#my legs went to jelly and now i gotta start all over again
I am where meet cutes come to die
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zephyrchama · 2 months
(Obey Me! Belphegor and MC. The problem with naps.)
You were in trouble.
It had been several hours since you were able to move. Your legs were heavy, most likely numb. You wanted nothing more than to kick and stretch out your neglected muscles. The battery on your D.D.D. was running low.
Belphegor was deaf to the world, his nose buried in your naval with arms coiled around your waist. He was the world's clingiest lap blanket. Despite bending his knees, Belphegor's feet stuck out over the edge of the couch. You had tried fruitlessly over the hours to wake him, but things were getting dire.
You poked at his cheek. Slow and soft at first, but with increasing intensity until you reached a point where Leviathan himself would have recruited you for a button-mashing game.
"Belphie. Belphegor. Belphegor. Belphie. Belph. Belphegor. Hey!!"
You whacked his forehead with your D.D.D. There was no response. You sunk back into the couch cushions to create a bit of distance between your stomach and the demon's face. The next plan was to pinch his nose.
This was also futile. Belphegor clearly stopped inhaling and appeared fine, but such a length of time without breathing would cause brain damage in humans. It disturbed you. He was probably fine, being a demon and all. It was still concerning. You squeezed his nostrils until the excessive passage of time made you uncomfortable and let go. A couple of seconds went by before Belphegor breathed in with a loud snore. Any sense of relief was quickly and easily washed away by annoyance.
You groaned and leaned forward over the demon's head, placing your elbows on the edge of your knees to better cradle your face in your hands with despair. You balled your hands into fists, pressing them against your forehead, and let out a wail.
"Belphie, I'm begging you. Wake up."
Silence. You felt like you were going to explode.
"I have to pee."
You might as well have been talking to a large rock. The demon's weight on your lower stomach was not helping the situation. In an ideal world, you would have reached the bathroom over an hour ago. You leaned back once more and stared dismally at the sleeping figure in your lap. You were running out of options.
"Hear me, Denizens of Darkness. I am Master of Belphegor, Avatar of Sloth. Heed my call and do as I command. Get off of me!"
Wisps of magic curled up your arms, dancing across your neck and face. Its light made everything brighter. Traces of powerful energy - Belphegor's own energy - blew through your hair, whooshing past your ears. Belphegor was forcefully shifted into his demon form and rolled off the couch with all the grace of a baby chick learning to fly.
A deep rumble escaped his throat at the rude awakening. Belphegor lifted himself up in a daze. The fluff on his tail stood on edge as it swung turbulently from side to side. He clenched his jaw, barring his teeth menacingly. "What are you doing?"
You had already seized the chance to leap up. Only, your legs betrayed you. There was no strength to stand and you fumbled over onto Belphegor, colliding with his back. You both momentarily flailed on the ground.
"Explain yourself," he growled while you struggled to stand. Blips of magic were evaporating off your clothes, adding to the disorientation.
"Carry me!" you demanded. "That'll be faster, you've gotta carry me."
Even if you buckled your legs together to hold things in, you worried that wobbling down the hallway with jelly legs would be an impossible endeavor.
Belphegor looked at you the same way he would look at a diseased toad. With no context, he was wholly confused.
"I need the bathroom, now!" It was all you could think of. Magic started swirling at your wrists again as you began to chant, "Heed my words, in the name of the sorcerer..."
"Ok, ok! Wait!" Belphegor scrambled to his feet. He winced at the thought of being commanded again. His chest tightened, already afflicted by the start of your spell.
You had your knees locked together, digging your nails into your palm in a desperate attempt to hold your bladder in. It wasn't the best pose for being picked up. Belphegor did his best. He couldn't carry you in the elegant, suave manner he liked to dream about. Instead, he held you with both arms like an oversized bag of potatoes.
"Go, go, go!" Time was of the essence. He was slow to get a move on, so you beat on his shoulder with your fist. "This is all your fault!"
Belphegor blew a strand of hair out of his face. His expression was a sour frown. He was still cranky from being woken up. "Fine. Just hang on."
You don't get to see the demons use their abilities often. They like to play human in front of you. Unfortunately, with your head buried in Belphegor's hoodie and your mind occupied with other worries, you did not have the luxury to admire the way he bounded through the house with hardly perceptible speed. In just a few quick steps, not even five seconds later, you had arrived at your long-awaited destination.
You rolled out of Belphegor's arms and hastily slammed the door shut in the confused demon's face.
The Avatar of Sloth skulked across the hall to lean against the wall opposite the bathroom door. Now alone with his thoughts, he had ample time to get his mind in order and plan out exactly how to get revenge when you came back out.
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quaranmine · 6 months
Hi yeah its me again, sorry for the spam, not my fault you made cool and inspiring stuff. This time actually, i couldnt help myself and have made a short crackpodfic of an alternative universe which is basically 'AU where Mumbo is frolicking in the wild and Grian doesnt exist cause itd be too sad for him to do so, so hes gone.' Its stupid, ist badly written (literally my first ever creative writing work other than a 300 word school asignment) but like idk. if you dont want to or cant read it (cause its so bad and burns your eyes out) you can just not read it xd idc honestly but decided to maybe give you the choice of reading it or not. Excuse my weird and unusual ways of writing dialougue and monolouges This is part 1 of 3
Jellie meowed cutely, demanding for food most likely just as a familar figure walked into his cabin. —Oh Hello Cub! It's wonderful to see you again! How was the trail, you're earlier than usual, no? — Scar exclaimed happily, looking at the sweaty man now standing before him. The air was hot, the many glass windows of the watchtower could make a great greenhouse. The open windows allowed for a warm flow of the early summer's air to pass by and refresh the mostly closed space. —Hey hey. Yeah the traffic was better than usual, but there was more sand in on the trail today. I think it could be the Sahara desert dust that was supposed to get carried in with the wind. — Cub said, taking his backpack off and pulling out a rag to wipe his head off. No matter how many times he hikes through this trail it never gets much easier. — Oh, Cub. The Sahara desert was blowing on Europe! And also it's the 80s and this specific situation you're referencing is gonna happen in late March of the year 2024! That's at least 35 years into the future! —Oh yup I forgot. Sorki bout that —Cub, you silly silly man! — Scar said in a singsong tone. Both of them started laughing and looked straight into the readers eyes, smiling.  Hi reader they both thought and went back to laughing looking at each other. — Actually, Scar, while hiking I heard some tourists talking about some newfound cryptid roaming these parts, what's up with that? – Eh nothing special, some bikers saw a 'humanoid lanky bugman' or something. — The man said — I've seen it all over, people come, they see a black bear or a deer in the shadow and think it's a newfound species. But honestly! I gotta give credit to the bikers relating said encounter cause the guys were better than most at storytelling! The missing food cans, rustling in the bushes all around them, the feeling of being watched.. Truly creepy stuff! And then — Scar took in a breath, talking so much in one long exhale left him almost dizzy —the moment when they saw it fully...They described it as 'particularly lanky with black fur' and something about purple-pinkish fingertips as well as residue on its paleish naked face with a weirdly shaped snout. 'Like a Walrus' they said! A crazy comparison for a bear, but you know, human mind can do wonders! — Scar clapped at the last statement and closed his eyes smiling charmingly at his companion who was now drinking the rest of his water.. After a while, comfortable silence filled the watchtower as both of the men enjoyed eachothers company. Jellie was now purring against scars leg and promptly jumped on his lap demanding more pets as Cub had finally spoken up — Any new paintings done in the meantime? I don't recognise these two, are they new or recycled? — He asked, curiosity clear in his voice, lookin at the, indeed, two new paintings decorating the cabin. One of them depicting a landscape with a sunset. From where Cub was sitting, he could watch the same, now hidden under an overcast, mountains and trees. The other painting was of a group of three tufted titmice sitting on a branch. Cub took out his American bird field guy and read a couple of paragraphs to scar on what kind of bird has he drawn exactly. It's weird that he saw these birds cause apparently they don't live in that part of the US! Crazy.
HELPPPPP this is completely insane the best way, thank you. Love that Grian doesn't exist here because it'd be too sad for him. Love the fever-dream quality to the writing. In all the best ways you're taking me back to the crack fics I'd read on ff.net in 2013, it's great. Love the breaking the fourth wall abou the Sahara dust and the (assuming) European birds. You've got a certain hint of Douglas Adams flavoring happening with the switching to an "above" perspective for a moment to give a wry little fourth-wall comment.
Mumbo Jumbo, new forest cryptid. I can see it. If Hermitcraft!Mumbo eats redstone, do you think forest cryptid!Mumbo would eat like...rocks??? dlfjskfljslkfs
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jeonfiles · 3 years
once more to see you | kth 01
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pairing: taehyung x reader ft. seokjin
genre: angst, fluff, unrequited love
synopsis: taehyung is the complete opposite of you, and you're so in love with him. he's not interested in you at all, but he's willing to pretend so he won't be known for breaking the sweetest girl in school's heart. he knows you'll end up hurt either way.
warnings: taehyung is an idiot, a lot of pining, y/n is annoyingly dependent on validation, y/n does a lot of silent prayers, y/n is a track star, childhood bsf seokjin (cute), mentions of deceased family member
music for this chap: she had the world , carry me out
a/n: taehyung will disappoint u in the beginning but hes cute i promise
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"I get why you like him Y/N," Sohee swallowed the rest of her sandwich before finishing her sentence, "He's so hot. People say he's interested in you too, y'know?"
Sohee visibly tried to get food out from the back of her mouth using her tongue, and it made you chuckle at the sight. "I don't think he does." You sighed, resting your chin in your palm.
You were both situated at the table in the inner corner of the cafeteria, with a full view of who walks in the door, and sometimes you swore you could see Sohee drool when attractive guys walked in that exact door.
"Hello, of course, he does! Even his friend Jimin told Kang Seulgi from Class 1, who told Go Euntaek in class 3, who eventually told his girlfriend Baek Ho-rang who ran to me to tell me the great news." Sohee gasped for air after rambling, and you rolled your eyes,
"Stories change when that many links contribute." You scoffed, sitting back in your chair and reaching for your juice box on the table, taking a huge slurp, which you knew would annoy Sohee.
"You don't believe me? Guess we gotta ask a link closer to the source then." Sohee stood up from her chair, and you looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Park Jimin, get your ass over here will ya?" She nearly shouted across the cafeteria, and now all looks were pointed at you two, and you felt the urge to just slip down the cracks of the floor tiles and hide there forever grow stronger for each nanosecond.
You sunk further down on your tacky, orange chair, but you could still see Jimin's black locks sway a little over the crowd as he walked over to the table you were sitting at.
"What's up sugar?" Jimin smirked at Sohee, and Sohee didn't even budge, and you had no idea how she did it. He was stupidly attractive and could make any girl drop her pants with a comment like that.
"Jimin my dearest, a little birdie told me that Taehyung likes my sweet Y/N, could you confirm?" She batted her long lashes and smiled prettily at Jimin.
He looked to the left, sucked his teeth, and said, "I can't, I'm sorry." You realized you had grown a little too hopeful, and your heart sunk quite a bit when he spoke.
"Does he think I'm pretty at least?" You spoke up, eyes shining when you looked up towards the standing Jimin, the harsh lights in the cafeteria reflecting in them.
"He hasn't mentioned you much, to be quite honest." He shrugged, walking back to his table, where Taehyung and the rest of his friends sat.
Your heart thumped when he met your eyes, and you looked away in panic. The rest of lunch was just Sohee apologizing and you avoiding eye contact with any of the students at the nearby tables.
Jimin mentioned you and Sohee's name several times, he was a loud speaker, and you were so scared of what he was saying you could probably die right then and there.
Saved by the bell, you picked up your stuff and got ready to start running to your classroom, praying you wouldn't meet any of Taehyung's friends, and especially not Taehyung as you ran Usain Bolt style.
You looked down while running, not thinking twice about leaving your best friend behind, you suddenly fell to the ground with a thud. This was surely not one of your glory days.
When you looked up, you wanted to cry. It was none other than Kim Taehyung, and he didn't look pleased. You gathered your things and muttered "Sorry." under your breath probably about 10 times, and he just watched, disappointingly.
"You're a klutz. Why were you running?" He spoke, and your knees turned into jelly when you tried to stand up, you nearly fell and dropped all your stuff again, but he caught you by the arm, straightening you up like it was nothing.
"Uh... Uhm... Err..." you mumbled, and he rolled his eyes, and not in a joking manner. "Fuck that, why are you going around telling people I like you?"
Your breath hitched, and he stared at you coldly. "I didn't! Gosh, my friend Sohee told me someone had told her that you liked me, and- uh... We asked Jimin, and-" He put his hand over your mouth, making you shut up.
"I don't want you two to go around making up baseless rumors about me, it's incredibly annoying for me to go around correcting people who assume shit just because your little friend speaks louder than a bunch of hyenas at a tea party." Taehyung nearly spat, and you took a step back.
You noticed that people were listening in, their stares burning holes in your back. He was livid, and you didn't understand why, you just smiled, praying to god that this would end soon.
"I just thought you liked me-" You began, and he interrupted you, "You thought I was gonna like someone like you? Get over yourself and enter the real world."
The hallway went silent, your lips trembled as hot tears raced down your face, and like the track star you were, you fled the scene and passed the finish line into the bathrooms.
You stayed till the school day ended, not knowing what was unraveling outside the four walls of the stall.
Sohee 💜: 01:12 pm
Y/N, where are you? i heard what happened :( i hate taehyung im gonna chop his sausage off
Sohee 💜: 01:38 pm
taehyung is fighting w doyoung because doyoung decided to defend you this is hilarious
but fr where are you
Sohee 💜: 01:57 pm
doyoung gave taehyung a black eye damn
doyo is on the verge of tears when taehyung said you liked him and not doyo
taehyung cant not have feelings for you like there must be smth deeper going on
Sohee 💜: 03:39 pm
class just ended i'll wait out back
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Sohee always knew when to leave you alone, so she did, partially. You usually shut off your phone when you're upset, but she still sends you texts to update you whenever you turn it back on.
This time, it was quite dramatic, and you rushed out of the icky stall and ran (again) to reach Sohee to get the full story, and as you expected, it was interesting.
"Basically, Doyoung punched Taehyung and Taehyung was a little too OP, so he failed to initiate a fight, so it just turned into Taehyung being an ass to Doyoung for defending you." She shrugged, adjusting the straps of her leather backpack as you walked home.
"Taehyung's rep is so tainted right now, I don't know how he's gonna fix this my dear Y/N, so I guess he got his karma. He's an idiot and I'm glad other people are starting to see."
You nodded yes, pushing out a fake chuckle, while silently you prayed that everything would soon be back to normal and that Taehyung would forgive you for the mess you caused.
Being in love with Taehyung for a year had taken a toll on you, and your best friend since freshman year had noticed too. You were different.
You used to be so independent and optimistic, but now you would strive for validation, and you had turned into one of the most insecure people Sohee had ever met.
Sohee tried to pull you away from him, but to her demise, it only got worse when you tried to meet other guys. She figured that the only way for you to disconnect from him was if you had your go with him, or if he treated you like a complete idiot.
You waved goodbye to Sohee as you entered your house, kicking off your shoes and throwing yourself down on the couch. You wanted to scream, but you saw your brother's and another guy's shoes in your hallway, so you kept it inside.
After having watched an episode of Seinfeld, you could hear the floorboards creak, and your gaze found its way to the hallway, where your brother, Yoongi stood, peeking out from his door.
"Ah, Y/N, you're the one who's home?" He smiled brightly, eyes turning into small crescents, which made you awe at the sight.
"Yuppers." You said and sat back again, pressing play to start the next episode. "Who's your guest?" And as you uttered your last word, another head peeked out from the door, and you couldn't help but feel the happiness brew inside you.
It was Kim Seokjin in all his glory, and this time, he looked even hotter. It had been about two years since you last saw him because he moved to Germany to study medicine.
Seokjin had been your neighbor since you were born, and you pretty much grew up with two older brothers who always took care of you.
No one dared to mess with you, because Seokjin and Yoongi always got to them first. That way, you grew up without a care in the world, protected from all evil.
You had no idea when you fell in love with him. It was somewhere during puberty, where your interest in Brad Pitt and Kim Soohyun from Dream High had grown stronger.
You remember Seokjin was scouted for modeling, acting, and even idol groups all through your childhood. He did a few ads, photoshoots, a popular teenage drama called Double Trouble, and even managed to get his own Wikipedia page.
There was no doubt that Seokjin was an attractive man, and in the two years he had been gone, his face fat was completely gone, and he had defined cheekbones, a slimmer and tighter figure, and you thought he couldn't be any more perfect.
"None other than God himself," Seokjin said smugly, opening his arms to greet you with a hug, and you threw your blanket you were covered into the side as you bolted into Seokjin's arms, legs wrapped around his waist.
He slowly put you down so your feet touched the parquet, and you felt a kind of euphoria as he smiled at you again, the same smile he had flashed you as long as you could remember.
Everything about Seokjin had matured and changed, but his smile remained the same. "What are you doing back?" You sniffled, holding back the happy tears that were forming in your eyes.
"Hey, don't get me wrong, I love Germany, but it's a little bland. I miss ahjumnas complimenting me on the subway and the bomb ass food here in SK." Seokjin grinned as he wiped a tear that fell down your face.
Yoongi was leaning against the door frame, smiling at the grand reunion. You knew he liked seeing you two together, and you had a small suspicion about him shipping you guys.
"Please don't ever leave again." You gripped onto his shirt, digging your face down in his chest, and he said, "I swear to god if you're wearing makeup right now-"
You laughed as you pushed him away, placing your hands below your chin and batting your eyelashes dramatically, "I'm all-natural."
"Naturally pretty." Seokjin leaned forward and whispered in your ear, and your heart did a little somersault.
Seokjin's always been a charmer.
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You woke up in your room, pink sheets draped over your half-naked body as tons of messages poured in on your phone, vibrating so much it nearly fell off the edge of your nightstand.
You grab it while rubbing your eyes, and you're shocked to see the messages that had exploded on your lock screen.
Unknown: 08:39 am
Hey, it's Kim Taehyung.
Look, I'm sorry for the shit I said to you and I would love to make it up to you in some kind of way.
Maybe I could take you out?
I get it if you don't want to, but I heard you were interested in me so...
What kinda food do you like? Activities, hobbies?
I really wanna make this right :)
You: 08:43 am
oh hey! I'd love to, you kinda owe me one. if it's your treat, I suppose we could get some sushi and boba...
btw I don't like u like that
Contact made, saved as "taehyung <3" at 08:44 am
taehyung <3: 08:47 am
Okay. Meet me at Nori Table at 6 pm. Don't make me wait.
Your heart was palpitating, and when you pressed your phone up to your chest, you could feel your body heat up from your scalp to your toes.
Maybe Kim Taehyung had no interest in you right now, but he sure would after tonight. You were gonna make him love you, soon enough,
Running to the shower a few hours of Seinfeld later, you scrubbed with all your might with your newest strawberry scrub, did your makeup, curled your hair, and sat down on the couch, outfit draped over the armrest of the chair.
It was an hour till you were leaving, so for the time being you sat with hair rollers in your hair, dressed in pink sweats. Seokjin and Yoongi had been awake all night, you had heard them laugh and play Mario Cart all night, it reminded you of old times.
Old times where you went to bed crying because Yoongi and Seokjin's bedtime was later than yours at sleepovers. Thinking back, your parents made a pretty rational decision, but you resented them for it.
When Seokjin left for school in Germany, during your Sophomore year you cried again. You thought it was so unfair that you had to be two years younger, why couldn't you come with him?
You were painfully in love with him, and you had been probably since you were. A few months after he moved, your feelings faded. You were love-free, only to fall stupidly in love again with Taehyung just a year later.
You were forced to snap out of your train of thought because you heard the floorboards creak again. When you looked over at the dark hallway, you saw a tired, yet familiar face smile at you.
Seokjin looked quite disoriented, hair ruffled and eyes puffy, yet he looked like a Greek god. Sculpted to perfection, he smiled at you like he did yesterday and all the times before.
"Morning." He grunted out, his morning voice prominent. You chuckled when you looked at the time, feeling kind of bad for Seokjin who had slept away the majority of his day, which you knew he didn't like.
"It's 5 pm, cutie. Mom said you guys could order takeout, cause she's working late." You stood up, and Seokjin gave you a good look up and down, and then diverted his gaze to the lavender ruffle skirt and white long-sleeve blouse you had neatly hung over the armchair.
"What's the occasion?" He nodded over at the clothes and then your hair rollers and full-face makeup-covered face. He threw a few walnuts from the little bowl on the coffee table into his mouth.
"It's none of your business, but I have a date tonight," you said smugly, and a walnut flew out of Seokjin's mouth in shock.
"A date? Like a real one?" He frantically asked, and you nodded as you walked away with your outfit in hand.
You came back out minutes later, and Seokjin had to hold his mouth shut so it wouldn't drop to the floor. You had matured so well, a white blouse adorning your waist, and the lavender skirt hugged your curves nicely.
You had decorated your neck and ears with golden jewelry, and you had a pair of Air forces dangling from your left hand. You were beautiful, hair let free from the hair rollers, curls swaying as you did a twirl.
"It's alright, I guess." He pretended not to care, and your proud grin morphed into a frown pretty quickly, and he noticed.
He stood up and walked towards you, standing very close. His tall figure was hovering over you. Seokjin leaned forward towards your ear, not whispering this time,
"You're gorgeous." He pushed your curls behind your shoulder, adjusting your golden necklace as he returned to Yoongi's bedroom.
You were screwed.
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The time on your phone showed 6:06 pm. You recall him saying ‘don’t be late’. What a hypocrite. It had started to pour down, so you were squeezed up against the brick wall of the restaurant so the ledge above you would shield you from the rain.
