#i made a deal that i would kms if i don’t pass this class so that exam was literally a life or death situation
wetchickenbreast · 2 years
i’m gonna throw up that was the most stressful experience of my life
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drivingsideways · 3 years
Kdrama women I love (Part 2)
 Part 1 (here)
Sorry, not sorry, I just can’t stop thinking about them!
Cha Soo-hyun from Signal: Imagine having a powerhouse like Kim Hye-soo on your cast and then saddling her with an awkward/tragic workplace romance in lieu of idk actual character development that happens ON SCREEN as opposed to off it. I mean, Signal is excellently made, but there’s no denying that Cha Soo-hyun got a raw-ish deal. I would have loved to see her grow into the badass cop she is when we meet her first, but most of her time onscreen is spent reacting to events set in motion by The Men, and just, like, why. In my head, the perfect fic for Cha Soo-hyun would cover the years after Lee Jae-han’s disappearance and before Park Hae-young’s entry; so much of her struggle in the early years was to be taken seriously as a cop, and I want to see her doing that without Lee Jae-han’s help. I would also NOT be opposed to a post canon OT3; it could be incredibly fun to write the tangled dynamics of that, especially now that Cha Soo-hyun isn’t the wide eyed rookie that Lee Jae-han knew, and Park Hae-young’s YEARNING to belong would neatly fold into what his sunbaes could offer. 
Ahn Young-yi from Misaeng: My god, this woman suffered in Misaeng. I just want the fic in which she lets herself be angry. I fully understand her choices in Misaeng- the tightrope that she’s walking in the hopes of survival- but I won’t deny that I felt robbed of the satisfaction of seeing her hurl a rock or three at the heads of her misogynist colleagues and boss. There’s probably a fic out there about how Young-yi starts to build her networks with the other women at One International, and how she climbs the ladder to power. I want this to be a story about women making space for the ones after them, and pulling them up with them. It’s the story she deserves, along with all the other women in that series, whose stories were sidelined to make space for The Men. 
Yoon Hee-soo from Into The Ring: That woman is going to be President in ten years and nobody will convince me otherwise. Love her pragmatism, her wicked, trollish sense of humour, her ambition and the fact that she cares deeply but isn’t performative about it. She’s the one I would trust to Get Things Done, just as I would trust Goo Se-ra to rock the comfortable status-quo. Together (and with the intrepid Gong-myung) they will CHANGE THE WORLD. Where’s the fic, world, where??? ( side-eyes self) ps. I hear there’s a season 2 in the works and if it doesn’t give me some version of this fic, I shall be very sad. 
Jang Ro-sa from Hospital Playlist : WHERE is the 70 episode show about the Life of Jang Ro-sa? I loved her from the first episode where she’s so matter-of-fact about her marriage of convenience; how on earth did she manage to raise a bunch of kids who ALL fell in love with God first and forever? Why didn’t she become a pianist? What are she and Jeong-su doing on that pilgrimage/ road trip ? I just want to know ALL of it. Someone write it * puppy face *
Kim Sang-sook from Into the Ring- Jang Hye-jin brings so much sparkling charm to her role as Se-ra’s mom, I just fell crazily in love with her. I just love how much she’s just herself and unfazed by other people’s opinions of her; i love that she fucks up on the regular but with STYLE. I think that’s a lovely trait that she’s passed on to her daughter- one that will carry her through her chosen life of MAKING THE WORLD BETTER. Anyways, where’s the fic where Sang-sook gets involved in some pyramid marketing scheme and Gong-myung has to bail her out of it and they both have to keep it secret from Se-ra and her dad? I demand this be put in my eyeballs AT ONCE. 
Do Hae-won from Beyond Evil: My god, a villain’s villain. Gil Hae-yeon puts the fear of the devil into you every time she slithers onto the screen with her weaponized cloying, subservient femininity. She seems so brittle, but beneath it is the hard rock of years of bitterness. The show doesn’t bother to do more than hint at the reasons why- because of course, female villains are never afforded the interiority of their male counterparts, or even chance for understanding- but I think Gil Hae-yeon manages to convey both her resentment at this world ruled by men and their rules. and her contempt for them as a class in every scene. I wonder how things would have been different- if they would have been- if she’d had a daughter, instead of a son. Anyways, an absolutely riveting performance, and I think that’s the only reason I am sort of tempted to contemplate a post canon fic for her. How does she survive jail? What does she do after? Who’s going to write it for me? (SIGH.)
Jung Geum-ja from Hyena- I don’t think a lot needs to be said about why Jung Geum-ja is literally one of the best female characters ever to be written in a kdrama. Kim Hye-soo is in her element in her role as this half-gangster/ half- vengeful angel, 100% unforgettable woman. Love to see sexpot Ju Ji-hoon fold like a pack of cards in the face of that unbearably sexy combination of wit, grit and panache; but ALSO love watching every woman in a radius of 5 kms faint from lust and longing to be her and be with her at the same time. Luckily for me, I don’t have to write any of the fic, everyone who’s watched the show just head over to Gin’s AO3 page and treat yourself. 
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joyrose-fandomer · 3 years
Music club AU Chap4 (Sanders sides Human AU)
TL;DR: Remember when the twins mom hoped that Virgil was emotionaly strong ? He’s not. But at least he have an ally now !
POV : Virgil
Relationship: Creativitwins, Prinxiety, Logicality parent to Virgil, Dukceit
TW: Little panic attaque, thaughts of getting hurt or bullied, avoiding somone (You know, the Virgil set, but really it’s ok)
Virgil wished a meteor fell from the sky and flattened him like a pancake.
This was the only thought he had when he saw the twins arguing about god-know-what at the school's entrance the next day.
He immediately stopped and looked for any possible way of reaching his classroom without getting through them.
So he followed the gate all around the school until he reached the back entrance which was, of course, closed. The anxious high school boy checked around to be sure he was alone before taking a few steps back. 
He then ran to the gate and with momentum, he managed to climb and jump to the other side.
Virgil felt himself jump out of his skin. A boy looking a year older than him was starring at him in amazement. He was wearing a bright yellow scarf, had heterochromia brown/yellow, and was wearing a f-ing fedora. HOW did Virgil not notice him? Where was he hiding?
"Did you forget your passe?"
The boy visibly forced a smirk through shock.
He didn't forget his passe but Virgil didn't feel like explaining the situation and nodded.
Something unreadable when through the eyes of fedora boy whose smirk widen.
"You know there's a camera here?"
Virgil, when pale and slowly turned around to look at where the boy was pointing, no doubt, this was a camera.
Oh no, he was in big trouble. He was going to be called by the director. He was going to have detention. They will call his dads and they will be so disappointed in him and-
"Hey, calm down, I was just joking. The camera doesn't work."
Virgil's breathing was very fast and the other teen was looking at him worryingly.
He looked at the older boy with eyes that that meant 'tell me it's true, and you're not messing with me again. I beg of you.'
Apparently, he got the message because he apologized and insisted he was telling the truth. He then sank to Virgil's level and took a long breath to silently prompt Virgil into doing the same thing.
Once the anxious teens breathing evened fedora boy stood back up.
"Want me to accompany you to class? My class is still in an hour but I'm guessing your's is starting soon?"
Virgil nodded and they walked together to his classroom.
He was still on edge but whenever his breathing started to pick up a hand fell on his shoulder to ground him. It reminded him of the way his father calm him when he felt bad and it was comforting.
Until a familiar voice yelled from behind.
There was a flash of green in the corner of his vision and in the next second fedora-boy got tackle-hug by a very excited Remus in a green dress, both of them almost falling to the ground.
A gasp came up from behind Virgil.
"Emo Knightmare!"
Roman shouted, bouncing around like he just saw Santa Claus. Remus immediately picked up on it dragged Virgil into the hug.
"We waited 2 hours for you to get past the gate emo boy how did you even get in? No, both of you! I didn't see you either J!" Remus complained to the older boy.
Instead of answering, Jay smiled and kissed Remus's forehead, living the chaotic twin to mumble happily against his chest.
He then looked at Virgil, understanding clear in his eyes, and winked at him.
"Aren't you three late to class?"
"Do we have to?"
Remus complained and reluctantly let go of J getting a chuckle and a kiss on the top of his head in exchange.
"Yes, you have to. Now get to class both of you. I will accompany your friend to his own class"
Remus grumbles and dragged his brother to their classroom, who was complaining that he couldn't talk to Virgil and digging his heels in the ground ineffectively.
Once there were gone a hand fell back on his shoulder.
"They're a handful at first but they will grow on you eventually, you'll see."
With one last squeeze on his shoulder, Jay walked toward Virgil's classroom, forcing Virgil to run to catch up.
Once they were there J knocked at the door, the teacher was already there and looked at the second year confusingly.
"One of your students got lost so I brought him."
He lied casually, pointing at the worried teen behind him. When the teacher allowed Virgil to come in J whispered to him.
"Meet me behind the school at the first break"
And then he was gone.
The classes when too fast for Virgil and he has no idea what half of what the teachers said were. His brain was rolling a 100 km/h and he still had no idea what Jay wanted from him, or Roman and Remus for that matter and he was freaking out.
What if they were actually bullies and he was going to get bit up. A voice in the back of his head sounding suspicious like his father told him that it didn't make any sense and he needed to calm down.
But he couldn't, they were all so random and nothing during the last three days made any sense to him. Why were they even talking to him in the first place!
The bell ran his imminent doom. He couldn't escape it, who knows what they could do.
When he reached the other side of the school Jay was waiting for him. He waved at Virgil with a smile and asked him to follow him. They snicked past a half-closed door held close by a single rusty chain. Into an abandoned room that was probably the old PE reserve. It was arranged to be more comfortable, with old blankets added to the gymnastic mattresses and few candles here and there to have some light.
"Sit wherever you want." The older boy prompted so Virgil sat obediently on the closest mattress.
"I'm used to going to this room when I'm overwhelmed. I'm the only one who knows or at least remembers it's here so no one ever bothers me. Don't tell Roman and Remus about it, I like them but they can be a little much sometimes."
He sunk on the opposite side of the mattress.
"I guess you know about it too now"
Virgil was confused about why he was telling him that. Was it a threat or something?
"You're wondering why I brought you right?" Virgil nodded 
"To talk to you about the twins. 
They tend to do everything too big. They are constantly moving and loud. like, two big toddlers. They are doing a new challenge every day, they basically never stop. 
It's a wonder where they find all this energy."
He laughed lightly at the taught, fiddling with his gloves. He had gloves?
"I'm telling you that because you don't seem like the type to deal well with those. And it's pretty obvious that they had taken a liking to you, they probably already made a challenge out of who befriends you first. 
So you're basically stuck now."
Vigil swallows down the lump growing in his throat.
  "Yeah." Jay acknowledged Virgil's worry and continued. "Getting the attention of only one twin is manageable but with both, you're definitely gonna need a hand."
He smiled at the anxious boy next to him in a comforting gesture but wasn't very effective.
He sighed and sat closer the put his hand on Virgil's shoulder for the third time today.
"It's not so bad once you get used to their hyperactivity. They're the most loyal and sweet guys I got to see in a long time. The first weeks are just going to be, long."
Virgil was still confused about where he was trying to go. Was he trying to comfort him? Because it wasn't working.
"So I'll give you some advice. First of all, stop with the silent treatment. It only gets them more curious. Trust me, I tried."
Virgil sends him a panicked look. He couldn't just start talking with random people just like that, especially not people like the twins. Speaking sucks, what if he stuttered? What if he said something wrong?
He got a squeeze on the shoulder silently asking him to get back on earth.
  "Want to try talking with me first?"
Jay asked.
Virgil thought about it for a moment before nodding.
"Good, let's start simple. What's your name?"
The anxious teen took a deep breath.
"... V-"
His voice lost itself in his throat at the last second.
"It's ok, try again."
Jay prompted
Fedora boy smiled proudly.
"That's a good name. I'm Janus"
The bell rang. Janus stood up, helping Virgil up in the process.
"In what class, are you?"
"I'm in 209, want to go together?"
Virgil nodded. Janus frownd.
"Out loud please."
The older student smiled and walked out of the room.
"Know that this room is now also yours. If you're ever overwhelmed just come here. But it stays between us ok?"
"And, Virgil? Just so you know. The twins are definitely going to abduct you for lunch. So brace yourself"
Fedora boy smirked wickedly, making his yellow eye shining in amusement.
Oh, no.
Hey, sorry for the wait I sayed it would come soon and it had been 2? 3? month. Sorry. I hope having some snake boy will compensate. (^-^’)
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jacensolodjo · 4 years
Kinda spoilers for Pacific Rim the Black
I arrived in third class on the train from Vladivostok. 
She was eight years old when the Kaiju War supposedly ended and had grown up trying so hard to reach the sea. Every time she heard the Kaidanovskys were going off to defend the Siberian Wall, she tried to go and watch. She got closest during the fight with KM-24 off the Kamchatka Peninsula.  
She had named the kaiju Kamchatka Mat. It was as good a name as any. If she had been able to cross the Sea of Okhotsk, she would have. But Vik’s grandparents stopped her, just as soon as she heard the trademark fog horn noise of Cherno Alpha. 
“Vik, лапочка, you know the sea is nothing but death,” her grandmother chided her.
“But--  мама... папа!” she protested, furrowing her brows and reaching towards the sea with her free hand. 
“When you’re older,” came the constant reminder. When she was older she could join the Kaidanovskys whenever she wanted, she was assured. Ignoring of course that Cherno was a 2-person jaeger. Surely once their child was old enough to fight too, they’d get a new jaeger? It was what her dreams said. And who said dreams had to never come true? 
