#i like it when things are intricate and multilayered
maareyas · 1 year
was weirdly productive with little anxiety today!! proud of myself but also. confused
also i sent in an application for the silver fanzine and im ofuufshhsofufjshs
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emblemxeno · 10 days
If we're being honest, I got a lot of issues with Ingrid because I feel like she has the wrong character development
Her support with Dedue is realizing that she shouldn't apply her negative view of Duscur onto every Duscurian indiscriminately
That kind of thing works for Oboro because Nohrians really did kill her parents
But, Duscurians didn't actually cause the death of Lambert or Glenn, so her development should've been to learn that all those years of hatred were misdirected, and she hated them for no reason
It also didn't help that Dimitri states multiple times that Duscur didn't commit the crime, and Ingrid is still ignorant about it
I have this unhinged hatred of the Faerghus Four as a concept because every time, it's like they're consciously refusing to acknowledge the importance of Dedue in Dimitri's life in the present "Oh, these are Dimitri's childhood friends. Of course, they're close." Yeah, sure.... They're totally closer to Dimitri than Dedue is in the present.... *Internal screaming*
Combining these because my answer to both is similar!
In my opinion, it showcases how 3H's writing philosophy is ultimately shoddy in its foundation. The backstories, supports, and character-to-character dialogue itself is great in theory, but execution it clashed with what both FE usually tries to do and what 3H desperately wants to do.
FE typically has characters join chapter to chapter, with important ones having plot moments, while side characters fall to the background once their designated chapter is up. But this isn't at the cost of character interaction, pre-established relationships, and the micro-to-macro worldbuilding precisely because they're not overly important. You can have canon romances, friendships, familial relationships, etc. because that's all supplemental side material.
3H was written in a way in which the characters were all connected to its grandiose world, to the point where Fodlan itself can be almost considered a character. Multilayered backstories that infer key points in the narrative, each character no matter how trivial having opinions on how the world works, shifting dynamics, etc.
The problem though is that these two philosophies clash already at base, but also run into the problem of FE's gameplay integrated story elements.
None of the Faerghus Four can meaningfully comment on their relationship with Dimitri during a story cutscene because they can die. Ingrid can't meaningfully change her perspective on Dedue or Duscur beyond her supports because she can die. Therefore, all you get are (admittedly pretty good) supports, the monastery dialogue, and other tidbits intentionally disconnected from one another so as not to be important enough to write around potential death. The comments they do get in cutscenes were intentionally written in a way to be surface level and easily replaced. Look at the FEdatamine site for example, where conclusions are reached by Byleth, the lord, the unkillable retainer, and other important story figures, with numerous possible instances of "if X character is alive they comment this, but if X character is dead this line is skipped."
That is proof of how sloppy 3H's writing is in foundation when you think about it long enough. The game that has such an intricate world, thorough details, and fascinating story beats, is actually extremely bad at delivering a story, especially an FE story. Being the judgmental and petty cunt that I am, 3H gets a pass most of the time a) most don't care or bother to care about actual stuff like this and b) the game has the aesthetics of being a down to earth, gritty, serious narrative. The foundational issues don't matter when you have Edelgard yapping about "THE CREST SYSTEM", dark character circumstances, and intriguing mysteries to solve in part 1.
People want the appearance of sophistication, especially after Awakening and Fates bent a lot of rules to fuck around with their respective stories. It's why Engage, despite not having nearly as many basic issues at conveying its plot and is actually extremely good at being a Fire Emblem story (e.g. more character being able to actually die, pre-established relationships, chapter to chapter joining, not nearly as much centering on Alear as the ultimate decider on a character's fate compared to Byleth), is panned because... why? Its bright aesthetic? Its good dragon vs evil dragon plot? Its softer or humorous moments?
Hell, even its call backs to past FE games is called cheap, soulless, or a gateway to gacha (one video I saw even described it as something like "when art becomes obligation" or some such nonsense), despite it LITERALLY being the prime anniversary title. The main character is the Fire Emblem, and the writers-through Lumera-wish a happy birthday to Fire Emblem!!! What about that is lacking heart and soul?
But yeah, again, I preface that I'm a judgmental asshole who proudly proclaims that the audience (at least the western one) has for years been too obsessed with yearning for darker serious aesthetics of FE's past (despite said past being wackier than they remember), that when a new game has them in overflowing spades, the many fundamental video game writing issues do not matter as much anymore.
Aesop for the day: Serious tones and aesthetics are not automatically better than lighter, heartfelt, or funny ones. You still have to write well for a story to be good.
EDIT: Funny enough this is also why Three Hopes is a more comfy environment for the Fodlan cast's in terms of tangible development, because the things the writers want to do with that game's story complements its gameplay. Because KT is better at making Warriors plots than FE plots.
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pridepoisoned · 10 months
[I've been meaning to do this for a while and I have it on the brain right now, so why not? With the information below, I'm hoping to open new doors for interaction while also clarifying some of Eris's motives and the core influences behind the character. She deserves a deep dive. 😊]
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Pokemon Platinum is my favorite main series game, I love my supporting characters, and I wanted to try a villain, which is why I initially picked up roleplaying JUPITER around 2017 in a closed Tumblr group. However, the experience left me feeling bitter--the Cyrus player at the time was very possessive, and Jupiter and I couldn't escape his shadow (or the community's view that Jupiter was a mere Galactic lackey, victim of the 10,000th spacesuit joke.)
ERIS EVANS was born from the ashes of that blog when I went indie in 2020, inspired by the questions: what would a post-Galactic Jupiter do, fully independent and freed from Cyrus's influence? What if she was 'worse'? and what would today's unethical sciences, corrupt politics, and greedy corporate behaviors look like within the Pokemon world?
Four main themes inform Eris's portrayal: (excess) hunger/greed, masks, poison, and resilience/survival.
More than anything, Eris Evans has an insatiable appetite for knowledge, willing to cross almost any unethical lines to satisfy her rampant curiosity. This hunger has been present all her life--from when she was gazing at the distant stars, entranced by Cyrus's fantastical vision for a new world, searching for her father, and even more so now. (Her hunger for knowledge is all-consuming and spills in every direction. If you have something cool, she'll want to figure out how it works. Take it apart. Tinker and probe.)
Importantly, Eris does not want to usurp any existing leaders or organizations...
The spotlight is stifling, and she is most at home working away in the background shadows. Above all, power, influence and control are things Eris craves because they allow her the time/resources to experiment as she pleases. While she's currently under Devon's employ right now, Eris will happily work with/under anybody who can provide her with freedom, resources, and a lofty goal to work towards.
With this being said, Eris's appetite is designed to lead her into trouble. She's woven an intricate web thus far (which I am pumped about), flitting back and forth between various conflicting organizations--a day will come when her multilayered façade all comes crashing down.
So, how does Eris manage to survive under the spotlight, juggling all her connections? She's an expert mask-wearer, ultimate deceiver, interchanging her personality to best fit the mood and get what she wants. She can't help herself. With her disarming looks and unmatched charisma, Eris excels in the world of big business, concealing her darker side underneath. A total wolf in sheep's clothing.
I made Eris a poison-developing expert because it fits in with her curiosity and the idea of soft power, an advisor whispering shadily into a leader's ear. Poison corrodes, corrupts, and is often used in deception, which makes it Eris's perfect symbol of choice. She uses poison in many forms--ranging from the sadistic physicality of her 'enforcer' Seviper, Anje to the gentle suggestion of her mind-warping Kirlia, Felisa. Eris and poison are all about damage over time, infecting and collapsing bigger foes from the inside...
All of this being said, Eris's endgame is unclear right now, even to her. Galactic gave her an ambition to sink her claws into, and Devon is currently satisfying her with full access to Pokemon bioenergy development, but she's always on the lookout for the next big step, always working, worrying about her legacy. Survival.
She helped leash Dialga and Palkia atop the Spear Pillar, spat at them. Soon after, Cyrus disappeared, just like her father had aboard the Sea Mauville all those years ago. That fateful encounter (and abandonment) helped her realize that time and influence are fleeting. In order to thrive in this new, post-Galactic life, she must fill the void with as much knowledge as possible, as many answers as possible. Rules are restraints. Above all, she must survive, no matter how terrifying/twisted she may become. Mortality hangs over her head like a hungry serpent, always demanding tribute.
Always demanding more.
ERIS is the second (not first) largest dwarf planet in the solar system, maintaining Galactic's cute planetary roots. Eris is also the goddess of discontent and discord (not that Discord.) EVANS was chosen because I wanted an unassuming last name for her to blend in to society following her expulsion from Sinnoh. Also, alliteration always goes hard.
I chose DEVON as Eris's landing spot because they are very similar. Smiling exteriors, shady interiors. I view Devon as the consummate too big to fail company of the Pokemon world, doing whatever it can to maintain PR and get ahead of the competition. (Once again, Eris is looking out for herself and isn't beholden to Devon, though the corp does spoil her...)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 27 days
First of all AYO THEME CHANGE??? Waittt I’m loving the gold accents it looks so clean and classy!!
