#i love this meme format so much lmao
weaseltotheface · 7 months
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redstringraven · 2 months
11 and 12
*crawls back over here after work week* >:J!!! thank you!!
(also, please excuse that this ask is visually a bit more of a mess. apparently i wrote too much for tumblr to be chill with my usual formatting. apologies. e-e;;; maybe it'll let me format it after the fact. it did not)
TMNT's 40th anniversary ask game!
11.) which version of raphael is your favorite?
like i said in the tags for the meme, it's obvious/a given that my favorite version for all the turtles is gonna be the 2003 one. but since i also said i won't stop/discourage y'all from asking anyway AND said i don't have a favorite out of the boys, i'll use this as an excuse to babble incoherently about some of the reasons i love them. it's not uncommon that i enjoy hot-headed characters. this could partly be because enneagram-wise i'm a 9, and we're the 'odd one out' when it comes to the anger/gut triad (i kind of touched on this concept in my enneagram series; apologies). so, while i often smother my own temper, i still feel it under the surface. i get being angry. anger is also often a secondary emotion--it's an emotion that comes up because you're attempting to disguise something else; "anger is easier" as some quotes may say. i find it interesting to squint and find out why we're 'angry'. what's actually going on? when it comes to '03 raph, i don't think his anger stems from any ONE thing, i think it's more a bundle and that's part of the reason it's so easily set off. a significant piece of it is probably due to things i discussed in his enneagram post: learning to recognize the world is cruel/uncaring and trying to find ways for him--and the few people he cares about--to survive. raph is also a very intense person. anger is an intense emotion. it makes sense that he'd find comfort turning to it when he otherwise can't identify or articulate what he's really feeling. and this isn't to say he's not emotionally intelligent (far from it), i just think he struggles to slow his head and heart down to put names and words to everything flooding him--and WHEN he struggles, he gets frustrated and impatient with himself, which just makes him struggle more. and i appreciate the handful of examples we get that in-series where he can't quite verbalize it, but you can still feel and see it. i think raph likes to take care of people. his brothers, master splinter, april, casey, tyler, mrs. morrison, angel--whether they're someone who he loves, or someone who can't fend for themselves, or both, he just seems to instinctually take people beneath his wing. he's still learning that vulnerability doesn't equate to weakness (you can't show weakness in a world that rejects you), and he's also still learning to harness and manage all those emotions when they turn to anger--steer them to something more productive and beneficial instead. because anger, itself, isn't inherently bad. it's what you do with it. this is something he struggles with at the beginning of the series but seems to get a better grasp of as the seasons pass. i love raph as a hot-headed character who's a marshmallow inside not because of the trope itself, but because it feels very real to me given the circumstances he grew up under, lives under, and how he views the world and how intensely he loves. he's not just there to be "the angry one" so we have that archetype on the team, there're reasons. it's both a strength and a weakness of his. one he's aware of and carries shame for. my man also has an excellent sense of humor; right up my alley. i love him very much but i've already talked a lot and should probably stop here. … also, he hates bugs and got fucking swallowed by one and proceeded to chest-burster his way out of it, like. we love to see a short-king winning and getting to reference a movie he probably loved in the process. talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same; yee-frickin'-haw indeed, sir.
12.) which version of donatello is your favorite?
copy/paste that first paragraph from the above answer here.
hilariously, like how i seem to have a pattern of enjoying hot-headed characters, i also feel like i have a pattern of loving the more quiet and compassionate ones. this also probably plays into my 9 on the enneagram, since 9s tend to be peacemakers and our place in the web allows us to better see the perspectives of others. i, also, understand the struggle that comes with not wanting to 'rock the boat' and kind of keep those i'm surrounded by happy and chill and secure. but don's also SMART. and i've been a nancy drew reading/game playing bitch since i could read. puzzle-solving… mysteries… cleverness… GIMMIE THAT SHIT.
don was my favorite as a kid, and i think that came both from the fact he was 'the purple one' (joking that was a bias was half of a joke; shut up i was like thirteen) and because he was resourceful, clever, and observant. i loved his kindness, i loved how when things seemed dire he'd usually be the one with an idea, and i probably saw a lot of myself in him whether it be in playing mediator between my siblings, or in knowing a lot of seemingly Random Shit™ about a lot of Useless Things™, or in the simple fact that he often wanted to be left alone to do the thing(s) he was really passionate about. i got a lot of flack for all the time i spent on the computer as a kid. didn't matter if i was writing or drawing or reading about topics i wanted to learn more about--you know, productive/creative/thoughtful activities--i was constantly badgered that i was addicted to it and didn't spend enough time with my family. i guess any moment that don having a weird interest in something "paid off" was validating to me in a way? as well as him not being the strongest fighter, but still being valuable in the team unit (i'm an artist who grew up in a family of athletes). i also appreciated and admired that despite his kindness, he wasn't a doormat. definitely a do-no-harm-but-take-no-shit kind of guy, and lord knows teen!hannah needed to learn to stand up for herself better. so, yeah. i think as a kid i saw a lot of myself in don. i appreciated him for existing in that way.
all that obviously still stands as an adult, the 'favoritism' has just faded away as i've grown to understand and adore the other three more.
don's pretty outstanding, man. while he's usually the route of the pacifist, it's evident that he has a clear line in the sand, and once you've crossed that line… you're gonna realize that when you fuck around, you find out. and you're gonna find out very quickly.
he'll take what little he has around him to scrap together a breathing apparatus for a lost and brain-damaged triceraton (even though the triceraton was previously an enemy), he'll spend months trying to find a cure for a bunch of strangers he barely knows, he's able to empathize with a bunch of child-like nanobots… but at the same time, he'll also blast you with your own arm-canon, drill you into a pile of mulch, trick you into going to a hornet dimension, and verbally assassinate your dignity for all that it's worth.
i love that so much of him IS grounded in creation. making things. learning and understanding. and that kindness is often one of his main driving points. i just wanna take his shoulders and shake him sometimes. in the most loving, motherly and enthusiastic of ways.
…i also firmly maintain that he's physically the strongest out of the brothers. that detail, combined with him being the least competitive out of the four, really amuses me. because i like to think that when it comes to arm wrestling, someone might challenge don because they think nerd = weak. and don's initially not interested in humoring the challenge, but his brothers are behind him like ":)))c no. no, donnie you should do it. it'll be fun!" because they all know. and don's finally just like
… e_e … fine.
and proceeds to slam the other person's arm down before they even know they've lost. his brothers stand there with gremlin smirks, impish grins, snickering, mischievous boyish giggling, and don wanders off unceremoniously to get back to a project. he's got a lot to do today but this was a nice break.
