#i love goblins if u can't tell
vampcubus · 7 months
ASHI what’s your main on wow!! Ally?? Horde?? Race?? I wanna know tell me about them :> pics optional
HORDE ALL THE WAY!! i usually play as goblins and trolls, though i like the draenei and night elf races for alliance playthroughs too!
preferred classes are: druid, hunter, and warrior (though i’m desperately trying to get better at playing as a mage 😭)
my main is a mute goblin hunter named doznax but i play a lot as a draenei warrior and a troll druid as well!
various drawings of my silly (and traumatized) little goblin man below 👇
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and his night elf gf, eyries!!
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more gobs of mine 🙈
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heffrondriving · 2 years
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i'll take messages that make me uncontrollably sob at wee hours of the night for $500, alex ︵‿︵(´ ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ `)︵‿︵
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hotluncheddie · 5 months
omg it's been said before but your autistic Steve series is so good so life affirming so precious to me..... and so I would like to share my own thoughts on the matter...... Steve who did sports bc he had so much excess energy!! and now he gets the zoomies all the time and needs NEEDS to get outside and run around when the weather is nice...... Steve who thinks he's unforgivably strange and unlovable without his perfectly crafted mask and Robin who says she likes him better without it!!!!.... Steve hyperfixations (feat Steve who reads and frequents the library my beloved, he's so casually curious it just makes sense with his characterization I think)...... Steve full body stimming with Eddie or Robin and feeling amazing!!!!!...... Steve who has set up his space Exactly The Way He Likes It.....
love and light to you ♥️💋🥞🏄🏻
lovely 2jug2head!!! hello!!! ur so sweet!!!
but autistic steve!!! my love!! my guy!!! yesssss!!!! these are all so good! so sweet and lovely and perfect!!! ty for sending me this!!!
(sorry this reply took a little to get too, i've been on my freak shit but finally got few ideas down for u <3)
i think steve would take time learning what stimming and being overstimulated and understimulated means. i think after the upside-down especially, but a lot before that too, he got too used to detaching, kind of separating from his body in order to survive. so now, sometimes, he gets these itches and urges and weird feelings and he just doesn’t know what to do about it. [and i think sport definitely helped him in the past, but i dunno if he would make that connection right away.]
but, he watches robin flap her arms with her sweater sleeves covering her hands. and watches eddie get fucking breathless head banging to a song. he sees robin skip to his car at the end of a shift, looking up at the sky and letting out a 'AHH!' with so so much feeling, cheeks flushed and eyes bright that the day is done, getting in and fiddling with the radio like it’s no big deal. he watches eddie jiggle his leg and bite his rings and stand up and pace when he's talking about something he loves. and steve tries them.
he tries all of them.
he fists his hands and shakes them until something dislodges in his chest, till he can finally take a full breath. he sings loudly along to bruce springsteen and wham in his car in the mornings, sometimes not ever really singing, just making noise. he jumps around his room with robin when she plays blondie, he asks eddie to show him how to head bang, tries it and laughs and kisses him breathless when the song ends. he gives robin his keys and takes off running in a lap around the building after work, sometimes near sprinting, sometimes circling five, six times, going till he's panting and the faces of all the people he had to see that day are washed away, until he can't feel the plastic on his fingers, can't smell the bleach or the too much cologne some guy used. until he's reset, until he's him again, not theirs, not who anyone wants him to be. until he feels good again, lets himself feel good.
sometimes, now, he jiggles his leg the same way eddie does, at the same time, until robin says she has to move 'feel fuckin' seasick over here with you two goblins.' and eddie just laughs. and steve can curl up into his side, if he wants, can pick up eddies hand and bite his rings if he feels like it, eddie would let him, maybe call him cute, wouldn't judge him. neither of them would, if he did that, if he did more. they would never, and its so nice.
["Steve who thinks he's unforgivably strange and unlovable without his perfectly crafted mask" ;-; that's my fcuking GUY. he would and its so :(( !!!! ]
but yeah, robin would hate that fake plastic smile he puts on to mask sometimes. and she'd tell him, with so much love. 'stop it. show me you.' because she just wants to be with steve.
but she’s so wonderful, he just, she gets it. sometimes things that he didn’t even know were bothering him will build and he’ll snap and rant and moan to finally get it all out. lungs heaving as he empties everything out before her. but she’ll just look at it, and seem to place it all in a way that makes sense, a way that’s small and fits in his pocket. she’ll say ‘woah yeah, that seems like a lot / would be stressful / i’m not surprised you're overwhelmed’ and it’s just. it’s so simple. he’s seen, he’s listened too and validated. it still makes him pause, in stunned silence, and it’s like there’s a plaster placed on his heart with every instance that it happens. sometimes it seems to strike such a chord it's like it's hitting a deep wound that he buried inside, a scab finally healing and falling away. sometimes it makes him sob in her arms, overwhelmed and amazed and so so moved by this person he's met, this wonderful angelic creature that he gets to call his.
the next time he has his super masked, customer service face on when its just the two of them, she threatens to bite him. and steve smiles for real, laughs, feels another plaster sticking over the others.
and steve library frequenter yes yes!! i agree that he is curious and practical and i think a hands on kind of guy! so i think he goes to the library and gets books about cars. i think he likes learning about how to fix his, trying to understand what could go wrong, how it happens, what you do in different scenarios. i think that's something him and eddie and wayne bond over, helping to fix their cars. steve and eddie even work together to do up wayne's van a little, getting it a new bumper and a couple parts scavenged at the junkyard. it's fun for him to work out what's missing, what’s changed, how and why and then putting it into practice. taking something apart and putting it back together. makes him feel proud of himself, something he really doesn't feel often. makes his brain zone in and flow and focus for a couple hours and it just feels so nice, its a happy time for him.
also, speaking of special interests - ✨sport stats✨. steve can name the players of all the basketball teams currently playing professionally, likes watching the tactics shows that come on before and after the games. likes talking at eddie and explaining why its actually really cool that they swapped out that player to give this new guy a chance, he's big news, a young up and comer and has a really interesting play style, its gonna work well with how their current manger organises the court. and eddie just smiles at him, squeezing steves hand in his lap and trying to understand what he sees on screen, follow along (he struggles to take in all the information, it's just not his thing. but it makes him so happy when he watches steve watch.) and steves happy little keens when something interesting happens, mindlessly fiddling with eddie’s fingers and tapping his other hands fingers against his knee, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2. relaxed and focused and sometimes he rocks when it gets really tense and eddies heart bursts.
because it wasn't always like that, it was a struggle and a near pleading for eddie to just get steve to tell him what he likes, talk to him, get to know him. to just let eddie in. because eddie wanted to know everything and steve just didn't know how to deal with that. why would eddie care? no one ever listens to him. he's embarrassing and annoying and gets to loud and eddie doesn't like sports so why would steve tell him anything? it took soft words and gentle encouragement and reassurance again and again that he's listening, he wants to listen, wants to know. 'always, always wanna listen to what you have to say stevie.' so when steve comes over to the trailer after work, talking about the latest switch they announced in the paper, how last nights points shifted the league around and now he doesn't even know who's going to win, isn't that cool? eddie fucking beams because this is his boy. his bright, beautiful, exited baby and he’s talking to eddie, he's letting eddie see him.
