#i love the messy morning hair on henry
luveline · 11 months
Hello! I just want to start off by saying you're an absolutely amazing writer! I've been reading your blog for two years now, I believe, or something very close to it, and I still find myself awestruck by your talent when I check your blog, which is pretty much daily!
If you're up for the prompt and if you're not too swamped with requests, could I ask for a blurb with bombshell reader x Spencer? Maybe reader makes him something really sincere and handmade? Maybe a baked good or a knitted sweater? No special occasion needed, just because he deserves it 😋
Thank you for sharing your works with us! Be well and remember to take breaks! Love you Jade!!
Thank you my love, that is so kind! Love you♡
You feel sleek walking into the office that morning. Fitted clothes steamed and pressed, hair freshly upkept at the salon the previous weekend, nails manicured, smile primly painted, you look perfect. 
But that's not what you're excited about. 
Spencer lounges cross-legged at his desk, a book in his lap, surprisingly broad shoulders hunched as he reads at a more natural pace than usual. His desk is cluttered in organised chaos, books lining the partition that separate his desk from Derek's and Emily's, strange knickknacks scattered. There's a bunch of bright squishy things from Penelope, an upside down umbrella statue lined with hair elastics, and, cutest of all, his two photo frames. One of him holding baby Henry, and one of you. You and him, of course, but mostly you in the frame, closer, smiling like you love him as you angle the camera back in a well meaning and misaligned self portrait. 
You do love him. He hasn't caught on yet, is all. 
"Spencer," you greet, hoping he won't jump. He flinches minutely and lifts his head to yours, closing the book against his hand. "Sorry, I was trying to make it so you didn't jump." 
"My fault." He rubs his eyes. "Just been reading this book for so long it's messing with me." 
The book, of which he's told you about in detail, is about a documentary, which is in turn about a bunch of dark, ever-changing rooms, hallways and tunnels from within a house. The line between what's fiction within fiction blurs, and it's actually pretty scary if he's to be believed. "I've never seen you take so long reading one book, even if it is eight hundred pages," you say teasingly, letting the handle of your handbag slip down your shoulder. 
"The point is suspense," he says, eyes following your fingers where they dive into your bag. "Which needs time to build. What are they?" 
"These are for you, handsome." 
"You already gave me a present," he says quizzically. 
His birthday was a few days ago, and he's right. "These aren't for your birthday, Spence." 
He cracks the lid off of the tupperware on side at a time like he's scared he'll ruin the sweet treats within. You've made him fresh baked shortbread biscuits dipped in dark-chocolate and topped with sparse coconut shavings. 
"What are these?" he asks.
You both know that he knows they're cookies, so you answer the unasked question instead. "I wanted to make them for you. I think you'll like them, they're a little rich but the coconut helps even it out. You don't have to try them now or anything–" 
"Can I?" he asks, lips quirked into a gentle pout. 
"Sure." You hide your nerves as he bites into one, the cookie itself breaking softly, crumbs falling into his waiting hand. "They're messy. Should've warned you." 
He puts the uneaten half back in the tupperware and places it atop his closed book on the desk. He's nodding as he stands, arms quick over your shoulders. You can hear him swallow, his voice mildly hoarse as he says, "They're so nice," he praises, clearing his throat, "I think I swallowed too fast." His laugh warms your ear. "I can't believe you made those. How long did it take you?" 
"Not that long," you say, beaming as he pulls away. "I knew you'd like them." 
"It helps that you made them." He holds your elbow. "I don't know how to say thanks." 
You raise your cheek. "Only if you want." 
He kisses your cheek. You smile like a fool and giggle much the same, reaching around his arms to nab a cookie for yourself. They'd tasted nice last night when you tried them, but they're perfect after Spencer's praise. 
"No one's ever baked something for me before," he admits, the two of you standing much too close considering the setting. "I mean, there really wasn't a reason?" 
"No, Spence. I was watching some TV last night when I started thinking about you, and I recently got that cookbook, you remember? That was one of the dessert recipes. I had to make two batches because I put too much butter in the first try and they spread flat as a nickel." 
He smiles at your misfortune. "What?" you ask. "What's funny about that?" 
"It's not funny. You made me cookies and when they went wrong you made me more. I don't know what I–" His hand flirts with your elbow, index finger moving with a mind of its own, tickling you through your thin blouse. "You're amazing." 
"You make me really happy." You look down at his hand where it draws a line. "It makes me happy to be able to do something for you." 
Spencer can evidently see you turning shy, and he's a sweetheart, so he rescues you from your timidity with a life jacket. "Is there anything you can't do?"
"Not that I've found so far, handsome. Why, did you have something in mind?" 
He makes a big and genuine laugh, grabbing two cookies and forcing one into your hand. "You have to eat your share before Emily gets here." He nudges your hand up with his. "Go on. I'm not in the mood to share with anyone but you." 
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How to Survive Picture day
oc story warnings: swearing, bullying (nothing to harsh), Patricks in here so he's your warning I'm dyslexic so sorry for the horrid grammar
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ring ring ring *wake up* ring ring ring *wake up* ring ring ri- The normal sudden ringing that fills Bethany's room before she wakes up is silenced causing her to stir and roll onto her back. She wipes her hands over her face before groggily opening her eyes only to be jump scared by her moms face hanging over her. "morning sunshine, its picture day.~" Those words made a chill go down her spine, Bethany hated picture day. she was always forced into some stupid preppy outfit and pressured to smile into some dumb camera just so her parents could PAY for a photo of their own daughter. how stupid. What she hated most was the fact her brother Belch could wear whatever he wanted but she had to dress up. "come on honey you've got to see the outfit me and your father picked out its adorable" with that Bethany sits up. her eyes searching for todays tool of torture….. the collard shirt. She dramatically groans as she sees the outfit, all laid out on her messy desk she never uses. Its a white button up with a grey and blue sweater vest that looks like it belongs to some nerd her and the rest of the gang make fun of at school.paired with a blue plaid skirt and knee high grey socks. "god what a drag" she thinks to herself.
"are you going to get up or am I going to have to dress you myself" Bethany rolls her eyes. "yes mom I'm up now go bother reggie" After some blabbering about respect from her mom she eventually leaves and Bethany begrudgingly puts on the outfit, and does her own hair and makeup. if she's gonna have to look like a nerd she's gonna do it her way. she walks over to her desk, looking into the mirror propped up against her wall with a sigh. "could be worse-" is all that she gets out before a yell comes from downstairs. "Beth get your ass down here we gotta go!" The gruff voice of her brother yells out.
"COMING!" She yells out annoyed before grabbing her bag and headphones and jogging downstairs. After some goodbyes to her parents as a response to all the "oh my precious little angel"s from her dad she jogs outside after sliding on her converse.
A whistle comes from her brothers blue trans AM. "wow looking good short stack"Henry chirps sarcastically.
"where'd ya pick that getup from?" vic joins in. Bethany flips them all off before sliding into the back as she always does because Patrick refuses to get out to let her in (he always sits on the side she has to get in so she has no choice but to slide against him) any other way.
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after a long torturous ride to school because of the boys teasing they all spill out and enter the school, although she isn't really sure why they bother coming its not like they stick around for classes. as she walks through the hallway she gets a few looks from the other kids but none dare to say anything because they know they'll get a right beating from her "big brother". she makes it to her locker and opens the door before it slams shut infant of her. "why isn't it Bethany bitch face" the annoying voice of Greta Keene drawls. "haha real original Greta" Bethany says sarcastically knowing greta can't do anything but cuss her put cause of she touched her one of the boys would fuck her up. "nice outfit whore, your mommy buy it"Greta laughs as her little goons join in. "better than all that" Bethany snickers motioning to the entirety of Greta. Greta huffs and is about to retort until she see's your brothers little crew walk over. "hey hot stuff, wanna skip 3rd period with us" Patrick practically purs out. "can't that's when I'm getting pictures done" Bethany groans as she grabs some stuff from her locker, her back towards the group of boys. "oh come on just do it on the redo day stop being a pussy" Henry says. "love to, but can't my mom would kill me, bowers" "oh what would you do if you ever disobeyed mommy~" Henry says teasingly. "I mean just look at this outfit." Patrick chimes in with a laugh"I think its nice. just look at these hips~" he drawls as his hands rest on her hips before sliding his arms around her waist and pulling her into him. "ugh fuck off Patrick im not in the mood" Beth barks out. "you were in the mood back in 8th grade~" Patrick protests. "that was ONE TIME get over it" she wriggles out of his grasp as he frowns, but before he gets a chance to say anything belch chimes in. "better get to class shrimp" he adds before tussling her hair and walking off with his friends.
After they walk off she sighs and closes her locker before turning only to become face to face with possibly the worst (or best) person to run into in this situation Honey Wilson The schools resident crybaby. "HEY BETH!" she yells out as she smiles sweetly. "thought I told you not to call me that" "well yeah but I saw you and Patrick and how Patrick grabbed you so thought id come over. I mean yeah he's a bit of a perv and sometimes a bit grabby but im sure at heart he's a kind soul who's just lonely. he comes on a little strong but- blah blah blah" Thats all Bethany hears as she tunes Honey out, walking through the halls as Honey goes on and on. "yeah I know what pats like I've known him for years, but he's just so hung up about that little makeout sesh. I mean like dude you PAYED me to do that and like yeah I shouldn't sell myself out like that but 25 bucks is 25 bucks" Beth grumbles.
"… why would he pay for kisses, shouldn't kisses be free?"Honey says confused.
suddenly a familiar chuckle comes from behind them…. its Pat. "oh they defiantly should be~ why don't you give me a little kiss right now to heal my cold heart, crybaby~" He purs in her ear as he circles around her stopping infant of her and leaning over. "OF COURSE! everyone deserves kisses." "Honey no. that's not what he mea-"Beth gets cut off by honeys sweet voice. "hope you feel better Patrick" she smiles before kissing his cheek. "anyway I better be off to class bye bye Beth!" she says before waving and prancing down the hall while humming. "that's…. not exactly what I meant" Patrick says slightly annoyed slightly amused. "that's what you get for being a perv" Beth glares. "you know you love me, sugar tits~" Patrick laughs.
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after third period and after the photos Bethany sits outside of the school smoking and listening to music oh the walkman belch bought her for her birthday when she hears a familiar voice yell out. "BETH!" Honey yells out before running over. a worried look on her face. "you shouldn't be out here class is still going on! and smokings bad for you!" she yammers on about danger and health shit before bath cuts her off.
"ive had a boring, shitty day I need some me time" She hums before sitting up. "oh well….. ya know I think you look nice today" Honey smiles as she speaks…. god she always smiles. unless she's sobbing that is. "yeah yeah I know it sucks don't have to rub it in" "no really. you look pretty today Beth"Honeys voice is just like her name… like honey. "yeah whatever fuck off" Beth reply before standing up and throwing her cig at Honeys feet before walking off. doing her best to hide the smile growing on her face.
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calzone-d · 2 years
Mild Misunderstandings (part two)
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a/n: you can find part one to this story here! emotional ted really tugs at my heart, y’all. someone please love this man. 
pairing: Ted Lasso x Fem!reader
warnings: mentions of divorce
word count: 1.5k
find my masterlist here!
You went to the bedroom you shared with Ted to put your pajamas on and get ready for bed. It was only 9pm but you were exhausted. There wasn’t a single part of you looking forward to sleeping in the guest bedroom, you had grown so accustomed to sleeping next to Ted. At the same time, though, you didn’t have the mental energy to argue. 
On your walk to the guest bedroom, you heard Ted mumbling to himself about the plays being off. Deep down, you felt bad for him, but you also know that isn’t a reason to give you the third degree. 
This whole fiasco was so unlike the kind, thoughtful man you had grown to love. It had been a hard week. The season had just started, and everyone knows it’s always best to start on top when possible. Michelle had been difficult with the two of you when trying to plan Henry’s trip to visit over Christmas vacation, claiming she wanted to see him for the holidays as well. This frustrated both you and Ted, who shared a deep love for the Lasso boy, and were looking forward to your two-weeks with him. All of this combined created a lack of sleep for Ted, who had spent the last few nights up tossing and turning.
Still, Ted was always so quick to at least try and talk things out before getting snappy. You were under your own stress and were looking for comfort from your husband. Something you had grown very used to. 
Trying to calm your thoughts, you put your favorite sitcom on as you settled into bed. Before falling asleep, you shopped online for Christmas presents to give Henry, still ecstatic over seeing him, regardless of how long he was there. As your eyes grew heavy, you plugged your phone into its charger and pulled the blanket up to your chin. Tears pricked your eyes as you thought about Ted and longed for the comfort you were looking for. Maybe he’d be in a better mood in the morning, at least he had this weekend off.
The feeling of weight shifting on the bed woke you up from your sleep. Your eyes squinted open to find Ted sitting criss-cross on top of the duvet, flannel pajama pants on, a white t-shirt, messy hair, and tired tear-filled eyes. It was still dark outside, and the clock read 3:43am. The lamp he turned on was hurting your eyes, shocking you into a state of quiet.
“Y/N, I’m sorry”, his voice croaked. He sniffled before continuing, “The way I’ve been acting ain’t fair at all, not one bit. I’m just so stressed, A-and I’m scared that-”, he had to take a deep breath to stop the tears from falling.
 “I’m scared that you’ll see all these problems and want to leave. Which, sheesh, I wouldn’t blame you one bit. Christmas is just always hard for me anyway, and then adding the thought of you leavin’ on top of that is just, bad. It’s real bad, Y/N.”
By now a few tears had escaped his eyes and you took note of the way his fingers twisted around each other. He didn’t give you a moment to speak before continuing, “This is our first Christmas together, and I love all the wonderful things about Christmas but It just feels like there’s so much more at stake in my life now.” 
You nodded at him to continue. “It wasn’t great when Michelle left, and that Christmas was lonely as I’ll get out, but you leaving?”, he sniffled some more while shaking his head. “Th-that would break me, Y/N. It wouldn’t be the same by any measure.”
Now you were sitting across from him, a gentle hand on his knee.
 “Ted, I know it’s scary. Shit, the idea of you leaving me is scary too. But that’s not a reason to shut me out or give me the cold shoulder. I’d rather talk this out with you any day then spend our time dancing around each other and sleeping in different beds.”
“Sometimes, I think that when I get real scared about something, I feel like if I shut it out then I’m preparing myself for if it happens. Tryin’ to protect myself, I guess.”
“Ted, I’m your partner. You don’t need to protect yourself from me. I’m here to work through these things with you, I know they’re not easy to talk about, but these tough conversations just have to happen sometimes.”
“I know that, but I’ve seen what these tough conversations can turn into, and the thought o-of that happenin’ with you is too much. I can’t handle that, Y/N. I-I can’t.”, he choked out as a sob found its way through his lips. Scooting over beside him, you pulled him into your arms, and his head immediately went to the place between your shoulder and neck. 
Ted’s hands grabbed fists full of your sleep shirt, his body shaking as he sobbed into your neck. His tears were hot against your neck. You used one hand to soothingly rub his back while the other cradled his head, holding him tight against you as you shushed him. 
You know his divorce left him scarred, and that was something you couldn’t really relate to. You had never been through a divorce before. All you could do was try to reason with his anxious thoughts.
Allowing him a moment to let it out, you drew patterns on his back and made sure he was breathing evenly.
“Ted, our marriage is our marriage. And that’s what makes it so wonderful. It’s full of love, and trust, and support. I love you for every single thing that you are, and that isn’t changing. I can’t think of anything I may have said or done to make you feel like I have any intention of leaving you but-” 
He was quick to shake his head against you, “You haven’t”.
“I’m here, Ted. I’m here and that won’t change. There’s going to be times where it feels like all you have is problems, but I’m here to card through those with you and do damage control. Not to leave. We work as a team, honey. I married you because I love you exactly the way you are, not because I think you don’t have problems. I mean, have you smelled your feet? Whew. If we’re talking problems that’s at the top of my list.”
This elicited a chuckle from him. You smiled as you continued, “I love you, Ted. I love you, and Henry, and your problems, and his problems, and anything else that may pop up. We’re a family and we work through these things together, okay?”
He nodded against your neck before pulling away with hands still full of your sleep shirt as if he was afraid you’d disappear into the night. His sleepy, tear-filled chocolate eyes met yours and your heart broke for him a tiny bit more. 
“I love you too. It wasn’t right of me to treat you that way, you’ve got your own things goin’ on, too. You’re right, we do get over things together and tomorrow I’ll catch up on my share of the housework.”, you nodded as he spoke. “I never, ever meant to make you feel alone, or isolated.”
The crease between his eyebrows was prominent, and you couldn’t miss the bags forming under his eyes as they met yours. 
“I know it wasn’t your intention, Ted. I forgive you. And as good as I am at reading that mind of yours, sometimes I only know what you tell me. If you don’t tell me these things, I don’t really have a way of knowing that’s what’s going on”
Ted was silent for a few moments and nervously chewed his lip. “I think it may be good for me to, uh, call up the doc. Maybe set somethin’ up with her.”, he looked down as he spoke, fidgeting with loose threads on the duvet.
Smiling proudly at him, you pulled him back in for another hug, “I think that’s a great idea, love.” 
He squeezed you tight and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, “How about we take a hot shower then go crawl back in our bed. We can sleep in, and give Henry a ring after some breakfast?”
Your suggestion was met with a nod and tired smile. “Sounds good, Darlin’”.
In the shower, Ted held you tightly against him as he let the warm water calm his nerves. You were there, you were you, and you loved him. You showed him that every day in so many ways. Your marriage was special, and unique, and he knew he didn’t have to fear being himself. 
Ted gently washed your hair for you and looked at you like you’d hung the moon as he spread your bodywash across your body. He washed you with care, eternally grateful that you found your way to him and Richmond. Grateful that you loved him unconditionally. He would spend every moment making sure you knew how loved you were if that’s what you needed.
Before you washed him, he used his hands to cradle your head for a deep kiss. You could feel the week’s stress and tension in it, wishing you could take it all away. 
You bumped your nose against his and mirrored the smile he gave you. 
“Always gonna love you, Ted.”
Thanks for reading!
