#🔥 general hothead 🔥
rexscanonwife · 4 months
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Ok FINE maybe I'll listen to Epic the Musical
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Which of your men (can be from all of your characters, or just from particular series) is the most patient one and which one is the most hotheaded?
Ooh! I love this.
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Most patient? Florist!Bucky.
The man is just sweet and patient all around. His kindness isn't weakness though and he wouldn't let anyone take advantage of that. He just generally keeps a cool head, which is why he was able to help you navigate your babysitting woes. You love that he's a patient man.
Even if he's a little inpatient sometimes getting you to bed. 😏
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Most hotheaded? Motocross!Bucky.
Now, we have only seen a couple of glimpses of it. We know Maddox goaded him into an argument and he admits he would've punched him had Steve not held him back. He feels jealous immediately at the thought of Steve taking a liking to you and snaps a little. And he feels on edge before some of his races. He doesn't want to lash out or let his emotions get the better of him, but it happens.
And you aren't afraid to call him out, which is exactly what he needs. 🔥
Same question to you.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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author-morgan · 3 years
🔥 + Brasidas
The tales of Brasidas of Sparta spread far among the villages of Lakonia and soon across Hellas. Your first impression was that he was no different than any other hotheaded Spartan when he first came with his bronze shield, spear, and a squadron of hoplites at his command. A show of strength to garner the respect of your father —an esteemed Arkadian general— who knew this would be a smart match for a political alliance. But your initial thoughts on his brutish nature were proven wrong the first time he lays you down on a bed of linen and silk. Brasidas is a gentle, attentive lover, and every torrent kiss and caress burns with his intense passion. And perhaps the most infuriating thing about him is his ability to leave you satiated but still yearning for more.
[send me a 🔥 and a character name and/or prompt word and I'll write a spicy headcanon]
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trashytoastboi · 4 years
hiii, how are you doing? may I please request C, F and N from the fluff alphabet for ace and shanks? thank you so much 💗
Sure thing 🍀☺️ hope you enjoy ~
Askbox : Currently open
(Gender Neutral)
Ace, Shanks – C, F, N
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Portgas D. Ace
🔥C - Though being sad might be a relatively rare occurrence around Ace, there will be times when there is need for comfort and cheering up, which is Ace’s speciality, due to his goofball nature he will generally do small and silly things to make his S/O smile and laugh, paired with loads of hugs and kisses, he will go as far as taking them on an entire adventure solely for the fact of cheering them up, he generally won’t press for conversation and wait until his partner is ready to talk about what is wrong, to which he will be right there to offer words of support and comfort. He prefers not to leave his partner alone, but will give them space if they ask for it, though this might result in him sulking and moping around.
🔥F - Ace can sometimes be a bit of a hothead (no pun intended) and sometimes impulsive, arguments won’t typically divulge into shouting or anything as drastic as that, however sometimes arguments can get slightly heated and a bit louder than talking, after the argument if things have not yet been settled there is mutual silent treatment from both of them (Makes it super awkward for the rest of the crew) Ace might sulk or feel a bit down after the initial fight and seek advice from Whitebeard. After some thought he will most likely speak to his partner and apologise (if they don’t apologise first) they are quick to forgive eachother and go straight back to being themselves after making up.
🔥N - Ace has a range of names he calls his partner the first used was the typical ‘Babe’ and ‘Baby’ when they were in the early stages of the relationship, things were still a bit awkward and he was still testing the waters, as they grew more comfortable Ace began calling his partner ‘Sugar’ or ‘Sweetness’ when feeling playful, ‘My love’ when he is feeling romantic but Ace’s absolute all time favourite is referring to his partner as his ‘Firefly’
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☠C - One of the many, many charms this man has, is his peaceful and gentle nature, he can easily handle situations and get a hold of things before they get too crazy, when his S/O is feeling down or upset, he will drop everything and be at their side. He has the habit of occasionally passing on some wisdom and a fresh perspective of a situation, he encourages but does not force conversation to get a better understanding of the situation. He often times has the habit of giving the answer that is needed in the situation, but it’s not necessarily the answer that is wanted. He reassures his partner in the ways unique to them, which includes engaging and participating in something they enjoy (A hobby or activity), he is affectionate but mindful to not make his partner feel smothered or pressured under his care.
