#i love him thank you for this💗⭐
zayneslady · 4 months
hey!! loved that angst fic you wrote xx can i request the boys reaction to when the reader/mc and them are in an argument, and they accidentally said something extremely hurtful and it made reader cry. make the boys regret it so much pls hehe😼 thank you 💗
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warnings: angst, open ending again hehe and again, reader is not MC
characters: Zayn, Xavier, Rafayel x reader (separately)
a/n: my first request *-* thank you so much! This exact trope is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy it! Get your tissues ready! Also thank you to everyone's support in my first post! I'm so happy! ❤️
Classification: scenarios
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You didn't want to admit it, but you were sick. During the day you felt a little sore in your throat and your nose was stuffy. Arriving at Zayne's house after work, it was more than obvious that you had a fever. Your face was red and the chills running through your body made you shiver. 
There was nothing else to do, you would miss work tomorrow to fully recover. Furthermore, with the care of your loving doctor, you knew you'd be fine in no time. So you quickly took a shower and after drying your hair, you grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch with a cold patch on your forehead, waiting for Zayne patiently. 
To your surprise, he arrived at a normal time and your heart vibrated with joy when you saw him enter. He had his head low as he stepped out of his shoes and closed the door behind him. 
"Zayne! Welcome back! How was your day?” You greeted him as he shrugged his coat off. “Guess what," you said, giggling softly because it was quite obvious by your funny voice that you were sick. "I got a little sick after yesterday's ra- 
You jumped a little when Zayne suddenly groaned, whipping his head up to look at you. “Oh my Lord,” he said, annoyed. “Can't you see I'm fucking tired? You do not know when you shut your damned mouth? I can't stand you! Why are you so clingy?” 
Your eyes widened and your face turned bright red. Your mind went blank and you didn't notice the tears streaming down your face until Zayne's face changed from complete anger to guilt. He looked at you from the door as if he didn't know what had happened just now. He didn't recognize himself. How did he dare to talk to you like that when you-
He gasped softly, “you're sick.”
You tried to clean your tears with your hands as you got up from the couch. Zayne made an attempt to come close to you, but you quickly ran to the bedroom only to come back after a couple of minutes with your shoes and coat on. 
“Excuse me,” you said, as you approached the door. 
“What? Where are you going like this? You need to rest.”
You nodded, trying to keep some distance from him. “I know. I'll rest back home. So please move.”
“Stay here. I'll take care of you,” he grabbed your hand and more tears fell down. How could he talk so sweetly right now after what he said. 
You shook your head, pulling your hand away and pushing him aside so you could open the door. “I don't need you, Zayne. Not when you can't stand me.”
“I was wrong, please.”
“I was wrong too. Goodbye, Zayne.”
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“My poor Xavier,” you mumbled, gently cleaning a wound in Xavier's side. You winced when he did and your heart broke. You knew perfectly well that this could happen because of his line of work, but you felt terrible every time he came home hurt. “Oh, Xav, is it too painful?” You asked as you started to bandage him. 
He shook his head, breathing heavily and resting his head against the pillow on his bed. “It could be worse. Thank you for helping out.” 
“No need to thank me,” you said, smiling at him as you placed a tender and loving hand over his now bandaged wound. “I wish you didn't have to do this. It's so dangerous.” 
Your words had no poison. You clearly didn't want Xavier to suffer in any way. Why couldn't he have a regular, safe job? Maybe he's just strong because he has to protect everyone. You said those words from the bottom of your warm heart, so you were more than surprised to hear Xavier's response:
“What? Are you saying I'm weak?” He spat and you blinked. 
“N-No! I'm just saying that I wish you had another job because- 
“Is that so? So you rather have a bunch of wanderers attacking innocent people? Just because you don't want me to get hurt?” 
“It's- It's not like that! I never said that. I just get worried sick for you and-
“Maybe I should really stop, huh? Just turn a blind eye to everything that's happening like egoist people like you di.”
He just kept vomiting out words, one harsher than the last. Every time you tried to speak and fix this misunderstanding, his irrational words drowned out your voice and it made something heavy and nauseating settle in your stomach. This was not going to end well in any way. 
“Xavier, my love, please listen to me. I do not- 
“Maybe one day a wanderer will actually kill you. And believe me, I won't even bat an eye at you,” he said, crossing his arms and turning his head away from you. 
Your eyes had never filled with tears as quickly as that moment. Your body began to shake with suppressed sobs as you felt heat and disappointment throughout your body. Did Xavier just... wish for your death? And in the hands of a creature as horrible as a wanderer? 
“Oh no,” he suddenly said and you flinched when you felt his touch against your cheek. “I am so, so sorry.” You cried a little harder before getting up from his bed. “W-Wait, my star. Please, I'm sorry.”
No words came out. You simply grabbed your bag and left the room.
He called your name and then groaned in pain as he tried to move. “Pl-please, come back! Where-
You couldn't hear more of his words as you closed the door of his apartment. Did this mean the end? You truly thought so. 
Rafayel 🐠
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"Ah, welcome back, Rafayel!" The amount of excitement that rushed through your body whenever your eyes landed on him was almost overwhelming. It wasn't that you hadn't seen him in a long time, but a second without him felt like a century. 
His eyes, usually warm and sparkling, looked cold and even angry at seeing you in his house. "Hello," he said dryly as he closed the door behind him. You frowned slightly. "What are you doing here?" 
"Hmm, nothing much. I just wanted to visit you. Is that alright?" 
He sighed, placing a paper bag on the table. "Yeah, sure. I gave you a key after all."
You cleared your throat, nodding awkwardly. "Did... you have a good day?" 
He sighed again and shook his head as he stepped out of his shoes. "I didn't. It was terrible for the very first moment I opened my eyes. You see," he started and you nodded, listening carefully. "I overslept so I lost precious time for my painting. Then I didn't have time to eat so I didn't eat anything but a piece of bread."
You immediately got up to make dinner for him, maybe after eating he'd feel better? 
"And the worst thing was," he said, collapsing onto his couch. "I couldn't find my emerald green paint so I had to go all the way to the art store and get a new one! Ugh!" 
You blinked, frowning a little. "Your emerald green?" 
"That's what I said."
"Hmm, I'm very sure I put it in all of your greens?" You left the ingredients aside as you walked to the paints. "Here it is." 
He got up and looked at you with an astonished expression. Confusion quickly turned into anger and he was yelling at you in a second. "Why didn't you tell me?!"
"You saw me last night!" You explained, carefully leaving the paint back in place. "You said you wanted your paints to be more organized and I asked you if I could help you out! You even told me you liked how I organized it by colors!" 
Rafayel let out a frustrated sigh as a hand carded through his hair. "I can't believe I just lost all of that precious time because of your stupid mistake!"
"Excuse me?"
"Every time you try to help, you just mess things up! Can't you keep your little hands to yourself for once? I was just stupid for letting you help me out! You are way too much, I can't stand you sometimes.”
You were stunned. He had never said anything like that about you, you couldn't even remember other times when you wanted to help him and you ruined it. Besides, it wasn't your fault. The green paint was there all along and he just hadn't taken the time to look for it properly.
You knew it wasn't your fault, but his harsh words and the anger and hatred in his eyes were too much. Tears quickly filled your eyes and began to fall down your reddened cheeks. 
