#i may have killed someone again OOPS
mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR THINGS DONE WHILE DANCING *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
that thing you just stepped on? yeah, that was my foot.
you've never danced like this before, have you? i can tell.
you're rather good at this.
where did you learn to dance like this?
i'm sure i'm not the only one you've danced with.
i don't know what i'm doing.
just follow my lead and i'll help you.
you're a lousy dance partner.
is that your perfume i smell?
i'll be with you the whole time. follow me.
it's an honor to dance with you.
i could kiss you right now.
i never thought i'd get the chance to dance with you again.
i like to keep things spontaneous.
mind if we dance?
you clean up nice.
figured it was time i stepped in.
what were you doing, dancing with them?
i've waited my whole life for a moment like this.
if you dip me, i'll kill you.
i think the song's over.
well... that was nice.
you look lovely in that dress, by the way.
can we go again?
just put your hand on my shoulder.
i didn't know you could dance!
do you remember the last time we danced like this?
you're doing wonderfully. you look like an expert.
when's the last time i danced with you?
you deserve this, you know.
everyone's watching us.
what would you do if i kissed you?
just keep your eyes fixed on me.
ignore the staring. they'll get over it.
take hold of my hand and let me guide you.
may i have this dance?
i was hoping i'd meet you out here on the dance floor.
dance with me. don't make me go out there alone.
is this the part where we kiss?
[ cut in ] sender interrupts receiver as they dance with someone else and requests to dance with receiver, instead
[ dip ] sender dips receiver at the end of the song
[ guide ] sender places receiver's hands in the correct position for a formal dance
[ slide ] sender's hand slips down to receiver's hip as they dance
[ stumble ] sender and receiver make a mistake in their dancing and stumble over each other
[ laugh ] sender and receiver attempt to dance, but can't help themselves from crumbling into a laughing fit
[ private ] sender encourages receiver to dance with them in the privacy of their own home with no one around
[ silence ] sender and receiver start dancing without any music
[ groove ] sender and receiver perform funky, silly dances together, overexaggerating to make each other laugh
[ oops ] sender keeps stepping on receiver's feet and apologizing each time
[ almost ] sender and receiver finish their dance and stare into each other's eyes, transfixed, nearly about to kiss
[ teach ] sender gives receiver a proper lesson on how to dance
[ classes ] sender and receiver meet at a dance class
[ slow ] sender and receiver slow dance together
[ tender ] in the middle of a dance, sender reaches out to fix receiver's hair/clothes
[ interrupt ] someone tries to interrupt sender and receiver as they dance
[ forbidden ] sender and receiver are not supposed to be seen together... but they end up dancing together anyway
[ sensual ] sender and receiver participate in a sensual, romantic dance
[ cooking ] while cooking with music on, sender and receiver humorously dance around the kitchen (using utensils as microphones in the process)
[ first dance ] sender and receiver share their first dance at their wedding
[ first kiss ] in the midst of dancing together, sender and receiver finally have their first kiss
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fantasy---feels · 8 months
Living Dreams (1)
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: fluff, smut, fluffy smut, yeah mostly just smut tbh, fantasy
wordcount: 4,5k~
summary: Y/n get cheated on by her bf, with a friend of hers, which is just charming really. Luckily Jungkook, one of her best friends, is there to defend her, and maybe do something else for her too...
warnings: violence, unprotected sex (kind of?)
date: 15-01-2024
info: Initially wrote this about two of my Oc's but later felt like also adapting it to some fandoms sooo, oops? Also, since I couldn't choose there are multiple different versions of the same story, just with different main characters ^^
Jungkook squints in the dimly lit bar, scanning the room for Y/n's silhouette. There's a lot of people today for some reason and he may also be just a little bit tipsy. He must have been looking for over ten minutes at this point. Finally he spots her tall figure at the other side of the dancefloor. Somehow she seems.. upset? He can only see her back, but she looks stiff and her arms are wrapped around herself. What's going on.. Frowning, he makes his way through the crowd towards her.
He hears him before he sees him. Maron... What did that idiot do..? Once he gets closer he sees the guy yelling at Y/n, 'Are you seriously breaking up with me over this? Are you really making me the bad guy right now?!' Y/n looks at him perplexed, 'You cheated on me? And with someone I considered a friend, what made you think I'd stay with you after that?' Maron rolls his eyes sarcastically, 'As if you've been faithful the whole time.' Y/n frowns, 'I never cheated on you what are you even talking about??' Maron scowls bitterly, 'Riiight, with the way you're always staring at your "friend"? And the way you dress? Layla told me everything! Fuck off with the lies you stupid slut!'
Maron blinks in confusion. Suddenly he's looking up from the floor, and his nose... It hurts like hell. What the fuck just happened?! He slowly brings his hand up to his face. Blood.. A lot of it. His eyes shoot up to Y/n and... Jungkook. Maron scowls. Of course it's him. He immediately flinches when pain shoots through his nose, which is quite definitely broken. He glares at Jungkook from over his bloody hand, his other fist balled at his side. The look Jungkook gives him in return can only be described as one of pure disgust. He has put himself between Maron and Y/n, his arm protectively around here shoulders. 'I swear to the gods Maron, if you EVER, so much as talk to her again, or even get anywhere near her, I'm going to fucking kill you.' His voice is dangerously low and his eyes are ice cold. Maron doesn't have the slightest doubt that he actually means what he says.
'Maron!' Layla, the other girl, exclaims as she finally recovers from the shock and kneels down next to Maron, while he is still glaring at Jungkook and Y/n. Jungkook looks down at him, before grinning viciously. 'By the way, just so you know, she actually never cheated on you. Not with me, and not with anyone else either. YOU are the one who screwed it up.' He glances back at Y/n, before grinning down at Maron again. And honestly? I'm so glad that you did.' He turns to Y/n. 'I've been waiting to do this ever since she got together with you'. She blinks up at him in confusion, but he just gently puts his hand on her face, smiling softly.
When Y/n doesn't pull back, Jungkook slowly leans down, and brushes his lips against hers. In the background Maron angrily curses and splutters, while Y/n gasps softly in surprise, but still, she doesn't push Jungkook away. Instead, after a moment of hesitation she wraps her arms around his neck and lets him pull her closer.
Maron furiously glares at the two, his hand pressed over his face to try and stop the bleeding. Layla puts her hand on his arm, trying to comfort him. 'Are you okay? Just ignore them! You don't need her anymore remember? You said that you loved me more anyway, so let's just leave together.' Maron doesn't even look at her when he harshly pushes her away, making her fall to the floor. She winces, 'Maron..?' But his eyes remain glued to Y/n, who is still in Jungkook's arms. Was it true? Did she actually never cheat on him? No, right? It couldn't be. Because if it was... he curses. That would mean that he just ruined everything. No..No! He had only wanted to make her jealous; show her that she wasn't his only option, and that he could get anyone he wanted too, just like her! But what if he was actually wrong? What if he was actually the only one that fucked up?? He winces, before suddenly perking up again. But.. It was all a misunderstanding.. right? It was all just because of a misunderstanding, that's all! Then maybe... He looks up at Y/n. But she isn't looking at him. In fact, she isn't looking at anything. She's still in HIS arms, letting HIM kiss her.
Maron scowls as a deep fury boils up in his stomach. How dare that bastard touch her?! Clumsily he pushes himself up from the floor, which is difficult with only one free hand. But before he can even try to pull the pair apart, a weight suddenly hangs from his free arm. When he whips his head around to glare at the interruption, he comes face to face with a crying, screeching Layla. 'What are you doing?? Why are you still looking at her?! You said you wanted to be with ME!!' Maron glares at her with disgust. 'Let go of me you bitch.' Layla's eyes go wide. 'What..? You said you loved me!!' He just scowls as he throws her off. 'Why would I ever love someone like you when I can have someone like Y/n? Don't be ridiculous.' When he turns away from the shocked, crying girl, he suddenly comes face to face with the person in question, who was finally shook awake by the commotion. Her face is flushed and her lips are slightly swollen, her eyes a bit hazy.
'Y/n!' He takes a step towards her, but is blocked by Jungkook's arm. 'Did you already forget what I said?', the guy almost growls at him. Maron glares at him. 'Stay out of this! This is only between me and my girlfrien-' 'EX. Girlfriend.' Jungkook interrupts him with a smirk. Maron's face distorts with anger and he almost lunges at Jungkook when Y/n snaps at them. 'Stop that.' He turns towards her with a hopeful expression, but it falls the moment their eyes meet. Empty.. She doesn't care.. Maron winces. 'Y/n! Listen! Please let me explain! I don't care about her! I just did it because you-'
Stunned, Maron slowly brings his other hand to his cheek, where Y/n just slapped him across the face. '...Y/n?' She looks at him with an emotionless expression, before looking over at Layla, still crying on the floor. 'I hope the two of you stay together for a long time.' Then she turns around and takes Jungkook's hand. 'Let's go.' He smirks and happily lets her pull him with her. 'WAIT! Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH HIM?!' Y/n halts and looks back at Maron with cold eyes. 'Now that we're done, I can finally go and do all the things that you accused me of. Not that it is any of your business anymore.' The guy looks at her with a stunned expression. 'What.. No.. I mean, no.. I was wrong.. I'm.. I'm sorry! Please just give me one more chance! I promise I'll trust you this time! And I will never hurt you again!' Y/n chuckles sarcastically and raises an eyebrow at him. 'Hurt me? Marlon, you could never hurt me even if you wanted to. Good luck together.' Then she turns around and walks out, pulling Jungkook along.
The moment they're outside Y/n suddenly feels herself being pulled back, until she is flush against Jungkook's chest. Only then does it start to dawn on her what just happened. Her eyes go wide and her face flushes a deep red. 'Jungkook, was that.. Did you actually mean that or did you just say it to-' Jungkook immediately shakes his head. 'I meant it.' He frowns to himself. 'You have no idea how miserable I've been the past few months.' Y/n stares at him in shock. 'Why didn't you..' Jungkook, chuckles dryly. 'You were with him. And... I was scared.' He pouts, before sighing and pulling her closer against him, letting his chin rest on her hair. 'I wish he screwed up sooner...' Y/n huffs in disbelief. 'I can't believe you.'
After staying like that for a while Jungkook leans down and whispers in her ear: 'Let's go home.' Y/n looks up at him in surprise before nodding slowly and letting him pull her away. On the way home Jungkook can't seem to keep his hands off her and he keeps pressing small kisses to her hand, her temple, her face... With every featherlight touch of his lips her heart races faster and her cheeks flush brighter. How in the world did this happen? How did she never realise how he felt? That he felt the same way she did...
Jungkook pulls her to a halt one turn away from the house. 'Y/n...' When she looks up at him, his pupils are blown wide, and he is staring down at her lips. Swallowing deeply she lets him push her backwards, until her back is pressed against the wall. 'Gods, you have no idea how many times I've thought about doing this.' Jungkook's rough voice, combined with the soft touch of his hands on her hips sends a shiver down her spine. 'Doing.. what?' She looks up at him through a haze while her voice is barely more than a whisper. Jungkook's eyes are dark with desire when he lets his right hand trail up her side, over her ribs, along her chest, her neck, until finally, he rests his fingers under her chin.
'I'm sorry for not asking this before, but.. Can I kiss you?' Y/n swallows before nodding slowly. His touch is gentle when he tilts her face up to meet him. His lips are rough, but soft at the same time and Y/n sighs into the kiss when Jungkook pulls her closer. He weaves his fingers through her hair and lightly tugs on it, tilting her head further back and giving him better access to her mouth. Y/n's surprised moan sends a shiver straight to his stomach and Jungkook's left hand tightens on her hip.
Y/n pushes her body closer to his and Jungkook groans in frustration. 'Gods.. You have no idea what you're doing to me.' He reaches down and before she can react Y/n is sitting in his arms, her back against the wall and his hips pressed between her legs. Y/n gasps and Jungkook stares at her hungrily. 'Fuck, I can't believe I get to hold you like this.' His eyes roam her face, her body and her hips, where she is pressed against him. Y/n flushes 'I'm just surprised that you can carry me at all. I'm too tall and too heavy for most guys.' Jungkook blinks at her confused. 'What? Seriously? Why would you date weaklings...'
Jungkook's voice trails off when his focus shifts back to the feeling of her against his body. Groaning he leans in to kiss her, his hands pulling her hips tight against him, the action causing him to inadvertently grind himself into her. Y/n loudly moans into his mouth when the feeling takes her by surprise and Jungkook freezes. He puts his forehead against hers and presses his eyes shut. 'I must be going crazy.. If you want me to stop, please tell me right now.' Y/n shakes her head, confused. 'I don't want to stop.' Jungkook looks up at her. 'I'm serious Y/n. If you don't tell me now, I don't think I'll be able to stop anymore.'
Then he leans back and pulls his shirt over his head before leaning back down. Y/n let's her hand glide over his chest, nervously at first, softly. Jungkook takes her hand in his and presses it to his body. 'It's fine, I wont break.' Y/n blushes, but let's her hands travel all over his chest and then his back and his stomach, which has him closing his eyes. Her hands reach his belt and she looks up at him uncertainly. He nods and gets up to undo his pants. When they fall to the ground Y/n looks at him in wonder. 'Can I..?' He nods and lays down next to her. Y/n hesitantly goes to sit over his legs and slowly let's her hands explore his body. He has his eyes pressed closed and one arm is draped over his face, while the other hand is holding onto one of her legs, slightly clenching any time she finds a sensitive spot. Her hands are torturously slow, but when she finally gets close to touching his dick, he can't stand it anymore. His hand shoots out to grab hers and her eyes meet his. He looks at her hungrily as he pulls her in for a kiss. 'Can I see you too?' Y/n flushes bright red but nods and sits back. He sits up with her and pulls her closer, till she's sitting in his lap. He let's his hands travel down her arms, while first kissing her lips, then her jaw, and then the crook of her neck, making her shiver in his arms. He slowly moves his hands to the back of her dress, halting as he finds the zipper. He looks at her and whispers,' Is this okay?' She nods, still flushed, and shivers as he pulls down the zipper, baring her back. He gently pulls the dress down her arms and chest before letting it pool at her waist. He looks at her in stunned silence. She blushes brightly under his staring and moves her arms up to cover herself. His hands shoot up to stop her. He let's them glide down her arms to her hands which he moves back down to her sides, 'Please don't. '
Y/n shakes her head and takes his face in her hands, her face flushed. 'Please don't stop.' Jungkook groans deep in his throat. 'Fuck.' Then he pulls her back into a kiss before lifting her in his arms, and away from the wall, which makes her squeal in surprise. But he just adjusts her, tells her to hold on, and jumps. Y/n shrieks and clamps onto him, but a moment later they land on the roof of the house. He lets her down gently before opening his window and jumping inside.
After catching her Jungkook carries Y/n over to the bed. Gently setting her down, he breathes in deeply, trying to calm himself. He presses his forehead against hers as her leans over her. 'Are you sure?' Y/n nods and pulls him in for a kiss. 'Please?' He groans into her mouth, 'Y/n... You're going to ruin me.'
Then, he carefully cradles her waist and, for a moment, just stares at his hands on her skin. He still can't believe that he's finally holding her. His touch feels gentle, in spite of the size and roughness of his hands and Y/n shivers. He slowly let's his hand travel up, over her stomach and her ribs. When he gets to her breasts he stops and hesitates. Y/n brings her hand up to one of his, and gently puts it on her. 'I won't break either', she whispers. He let's her guide him to gently cup her breast, before taking a deep breath and letting his head rest on her shoulder. 'I can't believe I'm touching you...' He chuckles dryly, 'You have no idea how many times I've dreamed about doing this.' He kisses her shoulder, while carefully kneading her breast. When he feels her react, he softly sucks on the same spot, making her moan inadvertently. The sound makes him groan in frustration and he moves his hands to her waist.
He picks her up and lays her on the bed, before pulling her dress down the rest of the way, leaving them both in nothing but their underwear. When Y/n unconsciously tries to cover herself again under his staring, he grabs her wrists and pins her hands above her head. She blushes at the unexpected action, as well as the sudden vulnerability. He leans in to kiss her and whispers, 'Please let me look at you.' Then he lets go of her arms, which she wraps around his neck to pull him closer. He groans into her mouth and kisses her deeper.
He uses one hand to prop himself up while using the other to touch her. He let's his hand travel up her hip, her waist and finally to her breast which he gently kneads in his hand, before using his thumb to draw circles around the most sensitive part. Y/n moans into the kiss as he explores exactly what to do to her. He breaks away for a moment, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'I haven't done this before, so you have to tell me if I do something wrong.' Y/n shakes her head breathlessly from under him. 'You're perfect.'
Jungkook smiles at her softly before leaning down to kiss her again. He let's his hand travel down and with his fingers he traces the line of her panties, making her shiver against his chest. 'Can I take them off?' he whispers. Y/n nods and he leans back to gently pull them down her legs, before swallowing deeply. 'I can't believe I get to have you.'
He let's his hands run up her body, from her ankles, over her legs and her stomach, to her breasts, as he moves to lay on top of her. He softly draws cirkles on one of her breasts while tentatively taking the other one in his mouth, eliciting a surprised gasp from Y/n. When he notices her reaction he slowly start to suck and lick around her sensitive nub, feeling it get harder against his tongue. The moans are falling from Y/n's mouth as he keeps gently massaging her breast with his hand while using his mouth on her at the same time. With one last gentle lick over her nipple he let's go and moves his attention to her other breast. He is taking in all of her reactions and he loves that she can't seem to control them, as he gently licks and sucks at her skin.
When he can finally bring himself to stop, he slowly moves down her body, kissing her stomach and her waist, sucking softly on her skin, trying not to leave any marks. When he finally gets to her most sensitive place he looks up questioningly. Y/n has her face covered with her hands in embarrassment, but still nods hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly as he puts his arms around her legs, and softly places a kiss on the insde of her thigh. Then, he slowly starts kissing down the inside of her legs, all the way down untill he reaches her center. He looks up at her, his impatient eyes showing just how much he is trying to pace himself. 'Please tell me if you want me to stop, or when I'm doing something wrong.' He smiles at her before placing on last kiss on her leg. Then he leans down and licks one long stripe over her center, making her jump and cry out in surprise. When immediately after he softly sucks on her sensitive nub she moans deeply and automatically weaves her fingers through his hair. He smiles against her. 'Good to know.' Then sucks her into his mouth again and swirls his tongue around her, making her moans come out in stutters.
To get better access, he uses one hand to gently pushes her folds apart and licks long strokes in between. As he licks and sucks experimentally he greedily takes in all of her reactions and expressions. He softly starts to rub over her clit in circles with his thumb, while using his tongue to lick over and inside her entrance. Pressing his tongue against her, he groans under the combination of her taste in his mouth and her hands in his hair. Carefully he presses one of his fingers inside, while sucking her clit into his mouth. When she starts to relax around him, he adds a second finger, making her groan. He slowly starts oves in and out. She moans and reaches down to hold his hand in place. 'Curl your fingers up' she whispers, slightly out of breath. Jungkook smiles against her and does as she says while simultaneously circling her with his tongue. She starts moaning louder now, and he keeps doing exactly as she told him, curling up his fingers and rubbing the sensitive spot inside her. As he keeps licking her, and pressing his fingers into her, Y/n is getting closer and closer, until he knows she's almost there. When he feels her tighten around his fingers, he curls his fingers into her one more time and sucks on her hard. She cries out and her body trembles as she comes. He keeps slowly curling his fingers while licking her softly, working her through her orgasm, until she's pulling his head away, her hands shaking.
'How... How did you know all that?' She asks, confused and completely out of breath. 'I thought you had never done this before..' Jungkook grins at her, 'Aïsya gave me homework. One day she just handed me a whole pile of books she told me I should read.' Y/n turns bright red. 'Oh gods, that little witch!' She puts her hands over her eyes. 'I can't believe she basically trained you for me.' Jungkook chuckles while placing a kiss on the inside of her leg. 'I'm glad she did, otherwise I would have had no idea what to do.' Y/n sighs and grumbles, 'I guess I should buy her dinner sometime...' Jungkook moves up and pulls her hands away, to put a kiss on her forehead. 'Same here.'.
