#i know the guy saying this is like. Somewhat evil. But i have a feeling it is just simply what robert jordan believes in his heart.
mummer · 8 months
lasted like 100 pages into wot book 5 until i was immediately hit with the most egregious gender essentialism ive ever seen in my life and had to put it down and be angry. Just another day in the robert jordan coal mines
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i hate your shit ass worldbuilding bro 👎👎👎👎👎👎 You’re bad at this
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pissmoon · 2 years
The way i have men coworkers lecturing me about how 'women just say they were raped and u get fired n go to jail that's how it works' and how victims are supposed to act like n if ur acting angry or smile ever Ur lying?? as a survivor thx to entire j*hnny d*pp meme bs. I told this gamer redditor vibes idiot its more likely ull end up in jail for killing ur abuser/rapist than for being a rapist n he said 'but well murder is a serious crime'. Oh wow so rape and domestic abuse is not?
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Dude, imagine something like: TADC x Mime! Reader. Reader usually stays quiet most of the time, but sometimes they suddenly talk startling everyone around them. At the same time, they are like, very expressive, using exaggerated gestures and facial expressions, and usually communicates solely through their miming skills. And if you wanna go extra crazy THEY COULD ALSO HAVE SOMETHING LIKE MR. MIME FROM POKEMON, where they like, do a mimic of a wall, and then a invisible wall appears out of nowhere or something like that
I hope you understood what i meant, sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language 💖💖
TADC cast x mime!reader !
eueueu i totally understand what youre saying and i love the idea sm!! i love it when mime characters have mime physics, or when clown characters have clown physics!! love it so so so much!! sorry if this is a little short, ive been writing personal stuff all day and the back aches are starting to creep back in already </3
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his jaw drops the first time you speak, he genuinely thought you were totally incapable of speech thanks to your whole theme going on... i think he would love your little mime tricks with the invisible walls and barriers and... did you just no clip through the floor while pretending to walk down some stairs...? where did you go?? where? was there another no clip glitch issue thing going on? he thought he fixed that...!
ah, a jester and her mime.... not the weirdest pairing... though granted pomni doesnt commit to the bit of being a jester and doesnt do tricks or jokes.. while you do commit... i think she would grow frustrated if you put a barrier up and made her slow down... calm down.. chill.. sure you understand the whole "finding the exit" thing going on with her, but rushing things probably wont help.... to time out she goes... probably gives you a side eye if she sees you just randomly walking on some invisible platform to just. leave in the middle of an IHA
tries to coax you into using your powers for evil... i have a feeling jax doesnt like people who arent talkers... like being incapable of speak is one thing, i think at most is that he would make decisions for you (ie wrap an arm around your shoulder and be like "oh well me and (reader) were just thinking about......." yk? like in a joking way) but i dont think he likes quiet people... tries to coax you into speaking more... imagine you never spoke before in front of anyone and you finally reveal that you can talk, to jax, and he tries to tell everyone but no one believes him. psychological torment 101
i like to think she plays along with your mime antics, pretending to also be putting up invisible props and such... though her actions and movements are noticeably more sloppy and not as... fluid...? afterall, ragatha hasnt spent time practicing to be anywhere near your level! is a little surprised when she finds out your stuff is at least somewhat tangible within the digital world... thinks your emoting is cute..
so you know how he gets startled by gangle simply standing next to him? its like that with you, but he jumps when you randomly start talking next to him.. ponders... invisible safe square/cube/whatever... though i think part of the comfort of a pillow fort is that hes out of sight... but i think he would enjoy it at least a little if you created something like that for him
enjoys that you dont talk much, zooble doesnt like chatty people i dont think... though they are willing to listen to you on days where you do feel like striking up a conversation... you actually get a laugh out of them when you banish jax to time out (aka putting up 4 see through walls around him for whatever length of time to atone for whatever crime he committed that day)
"he took my arm off.. give him an hour.."
art kid meets art kid, you guys are both a little silly... okay sure your stuff is more performative, and while gangle does have a comedy and tragedy mask her thing is more so in drawing and painting imo, i love me artistic gangle... loves doing your makeup, if its not just a permanent part of your digital face, and can be customized... not much to be said here... theres comfortable silence between the two of you when you hang out since you dont talk often and gangle doesnt know what to talk about and may or may not fear ruining the dynamic between the two of you
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bones4thecats · 2 months
May I request Poseidon, Thor and Hades with a sweet, female s/o who's a god of destruction, hunting, and nihilism?
If Their S/O Was The Deity of 'Evil'
Type of Writing: Request Name: If Their S/O Was The Deity of 'Evil' Characters: Poseidon, Thor, and Hades Requester: Anonymous
A/N: I've been reading so much on Norse Mythology it's insane... to sum it up I'm a nerd, and it's fun, ngl🤣
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🔱 Poseidon never leaves his kingdom unless it was necessary
🔱 That did bode well with who you were. As the Greek Deity of Destruction, Hunting, and Nihilism, you had helped raise multiple Gods into their roles, such as Ares, the Greek God of War, and Heracles, the Human-turned-God of Fortitude
🔱 Because of how violent Ares grew to be and how impulsive Artemis had been instead of regal, as many viewed a woman to act like that, many viewed you as a mixture of them
🔱 But, you were quite the opposite. At least to Poseidon and his main allies, that is
🔱 You, to your husband, was the complete opposite as what you were rumored to act like. Instead of a cold-hearted and blood-thirsty deity who lived off of the pain and harm against other living beings, you were a sweet and adoring S/O
🔱 And whenever your husband would get pissed off about something, you could just rest your hand on his shoulder and calm him down like nothing... much like what he can do for you
🔱 Poseidon, despite what he says, enjoys it when you take his nephews, Heracles and Ares, out of the main meeting room and would take them to do some things so that they wouldn't get caught in the middle of a sibling-driven argument (mainly Adamas and Poseidon)
🔱 It makes him feel at least some kind of connection to his family, even if he isn't fond of many members (unless you consider his relationship with Hades to be somewhat healthy)
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🌩️ Thor always liked you, but since your father, Þjazi (Thiazi), had obviously caused a massive incident when it came to the Gods and your older sister, Skadi, he had pushed it all behind
🌩️ You on the other hand, had evolved your relationships with the Norse Pantheon, specifically you had welded a bond with Thor and his father, Odin
🌩️ Odin was very weary about you being alone with his son at first, but when Thor had come up to discuss his emotions towards you, the head God had just sighed and told him about how he had felt about the God of Thunder's mother when they first met centuries ago
🌩️ Thor was obviously shocked to hear that he was in love with you, a mixture of Goddess and Jötunn, but he did accept it and admit his feelings to you, shocking your sister, Skadi, and brother-in-law, Njord
🌩️ When you guys married and became each other's other half, many began rumors about you, since you began to represent Destruction, Hunting, and Nihilism in the Norse Pantheon
🌩️ Thor was not amused when those rumors had reached his ears, in fact, he was extremely pissed when someone had compared your actions to your father's. You were far from your father in his eyes
🌩️ While your father was hailed for his threatening and domineering nature with certain beings, while you were either quiet and polite or sweeter than a cup-full of sugar
🌩️ The God of Thunder, despite his wishes, doesn't go after those who speak bad of you, as he knows you'd be upset, along with your sister, who has been working hard on keeping your bonds in the family perfect
🌩️ He doesn't want his precious S/O mad, now does he?
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💀 Hades himself doesn't have the best rumors being thrown around about him, so he understands how you feel when a new one arises
💀 Many think of the God of the Undead to be a very cold and manipulative being, but to you and his family and closest allies, Hades is a very caring and loyal brother/friend/husband
💀 Your husband was one of the first people to accept you inside of the old group of Deities, and he was by-far the most welcoming Gods, alongside Heracles and Aphrodite
💀 He adored how you represented such 'horrible' things, that being; Destruction, Hunting, and Nihilism, yet you were one of the nicest divine beings that he had ever both laid eyes on and given his heart too
💀 Hades and you had one of the best marriages hailed throughout the Heavens, from the Norse to the Shinto, everybody would agree on how amazing you guys held each other's hands through every single endeavor that threatened your relationship
💀 Despite what many believe, you are very kind to your husband's family. Many other Gods and Humans believe that you and his brothers hold a deep resentment for one another
💀 When in reality, you bond with them all very well. For Adamas you would help him train and keep himself in gear. Poseidon and you sit in silence and read whenever you don't want to speak, to him you're a decent divine being. And for Zeus, you're an ideal older sibling, you have had to hold him back from doing something that would either cause a war or Hera's anger... so basically just another kind of war...
