#i love this mf jackass
ckygetsjobs · 1 year
oh my god he’s so cute when he’s sleeping
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hazyjamie · 1 year
I've been reading The Taint these past few days, is the pain and suffering I feel from reading it normal? Am I a masochist for subjecting myself to continuous emotional damage just for Fitz or am I just really sensitive-
(I might draw my thoughts on them some time, or make memes who knows)
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itspanimi · 2 years
buying april's cookbook was a fantastic investment bc now i can make sweet treats *and* see silly little bts pictures of cky/vlb :]]]
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gayrika · 2 years
driving behind a cop w my brights on
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nxathyx · 10 months
Bsd boys with a sassy reader
Chuuya Nakahara x gn!reader, Dazai Osamu x Gn!Reader, Nikolai Gogol x Gn!reader, Fyodor Dostoyevski x Gn!reader, Sigma x Gn!reader, Akutagawa Ryuunoske x gn!reader
More so with a reader who is good at insulting, back talking ect.
Trigger warnings: insults, cursing, a guy trying to hit on/harras reader but they pop and lock (girlboss besties), mentions of su!cide (on Dazais part, jealousy, mentions of alcohol and clubs/bars, slander, ooc, Let Me know if I missed anything
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Chuuya Nakahara
°he wouldn't admit it but finds it so attractive and straight up admires you when you put someone in their place and or stand up for yourself
°would definitely praise you for it
°if he wasn't as prideful as he is mf would straight up be on his knees worshiping you and your words of degrading
°if y'all ever argued it'd just be you being your sassy ass self and him being like 🤨🙄😃😧😰 (progressively regretting his decisions)
Let's set the scene first shall we? You and Chuuya were currently in a club/bar. You were just engaging in a casual conversation with your boyfriend sipping on your alcoholic beverage of choice (or literally anything if you don't drink). You were having a swell time just enjoying that Chuuya finally had some free time from work, that is until this man came up to you, he wasn't necessarily bad looking, but he was very average and basic to say the least. Chuuya glanced at the male but not speaking anything of it.
"hey, cutie~ how about I show you a fun time, just you, and me alone in bed~
You didn't even spare him a glance, replying bluntly and shortly
"fuck off, im not interested"
The man looked at you with a smirk, totally ignoring Chuuyas presence. Nakahara felt disappointed, disgusted even by the mere nerve that guy had, but sighed and continued to sip on his wine
"a little bit of attitude I see, that's such a turn on baby.."
It was quite clear the individual was intoxicated, you finally glanced at him with a sigh
"shame your such a turn off, with that cheap ass target shirt" (I love target don't come for me😭😭
The male got rather angered by how you spoke to him and were barely even batting an eye at him. Chuuya was grinning just watching the interaction watching you insult this lowlife with no mercy
"aw, come on.. Don't be like that, let me give you a fun experience and a night to remember"
"a night to remember is when you'll fuck yourself on a chainsaw you pathetic lowlife, get your horny ass together, get a proper job, focus on yourself and be respectful that way you might actually get some bitches in your life"
To say the least, the man wasn't too happy, his hand snaking around your waist, your natural instinct of self defence kicking in as you kick him in the shin
"what was that for you bitch?!"
He asked, seeming pissed of at you, at this point Chuuya has had enough and stood up, standing between you and the guy
"can you piss off? They're not interested nor available, jackass"
The fucker simply ignored Chuuya and tried again
At that point Chuuya got fed up with him, slapping him and leaving the place. As soon as you two got home he was by your side making sure you're alright <3
Dazai Osamu
°he lives for your sassiness
°imagine if you both work at the detective agency and Kunikida is scolding him and then you just back talk, not even bothering to look at them
°motherfucker Was like awooga awooga let me rearrange your insides babygirl😻😻
°definetly finds that really fucking attractive
°will proudly stand right beside you like "yes. That's my s/o. Yes, they're a bitch, and I love them"
You and Osamu were currently in the agency office, you were filling in some papers, whilst Dazai was getting scolded by Kunikida like most days. You weren't paying much attention to why he was getting told off, but you assumed it was because of one of his daily shenanigans, like jumping into a river mid mission, or giving Kunikida fake facts and or advice causing pages from Kunikidas notebook being ripped or scratched out by the ink. After a few more scolding words from Kunikida, you're boyfriend went behind you, hiding behind your office chair, you hummed a little "Hm?" as Dazai proceeded to explain that Kunikidas scolding is pointless cause he hasn't done anything wrong, however most of it was muffled due to Kunikidas continued scolding over the desk, it was insufferable to hear as you turned to Kunikida
"can you respectfully shut up?"
Kunikida just looked at you completely surprised, Dazai on the other hand had a grin, falling on his knees in an almost comedic manner before you asking when it's his time to hear such degrading words from you
Nikolai Gogol
°does his silly goofy little grins
°pulls pranks on Decay members and uses you to do all the "explaining"
°annoys you as much as possible using his ability just to see you get all sassy
You were currently laying on the couch, in the living room, it was pretty early in the morning and you haven't ate breakfast yet. You were home alone, your partner doing god knows what, and you preferred to not know. You stood up from the couch to go make yourself some breakfast, you were in the mood for something sweet, so you decided on pancakes, grabbing butter to melt on the pan later, milk, flour, sugar, and.. You just looked at the content of the fridge, confused why it lacked the eggs, you could've sworn there was at least half a carton left yesterday, you sighed realising you either have to go to the store or just make something else, you sighed softly once more looking into the fridge, grabbing some jam, putting the flour and sugar back, before sliding a bit on your socks to put the milk and butter back in the fridge, just looking even more confused due to the eggs suddenly appearing, realising it was probably the jester playing tricks on you, grabbing the eggs quite quickly so they don't dissappear once more. You placed all the ingredients on the counter once more, beginning to make the batter, you were about to pour the batter on the pan, before noticing a small yellow portal, taking the pan in with a red gloved hand, sighing once more you said a little.
"I'll chop your dick off and dismember your head with that pan if you don't give it back"
Nikolai poked his head out a bit with a smug grin, holding the pan up, by the center but instead of the handle, causing him to burn his hand and getting a bit of the melted butter on his palm, dropping the pan onto the floor with a loud sound of metal hitting something. Although the sound wasn't pleasant at all you got to laugh at your boyfriend for being a little stupid fucking idiot
Fyodor Dostoyevski
°if you ever Insult Dazai he'll give you like 5 countries
°if he truly loves you that is
°if not he'll Stil probably find it amusing, you might even get a little giggle out of him
°would definetly be sassy towards you as well
Fyodor was currently in his office (discord mod cave) , eyeing like 5 fucking monitors at the same time.