Then, when their eyes meet he kisses her lips and she pulls him in closer. She let's her hands run down his back and pushes at his underwear. 'I want them off...'
Jungkook flushes just barely as his eyes darken, before reaching down to take off his last piece of clothing. For a moment Y/n just stares, she had expected him to be pretty big, but not like this... He gently takes on of her hands and kisses it.' Are you still sure you want this? I understand if you want to stop now.' Y/n just shakes her head, her mouth hanging slightly open, still staring at him. Jungkook frowns, 'I don't want to hurt you.' Y/n looks up at him. 'You won't, I promise, we'll be careful.'
She slowly props herself up and reaches forward, to put her hand around him. He groans at the feeling, staring down at her touching his dick. She carefully moves her hand to stroke him and he let's his head fall back as a moan falls from his lips. 'Fuckkk, Mila..'
Her mouth waters at the sound of his voice and she slowly leans forward. He doesn't have time to realize what's happening as she licks one long stroke up his whole length, making his body shock with pleasure. But before she can continue, his hands shoot up to stop her.
He leans forward, resting his forehead on her hair and breathes in deeply, his eyes pressed shut. 'Please stop. I dont think I'll last long if you do that.' Y/n pouts, 'But you did it for me... I want to taste you.' A muscle ticks in his jaw at her words, but he shakes his head. 'Not tonight.'
He leans in to give her a quick kiss before leaning to the side to open a drawer and reach for a box of condoms. Y/n's hand stops him, and he looks at her confused. She blushes and looks down. 'I took a potion, so we can do it without.. But only if you want to of course..' She glances up at him shyly, her face flushed. Jungkook blinks at her in shock, then slowly sits back and puts a hand over his eyes while breathing in deeply. 'You're going to completely ruin me.' Then he let's his hand fall to his side and stares at her hungrily, before grabbing her face and kissing her roughly. 'You have no idea what you're doing to me.'
He let's his hands run all over her body, before ending up at her legs and gently pushing her knees apart. He groans as he looks down at her, 'I'm sorry, I don't think I can stop now.' She shakes her head at him, 'I don't want to stop.. Please put it inside me?'
He presses his eyes shut to calm down, and carefully leads his dick to rest against her entrance. They both moan at the feeling and Jungkook breathes heavy, trying to restrain himself. 'I'll try to go slow okay. ' Then he leans forward to push himself into her.
At first she is still too tight, and Y/n groans, but then his tip pushes inside and they both gasps. Jungkook groans, 'Fuck. You're so warm. So soft.' He leans over her as he tries to regain his composure. With one hand he cups her face while the other is holding her leg. 'I'm going to go a bit deeper okay?' Y/n nods silently as she takes deep breaths, trying to get used to his size.
He looks her in the eyes as he slowly starts to push in further, making sure that she's okay. Her eyes slowly start to go wide as he pushes deeper and deeper. Her mouth is slightly open and her expression is making him go crazy. He curses. 'Fuck I'm sorry.' and then suddenly he snaps his hips forward, pushing the rest of him in at once.
Y/n gasps as he fills her up completely. She moans as she is being stretched around him, it feels as if he pushed himself all the way into her stomach. Jungkook is panting above her. The feeling of her around him overwhelming. 'Fuck, fuck im so sorry, are you okay? Did I hurt you?' She wraps her arms around his neck and shakes her head against him. She wants to tell him she's fine but her voice won't come out. Jungkook buries his face in the crook of her neck and wraps his arms around his waist, accidentally pressing himself even deeper inside of her and they both groan.
He places soft kisses in her neck and under her jaw as they both wait to calm down. Y/n's breathing is heavy as her body tries to accommodate his size.
Jungkook pants as he feels her clench around him. He softly sucks on the skin in the crook of her neck and places gentle kisses on her throat. 'You're doing so good Y/n. You're doing so good taking all of me.' She moans as he readjusts himself, and he leans down to kiss her, absorbing the sound. He pushes himself up slightly, to look at her face. 'Are you okay? Does it hurt?', he frowns, a combination of concern and concentration. She shakes her head wordlessly, eyes closed tight and lips pressed together.
He rubs her face with his thumb. 'Look at me.' She opens her eyes to stare up at him, her eyes are glazed over and tears are slowly forming, dripping down her cheeks. His frown deepens and he begins to get up, but she grabs his wrist. She shakes head, 'Keep going. It doesn't hurt.' He rubs her tears away with his thumb, 'You're crying..' She smiles at him shakily, 'Just. A lot. It feels good, I promise.'
He frowns again but nods. Then lifts her hand and kisses the inside of her wrist, then her face, kissing away her tears. 'Are you sure?' She nods, and he kisses her softly, before slowly pulling back a little, and pushing back in. They both moan and he let's his forehead rest on hers. He chuckles dryly, 'Maybe it's actually me who can't handle it.' Y/n smiles slightly and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
Jungkook carefully starts moving his hips, pulling out a little and pushing back in slowly, still scared he might hurt her. She moans under him, and kisses his face when she sees his concerned expression. 'I won't break.' He closes his eyes for a moment, before slowly picking up the pace.
He brings back his arm to hook it behind her leg and push it to her chest. The new angle makes Y/n writhe under him as he continuesly hits her soft spot. Jungkook makes sure to not push his whole length in, still worried about her. Looking at her face however is making it more and more difficult for him to control himself and every time she moans or clenches around him, he unconsciously snaps his hips forward just a little bit harder.
Y/n's voice comes in a string of moans as she puts up one hand to press against the headboard behind her and one down to rub circles on her breast. Seeing her playing with herself, and moaning with his dick inside her, makes Jungkook groans deep in his chest. He leans back and takes her other leg, to also push that forward, giving him the perfect angle to slam down into her. Y/n gasps in surprise, which accidentally let's him go even deeper.
Jungkook curses, but his self control is gone and he can't keep himself from pushing his dick into her to the hilt. Y/n's eyes fall closed as tears stream down her face and nonsensical sounds spill from her lips. Jungkook groans as he looks down at where his length has completely disappeared inside her. 'God's Y/n, you're taking all of me.' He pulls out and slams his hips back against her, just to see her taking it all. 'You're so good for me. You're perfect.' He leans forward, pushing her legs further against her chest, her feet on his shoulders, and he presses even deeper. Y/n just moans deeply, her face completely fucked out, dazed.
Jungkook almost bares his teeth looking at her and pulls back to slam down into her again. Guttural moans spill from Y/n's lips as he pounds her into the mattress, both of her hands now pushing against the headboard. Jungkook can feel her walls clench around him as she starts getting closer and closer to her release.
He leans back and let's her legs of his shoulders, before reaching down and grabbing her hips, lifting them up. He slams himself back into her, the new position allowing him to pull her hips back against him, putting even more force behind his thrusts. Y/n cries out in his arms as his whole length is being slammed into her again and again. His tip hitting her womb every time he bottoms out.
Her face is a mess, with her makeup running down her face, her lipstick smeared, her eyes only half open, completely glazed over and a continuous string of senseless moans falling from her lips. Jungkook basically snarls at the sight and snaps his hips into hers even harder, till they're both almost at their breaking point.
When he can feel how close she is Jungkook leans down, covering her body with his own and puts his arms around her, keeping her still as he pounds into her. He angles his hips, so that with every thrust, he's rubbing up against her soft spot. He groans, trying to control himself at least long enough to make her come before him.
Y/n's moans are deep and guttural as he keeps slamming himself inside her, rubbing her insides and bruising her cervix. Suddenly her orgasm washes over her and she cries out as she wraps her arms around Jungkook's neck, pulling him completely against, and inside of her.
Jungkook moans into her shoulder as she clenches around him and digs her nails into his shoulders. He wants to keep fucking into her, but he knows that he shouldn't. Her body is trembling against him and he can feel her walls pulsing. It feels like her inside are basically sucking him in and he softly bites her shoulder, trying to restrain himself.
'Jungkook?', Y/n's voice is soft and a bit hoarse, and the sound of it destroys all of his resolve. He groans against her neck as he slams himself all the way back into her, pulling a gasp from her already exhausted throat. 'Sorry', he rasps against her skin, as he pounds into her over-sensitive pussy, deep and hard, making her cry out as she wraps her arms around him even tighter.
He groans as he feels himself get closer and closer, his thrusts becoming faster and more erratic. 'FUCK. Fuck Y/n. Can I come inside you?' She doesn't have the voice to respond and just nods against his shoulder as her nails dig into his back, the overstimulation slowly turning back into pleasure.
Jungkook curses as he angles his hips to hit her even deeper, their breathing growing louder and louder. With another deep thrust Y/n cries out against him, her voice breaking as he forces her through another orgasm. Her walls tightening also finally pushes Jungkook over the edge and with a few last hard thrusts he presses himself into her as deep as he can, before coming undone.
They stay like that for at least ten minutes, panting against each other's skin, their bodies pressed together, her walls stills pulsing around him. When his breathing has finally calmed down a bit, Jungkook moves to get up but Y/n wraps her legs around him and pulls him back. 'Stay like this for a bit, you're so warm...' Her eyes are closed and her whole body is trembling slightly from exhaustion. Jungkook smiles at her softly and presses gentle kisses to her face. He kisses her on her eyelids, her forehead, her nose, her lips, and finally also her neck and her shoulders. She moans softly and tiredly as he softly sucks on her skin. 'I wonder if I can still walk.' Jungkook chuckles against her skin, you've survived worse things. She groans. 'Have I?' He laughs and kisses her shoulder. 'Wait here, I'll get a towel.' He carefully lifts himself of of her. 'Nooo, it's colddd', Y/n cries out in protest, her eyes still closed, but lazily lifting one hand to pull him back. He smiles and takes her hand to kiss her fingertips. 'I'll be back in a second. I'll keep you warm the rest of the night.' Y/n just groans and turns onto her side, grabbing a pillow to hold against her chest. Jungkook chuckles and covers her with the blanket. 'I'll be right back.'
Once they're cleaned up Jungkook climbs into the bed and lays against her back, wrapping his arms around her. 'Are you okay?', he whispers into her hair. Y/n grumbles in his arms and snuggles closer to him. He smiles softly and presses a kiss to her head, before pulling her close to his chest and falling asleep too.
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atzjieun · 27 days
be ok
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summary | the boys find out about jieun’s break up 
circa | may 2023
contains | 2.4k words, mostly fluff, bits of angst, non-serious murder plotting
notes | and just like that, 2ji are over 🫣
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Laboured breaths filled the room as the music came to a close, all nine members of ATEEZ freezing in their ending poses. They remained still for a few moments, holding their poses before everyone broke from position in sync. A few of the members immediately slumped to the floor, Wooyoung letting out a dramatic yell as he dropped to his knees out of exhaustion. 
“Let’s take a break,” Yunho suggested, chuckling at his member’s antics. Gratefully, some of the members moved to grab their water bottles while others opted to stay where they laid. 
All the members were excited for their upcoming comeback. Although they loved every one of their releases, there was something special about this album that told them it would be successful. Despite how busy their schedules had become, which would only grow more packed as their comeback date approached, the eagerness to meet fans again with new music was what kept the energy up. 
This comeback was especially important to Jieun, one of the few times when the youngest was able to have a large role in creating the choreography for their title track. She’d assisted in small sections of choreography before, but Jieun had been working tirelessly with their choreographers for months for this comeback, and her excitement was evident in the way she performed. 
That day, however, the usual excitement from the youngest member seemed to be absent. Jieun had always been one of the least talkative members, but she’d been quieter than usual that day and her mood didn’t seem to lift as practice went on. 
Even then, Jieun sat off to the side alone with her water bottle, blankly staring off into the distance. A few of the members had been observing the girl for the past few minutes, concern evident in their expressions.
“Jieunie?” Yunho was the first one to speak up as he approached the girl, kneeling down in front of her. She flinched, blinking rapidly as she looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Sorry- what?” 
A sympathetic smile appeared on the boy’s face as he reached over, gently ruffling her hair. 
“Everything ok, baby bird?” he asked. Jieun blinked at him blankly. “It just seems like something’s on your mind.”
She gave a small shrug, remaining quiet as her gaze slowly lowered to the ground. At that point, the other members had taken note of the situation, still occupied by their own activities but keeping an ear on the conversation. 
A minute passed with nothing but silence from the girl, though a small sigh eventually escaped her lips. 
“Me and Jisung broke up yesterday.” 
All eyes immediately turned to Jieun as they stared at her in shock. Yeosang was the first to move, walking over to the girl and taking a seat beside her, the concern evident in his expression. Without saying anything, he reached over and placed his hand on hers. She smiled gratefully before Mingi’s shocked voice broke the silence.
“You guys broke up?” he asked, dumbfounded. Jieun pressed her lips together as she nodded. 
“Alright, guys,” Wooyoung said as he jumped to his feet, clasping his hands together. “I’m going to go kill someone. Who wants to come with me?” 
“I’ll help!” Yunho immediately volunteered, raising his hand. “I could hide a body.” 
“I will too,” Jongho added. 
Wooyoung nodded toward the younger boy. “That’s good, we’ll need your grip strength for when we rip-” He cut himself off as Seonghwa sent a pointed look in his direction. “Oops, I meant, uh…” 
Rolling his eyes, the oldest ignored him and turned his attention to Jieun.
“Are you ok, Jieunie?” he asked, eyebrows raising slightly. Jieun immediately nodded, waving it off with a tight-lipped smile.  
“No yeah, don’t worry,” she said. “It’s…fine. I’ll get over it.” 
Her response only elicited more concerned looks from her members, though they remained quiet as none of them were sure how to comfort the girl. Although they were all aware of the likelihood of the two breaking up, it had never been more than a passing thought. From their perspectives, Jieun’s relationship had been going well, though it had never really been something they pressed her on. Maybe they should have, their hearts twisting at the idea of Jieun going through everything on her own. 
“Really guys, it’s fine,” Jieun said as she looked around, noticing the concern in her members' gazes. “Besides…I kinda saw it coming.” 
Their expressions morphed into curiosity as they watched her, though remained silent so the girl could collect her thoughts. Subconsciously, Jieun squeezed Yeosang’s hand just a bit tighter. 
“Everything was great in the beginning, but now that I think about it, I think that’s just because it was all new and exciting, you know? Like, puppy love.” She let out a single, humourless laugh. “But then we both got busy, couldn’t see each other as much, and we weren’t talking as much as we used to either. Even when we texted, they’d be hours in between and sometimes we’d go days without talking. So yesterday, when he asked if I could meet up to talk, I kinda already knew what was going to happen.” 
It was a little past midnight, the sun long gone and replaced with the glow of the moon. The night sky was clear, stars shining so brightly that Jieun almost forgot the reason why she had driven out to the park in the first place.
She gripped the steering wheel as she stared out into the darkness, knowing that Jisung was out there waiting for her, but she couldn’t move. Jieun knew what would happen when she walked out of that car, and a part of her wasn’t ready for what was to come. 
Her mind went back to the last time she and Jisung had spoken before he’d asked to meet like this, a short, awkward conversation after coincidentally meeting out on the streets. She would have blamed the ice between them on how they were hiding their relationship from the public, if not for the fact that many of their recent interactions had gone the same way, even when it was just the two of them. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d heard him laugh. 
Before she knew it, Jieun had unbuckled her seatbelt and pushed open the car door. She hugged her sweater close to her body as she stepped out into the parking lot and closed the door behind her. Maybe it was from the slight breeze hitting her skin, but she felt numb, her limbs moving on autopilot as she made her way down to the all-too-familiar riverside. 
As she drew closer, she could see a small figure huddled on the grass, back turned to her and staring out at the river ahead. After a moment of hesitation, Jieun stopped beside the figure and took a seat beside him. She remained quiet, following his gaze out to the water and watching each little ripple that passed. 
She wasn’t sure how long the two sat there, the silence saying more than they had in weeks. The last time they’d been there, Jieun had rested her head on his shoulder as they gazed up at the stars and pointed out constellations. They’d sat there for hours, enjoying each other’s company even as they sat in silence. 
Months later, there they were once more, though the silence this time brought them anything but comfort.  
“Jisung.” Jieun’s voice came as a low whisper, her gaze remaining straight ahead. The boy didn’t reply or make any noise in response, but she knew he was listening. “What are we doing?” 
His head lowered, almost in shame, as he took in a deep breath. 
“I don’t know,” came his reply, voice thick with emotion. “But I don’t think this is going to work.” 
Jieun closed her eyes, taking in a shaky breath as she nodded. Despite the fact that he was sitting right beside her, it felt as though he was growing further with every passing second, and she could do nothing but hug her knees to her chest. She continued staring out at the water, unable to even look in the direction of the boy she’d once spent all her time with. 
Jisung did the same, resting his arms on his knees as he mindlessly stared straight, trying to ignore the deafening silence. A part of him wished she’d disagree with him, tried to prove him wrong, but Jieun had always been one to go along without arguing. There was no changing that, not when it was something they both knew had to be done. 
“I…I should probably get going soon,” Jieun whispered. “I have schedules in a couple of hours.” 
Jisung ignored the ache in his chest as he nodded at her, managing a small “ok” as she brought herself to her feet. She turned, about to walk away when he spoke up again. “Wait, Jieun.” 
“Yeah?” She looked in his direction, the two finally making eye contact for the first time that night. The familiar warmth they’d once held for each other had long since dissipated, and Jieun found her chest hurting the longer she held his gaze. 
“Um. Can I, uh, have my sweater back?” 
Her eyebrows raised slightly as she looked down, only then noticing the sweater she’d mindlessly grabbed on her way out. He’d never come over to her dorm before, so there weren’t many things Jieun possessed that belonged to Jisung, and she was good at giving back his clothes anyways. That sweater was the only piece of clothing she had left that belonged to him. 
“Oh, yeah, of course.” Jieun quickly pulled the sweater off, leaving her in just her t-shirt and sweatpants. She stopped herself from shivering as the cold air hit her bare skin, handing the sweater back to him. “Here.” 
“Thanks,” he replied, giving a small smile that she missed as she stared at the ground. 
Jieun nodded, looking over her shoulder at her car parked a bit further uphill. A quiet sigh escaped her lips as she hugged her arms, fully turning away from him. 
“Goodbye, Jisung.” 
He nodded once more, remaining where he sat on the grass with his sweater in hand. He didn’t look back even as she began walking away. 
“Goodbye, Jieun.” 
She took a couple steps forward before stopping in her tracks, remaining frozen in place for a moment before slowly looking over her shoulder to where Jisung sat faced away from her. Her gaze lingered on the boy for a few more seconds in hopes that he’d turn back, that he’d stop her before she got too far. She waited minutes, hoping he’d stop her from leaving, but he never did. Taking a deep breath, she waited one more moment before slowly starting the journey back to her car, leaving Jisung to sit alone in the silence. 
Jieun was broken out of her thoughts as something wet hit her hand. She glanced down, noticing the single droplet of water on her skin before reaching up to her cheek, only then realizing the stray tear that had fallen. 
“Sorry,” she said with a small laugh, using her sleeve to wipe her face. “It’ll be alright. It was long overdue anyways.” Had she looked up, Jieun would’ve seen the softened expressions on her members faces as they watched their youngest member, but her head remained tilted, eyes fixated on the hem of her sleeve. 
Yunho scooted over as Hongjoong moved to kneel down in front of the girl. He studied her features for a moment before slowly reaching out and placing a hand on her knee. 
“Eun-ah, it’s ok to be sad about it,” he spoke softly. “Something nice in your life came to an end. It’s ok if it hurts.” 
She gave a small nod, eyes fixated on his hand. “It’s weird,” she admitted, chuckling slightly. “I think things fell apart a while ago, but we were just putting off what needed to happen, which was partly why we stopped talking as much. Now that we actually broke up, I don’t really feel anything?” A small frown made its way onto her face as she shrugged. “It still hurts, but I’m not, like, extremely upset about it. Maybe I’m just a heartless person.” 
Although the last part had been a half-joke, some of the members frowned at the girl. When she glanced up, she was surprised to see their expressions a mix of concern and anger. 
“Don’t say that, Eun-ah,” San scolded, his voice serious. “Everyone reacts to things differently.” 
Wooyoung nodded in agreement. “You don’t have to be fully sobbing and screaming to be upset about something.” 
