#i love this cardigan so much
jeffbiblesupremacy · 2 years
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Favorite Jeff outfits (4/?)
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he's squeaky toy. to me.
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lotus-pear · 1 month
soukoku shippers name ONE (1) song that ISNT partners in crime by set it off that accurately characterizes their dynamic challenge‼️‼️‼️ (IMPOSSIBLE)
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obsob · 2 years
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there he is......the man of the house
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pain-in-the-butler · 1 year
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A compilation of art for my Dadbastian fanfic Coattails that I commissioned from the incredibly talented @tomoyoo! They went above and beyond with the details... Each picture feels as cozy and warm as a storybook, right? I'm so delighted with how they turned out!! Thank you for making each one so beautiful! 🥹🥹🥹
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tyttetardis · 8 months
Macbeth Q&A 18th Jan 2024 Part 1
Was lucky enough to get a ticket for the Member's Event at the Donmar Warehouse that took place on the 18th...with the price of the patronages I sure never thought I'd have gotten the chance, but luckily, they also let in some non-members 🥹❤️
The brilliant performance of Macbeth was followed by a very quick cleaning of the stage - thought for sure it would've taken them longer to remove the blood than like 5 minutes - followed by a lovely, little Q&A session.
The Q&A was led by Craig Gilbert (Literary manager) who talked to Annie Grace and Alasdair Macrae (Musicians and part of the acting ensemble) as well as Cush Jumbo and David Tennant.
Anyway, just gonna write down some of the stuff they talked about :) sorry if it's a bit messy! Might be spoilery if you haven't seen it yet but are going to!
To begin with Craig remarked that he didn't think he'd ever seen that many people staying behind for a Q&A before (While I was just wondering why some people even left!? Stressful!).
David introduced himself with "My real name is David "Thane of Paisely" Tennant - while Cush introduced herself with "I´m Cush Jumbo - there's only one of me".
First question was Craig asking them what it was that brought them to the Donmar to do Macbeth - to which David pretty much just replied that 1. It's the Donmar! 2. It's Macbeth! One of the greatest plays of all time in an amazingly intimate space - and that the theatre is famous for its quality of work. So he found it quite hard to think of a reason not to do it!
Cush said she'd worked there before and loves the theatre, how it's so intimate but also a great workspace. Followed by her saying she said yes because David asked her. She talked about how important it was for this play to do it together with the right actor playing opposite you.
David says Max Webster asked him about a year ago if he wanted to do the play - he gave him the dates - and since there weren't any obstacles in the way, David didn't have any excuse not to do it.
He then said that he had slightly avoided Macbeth - there sorta being the assumption that if you're Scottish and has done some Shakespeare plays before you have to do Macbeth. Which he joked was a bit odd since it's not like every Italian has to play Romeo. Then he mentioned that Macbeth is probably a bit more of a jock than he is - that it seemed more like a part for big, burly actors.
Max had laid out his initial ideas to David, a lot of which are in the final production, and David thought he seemed lovely, bright and clever and inventive plus it being the Donmar Warehouse! To which joked that he had last worked there 20 years ago - when he was 8 years old! "It's just one of those spaces" - friendly and epic at the same time where it's such a pleasure to be on the stage.
When Craig asked his next question concerning the sound of the play someone asked him to speak louder as she couldn't hear them - to which David joked that they've gotten so used to whispering. But also said sorry, and that they would!
Alasdair explained a bit about the process of the binaural sound - bit I find it a bit difficult to decipher it all correctly, sorry. He did say that a interesting part of it is that it allows them a controlled environment where they can put all the musicians (and even the bagpipes!) behind the soundproof box so "Poor David and Cush" doesn't have to shout over all the racket.
Craig asked David and Cush what their reaction was when they heard about the concept of the binaural soundscape - to which David replied that it didn't quite exist when they first came onboard - Cush joking they were tricked into it. Then she talked about her and David going on a workshop with Max to get a feeling of how it would all work - and get a sense of how it would sound to the audience, as this was one of the few times, they got to hear that side of it. Their experience of the play being completely different to the experience the audience has.
