#i love her and her parasol omg
baseballmomlesbiandad · 8 months
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lile...c'mon please make gifs of this show
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skribbyposts · 5 months
Zosan haircut time!!!!
had to write this after getting the idea from my last post lmao. I love the idea of Sanji being like "ugh you look fucking terrible" and then forcing Zoro to take care of himself. they're so stupid and gay and in love omg. beginning part is mostly Zoro and Nami but that's ok because they're wlw/mlm solidarity always!!!!
More than anything, Zoro loves sunbathing on the Sunny's deck. Something about the warm light makes him want to melt into the wood. However, Zoro finds it very hard to enjoy the sun when it is boiling outside, and he swears he can hear his sweat sizzle when it meets the wooden flooring.
"We're going through a summer climate, just wait it out." Nami sips on her martini, laid out on a lounge chair and taking cover under an umbrella.
"Easy for you to say, you witch. You stole all the shade." While Nami's basking in the shadow of her parasol, Zoro's sprawled out on deck, sweating his fucking balls off. His whole body is damp, and he's stripped down into just a pair of loose shorts to cool off.
"Go hang out with your boyfriend in the kitchen," She says.
"He's not my boyfriend. I fucking hate you."
"The feeling's mutual, you sweaty loser."
Zoro groans, peeling himself off of the floor to sit up and comb his fingers through his shaggy hair. It's too long to stay out of the way, and it's uncomfortably wet where it sticks to his forehead. Zoro would tie it back, but it's too short for that. In short, he is suffering.
"I'm gonna die from heatstroke because of you," Zoro shakes the excess moisture from his hands.
Nami scoffs. "Stop whining, hop in the sea or something."
Zoro briefly considers this, but decides that's more effort than it's worth and tries to take a nap instead.
Zoro hears someone stroll out of the galley, and cracks his eye open to see Sanji balancing a tray of smoothies in one hand with a beach towel in the other. He's dressed down, an open Hawaiian shirt and blue shorts replacing his usual suit.
"Hello, my darling, Nami-san! I've just prepared smoothies. Would you like one?"
"Yes, Sanji-- thank you so much," She says smugly, while looking directly at Zoro. "You're a saint, You know that?"
He watches the cook hand Nami a drink from the tray, and Sanji's eyes follow her gaze to the floor where he's lying. "Oh my god, marimo. you look like -excuse my language, Nami-san- a fucking caveman."
"What are you talking about?" Zoro would pick a fight, but it's way too hot to bother.
The blonde cringes. "Your hair looks like someone ate it and then spat it back out onto your head."
"Okay, well, fuck you too then!" God, everyone's out for him today. What has Zoro ever done to deserve this?
"Ugh. Stand up, you dunce." Sanji nudges Zoro's head with a sandaled foot. "You need a haircut."
"I can give myself a haircut." Zoro nods in the direction of his swords, trying to move as little as possible.
"Are you insa- no! I'm cutting your hair, properly. Now get up."
"I don't wanna."
"I swear to god," Sanji sighs. "My dearest Nami, do you mind holding this for a bit?"
Nami peers at the two of them through her oversized sunglasses, a knowing smirk on her face as she takes the tray from Sanji's hands. "No problem."
Zoro doesn't have time to get a word in before Sanji reaches for his ear and bodily drags him all the way to the bathroom.
----- "I don't understand how you let it get this bad," The blonde lectures.
Zoro grumbles as he slouches on a stool in front of the bathroom sink, glaring at his own reflection. Sanji was partially right with his comment earlier - Zoro's hair is a damp, scraggly mess on top of his head right now. From where he is, Zoro can see the cook as he lines up all his fancy hair-cutting stuff, whispering insults under his breath. He looks kind of...domestic, out of his suit. It's the one thing Zoro appreciates whenever the Sunny passes through climates like this. "Okay, I'm going to attempt to fix this mess, and you are going to stay still," Sanji asserts as he slides into place behind Zoro. "as in, do not move."
"I know what 'stay still' means."
"Surprising. I thought you only spoke in grunts."
They both fall silent, Sanji draping a towel over Zoro's shoulders and clicking a button on the clippers in his hand. Gentle fingers push Zoro's head forward to access the strands at the nape of his neck. The whirring of the machinery and Sanji's hums every now and then are the only sounds in the cramped bathroom, and Zoro almost falls asleep to the feeling of the blond's hands in his hair.
"Hey." Sanji delivers two sharp taps to the back of Zoro's head. "Stop slouching, you're making it uneven."
"I'm so hot."
"I'm sure you are, you meathead. sit up."
Zoro begrudgingly straightens his back, getting a better view of the cook's freckled face reflected in the mirror. He always gets freckles when it's sunny out. They look like little constellations, scattered across his cheeks like that. Zoro wants to touch them so badly.
A few minutes pass, and Sanji moves to the front of his hair, taking a black comb from the counter to parse through the mess draping over Zoro's forehead. His face is scrunched in concentration, a crease between his eyebrows visible as he snips away with a pair of silver scissors. Zoro just...watches, staring intently into the other man's eyes. He's not sure if he's delirious from the heat, but is the cook's face turning red?
Sanji pauses his ministrations to frown at him. "Stop fucking looking at me. It's creepy."
"Sorry, sir." That earns him a snort and another smack to the side of his head. Zoro closes his eye (reluctantly. very reluctantly).
It feels like forever before Sanji finishes up his hair, ruffling it slightly before commanding Zoro to open his eyes.
The haircut is cropped close to his neck in the back, his overgrown sideburns shaped to follow his hairline. His hair is still a bit long on top, but it doesn't fall over his face.
Zoro's reflection looks better; neat, almost. He actually really likes it.
"It's okay, I guess." Zoro's lying through his teeth. It's fantastic, anything Sanji ever does is fantastic.
