#i love him but i do not want to draw his full mech body. sorry roquefort
onewolfaday · 6 months
how about roquefort from hi fi rush. maybe organic-ified if you dont wanna deal with the robotic parts
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333. robo werewolf
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Please Fix the Story Pt 20 - Sci Fi
New part! I've felt more inspired lately, and am happy to share the next installment of the PFTS series.
Warning, a little bit of angst ahead.
Masterpost linked here.
“That’s amazing!”
Pausing in my exercise with the Mech, I turned to look over at Liam who was standing off to the side of training room. He was watching me with bright eyes, a small container and a water bottle held tightly in his hands.
I stood in the training room holding a sword, practicing different strikes, while the Mech behind me held its own large sword, mimicking my movements through the Connection. The distance between us made it more difficult, but I felt the stuttering in its attacks slowly smooth out as I practiced.
I made an overhead swing, feeling the mild throbbing at my temples increase as the Mech made the same movement just a quarter second behind. Now, finished with the set of attacks I had set for myself, I sheathed the practice weapon and turned towards my enthusiastic audience.
“Hey, Liam!”
Severing the Connection with my Mech, I felt relief as the mental drain halted. Now free to move around, I walked towards him with a smile. “What brought you here?”
He grinned shyly. “I wanted to see you practice. Your control is amazing! I can’t believe you can Connect with your Mech from that distance. Also…” He hesitated, “You seem much more comfortable with a sword than you did with the pistols, no offense.”
“None taken. The sword IS much more comfortable.” I thought about the memory fragments of me refusing to give up using a sword. “I just think I might not be meant for ranged weapons.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re happy! Here you go.” He reached out, holding up a container of water for me to drink from.
“I also brought cake.”
I nearly choked in the midst of taking a drink. “Really? You didn’t have to. At this rate you’re going to spoil me.”
“Good.” Liam clutched the container to his chest, looking pleased. “You deserve it.”
“Whatever you say.” I shook my head, finished my drink and then paused. “…Can I ask you a question?”
His smile faded at my serious tone. “Go ahead.”
“Your mental barrier… if it’s up all the time, how are we standing so close together? Also, you’ve handed me things, and even touched me when you helped me up that one time, right?” I felt excited internally, but tried not to show it. “Does that mean I’m not affected by your barrier?”
“… I wish that were true.”
My heart sank with disappointment as Liam sighed, looking down at the ground. “With people I trust, the barrier shrinks. The more I trust them, the smaller the barrier is. My parents can stand close to me.” His eyes turned towards me again, and then back down. “You… you can get closer than anyone else.”
Liam reached out his hand, and following his lead I reached out as well until our palms touched. He studied our hands with a fascinated but sad expression.
“We are so close, it almost seems like we are touching. But there’s still a barrier.”
“So I’m not touching you?”
“No, not directly.” He looked like he wanted to cry. “I can’t feel it. It’s just the barrier.”
“… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m used to it.” Shrugging, he grabbed my hand and led me over to a nearby table and chairs. “Honestly, getting as close as this is already a miracle.”
I sat down on the chair, watching as he set up the cake on a plate with utensils. “So you really trust me, huh?”
The movement of his hands paused as he ducked his head, blushing. A mumbled “yes” made it to my ears. Chuckling, I didn’t push him any further. I sat and ate, enjoying the cake he had brought. We didn’t talk, but it was a comfortable silence.
I feel like I’ve known him forever, but I just met him recently.
Putting the odd thought aside, I finished the cake and stood up, brushing the crumbs from my uniform.
“Well, thank you for the delicious cake! But now, I'm afraid I have to get back to practice.”
Liam stood up as well, his expression concerned. “Really? Already? I thought the doctor in the infirmary told you to take it easy after the strain during the mock battles?”
“Just a few more practice swings, it will be fine.”
I don’t know how I’m going to save the world without a Connector. The best I can do is try to become as strong as possible, and hope my mind holds together long enough.
I took a stance near my Mech once more, drawing my practice sword. Glancing over at Liam, who still looked worried, I grinned. “Want to join me?”
“No, I’m terrible with a sword.” He slowly returned the smile, and sat down on the sidelines. “I’ll just watch you from here. Make sure not to overdo it.”
“I know. Just a little more practice.” I made the Connection, pleasantly surprised when my head didn’t ache right away. “Honestly, I think I’m tolerating the mental drain better.”
Liam didn’t seem reassured. “Be careful.”
“Be careful.”
I swung my sword in a quick practice swing, and laughed. “I’m always careful.”
“Says the woman who is going monster hunting.”
“You don’t have to come along.”
I was pulled into a warm embrace. “And let you face danger without me? Never.”
I blinked, mildly disoriented by the sudden memory. They had been coming more and more frequently, as if my mind was desperate to piece together who I had been before I arrived in this world.
“I’m fine…” I blinked again, but the forest in my memory didn’t fade away, but simply overlapped with the practice room around me.
Where am I?
I tried to look around, but everything was fading into darkness. “I’m…”
Liam’s panicked shout followed me into oblivion.
Well, at least I recognize this place.
I woke up in the infirmary, groaning as I held my pounding head.
“You’re an idiot.”
The stern voice of the doctor pulled my attention, and I looked up at the middle-aged woman who was glaring at me from a few feet away.
“Wow, your bedside manner is so warm and fuzzy.” I mumbled, rubbing my forehead.
“My bedside manner is saved for patients with a brain. You obviously lost yours somewhere, so you get tough love.” She waved a scanner over my head, frowning. “I told you to take it easy after you passed out during the mock battles!”
“I did! I haven’t done any fighting since that day.”
Her eyes narrowed. “What were you doing in the practice room, then?”
“Practicing with my sword?”
“WHILE Connected to your Mech from 20 feet away?? You didn’t think that might cause a bit of mental strain??!” She sighed, staring up at the ceiling hopelessly. “Lord, give me strength to deal with young, dumb students.”
The doctor sat down on a nearby chair, staring at me seriously. “You have to listen to me, Alaira. This is really important.”
“Okay.” I sat up in bed, folding my hands in my lap and trying to appear attentive. “I’m listening.”
“Your powers have grown. You were already S level when you underwent your health check at the beginning of your second year, but now… it’s at least multiplied by 10.” She shook her head. “We don’t even have a ranking for your power level. I don’t know what’s happened in the last month, it’s almost as if you’ve become a completely different person.”
I am a completely different person… at least I think I am. Is it because I’m in Alaira’s body now that her powers have changed?
I had no way to explain that to the doctor though. “So the power increase… that's a good thing, right?”
“It would be… if you had matched with a Connector.” She sighed. “With your current power level, your mental degradation rate has sped up exponentially.”
“The passing out is just one of the early signs, Alaira. Have you experienced anything else? Headaches…”
I thought that was just my personality.
“Hallucinations… flashes of people or memories that aren’t real or never happened?”
I sat silently, stunned.
No… It can’t be. The memories in my head… the mission… Alaira’s memories of dying in a fight against the Hive… me waking up in a different world… could it all be just my mind breaking apart?
She watched my facial expression and silence with a frown. “So it’s even worse than I thought.” She brought up a holographic file and made a note.
“No. No excuses, Alaira. You are temporarily suspended from duty until further notice. I can’t risk your safety any further.”
“But, I’m the strongest Guardian we have!” I was desperately grasping at straws. “You can’t sideline me! What if I found a Connector?”
The doctor shook her head. “I don’t even want you trying to match right now. It takes mental power, and could be the tipping point to full mental degradation.”
“No. Alaira. You’re suspended. That’s final.”
The bright blue words appeared in front of my eyes. I glanced over at the doctor, who didn’t seem to notice them.
Is this real? Am I really here for a mission to save the world? Or is this just a product of my mental degradation?
“Do you understand, Alaira?”
“I do.”
She relaxed. “Good. Then return to your dorm and rest. I’ll notify your father to come pick you up.” She gathered her things and stood up, giving me a sympathetic smile. “I know it’s hard, but put being a Guardian, the Hive, all of it to the side right now. Just focus on your health.”
“I know.”
“And Alaira?”
“Stay away from your Mech and the matching center, okay?”
“Of course.” I smiled. “I’ll just stay in my room.”
I snuck out of my room that same night.
I don’t know what’s real and what’s not… but I really don’t want to risk world collapse and soul destruction. Those both sound pretty bad.
As I crept through the hallways towards the Match center, I thought through possible plans to get me out of this situation.
First. Let's try matching again. If that doesn’t work… Maybe talk to Alaira’s father? See if there’s any research in slowing the progression of mental degradation?
I heard a security guard coming down the hallway. Panicking, I hid in the nearest classroom. The floor was ice cold even through the cloth of my uniform; my heartbeat was loud in my ears as I listened to the guard pass by on the other side of the door.
Either way, I can’t get caught just yet. I can’t risk missing what might be my last chance to match.
The guard had moved on. I waited a few moments just to be safe before opening the door and sneaking down the hallway once more. My mind was racing, circling around the disturbing idea that it was too afraid to touch:
The possibility that everything I thought was real was actually just my mind breaking down.
Am I really Alaira? Why does the man in my memories keep calling me Bel?
Who am I?
What is real?
It was agonizing, every moment of uncertainty. Questioning every memory, every conversation.
I pushed it from my mind, focusing on each step ahead of me. I needed to get to the Match Center.
If I can match a Connector, it will resolve my mental decay, and then I’ll know what's real.
I tried really hard not to think about what would happen if I still couldn’t find a Connector.
I quietly opened the door to the Match center.
“Match unable to be made.”
At the sound of the cold, robotic voice, I froze in place. For a wild moment I wondered if the match computer had sensed me walking in the building, and decided to reject me at the doorway just to save time. But reason set in and I recognized the figure hunched over the panel:
“Unrecognized tester. Please let down your mental barrier to proceed with Match testing.” The voice echoed around the room, seeming to almost physically strike Liam as he slumped further in front of the glowing panel.
His hands tightened into fists as he pressed them harder against the machine. “I’m trying to let it down. Just run the test!”
“Please let down your mental barrier to proceed with Match testing.”
“Just let me test, dammit!”
“Please let down your mental barrier to proceed with Match testing.” Despite his franticness, the voice was cold and unchanged.
“PLEASE!” His fist struck the panel as he slumped to ground. “Let me try. Please…”
He was crying, and my chest hurt as I watched. “Please… let me match her.”
“… Match unable to me made.”
“Liam.” I whispered his name, feeling as if my heart was tearing in half.
“Please.” He sobbed into his hands. "I can't... I can't put it down... I just want to help her... please!"
“Please. Let her go. I’ll do anything.” His voice was shaking with fear, his wide eyes staring at me as I was trapped in place, unable to move.
“Just give up. This is her fate.”
“Let her go!” He reached forward desperately, unable to reach me. “BEL!”
“Liam.” I was crying, unable to control it.
These memories can’t just be hallucinations. They are too real. I looked over at Liam who was striking his fist over and over against the panel, ignoring the blood staining the surface as his skin tore under the repeated blows.
He’s just hurting himself. It was painful to watch. I have to stop him.
I started to walk forward, my hand reaching out…
Before I could call out, I felt a sharp prick on my arm. I tried to turn to around and look, but soon a burning sensation was building deep in my muscle and my mind went blank.
“Liam…” I tried to call him once last time, as the drug injected into my arm forced me into unconsciousness.
Okay this whole passing out thing has gotten really old.
My mind grumbled as I slowly regained consciousness. I blinked, trying to clear the blurriness in my vision. Did a security guard find me? If so, their curfew enforcement is pretty insane if they are knocking out students.
The room around me slowly came into focus.
Wait… this isn’t the infirmary.
It was a pale grey dorm room.
This isn’t’ my room either. Feeling uneasy, I looked around, barely able to move. My limbs felt as if they were filled with lead, my head foggy.
The dorm room was clean, with barely any personal items on the desk and dresser. On the wall was several posters of famous Guardians, a calendar was pinned nearby with a vigorous Mech training schedule.
I have a bad feeling about this…
“Alaira, you’re awake!” A voice called out from the doorway, sounding pleasantly surprised.
I turned my head with great difficulty, my eyes widening at the sight. “…Chris?”
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” He smiled at me, grabbing the chair from the desk and dragging it to the bedside before sitting down. “When you asked me not to take you to the infirmary, I was worried I was doing the wrong thing.”
He seems… different.
“…” I wanted to shake my head, but felt to weak. “No… I was in the Matching Center…”
He frowned at my words, looking confused. “Matching Center? We ran into each other in the hallway. You were on the verge of passing out, and asked me to take you back to your room. “ Pausing, he shrugged embarrassedly. “Then you fainted. I don’t have access to the female dorms, so I brought you to my room instead. I hope you don’t mind.”
“…Liam.” It was difficult to talk. “Where’s Liam?”
“Liam? Do you mean Prince William?” Chris seemed even more confused. “He took leave and returned home after you passed out during your training.”
“I think he felt a little guilty at not being able to help you match. Not that it’s his fault he can’t form the Connection.”
“I saw him.” I tried to focus my thoughts, but they kept scattering. “I saw him in the Match Room.”
Chris leaned forward, reaching for my hand. I pulled away, but was too weak to break his grip. “Alaira. You’re undergoing mental degradation. The doctor in the infirmary said you were already in the late stages. It’s common to have hallucinations, memories of interactions with people and conversations that never happened.”
I blinked. Could I have imagined the whole thing? Did I want to think that Liam was in the Match Room trying to save me, instead of running away without telling me?
How far gone was I? What was real, and what was just my mind degrading?
Something’s not right.I remembered the needle prick in my arm, and brought my free hand to the spot in confusion.
“What are you rubbing your arm for?”
“I… was stuck with a needle…”
He shook his head. “That didn’t happen. You hit your arm on the wall when you passed out, so it might be a little sore, but that’s it. There was no needle. Your brain just came up with a reason to explain the pain.”
“It’s okay, Alaira. It’s okay.” Chris squeezed my hand. “It’s normal to be confused, and a little paranoid. Your brain is breaking under the strain of the Connection to your Mech. We’ll help you. You’re going to be okay.”
“Alaira? Do you hear me?” Chris called out, concerned.
“I’m… not going to give up. I have to face the Hive. Save… the world.” My thoughts were still jumbled. I wasn’t sure if it was from the drug or mental degradation. What was real and what was fake was blurring.
“You’re not going to be suspended. You’re going to be the most powerful Guardian the world has ever seen, and you’re going to save humanity.”
I looked over at Chris, feeling confused. He wore a pleasant smile on his face, his posture relaxed, but his grip on my hand was just a little too tight, and his eyes…
… His eyes were different. The color, the shape, was the same… but the way he looked at me had changed.
“Who are you?” I asked quietly, forcing the words out through slightly numb lips.
He looked shocked. “What do you mean? It’s me, Chris. We’ve known each other since the first Mock battle in school.” He chuckled. “You kicked my butt, remember?”
“Now I know you aren’t Chris. You haven’t yelled at me that 'you’re going to follow your dream and I can’t stop it' this whole conversation. You’re not Chris. “
He laughed, a light, easy sound. “You’re right, I’ve changed. But I’m still Chris, I promise.” He reached out and patted the back of my hand, still grasped tightly in his own. “You see, I came to a realization: I was jealous of you.”
“I know, right? Self-insight from me seems like a foreign concept. But from the first day I was in awe of your skills, jealous of your level S abilities.” He sighed, leaning back, still holding my hand, ignoring my attempts to free it. “My only consolation was that you were a loner, that you couldn’t find a Match. It was the one thing that I beat you in.”
“I kept trying to brag in front of you, hoping that you would recognize me. Hoping that you would tell me that I was the real deal, that I was a true Guardian. But that doesn’t excuse how poorly I treated you. How my friends treated you.” His regretful gaze held my own. I felt trapped in it. “I’m sorry. I will do better going forward.”
“…” My head was starting to clear, but it was a slow process.
“Seeing you pass out after our fight… seeing you in the infirmary today… in the hallway just now… I can’t ignore this.” He sighed. “You’re breaking down, right in front of me. And I can’t let this happen… not when I can stop it.”
He got off of the chair kneeling next to the bed. He reached out with his other hand, holding mine between both of his palms.
“Alaira… you’ve already have a high resonance match with me. I can save your mind, and help you save the world. It’s such an easy solution.” He smiled at me, without any sign of reluctance at all.
I felt a silent scream of terror and rage build up in my chest. I wanted to reach out and stop him, to silence his next sentence. Despite my wishes, however, his words came out all too clearly:
“I’ll be your Connector.”
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I'm glad you agree with Dani having wind powers. I have been thinking about the other halfa's and their powers and why they have them. Vlad is fire, which is volatile and hurts others but it can also keep people warm (perhaps there is hope for him in another universe) and is something often used in human invention and Vlad is very smart. Danny is his opposite, Ice. Unlike fire, ice could be used to subdue his enemies without hurting them (1/2)
(2/2) However Ice is also be sharp and dangerous (he can be mean sometimes) and it is cold, which could maybe represent how alone he feels. It could also be tied into his love for space as space is cold. If Jazz was a ghost, I think she would have water powers, since it's like a melted version of her brothers ice (lol). She is cool and collected and prefers to talk things out and understand rather than fight. She can also be rather overbearing sometimes, like an ocean. Sorry if this is long.
~ ~ ~
it’s interesting to think what the various halfa’s elements would be. makes me think of the into the spiderverse au. i like the idea that jazz would be water. it suits her. cool and collected, even sometimes associated with healing. but equally capable of devastation if used for violence. since psychology is her thing, i’d also draw a comparison to that. it’s used to help and heal, but when used by people like spectra it can be the most damaging attack possible. it can destroy people on a level deeper than physical. i’d likewise suggest that jazz would be the one to figure out bloodbending as a concept for this world, but would proceed to avoid using it. if she ever has a dark dan version of herself, i could see Black Jasmine being far more terrifying than him. when jazz goes bad, she’d go really bad
though in terms of what would push her to that point, it think it’d probably be more difficult and less difficult than what happened to danny. she is all about control and discipline. she’d use denial and psychology to manage for as long as possible. that is if it’s something that no one could have predicted or stopped. an accident. but if say it was a failure on the school or societies part... if say a case of bullying landed danny trapped in a locker during a ghost attack, unable to escape, and he died because of an attack that she was involved in. if he died with her not even aware that he was feet from her and in danger...
well i could see her losing herself in her guilt and anger at the world. he could have been saved. if he wasn’t being bullied, if the teachers had done something, if the ghost hadn’t attacked, if she had known he was there. like i said dark jazz is scary.
that aside, i also want all potential halfas to have elements associated with them now. we’re all pretty much agreed that tucker is electric type, due to his love of technology, but also his impulsiveness. electricity can do a lot of damage when not controlled properly and we’ve seen tucker on more than one occasion struggle with control. he’s overconfident and surprisingly reckless at times. when he’s in his element he’s fantastic but he’s been known to abuse power when he has it. i think that would be his main conflict as tucker ghouly, controlling his powers and using them responsibly.
sam would be representative of the element wood. which is associated with flexibility, durability, and strong emotions. because she’s our resident plant girl. she is willful and passionate but also stubborn and demanding. she demands the most of herself but also others, she wants everyone to thrive but sometimes forgets what’s best for her isn’t what’s best for other. her conflict might end up being empathy, because while she has it in spades, she doesn’t always know how to use it, if that makes sense. she tends to take things as a personal attack on her and her veiws when people disagree with her, which can be pretty dangerous, especially when people absolutely have reasons for their own opinions. she needs to learn to listen to others, if she’s going to be a proper hero
that would leave the final element, metal to val. metal is the most stubborn and inflexible of the elements. she’s strong and disciplined, unyielding in her attacks and views. but as we know that’s for better or worse. she really difficult to convince she’s wrong. she’d probably end up being one of the strongest out of them, she’d figure out the most ways to use her powers and how to shape metal to her advantage. i’m actually struck by the fun idea of val using her metal powers to make jewelry and running a small business selling it. this val would still manage to create a body armor and probably be better at maintaining anonymity with her ghost activity. though i also see her as overworking herself. she tries to do everything and ends up failing classes, alienating her friends, and too exhausted to think straight..she became a ghost before she was friends with danny, so i like the idea of them ending up friends, probably during the flour baby episode, and danny being the one to finally convince her to chill out and manage her health better. full human danny, is still all about helping people and is probably more stable and viably smart when he has time to do his homework. he’d probably offer to help her study and manage her business when too busy, and just having someone to lean on means everything to val.
until of course, plasimius kills jack fenton, and danny goes down the path of seeking vengeance and fighting ghosts. i actually don’t thing they’d know each others hunter identities at first, so they’d initially be fighting for real. danny is almost as stubborn as val. (ice is also inflexable until given the time to melt. and cold and harsh and deadly when angry). i see the green hunter being the most dangerous thing val has faced so far because danny is unrelenting. once she figures out who she’s fighting (i see her giving fenton a necklace of a star when he’s human and hunter losing the necklace during a fight and val discovering it and initially thinking it was stolen but figuring out the truth throughout the episode) fighting someone innocent, who’s justified, but still wrong, she’d be forced to learn to be more flexible and understanding, just to convince danny to stop. because let’s be real, she agrees with danny. plasmius killed his father, if she were in his shoes, he’d do the same thing, but she needs him to understand that she’s not the bad guy. not all ghosts are bad.
she’d also need to learn to be more flexible just to fight vlad/plasmius. because he is manipulative and her straight foward way of thinking and fighting would get her in trouble with him. i could see him framing her for a lot. he’d also be hanging around danny as vlad and manipulating danny that way. she’d essentially be fighting 2 different people who turn out to be the same person. vlad, the billionaire friend of the fentons who’s inserting himself into the grieving family’s lives and encouraging danny to fight vigilante justice. and plasmiaus the op ghost who literally murders people who get in his way. vlad would absolutely do everything he can to keep up the facade of innocent human. leaving all the damage to his ghost half. and val would struggle to prove that he’s evil.
that was a bit of a tangent, anyway. all of the halfa’s having elements associated with them and eventually having an ultimate team up in a universe that brings them together to fight something or another. a team up of the elements. vlad being there and joining the team up as still a villain who the team is suspicious of, but who they need to win. perhaps pariah dark escapes again but this time the mech isn’t available. and danny isn’t strong enough to face him alone. so parallel dimension team up. actually maybe not main danny’s universe. maybe it’s one of the other universes that can’t manage pariah dark on their own. possibly val’s again? if jack’s dead they don’t have a mech. might even be able to incorporate maddie inventing parallel-dimensional summoning in her attempts to bring jack back. bonus points if it’s vlad who’s funding this, knowing full well anyone summon would be unstable and turn to goo soon after arriving.
can you tell i love the into the dannyverse au? this was fun - Hestia
@nastyburger @guardianrex @five-rivers @ibelieveinahappilyeverafter @enigmaris
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Hello! Thank you for answering my Ravage request, I love it so much! Also your last Rodimus prompt really helped me yesterday, thank you.
Can I request some headcanons about how would Megatron, Swerve and Rung react to love confession from their human crush? Free to ignore it if there's too many characters
(sorry if it's not okay to send more than one request in such short amount of time)
Yay I'm glad that you liked what I wrote and that some of my other stuff helped you out! Sorry for the delay in answering these, I've been quite surprised by the volume in my inbox! I have three lovely bots reacting to love here, and feel free to send in requests so long as my inbox is open!
·The confession thankfully occurs while he's seated, as the impact force of a thirty foot mech collapsing to the floor would have been... considerable. That's not to say his physical reaction is at all subtle though. Eons of combat training and discipline dissapear in a flash and his expression shows the full extent of his shock. Was he dreaming? Or did his audials need repair? There must be some confusion, because he's fairly certain the little human on his desk just said that they loved him. No matter his own considerable feelings for them, he must be considerably mistaken, because that would simply be impossible.
·Except it isn't impossible. In fact, it's the truth, you tell him more than a few times over once he starts asking if you're confused or perhaps unwell. He wants to be elated, but a lifetime of training keeps that reaction well contained, as he knows from experience that these things simply cannot happen to bots like himself. Kneeling before the table you stand on, he tries not to sound pitiful or ungrateful as he requests clarification one final time, saying that he couldn't possibly expect love from one who had so much to hate him for.
·You're firm but as gentle as you might be with a fragile bit of glass as you make it undeniably clear; you love him. The only thing you're unsure of, and hoping to find out yourself, is whether or not he feels the same. All the expectation in your eyes compels him to act as impulsively as a sparkling, and he emphatically returns your feelings in a hushed reply, raising a tender hand to hold your little body in the rush of emotion shooting through him.
·There's a moment of icy reality to stop him in his tracks. Don't you know what he's done? What being with him could put you at risk of? That there's nothing to be gained from entangling yourself in the mess he's made of his life? Well accustomed to this behavior, you stand your ground and look him square in the optics, affirming that you're well aware of everything he's just said, but that the only thing you want from him is him, so everything you must endure in relation to him is already worth the struggle. In a rare burst of emotion he pulls your little body to his chest for the gentlest of hugs.
·He laughs for the first time in what has to be eons. There's the smallest hint of a fog in his optics as you find yourself tearing up too, overwhelmed by this hulking bot finally opening up to you completely and just being happy. For his part, he can't truly believe any of this is yet real, but he isn't going to bother with that for now. To know you love him is the greatest peace he's ever experienced, but also the most invigorating kind of euphoria. There's youthful hope in his spark again, encouraging his desire to explore and experience the wonders of life now that he has you at his side, but for this single moment he's content to just... be. One bot, one human, embracing through their laughter and tears.
