#craig roberts x reader
stardropsandrain · 1 year
Hi I'm Jaxon
I will not write, pro ships, pedophilia, necrophilia, rape/non con, explicit NSFW or real people
I only write NBMfNBM, I'm only comfortable writing that
I encourage you to please ask for exactly what you want, even if you think it's weird. I am an open book and will never judge, though I cannot promise I will write it. I especially encourage comfort spaces such as ittle space etc. I will only write little space non sexually
LOZ (BOTW, Skyward Sword, Age Of Calamity, OOT)
One Piece
One Punch Man
MCU (before phase 4)
The Arcana
Obey Me!
Kings (specifically Jack Benjamin)
Tokyo Ghoul
Dream Daddy
Stardew Valley
Possibly more, I can't remember them
Thats about all, I'll try to be very active and answer any requests! I don't know if I'll get many but if I do I'll try to get to everyone
Have a wonderful day 🖤🖤
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defectivevillain · 1 year
invisible string
pairing: robert x reader
reader’s pronouns: he/him 
cw: spoilers for robert’s route, mentions of alcoholism/unhealthy drinking, allusions to neglect
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author’s note: the title is absolutely from invisible string by taylor swift. go give it a listen! :)
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There’s been a strange amount of tension between Robert and you recently. The two of you have always had a strange sort of tension between you, but within the past few weeks, it’s been almost unbearable. You swear that Robert’s gazes are turning infinitely more focused and heated—a notion you hadn’t thought to be possible. 
Amanda has been away at college for a little over two years now. She loves the college life and, as much as you miss having her around, it’s amazing to see her flourishing at school. She even had a photography exhibit of her own work this past month—something that you flew all the way to Home Institute for the Arts to see. You're immensely proud of her; She’s grown up so fast. 
Meanwhile, you’ve been going about your life back in Maple Bay. Things are about the same as they were two years ago. Thankfully, you’re far more accustomed to the neighborhood now. You can’t help but feel grateful as you reflect back on the leap of faith that drove you to move to Maple Bay. You hardly knew anything about the area—just that the house would be great. It’s crazy to think about how many new friends you’ve made in your neighborhood and, hell, just on your cul-de-sac. 
Robert is probably the dad you’re the closest with, in your curious little group of fathers. The two of you met at Jim and Kim’s, when you’d been looking for an excuse to leave Amanda and her friends to their sleepover at your house. Your first meeting had been a little strange, but, then again, most good things are. You remember what you had thought of Robert at the time: handsome, mysterious, alluring. All of those things still apply, of course, but you’re starting to unravel the mystery of the rugged man. 
You hadn’t seen a lot of Robert after your nighttime conversation about his regrets in life, his desires to be a better person. You didn’t want to force your presence onto him when he was in such a trying time, so you forced yourself to be content with the rare, spontaneous late-night texts from him. As Robert focused on himself, you decided to get to know the other fathers a little better. Before long, you’re meeting up with Mat every week at his coffee shop, helping him test products and brainstorm ideas. Hugo, Damien, Joseph, and you start weekly book-club meetings, which are really just an excuse for Hugo to rant about his students. Brian and you will occasionally meet up and hang out (read: brag about your daughters) on weekends. Craig will drag you out of bed for a morning run sometimes. Robert never quite slips from your mind, but you’re able to distract yourself pretty well. You resist the compelling urge to send him a message on DadBook and ask after his wellbeing. He’ll be fine. 
Indeed, Robert is entirely fine. After your somewhat flimsy level of contact for a year and a half, he breaks his silence and asks you to meet him at Jim and Kim’s one night. You reply almost instantly and agree. The ensuing minutes are comprised of you throwing on a million different outfits. Nothing feels quite right. Eventually, you settle on a midnight blue sweater—Amanda’s present to you at the holidays—and jeans. Your daughter isn’t here to make fun of your panic, but you can hear her teasing you in your head regardless.  
When you walk into Jim and Kim’s, you’re unsurprised to find Robert sitting off to the side in a booth. Mary sits across from him. You head over to the table and say hello, hesitating for a moment as you stare at the booth. Where should you sit? Mary solves that problem for you, as she slides over and pats the seat next to her. You roll your eyes lightheartedly and sit down, pretending not to notice Robert’s burning gaze. 
It’s nice to talk to Robert again. Hell, it’s nice to talk to Mary too. Then again, she seems to be pretty tipsy right now. She’s swaying in her seat, a strange haze in her eyes. Robert doesn’t seem to be concerned about her. You aren’t worried either—Mary has proven countless times that she can hold her liquor. The three of you talk through the night. Mary retells the story about those infamous pot brownies she found someone making and you laugh far louder than you should. Robert’s eyes twinkle and he hides his mouth behind his hand, evidently amused. 
The three of you have another round of drinks. Mary downs her whiskey in one go, prompting you to raise your eyebrows at her. She doesn’t seem to notice your surprise, as she continues discussing something with Robert. Their conversation ends a few minutes later and, to your surprise, Mary’s gaze is now focused on you. 
There’s a strange gleam in the woman’s eyes. It almost looks hungry.  You haven't been on the receiving end of that gaze since the night you first met. Dread coils in your chest. Mary leans impossibly closer, very nearly causing you to fall out of the booth. You grip the table for support. Just as Mary’s eyes begin to gleam, she’s interrupted. 
“Mary,” Robert warns, a murderous expression on his face for reasons you can’t quite discern. Mary blinks at him and her gaze immediately sharpens. A smirk rises on her face. You don’t know what that could possibly mean, but you get the feeling that Robert knows, because he glares at her in return. 
“I see how it is,” Mary remarks lightly, not at all threatened by Robert’s pointed glare. “Slide over, hon. Time to find my next victim...” You get up obediently, allowing Mary to rise out of her seat at the booth and walk away. She sends a wave over her shoulder. You huff out a laugh upon noticing that, within these few moments, she already has some poor sap ensnared. You turn back to Robert, fully intending to crack a joke, only to notice that he’s entirely silent. It isn’t his normal type of silence—there’s a troubled expression on his face as he stares at where Mary had just been sitting. 
“Robert?” Robert promptly breaks out of his reverie. His gaze returns to you once more. It takes all your willpower not to wilt under his commanding stare. For a long moment, neither of you say anything. You move to sit down, but Robert instead slams a hand on the table and gets to his feet. 
“I’m done with this.” You don't get the chance to ask him just what that means, before he’s grabbing your wrist and yanking you to follow behind him. His grip is loose and despite your rising adrenaline, you decide to go with him anyway. Robert steers you out of Jim and Kim’s with a singleminded determination. He turns on his heel and walks into the narrow alleyway between the bar and the building next to it. Quick as lightning, Robert pushes you into the brick wall behind you. His hands are on your shoulders and he takes a deep breath, looking down to the ground for a moment. 
“Robert...” You breathe, your heart hammering in your chest. You don’t know what to say, so you keep quiet. 
“I’ve spent these past few years trying to become a better person,” Robert begins, an unreadable expression on his face. His fingers twitch as he grips your shoulders. “I made up with Val, I curbed the unhealthy drinking habits... I’ve done everything I could to become that better person that I knew I could be.” There’s a long pause of silence. Having long familiarized yourself with Robert’s aptitude for silence, you decide to let it go.
“I don’t loathe myself,” Robert remarks, his eyes flitting about your face. There’s something significant in the pause that he takes before continuing to speak. You’re suddenly brutally aware of his proximity—the musky scent of his cologne, the strange gleam in his eyes. “Not anymore.”
“Robert, that’s-” You try to say, but he cuts you off. 
“Even so, there's been something off,” Robert says, his eyebrows furrowing. “That conversation we had two years ago has been constantly running through my head.” You blink at Robert in disbelief, completely thrown by his uncharacteristic honesty. 
Admittedly, the conversation from two years ago has been weighing on your mind too. You think back to the exchanged promises under the pink petals of the cherry blossom tree in your yard. Robert asserted that he wanted to become the person you deserved. You had pulled him in for a hug and reassured him. 
“I wanted to see-” Robert says, breaking you out of your thoughts. He shakes his head for a moment. It’s clear that being this verbose is taking a toll on him. You put a hand on his shoulder for a moment and the man pinches the bridge of his nose. “-if I still have that chance.” The statement isn’t a question, but Robert raises his eyebrows at you and waits for an answer. You meet his eyes and nod. 
You’re pretty sure you understand what he’s alluding to, but you could be wrong. Robert isn’t making any movements, instead deigning to stare at you in the dimly lit alleyway. For several seconds, the two of you are entirely still. Just as you’re about to ask for clarification, Robert presses you into the wall and kisses you. His hands slip from your shoulders down to your waist and you loop your arms around his neck, earning you a satisfied noise from Robert. 