You were shaking from the cold, legs exposed because of your skirt. Sighing deeply, you reached down into your purse to text Taehyung, but when you looked up, you saw him running over to you.
He was holding a bouquet of pink delphinium and peonies. You’d always been interested in flowers, and this small gesture made you all fuzzy inside.
“I apologize for my late arrival m’lady. The flower shop was about to close down for the day, and I had to beg the cashier to let me in, promising to buy a huge bouquet if she did.” He smiled as he stood in front of you.
“No worries sir, I haven’t been waiting for long.” You chuckled, as you accepted the bouquet. His eyes scanned every inch of your body, and he said, “You’re shivering. Let’s go inside.”
This was a side of Taehyung you had barely seen before, caring and warm. This was also the side of him that initially made you fall for him.
The memories of him reading stories for children at the hospital was heartwarming. Whenever you went to visit your brother, who has now passed, you would see him read stories for all the unlucky kids.
Your brother, who was only 7 years old talked about Taehyung like a superhero, and it seemed as if Taehyung’s stories were the highlight of his days at the hospital.
Daejung wasn’t a kid you would pity. In his last months in the hospital he never once cried. You believed that Taehyung was a big part of the reason.
That’s why you fell in love with him. He hadn’t been a superhero in the form of saving lives, but he definitely made a whole lot of sick kids happier.
How could you ever repay him?
Taehyung rested a hand on your shoulder and lead you inside the door, and there stood a beautiful tall woman, black hair to her waist, almond-shaped eyes, and full lips.
She was beautiful. You looked up to see Taehyung’s reaction, and he wasn’t looking at her, he was looking at you. His eyes met yours, and you could’ve sword the whole world stopped.
“Excuse me?” An unfamiliar voice spoke up, and it kicked you right back into reality. It was the pretty woman speaking, an even prettier voice to match her.
“Do you have a reservation?” She questioned, smiling so genuinely from ear to ear. “Yes. It’s on Kim.” Taehyung spoke so confidently.
“Ah, for two. I’ll be your server tonight.” She waved for you to follow her, and before she turned around, you saw her name tag.
Bae Eunmi. A pretty name for a pretty person. Of course, she had to be pretty. Your confidence sunk even lower, and your insecurities grew.
“I’m not interested in her, by the way. I’ve talked to her before. She’s all beauty and no brains. Not for me.” Taehyung whispered into your ear, possibly to reassure you.
You sat down at the table and ordered a huge plate of different types of sushi, maki, nigiri, uramaki, and even sashimi.
This restaurant was fancy, nearly too fancy for your liking. It was huge and flashy, and it made you doubt your outfit choice completely.
The restaurant fell silent since there weren’t many guests here this early. The silence wasn’t awkward between you guys. It was just, too silent, and you decided to break it.
“Do you still write stories?” Taehyung’s face froze. How did you know about the stories he wrote? Had you been stalking him? Was this when everyone would find out how weak he truly is?
“How did you find out... About them?” He asked hesitantly, fidgeting with a small woven basket with bread placed on your table.
“When sun and moon met, moon felt bad. When the moon was alone at night, he cried, because he wanted to shine just like the sun.” You quote his story word by word, it was your favorite paragraph.
He looked at you with a confused look and his eyes told you that he wondered why you knew the story so well.
Before he could speak up, you said, “My brother's name was Daejung. He looked up to you and constantly told me about how he wanted to be like you when he grew up.” You placed your hands on top of his over the table.
Taehyung was speechless. He sat there, body completely frozen as he processed what you just said. The little boy he had mourned for many months was the same flesh and blood as you.
“Daejung told me how he wanted me to marry you because he thought no one else deserved me.” Letting go of his hands, he continued sitting completely still.
First, he felt disappointed in himself. Disappointed of the way he had treated you, how sad Daejung would be if he knew.
Second, he could see him in your traits. Your button nose matched his completely, and your eyes sparkled just the way his eyes did.
Third, he realized he had to take care of you. Fall in love with you, for Daejung. Taehyung had promised the little boy to take care of his friends and family when he has at his worst.
His expression completely changed. It softened, and his eyes looked at you like you were godsent. He believed you were too. It was fate.
join the “once more to see you” taglist
a/n: u guys know the angst isn't over lol u guys r never gonna see the light at the end of the tunnel ! this chapter was originally a bit longer but i have to test the waters and seeing how u guys like it !! pls reblog <3
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
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"Please, get out of my room."
Marinette's hand shook, trying desperately to keep the doll house behind her together enough to protect the Miracle Box. Her gaze fixed on her friends standing there, Rose crouched down to the sad remains of the doll house's roof while the others were looking on in concerned confusion.
Alya stepped forward first, the request apparently denied. "It's nothing, Marinette. We'll help you fix it, don't worry."
Except it wasn't nothing, it was everything, and of course none of the girls could've known that it was everything but it was. She'd barely had the Miracle Box for any time at all and now she was about to be exposed, the doll house feeling like some sort of metaphor for her life.
Raising her voice, Marinette replied strictly, "It's not nothing! Now leave!"
Most of the girls just stared at her, standing awkwardly in place. She asked - no, told - them to leave, and they weren't leaving. Why weren't they leaving?
Her palms were sweaty, making the task of holding up the doll house's wall all the more anxiety-inducing.
Alya huffed, her hands tightening into fists at her sides. "Okay, there's obviously something up—" She crossed her arms. "—and we're not going anywhere until you tell us what it is."
Mylene offered a smile that she clearly thought was reassuring, then held up a bracelet made of yellow threads with five colored beads along them. "We've already given our secrets to this bracelet, so now it's your turn."
Marinette wracked her brain for any memory of said bracelet, wondering if there were a promise she'd forgotten about - wondering if it was an excuse for them showing up out of nowhere - but there was nothing. She didn't even recognize it. Even over the voicemail they'd sent, there was no mention of such a thing.
The wall under her palm wavered, and she had to adjust quickly to keep it in place. She couldn't tell if it was too light or too heavy at this point, but it was ultimately just another thing to worry about that she didn't need. Her gaze flickered to it briefly to make sure it was properly held up, then swiftly focused back on the girls so as to not seem suspicious.
They really weren't going to leave. They were going to force her secrets out of her; force Ladybug out of her, the Miracle Box, everything.
Her stress levels were rising. She was panicking. It was all too much, and she—she...
She snapped.
"I'll—I'll tell you what's wrong!" she began. "You all walking into my room without my permission!"
The girls' mouths all shut in unison, their shoulders tense as they seemed suddenly lost for an argument.
"I didn't want to talk to you, and I definitely don't now!" A particular memory of the voicemail resurfaced, and she was reminded of what they'd said. "I thought you told me that I could talk where and when I wanted to? I thought all of you told me that, and then you showed up anyway?! Why would you lie to me like that?"
The words were bitter, only serving to make her angrier; at them, at herself, and at the whole situation. She hated lying - hated liars - and there was a part of her that couldn't help feeling hypocritical when she had to lie constantly to keep her identity secret.
But another part of her was quick to point out: she lied because she had to. They were lying despite having the choice.
Alya's brows furrowed, and it was hard to tell if she felt genuinely guilty or if she was just trying to think of how save the situation. She glanced back and forth from Marinette to Mylene, then hurriedly took the bracelet and held it out, arguing, "But if we're friends, you have to tell us everything anyway!"
Rose nodded in agreement, fists drawn up to her chest. "And real friends never let each other down!"
Marinette sputtered at first in response, multiple rambling responses trying to come out at once, from reminding them of either their intrusion or their lying to say that they had very much let her down.
Finally, her mouth settled on, "Then I guess we're not friends after all, since I'm letting you down so much! You're always pushing me, and setting things up even when I told you not to, and when everything goes wrong, it's always me who takes the blame, and me who gets teased for it!"
Alix recoiled at the outburst, then averted her gaze, looking somewhere between put off and ashamed as she grumbled, "We were just trying to help."
"I don't want your help! I don't even want you here!"
Marinette breathed shakily, her chest heavily at the emotions building in her chest. She could barely process what was coming out of her mouth and could only wonder how long she'd felt that way. How long had she been holding this in? How much had she been holding in? How long had she thought she deserved to be treated a certain way and took everything like she was the one at fault even if she'd done nothing?
Mental clarity kicked in, Marinette glaring and resolve blazing in her eyes as she asked, "Do you know why I didn't tell you anything?"
They looked on in curious trepidation, obviously not knowing the answer. At first, maybe she hadn't either.
"Because I didn't want you to meddle! Everything just goes wrong and I wanted to just live without worrying about it! I didn't want to  be teased, or talk about Adrien, or be ignored!"
"We don't ignore you!" Alya immediately interjected, taking on an offended tone. "That's why we're here!"
"Then why didn't you know?" Marinette challenged. "You noticed my crush on Adrien, but you didn't notice that I was dating Luka? When he was riding me home from school? When you took all those pictures of us together? I wanted to be left alone to be happy with him without anyone shouting at me about what to do and putting more pressure on me than I already have!"
Rose and Alya shifted in place, not making eye contact.
"You invaded my privacy, you broke my things, and you lied to me! If you're going to make me tell you everything, then—then—" She shook, the tornado of emotions hard to handle. "—then I don't want you as friends! Now get out!"
The girls collectively gaped at her, a few letting out audible gasps and Rose in particular covering her mouth with her hands. Everything went quiet, and Marinette's eyes must've been giving off fire with how any argument lingering on the girls' lips died before they could even come out.
Then, one by one, the girls began to turn and silently walk out of the room, some staying a second or two longer as if Marinette would change her mind if they held to the staring contest a bit longer. Alya was the last one out, her gaze darting up to Marinette one last time in vain.
Marinette just looked away, only reassured that the girls had left when she heard the click of the trap door. She exhaled, her arms stiff and her legs feeling like jelly as everything hit her at once. The gravity of the situation dragged her to the floor, the walls of the doll house falling apart to reveal the Miracle Box to no one but her and the kwami. She'd already cried too many times that day, but the tears were building up again. Anger, sadness, frustration...
Seeing Tikki hover close out of the corner of her eyes, Marinette lamented, "I didn't know what else to do. I didn't have a choice. I was just—and then—and they..."
"I know, Marinette," Tikki said quietly, though it was clear that she had very little comfort to add.
Marinette tried to steady her breathing, but she could see her tears falling onto the floor and knew that she'd lost control of her emotions. In a way, it almost felt relieving, like a weight off her chest that she didn't know had been there, but it didn't stop the terrible feelings from everything that happened that day, and the day before, and the day before that...
"We—" Marinette choked, realizing something and looking up with urgency. "Shadow Moth. He might come after me."
"Ah, but..." Tikki weakly tried to protest, watching as Marinette tried to force herself up.
"Gotta transform. Gotta be ready," Marinette murmured in a daze, her legs wobbling but managing to hold her up. Not letting Tikki get another word in, she hurried to command, "Tikki, spots on."
— — — — —
Marinette hugged her knees to her chest, back against the wall stretching upwards that helped make the bridge where she broke up with Luka. Part of her felt like coming here was some form of self-punishment - a reminder of what she'd lost and why she had to keep it that way - but another part just wanted to be here. It wasn't a good idea to be in her room where everything went down, or where her pictures were, or where the kwami would just remind her of all the things she didn't want to think about. It wasn't like her parents were going to check on her anyway, so she felt it best to be away from it all.
She tried to listen for the melody of the water that Luka had told her about, but every time she thought things were quiet enough to hear it, she would breathe in a little too hard, or Tikki would shuffle around in her purse at a loss for what to say. Marinette sighed in defeat, curling in on herself further and staring at the ground with her eyes half-lidded.
She wished she could go back; back to the day this whole mess started. Maybe she could've avoided Fu, Chloe, and maybe even Alya. She could've stayed in the background, unoffensive and just known as "the clumsy girl," one who didn't lie and leave class unexpectedly with the worse excuses possible. Avoiding Chloe would've meant avoiding her wrath, which meant that there would've been no misunderstanding with Adrien and no "spark" to ignite her crush underneath that umbrella.
Everything would've been so much easier. Maybe she would've met Luka sooner, bumping into him by accident one day and they'd drop all their things, her sketches mingling with his song sheets. They'd apologize and hurry to separate their stuff, then lock eyes and all would be well with the world. She'd stammer out her name when she introduced herself and he'd tease her affectionately, and it'd be okay because she wouldn't be busy being depressed over another guy.
They'd laugh, they'd get along, and there wouldn't be any drama in the way of them getting together. Without her having any responsibilities that would cause her to run off, they'd date, and they'd just... be happy.
Marinette closed her eyes, trying to let herself indulge in the fantasy even if only for a moment. The hold she had on her legs loosened, her hands sliding down until one of her hands brushed the opposite's wrist. She remembered Viperion - Luka - as the hero who thought first just like her and now could never be because of his identity being compromised, yet another by-product of her crush on Adrien in a way.
She exhaled, her thumb futilely brushing over her wrist; over a bangle that wasn't there.
Second Chance...
She wasn't sure how long she sat there, trying to live in fake memories, but when her eyes opened, she still found herself underneath the bridge in a life she didn't want. She stared blankly at the ground, the melody she'd desired still inaudible to her.
It took her a few seconds to realize that the view in front of her wasn't quite what it was before she closed her eyes, and it took a few more to notice the black distressed pants and the shoes splattered with varying random symbols at the corner of her vision. She blinked, unsure if she was seeing properly and wondering if she might be hallucinating after her fantasy, but a quick glance upward caused her eyes to meet Luka's, the brows above them furrowed with concern.
"A-ah," she let out involuntarily, straightening a little. Finally registering that he was there and very real, she inhaled sharply and stood, waving frantically at him as she stammered, "I-I'm so sorry! This is your spot, and I'm taking your spot, and I swear I didn't mean to—" She bent down and brushed her hands along the ground where she'd been sitting, as if she were cleaning it. "—I'll be gone soon, let me just—"
"It's okay," Luka assured while approaching her, his voice even softer than usual but with a tinge of sadness to it.
She stopped, hesitating, then looked back up at him in confusion. They hadn't talked since their break-up and she genuinely thought that he'd be upset with her.
"I'm glad," he said genuinely, "that you can find as much comfort in this place as I do. You don't have to go anywhere."
"...Oh," she uttered, her shoulders easing in mild relief. At least he didn't hate her, she supposed, though the awkwardness in the air was noticeable and she couldn't help noticing that he was keeping a minimum distance of three meters from her.
It hurt.
She fiddled with the strap of her purse, wondering why he was there and how she could've gotten so unlucky as to—well, that part was obvious actually, she'd been unlucky her whole life, but that didn't stop her from wondering what he was doing there. Was it something about his dad, or...?
Against her better judgment, she took a good look at his face, biting her bottom lip guiltily at the tired look in his eyes. He seemed as if he hadn't slept well in a few days, and she couldn't say that she was any different, which made the reason for his expression all the more obvious. It was a terrible feeling, already feeling bad that she made him feel bad and then feeling worse because there was a part of her that was a little glad to have meant so much to him that the break-up actually affected him.  He'd made her feel noticed and seen, something that was rare even amongst her frie—
Ah. Right.
She fidgeted, her feet shifting nervously against the ground. Juleka had been amongst the friends that she'd called out and forced to leave. She wasn't sure how close Luka was with his sister, as most of the interactions she'd seen were when they were in a group, but she was still his family. Did he know?
As if able to sense what she was thinking, Luka spoke up. "Jule told me."
Marinette winced and looked down, ashamed and fully expecting to be reprimanded. She clasped her hands at her waist, trying to mentally prepare herself.
Then, he immediately followed with, "Well, she mumbled it, but I got what she said."
It wasn't quite a joke, but it wasn't anything critical either. Marinette peeked back up at him, her brows scrunched together in confusion. He was smiling sadly, either understanding her or trying to be the sympathetic empath she'd always admired him for.
She averted her gaze, not feeling worthy of making eye contact with him. Sinking back against the wall, she sunk down to her earlier position and muttered, "I-it was for the best. I'm just... better off alone." She flinched at the sting in her chest that the words caused, but continued, "I won't hurt anyone that way. They can't be disappointed in me if we're not friends."
There was a pause, at which point Luka took a few steps closer, still maintaining a distance between them but also closing the gap significantly. "Why do you think you'll hurt people?"
She almost scoffed at that. "You would know why more than anyone, Luka." Though she still avoided looking at his face, she could see his fingers twitch from the corner of her vision. "I lie. I'm a liar! I'm just—" She spread her arms wide. "—I'm going to lie for the rest of my life, and ditch everyone and make them sad and they'll never know why!"
She'd tried to say it in an exaggerated tone to keep things light, but the tears started up. She held them back as best as she could, determined not to cry again when she'd already cried so much.
She heard Luka take a few steps closer, and he observed quietly, "But you don't want to."
"Of course not! But it doesn't matter! I should've known from the start that making friends was a mistake but I did it anyway!" She covered her face with her hands and shook her head. "I can't keep friends! I can't keep a boyfriend! I can barely keep this secret a secret!"
She didn't have to see his face to know that he was processing that. "...You can't tell me."
It was a realization for him, a mix of emotions in his voice and none of which she could place. She imagined he'd thought that it was a secret she'd chosen not to share with him, but that wasn't true.
She lowered her hands from her face. "I can't. I mean, not like—physically can't—it's not like the world would end if I did—" She halted briefly, stiffening at an unwelcome memory of Paris destroyed and underwater. "—o-or, maybe it would! But, it was never about trust, Luka! I trust you, I trust you so much, and I want to tell you so bad but I can't! It hurts but I can't! No one's supposed to know!"
She clutched her head, realizing that the conversation was spiraling downwards fast. She was torn between thinking that she'd said too much and then regretting how little she'd said when she'd broken up with him.
Luka took the final steps to close the distance between then, kneeling down to be closer to her level. "Marinette, I—I can't imagine what your secret could be, but it hurts watching you tear yourself apart like this."
"Well maybe that's how it's supposed to be!" she declared as she met his gaze, his eyes going wide in a mixture of pain and shock. She blinked rapidly, trying to fight the tears. "Maybe I'm just supposed to stay sad and alone forever! I have to do it all myself because that's the rule and it's my burden to carry!"
His heart was clearly breaking for her and it just made everything worse. He reached out to her, hovering his hand over her shoulder as a test and then settling it down with a feather-light touch when she didn't pull away. "I won't force you to tell me, and it's hard to say anything when I don't know what you're going through, but..." He hesitated, clearly feeling like it wasn't his place to say but being unable to help himself. "Couffaines break rules when we want to - when we know we have to - and I don't want to see you break instead."
She raised a hand, tempted to pull his hand from her shoulder, but stopped herself. "I-I don't have a choice. It's too dangerous. I can't let people close to me; I didn't even want to break up with you. You're amazing and sweet and I feel like I can tell you anything, but..." She looked down, defeated. "...you deserve better than this..."
He squeezed her shoulder, though whether it was a mix of offense at the comment, an attempt to comfort her, or both, she wasn't sure. "I can only tell you that I'd never tell anyone if I knew." He paused, as if to consider something, then added, "Even if it wasn't me - if it was someone else you trusted - I just don't want you to carry this alone."
She glanced up at him without moving her head, her mouth moving to reply but she ended up choking, then coughing in response to the air she'd just lost. Luka's free hand found her other shoulder as he leaned towards her, all the concern and love she could ever ask for being offered in his eyes.
He seemed to want to continue their conversation, but found something else to prioritize instead. "Do you want anything? Have you drank any water lately?"
The question caught her off guard until she remembered her coughing and mentally acknowledged that she might've been neglecting herself far more than she should've. Luka's hearing was on point, and she figured he must've heard the dryness of her throat.
She let out a small noise instead of a reply, no words given but Luka understood anyway. He stood up, his hands lingering on her for as long as possible before he turned and began to head back to the Liberty.
She watched him go, an ache in her chest even if she knew he'd come back. It reminded her of the day in the TV station where he confessed and she hadn't given him an answer, or when he'd comforted her after the break-up and she'd just taken it without a word back. It was all left incomplete, with him merely giving her  that respectful smile that told her that she only had to say what she was ready for.
But ready for what, exactly? Ready to talk? Ready for him?
Ready for herself?
"...I—" Her mouth moved on its own, her body leaning just slightly towards him as she said the words she'd always wanted to. "—I'm Ladybug."
It was practically a whisper - equivalent to a pin dropping - but Luka froze nonetheless, his foot mid-raise to take a step that never came. He'd heard her, and he finally moved as he turned to look at her, expression unreadable.
That's when the moment caught up with her, and the panic followed suit. "O-oh—oh no. Oh, I said it—you know—you—" She clutched at her capris, desperate to ground herself, but the hyperventilating was beginning to start, almost harmonizing with the sound of Luka's footsteps as he hurried over to her, closing the gap between them much faster than he had previously.
In an instant, he was on his knees in front of her, arms wrapped around her and lifting her slightly as he pulled her into a hug. She gasped in surprise, still blinking back tears as her senses registered that he was there: his body heat warming her, the fabric of his jacket against her face, the calming color combination of blues and blacks, and the faded scent of his body wash.
"L-luka," she whimpered, "I'm so sorry. Y-you're in danger—"
"It's okay," he assured softly, then again as if to be certain that she heard it, "It's okay."
She hesitated, her breathing still uneven, but she willed herself to release her capris - her fingers feeling stiff from how tightly she'd gripped them - so she could grab at his jacket instead. He responded in kind by hugging her tighter; too tight for a normal hug but just tight enough to bring her back down to reality.
"You're not alone anymore, Marinette," he whispered, "and I'm not going anywhere. I love you."
That did it, and the tears overflowed. She wrapped her arms around him, clinging to however much fabric her hands could grasp as she buried her face into his shoulder. No matter how strongly she hugged him, he didn't complain, simply letting her take whatever she needed from him.