Rafayel realized his mistake a bit too late. Letting out a gasp as he watched the first tear fall, he hurriedly approached you, but you backed away, putting space between the two of you. He couldn't say anything, too surprised by his own words.
What was just a moment seemed like minutes, endless hours with deafening silence. Only your sobs echoed around the entire house, until your voice, small and trembling, made him jump. 
“I won't touch your stuff again, Rafayel,” you said softly, avoiding his eyes. 
“N-No, I didn't mean-
You nod, “if you don't mind, I'll sleep in your guest room. Goodnight, Rafayel.”
Deep inside you so desperately wanted him to stop you, but he watched you disappear into the hall and never called you back.
You knew it was going to be a very cold night.
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
hello!! ⭐, I saw that your order section was open and yesterday I read your story of buggy with the Roger effect and Jessica Rabit and I loved it, and I would like to know if you could do a one shot or something shorter if you prefer showing how they met and they decided to get married I love your stories and I think that, like your buggy, he is my favorite character. If you don't like this request or you think it's not good to do it, you can just ignore it, it won't be a bad thing 😸 thank you and have a good day!! 💗✨ (pd. English is not my first language so sorry if something is not written well😔)
Deal! I love this little idea
Buggy x FemReader
Small angst + Fluff
Heart on my Sleeve
Prequel Of Roger and Jessica Rabbit Effect
Wanna Buy me a Ko-Fi ☕️
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• Your village was one of the poorest villages in the East Blue, the taxes from the World Goverment crippling your home to be a starving wasteland.
• Mainly to the wealthy Governor who lived above your town.
• You owned a fabric shop but the fabrics you owned were old and starting to rot from the lack of buissness. The moths having more use put of your fabrics then you did-
• The newest pirate on the scene Buggy the Clown shows up to your village ready to pillage it, in his early 20s with a fresh faced crew. However they did not expect the village to look worse then before they arrived.
• "I thought you said this place had money?" Buggy asked as he looked at the place. Lowering his blades as it looked like this place- it was in shambles. Like it had been pillaged to time then a pirate
• You had walked out of your shop, seeing if maybe the baker had just enough flour so you could feed yourself. Turning to see the group of pirates that seemed better off then you and your people.
• Buggy stared hard at you and matched forward, seeing that you were quite pretty in his eyes as he stood before you.
• "You! Tell me what the hell is wrong with this place! We heard it was rich here!" He said angrily, clearly upset at not getting to a small village that at least had a few Berries.
• You looked up at the pirate, noting the far too big of clothes for his frame and his painted face- Not liking he was putting such an unflattering green around his watercolor eyes. His face twisting up in anger as he caught you staring at his face.
• "What are you staring at!? You looking at my nose!" He yelled angrily, his fingers going to the inner part of your coat where you assumed some weapon would be.
• "No your shirts too big for your frame and that shade of green doesn't compliment your eyes well" You said truthfully, At this point a knife or bullet being a kinder death then starving anyway-
•"U-Uh- What?" He said confused, Unsure how to answer. You reaching forward and putting your arms around his frame to pull back the shirt. Taking a pin from your pocket and pinning the shirt back so it fit properly.
• "See- Your shirt is too big. It looks better fitted like that" You pointed out, His faze looking down at the pinned back shirt. His face red at how close you got to him, or that you'd touched him at all.
• "As for money we have non. The governor has the taxes so hide no one here can even feed themselves" You said truthfully, The young clown blinking at you in surprise.
• "Er- Y-Youre making fun of me somehow right? Like my Nose" He tried to yell again grabbing the front of your dirty shirt- clearly not used to someone trying to give him kind useful advice without some sort of motive.
• "I would never make fun of your nose, it looks fine to me anyways" You snap back and slap his hand away calmly. He blinked at you surprised and released your hand- His eyes going up the hill of the village and seeing the grand governors house hidden in some trees.
• He huffed and shoved you hard, you falling into the mud as him and his crew marched past up to the Governors home.
• However what did surprise you was the next Morning the Captian and his Crew stood in the village square and announced he now owned the village. Saying he was Buggy the Clown- and that he was now in charge.
• Before starting to hand out some stolen treasure??? Giving some supplies he had 'liberated' from the Governors house.
• You also noticed how his eyes lingered on you as he did this.
• It had been a few months like this, he would stop by randomly pay for the village. He wasn't taking taxes but instead paying things- it was improving greatly, the cracks of the pavements on the streets getting repaired, new paint on the building and new businesses flourishing-
• But you noticed how he would pay extra attention to your shop- Getting all his things from you. How you got extra rolls of fabric delivered to your door or how he would pay for all these extra accessories to his costumes.
• "You seamstress I want another coat!" He yelled as he invaded your shop.
• Buggy was there again, asking for another ridiculous costume. You couldn't help but notice how often he was coming by- claiming he wanted new costumes by you and wanting to be measured everytime he came in.
• How he would blush when you measured around his chest. "You know, I noticed you always come through here and stop specifically at my shop for new outfits when you wear the same coat" You tease, watching him blush at you pointing this out.
• "So what!" He yelled out, his face as red as a cherry. You look at him and raise a brow at him, Not even having to say a word as Buggy deflated.
• "...I uh wanted to take you on a date" He grumbled, finally admitting what his plans were. You smiled at this, Setting the tape aside.
• "Now please do tell me, Why should I accept your offer for someone who not only yelled in my face but pushed me in mud-" You point out, even though you knew he most likely made up for it by him saving your village.
• "..I am sorry about that.." He forced out, you could tell he wasn't used to apologizing and was trying his hardest.
• "I forgive you, But that doesn't mean I'll forget" You say calmly. Smiling softly as you saw him looking ready to flip put at the rejection but you held a hand to him-
• "I know- So why don't we make a deal. Since I can tell you're really sorry why don't we agree to dinner and go from there? Its not a date per say but its a start" You said with a smile, his eyes lit up at hearing this at the prospect of getting to win you over.
• "Really!?" He says excitedly, Jumping up and down like a school boy as he blushed and giggled into his gloved hands like a kid. You couldn't help but find it adorable-
• For the next year Buggy would send gifts, love letters, help rebuild the village. Do everything to get in your good graces and ask for a official date every time he visited.
• Buggy would essentially own the Village at the point, 30% of his money went to the village to get it on its feet and keep it a small strip of paradise the very limited taxes he implimented later affer the village was florishing acted as a small form of secondary income. Mainly making sure people knew the place was protected by him as his reputation grew through time.
• Him even showing his unique Devil fruit abilties- Which you often abused for him to float up and grab the more expensive rolls of fabric or hang up finished cloths.
• The village also being a popular tourist destination for the friendly locals and nice scenery. So for Buggy it was worth the investment since originally put in.
• After that 'probation' year you would finally agree to officially date him and he was over the damn moon.
• While he would be secretive about you, his love language was strong. He is both physically and verbally affectionate- While he still throws his fits you know how to handle him well. Loving him both for his strengths and flaws.
• It would be 1 years of dating before Buggy would start planning how to pop the question.
- You were closing up shop for the day, humming along to a made up tune when you heard the back door of your shop being unlocked. You didn't have to look to know who it was, only one other person had the key to it.