Just as soon as the kiss begins, Robert is breaking away from you. You look at him in confusion, admittedly feeling a bit of whiplash. The man doesn’t let you stew in your confusion for very long, however, as his head falls and he nips at your collarbone. You let out a strangled breath and tangle your fingers in his hair. 
This exchange is giving you deja vu. You remember your night at Robert’s two years ago, the devastated look in his eyes even as he ran his hands up your skin. There’s no trace of that misery or grief in his expression now. Robert seems more confident now. He had been confident before, but this time, it seems different. He seems more assured of himself. 
Before long, your lips meet again and you smile. 
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gothicwidowsworld · 5 years
Craig Roberts #1
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Appearing on the CBBC show 'Young Dracula' as a child and playing Robins love interest. Staying friends with Craig long after the end of the show. When Craig moves to America to be in movies calling you when he's home sick. Trying to convince himself that he just misses talking to someone who sounds like home even if it's just you hear you say "Lush" or something as basic as that.
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malexmalereader · 4 years
Oo i see you have requests open for dream daddy 👀 and i see you like angst. May I request Headcanons about Craig (and Hugo and Robert if you want) with their male s/o (dadsona), who's maybe having an extremely hard time now that Amanda is away? Like he's always dealt with depression and very dark thoughts, but he'd always distract himself by working and taking care of Amanda. And now that she's not there he's working himself half to death or something? (Class got me messed up tbh). Thank you ☺️
A/N: I'm,,,,so sorry this took so long, hope it's alright
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You were no stranger to depression. It was an issue deep engrained in your life since who-knows how long, and the dark thoughts had always taken a toll on you. 
But for the past 18 years you had the perfect, fulfilling and rewarding distraction: caring for your daughter Amanda.
 And now, after letting her go to college and just almost not crying while dropping her off at the airport, you weren't sure what to do with yourself.
The thoughts in your head were getting harder to ignore and so you did the one thing you knew: Distract yourself.
You drowned yourself in work. And if there was no work, you'd create it for yourself.
From voluntarily working overtime to fixing things in the house that didn't even need fixing - you drowned everything out and kept yourself busy. 
But maybe not in the most healthy way: maybe a little sleep deprived (because how were you supposed to sleep in a house this empty?), a little dehydrated and a bit frantic when you weren't doing anything, but it's not like it's too much too handle right?
Craig knows you. And he has known you for a WHILE
So when his bro, his dude, his buddy,
And boyfriend
Gets so distant after Amanda moves away
He's quick to notice that you're not doing well
He knows about your problems, and knows how you were in college
And he's not too fond of the distractions you've made for yourself
So you bet your ass that this guy encourages you to spend time with him
He'll take you to the park with the kids
Invites you over for dinner
Checks up on you and encourages you to reach out to him if you need something
Because if you need a distraction, he'll at least make sure it's a healthy one
A little confused at first
You're not...reaching out to him? At all?
Isn't this supposed to be the...other way around?
Are you playing hard to get?
Are you mad at him?
Needless to say Robert overthinks the whole thing
Until one night when he passes your house and sees…
All lights still turned on? At 3 in the morning?
And he pulls himself together and rings the doorbell
And, to his surprise, you open the door!
But you look unusually disheveled
Even for 3am
And when Roberts asks if you're good
Your three am mind decides to spill your guts
Robert doesn't ask much more, but from then on he starts texting first
Asking to hang out and whatnot
Takes you to the lookout even in the afternoon and not only in the dead of night
And generally makes an effort to look after you
In more or less subtle ways
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yanderefantasies · 4 years
so i am a piscine and a whore, :pensive: pick the ddadds of your choice and pray kind stranger lay upon me your headcanons for them discovering that their neighbor is, in fact, a merman
I- I mean same I’m a whore too but- damn okay.
I’m gonna go with Mat, Damien, Robert, and Craig for this! Thanksss❤️❤️❤️
(Also I hope it’s okay that I used this gif for these hcs! If not, please message me so I can change it;;
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Yandere Ddadds dads hcs/reaction to finding out their darling is a merman:
☕️Mat Sella:
• Mat would be mostly worried if anything. He wants to make sure that you aren’t pushing yourself too much, finding out how long you can stay out of water for, etc. At the moment of finding out, he doesn’t care much for an explanation, his first instinct is to just help you and make sure you’re alright
• Of course, afterwards he’d be asking questions, definitely confused about the whole thing but fascinated overall, you’re still his darling anyways, it’s not like being a merman is gonna change his view on you. If anything, it’ll remind him just how beautiful you are!
🦇Damien Bloodmarch:
• Damien is scared. Legitimately scared for your safety. It’s gonna be a whole lotta “is that real?? Are you real?? What’s happening?” Probably an existential crisis or two as well. The usual. He’d switch up pretty fast though and just study you instead
• a pretty tail? Count him in. He’s already considered a vampire by everyone else, why not have another mythical being in his family? You being a merman is basically just a small bonus. Plus he’d have something to stare at all day as well.
🚬Robert Small:
• Definitely thought you were a cryptic at first. He even asked if you were. Which, technically you aren’t- but he didn’t accept that answer. Other than some initial shock, he’s much more on the observant side
He doesn’t bother you all too much(apart from a shitload of questions about your anatomy and how that shit works) and instead kinda lets you do your own thing. He also absolutely thinks your tail is beautiful, he’d never admit that out loud though.
🏅Craig Cahn:
• You’ve known eachother since collage and didn’t even think to tell him? That’s a low blow bro. He thinks it’s cool anyways though. Definitely more focused on how the hell you even exist
Asks you if he can show his kids, but decides against it since they might freak out. At first he basically acts like a child though, asking endless amounts of questions, poking and prodding at your tail, etc. he just thinks you’re even cooler now bro T~T
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qtipcottonbuds · 3 years
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to be continued
to be continued
to be continued
to be continued
to be continued
to be continued
to be continued
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multi-lia · 5 years
If it's not too much trouble, could I request date night headcanons with the lovely Mr. Damien Bloodmarch?
You wouldn’t believe how much I slept on Damien’s character when DDADDS first came out, but now I’m giving him the appreciation he needs!
Gender Neutral
Date Night HC w/Damien Bloodmarch
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~ I mean have you seen Damien’s dadbook profile
~“It's night. We are at an industrial darkwave club in Berlin. The music drums to the beat of our hearts.”
~But seriously, he actually doesn’t mind a more simple date night with you
~If you don’t currently live with him, then he loves to invite you over to his house for a date night
~In this case, you could have it in variety of places within his home (I mean have you seen his house)
~Damien prefers to have dates in his library
~His library brings both of you comfort. He loves to hold you and read your favorite book to you.
~If you do it for him, he’ll lay his head in your lap and purr if play with his hair
~Just play with his hair, it feels so good for him and it makes him feel great to be complimented on his hair
~“Damien, you must tell me your secrets, how do you make it shine like this? And it’s so incredibly smooth...”
~“I’d have to kill you if I were to tell you the secrets of my hair.”
~“Death is nothing to fear, if I can go to my grave having soft, silky hair like yours.”
~“You got me there.”
~He also likes dates in his garden if the weather is a little warmer
~Sipping on some tea and listening to slow music
~You’re going to find yourself dancing with Damien, his arm draped around your lower waist with your body pressed against his.
~Surprisingly really good at the waltz and swing dancing
~If you’re not too good at it, he’ll be happy to assist you in getting better at it
~“You’re footwork is... not very desirable, but that’s why I’m here to help.”
~“Way to ruin the moment, Damien.”
~“My love, I’m only being honest. If it makes you feel better your spin turns are beautifully graceful.”
~Also, you will make flower crowns for each other which brings another opportunity to play in his hair
~He loves his hair being braided, add in some flowers, and you got yourself a formula for the cutest goth dad you’ve ever seen
~Damien also thinks you look rather dashing with a flower crown
~“You look breathtaking, My Dear y/n.”
~On the chance that you do live with Damien, you’ll both probably want to get out
~Not saying that dates in the house are offlimits now, but he’s more likely wanting to take you out
~Damien will take you out to the fanciest restaurant he can find that still serves... “meals”
~I’m not sure if y’all have ever been to a fancy ass restaurant, but I swear some of them have very tiny portions of food like... what am I supposed to do with this ?
~Don’t even bother looking at the check, he will not allow you to pay for the meal. Ever.
~You may be able to tip, but he doesn’t really want you to pay for a thing.
~For him this was something that he’s doing for you to show how special you are to him.
