#i love to channel him in meetings with bigger dogs than me
yournastyfavelouis · 1 year
BD *and* BDE
The ...he’s got both, bb, and I know this has been long promised, and I’m sure it’ll be outdated in about an hour, but here’s a masterpost people have been askin’ for! Gonna give a lil tease before the rest goes under the cut (ahem):
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Before I go further, let me just say I would normally dive DEEP and try to find the full rez versions of these, but it’s almost impossible to find them in today’s shitty search, so mea culpa, hope it still works out for ya! I’m also gonna add some links to some fave ~energy because I know I’m gonna hit the limit AND it’s impossible (??) to download a gif from twitter. :( So let’s start with some outstanding clips:
The eye contact...OKAY
This sheer shirt would look 180 degrees different on anyone else
The person who created this video knew EXACTLY what they were doing
I will contend that he’s not a shower but a 100% grower
....so now let’s dig into some photos vs. links!
Certified ICONIQUE, Zayn’s FACE:
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It’s hinted at in one of the links above, but the people in the crowd, #blessed:
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I love how this was a moment:
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...that happened more than once:
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...and behind the scenes of this tour, too:
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Computer, enhance:
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Oh, Louis:
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There are a lot of moments where he’s not actually B in the DE, but it’s just OUT THERE, like what the fuck, dude:
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But there’s also something in the way he walks, where it’s not front and center, but it’s all EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in the BDE:
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...which naturally takes you into the spank hands, which is alllll E:
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I also love when he feels himself up, just to let you know it’s there:
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I’m a big fan of the spread, too:
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Just the power stance or sitce in general:
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straykidsnerd255 · 1 month
Can I get a strange things match up?
Im a blend of sweetness and spontaneity, with a dash of wildness with a large side of indecisivenes. Nerdy to the core, I find solace in the company of my beloved fur babies while immersing myself in the depths of historical fiction or getting lost in whimsical worlds of anime. My love for old movies and music transports me to eras gone by, where I indulge in the nostalgia of retro vibes.
My desire to please others often leads me to put their needs before my own, sometimes leaving me feeling a little overwhelmed and disorganized. Yet, amidst the chaos, I find solace in daydreams, and love of my family.
While I battle occasional bouts of depression and stress, my unwavering dedication to my family keeps me grounded. I channel my emotions into doing things I love, whether through cooking, trying new things or through exploring the complexities of human nature.
With infectious love for life, I try to embody the perfect balance of sweetness, fun, and a hint of mystery.
Hope you enjoy it!! Sorry, this came out so late and is slightly shorter than normal! I haven’t been in the writing mood for a bit but now I am back! 
I match you with…
He loves everything about you. He loves watching you with your dogs, how playful you are with them, and how excited you get when you are around them. He loves how he can find you reading or just watching old movies with so much fascination. He can’t help but smile softly when he sees that side of you. He enjoyed doing anything with you. You simply wanted to go on a walk and talk, sure! If you just want to sit and watch him play DND with his friends, he will be the happiest dungeon master ever. 
He knows that you love to help people but can always see when you get lost in helping everyone that it makes you disoriented. So he will do his best to help you get out of that disoriented feeling and give you something fun to do. He knows you love cooking and will ask if you both can cook something he had seen someone else make or something in a cookbook. 
You always indulge him and you both get lost in the kitchen cooking and singing along to both your music and his music. When he saw you watching anime for the first time, he was exactly into it but he would sit and watch it with you because he loved seeing you happy and that was his number one priority. He never wanted to see you with an unhappy look on your face. Even if it's a pout, he only wants to see the bright smile on your face you always have. 
He loves how devoted you are to your family. The first time he brought you over to his family, he watched as you greeted them with the biggest smile and open arms. He watched how you told your family everything you did and how their smiles would grow bigger and bigger with every word you said or how they would laugh at something funny that had happened to you. You then told them about Eddie and boy was he blushing and trying hard not to disappear from embarrassment. 
As the two of you were leaving for the night, you noticed how close Eddie and your family had become, and that made you so happy. Your family was the one thing that you couldn’t bear to lose and the love that Eddie had for your family after meeting them made your heart swell. You knew you found a good boyfriend by how your family reacted to him when you both were getting ready to leave for the night. He promised that he would be back to hang out more and you smiled softly. He was the best and you would fight to keep him with you.
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gnj9ata · 2 years
Life check point - I can't seem to go to sleep so I decided to redownload Tumblr and do a life check point of my life up to this point for preservation sake I guess. I had a thought of doing that with little videos and posting them to my YouTube channel. It's funny because I read old Tumblr messages on here and try to figure out my state of mind at that time to no avail.
So what is going on in life...
After all of these years, I am doing bumpers for the MCA again or should I call it The Chat Attack now. It's not mines anymore. It stop being that 6 years ago. He did ask me to come back on the show. I declined. I know me and my head. I would just try to recreate something that isn't there anymore. Same reason I keep watching the old bumpers and shows. I tell myself it's for inspiration or getting new ideas for the new bumpers, but it's me reliving the "glory" days. When I had a group of people listening to me. When I had power or control over something bigger than myself. If I am being honest, it feels good knowing I was "Top dog" at one point in time. That I got my idol at one point Korey Coleman to say "Attack the chat" once on a video, even though if I had the opportunity to talk to him about that, he probably wouldn't remember. It was something out of my head...that became real. That's powerful to me and I really want to do it again.
Ms gay is gone. Died from stomach cancer. Her mom had to stay with us for 4 months while Ms Gaye's sister was buying a house. She just moved out a month ago. Interesting experience. It took for her to die for me to know her name was first name was Carol.
Miranda is still missing...I miss her a lot. I told trey. I would have married her. And that is still true I feel. When I get the resources, I am going to find you.
And dan
Dan is still missing....
Find meech as well.
Jett seems happy with Nick. I'm happy for them both. They both deserve that. Had rough lives. It's nice they can finally get something out of it. Not sure if I will ever get married or what not and do that whole children thing. Only time will tell I guess. I could be reading this ten years from now and have all of these things. We will see.
I am kind of just kinda "meh" on the whole thing at the moment. Dating isn't even my main focus.
I work for pottery barn at the moment. Retail support agent. I answer emails all day. Easy ass job. I legit could just sit there for hours and occasionally do work. Sometimes I read a book or just watch YouTube videos. I am know as the "hype man" in the teams room. If I am being honest, it gives me similar feels to what I had with the MCA. People actually look for me and wonder where I am at. It feels nice to feel wanted or when people like to just be in your presence. But is it real? Just like the love I had with the MCA? Does it have an expiration date?
Because I know I will be curious later...
The book is Sophia's World: A history on philosophy. Good stuff so far. Recommend by ruthless. Yeah....still talking to him. He doesn't respect me like he use too. Doing thumbnails for his YouTube or at least I think I am. I haven't gotten work to do on it in a few weeks. We will see if that last.
I do thumbnails for Josh's The Afternoon Tune. Still going strong. Gave me free range on the thumbnails. I'm proud of him. Although everytime I look at the YouTube page, I see MCA DNA. Still friends with the group....we legit been through think and thin together so I think at this point, our relationship as friends...hell as family at this point is soild. I really hope they all respect me, but aren't these the same thoughts I had last time? Before I burned everything to the ground so what do I know? We are all meeting up for the first time as a group in March. Meeting up in New York. I hope everything goes well.
Regardless I know for a fact I have Fernando and Soberna in my corner. I still talk to them. The only folks from staples at this point. Although the Halloween party, I did get to see Angela, josh and Jermaine. That was fucking cool. I am really happy for Jermaine and his husband. Had no idea the dude was gay, but happy for him regardless.
Devon is still Devon.... maybe worst...or maybe our relationship is just really bad. It's almost like resentment now. I don't even like talking to him now. It's like I have already mourned the lost of my brother and he is still here. I am not even sure how to approach this situation at all. Recently had a conversation with mom about how I am frustrated that he gets to give up, but I can't. Even if I had the opportunity to do so, my mind wouldn't let me. I know I would regret all that wasted time. I have stuff I want to do with my life. And I can't stop until those are accomplished. And even then....lol
Anything else?
I am very annoyed in myself that I have forgotten alot of stuff I use to know. After effects, driving, pass books or let's plays I have watched. What was the last let's play I watched?
Can't remember. (Could probably check the YouTube history if I cared enough)
Still working with my therapist on mindpath. Although I am thinking of just cutting it off. I think I May have reached the point of what she can help with. I think this is one of those roads I probably have to finish alone. I have changed my sessions from every two weeks to every three weeks.
I still care about what my mom, my friends, my coworkers.....other people think about me. I still care and haven't learned my lesson yet. What is it going to take for me to finally stop caring? What is it going to take? The improvement junkie stuff is starting to get annoying to. I can't even relax on my off day and using time to think about how to get better at after effects or improve my memory or get better at mental math. I am going through timeline order of the marvel movies at the moment which is alot more fun than I thought. Trying to get back into gaming more with my steam deck. I love that thing.
It's 6 am and I have yet to get any sleep. And I am suppose to be driving to see Fernando and Soberna today. I need sleep....
0 notes
heyhihellowhatsup0 · 4 years
Hooked On Your Feelings - Prologue (FWB! Tom x Reader)
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Warnings: Some angst, language, eventual smut in future chapters, fluff
Word Count: 2570
Summary: After a bad breakup, making an agreement with your womanizing neighbor, Tom to be friends with added benefits and no strings attached seemed like the perfect idea. Until things become messy, emotions caused your agreement to crumble.
A/N:   So I’m starting a new series! I always wanted to do this trope for Tom and I’m realllllly excited for this series!  I’m not completely sure how long it will be as of right now, most likely between 8-10 chapters. So if you want to be added to the taglist, please DM me! I hope you all enjoy the prologue and can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it! (Also credit to @osterfield-holland-andcompany for this amazing ass mood board I made her too..I’m obsessed!) Thank you xx -N
“Get out!” you screamed as you shoved your now ex-boyfriend out the front door of your apartment. You knew the walls were thin but you didn’t care. You were so completely filled with rage and your body was vibrating as you flung his pants at him, “Get the hell out, Justin!” you shouted again.
    Justin flinched as the door swung open and he stumbled out the front door, still in his boxers. The anger in your eyes made your pupils black while he grabbed his pants and rolled his eyes at you, “Will you just let me explain, Y/N?” he tried to speak but you cut him off with a dry and sarcastic laugh.
    “No. The conversation is over,” you snapped at him, taking another deep breath to try and pull yourself together. You felt yourself fighting back the tears because you didn’t want him to see you cry. Not again, anyway.
    Watching as Justin stumbled down the stairs, you stood at the top completely and utterly overcome with your anger you barely recognized your voice. But you knew you had every right to be mad. You couldn’t excuse his behavior and you were done defending him. You knew you deserved better than the shit he was putting you through. It was enough and now you were letting it all pour out as he was practically falling down the stairs.
    You grabbed the shoe he had dropped on his way out the door and aimed it right towards his head, missing and making a loud thud against the wall behind him. You probably just woke up the entire floor but you didn’t care right now. Forming a fist, you refrained from punching the door as you finally lost it, “Don’t call me! Don’t even walk down the same street as me anymore, do you hear me? You conniving son of a bitch!” your voice bounced off the walls with an echo as you watched Justin exit your life through the elevator, still with his pants in his hand.
    You couldn’t help yourself as you flipped off the closing doors while you let out the breath you were holding in. Your chin began to tremble as you tried to stop yourself immediately. He wasn’t worth it, you thought to yourself. You should be proud of getting rid of him. Especially after what he had done to you.
    Just as you were heading back into your apartment before anyone realized you were the cause for the commotion, your neighbor’s door flew open and made you jump when you saw his familiar face meet yours from across the hall. You saw his smile as he noticed you and you knew what that meant, you just weren’t in the mood right now to assist in his little escapade.
    “Y/N! Oh, I thought I heard your voice out here,” your neighbor from 3B made his way over to you with bare feet, brown curls a mess, with his grey sweatpants resting low on his hips as his bare chest was revealed to the entire floor, “Thank god! I need your help with this chick inside who is talking about meeting her family this weekend and I’ve known her for...three hours,” he cringed as he carefully tip-toed his way over towards you.
 You couldn’t help but roll your eyes because this was a regular thing for him, even if it wasn’t your business. But he was a friend of yours, in a neighborly way at least, so at some point you made it your business.
    “No,” you scolded him as you shook your head. You tried to hold in your laugh at the desperate look on his face but you couldn’t help, “Not tonight, Tom. No! C’mon, seriously? No!” you warned as he began to give you puppy dog eyes to try and convince you otherwise.
    Tom pressed his palms together and pressed them to his chest, praying for your assistance, “Please, Y/N! I owe you so much if you help me out and this is the last time, I swear,” he paused for a moment when he realized you were standing by your door this late at night and you looked as if you had gone through hell. His lips tightened as he suddenly grew concerned, “Wait, what are you doing out here right now?” he questioned.
    You sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose, “Um...I sorta caught Justin sleeping with his co-worker so I was just kicking him out, sorry,” you don’t know why you apologized for it but you knew you didn’t want Tom or anyone for that matter to see you when you were this visibly upset.
    “He did what?! Fuck...Y/N, I’m so sorry,” Tom said as he offered you a hug, pulling you into his bare arms while he tried to make you feel a little bit better, “That guy was a fucking prick and I never really liked him anyway,” he told you, making you laugh through your tears while you pulled away with a small smile showing.
    Running a hand through his curls to smooth them over, Tom squeezed your shoulder playfully, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m probably a bigger mess than you right now,” he told you as he cringed at what was waiting for him back in his apartment.
    “No, you have a bigger mess than me,” you corrected with another eye roll. Quickly wiping your tears away you placed a hand on your hip while taking another breath towards Tom and his stupidity, “If I do this, you owe me big time,” you sighed.
    Tom was a good guy but the decisions he sometimes made were, to say the least, questionable. You didn’t know too much about his personal life but just enough to come to the realization that he couldn’t commit to much of anything. He was always bringing random girls home, roommates came and went, and he had a tendency to flake on tenant meetings at the last minute.
 There was no question that he wasn’t looking to settle down, you never once saw him with the same girl more than once and that was none of your business nor concern. Tom was a good neighbor to you. He watered your plants for you while you were out of town visiting your family, he kept his music down to an appropriate volume, he would even bring you pizza on occasion to eat together while you gossiped about the other tenants on your floor. And sometimes in return, he would ask for favors like bailing him out of sticky situations that you tried not to judge too harshly.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Tom gave you another hug with a kiss against your cheek, “I will owe you for fucking life, Y/N,” he thanked you as he waited for you to head into his apartment to do what he clearly was too afraid to do himself. Letting girls off bluntly was something he was never good at. Then again, that was a whole other issue he didn’t want to think about.
Tom followed you into his place as you glared at him when you saw all of the clothes strewn across the living room floor. Making a face at the boxers on the ground you shuddered at the thought of what the hell went down in this apartment as you watched Tom nod towards his bedroom signaling that she was in there.
Nodding your head you rolled your eyes before you got yourself into your character. Seconds later, you whipped around and channeled your anger towards Tom as you slammed his door shut, “Save it, Tom! I won’t hear it! I come home after taking a double shift for us and this is what I come home to?!”
 Tom gave you a thumbs up that you were doing a good job as you slammed your fist against the nearby counter, “I just spent fourteen hours stripping to pay your way through law school so we could afford a better place to live and this is the thanks that I get? You fucking some random girl?!” you shouted while you shook your head towards Tom with a shrug.
“Woah, nice touch. I love the story line this time,” Tom whispered with an approving smile as he pointed towards the bedroom door, signaling for you to go and get rid of her.
You stormed into the bedroom, already seeing the girl scurrying to find her shoes, “Oh god! Please, I’m so sorry,” she pleaded as her red hair swung back and forth while she adjusted her sequin cocktail dress. Limping through the threshold of the door she couldn’t even look at you or Tom as her face grew red, “I had no idea that he-”
“That he what? Was married? Was cheating on his wife of seven years? You still want this son of a bitch?” you asked the girl who shook her head ‘no’ nervously, “The both of you need to leave! Get out!” you pointed towards the door as you focused on Tom.
Tom apologized to the girl as she practically ran out the door before he turned to you, “Darling, please let me explain! Think of the children!” he begged you as he still noticed the girl was in earshot.
“I want a divorce and I’m taking both the kids! You won’t have two pennies to rub together by the time I’m done, Thomas! Do you hear me? I can’t believe you would-”
“She’s gone,” Tom cheered silently as his door finally closed with a sigh of relief. He rushed to the fridge to grab two beers as he made his way over to you, “Both the kids? Really?” he teased while he clinked his bottle up against yours.
Giving him a shrug, you brought the beer to your lips as you collapsed onto his couch, “Well if you kept your dick in your pants for once maybe you wouldn’t have to ask your neighbor to make up such elaborate lies on the fly to kick girls out of your apartment,” you teased right back as Tom took a seat right next to you with a pout on his face, “Am I wrong?” you questioned him with a giggle.
“Well, technically, no. But then, where’s the fun in that?” he laughed as he took another sip. Trying to figure out why he even did half of the shit he did anymore. He knew there wasn’t any fun in any of it. Not anymore, anyway.  It made no sense, especially if he wasn’t getting anything out of these situations except drama. And he hated the drama of it all.
You made a face at Tom, “I guess no more fun than watching the guy you were in love with make out with his co-worker,” you stare at the bottom of your bottle, letting the alcohol swirl around your brain as you tried to push away those thoughts. You didn’t want to think about Justin again. It was still fresh but you weren’t ready to move on just yet.
“Guess we both should be alone for a while, huh?” Tom stated as he slumped further into the couch. Downing his beer as he set it aside on the table. This feeling was beginning to come more often than not with Tom after he dismissed one of his...conquests. He didn’t like it anymore because it was suddenly beginning to make him feel like this but he kept doing it anyway in hopes it would go away. But so far it only got worse as the nights rolled in and you came by to kick out more of them. He was lucky you were here because he didn’t feel like being alone right now.
The room fell still as the two of you remained on the couch in silence for a bit. Trying to blur out the events that had taken place earlier with Justin, you finished your drink and placed it beside Tom’s. You knew you wanted something serious and Justin was not that, even though you knew he was going to be trouble from the get go. You knew perfectly well what you needed but maybe you just needed some time for you right now and not to jump in to things that were going to be messy. You wanted numbness but at the same time you wanted to feel something that you hadn’t yet.
Turning your head to face Tom, your eyes met his in the dimly lit living room. The muted TV gave off the only illumination while you both remained there in your tipsy states, trying to figure out where both of your nights had gone wrong.
“I really don’t want to be alone,” you finally broke the silence as you stared into his eyes before they flickered towards his bare chest, back to his eyes slowly.
Tom swallowed as he shook his head, “Me either,” he agreed in the same tone. He noticed you were looking at him and more importantly the way you were looking, but he found himself not minding at all as his eyebrows raised up a bit when your lips crashed into his.
Taglist: @osterfield-holland-andcompany​​ @giuls-394​​ @missmultic​​ @hazmyheart​ @lauras-collection​ @iamapersonwholikesunicorns​ @detroitbydark​ @mcuassemble​ @blahhhhhhhaaa​ @lonikje​ @beiroviski​ @ruefulposts​ @desir-ae​ @kayla-m1996​ @unicorn-princess-1999​ @asmilinghopelessromantic​ @itsjusttor​ @whatareyouhidingpeter​ @when-marvellous-things-happen​ @mannien​ @lilostif16​ @u-rrose​ @ninjalex1d​  @baby-unidorn​ @astoldbydanid​ @honey-sea​ @fallingforfics​ @lulueliott24​ @mikalakat​ @babebenhardy​ @coni-martina​ @captainemrys​ @mktravelbuggie​ @underoosmarvel​ @pluckypete​ @hollandfanficlove​ @lookalivefrosty​ @lightmelikeacigarette​ @msmarvel-19​ @u-rrose​ @parker-holland-osterfield​ @thwip-it-real-good​ @shirukitsune​ @justanotherusername80​ @dangerdolns​ @jwolfesblog​ @jjayyc​  @ifilosemyselfagain​ @axisnpalma​ @londonspidey​​ @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​​ @bookgirlunicorn​​ @kfcyum​​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​​ @buzzbuzzitsmeagainbitch​​ @herondale-snow-carstairs​​ @marvelobsessedteenager​​ @unlimitedd​​ @dramaholic18​​ @softholand​​ @panicattheeverywherekid​​ @emotionally-unstable23​​​ @quackeroos​​ @unbelievableholland​​  @holyhumorliteraturelight​​ @spideyyeet​​ @katiekinzs​​ @fanficparker​​ @ifntelyinspirit​​ @rubberducky-jrr​​ @xguardgirlx​​  @t-holland2080​​  @selfcarecap​​ @localfangirlx​​ @xxpeachyxo​​ @hazardosterfield​​ @xstarbae​​ @justanotherusername80​​  @photoshopart15​​ @spiderbibby​​ @the-fandom-life-forever​​ @jannine00742​​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​ @parachutepanties​ @decadentwastelandtrash​ @anythingthaticareabout​ @outshineallthestars​ @captainamirica​ @thehauntingofmymind​ @watermelonsponge​  
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bellasweetwriting · 4 years
Rescue Romance
Spencer Reid x f.Reader
(not my gif)
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plot: you’ve been kidnapped by an unsub who fell in love with you, and Spencer is the one who rescued you
notes: extreme confident!reader, nervous!spencer, this is just a brainstorm of a book idea I had and decided to make it a spencer fanfic u know normal stuff
warnings: kidnapping, mentions of torture, mentions of rape, drinking, age gap (22-29), blood, injuries, criminal minds typical stuff
category: mostly angst and a little bit of fluff
word count: 3,9k
    "Y/N Y/L/N, 22, kidnapped in a club near the college campus while partying with her friends. Last seen at 1 AM, reported missing by her roommates when she didn't appear in all-day three hours ago," informed Garcia to the team while they were revising the case on the jet. "The New Haven PD is waiting for you at the police station."
    "Thank you, Garcia," thanked Hotch, but Garcia continued to talk.
    "There's something else you need to see."
    "What is it?" Questioned Morgan.
    "One of her roommates, Sandy Melville, has a channel where she posts videos of her life in college and with roommates. And Y/N appears in all of them."
    "You think this could be the work of a stalker?" Asked JJ looking at Garcia. 
    "Someone could've watched Y/N in the background of the videos and developed a crush on her," said Emily.
    "Not in the background," corrected Garcia, "she's the protagonist of the videos. Sandy followers love her, and I don't blame them."
    Garcia proceeded to show the team one of the videos of Sandy walking through the snow of New Haven. The three friends were on the sidewalk, and the camera was focused on you as you kicked the snow off to the street as you laughed.
     "Y/N you are going to slip and fall!" Exclaimed your other roommate, Liz, pointing the ice that was on the border of the sidewalk. You continued to laugh.