“Besides, from what it sounds like, you had a long time to process everything,” Jongho pointed out. 
Her head slowly lowered as she took in a deep breath. She could feel Yeosang’s thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of her hand, keeping her focused on the present moment instead of allowing her mind to go back to the events of the night before. 
“If you want, we can end practice early,” Hongjoong suggested. “You deserve the break, Jieunie.” 
Jieun shook her head as she waved him off. “It’s ok, we don’t have to,” she said. “Besides, our comeback is so soon. We shouldn’t stop just because of me. I’m fine, I promise.” She glanced up at the leader, and upon noticing the lingering concern in his gaze, Jieun gave a reassuring nod. 
She could tell that he wasn’t fully convinced, but Hongjoong let out a small sigh and nodded as he brought himself to his feet. He extended an arm out to the girl, which she took with a smile as he helped her up. 
Yunho stood up with him, ruffling Jieun’s hair as he walked past. “Alright, let’s run it again from the beginning.” Despite the clear exhaustion in the atmosphere, everyone quickly moved into their spots as Yunho walked over to the computer to start up the song. 
Jieun smiled to herself as they started dancing, allowing herself to be lost in the music, her limbs feeling lighter as the song progressed. Although she didn’t notice, the other members would occasionally glance in her direction, their own smiles growing as they watched the girl dance with the passion and energy they’d become so accustomed to and had recently missed. 
Even if it was only for a little bit, Jieun was happy and excited again, and that was enough for them.
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taglist: @teezingsiyeon @moonkyeom
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msookyspooky · 2 months
Fours a Franchise
Part 16
wordcount: 8,613
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(Yeah, don't listen to me when I say I'll update soon; I'm a giant fuckin liar. Srry oops ♡)
   It was the next evening in Woodsboro. Barely a day after the tragedy that hit this town once again for the first time since the 90's. Dewey had to make a press statement as Sheriff and or the one in charge of the case. In a 24 hour period, on top of the killings that already took place, he had to state the victim's of this senseless brutality. 6 victims dead in the last 24 hours, 1 suspect dead and multiple injured…And 3 suspects missing.
After stating the victims names outside the hospital…He warily looked up a few times in case of…Well. In case of freaking falling corpses like what happened with YN's publicists a few short days ago. He then gave the conclusion of his speech to wrap up this chaos that seemed to never end. Anxiety biting at him. Feeling like a young boy displaying a D minus grade card in front of the whole class…
He subtly licked his lips a bit and swallowed hard as he tried to think. His mouth was incredibly dry all the sudden as he tried to force out what needed to be said to make his town feel reassured.
 “...Citizen's of Woodsboro...This was a senseless and awful tragedy. The threat is under control-”
The press yelled out mid sentence, “Sheriff Riley! But it took how many lives to get it under control? Why didn't the police act sooner?” 
Dewey fumbled, a tight expression on his face as he spoke into the mic, “Our deputies tried tirelessly and it took us longer than we expected. It's not easy trying to find someone in a mask-” 
“Why was a party allowed last night where one person was found dead?” Someone else demanded.
“He was…The victim was killed after and we…We didn't know of the party or we'd shut it down! Obviously just-” He stammered and tried to calm himself. 
Dewey was still reeling. Anytime he thought of that party; he'd forever see the dead lifeless eyes of Randy's corpse. He spaced out a moment with all the questions, all the accusations. Judy and a few others looked at him to give an answer to the overbearing crowd. 
He rolled his teeth over his bottom lip and decided to just cut the crap and say what he needed. Because this was too much. It was all too damn much. He didn't even get the courtesy of mourning Randy's death and YN's betrayal without being strong for the entire World.
He spoke up again. Ignoring the questions to cut to the chase.
“Young kids with their entire lives ahead of them died this week. Good hardworking men just trying to provide for their families. Just trying to make a life for themselves and their loved ones. All 3 very good friends of mine.” A hushed whisper sounded in the microphone as Dewey's face scrunched thinking of his two detectives and Randy. “A woman that…” He faltered, gazing at the hospital behind him and gestured with his hand. “...Whose body was thrown onto a news van right here.” 
His voice caught a bit of tense anger as he pointed his finger at the podium while speaking. “Even my own wife, Gale Riley formerly Gale Weathers, was stabbed in the shoulder last night. All of this…It…” He got tongue tied once more before taking a deep breath. A fine line between showing strength and being pitiful he had a hard time treading right now. 
All eyes on him as he could feel the heat from the lights and see his reflection in cameras. 
He looked at the crowd to let it sink in with a pause to catch his bearings. Only the mic ringing from being too close to it, sounded along with cameras clicking.
 “...As your Sheriff, I took this job under oath to make sure that 1996 never happened in this town again. It may have happened at Windsor College in Ohio or in Hollywood but not here in our quiet and peacefully small California town.” He paused, gazing at the crowd. Tired. Dark downset eyes cast heavily at all the microphones and lights. At the cameras recording his every move. His every failure. All he ever wanted was to protect the innocent and in his eyes he failed miserably.
He took a breath and took off his hat. “Which is why… I'm resigning as Sheriff. I take full responsibility for my department's failure in stopping this before it became too late. That's not on my deputies but on me. Their lives are on my hands and I can't express enough remorse.” 
Chatter erupted as so many reporters badgered to ask questions. Judy's jaw dropped. Her standing by having recovered from her vest protecting her this morning. She looked flabbergasted at his resignation as well as a few other deputies.  
He descended off the small makeshift stage near the podium. 
So many voices. A man yelling, “Sheriff Riley! Why are you resigning? Do you think your actions killed those kids?” 
“Because it's time for someone else to take over. Someone new.” Was all Dewey gave as he tried to make his way to the hospital doors. 
“Sheriff Riley! Sheriff! Can you give out the name's of the suspects and give a final statement on their identities? Are they apprehended or deceased?” A female reporter pressed as he got
“Not at this time we can't make a statement. But they are under control.” He tried shoving past as Judy and a few others forced the vulture media back. 
He heard a woman ask, “Where's YN!? Sheriff Riley, is YN alive?” 
He froze at the door…
Of course they'd ask. YN was an American icon. You couldn't see the mask without the survivor who seemed to be attacked every time. Her name is always gracing the headlines. Her book on survival was a New York Times Best Seller last year. Of course, with everyone else accounted for, they were dying to know where the IT girl was? Where was the final girl? Where was YN? 
And Dewey couldn't answer. Not right now, as he shoved through the hospital doors while Judy and a few other deputies held the media back. All before Judy ran after the man she worshiped once fully inside.
“Sheriff!” She called out, her feet thudding in the quiet hospital hallway. “Sheriff, wait-” 
Dewey stopped and turned to give her a sad smile, holding his hat in his hands. “It's just Dewey now, Deputy.”
He felt like a kicked puppy. A small child. A weak man. Standing there forcing a smile while his chest ached and he rang his hat in his hands. 
Judy spiraled. Big eyes buggier in appearance and mouth open trying to find excuses.
 “This wasn't your fault! If Gal- Mrs. Riley, had followed police protocol an-and Mr. Meeks and Miss YN would have had more faith in you and-” She rushed out in a stammer. Trying to reason with him. But his mind was made up.
“Listen…” He softly gave. His dark eyes softened as well matching his tone. “It is. Randy and…They were right. Gale was right. There were so many mistakes I made that could've saved a lot more people had I not been so darn eager to follow the books.” 
“The books are in place for a reason. They save lives.” She furiously shook her head, thin blonde brows scrunched in distress. “You can't resign! You can't; Woodsboro needs you. We need you…I need you.” 
“No.” Dewey sighed and kept that smile of resignation. “No. You don't Judy. You're one of the best officers I've had the pleasure of working with. In fact, it won't shock me if you become Sheriff one day.” 
“Sheriff…” She looked touched. “But Sheriff Riley-” 
“Ah, it's Dewey please.” He corrected her with a warm oblivious smile.
“Dewey…” She said his name with sincere fondness. Inching closer as her small stature looked up at him. “I…You were, are, the best Sheriff. The best boss. A good friend and…I can't help feeling…Well more…” 
“...More?” Dewey raised a brow. “Like family?”
“No like…Like you deserve better.” She got even closer. “Like, if you and I are apart I'd feel like the world isn't right. I care about you…I just wish Gale and others treated you the way you deserve.” She whispered just getting closer standing on her toes.
“Well, I care about you too, Judy. You're a very good friend.” He gave in a much more casual tone than she did. 
He just thought she was a bright eyed young woman looking for a big brother figure. He always thought Gale was overreacting when she got jealous. 
"Wes is…Wes admires you. He loves when you drive him around in the police car sometimes.” 
Dewey smirked, “Yeah, he's a good boy. Gonna be just like his Mom one day.” 
“But what if he could have someone more…Masculine to look up to? A man around the house. A father figure.” 
Dewey looked confused where she was going but mumbled, “Well, that would be a good idea. A boy needs his Dad and all... Well, or a Dad.” 
“Exactly…” She gazed at him in a way that it seemed his brain was finally clicking wasn't appropriate. “And what if…” She softened her voice. “That father figure could be someone he already knows?” 
She leaned up, her lips going in as Dewey looked down with a confused look.
 For the first time he was taken aback at her display. “Deputy Judy?” He gasped out and stepped away out of reflex.
Gale's voice rang out down the hall. Judy stepped back with a blush and Dewey instinctively took 2 more steps away just to be safe. 
“Gale! What are you doing?” Dewey cleared his throat and quickly asked. “You should be in bed.” He commented seeing his injured wife in fashionable attire and heels instead of a hospital gown with her injured shoulder. 
“I'm free to go. Even if I'm not, I'm not staying in a hospital just laying in bed for a shoulder wound. I can do that at home.” She waved him off.
Gale gave an annoyed look at Judy as Judy's flushed face soured at the other female. Gale raised a brow and demanded, “You mind giving me space with my husband, Deputy.” More rhetorical than an actual question.
Judy scowled before looking at Dewey, “Take care, Dewey. I'll make sure everything is in order.” 
Judy marched off and Gale raised a brow, “The hell was that?” 
“N-Nothing.” Dewey mumbled with his eyes downcast; unsure how to tell his wife he was no longer Sheriff.  Judy's odd attempt was the least of his concerns. 
“Whatever.” Gale mumbled and urgently tried to tell her husband, “Look, I just got off the phone with Karla. She said she talked to YN, so if you just track-” 
“...Gale.” Dewey tried saying but as she kept talking he sighed and subtly rolled his tense shoulders.
She continued, “- And if we get to actually talk to YN, we can find out just how involved she was and get to ‘you know who’. Both of them. I can also prove to you that-” 
“Gale.” He interrupted his wife. “I'm not Sheriff. This isn't my problem anymore.” 
At first Gale took it as a joke. Her head reeling back with that bewildered smirk before it slowly fell. “What?...Dewey, what? Whaddya mean you're not Sheriff!?” 
“Shh!” Dewey gently took her arm to go towards her room that she technically was not discharged from yet for some much needed privacy. Just a few doors away down the hall.
“Answer me, Dewey! You resigned? What the hell for?” She demanded not even all the way in the room yet.
“Because I failed, Gale.” He firmly replied. “I failed. I failed you, I failed Randy, I failed YN-” 
Gale rolled her eyes, “YN failed us.” 
Dewey didn't even argue with that. Eyes downcast with a deep frown. 
And for a hot minute. Dewey tried not to be too emotional near her today but he knew that his wife knew how much your betrayal killed him. In fact, this morning he went and sobbed violently in his police cruiser after staring numbly at the parking lot. Crying as much as he did when Tatum died. In a way, losing you was like losing another sister. He wasn't as close to you as Tatum, God no. Of course not. He didn't help raise you like he did her but damn…Did it still hurt.
She sighed, trying to find patience.
“...Dewey. I just think you're jumping the gun.” She looked about and gave a hissed whisper, “For fucksake. Billy Loomis and Stu Macher are alive and free. YN knew they were and is with them somewhere. Even if she isn't helping them, then she's in danger. This is not the time to hang up the badge!” 
“Well it is for me.” He walked away from her to stand near the bed. “...I can't do it, Gale. It's gonna be hard to face anyone. To face Karla and Mindy and Chad and my Detective and Deputies family's…Jill.” 
“Pfft.” Gale blew air past her lips with an eye roll. 
Dewey raised his head, confused and offended. “What?” 
“...Doesn't make sense.” 
 “I know but we'll catch them. I shouldn't have let them go. I failed-” 
“No, damn it!... Jill.” Gale lowered her voice.
Dewey looked bewildered, “What about Jill?” 
Gale looked about, then whispered. “Let's just say, I don't think YN is telling the full story and neither is Jill Roberts.”
“Excuse me??” Dewey looked at his wife like she was crazy! Sweet Jill? What could she possibly be hiding? 
“She's lying, Dewey.” She reaffirmed. “They're both lying about different things…But just because YN was lying her ass off does not mean she was lying about Jill. Broken clock is right twice a day and all that.”
“Oh Gale! Are you seriously after another scoop? What? Like YN all over again. Going after a girl so much younger-” 
“And I was right about YN, wasn't I?!” Gale sauntered towards him angrily, “I have been in this line of work longer than you've been on the force, I was doing this when you were hitting puberty, and I can smell bullshit a mile away…Jill is a fucking liar.”
Dewey stuttered with an outraged glare, “That's!-... It's...Prove it, then. What makes you think Jill who was never even on Randy's suspect list could do something so awful.” He folded his arms raising a brow to try and look smug and sure of himself but it wasn't working very well.
She pointed to her phone in her notes app. “Times are not adding up, Dewey. How convenient Jill went to Kirby's when her Mom was murdered.” 
 “I can't believe you right now, that-” 
She glared at him with those icy blue eyes a foot from him. “Listen to me, damn it.” She practically growled through gritted teeth. “Jill called Kirby less than an hour before Kirby left her house; right? Kirby goes to the party for roughly 2 hours before Randy gets killed and the party is over. Jill is supposed to be grounded. She goes to Kirby's while Mrs. Roberts is murdered in front of Judy AFTER Perkins and Hoss are killed.” 
Dewey's expression soured at the thought. “Yeah, after Judy drops off YN, confiscates her gun and YN drove off during Mrs. Roberts murder…Guilt and evading probably. Especially if her buddies did it and…Randy.” He couldn't say their names without raging. Just couldn't.
Gale snapped her fingers. “Hey, you're not focusing on the right thing.” She pointed to her screen, “Look at the time frame…Where the fuck was Jill?” 
“She went to Kirby's.” 
“... When? Because if the timeline matches up; Kirby was still at the party when Perkins and Hoss were murdered. According to Jill; Kirby opened the door for her…Now, how the fuck is that possible unless Jill was at the house way sooner than she claims?” 
“A key?” 
Gale gave her husband a look, “Then that mean she's lyyyiinnggg.” She mocked with a ‘duh' expression. She urgently continued, “Kirby could not have opened the door for her AND her avoid the murders unless she was there for a long time. Mrs. Robert's acted like Jill was in her room…So how do we know she wasn't still at home? Now, if she was hiding from the killer, Judy and back up would've found her. She would've ran to them for help. She wouldn't have casually went to her fucking friends house near midnight after cops were killed and there was no way she could've drove by and not seen Perkins body…Unless…She was hiding from cops and fleeing the scene after she slit her own Mother's throat.” 
“Jesus Christ, Gale!” Dewey scoffed and paced the room, “That's insane! Do you even hear yourself? Are you…Are you suggesting Jill did this? Not Billy and Stu or Charlie but Jill?? That she killed her own mother!?” 
“Be quieter, would you?...Why not?” Gale demanded. She lowered her voice, almost pleading with him. “Dewey, you know as well as I do we both don't trust YN after last night. Okay? No shit. We don't. But YN's times add up against the killer unless she really was working with those guys…Okay, give you that. Or they did recruit Charlie. Fine, got it…But eyewitnesses saw Jill and Charlie getting hot and heavy near a park while she was supposed to be on again and off again with Trevor.” 
“How do you even know that?? And that's a breach of privacy on a teen girl's romantic life!” 
Gale shrugged the best she could with one shoulder, “I have my sources. It's teens; they talk. Besides, there is no privacy when you could be making out with a murderer…Charlie seemed to have a giant crush on Kirby but how convenient Trevor, Jill's ex, got by far the worst end of the shitty stick.” 
He grimaced, “...Like James in 1996.” 
“Uh huh.” Gale agreed. “We get it. They were recreating kills. But…Why James? Jealousy? From who? Charlie?...Jill? Why was Trevor assigned James' role? All roles add up so why him?” 
Dewey raised a brow. “To…Well…He was Jill's boyfriend? But…” 
“Yeah. Jill was the survivor…How would they know that?” 
Dewey stared. 
“Not only did Jill hold animosity towards him for cheating according to everyone but one of the girls first killed was supposedly his fling…And most of all…The implication."
Gale grinned in excitement at him, "Jill was always meant to be YN! Not Kirby or YN herself. Jill. Jill survived because she was planning to fucking survive! Why the flying fucking Hell would she be spared by Billy and Stu?” 
“But she was barely conscious when we arrived on scene!” Dewey's head was spinning but he just couldn't quite believe what his wife was suggesting. It was diabolical! “S-she wasn't. They tried to kill her here in the hospital…” He quietly mumbled. His brain went in a direction he didn't like.
Gale ranted, “All their friend group, and somehow, in a house with two known murderers Jill got the least amount of damage other than YN and Kirby. We can't even count that because they got life threatening injuries while Jill and I got stabbed in the shoulder and roughed up…Why? To keep me alive to write a story and her too. Jill got banged up but nothing serious. Nothing that would kill her.” 
“But!...I-” He went to talk but faltered.
“Charlie got stabbed only one time directly in the chest. In a relaxed position to stab his heart. People fighting don't get stabbed like that! Dewey, you're an officer, you know that in order for Charlie to get that stab wound he had to be relaxed. Like…It was planned and either he let them stab him or he was betrayed and relaxed.”
Dewey opened and closed his mouth. Damn, he knew his wife got to the pit of a story but lord this was…
”Gale, then…Then that just means Billy and Stu betrayed their protégé! Right?...Right!?” He desperately pleaded, not wanting to go where Gale's mind was heading because it felt so far fetched to him.
Gale gnawed at her lip. She walked about the room a moment before lowering her voice and mumbling out. “I know it sounds insane but think about it. YN and those two assholes got just about hacked up yet they were the murderers? No fucking way knowing what we know; how did Jill fight off 3 people as a victim? 2 grown men and a grown woman with self defense training. If Jill was unarmed; How? How does a 5'2 teen girl with no weapon fight 2 grown men that were trying to kill her and they supposedly had knives and a gun?…There's no goddamn way, Dewey!” Gale smacked her phone on the bed getting riled up just talking about this.
Dewey swallowed and couldn't exactly come up with an argument.
Gale just paced the room, her heels clacking as she continued. “YN was miraculous enough to keep surviving these attacks over the years UNLESS…” Her face lit up in realization. “Son of a bitch…Unless she had help all these years. Oh my fucking God. I knew it! James and Tim. They don't fucking exist, they're just aliases for Billy and Stu. Windsor I saw them and fucking knew it, god damn it, I did! I bet they were in Hollywood too. It's how she survived two huge men attacking her.” Gale ranted in harsh whispers; almost elated as her brain was piecing things together perfectly to her.
Dewey had the picture of YN and them. Men that were strangers but now he realized was evidence of Billy and Stu. A lie he kept from his wife he didn't dare share now. He ran a hand over his face…It was too much. It was all speculation. It was…It was crazy! YN and Billy and Stu were what?? The victims? And Jill killed her own mother?! 
He replayed it…Billy and Stu not being the murderers this time. You lying is a misunderstanding for hiding them. Charlie and Jill being the real killers…Jill. Killing all her friends. Her own mother. Trying to kill YN alone it just-
Gale scoffed with a sneer, “No??” 
“No. There's no way! No way Jill is in any way involved.” 
 “Are you joking?” Gale put her hand of her good arm on her hip, wincing when she moved. “Okay, but why would Jill know where I was stabbed when we hadn't seen each other or talked?...How Dewey? Explain that.” 
