#i like that most guitar buying guides are like 'start with the shape. you will become biased towards shapes and fall in love with shapes.'
natromanxoff · 4 years
Queen live at Hallenstadion in Zürich, Switzerland - April 30, 1978
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Tonight Brian May's tone and execution of the We Will Rock You guitar solo is almost identical to the recorded version. Towards the end of the instrumental section of the fast We Will Rock You that follows, Brian thinks the rest of the band are hitting the chorus again, but nobody else does! A few bars later, Roger guides them into it as planned. Most, if not all, of the audience don't notice this little miscue.
The audience chants Freddie's name after Somebody To Love, and he responds with, "I'm not gonna go away!"
He teases the audience on the piano at the beginning of The Millionaire Waltz, pauses, then jumps into the main theme after announcing, "Alright, here we go!" He then offers some great ad libs during the extended rock section of the song.
After the medley, he does his usual toast. While on previous tours he'd say some variation of "May you all have champagne for breakfast tomorrow," tonight he says, "May you buy all our records tomorrow, if you haven't got 'em already."
After Spread Your Wings, as Freddie begins to introduce the next song, he ends up letting the crowd sing what seems to be a standard football chant, which prompts him to say to the lighting guy, "Give 'em the lights! On the farther spots, come on, give 'em the lights!" As it dies down, he says, "It's beautiful. That's tremendous. Okay, save some for later. Right now we would like to do a song from the News Of The World. This is a song called It's Late." Brian was already diddling a bit during Freddie's speech, so he decides to cut out the first few bars and jump right into the main heavy riff. It's a very strong version of the song, particularly from Freddie.
The vocal/guitar solo section after White Man is quite interesting tonight.
Fan Stories
“For the News of the World tour leg Queen played for the first time in Zurich, my home town – and like in Basel the year before, I was at arournd 10 in morning at the front door with my girlfriend. Since we were totally in love the hours of waiting seemed to fly. Luckily this time the main door opened so we were just in front of the stage. After the tipical one hour delay with beatiful classical music the stage exploded and the huge crown was rising towards the roof with enourmos amounts of smoke – what a start ! We were all stunned and couldn’t believe our eyes. Freddies energy was just magnificent and his voice was in great shape, enjoying every second on stage. When he sang Love of My Life, he looked to my girlfriend an me with a beatiful smile – and the guy next to us asked if we knew Freddie… Being a real concert fan (I have seen mostly everybody except the Beatles) I could really tell how magic, powerful and brillant Queen were on stage. There are no equals to this in my eyes. When Freddie turned for the enocores in his lurex suit the place went completely nuts and sang in a way I have never witnessed before. The setlist is still one of my favourites of Queen concerts.” - Luca Rascher
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thatbassistbitch · 5 years
Any tips on playing bass guitar? I'm hopefully going to get one soon so I can start learning how to play, so I wanted to ask you because you're amazing at playing.
Hi! Yeah, I’ve got a few! 
First thing’s first: as boring as this may sounds, you need to practice scales. Pentatonic, major, minor, harmonic, melodic, everything. You need to be able to associate the frets for each string with their corresponding notes.
For reading tabs, each fret is assigned a number. If you learn to read tabs early on, you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble.
Play for at least 30 minutes every day. Some people say just 10, I say that’s bullshit. Play until your fingers hurt, and then play some more. This is how you’ll build up callouses. Your fingertips will hurt like a motherfucker at first. But then they’ll toughen up. Soak them in warm water with epsom salt and table salt every night to help dry them out so the callouses will form more quickly. Hand sanitiser is your friend. Say goodbye to hand lotion.
Do not strum using an outward plucking motion. You want your fingertips to sweep across the strings. This allows for a smoother sound.
Wipe down your bass with an old soft t shirt after every time you play. This will keep the oils from your fingers from damaging the wood and eroding the strings. It’ll also keep your bass from looking like shit.
Try to avoid changing your strings if possible. If one is broken, that’s one thing. Otherwise? Don’t. The older the strings, the grungier the sound. You want that dead thump. New strings have a bright twangy sound and take a while to mellow out. It’s infuriating.
For a starter bass, check out the used gear section. You don’t need a brand new bass, and there are many used basses that are still in really good shape for a much better price. Hell, just a few days ago I saw a bleedin’ Ibanez for $64. Would have grabbed it, but I’ve still got Mikey, and I’m saving up for a longscale.
Used gear is your friend. The clerks will try to sell you the high end stuff. You don’t need it. You’re just starting out, get the cheap used stuff first. It still works fine. My lil Ampeg hasn’t failed me yet.
Some people will frown upon those who use picks. Fuck em. You want to use a pick? Go for it. Just go for the thicker ones. I currently use Big Stubbies.
Don’t play the bass when your hands are wet. You’ll rip those callouses right off.
If your strings are making a buzzing sound when you play, make sure you’re not facing the amp, as that can cause feedback. If the strings are still buzzing, take a look at how you play. You want to hit the fret as close to the fret as possible. Press right up against it. Otherwise, the string will vibrate against it, causing that dreaded buzzing noise. This is a problem I tend to have, as my hands don’t always cooperate.
Music theory will save your ass. Take some time to learn it. Grab a few books on it from the library. Watch some videos. Take the time to figure it out for yourself. You don’t need to launch right into lessons after you buy your bass and amp. Besides, those things are pricy, and so are lessons. I waited about a year and a half before starting lessons, and I took that time to play around with it and get a feel for it. Apparently, during that time, I passed up the beginner level and am now on “Level 2,” whatever the fuck that means.
Try to learn the tabs to your favourite songs. This will keep your interest going. Does the song you’re trying to learn seem too complicated? Keep going anyway. The satisfaction from figuring out how to play a hard song is so fuckin rewarding. A favourite of mine is Hysteria by Muse. Not as hard as it looks, actually. Just very fast-paced.
There are many videos online of people playing the basslines to popular songs, and quite a few of them have the tabs on the screen. If the notes don’t sound accurate to you, it’s because they’re probably not. Take the time to play around with it until you find the notes that sound right to you. There you go, there’s the Right Way. Your way is the Right Way.
Tune your bass every time you play it. You can buy a tuner or use an app, doesn’t matter. You could even use another instrument for reference. I personally prefer tuning by ear, despite being somewhat hard of hearing. I may not be able to hear the lower notes as well, but I can feel them. Which brings me to another point.
Most of playing the bass relies on feeling, not hearing. You may not be able to hear all the notes. But you’ll certainly be able to feel them. The bass provides not only sound, but rhythm. Let your instinct guide you. Don’t be afraid to lean up against a wooden table to feel the vibrations with your body. If you’re home alone, you can crank up that amp as loud as you want until your teeth vibrate with the rhythm and your lungs breathe in the dead thump of your bass. Be sure to wear ear protection though.
It helps to have a drum beat or metronome going while you play. I hate metronomes, but drum beats work well. Garageband has a virtual drummer that allows you to customise the drum beat loop without having to actually know how to play the drums. Very intuitive program, I love it. The virtual drummer sounds just like a real drummer, only without the obnoxious drum solos and tendency to fall off the tempo.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
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avaliveradio · 4 years
Kama Linden Releases a Song about Summer 'Belmar Breeze'
Band Name: Kama Linden
Song name: Belmar Breezes
Music Genre: pop/adult contemporary
I live in... Bronx, NY
Link to play: BELMAR BREEZES https://open.spotify.com/track/5Kafd6tHkpTuRqXkpqvdrI?si=UfgJ6QxoSeq4KASG_KMNSw
BELMAR BREEZES is a song about Summer, but also a visual, detailed description of my version of PARADISE. The Jersey Shore is an oasis for me. I run the beautiful boards of Belmar to Spring Lake, and back, I go to the ocean after 5 pm until maybe 8 pm and walk along the ocean, listening to the calming ocean waves, and the funny seagulls. 
I watch the most amazing sunsets you have ever seen, and the big, bright moons that come up over the ocean, that you cannot see anywhere else. People are friendly and happy, even during COVID. I play my guitar on the boardwalks of a few of the beaches. I live for summer. One day I hope to live in Belmar, or close to it.
IF I'M WRONG is a song I wrote on Route 70 in maybe 15-20 minutes while driving. It is about making your own choices, and IF I'M WRONG, well, fine. But I took a chance. I did not lead a SAFE and boring life. I became an artist. I traveled. I funded my projects. 
I have been swindled out of money, usually by unscrupulous men, but I am here to tell you about it. I am a survivor. I live for me and do not allow myself to be controlled or manipulated, or if it happens, it is short-lived, I figure it out, and I flee the situation :). I am brave and need to try new things, take road trips, meet new people/new friends, and write and sing what is in my heart.
My music is...
Every song is different. Uninhibited was an eclectic pop/rock mix. Better Late Than Never has a theme of a single woman's journey through love, life, loss, and finding G-d. Southern Country is COUNTRY and was recorded with musicians who play at the Grand Ole Opry. 
However, Everything In Good Time is a story about letting what will be, come to be. Not rushing to get there and missing the sights. Getting it right vs. getting it now. Not forcing a result. 
It is the quintessential story a parent tells a child: “Que sera, sera”. It is a dedication to two great ladies, my Mom, and Nana, who guided me through life and answered the questions of an inquisitive, precocious, and artistic child. My songs are reflections, observations, and dedications. It took me 4 studio albums to finally have my voice and my music captured the way they should be captured. I hope that you will enjoy this journey that I have created, culminating over 20 years of songwriting. 
The song "Everything In Good Time" is a conversation between my Nana and I: A precocious little girl who want all the answers RIGHT NOW, and my Nana just telling me, "Don't Worry, it will be fine. You will be beautiful. You will be an actress. You will meet a nice man....just relax...."
If I'm Wrong as I described above, is the song about taking chances, and living a brave life, not a safe, "doing the norm" out of fear of failure or living up to other people's expectations instead of my own. Darla Perlozzi, of Misstyx studio, was able to find me the best musicians as they were all on furlough due to Covid. Tony Toliver's mastery of the piano was out of this world! I dreamed about the piano is a very important part of “If I’m Wrong”. I wanted a higher descending piano line like Vanessa Carlton's "1000 Miles", and then a lower one. But on this song, you will hear the guitar riffs of James Mitchell in the beginning.
Jim was able to telepathically understand what it was I was looking for in so many of my songs and took the helm. Tony also did the amazing keyboard work you hear in "Searching For Madonna" an "Belmar Breezes"...which was SUPPOSED to just be a SIMPLE piano song...both turned into the amazing masterpieces that they were! Tony and Jim went back and forth and just added more and more parts just because they liked my songs, unlike the musicians from "Southern Comfort" who were old guys who liked to COMPLAIN. Tony and Jim, as well as Darla, and her husband Timmy Patterson, play for A-listers! And here they were, giving me their ALL...little old me!
Rodney Ingle is hands down the BEST engineer I EVER WORKED WITH! He was instrumental in capturing my true voice the way it should be recorded. After I banged out the lead vocals to 11 songs in 4 hours, he made suggestions for the harmony lines, which I layered one by one like an individual melody. His guidance, professionalism, and mastery made this the best album I ever made. An album I WOULD GO AN BUY and listen to every day.
How do you think this release represents your current direction…
BELMAR BREEZES: Anyone who knows me or is on my Facebook will see photo after photo of my Jersey Shore escapades. Big moons. Beaches with lots of umbrellas. Timed shots of me in my sunhat, sunglasses, and bathing suits. Making the most out of life and summer. Connecting with other people. Vocally calming, beautiful, descriptive, and inspirational.
IF I'M WRONG: Is the 'in your face', brave, doesn't take no for an answer, taking chance kind of song, like "Better Late Than Never" was. Unapologetic. Feel-good music.
I write the lyrics, melodies, basic chords...play them over and over until I feel good about them, but the musicians from Darla' studio were the ones who brought everything from black and white into color.
James Mitchell, guitars and just guru who got inside my head.
Tony Toliver's mastery of the piano: I dreamed about the piano is a very important part of “If I’m Wrong”. He did more than this for me. He brought so many of my songs to life, and because of him, I do not “hate organ”. He is the reason "Belmar Breezes" sounds like it does. And "Searching For Madonna".
Timmy Patterson's wonderful bass playing, and for keeping me calm. He is the studio business side as well. We tracked 11 songs (12 tracks) in 14 hours, and I was worried about not being able to sing all the songs in one day. BUT I DID!
Darla Perlozzi, of MissStyx Studio, picked up my project when all seemed lost. The previous "producer" bailed on me, and I was better for it. Just listen to the difference in "Make Room For Mama" and "Make Room For Mama 2020". Darla did everything from putting together the best team, working with my budget, and giving me the album I should have had from other studios, at a NASHVILLE price! And of course, for her wonderful drum beats.
What most inspires you?: 
Although I started writing songs when I was 10, they began to fill my head around 1998. Songs would wae me up in the middle of the night. I could run to one song, and be inspired to write a song because of that song. Sometimes it is a simple sentence or catchphrase, like "Better Late Than Never": "What Took You So Long" was one of the last lines in the movie, "Singles". "Everything In Good Time" is what a parent or Nana tells an impatient child. You have only to go to Belmar to experience "Belmar Breezes".... it could be 90-100 degrees outside, and yet this Tradewind will kick up, and you feel like you are standing in front of the refrigerator.
"You're On Video" is about the constant scandals where you WILL BE FILMED on someone's phone, and brought to public justice on Instagram or the news. Think of all the police brutality incidents from Eric Garner to recent protests. Hit and run accidents. Hate speech. You will be filmed! You can't escape. Conversely, "Searching For Madonna" was pre-COVID: being so wrapped up in your phones and gadgets, that you have forgotten humanity, spirituality, and anything but taking selfies and scrolling through nonsensical posts of someone's breakfast.
