#i like people and they make me so hopeful and stick like glue
thinkeroflovers · 10 months
my workbae just left work 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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evertidings · 4 months
— MAY 2024.
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hi everyone!! i hope you're all doing well hehe. i recently came back from a mini-grad trip (oh yeah, i graduated? like, i finished university? woah. weird) in europe and it was so so wonderful. i can only imagine living in places like that.
in terms of chapter eleven, rest assured that it is still being worked on! i didn't bring my laptop on my trip so i couldn't write for the past two weeks, but since i've been back, i've slowly gotten back on the grind. i'm still trying to adjust from the trip and just, well, overall living in general, but we're making progress! i don't want to give any set dates for when the chapter will be released yet in case i let anyone down if it doesn't come true, but i feel really good about the content so far.
all five ros will appear in this chapter in individual or shared branches. one of the combos is expected (they're kinda stuck together like glue) and the other, well, i'm really excited to have them interact more. it sets up a base for the friendship they're going to work towards in the later books, which is very exciting. can you guess who the two characters are?
on a similar note, flirting has reached an all-time high recently and it's, like... gahhh. so much fun. i think i mentioned last month that the romance lock is coming up (should be within the next two chapters ish) so i'm really ramping up the options here. one, it gives you a better idea of who you might choose and two, well, it's just fun isn't it? it makes the progression of your relationship with the chosen ro, whoever it may be, much more natural as well. (and also i just like writing about stoic characters like Blane and K, or flirty characters like Rylan, blush).
i hope you all know this, but i adore this story and i have no plans to abandon it. no matter how long ago the last update, i am still very much working on the next one. that said, i really appreciate everyone's patience. knowing that there are still so many people sticking by me despite the radio silence on my end is more than i deserve, really. so thank you. i really hope i can continue to live up to your expectations <3
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Could you write the Cullen's accidentally hurting their SO and how they would react?? (I alr know Jasper's is about to be so angsty lol)
The Cullens accidentally hurting their S/O
I've literally been rubbing my hands together like an evil villain waiting to do this request. I saw it in my inbox and had to hold myself back lol. And yes, I cannot resist the temptation to make Jasper suffer, so be prepared
Edit I got so carried away. If I had a word count on these it might be like 10k lol sorry not sorry
And thank you for this request! This was so much fun to write lol I hope you enjoy it!
Also quick note I might have channeled a bit too much inspiration from Saw or something cause I ended up getting a bit too into my descriptions of the injuries so
TW for graphic depictions of violence
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You really wanted to go to this concert
Edward knew that, so as a birthday gift he bought you two tickets
One for you and one for him of course
He drove you to the stadium, studying the songs he was going to be hearing later that night
He bought everything that you looked at
You basically had your own merch table
The night was going great
You both found your seats, you were happily eating some overpriced stadium food, and the show was about to start
When a guy stood directly in front of you
The bad part about floor seats is that there aren't seats
The guy was easily 6'6, towering above you even if you are taller
Reading your thoughts, Edward tapped the guy on the shoulder, asking him if he would kindly move or crouch or something
He just looked, rolled his eyes, and stared forward again
"Dude, my partner can't see the show. Please just move a little"
"Don't care. Not my problem."
Edward's getting pissed, and the guy can tell
"What, you wanna fucking fight? Square up rich boy."
"No I don't want to fight I just want you to move a little"
"Okay, then maybe your partner here will fight instead"
And the next thing you know, you see the guy's huge fist heading straight for your head
Before it can land, Edward's hand pushes on your chest, sending you back into the people behind you and ending with you flat on the ground
Your back aches from the impact, your neck torqued from where your head whipped, and your cheek stinging from landing on the side of your face
You feel Edward's chill hands on the sides of your face, and faintly you hear him ask something frantically
You groan in pain as you feel him pick you up, and finally succumb to sleep
You wake up in Carlisle's clinic, staring at the white ceiling
A cold hand is wrapped around yours, and when you turn your head, you're greeted with bright gold eyes
No words are exchanged for a moment before you clear your throat
"So... did you at least rock that guy's shit?"
He laughs and kisses you
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Alice was having a terrible week
She had been getting vision after vision, and none of them were true
Everything from a huge motor accident to what color shoes someone at school was going to wear
It was constant
She was running in circles, going somewhere, seeing a vision, turning around to go somewhere else, seeing a vision, turning again, and on and on
She was currently driving
Or more like swerving
All you needed were some damn glue sticks for a project you needed to do
But every time Alice decided on a new destination, a vision of a horrible catastrophe would enter her mind, and she would change her course
You had enough
"Alice! Enough of this! Just pull over and let me drive!"
"No! I need to know the safest route... ugh! Everywhere is dangerous!"
"Name one vision you've had in the past week that actually came true."
"Well I don't know if they would have come true or not because I didn't go to those places. And look! We are perfectly fine! Everyone is fine!"
"But I don't have all night, Alice! Just choose a fucking store and go there!"
And so she did. She chose the small supermarket right outside of town
She looked nervous as soon as she placed the car in park
But you ignored it and walked in
You walked through the aisles, looking for the one thing you came here for, when you hear Alice gasp behind you
In her mind, she sees you tripping and falling into a display of DVDs, cutting your arm on one of the metal frames holding them in place
And straight in your path is the DVD case
So naturally she tries to grab you
Only she doesn't grab you, she accidentally pushes
You don't fall in her vision, just like how you didn't fall in real life
She was the one who hurt you, pushed you
That was the problem
The reason why there was a horrible disaster everywhere she tried to go was because she was going to cause something one way or another
Only this is worse, because now it involves you
The DVDs scatter, and she hears your cry of pain as the sharp, crooked metal frame pierces the skin of your arm
She is by your side in a moment, scooping you up and not even bothering with the mess you both left behind
On the way home, you are trying to convince her that it's not that bad, but she is beside herself
After Carlisle's inspection, you get a couple of stitches in your right bicep, but other than that you're perfectly fine
And Alice doesn't leave your side
She is constantly fussing
Asking if you're okay, if you need anything, if you're mad at her, if you want to leave her, if you blame her
But after you go to sleep and she watches over your peaceful form, she convinces herself that you're alright
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It was spring break and the Cullens decided to go to one of Carlisle's many tropical properties
It was the third day of the trip, everybody went to do their own things
Alice, Esme, and Rosalie went into town to go souvenir shopping
They dragged Emmett along to be their personal bag carrier
Edward and Bella were down at the private beach that came with the property, enjoying the sun and relaxing
That left you, Jasper, and Carlisle
The three of you were at the attached pool on the house
Carlisle was marinating in the hot tub, sunglasses on and a book in his hands
You and Jasper were in the pool doing anything and everything
Diving, jumping, swimming, racing (he always won), and messing with the pool toys
You had just climbed up the stairs to get out of the pool again, intending on showing Jasper your graceful canonball
But he noticed you were walking a bit too fast
He saw you trip, and like slow motion he sprang out of the water to save you
Only he didn't
His arms wrapped around your middle, saving you from a possible twisted ankle or scraped knee or bruised butt
But that didn't stop the back of your head from smacking onto the concrete
White hot pain erupted behind your eyes and knocked you out instantly
Your blood began to seep onto the wet floor beneath you, and he couldn't help himself
Carlisle heard everything and got up immediately
But he didn't get there in time to stop Jasper from wrapping his mouth around your throat and biting down
In a flash Carlisle threw Jasper up and off of you, rocketing him into the water, and scooped you up to run inside
You awoke some hours later, a throbbing in your head and a dull pain in your neck
The beep of a heart monitor was all you heard
Looking around, you were in the room you shared with Jasper, where just the night before you wrapped around his cold body and drifted to sleep
Only he was nowhere to be seen
Carlisle came to check on you, and he told you what happened
"Where is he? Where's Jasper?"
"... He... left."
"What do you mean he left?"
"He almost killed you. He would have killed you if I wasn't there. He feels terrible- no. Terrible isn't strong enough of a word."
It takes Emmett and Edward tracking him down and dragging him home for you to see him again
And even then he insists on Edward and Emmett holding his arms in case he were to try anything
He looks so broken
Muted red eyes, golden blonde hair shooting in every direction, the same swim trunks he had been wearing that day were covered in dirt and blood- presumably yours
And his face
He looked on the verge of tears, he would have been crying if he could
If the dry heaves coming from deep in his chest were any indication
He flinches when you take his face in your hands, trying to get away, not wanting to hurt you more
But when he kisses you, he remembers why he tries so hard to be good in the first place
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You had been asking Rosalie for WEEKS if she would pleeeeeeease take you hunting with her
And she had been turning you down for weeks
It's a very gross, animalistic process that she, quite frankly, doesn't want you to see
But she loves you
And she is only so strong
So after so many begs, pleads, and puppy dog eyes, she caves
She decides to make it a cute little weekend trip
Taking you to one of Carlisle's properties farther north into the snowy mountain region
You settle in to the spacious cabin and Rosalie makes sure you're all bundled up in luxurious furs and warm scarves before you both venture into the wilderness
She explains what she's doing step-by-step while she sniffs the air, searching for her prey
A wolf because she's part of the "Fuck Jacob" team
She sits you in a clearing and tells you to stay in place while she finds her wolf
You do, finding a snowy log and brushing it off to sit on
She ventures into the forest, eventually finding a suitable wolf and beginning her hunt
Chasing the wolf, being chased by the wolf, until she eventually leads it to your clearing
She knows you'll love the theatrics of seeing her kill it in live action
She chases the beast all the way until it's about to clear the tree line before she pounces
She can imagine herself from your point of view
Bright, shiny skin, flowing hair, posed in midair, and finally coming down gracefully upon her prize
Except she doesn't
The wolf takes a quick turn at the last moment, sending her flying straight into you
There's not much she can do while suspended in flight, and it happens too fast for you to recognize
In an instant her whole body slams into you at full force, knocking both of you onto the powdery ground below
The grunt of pain you let out is excruciating
She rolls off of you quickly, holding onto you, asking if you're okay, if you're hurt
You try to put on a brave face, but when you move your left arm in an attempt to prop yourself up, you find you can't move it
Broken. Completely snapped. And you scream
She paces in Carlisle's home clinic while he puts your cast on, worried out of her mind
But when Carlisle opens the door and she sees you sitting on the table with a goofy grin and a bright red cast, she can't help but relax
"You said red was your favorite color, right?"
And she just kisses you
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You'd been dating Emmett for a while now, and had decided it was time for him to meet your family
And what better time and place for a first meeting than your nephew's fourth birthday party?
It was the middle of August, and the sun was hot
The icing was melting off of the cake as it sat on the food table
All of the adults were drinking margaritas and the kids had decided to play with the water balloons to cool off
Your uncle and Emmett were filling up the balloons as all of the kids at the party talked excitedly
You laughed as your nephew came up to you and asked you to be on his team for the fight
Of course you couldn't say no
And of course, to even the playing field, the other team got to have your human tank of a boyfriend
Very even
Emmett just smirked at you as your uncle assumed his place as the referee and commenced the battle
Pink, blue, green, yellow, and red balloons were flying like crazy
Small party hats were knocked off of even smaller heads
The giggles of 20 little kids rang loud in the air as water spurted all over the grassy lawn
And you took your chance to pelt your boyfriend as hard as you could
His light blue shirt was soaked, and his khaki shorts had a huge wet spot on the front
You were doubled over in laughter at the sight of your scary boyfriend covered in little pieces of rubber, with one particularly large piece hanging off of his ear
But he hadn't thrown any at you yet
"Come on, big guy! Don't be a wussy!"
"Oh you asked for it now!"
You saw him grab a little pink water balloon, it looking even smaller in his hand, and he threw it straight at your head
You briefly wonder if he filled his balloon with cement
The next thing you know you're laying in bed, an ice pack perched on your forehead
"Oh my god, you're awake. I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to, you know how I get out of control sometimes. Not that that's an excuse! I'm just trying to explain-"
You cut him off with a finger to his lips
"Shush... .'m tired"
And so he just lets you sleep the rest of the night, his hand in yours the whole time
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Frankly, she doesn't know why you asked for her help
The Cullens had just moved into their newest house, and everything was set for the "kids" to join the local highschool the next day
You wanted a new look
"New place, new people, new me" you had said
She understood that much
But when you approached her one night with a box of hair bleach and a pleading look on your face, she was lost
Why her? Why not Alice or Rosalie? Or- and hear me out- a professional? They had the money
But you wanted to do it yourself. But not actually yourself For some reason you wanted Esme to do it
And even though she didn't understand, she still agreed
So that's how she found herself closely studying the instructions on the back of the little box telling her what to mix and where
"What's taking so long?"
