#i love my poor boi
clickerflight · 1 year
Whump week: Nobody needs to know
Master list
Part 2
I watched Joseph: King of dreams when I was younger, and I have never been the same about scrubbing floors since.
Content: Child whumpee, demon caretaker, whumpee thinks he's still a slave, blisters and hand sores, lost in a delusion born out of fear, recovery whump
Souka woke in the dark. He was warm and comfortable. For a long moment he didn’t know why he had woken up, but a creeping strangeness pacing at the back of his mind kept him from going back to sleep. 
Why was he so comfortable? Whatever he was laying on was so soft, nothing like the floors or hay stuffed sacks he was used to sleeping on. He wasn’t allowed on anything this nice. He was just a slave. He knew that. 
He looked around the room, his chest tightening to see if he had been caught. He slowly peeled the blankets off and got off the bed as quietly as he could, his heart thumping. He wasn’t allowed to be on something so nice. He knew he wasn’t. 
He laid down in the corner, shivering as his sleep warmed body was now faced with the exposed air. He hoped daylight would come soon. As he laid there on the floor he kept thinking someone would come in and see what he had done. They’d beat him for hours, surely, to remind him of his place. 
He got up and quickly made the bed, pinching the blankets to try not to leave any dirt on them. He knew how dirty he usually was. Still, he was probably leaving signs of what he had done as he went. Now they would know he was trying to hide that he had been in the bed. 
Tears streamed silently down his face as he went back to laying on the floor, shivering as he wrapped his arms around his stomach. 
He needed to do something. He wasn’t going to be able to sleep and he couldn’t wait for morning. Sometimes he got praise for working through the night, so perhaps if he did so he would be forgiven for sleeping in the bed. 
Souka got up and, in a daze, left the room he was in. The door wasn’t locked. 
He saw no one as he found a floor covered in some form of tile. He didn’t quite know how, but he soon had a wet rag in hand, a bucket of water by his side, and he scrubbed the floor like his life depended on it. With his luck, it might. 
He wished he could remember where Ichimaru was, but everytime he tried to remember, more tears spilled down his face and his already limited night vision would vanish. He pushed all thoughts out of his mind and scrubbed. He ignored his aching knuckles, the sores already forming from the cold water and the mindless scrubbing, and just put all his energy into this one mind numbing task, desperately hoping the pain in his chest and behind his eyes would go away. 
Laurance didn’t sleep much since he became a demon. He sat and read through some papers for an upcoming mission. He liked spending his sleepless nights reading the reports and then sharing all of the information he gathered with the others through the bond when it came time. It was a good use of time and the others had a tendency to do things for him as thank you. 
Laurance paused to take a note of something to look up later when he heard something. He froze, ears ringing as he listened carefully. Someone was moving upstairs, something with small lungs and hiccuping breaths. 
He got up quickly, heading upstairs to see what was wrong. He didn’t spot the newest addition to the household at first, but he found that the floor was wet under his bare feet in the kitchen and dining room and finally found the small boy working by the kitchen island, scrubbing hard as hiccupping sobs bubbled out of a permanently damaged throat. 
“Souka?” Laurance asked softly, approaching slowly so as to not scare the boy. 
Souka flinched back, his lips moving and sounds escaping his throat, but there were panicked whispers and rasps soon muffled as he threw his arms over his face to protect himself. 
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Laurance hesitated before grabbing another rag and getting onto the floor, dipping his rag in the bucket and scrubbing. 
Souka moved his arms, watching him with a far away gaze before he went back to cleaning the floor like nothing happened.
Laurance sighed softly. Souka was really gone, then, if he thought Laurance was a fellow slave. Still, Laurance would rather pretend to be a slave than have Souka think he was a master. The boy had been through enough as it was. 
It wasn’t until they finished the floor that Souka seemed to shake out of it. Laurance stood up to dump the buckets in the sink, turning around to see Souka staring at him, eyes wide. He looked around, as though waking from a dream. Perhaps he was. 
He looked down at his reddened hands, blisters already popped and even bleeding in places. 
