#i love talking about twig feel free to ask more :)
henghost · 9 months
Twig Liveblog for Arc 7
another banger arc. at first i was concerned that it was too "wormlike," that the brechwell beast was essentially just a retread of leviathan, not to mention the meetup with major villains where the use of children in evil schemes becomes a point of contention. in the end though i think it ends up being more idea-heavy and character focused, which is pleasant.
really the arc is about the love triangle between sy, mary, and lillian. let's discuss mary first: i thought the most powerful moment was when percy asked her whether her moral opposition was her own or the lambs', and sy notes that what he's really saying is that he didn't design her to have a conscience. that she does have a conscience i think is interesting; i think it's part of twig's radical atheism. morality, for the lambs, derives from bodily forces rather than a transcendent ego-consciousness or soul (quite a nietzschean idea 🧐). peering into the way mary (as well as sy ofc) speak to themselves internally really heightens this effect--they have no "free will" over the ways in which they see and understand situations. instinctively calculating the easiest way to kill everyone in a room is simply the way she was built, quite literally in her dna. i'm glad she got to exert some agency wrt percy, and that she has experienced at least some sort of closure, but that said, with percy gone, what is animating her? it's hard to see her getting with sy after the events of this arc (😭), and her fate with gordon seems up in the air, probably doomed, though i suppose they're all doomed anyway. she isn't exactly an academy loyalist, and yet she also has no strong reason to defect except to stay with the lambs (and i guess maybe to reunite with her bff catcher). without percy, mary seems lost. she'll have to become a new version of herself (perhaps with gordon and hubris' help?).
lillian, meanwhile, has become far more interesting to me than she was before. so much hinges on where her loyalties lie. when it comes up that she would be reluctant to defect because of her family--that hurt a little. i found myself thinking: can't spell liberal without lil 😂. it leads her to hypocrisy. she loves sy and yet wants to join the very institution controlling him, abusing him. yes, of course, sy is pretty awful to her, but when it comes to life-or-death decisions such as whether to join fray, i've gotta say i think sy is right to manipulate a little. they're probably pretty bad for each other despite being adorable.
the themes of bio-control continue to enthrall me. that scene where hayle tells lillian that he considered chemically castrating sy but that instead what he's gonna do is channel his lust into an easily controllable receptacle (lillian) hit like a fucking gut punch fr. for my gravity's rainbow enjoyers out there (@pjospoul) it's almost like a disney version of katje and slothrop, especially with the presence of an octopus experiment.
thank god there's a dog now. i hope they do join fray, and i think fray is right to disseminate academy materials among the masses, but that's mostly because i think the proles deserve an easy way to synthesize thc.
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crappymixtape · 8 months
because of you • part one
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PART II • PART III • PART IV • PART V • EPILOGUE // REQ -> @sattlersquarry ❝ an enemies to lovers fic with Steve? 💙 maybe they have to put aside their differences to fight upside down stuff and realize they actually have a lot in common 👀 • 18+  | ( 2.1k – little bit of king!steve, mostly angst with a dash of fluff, enemies to idiots in love, steve x reader )
B E C A U S E O F Y O U • P A R T O N E 🎶 good girls ( john carpenter remix ), chvrches
“Why is she even here?”
A loud smack cut the air in two as Robin slapped a hand against Steve’s shoulder, rendering the rest of group there in Max’s trailer silent.
Your arms were crossed tightly over your chest, cheeks burning under his gaze, lips twisted into a scowl and trying hard to hold back the daggers you wanted so badly to throw at him.
“She doesn’t know what the hell we’re up against! How’s she supposed to–“
“Steve, none of us knew either, cut her a break.”
“Cut her a break and then what? We all get eaten by a fucking melted people monster?”
“That’s not fair–“
“It’s fine! It’s fine, Nancy,” you cut the girl off, standing quickly from your spot on the couch.
They’d been talking like this since you showed up. Like you weren’t right there in the room with them and honestly you kind of wished you weren’t anymore.
“I need some air,” you grumbled before giving Steve a pointed glare and shouldering open the front door.
The air outside was crisp as you sat down on the front stoop. Not a cloud in the sky and sunlight washing everything in soft golden light, but it all still felt so dark. Like it was harboring thick shadows. Long, spindly, and pitch black. Waiting to wrap their twisted fingers around you.
Waiting to dig into you and squeeze tight.
Waiting to lift you twenty feet into the air and snap your bones like twigs.
Waiting to leave you for dead.
And here was Steve fucking Harrington asking what right you had to be there. Asking what purpose were you gonna serve amongst this “holier than thou” joke of an army. Steve, Robin, Nancy and Eddie had already gotten their asses handed to them by what they’d called demobats, Steve arguably needing serious medical attention, and they wanted to go back? It took everything you had to not leave right there on the spot.
Hell, maybe you should, you thought for a minute. You didn’t owe them anything, especially Steve, but you did owe it to your best friend. The one who basically had a hit out on him. The one who wouldn’t hurt a goddamn fly, but all of Hawkins had already decided he was guilty and you weren't about to leave him.
You met him two years ago under the bleachers at the Homecoming football game. It seemed like the perfect place to smoke the joint you’d messily rolled in the car right before you’d come into the stadium and apparently you’d been right, but someone else had already laid claim to it...
“Hate to break it to you sweetheart, but this is kind of my spot.”
He’d been all black leather and denim. Dark curls and clove. Silver rings and chains and heavy boots and maybe you should’ve been more intimidated, but the smile lines at the corners of his mouth gave him away.
“Don’t see a sign anywhere,” you’d shot back, no hesitation. Looked over at him all skeptics and attitude and took a long drag from your joint. Blew the smoke off in his direction and it made him grin like an idiot.
“Been sellin’ weed down here for like…the last three years so–actually, yeah. What the fuck, man. Someone owes me a sign.”
...And that was it, you were a goner. Laughing mid-toke and coughing so hard you cried and it made him feel so bad he gave you a baggy for free. Eddie "the freak" Munson and you – best friends.
Skipped all the stupid dances and football games with you. Paraded around the lunch room like an idiot with you. Threw fries back at the jocks for you when they called you a loser and sat on the floor in the bathroom with you when you cried.
So fuck “King Steve” Harrington.
You had every right to be there, probably even more than he did and you were gonna tell him to his face, but—
“Can I sit?”
The sudden sound of someone else made you jump.
“Jesus, Eddie.”
“Sorry,” he chuckled and sat down next to you. Gave you a sidelong glance and a small lopsided smile. “He’s really not so bad–”
“You’re joking. Right? Tell me you’re joking.”
The boy hummed, dropped his gaze down to the rings wrapped around his fingers and twisted the one on his thumb.
“He doesn’t want me here. None of them do,” you grumbled, frustration fed further by his non-answer and it pulled his eyes back up to you.
“Hey now, that’s not true–”
“Yes it is! Even Nancy looks at me like a kicked puppy.”
That pulled a laugh from him. Made him scoot closer to you and bump his shoulder into yours. “Listen, sweetheart,” the nickname made you soften, but you tried to keep your scowl in place, “We’re all in over our fuckin’ heads, hm? And Stevie boy…he’s seen some shit. He’s just trying to–”
“Just trying to what? Be a complete dickhead about it? Mission accomplished.”
Eddie sighed and roughed a hand over his face. Rested his elbows on his knees and laced his fingers together. He knew what you felt because he’d felt it too. Knew what it was like to get laughed at and mocked in the lunch room. Knew how it was supposed to be between him and the other boy. Hell, he nearly cut Harrington’s face off with a broken bottle a few days ago, but one thing was clear.
Change was possible and Steve Harrington was proof, he just wasn’t great at showing it.
“Alright. He could be less of a dick,” he conceded, propping his chin in his hand and looking at you with his big brown eyes. How could you be mad at that?
You mumbled under your breath about that not being the only thing, but fine, okay, only for you, Eds.
Reaching over he flicked at your fingers and looked at you from under his curls with a stern pinch between his brows. “He’s helping me, sweetheart. They all are. Shit, without them I’d probably be in jail already. Or in Carver’s trunk,” he tried a laugh, but it fell short at the end with the weight of his words and it made you grab at his hand and squeeze it.
“Shut up,” you chided softly, no heat behind it. The anger that had been swelling in your chest all but extinguished.
Silence settled between the two of you then, heavy and tinged at the edges with worry. With everything that was at risk and it started to gnaw at the pit of your stomach. What if you couldn’t fix it? And even if you could, this Vecna asshole was about to end the world anyway so what the hell did it matter?
How were a bunch of kids going to do anything about it?
“Ahem,” the door knocked into your back and jolted you back to earth. Pulled a gasp from you and when you looked up over your shoulder you felt your anger return ten fold. “We’re leaving, geniuses,” Steve announced, pushing at you with the door.
“Least you know you’re an idiot,” you mumbled under your breath, standing up from your spot to glare at him at eye level.
“Real cute,” Steve shouldered past you on the stoop, took the last two steps in one go and turned to face you both as he landed on the grass. “For you, Munson,” he said, throwing a mask at Eddie, “Courtesy of Mayfield.”
“What’s that for?” you couldn’t help asking as Max appeared at your side and pointed so casually – too casually – at the mask.
“Gonna steal a Winnebago. Get that on, dingus. Let’s go.”
“Nice,” Eddie grinned up at the red-headed girl and yanked the mask on over his head, “Thanks, Red.”
“Let’s go,” Steve urged, waving his hands at everyone to get out of the house and you felt your heart racing.
“Steal a Winnebago? Eddie. Fuck that–”
“Honey, I’m already a wanted man–” Eddie cut you off and readjusted the ridiculous looking mask a bit. “–c’mon,” he said, tugging at your belt loop to get with it.