Writing music is not a choice. It's a NEED. I don't think I could make it stop if I wanted to. Some songs come quickly, like "If I'm Wrong". Some I will write down a line or two, and come back to it years later. Each song is like a birth of a child. Sometimes I go a week or two with no writing, and sometimes It is like a flood of songs. When people hear my lyrics or a small child comes up to me on the boardwalk, dancing and smiling, "I love your voice" like Lara did on Saturday evening at Seaside, or a group of teens passing by stop to listen, jam along, clap, dance....even give a thumbs up...that is why I do it. Being remembered. Not just fame. But have a reason why I was put on this earth and what I will leave behind ("Here She Lies").
I took piano lessons from childhood, but I am one with my guitar. Ibanez. I have four of them. You will see me on the boardwalk with my black one, (Black Ivy) and in shows/photos with my purple one (Miss Plum)
I will hopefully record any future music with Darla's team, but like the movie "Once", all of this happened because I was furloughed, and the musicians were as well, and who knows if we will ever have the opportunity to work together as a team again, once everyone goes back to their touring schedules. I do my scratch recordings with a condenser mic an garage band and hope to eventually, finally learn ProTools. 
What was one notable event that helped shape your last decade?  
I really can't think of "one". Everything is just small little steps that eventually become part of a journey. But from 2016 onward, I taught fewer classes for the horrible and abusive gym and worked more on SAG-AFTRA projects. Of course, everything has been shut down for COVID.
What’s your goal for 2020?: 
Take "Everything In Good Time" to the heights it needs to reach! It is an album that MUST be HEARD. I snuck off to Nashville during a pandemic to record it with the best musicians in the world and released it during a pandemic. It can be for nothing. It is also my best work yet. The songs are relevant! "You're On Video", "We Could Be Friends" (Black Lives Matter and other discrimination and divisiveness), "Your Love Hurts" (domestic violence).
When I started, my first recordings were on "DAT"...
Then someone said, "You need to find a studio with ProTools". My first album and half were recorded at "Night Owl", and then I like paid what would buy me a small condo to finish "Better Late Than Never" at Cove City in Long Island. I trusted 3 "labels" who kept my money, took my money, and were lazy. 
Now I am in control of my production as well as finding people to promote my music. I also have learned that I can go to Nashville an get a quality recording, vs spending through the nose in NY. Like, NY, you have to weed through, as te 1st team was ok for the time, but when Darla's team explained that they probably had the mic on backward, recorded me on the clunky 2-inch machine they threw out when they took over the studio, didn't give me my tracks in a ProTools session so I could remix them if I wanted to, vs the amazing project I recorded with Darla's people. Darla and I bonded over being females, it is a boy's club, especially in Nashville. One guy must have been trolling Darla's FB, and although I just recorded at Darla's studio, wrote to me via my website, and wanted to know who I recorded with. 
I told him I was happy, and would never record ANYWHERE again except for Misstyx, which prompted an angry rant, and "do you know who I am" and "I will have you blacklisted from the musician's union".....so I called the musician's union. Everyone knows everyone, so both Tony (my piano player) and Darla, and a few other folks, shut him up.
Every time I get a guy who tries to scam me out of money ($150 to be on some blog in Nashville that no one has ever heard of) and he says, "You don't know how the music business works!" I just laugh. Musicians today have to do some digging, shopping, and unfortunately, occasionally being scammed or overpaying the wrong people, but it is easier to get it right now thanks to the public opinions online. Do good work, get good reviews. I was also scammed by "Loggins" bac in 2006 or 2007. They charged $750 a week and then tacked on charges for "gift cards" I did not agree to. You couldn't stop them from charging your card for like 2 weeks (you had to give "notice"). I eventually called "Loggins" to ask why I was not receiving ASCAP royalties for all the radio promotion he did, and he could not answer.
Musicians have all the tools they need to create and promote music. I could have bought a house with the mistakes I have made over the past 20 years. But I have learned to do my research and search out the right people to help me.
Website & social media links: :
 Kama Linden: www.kamalinden.com New album: "Everything In Good Time" June 20, 2020:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5RHPPSDhiiYpmt55p1ONeL?si=-WQaDYe9Ttu9eoj73sTNqg Apple:https://music.apple.com/us/album/everything-in-good-time/1517559501 Bandcamp:https://kamalinden.bandcamp.com/album/everything-in-good-time
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kamalindenmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kamalindenmusic
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talix18 · 5 years
November 3
Today begins with the time change back to EST, a Fleetwood Mac concert two hours away in Philly, and a head cold. I went to bed at ?? o'clock, woke up at 5:something AM, ate some leftover Halloween sugar, and put myself back to sleep. It's now 10:30 and I've finally made my way out of bed. My intentions are to pace myself and nap so that I'm still awake for the drive home from Philly, but this day's start is not encouraging. I've eaten some pizza for breakfast, so I'm thinking of taking some Excedrin or cold medicine, which will add yet another variable to this consciousness management equation.
I'm saying it's a head cold, but really it's just congestion and a headache. I'll see what's in the medicine cabinet when the cat gets off my lap.
Yes, I've become that sad middle-aged lady in the office with no husband, no kids, and two cats. I know that there are pros and cons in all of these choices, and I know just about the same number of people who are happy with their families as people who are either struggling as single parents with young kids or in unhappy relationships and really, there are no guarantees anywhere. The goal, as Sinead O'Connor put it back in the 80s, is to not want what I haven't got. But that has never been my MO.
Almost every decision I've ever made (or failed to make) has been about giving myself the maximum possible outs. I've never been good at commitment – I've always wanted room to move and now that I have it, I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. I've got all the freedom and independence to make grand gestures and absolutely no idea what to do next.
There's this saying in my specific 12-Step program that says something like “working this thing will give you a life beyond your wildest dreams” and I have a lot of issues with that. (Of course, because I am a philosophizer and an addict, justifying and rationalizing all the livelong day.) My wildest dreams include being in a loving relationship and being Stevie Nicks, so clearly I'm falling short.
So I think, well, maybe that “life beyond your wildest dreams” stuff means living like a productive member of society instead of sleeping in abandominiums. Having a job and a bank account and paying bills. Maybe my bottom wasn't low enough to make the life I have now seem remarkable. I've seen how using addicts live – when every decision is literally about getting and using and finding ways and means to get more. I got clean at 27 and I had very little to lose because I didn't have anything of my own. I was just about to start making some incredibly bad decisions when I got a DWI and a year's suspended jail sentence and was scared straight. I was still living at Mom's and going to grad school.
Maybe my dreams are too outrageous. I have a friend who celebrated 25 years recently and realized that she is living her best life. She has a job that she worked hard for and cares about, is married to a man who adores her, has two rescued dogs, and has a good relationship with her grown daughter. Why are my dreams on such a different scale? I have no ability to want things in any correct proportion. I can't play a damn instrument and haven't sung with anyone in public since I got clean – maybe touring with Fleetwood Mac is aiming a little high. How about I start with taking guitar lessons that don't cause me sleep-disrupting pain? That seems like a reasonable place to start.
Then there are my world travel dreams, many of which I've been lucky enough to live out. I went to India, for gods' sake. Not that long ago. That was amazing and surreal. And one of those things that really is a gift from the Universe, like my job and my house. I got the job I have because my father took my resume in to work and back then, the government had an Outstanding Scholar Program. Because I had excellent grades (despite having graduated from college ten+ years earlier), I was hired at one grade and automatically promoted several more within my first three years, where I've leveled off and received modest within-grade step increases at regular intervals since. I make more money than I ever though I would working a nine-to-five job; enough to put some away for retirement and still have enough to have a life now (like seeing Fleetwood Mac twice in one year or international travel). That alone puts me at a higher standard of living than most of the damn world.
My house also sort of fell in my lap. I had just moved back to Mom's after moving out of a friend's house – she had recently gotten engaged and he had moved in. They got a new puppy, so I took the cat and moved back into the basement. One of my friends' mom's is a real estate agent and told her to see if I was thinking about buying. I wasn't, but I was in my 30s and my cat did not get along with my mom's cats, so it was time to consider a living situation. I had been gifted stock in a utility by my mother's second husband's parents when I was a kid; that money was more than enough for a down payment on this tiny house next to the state park. I was about to get one of those automatic grade increases at work and could afford the mortgage and utilities: voila! Home ownership. Only some of the factors that came together to make that happen were within my control. I've seen people stuck in relationships because they can't afford to support themselves. I've seen people move from spare room to spare room because they can't afford a place on their own. I always wanted a place to live where I'd have enough room for all my stuff and no one could kick me out. (Except the bank, obvs.) I have that and have had it for damn near 15 years.
Maybe my life has been so good for so long that I don't even notice it anymore. There are very few things I have to if I don't want to do them. Just that is a huge freedom.
India happened because I had recently gotten back in touch with a women I'd met when she did PT on my first bad shoulder. She was also a yoga teacher and I'd taken some classes with her, but our schedules stopped syncing and we hadn't seen each other in a while. I responded to one of her emails offering a new class and about a week later, she asked if I wanted to join her for an evening of kirtan. I said sure, and on our way to Annapolis, as we caught each other up on our lives, she mentioned that she might be going to India with the founder of the yoga tradition she practices. “I want to go to India!” I said before even realizing it was true, and she said “Come with us!”
Now I am not a person of spontaneity. I'm not a compulsive researcher, either, but finding out in October about a possible trip to India in January is not way out of my comfort zone. For one thing, I'm a terrible flier. I'm not sure if it's the stress of airport security or being trapped in a steel tube in the sky with strangers, but anytime air travel is involved, my anxiety levels start off near the top of the chart. And this meant flying halfway around the world to a completely foreign country, although with a group that would handle all of the hotel and travel arrangements. It was the best opportunity to go somewhere I'd probably never go on my own.
And to my surprise, my reaction wasn't “I can't do that!” It was “What would stop me from being able to do that?” I had just enough vacation saved, just enough money saved, and a mom willing to take care of my cats while I was gone. I applied for a visa and got the recommended vaccinations and found myself in Mumbai in January of '18. That was a dream I didn't even know I had until it happened.
And it was almost everything I wanted it to be. My own personal eat, meditate, and have sex for the first time in two years. All that was missing was meeting an elephant. (I'll make sure the pictures of me on a camel and of a monkey on me are included at some point.) It wasn't included on our tour (which took us from Vrindivan to Rishikesh), but we added a few days on to the end and went to the Taj Mahal. I still can't believe that happened and I have pictures to prove it did. I know there are many tourist attractions that don't live up to the hype, but trust me when I tell you that the Taj Mahal is worth going out of your way for. Our first views of it were from a distance and looked exactly life every picture you've ever seen, but as I walked toward it and the perspective changed as we got closer...it was overwhelming. The white marble of the building is inlaid with stone of every color and...the artistry is literally breath-taking. We went to a workshop where, according to our travel guide, the descendants of the craftspeople who built the mausoleum still worked creating marble pieces today, several of which made their way home with me. Those Indian people see us white folk coming and I was happy to leave several hundred of my American dollars behind with them.
And that is just sliding onto the edge of today's word count. I wonder how long it will be before I see this taking any kind of shape. I know the whole point of this exercise is just to get the words out, but I'm not sure how long I can do this without repeating myself. Would I be easier if I made something up? You'd think I could wring 10K words out of each decade I've been alive, but even I know that most of them just aren't that interesting.
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luxexhomines · 6 years
Hello, can i please have a headcanon of Gundham, Kazuichi, Leon, Kiyotaka and mondo, who try to comfort their S/O who is very stress because their family think be bigender is "not normal" ?
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Thanks for the request! I don’t know that I can write for a bigender reader as far as their perspective goes, so these headcanons are all just about comfort and the way the boys react to your distress from your not-so-understanding family.Hopefully, they’re all in character.
No cut; let me know if you’d like one. Icon credit to phasedistort! Here we go!
Gundham, Kazuichi, Leon, Kiyotaka, & Mondo Comforting Bigender! S/O Headcanons
Gundham Tanaka
He’s never been really great at comforting people or had great people skills in general, truthfully. He wonders how he even managed to get as lovely of a s/o as you!
But to see you in such distress after coming out to your family makes his heart ache, so if you’re crying or moping, he’ll sit next to you and offer grandiose affirmations in the chuunibyou language he speaks as well as a box of tissues. “O Majestic Ruler, you are above any of the plebeians that cry false, disparaging claims about your utterly sublime character and state of being!”
He’ll bring you comfort food like ice cream and cookies, or whatever you like to eat! If it has meat, he might be kind of reluctant, but seeing your face, he’ll agree.
And oh, does he have the ultimate cuddlers with him. The hamsters are kind of small to cuddle, but he has no problem getting you dogs, cats, bunnies, or whatever else you’d like to pet. You know Gundham, he’d probably even leash and tame a bear so you could hug it–that is, if you dare.
If you’re allergic to fur, that’s pretty sad, but he’ll go to costco to get a huge teddy bear or your bedroom if you have some at home so you can have something soft & cuddly!
Oh, but if you ask to cuddle him… He’s gonna be severely shy, so you’d probably have to hunt him down or tackle him. Or he’ll accept, seeing the state you’re in, while his cheeks are permanently dyed a gloriously deep red.
If you cuddle him in bed at night while sleeping, he’s probably not going to sleep the entire night although he won’t admit it, so you should probably spare him and hug the teddy bear instead. He gets pretty out of it when he doesn’t have his sleep.
Gundham’s there for you all the way, behind the scenes! He’s your errand boy and cuddly toy, even if he won’t say so himself.
Kazuichi Souda
He’s another one of the type that is unsure about how to deal with distressed people, so he will be at your beck and call and asks you constantly if there’s anything he can do for you, to the point that you might find it a little annoying, although his devotion to you is endearing.
If you ask him to help you through the holidays with your family by going with you back to your home, where your presence has not been requested but required despite their discomfort with your gender, he’ll be honored that you feel like you can rely on him with such an important job.
Your family might not be too approving of your boyfriend, seeing his bright pink hair and the way he looks kind of like a delinquent…but to them, at least it proves that you can love normally despite being bigender, so they’ll kind of accept him. Kind of.
