#i love fly trap plants..... they're so cool
demonzoro Β· 4 months
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my friend gave me a venus fly trap she didn't want. if i don't kill this mossy teethy thang in three weeks, should i name it zoro yes or yes
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blorbologist Β· 1 year
*raises hand* i have no idea what Hell Creak is. tell me more
Hell Creek is a fossil-heavy rock formation located in Montana and North Dakota! It's one of the most complete fossil sites we have of the Mezosoic (along with other standouts like the Morrison and Kem-Kem). Hell Creek gets a few extra cool points for a handful of reasons:
It has a whole host of big name dinosaurs: T.rex, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Edmontosaurus, and even a large raptor that's a real-life Jurassic Park 'Raptors' (the book and film used oversized Deinonychus, but Dakotaraptor is actually of comparable size. Potentially. I love the species and what it'd mean for the ecosystem, but I don't trust DePalma as far as I can throw him. He accidentally included turtle remains in the holotype, which... come on, man). Another cool big name potentially associated with the formation, but not a dinosaur, is a large Mosasaur species (think a giant marine monitor lizard) that was recently found to exist off the coast, as well as the (potentially) largest creature to ever fly, Quetzalcoatlus (I have no way to describe this, search it up, it's terrifying and weird).
Actually? No. You deserve to see what a Quetz would look like.
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(Photo and model credit @bluerhinostudio. Seriously, they're so lifelike.)
Hell Creek's fossils were deposited at the very tail end of the reign of dinosaurs, so you get a look at their last glory days + a good handful of million years prior. Actually, the boundary layer - the actual moment the apocalypse became real and quartz was shocked by the Chixclub impact - is present! There's another site that seems to contain the actual aftermath, with molten glass raining into the mud and debris of animals caught in tsunamis thrown together (though some elements of the site are debated, because DePalma is sketchy as hell and reported different findings to the media vs his publications).
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(Credit conveniently included in the image, nice.)
We have SO much information about it! Remains of everything from megafauna and their interactions - herbivores that have healed bitemarks from T.rex, facial bitemarks between T.rexes - to the minute. Pollen and seeds from a host of plants; insects trapped in amber; tiny amphibians, and sharks. The list of species on the Wikipedia articles are absolutely insane - it's so complex and detailed.
There's also a video game in slow, slow development depicting this formation, Saurian - last I heard it's grinded to almost a standstill, and IIRC there is ~tea~ in the paleo community about it, but it was fun following the development for a few years. The concept art is also gorgeous, and you really get a feel for just how much material they have to work with to make this as accurate as possible!
TLDR, Hell Creek is fascinating - though there are plenty of other cool formations worth poking at, too! The Kem Kem Group, Dinosaur Park, Candeleros, Morrison, Jiufotang and Nemegt Formations are all favorites <3
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chimachapterbooks Β· 9 months
The Mirror Trees
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β€œRun!" yelled Rogon the Rhino as he charged down the narrow jungle path.
The eight Chima warriors ran and flew down the trail, flanked on either side by the strange plant life of the Outlands. Behind them a swarm of Bats filled the sky, their leather-like wings flapping and their shrieks piercing the air. Now and then, a handful of the Bats would dive, forcing the heroes to duck for cover.
When the Bats had first appeared, Eris and a reluctant Razar had flown up to try and drive them off. But there were dozens and dozens of the new enemies to contend with, and the Eagle and Raven were quickly forced back.
"Look for a cave we can hide in," said Bladvic the Bear.
He was a big fan of caves, since they were dark and cool and great for sleeping.
"Bats love caves," Eris reminded him. "We would be trapped in there."
Worriz ducked as a Bat's spear flew past him. "What if we split up and scatter?" he suggested. "We might be able to confuse them long enough to get away."
"There are too many of them, my friend," said Razar. "Even divided, there would be ten bats for each one of us."
"He's right," said Eris. "We can't beat them with the normal tactics. We need a new strategy, or a new weapon, or faster wings and feet!"
"That's your brilliant plan?" Cragger grumbled as he jumped over a snapping Predator Plant's jaws. "Run faster'? I thought Eagles were supposed to be experts at coming up with strategies."
"We are!" insisted Eris. "Just not while under attack."
"Guys, there's no time for arguing!" Laval exclaimed. "We have to do something before those Bats chase us off a cliff!"
Rogon tore through some bushes, the others close behind. Just ahead of them was a small clearing with grove of trees. But the closer the heroes got, the more they realized that the trees were unusual. They were rather short and had shiny, silver leaves that seemed to be made of metal. And the leaves were cupped so that they looked like upside-down bowls.
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Let's get under those trees," cried Laval. "Maybe they will give us some protection."
The eight heroes took cover. Gorzan examined one of the leaves and was amazed to find that he could see his reflection in it.
"Hey," he exclaimed. "I can see myself. Groovy!"
"So can I," said Razar, running a clawed hand through his feathers. "And I look goooood."
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"They're coming," Laval interrupted. "Get ready."
"They're coming, get ready, they're coming, get ready, they're coming, get ready”
"We heard you the first time!" Cragger snapped.
"That wasn't me." said Laval. "Those are echoes, but I don't know where they're coming from.
Laval looked up through some of the branches on the shiny tree. Yes, the black cloud of Bats was heading their way. Then, right before his eyes, something strange happened. The Bats dove toward the trees in a tight formation, but as they got close, they started flying in crazy patterns and doing loops.
Over the next few minutes, each Bat attack ended the same way: Just before the Bats reached the treetops, they would start acting confused and scatter.
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β€œWhat's going on here?" asked Cragger, his words echoing all around. "They're acting like they have been out in the sun too long."
"I don't know," said Laval. "It doesn't make any sense. First, they're chasing us, and then as soon as we went under these trees-"
β€œYeah, the trees," said Razar, his eyes on the leaves. β€œMavbe they don't like seeing themselves in these little mirrors, yes? They have faces even a mother Bat wouldn’t love."
High above, the Bats were shrieking in what sounded like anger. Razar cocked his head and said, "Wait a second. Bats don't see well, do they? So they couldn't see themselves in the leaves, no matter how ugly they are."
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β€œThat's right!" Eris cried excitedly. "Bats don't rely on their eyes-they use sonar to find their way around."
β€œSonar?" asked Cragger. "What's that?"
β€œThe Bats are using sound waves as their 'eyes,' Eris explained. "When they cry out, the sounds bounce off objects so they can tell where things are."
β€œOf course,” said Laval. β€œIf the leaves are bouncing the Bats' cries around the same way they made our voices echo, it could be making their sonar 'blind'!"
Eris looked up through the branches. High above, the Bats were getting ready for another attack. "I have an idea,” she said. "Everyone grab as many leaves as you can."
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"What good will that do?" asked Worriz.
"Just trust me," Eris insisted, handing out the shiny leaves to her friends. "All set?" she asked. "Now, run -and throw those leaves!"