·Somehow he forgets he was polishing a glass at all in the second it takes for it to shatter upon impact with the ground. You had been talking, going round in a way that suggested you were intent on getting to a particular topic, but then...? The glass is forgotten as he gently cuts off your attempt at an apology, spark pulsing and voicebox constricting as he asks you to repeat yourself, looking like he's terrified beyond all belief as he does so. A kind of fear he hasn't felt in a long time prevents him from pretending to be okay like he's so used to doing.
·At your careful reassurance that you did indeed say you love him, and that you meant it, he speaks so softly in response you can barely hear him. The questions he whispers are slow and deliberate, and if he could see anything but you he'd be grateful no one else is present to witness him acting so... shy. He has to make sure though, because it just doesn't seem possible; you love him? Beautiful, intelligent, funny, caring you is in love with... him? But he loves you too, and that means you love each other, and how is that possible?!
·Disbelief slowly melts into a happiness he's afraid to let in only because it's so foreign to him, but bit by bit he begins to realize this is actually happening, and his lonely spark lets the feeling in. Tears start to drop from his foggy visor as a trembling smile pulls up his cheeks, compelling you to reach out from your spot on the bar and invite him into a comforting hug. While he clarifies that he's never felt better, he still happily takes the hug, pulling in your tiny body with his large servos and carefully holding you close.
·Feeling the warmth of you against him sends another wave of beautiful confirmation through him; this is real. The loneliness that always plagued his spark seems insignificant now, as if he's gained a kind of perspective just knowing someone like you could care so deeply for him. All of his friends, all of his patrons, and you at the very center of it all... Why wasn't he ever able to see just how much warmth and goodness there was before this moment?
·Tears are streaming down his face when he lets you go, and at your concern he assures you it's nothing to worry about. There are more questions, but they're happy now, and he's smiling like never before as you dutifully answer every query whilst dabbing his cheeks with a towel that's blanket sized for you. He wants to know; when did you start to have feelings? Does this mean you really don't mind his jokes? Can he tell the others? Is he handsome by human standards? There's so much for him to say but, for once, no rush to say it. Somehow he's finally realized that he doesn't need to talk to get your attention, he just needs to be himself, and the banter is simply a lovely bonus.
·Though he's certain he misheard, he removes his glasses almost on instinct, looking to the little lifeform he's grown so close to with an unguarded expression of apprehension tinged with hope, gentle but rarely seen optics looking to you with that vulnerability he keeps so well hidden from everyone else. You only remain silent because you briefly lose yourself in his gaze, which is as desperate as it is due to him wanting so badly to believe he did indeed just hear what he's uncertain is actually possible. The request for you to repeat is so soft it's barely audible. Thin digits try to polish his lenses as is his custom when concealing stress, but he fumbles so frequently he has to cease just as he begins.
·You stand near the edge of the table, speaking slowly and clearly so there can be no misunderstanding. The confession is indeed irrefutable this time around, the simple words breaking the silence with their surprising weight and drawing a tiny gasp from him in the process. His hand over his mouth prevents further exclamations, though he's certainly not capable of making any in his current state. Something in the depths of his being has always yearned for this, but he never dared to even dream it could happen, that he could love and in return be loved.
·Tears on his precious face spur you to act, if only because they're absolutely heartbreaking, but as he moves his hand from his mouth you see that despite his sobs he's absolutely beaming. You're surprised even further when he laughs through the tears, and at your prompting says that he's just overwhelmed. You, wonderful and thoughtful and brilliantly unique little you, in love with the bot no one can remember? What has he ever done to be this fortunate? Admittedly he's not fully convinced that this isn't a dream, but he has no intention of letting that stop him from basking in this wonderful feeling.
·You can't help but cry a little too, seeing him overwhelmed in a way you never could have anticipated. Tiny human hands take his offered servo and guide the tip of his digit to brush adoringly over your cheek, just as he so often does, but you notice that for the first time ever there's no hesitation to the action. There's only pure, serene affection. Looking into his optics, you see a mech almost made new, as if the validation you give him just by existing and loving him has changed his entire outlook on life. For a bot who does so much for others, you can't even begin to describe how wonderful it is to give him that peace.
·Still as bashful as they come, he blushes when you move in to embrace him from the tables edge on a whim, but the sheepish hesitation quickly gives way to a mutual hug. The hum of his spark is almost melodic in your ears as you press your head into his warm chest. Your tiny heartbeat, just perceptible to the servo he has cradling you close, is equally jubilant to his touch. The beauty of it all is almost enough to make him dizzy; for the first time in his life he feels truly seen, truly heard, truly here. Reality is still moving just as it was before, but now he genuinely feels like he is a part of it all, here with you in his loving arms. You make him certain that he's worth remembering.
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littlekatleaf · 3 years
The shape that I'm in now
(It's 1 am, I must be posting Roadrat snz fic. This takes place in the same 'verse as 'Buried in a burning flame' and 'My heart as spent as ashes, but takes place before them. Not that it's necessary for the story, just to orient.)
Whatever here that’s left of me Is yours just as it was ~ Hozier, As It Was
Junkrat rolled over, trying to ease the ache in his hip, but it didn’t help. Sheets scratchy on oversensitive skin. Eyes hot, dryer than the fuckin’ desert, nose running like to make up for it. Flipped the pillow, but both sides were already too warm. Everything hurt, from toenails to eyelids. Even his fucking missing limbs hurt, however the hell that worked. What sucked the most, though was the silence. It pulsed against his eardrums, buzzed in his head.
Had told Roadhog to go. No choice about it. Bones’d been aching with impending fever, head felt packed with sand. Knew what was coming and didn’t want Roadhog to see. Didn’t want to be seen. Not when felt like his skin was peeled back, leaving all of his quivering insides bare. Being sick was being vulnerable. In Junkertown being vulnerable meant you was good as dead.
Felt Roadhog watching him from the first handful of sneezes. “Nobody fuckin’ cleans this shithole,” Junkrat had grumbled, trying to play it off. Roadhog said nothing.
Didn’t say a word when Junkrat blamed the spices in the stir fry for the second fit.
Unfortunately the third handful of sneezes seemed to have blown all thoughts from his brain and he was still trying to recover when Roadhog asked, “All right, Rat?”
“‘M fine. If you want to get in my pants just say so.” Might have intended it to sound flirty but it came off pissy.
Roadhog crossed his arms over his chest. “Ain’t like that. You just look…” “Ain’t neither of us winning a beauty pageant, Hog. Mind your business.” Least that time sounded like maybe he could be joking, even with the edge in his voice.
Tried to bite the sneezes back after that. Pinch them off. Smother them in his sleeve. But every single time he felt Roadhog’s eyes on him, watching. Made the hairs raise at his nape and finally he snapped, shouting at Roadhog to get the fuck out and leave him alone.
Roadie had, and he was fine with it. Just perfectly fuckin’ apples, mate. Went to bed, tried to sleep it off. But couldn’t. Now he tossed back the sheets, pushed himself up, buckled on his prosthetics. Make himself tea. Caffeine might dull the headache. Heat’d feel good on his throat.
You wanted to be by yourself... teasing whisper of her voice through the buzzing. You told him to go. You should be happy - here all alone with your disease. Could practically feel her breath at his ear and he swayed for a minute, dizzy. He doesn’t want to be anywhere near you.
“Shows what you know. Roadhog likes it when I sneeze.” Hated how defensive it sounded. Proof that he was only good for one thing.
Perhaps, but this is beyond even his depravity. Look at yourself, Jamison.
Without really meaning to, his gaze flicked over to the mirror that hung above the washbasin, then away again. Not before he’d seen himself though - scarecrow hair, singed in more places than he’d realized, skin and bones, dark circles around his eyes, nose red, lips cracked from breathing through his mouth. Expression going blank as the need to sneeze came over him. “Huh-R’iiishh! Isshew! R’iishew!” Managed to catch them in a tissue at the last minute, but it was a close thing.
Disgusting. And weak. I absolutely cannot fathom why he has not left you behind yet. Ill so often. Missing half your limbs. In need of protection. What kind of man are you?
“Shut it,” he said. Much as hated to admit it, she was right. Knew full well all the ways he was lacking. Rubbed his dripping nose on a handful of tissues.
Perhaps he just enjoys toying with you. Drawing things out before he takes your treasure and returns to the Queen. Her tone is a purr. A predator does love to tease its prey.
“Roadhog ain’t the Queen’s. Not anymore.”
No? He told you that, did he?
“Yes.” Sort of. What had Roadhog said when they met? Freelance? What did that mean? He wouldn’t… would he? If he got pissed off enough? If Junkrat was enough of a pain in the ass? A sudden chill whipped through him and he shivered. Grabbed a windcheater off the hook on the back of the door and yanked it over his head. Roadie’s, he realized as the soft cotton engulfed him. At least he was warm. Tugged the hood up over his head. Maybe that would block out her voice.
Pathetic… The whisper echoed in his ears, then faded - taking his energy with it. Giving up on the tea plan he curled up in a corner of the couch. Pulled in his knees, tugged the windcheater down over him and tried to disappear. Just needed to get smaller. Smaller.
A sneeze jag shook him awake. Took him a second to catch his breath and open his eyes. There was Roadie, holding out a tissue. Didn’t want to take it, but the alternative was worse. And messier. “Thanks,” he said, stuffiness blurring the consonants. Blowing his nose helped, but only a little.
Roadhog didn’t say anything, just turned on his heel and disappeared into the kitchen. Kettle rattled, water hit the basin. Click snap of the flame catching on the stove. Clink of spoon against mug.
Apologize, Jamison. Unless you want to test his patience even further.
Don’t need your input, he said, but only in his head. Always weirded Roadhog out when he answered aloud. Cleared his throat, attempted to pitch his voice loud enough to carry, even though felt like he’d been swallowing sandpaper in his sleep. “Oi, Roadie?”
Nothing. Sighing to himself, Junkrat untangled his limbs, ignoring the shivering. Maybe Roadhog wouldn’t notice. Managed to reach the kitchen this time. Roadhog’s back was turned, head slightly bent over whatever he was doing.
Rat hesitated in the doorway. While his mouth usually moved faster than his brain, at the moment neither seemed to be online. He leaned against the jamb, waiting for inspiration to strike. Instead he sneezed, catching them in his sleeve, then coughing after. “Ugh, fuck. I’ll wash this I swear.”
“...” The skepticism was clear even without words.
“Ain’t gonna forget this time.”
Junkrat coughed a laugh. “Yeah, you’re right I probably will.” Rubbed the back of his neck where it ached. “Roadie, I’m…” sorry he was going to say but Roadhog turned, offering a steaming mug.
“I know. Drink.”
Couldn’t smell anything through his clogged nose so he sipped warily. Then sighed, relief and gratitude. “Where the hell’d you find Lemsip?”
“Bobby had some.”
“An’ he just gave it to you?” Meds were hard to come by, even stupid shit like cold medicine.
Roadhog shrugged. “He owed me somewhat.”
The steam made his nose run and tickle and he sniffled a little. Which only served to trigger another round of sneezes and he slopped hot liquid over his hand. “Ow, god fucking dammit.”
“Here, let me…” Roadhog reached for his hand, but he stepped back.
“No, it’s fine.”
“Rat. I said let me.”
The darkness of his tone sent a shiver down Rat’s spine. The command in it was as unmistakable as the warmth. Junkrat stopped, pinned, barely breathing. Roadhog wiped his hand, carefully, like the burn could have been serious. Then he laid a palm over Rat’s forehead, fingers pleasantly cool. Junkrat leaned into the touch.
“Really got a fever, don’t you.”
It wasn’t a question, exactly but Junkrat nodded anyway. “Feelin’ shit, to be honest.” A hot flush chased the chills. Had to tell Roadie the truth, but didn’t make it any easier.
“You hurting?”
Rat shrugged, nodded again.
“Come on,” Roadhog put an arm around him, led him back into the bedroom. “Lie down.”
“Ain’t tired,” he tried. Not quite enough energy to be a proper brat.
“Not planning on sleep. Lie down.”
Junkrat did as he was told, but closed his eyes as the bed dipped and Roadhog sat down beside him. With gentle fingers he disconnected Junkrat’s prosthetics and set them aside. Even though he’d only been wearing them a short time, they’d already rubbed sore spots on his skin. Roadhog knew to avoid those places as he began to massage the muscles in Rat’s forearm, kneading until the knots loosened, then moved on to Rat’s thigh.
As the tension drained away, Rat sighed so deep was almost a groan. “God, that’s good.” Roadhog let go of him, but didn’t move away. There was the soft sound of a jar being opened and a teasing scent of menthol that Rat could smell even through the congestion. Vicks, of course. “For the cough,” he asked, smirking.
“It’ll help,” Roadhog said, but this time Rat knew it was a question. Making sure he was okay with it.
“It will,” Rat agreed. Put him back on easier footing. Hog gave him a little care, he’d get Hog off. Fair and square.
Roadie slid his hands up under the windcheater and goosebumps rose in the wake of his touch. Junkrat’s back arched, “Oh,” he breathed. “It’s so… Itchew! Huh-Itchh! Itchhuh!” Luckily he’d pulled the sleeves over his hand because he covered just with his hand before realizing.
“Bless you,” Roadhog said, without pausing from the massage.
“Th...thank y-Ihchuuh! Ah’tchh! Chh!” The sensations together were almost overwhelming. Felt like he was tingling along every nerve, shivering with both chills and desire, surprised to find himself going hard, even as he kept sneezing.
“You blushing, or is that the fever?” Roadhog’s voice a rumble in his ear and even that made a shudder run through him.
“Both,” he sighed. Nothing he could do about it, body betraying him with every sneeze.
Roadie chuckles. “You do that so well.”
“Wh… Huhitch!... Itch! Ishhew! … what?"
“Lose control.” An answer but also a command as he tugged Rat’s boxers down and slid inside, surprisingly gently.
“Oh…” Words gone. Thoughts gone. Only feeling left. Heat, fever, want, like fire in his blood. Waves of trembling over him. Hog deep inside, moving with a gentle but implacable rhythm, driving him higher, stoking the flames. He clenched his mech hand in the sheets, clung to Hog with his flesh hand, fingers tightening convulsively. And as the flames built so, too, did the need to sneeze. Little panting breath, interrupted by sniffles and teasing hitches.
“Lose it, Rat,” Roadhog said.
“Ah’Rrrishhah! Ushhew! Isshah!” The flames engulfed him, he shook with release. For a long, long moment he could only blink blearily at the ceiling, utterly spent. “Holy shit,” he managed, finally.
At some point Roadie’d gotten a cool washcloth and he wiped it carefully over Rat, washing away sweat and the vaporub. Just when the cold was about to set him shivering, Roadhog pulled a blanket over him, then leaned down and kissed his forehead. “You did good, Rat.”
A burst of warmth flowered in his chest and tears sprang up. Rat blinked them back, scrubbed his face with his hand. “‘M a fucking mess,” he said.
“I mean, sure we have fun. But look at me.” Waved a hand over himself. “Missing a piece or two. Fuckin’ sick all the time. Maybe we should just… go our own ways.”
“Got enough of a haul to make up for the fight in the bar. Enough to make this bodyguard gig thing worthwhile. We should maybe quit while we’re ahead.” Before you get tired of me, he didn’t say, but it was there on his tongue.
“Rat.” Clink of buckles as Roadhog took off his mask.
Junkrat resisted the urge to look at him. Didn’t want to read the truth of his feelings in his eyes.
“Look at me.”
He does, for a second, then away again.
“You see the scars. All of them. You think they make me ugly?”
“No!” Surprise had him actually meeting Roadhog’s gaze. Caught, he couldn't look away. “Just part of who ya are.” He reached up and traced one from the corner of Roadie’s eye, curving down and along his jaw. No, the scars had surprised him at first, but never bothered him.
“Need the hogdrogen. The mask. So I’m weak?”
“Course not.” First person to mistake Hog for weak wouldn’t live to regret it.
“This place tried to kill us. In so many ways. But it fucking hasn’t. Don’t let it win, Jamie. Don’t let it.”
Junkrat swallowed hard. Nobody called him that, not for years and years. “I won’t,” he said.
Roadhog lay next to him and Junkrat curled into him. Roadhog pulled him closer, carded his fingers through Rat’s hair. “Sleep, Jamie.”
I’m yours, he thought as he drifted away. Whatever’s left of me.
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jazz-miester · 5 years
When I saw you part 2
Tumblr media
Pairing: Mtmte Swerve x reader
Song: Leave a Light on - Tom Walker
Warnings: None tbh. Fluffy and a lot of kissing.
An: Here's part two! I hope y'all enjoy. Sorry it took me so long to put out a second part.😅
Tags: @rawmeknockout
"Swerve. I'm in love with you." The words echoed around them. Y/n's hands began to shake as the silence droned on their heart pounding in their chest.
"I understand if you don't feel the same I just. I just had to tell you." Still he did not speak.
"I get it. Really. I do. I'll just-"
"You love me?" Y/n jumped when Swerve spoke. Nodding their head so quickly they became dizzy. They gripped Swerve hands with their own. Desperate and so afraid of his next words.
"You. You love me? Out of everyone else on this ship. You chose me?" Y/n licked their lips. Anxiety racking through their body in waves.
"Uh ya. Actually. Ever since the first time we met. Do you remember?" Y/n shuffled nervously.
"We met some time after boarding the Lost Light and we were in the observatory. You were talking about starting a bar up with Blurr and." They were a little breathless now. A mess of nerves fear.
"And you had stopped talking because you were afraid that I didn't really wanna listen and I really did. I still do. It's just." They cupped the side of his face gently running their thumb just below his eye.
"I got lost in you. I swear Swerve that I had never seen such a stunning sight in all my life. The stars were shining softly against you armour lighting you up a heaven's glow. You looked so at peace. So happy that it hurt to watch you talk because I never thought I could have that. I never thought that. That you could see me the same way. That's when I knew I was a goner. Because when I saw you. Oh Swerve when I saw you you took my whole spark. And you still have it. Even if you don't share my feelings you- Mph!"
Swerve brought his lips up to theirs. Pulling Y/n down with such force their knees canes slamming down onto the floor. Stunned for a moment y/n waved their hands before placing them firmly on his hips. Drawing him close.
Moments pass. Maybe even years before they part. Lips swollen and bruised. Vents roaring loudly as their bodies tried to cool down. They were lost in one another. Twined together so tightly that fate themselves could not break their strings.
"I love you to y/n." Swerve smiled and pulled them in for another kiss.
"I love you to."
They were a mess of gasping air and shuddering sighs. Swerves hands desperately grasped their hips. Y/n's mouth ghosting over delicate wires pulsing with life.
The bar was humming around them. Machinery clashing and hissing with air. The dimmed lights buzzing with unused energy.
Y/n pulled back cupping the side of Swerves face as he whined. They brushed their thumb along the bottom of his lips. Their eyes sung with unspoken love. Soft and full of life. They felt as if though they could cry. Their heart filled to bursting with how much this mech was willing to love them. And it broke with how little he was given back.
Here he was beneath them. Hands ghosting up and down their sides. They shuddered every time he skimmed over the sensitive skin.
Y/n traced out the features of his face. Fingers following along the bridge of his nose, the curve of those soft and swollen lips. The line of his jaw and down and over his chest before resting a palm over his beating spark.
"I love you." They croak out. Resting their forehead against his. Lips desperately kissing his.
"I love you so much you know that?" Y/n felt tears forming. Gently swelling up until it blurred thier vision.
"I can't even began to tell you the love I feel for you Swerve." They gasp for air as they pull him into their lap and leaning their back against the bar. Capturing his face between their hands. For once he was shocked speechless.
"How do I begin to tell you the love you fill me with every day?" Y/n kissed him deeply. Eyes fluttering as tears spilled and caressed the sides of their face. Soon replaced by Swerves trembling hands.
"I love the way you talk. Full of passion and joy. I could listen to you for hours. I love watching you bustle around the bar."They kiss him again and again and again. Pulling him flush against their own trembling body.
"I want you. Only you."
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ratchetsboyfriend · 5 years
Mobile Masterlist
Desktop version
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Bumblebee meeting government agent S/O for the first time
Tfp Ratchet, Optimus, Rid15 Slipstream, and Jetstorm human’s first words are about how attractive the ‘Bot is 
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, Knockout, Predaking, and Rid15 Fixit take care of S/O for the day
Tfp Soundwave “Do you think we’re bad people?” prompt 
Tfp Shockwave with shy, smart, awkward, Autobot human love interest
Tfp Optimus, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and Tfa Blitzwing sweet affection with S/O
Tfp Arcee “I tried my best to not feel anything for you. Guess what? I failed.” + “You don’t get to pick and choose. You’re stuck with me.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet “You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.” prompt
Tfa Jazz, Prowl, and Tfp Wheeljack sleeping with human S/O
Tfa Optimus “Keep your eyes on me.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet “That’s not what I meant and you know it!” prompt
Tfp Orion Pax “If you don’t like this world then change it.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, and Soundwave “If you had asked me to stay, I would’ve.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, Tfa Jazz, and Rid15 Grimlock reacting to S/O’s weird human things
Tfa Bumblebee, Blitzwing, Prowl, Jazz, and Jettwins with S/O who’s insecure about their freckles
Rb Heatwave “Angry kiss” prompt+superhero S/O
Rb Chase “Caught off guard kiss” prompt+superhero S/O
Rb Blades “Top of head kiss”+superhero S/O
Rb Boulder “Height difference kiss” prompt+superhero S/O
Tfa Bumblebee “I’m sorry kiss” prompt
Tfp Ratchet with S/O who’s interested in Cybertronian biology/culture
Tfp Optimus  “You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.” prompt
Tfp Arcee “I almost lost you kiss” prompt
Tfp Megatron, Starscream, Knockout, Breakdown, Soundwave falling for the leader of MECH’s rival organization
Tfa Bumblebee “Giggly kiss” prompt
Tfp Ratchet being guardian to a shy, calm, older charge
Tfp Arcee “I’ve missed you kiss” prompt
Rb Blades and Boulder dating headcanons
Rid15 Bumblebee relaxing with S/O
Tfp Optimus “Needing to kiss to hide from the bad guys” prompt
Poly KOBD with the leader of MECH’s rival organization
Tfa Jazz, Prowl, and Rb Heatwave hearing S/O sing for the first time
Rid15 Soundwave “Returned from the dead kiss” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Breakdown, and Knockout sleeping with human S/O
Rb Boulder, Heatwave, and Tfp Wheeljack reacting to S/O being pregnant
Tfp Wheeljack “Needing to kiss to hide from the bad guys” prompt
Poly Tfp Optimus/Ratchet “When one stops the kiss to whisper ‘I’m sorry, are you sure you-’ and they answer by kissing them more” prompt
Rb Chase, Heatwave, Boulder, and Blades seeing crush dressed up for the first time
Tfa Optimus, Bumblebee, Wreck-Gar, Blurr, and Blitzwing reacting to a S/O whose nose always bleeds
Rb Heatwave “I’ve missed you kiss” prompt
Tfa Blitzwing cuddling with a stressed out S/O
Tfp Breakdown POV for poly KOBD with rival MECH leader
Tfp Starscream meeting and falling for a Cybertronian who wasn’t involved with the war
Tfp Knockout, Breakdown, and Soundwave having a S/O who goes rock climbing, spelunking, and skydiving
Tfa Swindle with a love interest who can steal anything but only does it to take care of their siblings
Tfa Prowl, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Optimus meeting and falling for a photographer
Tfa Prowl “True love’s kiss” prompt  
Tfp Knockout having a secret relationship with a thrill seeking autobot human
Tfa Waspinator pining for a human who is nice to him
Tfp Breakdown is rescued by rival MECH leader
Tfp Ratchet being assigned to a charge who acts like him
Tfa Jetfire “Kiss on a dare” prompt
Tfp Optimus, Smokescreen, and Ratchet with a S/O who’s afraid to express affection at first
Tfa Ratchet “Shy kiss” prompt
Tfp Optimus, Ratchet, Knockout, and Megatron falling for a human who wants to combine human and Cybertronian medical science
Tfa Jetstorm “Spin the bottle kiss” prompt
MtMtE Whirl headcanons for having a human S/O
Tfp Megatron, Starscream, Predaking, Optimus, and Ratchet reacting to a human charge finally snapping
MtMtE Trailcutter headcanons for having a crush on a human
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, and  Soundwave reassuring a S/O who misunderstood a conversation
MtMtE Riptide at the beach with S/O
MtMtE Rung realizing he’s fallen for a human
Tfp Optimus’ S/O falling asleep on his shoulder
MtMtE Riptide and Fort Max dating headcanons
Tfp Knockout, Breakdown, and Soundwave taking care of a drunk S/O
Tfp Ratchet “One small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other” + “Staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in” prompts
Tfp Arcee “You’re essentially immortal until you meet your soulmate” prompt
MtMtE Overlord “You can see the red string of fate that connects you to your soulmate but only when you close your eyes” prompt
MtMtE Fulcrum “Your soulmates first impression/thought about you is written on your body” prompt
Tfa Megatron “You have a name on each wrist, your soulmate’s name and your enemy’s name and you don’t know which is which” prompt with enemy Lugnut
MtMtE Tarn “When your soulmate listens to music you can hear it too” prompt
Rb Blades “You only see in black and white until you touch your soulmate for the first time” prompt
Bw Dinobot “Only certain people can see the red string of fate that connects soulmates and you’re one of them” prompt
Rid15  Sideswipe “Surprised kiss” prompt
MtMtE Rung being in love with a human
MtMtE Rung “Only certain people can see the red string of fate that connects soulmates and you’re one of them” prompt
Tfa Ratchet “Instead of their first words to you, you have a random phrase that your soulmate will say one day so you could know them for years before realizing that they’re your soulmate” prompt
Tfp Ratchet getting his S/O out of a sticky situation
Tfa Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, Blurr, Tfp Ratchet, and Bumblebee reacting to finding S/O with sparklings
Tfa Blitzwing “Kiss at dawn” + “Quick kiss” prompts
Mtmte Ratchet taking care of and reassuring a human who fainted after overworking themself
Tfa Prowl “Kiss under a full moon” prompt
Tfp Shockwave and Soundwave reacting to a S/O who has insomnia/sleep related anxiety
Tfp Optimus “You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.” prompt with S/O calling Optimus an idiot
Rid15 Fixit “Surprised kiss” prompt
Mtmte Swerve, Rodimus, and Megatron reacting to receiving art from S/O
Mtmte Fulcrum, Krok, and Grimlock  cuddling headcanons
Tfp Ratchet “The day when you’re supposed to meet your soulmate will continually loop for the both of you until you finally find each other” prompt
Mtmte Bluestreak falling for a human and pining for them before finally asking them out
Tfa Blitzwing “Your soulmate’s name is somewhere on your body” prompt
Mtmte Poly Dratchet “Anything you draw or write on yourself shows up on your soulmate and vice versa” prompt
The sequel to the poly Dratchet soulmate prompt
Mtmte Whirl, Tfp Ratchet, and Bulkhead “Anything you draw or write on yourself shows up on your soulmate and vice versa” prompt
Mtmte Rung feeling overwhelmed by how much his S/O loves him
Tfp Soundwave reacting to the human bringing a cat on board
Mtmte Megatron “Your soulmate’s name is somewhere on your body” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Soundwave, and Bumblebee bonding with a human S/O over something silly
Tfa Waspinator "Routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing” prompt
Rb Heatwave comforting the human after the loss of a loved one
Mtmte Megatron and Ultra Magnus reacting to being called dad
Mtmte Ultra Magnus reacting to the human calling the baby ‘our kid’ (Ultra Dad au)
Rb Chase affection headcanons
Tfp Smokescreen, Arcee, and Wheeljack with a S/O who lost their memory
Mtmte Rung sequel to him being in love with a human
Mtmte Rodimus, Megatron, and Dratchet being cheered up by their human S/O
Mtmte Cygate “Only certain people can see the red string of fate that connects soulmates and you’re one of them” prompt
Wreckers Springer affection headcanons 
Bw Inferno relationship headcanons 
Wreckers Springer relationship headcanons
Tfp Starscream, Knockout, and Soundwave dealing with a human who screams every time they try to talk
Mtmte Whirl reacting to a heartfelt confession from a human
Rid15 Steeljaw, Thunderhoof, Fracture, and Saberhorn realizing that they’ve fallen for their human ally
Tfa Prowl “The day when you’re supposed to meet your soulmate will continually loop for the both of you until you finally find each other” prompt
Mtmte Fulcrum realizing he has feelings for a human after Misfire gets close with them
Mtmte Atomizer relationship headcanons
Tfa Blitzwing cuddling headcanons 
Bw Rattrap “Somewhere on your body is the first words your soulmate will ever say to you” prompt
Tfp Ratchet being forced to take breaks and recharge by a bigger bot S/O
Tfp Smokescreen and Mtmtme Swerve confessing to someone who shares their feelings
Mtmte Rodimus, Trailcutter, and Bluestreak at the beach with a human S/O
Tfa Optimus "Once a year, you and your soulmate swap bodies until you find each other." prompt
Mtmte First Aid trying to figure out who his friend's crush is and it's Ratchet
Mtmte Ultra Magnus how he and the human found their adopted child (Ultra Dad au)
Tfa Jet twins, Prowl, Ratchet, and Blitzwing with a S/O who chews on things to cope
Mtmte Rodimus cuddling with S/O after they both have a bad day
Ratchet, Optimus, Bulkhead, and Knockout whose charge is graduating from college
Rb Blades movie marathon date
Rb Heatwave, Tfa Prowl, Tfp Optimus, and Rid15 Steeljaw with a druid companion
Tfp Arachnid “You and your soulmate can feel each other’s pain” prompt
Mtmte Trailcutter trying to flirt
Bw Terrorsaur, Rattrap, and Waspinator’s S/O makes them flower crowns
Wreckers Springer cuddling headcanons
Mtmte Whirl napping headcanons
Mtmte Whirl “Somewhere on your body is the first words your soulmate will ever say to you” prompt
Rid15 Fracture dating an Autobot human
Tfp Arcee, Wheeljack, Arachnid, and Dreadwing’s S/O serenading them
Tfp KOBD/Mech leader reunion
Tfp Ratchet’s bot S/O hiding their injuries
Tfa Longarm, Sentinel, Megatron, and Jet twins reacting to a S/O whose nose always bleeds
Tfp Ratchet with a minibot S/O
Bw Waspinator “Anything you draw or write on yourself shows up on your soulmate and vice versa” prompt
Mtmte Scavengers with a minicon S/O
Mtmte Drift and Rodimus couples’ costume for Halloween
Mtmte Roddratchet ghosthunting with S/O
Mtmte Scavengers celebrating Halloween
Tfp Ratchet S/O dressing up as a doctor to get a rise out of him
Tfp Megatron “Your soulmates first impression/thought about you is written on your body” prompt
Tfp Starscream, Megatron, Knockout, Ratchet, and Optimus reacting to being turned temporarily human and being taken care of by their S/O
Tfp Ratchet and Wheeljack pining for a human
Tfa Ratchet, Tfp Ratchet, Mtmte Ratchet, and CDRW reacting to reserved S/O going all out in a fight
Tfa Prowl, Optimus, and Bulkhead helping a S/O afraid of storms
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scientistgoesboom · 5 years
I love your description of SARD, I really do! But.. But what if SARD as to protect an injured Bot, like for example Bumblebee? And gets damaged? I so love angst. Sorry, not Sorry!
