#i love a depressed megatron
spreadwardiard · 2 months
Megatron Does NOT Drunk Call His Ex
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Megatron/Orion Pax, Megatron/Optimus Prime
Summary: Megatron laments his break up while watching Orion Pax's coronation as Prime on the holoscreen.
Notes: I wanted to try my hand at the whole 'drunk calling your ex' trope, and had some fun with it. Takes place in that time between the disasterous senate meeting and optimus being formally named prime by the government. This is TFP/ Aligned
Megatron scowled as he smashed his digits roughly against the keypad to his door.  The numerals on the far left section of the pad were stuck again, not wanting to register his touch. He swiftly punched the mechanism in annoyance, and then tried again.  Percussive maintenance did its job and the pin finally registered.  
He tried not to think about how Orion had complained about the lock for at least a vorn before… Megatron grumbled at himself to stop that thought. Thinking about Orion Pax brought nothing but pain, but even Megatron knew that nothing would stop the onslaught of thoughts, memories and feelings that were certain to come for him in the night. 
It was a battle he had lost many times before, ever since their separation. It was easier to call it that, rather than what it really was: a break up. One he hadn’t actually even wanted to happen. One that was his fault- 
Megatron took in a deep vent, tried to reorient his thoughts to anything but Orion Pax. How the slag was he supposed to do that when he fragger’s coronation as Prime was scheduled to air any klik now? He hadn’t even seen the mech in what felt like ages… not since the argument. 
Frag… He’d already lost the battle, and it had hardly even begun. Megatron’s scowl deepened as he admitted defeat, and against his better judgement, grabbed a bottle of his finest high grade. He grimaced as he actually looked at the bottle in his servo, decorated in golden filigree and ornately etched glyphs. It was the bottle Orion had given him in preparation for their Rites. The thought stung like acid rain. 
He snorted out a forced laugh. The idea of he and Orion binding their sparks seemed laughably distant now. How fitting that he consume the high grade now, for Orion’s big hurrah. He didn’t even grab a cube to pour it in. He wouldn’t need one, he knew himself. The bottle would be empty before the night was over. 
Megatron popped the lid and brought the bottle to his derma, prepared for a harsh, but effective, high grade to assault his glossa. He hated that it was delicious, that Orion had probably paid more for this bottle than Megatron spent on fuels for half a vorn. He hated that it was supposed to be special… shared between them… that he had ruined it. 
At least his revolution was still going strong. The betrayal of Orion Pax may have hurt Megatron personally, but it ultimately strengthened the resolve of his followers. It was a bitter victory, he thought as he slunk back into his sofa, limp as an old thermal sheet. 
If he hadn’t lost his temper and let his paranoia get the better of him, he’d be at that coronation with Orion, not having to watch it on the holoscreen. He took another drink, as large as his intake would allow, before he turned on the screen, and found the correct broadcast. 
The newsmech drawled on about the excitement happening in Trion Square. Thousands of mechs had arrived to meet the newly designated Prime. Megatron snorted again as the crowd cheered in excitement.  They were imagining a glorious leader to light their darkest hour, but all Megatron could envision was the dorky archivist that used to recharge in his arms and who couldn’t remember to fuel himself. 
The bottle was at his derma before the grief that followed the previous thought could hit him. It settled hot in his tanks, and he forced a smile at the knowledge that liquid relief would be imminent. Once the warmth set in, the dulling of his processor would soon follow, and that aching emptiness wouldn’t be so painful. 
He missed Orion Pax and now that nearly a dozen stellar cycles had passed, he would finally get to see him again. On the holoscreen… But that was better than nothing, right? 
The newsmech continued their useless prattle, and Megatron watched lazily as the cameras panned the crowd, every so often freezing on the ornately draped balcony that he assumed Orion would appear from. Even from his out of date holoscreen, he could tell how exquisite the embroidery on the drapery was. It must have taken vorns to do by servo. It looked distastefully splendent next to the polished golden accents that Iacon was known for. 
How many drinks had he had already? His processor was starting to feel a bit foggy. He couldn’t remember. He took another. It didn’t matter anyway. It wouldn’t change what he’d done. It wouldn’t bring back what he’d carelessly thrown away in a foolish fit of paranoia. 
Megatron was ruthless with his words that cycle. He tore into Orion like a vicious beast. Orion visibly crumbled at his accusations of betrayal, and when he accused him of using their relationship as a means to gain power, Orion looked as if Megatron had stabbed him through his spark chamber. He would never forget the pain that had flashed through Orion’s field… 
He was such a slagging fool… It wasn’t until after Orion went off the grid to seek out the Matrix that Megatron put it all together. Orion had never betrayed him at all. The entire situation was carefully orchestrated by the Council to drive a wedge between them, and it had succeeded in that aim. Now, Orion was their puppet, without Megatron there to fend them off and it was all his fault. 
Megatron tore his optics from the holoscreen and looked at the bottle in his servos. It felt too light, and it took him a moment to register that he’d already drank nearly half of it. Orion hadn’t even appeared yet… It wasn’t his fault this stuff was so slagging good. Besides… this was a ‘drink to forget’ sort of night, and he sure as slag hadn’t forgotten scrap yet. Megatron took another drink.
It was harder to focus on the holoscreen. The newsmech was now apologizing for delays. Megatron couldn’t stop a laugh at that. Typical Orion Pax; late for literally everything. He’d have been late to his own forging if that were possible. 
Slag… he felt heavy as a load of cement… What the frag was in this? He hauled the bottle up to his helm, and shuttered his optics, before squinting at the glyphs. He couldn’t focus on them, they just appeared as far off, fuzzy and jumbled nonsense. There was about a third of the bottle left…. Maybe he’d had enough?
He should apologize. Megatron knew that. He’d thought about it time and time again, usually when he was like this and had nothing else to distract him from his woes, but his pride refused to allow that. He never had been good at admitting when he was wrong, and was even worse when it came to apologizing for it. 
What would he even say? Where even was he to start? ‘I’m sorry’ didn’t feel sincere enough, and anything beyond that was likely to just be excuses for his behavior.  He deserved this… what he’d said was inexcusable. 
Megatron ex-vented heavily. His frame felt like dead weight, and the longer he allowed it to melt into his sofa, the more annoying the constant pinging in his hip strut was. How long had it been alerting him of his discomfort now? He wasn’t paying attention. The ache in his spark was worse anyway. He took another drink. 
It wasn’t fair. He wished he could share the enthusiasm shown by the crowd on the holoscreen, but how could that even be possible? With Orion now under the watchful optics of the Primacy, he was as good as lost. The Prime may have had power of his own, but they always followed the will of the Council. Orion would be no different. The Council had too much sway, too much power, for one mech to defy them alone.
The pinging of discomfort in his hip was becoming too much to ignore. He shifted his mass to the side just enough to allow gravity to crash his upper frame into the sofa cushions. The high grade sloshed dangerously in its bottle, but miraculously did not spill from his sudden readjustment, even as he pulled his legs up with him and shifted for relief. 
The holoscreen was mostly forgotten. Instead, he pulled up his HUD and braced for the inevitable sting as he selected an image from his gallery, of Orion Pax lounging in berth. He had a datapad in his servo, and a soft, gentle smile on his face as he read aloud some poetry from the collection he’d been browsing. The poem had been romantic, though Megatron couldn’t remember it now. Orion had only read it to him once, and afterwards they’d ended up indulging in each other’s frames. 
Megatron remembered the interfacing, not the poem, and it stung more than he would admit even to himself. He wished he would have saved a memory file so he could hear Orion recite it over and over again. He wished he could hear him recite anything right now. He hadn’t heard his voice since- 
He cut himself off by forcibly closing the image, which, unfortunately, landed him right at Orion’s commlink. He stared at it for several kliks, toyed with the idea of calling before shooting that idea down with a slovenly scoff. No, the time for that had long passed, and Orion would be too busy to answer anyway, if he even wanted to. He’d convinced himself long ago that Orion had likely already blocked him from contacting him anyway. 
He closed out of his HUD and shuttered his optics. His frame was running hot from the high grade, and his fans finally kicked in to dispel the excess heat. Slag… he must look as pitiful as he felt. The great and mighty Megatron, The Champion of the Pits, brought to his knees over a slagging break-up. He was patheti-
His self degradation was cut off by a loud and sudden ping. It was a comm request, marked urgent. It was from Orion. It flashed at him across his HUD in bold, red glyphs, but that was impossible. There was no way it was real… His mind was playing tricks on him again. 
His optics darted to the holoscreen. Orion was supposed to have made his debut some time ago, but even with his optical inputs distorted from the drink, he could plainly see that Orion Pax was not where he was supposed to be. The ornately decorated balcony was still empty, and several important looking mechs shuffled around in distress at Orion’s truancy.
Megatron’s intake went dry, and that aching emptiness in his chassis returned full force as he, against his better judgement, accepted the incoming request. He tried to speak, but found his vocalizer needed rebooting. 
“Megatron?... Please, don’t hang up…” It was him… He sounded different than Megatron remembered. The reverberation of his voice was slightly off, like his vocalizer was now housed in a larger frame, but the voice was unmistakably Orion. 
Megatron wanted to respond, but his rebooting vocalizer prevented him from uttering more than a distorted and shaky “Hmmm?” 
“Thank Primus, you accepted my call. I was worried you wouldn’t wish to speak with me. I’m sorry I didn’t contact you sooner. There was so much happening, I hardly had a moment to myself befor-” It almost didn’t feel real. He’d so deeply convinced himself that he and Orion were too damaged for him to ever reach out. He had been certain that Orion had blocked him from contact. 
“...and after that I was taken to this strange tunnel system where they placed me in some purification pool…” Orion was rambling, but it didn’t matter. It just felt good to hear his voice again. It slid into Megatron’s processor like the richest of energon, and he was starving. 
“... -fter that I was chased by a small hoard of hibernating scraplets. I genuinely thought that I was going to offline down there…” This whole thing felt far too good to be true. Orion didn’t sound upset with him at all. There was anxiety in his tone, and judging by the speed of which he was speaking, he had a lot to say that he wanted, or needed to say quickly, but there was no anger or resentment, like Megatron expected.
“...-atrix of Leadership…” Slag… he wasn’t actually paying attention to what Orion had been saying this whole time, the high grade had only allowed him to process the smooth timbre of his voice. He tried to think back over what he’d heard, something about a pool of scraplets in a tunnel? . Slag… he still wasn’t paying attenti-
“Megatron… are you listening to me?” He flinched at the question. He was really regretting drinking as much as he had. If he’d have known Orion was going to comm him, he wouldn’t have had nearly as much. Megatron wet his derma before replying. 
