#i love her shes so gremlin she just woke up and her hair is messy because she just woke up
flying-potato2 · 5 months
shes so creature (id in alt)
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
The Bakugou Kids - Bakugou Katsuki
(Dad)Bakugou x (Mom)f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, Cursing
Summary: Bakugou and Y/N love their son with their entire beings, but sometimes, parents need a break. Especially when those parents are responsible for creating a literal demon spawn. He is kind, well behaved, and cute of course! But he does have Bakugou blood in him. With Y/N already away on a girls trip, Bakugou has to find out how he’s going to deal with his (now) many, many kids.
A/N: You passed down your duplication quirk down to Katsuo.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” You asked your husband as you stood at the doorway. “Katsumi may be a calm baby but she’s still a baby. And Katsuo’s quirk just kicked in and it is mine. I would know how difficult it can be to manage.”
“Stop worrying, Babe. It’s just a duplication quirk. And he’s only 5, how powerful can it really be?”Katsuki said, wrapping his arms around you. “Just go on your little girl’s trip with Ponytail and Racoon Eyes. I can handle the brat.”
You looked at your husband with a raised brow and smile before rolling your eyes and giving him a kiss. “Alright then. I’ll see you in a few days!”
With that, you walked out of the house and into the cab to meet your friends at the resort. Katsuki chuckled before walking back into the house to find his son napping on the couch. His spiky, blonde locks were all messed up with bed head while his E/C eyes he inherited from you remained shut. Katsuki walked over to his newborn daughter and picked her up while he took a seat next to Katsuo’s sleeping form, rubbing at his soft hair until he woke up.
“Can’t be all that bad, right Katsumi?”
The baby girl merely cooed with sparkling ruby eyes that mimicked her father’s.
Wow. Wrong. He was so wrong! It had only been 2 days since your departure but things had already gone so wrong! When you said your quirk was difficult to manage, Katsuki thought it would be difficult for Katsuo to manage. Not him!
Katsuki should’ve known his son would’ve taken the opportunity to act out while his mother was away. He had always been your little angel while Katsuki saw him as his little gremlin. With Y/N gone, Katsuo has been pushing all kinds of limits. Limits that had Katsuki beat.
Katsuo had been fortunate enough to inherit a quirk. And not just any quirk, but your quirk. Duplication. Basically, he can create copies of himself. When you were his age, you could only create 4, max. Katsuo was different though. He had Bakugou blood flowing through him. He was advanced the second he was born. So now, Katsuki was stuck looking after Katsumi, Katsuo, and Katsuo’s 16 other copies.
“Aye! Number 15, you’re gonna break that lamp! 11 and 8! Don’t wrestle in the mud! Go take a bath! NUMBER 3 GET OFF THE KITCHEN ISLAND! KATSUMI!” The adult blond screamed, looking for his infant daughter, eventually finding her sleeping in her little rocker on the living room floor. “Oh right, you don’t talk yet.”
Katsuki sighed as he slumped down next to his daughter, and leaned his back against the couch. He looked around the room and saw the 17 Katsuo’s making a ruckus around the house. All he could do was question how the hell is 3 month old daughter could possibly sleep through all this.
Katsuki almost lost all hope for humanity until a knock was heard on his front door. Knowing exactly who was there, he quickly got up from his place on the floor and ran to the entrance. “You idiots are finally here!”
Katsuki pulled in his 3 friends, the boys of the Bakusquad, and slammed the door shut. The 3 friends all stood in shock at the sight of the house. Not that it was overly messy or anything. It’s just that there were about 16 more figures in the house that aren’t usually there.
“You gotta help me!” Katsuki said, running infront of them, shaking his best friend’s shoulders. “I love my kids! I do! I love Katsuo, I swear! BUT I DIDNT SIGN UP TO BE A FATHER OF 18 FREAKING DEVILS!”
“Okay! Okay, relax man. We’re here.” Kirishima said, patting his friend’s shoulder as he wept. “How the hell are we gonna take care of 17 little Bakugous?”
“Right? We thought 1 Kacchan was a lot. Then you brought another one into the world, who apparently brought some unannounced friends.” Kaminari joked.
“They’re demons!” Katsuki exclaimed. “This has to be some fucking Karma for the shit I did. I knew I should’ve listened to my old hag better. Now shits came back to bite me in the- HEY! PUT YOUR SISTER DOWN! SHE’S NOT A FOOTBALL!”
Katsuos number 7 and 5 placed a sleeping Katsumi back in her rocker with an annoyed pout before running off to play something else.
“Welllll, there’s nothing that 3 cool uncles can’t fix!” Sero enthusiastically said. “Hey kiddos! Who’s ready to have some fun?”
All the mini blondes stopped their movements, some freezing mid-air, and looked to the slim man. They all shouted in joy at the sight of their uncles and ran to pounce on the 3 men, including their father. From the point of view of the boys in the Bakusquad, it looked like a Bakugou stampede.
“Run, run, RUN, RUN, RUUUNN!!!!” Kaminari screamed as the boys all ran for their lives to escape the herd of Katsuos. This was going to be an interesting day.
Safe to say after the day had passed, the boys of the Bakusquad were completely exhausted. Sero had half his clothes torn, Kirishima’s hair fell from it’s great spikes and even lost some red hues, Katsuki’s eye bags had never been heavier, and Kaminari was just straight knocked the fuck out. They were all thrown across the couch as Katsumi rested in Katsuki’s arms.
“What do we do?” Kirishima exclaimed.
“I don’t know.” Katsuki said, looking at his scrambling son(s). “There’s just too many.”
“And we’ve already lost a soldier.” Sero said pointing to Kaminari’s sleeping form. Katsuki and Kirishima followed his gaze and bowed their heads in respect towards the defeated Kaminari.
“Well now what? Is Bakugou just supposed to live like this for the next 3 days?” Kirishima asked.
“Hell no. If I do, there’s not gonna be anymore Katsuki. I’ll just be some body without a soul because my damn gremlins sucked it outta’ me.” Katsuki said with his head dropped down.
“Well how do we get them to calm down?” Sero questioned.
“I don’t know. They’re all mini me’s. Nobody could get me to relax.” Katsuki said in defeat, but that’s when Kirishima had a lightbulb go off for him.
“Except for Y/N!” The red head said, popping up from his seat on the couch.
“Uh, if you haven’t noticed Shitty Hair, this all started because she’s away on her trip.” Katsuki said with sarcasm as he looked at his friend as if he was an idiot.
“I know that! But Y/N wasn’t the only one to tame you, Bakugou!” Kirishima said in excitement.
“So then who else?” Katsuki asked.
“You know,” Kirishima smirked. “Denki’s favorite person. Y/N and.........”
It took Katsuki a second before his eyes popped when he finally got it. “No!”
“Yes!” Kirishima said.
“No way! We’re not going to her!” Katsuki complained.
“Who?” Sero asked.
“Nobody!” Katsuki screamed.
“Oh it’s somebody alright! Somebody who was able to tame the beast in Bakugou the second he was born!” Kirishima said.
“Who?” Sero asked. Katsuki finally sighed before he gave in, realizing this was his only hope for sanity. He grabbed his phone and made a quick call before explaining to his dark-haired friend.
“The demon of all demons...”
The door opened to reveal a tall standing brunette and an elder feminine blonde.
“...My mother.”
The boys of the Bakusquad all sat lined up on the couch as Mitsuki stood at Katsuki’s end and smacked her son’s head.
“You idiots! Y/N leaves for 2 days and all hell breaks lose?!” Mitsuki screamed at the 3 young men.
“You old hag! Quit hitting me! Ima’ grown man for crying out loud!” Katsuki screamed as he rubbed his head. Masaru simply bounced the sleeping Katsumi in his arms as he watched the scene play out.
“Well if you’re such a grown man then why can’t you manage your own kids without your wife’s help?!” Mitsuki argued, leaving Katsuki silent as he grumbled. The eldest blonde sighed before continuing. “Alright listen, I’ll watch these little devils for the next few days until Y/N comes back. I’d love to spend some time with my grandbrats. Why don’t the 3 of you go take a break and-“
“THANKS! Let’s go losers!” Katsuki said dragging his friends to the exit. Mitsuki and Masaru only laughed at their son’s behavior as they began tending to the kids.
The boys of the Bakusquad all quickly walked out of the house and headed for their cars as they all walked together.
“So, where to?” Sero asked.
“We could go head up that new resort in Tokyo!” Kaminari suggested.
“Naahhh. That’s where Y/N’s having her girl’s trip. Wifey would kill me if she saw me there instead of at home with the kids.” Katsuki said with his hands in his pockets. Kirishima raised his brow at this.
“Oh? So then, maybe we should go back and-“
“You know, on second thought,” Katsuki said with wide eyes once Kirishima made the suggestion. He took his hands out of his pockets and placed them behind his friend’s backs to keep them moving. “Maybe she won’t kill me..if I’m lucky..and wish..upon a shooting star....a million times over. Hah.....yeah. TO THE RESORT!”
As they walked, Kaminari attempted to look at the house once more, prompting Katsuki to turn his friend’s head back around. “No, no, no, don’t look back, they can smell fear.”
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b0rista · 4 years
i keep seeing dad!levi on the tl and i cant stop thinking abt him as a dad😩 can i request drabble/hc/fic of levi and his s/o adopting gabi and falco🥰 no thoughts. just dad!levi brainrot go brrrrt
AUTHOR'S NOTES: gn! reader.
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never would you have ever expected to take in a pair of children as your own. better yet, never would you have ever expected him to. while you knew his soft side all too well, everyone has their limits.
gabi and falco moving in with you and levi likely just,, happened. a temporary housing for them, considering they had nowhere else to go. seeing as though imprisonment for a second time was a bit of a reach, it was a minor debate within headquarters regarding what to do with the two. through careful consideration, your lover made a decision.
what better way to supervise them than in our own home?
of course, the thought conflicted you. the enemy, living with you? sure, they were barely teenagers, but that didn't make them any less capable of murdering you in your slumber.
knowing levi, though, that would never be the case. the man was already the world’s most calculating insomniac, lord knows he’d never let either of those kids out of his sight. especially not around you. 
nevertheless, your guys’ experience living with the remaining warriors of marley would be far more different than either of you would ever think to realize. 
to your surpise, falco’s quite literally the sweetest pre-teen to ever roam the earth. of course, you’d only assumed it was all an act. that was,, until you genuinely caught him attempting to befriend levi's horse one morning. he was outside holding a fistful of grass, holding it out to the thing as if it were some sort of a beast. eventually, you joined him, and you showed him just how to handle it. and while the boy seemed skeptical at first, you saw that glimmer in his eyes the moment the horse allowed him to pet its mane. from the window, levi only watched.
speaking of levi's horse, that thing absolutely despises gabi. you're not quite sure why, but it does. you've literally had to run out and claw her hair out from between its teeth before— she's scReaminG, you'Re screaming, even the horse is screaming.
"why does this keep happening to me?!"
"this has happened befoRe?"
whenever either of the two children curse, levi's quick to correct them. despite having quite the foul mouth himself, he doesn't hesitate whenever he has to toss out a blunt "language."
^ at first, they were bitter. with time, though, they stopped swearing.
a key moment in time that helped develop you and falco's relationship was one afternoon where he was helping you out with yard work. somehow, his little crush on gabi came up, and the two of you got to talking about it. after giving him some genuine, appropriate advice for a kid with a crush, he really did start looking at you differently.
as for levi and gabi, those two bonded over intense, hilarious training. he found her punching the air in his backyard, and decided to drop in with a few sarcastic pointers. somehow, it ended in him kicking the poor girl around like a rag doll— not violently, he never hurt her. instead, he fended off each and every attack she fired at him, leaving her absolutely exhausted. she was tired out, and he was perfectly fine. imagine gabi, laying on the ground, tired as shiT, and levi, gently nudging the toe of his boot into her side:
"you can fight, but you're messy. if you ever stand a chance at surviving this war you started, i suggest you clean up your act."
cue gabi, glaring.
"if you care so much, then help me become better."
and so he did 🥺🥺 the two bond over levi practically coaching her, and as the days merge into weeks, she grows to actually respect levi, and maybe even look up to him.
basically, while you and falco live your cottagecore lives and bond over horses and apple picking, levi and gabi beat the everliving shit out of eachother in the backyard. it's a great balance.
for the first couple of nights, eating at the dinner table with those two was disgustingly awkward. it was utter silence, nothing more. however, one night, falco dropped his fork, and when he bent down to get it, he looked underneath the table for a milliseconD— there levi was, leaned down, stArinG at him. it was both hilarious and terrifying altogether, and falco ended up screeching and knocking his head into the table, hard.
"and? gRemlin."
it surprised all of you, hearing gabi laugh. a genuine, real laugh. eventually, that turned into a conversation. and after that, you had conversations during every dinner. the development process was cruel, but worth it.
the kids help you prepare breakfast in the morning while levi downs his fourth cup of tea at the table, and it's always cute. because of you, falco knows how to make scrambled eggs! and also because of you, gabi knows how to prank somebody using an uncooked noodle. literally, she just places a piece of it between her teeth, pretend to crack her nose, and crunch. she made falco scReAm, and levi just looked at you like 🤨 bitch, tf are u teaching her
now, this was around three months into supervising them. one night, they were sitting alongside you on the sofa, and you were reading them a story. while falco was into it, gabi thought it was silly— still, though, she listened. eventually, they passed the hell out on either side of you. you drifted off, as well. when you woke up, you'd woken up to levi, his head rested onto your lap while his knees prop him up from the floor. by the looks of it, he wanted to be included.
whenever either of them step out of line, they earn a swift flick to the forehead from levi. it's a daily thing. gabi says something stupid, flick. falco slacks off during chores, flick. one time, gabi tried flicking him back, and it just started a flick war. you were done with all three of them.
both gabi and falco love telling you about marley's technology. you'd never heard of such things, and to know that they exist? shit, the look on your face is priceless. they absolutely adore getting a reaction out of you, and they often butt heads over who gets to tell you what. when they do, cue the overly aggressive forehead flicks from levi.
while levi told you not to, you couldn't help yourself. you showed them just how cool it is to use ODM gear. of course, they lost their shit, because holy hell that looks fun. your boyfriend, of course, caught you swinging from tree to tree while the two children gawked at you, and he gave you a stern talking to. before he did, though, that motherfucker joined you in the trees. again, the kids lost it.
eventually, they just think you guys are the coolest people they've ever come across. which stirs up one heLL of an identity crisis for gabi, because,, lol aren't y'all devils or sum?
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
F&D - Search for Infinity ❤️‍🔥P21❤️‍🔥 Time to plan a party
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The next morning you woke up to an empty bed. After a long yawn and a quick stretch, you made your way towards Lokis bathroom, quickly washing your face and brushing your teeth before deciding to hunt down your future husband and his gremlin. For some reason, you felt happier this morning as if your life wasn’t currently falling apart. Perhaps the knowledge of knowing you may not have had too many mornings like these left left you cherishing the remaining ones. Leaving Lokis room, you headed towards the kitchen where you assumed Loki and Sev were.
“You give these ones to mummy and remember to tell her you made them. These ones on the other hand are the ones I made.” You heard Loki speak as you turned to walk inside.
“I made mummy these ones.” Seven replied, pointing to the neat stack of pancakes Loki held.
“Fine.” Loki huffed “I made mummy these ones.” He said, picking up the plate of unappetising, messy pancakes decorated with a plethora of different sweets and fruits as opposed to his ones with a small helping of syrup.
“Morning mischief, morning princess.” You greeted them both, kissing Loki on the cheek as you took the plate from Sevens hand and placed it on the table before sitting her on your lap as you sat down.
“Inamorata.” Loki greeted, feeding you a strawberry as he kissed you on the head.
“What’s all this?” You smiled, gesturing to the plates of food.
“I made thisss.” Seven answered, eagerly pointing to Lokis plate of pancakes.
“And I guess that means I made these ones.” Loki added, pointing to the almost dripping plate as he sat down.
“Interesting” you laughed “why didn’t you wake me up Loki, I would have made breakfast.”
“I thought I’d let you sleep.” He answered, cutting a piece of the edible pancake and giving it to Seven.
“Again? Loki you’re allowed to wake me up, roll me off the bed if you have to.” You snorted.
“You just always look so angelic when you sleep, I wouldn’t dare disturb you.” He smiled.
The three of you continued to talk as you ate breakfast. One by one, each of the avengers wondered in, grabbing something to eat or speaking to you and Loki for a while before leaving. Usually you’d enjoy the quiet time but today you enjoyed each and every single conversation you had with each of them, your family. Who knew how many more times you’d be able to partake in such frivolous conversations. Even if you somehow managed to survive this plague, once the team found out, they were bound do treat you differently, as if you were weak, fragile. Them not knowing was a blessing. Luckily there wasn’t much for the Avengers to do considering SHIELD had recruited more agents a few weeks ago so they were able to cover most things especially since Fury knew you had a birthday to plan. He’d act like he didn’t care but you didn’t miss the wrapped gift he had left with Tony during yesterdays visit.
“I think Thor here would love to take his niece for a while, maybe watch a film or I don’t know, learn some maths or whatever she does when she’s not with you.” Nat suggested when Thor walked in.
“She’s actually very smart.” Thor remarked, looking at Seven as he narrowed his gaze.
“Pwincess.” Seven greeted, also narrowing her gaze too.
“Seven” Thor replied. “And I’m not a princess.”
“For.” She then corrected.
“What is this?” Loki asked, gaze flicking between Sev and Thor.
“From what I gathered when I arrived, Thor lost some sort of bet or game against your five year old, now he has to apparently tidy her room for life and give her ice cream whenever she wants.” Nat cut in.
“You are gambling with my five year old?” You scolded Thor.
“This wasn’t a simple bet, this is war.” Thor declared, picking Seven up as he ruffled her hair. “You’re the princess.” He said as he poked her nose. You were about to open your mouth to reply but you noticed one of Sevens tiaras from her room appear on Thors head.
“Loki! Was that you?” You gasped.
“No.” He answered as shocked as you.
“My baby is growing up, she’s a little trickster like her dad.” You smiled.
“You think you’re so funny don’t you, well let’s see how funny you are at the park.” Thor spoke, removing the crown from his head and placing it on Sevens head “do you mind y/n? I’ll ensure she’s safe, I am the god of Thunder.” He almost boasted. You looked at Loki who gave you a curt nod.
“Yep just bring her back in one piece please.” You replied. You got Seven ready before kissing her goodbye before she and Thor left leaving you, Loki and Nat.
“Right, what’s the plan for Sevs birthday?” Nat asked excitedly.
“Well she hasn’t seen Izzy for a while so I was thinking she’d go there for a sleepover.” You answered.
“I’ve also got something planned.” Loki grinned.
“Anyways” Nat continued, looking from Loki to you “we should do something here too, at least sing happy birthday. She’s the youngest avenger after all. Plus it’s the first birthday we’ve got with her.”
And perhaps the last one I’ll have with her you thought to yourself.
“You’re right, we’ll do something here first and then Loki will take her to London for the night.” You decided “oh yeah Loki, what was your surprise?”
“That’s for our ears only my darling.” He chuckled lowly.
“Okay ew.” Nat grimaced.
“Oh shut up, I’m sure you and Bruce didn’t keep the honeymoon PG.” you laughed.
“You know me y/n, there was nothing PG about it.” She winked.
The three of you planned a few things which included Natasha shouting down the phone in Russian after the balloon shop said they couldn’t fulfil her order in such a short space of time. There were also no cake shops available until Tony got wind of what you were up to and took the phone from your hand, telling the cake shop owners that he was their new boss.
“Tony!” You reprimanded.
“What’s the point in me being a billionaire if I can’t get little Sev a cake?” He shrugged.
“Yeah doesn’t mean you had to buy the whole shop.” You sighed “can you maybe also buy the balloon shop?”
By the time Thor and Sev retuned, Sev holding an ice cream in each hand, you, Loki, Nat and Tony had planned a small gathering in two days time for Sevens birthday. You had sorted the location, cakes, balloons, food, a DJ, presents, a whole day at Disneyland with just you guys and a few more little more pieces.
“Hey baby, did you enjoy the park?” You asked, helping Sev remove her coat as she placed one of the half melted ice creams in your hand.
“It was very good, we love the swings.” Thor answered.
“Obviously not you you oaf.” Loki said to Thor.
“Yesss.” Seven beamed, taking the icecream from your hand and giving you the other one “for you.”
“Oh wow, thank you.” You smiled at the melted mess in your hand “I’m sure daddy would like some.” You added when you heard Loki giggling behind you.
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A/N: I’ve forgotten how to write 😂 my apologies. Anyways imagine this gif as a scene, Thor and Loki both being serious but then the camera pans down to a child wearing a bright dress and holding a wand. Imagine you then gesturing for them to stand closer together so you could take a picture 🥺🤣 aw
Loki: This is the closest I’m standing to him y/n
Thor: Come on brother, I don’t bite
Loki: Well I do
Seven: Cheeeeeeese
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cjtheghost-14 · 3 years
Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans - Pidge Gunderson x Reader
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Requests: None (but please give me some)
Notes: This came to me while I was eating chocolate covered espresso beans at 3:42 am last night, why do you ask?