“I–that doesn’t mean you can just steal–”
“We’re way past that,” Dustin chimed in, shoving past you just like everyone else, “Besides, if the world’s gonna end anyway, what’s it matter?”
Shit. The kid had a point. It was probably fine. It was just a trailer. Maybe you could give it back afterward? You needed it more than they did. Right?
“Dammit,” you grumbled under your breath, now the only one still standing around. “Wait for me!”
The first time you ran into Steve Harrington was sophomore year. In the hallway before Click’s class. You were cramming everything into your bag, but struggling with your history book when you heard it coming.
Tommy Hagan’s stupid laugh.
Your stomach sank, eyes glued on your things and trying to ignore it. He was in your science class the year before along with his ditzy girlfriend Carol and they always made sure to get a spot in the back just to make out.
“Need some help?”
When you finally looked up at him he’d stopped right in front of you, the grin on his lips sharklike as Carol smirked out from under his arm. Another boy you didn’t know was standing just behind them wearing a stupid member’s only jacket, half unzipped, and had hair that sat perfectly in place. Too perfect.
“That looks heavy, hm?” Tommy said grabbing your book, voice all saccharine sweet and sharp around the edges. Flipping through the pages he pulled a face, clicked his tongue and weighed it in his hand, then made a show of dumping it on the floor. “Whoops. Sorry!” he half-laughed and your cheeks burned.
“Bite me, Hagan,” you snapped back, bending down to grab your book, and it only made his grin grow wider.
“Ooo. She’s fiesty today, Stevie. I like it.”
And then he chimed in. Stevie. The had-to-be-douchebag that everyone called 'King Steve.'
“Probably on her period,” he said scoffing a laugh, all confidence and bravado and the look on his face was so smug. Thought he was so clever and funny and when you finally turned around it was to take the two steps up to him in one.
“Really? My period? So original.”
It made him swallow hard. Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he blinked back the flicker of surprise glinting in his eyes. He took a quick glance at Tommy like he didn’t want to disappoint him and then hardened his expression. Crowded down over you and nodded.
“Explains you being such a bitch.”
And it took the air from your lungs. Stuck in your sides sharp like a knife and you felt your throat tighten as Tommy and Carol snickered, but you wouldn’t let him have the satisfaction. Not here.
“Yeah. Bet you wish you had an excuse for being such an asshole,” you cut at him and it pulled an Oh shit! out of Tommy as he doubled over laughing, Steve’s mouth dropped open in shock.
Your feet couldn’t carry you away fast enough as you shoved your book in your bag and turned to leave, but you refused to run. Refused to let them see weakness, and as Tommy yelled down the hallway after you about tampons you raised a middle finger high in the air to punctuate just how much you hated them all.
Eddie met you in the bathroom after that, the one nobody used on the other side of school, and you told him everything. He let you have the joint he had tucked behind his ear for emergencies, listened to you and told you they weren’t worth it. Especially not Steve. Because even though Tommy started it, Steve was the one who dug in. Could have left it alone but didn’t and that was what really got you.
How obvious it was he knew how shitty they were being, but went along with it anyway because he had to maintain his status. Had to uphold how ‘cool’ he was and keep the line in the sand drawn between him and ‘the freaks’ like you.
So he wouldn’t get a second chance.
And he wasn’t worth your time.
Not then and sure as hell not now.
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist ♥️ reblogs and comments keep me going, friends! ily! ♥️
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ikeoji-subs · 3 months
Zettai BL Ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL Ni Naritakunai Otoko 2024 - Episode 3 Eng Sub
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For downloading instructions and where to find the raw files please check our masterpost
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Feel free to use the fansub for fandom purposes. Gif-making, meta-writing, and other fandom-related creative endeavors made using our fansub are not only welcome but encouraged.
Thanks so much to everyone interacting with our fansub posts and leaving appreciative comments in the tags! It’s super motivating for us and makes all the effort worth it.
And big thanks to @my-rose-tinted-glasses for gifs! We’re so lucky to be able to benefit from your skills.
translation notes:
about “suki” vs. “tsuki” (3:32)
This is explained in a brief translation note in the subtitles, and there isn’t a ton left to say about it that wasn’t stated there. But due to the amount of dialogue happening in this scene, we had to keep the note as short as possible and we weren’t able to keep it onscreen for very long, so it still bears mentioning here. 
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In Japanese, the words “suki” and “tsuki” sound quite similar. “Suki,” as a lot of BL viewers know, means “like” or “liking,” whereas “tsuki” means “moon.” Hatano is saying “suki desu” to Mob, which in this context means he’s basically declaring his love for him. Mob is using the resemblance between “suki” and “tsuki” to pretend that he thinks Hatano said something to him about the moon. Then he uses the English word “moon” a couple of times, seemingly to ensure that Hatano won’t be able to turn around and take his “tsuki” as “suki.” 
As Mob says, usually a maneuver like this would make the person declaring their feelings get so self-conscious that they’d back off. But Hatano’s not a typical suitor, as Mob soon learns.–Towel
about “perfect match” (15:31)
I mentioned in our translation note about episode 1 that the red and blue beams that shoot out of Mob’s eyes seemed like a reference to his character from Kamen Rider Build. This time, I kind of made my own Easter egg about that show.
I mentioned before that Inukai Atsuhiro played the main Rider–and title character–on Kamen Rider Build. Kamen Riders always have some kind of transformation item, sometimes with interchangeable components. They're typically some kind of object attached to a belt, sort of like a massive buckle, that you can put smaller items into. The components that Build (a.k.a. Kiryu Sento) used at first (and to an extent, later in the series) involved “bottles” that were each named after some kind of object or animal. He would use two at a time, and the resulting juxtaposition (e.g. RabbitTank) would be reflected in his suit form somehow. But not every combination of bottles worked together, and some resulted in more effective suit forms than others. When Sento found a really good combination, his transformation device would designate it a “best match.” A “best match” resulted in more strength and more effective abilities to fight villains. 
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Sento showing Banjou how best matches work
The phrase “best match” didn’t exactly fit here. But when I was polishing up this line and the word “match” came to mind, I felt like I had to at least try to word it in a way that would allow me to say something reminiscent of it--hence "perfect match." I hope some Build fans will recognize the sorta-reference!–Towel
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Banjou annoying Sento by guessing a best match combination on his first try
Tag list: @absolutebl @bengiyo @c1nto @come-back-serotonin @lurkingshan @my-rose-tinted-glasses @porridgefeast @sorry-bonebag @twig-tea @wen-kexing-apologist
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yunxi-11085 · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes w/ honkai ppl time~
note ¡ second time using incorrect quotes generator I'm using more characters & relationships now :D first time is here!!
let's start~~ scroll down for more^^
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prompt 1 : Jing yuan & yanqing & gn! reader! (same age as yanqing & friends?? Jing yuan as the father figure to you too omo
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Jing yuan : I know you snuck out last night.
Yanqing : Play dumb!
You : Who's you?
Yanqing : Not that dumb!
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prompt 2 ¡ Jing yuan & yanqing & gn! reader (same as the first one aaa it's so cute)
Store Worker : Would a mr. Jing yuan please come to the front desk?
Jing yuan, arriving at the desk : Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker : points to you and yanqing
Store Worker : I believe they belong to you?
You and Yanqing, simulataneously : We got lost :(
Jing yuan : I didn't even bring you guys here with me—
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prompt 3 ¡ Jing yuan x reader?? w/ mentioned yanqing (this is so cute omfg)
Jing yuan : you, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
You: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Jing yuan : Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask yanqing.
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prompt 4 ¡ Jing yuan & reader & yanqing??
Jing yuan : If you had to choose between (you) and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?
Yanqing: That depends, how much money are we taking about?
You: yanqing!
Jing yuan : 63 cents.
Yanqing: I'll take the money.
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prompt 5 ¡ march 7 & Dan heng & caelus & stelle & reader
so so cute
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march 7: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Dan heng will and will not eat.
you: Grass? Yes!
march 7: Moss? Yes!!
you: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
march 7: Shoelaces? Strange but true!
you: Worms? Sometimes!
march 7: Rocks? Usually nah.
you: Twigs? Usually!
march 7: stelle's cooking? Inconclusive!
caelus: How did you… test this?
march 7: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it.
caelus: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
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prompt 6 ¡ march 7 & Dan heng & caelus & stelle & reader
march 7: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
you: Several traffic violations.
Dan heng: Three counts of resisting arrest.
caelus: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
stelle: Also, that’s not our car.
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prompt 7 ¡ march 7 & Dan heng & caelus & stelle & reader
march 7: Good morning.
you: Good morning.
Dan heng: Good morning.
caelus: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
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I absolutely adore husband Jing yuan son yanqing and the troublemaking trio LMFAOO I just HAD to make a second prompt post because of my new addiction it seems 🤣🤣
if you would like me to write a fic with these prompts feel free to send me an ask for comment on this post! I'd be super happy to write!
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disasterousduo · 3 months
Incorrect Quote Generator
I might draw some of these later/tomorrow
——————————————————————— Sun: Croissants: dropped  Solar: Road: works ahead  Moon: BBQ sauce: on my titties  Lunar: Shavacado: fre  Earth: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead  Eclipse:  Eclipse, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
'Can I copy the homework?'  Sun: I can help you with it!  Solar: Yeah, sure.  Moon: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.  Ruin: lol nope.  Earth: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!  Bloodmoon: *Read 5:55pm*
Solar: Is something burning? N!Moon: Just my love for you. Solar: Moon, the toaster is on fire.
