#i like the green on em tbh <3
astro-inthestars · 1 year
first of all - your right, i did hit you with my hardest hitters first, doesn't mean i'm not going to throw the rest of the library at you tho
second of all - netzach
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but it's a no. Admittedly all these characters you've sent are all quite good-looking, but that doesn't automatically mean I'm attracted to them <3 Why do they all look so depressed though....
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violetsquare111 · 2 months
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(me getting into a new fandom) oh yeah. you could make classpects out of this
phew i've had this in the works for a lil over a week!! ava/m characters as homestuck godtiers! had to get the drawings out there yanno.
i will put more thoughts and the titles for everyone under the cut, because i did some minor redesigning to the outfits + you probably won't care about the classpect thoughts if you're less insane than i am lmao
Orange: Heir of Hope (a case could be made for them being a muse as well, i just liked how heir looked a lot better and it fits neatly i think)
Green: Witch of Light
Yellow: Maid of Mind
Blue: Maid of Void (maid bros! this is the title i'm least sure about though, it was a 5 minute pick based on vibes + matching class with yellow is a cute idea)
Red: Rogue of Life
Purple: Bard of Breath (obviously wasn't gonna use the canon outfit, i'm pretty ok with this redesign i think. purple as passive destructive class <3 could see them being a prince too)
Chosen & Dark: matching Lords of Space and Time (tbh i think dark fits better as a lord of rage, but passing up the opportunity to give them aspect duality of the two most reality-based aspects that MATCH THEIR COLORS? you think i'm NOT gonna go for that???)
this is also my first time drawing, uh, most of these characters, so i had to nail down designs right here (...and by designs i mean hairstyles)
bonus: i also put down king as a prince of doom and victim as a thief of void, but i was drawing So Many Guys already so i opted out of drawing em. i think in an actual au scenario they wouldn't be players anyway so it fits it's okay i have an excuse here guys. and i think king wouldn't look great in a prince of doom outfit lol
if you read all this, i hope you enjoyed the brainrot!! this may flop but if one other person sees+enjoys this then that's a success to me :D
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satirn · 1 month
if Jimmy and Timmy get married, how would the wedding go? Who proposes to the other? how does the proposal go?
this is the best ask ever i forgot how much i love schmaltz <3<3. heres some quick doodles as a bonus <3
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as for the wedding and events proceeding, i think its go well! they deserve a little break from the stuff in their life, as a treat /q. Unless something like the syndicate crashes their party (i.. dont think theyd be that evil to do that tbh, i havent really dabbled w them story wise but idk, its a wedding im sure they'd be civil for once..) or some interuniversal threat pops up that needs their immediate action (something like garnet's wedding from su). which tbh would probably inhance the expirence for timmy, hes a straight menace and thinks stuff like that is awesome </3. but anyways
in general relationship stuff timmy may be the more forward one but i think jimmy would be the one to establish the milestones, plus that hes more traditional in my characterization of him. that being said, timmy would totally unintentionally propose or joke about marrying him and jimmy would 100% take him up on that with no hesitation.
now onto wedding stuff bc damn do i have a soft spot for this kinda stuff <3<3
the flowers i chose are forget-me-nots and pink / peachy orange aster flowers with a touch of roses in those same colors as well. i implore you to look up the flower meanings i had fun w em <3
I chose the color peach/a coral (is that what that color is ??) for the wedding because its a combo of timmy's pink and jimmy's redish orange (vermillion ?). i just think combining their colors when it comes to ships is just so so CUTE <3<3<3. this is also why that jimmytimmy painting i did a while back has primarily those colors <3. it didn't fit the theme but timmy wanted them so he gets a green, hot magenta pink, and purple flowers for his suit so his only family that loves him can be there.
this is uhh kinda angst implied but it wouldn't be something i made without a bit of angst <3. timmy's biological family would not be there, his mother would probably call once she heard that he got married but timmy decided to abandon that life and those people for good, and for the better tbh. the rest of the nicktoons unite crew would be there + maybe their plus one ig, but dib instead of zim, or maybe them both (zim wants to look normal so attends these events where its expected u show up yk, and dib follows bc clearly. hehe). cindy would probably arrive and agree to being a bridesmaid to show she isnt homophobic but would probably cry and/or drink in a corner the whole time </3, losing both of her boyfriend prospects at once /j
when they toss the bouquet danny is the one who catches it.. he looks over to manny and they share a flustered look while everyone else cheers <3
this is how id imagine it to go at least, there might be more sketches of this in the future i just gotta clean em up first </3. aaah this post is so long </3. told u i loved this kinda stuff SHHSHUSH !! <3<3<3
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
Mommy's Kissing Santa Claus
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Summary: Caroline considers Santa to be her own personal superhero, but she isn't too happy about catching him kissing you. Because no matter what, her Daddy will always be number one.
Word count: 5,5K
Warning(s): fluff, domestic life, Caroline being sad/angry, Elvis dressing up as Santa, smut; just a quick morning quickie that isn't too detailed tbh, roleplaying (kinda.. lol).
Author's note: this was requested a while ago by anon, so nonnie, i hope this finds its way back to ya! enjoy luvs <3
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“I saw Mommy kissin’ Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe last night. She didn’t see me creep down the stairs to have a peep; she thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom, fast asleep. Then I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus underneath his beard so snowy white. Oh what a laugh it would’ve been if Daddy had only seen, Mommy kissin’ Santa Claus last night.”
Five year old Caroline adored Christmas. The decorations, the songs, the movies, the presents… but especially, Santa Claus. The bearded man that she believed flew across the world in his sleigh in the span of one night was a God to her.
While most children would weep upon the sight of a strange man in a red suit and a long white beard, Caroline was over the moon every single year. Even as a baby and before she could even speak a word, she would giggle and run up to whoever was dressed up as the man as soon as she could walk – or waddle.
She had no idea it was usually her grandfather or The Colonel who’d pay her a quick visit during Christmas day.
Caroline was the definition of a true Daddy’s girl, but Santa came pretty darn close to stealing Elvis’ spot during the month of December.
“Daddy, that’s wrong! Santa doesn’t have a green hat!” the tiny blonde giggled as she sat on top of the kitchen counter, looking at the freshly baked Christmas cookies her and Elvis spend their time on this afternoon. He purposely colored the hat of the Santa shaped cookie green, because he knew those little hawk eyes of hers would notice immediately.
“Maybe he does this year, honey,” he smirked at his daughter, licking some icing off his finger as he watched her laugh at him before shaking her head and returning her attention back on the tray of cookies. She squeezed a tiny dot of brown coloring gel on one of the reindeers, swinging her legs back and forth happily.
The red boots that she begged you to wear this morning were still on her feet, hitting the kitchen cabinets softly with her movements.
“You’re funny, Daddy.. but these cookies have to be perfect!” she told him with a stern voice. “What if Santa thinks we’re makin’ fun of him and won’t eat them? Mommy says sending letters to the North Pole takes a very long time,”
Elvis was often mesmerized by his daughter. Not only because she reminded him so much of both you and him, but also because she often spoke like she was much older. He figured it was probably because she spend so much time around adults when she wasn’t in school and she’d pick up anything she would hear.
Sometimes it caused for very funny conversations with her and sometimes she’d just embarrass Elvis and you when she had overheard the both of you talk about something or someone that was not meant to ever leave the four walls of this house.
Luckily, it had never been anything too serious.
“If Santa don’t like ‘em, I will deliver all those little apology letters of yours to him myself,” Elvis chuckled as he put the cookie he was working on on a Christmas decorative plate that had been hidden in the back of one of the cabinets. “But he will love your cookies. I bet he can’t get ‘nough of ‘em. Have you seen that fella’s tummy?”
Caroline looked up at him with wide eyes, taking the cookie with the green hat and shoving it into his hand. “Don’t be mean to Santa, Daddy, or you won’t get a present!”
He let out a hearty laugh, biting off the hat of the cookie as he squeezed her toes through her boots, making her squeal as she giggled and stuck her tongue out to him.
When all cookies were drawn on and she was satisfied with them, she took the plate Elvis handed her after he put her down on the ground and walked toward the staircase in the foyer. You had put a small table and a dining room chair right next to the stairs especially for Santa, your daughter unaware that you’d move the furniture back as soon as she was asleep and the cookies were eaten by you and her father.
“I need to get my drawing!” she told Elvis as she put the plate down and climbed up the stairs to get whatever she made for Santa to put it down with the cookies.
As she disappeared into her bedroom, you entered the house with shopping bags clinging in your hands and snowflakes covering your hair. You let out a huff as you closed the door behind you with your elbow, wiggling the cold and red tip of your nose.
“Next year I am back on baking duty,” you told your husband, trying not to crack a smile as he laughed at you and made his way over to you, taking the bags from your hands.