"Hey Buggy Boo" You call out, smiling as you heard Buggy grumble and peel off his boots to leave them by the front door.
"That is still such a bad nickname" He grumbled before walking behind you and kissing your cheek and wrapping his arms around you. He smelled like the sea, clearly having just gotten off his shop to visit you. He had been taking more time out to see, wanting to get his bounty higher. Currently proud of his 5,000,000 berry bounty which for a early 20s pirate was fairly good he claimed.
"Ah you love it" You giggle which earned a adorable chuckle from the man.
"You know (Y/N)- I uh really like you and Want to spend my.."
"So I wanted us to have dinner tonight- I know you like that place down the street and want us to go there" He said, his voice very soft- Much softer then normal.
Smiling you turn around and kiss him on the lips.
"I'd love to" You say cheerfully, earning a crooked smile from him as he held you close.
As promised, that night Buggy took you to your favorite restaurant. Having gotten a private table in the back, you two spending hours just talking and sharing a meal together.
Buggy even pulling out a box of your favorite candies he had gotten out from his last adventure.
After dinner he lead you away to the more scenic parts of your Village a small meadow pass that had the most beautiful blue and white flowers, under the moonlight it looked so magical. You saw Buggy reach in his pockets and turn to face you, nervousness painted on his face as he shuffled his feet. Clearly prepared to get on one knee-
"You stole my Thunder!!" He cried in faux anger, you laughing hard as he ranted about how you knew so quickly, happy tears running down your cheeks as you smiled and his face turned deep red.
"Yes I will!" You said with a wide smile, your excitement getting the best of you as you slapped your hands over your own mouth. His jaw dropping in shock.
"I've been planning this for 4 months!!" He whined, face so red his nose was glowing as he stared at you.
"Im so sorry Baby, You just- You talk in your sleep my Love." You reveal with a smile, His face twisting up as he realized you'd known the whole time and let him try to have his moment anyway. You had just got too excited and answering too quickly-
As this sunk in he smiled widely and started to laugh, he couldn't help it! You were just too perfect for him! Despite everything you still let him have the spotlight. He kissed your lips eagerly and held you close, rocking the two of you side to side in pure joy.
"I.. I love you (Y/N)..So much- I cant wait for you to be my wife.." He said as he pressed his face into your neck- You could feel the warmth of tears hitting your skin exposed. Your arms wrapped tightly around him as you hug him close and cried against him in joy.
Pulling the both of you to the ground with a loud laugh as you two laid in the flowers- Laughs leaving you both as tears stilled from both of your eyes.
"I love you too Buggy Boo"
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taasgirl · 8 months
planned / jude bellingham
summary: jude an y/n are aaaaall about soft launch, until a certain grealish ruins it
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jobebellingham Proud of you brother. Birmingham will always love you #bvbbound
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judebellingham Lots of love little bro 🫶
user4562829 their love for each other >>>>>>
bvb Welcome home starboy ⭐
ynusername up for some german lessons @ judebellingham
judebellingham ja bitte!
ynusername you're getting there...
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ynusername i don't wanna leave home :((((
view comments...
maddygrech please don't leave me here with the eshays
ynusername oh god. good luck
jobebellingham God when can I come over 🙄
user272937 always was always will be 🖤💛❤️
liked by ynusername
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham, gioreyna and more
ynusername us.
view comments...
user3452893 strangely cryptic...
user1280282 100% confirming that she's a wag
user0927652 anyone else here from that one tweet?
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erlinghaaland Hearts for everyone. Thank you to everyone who came out tonight, a biiiig 3 points on the board.
ynusername sigh.
erlinghaaland fine take him back 😳 liked by judebellingham
judebellingham Germany is black and yellow!! 🖤💛
username456297 yn and jude this, yn and jude that. LETS FUCKING TALK ABOUT ERLING AND JUDE
liked by ynusername
view ynusername's story
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flowers for my pretty guy <3
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ynusername is it really a date if i'm not ordering pasta?
judebelligham idk if you're scamming me but pasta should not be $40 a dish
user563920 WHAT THE FUCK????????? user019373 TEARS DOWN MY FACE RIGHT NOW
maddygrech my pretty girl
jackgrealish i wonder who was taking these photos 💁
user65283 he's so unserious omfg
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judebellingham some photos with some of my favourite people 🩷
trentarnold66 nice to see that you've done me dirty
jobebellingham i hear you. look at my eyes smh
jackgrealish i wonder how y/n is feeling now that you've finally posted her
judebellingham's post is unavailable
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judebellingham i think i'm gonna love you a long time @ynusername
ynusername @ jackgrealish we wanted the soft launch to last longer gosh
jobebellingham idk what she sees in you
judebellingham 🍆
user458274 yeah they're my parents fr
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ynusername i really wanted to drag out the soft launch but @ jackgrealish had different plans...😶
judebellingham my beautiful girl 💗
user567822 NAWWWWW
user682629 ok they cute af
Let me know if ya'll like this ❤️ Jude and y/n got me cheesing
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jsuh · 6 months
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every month of 2023!
tagged by @bethereforme & @wayvs & @firetrucks & @fadedinmysong & @pinktaeyeon (thank you so much guys, i love every single one of you and i couldn't thank you enough for keeping ncity alive in here, you're the best 💗)
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love
⭐: most popular
💗: favorite
⭐: this cute ass mark set got over 2.5k notes... wow
💗: 95z and mark unit will always be the bes thing ever for me
⭐: yuta and his 374 teeth sledding in chicago
💗: johnny's bday set ofc &lt;3
⭐: yuta and his teeth in brazil this time, i didn't realize he's such a star here
💗: definitely mark and johnny being sweetest ever together
⭐: nct dojaejung perfume mv set (deserved a grammy)
💗: more dojaejung cause why not
⭐: i think it was ian's debut on my tumblr? anyways he was a hit of may
💗: johnny at the gold gala what a slay
⭐: jcc in LA, the whole ep was really cuteee
💗: more johnny at the gold gala cause he looked really good
⭐: minho compilation i made for my bff's bday
💗: 95s my favorite boysss
⭐: pretty jaehyun from nct nation
💗: baggy jeans mv, it was so fun to gif
⭐: this yuta and taeyong moment got 2.7k i'm crying + special mention for this johnny cause he looked cute
💗: honestly just all 230917 nct nation posts cause the file was so hq and everything turned out so nice, i love all the sets, especially this johnten one and this ten and taeyong one
⭐: yuta & johnny
💗: this johnny x thom browne cause i'm proud of him and he's a superstar
⭐: ofc it's crying urichil
💗: the rizzness taemin cause it was crazy as hell
⭐: it had to be crying urichil once again
💗: these cuties tagging: @tipannies @jae-min @suuho @sunghanbin @hoongjong @yunogf @yutaslaugh @onmywayv @jentlemahae @lisanamjoon @nctsworld @dazzlingkai @rainbowrenjun @haechan @huangrenjuns @seomarkno @nctsjaemin @tvxqdbsk @choi-soobin @lloveorloved @renjunniez @talksaxy @jaemtens
sorry guys if you already did this one and thank you for keeping tumblr alive <3 happy holidays and all the best in the new year!