There are, of course, times when your family, not thinking being bigender is normal, will make bigoted comments about your sexuality at the dinner table, which will definitely rile him up. You’ll have to reach under the table and squeeze his hand to keep him from standing up or arguing with them.
After the dinner, he’ll rant to you about your family and then shut up abruptly, realizing that they are still your family. You’ll have to reassure him that it’s okay, and you know he has good intentions.
His reactions–or what would have been, at least–make you feel a bittersweet joy, because you know that he’s on your side and expresses what you wish you could to your family.
When you cry, it’s enough for him to want to pick up the phone and give your family an angry phone call or storm over there, but you always stop him, knowing it won’t solve anything.
To control his anger, he’ll go to his garage and fiddle with his gadgets, where he might just make a mini-you robot. Or a hundred of them. Depends on his mood. 
This boy will get angry on your behalf, and if it’s not your family making you cry, he’ll gladly go and take them down a peg, never mind that being a mechanic isn’t particularly intimidating.
Leon Kuwata
Here’s another one with a hot-blooded temper and will actually argue with your family after they say something about how being bigender is abnormal or how you must be mistaken about your gender; apart from words, even physically making contact with him won’t calm him down, and your strength is hardly enough to hold back the Ultimate Baseball Player.
You don’t take him back with you for the holidays when you go to see your family because he simply can’t control himself, but he will check in on you over text and phone calls everyday.
If he ever finds out you’re crying at your family’s house, he’ll probably jump on a plane, train, car, or public transportation to get to your family’s home so he can comfort you. And maybe beat someone up.
When you’re thinking about the whole situation and feel down, Leon will play some music for you on the guitar, maybe sing as he strums some tunes. He’ll encourage you to sing along if you have the spirits, but won’t be pushy about it. 
He might even suggest playing a simple game of catch, if it’ll take your mind off of things. Doing something single-mindedly can help get you out of your funk, according to him, and throwing a ball around is surprisingly meditative.
When you just want to be comforted, Leon will let you sit in his lap, let you rest your head in his lap, cover you in lots of blankets.
If you eat tons of ice cream or other comfort foods, he’ll eat with you.
Overall, Leon’s kind of a wild card with lots of anger, but he will offer plenty of camaraderie no matter what’s going on.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
You know how he is–he gets riled up easily, but as he doesn’t condone violence, he would never try to fight your family, at least not physically. Word are another story, but he’ll sit, beg and lay down, whatever you command, since they are your family.
He will have lots of healthy coping methods for the stress you accumulate in his back pocket! Or he’ll research them for you, like the sweet & caring cinnamon roll he is.
He’ll try all the coping methods with you, one by one! He’s probably not a big believer of meditation or praying, but whatever helps you–he just wants you to feel better and deal with your stress in a healthy way!
When you begin to cry, hyperventilate, or panic, he’ll sit you down at the couch and rub soothing circles on your back while murmuring affirmations to you. About every ten minutes, he might check in with you and ask if you’re feeling better, worse, or the same, and if there’s anything he can do to help.
If you ask to cuddle, he might object and say it’s indecent with red painted all over his cheeks, but if you give him a puppy dog look, he’ll agree reluctantly. He’ll likely be very stiff and nervous, but will relax over time. Maybe.
When you’re wanting to eat something, he’ll suggest healthy foods too, like carrots or celery, which are crunchy enough that you can maybe take out some of your anger on them without eating anything too bad for your body.
But if you want ice cream, chips or sweets, he’ll oblige–but he’ll insist on buying it for you so he can check the ingredients and choose the best options from the selection of not so healthy foods.
You can count on him if you want to bring him back for the holidays not to do anything drastic, though he might have a couple outbursts. He just loves you too much, he can’t help it if someone else is causing you to suffer or saying horrible things about you!
He’s just a sweet boy who will try to make sure you cope with all the stress in a way that is healthy and conducive to yourself and the people around you for your own good.
Mondo Oowada
You know him, he has the shortest temper of them all. There is absolutely no way you’d ever bring him back home over the holidays for support because he’d end up causing you more anxiety over fights rather than giving you peace of mind as you weather the storm. Although the sight of him would probably be more than enough to stop your family from making ignorant and hurtful comments.
You know he’d jump on his motorbike and ride over to rescue you and maybe punch out the lights of some people there, so you try to ride the rollercoaster of emotions, take good care of yourself, make sure you are in good shape for daily calls with him, and for the most part it works.
Sometimes when you mention a comment from your family about how bigender probably wasn’t a thing and that you were just going through a phase, he starts ranting about them and swearing loudly, forgetting that technically, you’re just as capable of doing so yourself if you want to.
Otherwise, you mostly use him as a giant teddy bear–albeit, his chest is more muscular than soft.
You like to cling onto him and beg for piggyback rides, though, and when he asks if you’re a kid in an irritated manner, you answer that you are when he’s around, so he bends down to let you climb on. His gruff manner does nothing to disguise his love for you, which is comfort in itself.
When you break down in front of him, he feels powerless and helpless, not knowing how he could ever lift you up. But he doesn’t let his selfish desire to remain in control take over; he accompanies you through the long night, staying at your side loyally and holding you close.
If you’re fine with it, he’ll ask to take you on a ride on his motorcycle in the dead of night, the comfortable breeze combing through your hair and the moon guiding your journey down countless empty streets.
He is super down for comfort food. Greasy fast food? Sugary ice cream? Bags and bags of salty chips? He’ll take you anywhere and buy you anything–heck, he’ll eat all the same things, too.
He’s a solid partner when you need support; he doesn’t succumb to the pressures of a toxic masculinity culture and especially not when he takes care of you, because he knows it’s all about you when you ask him to be there for you. He’ll be vulnerable with you, too, if you want.
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A Critical Manifesto: Tumblr Boogaloo
Welcome to Sing The Nation Electric, whoever you are, whyever you are. This is a music blog devoted to lesser-known music of all stripes, shapes, and sizes. We write about singer-songwriters, punk bands, ambient producers, black metal, hip-hop, mumble rap, and just about anything that slaps. We’re always looking for new sounds and new writers!
Technically, “we” is “I”. I’m Sean and I’m the only contributor (for now). I started this thing on WordPress in 2017, only to let life get in the way, after which I found out how much I missed it and dove back in this year. However, I decided I wanted to do things a little differently. 
From here on out, "We" will be used when referring to the writer and any writers who may call Sing The Nation Electric home in the future.
No more "I".
As much "you" as possible.
In as few words as possible, allow us to describe some guiding principles.
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Music always has a story to tell. Music shakes with the bones of history and runs with the spirits of its players. Music is no (G)od but it sure has a funny way of talking like one.
Music always tells stories, no exceptions. It may or may not be well-done, but it will always tell a story. Fred Durst has a story to tell and Yoko Ono has a story to tell and Kendrick Lamar has a story to tell. A punk band has a story to tell. A classically-trained violinist has a story to tell. Your kid sister at a 6th-grade talent show has a story to tell.
Some stories are better told than other stories. Sometimes certain stories just don't stick with you. And that's okay. Maybe there's some stories that you didn't even know could be stories. Maybe you didn't know that this pretentious-looking button-down-shirt man playing guitar at your local bar traveled 1,000 miles to get there in a decrepit van just so he could play songs like his grandma used to play at night. That's a story.
Keeping an open mind about music isn't about accepting stupidity. It's about knowing how many different kinds of stories are out there, even if they don't speak to you personally.
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At Sing The Nation Electric, we value stories. We are here to celebrate and not to criticize. We will not provide number scores or letter grades in our reviews. We will not provide an album-of-the-year list and we will not rank our favorite records. We will tell you about the things we have heard and what we love about them. We hope you'll listen to the bands and support their art by streaming/buying/sharing what they create.
If you are looking for detailed discussions of genre and who is cutting the proverbial edge, we have a blogroll full of excellent curators devoted to that topic. Those blogs are amazing and you should read them! It just won't be a subject that will be heavily featured in Sing The Nation Electric, if at all.
This is not to say that we won't point out things we don't like, or share our thoughts. It's definitely not to say that genre discussion is fruitless, or searching for "the next big thing" is an entirely hollow exercise. Those discussions are exciting and they challenge artists to push themselves. However, these discussions can also get snobby. They can get vicious and misinformed. They can make listeners forget what made them fall in love with music in the first place: music.
Sing The Nation Electric is a safe space for music lovers. It is a counterculture in an online world that focuses sometimes on ranks and numbers to a degree that eclipses the joy of experiencing sounds. It's nice to have a change of pace sometimes, isn't it?
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We welcome most music from all genres, with some exceptions.
At Sing The Nation Electric, we censor. We exercise no tolerance for hate speech, including but not limited to racism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-Semitism, white supremacy, National Socialist ideology, and all rhetoric aimed at "otherizing" humans based on their circumstances and not their actions. Do not send us music founded on these principles. We will remember who you are. We will not say, "We welcome all ideas," because not all ideas are good. Nazis should be feared more than censorship.
To that degree, we are a political blog. People are people are people. Black lives matter. Gay lives matter. Trans lives matter. Homeless lives matter. Low-income lives matter. Migrant lives matter. Indigenous lives matter. White lives may matter but white privilege sure as hell doesn't. We act according to our conscience. We ask that you answer yours.
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Whether you are a music nerd looking for new jams, an artist looking for new spaces to share art, a writer looking for a forum to express love, or simply a curious bystander, welcome. Do you have questions? Do you have criticisms? Do you want to contribute? Can we do better?
Comment below. Message us. Follow us. Engage us. Join us. Over time, we hope to sift through the currents of our hyperconnected countries and foster a nation of respect, humility, and discovery.
We leave you with the words of Walt Whitman, whose poetry inspired this project in the first place.
I sing the body electric / The armies of those I love engirth me and I engirth them, / They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them, / And discorrupt them, and charge them full with the charge of the soul.
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scullyy · 6 years
Two Sides Of The Same Street
Title: Two Sides of the Same Street / Chapter One
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 1750
Summary: Louis is getting tired of working at the music store on the corner until a cute girl starts to work in the antique shop across the street.
A/N: I love Au's with people working in set shops :) enjoy
He tapped his fingers against the wooden counter, staring at the traffic outside. Louis started to count every red car (19) then every white car (28). Working in a music store was nothing like he had anticipated, to be blunt it was so incredibly boring. What he would give to be able to play one of the pianos, but his boss would reprimand him. It would play in his head like a mantra, “The instruments are not there for your free time!”
There was always Marlon, Louis glanced into the storeroom and saw his friend organising records into their appropriate crates. He was more diligent than Louis was, something their boss liked to remind him of. He slammed his head against the counter, praying for something interesting to happen.
The ringing of the bell at the front door multiplied the weight in Louis’s shoulders, probably just another soccer mom wanting to buy their reluctant child something. Slowly he lifted his head back up “Can I help you with any-”
His breath got caught in the back of his throat, she was certainly no soccer mom. “-Thing?”
She noticed his faltering words, giving him a puzzled look. “Hi...I’m just here to look at guitars.”
Louis immediately ran a hand through his hair, trying to recompose himself. She was very, very pretty. She had short curly hair in messy pigtails that somehow framed her small face perfectly. He mentally slapped himself, a cute girl in his presence and he wasn’t being theatrical? What kind of world…
“Well, you have walked into the right place,” Louis clasped his hands together. “We mainly provide guitars with nylon-strings.”
She turned to look at the ever-so-impressive wall of guitars, all calling out to her. “That’s cool, I’m looking for a classical guitar. Can I uh, pick one up?”
Louis could hear his boss screaming in his head. “When people touch instruments they break them! Only staff can lift them.”
“Of course!”
The girl slowly reached for a cedar guitar, giving Louis immediate hints on what type of sound she was hunting for. She held it close to her body, fingers morphing into an odd shape around the chords. “You play for fun or are you in a band?”
She smiled to herself as she strummed the guitar, it somehow sounded so much better than any other guitarist Louis had heard, maybe he was just being biased towards the pretty girl. “Just for fun. You play anything?”
Louis motioned to the keyboards on the other side of the store. “The piano is my muse, but not electrical. I prefer the classic piano, with strings. I find it sounds better. I have a Perzina - I call it Perry - it sounds so...I sound so dorky.” He laughed to drown out his embarrassment.
This mysterious girl knew what he was talking about. Electronic instruments could never compete with the history of the classic ones, in her mind's eye at least. “My dad played the guitar when I was a kid, it could be heard from everywhere in the house. He taught me the basics.”
She spoke with such grace Louis hoped she never left the store just so he could hear her more. “Does he still play?”
Her face instantly fell, eyes wandering to the shiny floor. “No, he doesn’t.”
There was something more to the tale but Louis didn’t press it. “Well, you interested in the one you’re...grasping very tightly?”
The girl eyed the guitar up and down, examining everything it offered. “Yeah, I think I am.” She loosened her grip on the neck and gave Louis a reassuring smile. He guided her over to the front counter, sadness started to slowly grow in him as he realised their beautiful little meeting was coming to a close, so Louis may or may not have punched in the barcode slower than usual.
“I haven’t seen you in the market before, are you a newcomer or simply a hermit? No judgment here.”
She rolled her eyes at such a dumb joke but her smile said otherwise. “I’m not a hermit, I just moved here all the way from Savannah.”
“That’s pretty far. What made you decide to move?” His fingers grazed the register, delaying time just to hear more about her life story.
“Just...thought maybe a fresh start would allow me to find the thing I’ve been looking for,” She sounded so hopeful and sure of herself, it was admiring. She pulled her wallet out of her little backpack and paid for the guitar. “I’ll see you around, Perzina guy.”
She strutted out the store with a fiery gaze, definitely on a march for something. Louis watched her walk until she turned out of sight, immediately missing her. She was so strange; mysterious and yet aloof. Some small part of him hoped he’d see her again, another part knew he would.
“You been to that new Antique store across the road?”