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addie4ddie2005 · 6 months
THE NEW CHAPTER IS SO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVGDFCHBVKDSVBKHFBJLSVBJLSSJLVBSLJBVLS🦅🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥💥 GOOD FKN SOUP IM DEVOURING IT RN it might be my fav chapter thus far........It has elements of The horrors tm and scenes that make me kick my feet in delight GODDDDDD🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 AAAAnd as usual I have some new silly doodles that I've got (Sadly I cant draw fast enough to finish my fan art for this chapter BUTIMWORKINGONSMT). I do have the RGB reader designs that I mainly use so that other fans could (maybe....just maybe...) mold their reader/player into whatever they want but I DO have a design that caters to my fav design tropes...
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ALSOALSO- I've got a folder righttt 👉here where I'll compile some more sketches (and the animation with the right sync good gracious me-) so that I dont BOMBARD you with 50plus images.
Thank you I'm so glad you love it!! 🦅💥 (Nonsense emojis are becoming a habit I have to stoppp...)
It's so funny you said that cuz I have a Doc called "kicking my feet blushing giggleinf" that I use to jot down the "fluffy" moments when the inspiration worms hit x0
And take your time with the art gurl!! What you've already done is amazing!! The most important thing is that it's fun and engaging for you,, no pressure 🫶
Those RGB designs are a banger btw they have so much personality!! I forgot to mention I loved the color scheme of your animation. I'm a sucker for some super saturated RGB...
OKAY now I'm gonna gush abt your art >:o] I love your insert she's too spunky!! She looks so done w him LOL. Also your style is delightful and fun!! I love your habit of drawing ppl with tired eyes and no mouth. It speaks to me.
The “You look lonely” piece is gorgeous btw :) He’s so shinyyy,, Insert looks tireddd. I know it’s the meme format or whatevah but I would be too.
I hope you don’t mind me sharing screenshots? Just let me know :o) I’m abt to holler abt some sketches.
THESE!! These made me so soft oml. I know in my heart he feels like a Squishmallow or whatever those fat chibi stuffed animals are.
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DRIP KINITO 🔥🔥🔥 I giggled. Also baseball Kinito is canon now. To me. I just KNOW he picks up random human sports and tries his darndest to play them with only two people. (Reader cheering him on and also looking thoroughly depressed is so real LMAO)
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I think that's all I have in my heart for now... TY for this plethora of art you went above and beyond <3
BTW I’m gonna provide a pic of the players here for easy viewing cuz they’re cool as freak 💯🐊
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EDIT: I am so glad!! You love my fic!! I heart U!!
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The Sides Are Dorks, Part 389534
I was wondering why the Sanders Sides tag was trending earlier, and then I saw. the Video. Anyway, here's my thoughts while watching the new vid (in list format) bc I haven't done this in a while.
[it's gonna be LONG knowing me]
"I would never be caught dead in a bowtie" *cuts to when Janus literally wore a bowtie in canon*
"yeah and I deserve it" -> ha mood
"Wrong, I ate an entire bottle of melatonin gummies" -> Patton. Patton, no.
"I could switch to green tea, and I'll still be a bitch!" -> also mood
hey. hey why you do that. why would you say that. (aka: Roman is offended by the mustache comparison)
"Where is my ruler" -> PLEASE it'd be so fucking funny
Virgil really be like "WRONG! I use the tildas you faker" (/j) (/lh)
Patton starts listing off every appliance that has heat stuff and I cannot. I CANNOT--
^and then there's the fridge. what did Fridge ever do to you? where's the lorreee
"wholesome friendship" // "how many holes we talkin'" -> yeah that makes sense
"No, he's just not worth an attack" -> Logan sounds like he's thought about this before
Roman Unscrews Imaginary Lightbulb, reaction is a family-friendly version of "Listen here, you little shit"
"get him" -> Virgil hates that Anxiety so much
Emile Picani Joins the Ranks of Rat Man by Sleeping in the Buff. it's canon now.
"It's no one's business what bites me" -> Janus. Janus, the implications. Janus--
Patton reveals Logan's secret: Love for Donuts, feat. wiggly fingers
"Which is rude...because I am not young" -> also Sheldon is missing The Tie, which is essential for Serious Smart People (I guess)
Roman likes My Little Pony
"No, I didn't--" // "He did!" // "He definitely did." -> LMAO the Others confirming that Virgil had a meme phase
Ah yes: The Sponsor Section
Patton being like "some cookies are bad??" is funny to me lol
"--vaccuums" // "No" // "ignore that last one" -> goddamnit Patton (/pos)
"There sneaky people out there" *cuts to Janus*
Roman loves Barbie movies. Barbie Movie? whatever, he likes Barbie
"war against the evil cookies" // "wait--" -> haha. this is why I believe in Intruality so much
"I dropped another laptop in the toliet" -> another one?
conclusion: Patton and Remus are both accident-prone. an Intruality win. also they interacted for like, 2 seconds. another Intruality win
Sponsor Ends!
"ACTUALLY it was four times. bitch." (Sleep, basically)
okay but like. when the glasses are on the head, it's like they're invisible. I say as someone who loses their glasses, only to find them in stupidly obvious places. also mood
Virgil DEFINITELTY watched Patton do this for five minutes before he said anything
Roman is in love with his sword, Exhibit D
^(D is for--)
Logititties. that's all
Janus really said "wanna go, bitch?"
also: "I wouldn't be caught dead in a fish fight. I would poison you" -> ah, of course, a snake with style (/j)
"calculator is computer" // "that's technically correct, actually" -> where's the Logicality enjoyers when you need them
Roman Rage Quits at Roblox. also Insecurity
"bitch, I'm not that out there" -> this helps deduce the scale of What The Fuck Is Remus's Normal At
"True...or is it false?" -> he loves fucking with people, doesn't he?
"yeah" -> he sounds so resigned, nooo :(
Endcard Moment: Logan loves jelly-filled donuts
and that's it, folks! This was lovely. Silly gay personality traits.
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zhongrin · 2 years
“oh, hi.” (alternatively, “oh. ugh.”)
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◇ characters ◇ (no romantic pairing) kaveh, al haitham, xiao, zhongli, diluc, kaeya, tighnari, cyno, itto, shinobu, ayato, ayaka, collei, amber
◇ tags ◇ no pairing, crack mostly
◇ a/n ◇ lmao this prompt hit me so i just had to write something about it okay?
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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you know how when a character gets added to a team, a voiceline triggers? wouldn't it be fun to have a game mechanic where, depending on who’s in your current party, whoever gets added gets special voice lines about that person?
all prompts will be in this format: “x → y” which essentially means “when x joins and y is in the party”. e.g. when kaveh joins and al haitham is in the party.