Dewey shook his head at the idea that the sweet teen girl he already felt protective over could do this instead of two known murderers. And YN, who he couldn't trust now. Gale just looked more irritated at his dismissal as she continued.
“Why the fuck was she visiting YN at 4:32 in the morning in fucking ICU, Dewey!? Seriously. They aren't that close and Jill was supposed to be just so weak and heavily injured. Get a goddamn grip!” 
“So what?” He threw his hands out. “You're defending YN now after all these years of damning her? All these years of being so-so…So…Hateful to her and now you're changing your tune?!” He spoke a bit louder than necessary and stammered his accusations.
Gale argued with a haughty look. “No…Maybe!” She released a frustrated groan. “I damned her for lying, which I was right, but I am a facts and getting the truth out sort of journalist before anything else and Jill's story has so many holes it's like a screen door! YN was yelling at us, begging us this morning to listen to her side-” 
“And why should we!?” Dewey uncharacteristically lost his temper as Gale blinked in surprise. “She lied to us, Gale! She lied for over a decade! Made you look like a bad journalist, knew my sister's murderers were alive, defended them last night!” He was overstimulated, heartbroken, stressed, bombarded with too much information.
Gale rubbed her temple as a tense silence fell over the couple in the empty hospital room. She sucked air through her nose and told him. “Look…I am not team YN right now either. She lied, I was right. As usual…But that's even more of a reason to listen to me when I say Jill is not normal and we need to wrangle YN in for questioning and capture Billy and Stu in the process. Something is beyond off about her and her phony sweet American pie bullshit act.” 
“You're being so…You!” He exclaimed.
“And what the hell does that mean?” 
Dewey paced and the tension just gave way. “You! You always do this. You care more about your career and the next big revolutionary story to put your name in lights than you do people's privacy and feelings. YN, no matter what, made her damn choice and frankly I don't want to arrest her. I don't because I still care about her even though I never want to see her again! That's my weakness, my EMPATHY, something you don't have!” 
Gale reeled back a moment. Blinking in shock at her husband's harsh words. 
Dewey gripped his hair, his mental state just about having had enough the last few days as he didn't care about his volume. “I can't do this anymore! It's why I'm resigning this coming week. I want those two in prison but I am not hunting them down for the rest of my life. Whatever happens to YN? She dug her own grave with them and it HURTS! I can't make these decisions anymore! I can't. It's why I'm done chasing after masked killers and trying to do the right thing because it's tiring trying to be good but apparently not for you because you're eager to hound a 17 year old girl that lost everything and question if she killed her own mother and friends like a heartless person!” 
After his fit…A tense silence fell over them. Gale eyed him with mistrustful eyes. Dewey didn't mean to lash out. In fact, his heart ached just seeing the hurt look in Gale's eyes before her usual iron wall came up as a disguise to protect herself.
“Gale, honey I-” 
“Don't.” She gave in a firm gravely tone. She grabbed her phone and purse he had brought her from her car last night before surgery. He wanted to take her bag, to chastise her for possibly hurting herself with her shoulder but one icy glare from her and he shrank into himself.
She stopped short of the hospital room door to tell him. “I may have my habits but so do you. You did it 15 years ago with YN and now that YN is gone; you're doing it again with this girl because you have to have someone to shelter from the guilt of not saving your sister…You are a good man, Dewey! An amazing man. Too good of one that you can't see when someone is clearly lying. All because of this fucked up misplaced guilt for Tatum and trusting people.” 
Dewey stiffened. Not sure if he should be taken aback, angry or hurt at that statement. Gale was like this. She went for the jugular when hurt but that didn't make it okay in his eyes to bring up Tatum.
She was almost out the door but turned back to add one more thing. “And by the way!…The killer recorded everything; so check the harddrive on the new final girls fucking phone and see how innocent she is!” 
Gale released an annoyed growl in her throat like a frustrated groan as she slammed the door and walked out. 
Dewey stood there a moment…A tense moment that he sighed, then paced, then quickly wiped tears away with his sleeve and a sniff as they threatened to spring up. He hadn't even slept the last 24 hours and he was overwhelmed. Of all the times he needed his wife, it was now, and…He didn't know if he just scared her away or she was just that honed in on this case. He should be too. But he felt so damn…Weak. Powerless. Helpless.
“...The Barney Fife of Woodsboro.” He bitterly mumbled to himself. Gale's old words hurt him deeper than she knew. And she never truly apologized or truly ever told him he was good at his job. She praised his character but rarely his job as a cop only when she had to to make amends. Maybe…Because he wasn't?
He sighed heavily, a pang of heartache in his chest at having no one really. His parents were too old to put this on them, Tatum was gone, Sidney was gone, Randy was gone…Now you were gone with the people that did this. He refused to believe they didn't after 1996. And now his wife might as well be gone right now too and Judy was…Not the person to turn to after what she just tried in the hallway.
Dewey decided to visit the one person left even if they were now lingering in his mind as a falsehood.
Jill had to go into surgery again to examine and to stitch up the stab wound in her abdomen and back. To think…Billy Loomis did that. Billy Loomis. 
Dewey should be happy. His wife lived and was healing even if they just argued; at least he could argue with her. Jill lived to tell her tale. Instead, he hadn't felt this low in 15 long years. Not since Fall of 1996…
He headed to Jill's room. Hanging his head as he slowly entered the room. Making sure he looked presentable. He gazed at her and it made a pang of hurt form in his chest and disbelief in his mind…YN…YN, the girl he protected. YN, the woman he saw like a sister. YN the girl who lived…Tried to kill the innocent teenage girl with the help of Billy Loomis and Stu Macher…
He didn't care what Gale said. All this time, you lied. You lied and hid them. The guys that murdered his younger sister and her best friend and all those years Dewey and Randy both said ‘No! No no no, YN would never do that!’. Him and Gale even broke up over her and you twice, once in 1997 then again when Gale went Court back in the 2000's and how hateful she had been towards you. A girl barely a woman with the whole world out to get her. 
To think Gale was right all along. YN was a snake. All Dewey did was cry or go numb over this…And the idea you might have killed Randy or helped? You helped Billy and Stu kill Randy? It made him sick. Sick to his stomach; sick with himself for letting you and those two monsters get away. 
Gale's rant kept replaying in his head…What if…What if YN and those two were innocent this time? But that was insane. 
“Hey Dewey.” Jill gave in her usual sweet disposition. It made him feel guilt. “So…Any news of catching them?” She pleasantly asked so innocently.
He shook his head, “Sorry Jill. Not yet.” He sat in a chair next to her hospital bed and took off his hat with a heavy sigh. “I am…So so sorry. I failed, I-” 
Jill gave a forced sad smile. Shaking her head she softly said, “Don't. You didn't know. I mean, who would ever think of my cousin's best friend. I mean, Billy and Stu and recruiting a guy like Charlie. Do you think YN was forced? Like, I don't know, Blackmailed? Like, if she didn't do this; they'd kill her or more people she cared about?” 
Dewey looked up at the 17 year old. A glimmer of hope in his brown eyes as he tried and failed to hide how vulnerable he was right now. “I…I don't know.” He stared and thought. “Do you think so?” 
It wouldn't excuse anything but it was better than you willfully killing Randy and those kids. 
Jill smiled real big then quickly covered her mouth to hide it. 
“Maybe?” Jill shrugged. “I know she attacked me when I went to visit her but Billy REALLY attacked me. Maybe she thought I was them?” She pouted and showed her stitches under her gown. “I just want to find her and talk to her and know why? Why would she do this? If she was forced; we can help her.” 
Dewey looked hopeful and for the first time in 24 hours had a small smile. He stood and patted Jill's knee. “You're a good kid. Just get some rest okay? Leave all these questions to us. Need anything?” 
She smiled and shook her head. “No, not at all. I'm just sorry I tried to grab your gun-” She fidgeted with her blanket and grimaced in that sweet voice. “I just, wasn't feeling myself and was so upset my friends' murderers might get away.” Her eyebrows went up and she looked gutted but no tears in her eyes. Such a strong kid.
“Oh Jill.” He shook his head. “It's alright. I even thought…Well…Who can prepare for something like that? And I have almost 20 years of police training under my belt.” He went to shut her door. “You're forgiven, just get some rest.” 
She smiled as he shut her door and it just left a whirlwind of emotions in him. A part of him wanted to find you if you did in fact do all this against your will. If you were brainwashed or they had something on you that if they died someone you cared for got hurt…But if you actually did this on your own; he didn't want to find you. It hurts entirely too much even if justice should prevail.
He saw a huge grin on Jill's face in a reflection on the door…She must just be happy he stopped by.
Later that night, Somewhere in California away from Woodsboro. You stood on a murderers porch in the dark hanging your head over the railing.
Fuck. Everything.
You were sore, physically drained, mentally drained. And you talking to Billy made everything worse.
You sighed heavily, rubbing your face. It had been such a long day, why the hell did you get on this subject? Yeah, it felt major. Billy Loomis told you you were his and comforted you while holding your hand after being stabbed. All while he came back to rescue you AND the letter that has been eating a hole in your pocket for days now. Pretty unavoidable unsaid context here…But this felt like the worst timing by his reaction alone.
You sighed again and tried to untense your shoulders before heading back inside. Still had a dried-blood, icky hospital gown on and a jacket. You were cold, tired, thinking maybe the pill was wearing off with how sore you felt. Your joints were so stiff and skin so bruised you felt like every step was an 80 year old woman not one at 32. You just wanted to go back to sleep on Billy's frumpy couch in some comfy clothes. Maybe the recliner with tape on the arm would be better? You were tempted to nap with Stu but he was acting…Odd. And if he touched you, you were in no position to fight him off right now.
With a heavy heart and head; you dragged yourself back inside. Not eager to be near either of these men at this point. Billy pretty much tore what teeny tiny sliver of hope you had in your heart for him even if it felt stupid to begin with and Stu was not acting right in the head. But what choice did you have? Can't go to Woodsboro, and in case the cops were hunting you, you couldn't go to a family member's house or your cabin either.
You walked in. Shut and lock the door. Shrugged off your jacket with a grunt to lay it with Billy's other jackets on an old rickety chair. Billy was nowhere to be found and Stu was sleeping last you heard.
You went to sit in the recliner for just a moment.  Every movement made you fatigued. Easing in with a grimace as you white knuckled the arm of the chair in your grip. God, everything hurts! It probably would for a while. You were still leery of the fact Jill could've punctured an organ or opened a stitch in your fight especially since you had only eaten a tiny bit and didn't have a bowel movement yet…You were fearful of the pain of that potentially or what to do if you did need to go to the hospital.
You eased back and tried to relax in the armchair. Closing your eyes for just a second before feeling someone near you…
…Your brow twitched at that uncanny feeling of eyes on you…
You opened them and in a flash Stu smacked his hands on either side of the arms of the chair. Essentially trapping you there as you gasped loudly. Nearly jolting in fear at the surprise.
“Stu, what the hell are you doing-”
“I know.” Was all he gave with a dark look in his blue eyes. A predatory look that reminded you way too much of that raining night at your house or him at that party at Windsor or even him holding your own gun at that motel.
“Know…What?” You whispered as you started feeling anxiety grip you. Easing back into the chair as he got closer, inches from your face.
“Don't play dumb, Sweetcheeks.” He smiled a humorless grin. “I heard everything you had to say to him on that porch just now…You two holding hands and you calling out to him, you and him bonding over your little book which I'm sure his character had a bigger role than my character if my character was even in it. The letter…Where's the letter, babe? I wanna read it.” 
“Stu, just…Let me up” You swallowed.
He gave with that dangerous smile, a dark expression as his voice dropped an octave and he got closer to you. “I really wanna read it.” 
“B-” Your voice caught in your throat out of fear and you yelled for the only other hope you had. “Billy!!” 
“That's right, call for Billy. Billy to the fucking rescue. Billy the guy always picked first! Billy the man!” Stu lost his temper and shoved a bunch of shit off an end table and you couldn't help the wince and gasp before you tried to get up and get away and he stopped you. “Uh uh! You aren't going anywhere!” 
You stared up at him with big eyes, “Stu…Just calm down. Let me go.” 
“Oh yeah, tell me to calm down. Tell me, baby. That always works.” He giggled out with a lopsided evil little grin.
“Stu, please-” 
He smacked the chairs arms, “HOW LONG!?” His emotions are absolutely random and chaotic. The jealous rage in Stu was nothing to be trifled with. You didn't owe him anything but you knew in his mind you did. 
“Stu, I don't know what you think but me and Billy are not in some secret relationship or hiding anything-” 
“WE AREN'T!” You frantically yelled back pinned against that chair before. “Stu, you're scaring me. Please.” 
He smirked but no mirth was in his eyes.
Billy came out of the bathroom and you heard him going towards Stu but to your shock, Stu was that pissed. That enraged at you both. That much past turmoil bubbling to the surface. That it seemed letting Billy man handle him all those years finally exploded. You hated it but the sound felt like it didn't come from you as a shrill gasp ripped past your lips as Stu punched Billy across the face before he could lay a hand on him to get him away from you. 
Stu went to swing on him again while Billy was down, going to straddle him to beat him god knows how many times. You yelled at him, “Stop it! Damn it, stop it right now!” as it fell on deaf ears and both him and Billy were trying to hit each other even in their injured states. You went to grab Stu by the shoulder and he shoved you back before a pained yelp came from you at your stitches and you collided against the chair. Damn…It hurts. You held back, not wanting them to do this but also not wanting to be injured for two nutjobs either. 
 You went to the kitchen moving faster than you should while injured. Trying to figure out what to do as you heard both men arguing and fighting. Stu, even injured, was a beast as he shoved Billy into a wall, actually cracking the drywall there, “You piece of shit! You knew how I felt and you did this behind my back!?” Stu yelled going to punch him and Billy dodged. “Don't love her? Isn't that what you told me a decade ago!?” 
“I didn't do anything you fucking lunatic!” Billy yelled back with a red cheek where his scar you gave him was as their grappling ended up in the kitchen near you. Stuff knocked off the walls.
“Stop lying!! You wrote her a fucking letter-” 
“Yeah! I did! 15 years ago! I was a fucking kid!” Billy emphasized angrily as he punched Stu but Stu tried choking him in a headlock.
“Yeah, I bet. Just like Roman, huh? And me being a scapegoat!” Stu had his arms around Billy's neck and Billy had no choice but to shove backwards in Stu's hold as you flinched when the small round table broke as they collided on top of it.
You did the only damn thing you could think of at the moment other than hitting them upside the head, let them kill each other or kill them with a knife.
They both grunted in annoyance, especially Stu, when you used the ice cold water from the sink hose and sprayed jets of water on them like 2 dogs fighting. “Enough! We don't need you both hurt, okay!? Fucking stop!” 
Stu got off Billy and marched towards you. Hair wet and pissed off. Fear dropped in your stomach at the predatory way he came towards you and as soon as you went to get a knife as defense, not expecting him to come at you like that... He grabbed you by the wrist and yanked you towards him. Dropping the hose in the sink and making you helpless against him in your injured state. You were too injured to even use any self defense moves and in this position it was hard. Shoved against a counter by someone so much bigger and both wrist in his hand and the distance closed between you two. You couldn't even kick him with your stitches so sore right now.
Billy tried getting up from the broken table on the ground, bleeding from where his stitches were but not as badly as Stu was. “Sttuuu!” He warned huffing breath and getting up.
Stu was sweating. Eyes crazed and bleeding through his shirt from reopening stitches in their short but intense fight. He glared down at you so hatefully. He glared as time judt froze.
“...You're lucky some tiny part of me gives a shit about you. If not? I'd rip you apart and bleed you out like I have so many other whores.” 
You stared. Not breathing as a chill ran down your spine. Because with his tone and the look in his gaze; you knew he meant it.
He jerked away to lean on the counter. In pain and panting as he hunched over and Billy leaned against the fridge near you. 
Stu shook his head in a dry smile. “...All those years, man. All those years I was there for you. I protected you, I left my number, I gave you the benefit of the doubt over and over, risked my damn identity and freedom not killing your friends…Well…Someone killed them, just not me.” He chuckled wryly, hanging his head.
Billy now with a red spot on his face slowly bruising glared tiredly at Stu. You just stared before telling him, “Stu, I swear I don't know what you think-” 
“I THINK?! No, I know. I know that you two apparently held hands and had a moment.” 
“Because you passed out and I was scared!” You exclaimed. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Billy and you share a book and he's a fan of it and a moment together and you go to him to talk and him to patch you up and him to take care of you when I've been pining for you for 15 years!” He gazed at you and his anger faded to desperation. “Fif-Teen-Fucking-Years.” He sounded out in a mumble as he stood up fully, gripping his stomach. 
“Don't bother. As soon as I can walk and drive and shit properly without pain; I'm out of here, man. And neither one of you will see me ever again.” He grumbled as he slowly made his way to the bathroom and slammed the door.
Billy and you were alone as he glared at you, “You just had to bring up that letter on the porch?” 
You were flabbergasted, “Hey, don't do that. I didn't know he was listening, neither did you!” You felt that shrunken guilt ridden feeling even if you shouldn't.
“Yeah well, he did. Now we both gotta sleep with one eye open. Thanks for that…Fucking idiot.” He mumbled getting an ice pack from the freezer for his face that was slowly getting red and inflamed from those punches. He glared at his broken table and shook his head and went to the recliner.
You just stood in the kitchen, your mind reeling like it had so many times before with these two. You never felt more weak and alone in your life…Well, top 3 at least on the awful moments list in your head. 
You walked out and noticed your jacket wasn't where you had it. You sighed to yourself knowing exactly who had it. “...I need to go talk to him. Or something. ” 
Billy scoffed, “Are you stupid or nuts? He'll kill you right now and these fucking injuries I got will be for nothing.” 
You rolled your eyes and laid gingerly onto the couch. Accepting maybe you needed to leave him be. Seeing the bathroom door open and Stu go to the bedroom.
That slammed door and hearing something break in HIS bedroom just sent Billy into a rage of his own. 
Billy and him argued one more time over the damage to the house and Stu stealing Billy's room that ended in Billy slamming the door screaming, “FUCKER!!” In outrage at his bed being taken in his own home by a guy he was letting stay here. You had talked him down from killing Stu which earned a ‘shut your fucking mouth and mind your business’ from him and yet you both complied. 
He tossed you some clothes and you finally got out of that damn hospital gown into an oversized flannel and comfy bottoms
Hours passed of awkward silence and the tv was on Rosemary's Baby. Billy had fallen asleep after 3 hours of ‘eh’ sort of grunts and shrugs as he had to redo his wrappings and had a bruise on his face. You tried to subtly clean up the mess him and Stu made but bending over wasn't a good thing for you right now. 
It was…Depressing. This house trailer with outdated everything and not a homey thing in sight. Especially compared to the Meeks house you stayed in tidy but cluttered with family things like kids toys and memorabilia and the fridge had pictures and drawings and cute magnets and the house smelled good but lived in in a cozy way and the blanket was fuzzy and clean but had a hint of the scent of Mindy's hair product where she had her hair braided that morning and had slept on it before you arrived. The pictures on the walls. The scooby doo and pikachu bowls and spoons for ice cream in the cabinets…Randy's movie collection.
A tight frown in place as you sighed. Thinking all of this was just dragging you down. You didn't need that anymore than you already had.
You had no one now. The cozy homely vibe people complain of as boring is a distant memory now. 
You saw Billy's room light was still on. Billy himself was asleep breathing deeply as you studied him for the longest time. His face matured so much in this decade. The shorter hair made him even more grown up looking as opposed to his longer hair he used to have. The lack of facial hair looked better on him too. Facial hair, at least that 90's goatee thin mustache combo he had, shockingly made him look like a kid that penciled it in or something. It looked out of place on his almost feminine features he had when younger. Now, with a much more chiseled jawline and bigger built frame he…Well, it was harder to remember he was that lean pretty boy with gel in his hair to sweep it back that was trying to kill you.
But Stu? He still looked so much like he always had just a bit more filled out. It was easy to remember Stu no matter how many style changes he went through.
You kept watching that light and you swore you heard a hiccuping noise that whether you liked it or not made you…Feel bad. It could've been him scoffing or anything but…The mere idea it was hurt from you hurt you in a way it shouldn't but it did. 