steve and his space though. thinking very much about that. he doesn’t have the strictest schedule, he’s learning that sometimes its okay to leave the sheets for another couple days, that the dust can settle for another week before he needs to wipe it away. but some things are just, they just have to be right. he needs to know where things are, needs the important stuff in the same place every day so he doesn't forget. needs his products in the bathroom out and in order so he can keep track of when something needs replacing, so he's not left without something he needs. wants this one specific pillow at night, and one for between his knees and a duvet on year round, needs it to feel warm and safe and right in his bed.
and his clothes, its not even about the sensory stuff for him, like yeah most of his tops are soft, his jeans pretty worn in. he has some really old sweatshirts that are special, that come out on the worst days. but it's also about how clothes look, how they make him feel. he want his jeans to fit right, sit right on his shoes. wants his shirts to make his shoulders look nice, make him feel comfortable and confident and like a normal fucking person who can exist in the world. its another part of the mask, maybe. but it works and its his and most of the time he thinks he looks good. and that's okay. he's learning and its healthy and its practical and it helps.
but he also adores wearing eddies t-shirts. when he's at home all day or to sleep at night. especially if eddies not there, when steve misses him, when he wants him. steve wears eddies t-shirts to bed. they're all ones eddies left after staying, they're old and soft and the tags have been cut out and they smell like eddie. like his eddie. like he's there. steve loves it, wraps himself up in it, helps him feel soothed and taken care of even if he's alone, maybe its a little sad, makes him feel embarrassed, too much. but he's learning not to care.
sometimes eddie talks to him and touches him in a certain special way that makes steve feel so so foggy and taken care of and amazing. so, if eddie's not there but he craves that foggy feeling, steve wears eddies t-shirts and he speaks to himself like eddie would and he makes himself dinner and looks after himself and tucks himself into bed and rubs the fabric of the collar against his nose. and tries not to feel embarrassed if he needs more, if he has to suck on his fingers/thumb for a while, clutching the fabric in his hand. tries to let himself whimper or even cry a little if he needs, at how nice it feels, how gooey and needy he can allow himself to get. accept it as part of himself, that eddie likes it, still likes him, still loves him. just something he needs sometimes. and steve falls asleep, wearing eddies t-shirt.
gonna tag a few people who might want to see, hope that's okay? wanna spread him around and show him off!! look at him!!! our best guy!!!
@pearynice @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @spectrum-spectre @just-a-tiny-void @steventhusiast @cherrychapsticksteve @lil-gremlin-things @finntheehumaneater @irethsune
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patoslover · 3 months
Sorry this is kinda long.... I would have liked to share this in the discord server, it's a more private way, but then the lockdown happened and I don't think I can wait any longer to show this.
Ok so.... Yesterday night, I got a bit emotional over my life and a little reflecting on what has happened the past month or so and how it affected me and all [10khaos, maggots discord sv, 15khaos, apocalypselockdown, among others] (as I always do, I'm such a soft-ass (I do hope that made up word doesn't mean anything flirty I'm trying to lowkey insult myself in here tyvm English)) And so as I always do when emotions hit, I wrote a poem-kinda-thing.
I showed it to @lxvenderjewel and @falling-raine and this happened
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And later @the-beard-of-edward-teach saw it and well....
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I made changes to it since I showed it to them, but it's for better, trust me.
(the poem is at the bottom of the post woo)
I think that's enough of a warning for y'all. But just in case, this made people cry, this poem, it's very very dear to me in levels I can't write I can't explain I can't put into poems all the feelings and stuff, but I hope this poem makes up for the most part.
Be careful. I love you.
Thank you @the-beard-of-edward-teach @arkytiorlecter @voids-ideas @orpiknight @cawdra @apollos-dodgeball-target @obsessed-sketches @zonzolik @dashoulinas-fandom-dump @eybefioro @queermarzipan @lxvenderjewel @ivory--raven @styx142 @myfranticscribbles @empressumbreon @frogs-go-ribbit @thearoacemess @goodomensduh @sounds-void-fishy @arkytiorlecter @random-doctor-on-the-internet @apophid-I-eat-everything @achilles-in-a-blanket-burrito @hello-ello-ello @harbinger-of-existential-dread @howmanyholesinswisscheese @an-ace-on-the-case @goblin-named-sam @1800ineedshelp @chaoticgenderflood @ivory--raven @aroaceblackhole @three-smiles-and-a-unicorn @coppicegate @zonzolik @falling-raine @dashoulinas-fandom-dump @koboldkatalyst @arkytiorlecter @friday-im-in-love-with-crowley @good-usernames-were-taken @weirdly-specific-but-ok THANK YOU THANK YOU ILY (oh wow that's a lot of ppl) (PLS PLS tell me if I forgot anyone there's so many of you, SORRY IF I TAGGED YOU TWICE AAA AND I'M SORRY IF YOU WERE TAGGED AND DUNNO WTF I AM I GOT LOST WITH THE TAGS AAAA AND SORRY IF I TAGGED U AND THE TAG DIDN'T WORK)
I love you all so so so so so so so much, you're so dear to me. Thank you. This is a gift for you.
Demons Out.
There's a hell outside,
Demonic screaming,
Trees, fall's leaving.
And I'm just here inside,
In my bubble.
Trapped inside me,
Trapped in myself.
There's demons out,
Asking to come.
But I won't let them,
I'm not alone.
Inside myself,
Inside my world,
I've got most people
Than all of your's.
They're worth more
Than any gold,
And they're far way,
More beautiful
Than any Sun,
Than any Star,
They are right here,
They are right now.
They're my comfort,
And some my loss,
But they're all lovely
Precious along.
They're the most
Beings to exist,
And so I'm afraid
That they'll all be missed.
Because I fear
One day they'll go,
That's why I start
To sing a song.
Please let us all
Become real friends,
Please let us all
Reunite again.
There's demons out,
Angels inside.
There's me in-between
Caring for (them) all
Please let us all
Reunite again.
There's demons out.
And I'm in pain,
But not too much,
We'll find a way.
There's demons out,
We are in pain.
But I will start
To sing again.
I care for each
And every of you,
So then I start
To sing a song.
Please let us all
Reunite again.
There's demons out.
We'll try again.
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inkdrinkerworld · 11 months
fawn my love!! If it’s no bother, what do u think abt miguel being with a harleyquinn!fem!reader? i am dying to hear ur thots on that!b🤍🤍
it's never a bother!! i think i may love this pairing a lot!
miguel uses you really as a last resort. you're a bit unconventional, even for him.
that and you're very distracting. you're in your suit, which is very different from the other spidersuits.
yours is more of a dress and stockings. your dress is pink and purple with black stockings and beat up shoes- you can see why he'd get distracted.
"y/n" he says begrudgingly to lyla, "get y/n."
you show up through the multi-dimension traveler portal bent down fixing your stockings.
miguel lets out a harsh sigh. he can't count the number of times you've done risky stuff like this. his heart can't help but skip a beat when you look up at him and grin wide though- like your day's been made a million times better now that you've seen him.
his has been made better; not that he'd say that.
"whaddya' need miguel? do i get to use the spiderbots? do i?" you're bouncing on your toes, and miguel can tell ben is staring at you as you do.
he can also tell ben is smiling under his mask and not that ben isn't good, but miguel can't help but want to give him some obscure, arduous chore when the return to the spider society.
