#i think this dialogue is perfection but what am i writing this for? who does it refer it? what does it refer to?
maxiwaxipads · 4 months
Romarriche - “Your company is one of a kind… I would never lie to you. I would never say a half-truth or be quiet.” “What is it in your mind, Merold?” “Hearing your voice, complaint or not—it is music to me either way.” Merold - “If there is one constant in this world… Let it be you.” “You’re the cruelest and the kindest thing that happened to me.” “…If only you continued to look at me like that.” Romarriche - “…Merold?” Merold - “But~ It’s only a minor case of bad-mood-itis.” “So Romarriche, spoil me with a spar, will you?” Romarriche - “Merold.” Romarriche - “Look at me.” Merold - “…” Romarriche - “Is something… Wrong?” Merold - “Instead of a spar…” “I might want to lie down on your lap after all.”
#fragaria memories#merold#romarriche#i wont lie i only had the first line and wanted to write something with it#i was reading this novel and i wanted to write something romantic </3#im gonna babble here on my own so you're always free to skip the tags...#if i remember correctly romarriche and merold were made knights around the same time and I work on that context#i like to think their relationship was rocky at first at romarriche's side who didn't want to befriend merold#compared to merold who thought he finally had a friend his age that was also a knight of fragaria#it was romarriche who looked at merold with a perceived perfection and was compared to him#“...I'll get better and strong. I'll impress everyone so I don't have to hear it--his name repeating over and over again.”#merold who says “if only you continued to look at me like that...” refers back to the past when romarriche didn't think of him favorably#but i like the double meaning to it “please look me as you did before and look at me as you do now”#“cruelest” and “kindest” i was a reading a novel that also used those words so I kinda grabbed from that </3#its really a cute novel though#me reading fragaria memories theories to see if it can at least make sense#i like this but i dont like this at the same time wwww#what does it say about its characters? as a writer i want to care about that because no dialogue should be said without reason#i think this dialogue is perfection but what am i writing this for? who does it refer it? what does it refer to?#but at the end of the day i simply want to indulge myself#something that could sound good and personal and something that could make people who read this smile and myself smile#Merold - “Will you make the promise to never change?”#Romarriche - “Change... But change in what way?”#Merold - “...”#Merold - “Because I'm a knight who fears a lot of things...”#Merold - “And I care about the Romarriche I have now.”#it was never supposed to be detailed but look at me now... </3
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garagepaperback · 4 months
What are your favorite drarry fics?
oh. ooooooooooooh oh oh.
here are my staples:
draco, the magic dragon - libbydrew a fic i first read on livejournal (showing off the varnish of my casket here) that i thought about regularly for the almost two decades i fell out of fandom. canon to me tbh. libby invented my draco rubric: proud lil showboat even when everything around him has gone to rancid shit, sarcastic and aloof personality as a poor facade to distract from the big ol' gaping well of hurt.
Potter took a great breath, then let it out slowly – a low whistle between his teeth. "Malfoy, I had no idea. I thought—" "Why are you here?" Draco cut him off before the idiot embarrassed them both. Their shared past was water under the bridge – even if Draco had drowned in it.
nightingale - michi_the_killer
another back-in-my-day fav, even though i can only stand to read half of it. actually even thinking about it is making me stare off in a distance for upwards of three minutes. this one i would hand off wrapped in about a million miles of caution tape. + also a huge fan of michi's gory veela fic.
It was better than fighting, Harry thought, although sometimes he still wanted to rip into Malfoy, to hurt him. Other days, he thought, it was better than anything.
rookie moves - peu_a_peu
what can i say that hasn't already been said - peu is a MASTER. if you somehow know who i am but haven't read this, reassess your life choices through professional means but not until after you dive in.
“Feels kinda big,” Malfoy said, smirking. “For a guy your height.” “My height is average,” Harry said, although he was undeniably glaring upward at Malfoy’s face when they stood so close together. “And it is kinda big.”
stately homes of wiltshire - waspabi another one that crept into my heart and made a home. hard to choose between this and waspabi's other drarry fic, but there's something about the decrepit manor that just does it for me. a perfect harry and draco, perfect soft reaching towards each other.
Draco smiled and dragged Potter from the shop before he could charm any more elderly ladies with his unkept, take-care-of-me-I’m-confused-and-have-nice-shoulders aesthetic. Once outside in the drizzle, he realised he still had his hand around Potter’s forearm. He yanked his hand back immediately.
i wake up falling - warmfoothills
warmfoothills :,) just reading this moniker makes me vision go soft around the edges. their writing has made me out loud, quietly say "oh," multiple times. the prose is darling, this story is such a brief, aching glance. it was also really hard to pick just one (flashback, warm nights i also go in for).
“I love you,” he says, unable to stop himself. Draco blinks, a barely-there flinch, like Harry’s taken a swing at him. “I know,” he says, still oblivious to the reference, oblivious to the way his words scoop right into the meat of Harry’s stupid, hopeful heart. “It’s not enough, is it?” Draco shakes his head. Above, the stars watch unfeelingly on.
the pure and simple truth - lettered no one does dialogue with the mastery lettered does. my GOD. my god. i feel like this fic is drarry perfectly distilled.
“What’s he going to be?” Blaise raised a brow. “Pardon?” “You said he says Hermione should be Minister, and all those other things. What does Malfoy think he should be?” There was something much like pity in Blaise’s eyes. “He thinks he should never, ever be forgiven for the things he’s done.” Harry felt ill. “That’s not fair.” “When has Draco ever been fair?” “I meant―” Harry swallowed hard. “That’s not right.” Blaise looked more pitying still. “When has Draco ever been right?”
far from the tree - aideomai
the writer i avoid talking about the most bc once i start i cannot physically restrain myself from going on about their beauty forever. i sat for forty-five solid minutes frowning, trying to choose between this one and in the hand. and dwelling. okay anyway. i keep a doc of quotes from fics that resonate and it's 50% aideomai.
Draco wondered what Potter thought of this day, in the future the twins came from. If he had told Ginny about it. If he had forgotten it. He couldn’t forget it, could he? It felt burned into Draco’s body already, a final point that he had been moving toward for years without knowing.
i could go on but i think seven is a nice solid number tyvm for this ask!
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winchesterwild78 · 2 months
Hunters and Secrets pt 2
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Master List
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader (dating), Sam Winchester x Reader (friends), Eileen
Warnings: angst, fluff, SMUT
A/N: Had to get out of my head today, so I wrote the 2nd part. The 3rd part is coming soon too. Things are just so crazy right now in my head, I needed to write. I truly appreciate all of your love and support with my writing. 
This is a short series I’m working on. Does not follow the Supernatural storyline. Inner dialogue in italics. This is a work of fiction, not a reflection of real life. No disrespect to anyone. 
This is my own work, please do not take it or copy it without my permission. I wrote it fast and edited it fast. Please overlook any errors. 
Minors DNI 18+
Weeks had passed since the vampire hunt with the boys. The three of you were taking a much needed break in the bunker. You and Dean had noticed Sam was leaving the bunker more and would come back at odd hours of the night. 
“I think he’s seeing someone, Dean. I bet it’s Eileen.” You snickered while laying in his arms. “Well, good for him. She’s nice and can keep Sam in line. He deserves what we have.” He pulled you close. “I agree, but please don’t play big brother and interrogate him.” “What?! Me, never.” Dean chuckled. 
It was about 2 am when you crawled out of bed and went to get some water. You heard the bunker door open as softly as it could and soft footsteps come down the staircase. You stepped into the war room and waited. 
“Samuel Winchester, you’re home after curfew.” You laughed as you turned on the light. Sam jumped, “Ha ha, very funny. You scared the shit out of me, Y/N.” You laughed, “Sorry Sammy, but what’s got you sneaking in here at 2 in the morning?” You inquired. “I’m not sneaking.” He responded defensively. 
You smiled at him “Sam, whoever she is, I’m happy for you, we’re happy for you. You of all people deserve to be happy.” You hugged him. “Yeah, thanks Y/N. I appreciate it. We’ve been seeing each other for over a year now. Honestly, I’m in love with her.”
“Wow, Sam, that’s great. How does she feel about you?” You felt a pang of sadness and jealousy in your heart. Sam could say “I love you”, why couldn’t Dean? “Well, she loves me too. We both said it tonight. It took us completely by surprise. We had just…um..well, you know.” You nodded in understanding. “She was laying in my arms and I said it, then she said it. It was perfect.” 
“Oh, Sam. I’m happy for you. Now, who is it?!” You asked enthusiastically. “Um, well it’s Eileen.” “Ha! I knew it. I told Dean it was.” “What!? How did you know?” “Sam, we’ve practically grown up together, I know when you’ve got feelings for someone. It’s okay, your secret is safe with me.” You smiled, hugged him and walked back to your shared room with Dean after saying good night.
When you walked back into the room and saw your boyfriend sleeping peacefully on the bed. A pang of sadness filled you when you thought about Sam and Eileen confessing their love for each other. You knew Dean loved you, you just wished once you could hear him say it. 
Crawling back in the bed, you laid on your side with your back to him. Silent tears fell from your eyes and started to soak your pillow. Dammit, get yourself together, Y/N! He loves you, deeply and truly. You don’t need him to say it. He shows you he does every day. Of course, hearing it would just mean so much to you. Even if he said it once. To hear him utter those three words. 
You continued crying softly while arguing with yourself about the need to hear him say “I love you”. Eventually you stopped and fell back asleep. 
Dean woke up earlier than you. He looked over at you sleeping beside him. Your face was etched with pain. A sliver of light danced across your face and he saw dried tears on your cheeks. His heart filled with sorrow. Why didn’t I hear her crying, and why was she crying? God I hate seeing her like this.
Dean slowly pulled himself out of bed, trying not to disturb you. You shifted in your sleep, gave a soft, sad, moan and rolled over. Dean stood there staring at you for a few minutes, then left the room. 
His bare feet padded down the hallway, towards the kitchen. Sam was sitting at the table drinking coffee. “Hey ya, Sammy. What time did you get in last night?” Sam looked up from his coffee and said “About 2, did Y/N not tell you?” “She’s still sleeping, did she get up when you got home?” “Yeah, she scared the shit out of me when I came in. I wasn’t expecting her to be standing there.” Dean chuckled, “Yeah, no, she must have been planning to tell me she saw you when she got up. Hey, Sam, did she say anything to you? Like anything that’s bothering her? I noticed this morning she’d been crying.” Dean asked with concern in his voice.
