#i love how the two guys in the poly coded relationship are just like holding hands casually and getting flustered at each other
caffeinatedopossum · 6 months
The characters in the book I'm reading are unexpectedly soooo polyamorous coded and it makes me unbelievably happy
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
im ngl i just think kub0ka1 is so overrated 🧍🏻‍♀️ theyre the most popular ship in this fandom but i personally dont think they work as a monogamous relationship.. neither of them are getting what they actually need from a relationship with just each other imo, so even if they did date it wouldnt last
sure, kaido gets someone who can protect him.. but anyone in the saiki k group could do that. hes like.. the ONLY person that cant protect himself☠️
i just feel like if youre gonna pair off kuboyasu with someone, it needs to be someone who can like.. handle him ?? if you know what im saying ?
teruhashi, yumehara, saiki, saiko, hairo, (maybe mera ? maybe aiura ?) they all work !! even if you dont directly see their chemistry in the show or manga, they work and have good dynamics that you could easily bring out with just a little bit of character exploration
and kaido needs someone who can help him grow up and be with him throughout his healing, which kuboyasu CAN do, but we see him more as like the guy who can indulge in their childish behavior together and doesnt really truly UNDERSTAND him, which is great too but great for like.. best friends..
he could be paired off with yumehara or saiki and theyre like the only people he could work with
they work really well in poly ships.. i just cant see them working by themselves
plus, how would they even get together? they would hate each others views of romance.. theyre like opposites, theyre both a little immature about it but kaido cant even say the words "hold hands" and has zero interest in it while kuboyasu is obsessed with love and just wants to commit to someone to spend his life with
i just feel like people saw two queer coded best friends who are a little silly and bromantic and were immediately like "theyre dating" but it makes such a boring and not thought out ship.. i have never once read a kub0ka1 fic that was in character (and the ones that are just make them seem like besties to me) and thats enough to tell me what i need to know☠️
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bbugyu · 4 years
how seokmin knew
a journey with yoon jeonghan, lee seokmin, and you.
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from the second seokmin first saw you, he thought you were far too good to be true, and he hadn't even gotten to learn the best parts of you yet.
prelude | part one | part two | part three | epilogue
wc.8888 | fluff, smut, courtship, oh jeez where do i even begin, the beginning i guess, polyamory, fem reader, musician!seokmin sugar daddy!jeonghan escort!reader, threesome, fingering, oral (everyone receiving), creampie, cumpla (like gunpla but with cum), (sorry), (but seriously lots of cumplay), overstim, switch!seok dom!han switch!reader, phone sex, snuck in a babygirl, hell yeah fighting for dominance, let's talk BOUNDARIES, hi mingyu, sorry but seokmin being a special guest is hot as hell, the required listening for the last scene is the album "new edition (1984)" by new edition (which is a real lp i own and listened to while writing it)
hELLOO!! welcome to my poly seokhan au! i have been neck deep in this universe for weeks now and i am finally releasing it in three parts! i will be posting today (obvi), tomorrow, and friday at noon pst, plus a little bonus epilogue whenever i finish it! today is all about seokmin and how he fell in love. i really poured a lot of myself into this one, between the poly reader and the obsession with architecture and the record collection (three fun facts about me, but you get no more context), so if you like it, please let me know! i did my best to portray the relationship as realistic and as healthy as possible❣️ also this series lowkey became a “how many cameos can i naturally squeeze in” kinda piece so if you spot one u should absolutely let me know hehe. and i edited my masterlist to accommodate for serial aus, let me know what you think!
please read the prelude linked in the contents of this post! it gives important context for the beginning of this part, establishes relationships, and sets the general mood 😏
seokmin lived a fairly simple life. he held private piano and guitar lessons in the comfort of his apartment, vaulted ceilings and tall windows helping to bring a bright, airy, studio environment during the day that he felt suited musical lessons perfectly - not the mention the lovely acoustics the tall room provided when he sang, belting out improv musical theater riffs as he scrambled eggs for a sandwich. he genuinely found joy and pride in helping adults and children alike train their hands to achieve new heights. he also did some contract vocal lessons at an entertainment company, stopping by the studio two or three times a week to train young new hopefuls in the music industry. he wondered how different his life would have been if he had taken their path, but he enjoyed the quiet downtime in his line of work, and wouldn't trade it for anything
his simple life. he drank tea in the mornings as the sun rose over the skyline, rode the subway with his guitar bag over his shoulder and his groceries in two overstuffed ecobags, and enjoyed his days off by relaxing in his home, scribbling down lyrics and compositions on the legal pad that never left the music shelf of his upright piano. the less simple part of his life could be described simply as you.
the second time he had been summoned to accompany you, he had been at home, heating up leftover takeout and mindlessly watching some drama on a saturday evening after having gotten lunch and playfully wasting the afternoon with a friend, when he received a phone call. he answered it without giving too much thought, expecting an invite for drinks, as was usually the case when he heard from jeonghan. he put it on speaker and set his phone on his kitchen counter, leaning against it as he ate.
"minnie!" he had said, the smile obvious in his voice. seokmin responded with a short greeting before jeonghan continued. "are you busy tonight?"
"just watching tv," seokmin said, spoonful of fried rice in his mouth. "why? you feeling lonely?"
"something like that," jeonghan said. the architect must have been in the car, he thought briefly, hearing the static noise of wheels on pavement in the background every time he spoke. "listen, you remember y/n, yeah?"
he nearly choked. "uh, yeah. of course. did you think i would forget?"
"not really," he said matter of factly. "we're currently heading home after that exhibit opening and she's been asking about you all day. any chance you can get to my place in half an hour?"
seokmin blinked, staring at nothing as he processed. "tonight?"
a laugh. "yeah, tonight. she's been really sweet lately, i thought you could be her treat."
her treat. "right now?"
"yes," jeonghan laughed again. "right now. if it helps the decision making process, i've had my hand between her legs this whole time and she gets needier every time you talk."
seokmin swallowed harshly, imagining you squirming in the passenger seat of the car, huffing and desperate, begging for him with jeonghan's fingers curled into you. he adjusted against the counter, his pants suddenly feeling slightly tighter. "i'll get a cab."
then he heard you, your signature whiny moan as jeonghan no doubt worked you into a mess despite his even tone as he spoke. "y'hear that, sweetheart? he said yes. i'll pay for the cab when we get there. see you soon?"
"yeah," he said, eyes still unfocused. "yeah, see you soon."
after jeonghan asked you to be an angel and hang up for him, seokmin stood and looked around at his leftover fried rice and the drama that continued playing, remnants of his simple life that he found plenty enjoyable and fulfilling on its own, but fell to the shadows as you came into the light.
the cab ride felt too fast, and jeonghan's car pulled into the driveway of his luxurious home only minutes after seokmin arrived. he emerged from the door of the cab and stood in the late november air as the other car parked, the passenger door swinging open in a hurry.
"seokmin!" you squealed, heels clicking against the drive as you ran up to him in a shoulderless, long sleeved jewel toned dress that was not at all suited for the current temperature. your arms wrapped around his neck and he laughed into the hug. "i missed you."
"it's practically snowing," he chided, pulling away to wrap his coat around you, and you happily fell into his chest. he didn't stop you when you pulled his face to yours, kissing him briefly but deeply. you tasted familiar, memories of eating you out entering his mind as he thought about how jeonghan had likely made you clean his hand in the car, and despite your forwardness and his generally shy nature, it wasn't the winter air that sent chills up your spine when he muttered "i missed you, too," against your lips.
"okay, kids, get inside while i pay the nice driver," jeonghan said, holding out your coat to seokmin. he took it, draping it over your bare shoulders. you grinned at him, working your fingers between his and leading him towards a side entrance of the home.
he felt a flash of embarrassment, wondering what the cab driver must have thought about the interaction he was witnessing, but seokmin figured that he had probably seen much stranger and decided to not worry about it, especially when you were regaling the events of the evening.
"they were playing classical," you groaned, punching in the door code with the hand that wasn't fiddling with his fingers. "from a cd. at a modern art exhibit. what part of that makes sense?"
seokmin laughed. "is that why you were thinking about me?"
you smiled as he followed you through the doorway, revealing a grand kitchen with a large island countertop. he had been here before, but on halloween, when it was full of life and the counter was covered in food. "jeonghan may have let me watch some videos," you said, and seokmin felt heat rising on his neck as he thought of you asking to learn more about him in his absence. you stepped out of your heels and walked towards the large fridge as you spoke, retrieving a water bottle. "that jazz piano number you did, jeonghan said it was at a bar? that would have been so much better, especially considering the artist's vision. his stuff was so full of life, i'm honestly surprised he allowed them to do anything other than live jazz - classical was too stuffy."
"it was a commentary," jeonghan reminded you, closing the door behind him as you offered a bottle to seokmin. "juxtaposition of traditional museum atmosphere with outlandish architecture and colorful, emotional art pieces," he said, sounding rehearsed. "the music was supposed to feel stuffy compared to the visuals."
"you guys worked too hard to settle for that," you shot back. you may have held a little resentment for the fact that jeonghan hadn't even asked for your opinion on the matter, considering you were less than a year away from a degree in musical theory. "if i hear clair de lune at one of these unveilings one more time, i'm gonna tear my fucking hair out."
seokmin laughed, but jeonghan only gave you a tired chuckle, and only after you quirked an eyebrow at him. he should have known you were only acting impressed at the exhibit because you wanted seokmin around. jeonghan could be cruel, but not so cruel as to invite a friend over to make his lady's night, only to deny everyone the pleasure after he already arrived, and this was a fact about him you were completely aware of. now was your chance to act out with little to no sacrifice - the most he would do is punish you in bed, and that, you were willing to handle.
jeonghan tsked when he saw your laptop and schoolwork spread across the kitchen island. "didn't i ask you to not do this?"
you eyed the counter, noting the teasing tone he took. "not do what?"
"leave your shit in the kitchen. you have a whole room to do schoolwork in, make a mess in there," he scolded, clicking his tongue as he flipped a textbook shut.
"i work better in bright, open spaces," you said quickly. 
"i gave you a window to the sunroom."
"and i love it," you stated obviously. "and the desk you chose is nice, and the chair is super comfy, but it's still too dark in that room. it makes me want to fall asleep." you turned to the musician. "how have you been, seokmin? i haven't seen you in weeks, and jeonghan purposefully keeps secrets when you guys go out."
seokmin said close to nothing of substance as he said he was doing well and leaned against the kitchen island, focusing more on the way you shrugged the fuzzy coat off your shoulders and setting it in the counter to tuck your arms into his, wrapping them around his torso and resting your chin on his shoulder to give the man of the house a flirtatious look. jeonghan simply rolled his eyes at you with a faint smile on his face, taking off his own outer coat and going to hang it in a closet. you hummed as seokmin spoke about anything he could think of, smiling when you felt his gentle, hesitant fingers rubbing circles into the small of your back.
and that night, seokmin was perhaps too eager to secede control, allowing his friend to gently order the two of you to do whatever pleased him. currently, you were between his thighs as he laid out comfortably in jeonghan's bed, the architect fucking into you from behind as your voice went hoarse from sucking seokmin dry. his thick cock stretched your jaw to its breaking point, but your neediness for his cum on your tongue outweighed the soreness you knew you would feel the next day as you bobbed your head, your hands wrapped around what wouldn't fit. he choked, his fingers itching to reach out to you, but remembering jeonghan's firm words of no touching and gripping the sheets instead as he came into your mouth and you moaned around him. jeonghan had stopped you from swallowing completely, a hand around your throat as he pulled you against his chest, forcing your neck to crane around so he could share the treat. seokmin watched, hand involuntarily going to pump himself again despite the sensitivity, as his release dripped down both of your jaws between the feverish kisses. you whined, jeonghan continuing to thrust into you as he stole the gift seokmin gave you straight from your mouth, his fingers finding your clit, making your knees shake as he came in your pulsating cunt.
that was the first time in his life that seokmin had ever cum twice in one session, having been too turned on at the sight to even think about not having you ride his face, cum seeping out of your precious hole. too turned on by the way your fingers dug against his scalp and the way you tasted to even think about turning down jeonghan when he asked to touch him, groaning against your core as he slowly and teasingly jerked him off. too turned on by it all to even think about not cumming when he was told, fist clenching the now familiar sheets as you rolled off him, panting from the overstimulation. your face was wrecked, tearstained and flushed, as you collapsed into his side, wrapping your arms around his torso and burying your hot face in his neck, his own face not much better. jeonghan proudly announced he was off to take a shower, sucking a line of cum off his thumb before saying that you lovebirds were welcome to stay as long as you would like, fully expecting you two to continue without him as he walked to the bathroom. 
seokmin felt shy, for some reason, despite having just having taken a shower with you, and just before, having had sex with you both. you had asked him if he wanted sweats or a shirt to sleep in, saying jeonghan wouldn't mind if he borrowed some. he turned you down, but watched you tug a far too large shirt over your otherwise bare form, and let you lead him back to bed.
"it's a custom mattress," you told him, giggling as you pulled him onto the oversized bed, kneeing yourself to the center and plopping down next to where jeonghan was wasting time on his phone. you planted a kiss on his cheek and he looked up to smile at you before you turned back to seokmin. he noticed the duvet changed, and he wondered if jeonghan had swapped it out after the mess they had made on it. you maneuvered yourself under the covers, gesturing for him to join you. "c'mon," you said. "we cuddle here."
seokmin had never even considered the idea of spending the night in bed with two other people, but found it surprisingly comfortable for it being his first time.
he did a lot of firsts with you, as it turned out.
you started to text him when you were alone and bored, which was something you and jeonghan had discussed with the strict understanding that you would have open and honest talks about it frequently, and that you would let him know any time you reached out to the musician. the first time he ever had phone sex, seokmin was busy at the company he did contract work for, and he had even told you so after the first suggestive text you sent him, but that didn't stop you from sending him increasingly dirty ideas and photos, making him silence his phone and shove it in his back pocket as he tried to focus on his students. when he finally slipped away to a private bathroom, he groaned at the way you looked, laid out on a plush couch and squeezing at your own breasts, with your back arching just so, and he quickly called you to ask if you were trying to get him fired.
"maybe if you get fired, you can come work with me," you whined, fingers already teasing your slick folds just at the low tone in seokmin's voice. his mind whirring as you gasped suddenly, revealing that you had already started. "jeonghan's been too busy for me this week, please don't tell me you are, too."
seokmin's eyes squeezed shut, back hitting the bathroom wall as he pulled himself out of his pants, trying not to drop his phone from his ear as he imagined how absolutely delightful you must look in that moment. "i'm never too busy for you, baby."
jeonghan took him out to dinner. it was normal, mostly, and not the first time since seokmin had seen his dick, but he noticed the older was acting slightly different as seokmin turned the meat on the grill.
"about y/n," he said finally, and seokmin fumbled with a chunk of pork before clearing his throat.
jeonghan smiled. "she hasn't said it yet, but i think she really likes you."
that made seokmin freeze, suddenly thinking about how he was at dinner with his undefined sext buddy's long term partner. "really?" he squeaked out.