💀 Your husband loves to see you bond with his family, especially Poseidon, since the God of the Seas isn't very fond of many. To Hades, he seems like he only tolerates him. So, seeing you guys actually bond in a way is nice
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the-moon-files · 5 months
The Chain being Down Bad🐕‍🦺™️ for Your Voice lol (Masc!Reader)
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(Content under ✄----- )
@peepthatbish once again, our lovely muse peep (name twins!!) Has come to bless me, and hopefully i did that gorgeous idea justice, and dw im not done writing them all out yet :)
Sun: Masculine Reader (he/him)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: a dash of everybody <3
(except rare ones like Fierce/Koridai/Courage/Sage/etc.)
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: fluff & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if i missed any. /gen
Ok but like
Ur voice is absolutely iconic to them
(Like the fairy fountain theme or the appearance of the Master sword, its unimaginable to them for your to not sound like that)
And its not only the heroes of Hyrule, but anyone else who could hear you
Well it helps that it used to be ur only sort of external sign of presence to outsiders
(the Links could also somewhat "feel" you in their own chests sometimes, like when u were stressed over a boss, or sad over a cutscene)
The only others who usually hear you are mostly things like the Great Fairies, the Deku Tree, other weird ass beings that know way too much (Fierce Deity)
So needless to say, when u first crash landed thru a portal into Wild's Hyrule (ur latest Zelda game you've played u guess thats why)
And the Chain had seen u in the distance, met up with you to try and help what they thought was some poor guy who accidentally fell thru Hylia's portals
But as they heard u stutter thru an introduction, instead they knew immediately it was you
Sky and Twi seriously teared up, Hyrule/Wild/Four/Wind all attacked you with a hug and excited shrieking, Legend and Wars were just gaping in shock, and Time was just staring at you
It took you a minute to pinpoint who was from what game, but as soon as you figured it out u literally jaw dropped at Time/Wild/Twi/etc.
(The ones that look different from their in game model or way better irl than graphics could ever capture)
U also may have screamed. A very manly scream. Not high pitched at all. You didnt make Legend cover his ears or the four that tackled u scramble off in fear, what- haha
(U cant blame urself, u were in literal shock, bc that's ALL the LINKS??!! Like u needed a shock blanket like rescue/ambulances gives ppl)
After calming down, it wasnt even an outright discussion or decision u could rlly choose,
They were basically kidnapping u along for the ride, also u were there for them (in pretty voice alone but still) for all their adventures,
So u even suggesting leaving u behind bc u couldnt keep up as well as them had them looking at you like they never even considered it
(And also making them individually go thru the 5 stages of grief: 😨😟😡😭🥺🙏🙏 they were all outright begging u, in their own ways, deadass by the end of it)
So as u travel, you get to understand the full impact of Your Voice, or the Guide's Voice™️.
If anyone has a nightmare, what would normally take another hero poking them with a stick and dodging the reflex punch, or them waking up unable to go back to sleep after having the nightmare, etc.
U quickly realized only took you talking to comfort them, with no reflex punch when they woke up, if they woke up, sometimes u were so good at it the nightmare just cleared ended according to their face
In your first battle against the shadow, along with lots of black-blooded monsters, u realized how much more confidently every Link fought as soon as you were speaking from behind them
They got even better and less stressed abt fighting when u managed to crack a few jokes or go toe to toe verbally with the Shadow lol
Legend outright guffawed when you pulled a dumb "sigh... well i guess... maybe... ur mom." joke in response to his villain monologue, like wiping a tear and everything, saying "u used to say that all the time after dumb long evil speeches, its a fucking classic" 💀
Literally will have them asking you to make more jokes bc it makes them feel better in tense situations/battles (most to least frequently: Sky, Wild, Hyrule, Wind, Twi, Time, Wars, Legend, Four) but they love it equally
Okay but,
U have Definitely. Sent chills down their spines when u get into lower ranges lol
U dont understand why everyone needs to talk to you so bad first thing in the morning,
or alternatively why they keep wanting you to go on a rant abt ur fav book/tv show/thing either???
U are always the last for story time at the campfire every night, and unlike the others, they refuse to let you take a night off, u have to say smth every night??
It amazes u they like ur voice so much, huh, Wild/Twi/Wars/Four/Hyrule must all be getting a little too close to the fire, theyre faces are looking a little red/pink
(Legend and Time just look rlly pleased/happy to be here, they only ever look a little overheated when u specifically look at them while ur talking/or tell a story abt them, and they usually are always the ones asking u another question to prompt u to keep going forever)
Wars may or may not have a life changing moment he told u abt ur voice on his adventures where Cia was like, "Ah Link... let me get a good look at you..."
Link: 😰🤢🥲
You: "... and girl, I am only looking at your tiddies right now."
If Wars had smth to drink right then he wouldve spit-taked.
It was like the one time he was caught so genuinely off-guard, and u just made him suddenly feel 10x more comfortable facing her, he literally couldnt keep his knight trained composure together, he had to lean on his knees he was crying with laughter
That was the first Cia heard of you too and she literally audibly gasped lmao
It was like all of a sudden Wars and Cia had been in on a joke no one else could hear around them (Shiek/Zelda is confused to this day by that)
And there are countless moments like this from each of their adventures where u did this, u cant help but feel mildly embarassed when u hear it at first
But then seeing how much ur voice and comments meant to them and how happy it made them u can help but want to talk more and more and more
Youve never felt more comfortable talking to this many people in ur entire life,
Bc u can literally see their elf ears twitching cutely when they pick up ur voice
u arent getting out of singing to them.
Yeah, sorry, theyve heard u sing ur fav songs while gaming too many times, they need to hear u sing irl, Now.
Most of them ignore or sort of passively enjoy bards/musicians on their journeys, but as soon as u so much as hum-
Its like they're all clambering to get closer to hear u, but also not make u aware thats what theyre doing, so they end up just:
Four/Legend/Hyrule trying to hide behind various (upside down) books, behind plants that're not that bushy, or one memorable time, when u sang "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" quietly to urself, a bard's tune got close and reminded u of it,
and Four fully threw his hammer on his toes bc he was so shocked/lovestruck, he completely missed the anvil and just threw it at the ground/his feet LMAO
Time and Wars, cheeky strategists they are, immediately fall back behind u wherever u are, so u cant see them, but they can still hear u lol
(Theyre the only ones youve not caught actively listening/straining to come closer to hear u... bc theyre behind u lol)
Wild/Sky/Twi all fully whip their heads around fast enough to crack it, then clumsily try to recover so u wont stop
Wild/Sky just fully accidentally like fall into lakes/ponds trying to stay just out of range or even (they both tried it once, and never again after u got onto them) got on a rooftop
And fell. When u got quieter they tried to get closer and- yep.
(Idiots were fine and smiling when u came to check on them)
Twilight's the worst ngl.
Just fully stares in awe at you until u stop out of embarassment, and has had the audacity multiple times to pop up as Wolfie and just happily listen like you havent also been thru the adventure that literally made him a werewolf
Wind is a cutie, he always joins in, esp when he recognizes the song, and since they can somehow remember the songs u sang while gaming, it will never not be a core memory for you to sing "Drunken Sailor" back to back with "I LOVE YOU HOE" by ODETARI (ft.9lives)
with Wind Waker Link.
You nearly died when you heard him singing the chorus, like literally right after drunken sailor 💀
(Its catchy u got it stuck in ur head from tiktok audios)
(Wind absolutely makes fun of the others for being in love with ur voice, like he'll trick u into ranting abt smth late at night when ur voice is husky or ur just low energy atm, and then from behind you just mouth at the rest of them, sitting looking up at you like ur an angel,
G A Y Y Y Y 🫵🫵🫵 )
Sorry to anyone whose sent in stuff to my mailbox! I promise ill answer u tomorrow!!
