#i love that people like the au ^v^
pricetagged · 5 days
that death is a very stable job
''Cause I love my baby, tall, dark Hades. Lord of death is down on his knees for me.'' Poor little Dormouse, with her cruel father and labourer's hands. You find an unexpected guard dog in one of the passing Knights.
Enjoy 4.8k words of half inaccurate-medieval, half poorly-built-fantasy AU. Inspired by a few existing historical AUs (like @bi-writes 1600s au, 391780's 'the rus') and a scene from 'The Serpent Queen'. Also, I stan 'old grizzled dog with a heart Ghost' so here you go.
Warnings/content: implied domestic abuse/sex work (not Ghost), very mild suicidal ideation, violence, power imbalance (social hierarchy ew), kissing & intimacy (no smut. yet.). Reader is described as a young woman, generally body-neutral (one reference to being 'plump').
What makes betrayal so potent is that, by its very nature, it can only come from someone you trust. Of course, as a child you knew little of the abstracts and intricacies of trust. You knew the warmth of your mother's bosom. You knew the sharp, lingering smell of lye that slung to her chapped hands. You knew that you were not hungry or hurt for those blissful early years, at least.
You did not know that you had a father.
He spent those blissful, early years of yours fighting for a King and cause that meant far less to him than the pocketful of coins he earned and promptly spent on pleasures. But a soldier cannot earn coin in times of peace, not if he weren't a member of the standing army, so with treaties signed he shipped back to neglected wife and babe.
You did not know that fathers could be cruel.
Your mother protected you as best as she could, but slippery riverbanks and lixivium fumes were hardly safe for a little girl. So you learned to scurry about, eyes wide and feet soft as a dormouse. When your mother's whimpers and father's shouts split the silence of dusk you crouched and covered your mouth lest his attention switched to you. On the rare times your father called for you, you remembered your mother's hushed advice - be quiet, be meek, be sweet - and bobbed along to the waves of his fickle moods. When your stomach growled and gnawed you stifled it with a look at your mother's wan face, her fingers worked to the bone for mere pennies that were no longer spent on peat and produce. You lived in a cold house, an empty house. A strained house.
'Look at the size o'her, running wild, eating me out of house and home!' Lies. Your father hunched over your mother's shaking form, three meager brass farthings spilled across the crooked kitchen bench. 'You put her to work, or I will.'
The lye stung your skin. Sometimes you imagined yourself floating off, down in the frigid waters, your funeral clothes being salvinia and your shroud made of pennywort. Those thoughts rose like lily pads, big and blooming and plentiful, the autumn your mother passed.
'You've really got to work now, girl,' your Father sneered. 'Got to earn your keep now that your mother can't cry on your behalf.'
The glint in his eye pricked at your neck, made your spine stiffen and eyes shift away. Be quiet, be meek, be sweet. You wondered if your mother's advice would save you from his basest assertions, or encourage them. You would soon find out.
Ordinarily the Mid-Autumn festival was a slight reprieve, allowing a few days for your aching, numb fingers to warm and stretch as you enjoyed the city turned to colour. Ordinarily.
This year, you found yourself hauled down to the drinking district, your Father's blunt, filthy fingers digging into the soft meat of your upper arm. It was still daylight, thankfully, but you already felt exposed as he had you linger in the square near the public houses. You could already hear the hoots and laughter of raucous men enlivened by drink and company. The smell of stale ale and piss was not enough to cover the scent of fresh baking and roasted game drifting on the breeze. You shivered, your burned, you hungered.
Meek little dormouse, scurrying around the greasy ferret who held her tail under his claws.
Your Father's chance came as the sun was setting, candlelight just now visible through the slats and windows of taverns. Far from cozy, it reminded you of the lidded eyes of some lazy predator about to watch your ruination.
'I don't care if you are crusader to the gods themselves! Knight of the Realm or not, you can't come into my pub and throw furniture around like you're at the Solstice games!'
The snarling Madame looked comically small next to the absolute beast of a man currently ducking under the doorframe. Watching her chuck the splintered leg of a chair after him you thought her lucky that he didn't want more of a fuss. You had never seen a man so big, so broad, seeming bigger whilst dressed still in his mail and wearing the colours of the King. He merely grunted as he made his way to the tethering post, letting her threats and screeches fizzle into the cool, twilight air. Leather-gloved hands worked at the harness of the dappled stallion you had been admiring earlier, easily more than 18 hands tall and capable of carrying this brute. You had imagined earlier slicing that very harness and riding hard across the cobblestones away from your father. Away anywhere.
'Good sir, are you in need of lodgings?' The words dripped from your Father's lips like ichor. You could smell the sickly underlying rot.
The Knight's hands stilled, head still lowered. His voice rumbled out, deep and rough as gravel.
'You offerin', then? 'ow much will that cost me?'
