#i like this but i dont like this at the same time wwww
maxiwaxipads · 4 months
Romarriche - “Your company is one of a kind… I would never lie to you. I would never say a half-truth or be quiet.” “What is it in your mind, Merold?” “Hearing your voice, complaint or not—it is music to me either way.” Merold - “If there is one constant in this world… Let it be you.” “You’re the cruelest and the kindest thing that happened to me.” “…If only you continued to look at me like that.” Romarriche - “…Merold?” Merold - “But~ It’s only a minor case of bad-mood-itis.” “So Romarriche, spoil me with a spar, will you?” Romarriche - “Merold.” Romarriche - “Look at me.” Merold - “…” Romarriche - “Is something… Wrong?” Merold - “Instead of a spar…” “I might want to lie down on your lap after all.”
#fragaria memories#merold#romarriche#i wont lie i only had the first line and wanted to write something with it#i was reading this novel and i wanted to write something romantic </3#im gonna babble here on my own so you're always free to skip the tags...#if i remember correctly romarriche and merold were made knights around the same time and I work on that context#i like to think their relationship was rocky at first at romarriche's side who didn't want to befriend merold#compared to merold who thought he finally had a friend his age that was also a knight of fragaria#it was romarriche who looked at merold with a perceived perfection and was compared to him#“...I'll get better and strong. I'll impress everyone so I don't have to hear it--his name repeating over and over again.”#merold who says “if only you continued to look at me like that...” refers back to the past when romarriche didn't think of him favorably#but i like the double meaning to it “please look me as you did before and look at me as you do now”#“cruelest” and “kindest” i was a reading a novel that also used those words so I kinda grabbed from that </3#its really a cute novel though#me reading fragaria memories theories to see if it can at least make sense#i like this but i dont like this at the same time wwww#what does it say about its characters? as a writer i want to care about that because no dialogue should be said without reason#i think this dialogue is perfection but what am i writing this for? who does it refer it? what does it refer to?#but at the end of the day i simply want to indulge myself#something that could sound good and personal and something that could make people who read this smile and myself smile#Merold - “Will you make the promise to never change?”#Romarriche - “Change... But change in what way?”#Merold - “...”#Merold - “Because I'm a knight who fears a lot of things...”#Merold - “And I care about the Romarriche I have now.”#it was never supposed to be detailed but look at me now... </3
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
SolNem 42
42. Chasing butterflies
"Apparently some humans used to do this with like, nets or whatever, I've seen it in vids," comes Sol's voice, as Nem edges closer and closer to the edge of the Garrison. "I'd kinda like to try it that way, it seems like it'd be fun! Probably easier than this, y'know?"
Nem peeks around the corner and there they are: Sol and the alien motherfucker trying to steal her whole goddamn life, smiling at each other without a care in the world. Her girlfriend's hair's down and loose and tangled, and as she runs around chasing some dumb bugs, Symbiosis is sitting in the grass and watching with a smile warm on his face. "You're acquitting yourself quite well, though."
"Ehh," says Sol, sticking her tongue out, and Nem has only one single moment to feel a familiar flush of anger at their obvious familiarity with each other before she adds, "Nem would be way better."
The anger dies in her chest. Sol continues on, oblivious: "She's always been way better than me at anything athletic or whatever, y'know? Like when we were kids, she'd always kick my ass at sportsball pretty much every time we played."
That makes the alien smile a little, eyes staring into some middle distance, like he's imagining it--like he's thinking about human children, the most vulnerable kind of humans in the world, and somehow that brings a smile to his face--but the smile fades soon enough into something a stupider person would call pensive. "I do hope..." he says, slowly, "...that my presence in your life hasn't...."
"Aw, bud," says Sol, before giving up on her latest bug and sitting down right beside him, close enough that if he wanted he could reach out and snap her fucking neck. "I know things with Nem aren't... I mean, they're not... they're not great, but...."
Sol has to visibly swallow at that, which makes Nem feel like shit even though none of this is her own damn fault. Just that stupid alien's. Still, any guilt dries up the moment Sol leans over to put her head on the alien's shoulder easily, like she's done it a thousand times. "You're one of my best friends too, y'know? I would've gone totally crazy when that stupid war started without you."
And that makes the stupid fucking alien look so fucking fond and warm and bright that Nem wants to march straight over, punch him in the face, and then drag Sol away by the wrist. That's her girlfriend, she thinks, her fucking girlfriend, not his, and he shouldn't be looking at her girlfriend like--
It takes her a second, to recognize the cadence of her thoughts, and as she does she feels sick. No. No. She's not going to be like that, not when she only just escaped it herself, and not towards the very person who saw herself standing in the jaws of some horrid beast and pulled her away before they could come down on her neck; she won't be that beast herself, she won't, she won't--
Her eyes meet the alien's, staring over in surprise. The blood drains from her face; with no care for whether anyone else saw her spying like a lunatic, she turns and bolts.
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luxiem x reader || as fathers
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a/n : YALL LIKE MY LUXIEM HCS MORE THAN MY OTHER ONES SO HERE U GO LMAO 😭 ill feed u guys some more luxiem content before mysta graduates [sobs louder]
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but minus the yelling and stuff
hes just pretty damn strict but like he loves you all the same
if you get an A+ in maths, GOOD JOB, HE'LL TREAT YOU TO ICE CREAM [and maybe a magic show WWWW]
if you get a D-, he'll probably say something along the lines of : " try harder kiddo! you can get a higher mark next time! do you want me to help you study? "
he will definitely show up at all of your events and stuff like that to cheer you on
b a n a n a
omg he would accidentally get banned from ur school games bc he keeps helping you with his witchcraft stuff
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hes the type to bring like the BEST FOOD during those potlucks ur school has
will panic if you bring math homework to him for help AJSHD
if he cant go to ur school events, HE WILL SO FIND A WAY TO GO, EVEN IF IT WAS JUST FOR A MOMENT
ur little sibling would deadass be a dog.
like no shit, this man would want a dog
and that dog is ur sibling
he and his mafia men would be the ones to raise you [FUCKING BONUS POINTS IF ONE OF HIS MEN IS A WOMAN AND SHE IS UR MOTHER FIGURE]
" oh, don't worry kid, you'll get it next time!! if you're ever feeling down, just know your dad thinks that you're pog! "
you dont know how to tell him that saying pog as a [however old he is] man is a little cringe, but you love him for it (IN A FAMILIAL WAY)
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a very chill dad when it comes to homework and grades
unless it was english
if you get a low score in english
but if you get tired of it, he'll let it go
i feel like he'd be the parent who IS your teacher at school
oh boy, you should dread first day if he's your english teacher
" class, i'd like you all to know, im only fucking one of your mothers. " [all jokes LMAO he wouldnt embarrass you like that..... or would he?]
if you get a low score in any subjects or like if you flunk a test, he'll hug you and say:
" don't cry, you've made me proud already. i love you kiddo, and none of those test marks will change that. just tell me if you ever need help okay? i'm always happy to help you with those. "
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the most laidback out of all the luxiem guys about homework
doesn't mind if you flunk it, as long as you did your hardest, it's a pass in his book
he cant physically help you with homework
its a british debuff /j
like he would stare at the pythagorean theorem and go 'uhm....'
there to listen to all the GODDAMN TEA!! like how dare jessica cheat on james like that with ryan??
dude is like the communal dad if any of ur friends dont have a father figure, he'll be there for them too
" oh you flunked your math test? it's alright!! you'll get it next time. they give you too much tests nowadays you guys are all probably burnt out... how about we watch a movie? your mind needs to destress. "
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also that one dad for some reason everyone likes
hes like pretty strict, but its because he wants the best for you
hes the demon you and ur friends would try to summon at sleepovers
" kid, please, i love you and all, but dad needs to fucking rest. please stop summoning me. "
anyways, hes pretty damn smart so hes gotchu covered when it comes to homework help
unless it was history.
history pisses the fuck out of this ancient man.
he will rant about how incorrect the history books are and you'll get nowhere with homework
" oh, darling, it's alright. i'm not disappointed in you and i won't be when it comes to homework. i get it, sometimes it's hard and you don't understand it, but that's when you ask for help, alright? i won't ever shame you for asking me for help. "
a/n : i hope yall r fed this took me 30 minutes to shit out and clean up also i think its obvious whos my favourite in luxiem LMAOO
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poliodeuces · 2 months
i know we dont know what gentaro’s brother’s personality is like but what are your headcanons about him if any?
