#i know there's another photo but i just chose these because same outfits
beatleswings · 2 years
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RINGO STARR and BARBARA BACH. 1981. Photos taken by Tony Korody.
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aakaneeee · 26 days
I've had my drabble, now it's time for actual theories and parallels since I haven't done that in a while and it's long overdue
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first of all, I love to see Alien Stage art slowly but surely falling into the obvious eerie side.
I have a lot to say about all of these, but I specifically want to focus on Luka for this.
When I first saw the branding, I wondered why it was there. I was confused, because I expected it to be on the heart (which was also proven to be false in the 2nd anniversary pop up store).
then, I looked closer: left hip.
there are actually a lot of stuff to associate with his branding (except it looking slutty IM SORRY YALL I CANT HELP MYSELF)
The left hip is also the place where horses are branded. Specifically, pedigree horses. Again, not only does it show possession, but also him being superior to others.
For men, that specific area is one of the most painful. (insert tattoo pain chart)
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it might seem like it's on yellow since it's just a little lower than the belly button, but 1. The belly button on this chart is really high and 2. It could just be perspective, and it'd make a lot of sense for him to be branded in the most painful way possible. doesn't that sound heperu to you?
3. he isn't under anesthesia. even mizi, who had a "least pain" area, seemed to be under anesthesia. but no, he wasn't. this leads me to my next point:
4. We know Heperu thinks the only way to make a good pet is fear. So, what if he specifically chose that area, so Luka could actively see, and even have to hold his shirt up himself? He wants him to fear, and he wants him to know who he belongs to. It seems he really doesn't have limits in showing that.
Okay, those are the stuff I've noticed about this, but now I have a parallel.
This might be a little bit of a reach so take it with a grain of salt!!
Ivan's branding is on his wrist: a secure, hidden place, where others wouldn't be able to see it, as if he actually had more freedom than other humans, being seen more as a business partner than like a pet.
Youd think Luka is the same, afterall, his branding is on his hip, and we didn't see anyone wearing crop tops and low rise pants yet.
No, but all of his outfits have an open back and a cut in the front.
Considering the pacing of his songs, and the turns he made in Round 5, we could possibly imagine that the material would move away, and it would show his branding, atleast a little bit. Like a silent reminder, both for Luka and for the audience, that he is not his own person, but someone who is owned. It feels like Heperu is so prideful that he wants to take merit for Luka's voice, as if taking advantage of an actual condition he has was what brought him up in the charts, and that Luka's work is equal to nothing, because he did everything. That's what Heperu thinks, and that's what he wants the audience to think, as well.
Another perfect example of this is the photo next to the branding.
Taking Sua's photo, we can see the signatures or scribbles are darker, and even though crazier, they still make her the center of it, while still maintaining some color.
For Luka, the backround is blank. Just grey. He doesn't have the teal that Sua had, or even a light yellow to show light. More importantly, the signatures are all over him. Showing that he is a prized possession, a trophy, that doesn't actually have anything of his own, that is completely under his owner and his fans, despite him supposedly having more 'freedom' than other pets because he already won a season. (This freedom being an obvious lie.)
Sua is looking left. Luka is directly facing the camera, but you can barely even tell, his eyes are covered by his hair.
Again, another small reach, but we know he doesn't really enjoy bright lights. (sweet dream as proof)
I was wondering if this could be even more proof of him having even more conditions than what they've let on.
Specifically, Leukocoria.
Leukocoria represents your pupil shining white or grayish-yellow instead of red, and it signals grave damage inside the eye.
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(Photo from Google, don't sue me)
It looks very close to Luka's pupils, right?
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there are also these two official arts in which he's wearing glasses.
they seem to be quite thin, so whatever the reason for him wearing them is not that bad.
so i was wondering: could it be a case of cataract?
his eyes are a very pale color, and pale irises can be a sign of cataract.
people with cases of cataract that aren't too bad, even though surgery is recommended, can see better if they wear glasses.
and leukocoria can be caused by cataract.
maybe that's the reason he's hiding his eyes from the light here with his hair? his eyes are sensible to light?
i know this is really long but i hope you all don't mind too much, luka is my favourite (if you couldn't tell) and this new information awakened my medical knowledge :)
sorry if some stuff don't make sense, as always, english is not my first language, I hope it's atleast a bit coherent!
(tagging some people because I think you'd like to see this.... @shakingparadigm @sotogalmo @paradisedisconcert @m1zisua @junebluues @bluemoonscape @4listr @nottoonedin @pwippy SORRY IF ANY OF YALL DIDNT WANT TO BE TAGGED)
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aphrogeneias · 8 months
i always think about fights assistant!reader and rockstar!eddie would get in. Like they are hiding their relationship and it is insanely stressful on both of them. I imagine one fight would be about Eddie having to do a photo shoot with a model and you aren't even actually mad at him, you're just jealous this random girl is touching him the way you touch him in private. So you get all quiet and moody the rest of the day until you blow up at Eddie about it
the way i see assistant!reader is that you're a very mature person, maybe you had to mature earlier because of the career path you chose, or through other circumstances, but you're a tough cookie. but you're also shy and softspoken, although you work with people all the time, that's just the way you are.
and when you see eddie surrounded by all these other women — the models, the groupies, other artists — you can't help but feel inadequate, it's natural. they're everything you're "not". the sex symbols and the bombshells, the girls who wrap themselves around him and try to get him in their beds, or backstage, or anywhere with a flat enough surface.
you know it's not his fault, and it's not the girls' fault either, as far as they know he's single. but that hurts because comparison hurts, it is the thief of joy after all. you see the model your boss hired all over him, in a leather bikini, matching his own leather outfit, and the way her red manicured hands grab his arms and shoulders, it's like they're clawing at your own heart.
you feel silly, like a teenage girl again. pining over the guy she can't have, but you have him. just not in the way that matters most.
when eddie finds you later, sitting in another room, obsessing over your notebook. scrapping notes over their schedule, anxiously bouncing your leg. he comes up behind you to hug you around the shoulders, but you flinch. he flinches too, unaccostumed with that kind of reaction.
"what happened, baby?"
"i don't wanna talk to you right now, eddie."
he takes a step back, still facing the back of her neck. his stomach drops. he wants to reach out, but her posture remains guarded. instead, he faces her.
"what do you mean you don't want to talk? did i do something?"
you don't answer, still not meeting his pleading eyes. "did i do something, y/n?"
he never calls you by your name. tears flood your eyes, but you don't let them spill. vulnerability is something you had to unlearn, and eddie still couldn't get through that wall if you didn't want him to.
"no, eddie. i did." you swallow through your tears. they still don't fall. "i made a stupid decision and now i need to face the consequences," a bitter chuckle rises up your throat, "figures."
it takes eddie a while, but he catches up. "am i your stupid decision?"
slow steps. the sound of your notebook left opened on the table, a pen hits the surface. your feet meet the ground, and you stand. still, you don't know what to say.
"i'm having to repeat myself a lot here, sweetheart," there's disappointment in his tone. "why am i a fucking stupid decision? because of a photoshoot? because of my fans? or because you weren't brave enough to be seen with me?"
eddie barks, but he never bites. the way his eyes are set on you, a hard line on his brows, says otherwise. but you can't let him explode, can't let the other hears. you're the one who makes the difficult decision again. for once, you wish he did.
"i said i don't wanna talk to you right now."
you cry once you're out of the building, behind the tinted windows of the car you requested to drive you back to the hotel. eddie cries in that same room, already regretting everything he said.
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upn-the-sky · 1 year
Give me God of War!! (Ares OOAK, Part 1)
okay, you know, how craft works.
One day you've just become attached to GOW with ropes and tears. Another day you've decided in your head that you can't breath without any figure from this game.
You probably buy Kratos action figure (as I did) and probably feel yourself satisfied because your money are safe now (as I thought too! I can't have armored Kratos on his olympic throne, cause I don't have a third kidney, sadly, so I was very pleased with a little god Kratos figure (Neca). After fixing up paint on his face, I look at him and think ohw, you are gorgeous :зззззз).
So, you are moving forward, replay or rewatch god of war games, especially the first games... you are fine.
UNTIL you decide that you are an adept, who stans GOW Ares. You fire up this dump and can't live your life without Ares doll. Idol. I-doll.
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If you are me, then you can understand. As Ares said, flesh burns, bones breaks, but putting man into making a custom doll is what truly destroys him. So I hugged my family to increase my level of rage and started. Now you can go under the cut
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Actually, I wouldn't do it, but there is no GOW Ares figures in this cruel world at all. Sadly! He is beautiful red-haired war baby, isn't he?
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And I like his original design more than the one we have in Ascension. (Althought I like his non-armored outfit (red chiton) from Ascension concept arts, which wasn't used). Anyway, if we want to have our own god of war, we have one way to figure it out.
Personally I've seen only one Ares OOAK in the internet. It was at Neca Kratos base and it was kinda fine. There was completely re-sculpted head, but the body was without any changes. Kratos in his slut era (thank you tumblr, you are the best) was really scraggy, so Ares with his thin waist looked funny 😅.
Well, anyway, Ares wasn't a thin reed and loved to hunch over, so we need to be canon.
I would say, I am not an OOAKer at all, I've just customized my own ball-joined dolls a couple of times, and I say it straightly, making Ares bjd would be nice, but it probably turns out to an endless torture for me and my finances. So for the base I decided to chose 1/6 scale action figure. I needed to harvest a head and a body. It is going to be a re-sculpted hybrid anyway, so we can ignore color difference and stuff. Yes, I devoted my heart and aliexpress account to Ares 🥲
Whoever recognized the head donor actor, well done x) A bit of alcohol and nail cutter for the eyes (it's varnish was undestructible, holy shit..) will manually wipe out his personality forever, bye
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Beautiful face. But totally needs to be reworked. Ares has unique face features like a round forehead, wide mouth, full upper lip and a bit potato, but still hellenic nose (isn't it precious? 💕). Honestly I think Santa Monica made him really pleasing and beautiful man in his mature ages. He is not old, but you feel that he is not young too already.
So I took out my Ares iconostasis, which allows me to absorb his beauty from all angles, and started a portrait sculpting.
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It was a little hell, but after letting all changes dry, I sanded it and tinted head using airbrush so it will be able to match a body color. Quick matching test:
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As you can see, both body and head has a good tan skintone. And I know, Ares in GOW1 is as pale as Kratos.
Why am I not tinted him in ashy grey color? 1) It is night in a game, colors are faded because of it, 2) I tried and it looked messy, really... 3) I headcanon that both Ares and Kratos have the same reason for that: Ares is covered in ashes too. But Ares is not cursed, he is like.. always in contact with fire.