     "Don't be such a drama queen, Liz, and enjoy the snow!" You yelled with a smile. "Kindness is like snow ─ it beautifies everything it covers."
    "Kahlil Gibran," interrupted Spencer, surprising the team who haven't heard him talk in the entire trip. "It's a writer, he said that."
    "Don't be so poetic, Y/N!" Exclaimed Sandy.
    "Kahlil Gibran said it, and I live for those words," you replied. The camera quickly turned to Liz.
    "She's crazy," said laughing before being hit with a snowball on the shoulder. "Y/N!"
    You simply laughed, and the video ended.
   "There are videos of their whole lives," commented Garcia. "Sandy recorded everything and posted online."
    Spencer was still staring at the frozen image of you laughing. Something about it had your complete attention.
    "Ok, JJ, I want you to make a press conference, and then, you and I will talk to the roommates and ask Sandy if she recorded something about the night of her disappearance. Morgan, Prentiss, go to the club, watch the security tapes, see if someone was looking at Y/N or talking to her. Reid, Dave, victimology, go to her apartment and learn everything you can about Y/N, including maybe what attracted the stalker to her. Garcia, check conversations, someone that has messaged her, that she blocked, calls, anything you can get, see if there is anything suspicious. We'll meet back at the station with everything we found."
    Spencer grabbed your picture from the file. It was your college ID photo, and you looked stunning. Your hair was curled, your eye makeup was bright, different from the one's he has seen. Yours made your eyes appear bigger and shinner, while your lipgloss made shine your pink lips. 
    Rossi and Reid walked through your room, staring at the details of your walls, your awards, your photographs. You are intelligent, your bookshelves are filled with different literature books that could explain your knowledge.
    "She speaks French," announced Rossi as he grabbed your French edition of Candide by Voltaire. 
    "And Spanish," added Reid going through your notes in Spanish literature class. "She's smart."
    "She goes to an Ivy League School, we should've expected more than this," observed Rossi. "This is a clever, intelligent girl, she wouldn't leave with a stranger just like that, it doesn't make any sense."
    "Well, she was drunk," said Spencer. "She just finished finals, she's graduating with a Criminology Degree in two weeks and went to celebrate with her friends."
    "Finals are very stressful, and it was a college bar, so maybe she didn't have her defence mode on, she trusted the guy. Where is her dog?" Asked Rossi pointing the dog bed next in your corner.
    "With her roommate," Spencer replied. "It's not usually from a stalker to approach their object of desire without preparation, and a club is risky. Y/N had to know the guy and trusted him."
    "Or, she never saw him coming," whispered Rossi.
    "Do you think hhe attacked her from behind? It was a crowded club, someone must have seen it."
    "He could've put a knife on her back, asked her not to scream and walked her outside. She was drunk, so she was weak, she couldn't fight back. He had to know that. Y/N looks like a girl who can defend herself. Everything in this room screams confidence, her videos, her attitude, he had to kidnap her in her weakest moment."
    "For that, he had to know she would have her finals last week. What if we are not looking for someone who developt a crush through the internet videos, but rather someone who sees her every day?"
    You slowly opened your eyes. The room was dark, with just one dash of light entering through a small window near the roof.
    You were in a basement.
    Your hands were tied over your head, your feet lifted from the ground only letting the tip of your tow to touch the cold dirt under you. You exhaled. Your eyes felt heavy to open. Blinking was hard because opening them again felt tiring. 
    Your underneath t-shirt was filled was no longer red, your pants and sweater were missing, for some reason, your stomach hurt like hell.
    With all your strength, you look at it, having an idea what was it but being scared of it. You slowly focused your eyes on the red stain in your clothing and the cuts in your legs.
    You heard someone crying and took you a few seconds to realize it was you. You haven't sobbed in a while, in years maybe. It scared you. You were scared. All alone.
    Spencer and Rossi entered the police station and walked towards the table where the team was sitting. The whole board was filled with your information, your class schedule, your contacts, your credit card information, your grades, your family members, everything that Garcia could get from your computer.
    "What did you find?" Asked Hotch to Reid.
    "She's intelligent, she speaks three languages, and her whole life screams confidence, "look at me". It doesn't make sense she would leave the club with a guy and not tell her friends before in case something happens to her."
    "We think her stalker is not someone who watches the videos, but someone she knows. A classmate, a teacher, someone that knew her well to affirm that she finished her finals yesterday, and that will go to a particular bar to celebrate with her friends."
    "There are at least five different college bars that Y/N and her friends frequented," added JJ as she remembered what your roommates told her. "How did the unsub know she will go to that bar exactly?"
    "Maybe he heard her. If Reid's theory that the unsub is a classmate, she could've said it in class and he listened."
   "Ok," interrupted Garcia, "I found three blocked accounts in Y/N social media of guys trying to flirt with her but coming to strong that maybe worried her, but none of them is remotely near her, and I checked their entire background."
    "We checked the security cameras and the bar receipts," announced Morgan as he and Prentiss entered. "Neither she nor her friends bought any drinks that night."
    "They were sober?" Questioned Spencer.
    "No, someone bought them for them. Maybe our unsub."
    "My dear super friends," interrupted Garcia appearing on the screen. "I was checking Sandy's phone like you told me, and she did record last night at the bar."
    "I thought she said she didn't remember."
    "Well, turns out she did. Check this out."
    The video was clearly terrible quality. Sandy was moving and dancing around, making it impossible for the camera to focus. When she stopped, the team could clearly see your silhouette as you drank what it appeared not to be your first shot of tequila.
    "Y/N! Y/N! I'm dying to know," said Sandy drunkenly. "What is your plan after graduating?" 
    "Uhm," you whispered, trying to talk clearly. "The only thing I have available is the FBI."
    "Could you imagine," interrupted Liz between laughs, "Y/N with a gun?" 
    "I would look incredibly hot with a gun, what are you talking about?" You joked between laughs. "I don't know what it's outside for me. All my life, I've had everything planned. Study, get good grades, repeat. It can be scary doing something different."
    "Oh, please," said Liz as she was falling next to you. You were quick to catch her and put her arm over your shoulder, "you are Y/N Y/L/N, I bet everyone wants you."
    "I am a man who does not exist for others."
    "Ayn Rand," murmured Spencer.
    "You are a woman," said Sandy.
    "It's from Ayn Rand, you guys are so drunk," you laughed before turning around. "Where the hell is the guy who bought these for us?"
    You looked through the bar but didn't find him.
    "Hey, girls, I'll be back in a sec, I'm gonna pay for the drinks," you told your friends with a tiny smile.
    "Wait, Y/N, let's dance," interrupted Sandy, grabbing your hand and dragging you to the dance floor.
    "Morgan, who was the guy who bought the drinks for them?" Interrogated Hotch and Morgan quickly went through the receipts of last night. 
    "At least six people bought tequila shots last night. End of finals week."
    "Y/N felt the need to pay the drinks back," pointed out Spencer as he watched you danced on the screen. "Why would she do that?" 
    "She felt bad because he bought drinks for all her friends but wasn't hanging out with them?" Proposed JJ.
    "Or, something attracted her of him," whispered Spencer before clicking one of the videos in Sandy's vlog. "I was looking at this video earlier. Sandy asked Y/N how her ideal guy look like. Maybe the stalker watched it and tried to mimic it."
    "Why were you watching that video, Reid?" Asked Emily, and he shook his head nervously.
    "Research... for the case... yeah. Here it is."
    "My ideal guy," you murmured as you played with your little dog on your bed. "He has to be smart, but not cocky smart, he has to be humble. I hate mystery, so he has to be direct with me, with what he wants, I like that. Maybe tall, handsome, not afraid to talk to me. I don't know, Sandy, someone that can catch my attention without even trying."
    Reid paused the video just in time to see your smile to the camera. You were so pretty.
    He had to find you alive, he had to meet you.
    "We don't have time for a profile. Garcia, check the security video and look for a tall, good looking man that bought tequila shots between 10:30 and 11."
    Garcia was quick enough to show the security footage in the screen, pausing just in time to show a man buying the shots and telling the bartender to send them towards a table. Your table.
    "Who is that?" Questioned JJ, and Derek was quick enough to check.
    "Baby girl, look for William Klaus, Gale Andrews, Damien Ace and Ricardo Montero and tell me which one looks like the guy at the bar."
    "Neither of them," she said.
    "Can he have used another person's tab?" 
    "No, that would have involved other people to his concerns. He is meticulous, he doesn't leave a trail."
    "Did he pay in cash?" Asked JJ.
    "That many tequila shots? Who has that kind of money in hand? He had to use a credit card."
    "All of these kids go to private school. If he actually goes to college with them, he has money."
    "We are back to nothing. All of our eyewitnesses were drunk."
    "Except the bartender," pointed out Spencer. "He's gotta remember someone who paid in cash."
    "Ok, Morgan, Prentiss, go to the bar again and interview the bartender, ask for someone who paid for shots in cash. We will deliver the profile."
    "The man we are looking for is white in his late teens and early twenties. Tall, and handsome, probably talks smartly and is nervous around people, traits that he learned by listening to Y/N description of an ideal man."
    "It is a student on campus. We denominate this unsub as a Love-Scorned stalker, he believes that Miss Y/L/N is madly in love with him. He has probably seen her sometimes giving him glances, or smiling, and thinking they were for him."
    "This type of unsub is extremely asocial, does not participate in scholar events, does not raise his hand in class, and is remarkably intelligent, enough to get into a private school."
    "This unsub is not a killer but will become one the second his fantasy seems interrupted. Maybe by the same Y/N who doesn't want to play along, there's no way to know how is he going to react with her. We trust that Y/N will realize that she needs to pretend to be in love with him to survive, but we can't be sure."
     "In case of his fantasy being blinded or interrupted, he can get really aggressive and possessive towards her. He's been dreaming to be with her for so long that her rejecting him is not an option."
     "Stalkers commonly killed their objective of desire. The time in which they do, variates in how the victim reacts to them."
    "That's why we need to find her as soon as possible. Ask her classmates, teachers, friends. Someone has to have listened to our unsub suspiciously talk about her, maybe in a way that made them uncomfortable. Our unsub can't manage what he says in public due to his weak social skills."
    "Thank you," finished Hotch, and the police department broke apart, going separate ways. "She's been missing 20 hours, let's find her as quick as possible." The team divided, but Hotch stopped Reid before he could walk away. "Reid, have Garcia found Y/N's parents?"
    "No, uhm, her mom died, and her dad abandoned them when she was little. Her aunt is on her way, though."
    "Ok, thank you."
    "Dance," he ordered you, "I always loved your dancing. You danced for me a few weeks ago, remember."
    "It was a charity event for the school, Parker," you whispered. "I danced for everyone."
    "I'm not scared of you, ok? Do whatever you want. You want to kill me? Then do it, I'm tired."
    "I will never hurt you, Y/N."
    "Yes, you will. Stalkers always kill their object of desire, Parker, and you've been stalking me for a while, haven't you? You think I'm in love with you, don't you?"
    "Shut up," Parker whispered before you spit blood that you had in your mouth. "You are ruining this!"
    "What? Your fantasy? You aren't in love with me, Parker, you are in love with the idea of me. You don't know me."
    "I do... know you... I know you."
    "No, you don't. Just because you know at what time I leave for school, at what time I arrive home. Just because you know I walk my dog every afternoon and with who I hang out doesn't mean you know me. Parker, I'm more than a schedule, an object that you see walking through your binoculars. Just because you raped me and broke my arm doesn't mean you know my body. You can't love, Parker..."
    "... it's chemically impossible," you continued, "you don't feel love. You are missing one of the most beautiful feelings in the world, and it's not even your fault! You are a sociopath, and no matter how much you try, you will never know how the adrenaline of seeing someone across the room that you love feels like, you'll try to replicate it. You'll kill just to feel something, even if you don't want to."
    "Shut up! Shut your mouth!"
    "Kill me," you didn't even realize how you stuttered while saying those words. "It's the only way you are actually going to feel something. Kill me, because when you get in a mental home, the feeling of my blood running through your hands and skin is the only thing you are going to have, and you are never going to get it again. It's a drug that it's only going to work the first time. After you stab me with that knife, you are going to feel something for three seconds for the first time in your life, just so then, not feeling nothing at all for the rest of it. You must want it to be unique, right? Your first kill, probably your only one. So, light some candles, end my suffering... I'm not even going to feel it with the pain of my arm so who cares."
    Parker was staring at you, not moving, not knowing what to do, while you just look at him. You already knew that if you didn't get medical attention soon, the blood you are loosing for the cuts in your legs, and the pain from your broken arm were going to do the job for him, so you had nothing to lose. And making him spend his entire life in jail for murder was your goal.
    "Do it... kill me..."
    "Ok, so I did some research and found out that Y/N was part of this dance marathon for a charity event where an anonymous guy donated three thousand dollars just so she would keep dancing," informed Garcia. 
    "That's an enormous amount of money just for her to dance," observed Derek.
    "And that is not the creepiest part, I found the name of the donor, and it is Parker Edwards, he is an art and literature student, and please look at the last art assignment that he delivered for his final grade in finals week."
    Garcia showed them a gigantic portrait of you next to a creepy guy, not smiling, just staring deadly to the camera.
    "Well, that's definitely creepy," murmured Prentiss.
    "Do you have an address?" Asked Hotch.
    "House 365, 21st with Second Avenue."
    "Let's go."
    "Y/N, I need you to open your eyes," you heard someone whisper to you, and you slowly did. "My name is Doctor Spencer Reid, I'm with the FBI."
     "He didn't kill me?" You questioned slowly. Your mouth was dry, and you couldn't feel your legs. 
    "No, he didn't. Y/N, I need you to open your eyes, please." You nodded. He proceeded to untie you, and you let fall in his arms. "I got you, I got you," he mumbled. "Can you walk?" You glanced at him, for then to show him how you couldn't even put your feet straight.  "Sorry, stupid question, put your arm around me."
    "Not that arm, he broke it when he carried me in here." Spencer listened and changed sides, helping you to get out.
    As soon as you were outside, the smell was different. You were used to the smell of dirt and your own blood, that when the spring breeze of New Haven hit you, you couldn't help but to smile.
     "Would you join me in the ambulance?" You questioned, and he nodded. The paramedics got you inside and started plugging cables and hydrating you, but your eyes were just in Spencer. "You look young to be a doctor."
     "If I had a penny for every time I hear that," you chuckled. "How are you feeling?"
     "Like writing this in the experience box for my FBI academy application," you mumbled, now making him laugh. "I know that I'm covered in dirt and blood, and shampoo hasn't touched my hair in a while... but I'm actually pretty." He raised his eyebrows, noticing that the painkillers were taking effect. "Probably my legs look like the legs of a training object for ninjas with all of those cuts, but I'm a terrific dancer."
    "I know. I saw the videos that Sandy filmed. Of you dancing at the bar."
    "That's drunk. But sober, let me tell you, John Travolta got his inspiration for Pulp Fiction by me, true facts." He laughed. "Thank you for saving me."
    "It's my job, and it's going to be yours too."
    You chuckled.
    "You are cute, doctor," you mumbled before closing your eyes and being able to sleep for the first time in hours.
    October arrived. It's been months since the kidnapping and arrest of Parker, and it was your first day in Virginia for the academy. You were nervous, now more than ever. What if you didn't have what it takes?
     You were completely cured, and the doctor freed you completely, and the first person you wanted to tell was Spencer.
     You and the doctor had been talking for months now, and he was everything you dreamed of. He was smart, funny, he paid attention to you, and even though you guys were just friends, you liked him.
    You liked him a lot.
    "This pile paperwork gets bigger every time I look at it," whispered Morgan staring at the tower. "I had plans tonight."
    While Derek complained, Reid finished his and gave them to Hotch, and Morgan felt that as a personal attack."
     "Please, tell people that if you disappear, I'm the prime suspect."
    "Hey, isn't that Y/N from the New Haven stalking case?" Asked Emily to Spencer, making him look towards the door where you were standing, looking at him.
     "Be right back," said the doctor standing up and walking towards you.
     "What was that?" Asked Morgan to Prentiss, but she had no idea.
     As soon as he was closer, he hugged you, and you felt safe immediately. You've only had seen him a few times since the hospital, so every time you guys reconnected, it was like you both grew up even more.
     "Y/N, you look great."
     "I told you once that I was incredibly pretty."
     Last time he saw you, you still had cuts in your face and a cast on your arm. Now, you were like a different person. Like that girl, he once admired dancing in those videos months ago.
     "What are you doing here?"
     "Today is my first day in the academy," you let him know. "I wanted to tell you tonight, but I couldn't wait." He smiled. "Hey, so, I have a surprise."
     "Another one?" You chuckled.
     You took out from your pocket two tickets for a horror film festival the day before, and he glanced at them curiously.
     "We both love Halloween, so I thought it could be a great idea." He smiled.
     "I love it... Y/N, about us."
     "Don't say anything, you whispered, proceeding to kiss his cheek. "We will talk about it after. Bye, Spencer."
    "See you tomorrow," he said softly, making you smile before leaving.
    "Reid," Morgan called him, "care to explain?"
    "Don't you have paperwork to do?" Morgan laughed, watching him walk away with a big smile.
    "Pretty boy..." 
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lillywillow · 3 years
Papa Bird
Summary: When Sam’s oldest daughter is chosen to represent her dojo in a state-wide taekwondo championship for her age group, she requests that her mother take her to the fight, leaving Sam home to take care of his youngest daughter
 Word Count:1871
 Square Filled: Next Generation Fic
 Pairings: Sam Wilson x Female Reader
 Warnings: Fluff, breaking objects, protective/ proud father
Written for @star-spangled-bingo
That morning, Sam was busy helping his wife prepare their daughter for her upcoming tournament. He was kind of sulking that Darlene wouldn’t let him come with her.
 “Remind me why I can’t go again...”
 “Daddy, I love you but sometimes you can be a little bit... extra. Remember when I won the finals?”
 “Can’t a father be proud of his daughter?”
 “You can be proud but you celebrated so loud, they had to escort you out the dojo... Oh! And remember when I lost that spelling bee final? You threatened to beat up the judge...”
 “Hey, you and I both know they were cheating,” he countered.
 “Sam, you know your daughter has a point. Besides, it’ll give you a chance to spend some time with Amelia,” Y/N stated, pointing to the small girl who was happily enjoying her Cheerios. Sam smiled and kissed her head.
 “You wanna hang out with daddy today, kiddo?” Amelia nodded and offered him some of her Cheerios which he took making her give a cheeky grin.
  Sam couldn’t help but smile in return before helping Darlene get her stuff ready to go.
Once Amelia was done eating and the breakfast stuff had been cleaned up, Sam went to say goodbye to Darlene and his Y/N.
 “Say, bye, mama.”
 “Bye, mama,” Amelia cooed, opening and closing her small hand in a wave.
 “Bye, Darlene. You go out there and kick some major a-butt,” Sam caught himself before he swore in front of Amelia and after seeing the reproachful look from his wife. Darlene grinned at her father and got in the car.
 Sam watched with Amelia as they pulled out down the drive.
 “What do you want to do now, pumpkin?”
 “Red Wing?”
 “You wanna play with Red Wing? Okay, let’s go play with Red Wing...”
 A few moments later, Sam was controlling the drone while Amelia gleefully chased after it, squealing in delight. He got a little carried away and accidently knocked a vase from its perch and shattering on the floor as a quasi-violent reminder as to why he was not to use the drone inside the house. This time, Sam did let out an expletive.
 “I tell mama!”
 “No, no, no! Don’t tell your mother! Here, let’s get you a cookie. Do you want a cookie?”
 Sam ran to get a cookie for Amelia which bought him a few moments of silence as he cleaned up the broken fragments of the vase.
 “Okay, let’s go to the park instead. You wanna walk to the park?”
 “Yeah! Park!” Sam smiled at her and went to prepare her little outing bag.
 At the park, Sam watched Amelia run around playing and giving him a rest for a while.
 “Hey, man...” Sam looked up to see Clint standing there, coffee cup in one hand and Lucky’s leash in the other.
 “Hey, Clint. What are you doing here?”
 “Taking Lucky for a walk... and your missus wanted us to check on you,” Clint replied, getting his phone and showing Sam the group message and sitting next to him. Sam grumbled a bit.
 “She just wants to make sure you’re not driving yourself crazy... So, Darlene has a tournament today, huh?”
 “Yeah... I am so proud of that girl. She’s already got her red belt and almost up to her next...” Before Clint could respond, a shrill scream filled the air. The two heroes jumped to their feet in preparation for danger only to see Amelia tearing across the yard.
 “Doggy! Doggy, doggy, doggy!” Amelia was so excited to see Lucky.
 “Amelia, what do you say?”
 “I pat doggy? Pwease?” Amelia looked up at Clint with her big brown eyes and melting his heart.
 “Yeah, you can pat Lucky,” he smiled. Amelia threw her arms around the dog’s neck and snuggled him. Lucky licked her head in return.
 Clint let Lucky off his leash so he could go off to play with Amelia.
 “That girl’s gonna be the death of me,” Sam sighed and sat back down. Clint laughed and sat back down next to him.
 “Takes after you...”
 “I know and that’s the bit that scares me...”
 The two men continued talking and catching up when they were suddenly alerted Lucky’s frantic barking. They looked up to see Amelia had climbed up a high piece of playground equipment and was about to jump down to a lower platform. To the older and bigger kids, the jump may have not been so bad but to a child as small as Amelia, it could be disastrous.
 “Amelia! Get down from there right this instant!” Sam bellowed, getting up to stomp over to her.
 Amelia gave her father a sidewise glance before deciding she was going to make that jump anyway. Sam managed to get there in time just as her feet launched from the surface, catching her midair.
 “Again, again!” she cheered.
 “No, no more,” Sam breathed, walking back to Clint. “I think we’re going to go home for lunch. Besides, one of us needs a change of diaper.”
 “Not me! I big girl! I use potty!” Amelia stated as a matter of factly.
 “Right, just daddy then...” Clint laughed and called Lucky over to him.
 “Listen, you won’t tell her mother about that little incident, will you?”
 “Hey man, I won’t bring it up but if she asks, I’m not gonna lie,” he grinned.
 “Great thanks,” he grumbled. “Anyway, see you later.” Clint said goodbye and headed off as Sam packed up Amelia’s things.
 “Daddy mad?” Amelia asked her little lip stuck out in a pout.
 “No, daddy’s not mad. You scared daddy.”
 “I sowwy.”
 “It’s okay, baby girl. What do you want for lunch?”
 “PB ‘n J sammich?”
 “A peanut butter and jelly sandwich? I think that can be arranged.”
 After lunch, Sam put Amelia down for a nap which gave him the chance to complete a few chores without being interrupted by an enthusiastic three year old. He never thought he’d be suited to the quiet domestic lifestyle but he settled into it reasonable well. One thing Sam could never say was that it was dull. His daughters always kept him on his toes. When Darlene was Amelia’s age, she was just as mischievous and spirited. Sam wouldn’t trade his girls for the world.