Summary:  Your the White Paladin on team Voltron, and you also happen to be dating the little gremlin piloting the Green Lion. Pidge Gunderson. Lately, you haven’t been able to have much alone time, what, with saving the Universe and all. The only downtime the two of you have is at night, and the castle has run out of coffee. Your body can’t handle it, and you pass out as soon as you get in bed with your girlfriend. Pidge, on the other hand, doesn’t need coffee to stay awake. It’s not like she has a choice, anyhow. She’s always up late working on upgrades for the castle. You’ve been upset about the lack of contact the two of you have been having lately, and mad at yourself for always falling asleep. What are you meant to do without coffee? Then you remember something you smuggled aboard when you left Earth.
Warnings: Some good old fluff, being sleep deprived, stress, caffeine over load,  swearing
(sorry this took so long, blame my hectic life!)
Is it 11:00 pm already? How could that be right? You check your watch again, your vision beginning to blur from exhaustion. You take a sharp breath in, being able to just make out the time. It was, in fact, 11:00 pm. You rub your eyes in an attempt to just simply wipe the sleepiness away. Today was an unusually long day for the whole team. Zarkon apparently didn't know the meaning of sleep since his attacks have been relentless. Just today the team saved two planets. Although afterwards, the castle had been so severely damaged that we spent the rest of the day trying to fix it. Coran only let you stop a few minutes ago. He could’ve kept you longer, if not for that fact that you were practically falling asleep while re adjusting the teludav. You didn’t know if your girlfriend, Pidge, was even going to be in her room but you drag your feet in it’s direction anyway. She was always the busiest when it came to castle repairs, leaving you alone with your thoughts. After leaving your family, maybe some quality time with your depressing brain wasn’t the best idea. You have never felt more alone. Loneliness was corrosive, eating away at your heart until it left only a shell of a human. It could arguably be the worst feeling someone could feel. And ever since you left earth to become a paladin, that very feeling has taken over your already fragile mind. You depended on Pidge to pull you through, but you’ve barely been able to see her lately. Now, of course, you had the rest of the team beside you. You loved cooking with Hunk, listening to Coran’s weird stories and Allura’s beautiful ones. You loved spending time with Lance, he was your best friend after all, and you grew up with Shiro and Keith. Shiro was like a Dad to you, as Keith was like your brother. You loved them all with your whole heart. But those bonds paled in comparison to your feelings for Pidge. Your heart ached thinking about her. All you wanted to do was hold her in your arms. The thought made you walk faster, rounding the corner and not hesitating to barrel into Pidge’s messy room. You stumble over a box of electronics, your eyes landing on Pidge sitting on her bed, fiddling with something glowing. Your face breaks into a huge grin as you see her sitting there, her face bathed in blue light, glasses askew on her nose, pictures of you and her stuck on the wall behind her.
“Pidge!” You exclaim, surprised that she was actually here.
Her head shoots up, the lazy smile you love making its way onto her face. “Y/N!”
You run over to her, jumping on the bad, grabbing her face and slamming your lips onto hers. She laughs, pulling away slightly to look at you. “As much as I loved that, Y/N, I have work I need to do.”
“But I haven't seen you in days!” You say, your hopes sinking like lead.
“I know, love, but I really can’t relax now. Coran needs this by tomorrow morning. Just give me a few minutes, I’m almost done.” She says, turning her attention back to whatever she was working on.
You sigh, laying down. You can feel all of the anxiety from the past month weighing on your chest, crushing you with no hope of escape. You had hoped to talk to Pidge about it, but she was too busy, yet again. It wasn’t her fault, of course. It was Zarkons. But it didn't matter, you just needed someone to talk to. You knew that wasn't going to happen tonight though. When Pidge says she only needs a few minutes, she means she needs a few hours. Yet you decide to try to stay awake anyway, her presence was enough to make you feel better. But before you get to have any say in the matter, sleep grabs you by its claws, dragging you under.
You peel your eyes open, only to be met by complete darkness. You blink once, twice, trying to understand what happened. Then you realize, you fell asleep. You sit up suddenly, slamming your hand down on the mattress.
You bring your watch up to your face, squinting, reading with difficulty the numbers 5:33 AM. Not again! How did you fall asleep again? Every rare time Pidge is actually in her room when you are, you end up falling asleep before you can talk to her. In a rush of adrenaline you bolt out of bed, maneuvering through the dark and into the hallway. Your footsteps echo through the castle as you round a corner into Lance’s room. You power off his white noise machine with a slam of your hands as you shout, “Lance!”
He bolts up, his eye mask sliding off of his face as he cries out in alarm. “I remember our bonding moment!” His head whips over to you, eyes widening. “O-oh! Y/N, w-what are you doing here?” He asks, voice rising an octave in embarrassment.
“I fell asleep!” You shout, throwing your hands in the air as you plop down on the bed next to him.
“That's why you woke me up?” He yells in exasperation, laying back down. “Go back to bed you freaking maniac” He says, kicking you off the bed with his foot. “I need my beauty sleep.”
“Too late for that.” You say sarcastically, standing up and grabbing his pillow from under his head, hitting him. “Get up!”
He yells out, bolting up, grabbing the pillow out of your hands. “I will shoot you!”
“Noted. But Lance, I fell asleep again. Now who knows when I’m going to even see Pidge again. Weeks? Months?” You sigh, sitting back down on the bed, staring at your hands.
Lance’s expression softens at the tone of your voice, resting a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry Y/N, I know it's been tough. But don't we have coffee in the kitchen? I swear Hunk smuggled some in.”
“We’re out.” You say sadly, shaking your head. “I have no way to stay awake, bu-” Your eyes widen suddenly, an idea forming in your head. “Wait, Lance, you're a genius!”
“I know.” He says triumphantly, crossing his arms with a smug smile. “Wait, why am I a genius?”
You chuckle, getting up, beginning to walk out of the room as you explain your idea. “The coffee Hunk smuggled in might be gone, but I totally forgot about what I smuggled in. Chocolate covered espresso beans, my mom made them. God, it's perfect! Thanks for the idea Lance!”
“Anytime. And, oh, Y/N?” He calls out after you.
You stop before you reach the door, turning around. “Yeah?”
“About what I said… I absolutely do not remember Keith and I’s bonding moment that didn't even happen.”
“I’ll be sure to tell Keith you remember, he’ll be happy to hear.” You smirk, running out of the room.
“Y/N! I said I don't remember! Y/N come back!” Lance shouts, sticking his head out of the door. “Y/N!”
A Day Later
You skip into Pidge’s room, a new sense of energy engulfing you. To your delight, you find Pidge sitting on her bed.
“Hey, lovely.” You say, plopping down next to her.
“Hi, (Y/N)” She says, looking up momentarily from her project to kiss you on the cheek. “Sorry to do this again, but I’m gonna be busy for a while” She explains, frowning slightly, her nose scrunching up in the way that you adore.
“It's alright, I’ll be waiting.” You say, leaning back on the bed to watch her work. She smiles softly before turning her attention away. You watch her slim fingers for a moment, fiddling with another glowing object before you decide to pull out your small packet of chocolate covered espresso beans. Pidge stops for a moment, turning to look at you.
“Uh, whatcha got there?” She asks, peeking into the bag.
“Some chocolate covered espresso beans.” You say, smiling softly before popping one into your mouth.
“Oh.” She says, reaching a hand into the bag before stopping, looking up. “Can I have some?”
“Of course.”
She smiles brightly, taking a handful, popping a few in her mouth as well. “Ooh, these taste like the ones your mom makes. These will help me stay awake for this project, actually. Thanks love.”
“And these will also help me stay awake long enough to spend some time with you.” You say softly, your eyes drifting over her lips.
She smiles more, leaning forward and kissing you, sending an electric jolt through your body. This was just what you needed. You melt into the kiss, running your fingers through her soft hair. You were convinced this had to be what heaven felt like. And when you pull away, theres a lingering taste of chocolate covered espresso beans.
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cyberhwas · 4 years
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↬ pairing/characters: hercules! mingi x reader, wooyoung as terpishchore (muse of dance), seonghwa as erato (muse of love poetry), hongjoong as euterpe (muse of music), jongho as polyhymnia (muse of hymns), san as clio (muse of history), yeosang as thaila (muse of comedy), and yunho as urania (muse of astronomy)
↬ genre: fluff, heavy angst, mutual pining, greek mythology au 
↬ tw: mentions of death, light swearing, soul-selling,  servitude, unrequited love (im so sorry yall), major character death (oops) 
↬ disclaimers: may contain slight inaccuracies concerning dates, i have changed a bit of the story to make it less intense 
↬ rating: m, 18+ 
↬ wc: 10k (atm) 
↬ summary: you felt your heart ache at the utter anger and confusion on mingi’s face. “you lied to me?” “yes, but i-” “but you what? thought it would be amusing to lead me on? to rip my heart out?” you flinched at the coldness in mingi’s voice. “please, i can explain-” mingi shook his head, grip tightening on the hilt of his sword. “i never want to see you again, and don’t you ever think for one second that i’m going to come to rescue you from whatever danger you might face. you disgust me.” he snapped, his voice as hard as steel. you could only watch, helplessly, as the man you truly loved walked away, taking your heart with him. 
↬ note: hello friends!! this is the sequel to my previous fic, “i won’t say i’m in love”! thank you all for supporting me and my mediocre writing, and i hope you enjoy reading this!! stay safe and healthy, my loves!! 
“why, why am i afraid?” - ateez (mist
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you hummed quietly to yourself as you sat on the edge of the low wall that surrounded the garden, letting your feet dangle in the air, mindlessly swinging them back and forth. the night air was cool and crisp, and the moon was glowing serenely against the midnight blue sky, bathing the garden in a soft, white light. it was late, and yet, despite the hectic evening you’d had, you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep. 
seonghwa, san, and the others had reluctantly disappeared into their small cottage to retire for the night, after you had assured them that you were just going to sit around in the garden for a few minutes before joining them. your mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. after all, you had just confessed your deepest and darkest secret to the people you considered family, and they hadn’t scorned or turned you away like you thought they would. however, you weren’t sure how you were going to gather up the courage to tell mingi. 
you scoffed, immediately erasing the idea from your mind. don’t be ridiculous, it’s not like he would care anyways. besides, you’re not supposed to fall for him, you’re supposed to break his heart, so it doesn’t matter what he thinks of you.  you ignored the bile rising in your throat. at first, you had thought that the task would be easy, as you were sure you weren’t ever going to fall for someone again, especially not after  the way your past romance had ended tragically. 
you clenched the soft fabric of your blue chiton in your hands, feeling angry tears prick at the corner of your eyes. you hated feeling so conflicted, especially over someone of the opposite sex. after all, men had done nothing but disappoint you, and your ex lover had proved that true. 
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seonghwa couldn’t sleep. he was too worried about you, especially now that he knew that hades had a motive to hurt you. his heart had ached as you broke down and told everyone your secret. he sighed, running a hand through his messy hair and looked around him. even in the darkness of the small room, he could just make out the vibrant blue of hongjoong’s hair, yeosang’s light blonde hair, wooyoung and san curled up against one another, and jongho and yunho sprawled out on the bed across from him. seonghwa allowed himself a small, fond smile. he was grateful that he was able to spend time with his family every day, and that they were always safe and sound at the end of the day. 
seonghwa reluctantly slid out of his warm bed, shrugged his worn sandals on, slipped out the door and into the cool night. he wandered mindlessly around the garden, admiring how the blue and pink flowers that grew in its vicinity stood out against the dark of the night. the air was cool and soothing against his skin as he wandered farther, mind swimming with thoughts. 
suddenly, seonghwa heard faint sobs, and felt his blood run cold.  he wandered into a more secluded part of the garden, and felt his heart drop into his stomach. you were sitting at the edge of the low wall that surrounded the perimeter of the garden, hands gripping the soft fabric of your chiton so hard that your knuckles were turning white, and your body was shaking with soft sobs. seonghwa immediately ran over to you, throwing his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. “h-hwa. I-i’m s-sorry, did i wake you?” his heart ached at how dejected you sounded. 
seonghwa shook his head, hugging you tighter and rubbing comforting circles on your back. “i couldn’t sleep.” “i’m sorry for worrying you, i just needed to clear my head.” “y/n, stop apologizing. you did nothing wrong, and the fact that you mustered up the courage to tell us your secret must’ve been hard for you.” you sniffled and buried your face in the crook of his neck, letting out a shaky breath. “it was, but i didn’t want to keep lying to everyone. none of you deserve to be lied to, not after all you all have done for me.” 
“darling, please, none of what you did is your fault. it’s that godsdamn jerk hades. and never feel afraid to come to any of us for comfort, we are always here for you, ok?” seonghwa felt you nod weakly, and allowed himself a small smile. “good. now, let’s get back inside before you freeze to death.” you chuckled, despite yourself. “hwa, it’s not even cold.” “don’t you dare argue with me, young lady.” seonghwa scolded lightheartedly. you rolled your eyes, glad he couldn’t see it as he scooped you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style. “yes, father.” that earned you a playful glare. “i am not that old, you know!” you laughed, reaching up and ruffling seonghwa’s hair affectionately. “whatever you say, old man.” 
you woke up the next morning to find yunho practically wrapped around you, his soft black hair tickling your cheek, and you smiled fondly, remembering all the nights you spent as kids curled up next to the muses you had come to call family, feeling safe and secure. the early morning sun cast beams of light across the floor of the small cottage, bathing it in gold. 
you slowly and carefully extricated yourself from yunho’s grip and headed outside to see if seonghwa needed help with tending to the garden. said male would wake up before everyone to tend to every plant and flower that occupied it, and you felt that helping seonghwa was the least you could to do to thank him for comforting you last night. 
sure enough, seonghwa was bent over a bed of roses, golden eyes searching for any deformities. “hwa!” you called, and the former’s expression lit up, a fond smile tugging at his lips, waving you over. “how are the roses doing?” you asked, admiring how the pink rose petals stood out against the dark soil.   “they’re alright, despite this weather.” you hummed thoughtfully, reaching out and lightly touching the rose petals, velvet soft against your skin. “thank you.” “for what?” seonghwa asked, moving on to another cluster of flowers, eyebrows furrowing in concentration. “for last night. for comforting me.” the love muse’s expression went soft, golden eyes glimmering with unshed tears. “no need to thank me, darling. you’ve been through so much, and you deserve to have comfort. besides, we’re practically family, and we’re all supposed to there for each other, no matter what.” 
you smiled, reaching out and taking seonghwa’s hand in yours, squeezing gently. “do you need help with the flowers?” the former shook his head, black hair falling across his forehead. “well, is there anything i can do?” seonghwa smiled. “you can help me by waking the others up.” you groaned, knowing how difficult that was. “that’s going to take centuries, hwa!” “well, the flowers aren’t going to tend to themselves.” “aren’t you the muse of love poetry?” “yeah, and what about it? i am perfectly capable of taking care of nature.” you laughed, reaching out and ruffling seonghwa’s hair affectionately. “of course you are. now, if you’ll excuse me, i need to go wake up our little band of gremlins.” seonghwa chuckled softly as you turned and skipped towards the cottage, your heart seemingly lighter than before. 
it had taken nearly forty five minutes to wake everyone up, save hongjoong, who had actually gotten up as soon as you had gently shaken his shoulder. the others had been a bit more difficult, especially jongho and yeosang, who were notorious for sleeping in late. another twenty minutes later, breakfast was served, and it had been fruit, a few vegetables, bread, and cheese that seonghwa had managed to snag from the local market earlier that morning. then, yunho suggested that they lay out underneath the huge tree that took up a portion of the garden, of which everyone had agreed to, to your surprise. 
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“when are you going to be done sulking?” “not sulking.” mingi mumbled, leaning against the tree he’d been sitting under for the past few hours, the bark rough against his back. maddox scoffed. “yeah, and i’m a descendant of zeus. you’re not fooling anyone, kid.” mingi sighed. “i just-” “missing her already?” 
 he felt his face burn. “s-shut up.” “there’s no need to be embarrassed, you know. i know i tease, but i genuinely want to see you happy, kid. you deserve it.” 
“what if she doesn’t feel the same?” mingi mumbled, blush deepening. he felt silly, pining after a girl he barely knew, but you were unlike anyone he had met. he heard maddox scoff. “please, that girl cannot fool anyone, even with her tough and stubborn façade.” “even if she liked me, would we even work?” maddox’s expression softened just a fraction, and he moved forward, placing a gentle hand on mingi’s shoulder, as if in comfort. “that’s something you’ll have to figure out yourself, kid.” mingi huffed. “that’s what i’ve been trying to do.” “give it time, it’ll come to you eventually.”
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 mingi’s mind was still heavy with conflict as he walked along a long dirt path that would lead him to the cottage he resided in. even though he had been offered nicer accommodation in the city, mingi preferred to live in a more secluded area and one that was closer to nature. the late evening air was crisp and clean as he ventured further down the path, mind constantly wandering. his conversation with maddox earlier that day had done little to soothe his anxiety.  mingi was so lost in thought that he bumped into someone. “i’m so sorry i-” mingi felt his mouth suddenly go dry, as if he’d swallowed sandpaper. “wonder boy?” you asked, leaning back against a tree, keeping your expression as nonchalant as possible. even in the darkness, you could still make out the blush that was forming on mingi’s face. in the soft glow of the moon, mingi looked as gorgeous as ever, and you ignored the slight ache in your heart at the sight of him. “h-hi.” he stammered.. “what brings you out here at this time of night?” “just passing through.” “been a while since we’ve seen each other, huh?” “been busy.” mingi mumbled, running a hand through his already messy hair. you frowned at the slight annoyance in his tone, but didn’t  think anything of it. “well, see you around.” you muttered, pushing off the tree with your elbow and walked away, not bothering to look back.
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 “everything ok?” yunho asked, light green eyes filled with worry. you sighed, leaning your head on the tall male’s shoulder, shaking your head slightly. immediately, an arm wrapped around your shoulders, squeezing gently. “what happened?” “it’s stupid.” “just tell me.” “fine. on my way here, i bumped into mingi, quite literally, at that.” “and?” what happened that has you so sad?” “do we need to beat someone up?” an amused smile tugged at the corner of your lips, and you laughed. “well, let me finish telling you and then i’ll let you and the others decide.” “what did he do?” “well, he seemed different.” “different how?” “i don’t know, it’s just the way he talked to me. he sounded kind of annoyed?” you felt yunho tense a little, the grip on your shoulders a little firmer, and you reached down and laced your fingers with his, squeezing gently. “i’m sure he was just having a bad day. don’t kill him, please. i can’t have you or the others being thrown into tarturus for beating someone up.” yunho huffed. “fine, but if he hurts you, i’ll get san to break his legs.” you laughed, snuggling deeper into the tall male’s side. “i’ll keep that in mind, then.” 
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you tried not to laugh at the way seonghwa and jongho’s jaws clenched as you told them about what happened between you and mingi earlier that night. “i’ll kill him.” “no killing anyone, please. it’s not that big of a deal, he was probably having a bad day, everyone does.” “ok, but he didn’t have to take his annoyance out on you.” “yes, but-” “next time you see mingi, tell him that i will not hesitate to break his legs if he hurts you again.” “he won’t, i promise. like i said, he was probably having a bad day.” san huffed. “let him know.” “ok, ok, i will.” 
“enough about my love life.” “oh, so you’re admitting you have one?” yunho asked, light green eyes twinkling with mirth. “s-shut up, i do not.” wooyoung snorted, plopping down next to san, who rolled his eyes in amusement as the former laid his head on his shoulder. “you totally do, darling.” “not you too, hwa.” “sorry, but i have to agree with wooyoung.” you groaned, throwing yourself down onto the grass, laying your head in hongjoong’s lap, who just chuckled and ran a hand through your hair. “tough day, y/n?” “s-shut up, i’ve had enough bullying for one day.” 
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“i messed up.” mingi mumbled, plopping down on the soft grass next to maddox, who only sighed in response. “what did you do this time?” “i might’ve lashed out.” “lovers’ quarrel?” “would you quit that? no, it wasn’t a lovers quarrel, i just- i don’t know, i guess i was so conflicted about my feelings that i took my anger out on her. what do i do?” “apologize.” “i-it’s not that easy, you know.” though mingi wasn’t looking in his direction, he could tell that his mentor was rolling in his eyes in exasperation. “it is, actually, you just walk up to her, say i’m sorry, and then you two live happily ever after for the rest of your days.”
 mingi frowned. “i’m serious.” “i am too. look, kid, if you’re not going to apologize, then i’ll do it for you.” “please don’t.” “i will if you would stop being a coward.” “i-i’m not a coward, she just makes me nervous, that’s all.” “i know it’s difficult, but if you don’t tell her how you feel soon, she might move on and find someone else.” “y-yeah, like who?” maddox shrugged. “i don’t know, maybe one of those muses she always hangs around.” “what? what muses?” “the muses? you seriously don’t know them?” “i-i do, i just have never seen them.” “well, she’s always around them, and they’re all pretty handsome, so i suggest you hurry up and profess your love or whatever before one of them steal her away.”
 “they could probably treat her better than me anyways.” he mumbled, which earned him an elbow to the ribs. “what was that for?” “would you quit being so pitiful? you never know until you try, and besides, i think she might feel the same.” “doubt it, but fine, i’ll try.” maddox grinned, reaching out and patting his shoulder gently. “that’s the spirit, kid.”