'Well, it's busy in the Festival. The guest houses are full but my home is open to weary travelers-'
A barked laugh cut him off. The Knight raised his head, pinning your father in place like a moth in a hobbybook. You quickly looked away, pretending to busy yourself with a nearby fruit cart. His face was covered, a dark black slash across his lower face like an empty maw. But his eyes. You could have drowned in those eyes, dark as they were. They pulled you in more than the call of the river on your bad days. If you stared too long you'd never wade out.
'Ain't you charitable,' you couldn’t see his mouth but you were sure that he sneered.
'Well, a former soldier should be willing to support the Crown. Although, with a mouth to feed a few coins wouldn't go amiss..' his hand swept back and you tried not to cringe away.
'Former solider, eh?' Your Father clearly had the Knight's attention now. As did you. Though you continued to look away you felt his gaze like you felt touch. Like he was grasping you, keeping you still. Your head felt heavy as you raised it towards them, now a part of this bargain whether you wanted to be or not.
'I know what it's like to seek the comfort of a warm hearth and soft bed. I would not see you ride off into the cold night.'
The Knight huffed; you could almost mistake it for a laugh. Though quiet, the voices and laughter of the nearby inns seemed quieter, like all sound and light was absorbed by this armoured beast. Once, just after your mother died, you headed to the riverbank as always for work. It was barley daybreak, some of the older more experienced women already beginning their washing, but you walked on. And on. Until the river led you to its mouth, rushing and rocky and dangerous. You wanted to jump in. You felt the same now, gazing at this man.
'How much for the girl, then?' He looked right at you as he said it, catching your wide, staring eyes. You didn't blink, couldn't look away.
'She is my daughter! Sir, I-' that same rot, spewing out of his mouth.
'I didn't ask who she is, I asked 'ow much?'
Your Father took a step towards him, faltering under the weight of his gaze. He leaned, then, trying to seem ashamed. Trying to seem like a father should.
'Sir, she is my daughter. I can do nothing but take offence at what you are suggesting.'
The Knight pulled out a small velvet purse, heavy and distended with coins. They clinked as they smacked into the cobbles at your Father's feet. All pretenses dropped, then, as he scrambled to pick it up with greedily shaking fingers. Prize in hand, he found his courage as he sidled closer to him, thick neck open and exposed as he leaned in to whisper his betrayal. His filicide.
'She's a bit older, yes, but unused to the ways of men, mind. With a firm hand I'm sure she cou-' a gloved fist at his throat turned perfidy to gasps. You watched red bloom instantly under those fingers, and marveled at the strength. The violence.
'Your own daughter,' he sneered. 'What kind of man, soldier at that, would sell his daughter to a man like me?'
Your Father was bigger than you, yes, but looked like a poppet in the hands of this beast, so easily dragged towards him ready to be shaken in his maw.
'I'd love to think that she isn't yours, that she's some whore you peddle out to drunken leches in the alley. But you're slimier than an eel in birdshit, aren't ya?'
You didn't move, didn't speak as you saw his fingernails scrabbling uselessly against the unforgiving strength. You, for a small moment, felt the claw release your tail. Run, you thought. A look at this behemoth and his horse had you thinking again. Run where?
Be quiet, be meek, be sweet.
'Please!' The plea bubbled up your throat like acid.
He said nothing, did not loosen his grasp, as he tilted his head like a dog.
'It is as he says. He is my father,' you continued.
A scoff stilled your words.
'Some father, look at the state of ya.'
You looked down at your chapped, scarred hands. Your patched, slightly-too-short shirts. You felt the throb of the bruises on your upper arms, the beginnings of hollowness eating away at your usually plump cheeks.
'You mistake me, Sir,' You could barely hear your voice over the blood rushing in your ears. 'I am not asking for his life. I am asking you to take me with you. Please.'
Silence. His eyes flickered over you anew, contemplating. Your hummingbird heart fluttered in your chest.
'Close y'r eyes, girl. Until I say.' Your shocked hesitance made him growl. 'Now!'
The imprints of tavern candlelight burned behind your lids. You let the corners of your mouth flick up.
Your Knight's name was Simon. The Ghost, it was rumoured. You weren't seasoned on the field so you knew not of his reputation, but the reaction of those you encountered gave it away. Even without the blood staining his hands he was imposing. Tall, broad, intense. You still hadn't seen under the kerchief he kept around his face, but you spent many nights imagining. Was his nose crooked, or was it a trick of the light on fabric? Did he have stubble across his jaw that matched the fine, blond strands that decorated the top of his head? Did he smile? Scowl? Was he handsome?
He was gruff, certainly. You spent the first few days obeying your mantra - be quiet, be meek, be sweet -but it didn't provoke anything in him at all. Neither praise nor censure. It seemed, rather, that he was determined that your presence would be nothing more than a fact of circumstance. Not worth much fuss.
'She needs winter clothes. A nice dress. A travelling cloak. And some boots.'
That was how you found yourself perfectly still, getting prodded and pinned in the parlour of a tailor shop in the city's mid-tier. The seamstress' cheeks burned red as she turned her disapproving eyes between her task and the Knight who refused to leave the dressing area. He dwarfed the chaise, leather and chains indenting delicate brocade. After a grunted 'She's my Charge. If you want my coin, then 'm not leavin'' he sat silent. Just kept his eyes on your face. As always.