In the silence of the embrace, she could finally hear the river's melody.
— — — — —
Marinette clasped her hands together on the couch, her breathing starting to steady as she watched Luka pour her fourth cup of water since she'd gotten there, the first three of which she'd downed in mere seconds. It was just the two of them there, which was comforting, as Juleka had apparently gone to Rose's house for the rest of the day and Anarka was... well, Anarka, and wouldn't be back until who knew when.
Luka returned to Marinette with a smile, offering the full cup of water to her. She reached for it, then stopped as she noticed how badly her hand was shaking. Taking a few more controlled breaths, she offered him a smile and gently pushed the cup towards him.
At his confused look, she observed, "You haven't been taking care of yourself either."
He opened his mouth, possibly to argue, then looked away from her, his eyes darting around at nothing. She could see the internal conversation in his head, playing out a scenario where he would try to insist, she would insist back that three cups was more than enough for her and he'd also taken none himself, and they would go back and forth until he relented.
His gaze softened, the conclusion to the mental argument clearly reached as he took a few sips from the cup. Rather than sitting on the couch, he sat down on the wooden table in front of it - a typical Couffaine move - so he could face her. Then, offering her a grateful smile, he asked, "How are you feeling?"
She smiled back at him, but it faltered as she stared at her lap, taking the time to legitimately think about the question. She ran her hands along her legs in a slow motion, hoping that it would stop any shakiness somehow.
"...Scared," she answered. "Nervous. Worried. Anxious." She pursed her lips as she realized that she was just listing off synonyms at that point.
Luka leaned towards her, resting his hand over one of the ones on her lap. "But, better than before?" he guessed.
Eyes half-lidded and fond, she nodded. "Yeah, and..." She turned the hand underneath his upwards so she could hold it. "I'm really glad you're here."
"I'm glad I'm here too," he whispered, as if to make sure that this moment was only for the two of them.
They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's presence. Marinette was a mess of emotions, but refused to let go of the hand he'd offered her, her thumb stroking along the back of it.
"...Luka," she said after a few seconds of contemplation.
He didn't respond verbally, but he'd also already given her his full attention, and she knew he was listening.
She continued, "You're the last person I'd ever want to lose. If Shadow Moth finds out that you know—"
"If," he gently interjected, though his eyes encouraged her to go on.
"He'll use you. He'll take advantage of you. I don't want anything to happen to you, but I don't want you to leave either, because I really like you and you make me happy and better and—" She huffed, frustrated by the conundrum. "It feels like it's my fault. If I was stronger, or I wasn't so emotional, I..."
She looked up at the tenderness in his voice. He set his cup down on the table, then slowly pushed himself off, crouching down in front of her as if to make himself appear as small as possible. His other hand found her free one and he held it, making their hand holding perfectly mutual.
"Do you remember the day we met? When my mom got akumatized?"
She nodded. "Yeah, of course."
He nodded in return, going on to explain, "You needed me to hide you, and I needed you to go get—" He caught himself, half-chuckling as the identity revelation adjusted his memories of that day. "—be Ladybug."
Marinette managed a smile. "You were covering for me, even back then."
He smiled back, looking almost too proud of that fact. "And we needed each other. No one can do everything alone, Marinette, so don't say you're sorry for the feelings that made up the song that's been stuck in my head ever since that day."
She swallowed involuntarily at the reminder of his confession. Judging from his smile widening, he noticed it.
"It's hard learning an instrument all by yourself," he continued, "and sad not having anyone to play to."
"And you want to be the whole crowd?" she asked quietly, her gaze drawn to their joined hands.
"Yeah," he answered, not missing a beat.
She took a breath, knowing it was too late to change things but still wanting to acknowledge the decision anyway. "O...okay. Thank you, Luka."
They exchanged loving smiles, and Marinette could've sworn that the eye contact alone was keeping her heart rate down. The future was still nerve-wracking, but she'd been afraid of it even before she'd told Luka her secret, so at least now she had someone who understood her and who she could talk to about it.
The conversation mutually ended there, but then Luka - wholly unprompted - let out an exaggerated sigh and tilted his head back. Curious, Marinette asked, "What is it?"
He grinned at her, a glint in his eyes that made it clear that he was in a teasing mood now that the atmosphere had lightened. "Does this mean I have to watch Chat Noir flirt with my girlfriend?"
She snorted, opening her mouth to reply before stopping as the words behind the joke caught up to her. She leaned forward and squeezed his hand, eyes wide with hope. "Girlfriend?"
He nodded without hesitation. "You said you didn't want to break up with me, Marinette, and I didn't want to break up with you either."
"Y-yeah, but—" She frowned, conflicted. "I'll still have to leave? Nothing's changed except you knowing why."
"I didn't date you so that we could go on dates," he replied. When she tilted her head in confusion at him, he briefly averted his gaze, a hint of shyness appearing on his face before he steeled himself up and looked back at her, clarifying, "I just wanted to be your boyfriend, dates or no dates."
"Oh. O-oh." And that was all she had to say about that, any coherent words burned away from the blush forming on her face.
Luka smiled hopefully, and Marinette quickly decided that bashfulness looked good on him. "So, if you want to make this work with me, then—"
"Yes!" she replied immediately, untangling her hands from his so she could push herself off the couch.
His eyes lit up, his arms spreading wide as she dropped into his lap, and he didn't recoil when she arched up to kiss him, her movements quick to ensure that there would've been no chance for them to be interrupted. She wrapped her arms around him, neither caring about the awkward position on the floor due to being lost in each other's touch.
There was a soft click when the kiss broke, Marinette promptly pulling herself against him and nestling her face near his collarbone, now able to properly enjoy the scent she'd missed for all those dreadful days they'd been apart.
Following up on what he'd told her underneath the bridge, she tightened her hold and whispered, "I love you too, Luka."
Snuggled so close to him, she swore that his heartbeat picked up, though she didn't have to feel it to know that he was happy, what with the way his hands shook against her and how he placed an immediate kiss on the top of her head. She let herself get absorbed in the moment, allowing herself to smile and think only of Luka, the one who respected her choices and feelings from the day they met.
There was no one else she'd rather share her identity with.
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Hey can I request for a REALLY dirty smut with tom involving innocence kink and exhibitionism (public sex)?
Hope you like this...
Pairing : Frat! Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings : 18+, SMUT, mature content, language, library sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
Stress relief
Tumblr media
T : where are you?
Y : library
T : miss you<3
Y : will be studying late
T : :( :(
Y : sorry babe :/
You shake your head, smiling at the screen of your phone before focusing back on the textbook in front of you. Your exams were starting from the next week and you had been working hard since the last week staying up late at the library making notes and completely ignoring your boyfriend. The library was almost empty at this time except for a few nerds like you sitting and studying hard. 
After sometime you stood up from your desk and made your way to the bookshelves. You walked along the towering bookshelves looking for the book you needed humming a soft tune to yourself contentedly. You kinda liked it here the silence was so peaceful mixed with the musty smell of old books. These huge bookshelves stacked with books were the gates of heaven for a nerd like you, you found your solace here. You stopped at the history section and scanned the books. 
Your hand reached out to the book you were looking for when you felt a pair of hands creep around your waist. You jumped out of fright as the book fell from your hand with a soft thud. You were about to shriek but a firm hand came up to your mouth.
“Ssh ssh, darling. It’s just me” Tom hushed you. You turned around your heart still racing to find Tom.
“Jeez! What are you doing here?” You whisper yelled.
“I came looking for you” he states in a hushed tone
“I was missing you so much”
“But I texted you a few minutes ago that I’ll be studying late”
“Did you?” he mused “must have it slipped my mind” He shrugged with a lopsided grin.
“I have to study for the exams Tom”
“But babe I missed you this whole week” he pouted with puppy eyes placing a hand above your head on the bookshelf slightly leaning over you. You tilted your head to the side and studied his face, his brown eyes lingering up and down your face with a glint of mischief in them as he placed another hand on the shelf by the side of your head. You were suddenly very aware of the position you were in. 
He had you pressed against the bookshelf, his body towering over you trapping you between him and the bookshelf. Tom slid a hand down the bookshelf stopping beside your hips as he placed a knee between your legs keeping them apart. You swallowed dryly as his warm breath fanned your face.
You wanted to push him off but was frozen under his piercing gaze as you observed his features under the dim light of the room, god he looked so handsome in just a simple hoodie and jeans, a loose curl falling over his forehead as you gazed deep into his hazel brown eyes. 
“Y/N” Tom whispered, breaking you out of your trance. His gaze dropped to your parted lips as he inched closer. Your breath hitched when you felt his warm breath fanning your face.
“Tom” your voice quavered as felt heat pool between your legs. Tom noticed the hesitation in your eyes as he knelt down to your ear brushing his lips 
“C’mon love, you have been studying really hard you need to relax” he mumbled against your sensitive skin as you shuddered gasping between ragged breaths. Tom knew he had you wrapped around his fingers since the day he laid eyes on you at the frat party. You were standing at a corner dressed in a sweatshirt and skirt just like today looking so sweet and innocent. He was instantly drawn towards you. He feels really happy that he was the one to take your virginity.  But the thing that awed him the most was how shy and inexperienced you were and it just filled his mind with all the filthy things he could do to you. From then on he found immense pleasure in corrupting you slowly and slowly.
Tom nuzzled his nose in the crook of your neck as he inhaled the sweet scent of your body mist. You let out a soft moan when he placed open mouthed kisses on the column of your neck, sucking marks all over your skin when you felt his prominent bulge brush against the inside of your thigh. You were thankful that this side of the library is mostly deserted so nobody will know what you both are up to.
Tom snaked his hand under your sweatshirt and pulled down your bra to squeeze your breasts. Light whimpers escaped your lips as your hand went to his head threading with his soft brown curls. Your judgement was clouded by lust but a voice at the back of your mind kept on reminding you that this is wrong. You shouldn’t be doing it in the library. Anybody can walk in on you.
“Tomm..” your voice came out more like a moan as Tom continued to nibble on your skin. “Tom we can’t do this.. Not here” you squirmed though you didn’t want him to stop either.
Tom lifted his face from your neck and looked at you with lust blown eyes “Ssh babygirl” he shushes you placing a finger on your lips “you think a lot, you know. Stop stressing that little brain of yours and feel” he whispers with a husky tone. 
And that was it for you to shut the voice inside your head. Fuck resolve.
You pulled him towards you by the collar of his hoodie crashing your lips to his as you felt him smirk against your lips. He pried your mouth open with his tongue sliding inside exploring your mouth. His hand moved down to your legs and slid up your skirt to feel your clothed heat soaked with arousal.
“Shit so wet already” he said grinning and pushed aside your panties sliding in two long digits between your slick folds. Your hips bucked against his hand when he pressed a thumb on your clit rubbing slow circles as his fingers pumped in and out of you at a steady pace. You felt your orgasm slowly building up when Tom pulled out his fingers all of a sudden. You let out a whine in protest as he grinned at you wickedly bringing the two fingers coated with your arousal to his mouth and sucked them clean.
“So sweet” he hums as you grind your crotch against his erection “look at you acting like a needy slut now when a while ago you were the one stopping me” he chuckles
“Tom please…” you whine biting your lips which turns him on even more.
“What is it princess? What do you want?” he croons.
“Need you, your cock inside me please” it came as a desperate plea from you.
“How can I say no to my princess? Turn around babe” he instructed as you turned around and gripped on the bookshelf arching your back and perched your ass for him. He flipped your skirt and pulled down your lace panties at one go.
He then went to unbutton his jeans and pulled down his boxers enough to free his throbbing member. He grabs his cock and gives himself a few pumps before rubbing it through your wet folds lining himself to your entrance. He pushes inside slowly as you bite down a moan. A long groan escaped from his own lips feeling your tight walls around him. 
“Shit so tight!” he grunts, sheathing himself inside you completely. He waited for a few seconds to let you adjust and then he pulled back slamming right back in again. He picked up his pace pounding into you deep as you tried your best to suppress your moans. His hands gripping on your hips pulling you back to match with his thrusts stretching you out deliciously. Your legs were trembling with the force he was drilling himself inside you. If he wasn’t holding you tight, your legs would have given out by now.
With one particular thrust Tom pushed himself deeper hitting your sweet spot as a loud moan threatened to fall out from your mouth but before it could happen he pulled you back by your neck, your back pressed against his chest as he captured your lips messily muffling your noises.
“You gotta maintain silence, love it's a library” he chuckles against your mouth “Don’t want to get caught do you?” you shook your head in a frantic no as he rams inside you with an unfaltering pace.
“God you got even more wet, does the thought of getting caught by someone turn you on baby?” he taunts as you feel your face turn red in embarrassment “Imagine if somebody walks in right now, imagine the look on their face as they see me fuck this needy cunt of yours” he whispers in your ears as you clench around him at the thought.
“Oh squeezing me real tight, knew you were a pathetic whore behind this innocent face” he grunts, his calloused fingers finding your throbbing bud and rubbing harsh circles as your head falls back in pleasure feeling yourself tethering to the edge.
”but their bad luck no one gets to see what’s mine” he growls “this pussy belongs to me” he grits under his teeth thrusting inside you hitting your spot repeatedly as you feel the coil inside you tighten.
“Tom..please..” you whimpered eyes fluttering shut.
“What is it baby? You wanna cum?” he cooes
“Yes Tom please let me cum” you plead breathlessly.
“Go on darling, cum for me” he urges as your body convulses your orgasm washed over you in little waves. Your walls spasmed around him making him reach his own high as he spilled his warmth inside. You were totally drained out as Tom dropped his head at the crook of your neck panting, your legs felt like jelly as you held on the bookshelf for support. 
Suddenly you heard a screech, of someone pushing their chair back followed by footsteps approaching in your direction. Tom slid out of you and pulled back his jeans hastily. You fixed your top and skirt and looked for your panties on the floor frantically.
“You, looking for these?” Tom asks with a smug grin, your eyes darting to his hand waving your panties mid air.
“Tom give them back!” you went to snatch it from him but he moved his hand away.
“Ah ah not so easily” he chuckles.
“Tom I can’t go around like this” you argued already feeling his cum leaking out of you down your thighs.
“You know where’s my room right? Come and get it if you want them back” he shrugged nonchalantly as you looked at him stunned.
“Study hard!” mischief in his voice as he sent a wink your way while tucking your panties in his back pocket and left.
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Looking for a Place to Happen 4
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape, age gap, general stupidity, some violence and threats, coercion, manipulation, hand job, loss of virginity
This is dark!biker!Sam Wilson x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s lots happening in Birch and you find it all too amusing.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, Little Bones, and Fully Completely
Note: Sorry it took so long to get this out. Hopefully I can work on part 5 now that I have this posted.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 4:  With its gallery gods and its garbage-bag trees
Sam left you in the same daze that fogged the entire day. The night was restless as you tossed and turned, replaying the scene over and over. Every time you closed your eyes, you saw the lens staring back at you, imagined yourself on a screen, your hand moving between your legs, your pathetic mewls as you came for this man and who knew how many others. 
Well, he did say it was up to you how big the audience was.
You woke early and only checked in with your nan to fill a mug with coffee and start your day ahead of time. You needed to keep yourself busy after a night bombarded by your own thoughts and yet, you couldn’t focus enough to do more than stare at the blinking cursor.
You put on a Twitch stream to keep your mind from wandering too far but it did little to help your focus. You fidgeted, still without your phone, and again thought of the previous day and what you’d done. You’d never done that in front of anyone. You only ever joked about it online, that persona was everything you weren’t irl.
All your stupid online jokes and exaggerations got you into this. You fucked up because the line between virtual and reality was too blurred in your head. You got carried away and now you just had to deal. Well, you guessed it was a lesson no one learned the easy way.
You didn’t realise how much time passed until your stomach growled loudly and squeezed. You felt like throwing up but only had the slice of toast you scarfed down that morning to coat your stomach. You rubbed your eyes and headed downstairs to sneak some of your nan’s sugarless jelly cookies. She hated your snacking but she rarely finished a box on her own.
As you entered through the kitchen, you came to a sudden halt. You tilted your head and frowned as you heard your nan’s voice and the one that answered had you knocking your hip against a chair as you rushed into the living room.
“Just over there,” she directed as the leg of the couch scraped on the floor, “slide it against the wall.”
Sam stood straight dusted off his hands on his jeans. He stepped back and looked over the old floral sofa. 
“Definitely looks better over here,” he remarked.
“What the hell?” you blurted out.
“There you are!” your grandmother tutted, “I called up to you but you do what you always do and tune me out.”
“I didn’t-- I was working, I--” you cleared your throat and looked at Sam, “what are you doing here?”
“He’s being very helpful,” your nan praised, “how many times did I ask you to help me with this thing?”
“Sorry, I…” you swallowed and glanced between them.
“And smell that,” your nan inhaled deeply, “he’s making us dinner.”
“And I brought sugar-free dessert,” he added, “anything else I can do?”
“You’re so sweet,” she squeezed his thick arm.
“So are you… once you get past the frying pan,” he chuckled.
“I see a man in leather, I’m swinging,” she scowled, “you’re lucky you came bearing gifts.”
“Hey, look, we’re not all bad,” he smiled as she sat and he handed her the book from the small table that held the lamp and her ashtray, “I’m not like those guys who threatened your granddaughter.”
“And more honest than her,” she shook her head, “you didn’t tell me you were down at that bar. I warned you-- you really are lucky he was there.”
“Uh, sure, yeah,” you squinted at them, “didn’t you just tell me the other day I should grab any biker by--”
“I’m old, I say things,” she laughed but her eyes had a glimmer of ‘be quiet’.
“Would you like some more tea, Millie?” he asked as he took her empty mug and neared you, stopping in the broad archway that opened up into the living room.
“One more, if you don’t mind,” she smiled sweetly. She never smiled.
You hid a scowl and turned to follow Sam into the kitchen. He moved the kettle onto a burner and turned the knob. He stopped and opened the door of the stove and peeked inside as a blaze of savoury hot air blasted out at him. You felt it just before he let it snap shut and turned to lean on the counter, crossing one foot over the other.
“What are you doing?” you uttered.
“I told you I’d be back,” he shrugged.
“I didn’t think you’d--” you lowered your voice and glanced at the doorway, “what have you been telling her?”
“Everything she wants to hear,” he ran his fingertips along the precise line of hair of his goatee, “and nothing she shouldn’t… but that can change.”
“I did what you wanted. End of punishment,” you put your hands on your hips.
“End? Hmmm, I don’t think I said that,” his forehead wrinkled, “we’re far from finished… and come on, we both know you had as much fun as me.”
Your nostrils flared and you sucked in your cheeks. He was entirely too hard to figure out. He was that sort of man you hated and feared all at once. You just couldn’t predict him.
“I don’t… I don’t care what happens to me, just don’t hurt her,” you said quietly.
“Hurt her? Now why would I do that?” he taunted, “I mean, right now I have no reason to do anything like that.”
You squirmed and let out a breath, “please, alright?”
“Settle down, honey, you’ve been good… so far,” he said, “you just gotta keep it up.”
“Yeah,” you grumbled as the kettle began to shake and he turned his back to you, “any chance I can have my phone back?”
He chuckled as he searched the cupboard for the tea and plucked out a bag, “you’re funny… I like that but you gotta stop acting like everything’s a joke. It doesn’t hold up.”
You found it hard not to wear a look of unamused confusion as Sam served dinner at the table and your grandmother sang his praises as he poured her wine she could actually drink. Just one glass but it was enough to loosen her up. You hadn’t eaten in the dining room since you were a kid, more used to eating at the counter, sitting on the wobbly stools or in front of the television.
Sam offered for you to clean up and do the dishes. Your nan was overjoyed at that, almost mocking. When you finished, you found them in the living room, some old Robert DeNiro movie on the television. You sat on the couch, as far from Sam as you as your grandmother yawned into her hand.
“Well,” she stubbed out her cigarette, “I should really be getting to bed. That wine is kicking in.”
“It’s early…” you argued weakly.
“You kids don’t get into too much trouble,” she warned as she stood with a groan and gripped her hip, “these ears still work.”
“Trouble? Me?” Sam kidded, “you don’t have to worry about me. I haven’t been a kid in a very long time.”
She smiled and nodded but for a moment she hesitated. She looked at you and pushed her tongue to her denture.
“Good night, girlie,” she said.
“Night, nan,” you forced out as normally as you could. 
You knew if she sensed your fear, she’d act out. She was always too brave for her own good and while you admired that, you didn’t need to get hurt because you were dumb as a brick.
She left slowly and you heard her television begin to crackle and the voices of the Law and Order actors were muffled behind her door. You hunched your shoulders and rubbed your hands together as you stared at Deniro’s wrinkled forehead and that characteristic squint. 
The lamp went out as Sam pulled the cord and the screen glowed in the dark. You felt the cushion dip as he shifted closer without subtlety. He slung his arm over your shoulder and you smelled his earthy cologne as he turned the TV up a few ticks. He pulled you to him as his hand came up to cradle your cheek.
“Shouldn’t we go… somewhere else?”
“She won’t hear us honey,” he cooed, “you just gotta be good. Be quiet.”
“Let’s go upstairs. Please,” you grabbed his hand as you pleaded.
“You keep arguing and I’ll make sure to wake her up,” he warned, “now,” he twisted so that he had your wrist in his grasp and forced it down to his lap, “put your hand down my pants.”
You gulped loudly and your hand trembled. You read enough fanfic to know what to do but your lack of actual experience had you nervous. Much like many things in your life. All talk, no skill.
You turned awkwardly on the cushion, your body uncomfortably contorted as his legs stayed pressed to yours. You struggled to unhook the button of his fly and the zipper was slow to descend. You felt the bulge as your hands moved against the denim and you hesitated as your fingers pressed to the elastic of his briefs.