The chin shot is actually my villain moment like hello???? Ok but the thing is like his hair COULD be worse like in terms of drawing it shouldn’t be all that different from shidou Barou or even zantetsu…like cmon there’s just a bit of shape tweaking but if all those artists on twitter can do it surely the animation studio can….smh they’re really just keeping us in suspense
FRR I remember thinking how well all the feather details were done in the animation too like….I remember playing the rio version of angry birds too HAHA
No definitely….like a good art style definitely helps with attention grabbing but if the story is really ass or not my style I won’t hesitate to drop it LOL
Sweetheart asshole and years of pining go hand in hand LMAOO truly the ultimate trope honestly there’s just so much potential for angst and sweet moments with it and opportunities for making things complicated and intricate and multilayered shshsgsjsj
OHHHHHHH that explains a lot actually. There’s no way I’d ever see bakugo and Karasu having anything in common except for gravity defying hair maybe….heah the gravel plus the like weird in between pitch of where his voice sits really throws me off but yeah maybe if we hear him say something other than “you schmoes” it’ll be better LMAO I’m lowk about to go do the same thing and rewatch with the dub just to see how everyone sounds now I’m curious
OK GOOD LMAOOO because I literally could not think of anyone else who I thought would fit the criteria lovable jerk nagi is so real his sassy moments that are still so like…nagi-like in nature are my favs LOL him just saying with a straight face “why do you suck” LMAOOO
Wait that’s so real though if he just hadn’t pissed off everyone he would’ve just breezed through everything LMFAOOOOOO like you just tripled your workload my man….emo Reo so true I think I only fully enjoy him when he’s finally doing things on his own so like up to manshine vs bm where nagi calls him back (smh)
LMAO ITS A STRUGGLE there’s lowk some scenes of Isagi that look >>>>> but HAHAHSGAHAHAH IM CRYING THE HEIGHT COMMENT so true compared to most others in bllk he’s sooooo short it’s so funny
I remember Barou looking very weird at first LMAO truly got the npc villain treatment until he joined isagis team
Ok also did you see the recent chapter LMAO
- Karasu anon
YESSS I FINALLY GAVE IN AND CHANGED IT hehe i rlly like the gold too!! it’s so bright which after having a darker theme for a while feels so refreshing 🤩 and yay that’s the vibe i was going for!!
no fr his hair is not any worse than barou’s gravity defying nonsense…i think it makes sense for the background shots that he’s not there because if you dim/blur them enough then yuki hiori and otoya can reasonably look like npcs because they have v basic haircuts but karasu’s haircut just screams “relevant character” KDJFJDK but yeah that chin shot was so evil…like wdym everyone else gets full torso shots at least and karasu only gets his bllk icon??? TARGETED (also wait slightly unrelated but the day that isagi’s “he’s a villain 😰” line abt karasu gets animated i’m going to laugh so hard because like karasu is just a silly dumb baby pls 😭) maybe they’re trying to build him up as someone scary?? he’s kinda the main antagonist of third selection (alongside shidou but in a diff way) and isagi’s main opponent in the game especially because he picks out isagi to bully so they’re making him rlly mysterious and scary 🤔 also idk there’s some scenes of him in the background of the last ep in season two and they did not do his hair justice LMAOAOAOA also it being blue in the anime throws me off so bad because i am a black hair/purple eyes karasu truther so him being a blue + blue combo is so ugh to me…like TAKE THE BLUE + BLUE COMBO AWAYYYY FROM KANESHIRO!! wdym kiyora isn’t going to have the burgundy plus dark hair anymore it looks so good and now he’s just another blue haired blue eyed emo 😭💔
RIO ANGRY BIRDS WAS MY SHIT omg i loved angry birds when i was younger…convinced we are the same person actually like the amt of link ups we keep having is crazy
reading manhwa is insanely hard there truly are so few good ones…like how are there a bazillion manhwa out there but none of them have the exact trope i want?? i need the creativity to come through asap because some of these artists are wasting their hard work on the most boring midtier formulaic stories EVERRR 😭
i actually would recommend the dub solely because there’s a lot of jokes (mostly from nagi and chigiri) that the sub doesn’t have so it adds a much more humorous vibe to it!! like there’s a specific scene which i don’t remember being in the sub version that i literally had to rewind where barou is yelling at nagi in the background and he’s like “don’t talk back 😡” and NAGI LITERALLY JUST MOCKS HIM LIKE “dOn’T TaLk bAcK 😒” FJKSJS I LOST IT…they definitely decided to follow the spirit of the interactions instead of going for word for word translations so it feels like everyone’s a lot sillier!! there’s actually a lot of isagi sass too which made me like him much more than i did 😭 if you do end up watching keep me posted abt your thoughts 🫡 i think imo best dub voices in terms of fitting their characters have to be niko, anri, and reo ☝🏻 i actually also really liked that they made chigiri sound more masculine because it made him feel like more than just “girl insert of bllk” which is how a lot of people in the fandom tend to see him (side note rewatching the show helped me remember i love chigiri i just don’t like chigiri fans HAHA)
YESSS i think the only one that could’ve worked would be rin kind of?? considering i started bllk for him and wrote cherry tree abt him…i feel like i got on the nagi train way too fast though so rin never got to be a fav for very long 😩 and yes nagi’s lovable socially awkward jerk persona is sooo >>> i think he stands out because unlike most lovable jerks his delivery is so deadpan that you don’t even register he’s actually a shithead until much later 😭 like so many people don’t realize that he is the one talking the most trash CONSISTENTLY forget abt karasu otoya barou rin and isagi (i mean isagi def has him beat on field but off field he’s nice so it doesn’t count) NAGI is the true asshole of bllk 😰 like wdym he pulls up to a game and asks barou if he’s been practicing kneeling?? THAT IS VILEEEE but he just says it so 😐 that it’s just like oh okay…forgetting this man is a gamer like yk he has evil shit stored away in the back of his mind that he just doesn’t release because he’s apparently a “pacifist”
i love reo in epinagi the most i think!! mostly because we really see his true personality show there and he’s actually just dramatic (him crashing out while talking to zantetsu will never not be funny) and a show off but he also is such a sweetheart?? i need team v reo back NOWWW that’s def his best era 😭💔
there’s some panels/scenes where i get the vision but tbh sometimes in his rlly good panels he just looks like an off brand rin 😭 like if i’m going to like one of them it would just be rin atp because canon rin is actually hilarious and would probably lose it if you rightfully call him emo so i could def make it work in at least a humorous context 🤩 meanwhile isagi would just be like “what does emo mean ❔ do you mean EGO ❔ wait…let me adapt to this…” jkjk but also am i 🤨
no they literally did barou so dirty that i was genuinely surprised when he came back?? like right before the game against team v when isagi goes to ask barou for help i was like “wtf why is he here” because i thought he was just going to be a baddie of the week that was never shown again fsr 😭 as soon as he joined isagi’s team he glowed up though!! and he’s been getting better and better in the manga (him in u20 and bm vs ubers 🤤)…honestly barou best character because why is every single duo he’s in iconic?? like him and isagi, him and nagi, him and aiku, etc it’s insane he just has an amazing dynamic with every character he interacts with 🤩 to the point that i think he’s the only character who’s had an actual meaningful dynamic with his nel coach too!! not that he’s aware of it LMAOAOA but barou + snuffy is leagues better than isagi + noel noa, chigiri/reo/nagi + chris prince, bachira + lavinho, and rin/shidou + loki
YESS I DID!! mini nagi and karasu appearances 🥹 it’s been so long since we saw nagi in the manga so even if it’s just in isagi’s imagination it was nice to see him mentioned LMAOO also erm my “get rin therapy” thoughts from the u-20 match still hold true HAHAHA like yes it’s good for soccer but this whole berserker thing cannot be good for his mental health 😭 i’m excited to see what happens in the next chapter!! ik a lot of people think the title means rin is going to surpass isagi so bad that they’re no longer rivals but idk if that would quite make sense to me?? like it would just feel odd idt one goal/one chapter would be enough for rin to feel as though he’s crushed isagi well enough for them to not be rivals anymore…personally hoping that it’s referencing a kaiser and isagi team up because that feels like it’s been foreshadowed more/feels more natural imo (like the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of vibe) plus it would be nice if like their final game is the whole team working together even if it’s begrudgingly 😰 but who knows i will trust kaneshiro on this one!! i haven’t rlly been majorly disappointed in anything with bllk yet (mostly just the way people read/analyze it) so i have faith it’ll cook
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darkobssessions · 4 years
Autism Things: A List
-when you can’t show your work or follow any particular steps unless they make sense to you (or are YOUR specific way of doing things)
-when you can’t look up anything new without it becoming an hours long journey into obscure details, most likely becoming a special interest, and connecting to your life’s work in some way
-along the same vein, when you cannot do the simplest of tasks without overcomplicating it, like turning a shopping spree into a categorisation and research fest, or setting out to do one specific task and ending up labeling and boxing all your belongings
-when you have to prepare for weeks before an outing, and then sleep for weeks when it is done, especially if you have to mask extra hard around the people
-but also getting very vexed if someone changes plans last minute, secretly relieved that the pressure TODAY is gone, BUT now you know it will be looming over you until it does happen
-meltdowns in simple human language are ‘I have gotten hopelessly overloaded and you would do well to clear out of the bomb’s way.’ Maybe next time don’t pressure that they go out somewhere stressful, or dismiss the fact that every single sound is in an orchestra of disharmony?
-speaking of sounds. Every. Single. One. It’s multilayered. The mosquitos chime in, the bed creaks, the neighbours upstairs are having a fight again. In words it is linear, in senses, it is a simultaneous melted cheese cacophony.
-feeling physical pain at that one person’s voice, or that texture that you cannot stand anywhere near you. Toxic chemical smells? Forget it. I see the sensitivity as an app more intricate than those on smart phones for toxic level detection. If we’re wheezing, it’s altering your hormones and chemistry, Karen.
-barometers. That’s the word. It IS too hot in here, and stuffy, and crowded and messy. You think you don’t care but your spirit is suffering.
-keeping a job approximately as long as it takes to burnout. No more and no less.
-doing things the same exact way because THEY WORK. Watching favourite shows again because they also work. The desired outcome is a given. Yes I WILL be watching the Lord of the Rings extended edition for the 5th time. Nowhere near done.
-doing something with our hands while talking and getting very excitable. Probably don’t even notice ourselves doing it. It feels good, and it’s somehow sound solidified.
-giving you compliments and being really nice. Actually is really nice. No agenda.
-getting fooled when people lie and taking everyone at face value unfortunately means a penchant for attracting predatory behaviour. Cannot compute people being mean, selfish or not wanting to hear the truth.
-about the truth. You will hear it. Facts are facts. They don’t care about feelings. Doesn’t make them insensitive. We need rules, people.