You couldn't find it in you to feel embarrassed. He'd done no more than see you in your petticoats, even at the guesthouses where you lodged for the night. An altogether better set up that you could've envisioned for yourself. You had thought your Father like a sly weasel, thought any future husband like a carrion crow ready to pick over whatever your Father left. But you thought Simon like a grizzled old guard dog. A dormouse held no interest when bigger prey was to be had. When you didn't pose a threat.
He clothed you. Fed you. Ordered hot bathwater for your room - a luxury you had never experienced - and otherwise left you alone. All he touched you with was his gaze, steady and unashamed. Strange how you now saw your silence -quiet, meek- as a barrier.
'Where are we going?' You worked up the courage to ask as you rode behind him up to the next tier of the city, seeing wooden roofs change to tile.
'The Palace.'
'The Palace? What, but what about me?'
'You asked me to take you wiv me, didn' ya?' you felt the rumble of his words all the way from his chest to your arms.
'Yes, but.. What, what will I do there? How will you explain this?'
You realised now your lack of foresight. You foolishly assumed that someone high-ranking wouldn't be starting brawls in lower-tier taverns. Or magistrating over scoundrels due to the sale of their daughters. You thought, perhaps, of an impoverished country knight who came to the city only for the festivities. You could bargain your way (or slip away) if he turned out to be just as bad as your progenitor, and make a living in one of the towns or hamlets that stretched along the woodlands of the Kingdom. Foolish girl.
'No one will ask questions. No one will bother ya,' You believed him, felt the threat in his words.
'But they'll think. They'll wonder.' I wonder, you thought to yourself.
'Can't stop that,' He snorted. 'Why don't you ask me what you really want to ask?' He pulled sharply on the reigns, causing you to clutch hard around his waist and whisper your words pressed into his back.
'What are you going to do with me?'
"Ho, Simon! Hard to drag ye from yer hermitage in Northmire,' you stared as a smiling Isleman slapped your Knight hard on the back, hooking his arm and dragging him down into the booth. 'And ye've brought a wee Bonnie thing with y-'
'That'll do, Johnny,' Simon growled. Still, he let himself be handled onto the bench. He looked at you, standing still, staring at the other side of the table. 'Well? You sitting down or wot?'
You scrambled down beside him, too timid to sit next to the laughing stranger. Too wary to put your back to the rest of the tavern. Past Simon's profile, you snuck a peek at the man - Johnny - and found him looking back at you. He looked friendly, sure, but you were reminded of the harriers that plucked young hens from the woods. His eyes were too sharp, too bright. His smile was a little wicked, too. Too intense to be without danger.
'Well, the King'll be happy. He'll finally have a real reason to say naw to all the harpy mothers pecking at him about their single daughters. Cannae say I expected it, but congratulations,' You blinked. 'Cannae believe you beat Garrick to it an' all, thought fer sure he'd be the dutiful one. Well, first that is.'
Simon ignored him as he flagged down the serving girl. He ordered for you, as always.
'Bit bold of ye, though, plastering her in your colours. Scared o' a challenge to her? Like anyone would chance their arm seeing her wi' you, Your Grace,' Johnny laughed again, blue eyes shining as he watched Simon's jaw tick under the scarf. 'Go oan then, introduce us.'
'Dormouse, meet Johnny.'
'Aw, come oan!' Johnny leaned over, then. 'He's forgotten his manners all the way oot in Northmire. I'm John MacTavish, of the Northern Isles. I've known this one fer a while, but never knew him tae settle.'
You squeaked out your own name in return, quickly taking a sip of the weak ale Simon pushed in front of you. Gave yourself more time to take stock. He too had the King's colours in a sash across his chest. Unlike Simon, he wasn't wearing full mail or a face covering. A heavy shirt of forest green, a red tartan kilt, and thick knitted socks were his attire of choice. Blue warpaint swirled from his temples down to his jaw, and he'd shaved his hair only on the sides. Not commonly seen in the Tiered City, but you knew the islanders to the North of the mountain wore similar garb. You let your eyes catch the glint of a dagger in his socks, as well as the hefty broadsword hooked by the table. The warpaint on his face was not just for decoration.  
You stayed quiet, munching on thick slices of bread dipped in broth as they talked, Low, rumbling voices and warmth from the hearth lulled you to a wakeful sleep, eyes still open but mind calm. MacTavish had called Simon 'Your Grace'. You were wearing his colours. You were going to the Palace. Something about that niggled at you, deep at the base of your skull.
You woke to Simon gently sliding you along the bench. Big hands and stained fingers so soft, like you were an overripe damson he wanted to preserve.
'Time for bed. C'mon, mouse.'
'Why do you call me that?' You murmured, still feeling his arm around you as he led you to your rooms. 'I never told you that was my Mother's nickname for me. Dormouse.'