"Hold on... ugh! This thing doesn't make any sense!"
"It's okay I'm sure it's super simple. I mean they give you all of the stuff. Just mix it all together and slap it on my head!"
Bad idea
She mixes everything together just like you asked, and plops a big lump of it onto the crown of your head
Instantly your hair starts smoking
You scream, asking her to take it off
And she tries, but it's not working
Carlisle to the rescue once more
She is so apologetic
She feels so bad that she hurt you so much
And at least you did get that new look you wanted
Shaved-to-the-skin bald
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He was feeling a bit cooped up
He loves his family, and he loves his life in the Americas, but sometimes he misses traveling and his old friends
So he decided to take you with him to Europe to see some old pals
Not the Volturi obviously
But some other acquaintances he hadn't seen for a while
You were a month into the three-month trip Carlisle had planned
You'd visited Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Britain, and were on your way to Germany
This next friend you were on your way to visit was a man named Friedrich Hans
Carlisle spoke passively about him, nothing positive or negative
He was one of the ones he hadn't been able to contact beforehand about visiting
He wasn't even sure if Friedrich was still alive, or if he even lived in Germany
He wasn't betting on either, but he still figured he would try a visit
The taxi pulled up in front of an unassuming house on a busy street in Berlin, painted a light grey with black paneling around the windows and doors
Carlisle opened your door for you, extending a hand to help you out
He walked with you to the door, rapping his knuckles against the solid wood
Instantly it creaked open and a voice inside whispered "Perfect" before a pale, veiny hand reached out and grabbed your arm
You yelled for it to let you go, begging Carlisle for some help
He grabbed you around the waist with one arm, using the other to try to pry the man's hand from your wrist
The opposing forces splintered on your bones and a sickening crack ran through your arm
Your hand fell limp and Carlisle was finally able to pry you away from the force in the house
"Ah... Carlisle... old friend"
"Old friend? You just tried to kill my S/O!"
"S/O... you always were a weird one Mr. Cullen... sincerest apologies... come in for chat?"
"No thank you, I believe we will be taking our leave now."
And with that he rushed you to the nearest hospital
He didn't have his medical equipment, so he just pretended to not know German so they wouldn't ask questions about how you broke your wrist
He cuts the trip short then and there
He sends letters to all of his friends that he wasn't able to visit, explaining that something urgent came up
He is so apologetic for the weeks afterward
He is convinced it was his fault even though it wasn't
He doesn't relax until your cast is off btw
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Vampire! Bella:
Since she's so new to the vampire life, she doesn't know her own limits yet
She has hurt you a lot in the past
All accidents of course
Hugging you too hard, punching you playfully on the shoulder, telling you to catch something and literally lobbing it as hard as she can
She always feels terrible afterwards
But the worst was the time you took her bowling
It was 10 am on a Tuesday and there was no one at the bowling alley
Not even the competitive grandmas and grandpas in their bowling leagues
The only other person in the building was the bored looking cashier who wasn't even trying to hide that he was on his phone behind the counter
You both took your time to pick your balls, trying out all of the ones on the rack to see your best fits
You laced up your ugly shoes, input your names on the scoreboard screen and off you went
It was fun for the first couple of turns
Until the ball return does that stupid thing where it doesn't actually return your ball
It's your turn, and you're standing at the ball return tapping your foot restlessly waiting for it to show up
"You know, you can just use mine"
Bella stands up and grabs the ball she chose
The resin was a beautiful mix of black, purple, and pink with some reflective glitter sprinkled throughout
It's so gorgeous that you don't even check the weight
You hold out your hands to take it and it just drops straight through
And directly onto your foot
You let out a loud scream and try to move, but the ball won't roll off of your foot
Bella starts panicking, asking what she should do, scrambling around until eventually she picks up the ball and throws it onto the ground behind her
Maybe she forgot that the cashier was there, or maybe she didn't care, but she picked you up and started sprinting at full speed back to the Cullen house
She even left the car at the alley smh
On the verge of inconsolable
She is so frustrated that she can't learn to control herself
Doesn't leave your side tho
Note: Just for shits and gigs I timed how long this took me
Started at 12:01 am
Jasper done at 12:21 am
Edward done at 12:40 am
Alice done at 12:56 am
Rosalie done at 1:19 am
Emmett done at 1:33 am
Esme done at 1:44 am
Carlisle done at 2:03 am
Bella done at 2:16 am
Total time 2 hrs 15 mins
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hyunebunx · 6 days
saw the soft thoughts post and i hope i’m not late >.< please forgive my typos or grammatical errors love i just woke up 🥹
soooo imagine a lazy saturday morning with hyunjin where you both just wanted to sleep in and cuddle on your shared bet until late in the morning. apparently you had to force yourself to get up because you were getting hungry and hyunjin—being a clingy boyfriend—is sticking to you like glue, and be like “noooooo don’t go!!!” because he doesn’t want to get out of bed but you had to drag him up. he became a pouty baby while being clingyyyy maybe a backhug when you were cooking, a stolen kiss when you were about to eat, helping you wash the dishes but he put some soap bubbles on the tip of your nose, asked you to go out and the spend the rest of the day with him outside maybe stroll around the city, an art museum date, go to a café and watch him sketch/paint you~
ughh to be loved by an artist bro i’m still half asleep so i hope i’m making sense... anyway have a good one deni ! 😽🩷
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﹙ʚɞ˚﹚. genre: fluff and a loooot of kissing, you've been warned lol
﹙ʚɞ˚﹚. a/n: my love <3 this is the cutest idea ever!! thank you so so much for trusting me to write it hehe <3 listen, this got quite steamy in the middle, idk what happened i blacked out fgsdgkj can't help myself when it comes to this man apparently. anywayss, hope you'll enjoy it <333
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Mornings spent sleeping in with the love of your life, all cuddle up and intertwined, were truly your absolute favorite, a blessing you didn’t take for granted. You were both busy people, with busy lives that accommodated one another like it was the most natural thing in the world, fitting together like the last two pieces needed to complete the puzzle which revealed your love story.
Hyunjin was a heavy sleeper, clinging to every thread, no matter how thin, that transported him to dreamland to rest a little more. Just five more minutes, that turned into ten, fifteen, which ended up stretching into half an hour on good days. On the bad ones, when he was more tired than usual, nothing could get Hyunjin out of bed before the afternoon rolled around. You understood – he needed his rest – but it didn’t make missing him and his bright smile any easier.
You never knew you could miss someone even while they were dozing off next to you, blissfully unaware of how your heart almost jumped out of your chest to slip under his shirt just to feel his beating, desperately searching for confirmation he felt the same. And he did, of course he did, how could he not when your name and sweet face were constantly spinning around in his mind like some sort of live wallpaper, making him unable to concentrate even on simple tasks?
Though right now, neither of you was sleeping, cuddling to Hyunjin’s chest with one leg over his lap as you caught him up on the latest work gossip. You’ve been awake for almost two hours now and for once, the universe seemed to be on your side as no sunray managed to peek through the small crack left in the curtains, allowing you to continue lying around in peace.
“Anyway, so the printer caught on fire and that was Kim’s last straw. She threw all the papers on the floor and then proceeded to plop down on them and cry. I felt so bad.”
Despite his empathetic nature, Hyunjin lets out a short laugh, voice still husky and laced with sleep as his fingers tangled in your hair. “How did she even manage to do that?”
“It wasn’t her fault.” You yawn, hiding your face in his chest briefly. “Jay used the printer last to scan pictures of his cat’s toe beans and I guess some fur got stuck in there and ruined everything.”
He slowly shakes his head, whistling. “See, that’s why I’m a dog person.”
Prompting your chin on his chest, you look at him with raised eyebrows. “Ok Mr. meows at cats because he wants to get into their good graces.”
“That was one time!”
You giggle and he joins soon after, staring deeply into your eyes until the laughter dies down and every thought leaves your mind like it wasn’t even there to begin with. Dark eyes dart between yours and your lips, subconsciously licking his plush bottom one and telling you exactly where his train of thought has stopped. Patience was not one of Hyunjin’s virtues, so the hand in your hair moves lower to cup the back of your neck, bringing you closer as you quickly adjust, both hands sprawling on his chest to help you lean down and finally connect your lips.
The kiss is slow, lips merging perfectly as neither of you is in any rush, content to take the time to taste each other. However, it quickly gets messy, tongues meeting and complicating the familiar dance, making it hot and breathy but oh so delicious. You’d be lying if you didn’t admit you’ve been waiting for this ever since he woke up, constantly thinking about his rosy lips and driving yourself crazy as whatever he was saying faded in and out of hazy memory.
Hyunjin kissed you like no other, like kissing was an art he invented just to practice on you. One he managed to master throughout the years of your relationship but couldn’t get enough of, obsessed with the idea of improving and finding another unexplored corner he could take over and claim as his own.
A cold hand slides easily under your top, gripping at your waist in an effort to bring you closer, almost causing your arms to give out. You break away from the kiss and Hyunjin whines, displeased but still helps you settle on top of him more comfortably, guiding your body as you straddle his hips.
This new position allows for better access to what you’re both desiring, with Hyunjin wasting no more time in bringing you back down again, capturing your lips. With both hands on exposed thighs, the shirt he gave you to sleep in barely covering anything, Hyunjin loses himself in the taste of you, licking into your mouth and lightly biting on your bottom lip as your hands move lower over his stomach, needing to discard him of the annoying clothing.
You make to pull away but his lips follow, causing him to sit up and move one of his hands on the small of your back for support, not allowing you to slip away from him. With a mind of their own, your hands quickly abandon his shirt and move around his shoulders, meeting at his nape to deepen the kiss and lick at his bottom lip which he appreciates by the groan he lets out.
You feel him everywhere, hands groping and squeezing every bit of your body in the exact way he knew you loved, turning you to putty into his hold. By now, his dark hair is a mess from all the pulling – your fingers needed something to anchor onto.
“Hyun.” You inhale deeply, his lips moving down your jaw, restless.
“Yeah, baby?” He mumbles, barely hearing you.
“Breakfast.” You gasp out as he lightly bites the skin, quick to soothe it with his tongue. “I’m hungry.” Mostly true, you’ve been lying here for hours after all, who wouldn’t be hungry? But also because you knew if you didn’t stop him now, neither of you would get to eat anything before dinner time rolls around.
Hyunjin pauses, hot breath fanning your neck as he slowly tilts his head to look at you, his wet and swollen lips distracting. He’s speechless for a moment, almost like he can’t believe you interrupted him, like a child whose favorite toy is abruptly taken away. When it clicks in his head you are actually serious, Hyunjin barely registers the way you peck his lips as he rolls his eyes.
“Wow, ok connoisseur of romance. What a way to ruin the moment.”
You giggle as he gently lays you down on your back, knowing he could never be truly upset, no matter what kind of stunt you pull. He was most likely thankful you said something, surely hungry himself.
Scooting towards the end of the bed, your feet barely get to touch the hardwood floor before Hyunjin’s arms circle your middle once again, pulling you to his warm chest without a word.
“No, don’t go!” He whines, burring his head in your shoulder in protest.
Your heart squeezes in your chest, pounding from all the love you carried for your other half, the man you couldn’t imagine life without.
“Baby.” You coo, softly running your fingers over his hands on your stomach in a way to coax him. “How am I supposed to cook us breakfast otherwise?”
Hyunjin sighs, squeezing you to his chest for two more heartbeats before releasing his hold and allowing you to stand up. When you turn to face him, one of his big hands has already brought yours to his lips to plant a feather like kiss on your knuckles.