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So I think that under this grey dust Ares has classic olive skin, same as Kratos. That's why I leave my Ares as if he was washed in a bath and get tidy like he is going to visit Aphrodite's chamber 💫. Anyway if I want to, I just can use photo filters to change it.
Okay, things become serious now.
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We've finally reached to the face up.. And my working table lies in ruins and not usable anymore because of the fucking mess after previous steps.
God dammit on me and every single hair I drew in his eyebrows, but I have to say, it was really exciting to paint him. Finally give him his own gaze, brighten up his lips and cheeks. I didn't want to make him an angry bitch. Because he is not this person for me, neither in myths, nor in the game. He is a god, who lived through a lot of mortal lives and has seen a different kinds of.. chaos you know. OG Kratos is an infant compared to him I mean if you think of amount of past experience Ares has. Imho, he wasn't even truly angry at Kratos in GOW1. So I painted his expression how I feel and interpret his main emotional tone. Ares can be purely wrathful, but wrath is not cynical. That's what i think of him.
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Okay, when the god became able to truly look after me, I couldn't hesistate and started to made the most iconic feature of him. His flaming hair and beard.
And I'll say it if you don't. I absolutely ❤ adore ❤ his red tousled mane ❤ .
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(Just imagine Aphrodite tugging it or brushing, or just bury her face in his hair, because she knows that he will never burn her with his flames. I want to draw this now...)
I wanted his hair to be soft, easily combed and glowing without any electric lights. Gladly I've worked with a doll hair for a long time already.
Earlier I didn't cut off all of plastic hair from the head, only changed hairline by moving it a bit upper from his forehead. It was a part of the plan from the beginning. For the dolls I usually use very thin wool, and plastic mold will provide needed volume for his front combed strands. Screenshots before the eyes, two days of straggling (I wanted all hair to be removable without damaging varnish on his face) and we finally done.
And honestly I don't even want to shorten his hair. He is a perfection.
(Sorry for the empty juice bottle, I will set him on a body later)
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Thank you for watching.
Skeletor will return soon with Part 2, where we will create his iconic armor. Well, I hope it will be soon. As soon as I have donors for a dog heads 🥲 He really loved Cerberus.
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constantineshots · 1 year
so, me being me and having to read everything and watch everything the man is in, just so i can form my own opinions on it, i went and watched seasons four through six of dc's legends of tomorrow. i saw the first season and some of the second when it was initially airing, but no john in that, so.
i don't think i could ever imagine someone other than matt ryan portraying john, and i think that's? pretty unanimous across the community. i don't think i've seen anyone be like "he's TERRIBLE for john constantine". i watched constantine when it was originally airing ( when i was just a little thirteen year old </3 i blame him for the way i turned out ), which took me down this rabbit hole, but this post is about legends, so here goes.
i think one of the things i didn't like was that john was on a team to begin with. once i got past that, i enjoyed a lot of the characters- like sara lance, who i loved to begin with from arrow and stuff, nate heywood, who just seems to be the guy everyone likes and this general force of positive, "roll with it" kind of energy that i liked and how he took things with stride but this isn't about him, charlie who is a punk rock fate with the coolest outfits and a mostly strong will and incredible defiance and when she left i was kicking and screaming but at least she is happy, and zari 1.0 who became my wife from the moment she started speaking which is partially probably the reason why i really did not like zari 2.0.
anyways, i really like the references to hellblazer, whether they were slim or not. for example, they mentioned the whole "killer" thing from his father. which brings me to the scene that made me like. cry a lot. genuine tears in my eyes. where john is at a bar, and his mother is on the other side of the counter and he went there just to see her. granted, he gets kicked out for trying to kick his dad so hard in the balls that he never has kids, but paradox, as zari so loveily explains ( sorry i am in love with her. it shattered my heart when she almost got married. nate's on thin ice, he's lucky i like him ). BUT THEN MY WIFE GOES AND GIVES HIM A PHOTO OF JOHN AND HIS MOM LOOKING HAPPY TOGETHER. what a lovely woman.
this post is meant to be about john, so forgive my tangents on zari, love of my life.
ANYWAY. there was this. i also particularly enjoyed john's insistence on wearing his own little outfit ( trenchcoat. tie. you know, his usual ) around all the time, throughout time periods, because he's a bit of a weirdo. either he has twenty of the same outfit or he doesn't shower. i am choosing the former. but they do have this moment that i found kind of heartwarming, where he puts on the camp counselor uniform for "the kids" he claims, but then literally within the first twenty minutes of the episode, he's back in his old attire and running around bullying people and hypnotizing children. seems to me he reverted back to his bullying kids self. then he gave his life force to save a kid, and almost died in the process. which he says something like "i'm not letting another kid die" as a reference to astra. i liked this, but seeing john in a camp counselor uniform made me go "whaaaaat".
when ray ended up in hell and john went to go get him, he comes to a choice of saving astra or ray and immediately, without hesitation, he chose astra. this decision doesn't seem to affect ray much later on though, and i am honestly not sure if he remembers it even though it showed both his spirit and young astra's, though it could have easily been some sort of illusion or whatever. honestly, i think he'd do it again. and i liked that there was this little anticipation where everyone is like "oh, he wouldn't, right? he wouldn't leave ray here." yes he would. and he did. even if it was only temporary.
there are references to his lung cancer, but in hellblazer, the man not only smokes after he's cured of his lung cancer through absolute deceit and gets revenge on gabriel afterwards, but he smokes during it, if i recall correctly. nothing could get that man to give up a cigarette. hell, there was a point in hellblazer where he was literally only going to save the world because there was going to be a lack of cigarette shipments if he didn't ( then, you know, everyone showed up and that changed ). which is why i think, even though it'd be great if this idiot stopped smoking, it was weird to have him stop smoking as a result and to have fucking zari 2.0 ( hm. i still really do not like her. i do not think i will be persuaded to like her. ) get him on a juice cleanse. you're going to sit there and tell me he was attracted to this girl who is a social media influencer BUT HE WASN'T ATTRACTED TO THE FIRST ZARI? fake. on his part. i just didn't see their relationship. i didn't like it. but then again, i don't really agree with most john ships. regardless. this one i really did not like.
then the ending of season six, i think they just wanted a way to get him off the show. i know he lost his magic, but the addiction, the fact he went cold turkey, then got? what? taken over by his "evil" subconcious and went and betrayed the legends, even though he's supposed to love zari 2.0 soooo much? yeah, no. i mean, john does do what benefits him, but i don't think he would have so readily injected something into his veins from a guy he knew was not a good guy and would definitely do something to get him out of commission without some sort of backup plan to save himself and scam the other guy, because that's what he does. show me his reputation, because this isn't all it is, heartless betrayals after confessing his love to some random social media influencer. then he became a mushroom, then he died, then he came back, then he ran off and? didn't even go back to his own time? so i don't really know what happened to him or where he ran off to. i am quite honestly so fucking confused about his send off.
anyways, if you don't focus on characterization too much, it's an enjoyable show, and while it's fun, it's really fucking confusing and i'm still not sure i'm quite understanding the plot in it's entirely because honestly that show felt like i was smoking something without actually smoking it. if that makes any sense to anyone.
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May I ask your opinion on the concept of JK's photos? I have never felt so conflicted before, since the photos came out, jkkrs only see the copycat hyung, you are me I am you or even that Jk is sending a message and although at any other time I would also be like this, not this time The concept is clearly a copy and paste of Jm's and I just can't stop thinking about how badly the company treated and treats even Jm's debut, and now has the audacity to use part of his work to which he dedicated so much effort and time, and that it is so personal for him, with this I also want to say that I am NEVER going to blame JK, but I would like to hear the thought that this concept brought to them, and I feel bad because nobody among the Jkksr It seems to give importance to this and they treat it as if we were solos or anti, some say that it is the moment of Seven, of Jk, and they are right, but that does not mean that this is rare, and that if it had been the reverse, Jm would have been dragged back and forth to hell by now, sorry for this vent, but I needed to get it out
Hi anon,
Thank you for being honest. I agree.
To start, I wish people would stick to one narrative. Because just last week they were saying "Jk didn't write this song so it's not really him in it." "Bang PD just gave it to him. They are enforcing this western look on him." Blah blah all that. "We should wait for Jk's real music." All this just in case Jk ends up making out with Sohee. Lol
And today the narrative is "Omg. Jikook. This is a sign. He chose this on purpose."
So which one is it? Is Seven the commercialized song that Jk didn't pick and is merely a participant of or is Seven a song Jk will use to say stuff about Jimin?
I opened the weverse photos and saw the one photo that is an exact copy of Jimin's and closed that right away.
As a fan of Jimin, I can't support that. I value Jimin's artistic expression and integrity. His vision. How everything he did during FACE was an embodiment of who he is and what he was trying to tell us. No one can do what Jimin does. No one has gone through the stuff Jimin has gone through. Even if Jk was by his side, the only person who saved Jimin was Jimin. So seeing Jk with Jimin's concepts was an insult. Unless Jimin is in that song with Jk, Jk and Hybe shouldn't touch Jimin's story. And you know what, no. Even if Jimin was part of it, there are a 1000 concepts in the world, find another one and don't take away from Jimin's artistry.
The whole "I am you. You are me" is being overblown, in my opinion. If Jk wants to wear matching concepts, why didn't he wear matching outfits to Suga's concert or something that can't be commercialized?
Ugh. And jikookers. Seriously. When FACE photos came out, they attributed them to random Jk photos saying "I am you. You are me." And they do the same now. And they will do the same forever. Because people care more about the couple than the art!!!!
If Jimin was the maknae's copycat, he would have been dragged for being unoriginal and wanting to hang from Jk's success. I also doubt jikookers would even defend him because they would be too busy coming up with cute theories.
And I'm all for delulu, I am. And I also love finding the things that connect Jimin and Jk. But this is just not it for me.
As Jimin's fan, I am appalled and as Jk's fan, I'm dissapointed.
Thanks for sharing.
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Wheeler/Byers Wardrobe Analysis
Season 1 Part 2
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Hello, hello, hi. Continuing this journey through Stranger Things attire. And I want to preface quickly that I don’t have an agenda. I’m just examining the clothes as I go and seeing what I think they tell me. I'm not digging for evidence of anything.
Anyway, Episode 3! Nancy gets home from Steve’s house and is confronted by Karen in her lil PJs. Do these PJs seem familiar? Oh yeah. They look like Nancy’s.
