#i love them and their citadel date so much
clericofshadows · 11 months
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phoward89 · 6 months
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Jealous!Coryo x Reader, Odair!Ancestor x Reader.
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. That man is a walking blood red flag waving heavily in the wind! engagement (not reader), smut, infidelity, love triangle, manipulation, stalking?, gaslighting, fluff, Head Gamemaker!Coryo, District 4 Cruise Ship Heir!Odair OC. DarkCoriolanus, Jealous!Coriolanus
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Chapter 2:
While Coriolanus is in his office, high up on the top floor of the Citadel, raging and having an internal meltdown about your relationship, you’re walking down a crowded downtown sidewalk, hand in hand with Odysseus. The two of you were heading to a cafe near the office for lunch.
“I'll cook you dinner tonight. How does that sound for a third date?” The bronze-haired man offered, his smile full of sunshine and dimples. Odysseus' smile was contagious: you couldn't help, but to smile widely back at him.
“Last time I had a man cook for me I was 18.” You honestly admitted as a fleeting memory of Coriolanus, all skin and bones, stirring a pot of cabbage popped into your mind.
“I know that it's rude to ask a woman her age, but I must know, how old are you?”
“I’m not offended, Odysseus.” You assured him before revealing your age. “I'm 24, by the way.”
Leaning in, as if he was going to tell you a big secret, he smiled- large and scandalously, and revealed, “I'm 28.” Bumping your shoulder lightly with his, Odysseus teasingly chuckled, “Guess it's time for me to bust out the wheelchair since I'm the Old Man of the Sea in this relationship and you're the youthful mermaid.”
You let out a laugh, a genuine laugh, at your boyfriend's words. You've only known him for a day, but so far he's proven to be nothing, but respectful and kind. He's unlike anyone you've ever met before.
Odysseus was very bubbly and it was refreshing. After being with someone so cold and calloused for so long, being with a warm soul was like a breath of fresh air.
“I don't know much about such things. Is it something common to District 4?”
Odysseus nodded, only to say. “The Old Man of the Sea is the water god, Triton.” instead of leaving it there, he decided to explain the legend of the sea god to you. “He's very wise and it's said that if you can manage to capture him and hold on as he changes into many forms that he can answer any questions that you have, about anything at all.”
“Had anyone ever caught him?” You curiously asked as the cafe came into view.
“Some claim to have caught him, no one really pays them any mind, now do they?” He chuckled.
Odysseus' smile brightly widened as he animatedly explained the lore of mermaids to you, “And a mermaid, according to folklore, is a mythological water spirit that's the most beautiful siren of a woman on the top half, while having a fish tail instead of legs for the bottom half.” Coming to a stop at the cafe, he held the door open for you while continuing his sea creature lecture with, “They can both wreak havoc by causing shipwrecks and can be benevolent by granting boons; some even forgo their own mermen and fall in love with human men.”
Guiding you to one of the bistro tables (since the cafe was on of those seat yourself and someone will be with you in a moment type places), he told you with a faraway look in his sea-green eyes. “My Pops says that my Ma was so beautiful that he's positive that she was a mermaid who struck a deal to gain human form.”
From the way his voice slightly quaked while mentioning his mother, you knew that she was most likely dead. How did you know? Because Coriolanus’ voice did the same thing if and when he ever mentioned his late mother (which was rare and far in-between).
“How old were you when she passed, if you don't mind me asking?” You tentatively asked, knowing that it might be a touchy subject, while taking your.seat at a windowside Odysseus brought you to.
“I don't mind you asking, honey.” The bronze haired man assured you, taking his seat across from you at the table. Grabbing the menus from the display rack on the edge table, near the window, and handing one over to you, he simply said, “I was about 9.” Opening his menu, he sadly explained, “There was a hurricane in 4 that completely flattened the beach side community her family's house was at. Even tho she was a strong swimmer, she drowned.” Staring a hole into his menu, he bitterly spat, “President Ravinstill refused to send help or aid, or to even evacuate that part of District 4 because Panem was in the early days of the war.”
“You and Poseidon were here, in the Capitol, while she was trapped in 4.” You concluded while scanning your own menu.
“Yes, that's how I ended up living a privileged life in Capitol City while my mother and her family’s beach house was swept off of its foundation; lost to the depths of Davy Jones' locker.”
“My father was an officer in 12 during the war. His commander helped him smuggle my mother, older brother, and me here, to the Capitol, during the Dark Days.”
“He was found swinging in the trees outside of 12 with General Snow, wasn't he?”
“Yea.” You nodded, only to change the subject by announcing what you thought looked appetizing on the menu.
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Coriolanus was barely holding it together whenever he walked into his penthouse. As he went to hang up his coat and place his leather briefcase on the side table by the coat rack, he felt his Grandma'am’s eyes on him.
Her stare was scrutinizing, making him feel as if he was a little boy again- getting scolded. He hates that feeling. The feeling of not being perfect, of failing. He strives to be the best, at everything he does, so Grandma'am staring him down with thoughts of shame unnerved him.
Grandma'am didn't have to say it, he just knew that she was disappointed in him. But why? He's successful as the Head Gamemaker, he's going to announce his run for Senate, and he's engaged to be married to a young lady from a very prestigious banking family. He's well on his way to success.
On his way to becoming the President of Panem in a few years time. Something that Grandma'am has always wanted for Coriolanus. Shouldn't she be proud of him, not staring him down with shame?
“How have I disappointed you, Grandma’am?” Coriolanus asked the old woman, keeping his voice cold and even, as he shrugged out of his favorite maroon trench coat; hanging it up on the corner rack after placing his briefcase on the nearby sphere shaped side table. Made out of mahogany, of course. Only the best for the Snow family.
Which is why you feel like you're not a fixture in the penthouse anymore. You're not good enough to be a part of the Snow family; to be with Coriolanus. There's something better out there for him, but you've come to accept it and move on.
Coriolanus hasn't moved on, but he won't allow himself to admit that he's fucking up his life by listening to Strabo Plinth when it came to the affairs of his heart. Oh, yes, that's right, the platinum blonde man turned into a cold creature that destroyed his own heart; refuses to acknowledge love. All he knows now is hate, indifference, and lust.
Truthfully, he's in denial when it comes to you and his feelings. He just chalks it up to being possessive and lustful over you, but honestly it's love. A dark, twisted take on love since he's a broken man and doesn't know how to love, but it's love none the less that he feels for you.
“Your father would be ashamed of you, Coriolanus. I know that I am; so is your cousin, Tigris.” The white haired woman, dressed in all her fineries, told her grandson. “Most of all, your mother would be heartbroken knowing that her son turned his back on the love of his life.”
Grandma'am’s words cut Coriolanus deep as he walked over to the sitting area in the main room. Her words cut so deep, it felt like a long double edged sword piercing through the spot where his black, cold, dead heart is locked up in his chest.
His jaw clenched painfully as he stormed gracefully, thanks to his long legs, over to the open sitting chair across from his Grandma’am. He felt his soul bleeding in his chest as he sat down. The old Snow family matriarch’s words burned Coriolanus worse than if he bathed in gasoline and lit himself on fire with a match.
But Coriolanus Snow’s a very proud man; he won't admit that Grandma'am's words hurt him. That they rang true; made his conscious berate him. Made him feel a pang of self loathing and guilt.
Coriolanus will act like he didn't do anything wrong, even tho he did.
“I didn't turn my back on the love of my life because I don't have one.” Coriolanus denied in a flat out lie.
Lie, lie, lie!
You're the love of his life and he knows it, but he's just too goddamn afraid to admit it. So fucking scared of being hurt, used, manipulated, and weakened by love. He’d rather deny his feelings for you then face them.
Coriolanus can face anything headon, except for his feelings. The man didn't do feelings. And that was such a shame, because he truly did love you.
Too bad he was too focused on his political ambitions; couldn't see how much you loved him and vice versa.
Grandma'am blanched at Coriolanus’ words. Those words hurt her deeply. She loves you, as if you were one of her own, and knew how large of a role you played in her grandson's life. And to hear Coriolanus write the love you too share so easily, as if it was nothing, made her wonder where she went wrong with him? Tigress turned out fine, so why was Coriolanus so…so cold and dead towards the girl that he's loved his entire life?
