#i like for him to have his own blog but hmmm
o-pandora-o · 7 months
CAN I REQUEST FOR WHB BEELZEBUB AND SATAN HOW WILL THEY SURPRISE YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY? My Birthday is coming up and I really really really wanna feel loved by the boys 😔
The Kings (minus Lucifer) surprise you on your birthday
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Warnings: Bit suggestive on Satan's part, mostly fluff genre. Reader isn't necessarily MC, but someone who is famous with the demons. I made it Gender-neutral as much as possible.
a/n: Hiii! Glad you like the blog, I'm sorry if I don't have a regular posting sched 😭. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU, I also included Mammon and Levi. Didn't include Lucifer because I don't wanna make him OOC. Hope you enjoy this!
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🩸He's gritting his teeth and you can hear the crunching noises whenever demons of Gehenna gives you gifts. "They're mine...grrr..*crunch*"
🩸Will definitely kick them in the rear when they give you something and you decide to hug/kiss/pat them (any physical touch rly).
🩸When Paimon offered to have a tea date (and gave you chocolates too!) it was the last straw for him.
🩸He drags you to his castle and to outside of his room. "Satan I know you're mad but... Your grip is too tight it hurts!" You said, and you saw Satan smirk. "So slap me" he said with a smug grinning face. "No" "Yes" "No!" "Yes... i can feel it" he lifted your hand and slapped himself and made an aroused look on his face. "Heh.. your anger... Tastes good..." "Anyways..." Satan said as he wiped the drool off his mouth. He opened the door to his room, revealing a room full of decorations and gifts for you. "You... Did this for...me?" "Yeah, I kept seeing you look at surprise videos of partners, and you kept telling ppyong that surprising people in human world isn't common...do you like it?" Satan smirks, he already know the answer to the question. "Of course I do! Thank you" you hug him and he kisses your forehead.
🩸The both of you open the gifts and cuddle inside his bedroom.
🩸Needless to say that you weren't seen outside that night because you're unwrapping your other gift.
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🪙You woke up to the firm feeling in your bed. But also something akin to a warm teddy bear.
🪙You hugged the figure, only for it to reply with a deep laugh.
🪙You realized that Mammon is in your bed (in his castle), you woke up and stared at him, hugged him and gave him a good morning kiss and went back to sleep. "Hey little one, don't sleep on me, do you know what day it is, hmmm?" he said with a hearty deep laughter "Hmmm? Monday?" Then you went back to sleep "It's your birthday little one! here I got you some gifts and we'd do what you wanna do today how bout that?" "Mmmm just wanna sleep but ill open the gifts later thank you, Mammon" You lazily kiss his nose and fall back to sleep.
🪙Mammon gave you tons of gifts, including the new Dphone 15 and Ninten Switch 2!
🪙He also gave you some gifts for your hobbies and a bag of gold coins too!!
🪙You managed to move on the evening though, but Mammon had another surprise for you! A dinner on the rooftop of the 66 Demon Star Hotel!!!
🪙Scattered were some roses that had a touch of 24 karat gold leaf, a never ending candle flame created by the most powerful fire demon, and a table with your favorite fancy food.
🪙You were beyond disbelief, you know Mammon was lavish but you he keeps surprising you with the most expensive things and places. Before you can utter a word, Mammon spoke. "These things could not put a price on how priceless you are, you made me realize that despite owning everything in Hell, I could not put a price on your value... You're really unique and priceless as you are. Thank you for being with me." he pulled up his chair and let you sit.
🪙The night was full of chatter and laughter, under the starry skies.
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🕶️You finally visited Avisos and you were in the palace to keep you safe, you were sleeping in your room.
🕶️You woke up with Beelzebub sitting in the window. "Oh you're finally awake! Come on, let's go!" Before you can utter a word, Beel scooped you up and jumped to the window. Everything was too fast, you can already hear Bael screaming from afar ("BEEL COME BACK HERE, YOU HAVEN'T SIGN THE DOCUMENTS!!!") "It's your birthday right? And I can smell that you missed me a lot, hehe I'll give you a grand tour of Avisos on your birthday!!!" Beel holds you tightly as he smiles like a child whose parents gave him his bday present. "W-wait beel! I haven't showered! I'm still in my pajamas!!!" "It doesn't matter! Plus you smell good~" he says as he smells and kisses your neck while still running. You bury your head on his chest, hiding your blush. 🕶️He knows where you wanted to go, honestly its thanks to his sense of smell. But you still tell him where to go.
🕶️Oh you wanted a stuffed toy that looks like him? Both of you went and play with the claw machine (well both of you know it's rigged...but you still got it!)
🕶️Wanna try out the new cafe? Sure! He only requests you try it with his body fluids, well if you don't want then he won't force you.
🕶️Do you want him to cosplay your husbando/waifu? He gotchu! He knows a cosplay cafe! He can also cook something for you too!
🕶️You wanna spend some sexy time with him? Oh boi he knows a good S&M Club to spend your energy on.
🕶️He's really sweet, he's the type of person that know your desires upon your smell. He knows when you're hungry, when you're angry, and if you're feeling a bit naughty.
🕶️When you fall asleep having a good time, he'd carry you back to the palace to sleep. He'd kiss your forehead/cheek and leave the gifts on your bedside table. "Ah... I'll miss you so much... But I have to go..."
🕶️He'd also leave a matching earring as a gift for you.
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⚰️He's pissed off, he's glaring. How come demons like you? It's unfair.
⚰️A Small demon gave you a gift? "Off with your head!" Barbatos gave you a rose because it looked like you? "Hang!" Glasy looked you from head to toe and almost uttered something sexual? "Get out!" (He was hanged and dragged away LMAO).
⚰️You're alone with Leviathan in his room. He's glaring at you. "W-what's the problem?" you should've kept your mouth shut... "You... How dare you! Han-" "You hang yourself! This is my birthday, stop making a fuss!" You cut Leviathan midway, he was looking shocked, albeit impressed. There was now dead silence but the tables have turned, you're now glaring at Leviathan and he now makes a :o face. "You don't want others giving me gift right?...then make up for it...please?" you said but you were looking away from his eyes. "How dare you...a mere mortal asking a king to make up for what he'd done... Truly you're..." "I won't choke you on bed anymore" you said, glaring at him "....fine meet me in the restaurant tonight at 7... it's not like I planned dinner or something..." (He did)
⚰️So you went to the restaurant he told you about, with the best suit/dress he provided. Suprisingly, he rented the whole restaurant to the both of you.
⚰️He was so beautiful with his suit. You can't feel but envy him (he knows...he can feel it). Well he kinda did apologize for his behavior (no not really), but the ambiance of the restaurant was beautiful enough to forgive him.
⚰️You both ate your favorite food and he slid a gift. You looked at him quizzically. "Open it..." He said. He gave you a bracelet with an intricate design. "A bracelet? It's unlike you to give me something like this... Thank you" a blush appeared in your face. "Oh it's also convertible to a whip see?" He presses the design, and it somehow shine like the color of his hair. In your hands were a silver whip with an intricate design. You couldn't understand how it became a whip, but it was cool.
⚰️Leviathan smirked, looking at you like he finally won. He won the 'best gift award', a competition that was never a competition in the first place.
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lilisettean · 8 months
Unspoken Rivalry | Zayne/Reader + Implied!Caleb/Reader
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About: Ever since that incident, you rarely mentioned Caleb to anyone. So when you suddenly brought him up while in the fitting room with Zayne, his curiosity was piqued, albeit unwillingly.
Pairings: Zayne/Reader, Implied!Caleb/Reader
Notes: Sorry for repost and not smut haha. Decided to put all my L&DS writings here on this sideblog instead of my main blog because I didn't want to muddle things up. Anyway got this idea when Zayne was surprised at MC knowing how to tie a tie and I was like, HMMM maybe because she had practice with Caleb??? But nope the game went the other way.
AO3: Read here!
Warning: Implied love triangle.
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“I’m shocked. I didn’t expect you to be good at tying a tie.”
You inspected the black tie you had selected for Zayne for a moment, nodding in approval at your own tastes. 
“Why, of course.” You said with a smile, glancing at him before directing him to face the full length mirror before you two. “I had a lot of practice.”
“Caleb.” Zayne raised his eyebrows at the sudden mention of that name; your mutual childhood friend who had sadly passed away months prior. You rarely mentioned him nowadays, so to hear his name slip past your lips without anything prompting was a surprise.
“I… I used to do his tie for him before we went to school.” You whispered, fond memories of you tying his school tie while you complained about him not doing it himself surfaced. It felt like it was just yesterday when you complained about his odd request of making you do this every school day morning, but now… 
“I’m sure he’s capable of doing it himself.” Zayne remarked, careful with his choice of words. He eyed you through the mirror, pointedly ignoring the sting of jealousy that made itself known when he saw you smiled wistfully.
You shook your head and looked ahead, eyes unseeing and absorbed in those innocent, carefree days where everything was still normal. “He said it’s for good luck.” You explained, missing the light bemused snort beside you. “He would whine about not having the goddess of luck’s blessing if I didn’t.” 
‘That could’ve been you in his place.’ A traitorous part of him mumbled, and Zayne promptly shoved that thought back to the corners of his mind. But it ceased to be silenced. ‘That should’ve been you. But you chose to distance yourself.’ 
‘It was for her sake.’ 
‘But was it worth it? Missing precious time with her? Being replaced by someone else?’ That voice hissed, reminding him of the reluctant distance he had placed between him and you. He told himself that it was necessary for him to focus on his studies if he wanted to take care of you in the future, and that indulging in your presence then would only hinder his carefully laid plans. ‘You were the perfect match for her and yet you–’ 
Opting not to let his darker, less desirable thoughts taunt him, Zayne focused on you instead, placing a hand behind the small of your back and brought you before the mirror. 
“Do you think we still match?” He asked, his hushed question barely over the calming instrumentals that the shop you were in chose to play. If it weren’t for him being right next to you, you would’ve missed his question entirely.
You scrutinized his outfit through the mirror, and smiled. “I think we do.” 
“Good.” Zayne let out a breath he unconsciously held back. He stared at his reflection once more, wondering. Would he have had the same treatment if he had stayed?
If Caleb was still the same boy he had met all those years ago, he would’ve hated you extending the same care towards Zayne himself. He remembered being at the receiving end of Caleb’s piercing gaze multiple times when they were still together, especially when you had looked to Zayne instead of him for certain matters.
‘The past matters naught. What’s important is now and the future.’ He thought as he turned his focus towards you, silencing the doubts of you favoring Caleb over him.
“Will you tie my tie for me on that day then?” He asked, the corners of his lip threatening to twitch upward when you stared at him, perplexed.
“Do you need the goddess of luck’s blessing as well?” You joked in response, only to sigh when you realized he was serious. “Don’t tease me, Zayne. Why would you need me to do it anyway?”
“For luck.”
“Why would you need luck of all things? It’s just a banquet!”
“You never know.” Zayne parroted the words you said this morning. You sighed, wondering if he lied about only studying and joined a debate club when he was still in school.
“Fine! I don’t understand why you and Caleb want me to tie it when you two could do it better than me.” A small smile appeared on his face as you grumbled, preparing to change out of the outfit he had picked out for you.
‘You will understand eventually.’ He thought as a staff member approached him with his card and receipt in hand, thanking him for his patronage. 
‘For what man wouldn’t want their goddess' attention?’
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
Fairytale Final Assessment 1st Anniversary SE: Jude Jazza's Epilogue ཐིཋྀ
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere.
CW: Brief mention of castration. Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with/// Hour Glass Banners Credit: @/natimiles ཐིཋྀ
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Kate, your work has reached my ears. Thank you as always.
Therefore, I would like you to evaluate one thing.
I wonder if Jude, who is cursed, is worthy of the Crown.
After reading the letter from Her Majesty several times, I finally understood. 
Just the other day, Jude and I were engaged in a battle over the Fairytale Keeper Continuation Agreement.
(Does that mean I'm going to assess Jude this time?)
(You're giving me the opportunity to make a fair judgment. Her Majesty is indeed very open-minded.)
(If it's an assignment, I have to face Jude properly and submit a report!)
There is no mention in the text that the person should be kept in the dark.
I mean, the quickest way to do that is to ask Jude himself about it, and his intentions to stay at Crown.
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Jude: I don't know anything about that. When you ask someone for something, shouldn’t you pay them for the information?
(I can't for the life of me believe that he will tell me honestly….)
(Come to think of it, I never asked Jude in depth why he was at Crown.)
It’s said that he dared to sign a contract with Crown when Victor suspiciously approached him with a tearful face, I’m sure…. I’m not wrong that it was to get information you need.
(I guess I have no choice but to observe Jude...)
Ellis: Your brow’s wrinkled. Thinking?
Kate: Oh, Ellis. 
Kate: Just in time! Do you know where Jude is today?
Ellis: It seems like Jude went on a mission after showing up at work. What's wrong?
Kate: Actually...
When I explained the reason, Ellis smiled.
Ellis: I'm joining Jude after this, so let’s go together.
Ellis led us to a pub with a suspicious atmosphere even though it was daytime.
There, Jude was in the middle of a cruel and merciless judgment.
Jude: Oy, no runnin’ away. The story is your usin’ illegal sleeping pills, messin’ ‘round with girls, and sellin’ ‘em off.
Scoundrels: Guh….!
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Ellis: Kate , if bottles start flying, it won’t be safe, so stay here and hide.
Ellis: I’ll be there.
Kate: Ah, yes! Ellis, be careful not to get hurt too.
Ellis: Jude, here you go.
Jude: Tsk, what’re ya waitin’ for?
Ellis: I'm sorry. I'll try a little harder to make up for my tardiness.
I watch Jude and Ellis fight together from the shadows.
Liquor bottles and people lightly fly through the air, and the sound of blows rings out.
(Hmmm...this is what it means to scream.)
(This is supposed to be a Crown assignment.)
Jude does not follow the orders of others unconditionally unless the conditions are acceptable.
Therefore, there must be a reason why Jude accepted this mission.
In the meantime, everyone had fallen to the ground.
Jude: What, ya think I'm gonna kill ya? I’m not gonna to kill ya.
Jude: There's a coal mine at the far end of the country, and I thought it’d be fun doin’ manual labor there.
Scoundrels: ……. A coal mine?
Jude: Before you go to a cold, dark, and fun place, I'll give you a present.
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Jude: Ellis, take ‘em to the black market surgeon later. Hand ‘em all over to be castrated.
Ellis: Yeah, okay. If it makes you happy, Jude.
As the thugs screamed in despair, Jude put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.