You cursed yourself glaring at the ceiling. ‘See? This is how you get into these situations!’ Was all you could think. 
You sighed softly and looked at Billy as you made a choice. Besides…You couldn't sleep and you knew damn well Billy wasn't as asleep as he acted. You were now in an oversized blue flannel Billy gave you to wear and a pair of gym style mens shorts. Nothing else to wear.
You quietly got up and crept past Billy's chair to the back part of the trailer. You almost wanted to use the restroom across from the bedroom and go back to the couch but you heard Stu still awake…And a tight frown formed as you raised your fist. You faltered before tapping on the wood with your knuckles. Stu was a loose canon and the longer this issue sat the more crazy he'd become.
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softxsuki · 11 months
Hi!! Congrats on 1.5k! May I please request 10 troupe with Shinichiro from Tokyo Revengers x fem!reader? Thanks in advance and I hope you have a good day! 💜
1.5k Follower Event Trope 10: Tokyo Revengers
Trope 10: Marriage of Convenience
This event is CLOSED. You can check out the masterlist here.
Pairing: Bonten!Mikey x Fem!Reader
Warning: mentions of killing, bad childhood, stalking, injury, blah
Genre: idek, kinda fluff?
Post-Type: Oneshot (so much for drabbles smh)
Word Count: ...1.1k (oops)
Note: Hey! Thank you so much. So for my tropes, you're only supposed to send in a trope number and fandom name, then I pick which character from that fandom I think it matches with the most! I've also already written one of these for Shinichiro hence why I've written this for Mikey. I hope you still enjoy it though, I love this trope! Also side note: I’ve read like 2 seconds of Bonten Mikey but I felt it fit this trope more SO if this makes no sense, you know why :)
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Marriage was the last thing on Mikey’s mind, until your father approached him with a contract that included you and part of the city he owned, in return for protection from Bonten and the chance to make Bonten grow even more powerful. Naturally Mikey agreed, taking little interest in you as a factor, but desiring to see his gang flourish even farther.
As the daughter of a gang leader, your role since birth had been to be used as a means to help your father, ensuring he was always well off. There was not a day when your father thought about you or your own feelings. 
You were handed over to Mikey straight away, allowed to pack up the few clothes that you had, along with any other personal items. Meeting with him briefly to sign a few marriage documents, signing away your life, and ultimately leaving one prison and entering a new one–or so you thought.
For the most part Mikey left you alone to do as you please, only giving you a few rules to keep you safe and away from the darker areas of their base where you were staying. But you were given your own room that was nicely decorated, new clothes that fit you perfectly, and the freedom to do as you please within their building. It was more freedom than you’d ever had in your life.
Even though you were trapped in what you thought was a loveless marriage, at least everyone treated you respectfully. Though, Mikey found himself opening up to you in ways he’d never opened up before after all the trauma that he befell in the past. He admired how you carried yourself, standing tall and proud despite being thrown in an unfamiliar place by force, the least he wanted to do was make you comfortable…but why?
He found himself inviting you to the dining room for meals with him, quite enjoying your company even if you ate in silence. Flowers and other gifts were left by your bedroom door, shocking you. Why was he doing this for you, wasn’t this just a marriage of convenience? There was no need for heartfelt gifts and attention like he was giving you.
But Mikey couldn’t help himself, he felt lighter around you as if he could finally breathe again and it was such a relief–a good change from the usual heaviness that clouded over him. He realized you were slowly becoming someone he wanted to keep happy and safe; he wanted to protect you from the cruel world that existed outside those walls, the cruel world he was also a part of. 
Mikey kept his feelings to himself, aside from the random gifts he’d leave you and quality time he’d spend with you every now and then. That was until one day you were granted access to wander outside in the city, saying you needed fresh air. Enemy gangs were always keeping a close watch on Bonten headquarters, just looking for any weakness that could cause the huge corporation to plunder, and finally they had one–you. 
Word that Mikey had taken a wife spread quickly in the underground world, a potential weakness of the big boss man behind Bonten, everyone was waiting to get their hands on you to bring Mikey crashing down–and that’s exactly what happened.
A few blocks later as you walked peacefully through the cool streets, loving how calming the area was at night and enjoying your new found freedom, that all came crashing down as you felt the presence of someone following you. 
At first you thought nothing of it, but every turn you made, they made and when you turned around to glance behind you, they’d stop walking and pretend to be busy with something. You quickened your pace, your heart beating out of your chest at the prospect that you were in danger and needed to get back home quickly. The man noticed this and also fastened his pace, getting closer and closer to you.
You begin running, but you’re not fast enough as a hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you down to the floor.
“Gotcha,” the man grins. “Let’s see how riled up your husband gets when we send your head back to him.”
Fear fully floods you as the man takes out a knife and approaches you with it. He only manages to scrape your cheek though before adrenaline kicks in and you push him back with the strength you didn’t know you had, jumping back to your feet and running full speed back to your home–back to Mikey.
Upon returning back to your home and bursting through the door with blood running down your face, mixed with tears, you ignore the questions of Mikey’s men who were keeping watch by the front door and run to your room.
Urgently, the men report to Mikey who jumps up from his seat and runs to your room, bursting your door open, not caring if you were decent or not.
“What happened?” He demands, closing the distance between you as he approaches your bed where you’re sobbing into your pillow.
When you don’t speak, he sighs and gently takes your hand, pulling you into him. “Let me see,” he softly says, guiding your chin up so he can get a better look at your face, gritting at the cut that had been so close to hitting your eye. 
His fingers wipe your tears away and slowly graze over the cut–he was upset. “Who did this?” He hisses. Who would dare place their hands on his wife?
You felt surprisingly relaxed and safe in his arms as he held you close, never once breaking eye contact with him, you had no choice but to fill him in on what happened during your walk.
“I just went out to get some fresh air and take a quick walk, but I noticed someone following me. I tried getting back here before he could catch up to me, but he was too fast. He said,” you gulp, fear once again filling your body as you remember the man's words. “He said he was going to send you my head back.”
Mikey was seething now. Not only had someone harmed you, but they’d also threatened to kill you? 
“Sanzu!” He screams, calling his most trustworthy man to enter your room, to which the pink-haired man appears immediately. “Have a few men patrol the area, I want any suspicious men taken in, I don’t care if you bring in everyone, I want him found, whoever it was that did this to my wife,” he grits, holding you tightly to him. 
Though anger was bubbling up inside him, he couldn’t help but feel slight relief that you were still alive and safe in his arms. He couldn’t lose you too…
That man would be tracked down and made an example out of. No one would dare try to harm his wife again. This marriage was now real to him and Mikey would do anything to protect it–to protect you.
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Posted: 10/23/2023
255 notes · View notes
skullvgirl · 5 months
a strange dream | barou
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incl. barou 🎀 ( he would kill me )
warnings. completely sfw, fluff, school!au, fem reader, very much ooc, slow burn
an's. i missed him so much i had to revisit
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BAROU probably hasnt got any interest in you before your relationship, not in a bad way but lets be honest—he's a soccer addict, he definitely wouldn't notice you until well, he did.
you're both sitting in math class (which did i mention had one hell of alot of students) and someone from the other side of the room asks to pass a note to you, rumor has it they've got a crush.
eventually the note ends up in the large hands of Barou Shouei and he's of course expected to pass it along to you but doesn't see anyone ahead of him expecting to receive it from him. he's confused—who the hell was yn ?
its his bad—he really wasnt to familiar with anything not soccer related.
he looked around, then finally decided to give the piece of paper back to the person he got it from—whoever that was.
you look at barou confused, so the paper was for you? you had originally gave it too him because you weren't sure if the people mumbling in the back of the classroom were really talking about you or not.
you opened your mouth to whisper-yell at him, but he wasn't paying attention to you anymore, his eyes trained on the teacher once again.
you uncrumpled the paper, trying to be as quiet as possible in the dead silence, but with no luck.
"yes miss?", you hid the paper under the desk, trying not to make eye contact with the 28 other students that had eyes on you.
"care to share with the class whats so important that you need to be passing notes in my class?"
reason #1 why you really hated this class, your math teacher was a fucking bitch.
'mean girl giggles' echoed throughout the room, barous eyes paying special attention to what you were about to do.
you dreaded the feeling of being forced to stand up in front of the entire class and read aloud whatever was written on the small note.
"get to it missy"
oh fuck off
you looked around the classroom trying to assess anyone who may have been distressed or embarrassed but with no luck, everyone seemed to be waiting on you.
"im serious yn. if you dont start reading in the next 10 seconds im going to—"
"no, no thats okay—i-im reading"
for whoever wrote me this, i am so sorry.
you cleared you throat in preparation for the humiliation you were about to face, curses be upon you miss peterson.
"hi, i think your really cute, we should go out sometime together, from..."
your heart stopped.
oh no this cant be right
"thats it."
"thats it?" the teacher probed, slowly making her way towards you.
"that it. i-it just says from your secret admirer after that nothing else".
your math teacher narrowed her eyes, looking closely at your expression—she didn't buy it.
dont breakeyecontactdont break eye contactdont breakeyecontactdontbreakeyecontactdontbreakeyecontact—
"really!" you broke eye contact.
she pointed her nose upwards, probably as high as possible and began walking towards your desk.
"alright then i wanna see it, i need to have it confiscated"
"what?!, why?" oops you said that kinda loud. the class whom had previously lost interest when you finished reading turned back towards you and miss peterson now intrigued.
"well why not?! it was a distraction in class and now it needs to be taken away to make sure it wont be a distraction again...!"
but that doesn't make sense, if you care so much about us passing notes you should take our notebooks not the gosh dang note !
"but that doesn't make sense—" but you didn't get a chance to finish as the teacher viciously snatched the paper from you and spun around back towards her desk.
you sat down and burried your hands in your face, you couldn't watch this.
"oh this looks fun...says it's from barou shouei, not what i was expecting...not what i was expecting at all..."
fucking kill yourself, PLEASE
the class, which had previously been dormant erupted in a series of raging giggles and screams—shocked at the reveal of who the note was from.
a soccer player.
it was no secret in BLLK High that nobody—under any circumstance—was to mess with a soccer player. they had a bit of a reputation going on. even the nice ones.
" 'cuse me?" a commanding and masculine voice emerged from your left side and you turned as quickly as possible to the over 6 foot ( 182 cm ) tall man trying to explain yourself.
fuck, one day you were seriously gonna kill your math teacher.
"no, no no i promise it's not like that—i seriously don't know who made this i promise it wasn't from me and i know it wasn't from you—"
"you're yn ?" he cut you off smoothly, leaning back in his seat ever so slightly.
his knees were facing yours now. "you're yn right? been wondering who that was for the longest, guess i know now, cool."
okay now you were confused—about multiple things actually. #1, barou shouei, the man you'd been sitting next to for almost a full year now had yet to learn your name untill just now which is—gosh, just outrageous even for a soccer player
and #2 he wasn't toltally angry and going to kill you like everyone said he would have, should you make a fool of him?
no seriously someone explain what was happening.
you didnt get a chance to ponder on your thoughts much longer however, the bell rang loudly in your ear and soon everyone including yourself was making way for the door out the classroom.
what the fuck just happened, what the actual fuck just happened.
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"heyy ! yn over here !" you didnt realize it but you apparently had auto-piloted your way all the way through lunch and was now being called over by people you've never talked to a day in your life—and you knew exactly what it would be about.
could this get any worse
you were about to find out. "yes...?" you asked, tray still in hand while you stood awakwardly by the trash can near the lunch table who called you over.
"soo—wait first sit down, we're friends we're friends, sit down first" one of the girls said, patting a seat next to herself eagerly.
you looked at the eyes on you and quickly made a decision to move.
there definitely here to ask me about him. it can't be that bad right? i think her name is ashley? i don't know maybe this'll be fun, maybe they'll be nice.
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"so have you guys had sex?"
"what?! no—"
"have you guys even ever kissed yet?"
"we used to talk you know", this one was from ashley, a pretty blonde haired girl who's blue eyes sparkled like marbles.
she was attractive that for sure but and you could definitely see why some people would wanna date her but barou? not so much.
like in what world would some super macho super mysterious soccer guy get the hots for some popular pretty blonde girl? not to mention an obnoxious pretty blonde girl.
gosh i sound like a pick me right now, who knows maybe they really did talk
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"didn't even know her name" barou said, cracking his neck from side to side.
"seriously man?" asked isagi, popping a fry in his mouth.
"dead serious"
this was the soccer table, a table where only the best of best players would sit for lunch, not that it was official or anything—but new students were warned not to go near The Table anyway.
"so you did ask yn to prom?"
"no bachira, i didn't ask her how many times to i have to say that, i barely know her anyways"
"untill today" kunigami confirmed.
"until today" barou repeated.
"would you though?" chigiri asked, he glanced over at your table—you were pretty that much was obvious but it was barou we're talking about, who knows what he thought of you.
"nah, couldn't."
"why not? shes not ugly" nagi questioned albeit a bit insensitively.
"shes not but..." he trailed off, stringing his eyes from nagi to you, she looks kinda...
"but what"
"i don't want her thinking we're dating after prom or somethin', gotta focus on the game."
"what if i did then, think she'd say yes?" it was reo speaking now who was now also looking at your table.
"nah, your uncanny resemblance to a donkey might turn her off"
The Table laughed as reo scowled at the other players, he didnt find it very funny.
"shut the fuck up shouei, i didn't hear her accepting your undying love now did i?"
"thats because i never really asked her dipshit"
"your point! still better than knowing your rejected as a default"
"is it though?" barou was almost smiling at the purple headed boy.
"oh really? watch me"
the table made boyish "ooo"-ing sounds and reo stood up confidently.
shouts erupted from the table, causing the whole cafeteria to turn towards the players, they payed them no mind however, only staring intently at where reo was walking.
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"look, look, look! one if them is coming over here right now!"
you whipped your head around towards where the whole cafeteria's attention had been directed.
nononon, this cannot be happening. you seriously did not need another soccer players thinking you were some freak weirdo because someone else wanted to be messy!
"thats reo, he's super fucking rich, i heard he has a whole two backyards !"
"and an a theater room!"
great, and it was a rich snob kid too.
"does yn sit here?"
your table said nothing, even the loud ashley kept quiet while he was talking. everyones heads turned to you, waiting expectantly for you to say something.
"yeah thats me..." you said meekley.
reo smiled and curled his finger towards himself a few times, asking you to come to him.
this is so awakward
you stood up silently and walked over to where reo was. he didn't stop directing him towards you until you were standing right up against him, close enough to where he could grab your jaw and yank your ear towards his mouth.
"you're hot, go out with me"
your eyes bludged, and your heart accelerated way more than it should have. that was NOT what you were expecting.
reo let go of your face, his hands were in his pockets as he waited for your answer, he looked confident tou would say yes. and most people would, but this was a soccer player we were talking about—and this one specifically was known for being super rich, super smart and a super hoe. three things you couldn't be bothered to even try giving a chance with.
you glanced behind him trying to peer at the damage that had been done.
holy shit the whole fuking cafeteria is looking
you were snapped back into reality as reo looked at you, still waiting for an answer. it was pretty obvious what you were going to say.
"no. im sorry but no, i hardly know you and you're really not my type, sorry."
your table made all types of noises as they watched the now humiliated boy bite a scowl and walk back too his table.
you quickly sat back down and watched as The Table made fun of reo's rejection. all the players were laughing but you were only looking at one.
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"said i wasn't her type". The Table erupted in laughter, all the players except reo cackling like animals.
"fucking told you so, at least get to know the girl before you start trying to hit on her" isagi joked, slapping reo on the back repeatedly.
"no for real, dont know what made you think she would fall for you in a day, not all girls are so easy you know" kunigami shook his head.
"what did you say too her anyways?" nagi asked now curious as to what got him such a harsh rejection anyways.
"didn't say nothing, js asked her if she wanted to go out, said no, that's it." reo reiterated bitterly.
"knowing him it was probably something like 'youre hot, lets go out'" barou said offhandedly, distracted by the feeling of eyes on him.
"you could hear?" reo asked, now confused.
The Table went silent for a moment and isagi burst out laughing when he realized what reo had just said.
"so you did really say that?!"
the emmbarassment for reo only cotinued further but barou wasn't paying attention to that. the eyes from before were still on him.
it was you.
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BAROU isnt really much of a romantic either, he hasn't got the headspace for it like he does for soccer, so of course—he's not seeking the love. the love is seeking him.
1 week later
you sat quietly in the school library studying like a madman for finals, it was just near the end of the school year and you were determined to get good marks on all of the subjects.
the library was the most perfect and quiet place to relax and work at the same time—without any distractions or problems to bother you from your job.
"excuse me?"
you glanced up to where the voice was coming from and your heart felt like it was going to explode.
it was none other than barou shouei in the flesh.
a whole week, a whole week you had managed to somewhat avoid his presence and pretty much ignore him during math ( your teacher denied you request to switch spots ) it was going fine untill—well, now.
"can i borrow your computer charger? mine just died and a left mine at home"
that was it?
you didn't really know what to expect from the man though. he was known to be pretty brutal on tbe field maybe you were assuming he'd be the same in real life.
although i guess i shouldn't think that considering how chill he was over the fake confession and all of that...
"oh yeah sure, I uh can let your borrow it no problem"
barou took your charger without another word and walked back over too his seat.
the racing in your heart was begining to subside, that wasn't so bad...
you shifted to get comfortable in your seat and began studying once again, right now where was i...
"excuse me?"
and just as you were getting comfortable. barou shoei again.
"sorry im back so soon but, could i sit here for a little bit. the outlet by my table isnt working for some reason" he said it in a polite tone but seemed eager for an answer, he was probably in a rush to get as much study time in before practice like most athletes were.
he really isnt as scary as i thought he'd be...
"yeah of course that's fine, it's better this way anyway, wont forget you had it in the first place ya know" you smiled moving your belongings over to make room for his.
barou set his things down and soon enough a static silence ensued over the both of you, not that you minded though. you still needed to get work done and it was better he wasn't attempting to make conversation with you. it is a bit awkward though...
"you color coded your pens"
the voice that emmited from the other side of the table almost made you forget who was there.
"i did, why?"
"nice, i did too"
barou didnt wait for an answer, but instead pulled out a all black pencil pouch to reveal all seven colors of the rainbow line up in order.
jeez, i just think it looks cool, his has all the pen hooks facing up too, ocd much?
that wasn't the main point though, what was more important was his sticker—on thst rested sturdy on his bag. "you watch graves anatomy too?"
he looked surprised when you mentioned the show, and nodded his head appropriately. "yeah, and im all caught up too, all 22 seasons and counting."
"holy hell, im only on season 12 how to even time for that—aren't you always having games and stuff, scince your on varsity and all..."
barou quirked an eyebrow, "mm you know your stuff—i make it work"
now it was your turn to make a face "you make it work...really, its that easy?"
no. the absurbant amount of school work i have is fucking killing me right now plus i've got sisters too take care of so no, it's definitely not easy
thats not what he said though.
"yup, real easy." he nodded his head and although you didn't buy it, it was hardly your place to nag. he didn't seem like someone you should nag.
"uh huh.." you shook your head up and down slow and repeatedly, "for sure, for sure"
"what you don't believe me?" barou moved his chair closer to yours, so close in fact you think your knees were touching, his arms bulged as he rested his hands on his head ; it was hot nice seeing him in a position that wasn't so straight .
"no i do, you seem really responsible im sure you're great at 'making it work' " you put a thumbs up.
gosh, could you be anymore awakward...
"oh im responsible ? you would know that im responsible?" barou questioned, leaning even closer on his arms towards you.
is he...flirting with me?
you laughed and covered your mouth with your hand leaning slightly away as he got closer.
"i mean yeah" you paused to swipe away the nonexistent dust from your eyes, you just couldn't hold the eye contact.
come on, dont get shy now yn.
"people talk, i guess."
"do they?"
"they do" you nodded your head firmly up and down, since it was the only thing you were sure you could do at the moment.
mmh?!? the fuck does that mean ??
"so yn i wanna ask you a question" barou leaned back as he said this, finally returning to his normal position.
holy shit my heart was beating so fast, somebody get me on a stretcher and to the hospital NEOW, i am about to blow!
barou stayed silent for a few moments, thinking deeply about what he was going to say.