Sam stood there thinking about your conversation, reality hitting him like a ton of bricks. “No, we chatted for a second and then she went to bed. She didn’t say anything or give me any indication something was wrong.” Sam knew. Of course he knew what was wrong. He told you that he and Eileen said “I love you” and he knew his brother had never said it to you. You acted like it didn’t bother you, but he knew deep down it hurt you. Everyone knew Dean was in love with you, but everyone knew it was hard for him to say it. Even to Sam, he couldn’t say it. 
Dean ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “Okay, thanks man. So, what brought you home so late?” Dean wiggled his eyebrows. Sam looked at his brother and laughed. “Dean, you’re such a child. I was out with a friend.” “Does this friend have a name?” 
Sam rolled his eyes, “Yes, she does. It’s Eileen. Are you happy, Dean?” Dean slapped Sammy on the back in a congratulatory way. “I am Sammy. You deserve to be happy, we both do.” “Yes, Dean, we all deserve to be happy.” Dean looked at Sam a little confused when he emphasized “all”. 
“What do you mean by that, Sam?” “Dean, we both know you love Y/N. What I don’t understand is why can’t you tell her?” “What are you talking about, I tell her that all the time.” “No you don’t Dean, you’ve never said those words to her, hell to anyone.” “Why do I have to say it? Aren’t you the one who always says “actions speak louder than words”?” “Yes, but sometimes it means something to actually say the words too.”
Dean got more irritated standing there. “I don’t have to defend my relationship with her to you or anyone. She knows I love her!” Sam threw his hands up in defeat, “okay, Dean. I won’t say another word.” Dean growled and walked out of the kitchen towards your room.
You were just waking up as he walked in. “Good morning, beautiful. How’d you sleep?” He kissed your forehead. “Okay I guess. I woke up and saw Sam come in about 2. I didn’t want to wake you.” You stretched. Dean sat down beside you on the bed with concern in his eyes. “Hey, you okay, sweetheart? It looks like you’ve been crying.” He took your hand. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just stupid hormones or some crap. I got in my own head last night. I’m sorry I worried you. I’m okay, I promise.” You leaned forward and kissed his lips. 
“Hey”, he tilted your face up to look at him. “You know how I feel about you, right?” “Yes, Dean. I know you love me. Why? Where is this coming from?” “Nothing, don’t worry about it. Just Sammy and I got into a little disagreement. It’s fine.” “Dean, you can talk to me. You know you can tell me anything, right?” He nodded and stood up. 
You stood up and hugged him tightly. You weren’t sure what they argued about, but part of you figured it had something to do with how he felt about you. “I’m going to jump in the shower, I’ll be in the kitchen soon.” You kissed his lips and grabbed some clothes. 
Dean got ready and walked back into the kitchen. He started cooking breakfast and Sam came back in. “Look Dean, I’m sorry. I was out of line. Your relationship with Y/N is none of my business. I know you two care deeply about each other. I’m happy you have each other.” Dean looked at Sam, “I appreciate it Sam. I get it, I have a hard time expressing myself, but I really do care deeply about her. Hell, I want to marry her one day and have some kids.” Sam turned and looked at his brother in surprise. “Damn Dean. That’s huge man. I’m happy for you, truly.” 
Dean nodded and thanked his brother. You came bounding into the kitchen and smiled at Dean and Sam. “Good morning, Sammy.” You winked. Dean chuckled, “I know about Eileen, Y/N. He spilled all his secrets this morning.” You laughed and looked at Sam “You told him everything?” Sam shot you a look and you kept quiet. 
“So what smells so good in here?” You walked over to the stove where Dean was cooking. “Bacon, of course.” You laughed. You grabbed some coffee and sat down at the table waiting for Dean to finish cooking. The three of you talked about looking to see if there were any jobs popping up, and you mentioned to Sam he should ask Eileen to come along. Dean laughed as Sam’s face turned red. 
When breakfast was done you started cleaning up the kitchen while the boys went to look for a job. You were just about finished washing dishes when Dean’s strong arms wrapped around your waist. He pulled you into him and started kissing your neck. “Dean, I need to finish cleaning.” You giggled. “It can wait. I want you.” He growled slowly in your ear. A chill went down your spine. 
Dean spun you around to face him and his lips captured yours in a heated kiss. You were pushed between him and the sink, with nowhere to go. Not that you’d want to leave his embrace. 
You moaned as he kissed down your neck and sucked on your pulse point. He took you by the hand and led you to your bedroom. As he pulled you in the room, he pushed you against the door closing it. Your hands went above your head and he held them there. Dean’s green eyes  turned dark with lust. You bit your lip. It turned you on seeing him want you so much. 
“Dean, I need you.” Dean let your hands down and pulled you to the bed. He laid you down carefully and hovered over you. His strong, calloused hands ran under your shirt, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Your breath hitched as his hands cupped your breasts and he tugged at your bra. 
“Lean up baby, I want to take this off of you.” You leaned up and Dean took off your shirt and unhooked your bra. “Damn you’re so beautiful, and all mine.” He pulled his shirt off, exposing his perfectly toned chest. Your hands traced his body and his lips landed on your nipple while his hand cupped your other breast. 
You sucked in air and moaned loudly. You could feel your arousal pool between your thighs and his erection pushing on you. Dean kissed his way down your body and stopped at the waistband of your pants. “Please, Dean, I need you baby.” You lifted your hips helping him remove your pants and panties. 
You laid on the bed fully exposed. Dean stood and bit his lip. “Damn I can’t believe you’re mine.” You blushed, “all yours baby, now come on.” “Yes ma’am.” Dean smiled and removed his pants, his hardened length springing free. You laid back on the pillows and leaned up on your elbows watching as Dean stalked up the bed towards you. 
He climbed between your legs, using his to move them apart. He looked down and saw your core, soaking wet and ready for him. “You’re soaked, sweetheart.” “Mmhmm” you replied as his fingers brushed over your entrance. 
He slowly stuck his thick finger in and you moaned. Moving your hips into his hand as his thumb reached up and rubbed circles on your engorged clit. “Oh, Dean. Right there baby. Don’t stop.” You bucked into him as he added another finger. “Oh fuck, you’re so tight, sweetheart, and soaking wet.” Dean smirked as he felt your body responding to his touch.
He moved his fingers and thumb as you moved your body into his hand. He could feel you tightening around him, “mmmm, you’re close.” Your head fell back “Dean…I’m…gonna…cum.” Your breath hitched. He moved faster, helping you chase your release. “Yeah, cum for me princess.” With that you came undone. 
Dean moved his fingers and thumb as you writhed under him. Your body became sensitive to his touch and he kept going. “Oh, FUCK, DEAN!” You came again. Dean smirked. “Good girl, I knew you could cum again.” 
As Dean slowed and pulled his fingers out you moaned at the loss of fullness. Dean pumped his hard cock a few times before he lined himself up. He lined up at your entrance and slowly pushed in. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him towards you. 
He thrusted in and bottomed out. You both let out a loud moan. “Oh damn, you’re so tight, Y/N.” Your hands went to his broad shoulders and he set a steady pace. He would pull out almost all the way and slam back into you. Each thrust had you gasping for air and grabbing his shoulders. 
“Oh, Dean. You feel incredible.” You moaned. Dean leaned down, kissing your lips, so do you baby. You were made for me.” Dean picked up the pace and you could tell he was chasing his release. He worked you faster and he felt his release coming. “I’m close, sweetheart.” “I want you to cum, Dean, please baby cum.” Dean thrusted a few more times and with a grunt he came, coating your walls with his seed. 
When Dean was done, he slowly pulled out and went to clean himself off. Once in the bathroom he realized he didn’t use protection. Oh, Fuck! Why didn’t I grab a condom? Shit! Dammit. He returned to the bedroom with a washcloth and started to clean you up. You were still overly sensitive and moaned at his touch. “Sorry sweetheart, just trying to clean you up. Um, I came inside you.” 
Your head shot up and your eyes were wide. “What?! Dean, we’ve always been so careful. Shit!” Dean hung his head, “I know. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” You took a deep breath and gently touched his face, “Hey, it’s okay. It’s not just your responsibility. We will figure it out together.” You smiled and kissed his lips. 
Dean laid beside you and pulled you close to him. You grabbed the sheet and covered the two of you and laid your head on his chest. You were listening to his heartbeat and watching his chest rise and fall with each breath. His heartbeat started to get faster as the two of you laid holding each other. 
“Dean, are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m good.” He ran his fingers lightly over your arm and pulled you even closer. Your eyes were getting heavy. “Hey, sweetheart?” “Hmm, yeah, Dean?” “Will you marry me?” You sat up with a gasp. “What?!” Dean leaned up and smiled “Will you marry me?” “Really?” “Yes, really.” He leaned over and pulled a small velvet box from the side table. Opening it, you saw a small diamond ring. You looked at it and then at Dean. Tears filled your eyes. “Yes, yes, Dean. I’ll marry you!” You squealed with delight. Dean chuckled and placed the ring on your finger. “Oh my god, I love you so much, Dean!” “Me too, sweetheart.” 
At that moment you didn’t care he couldn’t say the three little words. He showed you he loved you in so many other ways. Tonight, you were on cloud nine. You were going to be Mrs. Dean Winchester. 
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2
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desertfangs · 10 months
Since you write a lot do you have tips for people who want to write more?
Hi, anon! I can sure try and tell you some of what works for me!
Ignore advice that you don’t find helpful (that includes these tips!)
Writing is a process, but your writing process is always going to be unique to you, so if something doesn’t work for you, trying to implement it is only going to make you miserable. Like some people will tell you to write every day, but sometimes the pressure of that is going to be too much. Basically anything that doesn’t work for you, chuck it in the bin. You don’t need it.
Put your word processor in full screen
I write in Scrivener, which has a “composition mode” but you can also just put your document on full screen to minimize distractions. That way it’s harder to flip over to check Discord or Tumblr or whatever. Of course, I still exit out of full screen every time I need to look something up in the thesaurus and then I end up spending 15 minutes screwing around on the internet so you know, it's not a perfect system.