You felt him huff out a laugh, pressed close against you.
'Didn't need ya to. It's obvious.' he answered after a pause. He leaned down, bracing you against the  room door. Only his scarf separated you from his flesh, close as you were. Wide eyes meeting dark. You shared the same breath.
'You're quiet like one. Seem sweet. But I saw you'd be willing to chew y'r own leg off to escape a trap,' he whispered that horrible truth so tenderly. His blunt, calloused fingers left firetrails on your cheek. 'My mouse. My survivor.'
His thick forearm braced your back as he opened the door, stopping your from tumbling into the emptiness behind. He needn't have bothered; you'd already fallen into him.
'How many more days' to the Palace?'
'Two, if we don't loiter. Johnny'll meet us at the gates to the Citadel.'
You looked up, seeing the Palace fortress taller and more intimidating than it had ever seemed down at the city's lowest levels. You were awed by the mason and marble buildings up here, the clean streets and cleaner people. Everything seemed to gleam this high-up. This close to the sun. Close to the Palace. Your skin had started to heal, after a week or so without labour and with good meals and rest, but you could see the discolouration that would never fade. It made you pick at your sleeves. Dormice didn't gleam. They hid.
You looked at the wide streets and their sun-bleached stones. Nowhere to hide here.
'And when we get there? What will happen?'
'We'll greet the Court. I have news for the King. They'll be a Ball f' the Festival. And you,' Simon stilled your steps, 'You will be good. You'll do as I tell ya. Not everyone is a friend. And I won't always be wiv ya.'
Perhaps you imagined it but you swore you could see something soft - warm - in those dark eyes of his as you nodded. You had years of experience avoiding the attentions of predators; you could do the same for Simon.
When you reached the Citadel Gates Johnny was waiting as foretold, chatting with a guardsman by the pulleys. He perked up as he spotted Simon's horse, all dappled grey with black skull harness. A proud danse macabre, carrying The Ghost.
'Here they are, the Duke and Duchess of Northmire! Let them pass, go oan. Here, raise his banner.'
It was a good thing that your blood turned to ice in your veins; it prevented you from letting go of Simon's waist. You watched as a square banneret in the same colours as your new travelling cloak - and dresses, and overskirts, and, and - rose to flutter slightly below the banner of the King. The wind lured the heavy fabric to thwack against the sky, echoing the drumbeats of your tambour heart. What were you marching towards?
Johnny had mounted his own stead, canting a light pace next to you and Simon.
'Ye should hae seen the ponces and pricks - sorry, My Lady - who came riding up here in their carriages this mornin'. I ken they think they were showing off but the guards and I were havin' a barry laugh watching the wheels get stuck in the cobbles and streets from the mid-tier all the way up-'
'Y'r point, Johnny?'
'Alright, cool yer blood. The point is, we've got tae change our travel plans. Be at the Palace tomorrow, nae a day later.' He sent Simon a significant look that you weren't so stunned as to miss. 'We've got a night hosted by Garrick's sister, then we'll be off in the morning.'
'Garrick's sister' was a comely, slender woman with sharp eyes and a kind smile. She, or rather the Garrick family, kept a townhouse in the top tier close to the Citadel as well as their estate at Thamesbury.  As a close peers and allies of her brother, her doors and hospitality were open to you all. You didn't want to seem like the uncultured urchin you were, but even the entry hall surpassed any luxury you'd seen thus far. You had to suppress an instinctual flinch as her manservant stepped behind you to reach for your cloak. Or perhaps the lessons from the streets were written all over your wide eyes. You saw Johnny chew on a smile as Simon glared down at the man, massive arms crossing across his great oak chest.
'That'll do,' he growled. 'There are saddlebags to be seen to.'
The poor man scarpered with a stuttered, 'Of course, Your Grace.'
You stared after your Knight as he stomped up the stairs, heavy footfalls disturbing the frames of the Garrick ancestors across the walls. He looked back, silhouetted with a hand outstretched.
'C'mon then.'
His rough, warm hand enclosed yours and you followed him to exegesis.
Ensconced in your chambers - shared chambers, marriage chambers - you found your tongue.
'Should I be calling you 'Your Grace'?' Be meek, be sweet.
He snorted, inelegant against the filigree and flowers that bore witness to your unsettled feelings.
Be meek, be sweet. Be meek, be sweet. Be meek-
'I do not speak in jest, Simon. Sorry, 'Your Grace',' Your mouth twisted, trembling with the force of holding back. 'I asked you to take me with you, yes, and I have tried not to inconvenience you beyond…beyond the circumstances of our meeting. But I must demand, now. Tell me what is going on.'
He merely tilted his head, old grizzled dog on a velvet chaise. You could see his lips - what did they look like, what did they feel like? - move under the black of his kerchief.
'We're in a guest room, talkin'. Listenin' to you ask stupid questions.'