He had been as fast as never before, running over the battlefield, jumping over still grey forms and rubble, crawling under barbed wire and broken fences. All to follow his core code, to search and find and to protect as good as he can.And his sensors send him straight through all of that, because one of HIS own was in danger, his spark-readings falling into dangerous levels.He could see Friendly-Yellow-Warm now, on the ground, energon leaking from his stump, where one of his legs used to be. The friendly blue optics were flickering in agony. Above him, tearing friendly-yellow-warm's leg apart plating piece by plating piece, stood a bog, menacing thing with dead looking, black and grey optics, slobber running down the things half ripped off faceplates.SARD dashed over the last few stones, his hooked claws perfect for traction and to hold his speed, as the … the Thing, that reeked of spoiled energon and rust and vile bend over the downed Scout, gnashing what teeth it still had. One of it's mangled servos was nearly touching  friendly-yellow-warm!With one last leap, maw opened and scraplet-teeth wirring in agitation, SARD rammed his full weight against the monster, using his claws to gain even more momentum.
The thing, stinking and dripping, roared loudly, it's dead optics focusing on the Drone in front of him.SARD would protect friendly-yellow-warm, the mech was his friend!He growled loudly, his teeth moving inside of his maw and his protrusions unfolding into a chainsaw and a scalpel, waving them about threatingly.
His body was crouched over his friend, his optics and sensors all focused on the bad thing.Which was getting closer again, not even phased with the sharp and dangerous tools and teeth.Swiping his running chainsaw at the nearing servo he tried to shield as much as he could of friendly-yellow-warm. But not even the deep cut, which should bleed energon but didn't!, faced the undead and hungry thing and it grabbed onto his chainsaw, lifting SARD up with ease.
It Hurt! Yowling in pain SARD scrambled for something to hold on to, his claws scratching not only the ground but also the very mech he wanted to protect. His scalpel stabbed into the servo holding him repeatedly, severing cable after cable as his teeth cut into any plating he could reach.Black, honey-like but vile stinking liquid soon filled his maw, dribbling down his own frame, pieces of plating geting ripped of by his teeth and crumbling like old stale bread.Finally something seemed to register with the hulking, half fallem apart thing, as it stumbled back from friendly-yellow-warm, taking SARD with him, the servo still wrapped around his chainsaw tightening and tugging even more painfully at it.With one swing of it's arm, SARD was send flying right back into the rubble he had jumped over. Pain shot thorugh his frame, his legs twitching madly as his scalpel protrusion got caught in the sliding down rubble, snapping right through the thin plating on it. If he could scream, he would be right now. The pain from the ripped off appendage left him dazed, soft whines crawling out of his vocals as he lay still for just a moment.He has never been in such pain before! And the feeling of his own energon dripping down his back left him reeling. Creator!!!He wanted his Creator! He wanted Soft-Purr!He wanted friendly-yellow-warm to get up again and take the bad thing away!He wanted friendly-yellow-warm to be safe!And for that he had to get up again.His helm thumped against the ground once, the slight static in front of his optics clearing so he could focus on the ugly bucket of bolts, which was holding one of friendly-yellow-warm's arms and started to lift him up, broken mouth opening into a sickening grin,
Getting his shaking paws underneath him, gaze solely on the dark optics of friendly-yellow-warm, SARD growls deeply, his dented plating rattling. His cables bunched and the Puppy-Drone jumped, maw wide open, teeth roaring. His chainsaw, with chipped teeth and a kind of stop and go run, bit deep into the servo holding onto HIS own, cutting the stinking thing half off in one go and then stopped working, stuck in the sticky cabling.Yowling in annoyance the thing lets the Scout fall to the ground again and into the mixed energon. The rest of his momentum sends SARD high enough to close his maw around the bend neck of the thing, his teeth instantly starting to chip away the protective and thick armor there,Screeching the thing stumbles back, his one and a halv claw like servos ripping and tearing at the Drone hanging on his throat. The claws bite deep into him, drawing energon, ripping cabling off and tearing off sensors.SARD's only thought processes are on his family. His creator. His Soft-Purr, his Bad-Puppy. HIS friends. His Creator made him to search and rescue others!He would not let got!HE WOULD NOT!!His claws hook into every seem, every nook and every dip in the armor of that thing, trying to inflict as much pain and suffering as he can (even as he can feel his own back ripped open, his chainsaw gone, his cabling flopping about and one of his legs has joined  the Scouts on the floor, still twitching.)The big, clawed servo starts ripping desperatly at his neck now, biting deep.SARD screeched, teeth stuttering in their work, allowing the undead mech to slam him into the ground again, taking part of SARDs throat and neck in the move.Hitting the ground with a soft grunt, SARD heaves himself onto he paws, his frame shaking and trembling, his green optics barely able to focus on the stumbling and reeking thing. The neck seems even more bend and broken than before, dripping more of the steaming, black liquid on the ground, the same liquid which is eating away at his own insides.He growls, his half teared open vocals sparking and and not giving out a consistent tone. It sound more like a broken radio now.On three legs SARD hobbles in front of friendly-yellow-warm, teeth again roaring.The Undead Thing stalks to them again, plating mostly lost and dripping, his one good servo outstretched to yank SARD away again, coming closer and clos-
A blue orb of plasma impacts the helm of the stinking creature, searing right through the thin plating and tearing the last of the cables.The helm falls first, rolling away with little bumps and jumps.Then the body crumbles, nearly noiseless, to the ground, a last heavy shiver as the black liquid drips out.SARD waits. Waits for the thing to get up again. But it does not.His teeth stop, his maw folding close again, even if three of the folds are not there anymore. Whimpering softly SARD turns around, his flickering gaze now on friendly-yellow-warm, who was still alive on the floor.SARD was happy.HIS own was safe.His body hit the ground, blue energon leaving him faster and faster as he crawled over to the mech, finally reaching his outstretched arm.„Good....Pupp...y.... SARD will.... guar....“His helm landed roughly on the warm plating, his optics finally dimming.He would sleep now. And then he would guard again.„Pro....m....ise....“
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spacedimentio · 5 years
Live Impressions of “Change Your Mind”
Neat, a bit of the credits music on the title card is fun and totally not ominous
Oh, this a dream. I was legit worried about Connie for a second there
That thing looks like one of those rainbow caterpillars that really little kids have that you can pull behind you with a string
!!?! I- That’s not worrisome at all, nope, no identity crisis here, oooh boy
Does that mean that Rose knew what the corruption light was? Or just that it was an attack of some kind. Cause if she knew exactly what it was then she should have probably seen it coming.
Déjà Blue is right, they’re using the exact recording/drawing I think
“No.” Damn right you’re not sorry!
Oh Blue, you really did love her, didn’t you… She looks nice with messy hair, it reflects how she feels on the inside.
That easy huh? Haha, look at her face she doesn’t know what eating is and is totally mystified and disgusted xD
Yellow time. Oh, are those…those are fusion experiments. A nice reminder of an awful thing that Yellow is responsible for.
Oh, oh shit! Blue looks absolutely mortified holy fuck
Hey, there’s the scene from the promo. “You’d hurt your fellow diamond?” “Didn’t we hurt Pink? She was suffering in silence for ages, just like our gems, just like me!” Oh man, she does know that they’re responsible for a lot of bad shit, was their behavior all just…fear?
That face Yellow just made stabbed me in the heart jesus No don’t you dumb banana what are you doing holy shit! Oh my god no she’s gonna cry and then I’m gonna cry and she really just doesn’t wanna do this
Did he really just Did he really just hit her with “If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hotdogs” I can’t
Haha fuck yes! Yellow crying was my one wish for this ep :’D Let it all out Yellow, I’m sure Steven will give you hugs at some point Also kudos to the person that made the comic where the dialogue was almost exactly like this in regards to Yellow telling Blue to stop using her powers when she wasn’t doing anything
Oh! They’re calling him Steven now! They probably don’t get what he is still but that’s a good step
I’ve heard “You’re not going anywhere” in the commercial like 5 million times but it’s still creepy af
Oh hell no the ship did not need eyes no thank you
Ok I just thought he was trying to pull a “hey, what’s that” and run away while White looked to see what he was pointing at, but no it’s actually the two arm ships how the fuck did Bismuth fix them so fast (how long were the kids in prison jeeeeez). I like how it looks like there’s bandaids and duct tape on them lol But this might actually be a bad thing because why did you bring the arms, you’re going to make the mech stronger!
Dream: achieved! Ayyy, new designs! Nice glasses Peri, but they too big, so I like Lapis’s outfit more. I do love how you just have the lid to a garbage can, you could have found cooler things to surf on, but nope. Garbage can lid.
No don’t attach the arms that’s going to come back to bite you I just know it!
Man, the diamonds hopped on Team Steven quick, but I can’t be too upset with that because it is also what I wanted XD I guess they’ve been suffering a lot more than I thought.
That’s a nice sentiment Connie, and I’m surprised that the diamonds actually listened to what you said and considered it. Doubt it’ll work though.
Oh, they’ve still got control of their ships. I wonder how that particular bit of bullshit space magic works.
You got this Yellow! Don’t hold it in anymore! Oof, they don’t like the pressure they’re under, and they’re under a lot. The diamonds are responsible for a lot of awful things, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t conditioned and expected to fulfill their roles just as much as any other gem.
Aww, look at how Yellow is smiling, and I love how they’re holding hands! Bellow forever!
Oh that’s… Zero hesitation. Stone cold. I don’t like the way their heads flopped backwards, that’s really unsettling OK IT GOT WORSE STOP SMILING LIKE THAT D:
Steven I know you want them to reform but you should probably bubble them before…you…drop them, just like that.
I demand the BGM for this episode and will inevitably be sad when we don’t get it
Oh what, you can just do that? Fuse with a gem that’s not even formed?
o0o Rainbow 2.0! I had a guess that their weapon would be a parasol and it was even neater than I thought it would be Wow, they’re really, really British. That’s a British accent right, I’m not dumb? They’re just Mary Poppins, holy shit I love them! Jet umbrella leaves rainbow trail, ok yes thank you
Fire lady??? We fusing with everyone up in here today! Steven, in episode fucking 11: So, what’s today’s mission? I hope it’s fighting a giant foot! Today, in episode 157-160: a giant foot almost shatters everyone Well you sure got your wish buddy, are you happy?
Alright we got sunglasses mcgoo over here. Sunstone looks like a cereal box mascot I swear to god. So we’re going full “PSA mascot from the 90s”, are we. Man you are just…continually breaking the fourth wall aren’t you. Of course, Sardonyx also has the power to break the fourth wall so I guess it’s just a Future Vision+ thing. I like you Sunglasses McGoo, but I hope your weapon isn’t just suction cups or you’re never going to show up again in a fight xD
Fuckin rip Nice shades Garnet, I like what you did with your…idk what that piece of clothing is called but it’s the bit in the thin section of her body, I like the way the color goes onto her hips a little.
Oh OH SHIT IS IT REALLY TIME FOR THE LONG-THEORIZED TEMPLE FUSION That’s a lot of arms dude! Oh my god they are so cool I love them already!
Peri I love you, never don’t be ridiculous Oh geez I thought she wasn’t going to be able to catch her for a second because bismuth is a diamagnetic metal and *flashbacks of A Gem is Shattered being on the bingo card*
What’s this…staff thing? Ok that was extremely cool, your face is full of lava and you just made a sword from it. Goodbye hands I’m hearing Alexandrite’s percussion instrument in the music, that’s neat. Obsidian is also just roaring a lot, like Alexandrite.
Oh through the eyes, sure. Idk why she didn’t just close the eyelids to keep them out
With all the commotion and fusions, I totally forgot they got brainwashed, oof. It’s definitely not extremely unsettling to see them all talking at once with one voice, nope, not at all. Please stop talking, please stop talking, christ please stop talking
“But you’re a part of me” I-… Does that mean that the color theory where the other diamonds used to be part of White has more merit than I thought? Is that where they came from?
Nononono leave them alone! Oh god why
I don’t think that’s true, I’m pretty sure Pink was just a naturally social person who’s status forced her into loneliness. She just wanted some got dang friends
I DON’T THINK I’VE EVER BEEN SO CREEPED OUT IN MY LIFE. Why is this animation and these over-exaggerated faces reminding me of Cuphead. I’ve never played Cuphead but that’s what I’m thinking of.
(Edit from the future: Probably most of you didn’t have a commercial break after this moment, but I sure did, and I spent the entirety of those minutes with my hand covering my mouth in pure shock, tears trickling down my face. I was left to wonder…is Rose coming back? Is Steven dead? I was left with this image:
Tumblr media
I was so astounded that I had to pause for a moment and just breathe. And christ, having to wait just a few minutes in utter shock and terror was An Experience. I feel bad for those who didn’t have a break there.)
*quickly realizes that having half the screen still black means that we’re gonna have double perspective* Oh No Oh Shit Oh No is it really gonna be her?!
Oh thank goodness. Congratulations, you now have two Steves, whatever that means
Ok Steven’s still alive, but it looks like it’s excruciating to be without his gem. I’m glad he didn’t just fall apart without the light holding his cells together. How long can he last without his…soul?  Shit what do we call this, what even is this.
This is definitely not what she expected to happen. Oh jesus christ holy shit chill out dude, even White Diamond shook
It’s just…such a relief to finally know. I never believed that the show would abandon its themes of loss by having a miraculous return, but I still wanted to see her anyway. She’s gone.
So what is this guy, exactly? Does he have any conscious thought? Or is he just pure gem energy with the desire to return to his other half
“I only want you to be yourself!” Uh, White honey, you are literally doing the exact opposite thing. “I’ll do it for you!” That’s not how people work White, you are just not having a good time with this turn of events are you
That’s an…interesting shield. Who did Steven say that to, btw? Was he telling White to stop hurting them, or his other self to stop reflecting the attack? Cause White was also in the middle of being hurt, I think
Aww, they’re so happy! It’ll never not be creepy to see White’s voice coming out of Steven’s glass-eyed friends though.
Normally I don’t notice when something in a 2D cartoon is 3D animated, but that shot of White’s head was kind of jarring? I didn’t like it
Oh thank christ he’s alright! I wonder if the gemstone is gonna be turned the other way now? Wait no, it was still turned inside when we went through past reformations.
Oh wow, she’s actually just a 60 foot baby. Look at Steven and Connie laughing cause they’re getting bounced up into the air. Zing! Haha, she’s blushing so everyone’s blushing. …Ok did the ship really need to blush too, come on guys
Ok so whitewashing everyone is something you have to put some effort into controlling. She was literally putting parts of her mind into them.
Haha, good timing guys, you missed everything. Bismuth’s face tho, perfecto At least only Connie has to live with the trauma of seeing Steven get his gem ripped out.
Her face is still cracked? What…what are the cracks from if not from being mind-controlled mercilessly
Yes, congratulations, you are having an emotion. Oh, she’s actually a shade of pink now, what. There’s that color theory again. Guess whose turn it is to have an existential crisis? It’s you!
“I’m supposed to know better! I’m supposed to be better! I’m supposed to make everything better!” Wait, according to who? Theory that someone made her confirmed?
Oh hey, Beach City. It took me a good second to realize that Sadie was doing a remix of a Greg song. Cue a big-ass robot hitting the beach in three…two…one! BAM! A+ timing guys
Oh, White isn’t actually that much taller than the other two when they’re standing together like that. I could have sworn she was at least 100 feet tall, that’s a bit disappointing. Then again, it would be really hard to get her to fit in frame with everyone else. Does this mean that Pink actually might be undercooked after all? Cause when I thought White was 100 feet tall, Blue and Yellow were as proportionately small next to her as Pink was next to the two of them, but now I’m wondering again.
Me too, Ronaldo. Me too.
Uh, wow. Nice timing Lars. Those poor off-colors, it took them a million years to get to Earth and the first thing they see is all three diamonds staring at them. That sure is a mood, Rhodonite. Big mood.
Aww, Lion and Lars are gonna be bros. ‘You’re like me!’
Fucking hug each other you dumbs! God, you’re frustrating.
I demand to know how all three of them fit on the warp pad/inside Steven’s house! Tell me at once!
Oh, we’re doing this right now? I know there’s going to be a season 6, but what are we going to do in season 6? Sneeple? (Re)adjusting to earth shenanigans? Diamond family time?
Nephrites! Look at em all, I love ‘em! And Watermelon Tourmaline too! Ayy, it’s Biggs! I’ve always wondered what she looked like. Haha, if I wasn’t shipping Biggs/Bismuth before I sure am now.
Jasper! Wow that only took like two years for her to show up again. Also I just realized that everyone looks weird because they still have traces of corruption on them and not because they were Like That in the first place.
Oh boy Jasper, you’ve…you’ve missed a lot. I wanna know what Amethyst just told her that made her hide in the water in shame.
Boy that one in the middle with all the different colors is scaring me a little
It’s kind of funny how White Diamond went from Massively Threatening, Narcissistic Perfectionist to Completely Lost Almost Cute Child in a snap. I actually feel bad for killing her off in my fic now, whoops. Ah well, it’s an AU anyway so I’m not gonna retcon anything.
Alright who taught Yellow to make a peace sign
Alright who parked the legs on the cliff like that
All the songs in this arc have been named after the episode title they appear in, nice. I’m kind of disappointed that we didn’t get another diamond song but maybe that’s for later (a song about how everything is confusing now? or maybe about how they let Pink down and suffered themselves)
Welp, that’s a wrap. It is now once again time for hiatus. Yellow continues to be my favorite diamond after Pink; I really hope they all come visit Steven and learn stuff. I’m actually very surprised that they jumped ship so easily; it seems that they might understand that what they do is wrong but they do it anyway cause that’s what’s expected of them. Seems they were suffering a lot more than I thought, and I already thought they were hurting quite a bit.
And that brings me to the biggest question I have. Much like Blue and Yellow, White was acting as if someone told her to do this; it’s like she’s a rogue AI who’s original creators are long gone. I don’t know if I wanna see what White’s afraid of, cause up until the last 10 minutes or so of this ep she was the scariest thing I’d ever seen.
Who made White Diamond?
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
June 18 Dancitron Movie Night - Alien Resurrection
Both Tarantulas and Soundwave were there, so Prowl spent the whole movie night nervous that one of them was going to Say Something and startling every time he was touched. But he still managed to have an interesting discussion about what efforts ought to be taken to save endangered persons with a low probability of survival. (Prowl’s answer: barring extenuating circumstances, all efforts. Soundwave’s answer: maybe a lot of effort, but like, not if they’ve got a really low chance of survival, and/or their death would be particularly unpleasant.)
Thus far, even though they’ve now both got permission to talk about their relationships with Prowl, it seems like both Tarantulas and Soundwave are content to continue keeping it secret. That suits Prowl just fine.
Today Swoop ((I wasn't gonna come but then I saw what was up tonight and yes, we're gonna 90s this shit up)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((yooooooo!)) Swoop ((how you been?)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((pretty good! unpacking, drawing, settling in, etc)) Swoop ((that middle one sounds nice!)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((i'll show you some later!)) Swoop ((please do!)) VProwl *appears* ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave settles in for the night, more than ready to see this supposed fourth film.* Swoop *full on goofy ptero-scampers in* Prowl *arrives just after Swoop* Swoop Bird? :V VProwl *the room's filling up earlier than usual. disappointing.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Having spotted Prowl - and listened to his great big philosophical set of reasons for morals and saving people - Soundwave is just about ready to get up and scoop Prowl into one hell of an embrace. Maybe with some nibbles.*
*...Unfortunately, just as he stands up, two more mechs appear, which means it looks like he rose to greet them all. Soundwave just sort of awkwardly nods at everyone before sitting down on the couch, mildly revved up and with no outlet. And it'll probably get worse. Interesting night.* Swoop *scampers around, jumping on the occasional table in his pursuit of Bird* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Bird is - er. Laserbeak is... sulking. She's had some displeasing news.]] Prowl *it's ok, Soundwave, Prowl didn't see him move* ItsyBitsySpyers ((LMAO)) Swoop :V ??? VProwl *sits in his usual spot. with a little more space than usual.* Swoop What news??? *literally could not care less about the news* *just wants to BIrd* Tarantulas (( we forgive you for not themeing the music, cro (( WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS Smokescreen /Smokescreen's coming in to eggs. Yep! This is the right place!/ ItsyBitsySpyers ((alien movie! eggs)) Smokescreen Hey Eggwave! ItsyBitsySpyers *Immeeeeediately notices.*
@P: [[...Has he done something wrong?]]