Ruin: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Bloodmoon: You need to stop.
Ruin: I made tea. Eclipse: I don’t want tea. Ruin: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea. Eclipse: Then why are you telling me? Ruin: It is a conversation starter. Eclipse: That’s a lousy conversation starter. Ruin: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Earth: What time is it?  Eclipse: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out  Eclipse: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*  Moon: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXOPHONE AT TWO IN THE MORNING  Eclipse: It’s 2 am
Sun: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death? Moon: How am I supposed to know? Lunar: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult. Moon: *sighs* Moon: You wouldn't be trapped.
Lunar, texting Solar: Solar! Help I’m being kidnapped Solar: Where are you? Lunar: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help. Solar: I’ll call Earth. Earth, answering their cell: Y’ello? Solar: Where’s Lunar? They texted me that they were being kidnapped. Earth: Lunar? Whaddya mean, they're right next to me- Earth: Earth: I’ll call you back. *hangs up* Earth: THE NEW HAIRCUT ISN’T THAT BAD! Lunar: WHO ARE YOU?!
Earth, talking to Sun on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to? Sun : You bet! Earth: At what temperature? Sun : 535. Earth: That's the clock. Sun: Earth: Sun : 536.
Sun: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?  Solar : Oh, I’m always running  Solar : The question is from what
Ruin: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.  Solar : Oh, you’ve been?  Ruin: Once. In Monopoly.
Sun: Favorite horror movie?  Solar : It  Lunar: Saw  Moon: Annabelle  Earth: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Sun: Nothing in life is free.  Solar : Love is free!  Lunar: Adventure is free.  Moon: Knowledge is free.  Jack: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
Sun: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Bloodmoon will and will not eat. Solar : Grass? Yes! Sun: Moss? Yes!! Solar : Leaves? Ohh, yes! Sun: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Solar : Worms? Sometimes! Sun: Rocks? Usually nah. Solar : Twigs? Usually! Sun: Ruin's cooking? Inconclusive! Moon: How did you… test this? Sun: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it. Moon: ... I don’t know how to feel about this. Ruin: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
Sun: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends. Moon : ... Your what? Sun: My friends. Solar: Are they saying “friends”? Moon: I think they're being sarcastic. Lunar: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Sun! All of your friends are in this room. Sun: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
Sun: That's it, we're gonna go out and find what we need! Moon: To the city? Sun: Yeah, no matter what! Earth: Well- How exactly do you propose we do that, exactly? Sun: I... I don't know! Solar : Oh come off it, be serious! Sun: I am serious! Solar : You're insane! Lunar: Why, if only we were all wiener dogs, our problems would be solved! Everyone: Sun: What??? Lunar: Or maybe it was a basset hound! Solar , panicked: YOU'RE ALLINSANE!
Sun: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.  Chica : What if it bites me and it dies!?  Moon: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Chica , learn to listen.  Freddy: What if it bites itself and I die?  Monty: That’s voodoo.  Bloodmoon: What if it bites me and someone else dies?  Chica: That’s correlation, not causation.  Freddy: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?  Monty: That’s kinky.  Sun: Oh my God.
Sun: Hewwo.  Jack : Hihiiiiii!  Moon: Greetings, Humans.  Solar: Three kinds of people.  Lunar: I want pudding.  Sun: Four kinds of people.  Bloodmoon: WHAT’S UP FUCKERS?  Solar: Five kinds of people.
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muffinsin · 6 months
Hello my FAVORITE child, your Mother stopping by to drop a HC request if ya don't mind humoring me. I give you free reign with the maidens.... they are replaceable . But my vases and flowers are off limits still. You still do no wrong and are so perfect, smart and intelligent.
Also make sure u drain the blood the way Alci showed with the maidens. Now to my ask...... *unfolds a long ass piece of parchment paper and puts on my glasses*
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Ok so hear me out. You know my HC on Feral Cass after her Cadou implant. Like babygirl is dumb ass rocks. She cant speak, talk, read, write, like nothing. Her whole brain gets wiped from something going wrong w her Cadou. She ask like a legit animal, like growling and snarls instead of words. U know feral feral.
SO like I would LOVE to hear your HC's on what Feral Cass would be like if she is like on a hunt and finds a pregnant women in the woods. For some reason or the other the women is lost from the village cuz preggo brain. Like she can smell that the women is with child and gets maybe curious about just what that means. *dumb ass rocks Cass but still has those baser instincts to know that this isn't normal prey* And maybe Cass like ends up protecting the women from an attack *cuz u know those woods aint never safe* so she is even more confused on why she did that. Why protect this "bloated "human ? Its just a human... right? She kills humans just to kill, what was different about this one type.
OK I go now... I ramble. BYYYEEEEE MY FAVORTIE CHILD!!!!!!
Hello, Mother @darkittensniper ! I suppose the vases and flowers being off limits is acceptable aims hatchets at the windows Being right and correct and all😌🙌 Dw, I know how to drain em >:)
Nooooow, abso-freaking-lutely! We love sum feral Cassie in this house🙌
Let’s get into it :)!
Noises, smells, visuals, everywhere. Cassandra loves and hates it at the same time
Her head jerks, from left to right, up and down. Her eyes wide, her lips parted enough to allow a glimpse of sharp, white canines dripping blood
Every little sound has her attention
Every little movement has her twitch and glance in the direction
Every scent makes her growl quietly
A hunt- a good hunt, this one will be. Certainly
If only she could settle on a prey. There is simply so much to choose from, she’s foaming at the mouth and growling in excitement already
Birds, boars, rabbits, villagers and hunters, Lycans and bears, even a varcolac!
She turns her head to the right, so fast it feels as though her neck is snapping
Cassandra snarls at the sensation, and for a moment it’s enough to drown out the noise she has just heard
Ah, but it returns. Panting
Yes, unmistakably
Female. Exhausted. Panicking. Crying
Cassandra’s eyes flash dangerously for a moment
She snarls for a mere moment again, her claw-like nails digging sharply into the handles of her daggers. For a second she considers dropping them, before the memory of the special engravings on its handle remind her not to do so
Then, a smirk appears on her face when she catches the direction of the strange scent
She is ready to hunt
She runs fast, uncaring and unaware of her dress getting stuck on twigs and thorns and ripping free again seconds after
Often, it nearly makes her trip. She pays it no mind, only keeps running
She can’t think, can’t talk, can’t do a thing but follow the noise and follow her basic instinct to discover, claim, and kill
The closer the gets, the more feral she seems to become
Her mouth waters at the loud heartbeat she hears, her eyes widen at the overwhelming scent that hits her
Suddenly she stops in her tracks, so sudden it’s as if she’s run into an invisible wall
She snarls, then whimpers, as though in confusion
Certainly, this scent is different than a normal one
Hunger and brutality is met with curiosity
As her legs come to a final halt and she stalks quietly, she finds her prey
She moves under twigs and through bushes, quietly snarking and smacking them away with the sharp sides of the daggers
Her lips curl upwards when she finds her prey again, this time being granted a closer look
Panting, crying, hissing and groaning, clutching her bloated stomach. Poor thing. Not that Cassandra understands
A woman. This much is clear
You’re unaware of the feral, beast-like brunette watching you from among the trees
You don’t hear her growl, her snarl of frustration when she can’t figure out what’s different about you
You don’t care, either, though
Not when all your attention is pulled to your foot and the harsh metal spikes piercing it
The flesh of your ankle is swollen and red, pulsing and radiating heat. You cry out and pant to yourself as you attempt to work on the sharp metallic teeth
A bear trap
Cassandra catches wind of this, too
Her lips are all too dry, and as her tongue darts out to lick them, her eyes flash to the blood covering your ankle
Hunger takes over her again, and as she inhales sharply, a small, excited squeak passes her lips
Her head jerks sideways again when a roar is heard, loud enough to cover her hiss and growls of displeasure and loud enough for even you to hear
A bear
She feels excited again, her bloodlust returning wholly, among something else
She needs to slay this beast
She practically tastes your panic in the air as the sound rings out and scares nearby birds
Is she about to watch the bear devour you? It doesn’t seem so
With a mind too clouded, the feral brunette can’t even entertain the idea of it
Instead, she swarms fast, the tip of her dagger grazing your shoulder as she stands in front of you
Protectively, even
She bares her teeth at the large animal coming from among the twigs and bushes, her own, sharp canines on display, blood and drool forming at her mouth
The beast stares for a moment, as though to think this over
Both are locked into a staring match, neither advert their eyes, neither moving at all
She takes in the black fur, the brown eyes, the mouth pulled to form a snarl similar to hers
Sharp teeth, perhaps even sharper claws on the animal’s paws
She practically vibrates with excitement, her flies buzzing both excitedly and aggressively
After a few seconds, she can’t stand the anticipation any longer
She charges, a growl and snarl coming from her
Yet, in her dizzying bloodlust and excitement, she is once again too fast and little strategic
As the bear moves sideways, Cassandra hisses. She slams against one of the trees, the wood hard against her shoulder
She snarls angrily, her body turning back to the bear running at her. It too is ready to charge now
She rips herself from the tree, her daggers slicing harshly into the bear’s massive neck
As blood spills and slaps her in the face, she laughs, the sound almost high pitched in excitement, the most human one she has been able to make so far
Clearly, she is enjoying herself
You watch in awe as she fights the beast, the show temporarily distracting you from the aching and biting pain of your ankle
The bear falls fast, a loud roar the last sound coming from it when daggers and teeth dig into its neck and rip brutally
A quick death, albeit a bloody one. You wonder if yours will be the same
The brunette hasn’t yet turned her attention back to you
She’s studying the body, sniffing and prodding, cutting and licking the blood off the blades, uncaring when she accidentally makes a cut at her own tongue or lip
You watch her, elegant, yet not elegant at all at the same time…her movements are fast and animalistic, feral
She snaps her head when she hears something, sniffs and tilts her head to examine the corpse
And yet, the way she holds her daggers, the way her back is just slightly arched as she has a look…she has something regal about her, a mere trace of elegance deep within
You turn your attention back to the bear trap
When you attempt to grasp one of the metallic claws and tug the trap open, you nearly scream in pain. It doesn’t budge, and you can’t see it properly with your stomach disallowing you to sit up as you’d like to
You bite down on your lip harshly, so that only a whimper comes from you, and gently stroke over your stomach to calm yourself
You remember what you have been told. To stay calm. To avoid stress. Well, that’s working out well for you…
Yet, you don’t realise that your pained whimper immediately has her head snap back to you
She’s back at you in an instant, her eyes following you when you flinch backwards
She feels- confused
Why did she save you?