Jude: The prevalence of inferior products is proof that the drugs weren’t distributed sufficiently.
Jude: ……Guess we’ll just have to handle it ourselves.
Jude's company eliminates the value of inferior products by distributing the correct products.
(That’s how Jude tries to eliminate evil at its source.)
Thanks to all the time I've spent, I had unintentionally come to understand Jude's way of doing things.
(The method may be as radical as ever.)
(But, there are somethings you can not protect with a straightforward approach. That’s why…)
Kate: Jude is absolutely essential to Crown…..
Jude: So, how long are you going to be sneaking around in there?
Kate: ….ah.
I was thrown onto a bed in a room at the back of the pub, and his hands restrained me while lying down.
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Jude: You’re a real bad princess for peeping without permission. 
Jude: So, what are you up to now?
Kate: That’s…..
Jude: I could torture ya and make ya spit it out. You're a pervert who expects to be tortured, aren't ya?
I could smell the scent of sandalwood wafting from Jude, and my body temperature seemed to rise once.
Jude: Ha. Why’re ya lookin’ so hopeful? Ya really are a pervert who likes things that feel good.
Kate: T-that's wrong! Actually- 
Jude: Hmmm, reverse assessment.
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Jude: That's just like that woman who loves fairness. ***
Jude: So, ya followed me ‘round to review me. You've come a long way.
Kate: As for following you around without telling you, I'm sorry.
Kate: But thanks to that, I was able to reaffirm what’s important to me.
Jude: What?
Kate: You are definitely suited for the Crown.
Jude: Ha. Who d’ya think ya are?
Kate: I’m a fairytale keeper. Hehe, I think I can write a good report with this.
Kate: I'll write it perfectly, so you can rest assured, Jude. Well then, I'm -
Jude: Why’re ya tryin’ to go home? There's no way ya could just spy on me and go for free.
Kate: Eh.
Jude: There's another matter to tend to.
Jude: I just need a decoy. You love hide-and-seek, don't ya?
Kate: A decoy!?
Jude: Poor thing. Ya wanna go home, but can’t. Pay the price for sneaking without permission.
Kate: Oh, come on….!
Jude: Those defiant eyes are so temptin’.
Amethyst eyes looked down at me cruelly becoming distorted.
Kate: In the report, you know I can write down all of your actions, Jude.
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Jude: Write, write. However…
Jude leaned forward and looked into my face.
Jude: You...wouldn't you be lonely without me?***
Kate: …….
Kate: That’s not true….!
Jude: Huh. What are ya upset ‘bout?
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[Master List]
***白々しい This appears to be a nuance: Jude’s being insincere about the Queen’s apparent fairness. It can be rendered white-wash, insincere, bare-faced (lie), shameless, but I felt that this was used just to explain his insincerity or doubtfulness in the Queen. ***Just to clarify, Kate is essentially threatening that what she writes in her report about Jude can cause his dismissal from Crown. So, that's why he tells her to write it, but.....she'll miss him, won't she?
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fayesia · 10 months
Hiiiii, how are you today? I hope you're well and safe. I had an idea for mike I hope you don't mind. Imagine him being jealous of his own baby being breastfeed. Love your stories ❤
a/n: hello!! i’m doing very good, i hope the same things for u too:D i’m very happy to hear u enjoy my writing. Also i never expected my blog to contain things mostly abt mike schmidt but here we r, remember to send me any request (i’m trying to improve my smut writing so those types would be helpful but fluff is also fine!) and i will try get to them asap. hoping to be a lot better at this stuff once my holidays start in a week. ty for all the love so far, appreciating every single one of u beautiful individuals interacting w my account <3
fyi: this blurb will contain insinuations of sub!mikeschmidt, lactation kink, breeding kink (quick mention) baby will be referred to as “she” but rly whichever gender u prefer!!
You had finally finished putting your sweet baby to rest, as much as you loved the little bundle of joy, it was difficult for you both mentally and physically to keep up with the needs of her. finally having some peace and quiet you rested on the couch laying your head against Mikes shoulder while he gently rubbed your back knowing the aches you felt there. soft moans left your mouth as the feeling of relief swarmed through you, Mikes lips gliding across the skin of your neck, whispers of how beautiful and amazing of a mother you are reached your ears while you drifted into a peaceful rest.
This rest however, didn’t last long as you were soon awoken by your baby’s cries, Mike was fast asleep so you quietly padded your way to her rooms rocking her as you returned to the couch and began to breastfeed her. Mike woke up soon after silently watching you, later taking the baby to put back to sleep while you cleaned up.
“she didn’t drink enough, i don’t think she cried from hunger, god i’m so sore”
“it’s ok come here honey relax for me” Mike took your hands leading you back to the couch where he cuddled with you. He kissed your cheeks, lips and neck, hands moved to pull off your shirt. his kisses drew nearer to your sore breast where he latched onto a nipple.
He started sucking, moaning as your sweet milk filled his mouth, the liquid was like ambrosia to him, it got him more drunk than any alcohol. His ferocious sucking at your nipple was soothed by his tongue that lapped at any mess left over.
“god, don’t ever want you to stop producing milk, might just fuck a baby into you and get you pregnant all over again. Bet you’d want that huh?”
he exclaimed profanity’s while his hips thrusted against the side of your thigh where you felt a very hard erection forming.
“hmmm” you could barely respond, his actions against your leaking tits had you completely silenced, the only noise coming from you were quiet moans and pants as the area between your thighs became increasingly wetter. Mikes talk about impregnating you did nothing to cease the sensations, simply making your underwear even more soaked.
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bokunosoul · 2 years
𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪
Yuno (Black Clover) x Reader
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𝙉𝙎𝙁𝙒 requests are OPEN
MINOR DNI, for requests i don't accept reqs for ageless blogs, anonymous blogs or minors
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : f-ngering, m-sterbation, d-rty talk, b-ow job, cursing, hate sex, v-yeurism, s-xual assault on reader by an opponent, reader and yuno has some experience, aged up, public intercourse, d-flowering, rushed work etc.
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Being part of the golden dawn and being part of nobility, you seemed like you have the best life ever.  That means you have to make the best reputation out of yourself.
But you can't.
You endes up being compared by your family to yuno, your colleague. You hate to admit it but he's really good at doing those missions all by himself, no wonder he became a vice captain in such a young age.
He's also kinda.... goodlooking.
Now here you are trying to be composed infront of you captain along side with yuno receiving orders.
"Y/N, Yuno, you will be going to explore an dungeon and report back immidiately once you've completed this mission. You will be leaving early tomorrow. Get along well and make sure to rest."
The captain said and you both saluted to him. Once you got out of the door you glared at him and turned your back.
"What a snob!!!" bell, his sylph said and stick out her tongue behind your back.
"Stop it bell." Yuno said
You looked at him one last time, hw just stared plainly with those attractive eyes. Blushing in fury you just marched away and layed frustrated in your room. Why the fuck does he stare at me with those eyes? You can't help but to blush replaying what happened earlier.
The very next day you both set off to your mission. You both just rided your own brooms and it was very pleasing to watch the sun rise whilst you ride in the air.
You both arrived at the dungeons amd split off. Came across a bunch of opponents. But as always they were no match for you. You sighed as you thought things were over and you were about to call it a day.
You were suddenly taken aback by a man and you can't escape from his arms. You started attacking him one by one with your magic but still he doesn't budge.
A fucking diamond mage. This is bad.
"Get of me you pervert!" you shouted at the guy and he just gave off an disgusting smirk.
"What's a pretty girl doing here alone in the dungeons? hmmm? "
"None. Of. Your. Fucking. Bussiness. "
i cursed and proceeded to struggle to get off him.
"You must want to know my name sweetie, the names Ragus. "
You started to tear up as he started to linger his hands to your thighs along to the part where your mother told you to save for your marriage.
"N-no, p-please. "
Everything came in so fast. The guys suddenly was thrown across the place, none other than yuno. He looked so enraged and shocked, even though your eyes were blurry from the tears you still saw it.
"I didn't asked for help. "
He came closer to you, taking off his robe and wrapping it around your waist. Your'e faced started turning red as he carried you in his arms bridal style.
" Put me down. "
" No. "
" I hate you. "
This man so frickin persistent, it was annoying. You just kinda stared at him for a while and gave in.
Now it's night fall at the moon shines brightly, and it was not safe to travel as some beasts and bandits rome this area. Yuno decided to cook a meal and you decides to go take a stroll to clear your mind.
Replaying on what happened earlier, you felt disgusted. That mans perverted touch, gaze still lingers on my skin.
Thankfully,  you can hear there's a waterfall up ahead so you can go take a bath.
You were mesmerized by the scenery infront of you. A thousand stars can be seen, and the moon is so full up above.
' No one can should be looking right? '
You carefully slipped out your clothes and hopped onto the water. Leaving you naked in all of your glory. You dove upon the cold water and like any normal person would do in the bath.
Sighing you sat in a nearby boulder and dried off your body. You were frustrated, you embarassed yourself earlier infront of him.
The way he looked earlier.....
You started to feel hot as you imagined his look earlier. You can't think straight anymore whilst your breathe hitches and body heats up.
I moaned as i inserted one of my fingers inside my needy cunt, while your other hand massages your breasts.
You imagine yourself getting fucked by him. His cock so deep in your needy hole as you moan in pleasure. You hate him, hate that he makes you feel this way.
All that pent up feeling all you do was just to do it solo by yourself. Your parents conservativeness, heavy burden, past relationships and stress makes you feel dry.
"Hah~ yuno~ oh fuck yes!"
"Yes! ~yes!~yes! "
Now here you are desperately pumping your fingers back in fourth in your slit making vulgar noises, thinking of the hot mage. Causing you to come all over the place.
'Fuck i made a mess.'
You suddenly heard a rustling noise in the bushed. You hurriedly covered yourself with your clothes.
I heaved an sigh of relief as the figure appears to be an deer. You decided to just get cleaned and dressed and head back to him.
"I'm back."
You said and sat in the ground infront of the bonfire. You can't see his face but it looks like that he is eating.
It's been 30 minutes and he still hasn't talked nor faced me. He just sat down facing the other way round.
Weird. He normally would discuss about what will we report about to captain....
You asked as you walked towards him. His face seemed red and he looks so flustered.
' does he have a fever? '
You nervously put your palms on his forehead to confirm. Your eyes widened as he suddenly pinned you to a wall.
'W-what the fuck?'
He stared at you like a hungry wolf who targeted it's prey. Meanwhile you just stood there shock.
"You have much courage doing that in public, Y/N."
Yuno whispered onto your ear, making you instantly blush in embarassment. He saw that. HE FUCKING DID!??!
You looked away and shut your eyes tight. His hot breathe just hitched right at your neck.
" such a slut, moaning my nme like that. "
" HAH, you must be imagining things you perverted freak! "
You lied, facing him red. He smirked.
"I saw that, clearly Y/N, clearly. " yuno said firmly wrapping his arms on my waist.
" S-so? it's not like i like you or something. D-dumbass. " i stuttered and pushed him away, lightly.
" spit it out. "
"What? "
"I know you like me. "
"Are you sure?"
"N-no? "
He frowned and stopped, he started to walk away. You can't help but to feel frustrated.
"That's why i hate you. "
He stopped walking and slammed you hard against the tree.
"Really? you hate me that much huh? I will prove it to you that i am better than that." he replied smugly
"Then you have my consent, bastard. "
You smirked as your faces become closer and our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together and our tongues battle in dominance.
It's the first time she ever felt like this.
He suddenly stopped.
"Before we do anything, do i have your consent? "
"Yes, just fucking take me. "
His hands pressed under her shirt, quick to shove aside my bra. My voluptous breasts spilled out and his impatient lips hungrily sucked it off.
"Oh~ah shit!" you can't help but to moan in his touch.
He paused and threw your robe and bra on the ground. He goes down and down and down towards you legs as he carefully caresses, his hot breath along my thighs.
You gulped as you watch him lift your skirt revealing your thong. You feel embarassed as he stared at it for a few moments and take off your skirt along with thongs. Leaving you naked only for his eyes.
" so beautiful. " he whispered.
That was the last straw.
You straddled him, caughting him off guard as you lean in for a kiss.
"Where's all that courage coming from? "
"Shut up. "
My hands fumbled upon his trousers and onto his underwear revealing his erection. You blushed, since it was your first time seeing a man's part like that. You only see it in books......
His breatgour hand slowly travels on his cock. Pumping it back and fourth. Yuno looked so pretty like that, needy and desperate.
"Hah, just like that. "
He purred.
Slowly you started making kitten licks on his cock. Swirling your tongue along his tip, it then became much more intense. Gathering up the courage you slowly started going down on him, sucking his cock. You were gagging- but you couldn't care less.
"Hah~Ah shit y/n...." He let out an pleased hum whilst making eye contact with you, running his slender fingers through your hair.
You let out an shriek as he suddenly
forces your head down, causing you to choke on his cock. Bucking his hips into your mouth you can only tear up in the sensation you are feeling whilst he talks dirty to you.
"You fucking slut, the way you stare at me makes me go crazy everytime, now look at you choking at my cock. "
He said in his cool usual tone and slammed my body to the ground. Sorry mother, but i can't resist this man.
"I-it hurts yuno, hah~. "
You whimpered as his length was buried deep inside you. It was painful at first but it suddenly was replaced with pleasure as he slowly thrusted inside of your tight hole.
"I-is this your first time?"
Yuno sounded concerned and you looked at him and nodded shyly.
"Shit, i should've been more careful, are you okay? "
What's with this man...
"Yeah, it looks like you have just taken my virginity, vice captain. "
You said locking your arms on his neck and staring deeply on his amber eyes.
"Then fuck me hard, yuno." you whispered and he did.
Well that rest was history that night you and him just enjoyed the starry night and eachothers warmth on the moonlit night.
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💌 : This is the celebration of my man turning 18. This was frickin rushed and amateurish since im new to this writing style👹
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ladamedusoif · 7 months
Long Distance - Marcus Pike x F!Reader
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit; 18+ MDNI
Word count: ~2000 
Warnings: SMUT; Established relationship; Reader lives in Europe; No physical description of Reader; Older!Marcus; Marcus with a PhD; FaceTime sex; masturbation (F and M); oral sex (F receiving); unprotected but safe PiV sex; dirty talk; come (cum) play
Summary: Happily settled with you on the other side of the Atlantic and now working primarily in consultancy, Dr Marcus Pike sometimes finds himself travelling back to the US for work. But there’s always video calling, right?
A/N: I got...carried away. Ahem. I'm not really using taglists any more so follow my writing blog @ladameecrit and turn on notifications. Thank you @agentjackdaniels for previewing this smutty little story.