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 the late afternoon sun bathed the forest in light as mingi leaned against a tree, ignoring how the rough bark dug into his back. his heart leaped in his chest as he heard soft footsteps approaching, and felt his breath catch in his throat at the sight of you. you were a vision in a light pink toga that stood out against your skin, dark hair framing your face perfectly. “hi wonderboy.” you called out, and mingi felt his face flush at the mere sound of your voice. 
“h-hi.” “why did you want to see me?” “i wanted to apologize for how i acted the other day. i wasn’t feeling the greatest, and i took my annoyance out on you.” “it’s fine, don’t worry about it. although, my friends were quite worried and threatened to beat you up.” mingi winced. you laughed softly. “don’t worry. my friends are harmless even though they act like they aren’t sometimes.” “so, i’m forgiven, then?” “mingi, you were forgiven the moment you sent a scroll asking to talk to me.” you shrugged. “besides, i wasn’t offended, i just figured you were having a bad day, like you said.” mingi allowed himself a smile, and felt his pulse race when you returned it. 
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“so, how’d it go with mingi?” wooyoung asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. seonghwa rolled his eyes and smacked the former lightly on the shoulder. “will you quit that?” the blond male only huffed in protest, but the curious glint never left his eyes. “what’s there to tell? he apologized, and that was it.” “seriously? no passionate kiss in the forest? no getting pressed up against a tree and making out? nothing? not even a kiss on the cheek? you two are so lame.” wooyoung sighed, dramatically falling into yeosang’s lap, who rolled his eyes in response. 
“jung wooyoung, if you don’t shut up right now, i will not hesitate to-” “yeah, yeah, i know, throw me into the depths of the underworld.” “exactly.” “it’s what you deserve, honestly.” yeosang mumbled, but made no move to shove the aforementioned muse off his lap. “yeosang! i thought we were friends.” “if you call barely tolerating you on a daily basis, then yes.” 
you laughed in amusement at their incessant bickering. “yeosang, stop being so harsh on wooyoung. he’s sensitive, you know.” “i am not!” the dance muse protested. hongjoong scoffed, not looking up from the elaborate flower crown he was making, rolling his eyes. “says the guy who wouldn’t stop sulking after san ignored him for a whole day because he accidentally spilled wine on his brand new toga.” “it was a whole week, and it hurt!” 
san sighed. “why am i friends with this idiot?” “because you love me.” “believe what you want, wooyoung.” jongho rolled his eyes. “hongjoong hyung!” said muse looked up from his now finished flower crown, carefully placing it on his head, hazel eyes widening in surprise. “yes, jongho?” “c-could you help me with this verse for a hymn? been stuck on it for days.”
 hongjoong’s face broke out into a wide smile, eyes turning into crescents, then flung himself at seonghwa, who stumbled a bit from the sudden attack, but recovered and wrapped his arms around the former, holding him tight. “what’s wrong, joong?” he asked, voice as gentle as ever, but the amused smile tugging at his lips was obvious. “j-jongho finally asked me to h-help him.” hongjoong wailed, burying his face into seonghwa’s chest, soft sobs wracking his body. seonghwa bit back a laugh as he patted hongjoong’s head gently. 
“are those tears of joy? or?” you laughed, reaching out and patting jongho’s shoulder gently. “definitely tears of joy. he’s been waiting for this moment for a millennia.” “finally, i’ve been spared!” yeosang cried out happily. jongho huffed. “i hate you.” yeosang only beamed. “love you too!” you rolled your eyes at their bickering. “have fun writing with hongjoong, he’s really been waiting for this day for ages.” jongho sighed. “i know. he wouldn’t stop whining to seonghwa hyung about it.” “yeah, i know, he’s also complained to me too.” “jongho! hurry up!” hongjoong called. 
you laughed at the embarrassment on jongho’s face as he mumbled his goodbyes and ran over to hongjoong, both of them disappearing behind an alcove of trees seconds later. “he must be really happy, huh?” “yeah, he is.” 
“how are things with mingi?” seonghwa inquired once everyone was distracted with the field of flowers a few feet away, marveling at the colorful petals. “honestly? i’m not sure. we’re not lovers, after all. i don’t even know if we’re friends. i guess we’re just acquaintances?” seonghwa rolled his eyes. “so, you’re telling me that after all the encounters you’ve had with each other that your relationship with him is still unknown?” you smiled sheepishly. “i-i guess?” the silver haired male sighed in exasperation. “you two are giving me a headache.” you laughed, leaning against seonghwa’s side, resting your head on his shoulder. the aforementioned muse immediately wrapped an arm around you. “but you love me.” “yeah, yeah.” you smiled, snuggling deeper into seonghwa’s warmth and allowing a comfortable silence to settle between the two of you. 
“mingi dare not break her heart, or i will personally throw him into the depths of the underworld.” wooyoung muttered, breaking off a petal of the rose he had in his hand, letting it gently float in the wind before settling peacefully in the grass around him. “stop destroying nature, would you?” san scolded, snatching the rose out of wooyoung’s hand, earning a squawk of protest from the latter. “while i agree with you, woo, i don’t think we should just charge at him like a minotaur gone truly mad.” “then, what do you think we should do, oh wise one?” 
“we should just talk to him, peacefully and without violence?” wooyoung scoffed. “that’s a terrible idea. do you want y/n’s heart to be broken?” “of course not, it’s just- he’s stronger than all of us, there’s no way any of us could take him in a real fight.” “yunho’s right, we’re all as thin as wheat and can’t lift anything remotely heavy.” “that’s not true! we’re not that weak!” yeosang rolled his eyes, but didn’t argue. 
“why are we discussing murder?” a voice cut in, interrupting their conversation. yunho turned and saw seonghwa standing at the entrance of the garden, lean arms crossed over his chest, golden eyes twinkling with amusement. you were beside him, looking as equally amused as the former. “we’re not discussing murder, we’re just-” san slapped a hand over wooyoung’s mouth before he could continue, smiling nervously, ignoring how the latter squirmed, mumbling something incoherent.  “we were discussing just how much of a great person you are, hyung.” 
seonghwa bit back a laugh. “is that so?” “yes, of course! we would never think of murdering anyone! we’re too innocent and pure to commit such a wicked act!” unlike seonghwa, you laughed, the sound ringing in the air. “you are all so dramatic.” “ i honestly don’t know why i’m still hanging around you all.” “that’s because you have no other friends than us, yeosang.” wooyoung chirped, earning him a glare from the comedy muse. 
“please don’t start fights, especially with mingi. i don’t want to see any of you hurt.” wooyoung beamed, throwing himself onto seonghwa, hugging him tightly. “so you do love us, hyung!” the older rolled his eyes. “no, i’m just tired of you all being a pain in my ass all the time. so please save me the trouble and not try to kill anyone, ok?” san pouted. “you’re so cruel, hyung!” “believe what you want, san.” “anyways, do you know when hongjoong and jongho will be back? they need to help out with supper later.” “well, they’re probably going to be done, at least, hopefully, before the sun sets.” “ok, then i’ll just go gather the vegetables and fruit.” 
“hwa, i might need some help, that is, if you’re willing to.” seonghwa smiled, expression soft and gentle. “of course, i’d be happy to.” as soon as they were out of earshot, wooyoung leaned forward, making sure to keep his voice as low as possible. 
“is it just me, or is seonghwa hyung in love?” yeosang rolled his eyes, smacking the blond haired muse on the shoulder. “quit being delusional, seonghwa hyung’s always looked at her like that, we all do, you know. he cares about her just like he does the rest of us. besides, even if seonghwa hyung felt any sort of romantic way about y/n, she wouldn’t return his feelings and he’d get heartbroken.” “you never know! she could just be trying to use mingi as a distraction to get her mind off of him.” “you’re by far the dumbest person i know, woo.” “i know what i saw, yeosang!” “then prove it.” “what?” “if you can prove to me that seonghwa hyung really has feelings for y/n that are far from platonic, then i will not pick on you for a whole year.” wooyoung’s eyes brightened with determination. “get ready to bite back your words!” “can’t wait.” 
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mingi softly hummed to himself as he walked through the forest, admiring how the sun shone through the leaves, bathing it in golden beams of light. his last meeting with you had gone well, better than he expected. “daydreaming about going on picnic dates with your girlfriend?” “no, and she’s not my girlfriend.” “sure, sure, keep lying to yourself.” “why did you even go with me? aren’t you supposed to be, i don’t know, doing important things?” 
maddox scoffed. “please, as if the officials need me for anything.” his mentor made subsequent trips to the heart of the city, where the council presided, looking over and approving laws. a comfortable silence settled around them as they continued on through the forest. 
suddenly, they heard laughter from a few feet away. and before mingi could say anything, maddox grabbed his wrist and pulled him in the direction of said laughter. “what are you doing?” “you’re not curious where the laughter is coming from?” “not really-” he was cut off a few seconds later when maddox suddenly stopped in his tracks. “what’s wrong?”
“kid, i’m sorry.” “about what?” he ignored maddox as he tried to prevent him from going past. mingi froze when he saw what maddox had been trying to prevent him from seeing. it was you, looking as beautiful as ever in a dark blue toga, holding a basket full of vegetables and fruit. but you were not alone. a tall male with silver hair, dressed in a white toga, an impossibly soft smile on his face, stood next to you. then, said male took the basket from you, pulling you into his side and wrapping a slender arm around your waist. 
mingi waited for you to push him away, which otherwise never occurred.  then, what came next felt as if his heart was going to be ripped out of his chest. you smiled and leaned into the male’s embrace, resting your head on his shoulder. he had had enough. mingi fought back tears as he ran away, ignoring maddox calling his name in the distance. 
“calm down!” maddox shouted, gripping mingi’s shoulders tightly. “why should i? after what i saw?” “you know, there’s such a thing as jumping to conclusions, which is exactly what you’re doing right now! and even if that guy was her lover, what does it matter to you? you’re not together anyway, right?” “i’m fully aware of that, but it still hurts just as much. i need to be alone.” mingi mumbled, trying to keep his voice as even as possible. as soon as the grip on his shoulder loosened, he ran off into the forest, vision blurring. 
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dinner consisted of fruit and vegetables, along with a few quail eggs that seonghwa had managed to pick up at the market earlier that day. the early evening air was cool and crisp, and there was a light breeze that caused the leaves to sway gently. “were you able to write the hymn?” jongho nodded as he popped a strawberry into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. “it wasn’t easy, but it is finished.” seonghwa smiled fondly, reaching out and ruffling the younger’s hair affectionately. “i’m glad.”  “did you spend time with y/n today?” wooyoung blurted, light blue eyes glimmering with anticipation, “yes, yes i did. we gathered the fruits and vegetables for supper. why?” “no reason hyung, just curious.” he mumbled, taking a sip of wine. seonghwa’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but he didn’t press further. yeosang pursed his lips tightly and looked away, trying to will himself to disappear. the former shrugged and merely got up and walked away to the center of the garden. 
once he was out of earshot, yeosang elbowed wooyoung in the side, causing the latter to cry out in protest. “what was that for?” “could you be any more obvious?” “what are you talking about? i was very subtle!” yeosang rolled his eyes. “you were not.” “do you really think seonghwa hyung doesn’t have any sort of romantic feelings towards y/n?” “i really do.” “i will prove you wrong, just you wait!” “i’ll be waiting for the day when you do.” 
you sat underneath a tree with seonghwa, curled up into his side, resting your head on his shoulder. the night sky was glittering with stars, bathing the garden in soft white light. “do you think my relationship with mingi will become something more?” “i can’t give you a sure answer, but i think if you allow a space for him in your heart, then maybe something will happen.” 
“when did you get so…” “cheesy? romantic? well, i am the muse of love poetry, in case you forgot.” “right, you write cheesy poems for a living.” “my poems are masterpieces, just so you know.” “i apologize, oh humble one. i did not mean to slander your poems, which a truly a gift to mankind.” “stop feeding my ego.” you laughed, snuggling deeper into seonghwa’s side. “ok, ok, i’ll stop.” 
“this is going to sound very cliché and cheesy-” “darling, please, i write romantic poems for a living. try me.” “i just- i’m grateful.” “for what?” “for not neglecting me. for taking care of me when i had no one else, and for giving me a home when my parents left me all alone, defenseless and starving.” you hadn’t realized you were crying until seonghwa pulled you into a warm and tight embrace, rubbing comforting circles on your back. “let it out, it’s okay.” “i’m sorry for breaking down like this, but-” “don’t apologize, darling. we are always here for you, and it’s perfectly okay to have an off day, we’ve all been there.” “i just-” “you don’t need to explain yourself, you never do. just promise me you won’t hide your pain from us? we hate to see you miserable.” 
you nodded, leaning further into seonghwa’s embrace, burying your face in the crook of his neck, the scent of roses hitting your nose. the smell was comforting, and you felt your eyelids droop, and you let sleep take over. seonghwa smiled fondly at the sleeping girl in his arms, looking peaceful and at ease. he brushed a stray strand of hair off your forehead, tucking it gently behind your ear. the night was cool and crisp and tame, just how seonghwa preferred it to be. 
“hyung?” a quiet voice said behind him. he turned around, careful not to wake you, and saw yeosang standing behind him.“yeosang? what is it? is something wrong?” san hesitated as he saw the immediate concern on seonghwa’s face. “i- i just wanted to see if y/n’s alright.” “she’s fine, just tired. why?” “ah, no reason, just curious.” “san, are you ok? you’re acting a bit strange.” “i’m alright, just tired. wooyoung ‘s been a pain in my ass all day.” seonghwa chuckled at that. “perfectly understandable. wooyoung can be quite the handful sometimes.” 
yeosang gave the older an awkward wave, trying not to run away in embarrassment across the grass. as soon as he plopped down next to wooyoung, said male turned to him anticipation. “so, what did you see?” “she was asleep in seonghwa hyung’s arms; they were practically cuddling.” wooyoung clapped excitedly, and yeosang smacked him on the shoulder. “cut that out. just because i caught them cuddling doesn’t prove anything. she’s fallen asleep on all of us at some point.” “was she on his lap?” “what in tarturus? no, of course not.” “she was curled up in his arms, that’s all.” 
“are you seriously still convinced that seonghwa hyung doesn’t pine for her?” yeosang sighed. “look, wooyoung, you should really just give up on this, i mean, don’t you think trying to prove something that you know isn’t true a waste of time?” “it may be to you, but not to me! he loves her, i’m sure of it!” “just don’t go overboard, ok?” “i won’t, i swear on the river styx.” “i sense empty promises, but fine.” 
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mingi sat on the edge of a ravine, feet dangling dangerously in the air, dried tears on his cheeks. he didn’t know when the crying had stopped, nor did he know how he ended up at the very edge of the forest. maddox was standing a few feet away, giving him space, which mingi was grateful for. his mind was swimming with thoughts and his heart ached. 
he felt pathetic, for even thinking that someone like him had a chance with you. you looked happy, happier than he had ever seen you. there was a part of him that was happy that you were being cherished, for it was what you truly deserved. i was foolish to think that she ever showed any interest in me as a lover, mingi thought glumly, fighting back another deluge of tears. he heard soft footsteps behind him and a few seconds later, a warm and gentle hand was on his shoulder. mingi sighed. “are you going to give me a lecture about how much of a fool i am?” “of course not, and you’re anything but that.” he let out a bitter, sad laugh. “how would you know that?” “because i’ve been your mentor for years, and while you were a bit clumsy at first, you persisted.” “what are you trying to say?” “i’m trying to tell you that you shouldn’t give up! so what if she has a potential suitor? make her see what she’s missing!” “you want me to make her jealous?” “exactly! then she’ll realize just how much of a great hero and guy you are, and then she’ll practically beg for you to be her lover.” mingi shook his head. “there’s no way in tarturus i’m doing that.” “why not?!” “i don’t want to make anger her for my personal gain, it’s not right.” 
“ok, then, what do you think you should do?” “you saw her! she looks happy, and i don’t want to ruin that for her. i should try to move on.” maddox sighed. “do you even know who she was with?” “n-no? should i know him?” “do you remember when i mentioned the muses?” “vaguely.” 
his mentor rolled his eyes. “anyway, the guy you saw her with was one of the nine muses.” “w-what? how did you know?” “i thought it was pretty clear.” “how can you-” “centuries ago, they attended one of the council meetings. the muse you saw her with was the one who did most of the talking.” “i thought muses didn’t involve themselves with the council.” “they don’t, but maybe they had a reason to.” 
“that doesn’t mean anything, he could be her lover.” “believe what you want, kid. i’m not going to attempt to convince you otherwise. just don’t sulk about it too much.” with that, maddox walked away, leaving him with his thoughts and a heavy heart. 
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“are you close with seonghwa hyung?” you laughed, carefully rolling up another scroll and placing it back on the massive shelf in front of you. “what do you mean, woo? i’m close with all of you.” “i know that, but-” “but?” “never mind.” wooyoung mumbled, plopping down on a nearby chair, lips forming a visible pout. you sighed in exasperation, walking over to said sulking male, ruffling his hair affectionately. “what’s wrong, woo?” “nothing, i’m just tired from yesterday evening, i suppose.” “oh, well, why did you come along with me, then? you didn’t have to, i know reading scrolls can be quite a bore.” “i didn’t want to leave you all alone. if something happened to you, seonghwa hyung would have my head.” you smiled, pulling the dance muse into a tight embrace. “wooyoung, that’s very sweet of you, but you know i can handle myself.” 
“i know, but if hades-” “he hasn’t come after me yet, and i doubt he will soon. even if he does, he won’t hurt me, at least, not enough to kill me.” “y/n! don’t say that! we wouldn’t be able to live with ourselves if something happened to you.” you felt your heart ache and hugged wooyoung tighter. “i’m sorry for saying that, i just-” “it’s ok, y/n. just promise me that you’ll let us protect you?” you nodded. “i will, i promise.” 
“what do you think of y/n?” yeosang asked, quite abruptly at that, and seonghwa felt his eyes widen in shock at the sudden bluntness. “i don’t quite understand the question, yeosang, i-” “just answer it.” “ok, ok, uhm, well, she’s….” the former gestured for seonghwa to continue. “she’s wonderful. she’s very caring, loving, and is very selfless. y/n is always there for us, always.” 
yeosang felt guilt rising in his stomach. he hated lying to seonghwa, especially after he now knew that wooyoung was completely wrong about how the older felt about y/n. at least, it was clear to him that she was nothing more than a dear friend, a sister, even. “are you alright?” yeosang snapped out of his thoughts, giving a worried seonghwa a half smile that he hoped was convincing enough. “i’m fine, just exhausted.” 
seonghwa’s golden eyes narrowed in suspicion, but he didn’t press further. “i have to go help y/n with something, i’ll see you in the evening?” yeosang managed a brief nod before the former walked off. 
he sighed, leaning back on the rough bark of a tree behind him. things were definitely going to get even more complicated, and yeosang wasn’t looking forward to it in the slightest. 
“don’t you think wooyoung and yeosang are being a little... “ “strange?” “i suppose? wooyoung asked me if i’m close to you.” seonghwa raised an amused eyebrow, carefully rolling up a scroll. “close in what way?” suprisingly, you felt your cheeks flush scarlet. “i-” “as lovers?” “y-yes.” “ah, well, that is quite amusing.” “is it?” seonghwa nodded, golden eyes twinkling with mirth. “you are not angry?” “why would i be angry? any man would be lucky to have you.” “thank you, hwa.” his expression softened, if that was even possible. you smiled, carefully pulling another scroll from the shelf. “i’ve always loved coming here.” “i know. whenever we visited the town, you would beg us to take you to the library so you could read scrolls.” you blushed. “that must’ve been quite irritating.” 
seonghwa shook his head. “not at all, it was quite endearing.” “i’ve always loved stories, even as a child. though i don’t remember much about my parents, i know they always told me them to help me sleep. that is, before they abandoned me.” you didn’t even realize you were crying until strong arms were around you, pulling you into a comforting and tight embrace. 
“i’m sorry, i don’t know why i’m being so emotional all the time. you must think i’m being dramatic.” seonghwa scoffed. “you are not. i’m the one who should be asking for your forgiveness.” “hwa-” “hear me out, ok? i was the one who suggested we come here, and that was a terrible thing to do, because it surfaced tragic memories of your past. i’m so sorry, darling, i should’ve been more considerate-” 
“hwa, listen to me. it was not your fault. you didn’t know, and besides, i think it’s important for me to bring the painful memories to light instead of dwelling on them. i’ve been resenting my parents for centuries, and i think it’s time i start trying to forgive them.” seonghwa’s expression softened, as it always seemed to whenever he looked at you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “if you need any assistance, i’m here for you, and so are the others.” “i know, thank you, hwa. i really don’t know what i would do without any of you in my life.” 
“that was extremely cliché, but i’ll let it slide because the feeling is mutual.” “you’re the absolute worst, you know that?” seonghwa laughed, eyes crinkling at the corners. “i know, but you love me.” “correction, i tolerate you, there’s a difference.” that earned you a light shove to the shoulder, and you couldn’t help but throw your head back and laugh, feeling lighter than you had been in centuries. 
 nearby, certain muses were deep in conversation. “wooyoung, i really think we should put an end to our bet, i mean, there’s no point anymore.” “why? did seonghwa hyung tell you something? or did you tell him about it?” yeosang sighed in frustration. “i didn’t tell him anything, i just really think it would be best to stop.” wooyoung huffed. “how can you be so sure?” “i just- look, i really don’t think seonghwa hyung loves y/n in a romantic way.” “suit yourself, yeosang, i’m going to prove it.” “do what you want.” 
