#i like how two of these characters are voiced by Jack De Sena
then-be-a-warrior · 2 years
My hopes for The Boys season 4: Hughie whump
My hopes for Monkie Kid season 4: MK whump
My hopes for The Dragon Prince season 4: Callum whump
Let season 4 be the season where the cinnamon rolls suffer (lovingly)
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daughterofzagreus · 3 years
The Astrological Signs of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" characters
Part 1 - Team Avatar
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♎ Aang - Libra
Libra is an air sign and Aang is an airbender. More than that, though, Libra (represented by the scales) is the sign of harmony and balance. As the Avatar, restoring and maintaining balance is Aang's primary duty. Aside from all that symbolism though, Aang's personality is a lot like a Libra.
Libra is the opposite compliment to Aries, a war sign. Libra don't really like discord (at least, they don't like to be IN the discord and chaos). They're lovers, not fighters, so they tend to be peacekeepers. This is Aang to a T. Aang is not only one of the youngest characters in the show (and therefore, the most likely to be uncomfortable with violence), but he is also a monk, raised by other peaceful monks.
He values peace and all life. Even his fighting styles are evasive and are more about using an opponent's strength against them, rather than attacking. It's something that is brought up in the Book 2 episode "Bitter Work", when Aang has trouble learning earthbending from Toph. Libras (depending on the rest of their chart, of course) often tend to respond to conflict in a similar manner, by being avoidant.
You see the pacifist in Aang anytime he needs to mediate a conflict. Examples include "The Great Divide" in Book 1, where Aang has to mediate between the two tribes (as well as Sokka and Katara). He does so by telling them that "Harsh words won't solve anything. Action will". Of course, when that doesn't work, he just lies and makes up the alternative story of WeiJin and JinWei. I don't think Aang is a big fan of lies, but it was for the sake of peace, a means to an end. Very Libra.
Another thing that makes Aang a Libra is the fact that 1) Libra is ruled by Venus and 2) Libra rules the 7th house, which is essentially relationships. Aang's relationships (platonic and romantic) mean EVERYTHING to him, and there's a reason why putting one of his loved ones in danger is initially the only way to activate the Avatar state. He's a very friendly, charming and loving kid (like most Libras) and he's the first one from team Avatar who believes they can make it through the secret tunnel, because of how strongly he believes in his love for Katara. The final point is Aang's reluctance (or sometimes downright refusal) to cause harm to others unless absolutely necessary. While others use violence, Aang is more likely to want to befriend his enemies, and that's actually a good thing. It's Libra's superpower.
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♋ Katara - Cancer
Cancer is a water sign that is ruled by the moon, and Katara is a (very powerful) waterbender who draws her powers from the moon. In astrology, water signs are known for being on the emotional side. And with Cancer's ruling planet being the moon (the planet of emotions and also the celestial body that pushes and pulls the tides), Cancers are known to be so emotional, that they're often just archetyped by it. Katara is similarly emotional (see the Book 3 episode "Ember Island Players"). However, Katara being so in touch with her emotions also makes her extremely emotionally intelligent. Like Cancers and most other water signs, her heightened sensitivity allows her to almost psychically sense how others are feeling, and to know how exactly to respond to and comfort them. There's a reason why Katara has such great chemistry (when it comes to her one-on-one conversations) with so many people (Aang, Haru, Jet, Zuko, Toph). Her emotional intelligence also makes her very mature for her age and allow her to see things clearer than others, or to foresee things that others don't.
Cancers are often either family oriented, or they love and value their home (this can either be their childhood home, current home, or the city, country or culture that they came from). This applies with Katara. As a waterbender, being from the water tribes is a big part of who she is, and she has a deep love for her culture. We see how being the only waterbender in the South Pole and having no one to show her the ways of waterbending saddens her, and how happy she is to hear that Hama is willing to teach her (the only other waterbender from the Southern water tribes that Katara has ever met).
With regards to Katara being mature for her age, she's also very motherly. The Book 3 episode "The Runaway" (as well as most of her interactions with Toph) demonstrates this. The moon (which rules Cancer) is The Mother in astrology, and so most Cancers have a significant relationship with motherhood. Katara was very close to her late mother and her death still affects her.
Following the death of her mother, Katara has basically had to become everyone else's mother and hold things together. You see this as well (in a more positive light) in the Book 2 episode "The Desert". In this episode, Appa is missing, Aang is too upset to think or act clearly, Toph can't see properly because of the sand and Sokka is high off cactus juice. Katara is the one that is keeping everything together in this episode.