"yes, you can use the explosives." you're off in a flash, webbing from building to building to join the fight.
the spiderbots are thrown onto killer croc and the green goblin's board. you summersault back to miguel and point, "3, 2, 1!" you're trembling with excitement and anticipation beside him.
miguel shakes his head, he doesn't think any one person should be this excited to take down bad guys.
the spiderbots go off with a little bit of blue glitter falling out of them. "look!" you grab onto miguel's arm and shake him, pointing to the way the anomalies have been tied up by the bots.
"that's very effective." he compliments which is the highest form of praise you could receive from miguel in any setting.
"i know!" you squeal, "the glitter is biodegradable too." you skip over to ben, "ben, do you think you can carry them back? i broke a nail last time."
ben nods, hefting both the villains on his shoulders as he walks through the now open portal.
"miguel, do you need me to make more? for the other anomalies?" you ask as you walk instep beside him.
"mhm," he watches the skirt of your dress ruffle as a breeze blows and has to look up to stop his heart from racing. "maybe we can redesign a suit for you too."
you spin around, manicured nail waving at him, "we've been over this, i like the dress."
miguel nods, "but what about those skirts that are a pants in the back?" he spends the rest of the day trying to convince you- he needs a little semblance of sanity when you come on missions.
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A comment you said on your last post really hit me as a good point of development/angst, please take or leave as you'd like and apologies if I've mischaracterized your Tav at all, but still hope this helps turn some wheels. "As a Cleric of Ilmater Mira is no stranger to Suffering for the sake of Faith." Has Mira considered that Astarion suffered for nothing?
Ultimately Mira's suffering gets her a cool connection with a god and awesome powers. Would that not make Astarion bitter in that respect? To me it seems like Mira is constantly pushing back against Astarion with a lot of "why is he like this" and "you have to be better because it's the right thing to do." At what point does Astarion share his story with her about that boy he tried to spare from Cazador's wrath? I feel like with this dynamic, that would be something he'd bring up as proof that she just got lucky that her god gave a shit about her in particular. Like he did the right thing, was horrendously punished for it and as far as he's concerned, Ilmater was sitting around twiddling his godly thumbs.
I feel like that would be a good point to develop some better mutual understanding between the pair of them that would make Mira maybe not forgive Astarion in the Act 2 confession, but at least understand where he's coming from, rather than just pushing her worldview.
So! You gotta keep in mind that the story you're referring to isn't told to the player character until Act 3, well after his confession.
By the time he confesses, Astarion has (depending on how many cut scenes you've managed to snag/long rests etc) Only told you that he lured victims back to Cazador, and that Cazador is a monster.
He's told you about his scars, and how he pities the other 6 of his "siblings". Plus a few small anecdotes, but *none of them* about anything he's ever done for anyone else.
He has however:
- Been extremely racist towards the Gur based on being attacked by them, likely having been hired by Cazador based on how the story was told so Mira explained that you can't hold an entire race of people accountable for the actions of the few. Astarion said he absolutely can, and fuck you
- Assaults you in your sleep then begs for blood and if you do trust him enough to let him bite "I'll be as gentle as a babe! I only need a little" but u don't pass the checks he will murder you
- Tried to abandon the Tieflings to their fate and told Mira they should move on not because of the tadpole problem, but because killing goblins "would take hours" and he's too lazy to bother
- Repeatedly and loudly stated that he desires power over all else, but has NOT yet told her its because he's scared/desires to feel safe
- Asked to be left out of the Nere quest because he didn't want to ruin his nails and would prefer to move on. Mira said Nere isn't the point, the gnomes are and he was EXTREMELY racist towards deep gnomes in general. He has NOT yet explained to the PC / Mira why he is against digging through rock (the crypt for a year thing) by the time he does this
- Tells you if you get in the way of what he wants he will go through you if necessary (denying him the tadpoles) and to stay out of his way
- Snaps at you about how to deal with Yurgir if you try to figure out what's going on instead of immediately killing him, even if you plan on killing him, and also rails against PC loudly in many other instances as well
And much much more, I won't go on. The point is that by the time he confesses, you have no back story. You have nothing to go on. There is nothing to trust. And the ONE thing Mira and Astarion had together where she thought they were making headway, their physical relationship, has now just been revealed to be a huge scam from the start.
Not ONLY that, but he doesn't regret doing it. He is proud of his simple plan and upset that it fell apart (at least that's how he presents it) and does NOT apologize for trying to use her. He instead says because he fell in love and she is so incredible he feels he can trust her enough to confess his deception without fear of being kicked out of the party.
You must remember that while Astarion has reasons, he hasn't revealed them. And if you judge a man based on his words and actions, at the point of the confession scene, he's not got a lot going for him besides puppy dog eyes and a backstory of admittedly horrific slavery that has only been lightly touched on because he wants you to know Cazador is Bad, but he's not about to spill his guts on what really all happend to him yet.
TLDR: Faith is just about all Mira has to give at this point, and Astarion has made her suffer by gaining her trust through manipulation and then only messing up because HE caught feelings.
In other versions of the game, if you don't finish his quest, he breaks up with PC very cruelly.
If you make it to Act 3 with Caz and you don't make the right dialogue choices or pass the persuasion and instead just say you won't let him ascend, he says he hopes you die screaming.
This man is my fave, don't get me wrong. But without the knowledge of his entire character, when you go in blind or you play a character that you don't give High Insight to, you have to see that he is a very difficult person to navigate. Especially a Lawful Good Cleric of Ilmater who's life purpose is to help and alleviate suffering.
She feels called to him because of his suffering and she *does* have faith she can help, but that faith is majorly BLIND right now and it hurts to know the man who proved time and time again that he isn't trustworthy just confessed his love by explaining that he has been extra untrustworthy
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ineffabildaddy · 5 months
6, 8, and 21 for the soft asks <3
omg hiii hehehe
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
oh god okay, physical: my tattoos are sick, my beard's coming along nicely, and ermmm i'm stacked in the back lmfao
non-physical: i try to be a friendly person, i'm very organised and clean at work which i'm proud of, anddd i'd like to think i know a good amount about music
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good
this bit's gna be long so i'll put it under the cut dlfjlkdg
@raining-stars-somewhere-else he's an inactive king atm but he's my bestie and i love him<3 so so hilarious and observant and talented and kind. he's my dude and he means a lot to me go away
@sad-chaos-goblin i feel like i can be totally insane around you and you'll get on my wavelength immediately, it's amazing dlkkkljgfjkld. also i feel really lucky to be friends with someone so well-rounded and driven and fun, not to mention compassionate<3 i'm really really lucky to have met you and i hope we get to do irl adventures in the nearish future!!! until then we're great friends from afar!!!
@omens-for-ophelia we're just perfectly matched for our headcanons and kinks and shit and i absolutely love it. u get me, i get u, we get each other on this front and on many others!!! ur an extremely nurturing person too. i also love having u around bc ur full of fun facts and passion and energy, and of course ur art is absolutely incredible, i'm scratching at the walls just thinking about it dklkjldfgjkl. can't wait to create more absolutely feral works of crowley and aziraphale [redacted] in various ways hahahhkshjdf. and also hopefully have some london hangouts soon<3
@queer-reader-07 of course i've gotta mention ya because you're one of my fave blogs! i feel so warm and welcome reading all your posts and tags because you're a very lovely individual, and you've also got so many valuable things to say and i really look forward to seeing your takes on everything<3 also as i said before ur a very funny person and i enjoy that heh. i always get so excited when u pop up in my notifs i'm like little old me????