Im acc running another blog for a diff fandom and i got busy today :/
Like, i would write a fic for u tysm for showing me ur interest bc it feels like tumbleweeds are blowing thru LU fandom when i check the tags 💀
Which isnt awful! I just like hearing feedback from ppl or just talking abt LU and stuff :)
Peace out,
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weepingchronicles · 2 months
yan!azula (atla) getting back reader 🙏🏻 (headcanons, or one shot please!)
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yandere azula x airbender reader (part 2) platonic or romantic tw/cw: yandere, choking, death threats, verbal abuse, possessive behavior a/n: erm guys.. it's getting kinda scary  😰 😰 (part 1)
being with aang and the others was unlike anything you've ever experienced.
when you first met everyone you were scared- but they all welcomed you with open arms. katara emphasized with you, having her mother also die at the hands of the fire nation. sokka tried to flirt with you, which you were oblivious to, until aang and katara told him to knock it off. after that, you became like katara to him, like a younger sibling who'd he protect.
you were so naive to the world, never stepping foot outside of the fire nation before.
when aang had told you his story, how he was in a iceberg for 100 years and was the avatar, but more importantly one of the last airbenders- you could hardly believe it.
the more the gang told you their stories, the clear it became that the fire nation had took away your parents, your culture and your freedom. you knew azula was evil, but you still believed you had no other choice but follow her.
you told aang that you had no airbending ability, you thought you'd be discarded away, just for being useless
but aang did no such thing, just offering a smile and saying he's just glad he has someone from home.
and you did feel at home.
You woke up to shaking, and your eyes immediately lit up. For a minute, you were back in the palace. Azula waking you up so she could sleep beside you. It was when we were in our younger years and Azula would wake you up at odd hours of night, slipping with you under your blanket. You assumed it was because she had nightmares, you did too, but you never dared ask her about it, fearing you'd end up with a scar like Zuko's.
You woke up from your flashbacks and took in to the actual scene in front of you. It's Aang.
"What's wrong?" "It's someone. They're following, come on, we need to get onto Appa."
You all pack your sleeping bags and ride on Appa. It's still the middle of the night, and the cooling wind blowing past your hair is not making your exhaustion any better.
Finally you all spot a place to settle down, it's in a middle of a forest which will be hard for anyone to navigate through
You lay out your tents and sleeping bags again to finally rest. You find yourself somewhat missing Azula, when she would be nice for once and fall asleep beside each other until morning. You push back those thoughts, remembering how she treated you. If she really cared she'd let you go and be happy.
With all these thoughts swirling in your head, you don't notice yourself start falling asleep.
You feel a hand on your mouth causing you to snap your eyes open. There she is, Azula. It's only been a week and she's already found you. Your eyes look to where the rest of the gang were sleeping but instead they're gone!
"Aw, don't look so surprised. You really thought I wouldn't go looking for my favorite pet?" The nickname made you cringe and Azula removes her hand from over your mouth, but both her knees restrain your arms to the ground.
"Where's Aang, Katara and Sokka!?" You spit out, but you instantly regret when you see Azula's sly smirk turn to an expression of jealous rage.
"Really? I could kill you right now but you're more worried about your friends!?" Before you could reply, her hand slapped over your neck, squeezing around your throat. Perfect manicured nails dug into your flesh, practically leaching the breath you had left in your lungs out of you. Azula's eyes leaked of fiery rage, pure fuel and the truth is you've never seen her like this. She's dangerous, more dangerous than ever before but she is not as calculated. You knew that Mai and Ty Lee couldn't defeat the Avatar on their own so she must know that, but instead she came for you.
Still, your heart ached for your friends, the only true ones you've made all your life. You yourself felt a fire deep inside you, not as fiery as Azula's, but it was ignited when you first met Aang.
"Please.. don't hurt them." was all you could manage out before you start turning purple. Azula's face turned shocked, like she couldn't believe you care more about your friends than her. She dropped her claw-like grip on your throat, you let out a gasp of air before rolling to your side and coughing.
While you were coughing, Azula let go of your arms and stood. "(Y/N), they don't truly care for you. At least not like I do, look at what I have done for you! You really think a pesky water tribe girl, a non-bender and a 12 year old Avatar really care for you? Tell me, do you really think the Avatar would save you if you weren't from the Air Nation?"
You were on your side, refusing Azula to see your face. Was she right? It's true that Aang came for me because we are both air but Aang is a good person! He would definitely rescue me even if I were someone else.. right?
You felt Azula's hand cup your cheek and turn your gaze towards her. Her eyes now are half-lidded and the fire was just warmth now.
"(Y/N), please, come home now and we can forget about this. This is silly." She tucked a piece of hair away from your face, which would have been loving but all it made you feel was owned. Like you were a pet, something to leash and expect obedience from. You wanted to show her you were nothing like her, and she did not own you.
Without even thinking you smack her hand away, a surge of strength powering you as you stand up. You moved to shove away Azula but as you did so, a gust of wind flew her back more than 8 feet away from you.
You look down at your hands and back at Azula wobblily getting up, pure shock but also confusion on her face.
You turn around, hearing a familiar girls voice calling you.
"Katara!" You yell, running back to her. "Come on, we have to go! This girl somehow took away my bending." The girl Katara was saying about sounded Ty Lee but you knew you had to get out before Azula fully recovers. You finally made it back with the others and flew away safely on Appa. You look down as fly away, Azula's form getting smaller and smaller by distance. Aang speaks, finally pulling you you of your daze.
"(Y/N), are you okay? How did you manage to fight off Azula?"
"I.. I don't know." The group looks at you with confusion but you're more confused than they are.
You were safe from Azula for now but you knew she'd be back for the Avatar, especially now since he wasn't the only Airbender..
And that's a wrap! Sorry it took so long, I got really busy and I couldn't figure out an ending I liked. Comment or request whether you'd like reader to fully escape Azula or not, or something completely different!
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mdhwrites · 2 months
Honestly I personally believe Sasha Waybright character arc was better written and engaging than Hunter and Amity’s arcs combined mostly because there was more agency in her arc and while the other two characters who go from enemies to allies to friends just didn’t engage me as much as Sasha’s.
I’m especially dissatisfied with Hunter and how his story while interesting wasn’t as cool as it could’ve been
So I've talked a lot about this in the past but the angle I'll take this time is simple: Sasha is more compelling as a villain to ally arc because the show let her be a villain.
That might sound simple but it's clearly something TOH itself struggled with. One could argue that ALL of the redemptions in TOH follow a pattern of one bad action followed by them being tenuously on the same side and then on the same side. Amity is out of character for her first episode and then Luz is actually at fault for Covention, even if Amity takes it too far. Then Amity is weirdly antagonistic during Hooty's Moving Hassle and then NEVER AGAIN. Three episodes into knowing her and she is now the person we are supposed to sympathize and want around and her biggest crime feels entirely out of character for the rest of her portrayal.
Hunter is similar. His first appearance is not Hunter. It's the Golden Guard who is WAY more fun a character than Hunter ever was and kind of a bastard. Then the mask is removed in his second real appearance (not counting the stinger in Escaping Expulsion) and he is someone to start sympathizing and working with. He is the sad but mad boy by his third major appearance and his second appearance makes him somewhat sympathetic, just like Covention did for Amity... Or For the Future does for The Collector despite lines like "I can't wait to play amongst the bones!" in Hollow Mind that feel, drumroll please, OUT OF CHARACTER TO THE REST OF HIS WRITING!
Lilith is the only to subvert this... Kind of. No, they actually go out of order but still the same essentially with her. Her first appearance makes her sympathetic and not properly a threat because she's still willing to play ball with Eda for a one on one competition, then she spends the second half of S1 just palling around in shenanigans she should not be allowing but is because... Fuck you. Then we get her one truly evil action in kidnapping Luz, coupled also with having been the one to curse Eda but that's also used to show she's a good person now so the kidnapping is the bigger deal here. Then... She's just a good guy afterwards.