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You never really sleep easy when he’s not here. Strange, after all those years on your own, comfortably splayed out across your large mattress. A year of sharing a bed with Marcus, though, and you feel unsettled without him.
The display on your sunrise alarm clock reads 1.30am when your phone lights up with a message.
You still awake? x
Your fingertips tap out a swift response.
Very much so. x
You settle yourself and your phone as the call comes through. A moment of connection, and there he is: Marcus. Your Marcus, looking so very distinguished with his wavy, silver-streaked hair, warm eyes, and mischievous, boyish smile. He breaks into a wide grin as you appear on the screen.
“There you are, baby.”
"Here I am, love. How are you doing?” You cast a glimpse over the schlubby old FBI t-shirt he sometimes wears lounging around the house. “Are you in bed already?”
Marcus groans and rolls his eyes. “Yup, pretty much. I’m so tired, the clients all want to start at the crack of dawn. Why are they all so obsessed with breakfast meetings here?”
You chuckle. “Sweet man, you’ve become Europeanised.”
"I mean, you do have the better coffee.” He props himself up, resting his chin on his hand. “I miss you so fucking much. It’s only been three days and I’m going crazy.”
"I miss you, too. But what is it - tonight, and then two more nights? And then you’re all mine again.”
Marcus’s chocolate-brown eyes soften as he smiles softly, taking you in. “God, I can’t wait. Fuck, you look so good. Is that the, uh… that nightdress?”
You preen a little for the camera, innocently moving your body ever so slightly. You’re confident that he’s now got an even clearer picture of your tits, nestled in the burgundy lace of your - and his - favourite strappy chemise. 
“This old thing?”
He shakes his head and bites his lower lip, grinning. “You are a tease. You know exactly what you’re doing.”
"And what am I doing, Dr Pike? Use all that agent training, tell me. Decipher me.”
He licks his lips. “You’re showing off your beautiful tits, knowing perfectly well I can’t stand not being able to touch them right now.”
You keep eye contact but trail a finger along the soft line of your cleavage, slipping it under the lace to flick gently over your nipple. All the way across the Atlantic, Marcus groans on his DC hotel room bed.
"Oh, I see. You liked that, hmmm?”
He nods. “You know I liked it, baby. Fuck, you are gorgeous, you know? Just…perfect.”
You notice his right arm moving a little, working at something off-screen. 
“Are you hard, darling? Are you touching your cock?”
"Mmmm. Yeah, just - just through my shorts.” His gaze flits from your tits to your eyes and back, his breath a little laboured. “You turn me on so much, feel like I’m going crazy.”
“Will you jerk off for me, Marcus? Let me see how hard I make you. Please.” With a flutter of your eyelids you slip down the spaghetti straps of your chemise to reveal your breasts, nipples hard and soft flesh spilling over the lace cups.
"Fuck. Oh, fuck. Yes. Hold on -“ He reaches for his phone and angles it just so, so you can see him tugging down the dark grey sweat shorts and his hard, thick cock springing free against his tummy. He wraps his right hand around it, gently pulling back the foreskin to reveal the head already weeping with pre-come. 
Now it’s your turn to whine as your pussy clenches around nothing, reacting to the sight of his cock ready and waiting and so far away. Marcus grins as he continues to stroke himself.
"Think you need to play with your pussy, too.”
You nod and slip a hand between your legs, gathering some of your growing wetness and displaying it to him on your fingers. “See how much I miss you, love?”
He speeds up a little, fucking into his fist and never taking his eyes off you. “Fuck, I wish my mouth was on that pretty little cunt of yours. Wish I was eating you out right now, baby.”
"And I wish I had your gorgeous, hard cock in my mouth, darling.” You start to rub harder, insistent circles over your swollen clit and moan as you listen to the sound of your boyfriend jerking off. 
He moans and closes his eyes. “Talk to me. Tell me, what would you do?” 
“I’d use my tongue - lick the shaft, first, the way you like it.” The sound of your wetness is lewd and arousing. “Then - oh, fuck - take you into my mouth, suck the head, stroke you with my hand…”
Marcus pauses to spit into his hand, a poor substitute for the lubrication offered by your slick. “Keep going. Keep fucking going, love.”
“Fuck, I wish I had that gorgeous cock inside me.” You slip a finger inside your pussy and whine at the sensation as you press on the sensitive spot he knows exactly how to work. “M’finger is nothing, need you.”
Marcus pants as he continues to stroke his cock, and pulls up his t-shirt to expose his belly. He’s getting close. “Wish I was fucking you, too. Feeling - oh, fuck - all of you on my cock, pulling out and…” He screws up his face and groans and your cunt aches for him. “Fuck, I want to come on your tits.”
Your free hand finds your breast as you continue to rut against your hand, fingers pinching the nipple and massaging the flesh. It’s your Marcus. He deserves a show, and you’re only too happy to deliver. He grunts and groans, never taking his eyes off you. 
“I’m really close, Marcus.” Your hips buck upward as you near your peak. “I’m gonna come for you - fuck, gonna -“
He strokes himself furiously, desperately, as he watches you reach orgasm - and talks you through it.
"Jesus, look at you. Coming on your own hand - oh, fuck - getting yourself off for me. Good girl. Good - fuck, gonna come - fucking good girl.”
He comes hard, angling his cock so that the white, viscous come hits his bare tummy. Your cunt still aches for him. 
“I wish I was there to clean you up, Marcus.”
He chuckles and lies back on the pillows, curls damp with sweat and a huge smile on his face. He grabs his phone so you can see him. “Right back at you. Bet you’re so wet now, huh?”
“Fuck. Hope you’re ready for when I come home, baby.”
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In the early morning, your sleeping form rests peacefully in your large bed, an arm cuddling a pillow to your torso for comfort. When you’d set your alarm the night before, you reminded yourself that you just had two more nights before he was home again. 
Two more nights. Two more sleeps. And then: him. Him. Only him. 
A shifting weight on the mattress stirs you, still halfway between waking and slumber. In the hazy half-light, you turn your head and find a beautiful, familiar sight. 
“Hi, baby.”
“M-Marcus? What are you - did I get my dates wrong? I thought you were back tomorrow…”
“I was supposed to be,” he says softly, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “and I took an earlier flight because I just missed you so much. Hey - is that my shirt?”
You nod, turning your body wholly towards him and nuzzling against him. “It is. Your Georgetown T-shirt, I just - it feels like you.” He pulls you close and kisses the top of your head. “Marcus - what about the work?”
He hums happily. “The clients were happy, and there isn’t much more to do that I can’t do from here.” 
He moves his lips to your neck, softly nipping and licking the delicate skin as his big hands work their way under the T-shirt and up to your breasts. 
“I have been thinking about this the whole way home.”
You giggle. “Oh really? And you were able to keep yourself under control?”
Marcus kisses you on the mouth as he nods, fingers kneading your tits. “My self-discipline was tested, I admit, but oh, fuck, baby…”
Your hands are on his crotch, feeling the growing hardness under the grey sweatpants he likes to wear on long-distance flights. You lean into his ear as you tug down the sweats and his boxers, taking his cock in your hand. 
“Why don’t you see if I’m still wet from the other night?”
With a groan, Marcus slips his hand between your legs and finds the wetness already pooling at your core. “Pretty fucking wet, baby.” He sucks his fingers clean of your slick before shucking off his sweatshirt and tee.
“Good.” You sit up and quickly straddle him, his thighs between yours as you peel off the old T-shirt so you’re completely bare for him. “I’m going to make you feel so good, darling man.”
You gather some of your own slick across your palm and fingers before taking his cock in your hand, stroking the velvet skin of the shaft and gently bringing your palm over the head in a fluid motion that you know drives him wild. Marcus watches your hands as you pleasure him, little animalistic noises issuing forth from his beautiful mouth as he grows ever harder under your practiced touch. 
“Do you want me?”
He nods furiously and you lift yourself up to shift forward, notching the head of his cock at your entrance. 
“Tell me, Marcus.”
"Need you so fucking bad, baby. Please.”
You take him inside you in one stroke, your wetness easing his thick cock into the tightness of your pussy. Marcus cries out as you begin to ride him, hands pressed into his broad chest. 
“Better than the phone sex, huh?”
“Oh, fuck yeah,” you hiss, hips rolling in a well-established rhythm as you fuck him. “Liked watching you jerk off to me, though.”
"Me too, baby.” Marcus grips your hips and grins as he admires you: your body, your curves, the way you’re letting yourself go as you ride his cock. You bite your lip and roll back your head, lost in the sensation of how your man stretches and fills you so perfectly.
When you slip a finger against your clit, he practically growls, meeting your rhythm as he starts to fuck up into you.
“‘M not gonna last, baby,” he pants, fingers pressing into the flesh of your hips and ass. 
“You want to come on my tits, like you said?”
His desperate nod is your cue to lift yourself off his cock, glistening with your slick and his pre-come, and shuffle down the bed a little. You press your breasts together as Marcus wraps his broad hand around his cock and pumps it quickly. 
“Fuck, your tits are pretty. So fucking soft and perfect and -“
He stutters and cries out as he comes, his release hitting your breasts and gathering on the hard peaks of your nipples. 
You gather some of it up on your finger and suck it clean. 
“Jesus, baby. That’s so fucking hot.” 
You release your finger with a pop. “Thank you, love. Can you get me a cloth?”
He wanders off and returns with a washcloth, gently cleaning your body and his cock before returning it to the bathroom. By the time he gets back, you’re tucked under the covers again. He grins as he joins you, pulling your naked body to his. 
“Missed you.” You wind an errant, silver-streaked curl around your finger. “It feels like there’s something missing when you’re not here.”
Marcus kisses your forehead and you nuzzle up against his chest. “Don’t I know it? I felt exactly the same in DC, wondering where you were. Missed going to sleep beside you, waking up with you.”
You chuckle against the warm, sweat-damp skin of his chest, pressing your lips to the freckles dusted across his golden body. “And fucking me.”
He laughs, and the sound makes your heart soar. “That, too. But trust me - I’ll make it up to you.”
"Oh you will, huh?”
His coffee-brown eyes are as sincere and honest as ever. “Always and forever. Even with jet lag.”
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dividers by @cafekitsune
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socheckitout-mikey · 4 months
heeey these weren't requested, i just thought i'd do a little bit of writing for john, one of my fav pb characters! i'm also new to writing for pb, but i've been a fan for a long time now. i hope you like what i came up with. lemme know what you think. - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Dating John Shelby Hc's:
° John is one charming man. He's cocky as hell and comes into your life like a flirtatious whirlwind. He blunders straight to your heart upon the hearty spirits in glasses and the promises of a good life with him. He surely did not disappoint… in areas where danger doesn't lurk.
° He's wild and reckless with his temper, yet you even him out when he goes too far (even if you're also wild). Where you enjoy having fun with him and stirring up some trouble, you also value the freedom of neither of you being incarcerated. You're his rock and with one look he lays off, - when you're not looking of course -. However he hates the idea of disappointing you.
° His family business is a daunting enterprise to get behind. Whether you were there from the start or further down the line, it seems it has always stirred up rumours and turmoil - only getting worse as the years tick by. You fear for your family's lives regularly, but he promises to always keep you safe (even if he doesn't make it). And he has done a tremendous job of it so far, so why doubt him now? You make do with it and John wants you having no part of it, but sometimes you are needed - though Tommy and Polly both agree to keep it minimal.
° Embracing this part of his life, along with his mad family is certainly not easy, but you have managed it in the only way you know how.
° John is so protective over you that it at times makes you laugh. He doesn't particularly share fondness with the fact that you laugh at him, but it gets him grinning in the end.
"What are you laughin' at, eh?" John hums against your lips just as he's pulled you into his lap on a night out at The Garrison.
"You. Who else?" You murmur with a smile against his lips and a slick eyebrow cocked.
"Arthur. He's the one who fell on his arse earlier." He makes do of reminding you.
"That he did," you nod, fiddling with the collar of his tailored suit, "but you're the sorry git who's worrying about your wife walking your children home on her own."
"Sorry git?" John seems to partly take offence to it, you see it in the way his eyebrows pinch together. "Well excuse my arse for worryin' about you. I thought spouses loved that sentimental sort of shite?" He's somewhat playful, but his tone is deepening.
"Now that's the biggest word I've ever heard come out of your mouth!" You giggle, your eyes dancing with mischief.
John isn't pleased one bit. His palm strikes your ass once as a warning, "I know plenty of big words, dove. I can use 'em on you if you'd like."
"Is that a threat or a promise? And here I thought you were a gentleman." You giggle, leaning in to steal a kiss from him.
"A gentleman. What are you on?" He snorts before letting you steal that kiss from him. It's a bit too seductive for it being in front of others, but John doesn't care. However, as soon as its started, it's over and he's gathered you to your feet with a twirl under his arm. "Right, kids let's go home!" He bellows.
You're forced to roll your eyes in retaliation, "Oh for goodness-sake John! We're in Small Heath, nothing is going to happen to me and the children!"
"You're gettin' mouthier by the second, love." He stares down at you.
"Am I? I hardly noticed." You say innocently, grabbing your eldest daughters small hand in yours. When John doesn't answer you, you continue with, "Are you going to use those big words on me to keep me in line?"
His hot breath fans against your ear as he speaks lowly, "Hmmm, I'm more of an action man. " It's low and laced in seduction.
Your eyes grow dark as you stare up at him, "Should I be fearing for my life Mr. Shelby?"
"You will once I 'ave you all to myself."
° All admirers of you are to be warned because John Shelby doesn't share! He's a jealous man and rather possessive - even a simple look from someone else can be totally misread, especially if he's in a bad mood. John will cut them fresh smiles with his razor blade and give them something truly worth crying about. Nobody touches or tries to get in about with his partner.
° He likes to make a show out of it, to let them know exactly how crazy you are about him. He wants your attention on him, revelling in the notion when they walk in on you both getting busy somewhere risqué. He's got that devilish grin etched into his features as they rush off all flustered. You're just as red as they are, the moment almost ruined, but he dives make in for more with his soft pink lips whispering against the shell of your ear, "I'm not through with you yet, dove."
° John certainly has a dirty mouth and he knows how to use it. He likes to either embarrass or seduce you with it. It depends on the day, but more often than not it's the latter.
° John is softer with you and let's more of his sensitive qualities come to the surface in private. He has a lot of heart behind the funny, charming and cocky man with a lack of filter. Most people see it in the way he interacts with your children. The beast lays down its razor blade for some time to be engulfed in innocence as he plays.