Until of course, Otachi and Leatherback shattered her dreams. At least she wasn’t alone in her mourning. The entire eastern Eurasian continent was in mourning. Not just for Cherno but for Crimson Typhoon as well. The Wei Triplets had, for a while, been considered merely adrift in the water. A thorough search when all was said and done proved it false. They were sadly as dead as the Kaidanovskys. 
Vik spent years letting her indignation, her rage, fester. Let it hone her into an edge. Because no matter what anyone else wanted to say, the Kaiju weren’t gone for good. And she would get her revenge. 
She started in Vladivostok, the Kaidanovskys home turf. It was the one place she knew she would get the answers she needed: how they truly fought, how they Drifted. When you’re older had finally come to pass. She was older. And she was ready. It had closed back in 2024, but she found the mothballed remaining jaegers that had been considered less than worth moving to Hong Kong. It was Russian government property, but she had managed to wiggle her way into it. She had an apartment in the city proper, and for all intents and purposes she was only a student. Eden Assassin and Nova Hyperion had been Cherno’s siblings. Now, she used Eden Assassin to connect with the PPDC network, to find the files she wanted. 
“New Ranger cadet detected. File not found.”
“I’m brand new, Eden. You’ve been asleep a while.”
“My chronometer indicates it has been eleven years since last activation,” Eden’s VI confirmed, but sounded slightly confused somehow. 
“Yeah, we supposedly won the war after shuttering most of the Shatterdomes including yours. I need Cherno.” 
“Cherno Alpha was killed in action,” Eden chirped after a slight delay for it to access the records. 
“Yes, but Cherno’s Rangers’ battles are saved, right?”
“Aleksis and Sasha Kaidanovsky, married--”
“Yes, yes. I know who they are. Do you have their battles in your network or not?” 
Vik was getting impatient. And she was sure she would be found out sooner rather than later. The Russian government may not care much about Vladivostok, but they cared enough to know the tech could be valuable. And just because they had not stripped it yet didn’t mean they were going to let a third party do it. 
“I do. I have over eight battles in the data bank, including the final one against the Kaiju codenamed Leatherback and Otachi.” 
“What about the kaiju named Kamchatka Mat?”
“I apologize but I do not have anything in my record about a Kamchatka Mat.”
Vik swore under her breath. No one else called it that, she forgot. 
“KM-24! The kaiju was identified as KM-24!” she shouted, fists thunking on the bulkhead of the conn pod. She was getting antsy now. 
“One record found: Cherno Alpha versus kaiju codenamed KM-24,” Eden confirmed. 
“Cue up their Drift record,” Vik ordered before walking over to the right hemisphere of the conn pod and activating the process to get suited and plugged into the jaeger. 
“It is not recommended for a cadet to Drift with the records of two Rangers--” Eden began to explain. 
“I don’t care. Just do it!” It didn’t even matter she had only Drifted once before. And that had only been outside of a conn pod and was practically a game. 
“Cadet, I must insist--”
“Eden, not one more word unless it’s ‘Record cued’,” Vik snapped just before the helmet clicked into place. 
“...Record cued. Drift initiating.”
If Vik had expected everything to feel serene, for all her questions to be answered, she was wrong. 
She didn’t feel panicked, however. She felt steely determination. 
“This kaiju will be done before dinner,” Sasha said, smirking. She looked over at her husband who grinned back. The bear and the wolf of Siberia. The Ukrainian hard house they so loved provided a steady soundtrack.
Vik couldn’t believe it. They both radiated so much strength, so much confidence. She could feel her control faltering as she thought back to only being able to hear the fog horn that day. The Drift was strong, but she was determined to be stronger. Her gaze turned to the screen as the kaiju erupted from the water with a roar that made Vik’s skull feel too small for her brain. It was huge. It almost towered over Cherno Alpha. 
“Let’s slug ‘em down,” Sasha said, chuckling. Aleksis laughed with her. 
Vik couldn’t believe they were actually laughing. Everyone else nearly fainted from fear but these two legends were laughing. She knew Rangers were above and beyond but they had to be the best of the Rangers. Of course, she knew that. But to see it, feel it in the Drift? 
Still laughing, they charged forward with the fog horn going like a train going past a crossing. When Cherno’s fists collided with the kaiju, the entire conn-pod shook violently. 
Vik gasped out from the pain of being slung about the conn pod, not used to the sensation at all. She ignored it the best she could, knowing Sasha would never let herself feel winded or deal with the pain until the battle was done with. She was still frantic, however, knowing that time was ticking away. This might be her only chance to really see them in battle. And she could be found out at any time.
KM-24, mentally codenamed Kamchatka Mat, roared louder than the fog horn before chomping down hard on Cherno’s right arm. Sasha snarled in pain and Vik couldn’t help but snarl with her, feeling the pain through the secondary Drift. Aleksis howled in rage before sending the left Z14 fist crashing down on the Kaiju. Vik watched as the electricity shot through the Kaiju’s head. It seemed stunned and its hold on Sasha’s arm disappeared. It collapsed into the water, sending a giant wave spraying up and covering Cherno.
Vik groaned, gasping from the pain, staring at her arm that was completely fine but also didn’t feel fine. 
As one, the pair sent a crushing headbutt to the Kaiju when it began to stand back up. Kaiju blood sprayed everywhere as half of its jaw was removed and went spinning into the distance to land who knew where. 
Vik couldn’t help but whoop in amazement and triumph. Then suddenly she was being flung backward in the conn pod and pain slashed through her whole body. 
All three Slavs screamed in pain and outrage. How dare the kaiju slash through the belly of the jaeger? It scratched the conn pod, sending all systems screeching in alarm. One more blow and the conn pod would be breached. 
“Cherno, ведмежатко, just hang in there a little while longer,” Sasha cooed to the jaeger as if to a child. 
“Wound is severe,” Cherno’s AI rumbled over the Ukrainian hard house. Vik half-expected the AI to use the word ‘mother’ after how Sasha spoke to... him. 
“So we hit it back, even harder!” Aleksis growled as he sent his fist crashing into what remained of the kaiju’s jaw. Cherno’s horn went off again almost as a victory cry when the Kaiju was actually lifted up out of the water and flung a good number of meters backward.
Vik yelled in surprise as suddenly Cherno was in the air. But it was on purpose. It... he had leaped towards its target, landing hard on top of the fallen kaiju. Cherno found what remained of its head and pounded what remained until it was practically just a handful of mush. Vik had never seen so much gore before. The Kaidanovskys didn’t revel in it but neither did they shy away from it. She liked that. It was exactly how she wanted to be.
“Error! Error!” Eden suddenly yelled out. And just like that Vik was being yanked out of the Drift. She screamed in outrage before stepping out of the rigging. 
“Eden! What the hell?” Vik demanded. 
“Intruders detected. Not Kaiju. Recommend a tactical retreat,” Eden said. Vik couldn’t believe the VI was actually helping like this. 
“I’ll be back. I promise! And... thank you, Eden,” Vik said before she was scrambling out of the mothballed jaeger’s conn pod. 
“Of course, cadet. I will be here upon your return.”
That one battle was not enough. She needed more. She needed to be with them in the Drift for far longer. She needed to be a great Ranger. The Kaiju would be coming back and they all had to be ready. And she would be. At least she would be. 
Translations in order
лапочка = sweetheart мама... папа = Mama and papa ведмежатко = little bear (this is Ukrainian not Russian for head canon reasons that at the least Aleksis is Ukr not Russki and both of them speak Ukr instead of Russki while alone and of course when talking to Cherno esp. w/ the etymology of Cherno Alpha and Chernobyl and Chernobog)
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joylessnightsky · 4 years
As a dyslexic person…
You know, often times people hurt us without intending to. Us just meaning humans in general. We’re a stupid species, and we make mistakes. That’s okay. And everyone’s feelings are different, I know. Still, sometimes I have to really wonder how people don’t realize how what they are saying is hurtful.
And this post is half a vent and half a cautionary thing. If you ever talk to a dyslexic person, please be mindful of these things. Whether or not they’ll actually be hurt by some of these is not for me to tell you but for them, but you should still be mindful of it. Conversation and stuff, works with people of all kinds, you know?
If you have dyslexia yourself, please feel free to add on with your own experiences. And please read the post yourself, too. Because, as I already said, sometimes we hurt each other without wanting to, because different things hurt different people.
Now, let’s get to it:
1) A lot of the time people will say something like “That’s great for someone with dyslexia!” And I know they mean to compliment me. I know they mean to say that it is an accomplishment. And it probably is. But by saying that, you’re actually devaluating my accomplishment. It’s basically the same problem as if someone said “You’re so nice for a man.” or “That’s such an impressive career for a woman.” There’s a serious difference between giving a compliment and giving a compliment in relation to something about you.
I worked for the reading speed I have. I worked for the capability to write with so little misspellings that I could pass as just another student. I worked for being able to read a text I haven’t read before. I worked for being able to read out loud to the class without making an utter fool out of me. I worked, for years, about an hour a day, in therapy and at home, until my head hurt form the effort, despite the frustration, despite the insults, despite questioning if anything would ever actually help. So the last thing I need is for you to tell me that my efforts and my work make me “good for a dyslexic person”. Tell me I did good. I’d love to hear that. Tell me my work can be seen. But don’t remind me that my efforts will only ever be seen in the context of my diagnosis. At one point, I managed to become one of the top students in my literary class when it came to spelling in exams. And I still only got praised with that phrase. It’s honestly gotten to the point where the compliment makes me feel bad about myself. It’s not a compliment anymore! Just… Don’t. Don’t.
2) One time I was talking with my teacher about how the others would call me pretentious and say I only relied on my diagnosis and the “advantages” I supposedly got (they meant the stuff that was supposed to make my disadvantages less bad, I think). And she said that I shouldn’t take it to heart, that they didn’t know what they talked about and “whoever says someone like you shouldn’t be here is stupid.” A little context, we have a system with different forms of schools, the one I choose to attend is the form with basically all advanced classes.
Now, in on itself, this was a really great thing to say. The reason it’s still stuck with me years later in a negative sense is because no one had, in fact, questioned my position at said school. I had never even heard anyone say that dyslexic people being at this form of school was weird or anything. Never. The first time the idea that I had to prove myself capable of belonging there had been placed in my head at that very moment. She didn’t meant to do that, I know she didn’t. And that makes it all the worse, because she was trying to make things better and she was so kind about it. I can’t even be angry at her for planting that thought in my head! And the way she so casually said that, as if it was a known fact that people would think I didn’t belong there, as if it was only natural for people to say something like that to me - even if she said they’d be stupid and wrong to do so - really hurt. A lot.
So all I’m asking is, please check what was said to someone. Don’t assume what they might have heard others say about them. If you’re wrong, knowing that people could possibly think that on top of everything else can feel… icky.
3) I’ve meet a lot of ignorant people in my life. We all have, haven’t we? And one of those people was my teacher for one horrible year. I pity everyone who ever has to live through her classes at this point. Why do people who can’t respect others have a mind of their own become educators again?
Anyways, I’ve posted about this before, but she was sure that she knew better than me what dyslexia meant, as well as that dyslexia had to be the same as reading and writing disorder and I had my facts wrong. Surprising no one she never really cared much that I couldn’t do the things my classmates could do. And one day she had the nerve to tell me that “class is over and you should have been able to write that down in time if you’d actually worked. So, if you really need these notes, just ask someone for them. I’m sure even you can manage that, right?” and take the notes down from the board. She didn’t have to do that, and she had put those notes there in the last minute. I’d told her they were too small for me to read and that I couldn’t tell the letters apart like that. She hadn’t cared. Yeah… That was one of the few times a teacher made me cry in the bathroom.
So, even though I can’t believe I have to say that, don’t assume you know what someone can or can’t do, and listen to them when they talk about their experience. If they say they can’t do something, they can’t. And no matter how much you think to know about a disability, when someone lives with it, they know what it’s like in a way that you could never know.
4) I’ve also had a math teacher, and he was great! One of those teachers that just make sense and that actually really care about their students and them understanding things rather than learning them like vocab cards. He was the only math teacher who I’ve ever felt comfortable with enough to confess that measurements can be tricky on some days. Does it say “cm”, “dm”, “km” or even just “m” there? Is it “L”, “cL” or “dL”? “g” or “kg”? He was really nice about it and we made a deal: In every class test I got the measurement would not change within one task. Helped a lot. And yet…
Students talk. They noticed. Because what my teacher had done, you see is adjust just my class test. I didn’t need to switch between measurements, the others did. and I see why that wasn’t considered fair. It really isn’t, because that doesn’t have much to do with reading or writing. Yet the issue at the bottom was still there. What I’m saying is that if you change a task so that a dyslexic person can work with it, don’t change it just for them. Especially not if the task itself changes then. Dear teachers, if you’re reading this, do it for everyone or not at all. Yes it helps if you do that, but no it isn’t fair if it’s just for one person. And I honestly still feel like I cheated after hearing what my classmates said.
5) Sometimes people will tell me that it’s impressive that I work against the dyslexia, you know, did the therapy and everything (even though many people just can’t afford it and would do it if they could). In that context a little sentence often fell that I just hate from the bottom of my heart: “If only everyone would do as much. It’s great that you don’t just rely on your diagnosis to take care of everything.”
First of all, I was lucky. I was lucky my health insurance covered not only one but two therapies. It didn’t for my brothers, my parents had to pay for that themselves. And that is not cheap! Not everyone can afford to do therapy. Not everyone has the chance to do therapy. That the therapy worked as well as it did was, again, luck. That my dyslexia was on the lighter side to begin with was also luck. That I knew I was at risk and got tested early on, so that I was diagnosed at an age where a real difference could be made through developmental psychology was also luck. Don’t ever make the mistake to think that one person who got lucky can be used as the bar.