“Mmm,” he purred as he hugged you closer, “that’s it, honey.”
Your eyes widened and you were happy the room was dark enough to hide your face. You pulled the elastic back with two fingers and shoved your other hand blindly beneath the fabric. You brushed against his hard dick and angled your hand so that you could grip him, his smooth length felt peculiar against your palm. Was he big? He felt big but didn’t have anyone to compare him to.
“Tighter,” he groaned at the friction as you moved your hand.
You squeezed and his hot breath grazed over your hair and he pushed his head back over the couch. He twitched as you kept a steady motion, trapped in the limbo of mortification and cluelessness. Were you doing it right? What were you even doing?
“Ah, honey, you’re so good,” he said as he rubbed the back of your neck, “goddamn.”
You said nothing as you focused on your hand. He snaked his arm under yours suddenly and pulled you over as he lifted his ass. Your hand was caught in his under as he laid you down beneath him. He reached down and fixed your grip on him as he held hovered atop you, his knees pressed into the cushion between your legs.
His arm crossed under yours as he poked along your jeans and shoved his hand beneath the denim and cotton. His palm was flush to your pelvis as he slid two fingers along your folds, held snug to you by the fabric. He swirled his fingertips over your bud and you gasped as your other hand gripped his arm in surprise.
“Honey, you’re wet already,” he whispered, “you sure you haven’t been waiting for this?”
You moaned as he pushed back along your entrance and dragged his fingers back, spreading your wetness over your clit. You quivered as you struggled to keep your own hand moving. He inhaled and groaned as played with you and pressed his lips to your cheek. He trailed up to your lips and kissed you, forcing his tongue inside as he shuddered.
He drew away with a sloppy noise and withdrew his hand from your pants. He sat up on his knees and pulled your legs to rest against his torso. He gripped the back of your jeans and yanked them down along with your panties. You smothered your cry as you were shocked by the force of it and the air of the room on your bare ass and legs.
He let your jeans dangle from one ankle as he bent over you again. Your leg fell over the edge of the couch as he held himself over you with a hand just above your head, fingers tight on the cushioned arm. He wiggled as he shimmied his jeans and briefs down with his other hand and you pressed on his chest.
“Wait, wait,” you hissed, “you… please, just… slow down… I never--”
“Shh, honey, you’re making too much noise,” he muttered, “it’s okay.”
“No, no, please, can’t we--” your voice caught as he lined his tips up along your cunt and rubbed it along your clit, “I’ll… I’ll use my mouth.”
“Later,” he whispered as his tip slipped down along your entrance, “honey, I need to feel you.”
“Pl--” your voice evaporated as the head of his dick stretched you.
You whimpered as he brought his arm down and nestled it under your head. He pushed further in and you gritted your teeth as you whined at the pressure of his intrusion. With each inch, the strain grew worse as a deep pain flooded your body. He shushed you as he forced past your resistance.
He covered your mouth as you cried out and barely kept your voice under control. He kept your head on his arm as his other hand cupped your lips and smothered out your agony. He forced himself in as deep as he could and your body tensed as your walls squeezed him. Your eyes rolled back as tears welled and spilled over the corners.
“Honey, it’s okay, we’ll go slow,” he coaxed, “just like that.”
He rocked his hips carefully but it still felt terrible. He pulled back and slid back in, each time it felt like he got even deeper than the last. His breath hitched and your own grew laboured as you huffed through your nostrils. 
He growled and sped up, just a little at a time, your cunt slickening his intrusion as his pelvis brushed against your clit and sent tendrils down your thighs. Even so, the pleasure was not enough to mute the pain.
“That’s it,” he uttered, “that’s it.”
He fucked you faster and the couch shook beneath you. His flesh slapped and the noise seemed to be monstrous, so much sure that you were sure your grandmother would come out and catch you. 
You grasped his wrist as you felt your climax rising. You squeezed and arched your foot as you were overcome and crashed down harshly as the pain tore through the ecstasy once more. He turned his hand and framed your chin as he kissed you again, swallowing your murmurs as he thrust into you over and over.
He lifted his head and dipped his thumb into your mouth as he held in his voice. He quaked and his motion stuttered but kept on. You felt his release, hot and wet, inside of you, a strange sensation that made you both sickened and aroused you.
He eased up and stilled at last. He brushed his nose against yours and chuckled under his breath as he wiggled his hips and you swore at the way it made your walls squeeze him. You blinked as your vision cleared of tears and the darkness. His features were blue with the light of the television, sinister and shadowy.
You went limp under him and breathed out slowly. You shook as he ran his thumb along your bottom lip and left a line of spit down your jaw.
“We’ll have to get that on tape next time,” he said, “but I doubt you’ll forget that, honey.”
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mizunetzu · 4 years
I recommend you read this right after the first part. Enjoy <3
Tag: @inlittleways
Shinsou x reader - Love Trigger (pt. 2)
⚠️warnings - sad shinsou :(
Pronouns - male, he/him
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you can find the first part here!
“You’re in love.”
It made perfect sense. Even if he denied it then, he couldn’t deny it now. He couldn’t decide if he fell in love with the lovey-dovey illusions of the (h/c) haired boy plaguing his mind, or if he wanted him even before that. Even so, one fact was abundantly clear.
He was so desperately in love with (L/n) (Y/n) and he made the biggest mistake of letting him slip through his fingers. It was like tasting the sweet fruit of affection, just to have it ripped away for your stupid actions.
Aizawa coughed into his elbow, trying to get Shinsous attention. He was staring devastatingly at the ground for far too long now, and he wanted to get back on his lunch break. Shinsou slowly raised his eyes, his legs following and bringing himself up to his feet.
“I...gotta go do something. Thanks.” He stumbled out of the faulty room, leaving two confused teachers and a very tired homeless looking man.
Once Shinsou closed the door to the teachers office, he started sprinting. He heard the distant shouts of the uptight blue haired boy from class 1-A, and even passed by his very confused friend. They all sounded like gibberish to him.
He stopped infront of the doors to the 1-H classroom. He didn’t know much about Hatsukoi, but he knew that she ate lunch in her class with her classmates every lunch.
He slammed open the door, startling the 3 girls, as he stomped his way over to the girl in question. She had her feet propped up in the table, and was twirling around a heart shaped cookie in her fingers.
“Deactivate your quirk.”
No response. Hatsukoi wouldn’t talk to him anymore, he figured she knew he was going to brainwash her into deactivating. Hatsukoi took a bite out of her cookie.
Her cockiness was starting to really piss him off. He was tired of have such sweet, vivid hallucinations of (y/n), just to be brought back to the fact he ruined something potentially beautiful. He slammed his fists on the table, making the two girls beside her yelp in suprise.
Hatsukoi stifled a snicker, and scribbled something on a sturdy napkin. She drew a tiny heart on the corner, then held it up with her bright pink nails. Shinsous heart stopped.
‘I never said I could specify what or who you dream about. Nor what emotion you feel. You did that all by yourself. <3’
Shinsous mouth went slack, ears reddening in embarrassment. Her two friends started giggling at his expression, while Hatsukoi held her signature, bad bitch grin. She flipped the napkin on its backside, and scribbled something else on it.
Shinsous throat closed up.
‘He sits on the rooftop at lunch now. On the third bench on the 2nd wing. Good luck xoxo <3’
He took the napkin, shoved it quickly down his pocket, and bolted out of the classroom. He heard Hatsukoi yell out a “bye bye~!”. He could’ve brainwashed her then, but he had to get his priorities straight.
He dashed up the stairs leading up to the rooftop. Even if (y/n) didn’t love him back, he just needed him in his life. It didn’t matter. He just wanted him to be by his side a little longer.
His legs stopped him in front of the rooftops door. He drew his hand to reach for the doorknob, but that froze aswell. He grit his teeth, yelling at himself to fucking move, but his body remained in place.
His legs felt like jelly. His body was covered in a cold sweat, and butterflies emerged from his stomach. He was nervous. Right on the other side of this door was the very boy he’d been having such intimate hallucinations about. He hopes it won’t get in the way of apolo-
The door swung open before he could react. A figure bumped into him, stumbling back and holding his head with a frown.
It was (Y/n). Oh god, it was so nice to see him up close. Even his frown looked angelic, and his hands looked so soft. The one thing that irked Shinsou though, was that the bento he was clutching was wrapped in a white cloth, instead of his usual, purple one. It was like him telling him that he didn’t need him anymore. It hurt way more that it should’ve.
(Y/n) broke into a cold sweat, and waved awkwardly. “I-hey...Shinsou...”
His voice dripped with honey. Without thinking, Shinsou grabbed onto (Y/n’s) arm and yanked him into the rooftop. All sense of rationality flew out the window.
‘People and their stupid emotions is what makes them idiots.’
Shouts of protest emitted from the (H/c) haired male, but Shinsou kept dragging him. Hell, even him shouting at him sounded heavenly.
‘They think with their feet instead of their head.’
“Shinsou-stop!” Shinsou ignored him, and cornered him onto a wall. He pressed his hand onto the smooth surface, using his other hand to hold one of (Y/n’s) wrists. His skin was so warm.
‘Sure I appreciate people who think I’m attractive. If it feels good, that’s ok. That’s all.’
(Y/n) squirmed and wriggled under Shinsous grasp, yelling at him to stop and using his white-cloth bento box to try and push him away.
‘Instead they cry and cling onto me, it’s seriously annoying.’
Shinsou scowled and ripped the lunchbox away from (y/n’s) free hand. He unwrapped the ugly white cloth, and ripped it to shreds, tossing aside the bare lunch box.
“Hey! Why’d you do that! S-stop it!” (Y/n) pushed at Shinsous chest, grasping at his tie.
‘I can’t understand that sensibility.’
“...why are you stopping me?”
Both his and (y/n’s) movements stopped. It was like pressing pause on a YouTube video. Shinsou had a look of desperation, one that made even (Y/n) feel bad.
Shinsous eyes watered involuntarily. “You..you would always complain when I wasn’t with you, so why is it any different now?!”
(Y/n’s) eyes softened. Shinsou was quiet for a moment, (y/n’s) pitiful gaze suddenly becoming too much to bear. He grasped the fabric of his grey blazer and pushed him up against the wall.
“Stop looking at me like that! S-say something! What do you want me to do? Aren’t we friends?!”
The purple haired boys voice cracked with every other word, tears falling freely down his hot cheeks. (Y/n’s) eyes widened, but he continued to stay silent.
“...I’m not leaving.” Shinsous voice was barely above a whisper, as if any louder he’d break down crying. “Y-You’re the one who can’t befriend people correctly.”
Shinsou cast his head down, tears flinging and cascading in the air. He gripped (y/n’s) blazer tighter. “Y-you’re...you’re the one who clings to me and sticks to me like glue...”
Shinsou brought his head up, suddenly pulling (y/n’s) blazer towards him in the process.
Shinsou brought the boy into a hug, clutching onto (y/n) like a lifeline. (Y/n) placed a hand on Shinsous shoulder. “Shinsou...”
“I’m not leaving.” Shinsou squeezed him tighter, furrowing his brows together. “I’m never gonna. Even if you grow uninterested in me, ev-even if you hate me, I’m not leaving!”
Shinsous voice was raspy with tears. “So don’t hate me...please I-I can’t...”
A hand placed itself on the crying boys waist, followed by two arms wrapping themselves snug against his waist.
“...why do you say ‘hate?’, Hitoshi-kun?”
Shinsou looked up. He called him by his first name for the first time in a while. He broke the hug, choosing instead to rest his hands on (y/n’s) shoulders. He tentatively wiped his face with his sleeve. ”You...you started ignoring me and avoiding m-“
“That’s not it!” (Y/n) looked worried, grasping Shinsous hands and squeezing them tightly. “At first, i was going to give you a day before I’d ‘bother’ you again so you wouldn’t hate me, but then I caught a really bad cold!” Shinsous eyebrows unfurled, his expression changing from despair to realization.
“Hitoshi-kun is...very precious to me a-and I didn’t want you to get sick! I’m sorry for avoiding you...please don’t cry...”
“...god, if you were sick you should stayed home...idiot...” (Y/n) brought a hand to his cheek, wiping away a stray tear that had freshly rolled down the males face. Shinsou cupped his hand, nuzzling into the warmth with his face. “I’m sorry, Hitoshi-kun.”
“Don’t apologize, please it’s-it’s my fault...I’m sorry, I won’t say stupid stuff like that again...”
(Y/n) opened his mouth to speak, when Shinsous eyes blared pink once more. However, this time, his eyes didn’t conjure up a fuzzy illusion of (y/n).
Instead, his mouth began to move on its own.
“I love you.”
The pink faded back into its normal purple color, as the two boy stood there in silence. Shinsou slapped a hand over his mouth, all the color draining from his face. If this was what ruined their friendship after he just got it back...
“You don’t need to say anything, I said it on accident I’m so-“
(Y/n) buried himself into Shinsous shoulder. He brought his head up to Shinsous ear, and whispered with a smile,
“I love you too.”
The lunch bell rang, cutting off the teacher and sending a chill down Shinsous spine.
He was in the middle of packing up when his friend stopped by his desk. “Ne, ne, you seem happy today.”
Truth be told, Shinsou was. But his face was harboring it’s neutral frown, so he was honestly confused as to how he could tell. Nonetheless, he sheepishly scratched at the back of his head.
“Well, I have a date today. I’m kinda excited,”
“Hold on a second!” His friend stared animatedly at the boy. “You? Person who rejected about 100 confessions, has a date?”
“Yea. What about it?” He walked up to the trash can and dropped a broken pencil inside, his friend flocking to him.
“Nothing nothing, who is it?!”
“Uh-I’m meeting up with them for lunch, so you can come see if you’d like.”
“Awesome!” They stepped out the door, immediately being swarmed by a boy with messy, (h/c) hair.
“Good afternoon, Hitoshi-kun!” (Y/n) wrapped his arms around Shinsou neck, burrowing his head into the crook of his shoulder. Shinsous friend was about to say something, when a Shinsou dipped down and kissed (y/n) on the forehead.
His friends jaw dropped to the floor. “I-Huh?! WAIT! WAIT! SHINSOU, I DIDN’T KNOW YOUR TASTES RAN IN THAT DIRECTION?!”
“To be honest I didn’t either,” Shinsou lazily wrapped his arms around the boy’s waist, resting his cheek on (y/n’s) head and facing his friend. “Well, see you.”
The two walked away from Shinsous friend, hand in hand. (Y/n’s) face lit up, suddenly turning to Shinsou.
“Oh! By the way,” he reached into his blazer, pulling out a bento box with purple cloth and blue kitty cats. “Do you like it? It’s cute, right?Cute like my super hot handsome boyfriend~”
Shinsou blushed. “Shut up...oh, by the way, why did you have a white cloth on your bento that one time?”
“Ah. My mom said I used this one too much, and she made me wash it and stuff. It was wet before I went to school so I had to use the white one. Which you ripped by the way.”
Sweat formed on the purple haired males brow. “W-wait, so you didn’t like, throw it away because you hated me or something?”
(Y/n) tilted his head to the side. “Why would I hate you? And throw away a perfectly good wrap? It’s just a piece of cloth.”
Shinsou flushed red with embarrassment. He pinched his laughing boyfriends cheeks, mumbling something inaudible. He really overthought it.
But then again, he overthought a lot of things.
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Diabolik Lovers BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.8 Mukami Yuma [Track 1]
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Original title: 代わりの印
Source: Diabolik Lovers Bloody Bouquet Vol. 8 Mukami Yuma [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: Make sure to listen to this when you’re almost because things get pretty HOT AND STEAMY over here phew~ I swear Yuma’s voice does things to me. > // < I struggled a lot to translate his speech at first but now that I’m used to it, he’s honestly one of my favorite boys to translate content of because I feel like I can be a little more playful with his dialogue.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 1: An Alternative Mark
The two of you return home.
“...Aahー The place was crawlin’ with people, I’m hella beat. There we go...”
He puts down the bags.
“Oi. Which ones need to be put in the fridge?”
He starts looking through bags as you point out the items.
*Rustle rustle*
“Hm...? Chocolate, jelly...The fuck? It’s just a bunch of sweets! Didn’t I tell ya to put these back? Guess we’ll be good in terms of candy until next month. ...Wait, oi! Are ya even listenin’!?”
You turn your head. 
“Haah...You’re still upset? What so bad ‘bout kissin’ in public? For one, I apologized so fix yer damn mood already.”
You protest.
“Ya really gonna get all flustered when our lips barely even touched? ...It’s not like I went for the lips either. ...Or are you beggin’ for it, perhaps? Guess ya leave me with no other choice. Nn...”
“Hehehe...Oh come on, stop gettin’ yer panties in a knot. I felt like it so can ya really blame me? ...Besides, aren’t ya actually happy? To have me do with ya as I please? Come on, tell me where ya want it. You want them, don’t ya? My fangs. Right here. ...Or would ya rather go to the bed?”
You start fighting back.
*Rustle rustle*
“...Uwah! Don’t throw a fuss, geez! ...I know! Guess I’ll put away the groceries first then...Come on. Ya better help out as well.”
*Rustle rustle*
“...Aah? The fuck’s this? It’s just a bunch of seasonings. Also, chicken and...eggs? Ah! Ya even managed to sneak in a pot behind my back! No wonder this bag was so heavy!”
You explain.
“Aah...!? It broke? Really? Ahー! So that’s why ya haven’t been makin’ any one pot dishes as of late! In that case, let’s make a stew tonight! I’ll get the ingredients we need from my garden. Hehe...Why don’t you go ahead and take a bath? I bet you’re tired from walkin’ ‘round all day? Then, we can continue where we left off after dinner. Ya better don’t run, ‘kay?”
Yuma walks away.
You turn off the water and get out of the bath as Yuma enters the room.
“...Phew. Hm? Oh. You’re out of the bath?”
You shriek and quickly try to cover up.
“The fuck’s that reaction? There’s really nothin’ to still be embarrassed ‘bout by this point.”
You ask why he’s here.
“Ah? I just came to wash my hands, that’s all. ...Anyway, why don’t ya start puttin’ on yer clothes instead of just standin’ there nailed to the floor? ...Also, it kind of bothers me how you’re just starin’ at me.”
You explain.
“Haah...? Why does it matter whether I’m here or not. Hurry up and get changed. Or maybe...”
“Ya want me to do it? ...If that is what ya were hopin’ for, I don’t mind grantin’ said wish?”
Your cheeks flush bright red.
“Come on, move yer hands. I can’t remove the towel when you’re holdin’ onto it that strongly, right?”
You tell him to stop. 
“Too late. I’m not stoppin’ now.”
“That bein’ said...Your skin really looks delicious per usual. On top of that, it’s covered in my bite marks. ...It really gets me goin’.”
Yuma takes in your scent.
“Ahー Come to think of it. Ya really were the centre of attention at the supermarket earlier.”
You frown, tilting your head to the side. 
“They were all lookin’ at these marks, no? ...Didn’t you notice?”
You blame Yuma.
“Aah? Not my fault. I just couldn’t stop myself yesterday. Besides, ya were havin’ a hell of a good time as well, weren’t ya? Screamin’ on top of yer lungs and all...Nn...”
“...Heh. Don’t be reactin’ already. Hehehe...Do ya want me? Huh?”
You shake your head.
“...Ya really aren’t honest with yerself. ‘Kay then. I won’t bite ya today. ...But instead...Nn...”
“Don’t chicken out. I can’t kiss ya like this. Come on, part yer lips a little more. Or do ya want me to pry them open instead, ah?”
You slowly part your lips. 
“Hehe...Great job. Mm...Ya really are my very own exclusive Sow...”
“Haah...I won’t be able to stop at this rate. ...Imma mark you in a different way than with my fangs. Mmh...”
Yuma leaves a hickey on you.
“...Phew~ It left a bright red mark. ...This side’s up next then. Nn...”
You protest.
“...Nnhー! Don’t move! I can’t mark ya like this...Nn...”
“...Actually, this is kinda rough. There’s this high quality blood right in front of me, but I have to abstain.”
Yuma takes a deep breath.
“Haah...It’s the scent of delicious blood.”
You flinch.
“Hm? Just feelin’ my breath on yer skin’s enough to get a reaction out of ya? You’re way too sensitive.”
You protest.
“What? Why do ya look dissatisfied? I’m over here tryin’ my best to hold back ‘cause ya said ya didn’ want to get bitten, remember? If that’s makin’ ya unhappy...Hehe, I guess ya really do want to be pleasured by my fangs.”
You deny it.
“No point in tryin’ to cover it up. Don’t ya think it’s ‘bout time ya realize that yer body speaks louder than a thousand words? Haah...When ya make that kinda expression, I seriously end up cravin’ yer blood. I start yearnin’ for ya. ...From this arm, for example.”
Yuma suddenly bites you. 
“...Haah! Haah...I can’t get enough...It really tastes extra special after endurin’ it for a bit...Relax. Otherwise it’ll hurt, right?”
*Rustle rustle*
“...You’re shaky in yer step. Ya must really like my fangs. Hehe. If ya want more, then stand properly on yer legs.”
You get back up.
“...What do ya want me to do, huh?”
You beg for his fangs. 
“Hehe...You’ve just been dyin’ for this, haven’t ya? ...Yer honest side honestly drives me crazy.”
“I’ll suck from yer lower back next as well. Nn...Lemme hear more of those sweet cries, ‘kay?”
Yuma bites you again.
“...!? The fuck!? We’re just at the good part too!”
You try and walk towards the door but he stops you.
“...Hey, wait. Ya don’t need to go.”
You insist.
“Che...Didn’t ya hear me when I said ya don’t need to go just now? Imma hurt yーー”
*Ding・dongー Ding・dong*
“(mutters) ...Can this person read the mood, for fuck’s sake...”
