#i know people can and should be critical of some things they do
mortalityplays · 1 day
incendiary take time. I think part of the reason some people are gunning so hard for platforms to outright ban AI art/writing is that they've cultivated communities of taste that eschew critical evaluation and hold all ('human-made') creative works to be innately worthy and valuable by merit of being made by a very special little guy. when you're not allowed to say 'this isn't very good' or 'this doesn't mean anything' because that's mean / the artist didn't ask / taste is subjective / the divine comedy is basically fanfiction, you sacrifice the most basic reason AI art sucks (that it...sucks) and HAVE to resort to gerrymandering the definition of art to eliminate it from the pool of inherently unique and laudable creative expression.
when you can't say 'this chatGPT dreck is complete shit', either because there's no air in the room for calling anything shit or because you've spent so long playing nursery school compliment games with your fellow artists that you don't have the vocabulary or insight to identify 1. that it's shit 2. why it's shit, all you can do is demand that nobody ever shows it to you. because if they do you might be tricked, and if you're tricked you might embarrass yourself by liking something profane. and if you like something the machine made...well, then human art isn't innately special and divine at all, is it bud? maybe the thing that makes it good is a level of craft, thought, insight and articulation that we should all be conversant in.
but that means we all have to accept that not everything we make is perfect. that means we have to take criticism on the chin. yucky. let's police the purity of people's workflows instead. everyone knows only moral upright artists make good art.
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bunnygirllover45 · 2 days
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Long ass rant under the cut I apologize in advance.
I don't get why people interact with media they don't like, it's not only bad for your own mental health, people should let other people mind their business if they're not actively hurting nobody or spreading some hateful ideologies, I don't know if this is a hot take or not, but I think if you find any content you don't like in any social media, isn't better to just block people instead of leaving stupid comments that annoy the creator? Why is it my responsibility to block you when you can do it yourself?
I don't really like talking about these topics, but I always took the approach of just blocking people who send hate instead of replying to them with an equally bitter response, I don't want to lower myself to their level, I'm not here to interact with person or media I don't like, I come here to share what I enjoy. If I see someone I don't like in real life I don't go to them and attack them, I just simply ignore them, why shouldn't I do the same to people on the internet?
It's a little tricky to speak about these things because I don't upload the most morally correct content and my art is focused on dark yandere content, I'm aware that people will criticize that. I'll still approach the hate the same way I always do, because I think is the healthiest thing for both people, both me and the other end, I don't attack them back, and they don't see my content ever again.
Hopefully, this isn't too controversial, I don't want this to become a rant or anything, I just wanted to share my thoughts because I've been getting some nasty comments/asks lately, probably because my audience is growing and people from outside my usual followers are finding my content, or who knows. If anyone would like to share an opinion on this matter feel free to do so.
Is it okay to flag posts that romanticize bad stuff or push dangerous ideas to other people? yes, of course, you should totally do that, but I'm not here to spread any of that with my art, I just draw what I enjoy in fiction, I'm an adult trying to be responsible with the audience I have.
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bg-brainrot · 3 months
what are your thoughts on Larian walking away from BG3/BG4/DLCs?
What a great question!!
So, first to acknowledge my own feelings as a gamer, as a fan of BG3, of the franchise, and, of course, of Astarion : I'm naturally a bit bummed. I would love to play more, read more, watch something, anything really.
Added to that, I also don't trust an outside team to come in to pick up the vision of the original team. I've seen it happen with other games, where the base game was one studio and the DLC was outsourced or they onboarded a new studio to take on it on as the main development team moved on to the next big project. It rarely, if ever, has worked out well.
My hope on the Hasbro/WotC side is that they leave BG3 alone to live on as a behemoth in the history of gaming... however, knowing how game publishers are, how much money BG3 made, the player interest in more content, etc -- there is no way that Hasbro is leaving money like that to the wayside.
Best case scenario I see on this side: they make auxiliary content, like books, toys, comics.
