#i love taarie so much
trashiesttrashboy · 1 year
I'm going to make a post about my headcanon that Taarie from Skyrim is autistic.
Firstly we know that while Taarie explains why she's 'rude' to you (she's trying to be nice and genuinely doesn't seem to understand that she's coming across as rude), her sister is genuinely rude to people. Most Altmer seem to be like that, so Taarie is probably just masking, having learned to mask through copying the people around her (her family who were most likely rude as fuck to everyone), and that's on top of the usual Altmer rudeness/snottiness that seems to be completely socially acceptable among them.
When you try to talk to her during Rogvir's execution she says "excuse me, I'm trying to watch a traitor to the emperor loose his head" and she says it quite rudely but honestly I think she didn't realise how she was saying it and was trying to be polite so she said excuse me so she didn't come across as being rude.
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fatestouch · 8 months
Muse feelings - When Allisae looks at Yori, she sees a friend. Perhaps the first new person she’s come to trust after escaping her life at the Aegis, and someone she was steadily feeling comfortable enough with to rely on, as well as a protector for her children…On the other side of the coin, however, she also feels a tinge of envy. How Tahariel seems to remember so much with Yori and trust him. The genuine ease he feels, and the affection Tahariel gives him….whereas whenever Tahariel is around /her/, she feels him so /guarded/ and his touch often comes with an aftertaste of ulterior motive…though, could it all be in her head?
Describe how your Muse feels when they look at my Muse.
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Yori honestly didn't anticipate growing as protective of Allisae and her children as he did. Originally, he was ready to keep an eye on her and Wrenn, and maybe play with Lily here and there--because in the end, Tahariel is his top priority. But now he's there, and the fox considered all three of them unofficially part of his pack.
If he still had his child, he imagines she would have been like Lily at that age, and they would be as old as Allisae is now.
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"Wish she didn't hafta feel that way about me an' Taari, though... it's just how it is, with us. It's hard t' explain, but... even after everythin', he knows me better than anyone. Even Aro and Eleare." He sighs. "But, if there's one thing I know, it's that Taari loves 'er. Th' kids too.. I know he does. It's there, even if it can't be seen."
"...Even if he has trouble seein' it himself."
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soraeia · 7 months
The invitation envelope is sealed with blue wax, the outline of the Meriet royal seal carefully pressed into the the center. The invitation itself consists of a single letter that reads:
❝The kingdom of Meriburn cordially invites you to join them in celebrating the Festival of the Blue Moon. We humbly look forward to your presence in ushering in a new lunar season that is set to begin on at . We advise that you dress in light, airy clothing and have footwear that will not be damaged by any amount of water. We also advise that you arrive by sunset on the first day of the festivities in order to fully experience the welcoming ceremony.❞
Along the bottom of the letter, the words “Please dip in water and turn over.” is written in neat lettering along the bottom of the invitation card. Once done, the rest of the letter continues as follows:
❝ Dear Allisae and Liliana, I hope you both are well. Though I have not seen you as of late, you are always in my thoughts. To know you are out of that awful place and away from the people that harmed you is more than I could ever ask for. I am not sure if you remember but, once upon a time, my sister and I offered you sanctuary in Meriburn should you ever need it. That offer still stands and will stand for as long as you need it to. Meriburn's doors are open to you whenever you need them to be and if ever there comes a point where you need us to help you cross that threshold, we will be there. Dakota will be hosting the Brecaean ceremony... but she sends her well wishes and implores you to enjoy the festival. After all you've been through, you deserve a moment of peace. Likewise, I look forward to seeing you and your darling daughter. Sincerely, Princess Cassandra Tetrarch of Meriburn❞
@sansloii , mentions @soulsxng || Festival of the Blue Moons
Liliana sat by the window of whatever building she and her family found refuge in that night, playing with the newest doll Mr. Taari had gotten her as her mother stayed nearby looking at her pretty new ring.
The doll pirouetted across the windowsill, graceful--at least in Lily's mind--under Naziliv's blue light. When she makes the doll take an elegant leap into the stars, she notices one of them...moving. A little dot dancing in the distance, as though it wanted to play with her too, growing bigger and bigger as it...got closer...
She tils her head. It's not until the "star" becomes rather bird-shaped does Lily finally realize that it wasn't a star at all. A smile lights up her face, wide and giggly, as she starts to bounce with excitement upon seeing something thin and rectangular tucked into the bird's feet.
"What is it, my love?" Allisae chuckles softly at the bouncing, standing to walk toward the window and see what had her daughter so excited---gasping when she saw the little bird made of light, bringing fond memories with it as it landed with a flutter of its wings.
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A few years ago, when Liliana was much smaller, Allisae had met the royal sisters of Meriburn. It was a precious memory, a speck of gold in the handful of dirt and gravel that had been her experience on the Aegis, that Allisae held dear because they were the first friends she had made in what felt like a lifetime.
They came back every now and again. Though when traveling to the Aegis became too difficult, Allisae and Cassandra came up with the idea of creating something of a magical link--a special, and secret, channel for letters and small things to be carried directly between them. Of course, Allisae had her magic forcefully sealed away. So the connection had been made...with Lily.
With everything that had happened, she'd almost forgotten.
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"{ It is a writing from Cassie and Miss Koko! }" Lily gave the bird a pet before taking the letter it'd dropped, the avian disappearing in a flurry of glowing furthers that faded like snow melting on the ground.
When it was given to her, Allisae broke the blue seal and began reading it to her daughter, the contents bringing bright smiles to both their faces.
"A festival, Lily!" There's a bounce in her step when Allisae stands, looking around for the glass of water she'd been drinking from earlier. Once found, she followed the instructions on the bottom of the letter, rolling it up carefully and dipping it in the glass.
This time, when she reads, Allisae's voice fades into quiet. And though Lily was able to somewhat read along on her own, though not quite as fast, seeing the her mother's watery gaze confuses her. She doesn't question it, however, for soon she's swept up in a happy embrace.
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"Oh, I can't wait! I hope Tahariel takes us!" ...How the letter got to them, exactly, she knows will bother Tahariel. But hopefully he'll find Cassandra' message trustworthy enough to at least attend the festivities. Hopefully, he'll trust Allisae enough to see them as friends as well.
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spacefuneral · 1 year
talking to my brother about skyrim and i just remembered in my last game i had made my huge ass hearthfire or w/e house and moved my wife and kids in, but my wife is Taarie and i love her so much but she's a bastard and yelled at me for moving her to the woods. so i had my own house, the hearthfire house, and the family house, the solitude house, where Taarie talks about how she loves it there because she doesn't have to pay attention to the kids and im like uh huh and never home because im in my man cave (my mansion in the woods with my boy toy housecarl marcurio)
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soulsxng · 1 year
Taari and Sgaire for the child meme.
@desiderium-eden (mentions @sansloii)
Name: Marielle
Gender: Female
General Appearance: I feel like she heavily resembles Sgáire for the most part, aside from having wavy hair like Taari, as well as Taari's wings (and one blue eye). Taller than lots of other kids in Gabe's classes that are her age, but I also feel like she's probably going to stop growing so much soon, and end up mostly average height. The maker had wings, so I just gave them to her automatically, but I also kind of think that she might end up with Sugar's fox features, instead? Or heck, she could even have both, who knows!
Personality: Very "Fight me", and thinks she's a lot tougher than she is...which tracks, because Taari was a scrappy little kid at times, too. And she does have the boundless energy and spunk to back it up too, because even if she gets knocked down, she's hopping right back up, ready to go again. Still, for all of that, she's actually a pretty well behaved kid, overall. She likes playing tricks, but she knows where the line is. She might be scrappy, but she doesn't start fights unless it's for a good reason. Wants to hurry and get big like her big brothers and sisters, and her older cousins, so she can hang out with them more, and is always trying to drag her parents out to do all kinds of wild things.
Special Talents: Hide and seek champion...but somehow, Eri-jii, Eno-jii, and Zassy-jii are always able to find her anyway! And really, a lot of times they have to, because she'll be hiding somewhere for so long, that she dozes off and doesn't hear her parents call when the kids she's playing with go get them because they don't know where she went. She has sound powers like some of her angel family too, and she likes using them to mimic all kinds of animal sounds, right now. Sometimes Taari will just name an animal Marielle knows, to see if she can copy the sound it makes. She thinks it's a blast.
Who they like better: Her siblings! And her cousins! sorry mom and dads, she loves you too, don't worry
Who they take after more: She might take after Sgáire more in looks, but I feel like she takes after Taari more in personality...at least, Taari when he was a kid. She definitely doesn't have the cool, calm, collected thing that he generally does these days, lol.
Personal Head canon: Even if she's in her regular classes with Gabby, I feel like she really likes learning from Brodi whenever she can, too. She sees how much Jarrah and Laurys respect them, and thinks that if she also learns from Brodi, that she'll be as cool as he big sister and brother. Actually, she's probably like that with everyone that her siblings have a lot of respect for. Just immediately going to stick to that particular person like "Teach me how to be cool like -insert sibling here-!". Because of this though, she actually has a really wide base of knowledge for a kid so young, so I can see her turning out to be a real jack of all trades type.
Face Claim:
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Savages! Savages! Barely even human!