Watching Coriolanus as he reached forward to grab a piece of candy from the large 3-tier candy dish set in the middle of the glass coffee table, Grandma'am sadly wondered, “I didn't raise you to be like this, Coriolanus. How can you be so cold when it comes to Y/N, your sweetheart?”
“She was never my sweetheart, Grandma'am.” Coriolanus retorted coldly. The frostiness in his baritone even sent a chill down his own spine, but it was too late to take it back now. The glacial sharp sentence was now in the universe, floating around; sure to manifest and take hold.
The remark and the attitude that accompanied it would surely come back to bite Coriolanus in the ass; to haunt him. There's no way on earth, in heaven, or in hell those cruel and icy words won't find their way back to you. Because they will…
“I see.” Was Grandma’am’s clipped response. Those two words held so much sadness and disappointment in them. The old woman's wrinkled face turned sour as she informed her grandson, “I just hope that she didn't ruin her life sitting around; waiting for your love. She turned down quite a few wealthy suitors, even a General’s son, as I understand from Tigress- who felt that Y/N was wasting her time on you because you've changed- turned hateful and cold.”
What? You turned down opportunity after opportunity to get out of poverty; all because of your silly notion of being in love with him? Of wanting more than what he can offer you?
You willingly choose to work for scraps, having your ideas used by your boss- to be claimed by them as theirs instead- for advertisements and marketing plots, instead of being pampered on and made a socialite by a rich man. What’s wrong with you? Were you truly foolish enough to believe that love could pay the bills; could be more than enough for you? Were you foolish enough to want the insecurity of love over the security of wealth?
Coriolanus never took you for a foolish girl, but now…well he doesn't know what to think. Why would you hold out hope for him to love you, to pick you, to give you things he's incapable of if you weren't foolish. You knew as well as he did that he has to do certain things to climb to the top, to reach his political goals, and that entering a union of love with you isn't one of those things.
“Waiting around for me to love her; to propose a marriage that would only hinder my political aspirations, makes her one of the biggest fools in Panem, Grandma'am.” Heartlessly shot out of Coriolanus’ mouth before he could think twice. He didn't even recognize his voice, but it truly was his.
“I don't know what happened to you, grandson, to make you so hateful. That girl's loved you ever since the Dark Days and you seemed to love her back, but I now see that you were just using her. Using her like that little songbird of 12 used you up years ago during the 10th Hunger Games.” Grandma’am spat at Coriolanus, causing the hardened young man to just flash her a deadly look. A look that would make most people cower in fear. But, Grandma'am Snow wasn't like most people. She did raise General Crassus Snow after all and he had some of the most hateful pale blue eyes in the Capitol.
Coriolanus' face was cold as stone, his eyes flashing with fury, as he seethed, “Don't you bring up that dead district whore to me, you old bitch. I'll take any of your other ramblings, but not talk about that songbird.”
The disrespect and loathing in her grandson’s tone worried Grandma'am. She's never seen Coriolanus in such a light, but she didn't like it.
Her grandson was nothing like his father. No, Coriolanus was worse than Crassus. Despite being a strict man that believed in totalitarian rulership, Crassus Snow was capable of love. He loved his wife dearly and unconditionally. But his son, well, it seems like Coriolanus has closed himself off to love.
And that scares Grandma'am.
“I think, since you're newly engaged, that it's time for you to find your own penthouse to live in.” The Snow matriarch told her iciscle of a grandson while watching him lean forward to grab another piece of candy from the extravagant candy dish.
Popping the piece of candy into his mouth, Coriolanus simply said, “If that's what you want, then I'll move out.” Standing up, he said, “I'll go call the Plinths' realtor, see if there's any penthouses available in one of the new Luxe buildings downtown.”
No, Coriolanus wasn't going to see if there was a penthouse available in any of the new Luxe buildings, but in your specific building. Because, by living in your building, he'll be able to give you gifts without being stopped by that troublesome doorman with high morals. He'll also be able to fix things with you, get you to see his logic and agree to come back to him. Coriolanus will be able to break you and Odysseus Odair, the Capitol’s biggest manwhore, up before you become too enthralled by him. Before he loses you to him.
Despite denying his feelings for you and calling you a foolish girl for loving him, the thought of you possibly falling in love with somebody else terrifies him. It eats away at his soul, knowing that right know you're probably thinking about the date Odysseus took you on last night.
Coriolanus is jealous that you're moving on (after a damn month!) with somebody that he views unworthy of you. And he's going to put an end to things, make you return to his side.
And the perfect way to do that is living in your building. So, hopefully, Coriolanus can purchase the penthouse in your Luxe complex.
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After a long day at work, you went home and got changed into something comfortable before going across the hall to Odysseus’. You felt a bit nervous knocking on his door. Yes, he did invite you over and said he'd cook dinner for a third date, but it's been a while since you've been invited to a man's apartment. In fact, the last time you went to a man's apartment was the night that you ended things with your ex.
When the door opened, revealing Odysseus in the doorway dressed in a simple tank and shorts, you felt your mouth go dry. His tan skin was glowing, bronze hair effortlessly framing his shoulders in waves. But it was the face splitting smile, brighter than the sun, that took your breath away.
How is it that he can always flash you that smile every time he's around you? Can he truly be that happy to see you? You last saw him a few hours ago for lunch, he couldn't have missed you that much- could he?
“Come on in.” Odysseus urged you, pulling you into the apartment with an excited look on dimples face. “I got shrimp and asparagus risotto on the stove.” He told you, gently closing the door as you walked into his place; taking in the decor.
The decor was nothing like how you expected a modern, upscale apartment to look like. The walls, instead of being the standard white, cream, or light grey that's standard in the building, were different shades of blue and green. Also, you noticed how a pair of hammock-like chairs made up entirely of rope and nets hung from the ceiling. Instead of a sofa, like most people had in their apartments, Odysseus had floor cushions that were shaped to resemble a couch. The coffee table was a chunk of driftwood with glass on it, while the TV was set on a table painted various shades of blue to resemble waves. And the wall decorations of various shells really set off the beachy vibe of the apartment.
“Is this how houses are decorated in District 4?” You asked, standing in the middle of the mainroom- taking everything in.
“Yea.” Odysseus nodded. “Wait until you see the kitchen, you'll love it.” He told you, only to grab your hand and drag you into the kitchen.
The kitchen, that was decorated with mounted fish all over the walls. The beautiful white cabinets had all of their doors taken off. The back walls of the cabinets were painted teal, creating a contrast with the white shelves and frame. And the once white marble countertops were painted (Yes, he painted over marble!) seafoam green. The kitchen island stools looked to be made out of a mix of driftwood and rope, which made you wonder how sturdy they were.
“Sit down, honey. The risotto’s almost done.” Your new boyfriend beamed, guiding you to sit down on one of the stools (that you were iffy about). “You're going to love this risotto; recipe’s a simple one from 4, but it's delicious.” Odysseus told yoy, going over to the stove and stirring the contents in the pan so it wouldn't burn.
“Do you eat anything other than seafood?” You asked, hoping that he did. Honestly, you didn't eat seafood religiously, so if Odysseus did then…well…guess you'll have to deal with it.
“Fish’s healthy for you, Y/N.” The heir to the largest luxury cruiseline out of District 4 told you while taking the risotto pan off of the stove and placing it onto the countertop.
Which was bad, because without a trivet to rest on the heat from the pan can ruin the counter. Does he not give a shit about ruining his counter? Hell, Coriolanus would be having a stroke if you pulled that shit- placing a hot pan on his marble counter without using a trivet.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute, wait a goddamn minute! Why the fuck are you thinking about Coriolanus, your ex, when you're about to have a nice home cooked meal with Odysseus, your current boyfriend? What the hell's wrong with you?
What? Are you going to be that girl that compares apples to oranges in bed too?