(count how many times can i say "gentaro" in this post)
OH thank u anon for this ask.........i always thought gentaro's brother is like, the "dependable" one, as in the nicer one between the yumeno brothers www. even if it's not confirmed (but implied? alluded to?) that gentaro's pretending to be or at least taking the public face of A Gentaro Yumeno, his brother, i like to think the trickster parts of this personality, as in the habit of lying and rhapsodizing about the made-up lives of strangers and even of himself, is more the traits of Fling Posse's Gentaro. which is a little funny and tragic cause isn't that what he's doing now but with an added weight and responsibility? where does his own personality begin and the brother's ends......save this man
and i think this isn't known to like the general fandom, but gentaro's knowledge on baseball and sports from the hypster magazine gave me the impression of a stereotypical delinquent to contrast w genbro's more bookish personality wwww. by extension to this, i like to think gentaro's brother is a little protective just as much as gentaro is reliant on him, someone gentaro looks up to. say that even if they're technically of the same age if they ARE twins bc this is a headcanon in itself, gentaro's brother might be more of a people person, leader type (see gentaro's early passiveness and hesitation when it comes to dealing with ramuda's emotions.) this isn't to say gentaro's rougher personality isn't capable of the kindness he's adopted from impersonating parts of his brother, but i believe it to be just as rough, e.g. this whole avenging plot on its more extreme side.
maybe the brother worked for chuuohku or was entrenched in their ideals at one point and was disenchanted, knows enough insider information that landed him on this situation; though gentaro might not be one to side w chuuo's ideals, he's there to defend -- where they're both silenced in a way, one in a comatose and one who has seen what can happen if they overstep. this is a headcanon i like to think about because there's already been a scene where gentaro's identity feels like not just a personal choice, but being deliberately hidden by chuuo (rei pretending to be gentaro's editor).
ive imagined these two are genuinely skilled writers and was hired by chuuo at some point, was onboard w their views, before they started getting disillusioned, poked around, and got found out. gentaro's mentioned in the manga as a "recently-published author," and we saw his writing debut was before dice became a runaway, so this might be after genbro got sniped by the government
this is all v scattered but hrmghgmm i hope it makes some sense
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justa-sadjellyfish · 11 days
Also I’d love to hear your thoughts on which songs you prefer from each version!!! I can share my own opinions if you’d like too!!
Just a heads up, this is going to be a VERY long post. VERY VERY long. Hopefully anyone reading has enough patience 💗
Btw I am not going to be comparing the songs visuals, because if we were to do that the WE would very easily win every single one. I will also not be mentioning Candyman, as it is placed pretty weirdly. This is simply a comparison of the two cast recordings, West End, and Broadway. There are some other songs you won’t see mentioned, like A Little Me, Charlie, you & I, and The Amazing Fantastical History of Mr. Willy Wonka, either because it’s pretty self explanatory, or because there’s nothing to really compare it too. The random is so small so this very long ramble is prob gona go nowhere lmfao 
First off; 
Almost Nearly Perfect/Willy Wonka! Willy Wonka! 
Yeah this one goes to ANP. WWWW is good for telling the story, and showing the dynamic between Wonka (in disguise at this point) and Charlie, but takes away from the bonding time of Charlie and his family. ANP is also far better at introducing the character of Charlie, and showing that no matter how poor he is, he finds enjoyment in all the little things, while also showing his infatuation with Wonka. 
A Letter from Charlie bucket 
I’m bouta be rlly honest, I dont know for this one. They’re both very similar, besides the fact that Charlie’s father is dead in the Broadway, so I’m gona call this one a tie. 
More of him to Love
Again, more or less the same. This one’s probably a tie too. Although I will mention I actually do prefer the dynamic between Augustus and his mother in the Broadway, even with WE being arguably the superior version. 
When Veruca Says 
Ah yes, one of the most iconic original songs of this musical. Personally I find the Broadway more enjoyable to listen to (specifically because of the Russian accents lmfao) but honestly, the girl as Veruca in the WE recording did arguably better at showing Veruca’s extreme personality. Gotta love Emma Pfaeffle tho. 
Queen of Pop/ The Double Bubble Duchess
Oh my god this is a hard one. They’re both SO CATCHY OH MY GOD. And the actresses are so fucking talented it’s crazy. Although I listen to Queen of Pop more frequently, TDBD is arguably more impressive specifically since Violet is played by a child in this version. So yeah there’s things like that to consider. I enjoy listening to both though.
What could possibly go wrong?/ It’s Teavee Time! 
Yeah this one obviously goes to WE. Mike is easily my favorite character in all adaptations of Catcf, which is why I personally prefer Teavee Time, because it does a great job at introducing Mikes character. WCPGW is funny and all, but it barely tells us anything about Mike. A very common problem with the musical (in both versions) is that they focus more on Mikes mother (this was mainly a problem in the broadway bc she was played by Jackie Hoffman who’s a legend). That’s js my opinion tho.
If your Mother/Father were here 
This one’s actually a lot different from each other, hence Charlie’s father being dead in the Broadway version, so the meaning of the song is sort of shifted. As much as I adore the dead dad ballet sequence in the Broadway, I think the message of If your Mother were here is a little more intriguing, because while IYFWH is reminiscing of a dead husband/father, IYMWH features both the parents and seems to be saying that because of the Buckets family/social situation, it’s very easy for Mr and Mrs Bucket to feel incredibly distant from each other. That’s all I will say about that 
I’ve got a Golden Ticket/ Doncha Pinch me Charlie
I’m going to be so honest I’m not really a fan of either songs, but if I had to choose it would be Doncha Pinch Me Charlie, because it gives Charlie the same spotlight that the other golden ticket winners did in my opinion.
It must be believed to be seen 
Friendly reminder this is NOT about visuals. I actually prefer the Broadway version of the this number. Maybe it’s because of my love for Christian Borle, but for some reason the way he sings it just feels more smooth to me. Also, in the West End, there was like… no backing from the ensemble which I personally enjoyed that aspect of the Broadway a lot, especially the harmonies. I also find the timing of some of the things in the WE (reminder I’m referring to the cast albums) version of this song to be a little bit weirder? If anyone wants further evaluation I can give it, but for now I don’t think I need to. In the end it’s js a certain something about the Broadway that makes it sound better to me ears if yk what I mean. 
Strike that, reverse it 
I think this song does a great job in both musicals!!!! I don’t really have a preference for this one honestly, I feel like both do a very good job at expressing the dynamics between the characters, and Christian Borle and Douglas Hodge both do a great job with this song. Although I’m not a fan of listening to songs with dialogue constantly being interchanged with the music, I think these shows did a very good job with it, and I do actually enjoy this song a lot!!
I do not wanna express my opinion on the placement of Pure Imagination in both versions rn bc I don’t want this post to end up being WAY too long (it alr is but I’m doing what I can, okay? Also yes this means I wont be discussing any of the ending songs bc uhhhh I js don’t rlly feel like it rn. I’ve alr expressed my opinions on a lot of the ending songs before as well) 
Auf Wiedersehen Augustus Gloop
I mean… I’m not really a fan of the way this is done in either version, so I don’t rlly know what to put here, but something I will say that doesn’t rlly have anything to do with my preference is that the little lines Augustus has in this song in the WE has me even more convinced that Augustus barley did anything wrong. 
Juicy/ When Willy met Oompa
Juicy is better I don’t even feel like this needs discussion at all. 