Work on several things at once and don’t be afraid to step away if a story isn’t working
Granted, my writing method is like throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks, so I tend to start a lot of stuff that fizzles out after a few paragraphs (or a few thousand words 😭😭) and I know juggling multiple things does not work for everyone.
I personally usually need at least 2 current WIPs, so I can switch to the second when I get stuck on the first. This means even while I’m ruminating on one fic, I’m writing another. But I have friends who literally can’t write on more than one project at a time or their brains will explode, so again, it’s just about what works best for you.
If you’re stuck on something like a detail or a fact you need to look up or a piece of dialogue (“How the fuck would Lestat respond to THAT?” is my constant refrain, my cats are tired of hearing it), just put something in brackets like [Lestat replies with something flirty or witty] or [Fact check if X] or whatever it is, and then you can move on and keep going and not lose your momentum.
Set a Timer
If you're struggling to make yourself focus and write, set a timer for 10, 15, 25 minutes (whatever increment of time works for you!) and write until it goes off. You can keep going after if you're on a roll, or your can stop for a while, but it will get you into the mindset of writing. And even if that's all you do that day, hey, you wrote for 10 minutes!
Kill your need for perfection and that critic in your brain
I am still working on this but it’s true! You can make your WIP more perfect in editing. The old adage that you can’t fix a blank page is correct. And honestly, a lot of times I will write something and think ‘ugh this is no good’ and then go back and read it weeks later and really dig it. Or I figure out what it needs to make it better. (Or sometimes it still sucks and we just pretend it never happened.) But no one else has to see your first drafts! So don’t stress about making the first draft super good or agonize too much over word choice. Just get words on the page and worry about making it better later.
I hope you find some of that helpful, Anon!
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hungryforjay · 4 months
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𓆙 nrk || harry potter au
𓆙 not gryffindor slander i am a gryffindor myself🫡 first dialogue tags are ib a writing prompt || word count uhh short
˗ˏˋ 𓅰 ˎˊ˗
The witching hour approached quickly. The clouds were sparse and the sky was dark, save for the few stars that twinkled alongside the moon. The weeping willow swayed and the wind whispered through the leaves, flittered through the grass, swept the strands of your bangs and lifted them off your forehead. It nipped at your skin and tickled your calves, your robe doing little to cover your skin.
Riki lies next to you half asleep, eyelids fluttering like the wind.
“Doesn’t it bother you?” Riki mumbles, startling you out of your trance fixed on the thestrals lurking by, “The shit your sister says?”
You watched a fallen leaf twirl onto a dirt bed.
“Does anyone feel good about the shit our siblings say?”
He shifted onto his elbow, his palm hoisting up his head. Riki looked very serious for once, more than you’ve ever seen him before.
“It should bother you. Everyone knows the stigma surrounding Slytherins is old news. You’re not evil. Do you know that?”
You rolled your eyes, leaning farther back on your hands to look up at the sky. It was the same conversation over and over again. Of how your perfect prefect sister, an insufferable Gryffindor, acted like you didn’t exist because you were sorted into Slytherin. And that was four years ago.
“Do you know that?”
Riki scrunched his face, fingers gripping the grass below him. “What?”
“You keep bringing it up so much, I’m starting to think you’re repeating it as a reminder to yourself.”
Scoffing, Riki ripped the weeds of grass from under his hands and rested his head on the dirt bed behind. He chuckled.
“Maybe I have to, y’know? Seeing as you aren’t doing anything to shift the narrative.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you’re just letting her going around spreadin’ shit about us. Nobody wants to be around us. Not even our own house, we’re outsiders in a place we’re supposed to call home.”
His eyes avoided yours, opting to stare at the moon that colored his pupils white.
“I’m not obligated to do shit Riki. They can think whatever they want. They-“
“They think we’re Death Eaters! That’s not something one can just think—about Y/n. They think we’re murderers…and I dunno about you, but I’m not okay with being labeled as a fuckin’ murderer. I’m a Slytherin. Not, and I repeat, not, a murderer.”
You stare wide eyed as he rested his head back on the bed of grass, shutting his eyes with a harsh sigh.
“Why do you think we’re out here, Y/n? We can’t even get a sliver of peace in our own fuckin’ dorm.” Riki muttered with and like the wind, soft and sharp.
It’s been a long time since you’ve cared about anything real. The last time you tried you ended up defeated against the triumph of your sister. But looking at Riki’s scrunched face, his frustration peaking through from the tremble in his lip had reminded you that he was real, his feelings were real.
Letting her win means losing Riki.
Riki, the only person who stuck beside you the moment you were sorted.
A low huff grumbled in the distance, pulling your attention off Riki. Two thestrals knocked their chins against each other, huffing and whining, playfulness reminding you of the relationship you shared with the boy ignoring you to your right.
“Let’s get her back.”
Riki cracked open an eye at the sound of your voice, eyebrow arched in question. “Get her back?”
You raised your eyebrows in response, heartbeat reaching your ears in anticipation of his answer. He pushed his upper body up with the heart of his palm, a sly grin creeping up the corners of his mouth.
He reached out a hand and you slapped yours in his, shyly grinning back.
“Slick the slytherin you are—Welcome back Y/n.”
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defectivehero · 8 months
Sometimes, I hate dialogue. Sometimes, I love it. Will I ever be perfect at it? Absolutely not. Are there a few things I've learned as I write more dialogue? ... Yes. Here are some of those things:
[as always, no pressure to use any of these tips. writing doesn't have a "one size fits all" formula.]
Conversations aren't always super smooth, equal exchanges where everything is reciprocated. Sometimes, individuals cut each other off. Sometimes, one individual is doing most of the talking while the other is mostly listening. Think about your characters and what is unique about them. Then, embrace that in your writing! Things like: a) answering questions two paragraphs later, b) dodging the subject and then coming back to it, and c) saying one thing but meaning another are just a few examples of ways to liven up dialogue. If a character is super energetic and eager, they may dominate the conversation (unknowingly or knowingly). If a character is more withdrawn, they may pause before speaking, speak in smaller fragments, or elect not to speak at all. The unique personalities and circumstances of your character can show through in dialogue.
Consider more than just the dialogue. This is probably my favorite thing to do, because sometimes, I just can't get the words to be perfect. And that's okay! Often, a sentiment is better portrayed through a description of a person's body language—think of gestures, facial expressions, etc—than through written dialogue. Think about a character who has gotten sick as an example. There's two ways you can approach their dialogue: 1) focus on the words they're speaking and use descriptions as accessories, or 2) focus on their body language and use dialogue as an accessory. I often find myself thinking that dialogue has to be the main focus, but it doesn't! For the sick character example, I try thinking about how they look and how they may feel. Often times, those kinds of things can also inspire dialogue! In this case, the sick character may: speak with a more raspy tone; have trouble getting the words out; have an interrupted flow of speech because of sniffles or coughs; shiver with cold or sweat; or have a hazy look to their eyes. Details like these often take away some of the pressure I put on myself to have the perfect dialogue.
Dive into the mechanics of the person's voice. Is their voice raspy, gravelly, deep, high? Is there an underlying emotion showing through? How about the volume—are they speaking loudly, softly, or somewhere in the middle? Do they accentuate their statements in a certain way, such as breaking their statements up into shorter phrases with pauses in between?
Think about the setting. I say something along these lines in virtually every writing tips post, but I think the setting is super important and a great way to add some flavor to a dialogue. Where are your characters? Is there anyone nearby—and if so, how do they respond? Do the characters drop to a whisper to avoid eavesdropping or do they carry on as normal? How about the place where the interaction occurs—is it traditionally loud, quiet, or somewhere in the middle? What time of day is it—does the conversation take place in the early morning (think raspy voices from sleep) or late at night (quieter to avoid noise)? Perhaps it's in midday, but the surrounding area is a street bustling with activity?
Explore the context behind the interaction. Why is the conversation occurring? Is it a purpose or task-focused interaction? Is it context-specific? Are there certain elements of language that can only be understood by certain people (think inside jokes or language specific to a place/occurrence)? Also, evaluate the importance of the interaction taking place and go from there. If you're stuck on a part that isn't necessarily inherent to the story (which I usually am), consider shifting to description instead! You can also use dialogue to reference past occurrences, if that makes things easier. Think of a character getting home from work and speaking to their partner. Their partner asks them about their day and the character explains it: "My boss said..." In this example, you would be able to bypass writing the actual interaction between the boss and the character, and instead introduce it to the audience through the character's retelling of it.
I hope these help! Sorry if they're confusing—dialogue is definitely difficult! Each writer will have their own process, and I'm not claiming that mine is picture-perfect.
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powertaco · 10 months
What are your thoughts on WR development overall and your thoughts on WR being developed/made canon in V10?
Ugh I am going to ramble about everything here I can feel it...well you asked for it. I apologize for none of it, and if you all hate me at the end well I don't mind.
Volume 6 and before are pretty much great. They go from kinda at odds to tentative friends, learning to trust, and rely on each other, best friends, pining over one and other and V6 was a loooot of WR for us to feast on.
Afterward I felt like it got sidetracked. There could be various reasons for this (in hindsight I feel like Penny being given a way bigger role so her death could hit harder is to blame for part of this because realistically how long has Ruby known Penny? A month?)
Even if you don't like the ship they're supposed to be canon best friends so I take personal issue with almost all of volume 9.
I think it was sloppy writing that didn't move the story forward, and even though I don't care about Bees I feel like they still got shafted since they basically were forced to confess to move things along, and them doing so made them miss out on the sister/supposed friend and her problems, and only showcased the worst sides of the relationship.
For example Yang let's Ruby scream at Weiss but only moves to do something when Blake gets yelled at. Blake and Ruby still have...less dialogue than Ruby does with Ren I think etc.
Jaune was too present merely because his entire deal took away from Ruby's imo.
I've said it before but frankly Nora falling and learning who she is away from Ren so when she sees him in V10 she's ready for the relationship is far more satisfying to me narratively.
Leave Jaune above ground so he has to deal with the fact that he thinks he failed his friends and they all died and let him learn from that experience instead.
This also doesn't take into account that Jaune's one interesting change in 9 (being old) is taken away via random deaging (although I guess this makes deaging canon and hey young maria this is how dwr can still win! more at 11!)
Generally when characters go through a volume you want some sort of arc for them to go and change through. Weiss gets none of that. Out of all the characters nothing really happens to her, and she doesn't change at all. She's just sad about Atlas. Neat.
