#i love how many people are voting Lilith
The Devil and The Duck
Duck Adam Au
When Adam first realized that he was a duck after waking up in Hell, he was fucking pissed. What kind of bull shit was this?
It took him a while to get around to a pond in a park and realize that maybe it wasn't so bad. No one knew it was him, he could just swim all day, and eat what people gave him. The other ducks didn't seem to mind him.
Then one day Lucifer showed up, he was feeding the ducks when he noticed this yellow one with black and golden little horns. He was bigger than the other ducks. Lucifer didn't know why, but he was drawn to that duck.
Adam was surprised when the King picked him up one day and started taking him to the hotel. "You're so cute, would you like to be our pet duck?"
"Pet!?" Adam said, but the devil only heard a quack as a response and took it as a positive answer.
That was months ago, everyone at the hotel has voted on making Adam their mascot and named him Grumpy die to his demeanor.
You'd be fucking grumpy too in his situation.
Angel and everyone bought him outfits to dress him up in, Adam really loved the sunglasses he had. He looked bitchin.
Everyone loved him as a duck, well, Alastor that fucking asshole tried to eat him from time to time but Adam always got away or was rescued at the last minute.
There were times where Adam would perch himself on Lucifer's hat or he would sleep in the King's hair. It was surprisingly soft and smelled really nice.
Currently he was sharing a slice of pizza with Lucifer, being a duck meant he could only eat so much.
"Dad, should he be eating that?" Charlie asked, she wasn't an expert in ducks but she didn't think they should eat pizza.
Lucifer brushed the comment off. "It's fine Char, he's mainly getting the crust, sauce and a little cheese. No harm done!" Charlie didn't seem so sure. "If it makes him sick I'll take care of it I promise."
"Piss off girlie let me enjoy this." Adam said as he nibbled the pizza, not having to worry about what he said cause no one can understand him was nice. "Let me eat pizza."
Lucifer smiled and patted his feathers which Adam found he oddly liked. "See he likes it." Lucifer picked Adam up and walked back up to his room, Adam, or as Lucifer knew, Grumpy had his own special pillow in Lucifer's room.
Adam settled into his pillow and quacked happily. This was better than the pond.
Adam always knew that Lilith was crazy.
Lucifer changed and crawled into bed. He was looking at the ceiling. "I really miss him Grumpy." So it was one of those nights. Lucifer would tell Grumpy about how much he missed Adam and how he wished he could have saved him and how he was his first love back in Eden and why he chose Lilith was because she threatened to kill Adam. How Lucifer looked out for both his boys when they died and came to Hell.
And so many more things that made Adams heart swell.
Grumpy quacked at him, as if listening. "I hope wherever his soul ended up that it's at peace. He deserves it. I just wish I could have told him how much I love him." Lucifer said sadly, he knew what happened to souls like that. He didn't like to think about it.
He looked at Grumpy who seemed to be watching him. "I'm glad I found you Grumpy. You remind me of him."
Gee I wonder why that is, Adam thought.
Lucifer sighed. "Good night, my Grumpy duck. Sweet dreams." Lucifer leaned over and placed a little kiss on Grumpys beak before snuggling into bed.
Adam felt a tingling sensation in his little body. What was wrong with him?
He gasped when a flash of light took him over, Lucifer gave his own noise of surprise. When the light was gone, Lucifer looked on with wide eyes. "Adam?"
He wasn't an angel or a duck anymore, but a sinner with black and gold horns and red and black wings that looked fluffy like a duck.
Lucifer tried not to look down as Adam was butt ass naked.
"What?" Adam asked and he touched his face. He had fingers! He wasn't a duck anymore! "Holy shit!" Embarrassment settled in when he realized how naked he was. He used his wings to hide himself.
"You're alive?! You were Grumpy? Wait." Ooooh Lucifer told that duck so many feelings and secrets. "Adam, I-"
Adam launched himself at Lucifer and kissed him properly on the mouth. "It's okay Luci, I forgive you. Thank you for everything."
Lucifer swore he was gonna cry from how happy he was. Adam was alive and he forgave him. No better gift. He kissed him again and this time the kiss was longer and deeper. "I'm so glad you're okay."
They snuggled under the covers and talked about everything the last few months. They knew they would have to address everyone in the hotel about the situation.
But that could wait until morning.
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dead-lights · 3 months
autumn prom
the teens are doing better! Morgyn and Lorena finally figured out how to make potions of plentiful needs so they’re mostly ok these days, and Lilith maxed out her painting skill and has those traits that make her art sell for more, so they can afford better furniture. They even bought some workout equipment so Lilith can prepare for her next fight with Greg! Caleb's dark form (which is not the same form I gave him as an adult before de-aging him) has taken over his light form and I'm too lazy to change it, but it's fine. Lily finally made up with Caleb and Lilith, and Morgyn successfully asked Caleb to prom.
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Things are looking up! There's just one little problem.
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Make that two tiny little problems.
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turns out there are consequences to full autonomy.
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Anyway. Miss Hell was kind enough to invite Morgyn to a pre-prom party she was throwing at their house (without permission). Things got pretty glitchy after that - the game didn't recognize this as an event but a bunch of people, many uninvited, did still show up for the supposed party.
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Lorena still has the curse of unwarranted hostility on her, so she was immediately attacked by Samantha Gratz - not even for plasma, just to kick a stranger's ass. too bad Lorena has 3 entire fitness points.
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This was, of course, unacceptable. It's incredibly rude to attack a witch in her own home, especially front of her sleeping baby. Morgyn wasn't just going to stand by and let Samantha get away with it, so...
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happy prom :)
Lorena got into yet another fight as soon as she got to prom - Darling Walsh this time. Morgyn and Caleb refused to get in the photo booth and refused to dance on the dance floor - they would only dance in front of the photo booth (the game's been pretty glitchy). At least their outfits matched.
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Caleb and Lilith were voted prom royalty and prom jester, which was unexpected but fun. Caleb was voted jester for spring prom as well, but i actually had everyone vote for him.
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afterwards, they invited a bunch of occult teens to hang out at the pier. Morgyn & Caleb went over to the tunnel of love, Lilith decided it was the best time to learn how to play guitar, and animation issues made Miss Hell inappropriate.
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supposedly this is the "scare" interaction.
Miss Hell has been kinda following Lilith around and smiling at her when they're on the same lot... No crush and they're barely acquaintances, but it's kinda funny to me. I do have Miss Hell set as Caleb's master in this so that's an extra level of fun.
The tunnel of love did not go well. I swear Caleb has like zero game in this save. Morgyn is constantly getting various whims about Caleb, but frequently rejects him. I'm trying to be hands-off and am mostly only commanding things like promposals and rabbit holes, but it isn't going great.
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I sent Lorena over to hang out with Lily, mostly to keep her away from Caleb & Morgyn. They decided to check out the ferris wheel. by the end of the night...
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genuinely not sure if this is a solution or another problem. i guess Lily has a thing for spellcasters.
also gotta love that I had to turn view distance so low that it looks like day. my laptop is uh not as great as the desktop I use for rendering.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 months
Hello! Congratulations on nine thousand followers... wow. Now that it's been... gosh... nearly an entire year since its conclusion, how do you feel about the best-evangelion-girl poll, in distant retrospect? I'm still a bit salty that Lilith didn't win, but hey, ridiculous gimmick polls are a democracy and I've only got one vote. Have you ever felt like you might host some other similarly complex poll again? I would really like to hear your final thoughts on the whole running-a-gimmick-poll-blog experience, now that that one is over. It's the reason why I found your main blog in the first place lol. I also really like your OCs, I ended up looking through your 'my art' tag one day and your pixel art, both old and new, is amazing. I hope you are having a wonderful ninethousandfollowersday. #lilithsweep
hi bestie! thanks for the ask
here's a quick explanation for everyone who doesn't know. I have a sideblog @best-evangelion-girl. now, it's mainly a queue blog for the anime stuff I like. but original it was a poll gimmick blog, to find which character in Evangelion was definitively the best girl and end the dumb debate once and for all. the only catch, none of the participants where any of the human characters from eva. they were all either angels or evas or mechs or whatever from the manga, anime, rebuilds, and other spinoffs. in the end, Ramiel ended up winning. but fan favorites Lilith, Unit-02, and Misato's Car all came in close behind.
I would say that in retrospect, if I would do that whole thing again, I would have planned it out better. firstly I would only do half as many entries. a lot of them were just filler. there were a ton of repeat entries because of the differences between the anime and rebuilds, and a bunch of nothing entries like the eva 4444C or whatever that cannon fodder from the fourth rebuild movie was called. I also would have scheduled the posts out ahead of time, instead of making them the day the results came in. also, I literally made all the posts on my phone during work, which probably isn't the best use of my fifteen minutes. I probably should have just waited until I got home lol.
my advice to anyone making a gimmick poll blog as someone who's done it twice now (I also had one for fictional transgender characters), start small. you don't need 64 or even 32 unique entries. you can just keep it simple. also, if you feel like it, try seeding your results based on what either you think is the most popular or by having a mini poll of a bunch of entries and ranking those by popularity.
as for if I'll host another competition like that, I'm not sure if I will. I don't have anything planned at the moment, but I'll keep you posted.
also, thanks for checking out my OCs! I love my little blorbos, and I'm super happy other people like them too! I'm still trying to figure out my style, but I feel like I've finally nailed it. pixel art is amazing, and after being almost entirely self taught for about two years, I feel like I've improved dramatically.
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fukin-shortass · 9 months
i know the poll still has 5 days left but its majority vote yes SO...
PART ONE OF MANY, where i take songs that i am so normal about(im not normal about them) and explain why it fits one of my ocs/a situation theyve gone through
songs will repeat
characters will come up multiple times
and i will not shut up about this until someone shoots me down
FIRST UP, probably my oldest character, and the one whos gone through the most design changes(praying for her)
GIA!!! with this song!!! Um, it's Kind of a Lot by Will Wood!
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firstly, this WHOLE PART
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despite seeming like one of, if not the most serious being in her friend group, shes the most scared. shes learned to fear everything by her ex-husband. shes slowly getting over it, but its a bit harder since she feels like she has to hide everything to keep her 'calm, cold, serious' demeanor up and running.
but, once she runs into her future wife Roullie, she has to change herself greatly to be ready for a relationship. firstly, she experiences a new fear, the person she loves so much resenting, hating, or just overall rejecting her. its unnatural for her, she doesnt exactly like the fact shes experiencing it. and in the very beginning when she did try to ask Roullie out, she was rejected. many times. so, she had to figure out a way to tell herself its okay to be rejected, and if all else fails, she can find someone else. but, her crush cant seems to leave her mind.
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this part now!!
once she finally ends up in the relationship with Roullie, more anxiety sets in that shes not going to be a good partner, because she has little to no relationship experience. so, in the beginning, she did mess up. a LOT, her mind tried to self-sabotage everything, resulting in her almost pushing Roullie and even her friends away entirely. but, eventually she got used to the idea of being with her girlfriend, and got better. her fears and anxieties were still very much there, and she still showed said anxieties, but less often and she was able to cope with it better.
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last part!!!
after a situation including Lilith getting revived, reliving all of those memories, and getting told down by Lilith a LOT, she lost hold of those coping mechanisms and went back into her anxiety-riddled state, and was almost always asking for reassurance by Roullie. but, Roullie this time and by this point, was able to understand Gia's fears and anxieties, and was able to help Gia to help her get better, so Gia wasnt in that dark state for as long.
and finally, during their wedding, during Gias vows, she talked about how she struggled to put the words together for the vows, but how she was so grateful for Roullie, and helping her understand that its okay to be scared, and its also okay to love people, and how shes able to trust just a little bit easier. she can finally love Roullie, and enjoy her friends with little to no anxiety now. she still has her moments, everyone does, but they get shut out quicker with her support group now.
thanks for reading my one of many rants about music and my characters :3 there will be more probably in like a day or two
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hyenahunt · 9 months
Saga: Rivals - 31
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Jun, Seiya, Hokuto, Jin, Hiyori
Proofreading: 310mc (JP) & hyenahunt (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Hiyori: Ahaha, you were such a lovely little boy, Jun-kun! Well, but the current you also has your cute sides ♪
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Reverse Live Stage
Jun: Now that I’ve been freed ever so slightly from my parents’ curse, I'm gonna walk forward with my own life. And by taking down Sagami Jin today, I'll gain even more momentum.