The eight heroes dashed out from beneath the trees. Immediately, the Bats went into a dive. But before they could reach their targets, Eris and the others started throwing the leaves high into the air until it looked like a silver rainstorm going from the ground up to the sky.
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Already too close, the Bats suddenly found themselves with no idea where to go as the cloud of leaves messed up their sonar.
Bats collided with one another, slammed into trees, and some even flew upside down as the leaves fluttered down to the ground. By the time the Bats could "see" again, Laval and the others were long gone.
Once the friends were out of danger, they stopped to catch their breath.
"Whew," said Gorzan. β€œI guess that's one time the strange things in the Outlands helped us. Good thing these groovy trees were there.”
β€œYeah.” Laval nodded. "And it's a good thing Eris figured out what to do with those leaves, otherwise we might have been stuck there forever. Looks like Eagles are the masters of strategy after all, huh, Cragger?”
Cragger grumbled but then nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Eris smiled. "Thanks. But, it looks like my plan didn’t just work at distracting the Bats." She pointed toward Razar. The Raven was holding up one of the mirror leaves, staring at his reflection in the shiny surface.
Eris giggled. β€œI think those leaves have a secret power over Ravens, too."
"What can I say, my friend?" Razar grinned at his reflection. "If I'm looking good, I'm looking good."
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leorawright Β· 2 years
Maaaaay I request mercs with a S/O who is a botanist? Lmao during combat instead of weapons they summon plants like Ivy from the DC comics, lol but they look more like the chomp plants from mario hell they even give the mercs a mini chomp plant in a pot to keep them company their class name is literally "The Gardener" as they spend their free time outside tending to the different flowers out on the entrance to the base
P.S they have a green house that's next to the medbay called the "apothecary" where they have "Natural remedies" for upset stomachs or mild colds
Bro that's so cool!
Mercs with s/o who can summon plants
He'll sometimes stop whatever he was doing to watch you fight
He can't help it you're just to cool not to watch
He adores the way you make little flowers blow alongside the chaos that is the battlefield
Scout will also go to your greenhouse just to hang out with you
He was skeptical about your fighting style until he saw you summon a Venus fly trap that swallowed your opponent
He'd definitely love it if you got him a mini chomp plant
He'll also praise your greenhouse since Medic doesn't really do little things like that
He loves seeing people just get swallowed by your plants he thinks it's hilarious
He's also extremely careful if you give him a plant to keep all his bombs away from it so he doesn't hurt it
Demo often has hangovers so he's almost always in your greenhouse (definitely not because he wants to hang out with you)
They'll love you forever if you get them a mini chomp plant
They adore all your plants and refuse to use they're flamethrower anywhere near them out of fest they'll accidentally burn your plants
They do often go to your greenhouse simply to hang out with you and smell the plants
He's quiet intrigued by your plants
He's probably one of the best at taking care of a plant if you give it to him
He'll often come to your greenhouse when he's stressed because the smell from the plants helps calm him
He finds it absolutely delightful when you swallow someone with your plants
He'd adore a plant from you and will do everything in his power to keep it alive
He's also thankful for your greenhouse that way he doesn't have to deal with the small things and can focus on watching your plant doctor things
He'll get super flustered if you propel yourself to his perch with your plants, give him a kiss, and leave
He'd definitely want a pitcher plant and he'd keep it alive for a long time
He likes your greenhouse when no one's there so he can hang out with you and your plants in peace
He has several plants scattered around his room from you that he's had for years
He doesn't keep any in his smoking room because he doesn't want the smoke the damage them
Spy often comes to your greenhouse to clear his lungs and his mind
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voidsumbrella Β· 2 years
howdy. here's how my september has gone:
housesat for my parents (painless)
found out cousin i havent seen since i was 6 + his wife and newborn are probably moving from south korea to an <5 hr drive from me
my mother in law, who is a medical fall hazard due to her progressively degrading spine problems, who lives in a 3 story death trap house with the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom on separate levels, who lives alone with no family or close friends within a 3 hour drive, who lives across the country from my wife and i, has tripped over a clotheshanger in her bedroom and broken her ankle.
this means my wife has to move their visit to see her, a fun social one previously planned for october, to as soon as physically possible so they can set up an emergency bedroom and mini kitchen on the ground floor (which is actually the basement)
i go with because im the only one who can drive, and also am Generally Handy and good at fixing shit, and also for emotional support and because i love my wife and because this is what you do when family members need help.
even if they're making the whole process a fucking nightmare because they're miserable in the hospital with nothing to do and have chosen to take this out on everyone around them.
which is mostly what the trip composed of.
i did find+archive a bunch of family history documents nd went through them w/ my wife's aunt (aunt in law? is that anything?) and that was super cool
wife has to extend the trip for 2 more weeks, i fly back solo and have what is The Worst Airplane Existence I Have Ever Experienced, Ever
find out my adhd meds can't be refilled, go unmedicated+jetlagged+dying of allergy-induced sinus ailments+dying of wifeless-induced ailments for 2 days
i finally get a hold of my psych, pick up my meds, return to the world of the living
discover i have developed an allergic reaction to stale/older food that causes my gums/general inside of mouth to swell and act as though i have badly burned all of it including the multi-day healing period.
opt to troubleshoot that one later because i have:
realized i have ONE (1) DAY before i leave for a multi-day concert trip that i have been anticipating for 2.5 years now, that involves 5 other people and i am largely responsible for coordinating, and while all the most important shit (hotel, ticket distribution) is taken care of, i am not even a little baby bit ready to leave the house
scramble to do that; i leave 25 minutes after the other car, have an extra 45 minutes tacked on to my drive so i can pick up my friend, accidentally drive fast enough that there's only a 10 minute difference in arrival times.
go to the concert
see My Chemical Romance
in their hometown
with a setlist that includes 3 of the 4 songs on my "i would kill to hear this live but probably never will" list
opened by Midtown, which i also assumed i would never see ever in my life
proceed to die in a ditch
drive back the next day, still hollering in unison w/ my friends because none of us are or likely will ever be over it
anyway i got home at 7pm last night, passed out at 830 after taking care of the pets and moving a bunch of plants inside bc it was too cold for them overnight, woke up a couple hours later at 10pm, took 2 benadryl and woke up at 11am.
how is everyone else doing, because i am So Fucking Tired
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changeling-rin Β· 2 years
Gerudo here. I want to hear about carnivorous plants.
Like... all carnivorous plants?
Oh buddy you have no idea how long I can talk about this sort of thing-
Good news is that I already rambled on about pitcher plants here, so if y'all want to read about that you can. But! There's so many more, guys there's so many more.
Starting off, we have the Poster Child for carnivorous plants, the Venus Flytrap!
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These little guys are native to this little section of subtropical wetlands stretching between North and South Carolina in the U.S., and this is the only place in the world where you'll find them natively growing. Ironically enough, for all their popularity in shops, they're actually becoming borderline endangered in their wild habitat (which is horrendously sad and makes me treasure my flytraps all the more). Their mouth-traps are lined with literally hair-trigger sensitive... well, hairs, and any outside input that registers as 'food' will cue the plant to snap shut on potential prey. Fun fact, as I can confirm from watching my own flytraps feed, they don't kill the insect right away. You'll hear the fly buzzing around in there for a good... oh, twenty minutes, at least. Isn't it delightfully morbid?