-not finishing a task or assignment because you literally collected 200 pages worth of information more than was required. There’s a fuse button in normal human circuits I think? I can’t locate mine. 
-hopping, twirling, swaying, rocking, squeaking, jumping up and down, flapping, are all ways we show that we are super enjoying ourselves. There’s so much energy in the system it starts to escape in patterns, like a glitter storm all around us.
-similarly, an individual who does not go through meltdowns cannot possibly understand the uncontrollable behaviour that comes from being pushed over the edge. Not in a tantrum way, because we are not getting our way. But a collapse. Everything hurts, words and sounds become jumbled, it feels like a panic attack or paralysis. You might see head hitting, punching things, smacking or pinching which are unconscious ways we try to release the stress or manage the overload.
-when we say we are in burnout we do not mean that we are way overworked and just tired for the weekend. This is bed for days, in the dark, no words, no mobility. This is losing function, friends and ability to do basic tasks. 
-that being said, paradoxically incredibly adept and nimble at seemingly impossible and very difficult tasks while being hopelessly poor at various other things, mostly those people usually find a piece of cake. Depends on the person and their skills and special interests. For example delivering a scientific analysis talk without preparation, understanding deeply nuanced subjects, solving complex problems, identifying the errors in any operation. In contrast, could be poor at hygiene, riding the bus or navigating the supermarket, or knowing what to say to new friends.
-no conception actually of the manual of the friendship trajectory. Oversharing on the first date or first meet up? Sure. Best friends after two positive experiences? Yes. Otherwise keeping years long friends at a distance because lacking inner prompts to make things more serious? Also yes. 
-and it goes without saying that the social cues and the ability to unravel the scripts people use to navigate is not the strongest suite.
More to come. 
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crazycatsiren · 3 years
Frequently asked questions for the modern day tarot reader
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The art of tarot reading, and cartomancy, has come a long way.
When I got my first deck of tarot cards a decade and a half ago, it seemed like there wasn't that much to it. There weren't even that many tarot decks around. I was the only tarot reader I knew. I had no one to teach me. I learned it completely on my own, then practiced by doing readings for friends, for people interested, for fun at parties and social gatherings.
Virtual/online tarot readings weren't even a thing back then. So different from today.
I've certainly had my fair share of questions for why I do things the way I do when it comes to tarot reading. And since I'm planning on expanding my divination practice and making it more available, I have decided to compile a list of FAQs, that will hopefully, answer at least some of your questions for how I work as a tarot reader.
Why no "yes/no" questions?
Because from my studies and my experiences, there are no "yes/no" cards. Tarot decks tell stories. Each card is a piece of the puzzle that fits into the story. Each card is a strand that weaves into an intricate web. Each deck has its own voice that's unique to its theme and storyline. Each card is multifaceted, multidimensional, and multilayered. In my opinion, there is no card in a tarot deck that's black and/or white. No matter how I interpret each and every card of the 78, upright or reversed, within or without the deck, there's just no assigning a yes/no value to any of them. Depending on the context, any card can be a positive or a negative message, or both, or neither. Tarot cards are not flash cards. Despite the general universal meanings that can be attached to each card, no two readers will interpret a card exactly the same.
Do you do readings about relationships?
It very much depends. I flat out will not do any reading that could potentially probe into someone else's life or free will without their explicit consent. Neither you, the querent, nor I, the diviner, have another person's permission to intrude upon their privacy in a tarot reading. I'm not ethically comfortable with anything along the lines of "whom will I marry", "how can I make this person do this thing for me", "how does this person feel about me", or "what can I do to get my future husband/wife to marry me". I'm also not going to reach out to a person for you. I'm neither a matchmaker nor your personal wingman. That's not my job.
Do you do readings on deities?
Also very much depends. I don't do "phone calls with deities" readings, period. It's just not my place. I'm not an oracle. I've not been chosen by the gods to speak to the people on their behalf. Presuming that I can speak for the gods, or that I can get a god to speak to another mortal through me, would be hubris. Not to mention, it's downright disrespectful to presume that gods should sit around with nothing better to do than to be at our beck and call, whenever and wherever we will. Gods are not here for us to conjure, summon, or channel to do our biddings. I'm also not going to contact a god for you, or introduce you to a god. That's something that you need to do yourself, and not anyone else's responsibility. I don't do "which deity is reaching out to me" readings either. I'm not going to say others shouldn't, but I personally think everyone receives and interprets signs and energies from divine beings differently. What I sense from a deity might drastically defer from what another senses. And how I read a deity's message might drastically defer from how someone else does. I might be sensing an energy that I attribute to one deity, another sensing the same energy might attribute it to a different deity. Our biases are going to creep in, no matter how objective we try to be.
Why do you need any personal information?
If you want an in depth reading, especially one that you're paying for, I'm going to want to be as thorough and accurate as I possibly can be. That's just who and how I am as a diviner. It used to not be a problem. People would come to me physically for readings, and their physical proximity was sufficient. When I'm doing a reading for someone face to face, their presence in my space alone is enough for me to tune into their energy and connect the reading to them. Nowadays, with distance and especially COVID being an issue, bringing my practice online has been an adjustment period. Keep in mind, I don't know anything about you. I'm not able to feel your physical presence through a computer screen. With nothing more than a social media account to go on, you're an anonymity. You're unreachable. You're an unknown. I'm going to need something (a name, a place, a photograph...) to connect to you, to tune into your energy. If you're paying for a service, then I want you to get as much out of it as I'm able to offer. It's why anything deeper than a casual/informal 1 to 3 card draw that I can do anytime anywhere is strictly through email only, so I can keep personal information secure and confidential. You want to pay a bunch of money to someone on the internet for a superficial/cold reading with just a Tumblr username? That's up to you. There's a lot of "those" out there, that's for sure.
Why no death related questions?
Because who am I to think that I have the ability or the right to meddle with the natural order and cycle of life and death? I'm not a god, a fate, or a prophet. Once again, hubris.
That's all for now, folks. If you have specific questions regarding my divination practice in general or my tarot reading practice in particular, you are always welcome to ask me personally.
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nozomijoestar · 3 years
Some words on KumiRei since I’m in another Hibike renaissance and can give time to how I feel I don’t agree 100% with any major camps on how its perceived in the anime though I do consider it romantic 
First off I believe KumiRei is not only romantic as a WLW, but both characters are aware of this romantic nature they don’t show anyone else, they are not in full denial nor are they just friends- instead its a complex weave of the two, and they act accordingly
Neither do I believe either is heterosexual but rather Bisexual (Reina) and questioning Lesbian (Kumiko)
I’m drawing from deeply personal experience on it which is part of why I think this way regarding them so in saying that I think the issue is people are too used to formulas when viewing media, if A is seen as true then it must lead to B then C and maybe D and so on, but while I’ve been guilty of the same I think that’s a limiting way to view/engage with art, love doesn’t have to follow the old They confess, Everything is fine in the end, They get married, They have babies etc. path
There’s nothing wrong with liking that concept but when you fixate on holding something to a rigid standard of expectations, then you’re missing other perspectives and bigger pictures, you’re kinda locking yourself away from accepting life is made of lives not just your own, experiences not just your own, and how you choose to deal with those lives and yours (See only the tree, miss the forest and so on)
Hibike! is a show dedicated to human interpretation and expression in all of its characters and their intricate relationships so applying formulas to it to me is inherently missing the point to paint it as something its not trying to be (and reading it as strictly heterosexual is ignorance of an lgbt perspective)
All of that out the way and being said, every Kumiko and Reina interaction is a progression of romance that has the complication of being between two girls in a contemporary setting; every word, every silence, every touch or look is framed as openness for two people who’s entire foundation is struggling to find a place among humanity and peers and even initially toward each other, they have a defined separation between how they see themselves as together, as one, with a completeness they show others only in shades, so that every gesture they make as people with others has consideration they practiced and established first between each other, they are the genesis for a measure of each other’s overall humanity
Kumiko shoots higher because she sees Reina live it; Reina humbles her pride for empathy because she saw Kumiko try it, the list goes on and has been said by many- Kumiko is Kumiko near Reina and Reina is Reina near Kumiko, no gimmicks no tricks no hung up reservations on trust like there is with others, they simply are together and that is so hard to achieve, to be understood
People get caught up on Reina’s unreciprocated (thank god jsdifsj Edit: i rewatched the scene where Kumiko tells Reina she's rooting for her after learning Taki's wife died and I love the sentiment but that's still fuckin gross and I'd really like the entire Taki crush situation squashed completely in S3 whatever form it takes- I get they're teenagers so they don't know better and that kinda thing does happen (I know from personal experience even) but it's still wrong) feelings for Taki-sensei as they do the Shūichi + Kumiko situation then think that means KyoAni has no concept of homosexuality for not depicting the expected formula cishet couples (and Yuri as an exploitative genre) depict rather than remember that for now and for most including myself lgbt relationships are not part of the accepted normal and so can't be compared nor should they be expected to integrate in the exact same way to be valid- and Kumiko and Reina themselves seem to operate on knowing this which lends them an air of sadness to a degree because they can't (for Kumiko and her CompHet/Side that dislikes upsetting people which I feel lead her to accept then leave Shūichi's romantic interest even more so because in the end being in love with him isn't who she is and walking away there is growth on her part) be their entire selves and act in more intimate ways on their homosexuality than they already are
They know their closeness is special to them, their attraction is special, they know it's not how they treat other friends, and they know by how they keep treating each other that it's a level of romance especially in the way they say This is a confession of love not just in having said such a thing, they're not in denial enough to stop being as they are together but they are struggling to reconcile and build on how they see their other relationships which includes the men in their life and social expectation given their lgbt sides in their identities, not just because the series treats them as people but because they're teenagers (I feel like people forget they're kids all the time), and no teenager ever has all of themselves sorted out at their age even more than most adults, teens should be allowed to safely explore what the hell the world and other people mean for them to discover themselves and that's what I think is happening
When I was their age I didn't consciously realize my best friend was the love of my life since we were 11 in my eyes because of denial and fear to act on it or take a chance on my intensity being reciprocated, instead I loved her more than I loved myself while still having crushes and being in love with other girls all the time- even as she and I had what I felt was the same level of intimacy, love, and openness, we even entertained the idea of growing up to live together and it was only as an adult that I finally looked back and saw what she told me she already knew about me being in love
Reina and Kumiko canonically mull over the idea that they'd be separated as time goes on, and I think the observation shouldn't be When will they be a couple but rather They're too scared of going all the way as a couple for life to pull the rug from under them, they are for now in love and guarding it, preserving it with the last bit of distance they possess in themselves, and the question is when will they be comfortable enough to not need that fear
Human relationships are complicated and multilayered and can never be fully defined by set order and if the show accepts that then it's how I want to see it
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gamenvs3000f21 · 3 years
The Gift of Beauty in Natural Interpretation
For me, nature has always been linked to art because I was always taught to see the beauty in the landscape and not take nature for granted. I have always interpreted nature as being ‘the gift of beauty’ because it is so multilayered and complex to the finest detail. Take for example a single snowflake. At first glance it may not seem like much, but after further inspection, you can see the intricate lattice structure and unique crystallization patterns.  In my opinion, no human made art can ever quite compare to even the smallest section of nature. In fact, I think most of art (if not all) is at least partially inspired by nature.
