#i like the stylized me a lot actually she's very cute and might use it for branding stuff later or something we'll see hehe hoohoo
morninkim · 7 months
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mARTch Day 1 - Self Portrait!
haven't drawn myself in agesss, so i decided to do a stylized one and one that's a little more true to life take a wild guess which is which lmao
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donnerpartyofone · 7 months
Everything I Watched While I Was Recovering From the Plague
I have a fantasy that watching a bunch of movies of wildly varying quality and content in close proximity can really bend your wires out of shape, like being exposed to too much radiation. I like to tell people that I had to get all those eye surgeries because of all the deranged stuff I subject my eyeballs to. My criteria for this marathon were "movies I want to watch but it's never 'the right time'" and "movies my sick husband in the next room is not interested in".
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THE IRON CLAW: Pretty much the big, dumb, lummoxy movie that you might expect. The script is surprisingly weak--the girlfriend declares that everything is a matter of fate minutes before saying "I believe we make our own luck"??--but the family curse part is sort of compelling in spite of it all. I admit I was partially in it for the freak show of muscle mania; for various cultural reasons the way bodies were presented (and the kinds of bodies people aspired to have) in the '80s was so different than it is now, the exhibition of flesh had a very different kind of character that's hard to describe but this movie with its bulbous wrestler bodies filling the screen gave me flashbacks. Zac Efron should keep his He-Man haircut.
DARK HARVEST: I've been struggling to describe this certain type of movie that's very form over function, with a pretty specific form: there's like a really forced "stylized" nostalgia thing with a lot of humorless "weirdness" attached in movies like FINAL GIRL and KNIVES AND SKIN, and to some degree THE REFLECTING SKIN although that's a more sophisticated example (that I still don't enjoy). Anyway DARK HARVEST adds a Pumpkinhead guy (not pictured below) to the mix, and he looks pretty good at least.
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THANKSGIVING: Well it's the best movie Eli Roth has made in a long time! It's OK. I like that the inciting incident is a Black Friday stampede, but it's too bad he didn't have the means to make it look more convincing; it feels like about a 150 people running around yelling and there's conspicuous amount of breathing room for the victims getting "crushed".
ZONE OF INTEREST: A tour of the ogre's castle, creepy and effective. Łukasz Żal's spy cam setup cleverly establishes a sense of being trapped in forbidden chambers.
GODLAND: Danish priest makes the perilous journey to Iceland, is a complete asshole to everyone he meets. Interesting, but more beautiful than interesting.
LINGERING: Goofy K horror in which a handful of different neurotic women are relentlessly mean to a small child. I often wonder about this trope of like, someone who is categorically unsuited to parenthood gets saddled with an orphan, and they REALLY don't want to adopt the orphan, but eventually they turn against their own personality and rational estimation of means because the orphan is so cute and/or sad. The implication seems to be that every one of us can and should be parents, and maybe this is even related to the (usually comedic) trope of the solitary curmudgeon who just wants to be left alone, until they undergo some kind of forced exposure therapy at the hands of their nosy neighbors who insist that no human being could actually enjoy their own company. This is an ongoing concern for me.
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UNREST: Anarchist watch factory workers in love. Second movie in the list that uses early photography as a motif (also GODLAND). Pretty interesting formally, and I like all the stuff about the development and spread of standardized hourly time.
WITCHHAMMER: 1970 Czech allegory for Communist "show trials". Man, whether you're making an exploitation movie or a political statement, witch hunt movies are always tough stuff, huh?
HONEYCOMB: A woman unravels mentally when her childhood furniture arrives at her home, and she and her husband play out a series of weird infantile psychodramas as an escape from the pressures of their bourgeois existence. More interesting than enjoyable, and I'm not always sure how interesting it really is. There's a certain brand of European '60s filmmaking that involves a lot of improvised shrieking and laughing and crying and rolling around on the floor that makes me question whether it's really as hollow as I think it is, or if I'm just not a sophisticated enough viewer to understand the power of it, or if its original power was really dependent on its context in the development of cinema. Maybe the answer is a little of everything.
THE SWEET HOURS: A Spanish writer's latest play parses the Freudian mysteries of his childhood, and he fully immerses himself in the rehearsals to seek the truth by reliving his memories. It's actually not that deep but maintains a great air of importance anyway.
NIGHT GAMES: A young aristocrat brings his bride to his childhood manse where their surroundings trigger immersive memories of his debauched youth, in which--wait a minute, am I watching the same fucking movie for the third time? Not really but that was weird. Criterion notes that this is supposedly John Waters' favorite movie, which makes a lot of sense when you've heard him say that he used to force Divine to drop acid with him and go see Bergman movies, which Divine HATED. What's really funny to me is that if you basically do not want to drop acid and watch a Bergman movie then you'd think nothing could make you do it more than once! The idea of John Waters tricking Divine into doing this repeatedly is fucking hilarious.
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SAM NOW: Disturbing documentary made by some young dudes trying to find out why their mother suddenly abandoned them when they were kids. It's a decent enough movie but I was extremely unsettled by the blithe naivete of the young brothers set against the increasingly obvious fact that there's something pretty bad going on with the mom. Get ready for a lot of discomfort and unresolved questions if you watch this.
LIZZIE: Why is it that nobody has made a good Lizzie Borden movie? It's one of those overly familiar tales that's just sitting there in plain view still waiting for a solid adaptation, kind of like The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, but that at least has the great Disney cartoon in among all the so-so film attempts. You really want this to be good with Kirsten Stewart and Chloe Sevigny AND Denis O'Hare who I love to death, but it's just not that compelling. Actually it doesn't even dig into the most interesting details of the story in my opinion, I guess we needed to save time for extra lesbian makeouts. Also I hate to say it but Chloe Sevigny is really miscast; I love her but her whole thing is being really easy-going and natural, and that doesn't really work for this character (or she's not getting the direction that worked on AHS). Oh well.
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MAIDSTONE: See my notes at the end of HONEYCOMB. I found this almost totally unwatchable. I've never read any Norman Mailer. Is Norman Mailer still cool, or did he just seem cool to some people at the time? Was Norman Mailer sort of like an adolescent rebellion phase that American literature had to go through in order to get to wherever it is now? A cursory review of his legacy seems to indicate this. Or maybe it's just really hard for me to sympathize with someone who goes way out of his way to piss off women, and then his defense against the inevitable backlash is "SEE? Feminism is fascist bullshit because look how I'm being treated!" I still see men do this on the smaller scale of their personal relationships--you know the drill, drive some poor woman insane, and then when she acts insane, invalidate everything she says by calling her insane--and they don't even need the excuse of clumsy satire to keep doing it, so forgive me if I don't find this approach very radical. And that's all setting aside Mailer's fetishization of the American Negro for whom it is not my place to speak, but you can imagine what that consists of if you don't already know. In any case I did not enjoy this movie, but I was on the edge of my seat the entire time waiting for the infamous Rip Torn hammer attack. I developed this whole fantasy that Rip Torn must reach a point where he just can't take it anymore and he tries to kill Norman Mailer. I mean *I* sure wanted to kill Norman Mailer, somebody has to do it, right? There are several moments in the film where it seems like someone has finally snapped and the cathartic murder might take place. What actually happens is that Rip Torn wanders up to Norman Mailer with a claw hammer, totally wild-eyed, and declares that he has finally understood that this great work of art can only be resolved with the death of the character Mailer plays. He really seems to believe what he's saying, and the sequence is extremely disturbing. In a way it's even disappointing, there were perfectly good, sober reasons to kill Norman Mailer without putting an unstable person in a chaotic and violent situation where he might naturally flip the fuck out! If MAIDSTONE has anything to tell us about the myth of the cowboy auteur, it might be that somebody like Norman Mailer shouldn't have free reign to abuse large groups of people even in the name of social critique or whatever, because one of them might turn out to be fucking crazy.
WANDA: I love movies that are made in Pittsburgh, I find them all totally fascinating. Or even just Pittsburgh-adjacent, like contrary to everybody else my favorite part of THE DEER HUNTER is the very beginning with the wedding, it's totally captivating to me. Anyway this is an odd, grimy little drama written and directed by Barbara Loden in which she plays the most incompetent woman in the world. It's a good time for a bad time, and if you're watching closely you'll see a poster for THE BRAINIAC in one of the scenes!
KISS DADDY GOODBYE: Obscure psychic kids movies starring Marilyn Burns and Fabian. Marilyn Burns is the nice teacher and Fabian is the cop who try to solve the mystery of the psychic kids, so they inevitably have sex because we have time for that I guess, but man Fabian's like roadside bachelor pad is SO SCARY. It has to be somebody's real hoarder house and it looks like it should be condemned, I felt nervous for Marilyn Burns! Marilyn Burns do NO eat or drink anything that comes out of that kitchen! Have you had your tetanus shot Marilyn Burns? Please run screaming, this is not a normal bachelor pad mess and it is not a good place for you to be naked!
The End.
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 years
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Name: Flipsville Galaxy
Debut: Super Mario Galaxy 2
I've been replaying Super Mario Galaxy 2 lately, and wow! What a lovely game. It's fun to just run around delightful, well-crafted worlds that Mario can explore that are also in outer space.
But while running through Hightail Falls Galaxy, my sibling asked me a very important question:
"Who built this Galaxy?"
In the Super Mario Galaxy games, we aren't supposed to question this. We are supposed to suspend our disbelief because the levels are fun, and that's what truly matters. But if you leave your disbelief unsuspended, then it's a very interesting question!
Hightail Falls consists of large, wooden structures, but there's not really anyone around who could've built them! (I mean, there's Penguru but he just seems to be visiting.) This is an entire galaxy-sized superstructure! Where did it come from! My sibling suggested I should talk about it on the blog, and so here we are.
...But I'd rather talk about Flipsville Galaxy so instead we're talking about Flipsville Galaxy.
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I think Flipsville Galaxy might be one of my favorite galaxies in the game. It has such a unique concept and aesthetic! Flipsville Galaxy is stylized like an old-fashioned suburban household. Faded wallpapers, wooden tiling, this is an entire galaxy that looks like your grandma's house!
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But this ain't your AVERAGE grandma's house... Because Flipsville Galaxy has wacky gravity! There are grates all over the place that you can ground pound, taking you to the other side of the planet, and seemingly inverting the gravity of the galaxy itself. If you walk off the edge while you're on the galaxy's B-side, you'll end up falling upwards into the air! One of the Green Stars actually makes a puzzle out of this, it's really cool.
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The second mission switches the focus from the grates to Spin Drills, which makes it feel a little redundant with the Spin-Dig Galaxy, but it uses it for this cool gravity-switching Silver Star room so it's fine.
I like the music in Flipsville Galaxy. It's the same music as Chompworks Galaxy, which is another of the best galaxies in the game. I don't know how to describe this music, I think it's best described as "weird music" but that can really entail anything! Weird and... vaguely mechanical? It's definitely meant for Chompworks, I think, but it still fits Flipsville surprisingly well.
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But the question from before still applies: Who built this galaxy? I mean, again, if we can suspend our disbelief, we can say that no one built Flipsville, the Galaxy just looks like that and always has. But again! Disbelief unsuspended! I want answers and that one is NOT satisfying me enough!
The only NPCs in Flipsville that you can talk to are the Toad Brigade, who are clearly just here on an expedition (as we can tell from the Starshroom being parked just before the Glamdozer boss fight). None of the other Sapient Super Mario Galaxy NPCs (Bees, Star Rabbits, Penguins, Gearmos, Whittles) can be found in this galaxy, which is interesting! While this galaxy is pretty clearly stylized like a residential area, it has no residents!
Or does it?
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The boss of this galaxy, Glamdozer, has a crown, one of those royal neck frills (whatever they are called), and make-up so you know that she's a girl, seemingly implying that she is the queen of this galaxy! Does this imply that the Pupdozers are in fact a sapient species, and its main residents?
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Maybe, but I still have my doubts that they built the place. Look at those stubby little legs! I don't think those are equipped for using tools! And if they are, they'd have to be pretty rudimentary.
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I kind of got the vibe the Pupdozers are the pets of whoever lives here, though. Might just be the name. "Pupdozer," like a puppy! I must admit, I'd love living in a galaxy where the go-to pet is a squat lizard thing. The people in Flipsville have good taste.
But on that tangent, I think this also means Glamdozer is the Pupdozer equivalent of a pug, selectively bred to have her face all squished together. Some people might think it's cute, but it causes serious breathing issues that will hurt Glamdozer later in her life.
I think that even if Glamdozer isn't the galaxy's queen, she makes a lot of sense as some obnoxious rich person's pet. A rare breed of Pupdozer with a pink pelt, spoiled by her owners through overfeeding and dressed up in cute clothes.
I think Glamdozer could belong to the galaxy's landlord, but that implies that this entire galaxy has a landlord, and if that's true then I take back what I said about wanting to live in Flipsville! Landlords are awful, and we certainly don't need galaxy-scale space landlords out there!
...What was I talking about again? Oh right.
Perhaps this is why we're meant to suspend our disbelief. When we don't, then we just end up with more questions than answers. In Super Mario Galaxy 2, we never spend long enough in Flipsville to learn about who lives here, if anyone, and maybe that's okay.
Now if you excuse me, I'm going to Flipsville to see if I can get its residents to organize against their space landlord. See you later!
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twh-news · 3 years
‘Loki’: Behind the Scenes of the Crumbling Time Variance Authority
Find out what Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Wunmi Mosaku, Owen Wilson, and Tara Strong all have to say about the TVA.
by Rachel Paige
[spoilers to Loki S01E04]
The Time Variance Authority sure seems like a cool and fun place to work! That is...until you start peeling back the layers of the previously unseen and unheard-of organization, and realize that they’ve been lying to everyone this entire time. Welcome to the TVA, y’all!