Worst case scenario: they outsource a new game team for DLC.
As for BG4, I honestly didn't expect that to be Larian's next project anyway (I was expecting Divinity 3, so feeling a different disappointment there haha). That being said, I don't think WotC or Hasbro know (and I mean this at the executive level of course) why BG3 did well. There are honestly a ton of factors on why BG3 did well, but that's for another post lol, but I don't think they could replicate that for BG4 with another studio. Doesn't mean I don't think it will be good-- it might be! It will just be very different.
Best case scenario here: they have a good studio make BG4 and it's still good, but it's different.
Worse case scenario here: they try to have a studio replicate what Larian did instead of tapping into their talents, and end up with a buggy, unfun mess. Also they bring back characters just to try to get people to buy it. 🥲
Now, as a game dev, what do I think of Larian's choice in all of this?
I LOVE IT. Wow, Swen Vincke is doing what every single developer wishes they could do if they actually had the power, money, and the influence to do it.
I have wished in the past for my studios to abandon projects, but sometimes it really was necessary to try to keep the studio afloat. As much as you want to work on a passion project, very rarely is it actually something that will keep the lights on. Oftentimes you will have to make that deal with Hasbro for a license or that deal with Epic for exclusivity just to recoup costs. Making games is expensive and, if you want to make anything at the scale that BG3 is, you usually need a lot of partnerships (a lot of their GDC talks were part of partnerships, like Dolby, Amazon, Adobe).
So the fact that they had such a success with BG3 to actually, comfortably follow their creative passions? Wow, wow, wow-- I am rooting for them so hard. I want them to make exactly the game they want and take all the time they need to do it.
Now, even knowing that Hasbro had something to do with this, was what he said about the developers not feeling passionate about the DLC true? Yeah, probably.
I've never seen something kill creative passion more (even if it's for a franchise you like or a game you've loved working on) than a directive from the top for something that's clearly just meant to make people above you more money. And with each partnership comes approvals, comes red tape, comes stakeholders that want to dictate what's in the game (oftentimes to the detriment of the game)-- and the game team can't even object because it's not their license or their brand.
The fact that Larian can say, 'screw that, I don't need more money from you' is truly such an anomaly in gaming. I am so very in awe of them as a developer-- it feels like someone breaking free of the system and paving the way forward for the rest of us. So whatever they do next, I will be there to support them.
BG3 is their most successful game so far, and I'm hopeful they will continue to push those boundaries. They've proven with each release that the core of their studio remains the same: immersive/massive RPG experiences, community-feedback focused improvements, and a well-balanced studio.
The tldr for all of this: I've loved Larian's choices so far and, while I'm bummed as a player, as a game dev I can't wait to see where this one takes them!
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crownedwille · 3 months
I've come to the conclusion that loving young royals doesn't mean I can't be critical about it, maybe especially bc I love the show so much I have such strong feelings about it, good and bad and I can love parts of canon and agree with it and appreciate it but I don't have to love it all. I have accepted that it's okay if I don't accept the ending and I don't have to force myself to support it. It's okay to not agree with all of canon and it's okay to not side with all of the creators' intentions/views. Loving a show doesn't mean you have to take everything the writers say on face value and that's the only version that is allowed to exist. Canon isn't everything and fandom is about curating your own experience that makes you happy and not miserable. You don't have to dismiss canon in every aspect and ignore it entirely, that's certainly not what I want but there is a fine line between being canon respectful, allowing some parts to exist and sometimes, yes, you just have to say "fuck canon" and move on for your own sanity and wellbeing