"Fedya, come out of your rat infested room already"
You said a bit irritated by the fact he's been there for like a week, not even bothering to come out for basic necessities, at this point you were even wondering where the hell he pisses— not important. It seems he has ignored you calling out for him. You opened the door, you wanted to ruffle his hair but just looked at that and almost gagged
"you look like an oiled up pan.. You better fucking wash that, I doubt even lice would want to be there"
And after saying that you left the room, leaving a confused Fyodor, who just sat there processing what the fuck you just said
°okay Mr 3-4x bullcut would be nervous asf
°like he's scared you'll end up in a fight from the way you talk with others
°finds it humouring if you insult Gogol though
°would love hearing you insult everyone, in private
You were standing next to a machine in the casino, leaning your side against it until a fairly attractive female came up to you
"are you going to keep standing here and hogging the machine so no one can use it? Or will you move your damn self some where else?"
You were a bit stunned by the sudden hostility but slightly impressed and even amused
"i know damn Well your not talking to me with that 3$ wig your wearing right now, and don't even get me started on those earrings and necklace your wearing, like girl, did you grab those of a Christmas tree?"
The girl turned around on her heel, a few minutes later the number you had got called into the managers office. You walk in to notice Sigma trying to look stoic and not at all nervous, making you snicker a bit. Sigma turned to the woman and told her she's free to leave and he'll take it from here, the girl gave you a smirk as she left as if she just won millions, making you almost choke trying not to laugh
"dear.. Please stop being rude to my clients—"
"well your clients are bitches"
The discussion continued for a bit ending in you nuzzling your head against Sigmas neck as he continued to do his paperwork.
Akutagawa Ryuunoske
°this man is as sassy as you like oml
°don't say anything about Dazai, Gin or Chuuya though, or just people he generally respects
°feel free to talk as much shit as you want about Atsushi though
°if you ever tell Higuchi off he'll find it very amusing
°y'all definetly try to out sass each other
You and Aku were currently laying in bed, you were talking about someone at your work place that has been annoying you lately. You were insulting them freely, not bothered by the fact Akutagawa was trying to fall asleep, not until he told you to shut up, which ended in endless sassy comments going back and forth between the two of you as well as you a bit curled over in laughter and Akutagawa trying to hold back a snicker
I nnot proud of this but spent too much fucking time writing this and didn't even finish 💀💀
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popcornpieispissedoff · 9 months
A Pile Of Canon Divergent Danganronpa Headcanons:
The students absolutely did not get along when they first enrolled, they were all legit getting on each others' nerves and every other day was a shouting match.
Byakuya doesn't mind Ultimate Impostor's presence most of the time, but there have been times when he was seriously creeped out by Impostor.
After they adopted Kotoko, Hifumi collected all his loli/shotacon and invited Kotoko to help him burn it. Seeing the damage adults did to Kotoko has him rethinking his tastes in manga altogether.
If Kiyotaka catches anyone running in the halls he will drag them to that person's starting point and make them walk back to their destination.
When Gonta inevitably found out that Hiyoko liked squishing ants, he sat her in front of the biggest anthill he could find and unloaded ant facts on her. This bored the habit right out of Hiyoko.
Everyone has accidentally locked themselves out of the school at least once.
Over time, everyone noticed that Mikan was tripping over less and less. Though she attributes it to learning balance from Sakura, she subconsciously knows it's because she doesn't need the attention anymore.
Mikan wants to cure Nagito's terminal illnesses, but fears that Nagito's luck would kill him if she does so.
Mikan cares deeply for the Warriors of Hope, and is a key player in their rehabilitation.
The virtual Jabberwock Island from Danganronpa S is still there...but the students actually built it to get away from their oppressive dickhead superiors that they hate. It has the 50 day summer camp mode for all of them, or a solo mode for anyone to set a specific amount of time within the virtual world to unwind.
[Very slowly lays hand on Masaru's head as to not trigger his trauma of being slapped] This boy can fit so many cuddles and kisses.
Jataro won't just let you hug him, the little mf will let you s q u i s h him into your body with all your love and might. As long as he can still breathe he will be happy and let you hold him.
Kirumi cracks pretty easy under stress. She doesn't lash out at everyone so much as she curls up against the nearest wall and rocks herself.
Don't ask Kirumi to reenact Jackass with you, or she will absolutely overcomplicate the assignment and seriously injure herself. She does not comprehend physical comedy, much less the line where physical comedy becomes everyone around her fearing for her life.
Ryota straight up lives in the walls along with the balding Monokuma from V3. Junko and Ultimate Impostor are the only ones who know, but neither of them have been successful at getting Ryota out of his shell.
Korekiyo has been given an intervention by all the girls at Hope's Peak. It ended with eight hours of group hugging. Korekiyo is feeling better now.
Korekiyo and Kirumi have routinely fought over the air conditioning.
Masaru will bite anyone at least once, but for reasons only known to himself, he likes biting clowns the most. He will hunt down any clown that appears in his field of vision and not stop until he gets a bite.
If Gonta finds any insect traps or insecticides, he throws them down the garbage chute.
Hajime is still Izuru, but it's an open secret. His classmates love him no matter what his identity is. <3
Reserve Course students weren't so chill about Izuru, however-they wanted Jin Kirigiri's BLOOD. And the Ultimates just kinda let them do it for treating their friend as a lab rat.
One winter when the heater broke everyone slept together in the gym until it was fixed. We're talking a pile of blankets that was three feet thick.
They legit would not trade each other for the world except for Kokichi and even then Suichi would still be sad about it
Mahiru doesn't like taking pictures of Ryoma because his weirdly large eyes reflect all the light and the result always looks terrifying.
Someone kept leaving a stuffed toy clown in random places around the school...until they adopted Masaru and he promptly bit the shit out of it.
Ibuki tried playing from the rooftop once. It took 8 hours to find her, 4 hours to coax her down, and 2 hours to soothe her afterwards.
Nanokumas like to move things around when nobody's looking.
All Ultimates are prone to getting the zoomies. It ranges from Leon running around in circles to Sakura almost leveling the school.
Reserve Course students like to observe the Ultimates because Ultimates are all stupid fucking dorks and watching them accidentally stir up chaos is great entertainment.
Hope Fragments appear when a student feels their happiest. It forms within the body and gets hacked up like a hairball.