“Don’t go without me.” He mumbles, pouting slightly, and you almost explode like a piñata, staining him with your love and adoration that will surely trap him in this apartment for days trying to get it out. Not like he’d ever mind if that were possible, proudly showing off and talking about your feelings for him to anyone who’d listen, right after talking their ear off about the love he holds for you.
So, that morning, you waddle together to the kitchen like two penguins with Hyunjin refusing to stop hugging you from behind even when you started cooking. And after that, spoon feeding you on the counter and forgetting all about his needs until you threatened to take away his cuddles.
He caved in immediately.
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starblightbindery · 6 months
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This is the bookbinding kit that I wish I had when I first started out. The goal was to put all of the hard-to-source supplies in one newbie starter kit--only the good stuff that we fanbinders actually use. (Also, I really, really wanted a storage pouch celebrating our hobby.) THE FANFIC BOOKBINDING STARTER PACK
So we've got:
Bone Folder
Hole Punching Guide
Bookbinding Needles
100% Linen Thread
Raw Beeswax
Linen or Ramie Tape
Pre-Made Endbands
Corner Miter
Resource Brochure
Fanfic Themed Pouch
Olfa Knife (optional, but so useful!)
I figure most people already have things like rulers and brushes at home, and other things like glue and boards are easier to source separately. I'm hoping this kit takes the stress out of finding all of the fiddly bits from people who are new to the hobby. (Seriously, why are Lineco products so expensive!!!)
I'm hoping to use this space to blog more about the kit as time goes by. It was several months in the making. Local fanfic binders in the SoCal area helped me figure out what to include and what to leave out. Their feedback on what to include in the resource brochure was invaluable.
I sourced materials from China, India, Poland, Lithuania, and even my local farmer's market. I taught myself 3D modeling to design the corner miter. I corresponded directly with linen and mull manufacturers. I learned a lot about bone folders. Fanbinding is an act of resistance, liberation, and celebration. We're creating codices and preserving what we love. I don't bind in the fandom that inspired v.2.0's theme, but I know a lot of my fellow binders do. It was important for me to put the progress pride flag and trans pride flag on the kit to stick it to you-know-who.
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idkwhatimdoinghere1655 · 11 months
Apples and Pumpkins - Lando Norris
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<word count - 3106>
warnings - not proof read
Lando loved Halloween for a few different reasons. He found it fun, he loved dressing up with you, and he missed out on it a lot when he was a kid due to karting, so he was glad that he got to experience it with you. 
"Lando, I'm sure it's really not that bad!" You called into your bedroom, since all you could hear was Lando complaining about his costume. Every year, you both dressed up in matching costumes, but he wasn't sounding overly zealous about what he was this year. 
You had suggested many ideas to him, but he wasn't feeling some of your favourites. You wanted to go as Fred and Daphne from Scooby Doo, but he didn't want to wear the wig, that also discounted Traditional Barbie and Beach Ken. 
You also liked the sound of going as a Disney Princess, and he could be your prince, but he said it was 'too basic'. In the end, you had settled on Mario and Peach, since you got to be a princess and Lando just had to stick a fake moustache on with dungarees.
"But you look good, I look shit!" he shouted back, but you still hadn't seen what he looked like. "Please just come out," you said, crossing your arms and leaning against the wall. You had been stood there for a while, and he refused to come out. 
"Please," you asked again, and you heard some shuffling coming from the other side of the room. You saw Lando, trudging over to you with a pout on his face. You had to choke back a laugh as you took in the outfit. 
The Mario costume he had bought off the internet clearly didn't fit him as the fabric hung off his figure, and his hat pretty much covered his eyes. The moustache was the only thing that seemed to be working, until half of it fell off and it was dangling against his top lip.  
"Please don't laugh..." he mumbled as you held a hand over your mouth to shield the amused smile that was forming on your lips. "It's really not that bad," you muttered, your voice slightly breaking in a chuckle.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me it's not that bad," he said, his eyes meeting yours. You took a deep breath, trying to muster all of the composure you could before speaking. "It's not that-" you started, when his moustache fully fell off and fluttered to the floor.
You lost all sense of equanimity, a high-pitched giggle escaping your lips as Lando sighed. "Right, I'll go put on a suit, you go and get one of your nice dresses on and I know you have a tiara lying around somewhere, and we'll go as a prince and princess," he huffed.
"No, baby, no, c'mere," you softly smiled, taking his hand and leading him to the bathroom. You had picked his moustache up on the way, and were now rummaging through your make-up bag. Applying some of the lash glue to his moustache, you stuck it to him and were sure it would stay there until you had to find a way to get it off later. 
"Problem one, solved," you told him, before getting started on the next task. You pulled a small box of safety pins out of the bag, and pulled together some of the fabric of the straps on his dungarees to pull them up a bit. 
It already made his costume look miles better, and you could tell that Lando thought so too. "Better?" you asked, hoping it would bring him some form of contention. 
"Yeah, loads," you nodded, a small grin forming across his face as he looked at himself in the mirror. "Thank you, baby," he said, pulling you close to him and kissing you gently on the forehead. "No problem, you ready to go?" you smiled. 
"Yeah," he nodded, taking your hand and walking out onto the streets. There were loads of people out, mainly kids with their parents going trick-or-treating. Lando and you were off to Max Fewtrell's for some Halloween games. 
There was never any decent prizes, but you always had fun when you played. You were there within ten minutes, just waltzing into his apartment like you always did. "Max? Get your ass out here!" Lando shouted. 
"I'm here-" he started, but his face dropped when he saw yours and Lando's costumes. Max was basically wearing the same thing as Lando, but in green. It was slightly ironic, since they were like brothers, but they both looked far from impressed.
"You just had to copy me, didn't you Lando?" Max rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, looking at his curly haired friend. "We have been planning this for weeks! I bet you only figured yours out yesterday," Lando pouted.
"I did not!" Max countered, looking genuinely offended, but you could see that there was a hint of levity in his voice. "You two, it's fine. Now we're all matching," you laughed as both of their heads snapped towards you. "But baby, we look great. Max looks average at best," Lando whined. 
"Get over it, we are matching now, and there is nothing we can do," you said, flicking him on the nose as he let out a pained shriek. "Hey, that hurt," he moped, rubbing his nose. 
"You're too cute sometimes," you smiled, before turning back to Max. "What Halloween festivity do we have first, Max?" You asked, trying to divert attention away from the costume copy. 
"First-up, we have apple bobbing. On each of the apples, I have carved a number. Whoever gets the highest number at the end, wins," he gleefully clapped, leading you through the apartment. Max quickly forgot about the short-lived costume controversy, but you could still hear Lando huffing behind you. 
You walked into the bathroom, and he had filled the bathtub up and the surface of the cold water was covered in red apples. "OK, who's going first?" you excitedly asked, ready to start the fun. "We can rock paper scissors for it?" Lando piped up, a smile cracking onto his face. 
"Lando, rock, paper, scissors!" Max said, throwing his hand into a fist in front of Lando. In turn, Lando set his hand out flat,  in front of Max, before covering the fist. "OK, Y/N, rock, paper, scissors!" Lando smirked, adoring that he had defeated Max. 
Sure, it was a small, meaningless competition, but it was a competition nonetheless. You thought you'd go for the same move, but Lando had somehow outsmarted you, winning with a pair of scissors. "I'm a gentleman, so I'll say ladies first," he sincerely smiled at you. 
Without hesitation, you sunk down to your knees in front of the bathtub, tying your blonde wig behind your head to keep it from getting wet, and setting your tiara aside. "Now that is a sight I love to see," you heard Lando mutter. 
Slowly, you picked up an apple out of the bath, before suddenly hurling it at him, water droplets spraying around the room. It hit him in the chest with a wet thud, so not exactly where you were aiming. "Hey! What was that for?" he whined, rubbing the damp patch on his chest. 
"I heard that comment of yours, Norris," you scowled, turning back to the tub. 
"Oh you're in trouble, Norris," Max sniggered, nudging Lando in the ribs with his elbow. 
"You too, Fewtrell," you laughed, before submerging your face into the water. The cold of the liquid on your face made you want to open your mouth and take a breath, but you quickly realised that would end in disaster. 
You took some time, before your teeth sunk into the flesh of one of the apples. You pulled your face out, opening your eyes to see Lando filming the ordeal. "Really?" you sighed, taking the apple out of your mouth. 
"It's just for me," he smirked, shooting you a sly wink. You rolled your eyes at him, turning the apple over. You couldn't help but frown, as you saw a number two scratched into the bottom. "Well that's disappointing," you said, standing and showing them the apple. 
Lando went next, pulling out a four, so not much better. As if by magic, Max came out with a perfect ten. You and Lando exchange a dubious glance, automatically thinking something fishy was up. Before your next turn, Lando dipped his hand into the water and swished it around. 
The apples bumped against each other and the sides as they floated around in the waves he was creating, and you watched Max's eyes slightly widen. You smirked, dipping your head back into the water. The coolness was still a slight shock, but you found your next apple a lot easier this time. 
Your teeth sunk into it with a satisfying crunch as bubbles floated to the top of the water. "And that is a perfect ten," you laughed as you turned the apple over. Max plastered a smile onto his face, but you could tell it was false. 
Lando went, producing an eight this time. It wasn't enough to win, but it was still good. Max wasn't looking too zealous anymore, but both you and Lando knew that. As Max bent over to retrieve his final apple, Lando spread his hand across the back of his head and dunked him all the way in. 
When he came back up for a panicked gasp of air, Max was staring daggers at Lando. "Are you trying to drown me?" he asked, picking up another apple and throwing it at him. 
"What is it with you two and throwing wet apples at me?" he joked, swiping the apple up off the floor and reading the number as one. "Cheaters don't win, Max. But you already knew that," you teased, as Max's cheeks flushed red. "I don't know what you're talking about," he stuttered.
"I just thought you looked a bit... Surprised when we mixed the apples up," Lando added, cocking an eyebrow at his friend. "Like I said, I don't know what you're talking about," he giggled, scampering out of the bathroom. 
"Next up, we have pumpkin carving!" he collared, quickly skirting around the topic of him cheating. He didn't win anyway, so it wasn't really a huge deal. You thought it was funny that he tried it on with the two of you, though. 
The dining room table was decorated with some faux-autumn leaves, some little tea light candles, and three huge pumpkins. There were also a few, smaller pumpkins dotted around for the extra autumnal feel.  "Y/N, since you won-" 
"Barely," Lando interjected, and you whacked him playfully in the shoulder.
"You get five minutes extra, and we have 15 minutes each. First though, we can draw on our designs before we have to start slicing chunks out of our pumpkins," Max wiggled his arm towards the three pumpkins on the table, and you selected the one in the middle so that no fights would break out. 
"Max, I want to know what you're doing beforehand, just so you don't copy me again," Lando teased, sitting down to your left as Max sat down to your right. "Oh you'll know what it is as soon as you see it," Max smirked, taking the lid off his pen with a click. 
"And so will you," Lando smugly retorted, setting off to work on his pumpkin. You also set to work on your pumpkin, but you were taking more care with yours than the other two were. You had drawn on your face, and the other two were still furiously scribbling on theirs. 
You had made it easy enough to carve, but also complex enough that it would look impressive once the lights were inside. "Y/N, you now have 20 minutes to gut and carve your pumpkin, off you go," Max announced as you got stuck in.
You pulled the top off, sinking your hand in and scooping out handfuls of the seeds and flesh that was in the pumpkin. It felt like slime as you flicked it into the bowl, and it left your hands cold and slippery. But, you didn't have time to waste. 
Just as you picked up your knife, Max and Lando were able to start on their pumpkins. You tried to ignore their bickering as they hurled empty insults at each other over your head. You were too busy concentrating on making your pumpkin look perfect.
The boys started aggressively shivving at the tough, orange flesh of their canvas. Lando had his tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth as his mind was fully centered on making his masterpiece perfect. 
Disappearing into the kitchen, you reappearing with two barbeque skewers in your hands. Lando and Max skeptically looked at you, wondering what on earth you could possibly need those for. "There's a method to my madness," you smiled, sticking one into either side of the pumpkin on the diagonal.