[[Ah. Nothing you need concern yourself with at the moment.]] Smokescreen Soundegg! ItsyBitsySpyers @SP: [[Tonight will be Alien: Resurrection.]] Swoop Me Swoop want to Bird : < Us not hang out in foreeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Prowl @SW: Thank you. Smokescreen /Wait, wait, Swoop's here? He's waving at Swoop, before sitting down in his usual spot near Round Prowl!/ ItsyBitsySpyers [[He is certain she will want to be here next week. There will be an Earth rodent with an appreciation of food only she can parallel.]] Prowl *will check to see if there's any audio description available while everyone else gets settled in* ItsyBitsySpyers ((FIFTEEN MINUTES grab your drinks and food and all that)) Smokescreen Wait, are we watching Ratatoing next week? Prowl You're showing a movie about Earth food next week? ItsyBitsySpyers [[What? No. No. It is a movie about a spider. And a pig. But the movie is not named for the pig.]] Swoop *flops with EVERY BIT OF DRAMA he has in his thin body, splaying his wings and legs out like the distraught rug that he is* Smokescreen OHHH oohh I know that one! Based on a book, right? Swoop *look how upset he is* Smokescreen ... Hey Swoop, want a cake? Swoop *everyone needs to appreciate how much he wants to see Bird RIGHT NOW* Prowl Ah. Swoop ... Her Bird like cake Smokescreen ... Maybe if I give you cake, bird will come? /He's offering a cake to Swoop!/ Smokescreen /Fresh from his subspace./ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Oh, no. He can guarantee you that she will not come down tonight. But she will eat the cake when everyone is gone.]] Swoop *transforms so he can hold the cake* *takes it and just holds it* Smokescreen ... It's okay for you to eat that cake if you want! Tarantulas *will tarantulas arriving help with swoop's mood a little too? let's see. in comes the spidermech, it's been a while* VProwl *he was so tense he missed the question* @S «What? No. Why?» *oh, and now Tarantulas is here, and Prowl's even more tense.* Swoop *digs his claws in a little bit and grins* Cake pretty weak thing. Look. *he holds it up and scratches the side* It in ..... tiers! Kehehhehehehh Smokescreen /Is about to wave excitedly at Messy, but stops himself- maybe Messy wants to stick with Prowl tonight?/ ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave taps the space between himself and Prowl and glances over at him. That's wh-- oh. Okay, he'll just make room for Tarantulas. Maybe that's why there's space.* *Soundwave huffs at the tiers joke.* [[Not bad, Swoop.]] VProwl ((cro why are you torturing us)) Tarantulas (( srsly ItsyBitsySpyers ((to prepare you for the real horror ahead)) Smokescreen //this is like dinner and 2 shows Swoop *perks up and then preens at the compliment* *still has cake hands* Smokescreen ... /He's going to offer Swoop another cake, this time a different flavor. Maybe he's picky!/ Swoop *takes whatever is offered to him but doesn't do anything with it* Smokescreen ... Are you feeling okay, Swoop? If you like a different flavor, just let me know! Tarantulas *yup, smokey's right, tara's a little focused on vprowl, gonna settle right in with him as soon as possible. how much semi-subtle touching can he get away with, hm?* Swoop Me Swoop am FEELING *squishes some cake between his fingers* good! *absolute shiteating grin* Tarantulas *...narrowed visor at soundwave. why this* Why hello to you too, Soundwave. Smokescreen ... I'm glad! You should eat cake with your mouth, though. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Greetings. It has been a while.]]
*Places a smiley on his screen. Just saying hello, dear spide.*
[[Please. Do not squash cake everywhere. We have enough to clean after weekends.]] Prowl ...is this meant to be a lesson in futility? Swoop *looks back and forth between Smokescreen and Soundwave* Smokescreen I think it's like, a reference to this ancient greek myth humans have about this guy who has to roll this ball up a hill every day, and start over again! Probably! ItsyBitsySpyers [[That depends. Have you lost all hope?]] Swoop *isn't totally clear on what the consensus is here* *just wants to give cake to Bird* ........ *wipes his hand off on his chest, problem solved* Prowl What purpose did rolling the ball up the hill serve? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Put the cake on the bar and go clean your hands in the si--...... Fine.]] Smokescreen I'm not really sure! Maybe doing it, like, kept the Earth moving or something? That's what a lot of those early myths are like. Like, I think this one guy got like, executed for giving everyone fire and opening this box of misfortune. Prowl ((OMG CRO ((BANNED ItsyBitsySpyers ((I AIN'T SORRY BOUT NOTHIN)) Tarantulas (( o m f g Swoop ((jesus christ XDD)) Prowl ((YOU SHOULD BE SORRY Smokescreen ((cro is a treasure Swoop *has no idea what's going on, focused instead on putting the two pieces of cake from Smokescreen on top of each other for maximum cake* ItsyBitsySpyers ((all right that's enough of that)) Prowl Hm. ItsyBitsySpyers ((we're just waiting for one person to get back and then we'll start)) Swoop Soundwave! *holds up the double cake* Where can cake for Her BIRD? ItsyBitsySpyers [[On the bar, where he told you. She will not come down today, which he also told you.]] Swoop :< Smokescreen /He's going to quietly ping Messy before he goes over to the bar to try to help himself./ ItsyBitsySpyers ((WARNINGS: OKAY. This is basically the completely incorrectly done Alien movie that should've had the tagline A Squick For Every Moviegoer. It has all the pointless edge that late 90s/early 00s movies loved. If you already can't stand a regular Alien movie, you'll probably want to sit this one out. More specific warnings more or less in order with some throughout: Weird organic tissue intro, visible surgery with internal contents, flashing lights (really bad after the flamethrower incident and in the water and one other time I forget), frankly unnecessary blood and gore/violence/death, incidents of ableism and/or dehumanizing talk, sexist or misogynist talk, incidents of mostly-nudity, foul language, body horror, hypodermic-like imagery, weird alien pregnancy, grotesque final alien scene, super shaky camera.)) Swoop *goes and puts the cake on the bar, wiping his hands off on himself one last time for good measure* VProwl *tarantulas can get away with semi-subtle touching only up to the point where it's firm enough that Prowl can feel it. at which point he startles almost out of his seat.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[The SINK, Swoop.]] Swoop Sink? *cocks his head, why would you put cake in the sink....?* OH! For -- *he holds up his hands* Smokescreen ... /Trying to sneak a bite of the bar cake now while he's here!/ ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[...Before we begin. He promised that he would be careful not to show anything with... that, for two weeks. He does not know if you remember that the xenomorph organics tend to puncture skulls with their inner jaws as a fatal blow. Will this trouble you, or should he proceed as planned?]] VProwl @S «Oh—that's fine. Head trauma is fine.» *were they reading the brains they ate? no. ... probably. ... no. they definitely weren't.* ItsyBitsySpyers ((rabbit can you PLEASE not have five thousand pop-ups)) Swoop *actually uses the sink like a person who has been indoors before, everyone thank Ratchet for making this great day possible* ItsyBitsySpyers *Nods and commands the projector to start playing. Leaves the smiley on his visor.* Swoop *scampers over to the seats before immediately stopping, unsure of what to do with himself* Tarantulas *nope, touching is definitely heavy enough to be felt. when prowl startles, tarantulas startles right back* Prowl? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...This is the most disgusting introduction.]] VProwl *pings alternate, video feed* What? What. Nothing. Smokescreen ... Is it really that bad? It just looked slimy. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Same thing, most times.]] Swoop *stands still - legs shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent - and looks at the space in front of him, waiting for something to prompt him* Smokescreen You're not a fan of Slime, Slimewave? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Swoop. Take a seat.]] Swoop *plops down exactly where he was standing* Tarantulas May I...? *clearly ready to cuddle prowl again* *also pings smokey back* Swoop *scoots on his butt closer to everyone else* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Precious.]] Smokescreen /This time sends two pings back!/ Smokescreen Is that how humans- you know- Swoop *scoot scoot* Tarantulas *three pings to smokey then* Smokescreen /this time, he does 5! 3 + 2!/ Smokescreen ((DANGIT i had a drink for this and this fly just comes swooping in to get in my drink 😧 )) ItsyBitsySpyers ((BAD FLY)) VProwl *tries to look at Tarantulas without looking away from the screen, so his alternate can keep watching.* ... What? Smokescreen ((drunk fly now)) ItsyBitsySpyers *Nudges Tarantulas.* [[Number eight.]] Swoop *finally is close enough to someone or something to rest his helm on it and watch the screen* ZAP Tarantulas Eight? Swoop Why Them zap face? ItsyBitsySpyers [[To make her let the doctor go.]] Swoop WHy Smokescreen That human sounded kinda like Ratchet vaguely for a klik! ItsyBitsySpyers [[So he would not die.]] Swoop Why ItsyBitsySpyers [[He does not know.]] *Perks. Majesty?* Tarantulas *ahh, eight, he sees* Blaster -what did he walk in on?- Swoop It wet Blaster Oh....wow ItsyBitsySpyers *Tiny vent. What fabulous design.* Tarantulas *to prowl* May I touch? ItsyBitsySpyers *He wonders how much battering damage the crest can take in battle.* Swoop *slooowly slides down to lay on the floor on his belly* *wings ouuuuuuutttt* *watch your feet* VProwl ... Sure. Yes. ItsyBitsySpyers ((fun fact: in a deleted scene they say walmart bought weyland yutani out)) Smokescreen ... How much do you bet they're all gonna go offline again? VProwl ((omg)) Smokescreen ((canon Swoop ((oh man I forgot about that, too good)) Blaster -well, he's in the room now, and kinda curious about this- ItsyBitsySpyers [[...."Urban pacification".]] [[So they mean to loose the organics on citizens who do not--]] *HUFF* [[Tame them. How amusing.]] [[On citizens who do not comply, likely for good reason.]] Blaster ....this isn't going to end well, is it? Prowl Ugh. Smokescreen Man- I kinda hope they all get their just desserts with those kinda ideas Swoop *IMMEDIATELY FLAILS WITH EXCITEMENT and spins around to sit on his heels with a gigantic grin* THAT! THAT! Tarantulas *promptly slips his hand in prowl's and wraps half of his arms around him, settling in* Swoop YOU SEE, you see FALLEN KINGDOM trailer???? : > VProwl *TENSENESS INTENSIFIES* Swoop *bounces* You Soundwave see? It THAT! *points* What You said! ItsyBitsySpyers [[What?]] Swoop NEW Jurassic World movie!!!!!! Me Swoop want to see! Us DINOBOTS want to SEE! Blaster -he's gonna sit somewhere out of the way of the flailing- ItsyBitsySpyers [[Another one? If the twins have their way, you will. Eventually.]] [[Greetings, Blaster.]] Swoop *hops and chirps* Blaster Ah. Hello, Soundwave. Tarantulas *omg prowl relax, this isn't much more touching than usual is it* Swoop Jurassic World! Jurassic World! Jurassic World! VProwl *it's different now* Tarantulas *...fair* Swoop *keeps bouncing around and chirping about Jurassic World, it's going to take a lot to stop him* ItsyBitsySpyers *What about a feeler wrapped around his mouth.* Swoop *immediately starts to CHOMP but has enough of his birdy brain about him not to go through with it (completely)* Smokescreen /Smokescreen's wincing at the feeler coming out. Ew ew ew./ Blaster -WELL then, that's one way to silence a Dinobot- Wait.... ItsyBitsySpyers *C a r e f u l l y extricates his feeler from Swoop's mouth. Ugh.* Blaster Are those other humans? ItsyBitsySpyers [[They are.]] [[Welcome to government military projects.]] Blaster Wait Tarantulas *snorts at the "project"* Blaster No Swoop *bleehh* *one slobbery feeler for soundwave* Smokescreen I wanna play that game! Blaster They purposefully... ItsyBitsySpyers *Huffing at her mocking him. She continues to be a favorite human, even as a partially inhuman clone.* Swoop KAH! Her hit! ItsyBitsySpyers [[And yes, they did.]] [[The creatures require external hosts for part of the process.]] Blaster ....yikes Smokescreen I wanna DO that kinda move! Swoop *hasn't been paying much attention but he perks up when he hears that whistle, he knows that "get over here" whistle* Prowl It's not that difficult. ItsyBitsySpyers ((fun fact 2: sigourney actually performed that shot herself)) Tarantulas Corrosive...? Hm. Smokescreen I guess! But it looks cool! ... what's with the feet thing don't like that Blaster Was her blood eating through the metal? ItsyBitsySpyers [[It was.]] VProwl ((how many tries did it take her)) Swoop *pays the tiniest bit more attention since he knows that condescending noise* Smokescreen ((can you imagine the bloopers Swoop *probably everyone with a beastmode does tbh* Blaster Either that's really weak metal, or her blood isn't human ItsyBitsySpyers ((i believe they gave her six total to try it in herself and she hit it on the last one)) ((the crew burst into immediate applause, which is why there was a cut right there)) Swoop ((Yeah I want to say I remember them saying they were going to fake it but she went for it one last time and BOOM)) *pats at the nearest person to him* What happen? In movie. ItsyBitsySpyers *Look at them. Look at them sleeping curled up.* Tarantulas (( wHAT ItsyBitsySpyers [[Hah.]] Swoop *pat pat pat* Prowl *congrats, it's Prowl, who pulls out of Swoop's reach quickly* They cloned the Ripley human from the other documentaries in order to extract the alien from her. She appears to be more than human. ItsyBitsySpyers *Has an idea or two why.* Prowl And the military started a breeding program. Foolishly. Swoop *has no idea what any of that means but scoots closer to Prowl, still sitting on the floor* Why them in room? With button. Prowl To torture the alien into listening to them. They think it can be trained. Smokescreen I think the lesson is that all militaries are fragged. Swoop Why listen? :s Tarantulas *internal screm at "baby"* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Trained to hate them, perhaps. As it should. Keeping perfection locked away - hmph.]] Swoop *leans on Prowl's leg* Blaster .............. Prowl *pulls leg away* Don't do that. Swoop Do what Prowl Don't touch me. You can sit where you are. Swoop Why ItsyBitsySpyers [[Ah... so that transferred, too.]] Prowl Because I asked you not to. Swoop Why Blaster -what's wrong with lab-grown- Prowl *sighs* Because. That is the only answer I need to give you. Swoop ............. *reaches out and touches the very tip of Prowl's ped with the very very tip of his claw* Smokescreen Swoop, bad. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Swoop, do not touch the other guests if they have told you not to touch them.]] Prowl *pulls away* Stop. Smokescreen If you keep touching, Bird won't come out for sure. ItsyBitsySpyers *Pings Prowl. Did you see that shot.* Swoop Him Soundwave say no Bird AT ALL tonight VProwl *STARTS* @S «What?» Smokescreen But Bird especially won't show up if you keep touching Prowl. Swoop Why Smokescreen because ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[The human performed an excellent ricochet shot to shoot the one behind him.]] Swoop Keheh! Because WHY Blaster .............. VProwl @S «Oh. Yes. I saw.» ItsyBitsySpyers [[A noble sacrifice.]] Blaster -slowly hides face- Smokescreen Because because! Keep your servos off of Prowl or else- uhh- you'll get grounded. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Because you have been ordered not to touch them, and if you disobey, he will bridge you home. Again.]] [[And you will not see any of the fighting.]] Swoop *fluffs up his armor and flairs his wings at Smokescreen's very poorly worded threat* Smokescreen Yeah, that too. You'll miss all the good bits! Prowl *scoffs* ItsyBitsySpyers [[So clever.]] Swoop You Smokescreen not STRONG enough to GROUND Me Swoop! Blaster Yikes Smokescreen I mean- Sounds is the one that'll ground you. I'm just saying that it'll happen! Just don't touch Prowl and there won't be any problems! I'll even give you a snack. Swoop NO ONE ground Me Swoop! *flaps his wings once at Smokescreen for emphasis* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He will.]] Smokescreen ... Not that kinda ground. Ground like- no fun stuff ever. Swoop *vents RATHER warm air* ItsyBitsySpyers *Trying to hide that he's shaking. Clever AND opportunistic.* *If unfortunate.* ((this is so goddamn unnecessary)) Swoop *leans in towards Smokescreen, wings still flared* Try! Prowl *Prowl's going to move to another seat away from Swoop before she considers putting Swoop in stasis cuffs* Blaster -STILL covering face- -he doesn't like this movie- Swoop ((While there is a lot to criticize in this movie, I gotta say that I love the set design. There is something about this ship that is charming to me. Just matches the douchey atmosphere lol)) *would absolutely flip shit if someone put cuffs on him* Smokescreen /Smokescreen's pushing Swoop's face away/ Come on, Swoop! You made Prowl move. Be good. Prowl ((it's a good design, creepy and efficient Swoop *locks his joints and digs his toes into the flooring so that Smokescreen's attempts are completely ineffective at moving him an inch* Me Swoop NOT good. Me DINOBOT. Smokescreen ... /In that case, he's pulling his servo away, and then turning on the phase shifter, reaching to just put a servo in Swoop's arm, if possible./ Be a Dinobot that acts good, then! Blaster -uncovers face- ....what just...actually no, I don't wanna know ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave leans forward to look around Tarantulas and bobs his helm at Prowl.*
[[Surely with all the organics that Cybertronians of your world encountered, you've run into situations similar to these? Or run calculations on potential scenarios.]] Swoop *goes from looming to owlishly blinking in cartoon curiosity in an instant* What THAT? 😮 VProwl Define "similar to these." Smokescreen What? This? /He's pulling his servo away again/ This is my arm! Swoop ((this movie is so gay)) You a ghost! 😮 ItsyBitsySpyers [[Beings capable of at least picking off Cybertronians, if not outright slaughtering them, breaking into or infesting a base.]] Smokescreen I am! You got me! Tarantulas *curious about sw's question* Swoop Cool! *plops back with his legs kicked out in front of him, full toddler style* VProwl Yes. We commonly called them "soldiers." ... Because they were soldiers. Smokescreen Isn't it? Watch this! /He's adjusting the phase shifter just a bit more, to start to go through the couch./ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Not Decepticons. Aliens of some type.]] VProwl I'm talking about aliens. Swoop Whoooooaaa! ItsyBitsySpyers [[Oh?]] Swoop *claps* VProwl If I was talking about Decepticons, I'd have said "Decepticons." Smokescreen /Grinning like a dork, slowly sliding down. His legs are probably wiggling about if there's a floor below them!/ Swoop *reaches out and tries to poke Smokescreen with his toe* VProwl We didn't cross paths with aliens that via their natural endowments were easily capable of infiltrating and annihilating Cybertronians, because when we saw ones with that potential, we did what these humans did not: left their planets alone. Smokescreen /Swoop's just going to go through Smokescreen! But Smokescreen does laugh at the feeling./ Swoop *squawks* Awesome! You Smokescreen do ghost stuff for fight?? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...Given the estimate you once told him, there must not have been many of those.]] *Briefly forgets his question, staring at the tubes* Blaster Yikes.... Smokescreen I do! I once escaped the Decepticons with my ghost powers! And ended up getting them to take each other out! Swoop You can rip out GUTS with ghost stuff? 😮 VProwl We went to the planets the Decepticons went to. And the Decepticons went to the planets with the organics that scared them: highly intelligent, highly civilized, highly organized, highly technologically advanced. Tarantulas Are they preserved or alive...? ItsyBitsySpyers [[THAT one is alive.]] Tarantulas Well, clearly. Blaster I don't....holy.... Smokescreen I've never tried that! But I caaaaan do this! /He's pulling himself up again, and is starting to pull a small cube of energon out of his chest!/ Swoop *hears a familiar noise and looks at the screen with excitement* ItsyBitsySpyers *Shakes his helm. At least the clone gave her predecessor that much.* Swoop *is distracted from Smokescreen by the fact fire exists* *sorry, buddy, fire wins* VProwl *squints at the fire* Blaster -face covered again- Smokescreen /That's fair! He's putting the cube back in for later/ Swoop Her BURN tank :V Tarantulas *snrk* I suppose if they were alive, the matter is moot now. Swoop Her burn HIM kehehhehh Blaster -too much fire- Swoop Aww.... *disappointed* Kehehe Smokescreen This movie's getting pretty hot! VProwl ((cmon. you managed to write a funny line and then you immediately fucked it up.)) Swoop Her have fire in a gun Dinobots have fire in FACE kehehh ItsyBitsySpyers ((a round of applause for early whedon everyone)) ((i say sarcastically)) Swoop (🚢) ItsyBitsySpyers [[What was he...]]
[[Ah. What he was going to ask: How would you handle all of this? Do you believe the chances of survival-- Primus, this is brighter than Ravage said.]] Smokescreen Hey, Swoop, wanna see a neat trick? Swoop Yes! Smokescreen /He's settled on the couch again, and this time is ready to just pull a cube of energon out of his own chest!/ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Why didn't they turn the light on to start with.]] *Irritable buzz.* [[Do you believe the chances of survival are high enough to warrant trying anything at all, or would it be better to spare everyone their more gruesome deaths and terminate them?]] Smokescreen ... Is that what everyone does? Just sniff each other? Swoop Kahahah! That good trick! Next time, you pull SWORD! Smokescreen Is that what you're supposed to do with a nose? Haha- I need a sword first! Whiiiich- Omicron ((*omie peers in*)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((yo)) Smokescreen Swoop look there's fire on the screen! VProwl I don't know the layout of this facility, but I'd say their odds of survival are somewhere under twenty percent. If they kill themselves, their odds of survival are zero percent. Omicron ((Icy may not show up, but I'm derping around) Swoop Me can fire on SWOOP ekhehehh ItsyBitsySpyers *Is abruptly reminded of the metrotitan limerick. Flashes bright, hunches over to hide it, and trembles.* Smokescreen Just- look over there, Swoop! Swoop *looks* Smokescreen /He's quickly taking a practice sword out of his subspace and is sticking it in his chest, wincing- this is not pleasant for his spark at all!/ Swoop *looks back* *ERUPTS in laughter* ItsyBitsySpyers [[SMOKESCREEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING]] Smokescreen ... Nothing? Swoop You Smokescreen look DEAD Smokescreen /He's shifting and pretending he didn't just do that./ ItsyBitsySpyers *Getting to his feet* [[PUT THAT SWORD AWAY AT ONCE]] Smokescreen It is away! It's inside me- Swoop *CACKLES* Omicron ((you will make make icy show up in her feral state doing that smokey, nuu .0.)) Smokescreen ... Wait, yeah, frag, I forgot. Sorry, Sounds. Tarantulas They swim so well! ItsyBitsySpyers *Is distracted by them swimming. They swim? Of course they swim. There's nothing they can't do but fly, is there? And maybe even that, if they get the right host.* [[They do everything well.]] Smokescreen /He's pulling the sword out of him and is putting it back in his subspace. That is waaaay less painful, thank Primus./ Swoop *literally ROLLS on the floor laughing at Smokescreen's trick* ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave turns back to watch Smokescreen for a second to make sure that sword isn't coming back out, then sits down.* Smokescreen /He's smiling now- hey, he got Swoop laughing!/ Tarantulas But I do wonder how exactly they adapted for swimming? Ah.... *snrks* Smokescreen /He is never doing that trick again./ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Superior lung capacity, no doubt.]] Tarantulas No, I mean - how they managed to evolve the capacity. VProwl They're modified based on their hosts' bodies, aren't they? Humans can swim. Tarantulas Not that well, honestly. Swoop *eventually rolls to a stop and watches the screen just in time* ItsyBitsySpyers [[So many interruptions. Twenty percent, twenty percent. Would you continue to assist them down to the one percent? What if you knew the percentage had dropped to zero at last? How would you handle matters then?]] Swoop KAH! EXPLODE! VProwl It hasn't dropped to zero percent until they're dead. Blaster -so much no- Smokescreen /He's finally turning off the phase shifter, lying down on the couch. He's really exhausted from all that!/ VProwl There's no advantage to giving up on survival before you're dead. Unless you've got something more important to do than try to survive. These people don't. Swoop *pushes himself up into a sitting position using his wings* Swoop Keheh Him bad at aim OH Explode :V Tarantulas *SNORTS* Swoop *thrashes with laughter and looks at Tarantulas* Him shoot LITTLE spider ItsyBitsySpyers [[...You are much more - hmm. Optimistic? Determined?]] *Taps a finger, thinking.* [[...Selfless. Than him, he thinks.]] [[He has much to learn.]] Tarantulas He was awfully mean about it. That spider did nothing to him, other than be in the wrong place at the wrong time. VProwl Am I? I just see no rational reason to give up on them. Swoop *grins* Maybe it RIDE bullet PCHOOOO! Smokescreen There needs to be more spider-loving movies Tarantulas There do. There certainly do. Swoop Spiderman movie like spiders Smokescreen ooh- Spidey's fun! I love Spidey VProwl *oh, a robot. finally, a character worth investing in.* Smokescreen Why is this Ripley so... not ripley ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[...Do cables into arm ports count?]] Smokescreen like I know she's a clone but VProwl @S «... She's in control.» *yes. it counts.* Swoop *doesn't have any reaction at all to Call being able to plug stuff into her arm, may be a little young to fully digest biological differences between species* ItsyBitsySpyers ((i was considering it like basic plug n play but it occurs to me that it looks like a needle)) ((god damn it)) VProwl ((the robot was in control, crisis very narrowly averted.)) Blaster -is it safe now?- ItsyBitsySpyers ((IF THERE IS A *SINGLE.* *NEEDLE.* IN CHARLOTTE'S WEB I AM THROWING HOLLYWOOD INTO A BIN)) Swoop *rolls back onto his belly* VProwl *... but it's enough to make the back of his neck very slightly prickle.* Tarantulas ...If she clears a path to the Betty, won't that mean the remaining aliens are more than capable of following the path as well? Swoop *kicks his feet slowly* Them in space Them just *throws his arms open and makes a whooshing noise* NO more people in ship Dead *rests his cheek on the floor* That boring. Them caaaaaaaan *grins* Mortal Kombat VProwl *ugh. a robot that thinks being a robot is disgusting and wants to be organic. never mind.* Smokescreen Hey! What's so great about being human anyway? Swoop Her Carly is human 😆 Tarantulas They're incredibly egotistical and apparently anything created by them shares that characteristic. Smokescreen Humans are good, but there's nothing worse about not being one Blaster -peers between digits- VProwl They programmed them that way. Swoop ego-tis-tickle tissssssssssssstickle kehehh Smokescreen ... why are humans so awful to mecha anyway Swoop eggo tis tickle ItsyBitsySpyers [[He was never one to assist most mechs to the very end. Deployers, perhaps. Those to whom he's sworn his loyalty or his spark. The rest... rarely below ten percent. Almost never under five.]]