Louis looked out the window and saw what Marlon was talking about, the once abandoned space had been refurbished into a store filled with antiques of all kinds. “Not yet, looks a little dull,” History certainly interested him, but what’s so interesting about old artefacts? “It’ll certainly beat tuning these damn guitars.”
These damn guitars that reminded him of the girl he hadn’t seen for a few days, but Marlon didn’t need to know that.
“Gimme a few minutes, I’m taking my break early.” Louis yanked off his lanyard and threw it at Marlon’s face.
“Hey! You can’t leave me to do all the work you asshole!” He yelled after his supposed best friend, a title he’d have to reconsider.
Louis strutted across the empty street, no one shops on a Tuesday morning. It was just one of those days. Out front the little store were small tables carrying an assortment of items; from teacups to clocks to figurines. He slowly walked into the quiet space, immediately being surprised by how much stuff there was. Who the hell had time to collect this?
“Hey there,” Louis looked ahead and saw a tall man holding a box marked FRAGILE. “If you spot anything you like give us a call, just don’t break anything or you will pay for it.” He gave Louis an affirming nod before walking into the storeroom. Some of the antiques were quite charming, maybe it wasn’t so dull after all. Louis started wandering around the store, fingers gently brushing over some of the porcelain items.
“You need a hand?”
He looked over his shoulder and almost fell onto his ass, and judging by her face she almost did too.
“Hey, it’s Perzina guy,” It was her, the mystery girl.  “Didn’t expect to see you in here so soon.”
Louis straightened out his jacket in an attempt to look somewhat cool. “Well, I do work across the street, gotta check out the competition.”
“Seriously? We’re automatically competing?” She started flipping the pen in her hand between her fingers with ease, intimidating Louis just a fraction.
“You know that people love music more than ancient history,” He folded his arms, somehow their conversation was turning into a battle of wits. “Like what’s so interesting about...this damn spoon?” Louis gestured to a set of tarnished silver cutlery sitting on a small desk.
She raised an eyebrow at his uncertainty, raising the spoon in front of him. “How much would you sell this for?”
He shrugged. “Fifty cents.”
“Antique silverware is often pretty valuable, especially flatware that’s actually silver, real silver will typically look tarnished. Authentic silver will also make a ringing sound if you tap it,” She did so and caused that very ringing. “This is Gorham silver, first made in 1899, this Buttercup spoon was one of the most popular sterling silverware patterns. With this set of four, it’s worth up to a six-hundred dollars if sold to the right person. If you want the biggest bang for your buck, you need to know what your shit is worth.”
She wished she had a camera to capture the dumb-struck look on his face, it’s the same one her little brother used to make when she caught his nose. She gently set the spoon back down with the others. “Everything in this shop has a story, worth a hell of a lot more than just fifty cents.” She breezed by him and started to take stock again, leaving him in a perpetual state of astonishment.
“Hey, wait up,,” He broke out of his state of mind when he noticed she was no longer standing across from him. “What’s your name?”
“Clementine, what’s yours?”
A pretty name for a pretty face.
And a charming name for a charming boy.
“So Clem, what made you decide to work in an antique store?”
“It’s kind of a no-brainer, but it’s fascinating for me. The journey these items took to still be around today is a story in itself,” Her eyes glowed as she stared at the fine detail on a wooden clock, she was so passionate about these little items, it made Louis’s heart go crazy. “Sorry for my enthusiasm.”
Louis bumped her hip with his own. “I like your enthusiasm.”
Clementine couldn’t help but stare at him with such admiration, most of the people she rambled to about her passion would give her an odd glance, but this boy somehow understood everything without having a single clue about antiques. It was then she noticed how his deep brown eyes matched so much of the old furniture she admires. The historian in her wanted to dive in and uncover his story...
A deep cough forced them to break eye contact, Clementine turned to the sound and saw her boss eyeing them down. “You finished taking stock, Clem?”
“Almost done Lee!” She hollered, rewarding a head nod from the guy. “I should get back to work, thanks for stopping by.”
“Anytime - well - not anytime, I do have to work...shit I have to work!” Panic started to spread as Louis remembered his blonde friend having to tune guitars alone, what’s a man to do without his musically inclined friend?  “I gotta go, it was great talking to you Clementine, and for the record, my store will win!” He called out as he bolted out the wire door, missing Clem’s breathy chuckle.
She tried to finish her stocktake but her mind kept wandering back to Louis, even her eyes would occasionally flicker over to the store across the street, wishing that he would come back and entertain her more. Clementine set down the stocktake sheet on the counter, wondering if she had found the very thing she was looking for.
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Deathsticks have been called 'controlled chaos', employing 'feedback, crashing drums, roaring power chords and screaming solos' to devastating effect. Personally, I hear elements of Death From Above and Pretty Girls Make Graves - doesn't matter, just listen to it, OK!? Transplanted from Peterborough, they have been destroying eardrums with their live shows and powerful releases, such as 2018's Deathsnacks and In The Motors. We spoke with guitarist Matt Post (MP). Check out their tunes, and a live show, if you'd be so lucky! 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buysomedeathsticks/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dethstyx/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Deathsticksband
BandCamp: https://buysomedeathsticks.bandcamp.com/
Latest Release: In The Motors (Single, Sep 2018)
Upcoming Shows: Friday, May 10 - Gleneagle at CMW. Cherry Cola’s, Toronto, ON. Friday, May 17 - Deathsticks, Torpor, Death Ex, and more. Pressed, Ottawa, ON. Sunday, June 9 - SOTO FEST III. Off Peak Green Barn. Ottawa, ON.
SA: How did Deathsticks first start playing music together? MP: Deathsticks formed in late 2015, originally with Evan Moore on drums (now of Toronto band Blankscreen). Laura joined a couple months later and we played our first show with this lineup in Feb 2016. Laura and I grew up in Durham region, in Oshawa and Whitby, but started playing together because of the Peterborough music scene. Laura was in a band that I was a big fan of and I sort of became their roadie. We had a mutual respect for what we’d been working on separately and just got along well.
SA: What bands or musicians would you cite as the biggest influences on your sound? MP: We were definitely influenced by local Ontario bands when we first started out. I had seen some Toronto bands like Soupcans and New Fries, anything that was on like Telephone Explosion, Pleasance Records or Bruised Tongue in Ottawa was stuff I thought was cool and wanted to do something like that. Laura and I saw Holy Fuck together and I tried to rip off some of their vocal effects on the earlier Deathsticks recordings. The first Peterborough show I saw was at a fest Laura organized, noise veterans Nihilist Spasm Band played and also a local artist called Paulabulus. I didn’t really know you could make ambient/drone/noise music like that and saw that there was an audience for that kind of thing in the Peterborough community. More recently my friends bands like WLMRT and the London crowd around Isolation Party, Shoobies, Manager and Disleksick have helped guide me back to making music fun.
SA: Thus far in your career, what has been the band’s biggest success? MP: We’ve been 100% DIY, with no help from booking agents, larger labels, publicists, or producers who would shape our sound. Of course everything is harder this way and takes longer but at least we’re not looking at spending the next decade locked in a record contract or something for art we could just continue doing the way we want to, on our own.
SA: Conversely, what is the biggest challenge you have faced, and how have you dealt with it? MP: This past winter we recorded about an EP’s worth of material and just scrapped it. It was all getting to be too self-serious and un-fun guitar post punk whatever. I’ve gotten over the angrier direction we had in the past and am trying to make music that’s still light-hearted while also still being destructive and cathartic. It’s difficult to look at something you’ve made and decide not to release it, but it’s important for a band to be real with themselves and understand that not everything you make is automatically worth listening to. We’re moving on with different instrumentation and new ideas we’re more excited about, rather than go through the trouble of paying for vinyl or tapes of music we don’t even care about any more.
SA: How do you guys approach the song-writing process? MP: With great difficulty. Usually we get a song either on the first time we play it. or from like weeks of cutting down a longer jam session to its bare bones. As long as the songs end up being like 2 minutes long or less I’m happy, and as long as it’s catchy then Laura’s happy, I think.
SA: I understand you guys are transplants to Ottawa. What are your thoughts on the Ottawa music scene? MP: Ottawa has been kind to us. We just moved to the suburbs and that’s where it’s at. But we’re really grateful to have great venues like House of Targ, Pressed and Black Squirrel Books. Promotional things like Sitting on the Outside, Ottawa Showbox and Side By Side Weekend are showing the larger Canadian and international scene that Ottawa is worth playing and that there’s some great bands no matter what genre you’re into.
SA: What is your favourite show that the band has played, and why? MP: Our first show, but we spend way more time talking about our weirdest shows ever. We have a running list of strangest experiences and when you play hundreds of times across Canada in a lot of unconventional venues like ice cream parlors, people’s living rooms, or Chinese food restaurants (don’t worry none of those are the weirdest ones, those ones were all good) it’s more fun than just playing the same kind of bar all the time. If you put us on a bill literally anywhere we will play it and have a great time.
SA: Thus far in the band’s repertoire, what is your favourite track, and why? MP: I like whatever the newest song happens to be. Once I’ve played it a few dozen times I can get tired of it though. Some of the songs haven’t left the live set in the whole 3 years so far. People still respond to them, so they work. “Buzzkill” is definitely a fan favourite and it’s been the opening song for a couple years. I like playing “Fridge Nachos” I guess.
SA: Are Deathsticks cigarettes!? I feel like they’re cigarettes?!?! Are you guys fans/haters of NO FRILLS grocery stores? I can’t tell from the album art. MP: Deathsticks refers to Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. In high school no one wanted to be in a band with me which is for the best but at the time I thought it would be funny to call a band Deathsticks because that band would be saying “you don’t want to buy this, you want to go home and rethink your life.” It still is funny.  
SA: What comes next for you guys in 2019? Good luck this coming year! MP: We’re going to tour the USA for the first time. We started a label called Not My Car so we’ve been working on releases for that. Our EP Deathsnacks just came out on 7-inch through the label, and we’re recording some other bands we like in our home studio. Not My Car is DIY label where I do all of the production and recording in-house. Most immediately we’re doing a lathe cut split with Disleksick aka London’s most dangerous band.
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very-important-army · 7 years
Pairing: Yixing x Reader Rating: T Genre: fluff, Christmas!AU Word Count: 4k, oneshot
Merry (belated) Christmas! (At least it’s still Christmas in some parts of the world?) Also, I started writing this before Yixing dropped his winter album, so I was so shook when I realized he included the same song in his winter album that I included in his Christmas fic!
“Good morning, baobei.” The greeting penetrates through your sleep, and familiar arms wrap around you as Yixing slips into bed behind you.
“Hmm.” You hum in response, too tired to form words. “What time is it?” you mumble, gravitating towards his warmth.
“A little after seven in the morning,” he replies, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
“It’s too early to be awake on my day off,” you groan, rolling over to cuddle into your boyfriend’s chest. “Did you spend all night in the studio again? You need to stop working yourself to death.” The chastisement is muffled against Yixing’s threadbare cotton tee shirt, and you inhale the comforting scent deep into your lungs.  
Yixing pulls you even closer. “But I gotta provide for us,” he whines.
Your eye roll is lost into his shirt. “Xing, I am more than able to provide for myself — and you! You know what, you should stop working, I make more money than you do anyway.” As one of the most respected orthopedic surgeons in the top hospital in your area, you know that this is more than true.
Yixing hmphs. “I know, it’s so annoying! What do you get the most wonderful woman ever for Christmas when she can buy anything she wants by herself?” He pouts, petulant.
“Oh, Xing,” you laugh. “You don’t need to get me anything!” You grin up at him, big cheesy smile pasted on your face. “All I need is youuu~” you coo, watching his ears turn red, his lips turn up into a shy smile, and his eyes scrunch up.
“Aiyowei,” he whines at you. “Don’t say things like that! Just tell me what you want.”
This stubborn, tender-hearted man, you marvel.
“Really, Xing, there’s nothing I really want or need. You get me random gifts all the time anyway, for no reason at all. You don’t need to get me something just cause it’s Christmas!”
“No, I insist,” Yixing says, pulling you closer. He bats his eyes at you rapidly, lips pursed in an exaggerated pout.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you groan, weak to his aegyo. You slyly grab your phone, shoving it in his face to take a quick picture of his pouty lips. Yixing’s lips part in surprise, but you cut off his reply. “Fine. Get a me a unicorn,” you deadpan. “A magical, sparkly unicorn.”
“Noted!” Yixing cheers, photo incident forgotten. He pulls the covers around the both of you more snugly. “Now that that’s settled, good night baobei!”
This kid, aish.
“Good night, baby.”
“Goddamnit, Yixing,” you groan to yourself as you find yourself staring blankly at the overwhelming number of guitars on the wall after work. You had found your way into the local music store after Yixing brought your attention to the fact that shit, Christmas was only two weeks away and you still didn’t have a gift for your ever-supportive, ever-thoughtful boyfriend.
“Good afternoon miss, is there anything I can help you with today?”
You turn around to see a tall young man with a shock of bright red hair. Chanyeol, his nametag read. He reminded you strangely of a puppy, with floppy ears and fluffy locks.
“Err..yeah, my boyfriend is a musician, and I’m trying to find a gift for him.” You bite your lip, unsure.
“Are you looking at the guitars?” Chanyeol questions, facing the guitar wall. “We have many different kinds, including acoustic, electric, and classical. What are you looking for?”
“Great!” Chanyeol directs your attention to the left side of the wall. “What type of string and how many?”
You blink at him. “There’s a difference?”
Chanyeol laughs— a deep, full sound.
“It depends on the music you’re playing. For example, different numbers of strings indicate a different range, and different materials produce different sounds.”
You stare at him, then sigh heavily. “Thanks, Chanyeol, but I don’t think I can get him a guitar. I don’t even know what he has at home right now.”
Chanyeol beams at you. “Happy to help anyway! Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to come by if you need any gift ideas for your Romeo!”