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The next day at school, post red-stripe-shirt-at-the-pool-party, Nancy’s wearing another light sweater, a common Nancy top choice. But this one’s intriguing to me because while it contains the same two colors she usually wears, they’re darker. Darker blue and more of a brick red, but they’re small stripes on this delicate sweater. We also saw her wear stripes for the first time in the aforementioned red shirt. So this outfit here feels like a compromise between what she chose for Steve for the party and what she usually chooses for herself because of the stripes. The darker colors I think are not intended to reflect Steve in any way, but Nancy's state of mind. She's worried about Barb and feeling conflicted about the whole experience of losing her virginity. She's paranoid right off the bat when she walks into school that people are looking at her differently. She's feeling weighed down and the shades of her colors are reflecting that.
I was also immediately into Steve’s shirt here because Steve, for the entirety of this season, wears blue. But here, and only here, the blue has shrunken down to a few stripes on this shirt. This shirt which also contains pastel pink, a color Nancy is often wearing or surrounded by, but not wearing in this scene. Both Nancy and Steve are wearing clothes that reflect one another more than usual, and yet they don't quite match. This is the most I can recall Steve ever reflecting the Wheeler color palette (I'll find out if I'm wrong later). This is also the day after he slept with Nancy. So I think his choice to wear Wheeler colors afterwards shows that he feels closer to Nancy while her choice to wear darkened colors shows that she's feeling hesitant and unsure.
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Here, Karen has dressed Holly up in light pink and blue (as per usual), but she herself is wearing a navy and teal plaid dress with black tights. She wears plaid a lot, but in order to bring a casserole to Joyce (a mourning behavior), she’s donned darker colors than usual. This scene already felt uncomfortable to me, like Karen doesn’t know how to behave because she’s giving Joyce a casserole (like when someone in the family has died) even though Will is not yet believed to be dead. Maybe this isn't unusual. I apologize for my ignorance on casserole etiquette, but it’s an awkward moment there at the door. And Karen’s wardrobe choice here makes me feel even MORE like she doesn’t know how to behave. She’s intentionally dressing less light and happy than usual but not in the official mourning color. And dressing Holly the way she usually does really shows this juxtaposition because Karen often matches Holly to herself. So this is like looking right at how Karen usually presents herself next to how she's choosing to now.
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This episode puts Mike in this green and blue striped shirt. In the first photo, he’s talking with El before he goes to school. El is dressed in Mike’s clothes, a navy pullover and grey sweatpants. Blue is Mike’s color and grey is a neutral he (and Nancy) is often seen in. For example, in earlier episodes, both Mike and Will wore shirts with blue and yellow stripes, but Mike’s was also grey and Will’s was also brown. Grey is a cool toned color, a Wheeler neutral, while brown is a warm, earthy Byers neutral. So El’s outfit is screaming I BORROWED THIS FROM MIKE WHEELER in every way. She then spends the day wandering the Wheeler house and examining everything. She’s basically trying to figure out what it means to live like a Wheeler, to have grown up in this home with these parents and with blood siblings. She’s trying to put herself figuratively in Mike’s shoes while literally wearing his clothes.
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And back to the Wheeler vs Byers neutrals, I really love that Mike is wearing this tan jacket when he goes to school. It’s a very Byers jacket. It’s got corduroy on the collar and brick accents on the inside. In the screenshot here, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas are being harassed by the bullies making fun of Will. They also trip Mike despite the fact that it’s Will they’re mocking. Basically, they’re treating Mike as a proxy Will while Mike is wearing this Byers-esque jacket. He’s also wearing the jacket for the remainder of the episode as the party hunts for Will (and as they witness his "body" being pulled from the quarry), but he was not wearing at home with El while his attention was on her.
I forgot to mention this jacket in my last post, but Mike also wore it in episode 1 while the bullies were harassing him. And he leant the jacket to El after they found her in episode 2.
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She's wearing this big yellow shirt (Will's color) and Mike puts her in this Byers-y jacket. El isn't really El to him yet in this scene. She's some strange girl they found while looking for Will who Mike keeps around in hopes of her helping him find Will. So in addition to El wearing Mike's clothes in episode 3 and acting like Mike, in episode 2, she's wearing a Will-coded outfit and being valued for her connection to Will. The wardrobe for El this season has no reflection whatsoever on who she is as a person because she doesn't know yet nor do the other characters. So when Mike was at home with her in the red shirt, no jacket (episode 2), that moment felt more about the two of them getting to know each other outside of how she can help him find Will.
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Joyce has been wearing this same outfit since late episode 1. Jonathan also wore the same outfit during both episodes 1 and 2, but now he’s changed his clothes and what he has changed into…is the same shirt he was wearing in the flashback in episode 2. Obviously, the episodes that go by without Joyce or Jonathan changing their clothes speak to how panicked by Will’s disappearance they are. But once he does change his clothes, the choice for Jonathan to put on the same shirt he was wearing in a memory he was just reflecting on is really curious. And by “choice,” I mean on a grander, show-level. Not Jonathan’s choice. He’s seen snagging this shirt up without even glancing at it and tossing it on as he gets out of bed. The costume department chose to put Jonathan back in this shirt we’d just seen him in via flashback for a reason. I find it notable that Jonathan changes his shirt again before going to school. He just spent two days in the same outfit and now he cares enough to change twice in the same morning? Weird. That’s all I’m saying. Maybe it reminded him of that same moment just like Should I Stay or Should I Go coming on in the car did, and maybe it was too hard for him to think about it again. So he changed. Or maybe it felt too light for the mood he was in.
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During the Steve Hulk Camera Smash scene, Jonathan is wearing black and a dark grey or dark denim button-down. Dark colors. Darker than usual. The polar opposite of the first shirt he put on that morning. He usually has more earth tones in his wardrobe than this and I think this choice is less about mourning, as the dark colors could indicate, as it is about guilt. This is because even after he believes Will to be dead, Jonathan doesn’t start wearing blacks. This scene, instead, takes place after he does his stalker photo shoot of Steve’s party. So the dark colors are very likely a reflection of how he feels inside, having done something dark. He took photos of other people, including Nancy undressing, without consent and despite the fact that we know this is not what he set out to do, he did do it, spur of the moment. Now in the aftermath, he feels guilty and ashamed.
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I had to lighten this one a lot to really see what the colors are. Karen is still wearing the dark plaid dress from the last episode while Ted is wearing what appears to be a white button down with red and blue checkprint. Very Wheeler. He’s continuing to present himself in the Wheeler fashion while Karen is struggling with figuring out how to present herself. When she got dressed, Will was missing. Now, in this screenshot, Will has been declared dead and Barb is missing. Karen doesn’t know how to be there for her children (or for Joyce earlier) and the way she dresses in this episode reflects that she feels like she can’t continue on the way she has been. (side note: check out the couch and throw pillow. Wheeler pastels)
Here’s Karen later (sorry I don't have a full body shot). She’s wearing a cream turtleneck, a dark grey vest, and black pants (out of the shot). Her prints, her checks, and her pastels are gone.
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Nancy and Steve fight. She’s wearing pink (just pink) and he’s wearing blue with maroon stripes. Going back to what I said about their outfits in the previous episode, it looks like Steve is still sporting Nancy’s influence while she has dropped his. This is the first time we’ve seen Nancy in a solid color with no prints or detailing, her PJs aside. Even her purple sweater from E2 contained threads of other colors. So she’s in solid pink, she says to Steve, “I can’t believe you,” then she walks away and leaves him in the alley. And WHAT DOES THIS PARALLEL?
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I’ll get to that scene later, but for now, I’m intrigued by the fact that both Steve and Nancy are wearing grey in the season 2 fight whereas in this season 1 fight, they’re wearing opposing colors, though Steve’s shirt contains bits of Nancy’s coloring, which shows that he’s more invested in Nancy than she is in him. This is probably a contentious point to make for season 1 considering he’s being a douche in this scene and making Barb’s disappearance about himself. BUT I stand by the fact this his feelings for Nancy are stronger than her feelings for him, even here, despite the fact that he’s lousy at showing it and his mind is in the wrong place.
In season 2, they’re actually on a lot more common ground. Maybe this is why they’re wearing the same color. There’s no more I’m-right-you’re-wrong. There’s only this-isn’t-working. But back to season 1.
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I hate to say this, but this shot here is giving me hella “It’s twins and one’s a boy and one’s a girl!” vibes. Which is kind of irrelevant. What actually matters is that El is wearing Nancy’s clothes. She’s wearing a wig and yet another article of Wheeler clothing, presenting herself as a different Wheeler. She even had short hair when dressed in Mike’s clothes and long hair here dressed in Nancy’s. It’s kind of like she’s trying out the Wheeler life from both angles.
Guys, I don’t know HOW I never realized how much pink and baby blue the Wheelers are surrounded by. LOOK AT THIS WALLPAPER!!! Plus, with El in pink and Mike in blue and the greenery in front of the mirror, they basically ARE the wallpaper. It’s pink, blue, and green leaves. What is the reason. It basically tells us that this (Mike and this version of El) together equals Wheeler conformity. And by “this version of El” I mean her dressing like someone else and trying to behave like someone else. This version of El is still trying to find herself, trying to fit in (a theme that returns later). Basically Mike + dishonest El or confused El = unhappy couple pretending to be in love (Ted + Karen). Eleven is spending this season trying on other people’s clothes and other people’s lives because she never got to have one. And this image is a big red flag right here because I can’t imagine anyone looking at this shot and thinking “awe cute.” It’s so newborn baby-colored and domestic it makes me gag. This screams that El needs to find herself in order to avoid THIS. This nuclear nightmare.
This also feels weirdy similar to what we just witnessed of Steve and Nancy, what with the baby pink and blue solid colored costuming. Almost like a MIRROR IMAGE WOULDN’T YOU SAY? No, I’m stretching. I’m actually reaching blindly. I have no idea where I’m going with that. But the mirror shot is interesting. If anything, I’d say it ties back to them being a mirror of Mike’s parents BUT I can’t help but think there’s subtext here for both couples about gender roles what with these colors being, as I mentioned, the ones assigned to babies at birth. El will later go on to find that she’s the fighter. Steve will go on to be the babysitter. Defying gender role expectations. Both of these characters are trying to figure out who they are and who they want to be this season while both Mike and Nancy are trying to find their lost friends.
Basically, I’m getting identity crises and Don't Become Your Parents.