“I’m listening.” He sounded weak, and he knew it. He hoped Orion didn’t catch the waver in his tone, his tell that he wasn’t being entirely truthful. 
Orion audibly sighed, but whether it was in annoyance or relief, Megatron couldn’t tell. 
“I know, I’m rambling, I’m sorry. What I’m trying to say is that the Matrix makes me feel things far more intensely than I did before. All it lets me think about is you, and our last meeting… how I fragged everything up that cycle… How much I miss you. I’m sor-” 
It took him several kliks to actually process what Orion was saying. Did he say: missed? He felt his spark practically jump in its chamber. Was that actually what he’d heard? That couldn’t be right… not after the cruel things he’d said. 
“You miss me?” Orion went silent, and Megatron realized that he’d cut him off, mid-sentence, likely in the middle of something important. Something that he, again, wasn’t listening to. He grimaced at his stupid mistake.
“Yes, I did say that.” Megatron tried to sit up, but found he only had the strength to roll onto his back. His frame was too heavy for him to hoist up. He draped his arm over his optics instead, to quell the spinning as his processor tried to adjust to his movement. He definitely had too much. The high grade was flooding his frame now.  It was a struggle just to keep his optics open. 
“Will you say it again?” He cursed himself for how desperate his request must sound. Orion was silent for several kliks, but the time felt like eons as Megatron waited.
“Have you been drinking?” 
Megatron groaned at the question, and that seemed to suffice as an answer for Orion. 
“I miss you, Megatronus.” He let out an ex-vent that he wasn’t aware he was even holding in. Maybe all hope wasn’t lost after all? Maybe he hadn’t completely destroyed the bond he held so dear to his spark. 
“I miss you too…” Megatron’s words slurred together and came out a jumbled mess. He barely got them out. The bottle he forgot he was holding fell from his servos, and he flinched at the sound of it crashing into the floor, the remainder of its content’s splattering across the tiles. 
“Primus… you are absolutely slagged…” Orion laughed softly, and it sounded like bells to his audials. The soothing sound reminded him of cycles long past, when they were happy together. 
“I miss you, Orion.” That wasn’t what he’d meant to say… He meant to ask Orion what the slag was in that fancy high grade to make him act like this. He’d be embarrassed if he weren’t fighting a system shutdown with all of his might. 
“Mega…” Orion’s voice wavered, and the pet name burrowed into his audials. Megatron wondered if he was going to cut the link. He wouldn’t blame him for doing so. He’d fumbled this opportunity in a grand fashion. “Can I come see you? Please?”
 Megatron almost couldn’t process that request. It was so far off from what he was expecting Orion to say that the glyphs simply didn’t make sense for several kliks. 
“Where are you?” Wasn’t Orion supposed to be doing that important thing right now? In Iacon? Halfway across the planet from him? Megatron turned his helm just enough to see the holoscreen. The balcony was still empty. The crowd was still in place. 
“I’m in Kaon… I-I fled my coronation and I… I didn’t know who else to run t-” 
“Please…” He didn’t even attempt to hide the desperation in his tone, he was too tired at this point. His frame may have been in the process of powering down, but his spark thrummed in a mixture of disbelief, longing and joy. 
“Give me just a few kliks… I won’t be long.”  Orion laughed again, clearly with relief and again Megatron was soothed by the sound more than he would care to ever admit. “Thank you, Mega. I was afraid you would turn me away. I was afraid we were…. Over.” 
“I don’t want us to be.” Megatron mumbled and vented softly. His processing subroutines were shutting down faster than he could reboot them. Orion said something after that, but Megatron could no longer process his vocals into anything that made sense. But at that moment, it didn’t matter. The blackout took him as Orion continued to croon softly to him.
Megatron came online slowly in the morning. His helm was aching, but not as badly as he expected. He sank into his berth comfortably, and that helped to ease the discomfort his frame should have been feeling. After rolling onto his side, he slowly shuttered his optics, half expecting to be struck with pain, but pleasantly surprised that he was granted a painless view of his berth-side table. 
There was a nearly empty energon cube sitting precariously close to the edge of the table, with a straw sticking out of if. He couldn’t remember getting a cube before he shutdown… Come to think of it… he didn’t remember much of anything that happened after he fell sideways onto the sofa last cycle. 
He slowly sat up, while scratching the back of his helm as he tried to remember how the slag he’d gotten into his berth to begin with. He made a point of not recharging here. It was too big without Orion beside him.  
Orion had commed him last night! The ache in his processor surged as the memory of their conversation struck him all once. Orion called him and he bungled the entire conversation, but Orion had asked to see him.
Against his better judgement, Megatron swung his legs out of berth.  His left pede hitting the rim of something, and sending it careening against the berth-side table: a trash bin, likely set there in case he purged during the night. As he stood, the scent of fuel preparation struck his olfactory sensors. It smelled like fried mineral cakes and thickened energon syrup, the scent of the warmed syrup almost sickeningly sweet. His intake watered, and his tanks clenched in discomfort at their emptiness. 
There was no way… that had to have been a dream, a recharge flux from the high grade and the torture of watching Orion’s coronation.  A hallucination created to torment him for his mistakes.. Right?? There was no way Orion had really come and put him to berth, with a drink… right? 
He lurched towards the door, pausing only long enough for it to register him and open before stumbling out into his living quarters. He could hear the fuels sizzling in his prep station. Slung over the back of the sofa was a thermal sheet, folded, with a pillow resting on top.  
 It must be Soundwave… he must have checked in on the security feeds and saw him passed out on the sofa, and had come to clean up the mess. That had to be it… Even so, it he found more difficult to draw in a vent the closer he came to the dividing wall separating his living space from his fuel preparation area. 
“Megatron? Are you online?” 
Megatron paused in his steps as the unmistakable voice filled his audials. His intake went dry the moment he tried to speak, and he found himself at a loss for words. It wasn’t all a dream. Orion had called him.  He had wanted to see him. He was here… Right there, on the other side of the wall. 
He rounded the corner, needing to see it to truly believe it. Orion stood with his back towards him, obviously engrossed in the meal he was preparing. His frame was new…. He no longer wore a civilian model. He was taller, with a much sturdier chassis than before, and his arms thick with armor and weaponry. It was clearly the make of a warframe, but his colors were the same, familiar red and blue.
He finally felt like he could vent again, and when he did so, Orion turned his helm with a hopeful grin on his face. Their optics met, and Megatron had to rest his weight upon the wall to keep upright. He was beautiful. 
“Orion…” It was all he could say as a million thoughts and words tried to bombard him at once. There was so much he wanted to say, so much he needed to apologize for, so many questions he wanted to ask. 
Orion shut off the flame on the unit, and slid something onto a plate before turning around fully. 
“I know there are many things we need to discuss. But I hope that it can wait until after breakfast. I made your favorite.” Orion held up one of the plates, stacked with mineral cakes, to emphasize his point, and as if on queue, Megatron’s systems loudly pinged a low fuel warning.
Orion laughed. “I guess I still have perfect timing. Sit down, I’ll bring it to you.” 
It was like they hadn’t fought at all… Megatron sat at the table, forcing a reboot to his vocalizer. Orion sat a hefty plate of mineral cakes in front of him, followed by utensils and the thickened syrup, ready to be poured. 
Orion sat down across from him, and reached across the table, where Megatron eagerly met him with his own servo, curling their digits together, as they used to do before meals in the past. His palm was warm, and it radiated down his frame, directly to his spark. Megatron looked up to see Orion smiling at him, in what appeared to be relief. 
Megatron returned the smile, before withdrawing his servo, his nerves now eased. Things were going to be okay, better than okay, if the cakes were anything to judge it by. Orion’s field tentatively reached out to his own, and he replied with his own. It was a quiet reunion, but it let him know that their love still stood strong, and that knowledge allowed him to fully enjoy his refueling. 
Afterwards, they would work out the rest, together.
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brandwhorestarscream · 3 months
Please tell us about Megatron's spiralling grief!
(Also I hope he cuddled Shockwave for some comfort. He deserves it.)
The autobots were extremely vicious and thorough when exterminating the cybermorphs. In TFA, at present day, Megatron is the only surviving queen. During the war, he lost every single one of his children. The civimorph, vosimorphs, and minimorph queens all had hives on Cybertron, and were killed brutally. Queen Theta of the civimorphs, her hive was flooded with tox-en, the corrosive gases melting away at their plating and making it impossible for them to breathe. She died with all her children, trying to save her eggs and carry them to escape, and those that did manage to break their way to the surface were easily gunned down due to already being weakened.
Queen Morningstar of the vosimorphs was killed when the autobots bombed Vos: their hive was naturally subterranean, dug into the plateus surrounding the sea of rust, but when her sire's city was under siege she disobeyed her carrier's orders and went to help. When she was spotted amongst the fighting, Ultra Magnus knew they'd never have such an easy chance again, and vaporized the entire city with a nuclear bomb. Less than a hundred Vosians were left in existence, and that was only because they weren't in the city when it happened.
And poor Dazzle of the minimorphs, his hive was dug up by one of the Supremes: he died being stomped into paste by the enormous brute. He died cradling a newly emerged baby drone in his arms, telling them that, "It's gonna be ok, mommy's here-" before they were flattened into oblivion.
As anyone that's lost a child knows... it's the worst kind of pain. That sort that's so intense and visceral it becomes physical, making your whole body ache and throb and making you wish for death. Both to escape your suffering, and so you can see your baby again. The three oldest queens weren't born that way, they were the best of the best, the finest of his children that clawed their way through the royal trials and emerged victorious atop their siblings. He had watched them grow up and achieve greatness and he was so proud of all of them: feeling their sudden deaths in his spark naturally made the almighty queen mother collapse into grief. The first one to go is Morningstar, his oldest, then poor Theta and finally Dazzle. Not to mention countless of his other children that worked to protect their hives and fighting on the battlefield for their freedom, but the extinguishing of each queen marks another grave loss for the morphs. After all, he's not producing any more morphlings right now, and drones can't become queens. If one subset of morphs is driven to extinction, unless he can get his hands on another sire and safely raise a royal embryo to adulthood, they'll be gone forever. Not to mention with each lost queen means less and less warriors to assist in their fight: now that the autobora have extracted the Allspark and are making on-the-ground soldiers, they're threatening to overwhelm them.