Well, that was a complete and utter bust. Back to the drawing board.
“Xing?” You call into the house as you step over the threshold. You shrug your doctor’s coat off as you follow the sounds of running water and chopping knives to the kitchen. You’re met with the sight of a broad back and steaming pots, and you smile at the domesticity of it all. You fish your phone out of your pocket, taking a picture of your boyfriend’s turned back and bowed head.
Hearing the shutter, Yixing looks up from chopping carrots and smiles at you. You can’t help but beam back at him, the day’s stress melting off as soon as you see his face.
“Hi baobei! I’m making dinner! Go shower and dinner will be ready when you come out,” Yixing tells you, puckering his lips and blowing you a kiss before turning around and resuming his preparation.
You smile at his back, and step into the bathroom with lighter steps.
As you step out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later, a gust of warm air dispersing behind you, you hear the faint sound of Yixing’s sweet voice drifting down the hall.
“Ni shi wo de ai, zhe cong lai jiu bu ceng geng gai...”
You wander into the kitchen, tasting the distinct scent of Chinese herbal soup in the air. Yixing  approaches you, continuing to sing.
“You shi hou chao chao shuo bye bye, shi wei le mo ni de tou shuo ni gui,” he continues, stroking your wet hair. “Good evening, baobei,” Yixing says, planting a chaste kiss on your lips. “I made you herbal soup for energy! I bet you’ve been tired out at the hospital.”
Your heart fills with warmth, and you wrap your arms around his waist tightly. “What did I ever do to deserve you, you wonderful man?” Yixing merely smiles at you, guiding you to the table where you see two bowls of udon noodle soup filled to the brim.
“Thanks for dinner, Xing,” you say, taking his hand as he passes you a pair of chopsticks and kissing his fingers. “Like always.”
“You said it yourself, love,” Yixing laughs. “You’re the provider of this family, so I make dinner for you every night. It’s the least I could do to show you my love!”
“Hey, baobei.” Yixing approaches you as you’re emailing your patient with details about an upcoming surgery. “I’m gonna go to the studio now, but I’ll be back for dinner,” he tells you, placing a kiss on the crown of your head.
“Alright, see you soon,” you blow him a kiss as you hit send. As soon as the lock clicks behind him, you spring into action.
“Okay,” you take a deep breath, pulling up the recipe for a Changsha-style spicy chicken dish on your phone. “So first I need to wash the chicken...” you talk through the steps out loud, determined not to screw this up.
Methodically, you finish seasoning the chicken. “Okay, I can do this!” You enthuse, trying to bring up your confidence. “Now to slice these peppers...”
You look at the clock. Shit. Where did all the time go? You now only had half an hour before Yixing is scheduled to come home. Hurriedly, you grasp the knife in your hand tightly but unsteadily. Wow, when was the last time I used a knife for cooking?
You bring the knife down, but you misjudge where it lands.
“Fuck!” You drop the knife, looking at your pricked finger. A bead of scarlet blood is beginning to well up, and you curse. Abandoning the peppers, you quickly run to the sink to rinse the blood off your finger. As you paste a small bandage on your wound, you hear the familiar sound of the door opening.
“Baobei, I’m home!” Yixing calls into the house. “Where are you, baby?”
You smile sheepishly at him as he rounds the corner and quirks an eyebrow at the half-prepared food scattered all around the countertops.
“Sweetheart, I’ve told you before to stay out of the kitchen when you know you can’t cook,” he admonishes gently.
“I can cook!” You pout at him indignantly.
Yixing strides towards you. You try to slip your injured finger behind your back, but he reaches behind you and picks up your hand. “What’s this then?”
You grumble incoherently, but your heart lifts when Yixing places a gentle kiss on the bandage. “I will never understand how you’re so precise with a surgical scalpel, but can’t handle a kitchen knife. Leave the cooking to me from now on, okay?”
“Baobei?” Yixing plops down next to you on the couch where you’re curled up, looking at a patient’s file. “Are you free tonight?”
You hum. “I only have to review this patient’s file before the surgery, but it’s next week, so I can do it later. Why?”
“I’m playing a gig tonight at 8, and I want you to come,” he smiles at you bashfully.
Your eyes light up. “I love watching you sing!” You pat his cheeks lovingly. Yixing doesn’t respond, but his mile-wide smile tells you all that you need to know.
As soons as you step into the cafe that night, you claim a seat right next to the stage. Yixing grabs a cup of coffee for you, and you smile at him gratefully.
“Good luck, Xing-ah,” you brightly cheer him on. You lean in and place a kiss on his dimple as a sign of both thanks and encouragement.
He waves at you as he ascends the stairs to the stage, adjusting the guitar strap around his shoulder.
“Juliet!” A somewhat familiar baritone voice registers in your ear. “Have you found a gift for your Romeo yet?”
You look up. Fluffy red locks and a warm smile greet you. “Chanyeol!” You recognize, smiling. “No, not yet,” you sigh in response, before your eyes slide to a petite, doe-eyed man standing next to Chanyeol.
“This is my boyfriend Kyungsoo,” the music store employee introduces. Kyungsoo’s lips pull into a heart-shaped smile as greeting. “She was at the store looking for a guitar for her boyfriend,” Chanyeol explains.
You scrunch up your nose. “Yes, but as you can see, he already has a guitar and I have no idea what type he uses.” You gesture towards the stage, where Yixing is quietly tuning his guitar, biting his lip in concentration.
Chanyeol gasps. “Yixing? Yixing is your boyfriend?”
You jolt in slight surprise. “Yeah, you know him?”
“We’re performing with him,” Kyungsoo explains with a low, velvety voice.
“So you’re Yixing’s girl!” Chanyeol all but shouts, gleeful. Before you can ask him what he means by that, Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, shushing him with a firm punch to the arm. “Ack!” Chanyeol doubles back, dramatically clutching his arm. “How am I supposed to play piano with an injured arm, you meanie—!” His complaint is cut off as Kyungsoo grabs his hand and drags him onstage, waving goodbye to you. You eye the couple, laughing, as Chanyeol continues whining at the smaller male until Kyungsoo shuts him up with a chaste kiss.
Kyungsoo takes center stage with pink cheeks and Chanyeol settles behind the grand piano with a smirk. Yixing flashes a dimpled grin at his bandmates, letting a harmonious chord resonate through the air. The lights dim. You watch proudly as the three boys harmonize, seamlessly running through song after song. Your phone is in your hand as you cheer and sing along, taking dozens of photos of your boyfriend in his element.
Finally, after the fifth song draws to a close, Kyungsoo brings the mic to his lips. “How is everyone doing tonight?” He greets the audience that has slowly built up over the course of their set; the small cafe buzzes with life. “This final song is a little special something. Our guitarist here, Yixing, wrote it for his girlfriend...who is sitting in the front row right over there!” Kyungsoo turns in your direction, waving at you with a smirk on his plump lips.
You scowl, resisting the urge to give him the finger, and turn to the audience, whose attention has shifted over to you. You smile awkwardly— you’re sure the expression on your face resembles a grimace rather than the smile that you were attempted, but whatever. As you hear Yixing’s gasping laugh quietly from stage, you forgive Kyungsoo for his callout.
As the lights dim, Kyungsoo steps off stage, handing the mic to Yixing. “This song is called For Life,” Yixing says, gripping the mic. Chanyeol plays the piano intro, and the words flow from Yixing as easily and beautifully as only one’s native language would.
It’s utterly captivating. For the first time that night, you do not immediately pick up your phone to take a snapshot. Instead, you close your eyes, letting the melody flow into your ears. For those four short minutes, it is just you and him.
“Wo zhi dong wo ai dui ni li bu kai for life...”
Those four minutes are over too soon. You slowly come back down to earth, opening your eyes to see Yixing bowing shyly to the audience before grabbing his guitar and hopping off stage to slide into the seat next to you.
“What did you think, baobei?”
You wrap your arms around him. “It was beautiful, and I’m so, so proud of you.”
Because you are so wrapped up in Yixing, you don’t notice that Kyungsoo takes a photo of you and Yixing.
“Ack!” You scream in frustration as you throw yourself onto your bed. December 20th has come and gone, and you still haven’t found a gift for Yixing. As you sink into your thick comforters, you scroll through your dozens of pictures of Yixing and mope.
Suddenly, the phone buzzes in your hand.
Hey Juliet! Kyungsoo is making dinner tonight, you and Xingie-hyung should come over! As per usual, Chanyeol has doubled the length of his text with a long string of food and lip-licking emojis.
Okay, I’ll let Yixing know, you text back. A second later: Kyungsoo can cook?
Yeah! Soo makes the best food I’ve ever eaten!!
Good to know...
? What do you mean?
You don’t reply. You sit up; the gears are whirring in your brain. Quickly, you reach for you phone as if it were a lifeline and hastily press the green call button.
“Chanyeol? Remember how you said I could come back to you for help? Well, I’m about to cash that offer in now.”
“Xing, I’m home!” You call hoarsely. Exhausted, you plop onto the couch and rub your eyes.
“Baobei! You’re home! When you said you would be late tonight, I didn’t think you meant by three hours!” Yixing seats himself next to you, wrapping you in his arms. You close your eyes and lean into his embrace.
“Err..yeah, the hospital’s been really busy these past couple of days.”
“Ah, you should rest! Your voice sounds a little hoarse,” Yixing notices. “I’ll make you some honey lemon tea!”
“Aww, thanks Xing! You know, yelling at interns who won’t do their job properly, haha” you chuckle awkwardly.
Wow, I’m a shitty liar.
“Anyway!” You jump up, eager to change the subject. “Don’t worry about making dinner tomorrow night! I’ve got it handled.”
Yixing looks at you skeptically. “Baobei, do I need to remind you about what happened last time you tried cooking?”
“Hey!” You sulk, indignant. “I can totally cook just one meal. Trust me! By the time you come home tomorrow I’ll have dinner ready for you!”
“Shit, I do not have dinner ready yet.”
You’re startled as you glance up at the clock after placing finishing touches on Yixing’s present. While an hour would be plenty of time for most people to prepare a meal, your skills in the kitchen were decidedly not on par with most.
Quickly, you pick up the phone and call the number that you’ve dialed much too often in the past week.
“Kyungsoo? I need your help...again.”
The door opens. Yixing pokes his head in, a little wary. Doesn’t smell like anything’s burning, so that’s a good sign.
“Baobei?” He calls into the house. “Where are you?” He rounds the corner into the kitchen, where you’re standing in front the dining table, beaming.
“See? I told you I could do it,” you sweep a hand over the table, where you’ve set up candles, flowers, and most importantly, food that looks and smells edible. You smile smugly at him.
“Did you really make this yourself?” Yixing asks in wonder.
“Of course!” You pull out a chair, and beckon your boyfriend forward. As soon as he sits, you eagerly sit across from him. You gesture towards the kimchi spaghetti. “Here, try a bite!”
Yixing looks as you suspiciously, carefully nibbling at the noodles. His eyes widen as the taste registers, and he takes a larger bite. “Wah! This is actually really good!”
You sit back, satisfied. “See! I told you I could cook!”
Yixing just giggles. “You never cease to surprise me, baobei.”
After dinner, you don’t even bother cleaning up the plates before you grab Yixing’s hand, dragging him over to the couch before plopping your laptop in his lap.
“Aiyowei,” Yixing laughs, “what’s this now?”
“Merry Christmas, sweetie,” you look up at shyly. Holding your breath, you hit play.
“This life has twists and turns...”
Although you are expecting it, you shriek in embarrassment when your voice filters out of the speakers. Your hands fly over your eyes, but you can’t help but peek through and watch Yixing’s reaction.
His lips are parted in wonder, eyes drinking in the small video you’ve prepared.
It’s a slideshow — of him. Pictures of Yixing scroll across the screen. Yixing eating, Yixing singing, Yixing yawning, smiling, laughing. Snapshots from the very beginning of your relationship fill the video, and Yixing sees himself through your eyes. Your love for him is evident in the immortalization of these small moments.
“I’ll love you to the way you die...”
As your untrained singing voice reaches the climax of the song, a new set of pictures appear on screen. The selfie that the two of you took on your first date. Silly photos that you took of each other when you were bored. You making faces behind his back as he fell asleep while you two were watching a movie. Photos that capture the essence of your relationship are compiled into one video.
The final photo on screen is the one that Kyungsoo took at the cafe. You and Yixing are staring at each other, oblivious to the world around you.
As the screen fades to black, Yixing sits and stares quietly for a bit. You can’t tell what he’s thinking.
Desperate to break the awkward silence, you clear your throat. “I know it’s not much, but I just wanted to show you how much I love you, and you wrote this song for me in your native language, so I asked Kyungsoo to help me rewrite it in mine, and...”
As your ramblings get faster and longer, displaying your nervousness, Yixing plants a loving kiss on your lips. You shut up immediately, staring up at him with wide eyes.
Yixing’s face breaks into an easy smile. “I love you too, baobei. I love the song and my present, and I love you.”
Heaving a sigh of relief, you throw yourself into his arms. You feel his chest vibrate as he laughs before placing his chin on your head and wrapping his arms around you.
“I have your present too,” you feel, rather than hear, him speak. You pull away in surprise.
“I thought we agreed you weren’t getting me anything!” You protest. “You literally get me gifts for no reason at all throughout the year and when I try to refuse you just claim it’s my ‘early Christmas present.’ I think I’ve gotten like five early Christmas presents this year already. You weren’t supposed to get me anything!” You whine at him.
“No, you said I wasn’t getting you anything. I never agreed to that!” Yixing giggles, kissing your temple. He reaches over you and pulls something small, white and fluffy out of an innocuous paper bag by the side of the couch.
“Merry Christmas, baobei.” He hands you the plushie.
