#i love janet
roseandgold137 · 8 months
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very crucial context for every good gold digger is that Janet and Jack were absolutely smitten with each other in highschool
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the-witchy-boi · 1 day
One of my friends got me into The Good Place but I don't have Netflix helppp
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bcitisthelight · 1 year
Do you have any more thoughts about Janet I’m obsessed with her conceptually
I do have thoughts about Janet. I think Janet is tiny (under 5 feet) and looks exactly like Edna Mode. I think she's actually a child psychologist who specializes in childhood victims of systemic violence like slavery or war and the conditions they develop because of that formative exposure to toxic stress (Think CPTSD, OCD, Bipolar, developmental disorders - all the things that have been found to be associated with that). @husborth and I have talked so long about Anakin's mental health - or rather, the lack of it - but in specific we talk about the relation between his PTSD and his Bipolar disorder, which we headcanon him to have. I think Janet is super good with this, but I also think that - because even the psychology field discriminates against people with bipolar, and often psychiatrists will flat out refuse to see bipolar patients - Padme is kind of desperate by the time she gets to Janet. Anakin in mustard gas and roses has been imprisoned, cooked, and basically had his whole world melted down. He's doing....poorly. I bet Janet was her last shot. I think Janet practices a combo of talk therapy and maybe EMDR. There's a lot of emotional identification, and maybe even - play therapy, which, can you imagine this tiny woman being like well i guess it won't make him any worse, so they go for this little session where Anakin like, plays a little with these little puzzle games while he talks about things. I can tell you what I think she isnt, which is that I think she doesn't practice any form of CBT - which is imo a terrible methodology but especially so for mental health issues from systemic abuse, and those who have suffered trauma. I also think she is exacting about professionalism - Anakin goes to her for years, and he knows four things about her 1) Her name is Janet 2) She's older than him 3) She was born on Naboo 4) She likes chocolate biscuits. I think because of his fawn response to validation, and his extremely fucked up ideas about authority, she kind of has to really enforce this boundary, or else he could get really unhealthily obsessed with being Correct and Impressing her, which, idk if you've ever done therapy, but that's the exact mentality that will destroy a functioning relationship with a healthcare provider, particularly a mental services provider. Oh, I also think that since Padme has infinite money and probably does house calls multiple times a week, she probably pays for her mortgage with the retainer fee she charges Padme
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footagedump · 2 years
can i also just say, about lodge 49, that it is a show with two standard size brunette white women who talk to each other in many scenes and i CAN TELL THEM APART THE ENTIRE TIME
i am not great with faces and a LOT of shows have lost me with casting two kinda-similar people in roles that arent distinct enough but this shows characters are so specific and recognizable without any artifice about it its VERY GOOD I LOVE IT
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Furthest I’ve ever gotten into the good place and it’s amazing watching these 4 peoples live fall apart
like it’s definitely a realization for how people act when they realize that when the afterlife is real, their actions from years of growth are suddenly either thrown away in a form of nialism as they either try to help others or break down with the thought their fates are sealed and there is really no point but they still try to help others even after they feel they themselves are unsaveble but they just can’t bring themselves to not care about anyone
but at the same time as I was watching this episode one of my main thoughts was “heheh Chidi buys 50 packs of peeps heheheheheh”
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chillwill707 · 9 months
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shesnake · 11 months
24 hour time loops: not long enough to create or undo anything permanent, crazy-making but often still funny
365 day time loops: the most fucked up shit you could possibly imagine
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bradassholemajors · 7 months
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This is totally what happened with them in the movie, right?
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pokeberry5 · 8 months
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girl experiences gender euphoria and is immediately slammed by grief
for @litttlittt <3. this was supposed to be a portrait of caroline hill, but litta mentioned tim looking like janet when dressed as caroline and identity issues and angst and things spiraled
something about tim not knowing if he's his mother's child or bruce's or neither's.
figuring out the looks:
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i wanted janet to have that poofy 70s hair
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robintherobiner · 4 months
i know the fandom likes to make Jack out to be a terrible dad but i personally enjoy to imagine him as a man who's just not that smart, but tries his best.
Tim, like six years old, angry that he wasn't allowed desert before dinner: I hate you! I wish lived on my own and never saw you or Mommy again!
Jack, tearing up and booking flight tickets: Okay kiddo, love you.
Jack, tearing up and booking gender reassignment surgery: Okay darling, love you.
Nurse, glancing at his phone: You.. you know that surgery wont make you able to carry a child right?
Jack: Yes it will, it gives me a vagina!
Nurse: ...you know you need a uterus to actually carry the baby right?
Tim, age 15: Dad, i'm glad you're trying to be better now but... Why did you and mom neglect me for so long?
Jack: You told us too! I wanted to raise you, i was a stay at home dad, but you said i was horrible and that you wanted to live on your own!
Tim: ...
Jack: Obviously that was irresponsible so we sent you to boarding school, but we only visited a few times a year to respect your boundaries. I would send you back, but I was in a coma so i'm allowed to be a little selfish and spend time with my baby.
Dick: Didn't your dad just wake up from a coma? And he's already got a girlfriend? No offense but-
Tim: My mom told him to.
Dick: Timmy, sometimes men lie-
Tim: No, literally, it was in her will. She literally told him that if she died first, he had to get a new partner, because she knew he'd die alone without her.
Dick: What...
Tim: Also, i was the one who chose Dana. She's great! Mom said I had to pick a blonde because yellow is his favourite colour.
Tim: Dad, why is the only picture of Mom you have framed one of her in a bikini? Do you not have any others?
Jack: I do, i have hundreds! But this was taken on the day she proposed to me! Well, i have more from that day, but they're not safe for little eyes.
Tim: Thats both the most romantic and disgusting thing i've ever heard.
Jack, puling out a picture of Janet sobbing and very obviously screaming: I have this picture of her on my bedside table though, its from when she found out she was pregnant with you! Two of the best days of my life!
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junkanimate · 4 months
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Janet my beloved
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a trinket from the tardis
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futur3juli3 · 7 months
Janet Jackson - Doesn't Really Matter (2000)
Directed by Joseph Khan
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fivenyssateganadric · 5 months
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This recreation is just the sweetest thing 🥺
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scintillyyy · 10 days
full respect to the seven canon janet drake traits btw
concerned & worried about her son and his wellbeing & that he's loved
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batman #441, batman #134, robin #163
fully supportive of her son's hopes and dreams and to do what he wants to
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batman #436, batman & robin eternal #5
will believe & trust in anything her son tells her wholeheartedly
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batman #134, batman & robin eternal #5
wants to appreciate moments spent with her son & thinks it's a blessing to get to
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detective comics #620, batman #134
can recognize her whether her son is truly her son or not by a single hug
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batman #134
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detective comics #621, robin i #1
walks fast
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robin #100
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satandidyoumissme42 · 7 months
janet from rocky horror is the drama queen of all time like 'oh no my husbands banging this alien drag queen thing i'm going to sing a song and take my anger out by fucking said aliens frankenstein fuck toy creation' like she wasn't JUST with the alien drag queen doing the exact same thing
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