"listen, i want you to know," he said, picking off some cooked meat and chewing it casually. "whatever happens between you two, i'm okay with it. she promised to keep me in the loop, and i trust her."
seokmin nodded, putting down the tongs and grabbing his chopsticks, continuing to avoid eye contact. "okay."
jeonghan laughed. "stop acting like i'm her dad. you and i are in the same relationship with her at this point."
he swallowed, a smile creeping across his face. "well, she does call you daddy."
the next time he saw you, you came to him, appearing at his apartment one early tuesday evening as his last client was leaving. he greeted you casually, but still snuck a quick kiss on your lips as he let you in, his student packing up their guitar. he took your winter coat and told you to make yourself comfortable as they finished up, telling you where the restroom was if you needed it, but in a tone that made you think he was saying it more to announce to his student that you had never been there before than for your comfort, which pulled a quiet giggle from you as he quickly organized his loose leaf sheet music into their designated folders. you watched him from the piano bench as he made short conversation with his student, accepted a check, and bid the aspiring guitarist farewell, closing the door behind them. when you were finally alone, seokmin blushed at the realization that you had been smiling at him the entire time, thinking about how his client must have thought their teacher had gotten himself a cute girlfriend.
you were less forward this time. less needy. you flirted, but not in the outright ways you had every other time seokmin saw you. you stood and joined him by a bookshelf as he put away materials, asking him about his day (quite lovely, especially with this to look forward to), what he had eaten for lunch (he'd gotten ox tail soup delivered as a celebratory meal for a student that just had their first solo piano recital that weekend), and how he managed to command authority in all his students when he always looked so darn cute (he had pitched his eyebrows at you and went "yah," but was unable to keep a straight face long enough to argue with you). you smiled, taking a baseball off the bookshelf and turning it over in your hands, and asked why he invited you over. he cleared his throat, saying he thought it'd be nice to take you out on a proper date, but faltered when your shining eyes caught his.
"a proper date?" you asked, smiling slyly.
"i- uh, yeah, i mean-" he cleared his throat, hand finding the edge of a table as he tried to figure out what he was trying to say. "people generally treat you in exchange for your company, right?"
"generally," you agreed, focusing on his standup piano on the far wall as you thought. "i don't want you to, though."
“i didn’t mean-” he stretched his jaw - a nervous habit that you had begun to notice - as he readjusted his approach, not wanting to imply that he wanted your exchange to be purely transactional. "i just wanna take you out. for real."
you gave him a small smile, knowing what was the case despite your teasing. "okay. it's a date."
to change the subject from one that seokmin clearly didn't know how to continue - and besides, you weren't hungry enough for dinner yet - you returned the baseball to it's display and asked him how he taught his lessons. he laughed, not because your question was funny, but because he didn't know how to answer it in a way that didn't sound like a pitch to a potential client.
"then teach me like a client," you demanded playfully, skipping to sit at the piano bench and turning to grin at him.
seokmin took a moment to look at you, with a knit sweater tucked in the front of a pair of loose jeans - a far cry from the tight fitting, short dresses he normally saw you in - sat in his apartment as the last remnants of sunrays dipped behind the skyline. "you know how to play," he said finally, but walking over to join you anyways.
"teach me like i don't," you said as he sat beside you, scooting over slightly to accommodate. "i'm very good at acting incompetent."
he laughed again. "normally, people pay me for this kind of time, but i'll give you an intro. we'll start with hand placement," he said, gently putting his hands on the keys. "starting position is important, even though you'll be moving around the keys a lot when you actually play. your thumb," he said, wiggling his right thumb and smiling when you giggled. "it starts on c. that's your root."
"oh, right," you vocalised, placing your right hand similarly an octave up from his. "music has a bunch of letters, huh?"
"only the seven," he joked, pulling his hands off the keys as you comfortably set your fingers where they belonged, a motion you clearly made often. "wow, are you sure you're a beginner? you picked that up fast."
you knocked him with your shoulder, giggling. "quick, what do i do next?"
he smiled. "try pressing the keys in order. c to g, thumb to pinky. be firm, this isn't an electric keyboard. it can sense fear."
you sucked on your cheek, smiling at the way seokmin explained things as you played, but used your pinky to strike the black key instead of g, giggling at the flat note. "oh, that sounded wrong. this piano must be out of tune."
"stop," seokmin said teasingly. "beginners don't have that kind of pinky dexterity, by the way."
"maybe i'm a prodigy," you said, grabbing his sleeve with both hands excitedly. "you have to teach me, mr. lee! you're the only one that can help me hone my gift."
"stop it," he repeated, laughing, giving you a fake glare. he put his hands back on the keys. "lesson over."
you pouted, but it was short-lived as he began to play. you watched his hands effortlessly move over each other as you listened to the gentle flowing melody. despite being classically trained yourself, back when you were young and your parents felt you needed the discipline of regular lessons, you found yourself being impressed by his deft finger movements. your eyes shut, and you let your temple fall to his shoulder as you listened.
"yiruma," you said when he stopped playing despite the song not being over.
his arm went over your head, allowing you to lean into his chest as he planted his hand on the bench behind you, your eyes still shut. "you know your stuff."
"it's one of my favorites." you smiled, eyes fluttering open again. "you play well."
your breath stopped in your throat when you realized how close his face was to yours. "have to. people pay me to teach their kids."
"jeonghan pays me to be nice to him, doesn't mean i'm good at it."
seokmin couldn't help but laugh. "how did that even start, by the way? he would never tell me when i asked."
you sighed, straightening your posture. "i suppose you should know, considering this is becoming a regular thing."
"you don't have to if you don't want to," he assured quietly. you smiled at the thoughtfulness. "i'm just curious, is all."
"i don't mind," you said, shaking your head gently at him. you inhaled, organizing your thoughts - this wasn't a subject you explained very often. "i had a scholarship for the first two years of uni, but i would have to pay tuition afterwards, so i decided to become a paid escort to save for it." you paused to study seokmin's reaction, but for the first time from someone other than jeonghan, you found no creased brow, no vague frown. no judgement. "men would hire me through a broker to accompany them to dinner, go to parties, the general stuff. i even played golf a couple times - terribly, obviously, but rich men really enjoy teaching young pretty women how to play golf. i always got a cab ride home at the end of the night, though. never did anything more. jeonghan was one of my clients."
seokmin nodded. "how long did you do that for?"
despite how you would normally take that question, you knew he meant no shame in asking. "ten-ish months? jeonghan was only for the last month or so, though."
"before he asked you to quit?"
you laughed lightly. "actually, someone else asked me to quit. this guy that had been hiring me regularly for almost my entire career. he wanted me to date him properly. i think he wanted a trophy wife. he was young, like, only a few years older than me, and he was nice, y'know? a little awkward in the beginning, but paying someone to go out with you is always a little awkward, and we got comfortable with each other pretty fast. he wanted to take the next step with me, but he wanted the end goal to be marriage."
seokmin adjusted as he thought. "but you said no?"
"i said yes." his wide eyes made you laugh, but you understood his shock. "i was ready to quit anyways, i guess?" you shrugged, shaking your head. "i wanted to go on real dates instead of getting paid to eat with men my parents' age. yukwon felt realistic to me. someone i could see myself with." you sighed. "i went out with jeonghan during my last week of escorting. when i told him i was quitting, he asked me to choose him instead."
he watched you when you paused, pursing your lips. "and then you said no?"
you giggled, bumping against his chest as he laughed with you. "i tried! but jesus, when that guy gets an idea." you shook your head again. "he asked how much yukwon was paying me - which he wasn't, by the way. we were going to do it for real, even though he was still gonna support me financially and pay for my schooling. i was gonna sign a prenup and everything - but jeonghan kept saying he would double it. said i didn't have to marry him, and that he just wanted to keep spending time with me, and if i wanted to call it quits later, i could. no pressure, no sex, no commitment… he gave me a choice, and i realized i didn't love yukwon. i thought i could, but i didn't."
"so he saved you?"
"from a lifetime of settling? i guess so. he's funnier, too," you admitted sheepishly. "i always had the most fun on nights i was with jeonghan."
seokmin smiled. "he is good at lightening the mood."
"and," you said, eyes wide. "he didn't even want us to be exclusive, said i could keep escorting or go on dates with other guys if i wanted, as long as i promised to make time for him when he wanted me. it was kind of the perfect arrangement."
seokmin nodded again. "was, being the operative word?"
you laughed, remembering how well he knew jeonghan. "lasted less than a month. we spent too much time together, and i quickly realized that every time i went out with someone else, i wished i was with him. to be honest, when i met you, i thought this would be a one time thing, so i may have tried to make it seem a little less involved than it is." you sighed. "we never really defined what we were. i think we've both always known that he was more than a sugar daddy to me, but he does basically pay me so that i can keep my schedule open for him, so i guess it's easier to tell people that? instead of everyone assuming i'm some gold digger taking advantage of his money?" you shrugged. "i do love the guy. i'm about 94% sure he loves me, too."
that made him laugh. "how long have you been together?" he asked, trying to figure out the timeline in his head. he had known about jeonghan's relationship with you for quite some time, though not the exact nature of it, or that you were so fantastic, for the mass majority.
"about a year. right before halloween, actually," you said, smiling as you leaned into him. "you were technically an anniversary gift."
his lip quirked upwards, watching you. "was it a good gift?"
"the best," you whispered, placing a slow kiss on his lips. your hand went to his sharp jaw, and you sighed against him as the kiss deepened, suddenly feeling needier than you had previously.
"does he know you're here?" seokmin asked quietly, mind flashing back to when him and jeonghan had gotten dinner together. "like this, i mean."
you nodded slowly, a hand on the bench to steady you as you leaned into him further. "he's in japan this week, told me i could see you as often as i want. just asked that i call him when i can, we spoke this afternoon."
you giggled. "you act like i would risk it. i like you too much, and you know he would make us both regret it if i was seeing you behind his back."
he examined your face, a smile on his lips, knowing it wasn't the part of the statement that he was meant to focus on but unable to think of anything else. "i like you, too."
so he kissed you, sitting on the piano bench in his loft apartment, and despite it being nowhere near the first time, something about it felt special. new. different.
later, though much sooner than later would imply, when the two of you were unable to stop yourselves from undressing each other, he had you seated firmly in his lap on the couch in his living room. the way he filled you out made you incapable of doing much outside of digging your hands in his hair as he rolled his hips up into yours, rambling about how perfect you were. how well you took him. how he had never seen anything as breathtaking as the way your brows stitched together and your mouth hung open as he fucked you. you huffed, twisting your hips slightly, triggering a groan from you both.
"so beautiful," he muttered, hands on your bare hips, rubbing circles into the soft flesh above the bone. "fuck, you're incredible."
"shit, seokmin," you exhaled, forehead falling on his. you knew he wasn't even using all his length, but he was thrusting deep enough into you to make you see stars. "god, i'm close."
you watched his tongue dart out to wet his lips as he focused on you, pulling himself off the couch and sitting up straight as his hips steadily rolled into yours. "come on, babygirl. you know i love the way you feel."
you cursed, arms winding around his neck as you pressed your chest against his, desperately kissing him as you felt yourself falling over the sweet edge. he groaned when you squeezed at him, arms wrapped around your waist, fingers gripping any amount of you he could as he worked you through your bliss. he only slowed to gently put your back to the couch, your legs wrapped around his waist as he curled over you, arms under your body to pull you into his chest, and a hand at the base of your neck to hold you steady as he firmly fucked you into the cushion.
"fuck, baby, you're so good to me," he groaned, forehead pressed just under your jawline, his mouth latching onto your neck as soon as he managed the words. you were gasping for air, arms over his shoulders, wondering if seokmin always made love this deeply and genuinely, or if you were just special.
afterwards, he discarded the condom that he insisted on using (you asked what the point of you getting something shoved into your cervix was if you couldn't enjoy his particularly bountiful creampies with no consequence, but he said he was not getting cum on the couch his clients sit on), pulled his underwear back on, and returned to you quickly, kissing up your body after pulling your panties back over your hips. you ran your fingers through his messy hair, causing him to look up at you. he said sorry, a laugh on his lips, asking if you wanted to get food delivered instead of going out.
"that sounds perfect," you giggled. "don't apologize."
"i'll take you out for real this weekend, i promise," he said, sitting up and stretching out his shoulder. you watched, quietly admiring how gentle and soft he seemed, with surprisingly firm muscles hiding under his usual large sweaters and shirts. "and i'll pick you up so we don't get tempted. but for now, kimchi soup and bibimbap?"
you nodded excitedly, sitting up to wrap your arms around him and planting a kiss on his shoulder. "sounds delicious."
he tried not to get excited by your touch, thinking about how you had said this was becoming a regular thing, and therefore he didn't need to get as much of you as he could before you slipped through his fingers like he had the first few times you met. he couldn't help himself, though, when his eyes met yours and you smiled gently at him, and had no choice but to put an agonizingly slow kiss on your lips before he stood to announce he was changing into something comfortable if you were just going to stay in. you giggled and grabbed your sweater from where it got discarded, pulling it over your head as you told him there was no chance in hell you were putting jeans on again before the morning, and he smiled at the implication that you would be staying the night with him.
"i have lessons tomorrow," he reminded you softly as he gathered up his clothes and walked to the stairs. "if you'd like, you can stick around, but it'll be boring."
you hummed. "i don't have class, but i should do schoolwork," you mused, watching him walk up the steps to what you could assume was his lofted bedroom. "it's been lonely at the house, though."
"if you wanna bring your things here, you can," seokmin suggested, his voice projecting easily through the space. he pulled on a pair of shorts and a more casual shirt than the one he had been wearing for his work day. "it would give you something to do while i teach youths how to play chopsticks. do you stay at jeonghan's when he's not around, too?"
you laughed, thinking about your all but abandoned apartment as you meandered towards the stairs. "lately, yeah. i used to spend more nights at home than in his bed, but he gets really busy planning stuff in the winter and has less time to take me out." you stretched your back. "i think he likes knowing i'll be there when he gets home late. makes the day easier." 
seokmin nodded as he came back down, running a hand through his hair, thinking that he, too, would find his days easier if it meant going to bed with you every night. "that's very kind of you."
"it's selfish, i promise." he laughed. "if you saw how tiny my place is, you would choose jeonghan's too. besides, i get cold in bed alone."
he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. "is that why you're here?"
you giggled. "no, i'm here because you invited me over. but that might be a factor in why i'm staying," you teased, hugging him tightly.
the next day, you were sprawled on his bed, writing an accompanying essay for your composition project as he taught lessons down below, only emerging to refill your water glass and use the restroom as infrequently as possible, trying to not disturb his lessons. parents often accompanied the children, usually reading a book and listening to their child practice. a college friend of his stopped by, as he tried to do at least once a month, accompanying his niece, and seokmin recalled that he was the one that had given jeonghan his number again over a year ago, feeling like he should thank him but not knowing how.