° Other opportunities for his softer moments to come forward are during times where he thinks others aren't looking. It can just be a fleeting moment where he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear or presses a tender kiss on your forehead. Whatever it is, he adores showering you in his affections and to spoil you rotten. That dopey grin etches onto his handsome features, which never fails to make you swoon, as he tells you another dirty joke.
° He knows it'll get him a well deserved smack to the chest or a clip round the ear if someone else hears it, but you're laughing nonetheless.
° That laughter and smile of yours are truly like drugs to him. He wants to be the only one who ever invokes such happiness from you and feels immense pride when he's the source of it.
° Seeing you tend to the kids makes his stomach flutter with butterflies. He's won the jackpot and he can't be any happier because his children from Martha love you just as much as the children that are of your own blood. He makes sure to show you his gratitude.
° Family holidays to Blackpool or the seaside are a must! Riding donkeys on the shoreline and investigating all sorts of fun things bring so much joy to your hearts. Wherever the destination, it always turns out to be so much fun.
° You get along with his family. They quite literally adore you and think you're the perfect match for the likes of John. Arthur loves you the most since he's the closest to John. It's very comforting to know that there's always someone there in your corner when John isn't around.
° You know fine well that Arthur is gentle around you. He does his best to mind his language and when John cannot take you home, Arthur will. He gives you his arm and takes your safety very seriously. He is always complimenting you. You know that deep down, this is truly who Arthur is and are one of the few who nurtures his gentler domineer with kindness.
° When you're worried about John, Arthur always comforts you to the best of his gruff abilities. Often wrapping his arm around your shoulders and giving you a much too hard tight squeeze.
"Don't you worry, love. If I know Johnny-boy, he'd fight right out of Hell to get home to you safe and sound. I promise you that, because I'll be fighting him outta there for ya! Now, where's that pretty smile of yours?" He'd wink.
Good old Arthur.
° Polly and Ada love to go out on the town with you! A bit of fellow girl time is what you need after all. Especially with all of your children wanting your attention constantly. Polly and Ada know how to make you feel confident, taking you to lovely boutiques in town to get new dresses fit for the next special occasion, you name it! Nothing is better than sitting around the fire at the end of the day with your girls, drinking glasses of ice cold brandy whilst filling each other in with the latest gossip!
° Fights with John are often and they can be very passionate on both ends. Screaming matches and foul tempers to match, it usually ends up in two ways: In each other's arms, entangled in bed sheets or with John storming off. You hate the latter with a passion as you feel entrapped to the house and with the children, all whilst John is free to do as he pleases - usually going on a three day bender.
° Yet when he returns home with a killer hangover, under his grouchy domineer is remorse. You can see it from the corner of your eyes rolling off of him in powerful waves when you won't so much as glance at him or speak with him. Even his charm will not undo the hurt he has created. But it's his gruff softness as he engulfs you in his arm from behind. You may fight him, but when he says his signature, "Come off it, dove! No more fighting... I've missed you,"
° That- that is when you wave your white flag and allow him to shower you in all of the love he can muster. It goes beyond what he can ever communicate through his words. He's all about actions in these moments.
° The banter between you two would make outsiders believe you hated one another. But the entire family knows that the playful insults you sling at each other are just that - playful. You're always messing with one another - even when the other gets offended.
"Awe, how charming! I managed to slay one of the Shelby puppies!" You coo at him mockingly.
"Shelby puppies- I'll 'ave you know that with a face like yours, I'm surprised I even married you." He slings back at you.
Now it's your turn to be offended.
° The blood sport you both engage in is that of pranks. They're like full fledged wars if you're not careful. Where you can be sneaky, don't forget that John can be sneakier - he is a criminal after all.
° You know fine well that John intends to marry you - if you're not already married. With his charm and good looks, how can you not want to marry him?
° All in all, love with John never gets boring. Even though you have your many ups and many downs, one thing rings true at the end of each day: You're both absolutely madly in love with one another. You wouldn't have it any other way and neither would he.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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depravitycentral · 1 year
Friday Nights
Yandere! Yuu Nishinoya x fem! reader
Synopsis: A routine movie night with your best friend turns into a bit more than you bargained for – action movies, popcorn, drugged soda, and a man absolutely desperate for you, no matter how underhanded his methods may be. 
Warnings: non-con, non-consensual drugging, choking, bruising, non-consensual groping, delusional Yuu, lowkey dragging action movies sorry, mentions of stalking, mentions of past non-con (by Yuu), somnophilia, implied somnophilia, obviously timeskip!Yuu who decided to get educated and go to college, mentions of reader’s pubic hair, fem reader
WC: 5.2K
I do not condone any of the actions described in this post - this is fiction and should be treated as such. If you or a loved one is in a similar situation to anything contained in this post or my blog in general, please seek help. You're in charge of your internet consumption; please make responsible choices. With that, enjoy! 
“So what movie do y’wanna watch?” Yuu asks, his voice high pitched with excitement as his brown eyes scan through the rows of movie titles. The TV perched on the wall is queued up with Netflix, the various titles jumping out and seeming to fly by as his fingers repeatedly press down onto the ‘next’ button, moving too quickly to even get a glimpse at the synopses. 
You roll your eyes but giggle lightly, the behavior typical from him. 
He’d always been a bit scatterbrained, impatient and always eager to go out and do something, for excitement and stimulation in every possible way. He was a busy body, a trait you admired about him, albeit something that occasionally had you ripping at your hair when he just wouldn’t stay still. 
And yet, it was a reason why you loved him– one of your closest friends, a joy of a man that you felt lucky to have known since high school. He may have been in a different class, but through coinciding clubs and college seminars, a friendship had bloomed quickly and passionately, the both of you seeing a missing piece in one another. 
“I don’t care, just please not Die Hard again. It’d be what, the twentieth time in the last two months?” You teased, sending him a glare as he pouted, lips puffing out as crossed his arms. 
“Hmpf, you’re just jealous that I like actually interesting movies, not the shit you watch.”
Suddenly the popcorn bowl – fresh and dripping in butter and salt – that you’d just finished making was snatched away from his outstretched hand, an indignant huff spilling from your lips. 
He spluttered, eyes blowing wide as he stared at you.
“Wha – you can’t do that!” He exclaimed, facing you with an incredulous expression. 
You closed your eyes, puffing your chest and tilting your chin up. “Mmm, I made it, so I get to choose what I do with it.”
Yuu threw his hands up, shaking his head and asking in a defeated tone, “Okay okay, your liege, what must I do to earn some of your world class popcorn?”
Opening your eyes, your index finger tapped against your chin, fake contemplating. “Hmmm…”
“C’mon, I’m hungry!” He whined, shoulders drooping as he pouted. 
You snorted, before sighing heavily. “Well, I suppose you’ll just have to apologize, and thank me for being so generous and letting you off so easily.”
He scoffed, eyes rolling to the sky as he flopped back against the cushions of his couch. “Sure, sure princess, I’m so sorry for offending you, and thanks for being such a softie.” 
You smirk and glance over at him, holding out the popcorn bowl and watching as his eyes lit up, a hand immediately reaching out to grab as big a handful as possible. 
“You’re a pig, you know that?” 
He picked up a stray piece that had fallen onto his gray t-shirt, flinging it over at you and smiling through a mouthful of popcorn at your offended glare. 
You laughed despite yourself, the man beside you too easy to forgive for his own good. Choosing to ignore the way he snickered at your failed attempt at seeming irritated, you instead focused your gaze onto the television, just to watch him pass through movie after movie under the action section. 
Eventually, he landed on a rather non-descript action thriller that looked to have the same plot as the other twenty action movies he’d had you watch the last few movie nights. You were sure you’d be able to recite the lines word for word despite never having watched this particular film.
He glanced over at you, seeking your approval on the movie. You nodded, giving him a small smile despite your secret displeasure at his movie choice. Well, it’s not like I ever manage to stay up to watch the full thing, anyways. 
The lights were dimmed, the crunching of popcorn accompanied by the opening soundtrack of the film. Your gaze focused on the screen, explosions and guns filling your sight as the plot droned on, the lead going through a heart wrenching loss of a family member, all typical so far. 
Yuu seemed fully immersed in the movie, his profile showing the concentration in those brown eyes, his lashes barely fluttering as the movie continued. Popcorn was shoveled into his mouth, little gasps and expressions in response to the movie passing over his face frequently. 
You smiled softly, the sight of him enjoying himself making you unspeakably happy. It was no secret that you’d developed feelings for your friend, but the years’ worth of fondness that had slowly seeped into your mind wasn’t worth endangering the tight friendship you shared, and so you stayed quiet. Yuu was a friend, nothing more and nothing less. 
But he looks so pretty like this… 
You sighed, adjusting yourself and taking a sip of the soda he’d brought over for you. It was a new brand this time, though it was still your favorite flavor, something he kept on hand in bottled form for nights exactly like this. The lid was always unscrewed, a few sips having been taken by him beforehand (“what? It’s not like we don’t share everything else, besides you’ve got decent taste! I just want to try it every time, you know?”), and as much as it made you feel like a creep and embarrass you, some small part of you enjoyed the fact that his lips had already touched the rim. 
You shivered, snuggling deeper into the blankets you’d buried yourself in. You were acutely aware of his presence on the other side of the admittedly small couch, but as the movie continued on, slowly your eyes drifted closed, sleep overtaking you. 
“Damn, wasn’t that such a good movie? I totally didn’t see the ending coming –“ He started, a wide grin on his face as he turned to face you, honey eyes appraising your sleeping form. 
The ending credits of the movie were rolling, the music slowly fading into the background as he stared, your peaceful, unconscious form looking absolutely beautiful to him. He’d known he was in love with you for a while now – since your first year in college, really, after you’d approached him during a shared class and practically begged him to study with you. He knew you were only asking platonically, but you were so sweet and funny, your laugh was addictive, your eyes so pretty, your body looking so good in your tighter shirt… 
Plus, you asked him to study – a poor choice, really, but that must’ve meant you’d noticed him and though you were smart! (You were sorely disappointed when he’d looked at you in confusion when you’d mentioned helium during your chemistry studying, but he was endearing so you let it slide.)
It was a bit of a hopeless spiral into his feelings, if he was being honest, and while he didn’t necessarily enjoy being stuck in a perpetual friend-zone with you, he was satisfied. He was just happy that he was able to spend time with you, to see you and speak with you, to have consistent movie nights like tonight where things became more bearable. 
More bearable, if only because he got to do the things he’d spend all week daydreaming about, thoughts of you racing through his mind late at night when the knowledge that you were only a few hundred feet away from him was starting to get into his head. Movie nights were a near weekly occurrence, marked by Friday nights spent in his apartment, the old worn couch getting its fair share of use in many, many ways. 
Yuu gulped, jaw going slack as he merely stared, the minutes ticking by slowly as his eyes raked over the curve of your nose, your brows and lashes, the soft parting of your lips. You were truly gorgeous, his ideal woman in every possible way, and as he slowly stood up, calling out your name a few times to make sure the drugs he’d spiked into your soda were effective, excitement began building up in his chest. 
Sure, it didn’t feel great to be doing this, to have grown a habit out of the way he slowly uncovered your form, the blankets being pushed to the side as his breath grew ragged, his sweatpants slowly beginning to feel too tight, but it was too late now to stop, the habit too ingrained into his mind to ever seriously quit. 
And as he pulled off his shirt and slowly wrapped your unconscious body into his arms, every ounce of guilt slowly drifted from his mind, the feeling of your form against his bare one making his head spin in the most wonderful of ways. 
Moving you to the bed was easy – despite your consistent complaints of being too heavy, your weight posed no problem to the young man as he carefully set you down on his bed, your head lolling back against the pillows as he analyzed your expression. You were still out, thanks to the copious (but not dangerous) amounts of sleeping agent he’d administered into the fizzy drink before you’d arrived, his fingers nearly trembling with excitement as he’d handed over the plastic bottle to you. You were always so gullible, a trait he found simultaneously endearing and worrying, though it wasn’t as if he had any real nefarious intentions – better him drugging you than some random creep, right?
At least he normally made you come. 
Yuu shivered, exhaling slowly as he tugged his pants off, his lack of underwear allowing his already mostly hard cock to spring free, the leaking tip flushed a dark red as he moved to situate himself between your legs, his hands lightly dusting over your legs as he debated what to remove first. 
Undressing you was always a process – a slow, methodical one, arguably one of his favorite parts about the whole ordeal. Depending on his mood, he’d start at different spots – if he was feeling more handsy, aching to grab onto you and never let go, your top and bra were first to go, followed by a solid twenty minutes of his hands carefully groping and squeezing at your breasts, pinching and playing with your nipples until they were puffy and sore looking, perfect to latch onto and suckle at while he basked in your scent. Other times, it was easier to simply begin where the real magic happened – if his cock was positively aching, desperate to be touched and buried inside of you, it was hard to hold back. Your shorts and panties would disappear, your legs spread and his tongue eager to work at your folds, getting you prepped for what he always swore would be a more gentle fucking, a situation in which he’d make love to you rather than hump into you like some wild animal. 
The promise had yet to be fulfilled, but with opportunities arriving every week, he was confident he’d manage to achieve his goals in the near future, right after the ever-present initial shock and ecstasy that being inside of you brought him. 
He shivered, reaching up to peel off the hem of your sweatshirt, your soft skin exposed as he carefully shifted you around. He was cautious to not bend your elbows in an uncomfortable or jostle you around too much, though he knew you wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon, much less from something as light as a few tugs. He sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of your bra – a simple t-shirt bra fit with a neutral shade, nothing he’d ever see on the cover of a magazine or in porn, but something arousing and enticing all the same, if his cock’s throbbing and pulsing had any say. 
As soon as his nimble fingers had unclipped the garment and tossed it to the side, immediately he was licking his lips, reaching up to run his fingers up your stomach and towards your chest, taking a breast in each hand and firmly squeezing. 
“Ah, Yuu, I love it when you touch me…” He whispered, voice rising in pitch to sound similar to yours, the fantasy of hearing you encouraging his sexual exploits with you sending yet another wave of arousal down to his groin. It had been strange, the first few times he’d tried to talk to himself and pretend to be you, embarrassing to the point where he’d struggled to meet your gaze for a few days later (though he’d laughed it off as some joke about how he’d just been fulfilling a dare about ignoring you). But as time passed and he’d gotten more used to it, he found himself suddenly unable to get off without imagining your responses. He found himself depending on imagining and imitating what your moans and whimpers of his name would sound like, the noises you’d make as he fucks you on his fingers or stuffs that pretty mouth full of his cock. 