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lemoyne · 3 years
did the entire civil war questline and blood on the ice just to get hjerim and i leveled my speech skill to 70 so i can marry taarie but i couldn’t marry her because i invested in her sisters store and not hers. because apparently if you don’t specifically invest in taarie’s store she will be not be available for marriage. nearly threw myself out my window on the spot and realized i just needed to download the marry anyone mod. but now i’m afraid if i turn the mod off she’ll get bugged and break my game
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24: my love was stronger than your pride (any ES pairing)
Summary: Neither of them knew that this was the last time they’d see each other before Andromeda’s sacrifice made time reassert itself.
Something else they didn’t know is that the same force that tore them apart would bring them back to each other. Seraxa/Yvonne
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23248093
A/N: Well, this one took a while. Apologies to @brightpinkpeppercorn for taking my sweet time with this. I originally asked for prompts to get myself out of my writing funk, and I decided to take the quarantine as a chance to use some new free time to start writing again. I hope you’re all doing okay and staying safe.
After getting the prompt, I thought a bit on what ship do to this for; Estela/MC, Quinn/Michelle, Craig/Aleister (idk lol). But seeing a post saying that Serafine in Bloodbound is Yvonne from the Vaanu!Ending (who she OBVIOUSLY IS DAMMIT), that got me thinking. When I was fresh in the fandom, I heard someone suggest Seraxa/Yvonne, and I kinda liked the ship. And after seeing the “Serafine is Yvonne” Theory Fact, I wondered: what has she been up to? Is she keeping in touch with the Catalysts? Has she been back to La Huerta? HAS SHE SEEN HER GREEN GIRLFRIEND AGAIN? And thus, this fic was born! I made a few alterations to the canon (Yvonne stuck around during the Cetus battle and helped out), but nothing so that it’ll be too unrecognizable. Enjoy!
BTW I am not responsible in any fashion if you injure yourself whilst trying to lick your elbow.
The pirate was probably trying to be stealthy, but Seraxa still heard her coming.
Night blanketed Elyys’tel, and lanterns hung all over the Great Tree, made to look like their own star-filled sky.
Andromeda, just Handfasted, was off enjoying the night with their beloved. The rest of the Catalysts joined the Vaanti in the festivities. People danced by bonfires and played as many games to rival the ones from the last Valinorim. All the laughter, singing, and happy shouts melded together into one joyous roar.
The last Seraxa saw of Taari was he and Zahra running off to play what she had called “dodgeball”, leaving Seraxa with her thoughts.
“Not one for parties?”
That was the second time she and Yvonne had spoken. The first was just before Varyyn’s coronation, when she bid the Catalysts a fond farewell.
Seraxa had thanked, or at least acknowledged, Yvonne for helping to protect the Vaanti during Cetus’s attack. The pirate tipped her hat with a flourish and a wink, and called her “milday”.
Taari promptly asked if the pirate was her new girlfriend, and Seraxa assigned him a long list of chores after the Valinorim.
“I’m here for one, am I not?” Seraxa replied, not turning around.
“With the way you scowl like the sun’s in your eyes, you could have fooled me,” Yvonne was right next to her now, joining Seraxa in standing off to the side instead celebrating. It looked unfamiliar to Seraxa, since Yvonne seemed the type to waste no time in celebrating.
Seraxa also remembered the way the pirate arrived in the midst of Cetus’s attack to help, and how she led a crowd of Vaanti to safety deeper into the jungle.
“Truly though,” the pirate broke the warrior out of her thoughts. “Do you ever rest?”
“I am not fighting or preparing for a fight, so you can say I rest now,” Seraxa retorted.
“You’ve not touched a single drink the whole day, and watching everyone like a hawk does not help your case. In all the time I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you relax.”
“I wasn’t aware you were so keen on watching me.”
To Seraxa’s surprise, Yvonne blushed. She didn’t take that long to recover though.
“Still, with you being a military leader, that warrants a day off, no? Two, at the least?”
All the more reason I can’t let my guard down, Seraxa thought to herself. Everything seemed safe before Cetus attacked, and attacked he did.
Seraxa’s pride refused to acknowledge what might have happened if the Catalysts hadn’t come when they did.
“And I told you, I am resting. If we are to talk in circles like this the whole night, you’ll grow weary.”
“That I doubt,” Yvonne said quietly with a mischievous smirk that Seraxa didn’t quite understand. “You seem to have missed quite a show earlier,” the pirate continued. “The big one, Craig? He challenged one of your soldiers to a match.”
“Then Ursa is a dead man for sure-”
“He won.”
“You heard correct,” Yvonne smirked. “Against several, actually.”
“He…he, an outsider, bested my warriors in a spar?”
Seraxa’s mind went through all the grueling exercise regimes she would put those warriors through to compensate for such a defeat (she will get names), before Yvonne spoke again.
“No no, they did not fight.”
“…Then what did they do?”
“Craig licked his elbow, and challenged one of your soldiers to do the same.”
“Whaa…” Seraxa’s jaw dropped.
“And several of your troops tried to succeed where the first had failed. None of them could.”
Seraxa…had no words. Elbow licking? She expected warriors under her command to be above making a fuss over something so ridiculous…
Her eyes darted down for a second to her left elbow; only for a second, but long enough for the pirate to catch.
“Try it.”
“Don’t be absurd.”
“We both know you’re thinking about it,” Yvonne waggled her eyebrows. “Someone did manage to accomplish the feat, at last.”
“One person out of nearly everyone in Elyys’tel?”
“Yes. It was Grace. And naturally, she won the prize.”
“There was a prize as well?”
“Indeed. She had the privilege to watch as all who tried and failed form something they called a ‘human pyramid’. It was quite the disaster.”
A smile played on Seraxa’s lips, one that she couldn’t quite smother. Not overly large, but big enough to be visible.
The pirate leaned closer, eyes squinting as they inspected Seraxa’s face. The warrior’s cheeks heated up.
“What are you-”
“Checking to see if your face has cracked,” she said earnestly. “It appears intact, and lovely as ever.”
Seraxa’s mind went blank, as if her mind was thrown into a time loop, focused on that one word.
The two of them stand in silence for a minute. Seraxa’s eyes glanced once at Yvonne, feeling an uncomfortable rising of anxiety at the awkward quiet.
She turned to Yvonne to speak. Later, when Seraxa thought back on that moment, she could never remember what she had wanted to say, because what happened next took over her full attention.
Yvonne leaned in and kissed Seraxa.
The kiss was like lightning; quick and intense. Yvonne’s lips were warm and searching, and pulled away.
Once again, Seraxa’s entire mind went blank.
When the warrior was silent for a few seconds, vulnerability flashed on the pirate’s face.
“I’m sorry, was that not-” Seraxa swapped their places with a kiss of her own.
“Don’t be sorry,” Seraxa said when they broke apart. “Unless it’s because you didn’t do that sooner.”
A laugh escaped Yvonne’s lips as they met Seraxa’s again.
Neither of them knew that this was the last time they’d see each other before Andromeda’s sacrifice made time reassert itself.
Something else they didn’t know is that the same force that tore them apart would bring them back to each other.
Something Seraxa was used to waking up to was the sun’s rays shining through the windows of her home, or her cats’ morning playfulness dragging her from sleep.
This morning, she woke up to Yvonne, behind her in bed, tightening her arms around her lover in a secure hold.
Speaking of the sun, all of Seraxa’s windows had now been boarded up to keep it from shining through, accommodating Yvonne’s now-nocturnal nature.
It had been almost two years since the first time she had seen Yvonne after Andromeda’s sacrifice. The Catalysts when they made their yearly visits was always a welcome sight. But seeing with them, someone she had thought she’d never see again, was a surprise to say the least.
When everything had settled, and it was established that there wasn’t any trickery afoot, Yvonne had quite a tale to tell.
After being taken back to her own time, she said that she came into contact with creatures from the world outside of Vaanu. Creatures that made her into one of them, an immortal.
An immortal, with a regular need for blood.
Yvonne couldn’t stay on the island any longer than a month before the need for blood would become unbearable. Neither of them knew how Yvonne would take to Vaanti blood, if it would nourish or poison her, and Seraxa wasn’t willing to risk it. Pavos volunteered to run tests on Vaanti blood, and only ended up confirming what they feared.
Thus, Yvonne could not stay for any longer than three weeks at a time. And affairs on the outside world kept her from visiting as regularly as she would have liked.
It was probably for the best, Seraxa thought. Adventure was in Yvonne’s blood, and she was not meant to pick one place to live out the rest of her days.
Yvonne had told her all of this on the first few days she had come back; that she did not want marriage even if her nature wasn’t a factor, and said that she understood if a relationship with her was too much for Seraxa to handle.
Thoughts back to the present moment, she turned around, and joined Yvonne in a mutual embrace.
“Did I wake you?” Yvonne asked sleepily.
“Yes,” Seraxa smirked. “But I’ll have to get up soon anyway.”
“Can’t you order someone else to take care of your duties for the day?” Yvonne asked. “You need your sleep. And what good is authority if you can’t flaunt it every once in a while?”
Yvonne’s nature altered Seraxa’s sleep schedule quite a bit, but it was a worthy sacrifice.
“I’ll be back by nightfall,” Seraxa shifted and pulled Yvonne closer.
“That’s still too long.”
“You’ll survive without my embrace for a few hours,” the warrior resisted the urge to laugh.
“You’re so cruel,” Yvonne whined, snuggling closer.