"seokmin," you called down softly when you heard him chatting casually with his friend. you padded down the steps with your empty water glass, spotting the young girl at the kitchen table with a marker and a sheet of paper, smiling when you remembered her slightly clumsy, but surprisingly advanced keystrokes, considering her age.
"what's up?" seokmin asked, pushing off of the counter he was leaning against, and he ignored the quick, questioning nudge mingyu pushed into his side.
"hi, sorry," you said, waving lightly when you noticed the tall man beside him. "i was wondering - if you have time - if you could listen to my composition piece and tell me if you think it leans more romantic or more post-great war?"
seokmin nodded. "absolutely. do you need me now, or can it wait ten minutes?"
"it can wait," you assured, eyes darting between the two men. you lifted the glass in your hand. "i needed a break."
he smiled, taking your glass and moving to pull open the fridge. "this is mingyu, by the way. mingyu, y/n. he's an architect, also."
"also?" mingyu asked, eyeing you. seokmin stared at you, realizing what he said.
your brows ruffled as you studied the tall man's face, not recognizing it. "we must not be in the same social group. i'm a friend of jeonghan's."
he gave you silent thanks for keeping the relationship ambiguous. mingyu, however, nearly yelled. "yoon jeonghan?" he laughed. "you know, i didn't even see that guy at his own halloween party. you still keep in touch, i assume, seokmin?"
he nodded, putting your filled water glass on the counter beside you, and you wondered how you never saw mingyu at the party, either. "yeah, we hang out fairly often."
"he introduced us," you interjected. mingyu smiled between you two. "thought we'd match well, i guess."
"well, you just asked a music teacher to review your composition, so," mingyu laughed. "he was right?"
seokmin studied you with a crooked smile on his lips. "have you ever known yoon jeonghan to be wrong?"
you stayed another, more innocent night, but when seokmin woke the next morning, his face was pressed against the side of you neck, and you were pushing your ass back against his morning wood.
"fuck, good morning," seokmin groaned, hands gripping at your hips where they had already been aimlessly floating.
"oh, thank god you're awake," you panted out. you spun in his grasp, pushing his shoulder back on the bed and climbing atop him. "you must have been having a fantastic dream, because you would not stop touching me."
he couldn't help the whine in his throat, mostly from embarrassment. "i'm so sorry."
"don't be," you rushed out, peeling off your shirt. "i just need you now."
considering this was his third time seeing it, he didn't think he would be so awestruck still, but the snapshot of you, topless, seated on his lap with your hands on his chest was a view that seokmin would likely never get over, because it felt like he was the dorky, awkward protagonist and you were the long-shot love interest that was way too cool and way too hot for him in this cliché coming of age comedy.
you kissed him, and he pushed your hips down to grind against his lap, pulling a gasp from your lips. he took the opportunity to bring a hand to your neck, pulling you into open mouth kisses. you moaned without shame as you rolled your hips.
"you know what jeonghan told me?" you asked, pulling back to tug his underwear just far enough down to release the member you couldn't stop thinking about. 
you straddled his lap, hands on your thighs. seokmin pushed his bare cock against your core, the wet fabric sticking lightly to his length. "what, baby?"
"he told me he wanted you to plug me up," you breathed, biting your lip when seokmin used a thumb to pull aside your underwear and drag your wetness across his dick. you moaned. "he wanted you to fuck me senseless and tell him all about it."
seokmin groaned, neck stretching out. "i can do that."
"no, baby," you said, bringing his free hand to your face and putting a kiss in his palm before you lifted yourself up, his thumb still hooked on your panties as you rubbed the head of his cock through your folds. "i wanna fuck you."
you sunk down onto him, jaw dropping. he smiled lightly, running his hands down your thighs. "i'll let you if you can."
your toes clenched, and you tried to maintain face. "i can."
seokmin folded his arms under his head, trying to avoid the temptation of fucking up into your warmth. he sighed, breathing out a "go on, then."
you put your hands on his chest and bounced on him several times, biting at your lip at how wide he stretched you out, but taking too much pride in the way his eyes hung half lidded and his breathy groaning to stop. 
your hands went to his neck, leaning forward, lifting his head slightly off the pillow to kiss him, his hands falling from behind his head to hold yours, stopping you from pulling away. 
he moaned into your open mouth, and you backed up for only a second to blearily meet his eyes as he panted. "baby."
you nodded, stealing a few more messy kisses. "yes?"
he groaned again, your hips twisting over his. "you're like a dream."
you could feel the heat radiating off your neck and cheeks, but you just pushed on his chest to sit upright, hands landing on his thighs. you moaned again, unapologetically, as you rotated your hips over his, and he bucked into you at the angle change. "if this is the dream, please don't wake up."
seokmin had a sneaking suspicion that he was in love with you, or at the very least falling towards it. the confirmation of this fact threw itself in his face, not when you proved that you could fuck him, sitting deeply on him to push his cum further in, or when you squealed and giggled as he threw your back onto the bed so that he could pull your underwear off proper and bury his tongue in your heat, but afterwards, when he wandered into the kitchen after using the restroom and found you wearing one of his shirts, waiting as his electric kettle bubbled to life, his favorite blue mug on the counter beside a white one - the white one, he realized, with the finger heart design that he had chosen for your coffee the day prior. and he told you so, rushing to explain himself and assure you that you didn’t have to say it back, but you just hushed him and smiled, saying that you loved him too.
seokmin had to go to the entertainment company that afternoon. you walked with him to the station near his apartment and he sat you in a cab, a kiss on your lips, before he hurried down to catch his ride to work. he breathed heavily when he could finally lean against a wall in the train, having to run to catch it before the doors closed.
seokmin❣️: almost didn't make the train 🙃
you: but you did!!! proud of you 👍
seokmin❣️: thanks 🥴💕
you were both smiling after that.
he took you out to eat that weekend, as promised, and you had honestly forgotten what it was like to date people that weren't jeonghan. you liked riding the subway with him (you couldn't even remember the last time you took it), and you thought it was cute that he let you stand against a wall to keep easy balance as he stood in front of you. you were slightly impressed that he barely rocked with the movement, only grabbing an overhead loop when the train was pulling into a station.
"wait, you're especially pretty right now," he said suddenly, leaning forward to inspect your eyes.
your head hit the wall gently in reaction, flushing at his comment, wanting to bury your face in your scarf. "thank you."
he gave you his signature crooked smile. "of course."
it was cold out, but seokmin wrapped his hand over yours, shoving the whole ordeal into his coat pocket as he walked you down the street towards the restaurant he had picked. you giggled, squeezing his hand in his pocket, but he just continued telling you about which of the trainees he was working with seemed like they would debut.
"jiyoon composes, too! i'm really impressed with her actually," he said, trailing off when he saw the sign for the restaurant. "ah, here it is."
you thanked him when he held the door open for you, and you were immediately struck with the smell of tomato, cheese, and bread.
"i haven't had pizza in ages," you said excitedly, following him to a table.
"don't tell me," seokmin said, helping you take off your jacket and hanging it on a hook at the end of the booth. "you guys don't order pizza?"
you shook your head, sliding into the booth comfortably. "not often. jeonghan likes asian food."
seokmin froze as he was pulling off his jacket to stare at you. "what about you?"
"i like eating."
he laughed. "well, i like pizza."
after dinner, you insisted he come back to the house with you. he said he didn't know, thinking that you would probably need your energy for when jeonghan got home the next day. you pouted, knitting your fingers with his as the two of you stood on the sidewalk outside the pizza place.
"but i really wanna show you my record collection," you said, batting your eyelashes at him.
that was all it took.
you discovered that there was a bus stop near jeonghan's home, and while you would likely never take a bus without seokmin, you thought it was a good nugget of information to tuck away as you marched through the front door of the estate you practically called home.
"welcome to yoon manor," you joked, spinning to smile at seokmin.
he looked around, and despite having been here before, it felt grander coming through the main entrance and without the distraction of party guests. he had seen it empty briefly, from a different angle, when you were pulling him up to your bed a few weeks prior, but he realized he hadn't actually been able to see much when you were the focus of his attention.
"the kitchen's that way, there's a bathroom," you said, pointing at the opening past the stairs as you pulled off your scarf. you folded it over your arm as you walked further into the home, seokmin following you closely. you walked past a partial wall, pointing further down the hall that held the secondary living space that he originally met you in. "there's a bathroom to the left there, and if you go to the end of the hall there's an open sunroom."
seokmin looked around the room you stood in, recognizing it in bits and pieces, but it looking much different without a crowd and flashing lights.
"and this is the living room," you said, spreading your arms as you spun to him. "tv, couch, bar, and most importantly," you giggled, tugging him towards the far wall of the room, which was covered in deep toned shelving, speakers, and a record player. "my record collection."
you took off your jacket as seokmin looked around in awe, noticing you had select autographed records displayed alone on picture ledges with spotlights pointed at them. one picture ledge was empty, centered just above the player. you tossed your coat into the couch, pulling seokmin's off his shoulders as well, despite his distraction.
"these are all yours?" he asked, turning to look at you after you had discarded the coats.
you nodded, spinning the felt of the record player mindlessly as you looked around. "i actually had started a collection years ago, but i couldn't make an excuse to spend the money on it very often. jeonghan gave me a pretty good excuse. also, whenever he pissed me off, he knew he could take me to a record shop and i would forgive him."
seokmin laughed. "does that happen a lot?"
"not as often as you'd think, considering what an ass he is," you teased. you gestured to the collection. "this is my baby, though. the house is his, but this wall is mine."
"well, play me a record," seokmin requested plainly, making you smile into a laugh.
"okay," you said, scooting past him to pull out one of the many cube drawers amidst the shelving. you flipped through a few. "dancing music?"
seokmin watched your hands, humming. "slow dancing, but, like, in a nostalgic discoteque."
you thought for a second, then closed the drawer to move to a different one, quickly flipping through and finding the record you wanted. you pulled the lp out, putting the bright blue sleeve with five smiling men on the empty picture ledge.
seokmin wrapped his arms around you as you set the record, striking the play button and enjoying the whirring as the lp spun, the needle connecting and the speakers scratching to life. you spun in his grip, laying your arms over his shoulders as he pulled you away from the record stand, into a more open space to playfully dance to the soulful bass lines and pop melodies of new edition.
"this house is insane, right?" seokmin asked, squinting at you as you laughed and nodded.
"it really is. the craziest part is he's still working on it."
"really?" seokmin looked around. "what else could he wanna change?"
you let your eyes wander. "i think it's a work in progress for him. the sunroom was brand new when we met, and he added this record display last winter, when i told him i always wanted to collect. the bar is new," you pointed. "he finished that in october. the kitchen was a summer project."
he blinked heavily, trying to register. "does he do all the work himself?"
"his team helps him," you explained. "he has a few contractors he works with and they manage the construction projects, but every once in a while i wake up on a sunday and he's cutting wood in the garage because he got an idea. he drafts all the changes, usually participates in the build, and picks most of the furniture, but he has people to collect the options for him."
"and he also does all that for other people, too?" you nodded, giggling. "and has time to take you to events almost every weekend?"
"i know. i didn't understand how he found the time until i realized that he just gets paid to do his hobby."
seokmin nodded. "me too, i guess."
you grinned. "me three. you should stay with us more," you suggested, rocking with him gently. "he'll be late tomorrow, but he's working from home this week…"
"hush," seokmin chuckled. "i have to work. besides, i'm sure he wants you alone after letting me claim you while he’s been gone."
"about that," you said, pulling away slightly to give him a cheeky smile. "i haven't gotten him to admit it yet, but i think jeonghan has a crush on you."
seokmin choked out a laugh. "what? me?"
"seokmin," you started, giving him a look. "he wanted you to join us for sex. more than once."
"okay," he scoffed lightly. "people have sex just for the sex sometimes," he pointed out, but in a tone that had no chance at convincing anyone.
"sure," you giggled. "but think about it. he kept me to himself all this time, and suddenly he's encouraging us to see each other without him? asking me about everything we do together..."
he swallowed. "everything?"
"everything," you breathed, eyes trained on his lips. "he knows i'll always go back to him, and i think he's hoping i'll bring you with me."
he blinked at you, processing. "is that what you're doing? bringing me back to him?"
"only if that's something you're interested in," you stated, cocking your head.
"him, you mean?"
you thought a second. "yes?"
you watched him blink repeatedly, seemingly considering the concept. he thought back to all the nights that became early mornings, laughing and joking with the architect since before he had even an ounce of notoriety. he thought of how jeonghan had reached out to him again a few long years later, and the way he had insisted on paying every time they got food. he wondered if there had been something happening that he hadn't noticed, his oblivious nature getting the best of him again. he thought about when things changed, when they met less often and jeonghan seemed quieter around him. and months later, when he started mentioning you.
"maybe," he said finally, mind whirling. "i don't know, i've never thought about it."
you nodded, putting your arms over his shoulders and swaying lightly to the music. "take your time," you said, smiling when his forehead pressed against yours. "we'll wait for you."
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save-the-spiral · 3 years
PLS PLS LIST THE SWAPS!! TELL ME ABOUT THE SIBLINGS AND ALSO HIFUMI BECAUSE I LOVE HIM (IF YOU WANT!) I will also send more questions in the morning too, excited to see what you’ve been working on!!
OK OK OK !!!!! AHH! So, before assigning talents, I swapped the pools, so for the first game, I use the talents from the second game, and vis versa! For some i listed gender, sexuality, or neurodivergencies, though this isn’t all of them, and I haven’t developed them all to the same level!
This is SO long. I didn’t even bother mentioning things like my plans for the killing games. (I have DR1 planned out in full, but only parts of DR2 and the v3 anime)
Trigger Happy Havoc (first game)
Kyoko Kirigiri- Ultimate Luckster- Mastermind (: Sometimes lesbians can be evil okay! was trained as a detective like everyone in her family and didn’t get the ultimate :) she’s definitely not mad about that :) her luck cycle depends on how far she plans things ahead. her good luck is when she’s spontaneous! She hates when ‘normal’ people are accepted by ultimates.
Makoto Naegi- Photographer (Mostly wildlife and nature photography, with Sayaka helping him for some animal photography (: trans and bi <3 One of sayaka’s birds nests in his hair like all the time)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru- Ultimate Swordsman (AUTISTIC ICON, has trained in kendo since he was a kid, then was essentially given away to the Fujisaki clan by his very stressed dad. Semiverbal, rarely speaks.)
Chihiro Fujisaki- Ultimate Yakuza (Taka is her bodyguard! His family is in debt to hers, the Fujisaki clan is the most powerful in Japan. trans icon, of course, dates Sayaka! Very direct, though she’s far more delicate and polite when talking to taka, her best friend)
Sakura Oogami- Ultimate Nurse (Works as an EMT- her clan still is in martial arts, so she’s still very buff, she assists in injuries at the family dojo. Autistic Icon)
Asahina Aoi- Ultimate Gamer (ULTIMATE ADHD. streams and has a ton of fun, will ramble while breaking records, demigirl who loves her girlfriend sakura :)
Mukuro Ikusaba- Ultimate Chef (Works best with ‘cheap’ food, and making them taste good. a byproduct of growing up on the streets with junko, and junko being bored of the same old food they dug out of the trash. now works closely with junko for her teams’ nutritional needs! autistic and sapphic.)