"Can I use these?" You asked, selecting two of the similarly sized smaller pumpkins that you thought would fit what you were wanting. "Sure," Max nodded, quickly focussing back onto the strenuous and arborous task of pumpkin carving. 
 You stuck the pumpkins onto the skewers, and you stood back and admired your work. But, you noticed the lack of a dancing orange flame illuminating the face of an icon of childhoods for the past century. 
Glancing over at the clock, you saw there was only a minute left, and Max and Lando were frantically scrambling to try and get theirs finished. The timer shrilly buzzed, and they both practically threw their knives down on the table. 
Slumping down in their seats, they were glad for it to be over. Max side-eyed your pumpkin and audibly signed. "You know what? Y/N, you can't win this round. You've got to pick between ours," he huffed.
"Fine," you rolled your eyes, realising that you would have clearly won. The other two just had random holes butchered into it.  "Max, yours is clearly a depiction of..." you hummed, trying to decipher what the random circles and box were. 
He pointed to a small carving that he had made on the image. "Is it Lando?" you asked, after seeing the LN4 that he had clearly scribbled on in the last seconds in a poor attempt to make it recognizable. "I think I automatically win because you could tell what mine was," Max triumphantly smirked.
"Absolutely not, if you see mine I will win," Lando pouted, pushing his pumpkin in your direction. "OK, OK, I will look at yours, Lando," you agreed, your eyes scanning over the image - well, what was supposed to be an image. 
"I, uhm, I-" you fumbled, trying to think of what Lando might have drawn versus what you were seeing in front of you. "Baby, c'mon," he whined, brandishing his hand towards it harder as if it would instantly make you discern what it is. 
"OK, look," he said, picking the pumpkin up and holding it next to Max's head in a final attempt to make his image known. "Is it Max?" you sighed, realising what he was going for. But, it was very far off the real thing. "Yeah," he nodded, a smug smile on his face. 
"I'm sorry babe, but Max's is a bit more... Realistic, true to life," you said, looking at Lando as his face dropped.  "Yes!" Max cheered, running over to the couch and hopping onto the comfiest spot. "Lando, since you lost, you have to get drinks and snacks for the night," Max collared like a child. 
"It's only fair," you shrugged, leaving Lando stood with his pumpkin in the middle of the kitchen floor. The three of you watched a couple of movies, while also receiving a noise complaint due to the loudness of your screams.
You thanked Max for another fun Halloween, and promised to do it at yours next year so that he wouldn't have to clean up by himself. As soon as you stepped foot outside, Lando grabbed you and slung you over his shoulder as he carried on walking.
"It's time for the princess to go back to her tower, since Mario has realised that she is disloyal and can't even let him win the pumpkin carving competition," Lando laughed, as you tried to wriggle out of his grasp. 
"Ah, I'd be careful, you might fall," he tutted, tightening his grip on you as you felt like a sack of potatoes while he carried you. You didn't bother protesting, knowing he would definitely backchat you back. At least you didn't have to walk.
"Now how about we make Halloween a little more spooky?" He smirked, putting you down on your feet as he stood you against the wall. He leant into kiss you as he pinned your body with his, but you couldn't help but giggle. "I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously when you have that moustache on and that costume," you laughed, the sounds echoing around the now empty streets.
"Please just let me kiss you? Then we can go home, and I can take the moustache off and you won't find me funny anymore," he pleaded. You didn't say anything, in fear of laughing at him again. You leant in to give him what he wanted so that you could get rid of that goddamn moustache, but then you heard something.
"You OK?" Lando asked when your eyes averted to the other side of the street.
"Yeah, yeah," you nodded, sure you were just hearing things. It had sounded like footsteps, but nobody was there. Nobody was anywhere around you. You leant in again, but then there it was again. "Did you hear that?" Lando asked, instantly becoming  sheepish. 
"That's what I heard earlier," you said, and his face turned even more panicked. He took your hand and started to quickly walk down the street to your apartment. "Lando, it's nothing," you dismissed, eyes darting around the dark street. 
"We don't know that!" he said, walking quicker to the point he was nearly running. "It's Halloween, that's when the spirits come out," he rambled, and you couldn't help but laugh. "It's true!" he protested. 
"Fine, fine," you giggled behind him. Lando had never been superstitious, but you found it funny to see him so frazzled. Even if there were spirits out to get you, they were doing you a favour. You were on your way home, and you were going to get that god-awful moustache off of Lando, so you were the one winning, despite how spooked Lando was. It was spooky season, afterall. 
A/N - I got this finished for today, but that doesn't mean it's any good. The Charles Special is the first thing on my to do list next time I get free time, and I am working through requests as often as I can. Sorry for all the lateness on everything, I will make it my mission to make the Christmas ones actually come out on Christmas. Same with Lando's birthday post, but that's less likely. Love you lots! 💖
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hearts4golbach · 9 months
could u do johnnie guilbert smut? maybe with him being sub? like whimpering and shit 💀 idk how else to explain lmao 😭
Disco Stick. (Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.)
warning: consensual sex under the influence of alcohol.
im not sure if all of this is true so if its not pretend it is!
The club was definitely not my first choice of entertainment, but it'd do. Me and F/n pulled up to the most popular club near us, hoping we'd meet new guys to spice up our boring lives.
we got in surprisingly quick and went to find somewhere to sit and get drinks. we settled on the bar, sitting in the very far corner so we wouldnt bother anyone. I ordered my usual while f/n decided not to drink at all so she could drive us home. sadly, next time id be designated driver.
"its boring over here, once you get your drink lets go walk around or something." she offered, sipping her sprite.
i nodded in agreement. shorty after, i finally got my drink and we got up to walk around. i sipped on my drink as we began to walk into a crowd. i was worried id spill it. i pushed through a couple people carefully, making not to disturb anyone. 2 guys with black hair stood in front of me, i began to swerve around them before one turned around, bumping into me. luckily, my drink didnt get spilt.
"shit, i am so sorry." i heard an old, oddly familiar voice apologize.
"its all good," i looked up to see his face. "no fucking way, johnnie? do you remember me from chemistry?"
excitement twinkled in his eyes as he smiled. "yeah, you were the best lab partner i ever had. how could i forget?"
"i remember you too!" jake said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"sorry, jake! how could i forget you, you always made chemistry genuinely funny!"
"junior year chem was the shit with the 3 of us!" johnnie added as he giggled.
"we should catch up! ill buy you 2 a drink!" i yell over the blaring music.
"im down." he grinned. i grabbed his hand and we walked back to the bar, f/n and jake behind us.
as we sat back down, i introduced them to f/n. "this is f/n, she didnt go to the same highschool as us but we went to middle school together and weve been friends ever since."
jake shook her hand and johnnie waved. "im jake, and this is johnnie." he said, tilting his head towards johnnie.
"hey! its nice to meet you guys." she smiled sweetly.
we spent a couple more hoirs drinking and reminiscing over all of the awkward but funny moments we had together. the three of us were the chemistry group as people would say. although we fucked off a lot, all of us ended with a 95% or higher because we made that class bearable. id rather not talk about my other grades, though.
by the time we were leaving, me and johnnie were drunk as fucking sailors. we held onto eachother, stuck like glue as we giggled over everything. we frequently tripped, unsure of our footing causing f/n or jake to help us regain our shared balance. i had my arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other holding onto the arm that was wrapped around my waist. me and johmnie clicked, just like old times.
f/n and jake threw us in the backseat. johnnie laid his head on my shoulder and i rested my head on top of his. i was nearly asleep before i was awoken by johnnie gagging loudly. "ew, what the fuck was that about?" i slurred.
"i felt like it." he laughed. i rolled my eyes and got out of the car as we parked. i dragged johnnie out behind me and gripped onto him the same way i had before.
while i was drifiting off, f/n and jake had decided theyd just stay the night at our apartment. me and johnnie were estatic about our sleepover. "why dont we just share your bed?" he smiled and laughed, making his eyes squint.
i sighed contently. "that sounds amazing. you can be my pillow." i smiled sweetly.
"of course." johnnie slurred, following me into my room.
"goodnight, lovebugs, sleep tight." f/n teased while jake ooo'd from the living room.
i laughed at her comment and laid in bed next to johnnie. he looked deeply into my eyes, looking like he had something to say but holding back. but i knew what he wanted to say, and i wanted to say it too. "i was in love with you all throughout highschool." i confessed.
"really?" his face brightened, "i was, too. theres not a day where you dont cross my mind, still." he admitted.
"me too, i was so scared to reach out. i wish you said something before we graduated." i frowned.
"me too." he whispered, his eyes flickering down to my lips then back up into my eyes. his blue eyes pierced through mine, making my insides turn to mush.
we gazed into eachothers eyes for a solid minute before i leaned in and kissed him. he immediately kissed me back, grabbing my waist and pulling me in. it was passionate and needy, making chills run down my spine. i pressed into him, wanting more. his tongue swiped my bottom lip. i ran my fingers through his hair before flipping us over and sitting on top of him. his hands carefully slid down to my ass, giving it a gentl squeeze before moving down to grip my thighs.
johnnie pulled back. "is this okay?" he asked, breathing heavily.
i nodded fast, pulling him back in. i grinded down onto his hard member, making him whimper quietly into my mouth. he began to take off my shirt, breaking the kiss long enough that i could get his off, too. i lazily unbuttoned his pants, not bothering to break the kiss. i felt his hot breath heavy on my face. i pulled his jeans down just enough so i could see his boxers.
"fuck, y/n," johnnie whispered, pulling my shorts and underwear off from under my skirt. he didnt bother removing it.
i desperately oulled his boxers down, revealing his hardened cock. i bit my lip as i looked up at him. "youre okay with this, right?"
"yes, please, i need you so bad." johnnie moaned quietly, gripping my hips as i
lined up my entrance with his tip.
i slowly began to sit, just as eager to feel him inside of me as he was. "you dont know how long ive wanted to do this, pretty boy. fuck, you feel so good." i moaned, leaning down to kiss his neck, i sucked and bit, leaving dark hickeys all over his neck and chest.
his fingertips left prints in my hips, which were most likely going to bruise in the morning but the pressure was perfect. he melted under my touch, whimpereing curses under his breath.
i sped up the pace, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "youre so amazing," i moaned, placing my hands on his chest and tracing his tattoos.
"fuck, if you keep doing that im going to cum even quicker." he admitted, throwing his head back and biting down onto his lip.
i swiftly bounced on his cock, moaning and praises filled the room. "you fuck me so good." i tell johnnie, making his cock twitch inside of me.
"im going to cum," he whimpered and moaned, squeezing his eyes shut.
"cum with me, johnnie." i cursed under my breath.
my body tensed as i felt my stomach swirl and knot. i hit my climax, slowly riding his dick to help him ride out his high as well. he pulled out and came all over my stomach. "fuck." he said one last time, his body going limp.
i dropped down next to him, pulling the covers over our naked bodies. "i needed that so bad." i admitted before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
wrapped in eachothers arms, we slept like rocks.
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bratdotcom · 27 days
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It won't be your birthday forever
( PLATONIC!Stan Pines x reader || celebrating your birthday with your boss )
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You were stuck in your own little world as you stacked merchandise onto shelves, trying not to pay attention to the feeling of dust collecting onto your fingers.
"Hey, uh, kid." You hear a familiar gruff voice from behind. Which makes you turn around to its source. It was your boss and landlord, Stan Pines.
You've been crashing in the man's attic for a couple of months now, waiting for your apartment lease to be approved in a town where everyone seemed to do things at their own pace. The people of Gravity Falls seemed to like taking it slow. It was more bearable when surrounded by the smell of wood glue and tacky taxidermy animals.
"Yeah?" You ask, intrigued to see the older man's hands hidden behind his back. Which could mean two things. Either he had a job for you, or he remembered that he owed you a soda from the vending machine when it broke last week.
"It's your birthday today, right?" He asks, hoping you'd confirm it. The cataracts in his eyes messed with his vision. He hoped he didn't misread what you wrote on your employee information sheet. It wasn't hard to remember someone's birthday when you only had three employees total.
You smile slightly. "Yeah, it is." You reply, wiping the dust off of your palms onto a rag you placed on a nearby shelf. Stan smiles along as well. The wrinkles on his face tug upwards. "Then it's a good thing I didn't read it wrong."
