#i literally meet people in the cutest ways and then poof gone
I am where meet cutes come to die
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juju-on-that-yeet · 4 years
I wish you’d write a fic where Dark suddenly gets turned into a child and everyone has to deal with that cohskxbsj
Ngl, this reminded me of “It Takes A Village,” which I literally just reread the other day, coincidence??? XD This was really fun to write :D
“I thought you would’ve learned after the first time this happened,” Google deadpans from his seat at the meeting table.
“Then you clearly don’t know me,” sniffs Wilford, feigning offense.
“Dark’s gonna kill us for this,” Bim moans, slumped over the table, face in his hands, “He’s gonna kill us slowly and painfully the moment he’s back to normal.”
Thanks to a wayward bit of magic from Wilford (possibly Bim, he was slinging magic too, but probably Wilford), Dark is a baby. His facial hair is gone, but his dark hair is even fluffier than normal. He’s small enough for Wilford to hold in his arms, and somehow his suit has shrunk with him. His skin is still tinted gray and his aura still flutters around him, though it’s diminished in strength. His eyes are big and brown as he looks around at the other egos, evaluating. Even as a baby he has a look to him like he knows the situation is wrong, but he doesn’t squirm or try to escape Wilford’s arms.
“I think he’s cute like this!” Wilford exclaims, squeezing Dark against him, cheek to cheek. “Look at this widdle face! And this way he can’t yell at us for shooting people and making a mess anymore.” Dark whines, annoyed, and tries to push Wilford’s face away.
“I think that’s just you,” Ed Edgar snorts.
“Does that mean Wilford and The Host are in charge?” asks The Host, raising an eyebrow above his bandage.
“Guess so!” Wilford says brightly. He finally loosens his hold on Dark and moves away from his face. Dark grumbles.
“How is this possible?” sighs Dr. Iplier, “It was one thing when Yandere got turned into a baby, but Dark’s not even human!”
“Beats me,” Wilford says, “Hey, can you hold him? Bim and I are gonna be late for our next filming.”
“Now is not the time, Wil!” Bim shouts.
“You can’t just-” Dr. Iplier starts, but Dark is thrust into his hands and Wilford and Bim are poofed away in the next instant. “...Well, I guess he did.”
Dark glowers from Dr. Iplier’s arms, and his aura starts pulling his hair.
“Ow, stop that!” Dr. Iplier cries, trying to brush away Dark’s aura with one hand.
“What a disaster,” Silver mumbles. “Now what?”
“I vote we sell ‘im,” Ed says.
“The Host doubts that’s a good idea,” Host says, “Though he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted to agree.”
“I already hate holding him,” Dr. Iplier sighs, “Do any of you know how bizarre it is to hold a moving, clearly alive child that’s cold and has no heartbeat??”
“We’ll need to let the other egos know,” Google says, “Meaning that someone is going to have to tell-”
The door to the conference room opens and Yandere enters. He sees Dark immediately and stops walking, eyes going huge.
“Uh oh,” Silver whispers.
“Yan, what are doing here?” Dr. Iplier asks, trying not to sound frazzled.
“Yami was going to meet me,” Yandere says, not looking away from Dark, “He was late, so I went looking for him, and he wasn’t in his office...”
“This is Wilford’s fault,” Ed is quick to point out.
“Again,” Google mutters.
Yandere continues to stare at Dark. And Dark ceases his struggle against Dr. Iplier’s hold and stares back.
After many moments, Dark reaches two tiny arms out to Yandere.
“Ahn,” he says, insistent.
Yandere gasps and covers his face, knees buckling like he’s going to collapse. When he uncovers his face, there’s practically hearts in his eyes.
“Kawaiiiiii!!!” Yandere squeals, before dashing to Dr. Iplier and scooping Dark out of his arms. He hugs him tight, fluffing up his hair and kissing his cheeks, cooing and laughing over how cute Dark is. Dark, amazingly, seems to enjoy the attention. He still doesn’t smile, but his expression is calm as his little arms hug Yandere’s neck. His aura curls around Yandere as well, gentle and playful.
“The Host supposes the egos know what to do with Dark, now,” Host muses.
“You mean we ain’t sellin’ him?” Ed asks, clearly disappointed.
Yandere’s head jerks up from Dark, and he glares at Ed with eyes that are suddenly bright red. Even Dark looks angry, as cute as his pouting face is.
“Go ahead and repeat that,” Yander snarls, “Give me a reason to break all your fucking bones.”
