#i know there's mods for it but they dont really look good or natural
funkle420 · 29 days
i wish the sims would let us make fatter sims!!!
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queerfortress2 · 30 days
Can we get sniper hc for a reader who has adhd and atoms a lot (for some reason I’m fixated on Australia rn so he just comes with it ig)
im gonna assume that says stims???
i dont think he minds as long as you dont jumpscare him while hes in his little scope world. tunnel vision is a real thing, you know. he really cannot pay attention to you when hes paying attention to his job, and you running in loudly or hopping, or repeating a phrase out of nowhere might startle him into believing youre a spy.
outside the field i think he finds it endearing, he doesnt like much talking, so you doing all the talking actually helps him. hes quite a good listener when he isnt stressed out of his mind, and I PERSONALLY THINK he has his own little stims related to his gun. tapping the scope, flicking at the magazine, the works.
will not admit it though good luck trying
he also doesnt mind you having some stereophones, as long as he can hear what youre listening too. he finds the tiniest noises more irritating than the louder ones, mostly because in his job he needs to watch out for the littlest of movements, and the quietest of sounds. what hes looking for is only slightly above the ambience of the room. so he finds anything in that specific range to be offputting.
if you share a special interest i think it’s honestly doomed. one moment you’re talking in his sniper nest and another you are now in the new mexican nature looking to spot certain species of wild snake. he just enjoys certain topics more than others is all. (denials)
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anonymous-eggy · 6 months
Quest with an Mc who has recurring nightmares
i apologize for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes. i mostly wrote this to comfort myself after yet another nightmare
• He finds out after you log on particularly early one day because of a real nasty nightmare. he had taken a morning shift so he was also on earlier than usual
• from his usual readings of conversations he misses while logged off, its particularly unusual for you to be on so early. especially since you talk about sleeping in
• you were joking around and chatting with Xyx, who happened to be on at the time, which should have made him feel at ease, but he's a worrywart at heart so he sends you a message through the mods only channel.
• he's the server dad so of course he's checking on his partner.
• when you tell him its only because of a nightmare and that it happens all the time, he immediately understands
• i feel like he gets nightmares due to having ptsd from his past.
• so he sort of understands the whole thing of wanting to do something to get your mind off the nightmare.
• he of course asks if you want to talk about it or call after you finish chatting with Xyx.
• and so you do after warning him that you probably look like a tired mess. and he tells you that he doesn't mind and that you're always beautiful. cheesy ass mf
• he means it though
• after the two of you finally move in together, the first few nights of sleeping in the same bed are met with a pleasant string of either no dream or good dreams.
• and then it wears off
• if its one that makes you twitch awake, he's already awake ready to comfort you.
• i imagine he's a light sleeper for obvious reasons and just that he's always been a naturally light sleeper in general.
• he always first gives a gentle sleepy "hey, you okay?" before opening his arms to engulf you in a cuddle and ask you if you wanna talk about it.
• it's worth noting he lets you initiate the cuddle. he never touches you more than he already was until you give verbal or nonverbal permission after you have a nightmare.
• if you dont wanna talk about it, then thats alright. you can just lay there in his arms and rest your head on his chest. listen to his heartbeat and trace his chest tattoo until you're lulled back to a hopefully dreamless sleep.
• if you do want to talk about it, he always listens intently while rubbing your back in calming circles or running his fingers through your hair
• if the nightmare has left you paranoid about the door being locked or the curtains on a particular window being closed, he has no issues with getting up to check for you or with you.
• he may not be a jealous or possessive lover, but he sure as hell is a protective one.
• so he'll do almost anything to help you feel safe.
• which includes holding your hand while the two of you go check the object of your paranoia.
• he knows the door is locked and the curtains are always drawn over the windows because he checks every night before going to bed out of habit, but he doesnt mind.
• all he ever wants is for you to feel safe. its no chore or bother to him
• COMPLETELY off topic, but if he were a dog, he'd absolutely be a livestock guardian dog breed. he just gives those vibes.
• if you feel insecure or embarrassed about it, he's ready to comfort you and let you know it really isnt silly or dumb
• he truly understands. the entire first two years he lived alone in his apartment after getting out of prison he regularly woke up from nightmares of his old gang finding him and would anxiously peak around corners to check the door and any windows thoroughly. several times.
• sometimes he still does get those nightmares.
• comfort cuddle party for when you both have a nightmare? absolutely.
• 4 am and you both cant sleep because of a bad dream? i guess its time for an early cozy breakfast.
• he'll have you sit on the counter while he cooks for you both.
• maybe it turns into you guys making out. i mean. nightmare or not, seeing that man cook in sweatpants with no shirt would have me on my knees.
• and in the comfort of your own shared home? a bit of intimacy after a rough night sure helps lift the mood
• he somehow doesn't burn the food. usually.
• if he does its only because you kept it going and distracted him far too much ;)
• and if you do have a nightmare and wake up without him waking up, its okay to cuddle closer to him.
• if he's facing away from you, he'll roll over, throw an arm around you, and softly kiss your head, whether or not he fully wakes up
• if it was a bad nightmare and you need more comfort than that, its okay to wake him up.
• he probably even told you to wake him up early on into living with him. he never wants you to have to deal with those feelings alone.
• this is also why if you guys have a dog, they'll have to be trained to sleep in their own dog bed in the room.
• anyone who owns a dog knows that they'll wake you up too many times at night if you're a light sleeper and sleep in your bed
• and with you and Quest waking up because of nightmares, yall need all the rest you can get.
• despite all this, you guys do rest well normally.
• most nights when you have minor nightmares you're mostly desensitized to, you just kinda roll over and scoot closer to Quest before falling back asleep.
• and he'll pull you closer and also quickly fall back asleep.
hope you other bitches on here with chronic nightmares enjoy hell yeah 😎 fuck it we ball
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Dangonronpa korekiyo, nekomaru, nagito, kokichii, and gundam, and fuyuhiko with someone who reads erotic books like at first they try and hide it like throwing the book under their bed or hiding it and they have A LOT of those kinds of books but they have a lock on their closet but when they find out they dont care anymore and just bring it everywhere and sometimes read out loud on accident and detail?
Better late than never I hope?
Anyways, this one just cracked me up!! I uh. Let's say I relate-
I only did Nagito, Kokichi, Gundham and Fuyuhiko for now! Perhaps I'll do more soon.
Mod Usami/Bunny
Rating: Mature
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-Honestly, he's curious when he sees or finds out about the locks and mega privacy you have!
-He doesn't push your boundaries at all, or try to snoop, but he's always wondering what secrets he has left to uncover about you...
-Maybe it's his luck or your forgetfulness that leads him to finding out, but sooner or later he's holding one of your books and flipping through it
-He doesn't look surprised or disgusted or even confused, he just turns kind of red
-'Oh, is... this the kind of stuff you're into?' He'd laugh awkwardly. 'You've no need to be embarrassed! It's really only natural-'
-You, uh, might wanna shut him up before he says something that really embarrasses you. If you're having sex he definitely offers to perform an act he read about
-He doesn't really feel a ton of shame about this sort of thing, so when you bring it out in public, he only laughs and humors you
-He would even voice act if you'd goaded him into, but I don't think he'd do it well, or without laughing a bit and feeling bad about it
-He's glad his luck has brought you two closer!