Usually, he would be the one doing the last minute shopping or have the things you needed to be delivered to the house but Caroline insisted he would stay home today and bake those cookies with her. All you really needed were some small presents for Vernon and Dee and some last minute groceries for tomorrow’s dinner.
You gave Mary the week off so she could spend time with her family during the holidays and you could provide a feast for yours.
“Sorry darlin’, can’t help it that she loves her Daddy more,” Elvis grinned as he took the presents out of the bags and put them underneath the tree in the living area before Caroline came back down. “If it makes ya feel any better, she got mad at me for talkin’ shit about her hero of the year,”
You didn’t miss the roll of his eyes and laughed, pulling the scarf you were wearing from around your neck. “She does not love you more, you’re just easier to manipulate,” you grinned teasingly at him, letting him take the grocery bags from you as well as he wandered back to you. “And she loves Santa more than you,”
You weren’t bothered by the fact that your daughter was a Daddy’s girl because when he’d be away from home and on the road, she would always stick to your side like glue. Elvis on the other side wasn’t so unbothered, hating that Caroline would not stop talking about Santa, Santa, Santa.
You loved to tease him with it.
“She loves that fool more than both of us,” he stuck his tongue out to you, walking into the kitchen to unpack the groceries and put them away. He chuckled softly to himself at the sound of your laugh and Caroline thundering down the stairs, running into your arms as soon as she saw you.
“Mommy, look! I made this for Santa to put with the cookies me and Daddy made,” she shoved the drawing in your face as you carried her toward the little nook you had created for Santa Claus himself.
“Wow Care, that’s beautiful! He will love it, baby,” you smiled at her, kissing her cheek as you placed her down so she could neatly place the drawing she made on the table, next to the plate of decorated cookies. The drawing consisted of three stick figures – you and Elvis being the taller ones and her being the small one in the middle.
Ofcourse, she had drawn Santa as well, only he was in an array of red crayon. You could only really recognize who it was by the white beard she managed to get quite accurate. It was cute.
“Did you buy enough milk, Mommy? He will be a lot thirsty,”
“Very thirsty, not a lot, baby,” you corrected her with a soft laugh, kneeling down next to her to look at the cookies. You could see which ones were decorated by her and which ones by Elvis. It didn’t really matter, they’d taste the same to you. “But yes, I have plenty of milk. We’ll pour him a glass before you go to bed, okay?”
“Two glasses?”
“If you’re a big girl and eat all of your veggies tonight, we’ll give him three!” you told her and she smiled excitedly, wrapping her arms around your neck as she leaned into you.
You were pretty sure she would definitely not eat all of her vegetables–she was her father’s daughter, after all–but you’d give her what she wanted and put three glasses of milk ready for Santa, anyways.
You found it hard to tell her no, because she was such a sweet girl.
She was your entire world.
Caroline surprised both you and Elvis as she shoved every single vegetable on her plate in her little mouth. It took her a while to chew everything down and she was the last to finish, but she couldn’t disappoint Santa, could she?
After sliding down chimneys all night, he must be extremely hungry and thirsty and she worked hard for those three glasses of milk.
You let them both go upstairs after dinner so Elvis could give her a bath and put her in her pyjamas as you cleaned the table and did the dishes.
Besides Mary, you basically gave everyone time off because you wanted to spend Christmas Eve with just your husband and daughter. Tomorrow the family and some of the guys would come over and the house will be rowdy again, so you were excited for the relaxing and quiet night you had planned.
You quite enjoyed yourself in the kitchen, cleaning and listening to the background noise that was the TV in the dining room.
You turned the TV off as you were done in the kitchen and heard Elvis and Caroline coming down the stairs. After getting some drinks, you followed them into the TV room and got ready for the movie Caroline had recently become obsessed with.
She watched it with Dee’s sons a month ago and then made you and Elvis watch it with her again.
And again, and again, and again.
Neither of you could say no to her, even though you couldn’t care less about this movie.
Caroline snuggled in between you and Elvis, leaning into his side as her legs rested on your lap. She’d speak up now and then to point out a part in the movie that she liked and wanted you to pay attention to. But she had been running around all day, playing in the snow, helping Daddy feed the horses, baking cookies – she was tired, so tired that she couldn’t keep her eyes from fluttering shut despite loving the movie so much.
“Mommy!” she gasped softly as she shocked awake due to a loud noise from the TV, looking at you with wide eyes. “If I fall a-asleep.. wake me up, okay? I-I can’t miss.. Santa..” she mumbled, laying her head on Elvis’ chest as she pulled her legs in, holding onto his shirt with her tiny hand.
She didn’t seem to believe you when you told her that you would and looked up at her father. “Daddy, don’t forget, okay?!” she urged him, her voice thick with exhaustion and though her eyes were heavy, she wouldn’t put her head back down unless she got confirmation.
Elvis laughed softly as he looked at her, kissing her forehead. “I promise, yittle. Put your little head down,” he whispered to her, gently pushing her head back down on his chest as he tickled his fingers through her hair.
It didn’t take her long to drift off into a deep slumber.
You and Elvis didn’t wake her up, deciding that she needed all the sleep she could get for Christmas day tomorrow. She probably wouldn’t be too happy about it once she’d wake up and realise it was the next day, but she’d forgive you for it later. Especially when she’d see the presents she got from you and Elvis, her innocent little mind believing that they were from Santa himself.
“I’ll get her to bed,” you whispered as the movie ended which you and Elvis had talked your whole way through. Too comfortable on the couch to turn the TV off and move into the living room, plus Caroline looked too cute sleeping and you didn’t want to wake her. But it was getting late and you and your husband could use some rest as well.
“I’ll be upstairs,” he told you as you picked up Caroline in your arms, kissing your lips as he silently followed you up the stairs. You walked up the main staircase as Elvis made his way to the living room.
Thankfully, Caroline didn’t wake up when you carried her up the stairs and put her to bed. She mumbled something in her sleep and fuzzed in the sheets a little, but she went back to snoring softly before you left the room. You took the opportunity to clean up some of her toys that were scathered around the room and put the clothes away she wore today that Elvis put on her chair.
When you closed the door behind you afterwards and walked down the stairs, you frowned as Elvis was nowhere to be seen. The TV in both the dining and music room were turned off. The house felt empty.
“El? Baby?” you called out softly, looking around as you reached the bottom of the stairs.
Once he cleared his throat and you turned around, you saw him sitting in the Santa nook, cookie in hand and clothed in the Santa suit his dad or manager usually wore. You figured he must’ve put something around his waist, because he filled out the costume that would otherwise be too big for him.
“Merry Christmas to you, madame,” he grinned as he put the cookie down, slapping his hand on his thigh. You pressed your lips together, holding back a laugh as you walked over to him and sat down on his lap, slipping your arm around his shoulder. “Are these cookies for me, pretty lady?”
You cleared your throat a little, a soft giggle escaping your throat nonetheless. He had never dressed up as Santa for Caroline, both of you afraid that she would recognize him instantly.
You thought he looked ridiculous, but the way his voice deepened as he spoke to mimick a Santa like voice and his blue eyes were pretty much undressing you the second he saw you, you couldn’t help but feel a tingle run down your spine.
“They certainly are, mr. Claus. My daughter and husband made them especially for you,” you grinned, placing your hand on his stomach. Or rather the pillow you realised he had put in the costume.
“Your husband, you say?” he hummed, picking up the cookie once more as he took a bite of it now. “Isn’t he a lucky man to have such a beautiful little thing runnin’ around the place,” he put the cookie in front of your lips, his hand finding your ass as his arm was resting around your waist.
You feigned a gasp, gently pushing his hand away from your face as you looked at him. “My, mr. Claus. You’re very handsy, aren’t you? What would my husband think?”
“Well honey, your husband ain’t here, is he?”
He dropped the half eaten cookie back on the plate, wiping some crumbs off his fingers with the napkin you had put next to the plate earlier today. His palm squeezed your ass softly, pushing you firmly against his chest as your hand traveled over the hill of his fake belly and over his chest to wrap it around his neck.
“Now tell me, mrs. Presley. Have you been naughty or nice?”
His words made you want to rip that white beard he was sporting off his face and shut him up with a kiss. You didn’t feel awkward anymore at his little act–not when he was looking at you like that while his palm was shamelessly massaging your ass–and rather felt arousal seeping into your being.
Roleplaying wasn’t rare for you and Elvis, but you never thought him being dressed up as Santa Claus would get you as turned on as it did.
“I’m always very nice,” you told him as you laced your fingers together behind his neck, plastering your most innocent smile on your face. “But I can definitely be naughty too, mr. Claus,”
“Why don’t you show me how naughty you can be, darlin’?” his hand was quick as it reached up to his face, pulling the beard down before he leaned in to you. You giggled softly, gently swatting his hand away before you put the beard back in its place, kissing him.
He laughed softly against your lips but didn’t question you on it, instead fully trapping you against him as he wrapped his other arm around you as well, deepening the kiss.