Ed nervously sinks into his seat. After a few moments of tense silence, Yandere relaxes and looks back to Dark again.
“Ah, I swore in front of the baby, that’s no good! No good!” Yandere kisses Dark’s nose, surprising him enough to make him giggle and finally start smiling. “Who’s the cutest thing in the whole world? That’s you! You are! I love you so much!!” He continues to cuddle Dark and kiss his cheeks as the others look on in shock.
The other egos never in their lives imagined they would ever see Dark giggle.
“This’ll be interesting,” Dr. Iplier can’t help but mumble.
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jenosweave · 6 years
going to hogwarts w/ jeno !
requested by @incubusjeno
uwu hey extensions! m back at it again wit a hogwarts au!
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house : hufflepuff
year : 3
favorite class : potions !!!!!!
patronus : husky
extra info : planning on trying out for the quidditch team,,,, good luck…, he wants to start a cat lovers club (wasn’t approved but he secretly holds meetings after class outside the hufflepuff common rooms)
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just wanna say,,,,, jeno is a silent killer
a lot of girls flock to wait outside the hufflepuff common room and see him return from his last class
they think that he’s super cold since they just see his face and not him around his friends
all he does is smile and laugh when he’s with his friends
like ughhhh his whole face lights up and it’s really just an emotional rollercoaster whenever someone who's never seen him smile before sees him smile
you experience a LOT of emotions
in fact, people in hufflepuff love!! him!!!
like he’s just so bright and outgoing??
he literally makes all the first years SWOON
especially when he’s cuddling his cat or taking care of it like it’s just the cutest thing ever
actually like.. kinda good at school? especially potions
that’s why it’s his favorite class he literally doesn’t even have to eat snapes ass he’s simply just good at it
every girls dream boyfriend
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jeno.. loves cats
he would do anything for them
and even though he's always coughing and sneezing and DYING when he’s around them, you BET he brought his favorite cat with him to hogwarts and carries around pictures of the other two in his wallet
when he isn’t studying, messing around with his friends, or trying to convince hufflepuff’s quidditch team captain to let him join the team, he’s playing with his cat!
his cat is literally his best friend
he sleeps with her
he studies with her in his lap
and he finds ways to walk her around campus and NOT get in trouble that’s some legend behavior right there
he would literally DIE if he ever had to go a day without having a cat with him
and then,,, that day came and he f REAKS OUT
one day he just woke up and POOF she was gone ?????
um,,,, panic starts to sink in and he kinda starts crying in the hufflepuff common room
he starts running around the school in his pajamas and deadass pays no mind to his classes or the teachers and students freaked out bc the normally cold handsome looking jeno is??? showing emotion?????
soon, he’s been spending hours just looking for his cat
like running into the library and searching through every nook and cranny literally flinging around books and eventually getting yelled at and kicked out by the librarian
he literally skipped all his classes and was still in his pajamas by the end of the day
this is where you come into play
you had stayed after class to go over a concept you were too confident in and found jeno just..,,,,
crying?? and frantically searching in bushes at like 6pm????
is he good????
you and jeno were acquaintances and had previously taken transfigurations with him both your first and second year, but had no classes with him third year
he seemed nice, but you’d never spoken to him personally… so would it be weird if you just..,,,, asked what was wrong?
you decided to be nice and go ahead and ask
to which jeno was a little shaken up and literally leaped into your arms for a hug and cried into your shoulder :((
he hiccuped and struggled to explain to you how his cat went missing and he doesn’t know what to do or where to start and he’s looked literally EVERYWHERE and can’t find her
comforting him, you hug him back and pat his shoulder to tell him to let it all out and once he was calm, you offered to help him search for her
you tell him that he should go get some rest and that you two could look tomorrow morning since classes were moved to the afternoon
he’s a little reluctant,,, but agrees and you walk him back to the hufflepuff common room and gave him a little pat on the shoulder and reassured him you guys could find her :)
he lowkey uwus and returns to his dorm and slept (though he struggled)
the next morning, you two met during breakfast and decided to work together and search in individual rooms and areas
after HOURS of searching, you two eventually found her!!!
somehow,,, she got into the boys bathroom on the third floor??? but BOY was he so HAPPY to see her
like he cried out of happiness and was snuggling her on the way back to his dorm and thanked you over and over and over
you turned to him and was like “HEY!! no problem!! if MY cat went missing, i would literally d i e”
and you saw him kinda,,, glance at the floor and blush a little..,,,,
“well..” he started and you were literally uwuing
“maybe our cats could have a uhhh,,,” you were smiling so hard at his little blushing fit and how cute he looked :(( “have a playdate sometime?”
of COURSE you say Y E S and you two hit it off
eventually your relationship blossoms and he confesses!!!!!!
the date is literally you two walking your cats around the campus dhjfkds
and you two become the cutest couple on campus uwu!!!! and everyone finally is able to see jeno smile UWU
that’s all for now folks ! send some requests to our inbox uwu!!!!