Cush said they can hear some of the sound - like she can hear some of the animal sounds and David can hear some of the stuff from the glass box - but most of their cues and information comes from timing with each other. She said they won't be able to ever hear what the audience hears - to which David joked "We're busy".
It felt like mixing medias - as it all went quite against their natural stagecraft instinct - but Cush found that in the long run it made things very interesting - like they don't have to worry about getting something whispered to each other - as the audience will hear it anyway.
David said the odd thing is that they don't really know what the experience truly is like. He mentioned that to the sides of the stage there's a speaker for them where they will get any cues that they need to hear. Like they can hear the witches - but they can't hear where they are "positioned" - so they have to learn how to place themselves to fit with what the audience hears. They don't hear everything, though. And the audio they hear is quite quiet, so it doesn't disturb what comes through the headphones.
He thinks it's been exciting - that it's a bit like a mix between film and theatre. It's happening live - but it's also like post-production is happening between them and the audience as it's going on. They just have to trust that the audience is hearing what they are supposed to for it all to make sense.
Cush said she thinks in 10 - 20 years, as these technologies has developed, doing theatre like this will feel a lot more normal - not that they will do it ALL the time, but that they will be doing it - whereas now it's still like an experiment. What Cush really like about the concept is that if was done in a much bigger theatre - then people in the cheapest seats would be able to have an experience much more similar to those in the most expensive seats - they'd be a lot more immersed into the action.
David then talks about how it feels extremely counterintuitive to not go on stage and speak loud enough that the people in the back row can also hear you. And usually, if they can't hear you, you aren't doing your job right! But then it felt very liberating. He loves it.
Cush then talked about how it felt odd waiting in the wings for a cue you can't hear - where you traditionally wait backstage and you can hear your cues, you can hear the rythm and know when it's your turn - so it was quite disconcerting to hear silence. So it's basically down to them now knowing the show and each other's timings - like if David is standing at a certain point, she knows how long she has before she needs to say/do something. So you have to watch each other more closely and really focus on what the others are doing.
David asked the musicians if they can hear everything inside the box, to which Annie replied that they get everything except some extra bits in the soundscape. But they can hear the actors on stage. Annie said it's actually a bit of a mystery to all of them what the audience actually experiences - how the big pictures actually look like - they just have to trust that it's there "Is it there?!".
Someone asked if they had had any adverse reactions from audiences to having to wear the headphones. Quite a bit of laughter all around :P then David said "There's the odd person" and something about if someone hadn't gotten the memo before turning up...but not sure how he ended the line. Then once again says that yes, there's the odd person who doesn't like it and that's fair enough.
The same audience member then said he could see the advantage of it in a big theatre where the distance is big, but not in a small place like the Donmar - to which David very quickly, rather passionately replied that it's not about projection, it's about being able to do things you wouldn't normally be able to do live - where they can speak so quietly that they can't even hear each other when standing next to each other. So even in such a small place, people wouldn't be able to hear that. It's about creating a different play - which isn't to everyone's taste and that's fair enough. But for a play that's been done a hundred and seven million times he thinks it's very valid to try and find a new way into the play - even if it's not for everyone.
Part 2
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triglycercule · 25 days
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"finally, mine. heh, and it looks better than both of yours."
"uhhh, mine and dust's are both in the same style, same everything. like, there's not even that much different about yours, horror."
"yeah, but it's me."
"i hope an alternate version of you gets severely mischaracterized irreparably."
"... damn."