You tell him it might be urgent. 
“Shut up! Just stay here. ...Heh. Actually, were ya gonna answer the door lookin’ like that?”
You look down at yourself and grow embarrassed. 
“Hehe...You’re covered in both hickeys and bite marks, ya know? Well, if ya wanna go that badly, be my guest then. I’m not stoppin’ ya. That’s a fittin’ look for a Sow after all.”
You shake your head.
“Hehehe. Figured so~ ...In that case, ya can’t show yerself in public.”
Yuma pulls you close.
“ー With that bein’ said, let’s continue. I’m not lettin’ ya off the hook just yet. Hehe~ Let’s see...I’ll bite ya here next.”
He bites you again.
“I figured it was ‘bout time I marked this disobedient Sow again to remind her of who she belongs to. Haha...Puttin’ these where ya can see them really is the way to go. Gotta show everyone that you’re mine, no? Haahn...”
“...Hah! Haah...Look at that dreamy look in yer eyes...Ya really like this spot best, don’t ya? ...Fine by me. I’ll do it more then. I’ll thrust them in nice and deep...”
“So cry out for me sweetly, ‘kay? Also...Show me all of your shameful expressions. Entice me more.”
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bluewhale52 · 4 years
Little Black Book: The One You Trust (M)
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Summary: There are a few names in your Little Black Book, and these seven hold a special place in your heart.  Now that you are closing that chapter in your life, you reminisce the time and experience you have had with your seven favourite men, especially with Min Yoongi, the one you trust.
Pairing: Yoongi x female reader
Rating: Explicit. No minors allowed!
Genre: non idol au, strangers to lovers, friends with benefits
Word Count: 5.1k
Warning: Yoongi thought OC was a prostitute, oral sex in public restroom, Yoongi oral king (wbk), oral m & f giving and receiving, fingering, unprotected sex (they should’ve known better, please be safe everyone), making of a sex tape
Little Black Book Masterlist
A/N: Completely unedited, as I wrote it between free times I could get, so my deepest apologies for any mistakes made. Hope you enjoy reading it! 💜
You met Yoongi at an upscale bar. It wasn’t the kind of bar you’d willingly go on your own, but it was the bar your boss chose to impress your clients with expensive wine and cigars. Business talk soon turned into something more lewd, and you soon excused yourself from the party.
You chose to sit on the bar counter, purposely choosing the far end where it was much less crowded. You scrolled mindlessly on your phone, nursing your gin and tonic, while waiting for your group to get drunker and drunker, and for when it became your responsibility to ship them home one by one  in taxis.
Yoongi approached you like a cat. Slow, quiet, gaze intense on you. You had caught him out of the corner of your eye, and you instantly liked what you saw. Lithe body clad in all black, jet black hair, feline eyes, and lips pressed into a tight line. He had a mysterious and intimidating aura about him.
He sat himself next to you, then ordered a whiskey. Seeing your half empty glass, he offered to buy you another.
“No thanks,” you shook your head. “I’m good.”
Yoongi glanced at your party. “Your group?”
You nodded. “Yup, gotta make sure they all return home safely later.”
“Ah,” Yoongi let out a dry chuckle. “I see.”
“That was a weird laugh.” You told him, narrowing your eyes.
He looked at you, his sharp features looked considerably softer. “Don’t be mad.”
“It never ends well when you start with that.” You warned him.
“You see,” Yoongi brought your gaze to a group of men and women seated not far from where your party was. “I thought you were one of them.”
One of them. The ‘them’ he referred  to  was a group of scantily clad women, throwing themselves onto the men in suits. It didn’t take a genius to know who those women were.
“Seriously? You thought this,” you pointed up and down your work suit, “equals to that?”
Yoongi looked you in the eye and knew you were teasing him. And you really were. You were intrigued by him. And you were hoping Yoongi could be a fun distraction.
“I’m sorry for assuming,” he apologized, “some men like skimpy dresses, I however, like suits. Obviously I have better taste than they are.” He smirked at the group.
You turned to face him fully, crossing your legs. You smiled inwardly when you caught his eyes dropping down to your skirt, slightly hiked up from your new sitting position. “I still feel very insulted.”
Yoongi rubbed his chin. “Let me make it up to you.” He leaned forward, and the proximity of his face to yours made your heart beat faster. He was a good looking guy, but with the cockiness in his words, his sexiness level was off the charts.
“Let me,” his voice dropped several octaves, sending a rush of warmth to your core, “eat you out. I’ll give you the best oral of your life.”
You felt your body was instantly lit on fire. Keeping your voice steady, you asked him, “What if I’m not satisfied?”
“I’ll give you my number. And you can call me whenever you need to evaluate my tongue technology skills.”
You burst out laughing. You couldn’t believe the balls on this guy.
“I can’t leave them.” You tipped your head at your group.
“I know for a fact the restroom here is clean.”
Your eyes widened. “How often do you do this here?”
Yoongi shrugged. “My first time tonight. I know the rest room is clean because I used it not ten minutes ago. So?” He hopped off his stool, and offered you his hand.
You stared at him, mouth slightly agape. Your head still couldn’t believe what was happening, but your core was leaking arousal and you knew which one was making the final decision.
You placed your hand in his, and he smirked. It annoyed you how smug he was, but the way the corner of his lip lifted, it was so sexy. You were done for.
Yoongi led you to one of the  restrooms, he told you the restrooms in the bar were all private so there was no need to worry someone would walk in on you both.
“You really thought this through, didn’t you?”
Yoongi locked the door. He directed you to lean against the wall. Your hand grabbed the sink next to you for anchor. The way he looked at you was so predatorial. His eyes were sharp and pierced  through yours. The way he licked his lips was like a starved man finally being served his favorite meal.
“I’ve been thinking about how you’d taste since I saw you sitting on that bar all alone.” He looked you up and down, undressing you with his eyes. You swallowed. Your throat was suddenly dry. All the liquid in your body was pooling in your panties, you were sure of it.
Yoongi leaned closer to you, pressing your body against the wall. His hands skimmed the hem of your pencil skirt, and looking into your eyes, he slowly inched the material up. His fingers were grazing against your pantyhose, burning your skin through it.
When your skirt was finally bunched up around your waist, you bit your lip to still a whimper, and Yoongi chuckled. His face came even closer to yours, you prepare yourself for the feel of his lips yours.
But he ducked sideways, his mouth aimed at your ear instead. “My name is Yoongi, in case you need to scream it out when you cum on my tongue.”
Your chest heaved and you let out a small moan. His hands had found the waistband of your panties and your pantyhose, but instead of pulling them down- which you were hoping he would, SOON- because you just couldn’t take it anymore- he rubbed against the skin underneath, making you squirm.
He gave you that smug smirk again. And licking his lips, he leaned down to kiss you. Only to be met by your finger. He looked at you quizzically.
“No kissing,” you chided. “You haven’t earned that yet, you smug boy.”
His eyes twinkled at your challenge. “Do I get your name, at least? I’ll spell it with my tongue.” He yanked your panties and pantyhose down. Your knees immediately went jelly, and he chuckled again at your state.
“_______.” You breathed out. He kneeled before you, then helped  you rid of your underclothes to bare yourself to him.
Yoongi hooked your leg over his shoulder. He parted your folds then licked his lips. He could see your sex throbbing, so desperate for a touch.
Keeping his eyes on you, he flicked his tongue over your clit. You gasped loudly. Liking your reaction, he flicked your nub again, but this time putting more pressure on it. He started spelling your name on your clit, as he had promised to do, the pressure from his tongue sending your body into a fiery mess and your arousal dripping into his waiting mouth.
“Did I spell it right?” Yoongi pulled back.
“Fuck yeah.” You rested your head on the wall. Your body felt heavy, and you hadn’t even cummed yet.
“Ready to scream my name, babe?”
You looked down to him. His milky white complexion almost made him look angelic, such an irony to the sinful act he was doing to you. You buried your fingers in his hair and tugged softly.
“Less talking and more doing, hmm?” You directed his head to your dripping core.
You felt the vibration from his chuckle against your dewy lips, and you instantly moaned. With his tongue flat against your sex, he started lapping at you. He was encouraged by your moan and from your grip on his hair.
He found that you liked  having his tongue poking into your hole and sliding up and down your slit. He could tell from your moans how you liked his lips wrapped around your clit  and how he slurped up your juice obscenely. He wanted to finger you, to feel your walls around his digits. But he wanted to see how far his tongue could take you. And soon he got an answer.
Your thighs started shaking, and your moans were getting louder. He tongued your entrance, swirling his organ in and around your hole, eagerly exploring it. He groaned when you ground yourself down against his mouth.
“Close, so close,” you panted, “make me cum, please.”
Yoongi gripped your thighs tighter, pressing his face further in, diving deeper into you. His tongue fucked into your cunt mercilessly, while his nose rubbed against your clit. You felt him pushing you harder and up against the wall, as if anchoring you before your free fall into ecstasy.
And the orgasm came in a mad rush, a white hot explosion that burnt your entire body as you convulsed and shook above Yoongi. He continued to tongue you, groaning and moaning at the drizzle of your nectar oozing out, only slowing down once he felt your body going lax. He massaged your thighs, kissing the skin at the junction of your limbs and your pussy tenderly, until you pushed his head away.
Yoongi looked up to you and grinned. You looked so fucked out, and only from this tongue alone.
“You didn’t scream my name, babe.” Yoongi slowly stood up, his face ghosting over yours. “I’m sad.”
“You’ve got to do it again then.” You could smell yourself on him, a mix of your sex with the alcohol he had had before. “Kiss me, Yoongi.”
He crushed his lips into yours, immediately his wicked tongue invaded your mouth. You sucked on it greedily, and smiled when he groaned. He pulled away, his eyes heavy with lust. He moved your body towards the sink, bending you over it, then he spread your legs wide. You gripped onto the porcelain, and turned your head sideways to be met by your own reflection in the mirror.
Yoongi was above you, pushing your hair away from your neck. He kissed and licked it, sending shivers down your spine. Catching your reflection, he nibbled on your earlobe before pointing his tongue into your ear canal. Satisfied at the way your face crunched and the way you moaned underneath him, he stood up and massaged your ass cheeks.
“You look so sinful, _______ .” His fingers were kneading your flesh hard. “Still dripping too, you really like my tongue that much?”
“Yes.” You sobbed your answer. Your legs were shaking again, from the position they were in but also from the anticipation. You felt Yoongi breathing near your cunt, and automatically bucked your hips, but he held you down, rendering you immobile under his grips.
Yoongi gave you a long fat lick, from the clit all the way to the spot between your pussy and your asshole. “Oh Yoongi, that feels good.”
Taking your cue, he repeated the motion; sometimes spending more time teasing your clit, sometimes sucking on your hole, drinking up your juices, sometimes he went a bit higher, testing your reaction when he licked around your puckered hole. Whatever he did, he sent you deeper and deeper into lustful pleasure.
You felt his tongue stabbing into your pussy again, and his nose deliciously close to your other hole. Your moans were encouraging him, and he moved your ass back and forth, making you rut on his mouth. Without taking his mouth off you, Yoongie shuffled up higher until his tongue reached your asshole. With your arousal thick on his tongue, he circled around the hole and gave it little kitten licks. He growled when you wailed at how good it felt, but still, you were not screaming his name yet. So he continued eating your ass, until you became a whimpering mess, He quickly moved back to your pussy, sucking on it harshly and loudly. The slurping sounds his mouth was making were so loud in the restroom, with only your moans drowning them.
“Yoongi, ah… don’t stop..” you begged.
Yoongi went to overdrive. Hearing you moaned out his name spurred him on. He latched onto your clit now, flicking and sucking it, picking up his pace as your breathing got more laboured.
“Yoon… Yoongi..” you chanted his name like a prayer, and you were getting so close to your second orgasm. Yoongi sensed it too, and he continued to work on your clit, determined he would not stop until you cried with pleasure, with his name on your mouth.
With Yoongi’s tongue on your clit, you reached your second orgasm. “Yoongi!” you screamed as heat erupted from your core to the rest of your body. It was more intense than the first one, and you grabbed onto the sink for dear life. Your body was heaving, your thighs closed tightly around Yoongi’s head, and still, his tongue did not let up. You started to drone out, Yoongi’s name still repeatedly leaving your lips.
Yoongi stood up, then pulled you up from the sink, to hug you from behind. You were still recovering from your orgasm, and he wrapped your shaking body with his arms. His lips were all over your neck, kissing you softly as you returned back to earth.
When he felt your breathing had steadied, he asked, “Are you okay?”
You scoffed weakly. “You’re all sweet now you’ve heard me scream your name?”
Yoongi smiled against your hair. “Come home with me.”
You stiffened and pushed yourself out from Yoongi’s arms. Grabbing your pantyhose and your underwear, you asked Yoongi to turn around as you put them back on. Yoongi stayed silent, still waiting for your answer.
Smoothing down your skirt, you moved to the mirror by the sink to ensure you still looked presentable, and not like someone who had just had two orgasms in a public restroom. Yoongi stared at you through the mirror. Do you want to go home with him? God yes, you thought, if he could make you feel that good with his tongue alone, you definitely wanted to find out what the rest of him could do. But, as much as you wanted a warm body next to you, you wanted to make him suffer a bit.
“Give me your number.” You fished your phone out of your purse. Yoongi recited his number.
“I’ll get in touch, okay? And thanks for the two mind blowing orgasms.”
Yoongi laughed, nodded then waved you off. You felt a little bad, so you gave him a long lingering kiss before you exited the restroom.
Yoongi didn’t have to wait long, as it turned out. Three days after your encounter, you found yourself clocking yet another overtime, and feeling frustrated as hell. You sent him a text.
== [22:15] Hey, it’s _______ . From the bar. What are you doing?
== Yoongi-Bar [22:16] Depends on what you’re doing
== Yoongi- Bar (22:16] Didn’t think you’d contact me tbh
== [22:17] Aw, sorry to keep you waiting. Was wondering if your tongue is up for some workout?
You felt rather nervous seeing three blue dots appearing and disappearing. Was that too forward? It couldn’t be, from the way he approached you that night, this had got to be up his alley.
== Yoongi-Bar [22:19] I’m still at work. But you’re welcome to come (lol). Here’s my address. Text me when you;ve arrived. I’ll come down to get you.
In less than half an hour, you arrived at his office, which turned out to be a music studio. Ten minutes after that, you were on his desk, spread-eagle, with his head between your legs. Less than five minutes after your orgasm, you returned the favor, giving him what he claimed to be the best blowjob of his life. Shortly after midnight, the two of you were eating over-seasoned ramen at a nearby pochajang.
Your arrangement with Yoongi was a comfortable one. There was definitely lust at first sight between the two of you, but the chemistry started and ended there. You were both too career-minded to even consider a relationship, and so you settled being each other’s booty calls. Funnily enough, a friendship was formed too. You both would vent about your bosses and clients while getting dressed after your mind-blowing fuck sessions, and you sent each other encouraging messages too during stressful times. And most times, those messages included photos of body parts that would send your panties wet or give him uncomfortable hard-ons.
Four months after your first encounter, Yoongi told you he was going on a world tour with his artists. He would be away for six months, jumping from timezone to timezone, so it would be difficult to arrange a time for a regular online hook-ups.
“Yoongi, I’m pretty sure you can find someone during your tour stops.”
“I don’t want random women though. I’m comfortable with you. And safe.” He nearly whined.
“I can draft up an NDA if you’re worried about them going to some tabloids or something.”
He leaned back in his chair. “No. I don’t want that.”
You rolled your eyes. “Well, what do you want, then?”
“Let’s make a sex tape.”
You burst out laughing at Yoongi’s suggestion, but you immediately stopped when you saw the look on his face. “Seriously?”
“Yeah,” he nodded thoughtfully, “watching it would help me jerk off and therefore it would be relaxing, and we wouldn’t have to constantly figure out the time difference…. “
“Well what’s in it for me?” You cut off his lame reasonings.
“The satisfaction that the country’s most successful music producer is jacking off to you.”
“Most successful, huh?” 
“Babe, I’ll be at the top before you know it.” You sometimes forgot what a smug bastard he was. 
You thought about it. You were not going to lie that the idea of making a sex tape with Yoongi was making you extremely excited. And the thought of him touching himself while watching himself and you, well it was fucking hot. And most importantly, you trusted him, you really did. If you were ever to document your sexual acts, Yoongi was the best person to do it with in your books.
“Our faces cannot be visible.” You set out your terms. “And we’d have to do it where no one would trace it back to your place or mine.”
Yoongi nodded.
“And you’d have to keep it somewhere safe. Not in some cloud or wherever that can be hacked.”
Yoongi tapped his hard-drive. “It’d stay with my unpublished songs.” The safest place indeed, he guarded those works with his life.
“OK, when should we do it?”
You decided to film your sex tape a week before Yoongi left. Yoongi was setting up the camera in the hotel room you had booked. Once done, he rehearsed the positions you both would be doing to ensure none of your faces would be visible.
“Fuck Yoongi, you’re really setting the mood right now! Can we just start? It’s been half an hour!” You threw yourself on the bed.
Yoongi muttered. “Fine, fine, we’ll edit it or something later. Come on babe, lie there, in the middle.”
You positioned yourself in the space where Yoongi had pointed. You were already naked, and you watched Yoongi undress. “Remember, don’t scream my name no matter how much you want to.” He warned.
“Min Yoongi, just fucking start.”
Yoongi chuckled as he pressed the record button. Then with his back to the camera, he climbed onto the bed. Spreading your legs, he made himself comfortable between them. Your hands immediately went to his hair; he loved having his hair tugged and pulled when he went down on you.
He knew what you loved too. He knew you loved it when he spread your lips apart, exposing your sex  to him. When he licked up and down your slit like he was savoring a melting ice cream cone. When he inserted a finger to tease your hole after he got you all soaked and dripping. When he inserted a second finger as he wrapped his mouth around your clit and sucked on it. When he moved his body up to lie on top of yours, to kiss you and give you a taste of yourself while his fingers were pumping you.
And when he pushed in a third finger, you moaned into his mouth, which sent him grinding his hips against yours. His free hand grabbed your breast, massaging it before his fingers pinched and tugged your nipple. He broke the kiss, and he rose up to look at you.
“So sexy babe.” He whispered to you. You closed your eyes, sighing contentedly and enjoying the pleasure he was giving you. Yoongi made his way back down, kissing and sucking both your nipples, before his head was between your legs again.
His fingers were covered in your slick; you had gotten so wet and he could feel your walls pulsating around his fingers. His mouth went back to your clit as he curled his fingers in you. You arched your back, biting your lip for you nearly moaned out his name. Yoongi felt the pressure building in you, so he licked and sucked your clit harder while his fingers were stretching your cunt.
Your grip in Yoongi’s hair was getting tighter as you were getting closer to your release. He recognised the signal, familiar with your body by now, and he sped up his movements. He groaned into your pussy, encouraging you to let go and fall into your climax.
You came, with your legs shaking and sandwiching Yoongi’s head, and your back arched, your stiff nipples pointing to the ceiling. Yoongi let go of your clit, but he kept his fingers moving in and out of you at a slower pace. Kissing your way up, he nuzzled your neck, waiting for you to come down from your high. You blinked a few times and swallowed to wet your dry throat.
“Want me to suck you?” You asked softly. Yoongi shook his head.  He pulled his fingers out and rubbed your arousal on his cock, lubricating it.
“I wanna fuck you now.” He got on his knees and grabbed your legs to push them back towards your chest.
This was his favorite position; it gave him a clear view of his cock sliding into your pussy and of your boobs bouncing as he pounded into you. You grabbed the back of your knees, opening yourself to him, and he guided his hard cock to enter your cunt.
You gasped softly as you felt the head breached your entrance. Despite his fingers having stretched you, your pussy still fought against the intrusion. Yoongi watched your face as he continued to push himself in. Your face contorted as he bottomed out in you, and he grinded on you to push himself deeper.
You moaned loudly at the pressure on your lower abdomen. It felt too full, but you whined when Yoongi pulled back. It was too empty, but not for long, as he slammed his cock back into you. He started to piston hard and fast, battering your pussy.
You pulled your knees back further until they were next to your bouncing tits. Yoongi groaned at the new angle and you sobbed over how your cunt was being impaled over and over.
Yoongi leaned further down, resting his forehead on yours, and your pants and moans were mixed together. His cock was jackhammering at a maddening pace, and his balls were slapping against your ass. The sounds of skin slapping against skin were deafening, along with the wanton slick noises of his cock plunging into your pussy like an erotic juicer.
“I want to suck you.” You declared between pants. “I want your cum in my mouth, babe.”
Yoongi growled and rammed his cock in, keeping it fully sheathed in you. You then wrapped your arms around each other, and keeping your heads down, he flipped you over so that you were on top. You pulled yourself off Yoongi’s cock, and you both whined at the action.
You left trails of kisses down Yoongi’s body, from his mouth, to his chin, his neck, chest, abdomen till you met his cock, still glossy and covered in your arousal. You positioned your body so that your ass was sticking up and your legs slightly spread to give a peak of your swollen pussy, hoping it would be smack centre in the frame of the video.
You licked the head of Yoongi’s cock like a lollipop, enjoying the taste of his precum mixed with your own juices. You stuck your tongue out to lap around the head while your hands cradled his balls. Then you licked up and down his shaft, replacing the liquid from your pussy with your own saliva.
“Oh fuck, don’t tease, babe.”
Humming, you wrapped your lips tightly around the head of his cock, and then slowly moved down to take him in. You felt his hips buck, and you immediately relaxed your throat to take as much of him as you could. When your nose bumped against the thin trail of hair on his skin, you flattened your tongue on his shaft and you started to bob your head up and down.