~If it really does bother you, he’ll allow you to go half with him, but that’s it
~After a date, Damien loves to take long strolls through the town and hopefully to the cemetery
~It makes sense if you’re a little hesitant at first to walk through a cemetery, but he’ll assure you you’ll be fine
~He’ll hold onto your hand if that makes you feel any better
~It ends up being more romantic than you might’ve thought so
~If you get cold he’ll wrap his cape cloak around you and make sure to hold onto you a little tighter to ensure that you stay warm
~Damien loves making poems for you and reading them to you during these late night strolls
~“My dearest of love, you are to me what peanut butter is to jelly.”
~I didn’t say the poems were good btw...
~But they still make you smile no matter how cheesy they can be
~That’s really all Damien cares about, is making sure you’re the happiest you could ever be with him
~Last but not least, ending the night with a deep, passionate kiss
~Possibly it could lead to more exciting adventures in the bedroom, but that’s to be told another time...
That’s all I have folks
I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you for the request. I feel like I’m not the best at writing Damien, but I still hope this was satisfactory.
Requests are open ✨🌈
~Lia’s Work
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wandas-wife · 2 years
The secret
Christian Yelich x female reader.
Warnings: Smut, P in V sex, Oral (m receiving), degrading , choking, blink and you’ll miss it.
So I went to practice on a cloudy Tuesday morning, I was already about 15 minutes late. When I got into the locker room Cristian and Andrew were there finishing up, I guess they were a bit late too.
“Wow Y/N thought you were skipping practice!” Christian said sarcastically. “Haha very funny. There was a lot of traffic.” I said dismissively. I quickly got dressed in my baseball uniform and out of the corner of my eye I saw Christians eyes roaming over my body, Andrew nudged him and raised his eyebrows suggestively. Christian just rolled his eyes at him.
During practice we had to run laps and I was just running next to Hunter. After about 4 miles Craig called us and told us to start playing, and split us into teams.
Me and Christian were on opposite teams and throughout the practice he kept giving me a stupid smug look when he got a team run, or I got a foul. It was stupid. Jokes on him though we won about 4-2.
—- 3 hours later—
I had just gotten home from practice and showered, as I was getting out I heard a knock on my door. I quickly yelled “One second!” and ran downstairs.
As I opened the door I saw it was Christian. I was starting to ask what he was doing there but he quickly grabbed me by the waist and kissed me.
I was confused for a second but kissed him back shortly after. He was trying to be dominant but no way in hell I was going to let that happen. I started guiding him to the could, laid him down and straddled him.
He noticed what I was thinking and gulped out “Wait are you sure?” Instead of answering I moved to the edge of the couch and started sliding down his sweatpants, I looked at him to make sure he didn’t look uncomfortable but instead I saw pure lust in them.
As the sweatpants came down started tracing my finger on his dark green boxers. He groaned out
“Please Y/N don’t tease me.“ I chuckled and pulled down his boxers as well.
When I looked back down I saw his penis was rock hard, I wasted no time in putting it in my mouth and giving him a blowjob. He however didn’t notice how i was slowly removing articles of my clothing and at this point I was naked since he kept moaning out things like “ Good girl” and “Yeah that feels nice you little slut”
I slowly removed my mouth right before he was about to ejaculate. He whimpered in response. I chucked before placing my vagina above his dick then slamming down.
I moaned softly at the feeling at first then cock-warmed him until he was a moaning mess. “Come on baby please fuck me please!” He almost screamed out in despair.
I decided to start moving when I felt his hands on my ass making me ride him faster, and deeper. “Don’t fucking tease me you little bitch” He muttered out at me.
Every ounce of me that wanted to be dominant was going out the window. Now I was the moaning mess.
Eventually I was about to come and I could tell he was too so I exclaimed “Fuck Fuck Fuck I’m going to come.” He softly grabbed my throat and said “Me too.”
We then climaxed around the same time. It was literally the best orgasm of my life. He then asked softly “Was that okay.” I smiled and said “More than okay.”
After that we continued a secret friends with benefits ordeal since in the contract it was stated we were not allowed to date. That was until about 7 months later Christian’s lawyer, Robert was able to find a loophole, because we technically were able to go 7 months without it damaging our playing (in fact it helped) we could present that as evidence that we could date.
When we told Craig he didn’t care and said he knew the whole time.
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✨Tam's Masterlist✨
This is a strictly 18+ blog! - Minors Do Not Interact! -
Please be aware of the fact that I vastly indulge in writing dark!smut that's stuffed to the brim with various kinks, drug issues and violence at times. Browse this blog with care if any of that upsets you!
I have nothing against a good heap of heartwarming, fuzzy fluff from time to time, but when it comes to fanfiction I like to go crazy, because it's fiction.
With that in mind, I'd also like to point out that I do NOT support any kind of the dark themes, that I'm tackling, in real life just because I write about them. So please, please refrain yourself from coming at me. If my writing is not up your alley that's perfectly fine and I'll suggest you just move on.
- My stories/fanfics will NEVER contain any form of animal cruelty or inappropriate interactions with minors -
On that notion, here's what I won't write about:
- Snuff Porn, Necrophilia, Incest -
If you want to join in on the Taglist feel free to drop me a message or ask!
Messages, asks and prompts are always welcome! But please be considerate and polite! 🖤
Character written for so far:
Animal Kingdom:
Craig Cody
Deran Cody
Berry "Baz" Cody
James Buchanan Barnes/TWS
Loki Laufeyson
The Moon Knight Boys
Robert Pronge aka Mr. Freezy - The Iceman
Jax Teller - Sons of Anarchy
Sheriff Lee Bodecker - TDATT
Duke Leto Atreides - Dune (2021)
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Jack Thurlow - Jack Goes Home
Kappa - Black Mirror 6
Roman Roy - Succession
Samuel Lafferty - Under The Banner Of Heaven
Elijah Kamski - Detroit: Become Human
Simon Walker - Hollyoaks
Edward "Ned" Low - Black Sails
Animal Kingdom:
Abandoned Until Further Notice
Behind The Fence - Female!OFC x Craig Cody [A lot of smut, Kinky issues, some violence, 18+!] (aka my Animal Kingdom thirst party 😏)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 / Part 3.2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 / Part 7.2 / Part 7.3
Part 8 / Part 8.2
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12 / Part 12.2
Part 13
Animal Kingdom Off-Story One-Shots:
One - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
A Little Reward - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
The Two Of You - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Numb - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Please Don't Say That You Love Me - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Forbidden Thoughts - Female!OFC × Craig Cody
In Waves - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Smoke On The Water- Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Moonlight - Female!OFC x Baz Blackwell / Michael Corvin (totally lost my chill)
Viking - Craig Cody x fem!Reader (Smut 18+, Shower Sex)
Nomis - Night Hunter:
Abandoned Until Further Notice
Cinnamon | A Night Hunter Story - Walter Marshall × Fran Carters (OFC) [ Angst, Fluff, Trauma Talk... you get the overall mood ]
Chapter 1 - Denial
Chapter 2 - Anger
Walter Marshall One-Shots:
The Sweater Thief - Walter Marshall x Reader [ fluffy Walter Marshall HC ]
Drunk Decisions - Walter Marshall x Reader [fluffy Walter Marshall HC]
Stairway To Heaven - Walter Marshall × Reader [loss of a pet, angst, hurt/comfort]
August Walker:
A Little Nap - Daddy!August x Reader [fluff]
One Of Those Days - Daddy!August x Reader [angsty fluff]
Spill The Drink - Daddy!August × Reader [mental illness, comforting daddy talk]
They Won't Know - August Walker × Reader [soft!smut, HC no one ever asked for]
A Love Letter From August x August Walker × Reader [Me sending in a fun ask]
Listen And Obey - Daddy!August x Reader [dirty, dirty smut (18+!), denial, male dom]
Not Enough - Daddy!August x little!Reader [angsty drabble, DDlg themed]
Not Enough Pt. 2 - Daddy!August × little!Reader [a bit angsty, August being August, tho]
Whole Lotta Love - August x Reader [Reader is having a little fun on a mission]
Geralt of Rivia:
The Monster They Wanted Him To Be - feral!Geralt x Reader [implied NonCon, primal hunter/prey, 18+!]
Steve Rogers:
Movie Night - Steve Rogers x Reader [SMUT, Daddy Kink, 18+!]
Movie Night II - Steve Rogers x Reader [More SmUt, More Daddy Kink, 18+!]
Paint It Red - nomad!Steve x Reader [Dark!, 18+!, blood play, self harm issues]
My Bucky List:
He Even Came With Instructions- The Winter Soldier x Dark!Female!Mob!Reader [Dark!Smut, DubCon/NonCon, FemDom]
Sleepless - Bucky Barnes × Reader [Smut, somnophilia, thigh riding, 18+!]