#killer got sick of horror's shit through all of this series#this is me also me getting sick of horror because it took me 3 fucking hours to find a pose for this one#go look at killer's one in this stupid series i made too because i fucked up the posting time for that one#i actually think that out of all of these killer's was my favorite#like she just looks so fucking cunty how can i NOT like it#but like composition wise i like dust's. i make use of all the space in that one#except the issue with killer's is that i made a bunch of mistakes in it#i always do this the first one always looks best and then i can't replicate that amazingnes in the other two#ESPECIALLY horror's figuring out a pose and composition and gimmick with this was like pulling my teeth out#horror's watching chibi killer struggle in amusement while she tries not to fall onto the axe below#its a bit sadistic but horror'll catch chibi killer if she falls. she's just a bit evil like that#i gotta admit horror's outfit out of all the jk trio is my least favorite because it's lowkey kinda boring#idk. so i did the cool cardigan off the shoulder thing to add interest to the design#im just goofing about the severe mischaracterizations i dont care all that much#everyone is allowed to have their own fandom interpretations and varients of sans aus!!!! everything is an AU this is the AU fandom#as long as you know its not canon then make horror into an uwu catboy for all i care!!! as long as youre having fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i love subjective fanon interpretations FAR too much to ever shit on them. everyone has their own ideas and i love it#tricule art#jk fashion au#horror sans#killer sans#dust sans#murder time trio#utmv#sans au#bad sanses#bad sans gang#nightmare's gang#undertale au#undertale multiverse
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giddlygoat · 1 year
idk man where’s all the fat wrinkly short narrators. please just show me the old man narrators. im not talking middle aged. he must look at the very least 62. crusty dusty old with joint problems and a hairline on its last gasps. please god im begging i just need to see some more fat old guy narrator designs
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sophisticatedswifts · 5 months
In the wake of ttpd, I keep thinking back to the original cardigan lyrics, particularly “I knew to love would be to lose my mind” because I feel like that, more than anything else, sums up this album
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 6 months
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I love your Hippie Remus x Scientist Sirius stories so much! I'm just so curious how they met. I feel like it either has to be the most random place ever - like a Costco or they met through mutual friends at a party. We all know how good they are for each other, but how did they meet, and who asked who on a date?!
HELLO this ask was sent ages ago but I got so genuinely fixated on the idea and wanted to make it perfect because holy fuck yes
Masterpost pinned!
Remus had a plan for Dorcas and their girlfriend Marlene’s Halloween party. Namely, stick with Lily.
It lasted a good 5 minutes, until Lily spotted people she knew and somehow managed to disappear, because of course she did.
Remus wasn’t bad at talking to new people, pretty social on a good day; he was just high and bored, honestly, mostly just wanting to stand in the corner and observe. For the most part, everyone was pretty much the same, drinking and talking, a fair few people dancing. Remus stood and watched as people drifted over to the drinks table, almost everyone winding up with a drink in their hand.
All apart from one guy who seemed wrapped up in his own world. He had his phone in his hand, and seemed to get progressively more irritated as he typed, until he finally tapped it aggressively and held it to his ear. Remus almost felt compelled to look around everyone, watching as the guy argued into the phone, running a stressed hand through his long black hair as he spoke, before crossing the room.
He was quite clearly headed directly for the corner Remus was stood in, probably looking for somewhere discreet to ‘talk’, and something in Remus knew they should move out of the way, but they didn’t want to. Whether it was him being much too nosy or not, he was pretty sure he was staying, as the guy almost walked directly into Remus, finally coming in earshot of them.
“Of all days to ‘work up the courage’ to tell me, fucking halloween? Never, in my entire bloody career, have I so desperately wanted to murder somebody! Christ!” He paused, eyes sliding shut as he took a deep, seething breath. He seemed ready to say something slightly quieter, when his face shifted. Oh, the other line had really pissed him off. “No, it’s not nothing! It’s just half of my motherfucking findings! Right, you have to go into the lab. Now. Oh, I’m sorry, is that inconvenient for you? Here’s the thing, I don’t give one! I don’t care that it’s Halloween for you too! You’re the one who fucked everything up! If it’s not either fixed or perfectly recreated by Monday, you bet your arse you’re not welcome back in my bloody lab. Now I’m going to try and salvage the scraps of tonight, so get working!” He pulled the phone from his ear and hung up quickly, before leaning with his back against the wall and scrubbing his hands over his face with a sigh. Remus knew they shouldn’t speak, it would seem really weird, he shouldn’t-
“That didn’t sound good.”
He watched as the guy jumped a mile, finally noticing Remus. The moment Remus got to look at him, really look at him, Remus felt something in him shift.
He was drop dead gorgeous.