My favorite way of interpreting nature through art, is photography. After reading a couple of blog posts, this seems to be the common trend in natural interpretation. I think this is a great way people can connect and share their nature photography while appreciating the art of others. I am sure a lot of you can relate to this, but often times when I am walking around outside, something will catch my eye and I can’t help but snap a quick picture. However, since I only have my phone to take pictures and not a higher quality camera, my pictures tend to fall short of capturing the true beauty of nature.
I love to look back at the photographs I have taken and remember how the scenery looked in person. Moreover, each photo holds more than just a nice visual, but also a lot of secondary things such as emotion and experience. When looking at a photograph, the observer can usually pick up some sort of feeling or emotion that the picture is expressing. This reminds me of what I read in the weekly reading, that interpretation should instill in people the ability and the desire to sense beauty in their surroundings, which provides spiritual uplift (Beck et al., 2018).
When we begin to interpret nature on a deeper level, a connection is formed between us and nature that hopefully inspires people to want to preserve the environment. Having a personal connection with nature is very important and crucial to understanding the world outside of our urban living. After reading this unit, I feel motivated to further strengthen my natural interpretation skills and participate in conservation efforts to protect the natural areas I have grown to love.
I wanted to share some of the pictures I took in nature that I love to revisit because of what they inspire for me. I am curious to hear what you think of these pictures and how you interpret them, since everyone has different perspectives.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed my post!
-Georgi A.
Beck, L., Cable, T.T., & Knudson. D.M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage for a better world. Sagamore-Venture.
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markschanel · 4 years
harana - m. lee
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now playing: harana by parokya ni edgar 
characters: mark lee x reader, cameo appearances by johnny, jaehyun, doyoung & taeil 
word count: 1.6k
summary: best friends to lovers au! mark’s been singing and performing for what seems like all his life. Yet when it comes to you- he’s a nervous, overthinking mess just wanting to serenade you and show you his love as you watch from your balcony. 
Is serenading still in style?
You are probably wondering
Who is this foolish guy?
Stumbling to sing
With nervous hoarse voice
The darkness of your room and your exhaustion from your day keeps your eyes fluttered shut as you fall deeper into the embrace of your slumber. Your head rests on your feathered pillow as your hair cascades along your silk pillowcase, ready for the reward after a long day. 
That is, until you hear the gentle strumming of an acoustic guitar outside of your five-storied apartment, cursing at yourself for leaving the windows wide open. Although you know it’s summer and the piercing heat hitting your skin and sweat forming leaves you no other choice. 
You skip off your bed with a rough thud, causing you to groan in slight pain for hitting your toes against the sharp corner of your bed. Scratching your head as you walk towards the edge of your balcony, you don’t care how it’s only eight pm and you’re ready to launch into the next day, but the sight of what you see is what you don’t expect. 
Looking down by the gates of your apartment complex, you blink repeatedly as you see a dressed up Mark Lee in newly pressed cream white dress shirt and polished leather shoes, with his acoustic guitar strung across his torso held up by his worn out merlot guitar strap. 
“Look - Mark oppa is serenading you!” Your roommates, clad in their sweatpants and pajamas ready for bed much like you, come barging in your room unceremoniously but you’re so stunned you don’t seem to notice. Even their obnoxious giggles and snorts don’t phase you either. 
With his nimble fingers, he continues his gentle strumming, making sure to keep up a constant pace and clearly playing each note so that you can hear how fast his heart beats for you. 
You’ve hear Mark sing and play guitar for you so many times before, from hanging out with him at the company practice rooms or whenever you’d crash his dorm - but you can tell his nerves as present and how shaky his voice and fingers can get no matter how long he’s been performing professionally at the industry. 
But you don’t care- it’s the effort that counts and that’s the Mark Lee you’ve always adored, the one you’ve always cared for, the one you’ve always had a special spot in your heart for. The one your heart always beat for, but you never owned up to admit it, to him nor yourself even. 
  Carrying roses but wearing
Old faded jeans
Friends are there too
In formal style, singing worse than minus one and sing-along
The worn out jeans that've been put through the wash too many times is so familiar to you that it feels like home. You can’t help but watch in a trance as you grip tightly on the railings of your balcony at how he’s clearly made an effort to dress up extra fancy, with his hair gelled too, but it’s still him at the very core. 
At the very essence. He hasn’t changed anything about him, even as he’s trying to impress you. If only he knew that you accepted every facet of him with acceptance, from the flaws and imperfections he’s always working to improve on, to the intricate habits and multilayered facets of him that you couldn’t imagine living without. 
You stifle a laugh as you figure out the shadowed figures next to him, failing to properly hide under the oak tree outside your dorm gates. It’s hard to miss the colossal tall Johnny Suh holding up the boombox speakers that were hurriedly plugged into the microphone that Moon Taeil in his bright orange sweater that was holding up to Mark’s face. 
Nor can you ignore the cheekily smiling Jaehyun with his dimples flashed out as he holds up the bouquet of freshly picked red roses in his arms, that you’re sure Mark picked out for you by examining each single rose until he found one that he determined was up to your standards and what you deserved. 
Doyoung might’ve been the best at hiding in his all black get up, but the obsidian hued poster paper he held up that was scattered with neon stickers and bright glittered letters spelling out “Y/N, WOULD YOU GO ON A DATE WITH ME? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” in all caps is hard to miss. 
The acoustics set up for their miniature performance for you is nothing professional or worth raving about, but its the sincerity behind Mark’s bright, innocent eyes peering onto you and the familiar, comforting warmth behind his sweet yet husky voice that makes it more than enough for you. 
You just hope the neighbours won’t mind this impromptu concert along your street when it’s almost time for dinner, and most of the crowds living in the apartment complex you’re in are either new families with young toddlers who should be put to bed now, or grumpy retirees ready for bed. 
The sky is full of stars
And the air is cold
In your stares, I am going crazy, dear
And in this song
I hope you will love it
I will give all my heart
In a little serenade for you
You’re so impressed and drawn under that spell that you’ve nearly missed the chill down your back, as you’re in a thinly strapped tank top that was getting too thin for the night wind brushing down your spine. 
Crossing your arms as you rub your palms up and down your shoulders, prickly goosebumps on your skin,  you’re drawn to his voice and mellow strums to Ed Sheeran’s Tenerife Sea like caught in a siren’s spell, willing to drown in his arms, in his embrace, in his voice, in his love. 
Mark can’t believe he’s gotten over any of his past hesitations and got himself and his friends with him to serenade you in what appears to be an ancient tradition long forgotten in the past. He doesn’t know how he managed to bribe Jaehyun to switch in cleaning duties, or pay for Doyoung’s next few coffees to be involved in his little skit. 
You’re so special to him he’s taking risks he’s never before, because he believes you deserve the world and he’ll give it to you in any way possible. In his world, you’re a precipice that’s carved and drawn into his maps that the entire thing could be wiped out but you’d still be there, your mark permanently etched onto his heart. 
 Isn't it like the movies
A romantic film
Aren't you the leading lady and I am your leading man
In a story that ends in a never ending love
The butterflies in your stomach flutter as you realize he’s never forgotten your past rants at how you were never one for extravagant gestures, with expensive jewellery or elegant, lavish dates at overpriced restaurants, but realized deep under that- you still had that need of being cherished, of being exalted and celebrated for who you are and be treated like the divine goddess he saw you as. 
He would pluck out all of the stars from the expanse of the vast night sky just to see you smile, just to support you and be there with you through the rough times, through the sweet times, through all the hurts and pains you’ve experienced together before as friends, and now hopefully as something more than that. 
If only you noticed how you’d be so engrossed at your repetitive rounds of rewatches of Crazy Rich Asians with him at the beat up couch of his dorm, but he couldn’t help but keep glancing at you if he could give you the same fireworks in your heart like Nick Young gives Rachel Chu. 
How he lingers a couple extra seconds whenever you come greet him with a hug, how he always remembers to pick up your favourite bubble tea favours whenever you’re coming to visit, how he reads poems for inspiration for his song lyrics - but you’re the first person that comes to mind, and he always blushes furiously, fiercely, like the love has for you is beyond his comprehension, beyond his understanding- but he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
As he finishes his song, the silence that breaks out in the street is so loud, that it’s as if you can hear your heart beating so loud it’s echoing against your eardrums, that time has stopped and it’s only him that you can think about and focus on. 