The Thing With Cats And Water - Bratty!Bucky Barnes x Reader [ Smutty Fluff 18+!, a bit of Mommy Kink, implied further smut ]
Lock And Key - sub!Bucky x dom!Reader [BDSM Fluff, 18!+]
Atonement - sub!Bucky x dom!Reader (Smut 18+!, spit kink, implied further smut)
Can't Run, Can't Hide - stalker!Bucky x Reader [gets gradually darker, 18+!]
Sleaze Dog - Rockstar!Bucky × Reader [18!+, alcohol abuse, angst]
Hold Me Close - sub!Bucky × dom!Reader [a lot of angst, non-sexual BDSM, choking]
His Asset:
His Asset- Dark!Winter Soldier x Fem!Reader [very dark smut, 18+!, a fic straight out of hell]
His Asset Part 2 - Dark!Winter Soldier x Fem!Reader [it's getting even darker, 18+!, force-feeding, very dark thoughts]
Moon Knight:
The Vegan In A Steakhouse - sub!Steven Grant × fem!Reader [public smut 18+!, gentle femdom, Steve being the puppy that he is]
Blood In The Sand - Marc Spector x mercenary!fem!Reader [desert porn 18+!, oral, mutual touching]
Te Amo- Jake Lockley × Sex Worker!Fem!Reader [implied smut 18+!, very angsty]
A Night At The Museum - Steven Grant x fem!Reader [teeth-rotting fluff]
Once Upon A December × Marc Spector / Steven Grant × fem!Reader [18+!, major hurt/comfort, angsty af]
Tears Of Love - Steven Grant × fem!Reader [just some comforting fluff]
The Wrath Of Set - Jake Lockley × fem!Reader [pitch black smut, 18+!, knife play]
Sheriff Lee Bodecker:
White Cotton - Daddy!Lee x Little!Reader [DDlg Smut 18+!, Daddy Kink, Oral, Pillow Riding]
Loki Laufeyson:
Fimbulvetr - Loki x Fem!Reader [substance abuse, self harm, 18+!]
Robert Pronge aka Mr. Freezy
Dirty Thoughts - Mr. Freezy x Reader [Filth, foul language, 18+!]
Sons of Anarchy:
Over And Over - Jax Teller x Reader [angsty, 18+!, pillow talk]
Odi Et Amo - Jacques LeGris x fem!Rader
What We Do In The Shadows Headcanon
WWDITS!Show-Characters x Reader [Just a conversation getting out of hand]
Blood, Sugar and Spice - Duke Leto Atreides x fem!Reader [A big pile of smut 18+!, period sex, oral, feral Duke Leto]
Stranger Things
Master Of Puppets - bestfriend!Eddie Munson x fem!Reader (Friends To Lovers, Romantic Porn With Plot 18+!)
The Bear
Heard, Chef! - Carmen Berzatto × fem!Reader (jealous smut, 18+!, a bit angsty)
The Cage - Roman Roy x fem!Reader (Puppy Play, Straight Filth, Mommy Kink, 18+!)
Insomnia - Roman Roy x fem!Reader (Soft Smut, Nipple Play, 18+!)
Detroit: Become Human
Golden Cage - Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader (PWP 18+!, Emotional Abuse, Mind Games)
Sunlight - Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader (PWP, 18+!, Soft, Oral, Edging)
Ctrl + Shift + L - Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader (Smut 18+!, Online Stalking, Obsessive Behaviour)
Watch Me, Touch Me - Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader (Smut 18+!, Voyeurism, Overstimulation)
Resident Evil: Village:
Call Me When You're Sober - Simon Walker x afab!Reader (Smut, Angst Gallore, 18+!)
fragile, but not like a flower. - Simon Walker x afab!Reader (Dead Dove 18+!, Heavy BDSM play)
Hangover Cure - Karl Heisenberg x afab!Reader (Intoxication Kink, Daddy Kink, 18+!)
I Am Machine - Karl Heisenberg x afab!Reader (Piercing Play, Angst, Smut, 18+!)
Olive - Karl Heisenberg x afab!Reader (Smut 18+!, Blowjob, Dom/Sub, Aftercare)
Black Sails:
The Candlemaker - Edward "Ned" Low x afab!Reader (Dead Dove 18+!)
Rory Culkin Characters:
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Requests are closed ♡
Main blog: @goat-monarch
My kofi: goat-monarch
A03: TheKingOfGoats
I will never write Real Person Fiction (real life actor x reader) only write his characters
I will only be doing male or gender netural reader x male character. I do not do female reader. Do not ask for anything Taylor swift related!!!
Here are the rules & masterlist also My SFW fics. Now my taglist
The characters I will be writing for are:
Pedro pascal characters
1: Din djarin / mando
2: Max Phillips
3: Maxwell lord
4: Oberyn Martell
5: Ezra
6: Shane "dio" Morrissey
7: Jack Daniels / Agent Whiskey
8: Javier Pena
9: Marcus pike
10: Marcus Moreno
11: Dave York
12: Zach Welllison
13: Frankie "catfish" morales (don't write for him anymore, sorry :/)
14: Eddie
15: Pero Tovar
16: Dieter Bravo
17: Joel Miller
18: Tim Rockford
Rdr2 male characters
1: Arthur Morgan
2: Sean Mcguire
3: Kieran Duffy
4: Hosea Matthew's (angst or fluff, no smut)
5: Charles Smith
6: Lenny Summers
7: Bill Williamson
8: Micah Bell
9: Javier Esculla
10: Josiah Trelawny
11: Leigh Grey
12: Albert Mason
Death stranding
1: Sam Porter Bridges
2: Heartman
Dream Daddy
1: Robert Small
2: Hugo Vega
3: Damien Bloodmarch
4: Brian Harding
5: Mat Stella
6: Craig Cahn
7: Joesph Christinsen
Moon Knight
1: Steven Grant
2: Marc Spector
3: Khonshu
Star wars
1: Poe Dameron
2: Cassian Andor
3: Cobb Vanth
The Boys
1: Homelander
When doing headcannons I will only be doing 4 characters.
Thank you for reading and enjoying my work!!!
@lucrezia-thoughts @thewayofthemandalorian @absurdthirst @f0rever15elf @tintinwrites
(Note for self, todo in tags)
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Hc on Dream Daddy, top three Dads of your choice with fem!reader as their neighbors?
Neighbor Dear 1 (Headcanons) Robert Small (Dream Daddy) X Neighbor Reader
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with another update and this is an older one, from tumblr for dream Daddy and sadly it will have to be a three parter, so bare with me, here is the request first.
Anonymous said:
Hc on Dream Daddy, top three Dads of your choice with fem!reader as their neighbors?
See what I mean to be fair headcanons to the three daddies I have to do this in one for each. I know which dad's it will be
First up will be Robert and we will see where we go from there. Please Enjoy!
-Headcanons With (Dream Daddy) Robert Small X Female Neighbor)
.Robert had strange hours, he slept most of the day away and lived the night life.
.So it was only by a stroke of luck that he met you during the day.
.And meet you did he..
.You were a stunning woman struggling to move a couch into your home right next door to him.
.He came over to help because he had nothing better to do.
.That is when his eyes met yours, and he was trapped.
.You were his everything.
.He slowly started to get up more in the day just to see you get your mail, or to make small talk.
.He loved it when you laughed and smiled it made him feel so warm.
.When he finally asked you on a date, he was nervous, he was making you a meal and made sure the house was spotless.
.When you came over he fell more for you, you were this stunning woman and he needed you.
.The date went well and you even kissed him sealing your fate to Robert.
.He starts to stalk you and watch you as you sleep, breaking into your house, sleeping in your bed, stealing your panties.
.He is one to have a shrine of you and your stuff.
.Once he does tell you he loves you he has his hooks into you.
.But if you do not say yes to being his, well he will have to persuade you and he would be one to kidnap you.
.Holding you in a basement he remodel so he could keep you safe until you learned to love him and him alone.
.Now if you said yes it would ease his stalker tendencies, because now you were his but he still be possessive, protective, and easily jealous.
.Rovert is naturally possessive and easily jealous.
.You will find yourself in his leather jacket a lot, and his sweaters and hoodies.
.You will also find out that he tends to keep a arm around your waist in public.
.Be ready for hot sex anytime any other male even looks at you.
.He wil mark you with bite marks to show you are his.
.But he will never physically harm you to cause pain.
.Rough sex and marking and after care is a must with him.
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gothicwidowsworld · 5 years
Trevor #1
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Going with your sister Dot to Denver and catching a ride with Ben and Trevor. Falling for the sarcastic boy but thinking he's only interested in Dot. Being just as awkward as the teen but slowly letting go and enjoy the road trip. Being shocked when Trevor asks you on a date and of course saying yes.
Gif Source
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centrumlumina · 5 years
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After a year away, I can now present the 2019 AO3 Ship Stats Top 100!