Now, Remus had gotten past the self-loathing part of their life, actually found himself liking his own face when he looked in the mirror, but this guy? Everything paled in comparison to him. If his black hair tumbling down to his shoulders and framing his face wasn’t enough, he had strong, warm silver eyes, an insanely defined jaw and full lips.
Lips that Remus really needed to stop staring at.
He had really come to the conclusion that he wasn’t one for instant attraction, and this guy had just swanned in and proved him wrong. It was like the universe was laughing in their face. They weren’t delusional, it had been a good while since he had found someone that attractive. Still, he was reasonably good at staying composed. It wasn’t like anybody could tell they were high, so clearly they were a pretty good actor.
“Yeah, no, it wasn’t good at all.” The guy answered, offering Remus a small smile. “I just found out one of my newest hires accidentally grabbed a sample I’ve been working on for ages, thinking it was theirs, and now I’ve lost months of work.” He finished with a groan, turning away and letting his head hit the wall with a dull thud.
“Just blame Mercury.” Remus answered simply. When the guy looked at him blankly, Remus elaborated. “Mercury’s in retrograde?”
“I… have no clue what that means.” He answered, and Remus never thought he’d be endeared by someone not knowing astrology. They smiled, wanting more and more to know everything about him.
“Mercury’s backward motion really fucks with life.”
“Right, right.” Remus glanced at him, finally taking in his outfit. He was wearing black leather trousers and a tight black shirt. Remus frowned, confused.
“What are you supposed to be dressed as?” He asked. The guy turned to him.
“A dog?” He tried. “I had ears, but Marlene stole them.”
“Ah, I had a feeling you were Marlene’s friend. I went to school with Dorcas, so I figured I’d have met you before if you were Dorcas’.” Remus observed calmly, the guy watching them carefully.
“What’s your name?” He asked, and Remus almost thanked every god on the spot for how straight to the point the dog man was.
“Remus. Remus Lupin. Yours?”
“Sirius Black.”
“Well, Sirius Black, I want to see your costume with the ears.” He answered.
“Yeah, yeah sure!” Sirius answered brightly. “Marlene’s gone awol, so I can send you a picture? What’s your number?”
He was a smooth motherfucker, and Remus was pretty sure Sirius was going to be sticking around.
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sen-ya · 7 months
if u ever spot law wearing a huge cardigan in one of my comics know that that is his emotional support cardigan that he inherited from Bepo as kids after bepo grew out of it that is all
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stardustto-dust · 1 year
People say I dress like a "stereotypical lesbian" because 90% of my outfits since I was 15 have been t-shirt and flannel shirt combos and, it's true, I am a lesbian, but I also dress like Abed Nadir and I feel like that's just as important.
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trujellyfish · 2 years
one of my favourite scenes in Saiki is when you learn that one of his powers is petrification but anything in front of his eyes will stop the power
so like a respectable young man, he wears glasses so as to not randomly petrify people!
and then in the same breath you find out that literally any pair of glasses will work but Mr. I-Hate-Being-the-Centre-of-Attention chooses to wear a pair of neon green glasses
i respect his commitment to the bit 🙏
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sutherkins · 1 year
for the peter sutherland girlies 💌
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people had always judged him. it came with having a father who was branded a traitor. he didn’t even care when people talked about him, but now the conspiracy nuts were targeting you. a completely innocent person, all because you had chosen to associate with him. he didn’t understand it, didn’t think he ever would. and to make it worse, you wouldn’t even let him defend you.
if you were being honest you didn’t really mind the rumors. at least, not the ones about you. the things people said about you bore no comparison to the horrible lies they spread about peter simply because of who his father was.
“why won’t you let me defend you?” peter asks one night when they’re in bed, some random show on the history channel playing in the background.
you sigh. “puppy, the things those people say about me are even close to as bad as the things people say about you.” shifting in bed slightly closer to him and taking his hand in yours. “besides, as stupid as it is, you have to keep your head down a little. if not for yourself then at least for me. you’ve worked so hard to get where you are and i don’t want some idiots on a the internet to ruin that.”
peter squeezes your hand and remains calm even though a fire was brewing inside when he thought of the things those people said about you. “you see the things they say about you, right?”
a moment passes. “yes.”