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minniemonu-reverie · 6 years
SRK Part 4- Master??
 ~ Super Rich Kids ~ Master List in bio
Part Four - Master??
Genre: Humour, Fluff, Smol Angst
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
a/n: Sorry that I disappeared for a while, I was really sick and then I got really busy... <3 
             Class passed by in a blur. You were still caught up in the awkward interaction between you and Namjoon, and the guys hadn’t stopped attacking your twitter account. At least you knew Remi was alive after fleeing to the back of the coffee shop. She had apologized about fifty times to you now, and you kept telling her it was fine, but she still held guilt for taking off. She promised to join the shenanigans next time a chance arose to make up for being a turtle. You quickly packed your things thankful that the day was over, and you could finally go home and relax- Riiiiiiiiiiiiing. You looked at the caller ID. Your manager was calling you. Oh no, no, no. I just want to go home. You picked up anyway, knowing your fate as soon as you hit answer. “Hi Y/N, Mimi called in sick, and we’re already short staffed today, could you please, please, come in for a couple hours. I promise I won’t keep you long, I just need you to cover the rush. PLEASE.” You sighed into the phone. “Yeah, sure. I’ll be there soon. My uniform is still in the back, right?” “Yup! Freshly laundered, I’ll see you in about 15 minutes?” “Yup, just got out of class. I’ll head over now.” You hung up and started walking out of the building.
             You were furious. More so that you couldn’t just go home and snuggle up in some sweatpants and stuff some popcorn in your mouth while watching K dramas. Why did someone have to call in? WHY? This day couldn’t get any more hectic. You were so caught up in your thoughts, that you hadn’t even noticed Jimin, Taehyung and Yoongi waving at you. It was mostly Jimin jumping and waving, but either way you were too focused on the path ahead of you, stomping your feet and whispering angrily.
             You finally stopped outside of your café, taking a final breath before walking in. You knew you couldn’t walk in angry, it was time to be your over enthusiastic self. You headed straight for the back, trying to avoid anyone that would see you and try to make conversation. The cutesy décor usually helped brighten your day, but you were exhausted, and this just wasn’t going to be fun no matter how short it would be. You threw your things into your locker and got ready as fast as possible. Your hair now hung in two pigtails, and you had done your makeup. You felt as if your dress had a little extra poof today and did a quick twirl in the mirror before heading out front. You walked over to the counter and punched in, then headed over to your manager.
             She was a super bright and bubbly person. Very nice, probably the nicest manager you’ve ever had. She treated you all very well and loved to have fun. You greeted her with a curtsey, and she clapped her hands together in excitement. “Oh, thank you so much for coming in, I know you’re probably really tired.” “No worries, you know I have your back if you need me. Do you want me serving tables, or?” “Oh please that would be great, I’ll handle the counter stuff. Jane and Lily should be showing up soon too, so I really don’t need you for more than a couple hours. Thank you so much again.” You gave her a finger heart and spun on your heel to go check out the situation unfolding in the café.
             It wasn’t quite busy yet, thankfully. The afternoon rush was always the worst. Only a few tables had people, and it looked like they had already been served. It was just you and your manager until the other two girls would arrive, so you went over to the customers and asked if they needed anything. Everything was going rather smoothly for the most part, until you heard some sort of commotion that sounded like girls’ squeals and giggles and a couple of familiar voices. “Are you sure Y/N is in here, Jimin?” “I definitely saw her come in here, where else would she have gone?”  You stopped dead in your tracks, horror crossing your face.  No freaking way. They did not follow me here. They did not follow me here! You scurried to the back, bringing your tray of dirty dishes with you. You slid everything into the sink and leaned over, your heart pounding.