Caroline shot up in her bed as soon as she awoke out of her sleep not even twenty minutes after you put her to bed. The little Presley girl didn’t think twice to hop out of her bed and walk over to the window, pouting heavily when she realised it was still night time and she was not downstairs waiting for her beloved Santa Claus right now.
You and Elvis promised to wake her and she felt betrayed that you hadn’t.
She had no idea what time it was and if you were still awake, but she figured getting caught would be worth the risk. Tiptoeing to her door, she slowly opened it and shuffled to the top of the stairs – when she saw that the only light that illuminated the foyer came from the Christmas tree, she very slowly and quietly stepped down a few steps.
Not wanting to scare Santa if he was already here, she peeked over the bannister of the stairs and widened her eyes as she saw the white bearded man with his signature red hat and suit sitting in the seat you and her had provided for him. She would’ve thundered down the stairs if it wasn’t for you sitting in his lap, lips pressed against those of her hero.
The one who provided her with the toys she wanted every year, the one who paid her a visit every Christmas day.
She loved him, but he was not her father.
Only Daddy was allowed to kiss you on the lips, not Santa Claus. Not nobody else.
Tears stung in her blue eyes as she grabbed onto the bars of the bannister, watching the kiss for a few seconds before she ran back up the stairs and hid underneath her blankets, silently crying herself to sleep.
You and Elvis were too occupied to hear Caroline coming up and down the stairs and as you tugged him up from the seat to take him into your shared bedroom, he quickly stole the plate of cookies along with him.
You and Elvis woke up early the next morning despite that Santa costume keeping you both awake until the dead of the night. You expected Caroline to stand at the side of your bed by now seeing it was already 8 o’clock because she could never wait until she was allowed to unwrap her presents. This morning, the bedroom was silent aside from Elvis’ soft snoring.
You sat up in the bed and looked at your husband, laughing softly as you took the Santa hat that was clutched in his hand, throwing it onto the floor. You leaned over to him and planted soft kisses on his shoulder and up to his face. He groaned softly as you woke him, his limbs stretching out in front of him before he turned to you and wrapped his arm around your waist, forcing you to lay back down next to him.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” you whispered with a soft laugh as he hid his face in your neck, squeezing you in his embrace.
“Mwerry Chwistmas, little one,” he hummed sleepily against your skin before he kissed your neck, the faint hint of your perfume that lingered in your neck making him roll onto his back, taking you right with him.
“We don’t get a lot of Christmas mornings like this one,” he mumbled as he grinned, his hands running up your thighs to squeeze at your hips.
He was right, you didn’t. You’d either be woken up by Caroline or by the doorbell that announced the arrival of today’s company. You told them to come a little later this year, so you and your family had time to actually eat breakfast and get ready for the day.
Now that you and Elvis had a bit of time for yourselves, he didn’t hesitate to take advantage of it.
His eyes caught sight of the Santa hat on the floor and he was quick to grab it before returning to his warm spot on the bed with you atop of him. “You had a lot of time with mr. Claus last night, it’s only fair if I get some sweetness from mrs. Claus,” he wiggled his eyebrows as he held out the hat to you.
You laughed and rolled your eyes, grasping it from his hand as you put it crookedly on top of your head. He bit his lip and moved his hands up your sides, slipping toward your front to squeeze your bare breasts in the palm of his hand.
Neither of you bothered to put on clothes before you fell asleep last night, so he didn’t need to wait for you to peel off pieces of fabric for you to raise your hips and sink down onto him.
He groaned as he moved his hands underneath his head, watching you ride him with a cocky smirk on his face.
“You look so sexy, baby,” he mummered as his eyes wandered down from your face to your bouncing breasts, voice sounding hoarse as it was still heavy with sleep. It only motivated you to go faster.
The idea of Caroline wandering into the room any minute was also on your mind, but Elvis didn’t mind you chasing your climax with slight hurry. He decided to help you get there even faster, reaching one hand down to circle your clit rapidly with his thumb.
The both of you had to bite down on your tongues to not moan too loud and while Elvis loved hearing you make those pretty sounds for him, he knew he could not make you truly scream while Caroline was also in the house.
Luckily for him, she had a sleepover planned at his father’s house next week.
Thanks to Elvis’ digit, you were quick to reach your climax and he followed not long after because of how visciously you were clenching around him.
“We should.. should check on Care,” you breathed as you ripped the fluffy hat off your head, throwing it across the bed before you leaned down and kissed your husband, who mumbled a soft agreement against your lips but made no movements to leave the warmth of the bed.
Caroline had been up before you and Elvis, but instead of walking into your room to tug on your blankets until either you or Elvis woke up, she went straight to the living room.
She was a girl on a mission today and it wasn’t a very fun one.
She was angry – at you, at Santa, and even a little bit at Elvis.
The little girl was still in disbelief of what she had seen last night. She just couldn’t wrap her little head around the fact that you kissed someone that was not Daddy and that Santa kissed you back.
And where was her Daddy while you exchanged smooches with her hero? He should’ve been there to stop it. Maybe even kick Santa’s ass a little.
She wandered over to the Christmas tree, taking the ornaments out one by one. Santa Claus didn’t deserve a nice tree anymore – if he would come by the house today, she would show him that she was angry with him.
Once you and Elvis came down the stairs and saw the bottom of the tree empty from its usual ornaments and Caroline gathering the sparkly garlands in her arms, you widened your eyes.
“Caroline, what is this?!” you exclaimed in confusion as you walked over to her to lift her up your hip. She crossed her arms firmly against her chest, the garlands crunching in her arms as she turned away from you with an angry expression taking over her features. “Caroline, I’m talkin’ to you,”
“I don’t want to talk to you!” she huffed as she stared at the chair by the stairs Santa had sat on last night.
“Caroline Mae Presley, don’t talk to your mother like that,” Elvis warned her as he stood next to you, looking at his daughter. But she didn’t look at him, hanging back in your arms so she’d be heavier for you to hold. “You know you’re not allowed to go downstairs before waking us. Why did you dissect the tree?”
She didn’t want to tell him or you how she was feeling, but she had a weakness for Elvis and she felt sad for him. He didn’t know what happened last night – while she was still young, she knew it was a bad thing. A bad thing that would hurt her precious father.
“I’m mad,” she mumbled and you allowed Elvis to take her out of your arms, walking over to the couch to sit down on it with her in his lap. She unfolded her arms and looked at her hands as you took the garlands out of her arms to put them back in their place.
“Yittle, if you’re mad, you come talk to Mommy or me. What does my tree have to do with anythin’, huh?” he grinned playfully at her as he tickled her sides. Usually, she would giggle and cheer up, but this time she pouted and pushed his big hand off.
“I’m mad.. m-mad.. at Santa,” she whispered, touching the small charm bracelet you gifted her for her last birthday that she never wanted to take off.
“Why, baby? Santa brought you a lot of presents,” Elvis told her as he nodded his head over to you. You smiled at your daughter as she finally looked up and you nodded, holding up a few wrapped presents Elvis put under the tree last night as you were putting Caroline to bed.
It looked like a smile was about to break the angry act she was putting on, but she huffed and looked down again. “I’m mad at Mommy too,”
You raised your eyebrows in confusion as you put the presents back under the tree, getting up to walk over to the couch. You sat down next to Elvis and looked at the pouty blonde in his lap, taking her small hands in yours. She pulled them out of your grip immediately, looking away.
Elvis saw the hurt in your eyes and sighed deeply, knowing playing nice would get him nowhere with his headstrong daughter.
He had finally met his match – it was more exhausting than he ever expected.
“Caroline, don’t be like that to your mother and tell us why you’re so mad. We don’t know what’s goin’ on if you don’t use your words,” he bounced his leg she was sitting on once, making her look at him with a glare.
Her face expressions softened a little when she saw both you and him looking at her so seriously and she couldn’t stop her bottomlip from twitching, her emotions getting the best of her. As soon as tears started welling up in her eyes, she pressed her face in Elvis’ chest and grabbed onto the shirt he was wearing.
“You and Mommy don’t love each other anymore,” she cried, her words coming out muffled. Elvis gently grabbed her shoulders, trying to pull her off him so she could speak more clearly but she managed to wrap her arms around his neck, clinging onto him. “And it’s all Santa’s fault,”
You exchanged a look with Elvis and frowned, running your hand through your daughter’s hair. “Honey, what are you talking about?”
Upon the sound of your voice, she pulled away from Elvis and looked at you, tears freely rolling down her cheeks.
“Oh Mommy, please don’t leave Daddy all alone!” she cried as she stretched her arms out to you. She had been so angry with you only minutes ago, but the thought of you leaving and running off to the North Pole with Santa Claus broke her little heart. You immediately took her in your arms and caressed her hair out of her face, wiping her tears away. “Don’t leave me and Daddy!”
“Care, how’d you get that idea? Baby, I’m not leaving you and Daddy,” you told her, kissing her forehead before she wrapped her arms around your neck and hugged you tightly.