“We’re here now,” Seraxa buried her face in Yvonne’s hair. “So until I hear a knock on the door, I’m yours.”
They’re not sure how long they stayed like that, wrapped around each other, until Yvonne poked Seraxa’s nose.
“You look too thoughtful for someone who just woke up,” Yvonne commented, and Seraxa finally noticed she was frowning.
“I was just wondering…” Seraxa began. “Before I met you, I was resolved to live a life without a partner. There would be no guarantee of a long life, so I did not want anyone to need me, a wife or a child, should I leave them behind.”
Yvonne stroked her face.
“That’s a lonely way to live, my dear.”
“For a while, I thought it was the only way I could live.”
Yvonne said nothing, and Seraxa continued.
“Both my parents died in battle when I was a child. It was a reality I had to face when I followed in their stead as a warrior, and more so when I was named War Chief. I’ve have so long to get used to the idea, that my pride wouldn’t allow me to indulge anything else.”
“Well it’s a good thing I plan to keep you around,” Yvonne said before giving Seraxa a deep kiss. “What we have might not be normal, but-”
“It is not normal, and I want it no other way,” Seraxa kissed Yvonne this time.
“Thank you,” Yvonne breathed. “For letting me in, and for having a place for me with you.”
“Thank your ability to break past a War Chief’s defenses, my love.”
“I’m afraid it was rather simple,” Yvonne curled up closer to Seraxa, nuzzling her head into her neck. “My love was stronger than your pride.”
Seraxa pressed a kiss to Yvonne’s head.
“And I thank the stars for that.”
 A/N: Seraxa is a little spoon, Yvonne is Serafine Dupont from Bloodbound, and both Craig and Grace can lick their elbows. I don’t make the rules I just think them up and write them into a story.
Also, Yvonne and Seraxa might not have the “living together” relationship I thought of when I started writing this, but in my mind this is the most realistic scenario for these two to be together. Yvonne’s too adventurous to stay in one place for the rest of her life, and Seraxa has a big sense of duty regarding her responsibilities to the Vaanti that I can’t imagine her giving up (even more so if she becomes Elyyshar when Varyyn leaves with Diego). So, in the end, these two have a long distance and open relationship (I strongly headcanon Yvonne/Serafine as polyamorous), but they love each other very much and fill their time together with as much lovey-doviness as possible.
Another thing, this is my first time writing a bilingual character while not writing up scenes directly from ES, so I apologize for any mistakes. Since I figured Yvonne is either in her late twenties or early thirties, and since being multilingual would almost be a necessity in sailing and adventuring, she would be a fairly decent English speaker. And I learned some of the biggest reasons for bilingual people slipping back to their native language is when they’re either really tired or go back and forth from speaking their native language to the other one. And since Yvonne is spending a lot of time lately around primarily English-speaking people, she probably wouldn’t have spoken much French at all. I hope I did it justice. I heard from other members of the fandom that PB butchered the way Yvonne and Tio Nicholas, both bilingual, would have spoke, so I wanted to do better and tread lightly. 
Finally, I have no idea what alien forces enable a select few to lick their fucking elbows and I don’t care to know.
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dovakhiindrabbles · 5 years
Have you done the Nightcaller Temple quest? Could you do something with Erandur? Not anything romantic since he seems to consider the Dragonborn his child, just something with him and the reader travelling together as friends.
Of course! I love Erandur he always struck me as a grandfatherly type and he’s one of my favorite companions! I think he’s a little underrated so writing this prompt was tons of fun! I just hope that you enjoy it and have a marvelous day dear
“Is it almost done?” You asked with obvious excitement, practically bouncing as you peered over the counter inside of the Radiant Raiment.  
“If you keep asking, I’m going to tear it up right now and charge you double.” Endarie barked from the back with her sharp tongue echoing against the craggy old cobblestone.  
You promptly shut your mouth, but you made note of why Taarie was recounted as the ‘nice’ sister between the two.  
It only took a few more unbearable minutes of waiting for the Altmer to trudge back into the main hall with the cloth folded neatly in her arms. She was glaring and a scowl was placed firmly upon her face, but that was far from strange. You’d be terrified if she wasn’t glowering.  
“While your incessant questions didn’t speed up the process, it’s done.” She grumbled, dropping it into your arms. “I don’t want to see a speck of dirt on it. Ever. I worked hard on that.”  
“Of course not! Never! It’ll remain spotless forever!”  
“Swear on your shout?”  
“I can’t do that-”  
“Swear on your shout.”  
Was it getting hot in here, or did sweat normally begin to dribble around your forehead when asked to swear upon mildly troubling topics?  
It certainly wasn’t scalding.  
“I’ll try my best!” You sputtered out with a curt dip of your head before admittedly, rushing out the front door. The hustle and bustle of Solitude hitting you in an instant with the heavy clacking of heeled boots and clanging of heavy armor heard from each and every corner of the hold. Your first few days inside had been a mess of adapting from the quaint traveling but, you’d like to think you’d settled in nicely.  
All of which, you could lend your thanks to your dear companion and friend, Erandur.  
He waited patiently for you just outside the shop at your insistence, his eyes staring up in awe at the grand oak he stood under and a hum passing through his lips. He seemed almost entranced by the seaside land and fresh air – so different from the bitter cold of Dawnstar where the most excitement one got was from the news of freshly baked sweet rolls.  
Solitude, on the other hand, was constantly bursting at the seams with fresh news and gossip – why, the first time you’d found the hold you were greeted with an execution.  
Needless to say, the one thing Solitude didn’t know was silence.  
“Erandur!” You called out after him and met him with a bounce in your step. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”  
“Not at all,” He dipped his head curtly and the wrinkles on his weathered face deepened with his smile. “I’ve been enjoying myself, I’m afraid I’ve never had the pleasure to visit Solitude before now. I see how it’s gained its reputation as Skyrim’s capital.”  
“Lots to see, isn’t there?” You laughed. “I may have gotten lost my first time around.”  
“Really?” He simpered. “If it helps, I think you’ve become quite the navigator since then.”  
“The wonders of a map!” You pursed your lips. “So… are you ready for your surprise?”  
“I’ve told you, it’s really not necessary. There are far better people deserving of such kindness.”  
“Oh, hush with that! I got you a gift because I wanted to. Believe it or not, you’re a very nice person!” You puffed out your cheeks indignantly. “I wish you’d at least entertain the idea.”  
Since the first day you’d met him, the Dunmer had always looked upon himself with a sort of disdain that’d be hard to miss. A weight always dragged him down like solid stone were tethered to his arms and despite the warm, inviting aura he carried with him now, you couldn’t help but sense something much darker underneath from the moment you’d met him – a regret, holding the familiar sting of a scar.  
Within the Nightcaller Temple, you’d finally learned of his wrongdoings – of his massive mistake that revealed cowardice he might’ve not even known of himself. And you still accepted him.  
Because while he hadn’t recognized how he’d changed, how he tried, you had.  
“Maybe one day,” Erandur muttered softly. “But I would quite like to see what you have.”  
“Okay, okay! Just close your eyes!”  
He gave an amused sigh and relented to do as you asked, folding his arms across his chest while he waited. You excitedly undid the folded present and held it out, still keeping it a couple inches above the ground just so it wouldn’t catch any dirt like Endarie asked – or well, demanded.  
“Alright, take a look!”  
His eyes fluttered open and widened like saucers as he gawked at the gift.  
And as the seconds passed, he lit up like a firework.  
His features, riddled with age, held the sheer joy of a child as he let out a weary, rickety laugh that reminded you of everything good in this world. It was warm and kind and in a world like Skyrim, one could never find enough of it.  
“I thought you could use some new robes!” You exclaimed. “So… what better for the goddess of love’s favorite agent than this?”  
The robes were of a pale, delicate red adorned with Mara’s symbol elegantly etched in its center where it’d cover his back. The fabric was soft and one could only imagine how warm it’d keep its wearer in the frozen nights.  
It was so, so different from anything else Erandur had known in his life.  
And he adored it because of that.  
“It’s… It’s beautiful, thank you! You are a truly kind friend…”  
You set it in his palms, your shoulders dropping with a soft sigh. “And so are you.”  
“You can’t change what you did… and what happened was terrible but… the only thing you – or anyone can do is continue on. You’ve done everything a person can to change for the better – hating yourself won’t make any difference– it’ll just make your life a whole lot more miserable.”  
Erandur opened his mouth like he wanted to speak, but couldn’t quite figure just what it was he would say anyways. All of his air knotted in his chest to the point to where he could barely figure how to breathe, uttering a single word sounded like an impossible task.  
“You’re a good person Erandur, and that takes work. A lot more work than others are willing to put into it, and that’s what makes you so good! You keep trying… always.”  
You smiled and wrapped a ginger hand around his arm, squeezing it fondly. “You don’t have to forget what you’ve done… but you do need to forgive yourself for it.”
Erandur wasn’t a man who cried often, he could count on a single hand how many times he’d let his emotions get the best of him.  
However, now, he actively had to work to keep his brimming tears from splattering onto his brand-new cloak.  
“I… I don’t know if I’m quite ready…” He tightened his grip on his cloth, his chin quivering despite the smile beginning to tug at his lips. “but… I think I’d be willing to try for once.”  
A heavy breath escaped him as he forced himself to meet your gaze, equally misty but just as happy.  
“However, I’d be awfully appreciative if my friend might stay with me for it all.”  