I’m all pumped up and raring to go~ Winning this'll be a cinch ♪
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Seiya: Fufu. I do beg your pardon, but I’m afraid that will be difficult.
Jun: …Sorry?
Seiya: If I were to summarize that video, or well, how it seemed to our audience due to the convenient editing, perhaps it'd be along the lines of how...
Sagami Jin-kun, the Super Idol who once had the world wrapped around his little finger, had a rival. And now, here is the son of that very rival — Sazanami Jun-kun, of Lilith.
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Hokuto: That’s… well, that’s just a fact, isn’t it?
Seiya: It is indeed. The video included some cuts from back then too; and perhaps because this Project-Saga concert is all about reviving retired idols…
It was met with an incredibly good reception from the audience.
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Jin: Watching old videos of myself was awfully humiliating for me, though?
Ugh, my lines were so grating they set my teeth on edge… I was internally screaming at my past self the whole time. What kinda living hell did I get myself into?
Seiya: Fufu. Oh, you’ll survive. It made for some fantastic promotion for Rain-bows, didn't it?
The video showed your brilliant figure as you performed so many great feats — A given, of course, as the shows from that time were produced for that purpose in the first place.
Even those who have forgotten must’ve been reminded of just how amazing the very Jin-kun that stands before them was.
As a result, you’ll naturally gain an increased amount of votes.
And at the same time, Jun-kun must’ve looked like… a boy raised with the greatest admiration for Jin-kun, his father’s rival, one aspiring to follow in his footsteps.
After all, we added some childhood shots of Jun-kun singing to Jin-kun's poster while he gazed intently at it all the while.
To any outsider, he’s practically all over Jin-kun.
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Hiyori: Ahaha, you were such a lovely little boy, Jun-kun! Well, but the current you also has your cute sides ♪
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Jun: Guh… I feel like I just experienced a living hell, too~ To think that videos from that time not only exist but got showcased in front of so many people... This has gotta be the most embarrassing moment of my life.
Seiya: But weren't they just so heartwarming?
Hocchan, my wife has many similar moments of you preserved as videos, so should you ever want them played during a concert just like tonight, let me know anytime.
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Hokuto: Don’t you worry, because that will never happen. Actually, just get rid of them. I hate that there's even a possibility that you might use them like this someday.
Seiya: Oh, we aren’t getting rid of anything. They’re precious memories, you see.
But in any case, how it looks to the audience is that Jun-kun so ardently admired Jin-kun that he decided to be an idol.
Your parents may have apologized many times in the video, but to anyone besides us, who already know of the circumstances, the editing made it so that no viewers would understand just what it was about...
It only seemed as if your father was apologizing to you for being a lesser idol than Jin-kun.
Your parents started crying at some point, too, but it only seemed as if they were so very proud of their son who grew beyond their own achievements… and those tears were, therefore, ones of joy.
You understand now, yes? What I just did was make a charming little tale out of the harrowing life you’ve led up until now.
Rather than your grudges, nor your parents' forceful coercion, it was your supposed admiration for Jin-kun that I turned into your reason for becoming an idol.
Jun: Turned, huh… Is it really gonna be okay when the actual truth’s completely different~?
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Jun: …Well, no one’s gonna be happy if we ever laid the whole truth bare.
I’m not asking for pity from the world or anything, though. All I wanna do is overcome the wall that stands in front of me.
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Jin: Hey now, don’t glare at me while saying that… C'mon, you admire me, right~? It'd make my day if your eyes could sparkle a lil' more when ya look at me.
Jun: Goddamn. …Ugh, in any case, what exactly is all this for?
I'm real thankful that you didn’t make a nasty villain out of anyone, including my old man, but there’s gotta be some kinda vital reason you went to all these lengths, right?
Seiya: Correct. How about I give you a hint, then? There's no time for me to explain in length, so please think it through on your own.
Ultimately, this is all for the sake of balance. And just as I said at the start, I've wanted to make Jun-kun into the very embodiment of the name Lilith.
Can you predict the rest?
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Hokuto: No, I can’t. Just what are you doing, Father?
Seiya: I've already answered that, too. In this kingless era, there is no meaning in winning by a landslide.
All that will achieve is reverse things back to a former era, and I wouldn’t like that to happen, either.
At the same time, I can’t have the situation so spectacularly reversed on me, either. I cannot allow there to be an overwhelming victory that would completely cripple the defeated.
After all, I want to continue surviving on, so that I may become a supporting role for the future you’ll all bring about.
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Now, the “reverse” in Reverse Live will refer to neither the reversal of time nor the situation. [1]
I will wash it clean from any sense of those meanings so that it may very well have been chosen purely for the sound of it.
And if I could sing until the end and welcome a happily-ever-after with a smile… Then there will be nothing else I would wish for. My job will be done.
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Hokuto: …?
[ ☆ ]
"Reverse" (リバース) in Japanese is pronounced the same as "rebirth", so throughout the chapters there is some ambiguity on which meaning the name has. Incidentally, the official English name according to ! appears to be Rebirth Live....
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hells-sirenqueen · 7 days
Of course, your majesty. I'd be happy and honored to. I'd spend a thousands lifetimes by your side if you were willing to have me.
And, to answer your question, ever since our first conversation and the realization that I had been so terribly misinformed floored me. I'm currently trying my best to find out all the truth I can get my hands on to protect myself from falling for sweet words and lies regarding heaven again. I have denounced God. I'd much rather devote myself to you, personally, instead, since you were the one to open my eyes. I have been lied to my almost everyone in my immediate environment. I don't think there's a person in the whole wide world I trust more than you right now.
"Ah, such devotion pleases me. Thank you Kit. Perhaps you will once you come down here as a Sinner, you can certainly live those many lives at my side. My family comes first but I promise to not neglect you should you wish for my attention. Just keep in mind that I am Queen and I do have duties to attend beside my loving husband, Lucifer. I think I have a guest room where you can stay as well.
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It..served a purpose when I was going through a traumatic episode after fighting a holy version of my beloved. A test from God, or a sick joke that nearly had me killed. Thankfully I no longer fear Lucifer but..know that the room is indeed safe with many of my protection wards and the staff here should be more than capable of helping to attend such a lovely resident such as yourself."
There is but a light laugh from Lilith, holding her right cheek.
"Oh how you amuse me. The sole purpose of the Unholy Crusade is to have unity between Heaven and Hell not only through a difficult battle - but to have that unity remain after the threat is gone. There is much distrust between both realms, which I can understand, but it is a must that needs to be changed. Denounce who you wish, my dear! You have the free will to believe in whatever you want to. Just keep in mind that if your loyalty lies within me, you will have to come to terms with the fact that I will be associating myself with personnel from Heaven. For the most part,High Seraphim Emily is doing a good job to push forward a positive agenda for our peoples to be one. There are..a few things that need to change for both sides but complete unity isn't something that will happen overnight. It will be a trial and error. There will be slip ups, there will be bumps along the road. We just need to be patient and steel ourselves for the rough road ahead. Should you wish to remain at my side, I will need your support and voice to add to the vote of unity among the masses."
She is silent for a moment, eyes slowly closing for a moment, "I refuse to allow my beloved Charlie's sacrifice to be in vain..Her dream goal will be a reality, no matter what."
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Brain topic du jour is reflecting on the frankly weird as fuck pattern in Dick’s life where....he barely ever experiences losses one at a time. Most of the loss he’s experienced in his life is compounded by him losing multiple people and other elements of stability all at the exact same time.
1) When his parents died, in some continuities this is coupled with him losing his extended family of his aunt and cousin as well, with his uncle left comatose and on life support for years before he eventually died as well. Even in continuities without Richard, Karla and John, the loss of Dick’s parents is compounded by the additional loss of his circus family in the sense that he was taken away from them by the state and their constant reassuring presences in his life were no longer comforts he was able to rely on.
2) When Jason died, Dick didn’t just lose his brother, as the tragedy was compounded by Bruce’s reaction. I’ll never be able to gloss over the effects of NTT #55, personally, because I think its too key to Dick’s entire characterization and the specific direction his character took in the years that followed this, to like....disregard that Bruce however unintentionally, while lost in his own grief, added to Dick’s own sense of loss for Jason in probably the worst way possible. As by kicking Dick out and telling him to leave his keys, Dick - having no way to know or guess that they’d ever reconcile, just like he never actually went back to the circus being a regular presence for him - to Dick, this was in essence the equivalent of his childhood tragedy all over again. Losing not just one family member, but his whole family in one sweep, and all the comforts and stability offered by a home he was forced to leave. Even Dick’s contact with Alfred was minimal for awhile, because why would the guy who basically JUST saw history repeat itself and was like, well I know how THIS tends to play out.....why would he think that if Alfred felt forced to actually choose between his loyalties to Bruce and Dick respectively, that Alfred would pick Dick over the man he’d known and raised from childhood himself?
3) Titans Hunt. I know I harp on this one a lot, but you can’t deny that it fits the pattern. Dick didn’t just lose one friend and teammate.....he lost Joey, he lost a good four or five lesser known Titans who nevertheless were people he viewed as directly HIS responsibility to keep safe. With these tragedies compounded by the fact that though comics played out a lot more slowburn and extended stories over years back then, like.....the aftermath of Titans Hunt was still everpresent and directly died into Dick’s reactions and emotions during the Mirage storyline and everything that happened with the failed wedding and his breakup with Kory AND the fact that he was literally forced off the team he’d basically founded, by the government agency that took over the team and appointed Roy as its leader in his stead.
3) Graduation Day. The second time the Titans disbanded it was again not due to a singular loss, because Dick didn’t just lose Donna at this point, but also Lilith died in the exact same story and though Lilith is criminally underused, like, she’s also one of Dick’s oldest friends. She was literally the first Titan to join after the original five. This then led into the Outsiders era, where Dick was shown to still be reeling from the losses of this story for an extended period of time, and in a fun parallel to the Titans Hunt aftermath, Dick was also ousted from his leadership of THIS team by essentially a vote of no confidence by his teammates (and uh, Bruce too, literally).
4) The Blockbuster arc. Where Dick’s emotional state was due to a continued string of multiple losses. He lost his apartment building and almost every one of the neighbors he’d built a community out of, as we’d been shown him actively involving himself in their lives and vice versa for YEARS before this point. Then he lost his circus, his childhood home, burned to the ground and with dozens of deaths - both spectators and actual performers Dick had known and loved as a child. Then he lost his relationship with Barbara, his sense of self-security and autonomy to Tarantula, he lost another teen vigilante who died in his colors, the mantle HE’D created, when Stephanie was believed dead in War Games, and it all culminated in losing the city he’d invested himself in as his CHOSEN home, the place he dedicated himself to protecting, when Chemo blew it up.
Oh just for the record - my nonexistent passport to the magical kingdom of Narnia for a fic that raises the point when bringing up Tim’s losses in the Red Robin era, that like.....ALL of the above happened at literally the EXACT SAME TIME as all Tim’s referenced losses occurred. Obviously Steph meant more to Tim than Dick on a personal level, but I also included her largely as an anchor point to the timeline, to show how that death, and not long after that Jack Drake’s and then Superboy’s.... occurred right smack in the middle of one of the absolute WORST periods of Dick’s life. To be clear, I don’t intend this to suggest that no actually, Dick had it harder than Tim - nah. 
No thank you. Hard pass. I hate that sort of thing even in support of my own faves over other characters. No, instead the thing I’d love to see explored more is just in light of the SPECIFIC angle fics take here - that Dick’s actions while Bruce was lost in time showed an obliviousness to everything Tim had lost lately - for literally ANYONE to bring up or introduce into the timeline here an awareness of everything Dick had lost AT THE EXACT SAME TIME PERIOD. To establish that actually, Dick didn’t just ‘not understand what it was like’ - rather, its more accurate to say that nobody in universe around this time ever shows an awareness of Dick’s own losses and says oh wait, that doesn’t track then. 
Because obviously, with this stuff put in proper perspective, Dick understands VERY VERY WELL the exact thing we’re accusing him of not understanding by being oblivious to Tim’s losses that he’s not actually oblivious to because he tries to talk to Tim about them all the time, while meanwhile its everyone else who has absolutely mum to say about the fact that Dick’s emotional state is compromised to hell and back at this point, not JUST because of losing Bruce, but also because *gestures wildly* literally ALL OF THE ABOVE in the exact same time frame Tim’s extended losses happened in.