Junko Enoshima- Ultimate Team Manager (there are SO many sports she can never get bored, and the professional scene is always changing! prefers coaching womens’ teams, because being an ultimate brings them more publicity and usually higher pay :)
Mondo Oowada- Ultimate Prince (OH MY BOY. trans adhd icon. now the crown prince of Novoselic, with a reagent in his place until he comes of age. His service dog Chuck is a maltese and an absolute sweetheart. Chihiro takes him under her wing to teach leadership. also dates taka later OF COURSE, though they’re poly and I may add more ppl to their relationship later.)
Celestia Ludenburg- Ultimate Musician (specializes in violin, most strings, though she can play any instrument. grew up poor, dedicated herself to an instrument and persona to cope)
Byakuya Togami- Ultimate Musician (Yep. two musicians. two catty trans gay icons about to throw down. they HATE each other and grew up as rivals. specialize in classical, they literally tore a professional orchestra full of grown adults apart trying to make them side with who was the best musician. they’re so good that they’re matched, and Hope’s Peak accepts them as one student and combined ultimate. they room together. they fight. Literally if one of them gets expelled, the other does too, so they’re STUCK. eventually they become literally inseparable and insufferable together like the WORST siblings. I love them.)
Sayaka Maizono- Breeder (animal handler) (Specializes in birds!!!!!! has songbirds on her shoulders all the time. will give unsettling animal facts without realizing they’re unsettling. sends her songbirds to serenade chihiro when they start dating <3)
Yasuhiro Hagakure- Gymnast (you see this tall goof who acts like an older brother to everyone and wonder HOW he’s a gymnast. he’s completely different in competitions, though still lighthearted. becomes a big brother figure to mukuro and junko especially <3 also trans bc i say so.)
Leon Kuwata- Traditional Dancer (he just. kinda hates it. it takes SO much work and effort but he takes to it naturally. his cousin kanon is NOT like in canon, instead she’s helpful. he’d literally rather be doing anything else. doesn’t know how to do anything like... basic either. can’t cook. cant do his own laundry. everything was dedicated to traditional japanese dancing before he attended HPA.)
Toko Fukawa- Engineer (writes schematics and is very good at it. gets VERY upset when her plans go wrong. her notes are orderly and perfect. host for their system!)
Syo- Mechanic (a factive of genocider syo, NOT an actual killer. she’s a protector mainly, and also is more adept at hands on skills when it comes to fixing things, her hands are less shaky. Her notes are a disaster and she does it to spite Toko.)
Hifumi Yamada- (???) (reserve course) Protagonist! My BOY. HIFUMI IS GOOD OKAY. He’s autistic and loves anime and gaming! he’s not particularly ultimate-leveled at them, or anything else! Attending Hope’s Peak as a reserve course student! At one point he joins the student council as a reserve course representative even if he’s only a freshman :) He’s also a moderator in Hina’s livestream chat, under the username of JusticeHammer, fastest ban hammer this side of the internet. He's internet friends with hina and sakura, and doesn’t realize Oh We Go To the same SCHOOL until he bumps into them. and realizes hina doesnt know what he looks like. but sakura does. its hilarious. he’s aroace, and during the year they’re locked in HPA, is in a queer platonic partnership with Hina and Sakura, while they’re dating each other. it’s great.)
Goodbye Despair! (second game)
Peko Pekoyama- Lucky student (ohohoh. her luck relies on her conviction. if she has doubts her bad luck strikes HARD. trans!, was taken in by Fuyuhiko’s family when she was a baby, grew up as just another kid in the family. They all expected Fuyu to go off to HPA on his own and then BOOM acceptance letter)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu- Programmer (He. gets so angry while coding. He has an array of rubber ducks to talk to and work through his coding issues with. trans of course. Very protective of Peko when people say she doesn’t have a ‘real’ ultimate. ADHD and Autistic)
Sonia Nevermind- Writer (Literary Girl) (Her family immigrated to Japan when she was young! She writes a lot of serial killer novels, murder mysteries and horror and all that! Trans and bi :)
Gundham Tanaka- Detective (YEAH my guy is a detective. still talks Like That. Trans and bi and he and Sonia were kinda-dating (t4t autistic power couple in the making) when things started happening. He spends some time with his cool older sister who he looks up to a LOT. He and Sonia talk through things together a lot, they both have those red string walls, one for murder cases, another for a fictional plot lmao.)
Mahiru Koizumi- Moral Compass (my GIRL. autistic. Her morals rely a lot on people taking responsibility and being reliable, and she ends up having to work through some biases she didn’t realize she had when she arrived at HPA. Is still protective of Hiyoko, though that protectiveness is spread a bit thinner to extend to the rest of the class.)
Hiyoko Saionji- Clairvoyant!!! (HI YES I COULD TALK ABOUT HER FOR DAYS. Has actual visions in dreams and when she suddenly faints, but doesn’t really realize they’re uhh Real Visions for a WHILE. uses her status as an ultimate clairvoyant to trick and bully kids when in school for a LONG time, though her homelife wasn’t great with her grandmother trying to find ways to make her visions more consistent. SHES ALSO 12 WHEN SHE JOINS THE 77TH CLASS. she’s just so advanced in academics and her ultimate is so interesting hope’s peak cant HELP but scout her early. she has SO many issues guys no one appreciates hiyoko enough, autistic gifted kid hiyoko my beloved.)
Akane Owari- Gambler (started gambling to help out her family and Got Good at it. is very very conscious of money and food like all the time. Runs the hope’s peak betting pools once she arrives. these ultimates bet on a lot of things. she ALWAYS wins. until she doesnt!!!)
Mikan Tsumiki- Martial Artist (ohhhh Mikan. Still anxious and clumsy (though not like THAT in canon) and literally no one looks at her and thinks Oh The ULTIMATE martial artist?? it isn’t until you see her in the ring that you understand. She started learning self defense as a kid because her (bad) parents essentially said she had to rely on and protect herself and no one else would help.)
Kazuichi Souda- Pop Idol (OH TRANS ICON? he’s nervous and paranoid about Everything still, though now it’s like. oh the entire world is always watching my every move this is Okay (: has the brightest neon album eras. he literally keeps up a like. weird chad persona when interacting with people because he’s masking how hard he’s constantly just internally screaming.)
Nagito Komaeda- Soldier (AHAHAH my mans got issues problems disorder he’s a messssss, this trans guy, this absolute gay. this boy leveled a city of thousands of people with his own hands and some bombs. Still has medical issues, but most of his like. treatments and medicine is hold hostage as long as he stays in line. believes the ends justify the means and anyone who dies to him is obviously weak, because look at him! he’s weak, but that doesn’t matter because he doesn’t have to be the strongest, he just has to be stronger than the weakest scum.)
Chiaki Nanami- Heir (OOF. Agender, uses any pronouns. Doesn’t really. enjoy being the heir. grew up with Byakuya in the same circles. she treats the economy and stock market and stuff like games. enjoys gaming but isn’t good at them. collects so many things. has halls full of collections. Her parents stopped controlling her once she was able to prove she had more money than them and could literally bankrupt them if she wanted.)
Hajime Hinata- Baseball Star (Chiaki’s best friend, his family was upper middle class until he hit it BIG as a baseball star. wants to do BIG things and wants to attend hope’s peak more than anything!! Doesn’t really think of baseball as his THING, just a means to an end! trans :)
Teruteru Hanamura- Biker Gang Leader (started with shaking down some jerks who didn’t pay their food and drink tabs at his mama’s restaurant. now he RUNS their tiny town. His siblings are essentially gang mascots, he works hard to keep them out of trouble (while bringing them to like. meetings where he ends up beating a dude almost to death. its fine). most of what he does it to get more money to keep the restaurant afloat and care for his mama with her health conditions.)
Nekomaru Nidai- Fashionista (the drama. the CHAOS. most people are like ohhh we can never understand this artistic genius when he’s literally just. vibing and has ADHD and a love for coffee. Works a lot on accessible clothing lines for disabled people! Also he and Kazuichi work together sometimes, Nekomaru is good at calming Kaz down and seeing like, the root of whatever problem and making it better. ALSO A TRANS ICON and just flaunts it.)
Imposter- In the hope’s peak days they are impersonating Ryota Mitarai, as a part of the 77th class. In the Killing Game they impersonate Mondo Oowada as the Ultimate Prince. They’re doin’ their best.
Ibuki Mioda- (???) (Izuru Kamakura) Protagonist! Gundham Tanaka’s older sister (though they’re in the same school year). Nonbinary and using just. an array of pronouns alongside she/her, and jokingly fights with gundham for neopronouns like MOM said it’s MY TURN on the rawrself pronouns. She attends the reserve course to stay at her brother’s side. She dresses loudly and acts even louder because !!! she wants to stand out!! in the middle of this drab reserve course hell!!  but when things go down, she wants to be someone, to be worthy of being her amazing brother’s big sister. so she accepts some offers.
Ryota Mitarai- Ultimate Analyst (stays in his room. He’s terrified of the outside world but fascinated by it. watches hope’s peak academy through security feeds, picking up on little details. he just wants to understand things but never looks at the big picture.)
Chisa Yukizome- Ultimate Boxer (Homeroom teacher!! She’s working really hard and believes in everyone! Some are intimidated by talent, but she’s never hurt anyone outside of the ring! Dating Kyosuke)
Juzo Sakakura- Ultimate Student Council President (Has anger issues, though his work at reigning them in assisted in becoming an Ultimate. Was responsible for security and the Hope’s Peak student council. Dating Kyosuke)
Kyosuke Munakata- Ultimate Housekeeper (Meticulous, works himself to the BONE even if he’s good enough to not have to do that. Is working on establishing another Hope’s Peak! Dating Chisa and Jozu!!!)
Seiko Kimura- Ultimate Blacksmith (GIVE MY GIRL KNIVES!! She’s an anxious gal, always wearing a facemask that filters the air in her forge because she has some respiratory problems. she prefers making more decorative pieces like an artist, but sometimes can create utilitarian pieces or tools to fit specific needs. Still a doormat)
Ruruka Ando- Ultimate Pharmacist (She constantly asks Seiko for new tools for her developments in medicine, saying its all for the advancement of humanity, so Seiko denying any request is SELFISH, though she never thinks to make anything for seiko’s health issues. Dating Izayoi. Specializes in medicine for mental health. Not Doing Great :)
Sonosuke Izayoi- Ultimate Confectioner (He loves sweets. LOVES them. Creates things that look plain, ordinary. but taste so GOOD you CRY and maybe ascend for a little bit. sometimes Ando makes cool new drugs to put in the sweets, who knows! It’s a mystery! He always has like. a huge refrigerated case of fresh cakes, and constantly has a lollipop in his own specialty recipe in his mouth.)
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zodiyack · 4 years
Love Conquers All
Requested by anon: For young dracula can you do a "Vlad and Robin meet again after stockley but Robin remembers everything because Vlad is in love with him and you cant wipe the memory of someone you are in love with" fic
Anon: Poly is fjne
Pairing: Vladimir Dracula x reader x Robin Branagh
Warnings: poly relationship, tiny bit of angst, fluff
Note: I hope you enjoyed this, I’m really sorry if it’s not what you wanted, I’m open to try again, and thank you for requesting!
Y/S/N = your ship name
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Vlad had his girlfriend leaning against his shoulder. He never erased her mind, instead he brought her with him. It was with his father’s permission of course. The Count had the intent to have Vlad turn her once she turned 18. He had received consent from the young girl, his powers unneeded.
A simple date in a coffee shop was all it was. It just sort of seemed to...die a little. The two had perfect chemistry, but Y/n was up all night studying while Vlad watched her. He offered to get coffee so that she could wake up a bit more, but it turned into somewhat of a cuddle session.
A dark haired boy sat at another table near them. Y/n’s eyes wondered over to his head, his hands were rubbing his temples like one would do when they were stressed. He reminded her of someone...
Robin Branagh.
Back then all three of them were just friends, but if you looked closer, you could tell the obvious feelings forming in them for Y/n. When they had a small fight over the girl, she got frustrated and stormed off with a few final sentences.
“He’s your best friend, your his best friend! Get along please!” It was no use. The boys faced Y/n, but refused to look at each other. “Just spend some time with each other and don’t talk to me until you can get along again.”
So that’s what they did. Within a week, their friendship was back up again and they were ready to talk to Y/n. Although, this time, they didn’t expect a confession. They approached her with a wide smiles.
“Boys. I see you two have gotten over your silly little fight... There’s um... something I need to say.”
Both boys looked at each other with confusion. They turned back to Y/n and nodded, “Go ahead.”
“I... I love you. Both of you. I wasn’t sure of it, but I spend most of my time with Vlad and he makes me feel safe in a way that a friend or family member doesn’t...and sometimes I miss Robin. When I spend time with Robin, I feel an emotion I’m not sure I can even describe, but it’s good. And when I’m with Robin... I miss Vlad. When I’m with both of you, I feel like I can hold the world with just one hand, but when I’m without you both...”
“Wait wait wait wait wait. You love us both?”
Y/n’s head glanced up to Robin’s. “Did you not hear what I just said?” A smile found it’s way onto her face as she playfully shoved him. “There’s uhh... something we could try. You both said you love-” The bell interrupted Y/n.
“Yes y/n/n?” He started stroking her arm, which rested on her waist. He could sense his lover’s sadness.
“Doesn’t he look like someone we know?” Her finger pointed over to the boy she had been ever so entranced with. “Like maybe someone from Stokely?”
Now that he thought about it and had seen the male, he saw Y/n’s point. But even if it were true, they wouldn’t be able to communicate with him like they did back then. Minds were erased. And when someone you knew for a while can’t remember you, it really hurts.
But maybe-
“Vlad? Y/n? I thought- No way!”
Wait how was this happening?
Vlad swore he remembered wiping everyone’s memories.
Y/n swore Vlad did too.
Was Robin somehow immune to that?
Vlad and Y/n made quick eye contact. Both of them had wide eyes and confused expressions. “Robin? Didn’t we-”
“Oh yeah. You did, but I guess it didn’t work on me? I forgot about you for a bit, but then, when I found my vampire cape, I got this sudden feeling and kept searching for clues to what it could be. I later found a picture of us three and remembered... Wait, has Y/n always been this attractive?”
Normally, Vlad would’ve been jealous and protective, but this time, this time was different. He nodded at Robin and tapped Y/n’s shoulder as a signal for her to stand up. She did, and he followed after, they exchanged hugs with their old friend.
“You look amazing Robin! Haven’t changed a bit.” A warm smile graced Y/n’s face. The blush that used to appear at the sight of her two teen crushes now danced on her cheeks at the sight of her now older crush and boyfriend.
“As do you two. You guys haven’t changed much either heh. Are you...”
“A couple?” Robin nodded, his slight nervousness extremely obvious. “Yes.”
“But! But I... okay, can we go home and talk about this? Please?”