-He's not the type to be opposed to keeping secrets... He knows well that some can be good in a relationship.
-Even if your everything is locked he doesn't really bat an eye. He's definitely interested but he's of the mind that if he doesn't know, he doesn't need to know, and if he needs to know, he'll find out eventually anyways
-When he finds out, hes more flustered than he'd like to admit. Sure, he's been exposed to violence for a while but not a ton of sex!
-'What the hell?! You're into those dirty mags the old guys I work with are?!'
-He doesn't think its that big a deal once he gets over the initial shock about the size of the collection and does his best to forget until you bring it in up or into public
-It definitely embarrasses him and he might walk away the first couple of times if he knew you wouldn't take it too hard-
-At the end of the day though he's extremely loyal and puts up with it very begrudgingly and he might even get used to it if you didn't budge
-Well. he gets used to it until you start throwing in moans and then he's right back to square one of embarrassment
-Seems decently... sheltered
-When he sees the locks he's like that old meme. 'Alright then, keep your secrets'
-"Ah, my dark liege has a chest full of ritual objects! I mustn't disturb it." He never mentions it again.
-You'd have to be the one to slip up or show him on purpose
-He blushes REALLY hard when he finally realizes what they are. If he was holding them he probably drops them
-"What kind of sorcery-"
-If he found it he'd probably assume someone put it with your stuff as 'a twisted sort of deceptive revenge... be careful my dark liege!'
-if you started reading it in public he'd probably begin to speak very loudly about his magic or animals so that no one would hear you to cover you
-if you were doing it to tease him he wouldn't realize. He just thinks you have your interests and they're... strange to him
-if you admitted you were doing it to tease him he would probably be so flustered he would just hide in his scarf
-oh this fucking rat
-Locked closet? He's doing everything in his little rat bastard power to get in. lockpics. bribery. pleading. the silent treatment. breaking it. asking your friends where the key is. searching your room for it. at one point you swear you left him for a second in your room and he was gnawing at it-
-Kokichi's quite upset you'd keep this from your leader!
-When he inevitably gets his terrible hands on them he's DELIGHTED
-he'd HOPED it be something as embarrassing as this and maybe for a second you ARE super duper embarrassed
-"So this is the perverted stuff you're into? Maybe I should have pegged you for it a long time ago-"
-He absolutely makes fun of you ruthlessly for it. Even in public. Especially in public.
-He loves the game where he runs around and you try to fucking tackle him to keep his damn mouth shut-
-Eventually when you start carrying them around, he just gets worse
-But its only for a little bit- you start having less and less reaction and soon you even read them out loud to him to get his reaction
-kokichi's never one to turn down a bluffing competition
-soon you're reading them together everywhere- on the train, at lunch if you're in school, on dates sometimes, anywhere to try to get the other one to back down. If you're the type, you absolutely both throw moans into it
-he still teases you for being a 'perv', but he's the one who got you two kicked out for public indecency about it-
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Hello, really appreciate the work you're doing to bring awareness! I was wondering if you have thoughts/resources/suggestions etc. for fic writers who want to portray the clones well. I'm genuinely thinking that adding an author's note might be a good idea, but I'd love to have thoughts on respectfully mentioning the clones' appearance within fic itself. Thank you so much for all you do!
Hi, and thanks!
When it comes to writing, it's sometimes easier to come up with a list of "Dont's" than "Dos". This guide from NaNoWriMo is pretty straight forward!
Of course, there are some caveats: unless this is a modern AU, you can't directly say the clones are Māori because that term doesn't exist in Star Wars. However, this doesn't mean that their features don't! From another character's PoV, you could say they have even brown skin, dark eyes, and dark curly (not coily) hair with broad noses. You can tweak these for your level of prose, such as saying "warm" brown skin or coal-dark eyes/hair--but do NOT use food descriptions, as this is objectifying and dehumanizing. So no "chocolatey" (I have seen this) or anything like that.
Some authors like to code their characters as being from a certain culture, race, or ethnic background. Think of how Temuera Morrison portrayed Boba in The Book of Boba Fett and the Mandalorian, where he proudly put his Māori culture at the forefront of his fight in the latter show. I'm much less versed on the basics of Māori culture and ways of life than I am other cultures, so I personally don't know how to code the clones in the GAR as such. This is where research is important, both in terms of doing your own reading and reaching out to Māori cultural experts if they are willing to explain something.
One thing that I've seen that's quite popular in fics/art is Tā moko, which are the tattoos you may see some Māori with, like this:
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However, Tā moko is sacred and, from what I understand, relates specifically to one's ancestors, whakapapa (genealogy, loosely), and rank within society. Non-Māori can use kirituhi. @/tu_edmonds on TikTok/Instagram is a Māori bassist for Alien Weaponry who has Tā moko and also has a video explaining the difference between that and kirituhi. He's also got loads of other good explainers for Māori culture and language.
Physically, don't be scared to make the clones short! Temuera Morrison himself is only 5'7". I don't know why they made the clones six feet. Morrison also has a stockier build, the way a lot of Māori do, so don't be afraid to describe them being bigger and less cut/lean than the 180 lbs they supposedly are in canon (although I refuse to believe that's true because that is incredibly thin).
This might be more than you bargained for, whoops! But these are the basic things I could come up with for describing clones in fics!
There are other ways to support #UnwhitewashTBB, if you like. I've been looking at and supporting @end-otw-racism (highly recommend you support them too!) and people will change the title of their fics or tag there works with #EndOTWRacism, as well as bookmark them/add them to collections? I'm not sure how exactly it works.
But if you or anyone else understands how this works, and your work is explicitly non-racist in nature (and focuses on the clones) I don't see why you can't also tag your work or write an AN that says #UnwhitewashTBB.
Hope this helps!