Megatron becomes increasingly unstable with each queen's death. Ripping himself from his ovipositor and forcing his way into the fighting, slaughtering autobots left and right, taking unnecessary risks, rage and devestation making him sloppy. He takes uncalculated risks and throws himself into fights without thibking, not noticing or perhaps ignoring any injuries. He cares not for his health or safety, and is running on pure spite alone. He wants nothing but to avenge his sparklings, to make these miserable bastards pay. It throws the vast swaths of drones and warriors into a frenzy, but it's unsustainable and the casualties are many. He can't hold funerals for them, their remains can never be retrieved, and he doesn't know how much they suffered before their untimely deaths. They were so young. Their childhoods were nothing but fighting, their adult lives an endless cycle of reproduction and death. He regrets that they were denied a normal life of love and freedom, and now he can never give it to them.
Even when the morphs are pushed offworld, forced to flee when their final, largest hive is destroyed, the autobots don't stop. They chase the morphs into space, and begin hunting their offworld hives as well. Velocitron and Eurythma, both planets are completely vaporized for the sake of killing off the morph nests there, taking away the (Unnamed) velocimorph queen and Damus, the rhythomorph queen. They hunt each and every hive with extreme prejudice, killing every single one of Megatron's precious children. Nowhere and no one is safe from their genocide.
By the time the decepticons reach their canon point: lost drifting in space, beaten and starving, the queen mother is a shell of himself. Empty, shattered optics and a blank face, unwilling or perhaps unable to lay more eggs. Their people number less than 500 now, scattered to the universe, and the vast majority of those numbers are drones that have survived by pure luck. His audials constantly ring with the screams of everyone who's died, their final words and thoughts to the hivemind before succumbing to death. The grief hangs around his neck like solid chains that make it hard to stand up at all, and... his hopes for the future are very bleak. Part of him craves the release of death, but his sense of duty as the last living cybermorph queen stay his hand from taking a blade to his spark.
In recent developments there's the possibility of little Lovebug the insectimorph queen (name definitely not final! This is just a nickname) hatching on Cybertron after so long, his egg having survived the purges and still hidden deep in Cybertron's depths. His birth may spark new life onto the cybermorph species, but we can talk about that later. It's still a maybe.
As for Shockwave... he and the other sires do try to take care of their queen, but there's really nothing anyone can do or say to make this easier. It's a pain that will never go away, but that doesn’t stop Shockwave from visiting the hive's heart when the queen is asleep, draping himself over his body and trying to help keep the nightmares at bay 💖
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transingthoseformers · 4 months
No but I got to thinking about TFP Damus and him being a Megatron/Overlord sparkling.
So Overlord, just as in IDW, is a gladiator obsessed with Megatron. Megatron occasionally welcomes his advances, but sees their relationship as purely physical. A way to get the energy out that doesn't involve mauling each other.
Overlord doesn't.
At some point or another, Megatrob gets sparked and doesn't realise until the sparkling is closed to emergence. He isn't interested in raising a sparkling, not at this point in time, so he asks Overlord. Overlord only wants Megatron, not their sparkling, so off to the orphanage little bitlet Damus goes.
That would be interesting because I've thought of a tfp overlord before (often. I think about a tfp overlord often) and i think about their past dynamic in an gladiatorial arena situation— as they probably have multiple planned fights with each other (and a nice few unplanned ones as you indicated as a possibility above) My idea is that in every single one of their fights Megatronus wins, and Overlord has no fucking idea how it's every single one
Remember Megatron's battle with the insecticon scout and in the flashback episode Megatronus bringing down some sort of beast? I'm imagining similar to that and I'm imagining that tfp Megatronus was smaller than tfp Overlord, because fun, and used his cunning against (the future phase sixer??? Are we still doing the super soldier thing with unutrium?) Overlord. Like how i think (i think??) Megs was smaller than gladiator!soundwave before their eventual upgrades into their in series frames. I've thought so much about this. I typically see Overlord and Soundwave as different previous reigning champions in the arena, though i don't have the order of that or if they came from different arenas or what. Clearly, tfp Soundwave and tfp Overlord had very different responses to being defeated in the arena. Soundwave was charmed by it and swore loyalty and friendship over it. Overlord struck a spark of obsession less wholesome.
My one tfp overlord plotline is a goldmine for bullshit because i like to think in that plotline he has a few pink-red (hot pink?) biolights because yes and because we know from rid15 and tfp Shockwave biolights can mismatch optic color (we see it in idw too!) (Especially in rid15 like I'm pretty sure there's a few guys with mismatched biolights in general too like doesn't thunderhoof have blue biolights and red? Rid15 goes heavy on the glow and i have an obsession don't i)
Anyways yes yes yes i can see this and Overlord just does not care about anything but Megatronus, and Megatronus is focused on his own political goals outside of the arena. So exactly not the time for a child, and I'm sure the orphanage will be a disaster for Damus
I would love to think about the future consequences this may have, especially regarding Damus later worming his way into the Decepticons (Overlord was probably one of the first Decepticons tbh) and how everything goes down
Especially since imagine they somehow their way onto earth. I love bringing any and all previous drama and trauma from the war / pre-war onto earth please. Especially since Megatron hasn't defected yet (.... unless we are to bring up how in the epilogue he disavows the Decepticon cause abd fucks off into space) (??????????) (:3)
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
There’s two different types of bad writing, and one of them is the kind that’s actually infuriating.
There’s bad writing that’s just bad 100% of the way through, or it’s otherwise so low quality that there’s nothing of value to be gained from it. When writing is this bad, you can just ignore it and forget about it because it has no skill, no value, no memorability whatsoever. You don’t develop strong feelings about it because the writing is so bad you can’t even hate it because you don’t care about it enough to complain about it.
And then there’s bad writing that actually has gems of quality in it: There were interesting concepts, or character relationships that seemed interesting, or a setting or other plot device that adds depth to the world. Except it’s executed in such a shoddy way that it makes you scream from how much worse the actual writing is compared to what it could have been in theory. Bad writing that’s bad because of wasted potential is 1000% worse than bad writing that’s just bad because it’s just good enough to make you want to enjoy it.
The latter type of bad writing is pretty much how I feel about Barber’s work in phase 2 and it really annoys me lmao. Because Barber got almost every plot point that I was looking forward to reading about (Earth politics, Pyra Magna, colonies, Optimus fucking Prime being my favorite character of the whole continuity) and managed to turn it into a snail-paced boring slog full of contrivances that don’t make sense and only exist to force a certain plot to happen, with virtually no character relationships that are interesting and sloppy political allegories that aren’t actually told through a good story and are basically just Barber puppeteering the characters to scream “THIS IS A POLITICAL ALLEGORY DO YOU GET IT” as if this is entertaining or #deep when really it’s just boring and annoying.
#squiggposting#negativity#like i guess i can see the reasons other people like it#but not really because i don't understand how they even GOT THROUGH enough of the story to like the themes#when most of the story is just fucking stupid and there's almost no emotion besides unrelenting gloominess#and any 'commentary' it makes comes in the form of such brilliant scenes as#zeta prime quoting fascist propaganda and orion going 'but fascism is bad!' and zeta going 'it's cool when we do it'#like bro lmao my best friend loves his writing and the way she talked about it i was SO READY to love exrid/op#i was right here ready to be a stan and even a contrarian ready to enjoy it more than i liked mtmte#but no i absolutely get why no one talks about exrid/op because it's so fucking underwhelming and awful#and i barely even care about the characters so like why do i even care about whatever grand political commentary barber is trying to force#like lmao jro is a megatron apologist that shoehorned in megatron being not the worst guy ever but at least he made it entertaining#at least i felt pathos for megatron and other horrible people despite their shit actions#with barber's stuff i'm just like. this is a plot hole. this makes no sense. this is stupid. this makes no sense.#this is hamfisted. how many more issues do i have to read before i start caring again#it's just awful lmao#my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined#like IN CONCEPT i love so many worldbuilding and character ideas that are in exrid/op#but i would never recommend anyone to actually read it because like. there's almost no point#exrid/op is nothing but occasional glimmers of potential in a sea of depressing averageness
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Hi! So this is kinda a weird request considering my past ones, I’ve been going through some stuff lately mentally and I’m kinda struggling so I was wondering if I could request TFP Ratchet, Wheeljack, Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave, and Bayverse Optimus comforting/helping a s/o who is struggling to take care of themself? Like as if they feel as though everything is a chore and they don’t have the energy to get up anymore, If you don’t feel comfortable writing this then don’t feel like you have to:>
Sure, and don't worry, it's allowed since it's in my allowed rules. Also, everything will be ok, life is tough but you will get through. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. I ain't saying this to force you into Christianity but God will help you. Just remmber to take care of yourself at time.
TFP x Mentally Tierd Reader
Bayverse optimus
I think optimus will notice that something was wrong for reader when reader seems like...a zombie, less active, less happy
Optimus will try to talk to the reader, but the reader will always dismisses it by saying they had to go do something or pretend they heard sonone yell their name.
Optimus got annoyed by this since reader was one of the few poeple that made Optimus open up and talk to freely.
So he cornered reader to ask them what was wrong.
Optimus- I see something is wrong young one. Tell me.
Reader- I feel so over worked that everything feels like a job, I can't think straight, and I just can't be happy. It seems like anytbing that I do is wrong or I am not good enough.
Optimus- It is normal to feel like everything is becoming too much at times. But it is important to remember that you are capable and that you have the ability to make a difference. Take a moment to take a step back from whatever makes you feel overwhelmed. Remember to take care of yourself, get enough rest, eat healthy and stay positive. Remember that you matter, and that you are worthy. Never give up. Keep moving forward and focus on the things that make you happy.
Reader felt so happy about what optimus said that they promised to do what optimus said.
Soon, reader felt happy and was actallg able to do all the things they used to love.
Ratchet TFP
I think ratchet will the the one to notice how reader will be acting diffrent.
Like, he is a scientist but he's dumb with emotions.
He won't notice intel reader comes to him first
He will be coming fused why reader will be acting or feeling this way, probably saying something hurtful on accident like "why do you feel this way? There's no point of being sad." Or something like that.
He would realize his mistake if reader seems to be acting worse after talking to him.
He would find time to talk to reader and apologized to reader and offers to listen.
Ratchet- what is wrong reader? I will try my best to help you.
Reader- I feel so over worked that everything feels like a job, I can't think straight, and I just can't be happy. It seems like anytbing that I do is wrong or I am not good enough.
Ratchet- I can...understand that. I was to depressed how you humans say it. Everything will be fine though, I believe agent Agent William Fowler will be able to get you help.
Reader dose just that. Reader let's ratchet contact fowler so they could get help.
Reader feels so happy.
Wheeljack would take some time to realize that reader was acting diffrent
Not as long as ratchet.
He would notice when he asked reader to come on a flight with him and while on a flight, he would notice how reader seems less...active.
Wheeljack- so, squirt, what's wrong.
Reader- it's nothing.
Wheeljack- I don't know what's going on but it's effecting ya.