The boys smiled at Y/n and nodded. A tinge of jealousy entered Robin’s heart. They used to feel equal with Y/n’s love, but now she was dating Vlad and not him. He wouldn’t take his childhood best friend’s girlfriend away, but there were no laws in the best friend code that said he couldn’t crush on her or have a sliver of hatred for Vlad’s romantic success.
Vlad walked outside with both of them, Y/n holding an umbrella over her and Vlad for his “allergy” to the sun. They walked to a dark ally so Vlad could speed off with the two without being noticed.
Once they were in his room, he took the umbrella and lied it next to his coffin. He ran over and locked his bedroom door and nodded to his rolly chair for Robin.
“Well, you finally got the rest of your powers, eh?”
After a bit, giggle’s filled the room, loud enough for anyone outside the door to hear. Oh yeah. Ingrid sure was curious.
“Anyways...what I wanted you guys to know...if it’s okay with both of you, we could try something.”
“And what is that something?”
“Yeah...what Vlad said.”
Her giggles and fun persona was long gone by now. Replacing it was a shy and nervous one. “You remember when we confessed our love? I said that I loved you both, and you both said you love me?”
“Yes, but Robin and I never said we loved each other that way.”
“Exactly.” Curiosity and confusion were the only things Robin could feel at the moment. Sure, he was jealous, but Y/n was getting at something and it seemed to be more important than him wanting to replace his best friend in the relationship the three had.
“You may have never admitted it, but I think you did without words.” Vlad opened his mouth to speak, but Robin covered his mouth quickly. The story was just getting interesting. “Thank you Robin. Uhm... so when you got rid of everyone’s memory of us, you couldn’t get rid of his. I think I know why.”
“Why, Y/n? Please continue!”
A small smile appeared on Y/n’s lips as she kept talking, “You love him. You love him and me. You once tried to erase my mind, I don’t think you remember, but it was after you accidentally confessed.”
“Y/n... Well what am I supposed to say Zoltan?! Am just supposed to walk up to her and say, ‘Hey, I have strong feelings for you, would you like to be my girlfriend?’“
“Master Vlad, I don’t think that would be necessary. At least not anymore.”
“What? Why?” He turned to where Zoltan was facing. There sat a smiling Y/n. The smile he loved oh so much. “H-how much of that did you hear?”
He had finally put his dad in a trance, maybe he could try putting Y/n into one. At least one that would make her forget that he ever said a word about that topic. What do you know, he managed to do it...with Ingrid’s help. Ingrid saw the struggle her little brother was having, she noticed Y/n not doing what the power would have made her do. Vlad really messed up. So, she tried her best and managed to make her faint.
Vlad caught her as quick as he could and gazed lovingly at her unconscious figure. “You’re creepy and weird. You know that?” He ignored his sister and brushed a strand of hair out of Y/n’s face. One day he would come clean. Just not today.
Robin’s hand was pulled off of Vlad’s mouth. “I thought Ingrid wiped your memory of that!”
“You did it, she merely helped. I couldn’t remember a whole lot, but after you confessed with Robin, I remembered everything. You can’t wipe the memory of someone you’re in love with. The same goes for you and Robin. You love us both, and we love you to. Robin proved his love for you by remembering. He could’ve chosen to forget you out of jealousy or anything...or rather, his mind would’ve. But no.”
“I...I never looked at it that way...” Both boys looked at each other. Their eyes connected and that’s when it hit them. They turned and looked at Y/n. Her words were true, only pure honesty.
“My idea, was that we could... ya know... be together in a relationship. There’s no need for jealousy or switching every once in a while. We could be in... well it’s called a poly relationship. You uh... you guys wanna try?”
Robin looked down. In response, both Y/n and Vlad looked down. They didn’t know what his reply meant, for all they knew it could’ve been a no.
They never took into consideration that Robin used to love joking around.
He pressed his lips to Y/n’s and stayed for a moment. When he pulled away, he turned and connected his to Vlad’s. Both kisses made smiles on all three of their faces. Ones that they hadn’t seen since they were just tweens.
“I love you b-”
“So this is what you losers were doing. Glad you all noticed it after many years of it being painfully obvious.”
“Oh hello Ingrid.”
“Yeah, goodbye weirdo number two.” She slammed the door behind her, a secret smile filled with the feeling of completion dancing upon her face. Hey! She may act like she hates them, but she was secretly rooting for y/s/n. After all, Love Conquers All.
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Ending up Happy - Ryan Ross x Reader x Brendon Urie
Request: heyo could you maybe write a brenxryanxfemreader story Reader: female Warnings: sort of cheating(?), Poly-relationship (not really a warning), consumption of alcohol, angst Word count: 4 644 A/N: Do I need to mention that it is beyond rude and cringy to ask Brendon, RyRo or anyone else connected to them about Ryden? I don’t think so. (Just respect the boys, please ^^)
Sometimes you felt like did not even remember how you ended up this happy. Of course you had always hoped that one day you would be happy, but never in your life would you have imagined that you could be this happy.
The somewhat curvy path to your happiness had started out one rainy Saturday evening in spring. Always having the good intention of getting more familiar with the local music scene, you had finally pulled yourself together, and gone out. For what felt like hours you had wandered the small streets of the city, where you knew the most popular bars for live bands were situated. When it had started raining, you had put your plan, to find the bar that resonated the most with you on hold, and had quickly slipped into one that had some LED stripes decorating the windows, lighting up the modern vases that held fresh flowers.
So you found yourself sitting alone at a table for four, cocktail in hand, listening to the soft voice of the pianist who was currently covering Billy Joel’s “Piano Man”. Considering the bar was already fairly crowded, you almost expected a waiter to ask you to take place at the bar, so the table was free for more customers, but before one of the waiters even noticed you, a young woman approached your table confidently. Her hair was shoulder long, wavy and blond, the black eyeliner perfectly accentuated her blue eyes, and her lips pulled into a cute smile when she saw you had noticed her.
“Hey there,” she spoke. Her voice was smoky; nothing like you would have expected it to be. “Are you here on your own?”
She seems friendly, you thought, so you nodded, not yet certain what the young lady wanted from you.
“We, my friend and I, we saw you sitting on your own, and were wondering if you’d like to join us?”
She pointed to a table at the other side of the room, where a dark haired man was sitting. When he noticed you looking over, he smiled and lifted his hand up for a greeting. More reflex than anything else, you mirrored his gesture. But you could not help but notice how cute he was, even from afar.
“Really? I don’t want to interrupt your date,” you answered, making the blonde laugh.
“Oh, Ryan and I aren’t dating, and you certainly aren’t interrupting anything! Please join us?”
She looked at you with big eyes, making you laugh in return, so you shrugged and got up, taking your glass with you, and followed the proudly smiling girl back to her table.
“May I introduce: this is Ryan,” she grinned when you had reached their booth. “And Ryan, this is-?”
“Oh, (y/n), hi,” you smiled nervously, “nice to meet you.”
Now that you were closer, you got a better look on Ryan. His dark hair was falling in soft curls around his face, but the strands that would have gotten into his forehead were brushed behind his ears. His eyes were of a deep brown, that glimmered whisky golden in the dim light of the bar. His face was of beautiful frailty, and the soft smile on his lips made your heart skip a beat.
“Nice to meet you too,” he replied.
Quickly he stood up and reached out his hand for you to shake, which you did, before the blonde motioned you to scoot into the booth, so you were sitting opposite Ryan; then she sat down next to you.
It was easy to tell that she felt a lot more relaxed than Ryan or you. She slumped back against the backrest, and elegantly threw one leg over the other, before she grabbed the glass that was standing in front of her, and took a sip.
“Oh, I’m Z by the way,” she introduced, as if she just now had remembered that you still did not know her name.
The night passed in what felt like the blink of an eye, and when you left the bar in the early morning, a grin was edged deeply into your face. Ryan’s soft voice and his beautiful eyes still clouded your mind, and your fingers wrapped hard around the mobile in the pocket of your coat, into which Ryan had typed in his number just minutes before.
The way home felt strangely magical in the cool, rain wet air of the night. It was as if your heart had grown wings and tried to flutter out of your chest with every step you took closer towards your front door. But once you entered your cozy flat, the magic seemed to disappear, and left you with the dizziness of the alcohol from the drinks you had consumed over the cause of the evening.
Taking off your shoes, you stumbled through the hallway, and just managed to fall onto the top of your bed, that seemed strangely cold today, before you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up to a headache and the make-up from yesterday smeared around your eyes. While you had been drinking enough to get a slight hangover, you definitely had not forgotten a single detail about the night or about Ryan, for that matter.
Reviving the butterflies from the night, you reached for your mobile. The battery was almost empty since you had not made the effort of plugging it in before collapsing on your bed, so you quickly connected the charging cable to the device before you pulled up your contacts, and searched for Ryan.  
For a moment you hesitated. Was it really clever to send him a text already? Would it seem needy? You shrugged and pressed on the speech bubble next to his name to open a chat.
“Good morning! Did you get home save?”
Without thinking about it, in the fear of overthinking it, you quickly sent the text and positioned the mobile on the nightstand before you got up.
Though your thoughts were entirely stuck on the enchanting young man from last night, you managed to get a shower and clean up, before you dressed into some cozy clothes, and made some cereal for breakfast.
When you finally allowed yourself to take a look at the screen of your mobile again, Ryan had already answered.
What followed were days and days of non-stop chatting, sweet “good morning” and adoring “good night” messages, pictures of absolutely everything that any of you found funny, and before you even knew it, you were kissing Ryan while sitting in the soft, green grass, under an old tree in the park.
Ryan was basically everything you could wish for in a boyfriend. He was calm and caring, and often he would make you laugh with jokes that seemed all too unintentional to be accident. You loved the small smirk on his lips that appeared whenever you did something that he thought was cute. You adored the way he held you close to him when he talked to you, just to you.
The small kisses on your forehead in the morning when you woke up beside him, the gentle hand on the small of your back when you were in public, and the long glances when both of you wanted to get out of a conversation with a third party, and neither of you had found the right moment to leave yet, made you fall in love with him deeper and deeper every day.
He was radiating a boyish charm, which, often in a matter of seconds, could change into the serious demeanor of a responsible adult, and you found yourself unable to resist neither of these attractive attributes.
And just when you thought everything was perfect, just when you felt like your life would stay this happy and carefree, another brown haired man walked into your life.
Brendon was, apart from his passion for music, nothing like Ryan. The jokes that Ryan made quietly, as if not to draw any attention to himself, Brendon told them loud and proudly, to make as many people laugh as possible. Where Ryan was quiet and observing, keeping his thoughts to himself, Brendon was open and freely expressed his opinion, as if he had not a care in the world.
You had met Brendon in a music store, and the two of you had started chatting over the guitar you had been looking at. It was obvious Brendon liked you from the first moment on. He even told you how gorgeous you looked, and when you had mockingly asked him if he was flirting with you, he had straightened up his posture, puffed out his chest, and answered with a determined yes.
This probably should have been the moment where you should have told him that you had a boyfriend, but you did not.
And that was when the downwards spiral started.
A feeling of guilt had immediately settled into your stomach as you had brushed away a strand of your hair, and continued the conversation, but you pretended the guilt was not there. You were not doing anything forbidden. You were just having a conversation about guitars.
But of course it did not stay at one conversation. Brendon asked for your number and, still convincing yourself that this was in no way anything wrong, nor would it turn into anything wrong, you gave it to Brendon. And that you consciously decided not to tell Ryan, did not make anything better.
In general there really would have been nothing wrong about getting to know another man. Men and women can be friends. But this was different. From the first moment on, you knew that with Brendon you wanted to be more than friends. Just like you had known that you really, really liked Ryan the first time you had met him. And now Ryan was your boyfriend, and Brendon was… some guy you fancied. Maybe more?
Brendon was so different from Ryan that you could not help but be pulled in. He never hesitated to pay you a compliment, he was jumpy, and childish and always happy.
You sometimes met at parks and cafes, places where you could be sure not to forget yourself and accidently do something that you might regret even more than you regretted all these hidden conversations and secret meetings with Brendon already. You even put a pin code on your phone, just in case Ryan would start snooping around.
All in all there was nothing forbidden about what Brendon and you were doing, hell, you had not even kissed, or held hands, or anything else that indicated that there was more than friendship going on between the two of you. Yet the longer you knew Brendon the worse you felt.
You loved Ryan, and you were quickly and hard falling in love with Brendon. You knew that both Brendon and Ryan would be hurt beyond imagination if they would find out about each other. And just to make it all worse, you found out that the two of them knew each other.
It was the release party of a friend’s of Ryan’s new album, and even though neither Ryan nor you were much in the mood for partying, you had decided to go. The event was held in a penthouse that probably belonged to the record label. Round tables decorated with white tablecloths held multiple champagne flute filled with the alcoholic, bubbly drink, the new album was blaring from the speakers that were installed along the ceiling, and the wide windows were opened to allow the guests to enjoy the evening on the gigantic balcony.
You felt a little misplaced, but Ryan at your side seemed to feel confident enough to stride into the room, and soon both of you had joined a discussion. Just when you started to relax a little, when you started to feel like maybe this was not as bad as you had initially thought, the far too familiar mop of brown hair paired with two coffee brown eyes appeared next to the man Ryan had introduced to you as Mark.
“Brendon, you made it! How are you,” Mark cheered throwing his arm around Brendon’s shoulder.
You froze, Brendon had not yet seen you, as far as you could tell, but it was impossible to slip away, because in just that moment he turned to take a look into the faces of the group.
“You know Ryan, obviously, and this is (y/n), and do you remember…”
Mark’s words drowned in the rushing of blood in your ears as your eyes met Brendon’s. He seemed surprised and happy to see you, but he had immediately noticed Ryan’s hand that as so often rested on your waist.
Brendon shot both you and Ryan a tightlipped smile, but refrained from greeting you in any way, which relieved you, because otherwise Ryan would notice that you knew Brendon, and then he would start asking questions.
Before long, and especially before the otherwise inevitable moment in which Brendon would have to talk to either of you, Ryan took your hand, and pulled you away from the group, to get some fresh air on the roof top.
While you were busy keeping your body language in check, in order not to give away the attraction you felt towards Brendon, even while you boyfriend had his arm wrapped around your waist, Ryan was dealing with his own problems. The moment the other singer had entered the room, the second their eyes had met, Ryan’s heart rate had shot through the roof. It had felt as if he was suffocating, as if his heart was tearing his ribcage apart.
The last time Ryan had seen Brendon had not been good. It had been confusing and painful, and ended with Ryan telling a blunt lie. Out of fear. And that had broken Brendon’s heart. And Ryan’s too.
And now here he was, Brendon, and was looking at Ryan as if he barely knew him. Ryan was not sure which hurt more, having rejected Brendon all those months back, before he even knew the beautiful, breathtaking girl at his side, or seeing him so indifferent towards Ryan now. But one thing was for certain after Ryan had seen Brendon again: he was still in love with the other man.
On the way home, Ryan was sitting behind the steering wheel of his car, with you in the passenger seat. You went over in your head what had happened in the few short minutes in which you had been in talking proximity to Brendon. And you remembered something that you had not paid attention to earlier.