This list shows the 100 pairing tags with the most fanfics posted on Archive Of Our Own as of July 24 2019. There are 69 M/M pairings, 19 F/M, 3 F/F, 5 Gen and 4 Other. (Please note that on AO3, ‘Name & Name’ indicates platonic or familial ‘Gen’ relationships, while ‘Name/Name’ is used for romantic and sexual pairings.)
Of the 200 names on the list, 25 belong to women and 4 to characters of indeterminate gender, compared to 28 and 3 respectively in the 2017 list. There are 46 POC and 8 racially ambiguous characters, compared with 41 and 10 last year.
For more information on this project, please see the FAQ post. You might also want to check out the Top 100 pairings of 2017-2019 or the Top 100 Femslash Pairings. This stats series is also available on AO3.
A text-only version of the list is given below the cut.
Rank Change Pairing Fandom Works Type Race 1 0 Castiel/Dean Winchester Supernatural 79650 M/M White 2 0 Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Sherlock (TV) 59436 M/M White 3 0 Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Teen Wolf (TV) 56021 M/M White 4 1 James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Captain America (Movies) 43515 M/M White 5 2 Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling 33110 M/M White 6 -2 Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson One Direction (Band) 32449 M/M White 7 1 Steve Rogers/Tony Stark The Avengers (Marvel Movies) 30700 M/M White 8 9 Keith/Lance (Voltron) Voltron: Legendary Defender 27848 M/M Amb/POC 9 -3 Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester Supernatural 26287 M/M White 10 2 Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) 22515 M/M Whi/POC 11 11 Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Shadowhunters (TV) 21224 M/M Whi/POC 12 -3 Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Merlin (TV) 21068 M/M White 13 33 Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V Bangtan Boys | BTS 18118 M/M POC 14 27 Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin Bangtan Boys | BTS 16849 M/M POC 15 -5 Sherlock Holmes & John Watson Sherlock (TV) 16630 Gen White 16 5 Dan Howell/Phil Lester Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF) 15554 M/M White 17 -6 Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Glee 15245 M/M Whi/POC 18 -3 Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter Hannibal (TV) 15214 M/M White 19 0 Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling 14755 M/M White 20 35 Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Miraculous Ladybug 14477 F/M Whi/POC 21 18 Pepper Potts/Tony Stark The Avengers (Marvel Movies) 13847 F/M White 22 -9 Levi/Eren Yeager Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan 13567 M/M White 23 41 Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin Bangtan Boys | BTS 13558 M/M POC 24 -10 Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) 13418 M/M White 25 40 Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin Bangtan Boys | BTS 13306 M/M POC 26 -6 Gabriel/Sam Winchester Supernatural 12661 M/M White 27 -11 Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki Supernatural RPF 12647 M/M White 28 9 Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Star Wars Sequel Trilogy 12275 M/M White 29 N Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Star Wars Sequel Trilogy 12260 F/M White 30 N Keith/Shiro (Voltron) Voltron: Legendary Defender 12182 M/M Amb/POC 31 16 Loki/Thor Thor (Movies) 11533 M/M White 32 -7 Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak Arrow (TV 2012) 11497 F/M White 33 0 Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin The 100 (TV) 11448 F/M Whi/POC 34 -16 Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Stargate Atlantis 11406 M/M White 35 -8 Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Once Upon a Time (TV) 11388 F/F Whi/POC 36 -5 Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams Hawaii Five-0 (2010) 10901 M/M White 37 -11 James T. Kirk/Spock Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) 10895 M/M White 38 -6 Clarke Griffin/Lexa The 100 (TV) 10839 F/F White 39 -15 Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov The Avengers (Marvel Movies) 10810 F/M White 40 N Peter Parker & Tony Stark Marvel Cinematic Universe 10639 Gen White 41 -13 Harry Potter/Severus Snape Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling 10513 M/M White 42 53 Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga Bangtan Boys | BTS 10433 M/M POC 43 -20 Clint Barton/Phil Coulson The Avengers (Marvel Movies) 10413 M/M White 44 -15 Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich Shameless (US) 10131 M/M White 45 -15 Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Misérables) Les Misérables - All Media Types 9960 M/M White 46 N Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia 9855 M/M POC 47 -11 Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan Once Upon a Time (TV) 9763 F/M White 48 2 Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling 9574 F/M Whi/Amb 49 -7 Mycroft Holmes/Lestrade Sherlock (TV) 9561 M/M White 50 48 Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Supergirl (TV 2015) 9458 F/F White 51 -16 Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield The Hobbit - All Media Types 9374 M/M White 52 N Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia 9309 M/M POC 53 N Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia 9116 M/M POC 54 7 Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler Doctor Who (2005) 9081 F/M White 55 -17 Frank Iero/Gerard Way My Chemical Romance 9000 M/M White 56 -22 Zayn Malik/Liam Payne One Direction (Band) 8906 M/M Whi/POC 57 -13 Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru Haikyuu!! 8902 M/M POC 58 -18 Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones Torchwood 8779 M/M White 59 N Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett 8737 M/M White 60 -3 Loki/Tony Stark The Avengers (Marvel Movies) 8520 M/M White 61 -9 Castiel & Dean Winchester Supernatural 8339 Gen White 62 -13 Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper Sherlock (TV) 8301 F/M White 63 -20 Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Once Upon a Time (TV) 8280 F/M White 64 2 James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers Captain America (Movies) 8088 Gen White 65 5 James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling 8029 F/M White 66 -12 Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Haikyuu!! 7891 M/M POC 67 -14 Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford Dragon Age: Inquisition 7694 Other Whi/Amb 68 17 Fox Mulder/Dana Scully The X-Files 7604 F/M White 69 4 Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling 7596 F/M Whi/Amb 70 18 Dean Winchester/You Supernatural 7457 Other Whi/Amb 71 N Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga Bangtan Boys | BTS 7452 M/M POC 72 -5 Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling 7441 F/M White 73 N Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin Bangtan Boys | BTS 7401 M/M POC 74 -29 Allison Argent/Scott McCall Teen Wolf (TV) 7393 F/M Whi/POC 75 -27 James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) 7334 M/M White 76 -13 Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester Supernatural 7305 Gen White 77 -26 Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg The Sentinel (TV) 7152 M/M White 78 -20 Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph Twenty One Pilots 7085 M/M Whi/POC 79 -23 Arthur/Eames (Inception) Inception (2010) 7002 M/M White 80 16 Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) 6351 M/M Whi/POC 81 -19 James Bond/Q James Bond (Craig movies) 6307 M/M White 82 -13 Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) 6234 F/M White 83 N James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader Marvel Cinematic Universe 6201 Other Whi/Amb 84 16 Peter Parker/Wade Wilson Spider-Man - All Media Types 6170 M/M White 85 7 Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski Teen Wolf (TV) 6110 M/M White 86 4 Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto Naruto 6104 M/M POC 87 -28 Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan 6024 M/M White 88 -28 Clark Kent/Lex Luthor Smallville 6015 M/M White 89 N James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark Marvel Cinematic Universe 5947 M/M White 90 -12 Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens Hamilton – Miranda 5889 M/M POC 91 N Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada Overwatch (Video Game) 5831 M/M Whi/POC 92 -20 Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz Fall Out Boy 5750 M/M Whi/POC 93 N Jon Snow/Sansa Stark Game of Thrones (TV) 5736 F/M White 94 N Brian Kinney/Justin Taylor (Queer as Folk) Queer as Folk (US) 5638 M/M White 95 N Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga Bangtan Boys | BTS 5546 M/M POC 96 N Aaron Dingle/Robert Sugden Emmerdale 5471 M/M White 97 -29 Mary Morstan/John Watson Sherlock (TV) 5470 F/M White 98 -5 Poe Dameron/Finn Star Wars Sequel Trilogy 5436 M/M POC 99 -22 Inquisitor/Solas (Dragon Age) Dragon Age: Inquisition 5428 Other Whi/Amb 100 -13 America/England (Hetalia) Hetalia: Axis Powers 5301 M/M White
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yanderefantasies · 4 years
'M half baked here n wanna asked sum dream daddy hc of a fem obsetions? How and what are their personality?
Imma just say it now, I had to rewrite this 3 times so I’m not gonna lie, these might’ve turned out a little shitty. Sorry dude.
On the other hand, I’ll still be making the reader a male. Mostly because in game you play as a DAD that dates other DADS. Also, y’know, I wanna write mlm stuff too.
I have not written Damien any hcs on this since I already made them, so I’ll be skipping him in these. If you want to find his hcs just scroll down my blog a bit and you’ll find them.
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Craig Cahn:
Craig holds the ‘best friend’ card over everyone. He uses the fact that he’s known you longer than everyone else against them. Craig knows you trust him, which is why he can hide his yandere tendencies better than everyone else.