Sanji looks at him through the mirror. "Hm. Handsome little marimo." He nods in self-approval before packing up all his stuff, whisking the towel from around Zoro's shoulders to take to the laundry room.
Zoro sits there, bewildered, watching the other man maneuver around the tiny space unbothered- what?
He turns to look at Sanji as the blonde saunters out of the bathroom, definitely already busying himself with something else.
When Zoro turns back to his reflection, he doesn't fight the tiny smile that crosses his face. Sanji thinks he's Handsome.
The smile's gone just as quick as it came, replaced with a scowl as he hears a female voice giggling through the wall to his right.
"Nami, I'm going to murder you."
Nami was eavesdropping the entire time lmfao.
Nami, to Zoro: wow so handsome!! such a handsome wittle marimo arent you so wittle?? ooga booga doo!!!
Zoro: i am not above killing lesbians. Anyway BRAND NEW HC that Sanji gets freckles when he's in the sun he's such a cutie patootie i love him.
Pre-slash Zosan domesticity fuels my soul <33333
ALSOO!!! opening up asks cuz im running out of ideas :P if you ask me for something I'll probably write it thanks
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seireitonin · 8 months
What alternative subcultures the Creepypastas would be in!!(pt 1)
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This was an ask I accidentally deleted! Oops! I also listen to all the music I put in here! So it’s also a small glimpse into what I listen to! Also as some of you know I’m in the scemo and goth subcultures! But I know a lot about alternative cultures period so this was fun to make!
LJ: VICTORIAN GOTH 100%!! / Victorian Circus Core
I mean he’s literally from that era
The feathered shaw, the black and white color scheme, the black lipstick and guy liner with the pale white face!!
Literally a goth king. That’s an outfit I would definitely see at a goth club!(I’ve been to many)
Another part of goth culture is liking horror/ monsters. Since LJ is a monster he’d fit right in!
He’d be accepted by most goths despite his looks bc goths have morbid dark fashion senses themselves!
So if they saw his swirly cone nose and sharp teeth they’d be like: omg! I love your look!
He’d definitely listen to classical music and other goth music Specifically Switchblade symphony and Cocteau Twins
He definitely listens to old PATD
I can see him wearing other Victorian inspired clothes too!
Like dis:
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Jeff: Metalhead/ with 90s emo(for nostalgia.)
I mean look at him
He’d definitely shit on nu metal and still listen to it
The long greasy black hair, not showering, thinking he’s better than everyone else yeah sounds like a metal head to me/ hj
He listens Cattle Decapitation, Peeling Flesh, Suicide Silence, Cannibal Corpse, Avatar and literally anything with machine gun drums
He listens to some 90s emo but will never admit
Definitely wears band shirts especially the ones he got from concerts when he was a teen
He loves a good mosh pit
You know, the ones where you come out all bloody?
Yeah he loves those
He can hurt people in them and it’ll be fine? Sign him up! (Man has no pit manners smh)
Definitely a metal elitist
“You like SOAD? Ugh that not REAL metal”
Stfu Jeff.
Yeah. Metalhead to his core.
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LJill (I love her, so underrated)
Victorian goth as well, but she leans more in the gothic Lolita side of it
Wears pretty gothic Lolita dresses with lots of black and white lace, buttons and she’ll have a matching bonnet and parasol to match when she’s feeling extra fancy!
She feels so elegant and feminine when she puts her multiple layers of petticoats on! She wouldn’t be caught dead without them!
Her makeup and lipstick is always perfect.
Her hair is always either perfectly curled or perfectly straightened
The goal is to look as doll like as possible ( also because she is one!)
She listens to music box like music if that makes sense?? For example Swan Lake by Fairy Lullaby or Porcelain Eyes
She, like LJ listens to classical music and goth music
But mainly classical and music box!
Will go to tea parties and knows how to make tea cakes and sandwiches
Just a lady all around!
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Jane: Trad Goth/ Casual Goth/ Amy Lee
Since Jane is always on the move and doesn’t really have time to get all dressed up
So she’ll usually be in a simple black dress or black pants and a turtleneck
But when she does get a chance to dress up
She dresses trad goth mixed with Amy Lee
She’ll have her hair long with bangs covering her forehead
Trad goth makeup, but a bit more modern,big eyeliner and arched brows
She’ll be wearing corsets and waist trainers
Long skirts, ripped leggings
High heel platforms
She goes all out and she looks great!
Listens to music like The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, New Years Day and The Birthday Massacre
Can do goth dances very well
God she’s beautiful
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Toby: Midwestern Emo/ early 2000s emo/ a tad grunge/ indie
He just looks like one tbh
But seriously he had a hard life and emo music gives him comfort
Toby wears flannel shirts, grandpa sweaters, simple tee shirts and pants that are loose but not too loose
Hiking boots, sneakers
He listens to Chidos, The Front Bottoms, State Champs, Real Friends, Nirvana, Yawning, Hail the Sun, The Used, A Lot Like Birds, Static Dress, Mild High Club and many many more
He can play the guitar, drums and sing pretty well
He needed something to keep him busy while he was homeschooled after all! And it took his mind off of the horrible things he was going through
Plus with him feeling no pain, he could practice his hands bleed so his hands are really calloused
He likes to sit in the woods and just listen to music sometimes
He’s a loner like that
Especially in the fall when the leaves are so pretty
He feels almost peaceful. Almost
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EJ: Tbh I can’t put him in a single box I feel like he’d be everything
He’ll listen to whatever whenever
Except religious music it freaks him out
Ya know because of the cult that took his eyes
But I see him liking dark ,dreamy music if that makes sense
His taste actually lines up with Toby’s pretty well
Static dress, MGMT, YKWIM by Yot Club, Homage by the Mild High club, My Bloody Valentine, Grouper
Also anything with sad guitars like wish by sign crushes motorist (Toby likes music like this too)
Sometimes even lo-fi if he has to unwind
Jack wears all black most of the time. Just so he doesn’t look too dirty
Black hoodie, black shirt, black pants, black shoes
He also feels like any other color won’t go with his now grey skin
But yeah EJ is just a dude with a wide music taste
We love that for him
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Nina: Obviously Scene+Emo= scemo
Do I even have to explain?
