#i loved it so much i made it my icon for a day and a half
0nlyhere4phil · 14 hours
Rating All of The Howlters New Outfits (except the randomized ones)
Some of you actually asked for this, so here's my review of the Howlters new outfits!
Starting with Dils Formal:
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I honestly don't know how to feel about this. It's just not Dil. It doesn't go with his nerdy dad vibe at all. It makes him look older, it doesn't fit him right, and the color is really weird. If they had gone with the blue and some different shoes I think I would have liked it more, but since they didn't put much effort into it it's just bad. Objectively it's an okay suit, but for Dil it just doesn't work. So yeah overall just a no 4/10.
Next His Sleepwear:
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Why did they like this so much? What is actually wrong with them? If it was just the pants and the slippers it would have been fine, but the pants, the slippers, AND socks...it's just too much. No no no bad. 2/10.
Next His Party Wear:
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What are they doing to him?? Who is this? I'm kind of just staring at this not knowing what to say, because I think if, minus that UGLY HAT, this was on a different and younger sim it would look okay. This looks like Dil is going through a midlife crisis. I like that the shoes match the shirt, thats nice, and I like the overall color pallet, BUT NOT ON DIL! So I'm weirdly torn, but since this look is on Dil I don't like it. Again it's not that bad but on Dil it's just horrible 4.5/10. I hate that fucking hat.
Next His Swimwear:
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You don't get how relieved I am that they didn't put him in a fucking speedo. I like this a lot. This looks like a father, which is perfect for Dil. It's cute, it's simple, and I like the colors they chose. 9/10
Next His Hot Weather:
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Meh. They didn't change much, they just made it worse. I prefered the original because I feel like the green looked better. Also wearing slippers on a hot day sounds absolutely HORRIBLE! 3/10
Next His Cold Weather:
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I absolutely LOVE THIS! It's so fun! Dil in the horrible 80s dad aesthetic works perfectly! It's still nerdy as well! I feel like this is perfect. If they had made his whole wardrobe this over the top ugly neon nerdy look I would have loved it! 10/10
That's it for Dil. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. I feel like they should have gone for nerdy Dad than whatever the hell they actually did. Next up is Tabitha.
Tabitha's Everyday:
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This is just an upgraded version of her original outfit. I like the new hair color, though I wish they looked through different hairstyles cause the one they chose is not giving what it needed to give. I LOVE her new tattoo, I think it's fun that they gave her it. I also do like the shoes matching the hair. This is cute! 8.5/10
Next Her Formal:
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I like the dress, but the outfit looks unfinished. They should have changed her makeup into something more dramatic to match the dress, and they also should have put some bracelets and necklaces on her. They did good on picking the main part of the outfit now they need to go back and finish it. 6/10 (I couldn't get a good screenshot with the tattoo sorry)
Next Her Sleepwear:
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Slay queen. I love this honestly. I like how lavender has become her color. The sunglasses are iconic. The only thing I hate is SOCKS WITH SLIPPERS! THAT LOOKS LIKE IT FEELS HORRIBLE! Other than the sock and slipper combo this eats. 9.5/10
Next Her Party:
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I beg your pardon? What is THIS and WHY was Dan so obsessed with it? This is horrible. I'm glad they remembered that necklaces and nails exist but I'm upset they exist on this monstrosity. Nothing about this goes together. THIS. IS. THEIR. WORST. LOOK. 1/10.
Next Her Swimwear:
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It's kind of a mess but I kind of love it. I feel like it suits this new Tabitha. I don't have much to say other than it strangely works. 7/10.
Next Her Hot Weather:
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Fuck right off. Daniel you know NOTHING about goths. This is horrible. This poor woman is going to feel so sticky and sweaty, and it wont even be worth it because this outfit is trash. Just no. 1.5/10.
Next Her Cold Weather:
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I really like this. I love how throughout the outfit pink pops up, and I like that it makes sense for the category it's in. Good job Dan and Phil 9/10
That's it for Tabitha! For the most part her new outfits aren't bad. I like that they (unintentionally) gave her a pastel goth sort of vibe, I like that she does look like a streamer now, and I think the new tattoo is really cool. I will never forgive them for her party wear though. Moving on to Dalien.