Your answer came as you slammed into him with perhaps a too excited hug, the old elf quick to return the gesture with a hearty laugh that rattled his chest.  
“I uh… I take that as a yes…?”  
You snorted.  
“Utterly and absolutely.”  
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Searching for You (Part 1/4)
A/N: This is part of an ES mini-series! Potential title included “Fuck Uqzhall” courtesy of @brightpinkpeppercorn😂😂😂 along with some others of Uqzhall hate. 
Warnings: angsty af, fluffy 
Word count: 2,541
You can find the series masterlist here!
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I woke up late and rolled over, Jake was already up for the day as his side of the bed was cold. When I checked the clock, I saw that it was already ten, I never slept in this late, but I hadn’t been sleeping well recently and Jake knew it so that’s why he let me sleep in. He didn’t press me about it, he knew I’d tell him in my own time, but I could tell he was getting worried. It had been two years since we defeated Rourke, Jake and I built that cabin on the hillside like he talked about on our honeymoon, it was perfect, our life was perfect...until now. I chewed on my lip as I got dressed, I had been agonizing for a week about how I was going to tell Jake, I couldn’t wait forever, I was just nervous! We were going to have a baby, we had talked about kids before, we both wanted them, but I wasn’t ready! I don’t really think Jake is ready either, I know that losing Mike still bothered him, even if it was getting better. He wasn’t in our little living room, and so I wandered out to the small garden we had planted, it wasn’t much, but it was ours and it was perfect. It was our little haven away from the bad memories of the Celestial, and our endearing but overbearing friends. I could see his head before I saw the rest of him, he was kneeling down probably picking something.
“Hey, Jake! Can you come here?” He didn’t move, I got closer thinking maybe he couldn’t hear me.
“Top Gun! We- I need to tell you something!” As I got closer, I saw a flash of blue, and then Jake fell forward. His back was soaked in blood.
“JAKE!” I ran towards him and found a Vaanti knife in his back, I turned him over, but it was too late, he was already dead. I began sobbing, holding Jake tight, this wasn’t the first time this had happened. Time always reset itself, that didn’t make it any easier though. I looked up and saw a familiar face staring at me, Uqzhall. No one had heard from him since the Endless died, we all thought he was gone, happy that we had picked the Endless’ ending, apparently not.
“Uqzhall! Why did you kill him? Why are you back?” He didn’t say anything at first, just held my stare as I sobbed over Jake’s lifeless body. Why hadn’t time reset yet? It was always instantaneous, a headache, and then back in the moment, seconds before.
“You lied to us for generations, you must pay for your actions.”
“Bring him back Uqzhall! I’m not responsible for the Endless and neither is Jake! She’s gone! Leave us alone!” So, he did, he ran, and I sat there holding Jake waiting and waiting. I would have given anything to be back in bed with him last night, last night had been incredible. I had been reading in bed when Jake surprised me, tossing the book out of my hands, climbing over me. I think he knew I had been worried about something and he wanted to try to ease some of that stress, pampering me and focusing all on me. It was sweet and slow, not like when we first got together, but still just as good as the first time if not better. I laid there on my side after, just a sheet covering our waists. He had hiked the sheet up, so he could run his fingertips over my leg slowly, just barely brushing my skin, his eyes hooded as he fought sleep, a lazy content smile on his face. His hair was messy, as it always was after we had sex, but it was my favorite look on him, unadulterated happiness. I focused on that moment as I cradled his cold stiff body, rocking back and forth, unable to stop the tears. He wasn’t going to die like this, I was determined to bring him back to that moment. I must have sat there for hours, the sky had grown dark, the only light the stars above us. The cool breeze coming off the water left a cold sting on my cheeks from where my tears had wet them. Something was wrong, the time loop hadn’t reset itself, I had no idea who to turn to for help. Jake was dead, he was gone, maybe Varyyn would know something. The problem was I had to get to him though, what if while I was in Elyystel Jake came back? He didn’t even know he was going to be a dad! Oh my god, now I had a baby to think about, a baby.
I wasn’t sure what scared me more, the idea that Jake might never come back or the idea that I was going to be a mom. It was times like this that I would give anything to have my own mom and dad, someone to turn to when I had no idea what to do. Jake was my only literal family, Diego and the others were the next best thing, but they were just as young and naive as me, none of them were parents yet. Parents, god I needed to stop calling myself that. I scribbled out a note for Jake that I went to go see Varyyn, hoping that this was all some nightmare and that he’d be back soon, something told me that wasn’t the case though. I packed some food and was on my way out the door when I turned around, I couldn’t leave Jake’s most prized possessions behind. I peeled his tags off of him and grabbed his jacket from our room then started the trek to Elyystel, it was a couple days journey on foot.
It was hot and humid, as it always was on La Huerta, but it seemed more intense on this journey, every morning I was waking up and already felt like death. The food I packed didn’t seem appetizing at all, I wrote it off as being nothing, and then I started puking up everything. Everything. Morning sickness? Already? Maybe it was just nerves? Again, I had a feeling that wasn’t the case though, it seemed too early for that. God, I wished more than anything that I had just sucked it up and told Jake, then maybe I wouldn’t be in this mess. I was pregnant, my husband was dead, and I had no idea how to fix it. I had to cling onto the hope that Varyyn would have answers, maybe he had more of those gemstones like the one that was in his necklace, the one that brought Jake back the very first time he died. I finally reached Elyystel by mid-day and began the trek up towards the throne room.
“Cat-a-liss!” Taari came bounding up to me on T’Kals back. I gave the boy a small smile and rubbed T’Kal’s head.
“Hey! Where’s Seraxa?” She might also have answers for me. Taari shrugged.
“What are you doing here Cat-a-liss? Where’s Jake?” He looked around hopeful and my heart shattered again, Taari loved Jake like a father. Taari and Jake always played together when we visited, begging Seraxa to let him come stay with us for a few days.
“He...um...I… he…” I struggled with how to tell Taari why I was there, tears threatening my eyes again.
“Cat-a-liss?” he looked up at me concerned and slid off T-Kal wrapping his arms around my legs in a tight hug. I lost it. I sat there on the bridge and fell to my knees as Taari held me, not understanding why I was upset, but knowing I needed a hug. It was Taari who made Jake even bring up the idea of kids, I smiled wiping my face and thinking back to that day.
Jake and I were in Elyystel to visit Varyyn and Diego, we often came into the city for supplies or when we wanted to see our friends. Taari spotted us as we were all leaving, headed to the Celestial.
“Cat-a-liss-es!” Jake stuck his tongue out at him playfully and Taari did it right back. I threw my head back laughing and playfully elbowed Jake for encouraging the bad behavior.
“What was that for Princess?” I rolled my eyes.
“You know exactly what that was for Top Gun.” Taari wrapped his arms around both of us before he took a step back with a big grin on his face.
“What are you doing here?”
“We’re going to go see the other catalysts. Are you staying out of trouble?” Taari got a goofy smile on his face and looked around, pretending he didn’t hear the question. That was a no.
“Can I come with?” We all shared a look, we knew Seraxa would kill us if she didn’t know Taari was with us.
“Taari, I don’t think it’s a good idea. Seraxa will want you home, we’re going to be gone a few days.” Diego said making the little boy pout.
“Will, you at least play with me then?” He gave us all his best puppy dog face, looking up at us with big pleading, watery eyes. Jake was the first to cave, the weak link.
“It wouldn’t hurt to play with the kid for a little bit.” He looked at all of us, his eyes landing on me, knowing if he stared long enough that I’d give in.
“Fine, only a little bit.” Jake grinned and Taari yanked his hand, pulling him towards the beach ahead of everyone else. Jake looked back worried about what he had gotten himself into as we laughed, following slowly behind them, catching up on what we had missed since the last time we saw each other. Diego had taken to being Vaanti royalty well, his long hair braided back, a similar crown to Varyyn’s adorning his head. He had ditched that ratty old purple button-up for traditional Vaanti clothes, it suited him well. As we meandered down to the beach, Taari had already roped Jake into chasing him around the sand, wrestling with each other. I loved seeing Jake so carefree and happy, he had struggled since Mike’s death just over a year ago. He was a very different man than when I first met him, I loved watching him grow, his walls finally crumbling, revealing the man he was today, who he had always been underneath. Diego nudged me, breaking me out of my thoughts, giving me a knowing smile.
“So, when is there going to be a baby McKenzie?” I laughed and Varyyn looked at me quizzically.
“What is funny? In the Vaanti culture, once a couple becomes one from their one year and a day together they have children if possible.” I smiled and ran a hand through my hair as Jake looked over at me and winked.
“Jake and I aren’t ready to have kids yet. We’re young, we’ve still got plenty of time. He still misses Mike; a baby would just be too much right now.” Diego raised an eyebrow at me.
“Are you sure that he’s the one who isn’t ready? Or is it maybe you who isn’t ready?” I didn’t know how to answer his question, I thought it was both. I loved Jake with all of my heart, nothing would change that, but we hadn’t talked about kids yet.
“Come on, Princess! I need some help over he-oof!” Jake got tackled to the sand again by Taari who giggled with pure delight as I scooped him off of Jake.
“Hold him down Taylor! The tickle monster is coming for him!” Taari struggled against me as Jake wiggled his fingers, getting closer and closer. I leaned in to whisper in Taari’s ear.