Gonta routinely has nightmares about being caught in a venus flytrap.
Fuyuhiko has become aware of Yasuhiro's debt to his family, and holds it over his head.
Peko wonders if her parents know about her becoming an Ultimate.
Junko is trying really, really hard to feign apathy towards her classmates in the name of Despair, but no one buys it.
Mukuro and Peko like to spar together, and they're pretty evenly matched.
Miu is soft (by Miu standards) towards Chihiro.
Miu becomes very anxious and needy at the mere thought of graduating from Hope's Peak and moving away from her friends.
More to come when my brain cells wake up and remind me who these people are
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wiinterz · 5 months
supa special | kisuke urahara
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pairing: kisuke x black plus size fem!reader
genre: established relationship, one-shot
warnings: fluff, crack, cursing, flirting, nicknames (sweetcakes, darlin’), pda, kon being kon
word count: 2.0k
summary: visiting kiskue at his shop, he decides to take a break from work and treat his girlfriend with lunch, a mani/pedi, and plushies.
☏ ᴛᴀʏ’s ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛs: an old fic, hope y’all enjoy it (if you already read and wanna read it again). left drawing made by virus2sexy on insta.
song: hoe cakes by mf doom
recs | taglist | help hub | bleach m.list
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THE DOOR SWINGS OPEN with a chime, sweet humming leaving from your plump lips as you blew your bubblegum and made it pop after it became big. Chewing on the gum, you wave at Tessai who grins back at you then at Ururu. Wondering where Jinta could've been, you feel a swift movement then arms wrapping around you as you get picked up from the ground a little. Not feeling freaked out, you could tell who exactly it was just by the hat on the ground. Smiling, you kiss his cheek as he places you down.
"Hi sweetcakes, what brings you here today?" Kisuke questions while placing his hat back on, grinning from ear to ear as you take your right earplug out. Pulling down your dress a little, you shrug.
"Just wanted to see you I guess?" Blushing at your words, Kisuke holds your right hand and tugs you to the back of the shop. "You have a new invention planned?" You question while finally seeing Jinta who was sitting on top of the fridge crisscrossed. Giving him a quick wave, he nods in acknowledgment. "You know it, but that's not why I'm bringing you here." Your brows furrow, wondering what in the exact hell you are about to get yourself into. Reaching a large white door, Kisuke turns to you, throwing a thumbs up as you fake amusement. "Close your eyes, sweetcakes." "Why?" "Just- please." Hearing such desperation in one word you sigh, closing your eyes while Kisuke waves in front of you. "Did you see anything, babe?" He questions, as he keeps waving a hand in your face and sticks his tongue out. "Clearly not, jackass. You told me to close my eyes." You say with a slight whine as he chuckles, "just checking, that's all."
Wrapping his hand around the gold knob, the sound of the door cracking open makes you wonder what he's doing. Feeling his hand wrap around your right, you follow behind him, notching the scarce light around you.
Before you could muster up a word, the lights flicker on as Kisuke approaches you. "Open your eyes." Listening, you gasp at the sight. You could tell that Kisuke had a cheeky smile behind you while his face turned crimson. Turning to him, you smile, brows furrowing as you immediately pull him into a tight hug. Lips pressing on his face, your red lip gloss stains his skin as you kiss him everywhere. Giving him one final kiss on his lips, his mouth opens softly, tongue pressing against your bottom lip. Opening your lips apart, your tongue slowly swirls against his as you smile. Left hand holding up his hat while his arms wrap around your body, your left leg lifting from the floor as the kiss deepens.
Easing up on him, he kisses your cheek and turns your body to the front, keeping his arms wrapped around your stomach. "Baby, this is so...I love you." You whisper, his heart melts to your words and how mellifluous your voice is. "I love you more, darlin'."
The room, as large as it is, had different sizes of bouquets of each flower you loved, even ones from Soul Society, which made you kinda question if he forced Ichigo to get them for you but you much rather ask that later on. You never realized the tears that were ready to fall to your chin or the fact your boyfriend had two ring pops in his hands. Yet he noticed each facial expression you had or the way your smile widened as you softly spoke to yourself saying each flower when you found one. He noticed the way your hands started shaking, rubbing your stomach and whispering sweet nothings in your ears to calm you down. He only forgot one thing, how quickly you become overstimulated like a kid in a candy shop. To keep you steady, he whispered in your ears as his warm hand rubbed you.
Then, you saw a big bouquet of plushies you wanted in the right back corner. You squeal loudly, as Kisuke chuckles. It healed him, unknowingly so.
Tugging on his hand, you pull him to the corner, staring in awe as he stares at you. His hat now covers most of his face, and you see a small card and then a teddy bear that was too familiar to miss. You smile and giggle, as the words "tadaaaa!" Leave his lips. Wearing a tuxedo, you raise a brow to Kisuke who shakes his head.
"I didn't...tell him to do that just so you know." He whispers mostly to himself as Kon starts to sing how much he loves you. "What now, you're gonna start dancing for me?" You mutter out while Kon just stands there. "I should be your favorite, I'm the reason why you and scarecrow over here are dating anyway. Don't I deserve attention too?" He says with a whine, Kisuke glares at him, "hey, I'm the reason why you exist." You laugh, holding onto the card. "Anyway, why are you wearing a tux?" Kon clears his throat, "I'll have you know I have a date today." You tilt your head to the left.
"With whom?" "Orihime." You and Kisuke eyes widen, staring at Kon in silence. Breaking the silence, you laugh in unison while Kon grumbles.
"Kon, I don't think Orihime is interested in you...in that way..." Kon once again ignores what you say, "she does too, she said she would like to watch a movie with me while we drink tea, and she...and she..." Kisuke and you lean to him, wondering what else. "And she?" You both query in unison. "You're right, she doesn't want a date, she wants to put makeup on me! A strong man! Me!" You glance up at Kisuke who does the same to you.
"Okayyy, Kon. I think it's best if you just try not to misread what Orihime says to you. You know she enjoys those things, plus I doubt she was even talking to you...I'm right, aren't I?" You asked while he huffs.
"Whatever, I'm going to go and find something to eat. I am a heartbroken man." Kon says while he sits on the table, pushing himself to the chair then takes the time to get down on the floor. "You'll see Y/n, I'm going to find a woman who wants a strong man like me." He says while pulling the tuxedo off and walking out of the room.