In Episode 4 of Marvel Studios’ Loki, “The Nexus Event," the truth starts to come out, and when it rains at the TVA, it pours. Where to even begin?
For starters, the Time Keepers did not create everyone working at the TVA, and it turns out the employees walking the halls and filing paperwork are all variants — with their memories scrubbed, of course. And if that’s not enough to swallow, the Time Keepers are actually robots and completely useless figureheads. Oh, and Mobius and Loki find themselves pruned at the hands of Judge Renslayer. That’s still just scratching the tip of the TVA iceberg!
So what’s it like when everything you thought you knew about your job turns out to be a lie? Marvel.com chatted with Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Judge Ravonna Renslayer), Wunmi Mosaku (Hunter B-15), Owen Wilson (Agent Mobius), and Tara Strong (the voice of Miss Minutes) about bringing the TVA to life, and what happens next in the series.
Renslayer wasn’t always sitting behind a big desk in a big office at the TVA. “She has worked her way up to the top. She wasn't born into power. She started as a Hunter,” Mbatha-Raw tells Marvel.com. As viewers see at the start of Episode 4, Renslayer was the Hunter tasked with grabbing the Loki variant — aka Sylvie — from her timeline to stand trial.
Now that she’s in a higher position, she’s not going to veer off her straight and narrow path.
"She's really worked hard to get where she is, so she's not going to be reckless with the power that has been hard-earned for her,” Mbatha-Raw continues. “She, in some ways, is deeply indoctrinated with the ways of the TVA. She's completely conditioned by their thinking and the idea of the Sacred Timeline, and the concept of free will is quite alien to her. She's a believer. She believes in law and order, and it's done quite well for her so far in terms of getting her to where she is. She's not going to abandon her philosophy lightly.”
We see this in action when Renslayer realizes that Mobius has gone behind her back trying to get to the bottom of what happened to Hunter C-20. After a meeting with Renslayer, Mobius swipes her TemPad and discovers that the young Hunter was questioned, and in the process confessed that she knew they were all variants. And the person interviewing her? None other than Renslayer herself, who ends the interview abruptly. This is the sort of information Renslayer does not want to get out.
“It was fun to start off with everything being sort of very orderly and black-and-white for Renslayer. As her reality begins to crumble, we discover that alongside her. She has put everything into this. This is her whole world. Her career is her life.”
Renslayer isn’t going to let anything and anyone stand in the way of what she’s worked hard to accomplish, and that includes Mobius. Mobius tries to confront his superior about Hunter C-20, the variants, and the TVA, and in a shocking twist, Renslayer orders the agent pruned for being compromised!
“Her only friend, really, is Mobius, and she kind of betrays him,” Mbatha-Raw says. “Or she sees it as he betrayed her, and they have this massive schism. And you sort of think, gosh, where is she going to go now? Who's going to be in her corner? Who's she going to have a drink with at the end of the day. It's a lot of stress!”
Someone else who has led their entire life believing in the TVA and what it stands for is Hunter B-15. The part of no-nonsense Hunter, originally written as a male character, ultimately went to Mosaku after her audition.
While reading the dummy sides (fake scenes for the audition), Mosaku and director Kate Herron determined the gender didn’t alter who Hunter B-15 is at the root of the character. “Despite being written a man, Hunter B-15 is a Hunter and works for the TVA. It didn’t change the scripts. I have free reign because she's new. B-15 doesn't exist in the MCU, so I really got to start from scratch and explore different ideas and themes, and take her wherever Kate and I wanted to.”
But, one thing the character couldn’t do? Be swayed by Loki’s charms. Mosaku was excited to step into this role, and not take any nonsense from Loki.
“It's very rare to have a [character], especially as a woman, [who doesn’t want to be] sweeter, nicer, or make people like you. She's not interested in that at all. And therefore, she's not interested in [Loki] — and Loki is very interested in that. He's charming and all that stuff, and it's all about luring you in. She just doesn't take any of it. It's not attractive to her. It's not intriguing to her. She's just, ‘Let's get the job done, please.’”
While Hunter B-15 starts off all commanding and tough, slowly she, too, begins to realize that not everything is what it seems at the TVA. After she’s enchanted by Sylvie at Roxxcart, Hunter B-15 has memories come rushing back to her — but what are they, and what did she see? That’s still a mystery for Mosaku, too, who explains, “I'm as intrigued as you are to find out what that backstory is.”
Whatever she saw, it propels her to take a stand against the TVA. This meant Mosaku went through training — in more ways than one, “They drilled us on the physical vocabulary of the TVA and the fight sequences that we had.”
At the end of Episode 4, Hunter B-15 comes to Loki and Sylvie’s aid when they come face to face with the Time Keepers, throwing the latter her machete (which she’s clearly stolen from Renslayer’s office). What follows next is a battle for power in front of the Time Keepers, one in which not everyone survives.
“We did have a trainer to make sure that we were physically capable of doing it all and not injuring ourselves,” states Mosaku. “I really loved that, because I love to box. I felt really strong and able to use my physical power in a way that I hadn't been able to before.”
Agent Mobius is having a day. Not only is he watching his whole life and career crumble around him, but he then winds up on the wrong end of a pruning stick by the end of the episode. While he might have started off as a through and through company man when we first meet him, after Loki tells him they’re all variants, Mobius starts to think about where his true allegiance lies. (And if he ever had a jet ski??)
The biggest revelation in the episode for Mobius is not necessarily that he’s a variant, but rather that his closest friend, Renslayer, has been concealing the truth from him this whole time.
“The relationship between Mobius and Renslayer, it's the way you might have with your boss. Or when you're back in school with the principal or someone in a position of authority and having to sort of try to charm them so you're able to pursue your projects,” Wilson tells Marvel.com. “That's the dynamic between Mobius and Renslayer. She sort of loses patience with Mobius and with another one of his schemes. But, I think, she also sort of enjoys that he's a little bit of a rascal.”
That certainly might have been true at one point in time, but after Mobius swipes Renslayer’s TemPad, as Wilson continues, “by the end of that relationship, it has become something very different”
Mobius might have caught Renslayer in a lie, but it’s Renslayer who orders him pruned — and Loki witnesses the whole thing.
"The betrayal of Mobius by Renslayer is pretty shocking. And it's a little bit of a hall of mirrors within the whole series, that people aren't quite who they seem to be. In the same way that Loki, when he lands in this bizarre place called the TVA, Mobius will have sort of the same struggles. What is this organization? And is it something that is worthy of his devotion?”
There’s one other very important person at the TVA: Miss Minutes! She’s not really a recording, and she’s not really alive, she’s sorta both! So what’s going to happen to the organization’s spokesperson as the TVA starts to fall apart?
Coy with her response, Tara Strong, who voices the perky clock, explains, “It's safe to say that Miss Minutes knows absolutely everything, and it's also safe to say I wouldn't mess with her too much.”
Recording for the character, Strong actually watched episodes (over video chat), and synched up her dialogue with the action in each scene.
“The show was already done before I stepped in, which was such a great gift,” she explains. “Had I gone first and watched a placeholder, it wouldn't have been as magical. But getting to sit there and witness the animation, and how cute it is and how stylized it was, and of course, to play off Tom Hiddleston, who's so brilliant, it was really a gift to have it all come together in front of me.”
For every scene, Strong recorded dozens of different versions of dialogue “to play with for the production crew to see what would fit in the best and what would make the most sense.” As the show was coming together, Strong knew she had the difficult task of giving Miss Minutes life and unloading “exposition while still making it fun and playful.”
“Everything she says is important and funny and interesting. I also love that even in the very beginning, when she's like, [Miss Minutes’ voice] ‘Don't hesitate to let us know how we're doing. We could explode you in a minute, but drop a line to let us know how you feel about it!’ It's like the perfect mix of who she is that she can be giving you such dire information with a smile on her face, and you still want to sit down and have a cupcake with her.”
Considering what she knows, and how many times she’s now dumped information, how else might she be able to step in and help Loki?
“She knows so much about the TVA, and it’s her job to relay this information to Loki,” says Strong. “[She needs] him to get past some of the things he's done [in order] to improve himself as a member of this universe, and how to grow and help. I [navigate] these moments with him, careful to not give away how much I actually know in the world.”
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feeling--pink · 4 years
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My Sweet Ride is an amazing episode of Phineas and Ferb and the only thing bad about it I that I wish we could have seen more people in full out 1950s clothes!! So I did that!! (Also including some MML kids because I love them and don’t draw them enough!)
Anyways!! If y’all want to see me rant about 1950s stuff for a very long time because I had a blast doing research for this project you should click the keep reading!! :D
Okay a quick prelude!! Not only am I going to talk about outfits I designed, but while doing research I was blown away about the attention to detail the original designers had for these outfits and characters so I’m going to talk about their outfits too! :D
Here are my sources if you want to look into this btw!! :D
Okay I’m going to start out by saying I just adore this outfit
That has nothing to do with anything I just really love it!!
I’m thinking I might make one of my own for Halloween but that’s off-topic
Okay- 1950s clothing!!
Candace is wearing a blouse (?) with a cardigan over the top, and a pleated swing skirt.
This is a classic 1950s girl’s style
More specifically its also a classic “preppy good kid” look
Which Candace absolutely is!!
Y’all should notice that all the skirts are past knee-length, which was standard of the time.
Candace also has a neck scarf, a common accessory, and a headband.
Ribbon headbands were still a thing in the 50s but the hard plastic headband was also coming into style in the later 1950s.
She’s wearing a pair of saddle shoes which were one of the popular options of the time among boys and girls
Her hair is long with curls at the end, another classic teenager look in the 50s!
While short hair was more popular among adult women, teenage girls often kept theirs long with slight curls on the end!
Bangs were also standard, but usually shorter than how I drew them
Sorry that bit’s inaccurate through all of them, it’s just easier for me to draw long!
Finally, in case you had any doubt about Candace’s outfit being time period, here’s an advertisement from the article I read:
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To start off we have a blouse and pencil shirt for Vanessa
Pencil and swing skirts were the two most common skirts of the time
She’s also wearing a belt, which I modified slightly to look like-
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The wide contour belt on the bottom right!
She’s also wearing a pillbox hat, one of the popular hats of the time!
Hats were generally not worn by teenagers because they were seen as “mature” 
But that fits pretty well with Vanessa’s character
It’s the same story with the pumps, which I also changed lightly to match time period ones a bit more
Now what made me make my original post about the outfits in My Sweet Ride was actually the hair
Specifically, Vanessa’s hair is modeled after the Bettie Page style
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This hair wasn’t actually that popular with the masses because it was seen as too simple, not classy, etc.
BUT it was popular among rebel girls in the USA
And like!!!!!! Y’all the designers did SUCH a good job to get down into details like that!!!!!!!!
But yeah her outfit’s great!! Next one!
For Stacy, I decided to change things up slightly and give her a dress!
Specifically, it’s a shirtwaist dress, which I modeled after the reference below
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Why the shirtwaist dress you may ask? Idk I think they’re neat
I thought it fit the vibe I was going for so I did that one I don’t know what to tell you jkdshsf-
Okay so generally, the belt wouldn’t have been a different color but I wanted to tie the green I used in a little more
Btw sorry I changed her color scheme a bit
I honestly haven’t fully figured out her original color scheme so I modified it a bit so it would look nice for this!
Pastels were very popular in the summer after all
I tried to stick to everyone else’s original color scheme though!
Stacy also has a headband tied up into a bow, which was standard
And to change things up I put her in a ponytail (with the end curled) which was popular with the teens!
Sklsdjhdkj I sound very “how do you do fellow teens“ while writing this that’s unintentional sorry
Shoes are penny loafers, another popular shoe at the time
I liked the little bows on the ends of some of the ones I saw and thought it was very Stacy!
That’s about it for her!
This has nothing to do with anything but I love drawing Phineas
He’s just a funky little triangle!! I love him!
I’ll admit here that I didn’t look into men’s hairstyles, so you won’t hear about that from me sorry!
Phineas is wearing a black button-up, standard. 
Black and white matched everything so they were the most common undershirt colors
Over that, he has a jacket that looks to be varsity jacket inspired, which was seen as super cool!
Full jeans were coming into popularity in the 50s but only with the younger generations
Finally, he also has saddle shoes like Candace does
So yeah it’s a solid 1950s outfit!!
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Ferb’s a greaser, need I say more?
No, really he has everything
The white t-shirt and jeans combo is exactly the greaser look, so much so that most teenagers avoided it to not fall into stereotypes
Tighter fit jeans were coming into style in the later 50s, so that’s also accurate
The leather jacket just amplifies the greaser look
The one thing is that for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what shoes he was wearing
So I gave him a pair of sho-loks and called it a day!
More about sho-loks in Milo’s portion!
Isabella makes an appearance with the first (and only) poodle skirt of the group!!
Poodle skirts, while definitely what most people think about when you say the 50s, actually weren’t that popular among teenagers
The embroidered designs were seen as childish, so children and preteens wore them the most
But here’s a fun tidbit you may not have caught from the show, Isabella is, in fact, a child
(I don’t know why I built that up so much sorry ldksjfhkds)
Anyways I decided if I was going to give anyone a classic poodle skirt it might as well be Isabella!
I modeled it after this poodle skirt:
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She’s also wearing a blouse with a peter pan collar, the most popular collar of the time
Another headband tied into a bow because it’s Isabella I had to give her a bow
Standard belt (nothing really to say about that)
And another pair of penny loafers with little bows because they’re cute gosh darn it!
Okay, I’ve been writing for a while but honestly a lot of the rest of these I just drew directly from reference so…
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I did say I would talk about shu-loks here though and I will!!!
Now we know Milo is shoelace-adverse
And while there are plenty of slip-on options I found the shu-lok to be fascinating!!