You glanced up to see Yoongi’s chest falling  and rising sharply. You tightened your lips around him some more and you picked up your pace, hungry and greedy for his cum, but also being even more aroused by his moans and the thought of him watching this video you were taping later on when he was away.
So, keeping one hand on his balls, your other reaches down between your legs to rub your clit. Still feeling sensitive, you moaned at your own touch against his cock. You felt him jerk again, his cock twitched in your mouth. You rubbed your clit faster, knowing the vibrations from your moans were adding an extra sensation for Yoongi.
“Babe, fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Yoongi warned as he grabbed your head, pressing it down on him. You closed your eyes and took him in, you felt spurts of his cum spraying into your throat, and you rubbed and pressed on your clit relentlessly, driving yourself towards your own release.
Once Yoongi’s cock had  gone soft and your own heart beat returned to normal, you dragged yourself back up and laid yourself on top of Yoongi.
“Stay down,” he whispered, “I gotta turn off the camera.”
Yoongi stood up, still careful to ensure his face was not in the frame, and stopped the recording. He went back to bed with the camera.
“You wanna watch?”
You nodded. Yoongi pulled you up so you sat in front of him, your back to his chest. Your heart started beating fast again.
Yoongi pressed play, and you both giggled a bit in embarrassment when your naked bodies came into frame. Embarrassment soon turned into excitement, however,  and Yoongi swiftly put your legs over his, and held them open as his free hand zeroed in on your pussy.
“Wet again.” He commented as he ran his finger along your slit.
You felt a growing erection behind you. You reached back to stroke it. “Hard again.”
“What time is check out tomorrow?” He nibbled your ear.
“Ahh,” you moaned. “I requested for a late check out.” You squeezed his cock.
“Mmmh,” he groaned. “You’re not gonna be able to walk tomorrow, babe.”
You sighed lustfully as you felt his finger going back into your pussy.
“Worth it.”
You stop the video right before Yoongi in the tape starts cumming. You haven’t watched this video in a while, and you realise that watching it doesn’t elicit any reactions now, unlike before.
You sigh wistfully. You miss Yoongi. You miss hanging out with him, as friends. He’s been back from the tour for a few months now, and he has indeed become one of- if not the most- sought after producer, just as he promised he would be.
You have stayed in touch when he was away. Mostly through texts, teasing each other with r-rates photos, and he also shared his feelings over the world tour and the wonders he experienced watching thousands of foreign fans singing along to his songs. You were proud of him.
Somehow he also remembered all your important court dates and the clients who were driving you nuts, and he made sure you got enough encouragement to push through. You were grateful for his support.
He called you a few times once he had returned, and as much as you want to see him, you have been putting him on the back burner as you navigate your relationship with your new boyfriend. You realise it is about time you break the news to Yoongi- he’s not just a mere fuck-buddy to you, he’s become your friend. He deserves to know.
You dial his number, and after a few rings, he answers.
“Hey _______ ,” he drawls, “what’s up.”
“Hey Yoon. How are you doing?”
“Busy, still in the studio.” You glance at your clock. Eleven pm. Nothing has changed. “Wanna come over?”
You smile into the phone. “Sorry Yoon, I don’t think I can come over anymore.”
“I’m seeing someone, like seriously.” You try to explain.
“Well, that’s good. I’m happy for you.” He sounds sincere. “He must be someone special.”
“Thanks. He is.”
Silence falls between you. It isn’t awkward, and you can imagine him smiling softly at the other hand.
“Uh, I’d still like us to hang out though, as friends.” You offer.
“Sure, I’d like that.”
You’re smiling from ear to ear. “Great. Maybe I can introduce you to him too.”
He chortles. “Seriously? You think that’s a good idea?”
“Well you’re my friend!”
“A friend who filmed a sex tape with you.”
You purse your lips. “Well he doesn’t need to know about that. Do you still have it by the way?”
“Yeah, I don’t watch it as often as I thought I would though.” He laughs. “Tour and work sucks out all my energy.”
You laugh along with him. “What a shame.”
“I will delete it, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
You surprise yourself when you shake your head and reject his suggestion hastily. “No, no, you don’t have to.”
“______, are you sure?”
“Yeah,” you answer with conviction. “Consider it as a fuck buddy parting gift.”
Yoongi laughs again. “Kinda feel you trust me too much, babe.”
“Ah Yoongi-ah,” you giggle. “I’ve always trusted you, don’t you know that?”
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Published 20012021
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schrijverr · 3 years
Surprise Hit
On a con Eliot is recognized by someone who has a hit on him and has to run.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: mentions of some mafia dealings
The con went to shit.
This happened often enough with a mark not making the expected choice, a firewall taking longer to crack than anticipated or someone showing up that was not supposed to. It was normal, however the way it went to shit this time was unique. “Nate, I got a problem,” Eliot announced.
“What is it?” Nate asked over the coms. It was an integral part of the plan that Eliot talked to their mark, John Fernsby, and convinced him to meet with Sophie. Nate would have done it, but he had already been the one to go in and convince the billionaire that thebusiness was worth investing in and Hardison was needed to help Parker into the safe. It had to be Eliot.
But Eliot said there was a problem, which was bad. However, it was about to get worse when Eliot answered: “He’s talking with a foreign dignitary, but I know he isn’t. That’s Mikhail Volkov, Russian mob. He has a hit out on me.”
“The fuck, man,” Hardison replied.
“I didn’t pick it either, okay,” Eliot hissed back. “But if he sees me, we’re fucked. Well, I’m fucked and someone has to take my part in the con.”
Hardison had pulled up the camera feed of the gala and watched how Eliot turned away from the mark and tried to leave them room without pulling any attention to himself. He almost managed too, were it not for a serenade band coming in right as he was near the exit.
It was such a stupid little thing that they couldn't have predicted and it was so incredibly ill-timed that Eliot had no room to come up with something. Mikhail turned to the band and saw Eliot, his brow furrowed and he yelled: “Stop that man!” as Eliot started to sprint, multiple people now on his trail.
He pushed over furniture behind him and swerved while a few bullets started to fly around his head, dangerously close. In his ear Hardison was giving him directions to Lucille, but he knew he could not return to the team. Not right now.
The Russian mob was not known for their leniency and if they thought he had people he worked with, then they would only target them as well. No, he had to go into hiding on his own and return to them later, when he could shake off his pursuers. In his ear he heard Hardison rant at him as he took the wrong turn, but Eliot didn’t care. He had a plan.
On the street it was easier to disappear, though he got many looks from people as they cleared the way for him while he ran like a madman. There were a few screams when the Russians appeared behind him with guns.
If it were a normal day and he was on his own, he would have stayed to fight them, but he was wearing a suit he couldn't easily fight in and Sophie and Parker had still been in the building, he couldn't risk them for something stupid he’d done in the past. And when he was outside, he didn’t have the surprise advantage or the closeness to take on that many guys with guns.
So, he ran.
His lungs were burning in his chest and his legs would be jelly were it not for the fact that he regularly ran long tracks in case he got in this exact situation.
It took a while, but the bullets stopped flying around his head and he couldn't hear any footsteps behind him anymore. He took a moment to focus on the chatter over the coms. His brain hadn’t heardany of the key words to get his attention in the background, so he assumed it was all fine.
“Eliot, Eliot, are you listening to me?” That was Nate.
“I’m here,” he grunted, checking in the alley if there was anyone still following, before starting to climb the fire escape.
“What are you doing? Hardison’s GPS says you’re nowhere near the hotel. We need to regroup and figure out our next move,” Nate said as Sophie asked: “Are you okay, Eliot?”
He replied: “I’m fine, Sophie. Just didn’t want to lead a group of armed mobster to our hotel room when their goal is to kill me and all my associates.”
“They’re coming to kill us?” Hardison’s squeaky voice came through the speaker.
“Not if they don’t know I’m with you,” Eliot assured him, “which is why I’m not at the hotel right now. I think I’ve shaken them off, but just in case I’m taking a long way round. Probably won’t come through the doors.”
Thenhe tuned them out again. It might be rude and he heard they were still asking him all sorts of questions, but he wasn’t in the mood to answer. He had other things to focus on and the last thing he wanted was to tell them why there was a hit on his head from this particular mobster.
Going through the city over the roof, he saw a few familiar stances and haircuts stationed at public places where he would hide, as well as at the hotels and he knew he had made the right decision to take this route.
Mentally he was trying to figure out why Mikhail was here of all places talking with their mark. It could be that he was laundering money and their mark having a connection with the mob could both help and be an issue. He could get into witness protection in turn for information, but it was also proof that his business wasn’t clean, even if they had wanted to get him for the stealing of company funds that screwed over his employees’ safety.
But that was not his business to think about, but Nate’s. He would wait for what the man had to say about this development, but in order to do that, he needed to get back to the hotel.
There were also “guards” at the entrance of their hotel, but the team was only on the fourth floor and while they weren’t close to the fire escape, Eliot could get up high and then go side wards over the ridge to their window.
He gave Hardison a heart attack when he got at the window. They hadn’t left it open, much to his chagrin, but were luckily there to open it for him and it was better not to have a weakness in the defense, so he couldn't blame them.
“What the hell, man,” Hardison said. “Give someone a warning before you go around showing up in front of the window. Did you even have safety or something? We’re up high. You could have fallen to your death, Eliot.”
“Yeah and if I had gone through the front door, I would have been shot,” he pointed out tiredly from where he was lying on the floor.
Parker was looking out the window and smiled: “Oeh, that’s a good climbing ridge indeed.”
“Woman!” Hardison exclaimed, while Eliot said: “We could do without the attention to our room, Parker, maybe next time.” She looked sad and glanced over one more time, before closing the window with a pout.
“Care to explain what happened?” Nate asked as he leaned over him. He did that face where he attempted innocence, but failed.
“Got recognized by someone who’s sort of actively trying to kill me,” Eliot replied with what they already knew.
“Sort of actively?” Sophie asked and Eliot was glad he could explain something not that bad to them instead of the other stuff. “Yeah, there’s a difference between saying, ‘hey if you manage to kill this person and prove it you get money,’ and ‘I am hiring you to kill this person within a time frame.’ Mikhail is the former. If I die, he would be happy, but he’s not putting extra resources in finding me and eliminating me.”
“And why would be be happy if you’re dead?” Fucking Nate always sticking his nose everywhere.
“I met him once,” Eliot wasn’t giving him shit.
“Would I be correct in assuming that the meeting ended in a loss on his end?” Nate replied.
“Maybe.” He was neither confirming or denying, not if there was no explicit reason. He hadn’t felt bad about the blow to Mikhail’s organization. It hadn’t been the worst he’d done and Mikhail had a smuggling ring of sex workers and that had been awful to find.
“Okay, so we know Fernsby has connections to the Russian mob,” Nate thought out loud. “So, he’s not only stealing money from his employees, but laundering dirty money as well. If we can tie those together then we’re set.”
“Mikhail has a weakness for brunettes,” Eliot informed him, not telling him how he got that tidbit of knowledge. “He also likes gambling.”
Nate got a glint in his eye as he looked to Sophie, who smiled back. Of course those two would have a plan without needing to communicate.
“You’re out for the rest of the con,” Nate told him. “Can’t have you risk the entire thing if you’re recognized.”
“What? No!” Eliot sat up. “I need to be there to have your back. With the Russians it’s only going to get more dangerous. I’m not leaving you to your fate with those people, they’re dangerous, Nate. This isn’t just some cushy billionaire anymore.”
“And what if he gets suspicious of Sophie because of you, what will you do then, Eliot?” Nate shot back. “I’m not saying you need to stay here, but I am saying you need to keep out of sight. You’re with Hardison in Lucille.”
Eliot wanted to protest, wanted to be closer to the danger in case it went to shit, he wanted to be there when a mistake from his past came back, but he couldn't argue with Nate’s logic and sometimes he hated that about the man.
So, he found himself watching the screens in Lucille as Sophie tried to get Mikhail to make a gamble on her company, to ditch Fernsby, because he was doing it without him and leaving him out of the profits.
He was filled with jittery energy, but so far so good.
“Hey, Eliot,” Hardison opened. “What’s it like, you know, to have a hit on your head? I mean, I’m wanted in some countries, but that’s just boring government stuff, not actual people, like persons, wanting me dead personally, you know.”
“Are you really asking me what it’s like when someone wants you killed?” Eliot asked him.
“I guess,” Hardison shrugged, trying not to look like he wanted to know the answer and failing miserably.
“It’s not that different from being wanted by the government, I suppose,” Eliot finally answered, surprising Hardison. “You just gotta watch out for different things and hope no one is desperate enough for cash to go after you. I have a good enough reputation that hardly anyone tries, but I’ve had periods where I had multiple people on my trail across a dozen countries. It was exhausting, but I get it. Kill me and you can make a lot of people with a lot of money happy.”
“Wait, hold on, reverse and repeat,” Hardison said. “A lot of people?”
“Yeah,” Eliot replied, didn’t Hardison know this? “I got more than one hit on my head. I think it’s five. Used to be six, but one of them died and the bounty fell through. Though I never knew if that one English guy put one on my head as well. And of course, the countries, but those are always lazy about it, so I don’t worrry too much about those.”
“What the fuck, man.”
Eliot didn’t see the big deal. He had done a lot to deserve it and he had learned to live with it. He hadalways kept one eye open anyway.
He focused back on the screen, despite the hiccup earlier with him, the con ran smoothly on its new course and Sophie was phenomenal as he pitted the two guys against one another, making them sell each other out in the end.
Nate was there with the police and both were arrested with illegal cash on their hands and a lot of bank records detailing their dirty schemes as well as showing the abysmal circumstances of the workers that had gone unaddressed in favor of laundering money.
Later when they were sitting in the bar, Nate turned to him and asked: “Any more of that we should be worried about?”
Before Eliot could answer, Hardison had jumped in: “Apparently between five and six more times.”
“No, between four and five,” Eliot corrected. “Mikhail is no longer on the list, but honestly we couldn't have predicted this and there are too many bad guys I’ve known, double crossed, worked for or left that are still out there. We can’t account for all of them. I’ll try to be aware of which marks could have ties to other’s I’ve known, but you don’t get to be good in my line of work without enemies.”
Nate wanted to say something else, but Sophie was quicker. “I’m not keeping track of all the people I have grifted either, Nate,” she said. “We all have a past and you’re not harping me about that or Parker on all she’s stolen. Just because Eliot’s past is a bit different, doesn’t mean we can treat it differently in our team.”
Eliot didn’t fully agree with the comparison. His enemies we’re not the same and one of them coming back would be worse than it was for others.
Still, he couldn't bring himself to disagree with her. Not right now.
He thought of all the people he killed, all the families he’d left behind with one member less. He thought of Moreau and the horrible things he’d done for that man. He thought of the US Army that had turned him into a killer and set him loose on foreign soil for the first time.
And he thought of his team. Of how glad he was he knew them and how they made him better and didn’t force him to be a person he hated. How much they meant to him and how badly he didn’t want to loose that.
So he stayed quiet and let Sophie defend him, hoping his past would not come back like that again.
Sorry that the con is kinda vague, I only had the ‘the mark/someone there has a hit on Eliot and he needs to run’ and no clear plan on running the con in the background. Hope it was still enjoyable :D
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beann-e · 3 years
I wrote ‘ thank you for 300 followers ‘ angst ☹️
you knew this was wrong you knew it yet here you were standing in front of the stadium your heart beating through the sweater you wore to fight off the cold you had
to fight off the tears
the heartbreak and not only that but the pure sadness you felt for yourself
you moved through the hallways as you took a deep breath hand steady on the door. You felt as the emptiness of the hallway washed over you
“ once you do that y/n your not only on bad terms with one of them but both “
You dropped your head as you heard kageyamas voice come out softly.
He knew right now what you didn’t need was insensitive comments he was sure you’d get those inside
“y/n just don’t go in “ you shuddered when he reached out his hand to grab your arms and pull you back but your grip only tightening on the door
“ fine your funeral “ he moved back hurt at the action walking inside the gym your body following as he held the door open for you. “ you won’t be alone— I mean yeah kind of because your like dead but, i’ll — i’ll go “
Small steps echoing through the now quiet gym as everyone had been cleaning up to end practice but now all stood staring down at you
‘of course right now they all have to be tall ‘
“ ah ah y/n —w-what are you doing here “
you slowly pulled your head up as you toyed with your backpack straps in anxiousness
“ yeah —y/n “ that annoying voice let out as you heard footsteps “ what are you doing here “
you bit you lip as you felt your hands go sweaty
‘ I have to answer him ‘
“ I just —yams can we talk please “
he looked around in nervousness as he shook his head up and down “ yeah y-yeah sure “
“ thank yo-“
“ well I think that it seems of lesser importance if you waited all day to tell him “
tsukishimas voice continued “ I mean school just let out —could of told him in class “
he stepped closer to you “ lunch —he was with you oh no wait you sat somewhere else “
his voice was questioning as you pressed your teeth harder into your lip “ or were you sitting on someone else “
“ tsukki “ yamaguchis voice came out in a squeal everyones body shaking as you felt people look to you and then back to the floor trying to save you the embarrassment
“ what their the one who’s clearly not being honest here “ his eyebrows tightned in disgust “ just fucking dump ‘em already they didn’t even come here to tell the truth “
“ yeah but they might have been willing to tsukki if you just “
“ if I what ? was nice about it like you are “
“ ye—“
“ that’s why your getting fucking cheated on right now yamaguchi “
your breath stopped as the room went even quieter you could feel your boyfriends eyes prickle with tears at the accusation “ I-“
your voice got cut off as yams spoke “ that’s not -why would — your your out of line “
“ i’m “
“ why else do you think their standing here — why they avoided you all fucking day “ he sighed “ yams come on don’t be so fucking dense over a s/o “
“ wait let’s talk about thi— “ sugawaras voice was civil as everyones pointed looks moved to him
“ please “ you cried tears already hanging off your lashes “ I—I didn’t cheat I didn’t “
you felt your body grow hot at the new tears and the warmth from someone’s eyes pressing down on your skin “ it wasn’t like that I just — please “
“ then what was it like because as far as I could tell “
“ no no we —we were just talking and I “
“ oh so sitting on someone else lap is talking — letting someone else feed you is talking —y/n how about cheering for someone else at a match your boyfriends on the same court as “
you felt your eyes go blurry “ tsukishima I didn’t — it didn’t feel like cheating just please “
“ it didn’t feel like cheating — then what did it feel like y/n ? because I know how it felt when my best friend was waking me up in the middle of the night in fear when he saw you getting your fucking face eaten at the summer vol-“
“ please I didn’t mean for it t—“
“ what y/n what ? everything I hear out of you is excuses—just own up to it already —that’s the least this new shitty person i’m looking at could do “
“ tsukishima let’s just “ daichi said trying to help calm the situation down “ it’s yamaguchi a — “
“ why do you care so much “ kageyamas voice came out in question as he sipped his milk
“ I mean it seems like it has more to do with them and Yamaguchi than you “
“ because I — “ he scoffed “ imagine getting woken up the whole time we were at the camp at 4 in the morning just to go with your best friend to watch his girlfriend kiss an asshole while he cries next to you—every single day for a week “
“ we—”
“ then they just lie the whole time even after they got caught In the act —I mean I got fucking proof —really “ he laughed “ it’s gotta be considered annoying at some point “
“ please i’m not lying he just “
“ who “ yamaguchis voice came out as you sucked in air “ please let’s just —let’s cut the s-shit who was it—we could never tell it was always so dark when you two met up “
your body dropped at the word he’d never cursed at you before
“ it was — “ you gulped you didn’t even know if the person actually liked you or if they were just doing it because you were the only real girl who spent the night in the same dorms due to lack of space but you liked him
you liked him enough to forget your own boyfriend
using the guy and the camp as if it were a spa retreat
How Had you messed up everything that brought you happiness in a short quick week
“ i’m so sorry “
“ you didn’t say the name “
“ what team “
“ a-aobi johesai “
his body stopped “ oika—“
“ THE GREAT KING “ hinata looked at you sadly “ I — I thought better of you y/n “
you cried more as tsukishima laughed “ yeah right not even him it’s someone else —even he wouldn’t stoop that low “
he looked down on you as he finally stood in front of you whispering “ what the fuck are you dragging this out for tell them who you cheated with— he’s not even ace “ his voice hurt you
“ he’s not captain he’s fucking— “
“ mattsukawa “
your body lifted as you let his name out
“ mattsukawa is who I was meeting with at night “
you let your bottom lip go as you took a deep breath heavy eyes now pulled up to meet everyone “ I didn’t mean for — I think he — I don’t know what happened one minute i was —we were sitting down and the next he wa—“
“ no “ kageyamas voice came out “ your the — “
you looked over at the tall male before directing your eyes to all the third years whos mouths were wide open
“ holy hell your the — your the person that everyone was talking about at the barbecue “
you felt your eyes drop
“ he — he talked about me“ your body fluttered
“ look at ‘em actually liking him “ tsukishima laughed scoffing at the end due to your small look of hope “ you still have a boyfriend y/n not for long but —seriously in his face”
“ uh y/n he “
“ no please I don’t —not here “ sugawaras voice came out caring “ let’s just tell them later “
“ no that’s not righ— “ asahis voice came out
“ he told everyone you were easy “ kageyama said as he crushed his milk box
“ he told everyone on that team that you were simple and that he swore he could get you easily boyfriend or not “
your body shook “ wha—huh — no you “
“ you were a bet y/n—nothing more ,nothing less “ kageyama stared you down eyes holding pain for you but, knowing this was your only chance to fix everything with yams if you knew the truth.