You look back up at Kisuke who can only shake his head. "Now that we have that out the way. I was thinking, maybe we should go and get lunch? Then after that, I'll let you get your nails done. Hm, sounds good?" He says while his hands show you the two ring pops. You smile and chuckle as he rips the package open from both of them. Placing one of them on your pinky finger and the other one on his, you both start to enjoy the candy while he allows you to walk out of the room before him.
"Damn baby, that dress looks good on you." Feeling his hand smack your ass, you yelp, smiling from embarrassment when you see Tessai. Kisuke pulls your dress down knowing how much you hate it when it rolls up on you, still keeping his hand on your ass, he softly rubs it while you both walk out of the shop.
Kisuke rests his left arm around your shoulder while your left hand holds onto his. Fingers intertwine as you both suck on the ring pop.
The soft hue of blue mixed with white from clouds that glow from the sunlight moved in what felt like a circle. You made out numerous images from the clouds, pointing at the sky as your glossed black platforms kicked the gravel, Kisuke smiles, as he says what he thinks the clouds are to him. It goes on for the next five minutes until you guys reach a busy plaza seeing a food truck not so far away.
"Wanna eat here?" He requests, you nod, letting him lead the way. Standing in the line, you wrap your hands around Kisuke's body, inhaling his scent, smelling like tobacco vanille. The weather was exquisite, with the soft wind as leaves scraped against the concrete.
People walking in pairs, alone, or in a group as they chat. You both already finished your ring pops a long time ago, yet the smell of greasy food being cooked wafts into the streets making your mouth water. You watch a girl grab her bag and shaved ice with mochi, watching the refreshing snack being placed against her mouth as her sun hat covers most of her face. It was understandable why so many people had kept their faces covered. It was the middle of summer, as the sun glazed the streets and sweaty kids playing around as families and teenagers walked to the beach or around places to find shade and enjoy each other's company.
Finally making it to the stand, a tall boy with a chef hat smiles at you. "Chad? What are you doing here? I never thought you would work at a food truck." You say as Kisuke looks at the menu. Chad shrugs, "neither did I, I just wanted to have a summer job. Plus it helps me with interacting with people, at least that's what Uryū says." You nod, looking at the menu with Kisuke. "Um, can I get ramune, strawberry flavored, and korokke?" You ask, Chad nods, while Kisuke starts to speak. "I'll have the same for the ramune and taiyaki. Thanks!" Chad nods once again, saying the total. Kisuke pays for the food and drinks while you guys go to the right side of the food truck to make space for other customers. "You know Kisuke." He hums, kissing your neck softly as you play with his fingers. "I'm really happy I came over to the shop today." Feeling him stop, you turn your head to him. "Why's that?" He breathes out.
"Because I got to see you, that's one and the second reason is that you did that sweet thing. I don't think you understand how much I needed that. But there's a question I have in my head that keeps racking in the back of my mind every time you do something so grand." His brows furrow, wondering if he did something wrong. "What's the matter, sweetcakes?" "I guess it's just how come you get to spoil me but I can't do it for you?" You say, sadness so evident in your words it slightly breaks his refixed heart. The one you took time to fix back. 
He chuckles his slightly chipped heart away, kissing you on the cheek, as his hands rest on them. "Oh, darlin' don't get sad on me now. You do spoil me. Maybe not in the way I do but it still matters. Anytime I come back here from an assignment to mentor Ichigo and his friends you're there. Food in your hands, well crafted, homemade, and warm. Then with your love, the love letters, the small drawings you make of me. Not to mention, our lovmaking." He whispers the last part in your ear, which makes you giggle. "Baby, you spoil me so much you don't even notice it. Which is why I spoil you back. I wanna be the rock for you, just like you are for me. I mean shit, you literally take care of me on my sick days, when I get wounded. Give me words of affirmation when I feel like my inventions are bad. And even when I overwork myself, you're there. With your loving arms, and that soft stomach of yours l love to lay on. So don't get sad on me now, 'kay?" He says, his fingertip resting under your chin to make you look at him.
You nod as he nods with you. "I love you, and I'm sorry you feel that way. That's the last thing I want you to feel when you're with me. Okay?" You nod again, whispering okay. You start to chuckle to yourself feeling slightly stupid. "I don't know why I was feeling that way. I'm so embarrassed."
Kisuke, wraps his arms around you, letting you cover your face in his chest. "Oh baby, no need. Sometimes we forget things we need to be reminded of most. So don't worry. You spoil me so much. My special angel."
Chad places the food in a bag and places the drinks on the table. You turn away from your boyfriend, picking up the drinks while he picks up the food. Thanking Chad, you two walk away, holding hands while you both find somewhere to sit down and enjoy the scenery.
Finding a bench under a tree, you both sit down, opening the to-go boxes and popping the ramune open. Clicking the drinks together, you both take the time in silence to enjoy the street food and drink. It didn't take long to eat, though you fed ducks a piece of Kisuke taiyaki and that took a while as Kisuke took pictures of you on his phone.
After eating, you both decided to walk into the plaza to find a nail salon, which was not hard to find after seeing a big sign with pretty nails on it. Walking into the salon, your eyes go wide as you go to your second place of happiness. Your first would be the beauty supply store. Standing in front of a white large counter, a woman walks up to you, introducing herself with a pretty smile. Telling her what nail style you wanted to do, Kisuke nicely interrupts saying to get a mani/pedi as you deserve it. You agree and smile at him for that suggestion.
Picking out the nail colors, you decide to do a kawaii nail style on your fingers and a simple baby pink color on your toes. Kisuke sat down on a chair, watching you as you were in heaven. He enjoyed going to the nail salon with you because he would see how happy you got, and how excited you were to show him the progress of the nails and the finishing touches.
The same woman takes you to a pedicure spa chair. Placing your earbuds in, you start to play hoe cakes by MF DOOM, mumbling the rhythm to yourself as Kisuke chuckles at you.
"Man do I love her." He mutters under his breath, a blush taking over his face while you were oblivious to it. Just happy you have a man who makes you know there are no insecurities allowed in your conscience and who makes you feel like a queen no matter the day or circumstance.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Monster Trio with a Black Girlfriend Headcanons (NSFW-ish)
A/N: this is like so long…like..wtf..
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our Brazilian King here would be the most fun to be with ngl. Being in a relationship with him is no different than being his friend really. The only difference is being a bit more touchy and protective.
He literally loves everything about you from your hair, shape, and just who you are as a person
He loves giving you his hat btw. Especially when you show off your natural hair
Speaking of natural hair…
Probably one of the funniest things that has happened in your relationship is when you take out your braids for the first time.