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And to finish off with the Byers...Joyce is still wearing the same outfit she’s been in since episode 1. Clearly collapsing. And Jonathan Show's-Over Byers is wearing this cozy lil sweater fit to the morgue, which I find especially interesting in this scene here:
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Jonathan, in his lil beige sweater, is matching Hopper's uniform. And this is the first time these two characters really connect. Prior to this, Hopper has shot Jonathan down and told him to let Hop do his job. Here, they're talking openly and calmly, and they're talking about Joyce. They are speaking on even footing about someone they both care about (though at this point in time, we aren't sure the extent of Hopper's feelings for or history with Joyce) and they are matching. This feels especially intentional when you watch moments before, when Jonathan was looking at "Will's" body and see that he was wearing a jacket and then the scene after when they're leaving (above) and he's wearing the jacket again. He didn't take it off to come inside, but specifically for this sit-down moment with Hopper.
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cyberphuck · 1 year
Collars Dot Com Ch1: Fuck You, Drunk Brian
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In my defense: I was drunk.
It was Friday night, and I'd just turned in a big project and was celebrating by drinking alone, which I told myself was comfortable but felt pathetic.
I'd been half-watching something on HBO-- something with tits-- and scrolling through Instagram, and come across yet another one of Steve's daily Insta stories full of nothing but Bitte posing in different outfits, ass-up, pouting, hands bound behind his back in complex and intricate knots.
And I thought: don't I deserve nice things? I definitely deserve nice things.
Most of what I knew about Pets I'd learned from internet pop-ups and rumors I'd heard as a teenager that'd fueled my under-the-blanket jerk sessions for a long time.They were expensive. You fucked them (and bought them little outfits and made them pose for Instagram photos). What more was there to know?
I could have just swiped through Steve's Insta story and saved a couple of pics for use during me-time, like I usually did. I could have looked at the 'Pets' category on Pornhub. Maybe I should have, but I didn't. I deserve nice things.
Instagram's algorithm had helpfully provided a banner ad for Collars.com, which I vaguely knew as one of the biggest online sellers of Pets, or at least the one with the biggest advertising budget. I'd expected to be immediately confronted by someone's asshole, but clicking on the link brought me to a very businesslike website, pretty much like any other sales portal I'd ever ordered socks off of, though in this case all of the product thumbnails were photos of attractive young men. I clicked one at random.
His name was Poppy, and his photo showed him crouched on a studio floor, looking up at the camera with a heavy-lidded, mischievous expression. Olive-toned, brown-eyed, an absolute fuckton of thick black hair. The site listed him as ‘live-trained.’ Video thumbnails beneath his profile picture were labeled 'throat demo,' 'fours demo,' 'back demo,' and 'stim demo.'
The fact that I didn't know what the fuck any of that meant did not deter me, because it was 11:58 pm, I'd had most of a bottle of tequila, and I deserved nice things, dammit. So it might take a minute to find something I liked, I didn't care. I pulled down a menu at the top of the page and clicked 'browse by category.'
Live-trained. Toy-trained. Zero-touch. Raw. I was pretty sure I knew what 'raw' meant, though not why 'zero-touch' and 'raw' weren't the same thing. I didn't want that anyway. I chose 'toy-trained' and was brought to another page of thumbnails.
A boy looked out at me, tousled blond curls and long lashes, honey-colored eyes and freckles on his cheeks and shoulders. His photo had him with his back to the camera, looking over his shoulder like the girl in the Vermeer painting. His expression was the same as the painting, too: wide-eyed, inquisitive.
But his mouth... It was the mouth that I liked.
I clicked 'purchase' and didn't let myself look at the price. I clicked 'yes' on a number of different things that popped up without bothering to read them, hurrying to get to the final page, which said 'confirm payment.'
I fucking deserve nice things.
Dear Brian,
This message is to confirm your purchase on Collars.com of the following items:
Spoiled Kitten Accessory Package (pink) Spoiled Kitten Toy Bundle (pink) Spoiled Kitten Play Basket Luxury Pet Lover Package, Rose Gold Edition Pet Adoption Starter Pack Pet Adoption Pro Kit 5-Year Pet Protection Program Empire-Class Escort and Shipping (Rush Overnight) New Pet Purchase (Toy-Trained, Premium Quality Young Adult Male)
Thanks for your purchase!
-- Collars.com Staff
Please see our website for information on our no-touch return policy.
What did I do?
What did I do?
God fucking dammit Drunk Brian you horny asshole I can't believe you bought a fucking Pet off the internet you live in a one-room apartment you're not a porn addict or a fucking Instagram influencer what are you even going to fucking do with it--
I rolled out of bed, put my bare feet on the floor, then groaned as the headache hit. I needed coffee, or water, or carbs or something, but the kitchen was a hundred thousand miles away and I didn't think I had the strength to crawl there.
I staggered to the bathroom instead, flipped on the lights, yelled, flipped them off, and turned on the faucet to slurp water from it. I groped a hand across the counter, trying to figure out which random shape was Tylenol. I heard the maraca sound of a pill bottle as it tipped over, grabbed it, and spent so long struggling with the child-proof cap that I was nearly sobbing by the time I got it open. I poured five tablets into my hand, threw them into my mouth, sucked them down with more water from the sink.
I hate you Drunk Brian I hate you why do you keep doing this
I made it to the kitchen, shielding my eyes from the nuclear flash of the living room window with one hand. I was going to have to make coffee by feel. As I loaded a pod into the one-cup maker I realized I was still holding the bottle of pills and squinted down at it to discover I had just taken five ibuprofen on an empty stomach.
I needed to eat something before-- don't think about it, don't think about it, turn on the coffee maker and there's probably something in the fridge you can reheat I hate you Drunk Brian I fucking hate you.
I was pouring milk into my coffee mug, hunched over and mumbling like a troll, when my phone lit up at the other end of the counter. I didn't really want to look at it, for fear of finding out that I had also texted three of my exes and brought an elephant, but I reached for it anyway.
Hi, Brian!
Your order has been shipped and will arrive between 4pm and 6pm today. Please be sure to have someone present to provide a signature.
-- Collars.com.
I looked at the clock on my microwave. It was 2pm. ko-fi - donate - AO3
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mysteryiousskin · 1 year
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Okay.. so hear me out- this costume seems super hard to recreate I’m gonna be honest, but between Amazon and Etsy the crown isn’t hard to find (you could also make it pretty easy with some cardboard, wire, hot glue and a dream.) I also so on Amazon a necklace that looked pretty similar it was just red but if you paint it you’d be good! I’d say go for some colored contacts too if you can, a black skirt, and her bracelet probably aren’t hard to find something similar too on Amazon tbh, her sleeves seem easy enough too, I don’t know the name of them to look them up on Amazon but if you wanted to recreate them I think the easiest and most accurate way would be to get one of those tie around cardigans with the lowly sleeves (or shirt) cute the sleeves off and attach them to some sort of elastic band with hot glue and if you really want it to be accurate if you can find some sort of bangle that’ll fit on your arm do itttt
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Now for padme there is so many costumes to choose from but I just chose this because it’s the most affordable while still being recognizable and it’s also relatively easy to recreate if you don’t just wanna buy the costume off of Amazon,(speaking of this tho if you want links for other padme costumes or reference photos for those etc. just lmk!) first off, a white long sleeved t-shirt, the metal part I was also conflicted on with the first but I think this is easier bc you could lowkey just iron on a vinyl part or go with that bangle option which may or may not work idk, the belt/holster should be pretty easy to find on Amazon since you really only need to look for a white one, for the pants some white leggings are literally it and if you wanna make it a lil extra a skirt and you could even look for a cropped top instead, for Anakin there is literally so many costumes you can find on Amazon for cheap along with sabers, though I can’t guarantee the quality, another option for Anakin that I saw two girls do was one of them had a black skirt, a black cape/cloak, a leather glove and a saber again Amazon you could find that very cheap or target tbh
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I might’ve done this last year but this is great as a duo or a stand alone Helen also definitely has more options for good outfits (I would def put her options over Julie)
In this pic for Helen you need some glasses (you can find on Amazon or at target maybe tj max if you have one near you) a black skirt (Amazon is prob the best option) a sleeveless button up (again probably Amazon would be the easiest for this, if you can’t find one then cutting the sleeves off of a regular button up might b your only option 🤷🏻‍♀️) for Julie black overalls and a purple tank top (Amazon again is probably the cheapest) for the tank top I think lilac might be a harder color to find but literally any mall would prob have it but that’s prob more expensive than Amazon would be also the overalls are normally harder to find less expensive but if u can’t find cheap ones on Amazon mayb old navy? The necklace should be pretty easy to find on Amazon too but depending on how accurate you want it then it might be harder to find, the sunglasses same as Helen
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Kesha! For tights and a good band tee I’d look on hot topic they’re normally pretty cheap and they always have a sale of some sort, the shades are easy to find on Amazon and I’d def put on a shit load of glitter, a fake nose piercing you don’t have one already is easy to find on Amazon but they normally come in packs, I’m gonna add more of what I’d do to accessorize this too which is some feather in the hair, some hair tinsel, kandi bracelets or just rubber bracelets, I’d def crimp the hair too, colorful hair extensions and again all of that I’ve found on Amazon usally for 11 dollars or under depending on how many
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Another Natalie Portman costume :O the heels you could find on dolls kill and I’m pretty sure you can find the actual costume too, a pink bob wig you can find at spirit Halloween or Amazon although I would only get anything under 20 dollars the wig in the movie is a pretty cheap quality anyways so there’s no use in trying to find a better quality one tbh (I think spirit halloweens wigs are sometimes 20 and I wouldn’t pay for that if you can find something cheaper on Amazon when the spirit Halloween ones are such low quality)
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This costume is so unbelievably easy and I love it you just need the dress, gloves, headphones, tiara, and the sunglasses most of which you can find at target/Walmart or Amazon for cheap👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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I already know this costume or costumes are going to be rlly big this year but I’m super in love with the idea of seeing so many peoples takes on it! Spirit Halloween I think has the cowgirl outfit or you could get some iron on stars from Amazon, a denim button up, flared jeans, cowgirl hat and a bandanna I don’t know how easy it’d be to find all of those in pink but I’m sure you could get them in white and dye them pink with some like rit dye (my idea for a Maddy Perez costume too if you don’t want to waste sm money on her actual set or try super hard to find something like it in colors that have a 20% chance of just oooking similarrr) but anyway if you wanna go less basic there’s just so many good Barbie looks for this and even ken ones too! I don’t know if spirit is selling a ken costume but I’d def check and if not it should be easy enough to find a black cowboy costume
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Hear me out-
Okay so another difficult one I KNOW but you could def buy a replica of the trap (though that might be a little to expensive) or try to make it yourself (now hear me out I know that sounds like a lot) I know one girl on TikTok who made a prop one out of cardboard! I definitely think if your more crafty that could be a fun project now as much as I’m not sure how easy that’d be if your not super into getting all the detail to it I think you could easily make a passable one!