#especically in the first two weeks of a new release everyone is feelings lots of intense emotions ranging from ecstatic to angry#everything in between is a part of it and i know i'm also feeling very strongly about it right now#i always try to stay levelheaded and rational and see things from an objective pov and be diplomatic about discourse#i don't want any of what i say drift off too much into meaningless hate instead of the constructive criticism it's supposed to be#but when you feel so strongly about something and sometimes you really just wanna say yeah i fucking hate it lol#but i always try to explain why and give understandable arguments and not just blindly hate on something#for example - I'm aware there are fans who have some problems with s2 and don't love the season whereas i do and it's my fave#and there is a difference between expressing some criticism and justified concerns which you can understand where it comes from#and those who are just like 'oh it's a horrible season. it was so shitty and we should get rid of it' which is dumb hate and just not true#and i can't support people like that and take them seriously#i can have my own issues with s3 from a subjective pov which can also include some justified criticism as well#but also still acknowledge it as a truly good piece of tv media and the quality is top notch#and that's why you have such high expectations and have critique because it is so good and sets such a high standard#yrtalk#with that being said i understand ppl not wanting to see any critic about it if they are riding the high of happy wilmon endgame#but that doesn't mean that i can't express my own opinions on my own blog and i will continue to do so#and maybe one day i will feel differently and accept or even like the ending who knows#but it doesn't have to happen. it's fine if it does but it's also fine if it doesn't
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bluastro-yellow · 8 months
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get it Kim has a lot to unpack do you get it
it's imperfect I'll never polish it just take it as it is
#I don't know how the hell to draw kim#PLEASE gib me feedback#pretend the dialogue is better this is all I can do lol. but you get the gist of it#aaa give me constructive criticism. the other post about kim secretly being a loser made me think about what his apartment would look like#and this popped in my head I had to draw it#is this in character?#there's no eyebrow battle because in my head this happens some time in the future where kim opens up a little more easily#at this point he trust him with his secrets more (but not completely. harry's not touching the blue box today)#but it's a mixture of ''maybe if I tell x he will stop asking for more'' and real trust#but like do you see that happen#it's a secret because he doesn't want other people to learn that insisting can work#like I said in the tags of the other post I think he never lets anyone in to the point of avoiding calling the plumber even if the sink#has been broken for months#addition: fuck I should have putted more machines in there. I couldn't think of anything else other than radio controlled airplane#and a sewing machine. he must have more stuff like the camera.#he'd have some dangerous thing to warm the room#and nerd stuff. I'm not sure if he'd display it or keep it boxed somewhere#disco elysium#that's a convertible couch-bed if you can't tell. half covered with the Pile#pointless microblogging#it's so hard to draw them right they look different in every official thing#believe me I have tried#idk how to put more of the skills here :/#I have achieved peak kimharry brainrot I can't go back
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awkward-teabag · 4 months
After every (American) election, there's always a bunch of posts going around exposing psyops or pointing out how there were posts on this site designed to get people to not vote blue.
And in the lead up to every (American) election, there's a bunch of posts being reblogged that are clearly either psyops or manipulative posts that tell people it's perfectly okay for them not to vote at all.
Like, there's history going back years on this hellsite where the alt-right intentionally tried to undermine or indoctrinate people so they get/stay in power. History a lot of y'all know of or were even there for and saw go down in real time.
But sure, be uncritical of what you reblog, don't bother looking at the source website, or just put things out there without caveats or nuance.