Ok picture this: Nami just announced it will be getting colder in the next few days as y’all set sail and it’s about that time you want to take out your braids and be natural while it’s cold.
So, You’re in your room as everyone is minding their business and Luffy barges tf in looking for you if you wanted to play tag.
Mf loses his mind seeing the braiding hair all over the place pls
Pls calm this man down he is running all over the ship looking for Chopper
After a good kick from Sanji and Nami you drag him back to your room with your hair now half braided and half a fro to explain to Luffy that you’re not losing hair or balding it’s just fake extensions.
He’s still lost but he’s a good sport about it.
He actually sees your real hair for the first time, it was pretty short when you first met him but you stayed in braids for so long you managed to get a lot of new growth.
Luffy has sparkles in his eyes seeing how pretty and healthy it is(not in a weird way but seriously whether u had a TWA or long curly hair it was all pretty to him)
He also loves your thighs heh
Before you two dated Luffy was already close with you in friendship and very touchy too.
There have been many times you have just been chilling on the ship with Robin and Luffy comes in, put his hat on your head, and takes a quick nap on your lap.
You have gotten ALOT of spit in between your thighs due to this
Don’t worry he also makes a mess of your thighs when y’all are in bed together
Ok lemme put some angst:
We all know OP isn’t afraid to tackle issues like human trafficking and even racism so imagine you and Luffy are in a pretty bad town and encounter some rude racist mfs.
So you and Luffy are grabbing a bite to eat when two idiots in the restaurant come barging in demanding drinks.
The waitress tells them they’ll have to sit at a table but they seen you and Luffy sit at a booth and pointed
“Why don’t you get those two to give up their seats?…the boy and…that person…people like her don’t deserve to even sit in an establishment like this.” And the man had his thumb pointed back towards you.
His tone was so disgusted and to further insult he made his statement known LOUDLY that a girl like you shouldn’t be in a place like this.
“Excuse you?” You muttered looking at the two men in front of you and Luffy.
Luffy wasn’t dumb, he only found out recently after you both started dating the heavy racism people tend to have towards black people which caused Luffy to be a bit more over protective over you.
. Luffy did sit and watch the men’s movements and words, because he knew you could defend yourself, however racist idiots always managed to take it too far and then your sweet boyfriend jumps to action.
“What do you mean ‘a girl like me!?’”
“Do i have to spell it out for you?! YOU’RE A N—“
Immediate knock out.
Broken noses, ribs, you name it Luffy went tf off on them racist jackasses
Your hand barely touched your weapon before Luffy punched the daylights out of said man.
It was actually kind of hot because his hat was covering his eyes.
“Idiots.” Luffy grumbled walking out the restaurant . He took your hand and a piece of meat in the other hand mumbling something about them being bastards.
Long story short after Luffy tossed the men up and down the street so well you ended up giving him the OL sloppy toppy as a thank you that night.
Speaking of sloppy toppy let’s get into the NSFW part of your relationship:3
First off he has seen plenty of naked women. But yours is just better
He don’t know if it’s your shape not being the same as other girls or your skin or just the way you smell but he enjoys staring at your naked body and bending it im crazy positions as if you were made of rubber too during sex
You’re always more sore after one round of sex with him rather than actually fighting marines Sksjsksks
You of course initiated sex with Luffy first after a few months of dating and you were the one to take his virginity (he took yours as well). He was kinda awkward about it though because stuff like that wasn’t something he cared to do.
However, you both got into the oral sex part and goodness he fell in love with you after that.
Luffy has a huge oral fixation so he doesn’t mind going down on you
He actually likes it more than screwing you im sorryejsjhsjdsk
Not that it doesn’t feel good being inside you
Poor boy started crying and moaning so loudly cuming inside you for the first time
It’s just you have a very interesting and addictive taste
His words not mine
He also really likes staring at your pussy Abseiskjdhdj NO JUST HEAR ME THOUGH—
Like when he is eating you out sometimes he just stares at how his tongue is rolling and lapping up your clit he forgets that you probably came at least 2 times :((((
It’s just so nice to look at to him especially if you have a fatter ….cat.
Loves burying his face in your neck pls.
You smell like shea butter and cinnamon the man is so addicted to your smell.
I feel like Luffy doesn’t have a favorite body part your thighs
But he loves rubbing his cock between your thighs as you both sleep .
Literally they’re so soft and warm especially after taking a bath.
Speaking of baths you managed to get him to take more baths
ONLY IF you take one with him.
Usually ends with him screwing you in the tub and y’all get more dirty than clean sksjsjsjs
All in all he loves you sm
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This man deserved the best head ever omg.
Luckily he has you and your beautiful lips<3
Ngl Sanji is the type of dude to call you his “Black Queen” IM SO SORTEUEKDJSJ
Literally any corny black girl “compliment he can think of he’d say it to you.
:(….hes trying.
None the less you being his first official girlfriend actually was more work than you thought.
Yes he’s very charming, sweet, honest, giving etcetc but his jealousy sometimes wears you out.
Anytime you two go out together and another man drools—let alone comments your looks Sanji’s already lifting his foot .
He didn’t believe you actually liked him back at first :(((((
Poor baby, he has trust issues. Pls give him all your attention.
It doesn’t take long though for him to accept you actually do love him just as much (if not more) as he loves you.
Said “I love you” on the first date
Threw you off completely, but it was so sweet and quick so you said it back.
A few of your love languages with each other is most definitely quality time and acts of service.
When there is an off day with the crew you and Sanji spend the day cooking meals you grew up with
I.E. whether it’s from your culture (like Nigerian food) OORRR simple soul food baby he is ganna FLIP. Especially if you cook it for him to try!
“Okay so this is Mac and cheese, fried chicken, greens, & corn bread. I didn’t make a whole lot because I wasn’t sure—Sanji?”
His whole world is rocked.
The seasonings, the flavor, the texture, everything that you just cooked was something he will put on his “new favorite food list”
He asked to marry you.
He ask to marry you at least once a day
That’s actually how y’all started dating heheh
When he first met you, you were actually intimidating to him but not in a bad way SKSJSJS
He still fawned and drooled over you, but you nearly thought he didn’t find you attractive because even when you joined his heart eyes was still on Nami more than you.
Even after Robin joined after you he seemed to stir his attention to the two girls more than you.
Granted you felt like it was probably because you weren’t his type, you didn’t have those girl’s shape(for example if you’re pear shaped) your hair wasn’t like theirs, and you were a bit more of a tomboy than anything so it made you feel a bit insecure.