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“kid, are you even listening to me?” maddox’s worried voice snapped mingi out of the trance he’d been under, bringing him back to reality. the former sighed. “let’s take a break.” mingi nodded, carefully putting the bow and arrow he’d been holding off to the side, plopping down onto the soft grass beneath him, the blades tickling his bare legs. “are you alright?” maddox asked, his voice unusually soft, as if mingi were a fawn that would run away the instant it heard a loud noise. mingi didn’t reply, just shook his head softly and hugged his knees to his chest, somehow managing to look small and almost vulnerable, despite his bulk. 
maddox sighed, settling down beside him on the grass. “i know that sulking over unrequited love is trivial and a little pathetic of me-” “it’s not pathetic. you’re heartbroken, and it’s okay to sulk.” mingi managed a small, grateful smile. “thank you.” “i’ve never felt this way about anyone, and i know that’s cliché, but it’s true. she’s the only girl who doesn’t fawn over me like everyone else, she doesn’t even know about my being a hero or slaying monsters!” “she knows you as mingi, not mingi the hero.” “yes, and that simple fact makes it hurt even more.”  
mingi didn’t even realize he was crying until he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently. “it’s okay, kid, let it out. i’m sorry for pushing you too hard to train. i didn’t realize you were still grieving.” “stop making it sound as if i’m mourning the loss of a loved one.” mingi scolded, but it was light-hearted. “i’ll be okay, i just need time.” “take all the time you need, i’ll be here for you if you ever need a shoulder to cry on.” “thank you.” “i’ll likely forget about her, so don’t get your hopes up.” maddox grimaced. he knew that mingi would most definitely not do such a thing, and that he would sulk about her for gods knew how long. i just hope he doesn’t completely fall apart, maddox thought, fighting back tears. 
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seonghwa hummed softly to himself as he admired the deep purple hyacinths on either side of him, contrasting greatly with the forest green of the grass. the day was perfect, with a light, refreshing breeze tugging at his hair and toga, ruffling the leaves and branches of trees, the sky cloudless and blue, and the sun shining golden beams of light upon the earth. the air was just the right temperature, and seonghwa absolutely adored days like these. 
wooyoung, jongho, yeosang, and san had all gone to the town marketplace to find food for supper, and you and hongjoong were in the center of the garden, weaving flower crowns, which left seonghwa by himself for a bit. not that he minded, of course, seonghwa secretly enjoyed it when he got some time for himself, so he can be alone with his thoughts. 
while he loved his fellow muses dearly, it could get overwhelming to be around them at times. seonghwa never took the moments he got to himself for granted, for they were rare. seonghwa was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice you settling down on the grass beside him, a hand woven crown of roses on your head. “hwa?” you asked, which made him jump in surprise. 
“when did you get here?” “about a few seconds ago, why?” “no reason, just, you scared me, is all.” you smiled in amusement. “you’re always so easily startled, huh?” seonghwa felt his face flush scarlet. “weren’t you with hongjoong?” “i was, but he insisted i keep you company.” “i hope i’m not bothering you, you seemed like you wanted to be alone for a while.” 
seonghwa nodded sheepishly. “well, one part of that is true.” “which one?” “the second, because you could never bother me.” that earned him a light shove to the shoulder. “when did you get so cheesy?” “i’m the muse of love poetry, cheesy is all i know how to write.” you laughed, and seonghwa ignored the way his heart sped up a bit at the sound. “what were you thinking about?” “you don’t have to tell me, of course, only if you’re willing.” “it’s okay, i wasn’t thinking about anything in particular, actually.” “just daydreaming then?” seonghwa smiled. “perhaps.” 
you returned his smile, eyes crinkling at the corners, and the sight made seonghwa’s heart clench painfully. he felt his pulse race as you moved closer to him and laid your head on his shoulder, all the while making sure not to crumple your flower crown. you’d done this many times before, but it never failed to make seonghwa’s heart race. he knew it was pathetic and silly to harbor feelings for someone who would never return them, but he couldn’t help it. you were kind, loving, the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen, and whenever you looked at him, it felt like a punch to the gut. he loved the way your expression would brighten when visiting the town library, looking at various scrolls. most off all, he loved how selfless you were, and that you would do anything for the ones you loved.
while it was extremely painful to see you long for someone else, you were at least happy, and that was all that mattered to seonghwa. you deserved someone who would cherish you for the rest of your life, and who would never hurt you. seonghwa ignored the shiver that ran down his spine as you snuggled closer into his side. as if on impulse, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, your bare skin warm against his own, and held you tight. “are you alright?” “yes, just a bit exhausted. is it alright if i take a short nap?” “go ahead, i’ll wake you once it’s time for supper.” you shot him a grateful smile, and seconds later, you were fast asleep. seonghwa sighed heavily, resisting the urge to hide his face in his hands to hide the blush that was forming on his face. i need to get ahold of myself, he thought. 
wooyoung hid the smirk that was tugging at his lips as he caught sight of you cuddled up against seonghwa, resting your head on his shoulder. “ what are you doing?” a voice asked, which made wooyoung jump in shock. “san! did you have to sneak up on me like that?” said male rolled his eyes. “i didn’t sneak up on you, you were just too busy staring at seonghwa and y/n that you didn’t notice.” 
“are you stalking them or something?” wooyoung huffed in frustration and hit san gently on the shoulder. “i am doing nothing of the sort!” “then, what are you doing?” “i’m observing?” “seriously, woo?” what? just think of it as supervising.” san just sighed in frustration. “you really expect me to believe that? y/n can take care of herself, and seonghwa would rather get thrown into the depths of the underworld than even think of hurting her. what’s the real reason you’re watching them like a creep?” wooyoung sighed. “keep this a secret, okay?” san nodded. though his expression seemed uninterested, his violet eyes were glinting with curiosity. when wooyoung was done explaining, san burst out laughing. 
“you think i’m insane, don’t you?” “uh, yeah, i kind of do.” “look, woo, do you really believe that seonghwa hyung is in love with y/n? don’t you think that’s a little… i don’t know, impossible?” “anything is possible, san!” “yes, but not that.” “why? why does everyone think i’m crazy for this?” “wooyoung’s right, san.” they turned and saw hongjoong standing a few feet away, arms crossed over his chest, expression unreadable. “how long have you been standing there?” 
hongjoong shrugged. “long enough.” “wait, what? what do you mean i’m right?” “you’re right about seonghwa.” wooyoung let out a small whoop of triumph, while san looked at hongjoong in utter disbelief. “what in tartarus? how do you know that?” “because he told me.” “when?” wooyoung asked, practically beaming. “centuries ago.” “wait, so seonghwa hyung’s liked her for that long?!” hongjoong grimaced. “ah, it’s actually the opposite of that.” “he loves her?!” san blurted, and wooyoung slapped a hand over his mouth. “don’t be so loud! seonghwa hyung’s nearby, he might hear you!” he hissed. 
“when did you notice?” wooyoung asked, slowly taking his hand off san’s mouth, who glared at him in return. “i thought it was pretty obvious, and honestly, i’m quite surprised no one picked up on it sooner.” “so, when did he tell you?” “i don’t remember exactly, but i’m pretty sure it was when y/n was in the garden with you guys and seonghwa and i went somewhere to talk in secret. he was extremely anxious.” 
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(six centuries ago)
 hongjoong let out a cry of protest as seonghwa led him into a more secluded part of the garden, anxiety rolling off the latter in waves. the late afternoon sun cast golden beams of light on the soft patches of green grass. the air was crisp and cool, and the weather had never been more perfect. “what’s wrong?” seonghwa hesitated, rocking back and forth on his heels. “i-i love someone.” hongjoong’s eyes widened. “what?” “i know it’s sudden of me to say something so bold, but i-i know that i love her.” “who is she? do we know her?” seonghwa chuckled, golden eyes shining with an emotion that hongjoong had never seen him express before. “yes, you know her, very well, in fact.” hongjoong furrowed his brows in confusion, thinking about which female in the entirety of athens seonghwa had his heart set on, and suddenly, it clicked. the gentle and soft gazes he’d send your way, the way he’d look at you as if you were the only star in the sky, and the way he handed you a basket of flowers or even a piece of fruit were all telltale signs that seonghwa was irrevocably smitten, and yet hongjoong hadn’t realized it until now. “i- when did you realize that you loved her?” seonghwa rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, color staining his cheeks. “do you remember that city official that started to insult y/n the day we went to the market?” hongjoong grimaced at the memory. “of course, how could i forget? i was  tempted to throw him into the depths of tarturus.” “she defended herself before we could, despite having tears in her eyes. she was so strong, and i admired her for that. i knew that she was not a damsel in distress, and that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but i’ve always felt i need to protect her, to shield her from harm. isn’t that so selfish of me?” seonghwa asked, laughing bitterly. “it’s not selfish, it just shows how much you love her.” “i suppose. hongjoong, promise me that this will stay between us?” “of course.” hongjoong said, swallowing against the bile in his throat. the smile that seonghwa sent his way afterwards, bright and hopeful, made his stomach churn with guilt. 
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“that day was the worst, i was going to kill him if someone didn’t stop me.” san hissed, glaring at hongjoong, who rolled his eyes. “i’m sorry i foiled your plans of vengeance, but seonghwa would’ve killed me if anything happened to any of you.” “seonghwa hyung really is in love with y/n.” wooyoung mumbled, looking dazed, as if he had been in a trance. “yes, he is. now, you two have to promise me that this stays between us. seonghwa cannot know that i told you.” 
san pursed his lips tightly. “i hate keeping secrets from him.” “i know, but if finds out that i told you this, he will never forgive me, and i can’t live with myself knowing that i hurt seonghwa.” san looked as if he’d rather jump into the river of souls than agree to it, but just sighed and gave hongjoong a small nod. “fine, but don’t make me regret this.” 
hongjoong gave the younger a grateful smile.” thank you, san.” “i’ll also keep this from seonghwa hyung, but it’s not going to be easy.” “i know, just try your hardest not to tell him.” wooyoung also looked as if he were going to object, but managed a miniscule nod. “i just hope that no one gets hurt in the end.” hongjoong felt dread pool in his stomach at the thought of seonghwa looking at him with absolute hatred and sadness in his eyes, and forced what he hoped was a convincing smile on his face. “time will tell.” 
after the confrontation with san and wooyoung, hongjoong headed to another secluded part of the garden, feeling dazed. he settled onto a soft patch of grass, stretching his legs and basking in the late afternoon sun. though the weather usually lifted hongjoong’s spirits, today, it did nothing to distract him from the immense guilt he felt. he knew it wasn’t his right to tell seonghwa’s secret, but he had just suddenly gotten the urge to, after overhearing wooyoung and san’s conversation. hongjoong sighed, reaching up and rubbing at his temples. he would be doomed if seonghwa ever came to know that his secret had been disclosed, especially since he’d promised all those centuries ago not to tell anyone. 
“joong?” a soft voice said, and hongjoong looked up to see you standing over him, an amused smile on your face. “y/n?” “taking a nap?” you asked, settling down beside him, your sky blue robes bright against the green grass. hongjoong shook his head. “no, just thinking.” “about what? you don’t have to tell me, of course, i’m just curious.” “well, honestly, it wasn’t anything important.” you didn’t look too convinced, but didn’t press further, much to hongjoong’s relief. “can i talk to you about something?” “of course, anything.” hongjoong said, immediately sitting up and moving closer to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “what’s troubling you?” you sighed, leaning your head on his shoulder. “it’s seonghwa.” “what about him? is he being an asshole?” you laughed softly. “no, of course not. hwa’s one of the sweetest, gentlest, most patient, loving, and selfless people i know. he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.” “
then, what’s wrong?” “i- is he in pain?” “what do you mean?” “is he pining for a lost love?” hongjoong felt his stomach coil with nerves. “why do you ask?” “i’ve noticed the way he looks at me, almost as if i remind him of someone who hurt him.” no, it’s because seonghwa’s in love with you, but he’s not saying anything because he knows you will not return his feelings, hongjoong thought sadly. “is he hurting because of me? did i do something?” you sounded so sad, so lost, and hongjoong’s heart ached. “no, of course not. seonghwa’s always been one to wander off into his own thoughts and keep his feelings to himself. he doesn’t want us worrying about him. he’s probably just daydreaming or exhausted.” “i suppose.” you murmured, snuggling deeper into hongjoong’s side. hongjoong forced what he hoped was a convincing smile on his face and held you tighter. 
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mingi loosed a breath as he let an arrow fly, allowing a small smile when it struck the center of the target. the air was warm but not too humid, and he loved when the sun would shine through the trees, bathing the forest in golden light. it was late afternoon, and he had finally gotten out of bed after a while to train. maddox had had business in town, so that left him alone for the day. 
he sighed and propped his bow against a tree, practically collapsing onto the soft grass. it’d been a long few days, of which were mainly spent crying until his throat and eyes hurt, or until maddox threatened to throw him into the river if he wouldn’t stop sulking. ever since that day, mingi had been trying his best to heal from the heartbreak he experienced. it was a bit pathetic that he was so devastated over a girl that he barely knew, but in some ways, he felt drawn to you. he felt as if there was something that intrigued him about you, but couldn’t quite name the cause. he supposed that as long as you were happy and that you were being treated well, there was nothing he could do. after all, he was a hero, destined to save athens or whatever fairy-tale shit maddox ranted about constantly, and if you were together, you would be in constant danger. mingi knew he couldn’t live with himself if anyone he loved got hurt or killed, and the image of you being stabbed or becoming lifeless in his arms sent a shudder through his body. mingi closed his eyes and let the tears fall, wondering if he would ever get his so-called “happy ending.” 
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yunho laid next to wooyoung on the worn blanket seonghwa had found lying around the cottage, and looked up at the night sky, stars glittering like precious jewels. the air was crisp and cool, and he allowed a small smile to tug at his lips. yunho turned his head slightly to see you and san sitting on a patch of soft grass, your head resting on his shoulder. “penny for your thoughts?” wooyoung said, snapping yunho back to reality. he felt his face flush scarlet at the knowing smirk on wooyoung’s face, and swatted at him with his hand, causing the younger to laugh. “i do not feel that way about y/n, if that’s what you’re thinking.” wooyoung rolled his eyes. “i know you don’t, i was just teasing you.” a comfortable silence settled between them, and yunho sighed, turning his attention back to the stars, mind wandering once again. dinner had been normal, with the occasional light chatter and wooyoung and san bickering over trivial matters, but the aftermath had been quite strange. san had given wooyoung a look that clearly said ”don’t you dare speak another word or i will throw you into the river” , and the latter had whined in protest, but didn’t say anything else after. yunho had looked at them with utter confusion, wondering what in zeus’ name they’d been arguing about, but didn’t bother to ask. he just hoped that whatever secret they were keeping wouldn’t cause any conflict. 
you sighed, snuggling deeper into san’s side for warmth, and said male wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “tired?” he asked. you nodded, resting your head on his shoulder. “did seonghwa nag you too much today?” he asked, voice light and teasing. you rolled your eyes playfully. “no, he didn’t. today was just a long one, that’s all.” san hummed in agreement, squeezing your shoulder gently, as if in comfort. you shifted so that you were now lying on his lap, and he chuckled softly, playing with the loose strands of your hair. “are you really going to use my lap as a pillow?” “yes, is there a problem?” san shook his head. “of course not, you know i was just teasing.” “san?” “hmm?” “thank you.” “for what, love?” “no reason, i’m just glad you’re in my life.” “when did you get so cheesy? you’ve really been spending way too much time with seonghwa hyung.” you flelt your face flush scarlet. “s-shut up, i’m trying to be sentimental and you’re ruining the moment.” san laughed, patting your head gently. “ok, ok, fine.” you soon fell asleep to san humming softly. 
san smiled as you slept, absentmindedly playing with the soft strands of your hair, humming a song he’d heard jongho sing once, and leaned back against the rough bark of the eucalyptus tree that took up one side of the garden, letting his mind wander. dinner had been interesting, and he grimaced as he remembered how wooyoung had nearly let seonghwa’s secret come to light. wooyoung needs to be more cautious, otherwise, seonghwa hyung might never forgive hongjoong hyung for telling us his secret. 
it was also where he noticed firsthand that seonghwa was irrevocably and utterly in love with y/n, despite knowing that his feelings would never be returned. san didn’t know how he hadn’t noticed before. it was evident in the way seonghwa would look at you, as if you were the only star in the sky, and even a small gesture as handing you a piece of bread from across the table. his fingers always seemed to brush against yours in such an intimate way that san felt himself blush and look away. 
san winced as he recalled the conversation with hongjoong and wooyoung earlier that evening, and his heart ached for seonghwa, whose love was unrequited, and for hongjoong, who had succumbed to the pressure of keeping such a secret that he told him and wooyoung. he felt as if they didn’t deserve to know, for the secret felt so personal to seonghwa, and san knew that he would be devastated if he knew that hongjoong had told them. holding back tears, san closed his eyes and let sleep take over. 
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mingi woke to maddox gently shaking him, whispering fervently. he sat up immediately, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “what is it? did something happen?” even in the darkness of the cottage, he could make out the pale and ashen color of maddox’s face, and his stomach coiled with fear. his mentor gulped nervously before replying, his voice barely audible. “hades.” “what?” mingi felt blood rushing to his ears, and he felt himself get out of bed, hastily throwing the thin blankets off of him, reaching for his sword, which had been thrown on a pile of old clothes earlier that night. mingi could feel the nervous tension in the air as he loosed a breath and headed out into the cool night, feeling a shiver course through him. maddox was trailing slowly behind him, footsteps quiet and hesitant. 
mingi knew it was extremely foolish to confront hades not properly armed, but at least maddox was with him. now, his mentor wasn’t the strongest or the best fighter, but he could at least try and figure out a way for mingi to escape unscathed, or at least mingi hoped he could. 
the air got thicker with tension as mingi ventured deeper into the forest, ignoring the small voice in the back of his mind, screaming at him to run away. mingi knew that hades was close by, as the scent of death and smoke filled his nostrils as he neared a more secluded part of the forest, which, ironically, happened to be near a field of blooming hyacinths. the sight that beheld him made his heart drop down into his stomach and his blood run cold. 
you were laying at hades’ feet, pale blue robes streaked with dirt, curled into yourself, as if bracing for an attack that would hopefully never come. mingi ducked behind a tree, hoping it would somehow obscure him from view. “you’re pathetic.” hades hissed, dark eyes flashing with pure disgust. you groaned, neck straining to look up at the god of the dead, expression full of fury and pure hatred. “i thought i made it clear that my relations with you were over.” you seethed, wiping blood from the corner of your mouth. hades laughed, cold and heartless. “you very aware of my conditions when you signed your soul over to me, and one of them was that you will never be free until you fufill my end of our deal. you seemed so willing all those centuries ago, i wonder what changed? is it because you fell in love?” hades sneered, tone dripping with mock cheerfulness. 
you said nothing, clenching your jaw in anger and curling your hand into a fist. hades laughed, the sound hollow and void of emotion. “how touching, you fell in love with the very person you were supposed to lead to his own demise. i assume you want me to spare him?”
you glared at the god of the dead, refusing to show any signs of fear, and mingi’s heart ached at the sight. “no, i very well know that you will kill him anyway, for seeing heroes perish brings you great pleasure.” hades clicked his tongue in mock disappointment. “i’m appalled that such a thought would ever cross your mind.” “you’ll spare him, then? if i request it?” hades scoffed. “you’d be foolish to think that i would ever take a request from such a weak and pathetic woman such as yourself.” 
mingi felt a hand grip his shoulder tightly, and didn’t try to resist. “kid, if you go out ther now, you’ll die. hades may be a prick, but he’s powerful, and can most likely turn you into ashes before you can even take a single step.” maddox murmured, voice barely audible, but mingi nodded, a sign that he’d heeded his warning, and the grip on his shoulder loosened. 
seonghwa felt his heart shatter at the sight of you crumpled on the ground, pale blue robes dirty and blood-stained, helpless and injured. it took every ounce of self-control for him not to run over to you and wrap you into his arms and hold you. he knew that you would never forgive yourself if something happened to him or the others, and that you would continue to blame yourself for their deaths, no matter what. seonghwa bit back tears as he watched hades sneer and curse at you, hands curling into his white robes, the soft fabric bunching in his grip. 
the others were fast asleep at the cottage, and that fact alone made seonghwa’s heart settle, just a bit. seonghwa was glad that they weren’t witnessing the horrific scene before him, for he knew that the sight would be too much to bear. 
out of the corner of his eye, he noticed mingi, armed with nothing but a sword, clutching it in his hand tightly, and a shorter man with shoulder length hair was with him, body stiff with tension. it was maddox, who he had seen occasionally at council meetings, quiet but not afraid to speak his mind when needed. 
seonghwa felt his blood run cold when mingi finally stepped out of the shadows, with maddox trying and failing to prevent him from being reckless, and held his sword out in front of him, the silver blade glinting in the dark. 
hades’ dark eyes shifted towards the newcomer, and the smirk that tugged at the corner of his lips was enough to make seonghwa shudder with fear. “look who decided to join us. if it isn’t the hero himself.” “let her go.” mingi hissed, body tight with tension. hades chuckled darkly. “and why would i do that? what could a mere human like you offer me, a god?” “it’s me you want dead, isn’t it?” seonghwa’s heart dropped into his stomach at the naked fear on your face, and clutched the fabric of his robe tighter. don’t be so reckless, seonghwa wanted to scream, but he knew that if he were in mingi’s position, he would’ve done the same, so he forced himself to stay quiet. “i would take pleasure in seeing your untimely demise, such is true, but what would you give me in return?”
seonghwa racked his brain for a list of possible things mingi could offer to the god, and cursed under his breath when he realized that the only thing the latter could give hades was his soul. “i’ll trade you my soul, but only if you agree to break the contract you have with her.” 
hades’ dark eyes flashed dangerously. “you do know what selling your soul to me entails?” mingi nodded. in doing so, i enter a state of servitude, until you decide to give me freedom.” 
your eyes widened in horror, and seonghwa watched, heart aching, as you struggled to your feet, unable to stop the tears from streaming down your face. “mingi, do not  sacrifice your freedom or your soul for me. i don’t deserve to be saved.” “don’t say such things! you’re brave and selfless and-” “i am not! i’ve been working with hades all this time, trying to find out your weakness so that he may kill you! i don’t deserve to be saved or sought after by someone who is righteous and honest and brave. i-” you broke off at the sight of the confused, angry, and devastated expression on mingi’s face. nearby, hades chuckled darkly. 