“I’m going to let you go, and then we’ll both get Jake. Okay?” He nodded giggling. Just as Jake got ready to strike, I let Taari go and he tickled one of Jake’s side while I got the other. Jake couldn’t fight off both of us, we overpowered him, and he fell to his knees, all of us laughing so hard we could barely breathe.
“I give up!” He got out between breaths. Taari triumphantly ran off to go after Diego and Varyyn next, Jake grabbed my waist and tackled me to the sand, hovering over me, breathing hard.
“That was a cheap move, Princess.” I grinned and leaned up to plant a soft kiss on his lips.
“You know I can’t resist the chance to tease you.” Jake chuckled and dipped his head low, his sandy hair hiding our faces.
“I love you, Taylor.”
“I love you too Jake.” He kissed me slowly, and deeply before pulling away and helping me up, aware that we had an audience.
“We should be going,” Varyyn said looking at us. Taari sighed.
“Can we play again soon Jake?” Jake grinned and ruffled Taari’s hair.
“Yeah kid, we’ll play again soon.”
“Go find Seraxa so they can come back Taari!” Diego told him, and the boy ran off to find his adoptive mom. They made the trek to the Celestial together, Jake and I took our time, strolling behind Diego and Varyyn who were caught up in a debate over Star Wars.
“What’s on your mind?” Jake had been quiet since we left the beach, his grip on my hand weak, distracted. He looked down at me and smiled, I recognized it well, it was a smile he reserved for me. The first time I saw him smile like that was when he said he loved me in the tent outside of the MASADA complex.
“You want kids, Princess?”
“Yeah, someday. Why? You’re not trying to say I look fat, are you?” I teased. He chuckled and shook his head.
“I know better than that. I just, I had fun playing with Taari today, I imagined our own little ones running around. They look like you, got both our sass and they love their mom so much.” He kissed the top of my head, but an uneasy feeling grew in my stomach.
“How long have you been thinking about this?” He shrugged.
“Not long.”
“Really? You’ve got an awful lot of details mapped out.”
“Okay. Maybe when I pictured our house on the hill, when I showed you on our honeymoon. The second I pictured a future with you I saw that. I’m terrified that I won’t be a good dad, Princess, but I know with you by my side that we’d figure it out.” He squeezed my hand.
“Maybe we can start working on that little family tonight.” His voice tickled my ear and he kissed my neck making me squirm.
“Oooor maybe we can wait. I’m not ready for kids Jake.” I saw a flash of disappointment cross his face, but he tried to hide it, my stomach dropped knowing that I was the one who disappointed him this time.
“I love you Jake, and I want a family with you. I just need some more time to wrap my head around it.” He nodded and kissed my cheek.
“You got it, Princess.”
Perma-Tag:  @brightpinkpeppercorn @sleepwalkingelite @ooo-barff-ooo @endlessly-searching-for-you @agent-bossypants @roonarific @likethetailofacomet @zaffrenotes @mysteli @vickypoochoices @kayann9 @jlouise88 @zigortega4life @findingdrake @bbaba-yagaa
Endless Summer (Jake) Tag:  @endlesstaylormckenzie @sophie-summer @feartheendlesssummer @darley1101 @emomoustache
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coyotesongwriting · 6 years
A Year And A Day
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Fandom: PlayChoices - Endless Summer
Pairing: Jake x F!MC
Word Count: 1,218
Description: This is just tooth rotting fluff, Jake and Taylor’s wedding! They decide to celebrate their year and a day by having a wedding. This is basically just the ceremony and vows!
Author’s Note: I used some traditional Celtic vows because they were just too good to not use. Basically I just really wanted to write their vows and a bit of fluff today. I wrote this in less than an hour so hopefully it’s passable!
A year and a day. That’s what they’d promised each other, and for once it looked like life wasn’t determined to take this from them. Today, today they had finally made it. The sky above was a brilliant blue, with only a few white clouds floating up in the sky. Although the summer sun beat down, a gentle breeze rolled in off the island making it appear a truly perfect day.
Things at The Celestial did not seem to fit in with the calm feeling of the day though, as everyone scurried about. Michelle and Sean’s voice drowned out the hustle as they called out, giving orders and helping wherever they could as the last minute preparations were completed and the Vaanti arrived at the small garden behind the hotel.
“How do I look?” Taylor asked, turning to Diego with a smile as her hands nervously traced the fabric that clung to her stomach as she turned to face him.
Diego grinned, “You look amazing Taylor. Seriously. I don’t even know”
She smiled softly, turning to stare at her reflection in the mirror. The simple white dress hung beautifully on her, accenting all of her curves. Against the sun-kissed tan of her skin, the white really seemed to pop. Her long blonde curls were pinned up on her head in a loose bun, two strands hanging down to frame her face.
“Are you ready? We can always cut and run - I’m sure Varyyn wouldn’t mind us hiding out at Elyystel” he chuckled, seeing how nervous she was.
“No!” she laughed, turning back to him, “I’m ready. I want to do this… Besides, you know as well as I do they’re all super into the whole wedding thing and want to see what it looks like!”
“Are you sure? Icicle can freeze the doors for us or the ground and trap everyone there until we’ve made our escape!” Though his tone was joking, she could see the seriousness in his eyes.
“Thank you Diego. Seriously. You don’t know how much it means that you’d have my back” her voice caught, the emotional day already getting to her and she reached out and hugged him tight.
After a few moments, he stepped back from her and held her gently by her shoulders, “If you’re ready, it’s time”
She nodded quickly and turned, stepping out of his hands and out of the door. As she stepped out into the garden, she paused. Her eyes scanning over the beautiful sight. The hedges that bordered the garden were in full blooms, pops of pink and purple drawing her gaze.
Her friends milled about, but as soon as Michelle noticed her she started pointing at the seats and it wasn’t long before everyone had taken a seat. Taylor chuckled softly, while she and Michelle hadn’t gotten along too well in the beginning, they’d become fast friends.
At the end of the cobblestone path was a beautiful flower-lined archway, but that wasn’t what drew her eye. Jake stood there, a silly grin on his face as he watched her. He looked good in that suit, but she couldn’t wait to get him out of it tonight. Without pause, she set off down the aisle towards him.
“Hey there, Princess. I was starting to think you’d run off!” he smirked as she drew approached.
“Come on Top Gun, you know I wouldn’t do that. It’s our year and a day” her smile was soft and she took her place behind him.
Sean stepped out from beside Jake, a grin on his face, “You two ready?”
Jake reached out, grabbing Taylor’s hands and nodded, “Let’s get this started.”
Taylor gave his hands a quick squeeze before turning to glance out over the crowd. Seraxa and Taari were sat in the front, and Taari was bouncing up and down in his chair, excited. Raj sat across from them, tears already streaming down his face and he made no move to hide them. Next to him, sat Craig and Zahra, their hands intertwined as they watched, things had been going well for the two of them and everyone hoped they’d make it work this time.
Sean cleared his throat, drawing Taylor’s attention back to Jake and the ceremony at hand. After a moment’s hesitation, he began, his voice carrying out over the garden, “We are gathered here today to celebrate with Taylor and Jake as they proclaim their love and commitment to the world. We are gathered to rejoice, with and for them, in the new life they now undertake together. You two have vows memorized?”
At Sean’s slightly worried glance, Taylor chuckled softly and nodded. She interlaced her fingers with Jake’s as she turned to look back at him, her voice gentle but determined as she spoke.
“I, Taylor, in the name of the spirit of God that resides within us all, by the life that courses within my blood, and the love that resides within my heart, take you, Jake McKenzie, to my hand, my heart, and my spirit to be my chosen one. To desire and be desired by you, to possess you, and be possessed by you, without sin or shame, for nothing can exist in the purity of my love for you.” she took a shaky breath, a few happy tears rolling down her cheeks as she smiled back at him, “I promise to love you wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again. I shall not seek to change you in any way. I shall respect you, your beliefs, your people, and your ways as I respect myself.” Her gaze never wavered from his eyes, and she squeezed his hands softly.
“It’s your turn, Jake.” Sean said, nudging Jake slightly.
Jake cleared his throat before repeating it back to her, “I, Jake, in the name of the spirit of God that resides within us all, by the life that courses within my blood, and the love that resides within my heart, take you, Taylor James, to my hand, my heart, and my spirit to be my chosen one. To desire and be desired by you, to possess you, and be possessed by you, without sin or shame, for nothing can exist in the purity of my love for you. I promise to love you wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again. I shall not seek to change you in any way. I shall respect you, your beliefs, your people, and your ways as I respect myself.”
“By the power vested in me, by me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride” Sean grinned.
The two quickly met in a kiss, Jake’s hand snaking up and entangling in her hair as she grabbed at the lapels of his suit. The world seemed to melt away as they met in each other’s embrace, the beginning of the rest of their life. Though they’d always count their handfasting ceremony as the date their lives were joined, they would spend the rest of their lives celebrating this, their year and a day.
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soulsxng--a · 5 years
🔮 Also Alli in Taha's
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“Are you completely incompetent? I asked you to do something, and yet you’re still standing here.” The maid that Tahariel had fixed sharp gaze on shrank back immediately. Mouth opened to apologize, but the king was having none of it, spinning the poor angel around and shoving them toward the door. “Get out. If you’re not going to do your job, then you no longer have one here.”