Cassandra hovers over you, the blood at her face immediately catching your attention
Yet, with your leg stuck, you can’t even pull away as she climbs over you, the slightly torn parts of her dress almost ticklish against your trapped leg
You watch her face lower to your stomach, her expression almost confused
Cassandra snarls for a moment. No response comes from you or your stomach
Why is it like that? Why do you smell so odd?
She catches the scent, yours, and your blood. And another. A light one. Coming from your stomach
You tense as she inhales, her cheek brushing against your covered stomach
Cassandra only grows more curious. Uncaring about you, she sinks her teeth into the fabric of your shirt and pulls it up
Yet, when she doesn’t find a human curled against you like expected, but a large stomach only, she jumps back in surprise
Had it not been for the quick beat of your heart and the painful ache of your leg, you might’ve laughed at the strange view of this woman being startled by your stomach
However, she is quick to approach you again
With her head tilted sideways, she eyes you curiously
You realise- she isn’t going to hurt you. Nor is she going to hurt your unborn baby
Instead, she keeps sniffing about, eyes wide, fingers poking and prodding as though to confirm it’s your skin
When you attempt to sit up, you scream, having momentarily forgotten about the bear trap
Her eyes flash and widen, and for a mere moment the beautiful gold in them catches you off guard
You watch her move down your body, sniffing and inspecting you, as though checking for more wounds
Then, she is right at the beartrap
She grabs it, and with a firm yank, it comes loose
You scream, and for a moment, clutch your stomach tightly
Confusion sets in when Cassandra copies the action, her bloodied hands on top of you too
She seems unsure of her own actions, as though they’re driven purely by instinct, rather than actual thought and consideration
She watches you for a few more moments, before leaning close to your stomach again
You gasp in surprise when she suddenly smears her face against you, her bloodied cheek rubbing against you
Affectionately, almost
She growls as she repeats the action, again, and again
At last, she faces you again
Her head tilts. She takes you in, you realize. She is curious about you
“I’m from-the village”, you clarify for her. You wonder whether she can even understand you
She certainly looks human
“I got lost”, you admit, your voice raspy from screaming and crying
You don’t dare look down at your injured leg, instead keep your eyes fixated on her golden ones
She whines and snarls for a moment, then seems to come up with whatever she has been trying to think of
You shriek in surprise when her arms wrap around you and you’re lifted off the dirty ground
With certainty, she begins to walk, seemingly bringing you deeper into the forest
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Shamura meeting a spider s.o who isn't really apart of the cult and lives the life of a traveler but visits from time to time and members consider her to be a 'big sister' and people love to come to her for advice...
like she'll be pulling pieces of debris, leaves, twigs, pieces of mushroom, etc. from the lambs wool (which she had lectured him about a few minutes prior like "Lamb, you got this in your wool AGAIN?? I will not allow you to continue to talk to people when you basically have a FOREST in your wool, sit down and let me help you.") and Shamura is there and I feel like they have real deep conversations, maybe s.o telling him their story after a while, how they think that they might be from the Silk Cradle but aren't sure because they were taken when they were young and raised in the mountains ... just a little thing i thought abt haha
"I-I can assure you, [y/n]..I don't need-"
"Oh no, you absolutely do need this." You tutted as you made Lamb sit down on a tree stump, picking bits of mushrooms and leaves out of their wool.
They winced as you harshly tugged on a twig that was especially embedded in it, casting it aside once it was plucked free. "I need to do my morning sermon," they grumbled. "Can this wait until-?"
"There's still a few more hours till noon. I will not have you walk up to that podium with your wool being a literal Anurian forest! How do you keep letting it get this bad anyways?"
"Actually..don't answer that."
"But...!!! Ugh, fine." With a pout, the Lamb sat with their cheeks puffed out, remembering that they couldn't order you around...as you weren't one of their followers. So you didn't have to abide by any of their rules.
You were a nomadic spider who traveled all across the Old Faith. Your heart desired adventure, but every once in a while it would lead you back to these temple grounds, and you'd witness Lamb's cult growing steadily with each visit.
When they weren't around, their followers would flock to you, having grown accustomed to your frequent appearances. You carried a lot of knowledge during your travels, so you'd share stories of your recent journeys and offer advice to those who asked for it.
Whether it's about something personal or just how to navigate through a domain safely, you had plenty of answers for most of them. Some followers even looked up to you as a sister, which made you happy.
The most important part of your visit, however, was ensuring Lamb looked their best before they went to preach in the temple. You always caught them after they return from crusades, finding them covered in earthly debris without a care in the world.
If this new "god" of the lands wanted to be taken more seriously...they had to look presentable to their followers.
But even so, they were quite the fussy one; stubborn like a child: Bleating constantly, kicking their hooves, and sometimes even demonically hissing if you suggest they removed their crown for a moment.
They only acted that way because Narinder saw you preening their wool once and mocked his former vessel until your glare shooed him away.
Fortunately, Lamb chose not to argue with you any further, making your job easier to finish.
It took a few more minutes, but their wool finally looked a lot better, so you sent them on their way to preach the Red Crown's gospel after bidding them farewell.
Whatever debris you plucked out of them went into a bag of silk you've crafted for yourself. Surely you can do something with the twigs, leaves, mushroom stems, and pumpkin seeds they carried back to the cult grounds--you couldn't let any of that go to waste.
"Greetings, traveler. Back so soon?"
The familiar voice made you perk up, looking to see Shamura standing there with a book in their hands. It seemed to be one from Silk Cradle, detailing trap layouts and designs.
You smiled. "Hello, Lord Shamura. And yes. I like to come and go as I please."
".....forgive me, but your name slips past me.."
"It's [y/n]."
"..ah yes, yes...Sister [Y/n]. Welcome back." They bowed their head politely. "I do have a question, if you have the time."
"Of course." You nodded, before frowning as you noticed the somewhat troubled look on their face. "What ails you?"
"...hm?" They blinked. "Do I look sick?"
"Oh, no. I mean..your expression. I've seen it on other followers, and it's usually because something's weighing heavily on their mind-"
"Why call me "lord" if you have not served under me?" Shamura abruptly interrupted, confused as their gaze went to the open book in their hands. "I have seen many spiders in Silk Cradle...but none quite like yourself. If only I could remember..were you a servant? A warrior? A merchant...?"
The more they struggled to recall, the more ichor began leaking through their bandages. And you could see it was physically paining them, too.
It made you wonder how they ever survived losing the Purple Crown, but then again it probably took a miracle from the Lamb to give them a fighting chance--a second chance.
Even so, you felt bad for Shamura. Their memory gaps kept widening despite their desperation to remember things and continue reading.
"Oh dear..allow me to hold that for you." You gently took the book away from them before the liquid could splatter all over the cover, closing it up. "I didn't grow up in Silk Cradle, but I'm sure I was born there. I only remember being taken up to the mountains..perhaps my family became deserters who disliked the violence."
"Hm...under my ruling, deserters would have been swiftly found and jailed."
"I see-"
"No, no..that's not it...they...would have been swiftly found, tried in my court, and publicly executed." They corrected themselves, huffing. "My apologies."
"...oh. Then I guess I'm glad we weren't ever found out." You awkwardly chuckled, having much preferred what they said before. "It seems your memory has been improving since the last time we met."
"Yes, indeed...indeed it is.." Shamura nodded, before you both heard the tolls of the temple bell, signaling that it was time for the sermon. "The Lamb calls..they are speaking now." They looked to you. "Shall we go together, [y/n]?"
"Sure." With a smile, you linked arms with them. "But as a fair warning, I tend to hang around the back and just listen."
"As do I, my friend...as do I." A tiny smile formed between their fangs. "I hope Lamb's wool isn't covered in earthly vermin anymore."
"It's clean as a whistle." You reassured, smiling back at them, before you two headed towards the temple.
Perhaps you'll stay here in the cult for the rest of the day. Just to spend a little more time with Shamura.
You enjoyed the company of a fellow arachnid.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
Best of QL 2023: Favorite Lines
Okay well, I was going to spare everyone (and myself) from having to choose between all the pre-2023 shows I binged this year, but @twig-tea wanted more pain and suffering so here it goes:
Top Five Pre-2023 Lines that Lived Rent-Free In My Brain This Year:
"I don't want to see him sad." -Oh'Aew, I Told Sunset About You, Ep. 5
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Okay so you see, my real problem here is that my favorite parts of ITSAY, the things that stay in my head rent free. No. The things I pay to stay in my head because I love them so much are the things that happen in the silence. Beginning of Ep 3, end of Ep 3, the kiss in Ep 4, the wrestling at the end of Ep 2. Those aspects, those moments are what absolutely destroyed me with this show. But I am gonna be real with you all, when Bas let Oh go like that? I wept. And I do love what it says about Oh that despite how much he has been hurt by Teh, he loves Teh enough to know how utterly devasted Teh is right now, and he cannot bear the pain of seeing someone he loves so hurt. Especially when he and Teh haven't spoken since Teh gave up his seat.