~ Mod CH
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random opinion post about celeste difficulty namings
i have come to a realization that this is MY blog so i can write about whatever i want. insert an evil and mischievous grin
In Modding communities, finding a working system to classify the difficulty of mods is something pretty important, and the celeste community sticks to a handful of names for substantial difficulty stepping stones, being Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and Grandmaster. These five were established by the 2020 Spring Collab, and since then have become the norm. However, as the community ages (holy fuck, its been three years since spring collab??) players naturally get better and mappers naturally feel comfortable making harder stuff. I am now going to discuss why I do not like the names for 99% of the harder stuff :)
obligatory note is that these are all opinions and all in good fun im not gonna explode if someone calls a celeste map astral or anything its just something which lightly ticked me off so hey thats why i write about it
One point which I'll often come back to is the usage cases of the first five difficulties. Beginner, Expert, and Grandmaster are all titles, you can call yourself a Beginner at Celeste mods, in the same way a pro chess player could call themselves a chess Grandmaster. These are subtle, but in my eyes help establish and ground the difficulty names, in my eyes if you told someone "I'm a celeste expert!" versus "I'm a celeste grandmaster!" they could probably understand grandmaster as being better, due to it's usage in other mediums. As for Intermediate and Advanced, these are words just defining skill levels. The important part though is that these have a precedent of being used and having meaning, look up advanced or intermediate on YouTube, and you'll find a lot of educational videos on things like "Advanced English Learning Practice" or "25 phrases every Intermediate English speaker must know", so on. Now for the specific GM+1 Names I don't like: Celestial, Astral, and/or Stellar: These ones I see a lot, and they feel like very weird cases. All of these are... Not skill titles! But instead words used to describe space????? When I hear "Astral Celeste Maps", the first thing that would come to mind (especially if this was my first time hearing the term) was maps relating to or themed after space, but nope! they're instead used for really really hard celeste maps. These are somewhat titles (calling yourself an astral just makes me think of a sci-fi movie), but their titles aren't for skill levels in any way, Looking up "Celestial Difficulty" on YouTube won't net you any other communities or the like which use these as difficulty markers. Maybe one community here or there use them but I doubt they are nearly as prominent as "Grandmaster" for example. Virtuoso: This one's better, although I'm still not a fan. Virtuoso is defined as someone who excels in the technique of an art, in particular a form being in the sciences or arts, also typically used in musical cases. This is a good start, and writing this has made me like the term slightly more knowing its definition, but it still falls under an arbitrary line in my eyes. What defines Virtuoso as being harder then Grandmaster? From Beginner up to Expert, I feel like the definitions of the words naturally place them in that order of difficulty. Grandmaster can be seen as arbitrary yes, but it's already been established so in my opinion there isn't all too much you can do. If you wanna hold a campaign to remove all usage of the term 'grandmaster' from celeste modding so there are more natural stepping stones from beyond that then be my guest. To get to the point, theres nothing in the definition of Virtuoso which places it as harder then Grandmaster. once again my opinion but comparing a status from international competition in a game (Grandmaster) to a word defining skill in an art (Virtuoso) feel arbitrary in my eyes. virtuoso is also goofy in my eyes so i just dont like it because of that ultimately though writing this has made me realize im fine with virtuoso but oh well. also if you knew what the word virtuoso meant without having to look it up i do not believe you are real sorry </3
yeah thats it thats the post i just kinda wanted to 'rant' about Celestial Astral and Virtuoso theyre goofy lets just stick to "Super Grandmaster" thnx, id be interested in reading someone's thoughts on the term virtuoso but otherwise goodbye have a nice night
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thewarnerbrothers · 1 year
alright i gotta say something
you really cant do anything when you have a moderately popular blog huh
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look. im a lurker at heart. i just happen to have one issue: not being able to shut up when im interested in something. thats the only reaaon this blog exists. i didnt come here to make friends, though i ended up doing that along the way
i dont want or need your pity. what i need is for people i dont know at all to stop putting me under a microscope
newsflash: i dont matter. follower count doesnt matter. at all. do you know what its like having thousands of eyes on you all the time? it sucks
i literally cant do anything
if i block literal strangers, they get mad and try to publicly shame me for it. if i try to settle disputes amicably in private, its seen as bad. if i attempt to be open and transparent with modding decisions, its bad. if i ask people to actually talk to me, they dont. instead they kick up a frenzy in private to coordinate a stupid mass hissy fit disproportionate to any perceived slight they may have endured. if i make friends, people take it personally. people see that as some sort of insult. i cannot be friends with everyone. i wont. this hurts strangers feelings, dspite me not existing for their pleasure.
some of you feel very entitled to my time. you dont own me. i dont owe you anything. ive tried to not lose the few molecules of my mind left on a regular basis because of some people who are no longer in this fandom, and some who still are. and man. i am just. tired. of everyone. all the time.
i think even more than the fact that this series was released (mainly) as a bingewatch fest, what killed this fandom was you
not necessarily you, whoever is reading this. i mean the fans. in general. some of you are so annoying, rude, inappropriate, and willfully lacking in social skills. youre over dramatic. youre moody. youre dramamongering. youre liars. youre bullies. youre self-ascribed victims. you dont care about other human beings.
youre repulsive, frankly
you are part of the reason people have been leaving the fandom in droves. the homophobia. the transphobia. the ship hate. the inability to treat other people with basic human decency. the manufactured scandals. shut up and grow up
you know why i barely interact with larger fandom anymore? ill tell you
waves of harassment to varying degrees ad nauseam
creeps who refuse to even try to keep their fetishes to themselves in private groups that include minors
abusers (most of whom are thankfully now gone)
people befriending me only to reveal that they dont actually like or care about me as a person
the most willfully socially inept people to ever exist
nosy jerks who literally cannot stand not sticking their nose in personal problems that have nothing to do with them
people treating me and my blog like im google adsense. im not a billboard guys
people deciding i am evil for no apparent reason? sdkjfalsdjfa
thinly veiled anythingphobia pretending to be socially just (hi homophobes who imply that being lgbt by nature is 'adult')
people who just make things up. all the time. just make up a lie, say it passionately enough. if you try to defend yourself, youre seen as guilty/suspicious. if you try to resolve things quietly with only those involved, you're seen as guilty/suspicious. cant win
wankers who need to learn why parasocial relationships arent actually meant to be embraced wholeheartedly
really lame one-off trolls tbh
the most fandom discourse-poisoned takes i have seen since su hatedom was at its peak
im just tired of being nice all the time? i think you guys just like taking advantage of people you imagine to be good targets
listen. i am allowed to do whatever i want, regardless of how you feel about it. the same thing goes for you. i tend to try to resolve things reasonably and rationally, but i wont pretend ive never gotten mad or overreacted or made a decision i regret. ive made that pretty known. i like to think i've grown, and ive gone out of my way to apologize to people.
some of yall do not understand that just because your feelings got hurt, it doesnt mean you are deserve an apology or an explanation. sometimes it literally is just a you problem. a skill issue. you need to grow thicker skin. learn how to curate your online experience. get. over it.
lets talk about blocking, shall we?
blocking is great. i block people all the time. i block bots, i block tag spammers, i block people who make posts with rancid vibes, i block people who ive personally interacted with and no longer wish to, i block because i get tired of seeing someones posts, i block people who post things that trigger me, i block blogs with icons i dont like. there's usually no grand reason for it, aside from egregious cases where i've been harassed. its also usually not personal. i will block people who ive followed for years. i dont care. i dont know most of yall. i know i've been blocked by tons of people and that's okay! i would rather people who don't want to interact with me do that.
if you get blocked, thats it. dont attempt to contact me again unless i reach out. im not the only blog in this fandom. youll live without my posts. i am not the arbiter of all things animaney.
im just some guy
i know that the people who need to hear this most will not care nor will they actually absorb what i'm saying. ive gotten a lot of hate over the dumbest crap. im done. i think i need to stop trying to be so friendly, because some of you think being a little pissbaby is the only way to interact with others online.
cant wait til i finally explode one day and just delete everything
tldr shut up leave me alone oh my god its not that big a deal jesus christ
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
Can I request Venti comforting a depressed reader? Maybe a reader going through bullying based on their appearance (chubbiness in my case)
Thank you in advance!!