Mark Lee isn’t just the upward climax in romance movies when the two lovers confess, isn’t just kissing passionately in the pouring rain, nor running after each other following a heated confrontation. 
Mark Lee sometimes is him remembering how many creams and sugars to put in your coffee order, he’s handwritten love letters hidden in the pockets of your purse, it’s the memories coming back immediately at your polaroid where you kiss his cheek hidden in his wallet, and the handmade baby lion keychain you’ve crocheted for him that he adores so much he won’t go anywhere without it. 
          “From the bottom of my heart, Y/N you are such a precious person to me that I adore you and care for you so much. I want to be the light in your day and be with you even through the toughest of times and the sweetest of seasons.”
 “I want to hold your hand and keep you company through the storms, through the sunsets. I love you so much that words cannot explain it and I hope you can feel it from my songs, from my gestures- even If I know my speech can’t contain it enough-” 
“I love you too, Mark Lee!” You interrupt his verbose yet impassioned speech from your balcony, rushing past your doors and outside your apartment to meet him downstairs. 
Johnny, Doyoung, Taeil and Jaehyun’s rambunctious cheering and screaming in excitement at the success of Mark’s confession embarrasses Mark more than he could ever imagine, his arm tucked behind his neck as his face and ears turn as red as his favourite watermelons. 
A/N: I was listening to this song, and was just so inspired by how romantic this ancient Filipino tradition of harana is! I could totally see Mark doing this, and no matter how awkward/forced it could seem, Mark is just so sweet and endearing enough that he’d pull this off so well. 
If you’re wondering what it is, Harana is this Filpino tradition in serenading your love interest, hoping to woo them as a potential suitor. The suitor sings by the person they’re courting’s window, until they’re either accepted or rejected. 
It’s possible that they’re accompanied by other instruments and other companions as well, for moral or acoustic support lol, and the one courted usually invites the suitor inside afterwards, and the suitor leaves a gift for the person and their family. 
Hope you guys enjoy this! Sorry I disappeared for a few days I kinda got busy and my sleep schedule kinda going whack didn’t help but it’s here! I’m so proud of it. <3
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bubmyg · 5 years
pairing: yoongi x reader
genre/warnings: college!au + part of my college “best friend” drabble series (linked as “p.s. i love you” on my masterlist), fluff, like...so much fluff, jimin and jeongguk are little shits this time
word count: 1,642
summary: yoongi is sick and you’re called to take care of him that’s it that’s the blurb (also based on this request)
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“Jeongguk is an idiot.”
“Oh, close, but not quite.”
You sighed, “Jeongguk is amazing.”
The fluffy haired man grinned, pulling back the front door of the house so it revealed his entire stature, matching blue pajama set and all rather than just his nose that had been prodded through the tiny sliver of doorway he allowed. 
“I’ll take it for tonight.” Yet, he didn’t budge, broad stature still sanctioned in the threshold with one hand gripping the side of the door. 
You shuffled in, enough to press your forearm against his torso while you peeled your boots from your heels. Halfway through stepping out of the second one and you were trailing off, “...so are you going to let me inside or is there more to the riddle?”
“No, I’ll let you in,” Jeongguk stepped back then, barely, just enough so you weren’t touching him anymore, but continued to regard you semi-seriously from beneath shower messy fringe, “Just guarding the bridge troll like a good roommate. Are you sure you want to see him? Or rather, you know...deal with him?”
“He’s sick, Guk.”
“Is he?” Jeongguk wriggled his eyebrows, “Or is this some elaborate scheme to keep us out of his bedroom while you’re over—”
Your lips parted to scold the younger man until a soft shuffling could be heard over the creaks of the staircase, a bundled up figure descending and then ascending in your direction. Fever stained cheeks poked out from the fuzzy hem of a grey blanket, hoodie strings tied in a neat bow just underneath a dimpled chin, honey colored fringe sticking out in one single prong from the multilayered fabric curled around facial features. One, fabric coated arm jutted out, pushing weakly to the crumpled buttons haphazardly strewn over Jeongguk’s chest. 
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t just call me a troll,” Yoongi rasped, hoarse, and even the slightly raised infliction caused a cough to rack his shoulders, leaving him to hunch over for a half second. 
“To be fair, you kind of look like one—”
You cupped Yoongi’s shoulder, shooting Jeongguk a wide eyed glare paired with a curt, negating nod. “Thanks for letting me in,” You offered as dismissal and he took the bait this time, hopping away into the dimly lit house with a train of soft giggles. 
Yoongi was staring at you by the time you assured that Jeongguk had disappeared into his room, red trimming every edge of white eyes and cocoa irises, eyelids swollen, nose pink, lips a raw red. You cooed quietly, moving your hand from his shoulder to swipe the edge of your thumb nail to the bit of involuntary liquid that had escaped from his eyelids. A grumble escaped his pouted lips at the affection, capturing you between the open lapels of his blanket cape to bring you into a tight hug.
“Princess is here to take care of the sickly bridge troll,” You soothed against his shoulder, gradual arms working their way around his middle. 
“Not you, too,” His voice resembled that of dumping finely shredded gravel into a running garbage disposal but it lifted on the end into something high pitched, a whine, one that he buried against the crook of your neck as he hoarded you closer. 
“Sorry, bubs, had to,” You scraped your nails between his shoulder blades, a gentle glide back and forth until he relaxed in your embrace, huffing still but relaxed nonetheless. Another moment, and you reprimanded, “Why are you out of bed? I told you I was coming over to make you soup.”
“You were taking too long,” Yoongi nuzzled into your skin and you couldn’t tell if the source of heat on his cheeks was from embarrassment or sickness. Or some combination of both, “...then heard Jeongguk pestering you. Had to come save you—” He pulled back to pout at you under lidded eyes, “—want my soup.”
You ducked to kiss his cheek just to see his features scrunch, hands on his waist gently directing him back toward the staircase. “Okay, you big baby. Go get back in bed, I’ll bring it to you.”
You were halfway to the kitchen, Yoongi halfway up the first flight of stairs when you called his name, you paused with your chin over your shoulder fondly assessing the discontented grunt Yoongi let out to eye you. 
“Do you need anything else?”
There was a clear hesitation, hand peeling off the railing to propel him up another step as if he were simply going to shake his head no and leave it at that. But then he settled, firm in his statement. 
“Just you,” Yoongi’s eyes darted away from your softening gaze for a moment, before murmuring a half fraction softer, “Please hurry.”
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The gentle slopes of glistening, blush painted cheeks were the only thing visible when you nudged your way through his door, duvet curled just underneath the button tip of his nose. The blanket now laid in a forgotten heap at the foot of his bed, hood cast sideways so that messy tendrils splayed in every direction over the crumpled mess of his pillow. He didn’t hear you at first, soft snores muffled in the fabric until you made space for the steaming styrofoam bowl on his bedside table, effectively knocking his phone into his lamp. 
Yoongi’s eyes opened just long enough to confirm it was you before he hummed, turning over to face you as you crouched next to the bed. You were gentle in tugging the duvet from his grasp despite the high pitched noises that scratched out of his throat. 
“You need to eat this while it’s warm,” You reasoned, peeling back his source of warmth until it rested on his waist. He didn’t budge, curling within himself, shoving the sleeves of his hoodie over his knuckles to pull both arms against his chest and something like a defiant I’ll eat later rasped through his barely parted lips. 
He let you take one of his hands, searching fingers popping over the sleeve of his hoodie to happily lace between your own and the tiniest of geometric shapes framed the dimples in his cheeks even as his eyes continued to stay defiant and shut. You settled on the floor, tucking your legs underneath you as you brought his knuckles to your lips, gentle in framing your lips over each one before pressing one lingering kiss to the center of all of them. 
The intricate red laced through his eyes seemed to disappear when you found him looking at you again, one eyebrow barely quirked upwards, the tiniest sliver of teeth appearing as he gently tugged on your intertwined fingers. 
“Come here, angel.”
Incredulously endeared, you found yourself obliging, knees creaking as you rose from the awkward position on the floor onto to knock your elbow into his bedside table, effectively sloshing a fraction of the still warm soup to where it curled around the exposed part of your ankle between your sweatpants and fuzzy socks. 
Yoongi sat up, reaching for you when you groaned in pain, only to pause with wide eyes and two hands scrunched into the material at your hips when his door was shut from the outside and shrieking giggles could be heard descending the staircase. 
“Knew it! You two are liars!” Jeongguk’s voice fell away into an echo, overlapped by what could only be Jimin’s squeaky laughter. 
“I’m fine,” You spoke to Yoongi, pressing the heel of your palm to the center of his burning forehead when he moved to duck around you to go after them. “Lay down.”
“Only if you’re coming with me,” He grumbled, still glaring at the rattle of his doorknob. 
“I am, relax,” You sunk a knee into the mattress, pushing on his head again until he settled rigidly back against his pillows. 
You tucked yourself into his side, suffering the fate of the intense warmth that radiated off his skin paired with the drape of sheets and duvets that came after. It was peaceful for the moment he settled, all aside from the beads of sweat curling into your hairline but you ignored it, just like you tried to ignore the subconscious sponge of his lips first against your forehead, then to your cheek, then to your jaw when his entire stature wriggled lower. 
“Stop it,” You pinched his neck where you’d curled one arm around his head, “Don’t actually make us liars.”
“I’m probably good for like four kisses before I become contagious,” You craned your neck to glare at him, only to find him grinning, gums and all, “Maybe five, if we want to push our luck.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I want kisses.”
“To be fair, you’ve probably already infected me, so—” You sighed, relaxing your cheek into his pillow and dramatically pursing your lips, “—do your worst. Will give me a reason to skip class Monday.”
Yoongi beamed, triumphant, clammy palm curling across your cheek to oblige you in your rant when there was another touch of knuckles against his door, freezing the brush of his mouth against the seam of your lips as giggles outside traded for something of mock sincerity. 
“You know, this wouldn’t be that big of a deal if the two of you would just admit that you’re dating.”