☠F - Fights between Shanks and his S/O generally have two modes: 1. Passionate, 2. Calm.
In the case of a passionate fight, it generally includes a heat of the moment kind of argument, there is no shouting or theatrics but Shanks and his S/O grow completely absorbed in the fight, each getting their side across. However Shanks being Shanks, often times uses his charm to sway his partner (and this is why it’s a passionate fight) starts as an argument and concludes with a ‘romantic’ ending.
The second mode is the calm fight, Shanks does not enjoy fighting to anyone’s detriment, and this fight often time includes Shanks and his partner sitting down and discussing the fight and situation until a solution comes up, there is often compromise and apologies from both sides. Shanks is relatively easy to forgive his partner.
☠N - Shanks enjoys calling his partner ‘Honey’ or ‘Sweetheart’ in most casual settings, ‘My Dear’ when times are a bit more intimate and generally refers to his partner as his ‘Angel’ in conversation, typically calls them ‘Bambi’ when he is feeling playful. The nicknames grow much more colourful and creative depending on how much he has had to drink, some of his drunken nicknames include ‘ Cuddlebug’, ‘Cupcake’ and his drunken favourite ‘Duckling’
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myaekingheart · 2 years
naruto oc masterpost
📚 Rei - an anbu, the daughter of the local bookshop owners, kakashi’s love interest
🔪 Sekkachi - rei’s childhood teammate, one of guy’s best friends, chronically ill and a chain smoker
🐇 Naru - an anbu, rei’s childhood teammate, comes from a wealthy family involved in government
🩸 Tenshi - secret root operative, likes to use her sexuality as a weapon
🔮 Mikazuki - an anbu, shy, into tarot and astrology and herbalism
🤜 Arai - an anbu, subordinate of rei’s team, brash but well-meaning underneath, younger sister of sefure
💔 Sefure - arai’s older sister, works in the red light district, an old flame of kakashi’s
🧡 Tanjo - former iwa-nin, midwife, mother to kyugeki
👑 Tenjikubotan - sekkachi’s cousin, roru’s older sister, socialite, a gossip
🍃 Roru - sekkachi’s cousin, tenjikubotan’s younger sister, bright-eyed and enthusiastic, rock lee’s love interest
🌟 Sukui- an anbu, subordinate of rei’s team, charming and secretly generous
👓 Hitsuji - an anbu, subordinate of rei’s team, twin brother of hiretsuna, intelligent but anxious
🏥 Hiretsuna - hospital receptionist, twin sister of hitsuji, airheaded
🎀 Amai - dango shop waitress, sweet and hospitable
💎 Hoseki - younger sister of ketsui, cousin of kagami, jewel expert
🔥 Ketsui - older brother of hoseki, cousin of kagami, expert blacksmith
🤫 Kagami - cousin of hoseki and ketsui, mental health ward patient, intelligent
💜 Suisen - shy, unsure of herself, mental health ward patient
🏴 Nozomi - sharp edges, jaded, mental health ward patient
🌎 Sosei - head of the mental health unit, holistic, encouraging, twin sister of seiiku
🤱 Seiiku - head of the labor + delivery unit, midwife, twin sister of sosei
🦊 Kettei - optimistic to a fault, mental health ward patient
🌼 Harusame - distant relative of rei’s, former ame-citizen, softspoken and sweet, yamato’s love interest
💪 Miyu - former kiri-citizen, quirky and perseverant, might guy’s love interest
➕ Fujie - sosei’s daughter, nurse in the mental health ward, strict and stoic
💀 Tsubaki - hospital mortician, friendly and unassuming
🦈 Doremi - hoshigaki relative, musician, close with gaara
🔰 Hachimitsu - younger sister of aoi rokushou
�� Haru - an anbu, asuma’s older brother, konohamaru’s father, harsh and unsympathetic
🙊 Fuyu - an anbu, haru’s wife, konohamaru’s mother, slick and unforgiving
👠 Hai - kettei’s older sister
🌸 Risa - kettei’s teammate