Stan chuckles to himself before clearing his throat. "I uh, made this for ya." He finally pulls out what he was hiding behind his back.
A small cupcake that seemed even smaller in his much larger hand. Decorating it was white icing with a shakily drawn smiley face on top. A thin, unlit birthday candle sticking out of the side like a hat of sorts.
"It's vanilla buttercream and birthday cake." Stan says, somewhat sheepishly. He's glad that you and him were the ones closing up shop tonight. "I uh, know how it is to be alone on your birthday." He admits quietly. "I don't want you to feel the same way 'cause you're new here. Gravity Falls is my home- I made it my home. Pretty soon, it's gonna be yours, too.”
You smile more hearing his words. You've never thought of Stan to be the caring type, but hearing his words and the mental image of him mixing bowls of cupcake batter and icing with an apron on was endearing.
To his shock, you hug him as thanks.
Stan almost drops the cupcake in his hand. But he doesn't pull away.
"You're welcome, kid." He says in a much more softer tone than before, patting your back with his free hand. You didn't even need to say thank you.
He pulls away from the hug with a more prominent smile. "Let's go light this puppy out back, yeah? I made a couple more so you don't got to share with an old man like me.”
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itsgrimeytime · 4 months
i found a home in you (part one) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x f!Winchester!reader (SPN)
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker @zomb-1-egutzz @deadgirlrin
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|| Crossover between TWD and SPN ||
Requested by @twostepandhalf
Summary: At the start of the apocalypse (one of many you'd been a part of), you and your brothers got separated. So, you roamed the new world on your own, searching for them. You just knew they were alive, so you kept yourself alive too. That and looking for them were your main priorities. Well, until you run into a group and meet a man you can't quite get out of your head.
TWs: cursing, anti-john winchester, lil bit of misogyny, injuries, blades, guns, threatening someone's life, all things TWD and SPN.
[[A/N: so this is my personal trifecta. I am in love with this concept. This is so exciting for me, it's all my favoritesssss. I hope the audience who will read this enjoys :))) ]]
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Personally, you'd always thought if the world went to shit, you would be with your brothers. It just seemed natural, the three (recently four) of you against whatever monster of the week it was. You'd kind of gotten used to it, to them.
When you were growing up, John (he was never a Dad, especially not yours) dropped you off at Bobby's. Not in the every once in awhile way, like your brothers, he left you there. Something about you being a little girl, like he could condition Sam and Dean, but not you. Because you were a girl.
(Despite what John thought, Bobby did teach you the way of a hunter. After letting you be a kid, though.)
You saw your brothers a lot when you were young, mostly because John disappeared and would drop them off while he did... whatever the hell he did. Hunt, supposedly. And yeah, it got spotty when you were older, Sammy going to college, and Dean stuck to John's side.
But, then, the fateful day came.
"Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days."
It all started from there, the three of you stuck like glue. You'd seen their highs and lows, and they had seen yours right back. Your group grew to include a few more faces, and then maybe it shrunk again because of... because people didn't last forever.
All that to say, when the world went to shit, you were with them. Always. Every time. (Even sometimes when they didn't want you to be.)
Except for now.
You'd gone out on a solo hunt. Maybe to clear your head? You couldn't remember. Sam and Dean didn't want you to go, but they were overprotective, big brothers, they never wanted you to go. You told them you'd be fine and would be back in a few weeks, at most.
Long story short, the world went to shit, and you were far away from the bunker. Far away from your brothers.
The thought of it all still made you sick to your stomach. At first, you thought you could make it back to the bunker -just kinda on instincts. Follow the road sort of thing.
And then, your car ran out of gas.
You liked to think that you'd know the land of one state from another, but after a few days of endless trees and the stretch of pavement, you realize that you 100% didn't.
So, your priorities shifted, and you readied up for the long haul. Because somewhere in your chest, you could tell this apocalypse might just be the one that sticks.
With your luck anyway.
You tugged on the thin tree branch, snapping it off the trunk. Your eyes skimmed across the sky, trying to track the sun -the hours of sunlight were important now. Sometimes you missed sleeping in though, you'll admit.
Letting out a long sigh, you gathered up your wood collection and shoved it into your backpack -one you'd spotted in a strip mall. Otherwise, you had your duffle, full of all the... other stuff. Hunting stuff.
Surprisingly, you didn't need a lot of it now. Just an old army knife, kept in your pocket was reminiscent of that life. Dean gave it to you, a long time ago.
Huddling into the little shack you'd found by the road (well, in between a shack and a barn really), you put them all down and pulled out some matches.
It was the hot, humid kind of season then, but still, the night got cold. And if there's one thing you couldn't handle right now, it was getting sick. So, you made a fire -despite the heat feeling a little like it was stuck to your skin. Like maybe you'd never wash it off.
You didn't really think you'd wash any of this off.
Satisfied with the fire, you pulled yourself against the worn wooden walls, tilting your chin up to the sky. Your eyes flicked across the rusted metal roof -eying the scratches and buffs. And with a breath, you closed your eyes for a second.
That was the thing, living in this new world, you were always on edge. Survival mode. Before with Sam and Dean, you had a safe place. Motels, the bunker, Baby. And even if you didn't have a roof over your head, you had them.
They wouldn't let anything hurt you, just like you wouldn't let anything hurt them. And it made you... Without them, it made you afraid. For the first time in a long time, you had no one to watch your back.
So, you lived everyday with heightened senses and numbness to everything that wasn't hunger. You actually don't think you've spoken in weeks, it was a little like you reverted. Like you were how humans were in the beginning, primitive, hunter-gatherers. The shit you see on the nature channel.
On that thought, you opened your eyes back up and pulled your backpack forward -digging through the pockets. Gnawing at your lip, you eyed your rations. It wasn't a lot, you'd probably have to be on the look for more soon. That, or you could spread what you did have over the next few days.
Without another thought, you pulled out a can and with the ease of a breath, pried it open. It was some sort of beans, you didn't really care at this point. Food was food.
Quietly, you ate.
Every time you did though, you missed Dean's food. When he'd cook for everybody. It wasn't just some can of beans-
You turned the can in your hands, eying the label. Not one you'd ever seen before, but yeah, some sort of beans. Baked beans. The kind of stuff you get at a barbecue. You could nearly hear the squeaky styrofoam plates and the smell of charcoal. (The whole thing sent something through you that felt a little like nostalgia and a little like grief.)
Briefly, you wondered if they were healthy. If Sam would tell you they weren't and try to convince you to eat something else. Maybe he'd even snatch them from you.
Would they have even left the bunker? Was that not the safest place in the world?
Well, by now, they would have. You'd been gone for months at this point. Or you think so anyway. (You had been counting, but just lost the point of it.) And realistically, they probably went out to look for you after maybe two weeks. If that.
God, you could imagine them now. Those pinched faces they get when they're worried, Dean ready to kill everything in his way, and Sam with his ever-present hope. You could really picture what Dean was probably saying at this point.
"We're in a damn zombie movie, Sammy!"
You laughed at that, swirling your spoon (you had a few) around your can.
Sometimes, if you focused hard enough, you could perfectly picture them. Dean nursing a beer, flicking through channels in his 'Dean-cave', Cas beside him (trying to follow along with his explanations), and Sam, with at least 5 books on the table in front of him, engrossed in whatever case he'd found.
That was the nice thing about the bunker, the quiet little things and at the same time the hum of people, of family.
You missed it now.
As you sat by your fire, in walls that weren't the bunker's, eating something that your brother hadn't made, you missed it.
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mochilovesbuffmen · 6 months
Hiiii mochiiii LMAOOO (totally didn't talk to you just now ANYWAYS)
Tokyo revengers Mizo Middle Five, Mochizuki, shion madarame, and obv kazutora, (if you want add more) with a clingy, childhood best friend reader to lovers, or they can already be lovers.
There literally isn't enough mizo middle five content out there 😭
Hope you have fun with this hehehe!
this is such a cute idea omg😭💞
𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱
I apologize that i couldn't include all of the Mizo Middle Five bc damn they're tough to write-
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭!! 𝘍𝘓𝘜𝘍𝘍 𝘈𝘏𝘌𝘈𝘋!!
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𝙈𝙤𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙣𝙟𝙞
• this ones my favorite omg
• your Families are friends that's how you met!
• Playdates w Mochi were always the best but he would tease you for not being able to catch up w him
• you're one of the few people not afraid of this big guy even if he's angry
• and he appreciates it so so much
• he's the best friend you need and actually listens very well (sucks at giving advice though)
• y'alls favorite type of dates is going to eat
• his dream partner would be someone who eats as much as him but he's gonna like someone who eats less too (he can finish your food dw)
• that being said y'all got together pretty early
• depending if you confessed first because he's gonna take ages making sure you're actually interested in him that way
• he's prolly very self concious but he never shows it
• pls reassure him
• you love to hug him and he loves to hug you back (he gives the best hugs fight me on that)
• loves when you hang on his arm!! He's proud of his strength and flexes every chance he gets so you can compliment him<3
• also loves to give piggy back rides or just letting you sit on his shoulders + plus doesn't hesitate to swoop you up and carry you when you're tired - no matter your weight
• style his hair!! Your fingers in his hair while he's sitting on the floor is the best way for him to relax😭
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𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙈𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙢𝙚
• you two stuck like glue ever since y'all met at the playground when you were smaller
• even then Shion was all bark but no bite and you helped him when he got beat by older kids lmao
• so now years later you two still chill together in your room (i hc that he prolly has some beef w his family so he prefers to not be home at all)
• man knows where the keys to your home is if he's not simply coming in through the front door (your parents don't mind anymore)
• they probably didn't even believe he's a deliquent help
• naps on your bed >>
• you're the only one (and Izana) who can tell him to stfu without getting beat
• obv you patch him up after a fight and he didn't manage to keep you out of his gang business but ig you don't mimd if you still stick around
• he slowly started to fall for you with the way you cared for him and didn't mind if he disappeared for days when he needed the break
• that's why every time you touched or hugged him his heart would beat faster (pls don't ask why he's gotten red he's gonna deny it)
• i doubt he'll confess first though brother is in denial
• it was you who indirectly asked him and he went ?????
• he's gonna be so happy and you can see that on his giddy smile <3 Will only genuinely laugh and smile like that privately w you tho
• he needs a little push after you confessed but let's say he's clingy too after you two got together (more than you)
BONUS! Once a dude tried to threaten you and had the misfortune of Shion witnessing it. That guy got pulled away and you could imagine what happened to him (Shion sent you a cute little Selfie w the beaten guy after)
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𝙆𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙖 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙮𝙖
• okay so this ones a lil different
• you two were friends right before Toman was founded
• he wouldn't tell you about his family problems but you knew something was wrong
• he's gonna be more hesitant with being touched by you. Not that he doesn't want to, he's simply not used it
• you two had a routine with feeding and petting stray cats and he started to feel very comfortable around you
• that was until the thing w Shinichiro happened
• you heard about it from your parents but couldn't see him before he got to juvie
• you also didn't see him until he got out again much later
• you were walking home when saw him standing there leaning against a wall. He has been waiting for you.
• you two caught up and got closer again this day
• but he was way more distant than he used to and you were the only one who could see it despite his attitude
• fast forward to the Bloody Halloween you witnessed everything that happened (decide if you're in Toman or Valhalla)
• you managed to confess to him before he got you to leave before the Police came
• this time you didn't leave his side and visited him as often as you could in juvie
• that's when he confessed to you too<3
• after he got out there the second time you were there and you could finally go on dates.
• still hesitant and shy when you touch or hug him but he gradually got used to it
• going on rides w him as a date!!
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𝙔𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞
• ahhhh this cutie!!