He invites you to outings with him(though it’s more like a date in his eyes), he can gain your attention and affection easier, all because you put your trust in him the most. Craig will eventually start to initiate more intimate gestures, starting off with small things like having an arm around your shoulders, keeping a hand on your waist, to randomly holding your hand while you’re walking with him.
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Mat Sella:
Mat is probably one of the dads that’s not good at hiding his intentions. His yandere tendencies are a bit more obvious than the other dads. But thankfully he knows when to appear more laidback, and chill. He’ll find a way to calm down his yandere side by sticking beside you whenever he can. Anytime you’re at a barbecue with the other dads, Mat will stay beside you the whole time.
If you ever go on your first date with him, he’ll try to learn as much about you as he can. The majority of the date will be making sure you’re having fun and everything, but also him asking subtle things to try and learn your interests.
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Brian Harding:
Brian is a very hard yandere to pin. On one hand, he doesn’t show his yandere traits much, but on the other hand, in private, he’s a huuuge protective. Wich is odd since protectives are very obvious.
Besides that, Brian is the type to show off to get your attention. He wouldn’t start one-upping you, but rather the other dads instead. He’ll make them look bad, like they aren’t as good as he is for you. He won’t say it outright, but he wants to show off all of his accomplishments so he can show you how much of a good husband and second dad to Amanda he’ll be. He’s already such a great dad! And Brian likes to show that off to you.
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Robert Small:
Robert is the most obvious out of all the dads. His protective and possessive traits are rather loud with him. Robert uses his intimidation against others, knowing what to do and say to get people to back off from you. He proposes himself almost as a guard for you. He wants to keep you protected, whether you really want him to do it or not.
Robert is also a very hands on type of guy. Rather than words, he’ll use action to get on your good side, and convince you to be with him instead. Not by threatening or hurting you(gods no, none of the dads would want to harm you.) but simply by working his way into your pants.
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Hugo Vega:
Hugo is more of a manipulator, like Joseph. I mean, what do you expect? Hugo’s a teacher. Either way, Hugo would use sweet words to get on your side. And plant ideas into your head. He’ll convince you that everyone around you isn’t trustworthy, and that they’ll hurt you if he isn’t with you. You can’t trust anyone but him, he’ll say. Your friends will slowly start leaving you, people will begin to avoid you. All because of Hugo.
Soon, it’ll come to the point of you losing your trust in your family. The only person you could turn to is Hugo. And he’ll be waiting for you with open arms and a smile.
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Joseph Christiansen:
Joseph uses his position and power over you. Like Hugo, he’s also the manipulative type of yandere. He’s a pastor for Christs sake! How could you not trust him? Not only that, but he also knows that he’s a good father on the outside.
He’s the type to use his kids to get on your good side. He’ll use them to convince you to be with Joseph, how you all will finally make the perfect family. With you as their second dad, and Amanda as their older sister! It’s perfect, really. Why would you even think to turn down Joseph? He’s got everything, and he can get you anything you wanted, it was perfect.
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marvelhero-fics · 5 years
Silent Britain
Series - Chapter Two
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You and Tom are working as love interests in a new Scorsese film, essentially leading to be love interests in real life
A/N: I’m sorry this chapter took a little longer to come out! I’ve just been so busy recently and I really wanted to go through and edit it before it was published. Thank you for all waiting patiently and being so supportive of the last two chapters. I hope you’re all enjoying it so far!!
The italics in this story are the readers thoughts!
Word Count: 4,000
Silent Britain Masterlist || Full Masterlist
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Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad.
The illusion of time had once again slipped through your fingers. Without any vivid consciousness, you’d made it back to your hotel and stood in front of the giant wall mirror. Your hair fell in loose curls down your shoulder that you’d only done moments ago, framing your face that held a ‘natural’ make-up look, that contained far too much make-up to be considered natural. The only clothes currently covering your figure were your underwear and bra, as you thought over what to wear. The letter addressed to everyone had said the event was semi-formal. Whatever that meant.
After trying on almost everything you’d brought with you, you landed on a small black number. It was a strapless dress that hugged your figure divinely. It was a satin black with a length that went just below your knee, however there was a slit up the right side that showed off most of your thigh. I didn’t fake tan for nothing. You dressed it up slightly with layered silver necklaces, along with a few rings. Finally, topping it off with your black strappy heels. I bet Tom will like this. The thought crashed into your mind out of nowhere. You shook your head and sprayed on some perfume before collecting your purse and invitation.
You were escorted once again by the same driver that took you to set earlier. You gave him the address on the invitation, but he dismissed it, clearly already sure of where he was headed. This time, the drive was actually quite short, and you’d managed to stay focused the entire time. You’d watched as the tall city building began fading and the larger, modern houses began appearing, many of them mainly hidden behind great hedges, or large stone fences. You watched as the neighbourhoods became richer and richer, slightly wondering what it would be like to live a life as glamorous as this. The only really nice house you’d been to was Reese Witherspoon’s. She owned a gorgeous mansion in Los Angeles, and she’d invited the cast of Big Little Lies around for dinner one night. You tried not to freak out too much. However, that was probably the moment you’d really felt your fame beginning to kick in.
The front of the house was guarded by an incredibly large gate, surrounded by a regal stone fence. There was two men waiting by the gate each in a black suit, obviously waiting for the guests to arrive. Your black tinted window was lowered for you. One of the men, the larger, balder one, asked for your invitation. You obliged, and the other man nearer to the gate opened it. The drive-way wasn’t very long, but it was large, there was room for probably 5 to 6 cars to park, along with a garage to the side that seemed to fit 2 or 3 cars. The house was noticeably large from the outside, with an older architectural design. The outer walls were mainly painted white with a dark coloured roofing. Your driver pulled up as close as possible to the door, to which you kindly thanked him and hopped out. The nerves set back in, you weren’t sure how many people had arrived, you weren’t even entirely sure who was coming, other than Tom, of course. You were once again greeted at the door by a larger man in a black suit, you’d concluded this was probably the security for the evening. He opened the door for you, without saying a word. You mumbled a thank you as you entered.
Everything was almost how you’d expected it. A chic, clean design throughout the house. An elegant stairway to the right, with a huge open plan. One of the living rooms was to the left, with the kitchen further down. You were greeted by a familiar face, it was the younger gentleman who’d given you the invitation in the first place. He welcomed you to the event before introducing himself as Donald, stating that he was Martin's personal assistant. He directed you down the large hallway into another of the living spaces. It was passed the stairs to the right. You entered the large room, not knowing what to expect. It was a huge room with incredible leather furniture and a large plasma TV that hung above a magnificent fireplace. The space was opened further as large sliding doors on the back wall opened out to a deck. The flooring inside was dark wooden floors that echoed the sound of your heels as you walked. After noticing the interior design of the place, you finally took notice of the figures scattered through the room. It looked as though most people had arrived.
It didn’t take long to notice the waiter walking around the room with a metal tray that held a few full champagne flutes. You were quick to grab one from him, politely thanking him as you still stood in the doorway of the room. You turned your body slightly, shielding people from seeing the glass in your hand as you bought it up to your lips. You decided it would be a good idea to try and down the whole thing in one go. They do it in movies all the time, right? You quickly got through about ¾ of the drink before the burning sensation really hit your throat. You pulled it away from your mouth, almost spilling the rest of it down your chin. Fuck, how do people do that. You sputtered. The champagne was actually really nice, but the alcoholic after taste is what stopped you. What a stupid idea. Go socialise.
You made your way deeper into the room, scanning where you might be able to stop for a pleasant conversation. Part of you just wanted the floor to swallow you whole. Your eyes quickly found Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig. You initiated small talk with the pair for the second time today, which began attracting a bigger crowd. Finn Wolfhard, Idris Elba, and Sean Bean all joined the chatter, each introducing themselves to you. On top of all that, you were now starting to feel the small side-effects of that champagne as your eyes began to find it hard to focus. You noticed a few more people joining the circle, some producers and editors had made it to the party too. God, I’m never going to remember all these names.
A hand lightly slid across your lower back, someone’s confident. You sternly turned to see who it was as you were ripped away from the moment in front of you. Just like this morning, you were greeted with a large grin and curly brown hair.
“Hi (Y/N).” He greeted, warmly.
“Hi Tom.” You responded, his contagious grin rubbing off on you. You pulled him into an embracing hug, to further greet him.
“I’m glad you’re here.” He finally said as you two broke apart.
“You knew I was going to be here.” You replied, with a questioning look.
“Yea, but I almost thought you weren’t going to show up.”
“What would give you that idea?” You pressed.
“Well, you seemed pretty nervous at the meeting today.”
“Oh, I’m glad I gave off that impression.” You joked, all your tense muscles beginning to relax. Tom laughed at your response.