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Odysseus’ warm hands skirt across your body as his mouth leaves feather soft kisses all over your skin, but it feels foreign to you. Honestly, you're not used to soft caresses and lightly peppered kisses. Of lips pressing against yours firmly, but faintly. You weren't used to a man swiping the tip of his tongue along your lower lip in a way that was both sensual and questioning all at the same time.
You're used to hungry, sloppy butterfly kisses which turn into bruising bites all over your skin. You're used to cold, rough hands squeezing and grabbing at you. You're used to lips harshly clashing against yours in hungry desperate kisses. Kisses that seemed to be from a man starved and he shoved his tongue down your throat without warning. Desperate kisses that turned into opened mouth ones, complete with spit swallowing, tongue sucking, and bottom lip biting.
You're not used to softness. Instead, you're used to roughness. But perhaps you could get used to softness.
Or at least you tell yourself you'll get used to softness as you lay naked underneath Odysseus, splayed out on the floor cushions, as he languidly rolls his hips against yours. His movements are reminiscent of ocean waves crashing against the shore. His thrusts were slow, but powerful.
You felt like you're going to explode as Odysseus’ mellow movements slowly worked passion into you. Your pussy begged to be pounded, craved for his cock to bruise against the spongy spot inside of it. But instead of brute force, your cunt got gently caressed by Odysseus’ large cock (well, he had the length, but not the girth you're used too. Oh god, are you really comparing your boyfriend's cock to your ex’s cock? Yes, yes you are and you'll probably go to hell for it.) evertime he dragged it against your tight walls, only to push back into you again.
You bucked your hips, whining out, “Faster, Odysseus. Harder, please.”
Odysseus just smiled lazily, making his dimples protrude deeply in his cheeks. Bringing one of his hands up to stroke your cheek, he said, “I see you're not used to making love, honey. But, you'll get used to being worshiped like the goddess you are.”
His words were sweet and sent your heart fluttering a mile a minute. And the smoldering look he gave you as he snapped his hips just a little bit deeper, a little bit harder, for you and your head spinning.
And soon, before you knew it, your cunt’s clamping down around his cock and your nails (no longer crimson, but now a simple French manicure) are digging into his shoulder while you whimper, “Odysseus.” over and over as you cum.
Odysseus after feeling you cum around his cock, coating it in your stick juices, quickly pulled out of you. The feeling of emptiness crashed into you harder than any storm wave hitting a pier ever could as Odysseus knelt between your legs, quickly pumping his cock until he cum with your name on his lips. The feeling of his warm cum spurting out onto your belly made you twitch in surprise. 
You weren't used to having hot cum shoot onto your body, you were used to being filled up with it. Was there a reason why your boyfriend didn't want to cum inside of you?
But before you could ask him, he was pushing himself to stand while announcing, “I'll get you a towel so you can clean up.”
“Okay.” You simply nodded, laying on the floor cushions while spent with white pearl like seed slowly sliding down your stomach.
After a few minutes, Odysseus came back with a towel. He gave it to you, before collecting his shorts and pulling them on. As you cleaned his cum off of your stomach, he gathered your clothes- which you thought was odd.
Coriolanus never gathered your clothes for you after fucking you. No, he used to pull you into his arms; pressing you to lay into his side, while carding his fingers thru your hair. Some times, after a particularly rough and hard fucking, he'd draw a bath for the two of you or he'd hold you in bed while telling you that you did so well; that he was proud of you for not using the safeword- only to remind you that next time if you need to use the safe word (red) that you can and he won't think any less of you.
But you're not with the platinum blonde man (who doesn't give a shit about you, who's engaged to the heir of Panem's biggest bank now) anymore, you're now with a bronze haired man who’s habits you'll just have to learn. Have to get used to.
Flopping down on the seat cushions, Odysseus handed you over your clothes. “I thought you might want to get dressed so you won't be could while we watch tv.”
“You want to watch tv?” You asked, finding it strange that he brought up tv instead of cuddling.
“Yea, there's supposed to be a fishing documentary on soon and I don't wanna miss it.”
A fishing documentary…Of course, he wants to watch something about District 4. Well, you can't fault him for that. He has a tie in a way to the district and just wants to learn all he can about it, since he resides in the Capitol.
Plus, you suppose that you can cuddle with him while watching the documentary together.
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Coriolanus walked behind the realtor (a middle-aged man that Strabo Plinth had on speed dial) as he opened the door to the penthouse suite of the Luxe apartment building that you reside in. “You're in luck, Mr. Snow, that nobody's applied for this unit; that I was able to fit you in for an after hours showing as well.”
“Yes, Mr. Grand, it seems that I'm very lucky that I'm the only one inquiring about this penthouse.” Coriolanus told the realtor, a calculating line of a smile on his face, as he took in the vast space of the main room. 
It was twice as big as the Corso penthouse; surely you'd be impressed by it. This was your building, even if you did live on a lower floor (where the working-poor of the Capitol were), so Coriolanus knew that you’d like his new penthouse once he convinced you to see it. And, despite just starting the tour with the realtor, it was his place.
The platinum blonde master manipulator was going to move in as soon as possible, because it was the only way to get you back. He had to get you away from that peacock Odair before you did something stupid, like let him seduce you and get knocked up. You're not allowed to get knocked up by anyone, other than Coriolanus that is.
Yes, Coriolanus feels that he's the only one that can give you children. Nobody else better put a baby in you, unless they have a death wish.
But unknown to Coriolanus, Odysseus isn't ready for children yet (He may or may not have a few baby mamas and paternity test disputes floating around that his rich daddy Poseidon’s taking care of) which is why he practiced the pull out method with you while ‘making love’ on his floor cushions.
If only Coriolanus knew…well…he'd be having a coronary.
Not about the pullout method (no, that's something he'd be thankful for cause he's the only one allowed to cum inside of you), but about you making love to Odysseus on the floor. That fact right there would make Coriolanus made enough to kill. He's already jealous that you went to dinner with Odair, but if he ever found out that you fucked him…oh boy…it'd be like a throat punch to his ego.
It'd also be a dagger through his cold, dead, black, too small heart that secretly holds love for you. 
But what Coriolanus doesn’t know won't hurt him. Besides, he's engaged to Livia Cardew and should be worried about her, not you. But, no matter what, he'll always worry about you because you're the one he wants in his life- despite driving you away by entering an arranged match for money, power, and glory.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @twinkletwinklenotastar @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @shellybellysstuff @zombicupcake3
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gloryofdawn · 1 year
Pretty much everybody on Tumblr seems to look at Garrus and be like, "Hm, yes, the optimal love interest." And that's fair! Garrus is great. Date him if you want.
But goddamn, have I just always had brainrot for Shepard and Garrus platonically. Their dynamic is just so flawless. I have never believed a game more when it has told me "These two people are best friends." They are the most found family siblings I've ever seen.
Every party member in Mass Effect 1 (who lives) goes on to achieve greatness above and beyond pretty much any party member introduced in subsequent games (except that I do specifically think the human party members are outstripped by Mordin), but you get to watch it happen with Garrus and Tali because they never leave you. Garrus starts off as "That loose cannon cop who signed on to help get Saren." After Shepard dies, he decides he's just going to casually end organized crime and is alarmingly successful. When Shepard shows up again, Garrus' reaction is to fucking shoot them and then joke about it when they finally make it to him. Shepard deflects Garrus' near death experience by calling him ugly. During his loyalty mission, you have the opportunity to have some absolutely raw conversations with him about ethics and morality that you don't really ever see with another companion except Jack, and she basically completely ignores everything you say until you see her in 3. With Garrus, he'll resist what you're saying, but you can see him trying to find the line between justice and revenge, law and chaos. If you put him in charge of the second team during the suicide mission, you can see how much he's grown with you as he effortlessly coordinates his team with yours. And all that is just in Mass Effect 2.