• being childhoof friends w him means being childhood friends w the whole group
• but you seemed to always spend more time w Yamagishi
• ofc you're gonna be his number one to rant about gangs to
• and you didn't mind one bit
• you didn't join Toman w the rest of them as you preferred to stay out of the danger
• which meant you're the one Yamagishi goes to to get patched up
• you're his crush obv and he's the one to confess after the whole crew teased him about it for too long
• was ecstatic when you said yes
• going to arcades is going to be y'alls favorite type of dates!! Also amusement parks even tho he probably hates the higher rides
• can't help but grin widely when you steal his glasses and wear them for fun
• loves when you hug him or hold his hand!! He has the most adorable blush on his face when you do
• he's gonna tease the shit outta you at times too
• plus he may be shy around you but he initiates physical touch himself too
• i feel like he's the type to randomly start tickling you (may or may have not got accidently hit by you and his glasses broke AGAIN)
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jasperthehatchet · 3 months
Hello hi greetings a few people have asked me how i make plastic bottle cap pins so here's a hopefully helpful guide for how I personally make them.
***I can't do image descriptions in this post right now, my apologies. But I will try and explain as much detail as possible while writing the steps. If someone reblogs this with image descriptions I will reblog and credit the person
***You'll need: a hot glue gun, pliers, a soda tab, a safety pin, a thumbtack, scissors, and some cardboard
Step 1: Score the inside of the bottle cap with a thumbtack, just the flat circle part. (This is so the glue sticks better) I do it down and across so the surface is thoroughly scratched up
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Step 2: cut a piece of cardboard small enough to fit inside the scored part of the cap, inside the ridges too, and glue it in. It doesn't have to be shaped like a circle but it needs to fit flush against the plastic like this:
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Once it's glued in there, seal it with some glue. The less you use the better but it really needs to be in there good. You don't need to score the sides on the inside of the cap, the glue will hold on the the ridges that are already there so it should be fine
***note: if you have a way of safely melting down the edges of the cap to make the whole thing thinner, the cardboard can be skipped entirely and you can just glue the soda tab and safety pin directly to the scored plastic
Step 3: bend your soda tab slightly with your pliers and insert the safety pin into it like you would for metal bottle cap pins. Make sure it looks like this:
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The bent soda tab should be facing down and the pointy part of the pin should be facing up. Insert the piece that holds the pin closed under the middle part of the tab and back up through the other side, the slight bend of the tab should let it fit snugly in place.
Step 4: glue tab/pin on top of the cardboard piece. Again, the less glue the better, but to make sure it doesn't go anywhere I like to use another pin to move the glue all up in and around the soda tab so make sure it's held in place. Its also good to make sure the side of the pin sitting on the cardboard is thoroughly glued so it won't move around. Sometimes a little extra glue is necessary
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Once it cools and you have your pin, you'll want to make sure that it sits balanced on a flat surface upright like this:
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You'll wanna try and avoid having the safety pin sticking out too far otherwise it won't sit well on whatever you pin it to. So for it to look nicer it needs to be able to sit flat (painted side up)
And all that's left to do is paint it. Be sure to keep the angle of the pin in mind while painting to make pinning it to things easier. I hope this was helpful :) happy crafting 🌿❤️🌻
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kekaki-cupcakes · 1 year
Hiiii! I loved ur Hermes kid!
Could I ask for a male son of Dionysus x either Leo or nico?
Sorry if I got ya wrong and don’t feel pressured or anything!
Have a lovely day!
When there isn't a lot of info in an ask I kinda have to make the reader a personality so that it isn't too bland too read so sorry to y'all that aren't like this <3
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Redecoration---Nico di Angelo x Son of Dionysus
»»————- ★ ————-««
Nico had been glaring at the roof of skulls for a solid ten minutes, sort of hoping the hatred in his eyes would just poof them out of existence, when someone finally showed up. 
Apparently after an incident in the Aphrodite cabin, people weren’t allowed to just grab a bucket of paint and some new furniture to fuck around and find out, which was why Nico had been sent someone to help him fix the mess that was the Hades cabin.
Apart from the hundred skulls hot glue gunned to the rood, the beds were wooden coffins, the lamps were ancient looking chandeliers, and all of the walls were a dark ugly gray, like there was a serious mold problem. Now that he thought about it, the color might actually be a mold problem. 
“Never fear, goth! For I am here!” 
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Nico took a deep breath and turned around, obsidian eyes already narrowed with dislike as he took in the taller boy trotting over. He was holding a crate in his arms, filled with color swatches and chunks of fabrics, magazines sticking out of the top. 
“Excuse me?”
“You’re the one who needs redecorating, right?” The boy asked, already letting himself into the dim cabin that smelt of rich dark chocolate for some reason. “Yeah… no offense but we have to fix this, even if you're the wrong person.” 
Nico felt a sudden need to defend the atrocious carpet and bat shaped door knocker from this boy, who was wearing a maroon shirt picturing a glass of wine. “I was eight.” 
“No shame here, everyone makes bad decisions.”
There didn’t seem to be any point arguing with this boy, who had already dumped the box of supplies on one of the coffin bed lids, and was staring around at the dark cabin, hands on his hips. 
Nico just followed him inside, shoving his hands into the slightly ripped pockets of his aviator jacket. He peered into the cardboard box, which was promptly tipped out onto the ground. He watched with a frown as the son of Mr D sat on the carpet and began rifling through the empty notebooks and cut up magazines. “What are you doing?”
“Uh, scrapbooking? We can’t just start painting the walls yellow yet, you have to plan this stuff out, goth.” He said, as if it was obvious. Then he smirked. “You don’t like arts and crafts?”
Nico’s frown deepened, but he couldn’t let this mildly infuriating boy with surprisingly cool bracelets upstage him. “I love arts and crafts.”
“Whatever you say,” he hummed, and pulled out a leather bound book containing a few stickers and a strip of torn paper where a page had been pulled out. “Are you just gonna stand there in the corner and be grumpy?... That wasn’t sarcasm, you can if you want, I was just checking.”
Nico wasn’t an asshole, of course he was going to help. Still, he had to glare at the boy for that comment. Then he sat down and opened one of the magazines, which was featuring a life sized Barbie Dream House bed frame, fluffy pillows included. He flicked the page over with a grimace.
“So, what kinda vibe are we going for?”
“I’m assuming you're sick of Dracula,” he said, waving his arms at the general doom and gloom around them. “So what aesthetic are we replacing it with?”
Nico didn’t want to admit he hadn’t planned this far into the venture, he’d really just been hoping he could repaint the walls, or maybe burn the whole thing down and start over. “I don’t… I don’t know.”
“Okay, well… I’m assuming you wanna keep it edgy, but seriously? A roof of skulls? You’re not a caveman. Maybe we should go with an Addams family style.” He shivered. “With less spiderwebs and disembodied hands. “ 
Ah, another gap in his modern education. “What’s an Addams family?” 
All Nico got in return was a gaping mouth and wide eyes. “How do you not- okay, I’m making you watch the entire timeline later, but for now we need to pick a color scheme.” 
Nico opened his mouth.
“Not black.”
Nico closed his mouth.
“Obviously there’ll be lots of black, but you need another color to fit with it, something dark and scary but colorful.” He pulled out a binder of color swatches, and flipped it open, skimming the pages of baby blues and lavenders. “Maybe dark green, or...”
“Red.” Nico said, peering over at the pages of ruby and scarlet. He pointed to the dark one, which had a little title below, ‘Blood red’. It was a little on brand, but it was better than ‘Crimson Tide’. 
“Oooh, nice. If we keep the walls black, and pull up the black carpet, there’ll be floorboards underneath.” He started to ramble, ripping a color swatch out of the binder and gluing it into the leather bound book. He glanced around at the musty cabin. 
“We can get a red rug for the middle of the cabin, and definitely new beds, but if we get Drew to refurbish the chandeliers they’ll look great. Oh, and the coffin bed frames could be a bookshelf if we get the mattress out and ask Nyssa to put some shelves in. Do you read? Because otherwise it’s sort of pointless. But so are the skulls on the roof, so…”
“You’re good at this.” 
It took Nico a moment to realize what he’d just blurted, and when he did the warmth was already in his cheeks. He’d only been a little caught up in watching the son of Dionysus’s eyes sparkle as he talked, pointing to different parts of the cabin, and somehow ruined it. “I mean, you just sound like you’ve, you know, done this a lot.”
The glimmer in their eye didn’t fade, they only grinned harder. “I have. A lot. It’s fun!”
“I suppose so,” Nico said, his lips twitching, and opened another magazine. He skipped a page on clawfoot bathtubs [There was already a white one with gold trim in the bathroom]. There was a large heart shaped mirror, He ignored that too, and found a simple bedframe, painted black. He held it out gingerly. “What about this one?”
“Yes! Good job.” He said, snipping it out of the magazine quickly, and sticking it next to a picture of a glass chandelier. “If you’ve got a simple bed, we could find a zebra print blanket, they always look good with black and red, as long as you don’t have, like, leopard print.”
“I thought you’d like leopard print?”
“And I thought you’d like skulls on your roof and coffin shaped beds,” he teased, with a smug little smile. Nico rolled his eyes, and picked out a strip of dark red fabric, passing it over.
He shook some glitter from his hands, there seemed to be piles of it in the box. “It’s a little over the top, but it’s not as bad as Jason’s cabin. It’s just rock. Everywhere. And a giant statue of his father.”
“Maybe he can be my next client,” he hummed, wiping glue from his fingers onto the molding carpet beneath them. A few shards of rounded glass were taped to the pages of the scrapbook, shining in the light of the dusty stained chandeliers. 
Nico wanted to object. He didn’t know why, but he didn’t want the boy in front of him with glitter on his cheekbones and scissors in his hands to be cutting out pictures and teasing someone else. Instead he looked away, feeling something in his chest surge, something like fear. Fear of what, he didn’t know, but he cleared his throat and moved on.
“Don’t you have a sister too?”
The fear surged back forwards and Nico whipped around, his tone sharp. “What?”
“The roman one, I swear I saw her the other day, when Reyna visited to plan something or other.” he said casually, not seeing the pale tinge to Nico’s face. “With the overalls and the bulldog?”
“That’s Frank,” Nico said, his shoulder sinking with relief. 
“No, I’m pretty sure it was Hazel, she had those light up sketchers, with the little wheels on the bottom.” He said, somehow with a moon shaped sticker on his nose as he stuck little cut out paper skulls around the four page collage. 
“Frank’s the bulldog, he can turn into animals.” Nico had a strange urge to reach out and press the sticker on his nose, so instead he held his hands tightly in his lap. 
“Well, is there something Hazel’d like in the cabin when she visits? Does she read?” 
Nico sighed, and reached back for the magazine he discarded. He shook it open, cut outs of fluffy teddies falling into his lap. He found the page with the heart shaped bathroom mirror and ripped it out carefully. He could take a few hearts in his cabin if Hazel would like them. “This one.”
“Oh, that one's cute, Nyssa could totally make it.”
“I can ask Leo, he owes me a favor.”
“Oh yeah?”
“I haven't killed him yet.” 
                                  »»————- ★ ————-««
Nico pressed down the front of his shirt. It was a black Camp Halfblood shirt, which he’d gotten from Piper after the Aphrodite cabin had started making shirts in other colors. Apparently there were only so many outfits you could wear with orange. 
Black goes with everything though, so it wasn’t a problem for him. 
He made his bed [closed the lid of the coffin] and dragged the last of the furniture not nailed to the ground out onto the little deck all of the cabins had. His decking only had a few pairs of shoes and a pot of dead roses he’d never bothered to keep alive. Maybe he’d have another go. 
Drew had taken the chandeliers already, to polish them and whatnot, so he only had to wait for his assigned son of Dionysus to show up, and they could start hunting for zebra print blankets and ripping skulls off the ceiling. What fun. 
When he still hadn’t shown up, Nico finished pulling all of the previously made bedding from the coffins and dumping it to the side so that Leo could turn it to a bookshelf [He could read, he just had dyslexia thank you very much], and then set off to the Dionysus cabin. It was easy to find, the only male god on the female side, with trelice’s of ivy decorating the whitewashed walls and a grumpy looking leopard snoozing on the purple swinging chair out the front of the small cabin.
He didn’t really want to knock, but he was sure someone would report him for standing around too menacingly if he just waited. He was saved from indecision when the door opened, revealing a tall sandy haired boy.
“You’re the goth, aren’t you?” Pollux sniffed, his nose red. “We can’t help today, but Butch is free, he can do some heavy lifting, and I’m sure Drew’ll criticize your style if you ask nicely enough.” 