“i’ll leave you two lovebirds alone, it seems you two have many things to discuss.” hades drawled, tone dripping with mock sympathy. with a flick of his hand and a long, tired sigh, the god of the dead disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. mingi turned his head away, closing his eyes, as if the sight of you was too much for him to bear. 
“why?” mingi asked in a soft voice, confused and hurt. “i did not want you to find out this way, especially with hades in our presence. i never meant to hurt you, i-” 
 “you lied to me?” “yes, but i-” “but you what? thought it would be amusing to lead me on? to rip my heart out?” you visibly flinched at the uncharacteristic coldness in mingi’s voice, and seonghwa gulped nervously. 
“please, i can explain-” mingi shook his head, grip tightening on the hilt of his sword. “i never want to see you again, and don’t you ever think for one second that i’m going to come to rescue you from whatever danger you might face. you disgust me.” he snapped, voice as cold and hard as steel. you reached out helplessly as mingi turned on his heels and walked away, not bothering to look back, and that’s when seonghwa couldn’t bear to watch any longer. 
seonghwa ran out from his hiding place and pulled you into his arms, rubbing comforting circles on his back and whispering soothing words in your ear. “h-hwa. h-he hates me.” you sobbed, curling your fingers in the fabric of his robes. seonghwa could only hold you tight as you cried into his chest, feeling his heart ache even more. 
you returned to the cottage with seonghwa carrying you in his arms, your heart heavy and face tear-stained. your robes were filthy and torn, but seonghwa didn’t seem to mind as he had lifted you into his arms almost immediately, insisting on carrying you home. you felt tears prick your eyes at the sight of hongjoong, san, jongho, wooyoung, yeosang, and yunho standing nervously at the front of the cottage. 
san practically tripped over his own feet trying to get to you, stroking your hair back softly as his violet eyes scanned your body, looking for any injuries. “we were all so worried when we woke and realized you and seonghwa hyung were gone. we thought you two had been taken, or killed, or-” “san, i’m so sorry. i’m sorry for worrying everyone. i seem to always cause trouble whenever i’m with you, and i always feel as if i’m a burden.”
“you could never be a burden to us, darling, we just hate seeing you get hurt.” yeosang strode right up to seonghwa, caramel eyes bright with anger. “you let her be injured? you watched as she got hurt and verbally harassed by hades? what kind of friend are you?” he asked, a harsh laugh escaping his mouth. before seonghwa could respond, san stepped forward, violet eyes bright with warning, gripping the comedy muse’s shoulder tightly. “that’s enough, yeosang.”
yeosang pursed his lips tightly, shook san’s hand off him, and stormed into the cottage. “i-i’m so sorry y/n, i should’ve done something-” you shook your head, reaching up and cupping seonghwa’s chin gently so he’d look at you. “none of this is your fault, hwa, and give yeosang time to clear his head, i’m sure he’s just angry because i’m hurt and he needs someone to blame.” “i just hope you two don’t resent me.” you scoffed, shifting so that you were a little more comfortable in seonghwa’s arms. “we will not.” 
seonghwa smiled gently down at you as he carried you into the cottage, and you let yourself fall into a deep sleep, the ache in your heart subsiding, just a bit. 
mingi buried his face into his pillow, soft sobs wracking his body. maddox sat slumped in a chair nearby, his expression grim. “i’m sorry your first love had to end so tragically, kid.” mingi didn’t reply, only cried harder, feeling as if his heart was going to spill out of his chest. 
a/n: i hope you all enjoyed this! i know this was super lengthy and probably sucked, but there will be a part three! i’m not sure of the title yet, but i already have a few ideas in mind :) anyways i love you all and thank you for always supporting me and my mediocre fics lmao 
tagging: @maatz, @hwacinth-main, @twancingyunhoe​ , @victonite​, @hongism​+anyone else who wants to read this 💛
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godiyggs · 4 years
Not As Think As You Drunk I Am.
request: “71- with eliza or angelica, like they walk into their house and see a y/n in a very drunk state saying nonsenses preety please uwu✨” @your-fella-joung-gremlin
prompt: 71: “You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
pairing: eliza schuyler x fem! reader
a/n: this was such a cute lil drabble for me to write 🥺 i went with eliza on this one! hope you enjoy my lovely readers <3 also kinda made it a friends to lovers au! hope u don’t mind ! if it wasn’t quite what you wanted, just shoot me a message and i’ll rewrite! ( modern au )
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It was 3 am when Eliza woke up to her phone ringing. the ungodly hour of 3 am. she lay there facing her ceiling in hopes that, eventually, it would stop ringing. she let out a breath of relief when it finally did. but then came the sound of about a dozen text messages right after it.
she groaned softly before sitting up and grabbing her phone. “crap!” she gasped out as she saw the insane number of unread messages and missed calls from you. she internally scolded herself for not having guessed that sooner. it seemed like such a you thing to do. panic grew inside her as she thought about the reason you were calling.
were you perhaps hurt? had you gotten yourself into trouble? did you need her help or advice with something? she chewed on her bottom lip as she quickly dialed your number. she felt uneasy as the line was still ringing, you hadn’t yet picked up.
her suspicion of you being in danger grew stronger as a few more seconds passed and you didn’t answer. the panic grew stronger when it sent her to your voicemail. she shot up from her bed, quickly getting dressed and shoving on the closest pair of shoes. she cursed under her breath at the traffic, she felt as if she had limited time to get to you.
shutting her car door, she quickly got out of her car rushing up to your door. just her luck, it was locked. “of course it would be locked, any person with common sense would lock their door...think” she whispered to herself
eliza flushed at your endless giggles. “so you’ve just been out here in the heat, for 2 hours?” you said, a little worried but mostly with humor. she pouted “it isn’t funny! how was i supposed to know you wouldn’t be home, i don’t know your everyday schedule.” “considering you want to be around me all the time i’d think that you do” you winked playfully at her. her heart did 3 backflips.
“you’re a good friend of mine of course i wanna be around you.” she shot back, sticking her toungue out. she could’ve sworn she saw your smile fall for a second. “yeah, yeah, whatever. i know you love me, liza! there’s spare keys under the doormat by the way” you laughed at eliza’s embarrassed expression.
Eliza smiles fondly at the memory before pulling the spare key out and making her way in. “ y/n..?” she called out, peaking into the living room. and there you were, sat in front of the fireplace next to a glass and 2 empty bottles of wine. “oh great.” eliza laughed nervously. “ y/n... whatcha doin there?” she giggled, stepping into the room fully.
you looked up from staring into the nothingness of the fire, a dopey smile on your face. and again eliza felt her heart race as you beamed up at her, cheeks red and hair a little messy. “eliiizaaa~” you sang out, before laying fully on the ground. she plopped down next to you. “You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
you almost looked offended at her question. “mmm...no... ‘course not” you replied, furrowing your eyebrows. you looked up at eliza whom was sat next to your drunk figure. “have i ever told you how extreeemely beautiful you are-?” your words slurred a bit.
Eliza’s breath caught in her throat. she definitely heard you right even through your drunk state. she breathed deeply to calm her racing heart. running her fingers through your hair, she spoke “and you are extremely drunk, lovely.” your gaze on her was as if you were admiring her.
“i like that nickname” you grinned. “i think i should give you one too, like...like the prettiest girl in the world!” eliza laughed. “nicknames are meant to be short” you pouted. “you’re short.” she lovingly rolled her eyes.
“okay, i think it’s time you go to bed. you are gonna have a killer hangover in the morning that’s for sure.” she moved your hair out of your face. “no! not yet. i wanna be awake...with you...” you trailed off at the end. “i’ll be here when you wake up, y/n.” she smiled reassuringly.
she helped you get on your feet and make your way upstairs to your room (you tripped about 2 times, the second was on purpose just to see eliza laugh). she was sat on the edge of the bed, an hour had passed and she’d assumed you had fallen asleep. that is until she shifted slightly and you called out for her.
she sighed before turning to you. “what is it?” you bit your lip. “i’m sorry. i probably woke you up and you probably have better things to do-“ she cut you off “don’t say that y/n. yeah, you did wake me up but i don’t mind. there’s not much im doing in the morning anyway.” she said, in her soft voice that you loved so much. “thank you for this, by the way. i love you.”
“and i love you.” she replied. “in the same way i do you?” you blurted out, not thinking at all. her widened eyes shot up to meet yours. “what?” she asked gently. your sober conscious was telling you to stop, to just brush it off like nothing but you had kept it bottled in long enough.
“you say you love me but i want to know if it’s the same way i love you...i-it’s something beyond platonic liza. i love you. i wanna be with you.” fireworks went off in elizas chest once again, she felt the world stop. she bit her tongue and tried not to gain false hope. “y/n, you’re drunk-“ “no! i would say the same thing sober” you frowned, crossing your arms. she giggled at your childish antics. “don’t laugh...” you mumbled.
she stood up and walked to you, blush on her cheeks. “well, about your statement earlier.” she cupped you’re head in her hands. “i love you too. and it’s something beyond platonic as well” she placed a soft kiss on your nose.
“you missed.” you shot out, smirking. she looked at you, puzzled. “hm?” before she could even process anything else, your lips were on hers in a flash. and her stomach filled with butterflies as she kissed back gently. after a few seconds, you both pulled away. noses resting against each other, giggles and occasional nose kisses being shared.
next thing you know, she’s cuddled up to you. you’d fallen asleep right after the soft moment, knocked out cold and snoring. eliza rested her head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. the thud of it was relaxing to her, and she follows right in your footsteps.
you woke up the next morning with a horrible headache, regretting drinking so much last night. however your regret faded when you looked down at eliza sleeping soundly in your embrace.
recalling the past events, you shared a high five with your drunk self.
that girl is mine...
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madeofstardust17 · 5 years
Coffee and perfection
Thought I should get this posted since it's been lying on my documents forever.
Rating: T for Pidge trying (and failing) to be sexy
Summery: 21 year old Pidge gets drunk and Lance being a good friend, decides to take her home. He should not be suffering like this.
Pidge was drunk. 
Katie Holt, genius, former green paladin of Voltron, universally famous tech expert, was drunk out of her mind, chatting with a guy whose name was probably Chad or John by the bar. 
Lance watched her, trying not to sulk as he nursed his half-drank glass of whiskey in a table in the other corner of the bar. 
He scowled when she giggled at something mr. perfect told her and slapped his arm playfully but rather clumsily. 
But when he placed his hand on her calf, leaning closer to her, he got up, his blood roaring in his ears. 
He barely registered walking over to them, but one second he was too far away and the next he had a hand on her shoulder, putting on a smile that came out looking more like a grimace. 
Pidge looked up and smiled lazily when she saw him. 
“Hey Lance” she said, her speech a little slurred. The moment she opened her mouth, Lance could smell the alcohol as if she wear breathing on his face. 
“You’re drunk, Pidge” he told her, and she looked at him like “duh”
He turned to the guy 
“I’m sorry, but I’m taking her home” 
He suspected that from his tone, the guy could tell he really wasn’t 
“Wait a moment” the guy complained “how do I know she’ll get back safely with you?”
Dammit, he was a nice guy. Lance hated it when they were nice guys. 
“I’m her best friend” 
And when the man looked skeptical, he tapped Pidge’s shoulder, she looked up
“Pidge, who am I?”
She grinned lazily at him, and he ordered himself not to dwell on how his heart skipped a beat when she looked at him with those honey-colored eyes 
“You’re Lance, my bff” she giggled, and the continued in a singsong voice “Lance Lance, Lancey-Lance, my sharpshooter”
Lance looked at the guy, pretending his cheeks weren’t turning red.
The guy, obviously annoyed Lance had ruined his fun, scowled and turned away, draining the last of his drink. 
Without further ado, Lance grabbed the girl’s arm and slung it over his shoulders, helping her stand up. 
Even with his help, her knees wobbled, and her black high heels shook, threatening to make her fall.
“Goodbye Jack!” She called, shouting louder than necessary.
Close enough, Lance though with a wry smile. 
Miraculously, he managed to get her inside his car without too much trouble. 
They reached Pidge small apartment not too long after, and lance found Pidge with her eyes closed and leaning against the window when he parked. 
“Pidge” he said. When she only grunted, he shook her shoulder. She slapped his hand clumsily and glared at him. 
He stifled a laugh and said 
“You’re home” 
She hummed and said no more.
Rolling his eyes, he got out of the car and opened her door, smirking when she almost fell sideways but managed to right herself before she could. 
She glared at him, hurt and feeling betrayed, but when he only raised an eyebrow at her, she pouted and rested her head against the back of her seat and whimpered. 
“Oh my god” he said exasperated as he leaned down. 
Placing an arm beneath her legs and another one around her shoulder, he scooped her up into his arms. 
“You’re a pain in my ass. You know that, Holt?”
She merely hummed, surrounded his neck with her arms and rested her head on his shoulders. 
Suddenly he felt uncomfortably hot, and he felt a flush creep up his neck.
Grumbling, he climbed the steps that led to her apartment, and they hadn’t even reached her door when she spoke 
“Since when do you call me Holt?” She said, not bothering to open her eyes 
“Since when do you let me carry you?”
“Fair ‘nough”
Smiling, she rest her head again in his shoulder and said no more. 
Cursing the gods that had made his best friend so cute, he struggled to open the door that led into her nice but modest apartment. 
He closed the door with his foot, walked over to where her bedroom was and lay her down on her bed. 
She hummed happily and spread her arms and legs as if she were making a snow angel, giggling like a child. 
She looked at him, a funny look in her eyes 
“Wanna lay down here with me?” She said, with another small giggle that was so not Pidge.
I’d love to.
“I’d rather not, thanks ” he said instead, looking in her closet for clean pijamas. 
She laughed, a sound that made his hair stand on end as she sat up, bouncing a little on the mattress. 
“Come on”
She stood up on wobbly legs and naked feet, walking over to him. 
She ran a hand down his arm, and the place her fingers touch burned like fire. 
“Let’s have fun” she purred as she leaned closer. 
He could feel her hot breath on his neck now, as well as the violent flush that was creeping up his neck once again. 
“You’re drunk” he said, mostly to himself “you need to sleep”
But he quickly closed his mouth and eyes as she pressed her lips into his jawline. A whimper he refused to let out caught on his throat. This was torture, this was pure evil.
He imagined Shiro’s voice in his head, saying “patience yields focus” over and over again, trying to ignore Pidge’s lips making her way up, almost to the corner of his mouth.
Without thinking he lowered his face, and their lips met briefly, before Lance stepped away in pure panic.
“This is wrong” he said. Pidge looked sad, disappointed even.
“I thought… don’t you want…?” She looked at a loss for words as tears filled her eyes.
God, no, please don’t cry, Kate. He looked at the girl helplessly
“It’s not that I don’t want this, Katie” Lance said, almost in a whisper, surrounding her with his arms.
“It’s that I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of you”
Pidge didn’t respond, but nodded, her eyes shut as her arms sneaked around his back and she leaned into him
“It’s spinning” she mumbled “the room” panic flared inside him
“Are you gonna be sick?”
She shook her head, so as gently as he could, he scooped her up again, and walked back to the bed. 
She didn't say anything as he lowered her into it, right until he made to walk away. 
She grabbed his arm
“Where you going?” She mumbled, already half asleep
“To get you some clean clothes” he wrinkled his nose “you reek of alcohol” 
“Asshole” she sounded more awake now, more like her normal self
“Gremlin” He shot back, grabbing the clothes he had discarded on the floor before. 
She asked him to get the zipper of her dress down, and he complied, trying very hard not to stare at her freckled back. 
Lord, give him strength. 
She finally took the dress off and put her pajama pants on, but when she tried to put on the t-shirt, it didn’t go as well. 
“Lance” she whimpered “help”
Lance, who had been standing with his front to the wall turned and found Pidge trapped. She had tried to fit her head into one of her sleeves and was now stuck. 
Rolling his eyes with a small smile and trying very hard not to laugh, he walked up to her as she struggled
“I can’t see!” She cried, and he pursed his lips to hold the laughter that was begging to burst out of him
“Okay just… hold on” 
He managed to get her head out of hole and into the right one. 
When she saw him she smiled 
“There you are”
“There I am” he grinned. She leaned forward and kissed his nose (although she was off balance and she ended up mostly kissing his upper lip) before getting up and stumbling over to the bathroom. 
Lance stood frozen for a few seconds, blinking rapidly as his cheeks reddened. 
He could hear the girl brushing her teeth as she mumbled something to herself.
“She’s drunk” he muttered “she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She is drunk”
“I’m not that drunk you know” Pidge shouted from the bathroom “I’ve been drunker than this before”
“Did you just say ‘drunker’?” He grinned. The only response he got was a snort.
Rubbing his face, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a painkiller along with a glass of water before returning to the bedroom, where Pidge was already crawling underneath the covers. 
“Alright” He said, leaving the painkiller and glass of water in the nightstand “you need to sleep this off, so I’m leaving this here, and I’ll go sleep on the couch. ‘Night, Pidgeon” he went to leave, but she grabbed his wrist. 
Trying very hard to fill himself with determination, he took a deep breath and looked at the girl. 
She raised her arms towards him, her hair messy and her eyes shining, her cheeks pink 
“Hold me?”
He clicked his tongue and looked elsewhere, looking for something to give him the courage to say no. 
“Please? I don’t want to sleep alone” he made the mistake of looking at her, and the puppy eyes that looked back were stronger than him. 
His poor heart never stood a chance. 
“Fine” he sighed, resigning himself to his fate.
He crawled into the covers next to her and wrapped his arms around her thin frame. 
She smiled, humming in delight as she snuggled closer, burying her face on his chest.
“Thank you, Lance” she said, her speech slurred again. 
“Goodnight, Pidge” He said, feeling the pull of sleep already. 
Lance woke up to soft breathing and a warm petite body pressed against his. 
He raised his hand and found soft hair, which explained the sweet smell of what he thought might be green tea shampoo. 
Katie. His brain supplied. 
He was sleeping next to Katie Holt. He was cuddling with Pidge. 
He opened his eyes, and there she was, her face completely relaxed as she dreamt on, her hair a mess and her pajamas rumpled.
Lance thought she had never looked so beautiful. 
She was going to wake soon, he thought. She was going to wake up and freak out, but when he tried to sit up to make breakfast for the girl who was surely nursing a terrible hangover, she grabbed onto the shirt he had been wearing the previous night, frowning slightly. 
Oh well. A small voice in his mind said Better enjoy the peace while it lasts. 
So he fell back down and embraced her again, pleasantly dozing for what he thought it might have been half an hour, before the 21 year old beside him started to stir, groaning and burying her face in his chest to escape the light seeping through the window. 
“Yeah, Sorry about that” he said “I forgot to pull the curtains close last night”
The moment he started speaking she tensed, frozen on the spot. 
“Lance?” Her voice was hoarse and small, as if she were wishing he was product of her imagination. Her hope was lost when she looked up and found him staring at her, half amused, half concerned.
“Well, hello there, Pidgeon. Sleep well?” 
She sat up, looked at him, looked at her lap and then straight forward.
“I’m not doing this right now” and with this, she got up, wobbled her first few steps and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. 
That’s fair. He thought as he rubbed his eyes and got up to make coffee. 
When he came back with a steaming cup of black coffee for Pidge, he found her sitting on her bed, drinking the glass he had left on her nightstand the night before. 
When she was done, he sat next to her, keeping his distance, and handed her the mug without a word. 
With a grunt he took for a thanks, she took the coffee, put the painkiller in her mouth and took two large gulps of the steaming drink. 
After a few minutes in which she finished her coffee and the color returned to her face, she looked at him with a grimace. 
“How many stupid things did I do last night?” She asked 
“That depends, how much do you remember?”
The glare she gave him should not have been cute, but somehow it was.
“Lance” her tone gave a warning, but it was also pleading. 
“Nothing too embarrassing” he assured her. 
“Well I remember trying to kiss you, and that counts as embarrassing” she said, taking the last sip from her coffee. 