 An hour had passed by the time Amelia woke up from her nap and wandered out into the living room and by now, Sam was watching some trashy day time TV.
 “Hey, Milly. Did you have a good sleep?” Amelia nodded, climbing up onto his lap and cuddling close to her father’s chest.
 “Daddy, I hungwy.”
 “You’re hungry? Let’s see what we can do about that. You want some... frog’s legs and wine? No? I thought all kids liked that stuff. How about some coffee and caviar? Not that either? What about...” Sam continued listing ridiculous food/ drink combinations that he knew a child wouldn’t eat as he made his way to the kitchen with her.
 “Cheese! I want cheese!” she blurted out before he could get out the next combo.
 “Oh, you want cheese... Should have guessed, huh? Let’s see if we have some,” he said, going to the pantry.
 “Hmm... well, it doesn’t look like we have any. Guess you’ll have to have broccoli and green tea after all.”
 “Daddy,” Amelia whined, pointing to the big bag of string cheese, her face visibly pained.
 “Look at that. We do have some after all. Guess you’ll want a juice box with that?” Sam laughed at the eager way she nodded her head.
 Once Amelia had finished her snack, Sam went back into the living room and changed the channel to the one that was locally streaming the tournament. Darlene’s division wasn’t yet up but it was coming soon. As he watched, Amelia got up and wobbled in front of the TV, ‘punching’ and ‘kicking’ like the big kids. Sam smiled and took a video of it to send to his family and friends later. He was sure that they were getting a little annoyed with the amount he could send in one day but he didn’t care. Sam loved each and every one of his girls’ achievements no matter how big or small.
 Finally, Darlene’s age group was up. Sam watched as she stepped up to the mat. From his seat at home, he was cheering her on as if he was there. Amelia cheered too, not entirely sure why but daddy was happy so it had to be good.
 Round after round Darlene won until it got to the last round. Darlene’s opponent was a girl much taller and bigger than her. Sam was on the edge of his seat as the match commenced. The girl was good but Darlene was better. It lasted a little longer than the others but in the end, Darlene won. Sam jumped up with a loud cheer.
 “Yes! She won! Darlene won!”
 “Yay!” Sam picked up Amelia and spun around with her. “Sissy won!”
 Sam felt his eyes tear up a bit as pride swelled in his chest. He quickly wiped them away and continued celebrating with Amelia. Sam couldn’t wait for Darlene to come home.
 Later that night, Sam had just given Amelia her bath and was putting her to bed when he heard the sounds of the front door.
 “I think mama and your big sister are finally home,” he smiled.
 “Yay!” Amelia ran to meet them, her little legs going as fast as they possibly carry her.
 Darlene scooped her up as soon she got close enough.
 “Hey there, baby sis!”
 “Sissy! Sissy! I saw’d you won! Watch me! Watch me!” Darlene put Amelia back on the ground so she could show her some of the ‘moves’ she had learned earlier in the day which included an attempt at a headstand for some reason.
 “Oh, wow! So good!”
 In the meantime, Y/N walked over to Sam, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and kissing him. Sam smiled against her lips.
 “Hey, handsome. Had a good day?” she smiled.
 “Pretty good. We went to the park this morning, came home for lunch, Amelia had her nap, then we watched Darlene kick some butt,” he grinned.
 “I see... you want to tell me why the vase in the hallway is no longer there?”
 “I would very much not like to...” Y/N could help but chuckle and shake her head. She looked over at the girls who were happily playing together.
 “We made some pretty awesome kids, Mr. Wilson,” she smiled.
 “We sure did, Mrs. Wilson,” he smiled back.
 For Sam, every day with his daughters was a new adventure as he watched them become the amazing people they were growing into. Sam loved every second of fatherhood and he couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow’s venture would bring.
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achillestiel · 4 years
the parent trap only works if you’re identical | part five (if this get’s any longer I’m putting it on ao3)
Tag List: @littlerachelbee @imthedoctorlove @deancas-handprint @castiel-loves-dean @wanderermatthews @thelahatiel @priscillahc @mridzyp @multi-fandom-dark-lord @thefantasyfiend @harmonyhelms @imlivingliferightnow ​ @kara-merlin @still-clowning-in-this-house @never-forever-more @continuezmesfilserrants @2musiclover2 @castiels-bitch @stjimmie @cmths5
“Well thank you for dinner but we should probably be heading out.” Dean said towards the end of one of, if not the most, awkward dinner of his life.
“Dad what about dessert?”
“Claire, we need to get going. It’s a long drive back to Kansas.” Dean said, sighing internally because he knew getting Claire out the damn house was going to be hard. 
“Dean, don't be ridiculous. You’ve been driving for most of the day.” Cas said. “We have the spare bedroom-”
“That’s my room!” Gabriel interrupted. 
“It’s not your room Gabriel. It’s the guest room. You have your own house with your own bedroom.” Cas said, giving Gabriel the bitchiest look Dean had ever seen. That was saying a lot seeing as he’d grown up with Sam. “Dean, why don’t you and Claire stay here for the night? Claire can sleep in Jack’s room and you can sleep in the guest room.” Cas suggested. Claire and Jack grinned at each other and Dean just knew they'd stay up half the night whispering to each other. Or plotting. Most likely plotting.  
No. Nope, Absolutely not going to happen in a million goddamn years. 
“Cas, we can just grab a motel if I get tired.” 
“Dad, I’m not staying in a motel if we can stay here.” Claire said stubbornly. “Plus Jack and I were already planning on making waffles in the morning!” Oh, Jesus Christ. These kids were going to be the death of Dean. And damn if both Claire and Jack weren’t giving him the puppy dog eyes. 
 “Fine. Fine. But we’re heading out in the morning Claire, I mean it.”
“After waffles.” Claire and Jack said in unison. When the hell did those two learn how to do that?
“Excellent, now that’s all sorted I’m going to head home as Winchester’s stolen my room. All the wine is gone anyways.” Gabriel asked, slapping his hand on his thighs as he got out of his seat
“See you in the morning Uncle Gabriel.” Claire said with a grin as Gabriel patted her on the head, ruffled Jack’s hair and gave both Dean and Cas pointed looks.  
“Good night Gabriel.” Cas said, giving his brother a stern look Dean didn’t understand. 
“Same to you bro. Good to see you Winchester, try not to keep this madam a stranger.” Gabriel said, nodding towards Claire.
“I’ll try.” Dean said, mainly to placate Gabriel. Gabriel gave them all a salute before heading out. “Nice to see Gabriel hasn’t changed at all.” Dean said once Gabriel had left. 
“No, he’s still the same annoying ass he’s always been.” Cas said. 
“I like him! He’s invited us to Thanksgiving this year.” Claire said. Yeah that’s not happening. Dean thought. 
“I’m going to teach Claire my secret yam recipe.” Jack said cheerfully. 
“Ah yes, Jack Novak’s secret yam recipe. Involving two whole bags of miniature marshmallows and a ruined casserole dish.” Cas said, shaking his head but giving Jack a fond look. 
“Sounds about as successful as when Claire tried to make apple pie on for Father’s Day.”
“What did you set on fire that time?” Jack asked Claire. Claire could stick her tongue out all she wanted but there were still scorch marks in their kitchen. 
“Yes well, Jack why don’t you and Claire clear up while Dean and I have a quick chat. After that, you can show Claire where she’s sleeping for the night. You two can watch a movie in your room.”
“Cool, how’d you feel about The Avengers?”
“Black Widow is a badass.” Claire said. “Rock, paper, scissors for who washes and who dries?” she then asked. 
“Oh Jesus.” Dean muttered as Cas motioned for him to follow him. Instead of going into the warm looking living room, Cas took Dean upstairs and into a spacious guest room. The walls were painted a deep, honey colour that matched the wooden furniture perfectly. Unlike Dean’s guest room, which was really a junk room, it was immaculately clean. Dean was about to make a quip about the cleanliness of the room before he stopped. In the corner of the room was the very turntable he had brought Cas for the first Christmas they had been together. Without saying a word, Dean walked over and glanced at the records neatly stored in their storage box. Bob Dylan, Fleetwood Mac and even the rare Otis Reading record that Dean had found at a vinyl fair. Cas had kept all of them. For a fleeting moment, Dean wondered if the note he’d hidden in the Bob Dylan record was still there. A hastily scribbled note saying I wasn't born to lose you. Oh, the irony. 
Cas watched with cautious eyes as Dean ran a hand over the box of records. Each one Dean had carefully picked out for Cas in another life. He had battled over getting rid of them for years. Gabriel had always said it was strange to keep hold of them but Cas could have never parted with them. When Jack was a toddler Cas had played all of them for him, smiling to himself at how Knocking On Heaven’s Door would always send Jack to sleep. 
“I think we need to have a talk.” Cas said, trying to ease the tension that had enveloped the room. 
“Um yeah.” Dean said with a cough as he straightened up, looking away from the records. “Cause apparently I’m cancelling my Thanksgiving plans with Sam to spend the day with my ex-brother-in-law, eating my body weight in mini marshmallows.” Dean said. “Cas...what are we going to do about this?”
“And by this you mean…”
“The kids. There’s no way Claire’s going to just go back to how it was before. Plus, Jack is an awesome kid. There’s no way I want to go back to how it was before. I mean, maybe Jack could stay with me during the summer?”
“And what? I get Claire during Easter? Christmas?” Cas asked, laughing at the absurdity of the situation. “We came up with this arrangement so the kids could live a normal life. What’s going to happen next, I have them for one year and you have them for the other? That won’t work.”
“No shit Cas but...did you see those two at dinner? They’ve only known each other for a few weeks but it’s clear they adore each other. Claire’s gonna be an even bigger pain in my ass after this. I don’t want to break my...our daughter’s heart when we separate them again and I’m sure you dont want that for Jack.”
“Of course I don’t! What do you honestly suggest then because not only did we come to this agreement to have the kids lead normal lives but it was also so we didn’t have to see each other.” Cas said because even though neither of them would say it, they both knew that seeing each other again would end in a huge fight and a lot of sex. 
"Then why did you ask me to stay?" Dean asked. Good question Dean, very good question. 
"Because it's late and you can't drive throughout the night when you've been driving all day." Cas said. Liar a small voice inside Cas said. As much as he annoys you, you still love him. 
"Oh." Dean said in a small voice. 
"Why? What do you expect me to say?"
"Nothing...forget it." Dean said. “You know, now that we’re here and I’ll probably never be here again. About that day you packed, why'd you do it? Why did you just hop on a train and leave?”
“Dean.” Cas groaned. “We were so young. We both had tempers, we said stupid things so I packed. Got on the train and you didn't come after me.”
“I wanted to but I didn’t think you’d want me to follow.” Dean said in a small voice. “Dammit Cas, you just had to send Jack to the exact same camp as Claire didn’t you? ”
“We haven’t spoken in twelve years, how on earth was I supposed to know where you were sending Claire for the summer? It might shock you to hear this but I can’t read your damn mind Dean. I didn’t send Jack there because a little voice in my head said ‘Oh Dean is sending Claire to this camp! Send Jack so he can meet the twin sister he never knew he had.’” Cas said.  "You are so infuriating, you know that right?”
"I'm infuriating?” Dean asked, looking highly offended. “What about the time you recorded over my Star Trek episode with a documentary on the life of Tomas Jefferson?"
"You have the whole series on DVD! Why did you need to record it off the SyFy channel?"
"You know why! It was the Trouble With Tribbles episode and that was on the DVD that Sam scratched when I let him borrow it!" Dean shot back. 
"Well, you set fire to the patio furniture! Don't even say you didn't because Eileen told me it was you and Sam the next morning." Cas said.
"You scratched the Impala!"
"That wasn't me, it was Gabriel. I lied and said it was me because he was already on his last warning from when he spilt red wine on the couch." 
"Yeah well, you did break my Captain Kirk mug." 
"No Dean, the asinine way you stacked kitchen items broke your Captain Kirk mug." 
"Yeah well, you...you…" Dean said and something inside Cas just broke. This man, this irritating and stubborn man had been the love of his life, his husband and the man he wanted to spend this rest of his life with. Twelve years hadn’t changed a damn thing. 
"Oh for god sake Dean, shut up." Cas said and even though he knew this was the worst plan in the world, even worse than his non-identical twins switching places, Cas pulled Dean in close, their lips crashing against one another. Oh god, it was like going home after a long trip. Cas knew this, knew it better than breathing. Cas still loved Dean more than anyone else in the history of the universe. 
"Cas this is the dumbest-" Dean tried to say between kisses. Frantic kisses that set Cas’ skin ablaze.
"Just shut up and take off your pants." Cas said before his brain could come up with a million reasons why this was a stupid idea. 
“Dean, shut up and take off your pants.” Cas said before crashing their lips together again in a kiss that was more like a battle for dominance than anything else. 
“I can’t take off my pants if you keep kissing me.” Dean said as he pulled away and Cas just groaned because this man drove him so insane but all Cas wanted to do was kiss every inch of his body. "This is the worst idea ever."
"Worse than when you let Jo pierce your lip?" Cas asked. He could still the slight scar on Dean’s bottom lip. 
"That was not as bad as the time you wanted to make your own honey." 
"One bee flew in the house Dean, one."
"Bees don't belong in a house Cas, they belong in a beehive."
"Are you really trying to start an argument when we're about to have sex?" Cas asked. Thankfully Dean shook his head. "Good, now take off your clothes and get on the bed."
With The Avengers to mask the sound, Claire and Jack sat in Jack’s room as they called their Uncle Sam. After a few rings, he accepted the video call. Grinning at the pair of them with a warm smile.
"Hey kids...man it's weird seeing you two together. How's it going?" Sam asked. 
"Awesome. We made chilli and got them to sit in the same room." Claire said. 
Well, that's something Eileen signed. So what's the plan? 
Yeah, the plan. You two are definitely up to something because Claire's involved. 
Why do you always think I'm up to something? Claire asked. 
"Past experience." Sam intoned. "Where’re your dads now?”
“Guest room we think, we heard shouting in there about ten minutes ago.”Jack said. “Something about tribbles.”
“Is he still on about that?” Sam groaned. Just out of view on the screen, Eileen signed something to Sam. He groaned and signed back. 
“Hey! Winchester family rule, no covert signing.” Claire said. Sam looked back at her with a classic Uncle Sam Bitchy Face. “What did you say?”
“Ugh.” Sam said. “Fine, your aunt said that if they’re fighting there’s good chance they’ll end up having sex.”
“Ew! Gross!” Jack and Claire said at the same time. “Those are our dads.” Claire said, wrinkling her nose. 
“Yeah? And how do you think you two were made?”
“With a turkey baster and a very patient surrogate.” Claire shot back. “Wait...if they do...you know...do gross stuff, does that mean they’ll get back together?”
Going from past experience, no. They’ll just fight and make noises that, according to your uncle, only dogs can hear.
“That’s really gross Aunt Eileen.” Jack said. “As far as a plan goes, we don’t really have one. Come on, we’re twelve. We need help and Uncle Gabriel has gone home.”
“Good, his plan would have been awful.” Sam said. “Look kids, I know damn well that Dean still loves Cas and judging from what you’ve told us, Cas probably still loves Dean. Just let them fight it out, turn whatever movie you’re watching way up and see how things are in the morning. I know these two idiots pretty well, you can’t force them into anything.”
“We can’t play the long game here Uncle Sam. Dad’s making us leave in the morning.”
“After waffles.”
“Yeah, after waffles I’ll be shoved in the car and grounded until graduate.” Claire said. The four of them sat in silence for a moment before Eileen’s face lit up. 
Ok I have a plan but if it backfires then you do not get it from me. Claire, do you remember how to disable the battery on the Impala? 
“Yeah, I remember...oh...no car means not having to leave.” Claire said with a grin. “Aunt Eileen, you are a genius and never let anyone tell you otherwise.”
“I want no part in this part of the plan.” Sam said hastily. 
“Too late Uncle Sam, welcome to Team Parent Trap.” Jack said happily.     
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
My nieces are fanders
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Summary: When you meet a super cute guy and land a date with him, you definitively want to gush about him with someone. In Nico’s case that someone is his oldest sister. The visit holds a surprise for him though.
This is part of a bigger story which starts here
Nico was humming to himself as he walked up the driveway to his older sister’s house.
“I can’t wait to tell Marcia all about Thomas!” Félix gushed. It’d been a week since they met him and while they had yet to look him up, deciding it was cheating a little to watch his content and maybe accidentally see more than Thomas wanted to share before they even went on their first date. Ràmon, his morally flexible, deceptive facet, still thought they should at least just check his accounts to make sure he didn’t oversell himself. “I’m sort of known on youtube” might just have been an exaggeration to impress him. Léon, his fury, was already working himself up over being misled when the others came to Thomas’ defense. He seemed rather humble about all his accomplishments. He deserved the benefit of the doubt. “She’ll be so excited for us!” Fabio, his heart, gushed. “Hope mom and dad won’t be too upset that they aren’t the first we told…” Alejo worried as he bit his lip. “We will tell them about Thomas if we come to a stage where we are ‘officially’ dating him,” Diego, his logic, reminds him. It was how they did things. His parents were a bit too supportive sometimes. If he mentioned Thomas, mom would start insisting he come over for dinner no matter how Nico insisted they weren’t that serious yet. His father would ask questions he didn’t have answers for and he would feel entirely too pressured… Best to tell them after he and Thomas got a bit farther. And he really hoped he would get to tell them about him soon. He rang the bell and soon the door opened to reveal a beaming Marcia. “You smelled my cooking didn’t you?” she asked. Nico chuckled. “You caught me,” he confessed as he threw his hands up in surrender while letting her embrace him. “It’s good to see you again hermanito,” she sighed before letting him go and leading him inside. “Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. Yi will be home soon and he’ll entertain the kids afterwards so you can tell me what’s got you sparkling like the fourth of July.” Marcia looked back at him and quirked a brow curiously. Nico blushed a little. He was that obvious huh? His sisters eyes lit up and she was grinning like th cat that got the cream. Well he just confirmed her suspicion. “Okay, sounds good,” he muttered casually. Luckily Marcia let it go for now. “Can I get you something to drink?” she asked. “Just a glass of water is fine,” Nico assured her while he leaned against the kitchen counter to watch her work. “Tio Nico!” Nico looked up and saw Marcia’s oldest, his 15 year old niece Carla run up towards him to give him a hug. He embraced his niece with a smile and ruffled her hair. “How are you kids doing?” he asked as the teen girl let go. “Fine. Felicia hasn’t finished her homework yet, but she will be down in a minute.” Nico nodded taking note of cousin’s pronouns for today. It had been an adjustment for everyone when Fabien came out of his room wearing a skirt for the first time and asked to be called Felicia on days she felt more feminine, but they hardly slipped up anymore. “We have something awesome to show you!” Carla continued her eyes sparking with excitement. “Oh?” he asked curiously. “What is it?” “Don’t start without me!” Felicia exclaimed as she rushed through the door and hugged Nico as well. “Now I’m getting nervous,” Nico chuckled as he let his nieces push him into a chair and sit down next to him. Carla was looking something up on her phone while Felicia seemed to be using hers to film him. “Tio Nico. Have you ever been serenaded by a stranger?” Felicia asked. The general confusion in Nico’s head left him with no other response other than cocking his head. “Um… no…?” he replied. His nieces giggled. And then Carla pushed her phone in front of him and they shoved earbuds into his ears. She pressed play and before he knew it he was faced with…. “Thomas!!!!” Félix  screeched in his head. It was unfair of him to look so handsome. And then he started singing! “Nico, radiant and pure. Always so, accepting and secure. Never knew anyone so kind. So funny and sharp of mind. All this to say… Have a nice day.” And then he winked! Nico’s nieces were giggling at his flustered face. Alejo inspected the screen and found a description in the corner. “This week’s #shout out Sunday goes to all the nice Nico’s of the world” he read out as he slowly relaxed. Nothing that insinuated Thomas was thinking of a particular Nico. His nieces had probably just thought it was fun to show him the video. Perhaps they thought he’d be enchanted by the handsome stranger with the voice of an angel seemingly singing for him. They weren’t entirely wrong. “That’s Thomas Sanders. He’s our favorite youtuber,” Felicia explained. Nico nodded a little dumbfounded. “He’s a singer?” he guessed, though he knew he was more than that. But he was not ready to tell his nieces he’d met this man and was going on a date with him next week. “And an actor, and the nicest person alive!” Clara explained. “He lives in Florida and he is gay…” Félicia added not too subtle, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “Stop teasing your uncle girls. Set the table. We’ll be eating soon.” Nico was relieved. The rest of the evening he struggled to pay attention to the conversations at the dinner table. His mind was absolute chaos “He serenaded us! Actually serenaded us!” Felix gushed dancing around unable to contain his elation. “And it does sound like he is somewhat successful in entertaining his audience. He was telling the truth it seems,” Ràmon allowed. Leon nodded, calming down significantly. Leon had been part of the deeper recesses of Nico’s mind for a long time. Until one day he was called by a panicked Carla who was hiding from bigots with her sister. Nico had hurried over and gotten them out. But he’d been so close to hitting one of those kids. It had been Alejo who, in his worry for the girls’ well-being, had managed to hold Leon back enough to allow Fabio to reason with him. His writings had taken a much angrier tone for a few days after. Ever since that day,  Nico was aware that he could get violent when angry and he’d been working on managing Leon without pushing him away. Like Alejo he was mostly overprotective of the others and Nico’s loved ones. He just jumped more on Alejo’s fight aspect than the flight part. “He was so nice!” Fabio gushed. “Does he really think all that about us?” Alejo wondered flustered. “It seems quite likely that he does,” Diego concluded. “Just as we have made some observations about him that may or may not be accurate,” he added, soothing Alejo’s worry a bit. Shifting him more to the excited side of his spectrum. “Well? Spill!” Marcia insisted when they found themselves alone on the patio after dinner. Nico sipped from his glass and didn’t look at his sister while he just spilled the truth. “I met a really cute guy at the mall this week, and we’re going out for lunch in two days.” Marcia barely contained her squealing. “Finally! Tell me everything!” she demanded. And just like that, his excitement at being able to gush about the whole meeting returned. Marcia was a good listener. She knew the story ended well but she acted like she actually thought he might miss his shot with his determination to get some work done and not to bother the mysterious stranger. When he got to Thomas’ confession she was vibrating with excitement. “He sounds so adorable!” Nico flushed. “Yeah… He’s an actor and singer…” “Ooooh, someone to sing your songs!” she exclaimed. “And his name is Thomas Sanders…” Maricia’s eyes widened as understanding dawned on her. “Now that explains the look on your face when you saw that video…Wait that was for you? If mama ever sees it then she’ll insist you marry him you know that right?” she laughed. So not only did she know of Thomas, she had seen the video in question. “Yeah… She probably will. Have you seen anything else of his?” “I try to be aware of what my kids are watching online. He has two channels and about 3,4 million ‘Fanders’ last I checked.” “Oh my god!!!!” Felix gushed. Overwhelmed by both the cute fandom name and the dazzling number of fans. “Definitely not a liar,” Ràmon breathed in relief. He had been reluctant to get his hopes up until now. He was cautious, wary of things that were too good to be true. Just like Alejo. But their anxious look out was, in his eyes at least, compromised on the subject due to his close tie to the butterflies clouding all their feelings and thoughts. Now however, it seemed that his biggest doubts were adressed, he felt free to look forwrad to the date like everyone else. “He is a good guy, going by his content. And he is really cute.” Nico chuckled. “Yeah he is,” he agreed.
