#i love cringe!hunter
lollytea · 2 years
I don't know if anyone has said this before, or who came up with the idea but Hunter would absolutely be the kind of person to doodle himself and willow as wolves and in love whilst kicking his feet and giggling (as soon as someone else walks in though he would be throwing the entire book out the window)
It's so funny because Hunter has a tendency to talk to himself. He's very loud. But I think he'd be drawing his little wolfsonas and getting so giddy and overwhelmed by the thought of it that he is rendered incapable of even articulating what he's feeling but he still has to make some noise.
He's so embarrassed that he's doing this and also he's so PUMPED by how much fun he's having and he's jittery with how smitten he is with his little self indulgent wolf au and he's getting a thrill from it because there's nobody around to stop him and nobody will ever know. He is cringe but he is free. So he's overstimulated, he's kicking, he's giggling, he's squealing a little, he's trying to make words but all that's coming out like "WHAT IF-!!" *scribbles a green streak in wolf!Willow's fur* "SO COOL!! IT'S--JUST GOTTA--AAA!!! TEETH!!!" *makes wolf!Hunter's teeth sharper* "YES!! YESSS!!!!!"
Like he's trying to be low-key about it cuz this is supposed to be a secret but the whole fucking house can hear him. They're politely ignoring the racket he's causing.
He's like a little mad scientist bringing his creation to life. Except his creation happens to be his drawings of him and the girl he likes as wolves nuzzling together.
That's the kicker here that's making him go fucking bonkers. Hunter draws wolves all the time and he shoves them in the face of everybody who will look but drawing himself and Willow being affectionate wolves is a HUGELY personal thing. Hunter's equivalent of pouring his heart out in a love letter or whatever.
And God if Willow happened to catch him in the act and he's got nowhere to throw it, he might be inclined to eat the fucking sketchbook. He was SO in the zone and SO gushy that Willow sneaking up on him spooked out a full blown scream of terror. His whole face is set fucking ablaze. All he can really do with the sketchbook is drop it, fucking lunge after it and clumsily scrabble to make a grab for it before it hits the floor and clutch the stupid thing close against his chest like it's his first born, still heaving as he recovers from his fright.
Willow hadn't meant to scare him, she just wanted to see what he was doing. He was usually excited to show her his little drawings. He'd also blush really bad when she complimented them, which was super cute, so Willow usually sought out stuff to praise him for. Wasn't hard. He WAS the coolest dude ever.
Willow can absolutely tell he's embarrassed and she assumes it's because he doesn't think his latest drawing is very good. He often points out when he messes up proportions or other errors, so it's not unlike him to be shy about showing others art he's not proud of.
"Can I see your drawing?" She asks with a soft smile. She has no intention of pushing it if he says no, but she's always curious to see the stuff he makes.
But a detail Willow hasn't entirely grasped yet (she gets the basics) is that the softer her voice gets, the harder it is for Hunter to tell her no. He can clearly tell she's not pressuring him into anything. He can tell she's giving him plenty of an option to keep this to himself. She's always just SO nice to him and ugghhhh!!!!
Completely mute, eyed locked on the floor, ears scalding, Hunter ends up handing her the sketchbook.
And Willow goes completely fucking batshit insane.
"Is this us??" She demands, pumped as hell. "Is this us as beasts??? That's so fucking cool!!! Look at sharp your teeth are, look how awesome my hair looks!!!" She catches him by the face and squeezes his cheeks "You are SO talented!!!"
Willow praises him RELENTLESSLY and Hunter's just there like
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He really does gobble her attention up. He really does. Gets him all floaty and smiley for hours afterwards. Nerd.
Anyway Willow is obviously aware he has a bit of a thing for her but she doesn't know a lot about wolves. So the specifics of their little affectionate touches in the doodles completely fly over her head.
"Are our wolf selves friends?" She asks "Is that why we're hugging like that?"