"You're tired, aren't you?" -Mork, My Ride, Ep. 5
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If you saw my Favorite Lines 2023 post you would notice that this line is very very similar to my favorite line in Moonlight Chicken. And that is because loving and caring for people is super fucking exhausting. Meeting the world with kindness and grace and radical empathy in the face of horrible things, in the face of people who think you are weak for your kindness, or who seek to take advantage of it is fucking exhausting. And it is honestly quite rare that I see kind characters being asked this question, so I always go feral when they do because it is such a testament to love to say 'i see you' but to grant people enough space and autonomy to decide how honest and vulnerable they are going to let themselves be. I was talking with @ginnymoonbeam about this line a little so I am going to steal a line from her: "have you eaten" = I love and care for you
"are you tired" = I see how much you love and care for me/others
Of course the fact that Tawan absolutely just melts in to a puddle of tears because yes, yes he is tired, so so fucking tired does absolutely nothing to help me stop thinking about this scene. I love my boys!
"Because you raised me this way, that's why I'm not like other kids" || "I had to hate Pran, to compete against him, because of you? That's the reason? -Pran || Pat, Bad Buddy, Ep. 10
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I cheated here. I do not care. These lines come almost one right after another and are just the same level of one-two gut punch that makes Bad Buddy so fucking incredible. Pat and Pran have been through so much because their parents were trying to save face. All the pain they have suffered, the lies they've had to tell, the caution, the fear, the secrecy in their relationship. How long Pran has had to keep his feelings for Pat at bay, how much Pat is sacrificing to let Pran maintain a good relationship with his mother, is all because their parents have decades old beef. There are so many good lines in this show, if I were to pick another one it would be "do you want to be friends?" "no" from Episode 5, but I feel like no lines sum up the conflict of Bad Buddy better than Pran and Pat confronting their parents.
"You must be disappointed in me." -Wang, 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us, Ep 7
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Ok so I lied about this one, the line that absolutely stays in my head rent free is the line "Mom." Wang sobs after his fight with In in Episode 8 but I had a legitimate 30 minute melt-down over that singular line and moment so I am picking one of the next most painful lines for me. And if it wasn't this it would be the entirety of the 52 Hertz Whale monologue that In gives in Episode 3 because that is the saddest gayest monologue for the saddest gayest man. And if it wasn't those it would be the boy in boarding school monologue Wang gives in Episode 5. Honestly this entire script, and this entire show is with me always.
BUT what absolutely kills me about this line in particular is that Swasimol tries to shake her head no, and can't bring herself to lie, and Wang watches his mother nod in confirmation that she is disappointed in him when he tells her he is in love with In. And that's the part that is truly crushing.
"I know you're hurting," -Shiro, What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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GOD. THEY MAKE ME SO. AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH. Honestly a huge fuck you to @bengiyo for introducing this show to me, this brain rot is 1000% his fault.
There is something just so fascinating to me about Kenji and Shiro's dynamic especially around how they handle and navigate their queerness. Kenji is loud and out and proud and while we don't know if there was time his mother had to work up to it, we know that Kenji's mother is pretty accepting of Kenji being gay. But Shiro didn't have that same experience, and he is quiet, and struggling with internalized homophobia, and decently rooted in the closet. And I think when you have a character like Kenji who rarely seems to take the insults and the jabs to heart, who is just the human embodiment of sunshine you can forget that Kenji is human, and Kenji uses his sunshine as armor the way that Shiro uses his silence.
Shiro never says I love you to Kenji, in the first season he rarely engaged in any level of physical affection, and kept a distance from Kenji if they were walking together in public. But Shiro loves Kenji so goddamn much, so so fucking much, and while he can't bring himself to say the words it is in moments like this one, where Shiro knows despite the fact that Kenji hasn't given any indication, that Kenji is hurt by the fact that Shiro's mother rescinded his New Year's invitation.
Shiro and Kenji mean everything to me.
If anyone is curious about any other favorites (shows, cinematography, pain, etc) from this year, feel free to drop an ask!
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
What about hobstruction but before destruction really figured himself out?
destruction hates being what he is but he doesn’t know another way to he feels trapped and it’s made him bitter and angry—he’s dealing with real self hatred.
He first runs into hob on opposite sides of the battlefield. He fights like a a hurricane and no one can stand up to them.
And there’s something about hob, his stubbornness, the hint of his sister’s touch.
hob loses, but doesn’t die.
So when the battle is over, having seen hob suffer mortal wounds and live, Destruction takes him with him.
Hob isn’t at all sure what this giant man’s interest in him is, but he’s panicking at first and hoping his stranger comes to help him.
No one does. He also doubts that twig of a man could stand up to this godlike figure. He’s never seen anything like his power. Or his obvious, poorly hidden sadness.
destruction doesn’t really hurt him, not even when he lays down with hob at night. He sets him free in battlefields and fights alongside him, seemingly to see if hob gives in to the horror of true destruction. He certainly isn’t letting him go, but he barely talks to him.
Eventually hob starts to ask destruction questions. Destruction is too tired for lies so he tells hob everything, who he is, what his function is, why he’s miserable.
Hob … comes to care for him. He feels less alone walking through lifetimes with another immortal.
One day hob brings destruction a charcoal stick and a wooden board. Maybe, he suggests, destruction would like to try drawing something. Hob remembers how art is made, through change, materials broken and turned into tools for creation. Is creation not part of destruction somehow?
DEstruction and hob aren’t healthy by normal standards. But together they stand a chance of becoming better men.
I love these two so so much, I feel like they'd be so good for each other! Hob gives Destruction hope for the power of change and adaptation, and Destruction understands the things that Hob has been through like no one else can. Of course they fight (often physically, often to the point of severe maiming) but they always reconcile and strive to be better. I love the idea of Destruction basically kidnapping Hob and taking him around like a very stubborn human pet who refuses to be downcast in the face of humanity's awfulness.
They encounter canons and then muskets and proper guns and Destruction truly despairs (like. Despair actually shows up. She brought her rats) and Hob is just like. Obviously concerned but also excited! If war changes then maybe less people will have to die pointless deaths! Destruction rages at Hob’s lack of foresight. Does he not understand that more innocent people are going to die, not less?!
But Destruction apologises almost as soon as he's done yelling. He gets out his charcoal and he quietly starts to draw, and Hob comes to sit next to him. Despair heads back home with her rats, and the sun sets over them as Hob falls asleep with his head on Destruction's broad shoulder. They love each other deeply, in a way that no one else can really understand.
And if Destruction gives up his job, his function, he'll need a new role. Being Hob Gadling's friend (lover, too?) doesn't sound like a bad place to start.
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mysticstarlightduck · 1 month
Character Aesthetic Deep Dive Tag!
Let's go with Saoirse Richards from Scrapyard Boys for this one!!!
Rules: Make a moodboard with your character's aesthetic, a playlist that fits their vibe, "badly summarize them" (like, talk about their personality, but funnily), etc. It absolutely does not need to be super detailed!!!!!
✦ Character Aesthetic: Saoirse Richards, WIP -Scrapyard Boys
♡ Moodboard ♡
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♡ Playlist ♡
Are You Satisfied? - Marina & The Diamonds
Was I meant to feel happy That my life was just about to change? One life pretending to be The cat who got the cream Oh, everybody said, "Marina is a dreamer" People like to tell you What you're gonna be is not my problem if you don't see what I see And I do not give a damn if you don't believe My problem is my problem that I never am happy It's my problem, it's my problem on how fast I will succeed Are you satisfied with an average life? Do I need to lie to make my way in life? High achiever, don't you see? Baby, nothing comes for free They say I'm a control freak Driven by a greed to succeed Nobody can stop me
Things We Lost In The Fire - Bastille
Things we lost to the flames Things we'll never see again All that we've amassed Sits before us, shattered into ash These are the things, the things we lost The things we lost in the fire, fire, fire These are the things, the things we lost The things we lost in the fire, fire, fire We sat and made a list Of all the things that we have Down the backs of table tops Ticket stubs and your diaries, I read them all one day When loneliness came and you were away Oh they told me nothing new But I love to read the words you used These are the things, the things we lost The things we lost in the fire, fire, fire
O.D.D - Hey Violet
I should never listen to another voice But my own Now I've grown up, now I know That when I'm tryna be myself it isn't so simple Anymore Some days I wake up I just wanna hide under the covers 'Cause no matter what I do I'll never be like all the others I'm a little O.D.D Most people really don't get me I'm the girl in the back of the class Blank stare, don't care, don't ask I'm a little O.D.D I see the way they look at me I can hear it when they talk that trash Saying "Any minute she gon' crack"
Mind Games - Sickick
Once I'm in there ain't no letting go, letting go Watch me turn your mind into my home Now that I'm in there's no letting go And your emptiness begins Once I grip onto your mind and soul And your brightness starts to dim Sin after sin you won't feel no more You've lost your trust again I know you wish you could let me know That you're praying for an end
Welcome to Wonderland - Anson Seabra
Welcome to Wonderland, where should we go There's a tea party along down the road Make an appearance and maybe they'll sing us a song Dancing through a dream underneath the stars Laughing 'til the morning comes Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart Oh, Wonderland I love Nothing around here is quite as it seems Not sure if anything's real or a dream And the only thing sure from the start Is the song that's inside of your heart Don't let it leave If this was a dream, then at least I've got Memories for when morning comes Now that I must leave with a heavy heart Oh, Wonderland I love
Boo Hoo - Neoni, ft. RIELL
When you start a fire and hide the matches Been down that rabbit hole Swore I would never go Back to bad habit's, I'm through Around and around we go sick of the vertigo Abracadabra, screw you White lies, red eyes, I've had enough Fake nice surprise, I've had enough White lies, red eyes, I've had enough Fake nice surprise Boo hoo, you don't like me, well That's good for you Boo hoo, say you're over it, well That makes two Throw your pity pity pity party Bring your friends, but you got nobody You, you don't like me, I don't like you Boo hoo
Numb Little Bug - Em Behold
And the world it feels too big Like a floating ball that's bound to break Snap my psyche like a twig And I just wanna see if you feel the same as me Do you ever get a little bit tired of life Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive 'Cause you gotta survive Like your body's in the room but you're not really there Like you have empathy inside but you don't really care Like you're fresh outta love but it's been in the air Am I past repair A little bit tired of tryin' to care when I don't A little bit tired of quick repairs to cope A little bit tired of sinkin' There's water in my boat I'm barely breathin' Tryna stay afloat So I got these quick repairs to cope Guess I'm just broken and broke
♡ Badly Summarized OC ♡
A brilliant young telepath/telekinetic superhero fueled by coffee, candies and spite, as well as a truckload of pizza.