“But last n-night.. you.. you.. were k-kissing.. S-Santa..” she hiccuped over your shoulder, squeezing you tightly in her little arms as if she was afraid you’d disappear into thin air. “You are in l-love with Santa C-Clause,”
You looked at Elvis and he widened his eyes, letting out a hearty laugh as he leaned back in the couch, throwing his head on the back rest of it. You gave him a warning glare but couldn’t stop yourself from giggling softly too, rubbing your hand up and down Caroline’s back soothingly as Elvis hid his mouth behind his hand to muffle his laughter.
“Care bear, look at me,” you chuckled softly as you grabbed her arms, pulling her out of your embrace so she’d look at you. Her hands rested on your shoulders as she sniffed, shoulders shaking with silent sobs. “What you saw last night… was me hugging Santa…”
Elvis stopped laughing as he grinned cheekily, waiting for you to explain to your five year old what she had seen. You silently begged for help and he cleared his throat a little, scooting closer to you and Caroline. “Yittle, Mommy was comfortin’ Santa last night. You see, Daddy forgot to put his milk by the cookies last night and Santa was so sad, because he thought we had forgotten about him,” he explained to her as she looked at him, listening while repeating his words over and over again in her head.
“Yes! And I told him we definitely did not forget about him. He was also a little sad that you fell asleep, baby girl, so I gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek,”
She turned to you, her eyes still a little red as she sniffed once more. “Really?”
“Promise. Would we ever lie to you?” Elvis chimed in, smiling at her and she shook her head.
To her, you and Elvis were perfect and would never ever tell her a lie. Not a big one, nor a small one.
“No,” she whispered. “So you will stay with me and Daddy?”
You looked at her and laughed softly, nodding as you pressed a kiss on her cheek. “Yes baby, I’m going to stay with you and Daddy forever and ever,”
She smiled softly, nodding her head heavily as she seemed to buy the story you and Elvis told her. Honestly, it wasn’t a very good one, but the only thing you could come up with on the spot.
And for five year old Caroline, the story sounded solid.
“Okay,” she said, grabbing Elvis’ hand as she kept her other hand on your shoulder. “Daddy is more beautiful than Santa,”
Elvis grinned widely, raising his chin smugly. “That’s what I thought, honey,”
You rolled your eyes and laughed, rising from the couch with Caroline in your arms. “Now Santa, me and Daddy will appreciate it very much if you put the ornaments back in the tree. Let Daddy help you,” you grinned, kissing her temple before you put her back on her own two feet. She nodded and walked over to the tree, sitting on her knees as she did what you told her to.
Elvis slipped his arm around your waist, squeezing your ass as he pushed you against his chest. “Seems like we should keep the costume strictly for the bedroom, huh?”
“Definitely,” you laughed softly, kissing his chin. “Without the beard next time, though,”
“I didn’t hear ya complainin’ when I was in between your legs with it last night,” he whispered teasingly with a grin on his face, raising an eyebrow.
You playfully slapped his chest, laughing. “I was feelin’ festive, but Christmas is almost over, baby,”
“Not in this house,” he wiggled his eyebrows, leaning down to kiss you. The moment was interrupted sooner than he liked by Caroline who called out to him.
“Daddy, help me!” she yelled as she had managed to get herself twisted in a string of garland, looking at him with a goofy smile on her face.
“You truly are your mother’s child,” he laughed as he shot you a wink, walking over to his daughter to help her get out of the small trap she got herself into and to help her re-decorate the lower half of the tree.
You laughed as you watched them for a little bit before disappearing into the kitchen to start on breakfast.
In an hour or so, the house would be filled with family and friends again, disrupting the peaceful bubble you had been in since yesterday.
You didn’t mind it all that much, though. And as long as Caroline would have a good time, you didn’t care if the house was empty or full.
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botboots · 1 year
Hey! I'm probably SOOO late to transformers fanfics and one shots but I've come with this prompt,( I hope you like it enough to write it!) could you write Ratchet x injured reader, g/n or female. Injured shoulder, and maybe trying to hide it from him? Also in Tfp? If all this isnt too much to ask? Thank you for considering! Have a good day/ night
a/n: heehee this one was fun. the dialogue is kinda splotchy because theres a lot going on in my brain rn but!! hope you like it <3 also reader is cybertronian bc there are NOT enough cybertronian!reader fics out there and theyre very fun to write tbh. hope thats okay!!
ALSO! guidelines have been updated so before anyone submits a new req please read it! and please please request mirage/rotb fics oh my god im obsessed with it ROTB WAS SO GOOD </33
warnings: very minor injuries, pining <3 word count: 1059 (GN, cybertronian!reader) continued under the cut
The purple and green swirl of the ground-bridge closed behind you as you followed your team back into base, the lingering energy buzzing under your plating.
Glancing at Bumblebee, a small twinge of pity struck you as he made his way over to the medical bay. The scout had taken a few nasty punches from Breakdown and clearly wasn’t feeling too hot; dents littering his armor.
“We showed ‘em, huh?” your focus was snatched when Bulkhead caught you off guard with his usual celebratory elbow-bump, sending you stumbling a little from the force. A sharp pain ran up your arm to your shoulder and you winced.
“Yea- totally.” sending the wrecker a strained smile, you gave him a half-hearted push back. He tilted his head, about to open his mouth to ask you something when Miko booked it over to the two of you, questions spilling out of her mouth at a mile a minute. All of them were something gore or violence related, asking Bulkhead if he got any pictures of some “hardcore massacre-ing”. The girl's interests were a little concerning, but endearing. Nonetheless, you took the opportunity to slink away and avoid any more attention. Angling your helm, your face scrunched up at the sight - and feeling - of the wound on your shoulder.
Too focused on the fight in front of you, a stray Vehicon had been able to sneak up behind you and catch you by surprise. Fortunately for you, Vehicons were mass trained for quantity over quality and didn’t have the best shots. The blast grazed your shoulder, tearing between some of your paneling to the barely exposed wires. It hurt like a bitch at first, but adrenaline buried it enough that it wouldn’t distract you - plus it was small enough that none of your team noticed. Now that you were back at base, though, the piercing sting prodded at your processor incessantly. You did want to go and see Ratchet about it - always finding some kind of excuse to be around the mech - but he was dealing with Bumblebee right now, and you didn’t want to add to his plate. Not like it was anything life-threatening, anyway. You could just try and patch it up yourself - you’ve spent enough time with Ratchet to pick up a few things yourself.
You stole a glance at said medic, who you only just noticed was looking right at you. Immediately you realized from the questioning look on his face, raised brow and all, he had probably caught both your reaction to Bulkhead bumping into you and the grimace you had made at your shoulder. Optimistic, you shook your head at him, giving the mech a meager thumbs-up and a “I'm-actually-totally-fine” smile. He gave you a hard stare, and your spark sank when he motioned you over with a flick of his digits. You begrudgingly made your way over to the medical bay. As you neared, Ratchet had already cleared Bumblebee and was shooing him out. The scout passed you, and your attention was focused on Ratchet waiting with a cocked helm and his ever-present RBF. Standing awkwardly under his gaze, almost scrutinizing, you huffed. Without a word, the red and white medic picked up his scanner, turning it on with a loud click and running the green laser over your frame.
“Really, doc - I’m fine. It’s nothing.” you tried, and failed, as he kept the device lingering at your shoulder. With a deadpan look covering his faceplate, he put the scanner down and placed his servos over your shoulder plating. You grit your denta to keep a pained hiss from leaving you, wincing when he felt around the frayed wiring.
“Nothing, huh?” you pouted at his scoff, his metal brows knitted together as he examined the shot that had barely missed doing any serious damage. “Sit.” he ordered, gesturing to the medical berth while he moved to grab some tools from a nearby counter. Embarrassment was settling in your chassis, but you did as you were told.
It technically didn’t take long to patch you up, but the old mech made it seem like eons to you with the way he was muttering about “some of the team having egos too big for their own good.” It only made the burn of embarrassment grow, and you ducked your head when he gave you a pointed look. Ratchet was nothing if not thorough in ensuring you knew when he disapproved of something.
Soon enough he finished up, giving the patched wound a once-over.
“Anything else you’re not telling me?” he questioned, the familiar lilt of sarcasm back in his tone. That at least steadied your nerves a little.
“No, sir.” you mocked, raising one of your servos in a half-assed salute.
He scowled, crossing his arms, “I’ll have Optimus enforce mandatory health checks every time you come back to base.”
Frantically shaking your helm, you raised both servos defensively, “Okay, okay!” you sputtered, “Won’t happen again.” His optics narrowed, giving you a hard stare, and you released a heavy sigh. “Promise.”
Ratchet debated it for a moment, still having half a mind to just assign the checks anyway, but as you kept your optics trained on his, the mech’s will buckled and he huffed a quick, “Good.”
