dissipated into silence.
Oh, Adrian.
All this time you had no idea he harbored such thoughts in his mind. You had a feeling he was being courteous to you by letting you stay in his castle, but not overly caring for your presence. If you knew what these brief encounters you two shared meant to him…
“I’m rambling a little bit,” Adrian bowed his head in shame and dropped his hand from your cheek to cover his face with it.
“I’m ashamed that you’re seeing me…like this,” he gestured to his disheveled appearance.
You patted his arm with placating smile, “It’s alright Adrian, sometimes we all have our bad days.” Then, you draped one of his arms over your shoulders and took hold of his waist.
Some light stumbling, a few knocked candelabras, and plenty of hauling on your part later, you made it to his bed-chamber. Where was the floating when you need one? You let out a huff as you threw Adrian’s limp body on the bed and almost fell on top of him in the process. The close physical proximity the two of you shared when walking into his room was already enough to paint your cheeks a rosy hue. You threw a blanket over him and prepared to leave when you felt a hand grabbing your wrist. The dhampir was looking soberer now. Still holding your arm, he brought you closer to bed.
He propped himself on his elbows and looked into your eyes with more clarity than before, “I likely won’t remember any of this in the morning…but…,” he paused for a moment as if gathering the courage to finish the sentence.
“I…can I…kiss you? Just one time…”
You were taken aback by his words once more. He practically confessed to you earlier, and the thought of touching those soft, plush lips sounded tempting. You didn’t realize that you’d been inching closer to his face until you felt his wine-laced breath on your lips and by then, you were too lost in his eyes to pull away.
He tasted like the sweetest of vines. Soft and supple, his mouth danced hesitantly over yours. You were sure that no vinery in the world has vine more rare and luxurious than the one you’re tasting on his tongue. You pulled away and whispered to him “goodnight Adrian.”
He mumbled goodnight to you as well and fell asleep mid-sentence.
You chuckled to yourself, caressing his cheek. *Creatures of the night, what symphony they make…*you pondered as you listened to his soft snores.
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morningstargirl666 · 6 months
what are your top ten favorite klaroline fics?
Ooooo let me think... in no particular order:
The Lost Prince & The Eternal Queen by @3tinkgemini /3tingemini
Oh this is a beloved favourite. Caroline's a werewolf alpha and Klaus, fresh from breaking his curse, searches her pack out to turn them into hybrids. Instead of forces them to turn, Caroline makes a deal with him, teaching him what it means to be who they are, offering him a place in her pack and if by a certain amount of time her pack want to become hybrids, he may turn as many as he wishes. It's got some great lore and delves nicely into Klaus' werewolf side. I adore it.
The Stubborn Grace of Being Loved Regardless by @helpless-in-sleep / perfectpro
Also an all-time favourite, this fic is beautiful. Caroline isn't turned into a vampire and when Klaus rolls into town, she's still human. That doesn't deter his affections. AND DID I MENTION YOU GET TO SEE HIM IN WOLF FORM? NO? WELL YOU DO AND I AM STILL NOT OVER IT 😭😭😭
Wisteria by @little-miss-sunny-daisy / sunnydaisy
Caroline meets Klaus before he comes to Mystic Falls, without realising he is in fact, The Klaus, The Original Hybrid. A beautiful love story unfolds that leaves you all soft and gooey inside.
The Howling by @bellemorte180 / BelleMorte180
I LOVE the idea of this two-shot. It's a werewolf mate au - wherein both Klaus and Caroline are werewolves. There's also ✨Damon murder✨ Need I say more?
From The Eastern Mountains by @cupcakemolotov / Cupcakemolotov
Read this not too long ago actually and kicked myself for not finding it sooner. In between grieving her mother, travelling and finding her own place in the world, Caroline keeps bumping into Klaus. The scene at the market haS changed me on a fundamental level, i even don't know why that scene's the most vivid for me but it is. There's just something so mundane about it. AND HELL YES WE GET KLAUS IN WOLF FORM!!! Go forth and read.
Their Nightly Ritual by bellamywinchester
A fic from my ffnet days, this has got to be a contender for my favourite kc fic of all time. Again, there's just something so mundane about it, even with all the supernatural shenanigans - I guess I have a type? I NEED THE DOMESTICITY OKAY? Caroline and Klaus exchange phone calls while she's in college, diverging from season 5 canon.