“Why, what’s wrong?”
“I mean,” Pollux started, rubbing his eyes, and Nico only then realized he was still wearing his pajamas. They had an elongated cartoon owl sticking out of a doorway on it. “Skulls on the ceiling is a bit much, and everyone think you’re a vamp-”
“I meant with you guys, not my style,” Nico interrupted, his eyes narrowed.”
“Someone, decided to go visit Lou Ellen even though we all know she has a cold, and now I have it-” Pollux was cut off once again, his mockingly loud voice reaching the people inside. 
“I’m sorry I was concerned for my friend, she wanted soup!”
“She always wants soup!” Pollulx yelled back, and Nico moved past the older child of Dionysus, slipping off his shoes and letting himself into the cabin. 
There was nasally muttering behind him and the door slid shut. Nico peered around, and saw a bundle of fluffy blankets on a couch, only a sneezing head poking out the top. “Why did you get sick?”
“I mean it wasn’t really on purpose,” he mumbled back, wiping his nose with a tissue and sinking back into his cocoon. “I can’t help today, but-”
“I don’t care,” Nico started, and plopped down on the white couch, avoiding a deep red stain that could be alcohol or blood. He couldn’t tell. He also didn’t know how to say he’d rather sleep in the coffin again then have to spend the day with someone else. 
He sniffed, falling sideways a little on the couch and squinting at the square tv, which was showing some old cartoon about cavemen. “Mkay, well you should probably go if you don’t wanna get sick.”
Nico thought for a moment, trying not to focus on how much he wanted to scoop up the bundle of blankets in his arms far too skinny for that sort of stuff. “Why don’t we watch ‘an Adam family’?
He got watery wide eyes in return and a toothy grin, “wait really?”
“No. If I was making a joke it’d be funnier than that.”
“Okay, let’s watch it,” he said, hopping off the couch and moving to a box of DVDs with a lot of energy for someone so sick. “And it’s the Addams family, goth. You have to learn the basics of this culture if you’re gonna have coffin bookshelves.”
He fiddled around with the tv and then a grainy black and white intro came on, tinny music over the top. Nico watched as he danced to the theme tune in his blanket burrito, all the way back to the couch, where he landed, coughing and winded. Nico raised an eyebrow. “I could’ve done that, you’re sick.”
“Yeah yeah whatever,” he mumbled, tucking the fluffy socks on his feet up onto the white couch and wiggling with excitement. Nico watched him for a moment, and then turned back to the TV, feeling his lips twitch into a grin.
Duh duh duh duh, click click. Duh duh duh duh, click click.
Their creepy and they're kooky-
                                      »»————- ★ ————-««
“Neeks, this mirror is so cute!”
“You’re welcome,” Nico muttered, rubbing his nose and rolling over, pulling the zebra print doona cover further over his head. 
He heard Hazel’s wheelie shoes click along the floorboards and she gilded out of the bathroom. When he peered out, her hair was in bunchies and she was pulling a purple hoodie over her head. “It’s so much nicer in here now, but how did you get sick redecorating?”
“Uhm..There was a lot of dust. I might be allergic?” 
The door slammed open, the clear chandelier hanging from the roof shaking as Nyssa trudged in, her work boots leaving mud on the fluffy blood red rug. She was holding the glitter covered scrapbook in her gloved hands. 
“So, I know I’m supposed to make everything in this, but what am I supposed to do with the polaroid of you kissing Mr D ‘s kid?”
                       »»————- ★ ————-««
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Horrortober Day 6- Scream(Yandere 2012 Mikey x Reader)
A/N, not important: Gonna be honest, kinda hate this one, but we vibing anyway. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Kidnapping, being chained up, gagged, dark themes, yandere
Words: 1392
Summary: Mikey really needs to learn impulse control.
The walk home was quiet, the music coming from your earbuds making your ears hurt with a pleasant pain. The loud music cuts off your senses to the outside world, making you completely immersed in your own small bubble. There was no reason to worry after all. This was a safer area, the crime rate going down drastically in the past few years. It was a wonder, but not something you wanted to question too hard. Best not to look a gift horse in the mouth after all.
The shadows cast by the night where the light doesn’t reach don’t worry you, walking past without much thought. You had passed them hundreds, if not millions, of times without incident. This time wouldn’t be any different, there was no reason it should be. Your mind is still in the clouds, your brain following the music you were injecting into your head. The world was nothing compared to what was going on in your head.
You don’t notice the eyes following your movements, the mutant tracking you from above. His face was a soft smile as he watched you, longing and hope embedded in his chest. He liked how carefree you were, even in a moment like this. Completely at ease despite the dangers of the world. He jumps down, staying a pace behind you before taking a deep breath and running up, wrapping his arms around your waist and quickly launching the both of you back onto the rooftop.
He winces as the scream that leaves your mouth, desperately trying to cover your mouth. You flail widely, Mikey turning you around to look him in the eyes. Your screams quiet for mere seconds, your eyes as big as saucers before you start to shriek once more. Mikey falls back when you land a hit to his cheek, letting go out of shock. You scramble to your feet, trying to get away and return to the ground. Mikey’s eyes narrow and he unfurls the chains of his nunchucks, quickly subduing you as the chain meets its target. You crash to the ground, the shock from the chains wrapping around your torso making your head spin.
“Stop struggling,” He says, his voice coated in worry. He quickly moves closer to you, picking you up and situating you into a more comfortable position. He looks hesitant to touch you, hands twitching inches above your skin. “I didn’t mean to scare you, but you shouldn’t yell when you meet people. It’s rude.”
His statement confuses you, your breathing calming slightly right as the mutant reaches over and sticks a small strip of duct tape over your mouth. He watches you carefully, seeing how you start to even out your breathing and go a bit more limp in the chains.
Bright blue eyes stare into your own, the chain around your chest and legs making it impossible to move. The small turtle tilts his head, a bright grin on his face as he scans your expression. You weren’t sure it was even easy to read, the sticky glue of the duct tape forcing your mouth to stay closed, and your face to stay slack.
“You calmed down a bit! That’s good. I’m not planning on hurting you.” The terrapin seems to have not noticed your silent scream nor the nervous sweat on your face, your heart beating quicker than a bullet train. It was surreal, being here with him. Just moments before you were walking home, earbuds in and not a care in the world.
It was terrifying how easily that could be stripped away.
The young turtle leans back, sitting on his heels as he continues to grin down at you. There was a small blush dusting his cheeks, the green skin darker across his face. Unease rolls through your stomach, the duct tape pulling uncomfortably at your lips. His larger hands cup your face, the three fingers pressing uncomfortably into your cheeks.
He scans you again before looking up to the sky, still wearing the ever present grin. “If you promise to be quiet, I’ll take off the tape. I just thought it would help since you couldn’t quiet down.”
You carefully nod, inhaling slowly as to not alert him, but preparing to scream as loud as you can. You needed to get away. His falsely innocuous eyes bored into yours, his thumb sweeping across the makeshift gag. With a quick rip, he tears it off. You hiss in pain, the skin where the adhesive had stuck tacky and sore.
Before you can make another noise, his hand is covering your mouth, muffling all sound that could come out. “See, not so bad huh? I wouldn’t have had to do that if you weren’t so jumpy when we first met. I mean, I can’t imagine your first reaction to be screaming when you saw me. I must’ve just scared you with my awesome moves.”
He chuckles, and you’re reminded of a small child despite his other mannerisms pointing to him being more late teen to young adult. The way he connected your reactions was completely arbitrary, and it was clear he was only seeing what he wanted to.
“I’m Mikey by the way.” He says, as if it was an afterthought, his bright blue eyes still clouded with thought. He seemed distracted, his head moving at each small noise to be heard. You move your jaw slightly, wanting to say something, to scream and alert others, but his hand is still over your mouth and holding back any attempt you could make. His eyes snap to you once more, his other hand clenching by his thigh as his smile grows. “I already know who you are, so you don’t need to try and introduce yourself. I can feel you moving.”
You blink at him, unable to do much else. His eyes meet yours for a couple seconds, boring into your soul and analyzing everything you’ve ever dared to think to do. Nothing you could do in this moment could quell the confusion and fear you felt while gazing upon the mutant, your brain desperately trying to piece this puzzle together.
You jump back when music starts to come from the waistband around his shell, the turtle's face brightening significantly. Mikey picks up the ringing shell, smiling as he hums along with the tune. He glances at the id before picking it up, his voice lowering in pitch as he starts to talk to the caller in Japanese. He talks with them for a small while, glancing at you and grinning brightly before staring off in the distance again. The call ends and he turns back to you, his hand finally leaving your mouth. He eyes you warily for a moment before relaxing, deciding you wouldn’t scream.
“My brothers said I can take you home! Isn’t that great? I meant to ask them earlier, but I was hoping you would’ve been nicer earlier and I could introduce you normally, but then this,” He points to the chains keeping you bound. “Happened. But I can take you home anyway! Isn’t that great? We’re going to have so much fun together. I can teach you how to skateboard, and we can play video games and read comics, and just have so much fun!”
The genuine excitement in his voice does nothing to put you at ease, your muscles tensing as you struggle against the chains holding you down. “Why… What do you mean “take me home”? I’m not… What?”
Mikey laughs, picking you up and jumping down from the roof he was keeping you on, his stance sure and relaxed. “Oh, that’s an easy question! I found you a couple days ago, and Sensei always said to never let an opportunity slip through my fingers… Or something like that. Plus, Leo said it was okay! Gosh, Donnie’s going to be so jealous I got a partner before him.”
The names and information he was giving swirls in your head, bringing more questions than answers to your mind. He continues to talk as he works you into the sewers, his tight hold a warning against fighting back. You’re stuck, unable to do anything but think as he carries you down through the tunnels of the sewers. You wished more than ever you screamed louder when he first came near you.
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
can i request Yoongi drabble? where a random member is Y/N's brother and Yoon is his best friend, but Y/N has a big fat crush on him
hiii, thank you so much for the request! it gave me an excuse to get rockstar yoongi out of my system (and make an actual banner for once), so i hope you enjoy. <3
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playing with fire
pairing: yoongi x f. reader genre: brother's best friend au, rockstar au; suggestive warnings: extreme thirsting. a moshpit and moshpit-related injury. mentions of blood, alcohol, and weed/cigarettes. swearing. an unrequited crush (or is it). tension. unedited. rating: this is slightly suggestive but not explicit so 16+ wordcount: 1k listen to: i'm on fire by bruce springsteen
with this, i am finally done with bee's birthday drabbles! a huge thank you to everyone who sent in requests. i did save a few, so if i didn't get to yours this time, hopefully some inspo strikes in the future.
see all beeday drabbles here
have a favorite? let's talk about it!
It’s been a while since your brother’s band played in a nice venue.
Been a while since your boots didn’t stick to the floor, each step feeling like a glue trap. Since you could go home at the end of the night and pull a t-shirt over your head that didn’t reek of weed and cigarettes and someone else’s body odor. Been a while since you could just exist in peace; not feel like you were taking up room in a space that didn’t belong to you.
Been a while since you’ve seen Yoongi, too.
His hair is longer—half-formed curls framing his face, some trendy kind of shag. Chipped black lacquer on his nails. Fresh ink up and down his arms. Silver hoop through his nostril. A leather jacket and heeled boots, because he doesn’t have a thing to prove to anyone who might have something to say about it.
(You, least of all.)
Somehow, you’d forgotten that some people are magnetic. Some people are meant to be looked at, put on all those impossibly high pedestals, and that Yoongi is one of them. False idols be damned, everyone in this fucking room is wrapped around his finger. Even as he screams into a mic, shoots a sleazy grin at your brother to his left, every single person in this place would drop to their knees as soon as he gave the order.
(You, most of all.)
And you know it’s dangerous; know where that particular road dead-ends. You know that if you try to reach out and touch him all you’ll do is scar, but it doesn’t do a damn thing to quell the urge. There’s still just Yoongi and you and the millions of daydreams that have played out in the dead of night and the boundless distance between you.