Once you get to 3, you really start seeing it. Garrus has made his way up in the Hierarchy and is leading their efforts against the Reapers, just like Shepard. When you ask him about it, he immediately starts talking about it as the shared work you've had since the first game. No other companion identifies themselves with you through this struggle. Sure, other companions will mention the previous games and what you did with them, but there's always something else. Liara is the Shadow Broker now. Tali has the Geth to worry about. The Virmire Survivor is bound up in the Alliance and becoming a Spectre. Wrex has the Krogan. But Garrus? Garrus is here with you. He's standing right next to you, giving the Reapers his full attention. And as you go throughout the game, he's consistently the one there for you. When you're struggling to get the Council Races to work together, he's there. When things go tits up on Thessia, he's there. Even you're going into the final run, he's there. When the two of you die, if Turian heaven is the same as human heaven, he'll meet you at the bar.
There is no Vakarian without Shepard. There is no Shepard without Vakarian. These two soldiers are bound together with blood, sweat, and the sheer Terminator-grade determination to save the galaxy, no matter how much it kicks and screams. There is no fire they won't jump into for the other one, and they'll make fun of each other the whole way. There's no other relationship like it.
I'm Glory of Dawn, and this is my favorite platonic ship on the Citadel.
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Garrus propaganda:
"Garrus is a character who went from being a shit head punk in ME1 and grows and betters himself over the games. He talks over the hard choices in ME3 without judging Shepard no matter what they choice. He is pretty much the first to stand up for them and even when his own home is being destroyed and he doesn’t know if his father and sister are alive he’s there for SHEPARD. He is there for the person who is always there for everyone else! ME3 Garrus is honestly Best Garrus and I want to celebrate how good his character arc is over the games.
And the best part is: the romance doesn’t fix him. He still grows and improves if you romance him or not!
Idk, I just don’t think it’s super fair to reduce him to his ME1 character when the fact that him growing and improving is the part I like best about him. Garrus, to me, shows you can always get better and life is about always getting better. It’s never too late to be better.
And he has the power to make Shepard dance good in the Citadel DLC."
Tamarack propaganda:
“She's fat. she can date women. she has a path in life crisis at 14 years old. she loves the forest. she loves music. she will care for you so much. she's fat and the game just treats this as a fact about her! she's curious and loves to know things and gift things and AUGH she is so datable. i want to kiss her and have a picnic with her. who doesn't love a gal who appreciates the forest and the people around it?”
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hatzuikhaz-art · 1 year
Flower ranchers :3 I love them so much, best of both worlds, also I forgot Tango was in his citadel attire during the crossover until I was done with the color lmao
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t0rturedangel · 2 months
Ohhh since you're writing for him could you write something about evil morty being jealous/possessive with the reader (in a romantic relationship) please and thank you!
𝟎𝟎𝟏. 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘴 [ 𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘷𝘦𝘳. ]
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› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟑. SYNOPSIS, Evil Morty is one hell of a bf, his jealousy and possesiveness is crazy.
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟒. WARNINGS, Evil Morty, maybe a bit ooc, threats / threats of violence, ect
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟓. AUTHOR'S NOTES, Happy to do another rick and morty request! I hope this one is good- i'm not too good when it comes to writing for characters like him but I'll try! ALSO SOME WORDS MIGHT BE SPELT WRONG
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🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤUnlike RICK, EVIL MORTY is well aware that he can get jealous and possesive over you- in fact most Morties are aware of that fact, and well you cant exactly blame them, love is something they dont get often, and when they do it doesn't last.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤSo it is no surprise that when you began to date EVIL MORTY, he was quick to become jealous and bitter to all other morties (even more than he already is). After all, now that your his significant other, others may be prone to want to go after you which is something that will bother EVIL MORTY.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤThis especially happens during his presidental run, now that he's making himself and, ultimately, you public- many would be bound to try and get you away from him for various reasons. Though don't worry too much, EVIL MORTY has it all sorted- pull a few strings and the rouge morties that tried to even interact with you will be gone, like they never exsisted.
"Morty.." you called out, staring at your boyfriend who was currently sifting through various files, persumebly all to do with the votes and campaign as he was running for president in the citadel- something you heavily encouraged because it would be good to have a new, democraticly elected, leader for the citadel and hey, if morty needed any help or things got to stressful you'd be able to help (I mean how hard can it be?). "Yeah [name]?" He lifted his head up, staring at you with a quirked brow, clearly wanting you to continue though under his gaze you felt slightly uncomfortable- jeez when did your boyfriend become so damn scary? "Do you know what happened to the two Morties that jumped me the other day? I was searching for them coz I found out they were trying to make bootleg portal fluid but they were gone" you picked at the skin around your nails, avoiding your Morty's gaze nervously though your attention was quickly brought back to him when he sighed "Don't worry about them [name], they've been dealt with..... now come on- can you help me with these papers" he smiled at you, gesturing to the seat next to him which you quickly sat down on. You can only assume that Morty sent the cops after them, and that they're now in prison.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤLet's say you're evil with him, meaning that you agree with what he does, and so when you met c-137 Rick and Morty you too pretened to be normal until you didn't- you were the first person the two were introduced to as you sat with them to eat food before evil morty appeared. Both of you then confessing to the fact that you hated ricks and the citadel.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤIf you were 'evil' like him, then it would be perfect- because then he would be able to leave everything behind with you! Which is brilliant coz that means it will be just the two of you together, no one else trying to disturb your relationship (until season seven episode five).
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤOverall, EVIL MORTY is a little extreme when it comes to his jealousy- he doesn't like being jealous so he takes care of the problems quickly and swiftly, the quicker the better.
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A First For Everything: Ignis Scientia x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Contains: First time, light dirty talk
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You’ve never seen him like this; All blushing and at a loss for words, constantly fixing and messing with his glasses and his elegant hands to try and calm his mind. He eventually took his glasses off, folding the arms into place and gently putting them down on to the end table next to him.
You weren’t any better. You hadn’t said much since you both entered Ignis’ bedroom. You fumbled with your hands at your lap, eyes trying to stay focused on him but you would pretend to be interested in his rug or the curtains or his trousers and - holy shit he has an erection and it’s all because of you and-
You had to take a breath.
You swallowed and looked back up at Ignis to see he was already looking at you. His pale green eyes looked to be full of hope and love, his thin pale lips were pulled back in an almost amused smile. You couldn’t help but smile back, the two of you suddenly laughing at the situation that laid before you both as you both blushed like virgins.
Well, that’s the thing: You both were.
You both had been dating for a little while and it was your first anniversary together. Ignis did as he always does and spoiled you, pampering you as if you were royalty yourself. Extravagant dinner, a ride in his elegant car, a walk in the beautiful botanical garden the Citadel holds.
And now sex.
You’re both not incompetent. You knew how it worked, the porn you both watched and read can only do so much but it left a lot up to your imagination.
It was all just a matter of getting undressed and rolling around in the sheets with each other.
“We don’t have to do this tonight, my love,” Ignis spoke softly.
His words were always like velvet in your ear. Smooth and easy going, like the finest of whiskies you could ever dream of tasting. His eyes were still on you, awaiting on whatever your decision may be. They followed you as you came closer to his spot on the bed, your hands coming up to rest on his shoulders and trailing up to his neck. His dress shirt had been undone by a few buttons, his blazer sat open, you could see the lean muscle of Ignis’ chest as well as that smooth neck some feral little part of you wanted to mark up with kisses and hickies. Your fingers caressed at the back of his neck, toying and twirling the little bit of hair that laid flat.
“I want you, Ignis,” you murmured.
He stood at your words, backing you up just enough for him to stand before you. His lanky arms were slowly wrapping around your waist and drew you closer to him. He leaned down and captured your lips in a kiss. He still tasted of dessert; Sweet with just a pinch of salt mixing with bitter chocolate. His hands grabbed onto you as yours fumbled with his collar, bringing him as close to you as possible until his chest was flush against your breasts.
He broke from the kiss, his green eyes wild as his hands grabbed onto you more.
“Take these off,” he ordered.
You almost fell back when he released you, his support suddenly gone as his hands eagerly awaited for your clothing to come off of your person. You did as he said, unzipping and undoing the buttons of your clothing before shedding them to the floor. You were left in just your bra and panties, the soft white garments were a very welcoming surprise to Ignis. You looked so beautiful in white. His eyes didn’t know where to stay, going between your face, your breasts and your panties where it had been adorned with the littlest white satin bow Ignis had ever seen.