You both were staring at each other for just a moment too long before Ratchet gave a quick cough. “Come back if the pain flares up again.” he waved you off as he made his way back to his usual spot at the terminal. You blinked, watching him walk off with a slightly heated face. Awkward. Hopping off the medical berth, you were careful not to irritate your shoulder and mess it up more than it already was. As you walked past Bumblebee he whirred to grab your attention. You paused, turning your head to him with a raised metal brow.
The scout chirped at you teasingly from where he sat, nodding his head way too obviously towards you and then Ratchet, who was already burying himself back in his work. Your optics widened, immediately narrowing into an offended glare as you jabbed a digit towards him.
“Don't. Even.” you grumbled, folding your arms and walking briskly away from Bumblebee��s poorly stifled, chittering laugh that echoed behind you. Your previous pity for the mech quickly dissipated as your faceplate burned. Primus.
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batmanshole · 8 months
ylfvaaa do you have any makeup and skincare recs 😭 im trying to get into skincare but i have no idea where to start, i see a lot of people hyping up korean skincare but idk what products live up to the hype. and i need new makeup badly but im scared of ordering a primer and then it sucks yknow. you seem really knowledgeable so if you can help me out it’d be much appreciated <3
hi anon. before i get into this i love you. i love when people ask me about this kinda stuff. makes me so happy. cosmetic chemistry autism.
ALSO to get your primer thing out of the way: i dont rlly use it but ive heard good things about the ELF one and my sister swears by the NYX one and her base is rlly good. so.
also i'd look on the following websites / stores:
sephora for western brands / mainstream kbeauty yesstyle for korean and japanese stuff chic decent or individual websites for chinese beauty (i usually get mine in person tho)
under the cut cause its long af. also i linked to some products but none of this is sponsored or affiliate or anything im just linking cause i like em 👍
OK FIRST OF ALLL. starting w skincare.
i would break down your routine into three main parts: -cleansing -moisturizing / hydrating -SPF
if you wanna get fancy, you can do exfoliation between cleansing and hydrating. but you really dont have to do that if u dont want to
first: cleansing
if you wanna wear makeup you should have a good way to take it off. no. no put the makeup wipes down. they aren't efficient and u will go through SO many of them. and they're a pain and can irritate ur skin w all the wiping (trust me on this one LOL)
i would recommend using an oil based product for this!! melts ur makeup OFFFF like crazy + even if you don't use makeup it will leave ur skin super clean ^__^ ALSO you should apply this to DRY SKIN and wash it off with lukewarm water (the oil emulsifies w water and also very cold water can make it harder to remove)
if you want an oil-based makeup remover for quick removal w a cotton pad: clinique take the day off (47cad ) this one is expensive tbh and isn't as effective as the others BUT. it takes a lot less energy to use + can be done quickly. if you want a cleanser that will take off your makeup incredibly well while washing ur face: kose softymo speedy cleanser (18cad) this is my absolute FAV. i use it allll the time it works so so well and ive reccomended it to tons of ppl before and theyve all liked it. if you want a cleansing balm for heavier makeup: clean-it zero cleansing balm original (30cad) i haven't tried this one myself, but i've heard VERY good things about it.
next i would follow that up with a water based cleanser (so foaming or gel). this will help to wash away all the stuff that the oil cleanser has loosened up and will wash away leftover oil cleanser.
my FAVOURITE is the senka perfect whip cleanser (14.50cad) i adore this stuff!! ive heard some people find it very drying but i havent had that issue? idk i've also heard good things about this beauty of joseon green plum gel cleanser (14.70 cad) but i haven't used it myself. huge fan of BOJ tho!!
(this is the part where you would exfoliate if you wanted to. for a chemical exfoliant i use the giant bottle of clinique stuff my aunt got me but its not worth the price tbh. u could also try the beauty of joseon apricot peeling gel (14.70cad) IF your skin can handle it. its a physical exfoliant tho so be careful. i also enjoy the pixi glow tonic. u can get this at like shoppers or cvs or somethign idk)
second: hydrating and moisturizing
okay so. this is super important if you do a lot of makeup and thus have to wash it away thoroughly.
i start with a hydrating toner. this helps to add water to your skin and smooth it (adding water before moisturizer is a good idea bc the moisturizers will both add moisture and lock in hydration from any prev products)
i use the the I'm from rice toner (38 cad but on sale rn) which is my absolute absolute FAAAV toner. super hydrating super perfect and beautiful. stunning. (you've probably seen people talk about the cosrx snail mucin, and it is nice i will admit. but do NOT use it if you are allergic to shellfish or dust, apparently. also apply it right after your hydrating toner, it needs to be on wet skin)
then i go in with a moisturizer!! i like to use ones with niacinimide or other humectants.
my go-to is the innisfree jeuju cherry blossom dewey glow jelly (35cad) she's so important to meee <3 love her. all time fav. it is SCENTED tho, so if you don't like that, try: beauty of joseon red bean water gel (17.80cad) super lightweight and has no noticeable scent. ive heard very good things and my friend is trying it soon ^__^
finally: SPF
this is THE most important step. sunscreen. wear sunscreen.
apply your sunscreen under your makeup in the morning, and throughout the day. if you wanna reapply using a sun stick, that's great!!! but don't use a sun stick as your ONLY protection.
also i'd avoid pure mineral sunscreens unless you have a legit allergy to chemical ones. mineral sunscreens are not as good and a lot of the marketing is iffy. also they leave a white cast which is esp noticeable on darker skin. mineral + chemical ones are usually fine tho :-)
my fav sunscreen is the biore UV aqua rich watery gel / watery essence (26cad) legit the best feeling sunscreen i have EVER used. my friends who hate sunscreen like this one. there's also the beauty of joseon rice probiotic releif sun cream (24cad) which is very nice too!! not my fav but a lot of people swear by it for reapplying throughout the day, i would use the beauty of joseon matte sun stick (24cad). ive heard super good things but ihavent tried it cause im finishing my other sun stick rn lol
this is all fairly basic stuff since u said you were new to it, but i can also go thru some less necessary, more fancy products if you ever need.
as for makeup, my favourite brands are:
-flower knows -rom&nd (romand) -daisique -etude -lilybyred
and i've heard really good things about / want to try:
-colorgram -judydoll -flortte -amuse -clio -peripera -into you
ok sorry this is so long but um. lmk if you have any further questions but my arms hurt so im gonna stop typing now. MWAH love you
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miraxetine · 2 years
Characters: Simon “Ghost” Riley x OC Fem!, John “Soap” MacTavish, John Price, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, Kate Laswell.
Summary: A new female operator has joined Task Force 141. Codename Ecstasy. The woman, here, began her first mission with Gaz, Laswell and Price in Spain. While on the other side of the world, Ghost and Soap find themselves alone in Las Almas, surviving empty handed, and curious about the new recruit joining them.
Warnings: Typical COD stuff, I guess.
A/N: Uh, I have not written stuff in ages, so excuse my illiteracy. The character goes by she/her. For some reason it took me too long to write this. And tbh, I feel like its mid. ANYWAYS, inspired by @the-bottom-of-the-abyss siren >>>>>. ENJOY <3, inshallah. Also why tf is the formattin here so weird. Also its short im sry i had a brain fart. okay bye
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Recon By Fire
31 OCT 2022 1100
Haar covered the landscape, and the cold air created ignored goosebumps on the soldier’s skin. Flat on her stomach, behind the captain and the sergeant was the woman. Covered with garments that helped her merge in with the topography of the island, some island in Spain.
“We’re set at our firing point. Eyes on pair armed targets hiding in the field.” Captain Price stated in the comms. One eye shut whilst the other remained looking through the scope of his own arm.
“You’re green-lit. Execute when able.” The familiar voice replied after receiving status report.
“Rog’. Stand by…” Captain replied. “Gaz?”
“No wind. 200 meters. On me—“ Gaz was cut off.
Two silent bullets had already the killed pair of men who were sitting and hiding in the same field as she and the two other men were. Not even giving a chance to the fellow “teammates” to finish with comms. The captain looked back at her, scanning the shooter, giving her a stern look, and Sergeant Gaz remained quiet, starting to move his way through the grasslands of the island, not wanting to get involved in the rising tension between the two.
“Bravo, what do you have?” Laswell received silence, “Bravo, how copy?” faint concern was heard in her voice.
The newbie of the Task Force took her vision away from the scope, her eyes meeting with the captain’s. Price showed irritation by the silent commotion she’d made. The woman’s eyes were null, full of nothing. They were brown, the basic dark brown, maybe even black. There was not a single sparkle in them, not a single reflection of light, nothing. Not moved by her higher-ups gaze. Her body slightly moving from the reloading of bullets, she began to push forward and into the tall grass, disuniting the silent fight between both pair of brown orbs.