@foolishlovers bestie your writing makes me so happy but chatting and things makes me even happier<3 you're a really enthusiastic friend to have and you've got so many wonderful qualities that i just wanna share the love as much as possible hehe. i'm very glad we're doing shhh it's a secret together and that we've become close in general uwu
@crowleyslvt ur a little lad who's always got something hilarious and insightful to say about literally anything i come to u with, whether it's fkn silly memes or an existential crisis lol. you have such a unique way of looking at the world and i really enjoy it. also having a giggle with u is always top tier and on top of that ur a very supportive king<3 and of course u writing's delish at all times in any context
@voluptatiscausa i can literally tell you my most redacted thoughts and you'll be like yeah this is just another day at the office dkffjddgl. you're a silly and goofy guy (gn) who's simultaneously very easy to open up to which is always a comfort<3 the fact that we both like mitchell and webb makes us collectively Not Like Other Girls and we need to capitalise on that more tbh. also i greatly enjoy ur writing ofc
@bowtiepastabitch you're jokes. also we're very different and yet somehow the same brand of fucked up which i love<3 the lore could not be more disparate but the vibes could not be more immaculate. pls continue to be my friend smh
some more legends i love @crowleyholmes @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @celestialcrowley @sabotage-on-mercury @quoththemaiden @ineffable-rohese @crawley-fell
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
probably this - one day you're going to start sticking up for yourself, i promise<3
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jell0buss-37 · 1 year
My Peter B headcannons!
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General HCs, however I will take requests for different HCs (only for Headcannons rn though 👀)
He's a reporter rather than a physicist in his universe.
He was probably more of a jock type, who knew more about sports. When he got bitten he got more active, but never played any team sports because he was still scared of his bullies.
He had asthma before he was bitten.
He loves the color blue, but specifically navy blue.
Loves classic rock, but like 70s sort of classic rock, so definitely more of a Kinks, Rolling Stones, Queen sorta fan.
In his Universe, Harry was his Green Goblin.
He's very emotional.
He is a HUGE horror movie buff.
Is actually a very big bookworm, especially mystery books. Growing up he was a big Sherlock Holmes fan.
His parents were actually alive, but they couldn't take care of him, and so they sent him to live with his Aunt and uncle when he was 5.
He's actually from Nebraska.
He's not a fan of his birthday, so he never makes a big deal about it.
Also gets butthurt when nobody makes a big deal about it.
His universes Gwen was actually a babysitter he had a fat crush on when he was 9. She was 8 years older than him.
He likes funny women, it makes his stomach flip whenever a spunky woman can joke with him.
More of a grease monkey than a lab rat, however he somehow is and actual whizz when it comes to many subjects. Except for Arts of any sort. He actually is not creative at all.
He has the most useless facts stored in his head, it can literally be the most out of pocket thing ever, and yet doesn't know basic things.
"Did you know that Pelicans can pull their spines through their unhinged jaws to cool off?" ".... Peter wha-"
"What do pelicans eat?" "Idk, broccoli?"
He can't sing or dance for the life of him.
But he can play the harmonica
And he likes colorful drinks. Alcoholic drinks or not.
That and Root Beer
An absolute Mug Root beer fiend
Also really good at video games, doesn't matter what game, he picks it up so fast
Looks like big dumb, but really that's just him not caring.
Has a fear of Michael Cera.
"Where are his eyebrows???"
Is literally just Nick Miller, actually.
He's a cat dad
His cat's name is Tyler
"I am sick of Tyler just jumping into the shower and getting freaked out and scratching me-" "Woah, WHAT?? Like your roommate!?" "No. My cat. Why would my roommate attack me-"
Uses punctuation when he texts so you can never tell what tone he's using when he texts
'omw now want me to get u smth from the store'
'No. Drive safe.' (so menacing???)
Has a Ned in his universe that is his office buddy at the Daily Bugle
Ned is an intern and he and Peter have horror movie marathons, and he is also an artist
Peter can't drive. Also he's literally Spiderman so that doesn't matter anyway. But if you ask him, he will not know how to drive. He fixes cars, doesn't drive them.
Never went to college, but got a degree in quantum physics online
That and a wedding licence as spiderman. He thought it'd be funny if Spider-Man could officiate weddings
Is actually scared of kids until Miles
After Miles, he is so good with kids
In his mind
Is writing his own book about a detective from New Orleans (iykyk)
Is Irish-Italian
Likes Baseball a lot because it reminds him of his Uncle Ben
His universe doesn't have reality TV
He's also a DM for Ned's DND group
Totally LARPs, but doesn't admit it
Doesn't like Apple sauce and hasn't eaten it since he was 8 because he ate too much of it and threw it up
Genuinely loves his friends interests, and will genuinely try them out or watch whatever it is they like so they can gush together or debate
Has a barber shop he goes to where he just talks with the old men there, he's been going since he was 12 because Uncle Ben took him
Can Bake really good and sew because of May
He actually asked her to teach him these skills
Has a dream to live in the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile one day
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whathebeep · 8 months
It's 9 am I'm feeling sick so here's my... takes? Headcannons??? on our best bear druid Halsin! Spoiler-ish under the cut!
-Larian where is my man's chub, where is his belly,,, the chance to have Halsin be an actual bear was RIGHT THERE he could still have his muscles just give him the damn belly for me to squish
-He deserved a full romance/we should have been able to add him to the party after saving him from the goblins and he left his position of Archdruid
-SPEAKING OF Halsin coming to camp and staying with Tav and everyone after the goblins??? He 100% was like camp dad- as much as he would relish in the fact that he no longer had the responsibilities of Archdruid and could just focus on his own stuff now he would totally pick up on everyone's routines, helping out with camp maintenance- and as he got to know people more personally he'd help them out too! He'd offer to help clean and bandage wounds, help carry things when moving camp, etc etc
-Halsin absolutely has good conversations with Withers while he's stuck at camp too. You can't tell me he didn't see the undead guy hanging out and that they wouldn't have some great philosophical talks about life, death and the beauty of nature. Halsin, out of everyone, I'd argue is the most likely to know/figure out who Withers is- but he'd never ask or mention it. Why bring up the past?
- You KNOW FOR A FACT he takes such good care of Scratch and the owlbear cub. Since the owlbear cub grows along with the story I have no doubt in my mind that between Halsin early game and Jaheira later, they both help teach the cub how to hunt by shape changing into owlbears- I imagine Scratch comes along too, just to keep an eye on his little brother
- Someone pointed out on Tiktok that there's scratch marks around his tent and for me that means either A) he sleeps as a bear OR B) he shapechanges into a bear in his sleep just naturally or if he's having an unpleasant dream (I imagine these nightmares are worst during act 2, prior to saving thaniel and just being in the shadowlands. They still happen but aren't as frequent in the city)
- We can find his pipe early game, this man 100% smokes tabacco and weed- but like, he hand picks his own stuff. He wouldn't touch anything from the city. He's definitely a before bed stoner
-SPEAKING OF BED I imagine his bedtime routine involves a small walk, saying a prayer to Silvanus and smoking well away from camp so the smell doesn't bother anyone.
-he's great and I love him, thank u Dave and thank u Larian
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edwinspaynes · 4 months
Written as a gift for @emmalovesfitzloved.