He knew the only way to get you out of this crush mindset was to be harsh
“ y/n we swear if we’d known he was talking about you we would’v-”
again sugawara was cut off eyes going straight to kageyama while his face held annoyance at the first year
“ he took a bet with some other asshole that he could —I don’t know what he meant but he said he could ‘tap that’ and if he could everyone on the team would owe him yen”
your heart fell and your body slumped “ I-I gave hi—I gave him everything “
“ everything ? “ daichis voice came out confused
“ y/n it was only a week long camp how did you? there wasn’t much to give “
your mind went blank as you felt your body grow cold eyes coming up to meet with a disgusted and hurt yamaguchi who stood in shock mouth wide open
“ y-y/n you didn’t “
“ i— I thought that —he talked me int—“
you watched as he moved quickly to the door the loud echo from the slam moving throughout the room
“ uh ? “ tsukishimas voice sounded confused as he lost what you meant not being able to decipher the situation anymore “ I don’t — I don’t get this part “
“ because you start shit tsukishima and don’t know the whole story “ kageyamas voice was crisp
you felt your legs turn to jelly as you back away from the rest of the males running out of the door and home pulling your phone out as you dialed the number you were given
“ yoohoo~ this is the fuckboy hotline how can he help you “
you could hear the laughs over the phone as mattsukawas voice came out in small protest in the background
Them finally calming down as oikawa spoke “ ok no but we’re in the middle of practice which one is this “
“ how much you wanna bet it’s the girl he talked to last match “
“ no no it’s gotta be the one from the market “
“ your all wrong it’s gotta be the person from camp “
they all laughed “ yeah right— that one had a boyfriend matsu-chan’s got no balls for that one “
“ even I know not to touch that one — tried it cause their hot but they weren’t interested in leaving the guy “ oikawas voice came out in a scoff “ y/n’s smart honestly —that’s why she’s with that nice guy cause she wants to be taken care of I doubt they gave in to an asshole like him “
“ but dude swear it they were all over him when he said that their boyfriend sent him to dump ‘em “
“ shit— you lie —they believed that “
“ I mean “ you could feel the shrug that took place over the phone
“ woke up with ‘em in the same room as us “
“ damn mattsu got the angel from camp “ you could feel oikawas pout
“ crap I really wanted her too anytime I tried they said they were happy with spotty boy “
iwazumis voice was questioning as you listened in breathing getting heavier “angel from camp ? what the hell— mattsu you played another one I thought I asked you to stop “
“ I-I did “
“ then who’s that “
your voice came out in tears as you spoke “ c-can I—can I please just talk to mattsukawa “
You just needed reassurance everyone was wrong they had to be —they were
he told you there was no one else that cared enough to tell you about yams cheating.
that yamaguchi trusted him to tell you because tsukishima hated you which, was totally believable after just now
that everyone was lying and he — he was right he had to be
“ holy shi— “ oikawas voice went high in a squeak as he heard the whimpers “ oh hell mattsu-chan —your doing extra spikes what’d you do —whoever this is their crying “
“ which one is it “
“ pl-please oikawa just its y/n just please — “
“ fuck fuck fuck — “ you heard mattsukawas voice come out in panic “ I—i’m not here “
your heart dropped
“ uh — hes not here we um“
“ who’s that which one is that “
you heard as oikawa tried to whisper in hopes you didn’t hear “ that’s— it’s the one he banged at camp for the dare— the crows manager — the freckled losers s/o “
“ t-they did it ? they —mattsu how’d you get that “
“ I just —I might’ve told ‘em their boyfriend didn’t want them anymore “
the team went silent “ i swear I didn’t expect anything other than a kiss so I could get my money but once I kissed em —I —I screwed up I went too fast and —you gotta get ‘em off the phone “
you could hear his panicking “ I took their virginity on accident i swear I swear—I swear “
your hand shook as cries poured from you hearing a louder scream ram into your ear form the other end of the phone
“ do you not feel ashamed “
iwaizumis loud voice rang out “ you—you asshole how dare you —how can you take something like that accidentally—how can you take that from them “
“ I swear I didn’t me—they were sad and i — I didn’t know how to help and we were already halfway there and— “
you heard as the phone dropped to the floor Iwas loud voice booming on the other line hearing the occasional grunt and shuffling on the floor
you ghosting your shaky thumb over the end call button until you felt someone else’s hand lead yours to the red button
your body relaxing when you felt the hand you’d always loved to hold
relaxing into his back that pressed against your backpack only to feel him move away and his warm hand leave your own your hand moving out to grab his again as you turned around
“ no y/n “ his voice was so soft it hurt “ no you don’t get that — you don’t get my comfort “
you couldn’t even argue head looking to the gravely road
“ y’know if anybody I would have thought it’d be tsukishima “ he laughed a little “ that’s what I was afraid of y’know the whole time we dated I was scared you’d leave me for him — i was insecure really “
he shook his head “ but you always reassured me telling me you didn’t see him that way you didn’t like him there was nothing to worry about with him— and I just “ he scoffed his hand running over his face In exhaustion “ I guess I should have asked about other guys and not my fucking best friend— shouldn’t have had such a closed mind to be jealous of my best friend should have been jealous of every guy that passed my view when I was with you “
“ yams n— “
“ please don’t make this harder than it needs to be “ your head rose up at his words finally seeing his red stained eyes and floppy hair that he’d fixed desperately to cover them “ your already making it hard by standing there looking just as beautiful as you looked the day I stammered my way through asking you out “
he smiled “ come here “ you moved over slowly to his arms as he hugged you tightly “ yams please I didn’t mean— he just —he told me “
“ I know I know “ he rubbed your back as you calmed down into him his body encasing your own like a teddy bear that you needed to cry into after a hard day
“ we can fix it and we can just work through this —I know “
“ yeah your right “
he kissed the top of your head continuing to rub your back the moment feeling calm. You’d known yamaguchi wasnt one to keep grudges nor was he one to be mean. So this wasn’t very surprising for you.
You were thankful that he’d give you another chance that you even had a boyfriend like that it was truly a blessing for you causing you to hug him tighter
“ we— we can work through this “ he pulled back to look at you a smile on your face as you looked up at him his own mouth quirking up
“ separately “ he rubbed your arms up and down in a way of comfort “ don’t come to the next travel match y/n “
your face and heart dropped all at once “ but— yams i’m — im a manager “
“ yes I know but — the only reason why you were one was because you were my s/o they made an exception we had enough we only needed two”
“ wh— “
“ I think it’s best if we just go our separate ways — meaning you don’t have to pretend to like managing the team anymore and I can try to suck up my feelings for you “
he stepped back as he wiped his face “ i’m sorry but —i’m tired of getting walked over I need to make boundaries for myself and other people“
you shook silently head threatening to blow off in the amount of pain you were sheltering as he nodded towards your front door “ go on “
you looked between him and your house
“ I still wanna make sure you get in safely “
he smiled softly as you walked to your door moving to open it after toying with the lock
his eyes still on you until you walked in the house to look through the window him nodding twice to the floor, and putting his hand over his heart before he looked to your window he knew you always watched him when he left after dropping you off
he finished by waving his hand and turning around to leave
your back hitting the door and falling to the floor quickly tears falling hard and fast
you weren’t crying because he left you
you weren’t crying because you’d cheated
you were crying because he still said he loved you in the hand signals you two created for each other and gave you the same goodbye he’d given you everyday for two years since grade school
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arans-princess · 4 years
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Yuji x reader 
Pussy eating goodness, temperature play, face sitting
no beta we die like MEN
»You and your long term boyfriend Yuji were relaxing together but in separate rooms as you wanted to watch tv and your loving boyfriend was being a bit of an ass, not too fond of you lusting over fictional men. When finally he decides to watch some porn to pass the time, he figured if you got to have some fun so did he! 
»Yuji was watching for educational purposes as he wanted to find new ways to please you and put that piercing to good use. When he stumbled across a video of this guy eating her out while she was on his shoulders braced against a wall. He just had to try it out on you. You can lust over clown boy later. He wants to feel your juices on his chin NOW! 
»He passes through the living room and sees clown boy is currently flashing children. He scoffs in Disgust. 
»“Babe where are his clothes? Like aren’t those kids like 12? And where the hell are their parents!” He calls out as he heads over to the refrigerator to get ice. 
»“Don’t worry about it babe! Havin fun back there?” You reply, eyes never sparing him a glance. 
 »With the ice retrieved phase one of his plan, complete. Next step figuring out how the hell to pry you away from the tv and get you into the bedroom. Well that shouldn’t be too hard. He sits on the couch next to you and begins eating the ice making his piercing cold. Then rubs circles on your inner thighs close to your cunt. So close occasionally his pinky brushes against your clit. His fingertips are cold from the cup and the sensation brings heat to your cheeks. His lips are next, cold lips trailing from behind your ear to the column for your throat to your collarbone. You start to get lost in the sensation but then remember you were trying to watch tv. 
»“Baby I’m trying to watch my show! You’re distracting me!” You whine but not making any real effort to push him off. 
»“Yeah yeah we’ll see about that!” He growls in your ear, then biting your earlobe. He must have had some ice still in his mouth because even his teeth are cold. Then he trails more kisses and licks across your neck hitting all sweet spots. You struggle to keep focused on the TV in front of you as he continues the assault on your neck. “I want you princess. Let me take a bite. I’ll make it worth your while.” He sing songs in your ear. Voice so low you can feel the vibration in your chest. It sends shivers up your spine. 
»You can’t help but moan at the sensation but still for whatever reason attempt to resist. “Yuji I’m watching hxh please can you let me—“ your words were cut off by a chocked gasp as he has removed your pants and underwear. His mouth is hot now and it warms all the places he previously chilled. The sudden temperature change has you reeling. 
»“You wanna watch clown boy be creepy as hell thats fine but you gotta do it while I have an early dinner. Stand up now!” His wish is your command. “I saw this in a porno earlier today and I want to try it, lean against the wall.” You do and suddenly your legs thrown over his shoulders as he kneels down between your legs. In the blink of an eye he stands up you went out in the air and has a face full of your cunt. One of his hands is holding the cup of ice the other is bracing your thick thighs on his shoulders. After placing an ice cube in his mouth he begins to suck on your outer lips. His tongue is now Icy and makes the feeling all the better. After working in to you more he licks a broad strip from your hole to your clit. Then you feel it. That cold metal ball makes contact with your clit and you jolt. You hands fly to his blond locks to attempt to steady yourself. Your hips dropped forward bucking into his mouth. When you look down at him you see he’s gazing at you with those lustful big brown eyes. Then he pulls away. 
»“No no baby you wanted to watch TV so watch the damn TV. Pretend I’m not even here” with that he smirks and proceeds to place another ice cube in his mouth, his piercing now cold again makes contact with your clit. Then his cold lips close around it sucking harshly. 
»“But baby you- mmmm ahhh y-you feel so g-good. I-I need-d AHH FUCK so cold, shit so good” you cry in desperation. Continuously bucking into his face gripping onto his hair as if it is your lifeline. Amazed at his raw strength and determination somehow making you even more impossibly horny. “Oh fuck captain I’m sorry please more!” You beg even louder. 
»“Shut the fuck up and take it brat cum on my face now” he slaps your outer thigh. With the added sting you do. An orgasm rips through your body causing you to convulse a top his shoulders. The cup of ice forgotten in an attempt to study you against the wall but he doesn’t stop. Oh no he keeps going sucking the cream out of your hole your orgasm coats his face. 
»He still hasn’t had enough. His thick tongue still cold circles your clit. Cool teeth nip at it as well, he takes his hands from off your thighs and begins his descent down the wall to set you on unsteady legs. “Lean against the fucking wall now!” Like you had a choice your legs are like jelly, after he gave his order his mouth reattached itself to your clit. His fingers find your opening and then a thick long finger passes through your plush walls. You can feel his rings on his middle finger, the cold makes you shiver . The noises leaving your mouth are downright obscene. Building upon the last orgasm this one hits you even faster and harder than before. You're overworked but he is still going. His middle finger is joined by his index and ring finger curling to find that spot that makes your eyes roll back, once he does there’s no stopping him. you look down at him and see his smug face. If you want half delirious you would have damn near slapped it off. He rips two additional orgasms from your body before he finally pulls away. 
»”Why are you looking at me sweetheart? I thought you wanted to watch TV today?” That smug ass grin intensifies. “You want my cock don’t you? Well babe you can get it but you gotta act like I’m not here ok? Keep watching that damn show. Keep your mouth closed and enjoy.” This Display of dominance leaves you no choice but to obey. With that he moves you from against the wall to stand behind you both facing the television. “Now you keep your eyes up and on the screen, got it babe? If you so much as whimper you won’t get to cum for a week.” A harsh slap to your ass tell you he means that shit. 
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goldencherryhazz · 3 years
A/n: just a small smutty but very fluffy blurb, I’ve had literally no motivation to write so I’m sorry if this is a bit rubbish. Not proofread of course. Notes would be much appreciated, pls don’t copy my work :)
Warnings: smutty-ish, daddy kink
Harry had done a number on you tonight, he had fucked you soo hard but soo good. He had been desperate and needy to be inside you after a stressful week filming My Policeman, practically as soon as he got home to you he was kissing up your neck marking you up, then soon one thing led to another and you were face down in the pillows as he fucked you form behind, you loved it when he took control and used you like this, showing you no mercy.
‘Shit, you okay baby’ he says still balls deep inside your cunt, having just released his heavy load inside you.
‘Y-yeah’ you whimper your limbs all shaky from the intensity of Harry pounding and the euphoric orgasm that had just collapsed on you. You felt all floaty, your eyes still rolling to the back of your head, it was taking you an unusual amount of time to come back down from your high.
‘Oh baby, did I go to hard’ he asked seeing as you hadn’t moved an inch your body feeling limp under his touch
‘No, it’s okay, f-felt amazing’ you could sense how bad he felt by the way he was rubbing the soft skin of your thighs, his worried eyes boring into the back of your skull.
‘I’m gonna pull out baby, squeeze my hand it might hurt a little’ he reaches for you limp hand, he was right when he said it would hurt, as he pulled out inch by inch, you were now truly feeling the effects of your previous activities, making you whimper and squeeze his hand.
‘I’m sorry baby I know, nearly done’ his length still impressively big even when he wasn’t hard.
Once he had removed himself, he quickly scooped up the cum threatening to spill out of your still pulsating pussy with his fingers then quickly wrapping his lips around them and sucking them clean, so that it wouldn’t drip down your legs.
The only sound in the room were your attempts at regulating your breathing, he laid down next to you turning on his side to face you. ‘Sweet girl, you coming back to me’ he cooes down to you tucking some strands of your disheveled hair behind your ear.
‘Mhhh hi daddy’ you hummed, your eyes flick open to be greeted by his pretty face, your pupils blown with lust, tears in the corner of your eyes your mascara slightly smudged.
‘It’s Harry sweet girl, not daddy’ the deep realisation hitting him that he had indeed fucked you into subspace.
‘Don’t think I can feel my legs daddy’ you smirk into the pillows, still in the same position with your arse stuck up in the air. He gave up trying to bring you back down, knowing you would fall out of your subspace eventually, it was his fault in the first place so in the meantime he was going to take care of you, like he always did, and anyway he did love taking care of his you, his baby.
‘I know baby, daddy went soo hard didn’t he, I’m sorry baby don’t ever wanna hurt you’ he traces his hand up and down your back, you visibly shiver at his touch.
‘Didn’t hurt me daddy, would have told you to stop if you did, promise.’ You start to shift your legs from underneath you before practically crashing into Harry’s bare chest, not being able to keep yourself up, you felt as it your were numb from the waist down. His arms instantly wrap around your shoulder, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
‘I know but I shouldn’t take out my frustrations on you, that’s not fair cause now your going to be sore all because of me’
I know, but I love it when you fuck me hard, cause I know I’m gonna feel you for days, love feeling you everywhere daddy’
‘Your a little minx you know that’ he says into your hair.
You giggle shyly into his chest, leaving a small kiss to it, his skin salty from the thin layer of sweat adorning his skin.
‘Should we go and take a bath now baby, get all nice and relaxed before bed’ he asks to which you instantly nod your head.
‘As long as you get in with me daddy, just wanna be close to you’
‘Of course sweet girl’ he shifts to sit up with her still in his lap.
‘do you think you can walk poppet’
‘No I don’t think I can daddy, think you’ll have to carry me’ you say dramatically wrapping yourself around him like a koala to which he chuckled into your hair.
He then moved to get off the bed, careful to stay balanced so that he wouldn’t fall or drop you, he walked through to the adjoining bathroom before going to sit you down on the toilet seat so that he could run you both a bath, when you bum comes to contact with the toilet seat your arms cling even tighter around his shoulders ‘gotta let go baby, it’s okay I’m not going anywhere’ the little convincing making you reluctantly remove your arms ‘that’s it baby, can you wait for 5 minutes whilst I fill the tub’ he asks rubbing a finger under your watery eyes.
‘Yes daddy, think I can wait’
‘Good girl’ he turns aye at and that’s when you catch a glance of yourself in the mirror, hickeys and marks littered your skin, you absolutely loved the way he marked you up so that everyone knew who you belonged to.
He begins to run the tap making sure it wasn’t too hot and not too cold ‘which bubble bath do you want poppet, we got the rose of the lavender one’ he asks looking over to you to see you swinging your legs like a child, holding up the two bottles so that you could see. He could lie when he said that you looked pretty adorable.
‘Ermm, can we have the lavender please daddy’
‘Of course sweet girl’ he says flipping the cap open and adding a generous amount of it into the tub, creating bubbles as soon as it came into contact with the water.
Soon enough the bath was ready ‘you coming poppet’ you get up from the toilet seat on shaky legs to which he instantly walks over to you so that you could take his hand, scared that you would fall over’
‘Legs feel like jelly daddy’ you laugh at the sensation, you eventually make it into the tub with Harry’s help, the warm water enveloping you, seconds later you feel the water rising before Harry slipped in behind you, wrapping his arms around you once again, your head falling to rest in the gap between his neck and his shoulder. You both love bathing together just the closeness off it all, your muscles felt soo relaxed and not only because of the warm lavender scented water but because of your boyfriend behind you.
You stay in this position for a good 5 minutes in comfortable silence, just basking in each other before you start shifting around the water sploshing about threatening to spill out of the tub, but you don’t seem to care as you turn around and straddle his thighs, Harry looking up at you sweetly knowing how much of a fidget bum you were until you found the most comfiest spot, you then lay down nuzzling you face into the crook of his neck ‘you okay baby’
‘Yeah, this is really nice Harry’
‘Ahh there’s my y/n, come back down have you baby’ he asks looking down at your sleepy face.
‘Yeah I think so, sorry about that H’
‘No need to apologise sweet girl, it was my fault, shouldn’t have gone that hard’
‘Now you’re the one being silly, meant what I said earlier I would have told you to stop if I needed to, but I know you’ll never hurt me bub, always take such good care of me’ you reach up to kiss him to make sure he know you mean it, you take ahold of his face and before he can even say anything and attach you lips to his, him instantly kissing you back reaching to hold your face in his palms as your hands reach up to run through his unruly curls.
You eventually pull away after a while, you felt as if the rest of your energy had gone into that kiss, so you rest your face into his neck once again your eyes fluttering shut ‘no falling asleep on me poppet’
‘S’not my fault that I’m soo tired, and your tiddies are the comfiest pillow ever bubs’ you nuzzle your face even further into him.
‘Hey, I do not have tits’ he retorted
‘You actually do though, have bigger tits than me’ you turn slightly pressing a finger into the fleshy part of his chest, you then start poking at it making it jiggle to further prove your point.
‘Okay, so I may have tits but what are you going to do about it huh’ he said trying to keep back his giggles.
‘Get you a bra, your gonna need it before long otherwise your back is gonna start to hurt’ you laughed into the crook of his neck. He tried to act offended but failed and ended up laughing with you throwing his head back gently hitting the side of the tub.
Once you had both stopped laughing the calm atmosphere of your bathroom resumed, he could help but smile down at you leaving multiple kisses to the top of your head which you had once again nuzzled into his chest, he couldn’t help but smile at your antics, knowing that you would probably be asleep by the time the water got cold, making getting out the bath ten times more difficult but at this moment he honestly couldn’t care less.
‘Love you poppet’ you rasps his voice an octave deeper after having become quite sleepy and relaxed himself, cuddling you always seemed to have that effect on him though.
‘Love you too bub, love your boobs even more though’
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fific7 · 3 years
Dangerous and Divine - Part 18
Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy Russo is an itch you don’t want to scratch. But he’s all over you like a rash.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly fluff & lemon zest 🍋 Hopefully you’ve guessed by now that is my “Billy Russo Deserves Real Love AU” as I totally refuse to accept what happened in S2! The GIF is from Exposed, unreleased pilot show in case you’re wondering 😌... Billy vibes.
Warnings: Some drinking & swearing.
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(My GIF)
But you looked up into empty space. Your eyes travelled downwards until they found Billy - down on one knee in front of you. A small velvet ring box was held - unopened as yet - in a vice-like grip in those long, slender fingers you loved so much, and Billy’s big dark eyes were gazing fearfully into yours.
He looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Billy... what... Billy, uhh what’re you doing?” you whispered, knowing exactly what he was doing but trying to stall for time. You stood there like a statue, gazing into the bottomless pools that were his eyes.
He swallowed, clearing his throat, then you heard your name followed by a short pause, before he spoke.
“Proposin’. I’m proposin’ to you.”
You didn’t say anything else, just stared down at him. Mainly due to the fact that you didn’t know what to say to him. He kept staring at you, his eyes getting wider and sadder the longer you stayed silent.
He finally broke eye contact and got up, walking over to you, ring box still held in his hand. “Can I tell you why I’m doin’ this?”
Eventually you found your voice, “Yeah, Billy. I think you better.” “Let’s siddown,” he said quietly, hand going to your back and guiding you to the table.