“It’s okay. I was super nervous the first time I did one of those meet up things, too.” He assured you.
“When was the first time you had to do it?” You queried.
“Like, late 2014. I had to do it for Captain America; Civil War. It was a pretty huge cast and they’d all been in Marvel movies before, except for me. And plus, I was like 18 at the time. It was super overwhelming.” Tom explained. You found yourself almost getting lost as he spoke, like some sort of trance. You wanted to sit and listen to him speak forever. It’s probably just the alcohol.
“How’d you get through it?”
“Robert Downey Jr was a huge help. He kinda took me under his wing, and mentored me through all of it. When someone that famous starts paying attention to you, it makes the whole thing surprisingly less daunting.”
“So, what you’re saying is, I need to make Tom Hardy my mentor.” You stated, confidently. Earning another chuckle from Tom. His smile expanded hugely when he laughed, forcing the corners of his eyes to crinkle up and his head to push back slightly.
“Good job picking the most threatening guy in the room.” He replied, laughter still escaping his lips.
“You think so?”
“Look at the guy! He huge! He’s built like a brick shit house!” Both of you now giggling away at each other. The alcohol in both of your systems seemed to be working.
“I thought I was the most threatening guy in the room!” You interjected.
“Yea, all 5’6 ft of you.” He wittily replied.
“No, seriously. Wanna know who I think the most threatening person is?” You grabbed Tom’s suit covered arm and turned his body to the right. “Christian Bale.” You continued, without even giving Tom time to guess. “I mean have you seen American Psycho?” Both of you now facing where Christian stood on the other side of the room. Without consciously realising, you arm slipped around his, now interlinked together as you tried to not obviously stare at Christian.
“Of course I’ve seen American Psycho, it’s a fucking great film.” Tom exclaimed back, tensing his bicep as the two of you squeezed your linked arms together. I guess we both get a little too friendly when we’re drunk.
Your eyes widened and grin expanded as you looked up at him with a questioning glare.
“No. I mean-” Tom stuttered slightly. “The cinematography is great and the acting is fucking incredible, but obviously the story is pretty fucked up.” He added, peering down at you. Considering your bodies were held side-by-side, your faces ended up very close to each other. God, that cologne. You had to bite down on your lip to not audibly moan, he smelt so fucking amazing. There was a clink of metal against glass, silencing the chatter amongst the room.
“If everyone could please head into the dinning area, dinner is being served!” Martin announced.
The group of you slipped into the dining area, Tom sticking close to your side. You actually felt a lot of comfort having him close to you, making you feel as though you weren’t as lonely as when you’d arrived.
There was no particular seating arrangement around the extended dining table, everyone simply found a space and sat down. You’d managed to secure a seat with Timothée to your right, and Tom sat to your left.
“Hey, I don’t think we’ve had the chance to meet yet. I’m (Y/N).” You spoke to Timothée. The mixture of alcohol and Tom’s contagious confidence swirled in your mind.
“Oh yea. Nice to meet you. I’m Timothée.” He replied, his voice was soft and welcoming.
“I’m actually a big fan. I’ve seen heaps of your work.” You began, “I absolutely loved Beautiful Boy. I’ve always wanted to work with Steve Carell.” Timothée’s eyes lit up, and you began your in depth conversation about how much you both adored Steve, most of your love stemming from the fact that The Office was your favourite TV show.
It didn’t take long before your entree was served. The waiter informed you it was ‘peppercorn-crusted short ribs with lemon, olives, and radishes’. You thanked him as you stared in awe at the plate in front of you. The smell of the deliciously cooked meat hit you first, then the incredible colours of the plate, from the green of the garnish, to the yellow of the lemon, and the pink of the radish. You weren’t really used to fine dining.
You took no time to dig into your meal. “This is so nice.” You conveyed to Tom.
“I know.” He responded, eyes wide and mouth full. “There’s this amazing restaurant in central London that does food like this. I’ll take you there sometime.” He added, almost absentmindedly. Take me to dinner? Is that an offer for a date?
“Sounds good.” You simply replied. Moving to take another bite of your food.
You continued to chat to Timothée, sparking conversation about working with Robert Pattinson, Tom decided to join too. The three of you continued chatting and laughing as your main courses were brought out. It was once again introduced to you, ‘braised chicken with hazelnut and chilli paste with a turnip and wild mushroom bake’. It was difficult being polite and waiting for everyone to get their food before you could begin eating. Everything looked and smelled amazing. This really was the life of the rich and famous. Having all these beautiful meals catered and served to you in your own home. God, I could get used to this.
Conversation flowed easily throughout the table. People joking about ‘who would win in a fight between Batman and James Bond’, or people discussing ‘Venom and Spider-Man being in a movie together’, in which Tom Holland was very eager to talk about. You even had the chance to talk to a few more actors, including Anthony Hopkins. You essentially just told him how much you loved his work, and how grateful you were to be working with him on this film. He replied stating that him and his wife were huge fans of Big Little Lies, and you just about fainted on the spot.
Next was dessert. It was simply ‘authentic Italian tiramisu’. It looked nice and clean on the plate, with the lightest dusting of cocoa powder. I wish I saved more room for dessert. Just as everyone was about to begin eating, Martin stood up and began a speech.
“First of all, thank you all for being here tonight.” With that line, you peered around the room. It finally began to sink in how surreal this all was. You were sitting in Martin Scorsese’s dining room with actors that you’d only dreamed of meeting. I guess I’ve finally made it.
Martin went on to state that the tiramisu was due to his Italian culture, and that he’d never really done a British film before, but he was so excited to do Silent Britain with this cast. And with that, he told everyone to dig in.
The chatting and laughter continued in the room, however your conversation just focused on Tom.
“Well, I was born and raised in Reading, but I’ve moved into a little house in Wimbledon now with a friend because it’s so much nicer living close to central London.” You explained.
“I live in Kingston!” Tom exclaimed back,
“Holy shit. We’re practically neighbors.” You laughed in response. You exchanged the streets you both lived on, and found out you actually lived about 10 minutes away from each other. What a coincidence. The two of you talked about the best places to get food around where you lived, and the best pubs.
“Are you going to finish that?” Tom asked, pointing over at your half-eaten tiramisu.
“No. I feel bad, but I’ve eaten so much already-” before you could even finish, Tom swapped his empty plate with yours, and began eating away at your dessert.
“Thanks love.” He stated, cheekily.
“How can you eat so much?’ You laughed back,
“I had to get really skinny for the last role I did, and I was deprived of good food for so long, so now I’m trying to fatten up again and just eating whatever I want.”
“‘Fatten up’” you mocked, “I’ve seen the Spider-Man movies, you’ve never been fat.” You chuckled.
“Well, then I’m trying to bulk up. Whenever I go to the gym nowadays I can’t do half the shit I used to be able to do when I was training for Spider-Man.”
“I love going to the gym. We should work out together.” You smirked. This delicious champagne is giving me far too much power. Tom turned towards you, looking you up and down only slightly.
“We definitely can’t go to the gym together.” He responded, washing down his last mouthful of tiramisu with some beer.
“Why not?” You asserted back.
“Because you’d be way too much of a distraction.” Tom stated, his voice darker than before. Every fibre of your being told you to take him to the bathroom and slam him up against a wall right now. But, obviously, that’s a little rude.
“Your loss, Holland.” You replied, just above a whisper, with a flirtatious smirk.
You could tell by the movements around you that the night was coming to an end. The table was being entirely cleared, people were picking up their bags and putting their coats on. You lifted your handbag off the ground below your seat and swung it over your shoulder. As you stood from your chair, you tried your best to hold your stomach in. I shouldn’t have worn such a tight dress.
“Where are you headed?” Tom asked, throwing his suit jacket on.
“I’m staying at the Four Seasons.” You replied,
“Me too.” He looked at you, almost as if you’d just blown his mind. “We should get a lift back there together.” He added.
“Sounds like a good idea.” You smiled, your body closed the gap between the two of you and you grabbed the collar of his jacket to fix it for him, so it wasn’t sticking out. He beamed down at you.
“Thanks love.”
The two of you went over and graciously thanked Martin for hosting tonight. “Make sure you two get to know each other before filming! I want the chemistry to look real!” Martin expressed, to which you and Tom chuckled. That definitely won't be a difficult task. You both said good-bye to a few others that you’d talked to throughout the night and strolled out the door.
Tom quickly went over to one of the many black SUVs lined up outside, opening the back door for you. “Thank you.” You smiled at him as you hopped in. You told the driver where to go and the ride began.
“Was Robert Downey Jr’s parties anything like that?” You questioned, turning your body on the seat to face Tom.