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Yet another reason why Flytraps are just. Really Cool. Is that they're one of the incredibly few plants that actually move. I can't describe to you exactly how much energy it takes for a plant to move with the speed that a flytrap does, but just. There's a certain threshold needed to maintain growth, and a certain level beyond that to achieve new growth. There's a level beyond that required for making flowers and seeds (it's the most energy-sucking process there is, for most plants), and then we have this. Look at this!!! Plants don't move like that, they're physically incapable of doing so but the Flytrap! Just does it! And it's normal for them! They close in a matter of milliseconds, do you guys understand how fast that is? I literally do not have the words to explain just how incredible this is from a plant perspective but hopefully my sheer enthusiasm and use of italics will get the general idea across. Honorable mentions I can think of off the top of my head are sundews (also carnivorous, big surprise), mimosas (you may know these as the touch-me-not or the sensitive plant), and bladderworts (also carnivorous, can you see a pattern forming?), but to my knowledge the flytrap might hold the record.
Since I mentioned them, Sundews!
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Don't let the photo fool you, they're about the same size as the Flytrap - that is to say, tiny. Now I know I just said that they move, but! That's actually specific to only a few species within the Sundew grouping (Drosera). Most of them just sit there with their leaves nice and open and waiting for prey. See all those hairs covering the leaves? Wondering why it's got the name 'Sundew'? Well, here's the cool thing - when they're getting enough sunlight, these little darlings collect moisture on the tips of those hairs and turn it into a sort of... sticky nectar. It smells like sugar to insects and is therefore irresistible, and when the bugs come down to take a drink... they're stuck.
Now I will say that Sundews are not the cleanest eaters. Mine tend to have... let's call them victims, scattered around on the leaves for several days if not a couple weeks before they finish digesting. They'll catch the smaller things, such as gnats or fruit flies, but they are very effective and I've yet to see a victim escape, once stuck
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This is one of the moving ones! Sadly, neither of mine are this kind, but I love them anyway.
...and this is already a really long post, wow, so, uh... send an Ask if y'all still want me to keep going. There's still bladderworts, heliamphora, butterworts, dewy pines, waterwheels, bromeliads, genlisea...
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maplecornia Β· 3 years
Chapter 3
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔑 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3.06K
𝔀𝔒𝔫𝔯𝔒: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲π”ͺπ”ͺπ”žπ”―π”Ά: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
π”ž/𝔫: everytime I upload a chapter my tags increase LMAO i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far ^^ BTW when they're speaking and their words are bolded that means they're speaking in English just a heads up ;)
π”΄π”žπ”―π”«π”¦π”«π”€π”°: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags: @kookaine | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne
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What is he doing here?
And whose clothes do those belong to?
You mouth his name, and in his eyes, you can see the surprise turn to shame.
The sick feeling in your stomach grows bigger.
You pray that you're wrong. That for the first time in your life, your intuition isn't correct. That what you think happened was merely a misunderstanding. That he didn't do what you think he did.
You want to reassure yourself that you didn't give up your heart in vain.
That he still loves you.
But everything points to the signs.
The fact that he only wears boxers, his smooth muscled skin shining in the soft moonlight.
The pile of mixed clothes on the floor.
The look in his eyes and the ruffled mess of his hair.
Everything tells you what you already know.
"What's going on?" you ask, your voice shaking. He doesn't meet your eyes.
The sick feeling grows deeper in your chest.
"What's going on?" you repeat, your voice stronger and more severe.
Even if your heart can't stand strong, at least you can.
He opens his mouth to reply, but instead, you hear a woman's voice from the bedroom.
Your bedroom.
"Babe, who is that?" you can't seem to look away from the door that it materialized from, as he looks between it and you, unsure of what to do. As though he were the one trapped. As though he were the one who was in pain. As though he were the victim here.
Instead of the murderer.
As she comes into view in the doorway, rubbing her eyes and running her hands through her hair, you can't move. You're frozen, and the world completely disappears, a roar of static noise rising in your ears.
This can't be happening. Not to you. You were so careful. You were so sure. So sure that he felt the same. So sure that he was yours and yours alone. So sure that nothing would be able to break what you shared. That you had finally found the one.
However, as she looks at you, her green eyes spark with realization. Then as they quickly turn to shame, she avoids your gaze as well.
You know.
This is happening.
It's real.
And there's no turning back from it.
You can't feel yourself as you start to cry.
In the shower, the hot water clings to your skin, mixing with the tears. You lean against the tiled wall, squeezing your eyes shut, you cling to yourself. Nails digging into your flesh, you bite your lip, shaking violently.
Mixed images of his face flash through your mind unwillingly.
Hiding alone, the steam surrounding you in a thick veil of deception, you give in to the pain.
You allow the tears to come.
You allow his face to stare into yours once more. You paint the same hazelnut gaze of his eyes. You try to recall the safety you once felt when he held you in his arms. You pull pieces of the same warmth that rose in your cold body flushing your face when he smiled at you, out of the depths of your mind. You look for the tenderness reflecting in his eyes when he whispered that he loved you. You sigh as you remember the way his curly hair had felt on your skin as you ran your hands through it. You picture his perfectly sculpted face, high cheekbones, and long eyelashes. The strong jaw and full lips. The curve of his throat and the touch of his body.
The mirage holds you in its embrace, makes you forget everything, all the pain, all the hurt, the betrayal that tore your soul apart for his pleasure.
However, when it leans in to kiss you, your eyes fly open to reality, and you find yourself hugging your body, the shower still running.
Shaking your head, you proceed to clean yourself, hoping that perhaps the water could wash away the pain.
Some things weren't enough. Some things are not good to dwell over. Some things are better left locked away.
In the end, it wasn't real.
None of it was real.
Done with the shower, you turn the water off, strands of hair falling in your face, and droplets of water dripping off of your body.
Was any part you enough to keep him?
Was this body?
Was it enough to have him wait for you?
Looking down at yourself, you press your fingers against your stomach, pulling at the flesh and skin as though it would change anything.
Were you enough?
Shaking the thought out of your mind, you reach for your towel as you open the shower curtain and step out into the steamy bathroom. Flipping on the fan switch, you dry yourself off, avoiding the reflection in the mirror. You lotion your body down, before pulling on your bra and underwear. Ignoring the drips from your hair, you tug on a loose T-shirt and shorts, and shake out your head, water falling everywhere as though you were a wet dog.
Sighing, you turn to the mirror, where fog from the shower is fading, water droplets trailing down like rain and making pathways. You follow them with your eyes for a moment before, in a sudden urge, you swipe your hand across the screen, destroying their peaceful journey. What's left of your reflection.