On the downside, Katara's mothering can turn to nagging sometimes, but I don't blame her. She's a child that's had to grow up way too fast. She has a lot of pressure on her. With water, that pressure can build up, until it bursts like a dam wall (which it's likely to do). It's the combination of this, as well as Katara's strong and fearless sense of right and wrong that lead to those cataclysmic outbursts that both Katara and water signs are sometimes known for.
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♋♐Sokka - Cancer sun, but with a lot of Sagittarius aspects in the birth chart
Okay, let's start with the Sagittarius side of things. There are a lot of elements of the Sag personality in Sokka. For one thing, luck. Not only does he manage to survive (and thrive) in the entire series WITHOUT any bending powers, but that boomerang ALWAYS comes back! That's some Jupiter-luck energy if I've ever seen it.
Sokka was originally going to be a more serious character, but the voice actor decided to improvise and add some of his own humor to the role, which created the Sokka that we know and love now. I mention this because the voice actor (Jack De Sena) is a Sagittarius. Sokka has the kind of personality that provides humor in difficult times and can lighten up the sometimes very heavy atmosphere in the group. He doesn't just make people laugh, he likes to laugh as well (at his own jokes and even at his enemy's jokes). In the book 3 episode "The Ember Island Players", heeven goes to the effort of getting Suki to sneak him backstage, so he could give the actor playing himself some tips and extra jokes (and low and behold, the crowd actually laughs at them). In his words, he's "just a guy who loves comedy". In fact, I think he's one of the only ones there who just decides to kick his feet up and enjoy the show (by basically turning the situation into a date night for him and Suki). Sagittarians love to laugh and make people laugh. They're optimists who like to have a good time, and are likely to be the make-lemonade-out-of-lemons type.
He's also one of the smartest and most competent characters on the show. He has excellent problem solving skills, and isn't afraid to look at things through a different angle and try new things to expand his worldview and knowledge. This is relevant, as Sag rules the 9th house which includes, amoung other things, higher learning, truth and knowledge. He can be a bit tactless and insensitive...a little slick at the mouth, but it's largely ignored by others, as he is likeable and funny enough for others to let it go. That's quite a Sag trait.
The Cancerian part of Sokka's personality is less pronounced, but it's there. He's VERY protective of his loved ones, even before the situation with Princess Yue. He is family oriented in that he admires his dad and the traditions and customs of the water tribes. He loves and is just as proud of his culture and home life as Katara is, but just in a different way. He also always looks out for the other members of team Avatar. He can tell when a member of the team needs support and immediately jumps to action (for example, the way he immediately grabs Toph's hand to guide her in "The Serpent's Pass", in "The Desert" and on the air ships during the final battle in the series finale). He's also very loving and protective of his sister, despite how often they fight. Also, quiet as it's kept, Cancers are one of the funniest signs in the zodiac.
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♉♈Toph - Taurus sun, but with a lot of Aries aspects in the birth chart
Let's start with the Taurus aspects. Taurus is not just an earth sign, it's FIXED earth. It embodies the firm stance and hardheadness of not just Toph, but earthbenders in general. Tauruses are very stubborn and like to do things their own way at their own pace. Combine that with the independence and confrontational nature of an Aries, and you've got Toph.
Aries value their independence, sometimes to the point of being selfish, which is what we get with Toph in the Book 2 episode "The Chase". In this episode, it's Toph's first time riding with the group, but it's also her first taste of freedom. Like an Aries, she hates the idea of seeming weak or helpless, and has to learn that freedom doesn't mean that she has to do everything alone.
As Toph shows us, there is, however, power and strength in valuing independence, so long as you're not insecure about independence or projecting. Toph is a wealthy, sheltered child who is blind, which, in most cases, would make her vulnerable. But it's not the case. Toph ran away once before when she was little, and that's where she learned earthbending from the giant blind moles. She learned earthbending not just as a martial art, but as an extension of herself and her senses, and as a way to see. She would have never been able to master doing that (nor would shehave gone on to do even greater things like train the avatar and discover metal bending), if she didn't have the will, bravery and self assurance to run away in the first place. That little pilgrimage (her life changing adventure, if you will...but still not with Zuko, I'm afraid😔) showed the value of independence. Of going out on your own journey of self-discovery. Much like how Zuko needed to be be alone for a while during Book 2 for his own journey of self-discovery.