Blood and A Quick Murder (and isn't that how it always is?) by @ks-caster / KS_Caster
A beautiful character study on how Caroline will always come first in Klaus' books. It explores a really unique idea I've never seen before, and if you like this one-shot you should definitely check out ks-caster's Red Queen series too, which diverges from canon at season 4.
Till I Tasted You by @kirythestitchwitch / KiryTheStitchWitch
GOD this fic is a favourite because never have I ever been ruined so severely by one line of dialogue: “As if I could be jealous of a boy who has no concept of what it is like to touch the sun and then spend a millennium looking for daylight in every strangers’ face.” YOU SEE??? HOW WILL I FIND LOVE NOW THIS IS MY STANDARD???
[muffled screaming]
Wicked Schemes by willowaus
This one is probably on every klaroline rec list, but eh, I don't care. It's a good classic. I love that its set in New Orleans and Caroline gets her own powers. It also has Klaus in wolf form and any fic that has that instantly earns my seal of approval, as you should know by now.
the fate makes for a lousy poet by @stars-and-darkness / for_darkness_shows_the_stars
I binged this in a morning and after I finished it I was left shell shocked, in that high state after a fic has completely changed you on a spiritual level where you don't know how to move on with your life. I just remember lying atop my bed and staring at the ceiling like??? What do I do now??? What was I doing before I read this??? Fuck if I know. It's an amazing fic, canon divergent from season 3, a tattoo soulmate au with brilliant appearances from Kol, Elijah and Rebekah as well. And hey, in my shell shock after reading it I left an essay-length comment on the fic and now I'm best mates with the author. Our tastes literally align so perfectly it's like we share the same brain cell, so I could probably make a top ten klaroline fic list out of Ella's fics alone - every fic of hers takes all my hopes and dreams and weaves them into art. So check her stuff out, and not just the popular ones either (she's also got an amnesia au in the works which has me FERAL so come help me pester her to finish it)
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idkwhatthisisfuck · 1 year
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gif cd: nicostiel
cw: f. reader, angry sex, rough sex, sir kink, degradation, spitting, creampie, mdni
note: english is not my first language
“Did I or did I not tell you to not call him? Answer me, you fucking whore. You’ve got so much to say before,” Aki snarls into your ear, teeth pulling the lobe roughly and sucking on it.
“Y-you did, sir,” you whimper, grabbing his collar in fear of what he’ll do to you. Aki swats your hand away, “You think you have the right to touch me after what you did?” He grabs your chin and makes you face him.
“Look me in the eyes and fucking answer my question.”
You try your best to swallow your sobs. Gulping thickly, you croak out, “No, Aki.”
Aki growls out loud and pulls a handful of hair to tilt your head back and spits on your face.
“Aki? Am I your fucking friend?”
At that, he starts tearing all your clothes. In no time his erection springs out from his tight boxers and shoves it right into your gaping mouth. Not only tears but also your pussy fluids are streaming down out onto the rug. Normally, Aki is gentle and passionate when it comes to sex but at times like this he acts out of character and you find yourself enjoying the way he takes control of everything.
His thick sloppy cock smoothly sliding in and out of your warm mouth. Aki groans and hangs his head back when he sees the way tears are gathering at the ends of your eyes.
You lost track of time, and how many times he’s come with the way he is flipping, tossing and turning your body the way he likes, taking you in every way he likes and you deserve to get fucked.
Aki pounds his stiff cock into your silky tight tunnel with so much that your head bumps against the headboard. When he decides it’s not enough, he leans up a bit and grabs a hold of the headboard, placing a pillow under your bum for him to angle his dick better. The new position allows him to directly smash his swollen tip against your opening and he gladly takes advantage of it.
He takes in your pleasure-contorted features and flutters his eyes close— engraving every expression, sound and touch in his brain. There is a sheen of sweat across his toned chest, lying there like another skin. You are writhing, mewling, whimpering and grabbing onto whatever you can reach because the feelings are too much for you to handle.
“Baby, baby, baby… I’m coming,” he announces. He pumps his cock three more times in your cunt until he’s thoroughly milked out.
“Oh… fuck, look at that. You sucked me in so well.”
You shudder at how sensitive you are when Aki’s naughty fingers brush over your puffy folds stuffing his gooey cum back in. Like a dog having marked its territory, Aki’s lips pull at a corner. Lowly whistling under his breath, eyes never leaving your creamed pussy, “You look fucking pretty like this, Princess. Wanna give me another round?”
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