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Venti comforting a bullied!reader
a/n: YES YES YES OKAY OKAY I GOT THIS!! also i apologize if these are inaccurate or are harmful/hurtful towards other people. and if you feel insecure or is actually getting bullied, try not hesitate to reach out to people about this problem. -ibuki
cw: mentions of ed
a/n 2: ugh she never finished it smh!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 cant trust these hoes anymore looking for a new wife…. -maki
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walking down the steps towards your house, today was such a good day— maybe he could really pay master diluc for a bottle of dandelion wine this time!~ "haaah, today had quite the audience!! hmm ehehe i cant wait to see my blume-"
"--really think that sweet innocent bard would want someone like you?"
venti stopped in his tracks and directed his attention towards the hostile voice. he hid somehwere nearby in order to see who was the victim because, being venti, he was obviously going to help, until— he saw a familiar lock of hair out the corner of his eye.
his eyes shot open once he realized,
you were the victim.
"honestly i bet the bard just wants you for your voice. theres no way he would want you for your... appearance. plus! you dont even sound that good so really, you’d be nothing but a nuisance to him."
his blume was getting harassed by "some self-obsessed bitch", the new nickname given to your harasser.
he was furious, FURIOUS. the winds matching his mood, it started swaying with an unforgiving speed. but he had to calm down since he knew you’d know it was him causing the wind, thus would give away his hiding spot.
for about 30 minutes or so, he had to watch his beloved get bashed and slandered, every minute making it harder not for him to go straight to the two of you and feed the narcissist to dvalin. god, her voice was so high-pitched, it’s almost like she’s doing it on purpose.
to restrain his anger, venti went straight home midway and set up a lamplit dinner with his specialty, a barbatos ratatouille!!
while waiting for you, he had been left alone with his thoughts, the thoughts of a lackluster god
he should have known. this was the reason all along, she was the reason.
the reason behind your paranoia of calories and carbs, the times you’d often go without any food until dinner, your obsession with weight-loss drugs, and frequent outings to take jogs.
he knew that wasn't who you really were, no out of everything, you were confident in yourself, body positive and not taking shit from anyone. so, why?
why didnt he do anything?
it was the reason, the reason behind your small smiles, barely audible giggles, and refusal of doing any music gigs with him.
he should have known.
because you always had the biggest smile and always, always loved to sing with him.
the door opened for him to see you at the doorway announcing your arrival.
"AH! MY BLUME! how was your day?" he ran up to you like a golden retriever reunited with its’ owner.
you smiled softly.
‘theres that smile again. that fake, fake smile.’ he thought.
"hello venti. you made dinner tonight?” you gasp at the beautiful ratatouille. “im surprised the house isnt on fire yet." you giggle softly.
"well, i had a feeling that i should make some food tonight!! my audience sure loved todays performance and my happiness is still trying to wear off. i might become too prideful, hehe~"
he pulled your chair back for you to sit, like a gentleman would. you kindly took the gesture and sat down as he pushed the chair back forward, and went to his own seat.
2 minutes in, he broke the silence.
"how was your day today?"
you smiled.
"today was splendid. i got to go out of mondstadt for a walk and enjoy nature. enjoy life while it lasts, you know?"
life while it lasts.
he was immortal, you werent, he remembered.
his lips slightly curved upwards.
"i get it, did you meet anyone along the way?"
he wanted the truth out of you, even if he had to be sneaky about it.
“oh yes! i managed to come across flora and have a little chat with her about her flowers, my, she’s quite an entrepreneur for a little girl!” your lips curve at the memory of your conversation with the young florist.
venti was pissed. at what? it could be anything at this point; at you for not telling him you needed help, at himself for not figuring it out sooner, at her for causing you so much grief.
“i know you’re being bullied.” he said. he sounded so bold and confident it was almost out of character for him to act like this. did you really matter that much to him?
“i get if you don’t want me to get involved, i guess… but at least, please tell captain kaeya about this. personally, blume, i think you’re beautiful the way you are. ill support you if you really do want to change something about your appearance but please don’t do it because you don’t fit some sort of beauty standard. isn’t monstadt all about your freedom, dear?”
your hands were shaking and your eyes looked everywhere, anywhere for a distraction. “i- well…it’s true i don’t want you to get involved cause only celestia know what you’ll do to her but… yeah, ill tell kaeya about it tomorrow but for now…” you say before grabbing his delicate palm, the heat of the lamp shining brightly.
“i want to spend time with my favorite bard.”
that smile. it’s not fake anymore, your blushed cheeks are scrunched up from joy. finally, you understand what he has always meant.
no matter what will happen, he’ll always be there to comfort you, until death will do part.
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fates-theysband · 10 months
Also this a gush pass to gush about your Outer Wilds crushes because I saw that you like them and went EEEEEE YAY 💜💜
(also that reminds me that I gotta play it sometime. *has it downloaded but hasn't touched it*)
oh i feel like you'd LOVE it, the plot and themes are very no man's sky imo...like it's not the exact same but i get a lot of the same energy.
ANYWAY. i think the fact that i immediately went heart-eyed for riebeck, gabbro, and feldspar says. something. idk what. but they are so cuteys.
like i love that riebeck is just this cute awkward nerd who's so scared of space that they won't even say "black hole" (which. they are sitting above one in the area where you meet them. far enough above it that they're safe, but still) above a whisper but they still fuckin WENT THERE!! and to one of the more dangerous planets in the solar system too!! i wish there was a dialogue option to respond to them saying "i'm scared of space" with something like "and yet you're here. good on you". also they are so adorable when they're geeking out about the nomai, like literally every time i find something interesting on brittle hollow as soon as im done exploring it i haul ass back to their camp to see if they have any dialogue about it. or as is far more likely given the time limit and my [approximately 45 seconds of various death sounds] Playstyle, i head there at the beginning of the next loop.
and then there's gabbro, who is like...they're Funny Chill Loop-Aware Timebuddy, yeah, but also they do just seem to have a very sweet and sincere outlook on life. like i don't get the sense that their nature is hiding any nihilism, they're just. Genuinely Coping Well With This Whole Thing. there's a line of dialogue of theirs that really GOT me--in the echoes of the eye dlc where they refer to the deep space satellite orbiting the system as "ol' spacey" and say that, since the best way to find it is by using the system maps it generates, it's "like it's inviting us to visit", which. idk i found that to be a very cute way of looking at it. actually writing it out like that makes me realize they also refer to the nomai statue that inducted them into loop-awareness as their "memory-friend" and mention that they don't know where their ship is but they hope it isn't lonely. they're very friendly even when talking about inanimate objects which 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
and i haven't really like...seen much of feldspar, even after i modded out the fish dark bramble makes me really nervous so i dont go there a lot, but their attitude really drew me in. like the way they compliment the player for finding them in that very like. Trying To Act Aloof But Genuinely Super Impressed way is very charming. also they make a distinction in their logs between boring and interesting ways they've crashed their ship which is hilarious. can't get to be timber hearth's best pilot without a little trial and error i guess.