“This dude, Brendon,” you quietly spoke up, scared your voice might shake, “you know him?”
Ryan’s grip around the leather coated wheel tightened for a moment, but you did not notice. He took a deep breath, quickly going over what half-truth he was going to tell you, before he answered.
“We used to play music together, but- the group fell apart, and things did not end well between the two of us.”
You furrowed your brows. It was hard to imagine Brendon, or Ryan, getting into a fight. Brendon was always so cheerful and happy that it seemed impossible for him to have any negative feelings for anybody, and Ryan was always so calm and collected.
“What happened,” you asked curiously, almost forgetting the strange situation you found yourself in.
Ryan swallowed hard, and stopped at a red light before answering.
“We had different views on how things should go,” he revealed slowly. Yeah, different views indeed. “And then- things were said; we hurt each other, and went our separate ways.”
It was obvious to you that the memories of Brendon were painful to Ryan, even though you assumed it was because of the failed music group instead of a broken heart.
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out,” you mumbled.
Ryan turned his head and smiled a sad smile that almost crushed your heart.
“It’s fine, I wouldn’t have met you otherwise.”
The night in which Z had dragged him into the bar, where he eventually had met you, she had just returned from a stay in Europe, where she had been while the fight between Brendon and Ryan had happened, and this was the first time he got to talk to her about it in person, even though the whole drama had already happened a few weeks before that.
You returned Ryan’s smile, and he reached over to intertwine his fingers with yours before the traffic light turned to green, and he started driving again.
Even after all you had found out during this evening, you decided to stick to your plans, and meet Brendon the next day. It was warm; a nice breeze blew through the bushes next to the small café, and you almost felt peaceful while you watched Brendon scratch the whipped cream off the piece of apple pie he had ordered.
Your earlier attempt to get more information about what exactly had happened between Brendon and Ryan had been futile. Brendon had successfully blocked everything that went into that direction, so the only thing you really had learnt was that it had been at least as painful to Brendon as it had been to Ryan.
You had given up the topic soon after, and now that both Brendon and you had finished your cake and the Iced Coffees, he took your hand in his, and gently kissed the back of it.
“I love you,” he mumbled, his brown eyes blinking up at you, and you realized three things in that moment.
One: he was being honest.
Two: you loved him too.
Three: You also loved Ryan.
Before you even had had the chance to say anything, Brendon had closed the small distance between your faces and pressed his hot, plumb lips against yours. They tasted so different from Ryan’s, and felt nothing like anything you had felt before, yet you could not get yourself to enjoy the moment in which Brendon confirmed what you had hoped for weeks.
Instead you pushed him away, tears starting to burn in your eyes while you jumped up from the fragile chair.
“I can’t, Bren-, I- I can’t, I got-, Ryan-“
Never finishing the sentences that tumbled out of your mouth, you grabbed your bag, and escaped the small café, leaving behind a very confused, and equally heartbroken, Brendon.
Ryan was sitting on the sofa in your apartment when you got home.
He immediately sat up, his eyes widening with worry when he realized that you were crying. Quickly he jumped up, attempting to wrap you in a hug, but much to his surprise you pushed him away, while you angrily wiped your tear wet cheeks with the backs of your hands.
“I cheated,” you blurred out before Ryan could even ask what had happened. “I- I cheated, and I didn’t mean to- I just- we- he kissed me, Ry.  But I wanted him to kiss me- I wanted him to kiss me for weeks- I- love you. I love you so much that it hurts- and I love him too, Ry. I- I love-“
Ryan just stood there, in the middle of the living room, and it felt like he had been hit by a lighting, while you continued to blabber incoherent words.
“Who- who are you even talking about,” he wondered.
He was not angry. Not even hurt. Maybe a little. But not really. He knew what it felt like to love two people at once, and not being able to be with both of them. He knew fairly well how much it hurt, so he could not really be angry with you wanting this other person to kiss you.
“You, I love- I love you, Ry,” you sobbed, by now leaning against the back of the couch.
“I got that, sweetheart,” Ryan tried to approach you.
He made sure his voice was as soft and gentle as possible, his hands were slowly reaching into your direction, longing to just hold you against him, to make you understand that everything would be fine, but you moved away, hid your face behind your hands, and avoided his touch.
And with that you stormed out the front door, leaving Ryan behind star struck.
Confused he furrowed his brows, wondering if he had understood you correctly. Concluding that he had, he sat back down on the sofa again. His mind was torn into pieces, and it seemed impossible to form a coherent thought. Was he heartbroken about you kissing another man? Was he heartbroken about Brendon kissing somebody else? Was he angry? Was he sad that you had left? All of these questions seemed to be answered by a yes, so what should he do next?
After almost an hour of thinking, which led to a head-splitting headache, he had finally tied all the loose strings into a big tie, and he made a decision. Now he only had to be the stone that started the avalanche, and hope that everything would work out the way he had planned it.
So he picked up his phone and dialed a number he knew better than his own name.
The ringing of the doorbell hurt in your ears, so you jumped up as quickly as possible to close the door to the bedroom, determined to keep the intruders outside.
Your eyes were puffy and burnt from all the crying you had done during the last few hours. Somehow you had managed to lose the two people, who meant the most to you in the entire world, within thirty minutes, only because you had to fall in love with both of them.
Your plan to keep the unwanted guests outside got interrupted, because before you had managed to throw the white, wooden door of the bedroom into its lock to muffle the sound of the bell, a familiar voice called your name through the front door.
“(y/n), it’s me, Brendon!”
“Go away!”
Even though you tried to sound as cold and angry as possible, you quietly took a few steps out of your bedroom towards the front door.
“Look, I’m sorry about earlier, but I- I didn’t intend to hurt you. I won’t kiss you without your permission ever again.”
There was silence on the other side of the door for a few moments.
“Okay, I really don’t know if you’re still listening, but if you are, and man, I really hope you are, you really should hear this.”
“What is it Bren?”
You sounded tired. You were well aware of that. By now you had crossed through the short corridor, and were standing at the door. Exhausted you leant your forehead against the wood and closed your eyes, listening to the shuffling on the other side.
“Okay, so the thing is, Ry-“
“I talked to Bren.”
That was Ryan.
Was he here too?
You froze up, but didn’t dare to look out of the peephole.
“You’re not the only one who’s in love with him okay? That was the reason we got into a fight all those months ago. He told me he loved me, and I was too scared of my own feelings to admit that I love him too. But not anymore.
You taught me that, not to be afraid of my feelings. You showed me what it’s like when I don’t have to fear that my emotions will boil over, because when they do, you’re there. And since I am not the only one who loves you either-“
“Damn right, you aren’t.”
You felt a smile creep on your face at Brendon’s interjection.
“So the thing is, I love you and Bren, Bren loves you and me, and if your words from earlier are anything to go by, you love Brendon and me, too.”
There was a short silence before Ryan continued speaking.
“It would be unconventional-“
“Who cares about conven-“
“Shut up, psh!”
You giggled at the interaction of the two men, who were still standing on the other side of the door.
“It would be unconventional,” Ryan continued, “but as Brendon said, who cares, if the three of us get to be happy, right?”
Again silence.
You took in their words in. Ryan loved you, and Brendon loved you too. And you loved them. And they loved each other.
Rubbing the back off your hand over your eyes to wipe away the last tears that were still hanging in your lashes, you unlocked the door, and pushed it open. Outside Brendon and Ryan stood side by side.
It was strange, seeing them together. The colour of their hair seemed identical in the weak light of the stairwell of the apartment building, their brown eyes held the same hopeful expression when you opened the door, and both seemed to have cried at some point earlier that afternoon, evening by now, yet they were as different as day and night, as sun and moon.
You woke up, safely wrapped in so familiar arms, that they could only belong to Ryan. His nose was nuzzled into your hair, and his hot breath fanned over the delicate skin of your neck, while his dark curls tickled your shoulder.
And then there was this other smell, one that did not belong to Ryan, and at first you had trouble remembering where it came from. Slowly you blinked your eyes open, and were faced with a peacefully asleep Brendon. His long, dark lashed rested lightly against the skin of his cheeks, and he seemed more relaxed than you had ever seen him.
All of a sudden the memories of the evening came flooding back, with such force that it almost hurt. But it was a good kind of pain, you realized, as you continued studying Brendon’s features in the orange light of the street lantern in front of the window. The clock on your bedside table showed that it was around two am. Brendon’s arm was thrown over your waist, but not reaching down your back, so it seemed that he was holding Ryan too.
Careful, as not to disturb any of the men, you turned your head in the attempt to get a glimpse of Ryan. To your surprise, he was looking at you, and lifted his head up when you moved. A smile appeared on his face, and he lifted the arm, with which he had been hugging you, to move a strand of your hair out of your face.
“How are you feeling,” he whispered, more a breath than real words.
You allowed yourself a moment before answering.
You were lying in bed, safely wrapped in the arms of the men you loved, and you were warm, cosy, and-
“I’m happy,” you answered just as quietly. “I’m really, really happy. Ry, I don’t know if I ever were this happy.”
Your eyes burnt, and you knew you were about to cry out of happiness, but Ryan distracted you with a sweet kiss that made your heart skip.
“Me too,” he replied, and brushed through your hair again, before he wrapped his arm around you again, this time reaching further to be able to hold Brendon too.
“I want to kiss you too,” Brendon suddenly whined.
He sat up far enough to be able to bend over you, and pressed his lips against Ryan’s before he lent back down, wrapping his arms around both Ryan and you.
“And you too,” he added before he gently pressed his lips to yours, which made your heart skip yet another beat.
Then he settled back down, so you were pressed against his chest, with Ryan hugging you from behind, and before you fell asleep again, you realized that you were really happier than you had ever imagined you could be.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Tower - Chapter 28
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The Tower: An Avengers Fanfic
Chapter 28
Series Masterlist
Chapters:  one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty / twenty-one / twenty-two / twenty-three / twenty-four / twenty-five / twenty-six / twenty-seven / twenty-eight
Word Count: 6000
Warnings:  smut (Bisexual orgy.  There’s a bunch of stuff that happens.  There’s like 10 people involved).
Synopsis: The group return home and the healing begins. Elly makes a new friend. Goodbyes are said
Author’s Note:  Co-written with @fanficwriter013​
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Chapter 28 - Home
So much happened over the next few months. Alexa was sent to the Raft awaiting trial for her long list of crimes.  The cancer took her before it ever happened.   The rest of the people who were working for Medusa were processed.  Many were sent to prison for varying sentences.  I had to testify to the things I saw.  As did everyone else.
Scott went back to LA as soon as the debrief was finished.  He missed his daughter too much, which was understandable.  Hill and Rhodey both stuck around to help with the sorting out of the tower and working out who we could trust and who we couldn’t.  Coulson’s team even stopped in every once in a while to help day to day operations when they weren’t busy with other things.
It took Wanda about a month to recover from her injuries.  She was very needy the entire time.  It was to be expected and all of us were happy to spend time with her.  Truthfully, we all were to different extents.  When she was being confined to medbay there was always at least one person with her.  We ended up pushing a second hospital bed up with hers.  In the end, she was pretty much constantly snuggled up with one of us.  When she was allowed out of bed, she still wasn’t allowed to work for a while, but she was much happier.  Emotionally she seemed to bounce back pretty quickly really.  Or maybe this was just a struggle she’d gotten used to and she’d just returned to the woman I knew who was already dealing with being hurt by HYDRA.
Clint was generally pretty okay.  They’d taken him to try and get Wanda and Bucky to comply but he can take a beating better than most and they’d ended up giving up and leaving him alone.  He was also quite needy though.  He was never not with someone else.  Usually Nat but it was quite common to find him snuggling in the hospital bed with Wanda too.
Bucky physically recovered very quickly but he did have quite the emotional backslide.  He didn’t talk a lot and he flinched when anyone other than Steve or Sam went too close to him.  His nightmares returned too.  He and I were both referred to Wanda’s therapist.  He was actually a full agent and the head of the whole department and organized therapists and psychologists for everyone in the whole tower.  Because he was Wanda’s we knew he was one of the good guys because she’d gotten to see right into his mind on a weekly basis.  His name was Jax and he was a miracle worker.   After a week of seeing Jax every day Bucky started to seek other people out.  He gradually started trusting them to touch him again, even though you couldn’t do it unless he asked to begin with.  After a month he was back to liking to sit and have his hair played with.  Two months and his nightmares were lessened to the point that as long as Steve was there he was okay having other people in bed with them.
With me, Jax was just perfect.  I can’t even begin to tell you how good I was feeling about myself after each session.  He had me journalling.  He helped me with meditation techniques and coping mechanisms related to my past, the kidnapping and this recent incident.  He pinpointed key problems with my behavior and the behavior of the others that was causing me problems.  There was just so much he got about me and the situation I was in.  Even after what happened I was feeling better about myself than I had in a long time.  Since ever really.
Also, it was because of him I met my best platonic friend in the whole world.  Her name was Clarke and she and Jax had been living with each other since before the fall of SHIELD.  It was a pure accident we met.  I was in his waiting room with a woman.  I had seen her around the building, she was not exactly easy to miss.  She was slight, with strawberry blonde hair and violet eyes, a result of a condition known as Alexandra Genesis.  When I first sat down I was a little confused as to why she was there and when I said hello to ask her if I’d made a mistake about my appointment time she nearly bit my head off.
“What do you want?”  She hissed at me.
“Uh… to see my therapist?”  I said as a question more than a statement.
She shook her head.  “Sorry.  I just…”  She waved her hands around.  “I have trust issues.  People are always…”
“Because of the eyes?”  I asked.  “They want to collect you right?”
She narrowed her eyes at me and looked me up and down.  “Something like that.”  She said relaxing.  “You’re dating Tony Stark right?”
“Yep, and that’s why people want to collect me.”  I half-joked.
She laughed.  “And you work in the labs too.  I’ve seen you in there with Doctor Banner.”
I nodded.  “Yeah.  I’m a biologist.  You’re an agent?”
“Yep.  But I also am a bit of a lab squirrel too.  I.T. though.  I helped fix the code in FRIDAY.”  She answered.
“Oh my god!  Thank you!  I missed her so much.”  I said.  We then just started getting nerdier and nerdier as we talked.  I completely forgot I was waiting for Jax and he came out and looked at both of us with the biggest smile on his face.  He then organized to have her sign an NDA and have Wanda clear her.  All of a sudden, I had this friend that I not only just loved being around, but I could tell anything I wanted to.  She was so chill about me being poly.  She and Jax were open, so she totally got it.  She made jokes about me being superhero catnip and she’d rank them in how much she wanted to sleep with them.  Which I know sounds awful, but I loved it.  She got me and she didn’t treat me like something precious, or suck up to me.  She gave me shit and got me out of my head.  She was exactly what I needed to make me finally be completely okay with the relationship.  Because the thing is, not being able to tell anyone about your relationship is hard. I had struggled with it despite understanding why it was the way it was.