CHAT TRANSCRIPT between wilde-wanderer, eldricheternalflames, thomas-the-tree, kit-li-the-science-guy, kickitwithcordy, grumpycatcarstairs, sciencebitchgrace, annaisgay, and sugared-tea-sweetheart. 23 June, 2023. GROUP CREATED by wilde-wanderer GROUP: THE MERRY THIEVES & CO 🏳‍🌈🏴‍☠️🚩
grumpycatcarstairs: Jesus, Fairchild. There's no need for you to send messages in all caps. Don't you know that it sends Thomas into a needless tizzy whenever you do that?
thomas-the-tree: Why do you always assume that my alarmed expressions are Matthew's fault? I just got a 100 day Duolingo streak, and this apparently gets me some 3 days of free Super Duolingo (?) Though I don't know what that means.
grumpycatcarstairs: Maybe I know. You could have looked up to ask me. I am literally three (3) feet away from you right now.
thomas-the-tree: Do you know, joon?
grumpycatcarstairs: No.
kickitwithcordy: Oh, stop flirting, dadash. Now, Matthew, what was it you wanted to tell us?
annaisgay: If that's flirting, he's awful at it. #sorrynotsorry, @/grumpycatcarstairs.
grumpycatcarstairs: Lol shut up.
thomas-the-tree: He's making this face. 😒😒😒
wilde-wanderer: I give 0 fucks about Alastair's facial expressions, lol. Do you want to hear my news or not?
eldricheternalflames: Why don't you just tell us, Math?
wilde-wanderer: I got the lead in The Importance of Being Earnest! I am so excited. You all know how much I love that play!
kickitwithcordy: OMG Matthew, that's so so amazing! Come to dinner at Curzon Street tomorrow so that we can celebrate? James will buy us a Charlotte Russe cake. I know it's your fave 😋
wilde-wanderer: Can't say no to that. Though I'll also expect @/kit-li-the-science-guy to bring some lemon tarts.
kickitwithcordy: Was my offering not enough!? 😢
sugared-tea-sweetheart: Once can never have too much sugar.
wilde-wanderer: THANK YOU ARI! You are a blessing on this earth.
annaisgay: You are. And you're right, darling, you need to consume as much sugar as you can, so you can be sweet when I kiss you.
grumpycatcarstairs: God, I'm going to puke.
thomas-the-tree: You're stuffing your face with tahdig right now, don't lie to the class.
grumpycatcarstairs: And YOU'RE playing that awful Flappy Bird knockoff game instead of crushing it in Duolingo.
wilde-wanderer: VALID. Flappy Bird was the best thing ever. Fuckin hate that it got deleted like what in the name of Oscar Wilde was that
kit-li-the-science-guy: sry fam, just got the notification. grace and i were trying to see whether or not goblin blood served as a good retardant for flames that had a small spark of heavenly fire in them, but unfortunately. there were complications
sciencebitchgrade: basically he started a minor fire in our parlor. it happens.
wilde-wanderer: OMG YOU BLEW SHIT UP WITHOUT ME? My heart is breaking within my tender bosom. You do know how I so love to see the fruits of your labors.
thomas-the-tree: That's what she said! That's what she said!
grumpycatcarstairs: That's incorrect, but I support you anyway.
eldricheternalflames: I support you, too.
kickitwithcordy: Me three!
kit-li-the-science-guy: anyway lol
kit-li-the-science-guy: you want grace and i to make u lemon tarts
kit-li-the-science-guy: ???
wilde-wanderer: More you than Grace, really.
sciencebitchgrace: why would i ever want to be left out of the baking
kit-li-the-science-guy: why would i ever leave her out of the baking
eldricheternalflames: It's frightening how well-suited you are.
kit-li-the-science-guy: thank u :-)
kickitwithcordy: Anyway!!! To catch Kit and Grace up, we're having a massive blowout at my (and James's) flat tomorrow. There will be a Charlotte Russe cake, maybe some games
kit-li-the-science-guy: games? can we play bomberman? also yea grace and i will come w tarts
wilde-wanderer: I second Bomberman. Also Super Smash Bros. Please. And Pin the Junk on the Hunk
grumpycatcarstairs: No. Am I the only one here with sense? Well, me and Grace.
sciencebitchgrace: the answer to your question is a resounding yes.
sugared-tea-sweetheart: I'm also sensible.
annaisgay: Sure you are, dearest. That's why I caught you singing to Percival earlier.
annaisgay: Transporting him to Marylebone from Percy Street (or to Curzon Street) would be nigh on impossible, so I'll say no. I'm willing to do a lot for you, Math, but not dragging a massive snake through the streets of London.
wilde-wanderer: Ugh, FINE. Waste my youth.
sugared-tea-sweetie: I'll work on her, don't you worry.
kickitwithcordy: What if I don't want a stuffed snake in my entryway?
eldricheternalflames: OUR entryway. And you really don't want to show Percy off as yours? Just for one night!?
kickitwithcordy: Every guest at the party is in the group chat. Besides, I suppose, Oscar, assuming that you're bringing him? 🐶🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
thomas-the-tree: Wow, Alastair is right. You do use a lot of emojis.
thomas-the-tree: Not that that's a bad thing! It's a good thing. You're emotional. Emoji-tional. I really like that about you. But also I just want to say that Alastair is correct and no one can really contradict him in the future.
wilde-wanderer: Is Alastair making you say that?
grumpycatcarstairs: I don't make him do anything. He supports me because he loves me
eldricheternalflames: That's true. Remember when we all hated Alastair? Thomas always stood up for him.
thomas-the-tree: stopstopstop
grumpycatcarstairs: You had a crush on me LOL so embarrassing
eldricheternalflames: It was, dude. He was SO sappy
wilde-wanderer: Oh aLaStAiR wItH yOuR bEaUtIfUL HaiR hOw i CaNnOt hELp bUt sTaRe ----
grumpycatcarstairs: Update: He's blushing
kickitwithcordy: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
eldricheternalflames: I love you SO much, Daisy. Snarky but sweet. Thank you for being just as you are. 😘
grumpycatcarstairs: Sappy meter: 10
kickitwithcordy: I love when you use emojis in solidarity with me.
annaisgay: I'd give them a 9. Remember when they went to prom back in high school?
wilde-wanderer: They went into an empty classroom and fucking WALTZED. Who the fuck does that? Romantics, that's who. James will go down in history as a Wife Guy when he and Cordelia finally tie the knot, and I'm the best man, and I toast him as a Wife Guy.
eldricheternalflames: You'll go down in history as the weird dude who gives bad toasts.
eldricheternalflames: 🤡😇😳😲😜
wilde-wanderer: No, I'll go down for being the World's Greatest Actor. Fam I'm ERNEST. I'm in an OSCAR WILDE PLAY. I am living the dream, communing with my idol, nurturing the hyperfixation!!!
wilde-wanderer: Speaking of my party, what time?
kit-li-the-science guy: were we talking about the party?
sciencebitchgrace: kinda
annaisgay: Yes
kickitwithcordy: He just said 7 PM. Since I'm extorting James into going to King's and purchasing the cake, I feel that going with his schedule would be a good sport.
thomas-the-tree: We'll see you there!
grumpycatcarstairs: We'll see you there.
thomas-the-tree: Jinx you owe me a kiss
wilde-wanderer: Sappy meter: 10/10. 🖕
CHAT TRANSCRIPT between kickitwithcordy and eldricheternalflames
kickitwithcordy: Sorry I'm texting from the bathroom. Doing my hair and other ladylike things. When are we going to tell them?
eldricheternalflames: That we tied the knot? I'm sure that they'll notice the ring. Unless you want to take it off for the night? I'd totally understand
kickitwithcordy: Never.