Hunter's ears light up like poppies and, knowing full well that he added those gestures of affection with the idea in mind that their wolfsonas were mated for life, decides to choke out "Um. Yeah. We're friends."
Its not technically a lie. They're just very good friends.
Anyway Hunter nearly fucking faints later that day when Willow tucks her head in the crook of his neck, nuzzles into it then smiles up at him and says "It's just like we're wolves :D 💕"
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fallen-goldfishcracker · 11 months
this man. has Abomination themed pajamas. the absolute confidence. the style.
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he literally found his niche and stayed in it. good for him.
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zephrysix · 2 months
why is it lowkey hxh sunday today 😭😅 (ik its not sunday shhhhhhhhh)
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truth-01001001-liar · 9 months
No one’s allowed to look into the Archcanon’s personal journal.. because they’d find thousands of Vivec sketches and heretical scriptures such as this one:
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A page about J’uhna’s name, the script reads:
A secret
where both the words JUN (sil) and luhn (LUN) are hidden by way of Khajiiti honorific;
Twilight’s boot in the teeth of the Mother,
telling her she is a divorcee not a widow.
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mother-mommy · 6 months
fennec is the only good thing about this episode, bossing these two around and reading them while she's at it lmao queen behaviour
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wings-of-sapphire · 10 months
baby holly was a wolf on her first halloween
Mystical beings called ✨wolves✨, and…
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I love them
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Maria, Yurie, Damian, Brador and Gehrman
(Sorry for amount of shitposting, I need rest)
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camscendants · 1 year
An old drawing I never finished of the kids going to a mother mother concert
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rocksandmirrors · 2 years
i need a fic where Gus admits to Hunter he has a crush on Matt and rants for Titan knows how long about how cool he is, and how he's looking forward to see him again, and when Hunter finally meets him (in That scene. you know the one) he looks at Gus like "bro???"
and Gus is just standing there like. dude shut up, i get it okay?? i have terrible tastes. just shut up and leave me alone.
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ghostpepperwine · 11 months
all tigerkin are on The Spectrum.
which spectrum, you ask?
here's a handy little chart
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nacvamp · 6 months
Unfortunately, Misha Collins is incredibly intelligent, funny, deep, charming, humble, egregious, fearless, and kind, and he restores my faith in humankind. Unfortunately, participating in spn fandom and letting myself be absolutely cringe-silly over pairings and fanworks has diminished my long-fought mental illness, given me access to joy and ease again, and I have hope for the future. Unfortunately, I am happy!!
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
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POV: Good Hunter Ruza is rather impressed that you managed to defeat her in a friendly spar ✨️
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angeltism · 5 months
They all sucked so bad No They Didn't I'm saying that because most of them are associated with probably the worst one(1) traumatic event I've ever gone through. but oh god were they SILLY !! silly guys and gals and critters
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polyhexian · 1 year
Hunter is so strong. Halfway through the convention Gus's little thirteen year old legs are too tired to keep walking but he doesn't want to leeeaaave which means it's piggyback time and hunter just carts him around no problem for like three straight hours until HES tired, at which point willow, who has been enjoying the fantasy section and has purchased a very adorable flower crown with little fawn antlers in it and glittery spikes shows up and carries HIM for three hours
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tuhbanbuv · 7 months
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Alright, Dad-Crow won the vote, so here it is! Alongside some lore:
Addie was a pure accident—a one night stand turned into an egg showing up at Psycrow’s doorstep and he assumed responsibility without even knowing he was actually the dad. Then it hatched what looked like a human and once the shock wore off he named her “Starling”.
Psycrow was able to raise Starling for at least three years before she went missing, but that’s a story for another day…
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It is SO WEIRD watching people in the SAME COMMENT SECTION GO
“Max being mad all the time is super justified 😤”
“I want Press to be all “I hate everyone but you” to Abby ❤️‍🩹”
“Norah is so unproblematic and does nothing wrong 😑”
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