This all makes for the most shallow, bullshit uses of this trope I think you can do while being allowed to claim you did it. After all, a key point to all of these redemptions aren't "Then they sided with the good guys," it's just "Then they're a good person." They don't bring who they were as a villain with them. The strengths that led to their villainy are just gone and they're hard to say what they were in the first place, what they add to the narrative in their redemption and joining of the main party because who were they before they joined. What are they actually fighting against as a person instead of just deciding not to be evil anymore or wanting the cookies that the light side offers?
It'd be like if after Sasha was redeemed, she was as bad as Anne at being able to lead and use people. If the show went "To better erase all the crimes she's done, not only will we say Sasha only is a bad person because her father is Ultra Satan but also she now is entirely incompetent in what she was good at before." Amity loses her intelligence. Her plans are always the most straightforward after she starts getting a crush on Luz and she canonically started having her grades slip. Hunter is the most pathetic character in the main cast with I think zero wins in his belt besides his first appearance despite being the only one with combat training. Lilith is just... Sad in how much they reduce all she was for over forty years of her life to go "Now she's a silly nerd girl. Fuck ambition."
And, of course, their bad sides being blamed on mother, uncle, mother kind of for Lilith actually, just that the exposition for that comes after her redemption, and the Archivists and Belos for the Collector. They aren't bad people, they just were forced to spend time with the wrong people. Now that they're nerds and led by nerd Jesus, everything is okay.
There is a VEEERY real problem in TOH of Us vs. Them mentality that comes from these arcs that's really gross. Swap Luz to a white, male jock and suddenly the show becomes WAY MORE UNCOMFORTABLE!
Sasha dodges all of this because no one tries to excuse Sasha. Sasha never tries to pretend she's anyone other than who she is except for when she's explicitly putting on an act. This means everything compelling and good about her as a villain can cleanly transition to when she is a hero, even if it's hard to believe that which the show even calls out.
There is no Sasha's Angels in TOH. That might be a weird one to reference to you because it doesn't include much Sasha but it nails on the head what makes this trope so exciting. To Anne, Sasha letting others do the work while she gets to theoretically kick back looks like the same old Sasha that she now is suspicious of. Someone who is self serving and so Anne lashes out. However, it's not the case. Sasha's ability to manipulate always came from being able to read a person's weaknesses and strengths. She's a MUCH better manipulator than Belos in this way because she doesn't leverage on you or for you to already be siding with her. She can read you like a book and tear apart your pages until she plays with your spine. And as a hero, that's going to mean she's a great delegator. She's the sort who would go "Nah, we don't need to save them from what you see as certain doom. I know he can deal with it." And she's right. Not because of blind faith but because of the same skills that made her villainous.
Something that wouldn't hit nearly as hard, or feel reasonable on Anne's part, if we didn't get so many examples of this being who Sasha is. Of the fact that Sasha uses other people for her own means. And even now, you can claim the same... Except it's not for her means. It's for their needs.
It actually is part of what makes her becoming a therapist so pitch perfect. A good therapist can call you out when you're trying to hide behind something to not get to the core of your problems. They can catch what is at the root of your issues even as you don't see it yourself. They also can see your value and use your strengths to help combat those problems after helping you identify them. It's actually pretty close to how she tried to get out of Toad Tower in her first appearance. Bring in someone, earn their trust, use their passions against their weaknesses and make them better. The only difference is that now she cares about making them better.
Amity, Hunter and Lilith could never have such a satisfying future because again: What are their strengths? Hell, post redemption, that statement stands true. You can call Amity good at magic I guess but Hunter and Lilith are pathetic people who kind of luck out in being useful at times and that's really it. These aren't people who have anything going for them. They're as good as goons with one of them being an elite in a one off episode as far as villain forces go and that's not very compelling for a redemption of this sort. Not unless you're really going to get into that and A: Lilith was one of the strongest mages on the Isles and studied her ass off so you'd think she'd mocked less for sucking at her job and being a fucking moron and B: they didn't even try for half a second with Hunter who I don't really know if they intended to make look as pathetic as he did skill wise.
So their futures are just random factoids introduced during the story. Does Amity being an inventor say anything about her redemption? No. In fact, it really sucks because Odalia would have LOVED her daughter to follow in her father's footsteps because that's the most profitable option for their company. Good job show. Hunter just takes up the job that connects him with the only thing we know is explicitly Caleb related, no conjecture needed, which sucks for a character who was supposed to be his own person. Then Lilith is... A historian. Because she likes that I guess. Does that have anything to do with her time as the coven head? No. Her ambitions? GOD NO. It's just a random choice that puts her in line with the inoffensively nerdy cast.
And before ANYONE says anything about the shortening, I want to say I've done a blog comparing the fact that Amity, in S2A (so before the shortening) has as many appearances as Sasha does in Sasha's entire redemption arc. You didn't need more time to do this better, the show needed to actually commit to its concepts. Actually needed to be willing to do its tropes rather than slapping it on for marketability and to make lazy analysts happy.
Because enemies to allies is not one of those tropes you can half ass. Not unless you want none of its power and boy, these are some weak character arcs. At least we've got Sasha.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
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And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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wh0re-in-the0ry · 7 months
How many toddlers I think the Chuckle Boys and Sorry Boys can defeat in a fight to the death
Here's another dumb one.
Rules: the fellas get no weapons, all toddlers are bloodthirsty and come in waves of three each. There is a five second break after each wave is defeated.
Setting: an empty dorm room, doors are locked, and no windows
This man is like 6'2 and 240 lbs if I remember correctly from the podcast. He can easily take down like five waves of toddlers, but I think his stamina would plumet down after that and he'd be down by round 7.
19 toddlers out of 21 defeated.
Ted Nivison-
Ted has a similar size to Schlatt but his fighting style is very dependent on his baseball bat. I honestly think the bat is what gives him his blood lust. He's still going to do some damage but definitely not as much if he doesn't have his bat. He'd make it to round five but without that drive he isn't going much farther than that.
12-13 toddlers out of 15 defeated.
We all know that Mr. Cicle is VERY strong. Like he can very easily beat anyone on this site in a 1v1 but that's not saying much bc 80% of y'all are like 5'4. Besides that, I would like to point out that Slimecicle is most likely a cryptid of some sorts. Do I have any evidence of this? No, but I know that you guys agree with me on this. So, we have a being who is both very strong and most likely supernatural. We should be very thankful that the goop man isn't evil because he would've killed us all by now and that's including the toddlers.
All toddlers defeated.
(If you want a number, I asked my cousin and he said Slimecicle can beat at least 50 blood thirsty toddlers)
Wilbur Soot-
I think Wil's main way of fighting others is through psychological damage and just kinda intimidating them with his vibes. The thing is these are toddlers, they can't comprehend Wilbur or his tactics. His main strength means nothing to them. Without any tricks up his sleeve, I think he can make it til' the middle of round 2.
4-5 toddlers out of 6 defeated.
Oh, the toddlers are going to win.
.5 toddlers out of three out of 3 defeated.
Out of everyone in this list, Ranboo seems like he has the least amount of bloodlust/most morals. Like he would beat up a toddler out of self-defense but defeating it is a whole different story.
no toddlers.
Philza Minecraft-
I don't know if I'm making this up, but I remember watching a clip of Phil going into somewhat graphic detail on how he would beat up Tommy in a fight and him laughing about it. Just from that clip alone I feel comfortable saying Phil can easily make it to round 3 and possibly round 4. Idk, I just think Phil can throw hands.
9-12 toddlers out of 12 defeated.
If y'all have any hypotheticals/ideas you guys want me to explore I am open to suggestions :]
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sonicjustbecause · 3 months
About Sonic
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I never talked extensively about Sonic and what I think about him overall, despite him being my favourite (I see more Shadow as some mystical guy, alive certainly, yet somewhat more like a guide or a protector and Sonic's Shadow, but that's for another time as I talked about him a lot).