She listens to Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Bring Me the Horizon, Paramore, AFI, FOB, Get Scared, Hey Monday, MCR, Ghosttown, Millionaires, Brokencyde, Medic Driod, Dot Dot Curve, A Skylight Drive, ISMFOF ,everything Toby listens too as well(and many more)
Nina wears either all black with colorful hair or has her signature black and pink with more colorful outfits
Cheeta print, skulls, DIY stuff, band shirts, tube tops, tutus, skinny jeans, brass knuckle necklaces, hoop earrings, black eyeshadow, big teased hair with raccoon tails
Yeah she’s 2000s emo fs
Goes to raves and concerts like crazy
But she’s not opposed to any kind of music and will do goth makeup for fun
And wear Jane’s clothes
She thinks goth is really pretty but it’s just not her
She’ll stick with scemo lol
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Jason The Toymaker: Steampunk/ Victorian Circus Core
The copper in his clothes
The bright red hair
The long flowing jacket with intimate details
Yeah he’s definitely steam punk
Im not sure what kind of music steampunks listen to but I’d like to know!
Jason definitely listens to Emilie Autumn and old PATD
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I mean…it was obvious
Skillix, deadmouse, xxxanteria, Luci4, old Flying Lotus albums, 9lives
He’s literally code so I think he’d like it
Not much else to say here tbh
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I’m getting tired so lmk if you want a part 2 lol
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lynnieos · 22 days
Best Commissioned song from each character except I don't know anything about instruments and am bad at describing things.
Ichika (Hoshi wo Tsunagu): eh it's good. I don't really like any of her songs and this one is the best out of all of them. (I'm sorry bbg). Runner up is Made To Order
Saki (Tera Tera): What do you want me to say. Tera Tera is Tera Tera bro. Okay no lol it's a really good song and extremely catchy, the guitar is very fun and ichika saki and miku and a wonderful trio. Aioi is the runner up
Shiho (Peaky Peaky): I want 🎸🎸 to be 🎸🎸 legit-
What do you expect. The guitars. The basically trio of KAITO shiho and ichika. SHIHO. it's so catchy and funky and fun, which isn't normally something Leo/Need gets to be in their songs (which is fine I just wish they got more spunky stuff). Kaito is really well tuned and the guitar goes so fucking hard along with shiho and ichikas vocals. runner up is purpose
Honami (Flyway): literally gorgeous. Like. What else do I say. It's so different from Leoni's usual songs and it's better for it? Like the violins and whatever string instrument they're using is beautiful while still having some guitar or bass in there (I think) is just a wonderful mix of instruments and I wish they got to branch out more like that. Don't even get me started on the vocals HONAMI IS KILLING IT HERE. ichika's voice when the key changes is fucking amazing and everything about this song makes me want to scream. Ily honami. Runner up is Regulus
Airi (Momoiro no kagi): Holy fuck the everything about this song is just. Phenomenal. Everyone's vocals are on point, the instruments used are soft while still carrying, just like Airi's voice, like it was made for her (because. Well. It was.) This song is a lot different from her other songs and while I love (most of) them, this one is special to me because it's just so unlike her other ones and allows us to see a different side of her voice, one that's more melancholy. I'm going to stop here omg airi I love you sm. Runner up is Parasol Cider
Shizuku (Metamo RE:BORN): this song is so fucking stimmy and bouncy I ADORE it. The little click clacks in the background, the percussion doing absolute wonders, the vocals being so bouncy and matching the instrumentals perfectly, the buildup in the bridge (?) Is fucking amazing omg. Bopping so hard to this song it's so fun. Runner up is Hug
Haruka (Ai No Material): THE BEGINNING. THE SPARKLY SOUNDS. THE FUCKING VOCALS. everything about this song is so beautiful. I love everything about this song (except MEIKO'S tuning but. That's a whole other issue.) The chorus is so happy but in that calm, almost reserved way that reminds me of Haruka. It feels like floating on a teardrop. The guitar solo is good and so are all the parts after it omg. The soft quiet moment before the song picks up again for the end makes me want to bop my head i cant this song makes me so happy. THE ENDING ALSO. OH MY GOD. I CAN'T. I LOVE THIS SONG SM. runner up is float planner
Minori (World Wide Wander): this song is so fucking good. Why did y'all never tell me. This used to be in the bottom now it's one of my favorites. This song is so non-minori but it's literally perfect for her at the same time? The guitars, the overall... Vibe it gives off, you wouldn't expect a song like this from MMJ but they pull it off flawlessly. The guitars were an unorthodox choice but once again are actually really good. Also airi in this song omfg she sounds so good I can't- just. It's so catchy and fun I love it. Runner up is Teamate
An (Overthrow): I am so sorry An. This song is good. Rin's tuning is good and the chorus is great. The part where akito and an go off is good. I think this song does a good job of displaying everyone's unrest and upset after learning about such earth-shattering news. But it's nothing amazing to me. Runner up is Awake Now
Toya (Utsuro wo Aogu): everything about this song is so great. GOD. like. Holy shit Toya. The instrumentals are super good and do a fuck ton for the song, but the vocals are definitely a highlight in particular. Everyone sounds amazing and the girls acting as almost backup singers while still having their time to shine in the song is really charming to me. Of course the part where everyone says a part of their partner's name makes me want to rip at the walls/pos. But the part right after that makes me want to get up and scream omg. Everyone is on their A-game in this song and that makes this songs so fucking amazing omg. "Runner up" is blender
Okay so this was written pre-blender and now my opinions have changed blender is the best Toya comm but I don't feel like writing another analysis so it's the runner up
Kohane (Hitsuji ga ippiki): EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SONG IS PERFECT. the vocals the tuning the instrumentals the everything. Everyone is pulling their weight and akina and jiena went OFF in the recording studio. The buildup is so fucking good you don't understand. And Akina's like. Rolling of her Rs at the end killed me dead/pos. Kohane got to shine in a way she NEVER does in other songs and really got an opportunity to show how she can fit so so well into grungier songs and also MEIKO'S tuning is good for once so we all knew this song was gonna be a banger. Runner up is Beat Eater