Staring into your eyes, you can see just how tired you look. Just how worn down you are. Touching just below your eye, the dark circles under your eyes from restless nights of tears and loss of sleep stand out like a stain on your skin.
What has he done to you?
This isn't you, this isn't who you are.
What has he turned you into?
Sighing, you turn away from the mirror and pull on your robe.
Drying your hair off with your towel, you pull open the door and walk outside, your wet feet slapping on the crisp wood floor as you make your way into the living room.
You look around for any sign of Jae or Miji, but they are nowhere to be seen. Glancing over at the kitchen island, you spot a small piece of paper. Taking it into your fingers, you read the neat block letters of Jaejin's handwriting. His Korean alphabet is so structured, so neat and so straight as though it were the writing of a computer. It reads:
β€œHey, I’m sorry we left, but Mijeong prepared a surprise birthday dinner for me tonight, we’ll be back later so help yourself to make dinner or whatever. Remember this is your home now too, I love you!!”
You smile at the thoughtful letter and pocket it in your robe.
You had prepared a gift for Jae today yourself, but you'd reckon you'd just give it to him later.
Turning to the room you take a deep breath before beginning to explore.
The living room is very spacious, which you prefer. The TV is elevated on the left wall from the kitchen, the couch positioned against the right wall across from the screen. In the middle of the room, there is a cute small glass coffee table with forgotten magazines and books laying on top of it. Underneath the TV there are many different bookshelves with movies, books, and magazines shelved on them. All around the apartment, there are potted plants, cute decorations, and some photographs.
Stepping onto the carpet, you dig your feet into it as though it were the warm sand on the beach.
"I would have been fine sleeping on this floor, you know. This is like heaven." You murmur to yourself, closing your eyes in content. You wait there for a moment before the soft plinks of rain begin outside, knocking you out of your stupor.
Opening your eyes, you turn to the balcony's clear screen door and press your hand against it. Gazing outside, you smile at the sight of rain against the lights of the city. Opening the door a crack, you close your eyes, taking a deep breath.
After a moment, you step back inside and shut the screen door, turning to the kitchen. You pull out a pot and fill it with water before setting it on the ceramic stove and heating it. As you wait for it to boil, you pull out your phone and turn the notifications off from vibration. As soon as you do, you click on your Instagram and into the group chat you share with your friends.
Looking through, you can't help but feel a bit conflicted.
Biting your lip, your finger hovers over the message box before you quickly pull away and place your phone on the counter. Letting out a shaky breath, you swallow the lump rising dangerously in your throat before looking away.
You're sensitive today.
You knew it was going to be like this.
When you moved in the middle of high school back home, it was the same. Their lives carried on without you. They still had fun, they still had other things to do, they still had a life outside of you. Outside of you being there.
Things were different.
They were still your friends, they'll always be your friends, but they weren't the same.
Will they ever be the same?
When you hear the crackling of the boiling water, your head snaps up and you pocket the phone once more. You pull the pot off the stove and grab a mug out of one of the many cabinets in Jae's kitchen. As you set it beside the cooling water on the counter, you search his pantry for a cocoa mix. Normally you would have tea, but right after the sight of the rain, you're in the mood for something to warm you from the inside out.
Something to remind you of home.
On cold, rainy days after you and your friends would practice at the dance studio, or finish having a meal together or anything simple like that; you would hurry home and with your group, you would make them cocoa. You would start a fire and would sit with each other spending the time together, happy and complete.
The nostalgia and sadness growing too much, you are relieved when you find the hot cocoa packets. You let out a little shout of happiness and accomplishment before walking out of the pantry and dumping the contents into the cup. Setting the packet aside, you take the pot of water and carefully pour it into the cup as well. While the powder and water slowly swirl together, you rummage for a spoon before mixing it. Once you're satisfied, you sip it carefully and...
...almost burn your tongue off.
Coughing violently, you set it down and focus on putting away everything you brought out, giving it time to cool off. Once everything is done and put away, you pick up your mug, holding it to your face as you softly blow on it. Even now the smell and the warmth of it is getting rid of the chill you feel whenever you're alone.
Settling yourself amongst the blankets and pillows on the couch, you take the TV remote off of the coffee table and turn on the TV. Netflix pops up and you search for a K- drama you were watching before you left. When you find it, you press play, leaving off captions so that you can practice your Korean a bit more.
As the intro starts, you hum along to it, setting up a sort of bed so you can watch comfortably. Once it's done, you lay down, your head sinking into a pillow comfortably, and a soft gray blanket pulled over your body. You're in a position so that you can still lounge but won't spill your cocoa.
As the show begins, you mouth the words along with them. When you can't catch what they say, you're quick to rewind it and try it again until you understand. You laugh with the show, cry with it, finding yourself on an emotional roller coaster.
You've always been like this, too emotional, too easily attached, too naive. Always careful to keep yourself at a reasonable distance from anyone who could hurt you. From anyone who you couldn't handle if they left you. It takes a while for you to open yourself up to someone, and when you do, you're wholly and completely theirs.
It's a lose-lose situation.
A lose-lose way of life.
Before you know it, the cocoa is gone and the episode is almost over. Setting the mug on the coffee table, you settle back into the pillow. As you watch, your eyes grow heavy, and you drift further and further away. The last thing you see before you close them is their touching kiss before they flutter shut and you fall into a restless sleep.
Hours pass as you lie there on the couch, sleeping. The show continues to play until the question "are you still watching?" shows up on the screen as it often does when you've been watching for a while without much activity.
Once the show is off, the apartment goes silent and it seems almost empty. In the far background, there are the sounds of cars honking, the screech of tires on the pavement, even the sound of music from the billboards and clubs.
This is like home, these sounds are familiar. These are the reasons why you sleep so soundly, hugging the pillow as though it were your lifeline.
You do not wake when Mijeong and Jaejin enter the apartment. They are laughing, but as soon as they see you on the couch, fast asleep, they fall quiet, each one of them smiling softly.
They hold unimaginable compassion for you and deep love.
Mijeong immediately sets down her stuff, sliding out of her shoes and walking towards you. Tenderly, she brushes back your hair as though she were your mother taking care of you.
β€œShe’s sound asleep.” She whispers, just as Jaejin joins her side.
β€œThat’s not like her. She’s such a light sleeper, she would have woken up when we came home.” He replies worry reflected in his eyes. Mijeong’s smile, at his statement, fades away and she nods.
β€œShe must be in so much pain that she wants to drown out the world around her,” Mijeong says sadly before standing up and clearing her throat.
β€œLet's take her to her room.” When Jaejin doesn't move, she gives him an expectant look and he jolts to attention. She hits him softly on his arm and he lets out a slight joking yelp.
"I was going to do it, I just wasn't ready yet." He whines, and she chuckles before leading the way to your room as Jaejin picks you up with strong, sure arms. Cradled in his arms as though you were a baby, he looks down at you with a tender look. He hates that he can't help you.
No one can.