Secondly, everyone’s dyslexia is different. You can’t compare mine to other people’s struggles. Again, my form of dyslexia isn’t that bad. Both my brothers have it worse. Sure, it might not be the easiest to deal with and it’s not the bare minimum for the diagnosis, but others have it worse than I do. And they have different symptoms. I can’t even deal with most of mine, they are just easy to conceal until I have a better day. We’re not all the same, so don’t compare us in a way that makes it look like we are.
Third, a lot was my own research. No one told me that there is a fond that was developed for dyslexic people to read easier (”OpenDyslexic”, if you are interested. It’s free to download). No one told me about all the side effects, no one told me “hey, this might actually be because of your dyslexia, too”. No one told me having subtitles on in a language I already spoke would help remembering the spelling of words. No one told me how to articulate things. I didn’t get an awful lot of help along the way, you know? Keep in mind, I come from an environment in which I got more help than on average. And you saying that is basically pushing the responsibility onto us. You made a world in which we have little to no access to help, and you’re shaming us for not finding any.
Last but everything but least, you make it sound like the treatment and the way we handle this is what makes the dyslexia valid. If you’re really thinking so, you’re wrong. Like, really wrong. I chose to work my ass off to teach my brain how to keep up. I managed to find information on it. I was lucky to get the possibility to do so, because of the way you are handling this. None of that makes my diagnosis valid. It doesn’t, because it already is. My struggles, my feelings about it, my experiences, my symptoms are what makes this valid. The diagnosis, dyslexia? That just gave it a name. 
6) “That might be hard for you to do. Are you sure you can handle this?” I’m glad that you are concerned on my behalf. But as someone who also has a lot of anxiety and has lived with this shit in my mind for my entire life, I can guarantee you that I do, in fact know my limits. I have lost many opportunities in my life because I wasn’t sure I could handle it, or because I couldn’t tell beforehand if I would have a “good day” or a “bad day”.
I’m aware of the risk. I decided to take the risk, or am in the process of decided whether or not to take that risk. You aren’t helping. If you are concerned, offer to help me should I struggle. If you can’t help me, offer support. If you can neither help nor support me, I don’t know you well enough for you to be meddling with my choices so you should just leave me alone.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for taking your time to read this. I hope this’ll help. And if you do make a dyslexic person uncomfortable or hurt them with something you say or do, please remember that that will happen, no matter what someone’s dealing with. Even my brothers will hurt me sometimes and I will hurt them sometimes, even though we are all dyslexic and have known each other for literally all our lives, because we all experience this differently. And that’s okay. You can’t always know what will hurt someone and it’s not you job to read their mind and figure it out on your own either. Important is that you recognize you’ve made a mistake and that you make a conscious effort to avoid said mistake in the future. And remember: Sometimes it’s not what you’re trying to say but rather how you’re saying it that hurts. Formulations can make a huge difference.
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gabriellerudessa · 5 years
I just need to vent a little, here is the only place where practically no one knows me in person and thus I won't hear shit or have my words used against me or whatever, so feel free to scroll past.
The week was being "not that bad, I can survive and deal with this", but then yesterday, late night, my granddad from my mother's side (whom had been not well since the beginning of the year and me and my mom spent two weeks with him in February) passed away. He was suffering, with cancer and bacterial pneumonia, so his passing, while sad, was also kind of a relief.
Because we live 1200 km from him, and he will be buried today and airplanes tickets are awfully expensive on Brazil, we won't be able to go.
Still able to accept this. I prefer to do for the living (or try), and see the body after death as just a shell, the person per se not there anymore.
However, my father just acted in a away that made me uncomfortable; from what I saw and my mom told me, he didn't even said "I'm sorry for your loss". In general, he acted cold.
And then all the big and little things reached the maximum pile up and toppled and my anxiety, that I have been able to keep on a manageable level, hit full on, and my mind is bombarding me with EVERYTHING I'm insecure about plus my granddad. I should have stayed home, where I would have my room and shower to cry and help the crisis to pass faster, but my nerdy anxious ass couldn't bare the thinking of missing presence on college (it isn't even class this week in my graduation, we are receiving the new students, but still counts as presence), so I came to campus.
At least I would have my friends, right?
Wrong: they don't call me "Queen of the Presence" for nothing, they don't fell the need to come when there is no classes (and one of them will study + work at United States this year, so she won't come at all) Maybe I would be able to get in touch with two of them, but one is in doctorate and the other in beginning her new graduation, so that bitch anxiety is on full mode "you will just inconvenience them, as always". And I don't have enough intimacy with anyone else to go like "hey, my granddad died, can I just talk a bit?"
I just wanted a hug and a shoulder to cry, for both the loss of my granddad and for this anxiety crisis screaming that I'm always alone and always will be. I hugged my mother, but I was the one comforting and I found myself unable to cry. I just... Want someone comforting me for a change, and not be left craving human contact.
To anyone that read this, thank you for the attention and I hope and wish you a great week.
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inqorporeal · 6 years
That’s Not How Hyperspace Works
I’m gonna rant for a bit. Can I rant? Nevermind, gonna rant anyway.
I hate How current Star Wars creators have handled hyperspace.
Well, I hate how it’s handled in general, because in the years since the Prequel Trilogy (PT) came out, they’ve been breaking their own rules.
Let’s take a step back.
I’m not ranting about infeasibility and unrealistic science. Fictional worlds are 100% allowed to make up their own physics rules. The trick is that those rules need to remain consistent. If there is one thing George Lucas did right, it was expressing how hyperspace worked in the media he had a direct hand in creating: the Original Trilogy (OT) and the PT are absolutely consistent about it. All films and shows produced since the PT have repeatedly fucked things up. (Yes, Rogue One, I love you but you’re massively guilty of this.)
This is kinda long, so hit the cut for more.
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Here are the established rules of hyperspace travel, as understood from the OT and PT material:
Standard Real World laws of physics apply -- light-speed travel is not possible by conventional means. E=mC² and you’re a pancake in space.
Hyperspace travel bypasses the limitations of conventional physics
Hyperspace is affected by gravitational fields
Hyperspace travel happens in Real Time (meaning the time a traveler perceives as passing whilst in Hyperspace is identical to the time someone in Realspace perceives the traveler spending in transit)
It still takes time to travel from Point A to Point B
Hyperspace travel rarely happens in a straight line from Point A to Point B due to the presence of subspace anomalies and gravity wells.
The presence of hyperspace obstructions is more concentrated the closer one gets to the Core, and less concentrated towards the Rim, meaning hyperspace travel between outlying systems can theoretically be somewhat faster due to more direct hyperspace routes
In the OT, there’s no indication of how much time is spent traveling in hyperspace. However, the time spent IN hyperspace is not crucial to the plot, and as such, there’s little point in actively showing life onboard the starships whilst in transit.
In A New Hope, we don’t know how much time passes between the Millennium Falcon departing Tatooine on the Outer Rim and reaching Alderaan in the Core, but it’s intimated that there’s at least a couple days of travel: long enough that Ben doesn’t have to talk Luke through the few simple training exercises and Han doesn’t express outright shock at walking into the lounge to see a lit lightsaber. In the system I use for gauging travel time in FtRP -- which I will happily acknowledge is not canon* -- the fastest they could get there is roughly two and a half days, making use of the known hyperlane routes and some fancy flying by Han and Chewbacca to evade Imperial patrols at the points where they would have to drop out and course-correct. We know that Alderaan is destroyed during the last few hours of their journey, because that’s when Ben feels it. Later, the Death Star arrives in the Yavin system a comparable time after the Millennium Falcon does, and a bit further toward the system’s outer reaches (for a number of reasons up to and including the mass of the Death Star making it more subject to stellar gravity wells and thus requiring greater caution). Again, there’s no indication of how long the trip takes (my calculations say a bit shy of two days, but again, it’s not important to the plot).
A notable point where distance between worlds is actually rather important is in Attack of the Clones where Obi-Wan tries to send a message back to the Temple from Geonosis -- but without access to a signal-booster, his message doesn’t get much further than Tatooine (this is discussed in greater detail in The Droids Have Ears). If you look up any Star Wars galaxy map, the two systems are practically on top of each other -- still light years apart, but space is 3-dimensional in a manner the 2-D maps can’t properly express. It still takes a rescue team almost three days to get to Geonosis from Coruscant, and that’s with Yoda already having a head start on his way to Kamino after Obi-Wan’s previous communication. It might seem a long time to wait to hold a public execution, but if one wants to make a political statement of it -- as the Separatists under Dooku intended to -- there are certain preparations to be made, and a three-day delay isn't unfeasible.
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And then the Clone Wars series and later films just throw all concept of how hyperspace works out the window. The Clone Wars makes a big deal over the hyperlanes and access to them; the later films either ignore travel time (Rogue One, ignoring a full day of travel between Yavin and Scarif), express a complete ignorance of physics by the creators (The Force Awakens), or just make a complete hash out of everything (The Last Jedi). Additionally, I was playing through the Shadow of Revan story in SWTOR and nearly tore my mohawk out over the assertion that hyperlane routes were being “changed” by heavy amounts of starship traffic.
Let’s start with the hyperlanes. What is a hyperlane, exactly? If you look up the resources online, most of which come from the old tabletop RPG, hyperlanes snake across the galaxy map seemingly at random, like highways on a map. They look pretty immutable, right?
A hyperlane is not a highway.
A hyperlane is not a fixed tunnel in hyperspace.
It is not possible to blockade a hyperlane.
It is not possible to change the path of a hyperlane via artificially inflating the traffic concentration
What a hyperlane is, is a well-mapped, established route that takes the shortest path between one point and another while avoiding obstructions.
A hyperlane is space!parkour. And just like regular parkour, a skilled navigator can plan their own routes, which might actually be faster, if a bit more risky. See, things in space aren't static: every object in space is continuously in motion, and thanks to gravity and inertia, everything is largely moving at the same rate in the same direction. But there are shifts, and by necessity there would be survey teams constantly updating the safest paths around objects in space, uploading the data to the HoloNet so that ships don't accidentally hit something unpleasant. If you're making up entirely new routes, you're playing with chance, but a good navigator takes those survey teams’ results into account.
When a ship enters hyperspace, it slides from the realspace dimension into a coterminate alternate dimension where matter reacts differently, enabling transit at speeds far outstripping that of light. Anything that falls off or is ejected from a ship in hyperspace falls back into realspace immediately. A ship may leave hyperspace at any time, although to do so without having reached a pre-set coordinate is risky. A ship my enter hyperspace from any point which is not being affected by a localised gravity well. A surprise localised gravity well such as that produced by an interdiction field or unanticipated stellar event will interrupt a ship’s transit in hyperspace, and prevent the ship from re-entering hyperspace until the ship has moved beyond the gravity well’s affect zone.
Communication is slightly different: the hyperspace beacons that enable HoloNet and other communications are set in a hyper-spatial state but in a fixed location. As has been established, ships in hyperspace cannot send or receive communications, but the beacons function by opening a tunnel -- effectively a tiny wormhole -- between two beacons and sending the information as a string of pulses between the fixed points. Because this method of transfer differs from physical hyperspace transit, it is possible to experience only the shortest of delays in communication with even the furthest-flung locations, while one still requires several days to cross the same distance physically.
Now that that’s established, let’s discuss the feasibility of a blockade.
You have no idea how vast it is.
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To get a sense of perspective, let’s look at a smaller blockade first: the invasion of Naboo. Naboo’s diameter is 12,120 km. For reference, Earth’s diameter is 12,756km. So it’s about Earth-sized, a bit smaller. If you want to prevent a ship from getting onto a planet and you don’t have the benefit of a planetary defense shield, you need ships. Lots of ships. More than that. A bit more.
See, Star Wars weapons have a range limit. In theory, a weapon's discharge in null-gravity vacuum will continue off into nothingness at exactly the same power as it had when it left the weapon, but sci-fi!physics doesn’t address this because then you’d have to take into account what the advanced effects of where, like, several zillion free-flying blaster bolts fired over the course of millennia eventually hit, and that just gets a bit silly. So we fudge it and assume things are designed to dissipate. So you want to position your largest ships in such a way that their firing range overlaps. Then you fill the space between with smaller ships to intercept anyone trying to get through. You want to do this within range of the planet’s gravity well, so that anyone trying to get through the net can’t simply jump to hyperspace and escape. The whole point is to prevent people from getting in or out, so you want more ships -- faster ships -- on patrol beyond the gravity well’s influence to shoot down anyone who gets out past the blockade net.
Now, Naboo’s surface area is 461,482,000km². Turbolasers are often used in planetary bombardment, so we’ll estimate that their outside range before they start losing energy is 300km. Maybe 500km at most. You want these ships to have a good overlap, so say you park them 500km apart from each other, evenly spaced. In order to park enough Lucrehulk-class battleships over Naboo to make an effective blockade, you need 922,964 ships. That’s just the battleships, not including the smaller ships needed to complete the net.
That’s ludicrous.
In the film, they only show a few ships in one location, as if all incoming vessels will only approach from one place. This is also ludicrous, for the reasons stated earlier. Space is a 3-D environment and you have to account for this.
That being established, let’s talk about hyperlane access.
Hyperlanes are subject to gravity wells, and using gravity wells to slingshot past or around a star or anomaly will reduce some of the fuel demand. It is often completely unnecessary to drop out of hyperspace at every system a route passes. The only times it would truly matter are if the route changes direction from one established hyperlane to another or if the system one needs to reach is nowhere near an established route. Again, space is three-dimensional, and such a shift might require some travel via subspace to another point in the system before the ship can enter hyperspace in the new direction.