Daliens Everyday:
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This is fine. I wish the pants were the skinny jeans because those were more emo, and I wish he had black eyeliner. Overall it's not bad, but I prefer the original. Also they should have stuck with the purple highlights instead of changing them to red. 7.5/10
Next His Sportswear:
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Ew ew ew. This is rancid. The hoodie makes him look bald, and I despise the ripped socks they gave him. I actually like the shorts though they remind me of something Phil would have had back in 2010, but even then working out in those shorts sounds like a nightmare. Other than the shorts this whole look is a wreck. 1.5/10
Next His Party Wear:
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The outfit itself is okay but this is NOT Dalien. This looks like Dalien stole from a skater boy. They had the opportunity to go absolutely insane with this outfit. They could have given him crazy black makeup, a sheer shirt, some fishnets, and platforms, but instead they did this. It's lazy. It's not emo or goth or whatever they want him to be. 4/10
Next His Swimwear:
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Jesus Christ. NO. Just NO. 1.5/10
Next His Hot Weather:
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Why didn't they give him FISHNETS? Why did they choose those grandpa socks??? Why is EVERYTHING GREY BUT THE DRESS?? I think the idea of Dalien wearing a dress is cunty, but not like this. I feel like he would be a long skirt kind of guy. Also the cuff like glove things in the summer sounds horrible. 4.5/10.
Next His Cold Weather:
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Again this is just a no. Nothing about this is emo or goth or whatever they want him to be. I like the jacket and the boots a lot; if they had put Dalien in some skinny jeans and removed that fucking hat this would have been okay. I mean this in a derogatory way, this is something Dan would wear. 5.5/10
That's it for Dalien. Overall it's just not good. Most of it makes no sense, and they also should have given him black eyeliner.
In conclusion, they really did the Howlters dirty. This is probably the ugliest dressed family I've ever seen. None of these outfits gave what they needed to give. Also this family is a sensory NIGHTMARE!
I hope whoever is reading this enjoyed this or atleast agrees with some of my points. Have a wonderful rest of your day, evening, or morning.
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gojoidyll · 3 days
electric love ch. 1
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Yandere ! Gojo Satoru x Female ! Reader
Summary | In a technological advanced world where ai and virtual reality overrun the populace, a certain synthetic being learns what love was all thanks to a certain woman.
Warnings | implied coworker abuse (power dynamics), abuse of power, dear father is an asshole, mother wants to reconnect with her daughter, college debt, shitty living conditions, implied starvation and being under fed/malnourished, y/n is a pushover/people pleaser, etc.
Warning pt. 2 | reader uses she/her pronouns and this first chapter is in 3rd person pov but the second chapter will change to 2nd person pov 🫡
electric love masterlist
Y/n tapped away at the holographic keyboard that materialized before her. Her eyes scanning the luminous, transparent screen. Though, her thoughts on the current email she was typing up was quick to cease when a text popped up. Her eyebrows drawing together as a slight frown made its way onto her face.
From Ayakazhi:
You better have those parts done by the time I get to work today.
She tried to think of a witty reply to send back, but decided against it. She was far too fearful of the man to actually say anything rude back. Mainly because she didn't want to get hit again.
Shaking her head, she decided to be nice. As she always was.
From you:
It's already been done.
Pressing a quick send, she closed the screen and keyboard so both would minimize into a thin black band that decorated her wrist, and finally sitting up from her bed, she did a small stretch before kicking her feet out from the covers. Arms raised as another stretch made its way into her routine in her getting ready for the morning.
Though, as she made her way around her rather small and dingy (plus super cheap) apartment, her small moments of quiet were quickly interrupted by her wristband. A green phone icon popping up and shaking from left to right as a small jingle filtered the air.
Maximizing the screen by pushing her index and thumb outwards, the caller id was quick to display.
She tilted her head to the side and thought back to the last time she actually seen her. Which was ... last summer?
Yeah.. last summer.
Y/n could remember it clearly. She had just graduated college at the young age of 22. And right when she graduated she took her college debt along with her bachelor's degree and showed it off to her mom that summer.
Her father immediately reprimanded her and said "tch, little brat. Why are you coming to show us some flimsy little slip of paper when you could be looking for a job to pay off that debt of yours?"