[[Your earlier answer to that greyface makes him wonder what percent he is obligated to assist at now.]] Tarantulas *pings sw, the queen, eh?* Blaster -hides face again- ItsyBitsySpyers *And now he's leaning way off the couch to see.* *Pings Tarantulas back with an affirmative.* Swoop *holds his own feet* Soundwave When fighting movie? VProwl Well, I've got a /recommended/ number. But my answer isn't yours. I don't know what your philosophical outlook is. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Unclear, these days.]] *Pause.* [[He'd take notes and think on them if you had more lectures.]] Swoop :V VProwl Hm. I said more in that reply then I generally like to say in a week. Swoop *laughs his ass off at this guy getting his faces smashed* *laughs so hard he ends up squeaking* ItsyBitsySpyers *Points.* [[That was a valiant death.]] VProwl It was. Tarantulas *oh dear. oh. dear* ItsyBitsySpyers *....Slow head tilt.* Blaster -keeping face covered- ItsyBitsySpyers [[And that's. New.]] Swoop *is not even remotely getting what is happening here, just playing with his toes between fight scenes* Omicron ((aaaand this is why aliens of all kinds are scared of how humans give birth)) Smokescreen w what is this ItsyBitsySpyers [[........What is THAT?]] Prowl *this movie is going to make Prowl think human reproduction is even worse than it actually is* ItsyBitsySpyers *Fascinated. Not quite as much as he is by the xenomorphs. But it's an interesting... mutation? Is that what it is?* Tarantulas *sad noises* ItsyBitsySpyers *Manages not to say anything aloud. If Tarantulas is touching him, though, he'll get a wave of shock and sadness.* Swoop *has not even remotely been payign enough attention for this but he chirps back when the baby does* It bite! ItsyBitsySpyers *And then concern.*
@T: [[Tell him you are not at risk for any of - of that.]] VProwl ((well his son DID almost kill him)) Tarantulas *startles, then almost laughs aloud* @SW: ::Primus - Primus no.:: VProwl *startles when Tarantulas startles.* Tarantulas *soothes prowl with pets* Blaster -peers at screen again- VProwl *startles again* Swoop *starts slowly rolling around the floor again, he's a baby bird on a mission, not clear what the mission is but BY GOD is he going to roll for it* Smokescreen ... /Looking over and pinging Tarantulas again when he hears sad spider sounds./ Tarantulas *more pets, that totally works right* VProwl *now that he knows to expect them he just holds very still.* Blaster -COVERS face again- ItsyBitsySpyers *Well, at least he knows how to terrify this Blaster if it ever comes to that.* @T: [[Are you *certain?*]] Blaster -that's mean Soundwave- Swoop *bumps into a chair* Tarantulas *pings smokey reassurance, then back to sw* @SW: ::I'm quite certain, yes.:: ItsyBitsySpyers [[It really must be more careful with its toys.]] Blaster -isn't going to check this time- ItsyBitsySpyers [[Though he must say he does not care for the changes the excess human genetic material brings. It's less... clean looking. Even the hive material changed. Like flesh instead of shell.]] Smokescreen Man- that xenomorph looks WAY creepier VProwl "Clean looking"? Swoop *laughs cause he can guess what is coming* Tarantulas *oh poor thing, tarantulas feels awful for the look it gave her* VProwl The typical ones are made of drool. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Perhaps. But it is drool on a smooth and segmented surface.]] Swoop Ewwww!! *is DELIGHTED* ItsyBitsySpyers [[....How terrible.]] Swoop KAHAHA CHUNKS! Smokescreen ... Man, they really draw out the really upset noises Tarantulas At least it didn't last too terribly long. Swoop Dead! VProwl ((WOW that was a lot worse than i was expecting it to be)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((are you ok???)) VProwl ((yeah im ok)) Swoop ((that is one of the gnarliest on screen deaths ever imo)) Prowl *Prowl opted to not ask for visuals tonight and feels like she made the right choice* Blaster -peers at screen again- Swoop *is absolutely all grins and sunshine after that level of gore* VProwl ((oh, prowl offered her a feed at the start of the movie)) ItsyBitsySpyers [[....Poor creature.]] Omicron ((it was bad x.x)) VProwl ((i guess we'll say it wasn't accepted??)) Smokescreen Why do humans make this kinda thing so much? Swoop What thing? Prowl ((go for it, i must have missed it since I have 8 million tabs open atm ItsyBitsySpyers [[Even if it was a strange alternative to its predecessors.]] Smokescreen All this gory slag. Swoop Gore is AWESOME It BEST thing :V Smokescreen I mean, I'd be pretty good if I didn't have to see if for another million years! Tarantulas Yes, it didn't quite deserve that sort of death. And to be betrayed by one it thought its mother... Blaster ...not like I needed to recharge tonight.... ItsyBitsySpyers [[You'll get more work done, Blaster. Cheer up.]] [[...Well, it shouldn't have terminated the one who WAS its mother.]] Smokescreen Sounds- I'm still pretty exhausted, can I recharge on your couch? Blaster -huffs- Prowl There was a great deal of unnecessary termination in this film. ItsyBitsySpyers [[No recharging on his couch. If you require a space to rest, there are inns in New Praxus.]] Swoop *pulls out a datapad from subspace and pokes here, there, and everywhere until he finds some pictures of what happens when you don't respect the coffin corner and get your goddamn wings ripped off* *holds up the datapad in front of Smokescreen's face* Smokescreen . . . I don't think I can get up, Soounds, that's the problem. Prowl Are you all right? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...........Did you phase yourself into his couch.]]
((mark time: 10: 15)) Smokescreen I'm fine! I'm fine! Just kinda drained. ... Only a little. I can phase myself out after I rest for a bit. Swoop *hears screaming on screen just in time to catch the chicken going at the guy and LOSES IT* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Just. Just take the couch with you.]] Prowl I can cut him out of it. Smokescreen sounds I don't even I can get up with the couch prowl nooooo Swoop *gasps* Me Swoop can help! *flexes claws* Blaster .... Smokescreen /Smokescreen's turning the phase shifter on, and is starting to sink into the couch./ Smokescreen /Draining his energon a bit more, but he told Swoop he's a ghost, and he's sticking to it./ VProwl *mumbles* Don't give away your furniture. Swoop ((this baby is literally swoop)) ((people screaming no, him rockking back and forth to do the thing)) Tarantulas (( at least he KINDA did listen ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks at Prowl and just makes a frustrated hand motion at Smokescreen.* [[What is he supposed to do, let the mech stay here overnight?]] Swoop Me Swoop can get. Me Swoop can DROP outside! SMASH. Then Smokescreen fall out : > Smokescreen No, no no no, Swoop. It'll be fine. Look! VProwl He said he'd pull himself out. Omicron ((send him to dreaded wings and give smokey a shock?)) Smokescreen /With the phase shifter on, he's rolling himself out, just kinda lying on the floor. He's not stuck, though!/ Prowl Hm. Swoop *snickers and scampers around Smokescreen on all fours* Smokescreen swooooop please Swoop Hi : > Smokescreen Hiiii Swoop- you want candy again? ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks from Prowl to Smokescreen and back.*
[[How did any of the Autobots deal with yours. Please. Any hints at all.]] Swoop Her Bird like candy! Blaster ....was that a chicken? ItsyBitsySpyers [[No, that's a sheep.]] VProwl Ours isn't anything like that. Smokescreen ... pfpff Blaster ow ItsyBitsySpyers [[In that case, is there a way to officially take your Soundwave's place.]] VProwl Last I heard he was on Earth trying to lead the Decepticons with Galvatron. I wouldn't recommend it. Swoop *places both of his palms squarely on the floor and rolls himself up into a handstand* *straightens up and grins* *ta da* Swoop ((look its' swoop)) Blaster ...I'm....going to go now Smokescreen /He's honestly starting to fall into recharge on the floor. Using the phase shifter does drain him after a while!/ ItsyBitsySpyers [[We can send that one away. He'll change his paint job and tell everyone the med bay ran out of replacement armor after a battle.]] *Polite applause for Swoop.* VProwl *huff* Have fun working with humans. Swoop *curls up enough to spring up and flip onto his feet* *DRAMATIC bow* ItsyBitsySpyers *Shudders.* [[He'll take Smokescreen.]] Prowl ((i assume she won Swoop *is less than impressed by the audience he has here* ...... *griiiiiiiiiiiins* Blaster G'night -up and leaving- Swoop *DASHES over to smack Tara's shoulder but doesn't stick around, SPRINTING for the door instead* Blaster ((thanks for the stream and nightmares ItsyBitsySpyers ((you're welcome. try to sleep well, for real)) *Manages to catch Swoop with a bridge anyway. How d'you like them apples.* Tarantulas *looks infinitely offended by this assault, almost enough to get up and run after swoop, but thinks better of it and just curses for a moment* Smokescreen /Smokescreen would clap, but he really did doze off. It might work to just throw Smokescreen into a bridge./ Swoop *A VALIANT EFFORT WAS MADE and he shrieks with laughter all the way out* Prowl I think I'll be leaving now. Good night... everyone. ItsyBitsySpyers *He's in a mood because of the queen's fate, so Smokescreen gets a bridge. And so does his own Prowl, because why not.* Prowl *...well, that saved her a drive* VProwl Good n— *... and then she's gone.* Smokescreen /He'll have to thank Soundwave for the bridge later!/ Prowl *her mood's been down since the Swoop incident earlier, so getting back to Praxus quicker is probably for the best* VProwl ... What did she do to deserve that? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Nothing. He thought she might not want to run into Swoop if he came back.]] *Tap tap.* [[That, and he prefers to keep her on her toes.]] Omicron ((*waves* I'm gonna duck out, the end of the movie was fun 😊 have to try and work on icy's first plot thing on the blog)) VProwl ((*waves* good luck with plot)) Tarantulas Rude, but helpful. Omicron ((thank you! anyone is welcome to pop over for it)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((thank you for being here! good luck!!)) Prowl ((good luck! Smokescreen ((hope plot goes well : o! Tarantulas *is clinging to prowl a little more now that there aren't so many people there, if it's permitted* VProwl *it's permitted.* *... relaxes marginally.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Congratulations on officially dating, by the way.]] VProwl *stiffly* Thanks. Tarantulas *huffs, strangely awkward* I - thank you, I suppose? It seems like an odd thing to give congratulations for. ItsyBitsySpyers *...Wow. Prowl really IS nervous about having to be the one to tell others, isn't he.*
[[He doesn't see why.]] VProwl It's not something you talk about in polite company. ... Wasn't, anyway. I suppose that's more... lax, now. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He hasn't been polite company for roughly twelve and a half million years.]] *Soft huffing.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[In any case, we all know of our mutual interests, and have acted on them in the past. He isn't going to be scandalized by it. Or tell others, if that is what either of you think. That is your business. And you two already know about yourselves.]] VProwl I know, I know. It just... sounds like a threat. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He assures you it isn't.]] [[We as a species have come close to death. It is a wonder there are enough of us to find anyone we consider compatible, and pleasing that the both of you have.]] VProwl I know it's not. But it sounds like one. Tarantulas *did u hear that. sw thinks they're compatible, tarantulas is so pleased* VProwl *soundwave thinks they think they're compatible.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Actually, he said 'consider compatible', which is another ball game. He's worried that they're going to burn each other up. But that's what waiting and watching and being ready to either accept or murder is for.* Tarantulas *please don't murder the spide* ItsyBitsySpyers [[How would you have preferred he say it? And do not say that you prefer he didn't. He has, and he would again, if only to the both of you.]] *Head tilt. Genuinely curious.* VProwl ... You can't ask a question and then rule out the answer. Tarantulas *soft snort* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He can if he is interested in a wording change and not one of intent.]] VProwl *annoyed huff.* I'm not answering on the grounds that it would come across as a recommendation rather than an admission that one particular bit of wording is a lesser evil. I don't want a smaller negative willfully misconstrued as a positive. Tarantulas *considering prowl, then sw* It's... also difficult to reword something that by its very nature is perceived as a threat to mention, one should think. ItsyBitsySpyers [[As you wish, then.]]
*Looks to Tarantulas.* [[He does not think so. Plenty of mechs think hearing that he will be waiting for them later that night is a threat. He's reworded it successfully several times in his personal life.]] *A poor attempt to lighten the mood some, but an attempt nonetheless.* VProwl *huff* Tarantulas *snrk* It does depend on the context. ItsyBitsySpyers *Well. At least he got a small laugh out of them.* Tarantulas *tarantulas doesn't mind the congrats, but if it discomfits prowl, he's not going to go against prowl's arguments, naturally* *...nuzzles at prowl* VProwl *permits it, but doesn't relax into it.* Tarantulas *slightly sad visor* VProwl *now he feels uncomfortable AND guilty* Tarantulas *nooooo* ...Is there something on your mind, Prowl? *just in case it's not the dating thing* VProwl Other than this? No. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Would it help if he turned his attention elsewhere for a short while?]] VProwl ... No? Tarantulas Nono, do stay here. *lightly grabs onto whatever he's nearest* VProwl *why would that help* ItsyBitsySpyers *Head to the other side. Doesn't quite understand. If being seen by someone else brings tension, and his words have brought more, then wouldn't a temporary shift of focus free them from the public eye, so to speak?* VProwl *no, the public eye is everywhere all around them, and soundwave looking away for a moment isn't going to change the fact that prowl's now naked and he's just waiting for all of cybertron to notice* ItsyBitsySpyers *Lets Tarantulas grab his arm. Mostly because he didn't even feel it. Arms need more pressure than that to register on more than one or two sensors.* [[Then perhaps a subject change?]] VProwl Very well. Why did you think I have a percentage for where I'd stop trying to save a life? *that's been bugging him* Tarantulas *hm, is curious about this too* ItsyBitsySpyers *He's /almost/ sorry they said not to move. This music is infectious and his every wire sings with wanting to move. But he's sat still through worse.*
[[In the scenario proposed? The result waiting at the end of that particular potential failure. A simple problem of a ship about to crash is one thing. Being burst apart from inside the... what do humans call their...]]
*Draws stripes over his chest with his fingers for a second, thinking.*
[[Rib kennel. It seems more merciful.]] [[Below a certain percentage, at least.]] VProwl Hm. VProwl If THEY asked for a quicker, more painless death—below a certain percentage, I would consider helping them arrange that. If they were still fighting—if they still WANTED to fight—I would have no right to take that from them. Tarantulas *snicker* Chest. Generally referred to as chest. VProwl Unless it was to kill one infected to save the others. But that's not the scenario you presented. ItsyBitsySpyers *Glance at Tarantulas.* [[The internal supports, not the meat.]] Tarantulas Ribcage, then. VProwl *tarantulas is so smart. just listen to him.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Takes a moment to think about that. Then shakes his head.* [[No, no. Cages are where you keep dangerous things that must not get loose. Kennels are where important things that must be protected are kept.]] VProwl I'd trust the expertise of the mech who reformatted his alt-mode into an earthling. Tarantulas Don't argue with me how it ought to be named - I wasn't the one who decided their terminology, hyeh. ItsyBitsySpyers [[His chosen earthling has no bones.]] Tarantulas I'm glad you do know THAT, though. Some humans don't even know that much. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He isn't surprised.]] ItsyBitsySpyers [[Where were we. Percentages, rights...]] *Rewind memory.* [[Killing the infected. Then you would have terminated the one with the spawn in him?]] Tarantulas They DID think of a plan to preserve his life without ending theirs, though. VProwl Not immediately. I would have gotten an estimate from the expert on how long it would take to emerge, and kill him either if we got too close to that deadline or found that there was a vanishingly low probability that we'd be able to get him to somebody who would actually extract the alien and keep him alive. Not as a mercy killing, but to protect everyone else—Earth included. ItsyBitsySpyers *Privately, Soundwave does not believe he'd take that risk. Not for anyone but eight of the mechs in the building.*
*...After Tarantulas' point and Prowl's decision, he's not sure he should mention that.* Tarantulas *tarantulas wouldn't mind tbh* VProwl ... He'd probably have to die, though. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He did do that.]] [[And far more bravely than any of those without.]] VProwl No, I meant—I'd probably have calculated that, yes, he should be terminated before the alien finished developing. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Ah.]]
*...You know what, he's going to say it. Prowl knows who he is. If after all this time he expects Soundwave to think exactly like him, he has another think coming. Tarantulas, he's still not sure what to believe. Probably that Tarantulas would keep the human alive just to get the xenomorph out and start the breeding experiments over again.*
[[...Were there an equivalent creature for our kind, he would have had that Cybertronian terminated on the spot.]] Tarantulas *mutters something about not having to have killed him if he were around because he could have operated on him there on the spot* VProwl Mm. Less optimistic, but... given these things' record, not imprudent.
*nudges tara. ur right, but that's not part of the game.* Tarantulas *nudges him back, shh* ItsyBitsySpyers [[They were already outnumbered. And frightened beings make poor decisions. They get separated. The instant that host disappears from sight, for however long, they are effectively another enemy waiting to be discovered. Slaughtering them would preserve the chances we already had and be sure to reduce the maximum number of opponents.]] [[But... he admits that his thoughts are colored by lessons he was forced to learn against his will.]] *Namely, the arena.* VProwl Hmm. As I said: not imprudent. Tarantulas Not unwise, yes. With so many unknown variables, I do think the choice is a debatable one, instead of a fixed yes or no. Awfully subjective. ItsyBitsySpyers *Nods. He wanted to be sure Prowl knew WHY, and not just... internally react to that concept like your average Autobot.* VProwl *oh, he knew why: the same reason he'd consider the same option.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Just because you understand something doesn't mean you don't revile it, after all. Right, Prowl?* VProwl *detests calling it "subjective," but it's not worth arguing semantics.* Tarantulas *fair fair* ItsyBitsySpyers *Settles back into the couch and folds his hands on his lap. Stares at the wall.*
[[...The Queen did not have to perish, though. That was nothing but ingratitude and fantasy. As if such a being would consider a human a superior organic.]] VProwl Sure she had to perish. She was as much a threat to the humans as any of the other aliens. More of a threat, even, because she has the means to produce more. Tarantulas It was a first test-run - of course it was faulty and unpredictable. Unfortunate that it did kill the queen, but... VProwl ... Oh. We've stopped talking about saving the humans. Got it. ItsyBitsySpyers [[The ship was going to crash regardless, and her spawn had no reason to slaughter her. They might have lived in the nest until such time as the ship hit the planet. Instead, it followed the humans, killed more of them, and suffered.]] ItsyBitsySpyers *Thinks that IS talking about saving the humans.* VProwl *it's drifted out of the realm of controllable actions the humans and/or allies could have affected* ItsyBitsySpyers *Okay, yes, it's done that. But what do you want from him. He admires what he admires.* [[...He wonders if the mechs who reproduce via gestation chamber instead of other methods suffer from the same problems.]] Tarantulas Which same problems? VProwl I haven't /heard/ of any of them being nearly killed by their offspring. And I'd think they'd be less pleased to reproduce if that were a known risk. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Well, you wouldn't, would you? They'd be too dead to tell you.]] VProwl I said "nearly." As in the ones that survived to tell the tale. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Oh. Oh, yes.]] *Looks at Tarantulas and nods his head at Prowl. Those problems.* [[Plenty of Earth animals perish after reproducing. Octopuses, for example. No reason other fleshlings or some mechs wouldn't.]] [[Though he thinks it's a waste of good octopuses. A design flaw of some sort. One of their only ones.]] Tarantulas Hm. I've heard of mecha being offlined by complications while carrying, but not by being intentionally murdered by their sparkling. And the complications certainly aren't common. VProwl What sort of complications? ItsyBitsySpyers *Listening attentively to the answer to that question* Tarantulas Undue strain on the carrier's spark, sometimes because they're carrying more than one sparkling, or other times when they've not consumed enough to support both their life and the sparkling's, or... well. Those sorts of things. OH. Oh. You said - gestation tanks. What am I thinking. Well, it's similar, anyhow. ItsyBitsySpyers *Alarm* [[What do you mean, consumed enough to support both?]] [[How much does it require?]] Tarantulas More than the usual amount of matter, certainly. It depends on the health of the carrier and the sparktypes of both carrier and offspring. Tarantulas ...Among other things, of course. ItsyBitsySpyers *Great. Now he's gotta intensify his concerns about energon shortages on planets where that's the main or only way left to revive Cybertron. Because that problem wasn't difficult enough.* Tarantulas Ah! *sad noises* I - I ought to go. As much as I'd adore continuing this conversation, I do have business to attend to, sooner rather than later, preferably. *snuggles prowl close* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Yes. Yes, of course. He did not intend to keep you from it.]] VProwl *... attempts very poorly to reciprocate the snuggle. does a bad job of it.* *awkward waist pat.* Tarantulas *at least he tried* *he gets a smooch before tarantulas gets up tho* I'll see the two of you soon, I'm sure. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He looks forward to it.]] VProwl *that sounds like a threat.* Tarantulas *everything tara & sw say could probably be perceived as a threat if you look at it the right way, tbh* VProwl *more of a threat than usual* Tarantulas *it's not, tara promises* VProwl *he'll take it on faith* Tarantulas *good, thanks prowl. but now tara's off - gnight!* VProwl *watches him go.* *... doesn't scoot closer to soundwave once he's gone.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks in the space between them, then up. The mental voice is on the gentler, quieter side. More of a murmur in the back of the mind than a voice chattering in the front of it.*
[[...If you do not want to touch him, you need not do so. But he will always do his best to ensure no mech harms you as long as he is with you, and he...]]
[[What he told Tarantulas two years ago is true.]] [[If you would prefer to be in your own home, he understands and does not mind. If you prefer to be here, but separated, he will enjoy simply sharing a space. If you wish to be here and touching somehow, he will enjoy that as well.]] VProwl *... puzzled look.* You told Tarantulas that two years ago? *Soundwave and Tarantulas weren't friendly two years ago.*
Tarantulas *will tarantulas arriving help with swoop's mood a little too? let's see. in comes the spidermech, it's been a while* VProwl *he was so tense he missed the question* @S «What? No. Why?» *oh, and now Tarantulas is here, and Prowl's even more tense.* Swoop *digs his claws in a little bit and grins* Cake pretty weak thing. Look. *he holds it up and scratches the side* It in ..... tiers! Kehehhehehehh Smokescreen /Is about to wave excitedly at Messy, but stops himself- maybe Messy wants to stick with Prowl tonight?/ ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave taps the space between himself and Prowl and glances over at him. That's wh-- oh. Okay, he'll just make room for Tarantulas. Maybe that's why there's space.* *Soundwave huffs at the tiers joke.* [[Not bad, Swoop.]] VProwl ((cro why are you torturing us)) Tarantulas (( srsly ItsyBitsySpyers ((to prepare you for the real horror ahead)) Smokescreen //this is like dinner and 2 shows Swoop *perks up and then preens at the compliment* *still has cake hands* Smokescreen ... /He's going to offer Swoop another cake, this time a different flavor. Maybe he's picky!/ Swoop *takes whatever is offered to him but doesn't do anything with it* Smokescreen ... Are you feeling okay, Swoop? If you like a different flavor, just let me know! Tarantulas *yup, smokey's right, tara's a little focused on vprowl, gonna settle right in with him as soon as possible. how much semi-subtle touching can he get away with, hm?* Swoop Me Swoop am FEELING *squishes some cake between his fingers* good! *absolute shiteating grin* Tarantulas *...narrowed visor at soundwave. why this* Why hello to you too, Soundwave. Smokescreen ... I'm glad! You should eat cake with your mouth, though. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Greetings. It has been a while.]]