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can you do a crookedstar stimboard? he’s my favorite little guy and i love him
hiihi, thank you for the request! next time, please check out my new intro post which features more info on requesting ❤️
✮ Crookedstar ✮
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✦ .  ⁺   . 🐾 .  ⁺  . ✦
☆ 🐈 ┆ 🌊 ┆ 🐈  ☆
☆ 🌊 ┆ ⭐ ┆ 🌊  ☆
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✦ .  ⁺   . 🐾 .  ⁺   . ✦
requested by anon & @bearbonessystem !
do not remove my text when reblogging, ty !
feel free to send in an ask <3
please check out my new intro post for more info 😸
❗💗 art by @abcwc 💗❗
[ google doc is getting replaced by a carrd for easier navigation & layout! ]
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xxsycamore · 1 year
Hello honey Congratulations for the milestone you deserve every singleone of themand so much more 🌠⭐🌠⭐ I have no words to express how mich I absolutely LOVE this idea for the celebration 💞💕💖💗
I am here to ask can I have for my lovely Jean with 🫂 whipe cuddling on the couch 🙏 Thank you Have a wonderful day 😘😘
Thank you Julie, glad you've been enjoying this too! Have a lovely day and I hope you enjoy the cuddles with your boy! 💕
[🫂] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚍, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚒𝚖。。。
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"Mmm... ma chérie, is that you?"
When you saw Jean asleep on the couch in the lounge room, your first thought was to go grab a blanket. Then you noticed the various books and notebooks scattered across the coffee table, recently dried ink forming letters and tying them into lengthy sentences... your impulse beat you to it. You HAD to hug him, smooch him, right this instant...!
You might've underestimated the depth of his accidental nap, because as soon as you hover over the backrest of the couch, Jean's eyelids flutter and he calls out to you in his slumber. The position is restricting and his sleepy response to the hug is to tug you further in... resulting in you ending up rolling over the backrest and right ontop of him. The small shriek you let out startles him, but he's quick to ensure your wellbeing, being comfortingly pushed to lie back down by you.
"Are you comfortable like this?"
You nod enthusiastically, content with the way you ended up entangled in a hug that would require a little creative moving around to escape. You suddenly become Jean's blanket, and you want to let him know that sleeping is not off the table just because you decided to cuddle the heck out of him, expressing your pride in his hard work in studying.
"Then... I'm comfortable too. I don't want to let you go now."
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∎ For You, My Valentine‼️ - xxsycamore’s 1000 followers celebration party | 💌 event masterlist
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jamespotterthefirst · 2 years
Choices LIs Rated
Thank you @trappedinfanfiction and @planet-alicorn for the tag! 
Tagging: @takeharryandgo, @lucy-268, @coffeeheartaddict2, @heauxplesslydevoted, @genevievemd, @bex-la-get, @danijimenezv, @potionsprefect, @liaromancewriter, @peonyblossom, and anyone who wants to do it! 
This is the ranking system I made up:
Highest Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🔥 (Means this LI fucks GOOD)
🌩️ (Delicious Angst)
Let’s goooooo
Mark Collins ⭐⭐⭐⭐ +  🔥
I’m a sucker for friends to loves, okay? I fuck with that so hard. Plus, Ben annoyed me. 
A Courtesan of Rome
Cassius  ⭐⭐
Syphax  ⭐⭐⭐⭐ +  🔥
Again, I’m a sucker for friends to lovers. So you know I had to go with Syphax. Not without being a slut first. Cassius was okay. Not bad. And I’d rather die than fuck M*** A***** seriously. I did play him though. That was the highlight of the finale. 
Baby Bump
Mayor Dixon ⭐⭐⭐
Sarcastic asshole who went down on my MC? Yes, please. 
Blades of Light and Shadow
Mal ⭐⭐⭐⭐  +  🔥
Tyril ⭐⭐⭐⭐  +  🔥
Literally couldn’t pick one so I made two MCs. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
Adrian Raines ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ +  🔥 🔥 + 🌩️🌩️
Omg. When he sucked my MC’s blood and the he sucked her ***. BYE
Also, my toxic trait was mentally forcing this man to say ILY even after I died and came back to life.
Desire & Decorum
Mr. Sinclaire  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ +  🔥 🔥 + 🌩️+ 💗
Babe, when he moaned??? The first time he fucked my MC. lkjdfksl. Core memory. 
He also took a bullet for me. Instant hall of fame. 
Distant Shores
Edward  ⭐⭐⭐⭐ + 🌩️
Oh Captain my Captain! We could’ve had it all but that bitch pb was playing too much. 
Endless Summer
Jake  ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The minute he called me Princess and I called him Top Gun, it was a done deal. 
Foreign Affairs
Tatum  ⭐⭐⭐
Friends to lovers, my beloved. Also, we could’ve had it aaaaaaall.
Grayson  ⭐⭐⭐
Kenji  ⭐⭐⭐
I might have a thing for bosses in this app... 
Home for the Holidays
Wyatt ⭐⭐⭐⭐ +  💗 💗
FRIENDS TO LOVERSSSSSSSSS. SECOND CHANCE? And he’s a sweetheart. The choice was clear. 
It Lives in the Woods
 Connor   ⭐⭐
He was cool. I had to pick someone so here we are. 
It Lives Beneath
Parker ⭐⭐⭐ + 🔥
Lost a star because he’s a cop. Otherwise he would have been perfect. 
Mother of the Year
Thomas Mendez  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ +  🔥 🔥 + 🌩️🌩️ +  💗 💗 💗 💗
🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 ��� 
I am a slut for my Mexican American dorky lawyer FIRST and human being second. Like, the moment my MC met him, she knew he was hot but the moment he went all lawyer on that principal? He was the one. AND WHEN HE ASKED GUY’S UGLY ASS WHAT LILY (MY MC’S DAUGHTER) WANTED TO BE WHEN SHE GREW UP? He graduated to God Tier. 
I will never forget when this guy and my MC made Pozole and then fucked til kingdom come. It’s like whoever wrote that scene knew me on a molecular level. 
Nik Ryder  ⭐⭐⭐ +  🌩️🌩️🌩️🌩️
My MC told him she loved him and he basically said “K.” So then she died. I just wish PB would have shown a scene with him crying over her body dsklfjsdlkf
Open Heart
Oh, lads. You already know. 
Ethan Ramsey 
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 
💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗  💗 💗 💗
🌩️🌩️ 🌩️🌩️ 🌩️🌩️ 🌩️🌩️ 🌩️🌩️
🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆
Ultimate MVP, y’all. Unmatched, undefeated. My MC laughed, cried, and c***. 
That fucking scene where they met and he started calling her Rookie and then LATER LAUGHED AND CALLED HER BROKE. Then she called him an asshole which he totally heard. That was the genesis. They were both like “I have never been more offended by something so true” or whatever the meme says. (This is not considering Bree’s version where I have them meet minutes before, where he almost runs her over. Run me over too sir)
There is so much in the “in between” but I have been screaming about it on this blog for almost 3 years. You guys get the idea.
Also, king of giving head. King of my heart. 
Perfect Match
Damien Nazario  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ +  🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 +  🌩️ 🌩️🌩️ 🌩️🌩️+  💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 +  🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆
Best friends to lovers. Sarcastic asshole with a fluffy inside. Angst. BOMB SEX (that train scene, y’all). 5/5 would do him again. 