There is still this silly battle between Sonic fans on who is your favourite take of the character. The character has been inconsistent, in videogame too, even if we only take game/Japanese media (An example? Adventure Sonic is, at least the way I perceive him, mysterious and whimsical, joyful but slightly grumpy. Unleashed Sonic is calm, balanced, a bit quiet overall. The thing that remains consistent is that he is kind earthed and optimistic. Most of the time.
Even people who tell how Sonic is supposed to be interpret him very differently from each othes adn from the games, the way they make him talk or act in certain situation in their stories is not the same I see in videogames.
For Sonic unleashed I saw the whole cutscenes both in English and in Japanese, so...
Not that this bother me, as I previously said, since is a team who work on Sonic is normal different people have a different perception of the character, is based on our personal experiences. And in next years things will change over and over.
Let's talk about how is shown in various media, not necessarily Japanese since they influence each others (example the chili dogs).
SatAM, AoStH.
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Aosth/SatAM Sonic was most likely the most mischievous incarnation of the character, since he apparently took joy to make fun of Eggman but also to the french coyote, Antoine, who is a sort of 'Luigi' in this show. I remember him as being creative, impatient, bold and very self confident, but not evil.
I didn't watch Sonic underground. It was aired in Italy but I don't know when. I can say nothing
OAV Sonic
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Adventure Sonic and X Sonic traits start to appear here. This Sonic is aloof, whimsical and grumpy and not as joyful as we are used to see him. but is heart is ih the right place, of course.
Adventure Sonic
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If I saw Sonic OVA only in latest years, I can say I played the two Adventure games early in the '00s. This Sonic feels to me as whimsical, elusive, mysterious (especially in Adventure 2, it is perceived as such especially by Shadow "Tell me, who are you?" and Sonic's answer is rather enigmatic, is also there you start to realize you know nothing about Sonic, where he comes from etc... you know the others better), still a bit grumpy yet way more joyful than the one from the OVA, a happy guy I would say.
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In particular I loved the expressions in Sonic Adventure. Here come the folded ears you often see in Prime.
X Sonic
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The most quiet of all. Elusive, still a bit whimsical and grumpy if you don't take him the right way, but this doesn't mean you lost him. Socially awkward and unaware of this, I think sometimes he is leaning in the Asperger territory sometimes. Joyful, optimistic, gentle, sometimes melodramatic and funny but he can get very serious when needed.
Archie Sonic
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Archie Sonic is one I don't like much. He's self centered, most of his monologues tell how awesome he is, how good looking he is, how fast he is, well, 90% about himself and it go moldy soon. And can be a jerk toward his friends sometimes. Unlike other versions, he's never too serious.
Fleetway Sonic.
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Unlike other sonic incarnation, Fleetway Sonic is a jerk, a bully, he constantly makes offensive jokes toward his friends, including Tails (in other media he is more protective toward Tails). He seems to care or express nice though only when his friends are not around. Is hard to read those comics. So far the worst Sonic
IDW Sonic
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Not completely bad, not completely good. He got some traits from Archie Sonic. IDW Sonic seems to me the less sincere and less carefree of all. Like, Sonic we know is mostly feeling oriented. He can be thoughful when needed, but mostly he does what he feels is right rather than what he thinks is right. IDW Sonic is well known especially for his obsession of giving a second chance (and then a third, a four) to all his opponents. That is a thing Goku does and is fine because is true to himself. But Sonic is not like that. Sonic is not so merciful, he is a kind hearted character but there is still a red line and he tends to be wary toward those who don't deserve his trust, like Eggman. He forgives his enemies. After they show they're wort deserving forgiving, not before, unlike IDW Sonic. IDW Sonic is also cunning and can be manipulative, that's unique to this version. You can see the true sonic only when he is alone. Then he is more like himself, in his monologues about his friends, and how much he worries about them or appreciate them. Also his opinion of himself is not as high as the one we see in Archie comics. He is overall aloof.
Unleashed Sonic
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This one is among the most gentle and down to Earth Sonic I've ever seen. He is slightly quiet and never a jerk. Instead he is fully supportive and encouraging toward his new friend Chip who is clumsy, despite being a god.
Frontiers Sonic
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Sonic's personality changed again. He is still kind hearted, brave and strong. But compared tho before he is more mature, thoughful and slightly melancholic. He smiles less and I don't see his joyful exictment anymore. He just smiles when happy.
Boom Sonic
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Sonic is usually elusive. Not in Sonic Boom. I perceived this incarnation as very playful and carefree, although an attention seeker.
Movie Sonic
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Oh... this is one that goes through a character arc. He is shown to be a good hearted, hyperactive and lonely kid. He is very playful and talkative yet not gossipy. He talks alot just to not feel alone and took the bad habit. Once he found a family and some living being to talk with at times however, is shown he is not as sociable as you may assume by the way he lets his tongue run. He doesn't trust so easily people he meets the first time, as is shown with Tails and only later he feels more comfortable to have Tails around and opens up to him.
Prime Sonic
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Another that goes into a character arc. Here he got new traits, like clumsiness, low attention span, affectionateness. And old ones like elusiveness. This Sonic is particularly interesting for some of his traits that are hard to spot. He clearly appears to be this impulsive, talkative (yet not gossipy), overconfident kid who trips on his feet and is deemed annoying (I personally don't find him annoying). He loves his friends and is ready to protect them but, before the prism shattering, is shown (and suggested by a conversation between his friends) that he also likes to spend time alone, without people around (here one trait that not many notice). Sonic is aware of his flaws and during his experience in the shatterverse he gets in touch with all of them, either the counterpart of his friends tell him or he realize his mistakes by his own. On the outside he is cheerful, a bit dimwitted sometimes, friendly. But as the serie goes forward, he is more, gloomy and pensive and he fully opens up only to Shadow and only later to the rest of his friends in the shatterspace (including Nine, who first sees through him). In the end of the serie is shown he is more considerate toward his friends and he hold some of his energies back.
What else? This is all what I can think of, I haven't played all the games. I may mention Sonic Cronicles, but there Sonic is the way you want him to be.
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To me is hard to choose. As long as is not the one of Archie, IDW or Fleetway, I'm fine with all of them. My favourite might be Adventure Sonic and Prime Sonic.
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moralesmilesanhour · 2 months
so, 'the spider within' has me thinking.
Because the new short that just released is so...well, short, I feel like technically there isn't much to say about it because it's pretty concise and has very few if any areas that would warrant critique or super deep analysis. BUT, I think one of the most interesting (albeit obvious) things about the 'monster' in 'The Spider Within' that forms as a manifestation of Miles' anxieties is that the monster is...himself.
Spiderverse tends to focus more on Miles struggling to take on the role of Spider-Man because balancing a secret identity that requires you to fight bad guys every day and personal commitments like school and family is difficult. What I haven't seen the franchise do up until now is address the idea of Spider-Man as monstrous. This is addressed somewhat in what I believe is Miles' original (?) comic book run, where he first gets powers and almost immediately wants them gone. Why?
Because he's afraid that he might be a 'mutant'. A monster. A 'freak'.
Now, I don't think that TSW necessarily intended for this to be the main theme of the short because their primary focus here is mental health and the psychological impact of having a million responsibilities on top of unresolved trauma from one of said responsibilities. However, I still think that the subtext of 'becoming a monster' is there because the Spiderverse team chose to use the image of a shadowy version of Miles that then morphs into a spider, when they could've done something that more directly references some of Spider-Man's usual foes; why not have it be Kingpin, Green Goblin, or even The Prowler?
Because, again, the thing Miles is most afraid of is himself.
Speaking of The Prowler, I think TSW provides an interesting parallel to what we see in ATSV with the whole 'evil doppelganger' motif (I know Miles G. is not really evil, but that is what the writers initially want us to believe by the end of the film so that they can subvert that expectation). Unlike most Spiderverse fans by now, our version of Miles is not aware yet that his Earth-42 counterpart isn't evil. As far as he's concerned, he is staring right into the eyes of the personification of one of his worst fears, which is that he's not really a hero. That he's not meant to be Spider-Man. That he's not as intrinsically 'good' as he thought he was.