Puts her intellect to good use by creating the most unhinged plans and somehow making them work! Is the Gremlin Mom Friend.
Is terrified of fire because her father's business partner burned down his lab with him inside. Now doesn't know how to feel about the fact that one of her best friends controls flames.
She's probably a bit more childish and naive than the rest of the team but is sharp-witted and funny all the same. Also! Out of the starting members of the Gang, Saoirse is the only one who was born in serious wealth, though she lost it all.
If someone fused a black cat and an orange cat into one and turned them into a human being, that would be Saoirse.
Can speak a lot of languages but most of the cast doesn't know until she randomly starts spouting fluent words in foreign languages in a situation where that's required. (Cue the classic: "We didn't know you spoke [language X]!" followed by "... But you never asked?")
Gives suspiciously good relationship advice but has never dated before.
Loves a grunge style and absolutely revels in a goblin-core aesthetic, plus adores watching the chaos unfold from behind the scenes.
Has a deeper voice than one would expect, which often also sounds coarse when she's bored or focused.
Sleeps like a rock and could potentially sleep through the end of the world. Counts scientific facts instead of sheep when she can't fall asleep.
Can crawl and climb basically anywhere. This has nothing to do with her powers - she's just uncannily agile and stealthy, to the point she jumpscares her friends often lol.
Source for pictures: Pinterest
Source for music/songs: Spotify
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@wyked-ao3 and OPEN TAG
Taglist for Scrapyard Boys below the cut 🧪
Scrapyard Boys Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3,
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@thecomfywriter, @the-letterbox-archives, @differentnighttale @wyked-ao3
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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waitmyturtles · 5 months
To my taggers @hughungrybear, @ranchthoughts, @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle, and @telomeke, this one's for you!
do you make your bed?
Not until I sleep in it!
what's your favorite number?
Feel like I don't want to spill it because I use these numbers in passwords lol
what is your job?
Executive management
if you could go back to school, would you?
Such a good question. I already did it once, mid-life, and it was THE BEST DECISION I EVER MADE, and one of the first decisions I truly made just for myself. Would I go back AGAIN? I would have considered it if I didn't know so many PhDs who are at various levels of happiness with their decisions. So: maybe. What I really look forward to is being retired so that I can take free classes at local colleges and have all the time in the world to read through the syllabi.
can you parallel park?
Fuck yes, who do I fucking look like, someone that can't parallel park? /end-East-Coast-road-rage
a job you had that would surprise people?
Hmmm. I don't think I have one that fits this category!
do you think aliens are real?
I think humanity's definition of "life" is too limiting
can you drive a manual car?
UNFORTUNATELY NOT, and I really wanna learn
what's your guilty pleasure?
Watching dramas, honestly. I shouldn't feel guilty about it, but I'm Asian, so I feel guilty about everything
Love them on other people, never made up my mind on what I wanted to get, and I feel like that ship has sailed for me
favorite color?
My kids ask me this all the time: pine green, rich purple, deep pink, all oranges, aquamarine blue, and black
favorite type of music?
I can't choose one. My playlist is all over the place. Korean hip-hop and New Orleans bounce (THANKS @bengiyo) have been my workout go-tos lately
do you like puzzles?
I will when my kids have more patience to do them
any phobias?
favorite childhood sport?
Ice hockey
do you talk to yourself?
Absolutely, and I've needed to use meditation to manage the inner monologue over the years
what movies do you adore?
Oh gosh. All I think about lately are Thai BLs, so I think a lot about the impact of The Love of Siam and Dew, two movies that are so tough to digest, but are really well done. I've also had two wonderful Japanese movies on the mind for no reason, Like Father, Like Son: Soshite Chichi ni Naru, and Drive My Car.
coffee or tea?
Both, all the time, often mixed
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
I wanted to be a journalist. I was such a rabid sports that I thought being a journalist would get me the closest to sports that I could go without being an athlete. And I actually got to do sports journalism for a while, and it was fun! (But I quit media, which is a whole other thing, and now I'm much happier)
Who hasn't been tagged? How about the old Only Friends Ephemerality Squad, how y'all doing?! @lurkingshan (I think you already did this Shan) @neuroticbookworm @twig-tea @slayerkitty @thatgirl4815 @distant-screaming @clara-maybe-ontheroad
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regaliasonata · 9 months
Also character ask ZIGGY
Character Ask: Ziggy Grover
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First Impression
-Definitely falling under the average green ranger stereotype of being the silly but less engaged member of the team, though that is quite alright cause he'll probably give some positivity to the team due to the state they are in via the season
How I Feel About The Character/Impression Now
-.....I love this twink and honestly me and everyone else should love him, the fact that he was in a mafia, managed to escape, gave medicine and supplies from said group to orphans in needed AND GOT OFF SCOT FREE WITH HIS TOASTER BOYFRIEND speaks volumes.
Favorite Moment
-So far has to be that scene between him and the cartel where he's got that serious face, I'll have to go back and fully complete RPM but seeing Ziggy look so cold is amazing.
Idea For A Story
-okay think of this....Ziggy as a Peter Pan type character who was reborn in another world that raises orphans or children who've passed early and they live in this alternate world with magic, at the same time he's an assassin that's teaming up with Dillon and Tenaya(who also have powers based on fairy tales) to steal ancient treasure from a tyrant king in order to rule the rule, Once Upon A Time walked so this can run.
-Ziggy/Dillon....obviously, can't have a happy twig without his grumpy muscular emo boyfriend.
-Ziggy/Scott, Ziggy/Flynn. Both these work really well in my opinion.
-Crackship idea if this crossover was ever a thing...Ziggy/Jarrod/Dillon/Casey, imagine all that chaos together with those four like(I'd pay to see a one shot of this tbh). Heck not even a crossover needed because JKP exists in the RPMverse and assuming the entire team is alive then this could fly, crazy twinks and the emo duo.
-Ziggy/Dr.K, honestly feel like he understands Dr.K and they are really close when it comes to hearing each other out, plus Ziggy might actually get her to enjoy some hobbies.
-Ziggy/Casey...seriously Disney fucked us over from ever getting this interaction, be happy with marvel I guess but imagine the send off you could've had.
-Ziggy/Tenaya, she needs earplugs every time he talks about Dillon...
Unpopular Opinion
-Kinda wish we got even more of a backstory for him or seen Ziggy encountering other green rangers. I feel like both him and Trip would get along quite well to be honest.
One thing I wish would/had happened in the show
-....We serious? That Jungle Fury/RPM crossover obviously because ALL THOSE INTERACTIONS AND SUCH WOULD'VE BE LEGENDARY.
-Even if he didn't end up with Dillon we should've had Ziggy kissing some guy.
-Imagine a scene of Ziggy hacking Venjix down with his axe after he found out the program's intention for Dillon, or if Venjix succeeded and Dillon died...it would've been brutal like Ziggy would be shown Venjix why the cartel kept him around🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡
-The RPM team technically has sentient zords because in reality they hold secret Engine Souls like their Go-Onger counterparts. This is actually a result of humanity evolving and without the vitality from Earth's nature so their animal spirits evolved into Engine Souls, thing is the team hasn't unlocked them but when they do the zords will be able to talk(a little fib of my JFAU movie arc idea with RPM cause we deserve that crossover).
-Ziggy's fingernails can turn dark green because of Venjix exposure, some humans after being exposed to the virus during their apocalypse developed small traits via their survival(Scott having sharper canines, Summer being able to detect metals for tools, Flynn when growing out his hair has white highlights and can absorb radiation, Gem and Gemma can see people's dreams and Dillon can purify dirty food and water).
-Ziggy sleeps with a huge dolphin as a pillow or just something to hold whenever he's sad. If he can't morph then he'll fill it with rocks and beat down venjix monsters with it.
-Sometimes when he would leave the dome(before the world began to return to normal) he'd walk miles until making it to the ocean since it wasn't fully destroyed and enjoyed watching the waves. Plus that spot is the only one in the world where the stars in the sky are still viewable.
-After RPM Dillon, Tenaya and Ziggy ventured out into the world to see what needed to be fixed, they built a railroad and it oddly began to glow with energy. This led to the team getting powers via trains and soul power with imagination, humanity's will to keep going(ToQger adaption), villains born from the deceased malice of humanity aim to take advantage of this world and others leading to the team having bigger stakes than last time.