“Solid. Watcher. Two down.” The Captain spoke into the comms, his eyes following the woman moving, scanning her body language before he began moving himself. Her lack of liveliness bothered him, not even the Ghost himself was this null. Ghost showed concern and emotions when in a mission, miraculously maybe one on one, but this woman… It was just a soulless perfect body, built from steel and bolts, programmed just for ending the lives of other’s. Automatic aim and shooting.
“Good work. Push forward, see what you can find.” Laswell remarked.
The woman seemed to be already scoped in, her eye watching a group of armed men, gathered around a truck. Six men in total, with high chances to be part of the Cartel due to their complexion, the female knew her own kind and the memory of all the files Laswell had provided her with covered her claim.
“Scope in, Sergeant, and let’s see what we’re dealing with.”
“I see ‘em.” Gaz replied, flat on his stomach a meter or two away from the silent woman. “Cartel?”
“Likely.” Price answered.
The feminine figure remained quiet throughout the next few callouts, listening and obeying. She didn’t report anything, she didn’t want to, and she felt like she didn’t need to. She saw what they saw, no need to add-on. Perhaps, she was more observant, more quick to realize her surroundings and more quick to acknowledge her surroundings. She read everything like a book and watched life through a scope. Perhaps if she were in a more dangerous situation, she would probably make more callouts than the captain himself. But she didn’t, she didn’t. Why share what we see? It’s not even sharing. It was seeing and stating the obvious, something everyone was capable of doing but chose not to. The woman was patient, but not too much with people who see but don’t observe, the obvious was obvious.
Everything that was going on was obvious, or close to the educated guesses she had made before landing on the isolated island. Submarines, cartels, terrorists, drugs, and the taking of Kate by Hassan’s men. The woman wasn’t surprised, upon receiving the call from the station chief for recruitment towards this mission, the female sniper knew too well this wasn’t going to end well. Laswell’s plans always had some type of imperfection that complicated everything.
Whilst Gaz and Price occupied themselves by worrying about what to do next to get to Kate, the woman stared blankly out of the cave before making her own internal call to get out the way she came in. Gaz changed his focus from the captain to the fellow she-sergeant going her on mery way back towards the ladder. “Hey! Where do you think you’re going?”
The woman turned around making eye contact with Gaz. Her eyes obscure, empty, intimidating to the younger British. “I’m leaving to get Kate,” she pointed at Laswell’s direction with her sniper while keeping eye contact, revealing her voice to the other two.
This dry but intense interaction seemed to make Gaz nervous, it was obvious on his face. Her face and body was already plenty to leave a man in awe, to make him weak to his knees but her personality, her aura was one to make a man suffer. The coldness was the complete opposite from the warm tone of her skin, the cherry-colored lips that screamed sweetness resulted with bitter words, and the curvy and strong body that seemed to fight for the reverences of others, resulted to be a brick and stone wall, refraining others to break it down. The female raised a brow at his reaction.
Price didn’t seen to happy upon hearing the first name basis regard the woman had for Laswell, he walked up to her, the tip of the sniper close to his forehead. Not only that, John was the one who made the calls, not whoever she was. Price commanded and ordered everything, if he asks you to stop breathing, it’s a must. To stay behind, it’s s a must. To give up your on life, it’s a must. “You don’t have a plan, sergeant.” John gritted through his teeth, anger levels increasing after each word.
Lowering her sniper, the tip slightly missing the Captain’s nose, she moved her head towards her higher-up before parting her eyes from Gaz to meet with the Captain’s once again. “You don’t have a plan, captain,” she turned her body towards him, “Apart from sitting and crying, it appears you don’t. You can continue to wail while embracing one another, I’m used to working alone, anyways. I already have enough information and the balls to start taking action.” The woman announced before retiring towards the ladders, her footwork quiet as she moved up each step.
Gaz turned to the Captain, embarrassed for having such an obvious weakness for the new member. Price walked by him passively aggressively meeting his shoulder with him, sighing, “Let’s go.” Price commanded following the woman’s trace towards the ladders.
Las Almas, Mexico
03 NOV 22 0000
“Ghost, you missin’ a knife?” the Scott asked, a knife in his hand, ignoring the dead Shadow before him and jumping out a nearby window.
“Several.” answered the man on the other side of the comms.
“I think I found one.”
“Some of the dead Shadows are my handiwork…” joked the named Ghost, settled and safe in the church of Las Almas.
“You came through here?” Soap asked, feeling a certain pang shoot at his heart.
“On my way to the church.”
“And you left me?”
The man on the top of the church remained quiet, thinking about what his response should be. Looking through the scope of his weapon, aiming at Shadows at the bottom of the church, he answered. “I’m used to working alone.”
“So much for no man left behind.” Soap reminded.
“Just get yourself to the church,” Ghost replied quickly, trying to stand his defense, “tryin’ to keep you alive and get you here in one piece. One of us needs to survive to tell the tail”
“Taken a shine to me, then?”
“Not in the slightest. Still got a lot of ground to cover” The comms went silent.
And that is how the night progressed, killing, jokes, hiding, working alone, trying to survive all alone. Eventually, the two reunited. Struggled to meet each other, but reunited. Now, headed with much speed towards a destination unknown to the Scott.
“Get the chance to read about the Bolo joining us, Ghost?” Soap asked, his elbow resting on the window of his seat, trying to ease his breathing as his arm still remained in pain.
Looking forward, Ghost recalled one of the many files he had looked before the named situation with Graves had happened. “I don’t know whether you’re being racist or using shit American military slang.”
“I’m not being racist!” Johnny raised his arms in defense.
“She’s South American, sergeant.” His mind went back to reading the black letters under the woman’s picture on her file which gave her background information, ‘Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela’.
“How was I supposed to know that?” Soap scoffed, looking at Ghost.
“By reading the file you have just asked if I had read.” Ghost reminded him.
Soap became silent.
“I meant to use the term as a person who sucks at our line of work—“ tried to explain John.
“I figured.” Cut off Ghost.
“Ecstasy.” Soap called out the woman’s codename, “I quite fancy her face, should I try and get to know her bett—“.
A lot of people fancied her face, her looks overall. Her tan yet light skin. Her picture showed most of her body. She had the ideal thick thighs, hidden under the cargo pants, the long legs, her arms toned and smooth, her hands small and delicate, surprising as a soldier. Her lips plump and colored forming a smile, her skin clear, eyes in crescent moons, and black hair short to her shoulders, a green military beret sitting on top of her head, and on the side of her arm, a small french flag. She had served in France and in the picture she didn’t seem to have empty and soulless eyes. Happiness was written all over her face.
“Shut up, Johnny.” Ghost cut him off again.
Ignoring him, the man continued talking about the woman. “She was named so while working with the Americans a few years back. Apparently, she lives up to the name very well.”
Ghost remained quiet, not interested on hearing about Soap’s next target.
“Her ways of doing things was described by the Americans as ecstasy, the drug itself.” Soap looked at Ghost, trying to read his face, his eyes to be more clear. “The pleasure you get by just being in the same room as her, by just looking at her rather impressive skills as a sergeant, when making eye contact with her, it makes you feel like you’re on ecstasy, not that I’ve done it before.” He proceeded.
However, no response was gifted to him. After all this time together, Johnny still struggled to read the man. It was hard to do so. The mysterious picture Ghost gave himself, made it hard, his personality wasn’t enough, apparently.
Ghost did think about the Latina. Her eyes dead and dark. He wasn’t much phased, he’s met, saved, and killed people in this world, the woman is just another human, another person who will eventually die. Though, the codename did trigger him. He��s dealt with substance abuse, “naturally” Ghost would say. His past was harsh, and he supposed he managed momentarily with certain substances. Ghost knew what ecstasy was, how it made you feel, the obsession the Americans had with it, he understood. Though, he did not like the sound of someone nicknamed such way. She gave him the wrong impression without even meeting face to face. Bad vibes. Ghost, again, was not phased. Concluded to not think about it much, if one thing led to the other, he might even have to kill the new operator of 141, preferred to not get attached. Specially, now, since he noticed himself thinking about the woman’s features more than he would’ve liked.
“Ecstasy…” Ghost whispered to himself, the picture of the woman memorized in his head.
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my-little-loverboy · 6 months
@avocado-writing’s tav + Charlie enjoying some birthday soup bc it’s their birthday today and mine is in 5 days so!! Soup!! (My actual birthday soup recipe is under the cut)
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Birthday soup
Don’t forget to get silly w it. That’s like, required. It’s your BIRTHDAY (or someone else’s birthday) you deserve to get silly.
I stole this from my mom btw, also make sure you know the difference between a herb and a spice.
Oh yeah also it includes soup dumplings.