He smiles how sound asleep you are now, cradled in his arms, your head resting against the crook of his neck. Mijeong, watching the encounter, smiles as well. He notices her look and his attention changes immediately from you to her in a second.
β€œWhat is it?” he asks, and she shakes her head, opening the door to your newly acclaimed bedroom.
β€œNothing.” She says but a sly smile is playing at her lips, as though she’s concealing a secret. Which she is. A secret that, at that moment, she thought he would make a great father. A secret that at that moment, she wanted things with him that were far off in the future, but very real to her now.
As they walk into your room, Mijeong pulls back the covers, and Jaejin sets you down softly on the bed. Once you are out of his arms, and Mijeong pulls the covers up over your body, you settle instinctively into the soft mattress, and immediately curl up into a ball, holding tightly to one of the many pillows on your bed. They smile as they watch over you, and Jaejin presses a soft kiss on your forehead. Mijeong does the same, brushing back strands of hair on your forehead. Turning around, they share a tender look before walking out of the room and cracking the door shut behind them.
β€œAre you sure that she’ll be okay?” Mijeong asks as soon as the door is shut. Jaejin looks at her a bit surprised.
β€œOf course. Why, are you having second thoughts?” he asks before heading into the living room, Mijeong not far behind.
"No. I'm not, I just....I wish we could tell her before we do anything. She's going to wake up and we'll be gone." Mijeong explains, following him and settling on the counter. Jaejin pauses from setting the living room in order and turns to her. He takes her hand in his own and kisses her softly on the forehead before pressing his forehead to hers tenderly.
"I love you, and I wish we could have told her before we leave tomorrow, but she will be okay. She'll have the apartment, and my job at Big Hit to take over. Everything will be okay." He reassures her. Mijeong hesitates before nodding her head in agreement. Jaejin smiles, before pulling away and turning off the TV. "Besides, I'll leave her a note just like we did tonight before we take off in the morning. This is just too much of an amazing opportunity for you and for me to waste."
"I know." Mijeong answers, rocking on the counter as she swings her legs back and forth. "Not every model gets a chance to appear at Fashion Week, but Jae....she'll be all alone."
Done with ordering the room, he chuckles as he begins to make his way back to her.
"She is a grown-up you know. It’s only a few months, she can take care of herself." He says, pulling her off the counter and spinning around in the air before setting her down as she giggles and leans on him, a little dizzy.
"Don't worry," he reassures her once more before heading into their room, his voice fading as he closes the door behind him.
"Yen will be okay. She always is."
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𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔒: thanks to everyone who read! so why do you think miss Yen moved to Korea?
I'm going to be updating my mutuals list (because I never had it to begin with ;-;) on my navigation so if you want to be added, pls ask me ^^ thankssss
chapter 4 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
85 notes Β· View notes
ninjaslegos Β· 3 years
Ok so in your alien ninjago au. What would you think their reactions will be when they ask about facts about the planet earth and we just say "Well for one the planet earth is about 4.54 billion of years old (idk if this is right or not) " and their just standing there like β€’^β€’ β€’-β€’ O-o "wait.... Wait wha-" because like i think Ninjago is only like a couple of thousand of years.
PLANT ANON IT'S YOU AGAIN!! You get two asks done in a row! Hooray! Also this is a very fun concept and the ninja would absolutely hear one fact about earth and be so enamored by it that they keep asking for more.
What do you Think of the Earth?
They will go nuts over the fact the earth is that old? "No way, you're messing with us." "No, it's actually that old, and it was created by the Big Bang, which made the earth all hot lava for like three billion years, before it cooled off and stuff began to grow."
"Yeah, but how come Earth is older than Ninjago?" "Well for one ours was created naturally by a collision in space, but Ninjago was created artificially by the First Spinjitzu Master."
Plus, they have never heard of dinosaurs, and they love it. They all have their favorites. They are also sad to learn they all died and became fossils.
"I want to be a fossil when I die." - Jay.
It takes them a bit to process how truly long the Earth has been around; that there was time for it to be hot, cool down, grow life, have it wiped out, then have it grow back in an entirely different way.
Since Ninjago is fairly young, they have a lot less history than we do, so they want to hear all of it.
You tell them stories about all sorts of different Gods from different religions. "You guys don't fight over them? Like, which one is the real one?" "Oh, we do."
Now you have to tell them about all the different wars people have fought. It turns out they don't like them, because they're sad to hear about little Earth Kids hurting each other, so you cheer them up by telling them about the Emu war.
It's upsetting for them to hear about global warming, discrimination, poverty, colonialism, etc. especially since they can't do anything about it. However, they take our mistakes, look at them, and make sure they're doing the best to become something better.
So instead, you get to infodump to them about plants, animals, habitats, and other things about your planet.
"You have plants that eat things?!" You were talking about pitcher plants and venus fly traps.
They all have their favorite things; Cole and Zane like to learn about different plants, with Zane leaning more towards fungi, Lloyd is obsessed with tiny animals and bugs, Kai likes to learn about all the dangerous things, like the Box Jellyfish and the Gimpy Gimpy plant, Nya laughs at how many different types of fish we have, and Jay loves outerspace and constellations.
"Wait, if all the animals we have are the same size to us as the ones on Earth are to you, imagine how small some of them must be!"
Cats and small dogs are suddenly very fun to learn about.
When you finally get sick and you have to explain the human body, everyone is gone except for Zane and Nya, who want to learn and understand better.
Word gets out that humans are filled with germs, and some of them panic until Zane explains to them that the germs are actually not that bad and are actually necessary for survival. "Without the ones in their intestines, they wouldn't be able to digest properly, and get very sick."
Which is why you become suspicious when they start feeding you extra yogurt. "Guys I know I said yogurt helps with the Gut Germs, but I really shouldn't be eating this much of it."
You have to tell them you are double jointed before flexing any joints the wrong way or it will kill them instantly.
Because Jay likes constellations so much, you tell him about astral signs, and he actually goes around and names everyone's zodiacs; both of them. "Zane, guess what! You're a *checks notes* Leo and a Tiger!" "I do not believe I am a feline; nor that my name is Leo."
He works with you to create constellations of his own, then submits them to space research facilities. They like the ideas he submits, and he can't thank you enough for helping him.
Eventually, all your Earth infodumping becomes a daily thing where you wake up with all the ninja surrounding you waiting for a fact of the day. "Guys it's five in the morning I woke up to pee and go back to bed." "Can we have a fact about moths this time?" "Ugh, fine. The Atlas Moth is the biggest one in the world and is the size of my head." "Thanks, (Y/N)! You're the best."
Zane literally spends five whole months creating Earth wifi so he can use google with the others to look stuff up.
If they could visit Earth, they probably would for a little while, but then want to go back home because while they do like the cool things, they're afraid of the more dangerous parts of Earth.
14 notes Β· View notes
ty-talks-comics Β· 5 years
Best of DC: Week of August 14th, 2019
Best of DC: Week of August 14th, 2019
Best of this Week: Justice League Odyssey #12 - Dan Abnett, Will Conrad, Rain Beredo and Andworld Design
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Darkseid is.