He bypassed your lips for your cheek, hugging you against him in a fashion reminiscent to cuddling a plush toy as he called, “Hey, Jimin? Have you ever tried camping when it’s snowing outside?”
“Do you want to find out? You can take Jeongguk with you as a source of warmth. I’ll hold both your house keys, you know. Just for tonight.”
“...you know what, we were just kidding. Have a nice night, guys. Let us know if you, uh, need more soup or something. Bye!”
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Do you ever judge people based on if they believe in God or not? >> You know, it’s funny -- I’m more likely to make snap judgements about atheists than Christians. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met my fair share of annoying proselytisers and hateful fundamentalists, have had “exorcisms” performed on me, the whole nine. I am definitely wary of Christianity as an institution, with good reason. But I’m really tired of the superiority complex that atheism seems to encourage (again, just like with Christians, not all atheists are like this -- but enough are). The fact that I dare to interpret my life and my reality in a non-materialist, often-arcane fashion immediately puts me at odds with a lot of atheists because their first thought about anything other than strict materialism is “only idiots believe that”, and I’m not going to let some other equally-in-the-dark human being treat me like an idiot because of something this personal (and this arbitrary!). Somehow, Christians telling me I’m going to hell because I listen to death metal or masturbate or whatever is less deeply irritating to me than that.
Do you ever brush your teeth in the shower? >> No. I can see why you would, though.
Has your printer ever stopped working at the last minute and you had a paper due the next day? What did you do? >> ---
Are you sometimes scared to express your opinions in fear of what others might think? >> It’s more like... I don’t feel like dealing with other people’s baggage, you know? Their inflexibility of mind, or baked-in prejudices, or superiority/inferiority complexes, or whatever. It’s really not worth it all the time. I could be putting my energy to better use than fielding off other people’s contempt. So I wouldn’t say my reticence is fear-based as much as it’s... boredom-based. lmao
Do you have a girl that is strictly a friend that isn’t related to you that you can go to? >> Yawn.
Have you ever painted your nails on only one hand, forgetting about the other one or getting side-tracked? >> No.
Have you ever tried sucrets? >> I don’t think so.
Would you date someone that smokes? >> I don’t date, but in general being a smoker isn’t something that puts me off a person. Being rude about smoking and not accepting that not everyone wants to breathe in their secondhand cancer air would, though. And if you smoke cigars, no thanks. Cigarette smoke is bad enough but cigar smoke is twice as bad.
What about drinks? >> Again, it’s not the act of drinking that puts me off a person, it’s to what extent their drinking affects their life and the lives of those around them.
Have you ever gone to one of those parties where everyone is falling around drunk everywhere? >> I don’t think so. I mean, maybe one or two people depending on their tolerance? But not the whole damn party.
Are you “the good guy”, or “the bad guy”, or somewhere in between? >> Yes.
Do you ever erase the numbers off of surveys just because they annoy you? >> No, the reason numbers tend to disappear off surveys when I take them is because when I paste the survey into this text box, tumblr automatically formats it like a numbered list, and when I unformat it the numbers go with it.
Person you like shows up at your house: you … >> ---
Last person you talked on the phone with? >> ---
Do you think you will have the same best friend a year from now? >> ---
Do you have siblings over the age of twenty-one? >> No.
Will tomorrow be better than today? >> I mean, today’s going to be pretty good. I’m going to play video games for hours to make up for the fact that I couldn’t all weekend.
What do you hear right now? >> Nothing.
What was the last thing to go into your mouth? >> Water, I think.
Do you usually tell people when you’re mad at them? >> I operate under the assumption that most people won’t care whether I’m upset with them or not, so I don’t bother informing them. That might be a maladaptive way of thinking, but so far I haven’t had much cause to question the notion, either.
Honestly, how is your heart lately? >> Beating.
Do you miss anyone? >> No.
Are you waiting for a phone call? >> No.
If an ex said they hated you, what would you say? >> I wouldn’t say anything. That’s their business, not mine.
What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? >> Hope that that person doesn’t go through what I went through. And if they do, hope that they have the presence of mind to leave sooner rather than later.
What do you think when someone kisses you on your forehead? >> First of all, who is doing that...
What do you usually do right when you wake up? >> Look at my phone to see what time it is.
Are you looking forward to anything? >> Yeah, playing WoW.
How late did you stay up last night? >> I got home at around a quarter past eleven, so I think I got to sleep shortly after midnight.
Do you truly hate anyone? >> No.
Would you ever get a tattoo? >> Of course.
In the past forty-eight hours, have you hung out with a girl? >> I hung out with a lot of people on Sunday.
Were you happy when you woke up today? >> Yes, very happy to be back in my warm comfortable bed and not in that janky loud motel.
If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you? >> I mean, it’s not going to change anything on my end, but I wouldn’t act weird about it if someone told me.
Would you rather go back a week or go forward? >> ---
Would you ever smile at a stranger? >> I’ve done so.
Who was the last person to text you? >> Sparrow.
What are you doing today? >> Playing video games, vegging out. Just enjoying being home.
Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? >> Not right now.
Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette? >> Yeah, on purpose.
Have you ever been so bored that you started drooling on yourself? >> What...
Do you brush your teeth right away when you wake up? >> Not right away, but soon enough after.
Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? >> ---
Want to get smashed tonight? >> Nah, I’m good.
What time are you getting up tomorrow? >> I don’t know, whatever time I wake up.
Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? >> Like, throughout my entire life? Some were fine, some were mistakes, some don’t even register in my memory anymore.
Think back to last June; were you single? >> No.
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? >> Probably. That’s my only method of consolation -- distraction.
Describe how you feel right now. >> Neutral.
Would you date someone three years older than you? >> ---
Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning? >> In the morning.
Do you think more about the past, present, or future? >> The present.
Are you okay with the life you live? >> Sure.
Could you handle living with the last person you texted? >> I do live with the last person I texted.
Was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? >> Everything I read is purely for my own interest/delight.
Have you accomplished any goals you set for yourself this year so far? >> The only “goal” I ever set is that Goodreads reading challenge, lmao. But even that’s just for fun -- if I don’t read 50 books in a year, it’s not like I consider myself a failure or something. Quantity doesn’t even mean anything. It’s just something to keep track of, I guess. (Also, when I do those end-of-year book surveys, it’s easier to just go look at my challenge because then I can see at a glance what books I read that year.)
If you could go forward in time and see your life 5 years from now, what would you hope to see? >> ---
Are there still movie rental stores where you live or have they all gone out of business? >> There’s one down the road from me, like a 10-minute walk. Family Video just refuses to go down without a fight, I guess. They jumped on the CBD bandwagon really fast, too -- revenue is revenue, I guess, lmao.
What was the last thing to annoy you or make you upset? >> When I realised I’d left my laptop and phone chargers in the motel room. *facepalm* Thank god for Amazon one-day shipping.
Do you think you would be a good match for your celebrity crush/es assuming you have one? Why? If you don’t have one, who was the last person you saw that you found attractive? >> There were a lot of attractive people at Elle’s wedding.
When looking for something to watch on TV do you tend to pick shows you know you like, or try new shows that look interesting even though you’ve never heard of them before? >> Either. Just depends on what I’m in the mood for.
Have you ever been ditched by someone only to find them out and about with someone else? >> No.
How old were you when you had your wisdom teeth removed? >> ---
What is the last song you sang out loud? >> I don’t remember.
Where was the last job application you filled out sent to? >> ---
Have you ever been fired from a job? >> No.
What do people tell you your voice sounds like? >> I don’t recall the last time anyone commented on my voice at all.
What financial class are you? >> Poverty class.
What poster is hanging closest to you? >> It’s not a poster, it’s an art print. It’s called “Heimdall” and that’s basically what it is, I guess. But very, very intricate and multilayered. One of those “stare at it for five hours and still see new things” kind of artwork.
What time did you go to bed last night? >> Sometime after midnight.
Do you watch any reality shows? >> Not regularly.
Are you more comfortable with men or women? >> ---
Do you think you’re fat? >> Sometimes I do. It’s all just societal bullshit, though, because I’m technically not fat (and it really shouldn’t even be a big deal if I was).
Have you ever borrowed money from someone and never repaid them? >> Probably.
Do you have a pet cat? >> Yeah.
What is worse: physical or emotional pain? >> I’m not going to rank one as “worse” than the other. Pain is pain.
If you had to get up at 6 AM tomorrow morning, would it be painful? >> Probably. It’s not my normal getting-up time.
How is your hair? >> Fine.
Who was the last person who called you? >> ---
How long does it take you to fall asleep at night? >> Not long, because I don’t go to bed until I feel good and sleepy.
How many people have you had strong feelings for in the year of 2012? >> You know what I had strong feelings for in 2012? Drugs.
What are you doing for your next birthday? >> I have no idea. Probably going to Chicago like usual, although the idea of going to Canada is still on the table if we can get passports by that time.
Would you go on a date with someone right now if they asked? >> Not unless it was explicitly understood that I am aromantic and this is a platonic outing.
Do you believe that if you want something bad enough, you’ll get it? >> Sometimes that narrative is fun to entertain.
Last movie you watched? >> The Nightingale.
Who were you with? >> Nobody.
Who came over last? >> ---
Have you ever wanted to be a ballet dancer? >> No.
Does your family keep tons of leftovers in the fridge? >> I do not.
Favourite FRIENDS character? That is, if you like it. >> ---
Skullcandy headphones, yay or nay? >> Yeah, I like them.
Are you thinking of getting another piercing? Where? >> No.
Do you love when people remember little things about you? >> Sure, it means people actually paid attention to me and cared enough to remember, which goes against some of my less helpful self-talk.
Do you ‘bless’ strangers when they sneeze? >> No.
How many phones have you gone through? >> Too many.
Have you always lived in the house you currently reside in? >> No.
Do you think your future will be a good one? >> ---
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photoshoptipsblog · 3 years
What is the cost to get a cutting path service?