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kulemii · 1 year
so the sims has changed A LOT since my last time playing it like for real, for real and i was playing around with some of the features i'm not quite familiar with. for example, i never used likes and dislikes so i thought that it might've been a good opportunity to play around with it and i'm soooooo glad i did. so glad! it gave me soooo many laughs. i'll share under the cut- this all happened over the course of a couple days now (selfship shit)
so, masa, nishiki and i are sitting around the kotatsu listening to music- i think it was latin pop? and i had set that as one of masato's likes. while we were all chatting he would casually raise his hands to his chest and sigh all dreamily or look over at the smart speaker and nod approvingly at the music selection. or my absolute fave- he would slide from under the warmth of the kotatsu so that he can dance (horribly, my aizawa would never) with the BIGGEST SMILE ON HIS FACE. occasionally, he chimes into the conversation but for the most part it's just him and his tunes UNTIL THE MOTHERFUCKER DROPS DOWN AND STARTS DOING PUSHUPS/SITUPS 😭😭😭
nishiki danced too- horribly! so so bad omg
oh!!! i gave masa the loyal trait too- so he gets really bothered when there's any sort of friction between the three of us. sometimes, if he catches nishiki and i arguing he will get onto us about it and i guess we stop? i still dont understand that. oh but my sim is 'erratic' so then she's mad at him all day for it until he apologizes (which i generally have to force him to do)
with a mod i made it so that there's no jealousy within the protocol (aizawa/me/nishiki), right? and for the most part there's no drama BUT the nishiki sim is jealous by nature- it's literally his trait so he gets in a really foul mood when he hasn't seen me in a while 😭 and it's like babe.. you know i'm upstairs handling business😅 what are you doing? what is this behavior? so long as he knows where i am tho, he's fine.. toxic~~
this may or may not be inspiring a fic
the no jealousy within the protocol setting made for a really, really funny moment where... the me sim and the nishiki sim where in bed (def not braiding each other's hair) and aizawa just waltzes in and started tending to his bonsai tree-- completely unphazed. it was honestly the funniest thing. it kinda wonder what would happen if i removed the no jealousy thing- i think they would fight, physically. and i cannot have that. poor nishiki wouldn't last a minute and the aizawa sim would be crushed because they're best friends!
it's been so much. i've gotten soooo many laughs out of this. it's been great!
i talked about it elsewhere but i've been exploring this 'in a relationship with the koisties' thing for a minute now and let's just say... certain projects have made me think about it even more than i have this past year (half year rather)... now, will the sims be the push i need to get me write some damn fics?
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stxrquotes · 6 months
might be slightly ooc quotes because im not fully acquainted with every character (im in the middle of xianzhou luofu quest) or which other characters they know well yet, so theres shit like i rly want all the luofu characters to know each other well n be good friends bc theyre all so. yeah. and im too lazy to look up their relationships and also too impatient to wait until i figure it out naturally
so think of a lot of these, if they seem ooc, as an impression of how their dynamic/relationship Would look if they actually were friends/acquaintances (if theyre not in canon)
what follows under the cut are mod’s headcanons that will run rampant through the quotes🦧also here’s a link to some ships i like and stuff
be warned before clicking that i am afflicted with a the overexplains disease which causes me to be deeply incapable of brevity (im autistic)
stelle’s in-game replies are more chaotic and reckless than caelus who, while he still has plenty of silly raccoon energy, tends to be more gentle than her. dont get me wrong hes got plenty of the same potential for absolute social devastation and havoc but there are genuine differences depending on which one you picked which is very silly. so yeah stelle is a little more loudly unhinged; caelus is still plenty unhinged just a little sneakier about it. like for a second you think hes normal but then its like ah. no he was weird all along. stelle is just a lost cause i think she’s an uncontrollable toddler and i love it .im saying all this as someone who uses caelus, this is just something ive observed and heard from others
i use the korean voiceover in which march refers to welt as “welt-ajeossi” (or ahjussi tbh idk which one it is bc theyre virtually identical to a non-native) which is a term of respect for a middleaged man (like 40+) but personally i enjoy understanding it as just “old man welt” meant entirely disrespectfully, though lighthearted, because its funny as fuck, although i’ve no idea if this interpretation has any grounds bc what i understand it can be either offensive or flattering depending on the actual age of the man youre referring to. like a REALLY old guy would be like omg :3 but a young adult man would be like the FUCK did you just say to me 🦧 (this is my very rough understanding so i am deeply sorry to any and all native koreans or fluent speakers🦧please correct me on any of this) so anyways. welt is an old man and i am deeply amused by the idea that march maybe started it out as a joke like “hey. old man” but then it stopped being a joke. and now its become habit and its rly wholesome. considering he genuinely is like 80 and hes like their peepaw (thats why idk whether its intended to be silly or serious, i wish i had the cultural context pls help)
fu xuan swears so much when shes mad
yk how guinaifen did her whole sword swallowing shebang in front of yanqing n shit, i think it would be funny if jing yuan heard about it and was like ah yes. i must see this intriguing performance for myself. and so he goes to some street performances every now and then and maybe even becomes acquainted with her because idk i just think it’s delightful how they would terrorize yanqing if they were really friends
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ofwindydays · 7 months
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( BAIFERN PIMCHANOK • SHE/HER •  CIS FEMALE •24 •) did you hear DONT LET NOBODY TELL YOU YOUR LIFE IS OVER/BE EVERY COLOR THAT YOU ARE/ INTO THE RUSH NOW, YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW HOW/ KNOW IT BEFORE YOU TRY? it reminded me of WILLOW ROSENBURG. rumor has it they’re from the PAST. they say they’re a WITCH, that explains why they’re loyal to SCOOBY GANG
Who is Willow?
"Willow Rosenburg. I think I'm the best dang software engineer anyone can ask for." She stood up firmly before sitting down. Willow paused. "I still can't work late nights though, that's when I skype my mom."
Willow would describe as the girl's girl. Someone who sees someone and gives them the shirt of their back. But she knows she's flawed as the draw of magic makes her feel things she's not to use to....
What is their goal? Whether it's saving the world or graduating college, short term or long term, what is your character looking for?
Willow slightly regretted missing that STAR method interview seminar right now. She really is going to say the generic reply. But she knew she can at least redeem herself with the next question. "A position at your company with benefits and a good work life balance."
Willow wants to look for balance in her magic and normal life as well. She feels without the balance how can she help others without helping herself.
When was this goal chosen? What triggered this goal? Was it an external event or internal?