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witchy1life · 5 months
I'm bored, it's almost 3 AM, and they're rotting my brain; some of these were brought to you by the COTT discord server.
` Dumb jock who doesn't know his strength x Mean athlete who reminds him
` "I might hurt her, I need to be gentle." "I'm not made of glass jackass, kiss me." relationship
` He kisses her bruises after every fight, she calls him sappy but secretly loves it.
` Extremely gentle due to the vast size difference, always shows her affection so sweet and easy that it can be compared to that of a new owner and a baby kitten
` Their dates consist of going on runs, exercising, training, and fast food.
` Holds Atlanta on his shoulders at any given chance, she rests her arms on his head and her head on both; sometimes naps there and Henry won't move a single muscle
` Herry is the groups medic however will only ever treat Atlanta first if it's not a dire situation, if they all got some scrapes and bruises however he checks on her first. "Did I bump you too hard? I'm sorry babe.." "YOU TOOK A LEFT HOOK TO THE JAW FOR ME, I AM MORE THAN FINE."
` He does everything for her, carries her bags, her books, and her equipment. She tries to do it herself and tells him that she can but he just shakes his head and takes it back from her.
` Buys her 7 balloons for the Valentine's day grams, the limit is 5 but Herry can be pretty threatening if he wants to.
` Atlanta isn't a big pda girl, small kisses, short hand holding, hugs, and that's about it. But at home especially at night she wears one of his old shirts, some sleep shorts, and face plants his chest to go to bed at night. Only Neil knows this, she holds his mirror hostage because of it.
` Atlanta is scared of thunderstorms due to one killing her mother in a freak accident (This will be explained in another post), so whenever a storm rolls around Herry gathers all the blankets and pillows accessible to him, lets her hide in his chest when loud cracks or booms fill the sky, and plays his TV on 50% volume; pretending he doesn't hear her whimpers or feels tear stains on his shirt, just hugs her closer to him and rubs soothing little circles into her back.
` Big gentle boyfriend, small angry girlfriend.
` He plays with her hair on the weekends they get to sleep in.
` Didn't tell the others they were dating until a few months went by and they got caught kissing in Atlanta's room.
` Introduced Atlanta to Granny as his girlfriend and she instantly started referring to Atty as "My girl" or "My Atlanta" and saying things such as "My little Atlanta is the perfect lady for my grandson, keeps him safe.. Yes, I do love them both."
` Watches shitty romcoms and cackles like witches before mimicking them while giggling and choking on popcorn.
` The couple ever
` Carries her around at the wild life saftey protests, screams the loudest during the deforestation prevention rallies.
` Rough houses on days Herry isn't self conscious about hurting her, not afraid to chase each other through the rain and fall in puddles.
` She helps around on the farm, drives places for granny, the only person allowed to drive Herry's truck off mission,
` Atlanta loves when he calls her Atty or His lightning bolt, often refers to him in private as Her warrior
` Herry will drop everything to help Atlanta, especially if she's injured or worse.
` He's like a natural heater, so cuddles early in the morning are mandatory before they start any classes / training.
` Will find ways to sneak away from their mentors to walk through Athena's garden.
` Atlanta jokingly tells him he should do the Atalanta's footrace to win her heart, he takes it serious and actually trains to do it still to this day.
` Although Atlanta is a vegetarian/vegan, Herry still loves taking her out to meat themed restaurants (He never forces her to buy any meat, often pointing out which are vegan safe options on the menu.)
` Messy rooms, both of them, they play MK and the loser has to clean up both rooms. (They end up just helping whoever loses anyways.)
` The type of girlfriend to cover her boyfriend's eyes when she's losing in a video game.
` His lap is like a second seat to her, she casually sits in it whenever without realizing.
` Loves to prank the others together.
` Atlanta was scared of a relationship at first, but over time Herry carefully introduced the aspects of it to her; taking his time to let her adjust which she was grateful for.
` Cuts her hair for her so she doesn't have that spikey fuck ass bob.
` Get a puppy together and name him Zeus so that they can mess with the god.
` Talks to Theresa and Jay for advice but realizes their friends relationships aren't too stable and stop doing it.
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soulofapatrick · 2 years
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day - Tommy Miller x Reader
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Summary: You’re the Millers neighbours who has become practically family within two years except Joel has kept your from Tommy in fear of him breaking your heart... What happens when Joel one day tells you Tommy really cares about you and he has no problems of you pursuing Tommy...
Words: 4.1k
Warnings: pining; smut (p in v) and lots of fluff
Notes: This is my first try at no outbreak au
Being best friends with your hot neighbours had its perks as well as its downsides. I had a spare key which the outwardly grumpy Joel Miller had cut for me a year into our friendship, ignoring the way Sarah looked between the two of us with a knowing look. Except she really didn’t know. Sure, Joel Henry Miller is fucking hot with his curly brown hair; deep caramel brown eyes and the messy scruff of a beard but he’s not the Miller I found myself falling for. Joel saw it first, of course, and told me that his little brother - Tommy - is too much of a playboy for me and that he’d break my heart but that didn’t stop me thinking of him at night or giggling myself silly when he was around. 
Today was no different, my house was boring and empty so I grabbed my phone and the keys before heading across the street to the Miller’s house. It’s quiet stepping inside as Sarah’s at school and I’m guessing Joel and Tommy have a job today so I busy myself with cleaning up their mess. I’m off work until Monday, with nothing to do except twiddle my thumbs for the next two days so cleaning their house and cooking a hot meal for them is a great distraction and it’ll take my mind off my sister’s phone call. They’re not messy people, it’s just Joel struggles with getting up early but, he does it anyway to take his sweet daughter to school everyday before he and Tommy then drive on to wherever they’re working. If I’m at the coffee shop they’ll stop by for their usual coffees and tell me about their mornings if there’s no queue behind them. It’s nice. I love the routine we have. It could be seen as a little chaotic and weird to anyone else but it works for the four of us and I don’t want to lose it for anything. 
Joel’s room is the messiest of course, the duvet half off the bed and clothes on the floor as if he overslept today which being Joel… yeah probably. I sniff every shirt on the floor, organising them into clean and dirty piles before folding the clean ones and putting them back into the drawers and stripping the bed because he probably hasn’t had time to wash his duvet in a while. The dirty pile is thrown at the top of the stairs as I go do the same in Sarah’s room, her bed being made and it’s clean enough to leave alone so I just grab her hamper of dirty clothes, adding them to the pile. The guest room hasn’t been touched since I last slept in there so all that’s left is Tommy’s room. 
I knock first as he might be in there, you can never tell with Tommy, but there’s no reply so I cautiously open the door. It’s empty, he’s at work with Joel it seems and it gives me time to be able to clean his room, doing the same as I did with Joel’s but the smell of his shirts has me a little weak at the knees. I don’t know why but there’s just something about the way Tommy smells so much like vanilla; woodsmoke and fresh coffee that has me intoxicated. It takes me a minute to shake the thoughts of what he’d be like in bed, lips soft and persistent and the low husk to his voice. I have to quickly grab his dirty clothes and the stripped duvet cover, leaving the room before I do something stupid. 
The pile of all their dirty laundry is a struggle to get into the washing machine but I refuse to do two loads so I make it fit, putting the detergent in and turning it on before focusing on getting the kitchen tidy so I can get food prepared. They have a dishwasher that makes things a lot easier so I load it with the dirty plates and cups that are piled on the side before wiping down every surface and checking for any glasses or plates elsewhere like the living room before putting it on. Then, knowing how busy the three of them have been I check their fridge and yeah I was right: there’s left over pizza and like three day old takeaway chicken wings along with condiments and milk that is on its last day. Their cupboards are in similar condition: a lonely bag of pasta and some cereal as well as a few sandwich fillers like Nutella. It’s only three in the afternoon so I have at least two more hours before Joel and Tommy get back so a quick trip to the supermarket is definitely an option but then again so is ordering the shopping as I’m not going to be able to carry four peoples worth of food back from the shops and I don’t have a car. 
It doesn’t take long for the shopping to be ordered and delivered, our nosey neighbour bidding me good afternoon when I open the door to grab the bags from the delivery driver. I thank the driver then smile at William, sending him a wave before moving all the bags to the table so I can unpack them and put everything away. It should feel wrong, being in Joel’s house without him here and buying him shopping, putting it all away to then get started on dinner. Others would say they should pay me to be a stay at home mum but I’m not, I’m… I’m not sure what I am to them, maybe platonic soulmate? I don’t have to say anything for Joel to ever understand me and vice versa, that’s what platonic soulmates are, aren’t they? I don’t care what others think anyway, I’m happy in my own little bubble, it’s why I moved to Austin in the first place. I had to get away from everyone and everything I knew after the death of my brother, I couldn’t deal with the sympathetic looks and whispers. 
The front door opens and familiar voices fill the house as I’m plating up the one pot creamy chicken pasta I settled on making. The three of them file in, eyes widening and mouths watering at the steaming food set at the table, throwing their thanks at me before they’re practically racing to their seats and digging in. I make sure the hob is off and that the seconds are covered before joining them, taking my seat next to Tommy with Joel opposite me and it’s perfect. Joel and Tommy begin to talk about their days, one of their workmen not having turned up and made everything stressful and they’ll have to work late tomorrow which means I’ll be spending the day with Sarah tomorrow. Sarah then tells her dad and Uncle Tommy about her day, how a fight broke out and her best friend - Theo - told her the kids were expelled. They’ve both had eventful days so I’m just glad I could help take some of the pressure off of them. 
Joel’s doing amazingly as a single father, giving the fact Sarah’s mother just up and left him with Sarah one day. The brothers were forced to work things out, Tommy stepping up to be there for his older brother and little niece, and they’ve both done so fucking well for it. Sarah’s growing up to be a beautiful and fun, well mannered girl who is both equal parts strong and compassionate. It sometimes makes me jealous, seeing how well put together and close knit they are, longing for the same things but everything changed for me after losing my twin brother two years ago. My sister has reached out to me a few times but other than that not much has happened communication wise. Seeing the Millers makes me want to reach out to my parents but I know they would just reprimand me for leaving and if they found out where I lived they’d come all the way here and try and drag me back to California against my will. They had called me rude and disrespectful for not attending Scott’s funeral despite seeing the way I couldn’t leave the house that day without throwing up from the stress and realisation that my partner in crime was gone. I had packed up my things and hired a removal company to pick me up and drive me across the country to get as far away from it all as I could. 
A hand settles on my thigh and I’m whipping my head up to see Tommy and Joel watching me, concern in their eyes and Sarah’s no where to be seen. Her plates empty and there’s movement upstairs which means she’s probably gone to do her homework. The hand tightens on my thigh, “You okay baby girl?” I can’t stop the shiver that runs down my back and directly to my core whenever Tommy calls me ‘baby girl’ as it does stuff to me. 
“Y-yeah,” It’s not convincing, both of them raising their eyebrows at me, “My sister called me again to tell me my younger brother graduated yesterday.” I shrug and just focus on the comforting weight of Tommy’s hand through my jeans, the brothers sharing a look before they go back to eating and their own conversations knowing I’ll tell them one day about my past and my family. It’s another thing I love about them: they don’t push me to tell them things, knowing I’ll come to them if I want or need to. They’re always there for me and I hope I’m also there for them just as much. Maybe tonight could be the night I tell them about Scott… or tomorrow. 
“Come on baby girl, movie night.” Tommy grins at me, that stupidly cocky smile making my cheeks heat up and I have to avert my gaze, feeling Joel roll his eyes at me and he snorts quietly from amusement, “Let’s go old man!” Tommy’s smirking at Joel who throws his napkin at Tommy, the younger slapping his arm in retaliation. Children. 
I lean into Tommy’s side, pretending to sniff his shirt and pull a disgusted face, “Nice try, go shower first, you stink.” Before grabbing my now empty plate and heading to the sink, a gasp ripped from my lips when his familiar frame covers my back and presses me against the counter. His nose is cold against my neck, spreading goosebumps in its wake, lips ghosting over my neck before he murmurs, “Maybe you should join me, you stink too.” 
It takes everything in me not to let him have me, not ready to have my heart broken like Joel said but a huge part of him wants him. From everything I’ve been told about Tommy, and what I’ve seen, it’s hard to tell if he really does like me or sees me as a challenge because I don’t just fall into bed with him. Those velvety lips really settle on my neck, teeth scraping my collarbone and I’m gripping the counter so hard my knuckles go white and his chest rumbles against my back. The vanilla; woodsmoke and coffee mixed with the sweat and heat of him being out in the sun working all day makes me dizzy with everything Tommy and my lips are parting with a shaky breath. 
“Are you two gonna spent the evening fucking or join us?” Sarah’s cheeky voice scares me, my face heating up while Tommy doesn’t even seem phased as he just turns to her and winks. I stay where I am, too embarrassed to move as Tommy steps back a little, every fibre in my being wanting to follow him but I don’t. I have to take a deep breath before turning around to see Sarah grinning innocently at me while Tommy begins to raid the fridge as if I haven’t just fed him. 
“Sarah!” We hear Joel scold Sarah for her language from the living room, no actual venom in it as he also swears sometimes in front of Sarah. Better to teach her it’s okay to swear in certain situations and calling sex ‘fucking’ is definitely not the right situation. Especially when it’s directed at her uncle and me. 
Sarah just giggles and calls back a quick “Sorry Dad!” before watching me and Tommy. She’s always been curious and quickly worked out I wasn’t into her dad but her uncle, not as quickly as Joel but damn nearly as quick. It catches me off guard when she says, “I think you two would be cute together.” 
“I was just going to grab some sweet treats I may have got you all,” I change the subject, feeling shy suddenly, Sarah’s face lights up at this and Tommy reappears from having his head in the fridge at the word treats, “But before any of us can have any Uncle Tommy needs to go shower.” I fix him with a pointed gaze and Sarah’s grabbing her uncle and pushing him towards the stairs. 
“My offer still stands baby girl.” Tommy calls before Sarah’s making sure he actually goes upstairs. Once she’s sure he’s doing as he’s been told she waits for me to grab the only bag I didn’t unpack before we join Joel in the living room. He fixes me with a look as I settle on his left and Sarah sits on his right. 
Joel doesn’t have to speak for me to know what that look means: He will break your heart. There’s something else though, something that has me frowning down at the bag of sweets until Joel’s taking the bag and handing it to Sarah who knows exactly what sweets and drinks are for who as we all have our own favourites. Joel leans close, wrapping his arms around me in a hug before he whispers something I didn’t ever expect from him, “He really cares for you.” I just frown at Joel, unsure of what he’s getting out as he’s always trying to deter me from my feeling for Tommy. It’s never out of jealousy, Joel and I have talked about us and we agree we are and always will just be best friends. I need to bring up the platonic soulmates to him at some point actually as- “He hasn’t even looked at another girl in months.” Joel’s sighing softly, forehead falling to my shoulder and I finally understand. Tommy cares for me. He’s not just trying to get in my pants, he actually cares for me. 
The little touches, the flirting, the way he looks away when I catch him staring. He’s not flirting with me for the hell of it, he gets shy. Tommy gets shy over me but fuck his flirting game is something to be envied. The way he leaves me breathless and frustrated, that knowing smirk on his oh so kissable lips, the way he runs a hand through his dark curls and his cognac eyes sliding over me.  Tommy’s hair and those freckles have to me the biggest weakness for me. The amount times I’ve dreamt about tangling my hands through those curly locks, watching the way his eyes would darken and he’d probably gasp so dirtily. It has me shifting in my seat and Joel’s smacking my leg with the back of his hand as if reading my thoughts. His caramel eyes are soft and he seems to nod ever so slightly and that’s all it takes for me to stand up and make my way out of the living room and upstairs as calmly as I can. 
The bathroom door is unlocked so I open it silently, slipping inside and closing it without a sound. Tommy’s humming to himself, music playing on his phone so he doesn’t hear me and it gives me the opportunity to undress. It’s a huge risk I’m taking but I trust Joel’s words, quietly stepping in behind Tommy and just admiring how good he looks from the back. His lean muscles rippling and the smooth slide of his back, leading down to that very slap-able ass, all sun kissed skin and freckles. I have to refrain myself and instead step closer, snaking my arms around his waist causing him to jump a little before I’m pressing a kiss to his shoulder and he’s practically purring. He gently tugs me around him to I’m under the hot water, a groan escaping my lips as the water melts away all the tension in my shoulders and Tommy’s lips are on my neck. He’s smiling into the trail of kisses he’s leading up until the shower head is turned to the side so he can press those pretty lips to mine in a gentle kiss. I expected Tommy to be hot and needy like his flirting but he’s far from it, his kiss being slow and romantic, hands skimming over my sides as if his hands are trying to map and memorise every bump and curve of my body. It has me gasping a little, his tongue brushing against mine until my lung burn for oxygen. 
“Hi there baby girl,” His cognac eyes are warm and full of emotions I’ve been trying to ignore for so long, they stay on my face, never once straying despite being naked in front of him, “Didn’t actually think you’d join me.” 
“‘M crazy for you,” I mumble, going to duck my head but he stops me with a finger under my chin, pupils blown wide, “I’ve been crazy for you since we met.” 
“Fuck baby girl,” He’s whining, pulling me flush against him and capturing me in another breathtaking kiss, this one wanting more and it doesn’t take long for me to tangle my hand in his hair and tug experimentally. The breathy moan he lets out has me tugging harder, wanting to hear more and his hands grip my hips tightly, “You keep doing that and we will be skipping movie night.” 
“Is that a challenge?” 
He’s turning the shower off, picking me up and making sure my legs are wrapped around his waist before he drags me into a kiss, walking us to his room. He’s throwing me on his bed, shutting his door as the sound of the movie gets turned up a little more, like Joel knows. Oh god, we’re about to have sex with Joel and Sarah in the house. I can never look at them again-
Lips are on my thighs, kisses scattering their way up, moustache burning the sensitive skin a little and as much as I’d love for him to eat me out, having seen the way he eats ice cream I need him. My hands reach for his hair, pulling him away from my aching core and over me, drawing him for a  slow and passionate kiss while wrapping my legs around his waist. He gets the hint, chest rising and falling quickly as he murmurs in my ear, “You need prepping sweet girl.” It has me whining, back arching with need when he circles a rough pad of his finger around my wet heat. Any sound I make is swallowed by those addictive lips when he finally pushes a finger in, my walls immediately trying to clench around it and it draws a guttural sound from him. His lips trail down my neck and chest, teeth grazing my nipples before he’s sucking while beginning to move his finger inside me. All of it has my slamming a hand over my mouth as I try to stay quiet, especially when a second finger joins the first and he’s stretching me out. He’s rocking his hips into my leg, trying to be patient to make sure I’m comfortable but if he doesn’t stop soon I’m going to come. 