For safety’s sake, most systems would have predesignated coordinates for ships dropping out of hyperspace on approach; these coordinates will be rather far from the populated planets, likely above or below the orbital plane so as to avoid the orbital paths of other planets, and in such places where space debris and asteroid belts do not pose a hazard. The further out from the high-traffic areas you enter, the less chance there is of accidentally colliding with another inbound ship. Again: Space is Vast. These are merely advised coordinates, of course: a ship can drop out of hyperspace anywhere. Ships departing a planet will often enter hyperspace shortly after escaping the planet’s gravity well, and this is actually a good thing: it clears the local subspace area quickly. Systems with exceptionally high traffic will have a traffic-control system to prevent collisions.
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Without the aid of an interdiction device -- creating an artificial gravity well at the place where ships are most likely to pass through on their approach or journey past -- there is no way to actually stop ships entering a system or traveling past in hyperspace. A blockade might lurk in the predesignated entry coordinates and hope they can tractor a ship in, or they might lie in wait along the subspace approach route to the inner system, but their efficacy fails if the target ships’ pilots know what they’re doing and use custom coordinates.
During the Clone Wars, nobody is using interdiction devices. They did exist, but the energy demands were prohibitive. The Republic started funding research into making them more feasible, but only the Empire benefited, and they still couldn’t devise them such that an entire system might become impassible.
The stress during the Clone Wars about not being able to move ships and supplies along the trade lanes/hyperlanes is genuinely pointless, because there is literally nothing that can stop them from using the established routes or calculating new ones.
What they should have been concerned about regarding the trade lanes, were planets that had provided staple goods to much of the galaxy either seceding or being invaded, thus harming more vulnerable worlds which relied on those goods and cutting off the entire army off from essentials needed to extend the war.
But nobody likes discussing politics in Star Wars, right?
And then the new films have come out and just… made an absolute shitfest of the established world physics. Throwing the old EU/Legends/canon out seems to also extend to how the hyperphysics function.
The explanation given by Pablo Hidalgo for the way Starkiller Base’s weapons discharge is shown -- “What they're seeing is some weird hand-wavy hyperspace rip. Side-effect of the Starkiller." -- is utter bullshit. Light still travels the same way in Star Wars as it does in the Real World; given the locations of Takodana (J-16), the SKB (G-7), and the Hosnian system (M-12), nobody on Takodana would see anything for thousands of years. A “hyperspace rip” cannot account for realspace physics. Never mind that the SKB superlaser would have to contend with the massive cluster of black holes in the galactic center on its way to Hosnian, which would play merry hell with their targeting.
Also, you cannot convince me that Starkiller Base is not actually Ilum. (Edit: It’s since been confirmed in Jedi: Fallen Order that the SKB is Ilum. I feel vindicated.)
Crait and Cantonica are on opposite ends of the galaxy from each other. Even supposing Finn and Rose found a straight-shot route between them, it would take days to travel one-way. The least the creators could have done is hand-wavied some highly experimental ship for it, but all they proved is that they have no fucking idea how Star Wars’ physics work. There's a massive difference between fictional science technobabble and effectively saying, “we just didn't want to admit that the established setup was inconvenient, so just assume it works.”
Hand-waves only work if you have actual intent behind them.
Han and Chewbacca couldn't have simply shown up as soon as the Falcon left Jakku; not unless they were already in that part of space (I dunno, could have been the Force, because that really is how it works). But that, coupled with the pirate gangs also appearing right then, is completely improbable. If a ship can be tracked and jumped to as easily as Han’s ship was tracked by some asshole pirates, then the entire pursuit plot of The Last Jedi is completely pointless. Regardless of how Kylo feels about Han, he wouldn’t have given the First Order’s secret weapon away.
Likewise, there's no way reinforcements from Yavin could have reached Scarif in time. The main story of R1 should have taken at least a month, considering Jedha is way the fuck out in the middle of nowhere without a mapped hyperlane at all.
It's exciting science fiction, but the way the recent media have depicted hyperspace is just bad writing, which is shocking and disappointing coming from creators who have an established background in sci-fi.
The only reason hyperspace travel in the games is instantaneous is because players would get bored waiting.
*When I gauge hyperspace travel in FtRP, I make heavy use of the SWCombine nav map (which is intended for use with the SW tabletop RPG) in conjunction with the Star Wars Galaxy Map. It’s not perfect by any means, but it keeps things consistent.
Star Wars images courtesy of https://starwars.fandom.com/ Andromeda image courtesy of https://www.sciencenews.org/
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midwesterndays · 7 years
The Cordillera Huayhuash Circuit
I stumbled across the Cordillera Huayhuash circuit while looking for obscure hikes on the internet, someone out there in the ether compared it to hiking in the Himalayas and after a quick google-image-search of the trek I was sold. We hired a guide and donkeys, booked our tickets to Peru and we were off (ok, it was more work than that but to move the story along).  Here’s overview/breakdown of the hike.  If you are looking for facts to plan a trip there is a post here.
Length:  97 miles (156 km)
Timeframe: 10 days
Acclimate:  This hike is VERY high up and you need to acclimatize:  we spent 3 days in the Cusco region and 1 day in Hauraz
Day 1:  On August 23rd we got up at 4:30 am to start our bitterly cold, early morning journey into the mountains.  It takes several hours of bus rides to arrive in Pocpa.  The bus company was kind enough to provide us all blankets but it was frigid.  If you get car sick from windy roads (like me) try to get a window seat.  The hiking on the first day is pretty easy, gradual uphills mostly following a road.  This is the only day with no high pass, so appreciate it. You get glimpses of the snow capped peaks and walk though some beautiful grazing land.  This is the beginning of hiking through animal poop, you get used to it.  The camp the first night is nice but they only get better.  This was the only day I had issues with the altitude.  I drank a lot of fluids, took an ibuprofen and went to bed early, that seemed to do the trick.
Hike time: 4 hours 30 minutes
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Day 2: This is the first real day of the hike and the first high pass you will cross. Be prepared for lots of switchbacks, it’s a slow and steady slog.  My husband and I were alternating between not being able to imagine making it to day 10 and feeling like maybe we could do this.  We had a great lunch on this day of Russian salad (below) and, after nearly 6 hours, we arrived at a beautiful campsite (view from tent below).
Hike time: 5 hours 45 minutes
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Day 3: Many more switchbacks today, the sky was cloudy so we did not go on what would have been our first side trip as the views were obscured.  This made day three pretty short and easy for us. There are some great views as you near the campsite and the campsite itself was a stunner.  The other 4-5 groups on the trail camped off to the side of Carhuacocha lake but we had our very own campsite right on the lake directly opposite snow capped peaks.  This campsite alone was worth the cost of hiring guides.
Hike time: 4 hours 15 minutes
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(view from tent)
Day 4: Today was one of the most difficult days of the hike.  We said goodbye to our beautiful campsite at 7:15 am and trekked down a valley leading us to our big pass for the day.  On the way we dropped our packs and scaled a hill for a view of Sulla and Yerupaja peaks.  It’s worth the climb for the beautiful views and we saw 4-5 avalanches which are cool to see but sad from an environmental standpoint.  From there we hiked up a very difficult steep path to the most iconic view of the hike (the three lakes (below) ) shockingly to us, we weren’t yet at the pass which was another hour of grueling switchbacks.  After the pass it was another 3 hours to camp.  This day provided the scenery we were craving but it was an extremely strenuous day.
Hike time: 8 hours 45 minutes
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Day 5: Day 5 is pretty chill.  We trekked through these strange round moss formations as we made our way to yet another pass. Enroute we saw a huayhuash animal (something between a rabbit and a squirrel)!  The pass today is not bad and when you finally arrive at camp you are treated to hot-springs!  Also, there is a little shop that sells beer, snacks and toilet paper.  The hot springs are AMAZING!  Day five is heavenly.
Hike time: 5 hours 10 minutes
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Day 6: Today we climbed what we thought was our highest pass at 16,568 feet (5050m) it was a very long steady climb up.  We saw a condor and a Vicuña on the way! After we made it over the pass we stopped for a lunch of a Peruvian dish called causa which is basically meat and veggies sandwiched between two layers of mashed potatoes - great, hardy hiking food!  After lunch the weather turned, it started to sleet we only had about an hour to camp I ran to catch up with Eric because he had my rain coat.  I eventually caught him (mostly cause he turned around to come back for me) and we put our heads down and hightailed it to camp.
Hike time: 5 hours 45 minutes
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Day 7: If you are the kind of person who hates hiking downhill, like my husband, this will likely be your least favorite day of the hike.  It is a very long, difficult day but the views are world class.  The day starts with very strenuous switchbacks in the snow up to the actual highest pass of the hike, the San Antonio Pass clocking in at a whopping 16,732 feet (5100m). You keep thinking you’re at the top of the pass, but you’re not, it’s a mental challenge.  At this point in the trek I was regretting going on the trek, I felt miserable. Climbing this pass was so goddam hard!  At the top though!  Wow, what a view, it made it all worth it!  On the flip side, all of this hard work is rewarded with 3 hours of climbing down steep, rocky terrain that brutalized my husband.
Hike time: 8 hours 45 minutes
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(view from the top)
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(view from the top)
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Day 8:  As long as I have pretty views I can deal with challenging hiking but ‘Dia Ocho’ is the worst!  A long day, gradually uphill the whole way and short on pretty views.  On day eight you start to leave the big peaks which is a bummer.  To make it worse Eric woke up and his ankle was pretty injured from the previous day but our guide Samual soaked it, applied some magical balm our hiking mate Etta provided, and wrapped it up.  He was a great guide and Eric was good to go.
Hike time: my husband didn’t note the time here but it was a long day.  My guess is 8 hours
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Day 9:  Days 8, 9 and 10 are far less beautiful than the rest of the hike.  It would be nice to hike it the other way around.  Today starts with a hike up a pass right away.  For dinner the night before I ate a rich, creamy pasta that did not sit right in my stomach.  I woke up not feeling well and had to ride the horse over the pass which was a bummer but great at the same time. The view was not mind blowing but you still hike through some pretty peaks along the way to camp.
Hike time: 5 hours 30 minutes
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Day 10:  We were destroyed by day 10.  Today there is an optional pass you can cross or you can take a flatter, longer route to the end.  We chose the flat route.  We were off at 6:30am and it was a nice easy walk.  There was a lot of downhill as we made our way to Llamac.  We could see the town far before we reached it which made the hike seem long.  Eventually we reached the edge of the town and our Arriero and donkey’s.  We sat on the curb waiting for our ride and cheering on hikers who were finishing.  It felt good, we did it!
Hike Time:  I have no idea, but not long, maybe 5 hours.
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This hike is VERY strenuous.  Part of the challenge is the altitude and part of it is sleeping in a tent for 10 days.  The distances aren’t terribly far but it wipes you out.  On the other hand, the views are spectacular!  It’s such a gift in this world to let yourself get cut off from everything and everyone and simply experience a place and a landscape with no distractions.  Also, the stars are ridiculous out there.  Would I recommend it?  If you’re in good shape, sure.  I don’t think it’s the most beautiful hike I’ve ever done (Nepal wins there) but I do think it’s the most difficult hike I’ve done so that makes it a hard sell.  Would I do it again?  No, no way, but I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.  I got to experience the Peruvian Andes in a way most people will never get to and sometimes the hard challenges in life end up being the experiences we treasure the most. 
If you’re planning to do this hike and want more details, I have another post here.
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itsyokythings-blog · 5 years
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My Five Acres. Travel. Adventure. Yoga. My Five Acres. Travel. Adventure. Yoga. - Travel. Adventure. Yoga.
Want to visit the spectacular Gran Paradiso National Park in Italy? In this post, we share the best things to do and how to get the most from your visit. Read on to start planning your to Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso!
What’s in our guide to visiting Gran Paradiso National Park?
1. 3. 5.
When you’re in Turin, the Alps call to you. The mountains arc around the city, far away enough to be mysterious, close enough to be incredibly tantalizing. While wandering Torino, for all that I love the city, part of me just keeps thinking “Why aren’t we in the Alps right now?”
The great news is that it’s easy to visit Gran Paradiso National Park (or Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso, if you want to practice your Italian) from Turin.
The park is nestled in the Alps on the border with France, not far from the city. Driving takes a little more than an hour, or you can hire a guide to take you, or even go by public transport.
Hiking in Gran Paradiso, you will get to see spectacular views. Photo by Davide Glarey via Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso.
Whether you want to take a gentle stroll through an Alpine meadow or challenge yourself on an almost vertical hike up above 2,000 m (6,500 ft), you’ll find the opportunity in Gran Paradiso.
The bad news is that there are so many places to hike and so little information available, especially in English, that it can be tough to decide where to go for your day trip!
Start with the Gran Paradiso tourist map — which we didn’t discover until after our visit — which will be big help in planning your trip.
The Gran Pardiso tourist map is very useful to help planning your trip.
We opted for a challenging day hike, taking us to the peak of Punta Quinseina, just above 2200 m high. Luckily we drove up to about 1500 m first, otherwise we never would have made it to the top!
Though the hike was marked as “medium” on all our apps, it was more than enough challenge for us for that day, leaving our legs sore and our knees aching by the end. It was also incredibly rewarding.
So, if you’re interested in exploring the mountains and finding some time to reconnect with yourself through nature, read on to discover…
How to do a Spectacular Day Trip to Gran Paradiso National Park
Before you start reading the details, watch our short video of our day hike in Gran Paradiso to get inspired!