'If the question seems stupid it is because you have made it so!' You felt your stubby nails bite into your calloused palms. The feeling made you shake, brought tears to your eyes. Shame and fear turned saliva to acid. You flung your hands towards him. 'Look! You see these. These are not the hands of a girl addressed as 'Duchess'. If this is a joke, I ask you to stop it now. I am grateful to you, I will remain so always, but playing in this manner is lower than whatever my Father had-'
"Do not. Compare me. To that man.' His growl cut you from cutaneous to cartilage, exposing your raw, soft innards. You hoped he'd be kind. Even if he chewed on your heart, popping gristle between sharp canines, perhaps you'd be a part of him, dripping down his throat with an intimacy you longed to initiate.
Viper-quick, your hands were in his. Your lap was in his too. Too warm, too bulky, too close.
'Quit y'r squirmin'. Look at me, no. Look!' Your jaw was turned more gently than you expected from hands made for violence. You couldn't meet his eyes, but that mattered not as he brought your hand and his up to your sight. 'Look. My hands aren't delicate neither.'
You took a deep breath, feeling him pant underneath you, and reached to cup his hand in yours. Butterfly-soft, you turned it, watching candlelight catch on silver scars and pockmarks. Deep gouges and veins raised valleys between knuckles and wrist. One finger seemed slightly too short, like the top joint had been lost in some gruesome accident. When you looked at the palm, it was calloused. You had already felt its roughness, deep imprints from years of work. Of war. He flexed, closing his fingers around yours.
'I'm not 'of the blood'. I'm good at spillin' it, but the stuff inside me isn't worth much. Was a Squire. Then a Knight. Caught some eyes on the battlefield and was sent to defend the borders. Became a Margrave for it an' all. Now I'm a Duke. The titles don't mean much t'me, except I've got more coin and can tell nobles to fuck off without spending a day in the stocks.'
You're not sure whether your sigh was a laugh.
'Then, what? Please, Simon. What are we doing here?'
With your face this close to him you were reminded of the night in the tavern where you first met Johnny. You felt that you were sharing the same breath then. Now, here on his lap, you felt more. The warmth of his body that leeched through your skirts. The hard press of tough leather plackart. The pounding of his heartbeat - or was it yours - as you clutched his hand with trembling strength. That same trembling strength had you meeting his eyes at last, your position allowing you to be equal in height. His pupils dilated under scarred eyebrows, deep brown melting into pitch black.
'I took you wiv' me. It was sealed in blood. You're mine.'
You cupped his jaw, feeling stubble peek through his scarf. The sensation grounded you, kept you from flying off as his words used all the world's gravity.
'Bit of a terrible dowry, blood.' You whispered, a whisker away from his lips.
'I'm not made for anything else.'
Wrong, you thought as you pressed your parted lips to his covered ones. You were made for me.
His hand trailed up your arm as yours trailed across his jaw, two bodies with one mind. With deft, strong fingers you removed the last barrier between you. Black fluttered to the floor, still flesh-warm, and your lips met again. His lips were a little thin, but hungry. He groaned, supplicant to your taste, as you sought to press him closer. You could feel stubble tickling your chin, and the firm outline of another scar close to his cupid's bow. Lightning struck across the back of your neck, making you shudder against him. All you could taste, all you could smell, all you could feel was Simon.
And he all was yours.
After his face mask fell, so too did all barriers. You feel asleep together, entwined on the same bed. You awoke to his face made soft in the morning light. Sunbeams danced in the crevices of his scars, pale and rugged like the mountain you'd looked up at as a child. You watched, sentry, as you mapped the features of his face. Golden hair, golden stubble. A crooked nose that had been broken and set several times. Tributaries of scars running down to a strong jaw. And dark, unwavering eyes that creased a little as you met his gaze.
'Good morning,' You murmured, still sleep-soft. You traced along his lips, laughing as he nipped softly. 'Why do you cover this up?'
'To preserve my modesty,' he smirked as his tongue flicked out to soothe your nipped fingertips.
'I'll tell ya. One day. When we get back 'ome. I don't trust everyone in this city.'
'You can trust me,' you whispered as you pressed your tingling digits into his mouth, catching on blunt teeth.
You felt the heat of his gaze bring blood to your cheeks. His eyes didn't leave yours as he bit down, softly. You knew the dog wouldn't bite.
'I know, Simon. I trust you too,' You leaned your forehead against his. 'Just, wherever you go, take me with you.'
Got a part ii drafted (palace intrigue, meet John and Gaz, Ghost and his mouse finally enjoy marital rites *wink*, conflict, etc., eventual HEA) but I'm not sure if there's an audience for it. And this is the first writing I've published in y e a r s since my cringe forays into dark videogame smut as a 19 y/o, so I'm not really confident. This is unedited/not proofread. Here ya go~
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mildarka · 4 months
I'm interested in ur reversed au, I saw ur concept art and I thought it was really cool, consider this a free yapping card to info dump about the au,
:]/-< ( < that's me sitting politely on your front porch)
So basically the Stars + Cross (the traitorous traitor) found a way to “reset” everyone in the bad sanses to what they were like before the events of their own AUs. (Or before the story of their AU?? Like Killer and Dust are normal sans again and Horror is still how he was during the famine (so like pre-Horrortale comic but post neutral end ig??)). Nightmare on the other hand was physically separated from the apples that gave him power (the corruption is with the apples, not with lil Night) so he’s pretty much defenceless. He doesn’t remember the apple incident or anything past that.