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kaveh → al haitham
“ugh, not this guy! our aesthetics are ruined now! ruined, i tell you!”
“really? him?? not to be rude, but… you have bad taste.”
al haitham -> kaveh
“tsk. it's useless to say this, but... don’t pull the team down now.”
“an unwise decision. given our fighting styles, there is no need for him to be in the team.”
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xiao -> zhongli
“it is my honor.”
“wh- mora- ahem. well... this is… unexpected.”
zhongli -> xiao
“at ease.”
“ah, now this is quite nostalgic.” *chuckles*
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diluc -> kaeya
“try not to get in my way.”
“aren’t the knights quite busy these days? why don’t you run along and do your knightly duties now?”
kaeya -> diluc
“to think this day would come once again, huh, big brother?”
“what’s with that look, 'luc? it’s not like i’m skipping out on work~”
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tighnari -> cyno
“a wise decision.”
“forewarning, if he makes one more joke, i am leaving the team. or burying him alive.”
cyno -> tighnari
“why did the fox cross the road? to catch up with the chicken… get it?”
“ah, a rare fox sighting outside gandharva village. today’s going to be a good day.”
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itto -> shinobu
“yo shinobu!! whooo-hoo!!! things are gonna get crazy in here!!”
“owowowowow- hey why’re you pulling my ears already- i wasn’t getting the traveler in trouble, i swear!”
shinobu -> itto
“ah… is this why you called me in? very well.”
“boss, try not to cause too much trouble, alright?”
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ayato -> ayaka
“oh? well hello, dear sister.”
“a family outing? how delightful. now this is definitely worth taking a break for.”
ayaka -> ayato
“huh?! b-brother, what are you doing here? i thought you were busy!”
“ahem. good day, big brother. i am just hanging out with a friend, is all.”
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collei -> amber
“a-amber?! it’s been so long! uhm- uh- i-i have so many things i wanted to talk about with you!!”
amber -> collei
“oh my gosh, collei! hi!! you grew up so much!! i’m so glad to see that you’re doing well!”
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itto -> cyno
“oh. my. god. cyno? the legendary cyno?? the master of tcg, cyno??? yooooo!!! my bro, my man, my dude, duel me!!”
cyno -> itto
“arataki…. itto…….? my apologies. am i supposed to know who you are? you don’t look like a criminal at all.”
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @diebischesther | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades | @sup-zfam | @ansy-tea
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zanarkandfayth · 1 month
Would love to read your answers to questions 3, 9, 13, 17, 18, 26, 29, 31, 32, 50, and, if there's another number (or several) you really wanna answer, please add those too ✨
thank you for the ask!! <33 I wrote you novels in return gjdskglj
3. In your opinion, what’s your best fic?
oooh this one is so hard because I love most of my fics for different reasons, even my older ones (at least the ones on ao3. we ignore the ones left behind on ffnet lmao). hhhh, of completed ones that are posted, imma have to say monsters honestly, because damn did I put some heart into that. but the one I'd probably consider absolute best is the still ongoing, not yet posted 600K+ beast of a fic I usually refer to as "nanofic" that I've been working on since 2019. it won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it just gets so deep into noct's trauma that I inflict on him and his slow recovery from it, more than I've done for any other fic, and I've poured so much blood sweat and tears into that thing, it's kinda everything to me.
9. Have you ever written for a fandom without watching/reading/playing the source material?
written, no. been tempted to in the past, but it was too much effort and I already had too many fics for my main fandoms. I have read fandom blind for both harry potter and supernatural in the past though, like lates 2000s into mid 2010s. both were kinda on accident. supernatural in particular is because it kept getting crossed over with MULTIPLE of my fandoms. psych, house md, and criminal minds. so I started reading non-crossover supernatural fics in self-defense gsdklgjdks
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today?
I mean… this is the first paragraph of one of my fics from my first fandom when I was fifteen. you tell me 😂
"Relena smiled as she sipped her tea and mentally reviewed the day's schedule. 8:00 am- peace talk to the world. 10:00 am- conference with Romefeller. 1:00 pm- try to convince Dorothy to become a pacifist because she was to stupid to understand that Dorothy loved war. Rest of the day- annoy the HELL out of Heero Yuy. Smiling happily again (PLEASE! Her smile is SO annoying), she stood up and was just about to take a step when …. suddenly a freak falling cow killed her!!! =^.^= The gundam boys all burst out of closets around the room and rejoiced."
the biggest change is probably that I actually write well now lmao. and don't character bash. and don't throw author's notes and emoticons in the middle of fics, and have learned to format better, and, and…
17. In your opinion, what’s your most overrated fic?
oh god. let me hide before I answer this. hands down, it's shadows growing. like let me be clear, it's not bad by any means. I'm still fond of it. but I did not have a clear plan when I started writing it, and I really feel like that shows. it was not meant to be a fix-it fic. it was not meant to be a longer fic. it was not meant to be much of anything, tbh. I saw the prompt on the kink meme and the prologue literally started writing itself in my head and I was like "nah idk what I'd do with that" and I scrolled past, but I couldn't focus on reading other prompts and so I went back and just started typing the fic in a reply to the prompt. honestly I figured I'd write whatever I could and then when I left it unfinished, no one would know because I was anon and I had like one fic posted on ao3 for ffxv at the time and I was used to being a complete fandom nobody. the fact that shadows growing got me even somewhat noticed was unexpected and I was not prepared gdjskgjdskl
it definitely affected the fic because once the readers started picking up it made me feel suuuuper stressed and I was so afraid to stray too far from canon because I thought people would hate that??? for some reason??? no there's logic there. I was just overwhelmed. and I do get why people love it, because the whump and the friendship between the boys is really good. but I cannot help but look at it and remember how out of my depth I felt at the time and wish that I had been brave enough to diverge more from canon and smart enough to come up with a better ending. I still suspect there were quite a few people who felt let down by the ending and that's fair honestly. anyways, yeah, it's a good fic and I'm fond of it and most of the attention and the recs it got were in the first couple years of the game being out and I don't begrudge it being my most popular fic, I just. have better ones now I feel like gjsdgjskgsj but maybe not ones as many people would want to read. which is fine with me tbh.