Reader- I feel so over worked that everything feels like a job, I can't think straight, and I just can't be happy. It seems like anytbing that I do is wrong or I am not good enough.
Wheeljack- I can understand that. Thought the war, I felt useless but I found my way out. Listen kid, if this old bag of bolts can get through a thought spot, you can to.
Reader definitely felt better after talking to wheeljack and wheeljack made sure reader never felt lonely or alone.
You gotta be good friends with megatron for him to even like you enough to care about you.
Though, if you somehow got into his Spark, megatron will be there for you.
I think he would be the second fastest person to pick up on readers change of behavior.
He wouldn't ask out right since he has an image to uphold.
He would only talk to reader if they where alone.
Megatron- what has you changing moods (Y/N)?
Reader- I feel so overworked that everything feels like a job, I can't think straight, and I just can't be happy. It seems like anything that I do is wrong or I am not good enough.
Megatron- that's the biggest lie I have ever herd.
Reader- what?
Megatron- if you weren't good enough, I would have killed you when we first met. And the over work stuff, I will make is personally that Soundwave makes you're work easier.
Megatron got alot of work load off of reader...in his own twisted way.
He will always check up on reader.
Only if the room is empty ofcorse.
Soundwave would take the number one spot for noticing how reader changes behavior.
He would take reader aside and ask what was wrong.
By asking, I mean pointing at reader and a question mark appears on his visor.
Reader- I feel so over worked that everything feels like a job, I can't think straight, and I just can't be happy. It seems like anytbing that I do is wrong or I am not good enough.
Soundwave- *tilts head*
Reader- I know, it's stupid to get emotion over this.
Soundwave- *buzzer sound with x on visor.*
Reader- what?
Soundwave- *points to reader and plays a recording.* you are awsome, everything you do is awesome don't let the world take you down, if it dose get back up. It's never over.
Soundwave wierd way of saying he is there for reader is strange but it helps reader.
Reader feels happy.
Shockwave will have to take 2nd place for the most oblivious to readers emotion change.
He would be so focused on his work to not notice.
I think he will only notice if reader starts to not do there work.
He will not ask reader what was wrong and searches up ways why humans are sad.
Que Shockwave entering the lab, and giving reader icecream, books, blankets, heating pads, stuffed animals, music, movies, etc.
Reader would ask why.
Shockwave- do not even think you are useless. You have helped me greatly with my work.
Reader- what? But I dident even-
Shockwave- no need, I reasurched you're problem.
Smooth Shockwave, smooth....
But he is right, reader is the best of the best and Shockwave wouldn't be this happy without them.
Even if they don't show it.
Don't ever forget, who ever is reading this, you are never alone. If you are going thru a dark time, it's ok to fall down, it dosent make you a failure. It means you ste stronger but only if you stand back up.
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littlemisstfc · 7 months
What Transformers Earthspark Teaches About Abuse:
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TW: I will be discussing the topic of abuse, specifically how abuse is treated in Transformers media. If you’re sensitive to this topic, I highly encourage you to skip out on this post. Take care of yourself and stay safe. 
National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-7233
National Hotlines: https://victimconnect.org/resources/national-hotlines/
Hello, Hola, こんにちは。
Welcome back to this side of the Hundred Acre Woods, and we’re back back back again with another Transformers writing. I was just randomly hanging out in my college’s LGBTQ+ space, eating my Hot Cheetos and enjoying the H2O in my Hello Kitty hydro, when I began to have thoughts about Earthspark again. If you know me by now, you know that I adore Transformers Earthspark. Easy 9/10, among the top five best Transformers shows if all well goes according to plan. Like Cyberverse, it aims to subvert the Transformers formula through putting a fresh new coat of paint onto various Transformers tropes as well as bringing new and interesting characters and concepts to the table. When it comes to the former aspect of Earthspark, there is one trope that is not only brilliantly deconstructed, but is also treated with the respect and grace it should have from the beginning. As to what this trope is, let’s start with everyone’s favorite evil twink girlfailure: Starscream.
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The 21st century has not been kind to our skrunkly king. Sure, from the beginning, he is designed to be the ultimate girlfailure of Transformers. He’s cunning and sneaky, but his plans go easily astray because of his arrogance and ego getting in the way. It also doesn’t help that he’s often Megatron’s favorite punching bag whenever his plans to overthrow him go wrong. It’s a pure hate filled relationship that is dark comedy galore…if you approach it with the right angle. Part of the reason why TFA Starscream’s hate relationship with Megatron works is that Starscream doesn’t take Megatron’s crap at all. He will fight back, and it feels right whenever he has the upper hand over ol buckethead. Sure, their relationship is quite odd when you think about it. However, their dynamic is compelling as well as being like I said, dark comedy galore.
Then, Transformers Prime came in and proceeded to make it all so horribly wrong. Like I mentioned in my TFP essay, TFP Starscream deserves so much fucking better. Megatron’s treatment of him is just downright despicable. True, Screamer ain’t no saint and he only has himself to blame for his flaws and behavior. But…I’m sorry, the way Megatron speaks to him and how he gets so physically aggressive towards him is neither funny nor justified. It’s uncomfortable to see him reduce Starscream to a whimpering and fearful mess whenever the latter fucks up royally. Is this really what the showrunners think is good for the audience at home? Even if you see nothing wrong with it, you cannot deny how depressing it feels whenever Starscream and Megatron are on screen together. By having Screamer be the countless target of abuse throughout the show, it only made me want to help him leave the Decepticons for good.
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It also doesn’t help that in RID 2015, Starscream’s vendetta against Megatron is portrayed in a negative light. Nah, fuck this shit. HE DOESN’T OWE FUCKING SHIT TO MEGATRON. He has every right to feel angry and hurt at how Megatron treated him throughout Transformers Prime. Hell, this is why I hate Megatron’s redemption arc in Predacons Rising so fucking much. He was never held accountable for how he treated his second in command, and for that, I only wish the uttermost hell for him. Fuck TFP Megatron. Fucking shark douchebag. 
Same for Transformers Cyberverse. Like I love you, queen, but how Starscream is treated in that show ain’t it. I’ve talked about this aspect in depth in my Cyberverse retrospective video, so feel free to check that out here. 
In a nutshell, there’s an uncomfortable trend of Transformers shows that straight up treats Megatron’s treatment of Starscream with only a slap on the wrist. Like, how does any normal person find any of this acceptable? Just…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
However…then, something miraculous happened in Earthspark. Something that manages to deconstruct this trope on its head by straight up telling the audience: “Nah, we’re not gonna do that treating Megatron abusing Starscream as a joke bullshit. We’re gonna be 100% honest with y’all.”
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For context, Transformers Earthspark takes place after the Great War is over. Megatron became a good guy again and Transformers on Earth is a part of everyday life. However, for the Decepticons, many feel very salty about Megatron turning good and becoming mischievous gremlins. This resulted in G.H.O.S.T. imprisoning them in cells, including Starscream. Eventually, in the episode, “What Dwells Within,” Starscream and the Seeker lesbians broke out of prison and went on the run in some catacombs. The Malto kids also got trapped in here, and they had to teamup to escape the caves and a vore monster. When Starscream is being Starscream while trying to escape the vore monster, Twitch and Thrash bring up his flaws and believe that he should go back to Megatron, since they spend time with old buckethead and see him as the changed man we see here. However…then this bombshell drops:
Twitch: “Yeah, you should go back to following Megatron. He wouldn't leave anyone behind like that!" Starscream: “Oh, naïve child. Is locking Decepticons in prison while he walks free not "leaving us behind"? You don't know the real Megatron, the ruthless tyrant who ruled over us with fear and intimidation."
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While the others were distracted by the monster’s growls, we see Hashtag’s expression. Just, the way her entire perspective has changed when Starscream brought up the man Megatron used to be. Mmmmm, LAYERS. A few more monster shenanigans happen and the two of them get stuck together in the control hub. Up to this point, we see how much Megatron’s treatment of him has affected Starscream deeply. Even after being technically free of him…he still remembers that awful time in his life. It also doesn’t help that he is The Starscream, the skrunkly backstabbing mean girl whose entire life goal is to be the leader of the Decepticons. He was never taken seriously and the universe determines that he will not succeed. I highly recommend Comodin Cam’s video on the topic about this if you wanna get into the details. Bottom line is that Starscream doesn’t have the best luck in being himself.
Back to the control hub, it seems like there was gonna be a discussion of Starscream being Starscream. However, to Starscream’s surprise, Hashtag believes him. When she called him out for trying to save his own skin while everyone else is gonna die because of the vore monster, she asks him this question:
“When bad things happen, it isn’t always our fault.”
Since July, I’ve struggled to convey my thoughts about this moment in the episode, especially as someone who has been in Starscream’s place at one point in my life. In Hashtag believing him and being ready to listen to him had the monster not acted a fool, Starscream’s pain and trauma has been validated. For the first in his life, he’s not treated as a joke. Someone realized that he was a victim of abuse and recognizes his feelings, not talking down to him nor trying to argue against it. Hashtag is a young child, but even she recognizes that what Megatron did to Starscream is not okay at all. This resulted in her gaining his trust and loyalty and she even told off Megatron when the latter and Starscream were ready to duke it out. Eventually, the day is saved and both Screamer and the Seeker girlies venture off into the unknown. But before that, he rejected Megatron’s offer of safety and yeah…after a long time of being Megatron’s chew toy, he doesn’t owe shit to Megatron. He has every right to not trust him again, and even though we saw Megatron changing for the better in Earthspark, he has indeed hurt a lot of people. 
Honestly, the bond Hashtag formed with Starscream and how the episode treated Starscream’s trauma with the grace and respect it deserves is a great lesson for kids to learn when it comes to helping out a friend who is in Starscream’s shoes. Hell, it could even teach kids to recognize the signs of abuse in their own homes and seek out the help they need. That’s what I love about Transformers shows like Earthspark: it recognizes that the audience is smart enough to pick up on the clues and details as well as entertaining them.
Transformers Earthspark aims to fix what shows like Transformers Prime has started, and it’s only fitting to have Steve Blum as Starscream here, as if its own way of saying, “We know, folks. Starscream deserves better.”
Conclusion: It's never the victim's fault.
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If anything, Earthspark manages to excel in ways that many Transformers shows wishes they can do, especially those in the 2010s. It treats Starscream’s trauma from being The Starscream with the gravity and care it needs, and I appreciate it all the more as time goes on. I highly recommend that y’all watch this show. It has a complex story, likable and enduring characters, great animation, and it breathes new life in Transformers. Most importantly of all, it gave Starscream the justice he deserves, and I hope it stays that way with this incredible show.
