#i like baguettes
r-aindr0p · 5 months
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Too many genshin characters, no way I'm doing that many stickers in such a short period of time for the con I'll attend so I settled for the french (a few of them/the faves).
Yea Neuvillette is the fave, so I drew him twice, I love character with blue so much hhfhdsljf
simplifying their costumes was a bit of a struggle, especially for furina and neuvillette omg
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kaleidoscopeminds · 9 months
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luke + snacks
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goblinbeetle · 3 months
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A long overdue update
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diogeneswannabe · 8 months
This tweet is peak French culture lmao
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"We're not even hyped up for the sports we just want to see how catastrophic it's gonna be, it's gonna be peak entertainment lmaoo"
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crowlixcx · 7 days
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Broadchurch | S3EP3 | Alec Hardy’s Wettest Moments (Part 78)
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dizzybizz · 11 months
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baguette but three different versions because i couldn't settle on one
i hate these losers so much did you know that they occupy a normal amount of my brainspace
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a lil close-up on the faces bc i really like lynn's expression hereasgghsfafgafsghafadfghashsahgdf
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hanakihan · 6 months
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i remembered this funny french edgelord exists
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james-p-sullivan · 1 month
okay so in french baguette means wand/rod and it’s not solely used for bread like in english
but even so seeing red call it his ice baguette makes me cry laugh
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the-bibrarian · 2 years
Paris, yesterday (03/23/23). This is an excerpt from a video by journalist Amar Taoualit posted on twitter
This is what they’re doing to a peaceful, registered-with-the-proper-authorities march.
You can hear protesters shouting “children! there are children!” and “that’s my grandfather! my grandfather is on the ground!”
I think some families felt safe going because traditionally, union-backed, “registered” marches are peaceful and the riot police waits until they officially end, when only the more radical protesters are left, to attack. Not saying that is fine, but there was a tacit agreement for peace during the first hours of a protest. (That’s exactly what happened in Lyon yesterday, and there were also a few kids among protesters. It ended up being fine but it made me very anxious to see them, and it looks like I was right to worry.)
Things turned extremely violent in the night. I don’t feel like chronicling it, but suffice to say there were more that 900 fires in Paris. I don’t know what to think of the overwhelming silence from international media on the subject.
Anyway, I know that in principle we should all be able to protest and the police shouldn’t attack, and we’re supposed to be a democracy and we shouldn’t bow down to wanna-be autocrats that want to suppress our voices, etc.
La réalité c’est que pour quelques temps en tout cas, il faut laisser nos enfants à la maison, et que si vous êtes âgé, malade (asthmatique !), déjà blessé, personne handicapée, etc. il vaut peut-être mieux passer votre tour pour ces manifs-là. Il y a d’autres façons d’agir.
Notamment, je suis sûre que les syndicats ont besoin d’aide logistique et d’argent, et LFI, dont les députés sont sur le terrain, sur les piquets de grève, a certainement toujours besoin de plus de militants (j’ai pas ma carte chez eux pour être claire, mais je pense que c’est le parti qui soutient le plus sincèrement le mouvement).
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Les députés LFI Louis Boyard (au centre) et Carlos Martens Bilongo (à droite), dans une manifestation le 20 mars. Photo de @teamroscoes (merci !!)
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La député LFI Mathilde Panot au piquet de grève des éboueurs de Vitry-sur-Seine le 16 mars (photo de son twitter)
^ these are pictures of lawmakers from the leftist France Unbowed party participating in protests.
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artbyramen · 6 months
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andrew-03-minyard · 7 days
sometimes it hits me that everything happened to jean in 4 years and I just have to take a breather. like I forget he didn’t get sold at the age of 7-8 but instead at 14 and he’s currently only 18. so all the horrible and heinous things that have been done to him to leave him traumatised and suffering with ptsd, forever altering the way he thinks and even views his identity and place in the world, was all done in four. short. years. yes you can argue in raven time that’s about 6 years but even then just consider the way everything about jean was reconstructed in that time AFTER 14 years of living in freedom. i’m not saying it’s not possible, it does happen and way too often in this world, i’m just saying it’s so scary to think about. like say with kevin, neil, andrew, aaron, just to make a few, their lives were turned upside down from either birth or at around 7 years old, but not jean
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modmad · 6 months
now I’m imagining RGB taking those buzz feed quizzes that’s are like “what kind of bread are you?” and him getting mad because he is NOT a bagel
RGB is 100% a bagel though
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spitefulcrepechan · 2 months
[Click for better quality]
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Im alive
Once again
And I got a cacophony of cookie run comics to show sjsndjjd
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cartoonartistpng · 2 years
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(Sonictober Day 2: Double)
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avelera · 2 years
I know that the Gaiman "word of God" on Dream of the Endless's romantic history is, "He has had many more lovers than the ones we see" with regards to Killalla, Alianora, Nada, Calliope, and Thessaly (ugh) and as someone who will absolutely incorporate word-of-god canon , it's the height of hypocrisy to just dismiss this.
And I will accept that probably Dream has had some sexual encounters outside those five canonical relationships, like the implied Lucifer and Titania flings.
But I just can't escape the sense that the whole, "Oh yeah, he's had tons of other lovers like, just loads of them, believe me, the dude is definitely not billions of years old and only had a half dozen romantic encounters all of which ended in tears, that would be crazy, right??" is just more... something a dude would say about their super cool dude character?
Because I personally like to, in this one instance, rigidly stick to canon as we see it on the page. And that canon is: Dream was deeply lonely and never even officially hit a half-dozen long-term lovers in his life and he only married once. He is a divorcee and he is sad and he is lonely and he would love to find someone to be with and be in a relationship and just continuously eluded him. And our evidence for this? The Wake.
We have some of Dream's past lovers show up at the Wake. Bastet specifically notes that they could have been lovers, probably should have been, but it never happened. Titania implies a relationship but won't say anything more and obviously it was not long-lasting romantically speaking, whatever it was.
But basically, if we take the Wake as an on-the-page canonical account of the living beings who were Dream's lovers and who had enough of a connection to actually show up, it's still a depressingly small number for so long a life, for a character who is defined by his romanticism and loneliness. Even if we say, give or take, there might have been a few more, none of those after Nada could be mortal, so we can't just say they're all dead. That means the other immortal lovers either didn't show up or didn't bother to speak. And sure, if there's other immortals in the mix, sure, we could "Doylist" say the comic just doesn't have room for them all but really, to me, the more compelling take is... there just weren't that many for Dream, and that it's deeply sad. Some of it was, yes, his own fault, probably a lot of it. But it's still sad.
And more importantly, it's a more interesting character. Anyone can say their stupidly powerful godlike character who is beautiful and magical and can craft dreams and stories and is this Byronic hero of poetry and darkness is also someone who had a bunch of romantic partners and can definitely hook up with anyone he wants, psshh, obviously but... a character who is all those things and can't get this one major part of their life together to the extent that he's demonstrated to want a loving partner which he is repeatedly shown to want, is just... it's a certain kind of unique for that character and I'm here for it.
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trials-era-sam · 4 months
also j2 fought with baguettes during a photo op and jensen lost
his baguette legit drooped
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