Verucas Nutcracker Sweet 
Okay. Attack me all you want but…. I actually prefer the Broadway. Like storytelling and visually wise I prefer West End, but idk there’s js something about the Broadways more menacing tone that I actually sorta like. I do think tearing Veruca apart was a weird addition, but i don’t really hate it. I mean, Violet  supposedly gets her limbs sold to her fans in the WE version and I don’t ever hear ppl talk abt how dark that is. 
The catchiest song in both versions. One of the best songs in the show. It’s literally so funky I love this song so much you don’t even know. The Broadway actually did pretty great with this one visually in comparison to their other sets. I do prefer the lyrics of this song in the WE, bc it sorta has more of a point, but I like the key Broadway did it in a lot, I think I prefer it higher. Ik it doesn’t change much but there’s smth about it. 
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miloicy · 1 year
mill i am presenting to you the idea of JackDeuAce trio. idk how you like your polyam ships But it'd be rlly funny if jack and ace softly compete w each other to see who deuce loves the most wwww. also,,,deuce wearing Both their colors (orange/yellow and red, imo) !!! ooouuuuu deuce in ace's basketball jersey and jack's track jacket on him...
when i got this during class i spontaneously combusted right then and there. YOUR BRAIN IS GALAXY ITSELF RATEELISM (uhh mikey? floyd?? which would you like to be called most) your idea is so cute im eating them up thank you for showing me this vision
anyways heres some comics on jackdeuace trio (i have some more ideas!! ill leave those for the future, and color these ones later too)
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(floyd and jamil never stopped teasing ace for this. dont worry guys ace will get his time in a bonus in a continuation)
(more below)
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(the reason jack got his track uniform is because he wanted to work out after the study session. also if track n field ever have their clubwear cards, ill probably change this)
(jack was sooo excited to have this study session with deuce, because ace and deuce are always together. adeu are in the same classes and same dorm, so jack feels a bit left out tho he wont admit it. he only ever is able to spend time with them is during club + joint classes + recess. then jack opens the door only to see deuce in ace's jersey)
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batakrim · 2 years
actually i dont really know if i should redesign Waylon. It seems like a life decision like I said. What makes Waylon - well, Waylon - is his blond hair because he’s more stand out compared to the rest of cam trio but at the same time I don’t think he would... he just wouldn’t have dyed hair w
I feel like he definitely would do crazy things in his young adult era, like dyeing hair, painting nails, and all that. But as an adult with too many responsibilities and came from troubled finance household, I kept thinking if he would double check his whimsical ideas and prioritize his family first than anything.
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I just realized the iconic thing about him is his sandy blond hair and now I took it away from him... That’s all hahaha. But sill, I think he’s still the same, hairstyle-wise. It’s just the hair color wwww
If you have any thoughts about it, kindly share it with me. It might help since I’m planning to make a hc ref sheet about them.
I might change my mind though... I love the blond, but like... yeah
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damejanai · 4 years
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S:Probably, when this episode goes on air, it won't be the case anymore but
K: Uh huh
S: But recently, I've had quite many spiritual experiences recently
K: Oh i was scared right there
S: ?
K: I thought you were quitting or something
S: No no no no, why would i do something like that?
K: That scared me, thought you were going to say, 'when this goes on air, i won't be here anymore'
S: Hhahahaha that blew up
K: I was so shocked
S: That's funny, but you know, I often say I see feathers, right? I still see them now and then, but recently, I'm not kidding, crickets keep coming to me. When i'm watching TV at night... well I'm not watching TV but
K: What are you talking about?
S: You know like, my TV is like...that...
K: You are just watching the screen
S: Ah yesyes, that's scary! It's like I'm a psychopath or something!
K: So Soma san you were just watching screen when..
S: When I watch movies at night, there would be the tapping sound on my window, there would be nothing, and after a while i would hear it again.
K: Uh huh
S: And when i open the window, the crickets would be like, 'Let me in!'
K: That's so dramatic
S: I think there is a huge tree near my window, and so there would be tons of them there growing.
K: Ahhh, they would fall nicely at a 45 degree angle
S: And it's easy for them to come in but not go out. I realised that recently, they are not really coming anymore. I was wondering why, and it has been hot recently, so I've not been going into the veranda much. When I went out, I realised that the tree, wasnt there
K: Ehhhhh!??
S: It was totally trimmed, I guess there were tons of complaints coming from other residents about crickets coming into their houses too
K: Would they trim it because of complaints?!
S: It has a very clean haircut now.
K: I don't know if I should probe into it this much but is that tree within the estate?
S: Yes yes , it is, so it comes under their management. And actually I dont miss them at all and, i feel lucky in fact
K: And also it's nothing spiritual at all, just that the bugs are gone
S: Ahahahahaa
~About year end times and visiting their parents'~
S: It's hard for me to move around, like my hometown is in Yamanashi
K: Actually my parents home was in tokyo but they have moved to kanagawa actually, so they're like telling me, not to come back
S: Ahahahaa
K: And they got a cat, when I'm allergic to cats. And also since they're in Kanagawa, they might have some resistance to come to Tokyo. So, I can't go back!
S: Are you in contact with them?
K: Ahhh well yes
S: So that was when they told you that, they were getting a cat and stuff, and therefore
K: Telling me not to come back
S: I don't think that's what they think wwww
It's a tough time huh
K: Yes it's a tough family situation
S: Ahahahaaa what's that
K: Why are they going further away though...
S: I actually talked on the phone for 2 hours with my parents, after a long time, they seemed really happy i think. After that I think i heard from my sister that my parents told her about how i called them
K: Ahh
S: I'm usually the kind that doesnt contact people. So i guess this situation sort of makes us try to keep in contact. So not all's bad
K: I see, when i go back home, I'm like doing a radio show alone for 2 hours
S: Ahahahaaha
K: When i go home, I talk non stop, for like 1 hour and we laugh and laugh and then I'll be, 'Okay, I'm off'
S: Ahahahaa you're providing them one slot of entertainment
K: I'd be like, 'wasn't it fun?' , 'bye bye'
S: Does your style of talking take after any of your family members?
K: Nope
S: Ah
K: Totally no one. I'm the only one who talks this much
S: Ah, so they're rather quiet, all of them
K: My dad would talk when he's excited but is usually the listener. I don't really understand what my mum says at all
S: wwwww what does that mean?
K: Maybe we're similar?
S: Ahahahhaa
K: My younger sister doesn't ever come out of her room
S: Stop that
K: My elder brother keeps bullying others
S: wwwwww ok but
K: Maybe it's a hybrid, I'm all of those things at times
S: Well but you're nice on the inside
K: Yes I am! So is my family! Hahahaha
S: Haahahha
Q. There are not many events nowadays but it seems like there are many recordings and filmings these days?
K: No?
S: wwwww well in general for voice actors, probably all the recordings that were halted have resumed  maybe
K: By recording, what kind of recording do you mean?
S: wwwww what do you mean by what kind?
K: Well there's after recording
S: Ah ah ah, Ok then count it in
K: Ah, okat then Yes, it has increased
S: Ahahahaa
K: Yes, it's great. I don't really have recording for like songs
S: I think ive gotten more reading jobs nowadays, and I've always said i liked reading, but i had one where i had to read out everything myself, it was, really difficult
K: I guess you have to create and ups and downs right, that's tough right
S: And i think, it's not too good if you create too many ups and downs
K: Ahhh, it's difficult to decide when to hold back
S: Yesyesyes. And usually i would read books for leisure and books for work differently.
K: I see
S: And recently I end up thinking a lot when reading, like how should I make it more interesting
K: Ahhh that doesn't sound fun
S: Totally
K: When I have fun doing YouTube, versus when I use some editing methods because I feel it's good for my videos
S: And it goes on for hours, well it happens for radio as well, like 3-4 hours, to be immersed in one story for rhat long, we don't have it that much
K: Uh huh
S: Like... i want to improve my concentrating ability
K: Ahhh that...
S: Well....Kaito kun are there any types of jobs that you have more now
K: Not really... anything... it has been the same
S: So it has really gotten back to normal
K: Yes. I think I've had more free talk sort of gigs now
S: wwwwww
K: So, what do they see me as?