Raleigh Carrera  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐+  🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 +  💗 💗 💗
🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆
PAPI! When he was drunk and said it felt like every song he’s ever written has been about MC? GAH DAYUM. Then he f**** my MC so good while speaking Spanish. dsjfkldsf 
Queen B
Ian Kingsley   ⭐⭐ +  🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
Toxic but great sex. I never finished the book but I can see my MC moving on after graduation. Thanks for the memories. Goodbye. 
Red Carpet Diaries
Matt Rodriguez   ⭐⭐⭐
I had to pick someone and I kinda loved him. I also hated everyone else. I didn’t make it far enough in the series to meet Hunt. 
Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Logan ⭐⭐⭐ +   🌩️ 🌩️🌩️ 🌩️🌩️
The classic plot of “It was all a game/plot/bet but I ended up falling for you for real”. I liked him. I’d like to think my MC found him again one day. 
The Elementalists
Bucket  ⭐⭐⭐ +  💗 💗 💗 💗
I remember being a BH stannie on tumblr (though a quiet one). LOL, it was a rough time but we persevered, babes 
The Royal Romance
King Liam ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ + 🌩️ 🌩️🌩️+  💗 💗 💗 💗 💗
My first LI ever on this app. Never forget. 
Veil of Secrets
Flynn O'Malley  ⭐⭐⭐
Lost a star for looking like Ian Summerhandle 
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spookylizpg · 1 year
What are some facts about Blood Gorge? Also he is very handsome :)
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Awwh! ! He is very handsome, indeed <3
⭐Here are some epic fun facts about him! ⭐
He has a young sister back in Earthrealm
Her name is Elena Seguar and she is currently living in her hometown, where she waits for her missing brother to come back.
Side goal of his is wanting to taste all of the kombatants' blood !
He believes each blood has it own different flavor, he would love to start with D'vorah then end it off with Noob.
Doesn't have any friends in the mk universe yet
Currently his friends are some of my ocs who are posted here on my side account ! @spookestlizpg
Born in July 23 ♌
Under the mask is cuts and scars
The insane urges to just consume blood makes him claw his face to itch that desperation off, so a mask is required to help those urges at ease
What he looked like before finding the blood dagger
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Favorite dessert. . . Buñuelo ! ! !
💗 Thank you for asking for fun facts! I really appreciate it!! Yippie!💗
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bizarrelittlemew · 11 months
from @denizbevan: "crush" (thank you! 💗)
He had been foolish to think that he would be able to fuck this crush out of his system—instead, the more Stede gave him, the more he craved, and it had intensified and multiplied into full-blown being in love.
⭐ send me a word and i will answer with a sentence from a wip ⭐
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bloomingkyras · 1 year
💗 Tell me a fact about a sim of yours and send this to some of your favourite Simblrs to let them know you appreciate them 💕⭐
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Fact About Althea Kannedy my 1 Heir for my Postcard Legacy Challenge 💕
❀ She's was not born into a spellcaster family unlike her husband Emerie, who was born in a spellcaster family.
❀ she is the most fine sims that i have. Although she was being cheated by her husband before their married she just "ok, I'm fine" she just remain clam 😂. I know that she's hurt but she really love Him (i also love him) that why i change her story that i have made before and let them live happy ever after.
❀ She really love traveling like me,that why i choose to play with Postcard Legacy Challenge cause it not just u have to master their skill its also about traveling around the sims world.
i just want to say thank you so much for every one that always support my content not just by like or reblog but giving me inspired to keep on creating more content although i'm still new in this community :)
And also thanks to @jazzytrait for the ask and i adore your game play too :)
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Loved the WWLT update! So amazing 👏🏾 can't wait to read more! Fantastic 😊💗
Oh wow, thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it! 😍🤩🤩⭐🥰
I've done several fanfics before and I'm working on a couple fun ones for the winter hiatus (inspired by Michelle Pfeiffer and David Lee Roth, separately, not together - could you even imagine? ha!) - plus working every day to finish the ones I've already started.
But WWLT - this one.. will always be super special to me. This is the very first original idea I ever had for a fan fic. But I thought it was silly and that no one would want to read it because it's so different from everything else I had read or written or seen out there in the Chenford fanfiction universe (I've read all of them on Ao3).
My version of Tim has been through so much, and didn't realize the impact he's had on so many people - so I found a way to tell him that so many women in his life love him just as he is - the candy-coated-marshmallow man. He's the sweetest.
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musingsofvenus · 2 years
⭐(i would LOVE if you talked about the kill bill au, but i'll take any director's commentary!)⭐
*cracks knuckles* This answer is Long As Hell 😌 I chose select scenes from my favorite chapters.
I also elaborate on other details in the author's notes section of each chapter on AO3, so I only included comments I haven't already gushed about below
Director's commentary is below the cut. If you haven't read the kill bill au, spoilers are yonder.
Request is from this post. Thank you for the ask!!!! 💗
Chapter 1
An unexpected spurt of blood hitting his face makes Charlie flinch. As he wipes his cheek, he sees a bullet leeching its way out of the woman’s chest. The bullet clatters to the ground, and a trickle of blood leaks from the hole left behind. Seconds later, her chest stutters with a weak gasp.
“Uh, she ain’t dead,” Charlie announces.
I'd say 80% of the dialogue is lifted directly from the movie or script. Whenever I write, I have the movie playing in the background for visual/story reference. I rewind and rewatch 100s of times.
Aside from that, I really loved writing this bit. Hillbilly cop Charlie and his sidekick Buttcrack Santa are my favorite humans. One thing I had a hard time with was describing the bullet leaving Leah's body; it took me a long time to figure out how I wanted to rework that scene. Translating movie action to words is hard. Some things just work better visually. But I think it turned out alright
Chapter 2
I LOVED this entire chapter. There's so many fun scenes. I wrote it in one sitting. I have so many comments about it
There was something about his perfect smile and his Southern charm that drew Leah in. His pretty brown eyes with gold flecks in them were like molasses, full of sweetness and affection just for her. And his hands, large and strong, played with Seth during the day and held Leah tenderly at night.
THE BLACK GUY ALWAYS DIES FIRST!!! I agonized over this a lot because it's my pet peeve in movies. So I just decided to make myself feel worse by describing Laurent as the hottest, most incredible lover ever. SIGH. I entertained the idea of having him reappear at the end of the fic as a vampire, but I ended up scrapping that idea. The logistics of that would've been too annoying
The charcoal wolf charged at them, wasting no time raking its claws across Leah’s face. She screamed in horror and agony, clutching at her face as it gushed torrents of blood and burned like fire.
I thought it would be ironic to have Emily be the one to scratch Leah in the face, since Emily was originally the one who got scarred in Twilight.
Long, pale white fingers grasped the edge of the boat, and a pair of red eyes broke the surface of the murky water with a laser focus on Leah. Long brown hair, turned teak from the water, floated along the surface in loose tendrils.
Remember when Victoria was watching Bella from the water in New Moon after Jacpb fished her out of the ocean? Yeaaaaah that's this
Chapter 3
“Your eyes haven’t cooled yet,” she realizes. “You’re a pup still.”
Leah nods sullenly. “A late bloom,” she confirms.