#i know media literacy is trash these days#and that there's intentional misinformation/no information about elections#but i've seen people who have reblogged things about psyops in the past who both reblog and support current ones#but unlike other social media sites you can reblog a post but then stick nuance in the tags#you can be critical of something while also gritting your teeth and supporting it because the alternative is worse#you can (and should) also be critical of the systems that lead to that in the first place#throwing your hands up and saying there's no point and you aren't going to bother#and it's fine if others do the same#is just giving up and saying it's too hard for you and you don't care about the harm that comes to others#the canadian system is different (though first past the post tries to make it the same)#but you can bet i'd vote for trudeau even though fuck him and his racist ass#if the alternative was pp because while trudeau sucks for many reasons#pp is fucking terrifying to me as a disabled queer person#and i'm lucky in that i'm white and canadian and can pass as cishet so i'd be spared the worst of it#others would not be so lucky#especially when his fans are eager to hate crime people and only hold themselves back because they would face social consequences#also learn what is private criticism you keep to yourself or talk to friends about#and what is okay to talk about publicly#some things you don't fucking say when it will be taken as permission for antipathy or approval by fascists
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scientologyblows · 11 months
okay but lets be very serious here right now, when they release a statement what exactly is that gonna change? don admitted to him and lex having intercourse (which shows that he coerced her) and matt and ryans texts show that the situation was handled VERY poorly. an apology isnt enough for the trauma they both have caused
#cuz you know its bad when even the subreddit is on their ass they’re usually dickriding m and r anytime someone makes valid criticism#theyve been let off the hook too many times a line needs to be drawn and this needs to be it#im sorry but sa is not something you can simply look past especially when they have a history of brushing serious shit off#what is there to even hold onto for them its not like theyre dropping bangers like they used to#theyre in drama every other month i know thats the appeal to some of yall but when things get this serious it shouldnt be hard to drop them#especially when they have piles of evidence lined up against them showing that they only really care about their channel and their image lol#yes im still talking shit because im very disappointed#also saying quote unquote check up on the big fan accs theyre going through it is very weird lol. we should be checking up on the victims#anyways the bad publicity will probably make them lose sponsorships and yall know the podcast was one of the only things holding them-#together financially LOL#worst part is matt and ryan have people relying on them to get paid.. their company is about to go to shit all bc they have no backbone#jacksons comeback post is gonna be a pic of matt watson flipping burgers at chickfila in a year or 2#yeah yeah this is my last post about it for now until one of them says something i just needed to get these thoughts out there#rest in piss supermega your actions actually do have consequences and its clear theyre not used to being put on the spot like this#theyre used to people letting everything slide i know theyre all screaming and crying right now 😂
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divinesouldariax · 2 years
it doesnt have to hurt more to be love!
it doesnt have to hurt more to be love.
there’s been a lot of very good meta about ashton, taking hits, carrying his friends, carrying heavy things for their friends, doing things that hurt, that make it hurt worse, to protect his friends from pain. because he knows how to carry pain. because they’re used to it. because they know he can keep going. because, because, because it’s what he knows, it’s all he knows.
and it’s true. ashton loves them. ashton is willing to hurt more for them, and it’s because they love their friends.
but, but, but. he shouldnt have to. people with chronic pain shouldnt have to do things that make the pain worse. we might choose to, and that is definitely an act of love, but feeling like they dont have a choice, that taking on more pain, silently, suffering without ever asking for help or saying no, i can’t do that, it hurts too much...
because, listen. for most people, chronic pain is limiting. it says no, we’re not climbing those stairs today. no, we can’t lean down and pick something up off the floor. no, we’re staying in bed with a heating pad and telling our friends sorry, i can’t make it today after all. i know you were looking forward to hanging out, but i can’t do it. maybe there’s some people with chronic pain that never have days bad enough that it limits them, but i’ve never met one.
so when i see ashton, whose friends didn’t figure out that he has chronic pain until they literally felt it in his mind, keep their pain under wraps for over a month, never saying no to carrying something (a heavy statue, fcg up a ladder, orym after he fell, laudna’s dead body for miles), swinging his hammer to defend and protect, literally picking losing battles to see if anybody is watching...to me, that doesn’t read as “look at this strong, empowered person with chronic pain who never lets it limit them”.
to me, that says “this is a person who thinks that love cannot exist without a worsening of pain, who won’t let themself pause or say no or even tell anybody that it hurts because he is deeply, deeply afraid that refusing pain is the same thing as denying his friends love”.
and that’s fucking devastating.
it doesnt have to hurt more to be love.