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Oh, speaking of "Zuko Alone"...
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♈Zuko - Aries
Zuko's arc in the show shows us the transition from a dark-sided, low vibrational Aries, to a high-vibrational Aries at it's best: passionate, brave, protective, strong, innovative, a good leader, driven, energetic and independent. Zuko embodies many Aries (and general fire sign) traits, both good and bad. He can be impulsive, and doesn't always think things all the way through. Aries is cardinal fire, so it's about getting up and going, just DOING something. Zuko is known for never giving up. These are things that that Iroh, Sokka and Ursa have mentioned. Zuko is an impatient person and is very fiery, hot headed and reactionary even for a firebender.
His reactionary nature makes him prone to a bit of melodrama (and I imagine that's why it's so fun for Azula or even Iroh to get a rise out of him). This is definitely the case with Aries. They're not the only sign with a temper, but they are the most likey to cause a scene and storm off in a huff about it. Or challenge you to a fight. Zuko can't refuse a fight for the life of him. At least not until he evolves and figures out his ✨true destiny✨.
One the other hand, he also keeps that same fiery energy when it comes to defending those who can't defend themselves and fighting for what he believes is right. In these cases, he refuses to back down. Even if his chances of winning are low, he'll still keep pushing forward. That's the will, energy and drive of cardinal fire. Zuko just needs to chanel all that power into something useful and constructive, like creating change for the greater good, and not distraction. Like with fire in general, Aries (and Zuko) is useful and powerful, but requires direction, guidance and purpose, so as to not risk letting the fire run wild to cause destruction and devastation.
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purble-turble · 3 years
Did you know that Jack De Sena, the voice for Sokka from "the last airbender" is also the voice for mk? This blew me away and I think an last avatar au would be perfect since the last airbender has hints of Chinese mythology and how it talks about reincarnation. Mk has a staff like aang, he has sokka's wanting to help people, red son might as well be Zuko because he's a freaking firebender so it's perfect.
I did! Honestly when I started watching Monkie Kid I was fresh off a rewatch of ATLA so my literal first thought upon MK’s first moment on screen was “SOKKA????!!!”
The funny thing about thinking of an avatar and Monkie Kid crossover is that so many of the main characters are already color coded for the elements.. Sure there’s the obvious Red as a fire bender, but also Mei’s whole deal is that she’s a green badass, so earth bender. Sandy is literally blue and he’s always on the water (and his character is based on a river demon so there ya go) I guess Pigsy and Tang can be the two non-benders in the group in this case. And MK is orange and yellow and (though he hasn’t done it yet) one of the Monkey King’s powers is to be able to fly on the somersault cloud so that’s fitting. He’s also got the mystical mentor figure who gives him advice and who he literally got his powers from, like Aang and Avatar Roku.
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all-hail-mono-onion · 4 years
short rant. i love this show.
GUYS i’m BEGGING you to watch The Dragon Prince on Netflix. The storyline is amazing, the characters are fleshed-out and flawed and diverse and relatable, and the amount of LGBTQ representation is INSANE. I mean, I counted, and there are MORE on-screen same-sex couples than there are heterosexual ones. I legitimately cried every single time.
And sure, there were a couple times I was afraid of the Bury Your Gays trope because (SPOILER) of the sad fate that befell the first same-sex couple (END SPOILER), but the other two (one canon, one heavily, HEAVILY implied) are treated exactly like hetero couples would be.
And yes, as of the third season it’s still lacking in gender representation, but at the rate the series is going I greatly believe we’ll be seeing something soon. Anyway! Support this series! I love it so much! AND the best part (in my opinion) is that it’s catered towards kids. This representation is SO important for the youth to see. There’s a ton of POC, too! In positions of power!
Also, the plot is genuinely amazing and also has a strong feminist theme. AND one of the recurring characters speaks in ASL! HOW COOL IS THAT? It’s a fantasy world, sure, but I recognized her signing and it’s definitely ASL! I just... everything about this show is so amazing. I love it so much.
ALSO ALSO, the main character is voiced by Jack de Sena! WHO VOICED SOKKA IN ATLA!!!!! amazing.
okay, i’m done. rant over.