             Your worst nightmare was coming true. You had been found out. They were going to know that you worked at a maid café and your life was going to be over. Lily and Jane hadn’t even showed up yet, so you couldn’t ask them to take your place so you could escape. Shit. What were you going to do? More screams and giggles came from the front. You peeked your head to see what was happening. Taehyung and Jimin had taken a seat, and a gaggle of girls had surrounded them. Jimin had his best smile on, running his hand through his hair as he told them that he wasn’t interested. The girls were not getting the message. Taehyung was relishing in the attention, you could see he lived for this stuff. He was poise and the girls were swooning. You took a deep breath, knowing that your only choice was to go out there and reveal yourself.
             You walked over as confidently as you could, a couple menus in hand and pushed yourself through the crowd, shooing them away as you went. One of the girls elbowed you, and if you weren’t working, she would’ve caught hands, but you grinned and told her politely to move. Your manager had come over to force them to either order or leave, allowing you some breathing room, and you sidled over to the table, putting on the cutest smile you could muster in your frustration and embarrassment. “Hello, welcome to our café. Is there anything that I can get for you to drink?” You give them a gentle curtsey and try to act as sweet as possible.
             Taehyung went to order first, until he looked up. You watched his eyes widen and mouth open, before looking over to Jimin who was already leaned forward in shock. You felt your heart racing but kept yourself professional. You tilted your head slightly, a small pout forming. “Are you okay? Should I get you some waters to start?” Neither of them moved or talked. You set the menus down. “I’ll give the two of you some time to look over the menu. My favourite is the apple pie! I’ll be right back with the waters!” You gave them another curtsey and a cute grin before sauntering off to the back. You returned quickly with the water and looked around to see if your manager could see you before the smile fell from your face. “Did you two seriously follow me here?” You watched Taehyung break into a grin as he looked you up and down. “Oh honey, you are just so precious I could eat you up.” “I said, did you two seriously follow me here?” Jimin’s face was bright red and he couldn’t meet your eyes. “Yeah, but we were just curious where you were off to in such a hurry with such an angry look. I wanted to make sure you were okay, but then we saw it was a maid café, and we were curious, we didn’t think this is where you worked…” He trailed off, looking at his hands in his lap.
             You sighed deeply, closing your eyes. “Well seeing that you two now know. Don’t you dare tell anyone about this. DO YOU HEAR ME? NO ONE. I will literally kill you if anyone else finds out, got it?” Taehyung grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it. “Of course, princess. We’ll keep your secret.” You snatched your hand away and put on your best work face. “Good, so what will you two be ordering?” “That apple pie did sound really good, we’ll split that. And Jimin for the love of God, just look at her and not your hands.” Jimin finally looked up and you met his gaze.  “I’m so sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I promise.” “I’ll be back with an apple pie.”  You went to the back and grabbed your phone, shooting a text to Remi about what just happened.
             You gave them their pie, and they let you work in peace. Jimin seemed extremely distressed that he had upset you and Taehyung was trying to cheer him up, but it didn’t seem to be working so well. Taehyung ended up leaving, giving you a wave, but Jimin continued to sit at the table. Just as you were finishing up your shift, he called you over.
“Hey, I’m really sorry.” “Jimin, it’s fine. I know your intentions weren’t in the wrong place and people will eventually find out that I work at a maid café, don’t… don’t worry about it, okay? Why didn’t you leave with Tae?” Jimin’s pout didn’t leave, and he started fidgeting with his hands. “You’re done now right? I didn’t leave with Tae because I want to make it up to you.” “What do you mean?” “Well, I know you were probably just going to go home and veg out, but how about I treat you to some dinner and we can hang out?” You stared at him for a solid minute. He continued fidgeting, getting more uncomfortable by the second. “S-sure. Dinner sounds nice. I don’t have anything at home anyway, so yeah. I’ll take you up on your offer.” Jimin’s face beamed, and he sat up straight. “Perfect! Alright! I’ll wait for you here!”
             You ran to the back, clocking out on your way. Your coworkers gave you a thumbs up, they clearly noticed who you had been talking to. You sighed, changing back into your regular clothes. Waving bye to the girls, you walked to the door where Jimin was already waiting for you. He was radiating excitement. You pushed past him gently. “Come on Jimin. Let’s go.” He followed behind you like a lost puppy. “So, where are you taking me?” “I figured you had a place in mind, I don’t really know the area.” He was walking beside you now, keeping stride. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and he was trying his hardest not to stare at you. “Oh, true. Hmm. There’s a place down by the docks I like to hang out at sometimes. They have simple food, but it’s good, I promise. Probably not something you’re used to eating though, seeing that you’re a model.” You glanced over at him, quickly checking out his body. Your head spun a little, noticing the way his jeans fit snugly over his muscular thighs. He looked at you questioningly, but you shook your head and continued forward. A smirk played across Jimin’s lips, and he gently nudged you.