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As you can see above, the tongue snaps down to keep the shoe on your foot!! Isn’t that cool? :D
So yeah I gave Milo those!!  
We know Zack plays football so I gave him your standard sporty outfit
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Sorry I just find girls outfits infinitely more interesting so I kinda focused on those skjhgfdss
Oh! I do have something to say here!!
Converse were your typical sports shoe for the 50s so he has those!! Almost forgot that tidbit!!
Yeah, thick soles with wrinkles and stuff were seen as cool among teens so they got popular!
Finally, we have some patterned pants!!
Yeah- checkers, plaid, stripes, polka dots, etc. were all very popular!!
I just didn’t want to draw them a lot ‘cause it’s hard sksfjdhgs-
But I gave Melissa checkers because it would get the black and white of her color scheme and I liked the way the checkered pants looked!!
Girls did wear pants at the time by the way!!
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During summer and weekends mostly since they weren’t allowed to wear them to school
Short-sleeved turtle necks were also a thing and I thought that combo would look neat!!
Also, converse because it went with the outfit and that’s kinda what she’s wearing in the show!
Hair in a ponytail and side part bangs, both popular!
Yeah okay, that’s about it for Melissa!
By this point, y’all are hopefully getting the gist of 50s fashion so we’re going fast now
Blouse, swing skirt, penny loafers (different style but still penny loafers), headband
(here’s what I modeled the whole thing after:)
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I do want to mention the pullover sweater because I thought I should include one and I really like the flower embroidery on them
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Then finally we come to her hair!! I already mentioned the headband but I was specifically modeling her hair in the pageboy style which looks like this:
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Obviously, it looks a little stylized but what can you do?
And that’s it!! I had so much fun doing research and designing this and I think they all turned out pretty good!! I’m going to do more go this in the futures so if there's someone in particular you’d like to see let me know!! I’m planning on doing Cavendish, Dakota, and Sara at least in the next batch!! 
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bookcoversalt · 4 years
Have you noticed the latest edition of Charlie Bowater can only draw one (1) face? She did The Princess Will Save You and Cast In Firelight both YA Fantasy set to be released this year. And they are how you say... the same fucking cover
Ah yes so you saw the same tweet I did
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I know I literally just posted that we cannot outlaw book covers from looking like each other, but ! Oof!
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The only thing that softens the blow here is that Charlie has improved at representing nonwhite features such that characters look like POC rather than tan white people, although,, that bar was low. Anybody remember the ACOTAR coloring book.
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(Would you have guessed that 2/3 of these people are nonwhite? Or even that they’re supposed to be three different men? I guess all the men in Prythian have the same haircut?)
But that minor victory is mostly lost in the quagmires of the fact that Charlie’s style is to give everyone instagram face:
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I wouldn’t even call this “Sameface” necessarily: that implies limitation, that an artist is only capable of drawing a single facial structure competently. Bowater is incredibly technically talented, she just chooses to give everyone catlike fae eyes and the cheekbones of a starving nymph. (My previous post on this here.)
But I don’t really blame her for that, or for these hilariously identical, nearly devoid of personality covers. Artists are allowed to do whatever they want. Artists who make art for covers are being art directed by designers and marketing teams who bear responsibility for how the finished pieces turn out.
No, this is our fault, as a community and an industry and..... society, kind of, for valuing character portraits that are “pretty” (“pretty” being an extremely loaded, culturally subjective concept) over art that actually Says Something About The Story. Bowater’s style happens to dovetail perfectly with what we currently collectively find pretty, and so we’ve put her art on a pedestal at the cost of everything else art can or should do for our stories.
And this is understandable: in contemporary western culture, pretty is a value unto itself. Seeing our characters portrayed as pretty denotes them as special, as smart, as powerful. It’s almost impossible to de-program ourselves from that reaction. There are approximately five kajillion studies on how beautiful people are at personal and professional advantages; how they’re perceived to be happier, healthier, more successful, and how those perceptions can translate into realities. (Nevermind how thinness and whiteness enter that equation, see above note about “pretty”.) I would love to see more “average” or weird- looking characters abound (and be accurately visually represented) in the YA/ Genre lit sphere, but for now... everyone is pretty.
Which sometimes means everyone is pretty boring.
But that’s just the specific, "What’s the deal with Bowater’s success in book circles and her style and all the sameiness” part of this equation. What if we backed up and asked: why character art at all? Beyond a question of “pretty”-ness (and general obvious Artistic Quality), why do we gravitate towards it, what's the purpose of it, how does it fall flat in a general sense, and how can it be utilized more effectively?
This is something I think about all the time. I follow writers on social media (because..... I am a writer on social media, regrettably), and we have an enormous collective boner for character art. “Getting fanart [of the characters]” is one of the achievement pinnacles constantly cited when people get or want to get published. Commissioning character art is something we reward ourselves with, or save up for (WHICH IS GOOD AND CORRECT. FREE ART IS GREAT BUT DO NOT SOLICIT IT. PAY YOUR ARTISTS). And like???? Same????? We love our stories because we’re invested in our characters. Most humans, even prose writers, are visual creatures to some extent, and no matter how happy we are with our text-based art, it’s exciting to see our creations exist in that form. So we turn that art into promo material and we advocate for it on our covers-- because it’s so meaningful to us! It goes with the story perfectly!! Look at my dumb beautiful children!!!!!
But on an emotional level, it’s hard to grasp that it only means something to us. Particularly when you take into account the aforementioned vast landscape of beautiful visual blandness of many characters (in the YA/ genre lit sphere, that’s pretty much all I’m ever talking about), character art can be like baby photos. If you know the baby, if that baby is your new niece or your friend’s kid, if you’ve held them and their parent texts you updates when they do cute shit, you’re probably excited to see that baby photo. But unless it’s exceptionally cute, a random stranger’s baby photo isn’t likely to invoke an emotional reaction other than “this is why I don’t get on facebook.”
Seeing art of characters they don’t know might intrigue a reader, but especially if the characters or art are unremarkable-looking, it’s doing a hell of a lot more for the people who already have an emotional attachment to that character than anybody else. And that’s fine. Art for a small, invested audience is incredibly rewarding. But like the parent who cannot see why you don’t think their baby is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BABY IN THE WORLD???? I think we have trouble divesting our emotional reaction to character art from its actual marketing value, which.... is often pretty minimal. This is my hill to die on #143:
Character portraits, even beautiful ones, are meaningless as a marketing tool without additional context or imagery. 
I love character art! I’m not saying it should not exist or that it’s worthless! Even art that appeals to only the one single person who made it has value and the right to exist. And part of this conversation is how important for POC to see themselves on covers, whether illustrations or stock imagery, particularly in YA/kidlit. I’m not saying character portrait covers are “bad”. 
I am saying that I have seen dozens and dozens of sets of character art for characters who look interchangeable, and it has never driven me to preorder a book. (Also one character portrait for a high-profile 2019 debut that was clearly just a painting of Amanda Seyfriend. You know the one. There’s nothing wrong with faceclaims but lmfao, girl,,,,)
I’m sure that’s not true for everyone! I am incredibly picky about art. It’s my job. There’s nothing wrong with your card deck of cell-shaded boys of ambiguous age and ethnicity who all have the same button nose and smirk if it Sparks Joy for you.
But if your goal is not only to delight yourself, but to sell books, it’s in your best interest to remember that art, like writing, is a form of communication. The publishing industry runs on pitches: querys, blurbs, proposals, self-promo tweets. What if we applied that logic to our visuals? How can we utilize our character design and art to communicate as much about our stories as possible, in the most enticing way?
Social media has already driven the embrace of this concept in a very general sense. Authors are now supposed to have ~ aesthetics. “Picspams” or graphics, modular collages that function as mini moodboards, are commonplace. But the labor intensity and relative scarcity of character art visible in bookish circles, even on covers, means that application of marketing sensibility to it is less intuitive than throwing together a pinterest board.
Since we were talking about it earlier, WICKED SAINTS, as a case study of a recent “successful” fantasy YA debut, arguably owed a lot of its early social media momentum to fanart.
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(Early fanart by @warickaart)
The most frequently drawn character, Malachiasz, has long hair, claws, and distinctive face tattoos. WS has a strong aesthetic in general, but those features clearly marked his fanart as him in a way even someone unfamiliar with the book could clearly track across different styles. Different interpretations of his tattoos from different artists even became a point of interest.
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(Art by Jaria Rambaran, also super early days of WS Being A Thing)
Aside from distinctiveness, it's a clear visual representation of his history as a cult member, his monstrous powers, and the story’s dark, medieval tone. The above image is also a great example of character interaction, something missing from straightforward portraits, that communicates a dynamic. Character dynamics draw people into stories: enemies-to-lovers, friends-to-lovers, childhood rivals, platonic life partners, love triangles, devoted siblings, exes who still carry the flame-- there’s a reason we codify these into tropes, and integrate that language and shared knowledge into our marketing. For another example in that vein, I really love this art by @MabyMin, commissioned by Gina Chen:
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The wrist grip! The fancy outfits! These are two nobles who hate each other and want to bone and I am sold. 
In terms of true portraits, the best recent example I can think of is the set @NicoleDeal did for Roshani Chokshi’s GILDED WOLVES (I believe as a preorder incentive of some kind?): 
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They showcase settings, props, and poses that all communicate the characters’ interests, skills, and personality, as well as the glamorous, elaborate aesthetic of the overall story. Even elements in the gold borders change, alluding to other plot points and symbology.
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For painterly accuracy in character portraits on covers, I love SPIN THE DAWN. The heroine looks like a beautiful badass, yes, but the thoughtful, detailed rendering of every element, soft textures, and dynamic, fluid composition form a really cohesive, stunning illustration that presents an intriguing collection of story elements.
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The devil isn’t always in the details, though: stark, moody, highly stylized or graphic art with an emphasis on textural contrast and bold color and shape rather than representational accuracy can communicate a lot (emotionally and tonally) while pretty much foregoing realism.
The new Lunar Chronicles covers are actually the best examples I found of this (Trying to stay within the realm of existing bookish art rather than branch into All Art Of Human Figures Forever):
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Taking cues from styles more typical of the comics and video game industries.  (Games and comics, as visual mediums, are sources of incredible character art and I highly recommend following artists in those industries if you want to See More Cool Art On Your Timeline.)
TL;DR: Character art and design, as a marketing tool (even an incidental one) should be as unique to your story and your characters as possible, and tell us about the story in ways that make us want to read it. I tried to give examples because there are so many ways to do this, and so many different kinds of art, and I could give many more! But I’m bored now. So to circle all the way back:
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These are not just bad because they look like each other, although that is embarrassing and illuminating. These are bad covers (although,,,,, PRINCESS is the far worse offender, at least FIRELIGHT suggests a thoughtful cultural analogue) because a desire for Pretty Character Art overrode the basic cover function to tell us about the story. We get no sense of who these people are, what their relationships are, what these books are about beyond the most general genre, or why we might care. The expressions are vague, the characters generic-looking, the compositions uninteresting and the colors failing to be indicative of anything in particular. 
They’re somebody else’s baby pictures.
(And yes, that’s the CRUEL PRINCE font on PRINCESS. I better not have to do a roundup post but it’s on thin fucking ice.)
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Impressions from TTM
Spoilers, spoilers everywhere. Just a big bulleted list of thoughts as I read through the graphic novel. Not a lot of detail included, so it’ll make a lot more sense if you’ve already read it yourself!
looks like Moonshadow elves cross the arms of the dead... when they have a body to bury
it’s nice to see that Rayla imagines Runaan with all his shirts, the way she last saw him
kinda looks like Rayla changed into her jammies right on her bed and dumped her clothes on that little table. maybe she’s afraid of letting the few things she actually possesses out of her sight
listen we get one little panel of Opeli in here and it’s great
Soren’s cape smacking Callum in the face, 10/10
Lujanne’s appearance out of nowhere, along with Allen’s is just adorable, she’s so sparkly. And also she can apparently just turn totally invisible with an illusion spell? Even at a new moon? Probably because of the Nexus I guess
Lujanne’s “Big strong man with big strong feelings.” She and Runaan have exactly the same type and I support them
Allen’s face when Lujanne says it aches to miss Phoe-Phoe
Callum eating off Rayla’s plate and wondering how Lujanne suspected they were a couple, hmmm
Soren and Allen bonding
Rayla warning Lujanne about hand disguises, as if that was something Runaan made very sure she knew
Rayla’s cute chaos grin when Callum’s Aspiro spell goes off is my favorite pic of her in this whole graphic novel
Lujanne’s “Oh.” afterward is my fave pic of her, too, she does not seem to handle reality well!