“A unicorn. You actually got me a fucking unicorn.” You stare at the doll in your hand. “Oh my god, it looks like you!” You hold the plushie up next to Yixing’s face, and marvel at the similarity of their droopy eyes. The unicorn even has zippered pocket, and Yixing must’ve had it customized, because it has his Xing logo on the zipper. You bite your lip, trying to hold back a smile. “I should be mad at you! You weren’t even supposed to get me anything.” You pout, unsuccessfully trying to retain your indignance.
“But?” Yixing prods, smiling knowingly.
You sink into the sofa, leaning your head against your boyfriend’s shoulder. “But it’s too fucking cute, and it reminds me of you, and I love it.”
Yixing’s smile turns mysterious. “I’m glad, baobei. But you haven’t even seen the real present yet!”
“What do you mean, real present? Was this not enough!?” You shriek. “You weren’t even supposed to get me anything!”
Yixing nods at the zipper. “Open the pocket.”
You glance up at him. He’s chewing on his lip in anticipation, but when he feels your gaze, he meets your eyes and smiles weakly, dimple popping out.
You slide the zipper open, and something inside glints, catching the light.
Your stomach drops. “This isn’t what I think it is, is it?” You whisper, hope coursing through your veins.
You pull out a beautiful ring from within the plushie, and Yixing slides off the couch onto one knee.
“Oh my god!” Your hands fly up to cover your face, tears welling up.
“Baobei, I love you more than words can describe. Would you please stay with me...for life?” Yixing looks up at you earnestly, pleading.
As if you had any thought of saying no.
“Of course I will,” you nearly bawl, finally shedding the tears that had been building up. “I love you so much,” you sniffle.
Yixing’s face turns from anxious to alarmed. “Baobei! Why are you crying?” He fusses. “You never cry!”
“You just proposed to me!” you cry, hitting his arm weakly. “I’m just too happy.”
Yixing exhales audibly, a clear sign of relief, and kisses you again.
This kiss feels different, you muse to yourself, probably because I’m kissing my fiance and not my boyfriend.
Yixing slides the ring onto your finger, then places a gentle kiss on your finger tip. “C’mon baobei, let’s go clean up from dinner and refrigerate the leftovers. We don’t want Soo’s hard work to go to waste, do we?”
You startle in surprise. “W-what do you mean, Soo?” you splutter. “I totally made that!”
Yixing just chuckles, quirking an eyebrow at you. “Baobei, I recognize the taste of Soo’s cooking, especially since we just ate over at their place last week! Besides, don’t you think I know you well enough to be able to tell when you’re lying? I bet you went to Soo for help with singing, too,” Yixing smiles at you knowingly, wandering into the kitchen to clean up.
You pout, defeated. Picking up the forgotten plushie, you look it in the eyes. Yixing-ah, why do you have to be so honest all the time? Why can’t I have just this one victory? You lament, burying your face in the unicorn’s fur. But then you sigh, smiling slightly. But that’s what I love about you, Zhang Yixing.
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engelenaudio · 4 years
Reflection 5: Do expensive plugins create expensive mixes?
I have already demonstrated some research into the audio plugin market. It is of great interest to me and I constantly scour the internet for the most up to date news. One question I have always asked myself is that, with digital technology being as good as it is now, does it really matter what plugins you use in a mix? Can your DAW’s stock plugins create as good a mix as expensive, top of the range plugins?
The answer seems obvious at first; if stock plugins were as good as expensive plugins, then there would be no demand for the expensive ones and the plugin market would be non-existent. However, as I delved deeper I realised this isn’t exactly true.
Many people who have just started to learn mixing (including myself when I first started my bachelors degree 3 years ago) will quickly be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of plugins that claim to be the perfect tool you need to turn your mixes from average to amazing. After reflecting on my attitude to mixing, I realised that I still bought into what is essentially a marketing scheme. Even recently I would purchase plugins that I thought I needed, when in fact, it was ‘a perfect way to blame your lack of mixing skills on your lack of software, instead of the lack of knowledge.’ (Benediktsson, B., n.d). Further research lead me to the same conclusion everytime: ‘The truth is, if your mix sounds bad – it’s because you just haven’t mixed it well. No plugin can help you there.’ (Cochrane, G., 2016).
My research and self reflection has motivated me to approach mixing with a different mindset, namely, approaching a new mix with a limit on the amount of plugins I could use and seeing how far I can get. This will allow me to really master the basics of, for example, a compressor instead of getting lost in a sea of 3rd party compressors. Once I have achieved this, I can begin exploring other plugins and get the most out of them. This approach is backed by Eric Tarr from Pro Audio Files who says ‘I recommend two things: learning (and even mastering) how to use your stock plugins, and supplementing your stock plugins with other free plugins.’ (Tarr, E., 2014).
On the other hand, as good as stock plugins maybe be, my research has shown them to be more of a starting point to progress from. The fact is hardly any professionals in the industry go for stock plugins because they have advanced knowledge of what these tools do and can get a better result from 3rd party paid plugins. Warren Huart, mixing aficionado and internet personality, states that for him his favourite plugins are ‘the Waves MV2 and Waves RBass, If you’ve seen an interview with me or more importantly an interview with Andrew Scheps. Those are go-tos for both of us.’ (Huart, W., 2019) As a user of Waves RBass, I have to agree that I haven’t found anything else that achieves the same job as it does. To seal the deal, Huart continues: ‘They might be the two things that I can throw into a mix that would take it over the edge and then use stock plugins from there.’ (Huart, W., 2019) .
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(Fig 1.1: Renaissance Bass)
The overall knowledge I have gained from researching this particular topic comes down to having a good understanding of the basics, before moving on to bigger and better plugins. There is no point buying plugins that you don’t understand how to use. That said, there are some plugins that I have purchased that significantly improve my current mixes. One such plugin is iZotope’s RX7 elements. This plugin suite is a stripped back version of RX7, featuring AI controlled noise removal tools that allow me to clean up my recordings to a standard met by no other plugins, certainly not stock plugins. Being forced to record untreated environments due to current COVID restrictions, RX7 is an invaluable tool in my plugin arsenal.
To test the effectiveness of RX7 versus stock plugins, I set up an experiment where I attempted to treat a noisy recording using only stock plugins. The recording used is a guitar being played quietly through a rather noisy guitar amp, resulting in a very low signal to noise ratio. Firstly, I processed the recording with RX7′s Voice De-noise module, set to adaptive mode. This means the plugin uses machine learning to constantly adapt the noise reduction across the frequency spectrum to remove as much noise while keeping the original signal as untouched as possible. Figure 2.1 shows the module at work.
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(Fig 2.1: RX7 Voice De-noise real time processing)
After this, I set to work with stock plugins (Logic Pro X). I knew noise usually resides in the high frequency range, so I opened a stock EQ and used a high shelf curve to remove some level there. I could also hear some low frequency energy, so I added a high pass filter at around 150Hz. After this I attempted to find particular harmonics of the noise using a filter sweep to then notch them out, however I could not remove any without severely impacting the original signal, even with extremely narrow Q on the EQ notches. My conclusion very quickly was that RX7 was miles ahead of anything stock plugins could achieve, thus proving that the RX plugin suite is definitely an “expensive plugin” that creates “expensive mixes”. I have included the audio files below.
Overall, my research and experimentation has demonstrated that although stock plugins are powerful enough to complete most basic mixing tasks to a good standard, there are also plugins that offer features that cannot be replicated for cheap. I have learnt that the key to curating a complete plugin tool box is to first gain a high level of understanding of the basic plugins and then collect others where you feel like you do not have the tool for the job currently. Essentially, plugins are just tools, not magic buttons that improve your mix without any work. Leticia Trandafir from LANDR puts it concisely, ‘Learning how effects work and how to best use them is the key to navigating the sea of plugins and stompboxes that are out there today.’ (Trandafir, L., 2017).
Benediktsson, B., (n.d). How Many Plug-ins is Too Many? Does It Matter? [Online] (n.d.) Available from: https://www.audio-issues.com/music-mixing/how-many-plug-ins-is-too-many-does-it-matter/ [Accessed: November 27th 2020]
Cochrane, G., (2016). Why Mixing With Only Stock Plugins Can Give You A Better Mix [Online] February 22nd 2016. Available from: https://www.recordingrevolution.com/why-mixing-with-only-stock-plugins-can-give-you-a-better-mix/ [Accessed: November 27th 2020]
Tarr, E., (2014). 5 Stock Plugins You Should Replace First [Online] November 20th 2014. Available from: https://theproaudiofiles.com/replace-and-upgrade-stock-daw-plugins/ [Accessed: November 28th 2020]
Huart, W., (2019) Stock Plugins vs. Third Party Plugins | FAQ Friday [Online] March 29th 2019. Available from: https://producelikeapro.com/blog/stock-plugins-vs-third-party-plugins-faq-friday/ [Accessed: November 28th 2020]
Trandafir, L., (2017) Audio Effects: The Beginner’s Guide to Shaping Your Sound [Online] May 12th 2017. Available from: https://blog.landr.com/audio-effects-plugins-guide/ [Accessed: November 28th 2020]
Figure 1.1: ‘Renaissance Bass’, Waves [Online] Available from: https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-bass#mixing-beats-vocals-renaissance-plugins-marioso [Accessed: 28th November 2020]
Figure 2.1: ‘RX7 Voice De-noise real time processing’, Remi Engelen, November 28th 2020
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grassroutes · 4 years
Can the Poputar Really Teach You How to Play Guitar?
Poputar Kepma Edition
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Learning a new instrument is hard. While guitar is one of the easiest instruments to play, getting started is difficult. How do you tune it? Where do you put your fingers? Why do they bleed?!  A new app-connected instrument, the Poputar, aims to make learning guitar easy with an array of LEDs in the guitar neck that tell you where to place your fingers. Can Poputar unlock your dreams of rock 'n' roll stardom?
Type: Acoustic
Length: 36 inches
Strings: 6
Electronic enhancements: Bluetooth, LEDs, pickup
Brand: PopuMusic
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Poputar Kepma Edition other
<![CDATA[ // Bottom var galleryThumbs1 = new Swiper('.gallery-thumbs-1', { spaceBetween: 10, slidesPerView: 10, freeMode: true, watchSlidesVisibility: true, watchSlidesProgress: true, centerInsufficientSlides: true, allowTouchMove: false, preventClicks: false, breakpoints: { 1024: { slidesPerView: 6, } }, }); // Top var galleryTop1 = new Swiper('.gallery-top-1', { spaceBetween: 10, allowTouchMove: false, loop: true, preventClicks: false, breakpoints: { 1024: { allowTouchMove: true, } }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, thumbs: { swiper: galleryThumbs1 } }); ]]>
Want to learn guitar? Maybe you've got one but found fingering, strumming, or both, too difficult. Various guitar tutorial solutions have been released in the past few years, from video games like Rocksmith to LED overlays that show you where to put your fingers.
Combining both ideas into one easy unit is the Poputar, an app-connected six-string acoustic guitar with LEDs embedded beneath the fretboard. The app teaches you to play, lighting the LEDs to guide you through the lesson.
Well, that's the idea. But can you actually learn guitar with Poputar?
What Is a Poputar?
Combining a guitar with an LED indicator system, Poputar is a system that teaches you to play better.
Aimed primarily at beginners, LEDs are embedded in the guitar neck. The instrument pairs with a mobile app over Bluetooth, with gamification tasks to teach and reward successful learning.
Poputar Kepma Edition
Several Poputar models are available. We're looking at the Kepma edition, a 36-inch (3/4 length) acoustic guitar that comes ready to play out of the box.
In the box, you'll find a machine-built six-string acoustic guitar, a soft case with backpack straps, and two AA batteries. There's also a hex (Allen) key for adjusting the truss rod (a metal rod that supports the guitar neck). This is a curious addition, as most beginners wouldn't attempt this.
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Elsewhere inside this acoustic guitar is an Omega-II Piezo pickup, a 0.25-inch jack hidden inside the strap pin, and a slot for a 9v battery for the pickup. There's also a slot for the AA batteries to control Bluetooth connectivity and LED activity.
The Poputar doesn't ship with a strap.
We've all seen acoustic guitars in stores and catalogs aimed at beginners that are somehow completely unsuitable for most people to play. You'll find instruments with poor build quality, over-wide, strings with too heavy a gauge (thickness), and high action (the distance between the strings and the neck.
Kepma employs some of the most up-to-date manufacturing techniques, many of which are demonstrated in this instrument. Happily, it also meets the basics: it holds a note, is comfortable to hold, has a straight, narrow-ish neck, and a light tone.
Pairing the Poputar to Your Phone
To get the most out of the Poputar, you'll need to enable Bluetooth on your phone and pair the instrument. The two AA batteries slot into a holder next to the power button. Once powered up, you can press the button to see the LEDs illuminate the fretboard.
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The PopuMusic app is available on iOS and Android. Once installed and loaded, follow the steps to pair the guitar. It's that simple.
Note that while Bluetooth oversees the LEDs, the app will use your phone or tablet's microphone. Lessons, tutorials, and challenges are included with the app, along with a wide selection of tunes. All of these are geared towards teaching guitar.
Exploring the Poputar App
In the PopuMusic app, you'll find a Course, Song Library, instrument selection screen, Music Tools (Bluetooth, chord chart, tuner, metronome, and some LED editors), and Daily Exercises. In fact, everything you need to get started with a guitar is here.
As long as the guitar is synced, all of the lessons and exercises will accurately record your progress. The app picks up the notes and chords as they're played, using the audio information to progress to the next note, chord, or part of the lesson. This is described in the documentation as "an intelligent sound recognition algorithm," and it certainly appears to work well.
Learning With Poputar
The PopuMusic app offers a smart plan to learning any song on the Poputar inside five minutes.
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Choose a song, follow the LEDs observe the feedback, adjust the playing speed to match your ability, and use the interactive gamified lessons. These result in rewards, position in a league table, etc.
You can compare the approach here to Guitar Hero games or the more advanced Rocksmith 2014 (which utilizes a special USB to guitar jack). It's fun, provides enough of a challenge to drive you on, but the song choice is a little thin on the ground at this stage. More songs are needed in the song library, but it includes tracks by Eric Clapton, Chuck Berry, the Beatles, Guns N' Roses, Billie Eilish, and a few others. The range is good—the depth not so much.