He can feel me fluttering around his hands, smile on his lips where they’re now biting a hickey into my neck, his fingers curling and hitting that bundle of nerves that snatches the air from my lungs. Fuck. It’s as if he already knows my body with the way he has me teetering on the edge of bliss, my walls trying to keep him in and my thighs slamming shut around his arm. His thumb comes up to rub teasing circles into the hard bud and it has my body tensing as I cry our his name, wave after wave of ecstasy shuddering through my body and my mind blanks of everything except Tommy. 
His lips find mine, moving leisurely, thumb caressing my cheek as he replaces his fingers with the head of his dick, already stretching me wide. A heavy gasp is ripped from me when he slowly begins to slide in, eyes squeezing shut as he’s bigger than he could have prepared me for but he’s whispering soothingly in my ear, “Shhh, shhhh, it’s okay baby girl. I’ve got you sweetheart. It’s alright. Deep breaths. Relax baby girl. I’ve got you.” 
The whispers accompanied by his fingers gently working on my clit has me relaxing enough to accept him all the way, the moan he lets out when buried to the hilt makes me almost come again there and then. He holds himself still until the uncomfortableness turns into burning hot want and need and I’m cautiously rolling my hips against him, his cognac eyes flying open to meet mine with a hungry look in them. He draws me into a hot and heavy kiss as he pulls out so just the tip is still in before he slides back in, filling me up and it’s nothing I expected from Tommy. I never understood the difference between sex and making love until now with Tommy resting his forehead against mine and our hands tangled together either side of my head as he slowly thrusts, taking his time and drawing out our mutual pleasure. The sound of our panted breaths and soft whimpers and whines drowns out the muffled music from the movie downstairs and all I can smell is Tommy, the vanilla and woodsmoke still clinging to him even after the shower. It all adds to the slowly building tightness in my stomach and I’m moving my hips down to meet his, my back arching when he hits that sweet spot that has me seeing stars. 
“T-Tommy..” I whine and his teeth graze my chin, adding to the pleasure as every fibre on my body is on fire, that coil tightening almost painfully as he drags against my g-spot with every thrust until I’m tensing up and my eyes roll back into my head. His hips begin snapping against mine, face buries in my neck and has tightening in mine as I ride out my high, him not too far behind. 
“Fuuuckkk baby girl,” He pants against my neck, hips stuttering as he thrusts a few more times before he’s filling me up, teeth sinking into skin to muffle his moan before he’s collapsing on top of me and I’m untangling one hand from his to bring it to his hair. He hums softly as I begin carding it through his messy curls, “‘M so in love with you. Have been for a while.” He admits, slipping out and leaving me feeling empty. 
“I’m in love with you too.” It’s spoken so quietly I’m not sure he hears it as he stands up to grab the towel and clean us up but from the grin that breaks out on his face he does. He’s grinning the whole time he’s wiping away the mess sliding down my legs as I’m too spent and tired to move. He helps me into a pair of his boxers and a baggy shirt before pulling on a pair of boxers himself. I can’t not blush when he just stands there, admiring me until I have to turn away as it’s too much attention, I’m not used to anyone looking at me like that. He’s looking at me like I hung the stars and it steals my breath away. 
“We can have another movie night tomorrow to make it up to them,” Tommy laughs, sliding into his bed behind me, wrapping himself around me like a safety net between me and the uncertain world, “I want you to know I really fucking love you and always will. You’re my sunshine on a cloudy day sweetheart.” 
That’s how I fall asleep, Tommy wrapped around me with his lips brushing against the back of my neck and his arm around my waist. A smile one my lips as his words echo around my mind. 
Sunshine of a cloudy day.
TAGS: Tag List Form
@princessmk21 @iraot​ @gemimawrites​ @pedropascalsrealhusband @zynbsblog @twopercentmilk​ @sxnshinebxcky @nelsoomon @urnewghostfriend​ @sonhee-a​ @dizzyforyou-blog​ @grooveandshit​ @reyas-world @canpillowscry​ @jell0buss-37​ @androgynousgaz​ @not-a-unique-snowflake89​ @intergalacticspacemonkey @certifiedhunter​ @miya-park @emmulus22 @outl4wage
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The Other Winter
This was so refreshing to write, prepare for more small fluffies in the future:)) xx, Rosemary
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Henry woke up to an empty bed. His little doe nowhere to be seen. He turned around in the sheets and saw the messy side where she was sleeping in his embrace, he could feel the warmth that she left there and the of her scent, a sweet vanilla scent that made him crazy whenever he felt it.
However, he could feel a good breakfast scent in the room also and heard the noises from the kitchen.
That must be y/n, he thought.
He got himself out of the warm sheets, he didn’t even bother putting on some pants or a shirt, his boxer shirts will do fine.
As he got to the kitchen, light jazz music was playing on vinyl, and there she was in all her beautiful glory. Swaying her hips to the rhythm of the music, her hair was poofed up from turning in her sleep and cascading down her back. She was only in her panties and his usually crisp white shirt that was now wrinkly and clumsily buttoned in the middle, so it can weakly cover her flushed bosom.
He was absolutely and utterly in love and mesmerized with her. Although the shirt was huge on her, her silhouette was prominent in it. He found himself longing after a tiny touch of her skin.
He walked up to her and hugged her like a bear from behind, it was followed by a squeal of surprise from her, but then she melted in his arms. He nuzzled his face into the top of her hair and enjoyed the sweet scent of her all around him.
“Good morning, little doe. What are you doing up this early?” He was an early bird himself and she was the opposite, she enjoyed sleeping in when she could and she loved spending a day in between the sheets lazily.
“I wanted to make you breakfast, and oh-” she turned around and fetched a mug from the upper shelf so she could pour him a fresh cup of coffee. She pushed into his hand and stared up at him with awaiting doe eyes. What an adorable little thing she was, he thought.
He sipped the coffee and it was exactly how he liked it, no milk and two sugar cubes. He was very picky with coffee and she could always make it for him perfectly.
“You know just how I like it, thank you.” He smiled down at her and his fingers grazed her cheeks, he put the mug down and let his other arm snake around her waist to pull her body closer to his.
He suddenly put her on the counter and kissed her deeply, and she obviously returned his enthusiasm.
He started caressing her jaw and planting little loving kisses to her neck. Then he kissed her forehead and stroked her head, she never felt more relaxed, especially if she didn’t have his warm hands touching her.
“What a good girl you are, my good little doe. Always so good to me, spoiling me, loving on me. Letting me make you mine, and you enjoy it deeply too. You enjoy knowing that everyone envies me because you are mine, not theirs, I have the pleasure of having the sweetest girl in my bed every night.”
He leaned into his hair and whispered. “Imagine if they knew our little secret, Mrs.Winter.” He lifted her left hand and kissed the subtle diamond ring on her finger, the ring that he proposed to her with. They didn’t plan to marry until they finished their studies, and that could take years. They already thought of themselves as husband and wife. “I will give you everything you want, everything you could imagine.” His hand slipped down to her tummy under his shirt. “One day, I will put my baby in here and make you a mother, the mother of my child.”
She couldn’t help herself, she had to pull him down by his hair for a couple more kisses, he knew that babies were her weakness.
She served him breakfast and they ate together, her in his lap and nuzzling into each other’s warmth, occasionally feeding bites to each other here and there.
They couldn’t think of a more divine future together.
In love, as Mr. and Mrs.Winter.
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sarahjswift · 1 year
Lovebite - IWHAIWSA Chapter 3
Heyyyy here's another chapter for you! It's currently Thursday but I think this should be posted on Friday. The day you are seeing this is my last day of school and I'm very excited!
I hope you all are enjoying this series! I'm very proud of myself because these chapters are longer and I have a couple already written and ready to post. I also am keeping up Twin Wounds, so I'm just doing it all XD
Next week is the start of my summer vacation, but it shouldn't affect the upload schedule too much, but there's always that warning.
Thank you all for your support <3
Warnings: Language, Light Smut
Word Count: 1.7k
Tag List <3: @backtobl4ck, @aelinchocolatelover, @renxzs, @blue-bird17, and @autumnbabylon! Thanks for your support <33333
enjoyyyyy!!! :D
“You made out with a stranger who is Eve’s best friends’ dad?” Lysandra gasped with delight. 
Aelin glared at her reflection as if it were Lysandra’s face, forcefully massaging her face with sunscreen. “We didn’t make out. It was one kiss.” 
“One very hot kiss, it seems,” her friend giggled. “I mean, he seems amazing. Do you have pics?”
“Uhm, yes,” Aelin confessed. “He sent me a selfie and I may or may not have downloaded it to my phone.” 
“Oh my Gods!” Aelin winced as her friend’s squeal filled the air - loud and proud, even on speakerphone. “Please tell me it was, like, a shirtless selfie. Or no, no, a mirror shot! No - both!” 
“It was a selfie with him and his kids,” Aelin said matter-of-factly. She dotted concealer under her eyes and surveyed herself in the mirror, checking for any blemishes, and-
“Oh my fucking Gods.” 
“What? What is it?” Lysandra squawked, but Aelin was too busy gaping in horror at the purple spot on her neck. 
“I have a damn hickey!” Aelin wailed, then clamped a hand to her mouth. Eve was watching Spongebob, but you could never be too sure with her. 
“Holy shit, this just keeps getting better and better!”
“Not if you’re living it!” Aelin protested, frantically dabbing concealer onto the very obvious love bite on her neck. 
“Can I see? Send a photo!” 
“Uh, no. It’s, like…very obvious.”
“Gods, how much did he kiss you?”
“I have no idea,” Aelin sighed. Luckily, the mark was covered. She sprayed setting spray onto her neck and prayed that her concealer would stick. 
Rowan woke up in the morning with two screaming children, a messy kitchen, and a happy heart. 
He replayed the kiss over and over again in his mind, painting it golden. Even when Lilly knocked over her glass of OJ, he just smiled and wiped it up with a wet paper towel. 
The kids wanted to go to the pool and as they reached it, Rowan found himself searching the room for a certain mother. Unfortunately Aelin wasn’t there, and Rowan settled himself into a pool chair with a sigh, watching his children splash around in the shallow end. 
Rowan: Hey
Aelin: Hello good sir
Aelin: how are you 
Rowan: Good, the kids are at the pool today. 
He hesitated before deciding to go for it. 
Rowan: Wish you were here though. 
Aelin: *typing*
Aelin: 💗
“Can we hang out with Eve today, Dad? Please?” 
Rowan looked at his children, pleading up at him. Hold your ground, he thought. Hold it, hold it, hold-
“I’ll text her mom.” 
An hour later, Rowan was smiling faintly to himself as Aelin and Eve descended across the parking lot to the playground. Eve ran toward Henri and Lilly and the three immediately skipped to the playground, giggling. Rowan took a deep breath as Aelin walked up to him, reminding himself to calm down. 
She looked amazing as usual in a simple white crop top and a vibrant, flowing green skirt. Stylish sunglasses rested on her head and her golden hair was tucked into a braid. Her top and skirt proudly displayed her muscled shoulders, arms and legs and he enjoyed the view  - of those and other beautiful parts of her - before snapping his eyes up to her. 
“Hello,” she said, a serpine’s smile curving on her lips. She walked up close to him and placed a warm hand on his arm, the only thing separating their skin the thin fabric of his T-shirt. 
“Hey.” Rowan’s voice was lower than usual, and he had eyes only for Aelin as she leaned in to whisper something in his ear. His eyes closed briefly as he felt her hot breath on his skin, wanting it everywhere- 
“You may or may not have given me a hickey.”
With a start, Rowan broke from his reveries and whipped his head around to gape at Aelin. Her eyes were dancing and her grin stretched wider as she tapped a finger against her neck. “I guess you were kissing me a bit too hard.”
“I-Gods, Aelin, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking-”
“It’s fine, it’s fine!” Her clear laughter rang through the air, making Rowan smile. He couldn’t help it. “It’s funny. I did have a bit of a panic attack this morning, though. That’s why we didn’t go to the pool.” 
Rowan laughed. “What did Eve have to say about that?”
She shrugged. “She was great - we went on a little trail. What about you guys?”
“The pool and now this, after they begged all morning. It’s honestly adorable how much the kids love Eve already.” 
Aelin beamed, and he knew as a parent she was proud. “I’m afraid I’m just as bad about a certain father.”
Rowan was so handsome she couldn’t stand it, and the urges to grab his hand, touch his shoulder, just to be near him, overcame Aelin as their families went to get Hawaiian Ice. The way he was with his kids did nothing but melt her heart, and Eve’s obvious adoration of the Whitethorn kids was the cherry on top. 
Soon the sun was setting, and they walked through the resort admiring the beautiful dusk sky. The children were skipping ahead of Rowan and Aelin while they hung back, talking softly, when Eve rounded and walked back to her mother. 
“Mommy, Lilly and Henri said that we could come over and have a sleepover!” she squeaked, excitement lit up in her blue-gold eyes. Her face was flushed and strands of her hair were poking up from her head. She looked insane, and Aelin had never loved anything more. 
“Did they really? Well unfortunately it’s not up to them,” Aelin reminded her daughter gently, praying this wouldn’t get awkward. To her dismay, Eve’s face crumpled and she slumped, practically dragging her feet as she walked back over to her friends. The two parents watched as her daughter informed the other kids of the incident and they immediately whirled around, protest lining their faces. 
“Please, Dad? C’mon, we want Eve to sleep over!” Lilly cried, hanging onto Rowan’s hand. Henri grabbed his other and looked up at his father pleadingly. 
Aelin cringed and turned to her companion, opening her mouth to apologize, when he said; “If Aelin is okay with it, I’m happy to have them over.” 
The children stared at him for a second and then erupted, cheering. They were so busy celebrating they didn’t notice the word change; them - but Aelin did. 
“Them?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. Rowan looked sheepish and he shrugged. 
“I mean, why not? You could…sleep over.”
I have no self-control, she thought to herself as she carried Eve’s sheets and pillows into Rowan’s room. Apparently they were all having a joint sleepover - the kids would sleep in Lilly’s room, and Aelin - well, Aelin didn’t know where she would sleep yet. That hadn’t been decided. 
After Aelin and Eve brought their stuff over to the room, they settled down at the dinner table for a dinner of steaming pasta. Aelin was pleasantly surprised at Rowan’s cooking skill, and she said as much.
“Thanks,” he said, biting down a smile. “I’m sure you are too.”
At his words, Eve let out a laugh. Aelin flushed as her daughter exclaimed; “Mommy is a terrible cook! She once tried to make brownies for my school bake sale an’ they were goopy an’ my friend Marianne got food poisoning! Daddy always did all the cooking-”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Aelin interrupted her daughter before she could ruin her chances forever. As she glanced toward Rowan, she found his amused expression frozen, his eyes like chips of ice. She felt herself frown - what had set him off?
At nine the kids disappeared into Lilly’s room to “sleep”, leaving the parents to clean up dinner. Aelin watched Rowan stand at the sink, his powerful arms on display as he scrubbed their plates dry. She couldn’t help imagining that they were a family, he was her husband, and they -
Stop. She scrubbed her face, exhaustion suddenly overwhelming her. There’s no point in imagining anything. It’s done. She sighed and collapsed on their couch, surveying the room. Their hotel space was an exact copy to theirs, so she didn’t feel too bad as she made herself at home. 
“Can I ask you something?” Rowan asked, and Aelin turned to find him leaning against the kitchen counter, watching her with an expression she couldn’t place. At her nod, he took a deep breath. “Is…where is Eve’s dad?” 
Oh. Shit. 
His words were light, but Aelin could tell her response would be important to her. She took a deep breath. “He’s..he’s in the picture.” 
Rowan’s shoulders slumped, and his eyes looked agonized for a half-second before a wall snapped up behind them. “Oh. Alright.” 
“N-not like that,” she blurted - she’d do anything to get him smiling again. “I meant, uhm, well…he has Eve every other week. B-but…we’re divorced. We have been for a year.” 
Rowan’s face melted into a smile she could tell he was trying to tamp down. “Oh. Alright.” Aelin laughed as he repeated his exact words from earlier. At her laughter, Rowan chuckled too, crossing the room to sit next to her on the couch. His weight brought the cushion down, and she slid toward him ever so slightly, close enough she could smell his pine-and-snow scent. 
His eyes darted around the room, checking if the coast was clear, before leaning closer to her. Her breaths came quicker, and she closed her eyes as he brought his hand to cup her neck, rubbing his thumb over the exact spot her lovebite was. She felt him lean in and kiss her jaw, loosing a breath as his other hand stroked her hair. Aelin watched him, heavy lidded, as he kissed his way down to her collarbone, lower. 
“Kiss me,” she breathed. He drew in a sharp breath and obliged her, lips pressing gently against hers. It was a soft kiss, not urgent and sharp like earlier, and she leaned into him, letting his heat envelop her as he hugged her. 
She thought, as she gently made out with this man, she hadn’t felt this safe in years. 
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echotrinityme · 1 year
Birds and the Bees! (Henry and co.)
A/N: I had this idea for a while now and I thought this would be funny.
The General and Dr. V stared at the baby in front of them.
The baby was cooing at them like they were trying to talk to them, and the baby was smiling at them.
"So..." Galeforce started, "What's going on exactly?"
"When I went to my lab this morning, I found this baby on one of the lab tables," Dr. V responded.
Galeforce nodded as he took a closer look at the baby. The baby was a male by the looks of it, he has messy black hair that looks familiar to him and his eyes were a sapphire blue. He kept staring at the baby until it hit him.
He glanced at Dr. V, "Do tests on him. I want to know who his parents are,"
Dr. V nodded, "Yes, General," she replied.