Laurance set the bucket aside and knelt beside him, taking his hands to look. Souka trembled under his touch and Laurance hushed him, running a hand through the boy’s long hair. “You’re safe now, remember?” Laurance asked gently.
Souka nodded, tears welling up in his eyes and Laurance helped him up, setting him on a stool at the island before getting him a cup of water. 
Souka grabbed Laurance’s shirt and Laurance leaned in, putting his ear near Souka’s mouth. His voice was too damaged to speak, but he could still somewhat whisper. “Sorry. You have been ge-generous. I know… I’m safe. I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay, Souka,” Laurance said, putting the cup in the boy’s hands. “It’s okay to still be scared. It was all you knew. Drink that water and we’ll bandage your hands.”
“I don’ want her to know,'' Souka managed in a hoarse whisper. “It would m-make her sa-sad.”
Laurance sighed, running a hand through his hair. It would make Anisha sad to know that Souka had been desperately cleaning the floors at who knows what hour. “I won’t tell her. Nobody needs to know. Now, drink the water, and we’ll clean up your hands and I’ll make sure you get to sleep in.”
Souka nodded and lifted the cup to his lips.
Part 4
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theonethatdidntgetaway · 11 months
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kateyopalescent · 3 months
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I’m gonna pop your bubblegum heart
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starrycreations · 4 months
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he saw god
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eledsart · 1 year
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the gerudo outfits are always my favorite
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sketchy-tour · 6 months
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I need him to bury me in affection right now
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nill-from-nileve-nevy · 2 months
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I can’t thug this out anymore 🙁
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egophiliac · 3 months
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I feel like F/P/S was still a pretty weird one, even by Lance's standards.
sorry for (in an ironic twist) not doing much Ride Kamens art now that it's actually started; I've been pretty slow going through it and I feel weird posting about things I'm not caught up on! though I'm. definitely gonna have to set aside some time to actually get through episode 13, after what they posted today. (w-what did they do to my Leon) (NOBODY TELL ME I HAVE TO FIND OUT ON MY OWN) (LEOOOOOOOON)
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wazzappp · 1 year
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Khaji Da does NOT like how vulnerable Jaime is when he’s sleeping. So they resolve that, once Jaime is asleep, they will position themselves into the optimal sleeping situation. Back to the wall (Khaji protected), attached to the corner ceiling (where they can see everything and have a height advantage), and keeping Jaime as close to his usual sleeping position as possible (stomach sleeper).
You may be wondering ‘how is it this gets found out if Khaji makes sure they do it while Jaime is asleep?’ Welllll….
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hinamie · 3 months
Yuuji: Bye, im going to the fire nation!
Sukuna: Not dressed like you aren't.
Proceeds to give Yuuji a boob window in his clothes
ngl anon i took this bit way too seriously n got carried away thinking abt what yuuji's fire nation alternate fit would look like ,, then after figuring it out I thought well now I /have/ to draw air as well ....
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jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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sweetnnaivete · 3 months
jason the kinda guy to be like "this one's for you" while playing basketball then by surprised when he makes it in the hoop
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weepynymph · 5 months
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Oh Boy have I made a discovery
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
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La Pomni!! I was lazy mid way sorry for that buuuttt here's the way I like to draw her (not redesign just a fun way to draw her I like)
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Pomni y ella... amigos.... totally...
This might not be what you meant buuut I LOVE both ships equally so sooo much I couldn't let the chance go. Any funnygummy shippers??? 😭
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sofiaruelle · 1 year
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He's a lil confused about cuffing season but he's got the spirit
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
My bro was walking through a birch forest in Minecraft, and I got a mental image of a birch Mothman I had to jot down.
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I've had a background interest in Mothman (Mothmans? Mothmen?) for a long time. Not necessarily THE Mothman, but art of him/them. There are a lot of cool interpretations out there.
I myself have a soft-boiled story of a Mothman falling in love with a Fire Elemental, based on the phrase "a moth to the flame". I'd love to do something with that story someday. I like the characters, and the fire girl is fun to draw. XD
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