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blogthebooklover · 5 years
Finished watching The Dragon Prince on Netflix yesterday
And I loved every second of it!!! I love the mix of 2d backgrounds with CG characters. The character designs were incredible, especially Aaravos. I love the designs of the dragons. I think my personal favorite scene was the five kingdoms meeting, when Viren conjured up the illusions of the MoonShadow Elves and the night of the attack.
I love how two ATLA voice actors return for this series, Jack De Sena (Sokka, Prince Callum) and Erik Todd Dellums (Koh the Face Stealer, Aaravos). The rest of the voice cast are pretty new, they all sound great! However, I'm still kind of mixed on Ezran's voice. I do know that he's voiced by a child actor, and I usually let child actors slide for two very obvious, and very big reasons:
1. They're still kids
2. They're still learning
I don't know, maybe as the series progresses, Ezran will get better (same voice, not replacement). Overall, I do like his and Callum's relationship. So far, the representation has been excellent! We have, not one, but TWO mixed race characters (Callum and Ezran), a lesbian couple who were LITERAL QUEENS OF AN ENTIRE KINGDOM, a deaf woman who uses ASL and is a GENERAL OF AN ARMY, and a blind pirate; Callum is Erzan's stepbrother, King Harrow is black, Queen Sarai is of Asian descent, and two interracial couples (Harrow x Sarai, the Queens of Duren). Keep on going with the representation!
I can't wait for what season 3 has in store for everyone. I want to see more of this world. I want to know more about Xadia, and how the magic works in this world.
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enzap · 6 years
The Dragon Prince: Episode 3 Review
I watched this episode like three days ago but I’ve been procrastinating on writing it because I feel like a lot of what I could say about this episode could be very much affected by later events. I do have a lot I’d like to get through though so I’ll try to make each point brief.
Stuff That Needs Work 
So I actually had a lot of issues with this one / confirmed some problems I had suspected from previous episodes. But in order to keep this fairly short I’ll be listing a lot of them in bullet point format and I may go into these more in depth in later reviews.
The biggest overarching issue I had with this episode is something I mentioned in my last review: the contrivances the writers use to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. They give the show a bit of a rushed and artificial feel, like the things that happen aren’t exactly the natural consequences of the events leading up to them. Here’s a list of some of the moments I noticed in this episode that contributed to this:
Rayla immediately becoming friendly with the boys after seeing the egg
The boys being friendly back after she had just been trying to kill them
Every character ignoring the fact that despite the egg being safe the humans still killed the king of the dragons except for I think one single line that was basically just ignored
Claudia and Viren talking in the exact spot Rayla had chased Callum to in the previous episode, allowing Claudia to find them
The secret magic lab conveniently having a whole system of caverns and tunnels connected to it perfect for a chase scene
Claudia just leaving the dangerous Moon Shadow Elf in the caverns after freeing herself
Rayla stumbling upon Ezran’s hiding spot before anyone else did
Runaan having time to hobble out onto the balcony and fire off the arrow before the humans found him and restrained him
All of those things individually wouldn’t ruin the episode and probably wouldn’t even get a mention, but together they really add up into a bigger problem. 
This sort of goes along with the bullet points, but I think it warranted its own paragraph. The previous two episodes spent quite a long time playing up the strength of the Moon Shadow Elves and how there was no possible defense against them. However, when they finally did strike, we got to see almost none of that power. They were apparently invisible but the king’s soldiers were at least able to hold them off for a minute or two regardless, so did that really matter? We don’t even know what happened to the elves other than Runaan, who seemed badly injured. Despite all that talk it seemed that the elves were lucky they were able to complete their mission at all.
The last point I’d like to focus on is something I was hoping I wouldn’t have to bring up, but I feel like the show has forced my hand. I hate Callum’s voice work. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it in episode 1, I was hoping it would improve after episode 2, but it has started to get really grating by now. I like Jack De Sena as an actor, he was great in Avatar as Sokka for both the comedy and the dramatic scenes. He might have actually been my favorite voice of all the main characters. But here it’s almost like the only direction he received was “Sokka on NyQuil.” Almost all of his lines are extremely flat and it really feels like he wants to go bigger but he can’t on such a reserved character. I’m just not sure if this actor was a good match for the character.
Stuff I Liked
I was distracted by a lot of the above moments for most of the episode, but there were a few things I at least found interesting.
The fight between Rayla and Runaan, though maybe a bit forced narratively, was decently well animated. It didn’t suffer from the low framerate as much as I thought it would, though that definitely didn’t do the scenes any favors. I’m hoping this is going to be the standard for the action in the show because it was pretty solid.