"Good. Let me know the test results as soon as possible,"
The General left the room, leaving Dr. V alone with the baby. Dr. V looked at the baby, who was trying to eat his foot. She sighed as she prepared the tests for the baby. She went over to the baby who was in a car seat and was drooling over his blue onesie.
"Okay, little one," she said firmly but gently, "You're not going to like this,"
To her surprise, the baby took the needles like a champ. He was just wondering what Dr. V was doing to him, he wasn't scared or anything, and he cooed at her.
After the tests were done, she waited for the results while she was taking care of the baby.
Dr. V was singing in Russian to calm the baby down when she heard her computer ping. She went over to the computer to look at the results, she read over the results, and her eyes widened.
She slowly picked up a phone with her remaining hand to call the General.
"General?" she said, stunned, "I think you need to come to see this."
The General stared at Dr. V in confusion as the baby started clapping happily, Dr. V had a blank look on his face.
"What?" Galeforce said.
"Yes, I was surprised too," Dr. V responded," I had to check the results again but they all have given me the same results,"
The general shook his head and looked at the baby. Yup. No mistake about it. He knew he recognized that hair from anywhere. He glanced at Dr. V, "How?"
Dr. V smirked, "Well, Hubert, when a man and woman love each other very mu-"
"I know about that! It's how my late wife gave me my children!" Galeforce exclaimed, scaring the baby in the process. Galeforce calm down a bit, "I mean, how is he here in the first place?"
Dr. V chuckled and she smiled, "That I'm not sure of," she responded.
"All I know is that it is possible," Dr. V held up the baby while the baby was still clapping.
Galeforce smiled at the baby and took his tiny hand to hold his finger. The baby cooed as he babbled, Galeforce smiled some more.
"Looks like I got to tell the parents about their new son they didn't plan," Galeforce said.
Dr. V snorted as the baby laughed.
Rupert was grumbling at the sight of Henry talking to Charles. Rupert always hated Henry and he doesn't understand why Charles was friends with him. Henry was a criminal or former criminal but that doesn't matter to Rupert. To him, once a thief always a thief. Henry helped the Government and joined them after his pardon from the president. Rupert was not happy about this. He vocally stated his opinion that Henry should not be here, but the General ignored or dismissed him.
Rupert went to the shooting range to practice.
Henry giggled at a joke Charles just said when Captain Victoria Grit came over to the duo. Charles saw her and smiled.
"Hi, Tori," Charles said happily, Tori was Victoria's nickname for her.
"Hello, Charles," Victoria replied, she glanced at Henry who waved at her. She waved back and smiled. But her smile dropped, face serious.
"Henry," Victoria said, "The General wants you in his office,"
"For what?" Henry responded in confusion.
"I don't know but he said he needs you right away,"
"Alright, I'll go now,"
Henry thanked Victoria and said goodbye to Charles. Charles said goodbye back and Henry went to the General's office. He stood in front of the tent, he wasn't so sure if he should go in or not. Henry was about to speak when he heard a sound of a baby giggling, he arched an eyebrow in confusion and went inside. He stepped inside and found the General playing with a baby. The General was smiling as the baby clapped. Henry saw the baby was a male wearing a light purple shirt with blue airplanes and a navy blue onesie.
Henry saw the baby had a lot of hair for his age, however, he noticed his hair was similar to a certain black hair captain. And the baby's eyes were like his, a sapphire blue. The General stopped laughing when he saw Henry looking at him, he cleared his throat and stood up. He went over to Henry, still holding the baby in his arms. The baby turned to look at Henry and his eyes lit up with happiness. He was holding his hands out, wanting Henry to hold him.
Galeforce smiled, the baby knew Henry was his dad and he wanted Henry to hold him.
"Uh, General?" Henry asked in confusion, "Who's the baby? Is he one of your grandchildren?"
Galeforce shook his head, "No,"
"Then where are his parents? Why is he here? Shouldn't he be with his parents?"
Galeforce stared at him for a moment, he wanted to reveal the baby's heritage but he needed both parents present. Galeforce got out his mic while still holding the baby, he tapped into the signal. "Captain Grit?" he said.
"Yes, General," Victoria responded.
"Tell Rupert Price to come to my office, tell him it's important,"
"Okay, on it sir,"
Henry blinked in confusion as he went up to the baby and held out his finger, the baby grabbed his finger and started sucking on it. Henry smiled at him, feeling a warm fuzzy feeling.
Rupert headed to the General's office in a hurry, he wonder why the General has called him for. He hopes it isn't anything bad or regarding a certain pain of an ass. He was now in front of the General's tent. He went inside as he heard a sound of a baby cooing, he saw the General and Henry huddled close together. First, his mood dampened upon the sight of Henry, and second, why is the General and Henry cuddled close together? Are they going over a strategy? Is that why the General called him here?
However, before he went inside, he heard a baby.
The General saw Rupert and he gestured for Henry to focus, Henry did as he was told. Rupert saw the General was holding the baby and he had questions now. The General went behind his desk and got out a car seat and put the baby in it. The General sat down at his desk while staring at Henry and Rupert. "Uh, sir?" Rupert started, "Why do you have a baby?"
"And why I am here?" Henry added, Rupert glared at him but also had the same question.
The General cleared his throat, he didn't know how to tell them that they are dads. Telling someone that they are a dad will be awkward and weird. He closed his eyes as he inhaled and open them as he exhaled.
"Rupert, Henry... how do you feel about children?" Galeforce asked slowly.
Rupert and Henry blinked in confusion as they glanced at each other and then at the General.
"Um...sir?" Rupert said in concern, "What?"
"How do you feel about children?" Galeforce repeated
The boys were silent, they didn't have an answer to that. They also were bewildered about why the General asked them that question.
"I don't know how to tell you this, boys," Galeforce said, without waiting for the boys' response, "But..."
The baby was watching everyone with a curious look on his face but he wanted Rupert and Henry. He started fussing, getting everyone's attention. The General gave the baby a bottle and looked at the confused men in front of them.
"But the baby is yours," Galeforce stated bluntly.
Rupert and Henry blinked for a moment, following in on an awkward silence then both boys started bursting out laughing. Galeforce stared at them in confusion, the baby was also staring at them in confusion. They stopped laughing as they saw The General's blank stare, they dropped the laughing as dread came over them.
"Wait... you can't be serious," Henry said, face filled with nervousness.
Galeforce pulled out two photos and set them in front of them. It was photos of Rupert and Henry, "I am serious," Galeforce said firmly.
Rupert raised his hand and the General nodded at him, "Uh I'm no scientist when it comes to reproducing but don't you need a man and a woman to make a baby?" Rupert said, face now red.
Henry smirked at seeing Rupert's face, he chuckled. Rupert heard this and growled at him. "Aw, what's the matter, Rupy?" Henry said in a teasing tone. "Can't handle talking about the birds and the bees?"
"No!" Rupert exclaimed angrily, however, that outburst made the baby sad. The baby started welling up in tears and started crying.
"Now look what you did," Henry said, annoyed, "You made our son cry."
Rupert spluttered in rage as Galeforce calmed down the baby, ignoring Rupert's outburst. "Can we please not fight?" he said angrily, "And Rupert, you're right but with him..."
Galeforce gestured to the baby, "He's different,"
"That I don't know of, Dr. V first discovered the baby and went over the results. He has both of your DNA and it's possible,"
"Can we stop calling him "the baby?" Henry said, annoyed, "It's getting annoying calling him without a name,"
"You're right," Galeforce said as he stood up, "I'm going to get Dr. V to talk to you boys and I think she knows where he came from. Be right back,"
Galeforce left the boys alone with the baby.
Rupert and Henry stared at the baby, they were coming up with names and studying the baby's features. They concluded the baby has Rupert's hair and Henry's eyes, they also concluded that the baby has Henry's eye shape and Rupert's smile. Rupert hardly ever smiled and when he does, it looks nice.
"Ricky," Henry said after a moment of silence.
"Huh?" Rupert replied in confusion.
"His name will be Ricky, full name Richard but we will call him Ricky," Henry explained.
Rupert thought over the name, "What? Don't like it?" Henry asked.
"No, I do," Rupert responded, "It's better than naming him after a gem,"
Henry started to have seconds on the name, Rupert saw what Henry was thinking.
"Oh no you don't!" Rupert exclaimed, pointing a finger at Henry's chest, "You're not naming him after a gem,"
Henry pouted, "Fine, his name will be Richard but Ricky for short,"
Ricky was watching them as he babbled and cooed. Henry went up to him and bopped his nose. Ricky giggled as Henry patted his hair, Henry glanced at Rupert with a grin. "His hair is softer than yours," he said.
Rupert bristled at that comment, "How can his hair be softer than mine?" he was offended, "He has my hair!"
"I don't know," Henry shrugged, "It just feels softer,"
"You liar!"
"Geez, Thorn, calm down. You're scaring Ricky,"
Rupert stared at Ricky who was watching them argue and Ricky looked upset. Rupert took a deep breath and exhaled, Henry comforted Ricky. The General and Dr. V came in to see the display and they smiled.
"So boys, have you gotten acquainted with the baby?" Dr. V asked in her Russian accent.
"His name is Richard or Ricky for short," Rupert and Henry said in unison.
Galeforce and Dr. V raised an eyebrow, "You guys have named him?" Galeforce asked.
They both nodded, Dr. V smiled as she went over to Ricky. Ricky smiled at her and Dr. V got a couple of reports. The General sat down at his desk, Dr. V handed him the reports and looked over them. Rupert crossed his arms while staring at Ricky, he was trying to figure out why Ricky was here. He also noticed Ricky has his teeth like his, sharp and pointy.
"General?" Henry questioned, "How did he get here using our DNA? And why was he created in the first place?"
Galeforce looked up from the reports as Dr. V went up to Henry, she crossed her arms.
"He was created by a secret facility that is experiencing creating children using DNA from two people," Dr. V explained, "They're experimenting using DNA from the same gender of two people. And the question on how he got here, still need more reports to understand it."
After Dr.V explained the situation, everyone was confused and angry.
"Woah, woah, woah," Rupert said angrily, "You're telling me some sketchy facility is making children using our DNA without permission!"
Dr. V nodded as Galeforce put a hand to his face, he felt a migraine coming on. "What the hell?!" Rupert exclaimed, "How is that legal? And why us? Couldn't they use someone's else DNA? Also, how did they manage to get our DNA in the first place?"
"I don't know but we will investigate it," Dr. V stated, "For now, you guys have to figure out what to do with Ricky,"
The boys nodded as Dr. V went out and the General followed her. Rupert and Henry were now alone with Ricky who started yawning, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Henry went up to him with a smile, he petted his hair gently.
"Awww, he's so cute when sleeping," Henry said in a whisper.
Rupert went up to Ricky and smiled slightly, "Ya, he does," he responded.
"What do we do?" Henry glanced at Rupert, Rupert thought for a moment, "We need to get him out of here and get supplies for him,"
Rupert went to the entrance and looked outside, there was nobody out there. Rupert glanced at Henry who was waiting for him to answer, he went over to Henry. "No one's out there, we will just sneak him into one of the apartments and go from there, got it?" he explained.
Henry nodded, he went to the car seat Ricky was in and gently picked it up. Ricky was still sleeping. Henry was about to head out first when Rupert stopped him, Henry was confused at first but Rupert gestured to Henry's jacket. Henry was puzzled then he got what Rupert was saying, he put down the car seat and took his jacket. He covered Ricky with his jacket and he went out first. Henry was waiting for Rupert who came out, they had a small talk about where they should go and they both chose Henry's apartment.
Both Rupert and Henry jumped from hearing Charles's booming voice. Henry quickly turned around and hid Ricky behind him. Rupert quickly ran and hid somewhere that Charles can't see him, Henry called him a coward in his mind as Charles came over to him.
"Henry, you look nervous. Did something happen?" Charles asked.
Henry quickly shook his head in response.
"Okay, but if something bad happens," Charles said gently, "You can always tell me."
With that, he left Henry alone.
Henry sighed as he felt light for some reason, he looked at his hands to find Ricky gone. He was about to panic when he spotted Rupert holding Ricky, he sighed in relief and headed over to them.
"How? Why?" Henry questioned in confusion.
"Let's just say I watched you and learned how to be sneaky," Rupert replied with a smirk.
Henry nodded as he led Rupert to his apartment.
They have to figure out what's the plan for Ricky and how they are going to do this.
A/N: Ricky is a fan child of Rupert Price x Henry Stickmin I made a while ago and now have gotten to write.
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that--fish · 2 years
『 The Tea House 』
✧ Zhongli x y/n
✧ fluff
✧ modern au
I caught wind that the revered funeral consultant of Wangsheng Funeral Parlour, has opened a tea house near Xinyue Kiosk. The reviews from critics were quite positive, 'The consultant serves great tea', 'He is a nice person to chat to while drinking a warm cup of tea', 'From what I saw, he has his finest tea leaves picked from 'The Land of Tea' itself'.
I live in the heart of the bustling Liyue Harbour. The balcony of my apartment unit overlooked the busy streets, the street food vendors and the never-resting sea of Liyue. I leaned on the metal railing of my balcony, the cool morning breeze woke me out of a daze, my barely shoulder length, grey-cerulean blue hair fluttering in the wind. I took a sip of tea from my porcelain cup, adorned with an osmanthus flower print. It was from a tea set my mother bought for me when I was younger. I loved drinking tea so much that I would brew a special tea for my parents every week. The tea I drank was a mix of chrysanthemum and sumeru rose petals. It reminded me of running through a field of glaze lilies outside my grandmother's cottage when I was a little girl.
I could see the tea house from my balcony at the 8th floor. Even just by looking at it, it looked like it has that cozy and warm feeling of a child in his mother's embrace. There were sprouts of bamboo growing outside the tea house, a lot of people were taking pictures there. The outside was made of pine wood panels, but who knows how it looks inside. I was pondering whether should I go to the tea house. I was still in my pajamas: a baggy, blue t-shirt and a pair of grey, loose drawstring pants, my shoulder length hair still messy as I got up not long ago.
I got changed into an autumn brown a-line sleeveless dress with a white, collared, blouson sleeve top underneath it. I also wore a pair of off-white, frilled socks. I, then, slipped on a pair of pearl white Mary Jane pumps and headed out to the tea house.
I crossed the road and was met with the entrance of the tea house. It was an arch decorated with panels of pine wood and sprouts of nascent bamboo shoots growing next to the tea house. The wood panel to the left of the entrance had Osmanthus Tea House engraved in it with a drawing of what seems to be an osmanthus tree. I stepped foot through the entrance and was welcomed with a bamboo garden and a stone path showing me the way in. I walked, awestruck from the lovely greenery of the tea house. I wonder where was the actual entrance to the tea house... As I walked a bit further, I saw a majestic osmanthus tree in the middle of my view. There was a round, stone table with 2 stone seats under the tree. A breeze swept the golden osmanthus petals up into the air as they danced happily to the rhythm of the wind. To the right of the osmanthus tree was the entrance to the tea house. A glass door without a knob. I went nearer to the door and it opened by itself. Oh, so it's a automatic sliding door. I shouldn't be surprised. Its interior was a blend of oriental and modern styles. It is very tranquil compared to the bustling streets of Liyue Harbour. Wood panels separating tea rooms, giving privacy to its customers. Marble flooring, giving it a modern touch to it. There were low-rise and high-rise furniture, both unique in their own ways. There was a wooden staircase with a glass railing going up to the second floor. I'm not sure what's up there.
There were a lot of social media influencers doing live videos here. I thought this tea house was newly opened.
"Helloo, my dear fans, its me, your favourite idol, Barbara! Today, I will be trying out the tea from the Osmanthus Tea House...Mmmm, it smells so fragrant...the taste is so unique! I haven't tasted anything like this in other regions."
A man walked out of the room Barbara was in. I assume he was the boss of this tea house. She is an idol and influencer known all over Teyvat for her melodious singing and her ginormous fanclub. He tidied his black dress-shirt even though his top two button wasn't buttoned and fixed his collar while he walked to the staircase. He stopped in his tracks and glanced at me. He didn't move for the past few seconds. I looked at him, confused. He looked as confused as me but his face turned pale as if he saw a ghost.
Zhongli's pov
She...she looks just like Guizhong. Was I sure that I didn't see a ghost? Guizhong is dead. I saw her die in my arms two thousand years ago in the field of glaze lilies...
Y/n's pov
"Ah, miss, I'm afraid there aren't any tea rooms left on this floor. All have been reserved in advance. May I take you to the second floor?" His face still pale.
"Yes, sure"
He brought me to the second floor. The glass railing guided me up. Every step on the wooden staircase left me in anticipation of what was up there. As I took the last step up the staircase, I managed to get a full view of the second floor, it looked quite spacious but I assumed that it was a more private area for Zhongli.
The room's colour palate was quite neutral. It had 7 square cuihua-wood chair and table set, Zhongli sat on the chair closest to the ink painting of the mountains of Liyue, a potted glaze lily stood at the right of the room on top a small, wooden drawer. There were two rectangular lanterns dangling from the ceiling, a wooden tea set on the table, it looked quite expensive. To the left of the room, there was a circular archway leading to what seems a rooftop garden. The sunlight reached every corner of the room.
"Have a seat, I can serve you the finest teas in all of Liyue, what tea would be of your preference?"
I took a seat on the cushioned cuihua-wood chair. Should I pretend to be the most famous tea critic or a clueless passerby?
"Can I have some osmanthus tea?"
He rolled up his sleeves to his elbows, brewing the tea. Its fragrance was incomparable to no other... He looks very focused, yet calm like the tranquility of the mountains. He poured the brewed yellow osmanthus tea into the tea cup.
"Here, have a sip. Let me know if it's to your liking. And be careful, it's still hot."
His elbows resting on the table, he slumped his face on his right palm, he looked at me to see my reaction. His eyes glimmered as his eyes reflected the sunlight fron the circular archway, resembling the smooth, luminous amber rock on Mount Hulao. I took up the cup of osmanthus tea to my nose and savoured the fragrance. I carefully blew on the tea and took a sip. It felt a soothing sensation at the back of my throat, good for those with sore throats. Drinking the tea made me feel at ease, like I'm lying down on my bed waiting to fall asleep.