Akito (Cinema): This song singlehandedly made me love Akito. And it's the first song to make me cry. I LOVE Cinema. The song to me isn't catchy or anything that scratches my brain but it's so fucking good that I love it a lot anyway. The lyrics speak to me a lot because of my experiences with not feeling like enough, wanting to give up but pushing through anyway because maybe, maybe one day I'll be able to be someone with something. But the lyrics progressively get more hopeful throughout the song, and I get more hopeful along with them. I don't have to wait around for the day to come when I can make that day today or smth. Idk man that song fucks me up. Like. A lot. Runner ups are Moonlight AND CRaZY
Kanade (Tricologe): I don't have much to say about this song. It's funky and fun and literally Kanade's only good comm (I'm sorry samsa). The vocals are good and I like Miku's tuning in this song. Um. Kanade's vocals are really good. NILFRUITS being commissioned for Kanade of all people is really surprising but done really well. Idk man this song really is good I just don't have anything much to say about it. Runner up is Kanadetomosusora
Ena (Nomad): all of ena's songs are around the same level of good but nomad beats out the others because of just how much of an improvement the full version is. I Nandesu is good either way and so is Infinitely Gray, but Nomad's full version is so much of a glow up in comparison to the game version that I can't help but appreciate it more. That and mizuki and Ena murder this song with their phenomenal vocals so this one takes the cake. The instrumentals are as per usual good and the like. Idk what it is but the little high pitched noise that plays is so so good. I love it. Runner up is I Nandesu
Mizuki (Kitty): you know what this song shouldn't be my favorite. It's just. So. Fucking. Catchy. It was the song I listened to the most over the summer. I was playing it non-stop and it somehow became my favorite that way. The guitars in particular goes so fucking hard in this song for no gaddamn reason and Ena's "1, 2, 3, 4" followed by the mizumafu part was a fatal combination. This song was nothing to me at the beginning because I was low-key tired of electric guitar but this song is so absurdly good it kinda trumps that. How did this happen. Runner up is IDSMILE
Mafuyu (Bug): Everything in this song is perfect and it was my favorite song in the entire game for so long. You don't understand. The instrumentals the hard intense beats and the fast pace. It's addicting. The small little noises and vocals that they added are so so good. But what really majes this song is mafuyu. This song has the best vocals in the entire game and Mafuyu is the reason why. The buildup then the sudden key change with Mafuyu fucking belting like she never has before. I stim so fucking hard to this song. Niigo has literally never sounded better than in this song and no other Nightcord song has been able to top this one since. Runner up is Jackpot Sad Girl
Rui (Showtime Ruler): this song is really good I like it. The lyrics are super sweet the instrumentals are so fun and spunky and so very Rui. Everything about this song is Rui. The instrumental the lyrics the fucking 3DMV. The little robot sounds in the bg (listen with headphones to hear it better.) Tsukasa and Rui's solos nearing the end of the song are so fucking good. This song is the embodiment of fun and quirkyness and Rui in general it makes me sick I love this song. The guitars are also really fun. Runner up is Donketsu
Nene (Glory Steady Go!): NENE!!!! THE GIRL!!!! Now THIS is how you make a song featuring mainly a duet between the VS and the Character of the song (im sorry leoni ilysm just not your songs). Nene is so perfect in this song, she sounds so free and happy in a way she doesn't normally mainly because she gets so many solo lines WHICH IS A GOOD THING!! ITS HER SONG IT'S ABOUT HER!!! The others do a perfect job of enhancing nene's vocals while still having a spot to shine without taking the focus away from Nene. The line distribution in this song is masterful and that's one of the main reasons why I love it so damn much. The instrumentals are fun as fuck and encapsulate Nene really well for me, still being chaotic and fun (because it's wondersho) but still keeping that slight subdued-ness that Nene has. It feels like Nene letting loose and just. Letting herself be a bit less... Reserved? She sounds like she's having a good time I mean. Luka is tuned really well here and adds a lot to the song, which is a trend in Luka comms. The small chants and tiny little noises of laughter and screams and talking is just so great man. The moment before the final chorus where Nene is like "you guys are a headache but doing shows with everyone is super fun!" While slightly crying I fucking hate wandasho I need to run them over oh my fucking god they love each other so much. That's it. That's what this song makes me feel. The song doesn't just feel like Nene cutting herself loose it feels like her letting herself get caught up in the rest of wandasho's antics. She's letting herself be influenced by the rest of wandasho and by a result the song is more chaotic than what you'd expect from Nene. Because Nene would have never gotten to this point without her friends. Without wandasho. I'm gonna fucking cry omg Nene is literally the best character in this game omg. Runner up is Hoshizora no Melody
Emu (Kira pipi Kira pika): this song is perfect. It's perfection. It's literally one of the best songs in the entire game. Words cannot describe how much I love this song. The instrumentals are amazing, but they also don't go as hard in favor of letting the voices shine instead. And the fucking voices. Emu sounds really cute here, matching the songs tempo to near perfection, but honestly I have to give this song to the entire group as a whole (which makes a lot of thematic sense considering how integral her friends are to her as a person and by extent her story). The small little exchanges and rapid-switching from one singer to another does a perfect job of keeping the energy high and fanciful, and when the song does slow down, it feels just the right amount of somber (especially since this song is so happy otherwise) while picking back up in a natural and very impactful way. It mirrors the relationship in wondersho; whenever Emu is feeling down and needs some reassurance, the others are always there to pick her back up and help her get going again. this song feels like it's telling you a story; the story of Wonderlands x Showtime, the story of Emu learning to move on and go to her next adventure with her friends omfg I love Emu so fucking much I would kill for her. Runner up is Niccori ^^ Survey Theme
And last, but definitely not least...