The scene between King Harrow and Viren was extremely interesting. I don’t fully understand the motivations of either characters but it also didn’t come completely out of left field I suppose. Still though, that being the very last we see of King Harrow was very odd and makes me wonder if there are some plot twisty shenanigans going on here. At the very least I think they’re hiding something about King Harrow’s death from us, but I don’t have nearly enough information to make a good guess as to what (other than probably having to do with the soul eating snake thing?). Regardless it sounds like Viren has enough motive to become a full-on villain now so I’m expecting him to be a primary antagonist from here on out.
Overall Thoughts
In case it wasn’t clear I didn’t like this episode very much. It just felt sloppy and rushed and the shortcuts they took really distracted from the good in the show. The change in setting could be good for the show, but I almost wish we had spent another episode in the palace in order to properly tell the events that took place instead of rushing us to this point.
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canvaswolfdoll · 6 years
CanvasWatches: The Dragon Prince
Netflix is making a live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender series.
Just… no? I realize time and development has been put into this. People are employed. But… the first series was magic, stop trying to recapture it.
Netflix has this problem where they want to propel themselves forward with original content, but that content is very mediocre. They try reviving old series and produce productions that disappoint.[1] The original concepts mostly fade into obscurity, are Stranger Things (which had one pretty good season, and then a mediocre second season), or is BoJack Horseman which I haven’t watched but haven’t heard a bad word about.
Then there’s their irritating handling of Anime.[2]
Netflix is willing to experiment and let creators do what they want. I admire that. But (and trust me, I hate to say this), they need focus testing. They need a stricter format. Edges for creators to bump up against and work around.
A standard season length, for one. An allotted time per episode maybe. Make production a puzzle to solve.
Instead they say ‘Let’s do the live-action Avatar series no one asked for, and is a passive insult to the original!’[3]
Which drags us into The Dragon Prince.
Spoilers! You might want to watch it for yourself (it’s nine episodes), but if you don’t mind spoilers, go ahead. I’m not the City Watch.
So, I think we’ve finally figured it out. We had Avatar: The Last Airbender, which was great. Then we distilled the creative staff, ran experiments and isolated elements.
Legend of Korra was good. Had the creators produce it, but not the head writer. The world was the same, but evolved in interesting ways. Good character concepts and real heart, but still missing the magic and character relationships that resonated so well in the first series.
Now, with The Dragon Prince, we get to see what happens when you isolate AtLA’s head writer, Aaron Ehasz.
You get a cliche fantasy setting, weak main plot, and a lot of cheap AtLA mimicry. But you also get some super charming child characters, intriguing (if not currently complex) villains, and small details that could build up to something great.
Which is to say: go to Bryke for the world and myth arc, go to Ehasz for the character interactions.
There it is! The ultimate break down! Let’s pack this up and…
Okay, fine. You want to hear my opinions on The Dragon Prince. That’s… fair, I guess.
So, in this setting, magic comes from six source: The sun! The moon! The Stars! The Ocean! The Earth! I think the sky?[4]
However, then humanity created a seventh magic! Dark Magic! Ooo, so evil, so dastardly!
Just once, I’d like dark magic to just be misunderstood. If they called it Life Magic, they’d probably have better PR.
Anyways, humanity went to war with the elves, but the Dragon King got sick of the fighting, so he sent the humans west, elves to the east, and divided the continent in half with a lava river.
Humanity didn’t really like this, so they killed the dragon king and his egg. So that’s vengeance.
Except this upset the elves because, y’know, murder’s bad. So they send a party from the assassin elf faction: The Moon Shadow Elves! They turn invisible under moonlight![5]
They’re gonna kill the Human king and his son to make things even. Because suddenly murder’s not so bad?
However, a member of the group is a child who couldn’t will herself to kill.
Basically, that cool and exciting setting you created when you were fourteen? Good news, it’s a Netflix Show now! Yay!
Also, the first season is Book 1: Moon.
And the title card is formatted exactly like Avatar, but with white text on a black background.
So the world isn’t special, and they’re deliberately aping some Avatar trappings. But that’s fine, there’s still the characters and plot. We could bicycle this!
So, what do we have with the humans? A beloved king with a dead wife and two children? Okay… both are sons,[6] so at least it’s not the usual nuclear structure. And, hey, the eldest prince is the king’s step son! Nice change.