"It's been a goal since I saw the company website." Willow said nodding and making eye contact with the interviewer. She made a mental note that to get a solid goal next interview.
Ever since her magic was acting up again, she wants to control and have balance.
Where do they go from here? This could be either your muses future plans, or it could be answered ooc with what you would like to do with your muse and their plots.
"How about a third round interview." She said sliding her business card across the desk. It was holographic so hopefully it stood out.
For Willow I'm definetely trying to do the hero's journey and putting herself first. Curious to see if the nature prevents the darkness of magic taking over her or not*
*with mod permission of course
Why did you choose the quote for your character? An explanation on why the words chosen for your application pertain to your muse. Whether it was a quote that hit you, or it defines them as characters
I feel like the don't tell your life is over part really represents Willow's growth, she really faced adversity in school and if it wasn't for her gang she would be lost. The rush is her magic pertaining to willow as well trying new things. I think it really fits her.
0 notes
thatcosplayblog · 10 months
Poison Ivy Cosplay tutorial by mod fear stirder. newbie to tumbles.
POSION IVY COSPLAY TUTORIAL by request of melody swan and Laly Palay
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcneI2oiTbI&pp=ygUsYm9keSBzdXRpIHR1dG9yaWFsIGludmlzaWJsZSBza2luIHNwZWNpYWwgZng%3D This is a video on special effects woudsn which can help teach you to use liquid latex which you can use to sew or place or stick the leaves onto you using special fx spirit gum
Tight Bodysuti shapewear haul by youtuber Amouranth
How to color match a bodysuit
Teachingmensfashion the trick here is to get a skin tight body suit in green or sew a leotard or use special fx on plasties and spirit gum to hide your you know BOOBAGE and make it look veluntius. Its important given the science and psychology of it all you know your fashion.
Brands for contacts
Unsiquoe, honeycolor, and pinky paradise.
For small tykes, They can just pretend without all the exaggeration.
(kids) Leotard Mint Green [Leatard Butique] if the little girl is plus size order a few sizes up and tailor it.
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Sleeveless Mock Neck Leotard
Kepblom Women's Sleeveless Shiny Metallic Leotard
Sparkly Turtleneck Bodysuit (shiny off color) [amazon]
PLUS SIZE SOLID GREEN LEEATARD [shein so its delicate and you should order atleast 2 more items or you’ll get the last of the batch hence poor quality]
Full Bodysuit Womens Costume Without Hood Spandex Zentai Unitard Body Suit [recomended] [amazon]
PLus size seemels bodysuit
Petiet or curvy plain tiger bodysuit [s-xl so xs-m unless you have curves and are thin]
https://www.thecostumeking.com/skin-suit-green-adult-plus.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw2qKmBhCfARIsAFy8buKOzNKJ43-kz1FFYIESqN5j7VflaBlvkxUu08r6Zd7hpLL6jdbkNpgaAlCVEALw_wcB 47
You want to look at arts and crafts stores or small indie brands like etsy that sell loose leaves, real or imagined just make sure its not actually posion ivy and or plastic, and you’ll go great.
Bitterleaf, onugbu, ewuro,shuwaka,ndoleh, Cây Mật Gấu Leaves-Fresh farm vegetable you want to loko up art supplies with this or buy a plant and after 3 months chop it up to preserve the environment.
A Box of Fresh Bitter Leaves - Vernonia Amygdalina, Ewuro, Etidot, Onugbu, Ityuna, Oriwo, Kongo bololo Som eof these are real so look for plastic alternatives. This is like for an artsy photo shoot.but you can preserves them with light wax. Look up how to do that or you’re screwed.
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1383698931/faux-magnolia-leaves-pack-of-24?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=loose+leaf+pack+craft+supplies&ref=sc_gallery-1-15&plkey=27736d64758893ff44045fe21e195cc22877fc61%3A1383698931’ leaves!
these are more of a prop but acrylic leavse [amazon]
You may have to repaint these but these [amazon]
Cat suits are great for some versions of posion ivy you just have to paint your skin green. Which needs white undertones or it looks shiny. The idea is to paint your skin green, to match the body suti with some kind of neck wear.
This search bar WIGS
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A good wig is going to cost you at minum 40-50$ a really good one 60-90$ wigs have a life span of 3 months with bad care to 3 years with good hair to 30 years if sprayed and tanaegntted. Most people dont know drag that well though. Curly wigs are naturally tangented. They just have to be reastyleed from time to time to preserve them during that 30years. Wigsisfashion is my favorite brand and the most high end i have.
Quality review but not showcased.
Wig styling example [cc]
Wig examples of variety of quality as well.
Recomended wig [wig wavy lacefront ginger]
Maroon red wig [for alts of posion ivy] Red head with umph [wigsisfashion[
Airbrush skin tutorials [recomended]
Makeup tutorial marcline it takes a few tries but do it with white and grey
Green makeup tutorial just add white powder as setting to make it less shiny or add white undertones when contouring
Recomned [posion ivy makeup tutorial] youtube madeywork
Poison ivy makeup tutorial also glue leaves to a bral and thread it like its a rope stick the rope with special effects across your body and add arm socks and your godo to go
Poison ivy makeup tutorial [for teh leaves]
Poison ivy makeup tutorial [best!]
Diy poison ivy costume AMber sholi
Shapewear tutorial
Shape wear
0 notes
parsonsvester · 2 years
The 5-Second Secret To Minecraft Servers
Navigating a ship across the globe in Minecraft is difficult, but in PirateCraft, they do a incredibly good job of constructing it to accomplish the task. As is usually the way when using these Minecraft survival servers, it requires a little bit of the right time to get used to matters, nonetheless it's well worthy of the effort if you're interested in to understand the concept.
Are you thinking about renting a Minecraft server? It is among the most profitable activities in the history of Minecraft. The goal of the game is to build, develop and remodel your own planet. We provide backups for common mods like CraftBukkit, Tekkit, and Feed The Beast, and also an overview.
These resource packs are not the best. The packs range from silly to Witcher three levels of natural beauty. You're likely to find the perfect item for you.
Today, I'll be listing down the most popular Minecraft servers that were enjoyable in May 2020. Be aware that the servers listed on this list are meant to be a source of community recognition and range. Thanks! 15. WesterosCraft
There are a variety of resources available for players to have the ability to control and host a server. Take note that servers have requirements in order to function effectively and efficiently.
The server where you can purchase furry items I dont even know why 1/4 of the world's inhabitants are awed by furries, but it's really great because everyone is cool and people are amid...
This table of servers is updated about every two seconds. You can be sure that you won't come across MC servers any fresher than this
A Minecraft Server Listing can refer to two things: Either the website that allows gamers to find Minecraft servers that are of high-quality or the multiplayer menu in Minecraft that stores a list if servers are recognized for future use. (Supply: Fandom)
A legitimate e-mail handle. This address may receive all e-mails sent through the system. The address will not be made public accessible to the general public. It may only be made use of if you wish to get new passwords or to receive specific information or notifications via e-mail.