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lillified · 5 months
oh my gos Megatron is such a cutie pootie, I love him so muchghhh ,, I want to read and analyze his poetry so badd ,, ugh I'm completely convinced that he is the perfect mech for me and everyone else but mostly me
i hope i havent given the impression that megatron is by any means a model partner or citizen--megatron is extremely depressive/moody, avoidant, bitter, and uncommunicative. realistically if you wanted a relationship youd have to compete with alot of weepy self immolating episodes and extreme obtuseness
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fascinationex · 26 days
Sometimes I think TFP fandom would be so interesting if it had occurred a tiny bit later, especially with regard to Miko Nakadai. Because when I spy the ancient scripts (old fanfic notes, old posts, etc) talking about TFP, there was a lot of, "Yeah, I hate the kids though, Miko is really annoying..." and I bet if we were getting Miko NOW people would appreciate her a lot more. Fandom is still pretty misogynistic in some ways, but not quite like it was 10, 12 years ago. Now, people would be absolutely FROTHING about the Hardshell mini-arc, not to mention the whole apex armour thing.
At first Miko is presented to the audience as this loud, quippy, dramatic girl and she is initially placed as an obvious foil for Jack. That is, she is in the same circumstances as him (they are both human companions for the bots, keeping their secret, ultimately presided over by an extremely exasperated government agent and depressed dadimus), but she's clearly intended to be a contrast for the audience: Jack is responsible, Miko is irresponsible; Jack understands the nature and seriousness of war and worries about it, Miko thinks it's all cool and badass; Jack worries about endangering themselves and Raf, Miko throws herself into giant robot fights, takes a photo for posterity, and barfs on Bulkhead's interiors, etc. and so on.
But in a rare follow-through, they didn't leave her there. When she does get the rare Serious Miko episode, none of Miko's advanced goblin characteristics actually go away. There's no weird new serious Miko who is "corrected" by the narrative. She's not safer. She's DEFINITELY not more responsible — she's INCREDIBLY reckless. If you haven't seen it, there's an episode where she withholds intel from an Autobot officer (Wheeljack) until he agrees to take her on a completely unsanctioned revenge quest. They blow up a bunch of stuff and bait Megatron. And then she ignores Wheeljack's orders anyway.
When considering her character development, the show poses the question, "Does Miko REALLY not understand the gravity of the conflict she's embroiled in?" And then it answers it with, "She understands, but it's not stopping her from behaving like this. Also, she would pull the trigger."
And this isn't part of my argument, really, but she's just SO proud of herself when Starscream boasts to her of killing Autobots, and she stares him down ALL ALONE, IN FRONT OF HIS OWN MEN and tells him she's the one who killed Hardshell. Aw, Miko. ♡
(I love Miko so much and) I think 2024 tumblr would have loved her so much more than, like, the 2011 fanfic fandom seems to have.
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frenzys-show · 4 months
Me and the homie (im Swerve)
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We're so silly tragic. We had this whole rp where Blurr gives Swerve a chance and the CHAOS that ensued. There was sex, there was anger, worry, angst, fluff. IT WAS NUTS! A lot of angst. There was Swerve worrying if Blurr was in pain, an argument ensues. Swerve got depressed in his bar, Blurr came in high / drunk and Swerve sat him down in the backroom while he finished the day. Then they went back to Blurr's place. fked I think. and then more issues ensued when Swerve tried to get out of the bath without Blurr's help bc legs no work no more. It was hell. And then we ended with Blurr moving Swerve's stuff to his hab to make things offical on them dating. He also told about the time he almost died one too many times. ANd how Megatron was captain of the ship he was on. It was wild.
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His ass could be. Maybe.. /j
I'm not normally a Swerblurr shipper, don't hate me for this moots. Ik yall swift at my posts (YVELTAL...) but like. It was a one off thing of a what if type of thing.
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I love stupid shit like this. Context is that Blurr came and apologized to Swerve about blowing up at him in the backroom / storage room.
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seagoober · 1 year
A different kind of human series: (Step ?) Giving into the love
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TFP! Optimus Prime x GN! Human! Reader
Ok so I got impatient and kinda timeskipped ahead to after reader and OP have been in a relationship for a min.
Also I want to make a note that OP has depression. This man is a martyr and blames so much on himself, he is obviously depressed that I had include this in my portrayal of OP.
He didn’t deserve you. Your loving affections. Your undying love that spread across his whole being and spark like a warm umber. The pure joy he felt whenever you were near. He didn’t deserve any of it.
“What do you mean you can’t see me anymore” Your harsh tone made Optimus flinch back in surprise. He knew you’d be unreasonable with his reasoning but not this unreasonable.
He uttered your name, however you quickly shot down his protest. The pure fury in your eyes. The last time he had seen optics that intense was… when Megatron gave his deliverance to the high council. That flame of passion scorched him then as it did now.
“Why. Tell me why Optimus”
“It is what’s best-“
“That’s bullshit and you know it. Give me a real reason. Not some basic answer anyone can say. I want to know the Optimus Prime answer.” You reprimanded him, crossing your arms “Go on, tell me”
Optimus hesitated. His optics roamed the once comforting area you called your living room with worry. His holoform frizzed out for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. His deepest thoughts as he knew only they would satisfy your inquiry.
“I-… I believe that I do not deserve you. That I do not deserve to be selfish and relish in your affection as I have been.” Optimus confessed. His optics lowered to the ground. He couldn’t meet your eyes, he just couldn’t.
Optimus could feel your gaze burnt into his holoform’s head like a thousand suns. He knew you wouldn’t agree with his real reasoning for why he had to let you go. It took his entire spark and more to even utter his true feelings to you.
He didn’t deserve you. Your loving affections. Your undying love that spread across his whole being and spark like a warm umber. The pure joy he felt whenever you were near. He didn’t deserve any of it.
He didn’t deserve to be selfish.
He didn’t deserve to be happy.
Not while his hands were drenched in innocent Cybertronian energon.
Not while his mistakes killed his home, his people, his friends-
“Optimus” your voice rang out gently in the numb air surrounding you both, “Optimus please look at me.” You begged. Optimus remained silent with his helm facing towards the carpet of your living room.
“Stjernestøv please-“ you cried. Optimus’s optics flew open at the name. You had only called him that a few times before. Each time you uttered that name it was always during the most intimate times you’ve shared. You told him it was a name that described him perfectly. That it was something special only you could call him. That it conveyed the sheer depth of your love for him.
He tilted his holoform’s helm up to meet your eyes. His own optics widened at the state you were in. Your once eyes of flame were now an unending pool of ocean. Your hands were gripping onto your arms so harshly your knuckles were white.
“Stjernestøv, you think you don’t deserve me?” You whispered still processing the sheer weight of his words “I knew you were hurting inside, but I didn’t think-” Your hand went to cover your mouth for a moment. Rubbing your fingers across your cheek, you softly reached toward his holoform to brush your fingers across his cheek.
“Turn this off please”
“..pardon?” Optimus was confused. Why would you want him to turn off his holoform? Were you kicking him out? Were you giving into his requests? Were you-
“I want to say this to the real you.” You uttered as your fingers traced patterns on his holoform’s cheek. “The you that I love”
Optimus couldn’t help but give into your request and let his holoform fizzle out of existence. His real body that was parked outside folded in on itself as he mass displaced his form. His footsteps rattled your furniture when his form approached where his holoform once sat. His optics met you misty eyes as he slowed his pace to stop in front of you. He was a breath away, so close to touching you but far enough so he wouldn’t give into his desires.
“Optimus” You started trying to find the right words, “love is the only beautiful thing we have in this life. Please don’t let this love die”
Optimus knew you’d be safer far away from him. How you would be able to have a normal life with another human. Someone who could give you everything he couldn’t. But he knew that’s not what you wanted.
You didn’t want anyone else: You wanted him. Him with all his mistakes and misjudgments. The eons of baggage his worn down frame carried, sometimes the weight of it all seemed all to much and he would go under it all. He who gave up his normal life as an archivist to lead an army of his people to a never ending war drenched in the shed energon of both sides. He who didn’t deserve to be selfish. He didn’t deserve the heavenly feeling of being loved by you. He didn’t deserve yours or anyones love.
“Don’t even think of saying it’d be better off without you.” your stark tone ceased his downward spiral. “Optimus, I love you. Not anyone else, ok? You are enough. You are my universe, my stars, my world, my everything”
Optimus was speechless. He was your world. No one had ever thought of him like that. Not even his oldest friends had even conceived the notion of him in such high regards. Sure they would follow him into battle and risk their lives for the Autobot cause, but he was never their entire reason for existing. Like he was to you.
“I know I can’t heal the hurt, but I can help” You cried “ I will hold you and show you every inch of love you deserve. Because you do deserve love”
Your warm hands cupped his cooler faceplates and brought his helm closer to your own. Your eyes searched his for any sign, anything you could latch onto. The warmth of your eyes brightened his own, so you continued.
“If I’m being honest with you I-“ you hesitated licking your lips thinking over your choice of words “when you came into my life I felt it finally begin”
“So don’t think you don’t deserve me when I exist to love you” Your face was dangerously close his own. Lips a brush away from meeting his dermas. Your eyelashes covered half of your alluring eyes. Primus he could gaze into your eyes for eons. Their radiance unmatched by even the brightest of stars.
“I-“ Optimus was reluctant to give into the currents of your love. He was afraid that letting himself drown in it would do you no good, that you would regret letting him in so deeply into your heart.
“Optimus I want you to be selfish. Give into the love. Please” You murmured as your lips were even closer to his dermas. Eyes fluttering ever more closed as the klicks went on.
“..Ok” he answered you with a hot searing kiss.
Thanks so much for reading! I plan on doing one shots that lead up to this one and come after the first two parts in this series. I’m currently working on requests so it may be a minute as I also have an Orion pax idea. 👀
Also Stjernestøv means stardust in Norwegian. Reader doesn’t know Norwegian fluently, but they do know plenty of songs in Norwegian and their favorite word is Stjernestøv, which just suits Optimus so well.
Edit: I couldn’t find a phonetic pronunciation but it’s something like Stir-nes-two. Hope that helps!