This is a reference to something that I can't remember lmao
Embry scowls. “Why do I always have to get the drinks?” he demands. He grabs Leah’s stool, scurrying to her left side and pointing angrily at ‘Kim’ as he leans his head over Leah’s shoulder like her body is a shield. “Why can’t you get it for once?!”
“Because I’m the boss,” ‘Kim’ hisses, raising the cleaver threateningly. Embry backs away with a yelp. “Now shut up and get this woman her drink!”
I was cackling as I wrote this interaction. This scene was SO funny in the movie so I tried to do it justice with my remix.
Her second and final weapon is a katana, and it sings from within the wooden scabbard. Embry holds the bottom end of the scabbard and thrusts the katana into the flames. The scabbard remains unscathed and the symbols carved into it glow a bright red.
I really couldn't tell you how Embry made this sword or what kind of magical process goes into it. I don't know why the blade glows in the fire or what it says on the sword either. It just sounded cool. I was literally making things up on the fly
I also couldn't think of a better alternative weapon to give Leah. In the movie, Beatrix gets a sword because she's in Japan and trained in martial arts. Is Leah trained in the art of swordsmanship, or is she just winging it? Beats me lol
Chapter 7
I just want to give a quick shout out to evil Emily and sleazy Paul. They were my favorite horndogs, RIP to the real ones
Writing their death scenes was fun but also challenging. I'm literally running out of creative ways for Leah to get through her kill list without being repetitive. But the show must go on 🥴
Emily drains the rest of her whiskey and runs a hand across her mouth. “They have two kinds of venom. One turns humans, and one just causes paralysis.”
She tosses the empty jar over her shoulder, excitement making her eyes wide as she counts off her fingers. “The paralytic is harmless to us. It’s like a temporary sedative to the nervous system. But the other kind? Well that’s the most effective poison for our kind– it breaks down tissue faster than we can regenerate it. It can even cause hallucinations.” 
Emily's monologue while Paul was dying from the poison was a fun scene to rework from the movie. I watched the movie's scene between Elle, the black mamba, and Budd too many times to count. Somewhere in Twilight it's mentioned that the science behind vampire venom is that it paralyzes their prey with pain so they won't escape while feeding. I thought it would be cool if they had different venoms that served different needs, hence the paralytic and the turn-you-into-vampire juice.
Leah’s lips are right next to her ear as she whispers, “Where’s Sam?”
A stab to her stomach makes Emily shout and double over. It’s quick, nothing more than a sharp flash and it’s over, but the lingering sting knocks the breath out of her. The oozing wound does not close.
“Where’s Sam?” Leah repeats, her voice rising.
When Leah dipped from the hospital in chapter 2, I couldn't think of how to include the scene from the movie when Beatrix is bashing the nurses' head in with the door and screaming "Where's Bill?". I thought it would with better in this scene. I was also coming up empty on how to pull this fight scene together so that addition saved my ass
Chapter 8
Curious, Bella turns on her heel and lifts her gaze. The sight leaves her bewildered.
This is wrong. All wrong.
There are two blue moons in the sky. 
She squints, leaning closer, and then she feels it: A huff of air that blows her locks away from her face. A vibration throughout her body from a growl so loud the ground shakes with it. A heart that has long since stopped beating in her chest drops into the pit of her stomach.
Nothing is going the way she remembers.
The shroud of darkness before her parts like a curtain, unveiling a large white muzzle. Trembling lips peel back to show off rows of sharp and gleaming canine teeth. Its jaw opens wide, unnaturally so, and the base of its throat glows with the light of hellfire.
Bella had a handful of prophetic dreams in Twilight and that storyline went nowhere. Her dreams are literally messages from the deep, and when she got turned into a vampire all of that just got dropped...? So I incorporated that back into this fic.
I also just really liked how I described her dream sequence in this chapter. Shout out to me lmfao. I'll never achieve this greatness again.
“Dreams again, love?” Edward asks quietly.
Fall Out Boy reference. IYKYK
“‘O, swear not by the moon, th’ inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.’” Jacob scrunched his face into a grimace. “How do you read this stuff? What does that even mean?”
“Juliet doesn’t want Romeo to swear his love by the moon because it’s always changing, and she wants his love to be constant.”
Foreshadowing 👀 Also the sun and moon trope for Bella x Jacob is absolutely perfect. They are literally the definition of that trope. I love them. I'm obsessed with them. Okay? Okay.
Shout out to that teacher in New Moon (?) that made Edward recite lines from Romeo and Juliet. I imagine if Jacob were in that clas with them, he would hate everything about the play and scoff at Edward's memorization of it
A weaker version of that sunny smile of his bloomed on his face as he murmured, “It’s okay, honey. It’s okay.”
He was always trying his best to make sure Bella felt nothing but love and comfort in his presence. Even so close to death, he was still trying.
“I love you, Jacob,” she choked out.
Jacob’s bloodshot eyes softened, and a trickle of blood dribbled from his nose.
“Love you more,” were his last words to her. 
Yeah so I hurt my own feelings writing this. I also heavily referenced the scene in Eclipse when Bella says goodbye to Jacob after the newborn fight.
Also remember that time when Jacob just suddenly called Bella 'honey' and it wasn't a big deal???? Well, it IS to ME.
Okay love you bye
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Tasting the Ashes Chapter 17 "Brb I'm gonna cry" is me right now at the perfect chaotic amazingness that Tasting the Ashes | Ch. 16: ⭐️FAM⭐ chat is, the supportive brotherly sweetness that Tasting the Ashes | Ch. 17: Bradley - Jake is, and the absolutely adorable CUTENESS that little doggo is!!!!
Honestly though, that ⭐FAM⭐ chat is incredible!!! All the different people, all of them having their own unique voice! I love when in the beginning all the OGs are like, "omg, our kids are here?!?!?" - it's hilarious!!! And the Jinx-Amelia-Mickey Holy Trinity of Memes, Roasting and Comedy!!! Love, love, love them!!! Also, "ANOTHER GROUP CHAT WITH THE DWARF?" - had me rolling with laughter, Goose is irreplacable and I am so glad and thankful that he LIVES!!!💗 Penny's "He's just a short king" is also so funny, oh my goodness. And my darling Bradley being so so thoughful and lovely to plan this for Ash!!! 🥹 And the wonderful, amazing, incredible supporting family all changing their program for Ash!!!! 🥹😭💗 My heart!!!! 💗💗💗 I love them all so, so much!!! 🥹😭💗💗💗 Jake offering his house as venue and Red complimenting him is so cute. Ron's "We're going? is just hilarious too. Nat saying "Rooster needs us" is so wholesome and heartmelting. The whole thing is heartmelting, and so, so sweet. I love it!!! 💗💗💗 So excited to see all these wonderful characters in the same place, interacting with each other!