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cherrysnax · 11 months
when I was a kid I was rlly upset that art teachers didn’t like anime-inspired art, and then I realized it wasn’t the anime aspect. jumping into highly stylized art without knowing the fundamentals AND with a refusal to learn them is a bad combo
#I’m noticing now that a lot of artists don’t do professional critiques anymore#I think it’s a reaction to how people treat beginner artists#and a lot of ppl don’t know that u can draw for like a decade and still be a beginner artist#ppl are cruel#those cringe videos where ppl just took ppls ocs and harrassed n bullied them were so fucked up#that doesn’t mean that artist should be untouchable#I remember the great Miguel gender end debate#where they took miggy from being a tall brown man with heavy wrinkles full lips a defined nose and head shape#and made him a lightly tanned skinny white girl#most genderbends are boring to me for that reason#ppl got mad#some more than others and a bunch of professional artists defended the ppl who did all the whitewashing n shit#but nary a word when artist of colour BLACKz IM TALKING ABT BLACK ARTISTS#get harrassed en masse. or ppl watching spiderverse tryna draw POC for the first time#and uh. drawing them badly. and it’s one thing if it’s a beginner or a kid and a few features are wrong#proportions are hard. that’s not the problem. there’s a difference between a mistake and a choice#someone being able to draw amazing pieces but choosing to white wash choosing to make fat characters thin#we know the difference. or god when nb artists tried tell black ppl how our skin works#but yeah. I think ppl are rightly sensitive to criticism because of the internet I think we’re just swinging in the wrong direction of#NO CRITIQUE EVER. Speaking of I wanna find that blog that does red-lining submissions
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
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altschmerzes · 1 year
always good to remind oneself that it is always an option to simply block and ignore people who are being Weird To You on your posts. it is never necessary to engage. If It Sucks Hit Da Bricks.
#gav gab#sometimes people will invest their entire personality in being pr/osh/ip or whatever#and then they will take any post they can get their hands on and use it to be like#OH SO YOU HATE PEOPLE WHO WRITE FICTION? YOU HATE QUEER PEOPLE?#YOU DONT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REAL AND FAKE?#YOU THINK THE HUNGER GAMES MAKES SUZANNE COLLINS A CHILD KILLER?#YOU THINK PEOPLE WHO WRITE TEEN CHARACTERS IN RELATIONSHIPS SHOULD DIE?#and you just gotta look at those people and go#wow! okay! you seem normal! and then you move on#i simply dont have time for people who are gonna leap on any opportunity they can to try and trap me into an argument#about whether or not it is weird for people to be writing hardcore smut about characters who are in middle school#Do Not Start Shit With Me Over This Post#neither pr/osh/ip nor an/ti/sh/ip but a secret third thing#(a person capable of holding nuanced and situation-based opinions who writes a lot of quote unquote 'dark shit')#(but who also thinks that 'chill bro it's fiction you're the purity police youre the fan caps youre a puritan catholic whatever')#(is not a free pass to do whatever you want forever without criticism)#(no people who write a fic that happens to include rape or torture or suicide or whatever aren't monsters or whatever)#(yes people who write uhhhh rpf rape smut about teenage actors or whatever are engaging in seriously fucked up shit they shouldn't be doing)#(NUANCE. CRITICAL THINKING. NOT PRETENDING YOU DONT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOSE THINGS. IMAGINE IT!)#like yeah searching out a one sentence personal post i made two months ago to reblog it and accuse me of being some kinda puritan#because it had some vague language (about something not actually related to fic at all - it was abt tagging unreality) that you interpreted#as me expressing distaste for whatever gross shit you take offense at having referred to as 'gross shit'#that's totally normal and chill and non-harassing behaviour#unlike the people you're screaming about in every other post at the speed of light#good job you won being the rational adult here lmfao
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phantasieandmirare · 2 years
Actively making that sound that Travis makes when he’s excited over the last episode