             You instinctively nudged him back, resulting in a tiny nudge fight between you two. Tension eased between you guys and you felt yourself genuinely smiling. You went to tuck your hair behind your ear, like you always do when you’re nervous, but you felt hands doing it for you. Jimin’s face flushed immediately as he realized what he had done. “Oh, I didn’t mean to. It’s just I saw your hair in your face and, I’m so sorry.” He stuck his hands up defensively. “I know I’ve crossed a lot of lines today. I just, I get nervous and…” “It’s okay, I don’t mind.” You casually laced your arm through his and continued walking. He looked down at your interlocked arms in shock and looked back up at you. “What?” A grin took over his face, his nose scrunching up. “Nothing.”
             You walked the rest of the way to the waterfront with linked arms, chatting casually about life and interests. The sun had started to set, twilight gleaming around you. You brought him over to the docks and motioned for him to sit beside you. “I thought we were going to dinner?” He asked, pulling his knees to his chest. “We are, I just wanted to sit here for a little bit first. You don’t mind, do you?” “Of course not. It’s really pretty here.” You sat silently for a couple minutes before Jimin looked at you. “Hey, uh. Thanks for coming out with me Y/N. I know I’ve caused a lot of trouble for you today, but I’m glad you agreed to hang out.”   “I’m glad I agreed. I needed some time out, and you’re not awful to be around Jimin. This has been fun.” You watched him visibly relax, and he scooted closer to you, laying his head on your shoulder. You stiffened at the sudden intrusion of your personal bubble, but as you looked down at this soft boy, all wrapped around himself, you relaxed again. For once, your body didn’t react rashly and instead of fire burning your face, it was a gentle heat that spread through you. You couldn’t help but lean your head on top of his, watching the sun set.
             Both of your stomachs growled at the same time, making you burst into laughter. “Guess we should get some food, huh?” You say, starting to get up. “I am so excited to see what you have planned.” Jimin got up with you and you both headed over to the restaurant. You ordered a bunch of food, and Jimin wondered how you were going to be able to eat it all. The two of you were getting along so well, sharing dishes with each other and feeding each other. Time flew, and soon enough you knew it was time to leave. After starting the day not wanting to even be around him, you found yourself not wanting him to leave. “ChimChim, I had such a wonderful time.” Jimin lit up gleefully and he put his arm around your shoulders bringing you in for a side hug.  “You called me ChimChim. I made it, you officially don’t hate me!”  You playfully slapped his arm and slid your arm around his waist as you two walked away from the waterfront.
“I never hated you, I just couldn’t deal with your, uh, lack of personal bubble awareness.” “Yet here you are, with your arm around my waist.” Jimin gave you a sly smile, knowing full well what effect it would have on you. “Do you want me to let go?” You raised your eyebrow and created some distance between you. “NO! I was just kidding!” Jimin grabbed you and pulled you closer with a pout and your heart started pounding. You were suddenly aware of how close he was, and your face started heating up. You didn’t really have experience with guys in general, and now having one as attractive as him by you, you were starting to freak out a bit.
             Jimin took his hand and brushed it against your cheek. “What’s up baby girl? Your face is all red.” You couldn’t even get any words out as your breathing shallowed and all you could do was stare at his face. His wonderful, beautiful face. Those full lips. Those- Wait, what was happening? You slammed back into reality and realized you had moved your face inches from his.  Jimin’s eyes were wide with shock and you jerked back. “Wow, uh sorry. I don’t know what got into me. Uh, yeah.” You stammered out, moving farther away from him. “Hey, no it’s fine-” “Yeah, so you don’t have to walk me home it’s fine, I don’t live far. Thanks again for treating me to dinner Jimin. I’ll see you around, okay?”  “Y/N, wait!”  You quickly walked away, tears forming in your eyes due to frustration with yourself. You couldn’t believe you did that. He must think I’m insane. Oh God. Why am I like this? You felt a tug on your hand, and you spun around.