You couldn’t reach behind you fast enough to undo your bra when Ignis’ hands found your body again. You gasped as he suddenly lifted you, your legs absent-mindedly wrapping around his waist as he snatched up your lips once again for another kiss. His teeth sank into your bottom lip, begging for you to let him in to which you graciously allowed.
Your hands grabbed at Ignis’ dress shirt, fumbling with more of the buttons between your persons the best that you could without looking. You moaned when your tongues danced, his tongue so ever excited to explore the cavity of your mouth.
He spun around slowly, carefully bending down low and settling your back against the bed. He pulled away just as your fingers managed to undo the last button of his shirt. He shrugged the damn thing off along with his blazer, the expensive clothing falling to the floor without a care in the world.
You couldn’t help but stare at your boyfriend, eyes rolling up and down his very trim body. The definition of his muscles was quite chiseled, almost as though he were carved out of the finest marble to be a statue adored by millions. You knew you were one of them. You only got a taste of the power his body could offer you, it made you drunk on the idea of all that he really could do.
“You look so beautiful, kitten,” he purred. “Did you dress in white lingerie just for me?”
It was honestly just a coincidence, but an amazing one at that.
You nodded eagerly, eyes twinkling up at him as you silently begged him to take you. Fuck, your mouth was so dry.
His hands snatched at his dress pants, easily undoing his belt clasp and allowing the loose pants to pool at his ankles before he kicked the damn thing out of his way. Your eyes widened just a bit at the bulge in his boxer briefs, he looked a lot bigger than you thought he would be.
You jokingly thought that if anything should happen to his job, he could make it big as a porn star.
He peeled away his underwear, hissing softly once his cock had been sprung free. It was fully erect, standing tall and proud before you with a little streak running down the underside, a trail of salty semen that you wanted to lick up so desperately.
Ignis’ eyes landed once again on your bra and panties. Just the look alone in his eye reminded you that this also included you, your hands reaching behind you to unhook your bra from behind you and finally freeing your breasts from their satiny yet supportive prison. You tossed the garment to the side, Ignis’ eyes were pinned on your naked breasts as soon as they had been revealed to him.
It took him a moment, his brain having just been basically flash-banged by the glory of your breasts. He shook his head, clearing his mind quickly before he watched you shimmy off your panties, kicking them until they joined his on the floor with the rest of your clothes.
Ignis stared down at your glory, eyes roaming over your perfect body as his dick just felt like it was getting harder. He wanted to so desperately fuck you, to just wreck you all night long and never leave his bed when morning comes around.
And he plans on doing exactly that.
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Do you have recommendations for shows/books/whatever with canon/basically canon polyamory?
ok the only media w officially canon polyam i personally consumed are Iron Widow and Hades.
Iron Widow is a mecha scifi/chinese fantasy book, it has pacific rim mechanics, so it takes 2 ppl to pilot the mecha but its more dystopian in that the pilot (male) usually drains the life force of his concubine (female). the mc has a guy shes interested in from the start but she pushes him aside to seek her goals to become a concubine pilot (theres a very good reason for this but i dont wanna give too much away) ends up being forced to work w the most dangerous pilot (spoilers hes actually a misunderstood sweetheart and i love him), her first love somehow finds his way back into her life so he can be their ally and its very clear from the first time he meets the other guy that this bitch is bi af. At one point he literslly saves their lives and i wont elaborate on that cause again spoilers but someone mentioned it in a propaganda ask. They canonically fall in live w each other and start dating. Please look up the trigger warnings first cause theres some heavy subjects addressed in this book. The book itself has trigger warnings listed at the start so if u find it at a book store u can check them this was too.
Hades is a roguelike videogame w dating sim mechanics (ish) -you give gifts to characters to learn more about them, and theres two romance options but you can romance both at once, they're both aware of and okay with it, hinting that they mightve had a past even before zagreus was born (its greek gods one is death incarnate the other is one of the furies, they've basically existed since forever)
From the submissions I got:
ive been told Leverage is like the korrasami of polyam, as in they were as polyam as they could be in a show from 2010, so it sounds like its canon but not explicit because they couldnt get away with that.
The girls from Amphibia are apparently in a similar situation, heavily implied canon, someone told me it was confirmed by people who worked on the show, but i dont think its explicitly stated.
The Kane Chronicles apparently also has canon polyam, although its 2 bodies, cause I think one of them has a god in him or something? I never read the books, but I was told Sadie (i think thats her name? The girl) is in love w both of them, and kinda dating both too i think?
I dont know if Singing in the Rain is canon but theres that kiss gif that got prrtty popular on tumblr where kathy kisses one of the guys then the other, so it looks canon? or at least implied canon?
Sense8 as some people have mentioned has 1 officially confirmed to be canon throuple, 1 that has a lot of hints to confirm but a lot of ppl see it as a gay couple w a very supportive friend ig and someone else said in general because of the plot u could kind of see the 8 of them as a big polycule, although that one isnt canon
HoneyWorks/Heroine Tarumono is one of those songs turned novel turned anime. i dont think its confirmed canon but theres a lot of stuff pointing to the possibility, you mightve see @non-fantasy telling me about them in a few asks. im obsessed and ive yet to watch anything
Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel has Rilla/Sir Damien/Lord Arum, i also haven't listened to this one but a lot of people told me rilla and damien were in a pre-established relstionship, both got crushed on lord arum separately, talked about it and worked things out to now be a canon polycule
im She-Ra (netflix) theres a trio that is implied to be a polycule at the end, a lot of ppl called them canon in the notes but i dont personally ember it being confirmed? i am very forgetful tho. It's Rogelio/Kyle/Lonnie, unfortunately they lost the prelim round
I believe people submitted some others that were canon but im very forgetful so i cant remember right now
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francesminos-tt · 2 years
I stumbled upon a post here saying Joff is Jacegan’s son, and I also know about a fic where Viserys is Lucemond’s love child, which make me think. A lot. How about a modern au where Joff is Jace and Cregan’s son, Aegon the younger is Rhaenyra and Daemon’s son where Viserys Jr is Luke and Aemond’s son. I am messing up some age gap here.
Please don’t take this too seriously. It’s just a quick crack post!
When Joffrey was born
Jace 20
Cregan 21
Luke 18
Aemond 23
Daeron 13
Jace gave birth to Joff when he was 20. It was totally unexpected, truly, he didn’t even realize he was pregnant until like 4 months in. He was still trying to figure out who he really wanted, Cregan or Sara. (It is Cregan. It is Cregan from the start. Even Sara knows it, if her speech at Jace and Cregan’s wedding is anything to go by.) Jace panicked all through his pregnancy, thinking himself a failure to be knocked up while still in college. He ceased that line of thought the moment he got little Joff in his arms. All is well after that. (Or maybe not, because Jace worked nonstop after Joff’s birth, trying to make up for all the missing school work and graduate in time. Cregan had to feed him real food. Humans can’t survive solely on energy drinks, obviously. One would expect someone smart as Jace, a leading debater at the school debate team, should know better. But alas. Fortunately Cregan was there to help, and he had no intention of ever leaving Jace’s side.)
Luke beats his big brother’s record by giving birth at 18. (19, Luke agues, his water broke when celebrating his 19th nameday, so technically he was 19 when Viserys Jr was born.) Unlike Jace, his pregnancy was a carefully constructed plan to baby trap Aemond. And it worked. Luke is very proud of himself. Aemond can play hard to get for all he likes, but Luke knows his scaring uncle has feelings for him. Or else who would stare at someone like Aemond does every time their extended family is forced to get together? When Luke learned Aemond would go to Citadel School of Business for a master’s degree next year, he knew he had to act quickly. He pulled some strings (black mailed Aegon, to be precise) to get Aemond’s schedule and successfully stumbled upon a drunk Aemond outside a shady bar. The rest is history. (Luke shared his pregnancy with his mother Rhaenyra, who was expecting her first child with her uncle Daemon. They made so many uncle fucking jokes that Jace had to flee the room out of sheer terror. Luke laughed until Aemond picked him up from the sofa to go get a scheduled ultrasound. Aegon the younger was born 3 months prior to Viserys Jr.)