When he got home he was actually planning to freak out a bit more and debate over whether or not to watch some video’s. If for no other reason than to just see him do something he loved. Was that stalkerish? Luckily his phone alerted him to a text. Thomas. It was a cute dog picture. Nico smiled. He did that sometimes. Sent him things just to make him smile. N: You are such a dork. TS: I refuse to apologize for that! TS: I can’t wait until our lunch date! Nico hesitated for a moment. But then he went all in. N: Missing my radiant presence that much? God that was cheesy. Was it too cheesy? He is not like this! Not usually. Or maybe he was and Thomas just brought it out of him. TS: OMG you saw!!!!? N: My nieces thought it would be funny to see how I’d react when a ‘stranger’ serenades me. TS: Fanders!? Oh my goodness that is amazing! TS: You weren’t bothered? I get that it might seem a bit weird. “He is so precious!!!!” Fabio squealed. “I know right? This is not healthy for us! It can’t be,” Félix exclaimed clutching his heart and leaning on Alejo for support. Who promptly stepped away and let him fall to the floor with a grin. “Not a couch,” he reminded his friend who was pouting for a bout two seconds before his excitement overpowered his annoyance. N: It was awesome, don’t worry. I was very flattered. Your singing voice is amazing. TS: Thanks. Should he ask? If Thomas says it’s okay then it’s fine right? N: Okay if I watch some more of your singing? There he asked. No backing out. TS: Of course! Fair warning, if you find vines, some are cringy and sometimes I play a straight man. Vines huh? Wow, that felt like ages ago. Thomas had mentioned his misleading complements when they talked. N: Okay. I’ll keep that in mind. Goodnight. TS: Goodnight. “Are we really doing this?” Alejo wondered as Nico typed in ‘Thomas Sanders Vines’ in the search bar of Youtube. One look at the results had Nico in stitches. “He’s such a goofball!” Fabio squealed clapping his hands as he saw Thomas’ smiling face on every thumbnail in various goofy situations. How was he supposed to choose? “Oooh! That one is him reacting!” Félix exclaimed pointing at a three year old video.  Nico nodded in agreement and clicked on the video. First this and then see if he could find some more videos of Thomas singing. He didn’t know it. But he was in for a wild ride.
I might write one more chapter, but then it’s over until Thomas posts his next video in three years. I want to stick to the canon as much as possible. You’ll hear from me if that changes though! Enjoy!
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fangirl-writes · 4 years
Colby Brock x Reader
Request: Colby x reader with the song Honey by Johnny Balik in a Soulmate AU where the two finally meet when the Trap boys decide to go to this retro aesthetic restaurant and Honey is playing on the jukebox! Y/N is their waitress and Colby instantly falls head over heels for her. Tysm! ♥️💗
Warning(s): None
Notes: Okay I loved this request and I listened to the song for the first time and omg I’m in love with it, but I didn’t really know how to work it into the story besides being the song. Anyway, I hope you enjoy @sammieh​ !
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It was a mid-summer evening. The sun had just started to dip below the horizon and the empty diner was caked in a warm orange light.
The whole restaurant looked straight out of the fifties. The checkered tile, the red and silver booths, the round stools along the bar, and the jukebox in the corner that was softly playing Have You Ever Been In Love by The Ivy and you hummed along as you wiped down the counter behind the bar.
You were wearing the appropriate uniform; Hair pulled back, a white blouse and a black poodle skirt with a white apron tied around your waist and a pair of matching flats on your feet. The sleeves were long to cover your soul-mark, but you had them pushed up to your elbows to avoid getting them wet from the rag.
You glanced towards your mark. Honey by Johnny Balik was scrawled in your soulmates handwriting on your forearm.
You’d heard the song many times. It was one of the many songs on the jukebox and you’d heard it when you first came in the restaurant. You supposed that’s why you had applied to work there, hoping that you’d run into your soulmate.
It had yet to happen, but you’d seen many soulmates meet each other in the diner and you hoped that one day the location would bring yours to you.
The bell above the door jingled, indicating the arrival of some new customers.
“Hello,” You said, dropping your rag into the bucket before looking up. “Welcome to the Milkshake Malt Shop.” 
There were four boys standing at the entrance, looking around at the shop in a sort of awe. The first thing you noticed was that one of them held a camera, the second was their appearances.
Two of them were brunettes, one of them had firetruck red hair, and the last one had purple hair. Two had long sleeves, the other two had short sleeves. This meant two of them had found their soulmates and the other two were still mysterious.
The purple-haired one perked up at the music, looking over at the jukebox; the song seeming to be a familiar sound to his ears.
You smiled in their direction. “Feel free to seat yourselves and I’ll be over with menus and to take your drink order.”
They made their way over to a booth at the center of the aisle by the windows, chatting away about the décor to the camera that the one of the brunette boys pointed at each of them. The one with the camera and the one with the purple hair occupied one side of the rather small booth, the other brunette and red-dyed one took up the other.
You reached down into your apron to grab your pen and pad and started to make your way over to their table.
The jukebox made a clicking noise as it changed over the song.
“What can I get for you boys?”
The camera was pointed in your direction as you spoke and you suddenly felt very self-conscious.
“I think we should try some of the Milkshake’s milkshakes, huh boys?” the one holding the camera said.
The other three seemed to agree.
“What kinds do you-”
The beginning of Honey started playing on the jukebox and you’re heart stopped.
The boy with the purple hair was staring you right in the eyes. 
His were a beautiful color blue that went wide looking into your (e/c) ones, turned slightly golden by the setting sun. He had a bit of stubble across his lip and chin that you thought suited him, made him look older. His lips were parted, frozen around the remains of his sentence. He had a stud nose-ring and similar black earrings. He was, perhaps, the most handsome man you’d ever seen.
“Honey,” You both breathed at the same time. The pad and paper fell from your hands and clattered against the floor as your arms fell limp at your sides.
All three of the other boys simultaneously looked down towards Colby’s soulmark and then over to yours. They immediately recognized Colby’s handwriting scribbled on your forearm.
They’d heard/seen this kind of thing before. Sam had Cupid's Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes Ft. Patrick Stump scrawled in Katrina’s handwriting and Jake had Drag Me Down by One Direction in Tara’s. It wasn’t new, but it was certainly unexpected.
Colby was drinking in your appearance. He had never seen someone so beautiful.
His lips curved upwards into a giddy smile that was contagious and it made your heart flutter. “I’m Colby.”
His voice was deeper than you were expecting. He spoke softly, as if he was afraid of scaring you off. How could he? You had been waiting for this moment your whole life.
“Y/N.” he breathed out. Your name rolled gracefully from his tongue and it was as if you had never heard it spoken before.
“Colby.” You responded, trying his name out yourself.
His smile got bigger, if it was possible, and his cheeks tinted pink. He suddenly became aware of the others sitting around him.
Sam was the first to clear his throat. “Uh- Should we leave, or-?”
“No, no, you guys are okay. We’ve been exploring all day, we need to eat. I’ll just uh-”
He motioned for Sam to move out of the booth so he could slide out after him.
He was stood next to you now. He was tall. “I’ll sit at the bar so we can talk, okay?”
You nodded, still too in awe of him to speak.
He walked that direction and you retrieved your things from the floor before straightening up with a blush covering your cheeks. “Now, what can I get for you guys?”
About a half an hour had passed and you were leaning on the counter, across from Colby who was eating his burger and drinking a vanilla shake that he insisted has two straw so you could have some as well.
You’d been talking so long and getting to know each other. You found out his name was actually Cole, but he preferred Colby, that he has two YouTube channels, a personal one and one with Sam (the brunette with the camera) who is his best friend along with Jake and Corey (the other two boys). That they all live in a house in LA together and they do exploring and haunted videos. He showed you all his other tattoos and you showed him yours (if you have any).
“This is going to seem kind of forward, considering we just met, but can I kiss you?” He asked.
You grinned. “I’d like that.”
He pushed his plate and drink aside and leaned over the counter to reach your lips. You met him in the middle and nearly gasped as your lips touched. It was everything you’d ever wanted it to be, everything the stories prepared you for. You felt sparks and absolute bliss.
Colby hummed into the kiss, communicating to you that he was feeling everything you were.
You pulled apart and both had goofy grins on your face.
“Hey, Colby, man, we gotta get going, sorry.” Sam said, placing a hand on Colby’s shoulder.
Colby’s face fell and he looked at you with sad eyes. “How long until you get off?”
“We close in another half hour.”
“Come see me after?” He asked, puppy-dog eyes shining at you.
You smiled, scribbling your phone number down on your pad before ripping it off and handing it to him. “I’ll text you when I’m finished up, okay?”
Colby’s face lit up and he took the paper from your hand, placing a quick kiss on your lips before taking off with the other three boys.
You were left in surprise and watched him go through the windows. He got into the drivers seat of a red corolla, sending a longing look back at the diner before he did so.
You let out a dreamy sigh, listening to Dusk Till Dawn play from the jukebox and running your fingers along your tattoo.
One Year Later
You stood behind the counter at the diner, again, chatting with one of your coworkers.
It was your last day at the retro restaurant and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t going to miss it, but you were moving in with Colby, your soulmate, in LA and you thought it was time to move on.
“Excuse me, doll, you lookin’ to get outta here?”
You turned and resisted the urge to burst out laughing.
There was Colby, dressed to the nines in 50s greaser gear. He had leather pants, white shirt, leather jacket, and his hair was gelled back in the classic style.
“I don’t know, daddy-o. Know any greasers looking to show a girl a good time?”
“Why don’t’cha come with me a find out, kitten?”
You giggled into your hand, bidding your coworker farewell with a hug, and clocked out for the last time before intertwining your fingers with Colby’s and letting him lead you outside.
You gasped as you saw him straddle the bike. “Where did you get a motorcycle?”
He chuckled. “Rented it from a place. Thought I’d give you the full Grease experience.”
You smiled at him. “Do you even know how to ride one of these things?”
“They gave me a lesson at the place. Not that hard.”
He handed you a helmet to put on, which you did, and you got on behind him, being mindful of your skirt, and wrapped your arms around him. 
“Now let’s go finish packing for your move, honey,” He said.
It quickly became your favorite pet name.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Blushing in His Colours, Chapter 3
TITLE: Blushing in His Colours CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 3 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki being a Daddy Dom, his adores and loves his little, worships the ground she walks on. She has vaginismus, but he couldn’t be more supportive with her. RATING: M
When Loki saw Mia the following day, a blush instantly graced her cheeks, making him grin. He went over to her and kissed her cheek in greeting, making the others around them all ‘oooooo.’ He glared at them in return.
‘The date went well last night then?’ Clint asked with a smirk.
They were in the kitchen having breakfast before starting their day.
‘A gentleman never tells.’ Loki said as he held his head high.
Mia went to sort out her breakfast, unable to stop blushing at being the main focus of the conversation within the team.
‘You’re far from a gentleman.’ Stark snorted.
Loki narrowed his eyes at him and folded his arms over his chest. ‘I’d beg to differ.’
Mia had her back to the group as she poured milk into her cereal. But she did speak up. ‘Loki was the perfect gentleman last night. More than rest of you are, that’s for sure.’
Loki grinned and looked rather smug. The team all laughed.
‘Oh no, his mischievousness is already rubbing off on you.’ Tony said as he put his face in his hands, then he looked at Loki. ‘Do NOT corrupt our sweet and innocent Mia!’
When Mia turned around, she met Loki’s gaze and he winked at her with a mischievous smirk. ‘I am making no promises.’
Because Mia’s job was to keep up their social media appearance, it meant she was often right in the action. Taking pictures of the team ‘behind the scenes’ providing it didn’t compromise any mission, as the fans loved to see what the superheroes got up to at times.
So she found herself in the lab with Loki, Tony, Bruce, Fury and Vision. She was typing some stuff up on her laptop in the corner, Loki kept glancing in her direction, unable to stop looking at her.
‘Oi, stop staring at your new girlfriend and concentrate!’ Tony remarked as he tossed a pen at Loki, but with his quick reflexes Loki was able to catch the pen before it hit him, glaring at Tony.
Mia had heard and she couldn’t help the big smile that spread across her face. She tried to concentrate on her work though, even if she could feel the God’s eyes on her often.
Later on, Mia disappeared to get something to eat from the kitchen. When she returned, she had food and drinks for everyone. Including Loki’s favourite flavour of muffins that she had baked a few days ago. When Loki thought about it, she often went out of her way for other people, especially him. She always seemed to get his favourite drink or food and would always beam happily when he thanked her.
The following day Mia was down on the training floor on the benches, watching Thor, Steve, Natasha and Clint training. She was taking a few pictures and posting onto their media. She was thinking about heading off, but Loki entered the hall and she decided to stick around for a bit. Smiling like mad when he waved at her.
He had his full armour on, like Thor, and jumped in to start training. Everyone knew he was deliberately showing off because Mia was watching, even she knew. But she found it flattering, and was always impressed with his skills.
But he was caught unaware.
He had just tricked the rest of them using his illusions and pinned Thor down with a dagger at his throat. When he got up off Thor, he looked over to Mia. He winked at her and grinned, but that’s when he was blindsided by Natasha getting him in a headlock with her ridiculously strong thighs and knocking him down to the ground with a loud thud.
Thor, Clint and Steve all burst out laughing. Mia laughed too and put her hands over her mouth. Loki got up, rather flustered as he flicked his hair back from his face and wiped the dust from his arms. He looked over at Mia sheepishly.
He wandered over towards her as she gathered her things up and stood to meet him.
‘Impressive.’ She smiled up at him.
Loki chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. ‘Aside from the end.’
‘Still impressive. Not many would be able to get up unscathed from being taken down by Natasha.’
‘True. And I was a little distracted by something rather beautiful.’ Loki reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear, then trailed his fingers along her jawline.
‘There’s uhm… the monthly Avengers interview coming up. I was wondering if you fancy doing it?’ She asked, giving him puppy dog eyes.
It was something new she had started doing, Tony was the first one last month. A small five-minute interview that Mia posted. Just to give fans a little personal insight into the team.
‘Of course. Give the fans who they really want.’ Loki smirked.
‘You do have quite the fanbase, actually.’ Mia laughed.
‘I do?’ Loki frowned, but was intrigued.
‘Oh yeah. They call themselves Loki’s army. Quite the army too.’ She grinned.
Loki titled his head, but he did look a little smug. ‘Well, they have good taste… Are you in my army?’ He raised an eyebrow.
Mia smirked, deciding to play a bit. Feeling brave again. ‘I dunno. Maybe I’m team Hulk.’ She shrugged.
Loki’s mouth parted in mock shock. ‘Well, I will need to work harder to get you on my team.’
‘Sooo… Is that a yes for the interview?’
‘Of course. Anything for you.’
Mia had asked Loki to meet her before breakfast the next morning in the living room, to do the interview. It would give her time to come up with some good questions.
But Loki decided he wanted to do the interview somewhere more private. So he went along to her room an hour before he was due to meet her.
He knocked and heard Mia call out to just come in. When he entered though, Mia was surprised to see it was Loki.
‘Loki! Hi.’ She stammered quickly, surprised.
Loki was also surprised, she was in her pyjamas. Light blue, with cute baby penguins on them. But his first thought was how adorable she looked, with her messy hair too.
‘Oh gosh! I was expecting Wanda. Sorry, I uh… Let me just get changed real quick.’ She said in fluster, practically sprinting into her bathroom.
Loki smiled and waited until she was dressed. That’s when his eyes were drawn to what she was watching. He was a little confused when he noticed it was on the cartoon channel. But he didn’t think overly much of it, until he then spotted something peeking out from underneath her pillow. Curious, he went over and had a look, it was a colouring book of Disney characters.
His first thought was, did she have a secret child here? But he shook that off, knowing it was ridiculous. He was slightly confused as to why she would have a colouring book. Then he just thought perhaps it was something she enjoyed doing in her down time.
Loki stepped away from her bed, just as Mia emerged from the bathroom. She was looking embarrassed as she stuffed her pyjamas away in a drawer.
‘Sorry… I uhm, should probably check who’s there first.’ She said sheepishly.
‘Not at all. I should’ve said it was me.’ Loki smiled and walked over to her, he rubbed her arm and then leaned down to kiss her on the lips, making her squeak a little and blush so hard. ‘I was rather hoping we could do the interview somewhere private? The others will be a distraction in the living room.’ He chuckled.
‘Yeah, sure. Where would you prefer?’ Mia asked, still slightly flustered from the innocent kiss.
Loki shrugged. ‘Here, if that suits you? Or we could go to my room if you’d rather?’ He asked.
‘Here is good.’ Mia nodded and went over to her desk, clearing some space.
During the interview, Loki couldn’t help but be besotted with her. It was a good excuse for him to be able to just stare at her without being called out on it from the others. He kept his flirting to a minimum, knowing this was going online.  
Mia managed to keep her cool when she asked him questions, she had set up a camera to film him so it was more personal for the fans. They went nuts over the first one with Tony, so she hoped this one would be an even bigger hit.
Once it was uploaded, Mia showed Loki some of the comments. His fangirls were going crazy over it. Especially when Mia had asked him what he thought about having a fanbase. He’d replied in a charming way, saying he appreciated having so much support.
He read one comment: Heck, Loki can rule over me any day! I would kneel for him without being told to!
‘Quite a few say similar. Your, uh, attempt at ruling Earth is all over Tumblr and YouTube. Many have made fan videos out of them.’ Mia said with a laugh.
‘Really? I thought everyone would have been repulsed by what I did.’
‘Not everyone. I mean, I’d kneel for you.’ Mia said without thinking as she shrugged. Then she realised what it was she had just said. Her eyes widened.
‘Oh, really?’ Loki growled a little, leaning down closer to her as he was stood behind her, while she sat on the chair at her desk.
Mia cleared her throat and tried to ignore the fact she had just openly admitted somewhat a fantasy to Loki and that his breath was hot against her neck.
‘This interview is already a huge hit, more so than Tony’s.’ She said to try and change the subject. But Loki spun her chair around so she had to face him as he put his hands on the arms and trapped her in.
‘No changing the subject, pet.’ He chuckled at her doe in the headlights look.
‘I… wasn’t… really… I just don’t know what to say after that.’ She blurted out nervously, her eyes skittishly moving all over his face, unsure on where to look.
But she was saved by the knock. Wanda had arrived, which Mia was slightly relieved for. Though she had a feeling Loki would try and bring it up again later.
He left the girls to it, heading back to his room.
His mind kept wandering to what he’d found in Mia’s room. Or what he’d seen. He went to his laptop and sat down, after thinking for a moment he went to google to see if he could find some answers.
After some researching, he wasn’t entirely sure how he ended up on a kink site. But there he was, reading all about a Daddy Dom/little dynamic.
Some of the characteristics of a little suited Mia to a T. It really got him wondering if she was in fact a little. He then realised that while thinking of her in this kind of way he was slightly aroused.
He looked through a Daddy Dom’s characteristics and was surprised to find he fit a lot of them. When he thought about it, being in that kind of relationship with Mia was very appealing to him. And he thought how it kind of made sense why one girl actually called him Daddy during sex once… Perhaps he just oozed Daddy Dom appeal, he thought smugly.
But he now had to figure out for certain if Mia was into this kind of thing… or if it was just a coincidence. He could of course just ask her outright, but he didn’t want to scare her off if that wasn’t something she was into. He wasn’t going to lie, now he knew about the subject more and had thought about it, he would be a bit disappointed if she wasn’t…
‘Hmm…’ He tapped his lower lip in thought, deciding how to proceed.
After a lot of mulling it over, he decided that trying to coax it out of her naturally was going to be his best route.
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aneekapaneeka · 4 years
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big fic rec masterlist here!
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📝 - ongoing series ✔ - finished series 🎯 - bulleted 🎀 - one shot
Anonymous Love by @mortaljin - Pairing: ??? x reader - Genre: fluff, high school au - 🎀  - Summary: One sticky note turns into two, two into four and then four into dozens. Who in their right mind would confess their love for you, anonymously, via sticky-note? Why do your seven best friends have shit-eating grins on their faces?
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Anonymous - by @bloomsuga - Genre: smut, fluff, angst, social media au - ✔ - Summary:  Searching for inspiration, a chart-topping rapper who keeps his identity hidden from the public, going by the stage name RM, stumbles upon you singing in a coffee shop and finds his new muse in your voice. He makes you an offer to collab with one catch: you can’t see his face.
The Rich Man’s Cortchet Club - by @kpopfanfictrash - Genre: smut, humor, college au - 🎀 - Summary:  When they were freshmen in college, Namjoon began a club with his six closest friends. The one thing they all had in common? V i r g i n s as fuck. Obviously, they couldn’t call the club the Virgins Club and so, the Rich Man’s Crochet Club was born. Until time passes and Namjoon is the only one left. Now, the Club has one, final mission: to get Namjoon laid.
Reasons Wretched and Divine - by @hollyhomburg - Genre: fluff, hybrid au, angst, poly - 📝 - Summary: You live on an isolated but sprawling farm with your abusive husband, but things start to change for the better when your husband adopts a retired police dog hybrid named Namjoon
Beauty & The Bookworm - by @jungshookz - Genre: librarian namjoon🤩, bratty reader, reader is rlly dumb in this one, fluff, smUT, angst - 🎀 - Summary: You discover that there are more things to check out at the library besides books. 
far far away - by @lilac-park-jimin - Genre: fluff, college au - ✔ - Summary:  when an accidental text from someone that apparently breaks everything, who’s name is namjoon ends up turning into something bigger than the both of you expected.
live & love - @lysjeon - Genre: fluff, angst, social media au - ✔ - Summary:  namjoon always liked you but for some reason he never thought you would be interested in him. and you are too scared to tell him you like him too.
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Life Is A Whisk - by @readyplayerhobi (you’ll be seeing this gal a lot here) - Genre: fluff, humor - 🎀 - Summary:  You have no problem with Kim Seokjin most of the time, in fact you even consider him to be handsome and funny and he feels the same about you. Until you are both placed into a kitchen, and then it becomes the battlegrounds for World War Three, the Bake-off edition.
forever boy - by @lysjeon - Genre: fluff, angst, social media au - ✔ - Summary:  how annoying can the handsome popular guy get? the answer is: really annoying, specially when you tell him he isn’t that handsome to you.