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aranarumei · 6 months
For your ask game thing!! Selfishly and predictably: bonus htt. But also curious about friendship vs acquaintanceship if you’re up for it ! peace and love on planet kiri ^_^
ask me about my wips | wip list
as you have so smartly guessed, the htt in bonus htt stands for hanzawa to tashiro! this wip exists because i wanted to have a place to display some stuff on the hanzawa side that doesn't show up in the anomalous agate. and because i didn't want to write hanzawa's pov (writing in hanzawa's frame of mind as part of a story that's like. About Him feels. like i am betraying him somehow. can't explain it) i am writing as tashiro. and. perhaps due to seigi's influence i keep drifting towards doing so in first person. and because of this i keep hating it bc my first person is not very tashiro-esque. thus i have given myself a challenge of writing this same scene once in my regular third person limited style, and ALSO as if to emulate love & passion's writing. this is. Hard. here's my snippet.
“If you’re looking for a delinquent, look in the mirror,” Hanzawa-senpai teased, and then produced some kind of torture contraption from his bag. “Now don’t move, okay?”  I yelped and threw my hands up in self-defense. “You can’t put that thing near my face!”  Hanzawa-senpai just laughed at me, close enough that I could feel his breath on my face. Sadist! “It’s just an eyelash curler, Tashiro-kun,” he drawled. “Calm down, would you?”
very mild spoilers for s2 of fantasy high for the next one, so that's going under the cut:
so friendship vs acquaintanceship is basically me working out the details of a riz & ragh friendship. this is because riz shoots coach daybreak and shoots of biz's fingers in s1 of fantasy high but ragh he tells him like. hey ragh. i think u probably like need to work through some things. and in s2 there is no way for me to interpret riz's entire arc except for it being about him being aroace. brian murphy does not turn to the camera and say "riz gukgak is aroace" but the entire narrative supports it and personally i kind of respect that its played that way bc i think it works for how riz is. ragh is also around in s2 and while hes like. buds with fabian and gorgug i feel like he and riz kind of have a certain level of distance? so i thought it would be fun if they were like, actually friends and not just. "my friend cares about you" level. hence the title. so it would be abt ragh basically supporting riz in terms of really verbalizing his aroaceness and such and they get to be good friends.
“Dude,” Ragh says, “I was convinced you like. Just didn’t like me.” Riz stares at him for a very long time. His little goblin eyes narrow into little goblin slits and Ragh will never be a poet but it’s like there's a universe passing through his gaze, and Riz is simultaneously fifteen and fifteen thousand. “I don't—not like you,” Riz finally says, voice cracking back into the shape of an awkward teenager. “I mean, we hang out and everything, so I figured…” he shrugs. “I mean, I know we’re cool,” Ragh says. “But are we like, cool, cool?” “Is that a trick question,” Riz blurts out. “What?” “I don’t—do you hate me? Is this like how that works? Is this some kind of interrogation?”
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rollercoasterwords · 11 months
I think chapter 9 is my favourite chapter of As the Worm Moon Dies so far. I listened to it on my way to and from puppy class, and I can't stop thinking about it.
There is so much going on - from Sirius getting his entire worldview shattered by Imelda, and then later by Lily and Reg. Reg explaining on the origin of house elves and how he didn't know because it wasn't taught at Hogwarts reminded me of finding out as an adult about residential schools and the government's overt plan to commit cultural genocide because it simply wasn't taught in school. I think it is an important lesson in the fact that history isn't unbiased facts - that the history changes depending on who tells the story. Like when Sirius calls it the Goblin Rebellion and Lily corrects him - Goblin Uprising.
Love all the world building with the magic too- it was all just *chef's kiss*.
This is not where I thought this story was going, I love how it is a commentary on oppression and oppressive regimes in society and how status quo and "facts" can go unquestioned for so long when no one questions the information they are being fed, and can ultimately lead to the dangerous regimes like Voldemort's.
I feel like I'm rambling now so I'm going to stop but...yeah many thanks for writing this. 💜
ahhh closetfascination hello!! <3 first of all hope ur puppy had a good class second of all SO happy 2 hear u enjoyed the ch!!
as someone who has spent quite a bit of time studying history i am definitely drawing from the real-life experience of how subjective it is and my own frustration with the way history is often presented as "just the facts" and some sort of neutral entity when it is, in reality, heavily shaped by various political forces and material conditions [ie, who even has the materials to record history at a given time, etc].
and to be honest this is not where i thought the story was going when i started writing it either lol but! i am enjoying the journey <3 so happy 2 have u along <3
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twilightknight17 · 6 months
P5T Story Finale - Part 1
I'm just starting off with the assumption that this will have to be 2 parts, to fit all the pictures I took. XD
So, where we left off, I was doing pretty good.
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We'd beaten Metal Marie, and Lavenza had some challenges for us to unlock our final skills. I was kind of hyped, because honestly, it seemed like a good opportunity to get everyone's ultimate personas back. And then Erina could just have whatever.
It was not second awakenings, despite the way they talked about it sounding very second-awakening-ish. Instead, we get a maximum power skill for each Thief's specific element. And, sorry everyone, but Joker's is the coolest.
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I also think that it's worth mentioning that when you die, Lavenza quotes Paradise Lost at you.
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She also quotes it at the very start of the game, so she's very well-read. Probably Margaret and Theodore's influence; I can't see Elizabeth sitting through a book like that. XDDD
Anyway, Lavenza's challenges were some very elaborate puzzle levels and endurance missions with gimmicks, but nothing that was completely unreasonable. The one where you had to kill everything in one turn by using one-mores and platforms to get Joker to the top of the level to trigger the widest-possible AOA range was awesome. I felt smart when I finished them, which was the important part.
And my reward, other than skills, was......
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You have to be level 96 to fuse Satanael, tho, so like... holy fuck, Atlus. Booooooo. And he's got like seven components, which I'm pretty sure he did in P5, but you couldn't fuse him til NG+, so you at least would have had most of them by then. This is just taunting me. Plus, it's not nearly as easy to get money in this. You have to replay missions, and later missions give more money but also take longer, so it seems like it'll be a little tedious to complete the compendium.
Metal Yoshiki and Metal Shadow Toshiro went down next, and I'm pretty sure it confirmed that it wasn't actually Toshiro's shadow, just a piece of Salmael masquerading as it. I wasn't... super impressed with these fights? They were basically the same as the first go round, just with more health, more damage, and slightly different arenas. Metal Shadow Toshiro skipped his first round and went right to Giant Scary Eri, so... Yeah. They were fine, I guess.
I did notice something a little funny, though. The final Kingdom is "The Path to God" in the replay menu, and there are six missions (not counting the bosses), each with a letter appended to them.
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All six in order spells "A S Y L U M".
If Salmael rules this Kingdom, is he the crazy one, then? :P
So, we are off to the final boss. My goblin kids are ready to beat the shit out of their third god in like... four months? Wow.
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Slap him so hard he drops his head, Futaba!
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I finally realized what this thing's appearance reminds me of. Some weird fusion of Yald, and the Queen from Deltarune.
He has the SMUGGEST VOICE of any god so far and it just makes me want to hit him harder. Maybe I should have done some grinding for Satanael after all.