18. What’s your most underrated fic?
the gladio oneshot in my "fayth's daddy issues week" series! (I wrote all those fics so back to back that I can't remember the titles for any of them whoops.) I adore that fic and it got so little attention compared to most of the other fics in that week, or my fics overall tbh. the only one that got even less was the one about iris 🤣 but I don't care much for the iris one either, even though I think it has some stellar banter between the boys and cute/funny prompto/gladio moments. I really love the gladio one though, because it was fun to revisit gladio's pov in a fic and I got to develop a bit of backstory for him that's been evolving into headcanon and there's a good chunk of ignis and gladio friendship that was the precursor to all their friendship in monsters, plus I got to make gladio cry, so. I love it <3
26. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised?
characterisation, for sure. it's the one thing I agonise over and actually worry about what readers might think at times, especially as I get further away from having played the game to keep it fresh in my mind. so anyone commenting that it feels right makes me roll around on my bed in glee. the other aspect I equally enjoy is people commenting on the emotions. like, that the ones I wrote the characters having feel real/deep, that it made the reader feel them too, etc. stuff like that. cos the emotions are literally why I write fic lol.
29. Does the division of your writing across fandoms line up with your reading? What’s the biggest discrepancy?
I am dumb and am struggling to understand what this question is asking, tbh. is it like, do I write for as many fandoms as I read, or something? because fuck no in that case, haha. the only fandoms I've done major writing for (more than one or two fics) are gundam wing, digimon adventure, final fantasy x, and final fantasy xv. and I've read for something like 100 fandoms, idk. at one point I had a list but I stopped keeping track eventually.
31. Who’s the one character you’ve just never managed to get perfectly right?
well… I didn't really understand the concept of characterisation for fanfic until a little before I started writing for ffx. so uh, it's kinda non-existent in my gdw and digimon fics. but once I actively started trying for it… honestly maybe just yuna from final fantsy x. I had some things featuring her meant to be longer fics that were set during the game (most of my posted stuff is set pre-canon, with no yuna in sight) but I never finished and/or posted them because I always felt shaky on yuna's characterisation. I don't think I've majorly struggled with anyone in ffxv to the point that I've felt too dissatisfied with characterisation to post. but at the same time I'm sure none of them are actually perfectly right xD but they FEEL more or less right to me, which is all I care about.
32. Who’s the one character who shines without you even trying?
noct. I mean. he's my blorbo for a reason xD my beloved, I relate to him so much and the rest of it I just project lololol. I make a point to not actually just write myself as noct, cos I personally ain't about that, but it feels very easy to write him without needing to think too deeply about his thoughts/feelings/reactions most of the time. they feel instinctual to me, even when it's something that would differ from my own thoughts/feelings/reactions if I was in a similar situation.
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive?
YES and the answer to this question is one of the reasons antis/purity culture upsets me so fucking much. it's a personal/sensitive answer though so skip if you don't want to read that xD but. reading rape/sexual abuse & aftermath fics as a teenager is what helped me to understand that, even though there was no outright rape happening, I was still being abused. seeing my favourite characters have the courage to tell someone about their abuse and get help is what encouraged me to tell one of my friends during an AIM conversation late one night when I was sixteen, and she convinced me to tell my therapist at my next appointment, who then told my mom, and yeah let's just say that was a very significant and eventually positive impact (it was a rocky road) on my life. if none of that had happened I genuinely think the CSA would have continued escalating into eventual rape. so thank FUCK for fanfic and I seethe with rage every time some shitfuck anti tries to claim there's no good to be found in such fics. plus in general it just helps with my mental health and I've made plenty of friends through fic over the years, even if they come and go I'm still grateful to have known them for that time, and writing fic is the one thing that gives life any meaning for me, etc. so yeah I'd say at least 99% positive.
and now, I will add a few to answer, because you said I could lmao
7. What’s the fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
it is a toss-up between horizon road, an ffx fic featuring a toxic, fucked up relationship between tidus and auron that I still really love, or endless skies, a really self-indulgent digimon fic. they're both old at this point, horizon road I started in 2005, and endless skies was in 2016. horizon road suffers from me having no solid ideas for it beyond the three chapters I wrote, and endless skies is painfully fully outlined, but it was such a hard, research-intensive fic to write for a number of reasons, and now looking at it also just reminds me of an ex-friend who I feel very negative towards (because I talked to them a lot while plotting/writing and they even wrote some of the smut scenes for me, though I've since removed those) and even if I wasn't still deeply entrenched in ffxv, I don't think I could bring myself to ever work on it again :/ which sucks because I did adore it very much.
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to?
…okay, I think anyone who has read shadows growing and then has also read or even looked at my ignoct fics knows that the ignoct is very much present in shadows growing gjdskgjsk as much as I will swear up and down it's platonic, and people certainly can take it that way if they want, like. come on. it's there. at a point, it very much was intentional. BUT. it did start out accidental. the og prompt asked for either gen or OT4 and I don't ship OT4 so I was gonna do gen but noct and ignis kept blurring the lines when I started writing scenes with them gdsjkgdjkl aaaaand actually I didn't start monsters with the intention of it being ignoct either. (the ignoct bits in the first chapter I actually added in a rewrite of that chapter lmao.) nor the tiny little epilogue in heavy is the burden that nudges into hinting at ignoct territory. fuck, even the ignoct in my very first ffxv wasn't meant to be so overt as it was gjdsklgjks there's also tiny hints of it in some of my fayth's daddy issues week fics (not counting the one that's deliberately and stated to be ignoct).
…actually now that I'm writing this I'm realising very little of my ignoct has been deliberately planned at the start 😂 the sequel to shadows growing, grey skies, was planned, at least xD the promptio that shows up towards the end of the fic was an accident though gjsdkgljslk it just. happened??? I didn't even LIKE promptio when I started writing that fic. huh. maybe accidental shipping is just my thing in writing ffxv fics.
40. Do you feel like you put out enough content?
wanted to answer this one, because, I'm NOT talking in terms of other people here. I don't mean to sound dismissive or ungrateful, because I do appreciate the people who read my fics, it makes me happy, but like. it's not why I write OR post. I'm not "producing content" for people; if someone is unhappy with me for not posting more fics, that's their problem. but in terms of myself… yeah, I do wish I had more to post. not because I feel like I've got some kind of arbitrary quota to meet. like, quite frankly, I have over a million words of fic posted on ao3, and given that I have a single unposted fic that's over 600K alone, I'm positive I have at least 2mil total words written. it's just that I wish I could write more consistently/frequently? I feel like I never write as much as I want to, and I know a lot of it is because of my worsening health, so maybe that's why I just feel so frustrated and dissatisfied with my output, but man, sometimes I look at my number of posted works on ao3 and feel like it's such a low number for how long I've been writing ): both for ffxv specifically and for all my fics total. I know it's silly, but the feeling persists nonetheless.
thank you again for the ask!! I feel happy getting to answer questions and ramble about my fics :D and it was really fun to think about my answers and realise a thing or two haha.