Joffrey always feels like a big brother to Aegon the younger and Viserys Jr growing up, although he is only one year older than them. He takes after Jace, apparently, to care for the little ones, but he also inherited Cregan’s protectiveness toward his family. So when he sees Aegon and Viserys being bullied by some shitface, he rushes to their rescue. Joff took several punches, sure, but he also kicked one of the bullies on the balls. (Cregan is so proud. Jace, not so much at first, but after he learns Joff only gets in a fight to protect Aegon and Viserys, he gets Joff a Switch as reward.) Joff is at least a head shorter than the bullies, so he slowly loses his ground and is about to be shoved into a stinking pond when his knight in shining armor arrives. Daeron is on his way back from tennis training when he saves Joff from drowning in a stinking pond worse than the sewers. Joff spits out disgusting water and kicks Daeron on the shin. To his credit, Joff doesn’t need protection, he can fucking defend himself thank you very much. (Language! Jace shouts.) Years later, when Daeron nervously asks Joff to go on a date with him, Joff barely spares him a glance as he says yes. Daeron is more nervous than he goes to a Grand Slam Final. He can’t be blamed. He’s asking his great-nephew (Oh god that sounds wrong) 13 years his junior to go on a date with him.
Later at a family dinner
Cregan: Look I will allow you to date my son only if you get your tennis player buddies to sign the autograph- (Jace throwing him death glare) Never. I mean I will never let you defile my precious little Joffrey.
Daeron: Come to think of it, I am only 13 years older than Joff while uncle Daemon is like 16 years older than Rhaenyra. No offense, uncle Daemon.
Daemon (sipping wine, looking smug): None taken, kid.
Luke: I know I am not the best person to say this-
Aemond: You are not.
Luke: Shut up.
Aemond: Make me.
Rhaenyra (ignoring the gross sound of kissing in the background): Joff, dear, just remember to use protection. I have some condoms in my drawer that you may like. I believe they are coke flavor.
Jace: MUM!
Daeron: Thank you sister, but I don't think it will be necessary. I won’t even hold Joff’s hands until his 16th nameday.
Luke (finally breaks the kiss but still sits on Aemond’s lap): Now I feel like we are not the sickest couple in this family anymore.
Aemond: I can be sick.
Joff (stealing Daeron’s desert while frantically poking at his Switch. Damn that dragon is hard to defeat)
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lordbhreanna · 8 months
SHIP HEADCANONS - Garrus/Shepard
Thanks for the tag @naldoreth 🌺
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Gives nose/forehead kisses: Garrus (he likes to do the forehead touch, which in my headcanon is a common way for turians to display affection, since they don't really do the kiss thing).
Gets jealous the most: Well, we have seen Shepard getting a liiiittle jelaous of the turian lady (though that could be part of the roleplay). I don't think any of them is particularly jelaous, beyond some silly stuff like that.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Garrus.
Takes care of on sick days: They would both take care of each other. I have this headcanon that Shepard would check on him every free moment she got in ME2 when Garrus' injury was still recent.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: We know turians are not very fond of water, but he's curious enough (he wants to retire somewhere tropical, after all) so when they're on the beach and he hesitates, Shepard would push him.
Gives unprompted massages: Garrus. Shepard needs them, and according to Vetra in MEA, massassing a turian requires powered tools 😆 Not much room for unprompted ones.
Drives/rides shotgun: Much to everyone's (and Garrus especially) chagrin, Shepard usually drives. In her defense, she's better with skycars than military vehicles.
Brings the other lunch at work: Shepard would bring him food to the main battery when he was overworking himself, and he would take her dinner to her quarters 💕
Has the better parental relationship: I think Castis isn't as bad as it looks, and the good thing is that, despite their differences, he and Garrus are able to see common ground. However, if we count Anderson, Shepard wins. You can't beat Anderson, sorry Castis!
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Shepard, all the way. The whole Citadel date seemed like her idea and I love that, actually.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: It's tempting to say Shepard, but she's already a terrible dancer, so I like imagining that after a certain amount of alcohol, Garrus would fit the bill. I mean, he's already a bit silly when dancing in full armor.
Still cries watching Titanic: It would be funny if Shepard showed Garrus the movie, and he was the one ending up more teary eyed. He likes Fleet and Flotilla if I remember correctly, so it'd suit him. He's such a soft boy 💕
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Similarly to the roleplay, I think Shepard would be the one to come up with this.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: They would both do (weapon mods are expensive!)
Makes the other eat breakfast: Garrus to Shepard. And sleep as well.
Remembers anniversaries: They both do, but I think Shepard would have them more in mind. Garrus has a family of his own, but Shepard doesn't - and she has found one in him and the Normandy crew, so she's extra careful with those details.
Brings up having kids: Garrus, canonically.
(I love that so many of these can be answered thanks to the actual canon material. Shakarian will always be the ships of dreams ✨)
Tagging @ithilien-wolf @visualheresy @fiannans and whoever wants to do it!
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meowsgirldrawing · 2 years
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Fellow Bioware fans, specifically for Dragon Age Inquisition- Hear me out on this idea ive had
So what if Bioware did a DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition, similar to Mass Effect's Citadel DLC
(And for those who don't know the Citadel DLC, its an...expansion pack? Or something similar that allows the crew of ME3-Mass Effect 3- to have a shore party on the Citadel. It has mini games to play of all kinds, small scenes with our favorite characters, love interest or not, and even a bit of a quest line to follow that is very hilarious and even more exciting, plus a bit more dialogue added to the game I believe)
Anyhow-What if, despite the circumstances, the inner circle of the Inquisition got something similar. Maybe not a whole vacation in itself but still something, y'know? I know Tresspasser may have did something similar but this is just me imaging fun and more comical with the potential chaos of the Inquisition crew.
Imagine this- romance scenes with the love interests like-
Seeing a more playful side of Cullen as we volunteer to help with dog training. Perhaps finally seeing him without a suit and in some casual clothes for once. I can just imagine a scene of him getting tackled by dogs as our inquisitor is laughing their ass off on the side.
Seeing Cassandra get pulled into relaxing for a bit by reading a story together, maybe her indulging in some fun by voicing the dialogues as our inquisitor is the one to act them out more.
Seeing Solas take us through a bit of an art gallery and pointing out his favorite pieces as he explains the meanings behind it. Then deciding at the end of it that he would like to make a peice with us or paint something in our quarters by our asking.
Seeing our favorite mage, Dorian go out on an actual date with his boyfriend and easing his nerves about being public about it. Him waving them off and saying thats hes fine, but obviously melting once he realizes that no one cares that its two men. And not just that- but him being sassy and playful, flirting with his Amatus as they dine together freely.
Piggybacking off the previous one, if your inquisitor is female and bestfriends with him instead, then the two having a nice day out together. Maybe if he isnt romanced to Bull in that playthrough, then helping him get a small date with someone. Maybe he fails a bit, but is able to laugh about it cause it was less terrifying than he thought compared to home. (You can plainly tell how much I adore this man)
Going to see a Jousting match with The Iron Bull. Maybe not as exciting as Dragons but perhaps Bull can read into the body language and tell whos going to loose, and instead of just telling us, he makes it a game that WE have to guess instead. Romanced version- if we win, hes laughing a bit, saying "Thats my Kadan!" (Jfjsjffs)
Blackwall probably can't do a whole lot, considering after his real identity problem, so maybe he makes pulls together a nice dinner instead. (Mostly for romance version) And somewhat saying towards the end, "You may be the Inquisitor, but you're still a lady, and you should be treated as such."
Look, I havent romanced Black wall that often, but boy- from the scene on youtube, the man can sure show his gentleman side.
And the fact that you can romance him as any race? OOO- Just imagine how much more tender that'll feel for a qunari or eleven inquisitor, LIKE-DKDJSOWNAK MAN WANTS HIS LADY TO BE TREATED LIKE THEY DESERVE
Anyhow, im gettin' off subject-
Helping Cole on a task he asked from us. It could be something so simple as flower picking cause he felt a little girl nearby feeling real upset about something and wanted to help.