“the things they say about you aren’t just nothing. i can barely make it reading through a couple without wanting to punch someone. not that i go looking for them or anything, it’s just frustrating. at least the people talking about me have a story to run with about the son of a traitor. you haven’t done anything wrong. how do you deal with it? that kind of hate, specifically?”
you mute the tv now, being able to tell this was going to be a longer conversation than you anticipated. “you mean the misogyny?”
peter nods.
“i don’t know if what i do is dealing with it, really. none of the things they say are true. about you or me. i know who i am and i know who you are, too. of course it hurts that lies are being spread about me just because of who i love, and it hurts that there are people out there with so much hate in their heart that they feel the need to take it out on me. and on you. but they’re wrong. that’s enough for me.”
a couple seconds pass before you speak again, “i’ll still defend you from stupid trolls online though.”
“so you can do it but i can’t?” he smiles.
you love his smile and wished it was a permanent fixture on his face. “pretty much, bub. i know you don’t like talking about it too much but, you deserve it.”
“and you don’t?”
narrowing your eyes at him, you tell him, “that’s not what i’m saying, you dork. im saying you deserve to have someone looking out for you. i already have someone to look out for me no matter what. you’ve been doing it since we met.”
peters eyes haven’t moved from yours, and they’re full of love for you. “it’s weird.”
you tilt your head. “what is?”
“having someone look out for me. i haven’t had someone do that for me in a while. even when i was with zoe.” he meant it. you were always supportive of him and it never wavered, even when he told you who his father was. when he needed someone to lean on, he always knew you’d be there with open arms.
you smiled softly, your hand reaching up to touch his face. “i kinda figured. it’s not that i don’t want or appreciate your support, i promise. you give so much to me without even thinking about it and i wanted and still want to do the same for you. you’re a good man, peter. the best man i’ve ever known. it kills me knowing what you’ve been through and that no one even bothered to support you afterwards.”
a couple minutes pass, his eyes closed and your palm resting on his cheek. peter savors this moment of peace and unconditional love that he hasn’t known in a long time. soon his left hand was moving towards yours, gently grabbing it and giving it a short kiss. “i love you. you know that, right?”
“i do.” you lean forward to kiss his forehead, feeling the tension leave his body from just your touch. “you know i love you too, right? i know you sometimes have a hard time accepting it because it’s not what you’re used to, but i love you with everything i’ve got. nothing’ll ever change that and i mean it. you’re kinda stuck with me.”
peter lets out a small chuckle, bringing you close to press a chaste kiss onto your lips. “i know. i may not always understand it, but i know.”
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emily-mooon · 7 months
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Did some outfit sketches for Stacey cause my girl deserves some cute outfits for the summer!
(Read tags for more info if you’d like)
#the first outfit comes from my most recent nordegrim piece#the second one I made for a panel edit#so it’s the outfit I think she’d wear to the beach at the beginning of volume 4 if she went#I just added some pizzaz to it cause it was rather simple in the panel edit (that I’m not going to share)#the third outfit is based on that one bust drawing Bryan made for a Scott pilgrim website#that I believe you can find at the back of the colour edition for volume 4#and the fourth I made on my own#I just wanted to put her in a chunky cardigan and wear a cute dress :]#I found a chunky cloud cardigan while looking at refs and I thought it was cute so I put her in it (added the buttons myself btw)#I’m not sure if it’s something she’d actually wear but shhhh it’s cute she’d wear it on like a casual date or something#if you want to draw her the ones I designed myself (3rd one doesn’t count cause I took a hypothetical stacey look and just completed it)#*draw her in (why must I forget ‘in’)#go on ahead cause id love to see them :]#idc if i made any mistakes this is just some sketches I decided to colour in#same pose for all of them too cause I’m lazy and also it’s just concept designs nothing fancy#gonna stop with the tags cause there are too many now and I’ve been talking too much her ok bye hope you like the outfits! :D#*here#scott pilgrim#scott pilgrim comic#scott pilgrim takes off#stacey pilgrim#HER <3333333#<-#my new personal tag for Stacey cause um yeah HER
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