Seagoober rolling out ✌🏻
*I know the gif is Orion but I like it lol*
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robby-bobby-tommy · 11 months
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I have a confession to make. I adore Ultra Magnus. Just a commander, who tries his best to keep his people alive/in line and isn't afraid to sacrifice himself for a greater good. He knows situation (Megatron won't let them go without a fight), he knows that if no one steps in all their plans, ideas, dreams of winning the war will be scrapped. So UM puts his and his comrades life at stake. This character trait was with Ultra Magnus from the start, even back to 1980s, since even decepticons respected his self sacrificial character. This shows great amount of bravery from him, because it's one thing to sacrifice oneself, but it's another to lead people in probably the most suicidal mission. Maybe this is why Optimus send UM to Wreckers. OP knew that Magnus is ready to put himself in danger as much as any of the wreckers would. And it's not like he's happy with it. Optimus thinks every life is very important and he even tries to stop UM, but there's no way in saving everyone. He has to agree, even if he's not happy. Optimus shows his stress by being a little too pushy on Ratchet, but then immediately shows his humbleness and pain by stating they "don't deserve their courage". And does a very interesting thing. Mb I forgot something abt Exodus (it's been a hot minute since I've read it) but Optimus, even as Orion, rarely showed any physical affection, so this gesture (some kind of a farewell hug) makes this scene even more sad and depressing.
And then there's this line that breaks me to pieces.
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This☝☝☝ This is what makes GRAND difference between Megatron and Optimus. Former lost his idea of freedom of choice and if someone told him what Jetfire did, he'd kill him for disobedience. But Optimus didn't forget his cause. He respects Jetfire's and Ultra Magnus' decisions, even if it saddens him. I love it. I love that tf:exodus gives us so many stuff to think abt in one small scene.
PS it makes UM's and OP's reunion in tfp à bit sadder, cuz he says "commander?" Not in "Wow ur here" Kind of way, but in a "I didn't know you survived" Way. Which is sad.
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transingthoseformers · 2 months
Whirl not only gets away with everything and anything, he is absolutely encouraged by Skywarp. Who is known for pranking his fellow Decepticons. He attempts to reign him in from bothering Megatron once because he isn't sure how he'll take it, but after Rodimus bursts into giggles, Megatron instantly melts from his annoyance chuckles to himself and simply tells Skywarp to teach Whirl to focus on more appropriate targets. Parenthood has had an incredibly mellowing effect. Thr only ones putting in a concentrated effort to reign him in are Thundercracker and Cyclonus. Tiny Ratchet is firm Megatron deserves suffering.
They do have memories that get clearer with age.
Getaway is seething so much. It's Hot Rod and he hates it but Hot Rod also is also one of those parents fascinated with everything their baby does and smothers him in attention and affection which is doing wonders for helping his issues even if he keeps trying to remember he doesn't like Hot Rod. Hot Rod is a very young parent and fussy and worrying so he compensates by trying to keep a cloae eye on him and give him all the attention and affection that Hot Rod as a war orphan lacked in his earliest years.
G1 Ravage finds the smaller version cute and appropriately fiery. He couldn't be happier, and MTMTE Ravage finds a reflection of his own family that he severely missed.
Brainstorm is such a trouble child. He is a genius who preens and saunters around bragging loudly and reminds Skyfire painfully of Starscream, who is definitely eyeballing the tiny jet from a distance. Though there is one accidental kidnapping that results in bonding time and Starscream is veey firm he is nlt attached to Skyfire's kid he just can't trust anyone else to watch him while ransom is negotiated. Regardless of how adorable and clever he is designing weaponry and how much fun helping him build the miniature gun he designed was.
Rung and Megatron are absolute angels, and after one horribly panicked afternoon of losing Rung, he's so small, he is constantly being held by someone.
There are absolutely a few comments especially about Megatron though Ratchet confirms he was there for it.
A few of them have concerns. Jazz worries about how unsocial Damus is and how he struggles to fit in. Wheeljack has similar concerns about Deathsaurus, which leads to his "siblings" being built earlier. And playdates.
The Coneheads are terrified because they have no idea how to raise a motorcycle, and Chromedome is so depressed until he meets tiny Rewind. Ultra Magnus and Hot Rod bond even more about their shared concerns about parenthood.
Springer and Arcee are concerned about Pharma's newly discovered bulkying tendencies once he meets Damus.
Sunstreaker is overprotective of Drift because he is very, very obviously part Decepticon and he isn't Optimus Prime so he hears comments and there are some fights. As far is he's concerned Drift is perfect and anyone who thinks otherwise answers to him.
Shockwave bemoans Perceptor's strange fussiness concerning ethics but indulges him as it is Perceptor's experiments.
Skywarp being a bad influence makes sense, that's adorable and hilarious. He gets away with so much
OO okay makes sense, wonder what'll happen in regards to the memories as they age and start to communicate and everything (how much do they still relate to their previous lives? Is a question that comes with all reincarnation things)
Omg that's so fucking sweet. Getaway is a problem child and Hot Rod is doing the best thing for it: patiently understanding him and caring for him. Aww yes. Smother that fucker in love and see how it affects him.
Exactly, mtmte Rav is gonna get so much
One accidental kidnapping
I have a feeling I know what happened /hj
Baby!Rung is so fucking little, both physically and in little guy vibes. I wonder how he'll differ from his previous life
It is yet again baby Tarn time and it's always fun to see how he fits into a new life (when his memories begin to bubble up again it's going to be a nightmare)
Also seeing little Des and the dinobots play is an adorable image
Adorable image of the coneheads and just. Itty bitty motorcycle.
It's interesting to see how some mecha are drawing off of their old lives for new patterns, makes sense but still. Fascinating.
Awww YES SUNNY WIN. that there is his child and talk shit get hit
Shockwave: odd request, but I do not why i should not grant it
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tfp-enthusiast · 11 months
Perhaps another cons x teen femme bot 🙏 with any cons you’d like + shockwave!
Tho she isnt really innocent compared to your other post, she’s been affected by the war with struggles of isolating & depression etc. I imagine though the cons are tough they’d all feel something for her, she grew up in the war and didn’t get to experience the good they were able to :(
Con's X Teen!GN!Bot!Reader
[I'm happy that you liked it anon! I love the idea of the bots/cons having to care for a sparkling/teen and becoming attached]
[I may make an real series of this when I have my Inbox clear/mostly empty because I don't want to have yet another thing that I promise but don't work for months on *looks at the neutral bot AU*]
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You where born in the middle of the war with only your carrier there for you. Considering the fact that you where probably the first generation born in the war you where treated entirely different that the ones before you.
You where trained to fight and defend yourself, your carrier was by your side every step you took, and while you where a very powerful young bot you still where just a child.
You already lost your Sire, it was only a matter of time until your carrier would die too, therefore was it the best decision, made by your carrier, to put you in a stasis pod and pray that you will wake up at a safe place and find a new family.
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He learned of you because he sent Lazerbeak
He was a little surprised, not that anyone could see, when he saw such a young bot and impressed when he saw how you fought against the vehicons
You where still a little confused but used your size to your advantage but get caught by a group of vehicons at the end
When you first met him in person everyone was confused and a little creeped out because the both of you just stared at each other
Soundwave had to watch over you because you seemed more happy when no one talked with you
After some time and in private you would talk with him over the last cycles and sometimes about your 'childhood'
He thinks that it's a little sad that you only had war in your life until now and shows you pictures of cybertron before everything went down
Soundwave doesn't actually think that there is much wrong with you other than the fact that you seem to have some depressing thoughts when you think about your sire and carrier but Lazerbeak is your best emotional support ever
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Meets you only because you get sent to his lab so Megatron can know what you could be useful for on the ship because you weren't trusted to leave the Nemesis at first
He grew relatively fond of you fast because you where very silent and only spoke when needed
He never even thought that there was anything wrong with you, sure you grew up in the war but that's how it works now, he only got a little curious after you spoke with him one day over your past
Over time you grew comfortable around Shockwave, and the other way too, and started to open up more
When you where helping him with inventions you where allowed to talk, unless he said something about it, and sometimes you would talk about what it was like when you where on cybertron
This led to him asking Soundwave for a special folder on your datapad of cybertron before the war which you where allowed to look at when you had free time or trouble slipping into recharge
While he is not the best at motivation he can be a good listener and thanks to his nature you know that when he says something he means it and for you that means a lot
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When you meet Predaking you have been on the Nemesis for a little while and where trusted not to run away so you where allowed to roam freely
While Megatron and the others where trying to find out what to do with a young bot like you you found yourself on the outside of the ship
You, like everyone else, saw a predacon for the first time in your life and even though you where a very mature bot for your age you still had some childish curiosity in you
So you approached him with caution and somehow you came there every cycle
When Predaking transformed for the first time you witnessed it and he could see your expression on your faceplates finally without having to guess what you feel
You just stood there like: O.O and tackled him with a hug
He was so proud of you for showing your emotions to him
He knows how you feel and helps you find out everything you can about cybertron before the war
There where many times where you, instead of Starscream, where with him and the both of you searched through the databanks to know more about cybertron
Often you both would fall into recharge while Predaking is curled around you, no matter if in root or beast form, and you would loosely hold an databank with pictures of cybertron while it still stood and was alright
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He learned about relatively early considering he somehow always knows the latest tea
You got sent into the medbay because of your little crash landing
First meeting was a little awkward, Knockout tried his best to get you to talk and is worried that you are just like Soundwave
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When you are sent to him because it was needed to lear what you could be useful for, and they needed more medics, both of you internally dreaded the meeting
Over time you got used to each other and you actually had full conversations when you where alone
Knockout became some sort of therapy for you because he sees that you clearly got issues because of your past and the war you have almost every second cycle a 'therapy session' of sorts
Knockout loves to tell you about cybertron and even gets some videos about the different places across the planet
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He was the first one to meet you actually because he was sent to investigate the crash and look for the bot that could be in it
Because you didn't know him and you learned to keep distance you kicked him into faceplate out of reflex
You met him soon after you get brought to the ship again and quietly said your sorry for what happened
Considering he's the most sympathetic bot on the ship you stay around him for the most part
That obviously doesn't go unnoticed and Megatron decides that you will just go wherever Breakdown goes
You both talk a lot once you get comfortable and Breakdown feels really bad for you and tries his best to give you what he had when he was still a young bot
This causes you to vent to him since he is the one bot you trust the most
When you can't recharge you often go into the medbay because Breakdown is almost always there and if not his habsuite is almost directly next to the medbay and you are always allowed to enter
On nights where you can't recharge and spend with Breakdown he often tells you about cybertron and his childhood memories
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lolathepeacocklord · 5 months
Optimus Megatron and Starscream for the tf ask game :]]]]]]]]]
thank yeww thank youuuuu mwa mwa halloooooo thankiess artis!! <33 Optimus: I don't think about him a lot sometimes, which is so crazy given he's like!!!? One of the most important characters???!??! But I really like his G1 iteration a lot, something about him being a strong but gentle leader is really awesome and it's always lovely seeing that in op! I also adore his tfa iteration a lot, he's a lot different from the others and he gives the vibes of a depressed college student hes so awesome dawggg Megatron: Megatron is also someone I don't think about a large amount, but I really like how cartoonishly evil he is in G1 I always adore villains who are just so stupid and goofy. Tfp is a lot less goofy but I think his design is super cool, even though he looks like a spaced out shark in some shots. OH but beast warss is alsoso ballerrrrr he might be my favorite so far just because of how he's also a good mix of a kind of serious villain, but also silly and I love how he always is like yeeeessssssssssssss.............. Starscream: OHHHH STARSCREAM MY WONDERFUL WIFE STARSCREAM <3333 i saw him and immediately was like oh you're so annoying I am in love wichuuuu <333 I once again am conflicted on who I like most, But I adore him in G1 for how also cartoonishly evil he is, and backstabby he is, and how grating his voice sounds. I also love him in tfp because his design is a lot moreeeee like differentish? he looks so weird and fucked up in shots too, and he's still super backtabby its so awesome of him. Ouuggh and he has such a stupid massive chin in tfa and I immediately recognized him as ice king its so funny. He's just about as backstabby in tfa as he is in every single other show, and I would not have him any other way....... <3333 anyways im choosing all of them, including bayverse yeah hes kinda fucked up and stupid looking but theres a charm of sorts to it :3
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chainsaw-dick · 11 months
Can you talk about Optimus?? Sorry if this is weird haha but I just really want somebody who loves him and his character to talk about him. Anything is fine really, appreciation, (fandom) salt, or whatever you feel like
ofc! this isn't weird, don't worry :)
I'm going to talk about a subject that's been on my mind a lot, especially with the release of ROTB
Optimus' anger and how he displays it, taking examples from Bayverse, TFP and ROTB
One of the biggest criticisms Bayverse tends to receive is the way Optimus acts. He's brutal, doesn't shy away from insults and threats while in battle and comes off as hungry for revenge, bloodthirsty, etc. He dismembers his enemies without a hint of hesitation, and the camerawork and CGI go out of their way to make sure we pay attention.