And Chapter 17 is so lovely and exciting, I love that Jake tells Bradley about his plan to propose. 💗 And Bradley being so supportive, oh my goodness!!! 💗
Also, I just realised that I have yet to thank you for the Seeing Red Afterstory. It is such an amazing idea, and thank you so much for putting in all the effort into making it! 💗
Anyways, love, love, love these chapters and I am so excited to see how it goes. But do take all the time you need, don't feel like there is any pressure! Rest as well, my Darling, you have spoilt us so much with these incredible beauties!!! 💗💗💗💗
Love, as always 💗💗💗💗
(italics anon 💚)
Honestly though, that ⭐FAM⭐ chat is incredible!!! All the different people, all of them having their own unique voice! I love when in the beginning all the OGs are like, "omg, our kids are here?!?!?" - it's hilarious!!! And the Jinx-Amelia-Mickey Holy Trinity of Memes, Roasting and Comedy!!! Love, love, love them!!! Also, "ANOTHER GROUP CHAT WITH THE DWARF?" - had me rolling with laughter, Goose is irreplacable and I am so glad and thankful that he LIVES!!!💗 Penny's "He's just a short king" is also so funny, oh my goodness. And my darling Bradley being so so thoughful and lovely to plan this for Ash!!! 🥹 And the wonderful, amazing, incredible supporting family all changing their program for Ash!!!! 🥹😭💗 My heart!!!! 💗💗💗 I love them all so, so much!!! 🥹😭💗💗💗 Jake offering his house as venue and Red complimenting him is so cute. Ron's "We're going? is just hilarious too. Nat saying "Rooster needs us" is so wholesome and heartmelting. The whole thing is heartmelting, and so, so sweet. I love it!!! 💗💗💗 So excited to see all these wonderful characters in the same place, interacting with each other!
Like yeah, having to portray their different personalities, making sure that at least all of them had a line or two, making them interact with their partners in a way that also portrayed how their relationships work. Like for example, Nat being being more empathetic and telling Javy that Rooster needs them, Bob saying 'Hollie isn't ready for a road trip' when she was perfectly fine five minutes earlier, Payback being a bit more funny about it, Jake literally saying 'we're going' because (this will be talked in the thanksgiving chapter) but after the whole kidnapping, Liam became attached to Rooster, even more than before, and the pilot had to spend a lot of time at Jake and Red's house. And Jake will always be grateful for that.
So this whole chat was absolutely nuts and it took me more than I want to admit to make it.
Thanks for all the love sweetie 💚💚
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kingofbodyrolls · 2 months
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BTS fic recs: April 2024
I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
❗Most of these fics are smutty or dark as hell, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the fic, it might seem like a tiny gesture, but it really means a lot for writers and I can guarantee it will put a smile on their faces💜 Let’s share and give lots of love! Looking for more to read? Check ‘The Library’ or last years recs 🙂
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[index] → jan | feb (jhs) | mar (myg) | 💜 | may | jun | jul | aug | sep (jjk)(knj) | oct (pjm) | nov | dec (kth)(ksj) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, yandere = 😈, thriller/dark = 👻, fantasy = 🪄. 
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⭐Heart got Teeth @ugh-yoongi [12k] // knj x f.reader // enemies to fwb to lovers // 🥵😂
📝 (or, the one where namjoon meets his match and isn’t quite sure how to handle you.)
🗨️ wow okay, love, love, love this one 😭 it’s mainly from Namjoon’s pov, which is amazing, like all he observes about oc… Gosh and their back and forth teasing, witty banter and the dynamic between dominance and losing control— so good, ugh! 🥵 It’s amazing, so if you haven’t read this one yet, I highly recommend it ✨💯
I know I didn’t get to read so much Namjoon this month, so here’s a small list of what I didn’t get to read this month and stories that I’m excited to read— you can also find Namjoon’s old birthday rec list ✨
The Sheriff @ppersonna
Solace @m-yg93
Dino-Mite (ft. Taehyung) @chimcess
Castaways @rmnamjoons
To Tame a Fox @jamaisjoons
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I know. I know. I never read enough Seokjin, and I’m really trying here 😭 I’ll share a list of what I’m looking forward to read, or you can check out my Seokjin birthday rec list ✨
Fast Lane @yminie
Cherry Topper @kth1 (@kth1fics)
Stuck with You @taleasnewastime
Off Limits (series) @floralseokjin
Christmas Warfare @gimmethatagustd
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⭐Want a Taste @suga-kookiemonster [18.3k] // myg x f.reader // f2l, shopping mall!au // 🥰🥵😂
📝 pretzel pro. most skillful tongue in the food court world. allegedly. that’s what Yoongi keeps telling you, anyway. of course, you’re reasonably skeptical of his claims—but if there’s one thing that motivates the notoriously-lethargic man, it’s proving skeptics wrong.
🗨️ KDJHGFDKJGAHDFKJHL I don’t know where to start with this one! First, a new favorite of mine 💜 It was so fucking cute, so sugary fluffy, a loved the slow buildup between Yoongi and MC. Like, it was so damn perfect 😭 Their banter, their teasing, their friendship, how MC helps him, and how they are there for each other 💗💯 A masterpiece, perfection, and the writing was also amazing, just as the story and plot!!
⭐Wine [completed series] @junghelioseok // myg x f.reader // coworkers!au, restaurant!ua // 🥰🥵😂
📝 left intentionally blank by the author.
🗨️ OMG THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING!!!! The smut, the writing, the build-up is fucking incredible ✨💯
⭐Warm @ctrlhope [3.6k] // myg x f.reader // omegaverse!au, established relationship // 🥰🥵
📝 the second yoongi steps into your apartment, any hope for a quiet night in instantly vanishes from his mind.
🗨️ omg 🥵 it’s been such a long time since I’ve read anything omegaverse/a/b/o and fuck this was so good 😭 so well written, the words just flowed and omg they’re both omegas and so needy, fuck, I loved it so much 💖🥹💯
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My poor Hobi— didn’t get to read any of all those I had planned to read this month 😭 So here’s a list of stories that I am planning to read. You are also welcome to check out this year’s Hobi birthday rec list ✨
Plant Boy @gukyi
Crash Landing @mininky
Best Fucking Friends (ft. Jimin) @back2bluesidex
The Retreat @ugh-yoongi
Safety Zone @btsgotjams27
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⭐Under the Spell of a Demon’s Touch @jeonggukingdom [14.8k]  // pjm x f.reader // incubus!au, cheating!au, established relationship // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 you had believed, for your entire life, that creatures of the underworld were only a myth but you were proven wrong by the existence of Jimin. He is, according to his definition, a smaller type of Fae called Incubus. A creature of sex. Someone that can only live and strive as long as his sexual appetite is satiated every day. And Incubi are known in all of their myths to be insatiable and ravenous creatures.
🗨️ do you want to cry? 😭😭😭 This was devastatingly beautiful and so fucking sad! It was very hard for me to read because of all the cheating (I really don’t read those, because I don’t enjoy them). But this has been on my list since forever and I like the author 🥹 though, I will say that I appreciate it for the plot, so fucking sad and the writing is so wonderfully beautiful ✨ I am sure someone else might find it to their taste, which is why I recommend 💖
It is so freaking sad though, like I cried. A lot. Hauntingly beautiful, though I don’t want them to be together, because they both be hurting each other so much 😭💔
⭐The Ten Days of Ex-Mas: pt1 + pt2 @kpopfanfictrash [44.6k] // pjm x f.reader // holiday!au, second chance!au, hockey!au, exes to loves // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 three months following the worst break-up of your life, you finally feel ready to start moving on. The world, it seems, has other ideas when you pick up the phone and find your ex-boyfriend calling. Jimin Park, star right winger of the NHL and (until recently), the love of your life, has a very large problem. Despite the courage he regularly shows on the ice, in his personal life, Jimin is kind of a coward. When you broke up this fall, he could barely admit it. Not to his neighbors. Not to his friends. Not even to his family, who are expecting him home for Christmas. In a desperate plea for more time, Jimin begs you to pretend you’re still dating – and to his surprise, you agree. Faced with a second chance, Jimin is determined not to squander it. If only fixing a relationship were as easy as falling in love.