Before they could fall to their knees though, they were caught by firm, but gentle hands. Steadied, and ushered out of the throne room with softly whispered words.
“Feliciel. Why, my darling, must you continue to insist on coddling them so? Should someone fail to do their duties in the way I expect them to, it’s within my rights to terminate their employ here. They should be glad I didn’t just have them killed– Heaven has no need for imbeciles like that. They only serve to drag us down– they’re a hindrance.”
A pause, as he watched his beloved approach slowly, and bow before him.
“Are you going to be a hindrance to us, Felice? Hmm?”
There’s a wince as a fistful of pale blonde is gripped tightly, and the woman’s head is yanked upwards. Sapphire eyes are soft as she looks up at Tahariel, and though she looks like she may cry, she still smiles at him like he’s still the same man she fell in love with; back before he’d been tainted.
“If it means keeping you from becoming like the man you hate, then…yes. I will be as much of a hindrance as I can be. Taari…you’re already so far gone, dear. Do you even know what you’re doing, anymore…?” She asks quietly when she’s released, though she’s sent reeling when the back of his hand connects with her cheek.
“I am not going to tolerate insolence from you, of all people. If you have any hope of becoming my Queen one day, then you would do well to cease this foolish behavior immediately. I won’t warn you twice.”
“You know that I would love for nothing more than to become your Queen. Once you’re well, and your mind is clear again. But I–”
Her voice stops when she’s cut down by numerous lances of light. Body pierced in such a way that she likely didn’t suffer at all before her death. Perhaps the one “mercy” that the king had given in months, even as twisted as it was.
“Idiot woman. I have no time for disobedience.” He scoffs, turning to leave the room as if he hadn’t done a thing. Gaze flicks toward one of the guards he passes on the way out with a careless little frown. “Tell the servants to clean this mess up. I’ll be in my office.” 
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parabataisarah · 6 years
Masterlist here.
Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn, @roonarific, @sceptilemasterr, @endlessly-searching-for-you, @irrelevanthough​, @likethetailofacomet, @indiacater​.
Reactions under the ‘Keep Reading’ cut.
- So, one can assume MC and LI are getting married today?
- Awh, can I wrap Aleister in a hug?
- I love them.
- Seraxa and Taari better be okay!
- Oh thank god, Taari is okay!
- Let’s be optimistic. A better future starts today.
- Awh, Vaanti are getting married today, heck yeah!
- Let’s fuckin’ get married.
- ‘Your friends begin to applaud and cheer! Raj runs around high five-ing everyone!’ I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I love this group.
- Diego is acting like an emotional parent would. I love him.
- Again, I love the bromance all the ES dudes have together.
- That’s such a pretty dress! Ahhh!
- “And that is how to look like a goddess on your wedding day.” Michelle, I love you so much.
- ‘A soft smile appears on Sean’s lips, and tears in his eyes.’ BOI ME TOO, THE HELL??
- *voice cracks* I love you too, Sean.
- Hell yeah! Raj is my wedding planner! I love him.
- Uuuuuhhhh, Michelle is gonna be my maid of honor!
- Ahh, it’s The Endless’ book. What secrets are we gonna find in there?
- ‘7 0 5′ ‘2 4 6′ ‘3 8 1′ Well, they all equal 12 from the ways you can look at them?
- Aye! I got it right!
- “Are you ready to make your entrance?” FUCK NOPE!
- ‘Jake grins as you pass, offering a quick salute and a wink.’ PFFFT
- ‘Estela simply nods, her affection for you glowing in her dark eyes.’ Sweetheart, I’m gonna cry.
- Hey there, handsome boy!
- OOOO, we get to pick our own vows?
- Oooo, Quinn and Kele, huh?
- Do y’all need me, because if you don’t I’m gonna cry in a corner. This is too sweet and soft and pure, and I just, love.
- You already know what flower I’m going with.
- I. Love. Them.
- MC just called Sean husband, and I just... *gestures into the corner* Emotions.
- There’s dust in my eye, I swear.
- gncvgfnjdx.
- ^^ I can’t convey my feelings into words rn.
- Give Sean and MC kids!!!
- Oh no. Did I say something wrong with picking the kids option? Whoops, no regrets.
- ‘Romance Up! Sean is now in love with you!’ HELL YEAH LADS!
- I know he’s just a bunch of pixels programmed to say all this stuff, but like... my heart is so full?
- I know it’s real sad that MC can’t remember their parents or anything, but really, aside from HSS, HSS:CA and TF, PB doesn’t really give MC family/parents.
- I love him. Geez, this chapter is turning me soft.
- Honey, if I didn’t trust you in the slightest, do you really think I’d have gotten handfasted to you?
- *insert side eye emojis*
- *suggestive eyebrows*
- Y’all know I picked the “Kiss lower” option.
- Michelle was crying. Why is she crying?!
- Y’all already know I’m getting my girl’s Ember!
- Awh, I want Sean’s mum to be happy and healthy and I want Michelle to be okay.
- Awh, Sean gave her apology flowers! Good job PB for actually checking out the meaning!
- So, process of elimination means that Zahra’s Ember is next?
- Wait, I wanted to screenshot that photo :/ but it came across in a portrait mode???
- I wanted that photo goddamit.
- Awh, bye Endless!
- Rourke and Lundgren can piss off.
- Wait, whose Rourke’s Daughter?
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blightarts · 6 years
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Previous Chapter: Autumn is Here!
Next Chapter: Pwning the L1Ch-qU33n
Disclaimer:  Pokémon is a property of Game Freak and Nintendo, while Endless  Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post. Special thanks to @princesstopgun and @mechaspirit for the contribution of some funny scenes in this chapter. Thank you so much, you two. 😊
@lovearyn, @kaitloyalist, @choicesmarvel, @sceptilemasterr, @hey-its-vy, @skyila, @choicesyouplayandmore, @mysteli, @helentwombly, @scgdoeswhat, @choicesaholic​, @jakemckenzietrash, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @abhirio, @diego-vii, @daniela2510, @izzycheeese, @brightpinkpeppercorn​
Recommended Music: In the Moment (Choices)
After the battle against the new Sea Guardian, Gyarados, Taari and the rest of the gang gather in front of Taylor, Jake and Quinn.
Quinn: Thank you so much, guys, for keeping the Guardian at bay and incapacitate it before we got here.
Jake: Well... I’m still a bit annoyed that the new one is a lot easier to deal with than the last one. We had to take on Cetus three times! THREE TIMES!! That son of a bitch even had three heads on our final battle with him.
Jake crosses his arms and pouts while Taylor smiles shyly and calms down her husband.
Taylor: But really, thank you much, guys.
Bligh approaches Taylor and shakes her hand while Jake nods at him.
Blight: Glad to help, Taylor. 
After expressing their gratitude, Taylor and Jake turn towards their daughter, Kaitlyn and her Lucario.
Jake: But what I’m most happy about is that our li’l Marshmallow’s partner is finally evolved.
Jake proceeds to pat Lucario’s head as the latter wags his tail. Taylor hugs Kaitlyn proudly.
Taylor: I’m so happy for you, Kaitlyn.
Kaitlyn: Thanks, Mama, Papa.
The two parents smile at their child. Taylor reaches for her handbag and pulls out a special box. She hands it to Kaitlyn.
Taylor: It’s time, my dear.
Kaitlyn slowly opens the box and her eyes light up. The box seems to contain a bracelet with a Mega Stone.
Kaitlyn: Is... is that...?
Taylor and Jake nod as Kaitlyn quickly dons the bracelet. She and her friends take a moment to admire her new accessory.
Kaitlyn: It’s so beautiful.
Mika: It matches you.
Reginald: That looks just as magnificent as my Mega accessory.
Taari: I wonder when I’ll get mine.
Kaitlyn turns back to her parents.
Kaitlyn: Thank you so much!
She rushes towards them and pulls them in a tight and loving embrace. They hold each other for a moment and pull away.
Jake: Now go out there and kick some butt, li’l Marshmallow.
Taylor: Jake!
Kaitlyn: Haha. Okay, Papa.
Taylor, Jake and Quinn say their goodbyes to the group and make their way towards the Prisma City route. Aryn and Izzy turn to the groups as they have plans of their own.
Aryn: Well, Izzy and I are going back to Aryndelle to deal with those... pffft... boring political discussions.
Izzy giggles and continues.
Izzy: We’ll be back by the time the next contest starts. In the meantime, you guys enjoy your journey to Quarr’tel Town and Ursidae Town.
Aryn, Izzy and the princesses pull themselves into another family group hug. In the midst of it, they turn to Blight. The man startles at their stare.
Blight: What?
Rachel: Join us, Uncle Blight!
Meg: Yeah!
Elena: There’s still room for you.
Izzy: Come on, Blight. 
Blight rubs his head shyly.
Blight: Well... uhh... group hugs are not really my thing...
Aryn gives him an unamused look.
Aryn: Get in the hug, your freeloader.
Blight: I am not a freeloader.
Vishakha remains silent as her eyes gleam red. She leaves the group hug and approaches her uncle. She then grabs his collar and drags him across the ground towards the group hug. Blight struggles while Katherine giggles.
Vishakha: You’re getting in that hug.
Vishakha throws him into the group and turns to Katherine with a bright smile.
Vishakha: Wanna join us, Katherine?
Katherine: Sure!