The Minecraft Wiki is no longer considered formal by Microsoft and, as a result a number of alterations are required to be made, which includes to the symbol of your wiki. For more information, please see this announcement.
Open website a earth-to-LAN provides an internet server that might not be accessible to other people in the local community. Port forwarding is available up to the router. Begin by looking at the process of putting together the LAN earth tutorial For more details.
Minecraft is one of my most played games. Even at nighttime it's not a big deal if you regulate to receive various upgrades.
But Minecraft is really an online game that is about making it what you want it to generally be and why not make it a different Tale? That's the beauty of journey maps, you can include any Tale you want So...
Ahoy Matey! Join the group to join this pirate-themed Minecraft server! Pirate Craft is a seasoned server that has Doing work ships or cannons. Game servers This server is similar to MineWind in that its age ranking is low.
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
GOD 🦆anon You are Talented!!
Legit gave me chills-
They sould only sputter as wild theories became reality before the small grey screen, the only point of interest being their avatar for the game.
He was sentient. They all were.
No wonder the story would completely derail off the few times they used a walkthrough, how all the start of chapter cutscenes seemed to be so censored. No wonder there were more chapters than what they were told in game - they were told there was 5 maximum per game, not 10. No wonder character dialogue would be so... off, out of character almost, eerie and almost directed towards them.
...rationality decided to pop its head back into their mind, bordering a state of panic from confusion, commenting that maybe they were just seeing things.
It was late at night after all. Trial 10 was taking its sweet time with the pre trial segment with miles and maya seeming to always vy for phoenix's(...? They couldn't decide. Was it for him or them?) Attention.
...right, they'd get through this and save.
It was just another part of the game. The supernatural didnt exist - otherwise it'd just be natural.
"Alright... talk... there's no dialogue options though." They glanced down to where the bottom screen emulator would be.
"Oh no, just use your mic, S/O."
The abrupt text change made them jump. The supposedly "unique" sprite to phoenix's avatar in their game portrayed a gentle look to the side (coincedentlsly staring directly at heir Point of view)
...were they being hacked?
Through an emulator of all things? Using phoenix wright: ace attorney sprites?
No, no...
"You Look worried. Are you alright?"
The air went cold as S/O's hand retreated back from theur pondering, a slow burning whithin not pleasant with the icy air felt as if their emotions were a fever "...You can see through my camera?"
"Of course. Your dressing gown really suits you."
They scrambled to the drawer in their desk with tape in it and tore a piece of paper, quickly sticking it over their laptop's camera.
"What do you want?!" They nearly screamed, but it was hoarse, a whisper.
"Whoa, hey, its alright. I'm no hacker! I wouldn't ever do anything like what you're thinking!"
The sprite took on the iconic shocked expression, as if he had any justification to feel that way.
"Then..." their throat was burning. "What are you, if not a hacker?" Because what or who else could do this? It didn't make sense.
Again, eliminate the impossible whatever remains is only the truth, the very last "normal" case in their playthrough had said.
"Oh, S/O..."
He was looking again. It felt like a reassurance initially when it first came up in 1-3, like things were only going to get better from there, but that sprite seemed to have the opposite effect on that late night.
"You've played enough of the game. You should know."
"The theories in my head are more than impossible right now. You- You're not real. You're just a character."
"Ouch... what about edgeworth and maya?"
"Also characters! What the fuck, just-just explain this already!" They leaned into the computer, slamming their palms down as they took of the paper guard. phoenix -or whatever (...whoever?) That was, shook his head.
"Well, since you've done that... i might aswell state the obvious."
S/O leaned back with a hitched breath and frozen fingertips, awaiting anything but the truth.
"We're all living beings beyond your screen, S/O. Not hackers, nor ghosts. We're alive. And theres a whole world in here."
He was smiling again. S/O was not. Frozen in place, any heat drained from their body led them only to feel the radiation off their laptop.
"I'll keep in touch, hell if I don't-I won't, S/O. I won't."
S/O stayed silent, just taking it all in.
"And hey, maybe one day we could even meet face to face - no more pixels..."
How would that be possible? Something felt wrong just begond the light as the side glancing smile seemed to grow more earnest, but even more so creepy.
"how would that sound? Again, I'll keep in touch. Talk to you later. It's late after all. You really ought to take care of yourself..."
"but I don't mind. I can do it for you if need be."
(Whoops i didnt mean to write this much but uh... heck. I guess i have brainrot. Sorry mod miles /lh i took some of the ideas this au has slowly gathered and just slammed it together.)
🌌Anon this is amazing!!! The way you've taken some of the ideas we've all shared and run on your own to make this is marvellous. I can really feel S/O's fear right here, plus the horror vibe this is giving is beautiful yandere content.
I uh-
Phoenix can take care of me if he wants to 😂😂😂😂😂 also I would be happy for Edgeworth to vie for my attention at any and all times of the day.
Honestly, everything that you anons have sent me is so brilliant and now this has been made from all of the amazing ideas and this is amazing and every single one of you guys are just so amazing.
Am I crying because of the community spirit on this blog? Yes!!!
Do not apologise to me ever for sending in such beautiful writing, I would genuinely pay good money to read this.