Tsukasa (Mr. Showtime): Okay. Okay okay okay. This. Fucking. Song. I literally cannot type because I keep getting swept up in the fucking PERFECTION that is Mr. Showtime. This song is the best song in the entire game. And I do NOT say this lightly. The instrumentals. The vocals. Luka. FUCKING TSUKASA TENMA. Oh my fuckinf god. Everyone and everything in this damn song is fucking PERFECT, this is Wonderlands x Showtime pushed to their fucking limits with how fucking hard they can go with a song. This feels like something straight out of a fucking musical and I mean that in the highest of praises. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is on their fucking A-game here. Tsukasa of course steals the show with his PHENOMENAL vocals, but Rui Nene and Emu are not taking a backseat in this song. Holy shit it is the opposite. They carry this song on their fucking backs (along with tsukasa) because if they weren't there the song would be SO much worse. Like so much. God this song is so smooth and seamless and mesmerizing, it's too easy to get swept up in the song and dance along with it. It makes you want to get up and dance. Actually no I'm nowhere near done this song makes me want to CRY OMFG. I'm abt to go into specifics about EVERYTHING be Warned.
Okay so the instrumentals are perfect. Literally perfect. The saxophone (I think) is THE MAIN REASON WHY THIS SONG IS PERFECT. i have no idea what kinda percussion that is in the background but it does a perfect job of keeping you following along with the beat so I never go off track. The piano is SO GOOD. I know it's most major appearance is in the beginning but you can hear it if you listen closely, right before the chorus, kinda like a lead-in to it? It makes me sick. Hitoshizuku x yamaP put crack cocaine into these instrumentals. And no I'm not done btw. I have no fucking idea what it is but the like. Percussion. In the part where tsukasa is holding the balloons (In the 2dmv) is great. And I love that part. The instrumentals atp have only stopped like once so the sudden lack of saxophone and other stuff makes this moment more impactful and makes it HURT I LOVE THIS SONG. Another thing I'd like to mention is that they have never gone so fucking hard on the instrumentals before. There are a BUNCH of subtle changes, such as putting more or less emphasis on an instrument and stuff like that. How do I say this the song feels like it follows along with the vocalists and adjusts things depending on the current mood of the characters. Dare I say. Like a musical
Idek what to call it but the SFX are also amazing. The tape reel in the part after the first chorus and the clapping before the Intermission part always gets me really excited. I'm also including the little small noises that the others make and classifying them as sound effects. Emu and Tsukasa's little cheer in the part right before the second chorus is so good I rewind it over and over again I hate them they make me sick.
And now the vocals. I am going to be going on an incoherent rant now. Tsukasa is obviously the lead but he's also the leader of this song, so yes he gets the most impactful parts but it also feels like he directs when the rest of the cast respond (0:19-0:23 is a good example of what I mean), like he calls and they call back to him i guess? words are hard. Anyway the vocals are so well coordinated and perfect. Every character gets to have their own moment and the way the song switches from vocalist to vocalist (a perfect example is 2:37-2:44 if you're confused) keeps the song from ever feeling stagnant which then means I always get distracted by it cause it keeps you engaged the entire time.
I'm not good at interpreting lyrics but the lyrics hurt me/ pos. Read them and you'll understand. The double meanings hurt meeee- tsukasa loves his friends so much he loves being an actor so much he wants to keep going he wants to hold on he wants to remember he is so full of determination and love and that is a potent combination. I love you tsukasa tenma. Can you tell I like tsukasa tenma. Fuckkkkkkkk. Runner up is 88* and Filament Fever
Okay that's it! You can definitely tell where my biases kicked in and it's very obvious I know nothing about instruments but otherwise I think this is okay. Thank you for reading and if you have any input to add please do I would love to hear it
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
"He was a punk, she did ballet" but its cynilou and reader is trying to choose between the two before ultimately becoming a sweet lil trio
Imagine tho,,,, like cyno wears anything that falls out of his closet, meanwhile nilou is wearing the strawberry dress and ribbon sandals, and reader being the most normal person in the middle where nilou helps them make up a cute outfit in the department store while cyno is...glaring menacingly at anyone who stares + offers his huge jacket when either of them are cold
He was a punk, she did ballet, they're a disaster
Fueling my Cynilou heart once again
I would love love love if the Reader is actually a fashion disaster instead hahaha or even just does not have a sense of fashion whatsoever, and so either Cyno or Nilou picks their outfit everytime when they started dating, or they just lend you their wardrobe because your clothes aren't matching at all. Nilou is also there to take care of your self-care needs, like charcoal nose strips and face masks, cucumber slices on the eyes. Your flawless queen won't let her lovers skip spa days, even tho at times it ends with you and Cyno throwing the slices at each other.
OMG what if on better days or during date days the trio forcibly matches like - remember Xiao's clothing line bane of all evil? Hell yeah, like that kind of matching. It's also cute that Cyno is the one looking out for them to the point that he makes sure to bring another article of clothing - like if its cold he has a jacket and a scarf on so that if the both of them are cold, they can take both. But then HE'S the one shivering so its up to his lovers to cuddle him tight.