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Now for coraline! I like what the girl in the costume is doing where instead of the raincoat it’s a normal jacket it’s probably cheaper and better quality since if you get a costume one I’m sure that’s not great quality, the bob looks super cheap and I’d more recommend getting a 20 dollar one from Amazon, it’s gonna be cheap too but not nearly as bad as that (not dissing the girl I just think the super cheap wigs are sooo inconvenient I’d rather spend 20+ on a wig that get one that might be almost that expensive but sheds like crazy and tangles) the clip you could probably find on Amazon or maybe hot topic! Another idea I have for this costume is getting a star shirt like she has in the movie, I’d also suggest wearing either a key or the one green planchette-like thing she has in the movie so your more recognizable and overall I think it’s just a cute touch (I also know I’ve def seen those in a matching coraline best friends necklace set on the hot topic website although they may no longer be selling them)
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Alice! This is so simple and I love it bc once ppl realize who you are I think it’s super fun and like a clever idea
The beehive hair is super easy to do on your own if you don’t know how to do it already yt has some good tutorials! I haven’t ever used a “bump-it” either but those are supposed to help create on of those so if you don’t want to put in as much work or you can’t figure it out maybe buy one of those? I’m sure they have wife with it too but I’m not so sure those are good quality (or what I call “passable”) but you be your own judge on that! I think cider probably has some good dresses for this costume (if you’ve never used cider just know to size up atleast one size tho I’d say two if you can)
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nancypullen · 1 year
Hello, October!
Oh, how I've missed this beautiful month. October is the best month of the year and you can't change my mind. What other month spends thirty days painting the world with jewel tones and then ends it all with a big costume party? I love my birthday month, but I do consider it just one long October Eve. And speaking of costume parties, I know a little girl who is very excited about dressing up for Halloween. Let's start at the beginning. Our precious grandgirl started kindergarten in September. She loves it. A couple of weeks into school the kids were tasked with bringing a "Me Bag" for Show and Tell. They were supposed to bring a few things at home that are special to them and basically tell the class about the things they like. A short time later there was a sort of open house at the school and this is what Tyler sent us.
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Just a few short days later, she was out shopping with her parents and the very same girl who had been saying that she wanted to go trick-or-treating as Jasmine spotted this and declared that she had found her Halloween costume. I wish I could show her face because she is quite pleased with herself in the photo. Looks like she wore it right out of the store.
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Is that a precious little witch or what? I wonder if her classmates went home and told their parents that there's a witch in their class. Much like her Grancy she may end up on prayer lists far and wide. Too funny.
While we're on the subject of magic, guess who colored her hair? I thought about it for a long time. I'd grown out the white for a year and though I didn't hate it, I also didn't love it. I suppose I just wasn't ready. I placed an order to Sally's (the closest one is about 40 minutes away) and chose a color I'd safely used over and over. Good ol' 9NN. I'm telling you, when I mixed the color and developer I felt like a junkie cooking up fix. I couldn't wait. The color is not what I remembered. Yikes. Maybe it seems darker because I spent so long with white hair. But I'm fine with it.
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I hope that neck wrinkle is caused by the seatbelt and not old age. Pretty sure it's age. Oh well. I was actually on my way to a dinner with women! You guys, I'm trying so hard to break into this town and find friends. It really shouldn't be this hard. I swear I don't stink and I'm really very nice. I have even applied for a job. It's with the library, the same library that kept turning me away as a volunteer. I'm more than qualified, do you think I'll even get a call? I'll be surprised if I do, but I'll keep hope alive and try to keep positive thoughts. If it doesn't happen, life will still be dandy. Besides, I know a little witch who might be able to cast a spell for me. Alright, enough of this prattle. My bag is waiting by the door and I'm heading to bed early to try to sleep before our early morning wakeup. I can never sleep the night before a trip. I suppose I could nibble a gummie. I have to leave those behind because Ireland has very strict rules about any sort of cannabis product and I really don't care to be nabbed at customs and thrown in prison. I've seen enough episodes of Locked Up Abroad to know that I'm too nice for prison. Looks like I'll be popping ibuprofen for a couple weeks. A little discomfort in exchange for castles and the Cliffs of Moher That's a good trade. Oh, the word comfort reminds me. One of the many gift cards I received on my 60th was an Amazon card. One of the purchases I made with it was this outfit to wear on the flight.
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I will admit, that for just $29 I did not have high hopes - but it's fabulous!! So comfy, so soft and light. It's wonderful! Four pieces, the jogger pants, a short sleeved tee, a tank, and a cardigan, all in a lightweight jersey-type fabric. I love it so much that I'll definitely buy it in another color (my set is basic black). It runs true to size, so just order your regular size and it should fit just fine. Here's a link:
I'm really leaving this time. Going to grab a book and hopefully read myself to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day. Because of an airline schedule change we have an extremely long layover in Toronto, like most of the day. Maybe that will work in my favor and I'll conk out on the flight to Dublin. I rarely sleep on planes and that makes me bleary-eyed on arrival. This might be just the thing to make me tired enough to get some shut-eye on the way over. Fingers crossed. Next post will be from Ireland. Our Air BnB supposedly has excellent wi-fi, probably better than many of the hotels we've stayed in on past trips. That's good news. Brace yourself for too many photos. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
Bossa Nova (Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x f!reader) - Five
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Four | Six
Summary: DMs, drinks and emojis. 
Word count: 3.235.
Warnings: Bad words, a pinch of flirting, a slight mention of a crime scene, alcohol consumption and uuuh... Yeah? I guess that’s it.
Author’s Note: This came by an idea I had a few days ago 😂 There’s a lot of dialogue through DMs so I hope it works.
Join my taglist! Don’t forget to reblog, comment and like! As always, I would love to know what you’re all thinking! ❤
Listen, it wasn’t like you were searching, okay?
Although Benny had caught your attention for more than obvious reasons, he was the type to do things around the edges, diligently, which you respected. There was a readiness to him, something that made him understand when to take certain actions, which included not invading your space or being a complete asshole. Again, you respected it. And even if he continued the discrete ploy of keeping aloof in the days that followed, you wouldn't mind creating a friendly relationship with him. Nothing else.
Thing is that Benny piqued your interest – more than you would like to. And if he already followed you on Instagram and you already followed him back was a pure friendly retribution, after all, you two worked together.
Like you, he had a few hundred followers – Benny with 547, you with 326. Maybe you took a look unpretentiously one day, but that wasn’t the point. Your virtual presence was pretty vague, so it was never important to you. There were some videos of karaoke nights, photos at events, old high school memories and a few pictures of your New Year’s Eve in Massachusetts; the only considerable time you’d spent with your college friends for celebrations. His social media followed the same pattern, but he seemed more reserved.
Was it a kind of modern approach, as the Buzzfeed articles said? Liking photos, comments, sending posts the person might like? This just didn't look like Benny's style, he seemed to be traditional enough or he was just older. You didn’t want to make assumptions.
What happened was that your brother invited you for a night of drinks, which you could deny for a variety of reasons, but he was going to pay and the gastritis phase was over. You posted a story of the outfit you chose: a slip satin dress, another one from the collection of pieces that were tucked away in the back of your wardrobe but felt the obligation to use after the divorce.
At best, it was short. At worst, too much. The heel highlighted her calf, thighs, ass. It was normal for it to draw attention considering the clothes you wore at work, which was the only place you saw each other.
“... Then I was like: are you out of your fucking mind?! Three hundred dollars for a fucking dog clothes?” Your brother was in the middle of a rant about a client, gesturing to the air and all.
The first buzz of the phone didn't catch your attention. In the notification, you saw that it was the regular people liking the story. You returned your focus to what was being discussed in an instant.
“I would also demand higher alimony from my ex if he did that.”
“Exactly! And when I tried to explain how…”
It was on the second buzz that you were completely distracted. The notification didn't signal a like or anything like that. You frowned, looked again, and this time your eyes fixed on the screen of the device.
@bennymagalon99 replied to your story: Lookin good, mama 🔥
You stared at the screen for a long time, picking up the phone with both hands and opening the message instantly because… Well, because it didn't make a lot of sense, right? He never-
“What was it?”
“Mm?” Your head turned to him, but your eyes were still fixed on the message.
“Don't tell me it's work.”
“... Mm? Oh no! No, I was just…” You blinked a few times, fumbling with the words like a stupid. “It’s nothing. Keep going.”
And despite his hesitance, he kept talking, and you left your phone on the table again as you shook your head at whatever it was he wanted to vent.
Benny didn't say anything else until you got home; he wasn't even online when you had time to sit on the couch with your feet up on the coffee table. You had taken off your heels, hugged a bottle of water, and opened Instagram.
The DM was still there. You decided to answer.  
You Thanks!
Kojak was still awake and you turned on the TV because as there was no chance of falling asleep with the effects of alcohol in your system, it looked like another night of napping on the couch watching the evening's programming.
It looked like. Didn't take long for it to change completely.
@bennymagalon99 Date night?
In a way, you didn't think he was teasing you, but Benny instigated an answer to the question he already knew. The next story was of a photo of you and your brother on the way out of the bar, taken with reddened faces and smirks from the drinks, so it seemed more like a conversation starter.
You didn't know how to react to it at first. Has alcohol slowed you down? Perhaps. Perhaps, because he could also just be curious given the 'closeness' they had been nurturing.
Your fingers hovered over the keyboard for a moment before answering.
You Is that how you start your topics with me? Asking if I have a date or if I’m good? But no Had some drinks with my brother
@bennymagalon99 My bad I guess Kinda new in starting topics with you 😬
He kept typing, then deleted it, then started typing again.
@bennymagalon99 It’s probably because you look really nice outside your work clothes
You Oh? So I don’t look nice in general?
Benny considered. He typed, deleted, typed, deleted again. You sipped more of the water and waited; alcohol was low, it wouldn't be enough to make you so anxious for an answer, right?
As if you wouldn’t be anxious in other circumstances.
@bennymagalon99 Course you do Can’t blame a man for appreciating a specific attire tho
Attire. You looked down at yourself again, at your bloated belly and bad posture. Good thing you could work on better in the pics.
You I can’t, you’re right
You groaned right after because damn if it wasn’t the most ridiculous thing to say.
You But like I don’t use it a lot I think it would be smart of you to think that You know?
Benny was faster than before.
@bennymagalon99 What did you drink? 😂😂
You I’m not drunk 😒😒😒
@bennymagalon99 No judging, ma You sound as cute as ever
Huh. You could blame your flushed cheeks on the drink too.