"Mmm, its tastes so unique! Very fragrant. There was a soothing sensation at the back of my throat as well. It would be nice to drink a cup of this before heading to bed. Will surely let me doze off within minutes."
"Oh, that's good. Everyone else gave this tea a vague compliment like 'good' and 'nice' that I'm wondering if they are really professional tea critics."
"Haha, I'm sure they weren't able to think of a word to describe this tea. It is so aromatic and ... therapeutic, I love it~"
The tips of his lips curled upwards into a warm smile. His face looks a bit haggard up close, its not even noon yet. Today must have been a busy day for him, I hope I'm not interfering with his business; he had a lot of big contributors coming over today. There was Barbara, the idol influencer! I wonder if there will be any local superstars coming over such as Yunjin or Xinyan.
"You...remind me of someone from a long time ago..."
"Who is it, if I may ask?"
He let out a heavy sigh, "Nevermind that, I don't think you know her. It was a long time ago..."
He was surprised by the noise of the sudden doorbell and got out of his seat.
"I didn't know that it's time already. Who knew time passed so fast. I will be downstairs if you need me, it's another customer."
He hurriedly trotted down the staircase and went to cater to the customer, I assume its another rich influencer. Same old, same old. The pot of osmanthus tea, still warm. I turned to my left, the circular archway. Curiosity got the best of me. I ventured past the circular archway, the sunlight glared for a moment. I brought my hands to my eyes for shade. It was a small rooftop garden. There were pots of glaze lilies.
We were sitting down in the field of glaze lilies where we first met. The breeze had my hair flutter in the wind. Morax gently put the glaze lily in my hair. His gaze, loving. He was... smiling... He usually donned the facade of an ice-cold, serious war lord. It was rare to see him like this.
"You look so beautiful like this, Guizhong..."
That phrase made my face blush redder than a jueyun chili. Always worked. I smiled like a fool and turned my face away out of embarrassment, my hands covered my flushed cheeks.
What memory was that? I don't recall anything like that in my lifetime. That man, his eyes were the same as Zhongli's... Was that a memory or my imagination? My mind must've be playing tricks on me. My hair fluttered in the wind. I glanced back at the glaze lilies. They gave me a familiar feeling, yet I didn't know what it was. I heard the footsteps coming from behind me. It was him walking up the staircase. I turned to face him.
Zhongli's pov
I was busy with another customer downstairs. I hope she didn't mind. Ah, I forgot to ask for her name. I walked up the staircase thinking of what I should say. She is not in her seat, I wondered where she went? I turned to my left and saw her gazing over the glaze lilies on the rooftop garden past the circular archway. She reminded me so much of Guizhong...No, she wasn't her. She turned around. Her hair fluttering in the wind, her eyes, cheerful and carefree...
"Miss, may I ask you for your name? I forgot to ask you earlier. I apologise for taking to long as I had to tend to a customer."
"My name is, y/n"
"How should I address you?"
"You can just call me as y/n"
"Y/n, would you like me to refill your cup? It's almost empty."
"Yes, thank you."
Y/n's pov
I sat back down on the chair as he refilled the teacup. Should I ask him to teach me how to brew this tea? It would be nice to drink this before I go to sleep. He set down the refilled teacup in front of me.
"Have you heard of the new exhibition that Liyue Museum is holding?"
"I think I have. Is it the one with relics from the Archon War?"
"Yes, it is. Would you like to visit it sometime? I could show you around some of the other exhibits as well."
"Yeah, I haven't been there before. It would be nice if I could go there."
I have wanted to go to the Liyue Museum for a long time but I didn't have the time to do so. I had a heavy workload for a long time. It took a toll to my health after many sleepless months. I was either too sick or too busy. Having someone to show me around would be nice. I might get lost in there. The Liyue Museum houses the most relics in all of Teyvat currently. From what my friends told me, the exhibitions in the Liyue Museum contain very useful information about long ago that even elders don't know.
"When will you be free to go there? You have good business here. Won't you be busy for the next few weeks or so?"
"A day off won't hurt, would it? At least the both of us get to take some time off work for a while. Maybe we can go next week?"
"Yep! I will check my schedule later and make sure I have nothing on that day. Can I have your number so I can message you?"
I passed my phone to him so he could dial in his number. He saved the contact in my phone as 'Zhongli'. I can't wait go to the museum!
"I should get going now. I won't disturb you any longer and thanks for the tea~~"
He showed me out of the tea house. The way I came in. The majestic osmanthus tree. The round stone table. The bamboo. The finches chirping overhead made me feel as if I'm in the middle of a forest, far away from the bustling cities.
I stepped out of the archway and was greeted with the the busy street of Liyue Harbour. The street food vendors, the children playing on the roadside. I waved goodbye to Zhongli and headed back to my apartment unit. Did I just get a date with the boss of a tea house???
Part 2 - The Museum will be released next week
Stay tuned and thanks for reading :D
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
Hi! I loved your Henry essay and I was wondering if you have any other headcanons or thoughts or anything about him you'd like to share, if you want. He's one of my favourite characters and it seems so sad to me that almost nobody talks about him!
ACK the fact that people never talk about him is the BANE of my ENTIRE existence. I could go on about him for literal hours, if not stopped. He's such a compelling character, and one of CC's better down ones (at least in TID), and is the DEFINITION of underrated. My unrealistic standards for love can be near entirley pinned on him.
 If there are any particular headcanons or thoughts you want to hear, please let me know, seriously, I love to talk. A lot. I will go on for hours. Without a guideline i'll just. never stop.
Anways nder the cut are some super random headcanons though!:
His hair is way curlier than it seems. It seems straight just because it's so messy, and he runs his hands through it,  but it's actually like 2c-3a. When he’s sick or injured (and by extension leaves it alone) it goes back to being curly. 
On a similar note, the running hands through his hair is stimming. I know because I do it too, lol. 
He used to sleep really lightly at night. Like, sneeze outside the door and he’s up for the rest of the night light. He just caught up at random intervals during the day (my fellow sleepy autistics get it).  After the battle of Cadair Idris however, he sleeps like a rock. Once he actually goes to bed he is as dead to the world as he was at that battle LOL. Bb is exhausted at all times. 
 He has, more than once, lost a leg brace. How does one lose something that you have used every single day of your life for years? Well, if he knew that it wouldn't be lost right now, would it. 
Charlotte and Henry really like to cuddle. Just. All the time. I mean canonically, Charlotte just sits on his lap in public instead of sitting in her own chair (which I will never, ever get over). They sleep practically on top of eachother. Matthew was really having a dumb adolescent moment when he thought his parents didn't love each other, those two have no qualms about PDA.
The morning newspaper is a strangley important ritual. The content isn't that important, but if he's at breakfast morning than he had better have the newspaper. It's just one of those things, and he just. wont do anything till he gets the paper. Yeah, theres stuff to do, and you could be doing it if you would give him five minutes with the paper. He's been on about this since he was like fourteen.
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virtie333 · 2 years
Unusual asks game...10, 37, & 57
Okay, I'm feeling significantly better now than I was this morning, so while my laundry is drying, I'll get to these asks!
#10 How would you describe your style?
Ultra casual. Unless I'm at mass, you will always find me in jeans/shorts, camis/sweatshirts, no makeup, hair either braided or in a messy bun.
#37 Do you read a lot? What's your favorite book?
Yes! I am a bookworm, though I've been reading mostly fanfiction for the last 2 1/2 years. However, I am getting back into my favorite genre: paperback romances. My favorite book of all time is The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I also love To Kill a Mockingbird, Mustang -Wild Spirit of the West (Marguerite Henry), and anything by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Walter Farley, James Herriot, and Justine Davis.
#57 Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Hahahahahah! Actually, no. I don't stay in hotels much anymore, but when I did, I don't even think I used them!
Wanna ask me something unusual?
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viking-raider · 2 years
Birthday Boy
Summary: It's the morning of Henry's birthday, and it couldn't be any better, than waking up in bed, with you in his arms. But you have other plans in mind. Messy plans!
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warning: NC-17 - SMUT, Oral (F and M receiving), Language, Teasing, Use of Food Products, Light fingering, Suggestive Dom Elements (both sides), Cotton Candy Fluff, Shower sex (P in V), Foreplay
Inspiration: Happy Birthday to the Cavill man!
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy it! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’
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You giggled, feeling Henry press his body against you, nuzzling his face into the back of your shoulder, neck and hair. He moaned softly, rubbing his stiff, morning wood against your butt with an even louder moan, and curved his large body around you.
“Morning, Birthday boy.” You hummed, pressing your back against his chest.
“Good morning.” He replied, smiling against the top of your shoulder, pressing gentle kisses all over your skin. “And thank you very much.” He chuckled, nibbling on the skin of your neck.
“I invoke the right of first present.” You blurted out, before Henry could.
Henry pulled away from your neck, pushing you down onto your back to look into your eyes. “That's not fair!” He grinned, with outraged amusement, that you were calling upon a small tradition you both had started on the first birthday you both shared together. “It's my birthday!”
“Well, you should have said it first, then.” You replied, smugly. “Huh?”
“Yeah, I should have.” He nodded, pressing his lips together, then kissed you. “All right, what is my first present then, my love?” He asked, his hand dipping under the blankets to draw lazy, but suggestive, circles over your belly.
You beamed at him. “Cake.” You said, patting him on the cheek, then got out of bed. “Stay there!”
“Cake—in bed!” He shouted after you, caught off guard. “This early in the morning!”
You laughed, hearing his shouts as you made it down the stairs. “Silly boy!” You chuckled, yanking open the fridge, scanning the contains for a moment, before two plastic bottles and one aluminum can popped into your focus and you grinned. “Perfect!” You giggled, snapping them up, before starting back for the bedroom, but stopped, going into the pantry to grab one more item, then returned to Henry.
“That does not look like a birthday cake.” Henry commented, as you set a bottle of chocolate and caramel sauce down on his nightstand, with a can of whip cream. “And that's for my birthday cake.” He said, pointing to the thing of chocolate fudge cake frosting.
“We can buy another one.” You chuckled, stripping off the shirt you were wearing, then tugged the blankets off of Henry, grinning at the actor's naked glory.
Good think he slept in his birthday suit!
“All right, but still, where's that actual cake, babe?” He asked, frowning at you as he pushed himself up a little bit to sit against the headboard.
You grinned at him, climbing into bed and straddled his waist, resting your hands against his chest. “You're the cake, Puppy.” You answered, wiggling your clothed pussy against his still hard member.
“Oh, dear lord.” Henry husked, a moan rumbling in his chest, allowing you to feel the vibration of it under your palms. “We're going to get our sheets so messy.” He said, breathily.
“Are you rejecting my present, Henry Cavill?” You asked, sitting back, so you sat on his thighs, denying his cock any source of contact.
“No, no!” Henry shook his head, hands shooting out to your hips, wanting to pull you back into place. “Of course not, love. I'm just saying the sheets are going to get ruined, is all. Not that I really fucking care cause...” He let out a heavy and hot breath, blue eyes roaming down your mostly nude body with a needy and hungry gaze.
“Good, I'm glad. I'll wash the sheets and if they don't come out, I'll just get us new ones, because I don't care either.” You said, sliding back into place, making Henry groan and buck against you. “All I care about is my birthday boy, on his birthday.” You cooed, rubbing your hands up and down his chest.
Henry hummed, grinning, his hands rubbing up your hips and sides, feeling giddy about whatever was about to happen.
You cast your eyes towards the nightstand and surveyed your selection of items, before picking up the frosting and pulled off the lid, peeling away the silver, protective seal and tossed both onto the nightstand. Dipping a finger into the thick and creamy icing, you scooped out a moderate amount, before setting the container aside, smirking at the intent and interested expression in Henry's eyes, the curiosity of what you were going to do with the sweet substance. You licked your lips, then slowly parted them and put your coated finger inside, pursing your lips around your digit, cleaning the frosting off of it, but holding it on your tongue.
Watching Henry gulp as you did this, you leaned forward and kissed him, sharing the sweet treat with him as you deepened it, nibbling on his bottom lip a little bit. Henry moaned, savoring the taste of the fudge-y chocolate mixed with the taste of your mouth was like an explosion on his taste-buds. He reached out as you started to pull away, breaking the kiss, but you pushed his hands away, chuckling at him and shaking your head.
“There's more to come, birthday boy, don't get greedy now, when your present has just started.” You cooed at him, picking up the bottle of caramel sauce and popping the cap.
You bit the inside of your lip, eyeing Henry's broad and muscular torso, before tipping the bottle upside down, a stream of rich, light brown syrup flowed out directly onto Henry's chest, causing him to hiss and jerk as the cold caramel touched his warm skin.
“Are you really?” He laughed, grinning and watching you draw a circle around his left nipple.
“Oh, it's not like we weren't going to take a shower after we get out of bed, baby boy.” You laughed, making one more circle around his left nipple, before moving over to his right and doing the same thing, followed by a line down between his pecs and a spiral around his navel.
“You want some?” You asked, holding up the bottle to him.
Henry opened his mouth in response, and you squeezed some of the caramel sauce inside, chuckling as he hummed, swallowing it down and smacking his lips. Picking up the chocolate sauce, you quickly doodled something over his nipples, making yourself giggle at the three and nine, and Henry roll his eyes. Scooting down a little bit, you stared at Henry's stomach, your breath and his body heat warming the cold and sticky sauce, your eyes flickered up to Henry's, seeing his chest rise and fall quickly, his blue eyes so dark, you couldn't find the speck of brown in them anymore, his lips were parted and his breathing was audible.
You felt your panties grow damp as you lowered your head, tongue darting out for the first line of caramel, feeling the muscles beneath his skin flex and tense as you started to slowly lick at the sweet lane, moaning softly. Letting your eyes fall shut, you blindly followed the avenue of caramel around Henry's navel and up, between his hard-earned abs to his pectoral muscles. Diverting to the side, you were careful to avoid the chocolate, as you cleaned up the caramel, then did the same with the left side. With the first swirl of your tongue as you followed the bottom hump of the three on his right nipple, you drew out the deepest moan from Henry, his hands flying out, one tangling in the back of your hair and the other tangling in the sheet on the bed. You chuckled against his skin, smiling as you rolled your head with the final lick, to finish off the rest of the chocolate number, knowing full well, that Henry Cavill's nipples were one of his most sensitive and receptive body parts.
“You like that, baby?” You purred, raising your head and licking your lips, a sultry look in your eyes as you shifted over to the chocolate-y nine on his left pectoral.
Henry gulped thickly, nodding his head, unable to speak for a moment. “Yeah—yeah, babe.” He panted, pressing his head back into his pillow, a light sheen of sweat breaking out over his forehead, plastering the sleep mussed curls there to his flushed skin. “Sweet Jesus!” He cried, as you slowly and lightly licked off the last of the chocolate sauce.
“The skill of that tongue is both delightful and sinful.” He gasped, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
“Thank you.” You replied, smiling proudly, then pulled away, patting him gently on his sticky and wet chest. “Oh, you're so hard, Puppy.” You cooed at him, rubbing your soaked panties down on his cock, getting the fabric even more wet with the droplets of pre-cum weeping from his purple tip.
“What kind of birthday cake is it, if you don't blow out the candle?”
“That is quite literally the cheesiest thing I have ever fucking heard in my life!” Henry laughed, shaking his head at you.
“But so true.” You purred, sitting on his thighs again and wrapping a hand around his candle. “Hmm.” You purse your lips and reach out for the bottle of chocolate again. “While your cock tastes absolutely fabulous on its own.” You complimented him, smirking devilishly. “Everything tastes better with chocolate.” You giggled, drizzling some of the deep brown sauce over his impressive length, then with an even more devilish giggle, you topped it off with a generous amount of reddi-wip.
Henry watched with huge eyes as you eased his adorned cock into your mouth, humming softly as you tasted the combination of chocolate, whipped cream and his seed on your tongue. It was sweet and heady, a blend that shouldn't work together, but somehow it did. You loved it. Taking every inch of Henry's manhood you could, you suckled him, bobbing your head in a smooth motion, savoring every moment of it. Henry gulped, watching you swallow him, with each upward motion of your head revealed less of the contents you had covered his shaft with, leaving it only glistening with his pre-cum and your saliva.
“My love.” He wheezed, feeling the growing tightening of his balls and the tingle at the base of his brain, his vision blurred for a moment and his eyes crossed. “Babe, I'm going to...I'm...cl-” He rambled, gulping and shaking his head, trying to clear his mind, but couldn't. “Clo—Fuck!” He barked, arching his back, moaning and grunting as he came, pumping hot and thick ribbons of come into your mouth.
You hummed, rubbing your hand over his trembling thigh as you drank down every bit he gave you with greed and readiness. Pulling back once the last spasm and drop had passed and wiping a line of drool from your bottom lip with the back of your hand, you sat back and looked up at Henry's face. He was still recovering from his orgasm, a state of bliss and a soft smile on his lips. It made you happy to see him so relaxed and content, so euphoric on his thirty-ninth birthday. You slipped off of him and stood beside the bed, moving towards the master bathroom, when Henry reached out and snagged your wrist.
“And, where do you think you're off too, hm?” Henry asked, softly, rolling his head to look over at you.
“Well, I was going to grab a washcloth to help out your wee mess.” You said, motioning towards the bathroom with your other arm.
“Oh no, you're getting back into bed, darling.” He told you, sitting up and wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you back into bed with him. “It's my turn to decorate a cake.” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“Mmm.” You hummed at him, nodding. “You're the birthday boy, so whatever you want, Puppy.” You replied, winking at him.
“That's right, dove, whatever the birthday boy wants.” He nodded back, pressing his lips together. “Now, lay down and get comfy.” He said, patting the bed beside him.
“Aye, aye, birthday boy!” You replied, saluting him and laid down on the spot he indicated, wiggling down into the comfortable sheets and mattress.
Henry grinned at you, giddy as he moved over you, curling his fingers around the waistband of your panties and slid them off of you, before nestling himself between your legs, letting you wrap them around his waist. “Hmm.” He hummed, tapping his fingers over your thighs as he studied his options on the nightstand. “What do I want to decorate my cake with first?” He purred, leaning down to press his lips against your stomach.