#critical role#cr spoilers#I totally get that some people are freaking out but like#I’m not even concerned about this#Matt has a plan y’all I don’t think this was accidental#I also don’t think it was intended don’t you dare misinterpret my words#let me repeat that I’M NOT SAYING MATT WENT IN PLANNING ON PEOPLE DYING#y’all Matt’s talked about this kind of stuff in the old gm tips videos HE HAS A PLAN FOR THIS#this doesn’t feel even /remotely/ like Molly’s death#which as we all know was accidental and they had no ‘out’ planned for that#I think matt has a way out planned for them this is him seguing into the big arc this isn’t the end this is just the beginning#I can only see one of those things actually sticking#sorry to make another wot reference but this is /literally/ the scene with nynaeve in episode 4 you can’t convince me otherwise#all that I’m saying is that I don’t think we should call this resolved until it’s like ACTUALLY resolved#the episode ended on a super ominous cliffhanger that could have long reaching effects I don’t think we should call this#until the story fully and actually calls this#this is also me personally doubting that Matt would make THREE people at his table roll new characters#especially when he’s spent the last handful of episodes also building their stories#I don’t think he’d throw out that work#could he? YEAH. it’s his table it’s their table they can do what they think is best#but we don’t KNOW what happens next till it actually happens#look we should just wait and see what happens next week because WE DON’T KNOW
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rogue one posting like attention everyone who didn't like all the characters or get why they did things: i Am better than you
#did not follow General Posting then or now. even if i did it would not be The Full Picture anyways#like sure seems overall rogue one is liked as it should be. saying starwars fans were tepid / mixed reactions abt it may also not be apt#like uhh maybe starwars fans in their twenties/thirties? and even then lol this is a lot of people#but the fact that there's Enough of w/e pattern of ''how can we like these characters though'' or ''how can i understand jyn''#like the answer is just Get Good....does one need to imagine someone is glup shitto's great uncle to accept character introductions or.#as discussed don't even know what the problems are w/jyn but i'll stan to pick up the slack. it's not hard#the least glimpses like what do you Mean it's unfathomable motivations why cassian didn't noscope dads mikkelspace...ffs#head in hands i have to do every last thing myself. it's not difficult!! what anyone's even talking about....#a helpful hint is one might just have to go along for some time without assuming you have all the info you need about a person#or certainly be ready to adjust it like ''oh but this seems contrary to other previous things'' like a) reconcile it & b) is it really?????#It's The Self Assurance lmfao like. Eye don't get to be hype abt a protagonist or always understand the motivations for things?#that's a tuesday. i Realize i may be missing things or w/e. but it's like regularass media criticism like the protagonist confused me#or when someone did something surprising i went ''i should not be surprised by anything'' sooo could've been better#YOU could've been better. *I* understand.#rogue one#and i mean i'm in alignment w/the evident consenses out here like overall [rogue one v good] is agreed [andor is like omg] is agreed#so i can like; know peace. & idc anyways lmfao it Could be my personal opinion#but in the cagematch smackdown of media analysis i will defeat the weak overconfident ''lol why'd anyone do any of that'' Pathetic.#suplexing or whatever like You're Nothing
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saturnsuv · 2 years
hate philosophy profs <3
#socrates dick is literally so far down your throat that you can’t take any criticism of him#like maybe YOU should get some critical thinking skills before you start commenting on my paper and proving that you’ve missed my entire#point#like no i didnt say he deserved to die simply bc he was being a dick#in fact if you read it at all my thesis said the exact opposite <3#i think socrates was a dick but that doesnt mean he should’ve been sentenced to death#HOWEVER. his absolute horribly arrogant speech after he was found guilty literally assured he was going to have some penalty#like that was my point. i didnt say he deserved punishment bc he sucked i said he created it for himself by pressing the buttons of the#people literally passing judgement on him#AND THEN. on the second part. i am going to beat my prof over the head about the second part of the test#YES aquinas said things like grandparents cease to exist NO that doesnt negate my point that all objects cannot stop existing#do you think your grandparents arent made of matter? do you think their matter just disappeared when they died? NO#the matter never stops existing so the fundamental units of objects can never Not exist. so there is never Nothing there is ALWAYS matter#somewhere in something#AND I DONT CARE if paul fucking edwards would disagree that theres an origin point to the universe i didnt say there was philosophically#i said there was scientifically which is better than philosophically#i am going to beat him over the head with this stupid fucking philosophy textbook like who cares about this shit. who fucking cares#i think i should be able to respond to professor’s criticism on my tests i think i should get to tell them why they’re wrong#yes i know none of this makes any sense to anyone but me#also philosophy enthusiasts dni#sam speaks