Or maybe the mf didn’t like black girls who knows KSHSHSJS
Complete opposite tho this man is a whore for black women
It only annoyed you because somehow you’ve grown a crush on the idiot.
However all those things were the reason why Sanji felt so intimidated + you’re incredibly strong willed and ain’t afraid to speak your mind and that’s what made you so much more attractive to him than another other woman he met.
And you do so one night while Sanji cleans up the kitchen.
You knew this was a bad idea, a bit cringe, and out of character but the curiosity was eating at you and you knew if you didn’t ask right then and there you may as well just get over your crush with him; “How come you don’t like me?” You said without a care in the world leaning on the door frame arms crossed pouting, Sanji recognized your voice and felt his soul drop a little hearing your crazy question.
“Don’t… Like …you?”
“You heard me. It’s not like I’m jealous or anything (you were) but…I don’t know it seems like when I want to hang out with you, you seem to be more interested in Robin or Nami to be around…I know I don’t wear dresses a lot or skirts…and I’m a bit rough around the edges but …as your crew mate…AND FRIEND…I…um….I…”
You didn’t even hear Sanji approach you so closely as your tangent was going on with your eyes not meeting his. He felt so bad making YOU feel bad.
He grabbed your hand rubbing the palm of it with his thumb.
“I’m…im so sorry, Princess i—I um…”
Que the dramatic music
You actually found it amusing seeing how much of a drama queen he was asking for you not to forgive him, and you’re a big softie for him so to shut him up you grabbed him by his nape and kissed him.
His lips were so soft omg
“Marry me.”
And that’s how I met your mother
Ok we finna get spicy over here
Sanji is a boob man. We know this. And because of this he loves seeing your boobs ALOT.
“They’re like chocolate kisses.”
You nearly started crying from laughter when you let Sanji fondle your chest.
“Do not say that again will slap you—AH!”
Too late Sanji popped a whole titty in his mouth.
Ngl after a few months of dating and gaining each others trust he started to become a bit OOC.
Meaning….in the bed.
At first he’d ask you repeatedly if you felt good having sex with him, but now that he knows your body…well..
“R-Right right there San—-JI YES!”
“I know baby I know..”
Tf this boldness come from
Ok so you took his virginity too. It was just a Process because Sanji kept bleeding on you.
Had to use a blindfold on him which really had him cuming in seconds.
He sometimes moans in French.
He moans in French in your ear and you slowly grind on his cock
“Tu te sens si bien sur ma bite”
You find his French accent so sexy
Cocky bastard knows it too so if you are acting like a bit of a brat he whispers in your ear some of the dirtiest things he wants to do to your body in French
You don’t even know what he’s saying it just sounds hot KabsjsKSBSKS
Sanji most definitely loves to finger you.
Great past time when you both are alone and you wear a short dress or skirt
Your pussy>>>>>>>>>>>>life is his whole mentality being with you in bed.
When it’s your hair wash day Sanji always invites himself to help you, but it always starts off with him helping washing your hair, then once he rises it he begins kissing your shoulder, then your spine and then next thing you know he lifting your pretty brown thigh on his shoulder kissing and eating your pussy under the hot shower head <3
He keeps those days marked on his calendar SKSJSJ
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I told y’all he wasn’t racist
Mf is a simp for black and Latina women too he just won’t admit it fr.
This mf here..
He mf adores and can’t stand you all at the same time
Seriously your little smart remarks is ganna be the death of him.
Zoro actually loves a feisty/strong woman. He’s usually around the girly girl types plenty but seeing a woman that isn’t afraid of fighting grown men 10x her size is what led Zoro to pursue you
However he didn’t know he had a crush on you you were the one to get it out of him💀💀
“Why don’t you admit you like me already? We could have been dating like…a week after I joined y’all.”
“What?! I don’t— !”
“You’re literally cuddling me, Zo…”
When you first joined shortly before Chopper you both automatically had a love/hate relationship.
You were a gunslinger and he was a swordsman there were plenty of debates on which was better
“At least I can still fight if I run out of bullets..”
“At LeAsT I DonT RuN ou—-shut up! If it came down to it and we ended up fighting I’ll whoop you so disrespectfully boy..”
Me and Mrs. Petty everyone <3
You both tend to argue a lot but it’s stupid arguments that you start because you love annoying him.
And he knows this.
Zoro also likes patting your butt
It’s never sexual—you’re the sexual being in the relationship (we’ll get to that later)
But Zoro loves your fat butt.
Literally. The man is a butt man.
The way you sway your hips when you walk and how your butt effortlessly moves has him staring for way longer than he should.
And you know this.
However he usually pats your butt to get your attention
“Common we head to head to the ship.” He stated in your ear walking past you giving your bum a light slap and slowly dragging away said hand off your bum.
It turns you on sm pls
Loves to nap on your tummy
Looks like a grumpy baby with his strong arms around you and his face slightly tucked in with his eyebrows furrowed
He usually lift up your shirt to have skin to skin contact
Sniffs your hair a lot
Don’t know why he does it but sometimes when he’s standing behind you he just lowers his head and does a subtle whiff
You don’t question it….you kinda wanna though.
He lets you hold and use his swords
You have threatened him with it…many times.
Also if you have a TWA(or any natural hairstyle really) or like finger waves of the sort he friggin loves that. Whenever he’s holding you he tends to run his rough fingers through your curls and sometimes helps pull out any kinks he may randomly find
You woke up to him one time eyes completely focused on a tangled curl you had
It was so cute
“Lay back down im not finished.” He pushed your head back down gently still taking out the curl.
Despite that Zoro really has no clue on how to be a proper boyfriend sometimes so you have to teach him.
A lot.
“Why would you randomly want flowers where would you put them?”
He’s trying.
Y’all never go on proper dates though.
Zoro doesn’t think it’s necessary, you both spend a lot of time together training or when you dock on a ship.
However if you REALLY wanna go on a date he’ll take you.
Ended up in a mess.
You both got lost.
Zoro was fighting random pirates
You shot a guy
Y’all fell down a hill because Zoro slipped and grabbed your arm
Never again
His dick makes up for all his stupidity though
Okay don’t get mad…
But I don’t think Zoro is as great with sex as y’all say he is OKAY JUST LISTEN TO MEJDJDDKSKS
But it took so long because he’s so easily flustered.
Just like Sanji and Luffy he was a virgin and you had a bit more experience.