"hypothetically..." he paused, staring directly at you.
"hypothetically..." you confirmed.
"hypothetically if someone, other than reo from the soccer team—just as an example lets say...yoichi ! remember hypothetically speaking—asked you out on a date what would your answer be?"
"what kind of question is that?"
"a hypothetical one" he said matter of factly.
"a hypothetical one, right, well if—hypothetically of course—i was asked out by isagi, om a date that is...i don't know...yeah? I guess i'd day yes?"
"really, you would?" he looked surprised and you suddenly felt alarmed, was that a bad thing or something??
"yeah? i mean no, not really—maybe not if he asked the way your friend did..."
??? again, what does that mean?
A moment of silence passed between the two of you and you tried and failed at going back to the work you were supposed to be doing in the first place.
"what about chigiri?" he said suddenly.
"chigiri? what do you me—"
"chigiri. pretty, has red hair, plays on varsity and is super fast? chigiri. would you say yes too him?"
"i mean, maybe, yeah he's definitely not ugly and i guess if i knew him well enough I would probably say yes—why are you asking me this?"
barou said nothing and suddenly, the strangest thing began to happen—he looked at you smiling—a large, uncanny smile resembling a creepypasta monster formed from on his face, your heart began to beat but for the wrong reasons.
"wake up yn" it was definitely barou's voice but it sounded far.
"huh?" you couldn't move, and you now realize you probably couldn't move for a while.
what...is happening...
"wake. up."
your head shot up from your arms, ans you looked around disorientedly.
up untill about the last 30 seconds you were a bit disappointed it had to end. your dream that is.
"yn", a voice—much deeper than you recall im your fantasies spoke out to you as you felt a tap on your shoulder.
it was barou. the real barou.
"i baroued your charged?" he said holding it out towards you. (an's. IM HALARIOUS LAMOSJKWIS)
"oh. right sorry, thanks." you took the cord from him. but he didn't leave, still looming over you in his tall stature he spoke again.
"uh, you got a little.." he pointed to the corner of his lip, scratching at it in expectation for you to do the same.
you did, softly at first, not really sure what is it he was implying but quickly realized what he meant after you felt a crusty dry substance still left from your unconscious.
oh !
"ive got drool on my face haven't i" he nodded his head, and you swore you saw grin appear on his face—a real one but he turned and walked away before you could make confirm.
"thanks for the charger yn, see ya later"
his back was facing you now, slowly getting smaller and smaller at he walked away from you.
seriously ! could i be anyless embarrassing for even a second!
im afraid not yn.
because according to barou, he thinks your little moments of embarrassment and humiliation were pretty damn cute.
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BAROU is never scared. he hardly ever get worried, he's king and one of the best players in his school, he's top of his class always and struggles—never. so why? why was it now, over some so trivial that he was all thoes things he never gets all at once?
1 week later, in the classroom.
barou felt weird.
the truth is, he didnt need a partner for the social studies project. his teacher was allowing groups of two or singles all the same. his reasoning behind why he wanted a partner is what was scaring him.
after almost an entire year, barou realized that you not only were in his math class, but his social studies as well. and his history, and biology—even his orchestra ( he plays cello in case you were wondering ).
he realized that you were everywhere.
barou, for the first time was recognizing someome else, not on the team, not an adult, but a girl, he was acknowledging a girl, as more than nothing.
it was weird.
you peered up at him, wide-eyed and adorable. "work with me on the project"
your eyes, (e/c) and beautiful, got impossibly larger.
"yeah—uh—sure we can"
he gave a thumbs up, and went back to his seat.
what am i doing?
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"i dont know, maybe we can exchange numbers instead?"
"yeah thats better, since im hardly on social media anyways"
even though you've got so many followers..
"alright cool"
you and barou were in the library, again. instead of dreaming about his muscles however, you were watching them in real time move for your phone and yours the same.
there wasnt mych said after that, only short words to communicate what part of the project you both were supposed to work on, untill...
"yes" and once again, you were looking at him, wife eyed and adorable.
"i've got a question to ask you"
no way, did i fall asleep again?
you sucked in a breath, and pinched your cheeks, not paying any attention to the words that might come out of his mouth.
"ow!" nope, you were definitely awake.
barou raised an eyebrow and couldn't hold himself in. he burst out laughing and you we're glad the library waw empty, because in all his seriousness—barou's laugh was loud. like the sort of thing you'd been holding in for a while.
"what yn, afraid you're gonna fall asleep again?"
your cheeks heated up an intense amount.
"you're funny you know, really funny"
"huh?!" you squeaked, shifting all over in your chair. "what does that mean"
barou leaned in close to your face, so close that your noses were touching.
"it means..." he tilted hid head sidewards, waiting for your permission.
"i think you're the stupidest most adorable person to exist..." you didn't move away.
and like a shock, barous lips were on yours so softly it made it feel very much like a dream, but it wasn't.
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an's. i know this is not himmm, he wouldn't even look at you after a supposed fake letter i knooow, i couldn't think of a better way to force it ( i was lazy ) and he's cute let me live.
an's. i rushed the end i knoww, leave me alone. i like writing for personal enjoyment shhhhhh.
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blushblushbear · 1 month
The Kitsune’s if they were Yandere’s?😃
who says they aren't >;3
okay but no seriously--
TRIGGER WARNING FOR YANDERE SHIT--- manipulative, violent, toxic as hell, you guys know the drill
really brings the dere into yandere
he seems so cute and sweet and harmless
and he is!
he tries not to show it
and when he does show it he plays it off as haha cutesy I'm just a little guy
but he's got a jealous streak a mile wide
he jokes around about 'the great Aki saw you first'
but you do not understand the depths of his dibs...
has a lot of animalistic tendencies
and he plays it either as innocent or kinky
sorry I bit you, I just couldn't control myself <:c
but don't fall for it
he's marking you
also it's funny how the people he pranks for revenge involving you seem to have their pranks go 'horrible wrong'
welp, guess that guy only has one eye now but serves him right for talking like that to you
plays like he's joking when he acts a little possessive
'hey bud, they're spoken for >:T'
but the moment your back is turned he is giving them a look that they will see in their nightmares
likes to used pranks to remind people he's 'always watching'
and maybe he is maybe he isn't
it's hard to tell
always super sweet and loving with you
and maybe a little insecure
you love him don't you?? <:c
you'll stay with him forever right?? <:c
you're all his right??? <:c
he puppy eyes it but he's ready to take matters into his own hands if any of that ever changes...
don't buy those puppy eyes
I mean, all of them are but HIM ESPECIALLY
also SUPER jealous
is hyper aware of the way people might try and get into your pants
mostly cause he does the same thing lol
also a big fan of marking you and isn't even shy about making that known
what?? gotta give you a few bite marks to let them know you're mine
loves to put his scent on you, more marking
is usually constantly hovering
another king of the haha yeah totally :) then once your back is turned HE'S GLARING DAGGERS >8l
likes to have you wear his stuff so people know your taken
if someone is rude to you he'll pull them off to the side for 'a quick chat'
and they are never heard from again
very much standing behind you with his hand on his sword daring a motherfucker to try him
but he's super sweet to you always
constant love bombing
lots of gifts
lots of spoiling you
declarations of love and devotion as he kisses your hand
and you think he's flirting or just being a little romantic
but no he's so dead serious you don't even know
will kidnap you if it comes to that
worried about you being safe
also don't bring up the idea of you dying, either by natural causes or other means, cause it will trigger a melt down
tears and a little bit of violence and a whole lot of not letting you leave for anything
also is about ready to restart the clan wars if he sees the other kitsune touch you for even a second
violently or romantically
your his precious mate and no one else can have you
this dude is already lonely and violent at the start of his route so
surprising no one he can and will get that way again at the drop of a hat if it involves you
he is actually the most reluctant to backhand a bitch since he did all this growing for you
but don't get it twisted he did all this growing FOR YOU
without you he's not actually grown (at least in yandere form)
he will kill someone very quickly if he thinks even for a second that they'll hurt you
also another dude who will restart these clan wars over you
will rip out the other kitsune's throats if he sees them near you
also more marking here
he's actually very gentle with his marking
until he's feeling insecure
then he bites a little too hard
and is very tearful and apologetic afterwards
he feels like a monster
but he will do it again if jealousy takes hold of him
another one whose easily triggered to dramatics but his aren't always violent
well they ARE just not VIOLENCE you see
violent break downs
violent sobbing
may border on threats of harming himself if you leave
very manipulative but he gets away with it cause it all comes from a place of pain and you're a bleeding heart
will kidnap you and then swan about on how he's such a monster but he can not let you go but he hates himself for it
true drama llama
but when he's sweet or romantic it's like a poem
everything he does he does out of love
you just kinda wish cha boy was more fucking stable about it.....
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mah-t-wordblog · 5 months
hello friend!! if it’s ok with you, may i pls ask for some bsd tickle hcs?☺️no pressure ofc! have a great day!
Hi!!!! I already have some hcs here, but only about my favorite characters, if you want someone else, ask me!!!
This Headcanons is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Atsushi Nakajima 🐅🤦‍♂️ 🐅🤦‍♂️ 🐅🤦‍♂️ 🐅🤦‍♂️
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50% ler / 50% lee
- in general, Atsushi always tries to be a very careful ler
- Apart from Akutagawa, then he really becomes a wild animal
- Making others laugh is Atsushi's only motivation
- The exception is again Akutagawa, who makes Atsushi want to punish him
- He doesn't know how to provoke, he can only do it when he is really inspired
- Favorite Lees: Akutagawa, Dazai and Kyoka
- “I really wanted to see you smile like that!”
- His sensitivity level is gigantic, 100/100
- Does not like being attacked very much, will try to escape and fight back
- The fact that he cannot escape from Akutagawa makes him deeply angry
- When his parts are in the shape of a tiger, tickling him will make him purr, which Dazai finds very funny
- The tiger is more sensitive than his human form
- Teasing him makes him much, much more sensitive, as if it increases his sensitivity by 300x
- When someone touches the back of his knees, he screams and squeaks
- Weak points: legs (entirely) and belly
- Are you ticklish? “Huh? Why do you want to know? 😳”
-Teases that get him: “you look like a kitten, weretiger”
Osamu Dazai 💀⚰️ 💀⚰️ 💀⚰️ 💀⚰️ 💀
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60% ler / 40% lee
- Dazai is pretty radical when it comes to tickling someone
- he provokes too much
- Really more than he should
- He looks like he would say things like “coochie coo~” and such
- He will punish you and won't release you until you cry
- His satisfaction is to see you brooding
- And there's no point using powers on him, he'll be touching you
- Favorite Lees: Atsushi, Akutagawa and Chuuya
- “Oops~ does it tickle?”
- feels very ticklish, 90/100
- Teases you to be attacked
- Everyone knows he loves being tortured, right?
- He likes to be arrested and killed
- He will ask you to stop but don't stop, if he really wants you to stop, he will make you stop
- Teases don't work much on him
- He teases back
- But he doesn't like people touching his most sensitive spot, even though it almost makes him die
- Sensitive points: neck
- Are you ticklish? “Yep, like you~”
- Provocations that catch him: “is this how you wanted to die? Tickled?”
Doppo Kunikida 📝⏱️ 📝⏱️ 📝⏱️ 📝⏱️
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85% ler / 15% lee
- Kunikida is always very irritated, so he always tickles others when he wants them to be quiet
- He's really good at holding his lee and making them suffer
- He always grabs Dazai by the neck and takes the opportunity to make him laugh
- Teases him by saying things like “are you going to apologize? No?"
- Doesn't stop even when his lee is about to cry
- Atsushi has to interfere so he doesn't kill anyone lol
- Favorite Lees: Dazai, always wants to kill him
- “Can you let me work in peace?”
- He hates being tickled
- Like, he really hates it
- So the 15% only exists for times Dazai teased him with it
- Or that Aya forced him to do something
- He blushes when Dazai teases him, and gets even angrier
- Oh! And he is a 85/100
- Weak points: hands and armpits
- Are you ticklish? "No! DO NOT TRY"
– Taunts that get him: “Kunikida~ you’re laughing~”
Kenji Miwazawa 🐮💪 🐮💪 🐮💪 🐮💪
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20% ler / 80% lee this child is wonderful, Kenji I love you
- no one could escape Kenji's tickles, he is simply VERY STRONG
- But he doesn't usually tickle others, luckily for everyone
- He only attacks someone when someone attacks him
- Or when someone is sad
- He even likes to tickle others
- He doesn't know how to provoke, but he knows how to make a lee ashamed
- He does this involuntarily lol
- LOVES giving his lees raspberries
- He tickled his cows 👉👈
- Favorite Lees: I imagine he has a stronger relationship with Tanizaki and Rampo
- “the cows loved it when I did that to them, and you?”
- he is extremely sensitive, he is just a child, 100/100
- The only reason others tickle him is to see his cute smile
- And the bubbly laughter
- In fact, also to calm him down when he is very euphoric
- When he feels tickled his strength runs out and he is completely destroyed hahahaha
- He loves and admits with all praise
- He even asked Atsushi to tickle him
- His laugh is warm and very loud
- Loves raspberries, receive them too
- Weak points: belly
- Are you ticklish? "Clear! And you?"
- Provocations that get him: “didn’t they teach you how we do things here in your village?”
Edogawa Rampo 👓🍭👓🍭👓🍭👓🍭👓
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60% ler / 40% lee
- Rampo LOVES tickling people out of nowhere
- His childish spirit makes everything tickle
- Did you insult him? Tickling
- You are sad? Tickling
- Did you steal his chocolates? Oh
- This is a more serious case, where he completely kills him lee, don't do that
- Rampo always goes to the end and doesn't even care if his Lee is dying
- But he's sweet and he'll let you go if you apologize
- Fights with Kenji~~~~
- He loves how cute Poe is when he laughs, so he tickles him for no reason
- Favorite Lees: Poe, and anyone at the agency, but especially Poe
- “I solved the mystery! It looks like you are ticklish~”
- Very sensitive, like, very, 110/100
- He looks like a baby of almost thirty years
- Always denies being ticklish, even to people who have tickled him fifteen thousand times
- He loves it
- He looks like someone who provokes his ler to attack him
- If the punishment of any game is being tickled, he will lose on purpose
- He can't take provocations and starts screaming and blushing when someone provokes him
- Everyone just loves tickling this boy
- He's so cute
- Weak points: armpits
- Are you ticklish? “The great detective does not have these weaknesses”
- Provocations that catch him: “What happened great detective? Can’t you solve this mystery?”
Akiko Yosano 🦋💉 🦋💉 🦋💉 🦋💉 🦋
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90% ler / 10% lee
- This woman is the reincarnation of the devil
- She wants to kill you
- Likes to sneak through the shadows and be very mysterious
- She's very good at interrogation
- You will do what she wants, muahahahaha
- But don't worry she will let you go if you are dying
- Maybe 😏
- Atsushi is the best possible to interrogate, she loves the fact that he is simply too manipulable
- Favorite Lees: mainly end up with anyone from the agency
- “I can only help when you are almost dying”
- It's not that she's not fit to be Lee, she's just barely ticklish
- 40/100 for real
- But she feels it in some specific points
- She also likes to be teased, but almost no one can really make her laugh
- Maybe Rampo has already tried so many times that at some point he succeeded
- She doesn't love tickling, but she doesn't hate it either
- But she kind of likes being attacked in her weak spot
- Weak points: legs
- Are you ticklish? “You’re asking me to tickle you?”
- Teasing that gets her: “you’re not going to die, doctor”
Junichirou Tanizaki ❄️😅 ❄️😅 ❄️😅 ❄️
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80% ler / 20% lee
- Junichirou is a very shy person, he is not very confident in what he is doing
- But if his lee starts to really laugh, he becomes a monster
- He has loved tickling his sister since he was little, usually when she was being a little too clingy
- I think he also likes to attack Kenji, I like this friendship
- His taunts aren't the best, he's much better when he's in monster mode
- He can tickle you without you seeing him MUAHAHAHAHA
- Be careful, he might be hiding to jump on you
- Favorite Lees: Naomi and Kenji
- “You can’t see me but I can touch you”
- very sensitiveeeeeee
- 90/100
- He likes tickling, he can't deny it
- Naomi keeps attacking him every time they're in that awkward moment, and it's clear that he really likes it
- He is afraid of Yosano attacking him, so he keeps running away from her when she is in a mood
- I feel like he gets scared a lot, so if you poke him in the ribs he'll jump to the other side of the room
- He doesn't ask for tickles, but it's because he's embarrassed, that's cute, right?
- Weak points: sides and lower ribs
- Are you ticklish? “I-I d-don’t-“
- Provocations that catch you: “what happened? Are you ashamed?"
Izumi Kyoka 🐇🌸 🐇🌸 🐇🌸 🐇🌸 🐇🌸
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60% ler / 40% lee
- Kyoka is a very silent reader, which can cause some fear
- She barely talks about the process of taking her lee and destroying him
- Atsushi taught her that instead of killing anyone she was angry with, she could tickle the person
- She uses this tactic quite often, especially with Atsushi
- She can even provoke when she attacks someone
- But they're kind of death threats like “you're going to die”
- Which is kind of sinister
- In other words, she may be small, but everyone is scared of her because she's kind of terrifying
- Favorite Lees: Atsushi
- "I'll end with you"
- She is 90/100
- It's soooo cute
- Hates when someone call she that
- Her laugh has a lot of squeals
- She insists on holding back her smile and laughter until she explodes
- Atsushi, when he tickles her, it's always to calm her down when she wants to kill someone
- She keeps kicking and punching her ler
- She can never sit still, hee ler comes out all injured
- Weak points: armpits
- Are you ticklish? "I will kill you"
-Teases that get her: “your laugh is so cute”
Ryunosuke Akutagawa 🔪👿 🔪👿 🔪👿
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50% ler / 50% lee
- In fact, Akutagawa likes be the ler more
- He's pretty mean
- He can trap your arms and legs with the rashumon
- It is not good to let him know your weak points
- But although he can be a very tough guy when he's angry (poor Atsushi), he can be very affectionate
- Maybe he just pokes you a few times, but if he does it once he'll never stop
- He knows how to tease well, hehehe
- Speaks calmly, which makes him lee even more frustrated
- When he wants to interrogate someone who doesn't feel very angry, he will definitely resort to tickling
- Favorite Lees: Atsushi (poor thing) and Gin
- “You’re already getting on my nerves, I’m going to have to punish you~”
- hahaha he doesn't admit it, but he is extremely sensitive 100/100
- No one tickled him much during his life
- Just Gin when they were little
- But after a while in the Mafia, everyone discovered how sensitive he was and decided to catch him 😝
- Never EVER admit that he feels ticklish
- Unless... it's Atsushi
- With Atsushi he feels free
- His laughs are not very loud, for me, he has a very cute silent laugh, but he lets out some laughs
- he could kill his ler at any time, but he won't, firstly because he doesn't control rashumon when he feels ticklish, secondly because he secretly loves it
- Weak points: neck (it's difficult to get there because of the collar on him clothes)
- Are you ticklish? “No, get out of here”
- Teasing that gets him: “I thought you weren’t ticklish, sir”
Chuuya Nakahara 🍷 🖕🍷 🖕🍷 🖕🍷 🖕
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40% ler / 60% lee
- Since Chuuya is very easily angered, he often uses tickling to get revenge, instead of hitting people he likes
- It's a demon
- He can manipulate the gravity of his Lee's hands and trap them so they doesn't run away
- Or he can restrain Lee completely and not let him move
- Some may think he's just an angry man, but he knows how to finish anyone off
- And of course, I can't forget
- Finishing Dazai is his passion
- (We know Dazai loves this)
- Whenever the man irritates him, he attacks him and finishes him off
- Favorite Lees: Dazai
- "What it was? Can’t move, can you?~”
- ehehehehehehehehehehe
- It's soooo sensitive 110/100
- He HATES tickles (unless they're from Dazai 🤭)
- This guy actually NEVER admits that he is sensitive, even when the person is about to kill him
- He blushes a lot, which can be really funny since he's always so tough
- Him sensitivity is known to everyone
- In the Mafia, everyone keeps poking him to make him jump
- And he gets all embarrassed and frustrated about it oinnnn
- He's only 10% more of a lee because Dazai tickles him 24 hours a day
- His powers just don't work when he's being attacked, so he can't even fight back or run away (Dazai loves this fact)
- Weak points: ribs (the most superior)
- Are you ticklish? “Fuck you”
- Provocations that catch him: “oh my God, you can’t escape? Come on, use your powers~”
Edgar Allan Poe 📚🦝📚🦝📚🦝📚🦝📚
20% ler / 80% lee
- In fact, the occasions in which Poe is a ler are quite rare
- This only happens when Rampo provokes him to feel ticklish
- And he obviously answers
- He only knows how to tickle Rampo, because his boyfriend taught him hahahaha
- He really likes feathers, he likes to put feathers on his lee
- His teases are usually compliments
- Apart from Rampo, he really is never the ler
- Favorite Lees: Rampo, right?