During the few months we were getting ourselves back together as a group we were fairly unwilling to ever leave each other alone.  At night the sofa bed in the common room was pulled out a lot because we all just wanted to sleep in big puppy piles.  If it wasn’t the sofa bed it was in my apartment where the bed was big enough to fit everyone.  It wasn’t even sex.  In fact, there wasn’t a lot of that in the first month back in the tower at all compared to before.  It still happened but not everyone was emotionally there yet.  We just needed each other to be near.
So out of a joke Clint and I made, Tony added a shared bedroom, bathroom, and closet to the common floor.  The idea being that if we needed each other we had a place to go. The end result was finished within about a month and a half.  He had people working like crazy on it.  I can’t imagine the NDA’s the contractors had to sign because what it turned out like was nothing short of screaming; we all sleep together.
What we had when it was done was nothing short of amazing.  The closet was massive.  Basically a full room of clothes that fit each of us and were in all our styles.  There were also clothes for guests if there ever were any.  Just a random selection of things in various sizes.  Even though I had opted to be closed poly, not everyone else was that way.  The bathroom had this huge spa.  It wouldn’t fit all of us (there was a hot tub on the roof and one in the pool that would) but I think at least half, maybe more depending on super soldiers and gods being involved.  The shower was its own room.  How Tony had managed to get the design so it wasn’t like a gym communal shower was beyond me.  But he did it.  There were all these amazing heads, including a large waterfall that ran down one end of the room.  There were benches you could sit or lie on made of wood.  There was plant life in the room.  It was just amazing.
Finally, the bedroom had a huge round bed in a sunken pit in the floor.  It easily fit us all.  It was easy to escape and so comfortable.  It ended up getting used every night.  Not by all of us all the time, but there was always at least two people in there.
Now I know what you’re waiting for.  You want to hear about Thor.  The thing is, when Clint said that he comes down and there’s a line, he wasn’t kidding.  He is such a warm and gentle man despite his size and strength, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and even Bruce all gravitated to him.  Even at Bucky’s worst, you could find him sitting between Steve and Thor making himself small like he needed them to take the eyes off him.
When he wasn’t with one of those four, which was most of the time, he had the others waiting for their alone time.  He wasn’t going to be here for long, and even though they were okay with him being gone, they missed him when he was.  Whereas I didn’t know him at all and with everything else, I just didn’t care.  I had too many other things to process to worry about Thor.  I enjoyed talking to him.  Occasionally, if I was able to sit next to him, he’d put his arm around my shoulder or his large hand on my thigh.  I would lean into him and he’d hold me.  It was nice.  He was warm and comforting.  I could see what the others liked about him, and part of me envied it a little, but it was a small part because I knew if I wanted to, I could just say something.  I just didn’t have the energy or desire to take him from them.
As the tower returned to normal and we started relaxing again Thor started to prepare for his return to Asgard.  He started to seek me out a little more.  Apologizing for the lack of time we had together.  He’d ask to kiss me and when I agreed his hands would travel, sometimes up under my shirt teasing my breasts.  Kissing Thor was kind of amazing.  I guess he’s had a lot of practice.  He knows when to use tongue and how much.  He uses just the right amount of pressure.  A kiss from Thor is also accompanied by a static charge that makes your lips tingle.  Kissing Thor leaves you wanting much much more.
But that was it.  The kissing and slight feeling up.  Nothing more than that.
Tony held a farewell party the night before Thor’s leaving.  It was a public event and there were a lot of people there, so I was on Tony’s arm.  I noticed there seemed to be a lot of whispering and looking at the Avengers, but I’d never been to a party with all of them before so I had no idea what was normal or not.  People started leaving around eleven.  At midnight we were just us.  Just my family.
We ended up sitting on these couches in the penthouse, drinks nearby and just talking.  Messing around with each other.  Things got more touchy and snuggly between people.
Rhodey stood shaking his head.  “Come on, Hill, Vis, let’s leave these deviates to say goodbye to Thor before we get dragged into something.”
Hill laughed.  “See it kind of sounds like fun, but maybe another night.”  She teased getting up.
Vision followed after them and we wished them all a good night before they disappeared into the elevator.
Thor smiled broadly at the group.  “I have missed this.”  He said loudly.  “And now with a new member of the family.”
I was sitting on the same couch as Thor but Tony was sitting between us.  Thor leaned over Tony and one of his large hands went to my jaw as he leaned in to kiss me.  As we kissed his other hand ran up the inner seam of Tony’s pants.  Tony made a strangled moan and cleared his throat.  “How about we go down to the common floor?”
General sounds of agreement were made in the room and everyone got up.  Thor, Tony and I were last.  Thor didn’t break his kiss with me until I’d started to grow lightheaded from it and I sat blinking for a moment when he pulled away abruptly and got up.
“Come on,”  Tony said, taking my hand and pulling me to my feet.  We all crammed into the elevator.  People were already kissing.  Steve was kissing Sam’s throat.  Bucky had lifted Wanda from the floor and her legs were wrapped around his waist as their tongues danced together.  Natasha had backed Clint up so he was pressed against Bucky as they kissed and her hands ran up under his shirt.  Bruce pulled Tony to him as he entered and Thor looked down at me with a smile.  The doors closed as his hands slid around my back and to my thighs.  He lifted me up and we started kissing each other with a desperate need.
When the elevator stopped he carried me through the living area to the bedroom and tossed me onto the bed.  I squealed with delight as I bounced on the mattress.  The others had all followed us in and everyone started undressing.  For a second I forgot myself and just watched.  As much as I have been with all these people, we had never done anything like this while I have been with them.  I realized too, that this wasn’t just a big deal for me.  Tony had never been included in this before either and Bruce had never been brave enough to join in.  So much had changed since I joined their family.  Not just for me, but for them too.  This, what was happening right now, was important.  It wasn’t just us doing something dirty or taboo.  This was us showing we loved each other and connecting with each other.   Saying goodbye to a man they loved and reconnecting with the rest because we’d been hurt.
Clint noticed me watching as he dropped his pants to the floor.  He laughed and stretched like he was about to go for a run.  “What are you doing, El?”  He asked.
“Shit,”  I cursed and started stripping my own clothes off, tossing them away from the bed.  Natasha dropped to the bed and started crawling towards me.  When I was down to my panties, she grabbed them and pulled them off.  The others had all started getting into the bed.
“Relax, Mishka,”  Natasha said as she kissed her way up my legs and I looked around me.  Steve and Tony were sitting face-to-face exploring each other like they were discovering each other for the first time in years.  Which might not be far from the truth.  Clint had straddled Bruce and had his hands pinned over his head as he kissed his way down his chest.  Thor had lifted Wanda on his shoulders and lapping at her cunt as she tugged at her hair.  Yellow and red sparks were flying from the two of them.  Bucky and Sam were pressed together, Sam stroking both their cocks in his hand.   By the time Natasha’s tongue flicked over my clit I was soaking for her.
Natasha sucked and kissed my pussy as I writhed under her.  I didn’t know where I wanted my hands to go.  I tangled them in her hair.  I gripped the bed covers.  Her fingers worked expertly inside of me, bringing me to the edge.  Just as I was about to come, Clint came up to me I reached over to him and drew him near to me, taking his cock into my mouth.  “Mm… that’s it, princess.”  He hummed.
The others had shifted around us.  Steve, Sam, and Bucky were now together.  Steve crouched between Sam’s legs, sucking his cock as Sam leaned back into Bucky kissing him graphically.  Bruce was lying on his back with Tony between his legs.  They were pressed tightly together as Tony fucked him.  Thor was sitting lotus style with Wanda in his lap.  I moaned loudly around Clint’s cock the sound joining the others that filled the room.   I arched up, under Natasha and came.
Natasha hummed between my legs stroking me through it before coming up to kiss me.  She moved over to Thor and I rolled on my hands and knees facing Clint as I resumed sucking his cock.  I was aware of them moving around me again, but now I was focused mostly on Clint.  I gently teased my fingers over his skin while I massaged his shaft with my tongue, bobbing my head up and down.
His hands grazed down my back and around to my breasts, flicking over my nipples.   A second set of hands were on me, followed by lips as Tony kissed his way up my spine.  “You ready for little Tony, darling?”
I laughed, releasing Clint’s cock.  “Yes, you nerd,”  I said.
“That’s not very nice.”  Tony teased, running the head of his cock up and down my folds.
“Watch it, Tones.  The lady had a job to do.”  Clint joked.  I hit him on the hip before taking his cock back into my mouth.  He yelped before moaning.  Tony pushed inside of me and I hummed around Clint’s cock.
As Tony started fucking into me Clint reached over and ran his hand down Tony’s chest.  Tony hesitated for a moment before leaning in and kissing him.  It started slow and soon became frantic and passionate.  I moaned as I watched them.   I moved faster on Clint and sucked harder, all-the-while feeling like my blood was boiling inside me.  
Clint’s hands started opening and closing, one in my hair, one in Tony’s.  He moaned loudly and his hips snapped forward and he came with a groan.  I swallowed it down and flicked my tongue over his length until it stilled.  I pushed myself up against Tony.  His hands went to my throat, holding me in place as he kept fucking into me from behind.  Clint kissed me.  “Love you, princess.”  He whispered before moving to Bucky.  Bucky pulled him close and they started kissing and grinding against each other.  
The group dynamics had changed again.  Natasha was with Bruce, riding him as she pinned his hands over his head.  Sam was taking Thor from behind, sweat dripped from both men’s brows.  Steve was on his knees between Wanda’s legs as the red glow of her powers covered him and she arched under him.
I slipped off Tony’s cock and turned to face him, pushing him onto his back.  “Oh it’s gonna be like that is it?”  He smirked.
“You know it is,”  I said, straddling his lap and guiding him back inside of me.  I leaned down and started kissing at the pulse point just under his ear.  “El.  I need you to know.  I - I love you.”  He whispered.
I propped myself up on his chest and looked him in the eye.  “I do know.  And same.”  I said.  He pulled me into a hard kiss as I rocked against him.  His fingers went to my clit and he started drawing tight circles on it.  
An orgasm neared again and when I came I collapsed down on top of Tony.  He continued to slowly thrust up into me until it had passed.
Sam called my name and I looked over at him.  Tony slapped my ass.  “Off you go, this is an orgy after all.”  He teased.
Sam was leaning back as Wanda crouched between his legs.  Her head bobbing up and down on his cock.   “Come join us, princess.”  He said, his voice low and husky.  I crawled over kissing up Wanda’s spine.
Wanda and I kissed over Sam’s cock before Sam guided us both up to kiss him.  First Wanda and then me.  Sam grabbed my hips and flipped me onto my back, I wrapped my legs around his waist and drew him into me.  He teased the head of his cock up and down once before sinking into me.  I moaned and ran my hand up his arm before reaching out to Wanda.  “Come here, beautiful,”  I said.
Wanda smiled at me and leaned in and kissed me softly, her tongue brushing against my bottom lip.  She twisted her hands, and two red glowing orbs danced over her fingers.  She placed them on my skin sending it out over my skin, making my hair stand on end.  I hummed clenching my core muscles around Sam’s cock.  Wanda straddled my face and I put my hands on her hips and started to lick.  Her fluids coated my tongue, salty and sweet.  Mixed with the fluids of others she had been with and sweat.  Her kinetic energy swirled over my already sensitive clit.  We were both sensitive it seemed.  Each nip or flick of my tongue made her moan.
She and Sam kissed over me.  I was barely aware of it.  My attention was taken by their hands, the taste of her pussy, the feeling of his cock filling me, drilling into me, and the constant buzz on my skin.
I came again, writhing under Sam and Wanda.  I never stopped sucking and licking Wanda’s cunt.  I could feel her walls starting to tighten, and her legs started to tremble.  She came and I lapped up everything.  Drinking down her fluids hungrily.  
She climbed off me and for a moment we just lay side by side panting.  We started to kiss as Sam moved his body tighter in against me, rolling his hips more with each thrust.  The base of his cock dragging over my clit.  Wanda squealed and was suddenly dragged away from me.  I looked back to see her giggling as Clint and Natasha started kissing their way up her body.
I turned back to Sam and we started to kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rolled my hips with him.  He rolled us over but we stayed pressed tightly together, kissing and moving together.  More hands touched my back and a large body pressed against me.  “Hey, sweetheart,”  Steve whispered in my ear.  “You think we can take both of us?”
I broke the kiss with Sam and nodded.  “Uh-huh.”
Steve pressed his cock against my entrance and slowly eased into me.  Sam moaned loudly.  “Oh fuck, cap.”  Sam moaned, his head falling back.  The three of us started to move together.  Our hands running over each other.  Another climax approached but as it neared Bucky approached us.  Sam reached out to him and drew him over.  He kissed Steve, ghosting his lips down his neck before he moved to me.
“Hey, doll.”  He purred.
“Hey, Buck,”  I whisper, our lips meeting.  We kissed and he pinched and teased my nipples with his metal fingers.  I came again, the sound of my cries muffled by Bucky’s mouth.
Sam groaned and his abs tightened.  “Fuck, I’m close.”
Steve slowed down his movements, making Sam whine needily.  We drew Bucky closer and he straightened up.  Sam and I started sucking his cock in tandem, kissing over his shaft and swirling our tongues around the head of his cock.
Steve picked up his pace again.  A sheen of sweat clung to me.  There were hands everywhere, stroking me, touching me.  Another orgasm hit and I trembled with it, completely unable to hold myself up.  Sam groaned and jerked up into me, his cock pulsing as he spilled in waves.   Steve’s hips snapped forward and he came as Sam’s cock still pulsed inside me
The three of us collapsed down for a moment and Bucky looked down at me, running his hands up my legs.  “How’re ya doin’ there, doll?”  He asked.
I nodded and held my arms out to him.  “Pretty good, Buck.”
He moved between my legs, and slowly eased inside of me.  My cunt was swollen and sensitive and yet he felt so good and I needed him so badly.  He moved slowly and I touched all of him that I could reach.  He practically purred against me as we moved as one.  We kissed and let our mouths trail over each other’s necks and jaws.  Bruce approached and lay beside us.  We each turned to him and we took turns kissing from one to the other.  I could see the flecks of green in Bruce’s eyes letting me know the Big Guy was with us too, but he kept quiet and allowed Bruce to just be gentle with the two of us.  Bucky and I continued to move as Bruce teased his hands over us.  He slipped one between us and began rolling his thumb over my clit while he ran his fingers over Buck’s balls and the base of his cock.
When my orgasm hit this time, it was more of a slow-rolling wave through me that brought Bucky along with me.
Bucky kissed me softly before rolling off.  I straddled Bruce and lowered myself down onto his cock.  “Hey, B,”  I said, swirling my hips in a figure of eight.
Bruce ran his hands up my stomach and started kneading my breasts.  “Hey, L.”  He replied, looking up at me.  His pupils were blown and his eyes were tinged with green.
All around us people had started to slow down or stop.  Thor had Steve on his knees in front of him, moving slowly but fucking him deeply as his hands roamed over Steve’s chest.  Tony sat leaning against Natasha, his eyes flicking between Steve and Thor and Bruce and I.  Natasha was slowly stroking his cock with her chin resting on his shoulder.  Wanda was curled up between Clint and Sam like a cat, while the two men just sat back, each drinking from bottles of water.