There's no time for it just like there's no real time for Ruby.
In Ruby's own words 'gotta help Jaune right?' and they do. Ruby removes herself from the census, which is how its framed, and they stop to...help Jaune.
There are a few moments that are WR'ish in 9. The Nevermore summon, Weiss believing in Ruby, and calling her name first etc, but overall Weiss's main job is to backslide.
I said it before but in the market Neo, the perfect assassin is after Ruby, and they split up. Weiss goes 'gross nosehairs', and ditches her best friend who she already knows by that point is NOT doing well.
This is not Volume 1. This Weiss is not that petty, and she's literally had to manhandle corpses. The fact that she wouldn't stay near her canonical best friend, and leader is asinine, and only happens so she can be alone to meet the smith.
Even if Weiss can't help Ruby fight Neo she's an extra pair of eyes (and Neo doesn't care how crowded it is in the market), and just being there for Ruby can help.
With all that said RWBY is big into symbolism. When WR are together in almost all the side spin off material it means something. Manga Anthologies has them making heart eyes and flirting like every other page. Ice Queendom was a love letter to WhiteRose (precious?). The movies, etc.
When their weapons rest next to each other on screen like the Bees do? It means something. When their flowers break ranks to be near each other (and Weiss's flower is the lily please note)? This means something.
Ruby can stand and jump from missile to missile but has to wrap her arms around Weiss to stay seated?
If Chibi continues it's pattern of predicting things in the main plot then the fact that Weiss is the woodsman in the fairy tale means a loooot as in several versions of that fairy tale the woodsman marries little red after helping her deal with the wolf problem (which varies by the story).
They're the knight and princess for each other. Ruby comes into Weiss's live turns it upside down, and helps her change. Likes her for her genuinely and wants to be her friend at the start. Through this she changes the world for Weiss, and helps her grow, and Weiss in turn helps Ruby be the leader she can be.
But yeah I guess that's just friends things and they should date some guys they've had like a half a dozen lines with instead? I don't get it really.
She and Oscar punch each other in the face, and they talk about strategy. Oscar has a younger kid crush on her, and Ruby is awkward because that's her headmaster in this kids head. Oh right he went in for a hug she ignored. Peak romance.
Jaune and Weiss have almost no interactions, and when he saves her at Haven her response isn't to be like 'omg i love you' it's 'keep doing it i have work to do'. Are they friends now? Sure, but that's about as far as it goes.
It remains that outside of group hugs the only person that's allowed to initiate contact with Weiss almost all the time outside of battle is Ruby.
Ruby knows when she needs help and will guide her away when she needs it, but other people don't' touch Weiss unless she does it first because they know she doesn't like it...except Ruby.
I have tried to look at other relationships for them, and I honestly don't see them as realistic.
Even Penny would need a lot more development to make it work. I get that it's cute and wholesome but they've known each other for again a month, and Penny just defers to Ruby.
Ruby needs a partner and equal not a submissive enabler. That's a relationship you have with a pet, and not a person.
Now if Maria were young and hot that'd be different...
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Ruby and Weiss are partners. If they're allowed to have the much needed conversations they never seem to get, ie haven, ever after, Ruby's mom, everything, etc.
Then is it possible? Maybe. If they do go WR I suspect it'll be more hints, and slow ramp up until the final season.
I would expect it either on the eve of the final battle, or literally during it maybe as in Weiss gets feds up with waiting, and decides to do something about it.
More likely at this point is they'll both just end up single with maybe faint hints so fans can imagine what they want for it.
Would I prefer it if it was WR so the team can truly be family? Yes, but I don't even know if we're getting a volume 10 at all to be honest. The fact that it wasn't announced at the last festival, and we get an extended eppy, and then nothing after the last movie?
Not making me feel super confident. I could be wrong though. On many things. Except Young Maria.
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umbralsong · 2 months
I love experiencing a character on my own outside of fandom. Many times, I end up liking a character for reasons well-outside fanon. Astarion is among them.
Full disclosure: I am not without my critiques of the writing and am in agreement with the critiques of the ways the racism in his story is handled. Not excusing his shitty behavior or dismissing those who identified his actions as coercive. I think there is much Larian could have handled with more sensitivity. I am not Romani or Sinti, for the record, but I trust the specific concerns of those in their communities who have voiced their discomfort. As an outsider, it is inexcusable to use fictional tropes of genocide victims without informed, paid actors, consultants, and writers from that community on the team.
EA, Act II & III spoilers ahead:
Tav: What makes you so sure they're delusions? Gale: Because their promises are perfect, and in perfection lies their flaw. It's the tadpoles reading our every desire, but they don't read between the lines. They don't know some things are impossible. They don't know that… They don't know.
There are some cut EA dialogues (“CAMP_Daisy2_CRD_Astarion” for those looking for the file) where Astarion has nightmares about Cazador scarring him, but everyone knows because he has been consuming/using the tadpoles (everyone else dreams of the “Guardian”). The dream figure seems content to torment Astarion into submission, no seduction at all.
Some of these have been repurposed into nightmares in the character’s Origins. I miss certain aspects, including what became “the Dark Urge” stemming from consuming/using the tadpoles, everyone dreams when activating the illithid powers, etc. A bit of a waste.
The player may or may not know about Astarion’s relationship with Cazador, but I find it telling that trying to read the scars for him is treated as a romantic scene, likewise speaking with Wyll, Shadowheart, Gale, and Lae’zel. A few others were cut as well, giving us glimpses and more complete characterization than what we were given. Notably, Astarion is loathe to take off his shirt, refusing to “play the rake” and remember that night.
So, while valid and definitely understandable from a logical point of view, I respectfully disagree with those claiming the first night with Astarion was not (the beginning of) love.
I’m uncertain whether vampiric charm is even in his repertoire anymore, or if it’s just his pretty privilege. His situation has completely changed. He doesn’t know how to process that internally, and continues to operate as though under Cazador’s control unless encouraged by Tav over time. From personal experience, I surmise that Astarion was likely the most defiant “sibling.” Suddenly free of a toxic environment, he does not know who he is or what he wants.
Player: What do you want to do? Astarion: I... don't know. It's been so long since I've had to decide what I wanted.
Canonically. He’s rediscovering himself. I highly doubt the intention of Astarion’s first romance scene is coercive when his whole thing is consent. I acknowledge so much of this is very muddied, and I think it isn’t always handled gracefully. My point being, the man is a himbo who can’t understand his own feelings after not having any control over his body for centuries. I bet he doesn’t even realize how cheesy he is.
A few telling things:
Gale: You say all the right words, but I'm not so sure you mean the right things. Shadowheart: But what about Astarion? Losing you could nudge him to a dark path. Are you truly willing to sacrifice what you have with him, for me...? Shadowheart: (after the player asks to be with her and Astarion) I think you may be overestimating his willingness to share – he may seem like the carefree hedonist, but there’s something fragile beneath the facade. If you can give him the solace that I’m convinced he desperately needs, then it would just be cruel for me to try and elbow in – liable to end in tears, or blood, or both. Wyll: There's little between us we share. But you've fallen in love and stood by your lover. That is something this dreamer's heart can appreciate. Astarion: You gave me precious, impossible moments of comfort. I only really wanted a few more. From the start, I was rather counting the hours until it was going to end. Midnight chimes, eh?
As a demisexual, I wish Karlach didn’t have the exclusive asexual romance option, but alas. At high approval (or hell, the Act I party), I believe he wants to pursue the player. There are other motives, but Astarion is not known for his foresight or his personal insight, so frankly, he also probably doesn’t know he’s seducing someone in a real romance scene.
Spawn Astarion is not the suave, mysterious vampire lover of a fantasy story. He’s afraid, confused, uncertain. He falls first and harder. Completely cringe about it. He gets sillier as he is romanced, these performances transform into joy. They are joyous because they are genuinely silly. He’s playing the part for affection, for fun, not survival. You can also interpret it as him coming to terms with his vampirism.
Player: So you will kill them all, just because they remind you of yourself? Astarion: They do not. That weakness in me is dead. It's dead. I have a higher purpose. Player: Show them the kindness you never saw. No one deserves this fate. Astarion: Don't hate me. I just did what I had to. I swear, I did what I had to. Player: This isn't you, Astarion. Not really. Astarion: It should be. I don't want to be like them... They're pathetic, horrible…
He may initiate a relationship partly as he did in Baldur’s Gate, but hopefully the player has seen glimpses of his real self and appreciates him for it. Even if it’s mutually agreed to be purely sex, if playing for real romance, I imagine it’s an entirely new experience when someone in his situation only has to focus on being present. I imagine a real rendezvous would make him dissociate, and not for lack of attraction or pleasure, as he insists later.
Player: So the nights we spent together didn't mean anything? Astarion: Of course they did - that's the problem! Or part of it. Being close to someone - any kind intimacy - was something I performed to lure people back for him. Even though I know things between us are different, being with someone still feels... tainted. Still brings up those feelings of disgust and loathing. I don't know how else to be with someone. No matter how much I'd like to. Player: Were you even attracted to me? Or was it all a lie? Astarion: Of course I was attracted to you. Look at you, for goodness' sake! You're a vision. And you're so much more than that. I just... I don't know what to think. I don't know what I want.
He feels disgust and loathing because he had no room for love and pleasure. If it was all manipulation and lust, it wouldn’t wreck him when the player insists that had they met before, they wouldn’t have been together in the forest under the moonlight; they would have been victims of Cazador, just like everyone else he lead into undeath. It’s true romance for him.
Player: You can save them. Astarion: What's the point? They're as good as dead. I thought they were dead. If they are unleashed, they will cause incredible carnage. They will be ravenous. They must die. Better they serve a purpose. Player: In another life, you'd have led me to this crypt, and not that pretty clearing in the forest. Astarion: Gods, I can't say you're wrong. I can only say I'm so glad we didn't meet then. I don't even want to think what would have happened to you… Player: Don't avoid it. Face it. You would have killed me. Astarion: I would have killed you...
It was real.
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cheetour · 1 month
The Void Within's dialogue is sloppy to the point of not being fully literate*.
It's been noticed that the rough sketches and the final artwork don't match up in quality, and seem to be declining as the plot goes on. The same is happening to the writing.
This is, I am sorry, a post about the latest major Neopets update. Not only that, it's about the GRAMMAR in the dialogue for that update. Riveting.