This goes pretty against what we're used to seeing from Optimus. He's been shown to go all out in fights before, but only when it was necessary to do so. He's always been known as in control of himself, showing restraint and knowing when to hold back.
A counterargument to this criticism is that the movies are trying to portray PTSD, trauma or simply Optimus' exhaustion and frustration with the war and everything related to it. And while this does make sense on the surface, it misses the fact that Optimus' brutality is there first and foremost to look cool.
Bayverse thrives on explosions, gore and violence, and Optimus is no exception. He decapitates nameless enemies in closeups + slow-motion, weapons digging through metal with as much detail as possible, because he's effectively a kill-cam farm. Every robot in the movies is there to provide cool and shocking fight moves first, and be an interesting character second, and Optimus is the pinnacle of that, because any talk of peace or regret at killing Megatron he might hold is immediately contradicted when the movie needs someone to disassemble a Decepticon in brutal detail.
Optimus' trauma and motivation is an afterthought and feels more like a last minute, poor attempt at shoving away criticism than anything else.
And while I can understand wanting to turn him into a deeper character and put his potential to good use, it's important to note that he's not written to be an interesting and engaging leader battling trauma and depression, he's written to be a fighter who knows how to kill someone in a cool way.
The movies are built on the glorification of violence, military propaganda and toxic masculinity, and Optimus is a perfect encapsulation of that- rather ironically, given everything he as a symbol stands for.
In comparison, Optimus in Transformers: Prime is entirely different. He's the complete opposite- reserved and keeping to himself most of the time. He keeps himself tightly controlled, which is both stated outright (multiple times) and obvious from just his behavior alone.
In comparison to Bayverse Prime, when TFP Optimus gets angry, it's a rare occasion and that makes it all the more surprising, and putd emphasis on the change.
When he goes to fight Megatron after Raf gets injured, there's a clear change to how he fights, acting more brutal and using dirty tricks, i.e. running his tires on Megatron's face. He's collected, he's not running around flailing his arms in blind fury, he knows exactly what he's doing despite his anger. He's determined.
During S2, when Starscream steals the Autobots' keys, Optimus yells out in anger, which takes Ratchet and Bulkhead by surprise, because there was build up leading up to it.
The show, for all its flaws, did pretty well on making this scene work, because it created a contrast between it and how Optimus acts 99% of the time.
To see a character as calm and wise as Optimus lash out like this, even if it's in a way that wouldn't seem strange coming from other characters, is jarring.
TFP had almost 2 full seasons to flash out Optimus, give us his most important, defining characteristics, hammer them in and then contradict them and make the contradiction stand out.
Another key difference is that when Optimus punches someone and the camera slows down, the music stops and that over-used, time-slowing-down sound effect comes in, the violence is much more toned down.
It goes from "look at how cool seeing someone's face get ripped off in 4k ultra is" to "this guy is cool because he can punch people really hard". It shifts the focus away from the violence and towards Optimus being a cool, strong warrior guy. Don't you just want to buy his toy?
To sum it up, the stark difference between Bayverse and TFP Optimi is that Bayverse revels in brutality and anger, and extends that to Optimus, whereas TFP sets Optimus up as a calm, controlled leader who never loses his cool and then uses his anger to both surprise us and emphasize certain plot points.
Both are there to be dramatic, but Bayverse uses anger and violence and over the top brutality so much that it quickly loses significance and becomes a boring, if a bit confusing mess. Transformers: Prime is more toned down, and therefore, Optimus' anger succeeds in what it sets out to do.
This brings me to the reason why I'm writing this in the first place: Rise of the Beasts.
Optimus is driven primarily by revenge. It's clear that Bumblebee's 'death' messes him up, as is stated by multiple characters, and that's where the problems arise: we have nothing to compare this to. It's tell, don't show.
We barely see anything of Optimus before Bumblebee gets killed. We got a glimpse in BB2018, but I'm pretty sure not everyone who saw ROTB also watched that. It's the MCU effect of relying on the viewer's prior knowledge of 60 other movies and half a century's worth of comic book runs to feel at all upset when Tommy Kicknuts aka Invincible Guy dies within the first 20 minutes.
Were it not directly stated that Optimus was acting out, we wouldn't really know. He might as well just be like that all the time, because we're going off of what the characters tell us, not what we actually can see.
There is no contrast. Optimus already acts frustrated before the supposed change in his character, and while that's not an issue by itself, it only makes the lack of build up all the worse. We caught a tiny glimpse that's not enough to make a conclusion about him as a person, and immediately, the movie is asking us to be surprised at how differently he acts.
However, unlike with Bayverse, this doesn't seem like the result of a writer who just didn't care.
ROTB as a whole suffers massively from having too many subjects to tackle, and it's very likely that Unicron and the Maximals were not a part of the original script at all.
The first third or so of the movie feels like a completely different story. It tackles racism, poverty and how people can be driven to crime when they're out of options. I feel like that was a look at the movie we could have gotten if Hasbro didn't want to shove half the characters in the franchise into the movie.
With Unicron and the others, the movie is filled to the brim and leaves no room to explore the characters in depth- including Optimus.
It feels like the writers did genuinely care for the characters, at least in the beginning. No matter how stuffed and confusing the movie can be, you can see that at least someone om the team cared about what they were doing.
As a result, we get an Optimus that still has a lot of potential, but whose first proper debut fell incredibly flat because of lack of time.
I also feel iffy about the fact that after everything, Bumblebee just came back. While it's not clear to what extent, Optimus was clearly heavily affected by Bumblebee's death and is very likely traumatized. It doesn't feel right to me how Bumblebee got revived and everything went back to how it was before, because it feels dismissive of Optimus' arc, however poorly it was done.
I don't want to take the blame completely away from the crew, though, because there were still a couple of things they could have done to create the contrast Optimus' character lacked.
First, change the way he fights. We get a fight scene prior to Bumblebee's death, and several fight scenes after that. One isn't a lot, but it's something at least.
By making Optimus fight with a more elegant, composed and calculated style, using his weapons a lot and clearly planning out his moves, only to then change that completely and make his body language more aggressive and sudden, maybe with more punching and directly tearing at his opponents, it would convey his anger pretty well without directly telling us. Body language is a powerful thing in cinema and it makes me sad to see how underutilized it is in Transformers as a franchise.
Another way would be to make the characters more surprised at his behavior during the rest of the movie. They take a second to respond, hesitate, look like they're about to argue but end up staying quiet.
Third, show us Optimus grieving while the group stays in the village. Maybe he just sits there and looks at Bumblebee, maybe the others leave and it shows him staying behind, maybe someone just mentions mid conversation that he's with Bumblebee and they shouldn't disturb him.
If combined, these wouldn't add more than a few minutes of runtime, meaning they could very well have been added without any worry for time constraints.
To conclude this and give my final opinion, Optimus' status as a wise, good guy who's not easily swayed by anger works to his advantage. Making his display anger, especially in destructive ways, is not inherently a negative thing, but is hard to pull off when you don't have enough time. Otherwise, he either acts out of character, or you lose the balance and the moments when his anger shines through do not stand out as much as they need to.
Give him time. Give him enough time to establish himself, give us a good idea of who he is, and then change that. In this case, the lesser the better, because the more aggression he displays, the more casual the narrative is about it, the less impact it has.
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cozzzynook · 1 day
Someone doing something to Drift causing him to be Deadlock again. He recognizes Ratchet and although he's weary he trusts him and is the only person he doesn't attack.
He doesn't trust Rodimus who feels horrible and is trying to be supportive. When Ratchet brings Deadlock back to their room Rodimus is inside and Deadlock thinks he's breaking in. He attacks Rodimus and sends him to the medbay with a broken arm and bruised neck.
They decide it would be best that for the time being Rodimus stays somewhere else. The entire time he's depressed and not doing well.
Omg yes!!!!
I both love & feel the feels towards this!!!
Big brain babes! Big brain!!
Poor Rodimus and Drift.
I just know Rodimus is worrying for Drift and Drift is traumatized all over again when he turns back. Poor mech.
As Deadlock he’s so different and yet so similar and Rodimus didn’t really think it through when he approached nor when he got a bit too close for comfort and received a deep gash that he had to get treated.
He tells Ratchet its fine and that he doesn’t wanna tell Drift who did it. As Deadlock he has no idea its him they’re talking about nor does he care. He just wants to get away from the mech that makes him feel weird.
Ratchet is ready to disagree when Rodimus cuts him off and says he should take Deadlock to their habsuite, and man that hurts them both to hear and Rodimus feels his glossa thicken at how wrong it feels but how strong A possibility it’d once been and how no matter what it still ended up being the outcome. He’s lost them, he feels. The two were conjunx before adding him and he’s always wondered how long or if it could last.