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Ghosted - by @bloomsuga - Genre: social media au, angst, ghosts, smut, fluff, crack - ✔ - Summary: Your new roommate is everything you could ask for: quiet, never makes messes, a killer dry sense of humor… and oh yeah—he’s dead.
my kind. - by @hobios - Genre: soulmate au, fluff, angst, humor - 🎀 - Summary: “i promise i won’t get enough, think you’re one of my kind.” or, when you make a connection with the handsome guy at the laundromat late one night, you start to wonder if Fate ever makes a mistake when it comes to soulmates.
A Boy Like You - by @cinnaminsvga - Genre: FLUFF, coworker au - 🎀 - Summary: for whenever you are feeling low, always remember that there is a boy you know who would lift the sky for you. {or alternatively: Min Yoongi loves you, though he never says it. He’s always been a firm believer in that actions speak louder than any words ever could.}
Of Fire and Love - by @hollyhomburg - Genre: fantasy au, dragon yoongi, fluff, angst - 📝 - Summary:  When Dragon Yoongi finds baby Jungkook in the wreckage of a house he burned down, he can’t bring himself to kill the child. Months after someone drops a baby at your door, you start to notice something- or someone, lurking at the edge of your farm. Why does the man you catch glimpses of have horns?
Reasons Wretched and Divine - by @hollyhomburg - Genre: fluff, hybrid au, angst, poly - 📝 - Summary: You live on an isolated but sprawling farm with your abusive husband, but things start to change for the better when your husband adopts a retired police dog hybrid named Namjoon 
  The Sugar Wars - by @hollyhomburg - Genre: soulmate au, idol au, fluff - 🎀 - Summary:  Maybe tasting everything his soulmate eats wouldn’t be so bad if Yoongi’s soulmate didn’t have the largest sweet tooth Ever. Maybe you wouldn’t need to sweeten everything if he didn’t drink his coffee so bitter.
basketball captian!yoongi - by @jungshookz - Genre: fluff, smut - 🎀 - Summary: min yoongi - captain of the basketball team. y/n y/l/n - water girl.
chromatic - by @jintobean - Genre: fluff, comedy - 🎀 - Summary: “Fuck, he looks like a sparkly anime boy.”
never judge a cover - by @dulcaet - Genre: fluff, angst, humor - 🎀 - Summary:  never had you thought you would find comfort in the character of min yoongi, resident bad boy.
slytherin to my heart  - by @bangtan-insfired - Genre: fluff, enemies to lovers, hogwarts au - 🎀 - Summary: You hated Min Yoongi. He hated you. But the both of you were about to find out that hate was just a way to mask another passionate emotion.
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Peppermint - @readyplayerhobi
- Genre: fluff, coworker au, angst - ✔ - Summary:  Achieving your dream job is something that very people manage to do, which is why you’re all the more happier when you land a job on the film team at Poppin’ Culture; the biggest pop culture website, blog and YouTube channel around. What you don’t expect however, is to fall for the exceptionally shy and awkward colleague who is not even remotely your type. Or is he?
Night Stalker - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: action, angst, smut, fluff, vampire hunter hobi is the hottest hobi, violence - 🎀 - Summary:  Vampires are a thing of legend, and yet you find yourself being saved by a self-proclaimed vampire hunter. Only your saviour is half-vampire himself, and struggles with his base instincts. What happens when you get to know him more and feel an attraction you can’t help?
A Universe To You - @readyplayerhobi - Genre: fluff, angst, smut - 🎀   - Summary:  Life for you has always been dull and grey; not only because you grew up on the most over-populated and polluted planet in the galaxy but because you’re colourblind. You’re convinced it’s because you have a soulmate out there, but soulmates are a forgotten concept now that humanity has spread across the stars. What happens then, when you finally escape Earth and discover colour with the touch of a man on a planet in which soulmates are just a tale of myth?
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Wonder - by @smaubts
- Genre: crack, fluff - ✔ - Summary:  In which jimin has a crush on y/n and decides to make it his task to make her fall in love with him, two crackhead personalities unite and make the funniest duo.
Reasons Wretched and Divine - by @hollyhomburg - Genre: fluff, hybrid au, angst, poly - 📝 - Summary: You live on an isolated but sprawling farm with your abusive husband, but things start to change for the better when your husband adopts a retired police dog hybrid named Namjoon
Part Of Your Own World - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: fluff, angst, merman jiminie - ✔ - Summary:  Jimin has always longed for the wide-open skies of the Above Sea. After saving the life of a beautiful human woman, he seeks to find her and finally live in his dream world. But young mermen should be careful what they wish for.
Insert Quippy Title Here!! - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: CRACK, deadpool jimin, smut - 🎀 - Summary: There is no synopsis. It’s just you…me…and a real good time sweet cheeks.
Star Light, Star Bright - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: fluff, angst, single dad jimin, tattoo artist reader, smut - 🎀 - Summary: Life has not gone exactly how Park Jimin imagined, and yet he can’t possibly imagine his life any different to what it is now. After six hard and stressful years, he’s now the happy owner of a degree along with being the proud dad of his little girl. But what happens when he meets you and his life is tipped upside down once more?
The Evolution Of You And I - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: fluff, angst -  🎀 - Summary: For 15 years, Park Jimin has been in your life in some form. From childhood penpal’s to the closest of friends now, you can’t imagine your life without him even if you’ve never actually met him in person. It doesn’t help that you’ve fallen for him, even across the distance that separates you. But what happens when you finally meet up and you discover he’s been keeping something secret?
Beneath the Water - by @jungshookz (this one is so good, it’s funny asf!) - Genre: fluff, humor, merman jiminie - 🎀 - Summary: Moving to an apartment by the beach just got a whole lot more interesting
Under the Sea - by @bloomsuga - Genre: smut, fluff, humor, merman jimin  - 🎀
sorting hat - by @bangtan-insfired - Genre: fluff, hogwarts au - 🎀 - Summary: You were nervous to delve into the unknown Wizard world, but luckily for you, Jimin was there to help.
expecto patronum - by @bangtan-insfired - Genre: fluff, hogwarts au - 🎀 - Summary: You were the first of your class to perfect the patronus charm & Jimin is curious about the memory you used.  
the howler - by @bangtan-insfired - Genre: fluff, hogwarts au - 🎀 - Summary:  Not being able to take any more of Jimin’s passionate rants about you, the boys decide to take matters in their own hands and send their dear friend a howler.
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Papillion - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: angst, fluff, pregnant reader, childhood friends - 🎀 - Summary: Kim Taehyung has been a constant presence in your life for the last 25 years. The bestest friend a girl could ever want; he’s been there for you through all the good times and the bad. What happens though when you find yourself pregnant and abandoned? What happens when your best friend steps up in ways you never imagined?
Seven Seas - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: fluff, smut, atlantis au, angst - 🎀 - Summary: Atlantis is a myth; a hidden city, a sunken island, a missing continent. Only…it’s not a myth. Just hidden out of choice. As the daughter of an Atlantean and a human, you are a halfling that is unwanted by the underwater continent and misunderstood by the surface. But what happens when you finally go to Atlantis and meet an Atlantean who is oddly kind to you?
Sehebon - by @httpjeon - Genre: smut, fluff, angst - 🎀 - Summary: You find yourself on izo huen, home to the sehebon. luckily for you, you’ve arrived at an interesting time.
Apartment 512 - @moononthejoon - Genre: fluff, smut, humor - 🎀 - Summary: After finally finding a decent place to live, you couldn’t believe that you landed next to the loudest neighbour in existance.
Fish Are Friends - by @httpjeon - Genre: fluff, smut, hybrid tae - 🎀 - Summary: After moving to the seaside, there is a dreadful storm. when all is clear, a man washes up on shore…only he isn’t quite human.
Falling in Crayolove - by @jungshookz - Genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst, kindergarten teacher tae - 🎀🎯 - Summary:  Y/n is a very single mom and taehyung is a very single kindergarten teacher. emma knows exactly what she needs to do.  
Stuck With You - by @jungshookz (have you ever heard of the song stuck in love with ryan ross?) - Genre: fluff, smut, ENEMIES  to LOVERS MATE, university au, fratboii tae - 🎀🎯 - Summary: Kim Taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things that have ever happened to you. 
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Crinkle - by @worldwidebt7 - Genre: webtoon, hybrid au, fluff! - ✔ - Summary:  You find yourself adopting a lonesome-looking bunny after hearing about him from a friend who recently adopted her own hybrid. The minute you looked at his big doe eyes, it was all over… - Beautifully done artwork, I definitely recommend checking all @worldwidebt7‘s work out!
Crush -by @jungxk - Genre: fluff, smut, amnesia au, husbang guk, comedy, angst - 🎀
Hopping Mad For You - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: smut, fluff, flatmate jk, hybrid jk - 🎀 - Summary: For two years you’ve lived with your rabbit hybrid roommate, Jungkook. He’s been a model roommate and you’ve found yourself with little complaints. But his behaviour lately has been a little…unusual.
So You Wanna Be The Best - by @readyplayerhobi - Genre: crack, fluff - 🎀 - Summary: Every Pokemon trainer has a rival, and it’s just your luck that you got stuck with your hometown nemesis Jeon Jungkook. As any good rival, he’s determined to beat you to the title of Pokemon Master and he might have a chance at both that and you…if he wasn’t so dang inept.
neighbour!jungkook - by @jungshookz - Genre: fluff, smut - 🎀🎯 - Summary: Cute new apartment and cuter new neighbour.
gymrat!jungkook - by @jungshookz - Genre: fluff, smut - 🎀🎯 - Summary: The gym isn’t half-bad, you suppose.
badboy!jungkook -by @jungshookz - Genre: smut, fluff - 🎀 🎯 - Summary: It’s like he stepped straight out of a fanfiction.
drummer! jungkook - by @jungshookz - Genre: smut, fluff - 🎀 - Summary: ba dum tss
caramel macchiato - by @jungshookz - Genre: FLUFF, barista jk, smut - 🎀 - Summary: one caramel macchiato. one shot of espresso. six ice cubes. ¾ skim milk. ¼ whole milk. no whipped cream. a drizzle of caramel. a squirt of vanilla. and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Love Letters - by  @jennieluvclub - Genre: fluff, angst - 🎀 - Summary:  You get a crush on a certain poet named Jungkook, while secret messages start appearing in your locker… you’d think that poetry and romance and mystery would go well together, think again…
felix felicis - by @bangtan-insfired - Genre: fluff, hogwarts au - 🎀 - Summary:  Jungkook has a huge crush on you, but is too shy to confess. Luckily for him, his friends make him drink some liquid luck potion that may have been that extra push he needed.
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angsty-nerd · 4 years
RNM 2X13 - Echo Download
I've been having a hard time trying to put my feelings about the Season 2 finale into words, so I've been sitting on it for a few days, reading everyone's metas, and trying to organize and separate my actual thinky thoughts from the angst and heartache. That… is not something I am particularly good at. But I'm trying.
I LOVE this show. The writing is a mess. There's plot holes all over the place. The pacing issues alone make me want to tear my hair out. And dear God do I want them to give these characters and relationships (including friendships) the time and space for the big moments to land properly. I don't know if we'll ever get any of that though. And in the meantime, I love these characters and the story, messes and all.
Everyone knows my biggest love is Echo, so I'm gonna start there.
"I don't know what you thought love was gonna be like when we were 17, but it's not all sunsets and horseback rides."
Back in the OG days, there was one consistent criticism I had with the way they wrote Max and Liz's story: the breakups always felt like bullshit. Max breaks up with Liz because she was afraid of some weird alien shit. Liz breaks up with Max because he's "supposed to be with Tess" and meanwhile he's like, "um… no?" We had "it's too dangerous" when it was dangerous regardless. "We're just different" but not in ways that actually mattered.
Echo's breakup mattered. There were issues and they were not dealing with them. Both of them were sneaking around behind the other's back. Neither was being fully honest with the other.
The unwavering honesty was something that stood out to me in S1. Yes, Max was hiding the truth about Rosa's death. But when it came to the present they were almost laughably open with each other. Liz didn't lie about it when Max asked if she told Kyle the truth. When Max asked what she was doing in the lab, she told him the truth. Once Liz knew the truth about Rosa, she knew everything. It seemed like with that truth out there was nothing left to hide. And once they got together they were a team. Immediately. There's a reason that we had a joking headcanon in the Echo world that they had their first kiss and then they were a married couple.
I really think Max's death not only put that to a screeching halt...it also put them on this path to the breakup. Liz has abandonment issues, and Max made a choice, without her, that resulted in him leaving her alone. It wasn't openly discussed in the depth that it should have been this season, but I really do think it was issue #1. Liz loves Max and she was very happy being with him...but after he came back from the dead she didn't trust him to not leave her again. It was an issue simmering under the surface from Episode 7 until the finale. Liz channeled it all into worrying about his heart, but the underlying theme was a resounding "I can't go through that again". Which is deeper than just the worry over a physical health problem. And it pushed Max away from her.
He grew irritable with her. He started hiding things from her and lying to her. The season just ended and I have no idea if he ever told her anything about his memory flashes! He was obsessively trying to learn about his past and never once discussed it with Liz!?? Because he didn't want her to stop him from using the serum? This is a HUGELY personal thing to Max and you can see how much it means to him. He had tears in his eyes while telling Isobel about it. I mean, that puppy dog excitement, and yet, he hides it all whenever Liz is around.
I think it was around episode 8 that we started talking about how badly they needed to have a big fight. Us -- the Echo shippers -- the ones who WANT them to be together -- were BEGGING them to fight. I hate conflict!! But the lack of honestly and the aversions were just building and building and I just wanted it all out on the table.
They finally STARTED having that fight in episode 11, but then Rosa and Isobel interrupted. In retrospect, sweet alien!Jesus, I wish they could have finished then. Maybe they would have gotten the air clear between them. Maybe it would have put them on a path to healing their relationship before the finale. But they didn't, so the breakup happened. And the thing is… that ending. It just kind of haunts me. Liz waiting and hoping for a grand gesture that never comes. I mean, did Max even know WHEN she was leaving!?! He sure didn't seem to have it on his mind when they flashed to him in that scene. And their fight...was all about what Liz was doing and Max not taking care of his heart. They never once touched on what he was trying to learn about his past. I'm pretty certain that Liz left without knowing any of that.
And the thing is… I'm sort of skirting around the meat of the issue here. Because the biggest problem of all of this was Liz violating Max by studying his biology without consent.
I really hate saying that in writing, because, to me, it's kind of the most horrible part of all of this.
Max Evans has been referred to in jest in this fandom as the King of Consent. He was so careful with Liz, tiptoeing around her looking for explicit consent in Season 1 until her desire for him was made abundantly clear. He only ignored the need for consent twice: both times in the S1 finale. Healing Michael's hand and healing Rosa. But those things both happened after he killed Noah. After he was high on his own power. They were very clearly set up as out of character for him.
Liz didn't give him the same respect. Consent does not just apply to sexual situations and healing. It applies to studying too. It applies to Liz USING Max's biology without his permission. It also applies to administering the cure to Steph without her consent. Liz was very, very wrong here.
And the thing is… it sure didn't seem like the writers saw it that way. It also didn't seem like JEANINE saw it that way. There's been a little bit more balanced quotes from them in interviews this week since the finale ended as far as saying that both Max and Liz were wrong, but they sure focused on Liz being incredible and strong before the finale aired.
The part that confuses me though...like, a LOT, is that the narrative was pretty clear that what Liz was doing was Bad and Wrong. She looked guilty. She was lying and hiding things from Max. And the MORAL COMPASS OF THE SHOW, Mr. Kyle Valenti, repeatedly told her she was wrong. Kyle called her out on her ethical violations even as he was thanking her for saving Steph.
Genoryx was set up as being bad. Liz herself refused to go work for them in the flashbacks because they were morally sketchy. Although, maybe that's the draw now that she is all full of ethical violations. Sigh.
I'm gonna leave this topic now, but I'll encourage you to go read @latessitrice's meta on the subject here:
Okay...so to sum this up? The breakup was coming. We knew it was coming. But it still hurt my heart so much. I haven't seen anyone gif Jeanine's performance of the "I am in love with you. And I hate that right now." But the delivery of that line broke me.
That being said...do I see it being over? Let's give that a resounding FUCK, NO. I mean, sure, they fought. And it hurt. And Liz ran away. Without saying goodbye. And all of that SHATTERED ME.
But...they still love each other even if they both have a lot to work on individually. That’s part of what MADE it so hard.
I am actually stoked for season 3. Two Maxes? All of the delicious angst once Liz gets home. Liz not knowing there's two Maxes and meeting Jones first and not knowing who he is and being vulnerable to his mindfuckery? Or just his fuckery in general. Whatever. I am here for it.
I am here for Liz discovering that something about Genoryx is Not Right. I'm here for her living a normal life and getting drawn back into the madness. I'm here for Max getting more powerful and more alieny under Jones's guidance. And I am here for what I am certain will be an epic reunion once they are back together again.
As a last more positive comment...I’m stoked that we get to have both Max and Liz alive and facing interesting potential storylines this hiatus. All I wanted from this finale, in truth, was to leave the characters in a place that inspired me to want to write for them for the next year plus or however long this COVID-extended hiatus ends up being. And I am so excited for that.
And I have talked enough now that I will go ahead and post this and leave this post as my Echo Takeaways from the finale. I'll be back again with some more gen/bigger picture thoughts later.
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sxciallygray · 4 years
I’ll be here when you come back (Colby Brock)
A/N: Hello my dudes!!! How long it’s been? Like 4? Maybe even 5 since I posted the second part of Let Her Go.
I’ve had most of the last part written since last November, but I got busy and lost inspiration to write – which seemed to be back for now.
I hope you like this last part, I enjoyed writing the last bit because if I have to be honest I’m not sure if I like the rest of it – like I said I wrote almost 5 months ago and usually when I read things I wrote a long time ago I normally don’t like them.
But you are the important ones! If you like it then I’m happy.
I hope you are all safe and doing well in the crazy times we are living and I also hope this helps you to think about something else.
Love you!
Warnings: English is not my first language so I’m sorry in advance if I made some mistakes.
Part1: Let her go
Part2: All you had to do was stay
It had been a month since (Y/N) had come back to LA, which lead her to think one thing only, the call with the information about her new destination was closer than she liked.
She hadn’t realized how much she missed her life until she came back and could enjoy all her friends again, specially how much she had missed Colby. At that point it was hard for both of them to hide how much they wanted to spend time together, Colby would find the most random excuses to make plans with (Y/N) and she wouldn’t hesitate on saying yes to everything Colby came up with. Like that night for example, (Y/N) had suggested going to Rae’s to have dinner with the whole group, after dinner Sam suggested a chill game night at his and Kat’s place, but Colby excused himself saying he had to film a video for his channel and that he needed help. Of course (Y/N) was the first one to offer herself volunteer.
None of their friends at that diner booth were blind, they could see Colby and (Y/N)’s undeniable desire for some alone time with each other, so most of the time they would play along instead of teasing them in public and potentially make things awkward – something they both were thankful for since from the first second the fans saw (Y/N) was back ninety percent of comments were about if they were back together or not.
What they didn’t know, not even (Y/N), was that there was no video that needed to be finished. Colby’s intentions were to take (Y/N) to a place he had recently found, a quiet spot on the hills of LA where they watched the city from afar.
The later it got the better they could see the stars above them, which reminded (Y/N) of a recurrent thought she had at the beginning of their time apart. She liked to look at the sky and think that no matter what, no matter the time of the day, the weather or how far away they were from each other, both of them were looking at the same sky. For some reason thinking about that brought her peace and made her feel a little connected to Colby.
“What are you thinking about?” they’ve been quiet for a few minutes and Colby was only wondering why (Y/N) was so smiley.
“Nothing” her smile only grew wider, making Colby grin bigger.
“C’mon, tell me” he turned around so he laying on his stomach over the blanket they were sharing.
“I was thinking about that time you fell down the hill and made it to the bottom on your butt” she lied, while she laughed remembering that moment.
“My pants were so destroyed at the end” he chuckled shaking his head.
(Y/N) was about to make a comment on how his fat ass helped him to not get too hurt but their attentions were caught by the sound of movement on the bushes behind them.
“Did you hear that?” (Y/N) whispered, sitting up as fast as she could to look in the direction of the sound.
A low growl followed the noises and that was enough for Colby to get up and help (Y/N) get up too “get it the car, fast” he whispered grabbing the blanket and giving it to her while he opened the door for her.
The first thought that came into mind for Colby was that they could be attacked by an animal, so he had to put (Y/N) in a safe place, but before he could close the door they heard some high pitched whimpers coming from the same place.
That got (Y/N) out of the car and running to the bushes, followed by Colby telling her to stop.
“Oh my god”
“What? (Y/N) what is it? Be careful” when Colby approached her he could finally calm down, it was a dog and he was trapped on the bush.
“Hey buddy, I’m going to help you, okay?” (Y/N) was crazy about animals, if it was for her she would have so many, but sadly she was never in the same place for too long and having a pet wasn’t a good idea under those conditions.
When the dog kept whining and liked her hand, (Y/N) took it as a sign to proceed and help the young looking dog to get out of the mess he had got himself into.
“He has no collar and he’s so dirty it looks like he’s been around here for a while” she announced looking up at Colby as she kept caressing the dog to keep him calm.
Colby, who also happened to be an animal lover, saw his opportunity in the palm of his hand “why don’t we go back to my place and we get him clean and fed?” if there was a way to (Y/N)’s heart, it was definitely that one.
“I think that’s a great idea” she looked down at the scared dog again “we’re taking care of you my friend, don’t worry I won’t let Colby pick the food, he has no taste” she joked, picking up the dog and winking at a fake hurt looking Colby.
The car ride was smoother than expected, luckily it was the middle of the night, which meant no traffic at all. It was good thing too because Colby was paying more attention to the interactions (Y/N) was having with the dog than where he was going.
Something none of them had realized was how, as much as they have been hanging out, (Y/N) hadn’t put a foot on Colby’s apartment. Being in the outside world together gave them many private moments, but being alone in Colby’s home was different, that feeling of anything could happened was settled as soon as they both walked through the room.
“The bathroom is over there” Colby pointed to the only closed door in the open space.
(Y/N) made her way over while she looked around his apartment, taking in how empty it looked, there was no decorations at all and she was thankful for that, if she had seen any of their old decorations she would have died inside.
“I made you a sandwich” Colby announced, walking into the bathroom twenty minutes after (Y/N), who had already washed the dog and was drying him off with a towel.
“Did you make it or did you go to the store to buy it? Because it took you a while” she joked, wrapping her new little friend with the towel and snuggling him.
Truth was that Colby just needed some time by himself, gather his thoughts before walking into that bathroom. It was getting very difficult to be around (Y/N) while they were playing by the ‘only friends’ rules.