The former ruler of Apokalips’ plans have finally come to fruition after the small team of heroes brings together the final few relics to complete Sepulkore, the planet that will release a wave of cosmic energy all over the Ghost Sector and make it immune to the destruction of the Multiverse. Narrated by Darkseid, this issue expands on how far back he’s had these ideas and plans in place, even anticipating the betrayal from Cyborg, Starfire and Azrael from the beginning. He hasn’t been lying to them at all, but rather, omitting a few things so that his plans would proceed as they naturally would.
In the last issue we see Darkseid take control of Cyborg, turning him into a dangerous, Motherbox like being with all of the knowledge of the universe and more at his disposal. Darkseid orders Cyborg to keep Azrael and Jessica Cruz distracted while he fights an enraged Starfire. He sees the spark in her eyes and flings her into the core of Sepulkore, where she was destined to be the flame that lit the fire pits of this new hell. As Sepulkore awakens, Darkseid becomes even more powerful. Azrael is left with no other choice than to call his warriors into the fight as well.Unfortunately for him, as soon as the Azraelites enter Darkseid’s presence, they are turned into a new fodder-force: Para-Angels. Azrael succumbs to Darkseid’s control soon after as well.Β 
With all of the pieces falling into place, Darkseid smiles. His new Apokalips is lit and it connects with all of the other remaining relics in the Ghost Sector, becoming a reality unto itself. Darkseid monologues to himself that he has always known that the Source Wall would fall and the Multiverse would be destroyed eventually. Since his early years, Darkseid has been lying in wait, creating myths of heroes that would be Gods and those Gods would serve him. The Eternal One - Darkseid.
His new acolytes look upon him, chanting β€œDarkseid is,” as he returns to his full power. Jessica Cruz stands tall against him, however. I want to take a moment to say how much I love her journey as a character. She started out as this young girl that could barely leave her apartment and she could barely control her fears which allowed Power Ring from Earth 3 take control of her. Since then she has fought to get past her fears, anxieties and PTSD to become one of the most courageous Lanterns in all of the Green Lantern Corps.Β 
With only about two percent power left in her ring, she tells Darkseid that she will not let him win. His plans will fail if she has anything to do about it and Darkseid is mildly impressed. Darkseid could crush her, without question. She’s barely a fly on his rader, but he’s super into her tenacity. He offers her a place at the table, he cold become as powerful as Cyborg, Starfire or Azrael, a New God of Indomitable Will as Darkseid puts it.
Jessica says β€œScrew You,” and plants Darkseid with a mean right cross, firmly planting her in the same club as Guy Gardner and Hal Jordan, the β€œAre You Absolutely Insane? You Really Thought It Was A Good Idea to Punch HIM?” Club
Summarily, he swats her away, crushes her ring hand and Omega Beams her to hell.
Summarily, he slaps her, crushes her ring hand and Omega Beams her to hell.
Will Conrad does the art for this issue and every single page is a wonder to look at. Darkseid is made to look unreasonably imposing as his power increases over time. Cyborg with his advanced mech body looks like a thing of terror as he has a faceguard only over his mouth and his human eye is a milky white. I also appreciate how his metal parts are shaded to give them a sheen. Sepulkore itself is drawn with an immense sense of scale and the architecture of it complex and effective, looking like a huge dodecahedron. Darkseid himself even has a new design that mimics some of his Superman: TAS look with tights added.
Justice League Odyssey might be one of the best ongoing Justice League stories right now because of how different it is to the rest of them. With a team almost as strange as the mid-2000s R.E.B.E.L.S. team and it being centered around an even stranger area of space, everything is so cool. Though there have been a few artists, each have taken different approaches to make all of the different locations and character designs cool.
What should really be applauded is the work when it comes to Beredo’s colors. For the most part, this book is awash in an oppressive red hue as Darkseid become stronger as the book goes on. This color blends well with Starfire’s fiery starbolts and Azrael’s flaming sword. It also worked best with Jessics Cruz being the only contrasting color in the bunch as her green made her the hopeful hero. Beredo makes everything feel dire as hell and it really sells the mood of the book.
I can’t wait for the next issue of the series because Darkseid has effectively won. He has a new Apokalips that he can rule from away from the dangers of the Multiverse and Perpetua. With his new New Gods, the Dark Sector will be another oppressive entity that Darkseid can hatch his schemes from with he regained power. The best question of all, however… who will stop him?
Barry Allen is back and better than before.
Runner Up: The Flash #76 - Joshua Williamson, Rafael Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, Tomeu Morey and Steve Wands
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After re-living one of his first adventures as The Flash, Barry sees just how out of touch with things that he has been lately. He realizes that he hasn’t taken the time to slow down since Wally returned and he’s just been throwing himself into adventure after adventure without any regard for his friends and family and it has caused their lives to suffer because of it.
Iris has practically left him. Wallace West distanced himself from Barry as much as possible, even going so far as to briefly join a team with Deathstroke. Avery, the Flash of China, isn’t even that close to Barry, but he also left her and Wallace in the middle of an argument just before he went off on his Force Quest. In an effort to put a stop to the Rogues that have now branched out of Central City, he’s been going through the escapees left and right.
We begin with Kid Flash and Avery fighting with Girder and Tarpit in the middle of Central City. The two young Speedsters are quick, but not all is right as they have a hard time putting any serious damage on either. Just as Tarpit is about to burn them alive, Barry zips in and saves the teens.
Rafa Sandoval is absolutely one of my favorites of DC’s current crop of artists and my favorite Flash artist. His slick lines and shading combined with Morey’s coloring and Tarragona’s inks makes everything look smooth. Costumes look good, bright and vibrant. Flash’s deep red stands out and compliments Wally’s yellow and surprisingly Avery’s dark pink and purples. Shadows are appropriately dark and every blast of lightning and every blur is stunning to see.
Barry gives his young proteges some advice in dealing with Tarpit and Girder, allowing the young speedsters to defeat the villains. After the win, Wallace is less than enthused to see Barry again and begins to walk away before Barry asks them both to run with him, to see how he's trying to make up for his mistakes.
Begrudgingly they agree and we get another amazing shot of Barry running while flanked by Avery and Wallace. I really loved this because it reminded me of the old Flash Family days and because Barry is really trying his best.
He shows them the rebuilt Flash Museum and they're amazed that he managed to rebuild it all by himself. Barry reveals that there's something more and they use their vibration abilities to enter their new headquarters, which I don't have a pun for yet. They're greeted by Commander Cold(?) And Steadfast, the new avatar of the Still Force, and Barry explains what's been going on with their powers.
Wallace had been noticing small things, but he thought it was all in his head. Apparently with the release of all of these new forces, the Speed Force is collapsing under the weight of these new forces that aren't supposed to exist alongside it. This is further backed up as The Black Flash returns for a cliffhanger ending.