Bait’s tongue will never get old
Lujanne’s whole speech during Phoe-Phoe’s rebirth ritual is so touching and beautiful, my heart
Lujanne putting the newborn Moon Phoenix into Ezran’s hands, like she knows he’ll have the best connection with her
Callum’s tears as he reminds Rayla that Runaan killed Harrow, he’s trying to move on, but it hurts
Rayla’s self-soothing behavior when she has her second nightmare in the book--she must have these most every night :((((
the big symbol on the Moon Temple doors looks like a stylized Moon staff, like it’s a building for mages
Lujanne saying Rayla might not want or need the truth right after Callum mentions Runaan’s name to her, he sassily asks about her husbands and she turns it into a compliment
Callum’s big reaction to the moon opals is adorable. The only other one he’s seen was part of a pair of treasured gifts between long-time spouses, so it kinda looks like he’s all “uhh we just started dating”
also Ethari must’ve made cute metal swirly covers for the pair he and Runaan wore, since these two are undecorated--maybe he got his from Lujanne?
listen Lujanne is a hoot and all but she’s both an ally and an antagonist. Her actions are trustworthy but her advice is generally terrible. It’s an interesting parallel to how Runaan says a lot with his actions too, but he talks a lot less than Lujanne
Rayla yeeting herself into a fight just to ask Soren for a talk is 10/10 Moonshadow assassin goals
but her hood is up when she’s lurking in the trees--she might not have known where she’d find Soren and was anticipating something less fun on the feels-o-meter
Rayla in the mud again. Soren keeps making people fall in the mud
Allen’s grumpy squiggle
Callum, I love you, but you have no respect for moon opals. It’s like they wronged you in a previous life or something
that dancing elf has very long hair and shoulder pauldrons, and they start off dancing with six kneeling, watching, hooded elves around them--Moon Druids wore hoods even before they were assassins. Considering what Lujanne said about why the portal was sometimes opened, maybe those six kneeling elves are waiting under their emotion-hiding hoods to farewell a loved one who’s recently died?
can’t tell for sure but maybe the elf is dancing along the lines in the stone like they mark patterns for ritual dances, which would be the bomb
Soren and Rayla’s conversation is pretty wrenching. Seeing Soren have to struggle with what he did because it’s tangled up with Viren is rough because as a Crownguard it should just have been his duty to defend his king and he’d have nothing to feel weird about
Rayla dissociating herself from the term “assassins” and Soren dissociating from calling Viren “my father” in the same conversation is 10/10 excellent growth
Soren must know what happens to prisoners his dad gets a hold of, even if he doesn’t know the details :(((
“we captured him” and “Viren took him” seem to be talking about the Crownguard and Viren, not the brodigies and Viren
Rayla having a wooden sword at the end of the day bc she played swordfighting with Allen and Soren all day long
the panel where Rayla doesn’t say anything at all after telling Callum that she asked Soren about Runaan actually says so much, you can hear it
every time Lujanne’s white lies idea gets repeated, things get worse
Allen’s reading glasses, there must be one optician in the human village and he caters to soft kindly gentlemen of a certain age
in the moon phase montage, baby Phoe-Phoe is flying next to Ezran after one week at the Nexus. Maybe he’s paying her back by helping her learn to fly after she helped him teach Zym how to fly! Did they bond as tightly as Ezran did with Zym? I support Ezran just bonding with the most powerful flying creatures in all the land.
the irony of Callum using Lujanne’s tactics against her is amazing, but really the white lies thing is a giant ball of chaos in this story and it does not play favorites
Bait on the stone pillar during rebuilding
all the noises the Moonhenge makes are 10/10
Rayla dancing with Callum even though there’s almost no chance she’s ever done that dance before
Lujanne’s pupils going white, that is a cool effect, what’s it mean?
the black moon in the pink sky is so spooky! Is it just me or does the color scheme here kinda vibe like the space outside Aaravos’s library?
the smoky assassin squad, 10/10 creep factor, I love it
the lightning being a literal crack of doom with “CRAK-DOOM” as Katolis Castle appears, “echoes of thunder” indeed, very nice
Lujanne being mad but she can’t decide if it’s at Callum or herself
when she says pulling Rayla out now will leave her soul on one side and her body a husk. After the Insta live stream last night where we learned that soulfang serpents are Moon primal creatures, that’s... super interesting
smoky assassins go tssh in the rain like they’re still hot from being cremated, thanks I hate it
Andromeda finds Rayla first and seems closest/most aggressive so I wonder why she might hate Rayla more than the others
the assassins’ wrist bindings have gone red but they’re still attached and seem to trap the souls where they are. But all they need to be free is to perceive that Rayla completed their task, even though we know otherwise. So... would that work for killing any target? If you’re certain that you did it, does your binding fall off even if you’re wrong? eyes Pip
this must not be the actual afterlife since the spirits kind of mist up toward the moon and vanish, it’s more like a lobby, no one stays here unless they get stuck
portaling around just by shouting at villains, excellent
Rayla literally dropping a sword at the sight of the pod Viren’s in, yeah, it’s that creepy, I agree
Viren’s eyes are so black I think they’re Aaravos’s. I got a whole headcanon on Good Viren and Evil Viren for S4 now, wow
Phoe-Phoe pulling out a feather for Callum, awww my heart! This is why Ezran had to come, to bond with her so together they could save Callum and Rayla, it’s so sweet
so these humans are from the Storm Spire battle, bc that’s the Storm Spire behind Rayla and Callum on p108, with the rune-written arch. Did they die hating Rayla and Callum from the battle? Did they even know Rayla was up there? Or is pod Viren/Aaravos actually making them attack out of hatred for Viren’s death? One of these is definitely creepier and more awesome
Rayla’s confidence that Callum can and will boost her at the right moment with his magic, my heart, I love battle couples
that one panel that mirrors the Ghost Feather key art, hhhhhh
Rayla being the better swimmer, such precious irony, thanks Runaan
them holding hands and swimming upward together on the full-page panel is blessed
Lujanne pulling Rayla out of the lake with both arms gives me feels bc my grandma saved my life once
Lujanne being super soft over Rayllum, she is indeed a hopeless romantic
Rayla says “gone” about her parents and Runaan, and that’s the word Ethari used too, and I’m suddenly wondering if Ethari reached right into that pool and has always known that the lotus is half-submerged and if the sword he’s been making is for himself
I’m so glad Rayla told Callum what she saw of Viren
Rayla deceiving Callum and heading into danger alone because his life is more valuable to her than her own is exactly what Runaan did for her the night of the full moon in Katolis. I’m leaning toward her having thought this over and doing it on purpose bc she believes it’s a sign of deepest love--that Runaan’s actions and Lujanne’s words match up in her head, so she thinks it’s the right thing to do bc the mage and the assassin agree. Alas, Callum doesn’t understand the Moon arcanum yet, so he will have a different opinion. That mage and that assassin do not agree!
Rayla’s cloak has that Moon Temple symbol on its back. Is it Lujanne’s cloak? Any Moonshadow who sees it will probably know where she got it and who helped her. That could be fun!
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I was wondering if you would do a continuation of the thieves heist mashup thing with the prompt “Is it working?” I just love all of them.
3. “Is it working?”
Luka wanders through the common area of their slapdash temporary living space, lost in her own thoughts, and nearly pulls a gun when she hears Noël say, “Bonjour, Miss Luka.”
She scowls at him and snaps, “I told you don’t call me that.” He won’t stop, she knows that, but if she lets on that she thinks it’s cute then Marvelous will never let her hear the end of it. “And don’t startle me, jackass, I could’ve shot you.”
Noël puts a hand over his heart, eyes gleaming. “Miss Luka. You would never. You like me too much.”
“I don’t know how Umika puts up with you.”
“I’m French, being very slightly obnoxious is part of my charm.” He beams at her, and then gestures with the precision screwdriver in his hand. “As you can see, I’m working on something a bit delicate here, could I ask you to please hand me that white card case on the table over there?”
She rolls her eyes, gives him the finger, and then heads over to the table he’s indicating and picks up the card case. And frowns at it immediately. “What is this?”
It’s white, about the size of her hand, with detailing in gold on the top forming an image of a stylized swan, and it’s almost weightless. She presses her thumb into a notch at one of the short ends and hears a spring squeeze down, presumably for access to whatever cards are within, but doesn’t feel any corresponding resistance or click. The material it’s made of gleams in the light. It’s not plastic. Metal? An alloy she’s unfamiliar with? She rubs her thumb over the edge, frown deepening as she tries to figure out what it’s made of--
--and nearly drops it. “Hey, what the fuck, this is hard light.”
Noël blinks. “You could tell?”
“Of course I could tell, it’s way too light to be metal and it’s definitely not plastic. Shine’s wrong.”
“Oh dear. Is a casual observer likely to notice?”
“Sure, maybe, if they’ve handled the real thing a lot, because I’m guessing this is a copy. But if they haven’t then nah, probably not, your copy’s working just fine.”
There’s a soft footstep nearby that Luka recognizes, and she turns to say hello to Daiki, who beats her to the punch with, “Afternoon, everyone, I’ve been doing target practice with the brat and if I spend any more time with him I might kill him. How’s tricks with y...Luka, where did you find that?”
“It’s fake.” She tosses it to him, impressed with how it flies realistically through the air before Daiki catches it. “Some hologram Noël’s working on.”
Daiki turns the card case over in his hands, a distant look on his face. “I take it our mysterious leader asked you to make this, Noël? She’s finally told us what she needs us to steal?”
“Oui, she made me a sketch. Why, do you recognize it?”
“I very nearly stole it myself once.” He runs his finger over the raised gold detailing. “The real thing’s a big bigger, actually, just a couple of centimeters more. I don’t know if that would be hard to fix.”
Luka blinks. “Nearly? You held off on stealing something?”
“Well, I realized I liked the owner too much. A kindred spirit, you might say. So I stole someone else’s deck instead.” He tosses the hologram up and catches it. “She was a bit like you, actually, Luka, you would have liked her.”
Noël flicks a switch on the device in his hands, and the hologram flickers and vanishes from Daiki’s grip. “So I take it we may have something to discuss with Miss Pink Buster.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” Daiki keeps staring at his empty hands for a moment before looking up, an unexpectedly cheery smile on his face. “Anyway, I’m starving, I don’t suppose we have ingredients around for curry?”
Noël eyes him suspiciously, but before he can say anything, Luka says, “If you’re making curry you’ll have to make a lot, Marvelous can smell the stuff from light years away.” She’ll ask her own questions later.
“Oh, I’m sure.” Daiki wanders over to the little open kitchen and begins to rummage in the cupboards. “Noël, I’m sure your crew likes a good curry. Luka, do you happen to know if the snake and his cute boyfriend will have any?”
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sagasofazeria · 3 years
Song of the Seven Suns, Part 2
Taglist (ask to be added/removed!): @hellishhin
(content warnings: violence, implied sex)
“You were making gay eyes at the guard. How’d it go?”
“I- Um. We’re gonna talk. Later.”
“Nice. Good for you.”
“Thanks, I think.”
“You’re welcome.”
Jetra smiled. A least Faulkron was quickly making friends. That would end up helping both of them. And honestly, what kind of bard would she be if she didn’t get her friends laid? Getting her new friend set up with somebody less than an hour after meeting said friend was a new record though, even for her.
As much as she enjoyed watching awkward gays at work, however, they had a purpose here other than flirting with cute mercenaries. Sighing and switching the subject to why they were actually here, she said, “Well, now that we’re here, we should see what trouble we can get into before the sun fully sets.”Seeing Faulkron’s reaction, she quickly amended her statement. “Metaphorically, that is.”
Faulkron chuckled a bit. “Hopefully it’s only metaphorical.” Then, he turned his amber eyes back towards the mercenaries, beginning to look around. “We should probably find whoever’s in charge first. Elikon, I think he mentioned?”
With eyes peeled for someone who looked important, the duo walked further into the compound. They could see mercenaries all around, some lounging, some sparring, some sitting intently around tables, planning jobs in hushed tones. Others were playing dice games or otherwise passing the time.
Jetra noted some other mercenaries around who looked promising. A particular halfling and dragonborn were sitting at a table, competitively playing cards. She made a mental note to talk to them later. She also noted a large wooden board, almost completely covered with papyrus scrolls nailed to its surface, likely detailing jobs and notices. Another thing to remember.
She was shaken from her scan of the place by Faulkron’s hand on her shoulder. She turned back to him, following where he was pointing with her eyes.
There in a small courtyard, in a pit of sand, stood 9 figures. The first 8 were standing in two rows, all of them standing dazed and sweaty. Standing in front of the two rows of exhausted trainees was a towering woman with a large spear in her hand. Her dark gray-brown skin was covered in white tattoos. The ones on her face were made like a stylized helmet, to match the gray mohawk that topped her head, as if it were the helmet’s crest. Jetra nodded her approval. Very cool. The woman watched as they approached, sizing them up as they got closer. When she spoke, her voice was rough and firm.
“Well, well, well. What’s this? Wait, hold on.”
She paused her regard of the newcomers to look at the trainees.
“Hey! You eight. You’re dismissed. Take a rest, get some water.”
While the trainees filed off to recover their strength, Faulkron walked forward, holding up a hand in greeting. “I’m Faulkron Rhodes, this is Jetra. Are you Elikon?”
The woman nodded, looking Faulkron and Jetra up and down. “In the flesh. What’s got you asking for me?”
Jetra had never really felt short before. She was happy with her height. However, given that Faulkron was nearly 6 foot, and Elikon was nearly 7 and a half, she was almost considering finding a box to stand on.
“We’ve come searching for opportunities. We were thinking about heading inland, most likely. We’d like to know of any offers, or jobs?”
“Hm. Well we’ve got a board up over by the barracks, you could look there. You’ll probably have better luck tomorrow though, new ones will probably be up by then, and I’m sure the best contracts from today have been taken already. You looking to join, or just here for the info?”
Faulkron bowed his head slightly as they began to back way. “We did not intend on joining, no. But thank you for your help.”
“Well that’s a shame. I could use a warrior like you... If you can back up all that muscle with skill, that is.”
Faulkron stopped.
“Are you insulting me?”
At his question, Elikon only crossed her arms and smirked. “Am I?”
Jetra watched as Faulkron’s eyes narrowed in response, and she suddenly was very glad she wasn’t standing on a box. It made it much easier to back the fuck away from whatever was about to happen.
So much for only metaphorical trouble. And this time it wasn’t even her fault. Which was, in itself, another record for the books.
Elikon watched as Faulkron’s eyes narrowed in anger. She chuckled. “Don’t start this fight. I can spar ‘til dawn, and each mercenary here knows it, ‘cause they’ve seen it. I was only poking at ya. It ain’t worth the humiliation, kid.”