He pulled out a chair, and you kind of collapsed into it - your legs had gone to jelly. He sat opposite you, tucking his long legs under the table, one of his knees hitting yours as he did so. The ring box was placed carefully in the centre of the table, where it hypnotically drew your eyes.
He gave a small laugh, “The plan was to wait till after dinner. Got way too nervous. Just couldn’t wait a minute longer.” Shaking his head, “I’ve gone into battle feelin’ less nervous.” You reached across the table, hand going on top of his. He put his other hand on top of yours, looking down, before speaking again, “I know you think this is just plain crazy, but I want you in my life. Forever. So I thought, I know how I feel so why wait? What’s the difference between now, six months, a year?”
You sighed, “Billy... you haven’t asked the actual question yet, but I’ll answer it anyway... this is not an outright ‘No’, okay?” His head shot up, dark eyes filled with hope.
You carried on, “But yeah, it’s definitely too soon, Billy.” His face fell again, and you stroked his hand slowly. “Look, we hardly know each other, and we’ve already admitted we’re both scared shitless by how fast this’s happened. I don’t want either of us to rush into something now we’ll maybe regret later. So I’m just saying, we hit the brakes a little bit for a while.”
“You sayin’ you wanna break up for a while? Don’t wanna see me?” he said, panicked. “No! No, Billy.... that’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m just suggesting that we take things a little slower, and get to know each other better. Continue to spend time together, just like we’ve been doing. We can stay at each other’s places for two or three nights at at a time, instead of one night here and there.” He stared into your eyes, “Kinda like livin’ together?” “Yeah, I suppose it would be.”
Your other hand went to his bristly chin, “Okay, Marine?” Giving you a small sad smile, he said, “Okay, angel. I won’t lie - m’disappointed. Thought I’d be drinkin’ Krug and callin’ you my fiancée right about now.” He sighed, “But I hear you, and I guess it makes sense, what you said. As long as you promise me you’re not just sayin’ this now, so you can let me down easy later?” You shook your head, “No, I’m not doing that, Billy, I promise I’m not. I think I’d like to be married to you, if I’m honest,” smiling as he beamed at you, “...I just think we shouldn’t go rushing headlong into it. This is a big deal for us.”
“Well, it is for me, sweetheart,” he said, a slight note of bitterness in his voice. You moved the very small distance between the two of you, pushing on his shoulder until he slid his chair back so you could sit in his lap. Wrapping your arms round his neck you kissed him very gently, however he kissed you back a little more aggressively. You knew Billy’s feelings - not to mention his ego - were hurt by what he saw as your rejection, and you wanted to reassure him. Pulling back, you took his face in your hands and planted little kisses on his eyes, his nose, his cheeks, his mouth, his chin.
“Billy, it’s a big deal for me, too. I love you, I meant what I said. Like we’ve both said before, it’s damn scary how quickly this has all happened. It’s never happened to me before, I swear. But I truly believe we’ll be fine, I know we will.” More kisses all over his face, and you finally heard a reluctant chuckle from him.
A small sigh, “Okay, angel. Well, let’s not let this fancy meal I’ve ordered in for us go to waste.” You placed a long kiss on his lips and whispered, “Hang on in there, Russo.” Those eyes. Gazing steadily at you. Hurt still apparent in them, but trying their best to look happy.
You felt like such a mean bitch.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
After an absolutely gorgeous dinner (courtesy of private caterers), you and Billy had flopped into bed and just fallen asleep in each others’ arms. The two of you were mentally as well as physically exhausted after all the emotional high drama.
The next morning, you woke up alone, but could hear Billy making noise in the kitchen. You wandered through to find him busy making you his scrambled eggs. In just his CK’s. He really knew how to get your attention, you smiled to yourself, eyes roaming over his toned body.
As you approached him, you could tell that there was still a slightly defeated air about him and you felt so, so guilty. You slid your arms round his waist and kissed his shoulder softly, “Morning, lover boy.” He turned round and kissed you, hands cupping your cheeks. “Mornin’, angel,” smiling down at you. You didn’t think he looked just as sad as he had done last night, so you felt very slightly better.
“Oooh, your scrambled eggs,” you sang, and he grinned. “Only the best for my goddess.” You threaded your fingers through his hair where it had fallen forward over his forehead, and pushed it back up. “Billy?” He looked down at you, and you continued, shamefaced, “I feel so bad for shooting you down in flames last night.” A long finger tipped your chin up, and a small gentle kiss landed on your lips. “S’okay, angel, I understand why you told me no.”
You flounced away from him, before swinging back round, “I did not say no, Billy Russo! I said take a short rain check.” Then you noticed a cheeky grin on his face, and you lunged forward to pinch his bicep, hard. “Stop messing with me, Billy!” He started chuckling, and went back to stirring the scrambled eggs in their big pan. “Gotta get you back somehow for wounding me so deeply.” His head turned slightly towards you and he said over his shoulder, “You really did wound me, but I’ll heal.”
“Oh my god, are you going to guilt trip me all day?!”
“ You better believe it, sweetheart.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Sitting with Billy at his kitchen table as you ate your scrambled eggs, you suddenly spotted The Ring Box tucked in beside the salt and pepper pots. You weren’t quite sure why you did it, but you picked it up and asked Billy if you could look at it. A small smirk on his face, he shrugged, “If you wanna, angel.”
So you opened the box. And gaped at the ring sitting in the velvet-cushioned interior. It was truly gorgeous, and definitely one you would have chosen for yourself. [A/N: pic at end of post] it wasn’t your run-of-the-mill diamond on a band, and the box had ‘Harry Winston’ inscribed inside it. You looked up, “Did you pick this?” Billy nodded, “Yes,” he said proudly, “I did. Knew my goddess deserved somethin’ special.” “It’s beautiful, Billy. I absolutely love it.”
He looked down, loading some more scrambled eggs onto his fork. “Coulda been on your ring finger right now,” he mumbled, but then looked up again, grinning and shrugging, “....but you gotta do what you gotta do, and I’m cool with that.” There was still that little hint of sadness in his dark eyes.
Seeing that, you almost gave in and screamed “Yes! Yes! Yes!” but you buried that crazy outburst right down inside you as far as it would go. Instead you leapt up and threw your arms round his neck, covering his face with a frenzy of kisses. You heard a string of long, low chuckles from him and drew back, saying to him, “Billy, I love you. I really do, you big sappy sap.” He gave you a genuine smile, “Makes me happy hearin’ you say that, angel. But changin’ your mind’s not allowed, you hear?” You shook your head, “I won’t, Billy, I promise you.”
You heard Billy’s phone vibrating on the kitchen counter, and turned to go and grab it for him. Nothing at all to do with you wanting to see the caller ID to make sure it wasn’t Madani (if it had been, you’d’ve answered it and screeched a banshee wail down the phone, hopefully bursting her eardrum).
Oh, okay - ‘Frankie’ said the notification. You handed it to Billy, who swiped and answered it. He got up and wandered off over to where the table still held the aftermath of your last-night’s dinner. Again you felt a pang of guilt; Frank was obviously calling for an update on the proposal situation, as you had no doubt whatsoever that Frank would’ve been taken into Billy’s confidence about it. Billy had his back to you, head down and speaking quietly into the phone.
Oh my god, these guilty feelings! - you thought. You felt super bad as you knew you’d really hurt Billy, but you kept telling yourself you’d done it for all the right reasons. You had just started wondering about your self-imposed condition; just how long are we supposed to spend ‘getting to know each other?’ when Billy ended the call and walked back over to you.
“Hey, sweetheart - Frankie wants to go for a beer, you don’t mind do you?” You grinned at him, “Of course not! You go and have some boy time with Frankie. And you don’t need to ask me, Russo - I don’t have you on a leash, you know!” He burst out laughing, “Not yet, maybe!” and winked at you as he headed to the bathroom for a shower.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Once Billy had gone, you picked up your own phone and called Karen. She answered warily, so you knew Frank had obviously updated her on your non-engagement. To her greeting, you said airily, “It’s OK, Karen - I’m not in bits.”
She gave a relieved laugh, “Oh thank god, I only got the bare minimum out of Frank before he rushed off to meet Billy. Said he needed a shoulder to cry on.” You could feel your eyes filling up and gave a small hiccup, unable to speak for a second. Karen said suspiciously, “Are you sure you’re OK?”
You asked her to come over to Billy’s place so you two could have a damn good rip-it-all-up girl’s chat. Accompanied by multiple glasses of alcohol.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Karen and a large bottle of gin arrived about ten minutes later. She gave you a huge hug, before quickly opening the gin, finding two clean glasses, pouring two generous hits and adding some flavoured tonic. You called over from the sofa that there was ice in the fridge. A couple of moments later, you heard the ‘plunk plunk’ of ice hitting drink, and Karen swanned over with the two glasses before holding one out to you.
Taking it gratefully, you watched as she sat down on the sofa, leaning back against the armrest with knees pulled up like you. She put on her ‘investigative reporter’ face and said, “Hit me with it, baby.”
You gave her the whole story: you and Billy separately meeting up with The Scorned Woman, you telling Billy you loved him (her eyebrows took a trip skyward at that), your strolls round Central Park and how Billy had been antsy all day. Culminating in your return to the apartment, him dropping to one knee, nodding your head over towards the table in the window, finishing with dinner.
“So you actually said ‘No’ to him, did you?” she questioned you. You shook your head, “No, I didn’t. In fact, I specifically told him it wasn’t a ‘No’. Just a time out, if you like. Get to know each other better. But Karen, I’m feeling so fucking guilty now! He’s like a wounded puppy!”
She nodded, “Well, no matter how much you say you didn’t tell him ‘No’, that’s all he heard.” You took a big sip of your drink, before saying, “I’ve been trying to reassure him that I do love him, and I won’t change my mind.” “You do seem to have fallen for each other very hard and very fast,” she mused, sinking some of her own drink. You huffed, “That’s what The Scorned Woman said too. And yes, it’s very - extremely - quick, I know it. But it’s how we feel. But now... I’m worried that he might really take this to heart and start backing off.”
She shook her head, “You know something, I don’t think he’ll do that. Frank says that Billy’s the most tenacious bastard he’s ever met, well apart from himself of course! I think he’ll hang onto you for dear life.” “I really hope you’re right, Karen. I’d absolutely hate it if Madani was right all along.... that we wouldn’t last.”
“Oh, her!” scoffed Karen, “What does she know? She’s a fruitloop.”
You started laughing. She suddenly leaned forward, “Hey, you didn’t tell me.... what’s the ring like?” “Well, poor Billy didn’t get a chance to open the box last night, but I saw it this morning.” She suddenly looked like an excited kid, “Can I see it, can I see it, aww go on!” You burst out laughing, and got up to go and retrieve the ring box. Once back on the sofa, you held the box in front of her and opened it. Her eyes went wide.
“Oh my lord, it’s absolutely.....!” she stopped, gazing at it, “...gorgeous! Did you try it on?” “No,” you shook your head, “...didn’t feel right to.” Closing the box, you took it back to its place on the kitchen table.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You and Karen were on your third G&T’s when you heard keys in the door lock. You and Karen’s heads swivelled towards it, just in time to see Frank coming in. He was supporting a swaying and loose-limbed Billy Russo, who was looking at you with big wide eyes and a goofy smile on his face.
Frank grinned at you, “Uhhh... someone’s had a bit too much to drink,” he said gruffly. “I think he needs to lie down.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
@blackbirddaredevil23 @galaxyjane @omgrachwrites @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @ourloveisforthelovely @swthxrry
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
Through Sickness and Health [USWNT x Reader]
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requested by anon: Could you write something with baby reader getting sick/hurt and the rest of the team taking care of them, preferably with Christen & Tobin being the “team moms” to them.
A/N: yay for t & c scoring today!!!
You stare at the plate of breakfast in front of you, massaging your temples, as if you could somehow rub the pounding headache away.
“Woah, (Y/N), you don’t look too good.” Emily observes, pausing mid bite of her eggs.
“Wow, thanks, Em.” You roll your eyes sarcastically.
“No, she’s right, (Y/N).” Mal rubs your back, examining you closely. “Are you feeling alright?”
“Yeah, guys, I’m fine. It’s just a little headache, probably because I din’t sleep that well.” You mumble, leaning your hooded head onto Mal’s shoulder.
“Alright well, drink up, we gotta go to the field.” Mal pushes your glass of water in front of you.  
You gulp down the water, slamming the cup on the table, as you get up and follow your teammates onto the bus.
It was almost the end of practice, and you felt like you were either going to throw up or collapse, or both. Your head was pounding, your throat was dry, and your stomach was doing somersaults.
As soon as Vlatko blew the whistle, you rest your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath, exorbitant amounts of sweat dripping off of you.
“Kiddo, you okay?” Tobin comes up from behind you, resting her hand on your back.
You huff out a sigh and stand up right. “Yeah, I’m good.” You nod, sighing.
“Alright,” The older forward hums, squinting her eyes skeptically, “let’s get you on the bus.”
She wraps her arm around your shoulders, guiding you off the field. As you’re walking, your legs wobble like jelly, and you can feel them start to weaken.
“Tobes… I don’t feel so good.” You softly groan, before you completely faint, collapsing in Tobin’s arms.
“(Y/N)!” Tobin exclaims, gently laying you down on the grass. “(Y/N)? You with me?”
“Tobin!” Christen calls, frantically running up to the two of you, followed by the rest of the USWNT. “What happened?”
“I don’t know! She just fainted.”
Christen kneels down next to you and feels your forehead with the back of her hand. “She’s burning up.”
“She wasn’t looking too good this morning at breakfast.” Mal interjects, frowning worriedly.
“Yeah, she’d said she had a little headache.” Emily adds.
“Well why didn’t anybody say anything?!” Christen snaps at the younger defender, who just shrinks. An angry Christen Press was definitely a sight to fear.
When you first joined the national team a couple of years ago, at the age of 18, Christen and Tobin immediately took you under their wings, crowning themselves your official team moms. The two helped you both on and off the pitch, whether it be watching game film with you or discussing your decision to play professional. They were also particularly protective of you, especially Christen, who was also your Royals teammate.
“Chris, they didn’t know.” Tobin calms down the upset woman, reminding her the task at hand.
“Right.” Christen sighs, nodding her head.
Vlatko approaches the group, followed by the medical staff. “Guys, give (Y/N) some space.”
The women back up, making some room for the trainers and the stretcher, while Tobin and Christen stay close to you.
As they load you onto the stretcher, Tobin furrows her brows. “Where are you taking her?”
“We’re just gonna take her into the med room back in the locker room to check up on her. I don’t think it’s anything too too serious, but we want her to wake up before we make any diagnosis and take her back to the hotel.” One of the trainers explains.
“Can we come with you?” Christen asks, nervously biting her lip.
“If you’d like.” He nods, and the two forwards follow the medical staff.
Back in the med room, the trainers put you onto the bed and get a cool towel to put on your head. While you were not awake yet, they had a feeling it was a case of the stomach flu, so they got a cup of water and thermometer ready for you.
About five minutes later, you slowly opened your eyes and grumbled. “Whaaa…what happened?” You groggily rubbed your eyes, as you try to sit up.
“Woah, sweetie, how about you lie back down.” Christen gently pushes you back down to the med table. “You fainted, (Y/N). They say it’s the stomach flu.”
“Ugh… just great.” You mumbled under your breath, groaning in frustration and discomfort.
The head trainer, who’d noticed you were awake, reentered the room. “Hey, (Y/N), how are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a bus.” You mutter.
He picks up the thermometer and hands you a cup of water, which you sip, soothing your dry throat.
“I’m just gonna quickly take your temperature.” He motions for you to open your mouth.
A couple of moments pass before a beep sounds. “102.4” The trainer reads, before turning to Christen and Tobin. “Make sure she gets plenty of rest and drinks lots of water. I recommend taking her temperature every two hours or so, and when her fever breaks, then come talk to me.”
“You know I’m right here? I can take care of myself.” You protest.
Tom and Christen share a look, exchanging a silent conversation.
“Sounds good, Tom. Thank you.” The curly-haired forward smiles, and the trainer nods, making his exit.
Once the three of you are alone, Tobin starts, “(Y/N),” she brushes your hair out of your face, “Em and Mal said that you weren’t feeling too well earlier this morning. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t think it was that bad, and I didn’t wanna make a big deal out of it or worry you guys.” You shrug, avoiding eye contact with both women. “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, honey.” Christen reassures. “We were just extremely worried when you fainted, especially since we didn’t know what was wrong.”
“Yeah, we care about you, kid.” Tobin coos.
“I love you, guys.” You mumble tiredly.
“We love you too, (Y/N/N).” Christen softly smile, reaching for your hand. “Now, c’mon, let’s get you back to the hotel, so you can rest.”
“Can one of you carry me?” You plead, giving them your best puppy eyes.
Tobin rolls her eyes at your childish behavior. “Sure, kiddo, hop on.” She squats down, so you can climb onto her back. The three of you make your way to one of the team vans, the bus having already left, and you head back to the hotel.
As you’d fallen asleep on the ride over, Tobin carries you up to your room, takes your shoes off, and tucks you into bed.
After about an hour and a half of sleeping, you wake up, feeling a little better, but still quite uncomfortable.
“Hey, how you feeling?” Christen puts her book down, noticing you’re up.
“Eh, a little better.”
“Here, let me take your temperature.” She reaches for the thermometer and approaches you. “100.6. Not as bad, but not good. You’re still burning up.” She feels your forehead. “How about I draw you a warm bath? It might help cool you down, and you still stink from training.”
You stick out your tongue at her. “Chrissss, I don’t wanna move.” You whine.
“C’mon, you big baby. I’ll get it started.” She heads into the bathroom and starts the water, ignoring your grumbling and protests.
You throw the blanket off your body and begrudgingly enter the bathroom, where Christen’s sitting on the edge of the bath full of warm water and bubbles.
“Here, I’ll turn around, so you can get in.” The older woman stands up and turns to face the door.
You strip off your clothes and toss them to the side before sinking into the bath.
“You can turn around now.” You announce to Christen, as you close your eyes, relaxing in the warm water.
“Feel good?” She asks, returning to sit on the edge of the bath.
“Mhmm.” You hum, before opening your eyes. “Where’s Tobin?”
“She went to get you some snacks, medicine, and some more water.” Christen answers, as she reaches for the shampoo. “Wet your hair for me?”
You lean back, letting your hair fall in the water while keeping your face drying. You sit back up, and Christen begins to wash your hair. As she massages your scalp, you feel your eyes droop. You hear the door open and close, and Tobin peeks her head in the door.
“Hey, (Y/N/N), you’re up? You good?”
“Mhmm.” You blissfully hum.
“I see the bath is helping.” Tobin smirks, winking at Christen. “Well, I got you some snacks and meds.” She holds up a bag.
Your eyes fly open at the mention of food. “Oooo, what kind?!” You sit up so fast that water and bubbles splash onto the brunette forward.
Christen glares at you, and you shrink back into the water. “Wash.” She points.
You dunk your entire head in the water, squeezing your eyes shut, and you scrub the soap out of your hair. Emerging from the water, you wipe the water from your face and see Tobin has joined Christen, sitting on the edge of the tub.
“So what kinda snacks did you get?” You eagerly ask.
Tobin chuckles and leans down, reaching into the bag. “I got some cheddar popcorn, Oreos, pita chips, and some banana and peanut butter.”
You grin at the thought of all your favorite snacks. But before you could reach out for one, Christen cuts in.
“Wait, (Y/N/N), you sure you up to eating something? Is your stomach feeling better? I don’t want you to throw up again.” She gives you a worried glance. You wince, as you remember the throw up incidences in the car as well as when you arrived to the hotel.
“My stomach is feeling a little better.” You assure the older woman, who’s still looking at you wearily. “How about I start with a banana?” You propose, trying to rest Christen’s qualms.
“Okay.” She nods, giving in, and Tobin breaks off a banana from the bunch, peeling it and handing it to you.
“Thanks, Tobes.” You grab it and take a bite.
After you finish half the banana, your stomach not wanting any more, and after your bath, you find yourself back in bed, sandwiched between the two forwards.
The three of you start to make some light conversation, when there’s a knock on the door.
Tobin slides off the bed and opens the door, and the rest of your teammates flood into your hotel room, climbing either on your bed or the bed across from you.
Mal, who took Tobin’s spot next to you, much to her displeasure, cuddled into your side. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Mhm.” You nod, snuggling into her body.
“Good. I was really worried.” She mumbles into your shoulder.
Your heart swells, and you grin. “Don’t worry. I’m good.”
“(Y/N), open up.” Christen interrupts, holding out the thermometer. “98.7” She reads, smiling.
“Thank goodness!” Kelley calls from the table, as she puts an Oreo in her mouth and plops at the foot of your bed. “We thought you died.” She exaggerates.
“Shut up, Kel.” You roll your eyes. “And stop eating my snacks.” You kick up your foot, trying to nudge the defender.
“No, but in all seriousness, (Y/N), we’re all really glad you’re okay.” Megan insists.
“Yeah, when you collapsed, we kinda all freaked out.” Julie adds, several of the other women nodding along.
“I think the scariest part was that we didn’t know what was wrong.” Alex says, and Christen hums in agreement.
“We want you to know that you can come to us with anything because we’re always here for you.” She softly grins down at you.
“Thanks you guys. It really does mean a lot. I’ve never really had people like you guys in my life.” You confess, smiling at your team.
“Well, you better get use to it because we’re not going anywhere!” Ashlyn exclaims, as she jumps on the bed, encouraging the other women to dog pile on you as well.
You look around you and can’t help but feel warmth spread throughout your body, and this time not from your fever but from love. You were extremely grateful that you had this team of women, especially Tobin and Christen, in your life, who’d be there for you through sickness and health.
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