As all of this is going on, in another city altogether, Heatwave is causing havoc, seemingly with his own heat powers having returned. The cops show up to confront him, but are suddenly incapacitated by blasts of ice. Captain Cold, Leonard Snart, has begun to gather his Rogues. With updated Cold Gear, to mirror his own New 52 ice powers, he hands Heatwave a Heat Gun and he two OG Rogues reunite to gather the rest of the troops and finally take down The Flash.
With this first part being so affectionately referred to as "The Death of the Speed Force part 1" I can't imagine that any of this will end well. The Speed Force has been in existence for the better part of almost 30+ years now and there's a good chance that we've seen all that we possibly can from it. It's been used to trap people, reset universes and even bring back past Speedsters for big events.
With the Speed Force dying, now's a great opportunity for new stories to be told with the Flashes exploring new ways for their powers to work if the Speed Force does indeed get destroyed in the future. But what will this mean for other speedsters still trapped like Jai and Iris West II, and Jay Garrick? Will they be immediately freed or will Doomsday Clock somehow tie into things? Only time will tell! High recommend!
7 notes Β· View notes
my3amletterstoher Β· 6 years
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Tumblr messing up, Addicting πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ’πŸ†πŸ‘‘πŸ’£πŸ”₯πŸ’‹, gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘😘😘, Tumblr messing up, baby I swear I wanna get a guitar, Tumblr messing up
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Play the guitar all day while you rock out to it 😍😍😍😍, as we seep inside the riffs , melting inside each other..creating the perfect melodies 😍😍😍, that will be lovely 😩 😍😍😍, gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘, tumblr messing up , maybe different kinds of guitars perhaps ? Tumblr messing up , I wanna live the most minimalistic life as possible.. simple /wholesum= rich (Tumblr messing up ) 😍😍😍(Tumblr messing up) what you think baby? Natureeee😍, I gotta go out today so I'm definitely not going to do my exam today cause that's too much time (to the otherrrrrrrr corner store down that's downnnn the way) kisses your face πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—, about to get in the shower
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Tumblr messing up , kissing your lips πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹, Tumblr messing up , kissing your neck πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€, caressing your thighs πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ€—πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€, caressing your legs πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ€—πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€, caressing your booty πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ’¦πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜, tumblr messing up , πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ€€πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ˜˜, Tumblr messing up , kissing your cheeksπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, caressing your back πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ–€πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, caressing your thighs πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, Tumblr messing up , gripping your waist πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, caressing your thighs πŸ’¦πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, Tumblr messing up , caressing your booty πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, πŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, tumblr messing up , πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€€πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, πŸ˜πŸ’¦πŸ˜πŸ±πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’¦πŸ˜˜, Tumblr messing up, caressing your back πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, 😍😍😍🐱😘😘😘😘😘, πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ±πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, caressing your thighs πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€€πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, timbkr messing up , caressing your thighs πŸ˜πŸ’¦πŸ˜πŸ±πŸ˜˜πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦,πŸ±πŸ˜πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦, getting out the shower , gives you a big kiss 😘
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Thrilling 😍😍😍😍😍, im not even out yet and I can't wait to get back home , you so perfect πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€, Tumblr messing up, Getting dressed , caressing your back πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—,
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You're a gem 😍😍, I'm excited about our little mini ecosystems 😍😍😍😍like to watch it grow and everything , should we get some Venus fly traps ? Ahh it's cold out here
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Tumblr messing up , what you think about the Venus fly traps? They're so interesting I like to see them eat (Tumblr messing up) I want us to have a little plant area ...maybe have the herbs around there too maybe? (Tumblr messing up) like to have the herbs in the jars and maybe a shelf with some plants ? I'm trying to picture it inside my head (Tumblr messing up ) maybe a little mini indoor greenhouse in the basement? The terrariums down there 😍(Tumblr messing up) dang its 1pm alreadyyyy
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Can't wait to get out of here and get back home πŸ˜©πŸ–€, the full moon came in at 1245pm
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Tumblr messing up , the Hunter's Moon πŸŒ™ In Taurus (Tumblr messing up ) j think I'm gonna put some water out tonight , want me to ship you some ?we can drink some tea or hot chocolate with the moon.. and channel it and smoke with it how about that? Tumblr messing up , I think that would be cool ... and charge the crystal near the moonlight (I'm heading home now) Ima put mine on the window seal , some of the herbs too 😍, I wish I had the lavender here already to charge it too but that's okay (Tumblr messing up) you have anything in mind we should do baby? I wanna gather up some dark/rock music baby 😍, some background music , I hope the moon is visible tonight (Tumblr messing up ) howlsssss 🐺 πŸ˜πŸ–€, Thriller is acting crazy right now ... well I shouldn't say "crazy" but he's def windup I think it's bc of the moon , sometimes the moon can be overwhelming so it's good to ground , I think he's really connected to the moon like we are (Tumblr messing up) which is dope , gives you a big kiss πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€, stroking your hair πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€, Tumblr messing up , I got the book, opening it back up , wraps my arms around you , I got the blankie πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜, makes you some cider πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€
Coltsfoot: soothes sore throats and coughs , helps with bronchitis, whooping cough
Comfrey (Tumblr messing up ) , this is good for astral projection, protection , as an extract it's good blemishes and scars , it helps with fractures and sprains , it can help treat blessing gums and sore throat
Country Mallow : as extract it can be used to treat sore joints , Tumblr messing up , the tea can be used to relieve anxiety and nervous disorders , lowers blood pressure , reduces fever
Cowslip : this can help strengthen the nerves , reduce blemishes , can help with arthritis
Cumin this can help with colds and fevers (Tumblr messing up ) gargle for sore throats , treats colic
Custard Apple : the tea from the leaves can help with colds, the leaves from the Root can help with diarrhea, strengthens the digestive system
Damiana : as a tea it can help with anxiety, exhaustion, and calm the nerves , it can help regulate hormones, lift mood/spirit
Dandelion : the tea from the Root can help with visions/dreaming , it can help remove toxins from the body , the flowers can be used in tea for healing , it helps ease arthritis, and bone problems .... I think I still got some dandelion tea (I'm not sure though) if I do.. you want me to send you a tea bag?