Faulkron felt his cheeks flush. He didn’t come here to fight, not technically. But he wasn’t gonna let this lady talk to him like that, no matter who she was. He’d take the challenge. And he definitely wasn’t gonna let her call him “kid”. Sure he was young for an elf, but not that young.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that at some point, most of the mercenaries had stopped their leisure activities to watch, and had even drawn a circle in the sand.
“I’m not a kid. And if you want to see skill, I’ll show you skill.”
Elikon chuckled. “Alright then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She threw him a wooden sparring sword, taking a wooden version of her own weapon from a rack just outside the circle. Then, she quickly got back into a fighting stance. He tried to get into his own stance, but before he could, the butt of Elikon’s spear swung towards his temple. He managed to duck, leaping to the side and readying the blade.
Elikon laughed. “Not bad, not bad.”
Before she could go on the offensive again, he stepped forward, slashing downward with a heavy swing. It was powerful, enough to send sand spraying when it hit the ground rather than its target. Elikon was surprisingly nimble for such a large woman, and she had already sidestepped.
He turned back towards her, just in time to deflect away a jab with the spear and make a quick swing of his own. This one she simply knocked away with her gauntlet, before continuing her assault.
The fight went on, both fighters attacking back and forth, blow after blow. Faulkron could feel himself wearing out, but Elikon kept going, barely even winded. After quite a few minutes of intense sparring, Faulkron was panting, sweat pouring down his face. Thankfully, the sun had set, and it was cooling off now, but his muscles were aching, and the temperature wasn’t helping him much now.
He watched as Elikon stalked forward, spear held aloft. Before he could make another attack, she spun her weapon, aiming to slam the shaft into his side. Before the hit could land, however, he caught the spear, using his other hand to swing his sword forward with all his weight. She twisted to dodge, but she wasn’t fast enough, and blade cracked across her chest. Quite literally, cracked. Faulkron watched in shock as the other half of the sword fell to the ground, Elikon laughing all the while. There was no evidence, save the broken sword, that he’d even hit her at all.
“This skin’s tough, but that was a good one! I like the spirit.” He almost thought it was over, until his legs were swept from under him. He slammed onto his back, hard. Elikon just laughed again, before she offered a hand to help him up. Defeated and exhausted, he accepted. She pulled him to his feet easily, clapping him on the back. “You could use some training still, but you’ve definitely got skill. The offer to join up still stands, if you wanna think about it. You did well. Now go get some rest, and drink some water.”
As Faulkron made his way out of the courtyard with his wounded pride in tow, he saw Jetra talking to two more mercenaries, where it looked like they had been watching the fight. They were all sitting around a table with some game pieces scattered across it. Jetra stood as he approached, tossing him a cloth.
“If it makes you feel any better, it was at least one hell of a show.”
Faulkron sighed. “Not much, but thanks.” He turned to the other two people at the table. “Who are they?”
The first one stood on his chair at being mentioned, hands on his hips, bringing him to just about eye level.
“I’m Fuego Tamir. Sorcerer, assassin, and baddest bitch around. ‘Sup.”
Faulkron looked over Fuego. The halfling was dressed in dark robes with flame designs on it, and the chest and arms were open, showing off a startling amount of tattoos. The biggest one, right on the center of his chest, was a large stylized skull with “RUN” written beneath it, right between two small identical u-shaped scars just under his chest muscles. His hair was dyed a fiery red at the ends, and held up in a ponytail, shaved at the sides of his head to make room for more tattoos. He had a scimitar on his hip that also had crimson flame designs carved onto it.
“I’m Faulkron. And who are you?” He looked over to the blue dragonborn warrior who sat in the other chair. Her scales were a vibrant blue, but they were covered with various cloths that looked suited for desert travel. A khopesh hung off of their left hip.
“I am Shakari. You fought well, Faulkron.”
Jetra nodded. “They’re headed inland too. We were talking, and it looks they’ve both got experience with both magic and the blade. Figured they might join us. Could always use some extra swords.”
Faulkron nodded. “Ah, good idea. If you all don’t mind though, I’m going to go recover. Jetra?”
“I’ll see you in the morning. Come find me at the Spinning Compass, by the marketplace. We can devise a plan then.”
“See you then.”
Fuego called out as well. “When you need to find us, we’ll be here.”
Faulkron nodded in response. He eventually recollected himself, and began heading off to find some place to rest. Before he could leave the compound though, he was approached by Alejandro, who was smiling and holding two flasks.
“Hola! You did pretty good out there. I haven’t been here long, but it seemed you made a lot of good impressions. Most of the warriors that spar with Elikon last half the time you did.”
Faulkron faltered a bit, not expecting such immediate praise from Alejandro, or to be told he actually did well.
“Well, I’m sure you did really well too.”
“I’d like to say I did, but it wasn’t quite as spectacular as your fight.”
Alejandro paused a moment. “I’m sure Elikon told you drink water, would you like some?” he asked, holding out the other flask.
“Yeah, she did. Thank you.” Faulkron gladly accepted, gulping down the water. After he finished, he stood for a moment, unsure what to say next.
“I... you wanted to talk, right?”
Alejandro nodded. “Sí, I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere with less rules and less deadly weapons, and talk a while? Maybe have some drinks?”
“That... yes! It sounds good, yes.” Faulkron was starting to stumble over himself a bit, still a little tired and kind of in shock that this was happening at this specific moment.
“Good! Come then. If you haven’t already heard, the wine here is to die for. It’s one of the things I’ve got to give the company credit for, they did pick a good city for a bunch of thirsty mercenaries to revel in.”
With that, Faulkron followed Alejandro back to the pavilion in the marketplace he’d seen earlier, which was now far busier. They drank and talked for a while, and by the time midnight came around they were both grinning like idiots. They danced with the music as the night went on, occasionally bumping into each other or other dancers. Eventually, Faulkron stepped away from the pavilion a few paces, Alejandro just behind him.
Faulkron took a deep breath of the night air to clear his mind. He was far more relaxed now, and he was enjoying his night with Alejandro immensely. They had talked about a lot of things, from fighting to weapons to the ocean to the wine. Overall, it was going quite well. Suddenly, he had an idea. “Let’s go on a walk. It’s way too hot and loud here, and I’m sure it looks nice here at night.”
“I agree, it is perhaps a little crowded. And the city does look quite nice at night, though I’m not certain that it’d compare with what I’ve already seen.” Alejandro said it nonchalantly, but there was a flirtatious tone in his voice as he regarded Faulkron.
Faulkron could only hope Alejandro couldn’t tell how hard he was blushing.
Decision made, they began to walk off, snaking their way out of the crowded pavilion, through the marketplace and out into the silent torchlit streets.
They walked along for a while, enjoying the fresh air, the tapestry of shining stars in the clear night sky, and each other’s company, letting the effects of the wine trickle away.
Eventually, Faulkron turned to Alejandro. It was late, and he started to ramble on before he could stop himself.
“Okay, so I know it’s late so you should probably head back to the camp and sleep. I will be fine, because I’m elvish, but you need your sleep, you know? This has been fun, please don’t get me wrong, I really liked it, but I don’t wanna keep you up and-“
He was halted by Alejandro’s finger on his lips.
“Hush. It’s alright. I can sleep in. It isn’t that much of an issue. Plus, they don’t exactly allow swordplay in the compound barracks.” Alejandro winked at the word ‘swordplay’.
Faulkron felt his face flush again as he caught the meaning.
“Oh. Good point. Okay. Yeah. I mean, if you say so. Are you sure?” Faulkron laughed a little with nervousness. How in all the worlds is he still interested?
“I’m sure.”
Alejandro grinned, then slowly leaned forward, and placed a small kiss on Faulkron’s jaw. Faulkron felt it almost like a distant breeze, and his face got warm again.
Alejandro smiled at him again. “There’s more where that came from, you know.”
And Faulkron wasn’t about to say no to that.
With that, the two wandered off into the night.
Part 1 | Part 3
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Transformers Bumblebee
Cyberverse Adventures
Deluxe class
by Hasbro
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Vehicle mode:
Vehicle is something akin to a sporty coup, I think...For many of us Transformers fans, especially the...’GeeWunners’ we tend to think of a very curvy, and futuristic 2005 convertible, almost conservative dud mobile.
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Still, I think it’s rather cute; I would say it’s mostly Cybertronian but also less flashy than your typical Arcee.
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Comparing the Cyberverse toy to the Thrilling 30 Classics figure I’m sure you can see what I mean about the curvy version over the buttoned up design.
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Arcee’s effects blasts can peg into the exhaust ports for a flame effect.
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Transformation to robot mode isn’t too bad; it’s pretty basic.
Robot Mode:
Arcee’s robot mode was a real surprise hit for me. Atypical of your usually Cyberverse toy, Arcee is actually pretty fun.
Yes the toy still feels a bit dumbed down, as many Cyberverse toys do, however Hasbro removed the stupid action gimmicks which normally plagues this toyline and they just made a decent figure with an absurdly offensive backpack...but we’ll get to that later. 
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The figure, on the whole is a well stylized version of Arcee. What’s always attracted me to the Cyberverse toys are the unique styles, what always ends up disappointing me are the awful, debilitating action gimmicks, however Arcee here surpasses my expectations of Cyberverse!
This Arcee toy has a lot of personality from her clean frame, her head sculpt with wide eyes, smirk and classic space buns and the fact she has a decent range of motion.
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Arcee’s gun can hold both blast effects, and aside from the curves of the solf plastic (which can be fixed btw) they looks pretty decent.
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Which Arcee has the most offensive backpack?
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Yes, Arcee is wearing pretty much all of her car mode on her back so to accommodate her long legged, and feminine frame. It’s not a deal breaker for me, but if Hasbro was going to commit to this decision, they might has well have just made the backpack removable.
Arcee comes with a pistol, and two clear plastic blast effects. They’re simple, but they work.
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Aside from the pistol and blast effects, Arcee comes with parts of the build-a-figure of MacCadam who has shown up in Cyberverse on occasion.
In regards to Arcee she was packaged with MacCadam’s shoulders, and a hammer.
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Final Thoughts:
Cyberverse Arcee is a wonderful toy! It’s not perfect, but I really like it!
The actual robot mode of the figure is packed with so much personality.
However I am concerned about possible future breakage issues with the clear plastic, and the thin hinge joints.
Now I’m just waiting on Earthrise Arcee to get here, so I can compare all three.
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marithlizard · 4 years
Ace Attorney: Rise From the Ashes (part 1)
A couple of people expressed interest in a writeup as I play through the game, so I thought I’d give quasi-liveblogging a try.   It might have come out to be too detailed - let me know if the result is amusing enough to go through the next part.  
(I knew this already, but wow liveblogging is a lot of work.   And it must take twice as much effort to do this for a show and to include screencaps.)
(I’ve tried three times now to put proper line breaks/spacing in, and they’re just not displaying, at least on desktop. I’m sorry.)
A brief,  stylized opening designed not to give away much, except that a creepy-looking doll is involved.
 Two months?  Phoenix, you haven't taken a single client since Maya left?    a) are you depressed, and b) how are you paying rent on the office?
Ookay, you're not going to tell us why you've been moping around. I don't think it's that you have a crush on Maya.  Are you just not able to function without a partner?   That's not great for your ability to survive, but I can sympathize.  
 New perky assistant, right on cue.  (A partner who isn't a young girl would be a nice change now and then. (But not Larry.  Anyone but Larry. In fact, I take it back, this girl with the pink sunglasses will do just fine.))
Oof,  Phoenix still not being able to say out loud that Mia's dead.
In the first two minutes pink-glasses girl has asserted that he's his female boss, the coffee boy, and 'better than nothing'.   Aha!  The problem with all the clients he turned down was that they didn't insult him enough.
Kid, you can't be more than sixteen, and you have silly face buttons  on your lab coat.  You are about as much a scientific investigator as Photography Girl last episode was a journalist.   ...But apparently you have a future job lined up in forensics, so you're more organized than she was.  And this world certainly could use more competent crime scene analysis.  
"I promised her I'd bring Mia Fey".  Huh.  Is Mia's murder not well-known to the public,  then, even though the Edgeworth case apparently got famous enough to earn Phoenix a bit of a reputation?
A murder charge with an eyewitness, and an assistant who "kind of hates" her sister the defendant.  Sounds hopeless, let's do it! Off to the Detention Center. 
...Did we just overhear the defendant threatening their terrified guard with a pay freeze?  Is she their boss? And if she's someone that high up, why doesn't she already have a better defense attorney?
I like Lana Skye's character design. She looks as though she should be starring in a Takurazuka revue show, swearing eternal star-crossed love to a princess.  
She insists she did it.  By genre convention we know that can't be the case; my first assumption is that she's being forced to cover for someone, blackmailed  or coerced  by someone higher up in the system.   But it would certainly be interesting if it  turned out she was covering for Ema.  
Oookay.  A prosecutor should certainly know ways to commit murder without getting caught, and this sounds like the opposite of those ways.    WHY does she claim she did this?  You're not even going to ask her, are you?  *headdesk*
Ema:  "Please ignore that totally gay statement by my sister,  because I certainly plan to!"
Lana: "No don't help me, go away go away go away go away go awa-oh fine."
Hmmm.  From Ema's description of the behavior change,  Lana has been being blackmailed or coerced for a long time now.
Time to go investigate the underground parking garage.
Attorneys aren't supposed to examine crime scenes, and defense attorneys aren't entitled to a copy of the police investigation reports.  What does a "normal" defense attorney in this world do for their clients then?  Always assume a loss and try to negotiate a plea bargain?  I wonder if we'll ever get to see one in action.
It's...a cop with a cowboy fetish?  Do police not have dress codes here?  Maybe they're waived above a certain level,  and some people take pride in cultivating a unique style to show off that they can.  It would explain Edgeworth.  