(Note: I think the Miles 42 reveal would've hit way harder and felt more full-circle if the writers had emphasized the idea that both Miles and his family are terrified that he may become his Uncle, instead of just leaving it up to subtle bits dialogue and visual cues, But that's a different conversation altogether.)
All that being said, I think part of what makes Spiderverse such an interesting and unique take on Miles' story is that the supervillains feel de-emphasized and like more of a backdrop to the story at times compared to most superhero media that I've seen. His most important conflicts aren't necessarily about whether or not he can defeat the Big Bad (his tactical skills and intelligence are never really much of an issue post-itsv), it's about whether his fears and insecurities are going to destroy him from the inside out before he ever gets the chance to.
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
Okay fuck it. I think scrolling for hours today is enough DJFKGKFK I'll just log back out. I wanna focus my energy on more positive things
Im so gonna log back in the minute my friend sends me another tweet but HDKGKGKD no. I will do my best. He's not worth our time man.
Okay one more tiny rant about him and then I promise I'll stop I just OOOHHMYGODHFJGKG HE JUST. I had so much hope. That. He would reply and it wouldn't fix things, I wouldn't go back to watching him or anything but at the very least I could get closure that like? Maybe his closer friends would be able to heal and move on? Idk if that's parasocial or whatever but he was such a big role model for me the past few years I really had hope that at least some parts of it were real, you know? And instead we just find out that he not only did these shitty things but didn't fucking learn and did it to other people too and??? It's really really upsetting that he created this safe space, this community of people who were all so lovely while just being. Fake. The whole time. And he doesn't even have the gull to properly apologise and I just??#?# idk what to do with my emotions LMFAO I'd finally started to feel better and like move on but now today I'm just angry again grgrgfhfjdkdk and I totally get that like him being a complete dickhead is easier in a lot of ways bc there's no. Doubting it. Or anything. Like there's no redeeming him. And we can get closure from that. But fuckkk it hurts so badly and the tl is a mess of ppl being like "well this person would never do me wrong" and then ppl being like "fuck every YouTuber ever actually. We can't ever be sure we know them" and LIKE!$?_?$?
Dude I am so conflicted on so many levels rn I feel like my entire world has just been yeeted into the sun LMFAODKFKFKFK
Anyways. Anyways. Thank you bee. Ur tumblr is the only account w a brain rn fr lmfaodjfkfkfks
I get it, I'm fucking furious at him. he had a chance to at least own up to what he did. I wouldn't have gone back to consuming his content, but I could be somewhat at peace knowing he was taking steps towards being better.
I don't want to think it was all a lie, because abusers aren't all completely evil people. the thing is, wilbur is human. a very shitty human, but human nonetheless. and we can't know for sure how healthy or unhealthy every relationship in his life has ever been and I think overanalyzing that or trying to figure out what was fake and what was real isn't really our business or worth our time. wilbur is a guy who has hurt a lot of people, but also refuses to recognize the hurt he's caused. that's it.
I do hate the dichotomy I'm seeing between people trying to prop up their own favorite white boys on a pedestal because apparently people never learn, but also going out and saying every content creator is inherently evil and we shouldn't trust any of them. these people are human. they're all going to fuck up at some point, some worse than others. and sometimes they'll fuck up in a way that they can move past and we can forgive them for, and other times they'll fuck up in a way that shows they shouldn't have the platform they have. they're not all terrible, and they're not all perfect. that's what we should be keeping in mind for the future.
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Do you think Tom Riddle might have created the horcruxes a lot later than the fandom presumes from the information we have? We don't actually know how recent the murder has to be for the creation of a horcrux and the actual process involved. I just learned that apparently many dark wizards aside from Voldemort and Herpo the Foul have actually tried creating horcruxes but none succeeded as it seems to be a very difficult thing to pull off. Taking that into consideration, I think it'd make a lot more sense for a guy who spent like 10 years in Albania studying dark magic to be able to create a horcrux than a 16 year old after asking his potions professor about it and reading about it in a book.
The "Tom Riddle was so evil, he created his first horcrux when he was 16" thing feeds perfectly into Dumbledore's narrative and goals but I keep thinking about Tom Riddle getting increasingly obsessed with making a horcrux as he gets older because he's been working at Borgin and Burkes for several years, has hardly any chances in the wizarding world, no qualifications for the muggle world and feels like life is slipping through his fingers while he's just suffering.
This is really a @rankheresy idea if there ever was one so I think I'm going to punt a large response off there.
What I will say though, without any explanation, is the following:
We have no confirmation how many horcruxes Tom made and how many items assumed horcruxes are in fact horcruxes
Of those horcruxes we have confirmed, we only have one that gives a somewhat firm idea of when the horcrux was made, all others have a time at which they might have first been made but this is unlikely to be the exact date
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farfaras · 1 year
Steddie week. Day 3: First kiss. 1.4k words. Ao3 link.
Yeah, they’re absolutely, 100 percent, morons. Like, who even is this stupid? Steve thinks that ever since facing off an evil wizard with interdimensional powers, they do not have a sense of preservation or survival when it comes to actual normal human beings.
They just wanted to have dinner! Honestly Eddie hasn’t had much trouble with people, the story that was put out made him look like a hero (which Steve is glad for, because he is) and the town believed it like they’ve believed everything since 1983.
But these fucking jocks will not leave Eddie alone. Steve is tired of this, he can’t even imagine the exhaustion that Eddie feels.
When they approached them Steve knew that it was going to be a little bit harder to get out of than the other times. There were 5 of them, and just Steve and Eddie. When it’s just one or two, Steve can usually just scare them off with a glare and a name drop.
And Eddie.
He’s an idiot.
An idiot!
Since the whole thing he pulled in the upside down, they’ve had talks. About how he’s not a coward. He’s brave and he doesn’t need to prove anything. Sometimes running is okay. Sometimes running is the only option.
But he still has trouble believing it sometimes.
Steve is patient and understanding. Robin has said many times how people have a process.
He just wishes Eddie didn’t have to live his process right at moments like these!
He loves Eddie (wait, hold on, what?), but he can be somewhat impulsive and unpredictable. Steve was hoping that while he was defusing and excusing themselves, Eddie would follow his lead. Well, wrong.
He doesn’t even know what happened! One moment he was talking and the next they’re running away from some soda splashed jocks. Oh come on, Eddie.
Robin sometimes jokes about him and Eddie being the kids’ co-parents. The kids find it funny, for some reason. Dustin calls them both dad and Mike likes to call Steve mom as if that would bother him.
But right now, Eddie doesn’t feel like a co-parent as much as he feels like another goddamn kid. Always the babysitter.
So now, they’re running from 5 guys who are pissed. And sticky.
“Why the hell did you do that?!” Steve is almost hysterical.
“I panicked! They’re so many!” Eddie is panting, and he doesn’t know how much more he’s gonna be able to keep running.
“So throwing drinks at them was your solution?!” Steve is talking a big game, but in an alternative universe, he’s probably the one who threw the drinks.
“Better than what you were doing!” Eddie argues.
“I was doing just fine!” He was! Steve was gonna get them out of there. Unscathed. He had to. That’s what he’s for.
“Words weren’t gonna stop ‘em.” True, but at least they could’ve walked out or ran, before they were pissed.
“Well I hardly see anything that could stop them now!” They take a turn so they have some time to think of something while the jocks catch up. But like Steve said there’s nothing that can help them here.
There’s some stores. And an alley in the middle of a clothing and a pet store. Eddie grabs his hand and guides them towards the clothing store. “Come on, follow my lead.”
There’s some mannequins in front of the store, Eddie takes a long dark coat off the mannequin. “What are you doing?” Steve asks.
“Shh.” Eddie just shushes him. He shushes him! What is he on?
“Wha- don’t you shush me!” He whisper yells with not a very convincing anger in his voice.
“Stop asking questions and just do what I say!” Eddie requests. Which is kind of a lot to ask considering he’s the one who worsened the situation. “I got us into this and I’ll get us out.” Huh. Steve thinks that’s fair, but he’s still hesitant.