“I love it too baby, you’re so fucking soft.” He groaned, hands squeezing a bit harder as he groped and kneaded at your breasts, pinching the pebbled flesh between his thumb and pointer finger as he lightly rutted against your thigh, the friction making him hiss and dip his head, nose coming to rest right over your clothed cunt. 
He inhaled deeply, the musky scent driving him wild with lust as his hips bucked extra hard, the sensation making him desperate for more more more, to see and feel your body clenching and creaming around him. 
After a final, harsher squeeze against your breasts, his hands wandered down your sides to rest at your hips, untying the drawstring to your shorts and tugging them down along with your panties. The recent development of you choosing quite possibly the shortest shorts he’d ever seen in his life to wear to your weekly hang outs was arguably one of the best things to happen to him, something he’d be eternally grateful for for years to come, a memory he’d look back on with flushed cheeks, a flustered smile and an aching cock. 
The sight of your pubic hair and bare thighs had him groaning, his eyes fluttering shut as anticipation roared through him, the familiar image making the phantom taste of your slick against his tongue stronger than he’d thought possible. Carefully grabbing your knees, he spread your legs further apart to expose more of your cute little cunt, before throwing your legs over his shoulders to allow more dexterity for what he was planning next. 
Now eyelevel with your cunt, Yuu shut his eyes and inhaled deeply once more, the smell stronger now, richer and more prominent and oh so fucking delicious, drool slipping down his chin as he shuffled closer, quite literally burying his face into the soft mound between your legs. He shivered, his entire body convulsing as he slowly gyrated his head, spreading the minimal slick and discharge along the bridge and tip of his nose, fully immersing himself in as much of you as possible. You were gorgeous, perfect and delectable, and as he lightly pulled back to lick his lips, Yuu groaned. 
“Please, no teasing Yuu, y’know I need you, I want you so bad.” He whined out, his hands finding solace at your thighs, finger tips digging into the plush fat to hold your unresponsive body still. Fantasies of the way you’d writhe and shake under him flooded his mind, the idea of you being so overcome with desire and impatience that you’d literally beg him to touch you, to taste you giving him a blood rush. 
“So impatient baby, so greedy…” His voice was muffled against the space of your inner thighs as he peppered kisses against the sensitive skin (though careful to never leave any hickeys or bruises, no matter how desperately the temptation ate away at him). “Always wanting so much, you’re so lucky ‘m so generous, all for my sweet girl.”
And with that, he dove in, licking a long strip up from your quivering hole to your clit, tongue circling around the little bud in earnest as he groaned, the sound sending vibrations against your body as you lightly moaned in your sleep. Lips attached to the bundle of nerves, cupping around the area as he sucked and licked, managing to work your body exactly how he’d learned after months of having you all to himself for hours at a hand, all with the sole goal of getting you ruined and hazy with sleep-ridden pleasure. 
Rationally, he knew that he didn’t really need to get you off before fucking you, especially with you being unaware either way, but the fantasies built up in his mind were more catered towards you genuinely enjoying the experience, moaning his name and grasping at his hair as he worked you towards an orgasm, getting you to the brink before pushing you over, making sure you were ready to take the oftentimes animalistic pace of his hips. 
Lewd sucking and slurping noises reverberated through the room, the movie having ended a while ago. He grunted against you, fingers digging into your thighs before moving one hand to gently prod at your entrance, his tongue continuing to work away at your clit. Carefully, he pushed a finger inside, the feeling of your walls clamping down on him driving his hips to hump forward. His comforter created a delicious mix of pleasurable pain against the sensitive skin of his cock. 
You whimpered lightly in your sleep, head lolling to the side, and for a moment Yuu froze, terror that you’d wake up slapping him harshly in the face. He stayed still for a few seconds, staring up at you with wide silver eyes and a ring of creamy, off white slick around his mouth and across his nose, before gulping and returning back to position. He needed to make you come, the urge too strong to ignore, and with a new vigor Yuu was curling and scissoring his fingers, rubbing up against the spots he knew had you jerking and twitching in your sleep. 
And, five minute later, he wasn’t disappointed in the least – your hips violently jerked upwards, a small gasp tumbling from your pretty lips as you orgasmed, your body shaking underneath the firm grip of his hand as he worked you through your high. His tongue never stopped moving, his fingers slowing their rhythm but never stopping, the entire experience of feeling your walls flutter and clench and seeing your chest rapidly rise and fall making him all too eager to pull back, but not before placing a quick kiss to your clit that had you twitching. 
Tongue flicking out to lick up any residual slick, he smiled down at your form, leaning over you on his knees to cradle your cheek with a cum-stained hand, whispering down at your unconscious form, “You’re so pretty, look so beautiful when you come for me, baby.”
“Anything for you Yuu, wanna make you feel good too.” He mumbled, fingers coming down to toy with your nipples again, idly flicking the sensitive flesh as he briefly lost himself in the imaginary conversation. 
“Oh yeah? And how are you gonna do that angel?”
“Wanna taste you, please?”
“Shh, tonight is about you princess, and you wanna suck my cock?”
“Yuu! Don’t say it so lewdly…”
“You’re not saying no, baby, that must mean you want my cum down that pretty throat of yours, huh?”
He moved to trace the shape of your lips with a callused thumb, his breath hitching in his throat when your lips parted, his thumb sliding inside to rest idly against your tongue. A strangled groan tumbled from his throat, his cock rutting against your newly slick pussy, the feeling making his eyes tightly squeeze shut. 
“You make it sound so dirty, just like it when you’re in my mouth okay? It’s not weird!”
He laughed, pulling his thumb out of your mouth and instead placing it in his own, sucking your spit off the appendage. “I know baby, I know. But right now, I wanna fuck you, wanna feel that tight little cunny squeezing me, ‘kay? And you know how much I love the little noises you make when you’re creaming on my cock.”
And with that, his hand traveled down to wrap around the base of his shaft, giving himself a few pumps that earned a soft hiss from his lips. His other hand moved to press against the mattress, supporting his weight as he nudged his tip against your slick folds, biting his lip as he languidly brought the tip up and down, collecting your cream, feeling the way it mixed with his precum as he slowly shuffled forward. 
Your legs were spread out at an odd angle, surely hurting your hips, but as he slowly, oh so fucking slowly pushed inside, Yuu couldn’t find it in himself to care – how could he, when your walls were sucking him in, wet and warm and fuck, how could you be so tight even after he’d prepped you? 
“Oh fuck, hnghh-“ He groaned, head lolling forward to bury itself in between the junction of your shoulder and neck, the overwhelming sensation of your pussy welcoming him in making his head swim. His breath came in pants, his muscles twitching as he tried to give your unconscious body a few moments to adjust, knowing that despite his work to get you loosened up and ready, it would still take a bit to get used to him. 
“God, do you even know how fucking goo – shit, good you feel baby?” He stuttered out, voice strained as he slowly pulled out, before pushing back in, keeping the pace slow and steady, as much for you as for him. 
The squelching noises of his cock stirring up your insides was euphoric to him, the sound of him fucking you making him dizzy, only furthering the sensations racing up his spine. The pleasure, even from being inside you for a grand total of forty five seconds, was mind-numbing, every part of him focusing on going deeper, harder, faster, giving you more more more – 
“Oh Yuu, oh – ngh, oh please, you’re so big!” He squeaked out, imagining the way your nails would scratch down his back, his hips pistoning into you, angling up to hit that spongey, magical spot inside of you that would have your back arching and your voice turning into a near scream.
“Oh god, fuckin’ - shit baby, wanna feel you come on my cock again please – “ He gasped, eyes squeezing shut as you gave a particularly hard clench around him, his balls twitching in anticipation. “Fuck, I love you, oh fuck I love you so much, I love you I love you I –“ 
“A-ah, what –“ A small mumble had Yuu freezing, silver eyes blowing wide as his hips stood at a stand still. He audibly gasped as his gaze darted down to your face, seeing your bleary eyes staring up at him, dizzy with sleep and confusion as you slowly took in your situation – Yuu above you, his face beet red with sweat lining his temples, the dull throb between your legs, the strange sensation of something stretching you out, pushing at your walls. 
The situation was slow to make sense to you, but as soon as he shifted slightly and the resulting sensation of something lodging itself deeper into you registered, your eyes were suddenly widening, fear and panic gripping your heart as you realized exactly what your former friend was doing, why the cold air of his room had felt so strange against your bare skin. 
“Oh my god – Nishinoya what the fuck – “ You started, hands coming up to push him away as you squirmed, but the way he suddenly plopped down onto you, pinning your legs and arms to your side had you halting any movements, the hand covering your mouth only making you panic harder. 
Your eyes squeezed shut as you tried to flail, thrashing underneath him only to find that he was much, much stronger than you remembered him being – not a single movement panned out, your limbs essentially useless as Yuu panicked above you, completely unsure of what to do next. 
What had happened? He’d been using those sleeping pills for months – not once had you ever woken up, regained any semblance of consciousness, anything at all! You’d been dead asleep for hours afterwards; plenty of time for him to get off and clean you up, to get rid of any trace of his activities, even as painful as scooping out the cum from inside of you had been. 
The sudden memory of the new brand of soda he’d bought on a whim surfaced, making his eyes narrow. Maybe there’d been some reaction with the drug? 
“I – oh fuck!” He started, eyes darting between yours, watching tears well up in them as you tried to bite at his hand, anything to get him away. 
Sure you’d had a crush on him, but what was he doing? You’d been asleep, you were sure of it – and here he was, fucking you, having presumably undressed you and done god knows what else. You felt sick, the sinking feeling in your gut making bile rise up the back of your throat. 
“I – I can explain!” He stuttered, mind racing as he tried to think of a solution to this, now that you were obviously terrified and likely hating him, thinking of him as some monster, a pervert, a criminal… 
A muffled scream slipped through your lips, one that had him cringing, his hand pressing harder against you in an effort to drown out the noise as much as possible. “Shh! I swear, this isn’t as bad as it looks – I, god, how do I explain this?”
His voice was miserable, defeated and still ragged from the fucking, but at the slight shift of his hips, your body betrayed you. A small whimper, muffled behind his hand but still audible, and the clench of your cunt around his cock had Yuu cursing, head falling forward slightly, the influx of emotion making tears spring up in his own eyes, matching your own pearly ones. 
“It’s just – well fuck, I might as well come clean then, huh?” He bit his lip, slowly moving his hips forward, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he slowly fucked into you, the pleasure too overwhelming for him to stay still. 
You winced, the sensation of his cock brushing against your sensitive walls making you shudder, the pleasure certainly not what you wanted, and yet, with a small sob, it felt so good. It’s not fair, you thought – the man you’re in love with, taking advantage of you, and your body enjoying it so thoroughly, something that only gets confirmed as he slowly began speeding up, every thrust punctuated with a shameful moan of yours. 
“I’ve – oh, I’ve loved you since damn near the fucking second I met you, a-ah, always wanted you, oh fuck baby –“ He groaned, resting his forehead against the pillow next to your head, his weight still distributed onto you and keeping you in place. 
You froze, the sensations of his body and his words making your blood go cold, the idea that all this time, Yuu had felt the same hitting you like a ton of bricks. This was wrong, so wrong – and yet, why did your heart almost feel warm at his admittance?
“’ve wanted you, n-needed you, for so long, ‘m sorry, I’m sorry, god how are you still so damn tight,”, he hissed. “I’m sorry, oh fuck I’m so sorry oh –“
A particularly hard clench of your cunt had him gasping sharply, hips rutting up, the hold of his hand over your mouth momentarily broken in his moment of weakness. Quickly, your lips parted, preparing to scream for help, but Yuu’s hand was suddenly wrapped around your throat, pressing in harshly and making you splutter, the air barely circulating. 
“No! N-no, no please baby please, don’t do anything rash, shit, it’s okay, I know you like – like being choked.” He grunted, making your eyes go wide. “’ve seen you choke yourself a thousand damn times, looked so fucking pretty while you fuck that little cunt with your fingers.” 
You whimpered. 
“Ngh, makes it feel – fuck, feel better, huh? More intense?” He muttered, keeping his hand over your throat, occasionally letting you gasp in a bit of air, but not enough to muster up a scream. 
His hips were still snapping into yours, rutting up against that special spot, and before you could even question how he knew exactly where that spongy spot inside you was, the telltale signs of your orgasm were washing over you – that familiar tightness, the twitching of your muscles, the white edges of your vision. 
You came with a hoarse moan, a shameful sound that had you pathetically thrashing, your attempts to resist his thrusts and strength pitiful at best. Yuu groaned, his forehead pressed against yours as his hips stuttered, the fluttering of your walls pushing him towards his own orgasm. 
“Oh god, here it comes – oh shit, oh fuck, oh take it, take it take it take it -!” He moaned, the sound high pitched and desperate, and to your absolute horror a distinct warmth registered inside you, ropes of cum settling against your unprotected walls in bursts, making you stare up into those brown eyes lidded in ecstasy. His hand sporadically tightened around your throat, surely leaving harsh bruises against your sensitive skin.
After a few moments it was over, his hips finally slowing to a stop after fucking through his orgasm, his breath ragged and fanning over your face. He brought his lips down to yours, kissing you with a passion and desperation that had your head spinning, the feeling of his cock still lodged deep inside of you making you simultaneously disgusted and aroused. 
He parted after a few moments, your own breath harsh as well from the hand still limiting your supply of oxygen. He rested his forehead against yours, hazel eyes staring down at you, a million thoughts a minute racing through his mind. Somehow, despite your struggling, you’d been even better than what he was hoping for – perfection, literally, and while he would’ve preferred you to enjoy it, to engage with him and love the feeling of him inside of you, Yuu was glad for what he could get. 
“I – I love you.” He whispered, eyes wide and vulnerable, hazy with the after effects of pleasure. Your brows furrowed, body having grown numb from lack of blood circulation, and as the hand tightened and you slowly blacked out, the feeling of his hips beginning to move once more had you distantly squealing. 
“Love you, and fuck, guess I don’t have to confess, huh? Don’t have to worry about you saying no now.” 
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odyssean-flower · 1 year
Bouncing off of anon’s prior ask… I have a few questions of my own bc I’m curious about people’s take on his character. Also because I’m down tremendously for him but shhh—
What do you think dragon man is like when he’s in love? How does he treat them before and after relationship? Like is it a sudden realization, is he romantic? Hmmm many thoughts—
Ideal traits for a partner/mate?
For Yan Neuv, (because your yandere lil fic with him was lovely!!), do you have any headcanons on that aside from what was written?