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dadvans · 6 months
hey this might be inappropriate, but I really resonated with your missing language post on Japanese. I think you captured really well the sensation of loving a language, loosing it, and unsure how or if you could get it back. I think the way you described the sensation of it being your backup language is going to stick with me a while. Thank you for sharing.
Not inappropriate in the slightest. Thank you so much. It can be incredibly lonely to lose part of your identity. At a younger age, I was speaking a second language fluently, had a dialect in Japanese (and a dialect in English lmao-- all my friends were Aussies, that was the only English I spoke for over a year, and I can't do an Aussie accent to save my life, but it comes out whenever I'm with Aussie friends, and I'm still sad I never got to travel down south for Schoolies), and there was a place and a language that at that point I had spent over half my life knowing that was stripped away from me.
I think, years later, I still feel like a part of my personality has been surgically removed by inadequate hands.
I miss general day-in-the-life blogging. That was part of my life then, too. LJ made me a better writer, and it introduced me to so much good music (the mixtape memes!). But I know not many people are here for the longer written word in this format, so I didn't know if anyone would read that. "I'm happy for you or sad that happened," or whatever.
I'm glad it resonated with you. Language can be an identity in awful, glorious ways. I hesitate to say it can be a "personality," but it can be, equally bad and good. Learning how to communicate in a new language, with a new culture, that'll change you. And I was changed. And a lot of the time, I miss that part of me.
Anyways, thank you.
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xbabybajix · 2 years
𝓥𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮’𝓼 𝓓𝓪𝔂 𝔀/ 𝓣𝓸𝓴𝔂𝓸 𝓡𝓮𝓿 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓼~
A/n: per requested from you lovelies, hope everyone has a great V-Day and even if you don’t have a valentine I’LL BE YOUR VALENTINE >:) along w these boys! Pt. 2 will be uploaded tmrw! (this is f!reader btw) hope yall enjoy & pls excuse the typos n all
Hanma isn’t one for celebrating big on holidays. Though he will make the exception if it’s with you. And if you’re really big on valentine’s, Hanma will make sure that you get whatever you want! He’ll make sure that the night you spend is an unforgettable one! So he kinda hints to you that you’ll be doing something together that day. But Hanma himself isn’t sure, he kinda just wings it tbh bc he’s a “spur” in the moment kinda guy. Hanma comes to your doorstep with cute little necklaces that have rings w/ engravings in it that are either super cheesy or an inside joke yall have. Hanma takes you for a ride on his motorcycle and you both end up at a secluded area that’s got a nice view of hills or a lake. But on the way over, he had placed rose petal trails which then leads to a small picnic with a tent bc he wants to camp there with you that night. 
Baji. Baji. Baji. He isn’t one who LOVES v-day, but he does look forward to the way your eyes light up whenever you both pass by all the cute decor, flowers, cards etc at stores. Baji never fails to give you the world on v-day. Though he does it on any other day, but on the 14th he makes sure to remind you that he loves you immensely in his own way. Valentine’s Day with Baji consists of a breakfast date, with him handing you a bouquet of (whatever your favorite thing is) along with a little shadow box he made with little photos and trinkets of things you did together. Baji likes to shower you extra with compliments and will not hesitate to be your personal photographer that day bc you look so cute dressed up all for him. You guys both alternate with activities so in the afternoon, you’ll spoil Baji a bit and take him shopping for some clothes that he’s been wanting for a while. After, you’ll share an ice cream and feed him bc he lowkey loves it when you pamper him. Baji enjoys your company out all the things you can do for him, so taking him to the movies or maybe even a fight club?? When he receives your gift, which is a cd with an album cover of you two that contains a playlist of songs you both like he is swooning! The night would end with you both taking a night walk somewhere and just cuddling up on a bench and maybe having a nice makeout session and listening to the cd together >:) Baji loves being covered in your lipstick!
MIKEY loves valentine’s day because of all the snacks and treats that come with it. He isn’t one to love the aesthetic of it but he’ll be happy if it’s something that involves pastries. And that’s what it’s alllllll about lmao. Every year you mix it up and like to surprise him with foreign pastries but also will handmake him some because you want it to have some meaning to it. And Mikey is a sucker for it. Especially if it comes out wonky. It makes his heart swell because he knows that you worked super hard on it and he’ll devour it and leave no crumbs. “That was so delicious love! You should make these again some day!” Mikey is extra sweet on V-day and is very clingly and will snuggle you and smother you with kisses. “I just love you so much baby, you’re the cutest I wish I could keep you in my pocket forever.” Mikey also loves giving you cheesy love cards (like the meme formatted ones) and will leave some hidden around the house. Maybe like a couple weeks before the actual day he’ll find time and hide them and will act clueless about them. “Oh I wonder who put that there... seems he really wants you to be his valentine haha...” Mikey sees how hard you work on the pastries you make him and he decides to return the favor by making you something too. So he goes to those stores where he picks out a stuffed animal and customizes it in a way that reminds him of you. (The way you dress, accessories, etc) and will have a little recorded message inside that is him reminding you that he loves you a ton!
Chifuyu is always a nervous wreck the first week and a half of Feb. And that’s because he always tries to make this valentine’s better than the last. And he’s very keen on making each one extraordinary because he believes that his princess deserves the entire universe and all the good it has to offer. He’s so romantic, it makes Baji and Kazutora gag a little bit, but they’re always willing to help him with his endeavors. Chifuyu likes to gift you small meaningful gifts but also loves to go along with traditional gifts too. He will definitely gift you one of his hoodies that you love wearing and will spray it with cologne. He also will write you love letters about your first date, kiss, sex, etc. And he waits until you’re together to read it to you and it’s so cute because he’s literally shaking and sweating and stuttering bc it’s you and you’re looking all cute there just looking at him with heart eyes and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. Though after reassuring him with some kisses, Chifuyu is so happy to know that you loved every bit of his gifts. The day is spent with you going somewhere you haven’t been to and so yall decide to try rollerskating together! The entire time you’re both losing balance and falling over each other but it’s worth it because Chifuyu will always take the fall first so he’s your personal pillow <3 after you both start to get the hang of it, you’ll skate around while holding each others hands. Sometimes Chifuyu will glance at you and blush after realizing that you’ve been staring at his beautiful face first! Afterwards the night ends with you and him watching movies together with his mom because you both love her and want her to have a special valentines day too <3
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tinylongwing · 2 months
I'm here to play the ask game you reblogged!!! 3, 5, 11, and 17 please!!!! the people want to know <3
Hello hello thanks for the questions!