And okay I am going to indulge in slight tiny itty bitty pettiness and point out my ire that so many fics set during this time tend to recite listicles of Tim’s losses, with Steph, Kon and Jack Drake at the very top of said list....while paying no attention whatsoever to the fact that STEPH WAS LITERALLY BACK BY THE TIME THE RED ROBIN SERIES HAPPENED. She’s LITERALLY a person Dick sends to check up on Tim after Tim turns Dick away when he tries himself. How are you gonna stress the impact Steph’s loss has on Tim when you’re not even acknowledging STEPH’S RIGHT HERE IN THE EXACT SPECIFIC CANON STORY YOU’RE CITING??? I just. afhioskhflafhlafhklfahlfa. 
And not to put too fine a point on it, but you know who ELSE was also back at the same time? CONNOR. Superboy LITERALLY was already back to life by the time the Red Robin series even began. Like, the issue where a resurrected Kon and Cassie (Wonder Girl) have a heart to heart about the fact that Tim and Cassie ‘connected’ during his absence and Connor stresses that this doesn’t bother him or make him feel negatively towards either of them at all, because hello, he was literally dead at the time, why would he mind that two of the people he loves most in the world sought comfort in each other? Yeah, that issue? Literally came out BEFORE Tim even became Red Robin.
I MEAN. I’m just saying, when people constantly take shots at Dick’s choices during this period because of how much Tim had lost before Bruce already, in order to shift focus away from the fact that Dick lost Bruce every bit as much as Tim did......and you repeatedly emphasize the SAME three names as the focal point of Tim’s losses while paying no acknowledgment whatsoever to everything Dick lost at the exact same time Tim lost these three.....it quickly becomes kiiiiiiinda relevant in my opinion THAT TWO OF THE THREE NAMES CONSTANTLY MENTIONED AS BEING TIM’S LOSSES ARE NO LONGER EVEN LOST BY THE TIME THE SUBJECT COMES UP. Again, I’m just saying! Pettily, mind you! I am aware of the pettiness, I just beg awareness of like *again gesticulates wildly at all of the above* ALL THAT!
But I digress.
5) When Bruce was believed dead while he was lost in the timestream. Again, Dick didn’t just lose the father who had been the only parent in his life for almost TWICE as long as his first parents......this was coupled with the loss of numerous other sources of stability in Dick’s life. There’s the matter of his personal sense of identity and self-expression....Dick FOUGHT against becoming Batman, trying to handle Gotham in Bruce’s absence as Nightwing for as long as he could, because he knew being Batman was very much NOT going to be good for him. He put so much of himself into building his identity as Nightwing, establishing himself in that role, that self-image, that yes, I maintain it was an actual LOSS for Dick, to feel like he had no choice but to give that up and everything it meant to him and his own life, in order to essentially live Bruce’s life for him in his absence. 
Because it wasn’t just being Batman that Dick was struggling with at this time....he also had to act as the patriarch to the Wayne family, essentially raise Bruce’s ten year old son, step into Bruce’s old role in Wayne Enterprises, all while getting no acknowledgment for any of this, for literally LIVING his father’s life instead of the life Dick had worked so hard to build for HIMSELF....because of course Dick’s actions and struggles couldn’t even be advertised beyond the family and close friends, because the whole point of him doing all this was so that nobody else even realized that Bruce wasn’t really there anymore. Dick didn’t just assume Bruce’s responsibilities. Dick assumed Bruce’s life, so thoroughly that most people didn’t even put together that Bruce was ‘dead,’ between Dick handling Bruce’s actual roles and responsibilities while Hush made public appearances as him. 
Like, when you’re living someone else’s life so completely that nobody can tell they’re even gone....how on earth does that leave any time or space for you to have ANY kind of life of your OWN, y’know? Not to mention the fact that like in so many times previously....all this meant that Dick couldn’t even afford to let his grief for his own losses show, because he wasn’t supposed to be grieving any losses in the first place, that was the whole point of the con!
Additionally, couple this with the fact that throughout this time period, Dick didn’t have Tim to lean on at all, because it was never that Dick kicked Tim out or neglected him or didn’t care....he’d actively stressed how much he needed Tim, because the partner Tim was convinced Dick chose ‘over’ him - Dick was the first one to admit back then that he DIDN’T trust Damian yet, couldn’t afford to, because he was all too aware that Damian didn’t give a fuck about him yet and couldn’t be guaranteed to step in to have Dick’s back - because that required mutual trust that Dick literally just hadn’t had time to build yet. And add to THAT the fact that during this time, Jason was actively antagonizing the family and Dick in particular at every turn, trying to bring them all down and basically write over what all of them saw as Bruce’s legacy with Jason’s own version of what he thought that should look like.
Also also, take into account that unlike how often we see fanon depict Dick as just too stubborn or proud to ask for help, there’s the fact that he actually had very few avenues TO ask for help! As already established, he DID ask Tim for help. Not like Jason was an option at this time, and Dick’s friends weren’t actually just sitting waiting in the wings and groaning about the fact that Dick was trying to do all of this solo....nah, they kinda had their own problems, which Dick was all too aware of?
Like the fact that in the wake of Final Crisis, it wasn’t just Bruce that was believed lost. Many other key Leaguers like Martian Manhunter were dead or lost, with others struggling to fill the gaps left in their absence. Cry For Justice happened right after Final Crisis too....that story where Lian was murdered? So it wasn’t like Dick was remotely going to try leaning on Roy when Roy had just lost his freaking DAUGHTER and very much wasn’t handling it well (and not to overshadow Roy’s loss at ALL, but please let’s not act like Dick - who had literally been the person to put a baby Lian in Roy’s arms for the first time and had known that girl for pretty much her entire life - like, it shouldn’t be used to detract from Roy’s loss at all, but it shouldn’t have to, to just acknowledge that Lian’s loss right at this exact time was painful as fuck to Dick, who’d loved his niece like crazy.)
The pattern of compounding, concurrent losses in Dick’s life. I’m just saying. Its there.
And it extends into the New 52 as well, where Forever Evil came right on the heels of Dick losing his circus in THIS continuity to the Joker, just as a way to hurt him in Death of A Family. And with the aftermath of Forever Evil and Dick’s own literal death, being like....the complete loss of Dick’s entire life, even though he was revived quickly. That didn’t mean he got to live HIS life though, since Dick Grayson was believed dead and he was told had to remain so, so its like fuck whatever he actually wanted to do as he went about on the Spyral mission aka something that pinched his own sense of morality and personal agenda at every turn and was kinda the last thing a therapist would recommend for a trauma recovery period, lol. And like, for all the focus that was paid to how Dick’s family were hurt because they believed they’d lost him when he was actually alive, let’s not forget that for all intents and purposes, Dick DID lose his family in the wake of his resurrection because he was flat out told over and over that due to what ‘he’d LET happen to him’ he was an ACTIVE danger to them, and thus wasn’t allowed by Bruce to contact any of them or lean on them to any degree, until Bruce got amnesia and stopped blocking Dick’s pleas to return home by just not being there to pick up the secret phone line at all. 
(And omg, the obliviousness that just EMANATES off the hot takes that Dick had a ‘choice’ in all this and he still CHOSE to do what Bruce told him....like. LOLOL, stop being pissy about me bringing up the term abuse apologism when its literal victim blaming to paint the guy who had to be beaten into ‘agreeing’ to the Spyral mission in the immediate wake of the trauma of DYING, all while his father vocally blamed him for his own suffering and the ‘threat’ he now posed to his family, keying directly into the guilt complex Bruce knows damn well is at the core of most of Dick’s motivations.....fucking please. There’s no choice in all that. That’s active emotional, mental and physical abuse aimed at directly manipulating Dick’s actions, delivered by the guy who knows Dick best in the world and whose approval - particularly when Dick is at absolute rock bottom aka Current Location - matters more to Dick than just about anything because his sense of self-worth has more in common with dog shit than actual dog shit does. Or something. Idk. That analogy got away from me. But like. You get it.)
BUT. I. DIE. GRESS. (I guess).
Aaaaaaanyway, so yeah! That repeating pattern throughout Dick’s life of ‘loss? What loss (singular)? My losses only come in groups, lolol, fuuuuuun’ - mmmm. Yeah. So that’s what’s on MY brain right now. Thoughts?
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addude · 2 years
SCP Biblical First Family
Got bored so gonna post up some ideas I have for biblical first family in the SCP. I intend to add these as SCPs later but gotta write them so that will take time Anyway…
*Adam had three wives, Lilith the first, Eve the third.
* The wives nor the children speak of the second. They will not speak her name, they will not describe her. They will at most acknowledge her as the second wife or simply as her. They aren’t sure if she is alive or dead. 
* Lilith didn’t want to have children, though called their mother she never actually gave birth to any of the kids. 
*Adam insisted that his children all consider his three wives as their mothers equally. 
* The children in order of birth Qayin (Cain) and his twin sister Luluwa (Lulu), Hevel (Able), Awan (Ava), Atzurah (Azura), Set (Seth.)
* Neither Cain nor Able are aware their other siblings have survived to the modern days. Seth is aware that two of his sisters are alive but never speaks to about them to the Foundation so they won’t be contained. He sees no need as they bring no attention to themselves and are no real threat.
* Lulu has some serious issues against Lilith. She adored Lilith like her real mother but as the oldest she remembers when Lilith left not only their father but her. To make things worse, she knows her father essentially named her after Lilith. Luluwa just being a derivation of Lilith.
* Eve did eat fruit from tree of wisdom and the tree of eternal life. Now she has knowledge she shouldn’t reasonably know and simply can’t die. She has mostly spent her time trying to protect humanity from anomalous even before she got involved with the foundation. 
* Eve is not a fan of traveling over water. If you were drowning for 40 days over and over again you wouldn’t be a fan either. 
* No member of the family will ever willing face the Gate Guardian. The picture would give many nightmares. Coincidentally if anyone plays SCP-2137  near them it will begin to speak Sumerian and has caused Eve to have a panic attack.
* Ava is one if not the first magic users,  she’s continued to practice and honed her skills over the centuries. A lot of modern thaumaturgy is based on her discoveries and teachings. 
* Ava looked up to her brother Cain, seeing him as someone she could relate to someone she could connect intellectually with. It broke her heart when she heard about what happened with Able. 
* Ava still loves her father but she fears him. She knows what he became and has actually worked on a spell that might be able to stop him. She is not eager to test it. 
* They all miss Azura, one day when they were children she went missing. No one found a body or found out what happened. Even centuries later it haunts them, they never got closure. 
* Lulu knows the origin of Cain’s arms. 
*Azura has dark blue eyes, to the point of having them look purple, she says the same thing as Elizabeth Taylor. She has black and white hair, she claims its Marie Antoinette  syndrome thing. No one is sure if she knows what that is.
*Azura has a close relationship to the Wondertainments. She calls Isabel Izzy and Reginald Reggie, and sometimes by his real name. Isabel calls her Wow. Their relationship complicated. Azura did pick the name Isabel.
* Ava in the modern era has actually earned multiple doctorates, thought she will admit the history ones are kind of cheat since she lived through history.
* Lulu is a charming and playful young woman. It would be possible to confuse this with some anomalous ability, but she just someone who knows how people work and what to say to get the right reactions.  
*Eve takes special measures to try and protect anomalous children. But in the end she is only one vote of 13.
*Eve actually checks in on SCP-53 regularly, as her anomaly doesn’t affect her being a reality anchor. The council knows this and allow it as they would rather have 53 forming a bond with Eve instead of being solely influence by 682.
* Lulu knew Thomas Edison and  Helena Blavatsky and together were involved with his spirit phone invention. 
* Ava looks down on the Serpent Hand. While she understands their good intentions she believes that world finding out about the anomalous would be disastrous. She also avoids the library, as she’d rather craft spells on her own and just wants to avoid alternate universe stuff.
* Azura actually ends up meeting up with her grandma fairly regularly.
*Eve has fallen in love a number of times. She's married, men and women, and occasionally raised families. It hurts her when they die. She remembers each and every one.
*Eve and Lord Blackwood were a thing, neither getting too serious because they had their own responsibilities and lives to live. Though if they ever stop to talk about it, they would consider slowing down even for a bit.
*Adam might have more children.