Sorry if anything has been asked before as I’m rather new to your blog :)
But yeah anyways I hope that’s not too rambl-y! Ty for sharing your lovely stories and thoughts :333 I’m so excited for him in 4.1 and if you roll for him, I wish you luck in getting him! ❤️
Hi~~ thank you so much for reading my fics! Don't worry about being too rambly or repeating stuff, this is actually very helpful for me as it helps me flesh out my ideas as well 🤗 i apologize if any of this stuff isn't very creative lol
May we all get neuvillette and his weapon (and constellations) 🙏
When Neuvillette is in love (before relationship)
So I think Neuvillette would just be A Mess
He's not very good at figuring out emotions, particularly feelings of romance and love, because he always assumed that he would never fall in love
so when he does fall in love, it takes him a while to understand what he's actually feeling (probably after much studying and discussion with the melusines)
imo i feel like he'd be a bit conflicted bc as the chief justice, he feels like he shouldn't have such personal feelings for anyone, but on the other hand, even dragons feel lonely and want love, right?
he would observe you (discreetly and probably unconsciously), memorizing everything about you. He might unknowingly let the things he learned slip into conversation, causing much awkwardness
he finds himself thinking of you at random occasions and associating certain things with you
he noticeably softens when he's interacting with you. it's obvious to everyone except you two
would give you the most sincere and heartfelt compliments, but it doesn't even count as flirting for him, it's just him being himself
even though the chief justice is known to be reclusive, for some reason he would suddenly start frequenting the place where you work. He doesn't even stay there that long, but just makes some awkward and extremely polite conversation (doesn't show it on his face but he's super nervous and self-conscious)
speaking of self-consciousness neuvillette is pretty self-aware about the difference between himself and humans in regards to feelings. He's aware that he's not always the most knowledgeable about human emotions and behavior, which can cause misunderstandings between him and others, but he tries his best to make up for it
When Neuvillette is in love (after relationship)
congratulations for finally reaching this stage
i think neuvillette would be a latent romantic. As in, he has all the potential, but he's never been in a situation where that potential can be explored
but once he's in a relationship...prepare to be swept off your feet
he loves taking you to all the hidden, secret places only he knows about, like an out-of-the-way coffee shop, an inconspicuous nook with a great view of the mountains, maybe even an underwater ruin he really enjoys
will probably take you out on a boating ride
he also enjoys just spending time with you back at his home (hyv please show us where he leaves. i just wanna know)
basically, he'd prefer to spend time with you privately bc he's well aware of the tabloids and paparazzi and doesn't want your life to be ruined by them
does a lot of preparation for your dates. like, an absurd amount, because he would hate it if anything inconveniences you or makes you feel uncomfortable
will continue to say the most romantic and poetic things with the straightest face you've ever seen
not much pda even when it's just you two. a bit of hand-holding (l e w d), brushing his hand against your cheek, maybe even...forehead kisses???
if you are the one who initiates affection with him, his brain would short-circuit, simply because he's not used to having someone do that for him
likes to hear you talk about your day or just anything in general. would also talk about his own day. it makes for some fun lack of congruence
when he's sad, he'll come to you (vice-versa). you two don't talk much, but simply stay by each other's side until you feel better
when you're happy, he feels happy. and when you're sad, he feels sad as well
would be very protective, but would also respect your personal space
melusines will be your biggest supporters. they act as your go-betweens basically
bonus: i feel like furina will be amused by neuvillette's newfound relationship and will probably try to follow you on your dates. she'll attempt to disguise herself but nothing can hide that giant ahoge. and neuvillette can see right through her anyways
Ideal Partner
i think he'd be drawn to someone with a strong sense of justice, someone who has strong beliefs and sticks by them, even if they clash with his own
he would be the type who would welcome being challenged and debated; he would find it refreshing honestly
someone with a similar temperament to him would work, but he'd also find himself unexpectedly attracted to a more fiery, outspoken person
big bonus points if they're nice to the melusines as well
Yandere Mermaid!Neuvillette
i don't know if you're talking about this one but i'll assume you are
hmm i don't know i feel like i put everything i wanted into that fic
so during your weekly meetings, i think neuvi would have moments where he'd imagine himself coming onto land and being with you there, i think he'd also be grudgingly curious about the human world especially after hearing your stories about it, but his sense of responsibility towards his people and his distaste for humans are strong, so his desire to turn you into a mermaid wins out
the underwater garden: he really did believe you'd feel better and that you'd fall in love with him (or at least act warmer towards him) when you saw it
after that fight (?) at the end: i think y/n kinda gave in because they realized that if they didn't accept their new life and the different morals of the mermaids, they would eventually go mad, since they were never escaping. so afterwards, y/n would throw themselves into getting familiar with mermaid customs (aided by neuvi) and just try their best to forget their old life. would probably be very clingy towards him bc ironically, neuvi is a part of their old life
neuvi, for his part, would be happy to see his mate finally accept him, but deep down he knows that it isn't out of real love and that his feelings will probably never be requited in the way he wants them to be. but he decides not to think about that bc having you broken but next to him is better than having you happy but separated from him
so yeah it's a very warped, co-dependent relationship
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holdmytesseract · 8 months
Yay open requests! :)
Hmmm, I want to see you write a one-shot where the Reader is a travelling actor who comes to Aldwinter to perform for the town with her troupe, and Will Ransom of course becomes romantically fascinated by the reader while she's there. That's all, I'll let you determine how far it goes between them. ^_^
And if I may be selfish, maybe make the Reader a larger-sized redhead (like me) haha
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Will Ransome x fem!Reader
Summary: When a travelling actor comes to Aldwinter, Will is completely swept off his feet; hit by the arrow of love.
Warnings: mutual pining (sort of)? fluff, lil' bit of suggestive smut - blink and you'll miss it, not exactly a happy end - but there's hope! tell me if I missed something!
Word Count: 2,4k
a/n: Sorry this took me so long, friend! 🥺 I really hope you like this! It's been a while since I lastly wrote for Will, but I tried my best. 🧡
Tags: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @vanilla-daydreaming @loz-3 @captain-camille @lovingchoices14 @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @lulubelle814 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @chantsdemarins @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @lokiforever @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @jaidenhawke @km-ffluv @crimson25 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @dustychinchilla74 @coldnique @eleniblue @frzntrx @huntedmusicgardenn @mochie85
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Will's eyes roamed the quite big crowd of people, as he stepped carefully down the few steps which led to the altar. On a Sunday mass like today, the little chapel Reverend Ransome called his own, was always bustling with people. Something which made the vicar very happy. He gave friendly, confident looks left and right, as he made his way down the aisle and stopped close to the door. It was a tradition for him to personally see off his churchgoer.
After all, they were his sheep - and he was the sheepherder.
Once almost everyone had bid their goodbyes and only a few people were left, Will suddenly recognised another familiar face within the small group of people... And he was the last one to stand up from the pew.
"Dear Sir Ambrose!" Reverend Ransome called out his old friend with a smile. "What takes you to Aldwinter on this rainy Sunday? I haven’t seen you around in months!" Charles laughed and grabbed the hand of his friend; shaking it thoroughly. "Well... I had to go to Essex anyway this weekend. Business trip," he said; winking. "Therefore, I decided to go to mass in Aldwinter and visit my friend!"
"Well, I am delighted to see you, Charles." "So am I."
The two men talked for a bit. About everything and anything, until... "Charles, I know you well... This business trip and the want to visit me can't be the only reason you're here..." Charles laughed up again; clapping his friend on the shoulder. "You indeed know me well, William. These are truly not the only reasons... Let us sit down."
Will let himself guide to a pew by Ambrose, before they sat down beside each other.
"I have something you might be interested in... It concerns the children in school, here in Aldwinter." Will nodded; pricking up his ears at the word 'children'. "I am all ears, Charles."
"Our children came home from school last week - entirely excited and happy, and when my dear wife asked what was going on, they told her about how they had been visited by a wonderful lady and her troupe. They said they told them stories - bible stories, but not only through words... They dressed up and did a play! Like in a theatre! Can you imagine, Will!"
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The vicar's eyes went wide in fascination, wonder and excitement. "Charles, that... That is fascinating!" The man beside him nodded. "It truly is. I soke out the lady and her troupe, of course and she would be willing to make a stop in Aldwinter, too - next week! They're heading to Essex anyway. What do you say? I thought it would be great for the children here."
Will smiled and nodded. "Yes, please do so. That would be indeed wonderful." Charles smiled. "Great! I am going to contact the dear lady then and tell her to ask for revered Will Ransome when in Aldwinter.
Aldwinter was a sweet, cosy village. You had to admit that. Sure, it could be cold and rainy - like you heard, but summers here were wonderful.
The warm sun was shining on your face, as you walked together with your troupe towards the tavern Sir Ambrose told you to go and where you could stay during your time in Aldwinter. With curious eyes, you looked around. You had never been here before. You never were long at the same place, after all. As a travelling player, you were one day here and the next day miles away - but you wouldn't want it any other way. It was the life you chose and loved with all your heart.
After the kind woman described the way, you walked the short distance to the church; hoping that you took the right paths. You did. Seeing the elderly, but beautifully crafted building, you smiled and tuck a strand of loose red hair nervously out of your face and cautiously stepped through the wooden doors. There was no one to be seen.
Once you reached said tavern, you told your fellow companions to go and settle, while you would meet the contact person Ambrose arranged for you.
"Excuse me?" You approached the lady in a dress and apron, as she cleaned up some tables in said tavern. At your words, she looked up to face you. "Yes?" You gave her a gentle smile. "I'm looking for reverend Ransome... Do you know where I can find him?" "Sure, miss. You'll most likely find him in the church at this time of the day." "And how do I get to the church? Apologies, I've never been in Aldwinter before." "Oh that's not a problem, miss." The lady smiled and put her rag away; wiping her hands on her apron. "The church is not difficult to find..."
"Apologies, Miss. I was up the stairs; sorting some things. I didn't hear you right away."
"Hello?" You called out; walking down the aisle. "Mr. Ransome?"
Just when you were about to call out again, you heard some rustling coming from another room; probably the backroom and only mere seconds later there were steps. They grew louder and louder, until they revealed the man you had been searching for - or well, told to go to...
... and you had expected a lot, but certainly not that.
Reverend William Ransome sounded to you like you were going to be face to face with an elderly, friendly man with glasses; perhaps in his fifties. You were wrong... Oh so wrong...
You swallowed; were taken aback by the man's beauty. You had never seen a more stunning man than him - and you had seen a lot as an travelling actor...
In front of you stood a tall man in his late thirties, probably early forties. Longer, blonde-brown curls framed his face, which seemed to be carved out of marble. High cheekbones, a sharp jawline, stunning blue eyes and perfectly shaped lips and nose. The beard covering his cheeks, chin and upper lip suited him without a doubt.
Will wore brown cord trousers which were attached to brown braces. Underneath those, was a puffy white shirt covering his upper body - but not entirely. Two buttons were undone; displaying a little bit of his chest and the fine, dark hairs which grew there.
"You must be the famous Miss Y/L/N." Will smiled and stretched out his hand. "Will Ransome. I'm the vicar of this cosy, little town." Still a bit stunned you placed your hand in his. Will brought it up to his lips; bestowing a small kiss upon your knuckles. His lips were so soft and gentle, you almost melted on the spot. His beard tickled your skin; leaving a burning sensation behind - in the best way possible.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Reverend." You smiled; trying to not lose your composure. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, indeed." The vicar smiled back at you; blue eyes sparkling. "The pleasure is mine."
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Will offered you to sit inside his little office, so you could talk about the performance and when you and your fellow companions were ready to perform. You noticed that you got along very well with the man sitting opposite of you. Clearly, you were sharing a great chemistry. He was the sweetest, kindest and most polite man you ever met - and he seemed so enamoured with what you were doing for a living.
A date for the play was quickly settled... Tomorrow morning, as soon as the children finished school.
Will watched your every move; completely fascinated and enthralled. He hung on your every word.
Sure, he was watching all of the fantastic players; performing the story of Moses, but you... You were so special. Whenever you spoke, Will's eyes seemed to light up and he couldn't help the smile on his face.
The vicar didn't know what exactly it was that got him so hooked, but he couldn't deny it...
Was it your talent? Your passion? Your beautiful, kind and determined character? Was it your beauty itself? Perhaps all of it?
Will couldn't point it out.
"I-I wanted to-" Will had to clear his throat. "I wanted to ask, if you'd be interested in a little sightseeing tour through Aldwinter tomorrow?" He gave you a nervous smile. "That is very kind of you, Will, but... We actually don't stay longer than a few days at one place, so..." Will nodded. "I-I understand. But please... Just one more day. I'd like to give something in return for your wonderful work." You bit your lip; weighing your options, but then sighed.
After the show ended and all of the children had left with their parents and Will had bid them goodbye, he cautiously approached the woman he couldn't get off his mind again.
"Miss Y/N?"
His deep, yet smooth voice urged to your ears; causing you to smile as you packed your utensils together. "Yes, Mr. Ransome?" The vicar lifted a hand; "Please... Call me Will." smiling as well. "Will," you repeated - and caused Will's heart to speed up. Hearing you roll off his name from your tongue did something to the man of god.
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"Alright. One more day."
The vicar smiled, "Thank you." and helped you to pack your troupes things together.
You watched him help Gabriel - one of your colleagues and couldn't help but smile. You've never met a kinder man in your life and you had to admit that you could not wait to spend the day with him tomorrow, but... Was it really a good idea?
While you spent the next day in Aldwinter, the others decided to go to Essex. Aldwinter was too boring for them - something you absolutely didn't agree with. Yes, the weather was moody and often not the best, but nevertheless was it a beautiful, cosy, little town. You liked it - and especially the vicar who lived there.
I could get used to this, you caught yourself thinking; immediately slapping yourself across the cheek - in your head.
You met Will rather late in the morning after breakfast. He had a few things to do - duties to follow as the people's reverend; therefore it was almost lunch time when he stood in front of your room at the tavern.
He showed you around - like promised. The beach. The sometimes quite scary and dangerous marshes. The beautiful forests and of course the town itself. Will introduced you to a few important people and in closing of the day, he invited you over to his little house for dinner.
You were completely amazed and excited about the fact that Will was an excellent cook. The Shepherd's Pie he cooked was delicious, and you dared to say like no other than you've eaten before.
His smile even widened.
Later that evening - it was already dark outside, you were seated beside him on his little sofa; a glass of wine in both his and your hands.
"Thank you for showing me your home, Will. Aldwinter is beautiful." You smiled and took a sip of your wine. The man reciprocated your smile; gave you a dazzling one of his own. "I'm delighted to hear that, Miss-" Y/N..." You interrupted him. "Call me Y/N."