Or if it's sunny, he has shades, a hat and an umbrella - gawd, imagine punk Cyno in all black and purple, piercings, a cold glare, and hanging by his elbow is a baby blue parasol with ribbons and lace. It's embarrassing, for sure, but it's for love.
If Tighnari or Alhaitham does see him and tease him for it tho - when you and Nilou come back, he's kneeling for forgiveness next to a broken umbrella.
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annachum · 9 months
Midgardian kids' in generals to reaction to several deities for the first time in person in MCU
Thor : ' OMG he is SO COOL and SO HANDSOME. He looks like a Nordic surfing dude and he is a FRIEND OF IRON MAN AND HE CAN LITERALLY CONTROL THUNDER AND LIGHTNING AND - '
Zeus : Is this the guy who ends up having a 100 kids and can shoot lightning like Thor does?!
Apollo : * wearing shades and taking out parasols * He's.....BEAUTIFUL....
Sigyn and Persephone : OMG they are so beautiful they are like fairy princesses ans Queens in the fairytales and -
Sif : OMG she is so cool and a bit scary at first Yet SUPER COOL. She's like an Amazon Warrior woman yet in Norse version and WE LOVE HER ARMORS AND -
Isis :
Some other kids - Is this the one with wings?
Egyptian kids - * kowtowing and kneeling * OH MIGHT ISIS! WE BOW BEFORE THY MAGNIFICENT PRESENCE!!!!
Anahita ( Persian Goddess of Water ) :
Some other kids - Is this one of those goddesses that can control water?
Iranic kids - * intense fan boying/fan Girling mode and praying in Iranic languages *
Parvati ( Hindu Goddess of Love ) :
Some other kids - Is this the one with lotuses....?
South Asian kids - * intense screaming, fan boying/Girling, praying and scuffle to hug her first ( before Pavarati graciously told them to line up for free hugs. Bless )
Kamala and her South Asian friends : * literally similar reaction as above AND Kamala on the verge of hyperventilating *
Sun Wu Kong ( a ' Great Sage ' in Jade Heavens and a magical monkey spirit, who is famous for being amongst those who accompanied Tan Sanzang to a pilgrimage to India in Journey to the West ) :
Some other kids - That's the monkey with kung fu skills, right? RIGHT?! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Chinese kids - * absolutely LOST IT - SCREAMING, ON THE VERGE OF FAINTING, BAWLING ALL FIGHTING TO HUG WUKONG FIRST, before Wu Kong just laughed graciously and encouraged the kids to line up for free hugs. Bless *
Shang Chi and his Chinese friends : * similar reaction as above and Shang Chi is on the verge of fainting from excitement and joy *
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fandomtrxsh19 · 1 year
1. ooooooohhh I like that art!
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2. I better see many a cosplays of summer. like her design is SO GOOD
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3. “I love you, just the way you are. Always” wait…. is this the night she left?
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5. “I’ll be back soon” “I know” yup. yup it is here come to f e e l s
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8. Alyx……
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9. Ooooooo nice transition!
10. “It’s not. But that’s not the case for neo. “ OOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA
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12. “What if I choose me?” “Then maybe that girl is enough”
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18. “No. You’re wrong.” “She’s never been any of those things.” “That’s why we follow her.” EUSHDBFUWA IM GOOD IM GOOD
19. Bye cat!!!
21. NEO. NEO. What are you doing
22. “She’ll find herself. One way or another.” ooooooOOOOO SHES GOING TO THE TREE
24. “When I was in the tree, I never saw little.” THIS CANT BE WHAT I THINK IT MEANS
26. “You do feel familiar, like a happy dream I can’t remember” “I’m so glad we got to meet you” AWWWWWWOMGGGGGGGGGGG
27. “It will be alright, huntress” ok IM SCREAMING OMGG
28. Somewhat and Juniper = THE MOST WHOLESOME DUO
29. Alright, I think they’re going home
30. OOOOOOHHHH Tree backstory! Those brothers, man.
31. “One small kindness, one small moment let to such a marvelous transformation. “ The whole scene is so good Omg
32. YOUNGER JAUNE’S BACK!!!!!!!!! I like the steaks of white ish gray left over!
34. Oooh an end credits song!
Alright, that’s it. I can’t believe that’s it. Volume 9 is over. It’s been a hell of a ride. From meeting unforgettable characters to the bees finally buzzing, this volume has been a delight. From all kinds of moments, the good, the bad, the cathartic, the tear jerking, the relief, the comedic, and lots and lots of feels, we endured through it all. We grew along with these characters in what’d that are personal to each and all of us.
Thank you Volume 9.
Volume 10, we’re coming for you
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emarli-the-doodler · 2 years
Idea 2: Vanessa is great with kids
Contrary to most fics, where "freed" Vanessa acts exactly the same as Vanny, just not evil; I believe that in the pre-Help Wanted era, Vanessa was actually great with children. My reasoning is as follows:
Fazbear Entertainment wants to improve their reputation before the VR game release and the pizzaplex opening. 
Decide to make each of their "branches" (companies that work for them) send one of their employees to schools to talk about their job as a way to "be transparent."
Vanessa's job is basically "play/ break video games," so Steel Parasol, the company that made FNAF VR in this universe, decides to send her out.
Vanessa finds working with the kids to be very enjoyable. Her positive and bubbly personality (as evidenced by the cut FNAF AR emails) makes the kids really like her. They are blown away by the idea that they can be paid to play video games.
Vanessa especially likes when some of those kids get that look of "I have found what I want to do with my life."
It's a win for everyone! Vanessa inspires some kids to get into tech, the children get a newfound love for technology, and Fazbear Entertainment's reputation goes up...slightly.
All this just serves to make the whole "Vanny" thing even worse, especially if some of her victims were those same kids Vanessa once talked with.