Also don’t miss these posts:
Your complete Torino guide → The best day in Sacra di San Michele → Your guide to visiting Mole Antonelliana →
Don’t forget to stop and breathe deeply and enjoy the views while you’re in the park.
The park’s origin story is a little sad — it all began because people love to kill wildlife. The area had been a hunting ground for the royal family and was also frequented by poachers. It was originally protected by Vittorio Emmanuel as a Royal Hunting Reserve, so that the Alpine ibex would be protected from poachers (and reserved for Royal hunters).
In 1922, the land was donated by the royals to Italy and it became Italy’s first national park. Though the ibex were supposed to be protected, the law was not enforced at first and the population dwindled to dangerously low numbers.
Now, they are properly protected and the ibex population is healthy and thriving! They are also daredevils.
You won’t lack for any amazing views when you visit Gran Pardiso National Park.
OK, you probably climb every mountain in the park, but there are lots of opportunities for rock climbing and ice climbing in Gran Paradiso.
For climbers, basing yourself in Turin or somewhere on the Piedmont side of the park is perfect, as this is where you’ll find the best climbing routes in the park. Check out the Orco Valley and the Soana Valley for incredible climbing opportunities.
Sleep in a Refuge
If you’ve hiked to a refuge hut anywhere in North America, you might be picturing a small wooden hut, with some sleeping bunks, a fireplace, and not much else.
But in Gran Paradiso, many of the huts (refugio) are European-style. That is to say, they are almost full-service hotels, with restaurants and comfortable beds. Your chance to in style.
Different huts offer different services, so make sure you know what to expect and what you need to bring before you go.
Spot the Wildlife
We didn’t get to see a marmot on our trip to the park. Next time! Photo by Dario de Siena via Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso.
On our hike up Punta Quinseina, we kept our eyes and ears open for marmots. Alas, it was a little early in the season and we didn’t get to se any. The only wildlife we saw, apart from lots of soaring birds, was the not-so-rare Italian hang-glider. They did make for an impressive site, soaring through the air at 1500 m!
Marmots do populate the park though. These plump rodents evolved to deal with the harsh mountain climates, and can hibernate for up to 9 months of the year. You’ll often hear marmots before you see them. They make a high-pitched chirp that sounds a lot like a bird, and, if you get to close, their chirping will increase in frequency.
Deeper in the park, you might see the Alpine ibex (also know as the Steinbock) which is the symbol of the park. As we said in the intro, it’s because of these long-horned wild goats that the park was established in the first place.
You might also spot a chamois, another species of goat that looks like the steinbock but with shorter horns. However, female steinbocks also have shorter horns, so it’s easy to get them confused.
Keep your eyes to the skies to spot golden eagles, impressive birds of prey that feed on marmots and other small mammals — but are sometimes big enough to make off with a small goat. Yikes!
Finally, a wolf pack has recently taken residence in the Aosta Valley. You probably won’t see wolves (which is a good thing) but you may hear them howling at the moon.
Get on Your Bike
If you’d rather roll than walk, there are plenty of bike trails in the park, from fully paved gentle routes to all-out technical mountain bike trails. Many routes pass through some of the historic Alpine villages that skirt the lower edges of the park.
Explore a Winter Wonderland
If you do a multi-day trip, you’ll be in the mountains for sunset. Photo by Martino Nicolino via Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso.
If you happen to visit Italy in winter, strap on your snow shoes and hit the park trails. You can also cross-country ski, downhill ski, and go ice climbing in Gran Paradiso.
Visit the Botanical Garden
If you want a little less energetic outing, the Paradisia Alpine Botanic Garden is a great destination. Located on the Aosta Valley, this 10,000 square metre garden gives you a chance to see Alpine flora up close.
The best time to go is mid-June to mid-July, when you can take a guided tour or visit independently using the garden brochure to navigate.
Driving in Italy is truly mind-boggling / terrifying!
Once you’re off the busy city streets and fast-moving highways, you’ll also have to contend with winding, narrow roads, often single-lane, that switchback their way up the mountains.
If you don’t have a lot of driving experience and/or nerves of steel, I’d suggest you find another way to get there.
But, if you want drive to Gran Pardiso, here’s how:
From Turin to Valle Orco, point your GPS towards Rivarolo Canavese. From there, take road 460, which follows the route of the Orco River. Turn right at Pont Canavese, onto the SP 47 to reach the Soana Valley.
Getting to Gran Paradiso By Bus or Train
From Turin, you can take the bus to Rivarolo (line 131 Torino to Rivarolo) or the train from Torino Porta Susa to Rivarolo and Pont stations. From there, public bus lines serve Valle Orco (line 137 Rivarolo or Pont to Locana or Noasca) and Val Soana (line 140 Pont to Valprato Soana).
To get to the Aosta Valley from Torino, follow the instructions here →
The day hike we did was up all the way, but you can do flat hikes in the park, too.
If you’re looking for a rewarding day hike within easy reach of Turin, you can try the same hike we did — up Punta Quinseina di Santa Elisabetta. Technically this hike is not inside Gran Paradiso but it’s close enough to get the idea!
The hike starts at the tree line and goes up from there, so you get to experience panoramic views of the foothills and the mountains the entire way. No dull forested trail where you can’t see anything!
If you don’t like climbing, this one is not for you.
It starts with a steep uphill, which takes you to a gorgeous alpine meadow. Spend a little time taking in the views of the Alps and watching the hang-gliders soar above your head. There’s also a small stone hut which is interesting — but resist the temptation to go inside. The structure looks fundamentally unsound.
Past the meadow, the path turns upwards again, and continues on a steep incline until you reach the summit. The trail is rocky and somewhat technical. You’ll need shoes with good grip and support to be comfortable.
As you climb, you’ll be rewarded by the continually incredible views. The most magnificent one is at the summit, where you experience 360 degrees of Alpine perfection.
There’s a guest book at the summit, hidden inside the small cabinet connected to the steel cross. Look for our entry and make sure to leave your own!
If you haven’t had enough after you summit, you can continue along the ridge trail and off into the wilderness. As we took about 3 hours to climb up, we’d had plenty of walking and did not extend our hike!
How to Get to Punta Quinseina
Once you get into the mountains, you may have to contend with narrow steep roads, like this one used in the Giro d’Italia.
The drive from Turin to the Punta Quinseina trailhead is an experience in its own right. The first part is simple highway driving from Turin to Castellamonte (though that didn’t prevent us from getting lost and having to backtrack).
From Castellamonte to Colleretto Castelnuovo, it’s quiet, well maintained country roads. There are lots of speed cameras, especially around the villages, so stick to the speed limit. The fines are around €70, so not worth it!
After Colleretto Castelnuovo, which is a charming sub-alpine town that’s worth a stop, things start to get interesting.
A paved but extremely narrow road leads out of town. Soon you’ll find yourself on a series of (seemingly never-ending) tight switchbacks up the side of the mountain. It is steep and narrow — only wide enough for one car in many places. If you aren’t a confident driver with nerves of steel, you might think twice before attempting it.
We didn’t meet a single car coming down as we were going up, which was a blessing, because I was not prepared to back down that winding ribbon of road.
If you start the drive and feel like it will never end, just think about the cyclists in the Giro d’Italia — this road was part of their route in 2019. It must be absolute murder trying to cycle up here!
Even iPhone photographers will love the photos you can take in the park.
Hike stats. 8 km, 787 m elevation gain, 2,231 m highest elevation, out & back, 4–6 hours for return trip.
Hike summary. There is very little flat terrain on this hike. It’s mostly up, up, up. The trail markers are painted onto rocks along the way, with only a few real signposts.
Go when the weather is clear, as it would be easy to lose the trail in fog. In fact, we managed to lose the trail a couple of times on a perfect, sunny day.
Parking & facilities. There is a small parking lot at the foot of the hike with picnic tables and a public restroom.
Trailhead. The trailhead is a bit hard to find and I think we didn’t manage to start the hike in the right spot. To find the trail from the car park, walk up the paved road until the paving ends.
A road on your left leads to a popular hang-gliding launch spot. Continue past this road on the dirt road that leads toward a small farm. Turn left into what looks like the farm driveway, and you’ll find the trailhead on the left, just before reaching the farmhouse.
There’s an alternative trailhead that starts just behind the hang-gliding launch spot. It’s a little harder to find and starts the hike off with a very steep climb. But it’s do-able, as it’s the one we took!
Use the AllTrails map here to find the directions →
What to bring. As usual, bring all the typical necessities you would bring on any wilderness hike. This includes first aid kit, plenty of water, extra snacks, and warm layers.
We went in early June, and there was still a little snow at the peak, though typically you might find more snow at this time of year. At the bottom, we were in t-shirts and by the time we reached the top, we needed winter hats, gloves, sweaters, and jackets, so be prepared to layer up!
The weather can change extremely quickly up here, so be prepared for any conditions.
Hiking poles would be an asset, for balance and to save your knees on the steep descent. We did the hike without, but I would have loved to have a pair with me.
Also bring a GPS-enabled device and an offline mapping app, so you have assistance in finding your way if you lose the trail (like we did a couple of times). You don’t necessarily need a paper map if you stick to the trail and don’t wander off, but it can be an extra safety asset if your phone dies.
The Alpine Ibex is the originator and symbol of the park. Photo by Dario de Siena via Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso.
If you’re not comfortable Gran Paradiso on your own, or you just want to increase the quotient, you can hire a guide to organize everything and take you to the park.
Mountain Guides Society of Gran Paradiso
Variety of trip lengths and difficulty
The official park mountain guides organization operates every day all year long. They are based in the Aosta Valley but can organize an activity for you closer to Torino if you don’t want to drive that far.
They can guide you on a huge range of activities, from trekking, canyoning, and rock climbing, to snowshoeing, off-piste skiing, and ice climbing.
Explore Gran Paradiso National Park with Trekking Alps
3 days, €449 per person
Rated as 4/5 on the difficulty level, this exciting tour will immerse you in the wonders of Gran Paradiso and give you a chance to completely disconnect from everyday life (to forge a deeper connection to yourself, naturally).
Accommodation is in mountain huts — which are more like rustic hotels, where you get a soft bed and a hot meal — in the wilderness. You can do this as a private hike, or join a scheduled group tour. You can also arrange a self-guided trek through Trekking Alps.
Whether you just want a few hours outside, or you want to challenge yourself on a multi-day hike or back country skiing trip, Gran Paradiso is ideal. Much less crowded than the French Alps, this spectacular corner of Italy offers a true getaway — a place where you can immerse yourself in nature and truly disconnect from everyday stress.
Whatever you’re looking for, big or small, you’ll find it in Gran Paradiso National Park.
We hope this short guide to Gran Paradiso helps you plan your trip. Leave at least one day in your Turin itinerary to visit this magnificent park in the northwest corner of Italy. But if you have time, we recommend spending at least three days to get the most out of the park.
♥  Happy mindful s, Jane & Stephen
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The post How to Plan a Spectacular Day Trip to Gran Paradiso National Park appeared first on My Five Acres. Travel. Adventure. Yoga..
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traveldiar · 5 years
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une 4th - That's how I left my home on my own...
6:00 This night I almost could not sleep. I am finally leaving. LEAVING! Leaving Denmark, my job, my boyfriend, all the sorrows, I am leaving all the overworked hours.
 I am leaving to start the adventure, of my life! ON MY OWN! (Is not like I haven't done it before, but not on such a scale). This time I will be gone for 3 years. Damn, I am nervous...
There is so many what if's running in my head (mostly about the visa to Japan). The rest I am quite cool about it.
6:20 It is time to re-check my bags for the 10th time if I have everything I need. Passport, flight tickets, travel cup, enough underwear... and everything else.
7:00 I am already in the car, heading towards the airport.  My boyfriend asked, out of the blue.
(Boyfriend): - Where is your passport?
 My mind went blank for a minute, but then I remembered it is in backpacks front pocket. 
(Me):- In my front pocket.
(Boyfriend): - That took long enough. It is a bit too late to turn the car around, in case you forgot. What about flight tickets?
(Me):- Check!
(Boyfriend): -  Travel cup?
(Me):- Check!
Finally, we reached the airport, he drove to drop off point. I am looking at him with the confused look.
(Me):- Aren't you gonna send me off?
(Boyfriend): - I can if you want to...
(Me):- You know, I am off for 3 years...
(Boyfriend): - Ok, wait for me in the terminal.
I took my bags from the car and started walking towards the terminal entrance. Just before entering, I stopped to smoke the last cigarette in Denmark. My heart was pounding, I feel nervous. I am about to take off!
I went inside. Immediately, I faced a huge crowd of people. A lot of noise! Groups of people trying to get through each other with their massive luggage's. It seemed they packed for a year or something. The atmosphere was suffocating... But I had no time to waste, I need to check-in! I went straight to check-in screens. When I got there, people were almost pushing each other, it was the crowd. Until I managed to reach the screen to check-in, my flight company was not there! I was even more confused. Anyway, where is he? Just yesterday, he could barely let me go, and now... Where are you?
A few minutes later, I hear my phone ringing. It is him. Probably he cants find me in the crowd... We agreed to meet next to the screens where it shows all the information about the flights. When I saw him again, he was anxious. He kept asking about my passport and flight tickets. Until he felt calmer. 
We checked the screen with all the flights. My flight check-in was not even open. It seemed I had to wait a bit longer. Well, it made me even more anxious, it was already 8:20! Well, my flight was 10:30. but still... What if... 
Meanwhile, I found, an old American couple who was taking the same flight and also waiting... This fact gives some sort of comfort, at least I was not waiting alone. If the plane disappears, then I am not the only victim.