You are dramatically pretending to shave in front of us.  Also you just called Ema a baby cow.  Although you know her and seem sympathetic - I guess Lana brought her little sister to the office sometimes?  Not sure what I think of you, Jake Marshall.
I am revising my stance. Being Phoenix's partner on a case requires precise and narrow qualifications.  Specifically, just enough sense to stop him from doing something breathtakingly stupid, but not enough sense to take the badge firmly away from him and do the job themselves.   Ema fits the bill perfectly.
Ooh, new mechanic!  And an ID card number for a Bruce Goodman who dresses like a white-hat agent in Spy vs Spy. (I was trained on games that would require you to write that number down and remember it later, but AA will certainly be more forgiving.)  
Using the new mechanic on Phoenix's attorney badge,  I deduce that at some point this game it will be stolen.  
It doesn't explain Lana's supposed actions, but that red sports car does kind of scream "My owner is a jerk, stuff a body in my trunk."   Instead of a chalk outline, they seem to have outlined the hanging body with string?  Is that actually a technique, and how do they get the rope to stay put in precise outline?
And the cowboy gives them a hint.  So he's  on their side but constrained by rules?
Lady put the boobs away.  Why are you selling sushi in a negligee under a fur coat, at a crime scene?  And why would anyone trust food from someone whose nickname is "the Cough-Up Queen"?
Angel Starr, dominatrix lunch lady.   It says something that this is not the weirdest witness in an AA game so far.
She hates prosecutors, and therefore especially Lana. Not a trustworthy witness. But it's probably no fun to cater for a group of (relatively) wealthy and powerful people you despise.   Especially if they're smugly giving awards to each other as they eat lunches.  (Eeeevil lunches.  She probably coughs on them.)
"The rhythmic beat of Lana Skye's knife"...  very poetic, but didn't Lana say the victim was stabbed only once?
We can't get back to the car, phooey, so up to the prosecutor's office we go.
Pink...everywhere...no question whose office this is, even if one of his outfits wasn't framed on the wall.  (why do you frame an outfit?)     I see a very ugly trophy on the sofa, so he's the one who won the award.
Ema:  "this is the kind of room that just screams 'I can do the job'. Actually it screams 'I don't need to pretend to be heterosexual', but the two aren't unconnected.    
Is it just me or is that trophy broken off at the top?
Edgeworth did you just roll with being insulted and make a joke about it?   I'm so proud of you, you've clearly relaxed since your murder trial!
BWAHAHA of course it was Edgeworth's car.
Wendy the security guard from the Steel Samurai case is sending Edgeworth expensive presents??   a) that's both funny and a little sad,  b) how can she afford it,  and c)  he keeps and displays them which is very courteous.
WAIT did you - did this game just heavily suggest Gumshoe hangs out in the office a lot?  Twice, once when you look at the shelves and again when you look at the desk?  I don't ship it, but this is the point where I start to see why people do.
Awwww he's embarrassed about the trophy, that's cute.    So he's the one who "devours the evillest lunches of all",  hmm?   I wouldn't have thought the Cough-Up Queen's weird not-even-fresh lunches would appeal to Edgeworth's refined tastes.
Ema actually has a bit of a crush, from the way she's rhapsodizing about Edgeworth sleeping on the sofa.  d'awww.   And I definitely want to know the story behind the outfit.  Made by his mom and too precious to wear?
Edgeworth, no one thinks you did it.   Sheesh.  He certainly doesn't sound happy about having to prosecute Lana,  even though he believes she's guilty.  His car, his knife... it almost seems like this is a plot aimed at him, or perhaps a plot against Lana with a healthy dose of fuck-you-too-Edgeworth to it.
Huh.  Maybe it *is* aimed at him. I've been assuming all this time from his behavior on the stand that Edgeworth has indeed been messing with evidence to convict obviously innocent people, and also assuming that it's common practice in this corrupt justice system. (Much as it is in Japan and in the US).  But the way he's talking about rumors right now, it sounds more like he's being slandered.  And he thinks the award he was given was out of mockery.  Ouch.
So yes, the trophy is broken.   (In RWBY, you assume everything is a gun;  in AA, you assume everything is a murder weapon.  It probably broke when it was used to hit someone over the head.)
Evidence transferal day, huh?  Was the murder timed to draw attention away from a case being closed?    And Edgeworth parked his car only three minutes before Goodman was stabbed  and thrown into its trunk?    No way.  He was there for the murder, or more likely that's not when the murder happened.   (Is he being coerced like Lana?  I don't think so, but it's possible.)
Enter an idiot mailman with a bandaged hand.  And exit, with sniveling. What was that about?
And a hint to go investigate at the police station.  Is Edgeworth being friendly, attempting to signal something, or merely aware that the most efficient way to get rid of Phoenix is to give him a clue to chase?
The police department entrance, with some sort of plywood jester figure in front of it.  We're offhandedly informed that it took 30 minutes to get there from Edgeworth's office, which means that will be important later.
This is the creepy doll from the intro! It's clearly meant to be a mascot. Was it made by the sniveling mailman?  There's  a certain resemblance...
No, I should've guessed that Gumshoe made it.   I mean ... mechanically it's pretty clever for someone who's not a craftsman or engineer?  Moving articulated limbs and all.  It's just the aesthetics and design he shouldn't have been allowed anywhere  near.
Yes, yes it is odd that only the top-ranked people are being allowed to work on the case. Are they all in on it?    A patrolman in charge of the crime scene instead of a detective - that suggests Marshall is part of the conspiracy.  I'm thinking the dominatrix lunch lady is too.
Gumshoe is so happy about the prosecutor's award - Edgeworth probably didn't have the heart to say that for him it's a mockery.  Daww.  (Also there's something endearingly cheerful about  his hopping-caterpillar eyebrows.)   He's also being much more helpful than his superiors would want, probably just because he thinks of Phoenix as an ally in general now.  
Back to the parking lot, with a letter of introduction in hand this time.
I genuinely can't tell if the lunch lady is a sex worker, if she actually has multiple boyfriends, or if that's code for her professional contacts in whatever she's really doing here.   (And that's an interesting cultural bit, isn't it - any of those options seem possible, and I'm not expecting any of the characters to question her competence or morality because of it, not even in court.   If this was a US-made game my expectations would be...different.)
"Good men always die young"...I see what you did there, Marshall.    
Autopsy report confirms one stab wound.  Lana and the victim worked together on "a case a few years back", ding ding ding.   Someone didn't want the evidence for that case transferred. Or looked at. 
 Marshall used to be a detective but got demoted?  And he's lying about why he was assigned to the crime scene, and telling us Gumshoe is off the case because he's friends with Edgeworth.  The police chief, whoever he is, is now at the top of my suspect list.
 Happily, the game will let me do dumbass things like show off Goodman's ID card without consequences.  Marshall seems very uninterested in it and why it was found so far from the spot of the murder, which I take to mean "we have our official narrative, don't go messing it up with facts or evidence." 
Finally we can examine the car!  First up, Lana's cellphone.  The whole business about hitting redial and somehow not knowing that Ema's phone rang was weird.  Phoenix’s lie couldn't possibly have fooled Marshall, who is bizarrely claiming there's no way to know who the last call was made to.  It's an odd thing to conceal, even given the “no facts please we have our narrative” stance.  Maybe he's trying to protect Ema somehow?) 
 Marshall said the rumors about Edgeworth came from Lana.  And we have a note found  in the trunk:  6-7S 12/2, on a piece of Goodman's stationery.  
 Er, yeah, Ema, why didn't you mention your sister called you 3 minutes after the claimed murder time?  If Lana hung up right away that's hardly incriminating for either of you.
 End of Day One!  We are, as usual, completely unprepared for tomorrow morning's trial.
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danielpowell · 5 years
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So to kick off my year of not shutting up, I’m gonna go off on all the little details I love about the Pokemon League card signatures cause I love them to pieces.
I’m going to include some of the differences between the normal and rare ones, but not all of them since most of them are just the same one and don’t add anything special.
And a lot of this is speculation and I’m still learning Japanese so many words still evade me, so don’t count this as the hard truth. Really this is an invitation to anyone who reads to tell me more about what they know cause I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts!
Now then...
Let’s do this.
Starting off, Hop and Marnie’s normal cards don’t have signatures (Piers’ rare card as well) which might not look like much, but I think it’s cool that they do later after they finish the gym challenge! It hints at how they don’t see a reason to sign theirs yet until they’ve felt they’ve grown enough. It’s a small, but also sort of impactful detail to me.
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Hop’s signature on his rare card is adorable- it’s a winking face! It shows off his fun-loving personality, but it also appears to be a very stylized version of his Japanese name  ホップ.
It’s on the thinner side and a little wobbly, but it doesn’t detract from the cuteness! 
It fits him very well!
I think he uses a ballpoint pen.
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Marnie’s is a bit confusing to me as it doesn’t appear to be her Japanese name マリィ (but it could a be stylized version for all I know!), but I’m more focused on the little swoop she’s added along the bottom. It’s well known that Marnie is has a very stoic expression that never seems to change, but in a special cutscene she talks about how she wants to give people a proper smile. So, she appears to have added it to her League card! A cute little detail.
It’s written with a heavier hand and not quite the smoothest, but still has a boldness to it I like! I believe she uses an thick-tipped oil-based marker pen like a Sharpie to sign her cards since the inkflow isn’t patchy or feathery.
Also, I believe the x’s are in reference to the Dark type uniform!
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Bede has the biggest change to his signature since in the beginning he refuses to give any autographs also changes his type specialty part way through the game. Instead of a signature, you get this very cute doodle of what looks like a bird of some sort (if anyone knows if it’s a specific pokemon, please let me know!). 
It’s more even than your other rivals writing and the texture at the end of the feathery bit is a nice touch, showing he uses some sort of water-based ink. It could be a roller ball pen, but I think it’s more likely a felt-tipped pen of some kind.
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After getting some harsh training from Opal so he can take over the Fairy gym, Bede has started signing his cards. It’s very neat, even, and uniform which may reflect Opal’s influence. And I believe it’s a very stylized version of his Japanese name ビート , but do correct me if I’m wrong! 
The ink looks slightly different, kind of like Opal’s, actually, so I think he started using one of her pens!
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Unfortunately, I’m still learning Japanese so I’m not quite sure what he’s written since it doesn’t look like his name ヤロ , but I still think Milo’s signature is very cute! It shows off his roots as a farmer with a little doodle of a vegetable (which also goes along with his number that can be read in Japanese as the word for vegetable!).
Very heavy handed, which is fitting for someone with such strength! The ends make me think he uses something with a chisel tip, likely an alcohol-based marker pen.
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Nessa’s is very fashionable and written in a cursive style to reflect her status as a model. You can easily see her signing pictures for both fans of her as a gym leader and as a model. It’s fairly smooth and the curves do remind me of water as well! 
She probably uses a fountain pen, due to the shape of the lettering, and to keep with the water theme!
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Being the one of the older ones in the League, Kabu’s writing really reflects that down to every detail. It’s thin, a bit shaky, but still has a certain style that shows he’s written it quite a few times. It’s exactly the same as his old card one, along with his pose; so, he definitely has a routine he likes sticking to. 
He could be writing it very lightly, but I like to think that he’s been using the same pen for so long that it’s running low on ink, seen by the incredibly light, patchy section in the middle. 
It’s probably a basic ballpoint pen!
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Bea is said to have been strictly trained by her parents and her signature shows that with a very traditional style. 
The strokes are very textured, so I think she’s still using a brush or maybe a brush pen.
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Allister is the youngest in the League and has a pretty practiced way of writing. There isn’t much flair to it, and there is a bit of unsteadiness. It’s not smooth, but it’s not messy. It feels almost...slightly off, which is more apparent in his normal card where it’s written at an angle in the corner. It’s not the most telling signature, but that works with his mysterious origins.
 The letters are slightly blocky but the ends are round, so he most likely uses a marker pen of some kind.
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Opal is a classy lady and it only makes sense she’d have a sophisticated and chic signature. It’s written in cursive, of course, and the starting letter is much larger. (I might be overthinking this, but it could represent her taking charge of the Fairy gym from her mother). She’s also the oldest in the League at a whopping 88 16, so her letters are very shaky, but not too uneven as she’s still committed to having an elegant autograph. 
She seems like the type to use a dip pen, but it’s probably a roller ball of some sort by how consistent the line thickness is.
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Gordie is said to have worked hard to achieve an refined and graceful battle style, and he seems to have worked hard to achieve an elegant and graceful signature as well! Lots of sweeping lines and varying line thickness that gives it a good variety while maintaining a stylish look. Some of the ink is smooth and consistent, but parts of it are smudged at the ends and sides. To me, it shows off how he tries to look composed and cool, but secretly dwells on his each of his failures as hinted in his rare League card.
I believe with how the texture is on the lettering, he uses a ruling pen!
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Melony has the thinnest writing out of everyone and while it is quite pretty, Melony is known to be very severe and stoic with her battle style (and her son, apparently) so it does a good job of showing her appreciation of beauty, but still having this sense of distance by how small it looks due to how lacking the line thickness is. 
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Her coldness is more emphasized in her rare League card in both the color and the information it holds. The black and white showcases the divide her and Gordie have, how her winning created a distance between them, along with strictness in her coaching that is supposedly due to the battle they had.
Since she has white ink on her rare card, it makes sense that she uses a gel pen. Which is also fitting since it’s less likely to smudge so she can have a clean signature, but also takes longer to dry, further reflecting the festering harsh reality of her rocky relationship with her son. But it only makes sense the Ice type gym leader would be so icy.
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Piers is a personal favorite of mine, but his signature doesn’t give much other than his punk aesthetic he has going for him. His signature is a stylized version of his Japanese name  ネズ accented with a shining skull to represent his Dark speciality. 