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codes · 2 years
Hi Matthew 😺 omg I'm so happy i stumbled upon someone else who likes shu knights and Tsumugi. Tsumugi is also one of my favorite characters i don't know why i don't list him in my about anymore... It's for real so messed up that Tsumugi exists i think if the people who call eichi a war criminal actually read and understood the Tsumugi chapters where natsume confronts him after the Valkyrie execution + the scene where he burns all records of the war they would not know peace. What's your favorite Tsumugi moment :)? Let me try to come up with some more questions aummm. What's your favorite knights story? Have u read lionheart and if yes what do you think about it? What do you think about shu and nazuna (i know i have "i like shunazu" in my about so i just want to add a disclaimer that i like it as a failed broken relationship only I'm not completely crazy) okay bye now good luck at the hospital 😺!
HI ANGIE!!!! 🐣 -relaxing w u under our parasol-
This became long so I’m putting it under a cut I hope these work bc I’m on mobile
I LOVE THAT WE HAVE SIMILAR FAVES I usually feel like I have a rlly weird combination of faves like there’s a concerning amount of red flags there and idk if I’d even follow myself. Put in ur about that Tsumugi is ur fave but he’s like a test subject to u.
Related to the Tsumugi thing but before engstars was released I wasn’t too concerned about ppl not knowing ! lore bc u can technically enjoy !! without it but then I froze up in bed two days ago bc I realized that nobody would know about meteor impact, no one has read the main story, no one has read element, MILKY WAY, MARIONETTE, CHECKMATE. which isn’t essential reading but it rlly does expand your understanding of the characters and their growth (when akira decides that it matters, i hate that man). I saw someone say that eichi manipulated Tsumugi into following him which was endlessly funny like Tsumugi did all of that himself like he knew damn well what was happening. This was literally him watching it all go down.
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He’s OUR problematic fave.
Unmmm fave mugi moment… HARD CHOICE but it’s not a particularly popular scene and I don’t have a screenshot on me (I checked :[ ), it’s the one where Tsumugi is talking to Izumi and he’s like “I really admire you for being able to talk to someone who so clearly hates your guts ^_^” and Izumi gets Pissed. If I ever find it I’ll probably post it bc it pleasantly cheeses me
I DONT KNOW IF I HAVE A FAVE KNIGHTS STORY im a failure of a stan bc college had been rlly busy and I couldn’t read a lot of them before they were snapped out of existence but for now it’s checkmate but there’s a good chance that’ll change since now I have time to read more. And I haven’t read lionheart -gripping the soil and letting the tears run down my face- i want to read it so bad.
SHUNAZU I saw that and i was like woaahh bc there’s so many ways that it can go and I don’t think it’s particularly popular (or maybe I’m wrong and I just haven’t rlly looked around). I have a lot of thoughts about Shu but none of them are normal. My friend rlly likes nazuna so I enjoy him vicariously through her. Shu and nazuna together in the same room tho hrmmm I like the thought of them meeting me in like a grocery store and Shu wants to hide in the bathroom. I think what happened between them is tragic and one time my friend said exvalk was their height and now their music is missing that vital piece that they once had which is an interesting take but I see it more like what happened was necessary for the both of them. They wouldn’t have grown either musically or as people if they stayed together in their unit. I think exvalk was the peak of their lowest moment but i might be wrong, i just like Saying whatever. Booo Get this loser off the stage!!! -throwing tomatoes at Matthew-
I wish I had more to say but that’s rlly my take on it for now :)
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popjunkie42 · 8 days
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart? (I know which one broke mine)
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
🧠 How about…Lucien?
🤲 Here’s a little snippet from Chapter Four of Thief and the Rake!
Like all things in the city, it took some getting used to. Feyre trailed behind her sisters with their new parasols, bought with coin from a purloined love letter, walking slowly to observe.
It was odd, seeing the stiff dresses and layered suits and shining dress shoes here in this beautiful place. Although the hedges were trimmed and the place obviously managed with a firm gardener’s eye, Feyre could smell the dirt and the green down to her bones.
She longed to slip off her shoes and socks and let her feet sink into the grass. She could tie up her skirts and Lucien would fold up his breeches and wade into the pond hunting for something to roast over a fire. And afterwards she could curl up under the trailing leaves of a willow tree, napping behind its curtains and on a soft bed of petals. Finally taking a deep breath for the first time all week.
Instead, her tight, pinching shoes scraped against the gravel path. They walked slowly, eyes turning to watch them as they passed.
💔 Omg tell me! For me it was probably One for My Baby, and I’m excited to write more UTM angst for one of my WIPs…
🥰 Yes for sure although I’m rather hot and cold on tumblr, sometimes I am here a lot and sometimes I am skimming and not paying much attention, so AO3 can be the best place for comments!
Thanks for the questions!
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coming up with word ship names for oc x canon and random ships cuz im bored and goofy:
annaki x ocho (ancho) = CoinFlame (rich kid ocho hc lmao)
contacts x junior = DuskHope / ColdHope (contacts see's junior as her hope)
marusan x emperor = FlowerKing (makes sense)
tulip parasol x red sole = RedTulip (literally the same lol)
im stupid /nsrs
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ladykailolu · 2 years
I’ve redesigned M&M
I swear every time I draw her she gets prettier and prettier
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I gave her longer hair and a different hat
I have her that cute scarf cause I didn’t like the old one
I gave her back her hetrochromia as well
Omg she's so taaaaaaaaall!!!! And very pretty. I love her hat. I can almost see her carry around a little umbrella/parasol as she walks the 1890-1891 streets.
And imagine that Gyro holds her from behind and kisses up her arm, stopping at her cheek. He's trying to woo her and it's working.
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......Thanks Claudia.