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Most people who complain about "incorrect" grammar in games and comics are wrong. Homestuck, Night in the Woods, We Know the Devil, and Captain Underpants all have fine grammar, just stylized.
I really, really, really like The Void Within. I think it's a fantastic idea, and I am determined to enjoy it as much as possible.
I am a professional editor. Noticing this stuff is my job.
Now, PLEASE bear that in mind when I say:
tl;dr: Neopets is asking you to pay money to a product that does not meet the quality standards of a primary school English test for ages 10+.
*I don't mean to use "not literate" as a stand-in for "stupid and bad at writing." Literacy is very complicated, illiteracy is more common than you think, and there is no shame in being illiterate - you can be very intelligent and also have no written or digital literacy. I mean the literal "not able to use written language to its fullest extent".
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It's clear whoever wrote the dialogue didn't have a perfect grasp of English punctuation. AND THAT'S FINE. Good writers don't always have good grammar, and you DON'T need fluent English to write good stories in English.
That's why writing, proofreading, and editing are all separate professions, and why a well-run creative project delegates those roles to separate people. They still matter.
People are more likely to notice grammar mistakes the more they read books. Correctly formatted English is how older, less online, and disabled people with visual or linguistic processing difficulties read. Text-to-speech doesn't work correctly on writing without correct punctuation. These are serious professional standards, and they exist for a reason. They're not worthless just because you don't understand them.
A good-quality publisher of books, comics, or video games wouldn't release dialogue like this to a paying audience. They would consider this standard unacceptable. They'd either use correct grammar, or stylized grammar. (Inconsistent grammar, with no logical or narrative rules, isn't a style. They're not choices if you don't know you're making them. They're mistakes.)
To an extent this is nitpicking, and most people wouldn't notice this stuff.
But Neopets is MAKING MONEY. They are SELLING PRODUCTS for this. They have MULTIPLE PHASES of NC Market sales for this plot.
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As an educator, there is no way I could show this (perfectly kid-friendly) comic to a classroom of children - it would have no educational value. It's not written correctly or with any obvious care. If they paid attention to it too much, they'd get the wrong idea about the English language!
I think it's fair to say that if you're publishing an official Neopets story, and you want Neopets to be a kid-friendly, fan-driven, story-based brand with a target audience wider than "people who don't really care about whether stories are professionally written", the script should've been proofread.
To give you an idea of how many typos Chapter 3 has, here's one of the dialogue pages with the missing punctuation added; I also took 5 minutes to rewrite each line for coherency.
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And THIS is a website showing you at what points in primary eduation we teach children to use commas correcty:
Art is hard. Programming is hard. Hell, good writing is hard. It's HARD coming up with dialogue and a plot that people actually want to experience.
Grammar is boring and sometimes pointless. It's not difficult. It requires only basic literacy. Children learn how to use commas at ages seven and up.
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If you don't care about the story you're telling enough to check that it would get a good grade on a child's school test, how can you possibly expect anyone to pay for it? You need specialist skills to code a website or create a high-quality digital graphic, but the only thing you need to get this right is... one literate adult who cares enough to try.
So where are they?
**There is no shame in being illiterate, but there is CERTAINLY shame in selling illiterate writing.
tl;dr: Neopets is asking you to pay money to a product that does not meet the quality standards of a primary school English test for ages 10+.
Finally, here are some browser petsites/RPGs who have never prompted me to write an 800 word critique:
Fallen London
Pixel Cat's End
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tumblezwei · 8 months
I am a Ruan Mei defender, not because I think she's a blameless misunderstood character, but bc I am very afraid of people interpreting her terrible actions as bad writing bc "the game still expects us to like her" or overexaggerating her bad traits in order to make Dr. Ratio look better by comparison.
And that's not to say I think Ratio is a "bad" guy either, I think the whole point of introducing him alongside Ruan Mei was to highlight how different the Genius Society operates compared to "normal" academics. Ratio's over the top arrogance makes him off-putting at first, but his genuine desire to spread knowledge to everyone who wants to learn it is the perfect contrast to the obsession and selfishness of the Genius Society, who only ever care about fulfilling their own desires without concern for those below them. Even Screwllum, the member who seems the most sociable and friendly, let Ratio carry on with his antics on the space station just to see what would happen, even though it put the Trailblazer in danger and threatened the whole facility.
So that is to say, Ruan Mei is like that on purpose. We aren't supposed to see her drugging us and sending us after an incomplete Emanator of Propagation and be confused as to how she's a "goody guy." She isn't. None of the members of the Genius Society are "good" people just bc we're allied with them. Herta uses Traliblazer as a guinea pig for the Simulated Universe after all, and we now know that as long as it's something he's curious about, Screwllum won't interfere to protect us even when he's already figured out the solution to the problem we're facing.
But I also want to do a little apologism for Ruan Mei bc sometimes the accusations I see lobbed at her is a bit much. Like, yeah, she drugged us, but it was a temporary inhibitor that literally only stopped us from giving people information about Ruan Mei. And she didn't do it just to fuck with us? Ruan Mei is incredibly aware of how emotionally detached she is and knows it's almost impossible for her to understand the affection given to her by her creations. She doesn't drug us out of some evil desire to control information, she does it bc she knows her time on the space station is temporary and wants to avoid leaving behind any memories of her being there. That doesn't make it okay and it's still presented alongside everything else she does that's uncaring towards TB and her creations, but it makes it a little more complicated than just "she's an unfeeling sociopath that would happily watch us die." It's bad, but it's also one of Ruan Mei's weird and not good ways of showing consideration.
It's interesting, is what I'm saying. It's compelling. And I don't really dig how it she gets reduced to a two-bit manipulator.
I'm a bit of a stickler for this particular thing bc it's something I truly adore about HSR's writing, and also something I see as one of the game's core themes. There is no clear divide between "good" guys and "bad" guys. The Genius Society is full of emotionally constipated weirdos who wouldn't pay a single bit of attention to us if we weren't interesting to them, but they're also important allies to the Express. The Stelleron Hunters are our biggest opposition and wreak havoc on whatever planet they enter, but we know that their goals somewhat align with our own and unless you go out of your way to be mean to her with every dialogue option, it's pretty obvious that Kafka is someone Trailblazer loves.
And even Cocolia, someone who almost destroyed the last remnants of civilization on her own planet, gets treated with sympathy. Bronya is allowed to mourn her mother and still see her as an aspirational figure, all the while Serval is allowed to break off ties with her and definitively move on from her past.
It's a theme that carries over to a lot of HSR's important side quests too, where often you're expected to choose between two options that both have some pretty heavy downsides no matter what. You have your own moral compass, and along the way the choices may seem crystal clear, but it's never so black and white as you predict. It's a game about decisions, about making your own way in life and learning about the different worldviews of those you meet. Good or bad, helpful or hurtful, it's not always so obvious as "this person did something bad to me, now I will forever dislike them."
"When there is the chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret," "explore, understand, establish, and connect," "the Express welcomes everyone" etc etc
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
burn your life down: the director's cut, or rather, fun facts about this story now that it's over
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luca's last name in my fic is davies, and formally davies-bernardi. bernardi in italian means 'strong as a bear' which, was truly a perfect coincidence that i originally thought it sounded good hyphenated with davies. it felt like the perfect little nugget to drop in here.
this one kind of took on a life of its own. I thought maybe a headcanon or a few chapters, then 46.5k words later... before writing a fic, i always like to map out where i'm going, because it helps me zero in on what story i want to tell. as someone (and who hasn't, truly) who has plenty of abandoned fics, i like to get clear on what story it is i want to tell before beginning to write so that i know it's a fic worth writing for me. no, i don't think finishing a fic should be a marker of success, but where i'm at right now, it feels like the best way for me to see if i have a story to tell or not.
speaking of stories to tell, the reason i wanted to have our main character divorced was because i wanted to try something different. i wondered how i could differentiate this mc (while keeping the reader neutral so you could picture yourselves in it if you wanted to) from others that i have written / will write in the future. the divorce and growing apart is actually kind of inspired by my previous upstairs neighbor who i met a year after his divorce. i wanted to imagine what the inner world of someone who had experienced a divorce that wasn't messy, but its relationship had just run its course and i the end, left two people who weren't sure who they were and how to talk to each other anymore would be like.
music and playlisting really helps me envision and feel into the world that I’m building. I ask myself questions like: what does their love sound like? what does this relationship shound like? how do i want the world i'm building feel, and how do i convey that in sound? and then of course, what songs could underscore certain moments of this chapter? listening to the playlist i create as i go really helps me get into character aka enter the world of the story when i'm sitting down the write.
so many of my fics and interactions are based on my own real life experiences, which is why they often feel so human and so real. i weave in little details like conversations i've had, a person i reminded of. i often write dialogue after i've imagined the scene in my head down to the cadence of how characters speak to one another to make sure it feels grounded.
speaking of, we've got to talk about the food in this fic, something that you all complimented me on at the very beginning! it was important for me to have the food feel deeply personal to reader, and be an expression of her identity through the years. yes, i wrote it with an mc with asian heritage in mind. however, i wanted to make space, again, for you to picture yourself in this fic, which is why mc's ex and family were written with japanese heritage.
a lot of the dishes were inspired by dishes i've had that were similar to what i think her culinary pov would be, and a lot of it is the way that i cook as well. i am not a chef by any means, but i am AM a home cook who occasionally does pop ups who very recently discovered my own culinary pov. food for me is something that not only helps me express myself, but has helped me connect to parts of my own identity. in so many ways, as someone who describes themselves as a cultural melting pot, food helps me feel closer to myself; it helps me find and define, and express who i am.
the culture of food and the role it plays in allowing us to connect was really important for me to weave into this story as well.
for the mikkelson twins, i pictured timothee and pauline chalamet as jesper and mathilde.
for the kimuras: rina sawayama would play astrid, darren barnet would play joe, and gia kim would play lina.
let's talk about luca's character development: so many things were so will poulter-coded/borrowed for will poulter, which felt right to do considering he wove his own life into the luca's tattoos. examples? the nike book, the kendrick lamar on the playlist, how much internal work the man has done on himself.
in the end, I initially had mc have a way bigger freak out than she did -- that it would be her final: holy shit am i ready to be loved moment, but as i wrote it, it ended up being luca who brought up the main conflict. it just ended up going in a different direction and didn't feel right to go with my original plan, because she felt so in their relationship already that i pivoted.
i watched a lot of travel and lifestyle copenhagen vlogs because i'm obsessed with youtube.
after season 2 of the bear, i wanted to explore what positive relationships with mothers could look like in these characters. that's why mothers (and single mothers) are the superheroes of this fic.
i knew i wanted this fic to be about these things: second love, loss, trusting the beginning that comes after the end, inspiration, following your heart, and mothers. these are the guiding principles that i used when writing, knowing that these were the pillars i wanted this story to be about.
looking forward: i am working on two oneshots that will live in this world, one about marcus visiting again -- an eat, pray, love for him of sorts -- that's about mothers and loss and life. the other one is a fun, sexy little smutshot that will hardlaunch their (she and luca's) restaurant so keep an eye out for those. truthfully, i've only just started workshopping the marcus one and am prioritizing finishing my carmy fic first.
opening myself up for q&a! feel free to ask any questions about this fic or my writing process in the comments.