I know alot of people have different views of Cole, just like any character, and people see him as either the son or little brother depending on how you go about it. So maybe this can go either way. Especially if your character is elven, they can give him tips on which flowers may be more appropriate or safer to leave for the little one.
(Ignore this if you want- My main Inquisitor is an elven chick named Bellatrix and ive always imagine her having a small soft side for Cole, treating him like a little brother in some areas cause he reminds her of her siblings. )
There are so many ways to go about this whole idea, honestly. And while I don't have many ideas for Sera, Josephine, Leliana, Varric, and Vivienne, I would have loved to see scenes with them in playful moments like these. Like Vivienne shopping with the Inquisitor or Sera going on that promise to make cookies with them and it turns into a whole mess but both end up laughing on the floor, flour caked on.
Out of all the Dragon Age games, Inquisition has to be my l, above all, favorite because of the outright love the characters bring to your character. Whether they are a steel on the outside, light hearted qunari, a playful and chaos making elf, or a soft but proud decision making dwarf with a bit of clumsyness. You cant really say that it doesnt matter what or how your character is, but its true how much it does matter cause it brings just another side of possibilities with such a character.
I apologize for my ranting but if you've taken the time to read this, please share your ideas with me cause even though hasn't made something like this for Dragon age, fans surely bring that idea to light in any way they can💜
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ashenlavellan · 19 days
Mass Effect ask meme: 1, 10, 29, 55, 67, 91
How did you get into Mass Effect?
Honestly, I don't exactly remember how I had found it, but I had been watching some Dragon Age-related stuff when a recommended(?) video of the entirety of Garrus Vakarian's romance and my interest was piqued. So, yeah, you can blame Garrus Vakarian... the personality and voice.
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10. Best Shepard Quote?
Hmm, personally it's a tie for me - I absolutely love the way that FemShep's VA (Jennifer Hale) says "I'll relinquish one bullet. Where do you want it?"
Or, the whole exchange during ME3 and Wrex is harassing her over the comms and she shouts "THERE'S A REAPER IN MY WAY, WREX!"
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29. DLC: All of it, some of it, or none of it?
Honestly, I played the original trilogy before ME:LE was released and I have to admit, that I love about 90% of the DLC.
ME1: Pinnacle Station (I enjoyed the fight simulations and the off-planet apartment was a sweet deal from it.)
ME2: Lair of the Shadowbroker (Loved the storyline; experienced Liara's romance in one playthrough and I loved that there was more to it, than without DLC.)
ME3: Tie between Leviathan and Citadel DLC (adore the storyline for both and always look forward to it. Citadel crushed me during my Thane romance and having a gathering to celebrate him, as well as the messages he left...)
55. Who would you date if you could? (Not as Shepard)
It would be a tie between Kaidan Alenko and Liara T'Soni - Kaidan is such a sweetheart and we could connect with our chronic migraines and have a great understanding/how to approach the issue. Liara, on the other hand, is extremely loyal to those she loves and is a bit awkward - another thing I can relate with. ^.^
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67. Who would you cosplay if you could? (no holds bar)?
If I could, but keeping in mind with issues with certain textures and sensory issues, I'd probably go with Jack.
(If we're going based on height too, I'm 158cm (5'2") and my personal FemShep is supposed to be 5'9" (179cm))
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91. Would you watch a live-action Mass Effect movie?
Probably not... I've seen live-action adaptations of certain books I've read (ex: City of Bones / Shadow and Bone / etc.) and 90% of the time, they totally miss the mark. (Shadow and Bone is literally the only one that I genuinely enjoyed and read all of the books, and it was captured amazingly.)
I'd hate to see a studio completely screw up a beloved franchise and tear down what's been created - not only that, I feel like issues would come up because it would come down to this... would it be BroShep or FemShep in the live-action?
thank you so much for your questions and I hope these answers are satisfactory enough! I enjoyed answering them! ^.^
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hatboyproject · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely love your work! And really wanted to thank you for putting in so much of your time and effort into creating what really is the best addition to Mass Effect ever! Out of curiosity how much new content do you reckon there will be in the LE version? Compared to the OT version that is. Thanks again for your work, you are truly a godsend!
Hi, thank you for your kind words!
There is a lot of new content for the Legendary Edition:
It features completely new and much higher quality audio across the board
It has several entirely new conversations
A mechanic which tracks what kind of approaches you take with Jeff, and he responds a little differently accordingly
It has reworked scripts with improved attention to narrative flow and adjusted pacing
Some reworked and improved animations
Fully supports both female and male Shepard
Fixed a narrative sequence issue that meant two of the four different Citadel endings I made for him could never trigger
Fixed a narrative sequence issue that meant several ambient NPC conversations I made for him in Citadel could never trigger
Fixed a narrative sequence issue that could cause EDI's second vanilla conversation about free will that takes place in Flux Bar to never trigger
Planned Content:
Joker as the Citadel date
The ability to tell Joker what happened to his little sister, unlocked by certain conditions
Over-the-radio comments during the DLC mission where Shepard returns to the SR1 on Alchera
Improved romance scene model
Various additional romance-specific dialogues
Occasional over-the-radio comments during certain missions
Additional ambient dialogue between Joker & some other NPCs
Dialogue for some NPCs acknowledging the relationship specifically, in keeping with vanilla LIs
Custom romance scene animations (Joker walking into the room with a limp, new action in the cutscene before the fade-to-black)
Honestly out of those the one I want most out of those is the most complex. I'm not sure how I'd manage to bake new animations for them that have the right coordinates. We do have the models with bones intact, but not their controls (IK handles, etc) so I'd probably need to rig them up. Rip the cabin environment & set it up in Maya for reference. Animate the scene, then bake & export. Possible, but time consuming. Would rather farm that out if possible, but... I'm not going to hold my breath, haha!
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feral-sylki · 11 months
“And then you get these two together, and they're this couple that like never quite got there and they're still working things out. And I think it's just messy and emotionally true.” HELL YEAH. Love this. Like yes, they are the couple that never quite got there, they’re the couple that had the breakup before actually dating (a trope which happens to be one of my favourites), because like, as much as I love the citadel kiss, it wasn’t a “yep we’re all sorted and we’re a couple now” kinda kiss (though Loki maybe thought it was while it was happening) it was a “I like you I like you a lot but you need to be somewhere else before I stab you” kinda kiss. It wasn’t a kiss to say they’d got there. There’s still a lot of there to get to, a lot of emotional distance to cover, both between them and personally on each of their journeys. So yeah. Very good interview much enjoy looking forward to where we go with them
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painting-warhammer · 6 months
Lelith Hesperax in the style of Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft)
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To date, my greatest failure painting. Commentary under cut.
The Lessons Learned
#1: Don't Base Your Model Right Away
While the nook where the skeleton lies isn't what people will pay attention to, it still needs to be covered up by paint. The way the model is tilted too made painting her left leg absolute hell, in addition to the glyphs beneath it.
#2: Citadel Paints Are Not The Best
I had twelve-year-old brain and thought gold would be much cooler than her silvery-white accents. And as if that weren't bad enough, I decided to get the Citadel version. Which by all accounts, is the worst one you can get.
Mentally, I was in a position that I wanted everything to be as "official" as possible. To get everything from Citadel meant I had to be doing something right, almost as if I could get "customer support" if my figure looks like shit.
Now that's not to say Citadel doesn't make good paint as a whole. Most of my paints are still from there. But as time went on, I branched out to some Vallejo, Stuart Semple, and Green Stuff World. More than that, there are "formulas" for mixing paints.
I would eventually get a really good gold that I'll post a sample of when I do my main army reveal, but so as not to bogart the secret, I'll drop it here.
#3: Get Rid Of Sprues, But Learn To Love Battle Damage
I didn't think much of sprues initially. What's the big deal? I was too afraid of accidentally shaving off detail. Moreover, if you look at the Vriska post (specifically the shoes) you'll notice something is missing.
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Yep, that little jewel.
I was cutting this outside and really struggling to get that little nub free when my clip blazed through and sent it flying. I had been working outside, and it went right into the tall grass where I suspect it remains to this day.