🐍 Rukia - former konoha-nin, medic-nin, kabuto’s love interest
🐜 Kuroda - kettei’s teammate, an aburame
🍋 Yuzu - bookshop apprentice, quirky, interested in politics
🎭 Takashi - sensei to kettei, risa, and kuroda
🎶 Ren - rei’s doppelganger, musician, a yamanaka
💾 Inomi - ren’s older sister, a yamanaka, works in hospital records
📓 Nigai - amai’s older sister, professional, handles logistics of dango shop
✌ Umami - amai’s older sister, hippie, artist, works at the dango shop
🧂 Shiokarai - amai’s older sister, athletic, temperamental, dango shop waitress
🥵 Tsurai - amai’s older sister, sensual, hotheaded, dango shop waitress
🍏 Sui - amai’s older sister, sour and sassy, dango shop waitress
🎱Kikkake - an anbu, subordinate of rei’s team, jaded, bald
🥟 Teiko - rei’s grandmother, former anbu
🥀 Fuun - younger sister of teiko, former konoha citizen, defected to amegakure
📿 Kohai - sekkachi’s grandmother, former anbu, former suna-nin
☕ Komori - suisen’s grandmother, former anbu, runs the antiques shop with her brother rojin
💰 Rojin - runs the antiques shop with his sister komori
🌙 Choryu - mikazuki’s grandmother, noble from crescent moon kingdom
🐟Kigiku - naru’s grandmother, handmaiden to choryu, nana, and kaigan
🌾 Shinzou - kakashi’s grandmother, sakumo’s mother, farm girl
🌌 Nana - naru’s grandmother, kaigan’s older sister, noble from the crescent moon kingdom
⛵ Kaigan - nana’s younger sister, noble from the crescent moon kingdom
⭐ Hitode - jiraiya’s mother, immigrated from uzushiogakure, older sister of namine and sango
🌊 Namine - immigrated from uzushiogakure, sister of namine and sango
🐠 Sango - immigrated from uzushiogakure, younger sister of namine and sango
🐺 Noriaki - son of tobirama, sakumo’s father
🍸 Hinotori - daughter of hashirama, tsunade’s mother
🔞 Ogata - jiraiya’s father
⚡ Nariko - daughter of rei and kakashi, hotheaded and confident
🎨 Sutego - adopted daughter of rei and kakashi, sarcastic and artistic
🧣 Rokurou - son of rei and kakashi, quiet and bookish
🔫 Katsuro- son of rei and kakashi, keiko’s twin brother, rebellious and snarky
🌷 Keiko - daughter of rei and kakashi, katsuro’s twin sister, sweet and softspoken
🐻 Kazuhiko - son of rei and kakashi, polite and imaginative
🍥 Anemone - daughter of naruto and hinata, younger sister of boruto and himawari, arashi’s twin
🌀 Arashi - son of naruto and hinata, younger brother of boruto and himawari, anemone’s twin
🐱‍👤 Sensu - son of sakura and sasuke, younger brother of sarada
🍑 Anzu - daughter of sakura and sasuke, younger sister of sarada and sensu
🌱Mei - daughter of yamato and harusame, deaf
🍜 Hiyamugi - son of iruka and ayame
🦯 Kanami - daughter of suisen and kettei, blind, love interest of rokurou
🗽 Patina - daughter of rock lee and roru, younger sister of metal lee
🧠 Ise - son of neji and tenten
🦑 Ushio - son of karin and suigetsu
🐣 Kyugeki - son of tanjo, love interest of nariko
💐 Ran - kyugeki’s teammate, friendly and optimistic
🐒 Wakizashi - kyugeki’s teammate, quirky and genuine
👝 Ichika - sefure’s daughter, nariko’s rival
🥻 Oniyuri - daughter of tenjikubotan and sukui
🌄 Minoru - nariko’s teammate, sutego’s love interest
🐉 Nagisa - son of rukia and kabuto
👘 Edna - arai and sefure’s grandmother, former anbu, runs the local kimono shop
🍰 Aji - grandmother of dango shop girls, sister of tsukurou, founded the dango shop
💊 Tsukurou - grandfather of tsubaki, brother of aji, hospital pharmacist
🌿 Heiwa - mother of sosei and seiiku, medic-ninja
👁‍🗨 Asaki - choryu’s husband, a hyuga
🕷  Arachne - asaki’s teammate, an aburame
🩺 Naoya - rin’s older brother, inomi’s love interest, a medic-ninja
⚕ Naohiko - son of naoya and inomi
🥢 Takoyaki - son of shiokarai and kikkake
🌶 Sansho - son of tsurai
🍨 Wagashi - son of amai
🎴 Yomi - daughter of tsubaki