You Never get tired of showering me with compliments?
@bennymagalon99 Don’t like it? 😬
You I’ve never said that
@bennymagalon99 So you do
You Ugh, you want me to start being mean to you 🙄
@bennymagalon99 I was already getting worried that you wouldn’t start soon enough
Rolling your eyes was spontaneous at that moment – he sure had a smirk on his face.
You Bye 😒😴
@bennymagalon99 At least tell me what was the drink
You had already dropped your phone on the coffee table, taking another long sip of water before settling on the couch to watch (sleep).
He would really be talking to himself.
It wasn't a hangover, but you didn't want to risk that headache for something else, so you took an aspirin and had the luxury of eating a full breakfast – pancakes, eggs, even a mango smoothie your father had brought for you as a courtesy for the trip to the farmers market.
Kojak got a treat too. That food that the pet shop girl indicated seemed to make him have the most beautiful scales, but that could have been your hallucination. You couldn't really trust your mind in certain ways.
Despite that, you remembered everything that happened the night before, including the messages you exchanged with Benny. You didn't particularly know what to expect, after all, he could only be bored on a night shift and that came in handy. If he remembered (sic, if he wasn’t drunk), he wouldn't say a thing at work.
And in a way, he didn't.
You had the same routine as before, apart from the small episodes of approximation. That day you didn't even have any work involving Major Crimes – if there were two times when you crossed paths, it was a lot and still no one even looked at each other because you were busy. A 'good morning' maybe, but you’re kinda sure it was Connors. You had a lot in your basket with all the Travis and Desiree situation, so you didn’t give too much of a thought.
At the end of the day, Emma knocked on your lab door and said something about 'updating the case', which meant having to go to the briefing room for a meeting with them and the DEA team.
“I need to go?” You asked like a petulant child, even though you knew it wasn't a request. “I have a lot of work here.”
“They haven't done this in weeks. Just stay there, listen or not. We need to make sure no one will use your absence as an excuse to say we’re not collaborating.”
Everyone was there – O’Brien, Zapata, Henderson, Connors and Magalon. They sat in the back of the room like that bunch of troublemakers in high school, while Walsh and his team took the lead in running the meeting. You sat on the other side, alone, letting Emma go with Gina to the front row.
Everything had an atmosphere of forced, robotic education, as if everyone was suddenly walking on eggshells. Every now and then Mathias would give you glances, which he would recover from when he met eyes with Major Crimes or Emma or Gina, who always had more trouble containing her own discontent – which you didn't judge because you were exactly the same.
You decided it wasn't a discussion you wanted to add anything to. Despite your best efforts, you were already thinking about the things you left behind in the lab.
Then your phone buzzed.
@bennymagalon99     Gin and juice?
When you looked up, you couldn’t be sure if that was really him because Benny was still paying attention to the topic. You eyed the time the message was sent: 10:36 am. It wasn't a delayed message, it seemed, and you made sure no one was looking at you when you risked answering.
You I don’t drink gin and juice
You waited, watching to see what his reaction would be. By your position, Benny had sat in the row behind the others, which left him alone and more privacy to answer. He saw the message, scoffed and turned his face towards you.
“Really?” He mouthed with a slight smile. Instead of answering the same way, you got back to typing.
You For a detective, you don't do well with guesswork
@bennymagalon99 Ooooh there she is You don't know how long I've waited to be the target of your smart mouth
You As far as I remember, you asked me to go easy on you Looks like I made you wait a lot Are you a masochist or something?
@bennymagalon99 Would that be an impediment?
You For what?
@bennymagalon99 Friendship ☺️
Someone said something in a louder tone, which roused you from the conversation. Emma, ​​of course, who just got you with your head low looking at your phone, sending you a glare to pay fucking attention.
Your eyes roamed the space and for a while you just accessed the whole picture but didn’t quite listen to anyone in particular. When you dared to look in Benny's direction, he was already watching you. Curious, probably, gesturing discreetly with his phone, expecting an answer.
“Isn't that right?” Emma called your name.
You cleared your throat, nodded.
“... Indeed.”
If Benny hid a smile after that, you pretended you didn't see it.
You Why would you want to be my friend?
@bennymagalon99 Why not? You’re funny Btw you live in California and celebrate your parties in Massachusetts, which is interesting
You That’s not funny, that’s strategic Wouldn’t dare to show off in a bikini with so much competition in LA
He took a while to answer that. Nick spoke again about something aimed at the team.
@bennymagalon99 I’ve been in Cape Cod a time or two, so maybe you’re right Haven’t seen anyone as good in a bikini as you when I was there
You hoped he wasn't staring at you when he saw the message because you’d definitely be looking the most disconcerted. Like, coming from someone like him… You know? He could be a nice guy, but you weren't an idiot. Tara from Homicides had said countless times that he was her type, which meant any woman on planet Earth was out of the picture because she was a goddess. It wasn't something to just assume.
You You'll get me used to these compliments
@bennymagalon99 They won't extend to your holiday destination choices
You A friend has a house there, gimme a break
@bennymagalon99 And they gave you mojitos? 🍸
You Is it your second guess? Because you’ve never been so wrong, detective 🤭
@bennymagalon99 WHAT? NOOOOOO 😭😭😭
You You only have one more chance
But before you could get an answer to that, Emma was approaching with slow, unobtrusive steps. Your distraction didn't let you see that she'd been alerted to a break-in – she explained, guided and you jetted out of the room without looking back; work, after all.
It wasn't until you started driving and needed to warn the scene crew you were on the way that you saw what he responded. Luckily you were alone, because you didn't have to hide one of the widest, funniest smiles you've ever had without reservations, even if it was a really stupid thing because… Well.
@bennymagalon99 And what do I get if I get it right?
Again, the parking lot. It was after eleven at night and by that time, few people were walking around. That made the shriek that came out of your throat louder, as did the laugh Benny let out when he saw your startled face. Really, you guys haven't met this casually before.
“For Christ alive, man!” You put a hand on your chest. “Warn a girl, yeah?”
“Always getting scared that easily?”
“Only when people sneak up behind me.”
“I’m sorry,” He raised his hands in surrender. A considerable silence hovered between you two, fading the initial agitation.
“Another night's work?” You asked.
“No, I forgot my phone here.”
“And how was the case? Just break-in?”
“Yeah! Yeah, you know, robbery season in Beverly Hills.”
“Got it.”
Another silence, as if each unexpected meeting between the two of you was a struggle to keep from making everything awkward.
“I’ve been thinking what you said,” Benny offered after a beat.
“What I said?”
“Your drinking taste seems pretty specific.”
“Ah,” You giggled. “Do you already have that one last try, perhaps?”
“I plead the fifth. You still didn’t answer my question, I don't want to use all my cards without knowing the profits.”
“You guys are really on this bet stuff. I’m sure you all love going to Vegas.”
“Good for you it’s me on the other side and not Z, huh?” He crossed his arms over his chest. “So?”
You knew exactly where this was going, and really, at any other time in your life, with Theodore or not, you would have said no. When it came to the professional sphere, you had no problem filling yourself with complications, but you only did that because you didn't like to think too much about your personal life. You thought about this after the DM exchanges started: Benny exuded trouble. And, well, he was a hottie, but who's to say he wasn't just going down that path to get compensation for helping you with Walsh?
“... Is it negotiable?” You asked.
“Then tell me what it is you want.”
Benny was weighing the possibilities, as if he really wanted something impossible. You started to worry just a little bit, wondering what kind of favor he might ask, but after a while of looking you in the face, he ran his tongue over his lips, thumb brushing his goatee.
You may have watched the scene cautiously. You may.
“I admit I didn't expect this.”
“You shouldn't give people that much freedom.”
“I just like the challenge,” You didn’t, but you wanted to see where it would go.  
“Okay then,” He shrugged. “Friday we're going out. You and me.”
“... Mm?”
Did you hear right? He… Was that right? Good heavens, it sounded so unlikely that you thought you hadn't heard and were silent for a long time, at least long enough for him to start to get uncomfortable.
“But if you don’t want it, we can-”
“That’s not it,” Your voice came out cold, clipped. “You were there when Walsh said that stuff. Believe me, I didn’t think about the possibility of ever giving any of you guys a second glance in that aspect, but people talk. I shouldn’t worry but, you know, I just really care about my reputation. Professionally.”
“And you wouldn’t want to fill the gossip.”
“Yeah. Not that I don’t think you’re nice, because you are. I should’ve pay you dinner at that place for what you did, it’s just… precaution, I guess.”
“I get it.”
Those silences were starting to get more awkward and awkward as he continued them. You didn't know what to do with yourself, whether to wait for him to say the stupid thing or just say goodbye with an apology.
You frowned.
“Your drink. It was a Cosmopolitan.”
“How did you-”
“You have like four different pictures with one of these. Including when you were on Cape Cod.”
“... Really?” You asked with a weak and defeated smile.
“Yeah,” Benny mirrored your own expression before turning all serious again. “And you have your reasons to not accept this, really, but I’ve been doing this for a while now. I’m not known as the type to kiss and tell.”
He had a valid point. Despite their fears, everyone knew the reputation of each of the Major Crimes guys and there was already a pattern of the type of people in the Department they associated with… except for Benny. Whenever these conversations happened, he was always an unknown, a suspect (like Tara from Homicide), but never a certainty. This was a hell of a mistake for something long-term, but for casual outings it seemed more than ideal.
Still, you considered it judiciously, as always. You remembered that Benny wasn't in that room with Brixton, and that Lennon had a gleam in his eye that no one gave you when Walsh told you those things.
“... Okay.”
The answer was simple and straightforward. He raised his eyebrows, you raised yours because you said it so abruptly.
“Are you chickening out?” The defiant tone came out with some effort and he repeated his motion: lips licked, thumb brushing the goatee. It was probably a habit of his.
“I’m just making sure you want this. I don’t want to brag, but I’m not one to have people going out with me out of pity.”
“Good, because I don’t do that either.”
Your hint made him smile behind the tip of his fingers.
“You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Really,” Benny nodded. “Which makes me wonder if you'll give me your number so we can work out the details. I really hate chatting through DMs.”
Taglist (no pressure)
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9:08 Oct 2022, 2.08 AM
Ran out of pen and my pencil’s a no-go, so, am writing it here.
Today marks the day former INTJ (yes, shocking) discovered that he’s actually mistyped. The guess would be very easy, but still surprised me because I never thought of it before due to how reserved he appear ((I need to stop seeing based on 16p letters which says I = introvert and E = extrovert, when we as normal people can always be inclined to one or the other depending on our situations))
Funnily, I burst into tears when he was actually serious about it. Blaming my PMS for that… also, ended up having an identity crisis and looked up online for some articles regarding his newly-discovered type. It’s childish, but I couldn’t help wondering. I did some research and articles on how can ENTJ and INFP relationship would work.