S: Well but you know you are able to do freetalk for 2 hours at your parent's house
K: No no no but well the freetalk at do at my parent's house goes like, 'this and this happened at work, haha, my partner for radio is this sort of person, he's really irritating
S: Wait wait, stop stop, can i rewind?
K: Ok ok ok, so like what i say at my parent's house goes like, 'my partner for radio is really irritating' something like that
S: wwwwwww
K: Hahahaha, just a little
S: You simplified it huh, from just now
K: I don't even remember what i said
S: But Kaito kun is someone who can just talk about something interesting when the time needs to be dragged a little
K: Really?
S: Isn't that so?
K: Freetalk is like... if there's nothing interesting that happened in your daily life, there's nothing to talk about so
S: Yes, that's true
K: So, i only say what comes to mind at that point
S: Yeah yeah
K: So, sometimes i read comments like, 'Kaito kun said this and this some time ago but now he's saying this and this'
S: Uh huh
K: But what i say is different at different times. So, recently I felt the need to accumulate things to talk about
S: Yes, that's also what you thought of due to this increase in free talk related gigs
K: Yes yes
S: And so you're actually
K: I wanted to note down stuff so, use my secret twitter account that I use for ego searching
S: Wait wait, why, why? Just use a notebook or something
K: Well but, I feel like tweeting them
S: Ahahahhaaa I don't get it! Your ego searching account
K: It has 0 followers, is unlocked, and has no interaction with anyone
S: I see I see
K: And I would tweet photos of my animal crossing game for my own keepsake
S: Ahahahaha huh? That's kinda scary
K: So I'm using it in place of a notebook now. My recent note was 'Human nails degenerate too fast, don't they?' They break all the time and it's painful and bloody', and I don't even remember what that was about
S: Oh my god
K: Scary right?
S: Totally scary, Posting animal crossing photos and leading to this is also scary. What's that about human nails?!
K: The fact that it's scary... already becomes a topic
S: I see I see, you noting down things and don't remember anything about it
K: And the fact that the first tweet was something really scary
S: Ahahahhaahaa
K: Hahahaa
S: But it's an account you would like to keep lowkey
K: If it gets circulated due to a bug or something that would be real bad
S: Please be careful!
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distfae · 5 years
SOO whos alive in the roleswap au and whats up with them
definitely not alex sphene or peridot lol no, no
Respectively replaced by chryso, topaz and bluzo
Bluzo and topaz are teamed up and work with wood stuff, chryso continues alex’s work of documenting lunarians and sunspot variations
Lapis is alive though!!
Yeah ghost got decapitated and their head’s in a fancy box so like
lapis just works in the library
wow what a boomer lol
Lapis ends up becoming whoremea’s bitch. rip for him bc they’re a mouthful
OG Morga and goshe are still dead as a doornail
new morga/goshe are still themselves haha
morga becomes a skateboarding god on the moon. what an icon
euc and jade basically stay the same ig, euc is president and jade is secretary
jade gains more power after the night raid happens and basically becomes the president-but-not-really-president
Padpa is doctor and still has their holes. remember this is a swap of roles not a swap of conditions
Rutile is their assistant in case they like faint or someth
Rutile still spends time gathering inclusions for padpa in case it happens
with this in place padpa is asleep for less time and usually wakes up within the next day
Rutile goes to the moon to find a cure for padpa (without their permission lmao). does padpa go feral? eh no not really
bort... yeah they go to the moon. they realized the impact of their actions towards them and dont want to cause them any more distress. they want dia to be their own person, so they think the best way of doing that is taking themself out of the picture
Dia loses part of their leg fighting antarc. they find some sort of inclusion to replace it. no hair cutting today no no
bort also becomes an. idol. probably involuntarily.
yknow maybe they’re an MMA fighter on the side i wish that would fit in with this au but it doesnttt wwww
but hey!! they dont lose any of that hair!! ugh that beautiful hair
ok now the thing with yellow and zircon
zircon goes to the moon. Their reason? they want to find out what happens to the gems when they get taken away in place of yellow bc they care abt yellow and their trauma of losing so many partners over the years
Zircon is chosen to fight in the night raid, they aren’t really digging that. Yellow sees them as an enemy now which really fucks over with them
Now ZIRCON is a depressed bitch on the moon and feel that they’re never allowed to return and consider themself a gem anymore because of how yellow acted
now thats what i call a pro gamer move
idk this part still needs more thought??? put into it so this might change in the future
Nepuchi goes to the moon with Chryso and becomes their assistant!!
Yeah anyway that’s what i have so far. i guess this thing is more of a partner roleswap i guess haha i hope you like EDIT: HI i updated morga/goshe theyre still dead lmao im just really salty that ichikawa didn’t make hemi/melon’s role in hnk more dynamic but w/e also fixed the yellow/zircon situation
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;-; WWWW THANK YOU... I DONT USUALLY POST SKETCHBOOK STUFF BC ITS. MESSY UNFINISHED and also it tends to be a LOT of just... thumbnails for other stuff fdhsgjkfdh but i can do more like sketchbook flipthroughs if ppl want??? 
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ryo-maybe · 6 years
tl;dr: Today I forgave Gen Urobuchi (somewhat)
So I was walking to uni today, and listening to my playlist as I usually do, when Out Of Control, one of Psycho-Pass’ opening themes, came up. My thoughts drifted to the series and, eventually, to its writer, Urobuchi. What usually would have ended up with a mental headshake and a sly grin somehow ended up turning into a series of reflections that could ultimately compiled under the title of “The Top 10 Least Likely Men To Be Granted My Apologism - Volume 1: Dont Fear The Urobutcher”. Or, to put it bluntly, I came to the conclusion that for the qualms I have with his writing and stylistic choices, I can’t bring myself to outright hate whatever the byproducts of this man’s fingers are.
The main crux of my reasoning is also the most likely to sound bonkers to a good chunk of you who somehow didn’t stop reading after the first paragraph because your eyes rolled straight out of their sockets from sheer doubt. It’s two words, specifically: misery porn. It’s often said that what Urobuchi writes, and what he unabashedly overuses, falls neatly under such a label. It’s easy to see why that’s the case - hell, I’m pretty sure I’ve made the same argument plenty of times myself in the past. But then, spurred onwards by who knows what kind of impulse, I decided to try and move a but further, rather than stopping at the usual wall of tired prejudice, or prejudiced tiredness as some would have it. What exactly constitutes misery porn, anyway? An example that I was recently reminded of is Texhnolyze, undoubtedly one of the single most depressing stories I’ve ever seen animated. I believe that if it doesn’t constitute the pinnacle of this sub-genre or whatever you want to call it, this series certainly doesn’t pull any punches in trying to achieve as much. Everything about Texhnolyze is depressing - the setting, the characters, the morality (or lack thereof), the story from start to its apocalyptic finish were cast out of a gritty mold from a viscous, almost deranged bleakness. Most importantly, there is no hope in Texhnolyze: only illusions of it, and they all get snuffed out, stomped upon like buds of innocent flowers by the heavy boot of a cold, hard cynicism.
Hope - here’s another keyword, the hook that caught me by the metaphorical lip and pulled me out from the lake of my usual opinions. Urobuchi tends to weave dark tapestries spangled with cheap deaths, heavy-handed dialogue thrust in your face with the delicate touch of a slap and an overall somber tone. But that’s not all there is to it. There is a key difference, a vital component that I believe is enough by itself to trump the notion that Urobuchi merely writes misery porn. That’s right, hope: an element that recurs just as frequently as Deaths By Drama is hope. It sounds contradictory, it sounds like nonsensical reaching, but when I took my time thinking about it, I felt silly to say the least. It was so obvious, a completely different perspective lying right in front of me, invisible to my eyes because I’d always been so adamantly lax with my judgement. “Heeh he’s a hack who writes misery porn wwww” said the little voice in my brain before I got down to retracing which of his works I’d perused, realizing there was a little more to it, and that maybe I’d been just an itty bitty too harsh. Just a little bit.