“I know.” He smiled, reaching out for the reddi-wip. “I need some stiff peaks to work with first, though.” He frowned, pressing wet kisses to your breasts, then gently blew on them, hardening your nipples and making your shiver. “Excellent!” He winked, before adorning each breast with a big dollop of whipped cream, covering your taut nipples.
Setting the whipped cream aside, Henry picked up the chocolate sauce and made a line along your left collarbone and down to your breast, spiraling around it, stopping just short of the pile of white fluff. Henry grabbed the caramel for a moment, doing the same to your right collarbone and breast, then drew a line down your stomach and circled your navel, before pouring chocolate into your belly button.
“You did not just fill my belly button with chocolate sauce!” You laughed, grinning at him, so amused.
“Body shot!” Henry explained, laughing and smiling, setting the bottles back down. “Lord, you look too good to eat.” He purred, biting his bottom lip as he looked at his handiwork.
“Well, you're going to have to eat me, or all of this is going to melt off, with my body heat.” You informed him, bashfully, already feeling the chocolate and caramel sauce around your breast start to drip down your sides.
“I suppose.” He sighed, faking melancholy.
Henry attacked your breast first, closing his mouth around your cream covered nipple, sucking it clean, tugging lightly before letting it go and start licking off the caramel, having to dip his head over your side to clean up the drip lines before they made it to the bed sheets. He nuzzled his face into your neck, nibbling along your collarbone. You closed your eyes and relaxed, letting your other senses take over, feeling Henry's hot breath on your skin, the hungry, but skillful lips move along your collarbone, leaving your skin almost spotless of the two substances, before dipping back down for your other breast and giving it the same treatment, as the other, whimpering softly at his attention.
You hummed, feeling Henry's mouth move to the valley between your breasts, nuzzling his cheek against them for a small moment, before continuing on, lapping up the sweet lines he had made there, until he reached your navel, still mostly full of the chocolate he filled it with, your increased breathing spilled some of it out, sending lines of chocolate towards your hips and lower abdomen. Henry sealed his lips around your navel, hollowing his cheeks as he sucked in the liquid, then probing the tip of his tongue inside, making you giggle and squirm beneath him, cleaning whatever else was left, then cleaned up the escaped lines.
“Hmm, such a tasty cake you make.” He hummed, resting his chin on your stomach.
“I was well prepared.” You joked, carding your fingers through his hair and resting your hand on his broad shoulder, kneading it lightly.
Henry chuckled, grinning at you, and turning his head to lay it on your belly for a short while. Both of you relaxed, the warm rays of sunlight coming in through the windows on either side of the bed, warming your and Henry's naked and sticky skin. Henry shifted, kissing your belly as he moved, reaching out, almost blindly, giving you a soft and smug expression as he applied the now warm whipped cream over your folds, then tossed the can aside.
You gulped, watching Henry go down on you, flexing your toes in anticipation of his broad and skillful tongue lapping at your reddi-wip covered pussy made you more excited than you had been in a long time. But Henry was painfully teasing, taking slow and shallow licks of the whipped cream, frustrating you as he took his time uncovering your clit.
“Henry!” You whined, breathily, frowning down at him.
“It's my birthday, if I want to unwrap my present slowly, I damn well will.” He huffed back, amused, returning to his unwrapping.
“Argh!” You howled, vexed.
Henry chuckled, licking his lips as he finally uncovered your pussy, slipping his tongue between your folds and moaning, feeling how wet you were. “Mmm, so much better than whipped cream.” He hummed, relishing in your taste for a long time, before he finally swallowed and pressed a lewd kiss to your nub, his tongue slithering out between his lips just enough to torture you.
You let out a soft and breathless mewl, melting into the mattress, Henry's wide tongue lapped at your sensitive and dripping folds, pushing between them to dance and tease your entrance, before taking the journey back up to your throbbing clit, making your thighs tremble and your eyes flutter into the back of your head.
“Dear God, Henry!” You whimpered, tearing at the sheets and tossing your head side to side on the pillow, back arching and heels digging into the mattress. “Please, babe, please!” You begged him, a hand flying to the back of his head, holding it in place, as you pressed down on his mouth.
Henry proficiently used his tongue to his advantage, easily bringing out your orgasm, with sweet sounds from your lips, crying out his name, as your back arched and hips rolled against his mouth, adding to the friction of his tongue, while you pulled on the curls at the back of his head.
It was all such a sweet surrender, that only Henry could make you submit too.
“Christ, Hen.” You purred, gently floating back down from your cloud nine as he came to lay beside you on the bed, pressing his lips to your sweaty temple. “Happy birthday.” You sighed, turning your head to meet his lips.
Henry smiled, folding you up into his arms and pressed you into his body, deepening the kiss for several minutes. He broke the kiss and pulled away from you, laughing at the feel of your sticky and sweaty skin adhering to each other.
“We should probably shower now.” He snorted, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I think that's a good idea, baby boy.” You nodded, rubbing noses with him, then rolled out of bed. “You coming, hot stuff?” You called out, over your shoulder.
Henry watched you walk toward the bathroom, admiring your naked form as he lounged on the bed. “Yep, just taking in the view for a second, honey.” He husked back, a whimsical look in his blue eyes, before he finally pulled himself up out of bed and joined you in the bathroom.
You turned the shower on, pumping out the hot water, and laughed, feeling Henry's blunt fingertips glide up from the back of your knee, over the half glove of your bottom, before snaking around your hip and hugging around your waist.
“All ready?” You cooed, shooting him a look over your shoulder as he pressed himself against your back, his fresh hard on nudging the soft skin of your thigh.
Henry shook his head and sighed heavily, his shoulders moving with the breath, he lowered his head, so his lips brushed your earlobe. “My love, with you, I'm always ready.” He purred, smirking roguishly.
Nipping on the helix of your ear, he spun you around and picked you up, forcing you to wrap your arms and legs around him to balance yourself, as he stepped into the steam filled shower stall with you. He pressed your back against the wall, the showerhead raining hot water down on you both.
“You know,” He growled, attacking your neck for several minutes, leaving almost painful love bites all over it. “I don't really give a fuck what we do for the rest of the day, to celebrate my birthday.” He said, pressing his cock against your pussy, still sensitive from your orgasm, only minutes before.
“As long as we're together.” He grunted, finally pushing himself inside of you.
You rolled your eyes shut, head lulling softly to the side against the shower tile, a peaceful feeling spreading through you, as Henry filled you up to your core, to your cervix really. It always made you feel so complete, when the two of you made love, feeling so right.
“I don't plan on going anywhere.” You cooed, pushing your fingers through his sopping curls. “Today, or any other day.” You promised, pressing your forehead to his. “My birthday boy.” You hummed, moving in tandem with him.
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ai-luni · 2 years
You are everything good in this world - Part 2.1
Peter Ballard/Henry Creel/001 x fem!reader  
Series Masterlist, Part 1
Word count: 5.9k
Summary: You’ve finally made a comfortable situation for yourself before things in Hawkins start to get messy again. And once more, the safety and freedom of a young girl is now in your responsibility.
Warnings: Traumatic events, follows season 4 plot line. there’s not a lot of Peter in this part at all.
A/N: Finally I return! I’ve been so busy with work but I’m way too excited to share more of this story with y’all so this part is now split in two so at least one part might be finished before vol 2 is released. Again my writing is purely self indulgent and a little too much of a self author insert but please enjoy anyway. 2.2 is still missing a few scenes, I’m sorry this part may be a bit boring but the next part has a dubious spicy and intense Peter/Vecna scene so hang in there :)
The door clicked open as soon as the clock turned 8, you barely even had your coat off your shoulders. With a sigh, you turned to see who so desperately needed your attention this early in the morning.
“Again Max?” The red headed girl gave you a mildly apologetic look as you ushered her to the sick bay bed. You knew she didn’t like sitting there but as you’ve said it enough for her to lip sync, “You know the drill, take a seat.”
“You’re not feeling dizzy at all? Seeing a funny spot?” You went over all the required questions when a student comes in for aid while you searched your cabinets for an aspirin. 
“I just didn’t sleep well, that’s all. I will be fine” She said, her voice scratchy as she pulled her headphones off her ears to sit around her neck. Her leg was jerking where she sat, restless and impatient. You handed her a small plastic cup of water then leaned your arm in to give her the pill in your other hand. Then mid thought, you pulled your hand away before she could grab it. 
“I can’t keep giving you these.” You tucked your bottom lip under the top, eyebrows furrowing in thought. Max rolled her eyes, clearly sick of being told she needs to change or constantly receiving pitying looks. You gave her the tablet before letting out a deep sigh, giving in, “There’s an extra bed in the backroom there. It’s not weird, I take naps in there. Go sleep through first period and I’ll let your teacher know you were with me.”
She swallowed and gave you a completely dumbfounded look. 
“Before I change my mind.” With that she grabbed her things and scurried towards the door behind your desk. But before she could close, you called out to her again and met eyes. You gave her a defeated but supportive smile to which she actually responded with a thankful one. Though small enough for someone to not notice if they weren’t looking hard enough, you picked up on it. And with that she closed the door behind her and you stood for a good moment in the middle of your office, processing what had happened even before your morning coffee. 
You really felt for Max. It was really difficult to lose someone, you knew that just as much as anyone. You lost most of the kids in your care at the first job, and you lost the love of your life who you only got to spend one full night with. 
You’ll never forget it, you’ll never forget him. You’ll never forget how you lost him , and though it’s almost been a whole decade and a half since, it still haunted you so vividly in your dreams.
“PETER!” You were still banging on the locked door. It had been a couple hours (or so you thought) since the screams died down. Your throat was completely dried out, face stained in tears and your body couldn’t stop rapidly trembling. Hair was stuck to your sweaty skin, rubbing against the fresh, sore burns on your neck. You were too tired.
You walked to your bed, grateful for a soft surface to lay on. You let your eyes close, just for a little bit. 
You were found a little while later (to which you found out you slept for a full 24 hours). Dr Brenner came looking for you after realising you were nowhere to be seen, not you or your body. They took care of you in the lab, he’d often make it very clear his thoughts on Peter, that he was never going to set you free, he never loved you, that he was only using you like a game, like 001 does. He plays with living things and torments them. 
You hated every second that man opened his mouth to speak to you. And so you vowed the first chance to leave this building you could find, you’d take it. And that’s exactly what you did. You found some old clothes and your trial period key card stashed in your office and walked out of the building like it was just another day. The reception staff had barely remembered what you look like enough for anyone to notice. 
It didn’t feel real. It felt too easy to be true. Just like nothing, you walked out of that building on a 4pm afternoon and for the first time in a good year, you were outside of that terrible building. 
You followed the road to Hawkins. Leaving the building was only the first step, making a life for yourself was the next. You didn’t have enough money to leave Hawkins, you didn’t have any money at all. You figured as well if you hid lowkey for a while right under their nose, Brenner wouldn’t find you. 
In about a year of odd jobs here and there - some you’re not so proud of but were a means to live - you finally found a sustainable job. You became the new nurse at Hawkins High school and it was very well suited for you. The very first night you got the job, you cried yourself to sleep thinking of Peter and how he would be proud of you for making your own and getting away from the likes of Brenner. For the first couple weeks you slept in the spare bed behind your sick bay, finally getting a break from those ugly motel beds and couch hopping. Every single night when you searched for someone else’s bed to sleep for the night, you thought of Peter and only Peter. You were a fighter, you knew he’d understand.
You were just about to knock on the backroom door after the second period bell rang before Max opened the door in front of you. She gave you a quiet thanks while hurrying out of your office. 
“Have you been seeing Ms. Kelley?” you called out and she just gave you the stock standard ‘yes’. Then she was gone. You were worried for her but you knew she was a strong girl. She reminded you of little eleven, who often visited you in your sick bay too.
Things in Hawkins started to get wild again - they would every year or so and honestly you felt like this town just couldn't catch a break. First it was the story of Joyce’s little boy who died but didn’t? Then the new Star court Mall fire and all those poor kids who died in it. 
It truly made you so grateful that you were able to secure yourself with a comfy job and comfy home you could actually call our own. You never called your parent’s home in fear the lab might find you through them and you were so so certain of most of the trouble in this town was caused by that ugly lab. Especially the cover up story of Joyce’s little boy.
You’ve encountered Chrissy quite a bit, especially in the past couple weeks. She was the sweetest girl you’d ever had the privilege of meeting and you just wouldn’t believe someone would have the motive to do such things to her the way they say things happened. You had barely ever encountered that Eddie kid before and you understood he was a bit of a wild card for some people’s liking but he was just a young kid. You didn’t believe he could do something like this, you believed he was just scared and ran.
The day you really started to get worried was when Max showed up at your door one day on a Saturday morning. She looked anxious so naturally you welcomed her in. She was clearly distressed and you appreciated that she trusted you enough to come to you. You sat her down asking if she would like any tea, she declined. 
“Max, you look distressed. Is everything okay?” You gave her wide prying eyes, “I can’t help you unless you are honest with me.” 
She scoffed and you could feel her closing off again. 
“I know, you know… but that's only because it’s true.” There was a beat of silence. She sat in front of you, twiddling her fingers with something obviously on the top of her mind. “Max, you’ve experienced trauma. And I know for a fact if you keep it bottled up like this, it can be so easily triggered again at any moment.”
You let out a sigh, something in you really trusted this girl and you worried for her so often. Your hand wiped your forehead, wiping sweat that hasn't formed yet from your skin. Max could tell you were starting to get agitated, her eyebrows furrowed at your sudden change in your mood.
“Okay Max. I’m going to tell you about myself. I know I’m not really meant to but you don’t seem to be one who particularly cares about the rules so here we go.” She gave you a small, mildly sarcastic  smile affirming your statement. “My first job was at a lab.” 
Her head shot up, her eyes wide and it startled you a little but you continued.
“I was a nurse for a bunch of children who desperately needed some love. My boss was horrible.” Your hands flew around, gesticulating your every word to keep you from feeling too vulnerable. “And I met the love of my life there… His name is Peter.”
You bit your lip, smiling for a moment hearing his name leave your lips again after so long. Max shifted uncomfortably in her seat however placed a comforting hand on your chair noticing the tears pooling in your eyes. You felt like your plan was working well enough that you could feel yourself start to close up yourself, not wanting to drag it out too long.
“Long story short, we vowed to get one of the sweetest little girl I’ve ever met out of there and I was locked in a room and never saw either of them since.” You swallowed a lump in your throat, rushing through the end of your statement. Max looked at you in disbelief at the absurdity of the end of the story. You took a moment to compose yourself before just rambling whatever thoughts wanted to come out. 
“You that little girl, you remind me of her sometimes. She visited me almost everyday and never slept well like you and - … I’d often have to tell her ‘friends don’t lie.”
You were back to gesticulating with your hands, trying to bring out the fond moments of your past to remember instead. Max’s expression dropped at the phrase. She was already suspicious but this was some sort of confirmation for her.
“I’d like to think you were my friend Max and please believe me, it’s so so hard trying to heal alone-”
“It was such an ugly experience and everything I-” Your thoughts immediately disrupted, “What did you say?”
“Eleven.” She said softly, just enough for you to hear. It wasn’t quite a question - somehow Max just knew you meant eleven. 
“The- the number?” You were confused and unsure if she knew you were talking about the same thing, but tried your hardest to keep your composure. In any other situation, you’d laugh at yourself - the way your voice wavered and you were sweating like it was the middle of a heatwave. 
“No,” Max shook her head, voice getting louder and more confident as she spoke, “The girl. Her name is Eleven.”
You audibly gulped, breathing deeply. Your eyes wandered the room then immediately landed on the window facing the road. You rushed to close the curtains then turned to Max almost frantic.
“You know Eleven?”
“So you do mean El?!” She stood up, she was smiling at this whole ‘small world’ situation. 
“YES? Yes.” You had to calm yourself. Max gave you a moment to just breathe, she didn’t fully understand the impact all this was having on you but she could tell it was important to you. “How do you know Eleven?”
“She lived here, in Hawkins.”
“iN HAWKINS?! SHE WAS IN HAWKINS AND I NEVER SAW HER?!” You mouth was agape and you were yelling but not at Max.
“It’s a long story,” she waved it off, knowing she’d have to tell you about it later, “But she’s in California now.”
“California?” You repeated.
“With the Byers.”
“thE BYERS!” You cried in pure relief. You knew she was safe. You had fallen to your knees by now, letting the tears fall out of your eyes. This news was so worth embarrassing yourself in front of a student. “Thank you Max, you have no idea how much this information means to me.” 
She stood from her seat, contemplating how or if she should comfort you in some way but the moment was interrupted by your door bell. You caught Max’s eyes for a moment before collecting yourself and walking to the door.
“Thank you, wait here for a moment.” You said quietly when passing her. She peaked out of the room anyway. You opened the door to see Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson standing behind him. The Harrington boy looked his confident self however demeanour started to crack when you just stared at him with furrowed brows and running mascara. 
“Nurse Y/n?” He brought his arms to his side awkwardly when you gazed at Max who was now standing beside you.
“They’re with me.” She said and you simply nodded in return. 
“Are you okay?” Henderson asked, one eyebrow raised. This was certainly not the scene they were expecting to see when they saw you shut the curtains and scream. 
There was an awkward beat of silence before Max shuffled on her feet from a new idea.
“Nurse Y/n, you said I could tell you anything right?” You nodded again, “well we’ve got a lot to tell you.”
With that, the three of them came in and let you fix your make up. They told you everything they knew as quickly as they possibly could and somehow convinced you to help them get into school to look at Chrissy’s files - and although you knew you could get fired from the best job you’ve ever had, Dustin promised to tell you about El if you did.
So you led them into the school, they caught you up a little more about the situation in the car. It was the oddest feeling being in the car with three students, one of which was driving you and another talking to them through a walkie talkie. The whole situation was surreal but you seem to get yourself in these situations pretty easily. At one point you thought ‘what the hell, if anything it’ll only help more’ and you told them as much as you knew about the lab. 
Soon enough you had unlocked the school and Ms Kelley’s office for them. Max knew instantly where to look for her file. 
“Holy shit.” She let out, “I found it, not just Chrissy’s file. Fred was seeing Ms Kelley too.”