             Jimin was clinging onto your hand, a look of hurt on his face. His expression only worsened as he noticed you had started crying. You tried to pull your hand away, but he held on tighter and pulled you towards him, embracing you. “Hey, hey. Why are you crying?” He said soothingly, patting you on the head. You figured you weren’t going to be able to fight him off, so you muttered into his shirt. “I’m sorry, I just, ughhhhhh.”  “It’s okay, come on, I’ll walk you home. There’s no way I’m going to let you go alone in the dark.” He gently pushed you away and started walking. You walked beside him, your head hanging low as feelings attacked you. You didn’t know what to say, so you stayed silent. You felt Jimin giving you looks occasionally, but you just couldn’t meet his gaze, not after what you just almost did.
             You reached the front steps of your building and finally made eye contact with Jimin. He gave you a soft smile, even though you could see in his eyes he was concerned about you. “Thanks for walking me home, I think I got it from here.” You muttered, your mouth twitching upwards half-heartedly. “You sure you’re okay?” “Yeah, no worries. I’ll manage. Thanks again.” You turned away and opened the door, but Jimin grabbed at you.  “You don’t seem okay… It’s my fault right? I overstepped. Ugh, I’m overstepping right now. I should just let you go, please don’t hate me.” The way he looked at you, the way he spoke, your stupid heart couldn’t stay mad, couldn’t let him leave. You sighed deeply and rubbed your head. “Hey, if you want… Did you want to uh, stay the night? Sleepover? I don’t want to end our night on such a bum note. Especially because I had so much fun.” “Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude…” “Yeah, I’m sure. I live alone anyway, it would be nice to have company for once.”  Jimin followed you through the door and up to your apartment. You took another deep breath before opening the door and walking in.
             Jimin’s curiosity was coming off him in waves. You put your backpack down and turned the lights on. “Oh Y/N, your house is so cute!” He immediately started scouring the surrounding area, picking things up and cooing over everything. You smiled to yourself and showed him the living room. “You can crash on the couch, my bedroom is just over there,” You said pointing down the hall. “The bathroom is right across, don’t worry about asking for anything you have my permission to grab whatever you need.”  Jimin’s hand wrapped around yours. “What if I need you?” You shook his hand away and started walking down the hall. “Ha. Ha. There’re blankets on that shelf. Make yourself comfortable, I’m going to get my pjs on.” You went into your room going directly to your dresser and whipping out your most modest pair of pjs and slipping them on. How could you let him into your house and invite him to stay the night? Were you mad? You had to be. You had never let any guy stay over before, but it was fine he was just going to be on the couch. You had rooms and a door to separate you. It would be fine. You slumped onto your bed, tears returning. This was just too much, you couldn’t believe what you were doing, what you had done, who knows what would happen next?
             As if on cue, Jimin knocked on your door. “Y/N? I thought I heard sniffling, you’re not crying again, are you?” He slowly opened your door, his head peeking through. You looked up at him, then let your head fall on the bed again. He came in slowly, cautiously. You didn’t move. He crept up to the side of the bed and sat on it and began stroking your head. “You know, you can just tell me what’s bothering you…” You repositioned yourself so that you were looking up at him, while still laying on the bed. “It’s just. This day has been a lot. I’m not used to this stuff. I don’t hang out with anyone outside of Remi and my coworkers sometimes. Especially guys. I am helpless when it comes to that, and you. You’re just so nice and god, you’re so attractive and I find myself not really knowing how to handle you.” Jimin let out a low chuckle and pulled at your arm. You obliged and laid your head on his leg. “You are really interesting, you know that? I enjoy you just the way you are. Crazy and all.” He laughed again and booped your nose. You scrunched your nose and he brushed the hair out of your face. “I instantly knew you were one of a kind Y/N, which is why I’ve been so persistent in hanging out with you. I had a feeling we would get along. I’m glad I was right. I want to continue hanging out with you and getting to know you better.”
             You tilted your head and looked him in the eyes. They were so sincere, and you couldn’t help but smile, even though you were also blushing like crazy from his statement. His finger traced the top of your cheek and your eyes fluttered shut at his touch. “I would love to hang out with you more ChimChim.” Your breathing started getting heavier as he lightly traced your face. You could feel yourself drifting to sleep. Jimin went to get up, but you stopped him. “No, no don’t leave.”  “But, you told me to sleep on the couch…”  “No, stay with me. Your presence comforts me.” You rolled away, now half asleep. Jimin looked at you and then the bed, his face blushing. He pulled on the blankets and covered you before covering himself. You rolled back over to him, cuddling into his chest. “Night, Chim…”  You muttered before you were completely taken over by sleep. “Night Y/N.” He whispered to you, playing with your hair before he too fell asleep.
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