A few months later and y/n found herself in this small apartment. Her only roommate being the large debt she had collected due to college loans and such.
Though, she did find a job thanks to her degree. Granted, she finds a little suffocating. It was a company in bioengineering. A company that prided itself in making, fixing, rebuilding ai models. Now, it wasn't as big as the Gojo or Zenin corporations, but it still racked in enough cash for yn to pay off her monthly rent and shave off a little of her debt. Granted, it still wasn't enough since she sometimes has to survive on small ramen cups or cheap baloney sandwiches days on end. But whatever, at least she can eat something.
Sighing lightly, she decided to hit decline. The red button sliding forward and then disappearing as the call ended.
And much to her surprise, a voice-mail popped up a few seconds later, but she ultimately decided to listen to it later and continue to her ready for the day.
"Hopefully nothing goes wrong...," she muttered to herself, but that usually doesn't happen.
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"A new client has come in for repair and where is our head ai repair specialist? Not here!"
This was Ayakazhi. Her supervisor. Not her boss, but still someone who has a higher status at the workplace.
"I'm sorry, alright? My shift doesnt start until 9:30, why would i come in early if im not getting paid for the extra hours-?"
"Stop talking," Ayakazhi finally groaned out, already tired of her excuse (because he knew she was right and didn't want to admit it).
"For now, just get ready for the client. He is a very important ai with a lot of money."
You frowned, "then why would he come here to get repaired?"
No offense to her, but the place she worked at was cheap and rundown. Compared to larger corporations, the company she worked at was very ... poor, to say the least. It wasn't like the top ai industry like the Zenin's.
Ayakazhi pulled up a chair and looked to make sure the door was closed behind them.
"Listen. And listen closely. Our client is the next head of the Gojo Corporation, Satoru Gojo. Apparently his latest check-ups back at the company haven't gone well because some certain individuals are trying to get rid of him and take the company for themselves. So, to make sure he doesn't go offline, he decided to come to a secluded company with little work and recognition to make sure he gets properly repaired and looked over while his enemies don't know where he's getting checked at."
She frowned, "how do you know all of this anyway?"
"Because he came here the moment the shop opened up and explained the details very clearly to me and even had me sign a 'keep silent about this' contract."
"And you immediately accepted? What if his supposed enemies found out? I would literally get assassinated in my sleep!"
"Well, at least your replaceable."
She rolled her eyes. What an asshole.
"Alright, fine. Whatever. So when am I supposed to meet this Satoru Gojo anyway?"
Ayakazhi looked at the digital watch imprinted on his left wrist, the teal colors shining brightly as the minutes ticked by.
"He scheduled his first appointment for 10:30 AM, he asked us who our best specialist was and since that would be you he decided to wait until your shift starts.
She paled slightly, "I have to do this today?!"
Ayakazhi merely smirked at her panicked expression and shrugged, "guess so. So have some fun, k?"
She really wanted to strangle the guy, but thought better of it. She couldn't deal with this right now anyway. She had a very important client to deal with first after all.
I swear, if I get assassinated because of this job I'm going to haunt Ayakazhi for the rest of his life!
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theflyindutchwoman · 23 hours
Alright, time for a new question: what are your favorite Tim Bradford quotes/lines of dialogue?
Ooooh I love and hate this so much haha! I just know I am for sure going to miss so many iconic lines…
. "You can choose to see that tattoo as your greatest failure. But I see it as proof that you're a survivor. It wasn't your day of death, Officer Chen. It was the first day, of the rest of your life. And no one can take that away from you". (2.12) I could quote the whole scene really, but that part is just so beautiful. From the way Tim was opening up about his own scars to his words of encouragement to Lucy, trying to empower her… to give her a new perspective and make her see herself through his eyes… This will forever be one of my favourite moment ever.
. "You know me so well. Too well." (2.11) Did you all really think that I wasn't going to quote Day of Death? Come on. That line is iconic and I absolutely love that it has been repeated one way or another throughout the show. This sums up Tim & Lucy's relationship perfectly. (Bonus - "What's a BTS?")
. "You don't let anyone ever tell you you can't do something. Not even me." (3.09) Again with the empowerment… it was the perfect way to end this chapter of their partnership for me.