Let’s take Madoka Magica, for instance. When you strip all the Shafty aesthetics and fluff away, it ends up being the story of some young girls who make a series of frustratingly stupid decisions. They die horribly, there’s lots of tears and mindfuckery, cuteness and the concept of magical girls get shredded like a teddy bear in the maws of a bored dog... you would think that I was shooting my argument in the foot by bringing up a series where one of the main plot and drama devices is the concept of dreams - of hope - getting cruelly twisted and ultimately destroyed. Except for the fact that hope wins at the end. It comes at a hefty cost, yet a bittersweet status quo is not only restored, but technically improved upon by replacing the main source of despair with a vision of a bright, hopeful future. And it happens thanks to Madoka, who becomes a veritable embodiment of said hope - which, by all intents and purposes, she already was throughout the entire series to begin with. Even as everything keeps going to hell around her, the viewer can’t help but see in Madoka the steadfast promise that things will get better eventually. In a sense, even this wish - of the viewer’s - gets twisted, but the result is hardly a tragedy. Despite Urobuchi’s admission that he wrote Madoka when he was at his lowest emotionally speaking (and damn if it doesn’t show), he let hope win in the end. It almost feels like he was trying his damnedest to let that happen despite it all, like a slap on his hand after it had penned all the preceding tragedy. “Alright, that’s enough: stop pretending that smiles aren’t a real thing”.
Then Rebellion happened I guess. I have no idea what happens there, or if he even wrote it. Someone probably died and/or made bad decisions there, too.
Then we have Psycho-Pass, a decidedly different work styled after he dystopian cyberpunk literature that Urobuchi no doubt has long admired - he literally has the main antagonist namedrop some of his favorite authors, come on! Also, I suspect he must like pasta a lot, because how else would you explain a De Cecco sign in a Japanese cyberpunk anime? Anyway, back on track: to put it bluntly, Psycho-Pass is Urobuchi’s Equilibrium fanfiction - not to be confused with Urobuchi’s other Equilibrium fanfiction (which you should read, because it’s short, good and inspired by goddamned Equilibrium, one of the best movies ever made) - with a good dash of Minority Report thrown in for good measure. Instead of institutionalized clairvoyance, we have predictive algorhythms deciding how likely citizens may be to commit a crime, installed inside cool as fuck guns that have only two firing modes - “chill” and “Hurt Me Plenty”. You honestly could make a very convincing point that Dominators (the moniker of these weapons) are emblematic of Urobuchi’s very essence as a writer that alternates between incredibly compelling, subdued dialogue and just stabbing the script with a knife until it bleeds tears and bile. Beloved charactes die, bad guys perform Mean Acts At An Unreasonable Human Cost, yadda yadda, you know the drill. The eventual discovery of the dark secrets that lie behind the AI governing this society are depressing on their own... but, again, there is hope, embodied by the protagonist, Akane, who remains steadfast in her belief that subverting the system by uprooting it in a violent manner is not the right way to go about it, and that it may be possible to change it from the inside, playing by the rules, throughout two whole seasons and one movie. She may waver at times, and you’re always ready to see her fall from grace from all the tragedies that pile on top of her life. It doesn’t happen. Akane holds onto her hope with a steadfast stubborness that borders on madness. It begins to feel downright silly after three whole sets of events seemed to have been concocted by a higher power solely to make the point that fighting against a bleak stagnation is futile, and she still refuses to bend down. It’s like watching Urobuchi arguing with a mirror. It’s like he won’t let himself fall completely into the pit where true misery lies. Or maybe he just doesn’t quite have the best grasp on the concept of hope, and so he approaches it like a university student does with his first few times attempting to cook something more complicated than frozen Hot Pockets. Do Hot Pockets even come in a frozen variety? I don’t know, I’m Italian. I’ve never seen a Hot Pocket in my life.
Anyway, yet again, we got the impression that Urobuchi’s writing is like a dark, damp, and I would venture to say: dank tunnel, at the end of which lies a sliver of light. You have to stumble about a lot and squelch your shoes into more putrid substances than you’d like to deal with, but you can always, always see that promising glint. It’s not tantalizing in the way an illusion is: it’s concrete, perhaps weak and flickering, but it’s there. And I have to say, it fills me with something akin to forgiveness.
Hell, even Saya no Uta, no doubt one of Urobuchi’s darkest works, features hope as a key theme, and that’s the visual novel where two of its three endings are about as happy as the mysterious, eerie shapes you can see when you peer in the darkness of an unfamiliar room at night. And yet the main ending, with Saya sprouting the seeds which will bring the world to an end, is hopeful - it’s an esoteric, ephemeral hope, perhaps the least sincere among the hopes showcased in Urobuchi’s works - or not? After all, the story is seen almost entirely through the eyes of a deranged protagonist plagued by nightmarish visions. This illusory hope, this efferate, destructive hope that dooms a world he stopped caring about, is real to him, and we see this through his warped perspective. Somehow, the fact that hope could sprout within a context, within a person that seemed the least likely to harbor it, is what makes it shine all the more.
It’s contradictory, you could venture to call it sadistic even, on Urobuchi’s part. Maybe I’m just trying to polish the coagulated blood off a rusted knife, and I’ve missed the point harder than a one-eyed sniper looking down the scope through her eyepatch. Does it even matter, at the end? If this leads me to forgive a hack in a way that will make me look back at the time I spent poring over his works, and better appreciate what I believe are their qualities and positive points, is it wrong for me to do so with what may or may not be rose-tinted glasses? Who knows.
What I can say for sure, though, is that all things considered, I’ve given Urobuchi a tad too much shit for Fate/Zero. Yes, he undoubtedly let loose a lot of his penchant for heavy-handed drama - Happy Mother’s Day, y’all! - but at its core, the story still works, and is likely the closest thing to a depiction of a true Grail War we’ve gotten. It’s supposed to be a battle royale between slimy mages, a festival of subterfuge and violence. Accusing him of going too far only makes sense up to the point where you do not forget that the original /Stay Night wasn’t a mere fun romp on across a field of flowers. Shit got depressingly heavy there too. Heaven’s Feel alone could easily hold a candle up to Zero by itself, come on. When I consider all this, I’m tempted to even say that he was the man most suited to pen that particular tale. No, really, it’s fine. Narita is better suited to strange fake because he’s completely free to do whatever he wants, so we’ve all won, I promise.
Thunderbolt Fantasy warrants a minuscule mention mostly because it’s a different beast inspired by classic and wu xia tales, but what do you know, hope is waiting at the end of it too, in the form of the two purest characters who end up surviving, making a kid together and preparing to revive an entire household of kickass holy martial artists by themselves. If that ain’t a happy ending! Also, the sheer thought that Urobuchi fell so in love with a Taiwanese puppet show that he ended up cooperating with them to make his own is so endearingly funny to me. You really get the feeling that Urobuchi finally stopped being a grump and having the time of his life killing off all these puppets with his new puppeteer friends.
Now now now, I’m going to conclude with a hot take: rediscovering this theme of hope in Urobuchi really put things into perspective. Such as how comparatively obnoxious true misery porn and works in general that belittle a genre for the sake of bitterness are. Yes, I’m talking about you, Isio Nisin. Nevermind Bakemonogatari - that one’s fine, at least what few seasons of it I’ve seen - but everything else? Fuck it, I’d endorse substituting Urobuchi with Isin for the prime target of callout posts on writers who should have their knuckles slapped with a ruler. Katanagatari is a 12-episodes/volumes long excuse to punch the viewer in the privates by snuffing the very hope out of their hands right at the end when it could have easily been avoided. Medaka Box has a character spend several pages belittling the reader for enjoying works that are written to be enjoyed, before the series reaches a climax and keeps going on an unnecessary extra tangent by doing the exact same shit that got called out. Also, Medaka is the most fucking obnoxious personification of Nisin’s boner for girls whom he’d no doubt want to be overpowered by. Juuni Taisen is so laughably bad and half-hearted series of callouts on the battle royale genre that I felt second-hand embarrassment watching it. Isin played with hope like a two-years old kid does with a Bionicle: messily waving it around while making a bunch of stupid noises. He’s far more depressing and unsufferable than Urobuchi will ever be.