“It’s fine, Kate. I don’t mind” 
The nickname seemed to anger her, because her cheeks turned red, and there was fire in her eyes as she said 
“But I do mind, Lance. I-” she stopped herself “you turned me down” it wasn’t an accusation, or a resigned comment, it was just a fact.
The words slipped from her lips before she could stopped them, and her ears turned bright crimson as she stood up and turned to the bathroom 
“Excuse me”
“Katie, wait” he followed her, but she shut the door in front of him.
“But I didn’t want to, Kate. I really didn’t” he pressed his forehead against the door, suddenly feeling very, very tired. 
The door opened, and he had a moment of panic as he struggled to regain his balance. 
Pidge stood there, her hair still a mess, her pajamas rumpled and looking like a fallen angel in Lance’s eyes.
“You… didn’t?” 
There was confusion in her eyes, as well as distrust, and maybe... a bit of hope?
He dared take a step forwards, so that their were a mere foot from each other. 
“I told you, but I’m not sure you remember” 
She shook her head. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck, not sure how to say what he wanted her to know. 
“I turned you down” he said slowly, swallowing hard “because you were drunk, and I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage of you” 
She said nothing, and Lance couldn’t bear the silence.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while now, but I never knew if you were interested, and I didn’t want to make things weird, and yesterday you caught completely off guard -you looked stunning, by the way, it was so not fair and now-” he stopped suddenly, looking at her with a mixture of confusion, exasperation and amusement. 
“Your laughing at me” he said, but her laughs were contagious and he was soon smiling 
“Don’t laugh at me, I just poured my heart out to you” but a moment later he was laughing too. 
“I’m sorry” she said between laughs, trying to stop, clutching her ribs.
“It’s just so ridiculous” she continued to laugh, tears in the corner of her eyes. 
“You know, of all the ways I expected you to react” he said, finally calming down “I didn’t think this would be an option”
“Yeah well” she said, breathing deeply to stop another wave of laughter 
“You always knew how to make me laugh” she giggled once more before falling silent.
He grinned at her, a pleasant warmth rising to his chest as he reached out a grabbed her hand. 
“Soooo, does this mean I get to take you out?” 
She hummed in thought 
“As long as you don’t take me out for drinks. I’ve had enough of alcohol for a while” 
“Shame. I liked drunk Pidge”
“Asshole” She swatted his arm, but she was still smiling.
He leaned forward, his heart in his throat, and waited for a second, telling her without words that she could back away if she wanted. 
Instead, she stepped forwards, and her lips met his. 
He pulled away, leaving her dazed
“I’ve been waiting so long to do that” he said, grinning 
“What were you waiting for?”
“I can’t remember” 
And with that, he kissed her again.
“Now” she said, breaking away first. It took him a moment to open his eyes, which made her smile.
“Go get me some more coffee” she pushed towards the kitchen. 
“Yes, ma’am” with one last soft kiss, he went on his way, and she turned to the very inviting bed. 
She flopped down onto the mattress, hiding her smile and her flushed cheeks. 
Maybe getting drunk had been worth it.
She looked up after a few seconds though, frowning 
“Did I really say ‘drunker’?” She shouted.
“It was the highlight of my night” she heard Lance respond, his tone full of cheek.
Huffing, she flopped down again, hiding the violent flush in her cheeks, neck and ears.
Nope. Not worth it. 
As she lay on her bed waiting for the coffee, her phone buzzed in her nightstand. She extended her arm and patted the table until she found it. 
She rolled onto her back and looked at her messages. 
A screenshot of a local newspaper showed Lance half carrying her to a car. The headline wasn’t visible. Under the screenshot, Keith wrote 
Samurai: [Shiro’s having a heart attack over this]
Pidge snorted 
Gremlin: [He’s not that old]
Samurai: [What the hell happened?]
Gremlin: [I got drunk and Lance took me home] 
Samurai: [and…?]
Gremlin: [you're such a gossip]
Samurai: [so something DID happen]
Gremlin: [Shut up]
Samurai [he asked you out, didn’t he?]
Gremlin: [...maybe] 
Samurai: [I fucking knew it. Shiro’s gonna freak] 
Gremlin: [you're a terrible friend] 
Samurai: [I know]
Pidge sighed and dropped the phone. At that moment lance entered the room with another cup of coffee.
“Who are you talking to?”
“Keith and Shiro know”
Lance frowned as he sat down and handed her the mug
“Yesterday some paparazzi saw us leaving the bar. Shiro saw the headline, he sent it to Keith and I’ve just talked to Keith” 
Lance grabbed his phone 
Sharpshooter: [Keith you ass. Stop gossiping] 
Mullet: [never] 
Just then another text made Lance’s phone buzz
Spacedad: [you do know what will happen if you hurt our girl?]
Sharpshooter: [she’ll kick my ass] 
Spacedad: [good boy]
Lance sighed and dropped his phone. He gave Pidge a deadpan group 
“I hate our friends” 
She hummed as she dunked her coffee.
“No you don’t” 
“I should” he grumbled “they’re all jackasses”
“Except for Hunk” she corrected 
“Except for Hunk” he agreed
“They’re just worried about us” she said, reaching over and grabbing his hand “I thinks it’s sweet”
“Romance makes you soft” he noted 
“A little bit” she leaned forward and their lips met halfway.
She tasted like coffee. 
It was the image of perfection. 
Cheesy, I know. Comment if you like it please!
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
Baby its Cold Outside (PART 6)
Bakugo x Reader 
Fluff. Smut. 
Just taking it one day at a time. 
Words: 2821
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Bakugo had been woken up by a nurse the next morning. She pulled him into the hallway where a doctor was waiting with a clipboard. Looking every bit the stereotype from the dumb tv shows y/n always watches.
The doctor smiled and held out his hand, “Ah Mr. Bakugo I presume?”
Bakugo just stared back, not bothering to shake the mans hand, “Yes, can I help you with something?”
The smile never left the doctors face as he pulled his hand back, “Yes, so I understand Y/n lives with you. Is that correct?”
Bakugo smirked, “As of a few days ago, yes, she officially live with me.”
“Oh perfect! So we are expecting her to wake up any time now and I just wanted to go over everything you might expect in terms of taking care of her while she heals. As you know she suffered a major concussion as well as multiple gunshot wounds to the stomach.”
Bakugo flinched at the memory but nodded anyways as the doctor continued his speech. “When she wakes up she’ll likely be confused and a little frustrated. Because she’s been in a bed for several weeks it may take a while for her to regain normal range of motion but that’s nothing to be concerned about. We recommend having her go to physical therapy, as well as possibly seeing a mental health professional if she needs help coping with the trauma. As the person who will be living with her just make sure she takes her medication and for the first couple of days she may need your help with daily tasks such as showering, getting dressed, picking up anything over fifteen pounds, and so on. Are you prepared to take on these tasks?”
Bakugo was almost offended, “Of course! You think I can’t take care of my own girlfriend? I basically take care of her already!”
The doctor just nodded, “Very well then. Here are some pamphlets on everything I just spoke to you about. I find they can be very helpful and informative. I understand you are a very capable man Mr. Bakugo and I think Y/n will be in great hands. We will more than likely be able to discharge her within 24 hours of her waking up and in the event that you are not here, we will make sure to give you a call to let you know when she has woken up.”
Bakugo’s heart raced at the idea that you would be waking up soon. He had said any time now. He would have sat his ass down in that chair and not left until you woke up, but he knew he has a few things to finish up at the apartment. He also knew he was in desperate need of a shower.
He had officially gotten all of your stuff moved into his place he just needed to go meet with the landlord and turn in your keys. Not that it mattered you never used them anyways seeing as you would just teleport through the door.
Bakugo was skimming through one of the many pamphlets the doctor had given him the day before, sitting in your old apparent when the landlord showed to collect the keys. He gave Bakugo a smile but his eyes looked sad. He liked y/n and was sad to hear of her accident. “Well son, I’m sure the place is in pristine condition. I’ve seen you comin and goin for weeks now to clean it up so here's a check for the security deposit and I’ve waved the cleaning fee.”
Bakugo thanked him as he pocketed the check. He was about to insist that he charge him for the cleaning fee because you were a messy gremlin and he was sure the place could use it but he was interrupted by a weird noise. It was a loud thump from his apartment. “What the fuck...”
He sprinted out of the apartment, bypassed the elevator, opting for the stairs instead. He was practically out of breath by the time he reached his door. Wow he really needs to hit the gym soon. He tried the handle but it was locked... which would mean the person in his apartment didn't use a door...
His hands shook as he ripped his keys out of his pocket and swung the door open. “Y/N!” He ran around the corner to his bed and there you were. Sitting on the floor with your head in your hands.
He was at your side in an instant pulling you to him. “Oh my god. Shit you’re awake. You’re okay. Fuck I’ve been so fucking worried, you have no idea. I love you. I love you so fucking much, and I need you to know that.” He kept kissing the top of your head while he rubbed his hand up and down your back. That’s when he noticed the hospital gown. “Y/n... how did you get here?”
You looked at him with very sleepy and confused eyes, “I don't know. I woke up in the hospital and I was really scared. I couldn't figure out what happened or where I was and I just wanted you... and I guess I accidentally teleported here.”
He took your head in his hands and looked at you like you were crazy, “Y/n we live across town from the hospital... you’re telling me you just teleported 15 miles...”
Your eyes widened, looking just as bewildered as he did, “Yeah I guess I did.”
Next thing you know he’s hugging you so tight, “You know what? I don't even care right now. We’ll figure that out later, right now I just want to hold you. I’ve missed you so much. Dont you ever do something like that again, do you understand me. Ever.”
His phone started to ring but he let it go to voicemail. Whatever it was could wait. He hadn’t held you like this in weeks. He gently scooped you up and brought you to the bed that now had a few of your girly pillows. “Katsu? Are these my pillows? Is that my lamp? Wait what is my stuff doing in your apartment? Did you loot me while I was out?”
He chuckled as his face turned red, “Yeah about that.. I uh.. I kind of moved all of your stuff up here and terminated your lease downstairs.... surprise?”
You knew you should be irritated, but honestly you were just too exhausted to care. You barley spent time in your apartment anyways. So you just shrugged, “Oh okay I guess. I mean if you’re sure...”
He pulled you close to him, “Oh I’m sure. I need you here where I know you’re safe.”
You winced as you giggled still a little sore, “I literally lived in the apartment right below you. It wasn’t exactly a long distance relationship.”
Bakugo ignored your quip instead focusing on your face as it pinched a bit with the pain from laughing. “Are you okay? Do I need to bring you back to the hospital. Shit I probably do. You just up and left...”
You reached up and squished his cheeks together to get him to stop talking, “One thing at a time babe. Yes I am okay. I am really tired, and truthfully I’m very sore. But it’s not anything I can’t deal with. I would kill for some water though...”
He was up and in the kitchen before you could even finish your sentence. You wondered how long this over protective phase would last. Bakugo was never the kind of boyfriend who waited on you hand and foot. Before the accident he would have told you to get off your ass and get it yourself.
He came back with a huge camelback water bottle with a straw. You expected him to hand it to you but instead he crawled into bed next to you and held the straw up to your mouth. “Uh.. Honey. Not that I don’t love the fact you want to take care of me, but I can hold it myself.”
He blushed slightly muttering a sorry as he handed you the water bottle.
So you sat like that, his hands never leaving you while he caught you up on what had happened since you were out. Avoiding the topic of the accident because neither of you were ready to rip off that bandaid yet.
Your conversation was cut short by a banging on the door. Bakugo groaned and went to go answer it. Periodically turning around to look at you. Almost like he was checking you were still there. He flung the door open, “WHAT?!”
There was a very nervous Kirishima rubbing the back of his neck raw, “Okay listen man I have some bad news, but I’m going to need you to stay calm because we’re going to fix it I promise... but... uh... Y/nIsMissingAndWeDontKnowWhereSheWent....” He flinched like he was ready for Bakugo to blow up. But instead Bakugo just laughed. “Oh shit he's really lost it.”
“Oi shitty hair, you can relax, she's okay she’s here. She teleported. We’ll head back soon so they can officially discharge her and give us her medication.”
Kirishima looked like he was going to faint with relief, “Oh thank god. They only sent me because I’m indestructible. They really thought you were going to rampage. You should have seen it. First she’s mumbling in her sleep right?  Next thing we all know her eyes shot open and she was asking where you were. When no one could answer her she just teleported out. They were all panicking and running around looking for her. I’ll let them know she’s safe.”
You had snuck your way over to them with very wobbly legs, “Thank’s for checking on me Kiri!”
“Oi what the fuck do you think you’re doing?! Get your ass back in bed!”
You glared at your over protective boyfriend, “I've been in bed for... for...”
“Three weeks” Kiri filled in you.
“Thank you Kiri... Three weeks! I don't think it’ll kill me to stretch my legs!”
Kirishima bit his lip to keep from laughing, “Good to see you still got your spunk. Well I’ll leave you two love birds alone. Try not to kill each other.”
He realized that was not a good joke to make when Bakugo’s eyes bore into him, “Too soon.”
It had been two weeks since you woke up. The first week Katsuki refused to leave your side for more than 30 seconds. Everywhere you went he was right there behind you like a clingy shadow. He even took showers with you insisting it was “doctors orders”. It got real old real fast. You practically shoved him out the door the other day joking about how one of you needed to work or you wouldn't make rent and you just moved in. You still had nightmares, and any loud noise made you jump. Bakugo was trying really hard to not yell at you or be any added stress while you adjusted but you honestly hated the way he treated you like glass. Never in his life has he ever seen you as anything but strong and now he tip toes around you. That ends today.
You dressed up in your sexiest underwear and robe and waited for him on his....your bed. You kept forgetting you actually lived here now.
You heard his keys in the door and your heart started to race. “Hey baby I’m home! I was thinking about maybe making some stir fry for dinner. What do you think?” You took a deep breath and reminded yourself this was Bakugo... there was no reason to be nervous.
You stepped into the kitchen and tiptoed up to him. He had his nose buried in a grocery bag pulling out ingredients. You took the bag from his hand and put it on the counter. He froze when he saw what you were wearing.
“I think I’m hungry. But not for food.” You grabbed him by the belt loops and pulled him to you.
He smiled but his eyes gave him away. He looked nervous.
He cupped your cheeks and gave your forehead a kiss. “You look amazing babe. But you need to take your pills soon and you can't do that on an empty stomach.” He pulled away from you and went back to sorting the groceries on the counter in front of him.
You huffed and smacked him the back of the head.
“Oi! What was that for?” “You know what for! Other than our morning showers you won't touch me! And even then it’s not even sexual....” You don't know why but your were suddenly hit with a wave of insecurity. “Do you not find me attractive anymore...?”
He was at your side in an instant. He put one hand in your hair while the other one gripped your chin rubbing soothing circles on your cheek. “Are you crazy? of course I find you attractive! You are the single most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.”
Tears threatened to spill out, “Then why won't you touch me?”
He sighed as he thought carefully about what he said next. “I guess I’m just scared of hurting you. I’m the reason you were hurt in the first place and the thought of causing you any more pain... it... it drives me crazy. You just woke up from a medically induced coma only two weeks ago! I didn't want to do anything until you were ready!”
You looked up at him with needy eyes, “Well I’m ready now...”
And that's all it took. 
Bakugo’s lips crashed to yours as his hands gripped your ass. You knew you were needy but you had no idea you were this touch starved until the feeling of his hands on you practically made you melt. 
He pulled back just long enough to tell you to jump. You eagerly compiled as you wrapped you legs around his waist. He walked you over to the couch and laid you down. 
Your robe was long forgotten on the floor and his shirt and your bra was quickly joining it. Katsuki worshipped your body. He always had. He showered you with kisses starting at your neck and trailing downwards. He took his time with each of your breasts. Taking one nipple in his mouth while he rubbed the other between his fingers. He had you soaked and squirming with seconds. Your hips bucked up and he grunted as you made contact with his growing erection. 
He continues his path down briefly pausing to give every single one of your scars the softest kiss imaginable. You could see the pain fast through his eyes briefly. You wound your hands through his hair, “I’m okay baby. I’m here and I’m okay and I need you. Please.” 
He tugged your underwear off along with pants. He put his arms on either side of your face holding all of his weight off of you. lined himself up with your entrance and in one sweet snap of his hips you were seeing stars. His mouth covered yours as he swallowed your moans. He let you adjust before he set a slow, deep, rhythm. 
You’ve been dating for three months now, and you don't think you had ever had sex that want heated and rough. He was taking his time, showing you with every thrust how much he loved you. Even the moans you let out were soft. This wasn't fucking, this was making love. And the thought made your head spin. 
He leaned down and nibbled on your ear before whispering, “You’re so fucking beautiful. I want you to know that. You’re it for me. Do you understand me?” 
You pulled his head back to face you, “I understand. You’re it for me too. I couldn't do this with anyone else.” 
He smirked, “Damn right you couldn't.”
Yours hands made their way to his strong muscular back, “Now fuck me like you mean it Katsuki. I won't break I promise.” 
His dick twitched at your words before he picked up the pace. 
You both got lost in the sensations you both had been craving. He pounded into you relentlessly. Hitting the spot the way it seemed only he could. It wasn't long before you felt yourself unraveling. 
“Yeah thats it baby! Cum for me! Let go!” 
You were overtaken by the most intense, toe curling orgasm. 
You could feel Bakugo start to pull out but through your pants you yelled, “No cum inside me!” 
His hips stuttered a but before he finally released inside of you. 
He rolled to the side and pulled you on top of him so you could both fit on the couch. 
After he caught his breath he looked over to you and kissed your forehead, “That was probably the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me.” 
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Quiet Hours 2: The Angstening
Quiet Hours
Angst, voyeurism, no happy ending/ambiguous ending, SMUT
Dewey Finn x Reader (Fem)
Beetlejuice x Reader (Fem)
Summary: Dewey Finn realizes he messed up, and continues to mess up.
Dewey Finn was no stranger to screw-ups. It was a running theme in his life, though most of the time he did manage to come out on top. With his luck it was very All-Or-Nothing; he either won or he lost. When he was in high school he met Ned Schneebly and started Death Maggot, that was a win. When they played the school talent show, that was a loss. Getting into community college after high school was a win, but dropping out had been a loss. Moving in with Ned was a win, but when he started dating Patty, that was one of the biggest losses.
The past year had been the biggest in terms of winning and losing. Last year he had been at his lowest; he lost his job, his band, his self-esteem and thought he would lose his best friend and a place to live. Then things turned around, he won so much more than he ever thought he deserved. He landed a job that he never considered but felt so fulfilling that he felt like he found his calling. He became part of a new band that rocked harder than any band he’d ever played with. His friendship with Ned was stronger than ever, even Patty seemed to have a begrudging respect for him now. He started dating again. Rose Mullens was so out of his league, she might as well have been playing a completely different sport.
And then he met you. It was karaoke night at a local bar, and when he saw you on stage singing your heart out, he knew he had to talk to you. The friendship between you to was nearly instant, each of you excitedly asking questions about the other’s music. As the months passed and you two became closer, he felt as easy around you as he did around Ned. No one else listened to him like you did, no one else checked up on him in the same way. Ned was his brother, but as the months passed he knew that you were special.
Who else would have stayed with him for a week after Rose broke up with him? Who else would have given him a spare key for whenever he needed to get away from everything? Who else would have dragged him out of bed and surprised him with a concert at a local bar? Ned was a good friend, but you always managed to go above and beyond for him. Your friendship meant the world to Dewey, and he never wanted to screw that up.
But this was reality, and reality said that Dewey had it good for too long.
When Dewey woke up the next morning, and you weren’t there he didn’t think much of it. He was used to being alone at your place. You had no problems leaving him alone in your small apartment, and it wasn’t the first time he had crashed with you after a drunk night. It had been the first time that you two had slept in the same bed together, usually he passed out on the couch. Another first was the sticky feeling in his boxers when he woke up.
It took a moment for him to remember what had caused the reaction. He shifted to sit up as thoughts of his dream last night passed through his hungover brain. There wasn’t much that he remembered, only a pair of amazing breasts and the feeling of his face against his ex-girlfriends hair as they had sex. The reminder of it caused him to get half-hard again and he shook his head, trying to snap out of it. He felt dirty having had that dream in your bed when you were right there next to him. He hoped he didn’t do anything inappropriate last night.
Still, his heart sank back in his chest as he thought of Rose. He was thankful that the break-up had happened at the end of the school year. That would give him at least 3 months to try and get over her before it was back to seeing her everyday. Right now though, the wound was still fresh and he reached for his phone pulling up your name in the contacts list.
“I had a sex dream about her... I miss Rose.” he typed. The response was almost instant.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
He really was an idiot looking back on everything.
As present as you had been in those first few weeks of the break-up, you were just as distant now. Dewey didn’t blame you, after everything you had done there were other things you needed to do. You had a life outside of him, and he knew it. He knew that you couldn’t always drop everything and run to his side every time his thoughts started to become too much.
Still, there was something different now. In the time you two had known each other, there had been hours on the phone, talking and texting each other. It had been like you two had been having one long conversation since you two met so many months ago. Very rarely were you two not talking, but now... you weren’t there. You had taken a huge step back and you didn’t know why. He still heard from you every once in a while, still keeping each other up to date but...