The ink is fairly consistent except in a few places where he keeps it a long stroke so the ink starts to fade slightly. It’s most likely a chisel tip alcohol-based marker pen!
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Raihan is said to be the most skilled gym leader and also is a self-proclaimed rival to Leon. He is always taking selfies and interacting with fans; he clearly likes the attention! (Even if it’s most likely to cope with his undefeated losing streak against the champion and was developed out of a habit of dwelling on the pain of each defeat,,,) He is very flashy and his signature has a lot of style to it to show off his Dragon type specialty. 
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Also, a fun little thing I noticed in his rare League card is the the spikes on his signature point towards his crowd of adoring fans, further encapsulating how much he relies on their validation.
The ends on his lettering are rounded and the inkflow stays smooth and consistently bold, so I think he uses a rounded-tip marker pen with oil-based ink!
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Leon is the champion, so of course he has a star to show that off. It’s stylish, but also very winding and loopy to demonstrate long time spent as the unbeaten League champion. It’s not as flashy as some of the others, so it still shows off his humble origins. The signature also has some texture to it, but the inkflow is still consistent, so I think it’s just showing that the tip of his pen is worn from signing so many cards!
It’s likely an oil-based marker pen, but it’s hard to say what kind of tip it since it’s so well-used.
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Chairman Rose is an interesting one- he keeps his name to short, round strokes you can do quickly but then has has a more textured pokeball bouncing off the top, a sharp edge at the end of the stroke that doesn’t quite match up with the previous ones. The pokeball is likely there due to him being the one who does the introduction to the World of Pokemon speech at the start of the game, but it could also show how Oleana was trying to further his goals. 
What he uses to sign the cards sort of stumps me. Oleana gets upset whenever he’s held up by fans, so I almost want to say she would want him to use a stamp, but she has stated she has hundreds of copies of his cards already signed, likely so she can just hand them out and move along so he doesn’t spend the entire time signing each fan’s card. (He obviously wants that connection still, so he might have made his signature easy with his name, but added the pokeball so he could take a bit longer).
I’d say it’s a pigment-based ink marker pen that’s double-ended so he can use a chisel tip or a thinner one. 
And that’s all I have to say at the moment! Thanks for reading and feel free to share your thoughts and opinions!
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lanonima · 4 years
I want to do something a little bit different today because I was thinking about Silverwood, and all the amazing people (my friends!!) who have helped make it what it is, and then I was thinking about all the amazing art that I've received either as commissions or as gifts and so I want to share this amazing art and gush about it
I'm not doing these in any kind of order, this is not a list of favorite to least favorite or anything, I always have loved every piece of Silverwood art I've ever gotten it's mostly just in the order of how it’s saved in my folder
(I'm also only doing art that was specifically for me, because a lot of my friends have drawn stuff since they're involved in it and if I shared everything that would be too much, so this is just commissions and gifts only)
so without further ado, some Silverwood art!
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This is a commission that I got from the always amazing @coeykuhn​ at a convention years ago, and I love it so much. I literally have this framed and it hangs on my bedroom wall (I do want to do that with a lot of my commissions that I've gotten but I'm always too lazy to go to a professional printer so only the traditional ones are hanging up so far). This is just the perfect Ro and Cranberries picture everything about it is adorable and I love to just look at it. Just...look at it. Doesn't matter how long I've had it, I still love it just as much!
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This one was done by the very talented Greg McCrery who can be found here. I don't know if he has a Tumblr account. I also found him at a convention and he was remarkably patient with me because I said I wanted a commission and then I didn't order it for like eight months because I was poor, but he really really delivered. I also always intend to get this one framed, it's so stylized but so perfect. Actually, I always intended to get some other ones to go along with this so maybe I'll get some more work from him in the future. For now though, this one is beautiful enough.
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This one was drawn for me by @pillyart​ her art is amazing and I really wanted to get a commission from her for a long time, I specifically wanted to get a Silverwood one because she has just such a soft style and the way she colors!!! Amazing. And I thought it would look really good and it does look really good and someday I'm going to frame it I swear I'm going to frame it.
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This one was drawn for me by a friend who was from an online forum… I believe it was Midoria actually. I wish I could remember her name because we used to talk a lot and we talked about some story ideas and things like that but we lost contact eventually and this piece of art is the only thing I have to remember her by… But at least I do have something, and it's something that I love! I also love the fact that you can tell how old the story is just by how much the character designs are different in most of these pieces…
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This one was a present that @blushypixy​ drew me for my sixteenth birthday, and that's hilarious. I actually have a lot of Silverwood art from her, and a lot of art in general because she was one of those friends who like…you always make OCs to hook up with your friend’s single OCs, and you come up with story ideas and that kind of thing. We only have loosely kept in contact, but hey if she ever wants to revisit any of those characters I'm always down for that LOL… And if not, I have pages and pages and pages of beautiful art so I can look fondly on those days, and also this amazing and adorable birthday picture!
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This is another one that I don't remember who drew it. I got two commissions from the same person, I believe this was on Aywas but I'm not 100% sure on that. Neither of them are signed so unfortunately I don't know it off the top of my head… I might be able to find it if I go through my email but I'm not even sure of that. In any case I liked both of her commissions that she drew for me, and I particularly enjoy this one because it's Silverwood and I am always biased towards Silverwood.
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This one was definitely from Midoria. I think. I believe I won this in like a little giveaway or something. It's by lilydragon, although I don't know if she still goes by that now or where to find her. In any case, it's very cute, and reminiscent of a much older version of the story which I still think fondly of even though it was not nearly as good as it is now.
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And then there's this very sexy giveaway drawing by @comradewodka​. Now she actually created a number of characters for the story, so there is some other art around which is also good, but again this one was created specifically for me so that's why it gets to go here on the other art does not.
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I don't know if this one technically counts because it was for Inktober, but I think that @hakbot​ asked me what to draw and I said Charlie so I'm counting it because otherwise none of Hak’s art would be on here and that's not fair, considering how many characters he created for the story and how much art he's done for it. He's drawn me a lot of art over the years just not any for Silverwood that I can remember specifically.
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demethinkstoomuch · 4 years
Deme Rates Villagers: Cubs
It’s Bears, but Smaller!
(Why didn’t I lump Bears and Cubs the way I did Cows and Bulls? Because there are a fair number of them, I think.)
I have also realized that, rather than a numerical rating, an emoticon rating might be better. I may do numbers from time to time, and so likely will not go back for the others. There will not be a scale, but a broad expression of my feelings. Or a mimic of their faces. Or a comment. Sometimes.
Disclaimer: Images are from the wiki, all good dogs, my ratings are mainly just there because “Deme gives her abstract thoughts on villagers” is hardly a catchy thing.
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Another Animal Forest E+ exclusive, another villager that looks like they came out of a Rare game like Banjo-Kazooie or Conker’s Bad Fur Day, even though this one doesn’t feature any exact equivolents. On the whole, I think the high contrast between the blue fur and the tuft of blond hair is a bad look, but the big blue eyes being sort of heavy-lidded and dour’s kind of cute.
Rating: :|
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Barold is great. Like, I don’t entirely know what they’re going for with him -- he vaguely suggests either Fred Flinstone or an IT guy in my head -- but I love it either way.  (Fred Flinstone: 5 o’ clock shadow, shirt. IT Guy: Eeyes have kind of a glasses shape, beard).  He’s oozing with character, albeit a strange character, and do I detect little white pawsies? I do!
Rating: B’|
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She’s a bear! She’s blue! She’s got a little white and a little pink, which gives her a nicely over-all pastel look. I like the darker blue (Fire Emblem Lord Blue, perhaps?) hair on her. She is just cute.
Rating: :)
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Another colorful bear cub, this one, pink! I like her, she’s sassy. Nice eyebrows that pair with her eyes to give her an impression of moxie that’s still quite cute. Hair is spiky, which adds to that. She’s peppy, which means that by peppy standards, she’s pretty edgy, in a weird, pink little bear way. Either way, she’s rather cute.
Rating: :]
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Man, what do the Animal Crossing devs have against just letting pandas be cute? Chow, Chester... They’re both just sort of weird in a way that I find, funnily enough, more unsettling or dull than charming. Long pupils are not friend-shaped; if they leaned into the creepy, like with a goat, that would be one thing, but it rather spoils Chester. The sad-looking mouth could be cute, but it’s a bit big for that. Almost there, Chester, but just not.
Rating: :(
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So, Cupcake is kind of Cheri, but with a half-hearted snootification effort via heavy-lidded eyeshadow eyes. Meh.
Rating: :[ (Like Cheri, but worse.)
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A New Horizons new villager, and Judy is sure an aesthetic! The pastel gradients, the enormous sparkly eyes with the big shojou lashes, she just screams that she belongs in a gothic lolita girl’s arms during a photoshoot. Get this bear a lace-up dress. She could be an extra Hello Kitty collab character or something. I’m not actually a huge fan of Judy, but I cannot possibly deny that she is wonderfully what she is, and so while the agressively UWU quality to her isn’t for me, but I can’t help but applaud it. Dedication! Also, I like the subtler blush. It works.
Rating:  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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June is maaaybe my favorite cub, she’s just simple and pleasant-looking, without being a pastel screaming-fest, Her colorscheme and implied heavy fringe has a sort of... Like, it makes her big blue eyes and over-all cuteness read “girl next door,” sort of an ordinary, natural cute. And then you add the cute big hibiscus for a little pop that contrasts with her eyes. It’s just a real cute look. I’d probably, though, if I were to consider adopting her, check to make sure her eyes aren’t super weird when you look at them from other angles. It’s a bad fate to befall a villager.
Rating:  (◕‿◕✿) (Babe, hold my flower)
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Hey, look, it’s one of my starter New Leaf villagers! Kody was the last of my first villagers to move out, too, sticking around for quite a while indeed. His departure left a hole that Clyde entered through via someone’s void, and I was not happy about that. As a result, I feel fonder of Kody than I would otherwise, since otherwise, he’s just, you know, a blue bear with a darker blue spot, like many animals that are just like that except not bears. It can be charming with the right face, but there’s nothing particularly noteworthy about his face. It’s just Kody. There he is. Old chum.
Rating:  ˅ u ˅ Ah, the memories...
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Awwww, look at her! She’s just precious, very simple, with implied floofy bangs and bright little dot eyes. Even the pink sticker blush works better with her colors than I see in a lot of places. If June didn’t have her flowers, maybe I’d be here saying Maple’s my favorite. Maybe Maple is my favorite, I don’t know. She feels like angelfood cake, you, know? Light, pleasant, sweet...Though, admittedly, not especially flavorful.  She’s just cute as she is.
Rating:  ‘ ◕  w ◕ ‘
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Ah, a Sanrio villager! ...Not one of the cuter ones, really. Looks sort of like a honey jar bear to me, which is, I suppose, something. His eyebrows have an unassuming quality, like he’s just a normal guy.
Rating: Normal Guy / Guys
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Remember everything I said about Kody? Yeah, still true about Murphy. His coloring is just sort of “spotted bear,” now in green. But! He does have big square eyebrows and big square eyes, which give him a bit of extra character, reliably and kinda sleepy. A good face.
Rating = w = (A good thing, I promise.)
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Olive is a villager I’ve heard compared to Maple a lot -- it’s the shirt, I suppose, but really, more than that. Her color scheme is also pretty naturalistic and grounded, she has a cute bang outline. She doesn’t push the cute as hard, but that might make her more comfortable, less out-and-out cutesy to folks. That said, her eyes just have that quality I found with the birds, where something about them, paired with the surprised eyebrows, that feels kinda blank, like they reveal nothing. Staring. These eyes have seen too much. But she’s still pretty cute, won’t lie.
Rating: O-O
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Aww, isn’t she cute? This screenshot makes her look more cream-colored than I’m used to thinking of her as, a dramatic bonus to her over-all level of adorable. Pekoe’s use of ears to suggest little covered hair-buns is pretty flavorful; it makes me wonder if they almost wanted to make a cute, very on-theme panda, and then decided “No, let’s just make her a white bear, good enough.”  Still, her face is cute, too, with a distinct set of eyes carrying through the same sort of design sensibilities as her hair and ears/buns, intensely stylized. It’s a nice look.
Rating: :)
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What is with the shape of his head? You all see that, right, where his head is a totally different, longer, shape? Why? What does it mean? Is it meant to be like a mask? If it were meant to be a long mask, that’d be cool. I don’t think it is? It’s a mystery that he would need another appearance to solve, and that’s not happening.
Rating: ? :/
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Poncho’s cute. He’s basically just blue Olive, though the bangs are less fwooshy. Still, I find him a bit cuter than Olive, because the oval eyes sort of soften the effect of round on round on round that looks strange and staring; this is a bit more cartoony and cute. That’s about it from me. Pretty cute.
Rating: 0 ˅ 0
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Oh, Pudge looks so sad and alone! I want to hug and protect him! I’ve checked other screenshots, that’s just how Pudge’s face is, and it’s so precious! I do not get the freen on the ears and tip of tail, though. I do not understand why this is a thing, and I cannot say I approve of it. It’s kind of a distracting negative among this otherwise adorable design of a baby I just want to protect!
Rating: (> ‘ . ’)> Come here and let me hug you!
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OK, so, maybe if it’s not June or Maple, maybe Stitches is best cub. Certainly, he’s the most thematically strong, with this adorable patchwork teddybear design! His eyes evoke a really cute version of his name, little stitches. Just adorable and aesthetically on-point and I’m really happy to see him. I could see him with a place on my island, if I only didn’t have too many villagers I could see with a place.
Rating :D or, alternatively, XwX just for him.