If he wanted to deconstruct anything, he’d better take a page from Re:Zero. I have a hard time liking most of the cast, but that’s mostly down to preference and their stereotypes not coinciding with my tastes. Even so, they all serve a precise purpose in the deconstruction, and they do so in an effective manner, not as sacrificial pawns thrown away by an uncaring author like Nisin. It really says something when you’re the dude who wrote a story where the entire cast’s ensemble barely has a personality able to match Rem’s, the girl who is such a blatant poster girl for the concept of devotion to the main character/reader’s idealized avatar that she’s a maid.
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
honestly i find the stratos kids as a group fascinating. imagine growing up with six other kids your age and you think those are the only people your age you're ever going to know your whole entire life like. jesus. i do genuinely think some of dys's problems would be solved if he'd grown up with more than six options for friendship, one of whom was marz
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matiasalbcam · 6 years
Now that i’ve finished, after three years the second course of Caminos, lets do a review:
Field theory:I’m sadly proud of passing this subject with a zero in the tensorial algebra problem. 10 0 5 6, final mark, 5.5. I never understood tensorial algebra, the proffesor was bad but overall was a decent subject? The part about differential geometry and the derivatives of vector fields was cool.
Construction Materials(I and II): meh. I is really boring(god, the wood and clay exercises were the worst), and II at least was concrete and cement, and it was more interesting, tho the exercises were still the worst(Bolomey, bolomey tell me who much water i have to add (8)).
English: Kinda meh, but there i met a good friend of mine(Elena, you will never read this but you are the best) so it was nice overall. I spent good moments with her, my friend The Noble(i dont think i’ve talk about him here, but yeah one of my classmates is an actual Noble with a castle and shit. A strange man, he deserves a post because lol)
Geology(and the continuation, Geology Applied To Civil Engineering): Good! We learned a lot(one of the proffesors is really cool, i also had him this year in hidrogeology and i learned a lot) and have fun. The practices were fun. There was one really weird, about the stability of terrains  but the rest, the geological sections were really entertaining. Rocks are Good. Plus, in Geology applied the classes were like the start of a joke. “In a college class, there are four spanish, an argentian, a columbian, a chinese, a marrocan, two italians, an uruguayan, a mexican,a  greek and a french”
Solid and fluid Physics:I still dont know how i passed it. Thats all i have to say
Topography and Cartography: Oh man i LOVE this one. Is probable one of my fav subjects of the entire career, mainly due to the practices. We had to use a total station to take some points and made the parking lot of my School, and i remember fondly the warm, hazy sun of october, the small talk with my classmates and friends while we slowly get them done. The “*Jorge, te tapa el arbol tira un poco pà la derecha*” o telling the results to the classmate, that sitting in the floor, was writing them down in the notebook. In fact, i’ve so idealised those memories that i always wanted to ask a comission of the tengu trio doing them lol, so the best two things in life, Caminos and touhou could be together in a picture(?).I’ve never actually do so because it would be expensive(three charas full bodied, plus a complicated pose(Aya using the station, Hatate sitting in the curb, and Momiji behind Aya seeing the results and telling them to Hataters) plus a extra fanart of Nitori holding the rod. Thats a lot of money, also a total station is mecha and almost no one in the touhou fandom draws mechanical stuff, so more money xD. But someday, someday i will ask it. 
Differential Equations: Look, when i sad i remember that i will never have to do a fourier equation again in my life and i get really happy inmediatily. Dont get me wrong, they are hella interesting and cool, and i like to *see* them being resolved(Is a continuous “Oh man there are people really smart out there, hum”. Actually resolving them, not so much. Also it made me hate a guy. I will never forget you, classmate that seat in the right, third row. 
Electro: No further comment
Material’s Resistance. Noice. The proffesor was kind, the classes interesting and i passed it in my first try so not much to add(?). Oh, yeah, i slept in half of the classes but i still got a 10 in class participation, thanks proffesor. I love you. In fact my friend always tell the same anecdote, that one day we where in class, and i was falling sleep while taking notes, in such a way that i made a hugeee mark in all the page. My friend told me to not fall asleep, and i replied “ No, no, of course i’m not falling asleep my dear Tejani, i would never do that for i love and adore Resistance”, and when he pointed the huge mark in my notebook. “Oh no, no, thats a integral symbol, you know. I like to make my S big” i replied wwww.
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dearestjaemin · 6 years
26 Questions for the Saniwa
a question meme i saw from wikia and wanted to answer it here!!! since this is where i mostly put my tkrb posts....
q&a under the cut!
Q.What is your name and which server is your citadel on?
A. 桃井 さつき + see battle record uwu;;;;
Q. When did you start serving as a Saniwa? Please display your battle records.
A. April 22 of 2017!!! I recently celebrated my first year anniversary and it was nice uwu
Tumblr media
Q. Which starter sword did you pick? What is he doing now?
A. Kashuu Kiyomitsu!!! Um, well, he’s just there... waiting for his kiwame... Actually uwu;; I used him for a recent VOT thinking exp accumulates and carries over to kiwame! Did that to him because he’s the only one I wouldn’t get angry at haha
Q. Who is the first among your swords to reach the maximum level? What do you think of him
A. If i remember correctly, it is Hotarumaru!!! He arrived pretty early but I’m sure he got to 99 hella quick because of VOT AHHAHAA I love him!! He’s relatively fast for an ootachi + he’s cute!!!
Q. Who do you have in each of your squads, and how do you use them? If you haven’t unlocked all four teams yet, briefly describe how you plan to organize them.
A. First squad varies depending on event! (WTE is either all kiwame or newbies, VOT is tachi + ootachi; if it isn’t battle regiment?? all other squads are on expedition!) Currently: Second squad is 97 akita, 99 tarou, 99 micchan, 24 tomoe (extra haha a...) 97 yagen (for the naginata expedition!), third squad is for yari expedition, with 55 ote, 99 mutsu, 35 (extra) fudou (he levelled up by sheer force of expedition HAHAHAH) 99 ishi, fourth squad is 99 kashuu, 99 sayo, 99 kousetsu, 53 nihongou
if it’s battle regiment, it’s either all kiwame team again for first squad then the rest goes on exp. if not, first team is night battle, then tachi team, then uchi team.
Q. Without considering the performance of the swords, which type of sword do you prefer?
A. I love tantous!! They’re so cute huhu I also love my naginatas!!
Q. List the swords that you like and your thoughts on them.
A. i this is a lot ahahhaa um i love kashuu’s art style and everything about him. he’s so cute and im a sucker for his voice!!! i love my baby gokotai imma protecc him. I LOVE FUDOU i love his drunk self but i never knew i could love him more until he kiwame-d! i love horikawa so much i would give him all the love ;; I LOVE KANE-SAN he’s so handsome aaaaa and i like idiots like him huhu MONOYOSHI he’s so pretty imma cry for his kiwame ;;;;; mICCHAAAN i love his voice and his mom-ness. i love tsuru’s art so much!!! also such a playful boy ;;;; I LOVE HOTARUMARU SO MUCH bb rest well ;; IWAIWA i luv him so much ainsaksnaks and and otegine is slowly having a spot bcos i always hear him for expedition ahahhaha...
Q. Are there any pairings that you like? If there is, please list them.
A. Kashuu and Yasu!! I love these two!! KaneHori but also KashuuHori owo I love MikaKogi and MikaTsuru uwu MitsuKara!!! I also love TsuruKara hehe and IwaSouza!! (haha zoku’s tiny moment of them...) AND YAMABUSHIXJUZU BOI U CANT CONVINCE ME THAT THEYRE NOT CUTE and sweats.... a lot of tachis x saniwa.... .////.
Q. Is your Citadel an employee-friendly Citadel or a black-hearted Citadel that works your swords to the bones?
A. I- ;; maybe black-hearted? I only repair swords when they get to red for resource + instant token purposes (unless im not gonna use them for a long time) I do only work with gold troops because i think they deserve gold troops uwu;;; Or work to the bones mean fatigue?? I never let them out non-sakura fubuki (if you lose the flowers, you get to be leader!)