Dewey couldn’t put a finger on it.
It wasn’t until he got a message nearly three weeks later that he put the pieces together.
“I’m going on a date on Friday!”
Dewey had never seen you date before. In the months that he’d known you, you never once expressed interest in dating anyone. Though he felt happy for you in a way, there was something sad about it to him as well. He’d hope the two of you would stay single and keep each other company. But he guessed that was just one more loss for him. The hits really did just keep coming.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” he texted back.
The words felt empty as he hit send.
He missed you. He missed you and it was driving him crazy that you weren’t there.
Friday came and something in him snapped. He grabbed the key that you had given him so long ago and made his way to your apartment. Dewey needed to see you, to talk to you, to make sure things really were alright between you two.
It was still fairly early in the afternoon when he let himself in, and was surprised that you weren’t home. He wondered if you had already left on your date, and thought about going home, but not before heading into your room to use the toilet.
As he was just about to leave your room, he heard the door open and close and voices coming from the living room. Fuck, you had brought your date here?! It looked like the two of you were just now coming back home. Still, curiosity got the better of him and he peaked out the door, curious about the man you had brought back.
The man was a little taller than Dewey, with messy green and brown hair and wearing stripes everywhere. The word “gremlin” popped into his head, looking at the strange man you had invited into your home. Was this guy really your type?
You and your date sat on the couch, facing each other. From here it was easy for Dewey to watch what was going on. He told himself that he should leave, escape out the window and use the fire escape to make an exit but he couldn’t. Some sick part of him wanted to see where this was going- for your safety of course! This was all about your safety and your safety alone. This guys was clearly kind of weird and he was just looking out for you! Who cared if he’d seen weirder looking guys in his old band days?
“So, theater huh?” you asked your date, a smile on your lips.
“I tend to dabble. I do love me a good musical.” the man replied.
“Me too!” you replied excitedly. “Favorite and least favorite?”
“Favorite, gotta go with Repo the Genetic opera.” he said. “I have a thing for shows about death.”
“Oh, I love that one!” your date seemed pleased.
“Least favorite, it’s a dead tie between The Music Man and Brigadoon.”
“FUCK Brigadoon!” you laughed in delight.
A weird feeling spread through Dewey. You and him used to talk about music all the time, how come you’d never brought up that you like musicals? As he watched the two of you enthusiastically talk about different shows, he felt something in the pit of his stomach. It almost felt like-
“Jealous?” the man asked, snapping Dewey back into reality. He had zoned out and that single word made him jump. Him? Jealous? Of what?
“Very.” you nodded. “I haven’t had sex in... weeks.” you hesitated slightly at the word and Dewey was suddenly very curious. You always joked about being constantly horny but you never talked about your sex life- hell he assumed that you didn’t actually have one. Who had you been having sex with?! He thought you two told each other everything!
“Something wrong, Doll?” the man asked, and you seemed to shift nervously. What was going on in your head?
“It’s probably not good first date talk but I guess I’ll tell you.” you started. “I’ve only had sex once in the past few months and the last time it happened it... wasn’t exactly the best.”
“Yeah? What happened?” your date pressed on.
“I had sex with my best friend.” you admitted, playing with your hair nervously. “But he didn’t realize it was me.”
Dewey’s entire body went stiff and his eyes widened. What the fuck were you talking about?
“I- we went out drinking, and passed out in my bed.” you explained carefully. “And we woke up in the middle of the night and he said he was feeling much more sober and one thing lead to another and...” you took a deep breath and rubbed your eyes with the palm of you hands. “He thought it was a sex dream.”
“That’s rough.”
“He thought it was a sex dream with his ex-girlfriend.”
Dewey stared at you as everything fell into place. The distance between you two, the lack of interest in dating, the fact that you would barely talk to him. Guilt clenched at his stomach, and he felt awful. Had he really done that to his best friend? Was he really still that selfish and self-serving after everything that had happened?
The answer seemed to be yes.
“It wasn’t even good sex.” you laughed, a tinge of sadness in your voice. “I didn’t even get to kiss him- and I definitely didn’t get to cum.”
Dewey winced at the words. How had he managed to fuck up this bad?
“That’s a shame.” your date said, a devious smile crossing his lips. “Because if I had the chance to see you naked, I’d make sure you were more than satisfied.”
Kick him out. Dewey’s mind suddenly screamed. He’s just a horny bastard. He just wants sex! Come on, I’ve seen you turn down guys, kick him out. He was a hypocrite and he knew it but dammit, he wanted this new guy gone. He had to talk to you, he needed to apologize to you and every moment that this douchebag was here was a moment that he had to live with knowing that he hurt you.
To his dismay, you smiled back at him. “Oh yeah?” you asked. “And what exactly would you do to me?” The air in the room shifted, and Dewey knew he had to leave. He knew he needed to back away and climb out the window and get down the fire escape. He needed to leave, he should leave-
Bright green eyes met chocolate brown ones and his body suddenly felt frozen in place. Your date was looking directly at him. It was only for a split second, but it was enough to send a message; I’m going to fuck your best friend, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
The other man leaned in and whispered something in your ear that made you gasp. You whined as he kissed from your ear to your jaw all the way up to your lips. Dewey couldn’t pull his eyes away as you let out sounds of pleasure as your date started kissing along your neck. Had you made those kinds of noises when it was Dewey? He racked his brain trying to remember anything of that drunken night.
The two of you continued to kiss, and Dewey continued to be unable to look away. He let out a shuddering breath as you willingly removed your shirt, tossing it off the side of the couch. From this angle he couldn’t see your chest, the back of the damn couch was blocking most of the view. He never hated a couch so much, especially one that he had been lucky enough to crash on so many nights before.
“Beej...!” you gasped out as the man seemed to focus on kissing down your body. What kind of a name was Beej? What was that short for something? An unpleasant feeling was spreading through Dewey’s chest.
Beej sat back up and moved you so that you were sitting on the arm of the couch, giving Dewey a perfect view of your bare torso. Your eyes were closed in pleasure as Beej stared at him again with a smirk before cupping your breasts in his hands and carefully teasing your nipples. As he watched from the sidelines, Dewey remembered the night of his “dream” and the pair of tits that he remembered seeing. Fuck, those had been your breasts. How long had your chest been that perfect looking?
Between your moans and your bare chest, Dewey felt his cock start to stiffen. He tried to will it away, but with every whimper escaping your throat his cock grew more needy. This was wrong, this was so wrong but he still found his hand slowly rubbing at the bulge in his pants.
He watched and Beej kissed his way down your body, biting and sucking different places. You let out an especially wonderful noise when he left a hickey on your side. One of your hands was tangled in his hair while the other was keeping you steady on the couches arm.
Beej sat back up, smirking at you. Dewey couldn’t see what his hands were doing, but whatever it was, you were enjoying it. Your nipples were hard and your whole body was shivering slightly in pleasure. He squeezed himself through his pants, his thumb circling the button on his jeans. Was he really thinking about doing this...?
Holding you steady, Beej moved your leg over the back of the couch allowing Dewey to get a look at the panties hanging from your ankle. Beej then disappeared on the other side of the couch, but by the loud whine escaping your lips it wasn’t hard to figure out what was going on.
You threw your head back as Beej ate you out, and Dewey bit his lip and fumbled with his pants pulling his needy cock out. It felt disgusting, it felt amazing. It was clear that this was a power play that Beej was pulling, but at the moment Dewey didn’t care. Fuck, how had he never noticed how sexy you were?! As he stroked his cock he wondered what Beej was doing to be making you moan like that. Were his fingers thrusting inside you, or was your clit so sensitive that even a few soft licks were enough to have you a quivering mess? He stroked the head of his cock at the thought, unsure of what idea he liked more.
Dewey bit back a groan as he stroked and watched your face in pleasure. When was the last time he felt this turned on? His cock was throbbing in his hand, needy and pulsating. Every inch of his body was telling him to run over there and shove your date out of the way. He needed to prove to you that he wasn’t useless in bed and could absolutely make you cum if he’d just have one more chance...!
“Oh... oh fuck I’m so close....!” you gasped out, you leg twitching so much that the panties on your ankle fell to the floor. “Oh please don’t stop... please don’t stop.... Plea- oh fuck BEEJ!” Dewey watched in awe and jealousy as your whole body seized up and you came with a scream of the mans name. Dammit, that should be his name on your lips...!
Beej sat back up, making a show of licking his lips. That bastard. You smiled at him, face flushed red from pleasure.
“That was amazing.” you said quietly. “I haven’t come like that from someone else in a long time.”
“Anytime, babes.” Beej purred and pulled you into a long slow kiss that you melted into.
Dewey still couldn't look away as he took in every inch of your post-orgasm body. It should be him kissing you and comforting you right now, but it wasn't. He wrestled with his feelings, trying to decide if this was real. He was sexually attracted to you; that much he understood. That was easy. But what else?
Was this jealousy just because you weren't at his every call anymore? Was it because he always had a need to prove himself in everything he screwed up? What did he actually want? Did he want you because he actually wanted you, or did he now want you because he was alone and you weren't?
He watched as you crawled on Beejs' lap, straddling him. In this position it would be so easy for you to look over and see him peaking at you and your date. Dewey really should leave, he should turn and not risk getting caught-
A long moan escaping your lips stopped him in his tracks and made him squeeze his cock again. He could tell that you had settled on your dates cock and started riding him. You looked so damn beautiful when you were in so much pleasure. Beej leaned in and his lips pressed along your neck again, and by the sounds of your whimpers he was going to leave some marks.
Dewey wished that it was him leaving the marks on your body. The hand on his cock started stroking again as he watched you. He couldn't see much other than a little below your shoulders, but God was it enough to drive him wild. The head of his cock was growing more and more sensitive as he edged himself, he knew at this rate he wouldn't last much longer, especially if you kept moaning like that. Your moans were like music to him, sending electric sparks through him and giving him the same feeling as when he played an amazing show. The sounds you made could make anyone feel like a rock star.
"P-please touch my clit...!" You begged quietly, and a shift of beej's hand signaled that he obliged. You were going faster on him, riding him as if you're life depended on it. From what Dewey had seen earlier, it was clear that you were getting close again.
Dewey hand sped up as he watched you with hungry eyes. God he wanted to be the one making you moan, he wanted to be the one eating you out and worshiping your body the way it deserved to be worshiped. He bit back a groan as he spilled all over his hand, his knees going weak from the force of the orgasm that had snuck up on him and crashed over him like a wave.
He shivered as he looked back up at you, guilt soon washing over him as the lust faded away. Guilt and jealousy and hurt. He really was a screw-up.
You looked so beautiful and you were right on the edge of orgasm again. He carefully tucked his cock back into his pants and wiped the drying cum on the inside of his pants pocket. It was gross, but he needed to do laundry anyway.
He couldn't watch you cum again with a stranger. There were too many feelings in his brain, and he needed to sort himself out. He was about to take a step back and sneak out the window when a loud gasp from you prompted him to glance at you one last time.
You were looking directly at him. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. The jig was up. You were looking at him and we're going to be so mad at him. This was the end of your friendship, he just knew it.
Still, you didn't break eye contact with him, and to his surprise you opened your mouth and let out a scream of pleasure as you came again. Dewey’s eyes widened as you never broke eye contact through your orgasm and had he not just came moments before he would have probably jizzed his pants from the site alone. He watched as you collapsed on your date and he took that moment to make a run for it.
As quietly as he could, Dewey slipped away from the door and moved out the window, praying to God/Satan that you wouldn't come after him. Or maybe he wanted that? Fuck, he had no clue anymore. He had no idea what he wanted.
He wanted you. He wanted you but he was too late. He screwed up harder than he'd ever screwed up before and he couldn't take it.
Dewey Finn was no stranger two screw-ups. And this time he wasn't sure if he could ever make it right.
Quiet Hours 3: The Third One
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mysaldate · 5 years
DouKoto fairy AU
Original idea by @dumplingsworship
Title: Flowery dreams Fandom: Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer Pairing: Douma/Kotoha Characters: Douma, Kotoha Hashibira, Muzan Kibutsuji, random temple servant, mentions of Nakime Rating: G Word count: 3543
“So...” Douma looks the servant up and down once more before returning his glance to the glass in the man’s hands. “You found this outside in the gardens?”
“Yes, Gracious Founder.” The man speaks with his head bowed, obviously puzzled. Quite possibly even more than the demon himself. Awkwardly, he holds the glass out to him and Douma accepts with the same uncertainness in his movements.
“Thank you. You’re dismissed.”
The servant leaves and Douma is left alone with the strange little thing in the glass. Now that he looks at it closely, it almost looks like a human girl, only she is tiny – so very tiny – and appears to have colorful semi-transparent wings that are wrapped all around the petite body like a blanket. She’s asleep for now but that’s probably to be expected since the sun has only just peeked above the horizon a little while ago.
The demon sets the glass on the floor and waits as he sees the girl starting to stir in her sleep. He aura is different from that of a demon but nor is she human, obviously. But he hasn’t really heard of any other creatures in this world. Then again, if demons exist, who’s to say tiny little... things like this one can’t be real either?
The small wings flutter open and his pocket-sized prisoner stretches out her teensy arms with a yawn. He can now see that she’s clad in what looks like a white flower petal dress. Her ebony black hair turns into a wonderful blue shade towards the end and it reminds him of the picture of the sea he’s once seen in a book when he was a little child. It cascades down her back between the butterfly-like wings and ends just a bit short of her skirt, pooling around her slim ankles.
Finally, she opens her eyes, shiny green lanterns of a morning forest. Her look meets Douma’s rainbow-colored orbs and she comes to a halt with her movements. It takes her a moment to comprehend where she is and who’s watching her so intently.
Once it does click, however, she lets out a yelp and skips to the other side of the glass, bumping her back against the invisible barrier. It makes the demon chuckle ever so lightly as he sits back, holding up his hands in a defensive gesture.
“There there, little one.” He offers her a bright grin. “I’m not gonna hurt you, calm down.”
It doesn’t seem like she trusts him for the time being, not much at least, but she stops pressing herself against the blockade so tightly. It’s almost a miracle she hasn’t accidentally tripped over her own hair with how long it is but he supposes she’s used to it. She probably knows how and where to step.
Connecting her hands at her front, she lowers her head a little and looks up at him through her rich eyelashes. If her eyes were any dimmer, he doubts he’d see them at all.
“Please, let me go.” She pleads in a voice just as tiny as he would expect from a creature as petite as her. And he has to admit he’s almost smitten to do her bidding. Alas, he only shakes his head with yet another cheerful grin.
“Sorry miss! Can’t do. You snuck into my garden without permission. For all I know, you might as well be a thief or an evil sprite.” Of course, that’s ridiculous. She’s much too small to carry anything away and much too pretty to be anything related to evil gremlins supposedly lurking the earth to bring bad luck upon humans. Not to mention he isn’t even human in the first place.
A panicked look flashes through her eyes and he would probably feel sorry for her, were he anyone else. She stumbles over her words and for a moment, he can’t exactly make out anything of what she’s mumbling but when she looks at him again, he can tell she’s somewhere between determined to prove him wrong and fearful of what he might do if she fails. His years of reading in people really do come in handy at the weirdest times.
“I’m a fairy!” She exclaims, motioning towards her wings. “Or would a sprite have wings like this? An evil sprite? And I didn’t steal anything, I promise! I’m sorry for coming to your garden without asking first but I really didn’t have any ill intentions! I just...”
“Hmm?” Douma raises a brow when she stops so abruptly but she simply avoids his look. “You just?”
“I just thought the flowers looked lovely...” Her answer comes in so quiet he barely hears it but it draws a short laugh from him. What a cute little thing, what an innocent being.
He reaches out and plays with the glass for a little, not tilting it enough for her to slip out from under it. That would be a shame now that he’s got himself such an amusing companion. Even if he’s still a bit doubtful about her claim of being a fairy. Weren’t those things at least human-sized?
“I’ll forward your compliments to the servants taking care of them.” He shuffles a little closer, reveling in how the self-proclaimed fairy squeezes herself once more against the glass wall of her make-shift prison. “Now, what to do with you though? I don’t really have a reason to let you go, do I?”
“You... I will fulfill a wish for you if you let me go!” Gathering up all the courage in her tiny body, she steps up closer to him again, pressing her hands on the glass separating them. It almost looks like she might tear up at any moment and he’s not really too keen on the idea.
He taps on the glass a little, just enough to send her tumbling back on her butt. Though it’s more because he’s surprised her than him using too much power. Still, it makes for a comical show. “I don’t know, you don’t seem like you can fulfill any wish I might have.”
“But... I can...” Sitting on the floor, dumbstruck and untrusted, the fairy’s eyes well up with tears that soon slip down her pale cheeks and drip on her pearly white skirt. The demon recoils slightly, giving her some space but she doesn’t show any signs of stopping the sobs or the shivers of her shoulders. “I will make any wish come true... I promise... Let me go... Please...”
What a situation... If anyone were to come in right at that moment, Douma could probably never explain. Still, he doesn’t really want to give in so easily. He glances around the room. All the windows and doors are closed. He can’t let the sunlight in after all. There shouldn’t really be a way for her to escape.
She doesn’t even notice at first when he lifts the glass up, face buried in her hands as more and more droplets of her sadness slip through her fingers. Only once he nudges her gently with his finger does she look up again, noticing the sudden freedom. He expects her to take off and search for a way out immediately but to his great surprise, she stays put, letting his careful touch travel through her hair.
The silence stretches through the room as the last of her hiccups die down as well, their eyes connected for the longest while since she woke up. Then, just as quickly as it came, it passes again as she avoids his look, turning her glance down to her tightly clenched fists in her lap.
“So... what do you want?” She asks finally. “I don’t care if it’s something selfish. Like money or health or love or... I don’t care, just make a wish.” She’s probably flustered by his pats. At least that’s what it seems like to him. Her hair is a little messy now and he’s the only one to blame but somehow, it brings a smile to his face rather than making him feel guilty.
He taps his chin as if he were deep in thoughts but eventually just clasps his hands with a gleeful smile. “Sorry! I can’t think of anything right now! But I know of someone who will surely have a wish for you! It’s alright if it’s for someone else, right?”
The tiny girl looks up at him a little confused. She’s probably not sure if it’s possible either but before she can voice any concerns, Douma picks her up by her waist, just carefully enough not to squish her, and drops her on the palm of his hand. “It’s fine, I’ll just make a wish that their wish comes true! That works, right?”
It still takes her a while to think about it and he’s almost sure he will just have to keep her trapped under the glass again until she agrees but then the fairy gives him a firm nod. “Yes. That works!”
“Good!” Douma cheers, aiming to place her on his shoulder but she flies up from his hand and hovers in the air near his face instead. Well, that works too. “Let’s go meet that person then!”
He swings open the door to the Infinity Fortress and a gush of chill air welcomes them in his favorite room. Lotus flowers bloom all over the pond with a porch coming right out of the water, spacious room is filled with the sweet scent of the blossoms and fresh, clean water. The fairy hesitates for a moment before following behind him finally, taking in the full beauty of the chamber. He hears a soft gasp escape her and even faster than he can fully percept, she dashes over to the nearest flower peeking its opened head from the water.
“Hey biwa girl!” Douma calls in a greeting, causing the fairy to still her movements and give him a puzzled look. He has to remind himself his little friend has no idea where they are or how the place works. It’s pretty adorable, at least in his opinion. “Can you open the door to wherever Muzan is at the moment? I have something that will surely interest him!”
Silence is his only answer but he knows better than to rush the resident demon of the place. She could very well just shut him out and block him from visiting for a while if he’s too annoying. It wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened. While he waits for any kind of response, he sits down at the edge of the porch and watches the fairy skip from bloom to bloom.
It’s like she’s dancing and he has to admire the lightness of her movements. It’s maybe to be expected due to her size but it still feels as if she’s just floating along, not even touching the gentle petals, not disrupting the water surface in the slightest. She must really like flowers. It makes her earlier statement about the reason for her visit all the more believable.
“So then, miss fairy!” He calls out to her when she gets a little too far. And just as he'd expect, she’s quick to hurry back closer. “Do I just call you like that or do you have a name? I’m Douma by the way.”
It seems she’s finally starting to relax around him as she sits down in the flower she’s standing on and glances up at him, returning the smile he offers her, though shyer and smaller. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Douma. I’m Kotoha.”
“Just Douma is fine enough, you know?” It’s not like he’s gonna call her lady Kotoha just because he knows her name now so it feels only fair that she would just use his name as well. “Do you really like flowers this much?”
“How much?” She cocks her head to the side, clearly confused by his choice of words. “Is there something wrong with me enjoying the flowers here..?”
She has to be a little stupid at least if she means that seriously. Douma doesn’t really feel like explaining what he meant either though so he just shakes his head with another carefree smirk. “Don’t worry about it, Kotoha! It just surprised me, that’s all.”
The strum of biwa suddenly fills the place, casing the unexpecting fairy to nearly jump up in fright. It’s amusing to the demon but for the sake of the whole wish-granting thing, he muffles his chuckle and instead gives the poor thing an apologetic look. “Sorry about that, I should’ve warned you. But it means we can now go see the friend whose wish I want you to fulfill!”
She doesn’t say anything but from the look she gives him, Douma can easily tell what’s going on inside her head. She wants to be done with it quickly, though not because it feels annoying to her. If anything, he would say she’s anxious. And that’s not even knowing who is she coming to meet. She either has a really good intuition or she’s just shy regardless of the standing of her company. Either way works just fine for him.