He just wants to ~save humanity~, and I'd just like to mention how much I love my wife.
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Salmael is totally cool with our disagreement, obviously.
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Us? All by ourselves? You think so highly of us~
Salmael says that his actions are the consensus of humanity, so we should just give in. The game gives you an option here between "Our wills are firm" and "Send us back to the real world." Which, if you remember, he offered to send us all home without our powers or memories, so... put a pin in that. We'll be back. In THIS timeline, we tell God to fuck off, as is our wont.
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I feel justified in writing Ryuji calling Yaldabaoth "Yald" in an actual fic, now. XD
Seriously, Atlus, one line of dialogue. "We've already beat up a 'god' who thought he knew what was best for us." Call Maruki on his BS.
Anyway, as always, these gods who want peace and happiness and order are willing to murder us. Ooohhhh nooo, I don't waaaaant to use force, you just leave me no chooooooiiiiiice~ Blarg. XD
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The battlefield is wild, though. I'm always down for a good giant clock.
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The five platforms rotate either forward or back based on a skill that warns you in advance. Platforms that go past the end positions sink into the green, and more arise on the other side to replace them.
So, we wallop the shit out of god while avoiding being tossed into a green abyss. I only lost Toshiro during this stage of the fight, so I still had my three primary fighters and three baton passes.
Salmael, upon being knocked down in round 1, throws a temper tantrum, and... well, I guess calling it "going one-winged-angel" isn't appropriate here. He's still got all his wings, just gets more raggedy and dirty.
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But the important part is that he loses the mask and his face is FUCKED UP
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He gets two new attacks for this round. The first one is a very Dark Hour-esque clock which leaves numbers on some of the platforms. That's how many people need to be standing on that particular platform to avoid triggering an attack that paralyzes you on your next turn.
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Overall, challenging! Especially because the numbers don't rotate with the platforms, so if he does both skills at the same time, you've gotta make sure you're not gonna rotate away from the number you need. (Learned that the hard way.)
The second one is some kind of giant antenna that spawns in the middle of the arena, and you have like... three turns to AOA it before he does some horrible targeted missile barrage. I had the worst time with that. That's how I lost all three of my remaining squad in one turn, because I couldn't get the downed enemy to line up right to allow the AOA.
So we're down Ann, Morgana, and Akira. Welcome to the fight, Haru, Yusuke, and Ryuji!
Salmael's second form has about twice as much health as his first form, which can be mitigated by AOA-ing the antenna, because Futaba can then turn the missiles on him. I only managed that once. X'D But the game REALLY smacked me when it did the clock attack and the arena rotation on the same turn, and the clock was four platforms, each with a 1 on it. I didn't have Toshiro anymore. I couldn't put one person on each platform. So everyone got paralyzed, and the rotation was poised to dump both Haru and Yusuke into the abyss with no way to move them.
It was going to be up to Ryuji to win this fight alone.
...or, it would have been, but as I watched Yusuke sink into the green depths, I realized that... the platform just popped back up on the other side. Yusuke was fine. Didn't even do any damage. X'D I spent the whole fight thinking that if I got sucked down with a platform, that person would just die. But no.
In the end, Haru dealt the final blow, and Salmael took that really well. He just straight up starts taking a swing at us and throwing gears. So I guess we DID slap him so hard he dropped his head!
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My baby boy gets to say more than one line of dialogue in this game!
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This is the smile of a savior, everyone.
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Honestly this last AOA cutscene is wild. I like it better than Scramble's, I think? I need to watch it again, but it's really well done. Halfway through, Erina gets squashed by a whole ton of gears and ends up... I'm assuming drifting in the Sea of Souls, and Toshiro calls her back so she can take her Ernesto form and blast the hell out of Salmael. And then she turns back into Erina and she and Akira slam a flag through Salmael's face. :3
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Yeah, yeah. Same as every other monster.
Salmael takes defeat well, of course. By exploding.
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And Toshiro catches a brief glimpse of the overwhelming existential dread that knowing about meta-space can cause: namely that humanity is constantly accidentally almost destroying itself.
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I like to think that he gets a phone call from the Shadow Ops at some point. XDDDD
Anyway, with Salmael dead, his primary Kingdom is collapsing, so it's time to get the hell out of here. And with this, I have hit the image limit, so... Off we go. Part 2 is next!
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wh0lemilk0vich · 2 years
okok sorry for the fluff i know it’s like the only thing i submit but my antidepressants are kicking me in the ass so it’s difficult to always be in a goblin mood yknow 🤌
but like. eddie planning a campaign on his bed in the summer heat, shirt off and steve curled up by his side resting his head on eddie’s tummy drawing patterns on his soft skin snoozing
like steve totally uses eddie’s belly as a pillow
and then his stomach growls and steve’s sleepily like ‘already?’ and eddie nods, grinning bcus they just had lunch like an hour ago lol
steve makes some food brings it back into the bedroom and feeds eddie whilst he’s still working on his campaign. when he’s finished eating steve resumes the position listening to eddie’s stomach digest, rubbing his stomach gently urging little burps and sighs out of eddie’s mouth.
then when eddie is finally finished with his campaign planning of the day they have really nice soft sweet sex. like it’s cheesy but totally “making love”. steve going on and on about how much he loves the weight eddie’s gained and how it makes him so gorgeous and he loves seeing him being taken care of :(((( steve just wants to show eddie that he doesn’t have to take care of himself any more, like u said softening his hard edges both physically and metaphorically lol .
goes both ways too, especially if eddie’s the dom and they’re doing some kinky shit, he provides the sweetest aftercare for steve showing how much he appreciates everything he does, bcus boy steve’s trauma gets overlooked and he’s never had anyone take care of him properly (fanon shitty parents, canon past shitty friends, robin seems to be the only one concerned about steve’s mental health). eddie wants to change that, show steve just how grateful he is and how much he loves him.
bubble baths together, eddie gives steve a back massage, steve settling into eddie’s plush warm chest? god damn i wish that were me
🪱wormie worm worm worrrrm !!!!!!🪱🪱🪱🪱
Awe wormie you don't have to apologize for the fluff. I think people like when I respond to that more than when I get gobliny anyway 😅 (even though i love it so much)
For sure they've got a common love language in physical touch. They like to be tangled together even just casually, or at the very least one body part touching the other- making a connection. Like Steve laying perpendicular to Eddie, pillowed on his belly and against his chest, with Eddie using his left hand to absentmindedly run his hand through Steve's hair and massage his scalp, while he writes campaign notes in a booklet with his right hand. Just relaxing together, Steve snoozing, a lazy late morning.
And Eddie calling Steve his princess, telling him how beautiful he is and how much he loves his. He can't control himself around Steve, especially when he sees any of his bare skin, his cute freckles, his muscles, his pert little ass. He'd practically beg Steve to go another 2-3 rounds, desperate to breed and claim him. Or even on a more submissive side begging Steve to touch him to fill him. He loves Steve's hands, and he loves when Steve let's him lay back against him while Steve jerks him off. He scrunches his eyes shut and he nuzzles into the collum of Steve's neck and pants and shudders while he has Steve reach under his belly and stroke him, all of his body quivering from the movement, and Steve praises him. He tells him how good and pretty and big and soft he is, how good his thick cock feels and fits in his hand, how nice his shampoo smells, how fluffy and soft his hair is, how much he loves how much bigger he's getting, using his free hand to grab and shake his belly, or squeeze one of his perky tits, grab onto his flared hip at his waist.