“Honestly, Robert’s parties are way more extravagant than that. He likes to go really over the top with them. I’ll take you to one one day.” Perfect. Another date.
“Have you got more Marvel movies to make?”
“Yea, I’m definitely making another Spider-Man movie, and then I guess we’ll see where my contract goes after that. I’m not entirely sure what the plan is, and Marvel is always pretty hush-hush about everything. Have you ever thought about doing a superhero movie?”
“Yea. I’ve definitely thought about it.” Tom gazed as you with a faint, comforting smile as you spoke. “I’ve just never really found a role to audition for. And I’ve heard they’re a lot of work.”
“They definitely are. The filming goes on forever. But all of the cast and crew are always super awesome people, and they’re always so good at what they do. I feel like being in those films has really elevated my acting skills, you know?”
“Yea, definitely. Being around other incredible actors on set seriously helps.”
“Well, let me know if you ever want me to put in a good word for you at Marvel. They love me over there.”
“Maybe I’ll try play Gwen Stacy, if they ever reprise her in the universe.” You joked.
“I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to that.” The discussion continued all the way back to the hotel. You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol, or if Tom was naturally like this, but he would not stop flirting with you. You weren’t helping by doing it back. You even pulled out all the old tricks, like touching his arm, and twirling your hair on your finger. At one point you got extremely close to him to ‘fix his hair’ for him, to which he purposely messed it up so you could fix it for him again.
The driver in the front was probably thankful that the drive had come to an end, considering how much you and Tom were talking.  
You were reminded of how late it was when you stepped out of the car. The night sky was entirely black, however the Los Angeles streets were still lit brightly by street lamps and the multiple buildings. You walked up to the small amount of stairs leading to the entrance of the building. Tom quickly grabbed your arm as you were about to try to walk up them. Your thin heels and and the alcohol in your system definitely weren’t going to be a fair match for these stairs.
“Thank you.” You laughed. You leaned some of your body weight on Tom as the two of you strolled up the stairs and into the building. Once again, your arm stayed linked within his, even though it didn’t have to. It just felt comfortable for the both of you.
“What floor are you on?” He asked.
“I’m on 9.” He replied, as the two of you made it to the elevators. He reached out to press the up button, still not letting go of you.
“Can you walk me to my room?” You asked, with a joking pout.
“Of course I can.” The elevator chimed and you both rode up to level 6 together. As you walked down the carpeted hallway, you laughed together about something silly you’d read in the script. The two of you were obviously walking slower than usual, dragging out the time you had to spend together.
Finally, you arm slipped out of his embrace to rummage around your small handbag for the key card.
Once finding it, you slipped it into the door, and pulled it back out with a beep. The alcohol in your system meant you had to apply a little more force to open the heavy hotel door. You held it open with your body as your turned to face Tom.
“Well, this is me.” You smiled lightly, staring into Toms dark brown eyes. “Thank you for walking me up.”
“No problem.” He returned the grin. His gaze fell to your mouth for just a moment, ogling the light reflecting off your glossy lips. He stood close enough to you that you could smell that cologne he was wearing again, you still couldn’t put your finger on exactly what the smell was, other than wealthy. Each of your breaths were deep, a thick tension radiating between your bodies. You twirled with one of the silver rings on your fingers, gulping slightly as his eyesight returned to yours. The flutters in your chest turned to heavy beats, so loud you were sure Tom could hear them too. Your gut was telling you to grab him and stick your tongue down his throat until the two of you would end up messily entangled in each other on your hotel bed, but your head was telling you that really wouldn’t be a good idea.
“I-” you stammered, “I should really go. I have a big day tomorrow,” that’s a lie, “and I should really get a good night's sleep.”
“Yea, of course. I probably should too.” Tom almost sounded defeated.
“Cool. I’ll see you like some time next week.” You pursed your lips together, not wanting to make eye contact with him.
“Yea. I’ll see you next week.” And with that, you fell into your hotel room and shut the door behind you. Your back immediately hit the wall and you slumped down into a pile on the floor. A giant sigh fell from you lips, feeling like all the air in your lungs was drained from you. Shit.
@averyfosterthoughts​ @loxbbg​ @musicandbokkslovingweirdo​ @yourwonderbelle​ @kayceeeveeee​ @autty0314​ @poorlittlesuperstar​ @rebeccamckirgan99​ @xherosxvillainsx​ @rachaeldonnaspiteri1​ @hollands-osterfield​ @shambhavi-sethi​ @a-phan-of-youtube​ @theobssessiveweirdo​ @zedqkyu​ @nophunleague​ @spideylovin​ @martinafigoli​ @smilealways19​ @ziggyspurplehaze​ @meg-holland​ @marvelousharryy​ @tequilasunrisesenorita​ @mixer2b​ @denise1605​ @galacticstxrdust​ @lustgardn​
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multi-lia · 5 years
Can i ask for fluffy Joseph headcannons ????
Yes, you can! I really like Joseph and his creepy ass kids lol.
This will be in AU where Joseph decides to divorce his wife.
Gender neutral
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~Joseph is honestly the most goofy, adorkable one out of all the dads, so expect a lot of fluffy moments with this guy and facepalming
~Joseph and your relationship is going to be awkward at first after the divorce, but it improves once you both get more comfortable with each other.
~It’s no secret that Joseph loves to bake and he loves to share that passion with you. Baking all sorts of sweets with Joseph is always fun.
~If you happen to burn yourself taking something out the oven, Joseph will immediately help you cool the wound down and kiss you on your burn mark
~Then put a pink princess band aid on it
~Yes, he will draw a smiley face on your cheek with frosting. Yes, you will have a mini flour fight. Yes, he will feed you whatever you guys make together.
~Perferably likes to bake with the kids out of the house because things can get a little “frisky”
~Joseph is a big flirt
~Most of it just makes you want to facepalm because of how much of a dork he is
~But at times he can be really sensual
~Loves to keep in physical contact with you
~Holding your hand while eating dinner, keeping his arm around you when you guys are walking, having you sit in his lap when you watch movies together
~He just loves being with you
~I swear if you ever feel insecure, Joseph will make it his mission to make you feel better about yourself
~He’s going to tell you how much he loves your body and looks every day.
~But will also remember to compliment your personality
~You’re an all around great person and he wants to make sure you feel the same way about yourself as he feels for you
~Of course if you do want to change something about yourself, HE WILL SUPPORT YOU even if he doesn’t fully agree with you!
~You’re going to have his support in everything you do
~“Okay what if I drive my car off a cliff?”
~“I mean if that’s what you want, I’ll support you till the end.”
~“Would the end be me in the car going off the cliff?”
~“... there is Heaven.”
~Okay maybe he won’t support you in ways like that, but you get the point. You can do about everything and he’ll have you’re back on it
~kisses. Kisses.KISSES!!!
~Sweet kisses on the forehead and cheek
~Sensual kisses that leave you seeing stars
~Lazy, sloppy kisses in the morning
~All the kisses are for you and only you.
~Joseph is beyond happy if you get along with his kids and of your kid(s) also gets along with them as well.
~Often taking dates with the all the kids to the park, beach or his yacht
~Picnics are a must with Joseph, like there’s no getting out of it.
~He loves to play cards or do a puzzle with you and the kids during one of these picnics
~It makes Joseph really happy to see all of you guys happy and enjoying yourself together
~Speaking of games, he has tons of board games and will whip them out on rainy day
~The kids may not be that excited for them, but for you and Joseph it brings back some nostalgia
~It can get a bit heated too during these board game sessions
~Joseph constantly telling you how much he loves you
~“Y/N, you know how much I love you right?”
~“You tell me every day, Joseph.”
~“Do you want me to tell you again?”
~“Do you want to tell me again, Joseph?”
~“...Uhh yes??”
~“Have at it.”
~“I really love you, y/n and I want you to know that I’ll always be by your side no matter what. Just remember that okay?”
~Joseph is a cheesy romantic and will do plenty of cheesy things, not to say they aren’t appreciated
~Joseph will run a bubble bath for you, put rose petals in the water, massage your feet, crack open a bottle of wine, the whole nine yards
~If you do something similar for Joseph, he’ll lose it
~He really likes back rubs and scratches, do that for him and he’ll fall in love with you all over again.
~One day, I don’t know what day, but one of these days you’re going to come to find roses in a heart shape with all sorts of gifts in the middle of it
~You’ll ask him why he’d do something like this for you and he’ll be genuinely surprised.
~“Why wouldn’t I spoil the person I love?”
~“Yeah, but Joseph, it’s not a special day like Valentine’s Day or?”
~“It doesn’t need to be a special day to treat you. You’re special to me everyday.”
~He truly means that by the way!! and will do this at least once a month.
That’s all I have. Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoyed it.
Requests are open ✨🌈
~Lia’s work
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