Kitchen items:
Big pot w a lid
Cutting board
2 tbls Butter
1pkg Stew beef (or chicken hearts, that’s the original ingredient I just don’t like em)
2 medium onions, one diced, one quartered (keep separate)
1 whole head of garlic, minced (jarlic works very well here)
3 cups of stock (beef if you use beef, veggie if you use chicken, do not use chicken stock it fucks up the taste)
3 medium carrots, chopped
2 medium potatos, chopped
1 celery stick, chopped
1/4 head of cabbage, chopped (optional, I just like cabbage an unreasonable amount)
1 whole package of frozen spinach, defrosted (do this in a bowl this shit is WET also keep the water)
Can of green beans (you could probably use fresh, I don’t like fresh tho so, idk)
Can of diced tomatoes
Mustard seed
Celery seed
Sprinkle of Cloves (ground)
Sprinkle of Nutmeg
5% Vinegar or lemon juice (or your favourite other edible acid, tomato juice would in theory work, lime juice is mid.)
Salt + pepper
1 tbls Paprika
Butter in that pot, medium
Spices, add em, leave ‘em until they smell good, it won’t be long.
Beef and a splash of your acid in that pot, cook until 1/4 done
Carrot and celery in that pot, get em hot but don’t cook em too long.
Diced onion, spinach, and paprika + salt n pepper to taste in that pot, med-low
Stir, cover, leave it alone for 5ish minutes
Uncover, add garlic to that pot, cook until it smells like garlic
Stock + the canned bean and frozen spinach water, add it.
Canned tomato, add it.
Potato, add it.
Cabbage, add it.
All them herbs, add em to taste (I use roughly a tablespoon each of em dried, but I like my shit strong.)
Bring it to boil on high
Let that bitch simmer, you may need to periodically add water if he’s goin too hard. (START MAKING THOSE SOUP DUMPLINGS RN IF YOURE DOING THAT)
When the potato is 1/2 done that quartered onion (and the dumplings)
Finish the potato.
Bam. Soup. I like it more cold, but it is intended to be eaten hot.
Soup dumplings
I stole this from my roommate and add em to most soups tbh
Kitchen items:
Wood spoon,
Your Hands,
You could probably do this in a stand mixer but I don’t have one of those so, you’re on your own man.
2 cups Flour
Water, hot as you can handle touching, volume required varies,
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Whatever fresh herbs you like (dried don’t work here unless they’re ground absolutely tiny)
1 tbls of your favourite liquid fat (I use olive oil, canola and sunflower also work for sure)
Flour, into the bowl
Seasonings, into the bowl
Mix well.
Add the fat
Slowly add water, mixing often until you get a slightly sticky ball.
Knead for a bit, I don’t really know how to describe the texture bc I’ve been making bread since I was a kid (and this is just a yeastless bread dough) but its finished when it stops really sticking to your hands (it’ll be tacky, not sticky)
Divide into 1 inch balls
Drop into the soup roughly 30 minutes before it’s finished.
Serve in the soup
Congrats, soup balls.
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haumeazzz · 1 month
right when i saw green-alien-turdz's karen and tricia post my first thought was you'd love it and i was in the verge of tagging you, only to see you'd rbd it already XD you're pretty much the karicia CEO atp tbh 😔✨<3
OMG I CAN'T BRLEUVE U THOUGHT IF ME WHEN U SAW A KARICIA POST U HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS MAKES ME HAPPY I literally love em sososso much I draw them on like half of my assignments and not a day gird by where I'm not thinking of em
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 1 year
Get to know you questions!! Tag whoever you like :D
Writing my answers in orange!
1) top 5 or top 10 favorite animals (depending on how many animals you like)
Hermit Crabs, Pigeons, Otters, Anglerfish, Shrimp, Cats, Manned Wolves, Salamander, Sheep, Axolotls :D
2) top 3 Minecraft mobs
Mooshroom, chicken, and parrot!!!
3) favorite vocaloid song or My Singing Monsters island theme and why! (If you don’t like/know Vocaloid/MSM, just name a song or genre you like and why :D)
Fav Vocaloid song is Brain Explosion girl recently, and fav MSM theme HAS to be cold island. Or maybe earth???? Hm
4) favorite and least favorite textures, no why needed :333
Fav is squishy soft things, least favorite is ice in a freezer
5) not your favorite color, but your favorite color palette (bonus points if you have a pic of the specific palette or a photo/artwork of the pallet you like!!)
Purple, Green, Orange, Pink, and Black! Total Halloween vibes!!
6) fav book you had to read for school (fiction or non fiction work lol, and if you don’t like/have any then just name a book or fanfic you like!)
Of Mice and Men was surprisingly amazing! Thought I’d hate it tbh
7) how do you think of the months of the year in your head? Left to right, top to bottom, in specific numbered rows and columns? Tell me :D
I think of it like this:
January, February, March, April
May, June, July, August
September, October, November, December
8) assigned harry potter/ilvermorny house or Percy Jackson cabin or Warrior cats clan something like that lol (if you don’t have anything like that, star sign works too!)
I’ll do em all lol: Slytherin/Hufflepuff, Pukwudgie, Dionysus’s, RiverClan, I’m an Aries sun/gemini rising/pisces moon :D
9) MBTI???? Love those things :33 (If you haven’t taken the test yet or u just don’t wanna cuz it’s too long, are you a solider poet or king?)
I’m an ENFP-T! I thought I’d get king but I got poet lol
10) something “cringe” you actually rly like, no shame here :D
Gacha Life/Club, the styles just so cutesy! Ohhh also K-Pop, I’m a TOTAL stay :33 and DSMP, it’s just rly cool to me
11) characters from shows/movies/games you kin/stan/just adore!! NOT ACCEPTING IRL PPL PLZ AND THANK U :D (unless it’s urself, we like self love in these parts)
For me I currently kin Dazai, Edward Elric, c!TommyInnit, and I completely STAN any Project Sekai character. I mean any of them.
12) 5 people you’d wanna be at a party with and why! (Can be alive or dead, real or fake, celebrities or randos, humans or otherwise :D)
My grandpa to see him again, Roy mustang to see if he’s a bastard irl, Hachi/Kenshi Yonezu just to see how he’s doing, Kanye West to just ask him why, and BeastChild (the YouTuber) just cause I really like his stuff and would wanna meet him!
13) favorite hobby/fandom specific term and its meaning :333
I’m a writer (well, aspiring anyway, I’m not rly that good) and I love the idea of the sexy lamp. Basically if you’re writing a female character that could be replaced with a sexy lampshade and nothing about the story changes then you’re writing a BAD FEMALE CHARACTER XD
Cause it’s spooky season il leave it at 13 ;)
Happy answering!!!
No pressure tags :3 @touratoura @theancientwonder @kneecoal-mooma @citrushomie @skytheamazing @mitski-slope @a-trench-coat-of-confused-worms @dicklesswonder-blog @vicaridoo
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kiska-enthusiast · 8 months
thank you for tagging me @sulkyrie <333
last song you heard:
favorite color: emerald green!
what show/series did you last watch: 30 Rock LOL
sweet, spicy or savory: all 3 tbh but I have a huge sweet tooth
relationship status: taken <33
current obsession: BEYONCÉ AND ACT TWO BITCH!!!!! but also I’ve been getting back into painting so my paint number and learning how to use watercolor which is so fun. also Broad City, 30 Rock and Derry Girls lol
last book you read: The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides and I loved it!!! It’s the first book I’ve read in a long time and I finished it in like 3 days hehe
something you’re looking forward to: act two ofc, being done with my externship, getting a job and making money again (thank fuck), and eating pasta tomorrow night hehe
no pressure tags: @texas-bbq-pringles @viagvf @tripthedharmadivine @gretavangirlie @fuckyoutommie and anyone else who wants to <3
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vonstarlight · 1 month
im bored & wanna info dump abt my skates :P
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▶︎▶︎▶︎  #1 - moxi jack 1 currently have arius aluminum plates + chaya mellows wheels 4 skating outdoors on trails c: these are the comfiest skates ive ever worn!!! i thought i wouldn't like suede skates but the soft material n shearling tongue are literally heavvennnnn wtf. i def prefer structured skates n these hold great w the heel cups + lace locks. def want 2 upgrade 2 a lighter plate in the future, they're p heavy n that's their only con tbh. oh but also the fucking suede stinks bc of the dye LOL okay they have 2 cons but that's it xD i fucking love these skates, & the fact i found them second hand just makes me more happy c:
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▶︎▶︎▶︎  #2 - chaya melrose premium ophira plates + soft cushions bc i like high agility + 98A rollerbones 4 these since i dance in them (those wheels were once white LOL). these are the oldest skates i own currently, i stopped using them 4 a while when i was mega fucking depressed n didn't do any skating. but recently i glitter bombed them n now i'm OBSESSED w them again !! they have memory foam in them so they're soooo comfy n i love the lace locks on the back bc i always lace my skates up one hook n wrap the rest around the boot 4 ankle mobility. great 4 jam skating bc they're lighter than my jacks! DEF recommend repainting/glitterifying ur skates 2 give them new life. i <3 my ruby red slippers c:
i also previously owned forest green impalas n clementine moxi lollies ▶︎▶︎▶︎ impalas were my first pair & tbh they served me well :o i can see why the brand gets h8 tho -- they're beautiful / visually aesthetic skates but low quality w many issues of the stock hardware breaking down. issues 2 expect from $100 skates. learned quickly i needed my next pair 2 have adjustable toe stops bc bolt-ons r a bitch! sold em 4 like 10 bucks so i hope they continue serving beginner skaters ! :D ▶︎▶︎▶︎ aghhhh i H8D my lollies !!! i got them when Moxi skates were mega hyped up in 2020. i regret letting the brand name + bright colors sway me into buying them b4 doin more research >:c they hurt my feet n knees, were a fucking beast to break in even tho they were supposed 2 feel "pre-worn", had a shit ass nylon plate -- ugh i was SO happy when i sold them even if it was at a fraction of the price i paid 4 them bc i just wanted them GONEEE! theyre great skates 2 some, def not 2 me
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oolathurman · 5 months
whenever i get super restless i start looking at housing options in my area. don't ask why, i don't have an answer. but. please look at this place with me.