*Places a smiley on his screen. Just saying hello, dear spide.*
[[Please. Do not squash cake everywhere. We have enough to clean after weekends.]] Prowl ...is this meant to be a lesson in futility? Swoop *looks back and forth between Smokescreen and Soundwave* Smokescreen I think it's like, a reference to this ancient greek myth humans have about this guy who has to roll this ball up a hill every day, and start over again! Probably! ItsyBitsySpyers [[That depends. Have you lost all hope?]] Swoop *isn't totally clear on what the consensus is here* *just wants to give cake to Bird* ........ *wipes his hand off on his chest, problem solved* Prowl What purpose did rolling the ball up the hill serve? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Put the cake on the bar and go clean your hands in the si--...... Fine.]] Smokescreen I'm not really sure! Maybe doing it, like, kept the Earth moving or something? That's what a lot of those early myths are like. Like, I think this one guy got like, executed for giving everyone fire and opening this box of misfortune. Prowl ((OMG CRO ((BANNED ItsyBitsySpyers ((I AIN'T SORRY BOUT NOTHIN)) Tarantulas (( o m f g Swoop ((jesus christ XDD)) Prowl ((YOU SHOULD BE SORRY Smokescreen ((cro is a treasure Swoop *has no idea what's going on, focused instead on putting the two pieces of cake from Smokescreen on top of each other for maximum cake* ItsyBitsySpyers ((all right that's enough of that)) Prowl Hm. ItsyBitsySpyers ((we're just waiting for one person to get back and then we'll start)) Swoop Soundwave! *holds up the double cake* Where can cake for Her BIRD? ItsyBitsySpyers [[On the bar, where he told you. She will not come down today, which he also told you.]] Swoop :< Smokescreen /He's going to quietly ping Messy before he goes over to the bar to try to help himself./ ItsyBitsySpyers ((WARNINGS: OKAY. This is basically the completely incorrectly done Alien movie that should've had the tagline A Squick For Every Moviegoer. It has all the pointless edge that late 90s/early 00s movies loved. If you already can't stand a regular Alien movie, you'll probably want to sit this one out. More specific warnings more or less in order with some throughout: Weird organic tissue intro, visible surgery with internal contents, flashing lights (really bad after the flamethrower incident and in the water and one other time I forget), frankly unnecessary blood and gore/violence/death, incidents of ableism and/or dehumanizing talk, sexist or misogynist talk, incidents of mostly-nudity, foul language, body horror, hypodermic-like imagery, weird alien pregnancy, grotesque final alien scene, super shaky camera.)) Swoop *goes and puts the cake on the bar, wiping his hands off on himself one last time for good measure* VProwl *tarantulas can get away with semi-subtle touching only up to the point where it's firm enough that Prowl can feel it. at which point he startles almost out of his seat.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[The SINK, Swoop.]] Swoop Sink? *cocks his head, why would you put cake in the sink....?* OH! For -- *he holds up his hands* Smokescreen ... /Trying to sneak a bite of the bar cake now while he's here!/ ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[...Before we begin. He promised that he would be careful not to show anything with... that, for two weeks. He does not know if you remember that the xenomorph organics tend to puncture skulls with their inner jaws as a fatal blow. Will this trouble you, or should he proceed as planned?]] VProwl @S «Oh—that's fine. Head trauma is fine.» *were they reading the brains they ate? no. ... probably. ... no. they definitely weren't.* ItsyBitsySpyers ((rabbit can you PLEASE not have five thousand pop-ups)) Swoop *actually uses the sink like a person who has been indoors before, everyone thank Ratchet for making this great day possible* ItsyBitsySpyers *Nods and commands the projector to start playing. Leaves the smiley on his visor.* Swoop *scampers over to the seats before immediately stopping, unsure of what to do with himself* Tarantulas *nope, touching is definitely heavy enough to be felt. when prowl startles, tarantulas startles right back* Prowl? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...This is the most disgusting introduction.]] VProwl *pings alternate, video feed* What? What. Nothing. Smokescreen ... Is it really that bad? It just looked slimy. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Same thing, most times.]] Swoop *stands still - legs shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent - and looks at the space in front of him, waiting for something to prompt him* Smokescreen You're not a fan of Slime, Slimewave? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Swoop. Take a seat.]] Swoop *plops down exactly where he was standing* Tarantulas May I...? *clearly ready to cuddle prowl again* *also pings smokey back* Swoop *scoots on his butt closer to everyone else* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Precious.]] Smokescreen /This time sends two pings back!/ Smokescreen Is that how humans- you know- Swoop *scoot scoot* Tarantulas *three pings to smokey then* Smokescreen /this time, he does 5! 3 + 2!/ Smokescreen ((DANGIT i had a drink for this and this fly just comes swooping in to get in my drink 😧 )) ItsyBitsySpyers ((BAD FLY)) VProwl *tries to look at Tarantulas without looking away from the screen, so his alternate can keep watching.* ... What? Smokescreen ((drunk fly now)) ItsyBitsySpyers *Nudges Tarantulas.* [[Number eight.]] Swoop *finally is close enough to someone or something to rest his helm on it and watch the screen* ZAP Tarantulas Eight? Swoop Why Them zap face? ItsyBitsySpyers [[To make her let the doctor go.]] Swoop WHy Smokescreen That human sounded kinda like Ratchet vaguely for a klik! ItsyBitsySpyers [[So he would not die.]] Swoop Why ItsyBitsySpyers [[He does not know.]] *Perks. Majesty?* Tarantulas *ahh, eight, he sees* Blaster -what did he walk in on?- Swoop It wet Blaster Oh....wow ItsyBitsySpyers *Tiny vent. What fabulous design.* Tarantulas *to prowl* May I touch? ItsyBitsySpyers *He wonders how much battering damage the crest can take in battle.* Swoop *slooowly slides down to lay on the floor on his belly* *wings ouuuuuuutttt* *watch your feet* VProwl ... Sure. Yes. ItsyBitsySpyers ((fun fact: in a deleted scene they say walmart bought weyland yutani out)) Smokescreen ... How much do you bet they're all gonna go offline again? VProwl ((omg)) Smokescreen ((canon Swoop ((oh man I forgot about that, too good)) Blaster -well, he's in the room now, and kinda curious about this- ItsyBitsySpyers [[...."Urban pacification".]] [[So they mean to loose the organics on citizens who do not--]] *HUFF* [[Tame them. How amusing.]] [[On citizens who do not comply, likely for good reason.]] Blaster ....this isn't going to end well, is it? Prowl Ugh. Smokescreen Man- I kinda hope they all get their just desserts with those kinda ideas Swoop *IMMEDIATELY FLAILS WITH EXCITEMENT and spins around to sit on his heels with a gigantic grin* THAT! THAT! Tarantulas *promptly slips his hand in prowl's and wraps half of his arms around him, settling in* Swoop YOU SEE, you see FALLEN KINGDOM trailer???? : > VProwl *TENSENESS INTENSIFIES* Swoop *bounces* You Soundwave see? It THAT! *points* What You said! ItsyBitsySpyers [[What?]] Swoop NEW Jurassic World movie!!!!!! Me Swoop want to see! Us DINOBOTS want to SEE! Blaster -he's gonna sit somewhere out of the way of the flailing- ItsyBitsySpyers [[Another one? If the twins have their way, you will. Eventually.]] [[Greetings, Blaster.]] Swoop *hops and chirps* Blaster Ah. Hello, Soundwave. Tarantulas *omg prowl relax, this isn't much more touching than usual is it* Swoop Jurassic World! Jurassic World! Jurassic World! VProwl *it's different now* Tarantulas *...fair* Swoop *keeps bouncing around and chirping about Jurassic World, it's going to take a lot to stop him* ItsyBitsySpyers *What about a feeler wrapped around his mouth.* Swoop *immediately starts to CHOMP but has enough of his birdy brain about him not to go through with it (completely)* Smokescreen /Smokescreen's wincing at the feeler coming out. Ew ew ew./ Blaster -WELL then, that's one way to silence a Dinobot- Wait.... ItsyBitsySpyers *C a r e f u l l y extricates his feeler from Swoop's mouth. Ugh.* Blaster Are those other humans? ItsyBitsySpyers [[They are.]] [[Welcome to government military projects.]] Blaster Wait Tarantulas *snorts at the "project"* Blaster No Swoop *bleehh* *one slobbery feeler for soundwave* Smokescreen I wanna play that game! Blaster They purposefully... ItsyBitsySpyers *Huffing at her mocking him. She continues to be a favorite human, even as a partially inhuman clone.* Swoop KAH! Her hit! ItsyBitsySpyers [[And yes, they did.]] [[The creatures require external hosts for part of the process.]] Blaster ....yikes Smokescreen I wanna DO that kinda move! Swoop *hasn't been paying much attention but he perks up when he hears that whistle, he knows that "get over here" whistle* Prowl It's not that difficult. ItsyBitsySpyers ((fun fact 2: sigourney actually performed that shot herself)) Tarantulas Corrosive...? Hm. Smokescreen I guess! But it looks cool! ... what's with the feet thing don't like that Blaster Was her blood eating through the metal? ItsyBitsySpyers [[It was.]] VProwl ((how many tries did it take her)) Swoop *pays the tiniest bit more attention since he knows that condescending noise* Smokescreen ((can you imagine the bloopers Swoop *probably everyone with a beastmode does tbh* Blaster Either that's really weak metal, or her blood isn't human ItsyBitsySpyers ((i believe they gave her six total to try it in herself and she hit it on the last one)) ((the crew burst into immediate applause, which is why there was a cut right there)) Swoop ((Yeah I want to say I remember them saying they were going to fake it but she went for it one last time and BOOM)) *pats at the nearest person to him* What happen? In movie. ItsyBitsySpyers *Look at them. Look at them sleeping curled up.* Tarantulas (( wHAT ItsyBitsySpyers [[Hah.]] Swoop *pat pat pat* Prowl *congrats, it's Prowl, who pulls out of Swoop's reach quickly* They cloned the Ripley human from the other documentaries in order to extract the alien from her. She appears to be more than human. ItsyBitsySpyers *Has an idea or two why.* Prowl And the military started a breeding program. Foolishly. Swoop *has no idea what any of that means but scoots closer to Prowl, still sitting on the floor* Why them in room? With button. Prowl To torture the alien into listening to them. They think it can be trained. Smokescreen I think the lesson is that all militaries are fragged. Swoop Why listen? :s Tarantulas *internal screm at "baby"* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Trained to hate them, perhaps. As it should. Keeping perfection locked away - hmph.]] Swoop *leans on Prowl's leg* Blaster .............. Prowl *pulls leg away* Don't do that. Swoop Do what Prowl Don't touch me. You can sit where you are. Swoop Why ItsyBitsySpyers [[Ah... so that transferred, too.]] Prowl Because I asked you not to. Swoop Why Blaster -what's wrong with lab-grown- Prowl *sighs* Because. That is the only answer I need to give you. Swoop ............. *reaches out and touches the very tip of Prowl's ped with the very very tip of his claw* Smokescreen Swoop, bad. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Swoop, do not touch the other guests if they have told you not to touch them.]] Prowl *pulls away* Stop. Smokescreen If you keep touching, Bird won't come out for sure. ItsyBitsySpyers *Pings Prowl. Did you see that shot.* Swoop Him Soundwave say no Bird AT ALL tonight VProwl *STARTS* @S «What?» Smokescreen But Bird especially won't show up if you keep touching Prowl. Swoop Why Smokescreen because ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[The human performed an excellent ricochet shot to shoot the one behind him.]] Swoop Keheh! Because WHY Blaster .............. VProwl @S «Oh. Yes. I saw.» ItsyBitsySpyers [[A noble sacrifice.]] Blaster -slowly hides face- Smokescreen Because because! Keep your servos off of Prowl or else- uhh- you'll get grounded. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Because you have been ordered not to touch them, and if you disobey, he will bridge you home. Again.]] [[And you will not see any of the fighting.]] Swoop *fluffs up his armor and flairs his wings at Smokescreen's very poorly worded threat* Smokescreen Yeah, that too. You'll miss all the good bits! Prowl *scoffs* ItsyBitsySpyers [[So clever.]] Swoop You Smokescreen not STRONG enough to GROUND Me Swoop! Blaster Yikes Smokescreen I mean- Sounds is the one that'll ground you. I'm just saying that it'll happen! Just don't touch Prowl and there won't be any problems! I'll even give you a snack. Swoop NO ONE ground Me Swoop! *flaps his wings once at Smokescreen for emphasis* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He will.]] Smokescreen ... Not that kinda ground. Ground like- no fun stuff ever. Swoop *vents RATHER warm air* ItsyBitsySpyers *Trying to hide that he's shaking. Clever AND opportunistic.* *If unfortunate.* ((this is so goddamn unnecessary)) Swoop *leans in towards Smokescreen, wings still flared* Try! Prowl *Prowl's going to move to another seat away from Swoop before she considers putting Swoop in stasis cuffs* Blaster -STILL covering face- -he doesn't like this movie- Swoop ((While there is a lot to criticize in this movie, I gotta say that I love the set design. There is something about this ship that is charming to me. Just matches the douchey atmosphere lol)) *would absolutely flip shit if someone put cuffs on him* Smokescreen /Smokescreen's pushing Swoop's face away/ Come on, Swoop! You made Prowl move. Be good. Prowl ((it's a good design, creepy and efficient Swoop *locks his joints and digs his toes into the flooring so that Smokescreen's attempts are completely ineffective at moving him an inch* Me Swoop NOT good. Me DINOBOT. Smokescreen ... /In that case, he's pulling his servo away, and then turning on the phase shifter, reaching to just put a servo in Swoop's arm, if possible./ Be a Dinobot that acts good, then! Blaster -uncovers face- ....what just...actually no, I don't wanna know ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave leans forward to look around Tarantulas and bobs his helm at Prowl.*
[[Surely with all the organics that Cybertronians of your world encountered, you've run into situations similar to these? Or run calculations on potential scenarios.]] Swoop *goes from looming to owlishly blinking in cartoon curiosity in an instant* What THAT? 😮 VProwl Define "similar to these." Smokescreen What? This? /He's pulling his servo away again/ This is my arm! Swoop ((this movie is so gay)) You a ghost! 😮 ItsyBitsySpyers [[Beings capable of at least picking off Cybertronians, if not outright slaughtering them, breaking into or infesting a base.]] Smokescreen I am! You got me! Tarantulas *curious about sw's question* Swoop Cool! *plops back with his legs kicked out in front of him, full toddler style* VProwl Yes. We commonly called them "soldiers." ... Because they were soldiers. Smokescreen Isn't it? Watch this! /He's adjusting the phase shifter just a bit more, to start to go through the couch./ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Not Decepticons. Aliens of some type.]] VProwl I'm talking about aliens. Swoop Whoooooaaa! ItsyBitsySpyers [[Oh?]] Swoop *claps* VProwl If I was talking about Decepticons, I'd have said "Decepticons." Smokescreen /Grinning like a dork, slowly sliding down. His legs are probably wiggling about if there's a floor below them!/ Swoop *reaches out and tries to poke Smokescreen with his toe* VProwl We didn't cross paths with aliens that via their natural endowments were easily capable of infiltrating and annihilating Cybertronians, because when we saw ones with that potential, we did what these humans did not: left their planets alone. Smokescreen /Swoop's just going to go through Smokescreen! But Smokescreen does laugh at the feeling./ Swoop *squawks* Awesome! You Smokescreen do ghost stuff for fight?? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...Given the estimate you once told him, there must not have been many of those.]] *Briefly forgets his question, staring at the tubes* Blaster Yikes.... Smokescreen I do! I once escaped the Decepticons with my ghost powers! And ended up getting them to take each other out! Swoop You can rip out GUTS with ghost stuff? 😮 VProwl We went to the planets the Decepticons went to. And the Decepticons went to the planets with the organics that scared them: highly intelligent, highly civilized, highly organized, highly technologically advanced. Tarantulas Are they preserved or alive...? ItsyBitsySpyers [[THAT one is alive.]] Tarantulas Well, clearly. Blaster I don't....holy.... Smokescreen I've never tried that! But I caaaaan do this! /He's pulling himself up again, and is starting to pull a small cube of energon out of his chest!/ Swoop *hears a familiar noise and looks at the screen with excitement* ItsyBitsySpyers *Shakes his helm. At least the clone gave her predecessor that much.* Swoop *is distracted from Smokescreen by the fact fire exists* *sorry, buddy, fire wins* VProwl *squints at the fire* Blaster -face covered again- Smokescreen /That's fair! He's putting the cube back in for later/ Swoop Her BURN tank :V Tarantulas *snrk* I suppose if they were alive, the matter is moot now. Swoop Her burn HIM kehehhehh Blaster -too much fire- Swoop Aww.... *disappointed* Kehehe Smokescreen This movie's getting pretty hot! VProwl ((cmon. you managed to write a funny line and then you immediately fucked it up.)) Swoop Her have fire in a gun Dinobots have fire in FACE kehehh ItsyBitsySpyers ((a round of applause for early whedon everyone)) ((i say sarcastically)) Swoop (🚢) ItsyBitsySpyers [[What was he...]]
[[Ah. What he was going to ask: How would you handle all of this? Do you believe the chances of survival-- Primus, this is brighter than Ravage said.]] Smokescreen Hey, Swoop, wanna see a neat trick? Swoop Yes! Smokescreen /He's settled on the couch again, and this time is ready to just pull a cube of energon out of his own chest!/ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Why didn't they turn the light on to start with.]] *Irritable buzz.* [[Do you believe the chances of survival are high enough to warrant trying anything at all, or would it be better to spare everyone their more gruesome deaths and terminate them?]] Smokescreen ... Is that what everyone does? Just sniff each other? Swoop Kahahah! That good trick! Next time, you pull SWORD! Smokescreen Is that what you're supposed to do with a nose? Haha- I need a sword first! Whiiiich- Omicron ((*omie peers in*)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((yo)) Smokescreen Swoop look there's fire on the screen! VProwl I don't know the layout of this facility, but I'd say their odds of survival are somewhere under twenty percent. If they kill themselves, their odds of survival are zero percent. Omicron ((Icy may not show up, but I'm derping around) Swoop Me can fire on SWOOP ekhehehh ItsyBitsySpyers *Is abruptly reminded of the metrotitan limerick. Flashes bright, hunches over to hide it, and trembles.* Smokescreen Just- look over there, Swoop! Swoop *looks* Smokescreen /He's quickly taking a practice sword out of his subspace and is sticking it in his chest, wincing- this is not pleasant for his spark at all!/ Swoop *looks back* *ERUPTS in laughter* ItsyBitsySpyers [[SMOKESCREEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING]] Smokescreen ... Nothing? Swoop You Smokescreen look DEAD Smokescreen /He's shifting and pretending he didn't just do that./ ItsyBitsySpyers *Getting to his feet* [[PUT THAT SWORD AWAY AT ONCE]] Smokescreen It is away! It's inside me- Swoop *CACKLES* Omicron ((you will make make icy show up in her feral state doing that smokey, nuu .0.)) Smokescreen ... Wait, yeah, frag, I forgot. Sorry, Sounds. Tarantulas They swim so well! ItsyBitsySpyers *Is distracted by them swimming. They swim? Of course they swim. There's nothing they can't do but fly, is there? And maybe even that, if they get the right host.* [[They do everything well.]] Smokescreen /He's pulling the sword out of him and is putting it back in his subspace. That is waaaay less painful, thank Primus./ Swoop *literally ROLLS on the floor laughing at Smokescreen's trick* ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave turns back to watch Smokescreen for a second to make sure that sword isn't coming back out, then sits down.* Smokescreen /He's smiling now- hey, he got Swoop laughing!/ Tarantulas But I do wonder how exactly they adapted for swimming? Ah.... *snrks* Smokescreen /He is never doing that trick again./ ItsyBitsySpyers [[Superior lung capacity, no doubt.]] Tarantulas No, I mean - how they managed to evolve the capacity. VProwl They're modified based on their hosts' bodies, aren't they? Humans can swim. Tarantulas Not that well, honestly. Swoop *eventually rolls to a stop and watches the screen just in time* ItsyBitsySpyers [[So many interruptions. Twenty percent, twenty percent. Would you continue to assist them down to the one percent? What if you knew the percentage had dropped to zero at last? How would you handle matters then?]] Swoop KAH! EXPLODE! VProwl It hasn't dropped to zero percent until they're dead. Blaster -so much no- Smokescreen /He's finally turning off the phase shifter, lying down on the couch. He's really exhausted from all that!/ VProwl There's no advantage to giving up on survival before you're dead. Unless you've got something more important to do than try to survive. These people don't. Swoop *pushes himself up into a sitting position using his wings* Swoop Keheh Him bad at aim OH Explode :V Tarantulas *SNORTS* Swoop *thrashes with laughter and looks at Tarantulas* Him shoot LITTLE spider ItsyBitsySpyers [[...You are much more - hmm. Optimistic? Determined?]] *Taps a finger, thinking.* [[...Selfless. Than him, he thinks.]] [[He has much to learn.]] Tarantulas He was awfully mean about it. That spider did nothing to him, other than be in the wrong place at the wrong time. VProwl Am I? I just see no rational reason to give up on them. Swoop *grins* Maybe it RIDE bullet PCHOOOO! Smokescreen There needs to be more spider-loving movies Tarantulas There do. There certainly do. Swoop Spiderman movie like spiders Smokescreen ooh- Spidey's fun! I love Spidey VProwl *oh, a robot. finally, a character worth investing in.* Smokescreen Why is this Ripley so... not ripley ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[...Do cables into arm ports count?]] Smokescreen like I know she's a clone but VProwl @S «... She's in control.» *yes. it counts.* Swoop *doesn't have any reaction at all to Call being able to plug stuff into her arm, may be a little young to fully digest biological differences between species* ItsyBitsySpyers ((i was considering it like basic plug n play but it occurs to me that it looks like a needle)) ((god damn it)) VProwl ((the robot was in control, crisis very narrowly averted.)) Blaster -is it safe now?- ItsyBitsySpyers ((IF THERE IS A *SINGLE.* *NEEDLE.* IN CHARLOTTE'S WEB I AM THROWING HOLLYWOOD INTO A BIN)) Swoop *rolls back onto his belly* VProwl *... but it's enough to make the back of his neck very slightly prickle.* Tarantulas ...If she clears a path to the Betty, won't that mean the remaining aliens are more than capable of following the path as well? Swoop *kicks his feet slowly* Them in space Them just *throws his arms open and makes a whooshing noise* NO more people in ship Dead *rests his cheek on the floor* That boring. Them caaaaaaaan *grins* Mortal Kombat VProwl *ugh. a robot that thinks being a robot is disgusting and wants to be organic. never mind.* Smokescreen Hey! What's so great about being human anyway? Swoop Her Carly is human 😆 Tarantulas They're incredibly egotistical and apparently anything created by them shares that characteristic. Smokescreen Humans are good, but there's nothing worse about not being one Blaster -peers between digits- VProwl They programmed them that way. Swoop ego-tis-tickle tissssssssssssstickle kehehh Smokescreen ... why are humans so awful to mecha anyway Swoop eggo tis tickle ItsyBitsySpyers [[He was never one to assist most mechs to the very end. Deployers, perhaps. Those to whom he's sworn his loyalty or his spark. The rest... rarely below ten percent. Almost never under five.]]
[[Your earlier answer to that greyface makes him wonder what percent he is obligated to assist at now.]] Tarantulas *pings sw, the queen, eh?* Blaster -hides face again- ItsyBitsySpyers *And now he's leaning way off the couch to see.* *Pings Tarantulas back with an affirmative.* Swoop *holds his own feet* Soundwave When fighting movie? VProwl Well, I've got a /recommended/ number. But my answer isn't yours. I don't know what your philosophical outlook is. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Unclear, these days.]] *Pause.* [[He'd take notes and think on them if you had more lectures.]] Swoop :V VProwl Hm. I said more in that reply then I generally like to say in a week. Swoop *laughs his ass off at this guy getting his faces smashed* *laughs so hard he ends up squeaking* ItsyBitsySpyers *Points.* [[That was a valiant death.]] VProwl It was. Tarantulas *oh dear. oh. dear* ItsyBitsySpyers *....Slow head tilt.* Blaster -keeping face covered- ItsyBitsySpyers [[And that's. New.]] Swoop *is not even remotely getting what is happening here, just playing with his toes between fight scenes* Omicron ((aaaand this is why aliens of all kinds are scared of how humans give birth)) Smokescreen w what is this ItsyBitsySpyers [[........What is THAT?]] Prowl *this movie is going to make Prowl think human reproduction is even worse than it actually is* ItsyBitsySpyers *Fascinated. Not quite as much as he is by the xenomorphs. But it's an interesting... mutation? Is that what it is?* Tarantulas *sad noises* ItsyBitsySpyers *Manages not to say anything aloud. If Tarantulas is touching him, though, he'll get a wave of shock and sadness.* Swoop *has not even remotely been payign enough attention for this but he chirps back when the baby does* It bite! ItsyBitsySpyers *And then concern.*
@T: [[Tell him you are not at risk for any of - of that.]] VProwl ((well his son DID almost kill him)) Tarantulas *startles, then almost laughs aloud* @SW: ::Primus - Primus no.:: VProwl *startles when Tarantulas startles.* Tarantulas *soothes prowl with pets* Blaster -peers at screen again- VProwl *startles again* Swoop *starts slowly rolling around the floor again, he's a baby bird on a mission, not clear what the mission is but BY GOD is he going to roll for it* Smokescreen ... /Looking over and pinging Tarantulas again when he hears sad spider sounds./ Tarantulas *more pets, that totally works right* VProwl *now that he knows to expect them he just holds very still.* Blaster -COVERS face again- ItsyBitsySpyers *Well, at least he knows how to terrify this Blaster if it ever comes to that.* @T: [[Are you *certain?*]] Blaster -that's mean Soundwave- Swoop *bumps into a chair* Tarantulas *pings smokey reassurance, then back to sw* @SW: ::I'm quite certain, yes.:: ItsyBitsySpyers [[It really must be more careful with its toys.]] Blaster -isn't going to check this time- ItsyBitsySpyers [[Though he must say he does not care for the changes the excess human genetic material brings. It's less... clean looking. Even the hive material changed. Like flesh instead of shell.]] Smokescreen Man- that xenomorph looks WAY creepier VProwl "Clean looking"? Swoop *laughs cause he can guess what is coming* Tarantulas *oh poor thing, tarantulas feels awful for the look it gave her* VProwl The typical ones are made of drool. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Perhaps. But it is drool on a smooth and segmented surface.]] Swoop Ewwww!! *is DELIGHTED* ItsyBitsySpyers [[....How terrible.]] Swoop KAHAHA CHUNKS! Smokescreen ... Man, they really draw out the really upset noises Tarantulas At least it didn't last too terribly long. Swoop Dead! VProwl ((WOW that was a lot worse than i was expecting it to be)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((are you ok???)) VProwl ((yeah im ok)) Swoop ((that is one of the gnarliest on screen deaths ever imo)) Prowl *Prowl opted to not ask for visuals tonight and feels like she made the right choice* Blaster -peers at screen again- Swoop *is absolutely all grins and sunshine after that level of gore* VProwl ((oh, prowl offered her a feed at the start of the movie)) ItsyBitsySpyers [[....Poor creature.]] Omicron ((it was bad x.x)) VProwl ((i guess we'll say it wasn't accepted??)) Smokescreen Why do humans make this kinda thing so much? Swoop What thing? Prowl ((go for it, i must have missed it since I have 8 million tabs open atm ItsyBitsySpyers [[Even if it was a strange alternative to its predecessors.]] Smokescreen All this gory slag. Swoop Gore is AWESOME It BEST thing :V Smokescreen I mean, I'd be pretty good if I didn't have to see if for another million years! Tarantulas Yes, it didn't quite deserve that sort of death. And to be betrayed by one it thought its mother... Blaster ...not like I needed to recharge tonight.... ItsyBitsySpyers [[You'll get more work done, Blaster. Cheer up.]] [[...Well, it shouldn't have terminated the one who WAS its mother.]] Smokescreen Sounds- I'm still pretty exhausted, can I recharge on your couch? Blaster -huffs- Prowl There was a great deal of unnecessary termination in this film. ItsyBitsySpyers [[No recharging on his couch. If you require a space to rest, there are inns in New Praxus.]] Swoop *pulls out a datapad from subspace and pokes here, there, and everywhere until he finds some pictures of what happens when you don't respect the coffin corner and get your goddamn wings ripped off* *holds up the datapad in front of Smokescreen's face* Smokescreen . . . I don't think I can get up, Soounds, that's the problem. Prowl Are you all right? ItsyBitsySpyers [[...........Did you phase yourself into his couch.]]