. "I found you because of your ring, okay? You saved yourself." (3.01) In the same vein… I had to add this one to the list. I just love how Tim always make sure to remind Lucy how she saved herself, how she is a survivor. She wouldn't have made it out alive without the team but they wouldn't have found her in time without the clue she left behind either.
. “For what? Doing my job?” (1.11) I just love how this was one of the first times Tim showed Lucy his softer side… and the way she was able to throw back his line at him later on was simply perfect.
. "I’m who I am in spite of you. […] The Tim Tests -- those don't make me like him." (4.09) I was so worried for a moment with this storyline, that the writers were going to have Tim forgive his father so that line was exactly what was needed. And Eric's delivery was so powerful. I could really feel all the anger, the distress, the grief… and the fear, the need to hear the confirmation that he really isn't anything like his father.
. "Unless it is" (5.08) Tim being ready to take a leap of faith despite all the previous hurt was really something amazing to watch (and this hurts so much now).
. "Are you ashamed of your baby? […] Okay, then who cares what your stupid friends think? Show off that baby belly. Wear what you feel confident in." (3.10) That scene was so amazing for so many reasons but that part is one of the best lines from the show.
. "You could never disappoint me." (6.03) Lucy needed to hear these words so much after everything… And while I am sad that there was no real follow up, I'm glad that we still got that little scene.
. "You deserve to be recognized." (4.18) This one hits even harder after that whole detective exam… but it still is one of my favorite scene.
. "If you get dispatched to a loud party, make sure they know you're not the stripper" (4.05) Sorry Tim! But this one never ceases to crack me up! What I wouldn't give to see this scene play out in the show…
. "We accept Wesley because we fear Lopez." (4.15) Somewhere Angela was nodding along…
. "I am unwilling to let fear make me do something I’ll be ashamed of in the light of day." (1.15) It was such a great insight into Tim's character.
. "Hunkiness? That's not even a word." (2.17) Oh Tim… Jealous, much?!
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danielfosseyart · 1 day
Hi I'm finally gonna fuckin finish this god damn challenge.
Allan Red. With his iconic famous mug.
(I was gonna originally draw him holding cheese but I really wanted to do the mug.)
Uh, orange is next. Also I just wanna thank everyone who's supported me, it's meant a lot. I'm trying to do a lot better these days. (Shoutouts to my partner Taranza, he's the best I love him so much)
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I made this dogshit image just so I could put it on his coffee mug. You can have this too. As a treat.
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plugnuts · 1 year
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an outlaw tweekee for u <3
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marymekpop · 1 year
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I like you. I tried denying it and I tried to rationalize it, but nothing worked. It’s true. I like you.
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pax-former · 1 year
Optimus father figure scenario pls
Thank you for the ask!
This is actually my first time making a scenario so it might be different then what people usually do so I’m sorry-
Anyway let’s get on with it!
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You were first introduced to team prime when You encountered the Decepticon vs Autobot fight. Optimus was the one who saw you and rescued you, and just like that you were now with a bunch of alien robots who are fighting another bunch of alien robots.
Apart from being traumatized by the fact you almost DIED, you were beginning to have a bond with them.
Bumblebee and Raf always invites you to play games, bulkhead and Miko also invite you to go dune bashing, or go see a monster truck rally!
Arcee and Jack talks to you about anything, this is mostly some tea they over heard from others while driving. On rare occasions Arcee even let’s you ride with Jack! How cool is that?
Ratchet… well… let’s just be glad that you aren’t on his list of throwing the wrench of doom. That’s how much he tolerates you.
And lastly, Optimus.
The first time you joined team prime you saw how Optimus was very fatherly towards the kids. You saw how he would take them anywhere they wanted, and would give them fatherly advise when needed. The sight itself warmed your heart.
Though what you didn’t expect was Optimus being fatherly towards YOU.
He checks on you daily to see how your day went, what you did and other things a father would do! He even took you to your Appointment because your parents couldn’t drive you.
On sad days, where you feel like you’re at your worst, you tend to hide yourself away in the comfort of your house. When this happens, Optimus would be the first one to text/call you. He would ask if you’re okay, and what happened.
If you don’t want to talk about it / don’t want anyone near you, he would understand. Though, when you look out your window you might see a red and blue truck parked outside your house.