"Y/N..." You nodded. "I really enjoyed it. The time we spent together." Perhaps was the alcohol you had consumed making you a little bold. "You are a very kind man, Will." He blushed, "Thank you, I... I am flattered." and inched closer to you. "And you are the most beautiful and talented woman I have ever met."
You blinked; were almost blushing, too. "Mr. Ransome are you... Are you trying to woo me?" A small, kind of nervous chuckle left the vicar's lips. "Perhaps."
You shook your head; drinking from the wine again. "But we hardly know each other..." "I-I know, but..." He swallowed. "You fascinate me, Y/N. You attracted my attention like no woman did before, I... I feel as if an invisible rope is pulling me to you. A higher power, which keeps on shoving me into your direction. I-I just... I can't help it. I feel myself utterly attracted to you."
Once again you started to shake your head, "Will... Stop it, please..." and sighed. "We can't give into this. I'm going to leave tomorrow and we'll probably never see each other again."
"Please..." The man beside you begged then; seeing how you struggled. Will wasn't a man who took advantage of this situation, but he felt how torn you were. How you actually wanted this and was just held back by the 'What if...'.
"We?" It was everything the vicar was focused on. "We can't give into this?"
You realised the mistake you made way too late.
"Does that mean you feel the same?" Will's heart sped up after those words left his lips. Words filled with hope.
"I-I-I..." You didn't know what to say. It was true, but you forbid your body to feel it; knowing exactly that it would only lead to pain.
He inched even closer, until your thigh almost touched his.
"Just one kiss..." The reverend whispered and before you could do or say something, your lips melted against his. Will sighed in the kiss; hands landing on your waist.
"Tell me to stop and I will." He said in a gentle voice, while he pulled you onto his lap.
You let it happen.
Just one kiss turned into two - and two turned into way much more, until-
Will closed his eyes for a moment. It wasn't a nightmare... Far from it...
Will ripped his eyes open, only to find himself breathing quick and heavy. Sweat pooled on his chest; coating the fine hairs growing there. His puffy night shirt was totally dishevelled - just like his hair.
The vicar sat up in bed. As he moved, he felt the tightness of his underwear and the straining arousal inside.
He had dreamed of her again. Y/N. The beautiful woman with flaming red hair and stunning Y/E/C. The woman who had fascinated him like no other, when she visited Aldwinter a few months back to perform a play with her troupe. The woman which whom he had spent a wonderful night with - and who had left him to live her dream and travel around the world as a player; leaving only a letter and her shawl behind.
Will smiled; remembering the words written on the piece of paper.
One day, l promise I'll come back to you - if you are willing to wait for me.
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Can you write like, headcanons for the obey me! Brothers meeting your (older) siblings?? Because I have 2 older brothers and they're both SO PROTECTIVE LIKE OMFG when I was a teenager and I went out they would always send me a message like this
Them: wya
Me: hanging out w/ a friend
Them: who
Me: (friend name)
Them: Who tf is that, I'll beat everyone into the ground
IGNORE IF U DONT WANNA/ DID IT ALREADY!!! Ly and ur writing <3
Sorry it took me long to reply, I'm kinda bringing this blog back to life. absolutely yes!
Wears his signature strict look but *screams internally*
He knows too well how much of a headache siblings can be so he is really cautious
*Ahem* Nice meeting you
Serves a stern look and holds the gaze of both your siblings
Acts very respectfully around you because well, that's how he really feels about your relationship!
Offers a firm handshake and really charms them with his confidence
"Hmmm looks like a reliable fella", one of your siblings whispers once Lucifer leaves your place
At first he is kinda confused but then remembers living with Lucifer under one roof and his confident returns
"Ayo, stop shootin' dis gazes at me. I'm immune"
He notices how protective your siblings are and feels like he and them will get along
"MC are such a troublemaker, I always have to keep an eye on 'dem"
After an hour, he laughs, fools around and acts completely natural around your family
W-w-what do you mean, meet your siblings??
I have six of my own, I don't need any extra!
Terrified but determined
At first he is super silent and shy
Then, one of your siblings mentions THE GAME
"MC, you can go to bed, we'll just sit here for another hour or two"
"Hmph, is it really necessary?"
Acts reserved (tries to) but is really nervous
Senses protectiveness from your siblings and nods in approval
"I think we'll get along"
Gradually relaxes around your siblings and start making jokes and discussing books
"Don't worry sweetheart, I can charm anyone"
Beams with delight and shakes hands enthusiastically
"So tell me about your childhood!"
Laughs and listens closely to everything your siblings have to say
"Now we all need to get matching sets of clothes!"
To your surprise, shows knowledge of sports and action movies
"I need to follow the trends, darling"
Is immediately welcomed and loved
Your siblings drag him to the backyard to show their equipment
"My workout routine? I guess I can show you"
Is a bit intimidated at first but quickly feels at ease
"Can I have another bag of chips?"
Laughs and hugs you tight, happy to fit in
"All my siblings except Beel are so annoying - hope yours are not"
Is a bit too polite and calm at first
After testing the grounds, starts with his witty remarks and sarcastic jokes
Actually becomes the center of attention and flawlessly charms everyone
"Me? I'm the youngest, yes. Oh, I don't act like one? Why, thank you"
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eoieopda · 1 year
hmmm, what about yoongi? we love a good hallmark au. the comeback story of a lifetime? separated by something and ironically reunited by the same thing?
i hope this fits!!
the one with the doughboy and the greaseball
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pairing: min yoongi x f!reader summary: guess who’s back in town? au: hallmark-style homecoming, childhood friends to ? type: drabble (fluff) rating: pg13 cw: none! wc: 1.2k 🔞 this drabble is sfw, regardless, my content is not for minors. minors and ageless blogs who interact with me or my writing will be blocked.
When Min Yoongi leaves his parents’ house and hits the sidewalk, there’s no way for him to know if he’ll find what he’s looking for. He hopes he will, but the local landscape looks different than it used to. So, he walks along on a hunch, more than anything else.
Down the block he used to live on; past the cafe where he’d unsuccessfully experimented with acoustic, open-mic nights; and onward until he winds up outside of the local body shop.
Above the front door to the office, there’s a hand-painted wooden sign that thumps against the siding with every sigh of wind. It hangs slightly lopsided, just like always. Yoongi chuckles to himself, thankful that some things never change.
Kim & Sons Auto Repair has confused the general public for as long as it’s been open — and that’s precisely the point. Woman-owned and operated, the name bamboozles the local troglodytes long enough to book repair services. By the time their stereotypical thinking catches up with them and they realize who they’re dealing with, they’d have to forfeit a cancellation fee to seek out a male mechanic. Nobody ever does; wounded pride is easier to heal than a wounded wallet.
As far as Yoongi is concerned, Mrs. Kim was a genius for this. Her daughter is, too. She’ll be a worthy successor, in his — and everyone else’s — opinion, when the time comes.
The bell jingles as he pulls open the glass-paned door to the shop. To his surprise, no one is waiting at the counter to greet him. Brows now furrowed, he glances around the vacant waiting area, hoping his hunch hadn’t been wrong.
It’s the first time he’s been inside in over a year; and the only time he doesn’t shout to alert the Kims of his presence. The urge is there, of course, but he knows that time kept marching on in his absence. Now, he doesn’t know if he’s that kind of welcome.
Yoongi flattens his smile into a straight line, worried that some things did change.
He steps around the counter and approaches the doorway into the garage itself. As he moves, he can hear tinkering growing louder; metal on metal. Humming, too, though that’s interrupted by intermittent curse words.
Now, that’s familiar.
All he sees when he crosses the threshold is steel-toed boots, grease-stained jeans, and small hints of skin that peek through holes in the denim. The body those belong to is halfway under some absolute clunker. Yoongi can tell, based on bent knees alone, that some things wait right where they were left.
“Be with you in a second!”
It takes a bit longer than that for you to emerge, but you eventually do. As you scoot forward, the rickety, wooden creeper underneath you squeaks along the cement floor. The flashlight you’re holding drops immediately at your side. It rolls back to the space you’d left underneath the car.
Surprise is spread all over your face when you see him standing there. Then again, it may just be a smudge.
Your smile is a mind-blowing shade of white next to the black something you unknowingly wiped from the back of your hand, across your left cheek. And you sound just like your mother — expletive included — when you gasp, “Min fuckin’ Yoongi, as I live and breathe!”
“There’s that mouth,” he snorts.
Thank god, he thinks. He’s missed your crassness. Missed the playful way you glare at him when he says shit like this to you. For once, you don’t smack his bicep in retaliation.
Yoongi extends a hand to pull you to your feet. The expression you’re wearing tells him he must be joking; and really, he knows better. Then, you stand on your own.
You’ve always been good at that.
Like you have to make sure he’s real — really there — you reach out and poke his cheek, eyes narrowed suspiciously. Yoongi doesn’t care in the slightest that he’s likely smudged now, too. All he can focus on is the way your lip twitches upwards when you’re satisfied with your findings.
“If you’re in town for a wedding or a funeral, tell whoever it is that I didn’t want to be invited, anyway,” you smirk, head cocked to the side. “It’s gotta be one of the two, right?”
You don’t say the quiet part out loud. He hears it, still: You said you’d never come back for any other reason.
Yoongi grimaces, if only for a second. It’s been a month since this plan came about, and it still feels weird, sitting on his tongue. He shakes his head and offers, “My dad.”
He doesn’t say the quiet part out loud, either, but it sits in his stomach like a stone. Immediately, your eyebrows shoot up. Clearly, it’s just as weird to you as it is to him. Yoongi wonders what conclusions you’re jumping to, having heard that what pushed now pulls.
Sheepishly, he rubs the back of his neck and hits you with a flat-line smile; the one you used to tease him for. Remembering that fact makes the corners of his mouth curve upwards.
“Damn bakery isn’t gonna run itself,” Yoongi continues. “Old man’s retiring to travel, or… whatever it is retired people do.”
You blink, stunned, and gesture wordlessly out the open door in the form of a question. He doesn’t need to see where you’re pointing to know what you’re pointing at. And even if he did glance towards the family business across the street, his eyes would only go as far as the bus stop on the corner. He’s been picturing it since he left town.
Left you with the only kiss he’d ever had the chance to give you.
He watches your eyes flick briefly from him, to that bench in particular, then back again. As he does, he wonders if — maybe — that bench has made a home in your head, too.
You wipe your hand off on your jeans, as if it makes any difference. As if Yoongi has ever — would ever — mind your callused fingertips, and grease-slicked knuckles.
When you finally do offer your hand to shake, you heave a melodramatic sigh. “There goes the neighborhood.”
“And here I was thinking that property values decreased when I left,” he mutters, now earning the bicep swat he’d been waiting for. He yelps in feigned offense, “Hey! Hitting a fellow business-owner — in this economy?”
You cross your arms and pop your hip with a roll of your eyes.
“Forgot how sensitive you are, dough boy,” you tease. “What are you gonna do, bake a cake about it?”
Yoongi tries to bite back a grin. As he does, he shakes his head. “Nah, that’s not what I’m going to do about it.”
With a quick glance down at his watch, he confirms that closing time is a few ticks away. You’re looking at him with confusion in your eyes when he resets his sights on you.
You nudge, “Then what?”
“I’m gonna give the grease ball an hour to get ready, and then I’m making it buy me dinner.”
“Min fuckin’ Yoongi,” you whistle, visibly impressed by his audacity. “Did you find a sense of humor on that sabbatical of yours?”
“Maybe,” he shrugs. Then, he winks. “Guess you’ll hear about it in an hour, huh, greaseball?”
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rotisseries · 1 year
I also want to talk about the implications of the hateno house
ok so i just info dumped all this to a mutual earlier but LET'S REVIEW THE FACTS. SO.
zelda is living in link's house from botw. and while the sidequest was optional it was supposed to get torn down if you didn't buy it. so we can ASSUME that in totk canon link bought the house!!! so it was his house!! and we COULD assume that she just kicked link out, but that doesn't sound like her!!! and HERE'S WHY THEY'RE ACTUALLY SHARING THAT DUMB LITTLE TWIN BED EVERY NIGHT
a. zelda's journal mentions that link accompanies her everywhere. he's always sticking by her side, which fits him perfectly as her destiny appointed knight and also her friend and also more once i get my hands on the zelda dev team. AT THE VERY LEAST he would definitely live near her. but there are no other places link could possibly be living in this town. i haven't made it through the entire game yet so i can't say for sure that there's nowhere in the entire game that he could be living but my money is on fucking no. also every single time you talk to an npc they're like "hey link :D! where's zelda?" pretty much confirmation that you never see one without the other. they are a UNIT
b. zelda's diary mentions that she had a builder add on a secret room for privacy. WHY WOULD SHE NEED A SECRET ROOM FOR PRIVACY IF IT'S HER HOUSE AND SHE'S THE ONLY ONE LIVING THERE??????? also in her study there's link's hair tie. why is his hair tie in her house?🤨 (also conjures thoughts of her doing his hair <3333) ALSO in her study she has ANOTHER journal where she mentions that the fact that link sticking with her so much has manifested in wear and tear on his clothes, so she secretly had a new and improved shirt made for him and she hid it at hyrule castle. 1. gift for him!!! 2. she set up a scavenger hunt for him!!! 3. why can't she hide it at her own house????? hmmm??? HMMMM???????🤨🤨🤨 IT'S BECAUSE HE LIVES THERE I KNOW IT
c. the house has lot's of the same decorations from when it was link's, the flower on the nightstand, the furniture is the same, THE DINING TABLE IS SET FOR TWO, and link's picture from the dlc is still there (if you play the game with a profile that has a botw save on your switch, which i can't personally confirm because i'm playing totk on my new switch and my profile doesn't have a botw save on it because i played botw on the family switch) but anyway, link's decor. AND. THE MOST DAMNING PIECE OF EVIDENCE. YOU. THE PLAYER. AS IN LINK. CAN STILL SLEEP IN THAT TWIN BED. IN THIS GAME, YOU CANNOT SLEEP IN ANY NPC BEDS. IF THAT WAS TRULY JUST ZELDA'S (AN NPC) BED THEN YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SLEEP IN IT. I REST MY CASE. ZELINK CANON BUT THEY WON'T CONFIRM IT. MR. ANOUMA COME OUTSIDE I JUST WANT TO TALK
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batsplat · 4 months
Former MotoGP winner Marco Melandri has had a pop at reigning world champion Valentino Rossi via his Italian online blog marcomelandri.it. Melandri believes Rossi was fed bespoke tyres by Michelin before the French company were ousted from the MotoGP series after Bridgestone tyres won the sole supplier contract. Moreover, Melandri believes this is the reason Rossi's domination of the series is slowly diminishing: 'This is down to the fact that they don't make tyres anymore just for him,' wrote Melandri. 'This statement is meant to say that maybe Michelin, in 2004, had more than a small hand in the results. More like an arm.' There's more: Melandri goes on to say he believes Lorenzo's 'armchair' celebrations at this year's MotoGP from Le Mans had a more sinister message: 'Taking a closer look at it, you start to see more: the chair was yellow... like Valentino's yellow... which would say: "I, Lorenzo, am taking your place on your yellow chair".' When questioned about the stunt at yesterday's MotoGP press conference, Lorenzo looked puzzled, replying: "But the chair was green."