🔖 Ryou - daughter of hachimitsu
🙇‍♀️ Setsuko - mother of hinata and hanabi, a hyuga
❣️ Kagome - mother of neji, a hyuga
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ofgentleresolve-a · 2 years
🌋💢🍀✂️📦🔥💌 - PATRICK ;W;W;W; Verse, up to you >:3
give me chara development or give me death ( ft. oc emoji asks meme w/ @mythvoiced )
LENA!! i cannot beelieve that i forgot i could answer these in black knight verse as well!! so these are all gonna be for patrick in the black knight verse- will be using his fake name 'myungdae' interchangeably here <3
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
i think it really depends on what the subject is. for example if it's something trivial/mundane, he's generally a slow boil...still a very patient person even if the nerves make him jumpy. vigilante activity wise, he also tends to be very cool-headed as a. he's the leader so he has to remain calm for the sake of the other two ( one of whom is nervous af and the other who can be huuuuge hothead ) and b. he can't afford to lose his cool in those situations unless he wants to be discovered. things are bound to go awry in these kinds of situations so he's always prepared for the worst outcome.
now on the other hand, if the topic pertains to say, his old life and the reminders that are now floating around freely, he can get very touchy about those subjects very quickly. he learned the hard way to build those walls to protect himself so when those are prodded upon, when he's nudged to open up there ( especially if they aren't people he trusts completely ), he will bite back. hard.
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will get some getting used to?
oooof....let's just say it's quite the adjustment for both nell and alfred when they started seeing myungdae outside of ARGOS:
he's ultra jumpy so you really have to make your presence known unless you want him pointing the tip of his sword or a hidden blade at your neck :/
on the note of being jumpy, the fact that if he gets too nervous, he'll throw a smoke bomb to make his escape
chronically late by twenty minutes max. he's not the best at time management
zones out a lot if it's not related to the black knight activities; has to be coaxed back to present moment often
also very particular about the kind of clocks he uses....they have to be digital clocks
also just abnormally really quiet?? it can be unsettling :/
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
if he believes in it, then he definitely thinks he's got the WORST luck ever :/
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the “last straw” for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
well to begin with, in his main verse, patrick doesn't let many people into his circle so you can imagine that his circle is even smaller in the black knight verse. by the time you're in his circle he will have verified completely if you are someone he can trust and if there's even a single red flag, he has no problem with casting you out. he'll simply cut off all contact, ignoring your existence completely...will also note that anyone who finds it funny that he's very jumpy even if he doesn't look like it, he automatically won't like. bc being jumpy and on high-alert was the only he could survive the last five years.
but let's say someone in his circle needs to be cast out, i feel like he would very conflicted at first, but the more red flags he starts to notice, the easier it becomes to cast them out little by little.... but if there is one thing that will get someone immediately kicked out, that would obviously be if you hurt any of his loved ones, but also especially either of his kids or his students. will be completely ruthless in that case.