“Making sandwiches is an art, it takes time” he sat on the tiled floor, right in front of (Y/N), who was also sitting on the floor. They stayed in silent for a few minutes until Colby broke it “I always thought we would get a dog.”
Was he too tired to stop himself from saying things like those? He definitely was.
“But then I left” (Y/N) whispered, avoiding eye contact.
Was she too tired to follow that conversation? Oh you better believe she was.
“But then we broke up” he corrected her.
“Because I left” they hadn’t talked about their relationship, not even just once ever since they had started this new found friendship. So Colby couldn’t help but give (Y/N) a confused look, not understanding where she was coming from with that.
“Okay, if that is what you believe then you could say I didn’t do anything to try and stop you from leaving” he said once he understood she was, in some level, blaming herself for it “you followed your passion and there’s nothing wrong with that”
Colby’s soft tone and sweet words made (Y/N) finally look at him in the eyes, feeling less guilty. She wasn’t sorry for leaving and following her dreams, but was she coastally wondering what could’ve been if she had stayed with Colby? Of course.
“It doesn’t mean I didn’t wanna stay too” at the end of the day there was two things she was passionate about, trying to transform the world in a better place and her future with Colby Brock.
“I know, (Y/N)” he couldn’t lie, it felt good to hear that. He knew she was heartbroken for leaving and that gave away a hint of how bad she wanted to stay, but hearing it out loud felt so fucking good “but do you really think I would’ve let you give up on an opportunity like that?” she shook her head, earning a smile from Colby, who moved closer, until the only thing keeping them apart were their legs “That’s correct, I wouldn’t’ve had let you” he placed a hand on her knee “don’t ever think I blamed this on you leaving, not for a second. I’m so fucking proud of you for chasing after your dreams”
“Thank you, Colbster” she smiled, the use of the nickname she had given him shortly after meeting Colby made her slightly flush. The dog found that the perfect moment to lick her sad face away “okay, okay I’ll let you go” she chuckled letting the dog free to run around the bathroom before storming out of it to explore the rest of the apartment.
“I put some of the food we bought on a bowl in the kitchen, someone’s going to be surprised” although he was apparently focusing in something new (Y/N) couldn’t stop repeating his words in her head and how badly she wanted to kiss him right now, but she couldn’t.
Just like that she made her decision, the dog would be the sing she needed to see what the universe had to tell her.
The following morning, bright and early, Colby and (Y/N) went to the closest vet to find out if the dog had a microchip, which would lead to an owner and then to discover if the dog had run away or if it had been abandoned – a heartbreaking theory on (Y/N)’s eyes.
While the vet did her job It was visible how nervous (Y/N) was, Colby couldn’t figure out why and he was planning on asking, but the vet talked sooner, announcing the dog had a microchip and that she was going to call the number that appeared on the computer.
“You’re going to make a hole on the ground if you keep bouncing your leg like that” Colby joke, earning a smile from (Y/N).
She didn’t answer though; she was too deep in her thoughts. If that dog didn’t have an owner that wanted him that was it, she was staying in LA, she would find a place to live, a job, she would take care of her new little friend and she would work as hard as it needed to be worked to gain Colby back.
“Good news, the owner is on her way, she says she’s been looking for Oreo like crazy” Oreo, so that was the dog’s name, who the fuck names their dog after an Oreo? Okay probably (Y/N) would do it, it was a cute name and she was just too upset to recognize it.
“Great, that’s awesome to hear, right?” Colby had to take the lead and talk when there was no reaction from (Y/N), who only nodded when Colby tried to get her to respond in any way possible.
The thing is, Colby still knows (Y/N) like the palm of his hand, he can feel how upset she is when she gets slightly flushed as a reaction of how hard she is trying to hold back the tears, but what he can’t understand is the reason why she is so upset all of the sudden, was he missing something?
So the poor and confused boy does the only thing he can think of at the moment. He places his hand on her back, rubbing small circles at first and when (Y/N) doesn’t try to stop him from doing so he pulls her closer “What’s wrong?” the vet is too occupied with Oreo to hear what Colby has whispered to (Y/N), which (Y/N) is thankful for because the last thing she wants is for the vet to think she’s crazy.
“’m just tired” the lack of eye contact wasn’t helping her in the fail attempt of lying “and hungry”
“We can go to Rae’s for breakfast” although Colby knew that wasn’t the problem, he followed along “and then take a nap” and maybe too carried away, but the last thing he wanted to do was to finish their time together, even if he was just as tired as she was because they stayed up all night talking and playing with the dog they had just found in the middle of nowhere.
For some reason he felt like if he let go of her in that moment she would be gone again, just like if she had never been here in the first place. That’s why when (Y/N) nodded and leaned her head on his shoulder he felt the biggest relieved he’s felt in so long.
They were given the option of staying until Oreo’s owner came to pick him up and as much as (Y/N) would have loved to witness the encounter in other given circumstances now it wasn’t the best time for it, so they left to get Colby’s promised breakfast at Rae’s.
From the first second they put a foot outside the vet clinic Colby was dying to ask what was really the reason of (Y/N) mood swing, sadly he didn’t feel in the right position to push her that much in order to get an answer.
“Can you take me straight to Tara’s? I’m really tired, I just want to sleep” Colby felt like he had lost a battle, one that (Y/N) had no idea about, but somehow she had defeated Colby.
“Yeah, sure, I can take you there” (Y/N) hated to be the reason why things had got so awkward between them so fast. With Colby too afraid of making the wrong move and pushing her away forever and with (Y/N) too upset to even pretend she was fine.
Colby’s suspicions were correct, for the next three days he couldn’t get a hold of (Y/N), she wouldn’t answer his calls and the texts she did answer were very vague. The whole situation was equally confusing and frustrating for Colby. On one hand he was fine with giving (Y/N) her space, leaving him some time for himself too; on the other hand, he couldn’t point where did he go wrong, what did he do to make her so upset and disappear for three days, that was all he had in his mind most of the time, but it also didn’t stop him from keeping up with his busy schedule and daily life.
It wasn’t much different for (Y/N), she felt like the longer she tried to stay away from Colby the harder it would be to fall back into good terms, after all she would have to explain why she was acting so weird.
The lack of sleep and the realization of still being very much in love with Colby were the two main factors that got (Y/N) so upset. She wasn’t one to believe in signs from the universe, but in that moment at the vet she would have follow her plan of staying in LA if the universe had made that dog one without an owner, that would have been her sign. On the contrary, she took that sign as one of take your things and run before you make a mistake.
Hence why she is upset, she doesn’t believe in signs, but she made herself believe in that one, which was followed by the call she’s been afraid to receive the very next day.
“You look awfully quiet, my dear” of course the second (Y/N) got the news she went to the only place she could feel better again, Rae’s, where Carly made her the best strawberry milkshake, yet (Y/N) didn’t feel any better and Carly could see it.
“isn’t Colby joining you today?” Rog didn’t mean any harm, he was very happy when Carly told him about having the young couple reunited again after such a long time, but the reminder of Colby hurt.
“No… it’s just me today” (Y/N) couldn’t even look up to answer his question, she was too occupied moving the straw around the half full glass, as if the answer would pop out of it any second.
As Carly and Rog kept taking care of preparing meals and drinks (Y/N) watched them, this time paying more attention than ever before. How Rog would look at Carly from time to time and a smile would appear on his face, how Carly had an endless list of cute nicknames for Rog or simply the way they would crack jokes with the other every other minute.
“How did you and Carly meet?” (Y/N) asked Rog when he got closer whipping the other side of the counter.
“Way back in the day, we were neighbors” just talking about it put a smile on Rog’s face “I didn’t stop until she agreed to go on a date with me”
“Where did you take her?” (Y/N) was already hooked on the story, she loved old people and their life stories.
“To the movies, of course” Carly was a big fan of everything movie related and the decoration on the diner showed her passion, they had the walls covered with movie posters “I was scared to death of her father, but I managed to build the courage and ask for permission. Best decision I ever made”
“How did you know she was the one for you?” you could say she was trying to get advice without asking for it.
Rog stopped cleaning the glasses that had piled on the counter and looked at the lost girl sitting at the stool on the other side of the counter, he could read the look in her eyes.
“It took me some time, some mistakes were made, but without those mistakes we wouldn’t be here today” now (Y/N) was intrigued, but she felt that asking about those mistakes was way too invasive “I asked myself many times if Carly was the woman I would end up marrying, if there was someone else out there for me, because when we started dating it didn’t feel like I could have a connection with anyone else the way I had it with her” (Y/N) stayed quiet, wanting him to continue “but when she and her family moved here , the place she had always dreamt of, I had to let her go, still one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do to this day. I told myself it all happened because it was meant to be like that, I had to stay in New York and work in my father’s business and she was meant to move here” (Y/N) couldn’t help but compare their story with hers and Colby’s “It didn’t take me long to realize what really mattered to me and let me tell you it wasn’t working for my father” he laughed, probably at the memory of those golden years they lived together.
“Did Carly wait for you?” although (Y/N) loved seeing him so happy as he told his story, she couldn’t hold back the questions.
“Oh no, I would have never asked her that, we truly believed we wouldn’t see each other again, but the second I found her… things fell back into place” well, now that was true love “almost fifty years later here we are”
“It’s a beautiful story, Rog” (Y/N) smiled, already deep in thought, putting into perspective everything she knew or at least everything she thought she knew.
“You seem conflicted” Rog had caught on early when she asked the first question why did she wanted to now. After all he had witness the mess Colby had been for the first few weeks after (Y/N) left.
“I am conflicted” with a heavy sigh (Y/N) let her head fall on her crossed arms over the counter.
The action made Rog laugh, that kind of sympathetic laugh you can’t be mad at. He wasn’t stupid, in fact his age and his life experience made him a very wise human being.
“If you want my humble opinion” he started, stopping just to build some expectation, which made (Y/N) look up again “I think you already have the answer you need, you just haven’t accepted yet, so whatever it is you are conflicted about accept it already and put yourself to work”
It wasn’t admitting that Rog was right, (Y/N) already knew what she really wanted to do, but the thought of actually putting herself to work to get to her goal scared her too much.
Fuck that, it was about time she got up and made up for the time she was losing. Rog could see in her eyes how fast her demeanor was changing, leaving the old man with a proud smile on his lips.
“I’m going to do it” (Y/N) stood up from the bar stool, almost knocking it down with how fast she did it “thank you Rog” before running out of the diner, with an unfinished milkshake, she left a five-dollar bill for Rog not waiting for her change, the man deserved the big tip.
“Jake, what does it take so long to pack? Seriously dude”
Colby had been waiting for over an hour for Jake to give him a heads up whenever he had finished packing for their trip and he couldn’t stop texting Jake to hurry up. He wanted to leave as soon as possible, although it was going to be a ‘bussiness trip’ because they were visiting haunted places for the Sam and Colby channel, Colby really wanted to be a few days away from LA.
“Brother relax, don’t pay it with me if (Y/N) doesn’t answer your calls”
It wasn’t a secret for anyone how (Y/N) affected Colby even if he didn’t want it to be that way, none of them couldn’t help it. Jake didn’t mean harm with his comments, they were all in a joking tone, he felt like it was better to joke about it than to make it this taboo topic that made things weird.
“If you’re not ready in ten minutes I’m ditching your ass”
After sending that last text Colby let himself fall on the couch with a deep sigh, why couldn’t he stop thinking about her just for five minutes? A little break for his tired brain and aching heart.
Meanwhile, not so far from Colby’s complex apartment the running hadn’t stopped for (Y/N) when she left the diner, she kept running down the street, through the sea of people that couldn’t care less for the crazy looking girl trying not to trip and fall.
Two blocks into running she was feeling exhausted and the thought running through her mind was how the next thing she was doing was getting in shape.
The banging on his apartment door straddled Colby, he wished it was different, but it caught him off guard. Normally none of his friends even knock, they either walk in without knocking or they let him know they’re going up the stairs through a text, so it couldn’t be Jake, the only one Colby was waiting.
“(Y/N)?” it felt like he was in such an emotional rollercoaster in that moment that he couldn’t trust his eyes, but she was there, standing in front of him, breathless from all the running.
“I-“ so breathless she felt like it would take her a while to form a sentence “’m sorry” the frown in Colby’s face deepened.
“Sorry? For what?” (Y/N) quickly put a hand up to let him know she needed to talk and not be interrupted.
It was nice to know she cared enough to acknowledge the fact that she had been avoiding him and she needed to apologize for that, but it wasn’t necessary to run all the way there, she could’ve just called.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, enough to form a full sentence without being cut by her lungs’ terrible performance “I’m sorry for pushing you away when that’s not what I really want”
The possibilities were endless for Colby’s reaction, that was the most terrifying part for (Y/N), who felt her heart start beating again when a small grin appeared on Colby’s face.
He had to admit something, in all the years he had known the breathless girl in front of him, there wasn’t many times he could recall seeing her admit so clearly she was doing something wrong – which was the most beautiful form of art in his eyes.
“Okay… I forgive you” she could recognize the smug smile on his face, he was enjoying this moment in many ways and although in the past she would had told him to stop, now she just wanted to look at him smile in any way possible “Can I ask why you started acting so weird though? I think apologies usually come with explanations.”
It wasn’t a surprise for her, who in their right mind wouldn’t ask? So she invited herself into the living room, where Colby followed after closing the door.
“I… really wanted to keep the dog we found” she admitted turning around to meet his intrigued eyes, the same ones that asked her to keep going “I thought if he didn’t have an owner who wanted him it would be a signal that I should stay in LA, no more voluntary work around the world” Colby was feeling conflicted, he loved the idea of her staying in LA, having her back completely.
The constant movement in her hands was making both of them nervous, they didn’t even take a seat – Colby didn’t mainly because she seemed too anxious to keep herself in place.
“But the dog had an owner” Colby took a step closer, taking her hands in his so she would stop playing with them. It seemed like the physical contact made her focus better, nodding while she looked down at their hands before looking up at him again.
“And that meant I didn’t have a reason to stay here” the tone of her voice went down, now that he was so close to her it felt like the right choice “or so I wanted to make myself believe”
“Do you want to stay?” Colby was doing the best he could to keep himself together, it wasn’t too difficult most of the time, but (Y/N) had always been an exception to any existing rule.
She timidly nodded “I do wanna stay” if someone decided to check her heart rate in that moment she would have broken the machine, because her heart was beating so fast she could pass out at any second “but I realized that way before we found out about the dog’s owner” the confusion on Colby’s face made it clear to her that he had no idea what she meant “I knew I wanted to stay when I realized I’m still in love with you”
Exactly the words he had been dreaming to hear again, a moment he had been waiting and had made himself believe it wouldn’t happen ever again – oh how wrong he was.
If this was a dream he wasn’t risking waking up, so instead trying to learn how to breathe again he let go of her hands and moved them up to cup her face delicately before crashing his lips with hers.
That wasn’t exactly the reaction (Y/N) was expecting, but definitely the best outcome. Of course she kissed him back, this time with no doubts or regrets. It felt so new yet still like coming back home after a horrible day, so warm and welcoming.
Her hands quickly made their way to his waist, tugging on his shirt to keep him close, a small detail that made a spark run through Colby’s body, who was starting to feel breathless from the kiss and the adrenaline of his intense emotions taking over him.
Even when they pulled apart the electricity trying to keep them together was vibrant.
“That was… unexpected” she smiled, intuitively licking her lips that still tasted like him.
“I know; it was unexpected for me too” her sudden love confession was beyond anything he could’ve imagined.
They stayed in silent, looking at each other with silly smiles on their faces – those smiles you get in the so called honeymoon phase of your relationship. In this case Colby and (Y/N) had a long history behind them, but it had always been like the honeymoon phase for them no matter how long they had been together.
Her hands had made their way up to his jaw, letting her fingers dance along his soft skin “Can we get a dog?” she asked out of nowhere.
The look of adoration on Colby’s eyes only intensified after that question, how had he functioned all that time without her? Without feeling the way he was feeling in that very second?
“I thought you’d never ask” this time it was (Y/N) the one who pulled him down for another breathtaking kiss.
There was still a long road in front of them before getting a dog, of course, but the main point was that they were in the same page, the both wanted the same thing and it was as simple as having each other by their side.
Colby’s phone went off, interrupting the heated kiss. When he looked at his phone he saw the incoming called from Jake, just like that he was brought back to reality, he had to leave to the airport, he wasn’t going to be able to enjoy (Y/N) for at least a few more days.
“Fuck” he cursed under his breath, hanging up on Jake “I have a trip with the boys and I should be going to the airport by now”
“It’s okay” giving him a reassuring smile she pecked his lips one more time “have fun, find some ghosts and tell me all about it” her words made him feel automatically better about leaving “I’ll be here when you come back”
His arms wrapped around her tightly, bringing her into a warm hug, one that he needed more than any of them knew. He took in her sweet scent, while she kissed his shoulder and locked her arms behind his back to hug him tighter.
Just as she had promised when Colby came back she was there, not only in LA, but in his apartment. She had found a way to go inside, decorating the place with a bunch of lit candles and flowers she had got for him, because even if he couldn’t keep them alive Colby had always enjoyed getting flowers. She had also made a welcome back sign and since he was coming back late at night she had also made dinner for the two of them.
Colby didn’t know he needed that in his life as much as he did when he saw the whole thing, now remembering all the times he had come back to an empty apartment felt so sad.
“Oh my god” the mixture between his nervous laugh and big smile let her see how much he liked the surprise.
“Welcome home!” (Y/N) exclaimed, jumping from behind the couch – Colby’s smile only went bigger “I promise I wasn’t trying to make a séance with all these candles” she joked, making him laugh.
The shock and surprise was still very clear in his actions, his face, how he couldn’t stop looking around the place “how did you- when- ugh I have so many questions” his focus finally falling back on her.
“I told you I would be here when you came back and Sam has keys to get in here so I just had to nicely ask for them, get them from Kat and get everything inside” she explained “you like it?”
“Oh believe me, I’ve never been so happy to be back home” letting his backpack fall on the floor he shortened the distance between them and kissed her, not holding back for even a second, he was giving it all in that passionate kiss that took her breath away.
“don’t you want to have dinner?” she chuckled between kisses, for Colby there wasn’t time to waste, it was visible in how his hands traveled down her body, stopping one of his hands on her butt and giving it a squeeze while with the other he moved the hair away from her face to kiss her lips again.
“Dinner can wait, I have other priorities at the moment” he whispered, bringing his other hand to her butt too and picking her up, gaining a grin from her.
“mhmmm, I’ve always liked your way of thinking” she added leaning in to kiss down his jaw.
Just like that everything fell back in place, the same way their bodies feel in Colby’s bed. They had found their way back to each other, like (Y/N)’s lips found their way down Colby’s neck. Bodies fitting perfectly together after a long time trying to fill that space with the best new thing, not knowing there was nothing or no one who could compare to the way they worked together.
tagged:  @dolanshemm
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mamabearcat · 5 years
Daddy Inuyasha
This doesn’t really have a title yet; I’ll think of one later! Written for @dangerouspompadour after this morning (or evening’s) conversation about kids needing to be fed every single night. A Papa Yasha story.
“You’re only gonna be gone for one night right?”
“Inuyasha, you’ll be fine”, soothed Kagome, stuffing more clothes into her bag. “I’m really sorry to have to leave like this, but Mama sounded so ill on the phone. I just want to check up on her.”
Inuyasha snorted, continuing to walk around the room with Izayoi’s tiny hands held in his, while their toddler squealed in delight, her little feet balanced on his larger ones.
“And Sango has promised that she’ll come pick her up early tomorrow and take her to daycare”, she continued, “so you’ll be able to get off to work in time. You just have to make sure to pick her up by 6pm, otherwise daycare will charge extra.”
“That’s good. And yeah, I can do that.” He had a meeting with an architect for his current construction project at 7.30am tomorrow morning; they’d only spoken on the phone as yet, but the guy already sounded like he had a stick firmly wedged up his arse. 
His head was still swimming a little. Kagome had got off the phone with her mother, booked a flight, texted Sango and then told him she’d be coming home Monday night all in under half an hour. He knew he’d be fine; Kagome did this all the time when he was called away for work. And he adored Izayoi. Maybe it would be fun? Some Daddy daughter time?
A loud beeping sounded outside the door. “Oh, that’s my taxi already”, squeaked Kagome, shoving her feet into her shoes. She picked up Izayoi and gave her a squeezy hug, smothering her round cheeks in raspberry kisses. “Be good for Daddy baby girl. Mama will be home at bedtime tomorrow okay? I’ll call you tonight.”
Inuyasha bent down to kiss his wife before she could run out the door. “Be safe, okay. Text me when you get there. I love you.”
“Love you too.” The horn beeped again loudly, and Kagome rolled her eyes. “I gotta go. Be good you two. I love you!”
They all moved out onto the verhandah, Inuyasha and Izayoi waving as Kagome ran down the path with her bag and climbed into the taxi, shutting the door behind her. All of a sudden Izayoi’s bottom lip trembled and her soft pointed puppy ears lowered. “Mama go?”
Inuyasha squeezed her tightly against him, dropping a soft kiss onto the dark curls between her ears. “Mama is visiting grandma. So it’s just us for a little while Princess. It’s gonna be fun right?”
The taxi drove away.
“I wa-want Mama!” Izayoi’s soft sobs escalated quickly, and the sound of her heartbreak pulled at Inuyasha’s gut. He hated Izayoi’s tears almost as much as Kagome’s.
“Hey, hey, c’mon now. We’re gonna have fun.” He bounced her a little in his arms, racking his brain for something that would take Izayoi’s mind off Kagome for a moment. “Do ya wanna watch Ponies with me for a little while?”
He braced himself for the usual loud squeal of excitement she let out whenever her favourite show was mentioned, but instead she tucked her head under his chin and hid behind the curtain of his long silver hair. He watched as she silently placed her thumb into her mouth, slow tears trickling down her cheeks.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Eventually Izayoi fell asleep on his lap, and he gratefully changed the channel. There was only so much pink and purple and magic of friendship he could take in one sitting. She’d watched the show with her cousin Rin, and she loved it. Kagome didn’t mind it. Him, not so much.
His stomach grumbled, and he angled his neck to look at the clock on the wall. Shit, it was nearly Izayoi’s dinner time. She usually ate earlier, and he and Kagome ate after she was in bed. When it was his turn to cook for him and Kagome he made steak. Or ramen. Both of those weren’t really toddler friendly. Cooking for Izzy was definitely Kagome’s thing. He though back over recent meals he’d seen Izayoi eat for dinner. Pasta. He was perfectly capable of cooking pasta, and he knew Izayoi liked it. Phew, crisis averted.
Inuyasha was taken aback. As far as he was concerned, he’d cooked a perfectly acceptable dinner for a toddler. Pasta with peas and corn, and some fish fingers he’d dug out of the bottom of the freezer. “Izzy, c’mon, you like pasta. Daddy even cooked the ones that look like little bows!”