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more of the blog entry under the cut
"Lorenzo's celebration was serious stuff, with a subtle yet biting message that only some will pick up on. Did you get it? Let's take a look at it together," Melandri wrote on his official website marcomelandri.it, with his words subsequently translated into English by Italian website GPone.com.
"When I rode by on the cool down lap, I saw Lorenzo sitting in front of the video screen and my first thought was: 'He is enjoying the sight of his own victory.' But noooooo!!!
"Taking a closer look at it, you start to see more: the chair was yellow... like Valentino's yellow... which would say: "I, Lorenzo, am taking your place on your yellow chair."
"Am I sitting down with the popcorn to enjoy my spectacular victory??? No, I am sitting here watching you cross the finish line, because I already passed it..."
Melandri also blasted Rossi for his response to the celebration and comment about the one-tyre rule.
"Valentino's statement: "I did it ten years ago"... Weak... followed by: "Now, with spec tyres, the rider can't make such a difference." This is down to the fact that they don't make tyres anymore just for him," wrote Melandri.
"This statement is meant to say that maybe Michelin, in 2004, had more than a small hand in the results. More like an arm.
"I don't want to say that anyone is right or wrong, but only put forth my theory that aliens don't exist," added the San Carlo Honda Gresini rider, referring to the label applied to MotoGP's present big four of Rossi, Lorenzo, Casey Stoner and Dani Pedrosa.
And Melandri wasn't finished yet. He also gave his opinion on Rossi's 2011 plans and thinks it is simply too dangerous for Rossi to leave Yamaha if Lorenzo stays.
"I really want to see Valentino on the Ducati next year, but I think it is more likely he would go to Formula 1!" he wrote. "Not because the red bikes aren't competitive; I actually think they are much more competitive than you think. It is just hard for him to leave Lorenzo alone on the Yamaha, now that the bike has an incredible balance. It is too, too, too large a risk."
The Italian Grand Prix, the home event for both 2005 title runner-up Melandri and reigning seven time MotoGP champion, starts on Friday.
"In Italy they have a unique way of presenting bike racing to the general public: when Valentino wins and stages a celebration, it is an incredible show. But when others do it, they downplay the whole thing... hmmm!!!" said Melandri.
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eeteernity · 2 years
Gekko x reader
im witting this bc when i was on the gekko x reader tag i was in the top blogs and i felt like an imposter so now i have to write one
cw: fluff
you want an indie boyfriend who skates and introduces you to music, clothes and overall just loves you? Gekko is right there in the corner staring at you in adoration
You were quite new in the protocol, you joined right after neon, so only 2 more people joined after you. You pretty much got along with everyone there, even being tolerated by viper and reyna. (you think reyna only didnt hate your guts because you were a radiant)
though you did like to hang out with neon, raze, jett and phoenix a lot. Those 4 you seemed to mesh really well with, very loud and outgoing people. Which is why it was such a shock when another agent joined.
“Everyone this is gekko, The new guy who will be joining you guys on missions, make sure to treat him well.”
Brim said sternly, while gekko just gave a bit of a goofy wave. It was love at first site.
“he’s so fine omg.”
“i know…”
you and neon whispered to each other. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, he was just so different to most the people here, he looked more relaxed and chill. Sage then took him off to show his room.
“yo (y/n) you should get to know him, he looks so cool.”
neon said with a sly smile.
“honestly I will.”
reyna looked over to you and neon and just rolled her eyes muttering ‘kids’ under her breath before walking away.
you decided to leave him alone for a bit just for him to get settled in. Sitting in the common room you switch through channels trying to find something interesting to watch. However you didn’t have to wait for long to talk to the new guy.
“hey you’re (agent name) right? sage told me your name by the way. im not a stalker or anything!”
he said putting his hands up defensively with a small smile.
“oh hey! yeah I’m (agent name) but you can call me (y/n), I don’t keep my name a secret here. It’s nice to meet you! are you liking it here?”
“yeah it’s super chill, i’m loving the vibe here. my name is mateo by the way”
he says as he sits near you on the couch.
“anything i can help you with? or did you just want to talk to me?”
you say in a teasing tone, causing his cheeks to go slightly pink.
“oh yeah i was actually wondering if you knew any places to eat around here? specifically chinese im really in the mood for that right now! But i also wanted to talk to you!”
he again said defensively.
“oh yeah i know a shit ton. you want me to go with you or just give you directions?”
“oh sí that would be great if you came along, you could help me order!”
“okay let me just go put on some shoes”
you and gekko went off to a near by street that had many food places, on the way you engaged with the usual first meeting talk like ‘how old are you?’ ‘favourite colour?’’where you from’ just the normal stuff. You got to the food place and decided to eat it there instead of takeaway. it was a small place, a family owned business. it was quaint
“so (y/n) what do you plan to get?”
“hmmm i’ll go with this one”
you point to your usual oder on the menu.
“i’ll get that too!”
you and gekko order and just keep talking. its nice, he’s really nice, and chill, and good looking and you’re staring at him again.
“so you wanna tell me about the people we work with? por favour.”
“oh yeah okay so, everyone’s really nice. Maybe not viper and reyna but they’re nice deep down… i think.
“ohhh reyna is actually the one who trains me!”
“really?! that’s cool as. Omen was the one who trained me when i first arrived. but anyway, keep your eardrums safe around raze she can be a bit loud.”
“veo, veo.”
you two keep discussing everyone until your food arrives.
“woah this looks good as, great pick (y/n)!”
“yeah, also i’ll pay for you if you want. I got spare cash”
“really! thats so nice!! gracias!”
eventually you get back, completely stuffed from the food.
“yo (y/n)! Gekko! you’re back. You guys want to watch a movie with me, raze, killjoy, sage, jett and omen?”
neon asked as soon as you walked through the door.
“yeah im down, what about you (y/n)?”
“yeah same! what movie are we watching?”
“a horror! its going to be so fun, just come to the common room when you’re ready.”
neon says before sprinting away. You look over to gekko and see him slightly frozen.
“you scared of horror movies or something?”
gekko nods his head slightly.
“don’t worry you can grab onto my arm if you get scared!”
gekko blushed a little at this.
“haha thank you (y/n)…”
the two of you walk to the common area and the movie starts. Everyone is sat in twos, Killjoy and raze, omen and sage, jett and neon.
the movie starts out well not too many scares but then the first jump scare happens. Making neon and Gekko jump
“oh shit!”
he says as he grabs onto your arm.
“sorry, didn’t mean to grab onto you.”
“its alright mateo-“
jett shushes the both of you.
the movie continues. With gekko basically clinging onto you for dear life. so like a good person you rub his back for him to clam down. he shivers at your touch. The movie ends, and killjoy and raze are giggling to themselves about how bad it was. omen and sage thank everyone for watching the movie as they walk to go do their own thing. while jett is comforting neon.
“neon it wasn’t that bad!”
“yes it was jett! what if that weird thing is going to come for me!!”
“come on lets go get you some water…”
which leaves you and gekko alone.
“you feeling alright?”
you ask him concerned.
“yep… yep. i’m alright. Man how do you not get scared?!”
you just shrug your shoulders.
“anyway i’m going to get ready for bed. If you get scared i don’t mind you waking me up or anything. I’m here for you.”
“okay, thanks for spending the day with me (y/n) it was really nice to get to know you!”
you leave.
He’s so cool..
i really like her..
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hetalia-club · 11 months
Don’t know if you take requests like these but I’m really curious and I really love your interpretations of the characters but what kind personalities would certain nations be attracted to??? Feel free to disregard this, love you and your blog!
hmmm that's an interesting question let's see....(And thank you sm Ily to anon🥰!) (I would like to remind you all these are my opinions you don't have to agree)((I would also like to clarify this is for like a human AU))
Italy- I think Italy would like someone who was more pathetic than him. I do feel he would like being the 'strong one' in a relationship. He says all the time he doesn't like feeling useless or stupid so I think he would seek out an SO who looked to him as a knight in shining armor. I think he would get easily depressed in a relationship where he is constantly being 'mothered' by his SO. He might be fine with it at first but I think eventually it would really kill his self worth. I think his SO asking "Can you open this jar for me" "Can you look at the sink? I think it's broke" would be such a little victory for him. He would also want someone who appreciated him for him. Someone who thought his art was pretty and loved his cooking. He would really like praise from his SO and would need validation about their love for him almost daily and would always give it back as well.
Romano- I think Romano would essentially want to date himself. Not consciously but I think he would subconsciously seek out someone who was almost exactly like him for better or worse. Someone who didn't take much effort for him to understand. Someone with similar hobbies, outlooks and energy levels. He wouldn't like chasing someone and would like for it to come easy.
Germany- I think Germany would go for someone who was as ridged as him. He does not seem to care for nonsense. He doesn't like to leave his comfort zone so I think he would date wanting his comfort zone.
Japan- I head canon Japan as ace and not really caring much for relationships in the least. But if he were to be with someone I think he would want someone who was the opposite of him. Someone who was loud and energetic. I think he would feed off their energy and try and incorporate it into his own life.
Prussia- Prussia is another I view as hard core ace. As in he does not even think about relationships at all, he thinks they are icky. He has zero desire for physical contact and the idea of it kind of freaks him out. BUT if I had to decide what kind of person he would pick it would be someone who was crazy about him. Personality and looks wouldn't matter much to him they would just have to think he was perfect. he would feed on positive comments and praise from them and drink it up like a fine wine.
Austria- I think Austria would only date someone who had very specific interests. He cares deeply about certain things (Classical music being a big one) He would not call someone back after the first date if they said something like "I don't really like music". Austria wouldn't only be looking for a lover but also a best friend. someone he could talk to about his hobbies for hours, Someone who would sit and listen to him play his piano or violin and never complain. Someone he could bring to the opera or a symphony and they could gush about it the rest of the night and how great it was.
America- America would want to date someone who went with the flow. He is a very spontaneous person and he would want someone who could keep up with his ever changing mind and hobbies. Someone who would be happy to wake up at 5am and go on a hike and then half way through get an UBER home and finish out the day at Disney World. He would want to date someone who was also fine with lounging home some days and having streaks where they do nothing but watch movies. I think his SO would have to get used to being ghosted a lot. Not that he's doing it on purpose just that he maybe forgets to call.
England- England would want to be with someone who understood his dark humor. Someone who would laugh at his jokes and understand them without having to over explain it to them. I think his biggest turn on would be someone who could make him laugh really hard. Like an ugly laugh. Someone who he could sit and watch a movie with and they poke fun at it the entire time laughing and joking until the wee hours of the morning.
China- China would have very traditional views on relationships I feel. He would want someone who understood is culture. Someone who little work. He would want someone who as basically a mind reader. Someone who knew him better than he knew himself.
Russia- Russia would want someone who was loving and kind. Someone who looked at him with soft eyes and weren't put off by his threatening demeanor he puts out. I think his biggest turn on for a relationship would be someone who initiates all the affection. He wouldn't be the one to grab his SO and kiss them in a grocery store but if they did it to him it would make his day.
Canada- Now I think Canada would want someone who was a good listener. Someone who listened to what he had to say happily and could listen to him talk for hours. And he in turn would listen to them. Communication would be HUGE in a relationship with Canada. I think he could get easily dejected if he felt his SO were ignoring him or weren't listening to his feelings. Canada would be the type of guy do double and triple text just to make sure you saw it. If that would be a problem for you then he would be a bad partner to have because if you told him to stop he would completely shut down and stop texting you all together taking that as 'well they don't want me texting them ever I guess'
France- France would want someone who liked to wine and dine. He would want someone who wanted to go out every single weekend to a 5 star place. Someone who he could order for. Someone who put al their trust into him. he would want someone who he could really invest in. Someone he wanted to learn everything about. He would remain mysterious but would want to date someone who he knew like the back of his hand. So he could buy them a perfume he knew they would love. Take them to a wine tasting and say "try this one I know you'll love it"
Denmark- Den would want a best friend first and a lover second. He would want someone to go everywhere with him. Someone who was happy to drop everything and go to the store with him, just walk around the city, or go to a club. He would want someone who would be his world, his new obsession. He would be absolutely wild about his SO. He would buy them a ton of surprise gifts. They would wake up to a man at their door delivering flowers or him sowing up with a designer bag he got them. Denmark would want someone who was not afraid to ask "hey can you buy me this?" he would be the type of BF to ask "How many and what color :)?" He would want someone he could spoil rotten.
Norway- I think Norway would want an easy going person like himself. He will ignore his SO. He will make them wonder if they are even still dating and then then he will call his SO one night at 10pm and be like "Want to come over and watch a movie?" He would have to be with someone who was okay with that because he can't change it.
Sweden- Sweden needs someone teh complete opposite of him. Someone who will do all the talking at a party for him. Someone who will know when he wants to leave somewhere without him asking, someone who knows what he likes to eat and where he wants to go out. His SO would be running circles around him while he just stood there and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Iceland- I view Iceland as ace as well but if he were in a relationship I think he would want someone who was like him. Someone who was moody and sassy. It would irritate him to no end and he may instigate a lot of arguments about it but at the same time he would like that. he would like someone who wasn't afraid to push his buttons and someone who he could push their buttons and they would just forget about it in a few hours and not hold it against him. Iceland would want to have a heated argument about "Don't put the keys there put them here" and he wouldn't let it go until you agreed with him and then a couple hours later he would be like "So we getting Dominoes or..."
Finland- Finland would want someone who made his personality look dark and brooding. Someone who was the light of his life. Someone who was cheerful and kind. But also someone who enjoyed the same music and shared in his heavy metal obsession. It wouldn't be a deal breaker if they didn't like it. But the entire relationship he will be showing them bands saying "What do you think about these guys?" and if he did so happen to find a metal band his SO liked he would go over board buying them shirts, concert tickets, albums and just really nurture it.
kind of came up with these on the spot but it was fun to sit there and think about them for a minute! I love picking apart personalities
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