((mark time: 10: 15)) Smokescreen I'm fine! I'm fine! Just kinda drained. ... Only a little. I can phase myself out after I rest for a bit. Swoop *hears screaming on screen just in time to catch the chicken going at the guy and LOSES IT* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Just. Just take the couch with you.]] Prowl I can cut him out of it. Smokescreen sounds I don't even I can get up with the couch prowl nooooo Swoop *gasps* Me Swoop can help! *flexes claws* Blaster .... Smokescreen /Smokescreen's turning the phase shifter on, and is starting to sink into the couch./ Smokescreen /Draining his energon a bit more, but he told Swoop he's a ghost, and he's sticking to it./ VProwl *mumbles* Don't give away your furniture. Swoop ((this baby is literally swoop)) ((people screaming no, him rockking back and forth to do the thing)) Tarantulas (( at least he KINDA did listen ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks at Prowl and just makes a frustrated hand motion at Smokescreen.* [[What is he supposed to do, let the mech stay here overnight?]] Swoop Me Swoop can get. Me Swoop can DROP outside! SMASH. Then Smokescreen fall out : > Smokescreen No, no no no, Swoop. It'll be fine. Look! VProwl He said he'd pull himself out. Omicron ((send him to dreaded wings and give smokey a shock?)) Smokescreen /With the phase shifter on, he's rolling himself out, just kinda lying on the floor. He's not stuck, though!/ Prowl Hm. Swoop *snickers and scampers around Smokescreen on all fours* Smokescreen swooooop please Swoop Hi : > Smokescreen Hiiii Swoop- you want candy again? ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks from Prowl to Smokescreen and back.*
[[How did any of the Autobots deal with yours. Please. Any hints at all.]] Swoop Her Bird like candy! Blaster ....was that a chicken? ItsyBitsySpyers [[No, that's a sheep.]] VProwl Ours isn't anything like that. Smokescreen ... pfpff Blaster ow ItsyBitsySpyers [[In that case, is there a way to officially take your Soundwave's place.]] VProwl Last I heard he was on Earth trying to lead the Decepticons with Galvatron. I wouldn't recommend it. Swoop *places both of his palms squarely on the floor and rolls himself up into a handstand* *straightens up and grins* *ta da* Swoop ((look its' swoop)) Blaster ...I'm....going to go now Smokescreen /He's honestly starting to fall into recharge on the floor. Using the phase shifter does drain him after a while!/ ItsyBitsySpyers [[We can send that one away. He'll change his paint job and tell everyone the med bay ran out of replacement armor after a battle.]] *Polite applause for Swoop.* VProwl *huff* Have fun working with humans. Swoop *curls up enough to spring up and flip onto his feet* *DRAMATIC bow* ItsyBitsySpyers *Shudders.* [[He'll take Smokescreen.]] Prowl ((i assume she won Swoop *is less than impressed by the audience he has here* ...... *griiiiiiiiiiiins* Blaster G'night -up and leaving- Swoop *DASHES over to smack Tara's shoulder but doesn't stick around, SPRINTING for the door instead* Blaster ((thanks for the stream and nightmares ItsyBitsySpyers ((you're welcome. try to sleep well, for real)) *Manages to catch Swoop with a bridge anyway. How d'you like them apples.* Tarantulas *looks infinitely offended by this assault, almost enough to get up and run after swoop, but thinks better of it and just curses for a moment* Smokescreen /Smokescreen would clap, but he really did doze off. It might work to just throw Smokescreen into a bridge./ Swoop *A VALIANT EFFORT WAS MADE and he shrieks with laughter all the way out* Prowl I think I'll be leaving now. Good night... everyone. ItsyBitsySpyers *He's in a mood because of the queen's fate, so Smokescreen gets a bridge. And so does his own Prowl, because why not.* Prowl *...well, that saved her a drive* VProwl Good n— *... and then she's gone.* Smokescreen /He'll have to thank Soundwave for the bridge later!/ Prowl *her mood's been down since the Swoop incident earlier, so getting back to Praxus quicker is probably for the best* VProwl ... What did she do to deserve that? ItsyBitsySpyers [[Nothing. He thought she might not want to run into Swoop if he came back.]] *Tap tap.* [[That, and he prefers to keep her on her toes.]] Omicron ((*waves* I'm gonna duck out, the end of the movie was fun 😊 have to try and work on icy's first plot thing on the blog)) VProwl ((*waves* good luck with plot)) Tarantulas Rude, but helpful. Omicron ((thank you! anyone is welcome to pop over for it)) ItsyBitsySpyers ((thank you for being here! good luck!!)) Prowl ((good luck! Smokescreen ((hope plot goes well : o! Tarantulas *is clinging to prowl a little more now that there aren't so many people there, if it's permitted* VProwl *it's permitted.* *... relaxes marginally.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Congratulations on officially dating, by the way.]] VProwl *stiffly* Thanks. Tarantulas *huffs, strangely awkward* I - thank you, I suppose? It seems like an odd thing to give congratulations for. ItsyBitsySpyers *...Wow. Prowl really IS nervous about having to be the one to tell others, isn't he.*
[[He doesn't see why.]] VProwl It's not something you talk about in polite company. ... Wasn't, anyway. I suppose that's more... lax, now. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He hasn't been polite company for roughly twelve and a half million years.]] *Soft huffing.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[In any case, we all know of our mutual interests, and have acted on them in the past. He isn't going to be scandalized by it. Or tell others, if that is what either of you think. That is your business. And you two already know about yourselves.]] VProwl I know, I know. It just... sounds like a threat. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He assures you it isn't.]] [[We as a species have come close to death. It is a wonder there are enough of us to find anyone we consider compatible, and pleasing that the both of you have.]] VProwl I know it's not. But it sounds like one. Tarantulas *did u hear that. sw thinks they're compatible, tarantulas is so pleased* VProwl *soundwave thinks they think they're compatible.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Actually, he said 'consider compatible', which is another ball game. He's worried that they're going to burn each other up. But that's what waiting and watching and being ready to either accept or murder is for.* Tarantulas *please don't murder the spide* ItsyBitsySpyers [[How would you have preferred he say it? And do not say that you prefer he didn't. He has, and he would again, if only to the both of you.]] *Head tilt. Genuinely curious.* VProwl ... You can't ask a question and then rule out the answer. Tarantulas *soft snort* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He can if he is interested in a wording change and not one of intent.]] VProwl *annoyed huff.* I'm not answering on the grounds that it would come across as a recommendation rather than an admission that one particular bit of wording is a lesser evil. I don't want a smaller negative willfully misconstrued as a positive. Tarantulas *considering prowl, then sw* It's... also difficult to reword something that by its very nature is perceived as a threat to mention, one should think. ItsyBitsySpyers [[As you wish, then.]]
*Looks to Tarantulas.* [[He does not think so. Plenty of mechs think hearing that he will be waiting for them later that night is a threat. He's reworded it successfully several times in his personal life.]] *A poor attempt to lighten the mood some, but an attempt nonetheless.* VProwl *huff* Tarantulas *snrk* It does depend on the context. ItsyBitsySpyers *Well. At least he got a small laugh out of them.* Tarantulas *tarantulas doesn't mind the congrats, but if it discomfits prowl, he's not going to go against prowl's arguments, naturally* *...nuzzles at prowl* VProwl *permits it, but doesn't relax into it.* Tarantulas *slightly sad visor* VProwl *now he feels uncomfortable AND guilty* Tarantulas *nooooo* ...Is there something on your mind, Prowl? *just in case it's not the dating thing* VProwl Other than this? No. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Would it help if he turned his attention elsewhere for a short while?]] VProwl ... No? Tarantulas Nono, do stay here. *lightly grabs onto whatever he's nearest* VProwl *why would that help* ItsyBitsySpyers *Head to the other side. Doesn't quite understand. If being seen by someone else brings tension, and his words have brought more, then wouldn't a temporary shift of focus free them from the public eye, so to speak?* VProwl *no, the public eye is everywhere all around them, and soundwave looking away for a moment isn't going to change the fact that prowl's now naked and he's just waiting for all of cybertron to notice* ItsyBitsySpyers *Lets Tarantulas grab his arm. Mostly because he didn't even feel it. Arms need more pressure than that to register on more than one or two sensors.* [[Then perhaps a subject change?]] VProwl Very well. Why did you think I have a percentage for where I'd stop trying to save a life? *that's been bugging him* Tarantulas *hm, is curious about this too* ItsyBitsySpyers *He's /almost/ sorry they said not to move. This music is infectious and his every wire sings with wanting to move. But he's sat still through worse.*
[[In the scenario proposed? The result waiting at the end of that particular potential failure. A simple problem of a ship about to crash is one thing. Being burst apart from inside the... what do humans call their...]]
*Draws stripes over his chest with his fingers for a second, thinking.*
[[Rib kennel. It seems more merciful.]] [[Below a certain percentage, at least.]] VProwl Hm. VProwl If THEY asked for a quicker, more painless death—below a certain percentage, I would consider helping them arrange that. If they were still fighting—if they still WANTED to fight—I would have no right to take that from them. Tarantulas *snicker* Chest. Generally referred to as chest. VProwl Unless it was to kill one infected to save the others. But that's not the scenario you presented. ItsyBitsySpyers *Glance at Tarantulas.* [[The internal supports, not the meat.]] Tarantulas Ribcage, then. VProwl *tarantulas is so smart. just listen to him.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Takes a moment to think about that. Then shakes his head.* [[No, no. Cages are where you keep dangerous things that must not get loose. Kennels are where important things that must be protected are kept.]] VProwl I'd trust the expertise of the mech who reformatted his alt-mode into an earthling. Tarantulas Don't argue with me how it ought to be named - I wasn't the one who decided their terminology, hyeh. ItsyBitsySpyers [[His chosen earthling has no bones.]] Tarantulas I'm glad you do know THAT, though. Some humans don't even know that much. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He isn't surprised.]] ItsyBitsySpyers [[Where were we. Percentages, rights...]] *Rewind memory.* [[Killing the infected. Then you would have terminated the one with the spawn in him?]] Tarantulas They DID think of a plan to preserve his life without ending theirs, though. VProwl Not immediately. I would have gotten an estimate from the expert on how long it would take to emerge, and kill him either if we got too close to that deadline or found that there was a vanishingly low probability that we'd be able to get him to somebody who would actually extract the alien and keep him alive. Not as a mercy killing, but to protect everyone else—Earth included. ItsyBitsySpyers *Privately, Soundwave does not believe he'd take that risk. Not for anyone but eight of the mechs in the building.*
*...After Tarantulas' point and Prowl's decision, he's not sure he should mention that.* Tarantulas *tarantulas wouldn't mind tbh* VProwl ... He'd probably have to die, though. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He did do that.]] [[And far more bravely than any of those without.]] VProwl No, I meant—I'd probably have calculated that, yes, he should be terminated before the alien finished developing. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Ah.]]
*...You know what, he's going to say it. Prowl knows who he is. If after all this time he expects Soundwave to think exactly like him, he has another think coming. Tarantulas, he's still not sure what to believe. Probably that Tarantulas would keep the human alive just to get the xenomorph out and start the breeding experiments over again.*
[[...Were there an equivalent creature for our kind, he would have had that Cybertronian terminated on the spot.]] Tarantulas *mutters something about not having to have killed him if he were around because he could have operated on him there on the spot* VProwl Mm. Less optimistic, but... given these things' record, not imprudent.
*nudges tara. ur right, but that's not part of the game.* Tarantulas *nudges him back, shh* ItsyBitsySpyers [[They were already outnumbered. And frightened beings make poor decisions. They get separated. The instant that host disappears from sight, for however long, they are effectively another enemy waiting to be discovered. Slaughtering them would preserve the chances we already had and be sure to reduce the maximum number of opponents.]] [[But... he admits that his thoughts are colored by lessons he was forced to learn against his will.]] *Namely, the arena.* VProwl Hmm. As I said: not imprudent. Tarantulas Not unwise, yes. With so many unknown variables, I do think the choice is a debatable one, instead of a fixed yes or no. Awfully subjective. ItsyBitsySpyers *Nods. He wanted to be sure Prowl knew WHY, and not just... internally react to that concept like your average Autobot.* VProwl *oh, he knew why: the same reason he'd consider the same option.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Just because you understand something doesn't mean you don't revile it, after all. Right, Prowl?* VProwl *detests calling it "subjective," but it's not worth arguing semantics.* Tarantulas *fair fair* ItsyBitsySpyers *Settles back into the couch and folds his hands on his lap. Stares at the wall.*
[[...The Queen did not have to perish, though. That was nothing but ingratitude and fantasy. As if such a being would consider a human a superior organic.]] VProwl Sure she had to perish. She was as much a threat to the humans as any of the other aliens. More of a threat, even, because she has the means to produce more. Tarantulas It was a first test-run - of course it was faulty and unpredictable. Unfortunate that it did kill the queen, but... VProwl ... Oh. We've stopped talking about saving the humans. Got it. ItsyBitsySpyers [[The ship was going to crash regardless, and her spawn had no reason to slaughter her. They might have lived in the nest until such time as the ship hit the planet. Instead, it followed the humans, killed more of them, and suffered.]] ItsyBitsySpyers *Thinks that IS talking about saving the humans.* VProwl *it's drifted out of the realm of controllable actions the humans and/or allies could have affected* ItsyBitsySpyers *Okay, yes, it's done that. But what do you want from him. He admires what he admires.* [[...He wonders if the mechs who reproduce via gestation chamber instead of other methods suffer from the same problems.]] Tarantulas Which same problems? VProwl I haven't /heard/ of any of them being nearly killed by their offspring. And I'd think they'd be less pleased to reproduce if that were a known risk. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Well, you wouldn't, would you? They'd be too dead to tell you.]] VProwl I said "nearly." As in the ones that survived to tell the tale. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Oh. Oh, yes.]] *Looks at Tarantulas and nods his head at Prowl. Those problems.* [[Plenty of Earth animals perish after reproducing. Octopuses, for example. No reason other fleshlings or some mechs wouldn't.]] [[Though he thinks it's a waste of good octopuses. A design flaw of some sort. One of their only ones.]] Tarantulas Hm. I've heard of mecha being offlined by complications while carrying, but not by being intentionally murdered by their sparkling. And the complications certainly aren't common. VProwl What sort of complications? ItsyBitsySpyers *Listening attentively to the answer to that question* Tarantulas Undue strain on the carrier's spark, sometimes because they're carrying more than one sparkling, or other times when they've not consumed enough to support both their life and the sparkling's, or... well. Those sorts of things. OH. Oh. You said - gestation tanks. What am I thinking. Well, it's similar, anyhow. ItsyBitsySpyers *Alarm* [[What do you mean, consumed enough to support both?]] [[How much does it require?]] Tarantulas More than the usual amount of matter, certainly. It depends on the health of the carrier and the sparktypes of both carrier and offspring. Tarantulas ...Among other things, of course. ItsyBitsySpyers *Great. Now he's gotta intensify his concerns about energon shortages on planets where that's the main or only way left to revive Cybertron. Because that problem wasn't difficult enough.* Tarantulas Ah! *sad noises* I - I ought to go. As much as I'd adore continuing this conversation, I do have business to attend to, sooner rather than later, preferably. *snuggles prowl close* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Yes. Yes, of course. He did not intend to keep you from it.]] VProwl *... attempts very poorly to reciprocate the snuggle. does a bad job of it.* *awkward waist pat.* Tarantulas *at least he tried* *he gets a smooch before tarantulas gets up tho* I'll see the two of you soon, I'm sure. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He looks forward to it.]] VProwl *that sounds like a threat.* Tarantulas *everything tara & sw say could probably be perceived as a threat if you look at it the right way, tbh* VProwl *more of a threat than usual* Tarantulas *it's not, tara promises* VProwl *he'll take it on faith* Tarantulas *good, thanks prowl. but now tara's off - gnight!* VProwl *watches him go.* *... doesn't scoot closer to soundwave once he's gone.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks in the space between them, then up. The mental voice is on the gentler, quieter side. More of a murmur in the back of the mind than a voice chattering in the front of it.*
[[...If you do not want to touch him, you need not do so. But he will always do his best to ensure no mech harms you as long as he is with you, and he...]]
[[What he told Tarantulas two years ago is true.]] [[If you would prefer to be in your own home, he understands and does not mind. If you prefer to be here, but separated, he will enjoy simply sharing a space. If you wish to be here and touching somehow, he will enjoy that as well.]] VProwl *... puzzled look.* You told Tarantulas that two years ago? *Soundwave and Tarantulas weren't friendly two years ago.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Told him what?]]
*Puzzled look. He didn't define anything.* VProwl The whole be-in-your-own-home thing. Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers *Stares even more blankly than is normal for him and his featureless mask, then leans back against the couch arm and bobs like a cork on a fishing line.*
[[No, no.]]
*Soundwave searches his files for the exact text. Where is...* ItsyBitsySpyers *Up pop a bunch of glyphs in what he considers a soothing blue.*
(txt): Soundwave trusts Prowl saves Soundwave’s life, if Soundwave’s life not least valuable option. ItsyBitsySpyers [[And he doubts this will come up anywhere that he wouldn't also agree that he was the least valuable option.]] VProwl *HUFF. that's an interesting "if."* ItsyBitsySpyers *It's an honest one. Prowl's going to do what's for the greatest good. If that means someone or something else gets to live, fine. And that will suit Soundwave's goal, too. If not, he doesn't believe Prowl will leave him hanging.* VProwl *... scoots a little closer. not touching-closer, but closer. still no relaxing.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Affection ping. Settles down into his seat and lets his frame hum with contentment. He's fine to stay that way if Prowl wants.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Though it means he has free mental space to devote to scheming.... but never mind that right now.*
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chocobutt-trash · 6 years
Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice
aka A VERY BELATED VALENTINES DRABBLE for the fifth and final winner of the valentines lucky draw! @chocobro-hijinks​, this one’s for you. So terribly sorry it was so delayed, but I hope the fact I got somewhat carried away makes up for it :D
Warnings: not a lot, really. Some language. Strange, I know.
Read on Archive of Our Own:
Or read below the cut:
The air glistened with the fallout of a thousand golden sparks. Remnant strips of metal and machinery lay about in disarray, and in the cracks and the corners, small fires burned themselves out into smoulders. The fighting had lasted hours, and now the Prince and the Advisor sat at a makeshift campsite, trying to regain their strength before the turmoil started once again. Prince, yes, Ignis thought, but the man beside him was not Ignis’s prince. It was decidedly aggravating, too, when the man was hell-bent on peppering their sparse conversation with little digs.
           ‘Don’t call me “boy” when we’re more or less the same age,’ Ignis said softly.
           ‘I’m six years your senior,’ Ravus replied stiffly.
           Ignis propped his glasses further up on his nose and watched the white-haired man who was — heavens forbid — six years his senior, didn’t he know, crouch on the dry carbon earth and brush dust off his pearl-shaded overcoat.
           ‘Six years means little in an age where the Empire casts its shadow over decades. As well you know.’
           ‘You know nothing of the Empire. And I’ll call you boy if I so wish. Being hand to an incompetent princeling is not enough to impress me.’
           ‘As if I’m trying to.’
           The sparks came to settle. Ravus glowered. Ignis simmered away as quietly as the soup he was stirring.
           He picked up the spices. Ravus was still glowering. Another moment’s consideration, and Ignis threw an extra dash of chilli into the soup. Well, extra was putting it rather lightly. It was an unholy amount of chilli powder. His years of training under a diplomatic school had rendered his stomach like iron and his palate strong enough to withstand even the most pungent of spices — for how could one be a Royal Advisor with any degree of efficacy if one could not handle foreign cuisine with utter aplomb? — and he doubted Ravus had received the same level of training under the fist of the Empire.
           Perhaps an extra hot chilli soup would still the dear Tenebraean prince’s tongue. At least, for a little while.
           He barely spoke at all as he finished up the food preparations, and as he dished out the meal, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the sound of Ravus’s stomach growling uncomfortably.
           ‘So you do have human parts, still,’ Ignis murmured, and his snide joke was not lost on the man, who accepted the soup with his Magitek prosthetic extended.
           ‘Shut up.’
           ‘I mean no disrespect.’
           ‘Of course you don’t.’
           Something about the ridiculousness of their current situation made Ignis start to laugh, and then, to his surprise, Ravus laughed too. They stopped after only a few seconds, both a little embarrassed, a little caught out by their rare moment of weakness.
           Then, the soup. The attack happened with a whimper and not a bang, a slow increase in spice level that hit at full force only after numerous spoonfuls had already been taken. First, a sniff. Then a watering of the eyes. A look of confusion, a twitch of the facial muscles, and then the rapid, ferocious breathing that meant the heat had increased.
           ‘Astrals, what the — what the hell’d you put in this?’ Ravus swallowed far too fast, clapping a hand to his mouth and smacking his lips in distress.
           Ignis merely smiled serenely, swallowing his own mouthful without breaking face. Ravus flustered around for some water, and Ignis let him find it on his own. It was quite entertaining to watch.
           ‘It’s a Leiden speciality,’ he said. ‘Prairie style soup. With no dearth of chilli peppers.’
           Ravus swore.
           ‘It’s… a bit hot for my taste.’
           Ignis did not say learn how to handle it. Like me. He didn’t need to. Everything he wanted to say was spoken in the stare he reserved for the pale man sitting before him, skin now flushed pink with the spice overload.
           Now the moment of weakness returned as they both began to laugh again. Perhaps it was the oddity of the entire situation, getting to them. The whole escapade was ridiculous, and they had been thrust together with little ceremony and little say in the matter.
           It would be a lie to say Ignis wasn’t growing quite fond of the ill-mannered prince. They both found themselves in similar situations, serving different nations with the same level of determination, in order to protect the ones they loved. He was actually finding he had … quite a bit of respect for Ravus.
           Funny, how things worked out.
           And now he felt a little guilty about the soup.
           Ravus stopped sniggering and finished the rest of the water. ‘If you want more, you’ll have to head back to the stockpile yourself,’ he muttered.
           Now Ignis’s smile was softer. ‘If that’s the case, so be it.’
           They settled into something akin to a comfortable silence after that. Ignis took the time to clean his shoes, and Ravus removed his overcoat to rub at his shoulders.
           It was only when Ravus removed the Magitek prosthetic from his shoulder fitting that Ignis realised just how much the battle had affected him. The tendons around the joint were pulled taut as bowstrings, while the muscles seemed all bunched up and solid as rock. It looked painful. It looked uncomfortable, and must be in no small part due to the extra effort of maintaining the prosthetic. If that stayed the way it was, Ravus would be at a disadvantage when the troops returned.
           ‘Perhaps you should allow me to relieve some of that tension. I have been trained in massage, you know.’
           Ravus’s reply was acid sharp. ‘I think not.’
           ‘Come now—’
           ‘Ugh, don’t talk like that, you sound like Ardyn.’
           Ignis doubted he could draw his mouth into any worse of a grimace. But, more telling was the look of distaste Ravus was currently shooting him. It seemed that, between them, there was no love lost for the dear old Chancellor.
           ‘It seems we’ve found something we can both agree on, then.’
           ‘And what is that?’
           ‘That the Imperial Chancellor is a complete and utter prick.’