📦 PACKAGE - what’s some “most likely to…” that can apply to them?
most likely to "pull an all-nighter", "give the shittiest lie", "bullshit his way through", "take a bullet for another", "throw a smoke bomb", lena, I could go on for ages
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
annnnd this is where i tell you that he has a whole list full of self-destructive tendencies, send help lena he's barely hanging on by a thread :/ so uh here's a list:
barely sleeps and when he does it's more like a long nap rather than actual rest
mixes red bull with tea everyday to stay awake
isolates like a lot, doesn't reach for help when he really needs it
deeply suspicious of just about everyone...there's no single person ( right now ) that he fully trusts/confides in
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
before those hellish five years, he used to write a lot of letters...or would that be journaling instead? either way, i think he would like getting love letters whether that's in a platonic or romantic sense...i'd say the notes he give would always be written in complete sentences, perfect grammar and punctuation, the works. oh, also they'd be in cursive too if written in english. honestly it would be a little strange to see everyday messages on a post-its for him 😂 ( although if it's the case of hyuk, patrick probably puts like a stack of three in a row bc he knows how hyuk thinks and will counter every justification hyuk has on a separate note sjdkfsjdkl )
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rexscanonwife · 9 months
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[The Imperial March motif plays softly in the background]
♡Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @changeling-selfship @little-miss-selfships @silverhardt @bob-in-tekken-8
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rexscanonwife · 26 days
I just had to work the most awful morning rush WITH a tummy ache so I'm gonna talk about whatever I want ☺️💖💖 I was talking with my partner the other night about how I know my feelings for Anakin are like. STRICTLY platonic although sometimes the way I talk about him might seem romantic to the untrained eye. So that got me thinking about like a 'fake dating' AU/scenario but instead of falling in love by the end they're just still really good friends 😂😂😂
Like IMAGINE they have to pretend to be a couple to divert attention away from the fact that they're jedi, maybe behind enemy lines, and they have a little bit of a 'lover's spat' as a diversion so that the boys can get in position or something like that and they start bringing up like. PERSONAL shit that only best friends would know, Brea's like "I should have never married a man I know cuddles his droids to sleep!" And it gets real for sec and Anakin's like "I told you that in confidence!"
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rexscanonwife · 4 months
This isn't meant to be like, negative or anything but it's SO funny being so platonically connected to Anakin while everyone else wants him carnally. Cause I follow his tag and it's full of the most THIRSTY posts ever and it'll attach a photo like this one
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Where he looks EXACTLY like a scolded kid who was forced to sit down for a time out 😂😂😂
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rexscanonwife · 12 days
Ok the last one wasn't very popular but I was still very proud of it, so I wanna make more short-form animatics and I have a few in mind! I'm already in the process of the next one but after that
Cast your votes this week!! No need to rb but maybe reply and lemme know which one you voted for cause I'm curious 😆💖💖
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
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That one post about napping with your platonic f/o 🥺 it was a really exhausting mission, and Ahsoka is 100% gonna send that to Padmé later!
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rexscanonwife · 27 days
Hi it's one of those really early mornings again and I'm on the bus so I'm gonna share this pic of Anakin cause it fucking KILLS me for some reason 😂😂😂
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I showed it to my partner and they said "what the waitress sees when she brings my chicken nuggies" and YEAH THATS THE VIBE HERE
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rexscanonwife · 1 month
I love that my two moods when thinking about Anakin are "lol sopping wet meow meow" and "the most tragic biblical figure of our time, my love could never un-doom him but I like to think it still meant something"
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
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Guess I thought the best way to combat burnout was to do a mildly ambitious star wars illustration!! Also known as, these kids stole a fucking speeder!
During their padawan days, Brea and Anakin were huge troublemakers. Most (if not all) of the time it's Brea pushing him to break rules because she thinks he cares too much what the council thinks of him. It sort of goes too far when she convinces him to hotwire a speeder and take it out on a joyride through Coruscant, which is fun until they get roped into a drag race that ends up putting them in danger. Their masters end up having to save their necks and they get into the MOST trouble they've ever been in, leading the two to fall out of touch and for Brea to buckle down and take her training WAY more seriously. The two eventually do reconnect after the battle of Geonosis, and their friendship comes back stronger than ever!
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
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Two p(r)etty best friends 😜💅
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rexscanonwife · 6 months
I know a lot of ppl aren't comfortable with seeing canon/canon ships with their f/os but rexwalker is honestly such a comfort for me 😭😭
Like? It's there, Anakin is so in love with rex it makes him look stupid, and he doesn't even realize it. It also helps that Ani is my best friend so you know 💖🫶💖
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