Originally the plan was for Dream to take Nightmare in and care for him but Nightmare was very briefly left with the gang once he was reverted and he got enough information to know something was very wrong. He kinda watches the others start to revert as well before Dream whisks him away. He doesn’t spend a super long time with Dream - mostly because the weird monochrome guy with them feels so guilty every time he looks at Night - and runs once the vibes are bad enough.
He finds Killer eventually - now a pretty regular sans - and tries to make him remember when they met before or take his jacket back but Killer doesn’t have any idea what he’s talking about or who Dust and Horror are. Nightmare ends up living with Killer and his Papyrus and occasionally ends up visiting Horrortale and Dusttale to try the same thing with them.
There’s other stuff too about how the AUs work with the reverted gang and what being separated from his soul means for Nightmare but that’s less worked out lol :)
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moeblob · 5 days
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son boy raccoon trash can man suffering in a dnd au as a cleric bc his warlock will not stop committing murders and he has to keep coming up with reasons murder is valid to convince the gm its fine and under control
#my characters#oops i fell in love#right is trying his best in the au to think about all the logic behind killing someone despite being a cleric SPECIFICALLY#bc he refuses to hurt anyone irl or in dnd and ok fine their warlock can have a little murder as a treat#and the body count is adding up and hes like ... so tired..... please can you not kill for five minutes im running out of excuses#fwiw he has the weird logic of the group in the base plot and the guy who is the gm here#is v open about ok but if we ask right then hell give an unhinged answer completely thought out and rationalized#and in fact asks him hey i know you refuse to hurt people but im having a debate with these two coworkers#if you had to commit a crime for aaaaaanyone on the planet who would you commit a crime for#and he doesnt even hesitate to say luca obviously to which the asker is like WHAT ABOUT MY DAUGHTER#YOU WANNA MARRY HER AND WONT COMMIT A CRIME FOR HER? but LUCA? of all people???? not even brent?#and right is just so confused because first off brent would probably be the one committing a crime for him without being forced#(brent agrees with this statement with a shrug) and second off luca has really weird coworkers and thought he was getting stalked for a bit#due to a misunderstanding with said one weird coworker so yeah obviously right would threaten the guy with a gun which is illegal and#third and final how could he face his beloved angel (the daughter mentioned above) if he was a criminal#he cant tarnish a sweet little innocent girls opinion by committing a crime IN HER NAME gosh fuck off with that attitude#he has STANDARDS thank you very much#and the three at the table are all like okay yeah that was really thought out on the fly youre right#also brent do not commit any crimes for him please and brent just nods in agreement bc ok he wont commit a crime unprompted#also hi animal crossing emotes are so fun to doodle for bye#once again i am baffled by how different the colors look on my laptop in the art program vs posting to tumblr#im going to go insane at how different they look#IM COLOR PICKING FOR MY OWN OCS AND ITS SO WRONG LOOKING IDK MAN
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yardikins · 3 months
Ritzneer Tangled AU because yes
I’m literally insane about this AU not even joking
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
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real talk: lxl should continue to explore romance fantasy concepts in their songs. it’s clearly working for them~
#typical prince aesthetics in romeo/julieta and nonfan… and now historical rofan in meoto…#(and there’s also whatever’s going on in tsuki no hime but that has no mv :( sadge)#sorry guys i still have meoto on the brain pls suffer with me~~~~~~~~~#but mannnnn. i was struck by sudden inspiration for a meoto au a n d#well. ig now i understand why they skipped over the falling in love phase. romance is hardddd#i want to subscribe to the meoto expansion pack p l s i need to know what their deal is~~~~#bc man. how in the world did they go from complete indifference to promising to stay together forever hello#what happened???????? excuse???????????#man. m a n. ok i think im done for the night. i hope#LXL MEOTO CRISIS 2K24#(but if anyone here wants to get into the otome isekai genre in general… i recommend starting off with ✨s u r v i v i n g r o m a n c e✨#(it’s a great story and it’s still modernised enough to ease into the genre. and after that…)#(you can just go for the series with the most interesting premise/prettiest art/both tbh)#(though i personally recommend ✨the perks of being an s class heroine✨ ✨the villainess’s stationery shop✨ for milder content)#(and there’s also some series with both isekai and regression.)#(like they isekai after their 1st life in 20xx-> live out their 2nd life in the fantasy world -> regress to a point in their 2nd life)#(for that type i kinda like ✨i shall master this family✨ though ngl i’m mostly reading it bc i think the aunt is very pretty)#(a nd there’s the occasional modern regression story but that’s pretty soap drama-esque and the one i read got ridiculous at times lmao)#(but ofc the ones with less romance focus are fun too~~~~ like stories with multiple isekai-ed people for one)#(b u t i digress i think i’ll stop here before i lose the plot any longer ahaha~~~~)
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rippeanuts1950-2000 · 22 days
nuzi princess diaries au(I prefer the book, so we’re going book version baby! but also not exactly like the books)
Uzi: Mia, obviously. But Uzi is like WAY more pissed about being a princess than Mia was
Khan: Helen(Mia’s mom) but he’s still not over Nori unlike Helen when it comes to Phillipe. Also he doesn’t date Uzi’s algebra teacher and he is an artist who does cool designs with doors