You went down on him first and he was actually more embarrassed than turned on KSBSJDKS
But he just felt weird seeing you in between his legs damn near gagging on his cock. You liked it though.
“Are —-are you okay?”
“Mmhm. Why does it not feel good?” :(
When Zoro first slid inside you you swore his eyes rolled back and he swears you were just seeing things.
“Feel good don’t it.”
“Shut the hell up.”
No but after the 2 years he definitely got much better and bigger
He knows how to read your faces on what hurts and what feels good and it’s honestly something he pats himself on the back for.
He loves it when you sit on his face btw.
You’re thick, he’s thick , and he loves your thickness so sit on his thick head. Both of em
Remember how I said you were the more horny one of the relationship?
Not true he is but you’re more vocal about it.
“Zoooooo….I wanna sit on your face.”
Man nearly drops his dumbbells on his foot.
“What is wrong with you?!” Literally been craving to eat you out all day since he had a dream about it this morning though.
His tongue…..
My mans is a messy eater
You like how he manhandles you so it’s not a big deal but if anyone were to see him eat you out they’d think he’s literally EATING YOU
He loves holding you up on his shoulder to eat you out btw
You’ve been caught once by Usopp in the aquarium with you back high on the wall and him sucking your clit
Us couldn’t speak to you for weeks
Zoro didn’t give af
Ok he did a little because his dick was out
Amazing bf.
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nyaskitten · 5 months
My biggest fear for season 2 is Cinder could turn out to be a major jackass and most of the fandom shits on him for no reason and I'm the only one defending his honor and mfs are gonna go "I hate Cinder but this art goes hard" and I'll just be thinking "HEY FUCK OFF NO ONE CARES THAT YOU HATE A CHARACTER I LOVE JESUS SHUT UP!!!!" and then I'll cry myself to sleep and kiss Cinder telling him "Baby, it'll be alright baby. Trust me."
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ckygetsjobs · 1 year
Me and him share a brain
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vivaladicamillo · 10 months
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heyy yalll im backkk, took a little break for a bit but IM BACK BABYYYY, ive been getting into goth culture a lot as of recent and have been changing my style to fit around it more so this is js a silly little thing to fuel my brain ☺️☺️ enjoyyy
ok so really i think ryan would LOVEE a goth s/o
but it depends on the era of him
if we r talking BEGINNING of cky days i feel like he would be into it but NEVERRR let yk abt it
if we r taking 1999 ryan oh my god hed fall in love with u then and there
we all know back then he had a little thing for more hardcore women (COUGH COUGH YALL EVER SEEN GLOREN BRO, the leather jacket RYAN WE KNOW WHO U RR)
i feel like he would be curious about it
just with how intricate the style is
i feel like hed be into all the styles of goth ngl, hes js so curious on how it all works
the closet thing hes really seen of goth is bam fanboying over ville
soo not much to compare it too
i feel like he would ask so many questions
just like “where do u find clothes like that??” “how long does it take u to get ready?” js air headed questions
if u started dating him tho oh my god hes a sweetheart
anything halloween related that looks edgy in the slightest he will buy and say it reminded him of u
will help tie up corsets, clip on necklaces, and always have a spare pair of flat shoes on him just incase ur heels start to kill ur feet
obsessed with the make up, he thinks its so cool (and so hot)
oh bam is lowkey so jealous
especially if u are a fan of ville
ryan would try and color match his shirts to ur outfits
u wearing red? his shirt is gonna be red
purple? he has a purple button up somewhere
hes js so in love w u he doesnt care
will be the type of guy to run to the store last minute to get accessories for an outfit for u
also will buy u those overly expensive edgy ass heels from the store bc he know u will rock them
probably has tried on some of ur platformed shoes or heels and busted his ass
bam would probably be there dying laughing bc of it
or he would casually put on a hair piece or some necklaces and imitate you (he swears it out of love)
honestly would let u give him a gothic makeover, js dont show bam
he doesnt reallyy get whats going on but he loves it anyways bc he loves u
oh he thinks ur so cool
depending on what metal genre u prefer he would listen to so many songs from it
i feel like he’d be a little intimidated at first bc mf thinks HIM and CKY is hardcore
he will buy patches for ur battle vest
love hearing u go on about the bands
warning tho hes gonna try and fucking stage dive into the mosh pit
hes gonna get his ass KICKED
loves ur accessories
the gauntlet cuffs, the bullet belts he thinks its so edgy and cool
hes a little scared of the corpse paint tho
hes seen bam do it but never fully going out with it
when he walks into the room and see u just with two massive black holes for eyes a white face and a frown drawn on it kinda scares him for a second
but he thinks its so cool after he realized
wants u to do it on him
literally if u do he will js be staring in the mirror of a good 20 lins is awe
will go to bar shows with u
cant fight for shit tho so if someone starts shit goodluck LMAOOO
lowkey would grow his hair out bc one of ur fav bands fav members has long hair
hes wayy more into this probably then the gothic vibe but tbh ryans such a sweetheart if he liked u, HE LOVEDDD u
hey yall so hope u enjoyed, ive been really into both these scenes recently and broo the goth metal style is my favvv, its hella cool. i need to start writing on here again lmk if i should do other cky/jackass members with different styles and genre loving readers!! byeeee :))
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snekverse · 7 months
Im not staying anonymous im free with my cringe FNAF AU
Katelyn as the security guard bc only she would keep going back for some cash 😭 /lh, AARON AS BONNIE BECAUSE OF THE THEORY BONNIE DIED THROWING HANDS THATS FUNNY TO ME, Nana as Chica because she likes cooking and baking, Zane as foxy bc,,,,,one eye,,, /lh, and GENE AS FREDDY. HES THE TYPE OF MF TO NOT WANT HIS JAM INTERRUPTED /LH tell me u can see the vision the vision is mostly centered on aaron and katelyn because im in love with them /lh
STOP this is genuinely such a funny line up to me /pos
katelyn guarding the doors while aaron just fuckin stands there for like 2 hours like a jackass... foxyxchica to zanexkc pipeline.... aaron and gene that one scene from the movie iykyk (slight movie spoilers in third image)
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bestie I love this ty
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schalotte · 1 month
yesterday i was crossing a mf zebrastreifen and this MAN comes revving up and you know i love enforcing my pedestrian right of way but he would've run me over if i hadn't stopped walking. it was so bizarre i had to laugh but also for real i am cursing your bloodline as we speak . jackass
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beemers-hell · 2 months
You've mentioned on Twitter how ebs relationships with hank and tricky is super different from each other, could you elaborate more?
was gonna draw something for this but once again! fatigue moment lol
Anyway! Yeah they're very different! And thats just cause of how Eb connects with the two! Its a very different set of circumstances between each dude, and she has recognized this and does shit differently depending on who it is she's being all lovey dovey with.