I looked back down at Bruce continuing to just roll my hips and rock on his cock.  I ran my hands down his chest and flicked my fingernails over his nipples.  A low rumble escaped from his slightly parted lips and he propped himself up and started sucking and biting my breasts.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and we moved together.  I was starting to feel high from the number of endorphins in my system.  I carded my fingers through Bruce’s hair and just closed my eyes and felt him.
With a sudden growl, Bruce flipped us both.  He held me down and just started fucking me hard.  I looked into his eyes and more green had crept in, but it was him.  I was still with Bruce.  I dragged my nails down his back and gave myself to him, letting him take what he needed.  I was so sensitive and so overstimulated, everything felt good.  Heat pressed down in my core and I came again arching back violently.  Bruce held me in place and sucked a nipple into his mouth, dragging my orgasm out.
Thor came up behind Bruce, his hand ran over his ass and licked a stripe up his spine.  That’s all it took for Bruce to lose control completely.   He bucked hard into me and came, his fluids adding to everyone else’s.  I moaned loudly and held him close to me until his cock had stilled.
Bruce slipped from me and collapsed down beside me panting.  I leaned in and kissed him before looking up at Thor.  He was a god in every sense.  His body was firm and heavily muscled.  His cock, large and standing hard in front of him.  He smiled down at me.  Somehow that smile was both warm and hungry.
“Lady Elise, are you up for one last round, I’ve been saving myself for you.”  He said.
I got up on my knees and moved closer to him.  “One last one.”  I agreed.  He sat back with his legs crossed and I climbed into his lap wrapping my legs around his waist.  As I lowered myself down, he guided his thick cock into my swollen cunt.
I became lost in him.  We rocked together and I moved up and down, up and down on his dick.  Lightening leaked from his eyes and danced over our skin.  It made me prickle but it felt cool.  My nipples hardened to the point they were painful, but I couldn’t stop.
I was alone with him, yet connected to everyone here.  We were on earth, yet spread out through the universe.  I was here and I was everywhere.  “Do you feel that?”  I asked him, my voice breathy and far off.
He chuckled.  The sound was warm and inviting.  “I do.”  He said simply.  “Give yourself to it.”
I closed my eyes and could feel all the others in the room on me.  I came apart.  My orgasm tore through me.  I screamed out with it and every muscle in my body clenched.  Thor kept moving with me.  He held me tightly against his body as I sagged into him and with a few more thrusts he came, groaning and letting his head fall back.
I slithered off his lap and just collapsed where I lay.  Steve moved over to me and gathered me up, tucking me properly into bed as Sam cleaned me up and Natasha offered me some water.
I snuggled in against Tony who pulled me in close to him letting me rest my head on his stomach.  The others all gathered in close to us. Nobody really slept that night for a long time.  We would doze in and out but mostly everyone just talked.  We were all together and safe.  It felt good.
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Things returned to normal after that night.  We had months of peace.  There were scattered missions here and there, but they were routine and over with easily.  Life in the Tower was weird, but I was happy.  The others seemed happy too.  Content with the way things were and how we all were together.
Rumors had started to spread though.  The problem was that because Alexa had had access to so much she knew about us.  Which meant HYDRA knew.  Which now meant that with the leaking of documents other people were finding out.  It had started off as something most people blew off, so they’d ignored it.
Slowly the rumors grew traction. Every time that any of them were photographed in public together the way they stood or looked at each other was scrutinized.  ‘Cap was standing very close to Hawkeye and look at the body language, they’re totally fucking.’  ‘Why is Black Widow looking at The Winter Soldier like she wants to devour him if they’re not together?’
Most of that was just stupid speculation.  They knew how to behave with each other in public, and usually, they were working anyway.  So they were professional.  I, however, was a weak, weak link.  Aside from Bruce, they didn’t work with me and honestly, Bruce and I were not the most professional all the time when we were in the lab together anyway.  When we were out together it was because we were out together and they’d forget themselves.  It started with just being seen out with Wanda and Natasha.  Natasha still did the ‘respectable distance thing’.  People still questioned why Tony Stark’s latest bimbo was out with Black Widow.  Wanda and I held hands though.  That was it.  We just held hands while we went shopping.  It made the internet lose their minds.  The rumors of the group all being poly had to be true because otherwise what would this nobody be doing walking around holding hands with the Scarlet Witch?  Why would Hawkeye have slung his arm over her shoulder?  Why would Falcon be nudging her like that?
Steve had decided regardless it was best to ignore it.  Making a statement meant it was something worth making a statement about.  Unfortunately, public pressure started to build up.  The right didn’t like Steve wearing the flag if he was a deviant.  Stocks in Stark Industries were fluctuating wildly.
Tony ended up calling a press conference.  It was the first time I met his ex.  She was nice.  I wasn’t expecting that.  I guess you always expect the ex to be some kind of evil harpy, don’t you?  She was smart and pretty and she asked me if I loved him.  I said I did.  She asked me if he’d ever said the same to me.  I said yes.  She looked really sad and I said that he’d also said he’d loved her once too.  She gave me a sad smile and told me she just wished she could have heard it.  That in the end, it didn’t matter though, he was never meant for monogamy and she’d really known that all along.
We all sat on seats behind a podium.  I felt out of place and my heart was hammering.  Tony and I had done the odd public appearance here and there but it was always parties.  Or things where I stood backstage and wasn’t actually in the limelight.  I was sitting there in front of a room full of press.  Tony was beside me on one side holding my hand, which felt wet and clammy and Natasha was on the other side of me looking like she could happily murder anyone in the room.
Pepper finished talking and said Tony’s name.  He squeezed my hand and kissed me on top of the head before getting up and walking to the podium.
“There has been a lot of rumors and speculation going around about the nature of the relationship between myself and the other Avengers,”  Tony said getting in front of the mic and reading from the statement that we had all had a hand in writing.  “That it’s not enough that we have formed close friendships based on the nature of our work.  Work that requires we trust each other completely.  Work that puts our lives in danger almost every day.  That makes us targets.   All to protect the people of not just America, but Earth.”
He paused a moment and looked back at us before moving to the other side of the podium.  “Words have been tossed around.  Polyamory.  Deviants.  I get it.  People spend a lot of time together.  Why wouldn’t we all be…  well, you know.”  He said raising his eyebrows.  Soft laughter ran through the room.
“My girlfriend has been dragged into it.  Because god forbid a woman that not only lives in the same building and works in the labs there could possibly be friends with the other Avengers.  She has to be some toy we all use right?”  Tony ranted.  He looked back at me and I gave him a tight smile.  This just felt so wrong.  I got it.  I understood keeping the relationship secret.  There was a lot at stake.  But it hurt.  It hurt to not be acknowledged.  It hurt they had to hide their own feelings.  Plus the lying just felt wrong.
“Well, the truth is…”  He said still looking at me.  “The truth is…”
Steve’s hand went to his face.  “Oh shit.”  He muttered.
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kelasparmak · 7 years
Odo and Garak for the situations ask?
Fake dating/marrieds: there are two options. one is that odo is excruciatingly uncomfortable and people start taking garak aside to give him unwanted relationship advice for his fake marriage, or they slip odo cards with a divorce lawyer’s name on. garak finds this hilarious at first but, because it’s garak and he is a vain vain man, quickly becomes appalled at how everyone assumes odo has fallen out of love with him and he’ll be left heartbroken. maybe he’s moved on to greener pastures, guys, didja think of that?alternatively, and maybe less likely, garak is for once determined to properly be a good friend to odo, who in fairness has always been a good friend to him, and not do anything that might push his boundaries. odo on the other hand is a noir detective in his heart of hearts and immediately gets super into the roleplay/disguise element, and is surprisingly good at playing the part (because playing the part is what odo has been pressured to do for as long as he’s been conscious and self-aware).either way, it’s not what people expect it to be, and it’s sort of hilarious.
Bodyswap: odo uses his security codes to turn up the temperature in his room, breaks it, and causes environmental problems. o’brien gets pissed off with him, then figures out why and is sympathetic, and then goes right back to pissed off because garak has turned into goo to get into places he shouldn’t and hear things he shouldn’t, and o’brien just found him in his goddamn alamo replica.
Telepathy:  ANGST. angst happens. probably they bond over having daddy issues, but resolutely pretend not to be able to hear each other’s thoughts because they are stubborn pieces of shit who Don’t Do Sadness.
OH NO only one bed at the hotel: odo doesn’t use a bed so this is maybe not an issue. if it’s during the humanoid!odo time though, i can see a cuddling-for-warmth scenario arising. only they refuse to call it cuddling and come up with completely absurd periphrastic overcomplicated bullshit to make it sound like Serious Stuff that was unavoidable and doesn’t mean they’re friends or anything.
Accidental time-travel: oh jeez. i mean, probably the awkward bisexual disaster that is teenage garak turns up, right? that is generally the best use of time travel. no matter who he runs into he develops a crush, because it’s practically asit!canon that that is garak’s whole thing at that age. just crushing on everyone in the entire goddamn galaxy.alternatively, an au of ‘things past’, in which odo’s unresolved guilt about the things he did/allowed while an unwitting/uninformed semi-collaborator is actually addressed. if anyone’s in a position to talk to him frankly about Doing What You Gotta and not feeling worse about it than you have to, it’s sisko and garak. sisko, because he’s a good person and a bit of a martyr, might make odo feel worse, though he’s self-aware and empathetic enough not to do it as much as he could. garak, i imagine, could find the words to make odo feel more okay with what he’s done (if only because he knows that garak wouldn’t just say these things to make him feel better, though actually that’s 100% what garak is doing).
Their first kiss: hmmmmmm. can kinda see it happening near the end of ‘the die is cast’, just after they escape the trap laid by the founder, both of them very confused and not totally okay with what’s going on. but that’s not going to have been a great first kiss, so maybe… okay, a few options:a) they hang out a lot while garak’s in jail, because i don’t remember if it was ever clarified but if garak was in jail on ds9 that is potentially horrific, the holding cells we see on the show are tiny and have no privacy; hopefully a longer-term cell would be nicer but either way leaving that aside it’d mean he was spending a lot of time with odo. if he was in jail on a different station, which would prbably mke more sense, i like to think odo would still visit him pretty often, maybe even more than julian because i think odo ‘gets’ him more but relates to the lying etc less, which makes it easier for him to sympathise than julian, who empathises a lot but pretends he doesn’t and wishes that he didn’t. anyway they get really close over that time and when garak gets out they have excruciatingly awkward small talk and then a ‘uhh, hey, so… how ya feel bout… touching mouths…’ and then they smooch.b) also sad: when garak and kira realise odo’s dying just after they all leave for cardassia prime. everyone’s poly and that’s not an issue. odo is dying and that is an issue.c) they discuss odo’s awful romance/smut novels and the terrible descriptions therein, and it quicly comes up that odo’s never really kissed anyone before, so garak offers to help him get some experience, fully expecting it to be taken as a joke (as intended!), but odo’s like ‘yeah actually i do need some practice? this is one of those solid things?’ and……. the obvious fanfic ensues.d) the episodes ‘my way’ and ‘our man bashir’ mesh perfectly into one episode where they are both nerds in tuxedos who make out in an early/mid-20th century themed holosuite.
Meeting the parents: this has happened on one side already. i like to think that garak would be very very cutting to dr mora, with no reservations about how he has to be nice to odo’s ‘dad’ and not cause problems in their already fraught relationship. also probably sabotage several little things to make sure that his stay on ds9 is awful, though nothing that’d actually damage him. probably. maybe a lot of ‘accidental’ electric shocks from ‘accidental’ wiring faults, though. turnabout’s fair play.
Moving in together: odo puts his bucket in garak’s room. garak tucks several blankets and a space heater under the desk in odo’s office. DOMESTIC AS FUCK.
A crossover of my choice: oh boy. okay, let’s take some creative license here, cause this is sort of more of an au, but… white collar. odo as the dedicated  and sort of boring-seeming cop with a strong sense of justice and commitment to law & order, but who in his heart believes that people really can be redeemed, and also kind of grudgingly admires criminals like master forger & art thief garak, who is so fucking talented and creative and twisty-mindedly a genius, and who seemingly by coincidence takes care not to put anyone’s wellbeing on the line if they’re just trying to make a living and haven’t done anything to deserve it. together, they solve crimes (and drink a lot of wine).
An au of my choice: again, i have such a fondness for the white collar au i was just talking about, though i don’t think i’d really considered it in any depth before just now, other than ‘oh hey, this neal guy reminds me of garak, and if he’s garak then i guess this superficially by-the-book but secretly-a-loose-cannon cop is probably odo’. i love this au now.but because that wasn’t exactly a crossover i feel like i’ve gotta be really strict and come up with a canonverse au for this one. so, either:a) dominion!odo au, where odo rejoins the link willingly the first time he meets them back in ‘the search’, and for the rest of the series is a semi-enemy who genuinely believes the founders can impose order on chaotic and harmful forces like cardassian expansionism and prevent atrocities like those that that happened on bajor from happening again. this brings him into conflict with the regular ds9 crew, obviously, though those conflicts never come to violence because both odo and the rest of the ds9 crew realise that the other has good intentions and they don’t want to hurt each other because they’re friends. garak has no such qualms - anything that might jeopardise cardassian interests, no matter how well-intentioned (and no matter how badly-intentioned he thinks the current cardassian government might be), is fuckin’ going down. this could be a very long fic with a lot of drama where everything turns out okay, or it could be a short one where, lbr, garak fucking dies because he tried to kill an entire planet of near-invulnerable shapeshifters, again.or b) deep dish nine, the One True AU in every niner’s heart. my initial thinking is that this hypothetical fic would relate to odo being involved in an ongoing attempt to shut down a drug operation in the neighbourhood, which he did not realise that that odd but strangely easy to talk to tailor who lives in the basement was involved with. either he talks to garak (who has probs already been talking to julian about this whole Drug Problem Sitch) and convinces him to help with the sting, or he doesn’t find out until the middle of a raid or something. again, this one could end well or it could end badly. i like to think it ends well.
If you like, another trope/scenario of your choice: i mentioned it earlier but it’s canon that odo reads a lot of terrible smut (despite being probably ace, which perhaps surprisingly is not an uncommon combination, even though it’s not an intuitive one at all). and it’s semi-canon (thanks, andy) that garak is a hopeless romantic, a bisexual disaster, kind of kinky, and (full canon now) v into reading as a form of escapism. so, their breakfasts together definitely end up being a second replimat-book-club for garak, only in this one they might pretend it’s Highbrow Literature but genuinely all they discuss is like, bad housewife erotica. they know it’s garbage but they also both unironically love it. (quark overhears more than he wants to but like hell is he telling them that since breakfast time is quiet he can overhear certain frequencies if he’s near the exit of his bar - which he is, more often than he needs to be these days. he’s not suicidal enough to try blackmailing either odo or garak without a damn good reason, but having some material on them doesn’t hurt).
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