How does the clipping path function?
The clipping path can be described as a closed vector route to clip a particular portion of a photograph. Another name for this type of service is the engraving service. Photoshop is a software for editing images. It permits a pen tool reduce any part of an image. It allows you to edit any part on that area to create an appealing design. It has a great impact on the background editing. You can remove the unwanted background or any object easily.
The clipping process isn't easy to complete. A sharp mind and steady hands are required to draw precise lines. This is why professional graphic designers can do the best job. You can also edit images when you understand the fundamental clipping path. You can change your images' paths by choosing the products with your pen. Then, you can remove the portion you want to remove.
Cost for various kinds of clipping path services
Image Clipping Path Services offers a broad range of tasks. Images are different in quality. That's why designers offer multiple kinds of clipping services. When the complexity rises in an image, more intricate clips need to be edited the photo. I have categorized some clipping services based on the amount of detail in the photos. In the meantime, you will save money by picking the best one for you. In some cases simple images require a lot of work. In other cases, a complicated image requires simple work. I'll guide you in making your choice wisely , since there are a variety of options to choose from.
Easy Clipping Path
Easy Clipping Path needs for the photos that have simple or basic shapes. Clipping with ease is a single-layered path along the edges of the photos by with an instrument called the pen. Because. all paths can be drawn in the exact same place. It's amazing in removing the background or objects. This is a straightforward operation. The first step is to select the anchoring point. Then, follow the edges and curves. Easy clipping doesn't take much time because of the basic shape. The image has no more than two holes. Mobile phone, soccer ball includes these categories. The price for this type is very low. In general, it starts at around $0.29 per photo.
Medium Clipping Path
The medium or multilayered path is more complex than the easy clipping. Subjects are more complicated than the one before. Multiple holes require multi-layer clipping. And, it can use for the extraction of at least two subject matter from the same background. It's a great tool for retouching. Medium clipping allows designers to modify any area of the image. Multi-layer paths are able to be used to cover the entire image. The image of complicated forms is covered in this category. Things like a wheel, chair, and bags need medium clipping. Multiple closed paths, as well as multiple outline paths must be worked to create these photographs. The price for this category is a little higher because of the difficulty of the images. The cost starts at $0.79 for each image.
Advance Clipping Path
Advanced clipping path services are used for creating different vector shapes within specific areas of images. It is also an non-destructive clipped route of any image. Also, it allows resizing the image without affecting the resolution. Experts employ multiple clipping routes to create a layered image. In this case, designers must create multi-layer routes for a multitude of holes. Also, they have to manage greater embedded transparency. This intricate clipping path makes use of a broad range of products. They may have a gate-like shape, double hole, zigzag style or fence. Bicycles (or multiple dolls), buildings, hair, furry doll, etc are included in this category. A professional clipping path provider needs for getting the best possible result for these types of images. This kind of clipping requires the assistance of an expert in order to achieve accuracy. Also, the cost is greater than the basic and medium clipping. The price starts from approximately $2.50 per photo.
Image enhancement using the Clipping path is a challenge, without having proper expertise in this area. Professional graphic designers can provide the best outcome to your product images. You can get cheaper options however the quality will be the issue. If you don't have the highest quality it's not going to give you the best response. Every day, clipping path services are becoming a necessity to satisfy the needs of sectors like eCommerce. It is therefore essential to select the best service for you to grow your business.
What should I consider when choosing the best clipping path company?
Answer: You may ask the provider the following concerns prior to dealing with them.
How do they draw clipping paths?
What is their medium of communication?
What are the services for clipping they offer?
Are they able to guarantee the quality?
Will they be able to meet the target date?
If the responses are positive then you are able to hire the company.
What is a clipping path service?
Answer The clipping path is an arrow-like path that can be used that allows you to cut or eliminate any portion of the image. Additionally, the path of clipping uses for many purposes.
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March 23rd, 2021
AUTISM THINGS: A LIST -when you can’t show your work or follow any particular steps unless they make sense to you (or are YOUR specific way of doing things) -when you can’t look up anything new without it becoming an hours long journey into obscure details, most likely becoming a special interest, and connecting to your life’s work in some way -along the same vein, when you cannot do the simplest of tasks without overcomplicating it, like turning a shopping spree into a categorisation and research fest, or setting out to do one specific task and ending up labeling and boxing all your belongings -when you have to prepare for weeks before an outing, and then sleep for weeks when it is done, especially if you have to mask extra hard around the people-but also getting very vexed if someone changes plans last minute, secretly relieved that the pressure TODAY is gone, BUT now you know it will be looming over you until it does happen -meltdowns in simple human language are ‘I have gotten hopelessly overloaded and you would do well to clear out of the bomb’s way.’ Maybe next time don’t pressure that they go out somewhere stressful, or dismiss the fact that every single sound is in an orchestra of disharmony? -speaking of sounds. Every. Single. One. It’s multilayered. The mosquitos chime in, the bed creaks, the neighbours upstairs are having a fight again. In words it is linear, in senses, it is a simultaneous melted cheese cacophony. -feeling physical pain at that one person’s voice, or that texture that you cannot stand anywhere near you. Toxic chemical smells? Forget it. I see the sensitivity as an app more intricate than those on smart phones for toxic level detection. If we’re wheezing, it’s altering your hormones and chemistry, Karen. -barometers. That’s the word. It IS too hot in here, and stuffy, and crowded and messy. You think you don’t care but your spirit is suffering. -keeping a job approximately as long as it takes to burnout. No more and no less.-doing things the same exact way because THEY WORK. Watching favourite shows again because they also work. The desired outcome is a given. Yes I WILL be watching the Lord of the Rings extended edition for the 5th time. Nowhere near done. -doing something with our hands while talking and getting very excitable. Probably don’t even notice ourselves doing it. It feels good, and it’s somehow sound solidified. -giving you compliments and being really nice. Actually is really nice. No agenda. -getting fooled when people lie and taking everyone at face value unfortunately means a penchant for attracting predatory behaviour. Cannot compute people being mean, selfish or not wanting to hear the truth. -about the truth. You will hear it. Facts are facts. They don’t care about feelings. Doesn’t make them insensitive. We need rules, people. -not finishing a task or assignment because you literally collected 200 pages worth of information more than was required. There’s a fuse button in normal human circuits I think? I can’t locate mine. -hopping, twirling, swaying, rocking, squeaking, jumping up and down, flapping, are all ways we show that we are super enjoying ourselves. There’s so much energy in the system it starts to escape in patterns, like a glitter storm all around us. -similarly, an individual who does not go through meltdowns cannot possibly understand the uncontrollable behaviour that comes from being pushed over the edge. Not in a tantrum way, because we are not getting our way. But a collapse. Everything hurts, words and sounds become jumbled, it feels like a panic attack or paralysis. You might see head hitting, punching things, smacking or pinching which are unconscious ways we try to release the stress or manage the overload. -when we say we are in burnout we do not mean that we are way overworked and just tired for the weekend. This is bed for days, in the dark, no words, no mobility. This is losing function, friends and ability to do basic tasks. -that being said, paradoxically incredibly adept and nimble at seemingly impossible and very difficult tasks while being hopelessly poor at various other things, mostly those people usually find a piece of cake. Depends on the person and their skills and special interests. For example delivering a scientific analysis talk without preparation, understanding deeply nuanced subjects, solving complex problems, identifying the errors in any operation. In contrast, could be poor at hygiene, riding the bus or navigating the supermarket, or knowing what to say to new friends. -no conception actually of the manual of the friendship trajectory. Oversharing on the first date or first meet up? Sure. Best friends after two positive experiences? Yes. Otherwise keeping years long friends at a distance because lacking inner prompts to make things more serious? Also yes. -and it goes without saying that the social cues and the ability to unravel the scripts people use to navigate is not the strongest suite. More to come. 
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adventuretree611 · 3 years
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From project studios to multi-platinum mix engineers, UAD Powered Plug-Ins have been winning over audio professionals for more than 15 years with their. Universal Audio UAD-1 Powered Plug-Ins driver AD Software Version represents a major step forward for the UAD Powered Plug-Ins.
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UAD Powered Plug-In Software Version is now available now as a free download. Features include UAD FATSO Jr./Sr. analog tape. crack-best.com crack-best.com Incredible but true: these folks post.
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Send your bass in parallel to the and push the input to add excitement and vibe, while still maintaining the dynamics of the original signal. The high-end is unmatched. Intuitive, and easy to use, but also full of character and interesting tones. Despite having minimal controls, this emulation of the classic hardware compressor is free uad plugins download versatile.
Various plugin give-aways when buying hardware? Not knocking UAD but they’re not the only company that have deals for their users!
https://adventuretree611.tumblr.com/post/655962541203308544/download-auto-tune-evo-vst-for-fl-studio. Has Apple ever given away anything? Chris With all due respect I don’t think you’ll convince me that digi is exactly generous to their customers. I bought a 25k system and then paid for mp3 and OMF support My original point about TDM, was that it is a proprietary format that is tied to outdated hardware and is more likely to become extinct long before AU or VST. To try their plugs or just to know if it’s compatible with my system I have to buy a card.
UAD is not the “angel” company some would like us to believe it is. As (bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)ty as that is and I do sympathize , being TDM that kind of illustrates my original point. Amp farm anybody? I don’t disagree, but when it comes to marketing and customer relations, I much prefer UAD to digi. Not that they’re perfect, but UAD strives to be as compatible as they can.
Digi on the other hand strives for exclusivity. Mikey MTC , I mean why is Dave working with those guys and not a TDM developer? Maybe because TDM has a date with destiny? According to the UA video this is a pretty intensive model that might be too much for the current TDM cards. These complaints are all about TDM.
Wait a year or so and see if UA is the only company you have these complaints about then. WHERE are you getting your “facts” from????? Why wouldn’t they?? Then how do you explain waves’ netshell stuff being RTAS compatible Why ALL of them would rather have to work through bugs in the fxPansion wrapper and put asterisks on their marketing materials. Digi has never, not once, gone on the record as to why they are refusing these licenses.