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3 bed, 2 bath, 1080 square feet, with a 2 car garage, for $500k in Los Angeles. Don't know how nice the actual neighborhood is tho. Anyways.
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the front entry/living room. grimy as hell. i'm not necessarily seeing any cracks which could mean poor foundation and given how ugly this house is, built in 1976, i feel like any bad foundation issues may've shown themselves via cracks by now? idk tho. i just watch a lot of flipping shows, what do i know?
that said, the interior pix remind me of that video of someone picking up a piece of uranium and the radiation doing funny things to their phone's camera. so. a little concerning there.
my fav part tho? the kitchen.
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in all its neon green/yellow glory.
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unsure if the wall where the stove would be is showing cracks or smth else tbh. the ceiling's kinda hilarious with the tray ceiling and two (count em, two!) recessed lights. Also i doubt that even a good DIYer would have trouble trying to salvage those cabinets, looks like they don't close properly. and where the hell would i put a fridge or dishwasher? before the little half wall that separates the kitchen area, but after the neon green indicates the start of the room? i guess those lil half walls can be torn down tho since they're not supporting anything, so maybe that'd work? could put a dining table in front of that window at least, if that's the case.
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the previous residents must've gotten a good deal on paint or smth cut it's everywhere. guess they had no more money after putting down what looks like. vinyl wood-look floors? no idea what this room is tho, i assume a bedroom but the gieger counter screaming in pain is making it hard to tell.
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i guess it's technically???? zoned for a bedroom? but i thought a closet's supposed to have a door or smth? idk shit about cali zoning laws tho. i guess you could put some sliding doors over this tho. still can't tell if that flooring is vinyl or actually like. parquet. or both. probably both. you see that light that's falling off the ceiling? and is that a mirror above the closet???
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what is up with the perspective in these photos, they make the ceiling look like it's--- wait no it's actually at an angle, oh ok that's. god these photos are sure something. same with the paint. also i think this is AT LEAST the third kind of flooring we've seen, after the tile and the parquet. unknown if the first bedroom is a different-- wait no. this is four different kinds of flooring. in one house. what bargain bin leftovers did these people find....
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continuation of what i can only assume is the primary/master suite. y'all see the pain chipping at the bottom left of that wall? i can't tell if it's water damage or just paint or-- what the fuck is up with the real estate agent's phone camera. anyone who buys this place is going to need to get the place tested for chemicals or some shit. also what the fuck is up with the framing of the closet? why's it all separated???
oh and i didn't show yall the garage earlier!
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were they trying to put some kinda flooring down? it isn't clear. what's up with that wall on the right of the image tho???
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i'm guessing it may have been an unpermitted or a former room in the house? with what looks like tile and with the window being so high up, was it some kinda bathroom???? what's going on here???
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Hehe hello again my love <3
Would u like to talk about your fave green flag, red flag, and black flag characters? OwO
munching u cuz u so sweet <333333
got quite a few of the green ones surprisingly /j i actually don't remember how many of each one are but gonna put few examples
Sung jin woo, ken sato, zoro, jason todd, ghost, nanami, yuji, megumi, yuta, conner kent, bakuguo, hobbie brown, freddy (security breach ofc), leon kennedy, optimus prime, bumblebee.
bit of ex: most them probably never really had a romantic partner but Ik in my heart they would try their best to be good for their s/o and also wouldnt hesistate to protect and disscuss about boundaries. They would be the type to push you to do your best and just overall love you in their own way.
RED/BLACK: (in no ordercuz i couldn't decide)
michel myers, ghostface, pyramid head, sukuna, guts (sorry my guy), toji fushiguro, blade, geto, pretty sure most of em are villians fuck i cant remember the others i know i got more I KNOW IT-
ex: my guy would either get you killed, kill u himself or just abandon u hearbroken, questionable boundaries and motives, lot fit into the yandere "dead dove (or is it above?) do not eat" scenario, gut's case.....i mean he does get better (only for it to get worse) but he tries at least, sorta questioning how do i even ship myself with sukuna tbh.....
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explosionanon · 3 months
YIPPIE :3 we have a kid!! ah wonder if afonso knows... well shucks, it dont matter rn do it?
tbh ah was plannin on adoptin too, just wasnt sure if ya were okay with it yknow? but now that its alr been done there's no need for all the fuss
ya think green would like to know how to ride a horse? ah'd be happy to teach the little fella if so! just wanna make a good first impression ^^
I'll let 'em know eventually. Gotta let the family flesh out a little bit, if you get what I'm saying. Don't wanna just rush into the news, but we should settle things.
I'm sure they'd love to do something like that! The kiddo would definitely enjoy a nice horse ride — also means you get to spend some quality time together. Perfect choice, if I say so myself.
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loopscereal · 11 months
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@multishipper-baby @thedumbestfuckingpersonyouvemet
you guys both mentioned the background so uh lol hi. btw do tell me to stop @/ing you guys if you dont want me to do that :3
Anyways I'm glad that you noticed the bg! i actually did that first before toddy. Sorta as a warm up, just blocking in shapes of characters. First it was gonna all be silhouettes like the screenshot, it then i started having fun setting up a genuine scene. Having them all "doing their own thing" as characters with names faces rather than blank slates was very fun.
Just the filling in of a void. Having messy blocked in characters with juuuust enough detail to be recognizable was satisfying to do.
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I did, I jrook the original bg, coppied the mos visible half and then flipped it over to cover more of original toddy, then started "painting" over it with blocky shapes. Again, it was originally gonna be shillouettes like the og, but i suddently started making em the cast lol. it makes me happy to hear that you like what i did with toddyyyy :3 I like making up styles for herrrr
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It might look like a lot of people, but its not everyone, far from it tbh lol. The toys, Town and Cami, Lilly, Golden and Puppet, Fox an Bonnie, Mai, Malva and Loon, our version of Felix, then two oc's. Based of lefty and ennard.
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Also yes, they all have animal features. Cami has antennae because shes a Praying Mantis, that is also why shes so damn tall. In the arthropod world Mantis are built all vertical which is very odd. In my friends words. They're freaks of nature /lighthearted. Anyways, This is why you will see us drawing her with things such as segmented limbs, green "blades" on her arms, and cool bug eyes. She has green surface blood.
Towns a lion, Lilly is a shark, a nurse shark specifically as a reference to Melanie Martinez since Lilly has that song that's a cover of Mrs Potato Head. (it was a process of just looking at Melanie's song titles names and looking up if any sharks had names with certain keywords.)
Joy is a duck, "isn't Chica a chicken though?" yeah. In the fnaf fanbase people confused Chica for a duck sometimes, though so! She's a duck. Chica herself is a chicken, though :3 Bon n Malva n Bonnie are rabbits (all to be determined what specific species)
Loon is your classic 7 spotted ladybug, complete with segmented limbs, antennae that's sprout from the back of her neck that aid in listening to very quiet sounds. He has yellow surface blood. Mangle is a fox (again, to be determined what subspecies.) You might notice that he is missing his tail though. Or, well. She has a little stub, which is why shes got the cane right now, Animals with Tails need those, mainly for balance.
Fox is your classic red fox.
Golden is an Andean/ spectacles bear, Mai n Pup are ring tailed lemurs. Lefty is Mai and Pups cousin, so she is an indri lemur.
Ennard is an amblypygi, also knows as a whip spider (don't be fooled its not a type of spider) Extra appendages for sensing things like vibrations Toddy, is a cinnamon bear, a sub species of black bear !!!!! "Felix" (Felicia now) is too be determined on her animal all together. We have too many fox's and bears and rabbits so were holding off on repeating those any more than we have to. Fede is still a bear (for now??) though because it satisfies me to complete the "main bear types". Polar bear. erm. anyways i love ranting abt our silly ass animal choiced i could do it till the end of time.
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