🗨️ okay. Okay. Okay. *deep calm breaths* —THIS IS SO INCREDIBLY GOOD, I truly don’t know where to begin! The plot? The hurt/anger? Their chemistry? Their sexiness? Fuck, like everything in this is making it a beautiful masterpiece 💯💖 I really love how each of them thinks about what happened with their relationship, are working to get better, though Jimin should have been honest about his intentions for the trip, everything was just so fucking amazing 😭 I really loved the aspect of self reflection, seeking therapy, working through it and all that— really payed of for the characters! Loved it, it was so good 💜
Jimin, my man 😭 I’m really disappointed in myself this month— so here’s a few I’m excited to read, but didn’t get to this month. You can also check out Jimin’s birthday rec list from last year ✨
Secrets by the Shore @chateautae
Into the Wilderness @gukyi
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⭐Pour Up @jungkxook [14k] // kth x f.reader + jjk x f.reader // fuckboy!au, threesome // 🥵
📝 sleeping with both notorious frat boys kim taehyung and jeon jungkook doesn’t sound so bad ━ especially when you’re drunk and faded.
🗨️ omg omg omg omg 🥵😭 So much smut, so beautiful and so freaking detailed, WHAT!? This was incredible, okay, if you haven’t read this one yet, please go and give it a read 🥹💯
⭐Bodyguard (there’s a pt 2) @yoonpobs [2.7k] // kth x f.reader // e2l, bodyguard!au // 🥵
📝 you protect taehyung from people but forget about the biggest threat. yourself.
🗨️ this part is just as good as the first part 😭 The sexual tension is so high, and oh my, it is so fucking hot 🥵 It is such an amazing series 💯 It’s a shame that it probably won’t be continued (the author is on hiatus), but the two parts that are up are so good! 💖
⭐Dick on the Go @jeonggukingdom [20.7k]  // kth x f.reader // bf2l // 🥰🥵😂
📝 it was all shits and giggles when you and Taehyung were desperate seniors in High School, having no idea what to do with your lives, wondering if you’d ever find a decent job or even graduate in the first place. It is not so funny anymore when you come home from the big city to enjoy your vacation time and you find his sex-shop right in front of the house you grew up in when you were a kid. “If nothing works out I’m just gonna open a sex shop and call it something obnoxious like ‘Dick on the Go’ or something with a stupid zucchini logo flashing on top of the building.” He had said one time. Shit, you had no idea he actually meant it.
🗨️ kinda late to the party— but holy fuck this is insanely good and so funny 🥵😭
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⭐When Worlds Collide [ongoing series] @letjungcoook7 [currently loading…] // jjk x f.reader // college!au, slice of life!au, s2l, fuckboy!jk, virgin!reader // 🥵🌩️
📝 since your mother's passing a year ago, life has been a whirlwind. balancing your passion for ballet with a low-key presence at college, where you’re the top student, was your norm until Jungkook stepped into your world. known for his reputation preceding him, jungkook is the talk of the campus with his casual rendezvous that have the girls buzzing. despite his allure, you're puzzled by his need for your tutoring prowess, especially given his own academic merit. yet, succumbing to his persistent requests, you reluctantly agree, only to find yourself thrust into the spotlight you've always avoided.
🗨️ I’m still reading this amazing story (there’s five parts out) and it’s so damn interesting— like, there’s a lot of drama and angst and I really love it🔥
⭐Chasing Cars (teaser) [ongoing series] @oddinary4bts [currently loading…] // jjk x f.reader // brother’s best friend!au, forbidden love!au, college!au, slice of life!au // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
🗨️ only the teaser has been posted (1k words though!) and it is so fucking amazing, like everything Ella writes. The first chapter drops on 10th of May, so please, go read it, add yourself to the taglist, and please let Ella know how excited you are for it! I already know this series is going to be epic ✨💯
⭐Milkin’ Days @wwilloww [3.9k]  // jjk x f.reader // cowboy!au, cowboy stripper!jungkook // 🥵😂😂
📝 when the charming but mysterious cowboy Jungkook approaches you, you are positively smitten, drawn to him like a horse to a fresh bucket of feed. Little did you know, however, what dark secret he kept hidden behind those barn doors.
🗨️ what the fuck did I read??? 🥵 No, no, no— it’s not bad, it’s the darn opposite! I mean, it is so freaking filthy and all the dirty talk and terrible puns about cowboys, farming, gosh, everything, it’s so fucking hilarious!!!!! Seriously, such a funny crack fic, I loved it 😂💜
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This month was another tough one for me (mentally) and I also focused a lot more on my writing, which meant that I didn’t get to read as much as I use to 😭 So this list is a bit incomplete, and I’ll put ‘to read’ sections under the members that I didn’t get to read. I hope May will be much better, but some personal shit has already happened to me, and I’m thinking about going on a hiatus, but reading and writing is what keeps me going, so I’ll try to keep going, just a bit slower maybe and give myself more time, and that it’s okay to not go things like I used to 🥹
Thank you for reading— please give these lovely authors a lot of love, read their stories and leave them a comment/reblog to let them know that you liked it and that they matter 🫶
Love you and Borahae 💜
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
ZADIE I'M BACK !!!! (i was missing for like two days me and my dramatic ass dang) i finished my finals yesterday so i spent the whole day resting 😞 but i couldn't miss your updates ofc <3
just so you know i'm loving the plot so much and i'm actually getting attached to them ... ni-ki is such a sweetheart (even tho he crossed the line on the last chapter 😑 but we can forget him right ...) AND I LOVE SEUNG AND TSUKI they are the cutest i'm 💘💗💓💞 i love all of them so much alreadyyyy ):
i'm speechless i love this smau so much, it might be one of my favorites smaus of yours right after poison ... take care baby and rest a lot you are the actual best ⭐💞
URI MY SWEETEST LOVE HI!🥺🥺🥺🥺 i missed you sm and am so happy to know you're back!!!!💗congrats on the finished finals, i really hope you receive the results you worked so hard for, you deserve the best!!! pls rest now🥺
thank you so so so much for your sweet words, always means the world to me to read such sweetness and kindness, i love and appreciate you SO much 😭😭💗🫧🤍
im so glsd everyone's loving CH so much bc this is definitely smth i'm super proud of and i'm so grateful for the love and support ive received 🥺💗
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echoingspectrum · 6 months
Can I just say I absolutely love ur blog especially Dan heng he literally my fav I absolutely love him sm can’t to see what u have plan in store for fics of him cuz I rarely see any of him he literally the best boi Dan heng supremacy 🥰💗
⭐︎ : Awww, thank you for your support! I recently have the urge to write about him and I'm so glad to hear that —Dan Heng is such an underrated character and I fell in love with him at the start of the game 😭 There are rarely fics of him idk if it's just me but hopefully my fics will bring you a smile or tears 🤍
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