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Oh, it’s almost all the things I dislike in a villager design. Random colors without real cohesion or purpose, just “well, this is a colorful animal” that clash with other randomly-selected colors (orange blush, deep rose eyeshadow, pale pink inner ears, white muzzle/paws, brown bangs) with eyeshadowed eyes to say “Hey this is a snooty” without going all-in for glamor-comedy? I think we’ve hit bingo. Funnily enough, I think this might be my least-favorite cub.
Rating: :(
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Vladimir is ugly with dedication. Vladimir is ugly with a passion. Vladimir is ugly with soul and purpose. Buck teeth and that flatly furrowed, thin, no-brow-unibrow! Those awful bangs! Truly, Vladimir is an artist’s study in ugly-cute. I can’t say that it works to vaunt him into a villager I’d really love to have around, but I can profoundly respect him.
Rating:    ಠ ῳ ಠ
The cubs are good, in conclusion. A good mix of aesthetics, and at least 3 I rather like, which is a good number. Also, I got to whip out some Japanese emoticons, and isn’t that important?
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geejaysmith · 5 years
You have no reason to be invested in this, but: I came up with a magical boy outfit for Spiderman in a crossover fanfiction where neither of the crossed over properties have anything to do with Marvel Comics. Surprisingly difficult to do, since I know nothing about clothing and my google searches for fancy outfits for men kept leading to the same damn uncomfortable suit in slightly different shades of grey.
for whatever reason the words “magical girl AU” tend to catch my interest no matter whose universe you’re alternating so no worries there. And that means I've kinda doodled a lot of magical girl outfits for characters of various genders over the years? And yeah, referencing real-life men's fashion is gonna make things hard unless you get... creative. Mainstream stuff anyway, I think the fashion world might get a little more avante-garde BUT I'm no expert. But that's ok, because most costumes in the magical girl genre don't actually look like something you'd wear to a real-life formal occasion anyway? They look *way* more like they were designed for a highly stylized performance, like stage theater, or ballet, or something like that. So if you don't want to go hunting through other drawn media for references (which is kinda what I do, I think if you looked through my doodle archive most of my magical boy outfits have their basis in Kingdom Hearts' fashion sense) that'd probably be a place to start. Getting familiar with clothes and costume design is a good way to give yourself ideas to use as tools and building blocks. After that I tend to start with a feel or overall shape for the outfit, which usually comes from looking at an already-existing piece that did something similar and thinking, "ok, now what makes that costume look like that?" Like, for my recent drawings of magical girl!Lovelace, the first thing to take shape in my head was the red outer jacket and the rest defined around the impression I saw that centerpiece leaving (and even writing this out I think I've helped make up my own mind about tweaking some of the details from the drawings I just posted); bold and sturdy, but with enough give to have some flow in it, plus the frills on the lower hem because (1) they're cute and fun to draw, (2) when at a standstill, the way they drape looks like one of the symbols for Hephaestus/Vulcan that Google turned up, tying into the larger group theme, and (3) I absolutely couldn't resist drawing a pun on Lovelace's name into her outfit. The drawing of her jacket from the back exists entirely to show off the little lace heart at the top of the vent, actually. Meanwhile, down in my sketchpad, Jacobi is coming close to looking like a Black Rock Shooter character (Strength if she stole BRS's costume, to be specific), so he's got a lot of emphasis on the tension between being heavily shielded by blocky mechanical shapes and leaving himself totally exposed; Maxwell is taking cues from Spider-Verse's version of Doc Ock, which *would* be easy to harmonize with the other Wonder Twin, except she also wants to look like a Precure and Jacobi absolutely does not, so there's that added challenge of getting them to look like a matched ying-and-yang pair *and* like they also belong in a set with Kepler; and Kepler himself looks so much like a Lyrical Nanoha extra that wandered in and got lost that a part of me wants to toss a few details into the AU that imply that is literally the case. He's all straight lines and broad, sweeping contours, and the closest to a traditional dress uniform of any kind 'til you get to the details. Damnit now I want to finish those drawings so I can show you what I mean but this post is getting long UGHSo once you've got all that in mind you start breaking down the outfit into further details to give you that Feeling you're after? What does this outfit say about the character? Did they pick it out themselves? How does the outfit work within their world? How will they be moving around in it, what does it look like in motion, what does it *feel* like to wear? This is where it helps to be familiar with different styles of clothing, and also materials that it could be made out of! You don't have to get super specific, but a heavy uniform jacket is going to have a very different feel than a cardigan sweater, even if their overall shape is very similar. That's why looking at a broad variety of clothing is a good idea, it gives you a lot of ideas to work with, deconstruct and tweak *slightly* to give you what you're after in a design. Also, I'll just toss out: making cosplays as a hobby was what really made me sit up and pay attention to this stuff because I fixate on those details, and when you're teaching yourself how to sew and make costumes the devil is always, always in the details. It's also why I prefer to design outfits that look like they'd actually be feasible to wear without needing magic to get into or out of them. And pockets. Pockets are good.
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douxreviews · 6 years
American Gods - ‘Muninn' Review
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"Burn, baby, burn."
American Gods mostly gets its groove back after last week's misfire, Wednesday and Laura go on a literal trip down memory lane, and New Media finally makes an appearance.
Billie is not going to be OK with what happens to the library, however.
Interestingly, after my complaint last week about missing the Bryan Fuller signature soundscapes and dreamscape imagery, we open with exactly that. To be fair, that was probably largely due to avoiding the cost and logistics of actually showing a train derail after hitting a car on the tracks. Disorienting yet suggestive imagery combined with an off putting soundscape tell the story of a train v. car collision just as well and are much, much cheaper.
Whatever the reason, it was nice to have them back. It's interesting however, to note that there were several instances where the stylized camera work made it difficult to follow what was actually happening. For example, it wasn't entirely clear what was going on when Betty the Car reformed herself post accident. Were they reversing the footage of the car being crushed as a way to indicate the fractured way one of the characters present experienced that moment of the accident? Was it a visual metaphor? A dream someone involved in the crash was having? No, apparently the car was literally reforming itself, as it was sitting there good as new a few shots later. Another instance was when the scene transitioned from Shadow looking out of it in the wreckage to Shadow walking through some trees in daylight. All of the visual language of television was indicating that we'd transitioned to a dream Shadow was having, but we weren't, we'd just cut to later in the day when he'd gotten out of the wreckage and that hadn't been communicated to the viewer in a clear way.
Honestly, the whole immediate aftermath of the crash sequence just made you realize how good Fuller is at that sort of thing, because I can't think of a single occasion where he's used that same distorted imagery technique and it resulted in the action being unclear. At least, not in a way that didn't feel one hundred percent deliberate.
So, after last week's absolutely delightful pairing of Sweeney and Laura, this week we get Laura paired with Wednesday which worked much better than I was expecting it to do. It seemed odd at first that Laura would reject Sweeney and choose to go with Wednesday instead, particularly as she knows that Wednesday basically destroyed her entire life just to get her out of the way. She and Sweeney clearly were really connecting last episode, so turning on him for picking up her body parts off the road seemed like a forced way for the show to separate them. Then I thought about it for a minute and remembered that sabotaging her relationships with people that care about her is pretty much Laura's entire character description. Viewed with that in mind, the whole sequence of events makes perfect sense. It would have been nice if the show had made that point a little clearer. I hate to criticize a show for giving the viewers too much credit for figuring things out on their own, but in this case they could have stood to underline her motivations a little more.
Ah, Mad Sweeney. Pablo Schreiber continues to be the show's standout, and is more so every week. Thank god(s) that they kept both him and Laura around past their appearances in the novel and that they continue to give both of them so much to do. Hypocritically, I also feel like they probably should have cut Sweeney out of this episode after they left the funeral home, as all we really got of him were comic relief bits showing his bad luck road trip to New Orleans. But then, if they'd cut him out we'd never have seen the look on his face when he realizes that he's been 'rescued' by a Christian rock band, and nothing is worth that.
The thing that this episode felt like more than anything was a series of videogame side quests. Now, I'm not a gamer myself. I have an inherited tremor which makes trying to use a game controller kind of a pain in the ass. But my understanding of the whole side quest thing is that at various points in the game you have to stop working toward the main goal of the game, whatever that may be, and instead fulfill a little side mission, or earn some money, or solve a puzzle or something. That's what this episode felt like to me.
Taking the side quests in order, Laura and Wednesday head off to find another old god that has allowed himself to be co-opted by the new gods because Wednesday wants to kill him and somehow doing that will 'recharge' the coin in Laura's chest that's keeping her alive and making her superstrong. Again we continue this episode's theme of not explaining things properly, as it's never really made clear why killing Argus will do that, plus we're all pretty sure that Wednesday is lying to Laura the whole time anyway, which it turns out he is but the coin recharge thing still works anyway because reasons. Having accomplished that, Wednesday immediately betrays Laura and leaves her stuck in whatever Argus' realm is supposed to be. It might possibly be a TARDIS, there were some very distinctive roundels in that last hallway.
Great job with the design of Argus, by the way. This is our first god that we've seen who doesn't look like a standard human to us as his standard desktop theme and they did a great job making all of the eyes look real and disturbing. The fiber optic cable bundles that writhed like serpents were also a nice look. I don't recall ever seeing anything quite like it.
Technical Boy and New Media are also on their way to see Argus, because Mr. World wants them to... um... scold him for not updating his Norton Antivirus or something, possibly? Again, it's not entirely clear what they're there to do. You might be seeing a theme here. Similarly vague are New Media's actions with Argus. Was she actually betraying Mr. World to join an alliance with Argus? It would make sense, as he represents watching and she represents being watched, but if that's the case shouldn't Technical Boy have reacted in some way to that development? Instead he just politely stands back and doesn't stop Laura from killing Argus, then he and New Media leave without even mentioning it. And I've been remiss in mentioning it, but Bruce Langley really deserves a lot of praise for his work on this show. It's hard to play a character that irritating in a way that isn't irritating to the people watching at home, and he pulls it off.
Then we have Ifrit and Salim, who head to the corn palace to pick up a magic spear, as you do. Instead of the corn palace, they end up at a strip club called the Porn Palace, whose neon sign has a faulty first 'P,' making it appear to be a 'C' at first glance. That was a cute reveal. There they pick up the spear with no incident from a Lakota trickster god named Iktomi, who was played by the always wonderful Julian Richings, who many will remember as being the definitive Death over on Supernatural. This plotline felt the most perfunctory, and probably could have been replaced with a line of dialog later on down the line, but it's always nice to see Mr. Richings.
Lastly we have Shadow and his new friend Sam Black Crow, who gives him a lift to the storyline's next destination. Again, not a lot happens here and Sam feels very much like a mouthpiece for the writing staff to muse about things philosophically, but it works. Mostly because Devery Jacobs has an indefinable charm about her, but also because it opens up the concept of Two Spirit gender identification, which more people should know more about.
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Wednesday: "Ah, Mrs. Moon. Did we sit on a wall?"
Mad Sweeney: "You just gonna lie there, let nature have her way with you?"
Laura: "Are you eating me?"
Sweeney: "Coward? I saved you." Laura: "I’m dead, coward." Sweeney: "Well, you’re welcome for picking up all your gory little f**king pieces up off the road."
Ibis: "The advantage of love at first sight is it doesn’t require a second look."
Technical Boy: "How the f**k is that an upgrade?" This felt like the writers pre-empting complaints about New Media. It probably was intended as such.
Wednesday: "So, you’re working on faith, huh?" Laura: "I definitely wouldn’t use that word."
Sam: "You ever hear of the Crow nation warrior named ‘Finds Them and Kills Them’?" Shadow: "No, but he sounds very efficient."
Laura: "Please. Tell me more about what I want."
Wednesday: "What’s the worst thing you can do to a book?" Laura: "Um.. Ignore it..?"
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There are not words for how much I love the Hello Kitty collar on this shirt.
Bits and Pieces:
-- It's awfully convenient that Laura was literally blown to pieces in the train crash and Shadow only got a little bruised. But then, her body is actively decaying, so I supposed she'd be more explodable.
-- I know I'm fighting a losing battle here, but I have to say it again. A lit cigarette will not ignite fuel, no matter how many TV shows and movies show it happening. It will either be smothered by the liquid before it gets anywhere near generating enough heat for combustion, which doesn't happen in the liquid but happens in the off-gasses, or it will smolder until it burns out unless by some miracle the off-gassing reaches LEL (Lowest Explosive Level) before that happens. Please stop.
-- You could, however, use a lit cigarette to start a fire in a library full of parchment. It would take a little effort, but you could do it. But despite having a lit cigarette on hand at the time, Laura takes the easy route and uses a match.
-- It seems that Sweeney's bad luck only hits him when he's not around Laura, which sort of makes sense since he's also near his coin at those times.
-- It's interesting that Sweeney is still heading to New Orleans to see someone who I presume is Baron Samedi, since he was only going there to help Laura and she's not with him anymore. That's sweet. I hope he's the one who rescues her from Argus' domain.
-- Sweeney seemed genuinely hurt when Laura chose to go with Wednesday instead of him. I'm 'shipping those two so hard.
-- Argus isn't in the book, nor are any of the Greek Gods. Neil stated that he decided against featuring any of them since they get used so much more often in popular culture.
-- New Media just isn't working for me yet, although I know it's way too early to judge. I miss Gillian Anderson's celebrity impressions.
-- Laura's dad was a drunk. Now we know why he wasn't at the wedding. No word on if he's dead or alive.
-- I wonder what Wednesday is going to need the seedling for?
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I know I'm sounding like I didn't enjoy much about this episode, but that's really not true. There was a lot of good stuff here, and many, many little details that show that someone was really putting their heart into it. I just wish that some of the storytelling had been a little clearer.
Three out of four creepy eyeballs.
Mikey Heinrich is, among other things, a freelance writer, volunteer firefighter, and roughly 78% water
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