- “You look cute laughing”
- Poor thing, why did this boy date Rampo?
- He’s really very sensitive 120/100
- His whole body feels like one big gigantic sensitive spot
- Did I say he loves feathers? He loves having feathers brushed on him too, especially on his ears.
- Rampo knows he likes this, so he teases him whenever Poe is writing with a fountain pen like that with a nib
- he loves to be teased, and he really is teased all day
- I feel like because he's a writer, his hands are also very sensitive, I don't know why 😂
- He blushes a lot, like A LOT
- His laugh is low but increases as his reading provokes him
- Karl can tickle himmmmmmmmm
- Very cute
- Weak points: ears and hands
- Are you ticklish? “Me? DID KARL TELL YOU?”
-Teases that get him: “I know you love this”
Extra: I discovered that the name EDOGAWA RAMPO is a different pronunciation of the name EDGAR ALLAN POE, my couple 😭😭😭😭😭
Thanks for reading🫶💛 it’s my birthday, tadaaaa
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shadowynn · 2 years
| in love and lore | seven |
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pairing: ateez x fem reader
genre: fantasy/daemon/soulmate au
warnings: some cursing, overarching yandere behavior ( i think that's it )
summary: the daemon king and his seven black generals. names and faces of these eight had changed over the years as each new king was crowned, but their reputation as the most powerful daemons always remained the same. upon hearing the rumors one of the seven led the charge of the nearby battle, you should have stayed close to the encampment. you should have never wandered out on your own. but you did, and your life would never be the same again. good or bad, you would just have to wait to find out.
“There’s no need to be afraid, angel.” His words were a breath against the side of your neck. “You’ve done so much for us, let your king now return the favor.”
wordcount: 9.3k
| six | seven | eight |
a/n: okay, so i won't lie, this chapter was like super nerve racking for me to post. and i think it's because a lot of questions are answered in this one and the thought of them not being satisfying makes me anxious. and i think that's one reason why i struggled with this one, but in the end, i'm, happy with the way it turned out, so i hope you all are too. it certainly ended up longer than expected, nearly doubling in length. oops. as always though, i appreciate and adore all your feedback, love and support! :)
May I come in?
You were startled by the abruptness of the voice inside your head, the panic you had finally began to quell coming back in full force. The fact he was here and speaking to you not only serving as a swift reminder of what had happened earlier in the night but of everything that was still to come. Of the answers they had all but promised you at this point.
Can you give me a verbal response, angel? As much as I may wish I could at times, I can't exactly read your mind; only the thoughts you outwardly project. And even then, only those from a close distance.
You mulled over your answer, wondering just what it was you wanted. You had come back to camp willingly enough with Jongho when he had promised answers upon your return, but you kept seeing Hayoon's face as she was left to bleed out every time you closed your eyes, followed by the blood that had slowly dripped from Hongjoong's hand. And then way her father had looked you. The guilt he had thrown at you as he ordered you to help, pinning all the blame on you. As though you had been the one to slice her throat and not the daemon grinning gleefully before him.
And was he right? Was it really your fault? After all, you could have saved her. You could have prevented her death if you had just moved.
"Just... just give me a second," your voice was soft, a mumble against the skin of your legs, "...please."
You had been so angry earlier. Your emotions wild and out of control by what they had done. So much so, you had wanted answers then and there, determined to know your role in all this. But now that you were here, you didn't know what it was you wanted. Not anymore.
You didn't want to talk with Hongjoong anymore, not really. Not after the scene you had witnessed earlier. You were no stranger to death. You had seen more death in your twenty years than anyone your age should have ever seen, but this was different. This wasn't just another meaningless death in the war. This wasn't a battle kill. This wasn't a soldier killing another because it was kill or be killed. This was someone killing purely for the sake of the act. Hayoon might have overstepped her boundaries when she had began speaking so brazenly to Hongjoong, but had that truly warranted her death?
All her crimes had been against you. It had been you she had insulted and you that she had threatened to expose and kill. And though Jongho had claimed she had still broken their laws when she had threatened your life, was it still justified when she hadn't known?
She had died because of you. Forced to bleed out because of you. And you hadn't done a single thing to prevent it. Not one single thing.
Perhaps this was why her death clung to your skin, because despite it all, you knew her father was justified in his guilt. Hayoon's death was on your hands just as much as theirs and no matter how hard you had scrubbed at them, the blood wouldn't come off. Your hands had been forever stained.
You wanted answers. You needed answers. You needed to know why they kept slaughtering people in your name. You needed to know what they had done to you and what they planned on doing with you. But the uncertainty of it all terrified you. What if Hayoon had spoken the truth? What if the truth was everything you feared? That this was all just one big game to them and you were just another means to an end. That you were nothing more than a pawn used to get the humans and now that your use was gone, you and your siblings would be executed like all the other half-daemons.
Or what if it was something else? Something worse than death. Something that prolonged your use to them.
You let out another sigh, pulling your legs in closer as a shiver coursed through your body. All you asked and yearned for the past few days had been answers to the questions running through your mind, but now that they were just within reach, you were hesitant. Terrified of what those answers would be and terrified of what was to come once you had finally gotten them.
And if the unknown didn't scare you enough, the path to it did. It had been easy to be frustrated with Hongjoong before, but now that you had met him, you wondered how you had ever dared to utter any of these frustrations out loud. You had known who he was all along, even without any outward confirmation, but nothing could have prepared you for what the daemon king was truly like. Even if he hadn't killed Hayoon in front of you, the short exchange you had with him beforehand had been nerve racking enough. His aura was large enough to fill the entire room, the raw power and strength exuding from it had left you feeling so small and insignificant inside it. And now that man was requesting to meet with you and you alone.
Alone with the daemon king.
If you had told yourself where you would be two years ago, you would have laughed. To think someone of your status would be requested to meet with the king of daemons wasn't just ludicrous, it was near impossible to believe. You had heard the rumors of what this man was like your entire life. Of course you had wondered what he was like before and wondered how he would compare to his father before. You had wondered, just like everyone else had wondered about a man of myth and legend, but you had never expected to actually meet him face to face. You hadn't wanted to ever meet him.
But here you were. In the middle of the daemon's encampment with the daemon king asking to come speak with you. Even with the direction your life had recently taken the past few weeks, it still felt strange. It felt surreal, and left you half-believing that this really had all been some sort of hazy, fever dream. That at any moment now you would finally wake up.
You wished you would wake up. Wished that it was nothing more than a dream. That it was just a nightmare and any second you would wake up. That you would find yourself back in your shared bed with Soomin and laugh about it once you had calmed yourself down.
But this wasn't a dream and you wouldn't be waking up any time soon. This was real. And you had no choice but to accept the fate you had taken when you had stumbled upon your first injured daemon so long ago. The moment you had chosen to save him, you fate had been sealed. The Black Angel had been born and you had no choice but to accept the consequences of your actions.
Take your time, angel. I'll be waiting for you outside.
His response brought you back to reality and you briefly wondered how long you could make him wait before he grew too impatient with you. It was a futile thought, though. What good would prolonging this meeting do for you? You couldn't live like this anymore. The uncertainty of your life and what was to become of you was driving you crazy. You needed answers and this was the only way you would be getting them. If it ended up being the death of you, then so be it. At least you wouldn't have to keep living with the unknown hanging off the back of your neck.
Knowing what you needed to do and doing it were two completely different stories though, and you fought the urge to slink further into the water of the tub. You could mope all you wanted, fight all you wanted, but there was no changing what was to come. As terrifying as it all may be, you would just have to get it over with. Otherwise who knows what lengths they would go to next.
You still waited to leave the tub until the water grew too cold to stand any longer and were careful to keep your gaze away from your body as you got out and dressed. You didn't think he would dare to abuse his power in such a way, especially if he checked in with you before coming inside, but you didn't want to chance it and were grateful your eyes had been closed when he had first spoken to you. If he had been spying on you in the last few minutes, all he would have seen and heard was the back of your eyelids and the shaky exhales of your breath.
There was some relief in knowing he couldn't read your thoughts, though his vague explanation had confused you. What had he meant when he had said he was only able to read the thoughts you outwardly projected? How did you project a thought and had you been doing it unknowingly all this time? Was this they reason why he and the others had heard certain phrases you had said in your head? Was this what Wooyoung had meant when he had said they wouldn't willingly read them? That they had no choice in the matter when you kept projecting them all along?
The thought caused another sigh to fall from your lips, fully knowing this was just another unknown that was to be added to your growing list.
You took your time making yourself presentable, pulling on the spare set of clothes laid out for you and running Hyunwoo's comb through your damp hair. It was a stark contrast from the way you had looked when you first met him, but you felt more at ease with the plain, baggy clothes. This was the real you. A poor, simple half-daemon with just a few items to her name. Not the girl he had seen at the ball, dressed in an outfit worth far more than she was herself. That was a lifestyle you would never obtain. Not because you would never be able to afford it, but rather society would never come to accept it.
Once you were dressed and ready, you were unsure of what to do next, fighting the part of you that yearned to slip inside the bed next to you and pretend as though you had fallen asleep. Was he still listening to you? Did you just have to speak out loud once more and he would hear you? Or did he expect you to reach out to him in person? He had said he would wait for you outside the tent, so had that been a hint for you to go outside and meet with him there?
You knew you were overthinking the matter, but your anxiety over the impending conversation clouded your brain and made it near impossible to come to a decision. You could feel his presence on the other side of the fabric that separated you, the intensity of it adding to the nerves coursing through you. You didn't want to go out there. You didn't want to see him again, but what choice did you have? You needed answers and you wouldn't run now that they were finally being offered. No, you would brave the explanations they would give you, if only for your own sanity, and then you would decide whether running away was a valid plan or not.
Your hands shook as you approached the entrance, the fabric of the tent nearly slipping through your fingers when you pulled it to the side to peer outside. Just as you expected, Hongjoong sat at the table next to Jongho. He had changed into something more casual, hair loose and wet from his own bath, and though the crown was long gone, he still appeared every bit the king he had been at the ball.
The two had been conversing quietly with each other, but their conversation fell to a close when they heard your approach. Both sets of eyes were quick to lock onto your figure and despite the easy smile each sent your way, you had to fight the part of you that yearned to disappear back inside the tent.
"Why don't you retire for the rest of the night?" Hongjoong spoke to Jongho first, motioning with his head for him to leave the two of you alone for the time being. "I'll cover the rest of your watch."
"Of course," Jongho replied, bowing his head. He rose from his seat without question, making his way over to you and ushering a soft, "Goodnight, angel," before giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze and one last timid smile.
"I didn't wake you, did I?"
His stance was relaxed as he stood up, and he appeared much calmer than he had been when you had first met him earlier. He had seemed so angry with Hayoon and the others then, angry enough to kill though none of it made any sense. And yet, he presented as nearly a different person this time around. Simply smiling at you as though your earlier interaction had never occurred.
You simply shook your head, finding it hard to find your voice in his presence once more. There was so much you wanted to ask, so much that you wanted to say, but you found it difficult to put your thoughts together well enough to form a coherent question with the way his golden eyes took you in at this moment.
"Why don't we head inside, then?" He motioned for you to step back inside, hand landing at the base of your back to guide you when it took a second to process what he had just said. "It will be warmer in there than it is out here."
You let him guide you back inside with little fight, acutely aware of the fact you were now completely alone with him. He directed you to the small table and chairs set up to the left, pulling out one of the chairs for you to sit before taking the other.
"I know a lot has happened to you in the past few weeks," he began once the two of you had seated and you had a hard time fighting back the scoff his words brought. A lot? That was an understatement. Your entire life had been turned inside out since you had first met Seonghwa so many weeks ago. "And I know you have several questions you wish to ask me," he continued, ignoring the negative reaction his words had pulled from you, "but before I answer those, I feel it best to ask you something first. How familiar are you with the way daemons' politics work?"
His question caught you off guard, brow furrowing as you tried to figure out what politics had to do with your current situation. "About as much as you would expect," you attempted to keep your voice even, briefly wondering if you should address him in any specific way. "There's you, the daemon king and the seven generals who carry out his orders. Beyond that, I'm not too sure. Your kind has never been very open with sharing your ways of life."
"That is the base of things, yes," he replied, and though you saw the way his brow twitched at the connotation your tone had held, he didn't push you on it. "The golden crown has been sacred to my bloodline for many generations now, passed down to the next male heir whenever the current ruler dies. And each time the next king is born, seven other daemons are also born amongst our ranks, each with a different daemon ability unique to the sacred Black Order. These daemons are what your humans refer to as the Seven, and are born with the sole purpose of serving the king as his personal guard."
You had a hard time not interrupting him as he spoke, feeling as though he had just repeated everything you had just said. You already knew all of this, and even the few minute details you hadn't, you hadn't cared to learn about. Not when this had nothing to do with you. Not when it did nothing to explain why you had been marked with his sigil or why they seemed to have such a hard time letting you go.
"Now, all daemons possess some of the old magic in their blood, a substance we often refer to as maetha, but only those of the royal bloodline or those born to serve in the Black Order possess a unique ability in addition to what every daemon is capable of."
"But that doesn't make any sense," you spoke up before you could stop yourself. You knew the majority of daemons didn't have a unique ability of their own as you and Hyunwoo were the only two half-daemons you knew who possessed one, but you had always assumed it was just because half-daemons didn't carry enough of magic in their blood to present one and it was only who your father was that allowed you and Hyunwoo to have one. "My blood's healing capabilities. Hyunwoo's affinity with metals. Why-"
"Because of who your father was." Hongjoong interrupted, and his answer took you by surprise. Not because he seemed to know exactly who your father was, the color of your blood had long been a testament to that, but rather that your assumptions on the matter had been right. "You and your siblings are obviously the children of Minsu, one of the generals from my father's guard and the one who served as an ambassador between us. The color of your blood is all but proof of it."
"I'm well aware of who my father was."
No one would ever speak the truth to you or your siblings, but you had always known exactly who he had been. How could you not when your blood was as black as the horns on each of the generals' heads? You had never come to terms with how exactly you felt about the matter, finding it easy to push it to the side when it was a subject kept under wraps. After all, you had never even known the man, as his death had come just mere weeks after you and Hyunwoo had been born.
But you knew the legends and the rumors. The humans might have never outright spoken about your tie to him, but you had heard the stories and rumors they whispered about. Of how he had gone crazy and killed one of the councilman's youngest daughters in a fit of rage. Of how they had no choice but to take revenge for what he had done, even if his death would trigger an entire war.
Everything you had heard about the man said how terrible he was. Of how ruthless he had been. The perfect picture of what one of the Seven were rumored to be like. He had killed your mother for god's sake and would have killed you and others if the humans hadn't have stopped him.
But you also knew the stories Soomin had told you. She had been ten when everything had gone down, and though her memories of these years became hazy in the aftermath, she still held snippets of memories from a life before. Their deaths had hit her the hardest, and yet she refused to speak of it, not wanting to burden you and Hyunwoo with the pain she now carried from it. But she had spoken snippets here and there, ever questioning the event in her mind. Your father couldn't have done it. Not when he had seemed to care for each of you. Not when he had seemed to care so much for your mother.
"Then you may be interested in knowing how uncommon that is because the Black Guard is prohibited from having children."
The statement caught you off guard, pulling you from the memories of your father. You hadn't know that. Hadn't known that on top of the taboo of your mixed blood, you were also an illegal child. Hadn't known you were someone who should have never been born. No wonder the daemon soldiers had given you so many strange looks when they saw your blood. It hadn't been because of your ability to heal with it or that you were a half-daemon, but rather just the color itself. They had known what it meant. They had known you were someone who should have never been born.
"So, you are going to kill me then." Your voice shook as you spoke, the realization of what his words meant bringing to life the worst of your fears. If they weren't going to have you killed for being a half-daemon, they would kill you for being a half-daemon with black blood. Both you and your siblings.
"No, we're not going to kill you." He was quick to rebuke your statement, shaking his head and softening his expression once he saw the fear that filled your eyes. "Your birth may be considered illegal by daemon rule, but you are so much more important than you realize, angel. Important enough to make me more than willing to make an exception to the rule. After all, killing you would be akin to killing-" He paused, the look he gave you in that moment impossible to read. "Ah, but I'm afraid I've begun to get ahead of myself. Do you know why the Black Guard are prohibited from having children?"
You shook your head, relieved at hearing your death was not in the foreseeable future - at least for now - but nervous at the implication he had made when he had been about to explain the reason why. Did that mean they did have a further use of you? A use that trumped the fact you should have never existed in the first place.
"My family did not always rule the daemons. Before we sailed to this land nearly a millennia ago, we were nothing more than just another faction in a world divided by madness. I was not alive at the time, but I'm told Dalnim was a very different place than the land inhabited by the humans here in the place we have come to call Haemosu. The magic was stronger there, where every living being contained maetha. Even the earth, herself, is said to hold traces of it. But as beautiful as it was, the power it blessed us with was also a curse. Civil unrest plagued the inhabitants, each one desperate for the power others held. Wars were constant, each family desperate for more.
"My family yearned for a new life away from the chaos of the old world, so they, along with any other daemons who were willing to go with, left and sailed north to start anew. And to prevent the destruction and chaos that had plagued them before, a spell was put into place, preventing anyone outside the golden bloodline and those born to protect it from being born with any abilities outside the basics maetha allows us all."
"So, that's why the Seven are prevented from having children? Because they can produce more people like Hyunwoo and I? And you're afraid of anyone else who might hold a little power in case they decide to overthrow you?"
"I will agree the morality of the spell is ambiguous at best," he replied, noticing the sarcasm in your tone. "But over the millennia it has been in place, the daemons have lived in relative peace. They've thrived in harmony amongst each other without fear of what's to come. Each of them more than willing to sacrifice a little power at the chance of a peaceful life."
"Hmph, I wonder what that's like." Your arms crossed, scowling at the hypocrisy of his words. All you had ever known was a war divided in war. You had grown up under the very same circumstance he had stated the daemons came here to escape and it was all because of them.
"May I remind you that it was your humans who started this war. Not us." Hongjoong's voice was lined with thin agitation, brow twitching once more at your words. "And it was your humans that were so insistent on continuing it after my father died."
"What are you talking about?"
"Forget I said anything. It doesn't matter. Not anymore." He shook his head with a sigh, and you were surprised to see the way his eyes had appeared sunken for just a moment. As though he was remembering something he had come to regret. "If we were to talk about the logistics of this war, we would be here all night. And I believe there are other topics that would interest you more, am I correct?"
Your lips twisted as you mulled over what he had just said, his reaction to it all the more compelling. He was right in his assumption you were more interested in your own fate at the moment, but his statements towards the war had caught your attention as a direct contradiction to what you had believed to happen thus far. The humans had said the daemons had no wish for peace after their king had died, but Hongjoong had hinted towards a different story. One where the humans were the ones denying peace. And the reaction it had pulled from him all but proving something more had went down than what either had told you.
"As I was saying earlier," he began, taking the time you had mulled over his previous question as an excuse to continue, "the spell written back then was not as flawless as first expected. While it did almost completely prevent any future abilities from appearing in daemons outside the royal family with the exception of the Seven, it failed to prevent abilities from appearing in the male born children of the Black Guard, a problem only discovered decades after the spell had been written. There was talk of rewriting the spell, but the power and time it would have taken ultimately made them decide against it, using the loophole as an excuse to keep the Guard's sole focus on protecting and serving their king."