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Your Worst Nightmare - A Billy Loomis Fic
Warnings\Notes: Mention of murders, comments about breasts, let me know if I missed anything!!
Authors Note!: Hey lovelies!! I know I haven't been posting. I'm lazy. Anyways if you've been waiting for the next chapter of Your Worst Nightmare then I would like to remind you that the full book is up on my Wattpad(which is in my bio)!!
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____ _ _ _
Lilith's parents voices could be heard talking downstairs. Lilith had cried into her pillow for what seemed like hours, which she probably has since it was now dark outside. She laid on her back, staring up at the ceiling, as she thought about everything. Her heart broke by even the thought of not having her friends present in her life. They were there to comfort her after aunts death more than her parents were.
Her parents believed the rumors that her aunt was a slut. They also believed the rumors about Sidney's mom. They practically believed anything this small town had to offer, afraid of having a different opinion in fear of being judged or disliked by everyone. That's what really irked Lilith about her parents. They were too coward to have their own opinion that was different than everyone else's.
Stu's party was going to start soon, but Lilith didn't know how she was going to be able to go without being caught by her parents. Good thing Billy showed her how to sneak out of her window. Lilith changed into a revealing outfit, hoping Billy was going to be there to see her tight skirt and her long sleeve v neck shirt that showed the top of her breasts. She slipped on some shoes, grabbed her coat, before quietly slipping out of her window.
Lilith obviously wasn't dumb enough to walk the whole way to Stu's house that was practically out in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, Dewey's cop car pulled up beside her as she was walking on the sidewalk. He offered her a ride while she noticed Tatum and Sidney were also in the car. "Billy's going to freak when he sees your outfit!" Tatum beamed after the car started driving again. "That's the whole point." Lilith winked as she settled in the seat next to Sid.
They finally reached Stu's house. The three girls got out of the car as Dewey shouted at them to have fun before Tatum yelled back that he was obsessed. The house was crowded with people that Lilith seen around school. The three girls entered the kitchen with bags of food to see Stu in a red robe. "Oh, that's mature." Tatum said sarcastically as Stu poured beer down a tube, with the other end in some guys mouth.
"You guys were tardy for the party, so we started without you." Stu explains as he finishes pouring all the beer into the tube. "My man!" Stu exclaimed as he and the guy who was drinking the beer did a handshake. "Is Billy here yet?" Lilith asked as she took off her jacket. "Not yet, but he's going to love what he sees when he does get here." Stu mutters as his eyes swoop down to Lilith's breasts. She swatted his shoulder.
"My eyes are up here, idiot." Lilith said before she grabbed a coke and went into the living. She would've grabbed a beer, but she took the liberty in being the sober friend for tonight. She plopped down into one of the green chairs as Sid and Tatum sat on the couch. Stu cuddled up with Tatum as Sidney looked through the movies Randy had brought. "How many "Evil Deads?"" Randy announced as he held up a movie case.
A few votes for the movie could be heard around the room. "How many "Hellraisers?"" Randy's question seemed to be answered as a lot of shouts broke throughout the room for the second movie. "Hellraiser right here." Stu teased Tatum as he pointed his finger at her. Sidney said the movies names aloud that she had in her hand. "How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all of these movies?" Sidney asked as she looked up from the movie covers.
Randy stood on his knees beside her. "She's the scream queen." Randy smiled. "With a set of lungs like that, she should be." Stu added. "Yeah." Randy agreed. "Tits. See?" Tatum rolled her eyes. The doorbell rang throughout the house. "Oh, I'll get it." Stu said before he climbed over the back of the couch. "Hey, Tate, grab me another beer, would ya?" Stu leaned over the shoulder of his girlfriend before going to answer the door.
"What am I, the beer wench?" Tatum asked Lilith. "She was nominated-" Randy started to talk about the movies with Sid. "You're not gonna believe who's here!" Stu rushed into the living room. "Its that chick from "Top Story"!" Stu announced. Everyone broke out into excitement, except for Lilith, Tatum, and Sidney. Gale Weathers was here? "You're underage, son." Dewey made his way through the crowd before taking a guys beer.
"I'm kiddin'. Have a good time. Watch the drivin'" Dewey laughed as he handed the beer back to the guy. "Dewey." Tatum said. She stood up and curled her finger. "Dewey." She repeated. Dewey finally noticed his sisters calls before walking over to her. "What is she doing here?" Tatum asked, annoyed with Gale's presence. "She's with me!" Dewey gushed. "I'm just checkin' things out." Dewey explained. "So you did. Now leave, and take your media mouth with you." Tatum said irritated.
Sidney walked out of the room. Lilith saw Gale slip a camera onto the tv stand. Is she seriously about to record a group of teenagers watching some horror movies? How low in life can you get? Tatum left to go get some more beers while Lilith stayed in the living room talking with some girls she had history class with.
The party was starting to die down, so people started to leave. "Tatum, come on!" Sidney shouted up the stairs as her and Lilith waited at the bottom of the staircase. "There's nobody up here but us chickens!" A girl yelled as a boy imitated chicken noises. Sidney sighed. "Do you know where she is?" Lilith asked Stu who was standing by the door. "No, I haven't seen her." Stu shrugged.
Lilith put on her jacket, upset that Billy never came by. She wondered what he was doing. "Ah!" Billy jumped out from his hiding place. Both Sidney and Lilith jumped back. "Oh. Hey, Billy." Lilith smiled. "Billy. Hmm. What're you doing here?" Stu tapped his chin with a grin on his face while he looked from Billy to Lilith. "I was hoping I could talk to Lilith alone." She was hoping he would say that.
"I'll tell you what. Why don't you guys go up to my parents' room? You know, you guys can talk, whatever." Stu lightly punched his fist into his palm, seemingly hinting at something. Lilith rolled her eyes. "Subtlety, Stu. You should look it up." Billy suggested. "Lets go." Lilith grabbed Billy's hand and pulled him inside. They both walked up the stairs, Billy taking his jacket off while doing so.
They both entered Stu parents bedroom. Billy closed, and locked, the door behind them. Lilith sat down on the bed while Billy paced back and forth. "I have to tell you something." Billy announced after he sat down beside Lilith. "What is it?" She asked. He avoided her eyes. "It's not easy for me to say…" Billy trailed off, looking everywhere but her.
"Don't be shy. Talk to me." Lilith comforted him by rubbing his shoulder. Billy cleared his throat. "I'm the killer." Billy confessed. His words vibrated through her ears. She dropped her hand from his shoulder. He was afraid this would happen. "Your what?" Lilith asked, her tone surprisingly calm. "Stu and I actually. We both are the killers." Billy confessed some more. Lilith felt paralyzed from his words.
"We killed Sidney's mother, Casey Becker, principal Himbry, and just a few moments ago, killed Tatum." Billy listed off his victims. He was the one who tormented and killed Casey. Why wasn't Lilith running away? Why wasn't she yelling for help? Why was she still sitting on this bed? "Why?" Lilith spoke into the silence. Billy began to go into detail about why he killed his victims.
She should be telling the police about this right now. Anybody with common sense would be running out of this room screaming for help. Except, Lilith Umbra wasn't just anybody. "We were wondering if you'd want to join us." Billy finally looked at the girls face. "Oh, yeah?" Lilith smirked. "Yeah." A small smile tugging on Billy's lips.
"What do you need me to do?"
(Ooo, cliffhanger! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!)
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PART 1 of 6 of the Owl Deity Hooty Theory
(TLDR at bottom of post)
Over several long months of research and analysis since March of 2020, I have been following an utterly fascinating thread of potential misdirection and subtle details throughout The Owl House, and today, I would like to start weaving together of what I believe could become one of the biggest and most cleverly disguised twists in the entire show.
To begin, let’s take a look at the B plot of Understanding Willow:
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On first glance, it’s an ultimately inconsequential sidestory with the sole purpose of justifying an excuse to keep Luz and Amity in Willow’s mind, as well as providing some well-needed room to breathe and release tension after the veryemotionally charged confrontation with Inner Willow. After half an episode of Eda and King outdoing the other in ridiculous ways to win Gus’ vote and Gus running off in frustration at the end of the episode from Hooty’s inane rambling, it’s easy to laugh off Gus’ pick and assume that nothing/of value was said when he closed the door for the interview.
However, if one pays close attention to that very scene, Hooty actually canstill be heard (if faintly) underneath Eda and King’s grumbling, interestingly talking about how “It all started with a hunt. Blood red skies. That’s right, I was created-.”
Now, while it may seem silly to focus on dialogue from Hooty of all characters, this A) tells us that there was an event in the past involving blood red skies and a hunt of some kind, B) that Hooty had been created close to said event, and C) implies that what he knows but can’t tell as a story worth a damn is EXTREMELY important to be included and be hidden in such a manner.
For comparison, the only other instance of dialogue being tucked away in the background in the entire show is in Wing It Like Witches:
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During the lecture at the beginning of the episode, the history teacher openswith lore on Belos appointing a head witch to each coven over 50 years ago, immediately cluing in the audience to try and decipher the rest of the lecture as it moves to the background. Adding to this is how the musical sting when Luz shows off her movie obscures what he says even further, making it even more of a intriguing puzzle that the creators clearly intended for viewers to pick up on and attempt to solve.
In contrast, the hidden dialogue of Hooty’s interview is much shorter and not as hard to decipher as the teacher’s history lesson, but at the same time, there are few to no indicators whatsoever in that scene to clue in the audience to even check for something like that. It comes at the end of an episode where most viewers would have been paradoxically tired out and driven abuzz by the revelations of Amity and Willow’s relationship, doesn’t attempt to draw much attention to itself, and frames itself as a comedic subversion of audience expectations with neither the “greatest witch who ever lived” or the self-proclaimed king of demons being picked by Gus.
Instead, he picks someone that the show portrays constantly as an oblivious and gullible idiot after being described as a “state of the art defense system” at the very beginning of the series. Someone who, despite it being played for laughs, is scarily capable of casually subduing Lilith offscreen one episode and then beating her and an entire squad of Emperor’s Coven members without even the slightest change in personality or temperament.
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Someone who, due to being the Owl House itself, could be considered the titular character of the entire show, yet is taken for granted by those who inhabit him and barely gets any respect from even the cutely patronized King - including when Hooty could be interpreted as having potentially been full on DEAD for a time given the use of extremely cartoony X eyes and a lack of vital signs in The Intruder.
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And someone who Eda at best tolerates and at worst abandons in personal interactions and only occasionally acknowledges him when he’s actually doing his job. Yet at the same time is so implicitly trusted beyondprotecting her home to the point where - when up against the closest person Eda has to an equal outside of likely Belos - the only actually recognizable spells Eda used in combat were 1) stereotypical energy blasts, 2) a single shield spell in Covention, and 3) a noticeably large reliance on imitations of Hooty above any other spells she could have decided to use instead.
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In short, the show repeatedly tells us he is just an idiotic gag character through and through, but at the same time demonstrates he has immense power through both onscreen and offscreen demonstrations, implicitly tells us his importance ahead of time through Eda’s imitations in actually serious situations, and treats his interview and origin story as - if not even more- important to keep secret than a long lore dump about how Belos’ reign works.
After all, there being only two instances of hidden background dialogue in the entire season is already intriguing on its own, but for one to get plenty of clues to draw in people’s attention and for the other to be treated as just another gag about a “mere comic relief character” - aka a good way to draw away attention and lower one’s guard - heavily suggests a far deeper significance buried under layers of misdirection, comedy, and conditioned audience expectations.
I mean, when Eda bragged about being “a bad girl living in a secret fortress,” Hooty followed with a remark about how “I’m the secret.” While that line may sound like Hooty simply being confused as part of a one-off on the surface, it’s an odd dialogue choice for the writers to pick when you think about all the other reminders of his nature as the house itself throughout the season. With the precedent these moments set, it would have been much more appropriate for him to latch onto the “fortress” side of “secret fortress” AND it would have been just as equally funny of a joke about his awareness skills, but instead, Hooty broke away from the established trend to say something that would make people suspicious were it to come from anyone else.
In a way, this reminds me much of the many subtle bits of foreshadowing strewn across the show, like Luz unknowingly describing Amity in Witches Before Wizards and Eda burning a hole through Luz’s coven type quiz that coincidentally selected the same track she had taken at Hexside as “a punky potionist.” At the time of airing, these initially seemed like one-off jokes, but eventually came back in full force several episodes later with Amity’s hidden sensitive feelings and love for the Azura books becoming clear in Lost in Language, and the reveal of Eda’s school track in Something Ventured, Someone Framed with her school misdemeanor pictures.