If you did talk to him, he would drive to your house and meet you to take a long drive across Jasper Nevada, which I heard was a beautiful place when it’s noon. You both would just talk about life and it’s meaning, maybe a joke here and there. If you need any advice, he would give you the best one possible.
Also, if you fall asleep in his alt mode, Optimus would possibly bring you back to base and just let you lay there until morning.
Ratchet is not too fond of that lol
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haikcuute · 2 years
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[ID: fake discord screenshots between the tmnt boys. The chat reads as follows, with their discord nicknames in parentheses:
Mikey (Micheal with a B): If yall don't knock it off right now
Leo (That Bitch): I'd Love to go eat my cold soup in peace, if SOMEONE would stop attacking me for it!!
Donnie (The Funny One): You're killing me you're killing your brother Leon cereal is Not A Soup how many times do we have to go over this
Leo changes his name to "Cold Soup Truther"
Leo (Cold Soup Truther): Mad because you dont have cold soup, arent you? ;]
Raph sends a screenshot from the sonic realtime fandub of Eggman saying "what are you two FUCKING talking about"
Mikey's name changes to "Doctor Delicate Touch"
Mikey (Doctor Delicate Touch): Alright that's it
Leo (Cold Soup Truther): Oops
Raph (Raph): Oh no
Donnie (The Funny One): Wait Mikey we can talk about this
End ID]
Laid awake for several hours thinking about wanting to make this joke the other day
Bonus: the aftermath
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[ID: a simplistic drawing of the turtles. Mikey runs at high speed chasing Donnie and Leo, Raph lays behind him flat on the floor with x's for eyes. There are action lines emanating out from where Donnie and Leo are running to. End ID]
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Happy birthday! 🎂🎉 You're the best creator!
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✦゜ANSWERED: WAHHHH I'M CRYING!!!! THIS IS SO PRETTY AAAAAAAA!!!!! Thank you so, so, soooo much for the gorgeous art and birthday wishes ;v; I'm seriously so blessed to have such a kind and loving community aaa <3
If y'all need me, I'm gonna be a pile of mush and tears on the floor for a few hours ;w;
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cangrellesteponme · 9 months
so I finished reading the king's men. that was not a good book. and not a good series. I loved it so much.
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nowhere-space · 2 years
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Bye, Steven!
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rosicheeks · 1 year
Sorry for the spam I feel like you weren’t on my dash for awhile and I wanted to fix it 👉👈
Hope you have a fantabulous day and get lots of rest and accomplish everything you want to accomplish 🥰🥰💜💜
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dykedragons · 1 year
i love making things for my friends!! i love it when my friends enjoy the things i make them!!!!!
#ramblies#i just appreciate them all so much. its the little things- the pins ive made them on their bags‚ the art ive made them as icons on socials#maybe its not much to them but its everything to me to know that the little things ive spent a little time making are worn#like badges of honor. its so special to me.#like‚ generally now i just feel so valued. my relationships are natural and reciprocal.#its like... finally!! THIS is what ive been fucking missing this whole time!! this ease!!#i dont need to prove myself‚ to compensate‚ to ask for reminders that im valued. they show me all the time. i never have to ask.#i dont know what happened. i dont know what changed from high school to now. i became a better person‚ i met better people? both.#i dont care how long it lasts or if its not this good forever. im just happy to be here. i finally feel worthy of this‚ without question#ive only known them for a few months but its the most secure ive ever felt.#maybe im oversharing!! i dont know!! i cant tell them outright ill overwhelm them!! its my blog and i can overshare if i want to!!#i dont know. im just grateful.#in other news i cleaned up my room a bit too‚ did lots of housework. always feels really cleansing.#after a stressful day yesterday this is what ive needed. a self care day. i have a lot of stuff to do but... it can wait while i rest lol#idk its just. so special to feel like i finally dont have to be the ''best'' or whatever to be loved. im loved as i am.#no arbitrary comparisons. its not conditional. i dont need to compete‚ i always feel like theres room. i hope we all thrive.