The haze makes him beautiful, ethereal, like some kind of demi-god. Imposing, you think, because Yoongi’s up there looking down on you, as stable and immovable as all those shrines they built centuries ago. Places where people would gather to worship, just like now.
You’re distracted. Don’t hear Yoongi when he commands the crowd to move, and there’s a split-second just before the chaos where he finds you—sets his siren gaze on you and smirks out of the corner of his mouth, presses his tongue into the fat of cheek—and then there’s a searing pain blooming in your skull.
It’s hard to say what happens after. Hard to see through the fog and the frenzy, let alone make sense of amorphic shapes. There’s just the aching in your head and the jarring, dissonant ringing in your ears, and someone’s arms wrapped tight around your shoulders.
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You come to in a bathroom.
Stinks of piss and disinfectant. Has one flickering, fluorescent light strung above the sink. Dingy tile on the floor and the walls. Paper towels overflowing from a trash can by the door.
“You with me, darlin’?”
Yoongi’s voice. He’s the only one who calls you that. Puts some exaggerated twang on it because he thinks it makes him sound cool. Doesn’t give a fuck about anything, especially what people might think, and he doesn’t have to.
“Not sure,” you answer truthfully. “What happened?”
“Some piece of shit elbowed you pretty good in the side of your head. Got a nasty gash—don’t look, doll. Got fuckin’ blood all over the fuckin’ place.”
You exhale. Nod your head as best you can. Unsteady. Find it hard to breathe when Yoongi’s fussing over you like this, calling you these little pet names. When he gently cradles your face in his ink-stained hands and says, eyes on me. Like you could look anywhere else. As if you’ve looked at anything else in years.
“Wha—what’re you doing?”
“Cleaning you up. Deep breath, darlin’, this is probably gonna sting.”
You barely react, still too dazed by the feel of his hands on you. You wish, briefly, that whoever had hit you had done so harder. Just enough to rewire a few things. Get rid of this juvenile crush you’ve let go unchecked for far too long. “Where’s Hoseok?”
“Went after that guy.”
You scoff. Roll your eyes. “Hoseok can’t fight.”
“Nah,” Yoongi agrees. Bites his lip as he concentrates. “But Jungkook can.”
Another press of an alcohol pad. This one stings, has you sucking in a breath through your teeth. “Don’t you think this is a bit much? I’m sure it was an accident.”
Yoongi is so close. Fits himself in the space between your thighs, presses you further into the sink, the faucet digging into your back. Doesn’t matter. Not when he’s close enough for you to count each individual eyelash, the scars that dot his face. Yoongi’s close enough for you to smell the nicotine that clings to his clothes, his skin, his hair. Close enough to smell the cheap beer lingering on his breath.
“Too much?” His brows knit together, head tilts like a confused puppy. “Why would it be too much?”
“S’not the first time I’ve nearly got my teeth kicked in at one of your shows. I just—is it worth all this fuss? My brother’s gonna get all fucking weird about it, and fuck knows what Jungkook’s gonna do to that guy.”
Yoongi’s close enough that you nearly speak the words against his mouth. Fuck, it’d be so easy to kiss him. So easy to give in and let the world burn down around you, the consequences be damned. It’d be so easy to be ruined by him that it has your hands twitching at your sides, wanting so badly to reach out and touch. Grab him by the belt loops and learn how he feels when he’s pressed flush against you. Learn what he sounds like when he moans, whimpers. What he looks like when he’s hurried and desperate.
"Stupid girl." But Yoongi doesn’t look hurried and desperate—he looks like he wants to devour you. “I would’ve done much worse.”
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earl-grey-teacake · 8 months
The Loscar baby au is so cuteeee. I'm curious as to what your take on how baby Oscar meeting baby Logan would go? I'm not sure if the au is them having turned into babies or if they were always babies. But I always imagined that Oscar is pretty indifferent to most people (with the exception of Carlando) until he meets Logan. I feel like after meeting Logan, Oscar is super protective over him and wants to stick to Logan like glue.
I love all your prompts! Hope you're doing well and thank you for all the content you give us :D
Thank you so much!!!
I was also between whether to have them be turned into babies or if they were always babies. I have settled on having them always be babies since it just makes the stories more interesting and allows me to write more scenarios.
Oscar is ecstatic at meeting Logan. It is very much a best friends-at-first-sight. Oscar doesn't play a lot with other kids and most of his time is spent traveling with his parents, so he sees them most of the time.
Upon meeting Logan, he and Oscar are attached. Oscar treated separating them as if it is a crime. They see each other everyday on Face Time. Every race weekend they see each other so for Oscar, this amount of interaction is normal. Once things like winter break hits where Oscar can't see Logan in person almost every weekend though, cue a complete meltdown. Everything that is his is Logan's. He keeps trying to give Logan Mclaren merch by shoving it into his hands because they are too young to put it on. Their toys are also always mixed up with each other as well so it's hard to separate who's belongings are who's.
This was a really adorable ask so I wrote a little fic for it. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for liking my work! 🥰
It is also Tết so I did have some alcohol and am writing this at 1:20 AM. If there are grammar issues, that is why.
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generalissimomayhem · 1 month
TNMN Nightmare counterparts hcs potpurri
I could talk about them individually but this is just as hard as it is, so enjoy.
Xezbet Xerbeth: Zexbet and Chaugnar are best friends. Actually, Chaugnar was the one who presented Drugia to Xezbet. Yan Luo sometimes takes him on "missions" to let him feast on dying people's souls. (the last one isn't originally mine but I do not remember who posted it first. So, if you are there 1. manifest yourself 2. i hope you don't mind me adopting this hc)
Drugia Fleuretty: Her eyesight feels more like that one of a fly (mildly pixelated). She tends to not see her husband for long periods of time, she ends up missing Xezbet so much that she finds it hard to concentrate in her job. One time, she felt so out of place, instead of making her characteristic nightmares, ended up creating a more uhhhh... fanciful image of Xezbet instead. Izanami still reminds her of that.
Barbatos Barrabam: Excellent sense of smell, can smell you from farther than you probably imagine. This also makes him an undeniably picky eater with anything other than isn't meat, spicy food or potato chips. (He's a chicken nuggies kid frfr)
Exael Lanithro: Aside from being a jeweler, he's an skilled blacksmith. He made Yan Luo and Orcus a very special jewelry piece for their engagement (and eventual marriage ofc). Very eloquent in his manner of speech, uses fancy words at times. Tends to hang out with Teutates and Ah Puch.
Abducius Morail: Most of his piercings were made by Exael (although Exael particularily raises his prices on purpose for this freak and this freak only). He did... that, to his eyelids after a Britney Spears type of meltdown. Always carries eyedrops with him.
Lilith Lilitu Lilit: She is initially very snippy with people she doesn't know but eventually softens up and is actually really a treat to talk to. Sometimes curses her neighbors for the darndest reasons. A woman of leisure, above all, she has to be under strict vigilance (together with Ah Puch) so she doesn't go overboard. If she isn't sticking around to Anazareth she's stuck like glue to Barbatos.
Anazareth Anazarel: Unlike her sister, her personality remains stern and ominous through and through, mind you, if you do get to befriend her, she has your back. She and Chaugnar casually exchange goods for rituals. She is, by default, the designated sober friend whenever Lilith goes into party mode, and frankly, she's just so sick of all of that...
Chaugnar Faugn: The designated Only sane man™ (together with Quachil). He often helps Zoth with his rituals and he could become firends with Anazareth too if it wasn't beacuse she swindles the hell outta him. Loves Nyogtha to death but he's emotionally constipated, he compensates this by letting his actions speak for him (buying Nyogtha new tools, bringing her lunch when she's at work, etc.)
Nyogtha Z'mog: Sometimes her limbs detatch from her body. She tends to send electrical currents at times, the neighbors discovered this after they had a pool party and a couple of them got electrocuted. She loves Chaugnar, sometimes she wishes he would be more open with his affection, but she knows that she can't change that and that she is sure that Chaugnar loves her just as much.
Zoth Ommog: If he wasn't such a pervert he would be the nicest guy around, as Izanami puts it "he only forgives married/engaged people". Assists Chaugnar in his rituals a lot, Chaugnar does the same in return. Never turns down a favor, he is kind in his own way. Is VERY nearsighted (hence the squinty eyes), uses his tiny hands in case he really needs to see something up close.
Shub Niggurath: Cold blooded, literally, she can't survive in the cold due to her reptilian nature (a parallelism about how crops, plants and sometimes animal life die due to winter). Shub tends to seek for heat, so she tends to be a bit invasive about people's personal space. According to her: Barbatos, Drugia and Zoth are the warmest and feel the nicest. The rest just don't do much for her. She finds herself repelled to Orcus, Ishtar and Exael, they are just too cold for her! She treats her hair/snakes as pets.
Yog Sothoth: Quite distant of his neighbours, but never disdainful. Only became close now that Quachil is there. Speaking of Quachil, he summoned her after a failed ritual to summon something else. When he's on the hunt he often leaves Quachil with the others. Now with the huntings, he sometimes harasses Barbatos by following him around and pestering him; this has made Barbatos beat the crap out of him in many occassions before. There's a running gag of him lighting on fire when exposed to any source of direct light.
Quachil Uttaus: Doesn't remember much of her life before coming to the Astral Circle. She's basically a baby angel, yeah she's the same age as Anastacha but she's still way too young for an angel. Acts more like an annoying, snarky pet to Yog, he will still take care of her and everything, but god if Quachil doesn't get on his nerves sometimes. She LOVES shiny stuff, gold and jewelry in general, and often times she has been caught oogling at others' jewelry.
Yan Luo Wang Diyu: Stern, but often very self absorbed and forgetful (in contrast to Mia who is sweet and focused). She takes no pleasure in her job, it all simply is the way it is; she's vastly professional about it. Sometimes takes Zexbet with her so he can take the souls of those who are about to die. Nobody knows for sure where she found Orcus but they have been together ever since.
Orcus Dis Pater: Nobody knows were he came from or where did Yan Luo find him but nobody really wants (or dares) to ask. Most of his clothing is made of human flesh and parts (Think of Ed Gein). All of his external veins are really sensitive. In one moment, one of his veins got snagged in a door handle causing him great pain and prompting Yan Luo to change all door handles into ones that wouldn't harm him. There's a running gag of him getting into the darndest accidents possible.
Ishtar Ereskigal: Easily the nicest resident of the Astral Circle (Zoth comes second place). Like Orcus, she's somewhat fragile, her skin is really just waiting to peel off at any second. Shub and Ishtar are good friends and all of that but their needs raise a wall between them. Incredibly, she is a very clean person and keeps her pets in line so they don't overly-disturb the neighbors. Sometimes uses her rats as messengers.
Teutates Taranis: Excellent musician, but tends to annoy his neighbors with his loud and constant playing (not that he cares). His relationship with Ah Puch could be reduced to "Can't live with you. Can't live without you", a bit toxic tbh. Takes great pride and care of his hair, NOBODY is allowed to touch it, except for Quachil since she's gentle enough to play with it. Sometimes he even gives Yan Luo hair treatment to keep her hair beautiful and silky. Hangs out with Exael quite often.
Ah Puch Xilbalbá: Just like Teutates, he's a great musician, but isn't as serious about it as Teutates is. He can remove his mask but doesn't feel comfortable at all (a mixture of light sensivity plus a heavily scarred face). This man is built like a wrecking ball, solid, heavy and strong as shit; most likely has destroyed a lot of stuff just by throwing himself around. Just like Lilith, he's a man of leisure and tends to overkill it at parties, but obviously, he's far more destructive than Lilith. Hangs around Teutates and Exael, since their professions are really similar.
Dagda Crom Cruach: Like Nyogtha, he comes apart easily, maybe a little TOO easily. Him and Xezbet hang out and all of that but they don't seem to fully get along. He has a huge crush of Izanami but literally doesn't know how to act on it. He's one of those mofos who has WAAAAY TOO MUCH free time in their hands.
Izanami Yomi: She works along with Drugia and they get along pretty well but they can get petty at times. She has an inordinate amount of dirt about the rest of the entities in the Astral Circle. Bilingual, speaks english and japanese and has a very monotone voice (she probably sounds like this). Izanami is unaware about Dagda's crush on her.
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