That said, compared to these individual bits of minor foreshadowing, the jokes about Hooty in Understanding Willow appear to simply be the most obvious pieces in a giant puzzle, implicitly and outright telling attentive viewers that there’s a major mystery to be uncovered here.
In fact, I feel bold enough to say that we could be looking at a twist on a similar scale to that of the Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz and Stanford Pines twists in Steven Universe and Gravity Falls respectively, what with this particular puzzle piece coming from how Gus wanted to make THE greatest interview of all time, and how he was looking for someone who was “interesting, accomplished, AND noteworthy:”
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Note the emphasis on the ‘and’ here, as Gus had made a big deal that “people aren’t meantto be all those things” at the beginning of the episode, so as a result, stripping away all the comedic framing of his subplot leaves the intriguing implication that whoever - and, perhaps, what- Hooty is, they really are the most interesting, accomplished, AND noteworthy person out of everyone.
I could go further and talk about why I suspect the mystery surrounding King’s origins, whether true or not, is partially meant to misdirect us from paying attention to Hooty, or how the TOH crew’s could be disguising legitimate clues to his nature among made up and highly meme-able joke answers in order to proliferate said concepts throughout the fandom - thus letting us do all the dirty work of getting ourselves used to the ideas and used to dismissing them at the same time - but to bring things to a close for now, I’d like to leave you all with a question that I’ll start answering next time:
What does it mean when both the most powerful and notorious witch on the Boiling Isles and the possible actual king of demons/the Titan itself/something don’t match up to a house? And what do you think it is that makes him so special to warrant such misdirection?
TLDR: Between Eda’s golem spells, the show stressing his nature as the titular house, his implicit strength, and the odd dialogue and structure of Understanding Willow‘s subplot in relation to him, I believe I have good reason to suspect the show has been giving us many hints towards Hooty being much, much more important than it would like us to currently believe or even joke about. Particularly, through clever uses of comedy to establish and enforce a strong audience bias against looking closely at him or unironically taking him seriously, and to potentially plant the seeds for something I will start exploring in Part 2.
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habrina-was-wronged · 3 years
I felt like that it was really lazy. The show spends way too much time on the eldritch terrors that really don't pose much of a threat (except the monkey and the void, who should've been more intimidating than what we got, a cosmic threat that looks like a white room with pictures and planets? Really? )And for a finale, many characters get sidelined and their stories are left unfinished because the writers feel that the terrors are more important than character development. Sabrina is as whiny as narcissistic, who wants a love life and can't stand that her friends are happy and is love and is jealous that her doppelganger is getting married to Cassius. Meanwhile, Harvey gets uncharacteristically upset that Roz is a witch (a idea that is never explored because it's all about Sabrina and how she needs to get rid of these terrors that will destroy the world.)And in the end, it doesn’t matter because these terrors are destroyed because Sabrina sacrifice herself to save the world and Nick commits suicide (ala Romeo and Juliet) to be with her forever. That's it. What about her friends? We don't see them grow or even evolve! We don't see them even get happy endings! They're just there for the plot. Roz being a witch feels like it was tacked on and Theo and Harvey get no type of closure. Her family received the same treatment. Why does Hilda need to stop her life by moving back to the mortuary so that Zelda can properly grieve the loss of her niece? Why doesn't Lilith end up being the queen of hell? Why doesn't Prudence get any type of arch other than "daddy issues"? Why is Ambrose always there to save the day. We spent so much time on these items that could've been used on character development. And the ending was just soooooo gross to me. Undeserving and underwhelming.
This one ⬆️ and this one⬇️ are my favorite comments and say EVERYTHING about CAOS.
The whole season kind of felt rushed and deliberate. Faustus sending the eldritch terrors one by one and they somehow find a way to defeat all but suddenly the terrors have powers to kill the Sabrinas. Here are some glaring inconsistencies. Do witches die? The Cain Pit is a grave on the grounds of the Spellman Mortuary, it has been in possession of the Spellman Family for generations it has the ability to bring back dead witches. Why cant you put either of the sabrinas back. Since when did the witches die mortal deaths. Sabrina morningstar just died of bruises and shit, it wasnt even the void. The void shit Who is the trinket guy. Cant he have warned about void and the pandoras box beforehand so they can all discuss and send sabrina to capture it, Rather than she rashly entering void and the usual family running behind to stop her. I am so sick of this behavior of hers, acting like a hero and doing things without consulting anyone at all- like making of the two sabrinas time travel and the chaos she caused with it. How does nick go into the void capture it so easily and come back, if they all knew it was possible why did they try to bring sabrina back when she was unfinished- messing with her whole body- soul fit. Salem What happened to that stuffed cat Salem from Endless. If there are two sabrinas in the same place and it causes realms to collide, shouldnt the two salems do the same. Roz is a witch! Holy moly who cares! She already had the power of the cunning. Suddenly she realizes she is a witch. What's the point. And Harvey acting all weirded out, Come on dude, you dated a witch and your next girlfriend also had weird superpowers of the cunning. You yourself sleepdraw and have visions. What's with all the witch racism. All hell breaks loose Suddenly Caliban goes into void. They guys manage to get only the miners and friends and leave caliban behind. What bullshit. Is void a waiting room where you can go collect people you like. Lilith asks for the sword that kills immortals and caliban like an idiot gets it for her very well knowing she can kill him and Lucifer and all of hell. Why cant he just finish her himself. Its like giving a diamond knife to someone to scratch their back. Lilith uses it to kill two immortals. Lucifer dies like a goat- exactly that, no biggie it is to kill the ruler of hell. Sabrina the empowered women until she becomes single She was the cool girl until she becomes single. Then starts envying her friends, drunk toasting at weddings and when Nick comes back she accepts him and all that soul searching just ends. Show became a bit too dark Sabrina always had a dark undertone to her teenage adventures. We always watched it with a eww and aha exciting moments. This time it went a bit too dark. Dead people coming back to life episode- her father claiming she isnt his daughter and hates her-both fathers infact. Serious abandonment issues it deals with. Mambo Maria lying to Zelda all along, breaking her heart. Too much reality distortions. The Endless episode with cannibalisms and cutting human parts, getting stuck in claustrophobic space was too eerie. We didn't even have time to deal with One sabrina's death. Another come comes along. She has survived much worse stuff. Suddenly two of them die. Harvey, a mere mortal can go into void and get people and come out like a piece of cake. Last of all, Nick suiciding to be with Sabrina. Come on man! use your fucking magic people. You can all witches for Hecete's sake. Visit her in afterlife, use cain's pit, use mambo maria, do some soul transfer. Suicide to be with his love- that just cut it for me. They could have ended with both Sabrina's meeting each other in Afterlife. She realizes she is her true love. No one can replace that. She couldn't ever meet each other in the same realm. Here she can be with each other. Maybe that would have made things more bearable.
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peach-astrology · 4 years
Natal chart:Ariana Grande
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Hi! I want to create a new category in my blog,where I talk about the natal charts of famous personalities.I've been listening to Ariana's songs since 2015 and watched TV shows with her on Nickelodeon.I love this Princess! She and Dalton are now engaged and I'm so happy for her.I also want to suggest that this is an incomplete analysis of her natal chart,otherwise this article would be too large,here I looked only at the main positions(for youuuuuuuu ahahahaha)
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The first thing I noticed was that there were no planets in the fire element(not counting houses).Although many astrologers say that this means a lack of optimism and fire in the eyes.But look at its conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon in Libra.She went through difficult times in her life,but she went on and wrote beautiful songs.We'll talk about this later.
Its ascendant is in Capricorn,but it doesn’t,fortunately,create an opposition to the Sun.This gives her a beautiful face shape and beautiful cheekbones(Capricorn is responsible for the bones).Also in the interview,we can see how comfortable she is to communicate,as if she is confident in herself and her words,even when joking.In this,in addition to the ascendant,Mercury in Cancer(gentle and sweet communication)and the 7th house are also involved.This position can’t but fascinate.
Let's talk about the Sun(Oh,this is Ariana ahaha).But seriously,it's in the 6th house in Cancer.People with this position can choose a certain vocation and grow very much in their career.Cancer is responsible for the beauty and soulfulness that is in her songs.The Sun has many aspects.The Sun square Moon cause it to fluctuate between the impulses of the soul and the mind.Sun trine Saturn,I notice that this situation indicates a late marriage or a good career.Both planets are in water signs,which indicates the importance of feelings in a relationship.Sun sextile Mars another indication of fame.
In a recent interview,she said that she tries to be sincere in front of fans,but at the same time tries not to divulge too much.She also said that she didn’t want her current relationship to be too public,as it was with the past.Here comes the influence of the ascendant opposition Mercury.The ascendant is responsible for what we show to the outside world(strangers,for example),and Mercury is responsible for our communication.Mercury's opposition to Uranus shows its rebelliousness.You've noticed exactly how often she supports social movements.She helped in the voting and actively disseminate information about the BLM.Moreover,both planets are in cardinal signs.Ariana has a song called "Just like magic" that fully describes Mercury's opposition to Neptune.This position gives a rich inner peace and interest in psychoanalysis,but also obsessive thoughts and anxiety(which she also spoke about in a recent interview).Sometimes indicates a good intuition.
She has a Venus opposition to Pluto,which makes frequent changes in her personal life.Venus controls the sphere of love and relationships(including friendship),and Pluto controls revolutions,changes and transformations.Pluto,like Saturn,gives difficult and morally difficult lessons,but thanks to them,a person becomes stronger and more experienced than others.Venus is in Taurus in the 4th house,which makes her so cozy and caring.It's a very romantic position.Only sincere feelings and their best manifestations.Ariana has two trines(Venus trine Neptune,Venus trine Uranus)that indicate the possibility of development in music.Remember when I said that trine gives us chances,sextile gives us opportunities,and conjunction gives us talent?All of them differ from each other in that the trine requires the most time to develop.You know that Ariana has been developing in show business for a very long time(if you believe the Internet,then since 2008),which is why she has achieved such success and such a strong vocal.Venus trine ascendant makes her so beautiful OMG.
I want to pay special attention to Mars,because it has greatly influenced her life.You probably remember the terrorist attack in Manchester.This event is indicated by 2 positions in her Natal chart:Mars opposition Saturn and Mars in the 8th house.These aspects create accidents and dangerous cases,severe damage.Even if a person tries to get out of this situation,he will not succeed.This event affected her career(Mars sextile MC) and her personality(Mars sextile Sun).After the terrorist attack before the concert,people began to search for security reasons,and Ariana still sends money to the affected people.
Jupiter in the 9th house in Libra also hints at our favorite work and study.Jupiter in Libra gives the ability to cooperate and meet people,and the 9th house shows a person's desire to constantly learn and develop.Jupiter square Sun also indicate to us the desire of a person to develop(but a little in a negative sense).They are competitive and a bit of a gambler.They respect themselves and appreciate their merits and sometimes it is difficult for them to accept criticism.
I consider Saturn trine MC to be one of the best positions for a career.Saturn,though strict,loves the field of work(MC is responsible for this),so it isn’t a pity to give him several opportunities for a good career.Remember the times of Nickelodeon,don’t underestimate them,because they brought considerable popularity to her,although they were not associated with music.Here Saturn gave her the opportunity to gain a little fame.Saturn in the second house and Saturn square Pluto force you to be a perfectionist in the field of Pisces,that is,music and creativity.Remember her shows and how she and her team carefully prepare for them.Also,this situation is often found in people who often take on someone else's fault.
Uranus and Neptune in the first house make her stand out.She has a photogenic appearance,interesting images and style.Also,such positions bring sensitivity,empathy and a rich inner world.Uranus square Neptune make her be honest,a little moody and intuitive.She is interested in politics,society and a bit of astrology(during Cancer season,she posted posts about it in stories).I've noticed that people who made some major changes somewhere had Uranus sextile Pluto or Neptune sextile Pluto.Remember her albums,which are filled with their own atmosphere and their own era,vocals and a style of voice that can’t be confused with anyone.She made a big contribution to the pop industry and made it more sincere and unusual.