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fanfic-gallery · 2 years
Hiiii!!! Omg Happy birthday 🎂🎉!!! Do you think I could request a fem!reader x ran haitani scenario where they have a cute little summer party just the two of them because she unfortunately couldn't get home in time to see her friends and family?
I really love your writing btw💕 hope you had/have an amazing day. I wish you all the best❤️
Wasting lost time
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✎ Ran x Reader
✎ The warmth of home fading as you stared at the train passing, but the warmth of your darling’s embrace healed the pain that stung at you
✎ Tags: hurt/comfort, teasing, f! reader
: ̗̀➛ Manger’s/Author’s note: Awww, I wish the same for you too anon, thank you so much for requesting <3 Hope this one doesn’t disappoint you too much, enjoy :)
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Every birthday, when you are able, you would always take a train back to Miyagi to visit old friends and family. The cheerful laughter, the familiar scent of imo-ni, boiling taro simmered alongside clean-cut slices of meat, the fresh atmosphere of the country side now only a lingering memory as your heart wretched at the sight of the elongated vehicle rushing through the underground tunnel. Grip on your bags loose as you subconsciously wept internally, tears dripping down your chin as you stood there bug-eyed.
“Princess?” A melodic tone pierced through your ringing ears, head snapping towards the voice, eyes meeting lavender purple, orangey rays dusting his pale features, bi-colour tones shimmering in the setting light. Visible red flushing your face, noises of a boiling kettle rumbling inside of you. “Stop being so goddam pretty.. ” eyes rolled sideways, avoiding the tall male’s hazy gaze, warm breeze turned hotter, Ran’s face drawing in closer, noses touching, lips inches apart. “And what if I say no~ what are you going to do about it hmm~?”
Eyes dilated to the point it might pop out of your sockets, red glowing harder as the male leans in further, top lip grazing yours, warm breath fanning against your skin. “Come now, enough stalling~” Ran slipped away from you, slender fingers looping over yours, dragging your frozen figure, mouth still left ajar, cheeks hot to the touch. The slithering regret of agreeing to whatever outing he has planned for your birthday, now wishing that Rindou was here to knock some sense in the teasing bimbo, but you don’t dislike it.. Ran barely has time for anything really, even getting the chance to spend a day with him was a dream come true.
“We’re here~” Hues of blue to shades of orange and red as the Sun continued its descend, golden rays of light reflecting the blue ocean, waves clashing against the cream brown sand, leaving darkened patches in its place. “Ran.. this is.. “ Silence was all you could reply, the view so striking a painter of incredible caliber would be in tears. “Only the best for my little love, now why don’t we enjoy ourselves?” With an eager nod, you were already being pulled towards a small area, checkered picnic cloth, the pole of the parasol sinking into the sand, fiery portable stove boiling imo-ni, the flowy flavour of taro and meat reaching your senses.
“Happy birthday, doll~” Scent of baked cake batter, hints of sweetness swirling, tilting your head in curious as the sight of cupcakes caked in frosting and toppings came to view. Striped candle holding a flicking flame, the wax dripping slowly and hardening on the stick. “Ran.. thank you!” You cheered, toothy grin plastered on your face as a subtle smile spread on his. “I heard you loved imo-ni, let’s eat before it gets cold.” You hummed in response, skipping towards the picnic area. This was a change, but, you don’t dislike it..
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obeythebutler · 3 years
*cracks knuckles* hmmmmmm-
I want the brothers with a fem!MC who wears cute Lolita clothes and has a trusty Parasol with her at all times and has a British accent? omg I just love the aesthetic-
Brothers With A Fem! MC Who Wears Lolita Clothes
It's a refreshing change, a sharp contrast to the formal garments he sees other demons wear.
That parasol of MC's is also adorable. Suits her aesthetic!
He likes her British accent, her clothes and parasol, or is it just that he's in love?
The parasol is something Lucifer ensures will never be damaged by his rowdy brothers. He's that protective of it.
MC's outfit sure is something else! He had seen these type of outfits in the animes Levi watches but seeing them on MC? He finds it cute.
That parasol is adorable! Goes along with her outfit smoothly!
And their accent too! Mammon is even more protective of his human now.
But....once when Levi was mad at him he attempted to hit him with the parasol....and the others intervened, fuming.....
She looks just like that character from that anime!!! Her outfit, parasol and aesthetic matches them perfectly!
That parasol is a fitting accessory! Leviathan loves it!
And their accent....
Leviathan wants MC to cosplay with him, he's changing and come back in a minute!
Her outfit is something else, a sharp contrast to the gloominess of the Devildom.
That parasol looks fitting to her outfit.
And her accent...Satan loves it!
Satan adores MC deeply and will at snarl at anyone who dare come close..
MC's choice of fashion is very adorable, he wants to try it too!
That parasol is a well-fitting accessory, and oh, so pretty!
Her accent is also very nice to hear! This demon right here is going to take many pictures of him and MC together for Devilgram! They'll make a fine pair!
MC is a sight for sore eyes amongst the gloominess of the Devildom!
Her outfit is very adorable! As lively and cute as the tiny plants in the garden!
That parasol suits her look very well, just like Belphegor's pillow!
Her accent is also very pleasing to hear!
Beelzebub adores MC, and the pair can often be seen strolling in the garden while enjoying some ice cream.
Her outfit is truly something else, standing out from demons.
That parasol suits her very well, just like his cow pillow!
Her accent too!
Belphegor liked the parasol until he got poked in the eye with it.....
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jackalopesao3 · 3 years
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Playing through Sword (beat Shield ages ago) and this scene still has me 🤣🤣🤣. She literally drops her parasol! Opal is my favorite character from Sword and Shield. I love that she pretty much adopted Bede!
Side note: I thought Bede was an old lady during the promos because of his hair and the eyelashes looked like wrinkles to me. I was like omg that's a little kid! 😅 It's fitting Opal would choose him!
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