Nori: Phillipe. She’s the current ruler of Copper-9 and is amazing at her job. The country would be in shambles without her. And she’s still in love with khan
Alice: Grandmere, but on top of princess lessons she’s teaching Uzi to become a mechanic for some odd reason. And she doesn’t have a hairless toy poodle, she has her son Beau who is Uzi’s age but doesn’t want to rule and just wants to be a mechanic so Alice let’s him not be a prince
N: Michael, but he’s still V’s brother and they both have to deal with a body guard. I can already hear Uzi say he only is nice to her because she’s his twin sister’s friend
Lizzy and Thad: They’d both be Lilly but Thad would be Lilly’s positive traits and Lizzy would be Lilly’s negative traits(she’d still be an okay friend to Uzi tho)
Doll: Boris but Uzi wouldn’t think she was a loser, just annoying by constantly playing the violin in gifted and talented
V: Tina Hakim Baba. She keeps her mansion personality but still can be her after the mansion self when she needs to be
J: Lana. That’s the only person i can see her as
Chad: Josh Richter, idk someone needed to be him
This would not leave my mind, and now on top of all the wips I currently have, I want to write this. Let me know if I should.
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sugarsweetvirgo · 5 months
Eve: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it.
Seto: I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out.
Eve: Th-that's not how that works-
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Actually, the two are pretty open with each other.
#small hastag ramble#but i low-key feel kaiba is like. super mischaracterized when it comes to how he handles emotions#Id absolutely argue that Kaiba is one of the most emotional characters In the entire manga. More than Yugi is even#its just that a majority of the time his emotions are based in anger and hatred. so people see him as bottling up his feelings#when he's honestly the exact opposite. hes VERY open about how he feels and why he feels certain ways#For example Kaiba bluntly telling the gang that he's going to blow up Alcatraz because he hates his stepfather so much#or when Kaiba was very visibly disgusted by the shadow game on the piers with Yugi v Joey#or the numerous amounts of times Kaiba verbally told Atem how much he wants to defeat him. to the point of trembling with desire#Like Kaiba is incredibly open about his emotions. Except that a majority of the time his emotions are based in anger without a resolution#I just think its misinterpreted as him concealing his emotions because he doesn't show a lot of positive ones. but no. he's just that angry#especially since a majority of his actions in the manga are based on his own feelings#anyway sorry for the rant lmao the conversation just drives me nuts#I think he'd absolutely be really open to Eve about how he feels and his frustrations#Kinda using Eve as a sort of rubber duck to vent to a lot#It's also one of the reasons Eve loves Kaiba so much. because he's so brazen about his thoughts and feelings#ssv#oc#yugioh au#giant/tiny#yugiohoc#bondshipping#rant#tag rant#oc x canon#answered asks#ask
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carterrdraws · 1 year
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some silly little trigun doodles 🫶
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jamiethebeeart · 10 months
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(Ref/insp: 8eyestheband on youtube/tiktok - the conversation mashups and the song association game) supplemental info/explanation in the tags
#spinnerdabi#mha spinner#dabi#dabi todoroki#shuichi iguchi#bnha spinner#bnha#mha#people in the comments of their videos keep talking about how they look at each other/ship them and I of course went “how can make this lov#which spiraled to “who do i think would/could sing with spinner on camera” and went not shigaraki (rip) and landed on dabi#i cannot defend this because its purely based on gut feelings#(im not a spinnerdabi shipper but this just fits for me... i may or may not draw more for this au)#so! conversation mashups: take two songs and “what if they were a conversation” so its a back and forth mashup#im obsessed with the i will wait/dial drunk and this town/stick season ones.#the song association game: person gives a one word prompt and they have to think of a song with that in the title and sing it#first to think/sing a song with that word gets the point#anyways i feel bad for them :/ so many ppl in the comments are talking about them romantically and im like Stop It!!!! those r real ppl!!!!#but the premise of band members falling in love with one another and balancing that with their public image? obviously v v v good au fuel#i even made band au stuff back when it was popular on mha cosplay tiktok (with aizawa) and now im revisiting it :)))#in this au im imagining shigaraki as aro/ace (just because) and handling the behind the scenes stuff. lighting. camera. social media. ect.#these tags are a mess lmao#do you guys see my vision? do you get it?#im planning on a toga duet one rn#(now i hear ya: why not compress? well :) i feel like he'd be a prev boy band member turned solo artist. v flashy v performative)#toga would def be an online singer (lots of covers. lot of gay/bi covers of straight songs. some original stuff. maybe some makeup videos?)#oh! she'd pull uraraka and deku in for a make over. thatd be v cute. she'd have 2 persuade both of them and uraraka would be quicker to agre#idk where twice would fit in. magne would be a makeup artist (for her? or other ppl? idk but she'd rock a social media platform)#mustard? i feel like he'd be a minecraft streamer or smth#kurogiri would somehow be teamed up with compress from time to time.#not to get too korean drama-y but afo feels like a management company person? he's got a spotty track record w recruits tho so hes a lil sus
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venelona · 2 years
Hiii! I just wanna say I miss your comics and I hope you're doing alright! 🥰
Happy Halloween!