The next couple of moments happened in a flash. The four of you were looking over the files, then Max zoned out and wasn’t responding to your calls, to then be jolted awake and looked so incredibly horrified. You brought her in your arms and held her as she calmed down. She was so restless and antsy, telling you they were waiting for two more people to come before she could explain what happened to her. She sat by you the entire wait. 
When two more older girls came -  Nancy Wheeler who you’d only talked to a few times in your office and Robin Buckley who would never shy from trying to make your day with a joke - Max led the group to a corner explaining the vision she had then led you back to the office where she explained her big revelation.
“Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Miss Kelley for help. They both were having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn’t go away. And then… then the nightmares. Trouble sleeping.” She looked as though she was going to break down, you gently placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “They’d wake up in a cold sweat. And then they started seeing things. Bad things. From their Past. And these visions, they just… they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually… “
Max took a deep breath, tears growing in her eyes as the tension in the room got thicker and thicker.
“Everything ended.”
“Vecna’s curse.” Robin interjected. 
“Chrissy’s headaches started a week ago. Fred’s, six days ago. I’ve been having them for 5 days. I don’t know how long I have. All I know is that for Fred and Chrissy they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. And I just saw that goddamn clock, so…” She was distressed and for good reason too. It was radiating off her. You brought her to your side, an arm wrapped around her. She didn’t reciprocate the action but she didn’t reject it. Instead she stared at her friends. “Looks like I’m gonna die tomorrow.”
The group sat in silence for a moment, the grim reality of the whole situation really kicking in. Until a screech in the distance broke that intensity of the moment. Steve looked at me, then the girls beside him. He let out a “stay here.” as he went to leave the room. You only held Max tighter to you, hoping your support was helping at all.
It was the Sinclair boy with news of the basketball kids. The more you hung around these kids, the more danger they seemed to put themselves in and it had only been a couple hours. You were completely baffled by it all.
They took you to the Wheeler’s basement, Nancy was adamant on it. You were too thick into this whole situation to leave them and you weren’t going to leave Max like this so you had to tag along. The kids ran through the house towards the basements while Nancy dragged Robin and soon after Steve up the stairs. That left you alone in the entryway… awkwardly standing at this kids house. 
“Hi Mrs. Wheeler!” You heard Dustin yell as he ran past.
“Hi kids,” She said gleefully, very much used to this behaviour. Already leaving her station from the living room to check the front door was closed, she started to yell back, “ Kids remember to close the door-”
Your appearance took her by surprise, as her appearance around the corner even startled you a little. You froze for an embarrassingly long moment, mind in a scramble before finally forming a sentence.
“Hi uh… Mrs Wheeler I gathered,” You put your hand out to shake hers, she gave you a quizzical look before you finally introduced yourself, “I’m Y/N L/N, the nurse at Hawkins High.”
She rested her face only slightly, now that she knew you weren’t some complete stranger. You continued.
“I’m sorry my visit is so out of the blue, Nancy’s doing a whole story about how all the events going on right now might affect young and growing minds.” Your arms flying around like they do when you get nervous, “aaah you know, fancy article stuff.” 
You gave a sheepish smile hoping she fell for it all. She did. In Fact she was quite impressed, for her daughter of course, not you. But you welcomed you with a large smile.
“Oh! What a meaningful topic! Please come right in.” And with that you met the children downstairs.
You sat by the boys reading the articles about the Creel family - giving Max her space. There was something so familiar about the story of the Creel’s, there were little things that made you think of what Peter had told you of his childhood. The animals and the strange occurrences while he was discovering his powers, the incident that caused him to go into a coma but he never told you about visions and murders and he sure as hell never mentioned anyone by the name Creel. There was a bit of you that mentally scolded you for feeling yourself starting to always think back to Peter at any chance you could. It was opening up to Max that had ripped this wound back open again. 
Nancy and Robin caught you at one moment, asking if you’d like to join them for their scholarly plan but you declined, feeling it was your duty to watch after Max. Steve got very annoyed at being put on ‘babysitting duties’ however, he didn’t feel the same maternal instincts you did and you found it hilarious the way he argued with the girls about it. 
It was about an hour after the girls left that you asked Max if there was anything you could do or bring for her, food, water. You stood a little bit away from the chair, you didn’t dare to get too close and make her think you were trying to read what she was writing. She gave you a bigger response than you were expecting and she had quite a lot to ask of you. Your house was only two blocks from the Wheelers after all.
You walked home, your moment of peace and what you felt would be the eye before the storm. You collected your car keys and after a lot of mental debate, you even made little snack sandwiches to pack in your car and headed back over to the Wheelers. 
She said to meet back in half an hour, it was a little bit past half past when you heard Steve loud and clear before seeing him chase Max out of the house. 
“Seriously, I’m not joking. I’m not driving you anywhere.” You heard him say.
“And who said you were driving me.” She retorted. “If you think I’m going to spend what is likely the last day of my life in the armpit that is Mike Wheeler’s basement, then you’re out of your mind.” 
You had to agree with that last statement. You just couldn’t get used to the funky smell down there in those couple hours. She approached your car, you called “Ladies front!” to which Steve rolled his eyes crawling into the back seat finally. 
“Henderson, that super walking of yours better reach Penhurst.”
She asked to stop by her house first, she wanted to leave the note for her mother. She was rattled when she returned but you carried on. During your wait you could see Lucas was getting particularly antsy and you had to reassure him that ‘Max will be okay.’
“YOU DON’T KNOW HER LIKE I DO.” He snapped, coming out of his mouth louder than he was anticipating and he immediately apologised but the silent moment after was still awkward. Steve let out an ‘okay’ under his breath but you know the boy was just anxious. And you very much suspected there was a little more going on between him and Max. It felt like a sore spot to try and question though. You missed having a crush like that.
Max led you into a cemetery, you did as she told you today. Lucas ran out of the car to follow her and when he walked back to the car, the four of you watched as Max walked up to a grave -  you assumed it was Billy’s. She sat down and opened another letter. You couldn’t help but feel proud of her. She was a strong girl, you were rooting for her, you always have been and with what she’s gone through, this was the first healthy step to letting it all go. You were so proud of her. 
The younger boys spilled out of the car, Dustin finding one of your snack sandwiches and Lucas fidgeting with a watch on his wrist as he sat on the car bonnet. You join him, leaning against the front of the car with your arms folded. 
“This is an incredibly difficult thing she’s dealing with.” You didn’t know how else to start a conversation with the boy so you just let out your thoughts. 
“I’m worried for her.” He responded, voice quiet and his eyes trained to his watch.
“I’m rather proud of her,” You said, finally catching the boy’s attention. His expression is almost angry at the idea, you only let out a little chuckle, “I can tell you now, after what has happened today, I would not be keeping it together as well as she is if this were happening to me.” 
“Well you haven’t been through this before like we have.” The tension in his face finally dropped, only slightly but it was enough for him to stop fidgeting. The confusion swapped places, now your eyebrows are furrowing in his place. 
“This?” You glanced at Dustin who was busy with a sandwich, he didn’t tell you this has happened before. 
“No okay, not this exactly like this but we have been through some weird stuff before.”
“With El?” You asked. He raised his head to face you, truly confused now.
“How do you know about…” He turned to Dustin with a ‘Why would you tell the school nurse?!’. Dustin only took another bite. 
“I knew El before you did. My first job was at Hawkins lab and I looked after Eleven amongst other children.” Lucas was truly shocked, he was too worried this whole time to ask why you were still with them, perhaps you already knew about the upside down. There was a moment of silence again.
“Her name is Jane now.” He politely corrected you to which you responded with a growing large smile.
“Jane.” You repeated, testing out the sound of it. The more and more you found out about her new happy life, the more and more all of this felt worth it, “It’ll suit her well.”
“MAX!” Steve yelled, he’d walked up to check on Max a little bit before but now we were all worried. We ran to join him. She was having another episode, her eyes bloodshot and flung back into her head, your heart was pounding in your chest for the safety of this girl in front of you. As much as you hated to admit, you were convinced you may have just seen her final moments alive if her theory was true. 
We kept yelling at her, it was all we could do to try to get her to snap back to reality. You barked at Dustin to call Nancy and Robin with the walkie and he immediately ran to your car. You were holding Max by the shoulders to your chest at this point, Lucas with a hand on her knee and Steve closely behind. 
“Please. Oh lord please wake up Max.” You’d whimper to her knowing - though currently not on the forefront of your mind - you’ll be in a lot of trouble if this girl doesn’t wake up. 
Dustin ran back to us now, finally dumping all of Max’s tapes and her Walkman in front of us. 
“WHAT IS THIS?!” Lucas was clearly not having it with Dustin and you couldn’t blame him. 
“SONG? WHAT'S HER FAVOURITE SONG? Robin said if she listens to- It’s too much to explain right now. WHAT’S HER FAVOURITE SONG?!”
The boys scrambled around with the tapes as you placed the headphones on to Max’s head, finally picking up a Kate bush tape and putting in the player. Now all you could do was wait and pray and keep calling Max in case you get a response. 
“Guys…” Your face dropped when you felt Max slipping from your hands… but she was slipping upwards? The boys didn’t hear you, they kept yelling out to Max, “GUYS!”
It was at that moment the boys stopped talking, Max had floated out of your arms and into the air. You've never seen anything of the soughts and every muscle in your body tensed. 
“Holy fuck.” you mumbled to yourself, finally joining the boys to your feet and calling out for Max. You kept your arms out at all times, trying to prepare yourself in case she fell at any moment. But she kept going and going and,
“MAX PLEASE!” The group of you kept yelling for her. You’d had enough and let out the loudest scream, reminiscent of a time you’d rather forget. You couldn’t lose another child in your care, you just couldn’t. 
She fell. Sinclair caught her in a tight hug. We surrounded her as she freaked out and tried to clean herself and calm down from all the shock and adrenaline. 
“I thought we lost you.” Lucas cried to her.
“I’m still here, I’m still here.” You felt yourself wiping a tear from your eyes, placing a comforting hand on Max and Lucas in front of you.
You took the kids back to your house, it was the least you could do at this point - and you sure as hell weren’t going to spend a night in the Wheeler’s basement where they originally wanted to go. You’d set Max up in the guest bedroom for some privacy. With the door open, you could just peek through from the living room so Steve, Dustin and Lucas took turns watching her from a distance over the night. You welcomed Robin and Nancy to sleep in the master if they need sleep at any time and you set yourself up in your office where you spent the night quietly sobbing yourself to sleep. Since opening up about Peter again after such a long time and going through these bizarre and terrifying events, you just needed some time alone to process what was happening. You never wanted to get caught up in the business of that lab again but you also can’t leave these children to face things alone now. 
After a couple hours of sleep, you decided to make breakfast for these kids. Again the least you could do is actually feed them. At about 5 in the morning, before the sun had risen, you got yourself dressed, cleaned your face and fixed your makeup and hair. You figured if there was a possibility you were going to be found dead sometime today, at least you’ll look good. Also the usual routine and smell of it all took you out of the whole crazy situation for a couple minutes, finding comfort in the simple mundaneness of it all.
You walked past the boys fast asleep in the lounge and met Max who was already sitting at your kitchen dining table. She had paper and coloured pencils sprawled out all over the table. 
“I found some pencils, I hope you don’t mind.” She pulled one headphone off her ear as you passed her to your fringe. 
“Absolutely Max, I don’t use them anyway. There should even be more paper in that drawer over there if you need it.” You pointed off behind you as you assessed what you had. Luckily you do your grocery shopping Friday evenings after work. You finish early when the school gathers for a pep rally before a game. The perfect time to shop while everyone is busy. 
You began to cook breakfast, making a pancake batter and even chopping some veggies for little omelettes. You were the school nurse afterall, you would make these kids eat something good at least. The smell was a little intoxicating after the long almost sleepless night and your stomach growled. You filled a small plate for Max and sat it down next to her on the table, being sure to miss all the sheets of paper. She quietly thanked you and a moment of silence passed before she spoke what was on her mind. 
“I think he let me go.” You stopped what you were doing and turned to hear her better.
“What was that?” Leaving your station, you walked to sit next to her at the round table. She was interrupted before she could explain further. 
“MAX?!” It was Nancy's voice coming through the hall.
“Oh what’s that smell?” It was Dustin’s following behind hers until they appeared. Nancy gave a sigh of relief when she spotted Max at the table.
“Everything alright?”  
“Yeah, yeah.” She sounded almost out of breath.
“Something’s burning.” Dustin said, sitting down and starting to pick at Max’s breakfast plate. 
“Oh!” You ran up from your seat to the stove to which Nancy took your place at the table. You provided more plates of food for them as they spoke. You listened while you began to prepare more snack food for the day to come. 
“Is this what you saw last night?” Nancy asked, picking up a piece of paper.
“I mean, it’s supposed to be. I thought it’d be easier to draw it out than to explain it but… not so much.” Max explained, tiredness clearly in her voice, she took a sip of water as Nancy brought forward another piece of paper, “It was like they were on display or something. And then there was this red fog everywhere… It was like a dream. A nightmare.” 
Dustin had gotten up from his seat with the plate to investigate further and returned to the table with a cup of orange juice now as well. 
“Do you think Vecna’s just trying to scare you?” Nancy asked.
“With Billy? Yeah. But when I made it here… I don’t know, something was different. He seemed surprised, almost. Like he didn’t want me there. And then he heard you guys scream and it was like he just let me go.”
“Maybe you infiltrated his mind.” Dustin said, now situated at the table, “He invaded your mind, right? Is it that big of a leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his? Like Freddy Krueger’s boiler room! Just think about it. What if you somehow unlocked a backdoor to Vecna’s world? Maybe the answer we’re looking for is somewhere in this incredibly vague drawing.” 
Nancy turned to the kids as they bickered further, Nancy catching your attention as she folded the paper and brought it all together. 
“It’s pieces of a house.” Max said, you were behind her chair now looking on.
“Yea but not just any house. It’s Victor Creel’s house.”
Nancy woke everyone up explaining about the Creel house and where it was. You gathered your things into a bag including first aid supplies, snacks and what nots. You advised the kids to use your extra hygienic supplies stashed in the guest room including toothbrushes and deodorants before they left. 
You were waiting by your car, making sure everything was in order and letting it warm up before the kids came out ready to go. Robin was the first to meet you out the front. 
“Damn, even in a crisis, your hair is perfect?” She whispered to herself, you heard it but pretended you hadn’t. That still didn’t stop the smile growing on your face. One by one the rest of them started to file out and find what seat they were going to sit in. Nancy sat in the front with you so she could guide you. And soon enough you reached this run down blue house in the middle of nowhere.
@zaggprincess @mrskatpotter
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followmybones · 3 years
how the obey me brothers treat their crush
I imagine this takes place when they first start seeking out/start building a relationship with reader/mc
Written in 2nd person POV
kind of messy sorry! any tw will be written next to the character name, if I missed anything, please let me know
Lucifer likes it to be obvious that he's pursuing you, but he prefers expressing his intentions to you by making small, practical gestures.
He'll buy you two matching items (necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc.) so that other people/demons know that the two of you are together in some capacity. he doesn't want anyone else trying to pursue you
If you’re running late in the morning, he’ll save a bit of food for the both of you so you two can eat together while walking to RAD
He'll never say it, but he enjoys being physically affectionate toward you. He's not a big fan of PDA, so in public, it looks more like rubbing your knuckles with his thumb, fixing your hair or clothes, and honestly, he'll use just about any excuse to touch you
Mammon starts getting greedy with you; he wants all your time, attention; he wants everything you have to offer. However, he starts getting less greedy with anything that doesn't have to do with you
He will physically pick you up to drag you to his room for alone time, and if/when you ask him to stop he will, but he's still going to try and weasel his way into spending as much time with you as possible (alone or not)
Is the type of guy to just walk up to you and start hugging you. he knows he has to share you with his brothers and your friends, so he'll hang off of you while you converse with them. He doesn't intend to make the other person feel uncomfortable or anything (unless it's Lucifer) it's just his way of having part of your attention.
When you two are alone he doesn't make any comments about who's paying for what, he's going to pay for everything. You think you're going to treat him to lunch for once? oh no, the bill has already been paid!
Levi asks for your company, and he slowly becomes more comfortable with the idea that you actually want to spend time with him.
Instead of dancing around and pretending he doesn't want your company, he'll start asking you to spend time with him. He starts getting more confident about himself, and he knows that when you make plans together, you aren't doing it out of pity, he slowly learns you genuinely want to spend time together.
He'll buy controllers, headsets, etc. specifically for you, and no one is allowed to use them but you. he hopes it'll communicate that there's enough room in his world for you.
You'll know he really likes you when he lets you feed Henry, he doesn't let just anyone feed Henry and it just goes to show how much Levi really trusts you.
Satan just wants to be with you whenever he can, it doesn’t matter what you two do, he just wants to be around you. He wants to be one of the reasons you're happy and smiling.
Is the type of person to want to be alone with you, he likes reading while you do your own thing
he'll write you love poems that are very heartfelt and romantic. But he'll also compose mock love poems, their only purpose is to make you smile and laugh, they're filled with inside jokes and soft teasing, he usually gives you these on days you're not feeling your best. And on the days you're having absolutely terrible luck, they're loudly recited to you in the middle of a crowded staircase at RAD, because he just wants to make you smile before you go to your next class.
Part of him opening up to you is also asking for help on his journey to understand himself, he’s still trying to figure himself out and you’ll know he really trusts you when he asks you for help.
Asmodeus TW: mentions of food & diets in 3rd hc
Asmodeus starts trying to form a deeper connection with you, and he'll try to take care of you so that you can focus on him and your goals. Despite the way he comes off, everything he does has a reason behind it.
He'll drag you away from homework/work, when he knows you can spare some time, to doing some self-care, using the logic that having a break and relaxing a bit will help you be more productive later
He likes to pamper you, if you let him he'll do some skincare, play around with some makeup, and paint your nails, it's his way of taking care of you while also making sure you relax enough to get some proper rest
Will encourage you to build a diet that's specified to your preexisting diet (if you have one) and your body's needs. He wants you to feel as great as possible, and he knows food can influence that, if you let him he'll build the diet for you
Beelzebub TW: food & eating mentioned in 3rd hc
Beelzebub subconsciously starts paying a lot more attention to you but consciously makes a lot of small gestures.