“We worked, though???” -ENTJ
We laughed it off and he suggested me to make a comic about it—a good idea, hopefully I won’t be lazy.
Previously, I did realize how he’s not obsessively Ni, if you know what I mean… He uses Ni when he needs to, when it’s helpful for him, but naturally, he’ll use Te and enjoys expressing his thoughts on what would be the best and useful for others. The issue was with us always believing him as an introvert. “Letting go of that belief was liberating.”
A few hours before 12, I got ready for us to go out and look for food and some clothes. It was different than the other days, because I chose a pretty hanbok-inspired midi dress which I bought online and ironed it. Also, did a douyin makeup look, with the intention of practicing my skills for aegyosal.
We vlogged as we reach Haru Coffee—our favorite place to get Shin Ramyun. Shin Ramyun was cheaper if bought one whole pack, but making it ourselves won’t be as delicious as how Haru’s turn out. We talked more about what convinced him to be an ENTJ and I slowly come to understand his reasonings. I needed time to accept because being with him for more than a year, really sold me the idea he’s an INTJ.
We left the place and took some photos of Haru entrance. Oh, did I mention how the cafe had expanded? From being a small corner cafe, it became an actual cafe with more space, and of course, even more korean aesthetic.
We went to our comfort mall to look for his outfit. We found a 3-piece, but the price tag had no display of how much it cost. One of the blazers show their pricing at 300+ and that made us leave the store because obviously… that’s a lot of money for one blazer. Or maybe we’re just part of minimum-wage group.
We went to Dees. Or we call it Deez (not saying it, you know it). We found one shirt, and the price was okay, but the problem was we needed a 3-piece. There were no signs of the blazers matching the shirt, so we had to find another shop.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I bought an iced coffee out of impulse. Part of me regretted it because the taste of the Iced Mocha Expresso wasn’t the same as I recalled. Also, he refused to drink it because he’s cutting off ice from his diet, for his throat. That made me a little sad, because we’d always share our cold drinks, but more for me, I guess. *slurps the thick bittersweet coffee*
We bought car wipers from a hardware store and I got myself a cheap pink earphones. He watched a video on how-to and tried putting it on his parents’ car but to no avail. Decided to ask his father, he’s an ISTP and was into cars anyway.
We went to a mall next-door, which wasn’t my favorite, because of it’s fame leading to it being packed with people on weekends. We looked for the clothes again but still couldn’t find it. So we visited the prayer room. I left my phone in the car, so he lent his. After my prayer was done, I went to the toilet for my own business and once I got out of the stall, I was met by an old woman with a grey scarf. She asked me wether it was my phone that dropped. I confidently said no, even if she asked me if I’m really sure the second time.
While walking to a restaurant, I noticed how his phone wasn’t with me. I panicked and went to the toilet from earlier to find the old lady. My heartbeat was crazy, because that wasn’t my belonging, it was his and he’ll be doomed if it gets stolen.
I went into the prayer room again and saw his phone lying in front of 2 girls. I asked them first before taking that phone, just to make sure they are actually ok with it. I clicked the lock screen button and saw his wallpaper of Beastboy and Raven. Definitely his.
Relieved, I gave it back him and he said he needed to be careful when trusting me with his phone—can’t agree more. We went to have a traditional family dinner, but I felt my period was coming so I rushed to the toilet. Though, no signs of blood. Fooled again, some of PMS signs can be frustrating, but I’m used to it.
Before continuing our earlier search, we visited a bookstore. He wanted to start collecting books and have his personal library. I let him go to motivational section while I stayed in chick-lit, fiction, and all that dreamy stuff. I stumbled upon The Diary of a Girl by Anne Frank, which piqued my interest for some reason. I saw before people saying she’s INFP, but I couldn’t be so sure.
I read some of the parts and it sold me. I was quite immersed, it really was someone’s diary. Coincidentally… her birthday was same as mine. ((sounds corny, but that fact sold me as well)) You could say that I was officially emotionally attached to it that I know I needed to get it. Considered buying online as it’s always way cheaper than off a store.
I was about to go and talk with ENTJ but he was talking to someone, which I assumed a new friend. I didn’t want to disturb them so I stood at the corner and read more pages of Anne’s diary (that sounded odd and intrusive, but it’s true!) It dragged for quite some time, but I really didn’t want to bother when he’s taking that chance of making a new friend to share about books with.
After awhile, he came to me and showed me the book—12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson. Of course.
I asked him about his potential new friend, but he said nah, because it turned out that guy was a business-man. ENTJ actually believed he could make a new friend to share interests with, but too bad.
Then, went to an ok price retail store, but we were distracted by other cool clothes instead of what we should actually buy.
He tried out some of the clothes, and we found the perfect black sweater and blue jeans for him. We didn’t get what we came for, but at least we found some really cool clothes.
Another incident happened, we were about to go home but I needed to clear my bladder ((thanks to that coffee)). After completing my personal task, I went to ENTJ, and stopped in my tracks when he mentioned where was my bag. I scurried back to the toilet while praying to God he’d still help me. The pink handbag was still there, truly a miracle which God had blessed.
ENTJ just laughed seeing me with my unlucky handbag. “I’ll be your reminder next time, for sure.”
We went home, while summarizing our whole day. Today was planned and unplanned. We had our goals but there was no escaping the chaos, other than adapting. I’m still thankful to God…
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loveblackculture · 1 year
So my man & I have been at odds this whole week. Not really speaking to each other and when we did it was bickering. We just really haven’t been fond of each other this week. (All relationships go thru it, I’m not ashamed.)
One day out of the week, he came home with a fresh bouquet of sunflowers (our thing.) Didn’t say A WORD to me, just handed them to me. And went about his business into the shower.
Another day out the week, he stayed out late with me and the baby so we could watch the fireworks down town. He got me a 6 pack of wine coolers, but still didn’t say much to me the whole time. Just kept to himself and watched them in silence.
And today, I had a photo shoot and got dolled up. He tagged along because he knows he’s my comfort zone. Didn’t really say anything to me then either. Just was there for support. Afterwards, I had no other plans and was just gonna head home and get undressed and take off my makeup.
But then he finally spoke. And said “I’m gonna shower quick and then we’re going on a date for some dinner. You look really good for it to go to waste.” He showered. Even tried to coordinate his outfit with mine. And took me to Applebees because it was the only place open.
We had $6 drinks, and lots of food. And finally just unloaded and talked.
About everything.
From the missing submarine, to the weather. And everything in between. And finally all was good between us again.
Point of this post is a reminder that sometimes it’s better off to just give your Significant Other their space. To walk away while being angry to avoid saying something you’ll regret. To have your personal time to focus on you and reflect on what you need to. To be your own individual while still being in a relationship. Even to make them miss you, while still being in the same environment.
Not for a second did we second guess our relationship or our future together. We just weren’t fond of each other for a few days. And that’s OKAY. We don’t have to be best friends every single day. But we are partners every day. From morning to night. Not every day do I like him, and I’m positive he doesn’t like me every day either.
But every day we choose to LOVE each other. Love is a choice, not a feeling. And you have to choose it E V E R Y day. You HAVE to choose your partner. Even when you’re mad. Even when they throw their clothes next to the hamper instead of inside of it. Even when they stupidly forget something from the store. Even when they lay on the couch with outside clothes on.
And that’s exactly what he did. When I ignored his texts all day, he chose to love me anyway. He chose to stop at the store on the way home for a $10 bouquet of flowers. And when he gave them to me, I knew exactly what it meant. “I don’t like you right now but I’ll always love you. We aren’t friends right now. Don’t talk to me. But know that you’re my life partner. And we aren’t going any where!”
And that’s all it takes.
Just please remember you still love yours, even when you feel like you’re better off without them.. Because when it’s gone, it’s gone..
Anyways, I’m off to go snuggle with my man after a bunch of $6 Applebees drinks. 😉
EDIT TO ADD: I wrote my post from my point of view of our week. Through out the week I still did things to remind him that I love him despite us not being fond of each other at the time. I don’t have to do a play by play of our entire week to prove to everyone that I’m worthy of what he does for me. He’s not stupid to stay with someone that doesn’t reciprocate every energy he puts out.
But this post only goes over the heads of those that need growing.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
The issue about tae/nnie has taken so much space in my brain for about a month now and it's making me go through such an unhealthy obsession.
I get bothered whenever that video appears in my timeline, but I'd still deliberately look for more clues and connections. I get an irrational satisfaction whenever I see posts dragging the girl (which I think is so evil of me. I mean, I never really liked her even before this, plus, her show really made me hate her more). I never engaged in fanwars. I'm just on the sideline, reading hate posts one after another. I would intentionally look for tags and stuff related to them. It's mentally exhausting. I'm beating myself up so much over it. I'm trying to find answers in an unhealthy way. It's not good.
I understand why fans are still having a hard time accepting it considering it all started with an accidental follow, then the gurumi photos, then now this. We've been debunking this for so long, so it may take awhile to accept everything. I'm still not sure if it was them coz the narrative was full of holes and downright suspicious. We haven't seen Tae in that jacket and hat, but the pants and shoes were the same. The Celine bag was there, too, held by the manager. Jennie was seen in that outfit, too, days after that. Jennie's hair was the same. Also, that fan who asked for an autograph, although super suspicious coz how in hell was she bringing a magazine with her at that time of night. The clearer video looked definitely like Tae, so I dunno what to believe anymore. They were seen getting inside the hotel, too, so, I dunno anymore.
I've been reading posts denying the rumors, too, so it's honestly just so confusing.
Thing is, nobody really knows what's the truth, only Tae and Jennie and their companies do.
I've been reading your asks, and there were a few who are convinced that Tae is not gay. Maybe we just read him wrong, and he's just an LGBT ally. However, I disagree with the anon who said Tae can't be gay because of Wooga or Bogum coz men can be friends with gays, too. I have gay friends and straight male friends, and they get along just fine.
It's been almost a month, and we still haven't gotten our answers, and surely, there won't be any confirmation happening ever. We will just live through the confusion until one day, this will just become part of our memory as their fans.
For now, we just have to remember why we became fans in the first place. We always have to hold on to that reason why we chose BTS, what they did for us. We need to continue supporting them. We don't own them. They make us happy, we should let them find their happiness, too.