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captain-lonagan · 2 years
#ive made the mistake of thinking about the public reaction to buildmart once again#and the amount of bullshit noxcrew and scott go through for the fuckin existence of that game#like yeah there will always be people who dont enjoy it. there is no thing on this earth that everyone loves#but the environment around that game would get a Lot less toxic if Some Streamers would stop shouting to the heavens#and to their thousands of viewers about how its a garbage game and should be removed.#when you have that many viewers your own behavior does set a precedent for what is and isnt okay in the fandom.#its why saying 'i dont condone harassing' is useless if you single out antis and put them in a thousand-person spotlight#and i can think of two times off the top of my head that Certain Streamers have gotten their coworkers sent death threats#because of calling them cheaters or whatever while live#'you cant blame them for the fanbase' but i can blame them for encouraging that behavior with their actions#there will always be toxic people in fandoms and there is almost always some low level toxicity spread throughout#but there are ways as a cc you can mitigate that toxicity Or make it worse based on your own conduct#and Some Streamers consistently choose to make things worse#and they're either too incompetent to realize it or they know damn well they're doing it and just don't care (but will never admit it)#critical#cc critical#negative#discourse#and its wild because they do That as professionals but they're all lovely people off camera so its like.#youre clearly not a total piece of shit or everyone in the servers youre in would hate your guts#in their personal lives and to their Friends theyre lovely but as adult professionals with large audiences jesus christ#and because people in the audience know theyre cool theyre more likely to vouch for and defend their Not Good behavior and its uuuuugh
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dyketubbo · 2 years
went through a shallow lil rabbit hole for that whole ender language thing and wow. new small community with apparently a history of full on discourse?? to study under a microscope
#all respect to people who have the patience to make up a fictional language and even come up with a linguistics system for it#+ a way to say it all phonetically#but wow it is a little baffling to see how many people seem to treat it as like.. a legit language with a basis outside a small circle kxne#if that makes sense#its cool to have fun engaging in a community like that!#but i guess to me its like. its from a lingojam people..#its cool to want to learn the specific linguistics of that one version of ender language#because i can imagine its easier than doing it all yourself#but it is like. the creator seems to have some sort of complex about believing others Should use it too#and its just like#i feel like.. it should be something just for people who feel like learning that?#and rather than crowding projects unrelated to ranboo about it you should just use it for your own fanwork and leave it at that yknow#im definitely just rambling about something thats not serious#do nottttt take this as me criticizing people having fun with a fictional language#it looks very fun. but its a Lot#to like.. start complaining about 'ender antis' and shit kcnsk#and also i guess while i know what the creator meant seeing them say 'im the creator of the ender language' is like#no.. you made a Version of it. the letters are just from a lingojam and they match up with the english language#ranboo likely used it because it looks cool and endermen just speak reverse english anyways#have fun just like. always keep in mind youre just doing a fun fandom thing. its pretty much just the fandom version#of doing a secret language with your friend#cool project to point at and be like hey if you think linguistics is cool look at this! but its silly to like#advertise it as something Official i guess kcsnk (even if they technically arent calling it official. just the vibes of the behavior)#SORRY TO THE PERSON JUST LIKE. having fun making ender names for oranboo in my tags power to you bud#i just talk a lot abt random things i find#also i was :( that it seems like the slides for the language are something you need like.. access to.. why isnt it just public..#i dont want to join a discord server full of strangers i just wanna have a quick look at the language and go#mask mews
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