Meanwhile, I was waiting, and patiently staring at the screen, I noticed there was missing check-in information for one more flight which is much earlier than mine. That flight is to Helsinki. It supposes to take off, at 9:00 and it is already 8:30, and still no info about check-in or gate number. WHAT HELL IS GOING ON! At least my flight is 10:30... I should be fine... I hope
8:40 - Finally the check-in for my flight showed up on the screen! and not that far away from where I am located right now! Yay!
Landed to Vilnius. I flew via Warsaw in a business class seat. It was the first time flying with the business class. It does sound fancy, doesn't it? But is not that big of the deal. The only difference, you are the first one get the plane. Then you get free juice, coffee, and a snack. The rest is the same. Even If I am a first passenger in the plain, I still need to wait, until everyone gets to the plain, and leg space is the same.
When I landed in Vilnius, I felt like in the matchbox, I forgot how small this airport is. It took 3 minutes from the moment I stepped my foot out the plain to the luggage pick up area. Still, I had wait for about 20 minutes, until my backpack was loaded on the luggage transporter. I finally left the airport and headed towards the train. Yes, train. In Vilnius, there is a train from the airport to the station. Well, the actual station is outside the airport. Due to the lack of signs, I practically had to guess, where is a station. I got there just in time. Let's pay! Ummm, where is ticket machine, or office, or anything? If it is not here, then do I need to pay? Of-course I need to pay! It is East block!
I went to the local guy, and asked him, in English on how to purchase a ticket. He politely answered in English. That I need to do that inside the train. Well, that was a relief. I suddenly stopped myself. "What? Wait? Why did I speak to him in English, instead of Lithuanian? Oh well, it is too late. It just needs to make sure, that I don't speak to him Lithuanian next time, otherwise it would be awkward. Well, you know, since I am Lithuanian..."
I am on the train, waiting to get off at the main station. Just looking through the window, and thinking "Yep, I am home. That's my country... But, why I don't feel anything?" I was waiting for this overwhelming feeling of nostalgia and freedom. But, nop. Still empty, no revoking revelations, or any hint nostalgia. It was rather foreign, even I have lived here for a year, a long time ago. Maybe too much time has passed. Still the same. Same city, still a lovely city. I did fell in love with this city for a reason. 
Nevertheless, I tried using public transport, I wanted to take a bus to my hostel... Well, no luck. I found out the bus exists, but no one knows where it stops. Then I made a decision, that I will walk. I should survive 2,5 km with bags. I managed, but I admit it was quite an exercise until I reached my hostel.
0 notes
juudgeblog · 6 years
The most important victory of my life
This article is written by Ramanuj Mukherjee, CEO, LawSikho.
I want to share with you something very personal today. Earlier I never spoke about this to anyone. I have begun to open up on this topic only recently.
It was in Law school that I encountered depression for the first time. I didn’t even know what it was back then. I had no name for the feeling in my body that told me not to get up from my bed. I thought I was just lazy. I went to classes because I needed attendance to pass. In one semester I missed so many morning classes that I got almost debarred from writing the exam.
But I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I didn’t know what to say.
I wanted to run away.
I wanted to hide.
I would just sleep for hours because that was an escape. I did not have it in my heart to even step out of my room to get a meal.
I stopped talking to people.
Of course, it had an impact on my studies too. I didn’t do too badly, but I knew I wasn’t doing enough. I had entered law school having topped the entrance, but I was hovering around 12-15 ranks in various semesters. And I cared about my rank back then (now if you ask me, I would say spending time to get a better rank is a big waste of your youth).
I was spending a lot of time with books. At least trying to learn. But it did not work. I was not learning. Not enough anyway.
It sent me into a depression spiral.
I also saw affluence around me. And I didn’t have access to the social life my peers had because I didn’t have the pocket money to go for a dinner or cafe or even a movie. I felt left out. Undervalued. Unimportant. Cut off.
I had many insecurities too. I studied in a vernacular medium school up to then, and my English knowledge is mostly self-taught. People laughed at the way I spoke English. Some kids from big cities made fun of my small town mannerisms.
I wasn’t daunted, but I couldn’t adjust with the new realities either.
I didn’t know what to do. It felt like I am not enough. It felt like I don’t have a way out. I wasn’t sure how to thrive in this world.
But I wasn’t going to lose. I knew I am a winner, I was going to find a way to win.
One day I found the way. You would not believe what it was.
It was running.
I discovered if I go for a run I feel amazing. Initially, I could just run a kilometre and then I will be done. Exhausted.
But I realised that’s only a mental limit I put on myself. My body can take more! I kept pushing. Soon I was running 5 km. Then 10. Then 15. Then 20!
It was a marvel! I didn’t have any clue about the amazing power of this human body. It can take so much, it can do so much. And that I have no idea about what incredible potential I have in me.
I used to think I could run only 1 km. But the moment I started stretching myself, I could do 20. Maybe with time, I could do 100!
But running wasn’t my passion. It was my medium to get out of depression.
As I ran, good hormones were released in my body. I felt better. I grew stronger. Appetite came back.
Then my mind started to function at a high level again. And I found ways to deal with my social and financial situation when my mind was fully functioning again.
I started earning. I started learning about skills that help to socialize and connect with other people. I became good at it because I deliberately studied and practiced what people only take for granted.
Depression disappeared. But not before it took away 2 years of my life. No regrets. I attacked my life with new zeal and charge, and everything changed.
But depression came back two more times.
I recognised it as depression when it happened to me while working at a law firm. This phase lasted for about 6 months. Everyone would have found me normal, but I was dying inside. I wasn’t happy with or interested in the work I was doing at the firm. I wanted to do something else. I wanted to do what I am doing now.
Again, as two realities of my life clashed, I slipped into depression. I started running again. I started taking care of my bodily health. I left the firm and started working on what really mattered to me. I was all smiles on my last day. People were like you look very happy today, don’t you?
When it happened the last time, in 2015, the odds were stacked in my favour. I was wiser, had access to therapists and coaches, and I knew running can save me if it happens again. I was surrounded by a community of loving and caring people. I am invincible by this point. Depression lost the battle in a month.
Now I know what triggers my depression. I stay away from those things. And at times, I come very close to a depression. I can sense it. The moment I sense I am nearing it, I begin to take action. I talk to my coach, therapist, friends who know me well about whatever is triggering me at the moment.
I also learn languages. It keeps my brain active. Engaged. I have noticed that it helps a lot.
Life has been good. The tryst with depression gave me an opportunity to learn a lot about myself. I am lucky that I never had to take any medication, the running and working out was always enough biochemical kick to shoo away depression.
The victory over depression and it coming back, lurking around, humbled me because I know no matter how strong we make ourselves, there is always a bit of us that is essentially fragile.
Depression is the plague of our times. It’s an epidemic. Almost everyone I shared this story with told me about their own stories.
Recognise it in yourself. Recognise it in people around you.
Stay active, physically and mentally. Don’t judge people with depression. Don’t try to motivate them either. It doesn’t work. Depression is not lack of motivation.
Be kind and tolerant to them. Give them a non-judgmental space to talk to you. Or not talk at all.
Encourage them to work out their body and their mind. Slowly. Baby steps if necessary.
For physical exercise, there is a gym or roads and fields to run on. Or cycle. Don’t ignore, don’t postpone it.
For a mental exercise, keep learning new things. New skills. New subjects that interest you.
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The post The most important victory of my life appeared first on iPleaders.
The most important victory of my life syndicated from https://namechangersmumbai.wordpress.com/
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loyallogic · 6 years
The most important victory of my life
This article is written by Ramanuj Mukherjee, CEO, LawSikho.
I want to share with you something very personal today. Earlier I never spoke about this to anyone. I have begun to open up on this topic only recently.
It was in Law school that I encountered depression for the first time. I didn’t even know what it was back then. I had no name for the feeling in my body that told me not to get up from my bed. I thought I was just lazy. I went to classes because I needed attendance to pass. In one semester I missed so many morning classes that I got almost debarred from writing the exam.
But I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I didn’t know what to say.
I wanted to run away.
I wanted to hide.
I would just sleep for hours because that was an escape. I did not have it in my heart to even step out of my room to get a meal.
I stopped talking to people.
Of course, it had an impact on my studies too. I didn’t do too badly, but I knew I wasn’t doing enough. I had entered law school having topped the entrance, but I was hovering around 12-15 ranks in various semesters. And I cared about my rank back then (now if you ask me, I would say spending time to get a better rank is a big waste of your youth).
I was spending a lot of time with books. At least trying to learn. But it did not work. I was not learning. Not enough anyway.
It sent me into a depression spiral.
I also saw affluence around me. And I didn’t have access to the social life my peers had because I didn’t have the pocket money to go for a dinner or cafe or even a movie. I felt left out. Undervalued. Unimportant. Cut off.
I had many insecurities too. I studied in a vernacular medium school up to then, and my English knowledge is mostly self-taught. People laughed at the way I spoke English. Some kids from big cities made fun of my small town mannerisms.
I wasn’t daunted, but I couldn’t adjust with the new realities either.
I didn’t know what to do. It felt like I am not enough. It felt like I don’t have a way out. I wasn’t sure how to thrive in this world.
But I wasn’t going to lose. I knew I am a winner, I was going to find a way to win.
One day I found the way. You would not believe what it was.
It was running.
I discovered if I go for a run I feel amazing. Initially, I could just run a kilometre and then I will be done. Exhausted.
But I realised that’s only a mental limit I put on myself. My body can take more! I kept pushing. Soon I was running 5 km. Then 10. Then 15. Then 20!
It was a marvel! I didn’t have any clue about the amazing power of this human body. It can take so much, it can do so much. And that I have no idea about what incredible potential I have in me.
I used to think I could run only 1 km. But the moment I started stretching myself, I could do 20. Maybe with time, I could do 100!
But running wasn’t my passion. It was my medium to get out of depression.
As I ran, good hormones were released in my body. I felt better. I grew stronger. Appetite came back.
Then my mind started to function at a high level again. And I found ways to deal with my social and financial situation when my mind was fully functioning again.
I started earning. I started learning about skills that help to socialize and connect with other people. I became good at it because I deliberately studied and practiced what people only take for granted.
Depression disappeared. But not before it took away 2 years of my life. No regrets. I attacked my life with new zeal and charge, and everything changed.
But depression came back two more times.
I recognised it as depression when it happened to me while working at a law firm. This phase lasted for about 6 months. Everyone would have found me normal, but I was dying inside. I wasn’t happy with or interested in the work I was doing at the firm. I wanted to do something else. I wanted to do what I am doing now.
Again, as two realities of my life clashed, I slipped into depression. I started running again. I started taking care of my bodily health. I left the firm and started working on what really mattered to me. I was all smiles on my last day. People were like you look very happy today, don’t you?
When it happened the last time, in 2015, the odds were stacked in my favour. I was wiser, had access to therapists and coaches, and I knew running can save me if it happens again. I was surrounded by a community of loving and caring people. I am invincible by this point. Depression lost the battle in a month.
Now I know what triggers my depression. I stay away from those things. And at times, I come very close to a depression. I can sense it. The moment I sense I am nearing it, I begin to take action. I talk to my coach, therapist, friends who know me well about whatever is triggering me at the moment.
I also learn languages. It keeps my brain active. Engaged. I have noticed that it helps a lot.
Life has been good. The tryst with depression gave me an opportunity to learn a lot about myself. I am lucky that I never had to take any medication, the running and working out was always enough biochemical kick to shoo away depression.
The victory over depression and it coming back, lurking around, humbled me because I know no matter how strong we make ourselves, there is always a bit of us that is essentially fragile.
Depression is the plague of our times. It’s an epidemic. Almost everyone I shared this story with told me about their own stories.
Recognise it in yourself. Recognise it in people around you.
Stay active, physically and mentally. Don’t judge people with depression. Don’t try to motivate them either. It doesn’t work. Depression is not lack of motivation.
Be kind and tolerant to them. Give them a non-judgmental space to talk to you. Or not talk at all.
Encourage them to work out their body and their mind. Slowly. Baby steps if necessary.
For physical exercise, there is a gym or roads and fields to run on. Or cycle. Don’t ignore, don’t postpone it.
For a mental exercise, keep learning new things. New skills. New subjects that interest you.
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The post The most important victory of my life appeared first on iPleaders.
The most important victory of my life published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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yakugrizzly · 7 years
Dear me,
I know you are not okay and happiness is only a temporary event, but I am that part of your mind that already slayed situations in a way you can be fucking proud of.
Start easy. Back in school, you were always the one that no matter how few you worked for the group project, you could stand before 30 people and improvise a 10 minutes presentation about a topic you had 5 minutes to prepare for. It’s okay that it was the same 30 people that caused you to panic before you entered the class room at all. It’s okay that you avoided these situations. It’s okay that you sometimes went home to hide in video games or talked to the social worker about happier things.
And man, I know you were a kid when you fell in love for the first time. You loved her with all your guts. Her face was the sky and her laughter the sun. She was the most beautiful woman on earth. You could never draw her, the drawing would never even get close to reality.
You were impressed by yourself when one year had passed and your feelings hadn’t changed. You were again, when it counted three years. You got desperate when it were five years. You lost your shit when it was seven years. You were ready to give the world to her, and she knew. I know she told you she wants you in her life, you are that one special person she could never disclaim and she wants to grow old with you. Oh girl, little did you know she is a coward. She made empty promises and let you pay for them. It’s okay. Your domestic moments and your love was what kept the ‘friendship’ of yours together. But it had never been more. She was afraid to let you go because you were her safety pillow. Let it go. It’s okay. She is not worth your time anymore. You can see it when she is not strong enough to hold eye contact in a normal conversation or picks up a fight whenever possible. You did not use to fight, you were the perfect team. But it was all your work, not hers. You watched her living her life throughout your whole puberty and personality development. I know it hurts, but the person you thought she were will never come back. Let her go. You survived years of self torture, you can survive the aftermath as well.