Also, I realized how fickle our minds can get. If we're not mentally strong, we can get swayed easily. We create our own truths and beliefs based on our own understanding and judgment, so we have to try surrounding ourselves with more possitive things.
We're all in this together! Happy Festa!
Hi anon!
I fear you are making yourself very unhappy at the moment. I'm glad you recognize what you're doing isn't good for you. Maybe step out for a bit?
At this point you're unlikely to find out anything new about the Paris footage. But I don't even think that's where your real problem lies. You feel too unsure about Tae and Jk probably, and you're expressing obsessive behavior because you want to make sense of things and go back to feeling safe in your believes. But the thing is, we will never know exactly what's happened, so you are likely to always have a hint of doubt in your mind. That is what you have to come to terms with, living with doubt.
Doubt can make people feel really unsafe, even when it doesn't involve themselves. Just try to tell yourself that you are safe (at least I hope you are). Whatever happens to Tae and Jk has no physical effect on your safety. You yourself are not being attacked or harmed. Try to avoid reading hate. Hate is a nasty thing, it will never make you happy. You don't have to look at stuff containing Jennie if it makes you sad. It's all about choices anon, you just have to make the right ones for yourself. You do have some control here, you have the control to filter what you see.
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Week 10
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In this photograph, the focus point is on the two women who seem to be socializing in a car. The colors are very vibrant and are the first thing that stands out to me. The point of view of the camera also intrigues me as it almost feels like a "paparazzi" shot to me.
I believe that the perspective of the image being taken really creates a deeper meaning to the image. Are the subjects aware they are being photographed? Is this posed? Are they just choosing to socialize in a vehicle with the doors open in a parking lot? Were all the vibrant color balances planned?
This doesn't really remind me of anything we have seen before because yes we have seen natural action shots of people socializing, but those have all usually been in black and white, this is the first image where I see vibrant and contrasted colors.
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The focus of the image is on two women strolling through an outdoor market, in striking blue and yellow outfits that complement each other. The vibrant colors immediately draw my eye, creating a warm atmosphere within the photograph. The composition captures a candid moment of shared joy as the women walk, smile, and engage with their surroundings.
The coordinated attire of the women adds a delightful touch, suggesting a shared enthusiasm. The point of view chosen by the photographer also creates an immersive experience for the audience, creating a sense of connection with the subjects as you feel like you are listening in on their conversation.
Unlike typical shots of people in casual settings, the vividness and coordination of colors in this image contribute to its uniqueness, offering a fresh perspective on the joyous spontaneity of everyday moments.
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I love how their clothing has many similarities, yet when you examine the details, they are actually very different from one another. The first thing that caught my eye was the cheetah print, which seemed like they were matching. But one is wearing a cheetah hat, while they are wearing the same shoes. I love how he chose to have a balance between contrast and similarities.
The point of view again is very intriguing as it feels like as the audience you can feel like you are a part of their conversation and are really connected to the subjects. From their facial expressions, mannerisms, and clothing I am a part of the conversation and know exactly what they are talking about.
Again, I feel his work is very diverse from other pieces we have seen this year. Yes, I have seen photos like this, but they are always in black and white and don't have the detail in clothing and subjects complementing each other. The attention to detail in these photographs is really incredible and makes the images.
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For this photograph, I wanted to mirror Francis' work by using fashion to create symmetry and contrast in my photograph. I decided to call this photograph "The Trench", I styled us both so that we were wearing high black boots and trench coats, but the shirts and details of our outfits differed. So at first glance, you might think we look very similar, but as you pay attention to the detail, you can see that we actually are dressed very differently. I chose to take this photo out of a reflection because it felt more natural than posing for a photograph that someone would take of us. With our natural posture and behavior, the audience too can feel like they are a part of our tube ride and conversation. It gives a welcoming energy.
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I also cropped the image so that the focus is primarily on the bottom parts of our outfits, focusing on our shoes. This was it gives the photographs much more mystery and you cant even tell that we are on the tube because the background and all the signs are cropped out.
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catintheruemorgue · 4 years
annoying things they do
summary: small things these guys do that just grinds your gears a bit.
characters: oda, dazai, kunikida, twain, akutagawa, atsushi, mori, poe, ranpo, fittzgerald, steinbeck, chuuya, yosano, gin, kouyou, higuchi, alcott and lucy
these are all based off things i do or have inconvenienced my life lmfao i’ll probs do a part two with everyone i missed this just got wayyy to long lol next im posting being friends with double black 
If you're wearing shorts and have bruises he will poke them when you're resting your legs on him. He’s silent about it too and if you yell at him he pretends to act like he doesn't know what you're talking about.
Will smack your sunburn but this one is actually an accident. He just wanted to pat you on the back because you're amazing.
Will space out when you talk too long, sometimes certain objects are just so… mesmerizing
Loves to jumpscare you the only exception is if it was a trigger. In that case he will just call your name and whip something at you for you to catch at random.
When you're driving he likes to reach over and honk your horn. It's almost caused so many roadside fistfights.
If he sees a dog in public he will bark and growl at it.
Won’t let you on the bed without socks on. You could be sick as a dog and he’ll still enforce this rule.
Cleaning is hard because he has a hard time throwing things away. You'll spend extra time as he holds two identical pens, trying to decide which one he wants to keep. He’s learned to plan certain days in his schedule for cleaning now.
Won't let you turn up the music in the car and will keep it at a level that's so low it's annoying.
Walks around the house shirtless but then complains about how cold it is.
Blasts his music so loud when he wakes up in the morning and it's always early 2000’s hits. It's not rare for you to have Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield stuck in your head by 9 am.
Always has to climb something, this stems from his adventurous side. It's not really that annoying but when you’re in a crowded area and he runs off to go climb the tall statue, screaming at you to take a photo… Yes it is. Especially when children try and follow him and you're stuck receiving glares from the parents.
Will not let you throw any food products out. He tells you it's a perfectly good meal (even if it's not) and that he will eat it tomorrow. It’s sad because you know this stems from childhood but it’s still annoying.
Reuses the same gross, musty ziplock baggies. You keep buying new ones but he doesn't get it lol.  
Will tell you if your breath smells, hair is messy, outfit is ugly. He does not see an issue with this and it's nice knowing someone has your back but he doesn't have to be so rude about it..
If he drinks he's one of those drinkers who will not let you take it from him. Keeps an iron grip on the cup. He finishes it no matter how drunk and always throws up. Thankfully he rarely drinks.
He stops to help everyone, literally even if they just look like they need help. You've been late to so many things.
Will eat anything. Once you made steak and somehow forgot about it. It was hard as a brick yet he still almost broke his teeth eating it. You think you saw some tears as he told you it was delicious.
Listens to people's conversations in public and isn't afraid to comment, loudly, about it. You know it's loud because they either stop talking or try and confront you guys.
Comes up to stops fast and brakes so hard you feel like he does it on purpose.
Sometimes if he and Elise get into a “disagreement” he’ll try and rope you in to take his side and you always do, knowing it would probably give him more satisfaction if you chose to side with her.
Asks for constructive criticism but will then argue with you about why you're wrong.
Always humming a song he heard Twain singing and then it gets stuck in your head too.
Will deny stupid things like why your favorite mug is in the trash or why he just let out rather loud scream in the bathroom. You know he's lying because he looks away and makes sure his bangs are covering his eyes.
Will call you out on any lie even if you don't mean to lie you just forgot about some of the details.
Don't take him grocery shopping if you have a set amount you want to spend. He won't even sneak, he will just say he wants something and throw it in the cart.
Such a backseat driver even though he can't drive.
Likes to act like he's still in his twenties and will somehow get the two of you invited to college parties where he will attempt to do a kegger in front of everyone. You end up being the one to hold him up and he always ends with a, “LETS FUCKING GO!”
Likes to ask for the senior discount even though he's not that old, he just likes to hear the women validate that he's not old.
It’s scary how he used to buy without looking and now will scream if the price on a price tag is too high.
Always looking at the grass for wheat to chew on. It's so cheesy when you walk into the city and he's got it sticking out of his mouth.
He gets weirdly intimate with nature and you feel like you're third wheeling.
Has the mentality that he has to provide for you because he is the man. He gets so shocked when he finds out you still want to work.
Has a hard time making decisions you could ask him what he wants for dinner and his mind will just break.
Gets way too pissed at movies and will actually get up and walk away. Once you were kicked out of the theater because he wouldn't stop yelling at the screen. Another time he walked out you waited a whole ten minutes before you realized he wasn't coming back.
Sometimes activates his ability at night and it's so scary waking up to him floating halfway across the room.
WOMAN TIME!!!!!!!!!!
Will glare at you so intensely if you say something she disagrees with.
Always tries to rope you into drinking with her even if you’ve said no the past ten nights.
Will describe wounds or injuries in such detail and just won’t stop, almost like she’s trying to fuck with you, but she’s not.
Claims to be nothing like her big brother but then will go on to make the same facial expressions and do some of the same mannerisms as him.
Will spend hours trying things on just to put it all back, leave the store and change her mind when you’re almost home. Then she’ll have you run back with her to buy it all.
Is used to sneaking around so scares you a lot. Also on the topic of being silent sometimes she just won’t respond, thinking you can just read her vibes / mind.
Will judge what you eat, especially fast food but will try and steal a fry in private when you're not looking.
Will say things like, “Well that's just the way the world works.” If someone tries to share their baggage with her. You understand she’s had a pretty rough life but it's caused you to almost spit out your drink multiple times.
At functions forgets about you for about an hour while she mingles with everyone else, you could tap on her shoulder and she'll dismiss you like you're a subordinate. Until you clear your throat again you'll see the slight blush as she apologizes.
She has no sense of privacy. If she hears a crash or loud noise she will bust down the door. It’s sweet but not when the noises are usually from you knocking all the shampoo bottles down again.
Horrible road rage actually puts you on edge to be in the car with her. She doesn't even have to be driving.
Likes to act like she's a professional at everything and people usually believe it because of her suit. It's so nerve wracking when she giggles when they walk away with false information.
Will agree to everything you suggest but you can only tell when she doesn’t want to do it when you’re currently doing it.
Yet she’s not afraid to grumble about how annoying it is when someone bumps into you and doesn’t apologize. It’s sweet but you’re left dealing with the situation if the person is aggressive enough to say something.
Always corrects your spelling or if you say something like “I could care less.”
Will fish for compliments in a very obvious way like, “Wow. Wish someone would call me pretty..” and then just stare right at you.
Kicks you so violently in her sleep but won't let go of you so you cant get away.
Constantly stealing from restaurants. You're banned from a couple restaurants because she got caught trying to steal a cup or salt shaker.
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