A Beginner Tries the Poputar
I've found the Poputar lessons useful, while what appears to be an LED gimmick is in fact a clever feature. But overall, I don't need to use the LEDs, and if I wanted to pick up a guitar, this wouldn't be my first choice.
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But at 44 years old, 33 of them playing guitar, I'm certainly not a beginner.
To learn more about how good the Poputar and the companion PopuMusic app are at teaching guitar, I handed the instrument to my son, Bruce. He's 9, has a ukulele, and is keen to learn how to play the guitar.
With the app running, Bruce sat attentively during the basic setup and tuning sections.
Eager to make some noise, we tried him with a few basic chords, the PopuMusic app detecting the results and judging them appropriately. He focused carefully on the LEDs throughout and certainly learned a C and D chord.
But, and this is the big problem, the guitar is just too big for anyone under 10. I have long felt that electric guitars, with their lighter strings, more appealing aesthetic, and instantly satisfying sound, are more suitable for beginners. There is no crunch with an acoustic guitar. While the Poputar Kepma Edition is equipped with a pickup and volume/tone controls, that's a feature, not a solution.
The takeaway from this is clear: Poputar is aimed at teenagers and above who can handle the body shape and have the finger length to shape basic chords. Kids need not apply.
(Hopefully, Poputar has a half-length guitar in the works for children.)
Poputar: A Guitar Learning System That Almost Gets It Right
The Poputar Kepma Edition is not the best guitar I've ever held. It's also not the worst. The neck of the guitar doesn't suffer badly from having LEDs embedded within it.
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But none of the other guitars I've tried have Bluetooth-controlled LEDs and a companion app to teach you how to play. The basics of guitar have been easily accessible for decades since the birth of the World Wide Web. Now they're available in a single app that basically speaks to your guitar. It's an automated, interactive learning system that demystifies guitar.
That's pretty awesome. It's far more convenient than switching between 45 and 33.3 RPM on a record player, or skipping back repeatedly with the CD remote until you hit all the right notes.
No, Poputar isn't ideal for younger kids, but this is a minor gripe that a smaller model (or its forthcoming sister ukulele) can deal with. For now, if you're looking for an app-linked Bluetooth-controlled guitar to learn on, the Poputar is the answer.
Can the Poputar Really Teach You How to Play Guitar? posted first on grassroutespage.blogspot.com
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Tool Kits - Gordon Electric Supply
Hand Tool Sets For Sale - In Stock - Ebay
This tool package permits you an early level of upkeep on your guitar or bass. It is quite basic, but it definitely consists of most tools you are most likely to need for basic maintenance. There are tools for changing modulation and assisting with string changes. You can also examine and tweak the action and string mindsets.
The package consists of a fret rocker and a leveling tool and string organizer. Also, a steel ruler and a further ruler for determining string action height. There are likewise three Allen essential wrenches and 3 guitar different shaped files for the frets and a screwdriver. They are housed in a good storage zipper bag that measures 8 by 6 by 2 inches approximate.
Now Buy Jensen Tool Kits At Techni-tool
There is a string winder for when you alter strings. This will also eliminate the bridge pins on an acoustic guitar without hurting the pin or the body of the guitar. This is a good kit that has a great deal of helpful tools included. The case likewise is big enough for you to include bonus if you wish.
The quality of the tools is on the less expensive side, but with care, they will perform the needed functions. Pros Lots of tools for the upkeep of a variety of instruments. service tech tool kit. Great carrying case with room for extras at an attractive rate. Cons Some will want much better quality tools. Sunflower is a business that doesn't focus on guitars or their accessories.
Ifixit Pro Tech Tool Kit - Uncrate
This maintenance set is a great example of that. It is definitely filled with it tech tool kit a lot of tools and accessories. The majority of the tools and equipment provided will also allow you to work on other instruments. The tools will allow you to carry out standard maintenance functions like changing strings and changing articulation.
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There is a string action ruler that is functional on both sides and files in four different shapes. There is a screwdriver with an adjustable length, which works. Another beneficial tool is a wrench that will loosen up or tighten most of the nuts on guitars. Those awkward pieces discovered on the pots and the jack socket that seem to come loose more than they ought to do.
China Pro Tech Tool Kit - Alibaba
If you are dealing with the frets, there are some fingerboard guards to secure the fingerboard from unexpected damage. All this and more are confined in a zipper carry bag that has adequate space for any additional additions. This is a spending plan level toolkit, so the quality of the tools is not the highest.
Pros An inexpensive option for a tool package with plenty consisted of. Nice bring bag with area for additions. Cons Some will desire much better quality for their tools. This toolkit is not what you would describe as the cheapest alternative, however it might be considered as one of the Finest Guitar Tool Kits out there.
Electrician Hand Tool Sets For Sale - In Stock - Ebay
StewMac hasn't consisted of anything that pads out the package to make it look comprehensive. They have actually only consisted of the things you are going to require. The set consists of a deal with plus an extension if required, and 36 bits in different sizes. There are 6 Philip bits and eleven Allen secrets in addition to 11 flat blade heads.
There is also an adapter for jack sockets. For when you may be tidying up an older guitar that may have some deterioration, a small wire brush is included. If you are dealing with an acoustic guitar, there are some start hole bits. These are for pre-threading any additional holes for pickups, etc.
Techsource Tools: Custom Tool Kits
These will tighten or loosen nuts around jack sockets, pots, and fittings on stompboxes, and sockets on amps as well. They are made of plated steel. Premium constructionThe one thing that actually strikes you about this set is the quality of the manages and bits. They are well-made with good materials and going to last.
The 3 wenches though, are separate. An excellent package and one that consists of whatever you will require for setup, articulation, and any changes. It is a bit more pricey than a lot of but well worth the extra. Pros Large range of bits and wrenches to cover every need for guitar maintenance.
Grainger Approved 13-pc Tech School Tool Kit - 7dd74 ...
Cons Some might believe it a little expensiveYou may likewise be trying to find some other terrific items for your guitar. If so, take a look at our reviews of the Finest Guitar Strap Locks, the Finest Electric Guitar Strings, the Best Acoustic Guitar Strings, the Best Electric Guitar Case, and the Finest Guitar Pedalboard presently available.
In truth, the majority of us probably do not want to be. However we ought to still provide a bit of maintenance to our cherished instruments - desert tech armorers tool kit. I should be the last one to say that. When having the ignominy of having a Fender Accuracy drawn from me while I frantically attempted to tune it for a session.
Tools - Edge Of The Night - Obsidian Portal
Looking after your instrument is essential. They can and do use out. There are a few items we have actually looked at that suit the starter, and some for more knowledgeable players. And just about all make fantastic presents. The only thing to be careful of is the quality of the bit heads and fittings.
We also like cases where there suffices space to include your own little bits and pieces. Therefore, if we had to select then, it would need to be the. Some good, well-crafted tools and a good roomy zipper case from an excellent maker.
Ed: Tech Tool Kits - New Future Guide
2020 CruzTOOLS. All Rights Scheduled. CruzTOOLS, RoadTech, SPEEDKIT, DMX, EconoKIT, Wilderness' r, MaxHook, MiniSet, PackWrench, The Pouch, TirePro, and the Fantastic American Tool Kit are hallmarks of CruzTOOLS, Inc. Other trademarks are the home of their particular owners. PRODUCTS AND SPECS UNDERGO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE (tool tech toys tacoma lift kit).
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firmanep · 7 years
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28/28 Vision: Retrace
28/28 vision, life’s been hit me with precision. I’ve seen both ways, mourn and defeat at the bottom in one side, glory and prosper in the other. I choose to live on and keep 27 years back on my head. At 28 I begin to realize that everyone walk their own path, with their own pace. All of sudden, the meaning of success, settle, stand-on-your-feet, etc dissolve into thin air.
Nor, this doesn’t mean those words and its meaning is nothing but perception. Yet it’s a word of progress, everything in life is on process not an unchanged or fix terms. To make it clearer, I simply put it on my case. I wouldn’t say that I’m a success or failure person if I see this on my own perspective not others. What I trying to do is put those terms not in binary opposition. But in a life line terms. Life line is a sum of all variable in life. They are time, space, body, mind, money, social, career, relationship, sex, etc. So let’s put it in practice, I using “age” as metric. In example, at 27 YO I get a job promotion, start a mortgage, not in a relationship, feeling numb, stretching my financial belt, 58.000 hours listening music, etc.
Looking back farther than a year, I see myself rolling in a rollercoaster adventurous life. At 5 my parents enroll me to primary school in assume I “a slight smarter” than my counterparts. So I’m 1-2 year younger than my primary school friend age average. Yet instead accelerated in academics, my passion in football is stronger. So, it swiped the whole 6 years in primary. I won several trophy, even my profile been written on local newspaper as “bintang cilik”.
My career in football stop when I get into junior HS. Some shit happened at that time, my sister passed, family breakup, I move to my granny house, join a motorcycle gang, and drunk for the first time. That’s all more than enough to put a stamp in my face as “a broken home little shit”. But fortunately I found another passion, music. I start collecting cassette since at class 5 primary school. For local act i listened to Sheila on 7 generation band. Then I start a band, which then I ditched by because my “musical taste”.
Fuck, thanks to MTV After School Rock, so I bit move from locals and see global. At JHS I listened to hipmetal acts like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park for a brief of time. Till I really struck on Warped Tour bands like Blink 182, Sum 41, New Found Glory, etc. Because of the rarity of the cassette, I start digging music at 2nd hand cassette dweller. From which I got more recommendation, so I begin listen to more “edgy” bands like MXPX, NOFX, No Use For a Name, and local indie bands like Nudist Island and Buckskin Bugle. So almost all my “pocket money” at JHS went off to buy cassette. Oh wait! I get my first and second girlfriends on JHS. LMAO.
So, half of my JHS I spent as a member of “packed gang” (in motorcycle gang and in a band), and the last half I spent by myself, walking around finding cassette. My last year in JHS been so frustrating, I don’t have much friends because they left me/or in opposite, so i don’t see any reason to took a same school with them. Then I get into HS, speaking spatially, it’s really far from my JHS. But it’s a “throwing stone” away from my granny house. Surprisingly it’s really easy to make friends then.
Though, talking about “cultural taste”, they’re a level under my JHS friends. But I see a genuine quality in them. Like most of HS kiddos allover Bandung, we’re maniacally love occupy a Warung and make it our base camp. I can say that “nongkrong” is in par with curriculum. Everyday, after school we ambush that Warung, then we called “TeronX”(wtf!). Playing cards, or in my case I watching people playing cards then getting drunk. While in the other time I still digging music, it’s easier then because the CD & MP3 era came. And I start come to indie gigs twice a week, and I make friends from a fuckin pit! there. Local bands growth fast then, gigs and indie music start to intervere the mainstream. Their music starts play at MTV and Radio.
In HS, i live in 2 social spheres, at school and at gigs. They feed my certain personal dimension. School friends give me a kind of family-ish feeling, we eat together, we talking about life and girl together, we’re wasted together (6 hours before final exam we’re still wasted as fuck!). While gigs friends gave me a cultural experience and influence. It constructs my cultural taste, ie: I decide to being an Emo Kid as fuck. I listened to Emo bands, I dress like Emo bands, I scream at every Alone At Last shows, heartbreak like Emo kid, I writing devastated poems like Emo kid, and I start an Emo band. Yet, the most important is the 2 social spheres successfully distracting me from home, which I no longer knew with.
After finish HS I decided to take a moment to think about my future, so I not in hurry get into college. Like most of school-bonded HS alumni I pretty often still come to school. Thanks to our occupied Warung, so I always know where I should take shelter. 2 life changing things happened then. First, I met my first long last girlfriend. Second, I join a look-kinda-gonnabe-rockstar band. Not at once the two different interest got head-to-head!. Yet they’re still got along hand by hand. The girl is a freshman in my HS. So we’re separated generation. I met her at the first time when I have a meeting with my band near school. It’s a cliché that I have bigger guts as fuckin alumni to come to her, greeting and ask her phone number. Since then, a full week I spend my time with her and ask her to be my GF, and voila she accepted me. Soon I knew the reason she want to be my GF is because of the spreading news about me and my band. Our band is like HS hero then. Again, it’s a fuckin cliché. But, in fact even a cheesy reason could lead into a 7 years relationship. Strange huh!.
The band is another story. Lovely Lolita, we’re named it after a single of local shoegaze band The Milo, although our music is not a dot like them. So it all starts when I invited to featuring with one of my HS band at one single, which then listed into an indie compilation. Me and one of its guitar player thought we’re should making Emo project together. So we’re looking for another player, then we’re met a drummer who still a HS kiddos in my HS then. Then our band started with only 3 players. I took a role as Vocal and Bass then. We’re recorded a single demo and spread it on MySpace. Surprisingly, the acceptance is huge. So we’re playing from gigs to gigs. Our music evolving as our influences richen. So we’re thinking to have a bass player and I just focus on vocal. Then we’re being 4 player Metalcore/Post-Hardcore band. We’re record 3 more songs plus 1 song at the brink of our breakup. Our fans base growing bigger, we’re lined up in a big league gigs, and one of major Radio enlisted us as one of must watch indie band. So, it was a really fuckin 4 years of awesome time.
I took on college a year after I graduate from HS. I get a diploma program in state university in Bandung. I took Broadcasting major. It’s clear then I get on that major because of my “serious passion” in music industry. I thought, if I work in broadcasting company it’ll easier to “spot lighting” my band. But it’s not going well academically. My grade is average. It’s because soon I realize that I actually not into Broadcasting. At 20 I started to blown by books and thoughts. So that’s when the pseudo-criticize dimension of me started. One of my lecturer said that I suppose to took Political Science major. That’s be my battery to get off. Luckily my mom accepted it and get me into PolSci related Bachelor program in one of mediocre university. Although then financially we’re kind of broke. But that’s my mom, she push herself and eagerly sacrifice her life just to ensure her son not fail.