“But I don’t know what we’re doing.” Steve doesn’t like that.
“Me neither. But it’s better than nothing.” Steve thinks Eddie kinda lives by that philosophy. Does he have that one on that doctrine he came up with?
What’s the difference between philosophy and doctrine? Huh. Wait, no sidetracking. Steve, focus! You’re both in danger.
Eddie puts the coat on, it’s so long it covers most of his legs. He also grabs the beanie and jacket that were on the other mannequin and puts it on Steve. “What’s this even gonna do?”
“I told you to stop asking questions!” Eddie’s eyes look wild.
“Sorry.” Steve’s sure Eddie is scared right now, but he does a good job of hiding it.
Eddie takes his hand and they run to the alley. Who has a dead end. Shit. They hear the voices turning the corner. Fuck, they’re gonna come across the alley anytime now.
Eddie turns to him and backs him into a corner. “Kiss me.”
Well. Steve couldn’t have heard that right. He shakes his head. “What?”
Eddie turns his back on the entrance of the alley. It’s kinda dark and they’re all the way to the back. “Now! They’re coming!” Eddie demands.
Eddie doesn’t give him much time to answer or even come up with something to say. Suddenly there are lips pressed to his. Eddie swallows any sound of surprise he might’ve been about to make. Eddie’s hands are on his chest and Steve finds himself putting his hands on Eddie’s waist and pulling him closer, as if he’s acting on instinct. There’s footsteps, voices, they seem to stop in front of the entrance. Steve doesn’t exactly know what they’re doing because he’s closed his eyes. They mutter something, god knows what, and then they go on their way. Looking for them somewhere else.
However, they don’t stop kissing when they’re gone. In fact, Steve hugs Eddie’s waist now, pulling them chest to chest while Eddie’s hands move to his face. They pull apart just to catch a single breath before going back in. Huh, now they’re just making out. Steve can call it what it is. He doesn’t know what Eddie is doing with his tongue, but he’s not complaining at all.
“I- um.” Eddie tries to step back but his embrace is strong. “My long hair.”
“Your…?” Steve’s brain isn’t computing much right now.
“From their point of view, it-“ Eddie inhales deeply. “It probably looked like a girl and a guy kissing.” Oh. Oh, Steve is so stupid. “Plus this coat almost looks like a dress.”
“Yeah, no, that’s- you-“ God, can he not even form sentences anymore? “Good thinking.” If he could, Steve would facepalm right now.
“They’re gone now.” Eddie nods.
“They sure are.” Steve confirms. Doesn’t really know what else to do.
Eddie looks around, and then directly at his eyes. That’s intense. “You can let me go now.”
He can let him go now. Eddie’s hands have moved to his shoulders, probably not knowing where else to put them.
He could let him go, now. They could go back to their respective places. And move on like this was another normal day for them.
He could do that.
Or he could confront this. Confront this thing that’s been going on between them for, in Steve’s humble opinion, far too long. He was scared before. He still is, but it doesn’t feel like something he can’t conquer, now. So he makes the decision. He’s not running away from this anymore. Even if sometimes that’s all you can do, that’s not the case here. He could be doing so much more. They could be doing so much more.
“No.” Steve says. And it’s said with finality.
Eddie looks confused. “What? What do you mean?”
“I won’t let you go.” He shrugs. They’re still holding on to each other. “I like you too much for that.”
“What are you saying?”
“Exactly what you heard. I like you.” He leans in. He waits for Eddie to back off, show any type of discomfort or rejection on his face. But there’s nothing like that. “Can I kiss you again?”
A gasp comes out. Eddie nods. “Yes.” It’s whispered and if they weren’t so close he might’ve never heard it.
This one is more gentle. Slow and soft. Almost lazy, like they don’t need to rush because they know they’re gonna get to this again. And again.
“I like you too.” Eddie rests his forehead to his.
Steve smiles at him, and when Eddie smiles back he knows. He knows that he’s gonna fall so hard. He kinda already has.
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novembermorgon · 1 month
hihi not sure how fond myrielle and aerion are of each other (would love to know more about their dynamic if you are willing to share <3) but they remind me of the “who tf is burning down my kitchen” “making breakfast for my beautiful wife” twitter meme
anon ... i giggled .
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as for marriage dynamics well .. i feel like by default any relationship with a guy everyone hates for good reason is going to be a bit strained . but somehow they're both kind of deranged enough to make it work (er.. well... somewhat...).
ive talked very briefly about it in my little myrielle post already but it kind of had to grow into anything beyond hating each other . right when myrielle gets to court she holds a lot of resentment toward him, mainly because he's the second son of a fourth son - not really heir to anything, and even when she's young she wants to aim higher than that with her betrothal. she spends a lot of time pining after the concept of another man that she deems 'better' (valarr, matarys, even daeron etc - the actual people matter less than the fact that they're further up in the succession than aerion) just because she's decided to herself that she deserves more. a little girl playing into the idea of being a wife and centering her whole worldview about that ala really twisted westerosi expectations and societal structures
it's kind of what you'd expect from two very willful very spoiled preteens; a lot of petty squabbles and little disagreements that have them bickering and squabbling and it's a bit of a mess . in time though it breezes over kind of because they both grow up and 'mature' in the sense that they aren't calling each other stupid and pushing each other over in the yard anymore LOL
by the time they're married ... well . it's .... . myrielle is fond of him and finds him handsome and dashing while they're in public and in private he at least treats her well a couple days a week which is enough . i think it's very shallow in the sense that ... i'm not sure if they ever truly know each other fully . myrielle projects her ambitions onto him and steadily heads down her path to making sure he becomes king (after the tourney at ashford meadow and the great spring sickness when things get a little crazy in how many targs are dying off) and aerion projects some idea of the wife he'd imagined himself to want onto her . in my mind he's kind of giving targ man too caught up in the idea of his ancestry and his family traditions given his whole deal with the dragon delusions etc so its lots of hey what if you pretend like you're (targ woman of his choosing) and ill be (her evil husband) and then we'll be a Proper Couple instead of a Fake Arrangement between me (perfect prince) and a lesser non-targ woman . you can see that there might be some issues here .
definitely not good . they hold resentment for each other mutually for a variety of reasons but theres also some deep seated dedication there especially from myrielle . she gets so deep into the thought of the both of them rising further than they're expected to that she in turn essentially drops everything for him and makes a lot of questionable choices and does a lot of questionable things to keep him happy and to assist him in whatever way she thinks he needs . i feel like she gets very caught up in the idea of really feeding into the idea aerion has of their marriage . tries to play into the thought of being more of a targaryen and tries to shift and change herself which never really works because she does treasure her own family and her identity but also because things just don't go the way she wants .
errr. ride or die i guess but it's weirrddddddd . which is funny to say because in practice they both cheat on each other and lie to each other and fight and bicker but they keep going back for more . why...? well.. maybe duty maybe genuine care maybe a third more evil option. me when i go out and cheat on my wife but its okay because i come back and bring her nice gifts and we do our historical targ roleplay which isn't weird at all guys i promise please guys listen its not weird its not w
rubs my chin. a lot of thoughts but i'm bad at putting them into words. i hope this is anything . probably not. one day you'll get something better from me .... .... <3
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acetolightning · 1 year
Headcanons of who is the easiest to corrupt to hardest
While he is a calm and collected individual with a heart for heroism, the scars of the Four Sword has left its mark on his soul. Cracks that have never been filled make corruption pretty easy to happen. Hence, his hesitance for dark magic.
The Colors can help keep evil at bay, but having something full in the cracked soul is relieving, no matter how much darkness it contains.
The curiosity Four has with dark magic, even if he hates it, is another reason for his placement. I mean, part of him did betray other parts of himself! That along with the interest that Four likes to claim isn’t there anymore is a breeding ground for dark thoughts and influence.
Having been cursed definitely doesn’t help Hyrule’s placement. Having the blood and curse of Ganon running through your veins means a stronger connection to all dark magic and corruption.
One would think being part fairy would stave off corruption or dark influence and, granted, it does somewhat. However, even the lightest of beings can have evil change their light.