3. What are your favorite subjects to draw? (OCs, your fan faves, etc.)
Birds?? Hahaha okay I won't just leave it at that though. Personal favorites among them are birds of prey, and birds that have any sort of iridescence. I just love that stuff so much. I also *really* love to do insects - and thankfully sometimes I even get asked to do so. It's fun to see that tortoise beetle making the rounds, and there's a paper that's been submitted recently that has some bees and butterflies in it that I illustrated.
And of course all my fandom stuff. I have so much fun drawing fanart, you guys, I wish that the Lord Huron universe fandom was bigger so you guys would have context for all the stuff I draw. Johnnie is very close to my heart, as are his brothers.
5. What piece of art are you still proud of to this day? (Show or describe)
A persistent personal favorite is this illustration of California Condors for Siegel and Wilkerson 2022 in The Wildlife Professional:
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(Unfortunately apparently the journal doesn't understand image formats so the online version of the article uses the CMYK image, so the colors are all messed up!! argh!)
That condor piece I think has some of my best feather rendering and I'm really happy with the wood texture too!
11. Have you ever drawn a meme with your OCs or canon characters from a fictional media?
I mean, oh perfect Friday is a very small meme within the LH fandom? lmao I think that's all I've got for this
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17. Your personal favorite works of art (not made by you) are...?
Jeez, I don't even know, honestly! Go pick anything from the folks I named as inspiration from the last ask, haha. Here, I'll show one from Szabolcs Kókay and one from John Conway, but their portfolios are linked at those names and you should click and enjoy all their stuff.
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Top: Brown Sicklebill, Szabolcs Kokay
Look, I'm telling you, I'm obsessed with this guy's work! What the hell! How does a human being paint like that! Obviously with decades of study but man I am so impressed with the sheer amount of detail he can capture. I would love to know how long it takes him to do his paintings.
Bottom: Brachiosaurus altithorax, John Conway
John Conway is one of my favorite paleoartists in how he presents these animals artistically rather than purely scientifically. He plays a lot with surrealism, pattern, and unusual compositions, and it's such a treat to see what his mind can come up with.
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NAME : Willow, i also answer to Soleil!
PRONOUNS : she/they
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : d.iscord bc IMs annoy me but i can deal with them, i'm kind of picky about giving out my discord now
NAME OF MUSE(s) : too many to be normal about that's what! good thing i have this roster to make it easier to look at! but the current main ones are of course Jing Yuan and Ratio
BEST EXPERIENCE : oh gosh, i think the best experience i had with my little hyv nook was exploding the dash with jing yuan's "IM GONNA FUCK THE GODS" crack born from a silly mistake LMAO. in general though the best experience i had was an exchange i had with one of my closest friends @overx, which was an ask i sent to them and one i received in response for a deity's altar meme. i cried so much, because it was one of the first times my OC had truly felt... seen. i think about it all the time
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : too many to list, so here's a few!
- pedestals. i want nothing to do with them. don't elevate me or other people to some sort of standard or anything like that, it genuinely sickens me to the point where i now struggle to accept normal compliments (working on it tho).
- writing for the sake of ships. some people really just want to prioritize shipping and writing romance and that's fine! you do you, but i personally cannot do it. if you approach me for a ship without us having established a dynamic for our muses before that i'm also going to feel really weird about it because i can't read the chemistry, particularly if i don't know you too well (this is also why i'm usually slow to propose ships, because i greatly prefer some sort of dynamic to bounce off of either in canon or through rp).
- teeny tiny text, elaborate formatting or oppressive colors. i'm not going to give myself a headache attempting to read someone's stuff, if it's too hard for me to decipher your posts and especially rules because you favor aesthetic over accessibility, i'm hard blocking because we will not mesh.
MUSE PREFERENCES : looking at my muse history i notice that i'm drawn to those of a nurturing type, whether it's gentle and kind or tough love. i also adore playing around with the idea of mortality or the lack there of, and what that looks like for different characters. contrasting philosophies are also incredibly fun for me! it's kind of obvious with just my muses here alone
PLOTS OR MEMES : oh it's plots for me, which is an issue because it strongly limits my ability to freely interact with others. i really really need to practice using memes more but i am Slow with my inbox and easily overwhelmed
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : yes! i love both, short replies especially are so fun when it comes to rapid-fire dash shenanigans, but the depth of a long reply is always fun and delicious
BEST TIME TO WRITE : after my classes or while i'm in transit and have nothing better to do! can't do cars though those are too bumpy
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : looks at all the times i've been called out for doing something ridiculously jing yuan or ratio or [insert muse] coded. yeah i'd say so. maybe more than i should be DGFKJHDHGKHJ
TAGGED BY : @resolutepath (thanks!) TAGGING : @apocryphis @chasersglow @blckswnstm @shengyins @etherealguard and you!
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antlereed · 10 months
top 5 fics?
1) high speed connection by hoodieheda ( @wvearp)
listen. listen to me. im a sucker for a good modern au and this is the holy grail of modern fics for critical role as a whole for me. i reread it once a month just because i love barista laudna with an army of grandmas
2) intertwined by picturesofthegoneworld ( @picturesofthegoneworlds)
the way the girls are in this is just!!! the way their relationship is still new but just as volatile as running away with the witch in the woods would really be. always in love with how goopy and weird laudna is, i love her so much in this (this is a theme in my favorite fics. laudna is my babygirl i love her)
3) Lives Like A Haunted House by AstoriaColumnStaircase ( @astoriacolumnstaircase)
this fic has it All. ghost laudna, morally ambiguous imogen history, crafts, just. i want to live in it so bad i want to be ghost besties with laudna so so so bad
4) Shit, Let’s Raid Area 51 by Caubool ( @caubool)
obligatory homestuck fic. this was writren, if you cant tell, during the area 51 raid meme craze, and while it does focus very heavy on that it takes the idea and Runs With It so well. one of my favorite fics of all time, i love the formatting (and rose) so much
5) Time of (un)Death by Antlered (meeeee)
is it cheating to list my own fic? who cares, i still think this is the funniest thing ive written, the idea of laudna being a world record holder still makes me laugh just from the sheer hilarity of the idea that a world record rep would find this deeply traumatized woman to give her a certificate and medal for her Literal Death. also laudna and chet being woodworkers together is still a great idea and im just patting my own back for that lmao
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stepswowdsen · 4 months
【Magi】 JuAli Comic Idea (Dialogue Script) 🖤❤️💛
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CW: R-15, slightly suggestive
I put my dialogue scripts and rambles under the cut as usual ✌️
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(CW: Sexually suggestive, R-15 implicit warning)
(EDIT: 8/09/2024)
I also added rambles to this in the meantime <3
Had a jumpscare moment cuz I accidentally clicked the Delete button but thankfully didn't click Yes 😭
God I can't delete one of the most based things I've ever written!!!