The way they treat each other is just so loving and worshiping and full of praise, it's so nice.
I hope that was fluffy and not too goblin, wormie!
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can u me more about Baldurs Gate 2? 🥺
This is kind of like asking me to explain the appreciable aspects of a life. Is it worth it, what makes it valuable, etc.
It's about as triumphant of a master piece of lived story telling and gaming as one can imagine. In 2 you start a leg into the story as the child of Bhaal, in D&D the god of death, really just one child who has killed another of Bhaal's children for whatever reason you see/saw fit (to save the world, to take his power, to make daddy happen, w/e pleases you because it will drive your story forward) and find your self imprisoned by a new threat.
Now, the story is great and important there are just countless things from there that make that story feel lived. The 2nd edition D&D rules were brutal and insane, you have to learn them and the game will not ask you only destroy you if you don't. It's easily in the hardest games ever made if you set it high (and harder still with mods that flesh out the 2nd ed. ruleset) careful stat balancing and allocation of skills along with heaps of luck and puzzling out strategies (strats are like, a huge brain buster puzzle but fun. How can you beat a pit fiend with no level 3 weapons??(required to deal damage) I did, get good scrub.)
The part that makes it so good to me is the combination of customization (mods esp.) and roleplaying you get to do. Like you know, an ACTUAL roleplaying game not like a stat builder game or just an adventure game pretending to be roleplaying games (Dragon Warrior and Zelda,,,,,) you actually have to sink into Baldur's Gate and be your chosen character(s). The romances while shallow are fun and interesting, the ways you get to exert yourself over the game are near endless between mods and base-game, the quests are many but all carefully crafted as to be majority fun and meaningful and even with humor and intrigue and wit. It tackles and even challenges a ton of social issues esp. at the time of 1999, asking you to reflect on bodily autonomy, race issues, the meaning of life, religious zealotry, imperialism&capitalism, and fluctuating morality to name a few.
An easy example of one of my many loved parts, so I realized I fucked up at the start making my character I should have been a halfling or a gnome or so right? Wrong, I should have been a Goblin. 2nd ed. doesn't support that but I do. So I made my character a goblin, grabbed a portrait, and am now prepared to roleplay my future interactions as a gobbo girl bhaalspawn. (portrait by foretbwat, pls forgive i love ur gobbos sm)
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I did in fact cast double-image before the pic, my gobbo is not doubled normally.
So I can live out my dreams as whatever I want really, this is only half-assing it, I could sit down and do a LOT more with this but I am content here. (I checked, her stats are good and within the realm for a same level 2nd edition Gobbo, except her charisma which I will chock up to her being a bhaalspawn. Other mods are from gear+spells so nbd. 8) )
I can rewrite the game as I like, the story, the characters,,,it's a total power trip if you want it to be. I fucked a sailor that fucked me over twice, he fucked a gobbo girl that's the daughter of a god, and he has to live with knowing that. (goblins are reviled in this leg of time in Amn)😎 👉‍ 👉‍
Unlike real D&D I never have to hear the DM shit on my ideas or my friends cry it's their turn or care about lore or sit through dull exposition or really anything that isn't in my vision for the game. Black Isle killed it with this game, turned it to mulch it's perfect, and I don't see 3 coming close because it can't replicate the feeling of being one with the world. It's like 1 parts watching a tv show 1 parts writing your own story for the show and playing it out. Irreplaceable and so so full of love in that way.
I can go on, because that doesn't even touch on the fun of the gameplay in stages (the gambling, the fighting, the thieving, the magical mischief, the exploration and skulking about. The min/maxing, the build and class crafting, watching a fucking bear EXPLODE into bits and pieces because it hit a fucking landmine.)
It could however have used a more diverse writing crew, the lack of queerness in the base game (There's an okay amount of mods n such) is totally understandable being a game released by a publisher in the 90s. Imagine a game featuring gay sex in 99 on the shelves at Best Buy?? 90s were too conservative for that (unless it was part of the campaign but even then, that's 2000s territory)
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audiovisualrecall · 1 year
I will never ever reblog anything telling anyone that a thing they like 'was totally stupid all along' or to 'read/watch another book/show/movie'. Because besides being a nasty attitude, like. That's not what any of this is about! You can't hear 'oh the author is a bigot now and it's horrible' and go 'oh yeah, their stuff was Obviously bigoted and horrible all along, I could Tell, and if you even liked it at all ever ur an idiot and a bigot'
Like. If you're not giving money to the author and ur trying to educate other ppl WHY DOES IT MATTER if you still like the thing????? Stop moralizing ur hate on for something, stop trying to Win at morals. I'm Queer, Nonbinary/Trans, and Jewish and disabled, I hate who jk Rowling has become and I hate her for Ruining what the books meant to me and so many others. I read tons of books where the author includes some shitty stuff or biases I don't agree with and I go yeah I don't like that.
The issue is NOT the book series. I don't care if the books contain bigoted shit, bc fictional content doesn't even compare to how a real person is hurting people. Plus so do like 90% of books, like, somehow I still enjoy the dragonriders of pern books despite some iffy stuff abt gay men and abt consent, bc the core of the story is what it meant to me.
The house elves and handling therof specifically is racist, how she handled characters from other cultures is iffy, and goblins I suppose could be seen as antisemitic trope but that level of antisemitism is kinda everywhere so I'm used to ignoring it in books and movies. But anyway. The issue is NOT the books, beyond 'don't buy them (firsthand at least) bc it gives her money'. The discussion of 'jk is a terfy piece of shit who is hurting ppl' should not become about some ppl feeling morally superior for not liking a book series (or pretending they never liked it) or insisting the series was never even good anyway so its not a loss. It's good to suggest alternatives to read for people who feel like they can't read hp anymore but love some of the messages or some setting or plot elements, as long as it's not phrased like you Have to discard hp like it's trash.
Lets actually be honest here: The books are good, not amazing, not some height of literature, but they were good books for kids. They were good for a kid who wanted to be braver, who wanted to have powers, who wanted to escape - into a magical world, into a book.
Look: The books said people who value others on some idea of purity are bad people, unequivocally. The books said fascism is bad. They said kids can't always trust adults to do right by them, which mostly kids know and it feels good to have a book acknowledge that yeah, adults are mean or wrong sometimes.
The books said love and caring and friendship and loyalty and helping others and standing up for others and being open to new ideas are good and important and what life is about. The books said love and family and friendship are stronger than hate and greed and prejudice. Those are important messages! And that is exactly why jk's move to terfyness (and everything else she's up to) is such a betrayal. Because she's become her villain, she has become the thing she wrote as a horrible thing to be, and she's so convinced she's Not and that us queer and trans ppl (and now just. Scottish ppl who want to be independent???) are the Real villains for uhhh wanting to exist and do our own thing???
Anyway the pt is she betrayed us and she won't ever get money from me willingly again and I'll try to spread the word and convince others not to feed the beast, but anyone going on abt the books is just trying to feel morally superior and is self righteous and trying to get an A+ in social justice which is literally always the problem.
Let's like. Please for the future focus on the actual issues and Not on debating the quality of the book series??? Otherwise it's also obvious u just don't like the books and are just using this as a justification for that, which isn't necessary. We don't have to justify not liking shit, we don't have to sit on that and wait until the author reveals themself to be an asshole to go 'ooh yes!!'.
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