Tumblr messing up , even like from tea bags it can be opened up and the herbs used for various things depending on what it is
Dill: (Tumblr messing up) boosts the immune system, Helps with hiccups , arthritis, and rheumatism
Elecampane: it can get used to treat wounds and pain, it can help with bronchitis, whooping cough, helps with depression , it can help purify the blood
Eucalyptus Leaf : helps to boost the immune system (tumblr messing up) , it can be used as a rub and applied on the skin/areas which there's aches and pains , it kills gems, anc fights infections
Eyebright helps with the eyes .. to help soothe them , it can be applied to a stye (you ever had a style before? I haven't ) it can help with inflammation in regards to the stye , it can strengthen the body
Feverfew: it can help with anxiety , calm the nerves (tumblr messing up) it helps with colds and flus, migraines, arthritis
Muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘blisss πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ–€
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Flaxseed : help with coughs, depression
Galangal Root : this helps with anxiety and calms nerves , bronchitis and cough ms , helps with digestion , mouth ulcers .. awww man.. you ever had a mouth ulcer? (That's that little rip inside the mouth right? I hate those especially if I accidentally bite the side of my mouth and it gets s little sore and it stings .. they take so long to go away) (Tumblr messing up )
Garlic : an extract with warmed virgin olive oil can be made to help with ear aches , it can bagels purify the body, has healing properties , it helps with hay fevers
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Ginger : it can be a pain killer , helps with headaches, relieves nausea, and vomiting (Tumblr messing up) in a tea it can be help ease a fever , it can help with indigestion , it can help calm the stomach , it can help with joint pain and arthritis
Goldenrod (Tumblr messing up) this helps to clean the kidneys (Tumblr messing up) in tea form it can help with colds, sore throats , bronchitis , it can be used for various skin conditions
Heather : it can be drunk to improve conditions of the skin , it helps with insomnia , stomachaches and coughs
Henna : applying it to the forehead can help relieve headaches , promoted good sleep, purifies the blood (Tumblr messing up ) , it can help with fever and colds
Hibiscus Flower :it can help induce dreams , Tumblr messing up , it helps with anxiety and nerves , helps with colds , relieves mucus , and promote a healthy appetite
Hops(Tumblr messing up) as a tea it can help ease anxiety, nerves, and relieve insomnia , it helps fight infections, helps with tooth aces and earaches , it helps relieve harsh coughs , it can be bathed in to help with dry skin, bruises, rashes , cracked skin
Horehound: it helps to ease dry cough, colds, asthma , shingles, wounds, animal bites
Hyssop (some of these are "fun" to say) it is used to help heal wounds, relieve inflammation , it can be gargled to relieve sore throats (Tumblr messing up) treat burns, skin irritations
Indian Rose Chestnut : it can help treat skin conditions , an extract from the seeds can be used for sores
Irish Moss : it can help with sunburn , reduce dark circles (tumblr messing up)
I see a lot of helps help with colds and things along those lines
Jasmine Flowers: treats flowers , infections, anxiety, nerves , it can be used as a extract to treat wounds (Tumblr messing up)
Ladies Mantle
Sidenote I think jasmine might be the next essential oil we get (Tumblr messing up)
Ladies Mantle: improve appetite, gargle for sore mouth anc ulcers , it can be used as a wash for rejuvenating the skin
Lemon Grass: it helps to boost the immune system , It helps with coughs and flus, it can help with viral infections
Meadowsweet: this can help with sore eyes, and wounds, arthritis;,gout (Tumblr messing up )
Milkweed: as a tea it can be used for stomach problems (Tumblr messing up) , it helps with inflammation, relieves asthma and catarrh , it can help with stomach problems , it helps with fevers as well
Mint: helps with anxiety, bad nerves, it's good for overall healing , it helps to relieve heartburn, indigestion , helps relieve the respiratory system, and chest ailments , an exact can be used for aches , pains and cramps
Mugwort : helps with astral projection, depression, fatigue, digestion (Tumblr messing up) can use mirrors with it and other tools
Mullein (Tumblr messing up ) I haven't had any mullein in a second, gotta get us some , it's good for the respiratory system , relieves congestion, helps with coughs
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Nutmeg: it can be applied "topically " to numb pain , it can help with tooth aches, bloating, indigestion (Tumblr messing up )
Orris Root : bruises , helps with colds , a wash can rejuvenate the skin , reduce fine lines
Papaya : helps with digestive issues , helps relieve arthritis pain
Passion flower: it can help with anxiety ,relieve skin infections , reduce pains from muscle strains and inflammation , helps ease the pain of fibromyalgia, arthritis, and rheumatism
Pau D Arco: helps boost the immune system, purifies the blood (Tumblr messing up) antiviral, antibiotic , it can help with infections, bronchitis, wounds
Red clover: it helps with the immune system , eases arthritis, fights off infections
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Muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
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Swoons 😍😍😍😍, so sexy and beautiful 😍😍😍😍, dreamy 😍😍😍🀀🀀🀀🀀, stroking your hair 😍😍😘😘😘, bliss 😘
Rosary Pea : a tea with the leaves can help with colds and coughs , used as an extract from the seeds can help with hair growth
Rose hips : it can help with reduce scars , colds, coughs, flu (Tumblr messing up ) it can be made into a wash to rehydrate the skin
Rose pedals : it helps with insomnia, dizziness, headaches , cramps ,treat mouth sores (Tumblr messing up)
Rosemary(Tumblr messing up) : helps with circulation , helps with brain function, headaches , increases blood flow
Sage: helps with digestion, heals wounds, relieves colds and fevers , slows the aging process , helps with muscle pain
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Helps to darken hair color , wash/flush out sores , cuts
Scotch Broom Leaf : helps with joint pain, apply as an extract to ease tooth pain , gums , helps with fevers
Lemme see your face baby , lemme see your body baby 😍😍😍😍, your lips so sexy 😍😍😍😍, interact with me baby 😍😍😍😍😍😍, you so beautiful baby😍😍😍😍
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This looks like a CD cover but I can't think of a catchy name right now , or a slasher horror movie 😍😍😍😍😍tumblr messing up, I can't think of a catchy name for that right now either lol maybe the Massachusetts Massacre ? (Or any state) Or something like that, Tumblr messing up , Idk but I picture you with a Chainsaw , or a Sword 😍😍😍, oooooh what about "The Death Walker" idk what that means it just popped in my head lol but it sounds raw af , walking with death , what you think baby? Tumblr messing up
Shavegrass: (this has a lot of properties) it can treat acne , burns, rashes, boosts the immune system , it can help with fevers, respiratory infections , it helps strengthen hair, bones, and nails , it can be made into a wash to help with swollen eyes, and oily skin , it helps control bleeding both internally & externally , helps the healing of broken bones
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Spanish moss aka "grandfather's whiskers" lol as a tea it can help with chills and fevers , it can be used as an infusion to rejuvenate the skin
Sweet Cicley (Tumblr messing up) this can be exacted and combined with warm milk to help sleep , can help treat wounds if they're infected , it can help with indigestion, shooting pain the body , it has sweet leaves that can be eaten if sugar cravings occur
Thistle : the tea can help with anxiety, it can help treat rickets
Thyme : fresh wounds can help with wounds and cuts , can help with indigestion, dyspepsia , can help with cramps, whooping coughs
Vanilla : helps with acne and black spots (tumblr messing up) apply to teeth and gums for aches (tumblr messing up) helps with burns, wounds, cuts
White Willow Bark < that's natures aspirin (Tumblr messing up ) helps ease joint pain, it can be applied to burns , cuts, sores . It can help with fevers , backaches, headaches, migraines (Tumblr messing up ) can be garbled for sore gums , sore throats , helps with colds (Tumblr messing up) dang its 7 o'clock..where the time go , Tumblr messing up , gives you a big kiss πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹, sexy af baby πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹, I gotta make another post for the images
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