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asecretvice · 11 months
hi 👋 fully and deeply entranced by “and this, your living kiss,” i’ve read it a few times at this point. i was curious about the dennis brutus poem that dean quotes in cas’ office. do you know where one can read the whole thing? my scouring of his work online has turned up nothing! it’s the untitled [the sand wet and cool] one
Actual footage of me reading this ask:
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Like, you have asked me about Dennis Brutus! Thank you!! Feel free to ask more!
But to answer your question, I know several years ago I was able to finagle it on google books when I didn't have access to Poetry & Protest: A Dennis Brutus Reader. But why fuss with that when I can just copy it out here for you myself straight from that book? I highly, HIGHLY recommend reading it out loud, as the sonic qualities are top-notch! Forewarning of dark themes. Without further ado:
The sand wet and cool darkening from yellow to where it was damp, from a lioness-yellow to darkness, like ash or the shadowy underside of a mushroom
and to lounge in such sand, by the sea, uncaring scuffing bare heels in the seasand with the hard ridge of the heel, half-calloused, half-feeling the cold cool in warmgold folds, over silkchill skeins
and here to thrust out the legs to feel the jar in thighflesh and flanks and through this breakthrough of thighs to find true fuller freedom of loins and thews a great freedom of the groin— an unfolding upflowering of the flesh—
hair uncaring of sand, of shellpowder broken twigs and dirt; and to feel the keening of the cold the ghost of the spray, the spume, the salt— a cold glitter as of crystals and knives in the brightness and vagrant warmth of the day:
one assents to the brightness of the day, its perfection and warmth acquiescing in the cold in its essence sharp as a shell-blade and menacing while the shadows grow long and gray and cold, one accepts the voluptuous splendor of that day
of an imaginary day and of an untrue innocent idyll that never happened and a perfection of sensuality we never knew but which they created by report by alleging this was our act and our guilt:
and straightway by the evocation of their charge it was real and true; and we entered into that sensual idyll that sunlit sensuous voluptuousness of luxurious indulgence in lush-ripe flesh:
we were guilty then accepting the untrue as the real; so our pursuers, our enemies became our donors, generous friends: one perfect sunlit day was ours: the forbidden idyll became the real: we had our beach, our sea, our sun, the stolen sensuous carnal delight and the spray-bright, spume-chill, bladed air.
[Dated January 19, 1970; published 1973.]
Though you didn't ask, I will copy out the other Dennis Brutus poem mentioned, in case people are curious about that one as well:
Milkblue—tender the moonlit midnight sky; receive me now my sleeping love. Lovelaughter—gentle, a luminous glow arches from circling horizoning hills to this plain your tremulous breast exposes:
So, gentle and tender I brood and bow over your scent, your hid springs of mirth and know here in this dusk, secret and still I can bend and kiss you now, my earth.
I will stop there since this fulfills your brief, but seriously...if anyone wants to actually talk about this stuff, or have me go off on a related subject...my inbox is open. (people like and/or reblog the post with all the footnotes and sources and whatnot, but no one ever asks about anything in it...please...)
PS—Absolutely thrilled you enjoy my fic! To hear you've read it multiple times is just incredible. Thank you <3 I hope you enjoy the poetry!
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lurkingteapot · 9 months
2023 post round-up/summary
Lovely @twig-tea tagged me here, so I'll try my hand.
I'd abandoned tumblr for about 4? 5? years 2016ish through 2020, had a short stint with it again in 2020, took peeks and vehemently disagreed with much of what I saw in 2021-2022, and grudgingly settled back in in 2023. I wasn't going to interact. I wasn't.
Jan-April: *crickets* I was being strong!
Then, I saw people moaning about how they'd learn Thai if only it was on Duolingo, and you know how spite can be funnelled into positivity? I did that! Result:
Popular: Free Thai Language Learning Resources, most popular by a landslide. This pleases me greatly, as I put a lot of work into it and always hope more people start picking up this language.
Favourite: maybe my thoughts on Ming, piggybacking off @kenmakaashi's post?
Popular: my musings on translation and how it relates to fannish reception of media, which was my most popular post of the year and 'broke containment', if only in a very small way. Some of the additions in the tags and reblogs are fantastic, do go have a look if you like!
Favourite: toss-up between my attempt at showing a parallel between a silly moment in Our Skyy 2 x BBS and a scrapped shot from BBS proper and this rant about Romanisations of Thai and why G**gle translate is the devil (that bit is in the conversation downthread), which let me meet @plantsarepeopletoo.
Popular: Summary of James Welker's 2006 essay "Beautiful, Borrowed, and Bent: “Boys’ Love” as Girls’ Love in Shōjo Manga"
Favourite: the offerings are slim here … let's go with the one in which I once more was salty about the way folks talk about BL
Popular: Only Friends' Ray isn't just The Drunkard, but also The One Who's basically Given Up On Himself, as per his title card (this one was so popular it got stolen and reposted – without credit or permission – to twitter 🙃)
Favourite: Thinking about Drama, the Romance genre, and tropes, and how those relate to our perception of BL (good additions from various folks in the notes; conversation with @visualtaehyun in reblogs and @twig-tea in the replies).
Popular: IFYLITA Ep 6 poem context notes
Favourite: toss-up between complaining about badly machine translated content in Love in Translation and musing on the name of Khun Yai's favourite bar
Popular: my long-winded answer to @zimmbzon's ask "Hi, how would a non-binary person (me) get around the binary gender rules and vocab in Thai?"
Favourite: uhhh … maybe my musings on honorific translations in kimi ni wa todokanai? (yes, technically a reblog from sideblog, shh)
Popular: most popular was this throwaway therapy vent containing food for thought and while I guess this meme is mostly fannish I'm linking it anyway because it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to (or something)
Favourite: when I called out the resemblance between the Last Twilight trailer and Intouchables (2011). Literally no one cared, but then @my-rose-tinted-glasses independently came in strong with receipts as soon as the actual first episode aired and made me feel validated af.
Popular: Why I'm pretty sure Last Twilight's "fried rice/false rice" joke was funnier in Thai
Favourite: the saga of the songs in Ep 4 of Last Twilight
I didn't do any round-up posts, but I'll include the other category @twig-tea added:
Five other posts that I want to highlight because I can:
BL Favourites Tag Game (July 2023)
Link to fujoshi.info with information on WHY you should check out that site if you're interested in having an informed opinion on BL and the genre's history.
contemporary issues in Thailand as mentioned in Only Friends ep 1
Thoughts on code-switching in Step by Step
Reply to @mynameisnotthepoint's comment-via-ask on my anti viki rant
I'm not going to tag anyone because I'm completely lost – I was mostly off tumblr for nearly three weeks; if you made a post like this you'd like me to see, please link me/tag me! <3
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frootielooties · 9 months
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆🪩.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆ .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚🎀。⋆.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.
hii, i’m jules !! welcome to my blog :)
i’ll start off by saying that i am okay with adult mutuals as long and you understand and respect that i’m a minor!! what i am not okay with is anyone who detests someone because of race, gender identity, or sexuality. zionists are not welcome or respected here either!!
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i reblog things i think are cool, but sometimes i’ll make gifs of new music videos i love and am excited about!!
i love music of pretty much any genre, that and music artists are the majority of what i blog about. i also love collecting cds and records, i’m trying to get into a habit of posting about them more.
♫ artists i love: the 1975(!!!) , arctic monkeys, beabadoobee, bleachers (!!), boygenius, chappell roan (!!), charli xcx (!!), clairo, claud, conan gray, the dare(!!!), djo, dua lipa, ethel cain (!!), fka twigs, harry styles, inhaler, lana del rey, the last shadow puppets, lorde, mitski, muna, my chemical romance, nicole dollanganger (!), olivia rodrigo, one direction, phoebe bridgers, samia, sky ferreira, steel train, taylor swift (!!!), troye sivan, tyler the creator, wallows (!!), zayn
i’ll update the list as life goes on 🫡 if you have any recs feel free to dm me!! i love listening to new things <33
✩ my concerts: wallows (oct 10, 2022), taylor swift (may 6, 2023), bleachers (may 28, 2024), wallows (august 20, 2024)
❀ other things i love: pink, winter, timothée chalamet, animal crossing, minecraft, pinterest, makeup, nail polish, landscapes, art, house decor, over the garden wall, letterboxd, dachshunds, fnaf, books, jewelry, bones and all, magazines, spirited away, weenie dogs, concerts, tulips, wes anderson movies
❀ dm me for anything!! i swear i don’t mind, i love talking to new people :))
❀ asks are always welcome!!
❀ i try to make my blog comfortable for everybody and anybody, no matter who you are or what you identify as
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♡ my favorite blogs - @cottoncandywhispers @seals-are-cool @kosmogrl @mothprincess @heavenfalls @hromantics @petitworld @controlmyfeet @chloesevigny @beachesgetpeaches @hereyeswerefilledwiththestars @touteslesfilles @stayinsidemymind @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @viennaangel @alltheliars @allmyusualtricks @zandrapaints @haniishu @nikswonderland @evermqres
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xoxoxoz · 11 months
Premyuda Meeboonrod (Moa) x F!reader
📝: Even though you’ve rejected her confession, Moa has not stopped pampering you and you made it clear that you did not feel the same. But why does it bother you when you see another girl flirt with her?
⚠️: high school au, popular jock Moa, unpopular nerd reader but not your typical nerd because she can bite back when she wants to, swearing, sick love puppy Moa, some nsfw scenes but not full smut, g!p Moa
A/N: I’m actually unsure if her surname is ‘Mibunrot’ or ‘’Meeboonrod’ because Google tells me both are correct
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You sighed at seeing another strawberry milk held in front of your face. The person holding it, moved the carton aside to reveal herself and you already knew who it was.