Kotoha finally flies out of the blossom she’s settled down in before and approaches him again as he gets up. The door on the other side of the room cracks open just enough so he can see a lean boy sitting in an antique-looking armchair and reading a book. But based on the air surrounding him, it’s clear the biwa girl isn’t mistaken about their target.
Douma walks into the room confidently, a proud grin playing on his lips. He knows he doesn’t have to say anything since Muzan can already hear his thoughts but for the sake of his little friend and so as not to confuse her even further, he still speaks up, his usual cheer just as polished as ever.
“Good morning! I’ve got some good news!”
Muzan peers at him over the book, clearly not very happy about seeing him. It’s been so long since the last meeting Douma almost feels hurt by the obvious displeasure on his superior’s face. Almost.
“Look what I’ve got!” He snatches Kotoha from the air before she can escape him and holds her out towards Muzan with a tinge of pride in his chest.
To say that Muzan looks disinterested would be an understatement but Douma can’t quite recall any stronger word to use at the moment. He can feel Kotoha squirming around in his hold so he loosens up a bit so she can relax some more.
“You disturb me because you started collecting dolls?”
He’s not sure what he was expecting but he didn’t really think Muzan’s opinion of him was that low. Still, his smile remains unchanged even though his complaint was very well heard. Just not commented, probably since it promises something better.
“Not a doll! This is a fairy who can make a wish come true! But I couldn’t think of anything to ask so I thought you might have some idea!”
There’s a red flash and the next thing he knows, his head is repairing itself from a particularly nasty punch. Kotoha doesn’t seem to have comprehended what just happened but she shrieks as she looks back at him. Finally, new hair washes over his scalp and he can grin properly without risking popping the joints in his jaw out again.
Muzan, on the other hand, seems to be far from a good mood.
“You couldn’t think of anything.” He repeats and though his voice stays even, Douma can tell he’s fuming. Well, Kotoha can probably tell too. The demon lord has never been good at hiding his emotions after all. Douma has to avoid a book flung at him for that thought. “You couldn’t think of a single thing to ask when you have the chance to have anything at all!”
“Well, it was a little sudden and it’s not like I’m hungry or hurt or anything. There isn’t a single thing I could want.” Douma just gives a light shrug, watching the boy stomp closer and yank him down by the fabric of his turtleneck.
“You’re not supposed to want anything for yourself!” Oh, now it clicks in his head. And as if to confirm his thoughts, Muzan goes on. “Your first priority should be looking for the blue spider lily and ridding the world of demon slayers! Yet, you can only think of your stomach, as always!”
Knowing full well he can’t argue with that, Douma just gives a sheepish smile, hoping to be let go soon. Before long, Muzan is facing his tiny fairy and the little thing looks about ready to break down. Poor Kotoha, but it’s her fault for agreeing without knowing what kind of person he was.
“Can you kill the demon slayers?” Muzan’s frown is colder than Douma’s ice at that moment and he’s almost worried his teensy treasure will freeze in his hands but she only shakes her head.
That’s a bit of a surprise so Douma decides to speak up. Maybe he can get back on Muzan’s somewhat good side if he tries hard enough? Of course, it’s most likely pointless with that sort of attitude. “Didn’t you say you would fulfill any wish?”
“I... I did but... I can’t just kill someone!” She’s tearing up now again and Douma quickly relaxes his hold a bit further to make sure it’s not from pain because of his hold. She doesn’t stop. So it’s probably for some other reason. Oh well, he did what he could.
“Then what about the blue spider lily?” Figuring there would be no talking to her if she’s crying, Douma decides to focus on the other thing his boss wants. Just as he expected, her sobbing calms down soon enough and she looks up at him with swollen eyes before, finally, giving a nod.
“That’s fine, that... that shouldn’t be a problem.”
He releases her and lets her float on her own over to the desk situated under the window in the room. It faces west so the sun isn’t directly visible yet but it has to be a pain in the evenings for sure. She flutters over, placing her hands on the wood and for a moment, she goes still, focusing hard. Though he stays quiet, Muzan’s doubts are practically audible at that point.
But Douma is hopeful. She’s such a cute little thing and she doesn’t seem like a liar. Maybe she will be able to help, at least a little bit. Her tiny hands light up as blue as the ends of her hair and it doesn’t take long for a small sprout to appear, coming right out of the wood. It’s not very big and he has no idea whether it is even the correct plant but she all but collapses next to it with a proud smile.
He comes over to scoop her up in his hands with a grin and pats her hair again. “Is that it?”
“It is.” She answers him weakly. It seems she got all exhausted from such a spell. 
Muzan paces over impatiently, checking the weak sprout with a glare. It’s not usable by any means but if it survives for long enough to bloom out, it might be of some good. Still, the boy doesn’t seem too pleased.
“Well, if that’s all you can do!” Douma chirps happily, letting the fairy settle down in his hands. She’s kind of cute like this, exhausted and sleepy. She nuzzles against the palm of his hand, wrapping herself up in her delicate wings. It’s not long before she falls right back asleep. It makes Douma chuckle but he doesn’t try waking her up. She’s deserved her rest after all.
“Will you stick around for much longer?” Muzan’s voice is more than heavily laced with irritation and Douma doesn’t particularly wish to push his luck any further. With his usual trademark grin, he says his goodbyes and leaves through the exit provided by the biwa girl. He doesn’t much bother to think about how will Muzan get the plant out of his desk or what will he do if he needs to move before it can fully bloom. For the time being, he’s satisfied to have seen his little fairy at work.
He sets her down on one of his cushions as soon as they reach home and sends one of the temple maidens to pick him a few fresh flowers from the garden. Another one is sent for a large glass tank, he’s sure he’s seen it somewhere before. And before his tiny companion can wake up, he makes sure her new home is decorated nicely enough with soft pieces of fabric and beautiful flower heads laid out all around.
He sets her down carefully and covers the tank with a wooden plank so she wouldn’t escape. At least he has something to do now. Watching the little thing sleep, he just smiles to himself. There may not be a paradise for his followers. There may not be any for fairies like her either. But at least he can be a step closer to one for himself.
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dreamterlude · 6 years
druck s3e01, a review
As promised, here's the very long, very messy s3e01 review, clip by clip!
Right from the start, I really like the way you can feel Matteo's solitude thanks to the use of the music and how it "stops" when the camera's on him, I think it's a really smart move to show how he feels, like he's worlds apart, detached from all what's happening around him.
Then the shot changes from a guy's hands, a girl with a gut tattoo (absolutely love it) and a girl's ass, Idk if this has any purpose but it's still a cool effect, so kudos to the cinematography.
The moment Matteo stands up and goes to the bathroom but Sara stops him and kisses him really sets the tone of their relationship: Matteo's face when kissing Sara says a lot about his situation, like he's hugging her but at the same time he's not happy about it, his face shows apathy and resignation.
Really really loved the scene with the boys in the bathtub!! I think it does an awesome job at "introducing" (we already knew them) them. They talk about some sex position and act like dumbasses, but again Matteo feels like he's not there.
The shot of Matteo looking at himself in the mirror goes deeper into his confused and ausent kinda aura, it's as if he was wondering what is he doing there in that party, what is he doing with his life in general, which honestly? hella relatable.
HIGHLIGHTS: Boys gang's one common braincell, "Kiki is the hypotenuse", Dónde está mi gente playing in the background.
First of all I love Matteo's room and I can't wait to see more of it!
The song choice is so on point for this scene like wow, it really helps the whole "lazy morning after" mood and also has a high melancholic vibe, which is (imo) very Matteo.
Also, the use of the lyrics!!! "I woke up but it didn't go away" right before Matteo sees his mother's message, "did you expect me to cry" when he's touching Jonas' hair and "will you not think of me tonight" when he sees the number on Jonas' arm. So far Druck has been exceptionally good at the song choices and the way they use them so I'm not exactly surprised at how good this was.
Bringing back the moment Matteo touched Jonas' hair because it was really important!! I made a post about this, but the fact that Matteo only shows this softer side of him because he's "alone" says a lot about himself and it's actually really sad. Not only that, this moment also shows that he's not over Jonas, and that makes a lot of sense for me, because he seemed to be really into him back in s1 (s2 too but especially s1).
HIGHLIGHTS: "Why are you in Matteo"s bed" "I could ask the same" " I was waiting for you", Matteo's tracksuit + grandpa jacket combination, we love a fashion icon.
Right from the beginning, the absolute chaotic gay energy of Matteo replying to Sara's pic with "cool" and the shrug after that, he's not even trying, he doesn't know what to do or how he got himself into that situation.
Once again, when talking to his friends and the girls it seems like his body is there but hia mind is miles apart. Also!! when Sam tells him about how good the party was and he agrees even though it's clear (for the viewer) that he didn't have a good time, I think this is a good way to show the viewers Matteo's "wish" to fit in, and how he's always pretending.
And then!! The Scene!!!! I've talked about this on other posts but the way Matteo and David checked each other out was so not subtle, I loved it. The slow-motion, the song choice, the moment their stares connected, then again when both of them turned their heads to keep looking... what can I say except poetic cinema.
Also major kudos to Michelangelo for Matteo's slight facial change, it really shows that the encounter with David shook him up, even though he still doesn't know why.
HIGHLIGHTS: The way Hanna looked at Jonas! I love that Druck doesn't forget about past plots and instead continues them with little details like this.
Unrelated but Matteo I'm begging you please wear a fucking belt.
First of all, what's up with the teachers not wearing bras??? I have nothing against women choosing not to wear bras but like, why is this a recurring theme for the "Isak" season?? I honestly don't get it.
I don't think there's a lot to comment in this clip, it's basically a way to introduce Matteo and Amira's friendship (something I'm hella excited for) and to set the date for The Meeting™.
That being said, there were little things that made me love this clip, like Matteo's body language. The way he shrugs and rolls his eyes, you can really feel how (physically and emotionally) tired he is just by looking at him. You don't have to understand german to know what he's thinking, you can get a sense of it based on the way he acts!! All this is thanks to Michelangelo for being so fucking good at acting, like wow.
Another thing I liked was Matteo's mood getting worse after seeing Jonas flirt with that girl, as I've said before I like that they're showing us that he's still not completely over him, it makes it more real to me.
HIGHLIGHTS: Amira looking like a goddess in that pink hijab, Matteo's "nein" when the teacher called him out, the masterpiece that is "Idk, a blowjob".
Once again, I love Matteo's room!! That yoga cushion he was using? a comfortable king.
There are 4 things that I want to talk about in this clip, first, Matteo texting his friends that he's also "busy". As I've said in the clips above, he really feels that he has to pretend to be someone he isn't and that's such a realistic side of being in the closet, I feel like Druck is doing a good job in showing that.
Then, the fact that he doesn't close his eyes when kissing Sara. He's not invested in the kiss (for obvious reasons) and he just wishes it would end, but at the same time he doesn't neglect it? Like he's in a level of resignation where he doesn't care anymore.
I feel like I mention this way too much but!! the body language!!! it's so important in a character like Matteo, who (so far) doesn't seem to be very talkative. When Sara asks him if they're together, you can see how uncomfortable he is with the idea but at the same time it's like he's trying to convince himself that this (being with Sara) is how things are supposed to be. Which, not gonna lie, is sad as fuck.
And finally, the moment in which Matteo asks Sara if she wants to watch a movie with him. She was clearly expecting something else (her face says it all), but Matteo looks content, almost happy. Maybe because of the relief he feels since he doesn't have to kiss her?? or maybe because he has someone keeping him company, someone that likes him and is affectionate with him. In this sense, I feel like Matteo is using Sara not only to pretend he's straight, but also as an emotional support, sort of. Based on the scene in the 2nd clip, he seems like a very touch starved person, craving for some affection, and right now the one who can help with that is Sara.
HIGHLIGHTS: "Should I do some research?" Matteo you absolute disaster gay. Sara being cute and lovely (I really hope she's not like other Emmas).
CLIP 6 aka The Clip™
Okay with this clip I'm going straight to Matteo and David's interactions because this is getting really long, rip.
The way Matteo's whole aura changes around David!! He's really trying hard to come off as a cool guy but David is highkey having none of that shit, I love it. Like when Matteo puts the joint on his ear and says "come on", excuse me? who is this smooth motherfucker and what has he done to my gremlin son? For real now, I love that we got to see this side of Matteo, and I'm really really excited to see more of it.
But also the way David was checking Matteo out when he was looking for the joint like, wow, he seems to really like him already (and I don't even mean in a romantic way, not yet).
The whole conversation they had is a masterpiece and I could say a lot about it, but my favorite parts would be as they follow:
David saying he "murdered someone" (the metaphor is strong here) and the subsequent "I murdered my parents joke" that comes from it. Weird humor sense but Matteo seems to like it, in fact he laughs! for the first time since the season started he seems to be present, invested in the moment, laughing!! Rewatching the episode, the change in Matteo's behaviour is really noticeable, he went from being ausent around his friends and Sara to being incredibly "present" during his conversation with David. Let me just say: poetic cinema.
But also the fact that Matteo hides his smile really quick, like he's still being guarded, like he didn't expect David to make him feel.
The!! eyelash!! thing!! This was such a nice, kinda awkward moment, absolutely my favorite one. Matteo growing some confidence and asking if he gets to make a wish now, licking his lips while looking at David, like... wow. I absolutely love that David asked him what would he had wished for, because it gave us some insight to Matteo's situation: he just wants to go away, which considering all he's been through, makes a lot of sense.
It also gave us some information about David! he said he also wanted to get away and go to Detroit, since that was where the best music came from. I like that with this simple conversation we got to know more about both of them.
Then, the way David's mood changed when Sara came in and kissed Matteo, he looked so... disappointed? He was like "gtg". Also, something I noticed rewatching the episode: when he said goodbye he only looked at Matteo!!
And last but not least, when Sara said "that's him, the guy Leonie has a crush on" and Matteo replied with "no I think that's someone else", I'm genuinely curious about this?? What is Matteo trying to do here?? I guess we'll have to wait 👀
HIGHLIGHTS: Amira, Sam and Kiki looking pretty as always, Matteo's face when Kiki suggested hugging teachers, Photoshop Markus, David's smile.
Anyways, that's it!! This got really long but I had a lot to say!! Druck has officially become my favorite remake, so I might do a review per episode if you guys like it uwu ♡
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Day 12: Merry Christmas
Title: My King and My Lionheart
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishim Eijirou
Word count: 1384
Read on AO3 here
“Daddy Daddy look! Santa came!”
Kirishima smiled as his son tugged at his arms, pulling him into the living room. “Enmei slow down! Go wake up Papa and your sister alright, the presents aren’t going anywhere.” He chuckled at the other’s enthusiasm as he ran to wake everyone else up. Kirishima drug his feet over to the kitchen to start brewing a pot of coffee, knowing full well that his husband would need a cup when he woke up.
“Morning dad,” messy blonde hair made its way to the kitchen table with a yawn.
“Good morning Kagayaki.” He walked over to the table and gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead.
“Tell Enny to not jump on my bed to wake me up anymore. I need my beauty sleep,” she mumbled before grabbing an apple from the bow of fruit that was placed at the center of the table.
Kirishima ruffled her hair and laughed, earning a displeased grunt from his daughter. “You don’t need beauty sleep.”
“Because I’m already a beautiful flower?” she retorted sarcastically.
“No because you’re nine and you have no one to look beautiful for.”
“Yeah what your dad said.” Kirishima beamed at Bakugou as he walked passed, making a beeline for the coffee.
“Morning Papa.” Bakugou only grunted in response to his daughter. Kirishima snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, chin hooking over the other’s shoulder.
“Morning Katsu,” he placed a kiss at the nape of his husbands neck, the other humming as he took a large sip of his coffee.
“Daddy I woke them up! Now can we do presents?” A very hyperactive and excited Enmei ran into the kitchen and Kirishima placed one more kiss on Bakugou’s cheek before he ran over and picked his son up. The child laughed as he was lifted off of the ground, holding onto his father’s hair as Kirishima ran them into the living room.
Bakugou watched them with a smile on his face and pushed himself off of the counter. He walked over to his daughter and ruffled her messy hair. “Let’s go Kaga.”
“Why do people keep messing with my hair,” she complained with a groan before following her papa into the other room.
“It’s cuz it’s a damn disaster and messing with it makes it look better.” She hit his arm and Katsuki laughed.
“Brat.” She stuck his tongue out at him and he did the same to her.
“Children please, it’s Christmas!” Kirishima threw his arm around Bakugou’s shoulder and laughed at the scowl he gave him. “Kaga, go sit by your brother and grab your presents.”
“Okay.” They watched as she made her way over to the corner of the tree. Kirishima moved in front of Bakugou with a quirked eyebrow. Bakugou furrowed his own in confusion.
“What’s with that look?”
“Mistletoe,” he sang and looked up. Bakugou didn’t follow his line of site but shook his head and smiled. He stood on his toes and leaned up, surprising the other with a quick peck.
“You don’t need that cheap plant to kiss me dumbass.”
“Katsuki! Not in front of the kids!”
He rolled his eyes. “Oh please. Kagayaki’s only nine and she’s already saying ‘fuck’.”
“Yeah, and where did she learn that from?” He playfully chastised. “I want to at least preserve Enmei’s innocence.”
“They’re just damn words. Plus, he’s six, he’ll start swearing soon too.”
“Such fowl language.” He walked away dramatically and Bakugou’s smirk grew.
“You seemed to be enjoying it last night.” Kirishima shot him a look and Bakugou let out a deep laugh before following him in deeper into the living room. They both smiled as their children turned to them, beaming in excitement.
They both took their places on the couch, Kirishima snuggling into Bakugou’s side. “Alright little gremlins, go crazy.”
They didn’t have to be told twice before they were digging into their presents, wrapping paper flying all over the living room.
Excited screams were the response to every present they opened and the smiles on Kirishima’s and Bakugou’s faces only grew. Well, the one on Kirishima’s grew at least. But Bakugou could feel his heart swell at every happy noise his children made.
“Papa, Daddy, what is this?” They looked over to Kagayaki, who was holding a special pair of gloves that she pulled out of a bag. Kirishima smiled before getting on the floor in front of his daughter.
“So, I know you’ve been getting better with controlling your quirk but, well, an old friend of ours designed these gloves for you to wear so you don’t have to worry about hurting people until you have complete control.”
Her eyes lit up at his words and she immediately put the gloves on, admiring the feel and look of them. “So you mean I can touch things now without making them melt?”
“Awe I want a cool present like that!”
“Oi! Your presents are cool too so stop complaining.” Bakugou thwacked Enmei on the back of the head. “But you still have one more to open so we’ll see.” He sipped his coffee and watched with amusement as Enmei  hastily ripped open the last present, pulling out an emerald pendant, the color matching his eyes.
“Why did you get me a girly gift?”
“Hey, it’s not girly it’s cool!” Kirishima corrected him before grabbing the pendent and pinning it on the other’s shirt. “An emerald is a type of crystal.” He poked the stone. “You can use this to practice your quirk more. Once you can make this crystal bigger, then maybe you’ll be able to create your own or figure out how to manipulate it differently or something.”
Enmei seemed to have a new found appreciation for his gift. Both him and Kagayaki got up from the ground and gave their fathers a hug. “Thank you Dad, thank you Papa,” they both said simultaneously before they ran off to play with some of their new toys.
Kirishima smiled up at Bakugou before he two got up and sat back on the couch, facing his husband. “Katsuki.”
“What?” he eyes the other skeptically.
“I know you said no presents this year but I had an idea and I couldn’t resist.” He dug in his pocket and pulled out a small box before sheepishly handing it over.
Bakugou eyed it before taking it and fishing out a box of his own. Kirishima looked at it confused at first. “I got you something too.” He gave the other a longing look before taking the box for himself, turning it over in his hands.
“You first though.” Bakugou rolled his eyes and huffed out an amused breath before ripping open the package. Opening the box, he froze, immediately recognizing his own wedding ring on a chain.
“What the fuck Eijirou, I thought I lost this.”
“Oh you did.” He laughed and Bakugou shot him a look. “But I found it and decided to ass a little something to it.” He pointed at the ring and Bakugou finally noticed the inscription on the inside of the band.
My King
Bakugou laughed at the inscription before slipping the necklace over his head and Kirishima was confused and slightly hurt. “Wh-“
“Just open your present dumbass.”
Kirishima did and let out his own laugh when the package had his wedding ring in it. “Huh?”
“Remember when I told you to give it to me so I can get it cleaned and shit?”
“Yeah?” he said slowly.
“A lie. Look closer.”
Kirishima choked up when he saw the inscription inside.
My Lionheart
“You remembered the song we first danced to?”
“You fucking did too!” Bakugou exclaimed, embarrassed.
Kirishima smiled and moved closer to the other, leaning in and connecting their lips in a slow and sweet kiss, both smiling into it.
“Get a room.”
They pulled back and looked at their children, who were making sick faces mockingly.
Bakugou calmly put down his coffee mug before slowly standing up and Kagayaki and Enmei froze. Bakugou took a deep breath before smirking and started running, the children screaming and quickly running away from them.
Kirishima laughed at them as he slipped his chain over his neck, playing with the ring, fondness and love taking over his being.
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