“No!” she growled, glaring at the plate in front of her.
“Izayoi!” he barked. He took a deep breath. “What’s wrong with the food on your plate.”
“Don’t like red!”
“Red?” And then it hit him. Kagome usually served Izayoi’s pasta with pesto, not tomato sauce. “Uh, we were all out of green. Why don’t you try it Princess, it’s yummy. Look, Daddy will eat some.” He picked up her tiny fork and took a mouthful of pasta. Not his favourite thing in the world, but perfectly fine.
Izayoi’s eyes looked like they were filling with tears again. Oh boy. His mind whirled frantically, trying to avert the tears.
“Hey, do ya know what else you can call fish fingers? Dippy sticks! Look!” He picked up a fish finger and poked it in the napoletana pasta sauce, then took a bite. “Mmm, dippy sticks, my favourite!” He made sure to scrunch up his eyes and twitch his ears for her, and his heart swelled in relief at the tiny giggle.
“I know, let’s have a race and see who can eat their dippy stick the fastest? I bet I can eat mine faster than you Izzy! Ready…”
“Steddygo”, squealed Izayoi, clutching a fish finger in her little fist and mashing it into the sauce. She took a mouthful and smiled at him. “Yummy Daddy!” She eventually ate most of her dinner, leaving the peas. Inuyasha couldn’t blame her, he didn’t think much of peas either. It was his job to put green things on her plate, he wasn’t going to force feed them to her if she didn’t want to eat them.
He scraped the peas into the bin and dumped the dirty plate in the sink, then piggybacked her to the bathroom. “Bath time for my princess. Do ya want bubbles?”
“Yeah!” She threw her arms out as wide as she could. “Lots and lots!” He chuckled.
“Okay squirt, you got it. Toilet first while Daddy runs the bath. You need help getting those shorts off?” he asked, pointing to the button and zipper.
She shook her head. “Nu uh. I a big girl.”
Just for a second, his eyes misted over, remembering the day she was born only three short years ago. One of the happiest days of his life.
“Do you think you could slow down the growing for me just a smidge, Princess?” he asked, watching as she flushed the toilet all by herself and then managed to finish undressing without help. The tiny underpants were a new thing that she was very proud of, because Mama had told her only big girls got to wear them, and she stroked them lovingly as she put her dirty clothes in the hamper. He snorted when he noticed they had purple and pink ponies on them.
She shook her head and stood on her tiptoes with her arms raised up high, grinning cheekily at him. “I bigger than Daddy!”
“Oh yeah?”
“Aw, that’s a shame, I guess you’re too big for me to do…. This!” And he picked her up and blew a huge raspberry on her stomach, then dropped her into the bubbles as she squealed with laughter.
When she was squeaky clean, and Inuyasha had been decorated with a variety of bubble beards and bubble hats, he helped her into her thicker overnight underpants and PJ’s, and snuggled her into her little bed with her favourite white dog toy tucked into her elbow.
“Story and song!” Izayoi demanded.
Inuyasha cringed a little. He’d forgotten about the song part of the bedtime routine. Kagome had a variety of songs she sang, and her voice was pleasant and mellow, perfect for lullabies. His, not so much. “Uh, I’ll do you a deal. How ‘bout, Daddy reads you a story, and we call Mama and she can sing you a song over the phone. How’s that.”
Izayoi blinked at him slowly. “Okay”, she said finally, with a skeptical look on her face, like he was trying to renege on a deal.
“Which story do ya want Princess. Eggs and ham? The one with the baby and the lion?”
“Witch and cat!”
“Room on the Broom it is then!” He grinned, because he liked doing the voices for this one, especially the dragon. He was halfway into the book when she crawled out of bed and into his lap.
“I am a dragon, as mean as can be, and I’m planning to have WITCH and CHIPS for my tea!” Inuyasha growled.
Izayoi clutched onto his shirt. “Dragon scary!”
Whoops. Maybe he’d gotten a little too into it this time. “Hey, it’s okay. We know the witch is gonna be fine because all her friends are gonna scare him away. He’s just a big scaredy dragon!”
Izayoi nodded, the soft pointed ears on top of her head flicking sleepily. She popped her thumb into her mouth as he finished the story, snuggling against him. By the time he was finished, her eyes were blinking slowly. He put the book back on the shelf and tucked her back into her little bed.
“Song”, she whispered.
“One song, comin’ right up.” He fished his mobile out of his back pocket and called Kagome. “Hi love. I have one sleepy princess requesting a bedtime song.”
“What. You’re not going to sing one?” she giggled.
“I think we both know that my talents in the bedroom lie in other areas.” She snort laughed and he grinned. “I’m putting you on speaker.”
Kagome’s soft voice cooed into the bedroom, and both Inuyasha and Izayoi sighed, ears twitching. “Hey little pup. What song do you want Mama to sing for you sweetheart?”
“Mama!” Izayoi said sleepily, her ears twitching towards the phone. “Love you Mama. Train whistle.”
Kagome laughed softly. “I love you too baby. Okay, are you listening?”
Izayoi nodded, and Inuyasha said softly, “Yep, she’s ready.”
Train whistle blowin' Makes a sleepy noise Underneath the blankets For all the girls and boys
Rockin' rollin' ridin' Out along the bay All bound for Morningtown Many miles away
“She’s asleep”, whispered Inuyasha softly, taking the phone off speaker and backing slowly out of the room. He sat down with a thump on the sofa. “How’s Mama?”
“They did some blood tests at the hospital, and apparently she’s really low in iron. They gave her a blood transfusion and she has an appointment to see a heamatologist next week.”
“Shit. Do they know why?”
Kagome sighed. “You know what she’s like. I doubt she’s been looking after herself properly, now that she doesn’t have Grandpa to look after. I was hoping now that she’d retired from the shrine that she’d do things that she loved to do, but I don’t think she’s doing that well Inuyasha.” Kagome’s voice sounded a little wobbly.
Inuyasha swallowed. He adored Kagome’s mother. He’d been a brash belligerent teenager when he’d first started going out with Kagome in senior highschool, and Kagome’s mother had seen it for the front that it was. Kagome had known that he was hurting after the sudden death of his parents in a car accident, and so had she. It was a situation the Higurashi’s were all too familiar with, after the loss of Kagome’s father.
Mama had refused to allow him to push her away, even though shrine families weren’t usually accepting of demons, and had loved him like a son. No one had been happier for them when he and Kagome had decided to get married. He loved her almost as much as he’d loved his own mother. He pictured the once bright eyed, busy woman sitting by herself in a small apartment. She was probably so lonely.
“Kagome. Do ya think she’d live with us? I mean, if she wanted, I could even build her a little house in the back yard. Then it wouldn’t be like she was livin’ in our back pocket. She could visit us when she wanted, and we’d be close by if she needed us. And Izzy would get to see her every day.” Kagome’s quiet sob on the other end of the line startled him. “Hey love, you okay?”
“I’m fine”, she sniffed. “I… I’m gonna ask her, okay?”
“Don’t cry! Dammit, I didn’t suggest it to make you cry, I thought it would make you happy! If she’s not lookin’ after herself, I want her to be closer!”
Kagome giggled. “I’m not really crying, I’m just… you are an amazing husband, do you know that?”
“Shut up.”
“You are! And an amazing Dad. How did dinner go?”
“I stuffed up a bit. Made her pasta with red sauce instead of pesto. But she ate most of it.”
“Good job Daddy.”
He could practically see the beaming smile on Kagome’s face on the other end of the line and he sighed. “I miss you Kagome.”
“I miss you too. Only one night, and then I’ll be home tomorrow.”
“Why don’t you bring Mama too, if she’ll come. We could probably get her an appointment here, couldn’t we?”
“I’ll ask her. You know how stubborn she can be some times.”
“Yeah”, he chuckled, “I know. I got two stubborn reminders that live in the same house as me.”
“Hey!” He heard a soft voice in the background. “Okay Mama, be there in just a moment.”
Inuyasha sighed. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Do you want us to pick you up at the airport?”
“No, it’s okay – it’s usually crazy at that time of night, and it’s too close to Izzy’s bedtime. I’ll just catch a taxi. Good luck with that meeting tomorrow.”
“Thanks”, he snorted. “Can’t say I’m lookin’ forward to it. Guy sounds like a first class prat.”
“Just… hold your temper”, Kagome soothed. “Bottle it up, and you can grump about him to me when I get home.”
“Oh no. I got other plans for you when you get home.”
“Oh really?”
Inuyasha lowered his voice to a rough purr. “Maybe I can get you to sing a bedtime song for me. Last time I went down on you I’m pretty sure you hit a few soprano notes”, he grinned.
“Shut. Up!”
“You love it.”
“You just wait until I get home mister! No mercy!” She paused for a moment. “I’m sorry hon, I gotta go, Mama’s calling. Love you.”
“Sweet dreams, sweet cheeks.”
Inuyasha ended the call despondently. The house just seemed empty without Kagome in it. He traipsed into the kitchen, opened the fridge, then shut it again. He looked in the cupboard, and there was one packet of ramen left on the top shelf. He couldn’t be bothered cooking anything else.
He slumped down on the sofa, clicking through the channels and then snorted in disgust, turning off the tv and his attention to his dinner instead. He may as well go to bed early without Kagome here, just in case Izayoi woke up during the night.
He dumped the plate in the sink and went and had a quick shower, groaning as he wondered if Kagome was in the shower at the same time as him, picturing her generous curves soaped up under swiftly falling water. Gods, he was pathetic. It wasn’t like they had sex every night, but now she wasn’t here, he missed her presence like a physical ache. He was away for work sometimes, true, but it seemed different somehow, when she wasn’t home and he was.
He dried himself off quickly, pulling on his soft grey sleep shorts and falling into the bed that seemed way too big without Kagome in it. He went over his meeting plans in his head, staring at the ceiling, wishing his wife was curled up next to him.
“MAAAAMAAAAA!” The high pitched scream had him bolting upright, and he flung himself out of bed, bashing his shoulder on the door frame as he careened down the hallway towards Izayoi’s room.
He kneeled down next to her bed. Her tear filled eyes were easily visible in the soft glow of the night light, and shuddering sobs shook her little body. “A Mons-ster!” she sobbed, trying to get her little arms free of the quilt. “Want Mama!”
“Hey baby, it’s okay, it was just a bad dream”, he soothed, stroking the sweaty hair back from her forhead. “There’s no monster here.”
“He ate Mama!” she sobbed, launching herself at Inuyasha. “Mama gone!” Her hiccuping sobs pulled at his heartstrings, and he picked her up, cradling her against his chest so that she could hear the solid beat of his heart.
“No monster”, he repeated firmly, as he carried her down the hallway towards his and Kagome’s bedroom. “Mama went to visit Grandma, and she’ll be home tomorrow.”
“Yup. Sango will take you to daycare tomorrow, then Daddy will pick you up, and by the time you’ve had dinner and bath, Mama will be home again. I promise Princess.”
“Pinkie promise?”
It was a concept he had only recently educated in, but he nodded solemnly, viewing it as the sacred pact it was. “Pinkie promise”, he said, hooking his larger pinky finger around her smaller one.
His sleepy brain engaged a little more, and he walked them back towards the bathroom. “You wanna try goin’ to the toilet before you hop into Mama and my bed?”
“Okay.” She stood sleepily in front of the toilet and gazed at him without moving, so he turned her around and helped her pull down her PJ pants and underpants and plonked her on the toilet. He waited silently for a minute, then looked down to notice she was actually asleep sitting up. Chuckling as he fixed her clothes and picked her up again, he padded silently back to his bedroom, carefully placing her on Kagome’s side, hoping her scent on the pillow would help Izzy sleep.
He gazed at his little girl as she sprawled herself out like a starfish, her nose and ears twitching for a moment before she settled back into a deeper sleep. There was a time when he’d thought he’d never want children, because life had seemed to be determined to keep him alone. And then he’d found Kagome, or rather, Kagome had found him, bossing her way into his life and not taking no for an answer. And now they had this beautiful child together. His princess. He dropped a soft kiss onto the dark hair between her pointed ears and then settled back down to sleep himself.
Inuyasha grunted as he felt the full weight of a solid three year old landing directly on his bladder. He opened one sleepy eye. “Yeah?”
“The door!”
“Fuu—iretruck!” he groaned, leaping out of bed at the sound of knocking on the front door. Had he slept in? Nope, 6.45am. He usually got up at 7. He opened the front door a crack, poking his head through. “Yeah?”
“It’s just us!” grinned a smiling Sango, holding Shinzu on her hip. “Miroku’s going to drop off the girls at school, so I thought I’d come over a little early and help you get Izzy ready for daycare.”
“Uh, okay?” said Inuyasha with a puzzled expression.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Kagome texted me and told me you had an early meeting. Did I get it wrong?” She laughed at the suddenly panicked face Inuyasha made as he opened the door wide to let her in. “I take it you do have an early meeting?”
She stepped inside, then grinned teasingly at Inuyasha, pointing at his sleep shorts. “Is this a really informal meeting? Because I don’t think those are going to cut it.”
“Shut up”, he growled.
Izayoi ran towards Sango and hugged her legs. “Saaaango! Baby Shiiizuuuu!”
Sango ruffled the dark hair on Izayoi’s head, being careful of her pointed puppy ears. “Hey Izzy – you had breakfast yet?”
“No. Daddy asleep.” She held her hand over her mouth and giggled. “Daddy snores!” She stuck her fingers in her ears as if to emphasise how loud it had been.
“Way to rat me out kiddo”, muttered Inuyasha, raising an eyebrow at her. Izayoi hid behind Sango’s leg, then giggled some more.
“Go get ready Inuyasha, I’ll get Izzy off to daycare. I’m pretty sure I know where everything is.”
Inuyasha jogged towards the bathroom, then paused. “Thanks Sango, I really appreciate this.”
“Enough to babysit and give me and Miroku a night out?” she asked with a hopeful air.
Inuyasha thought for a moment about wrangling the twins, Shinzu and and Izayoi combined, then shrugged. “I’ll talk it over with Kagome, but yeah, sure.”
“Done. Stop talking and go get ready!”
He was back twenty minutes later in his business clothes, long hair neatly braided and the tie he only wore for meetings with clients already choking him. Izayoi was seated at the table, happily eating yoghurt and fruit. He dropped a kiss on her head. “Be good today Izzy. I’ll be there to pick you up from daycare, okay?”
“Okay, bye bye”, she said happily, making a funny face at Shinzu so the baby squealed in delight.
Inuyasha rushed out the door. “See you later Sango! And thanks!”
“You’re welcome!” she sang out, her voice punctuated by the loud slam of the front door.
Inuyasha growled as he gripped the steering wheel, glancing again at the clock on the dash. 5.55pm. He’d already called ahead to tell the daycare director that he was stuck in traffic and should be there soon, but that didn’t make him feel any less guilty.
The whole day had been a write off – filled with pointless meetings with pencil pushers and government know-it-alls that wouldn’t know good construction timeframes if they bit them on the arse. And thanks to them, he was late picking up his daughter, the very first time he’d been asked to do it. Shit.
It took another five minutes to find a parking spot, and he ran the rest of the way. The lights in the centre were off, but he knocked on the door, bouncing nervously, and a smiling lady let him in.
“Izayoi’s in the director’s office doing some colouring – right this way.”
“I am so sorry”, he panted, and the lady smiled at him, holding up a hand.
“It’s okay, you called and let us know what was happening. We let Izayoi know you’d be a little late, and she seemed fine. These things happen.”
Inuyasha poked his head around the office door. “Izzy?”
“Daaaadddy!” She vaulted herself into his arms, and he picked her up, giving her a squeezy hug.
“I’m sorry I was late baby. The car got stuck in traffic on the way here.”
Her bottom lip trembled a little. “Everyone gone home.”
“All the other kids have gone home?” She nodded. “I’m sorry you were the last one here Izzy.” Inuyasha turned his head towards the director. “I really am sorry for my lateness. I got caught up in meetings at work, and didn’t leave early enough to avoid the traffic.”
“That’s quite alright Mr. Takahashi. These things happen”, the director said, making a shooing motion with her hands.
They stopped to get Izayoi’s little backpack, then walked out of the centre.
“You know what?” said Inuyasha, swinging Izayoi’s little hand as they walked side by side towards the car. “Daddy had a grumpy day. And do you know what would cheer me up?”
Izayoi’s ears pricked up hopefully, and her eyes widened. “Ice-cream?!”
“Ice-cream”, he agreed, nodding seriously. “Should we eat it in a cone, or get some to take home?”
“Cone!” squeaked Izayoi, almost dancing on the spot.
Pretty soon they were sitting in an ice-cream parlour, Izzy with a small vanilla cone, napkin tucked into her shirt to save it from the drips, and Inuyasha with a towering triple scoop waffle cone monstrosity with extra fudge. Izayoi sighed happily as she licked, not quite fast enough to stop it dripping down her arm.
“I sticky.”
“Gotta keep licking!” said Inuyasha, turning her cone to the other side so she could lick the drips. If Kagome were here, she’d produce some of those wet wipes that seemed to fix a multitude of problems. Inuyasha snagged a couple more paper napkins from the paper dispenser and wrapped them around Izayoi’s little wrist, tucking the ends in. “There, that might help a little.”
“A bracelet! Thank you Daddy!”
Inuyasha snorted. “Glad to see my Princess is so easily pleased by paper jewellery. Keep licking Izzy, or it’ll fall.”
Once the ice-cream was eaten, it was time to go home. There was a short argument about keeping the soggy napkin bracelet, but after Inuyasha had promised to replace it with a real one when it was her birthday, she finally stopped stomping her small foot, and smiled. Crisis averted.
Inuyasha felt slightly guilty when he realised that Sango had done the washing up for him. Whoops. Oh well.
“You wanna help me make dinner Izzy?” he asked, hoping that would ward off any dinnertime disputes.
“Yeah!” She was rubbing her eyes a little sleepily, so he knew it would have to be something quick.
“How about boiled egg on toast?”
Izayoi looked at him quizzically, and Inuyasha remembered it was something she usually only ate for breakfast.
“It’s been a topsy turvy day. Let’s have breakfast for dinner!”
Izayoi snorted then giggled. “Silly Daddy!”
“Hey, it’s okay to be silly sometimes. Let’s boil an egg!” He let Izayoi pick an egg from the carton, then helped her place it carefully into the cold water in the saucepan. They put a slice of bread in the toaster, and she pushed down the lever herself, and then looked at him proudly.
“My princess is getting to be such a big girl!”
She nodded excitedly, then yawned.
Inuyasha buttered the toast and fished the egg out of the saucepan, peeling off the shell quickly and mashing it onto the toast.
“You want fingers or a squash sandwich?”
“Squash.” Her eyes blinked sleepily. He’d cut it pretty fine by taking her out for ice-cream; it was just about her bedtime now. Inuyasha picked her up and put her on her seat at the table. He folded the toast over carefully, making it like half a sandwich.
“Just eat a few bites princess, and then you can have a quick bath, okay?”
Izayoi nodded sleepily, then munched her way through the middle of the sandwich leaving all the crust.
“All done? Let’s go take that bath.” He ran a small bath, and washed her quickly; the fact that she wasn’t wanting to play told him exactly how tired she was. He lifted her out of the water and she stood on the bathmat as he rubbed her dry.
“Where Mama?”
Shit. Kagome had texted him that her plane had been a little delayed and she was just getting in a taxi, hopefully she would be home any minute.
“She’ll be here soon, Princess. How about Daddy will keep reading stories until she gets home?”
The bottom lip trembled a little. “Want Mama.”
Inuyasha helped her into her night time underpants and pj’s. “She’ll be here soon baby. Let’s go read those stories, okay?”
“Want Mama.”
Her little nose rubbed against his neck, ears flicking against his chin, and he felt a few warm tears slide down. Shit. C’mon Kagome. He carried Izayoi down to her bedroom, but instead of sitting on the chair, he sat down on her bed with her still cradled in his lap. She stayed curled up, her little thumb firmly in her mouth.
“You’re feelin’ sad, cause Mama isn’t home yet?” Little nod. “I miss her too when she’s away. I love you and your Mama sooo much. All the way to the moon and back.”
“Moon story.”
“Goodnight Moon?” Izayoi shook her head.
“Sorry kiddo, you’re gonna have to give me more than that. There’s a rabbit and a moon in the story?”
“Big Rabbit. Daddy Rabbit. And Little Rabbit. Izayoi Rabbit.” Inuyasha heart swelled and he dropped a kiss to her head. She was worse at tugging on his heartstrings than Kagome. Or better. Probably both.
“I think I know the one ya mean.” He reached over to her little bookcase carefully, and got a small battered boardbook. The first book they’d ever bought her, when she was still in Kagome’s womb. They’d bought it on the way home from the hospital after the ultrasound at twenty weeks. There were still little teeth marks around the edges where she’d bitten it as a baby.
“Guess how much I love you”, he began. A key clicked in the front door lock, and Kagome’s voice called out.
“Helloooo, I’m hoooome.”
“We’re in Izzy’s room”, he called out quietly, turning the page. “Little Nutbrown Hare, who was going to bed, held on tight to Big Nutbrown Hare’s very long ears.”
Kagome walked quietly into the room, leaning down to kiss Izayoi’s cheek.
“Mama”, Izayoi sighed sleepily.
“You want Mama to finish the story for ya Izzy?” asked Inuyasha. She shook her head.
“Daddy Rabbit.”
Kagome smiled at them both, and sat down on the chair. “I’ll listen too, if that’s okay.” She stroked Izayoi’s hair as Inuyasha read, and the little eyes drifted closed as he finished the last page.
Inuyasha rumbled a pleased sound through his chest. He couldn’t help it. Kagome was home, Izayoi was asleep and no longer sad. All was right in his world.
“Need some help escaping?” Kagome smiled. She helped lift Izayoi up gently so Inuyasha could slide out from underneath her, and Kagome pulled the quilt up over her, tucking her dog toy into her arms, and kissing her forehead. “Sweet dreams, Izzy.”
They tiptoed out of the little bedroom, and back down the hallway. Inuyasha picked up Kagome’s suitcase and carried it to their bedroom, Kagome following behind him.
“Mama didn’t want to come with you?”
“No. She was very definite about seeing the specialist there. Souta is taking the day off to go with her.”
“What did she say about our idea?”
“I think she might say yes. She’s thinking about it at the moment, but the idea of seeing Izzy everyday was very appealing”, smiled Kagome. She curled her arms around Inuyasha’s neck and hugged him tight. “I missed you so much! Did everything go okay with Izzy while I was away?”
“Pretty much. She missed you a lot. I did too.” His hands drifted down her back and over her bottom cheeks, suddenly wrapping around her thighs and lifting her up, snorting in laughter at her sudden yelp of surprise.
“We still haven’t finished the bedtime routine Ka-go-me”, he purred, walking over to their bedroom door and closing it firmly. “You owe me a song.”