“Moa, you already gave me one this morning”
She shrugged. “And? You deserve to have as many as you want”
“Hey Y/n, can I have those extra notes for calculus please?” A boy from your class appeared but Moa was not having it.
“She’s busy. Keep walking”
The boy’s eyes widened when he realised it was Moa who was talking to him so he sped off within a second.
“He was just asking for notes”
The Thai girl huffed. “He can get them later. I just want to have some time with you. You free after school? I heard there’s a festival happening”
You pushed your glasses up and released a second sigh. “Moa, I’ve made it clear to you a few days ago that I don’t feel the same way so no matter how hard you try, my decision won’t change”
“That’s okay. I just want you to have some fun for once. You can’t keep spending your time behind books” she simply said and leaned against the lockers.
She was looking down at you with so much desperation and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find her attractive. You actually marked her as your number 1 hottie in the school but it’ll make her go insane if you told her.
While you were lost in examine her charming features, she took the moment in tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You blushed at the contact but the bubble was bursted when a loud Yunah and Chanelle appeared.
“Hey there you are, captain! Been looking all over for you” Yunah exclaimed happily before noticing your presence. “Hey nerdy”
“Hey twig” you spat back, your mood going sour.
“Still doing calculus, nerdy?” She tilted her head in a way to mock you.
“I’ll stop doing calculus once you learn how to score a goal” you smirked, noticing how Yunah’s smile dropped almost instantly.
“Ouch” Chanelle held back a cackle.
“I’m going. Bye” You grumbled and slammed your locker close before turning on your heels.
Moa quickly held your wrist. “Wait Y/n, about the festival tonight, could you at least think about it? Please?”
You pulled your wrist back gently. “Fine. I’ll think about it” You replied and continued your leave.
Moa watched you disappear within the sea of students. “Stop being a dickhead, Yunah. You’re ruining my chances even more”
“She rejected you a few weeks ago, can’t you give up? There’s so many other girls around here that want you”
Moa looked down at the milk carton in her hand, thumb gently going over the permanent marker that said ‘For my Y/n <3’. “But she’s the only girl I want”
“Well what makes her so different then?” Chanelle was the one to ask.
“For one, she’s smart, and hella pretty. But something about her not wanting me just makes me want her”
“Sounds weird. Hey you gonna drink that?” Yunah asked and pointed down at the strawberry milk.
Moa moved it away from her reach. “It’s for Y/n”
“Wow, can’t even help a friend in need. I’m hurt” Yunah jokingly clutched her heart.
“Let’s go”
Once lunch had hit, you got your tray and sat with your friend group at a table. The group consisted of Youngseo, Jeemin, Jeongeun, Jiwoo, and Funa. You all shared the same classes but unlike you, they were in the student council.
Youngseo has tried convincing you in joining but you claimed you wouldn’t have the time for it.
“Did Moa try again today?” Jeemin asked while pointing her chopsticks at you.
“Yeah she did”
“Moa seems really nice, Y/n. Why won’t you give it a shot?” Jiwoo asked next.
“Because she’s not my type”
“Liar. Your eyes say otherwise” Jeongeun teased.
“You’re delusional”
“So you don’t care that a chick is literally confessing to Moa right now?”
You frowned and looked back, seeing that a girl from your English class was holding a container of bibimbap while standing by Moa’s table.
“M-Moa, sorry to be disturbing you at this time but I’d like to say that I admire you alot to the point I want to spend more time together. Are you okay with that?”
You would usually ignore something like this but since it involved the Thai student, you just had to listen.
Moa shook her head and smiled apologetically. “Thank you for the bibimbap but I can’t accept your confession, I’m sorry”
You felt a hint of satisfaction at seeing the girl’s smile falter. “Oh…May I ask why?”
Moa shrugged. “I’m just not interested in dating right now”
“I’ll make sure you’re interested, just a chance please?” The girl stomped her foot like a child, surprising your group and Moa’s.
“Hey lady, she doesn’t want you okay?” Hyewon, who was sitting next to Moa, had spoken up while juggling a soccer ball between her hands.
“It’s gonna be worth it, trust me Moa. Don’t let me be the 10th girl you’ve rejected”
Seeing the girl’s persistence was boiling your blood. Why can’t she take no for an answer? You didn’t even realise you had abandoned your table and approaching the scene.
“Uh Y/n?” Funa called.
“Uh oh this is not gonna go well. Y/n get your ass back here right now!” Jiwoo yelled but you were too focused on the girl who was now grabbing onto the Thai girl’s arm.
“Hey Moa, we’re still on for tonight right?” You said with a sweet smile.
Moa’s eyes widened. “Errrr…”
“Tonight?” The girl questioned.
“Yeah, Moa is taking me on a date at a festival tonight. Just wanted to make sure she didn’t cancel on me like last time” you scrunched your nose.
“Are you two together or something? Is that why you’re rejecting me Moa?!”
The said girl’s shocked expression slowly changed into a smirk, feeling a bit turned on by your jealousy.
“We’re not together but she’s not available either” you answered despite seeing the stupid smirk the Thai had.
The girl stomped her foot once again and ran off with a frustrated scream. You had to cover your ears for a second.
“She’s screaming like that at this grown age?” Hyewon commented.
Still feeling pissed off, you grabbed Moa’s wrist and dragged her out of the cafeteria. She yelped at your sudden strength but who was she to complain? You’re almost holding hands hehe~
She was broken out of her love daze when you led her into the soccer girls’ locker rooms. Luckily, it was empty.
Moa sat on the bench while you stood in front of her, leaning your back against the lockers. You closed your eyes for a bit to calm yourself down from the recent fiasco.
“You’re hot when you’re jealous” You heard Moa say, making you snap your eyes open.
“I wasn’t jealous. I was just annoyed at the girl for not leaving you alone”
Moa leaned back on her palms to man spread. Your eyes darted away from the view of her crotch. “There’s no need to be shy in admitting in, Princess. I’d be jealous if I saw some dude handing you flowers”
“I wasn’t jealous!”
“Yeah and I’m straight” Moa snickered.
“Fuck off. Be grateful I saved you”
“I can handle confessions like that easily. It’s not the first time” She gave you a toothy grin.
Fuck this. Fuck that girl. Fuck Moa for being so fucking hot right now.
“Oh for fuck’s sakes” you sighed and rush to sit in Moa’s lap, pulling her in by the jersey to smash your lips together.
Her hands slid under your skirt to hold you closer by the ass, not forgetting to give a gentle squeeze to both cheeks.
You moaned into her mouth as you hooked your arms around her neck, feeling her lips travel from your jawline to your neck.
“Dreamt of this for way too long” she muttered into your skin.
It boosted your ego up a bit.
“Yeah? You think of me while jerking off? Fucking pervert—AH!” You squealed at the feeling of her bite.
“You talk too much. Maybe shoving my dick in your mouth would fix that”
“I know you’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“Shit, have you always been this annoying?” Moa hissed while squeezing your ass harder.
You started to grind your crotch against her’s. “You’re the one who—oh fuck—who wants me”
“Yeah but that doesn’t mean I won’t fix that fucking bratty attitude of yours”
You whined at her words. Having your guts rearranged doesn’t sound so bad.
“Uh hello is anyone in here?” Moa’s coach called, hearing her footsteps get louder.
Moa softly pushed you off her lap to grab your hand and pulling you into the last shower stall. The coach started to walk around, trying to hear any strange noises while Moa had you pressed up against the cold tiles with her hand over your mouth.
“Stay quiet. She’ll leave soon” She whispered and you nodded.
While Moa’s eyes peeked out to see if the coach had left, you decided to be playful by reaching down to squeeze her hard bulge. She hid her face in your neck.
“F-Fuck, don’t do that” she hissed.
You chuckled and moved your hand underneath her pants and started slowly jerking her clothed dick.
Once the coast was clear, Moa grabbed your wrist and pinned it above your head. “You’re so fucking bad”
“And you liked it. Bet you almost came”
“And you wish all that cum was dumped down your throat”
“Im hungry after all” you teased.
“I’d be down for that but let’s not do it at school please. Also still wanna take you out before we do anything else”
You rolled your eyes and smiled. “Alright alright, I’ll go to the festival with you”
“But if you bore me, I’m walking home”
Moa released your wrist and hugged you tightly. “You won’t regret a thing”
“Uh Moa”
“Get your boner down before we leave”
“So fix it”
“You literally just said you didn’t wanna do it here!”
“Im messing with you. Just give it a few minutes”
It took longer than expected but once you were both out of the locker room, both friend groups were waiting outside with crossed arms and not so happy faces.
“Maybe have some human decency to not fuck in a public locker room?” Jiwoo arched a brow.
“We didn’t fuck….just talked” You half lied, not wanting to say that you two had some lip locking action and some hand to dick action.
“Yeah. Right.” Yunah smirked before looking at Jeemin.
“Hey cutie”
Jeemin pushed her glasses up and smiled widely with a cute little wave. “Hi”
“Let’s all go to class. I’ll wait for you outside the school” Moa smiled sweetly at you.
“Ok Romeo. But one thing before you go” you said.
“What’s that?”
You quickly kissed her cheek before grabbing Funa’s hand and running the opposite direction. “See you later!!”
Jiwoo groaned and got the other girls to run with her to catch up with you.
Moa felt a bit dizzy. “Woah”
“I guess you won” Chanelle smiled and shook Moa’s hand who was still knocked out of reality.
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