Also, rereading back JuAli's scenes together in the Kou Empire, it's really so funny how empty Judar's threats and insults towards Alibaba are.
Sure, he tried to kill him before.
He'll get all hissy like a fussy moody cat towards him. But it's not out of genuine hatred.
JuAli are true opposites in terms of their personalities, morals/ideals/world views...
In JuAli's chapters together, I think it's sexy how Judar expressed his frustrations with Alibaba's character, basically, what he perceived as Alibaba's naivety.
Like, Judar is clearly frustrated by Alibaba's whole deal, being unable to understand Alibaba or really get what's going on with him (despite Alibaba being really straightforward as a person)
Especially when he has such a childish personality and black and white morals and worldview of boxing people into Strong vs. Weak.
It's like... At that moment, he (Judar) is not ready to face that.
Alibaba is someone that he clearly sees and perceives as "weak and naive" but also challenges his world views, cuz he just... does not get Alibaba's humble nature, at all.
In the sense of being frustrated by someone's bright (dazzling) radiance.
He understands and recognizes that Alibaba draws others to him, but just can't seem to understand why. It frustrates him how he doesn't get it. And that in itself shows a form of inner curiosity, a desire to know more.
I wanted to convey that feeling in my own dialogue scripts.
Judar's insults… They don't hold true weight.
Like the insults he throws are so empty.
It's so funny like he (Judar) says it with his whole chest.
I can't hide the image like you can on Discord with spoiler marks. So here you go!
I really love them so much... That's why I wanna draw and write for them more.
Recently revamped a JuAli dialogue script idea I had. Judar and Alibaba kiss with banter ❤️ 💛 I added more to it. I last updated it in December, so I might as well post it again since I added some new lines.
It's just them kissing but just gonna put a warning cuz it's kinda suggestive/sexually implicit though.
Yeah I think my moots know why I mainly post rambles on Insta and Tumblr, it's cuz I usually do long rambles for character thoughts + analysis, and Twitter's character limit is super annoying for that. I tend to post discussions cuz my friends have insightful things to say (and I feel like it flows more naturally in convo format than just to summarize what they said)
I need to talk more about my Magi faves on here (I miss them) because I had many thoughts while reading, so I just roughly drafted ideas right now. I need to write my character/ship ideas down before I forget.
JuAli core ship posts
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Anyways I made the 1st image's meme edit myself <33
JuAli with tan Alibaba so true~~
Me: I wanna say this tweet is JuAli but none of them would talk like that. They would so do this though
C: No this is literally Judar he just words it differently lmao
Me: I'll consider it... Tbh I want it to be in drawn form if I post it publically. I could post the meme along with my arts in the future
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The inspo for this idea
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Me: It's based off this tweet LMFAO
Seeing this made me go like "Oh that makes me want to write dialogue now." Oh yeah I can draft some Judar stuff then. Then I wrote some ideas based on that tweet.
C: Omg
Me: Thinking about this again so I wrote a thing kinda based off it
JuAli but warning cuz it's kinda suggestive/implicit though
Completely in-character for Judar
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I imagine Judar wears something VERY similar to this hanfu (that I bought because it has Judar colours)
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Me: I actually originally wrote Judar's last line as "Show me the kind of spark that charmed Hakuryuu so much." Because Judar makes a note in Ch. 266 that Hakuryuu is charmed by Alibaba in the fan-TL :) And also the official EN TL by Viz. They still keep it (whews) but remove the 1st mention of it, "What about Alibaba charmed Hakuryuu…"
But I don't tend to reference other ships in my ship stuff since I usually focus on ships solo. Like in my AU stuff, I tend to focus on just the ship/characters itself. Like I would rather deal with my multiships in their own separate AUs, since it’s easier for me to work with. I do love AliHaku though. But I liked that line so I still tried to include it though. NGNGNNG.
C: OOOH I SEE…. Valid as heck. It's a good one
My fave ship tropes <33
JuAli's "Love-Hate" relationship is soooo interesting to me <33 They're so sen-core.
Obviously they're more complicated than that but "Love-Hate" is just to simplify it
They're Enemies to Lovers too, but very different from LimGuda (Douman/Ritsuka) obviously. But they share most of the Sen-core ship tropes I love. I think JuAli has HoroRen (SK) kinda~ish vibes.
Like y'know. Yin/Yang. Light/Darkness. Protagonist/Antagonist. Angel/Devil. Enemies to Lovers. And then JuAli also has Fire/Ice going on with them. Sen-core meow meow mf/ship strikes again. I really adore JuAli and AliHaku, heehee. It's very typical Sen-ship trope core with their Sun/Moon/Eclipse symbolism going on.
My most favourite ships are usually Opposites Attract (the good kind). There are bad Opposites Attract ships out there obviously (charas who just bicker and literally nothing else). I'm just built different though. JuAli and HoroRen just fall into my kind of rather rough and violent end of Opposites Attract ships. Twink on twink violence is their love language /lh
I love Opposites Attract ships that are also combined with any of these tropes: Narrative parallelism (Yin/Yang, Light/Darkness, Sun/Moon tropes), Protagonist x Rival/Antagonist/Opposing Figure, Apoptosis, Reconciliation of Opposites, Fated Enemies/Rivals, etc.
JuAli rambles continued
Me: For JuAli, I feel like at first, Judar hates Alibaba with so much love. Like when you hate someone so much it’s love. And Judar would just constantly be like "I really don't get this guy at all" and "I don't understand what he's thinking at all!"
Tsundere catboy badboy is verbally harsh (violently tsun) and demands around verbally a LOT, like a needy cat that wants attention and affection.
I feel like in the early stages of them catching feelies they’d both be really awkward around each other and constantly headbutt each other… They'd always be pretty competitive with each other, like “Casual sex implies the existence of ranked competitive sex” vibes (LMAO) but they'd warm up to each other over time.
I'm busy so Idk when I'll sketch this all out but it was based off this idea I had in my head.
Judar is mostly verbally harsh (violently tsun) and demands around verbally, like a needy cat that wants attention and affection. And both of them are really awkward around each other. They'd always be pretty competitive with each other but they'd warm up over time.
Sen-core fave ship tropes:
Meow meow mf x ball of sunshine, morally questionable/morally bankrupt x morally agreeable, freak x freak who freaks them out (human that tames them), etc.