Q. Have you ever done anything weird to your swords?
A. I what?? 
Q. Have you ever broken a sword? What happened, and who did you break?
A. I’ve mentioned this a lot but I’ll say it again haha I broke Gokotai on a run on WTE Map 4?? I was at school (whoops) and I was playing during a seatwork?? since it only needed clicking. When I looked at the screen, Gokotai broke!! I didnt even hear his line! I thought he had an omamori but it turned out that he was the only one without it! I was horrified as he was already 90+ (ready to be sent out for kiwame! so thankfully not yet a kiwame) and i was near in tears! I got another gokotai and on the same day i level-ed him to 30?? ye. ahaha-
Q. Who looses troops the most in your Citadel? And who is the most skilled at making troops?
A. I think it’s Daihannya? And it’s Kousetsu! Or, well I believe he makes good troops...
Q. Have you ever done something with all your might in order to get a particular sword? Please describe what you did and the results.
A. Good story: I used up all my ofudas and resources were almost less than a 100k?? and it was night time already!!! God i needed to sleep. then tomoe came home!!! Juzu too!!! God I ran thru 7-4 long route so many times i think i 99-ed a set of tantous + almost another set of them before i got him uwu;;
Bad story: same thing and I was down to 50k??? yep i think that was it. koryuu still didnt come home. ;;
Q. Are you superstitious? (wwww)
A. I believe that Nakigitsune brings swords home as he brought Juzu home (and he brought Juzu home as well for my sis! Also Shizukagata for her!) Also back when I sucked at VOT, I believe that screaming beads repeatedly while pumping my fists helps (no it doesnt but well im desperate for an ichigo)
Q. What made you join the TKRB fandom in the beginning? How about now?
A. I saw fanarts of it from an artist i love and im like WHAT IS THIS?? at first it was only the game and i heard it was pc + jap only so i gave up. when hanamaru came out, i watched and got hooked!!! i then started playing. i stay for the art + i actually enjoy the mindlessness of this game. perfect for someone with bad attention span like me ^^;;
Q. What do you think of the current maps? Which map is good for training/grinding, which maps do you get lost in the most, which map do you want to burn?
A. They’re ok now that they updated the less clicking thing! I love 7-4, long route for my tantous + 5-4 for my tachis. I get lost a lot in 7-1??? and this map in 6... ID BURN 7-2 AND 7-3 WOW I LOST A LOT OF RESOURCES FOR THE DAMN REPAIR
Q. Are there any game systems or improvements that you hope DMM will implement?
A. I would mention the less clicking but they already improved that! Honestly the recent updates were real nice! Maybe something like auto play? Like it would only prompt you to click if there is an injured sword or cant scout? haha less clicking again ^^;;;
Q. If DMM cooperates on an event with another game/anime/etc., what would you like to see?
A. Since this is about swords, I kinda want something like FFXV bcos noctis and his swords... Or final fantasy in general!! Actually I also want Natsume Yuujinchou hahahaha.. and sanrio... ah ahaha.
Q. Have you ever spent money playing TKRB? Is so, how much? If not, do you plan to?
A. sweats... I’ve bought two sword slot expansion and two troop slot expansion (check the store for price!) Outside the game, I’ve bought some mostly Kashuu merch because he’s def my favorite!
Q. Is there any merchandise that you would like to buy or see?
A. Mini-sword keychains? haha or maybe a music box?
Q. Have you done any fanwork? If so, what?
A. I’ve written some short oneshots! It’s either here or on quidumps
Q. What do you think you are like as a Saniwa?
A. I think I’m the type who spoils them a lot (esp the tantous and anmitsu uwu) and plays along with Tsuru’s pranks! Maybe doting is the word? Ah some swords might not be ok with it but i might be cuddly! I imagine hugging ishikirimaru a lot bcos he looks soft ;w; ishipapa!!!! warm uwu also i feel like ill be close with micchan! i dont think ill get along with mika tho HAHAHA JIJI!!!! 
Q. If the government asked you to choose a sword to kill yourself with in terms of emergency, who would you pick?
A. hm... I would say it’s Kashuu because he knows me the most and he is the most mature among everyone. If it’s going to be a tantou, I would say someone like Atsushi because he looks strong emotionally. Emotionally, I would also say Kiwame!Fudou as I think he finally understands what it means to be a mamorigatana. (not imano... ill break his heart ;;)
Q. The government has asked you to write a report: how would you describe the situation in your Citadel?
A. Everything is under control! We’re fighting off the Retrograding Army quite well! Horikawa has Kane-san under control!!!
Q. What do you think of the Retrograding Army?
A. maybe if they were cuter... ah no haha. I wish they would tell us why theyre changing history >< And maybe stop for some time??
Q. Lastly, please say something about the TKRB from the bottom of your heart!
A. Thank you so much for existing!!!! I never knew I would be this hooked! No plans on leaving and hopefully it stays like that! Please stay popular so when I get to Japan with enough money I can support full on!! HAHAHAHAH
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yumikoflare · 7 years
mutual tag meme! ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
tagged by @aftertaste-of-memes & i’ll be doing this meme abt her!
Rules: You must choose a mutual and answer these questions describing them. It is your choice whether you want to mention their name or keep it anonymous. Tag 5 people afterwards.
Serious questions:
When did I see your blog for the first time? — hooo sometime over a yr ago... we first spoke apr 6 2016 via ask but i had seen you spamming my activity probably like a week or two before that LOL
What I first thought about you: — prob something around the lines of “omg she’s so sweet!! and she looks up to me as a senpai and she’s into utaite as well?!? she seems super friendly..”
What caused me to want to talk to you? — the fact that u approached me like suCH A SWEETHEART and that we shared a common interest of utaite!
What do we have in common? — oh hey LOL same as above, we bonded over our love of utaite, but even now that our interests are different we still share a love for writing and memes~ 
Describe their talents: — VERY SMART, gets along well w/ people, rly tenacious so when she starts smth you cant stop her, not rly a talent but she’s open-minded and understanding and loves to learn
If you could go anywhere around the world with them, where would you go? — jApan!!!! also wherever else she wants to go bc i’m not rly the travelling type as much as she is LOL
Any habits you don’t like about them? — uhhh... no??? this is the hardest question omg ummmm.. yeah i literally can’t think of anything bless my kouhai
According to your zodiac signs, are you guys compatible? — “Initially both the zodiac signs will love each other's company. A Pisces will always find pleasure and fun in living with an Aquarius person and in turn Pisceans being compassionate, will try to take Aquarians on their trip to the dreamland.” (x)
What do both of you fangirl/fanboy over? — again formerly utaite! now we don’t rly share the same fandoms :00
What would you like introduce them to? — OVERWATCH LOL PLS GET THAT $$$ MARI
What do I think about you now? — ILYSM!! my absolutely amazing kouhai who’s stuck w me for all this time~ i can’t believe i’ve only known you for like a year that’s seriously crazy bc it feels like so much longer... i rly love you mari and i wish for only the best for ya! :D
Fun questions:
When they fangirl/fanboy over something, would they be most likely to scream about it to you or be kinda chill? — scream abt it to me wwww
Do you ship them with anyone? — i don’t rly ship rl people so no!