I start my second Uni almost 21. In contrary with what happened in primary, there my age are 2-3 years above average. So I always think it’s a setback. I try not to waste it since this is my second chance. Then I accelerating everything, my time overly consumed by reading books, writing paper, seminars, and other academic things. It’s obvious I left almost other thing behind. That’s moment I no longer dealt with music and band stuff. The path that seems like been written, the other player focus chasing their own project. So that left me with 1 thing, my girlfriend whom struggling enter a new life phase, college. At that point of life we’re destined to get along, our life line walk side by side. Struggling to graduate from school and find a decent job. We’re also financially not sufficient, so we take any after school job. I work for my Uncle as tour guide to pay my semester. From 21 to 24 my old social life melt into thin air, instead I make new friends with people in academic and activism circle. Which then I realize has huge contribution to shape my thought and mental.
Entering new social sphere shocked me mentally that time. I really change into someone I don’t even know. A skeptical and over-thought pseudo-academic person. You know, that asshole kind of person who ultra assuming their thought being original and super right. At that time I don’t feel comfortable hanging out with my music circle friends. So I totally left them. As a replacement, I’m diving deep into books and activism. Which I believe they are my “true” passion and moronically my life path. I really mean it that time, my writing published at prominent activism web site, presenting my thought at seminars and discussion, being part of mass demonstration, etc. With that load of activity I still finish college just in 3,5 years. And rightaway I don’t thinking about get a “formal” job anymore, so I decide to get a Master degree at the best state Uni in Indonesia. With my saving from part time job as tour guide I pay the administration. My mom doesn’t know that I already accepted at Master degree. Till when the school calendar is coming I tell mom that I going to Jogja for 2 years. My mom shocked. Not only by the fact that I choose to extend my school year, but also by the fact that I’m going to live away from home for a quite long time. So I say sayonara. I leave mom in confusion.
The Master year been super well for me, I got almost Suma Cumlaude at my first semester. My paper presented at Bangkok and Rangoon. Though, unfortunately I don’t get there to present them by myself. The problem is classic. I broke. My saving run out fast. Thanks to unplanned budgeting and excessive drunk habit. Plus I only got a little amount of money from writing project. So in the brink of the second semester I don’t have any money on my pocket. So that was my first experience being financially broke.
Somehow although with my academic achievements I don’t get any of scholarship. Even I mail my Rector then to ask tuition fee postponed, and no answer. So with that condition, at that time I don’t see any reason to stay in Jogja. So I back to Bandung with head facing down like the losing army march back from devastating battlefield. I already knew what I’m going to face, thousand mock. And that come from my own family. But I knew, I was wrong been took some huge decision spontaneously without any plan ahead. So I swallow the pills.
It’s been quite a time to stand on my feet once more. This is the second time I fail at college, the different is this time I fail not by my academic issue, but a god damn run out of cash. My heart break and I fall so deep haunted by my failure. But whatever it takes I should rerun my life. Fortunately one of my friend recommend me to his boss. He just built a research institution, so he hire people to work with him. And I got the job which is suits me. Not only the job, but also the office location, it’s in Bandung. So I work like a year there, until some shit happened again. The company declare bankruptcy!. For brief of time I still can live by some cash I save. But it doesn’t take long till I got broke, once more. So in such devastated time I randomly throw my CV to any open vacancy. I visit every job fair, I sent bunch of mail. What I get is nothing. It’s understandable now why it is happened. I am 26 then. While I wait for job interview, I took any work that I able to do. In example, I’ve been working as part time primary school teacher in my mom office. I teach Social. Then I begin to accept my condition. Yet I know I can do better. So I still connected with activist and academic circle. From the same circle, I met with the second girl I declare as a “serious” relationship. Actually she is not from that circle, but more like friend of my friend. We’re accidentally met at one café when I have a meeting about an event we’re going to run.
Friend of mine greets me with her, who eventually is one of that café share holder. I don’t know, but somehow we’re so easily connected. Our conversation last till the café close. And that is the start. From then we’re regularly meet and somehow our relationship up a level to “a relationship”. We’re thru a great days together. It is possible that our life line slightly different. She just graduate from college that time and I am a jobseeker cum part timer guy. That’s preconditioned us to can spend a lot of time together. But then I got the job in Jakarta and she work in Bandung. Even though we’re still regularly meet when she back her home in Jakarta, but our relationship start to tumble. It’s partly because I’m in adaptation phase with Jakarta and she just starting work in Jakarta. So our communication start dismissed. We’re lost in translation. And at 6 month of our relationship we’re decide to breaking up.
I get a quite decent and suit job in media industry. Since the break up I decide to focus on how to struggling in Jakarta, build my career Monday to Friday and have some reboot in Saturday and Sunday. At the same time I begin to fix my relationship with my family, one of the reason I start a worker life. But it’s not until the 6th month I work then I rethink about what am I wanted to achieve in Jakarta. So I start to redirect my life. And I thought I should save some cash to prepare my future. Yet I still don’t know what am I going to do with that cash. Then I remember one of line in an Indian clan movie, if I not mistaken it is Appache. At the closing, the main actor had a convo with his counterparts. They’re talking about land property ownership.
The whole movie highlighted the conflict between Indians and the invader to claim a land. One of the line got stuck in my head ever since, the chief Appache tell a young brave warrior that “ain’t a men without a land”. Thus when it comes to saving, I always thought that I should save my cash in property not a mere virtual digit in Bank Account. So I tell my mom and she support my idea. Then I went to developer and bank, they accepted my mortgage proposal. At 27 I mark a monumental decision to pay credit to bank for long years. So I start my 28 with years of credit on my back but property on my feet.
Now I’m 28. What does it means by being a 28?. That question keep buzzing me days before I turn a year older till now when I officially 28. Honestly I still don’t know the answer. But I just knew that it is the time that I should continue step my feet to the next phase of life. I should be more stabile, mentally and materially. So when the time to settle comes, I’ll be ready or at least prepared. How to do that?. Simply by fix a once broken thing back then and set timeline goals. So I set it up. Now I got my 2 year plan. If that realize, and it should, it would be another monumental life decision. I wish. May the lord open.*** Bandung 26 January 2018 Ps: Sorry if my grammar sucks. It’s unedited and I don’t give a fuck, tho!
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oliverphisher · 4 years
Josh Donellan
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J.M. DONELLAN is a writer, musician, poet, and teacher. He was almost devoured by a tiger in the jungles of Malaysia, nearly died of a lung collapse in the Nepalese Himalayas and fended off a pack of rabid dogs with a guitar in the mountains of India.
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A Beginner's Guide to Dying in India By Josh Donellan
His debut novel A Beginner’s Guide to Dying in India was released in 2009. Josh was a state finalist in the 2012 and 2014 Australian Poetry Slams and a national finalist in 2015. His play, We Are All Ghosts, was performed as part of the Anywhere Theatre Festival in 2014. He also co-wrote the Theory of Everything, which completely sold out its entire season at the 2015 Brisbane Festival. Josh has spoken and performed at numerous festivals around Australia including Sydney Writers’ Festival, TEDxBrisbane (twice), the Wonderland Festival, and various not-entirely-legal warehouse parties in an array of secret locales.
His children’s fantasy novel Zeb and the Great Ruckus was described by one child as ‘the best book ever, but it should have had Dr. Who in it.’ His most recent novel, Killing Adonis has received rave reviews from numerous magazines and newspapers, both here and in the USA, including a Kirkus starred review. His poetry collection Stendhal Syndrome was released in 2016 and will soon be followed by his forthcoming collection of poems for kids entitled 19 ½ Secret Spells Disguised As Poems, which is definitely not a book of spells (unless you are a kid reading this in which case it is definitely a book of spells). In 2018 he collaborated with choreographer Liesel Zink to create the spoken word/dance performance Inter. Josh also writes and directs the podcast fiction series Six Cold Feet. He’s done a bunch of other stuff as well but honestly this bio is long enough already and no one likes a braggart.
What are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life? 
1.    I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy as kid and I have a distinct memory of thinking ‘Well, that’s it for me. I want to be a writer. Why the hell would you do anything else?’
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings: Deluxe Pocket Boxed Set By J.R.R. Tolkien
2.    I read Murakami’s Sputnik Sweetheart at university and I loved the way it completely obliterated my previous notions of how a story should work and reinforced the very important idea that a book really can be whatever the hell you want it to be.
Sputnik Sweetheart: A Novel By Haruki Murakami
3.    More recently, I read Jennifer Egan’s ‘Look At Me’ and it felt like stepping into another world. I think about that novel at least once a week. It exists on a whole other plain of reality for me.
Look at Me: A Novel By Jennifer Egan
What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)?      
I bought one of those armbands to put your phone in while exercising and recently got back into running for the first time in years. I forgot how happy it makes me, for someone who sits on their butt staring at the screen a good chunk of the day exercise is hugely important, not just for the body but for creativity and mental health. I think of depression as a physical nemesis I have to fight to keep at bay, and running feels like wielding a magical sword at the great black dog. 
How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? 
I think the first time you really crash on stage is such an important learning experience. Once you’ve lived through that you know what it looks like and you realise that while it’s not fun, it’s also nowhere near as bad as your anxiety was promising it would be. Even better if you have a truly catastrophic public appearance early on, because then all subsequent failures aren’t as bad in comparison.
Are there any quotes you think of often or live your life by?
A long time ago my friend and I went to see a local play where the audience was forcibly pulled on stage and made to feel really uncomfortable. I love immersive theatre, but this was a very unpleasant and unwelcome experience. Afterwards she said to me ‘I don’t think that director loves his audience. You have to love your audience.’ I think about that every time I sit down to write. Bear in mind, love doesn’t always mean doing the easiest or most immediately satisfying thing, it means ultimately doing what you believe is best for someone, even if it’s difficult in the short term.
What is one of the best investment in a writing resource you’ve ever made? 
Scrivener. I am weirdly evangelical about that program. I swear I’m not getting paid endorsement money or anything, even if I do occasionally grab a megaphone and run around writers’ festivals yelling “Oi! Are you lot using Scrivener? It’s the BEST!”
What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love? 
My favourite animal is the mantis shrimp, the most absurd and beautiful creature to ever walk the earth. It looks like a technicolour hellbeast and it has the most complex eyes of any living organism. It’s weird how much I love that animal.
In the last five years, what new belief, behaviour, or habit has most improved your life? 
I used to think that the ultimate form of writing was a novel, and that everything else was just auxiliary formats. These days I’m writing across theatre, podcasts, video games etc. and I’ve really learned to love the nuances and possibilities of each medium. The novel is ideal for exploring a character’s inner world; the podcast is perfect for drawing the listener in with subtle, non-verbal sound cues; theatre has an incredible capacity to tell the same story in a whole new way with each performance. I’ve really enjoyed learning to embrace that.
What advice would you give to a smart, driven aspiring author? What advice should they ignore? 
I think the main thing is to realise that figure out what your process is going to be is a good chunk of the job. So many writers make the mistake of trying to study the process of their idols and replicate it verbatim, but it’s really about finding your own path. Maybe that means going on a vision quest, maybe it means drinking six cups of coffee and listening to Mogwai on repeat, maybe it means writing in your underwear while the sweat cascades down your fingers and hoping it doesn’t fry the battery in your laptop (that one might be Queensland specific, it’s very warm here).
What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession often? 
There’s a weird idea in the writing community that if you don’t study creative writing at university you’re not taking it seriously, which is not only a heinously privileged perspective but also one that seems anomalous compared to other art forms. So many directors, actors, musicians, painters etc. are self-taught or learn from a mentor or take private courses and I think for many writers this can work as well. If you want to study creative writing at university, that’s fine and it might be great for you,but I definitely don’t think it’s a necessity. In fact, David Foster Wallace (himself a creative writing teacher) once pointed out that some MFA programs churn out students whose writing is impossibly pristine, complex, and elegant, while also being utterly indistinguishable and thoroughly forgettable. 
In the last five years, what have you become better at saying no to (distractions, invitations, etc.)? 
I’m still not great at saying no, in general. I think being a curious person is an important quality for a writer, or any human. However, I have gotten better at saying, “I’m really interested, but maybe give me a month to wrap up this other project I’m working on,” and that’s been a really helpful improvement. Doesn’t always work out though. The other week I went straight from a conference in Melbourne to the launch party for Six Cold Feet season 2 on a Thursday, then the theatre premiere of a dance show I wrote some poetry for the following night. I am now actually dead from exhaustion and it is my ghost writing this.
What marketing tactics should authors avoid?
Branding should apply to two things; products and cattle, but apparently people can now have ‘personal brands’ and corporations can have the same legal rights as a person. You’re a writer, you’re telling stories, not making bespoke booties for chihuahuas. Make art, not book-shaped pre-landfill.
What new realizations and/or approaches have helped you achieve your goals? 
I try and have at least two projects going at any one time, I work intensively on one and then when I start to get bored and/or overwhelmed, I flick straight to the other. The grass always looks greener on the other side, and this way I’m jumping from one patch of very green grass to another. Instead of moving between writing and procrastination, I move between two types of writing.
When you feel overwhelmed or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do? 
There’s a little reservoir up in the mountains about fifteen minutes drive from my house. I like to go out there and stare at the water until one of our famously bloodthirsty Australian birds attempts to swoop me and peck out my eyeballs. The transition from serenity to extreme adrenaline is very stimulating.
Any other tips?
Be part of your community. Writing can be a very hermetic practice, which is fine at times, but it’s important to go to people’s readings, buy their books, write reviews, share recommendations, and just be nice to people. I know that it sounds obvious to remind people just be generally friendly and kind to each other, but you’d be surprised how many writers can’t manage this basic benchmark of human interaction and end up burning bridges before they’ve even been built.
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