Like with Hank, the way she interacts with him is fairly low key, subtle. She knows he doesn't have much patience and he's always irritated and has a short fuse, and he's "Experiencing The Horrors 24/7", so the way she interacts with/loves on him is very subdued. She speaks quieter, in a less brash tone, she visually indicates she's gonna touch him before she tries doing something as small as grabbing his hand, she definitely does still intentionally get on his nerves and acts annoying towards him but she doesn't over do it; she knows what his limit for playfulness is and cuts it out when she sees he's not willing to entertain it anymore. I wouldn't really say she's "gentle" with him, because she isn't like changing her behavior to be sweeter and more kind with him; she's the same rude snarky jackass that she is with everybody. What she is is more considerate with how she handles him, cause she knows he can't handle the loud, big gestures that she affords to her other partners. And its not like she's changing herself Just For Hank cause he wouldn't be able to deal with her otherwise, she actively makes the choice to change her approach because she Can Do That and has no problem doing so. To expand on the example I provided on twt, with Hank shes like "I'm gonna annoy you because I know you get a certain level of fun out of being made to feel something but I know your limits and when I reach them well be considerate and slow with one another, thats how you know I love you" ykwim. They're very much the type of couple thats quiet and chill about it (until they're behind closed doors, if you get my drift lmao)
Now, with Tricky, she is EXPLOSIVE. She is LOUD and HYPER and goes fucking WILD when she's getting up to romantic hijinks and mischief with that mf. He doesn't have NEARLY the same needs as Hank does so he can just kind of fuck around and not suffer any personal consequences for it, and Eb obviously recognizes it. So the way she handles him is just by not restricting herself the same way she does ""normal"" (as in, not Tricky's level of out of your mind) people and let's full loose. They're loud, they scream alot, they grab wherever at each other whenever they feel like with no warning, they yell obscenities at each other and go out on a whim to do god knows what, they literally use the other like stim toys!! They're insane about each other! Like the example I provided on twt, ebs like "when I die for real promise me you'll devour my flesh and bones" and trickys like "oh fuck yeah I will" and then they squeeze the shit out of each other. They're very much the "heart bare on their sleeves, loud as fuck about it" type of couple!
The only real commonality between these relationships (aside from like, yanno, there being unconditional love felt between eb and tricky and eb and hank) is just that they're all really into fighting, obvs. And not like, argument type shit, I mean they will physically assault each other for fun because they all just like that sort of shit! Eb obvs knows she's not gonna be able to seriously injure/actually murder either Hank or Tricky (at least not without a weapon) but loves the adrenaline rush from putting herself in a position where she could either get her shit rocked or beat the shit out of someone. Hank and Tricky are just bloodthirsty anyway, we all know this. But they all know what's too far and what would be going over the line so its not like anything actually traumatizing is gonna happen between them and her whenever they battle. And plus, Eb kinda sees it as a trust affirming exercise, cause she knows damn well both Hank and Tricky could kill her at any moment's notice. So the fact that she will physically engage them like this and they will entertain it, but not go as far as to murder her without hesitation (or her approval, but that's a whole other thing), proves to her she can put the trust you have to put into someone in order to open your heart up to them romantically, yanno?
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babybammargera · 2 years
Knox x Reader thats been a member since the start
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Hi I'm that one rando on your feed and welcome to jackass hcs.
In the beginning he's super protective.
But he warms up to you doing bits and stunts.
He even gets excited when he writes bits for you.
And hypes up all your ideas.
He's the first to back you up if anyone is iffy about you being able to do a bit.
You know those street pranks they did in the early days? Yeah he uses you for those a lot.
He's super affectionate during your free time.
Like even when he's going through footage/editing/planning shoots.
He's gotta be touching you.
Either laying in your lap or just having his hand on your thigh mindlessly tracing circles with his thumb.
Taking breaks to just stare at you with those big eyes or kiss you.
The stress of the constant pranks melting away.
Please for the love of Dunn please take some time to relax yall need a mf vacation.
Yall work so hard and we all know how the jackass crew can be.
Like having to deal w your boyfriend having random buzzed patches in his otherwise perfect hair bc the clipper pranks.
Also having to deal w Spike and Jeff being around all the time.
There's been several nights you've sat in your shared bathroom cleaning each other's injuries up after shoot days with particularly sketchy bits.
You've had to suggest a shower together on multiple occasions bc he can get a bit stinky during shoots.
He's let you wear the belt at least once. You know the one.
And you've stolen some of those graphic shirts. (Like I said he's gotten you some too so you can match)
Matching converse.
Understandably worried when he's doing scary/dangerous stunts.
And you've spent nights in the er by his side.
He's had to do the same for you.
He's so cute and goofy at premiers and red carpets.
Like you can't stop smiling the whole time.
His eyes are for you like the cameras aren't even there.
Which makes for the cutest pics ever.
Like I've said he's just like a big southern sweetheart.
Please make him wash those damn wrist bands tho.
Sorry it's short I have nothing against Knox he's just not my fav. And I've written similar hcs but if you have any specific prompts I promise I'll try my hardest.
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blimbo-buddy · 11 months
as a real cult victim shut your ass up ab how pinestar would write ab how tragic and evil and cultlike the clans are 💀 he is NOT a victim you goofy mf he abandoned his child and wife idc if the scary star cats are to blame for that he still directly contributed to tigerclawstars trauma and therefore his behavior and evilness....i love how you only consider child abuse and neglect ok when its your pathetic uwu woobified sadboy characters
every take you have is so incredibly narrow minded and self centered its like you cant even begin to relate to an experience you havent had and its just genuinely mentally painful to read some of your posts bc youre so fucking wrapped up in your weird negative ideology of hating everything and everyone that doesnt fit the specific acute traits you deem ok in a character. so many of the cats you like are bland ass background cats (which isnt inherently a bad thing) but i feel like its bc youre too much of a bitch to like any character with any level of depth or layers to them (cough cough ivypool) and you take anyone liking those characters or the way theyre written as them defending those mfs 😭 youre just so fucking annoying please go offline dude im so sick and tired of seeing your crusty dusty white pale face online go talk to people outside of tumblr for once and maybe youll stop being such a jackass
what the fuck do I even say to this
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