What meme accurately describes them? — this one and also pepe LOL
What meme do they quote the most? — UR TESTING ME NOW I CANT THINK OF WHICH www you quote a lot of bts songs if that counts...... i am so ashamed i cant think of the one you most commonly quote forgive me ww
Would they be most likely to write fluff, angst or smut?   — 1000% angst
What do you think is their aesthetic? — anything bts wwww
Would you go Yah or Nah on Tindr? — yea man mari’s looks are 🔥🔥🔥
What 3 songs describe them accurately? — uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh honestly i dont know many songs that describe people LOL bts’s tomorrow maybe, tbh p!atd’s she had the world kinda reminds me of what you ranted to me abt, and hikaru station’s escape makes me think of u! sorry this is so weak omg
What fic is their guilty pleasure? — i have no clue....... idk what fics you like www youre prob always a slut for that sweet angst tho adklsadsada
What food can’t they live without? — I AM ABSOLUTELY AWFUL I CANNOT THINK OF WHAT FOOD om g im a cheater and i see u like mandocas ww i also remember u talking abt fairy bread being the food of the gods
Is their handwriting cute? Or is it a scrawl that not even the most experienced linguists can decipher? — s m h to be totally honest i cant rm that far back to recall what it looks like but i do remember complimenting it so im pretty sure its cute LOLOL 
Would they be willing to shoot you for a million dollars or would they pass? — you’d pass bc ur 2 sweet 5 this world
DONE!! ignore if you don’t wanna do it but i’ll be tagging these people!: @aftertaste-of-memes (do ur own meme ww) | @inspiringnokias | @synpath | @synnyl | @wishprince | @kirbys | @genjis-wife
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
Jelp jet may bay etv em vl vui
Giet ni gf a
Dubga ganh tu vt em song sonh
Giet dungb too copy
E tram mau nay 1988 ma dubh thoi roi 2020
Help k team two new mwm thong cam nho nay bi can 9 do etc
Rm be voi team bhjn fprever att
Co yinh mbt
Ht di nha
Feit may dua mii duic nhac ten
Giong mv em tr nl att
K team vl noi sai cm
Ok team bao
E miss p
Help k team kk
Xiu nha doi rein nhanh thronw sai nhieu thr
St team dd noi vai dau k ngi nay hay vl tha chwt hihi nl dd
Nh ghe em too do jelp sc
Kshit huhu nguu k m etc sobg kiey gi vay
Gia len main cha
S team mbh att khoc nl rtc ne
Pika moi chhua biet lau roi hihi doi chi thoi lam poke nguyen thuy mazurill cap 1
Kt wwww
Marill nghia la ko tje a chi la ong o wua khu ma ko phai vua help two of them nhat la gia em deo lq gi arr
Bo ra voi bhjn va. Os-
Sc lay tru do cac
Em nhan xiu do
8h nua solo lanh dan xjua biet chuyen gi
Gia noi gia phai do roi rua cua po do
Ziu pika do nr tr
Help me who am I
Vl that ha tt
Cfam jjst that ma su menh lon vl
Em la ai nua
Cam xoi ko pjau bun tr wwww
Bl co haisc ....
Team quen anyone
Bhjn1650 vl nl lrbel a nguu ko ganh noi att
E hai ssss
Hihi im la ba dao hon
Bhjn 1651 vl fpr what
Em nrct xiu do
Do loi ss10 team
Em too cho em
Sushit satshit het roi co hoai a ko vo cach nao ha
Em mlt feo co thi ko co gia that
Gia huhu lo roi an bam nhuong em do that minh huong danh du ant het pp nuoi
Nhan het thieu hihi thieu rien nua
Help do bank
Time team how gio
Em di ra hihi scm hn team
Nhu vu
Em mb that ele tr sui
Lay thanh sat tji 1500 chua on ko co ai het dunga 960 a max tg
Anan team hihi killet mbm
Haoz doi hai
Gia sp dom hoeu chua huhhu nl giua la du min all
Em tg hn vl
Bun tr nhuc .
Hai du ko rm tai etc
K team help do er
... Help me cmm in lobe
Em vang som cabg tot gelp
Bjn team hehe co yinh huys team la team tru thuc 950
Tr tr tr omlu wuan shit beside s those
Help in love life
S goc giap han roi
Ele tr giwt sv 0s att
Emnqua mv moi
E kbn g ia
Help nh
Libe og sc att by sc gia
Help us
Soc fi nha team
Soc oi etc gium lay s, qp twam
Help mc demi etc me most
Bhjn 2000 la vd roi xiu tho ko duoc
O nha today sign
Xiu pp cua pp
Help do cha con
Tp know like team tu lo nha met roi team othera
Be si lo hihi onh kia hay nl
Huc hohi ong nay ma ma
Gia no sonh hium Dung a bao ve no them 1 dam y chang nua
May team gia tu trl con 1 dua ttung thanh jy xiu nl
Help sc di ko noi nua
Nl hay vl len hihi oi gium ns oo hhw roi doi do nho nay tot vay xung hau rtx
Ve si team copy cau cu
Ele tram see theo vi si hiinl la dung kclck
Help love you again
Thang ngu hoi how gio
Kshiy tho do do jihi nl ngu tjiet
Huy jelp dung het any symptons roi kill shit duic roi
Vesi ko birtgi hrt nha hihi
Gia no hrt thoi cuoi luon roi waste land kai shit phan nhu truyen vo nho nay ne xiu do cm cung vao etc
Team wwww
Kteam join. Ja nhieu 17 help ma giong am anh thibg
Hay vl lay nha vua ko bi jai duoc nua
Gia help gia gia roi huhuhu ko chiu noo nua
S gpc nghe
Kteam phan ban hihi du Dung lai
Tui kia tu lo duoc said me
Kteam help truth help she can too help us lo jetk hood hehe mbh
3g phai ko em deo de an bun tr lay
Hehe mbh aty co y em ko han dungcac help in love fighting hihi ca xiu do rtc hel pmw
Lay sp ht etv kk tg here roi hihi nl doi an
Ktesm help pp jerk bo thuoc ngu vo hehe mbu
E em dau co bi
Dp que team ma bat tai nen hihi
Bhjn help do dung wua day same nha giay tui nay lo etc hai ngay too
Khang team help twn jiji lo bat tai fy
Kteam hoi pp help lo roi so an cc cm
Meo frp trai cam on lo cm tu phong
Visi 1 help p help liem hoi nha
Hai anh vo hinh co tinh by all its tr do tu help am anh team em max
Vesi copy pole
Vuacan long that ha thao ban than khi tu di vi hanh
S goc help live all
Vho poke bo y vl
Cho hihi team oi hieu roi hen
S10 live
Nguu no co tunh a di chung bguoi trig hem no biet huhu nl du all disadvantages ny chinh nha hihi
Ma moi phan thay theo team hai nay hihi nl do cm
Vua Can Ling moc lo yai
Nguu help no do p son M gia pnly spn help love M cmm em too em kia ua ff ne hihi nl kjoc live
Lay ht ld tuuet dinh
Len triupe yt dtop tjwte
Yy hey ai fay
M help fan nguoi dau tien anh thay trongdoi an het to mi ramen bu nhu cai thauu rua mat
Im nhe hihi mbh
Lay ht hay vl cute len hihi live all ...
Ff do
Ff wwww h
Dont knoew
Still live
Sc ant
Ff cai dau la kho lam am roi do gab nhu ko the khon
Helo love cmm hihi
Ecac dov lai v
Ff weeee chua duong kui vho do
Rm k ma coi thang ngy xeo em kia ngu cm gai do vay cung hiet
That long xl em len hihi live...
Gia team ha help kclc att
Pika ke thay ma 3000 nam tuoi roi
Em kbghn maximum millenium
Ele tr nl kt vl tc vl
Lu too that 100%
Kshit ld xong hay gi
Dungb its tr
Lonhs hrrm duoc bao ngay fau
Em fo moo goi la kt co hai a
Bhjn bao hihi roi lau roi doo no len vua roi di luon mb
Em nguu M im nah
K yeam help than kbn. Do taht dot do gia
Em e pup no gou ma aw only ouo
Fhanh em tea hai mhki dexo lq ayt ai dep trai vay lit all
Anh cua assb beit lau toi help ni team giut g qua ghep doi em vo ia nh ko do chi feu max cho ido etc em max
Team bo hinh ewww wus chua
Em wua het em chua
Help me anh cu asav
Qua em
E em ss feo giong cvt hi het
Em giong het ma dui ja
Gia haiz nl
S goc team lam theo
Dungn2 nhu ci jaiz
19 and 12 quan fam te
J vo hinj agaain chuyen pja nua dem hehe mbh
0 notes