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blookmallow · 3 years
rating spirit halloween’s new animatronics for 2021
or at least what’s showing as New Arrivals on the site for me. looks like we got 15 new arrivals listed here and im HYPE about them so here we go
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the caretaker
pretty standard reaper character with a Gravedigger theme to it. hes... fine? nothing about this particularly stands out to me, but i dont dislike it at all. i like his gravestone. would be good for a graveyard set. i guess ill give him... 6.5/10
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mr. dark
at first glance he also just looks like a standard reaper character (or voldemort. he definitely looks like voldemort now that i think about it) but it turns out he SPRINGS UP RIDICULOUSLY TALL LIKE A CURSED WACKY INFLATABLE TUBE MAN and the spring motion in the video is actually really fucking fast so, while this isn’t a lot different from other jumpscare animatronics, i gotta give him credit bc i guarantee this would have scared the fuck outta me in person. according to the site he’s almost 9 feet tall at his full height 
i expected him to jump out and scream but i did not expect. That. i feel like if you put him up on a stage or something to make him loom over people even more he’d be very menacing indeed. would also be really good if you put him behind something so you don’t see him until he's suddenly There
i like him, 8/10 springy spook man 
click for more 
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grave grabber
pretty much just a zombie but he’s cute i like him. i like the green eyes. i dont know what it is about him in motion but the video makes him kind of endearing to me for some reason and i dont know why. 6/10
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at first for some reason i thought the monster’s name was ophelia but i think that’s supposed to be the name of the victim? i think the idea here is “girl haunted by a Nightmare” but the fact that the monster itself is so small and doesn’t actually have a body for the most part makes this unintentionally hilarious to me 
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like. it. it’s so small. it’s just a little shoulder demon. it’s so cute 
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psst. hey do we have any more cheetos
anyway i like how the girl’s eyes move back and forth but the sounds she makes are uncomfortable and she just looks so. stiff and solid and there doesn’t seem to be any movement at all other than her eyes and the monster peeking out so it’s just kind of weird to look at. it’s an interesting concept but the execution is just strange and unintentionally hilarious. 7/10 bc i still think its really funny 
someone should buy this and mod it into chrona and ragnarok 
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harriet hustle
WE DID IT KIDS WE FINALLY GOT A FEMALE CLOWN ANIMATRONIC im so happy i could cry i wish my store had her set up i want to meet her  
i love how they have her hanging upside down like this, it makes it so much more visually interesting than the figures that just kinda stand there looking spooky, even though she doesn’t really Do much (she just swings and her head moves around a little, just laughs, doesn’t have spoken lines) 
i love her outfit i love her hair shes SO cute i love this little murder gremlin i love her i love her 
im still waiting on spirit to give us a female clown figure that isn’t “creepy little girl” (ive commented before on how their only female figures tend to be either the Old Hag or the Creepy Little Girl and not a lot else) but i absolutely love this all the same 20/10
this one is fun too because we also have: 
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henry hustle
according to the description he’s actually harriet’s dad!! we have an evil clown father and daughter duo here and im LIVING for it
i dont think ive ever seen spirit do characters that are related to each other like this that’s so cute,
apparently his wife/harriet’s mother left them and ran off with the ringmaster. he’s a single father clown trying to raise his evil daughter clown and i support him wholeheartedly
there doesn’t seem to be any more animatronics on this storyline, we don’t have the mother here and the only ringmaster animatronic they have is the rotten ringmaster who was released previously, but i doubt he’s the homewrecker ringmaster in question. he Could Be. imagine if your wife left you for That. we dont even know if henry’s wife was also a clown or not. spirit halloween clown lore going on here
anyway i absolutely LOVE this clown, he does something INCREDIBLY STARTLING AND UNEXPECTED which i dont want to spoil for you. go watch his video and see what he does its great 
my absolute favorite type of halloween animatronic is the “does something completely unexpected” category and this one is ALSO a clown and a GOOD clown at that
and he’s got this great vintage clown style i really like, i love scary clowns like this that actually look like they could believably be a real guy and not just some kind of mutant Clown Monster 
and hes got cards!! card suit motif!!! i love it i love him this is a great clown 20/10 for him too
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w. raith 
we have this one at my local store and listen to me. im completely obsessed with this ghost
it’s pretty much just a ghost but it’s SUCH A GOOD ghost. especially in this photo here with proper spooky lighting and everything. i would absolutely LOVE to see this in a haunt attraction, it looks SO good even in bright store lighting. i feel like this under the right lights and in the right environment could look SO fuckign cool  
the shredded rag look!!! the ethereal glow!! the weird jellyfishy movement!!! the classic wooOoO oO o o ooo noises!! this may perhaps be the ideal ghost. it is without flaw. a perfect specimen. i fuckign LOVE this ghost i want it so badly but i do not have the space or the money for this thing 15/10 w. raith my beloved. my true love. maybe one day 
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at first i was slightly disappointed to see that this guy didn’t have an actual name, but then in the description apparently his name is Bill “Buzzsaw” Jackson and his backstory is he tried to be a wrestler but it didnt go very well so he grafted weapons in place of his hands. i guess. you know, to be better at wrestling. i dont really understand it and i definitely would not have gone with “disgraced former wrestler” as the concept for this guy  
but anyway we have mr jackson at my store right now, he’s Big, i like him. he doesn’t really move very fast and doesn’t jump at you, he just kinda swings his saw around. for some reason he just seems friendly to me and i dont know why. makes me think of like an uncle dressed up for halloween rather than an actual murderer guy. i dont know i cant explain it but i like him hes my friend 8/10
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wacky mole
this guy’s also at my store this year, i didn’t know his name was wacky mole fsdgjsdg
he’s listed as a new arrival, but i thought i remembered seeing him before, and the description says he’s a returning fan favorite, so. i guess this is a re-release 
anyway pretty standard Scary Monster Clown. his teeth look like candy corn. i like it but i think they should just Be candy corn. i like his colorscheme and his silly giant buttons. light up eyes are always a nice touch. he doesnt really stand out but hes overall a pretty good clown. 7/10
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good ol’ classic skeleton. he’s pretty nicely modeled though and i highly recommend watching the video for this guy because he moves REALLY well for a spirit animatronic, he’s got a way wider range of movement than most of them do and his head moves really nicely. one of the benefits of a skeleton animatronic is you don’t have to deal with lip movement, so his jaw movements match with his lines a lot more realistically. i like the animated glowing eyes too, it really gives him a lot of personality. he’s really interesting to watch. like, it’s just a skeleton, but it’s a really really good skeleton, so, 8/10 
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i love love love franchise character animatronics and spirit has so much great beetlejuice stuff this seems well suited to them but looking at it............. hm. hm
he just looks so. stiff and his face comes across like, deer caught in the headlights to me. it Does Not look very natural but it looks slightly better in motion (he just swivels from side to side and says a few phrases but it somehow looks less. shellshocked when he’s moving) 
maybe not the greatest execution but maybe he looks better in person and im still hype to see him so 8/10 regardless 
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night stalker
we have this guy at my store too, im still not really sure what’s going on with his arms (did he just rip loose from them and leave them behind? did someone do this to him? i dont know) but i love a good spooky scarecrow. love his Wiggles. hes a pretty good boy. 6.5/10
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here we have another pennywise, it pretty much just pops out at you, but it’s still pretty good. i like the full size one they had before better, but this one’s slightly cheaper and would be easier to integrate into a haunted house attraction since he comes with a built in set piece. it looks good but doesn’t do much. 7.5/10 i guess 
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please. please spirit halloween set him up in my store so i can see him
anyway hes got kind of the same issue beetlejuice has where the figure just. looks kind of stiff, and he looks more like a spooky ghost decoration than like, A Person. he doesnt seem to have any lines or anything either, he just kinda pops out. but then again i guess whenever we see ghostface in person in the movies he doesn’t usually talk anyway. i dont really know how id make this better but it seems a little underwhelming somehow. still hype to see it though. 7/10 i guess 
now if we could just get a jack torrance and a bela lugosi dracula id be content 
i would LOVE to see Red from Us but i doubt they’d do one. my other horror beloved is norman bates but i know if they made one of him it’d just be him in a dress waving a knife around (not that i wouldn’t still be hype to see him, but, y’know) (anyway. tangent. moving on) 
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mr. howle 
it’s. a werewolf. he howls. that’s....... about it 
it’s a very nice looking werewolf, it’s a well designed figure and definitely looks very imposing, but it’s... just a werewolf. there’s not really anything particularly interesting or creative here. its a perfectly good werewolf. i dont have anything to say about this. 6.5/10 
i also just am not a werewolf person so maybe someone out there who has a greater appreciation for werewolves might like him more 
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