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
Crying again over Anakin Skywalker
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toytulini · 8 months
can i access the tunglr on work wifi but not discord. insane
#toy txt post#apologies in advance. nonzero chance this means i liveblog The Horrors. of slogging thru work#and or also liveblog. my own going insane over tryimg to remake character playlists now that the characters have evolved enough#that i look at their og playlists like.......what was i thinking#mostly. mostly Bytte#its just#hard to find things that match Bytte or Headloose or both of them and their. fucked up little dynamic both tonally and lyrically?#like in theory i Want to put Shakiras She Wolf on Bytte's playlist. its so iconic and In Theory. it could match. i could force it#in practice........god i dont even know how to expkain how it does not fit Bytte like....tonally and probably not even lyrically#i love bridge city sinners sound and a lot of their lyrics and would love to put them on both playlists but like lyrically and subject wise#theres just.....not much that fits?#i might be willing to try to explain Why It Doesnt Fit if i had more time ? and wasnt just typing in between printing labels..idk#and defining what doesnt work and why might in turn help me find more stuff that Does#i think i need to listen to a little more uhhhhhh. megan thee stallion? is that how u spell her name? for bytte. unsure. its so tricky#like half the shit on her playlist like only a couple lines in the song Really vibe w me idk#i actually just. remade her playlist completely the other day and im less mad at it now but it still could use a lot of improvement#theres not a good like.....flow between the songs? ig?#need to. figure out headloose now also.i think in fairness when i made Bytte's playlist i still hadnt really developed her as a character#much at all yet? idk#im not As Mad at either of Headloose's playlists theres just a bunch i need to add and reorganize and prolly need to trim? and tbh i prolly#need to just honestly make multiple separate playlists for all of them like i did for Suki....#that will be similar and have plenty of overlap but have different nuances for the different eras of their lives#like. idk maybe Bytte needs to just have a Separate playlist for how her approach to and relationship w her sexuality evolves between#how she is as a human and. warlord. and then ig after she is w headloose which#is after she decides to become a demon but before shes fully transformed cos shes not dead yet so the evolution there is still#more subtle until she turns fully. and headloose gets 1) better at controlling the shapeshifting and healing factors and#2) Headloose getting more fucked up kinks. i guess. or learning more of his own fucked up kinks. or whatever#and the influence that has on her as well AND ALSO her like. lowkey toxicity in any attempts at long term rships#due to being a woman in a weird position in a point in history where we probably didnt have a word for aromanticism#...im out of tags. how does this happen everytime
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orcelito · 1 year
But. Yeah. i finished reading trigun maximum.
this manga ripped me apart limb from limb, then put me back together again. never have i felt a catharsis this deep before. a manga that made me cry seven times, as opposed to the previous record holders of two times each.
it really is something special. and i love it so, so, SO much.
#speculation nation#fanny reads trigun#gonna have to retire that tag maybe#unless i wanna post some dumb screenshots of subsequent read throughs#i do plan on grabbing icons of both wolfwood and vash#probably only them tbh. MAYBE elendira if for nothing else than i LOVE the expressions she makes#and livio. what a big lovable doofus.#elendira and livio tho r around MUCH less often than vash and wolfwood lol. So.#i have some more solid ideas for what i wanna do for my trigun longfic#i know the Exact moment that would work for my purposes.#and right now it feels a little cheap to do. bc it gets rid of that ending. which really was such a satisfying ending.#but get this. i want wolfwood back. SO.#i will do my gay little time manipulations to put wolfwood back into the story. as is my right as a fanfic writer.#(if u missed my last post about it i wanna do a time travel fic for vash lol. a la NG+ for persona games.)#(NG+ is of course very common in persona fandoms & i love the concept. havent seen it in trigun yet so i wanna do one myself)#so. yea. anyways. i love trigun maximum and i could not POSSIBLY recommend it more#yes it made the person who cried only like 4 times TOTAL last year cry seven times by itself#beefed this year's count from 3 to 10 in LESS than a day. jeeeeze#it's so good tho. soooo fucking good. the Tragedy. the Angst. im so in love with it it's unreal.#if you guys thought i couldnt be more obnoxious about trigun WELL you have only seen the beginning#i dont get into new interests easily. not genuinely. once smth reaches this status it is fucking Staying#in the same way that ive been a persona fan since 2014 & show no signs of stopping#i just know that trigun is here to stay in my heart.#which is good for the people who have followed me for trigun!!! hiiiiiiiii#trigun spoilers/
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