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namorslutfanfiction · 2 years
Fic request! Something soft and fluffy? Like Namor is relaxing for once and letting himself be a bit soft and gentle 🥺
Thank you for the request! This is perfect to start me off.
Namor x Reader
Summary: Namor goes to visit the children of Talokan and his favorite teacher.
I don't want to disrespect Yucatec Mayan and this would almost certainly have to have the dialogue be completely translated. So I will write in English to avoid any mistranslations.
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The children noticed the King swimming by their class as you taught them. You bowed slightly to the King who waved you off and mouthed for you to finish your lesson. You finished showing the children the type of net weaving style you were demonstrating then dismissed them.
The children all let out screams and laughs as they swam up to the King, lifting their hands in a gesture of respect that resembled the open jaw of a megaladon.
"Your majesty, will you play ball with us again?" A young boy asked, taking Namor's hand and pulling him toward the open water near their classes alcove.
"I am still recovering but I can play for a bit, but you must help your teacher clean up after your class, alright?" Namor ruffled the child's hair, an affectionate smile appearing on his regal visage.
The child nodded excitedly and the rest of the kids followed him to clean up the remnants of their net weaving. You looked up as Namor swam to your side and nudged his shoulder against yours. He was dressed in a half cape and you noticed that one of his ankles was wrapped in bandages.
"I see that the children still love you despite your tedious lessons," Namor teased.
"K'uk'ulkan, come sit. I heard you were injured," You guide him into a seat before he can protest. You're at his feet examining the bandage around his ankle. "Did she really rip off your wing? Do you think it will grow back? Does it still hurt? I can make some of the balm you liked the last time that shark took a bit of your thigh if you like?"
You rattled off question after question as you took his ankle into your hands. Namor looked down at you fondly then reached forward to cup your cheek with his hand, "I am alright. I promise. It will grow back. It was a small price to pay to know that we have a strong ally and Talokan and our people are safe; to know that you are safe."
You looked up at him, seeing the care in his eyes and feeling the warmth of his hand on your skin. Your worries melted away as you stood and he pulled you into his arms by your waist. He rested his head against your chest, heaving a sigh of relief.
You wrapped an arm across his shoulders, pressing him closer. Your hand found his hair and massaged his scalp. He leaned in deeper and you stood strong and reliant as he gripped you firmly. You stood together for awhile, resting in each other's embrace.
"Hearing your heart beat is all the balm I need," Namor nuzzled your neck slightly. You pulled away and looked down at him, his eyes looked tired but had a spark of relief in them.
"I was worried about you, my king," You admitted, running a finger over his brow gently, dragging it down to the tip of his nose. You traced his lip and he kissed your finger.
"Will you keep your promise once the alliance with Wakanda is finalized? Will you become my queen?" He spoke in a soft, hopeful tone.
"We will see," You teased, finally pulling away. But Namor pulled you back into his arms.
"Don't tease me, my love," he smiled and stole a chaste kiss that made you giggle.
"Hush, what if the children see?" You half-heartedly tried to break free from his embrace.
"The children know by now; they see me visit you nearly every day," Namor bear hugged you, nuzzling your cheek with his nose.
"K'uk'ulkan, we finished cleaning!" The boy from earlier appeared to their right followed by the rest of the children. The rest of the little boys and girls broke out in giggles as they watched their teacher wriggle out of the king's embrace.
"That is exactly the prompt response I expect from my future general," Namor addressed the original little boy causing him to puff up his chest in pride.
"Will you come play with us now?" The boy asked with a pleading look.
"Yes, I always keep my word," the children cheered and gathered their things and headed toward the clearing.
"Please take it easy, my king," You said as you helped him remove his cloak so he could play with the children. You tried to ignore the quickening of your heartbeat as more of his skin was exposed.
"Like what you see, my love? You're blushing," Namor whispered after turning around to find you flustered, "After I play with the children, I can play with you. I promise."
Namor swam off with a rogueish smirk on his lips. You watched him swim away with a pleasant fluttering in your stomach, looking forward to him keeping his promise.
So there we go! Hope you like it! The first of hopefully many more!
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
need more 1975 stuff 😭
Long Way Home (Matty Healy)
warning: tw matty healy, road head but not what you think mentions of drinking, probably various horrific grammar mistakes i don’t edit my writing
note: i’m here i’m alive i am writing this after getting back from the gym and in half an hour i will be going for a walk. miss you all wish i was more productive and could write more so you all could talk to me more (i’m a whore for attention). i have a huge crush on a guy i met once and idk what to do about it. anyways enough about me
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“i kinda have to pee,” she shifts in her seat, trying not to feel like a child next to him. it’s easy to.
“can you wait till we get home? i don’t want to have to take a shortcut,” his tone is mildly annoyed, perhaps irritated, but in a loving, fond, ‘i spend so much time with you i’m allowed to be sick of all your complaining’ kind of way. it always comes from a place of love with him, even when he doesn’t mean for it to.
“i’ll be fine, i guess. but distract me. please?”
he sighs out of the corner of his mouth, a stray curl flying off the side of his face. it’s slightly outgrown, his hair, and he’s put it up in a man-bun, as she refuses to call it anything but a man-bun, since that’s what it is. either way, the front pieces are falling out and it’s tied up in the back, giving his neck space.
the sun set a few hours ago, and the sky, once golden orange and red from the dear departure of the star has long since forgotten what daylight felt like, and the moon is the new light shining on city below, like a star would.
he grips the steering wheel. he pulls it left, turning onto a new street, a less busy stretch then the one they previously drove down. he speeds up.
“what do you want to talk about?” he sounds smooth, if that’s a way one could sound, or maybe it’s just in her imagination, but his voice sounds like it’s made for this, this exact moment. maybe not the ‘having to pee’ part, no, but the moon, the street, the city.
he’s lost, not figuratively, but literally. he doesn’t know what street he turned onto but it’s not one in his mental map of this city, but he doesn’t share this with her.
“i don’t know. anything. just say stuff to me. i like the sound of your voice.”
she wonders if his internal dialogue is anything similar to hers, if he thinks in the same dialect that she does, if he wonders about how easily the sky forgets the sun each night, how warm the welcoming embrace is every morning when it returns from rest.
she’s sure, however, that his thoughts probably don’t include anything about how good he looks in a t-shirt. it’s the most simple item of clothing a man can own, aside from maybe a pair of blue jeans, yet she looks at him wearing it, the way he wears it, shirt sleeves folded at his biceps, the way the fabric crinkles and folds itself at the bottom, resting on him perfectly like it was set out with perfect care, like he wants her to look at him like she wants to eat him alive.
maybe he does, maybe he does all of this on purpose, maybe he’s more than just a stupid, stupid boy and he knows much more than any boy should about what a girl thinks, maybe he’s practically a girl inside his own head.
maybe he doesn’t even do it for her, maybe he does it for himself, he always does say he’s sexually attracted to himself, maybe he dresses so carefully in order to satisfy his desire to be attractive in his own opinion.
“hm? oh, right, i was supposed to distract you. um, road head?”
she shoots him a glare so hard, laser beams shoot from her eyes, instantly vaporizing him in his spot, or at least that’s what it must feel like.
“kidding, i’m kidding, love.”
“you better be. i did that once, and never again will i. lucky we didn’t get pulled over.”
“you gave road head?”
she scoffs, “don’t sound so surprised.”
“with who?”
“well, it was before i met you- well, actually, it was after we met, but we weren’t together yet, you were just that guy from that gay band at this point. anyway, remember two years ago, that guy owen? yeah, him.”
“oh, fucking owen. of course it was fucking owen,” he whines.
“yep. fucking owen. so he had this old ass car. it was really pretty, maybe if i actually cared about the car i’d be able to remember what kind it was or whatever. it was red, if that matters.”
“it doesn’t. get to the good part.”
“whatever. so we were going down the interstate, right, because why fucking not? and there was some imagine dragons song playing because it was fucking owen, and he turns to me and he’s all like, ‘babe i’m so fucking horny right now.’”
she feels a pride in her storytelling skills when he giggles at it.
“so i look down and you know, he wasn’t kidding. so he basically begs me to give him road head, right-“
“red flag. leave him,” he interrupts.
“i did. so i start going, doing my thing when he starts doing that thing where he pushes the back of my head down. and he’s getting rough, like he’s getting into it, and i just wasn’t prepared for it so i gag a little bit but i’m fine so i keep going but so does he. he’s got a hard grip on my hair and it hurts like a mother fucker but i’m just like ‘whatever it’s fine,’ then all of the sudden-“
“you puked on him?”
“i puked on him.”
he gasps, dramatically, in a fit of giggles, slapping his knee like it’s just the silliest thing he’s heard all day.
“ok, ok, i’m not done though. there’s more.”
“there’s more?”
“there’s more. so obviously he was fucking pissed, right. so pissed that he dumps me! figuratively and literally dumps me on the side of the road, and we had pulled off the interstate at this point, you know, not just on the side of the freeway, but still, it’s like 3am and i’m alone, in a small pool of my own vomit, my hairs a mess and i’m a mess too.”
“wait, this sounds familiar.”
“it should. so get this, i don’t know what to do, if i called my parents i’d never hear the fucking end of it, if i called my sister, she’d laugh so hard over the phone she’d hang up. so you know who the first person i called was?”
“it was me. i remember.”