The redhead girl skips merrily towards the Aryndelle Family while Blight stands and dusts himself off. The two then proceed to hug with the rest of the family, enjoying each other’s company. As they pull apart, Aryn and Izzy wave goodbye to everyone. 
Recommended Music: Eterna Forest (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)
The rest of the group then exit the gates of Orderve City and journey through the Forest of Rebirth. As they admire the beautiful trees around them, Meg asks...
Meg: So why was this called the “Forest of Rebirth”?
Taari, Reginald and Kaitlyn turn to her with an answer.
Taari: Well... around nine to ten years ago, after Mister Tyler and Miss Taylor saved the world and the Vaanti have revealed themselves to the world, the island has gone through a lot of changes.
Reginald: My parents told me that the World Government sent out environmentalists to the island to start a Tree Planting program on this very forest surrounding Quarr’tel Town.
Kaitlyn: The forest was once burned down due to a civil war among the Vaanti. And after the program, the forest looked so new, like it was reborn. That’s why it’s called the “Forest of Rebirth”.
Meg: Ooooh. I see.
As they continue their way, Vishakha glances to the side and spots a familiar Pokémon, a wild Pikachu. She stops in her tracks and squeals.
Vishakha: AAAHH!! A Pikachu!!
She then skips merrily towards the Pikachu while chanting its cries.
Vishakha: Pi~ka! Pi~ka!
But before she could reach it, she is lightly punched on her head by Blight. She then stops and crouches down, holding her head. 
Vishakha: Ow ow ow...
Blight: Let’s not waste time here, your Highness. The next contest is in a week.
Blight grabs the back of her collar and gently drags her back to the group. Vishakha crosses her arms and pouts.
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Vishakha: You’re the worst, Jester...
Blight: I know.
While Blight drags Vishakha back to the group, he notices them looking towards the sky. He stops and looks up as well. Vishakha starts ranting.
Vishakha: Hey! What’s the big deal?! Why did we stop?!
Blight accidentally lets go of her collar and she drops on the ground.
Vishakha: OW! HEY!!
She turns to glare at him but also notices something in the sky. The group spots a peculiar comet, with blue and orange streak lines.
Rachel: What is THAT?
Reginald: I... I don’t know. I’ve read a lot about space but I’ve never seen that kind of comet before.
Elena: Well, the fact that it’s barely moving from this view, it means that’ll probably take a few months for it to noticeably move.
The group shrugs off the comet as Blight helps Viskaha back up. She glares at him again for a few seconds before walking ahead. Blight chuckles and follows. With the group just halfway towards Quarr’tel town, they stop at a fork on the path.
Mika: Huh... the road seems to split here...
Kaitlyn: Both paths lead to Quarr’tel Town, but I can’t tell which is the shorter path...
While the group thinks about the situation, Blight looks at the left path and Vishakha looks at the right path.
Blight: This way...
Vishakha: This way...
Recommended Music: Whachoo Lookin’ At?! (Choices)
The two best friends startle at each other’s response and glare at each other. They start to debate.
Blight: The left path is the shorter path.
Vishakha: No. The right one is.
Blight: Wanna bet?!
Vishakha: Yeah!
Everyone else: Here we go...
The group cross their arms and give the two an unamused look.
Vishakha: Last person between us to reach Quarr’tel Town will get to treat the winner and everyone else.
Blight: Deal!
The two then proceed to grip each other’s hands tightly and shake them aggressively.
Blight: How do you manage to shake hands firmly and aggressively at the same time?
Vishakha: I took a seminar.
Blight: Where?
(Note: The last three lines is a reference to Brooklyn 99 Season 1 Ep. 13.)
After the agreement, they turn to the others.
Vishakha: So, who wants to join my team?
Everyone else: Eh?
Blight: Don’t worry. You guys won’t take part on the bet. We just need some company. 
Vishakha: Plus, it’s a way for us to bond.
Everyone else: Got it.
After a few seconds, Taari and Reginald step up.
Taari: I wanna join Mister Blight. He seems to be an awesome person!
Reginald: Agreed. I want to know more about his battle tactics.
Blight: Great! One step closer to victory!
Vishakha: Pffft. Yeah, right.
Meanwhile, Kaitlyn and Mika walks towards Vishakha.
Kaitlyn: We’ll take her Highness’s side.
Mika: It’s a way for us to bond and maybe share ideas for the next contest.
Vishakha: Aww. I’m flattered. And also... don’t call me, “Your Highness”. Only Jester has the right to call me that.
Kaitlyn and Mika tilt their head in confusion.
Kaitlyn: Really?
Vishakha: He’s the only one allowed to call me that. It gives me a sense of uniqueness.
Blight: Plus it shows us that, even though we tease each other, we’re still best friends.
Katherine: Those two are basically the very definition of best friends.
Mika: Oh! I get it now.
After a few minutes, the two teams are finally formed. Blight’s team is composed of him, Katherine, Taari, Reginald and Elena. Meanwhile, Vishakha’s team is composed of her, Meg, Rachel, Mika and Kaitlyn.
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Vishakha: Alright, now let’s settle team na--
At the mention of the name, Blight’s team react differently. Katherine giggles; Taari cheers along; Reginald crosses his arms and smiles; and Elena does a face palm.
Vishakha: Alright... then our name would be Team Pri--
Vishakha glares at Blight while he shrugs. Everyone else smiles shyly.
Blight: Great minds think alike, your Highness.
Vishakha: Hmph!
The group disperse and went on their separate ways. Meanwhile, a hidden camera among the trees observes the group. A familiar voice contacts Zahra in Quarr’tel Town.
Voice: L1Ch-qU33n, the children have passed the intersection, along with the royals of Aryndelle.
Zahra: About time they got here. At least they’re safe after all that Sea Guardian bullcrap. Alright, I’ll be making the preparations. Meet them at the gates and welcome them.
Voice: Understood.
Recommended Music: Eterna Forest (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)
On the left path towards Quarr’tel Town, Blight walks ahead of the group while the others try to match his pace. Taari runs up to Blight.
Taari: So, Mister Blight. What are you to Aryndelle exactly?
Blight: Well, I am the Master of the Foundry, aka the guy who does the technological advancements there.
Taari: Ooooh.
Blight smiles at Taari’s interest and continues.
Blight: You see... Long ago, Aryndelle was once split into five Kingdoms; Abanthus, Ebrimel, Bellmere, Fydoria and Stormholt. After the war against the Iron Empire, the five Kingdoms have agreed to merge into one, along with their allies from Aurelia and the Foundry. And when Aryn was sworn in as queen, she named it Aryndelle.
Taari: Wow...
Blight: I know right?!
Reginald: What about your way of combination moves?
Blight turns to Reginald.
Reginald: How did you come up with such amazing combos?
Blight chuckles and answers the question.
Blight: When in the state of a battle, you have to make sure that you’re unpredictable so that your opponent won’t come up with a countermeasure. I’ve experimented on different kinds of combination moves to come up with the best of the best.
Taari and Reginald’s eyes light up, while Elena shrugs and smirks.
Elena: Trust me. Out of everyone in Aryndelle, he’s won the most battles. And even if he wins against Aryn more often, he never challenged her for her throne.
Katherine: I love his humility.
Elena: Yeah... right... “Humility”.
Elena rolls her eyes. Meanwhile, Katherine catches up to Blight as the two smile at each other and kiss.
Recommended Music: Again (Your Lie in April)
Meanwhile on the right path towards Quarr’tel Town, Vishakha also walks ahead of her own group, with Kaitlyn and Mika catching up to her.
Kaitlyn: So, Miss Vishakha...?
Vishakha: No need for the “Miss”, Kaitlyn. Vishakha will do.
Kaitlyn: Okay.
Vishakha: So what’s up?
Kaitlyn: How did you come up with such great performances?
Vishakha contemplates for a brief moment and gives her answer.
Vishakha: Sometimes... I stay up all night to think and practice...
Mika: Won’t that be bad for you?
Vishakha: It is but...
She smiles and looks up to the sky.
Vishakha: ...Jester’s always there for me.
Mika: You guys mess around so much, yet you still care each other so much. How’d you two meet?
Vishakha: It was when I first visited the Foundry when I was six years old...
Inside the Forge, the home of the Master of the Foundry, Izzy and a young Vishakha are walking around. 
Izzy: Alright, dear. Mommy will be back. She just have to meet up with a good friend.
Vishakha: Okay, Izzy-mommy.
Izzy leaves Vishakha for a bit. As she waits for her mother to return, Vishakha curiously finds a room full of machinery. When she walks over to touch one of them, she wounds herself. Vishakha clutches her wounded finger while muttering.
Vishakha: Ow ow ow...
A few seconds later, a young man with goggles enters the room and spots her.
Blight: Hey, what are you doing here?
Vishakha doesn’t answer him. She remains silent and scared. Blight approaches her while taking out a small bandage. He gently holds her hand and binds the wound. He then smiles at her.
Blight: All better, your Highness.
Blight grins while Vishakha tilts her head in confusion.
Vishakha: “Your... Highness”?
Blight: You are Princess Vishakha, right? I think it suits you.
Vishakha giggles and points towards Blight.
Vishakha: Jester!
Blight: Uhh... what?
Vishakha: You made me smile and feel better. I want you to be my Jester!
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Kaitlyn: Wow. I didn’t realize you guys were THAT close after all the shenanigans you do.