If you ever get sick or feel off Beel will be able to tell, and he’ll try to make your day better however he can, a reassuring hug, offering to cook you something, keeping you company while you rest, whatever you want.
Beel is kind of dense, so sometimes he'll say the most romantic things without even realizing it, and then carry on as if it didn't happen. To him, he was just reassuring you and making sure you're doing alright
Whenever you eat together, he waits for you to take the first bite, he just wants to make sure you enjoy the food as much as he does. If you're at a restaurant, but you don't like the food, he'll take what he ordered to go while you two find somewhere else to eat.
Belphegor is still going to be snarky and aloof, but if he likes you enough, he'll start communication more. He'll make it obvious that he enjoys your company, without actually saying it, of course
He's not going to tell you everything, it's just the way he is, but he'll tell you what he's thinking more often, and even ask your opinion on certain things and topics
If he ever makes you uncomfortable with any of his snarky comments or actions, he'll apologize and try to make it up for it, he probably won't apologize in front of any of his brothers (besides Beel), but he always gets you alone to apologize later
you'll definitely catch him staring at you with a tiny grin from time to time, especially when you think he's napping.
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maleficmuse · 3 years
Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary: Lazy morning sex with Henry.
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content; Cuddling, *Established Relationship*, Fluff, Teasing, Vaginal Sex
18+ ONLY
AO3 Link
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The internet often likened him to Adonis. Anytime she caught even the smallest glimpse of her man in all his naked glory, she was inclined to agree. Henry was blessed with rippling pectorals and bulging muscles on nearly every part of his body—she’d checked. To say he was mouthwateringly gorgeous was an understatement. But many failed to acknowledge just how soft and squishy Henry could be. That man was endearingly sweet and wickedly intelligent in a way most overlooked due to his sharp jawline and piercing baby blues.
As he lay in bed, sheets half thrown on the floor and mouth hanging open as he snored obnoxiously, his love couldn’t help but smile to herself. She stood in the doorway, wrapped in his robe with a steaming cup of coffee, watching his furry chest rise and fall with each breath. She couldn’t believe she was lucky enough to call that giant teddy bear hers.
Fuck, she was in deep.
Taking a long sip of her drink, she tiptoed to the edge of the bed and crawled in next to him. The tips of her fingers ghosted across his jaw before making their way into his messy curls. She massaged his scalp softly, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek.
It was rare she was awake before him, so she never really got the time to admire how relaxed he looked while he was dreaming.
His eyelids fluttered as he let out an audible groan and turned on his side to seek out her warmth. She giggled quietly as he threw a heavy thigh over her waist and buried his face in her neck, inhaling deeply before allowing sleep to take him once more.
The hand not in his hair moved to rub slow circles between his shoulder blades. It was taking everything in her power not to cry at the overwhelming love that bloomed in her chest every time he snuggled into her like that.
From what she could gather about his previous relationship, Henry was made to feel bad for being clingy and needy. If she could, she’d bash that bitch’s face in for making her sweet bear insecure about showing his affection.
With his work, their time together was extremely limited and if he wanted to attach himself to her in the few precious moments they had, she was more than happy to let him.
He stirred the tiniest bit, squeezing her body against his own.
Her lips made work of placing tender kisses across his face causing him to groan and clutch the back of the robe she wore as his pelvis lazily began thrusting against her hip.
Intimacy was a huge turn on for Henry. Sometimes seemingly small things like head scratches or cuddles were enough to make him absolutely feral. It seemed sleepy Henry was no different.
With a devilish grin, she sucked a bruise just below his ear, using her tongue to soothe his sensitive skin as soon as it began to tint purple.
He hummed, his thrusts becoming steadier as his thick cock became painfully hard for her.
She nipped at his exposed shoulder, eliciting a gentle, “Love, please,” from him.
Lightly, she pressed him onto his back, and straddled his lap where his hands instinctively lifted to caress her thighs.
His enchanting blue eyes opened to stare up at her, a sleepy smile overtaking his charming face.
“I think this is the best wake-up call I’ve ever received,” he murmured.
Her eyebrow quirked upwards slightly as she smirked, rubbing her hands over his furry chest.
“Well, here at Hotel Hell we aim to please, Mr. Cavill.”
A sudden cackle echoed around them as Henry burst into laughter, shaking his head lovingly at her shenanigans.
“More like Hotel Heaven, angel.”
She grinned, reaching down to move her robe out of the way as she placed his swollen cock between her folds and began grinding herself up and down his length, coating him in her slick.
Henry groaned, his face scrunching up in pleasure, watching her hips roll enticingly. He extended a shaky hand to untie the only piece of clothing getting in the way of his view, his breath hitching at the sight of her gorgeous form atop him.
“Fuck, love, if this is how every morning is going to be, I’m never letting you go home.”
“Let me? You gonna hold me hostage, Hen?” She teased.
“If I must,” he admitted with a heavy exhale.
Her hips sped up momentarily only to slow back down when she got a deep growl in return. Henry was incredibly responsive in bed, never one to shy away from letting her know just how euphoric she made him feel. It made her feel powerful and sexy in a way she never thought was possible.
Henry tenderly grabbed her bicep, bringing her down for their first proper kiss of the day. He sucked harshly on her bottom lip before gently requesting entrance into her intoxicating mouth with his tongue. She allowed him in and immediately groaned as he explored her mouth and moved a hand down to her pert ass to move her a bit faster.
His pillow-soft lips trailed down her jaw, aiming straight for the sensitive spot where her neck met her collarbone. She gripped the pillow behind his head for dear life when one of his large hands came up to fondle her breast and pinch her nipple.
“No more teasing, my love,” Henry demanded huskily.
If the bastard hadn’t known her weak spots, she would’ve been able to stretch out her fun like she had originally planned, but her resolve had begun slipping the moment he opened her robe and looked at her like she was the most exquisite creature he’d ever laid eyes on.
Raising up to place a hand steadily on his chest, she held his silky cock between her fingers and glided the leaking head over herself. She placed the tip just inside her entrance and leisurely sunk down until her aching clit met his pelvis.
Henry grumbled a few expletives while she paused, reveling in the euphoric way he stretched her.
“Darling, please,” he pleaded. “Fucking move.”
She refrained from giggling at how fucked out he looked already and did as he asked.
The languid pace she set was enough to drive Henry to madness. He considered rolling her onto her back and fucking her into next week, but the sight of her heavenly tits bouncing as she rotated her hips was enough for him to decide the view was much better from below. He slid his knuckles teasingly towards her center, allowing the tip of his thumb to kiss her swollen clit before moving upwards to grasp both of her beautiful mounds in his palms.
“Fuck, Hen,” she huffed. “You’re so fucking deep.”
Henry growled as her velvet walls tightened around him, his eyes straying from her face to the place where their bodies met.
The obscene squelching combined with the sight of his hard cock disappearing inside her warm cavern almost made him blow prematurely.
“Faster, love, please,” he begged.
She shook her head, reaching one of her smaller hands up to clasp his fingers tighter around her tit.
“No. I wanna feel you.”
Against his wishes, she slowed her already unhurried pace, allowing herself to be overwhelmed by the bliss of his tip massaging the sensitive spot only he was able to reach.
“Feels so good, baby. You always fill me up so fucking good.”
Henry’s patience was slowly draining. While he enjoyed the sight of her using his body to get herself off, he wanted her to cum. He wanted to feel her body tense as soft mews of pleasure escaped her perfect lips and her sopping wet cunt fluttered around him just the way he liked. He wanted to watch as her hips lost control once she finally reached that high and began rutting against him with reckless abandon.
He’d make love to her later.
Before he even realized what he was doing, Henry sat straight up, capturing her mouth with his in an attempt to momentarily distract her while he repositioned. He brought his legs underneath him, sitting back on his haunches while he pushed himself impossibly further into her wet heat.
She whined, bringing her arms around his broad shoulders.
Henry stilled her movements, pressing her down almost painfully onto his thick cock. Her walls were pulsating around him, struggling with the gratifying sting that came when he split her open. He swore he could feel her heartbeat.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he groaned, thrusting upwards. His pace started off as slow as hers had been, but there was power behind each inclination of his hips.
With each deep push into her aching cunt, her breathing became more ragged, a clear sign she was getting close.
Henry gripped her ass firmly, holding her above him as his hips began pistoning rapidly, desperate to feel her clench around him, milking his own impending orgasm.
She cried out in both pleasure and pain. The tip of his cock brushed against her g-spot with each thrust just before it rammed painfully against her cervix.
“Rub your clit for me, sweetheart,” Henry commanded. “I want you to come with me.”
As soon as her fingers found her sensitive bud, her legs began shaking and the walls of her weeping cunt shuddered around Henry. His eyes slammed shut and his head fell forward to rest on her clavicle, a guttural moan escaping him.
“Come with me, love.”
Her nails dug into his shoulder and she came with a cry, her hips grinding roughly against his as she rode out her orgasm. The way she clenched around him, choking his cock in her intoxicating softness, sent him over the edge.
She sighed in contentment when she felt his warm seed coat her quivering walls thinking she’d never been happier than she was in that moment.
Henry laid back, keeping her as close as physically possible while they both struggled to catch their breath. Their pants turned to satisfied sighs and his love reached a hand up to bury her fingers in his silky curls once more.
She lifted her head to give him a dazzling smile and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead. She felt those three little words that had been dancing in the back of her mind for the last few weeks bubble up to the surface, but she couldn’t get them out quite yet.
With a soft kiss to his plump lips and a quiet hum, she rested against his furry chest and drifted back into a peaceful slumber, his spent cock still buried balls deep.
Henry smiled, reaching carefully for the discarded sheets, knowing she’d wake shivering if he didn’t trap their body heat. She snuggled closer, causing him to chuckle. She often claimed she wasn’t a touchy person, but in Henry’s experience, his girl was extremely cuddly. He loved that there was a softer side of her reserved especially for him.
“I love you, darling,” he whispered, placing a lingering kiss to her forehead.
All he received in return was her even breathing, but he knew, even if she hadn’t said it yet, that she loved him too.
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radiant-reid · 3 years
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Every case the BAU solved or acted on changed how they looked at the world. Usually, it was just the realisation there was a lot of evil. Occasionally, it was an extra step they could take, or they could advise their loved ones to take, to be safer. But the bank robbers changed JJ. Will too.
Knowing that their little boy was at risk scared them both. So they were extra cautious about babysitters. Anyone around Henry had to pass a routine background check.
Finding a babysitter was a mission.
Until Y/n Y/l/n came highly recommended.
She was one of the few babysitters in DC who wouldn't discuss her most famous client. And that was why she was hired.
Y/n got used to the crazy work schedule of the couple. Getting called in the middle of the night or on weekends was just part of the job. But she didn't mind.
So when JJ called her on a Saturday morning, Y/n had no problem going over. But when she got over something was wrong. The door was open. With all the security measures the couple took, this was not right.
Y/n reached for her phone and got JJ's number ready to dial. Cautiously, she pushed open the door and walked into the living room.
And there was the blonde boy, long hair messy and a dinosaur in his hand.
"Y/n!" Henry yelled as he came running over, as fast as a 4-year-old could run.
Upon hearing Henry's yelling, another person entered the room. It was someone Y/n didn't know. The man was dressed in long pants, a shirt and a sweater vest. He was dressed sharply but his messy mop of curls told a different story.
"Henry!" Y/n yelled in reply, bending down so she could embrace the boy at his height. "Who's hanging out with you today?" She asked.
"Uncle Spence," Henry replied as if it were obvious.
When Y/n got another look at the man, she realised she might have seen him before. He was in a few of the photos with Henry. She knew neither JJ nor Will had a brother, but whoever this 'uncle' was must have known him since birth. There was a photo of him holding a very newly born Henry in the hallway. On JJ's desk, there was a framed picture of the man holding Henry on his 3rd birthday while he blew out the candles. She was immediately less alarmed that he appeared to be familiar with the family.
"Sorry, I'm Y/n. Henry's babysitter. JJ had called to ask if I could come to look after him, but she didn't mention anyone else being here." Y/n explained, trying not to make the guest feel unwelcomed.
Spencer rocked on his feet, now feeling silly holding a Tiranasouris- rex in front of a relative stranger. At least, he figured, she was a babysitter so she was used to kids toys. "I'm Spencer Reid. JJ had also called me to ask if I could look after him." He introduced. Now it was obvious where the mix up had occurred.
"Ohh, you're Spencer Spencer." It clicked in Y/n's brain. JJ had told her about the remarkable genius from the BAU. But she filled him in on how she knew him. "JJ has told me about you. Anyway, I can go if she doesn't need me here."
"No, don't go!" Henry shouted, reminding the pair he was in the room. Y/n shifted her attention off the blush on Spencer's cheek to the little boy. "Uncle Spence said we could go museum. Y/n come? Please? Please? Please?" He begged, turning to Spencer. He was doing his puppy dog eyes that made it far too hard to resist.
"Yeah, of course." Spencer was more than happy to oblige. "If you want to?" He offered her, only then meeting her eyes.
"Why not?" Y/n smiled back at him. She was only interested in 3 things. Firstly, Henry being looked after properly which was her responsibility. Secondly, why JJ spoke so highly of Spencer was and thirdly, was Doctor Spencer Reid single? She rationalised her confirmation by thinking about the first reason.
Once Y/n had gotten Henry a coat and wrestled it onto him, they were out the door. She learnt that Spencer didn't drive and she had no problem walking to the museum.
"We just have to cross up here," Spencer told them. Henry, ever the rule follower, grabbed Spencer's hand with one of his and Y/n's with the other.
It hit Y/n when another couple who were holding hands with their toddler, smiled at them as they walked past. It occurred to her that they looked like a family. Not that Henry's straight blond hair resembled Spencer's brunette curls. Y/n couldn't put her finger on the emotion she was feeling, but it was a good one.
Spencer knew everyone at the museum, much to Y/n's surprise. Even the security guards. She had been to the museum before, with Henry. But it was a different experience with Spencer, he knew so much. It was no surprise that JJ described him as a genius.
Y/n was definitely feeling the information overload as they left. Spencer had spoken almost the whole time, and she could see Henry adored him.
"Can you carry me?" Henry asked once they were back on the busy DC sidewalk.
Straight away, Spencer bent down taking the little boy into his arms. "Come here." Both of them could tell the little boy was exhausted, so it didn't surprise them when he fell asleep after Spencer had taken 3 steps.
"Okay, so I have a question," Y/n said, getting Spencer's attention. "If JJ is on a case, why aren't you?"
"I, uh, got shot." Spencer quietly spoke before clearing his throat. Y/n's eyes widened, and she blushed. "Don't feel bad for asking, though." He reassured her.
"I'm so sorry I asked." Y/n awkwardly told him. She couldn't help but worry that maybe, now, he wouldn't like her.
Spencer just shook his head. "It's okay, honestly. It happened a couple of weeks ago, but I'm still on leave." Y/n did want to know how it happened, but she also knew the look in his eyes. It was a look that definitely said he didn't want to talk about it.
So, she changed the subject. "Do you like working at the BAU?"
"Yes." Spencer didn't miss a beat. "Except when I get shot." His joke made Y/n giggle, leading Spencer to laugh too.
"Does that happen much?" Y/n bantered back.
Spencer snorted. "This is my second time, actually." He told her honestly. That made her eyes widen. "It's just a casualty of the job." He shrugged it off, not looking phased.
"The only casualty of my job is Henry's just too cute, and I want to take him home." Y/n joked, Spencer laughed. She wanted to hear the sound forever. "Not in a kidnapping type of way." She quickly fumbled to explain. She realised how what she sounded could cause some concern to an FBI agent.
Spencer just continued to giggle at her, his face ending up grinning.
They got back to the LaMontagne/Jareau residence a few minutes later.
"I'm going to take him to bed. It's his nap time?" Spencer said, slipping off his shoes as he carried Henry close to his chest.
Y/n checked her watch, seeing it was just about his nap time. "Yeah, do you want a hand?" She offered, remembering she was Henry's babysitter.
Spencer shook his head, running a hand through the boy's golden locks. "I'm alright." He decided.
Y/n took a step closer to the pair, planting a kiss on Henry's forehead. "Goodnight, bud." She whispered before letting Spencer take Henry to bed.
He couldn't keep the grin off his face as he took Henry's shoes off and tucked him in under the covers. He felt very grateful to JJ for her choice of babysitter.
Spencer wandered back into the living room, searching for Y/n. When he found her, she was picking up some of the toys Henry spread around that morning.
Spencer rushed to help her. "You don't have to do that." He mentioned, putting away the toy cars.
Y/n giggled. "It is kind of my job." She told him. Spencer blushed at how silly he felt, but he couldn't help the smile creep onto his face. He actually enjoyed her teasing him, unlike when Morgan teased him.
Together, they cleaned up while they conversed. Y/n was even more shocked by how smart Spencer was. He seemed to know about everything. She discovered that wasn't the truth when she made a pop culture reference that flew over his head. However, they did get on well.
"I should probably get going," Y/n mentioned, looking at the time. The house was relatively tidy and Henry was still asleep.
"Oh, yeah, of course," Spencer replied, clearing his throat.
She gathered her things, walking with Spencer to the door. She slipped her shoes on and turned back to Spencer.
"I had a really great time today, thank you," Y/n mentioned.
Spencer still couldn't stop smiling. It made his cheekbones look far more defined. "Yeah, me too. Thank you for coming with us." He replied. Y/n turned to open the door but Spencer's words stopped her. "Do you, uh, think that maybe some time you'd like to h-hang out? Without Henry?" He nervously blurted out, his cheeks bring pink. He coughed, clearing his throat.
Y/n nodded, making his hands stop trembling. "Yeah, I'd really like that. Call me some time?" She offered.
"I will," Spencer confirmed. "But, I don't have your number." He added when he thought about it.
"Aren't you the FBI?" Y/n quipped. "You'll find it." She assured him as she opened the door and left.
Spencer stood in the foyer, grinning and blushing. He couldn't stop the fluttering in his stomach. It was a feeling he wanted to have forever.
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