Who else? King has an advisor that uses dark magic, suggested killing the dragon king and the egg, and talks above his station. But, hey, Lord Viren has two charming children, and he seems genuinely concerned about his king’s survival and the good of…
Oh, he gets a magic makeover in the final episode to make him look more inhuman, and spends the season plotting to take the throne.
Ugh. Of course.
Well, what about Viren’s children? Claudia is a mage like her dad, and is a cloudcuckoolander. Good choice. And she doesn’t do much that’s actively evil. We’ve got Ty Lee in Zuko’s role. I’m game.
Soren is… well, he’s going to be Azula. He doesn’t have her sadistic streak, but he’s been given the job of eliminating claims to the throne, is a competent combatant, and Viren motivates him with being in line for the throne.
He could turn, but my money’s on just being Azula.
Now, to be clear, Viren wasn’t obviously evil. There were plenty of early moments that hinted that he could be sympathetic and non-evil. However, he does spiral into torture and deceit, so once the season is over, there’s no ambiguity. Sorry.
Hey, what about the main cast?
Prince Callum is voiced by Sokka! Awesome! Jack De Sena needs more work. This time, he gets magic and impressive artistic skills! But he had to give up his sword abilities, and kept the daddy issues. But there’s still that snarky edge and loving brother personality, though the weight of them have been swapped.
He’s the half brother of Prince Ezran, who is the heir apparent of the kingdom. He’s… a goofy young boy. I dunno. Aang light. No overt talents. He’s fine.
So those two are hanging out at the castle, when suddenly their father tries to send them off to the winter cabin, despite it being not winter. He suggests made making a dirt man or going mud sledding.
Callum finds this suspect, and eventually logics out that King Harrow expects to be assassinated and wants to get his sons a safe distance away.
Meanwhile, the Moon Shadow Elves are planning their assassination, making a vow on a magic ribbon that will amputate a limb if they fail. Two targets: King Harrow and Prince Ezran to make up for killing the Dragon King and his egg. Even, you know?
Of course, they dragged a literal child along and had her make the same oath with the same ribbon, so screw ‘em. Child soldiers are bad.
This girl is Rayla. She’ll be the rogue of the main cast! Yay![7]
However, after making this promise, they find out she let a guard go so the humans know they’re coming. You’re off the mission Rayla! Turn in your fancy switchblades and ribbon!
Except the ribbon is magic and won’t come off until the job is done, so keep that I guess. And it’d be mean to take away your knives, so… look, stay at camp while the five adults go murder a dude and an actual kid.
Please remember, these jerks wanted to murder an innocent child.
Rayla decides to redeem herself, and sneaks into the castle. She finds the two princes, Callum attempts to martyr himself for Ezran, shenanigans occur in secret tunnels, and… oh, look, it’s the Dragon King’s Egg. Guess they didn’t actually kill that?
Well, let’s call the whole thing off!
Oh, nevermind. Rayla’s Uncle still wants to kill the king and prince. What a jerk.
So our three heroes escape the castle with the egg, planning on returning to the Dragon Queen. We got our mission!
Oh, and the elves killed King Harrow. So… that’s fun.
To be honest, I wouldn’t discount Lord Viren using dark magic to sidestep this. But he’s also trying to claim the throne, so maybe the king is actually dead.
Could go either way.
The kids head off to the royal cottage, where they stumble onto Callum’s aunt. She’s mute! (Maybe deaf, not one hundred percent on that, since lip reading was referenced but also some ambiguity…)
She’s a military General, fights with a shield, is super awesome, and I’m sad how Callum didn’t bring her into the scheme.
Like, yes, for the plot to work, Lord Viren needs to know the princes are alive and the boys have to be careful and having General Amaya know and supporting the boys would’ve caused other troubles.
But… c’mon Callum, literally signing to Amaya that Rayla is a monster and forcing the elf to do a Blue Spirit act is terrible. Like… they’ve established a sweet way for Callum to communicate a secret past her soldiers, and they didn’t use it for a sweet twist?
Ugh. Intentional miscommunication and unnecessary secrets. They are hitting a bunch of my hated tropes.[8]
The children run off and… don’t really do anything very interesting for a couple episodes.
The villain side of things is where the real fun is! General Amaya goes to the castle to report on the survival of the princes and stop Lord Viren from taking the throne.