Vishakha: We may tease each other a lot but that’s just on the outside. He’s not just my uncle... he’s my best friend.
Mika: Can the three of us be like that?
Vishakha: Of course! Maybe we may not be as close as I am with Jester but still very close friends.
Recommended Music: Surf and Sand (ES)
After walking for a while, the group’s stomachs all roar at once.
Meg: Well... this is awkward.
Rachel: Yeah... all at the same time.
Elena: Can you imagine if the other groups stomachs roared at the same time as ours?
After saying the same things, all members of both groups laugh. After a few minutes, they’ve set up their makeshift tables and prepared food. They’ve even called out their own Pokémon to join them.
On Blight’s group, they are having Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls). Whilst eating, the group start to bond. Taari, Reginald and Elena are discussing battle tactics with Blight while Katherine leans on his shoulder and smiles at their conversation. On the other hand, Reginald’s Metagross and Nidoking have friendly competitions, like arm-wrestling, after not seeing each other for a long time. The other Pokémon around them cheer.
On Vishakha’s group, they are having Rice Crackers. Whilst eating, Vishakha, Kaitlyn and Mika are practicing their performances. Meanwhile, Rachel and Meg are seated on a log, watching the practice and playing with Vishakha’s Pikachu. Some of the Pokémon practice with the three contestants, while the others cheer and jump around.
Few minutes have passed and Taari spots a Joltik nearby. He approaches it and picks it up.
Taari: Aww... aren’t you a cute one?
Reginald and Blight cautiously get close to Taari.
Reginald: I don’t think that’s a good idea, Taari.
Blight: Yeah... Joltik’s can be very dangerous.
Taari grins at them and proceeds to gently scratch Joltik.
Taari: You don’t know what you’re saying guys.
Joltik then uses Thunderbolt and electrocutes Taari. The boy suffers for a little before the Attaching Pokémon leaps off of his hand. Taari falls on the ground while the rest of the group look at him, hilariously disappointed.
Meanwhile, everyone in Vishakha’s are playing with Pikachu after practicing. But what they don’t realize is that Pikachu is now feeling uncomfortable. She begins releasing sparks on her cheeks. Vishakha flinches and tries to warn the group.
Vishakha: Uhh...
But before she could warn them, Pikachu has already unleashed Thunderbolt. The attack electrocutes everyone, including the other Pokémon, but does not affect Vishakha. She just stands there, taking the attack, and shrugs.
Vishakha: Ehh... this doesn’t affect me anymore...
Pikachu eventually stops and everyone falls to the ground. Few more minutes have passed and everyone is set up. They continue on their journey towards Quarr’tel Town. 
Once reaching the intersection and with the gate to the town in sight, Blight and Vishakha spot each other and start to run towards the gate. For a brief moment, Vishakha spots the determination in Blight’s eyes. She then slows down on purpose to let him win. As he reaches the gate, Blight starts to cheer.
Blight: I did it! I DID IT!! I finally won a bet against her Highne--
Suddenly, a small machine near the gate quickly displays a hologram right in front of Blight, causing him to startle and fall on the ground.
Blight: Woah!!
I.R.I.S.: Welcome, friends of the L1Ch-qU33n. My name is I.R.I.S. and welcome to Quarr’tel.
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As everyone approaches I.R.I.S., Blight stands up and dusts himself off.
Blight: Geez, remind me to add “Avoid startling people” on your program, I.R.I.S.
I.R.I.S.: I apologize, Sir Blight. But the L1Ch-qU33n requested me to greet you once you pass the gate.
Rachel: “L1Ch-qU33n”?
Kaitlyn: I think she means Zahra Namazi.
Meg: The Gym Leader and new Clockmaker of Quarr’tel Town?
Reginald: The very same...
Reginald approaches I.R.I.S. and smiles.
Reginald: Hello, grandmother.
Everyone else: WHAT?!
While everyone in the group is startled with what Reginald said, Blight and Kaitlyn remain calm.
Taari: Y-you two... are related...?
Mika: How?! She’s an A.I.!
Elena: This is some weird shi--
Vishakha: Language...
After a minute of regaining composure, the group huddles around I.R.I.S.
Mika: So, what’s the story between how you’re... err... family?
Reginald: Well, before she was a hologram designed by my twisted grandfather, she was originally human. Her true name is Imogen Rourke. She may not be my grandmother, technically but she still sees me as her grandson.
Taari: Oooh. I get it now.
As the group discuss, they are called out by a familiar voice.
Voice: Finally! It was getting boring waiting for you guys.
The group turns to see Zahra grinning at them. 
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She turns to Blight.
Zahra: ‘Sup, Blight. Whatcha doing here?
Blight: Just wanted to see how I.R.I.S. is doing. Plus I wanted to accompany these kids.
I.R.I.S.: My status is at a normal rating, Blight. But if you’re willing to make advancements, then I’d be happy to accept updates.
Blight hands Zahra an envelope and a flash drive.
Blight: Here’s everything you need to increase her capabilities.
Zahra: Dope. Alright, I’m off. I’ll see the little runts by the gym tomorrow.
Zahra and I.R.I.S. bid farewell to the group as they wave to them. Afterwards, they head towards a Japanese-style restaurant. As they take their seats and have finished ordering their food, Blight and Vishakha discuss.
Vishakha: I guess you won, Jester.
Blight: Yeah... but not technically...
Vishakha’s smile falters as she sees the doubt on Blight’s face.
Blight: You lost on purpose didn’t you?
Vishakha: ...Yeah.
Blight pulls her into a warm hug as she hugs her back.
Vishakha: You’ve been losing a lot of our bets lately, Jester. I just thought that giving you a win would make you really happy...
Blight: I know. But seeing you happy is more important to me. And I don’t mind losing if that’s what it takes to see you smile. That is why... I’m sharing the pay with you.
Vishakha: ...Thank you, Jester...
The two linger in each other’s embrace as Vishakha takes a cookie from her cookie box and hands it to Blight.
Vishakha: Here, Cookieless man.
Blight grins and humbly takes the cookie. As the night goes on, everyone enjoyed each other’s company while having such a wonderful dinner.
After a bonding journey, everyone has finally reached Quarr’tel Town. How will Taari, Reginald, Kaitlyn and Elena handle their battle against Zahra after learning from Aryndelle’s Best? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT CHAPTER OF POKÉMON SUMMER VERSION!!
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soulsxng · 2 years
@Taari: Do your wife’s children from her previous relationships intimidate you? What about the children she unintentionally “adopts” into her care?
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"I wouldn't say that they intimidate me, no..."
In fact, he wasn't intimidated by them at all, really. At the end of the day, they were Allisae's children, and that was that. He might not be exceptionally close to all of them, but he tried to support them when he could-- when they allowed him to do so, in some cases.
"As for the children she adopts, I don't think it's always entirely unintentional." A sheepish laugh escapes him, and he toys with his hair as he thinks about it a bit. "...But Allisae has always been that way. She likes caring for people, and she has a soft spot for children and animals, and...those that can't necessarily care for or defend themselves. I think that's a good way to put it, I don't know...does that make sense?"
"My only worry with that, is always going to be...what happens when there gets to be too many. I know she'd probably say there's never too many, if she's able to help them, but I don't necessarily mean too many for her."
"I grew up in a family with a lot of siblings, for example. We'll leave the entire aspect of my father's presence out of it, but my mother absolutely loved having all of us. There wasn't once that I ever heard her complain about it, and I always knew that she loved all of us unconditionally. But...with that many of us, there were inevitably some that didn't get as much time and attention from her. To this day, I know that a lot of us would probably say that she even played favorites-- no matter if she actually did, or if so, whether or not she meant to. Regardless, that's how it felt, at times. And I know that effected some of us more than others."
"Obviously it's more complicated than just that...some of us felt that as the older siblings, or the siblings that were seen as being more responsible or self-sufficient, that we shouldn't be as greedy with our mother's time, for one thing. What I'm trying to say though, is that I don't want to see her take in so many, and protect and care for them, and love all of them, and have them feel that way."
"Once it starts to get to the point that she isn't able to give each one the time and attention that they each deserve, then...I don't know. I would probably need to have a talk with her about it."
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"For now though, she's happy. And as far as I know, so are the kids. So that's all that matters to me."
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quanalil · 2 years
I want to know more about Taarie!! Is this someone he keeps in contact with regularly? Or more of a casual contact he stops by to see when in the area? Does he care about Taarie or simply use them for a bit of pleasure now and then? How does Taarie feel about that?
Quanalil's relationship with Taarie is definitely a casual thing, and she is someone he largely only stops by to see whenever he finds himself in the area of Solitude. How much he actually cares about her is debatable, and his answer changes depending on who is asking.
Regardless of what he says he feels or thinks he feels, he would be mildly upset if she were killed, and would definitely feel jealousy if he were to find her in a relationship with someone else. He can be a bit possessive, and considers Taarie to be his.
I think Taarie might believe he cares more about her than he actually does, but she knows he's not committed to her. She wishes he'd write to her more, as every time he leaves she can't be sure he'll ever come back, and that's somewhat upsetting no matter which way you slice it.
Neither of them are really in love with the other, but when he's around he's rather suave and usually brings her a gift, so she lets it continue. If someone genuine were to show a true interest in Taarie, she'd probably drop 'Lil for them pretty quickly: he's not exactly true husband material.
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