Because LimGuda, IdaTatsu, XanLena, and JuAli are all "Freak x human/freak who freaks them out/tames them"
Freak x normie where the normie/more normal S/O has the freak ™️ on a leash
Re: My Writing Ideas
Me: I don't really post my writing ideas on main cuz my dialogue scripts are more like guidelines for me to practice writing dialogue for comics, and also to help me remember my art ideas. I write down my ideas so that I don't forget them (cuz they come to me spontaneously during the day), and also so that I can hopefully turn them into comics one day 🙏
My mutuals/friends can read them though! I post them because I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to turn my ideas into art form, and because I think the dialogue scripts are interesting to read.
Also me doing this still technically counts as a form of art. Even if they're written almost like play format, it's still a form of creative writing
I've definitely gotten sm better at it like I've been refining the way I write Idate's dialogue (and other WATGBS AU charas) over time
Because when I write these scenario ideas down, I think in terms of visuals. When the ideas come to my head, I imagine and see them all visually in my head. I'm a much more visual person, so I see things through visuals, and then try to turn them into words.
I think I first started critically engaging with and analyzing media at 18 (which is a good thing, because art is a form of expression and social commentary). I think I only really got good at doing media analysis at 18+ and it refined even more at 19 - 21+
It used to be so hard for me to put my thoughts into words, but I got much better at it through practice (by doing all the thought rambles)
But I'm literally so much better at analytical writing (ie. Series and character analysis, meta) than creative writing (ie. Novel and fanfic writing), so that's why I only do dialogue scripts. It'd be interesting to try and take up fanfic writing in the future though... But it definitely won't be soon, so I'll stick to my main creative form (drawing) for now
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explosionshark · 2 years
For talking about ships - Angel and Faith? But in a quasi-father-daughter or quasi-brother-sister sense, not in a romantic one. (Technically that's still a relationship, it counts!)
Disregarding the ask meme format, we're just vibing rn but like. Hell yeah.
My ideal Faith/Angel dynamic is an older brother/younger sister dynamic. It is also an 'Angel is Faith's AA sponsor, but for murder' dynamic
I mean, part of what I love about it is the way it's not super neat. Angel brings so much projection into his approach, especially early on. It's hard to blame him for it, but that doesn't make it fully appropriate, right? I think about the way he tried to get through to Faith in btvs and how it fell apart because she made a mistake and began to spiral, she was SO scared that it meant she was evil, and he shows up (a vampire who was a sadistic killer for 100+ years) and says "Faith, we're the same" which is the exact WRONG thing to do!!!! Well intentioned but totally wrong. I love how human that is.
And even though it was a mistake, it still means something to Faith because when she's literally at rock bottom and he reaches out again, it works. I joke about the sponsor thing, but they really do write Angel and Faith as if they're in recovery together sometimes, and that approach really works for me. There's something in their pasts that they regret, that hurt people and made them ashamed, made them scared of themselves, and no one who hasn't been there can relate - what a relief, what a tragedy to have that in common. To be able to understand each other.
And Angel having faith in Faith (I'm sorry, I cannot think of a way around saying it like that lmao) means SO much to her. She fucked up so bad, she spit in his face, he still helped her when she needed it most - crucially when she was ABLE to accept help. And you can see the mark it leaves on her because she's willing to lay down her life over it.
Faith vs Angelus / The Beast is SO good. I love the narrative coming full circle. Angel saw Faith at her worst and didn't give up on her, and she gets to rerun the favor. You see so much of her growth in those episodes, so much of her love for him and her gratitude. And their shared belief in atonement meaning 'you never get to rest or stop fighting ever because every breath you take for the rest of your life needs to be in service of making up for your sins' is like deeply and obviously fucked up and flawed but it's FASCINATING that they're the same in this.
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meme of the day
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So this photo is from Aunty June and Uncle Minsoo's first public broadcast as fiancées, and the story behind this is that she was asked how she likes Korea for now (since she was from Canada). She was about to say "I f***ing love it here" because Uncle Minsoo cussed so much she thought it was normal, but the moment she said "f-" Uncle grabbed the mic and hurriedly said it on her behalf without the cuss word, and this is the photo that came after that. I love her innocent and sheepish smile lmao.
This moment could have been such a big meme apart from the situation it came from so I thought imma make this a meme format.
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shou-jpeg · 1 year
Me again, I hope I don't bother you! 💕
I would like to ask about the process of making Back on the Beat!
Where this idea came from? Why do you decide you will create it in this format? Do you have any special inspiration? Did you finish it already and gave us it part by part or is it still WIP? If yes, do you exactly know how you want it to end or just let it go with the flow? How long it takes to make one part?
And actually, anything you share about how, where when why you make it would make me happy!
I love your work and can't wait next Friday to come!💕💕💕
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Hhfgsdajk l'm so glad you like my silly AU and want to know more about it! (cue me crying).
I'm going to try and answer all your questions:
"Where this idea came from?" - From a Discord conversation between @wildelydawn and I! We spend a lot of time throwing around ideas and being unhinged together and meme AU is one of these ideas.
Dawn sent me this...
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And then I sent her this...
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And then we spiralled from there.
Why do you decide you will create it in this format? - I thought it would be fun to make! I'm not a confident writer and I write so infrequently, it's hard for me to write anything long format. I am confident with drawing though. Also several other reasons, but that would be a whole list lmao.
Do you have any special inspiration? - KimChay being dumb for each other is all the inspiration I need. (◡‿◡✿)
Did you finish it already and gave us it part by part or is it still WIP? - definitely still a WIP. I make each part on the weekend and throughout the week and then schedule it on Thursday night (and try not to fret over it at work the next day and fail every time).
If yes, do you exactly know how you want it to end or just let it go with the flow? - I have a spine! Dawn and I pretty much wrote the whole thing in capslock text to each other so I made a spine based off that which I'm following and adding to as I go.
How long it takes to make one part? - it depends. The gifs are fast and easy to make and take maybe an hour at most. Drawing is a little more time consuming, but I'm actually a freelance illustrator and animator outside my normal every day job so I can move pretty quickly. What takes me longest is the text lmao.
Me these days though:
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dailyfryes · 1 year
Question. If the Frye twins had access to the Internet what kind of memes do you think they would like respectively
Well memes aren’t like, as formatted as they were back in like 2010, they’re always changing so quickly nowadays. But I know for damn sure Evie spends way too much time on TikTok, and she would’ve loved all the Barbie memes, “she’s everything, he’s just Ken.” I feel like Jacob would be the kind to use YouTube Shorts lmao. But other than that I’m not sure.
Put in the replies your thoughts!
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