While I definitely freaked out, my best friend had friends into gunpla and mini painting that told me about "Battle Damage", which is the affectionate way of describing the chips and dents and errors you made painting. It is representative of all the violent campaigns your figure has been in and it makes them more unique. In the end I was okay with it, as honestly it would have made Vriska look dumb if she had some cowboy spur on one foot.
You know what can't be explained by battle damage, though? The giant horn of leftover sprue extending Venom Snake-style out of Sylvesperax's ponytail.
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#4: You're Going To Have To Paint Everything, Especially The Parts You Don't Like
So in my last post, I said that I kinda didn't dig the Harlequins all that much--at least, not enough to commit to them. But I had a good idea for all the parts involved.
To this day, the Drukhari are my favorite faction. I saw them as the fun kind of michievous and devious, although I'm quite aware they are a lot, lot worse than that. Sylvanas Windrunner is also one of my favorite characters, and so I thought I would be okay with painting up a whole army of devious space-pirate Sylvanii.
Here was the reality: The only ladies are the harpies, Lelith Hesperax, the Succubus, and less than half of any given Wyches unit.
On first glance, that's not too bad. But then I realized that they had individual guns I'd have to paint. Spears. Swords. Knives. Utility belts. Some were less important than others, if they were in scabbards. But things like swords held aloft, I couldn't get around.
With Sylvanas, I panicked because while she does have a sword (in some cutscenes) it was just a basic, boring silver thing. I thought I knew better and tried to remake the Twin Blades of Azzinoth from Illidan.
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When they looked as bad as they did, I pretty much called it quits then and there.
The guns would be their own beast; with Vriska Solitaire, I at least could just make the Warhammer of Vrillyhoo to reference, but I didn't know what to do for a sudden army of all this. I was suddenly adrift because I was relying a bit much on source material and beginning to mix the things that shouldn't be. Illidan looks good holding the twinglaives, his color palette reflects that. Sylvanas does not.
It made me realize that this wouldn't be the first or last time I encountered this problem, so I decided to spend more time thinking about who my main faction would be (especially since I did and do still have some Drukhari Boxes of Shame™ in my cupboard already, and I didn't want to go deeper before it was too late.) For the time being, I would just paint what I wanted to paint and when I came up with something that I could commit to (which I would!) then I would commit to that army.
This is to ultimately say that if there is something you consistently dread doing, and it's less of a skill issue and more something like "but I don't even have any idea how to make this interesting," then don't hesitate to shop around until you find something you like.
#5: Understand How To Catch The Eye
The last brief point I'll mention is knowing how color contrast also means you should catch your viewer's eye.
You want it on the figure. The only thing I could day I did right is that Sylvesperax is very dark so you could argue she is stealthy and fast, and nothing but a blurry shadow on the orange Martian surface I placed her on. But that's a complete and total cope, lol. And I fucked up the glyphs again: I wanted a yellow glow to a reddish background, but the flow messed up and it stood out too much.
Going at this a second time, I think what I would do is try to make her brighter, i.e. less shade paint, and the ground duller; an ugly orangeish-brown clay like in Minecraft. Also, smaller detail brushes I would get in the future would be a godsend. In addition to her overly shaded blue form, you might see her eyes seem stylistically darkened when in fact, they were supposed to be red and I could never get the shader out.
So, big bummer with this one, and a step down from the Vriska Solitaire, but definitely a bigger learning experience. And a humbling moment, where I realized just how many mistakes I could make in one sitting. But no worries: the next one would have even more mistakes, and I would be a lot better at coping with them and I'd definitely start to develop more as a painter thanks to it. See you next time on that post!
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bagog · 11 months
N7 Month, 2023 - Day 5: Elcor
It's just gonna be a go-nowhere fluff about a human and an elcor going on a first date.
“Hi, my name’s Ennis, you must be Havelez?”
“Delighted: that’s me. It is good to finally meet you, Ennis.” With that, the Elcor bent his forelimbs just slightly, dipping his back and revealing a bouquet of flowers tucked into a belt around his hulking torso. “Expectantly: for you.”
Ennis smiled as he took the bunch, he had to stand on his toes to reach them, even as his date stooped a little lower for him.
“They’re beautiful! What are these, tazarasi orchids?”
“Impressed: that’s right. Warmly: I read it’s an Earth custom to bring flowers to a first date. Tazarasi’s grow along the highways in my home province.”
“Well, sounds like we both did a little research on each other then,” Ennis laughed. He smelled the flowers, orange and turquoise petals that looked like they could have been made out of tin or some thin metal. The scent was rich but delicate. He imagined he wasn’t smelling half of what his date could smell in the flowers, but he was proud to feel included.
“Shy Admittance: you are the first human I’ve gone out with. I wanted to make sure things were perfect.”
“You’re the first elcor I’ve dated, too, so we’ll just both take it slow, huh?”
“Pleased: Then, shall we eat?” Havelez nodded towards the door of the restaurant, a Ukrainian soup, sausage, and sandwich place that Ennis had no idea was on the Citade, much less in his Ward. He smiled and Havelez led the way, giving his name to the host at the door.
In a few minutes, they were ‘seated’ (elcor, apparently, do not sit to eat. But one of the accessible tables worked to seat the mixed company) and Ennis had helped his date to order something vegetarian and as spicy as could be found. Once the menus were taken, they sat in comfortable silence with one another.
“So what do you do?” Ennis asked, smoothing his napkin over his lap.
“Proudly: I’m a Bellenzi, a poet, or a story-teller.”
“Really!? That’s incredible, I haven’t written a poem since I was yay tall! Tell me about that?”
Havelez straightened a little bit, and Ennis got the idea he was preening a bit.
“Breathlessly: It’s my calling. Ever since I was a calf, I have dreamed of telling stories, of making other people laugh, cry, and thurzol. I started bellenzing when I was very small: barely 35. Fondly: my family was very kind to endure my early attempts at poetry.”
“That’s fascinating! And is there… I mean, do you have much work on the Citadel?”
Havelez rumbled and his face squished up briefly in a display of what Ennis thought must be laughter.
“Conspiratorily: I moved here after receiving an arts grant from my province. You see, I have been studying how to translate elcor poetry to other species. Happily: While that is my main passion on the Citadel, I’ve also found work here and there.”
Ennis’ eyes sparkled for a moment, and beneath the table, he slid his foot forward until he knew it must almost be touching Havelez’ forelimb. He wasn’t sure if ‘footsy’ was a game the elcor played.
“Can you recite some poetry for me?” He asked, teasing.
“Slyly: Oh, I’m sure it would only bore you. Definitively: Poetry’s a second-date activity.”
“No, really,” Ennis chuckled. “Something you’ve written. Just a piece of it.”
Their food arrived as Ennis was asking, and in the bustle, he half expected Havelez to bow out of his request. But once the waiter had departed, the elcor placed one ‘hand’ on the table and seemed to adopt a rigid pose.
“Hopeful, Bitter: If you asked of me a star, I would fetch for you the sun. Expressive, Dissembling: For you desire the beauty of the night we met. Tranquil, Appeased: But when I first met you, you were the sun, that moment was my daylight. Brash, Sincere: A ring I give you set with the sun can only be a pin-pricked star compared to you.”
“I think that’s lovely,” Ennis could barely contain his smile.
“Sincerely: I had excellent inspiration.”
Ennis blushed. They talked about him, next, and it was fun to recount what to him were boring stories anyone who grew up in North America could relate to. Havelez of course hadn’t grown up anywhere near North America, though, and explaining his way through their mutual cultural misunderstanding turned in to talking until the restaurant was set to close.
The two finally stood together at a travel terminal outside the restaurant.
“So,” Ennis said finally. “If poetry is supposed to be the second date, but we got it out of the way on the first date, what can I expect from date 2? I have a feeling I haven’t learned all there is to learn about you after a few hours.”
“Pleased: I could talk to you for hours. I could talk about poetry for hours. I can hardly wait.” He bent his forelimbs just barely—though to an elcor it would have been a tremendously meaningful little bend—and Ennis leaned in to kiss his cheek.
“I had a wonderful night, Havelez.”
“Sincerely: So did I, Ennis.”
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