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sunflowergirl522 · 4 years
Legally Blonde 6: So Much Better
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Just a legally blonde AU with you starring as Elle Woods. Based on both the movie and musical.
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 2608
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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“Alright Wanda, are you ready?” It’s Pietro’s birthday and Wanda had made one of those doggy cakes for him.
“I don’t know Y/n, Ultron scares the crap outta me!”
“That’s okay.” You rub your hands up and down her arms. “You can channel that fear. Remember you are a strong independent woman and you must be reunited with your dog.” You turn her around to start heading towards the trailer.
“Anyone who bakes their dog a birthday cake deserves nothing less.” Buck places his hand on her shoulder and smiles at her in reassurance.
“Oh, and it’s shaped like a bone!” Wanda takes the lid off the tray to show the bone shaped cake with ‘Woof’ on it.Bucky chuckles at that and you start to move her closer to the trailer.
“That kind of devotion cannot be ignored.”
“It’s not easy to find dog friendly chocolate substitutes.” Wanda knocks on the door and the man living there pops his head out the window.
“Ugh not you again! I want your fatass off of my property.” You cringe at the way he speaks to Wanda and get ready for a fight.
“I want to see my dog! I got a right! I bet you didn’t even know it’s his birthday today.”
“Oh is it your birthday?” He looks inside talking to the dog. “Well you can’t see him jelly gut. Best decision I ever made was throwing you out!” He snatches the cake out of her hands and shuts the window. Wanda screams in annoyance and anger.
“Can you believe I lived with that for ten years! And that cheapskate, he never even got me a ring.” You’re about to go hug Wanda when Bucky grabs your arm and turns you to face him.
“Y/n, they lived together for ten years.” He put emphasis on ten years and it clicks in your mind.
“Of course! Bucky, you are a genius.” You knock on the door and he swings it open groaning in the process. “Mister Ultron, we are Miss Maximoffs legal team.”
“I don’t think you realize that the great commonwealth of Massachusetts recognizes your ten year relationship with Miss Maximoff as a common law marriage. And entitles her to equitable division of property.”
“Which means…” You motion for Wanda to finish it off after seeing the light flood into her eyes.
“I’m taking the dog, dumbass.” Pietro comes out of the railer and Ultron grumbles as he goes back inside. The Jack Russell Terrier runs straight to Wanda and she picks him up. Bucky scratches the dogs head quickly before you all start to walk away. 
“Oh boy have I missed this face! Oh Y/n, Y/n this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me! Thank you so much!” Wanda parts from the two of you to head home and you feel warm inside.
“Was that law? Is this the point of law? I’m feeling kind of high.”
“Are you okay?” Bucky gets concerned as he sees you place your hand on your heart.
“This is why we all study and slog, to help the underdog.” You turn to Bucky for the first part but then turn back to look at Wanda’s retreating form for the rest of it. 
“Yeah, quite literally in this case.” You laugh at his joke and he smiles at you, proud that you enjoyed using law to help Wanda. “Come on, it’s late let’s get you home.”
The next morning you and Bucky see a crowd of people surrounding the board in front of Pierces class. You share a look with Bucky before going up to Thor who’s closest to you and also the nicest student you’ve met. 
“What’s going on?”
“Pierce’s firm is defending a murder trial. His caseload is so big, he’s taking on first-year interns.” At that Pierce makes his way out of the hard of students and over to Bucky.
“Bucky, I’m making you my co-council on the Barton trial. Prove yourself here and the title Associate isn’t far off.”
“Yes sir!” 
“We start Monday at nine A.M. sharp.” He turns back to the hoard of students and speaks before going back to Bucky and speaking only to him. “And make sure everyone dresses appropriately.” He speeds away to get away from possible squealing.”
“Oh Bucky that’s so great! I’m so proud of you!” You put your shoulders on his shoulders and hop up and down. While you do that you here Valkyrie celebrate getting the internship. You both walk towards the list with Bucky holding your hand. As you do that Peggy makes her way out of the crowd and sees Steve.
“Steve!” This causes you to turn and watch them. “We got Pierce's internship! It’s just like we planned!”
“Babe that’s perfect!” They embrace each other and your heart breaks a bit more when they kiss. “Almost as perfect as our wedding will be.” Steve spins her the way he used to to you. Your eyes follow them as they move away to celebrate taking the rest of the crowd with them.
You’re frozen in your spot thinking about how you thought if you were patient he would love you again. You thought that with time Steve would start to respect your mind and love you again. Watching him walk away after you turned your life around for him felt like a fatal blow. Bucky taps your shoulder and points to the list after you turn around.
“Woah! Is that my name on the list? Is this a mistake? Am I even awake? Pinch me now to make sure.” You hold your arm out for Bucky and he pinches your wrist while chuckling at you. “Ow! Yes, that’s my name in black and white somehow I’m doing something right. I feel so much better than before.” You and Bucky do your handshake before he goes to get some work done. “Oh Steve, sorry I’ve been a pest but I guess my best wasn’t working with you.” Steve just turns back to his huddle of friends. You tap his shoulder and he turns back to you slightly annoyed. “But, it looks like I found a cure and I so look forward to working with you.”
“What? Working with who?” He moves quickly to look at the list.
“Do you remember when we spent spring break in the hot tub every night? We said nothing else would ever feel so right. Well, this might!” Steve had a smirk on his face until your last sentence. His head snapped to face you and frowned. “Seeing my name up on that list, that beats the first time that we kissed.” You follow Steve to the list where Peggy is already standing. “You thought I was dumb, but I guess that somebody’s judgement was poor. Seeing my name in black and white is like making love with you all night.” You smile at him glad to see him so annoyed. “No wait. It feels so much better! ‘Cause I am so much better than before.” You walk away after that ready to celebrate. 
You can’t wipe the smile off your face and think how maybe she’s what he prefers but maybe his mind and he’d look up to find that you’ve moved onto better things, better jobs or bigger rings. There’s no time for you to cry over him now because you’re too busy loving your name on the list. You take out your phone and call your mom. 
“Hey, mom.”
“Hi honey how’s law school? Are you ready to come back home?”
“I actually got an internship with my teachers firm. I’ll be working with him on a murder case. I’m doing something right here.”
“That’s great sweetie! I’ll let your dad know about it as soon as he’s back from golfing. He’ll be so proud of you. I’m so proud of you.”
“I feel so much better than I ever have before mom. Love you, I’ll let you get back to what you were doing.”
“Okay love you too Y/n.” You hang up and put your phone away.
At the first meeting you bump into Steve and Peggy on the way to the office. Steve walks away quickly leaving you and Peggy behind. You both stare at each other for a bit in silence before you decide to break it. “You look nice today Peggy.”
“Thank you.” You both walk to the office in silence.
Once everyone arrives Pierce begins to play a workout tape and you recognize the person in it but you can’t quite put your finger on how. Pierce pauses the video and stands up to speak.
“Meet our client, Natasha. Her very wealthy husband was found shot to death in their Beacon Hill mansion.”
“Gold digger?
“You’d think so but she was rich on her own. She has a fitness empire. She claims she didn’t kill him.”
“Did she?”
“Let’s watch some more.” Pierce plays the video again and it shows Natasha speaking of how a jump rope can be used as a defensive weapon. “Who thinks she’s guilty?” Everyone but you raise their hands. “Here’s where you kids come in, Natasha has trouble trusting me. I’m her only chance to win but I don’t speak MTV.
“I’m a Delta Nu-”
“Not now. I want her whipped into shape, if there’s a brain in that hair tell it that I’m the key to the plea or the chair.”
The next meeting was at the jail and you were all meeting with Natasha.
“Miss Barton I’m Bucky Barnes, your co-council during the trial. These are the interns here to help out. We are here to whip up your legal defense.” Natasha chuckles at that a bit. “We’d love to discuss your case and go over a few choices. We wanna free you as soon as possible. So you can bring your message back to your fans.”
“Good, that’s what I want. This oughta be easy.”
“Pierce briefed me on your meeting and there’s a significant amount of evidence against you. To free you the jury will need to know an alibi.”
“Not gonna happen.”
“Even though it could save you.”
“If you put me on that stand, I’m gonna be forced to lie.”
“Okay Miss Barton if we can’t hear an alibi then you should expect a plea bargain.” Seve walks over to the table they’re sitting at as if he owns the place.
“And admit to something I didn’t do?”
“With a plea bargain you’d be out in a couple of years. That sounds reasonable, right?” Peggy sounds annoyed at Natasha as she speaks.
“Reasonable to do time for my husband's killer? Hmm, not really.”
“She’s tough.” Valkyrie whispers to you before also approaching Natasha. “Yo, sister.”
“Yo, not related. You know I need a legal team that knows I’m innocent. Get out of here, all of you. Guard!” Everyone leaves but you wait with your back to her hearing her muffled sobs. You make a split second decision to try something.
“Who, who is the girl with loyal friends and true?” You snap twice.
“Who, who?” She snaps twice back at you.
“Who, who has a bond as strong as crazy glue?” You turn around and face her and she hesitantly turns to you too.
“Who, who?”
“Who can sound the call and sisters all come through?”
“Who, who? Delta Nu Nu Nu. Delta Nu Nu Nu. You are a Delta Nu. Delta Nu Nu Nu. Delta Nu Nu Nu. You are a Delta Nu.” As you both speak together you do the hand signals to the Delta Nu song and speed up as you get closer to the end of the song.
“Delta Nu’s former UCLA president Y/n Y/l/N. I knew I recognized your mugshot.”
“Shut up.”
“Oh yeah. Your DVDs got me in shape to be June in the girls of UCLA calendar.”
“That is so great. Thank God somebody on this legal team gets me.”
“Sisterhood’s forever.” You hold out your pinky and she takes it to do the Delta Nu shake. “I believe you Natasha and I will fight with everything I have to clear your name. But that involves an alibi.”
“I can’t tell it.”
“Everyone has their secrets. For years I denied my highlights.” You bend your head down and she looks to see said highlights.
“It’s beyond highlights, Y/n it’s a disgrace. My secret is nuclear and if it gets out, I could lose my fitness empire. Which means everything to me. If I tell you, will you Delta Nu sister swear not to tell anybody?”
“I will double Delta Nu sister swear.”
“Your hardcore. Okay here it is.” She hooks your elbows together. “On the day that my husband was killed I had…” She then says something so low that you can’t hear it.
“What? I can’t hear you.”
“Liposuction! Minimally invasive , outpatient lipo, but lipo!” You gasp and cover your mouth in shock. A guard comes over to get Natasha to take her back to her cell. “I had to do it serious cottage cheese was showing up on my ass.” The guard grabs onto her and starts to pull her away. 
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
“My followers are depending on me, I cannot let them down. You have to take care of me Y/n, you swore.”
“Y/n there you are.” Bucky’s voice rings out and you turn to face him and everyone else.
“Where’s Natasha?” Pierce asks and you can’t help but wonder when he showed up.
“The guard just took her back.”
“But I got the alibi.”
“You’re kidding?” Pierce sounds shocked as if he expected you not to be able to do anything. “So what is it?”
“I’m afraid I can’t tell you.”
“Why not?”
“Because I double Delta Nu sister swore not to.”
“Y/n this is not some little sorority thing.” Peggy steps in front of you.
“Oh I know it’s a big sorority thing. But don’t worry Natasha really had nothing to do with this.” Everyone circles around you looking annoyed that you won’t tell the alibi. Except for Bucky who just looks confused. “Think about it, Natasha’s a fitness queen, exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t kill.”
“Bucky, a word.” They both step away from the group.
“Y/n, are you serious? If you don’t give up the alibi we will all lose this case.”
“Then I guess we aren’t very good lawyers.” Peggy then groans in annoyance at you and walks away.
“Would you stop being a Marilyn? Look Boobear, Y/n.” Steve takes the hands that were skimming down your arms off and clears his throat looking over at Peggy. “Look Pierce wants that alibi, give it to him and you can sail through law school knowing that there’s a big fat job offer waiting for you when you get out.”
“But I gave Natasha my word.” You’re getting real tired of being ganged up on.
“So what, who cares?”
“Who cares?!” You huff and turn to look at Bucky and catch the last part of their conversation.
“Bucky, let me be clear. This is your chance, and I gave you simple instructions. Lead this legal team and get me an alibi. You’re zero for two.” He begins to walk out of the room. “Everyone field trips over. Let’s go. Back to work.” Everyone passes him but he stands in the way of the two of you. “Except you two. I’d rather not see ratty corduroy or legally blonde again today.”
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argylemnwrites · 5 years
It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment - Epilogue
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Romance (Canon Divergent from Book 2, Chapter 15)
Word Count: ~2200
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: Moving forward, together.
Author’s Note: This series diverges from TRR canon, where instead of waiting to discuss his relationship with Riley until their last night in NYC, leaving her a note while Liam is proposing to her, Drake tackles this topic as soon as possible after Tariq makes his statement and Riley’s name is cleared. To catch up on this series, you can find the previous chapters in my masterlist (link is located in my bio).
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“So, who owns this place again?”
“It’s Cam’s uncle’s girlfriend’s sister’s building.”
“And we trust her… why?”
“Because she is fine with Cam vouching for us, so no income minimum, no issue with your lack of credit history, and no broker’s fee.”
Drake nodded. It still felt kind of shady to him, going to check out random units they heard about from different people they were tangentially connected to, but he was deferring to Riley completely, seeing as he had never been responsible for finding his own housing in his life. And apartment hunting in New York, it turned out, was a complicated task.
Back in February, when they’d started trying to figure out what neighborhoods to consider, Riley had told him not to bother searching the units listed on basically any website.
“There’s gonna be massive broker’s fees, and they probably won’t take us since we won’t have a guarantor. There’s a lot of scams, too. Just talk to your coworkers, word of mouth is going to be the best way to do this,” she’d warned him. 
Drake had done as she’d asked, but the units that his connections, the ones at the law firm he’d been sent to as coverage for one of the assistants who was out after surgery, recommended had not been a good fit. One didn’t allow dogs, one had been a definite bait and switch scam that looked nothing like the pictures he’d been shown, and the one they’d checked out last week was nice, but they would have needed a roommate to make it affordable, something they both weren’t really interested in doing.
But today they were checking out a one bedroom place in the Kensington neighborhood in Brooklyn that she’d heard about through one of her managers. They were supposed to meet with the building owner at 3 o’clock, so they had taken the F train over just after lunch so that Drake could get a better feel for the area.
Now that it was April, the weather was finally feeling like spring more consistently. It really couldn’t have been a nicer day for them to walk around the neighborhood. Drake was shocked at how close they were to a park. It was crowded as all get out, given that everyone and their mother seemed to want to take advantage of the pleasant day, but Prospect Park was large, had fishing spots, and most importantly, was some actual green space. While there were still numerous restaurants in the neighborhood, it felt so much more residential than their current apartment’s location. Drake could actually see why people would choose to live in a place like this.
The building owner, Kris, let them in and showed them up to the second floor walk-up she was looking to lease. It was in an older building, but everything looked well maintained at least. And it was big, probably twice as big as their current apartment. Drake was sure the fact that he’d been living in a 35 square meter studio for over four months was influencing him, but it just felt larger than his quarters at the palace had been, even though he was sure that wasn’t the case.
He wandered around, checking out the bedroom while Riley chatted specifics with Kris. After their first apartment tour a couple of weekends ago, they’d both quickly decided that was the best approach. Not only did Riley have more experience and knew the better questions to ask, but when left to her own devices, she was often able to charm landlords into throwing in some sort of perk, like waiving the pet fee or granting them some flexibility on move in dates. It was best to let her just do her thing.
As he checked out the closet space, it hit him how different his life was now than it was even six months ago. That Drake would have just been amazed that Riley would ever willingly choose to be with him over Liam. He could have never pictured himself choosing an apartment in New York with her. Sitting down and making plans for the future with her. 
It was easy to look at her and say that the change was all about her. And to an extent, that was true. He probably wouldn’t have found the motivation to make any changes in his life if he hadn’t met her. But it really was about more than that. It was about stepping up, letting go of the past, and taking ownership of his own happiness. He remembered Riley yelling at him, telling him he was scared to make changes in his life because he might still end up miserable on the other side of them. Basically telling him he needed to stop making himself a victim by his own choosing. And she’d been right.
Sure, some things were still a work in progress. Their visit to Texas a handful of weeks ago had proven that his relationship with his mother was not going to be mended overnight, after all. But on the other hand, he was hard pressed to imagine the man he was six months ago willingly getting an office job and going out for drinks after work with colleagues. He probably also wouldn’t have gotten a more “professional” haircut at the advice of one of those coworkers in hopes of turning a temp job into a permanent one. He would have fought such advice tooth and nail, insisting that anyone who cared that much about something as dumb as a haircut was a stuck up asshole, not worth his time. And while part of him still felt that way, he now saw it was a small price to pay to try and gain a more stable income so that Riley could cut down to part time at the bar and go back to college in the fall and work on finishing those last two semesters. Plus, she seemed to like his cleaned up cut, which was an added bonus.
The only way her going back to school was even a possibility was actually because of Maxwell. When he had let them know he was coming to New York for a “business venture,” they had both been confused, to say the least. But, when they met up with him for dinner and drinks, he’d told them he had found a way to bring some much needed cash to the Beaumonts - he had sold the rights to a holiday movie to the Hallmark channel, and that the script was so well received that they wanted him to keep writing for them. This had meant nothing to Drake himself, but Riley had just laughed, explaining that it was a TV network that made dozens of cheesy romance movies each year, many of them centered around Christmas.
When pressed, Maxwell had informed them, rather reluctantly, that the plot of the movie centered around a New York City waitress who came to a European country as the date of a prince for some Christmas ball, but ended up falling in love with his best friend. Despite Maxwell’s assurances that he was barely inspired by them and that all the names and locations were changed and that Christmas had nothing to do with Riley’s time in Cordonia, Drake and Riley had called him out on profiting off their story. Eventually, they struck a deal - they got a percentage of his payout for the script, which was going to cover most of Riley’s first semester tuition, and Maxwell had to help them with their move. It still irritated Drake a bit that Maxwell had just decided to throw their story out there for the world, but Liam had told him he approved the script and said it really wasn’t identifying at all, so Drake just decided to be grateful that Maxwell had not only brought Riley into his life, but also was giving her a ticket towards a job that didn’t require her to work a shitton of nights and weekends.
Drake wandered back towards the living and kitchen area, passing Riley and Kris in the narrow hallway, looking at the bathroom. He squeezed her hand as he passed them, and she threw him a little wink. He took in the main space of the apartment. They would be able to get a couch and a TV in there with their table, maybe even a bookcase. The kitchen was actually pretty nice, too. It probably had three times as much counter space as their current place. Everything here felt like it could work.
He opened the cabinets absentmindedly, half checking out the storage space, half waiting to see what Riley had to say about the place. After a couple more minutes, Riley and Kris came back out.
“Alright, well I’ll give you two a minute to talk it over,” said Kris, heading to the door, “I’ll be back in a few and you can let me know if you want to go forward with a lease.”
“Sounds good. Thanks, Kris.” said Riley, leaning against the end of the counter.
As soon as the door latched, Riley looked up at Drake, “So what do you think?”
“I think it’s great. It feels too good, to be honest. How bad’s the rent?”
Riley paused for a couple seconds, “1850.”
“That can’t be right. That’s less than what we’re paying now, and it’s so much bigger.”
She chuckled a little bit, “Well, that’s the beauty of not living in a prime neighborhood.”
Drake just shook his head. He considered this location to be far more desirable than their current one, but he knew he was in the minority there. “What do you think about it?”
“I think this could be a really good fit for us.”
“You’re okay with his neighborhood?”
She nodded and gave him a smile, “This is a pretty diverse area of the city, so the restaurant options are good, and there’s decent access to the Q and F trains, so the commute shouldn’t be too bad.” She stood up and joined him further in the kitchen, placing her hands on his shoulders. “Let’s be real, Drake. I’m not going to be as hard to please with this as you are. So, you gotta be honest with me. Can you see yourself here?”
He nodded, “Yeah, Liu. I can. I love this place.”
“Really. Is she willing to lease to us?”
“It seems like it. It sounds like her last tenant moved out unexpectedly, and her late partner used to handle the financial side of things, so she just wants to rent it out as quickly as possible.”
“And she’s cool with Anderson?”
“She told me she’s fine with small breeds.”
“Great, let’s sign.”
“Woah there,” she said, laughing, “And they say I’m the impulsive one.”
“What’s to discuss, Liu? Do you think we’re gonna find a better place than this one?”
She just shook her head and shrugged a little.
“Okay, then I stand by my statement  - we should sign the lease today. If she’s motivated to lease this unit quickly, don’t we need to jump on it?”
“I just want you to be sure, Drake,” Riley said, biting her lip slightly before she continued, “Last time you moved on a whim, things kind of… blew up for us for a while.”
Drake let out a little snort, “I think this is a little different, Liu.”
She raised an eyebrow at him, “That may be the case, but I want us to actually take a minute and think about this. Make sure we can see ourselves here, okay?” And with that she plopped down on the floor, laying back and closing her eyes.
“Uh, Liu… what the fuck are you doing?”
She opened one eye and squinted at him, “I’m just taking a moment to tune out everything else and think about this. You should try it,” she said, waving him down.
Drake rolled his eyes, but sat down on the kitchen floor and leaned back slowly in the opposite direction. This seemed dumb as hell, but if it’s what she needed from him to not feel like he was going to flake out on her, he would do it.
They laid like that for almost a minute, breathing slowly. No fears or concerns or worries crept into his mind, which he was pretty sure was the point of this exercise. He wasn’t sure how long they were supposed to do this, but then he heard her moving and felt her curl her body against his head, snaking her hand under his neck and resting her head on his chest.
“So, any reservations about his place?” she asked.
He opened his eyes and glanced down at her. Her eyes were staring back at him, wide and dark.
“None,” he said shaking his head slightly, “I think the fact that there’s enough floor space in the kitchen for us to do this has just convinced me even more.”
She chuckled softly, tracing soft circles along his neck with her fingers. “So, you want to sign the lease then?”
“Yeah, Liu,” he said, letting his eyes fall shut at her soothing touch, “This feels like home.”
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Permatag: @speedyoperarascalparty @mfackenthal  @lilyofchoices  @thequeenofcronuts  @jamesashtonisbae
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir: @kingliam2019   @sirbeepsalot  @texaskitten30   @princessleac1  @ladyangel70  @dcbbw  @yaushie @octobereighth
Drake x MC only:  @jovialyouthmusic  @iplaydrake  @gibbles82  @drakewalkerisreal  @riley--walker​ @notoriouscs​  @butindeed​  @addictedtodrakefanfic​  
It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment: @wickedgypsymoon  @thesumofmychoices​  @cosigottahavefaith​   @thequeenchoices​  @katedrakeohd​  @feartheendlesssummer​  @ao719​  @ooo-barff-ooo​   @sunnyxdazed​
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