Of course, my headcanon of Hyrule being controlled by Ganon because of evil’s blood also is why he placed very high here.
Ah, the champion. His was difficult to place, but I did see it in two ways. Right after he woke up, he was very susceptible to malice and darkness, even if it wasn’t able to reach him as easily up on the plateau. Gaining some memories back throughout his adventure did help with a stronger soul.
Resentment from his growing up still stays, causing dark thoughts and corruption to try and make a home within him. Luckily, thinking of the Champions helps keep darker thoughts at bay.
Dark crystal and shadow magic. Though shadow magic isn’t exactly the same, it still is a cousin of the more well known dark magic. It takes a significant more amount of dark magic to try to corrupt, as he has dealt with its cousin.
Using shadow magic does mean that when he gets hurt by dark magic, injuries are harder to heal from. The cousins don’t like each other much.
The man, the myth, the Legend. Having many magical items is a sure way to keep anything related to evil at bay, must I say. While constant adventures for Hylia isn’t something he enjoys, it’s not like he’ll betray his duty….right?
No, nothing to worry about! No matter if he cursed out Hylia when he’s alone, or has thoughts of extreme hatred for destiny and the likes. He’s someone who evil can’t quite get its hands on.
This is a guy who knows who he is (does he?) and what he needs to do. Though war is not pretty, Warriors has used his encounter with enemies and evil alike to shape his person. He keeps core values close to his chest, no matter the situation or people involved.
Does this mean perfection? Not quite, no. Fears of failure, death, and obsession have been and perhaps always will be within himself. It’s something that could be used to corrupt the captain, but would be hard to do nevertheless.
Perhaps it’s the influence of the Deity, but it’s almost like a protection from evil stays around his whole body. Being raised by the Great Deku Tree could also be why evil barely attempts to sway his hardened soul. It sees attempts as frustrating at the least and near impossible at the most.
Time is the one who would help his brother in arms more than be the one in need of help. Having to experience the Deity has made him well aware of possession and the feeling of power right under your fingertips.
Mischievous but kind, Wind has too bright of a soul for evil to even look his way. His love of family and need for adventure keeps influences of the darker variety not even try. It knows that trying to corrupt someone so bright would result in failure.
Though, thoughts of inadequacy brush his mind’s forefront, often with the goal of making him feel weaker than the rest. Sometimes it works, though not for long. After all, he’s the youngest and can already keep up with a lot of the heroes!
The original, the one to start it all. His love for Sun is as pure as love can be, and he is Hylia’s original chosen. Trying to corrupt him is asking for trouble. He knows his loyalty, his goal, his love.
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curi0us-gh0st · 8 months
Hi! Can you please write boyfriend headcanons for Ha Do-yeong and Jeon Jae-jun (even though he is dead 😅) from the glory with a soft and sweet female reader? And like after the events of the series? Thank you ❤️
Good & Evil (H. Do-yeong feat. J. Jae-jun)
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pairings: Ha Do-yeong x Fem!Reader, Jeon Jae-jun x Fem!Reader, Ha Do-yeong x Fem!Reader x Jeon Jae-jun.
word count: 1082.
warnings: reader being naive and sweet, Jae-jun being indifferent, fighting, swearing, possessiveness, jealousy, suggestive (?), threesome.
a/n: I don't know anything about them, but heavens - daddies... Maybe, next time I'll have an nsfw, I'd prefer a suggestive sfw. I hope you like it 🥹🙏🏻
Ha Do-yeong
★ His love language would be gifts and words of affirmation. He would make a point of gifting you luxury bags and shoes at random times, just because he thought they would suit you; When you were down because you were overwhelmed with work, he would say motivational words and say that everything would be fine.
"Honey, look what I bought. I thought it would look beautiful with that other dress I bought for you."
"Don't be upset, it's just a moment. You didn't make a mistake because you wanted to, mistakes happen."
★ He wouldn't be the jealous type, but he would feel jealous when men come down on you with cheesy pick-up lines and try to touch you without your permission. Do-yeong would quickly approach and intervene by stepping in between you and the guy.
"Excuse me my love, would you like to show you the boss and his wife."
"Ah, hello. I didn't see you standing there"
★ He would almost always say I love you, in moments where it was just the two of you, an intimate moment, while you're cuddling before bed and while you're not cleaning up.
"You've been so good to me. I love you, baby."
"Did I hurt you? No? Are you sure? It's okay, I love you."
★ He would like to come home from work and see her sitting next to Ye-sol, playing with her different toys or while the little girl helped him in the kitchen.
"Look at my two loves together while having fun."
★ And as you would try to make jokes to cheer him up or when you were alone, he would remain silent as if he was thinking if he was stupid, but no, he is trying not to laugh because you are very silly and innocent.
★ Even if he didn't express it, he would love how clingy you are with him. Always being in the same room as him while he gives a report, watching him with your puppy dog eyes while he eats something, always sitting on his lap and hugging him while you're watching a movie.
★ You'd be a trophy wife, he wouldn't let you work if you didn't have to, he'd leave you just preening for him, in awe of your domestic skills and how great of a mother you are to Ye-sol.
★ He would call you: love, darling, Miss Ha. And he would introduce you as: my wife, my wife, my girlfriend. To make it clear that you are his and he feels lucky to have you as a romantic partner.
Jeon Jae-jun
★ His love language is a little strange, maybe gifts? or acts of services? quality time? Maybe a pet peeve? Sure, him being the way he is, always making fun of your sensitive behavior and how "stupid" you are, but no, you just love him too much to leave him.
★He wouldn't be jealous, the word will is possessive. Even if he treated you somewhat indifferently, you were his, you are his, you are completely his property and there is no contest.
★ If he saw a man hitting on you, he would definitely interrupt him, asking if he's crazy because you're his, and possibly get into a fight because of this.
"You son of a bitch, hitting on someone's wife. Who do you think you are?"
★ And of course you were like a tomato when he was fighting with someone and suddenly he said "my girlfriend", making you ask 'your girlfriend?' and he quickly denied it because he didn't really know what he was doing, he was starting to feel something for you beyond physical attraction.
"Were you emotional because of that? He was almost eating you there in the middle of everyone, ugh…"
★ He doesn't seem like the type to say "I love you", but he would certainly give you his black card to buy whatever you want.
"Take my card and don't bother me, I'm annoying you."
★ He would say that, but when you arrived bouncing excitedly almost glowing with happiness, he would smile surreptitiously.
★ You would be a trophy girlfriend, he wouldn't present you as a girlfriend but you would be the only person he goes back to whenever he needs someone. You are a fixture in the playboy life.
★ He would call you by your name, "sweetie" and "baby" when you were alone, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear and giving you a slutty smile.
Ha Do-yeong x Jeon Jae-jun
★ The only thing that comes to mind with them is: they constantly fought over you. Cursing each other, especially Do-yeong who would always throw it in Jae-jun's face that you were too good for him and Jeon would just ignore it.
★ They are always competing for who would give the most expensive gift or who would invite you to a party/meeting, so you would have piles of gifts in your home or office, your house filled with flowers you receive from Do-yeong and your dressing table covered in perfumes of luxury, while her wardrobe had thousands of beautiful and luxurious clothes.
★ Do-yeong would have a share of the advantage because you always wanted to see Ye-sol, so for Jae-jun to win in this competition between them, he would do everything possible to make you and Ye-sol excited, taking you to amusement parks, ice cream parlors and travel.
★ When you go out with the two of you being a complete mess, your hand fighting to stay on the inside of your back as you walk to greet acquaintances.
★ They swear at each other in whispers while you are talking animatedly to them or an acquaintance, you having to check whether they are listening to you or just ignoring you.
★ They fight while trying to find the best nickname for you: sweetie, baby, honey, love, my girlfriend. While you're just laughing at them while you cook something for dinner together and talk about the day.
★ You fight with them for always picking on each other and always separating them from getting into a fight, ironically saying how mature they are for that.
★ You hit both of their hands because you were moving your hands away from each other so as not to touch you while you are in bed about to sleep.
"I told you! You two can hug me, stop fighting, I'm tired."
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