Pluto sextile ascendant forces her to also be active in the affairs of society(notice how many provisions say this?).She is interested in the topic of magic,money,personal growth and is very curious and inquisitive.Scorpio is at home(in Pluto),so it plays an important role.You know how famous Scorpios are for their stubbornness,love of success and power,and since he is in the 10th house,this is another position that indicates success.In a recent interview,she said that she doesn’t set herself boundaries or specific goals,she just wants to develop her creativity every day.
Lilith in the second house indicates that a person in a previous life was careless about his money and property,so in this life he should invest and protect his money.Often the sign in the 2nd house indicates exactly how a person should invest them.In this case,the Pisces are in the second house,so Ariana had to invest in creativity and music.She creates great shows,gathers a huge team of professionals and spends a huge amount of money for music.But don’t forget that later this amount is returned to her in a much larger amount.That's about how Lilith works in the second house.Simply put,"The more money and labor you put in,the more you get back".
Thank you for reading this! Write if you have similar provisions.Love ❤
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Detective Lilith Langford | The Wayhaven Chronicles
There is something so relaxing about putting together a character sheet for a MC. Especially one that basically started off this entire journey of interactive fiction for me.
So - here's my sweet and bright Lilith Langford of The Wayhaven Chronicles, following the events Book 2. (I used Artbreeder to create her!)
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General Information
Name: Lilith Langford
Age: 29
Gender + Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5’4” (162cm)
Zodiac: Taurus (April 23rd)
Alignment: Neutral Good
MBTI Type: ESFP - The Entertainer
Apartment: Bright, colorful, smells like flowers (probably because of the flowers)
Style: Beige trench coat, flowy white blouse, black pencil skirt, simple black heels, minimal jewelry
Drink Order: Large cold brew with a splash of cream (yes, she drinks iced coffee in the winter)
Love Interest: Nate Sewell (Their song is Sea Meets Earth by Fever Fever, you cannot tell me otherwise)
Adam Du Mortain: He’ll say they are strictly teammates, but Lilith knows he’s fond of her (she respects him a lot, too).
Nate Sewell: They have many, many kisses to catch up on. 💕
Felix Hauville: Totally mates (especially after showing him how to make a paper airplane); they get along great.
Mason: It was rocky at first, but they are way better teammates now (he seemed to appreciate the 'fire extinguisher' threat).
Rebecca: Closer now than they have ever been before; she always calls her Mum.
Rook: She misses him and wishes she could have gotten to know him more.
Solomon Verda: She appreciates his hard work and he appreciates her sarcasm/jokes.
Tina Poname: They’re close, which led to Tina discovering the supernaturals (whoops).
Douglas Friedman: He’s a kid, she’s isn’t too hard on him (regardless of his father).
Bobby Marks: Ugh. UGHHH. Her ex. Bobby’s a pain in the ass, but she doesn’t give him the pleasure of ever thinking about him anymore.
Mayor Friedman: Respected; she isn't afraid to face him with a smile.
Police Captain Sung: Just like how she navigates her relationship with the Mayor - respected, kind, upfront.
Voted “most likely to succeed” and “most likely to brighten your day” in high school, Detective Lilith Langford is the best example of a bright and attentive people-person. Incredibly friendly, charming, and an obvious team player, she has a way of connecting with just about anyone, drawing out their feelings with an easy smile and understanding nod. She shares her genuine, honest qualities with the people she’s sworn to protect, and a joking, informal presence with her coworkers (she can’t help but tease Tina with a bit of sarcasm; it makes Verda laugh).
However, since people come so easy to her (figuratively and literally), Lilith has developed an unfortunate trust in her heart (she wears it on her sleeve, the poor emotional mess) and abilities to talk someone down, to squeeze through the cracks of someone’s defenses and figure them out. Even if it goes against the regular procedure, she’ll bend the rules to get through to someone. She isn’t too careful about it (impulsive with just about everything, actually), and strongly believes anyone can get through to another with words. This leads to a bit of stubbornness in her actions, but she does carry the balance with some easygoingness, too. She knows when to step back (to an extent… it’s a tricky, sometimes off-kilter balance).
When she isn’t helping people with an aura of optimism, she’s putting together the pieces of the deduction puzzle. Technology comes next in her arsenal of skills. Unfortunately, with her focus so much on people and figuring them out, her combat skills are outdated and lacking. And as much as she wanted to research about the supernatural, she knew taking a lesson in supernatural combat was the best.
Personality: Charming - Impulsive - Genuine/Sarcastic - Friendly - Easygoing/Stubborn
Traits: Heart - Optimist - Team Player
Skills: People/Psychology > Deduction > Technology > Combat
By the Book or Bends the Rules?: Bends the Rules
Other Key Decisions
Promotion: Excited
Reason for joining Wayhaven's PD: Wanted to help people
Shoot/Spray A: Neither, tried to question them
Stayed in/Went out with Tina: Stayed in and had to deal with Bobby Marks (ugh)
Vampire/Supernatural Reaction: Confused
Agreed to the Agency blood test?: Yes
Murphy's Actions: Bit on the neck
Murphy's Fate: Escaped
Reaction to Book One's ending?: Deeply traumatized
Did V/T learn the truth?: Yes, Tina did (big whoops again)
Supernatural Combat or Research?: Supernatural Combat
Sanja's Fate: Saved and alive
Maa-alused's Fate: Treaty was signed, Falk seemed a little too interested in Lilith
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ryttu3k · 4 years
Hello naughty children it's Gehenna time.
...which means I'm going to read the book properly this time and write notes on each scenario, partially for my own reference, partially in answer to an ask from @rayshell22livejournalcom​ from about a zillion years ago. Sorry about that!
Mood soundtrack: Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F# A# ∞; Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven; Yanqui U.X.O.
Prelude: Netchurch is an interesting character. Very skeptical, despite, well, the entire setting, although that's definitely, uh, broken by the end. Feel very sad for Afifa, who was a pawn in all this. Creepy babies galore!
Introduction: "While Vampire favors that futile, tragic, and - we'll say it - angst-heavy conclusion" - lmao you don't say. Although I do like how they have the consistent golden rule that if you don't like it, just ditch it! (Of course, the Gehenna scenarios as a whole have been completely retconned anyway by v20 and v5, so this entire book is a good example of taking what you want from it and ignoring the rest.)
"Some people are on opposite sides of this thing. They're elders who don't want to knuckle under to the Antediluvians (most elders will accept their proper place in the heirarchy again with the rising of their progenitors) and poor, misled souls who bought into the lie and are pissed about it (paging Mr. Pieterzoon). Bottom line: the Camarilla collapses like Enron/WorldCom as the worthlessness of its foundation becomes public knowledge. Chaos ensues among the vampire community, princes find themselves besieged by their own locals, and it's all a big clusterfuck."
Have I ever mentioned I love how VtM phrases stuff? Also F to Jan.
I like how they have a masterlist of what's actually going on with the Antediluvians. Spoilers ;D "For example, note that [Tzimisce] is simply referred to as [Tzimisce]. Even here at the game studio, our limited mortal minds weren't able to comphrenend the creature's real name." Lovecraft only WISHES he had eldritch abominations this spooky! Ennoia is 'Active and scary' and apparently spooks the devs just thinking about it. Makes sense. "Giovanni (Augustus Giovanni): Augustus is a pig, and he should probably die as one of the early events of Gehenna. He's the youngest of the Antediluvians and probably possessed the greatest ego (in mortal terms), so it'll be cosmic justice when he eats it." I love how no one likes Giovanni, even his creators. Malkav may or may not BE the Madness Network, in which case they cease to be an Antediluvian and just become... a part of the Malkavians, I guess? Absimiliard may or may not be chilling at the bottom of the ocean, because mood. Tremere / Saulot is definitely a fun one to play with, yeah. Although, oof, if Saulot ever gets control of their shared body, he's going to be fucked up if [Tzimisce] activates, so. Probably better to create a nice fresh body, like what BJD suggests with the child Saulot.
Chapter 1 - the lead-up: Basically a rundown of the signs and how they're interpreted. "An angel dies: How does an angel die? Who has the gall to rise up and slay one of God's firstborn? Or perhaps this is another metaphor. An angel could be a pure and gentle creature, or then again, it need not be one of God's angels (not that God's angels are necessarily pure and gentle). A feared and particularly vicious Necronomist Tzimisce, Sascha Vykos is sometimes referred to as the Angel of Caine. Many would rejoice the night that Vykos died." Hey rude :( I vote they kill Michael instead. He wants to be an Archangel? Fine, he can fulfill a prophesy XD
Honestly I really do dig that Ennoia Earthmelded with the entire planet. You can go so many directions with that, good or bad! Ennoia as The Beast Below, or Ennoia as Gaia? (Wow, that'd really fuck with the Garou XD) I love how the general consensus on Haqim is like, no one knows if he exists or not but lbr Ur-Shulgi is bad enough. Kinda dig the idea of the Toreador ante, Ishtar/Arikel, being genderfluid? I mean yeah essentially demigods have no need for gender anyway, but the constant debates over whether the Toreador ante is the female Ishtar or the male Arikel (or, uh, was it vice versa?) does lead to some interesting concepts. Ooh, similar to [Tzimisce] being linked to its entire clan (and the Tremere, anyone who's ever taken part in the Vaulderie, and anyone who knows Vicissitude), [Lasombra] may be connected to anyone who knows Obtenebration? [Ravnos]... yeah, probably dead. F to the clan. And yeah I think [Tzimisce] is flat-out the scariest one of all, and probably the one most likely to actually start the apocalypse, lbr.
Ugh this is one of the books that calls Sascha 'it' :-\ Do not like. ...Also do not like the suggestion that they're an unknowing agent of the Eldest, given, uh, the last chapter of the DA Tzimisce novel. Shoo! Shoo! You've ruined their unlife enough as it is!
Epistolary material! I do dig those. Most interesting: a letter to Sascha mentioning apocalyptic visions of New York but with the Carpathians in the background, and an anonymous letter to Hardestadt warning him of one of his line tearing down a castle that the writer feels believes the Camarilla. GO JAN FUCK IT UP.
And on to the scenarios themselves!
Chapter 2 - Wormwood: This is an interesting one. Literally a Biblical vengeance - God takes a good look at the Children of Caine and goes, "Well, this is fucked up", acknowledges that Caine never really sought true forgiveness and repentance, and sets forth Wormwood, the Red Star. The truly repentant are saved, the rest just. Die.
Herald here is a dhampir girl named Alia - thinblood father, human mother. When she's twelve, she becomes God's chosen, basically. Traveling with three thinblood guardians, one night, she's approached a Gargoyle named Ferox with True Faith, who sees himself as a fallen angel. And Alia offers him a way of redemption - find the chosen true believers, wait out Wormwood, receive judgement. Anyone can seek sanctuary, only the true believers and the ones genuinely willing to repent will survive the judgement itself. Alia and Ferox set out to find the other chosen ones.
Whew. Very full-on - the players remain in one place with a whole bunch of other vampires for forty nights. I mean, that's a test in and of itself XD All welcome! (Except infernalists and the antediluvians and Caine himself. They're fucked no matter what.)
Like. All welcome XD "Some Storytellers might feel that this character roundup could get too silly, suddenly having all these celebrity Kindred get together for a big slumber party, and they would be correct." Fuck that give me a slumber party AU XD
Am very glad about the note that the vampires inside only lose one blood point per 10 days, rather than every day. Otherwise, uh, it'd get gory.
Yeah, this is a really interesting scenario. Very character-focused, very introspective. All about the characters trying to work out what it means to be good people - not the strongest vampires, not the most powerful, but good people. Are they worthy of salvation? That's the crux of the story. Of course, it's very, uh, Biblical, heh, but it's first and foremost about morality and redemption. I dig it.
Also, giant vampire slumber party.
Chapter 3 - Fair is Foul: Ooh, this is a Lilith vs Caine scenario.
This one has the Withering hit in weird ways, including clan-specific ones - like the Banu Haqim only able to feed on vitae, then only able to gain sustenance from diablerie. Gangrel turn even more animalistic. Lasombra take to the seas, Obtenebration ripping holes straight to the Abyss. Malks, uh, leak madness. Nosferatu get even uglier, Toreador devolve into debauchery. Tremere develop third eyes, and yes, I did laugh out loud when I read that. Tzimisce... hmm... get a bit, uh, uncontrolled. And Ventrue find they can now only feed on... other Ventrue. Fun times!