Hi ML! Thank you <3 I'm doing alright. I know I've been extremely lackluster on making and posting stuff, but it feels like this whole year has been one big project after another, one secret thing after another, one important thing after the other...
It didn't quite left me burned out, but I'm trying to take things slow. Taking lots of breaks and all. I have a looot of doodles in store, but they're too poor to post lol
But I got a couple of alright ones I drew for Halloween!
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Self insert x Ib crossover! Did you know a remake of Ib came out this year??
I dunno when I get back to comic making and posting - still feel drained, I have a project on my hands I'm preoccupied with, and a few things like art trades, commissions and hopefully birthday gifts to catch up on. So yeah, no promises... but worry not about me!
Happy Halloween everybody! 💖💕
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v-thinks-on · 1 year
A Series of Rummy Circs. by Reginald Jeeves
The Bally Beginning
The Newt Nursery
The Anxious Aunt
The Earnful Employment (if that’s the word I mean)
The Old School
The Ersatz Eustace
The Tough Crowd
The Calamitous Clinic
The Ravenous Racecourse
The Downhill Dalliance
The Yearnful Yacht (which here means “containing an excess of Madeline Bassett”)
The Second-to-last Soup
The Toodle-pip
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saevus-brutalis · 2 years
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in another lifetime…
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kelpiemomma · 9 months
Brain worms so bad....
Still rolling nowhere king Khan around but. Nowhere king Khan from a different universe. He got pulled to Hisui against his will and was trying to go home. The Akari from his universe was pulled along with him and they were family. Khan was trying to get her home. To keep her safe. He destroyed himself for her but they both ended up stuck. Khan became a monster and Akari couldn't stop him. When the Khan from this universe arrives, trying to help Ingo get home, she's livid and jealous. This universe's Khan made it. This universe's Akari made it. They made a family. She and Khan, her Khan, had tried, to find others, but they were so constantly ostracized that their only companions were pokemon.
She's happy for them as much as she hates them. Her only family has completely lost his mind and there is no future he will ever survive in. And when he offers his head to her, waits to be killed, that Akari thinks about how her older brother tried so hard to get them back. To take them home. That he loved a sibling he wasn't related to so dearly he destroyed himself instead. And as much as she's angry and hurt, she can't kill him. She cant.
He's not going to give her a second chance.
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night-triumphantt · 1 year
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rottmnt-honeybea · 1 year
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Mikey enjoyed getting to walk his little nephew home from school. It gave him an excuse to see his brother, and he was usually joined by the future trio who wanted a good excuse to hang out with him.
Of course, being the savior of the world two times over meant that people recognized him, even with his age. With the recognition came the confusion. Mikey wasn't married, or even dating anyone, so why did he have a small child in tow? And why did the young adults his age refer to him as 'uncle'?
"Are any of them yours?" Was a frequent question he'd been on the receiving end of.
Without skipping a beat, he'd answer "no," and carry on his way, with the youngin and the future trio on his heels.
This is so many layers 😂
First, you gotta know that I write a rise oc x canon fic.
Then ya gotta know that I did a Bad Future AU of MY fanfic as a joke so Casey could have some friends his age.
And said future trio (more or less) go back in time for the events of the movie.
Which then spirals into, well, what is life like post-movie? And THAT is where this is. A post-bad-future-good-future-AU
Is it canon to either of my fics? Who knows. But I wanted to draw lil Yoshi again and so I did
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oflgtfol · 1 year
this is why i follow you. you understand venom. it feels like theres maybe 10 of us who do. love a person who's got their priorities straight. god bless you.
fr we are out in the fucking trenches out here. it's sad because venom is a pretty popular character but 99% of the time it's either A. edgy dudebros who love edgy macho violence and think huge grotesque muscles are like peak masculinity, B. horny people who only view venom as a sex object, which like, was funny at first, but the further you get into the comics and further into actually enjoying venom, it's like, okay, do you have anything else to say? or do you view venom as a mindless muscle monster the same way the edgy dudebros do, just that the thought turns you on instead? or C. normal people who are normal but still otherwise have a completely shallow understanding of what venom actually is. i want to blame spiderman 3 for being the root of popular culture's misunderstanding of venom
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