“yeah, it was you. and you came in like 5 minutes, you were there and you took me to your place, and that was the first time i had ever been to your apartment, poor george was so confused why you left so suddenly in the middle of the night only to come home with a seriously disheveled looking girl,” she recalls.
he adds on, “he hadn’t even met you yet, had he? so you were just a stranger at that point. and i gave you a change of clothes and we played a billion games of mario kart on the xbox until you fell asleep on me.”
“we were both pretty drunk at that point, keep in mind, me more than you because i pregamed in owen’s car.”
he nods and continues his side of the story, “and you probably don’t know what happened after that, do you?” she shakes her head, wondering what part of the narrative she’s been unaware of for so long.
“alright, so i was pretty wasted too, and i wanted to be all gentlemanly and carry you to bed while you slept. i had a huge crush on you at this point, but i’m sure you kind of knew.”
“i didn’t! i didn’t know at all, that’s why i called you, like, if i’m drunk and alone, no offense but i probably wouldn’t have called someone i thought had a thing for me.”
“i understand, but you know i would never do that. anyways, so i’m up off the couch and i’m trying to pick you up bridal style, is that what that’s called? i don’t know. so i’m going to lift you and i can’t fucking do it, i almost drop you every time and i’m trying so hard, i really wanted to be a gentleman for you.”
“that was when you were in your small era, i remember.”
“hey, don’t call it a ‘small era’, that’s stupid, i was just skinny and i hardly went to the gym. also did a lot of drugs at the time, but that’s beside the point, the point is: i couldn’t lift you.”
she’s on the edge of her seat, the urge of having to pee completely off her mind by now. “so what did you do?”
“i- i fuckin made george do it. and he was so pressed, not at you, at me, because he had already gone to bed at that point but i insisted on it, so i made him get up, do this manual labor for free, taking you to my bed and all, then we both shared a smoke out on the fire escape outside my bedroom.”
“you’re right, i had no idea, i assumed you did it. it was actually one of the reasons i was so smitten with you so quickly, because even as friends, you did so many little things like that, things you didn’t have to do. it’s how i fell in love with you.”
“well, how do you feel now, knowing that it was george the whole time?”
“hmm, i guess i have to dump you, get with george now, since he’s been doing the heavy lifting since day one apparently,” they both burst into heavy laughter, tears beading at the corners of their eyes, and before they know it, matty’s taken a thousand turns away from the direction of their shared apartment, but with her, getting lost isn’t all that bad.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
taglist: @indierockgirrl @itssimpleanditgoeslikethis @milkluvr8 @americanangel
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lovewash3d-doll · 3 months
🎀How to Write Complex Characters🎀
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It’s very easy to get wrapped up in the plot and forget all about characters and their developments. Heroes can morph into perfect Mary Janes and villains can be simply labeled as pure evil and have no perspective in the story. Realistic characters elevate your story, engage your reader, and truly make your writing something worth caring about! Here are tips to help avoid those stereotypic characters and be more authentic in your writing!
1. The importance of character faults
There isn’t a single perfect person in this world; everyone has some kind of fault. Characters are meant to mimic humans and humans aren’t perfect whatsoever. As much as readers don’t like unlikeable characters, it’s hard to like and relate to a perfect one too. The kindest person can be overly envious of others and the bravest person can be brave for some morally grey reason. Negative character traits tend to stem from some inner struggle: a forgotten child may be afraid of being alone and constantly seek out and cling to others, or someone who’s been made to feel insecure may constantly compare themselves. A character doesn’t need a tragic backstory or traumatic occurrence to have a personal struggle!!! Everyone has some kind of complex! Different dynamics in their life, experiences, and social influences may have created it. It’s so important to showcase these traits and vulnerabilities within your story and scenes in which they are applicable. Revealing these negative traits is a great way to start character development.
2. For every good trait, there is a bad one.
“If you go too left, you go right” is an aphorism that even applies to making characters! A character can be a good leader, but they can also be overly controlling or too independent. A kind character can be overly selfless. A smart character can have bad social skills. Every positive personally trait can be inverted into some fault. Whenever I have too many positive traits attached to a character or am just starting developing one, I always make a T-chart. One column is for good traits and the other is for bad. For every good traits, I think of its extreme and fill in the chart to ensure there’s a balance of positives and negatives!
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3. Let Your Character React
Sometimes as writers, we take too much liberty over our scenes and forget that for each occurrence, circumstance, or piece of dialogue, there is a reaction. These reactions and the actions and thoughts they manifest in drive your story. To make characters as authentic as possible, make sure to acknowledge the emotions that could occur in the scene. For example, if a character is embarrassed in a significant way, don’t simply describe their cheeks as resending. Do they later ruminate on the embarrassing moment as they walk home? Does it evoke or reinforce any previous thoughts? How would u truthfully react to a situation? My writing improved when I took that into consideration!
4. Incorporate Character Thoughts
Something that really changed the game for my characters is incorporating their thoughts— whether I narrate them or directly include them in italics with a “she thought…” dialogue tag. It simultaneously forces you consider your character perspective and reactions more! It’s very helpful to see into the mind of your characters! Here are some examples:
Alice sat at the kitchen table, chin pressed into her hand, wondering what she could possibly do. She was too afraid to follow the white rabbit down the spiraling hole— particularly in fear her governess would take notice— but the rabbit’s image had imprinted itself upon her mind so fiercely. Alice sighed as she aimlessly stirred her cup of tea: she see-sawed between decisions with each clank of the teacup.
“Whatever will I do!” Alice thought, sitting at the kitchen table, “I can’t possibly follow the rabbit down its hole, but I can’t seem to brush it from my mind…” She stirred her tea and sighed, “maybe I’ll follow it down the hole quickly and be back from lunch!— No Alice! You don’t know how deep that hole is. What if you’re stuck there forever!— Maybe I’ll bring a rope!— where will I even find one?!”
5. Distinct Dialogue
Another aspect of complex characters, is ensuring each one is distinct from the rest and that two characters don’t murk together! Each character should have a unique tone to their perspective and demeanor, and unique vocabulary and wording in their dialogue. Are some characters more pessimistic than others? What catchphrases do their have? Do they tend to copy what others say? Test your character’s distinctiveness by copy and pasting randomly selected dialogue (without their tag) and matching them to their speakers! This will ensure your characters are both memorable and unique, as every human is. People tend to use different sayings and approach situations in their own unique way, that’s been influenced by their own experiences and those around them. Characters can have their own attitudes toward topics, and may reply differently based on that. Doing so, you can show both a character’s personality and past!
please reblog!
lovewashed doll 🎀
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the-apocrypha · 2 months
Got tagged for the WIP ask mem by @cuubism and @tj-dragonblade and @seiya-starsniper! I was a little hesitant to participate because, uh, I'm bad at having WIPs? But three separate invitations was too much to resist. <3
How many wips do you have currently?
Three! Olympics, DBD/Sandman crossover, and the University AU.
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish? Why do you think that is?
I'll be honest I am a One At A Time Girlie and so I am only working on the Olympics AU right now. The other two are effectively abandoned until/unless I decide to officially revisit them, and if I do, it will be with intentions of finishing them--and they were both abandoned for some structural issues that make me reluctant to revist them. Alas, I'm very boring and don't bounce between projects.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
Lots of thinking! I really try not to start writing anything I won't finish, and so I will spend a long time (usually days, sometimes up to a week) chewing on the idea--scenes, dialogue, themes, world-building, etc. If the idea comes out the other side intact, it's at that point that I'll actually start writing.
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
LMAO no. I write in silence. I do have a Cottagecore verse playlist that I eventually made, but other than that, I just have a disorganized collection of songs that vaguely remind me of my blorbos. I love listening to other peoples' playlists, though! RIP 8tracks, I used to live on there for fun fandom playlists.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
The most boring. I outline and then I write in perfect order, scene by scene, until completion. I am also not particularly fast, but on a really good hit of inspiration can usually churn out about 1k/day. So not particularly balls-to-the-wall in either sense. Still! I get the job done. :D
Tagging, uh. Boy. I have no idea who's already done this already, so apologies if you just posted your own reply like two days ago and my goldfish memory is doing you dirty here--tagging @dsudis, @tharkuun, and @amielot (as applied to art).
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laylawatermelon · 5 months
70.6 - 7.07 Speculation/ Buddie Meta
I am a writer y'know hehe
So, Buddie is happening.
Now let me explain.
Bi buck always existed, but the problem is that most of his consistent emotional relationship one could argue realistically romantically has been with a man he's known for years.
But has always been bi yes, but he's also been in love with his best friend for a really long time.
Friends to lovers where Y'all at? I see y'all madney truthers
Anyways I understand but what has kind of been bothering me is the fact that Buddie the ship has been abandoned/negated as not an important past of the puzzle for bi buck realization despite the fact that Eddie is physically present throughout his entire relationship/storyline.
I could argue that because they're mirrors to each other (corny soulmate type shit is perfect for network tv) this is the best way to ease people into it.
Buck and Eddie are the two beloved firefighters (and respective sex symbols). They have an appeal for the straight audience for that reason.
Lou already spoiled it but he's only here for a while.
There's been almost blatant explanations and dialogue that leads to the fact that this relationship is going to directly lead into buddie one way or another.
Tommy has from the beginning suspected that Buck (I'm calling him Evan in my head in regards to him and it's so weird 😖) and Eddie have an unusual relationship or that Buck is in love with Eddie at least.
(MY attention? is the biggest example.)
My prediction is that their mirrors of each other, the parallels, and red flags pop up too often now.
I know they're still writing the show and are likely watching audience engagement and ao3 (I'm watching you Tim ik you're here I'm new but ik you got shooters out here) for where to go with the story.
In Eddie's (frankly oddly portrayed) plotline is related to his Catholic guilt and his nonexistent relationship with Marisol (no last name?). As the episode maybe suggests they don't know their partners well enough.
Shame to Eddie because it's been months in universe like come on man. In Buck's it's literally been a few weeks, and most of the time Tommy spent with Eddie and not with him.
I like them as a couple and find them affordable. I can't quite bring myself to ship them or be as enthusiastic as others and that's okay.
I still admire the relationship they have and won't bash others for enjoying it.
Hell they still have Taylor and Buck enjoyers and maybe even Abby (i assume I haven't met any honestly).