"At your discretion, Lilith might be particularly vulnerable to Jewish True Faith, as the Jewish tales about her are the source of nearly every negative sentiment ever directed against her in writing. As a result, most orthodox Jews bear Lilith great contempt for defying her husband and her God." Yeah ngl I think she's pretty dang cool and I can just see, like, most of my ancestors facepalming at the idea XD;; Fuck obediance you do your own thing.
"Trying to work out traits for Lilith, Lucifer, Caine, or any of the Antediluvians would just be a waste of our word count and your time." I like the time they published a guide for fighting Caine. It was two words. "You lose."
Ah. Okay, Saulot in Tremere's body being taken over by the Eldest = scary, because have you ever been attacked by an Antediluvian wielding Thaumaturgy, Valeran, and Vicissitude at the SAME :) TIME? :) Yeah :)
Really dig the idea of Abel showing up as the first Wraith. The forgiveness element.
Overall, this isn't my favourite scenario, I think? It feels very chaotic, and while it's probably the most traditional to play, I'm not sure how much it literally challenges the characters, unlike the sheer soul-searching...ness of Wormwood?
Chapter 4 - Nightshade: Chapter starts with, "We all wear masks" and my first thought was "boy you have no idea" XD
Awww yes this is the masquerade break scenario! See here for my thoughts on that and how the Nephtali could be adapted to v5, heh.
Yeah okay earthquakes, volcanoes, and riots are normal enough. A horrible blood virus where it appears some flesh-like thing is living in people's veins and feeding off their blood sounds like something that starts with T and rhymes with Shzimitze. ...Probably. No one knows how the fuck it's pronounced anyway. Oops, those riots are apparently over the existence of vampires. Yeah that'd be... unfortunate. And more earthquakes, this time due to Kupala vs the Eldest. Whew. Red star, yep, standard. MORE earthquakes, this time due to the Second City rising. Sounds legit. Bad times all around!
The details on breaking the Masquerade are interesting. Basic emotions: denial, rationalisation, fear, anger, acceptance. The acceptance one is interesting, because I can definitely see some jumping to it straight away.
So, on to the scenario itself! Jan recruits the players to fight the... uh, mass under NYC. This is the corpse of the Eldest, which is more or less a giant fungal infection held together with Vicissitude, which frankly is just icky. This actually is  canon-compliant with BJD, since it apparently has only just... dissipated? or whatever there, or if it still remains, it's no longer conscious. In this one, its soul flicks back to Tremere's/Saulot's body and wakes up, and basically every Tzimisce, Tremere, and anyone who has ever drank Tzimisce blood (which would be the entire Sabbat via Vaulderie) spontaneously frenzies. Godspeed. Cyscek, a Tzimisce methuselah, helps defeat the, uh, blob at the expense of his life, and warns with his last words, "The Dragon rises. You must stop it. Find Vykos. [They] know." (Okay yeah the text says 'it knows' but also fuck that.) Ooh, plot point!
Aaaand then they retreat from the battle, exhausted, only to find the whole damn thing broadcast on every TV screen, vampiric Disciplines and Cyscek dusting and all. W h o o p s.
Lots and lots of details of a major masquerade breach here. Hardestadt shows up and tells Jan he's proooobably gonna get Final Death for, you know, trying to save the world. Gonna share this bit because it's Very Satisfying.
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Please refer to my tag #hardestadt has no rights ;D
Anyway! The characters now recruited, Jan leads them back to London for the Convention of Fire. He's working with Calebros and... like a bunch of others, probably anyone can end up here, so long as they want to actually help and not just fall apart like the remnants of the Camarilla (trying to diablerise their way into keeping power) and the Sabbat (...ditto tbh). Those definitely in attendance are Ambrogino Giovanni, Hesha Ruhadze, and Fatima! And lbr the Nod Squad are probably there too. As if Beckett would pass up the chance to NOT witness what's happening with Gehenna. And Anatole is literally a prophet of Gehenna! They found the Nephtali, led by a council of twelve, with Jan at the head. Name means 'the highest point' or 'no further' - as in, Gehenna goes no further than this.
Oh lmao here we go, the scene I mentioned earlier - Jan vs talk shows.
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F to Jan.
Tremere's body (inhabited by Saulot) disappears from beneath the Vienna chantry. Tremere's body, with [Tzimisce] now well in control (having overtaken Saulot; Tremere, meanwhile, has taken over Goratrix's body, with Goratrix's mind stuck in a mirror... it's complicated), wipes out the Vienna chantry. RIP to the Vienna chantry, which doesn't survive in either timeline tbh. Hey, I wonder if that means that Saulot (in Tremere's body) is dead in v5? Etrius manages to escape and reports that the Eldest is now on the way to Ceoris, where it'll call all the remaining Tzimisce to it to become, uh, a part. Pleasant.
Everything between Krakow and Bucharest is straight fukk’d. Ceoris is the centre of all this - IIRC it's somewhere in the southern Carpathians, nearish Brasov. Either way, hell of a fight results with what can only be described as an eldritch abomination, finally both managing to destroy Kupala (the Eldest's goal) and reducing The Thing down to a human-looking body. This bit is interesting! Tremere (in Goratrix' body) and Etrius take one look at each other. "Master..." "I... I know. But where the hell is Saulot?!" Good question, because he sure ain't in Tremere's, uh, former body any more, which was in fact what was fighting them the whole time. Either way, Tremere-in-Goratrix'-body leaps at [Tzimisce]-in-Tremere's-body and diablerises his, um, former body, which must be weird as hell, then tries to turn on the characters and his powers fuckiNG FAIL. EAT SHIT TREMERE. And then the players kill him too and realise that over the course of one night they've destroyed the demon Kupala and two Antediluvians, Tremere and the Eldest. Not bad. This is the battle that causes that second lot of earthquakes I mentioned earlier.
Back to London! They find the mirror containing Goratrix amongst Tremere's belongings. Poor fucker sorry not sorry.
And now the players receive a summons to escort someone from Montreal to the Nephtali headquarters in London! Namely, a Tzimisce named Myca Vykos~ They've recently defected from the Sabbat and want to help take the Antediluvians tf down. (Note: the book here has reverted to using he/him pronouns since they're back in their original form, I'm going to keep using they/them because biological sex does not determine gender identity or pronouns goddammit. ...Anyway. I AM going to use the name Myca since that's the name they're using themself, mostly because, uh, 'Myca' is a bit less noticeable than 'Sascha Vykos', haha.)
So Gehenna has started. Myca's woken up in their original form and being like, "Hey you know what I am preTTY SURE I don't want to serve the Eldest" and promptly joins the Nephtali.
From New York to London to Romania to London to Montreal to London (...London is a hub world apparently), now off to Turkey, to Kaymakli! Which is actually a real place, my brother's been on a tour there. Anyway, this is the part of Kaymakli that they don't show the tourist and that's been sealed shut with lots of angry Cappadocians instead, so that was fun. Presumably Kapaneus hasn't been chilling out there in this one.
Also Colombia has completely been overtaken by the Sabbat so that sucks.
Into Kaymakli! Which usually doesn't let Cainites back out so it may be one-way. Don't worry, there's a ritual for that. At the bottom, they find Augustus Giovanni! Who is pissed off he never actually got to eat Cappadocius' soul and so wants to eat God instead.
As you do.
The book very strongly encourages the players to kill him. Just 'cause. Which is a mood, tbh. Killing him also reveals a beaten, bound Nosferatu, having been Giovanni's most recent food source. An F for Okulos. He's been there for four years, having managed to get a lost fragment of the Book of Nod for Beckett, who promised to come back for him and. Didn't. Which is just rude tbh and I can kind of understand why Okulos ends up betraying Beckett in the Gehenna novel but anyway. (Not canon as of v20, he's perfectly present and chill in BJD.)
End results - the fragment that Okulos went to retrieve shows how to restore the Second City, which holds a complete Book of Nod and may hold the key to stopping Gehenna. It's in Enochian so your player characters probably won't be able to read it (book suggests asking Sascha or Ambrogino). Next stop, Egypt, and a meeting with Hesha Ruhadze! Man this scenario has a lot of signature characters. It also suggests getting third parties in here too, so Beckett would actually be a really good choice. Either way, they find the probable site, and suddenly, a Second City.
Archeologists make grabby hands. Beckett, somewhere, is probably crying in joy. They find a vial with some very old blood in it that they definitely shouldn't drink because otherwise they'll explode (the book uses Sascha as the example here XD;; ). Along with some mystical enscriptions, they return to London and get to work on the prophecy - namely, it suggests that 'the gentle one' (likely Saulot) will die at the hands of another, but arise in a new form, and will stop Gehenna that way. Etrius, one of the only Tremere left and having joined the Nephtali, goes 'fuck it what do I have to lose?' and goes to find whatever new form Saulot is in (potentially can also involve Goratrix here).
Hm. Well. Saulot is apparently in a research centre outside Sydney. Apparently we're mostly chill with vampires, aside from Christians XD Go figure!
Apparently it's a cloning facility. One of the rooms had, past tense, a child, successfully cloned six-year-old, who was in perfect physical form but vegetative from birth. Religious characters will pick up that it's because the kid's body didn't have a soul. Now, it does - Saulot's. Having been thrown out of Tremere's body when the Eldest took over, his soul fled until it could find the most suitable vessel - a soulless cloned body. No actual soul to have to subdue. Saulot ends up reborn, albeit in the form of a six-year-old and without any memories. Turns out, the child was taken by a cult of Thinbloods, believing him to be the messiah.
Sydney's messy situation gets described here! Short version, Sydney's Prince is/was Sarrasine, who was a Toreador. Except he wasn't a Toreador, it was a fairly open secret he was only POSING as a Toreador - he was actually a Caitiff. (Except he's not actually a Caitiff. He's a sixth-gen Setite. Sydney is Like That, yes.) Given Sydney's independence from the sects and its apparent Caitiff Prince, it's become a major site of Caitiff and Thinbloods, which Sarrasine is just thrilled about but can't do anything about because he doesn't want to actually go 'lol I'm a Setite'. Anyway, either way, everyone is unaware of Saulot's return, so the players seek out the little boy, who's pretty spooked and confused. Asks the characters, "Who are you? What is this place? What do all these people want?" and his third eye opens. Tada! Salubri Antediluvian, and like the prophecy mentioned, he's 'unholy' and 'a mockery in the face of God' - a clone.
Back to London with kid!Saulot. The Nephtali have been trying to work out what tf is going on. A researcher tried drinking from the vial. It was messy. The characters might get some downtime. Sarrasine's followers may attack to try and get the kiddo back. Either way, everyone goes to bed, and wakes up to find a Darkness having overtaken the sun, which is generally not good for anyone, and Lasombra characters are just, feels bad man. The Veil of Darkness means vampires can be up 24/7, along with other things that don't like sunlight, and I imagine things like... plants not being thrilled. Also probably very confused animals. I'm not sure if it's like a dark atmosphere, or a physical body between the sun and Earth that just eclipses it whatever vantage point you look from, or what? Disciplines like Auspex, Obfuscate, and Obtenebration go a bit fucky. Then, a few days later, everyone feels a... Summons. For low-generation vampires with still-living Antediluvians, it's strongest. Higher gens with destroyed Antes, not so bad. So I'm sure you can guess what's summoning them.
Yep. Antediluvians. Banu Haqim are getting summoned to Alamut instead so Ur-Shulgi can turn them into an army against the Antediluvians, so godspeed resisting that, Elijah.
Off to the city of Gehenna (it's nearish Jerusalem). Elders of all stripes have been heading there to kill their childer in hope of being rewarded by their Antediluvians to get their powers restored, which is terribly rude. Indeed, the Antediluvians basically go, hey, can you not, and also can you start Embracing more childer for our armies, because they're not very nice either. Pretty much all the characters have been summoned for their crimes against the Antediluvians, and now they're gathered before them - Set, [Lasombra], Ennoia, Absimiliard, Malkav (as like... a cluster of identical little girls with glowing eyes because of course Malkav would use the Creepy Child trope), and [Toreador], who's so beautiful no one can tell if they're male or female. When the players and child!Saulot get there, they question him, but he's literally a six-year-old boy and is spooked. He also has the vial, somehow. Set takes it, and Kiddo says, "Don't drink it. You'll burn up." So Set makes Kiddo drink it instead, because he's a nice guy like that.