           No sooner had the curse left his mouth than Ravus choked out a laugh.
           ‘It’s … strange, hearing you swear.’
           ‘I can say more. Did you miss all the times I shouted bloody hell out on the battlefield, there?’
           ‘I think I was a bit too preoccupied with the task at hand,’ Ravus shot back, and the sharpness was back in his voice, but there, below the surface, was still the wry camaraderie. It was … actually quite cute. ‘And yes. Seems we agree.’
           The idea Ignis was getting was partly in response to the growing heat in his groin, and partly in response to the increasing feeling he had that the two of them had a … well, a spark of sorts, going.
           ‘I really do think we should work out that tension, though. I am rather talented.’ Ignis gave him a pointed look, one that indicated without a shadow of a doubt the kind of tension he was thinking of. And it caught Ravus off-guard, that much was clear by the sudden parting of his lips, the innocent look that crossed his face that seemed so out of place there. Then those white-as-snow eyebrows furrowed. It seemed fury was an acceptable fallback when he felt out of control, and that only made Ignis wonder — if he felt out of control, did that mean he was… keen on the idea?
           ‘Is this the sort of thing you engage in with you dear Chosen King, now?’
           A flash of anger crossed Ignis’s face. He was all heated and riled up, yes, but that didn’t mean Ravus could trash talk Noctis like that. ‘Don’t you dare insult the Crown Prince!’
           ‘I shall insult him all I like.’
           ‘You know, you really are insufferable—’
           Ravus silenced him with a sudden kiss. It was rushed enough that their lips were smashed together with an urgency that made Ignis wonder if another Magitek mech wasn’t on its way in the distance. Another second and Ignis would not have been able to look to check, because Ravus’s fervent, angry movements knocked his glasses clean off his face. The frustration, the stress from the fighting, all of it reached a peak and Ignis kissed back just as hard. It was almost enough to make him laugh once again, because it felt a little like a contest. One would push and the other would push back. Ever evenly matched.
           Then the heat in his veins grew too strong and his hands joined in the action, spreading their way over Ravus’s half-undressed upper body, feeling every knot of muscle and sinew and pressing, stroking, as if appraising the man’s strength. As for Ravus, he had his one hand at the side of Ignis’s face, holding him like a prize while his mouth stayed claiming, claiming and possessing every inch of flesh it could find.
           The hardness in Ignis’s pants only increased when Ravus let his hand slip down to Ignis’s throat. A subtle threat, and a tantalising one. Ignis smirked into the next kiss, and dared him to grip harder. Then, hands spread across Ravus shoulder blades, he pulled the taller man in, falling back against the floor.
           Well, Ignis had learned one thing. Ravus could handle the heat after all.
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aeon-wolf · 7 years
Betrayal - Chapter 1
Now that Lena has joined her father and the Titans against the Gods, her loyalties made clear. Her betrayal of all she once held dear haunts her every day. But she made her choice and as the war between the Gods and Titans draws near, Lena’s allegiances will be put to the test. Does she help bring about the end of the reign of the Gods? Or will her love for Kara Danvers and the friendships she made along the way be enough to stop the daughter of Hyperion.
A PJO inspired Supercorp series. Part Two: Betrayal.
Read it here on AO3
“Again!” Hyperion shouted. Lena gritted her teeth, gripping the sword in her left hand, her eyes burning at the halfblood in front of her. A son of Ares that she didn’t bother to learn the name of. He picked up the sword that Lena had knocked out of his hand just minutes prior. Gripping the handle with both hands, he began to circle Lena again. She smirked, raising an eyebrow teasingly at him.
“C’mon halfblood. You can do better.” She taunted, standing in place, but following his movements closely. She knew her father was watching her movements closely, checking her for any weaknesses. She tensed up in anticipation of the boy’s first move. She was going to make him attack first. One of her greatest skills in battle, her patience. She would wait for her opponent to make a mistake first, keeping her defense tight until someone left an open flank or a leg undefended. Then she struck with deadly precision and accuracy.
The son of Ares did finally lunge after a couple of minutes of analyzing the situation. He stepped forward, feinting to the left before he lunged right. Lena narrowed her eyes at the subtle fake. She wasn’t about to allow herself to be caught out, instead, meeting her opponent’s large two-handed sword with her own swords, the metal clashing together loudly. She twisted and pushed hard against the large sword, the blade clattering out of the halfblood’s hands to the floor as the force of Lena’s push sent the halfblood reeling back, almost losing his balance. Lena just snorted.
“Pathetic.” She said, sheathing her own swords. “Father, enough of this. He needs more training. This is a waste of both of our time.” She insisted and Hyperion nodded in agreement. He turned to the halfblood.
“Reed, if you wish to stay on in our army, your skills need to improve. Quickly.” He said dangerously. “We have no use for halfbloods that can be disarmed by the simplest of moves. Leave us.” He said, the halfblood who Lena guessed was Reed, bowed his head, unwilling to meet either Hyperion or Lena’s flaming gaze, picking up his sword and hurrying away.
“These halfbloods are hopeless,” Lena said, crossing her arms. “If you wish to take down the gods, they’re going to have to be trained harder and faster. Otherwise, it’ll be another five years before we’re ready.” Lena counseled. Hyperion just sighed.
“Not all of them can learn as quickly as you Lena. You’ve accomplished much in only two years. A master of dual bladed sword fighting. A practice that takes most years to accomplish and only after they are proficient with one blade. Not to mention gaining full control of your powers.” Lena grimaced. Her father was right of course. Her training regime had been brutal. And would’ve probably killed a normal halfblood.
But she was anything but normal.
Hyperion glanced at the clock, the time approaching nearly nine in the evening. “Get some rest, Lena.” He said, patting her firmly on the shoulder. “Tomorrow is another day. Another battalion of telekhines arrives tomorrow.” Lena rolled her eyes but nodded slightly. She stalked out of the training arena, her red cape billowing her behind her.
Lena opened the door to her room, untying her sheathed swords from her back, hanging them on a weapon rack on the wall by the door. She then unclipped the cape from her armor, hanging it on a hook before sitting down on her bed. She sighed, bending down to unstrap her boots and remove her armor. She normally didn’t wear it around the castle, but her father had instructed her to wear it to the training that day. And of course, she complied. Once her boots had been unstrapped and thrown into the corner, she looked down at the large crest on her armor, pressing her hand against it. The sun symbol on her chest that was also burned into her wrist glowed gold. The armor began to retract, shrinking from her body until it only resembled a golden belt around her waist.
Her armor, more similar to a mech suit in construction, though less bulky than anything a human could invent, had been a gift from her father. After the completion of her training a couple of months ago, he had given her the armor along with her dual swords that she proudly wore. She carefully began to unwrap the strips of cloth that she around her hands and wrists. She peeled back the fabric on her right wrist to reveal her mark that her father had burned onto her skin, a constant reminder of the choices she made that day.
“Lena, you can’t be serious.”
“They’re Titans, they’re evil!”
“I’m sorry.”
Lena shook her head, willing the memories back into the deepest recesses of her mind. It did no good to dwell on them. Lena grabbed a pair of shorts from her dresser, pulling them on, not bothering to put a shirt on over her sports bra until later. Lena padded over to the window that overlooked the mountain and the sparkling lights of San Francisco in the distance. She had spent many a night gazing up at the night sky. Nights when she returned to her room, battered and bruised, she looked to the stars and tried to pull herself together. Stop herself from collapsing on the floor. She was the daughter of the third most powerful Titan in existence, she was far from weak.
Over the last two years, her training had bled her dry. Scars littered her body, earned in battle against some of the most brutal monsters that the Titans had to offer. She had destroyed hellhounds, telekhines, countless Dracaena, even other halfbloods. She was a killer. It shone in her fiery eyes. Over time, the more time she spent with her father, her eyes faded from the green that they once were to the shifting flames of Hyperion. Until no one remembered what the original color was anymore. Only the flaming eyes of Hyperion were left. A true statement to her lineage. And power.
The last two years had not been kind to Lena Luthor. But she couldn’t bring herself to care. She was far stronger now than she had ever been. She was a ruthless and deadly killer. A brilliant strategist. And the single most powerful halfblood on Mount Othrys. Over the years, as word of the Titan’s coming war spread, they had halfbloods arrive on their doorstep, wanting to assist the Titans in overthrowing the Gods. Some believing in the cause, that the Gods were corrupt. Others hoping that being on the winning side would grant them power instead of death. And others still for reasons of their own. Lena didn’t care what their reasons were.
Lena scratched at her wrist, running her fingers along the burn marks on her right wrist. She flexed her hand a bit. The last two years had seen her grow into an intimidating woman. Her features, once warm and innocent, marred by scars and a dangerous heat behind her eyes. Her training regime had filled out her muscles quite well, her abs toned, leg and arm muscles tight, showing off all the sword training she had done. She worked out nearly every day to grow her physical strength and stamina. It had turned into something of a habit after the first couple of months.
It had taken her time to adjust to her new life. For the first few months, she had been haunted by her choices. Kara’s face following her wherever she went. Even into her dreams, she always woke in the middle of the night in a sweat. She relived that moment over and over again. Hearing Alex and Winn’s protests. Kara’s lips against hers. The last time she saw Kara’s blue eyes. She hadn’t seen her old friends in two years. She sometimes wondered what they were doing. Besides preparing to fight against the Titans. That was a given.
Lena scoffed. The Gods. Another thing that she had come to realize was that her father was right. The Gods were corrupt. The lived, high and mighty on Olympus, pretending to care for those that they ruled over. But all they did was control the powerful, leaving the weak to their own devices because they weren’t a threat to their power. Lena’s hatred for the Gods grew until she abhorred them just as much as her father.
But after all this time, she had never truly forgotten the only one she had ever loved. Kara Danvers. She had no idea what Kara was doing now. But Lena only hoped that she was doing well. Lena had betrayed everything that they had, to protect both Kara as well as herself. No news of Kara’s whereabouts from the halfbloods that had arrived from Demos was probably a good sign. All she knew from the small tidbits of information they had gathered was that J’onn had kept the news of her defection quiet. Rather he had elected to tell everyone that she had simply died. Lena had chuckled when she heard that. A rather foolish decision considering she would be leading their armies to war.
The halfbloods that arrived from Demos had all been visibly taken aback at Lena’s new status. But they quickly learned to both respect and fear her. Because while she held status as Hyperion’s daughter, she had the skill and power to back her threats and commands up. She had been trained by the best, therefore had the skills to reflect that.
After a while, Lena decided to call it a night and sleep. She pulled her bra over her head, pulling an oversized t-shirt instead, crawling into her bed. She snapped her fingers, the ball of light that lit her room blinking out. A rather handy little trick she had picked up over the years. With full control over her powers, she no longer passed out from exhaustion and had unlocked the potential her power of light granted her.
Lena lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling, trying to will her mind to relax. Her mind drifting back to Kara and her friends. Despite her father’s best efforts she knew, she still cared about Kara, and by extension those that Kara cared about. It wasn’t too difficult, Maggie and Mon-El had treated her like a younger sister. Out of the other six halfbloods, including James, Lena had felt the closest to those three in particular. Kara for obvious reasons. And she occasionally found herself missing them.
But they were her enemies now. And there was no way around that. They were working to protect the Gods, she was working to destroy them. And Lena didn’t think that she could get them to abandon their loyalties. And she wasn’t honestly sure if she ever wanted to. She wasn’t so cruel as to want to subject them to her life. She wasn’t evil. Not in her mind. The last two years had opened her eyes to a lot. The Titans, while certainly not benevolent beings, were not evil as the Gods made them out to be. And the Gods were not the good characters in the story either. They had their own flaws. And in Lena’s mind, perhaps with a little bit of Hyperion’s convincing, the Gods were not good for humanity. And they certainly were not good for her.
If she was being honest, she had two reasons for joining the Titans originally. One was for reasons for self-preservation. The Gods would never trust her after this war was over, even if she had remained on their side. She was always going to be a liability, therefore there was always a risk they would do away with her after she had lived out her usefulness. At least with the Titans, she didn’t fear being imprisoned and cast aside. She wasn’t a fool though. She knew that many of the Titans looked down on her, Kronos included, and were using her too. But better to be a pawn with some semblance of power than one without. At least this way, if she kept her nose clean, she didn’t fear death or imprisonment.
And the second reason was to protect Kara. Despite what Kara probably thought of her now, her feelings for the blonde had never faded, as much as Lena tried. She had slept around with some of the halfbloods over the last two years. Tried to forget the girl she loved. But it was impossible. Her heart still clenched at the thought of Kara’s face. The warm and bubbly daughter of Zeus, though she knew Kara had her own demons hidden beneath the surface, just waiting to come out.
And Hyperion had threatened to kill Kara if Lena didn’t join them. And she wasn’t going to let that happen, no matter what happened to her. She wouldn’t be killed certainly. Hyperion needed her in the coming war. So instead she gave herself up to give Kara, and her friends, a fighting chance for another day. There was no guarantee that they would come out of this war alive. And Lena had no idea what she was going to do when she inevitably came across them on the battlefield. But that was a problem for another day. Kronos and the rest of the war council; Hyperion, Krios, Iapetus, and Koios had yet to inform her of their plans.
Sometimes she was allowed to sit in on the meetings, but usually, those pertained to the training of their troops, which was becoming increasingly more involved in. More so since she had completed her own training and they had molded her into a perfect warrior and a perfect killer. But nothing of a timeline when they would launch their first attack. So Lena waited. She pushed herself harder to become stronger. Anything else and she would face punishment from her father. And she had learned first hand that she wanted to avoid that at all costs.
“Get up!” Hyperion growled harshly at Lena after he had disarmed her and knocked her to the ground, yet another time that day. Lena, her bones and muscles aching struggled to get up, unable to raise her sword, she was in so much pain.
“I can’t.” Lena hissed. Hyperion’s eyes flared, stalking towards this daughter. Despite her protesting, he took her right wrist in his hand. Suddenly she felt a continuous stream of agonizing pain shooting through her body. It felt like she was both on fire and being electrocuted at the same time. She screamed out in agony, trying desperately to not pass out because she knew that would only bring her worse things in the future.
She managed to stay conscious, but only just, as Hyperion ended the pain and let go of her wrist. She fell to her knees, breathing deeply. “You can and you will.” He said harshly. “You are my daughter. And you will show no weakness. The Gods will show you no mercy and neither will I. I’m doing this for your own good Lena.” He said.
“What good is exhausting me to the brink of collapse?” She said horsely, her voice scratchy from screaming.
“Consider it a lesson. Disobey me and show any sign of weakness again and that was only a taste of my power. You may be my daughter, and more powerful than even I had imagined, but my own power still is beyond you.” He said cruelly. “Now get up.
Lena shook her head, shuddering at the memory. The pain that she had been subjected to over the last couple of years. Her life was not something that she would ever wish upon anyone. Her father was harsh. Cold. Brutal in some ways. But he did it because he wanted her stronger. Somewhere inside her mind, she knew the way he treated her wasn’t normal. Even for a Titan. But it was her reality. Better to comply and carry out his wishes than question him and anger him.
Lena felt herself finally relaxing, able to drift off into an uneasy sleep. Kara’s face certain to haunt her dreams again that night. She hadn’t had a good night sleep in two years. Not since she had given into the Titans.
Well. Welcome to part two everyone. Hold on to your seats because it's only going to get darker and more angst driven from here. Lena hasn't had an easy life at all. It's been rather brutal for her for the last two years. She's been turned completely away from the Gods, though Hyperion and the other Titans haven't yet managed to get her to forget Kara. But that doesn't stop Lena from being an extremely deadly force to be reckoned with. Some people might think it's OOC for her, even in the given story context. But I don't think so at all. Consider that Lena joined the Titans for both self-preservation as well as to protect Kara. And that she's lived with them for two years. That's a long time to live under those conditions and I think at that point, anything is possible.
For those of you interested in what's been going on with Kara & Superfriends for the last two years, never fear. That will be covered in the next chapter. Then we'll get on with the plot. But I wanted a two-year time jump for obvious reasons. But that also means I have to briefly address what happened in those two years for things to make sense. An unfortunate necessity for my writing choices.
Anyway, I hope you guys are excited, because I am. In addressing the trigger warnings of abuse and torture, there isn't much. And I'm trying to be mindful of that. But, again, it's a choice I made, writing-wise, and will play a part later. So buckle up everyone. We're in for a bumpy ride.
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cddump · 7 years
Again (Sitting five. 2031 words.)
An awkward silence passed through the hallway for what felt like hours.
“Um,” Casper started, “so I–” “I don’t believe this!” The girl yelled out.
“This is the guy you were telling me about?” Gary the security guard asked.
“Yes! He’s the one! He knocked my new stash over when I was walking out of the store and saw the middle fold with my husbandos!”
“Her husbandos, man!” Gary slammed two open palms against his desk as he stood. “The very essence of this young girl’s love has been violated by your intrusive and peering eyes.” “Her love? Are those guys in the magazines drawn versions of real people?” “They’re called doujins!” Ash cried back, “and no,they’re not ‘real people!’ I’m not interested in three dimensional, pig disgusting men!” Casper blinked. What the fuck was she talking about? Did people like this actually exist? “Am…Am I being pranked?” He asked hopelessly.
“A normie like you wouldn’t understand.” “Tell her, girl!” the security egged her on while he pumped a fist into the air. Casper raised his hand in front of him in protest before things got out of hand.
“Hold on. If I’m a 'normie,’ then what are you?”
“I’m a N.E.E.T.!” She answered triumphantly.
“A…what?” “A N.E.E.T.! You know, No Experience, Education, or Training.” “Oh. So you’re a weeaboo loser.” Both Ashwini and Gary winced, as if Casper had thrown a punch to their arm. “…Are you the same, mister security guard?” Gary only nodded.
“Th-that’s a damn rude way of putting it!” Ash yelled.
“Yeah, bro. That was a hella low blow!”
“You owe us an apology!” “Sorry,” Casper said simply.
“At least try and pretend that you mean it!” Casper sighed in his usual tired irritation as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He didn’t know what time he fell asleep last night, but the fact that it was on the roof while sitting on a folding chair did him no favors. His back was aching and it felt as if he hadn’t slept a wink. He wanted to lay down, far away from the loud chaos these two brought.
“I’m sorry,” Casper repeated.
“Is that all you have to say for–” “Do you want me to fucking bow?!” he snapped. Casper’s sudden comment caused the girl to wince again, but this was far different from last time. Back then she had almost taken it as a joke, as if a friend were teasing her. Now her shocked stance held anxious fear. Casper could see Gary’s body language was different as well. He was leaned forward, ready to dart out of his chair at a moment’s notice. “I-I’m sorry.” Casper ran his fingers through his hair nervously. They landed at the back of his neck where he rubbed his hand against it. “I’m tired. And I haven’t slept well the past few days. I’ve only been awake for a few minutes and haven’t fully settled in yet. I haven’t even been here a full day, after all. I’m…I’m not usually like that. You see, I have…” Casper trailed off. He wasn’t about to tell them he had insomnia. He wasn’t going to let himself use it as an excuse for his shitty behavior. “…Nevermind. Can I sign those papers? I’ll get out of your hair after.” Gary eased himself back into his chair and pulled three documents from his drawer.
“Sign down here, at the bottom of the pages,” he said. Casper nodded as he pulled the papers from the open slot on the bottom of the glass. “Hold on, I’ll grab you a pen.”
“I got one,” Casper told him. He always had a pen and a small sketchpad on him. Both were tiny in comparison to their normal counterparts, but they worked whenever inspiration struck him. He clicked the top of the small pen and scribbled his signature on the papers, one after the other.
“I’ll get these to Chandra. Thanks.” Casper nodded.
“Sorry again. I…just need time.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Though Gary’s words were forgiving, his tone was not. Dear diary: day two and I’ve already fucked up and burned a bridge.
“Um. Casper?” Ash asked. Make that two bridges. And to top it off, she was the daughter of the landlord. Great going, Casp. “About your pen…” Casper held his pen out. He had gotten so used to it, he had forgotten it was a pen made for a convention he had attended last year. He had his own table to sell merchandise, including the small pen which had various images of his characters from his comics.
“Oh,” he yawned, “these guys are from a webcomic.” “Animals Deluxe! I knew it! Do you read it?!” He blinked. Maybe he could use this to win back some points he had lost from his outburst earlier.
“I’m the creator,” he said. It was rare he got to meet anyone in the real world who knew of his work, but in the span of 24 hours he had encountered three people who knew of his comic.
“Bullshit!” Ash and Gary said at the same time.
“Do you read it too?” Casper asked Gary.
“Never heard of it, but that sounds like a lie.”
“Okay,” Casper pulled out his phone and opened his pictures before showing the screen the to both of them. “This is me at my table during Emerald City Expo. This same picture was featured on my site for a while too.” The picture was a simple one where he and a male fan stood next to each other in front of a table filled with merchandise for his comic. They both smiled broadly and held their hands out in the peace sign. Casper’s eyes still had dark circles under them, even back then.
“No way!” Ash cried out. “That’s awesome! Have you thought about incorporating a more Eastern style into your artwork?” “…You know, it’s always nice to meet a fan, but I think that’s the first time someone’s suggested something like that right out of the gate.”
“I just think the animals would look better in a chibi style.” Casper brought a hand under his chin.
“I did that once for some stickers, actually. It wasn’t too bad but I wouldn’t want to incorporate it entirely into my comic. The sudden shift would be strange as well.” He rubbed his eyes. “Listen, I’m gonna try and get some sleep. I feel like I haven’t gotten any all night.”
“Wait up a sec, before you go, can I show you something?”
An elevator ride and a short walk later found Casper in front of Ash’s apartment door.
“Should I be worried?” He asked. “Why?” She taunted, “Don’t tell me you’ve never been in a girl’s room before?”
“This feels like the start of a horror movie. Like the room is going to be covered in plastic wrap from carpet to ceiling, Dexter style. Then I wander in, confused and Gary jumps out from behind the sofa with a baseball bat with nails in it, swinging at me. Then you two eat my body and bleach out any blood that got on the wrapping and furniture.” Ash stared at Casper, shocked.
“Wh…what kind of comics do you draw again?”
“I had a phase where I wanted to work with more thrilling genres.”
“You uh, have the imagination for it. I think.” Ash opened the door to her apartment, but the inside was mostly dark, causing Casper to take a step back.
“Holy shit, you really are going to kill me!”
“That’s right! Stabby stabby!” Ash jabbed Casper in the back with her index and middle finger which made him yell out in a high pitched, hollow cry as he jumped against the wall next to the door, completely caught off guard. It wasn’t until he heard Ash laughing did he finally calm down. She had bent over, holding on to her knees for support. “I’m sorry! I’ve never heard a guy make a noise like that before!”
“I’m going to bed,” Casper huffed as he turned around.
“No wait come back!” She grabbed his shoulder just before he started to walk away. “There really is something I want to show you! Come on! Pleeeeaaaaase?” The face Ash was giving him reminded him of his sister’s best friend.
“Fine, fine. What is it?” “A surprise. Come on in. Lemme turn on the lights.” The beige walls were plastered with various posters of different animated shows and movies. A large TV sat on a table opposite the door, with a tall shelf showcasing various different anime figures, most of which were women with different hair colors and large robots. Casper pointed to the largest poster he could see. It showed a red headed girl in a black bikini sitting on the arm of a large mech with a younger boy standing above her.
“I’m noticing the pattern that most of these women aren’t wearing a lot of clothing.”
“Yeah don’t worry about that. Come on, it’s in my bedroom.” Casper raised an eyebrow, remembering the 'yaoi husbando’ nonsense he had experienced downstairs.
“…What kind of anime are you into again?”
“Don’t be weird, come on.” He wanted to turn around and run back to his apartment. Just because she wasn’t going to kill him didn’t mean he was completely home free. He should have brought a witness, like Alex. He was weird as hell but wouldn’t let her try anything funny with him. Hell, he’d probably say anime was a Japanese propaganda tool laced with subliminal messages. Casper mentally shook his head and steeled himself as he followed the otaku to her room. It was definitely bigger than the master bedroom in his own apartment, and she had used the extra space to store her computer on one side of the room, her bed in the middle, and another television on the other wall. Just like the living room, the walls had posters all around, but they were less prominent here. The bed itself was surprisingly normal as well. Casper fully expected the bedspread to have images sewed into it as well, like children comforters did. Without an explanation, Ash had turned on the television and was fiddling with different on-screen menus.
“So what were you gonna show me?”
“Let me find it real quick, hang on.”
“Find it? You’re basically channel surfing. …Wait, did you bring me up her to make me watch anime?” “Uh-huh! There’s a series that’s similar to your comic that might help―Wait don’t leave!” Casper had turned around and was already making his way back to the living room.
“Look, I’m tired, alright? I have…sleeping issues.”
“Okay, I get that, but come on! Just one episode? Please?!” Casper sighed for what felt like the 50th time.
“Can I ask you something?” “Huh?” “Why aren’t you pissed at me? I acted really shitty to you and Gary down there. If it were me, I would have thrown a fit back.”
“Dude, look at this place,” Ash threw her arms open, showing off her living quarters, “Do you think this is normal? It’s like, dysfunctional or something. I can’t just walk down the street and ask them what kind of hentai they’re into, you know? I never give off the best first impressions, so I can’t be mad if the guy that just moved here got irritated at the overbearing weeb.”
Casper laughed. “You really did make a crappy first impression back at the book store.” “The book―aw damn it I had forgotten about that. I pushed it out of my memory.” Tiredness forced Casper to rub his eyes again.
“So how long’s an episode, then?” “They’re split into two separate 10 minute stories per episode, so about 20ish if we skip the opening.” “Let’s skip the opening, then,” he told her as he sat against her bed.
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