The Waves accelerator thing I think goes through the WaveShell which is in effect its own wrapper. I don’t think Digi can block it, and Waves has quite a bit of muscle for historical reasons.
Aha, you are hot on the trail! Denying the RTAS license digi is trying to do what now? Get them on the record. I never was able to.
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From project studios to multi-platinum mix engineers, UAD Powered Plug-Ins have been winning over audio professionals for more than 15 years with their. UAD Powered Plug-In Software Version is now available now as a free download. Features include UAD FATSO Jr./Sr. analog tape.
183 rows  David Roland Cook (born December 20, 1982 in Houston, Texas, United States) is an American rock singer-songwriter, who rose to fame after winning the seventh season of the reality television show American Idol.Prior to Idol he released an independent album entitled 'Analog Heart' released on May 6, 2006.This was followed by his post-Idol major-label debut 'David Cook' which was released on. Life on the moon david cook mp3 download songs.
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jedijanine · 7 years
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Item: The Deco Haus: 1920's Flapper Carwash Hem Beaded Party Dress - The Starlet - Copper on Jet - Dr. Who
Appearance: Mummy on the Orient Express
Combined With: Clarks Chorus Thrill (Black) Shoes, long black silk gloves, un-ID’d bracelet and hair pin
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As stated by the Deco Haus website:  “This gown was featured on Jenna Coleman in the "Mummy on the Orient Express" episode for the BBC hit series "Dr. Who".“
This piece is definitely the most expensive and fancy piece that I have from Clara’s wardrobe.  But it really is worth saving up for.  I attend at least one 1920’s ball during the year, so that definitely helped justify the purchase.  And it is nice to be able to take it out and use it for what it was meant to do, dance.
This dress really is beautiful.  The intricate beadwork is stunning and really adds up to a “dense” dress.  It weights about 3 pounds I would say.  Since it’s so heavy, I make sure to store it in a bag in a box so that the underlying fabric doesn’t stretch out permanently.
All those beads give it a great swish.  But you do have to be careful and avoid giving it a harsh twirl.  Right out of the box, a few of the copper beads here and there would fall off, so just be aware that that might happen.  I made sure to save them in a bag in case I need to reattach them some day.  Since there are so many beads, it would be hard to even find where they fell off in the first place.  When I visited the DWE in the spring, I spoke to the lovely Jamie Hill (he played the Foretold) who told us they has the same experience on set with the dress.  He said firstly that Jenna had a great time twirling around in the dress.  And that when they filmed the scene where Clara passes out on the floor, they would cut, and the costume people would rush around and try and collect all the beads that had fallen off around Jenna.
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I purchased a size Small, going mainly by the bust measurement on the site.  This fit perfectly.  It has quite a bit of stretch in the material, so keep that in mind when picking a size.  The material is a sheer material, so be prepared to make a slip to go underneath.  None of the ones on the site fit the dress shape.  The site states that: “Jenna's version was lined in black by the Dr. Who Costume Department.”  I made a first version of this slip out of a non-stretchy satin fabric. This wasn’t the right thing to do since you need a material that will stretch (perhaps a lycra)  just like the dress.  Otherwise when tracing the pattern straight from the dress, it fits very tightly and is difficult to get on.  The actual slip looks very nicely made, and seems multilayered (as if it is lined).
Here is a close-up shot, from the DWE, of the lining under the armpit:
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At first I debated whether the slip went under the “flaps” at the bottom, but upon further examination, I don’t believe that is the case.  The slip seems to end at the top of the flap slits.  You can see in the below photo that the flaps are see through without a slip.
Upon very close examination of the beading between the screen used one and the one available for purchase, there is a slight difference in the beading pattern on the shoulders, center section, and at the top of the flaps.  Assumedly the costume department purchased the XS size, which might account for some of this.  Or perhaps there was an earlier version of this dress with slightly different beading.
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With regards to rarity, this dress is still available as of November 2017 at the following url:
I think the chances of finding the SA on a used site is slim to none, and I can’t say I actually know any other Clara cosplayers who have this item and therefore the market for trading within the community is null.  That being said, there are some good ALT’s out there that give you the general feel of the outfit.  Just look for flapper or 1920’s swing dress in black and copper colors and you’ll probably find something you like.
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Side Note:  You can also find the dress worn by Foxes in the same episode on this site:
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jazzworldquest-blog · 6 years
USA/HAITI: Godwin Louis Explores the Worldwide Impact of Afro-Caribbean Sounds and Concepts on Music and Takes them Global
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Godwin Louis Explores the Worldwide Impact of Afro-Caribbean Sounds and Concepts on Music and Takes them Global
Saxophonist Godwin Louis had an epiphany when he came to New Orleans to study at the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz. He explored the city’s music--and kept getting an eerie sense of familiarity. “My mother and father are from Haiti, and though I was born in the States, I lived in Port-au-Prince for a few years in the 1990s,” recounts Louis. “When I moved to New Orleans, I felt that similarity everywhere, in the presence of Catholicism, the funeral marches, the second-line culture, the spiritual traditions tied to vodoun. I said, this is incredible. Where does this similarity come from?”
The answers turned out to be Global (release: Febuary 22, 2019), Louis’ first major release of his compositions and work as a band leader. Louis discovered the impact of Haitians on the music of New Orleans, arguably the musical heart of the US, and with it a history of Haitian presence going back to the French Colonial and Haitian Revolutionary period. Yet as Louis dug into the past, his understanding and musical vision expanded geographically and sonicly, as DNA tests led him to West and Central Africa (“Nago-Kongo”), Brazil, tiny Pacific islands--the entire global filigree of Afro-diasporic peoples and their art.
The resulting double-album of original compositions (with one anthemic concluding piece by composer Hermeto Pascoal) plumbs the past while remaining steadily grounded in contemporary and exploratory musical practices, that improvisatory, ever-fresh edge of jazz. A seasoned sideman--Louis’ touring history reads like a who’s who of jazz and pop--Louis felt it was time to bring his discoveries, in breathtakingly intricate and skillfully rendered form, to the world.
“My travels and studies let me fully explore and find this musical sound dedicated to the diaspora that you hear on Global,” says Louis. “The world is way more connected than we think. We’ve all heard of the Transatlantic trade slave and its tragedies and horrors, but so much came out of it and formed global culture, so much that’s rarely highlighted. You can feel it intensely in places like Santiago de Cuba, Bahia in Brazil, New Orleans, in L’artibonite, Haiti. The musical sound that came from those places has gone global, and it’s all filtered into pop culture. That’s where I started.”
Born in Harlem, Louis remembers encountering the beauties of jazz via his guitarist uncle, Robert “Magic” Saint Fleur. He marveled at his uncle’s ability to improvise and wanted to know his secret. “I was really drawn to that element of improvisation,” recalls Louis. “I would hear him riff off a song, and it seemed like the most incredible thing, how he came up with all these beautiful melodies on the spot. It showcased such knowledge of the songs and total mastery of the instrument.” His uncle encouraged him, then turned him on to Charlie Parker, and Louis was hooked.
He studied at Berklee and made an admirable name for himself among jazz’s creme de la creme. Though relatively young, Louis has already toured, performed, and recorded with Herbie Hancock, Clark Terry, Roger Dickerson, Ron Carter, Al Foster, Jack Dejohnette, Jimmy Heath, Billy Preston, Patti Labelle, Toni Braxton, Babyface, Madonna, Gloria Estefan, Barry Harris, Howard Shore, David Baker, Mulatu Astakte, Mahmoud Ahmed, Wynton Marsalis, and Terence Blanchard, among others, seeing a great swath of Africa, Asia, and Europe in the bargain.
As Louis developed his own style, where gospel and traditional Haitian and West and Central African songs, avant arrangements and grounded grooves collide, he discovered new concepts in African-heritage musical thought that enriched his jazz foundations. Fellow musicians in Mali, for example, based melodic phrases on underlying texts, not on arbitrary numbers of beats or bars.“Because it’s all based on the words, there's no common tempo,” explains Louis. “When the phrase is done, it’s done and then you move on. I decided to experiment with approaching notes the same way. An idea can keep on going. In general, Global questions tradition: Why should the form be one way and not another? If the idea isn’t done yet, it goes on, even when another idea comes. The melody is king in that approach.” The resulting feel is polyphonous, many different voices and perspectives chiming in and overlapping.
The overlap fascinates Louis and inspired many of Global’s pieces. He reveals into how European sacred music seeped into an Afro-diasporic melody found around the Atlantic, rich with triple meter. (“Four Essential Prayers of Guinea”) And how, in counterpoint, African instruments can inform Protestant hymns, despite centuries of church animosity toward West African sounds and forms. (“Bondye Ede-n”) He looks at narrative threads that unite the lyrical forms of Afro-Caribbean and Afro-South American romance (“Present” featuring Cuban singer Xiomara Laugart), and the playing techniques and moods that unite the Francophone cultures of the Caribbean (“Siwèl”).
Yet the wide-ranging journeys remain rooted in Louis’ personal experience as a person with a multilayered heritage and full awareness of past and present struggles. As the composer noted regarding the album’s title suite (“Global, Parts I and II”): “This is about my traveling experiences all over the world. I’ve been to 100 countries as of now. I have so many stories, some sad, some triumphant. So did our ancestors,” Louis reflects. “Sonically, I wanted to pay homage to some of our lesser-known ancestors that contributed to the development of music in Europe. People like Joseph Boulogne, Chevaliers De Saint-Georges who was a brilliant composer during the classical era. Overall, Global is the history of music and culture in the Americas. Cultures that came from Africa, met with indigenous aestheticism, and were refined or rarefied via colonialism, as a result changing the course of music history and culture worldwide.”
Ron Kadish
8121-339-1195 X 202
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