Seems he’s got his answer even if he knows they’re working on a way to change him back.
Time goes on and he notices the way the two have a natural chemistry between them that he’s never been able to just flow into. Not even when Deadlock was Drift.
It reminds him of all their differences and how out of place he looks besides them. How out of place he always looks no matter where he goes.
He takes to spending time away from not only his partners but every bot making up the crew. Rodimus had kept to himself in his office using his couch as a berth much to his spoiler’s dismay.
He couldn’t go back to the hab they all shared and he wouldn’t take up a cot in the medbay so he figured the next best thing was his office.
Megatron vehemently denied this when he caught the speedster in uncomfortable recharge after immediately noticing his optic bags and drooping spoiler. Not to mention his dull paint job accompanied by his lack of energy and poorly healing gash.
Rodimus doesn’t push Megatron away when the large mech lifts him from his couch and takes him back to his own hab. Where he changes the gauze on his bandages after cleaning the wound with careful digits that trace the seams of his cords making him shiver.
The touch is gentle and personal in a way he’s never bothered questioning. A habit really, to accept whatever touch and movement the large mech gives.
Rodimus doesn’t think when he feels the mech lower him into a steaming oil solvent bath. He’s much too comfortable and lost within to do anything beside lay his helm back and close his optics as large servos gently unclasp his chassis and reveal vulnerable soft pouches that make him whimper.
A kiss to his helm for comfort is what gives them both focus and ground as gray and black servos check his barely flickering spark.
Its the beginning signs of an episode and he knows the mech he once laid with outside of battle as Hot rod is comming First Aid to bring his medicine to his suite.
A servo rests on his spark casing, the other accidentally brushes the sides of a flat tank that once made it impossible to stand.
They both curl into the other at the thought penetrating their psyches at once.
The connection that never went away with distance or time feels as fresh and deep as the day they created it.
It hurts.
Torments him.
Fills him with silence after his screams. Vision blurred and frame staggering to lift as he reached before falling. The slow crawl and opening of his chassis was not enough, not with his spark weak from pain and dysfunction.
Neither of them had been able to do a thing.
Its something that haunts them when forced to confront it.
With Drift and Ratchet he can float keeping it at bay but here or alone he never grants a moments peace with the knowledge he failed.
“My sun,”
“Don’t,” he whispers, optics shedding fluid. “I have to go.”
A comm pings them both and Megatron knows he’s right. He can read the younger with such ease it scares him. A feeling he knows the other has with how naturally he manages to comfort and assure Megatron without words or meeting his optics.
The two always stayed away from each other for sake of privacy and secrecy. But Deadlock had watched Rodimus more than the flame mech knew.
He noticed how Megatron laid gentle touches just below the yellow spoiler or how a thumb brushed along red hip platinng in a gesture of safety and long carried feelings.
Deadlock also noticed how the red mech didn’t push the warlord away. How easy he melted to such touches, how different he looked when it was just the two. How they shared a feeling of pain none of the others were aware of.
Deadlock could see how Rodimus was tense in videos with a mech named Drift and his Ratchet. He’d found a lot of the videos with just Ratchet and the mech named Drift before eventually seeing Rodimus being added.
Deadlock by no means was a bolt brain. He could tell Drift was him. He just couldn’t fathom why he changed to look like that.
It soothed something inside him both old and foreign to know he’s with Ratchet and he can’t deny seeing the red and yellow speedster as very attractive and even funny. But he’s not sure why the red and yellow mech is even with him and Ratchet if he has such easy chemistry with the now former warlord who looks at the other like he needed him as the stars in their galaxy needed the infinite of space to exist.
He didn’t bring it up with Ratchet.
He wanted to watch the two more closely before saying anything.
He didn’t exactly feel bad for landing that gash across the flame speedster but he did want to check to see if the damage was healing.
He found a moment in time where the two were far apart and Ratchet was in the medbay.
He’d done something he wouldn’t typically do but the mech before him made him feel things he’s only ever associated with Ratchet.
So touching the mechs hip and tank instead above where the gash lay, he found himself being shoved off harshly with flaming servos melting his plating as a distress rev of his engine and vocal cords called out leaving him stunned at the panic in the youngers optics.
No. Not panic.
The kid felt terror at something so simple.
He knows he hurt the kid but he didn’t he hurt him that bad. Not when the kid would give him sad gentle smiles and polite waves that looked like they hurt his spark when he would pass him by with Ratchet. The kid looked like he wanted to stand beside them but knew his place wasn’t there anymore. And for every time he saw that look, there was Megatron showing alien kindness by comforting the mech with something far deeper than the kinship Ratchet said the two held.
So he wasn’t too surprised seeing Megatron appear by the captains back and hold him tight to his chassis. Spark to spark as he looked him over with his canon and blade ignited.
What was surprising was him going through a literal steel and concrete wall unfazed while other mechs were just in shock from the display.
It was Megatron whispering something in Rodimus audial that got the mech to snap back to reality, breaking into tears that went unseen as he hid his face plates in Megatrons neck cables.
The former warlord looked like he wanted to hurt something and someone but he also looked…defeated.
Something no bot on either side had seen even after he changed sides.
Ratchet caught sight of the end of their interaction before checking Deadlock over asking what happened.
Deadlock waited until they were in the privacy of their hab to tell Ratchet he doesn’t think their captain had just a kinship with his cocaptain.
“He answered a distress call. It’s something Nyonians used to do when in deep pain among other reasons. Megatron was on the other side of the ship and barreled through a wall to get to him. That call was for amica or conjunx. You said Drift and Rodimus were amica. I know I’m Drift Ratchet and that call wasn’t for me.”
“Kid..what..when did you know?”
“A few weeks ago. I wanted to be sure before I said anything about those two though. I’m not saying he’s cheating on you or future me. I’m just saying something is there thats older than the time spent on this ship. Something they kept to themselves that they didn’t want anyone finding out.”
Ratchet pinched his olfactory sensor with a deep sigh because he knows Deadlock is right. He’d been watching Rodimus too and he could see how hurt the kid was keeping his distance but he could also see how Megatron genuinely couldn’t stand to see the kid so hurt. Whereas Ratchet gave sympathetic glances and kept watch over Rodimus, Megatron actively went out his way to comfort the younger.
“Frag,” his shoulder plating drooped and he sighed heavily, “The kid has his reasons I’m sure.”
“But to not tell us and he’s supposed to be a partner of sorts?”
“We’re conjunx. I can feel it. Even now,” Deadlock informed the old medic who looked surprised. “I even feel something for the little speeder, but I know we aren’t conjunx with him. Why?”
“We..we never asked him,” Ratchet spoke like air left his vents, “and he never asked us,” he looked down.
“That leads me to my next question that was confirmed earlier when I touched him,” Deadlock spoke, “where is his sparkling?”
“Kid what?”
Ratchet looked exasperated at the mere mention of a sparkling and Rodimus having one.
“Kid he doesn’t have-”
“Yes he does,” Deadlock interrupted, “I’ve seen him zone out touching his tanks the way carriers do. Earlier today I touched his hip and tank while his back was turned and he was zoned out. Thats what gave that reaction. He has a sparkling Ratchet. What I want to know is where or if he’s sparked now.”
Ratchet took that as his moment to sit down and stare into nothing thinking it through.
He’d know if the kid was sparked now which he wasn’t. Rodimus wore two baffles instead of the standard one. The kid was by no means sparked. So that left him with only one other option.
“We ask him tomorrow. Perceptor and Brainstorm have the processor and frame ray complete and await us tomorrow to change you back. After you rest, we ask him then. Deal?”
“Will I have my memories from now?”
“Yes,” Ratchet promised.
So deadlock agreed and by the next day he was back to being Drift with all his memories of what happened and a happiness to be back to himself and hug his conjunx.
Ratchet was still drunk on the scent and feeling of having Drift in his arms this way, so much so he almost forgot what they agreed to.
“Oh yeah,” Ratchet felt bad for forgetting Rodimus and Drift felt bad for hurting him like that but knowing Rodimus he wouldn’t hold it against them.
None of the crew abroad had seen either of their co captains so Ratchet figured they try Megatrons hab and surely enough they were both there.
With a knock on the door it was answered but not by Rodimus who they figured wouldn’t since it wasn’t his hab.
“Drift? Ratchet? I see they’ve changed you back. Good to see. I’ll wake Rodimus and alert him of your presence. Just give me a moment?”
It wasn’t much of a question but the two nodded as he went back into his hab and closed the door. They noticed how tired he looked and the paint transfer on his neck cable and chassis. It didn’t feel sexual by any means but that didn’t make them feel better.
Because a moment later they saw Rodimus with gray and black paint transfers and signs of tear tracks that littered both their frames.
“Drift, I’m glad you’re okay. Ratchet.”
Rodimus didn’t make an attempt to hug either of them but his smile was genuine even if it was tainted with sadness.
“I’ll um..I’ll come by you guys hab later okay?”
“Roddy? Our hab..its all our habs..”
“Oh well, yeah,” his spoiler didn’t bounce as he tried to make it and they noticed how he shrunk in on himself.
And how Megatron was able to put a servo on his lower back along with the concern in his stained optics.
“I..I’ll come back to our hab later on, okay? I just need to finish up some things first,” he looked like he was in pain and they knew their guess was right when Megatron spoke next.
“It’s time to take your medicine. First Aid was very specific about having it before the signs got worse.”
“I,” the sigh and frustration building in Rodimus frame and optics with balled servos wasn’t to be ignored by any of the mechs but a rub of Megatrons servo along Rodimus hip and a poke to his chassis made the younger deflate and pout a little.
“Alright fine,” he looked to Ratchet and Drift, “I’m really glad you’re okay Drift. You two should get some alone time together before I get back. You gotta miss each other like this yeah?”
Somehow it felt worse knowing Rodimus didn’t mean anything spiteful or mean by it. He genuinely was just sad and saying how he truly felt.
With one last smile Rodimus lets Megatron move him into the hab and they see him go for spark medicine before laying in a nest on the berth.
There’s a little plush in the center thats old but well taken care of. Ratchet snd Drift recognize it from miner culture. When their partner was sparked or they adopted a sparkling of their very own they’d make a plush by servo for them. The little plush even held a bit of Nyon culture to it. The colors were bright like the people of Nyon and the sight of Rodimus looking at it so entranced and zoned out gave answer to their question.
Megatron bid them farewell with a nod before returning his attention to the plush and Rodimus.
As the door closed they saw the two curled together with the plush in the middle and something broke inside both of them as they realized why the two were so close.
My brain does this thing where it goes off to another idea while trying to Incorporate the idea brought to me. I hope this is something you can still enjoy
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