The reason why I'm a bit confused on why Buddie isn't being all that embraced as a vital part of the storyline is because in a way it is.
I think it spurred the writers on to lean into it heavily due to the actors chemistry and portrayal of the relationship.
Now I'm not saying he wouldn't be bi regardless, because he's always been written that way.
His interactions with worm guy, a gay married couple, Carlos (who I've been waiting to say this but I can't hold myself any longer is Latino, shorter than him, brown eyes, dark hair - Eddie lite/he had a bit of a type aka cute guys.)
I clocked him flirting with him with his cute fact spilling as a way of affection because I do it to to people I love. (🤗i love my ADHD rep!) When he saw him look at the girl he became more platonic in his interactions. Then there was Eddie.
And Eddie honestly is the biggest part of the puzzle.
Yes he likes Tommy, and I don't deny he likes strong confident (suspiciously Eddie shaped 😂) guys.
He has always been attracted to strong personalities regardless of gender.
I do think he did pursue him and I think because Tommy is gay he recognized the flirting Buck does with both men and women as that, flirting.
Eddie doesn't count cause he has a whole can of worms he gotta figure out himself.
If Buck had consistent scenes with an out queer man on the show he'd have been at least clocked. (Eddie was kind of in the way with Josh and the Dispatch crew/his gaydar pinged a lil around him)
I've been saying that now that he's canonically bisexual and it's a known fact, you can't deny he's quite literally been flirting with his best friend the entire show (as a coparent??? Idk man they both said they skip steps/impatient 🤷🏾‍♀️).
When new fans watch it it's obvious, when older fans recall it it's either enlightening or redefining that relationship regardless.
The red flags that are coming up is Eddie's statement of moving too fast and Buck literally moving to fast with his second date (i assume idk how in world time works it's a tv show 🤷🏾‍♀️) being his sister's wedding.
Realistically I know you only invite people to events like that if you're fully committed to each other for a long term thing.
I'm not saying that he's on his wheel but in a way I'm tilting my head at some similarities of Tommy and his past relationships and Buck's tendencies.
Buck will be Buck.
Tommy knows him as Evan, and calls him such.
Which didn't get me wrong cute or whatever but rubs me there wrong away, because we know he prefers Buck as it's his chosen name for a reason. It's defined him and been contextualized and even accepted by his parents.
I believe in calling people the name they choose to be called and I just don't like when that's ignored.
It also doesn't help that he continues to call him that in an episode called You don't know me (you can Even tie it in to Marisol No last name) that deals with identities and lack of knowledge.
Buck has spent most of his remaining twenties with that identity and has defended it so the casualness of him calling him that unnerves me.
It's meant to close the distance and be portrayed as romantic but it can also be interpreted as him seeing Evan, not Buck when with him.
But I did see a post that changed my perspective on calling a name with love instead can recontextualize the meaning of it and I found that sweet and fitting. In that case I can swing either way about it.
If it does make him more accepting of that side of his identity that's great that he's beginning to heal from a path when his name/personhood was used as a weapon or item.
But, I also still feel a bit iffy that it's not interchangeably used with Buck because his family and everyone he knows calls him that. Even his previous romantic partners did and I didn't mind him being called it but I would like it if both names would be used as that is the new part of him where Evan exists as well.
Also narratively they spent too much time on defining his name and what it means to him and everyone around him to not show the importance of his identity being acknowledged in a new unfamiliar relationship.
(whew i think I'm just mad at the writers or this may just be on purpose who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️)
I'm getting to the meta I promise I'm just finally processing what's been plaguing me about this relationship and i gotta let the monster out
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That would also explain why he doesn't know the ADHD rants that Buck blabs on about.
But then again the episode is called you don't know me and they weren't even friends he just jumped into a relationship.
(ps you can just start dating someone and learn as you go I'm just saying 🤷🏾‍♀️)
The biggest problem with their relationship is that he's in love with his best friend.
He literally only began to open up and flirt when he realized that he wasn't a romantic threat to his family.
(Which trifling Buck! Your man can't get wined and dined?? He deserves love too!/j)
He literally relaxed/his shoulders open up when Tommy assures him that his son still loves and idolizes him and that Eddie still likes him and he's irreplaceable in his life.
After that's secured he begins to make his move and become more flirtatious (cough sexually open cough) to this confident man in his kitchen in the dim lights and glowy atmosphere.
Damn I'd kiss him too 🤷🏾‍♀️ (if I was a guy ofc)
I also didn't like the parallels of Buck being left (which has happened with his female love interests) and then Buck still having to reach out.
I don't think Tommy is bad for Buck, but I'm still not convinced that he's 100% good. But then again he's been here literally a two episodes and barely any screentime.
And the one he does makes it seem like he's interested but not too invested.
(which makes sense and I will elaborate a bit later in the meta speculation)
The Tommy that everyone is talking about exists solely in fan spaces and head canon and that's why I think I can't get into it. The facts of him are plain in the show but in the fan spaces he has a different image.
Which valid, once again he's almost a blank sheet of what we wish a Buck gets and deserves in a love interest but that's what he is as of now. A blank-ish sheet. Kind of like a projection sheet for movies.
Tommy seems like a caring partner and sure of himself. He's shown himself to be funny, considerate, and as unhinged as the rest of the 118 (ah the fruity fire badasses).
Also i wanna point your Buck likes em a lil older sometimes haha
But back on topic, I can see Tommy being like Natalia (which makes sense as that storyline could've been used) In the fact that he sees that the space in his life is occupied and respectfully backs out.
My meta for 7.06 is this.
Tommy helps out somehow. Buck is ecstatic rightfully so.
They kiss dance and are cute.
The family is very welcoming, the 118 is still loving, but then he sees something that affirms his suspicions.
It's a normal scene for us.
Either Buck is taking care of Chris and then talks to Eddie.
He sees the look in Buck's eyes and the fondness there. He looks at Eddie and sees the same on his face.
He notices how they work together and laugh, them at the family and life he's built all around him, and decides he can't be apart of this. There's no space for him.
It feels too real too fast and he'll only end to heartbroken because he's just interested, not invested yet.
So he gracefully bows out and let's him know that he has enough love in his life if he'd just look for it.
(i also found out he used the word interested in the cafe scene where i recognized it as the ana date. Also Buck was wearing a white patterned shirt and i had a heart attack because it wasn't great the last time he wore it 😬)
Then it leads into ghost of a second chance.
(now imma say this i will be posting more specs about the these episodes I'm just on my buddie storyline juice rn)
This is now Buck trying to salvage/figure out what went wrong and maybe try to contact him again.
In the case of Marisol it's safe to assume they break up, the reason why isn't clear.
It could be related to his sisters disapproval of their relationship (as they're supposed to be coming out did the show forget??) or apprehension towards her as they've been raised/watched him grow up.
They know what makes him happy.
For ghost a second chance I didn't have much buddie assumptions but I'm pretty sure that one is more in relation to other members of the cast most likely and maybe Buck trying to salvage his relationship.
7.08-10 isn't complete so who knows🤷🏾‍♀️ how they must switch it up for more drama?
But I will say, we gotta dive into the Eddie of it all.
Y'all thought I forgot about him?
The bi Buck storyline isn't complete without Eddie either romantically or platonically.
In real life their queer storylines were always interchangeable and they're both feeling out the GA and fans reaction.
Buddie not going canon doesn't make sense because realistically it's one of the biggest ships and the most talked about things for the online fans.
It's a good reason many fans started (me included🙋🏾‍♀️) and stay (if the beautiful found family didn't hit it for them).
The way that they were both discussed and Ryan is fine with Buddie still kind of matches his character honestly. Demi Eddie is a head canon and honestly Eddie would only be comfortable with dating a man at this stage of his life if it's someone he loves already aka Buck.
There could be other reasons but as a Buddie warrior truther (as they named it which is still so insane) as his old interviews alluded to the fact that he loves Buck so much he can't really see himself with another guy he just met like that.
He also maybe wanted a easier storyline as he had always been a bit of a heavy character.
For women it's easier as he's raised to do it and it's "natural" or right for him to do so.
His parents said it, the church says it, God says it so it must be right.
He loves commitment, has said he's a nester and constantly yearns for a family unit.
The only family unit he knows of it feels is acceptable due to his upbringing is man, woman, child.
Not that he's homophobic cause duh, HenRen is literally there, but his standards and pressure doesn't even let him fathom it for himself.
It's also likely if the demi part is true, he's highly unlikely to be like Buck and view others sexually and even realize he's able to have a family/relationship with a man.
I suspect no Buddie this season. I actually hope and pray for it.
Because from both a business and story point it's best to keep the will-they won't-they into season 8 to keep viewers engaged/tuning in and not to rush the story and get some really good emotional moments.
I won't lie I miss the angst we got in the other seasons and as a result the show's identity with Eddie has faltered a bit.
I didn't love episode 5 but I didn't hate it. I still enjoy the show and if they feel a bit unusual it's okay.
There were still some great moments in it.
Eddie's character is now happy but as a result he's also somewhat unfamiliar (that speaks to the whump heavy storylines he has) as he seems less mature. You can argue now that he has a stable support system he's able to let loose because he knows his needs will be covered.
That's also a great point and easy way of showing his development.
His Catholic guilt now that it's been introduced will have to be deconstructed as he will have to redefine his life, what he's looking for/allow himself to be and dare to dream of a life not given to him by someone else or pressure.
This season he's only just started to accept things that make him feel good (which for now is Marisol) and be open and honest about it.
I can argue it is a great sign of improvement of his character.
A bit ooc portrayal yes, but the message of looking deeper still applies.
This can apply to Buddie probably leading through the next half of season 7 by being ramped up and then going full speed ahead season 8.
At the time though since they're still writing they may take a hard right turn and keep it platonic (😭).
But what would be inevitable is Eddie's coming out/self discovery arc that isn't tied to the church or sense of duty.
Which yay! More self discovery I love the message of finding yourself lasts throughout your life and due to life's unexpected events you can change to be a better version of yourself all the time.
We got bi buck (which evidently was influenced by Eddie in some way) now let's free Eddie to even if they didn't do it for Buddie (once again😭😭😭).
Now that I've got it mostly off my chest I'm definitely gonna do an analysis of the parallels and the way it's played pt.2 (and more as seasons passed cause Ryan and Oliver 😘 muah 10/10 no notes).
Okay bye.
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