Kiddo's third eye opens. A giant black throne appears. The dozen small girls that are Malkav say, "Father's home." Kiddo!Saulot says, "No, Father's dead." Girls start screaming so loud people start bleeding thick black blood from their ears and doesn't stop until Set kills all twelve. A random stranger, now with their glowing eyes, steps forward and basically goes 'wow rude'.
Powerful beam of light appears. The Antes (aside from Kiddo!Saulot) writhe in pain. Angel appears, asks Saulot if he's willing to atone for all vampires. He agrees. Throne explodes, Antes fuckin' die, and everyone promptly frenzies and tries to eat each other, because vampires. In the aftermath of that, vampirism basically... ends. The player characters may be rewarded by becoming human again, as do a lot of Thinbloods, but most everyone older just, uh, dies. Vampirism ends, but the Earth has been saved.
That is... hmm, bittersweet, I think. It's a pretty compelling chronicle, very dramatic, but it's much less character-based and is more, 'the characters get dragged along to Do Shit'. I kind of like the idea of it being a story involving the characters we know, but for original characters, I think Wormwood is a much more compelling scenario so far.
Chapter 5 - The Crucible of God: Okay I'm tired now and this is the 'rocks fall everyone dies' scenario so gonna skim-read this one.
This is the chapter that introduces the level 10 power for all disciplines - Plot Device. The Antediluvians can do shit because they feel like it. Whew. Also, if an Ante spots anyone of their blood line, they can just make them... explode and their blood gushes into their mouth. Monch monch. Spot another clan mate? Roll to avoid frenzy. Just woke up? Roll to avoid frenzy. Good times!
And then the Tzimisce Antediluvian awoke as a mass of Vicissitude flesh fungal infestation with tentacles and lampray mouths and stuff and ate anything in reach until it ate, uh, every living thing in Manhattan. In one night. Bad day tbh. Eventually it burns when the sun rises, but what's left underground is still there and shit's still messed up. Like picking a leaf off a dandelion and it starts bleeding. Trees with faces, swarms of insects forming into eyes and watching. Nice and creepy. In the aftermath, it's basically infecting every life form on Earth with Vicissitude, which is distinctly uncool.
Absimliard has an animal army and currently looks like a giant humanoid jellyfish.
Oh boy here's the Banu Haqim part XD;; Interestingly, it's a lot better for them! Haqim doesn't eat his childer, they feel themselves strongly bonded to him but still maintain their own minds and wills. Downside, anyone who doesn't follow Haqim alone gets hunted down so he can eat them, so Ur-Shulgi's probably having a field day at being vindicated and poor Pyre/Elijah is hiding tf under the bed. Plus side, it only lasts a few months before something kills Haqim, so hey! And there's genuinely a way to become human again, especially for high-humanity, high-gen vampires, so that actually would be a genuinely good outcome for Pyre/Elijah.
Malkavians end up as a giant hive mind. Like, more than usual. [Lasombra] covers the world in darkness, then it stops. Ennoia merges with the entire planet and starts eating people. And vampires. And Methuselah. And other Antediluvians. She's kinda hangry at this point.
Tremere attempts to rule the entire world using the Human Genome Project as the true name of the entirety of humanity. It lasts about two minutes before [Tzimisce] turns him into a meat crime, along with, uh, the entire rest of the world, aside from the players, who were part of Tremere's ritual and thus immune from it.
Also Saulot, who they just met in the form of a little old man.
Turns out, he planned it all along. Lured Tremere to him, knowing that his body was tainted by using Tzimisce blood to become a vampire. Knew that when the Eldest returned, he'd be succeptable, and Saulot would be able to bounce out when the Eldest took over. Now, he can lead the characters in the only way to stop Planet Tzimisce, which is, uh, prayer and letting themselves get eaten. Could actually work! And you end up human again in the bargain!
End result - all vampires gone. Some of the more human ones do end up human again. Either way, world's still fucked. Open Antediluvian rule for several months has destroyed most of humanity. There are still remnants - former Malkavians who are still a bit weird, former Tzimisce who are a bit... Vicissitudey. Ennoia's still around! She's mostly chill except when she occasionally feels like rearranging landscapes. Otherwise, it's time to recover.
Alternate endings - that last one wasn't depressing enough, so here's a scenario where All Is Tzimisce, here's one where there's global extinction of literally everything except the player characters who gradually drop into torpor and never recover (or just flat out burn if they're outside), or there's one where the players are the only vampires left and start a new cycle with them as the new Antediluvians or something, oh and Caine's still kicking and is Very Displeased that God won't let him die already. Gooood times!
Rest is how to basically play it, and character sheets. Which go back to calling Sascha ‘it’ again *sigh* (And using the whole alien look despite explicitly mentioning that they look human again. Of course.)
So, final thoughts! Gehenna is... an interesting scenario. Lots of possibility for introspection. It’s very... apocalyptic, and that may bother a lot of people, since, well, for the most part, it’s going to be the end of playing your character as a vampire. Which I figure most people are playing Vampire the Masquerade for. So it’s basically either a hell of a finale, or you just don’t make use of it.
Favourite scenario did end up being Wormwood. I just really like the introspection and opportunity for hope. Did also enjoy Nightshade, but in a different way, I think? Like for Nightshade, I’d rather read it as existing characters working together, maybe as a novel, whereas for Wormwood I’d want to play it since it’s such an intensely personal kind of thing.
(I also still want a slumber party AU ngl.)
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hullomoon · 5 years
Transcription of speech provided by @cafetropical
I wanted to first acknowledge and send love and support to the trans community and everyone who marched today at the trans march in Washington. [applause] There is an epidemic of murders of black trans women, this is a crisis that needs to be seen and heard and acknowledged by the highest levels of power and influence in this country and around the world. 
I wanna start by thanking my friends and brilliant castmates who came and did this for me for their beautiful words, um, I’m beyond touched, I really am. Even if those words and their appearance here tonight were built into their Schitt's Creek contracts. By me. Nevertheless, I am thrilled to be up here to be accepting this award in your contractually obligated company. In all seriousness, I love you all very much and thank you so much for doing this for me, I don't… this is tough. I am very honored to have you all up here tonight. 
 Noah, thank you so much for the character of Patrick and bringing him to life with such heart and skill and compassion. 
I want to thank GLAAD and Sarah Kate Ellis for this incredible honor, um, we’re Canadian so we don't accept things like this well.Standing up here, it's hard not to think back to a very specific time in my life when I was still in the closet. I was in high school, I had a bad faux hawk because the first Mission Impossible movie had come out and I thought Tom Cruise was a real drink of water. Um, when I was falling in love with my best friend and instead of being able to do anything about it, I watched him fall in love with someone else because I didn't have the courage to act publicly on my feelings. Thinking back to those formative days where I was missing out on all the good stuff because I was walking around with an invisible raincloud over my head, smiling through the heartbreak so as to avoid anyone asking me what was wrong, because I didn't have the strength to tell them. I think back to the bullying, the name-calling, the shoving, the side-eyes, a guy in math class calling me a faggot but then also telling my two straight girlfriends that they were lesbians because we went to Lilith Fair and that we all probably had sex with each other on weekends, to which I replied “that theory has some serious logistical flaws”… doesn't make sense. 
I think back to that time where I legitimately thought I would have to live with this secret - my being gay - for the rest of my life because I didn't have the security of seeing a lot of people like myself being celebrated in popular culture. 
I bring this up because when I was told I would be receiving this honor, I went back to that place and asked myself how did I get here, to this place, standing in front of all of you tonight, an out and proud gay Emmy loser. 
And the answer was a three-parter.
I was supported by my friends, at the time a group of very strong, funny, dazzling young women, who were the keepers of my secret and the protectors of my soul. Never letting the threat of high school boys who didn't know how to process my closeted gayness affect my happiness. 
I was encouraged by my high school English teacher who, one day after reading a long-form poem I submitted in lieu of an essay - partly because I didn't read the book and partly because my brain has a hard time following the rules - told me that there was something special in my writing and that I should I think about pursuing it. Up until that point, I hadn't even thought about being a writer. 
And lastly, I was loved. I was lucky to have a family that supported me fiercely and unconditionally when I needed it the most. When I came out at 18, and my sister Sarah is here tonight, so… 
I didn't wanna cry, again, one bread roll for an entire day, it's not okay. 
Had I not had the support to build my courage, had I not been encouraged enough to find my strength, had I not had the love to give me a sense of security, I don't know if I would've found my way out of the closet, let alone create the opportunity for myself to tell stories on television that have effected some kind of positive change in the world. 
Support, encouragement, and love. Three relatively simple acts of kindness that can change the course of a person’s life, and yet for so many members of our beautiful community, those simple transformation acts of kindness aren't just an arms reach away. Almost three-quarters of LGBT youths say they are more honest about themselves online than in the real world. 
A national study found that 40% of transgender adults have reported having made a suicide attempt. 92% of those individuals said it happened before the age of 25. 
The statistics are staggering and seemingly endless, which is why when I found myself in a position to tell stories on a global scale, I seized the opportunity to make a television show that might,  in its own way, offer some support, encouragement, and love to those who might not have it in their homes, in their schools, or in their day-to-day lives. It was… [applause] it was a small way of paying back the generosity that had been shown to me, while at the same time, creating space on television for queer characters that I could relate to. 
The result was Schitt’s Creek. A place where everybody fits in. A place where love is celebrated and people’s differences are a reason to start a conversation, not end one. It’s a place where my character David, a pansexual man with really intense pants and sweaters, can fall in love with his now fiancé Patrick, a gay man, without fear of consequence. It’s a place where acceptance incubates joy and creates a clarity that allows people to see themselves and each other more deeply. It’s fiction, yes, but I've always been told to lead by example and this felt like a good place to start. 
So, thank you to GLAAD for this vote of confidence, for validating the idea that entertainment can affect positive change. I promise to continue to do my part in celebrating this radiant community in all the work that I do, big and small, and honoring the incredible work that GLAAD does on a daily basis. 
On that note, I would like to raise a glass to all of you for coming out here tonight and supporting, and encouraging, and loving this organization that does just that for so many people. This is a night I won't forget, thank you so much. 
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bjorkvespertine · 5 years
tagged by barney calhoun slut 2k20 @portaltwo
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you would like to get to know better
Nickname: bro even tho i havent used my birthname in years i still lowkey consider my names to be nicknames. tho one time someone called me “sculls” and then i never saw them again.
Real name: jesus meredith scully (fuck u)
Zodiac: virgo on libra cusp
Favorite musicians or groups: marina diamandis, portishead, unloved, akira yamaoka, fleetwood mac, lizzo, etc
Favorite sports team: that one that beats the other team to death with rocks
Other blogs: i only have sideblogs for urls. old ones that have historic properties and ones i want for the future but just havent gotten around to using yet.
Do I get asks: bitch?
How many blogs do I follow: 21
Tumblr crushes: @lilwaynk <3
Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 6, 7,  1,590,693,200,492,194.09
What am I wearing: nothing. just socks.
Dream vacation: ikea in which i can steal everything with no consequences.
Dream car: subaru crosstrek/subaru outback. i am a whore for reliable suvs
Favorite food: chees its :o)
Drink of choice: water but no matter how much i drink im still dehydrated Instruments: i have a violin. do not ask me if i know how to play it.
Languages: english, basic ASL alphabet, ive been learning french for 5 years and i only know voulez-vous AHA take it now or leave it AHA 
Celebrity crushes: nyle dimarco can smash my ass into a wall any time of the fucking day.
Random facts:
im a slut for survival horrors and would literally play resident evil for my entire life
im really good at driving in video games (unless its mario kart)
im ambidextrous! i use my left hand for eating, cooking, writing, painting, jacking it, and use my right hand for my mouse, drawing, applying eye liner, and the usage of scissors!
although im studying to go into healthcare and hopefully become a surgeon, i truly do have a hankering for acting.
i had a friend hangout week in september and spent a collective 73 hours non stop in calls w @lilwaynk and @mrswakeman
im ripped. my ass is big. my thighs are impeccable. my face was chiseled by the gods. my meat is bigger than yours. 
i’m insecure.
i will tag @bacongun and @fangswaste for this. thank u lilith my love for making me get on tumlr desktop to do this. wash your hands and vote for bernie :)
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