However, Lord Viren offers her the throne. Again, how the scene is written and acted, I still found myself doubting what role Viren’s supposed to take. He seems genuinely concerned for the general populace, and offers compromises at every turn, and communicates honestly and…
I want Lord Viren to be a misunderstood good guy. I really want Dark Magic to not be an irredeemable evil. A story without a Big Bad, just factions with cross purposes would be great. There’s so many good escape routes for a more interesting story.
Then Lord Viren throws the man Amaya chose (her interpreter, Gren. He’s neat! I like him!) to lead the Prince Recovery Team into a dungeon, where he can watch Viren torture Rayla’s uncle for information.
Yeah… this is who our villain is.
In Gren’s place, Viren sends his children. Soren is given secret instructions to insure the princes don’t make it home alive, and Claudia is given secret instructions to prioritize the safety of the egg. So that’s our Zuko and Azula doing the Avatar hunt.
They have a fun dynamic as Soren doesn’t put much stock in magic and Claudia is an adorable dark magician girl![10] I look forward to more of them.
Now, back to the D&D campaign of the kids: Callum is trying to learn magic after stealing Claudia’s storm magic orb, and he’s pretty good at it. Rayla is worried about the ribbon cutting off her circulation and is an awesome rogue. Ezran… needs to learn healing magic so we can have a Cleric.
They accidentally drop the egg into a frozen lake and are afraid the baby dragon within is dying, so they head off to get help at a town. There’s a fun kid moment with Rayla turning a snowman into a snow-elf (it was a cute moment and Rayla needs more).
Then the group picks up a girl, Ellis, so abruptly that she might as well have been a player that joined between sessions. Ellis rides a giant puppy named Ava, so we’ve got a beast-master fighter!
Ellis tells the boys about a magic healer on the top of a scary mountain filled with scary monsters. With no options, the four go to the mountain.
They fight one monster, have some self reflection, get to the mountain, learn Ezran can talk to animals,[11] and the monsters there are illusions.
They get to where to where the healer is, only to learn that, nah, she’s just a powerful illusionist and Ava only has three legs.
The only way to save the egg is to hatch it. But they need a storm to do so.
Thus, Callum shatters his magic orb to release a storm, the egg hatches, and the titular Dragon Prince is able to gently bite off the magic ribbon Rayla couldn’t cut off with a magic sun knife.
(Either the dragon is magic enough, or saving the baby dragon was considered equal to assassinating Ezran).
Soren and Claudia use a spell to pinpoint the group!
Lord Viren inprisons Rayla’s uncle in a coin and transforms into an eviller looking form!
Also, there’s some mystery with a magic mirror? Cliffhanger stuff.
So… The Dragon Prince is not amazing. The dialogue and character interactions and relationships are great, but the story and world is paint by numbers.
The next season has plenty of room for subversions and interesting experiments, but… until I see it, I honestly think the show’s skippable in its current form. Filler episodes to build the world and characters would do a lot to help, and committing to nuances hinted at for Lord Viren would be great.
Also, hopefully they improve the animation. I’m not normally one to care about frame rates, but boy did the animation stutter a lot for a finished product.
It’s average.
Thanks for reading this review! Consider checking out my other writings, sending me comments and questions, check out my webcomic or RPG Blog, or whatever. Next time, Netflix is releasing an Anime I’ve been excited for nearer the end of the month. Keep an eye out for that, which will post to my Patreon first. I’m also slowly rolling out a Review of Digimon there!
Until we go flying with dragons,
Kataal kataal.
[1] Admittedly, modern fandom is filled with loud obnoxious people, but I haven’t heard anything good about Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, even from my less frothy-mouthed sisters. [2] If you’re gonna simuldub series in Canada, you can do it in the US, you jerks! [3] Everything can be improved. But actually remaking something just says the original wasn’t good enough. That’s why people hate reboots. [4] Can’t remember if that’s under the purview of the stars or not… [5] Which is Warcraft, Ehasz. [6] Unless there’s a spoiler with Ezran’s voice cast. [7] Canvas likes playing rogues. [8] Let’s see if season two can get inappropriate student-teacher relationship![9] Then they can get a free sandwich. And my eternal ire. [9] For the record: when Claudia inevitably defects and starts teaching Callum magic, that’s not going to count. The two are close in age and it’s not an institutional power imbalance. [10] I want a show about Claudia, Rayla, and Amaya on awesome adventures. [11] He’s a druid! Learn to heal, nerd.
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