Take care, please. The pressure you put yourself under is not healthy. You can create and craft amazing things. Look back at the armors you built! I know you want to do more but now is not the time for that. Once your apartment is in a better condition and you earn some money, you will be able to afford all the materials for Pharah and Volibear. Maybe you can work on Yaku along the way, but do not set time goals you cannot achieve. There is no need to do so.
I know you worked on that book like a beast. For a very long time you had no clue how to start and when 3 months of work were done, you had do re-start all over because the files had small errors that couldn’t be solved. Did that bring you down? No. Did that make you overwork yourself and catch a cold and several panic attacks? Yes. Don’t overwork yourself. It’s okay to need time. It’s not okay to leave yourself hanging.
You were so afraid to fall in love again. Lexa told you that making decisions and standing behind them is important, and all these Clexa fanfics you read were the perfect opportunity to not throw away your emotions. I know you wanted to, but I guess my screaming and kicking was enough for you to not block everything out. Your family and friends cursed you for staying in bed from morning to night. Always reading, drawing or crying. But Honey, that’s what a breakup is about. You felt like shit, and it is okay. You don’t shut out the person you loved above everything and deal with it like it’s nothing. I’m proud you did not give up. And I am proud that you gave him a chance. He knew a lot of the ways you felt, he knew what it’s like to have a non-supporting family. He texted you about The 100, you rewatched the series together. He was the only person to understand what was going on. In every aspect.
And you panicked and cried the first time he wanted to touch you. You were so afraid. You told him. It was okay. Hear me? It’s okay to be in fear after what happened at the beach when you were 11. And I am proud you said ‘No’ this time. You didn’t fail. He honestly respects and loves you. You already made the biggest step. And it’s still okay when it’s too much sometimes. Talk to him. Always. He understands.
You are not alone. You will heal. There are people out there to remind you, even if they are 7000 or even 10.000 km away. Even when they are 10 years older or younger than you. And you got a great basis. Once your and your bf’s jobs are settled, money won’t be a problem for the first time in your lives. You can build cosplays, you can go to ClexaCon, you can invite your friends and pay their flights. And if you ever feel alone again, remember that army we created. 
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
The wild story behind Tour de Trump, the Trump-sponsored bike race that became one of the biggest cycling events in American history
Billionaire Donald Trump at news convention at the DuPont Plaza in Wilmington Delaware, promoting his "Tour de Trump" bicycle speed to be held in Would possibly perchance possibly perchance simply.
Harry Hamburg / NY Day-to-day News / Getty
In 1989, President Donald Trump assign his name and face on one amongst The United States's supreme bike races: the Tour de Trump.
The 11-day bike speed, crafted within the image of the Tour de France, used to be 837 miles long, venturing from Albany to Atlantic Metropolis, and had a $250,000 pot of prize cash.
The speed completed with a flourish outdoor Trump Plaza, his now-closed casino.
Per USA Biking President Kevin Bouchard-Hall, Tour de Trump — and Tour DuPont, which replaced it — had been "wildly a success" and raised the profile of American biking.
Enlighten over with Enterprise Insider's homepage for additional tales.
Sooner than he used to be president, Donald Trump used to be the face of one amongst The United States's supreme bicycle races.
In 1989, he lent his name to the Tour de Trump, an 11-day bike speed crafted within the image of the Tour de France.
The speed used to be 837 miles long, from Albany to Atlantic Metropolis, and broken into 10 phases. The large speed used to be assign alongside with 35,000 traffic cones, 40,000 feet of snow fence, 30,000 feet of rope, and 15,000 plastic ties. There used to be also a $250,000 pot of prize cash for the winners.
When Trump used to be first approached with the premise, he used to be skeptical about lending his name to it. Nonetheless he went for it. He guaranteed $750,000 to fund the Tour de Trump and swiftly made a profit. It grew to change into one amongst the more than just a few projects he's lent his name to and made cash from, even without arms-on involvement.
And in standard Trump vogue, it used to be controversial. Trump used to be met with protesters who seen him as an emblem of greed. His lawyers threatened a completely different annual bike speed because its name, "Rump," used to be too shut to his hold. And one amongst the racing groups used to be subsidized by a Dutch brothel.
Nonetheless it undoubtedly also helped the biking industry. USA Biking President Kevin Bouchard-Hall told Politico that the speed and its successors had been  "wildly a success endeavors which raised the profile of American biking internationally and, for the length of the US, raised the profile of the sport of biking."
Here's what Tour de Trump used to be love.
This extraordinary story began in a cafe in Indianapolis within the summer of 1987, with a young reporter and a basketball announcer and entrepreneur named Billy Packer.
CBS's college basketball broadcast commentators Jim Nance and Billy Packer.
Bob Stowell / Getty
The young reporter used to be John Tesh, who had handsome coated the Tour de France.
John Tesh in 1993.
Ron Galella Series / Getty
Tesh — who would later change into an Leisure Tonight co-host — had handsome been in France retaining the Tour de France. He told Packer he wanted to invent the same ingredient within the US, per Politico.
Packer used to be hesitant. Biking used to be some distance from his trip.
Billy Packer in 2004.
Doug Pensinger / Getty
He did no longer know how to set up air in tires, nor had he ever been to a biking match, he told Politico. Nonetheless he knew Recent Jersey's terrain, and he had investments in Atlantic Metropolis. He began to mediate there used to be something to the premise, he told the Recent York Times.
Packer at the origin wanted it to be known as Tour de Jersey.
Walter Hickey / BI
He deliberate for the speed to pass between Long island and Atlantic Metropolis, with a reputation that will be an on-the-nose nod to Tour de France, per Politico. He approached executives at loads of Atlantic Metropolis casinos, who had been intrigued, nevertheless did no longer rob it any additional.
Then came billionaire Donald Trump.
American businessman Donald Trump in his office in Trump Tower, Fifth Avenue, Recent York, 1999.
Michael Brennan/Getty
Packer organized to meet with him in short in Trump Tower to pitch the premise.
Admire Packer, Trump wasn't a biking educated. He hadn't ridden a motorbike since he used to be about seven or eight years used.
Packer suggested Trump ought to present his name to the match.
Billionaire Donald Trump at news convention at the DuPont Plaza in Wilmington Delaware, promoting his "Tour de Trump" bicycle speed to be held in Would possibly perchance possibly perchance simply. Trump commented on the upcoming Tyson-Douglas rematch nevertheless declined to reply any non-public questions about his separation from his better half, Ivana.
Harry Hamburg / NY Day-to-day News / Getty
When Trump heard the premise he mentioned he nearly fell out of his seat, per The Recent York Times.
"I mentioned, 'Are you kidding? I will fetch killed within the media if I employ that name. You absolutely prefer to be kidding,'" Trump mentioned.
Nonetheless internal 20 seconds, he had agreed. "It is so wild, it be bought to work," he mentioned, per the Los Angeles Times.
Billionaire Donald Trump at a news convention at the DuPont Plaza in Wilmington Delaware, promoting his "Tour de Trump" bicycle speed to be held in Would possibly perchance possibly perchance simply.
Harry Hamburg / NY Day-to-day News / Getty
He mentioned he made up our minds swiftly because "some issues hit you and a few issues don't. I'm a truly instinctive particular person... and the supreme issues I invent are following my intuition."
He gave Packer every week to true permits and fetch aid to him. 
Trump's lawyers then sent a "cease and desist letter" to the organizers of a little bike speed known as "Tour de Rump" in Aspen, Colorado.
Aspen, Colorado.
Wikimedia Commons
They had been disquieted that "Rump" sounded too critical love "Trump" and threatened to sue if the name wasn't modified.
It can probably likely want been a David and Goliath voice, nevertheless the organizers did no longer bow down, and Trump never adopted up on the lawsuit probability.
The speed began to rob form. Officers scoured 25,000 miles of The United States to devise the route of the 837-mile speed.
A worker arranging traffic cones.
Michael Probst / AP
Press releases had been sent to journalists stuffed with enormous numbers: The speed faded 35,000 traffic cones, 40,000 feet of snow fence, 30,000 feet of rope, and 15,000 plastic ties.
Along with the enormous numbers came the enormous name.
Billionaire Donald Trump at a news convention at the DuPont Plaza in Wilmington Delaware, promoting his "Tour de Trump" bicycle speed to be held in Would possibly perchance possibly perchance simply.
Harry Hamburg / NY Day-to-day News / Getty
When he used to be asked why it wasn't known as the Tour of The United States, Trump mentioned, per Sports Illustrated, "Lets, if we wanted to possess a much less a success speed. If we wanted to down-scale it."
On a televised NBC News interview, he mentioned his name had brought in "most of the racers."
Trump had colossal ambitions before the speed had even begun.
The 104th Tour de France biking speed - The 181.5-km Stage 9 from Nantua to Chambery, France.
Reuters/Benoit Tessier
He told NBC News he wanted it to change into the identical of the Tour de France.
"I cannot assert we will assemble it extra. Even supposing, in belief, you may perchance likely well likely assert now we possess many extra of us so that you, in belief, may perchance likely well assemble it extra. Nonetheless I'd pick to assemble this to be akin to the Tour de France," he mentioned.
And he wasn't scandalous. The speed attracted quality cyclists.
US cyclist Greg Lemond (R) and Mexican cyclist Raul Alcala shaggy dog memoir every other earlier to the Wilmington to Baltimore avenue speed of the Tour de Trump on Would possibly perchance possibly perchance simply 04, 1990.
Don Emmert / AFP / Getty
The speed attracted 19 groups, eight of which had been expert racers. Two of the supreme stars had been Greg LeMond, for the time being The United States's most sensible Tour de France winner, and Olympic gold medalist cyclist Alexi Grewal.
Meanwhile, Trump used to be discovering out some deep classes about sportsmanship.
Former cyclist and Tour de France winner Greg Lemond and Donald Trump in 2004.
Peter Kramer/Getty
On the day before the speed, Trump asked LeMond if it used to be that you may perchance likely well likely also mediate of to be company with a competitor.
When LeMond mentioned it used to be, Trump mentioned, "I've never chanced on that in existence."
And it labored out financially, too.
Billionaire Donald Trump at news convention at the DuPont Plaza in Wilmington Delaware, promoting his "Tour de Trump" bicycle speed to be held in Would possibly perchance possibly perchance simply.
Harry Hamburg/NY Day-to-day News through Getty
Trump at the origin mentioned he would guarantee $750,000 in funding for the speed. Nonetheless he told The Recent York Times the profits generated even before it started coated "all of the costs after which some."
Nonetheless his name wasn't repeatedly a bonus.
Developer Donald Trump and Recent York Insist Gov. Mario Cuomo occasion before the open of the Tour De Trump bicycle speed in Albany, Recent York on Would possibly perchance possibly perchance simply 6, 1989.
Alan Solomon / AP
Recent York Gov. Mario Cuomo nearly did no longer support the speed, even supposing he within the kill relented and made an appearance.
Some cyclists told Packer a pair of of the European cyclists mentioned Trump's popularity — by then, he had been focused on loads of notorious relationships and commercial dealings — overshadowed the biking.
Recent York Metropolis Mayor Ed Koch used to be a significant no-demonstrate.
Donald Trump with faded Recent York Metropolis Mayor Ed Koch.
Neil Schneider/Recent York Put up Archives / Getty
Per Politico, Koch as soon as known as Trump "one amongst the sizable hucksters."
The speed began on Would possibly perchance possibly perchance simply 5, 1989.
Frequent survey of members in stage eight of a later bicycle speed by the same group. Now not the true Devil's Kitchen.
Within the significant stage, which ran between Albany and Recent Paltz, cyclists took on a steep avenue known because the Devil's Kitchen, within the Catskills, which rose from 300 feet to 1840 feet above sea stage over a two-mile stretch.
Some of the tour directors told Sports Illustrated that it used to be so steep, when he took journalists to sight it, they could likely no longer fetch the bus up the avenue.
On the tip of the significant legs, cyclists had been greeted by protesters, no longer followers.
From the movie model of "Lord of the Flies."
Even before he ran for president in 2016 that demonized immigrants, Trump used to be controversial. Within the 1980s, some seen him as an emblem of greed. Protesters held indicators that read: "Trump = Lord of the Flies," or "The Art of the Deal = The Effectively to assign Assemble Richer," apart from to "war Trumpism."
Stage two began in Recent York Metropolis, where crowds had been sparse. Cyclists rode for 123 miles thru Recent Jersey and completed in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
A guard stands outdoor of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Long island on August 24, 2018 in Recent York Metropolis.
Spencer Platt/Getty Photos
The speed's frontrunners quickly grew to change into sure.
Bicycle proprietor Eric Vanderaerden in 1988.
Nutan / Gamma-Rapho / Getty
Within the lead had been expert groups 7-Eleven and Panasonic-Isostar. Bicycle proprietor Eric Vanderaerden, who used to be segment of Panasonic-Isostar, used to be within the tip three at the tip of eight phases, at the aid of Norway's Otto Lauritzen and Netherland's Henk Lubberding.
The leisure of the speed went thru Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, before reaching Atlantic Metropolis, Recent Jersey.
Davis Phinney, arms raised in victory, crosses the form line a success the Arlington Circuit Bustle of the Tour de Trump 5/12. Phinney races for the 7-Eleven group.
Bettmann / Getty
Per Politico, these phases weren't as controversial.
The dearth of drama may perchance likely want gotten to Trump. On the tip of the ninth leg, he told a journalist it wasn't a "legendary speed in its first three hundred and sixty five days."
The final leg began and ended at the Trump Plaza Resort, in Atlantic Metropolis.
A signal marks the Trump Plaza Resort and On line casino Would possibly perchance possibly perchance simply 8, 2004 in Atlantic Metropolis, Recent Jersey.
Craig Allen / Getty
This used to be a historical region, per the Chicago Tribune, where Lyndon Johnson used to be nominated for president in 1964, and where Mississippi Freedom Democratic Event protesters as soon as camped.
Sadly, Vanderaerden's leisure proved futile.
Other folks sail down the boardwalk September 15, 2014 in Atlantic Metropolis, Recent Jersey.
Don Emmert / AFP / Getty
The final leg of the speed used to be mired in a minor controversy after he took a scandalous turn off the course whereas following one amongst the respectable motorbikes.
By the level he realized and returned to the music, it used to be too gradual.
Lauritzen, a 32-three hundred and sixty five days-used from Norway, obtained the speed.
Steve Bauer of Canada, Alexi Grewal, gold medalist and Dag Otto Lauritzen of Norway, in 1984.
Gianni Foggia / AP
He used to be awarded a $50,000 take a look at.
LeMond, who had been recuperating from a series of injuries and used to be in wretched health at the starting of the tour, did no longer form shut to the tip.
On the tip of the speed, when the closing cyclist crossed the line, speed announcer Jeff Roak mentioned "they are dancing within the streets here in Atlantic Metropolis."
A casino worker waits for the bus outdoor the Trump Plaza.
Douglas Graham/Congressional Quarterly/Getty
Nonetheless per the Chicago Tribune, no used to be dancing.
Nonetheless, Trump used to be enthused about both his name's employ and the speed's future potentialities.
Billionaire Donald Trump at news convention at the DuPont Plaza in Wilmington Delaware, promoting his "Tour de Trump" bicycle speed to be held in Would possibly perchance possibly perchance simply.
Harry Hamburg/NY Day-to-day News through Getty
He wanted the speed to be longer subsequent time.
"It can probably likely open in Recent York and exit to San Francisco, for the length of the country," he mentioned. "I in point of fact in point of fact feel that after I assign my name to something, I in point of fact prefer to assemble that something a success. My name is doubtlessly my supreme asset and I in point of fact possess some good property."
Yet he pulled out in 1990, after handsome one extra speed.
US developer Donald Trump (R) walks down Fifth Avenue past a beggar after preserving a news convention on November 16, 1990. Trump launched he had reached a deal that will temporarily force his Taj Mahal casino into monetary grief court.
Timothy A. Clary / AFP / Getty
In spite of the success that the races had, Trump reeled aid thanks to the Trump Organization's monetary disorders at the time.
The speed persisted without Trump.
Lance Armstrong leads the pack within the middle of Stage Five of the Tour DuPont in 1991.
Joe Patronite / Allsport / Getty
It used to be renamed Tour DuPont, after the DuPont family, who took over sponsorship.
Bicycle proprietor Lance Armstrong went on to eradicate it twice. Then, in 1996, it used to be canceled when DuPont Corporation pulled sponsoring.
Extra: Ingredients Politics Slideshow News President Trump
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Don’t indulge Paul Pogba, Manchester United, or he’ll end up like Alexis Sanchez
Alexis Sanchez was spoiled for too long. That has always been the problem for Manchester United . Not that they started it.
At Arsenal Sanchez was allowed to perpetuate the idea that his teammates were always to blame. He was allowed to talk – or in his case gestures – about a better game than he played. United States now make the same mistake with Paul Pogba
As soon as the season of Manchester United started as clearly as possible than Pogba had mastered his division again.
Alexis Sanchez (R) was too much spoiled in Arsenal and could always blame others
& # 39; Only time will tell – this question mark remains, & # 39; he said when asked about his future, now the domestic transfer window was closed. So much annoying. But it was Pogba & # 39; s look at his performance levels that really caught the eye. & # 39; I always give it everything, & # 39; he said. "I give the maximum every time."
Really? It didn't look that way to Chelsea. Pogba may have enjoyed a decent game, played a nice pass for the third goal and was also the architect of the fourth, but there were still times when his working speed dropped far below the stated maximum.
In the first half, for example, he made a rising run in the opposition area, and when the movement was intercepted and Chelsea broke, he slowly began to walk back to his own half.
By the time he came in, something approaching a point – never a sprint – Chelsea was 30 meters away from the United goal. Then that counterattack also ended and Pogba was in position to receive the ball and go again.
So it worked for the best and many in the stadium I would not even have noticed how he came to be in such an advantageous position. But let's not fool ourselves.
Sanchez also got away with it in Arsenal. He lived the easy life, able to move the debt somewhere else and unwilling to accept any personal responsibility, even if it was clear that his own form was submerged. Everyone saw those games, and too many fell for them.
Paul Pogba plays gigs like Sanchez in Arsenal and United must deal with it
Waving with the arms, the sulking, the bent shoulders, the tortured expression. Poor Alexis. If only he had better around him, what a player could he be. And people forgot that he was doing better in Barcelona and the way he trained was that he couldn't join the team. He certainly had it better in United.
As seen on Sunday, it is possible to get a tune from Marcus Rashford, Anthony Martial and Jesse Lingard, and Manchester United thought they had bought a world class to accompany them.
Perhaps they thought their presence would also be an inspiring challenge for younger members of the team. A player they could look up to, who would show what it took to reach the elite level.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer may not allow Pogba to follow the same path as a runner ahead Sanchez
That is why Sanchez was considered valuable. Yet he quickly brought his Arsenal attitude to United. He was a bad example for the young players, a negative in the dressing room.
Now he is encouraged to leave before the transfer window closes in Europe – but it is not surprising that no freer can pay his wages. What a disastrous transfer this has been.
It is only worth it if United learns his lesson in dealing with Pogba. He plays his performances, just like Sanchez did in Arsenal.
Celtic was not the only important name that left the Champions League in this qualifying phase this week. Port was eliminated, Basel too. And although the current champions in Portugal or Switzerland, such as Celtic, neither have benefited from long, recent periods of dominance.
Celtic has won eight Scottish titles during the turn, while Basel has won nine of the last 12 in Switzerland. Only Porto and Benfica have finished at the top in Portugal since 2001-02, with Porto winning 10 of 17.
Meanwhile, the most consistently dominant team in Europe – BATE Borisov now with a series of 13 straight Belarusian titles – didn't even get that far, eliminated in the previous qualifying round.
Celtic had it for too long and cost them in the Champions League qualification
The absence of domestic competition makes a team soft. CFR Cluj, who beat Celtic, is currently the strongest player in Romanian football with back-to-back titles, but League 1 has produced four different champions in the last five seasons.
A consistent challenge keeps a club sharp. It may also explain why Paris Saint-Germain has been unable to crack the Champions League, or why the threat of Bayern Munich has decreased since they took over the lead in Germany.
It is the culmination of irony that those who have VAR are not convinced of his wisdom, while those who do not agitate for its introduction. Jonathan Woodgate, manager of Middlesbrough, insisted that it be introduced in the championship, after a 1-0 defeat at home in Brentford on Saturday.
Meanwhile, the International Football Association Board, the game makers, is considering a number of tweaks that could be introduced after this season. These include more information for fans in the ground – which is a must – and an assessment of whether offside calls should be clear and straightforward rather than black and white.
The problem seems to be the pretension that VAR can assess the precise moment at which the ball is played forward and decide accordingly. For example, the fastest player in the Premier League is Leroy Sane with a top speed of 22 km / h. So even if we reduce that to 15 mph, it still means that a player will travel 22 feet per second.
Leroy Sane runs at 22mph … we are fooled when we think that VAR is offside at speed
And now offside is measured in matters of inches, this requires measurement events in fractions of seconds . To be two inches offside, it takes 1/75 of a second, less time than blinking. And how long does the ball stay in contact with the ball when it is kicked forward?
We are fooling ourselves when we think we can measure the precise moment of contact regarding the position of the attacker with sufficient accuracy to perfectly assess his status.
These are topics that IFAB should discuss, although it would have been thought that this would have happened before the introduction of VAR. It was hardly unforeseen.
Last week in Bournemouth, Sheffield United manager Chris Wilder sent a starting XI that consisted entirely of British and Irish players – it is the first time this has happened in three Premier League seasons.
It is also the reason why a manager is not poached as innovative as Wilder. Presidents see this domestic fixation as problematic at a time when squadrons consist of a large number of foreign players.
They mistakenly think it makes Wilder insular. Similar logic has stopped Sean Dyche in Burnley.
Jack Wilshere says he needs a few games in the Premier League to get up to speed after missing most of last season with an injury. West Ham cannot afford to wait.
By the weekend, Declan Rice did the work of two men who kept Manchester City at bay and was exhausted by the team that turned down Wilshere, with his team already 2-0 down. After that the match ran away from West Ham.
Everyone would like to see Wilshere at the height of his strength, but the fact is that West Ham was picked up only last season after his injury, with a more balanced midfield.
Wilshere has to collect another point in his five starts for West Ham, with a total score of 2-15 in those games. Manuel Pellegrini loves him, but this cannot last.
Long before the kick-off in Istanbul, the verdict arrived. Whatever happened, the appointment of Stephanie Frappart was to be considered a success. So it was no surprise to see her performance described in the review as brilliant, excellent and flawless.
Although we know she got the biggest call of the game, the penalty award to Chelsea was wrong in extra time; although Adrian stood with both feet in front when Tammy Abraham took the penalty that decided the game; although, according to the new interpretation of handball, that is certainly a penalty for Liverpool, against Andreas Christensen in the first half.
The fact that VAR did not intervene when Adrian was judged to have soiled Abraham was obediently cited as evidence was not a clear and obvious error. But that is just more apparent.
The appointment of Stephanie Frappart was considered a success long before the competition
Probably the proof was that the Frappart support team could in no way undermine it unless it was absolutely inevitable. This execution had to be seen as a flawless triumph and justification.
Frappart generally had a good game. She let the game flow, she was clear in her instructions, she is on the Ligue 1 this year and earns much more competitions than her last two seasons.
Yet experience – not gender – is important. A more experienced referee would not have fallen for Abraham & # 39; s extra-time tumble. Some would – but they are not the kind that is considered ready for major European finals.
Yet Liverpool won, Adrian became the hero and Abraham, who also stepped down slightly because he landed so cheaply, did not end up as a winner at the end of the night.
So all right, that's all right; but then it would always stay that way.
Frappart received the biggest call of the game game, the penalty award to Chelsea in extra time, wrong
Nigel Adams is a minister of sport and wants everyone to know. And nothing is as popular as a moral sermon about football, he has chosen the move of his subject Wayne Rooney to Derby, sponsored by gambling company 32Red.
& I would ask Derby County to look inside and think about the impact problem gambling can have, particularly for vulnerable people and young people, & quot; Adams said. & # 39; They have a social responsibility to be mature and mature. Football must be aware of the gambling problem. & # 39;
All this makes it sound like Derby or Rooney, and not the government of which Adams is a member, are making the gambling rules. There has been much pontification of politicians on this issue since the Rooney deal was announced, but little was said about what could simply be done to help the type of vulnerable young people who invited Adams concerns.
Nigel Adams has Derby & # 39; s signing of Wayne Rooney questioned as if they were making gambling rules
No mention was made of raising the legal gambling age, or limiting the amount that can be gambled through smartphone apps. No discussion about linking proof of funds to gambling, or limiting the bet placed in a day via a credit card.
These proposals – drastic and unpopular, especially with those who regularly bet and can afford it – would have a major impact on the profits of gambling companies, and thus on government revenues. Similarly, a ban on gambling advertisements in all forms of media would be disastrous for newspapers and broadcasters, who consider these companies to be an important stream of income.
Much easier than for Adams to make the villains older footballer and his second-class club.
Suzann Pettersen is world number 620 and has been playing two golf tournaments since November 2017. She took free time to have a baby, but in the years before she had an impact on the women's tour was declining.
Pettersen has won twice since winning the Evian Championship in 2013, the last time in 2015 at the Manulife LPGA Classic in Canada. Her most recent tournament was the Great Lakes Bay Dow Invitational, where she missed the cut.
But at 38, Pettersen is one of Captain Catriona Matthew's wildcards for next month's Solheim Cup. It says a lot to Pettersen's determination that she was included; however, it does not say much about the power of women's golf in Europe.
Chelsea is undoubtedly livid to serve a ban imposed by FIFA, only to see that Manchester City was fined £ 315,000 for similar violations around the signing of youth players. Yet this is progress.
When Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain were sanctioned by UEFA for financial fair play, their penalties were identical, although their economic violations could not have been. It was a gross, general punishment as if the clubs – or more likely their Arab owners – were all the same.
This at least makes a distinction between cases and offenses. FIFA's own rules on debt recognition have changed, which has benefited City – but there also seems to be an attempt to investigate the nuances of the two offenses, with Chelsea being judged more seriously.
This is certainly better than one-size-fits-all, or the opinion that all the new money is equally unsavory.
Tyson Fury takes on Otto Wallin, the little-known Swede, in Las Vegas on September 14.
Expect a lot of talk, a lot of antics, a lot of cries from Deontay Wilder and a fight that you wouldn't cross to watch. In other words, the usual.
view Tyson Fury talks to a good game but he's in a different fight you wouldn't cross the street to watch
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