"Wait, you said only the male born children, right? But what about me? Doesn't that mean I should be like my sister? That I shouldn't have an ability?"
His mention in the flaw had been quick, but you had caught on to it with ease, seeing it as just another flaw in your own existence. As though you hadn't already been told your life was one giant mistake, it seemed Hongjoong wasn't done yet and swiftly delivered another blow towards you. Was there anything about you that was normal? That was supposed to exist and be for a reason? Or were you really just one giant mistake? A flaw in the system.
"Not necessarily. The spell has waned over the centuries and a few daemons with unique abilities have popped up every hundred years or so, but-"
"So," you interrupted, too frustrated by what he had explained to you thus far to notice he hadn't even remotely began to answer any of the questions related to what you were doing here now, "you're telling me, that not only am I a half-daemon, but the half-daemon child of someone who wasn't even supposed to have children in the first place, and now I'm some anomaly in a spell? Is there anything else I should know about myself?"
"I understand the circumstances of your birth may seem a bit... odd, but that doesn't change the fact your life still holds a purpose. You're not a mistake, angel. You're not someone who just slipped through the cracks of an ancient spell. There are a few others who the spell allows to be born with an unique ability. You are one of those people. In fact, you are someone I've waited a very long time for."
His hand reached across the table in an attempt to calm your fidgeting ones, but his fingers only briefly brushed against the tops of your hands before you pulled them back. His face was soft, too soft, gazing at you with genuine sincerity. As though he truly believed what he was saying to you. And the moment you pulled back from him, he almost seemed hurt.
"You're not making any sense. There's nothing special about me." You pulled your hands close to your chest, eyeing him closely from across the table. Why was he being so nice to you? Why did he seem to care so much for you? "I'm just..." Just what? A mutt? A halfbreed? An abomination? All of the above? "You said it yourself. I should have never even been born."
"Perhaps your birth was forbidden on multiple accounts, but that doesn't change the fact you were still born. Or that the maetha that flows through each of our veins chose you. Out of the millions of daemons tied to it, it chose you. You are so much more than the mutt everyone has made you believe you are."
"Chosen? Chosen for what?"
You shook your head, not quite grasping what he was trying to say. Or why he had gone such a roundabout way to try and explain everything. All it had served to do was create more questions than answers and make you feel worse about yourself than you had before. it didn't tell you anything you had wanted to know. It didn't tell you why he or the others seemed to have such a keen interest in you or why Seonghwa had attacked you that night and branded you with the sigil of their king.
"The abilities of the golden bloodline are passed down from generation to generation, with each new heir inheriting the abilities of both his parents, securing a stronger heir with each new generation. When I was born, I gained all the abilities passed down through my father's bloodline and then the one my mother possessed."
"Well, I'm sure that's quite nice for you getting to be all powerful and all, but what does this have to do with me? What does any of this have to do with me?"
"Fucking hell." Hongjoong let out a string of curses at your sarcasm once more. They were nothing more than a breath, but you could still make out the first few as he leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his hair, either exasperated by your statement or the fact you had still not gotten it. But if it was supposed to be obvious, it wasn't. At least not to you.
"The only daemons born with an ability is the next heir to the throne, the members of the Black Guard, and any other male heirs born to these eight men. However, you might recall I said I inherited the ability of both my parents, including my mother. And while it is true a few anomalies have been popping up, the mate of the daemon king will always be born with an ability."
"What are you saying?"
You could feel the blood draining from your face. The implication he made was clear, but it was so incredulous, you refused to believe what he was trying to imply. You had to have read into his wording wrong. He must have been hinting at something else. He had to have been hinting at something else.
"You're her, angel. The woman I've waited just over a century for. You're my mate."
You laughed.
You couldn't help it. It was just so ridiculous, the laughter had bubbled up before you could stop it, sure that this was all some big joke.
"What the hell are you talking about?" You choked out, but your laughter began to trickle away when you glanced back up at him and saw that damned sincerity in his eyes once more. He sure didn't look like he was joking. In fact, he almost looked offended you hadn't believed him. As though the fact you found it absolutely insane and proceeded to laugh in his face had hurt. Either that, or he was just one hell of an actor. "I don't know what you're going on about, but that was a joke, right? You're not actually serious?"
What did he even mean by mate, anyway? You knew daemon relationships worked differently than humans, rejecting the traditional marriage seen by humans, and referring to their significant other as their mate. But that didn't explain why he was calling you that now. You weren't his mate. You didn't even know him.
"Why would I joke about something like this?" He leaned forward, the intensity of his gaze making you squirm in your seat. You were sure he was joking. He had to have been joking, but the way he was looking at you made you begin to think otherwise.
"Other than the fact that it's absolutely crazy?" You couldn't stop the panic that began to bubble inside you. "Or the fact that I have no idea what you're even talking about? Mate? What the hell does that even mean?"
"Every daemon has a mate, someone designed and molded by the maetha to be a perfect fit to them. And in order to guide the two to each other, they're shown visions of each other-"
"Well, then that just proves you're lying." Your arms crossed. "I've never had a vision of you before. Or anyone else for that matter."
"A flaw on your human side, I'm afraid." He continued without skipping a beat and you began to wonder just what lengths he would go to convince you otherwise. How long he had been setting this up to come up with an answer for each question you threw his way. Of how much effort he put into a ploy that only served to see you hurt. "Half-daemons have mates just like daemons, but the way their human blood reacts with the maetha dilutes it, preventing the visions from ever occurring. At least, that's our best working theory at the present moment."
"Is there nothing about this that doesn't sound absolutely insane to you, or is it just me?" Your fingers dug into your arms, trying hard to control the panic his words stirred up inside you. It was insane. All of it was absolutely, fucking insane. "You're the king of daemons and I'm what? A mutt. Just a fucking mutt. And sure, I have an ability, but people slip through the cracks. You said so yourself. That doesn't mean I'm your mate. And to try and convince me otherwise is just cruel."
"I know how crazy this may seem for you, but I assure you it is all true. I'm not trying to convince you of something that isn't true. I've been seeing pieces of your life ever since you were born, after all." He reached across the table, grabbing your fidgeting hands in an attempt to calm your movements and prevent you from hurting yourself. "Every year on your birthday, I'm able to see, hear, and feel everything you do for just a moment. It's similar to how one of my own abilities work, but I don't get to choose when it happens or reach out to you in any way. I simply get to experience your life as you do for a few brief moments."
"I don't believe you." You shook your head, still incredulous to it all. It couldn't be true. It just couldn't.
"On your eighteenth birthday, you and your brother snuck out of the city to catch a glimpse of Sesang's comet. You laid out on a blanket in a nearby field, staring up at the sky and talking for hours. It was the middle of winter, so it was freezing, but you didn't care. You talked about running away, leaving the humans behind and starting a new life away from it all, but it was nothing more than a wishful fantasy. Where would you go with the war going on?
"And then your eighth birthday was the first year you had gotten a cake. Your sister had saved up enough money to buy the ingredients for one. She had even managed to get candles for you to blow out and make a wish. Your brother had stated his wish was to be able to have cake everyday for the rest of his life, but you had remained silent when asked about yours, stating it wouldn't come true if you said it and you really wanted it to come true. Ever since then, I've always wondered what your wish could have been and if it ever came true for you."
Your face grew hot as he spoke, fully aware everything he was saying was true. You had snuck out of the city with Hyunwoo on your eighteenth birthday, as the lights and walls of the city had blocked your view. Soomin had been frantic when the two of you had returned in the middle of the night, nearly frozen to death but giggling like fools. She had berated the two of you for what felt like an eternity for doing something so stupid.
And then your eighth birthday was the first time you had gotten cake. There had only been enough for one, but you hadn't minded sharing with Hyunwoo because the two of you were so close and shared everything anyways. You had felt so silly when you had made your wish and blown out the candles on your side, but even now, almost thirteen years later, you still held on to that wish and hoped it would continue to hold true. That you would always have your family by your side.
"I'm not saying I believe you," you found it impossible to look him in the face now, body growing hot as the realization he could actually be telling the truth sunk in, "but if you really are telling the truth, then why didn't you just take me that first night? If you knew it was me, why did you just have Seonghwa put this stupid mark on my chest and send me on my way?"
"Because I knew how badly you would have reacted. Look how hard this is on you now. How do you think you would have reacted if I had Seonghwa bring you back to our base that night and explained everything there?"
You had to admit he did make a valid point. If he really was speaking the truth and you were his - god, you couldn't even say it in your head - stealing you away then would have made you livid. But it didn't make up for the way they had still treated you instead. The way they had stolen you from your home and family still made you angry. The ploy might have not been as terrible in his mind as the first, but it was just as cruel to you. You had gone through so much in these past few weeks, unsure of what their true motives were and what was to become of you. It made you almost wish they would have just taken you that first night instead. The stress of it all had nearly eaten you alive. It had nearly torn you apart. And for what? For them to come out and say it had all been because you were supposed to be the mate of the daemon king and they wanted your ability to pass down to the next heir?
"There's something else I still need to explain to you," he continued after a few moments of silence and you did look up at him in that moment. The realization he had more to tell you made your heart skip a beat. What more did he have to say? Could it possibly get any worse than it already was?
"My mother's ability is a strange one, allowing bonds to be created between different individuals. By consuming one's blood, I can create a bond between myself and another that will tie us together. In a sense, it allows a part of myself to be imparted upon each person I mark, allowing me to share my strength with them and vice versa. Each of my generals hold such a mark, strengthening each of us through it. And when I realized it was you who was the Black Angel that night with Seonghwa, I marked you through him. The mark on your chest is a physical sign of the bond that now ties you to each of us and why you were most likely left with the feeling as though a part of you was missing. In some ways, it was, as pieces of yourself transferred to each of us as the bond took hold.
"I didn't want to mark you in such a way. Not without you having any prior knowledge on the matter, but I had little choice. I wasn't expecting you to be there that night. I wasn't expecting to see you until we breached Maehwa, but then you appeared. And though I always suspected it might be you who was the Black Angel, it was still a shock to see it was true. To know it had been you who had saved all those lives." He paused, hands tightening their grip on your own. "I knew how much danger you would be in if the humans ever found out what you had done, and I couldn't just have Seonghwa take you back no matter how much both of us wanted that, so I did the only thing I knew to secure your safety for the time being."
"You could have been wrong though. You could have marked the wrong person."
"No," he shook his head, the hint of a smile appearing as he took you in. "It was you. We both could feel it. The moment you walked into that room, we knew. Your voice, your mannerisms, your aura. It was all you, the woman we've waited so long for."
"We? What do you mean we?"
"When I marked the others, I never expected the bond between us to be as strong as it was. It brought us together in a way that no other king and his guard had been before. We were stronger, faster, more united than my father or his father before. A part of myself now lives within each of them, just as a part of them lives within me. And the tie that connects me to you, also now connects you to them. Because you are my mate, you are now also theirs."
Your eyes widened. "What do you mean?"
If you weren't so certain he hadn't been lying about the first part anymore, you would have never believed him now. You would have laughed at him again. But just as before, his face held no trace of a lie. It was just as sincere as before. Full of a longing that would have had you wanting to move in closer if you weren't so shocked by what he was telling you in that moment.
"Even before they were officially my guard, I had always been so close with them. We grew up together, trained together. They're the closest things to brothers I'll ever have, so when I was instated as the new king and they officially became my guard, the bond that snapped into place felt natural. It heightened everything we already knew and felt, bringing us closer together than we had been before. When each of them saw the next vision I had of you on your eighteenth birthday, we knew immediately what it had meant. That they were now tied to you just as I was and who was I to neglect them of that bond? The very one I had given to them?"
"But," you struggled to speak, fighting the rush of emotions that had sprung up, "but you said every daemon has a mate, so I couldn't be theirs too, could I? Not when they-"
"You'll remember I said previously that the members of the Black Guard are not allowed families of their own, because of this, they are the only daemons who do not have a mate when they're born. The ancient spell which gives them their ability and rank also prevents a mate from being bound to them."
It made sense. In it's own twisted way, it did. And it explained so many of the interactions you had with each of them. It explained the way Seonghwa had reacted that first night when he saw you, the way Jongho was always so bashful around you, and it even explained the conversation you had had with Yeosang before you had known he was a daemon. Of how he had said a partner was something he had never thought could be his and the implication that it could come true now because someone like you had told him it could.
You could feel your face growing hotter with each passing moment, suddenly seeing every little interaction with each of them in a new light. They had known. All along they had known exactly who you were. It was why they always seemed to fawn over your attention, squeezing their way in to catch a moment of your time. And it was why they all acted so aggressively whenever you were insulted and threatened, and explained the hungry glint in each of their eyes when they had observed you in that golden dress earlier that night.
Your eyes flickered over to where it still laid draped across one of the privacy screens, shivering as you saw the meaning behind it in a new light. You had been so sure they had put you in it for the exact reason Hayoon had said. As nothing more than a way to mock the humans, but that hadn't been it at all. Perhaps, a part of it might have been a way to get back at them for all they had done to you, but it had really been nothing more than a way for them to show the humans exactly who you were there with. All but claiming you as your own.
"Let me get this clear. You're telling me that I am not only supposedly your mate, but I am also now the mate of each of your seven generals? Like, all of them?" You drew your hands out from under his, his touch hot and heavy against yours. "And I'm what? Just supposed to accept all of this? I'm just supposed to be okay with all of this?"
"I know this is a lot to take in, y/n, but-" He attempted to calm you down, but you couldn't even look at him in that moment, feeling more vulnerable before him than you ever had before. Never in your life had you felt as bare and exposed as you did now.
"A lot? A lot is a fucking understatement." Your voice was rising, and you clambered to your feet, nearly knocking your chair over in your haste. "My whole life I've been told I'm nothing and that I'll amount to nothing, and now you're here telling me I'm supposed to be your mate. The fucking daemon king's mate. It's..."
It was what? Cruel? Degrading? To know that they only reason they had ever shown you an ounce of kindness was because you were supposed to be their mate? And what if you hadn't been? What would have happened then? Would you have had a knife to your throat instead? Because you served no other purpose towards them?
"You all keep going on and on about you had no choice in the matter. That you had no choice but to mark me with this stupid, fucking bond, and no choice but to kill Hayoon or that other lady. But you're wrong. You," somewhere inside you, you found the strength to look up at him once more, eyes narrowing as you met his gaze, "you have no idea what it's really like to not have a choice."
God, the temperature in the room seemed to have increased steadily in the past few minutes, leaving the air stifling and making it harder to breathe with each intake of air. It was starting to make you lightheaded, and you swayed on your feet. You needed to get out. You needed air.
"Angel-" His hand caught yours as you went to move away and the way he looked down at you nearly made your heart stop.
"I... I can't do this anymore." It was a struggle to speak as time went on, chest tightening with each passing moment. You couldn't stay here for much longer. Not with him. Not with any of them. You needed space to think, to breathe, to calm yourself down. You couldn't do that with him here. Not when he was the source of the panic currently consuming you. "I need space. I need to think."
You didn't wait to be given permission and pulled yourself from his grip. He let you slip away with little ease, making no attempt to try and stop you as you dashed to the entrance of the tent.
"y/n, please believe me when I say that none of this was meant to hurt you. The last thing any of us want to do is hurt you."
Would he be saying that to you if you hadn't been his mate? Would he have shown you, someone who's existence his kind had hated for centuries, would he have shown you kindness if you hadn't been his mate?
"You'll have to forgive me when I say I don't believe you," your voice was soft as you paused at the exit, hand tightening its grip on the fabric of the tent as you processed his words, "as it certainly hasn't felt that way on my end. My life has been nothing but confusion and misery since I met you."
You didn't have to look at him to know the impact your words had on him, cutting deep. And though you felt no regret in saying them, it still made you pause for a second longer, wondering if this was the right way to leave things. Wondering if you should explain just why his words had cut you the way they had.
But how could you? How could you stop and explain when you weren't even fully aware of the answer yourself? And what little you did understand only made you all the more anxious to openly admit out loud. Because what if you were right? And the way you had been treated was solely reliant on the bond between you. And that you would have been tossed aside like all the others long before if you hadn't.
No, you couldn't. You wouldn't. Not now. Not after everything he had done. Not after everything they had all done. You had suffered enough as it was. You didn't need to suffer any more by putting yourself out there more than you were already.
You forced yourself to move, throwing back the flap to the tent and forcing your legs to move beneath you before he had a chance to change his mind and force you to stay. You didn't know where you were going, nor did you really care. You just needed a place away from him> Away from all of them. A place where you could be alone and breathe. A place where you could process the overload of information he had dumped on you without him and the others breathing down your neck.
To your relief, the others weren't around when you exited. After everything you had just been told, you didn't want to face them. The mere thought of seeing them now that you finally understood what was going on only made your stomach churn. You didn't know how you would be able to face them after tonight, and wondered if it would have been better to continue living in ignorance. If the uncertainty of what was to come was better than this.
You took off through the camp, ignoring the daemons still milling around and doing your best to control your breathing. Your hands still shook and your chest was tight, but you felt as though it was a bit easier to breathe out here.
And though the idea of running did strike you in that moment, you had no real intention of following through with it. Could you even run away when Hongjoong had the power to bring you right back to him with little to no effort on his part? And even if he somehow couldn't? Where would you go? Nearly every city had either been destroyed or overtaken by the daemons, and Maehwa was out of the question after the events that had transpired earlier in the night. The humans would never let you stay with them. Not after you had inadvertently caused the death of one of the councilman's daughters.
No, you just needed to get far enough away to where you couldn't feel their presence any longer. You needed far enough away to where you could feel like you were by yourself. But the moment you made it to the edge of the tents, you were stopped in your tracks. Not by one of the daemon guards, but a force that you couldn't even see.
There was nothing in front of you, nothing visible that you could see, but you could feel it. An invisible barrier blocking your path and preventing you from escaping any further. You could feel it thrumming in front of you as you cautiously brushed up against it, solid beneath your fingertips.
You knew this was your doing, remembering all too well the way the humans' fists had bounced off something similar earlier in the night. Except this time it wasn't in place to keep the humans in, but you.
You laughed.
Nothing about this was remotely funny to you, but the realization you were trapped inn here with them was the tipping point of it all, seeing once again your choice being taken away from you. A pitiful reminder that you were little more than a prisoner here with them.
It didn't take long for the laughter to transform into tears, shoulders shaking at the sobs that began to rack your body, finally releasing the swell of emotions you had held up inside you for so long. Every fear, every frustration, every worry, came rushing out of you in that moment and you collapsed against the nearby tree, body curling in on itself once more as the weight of the situation came crashing down on you.
You had thought your fate had been sealed the moment you had become the Black Angel, but you were wrong. Your fate had been sealed the moment you had taken your first breath and destiny decided to tie you to that man and nothing you said or did would change it.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Th Sergeant’s Admirer - Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt: I actually had writers block and decided to look through some unfinished stuff and came across this it started at 1k words and I decided to see where my idea's took me...It got out of hand. This is the biggest one-shot I've actually ever done. its over 7k and its my first Bucky fic I'm excited to hear every ones thoughts. (if you don't like don't read)
Warnings: Smut, there fluff lots of it, I have a minor fetish or kink for like Bucky's arm so that may leak in this story. (oops)
Description: You’re a sci-fi writer who happens to support Sergeant Barnes rather publicly in an interview for your latest book, which somehow ends with you being asked to help boost the Sergeants PR.
Thank you to my beta who gave this a quick edit last night @lets-imagine-fanfics
“So, Y/N, as a successful writer of a sci-fi book series everyone is wondering who is your favourite Avenger?” The interviewer asked with a bright white smile that was beyond fake in your eyes. 
“That depends on what reason? I mean I know everyone wants me to say Captain America because the hero of my book is noble and righteous much like our good Captain, but to be honest; I most admire Sergeant Barnes.” You replied easily clearly shocking the interviewer as her jaw dropped immediately.  
“You mean The Winter Solider?” The interviewer asked sceptically.  
“No, HYDRA created The Winter Solider by torturing a good man that fought for this country over 70 years ago. The man who now helps the Avengers and their cause is not the assassin they created but the Sergeant finally getting his life back and once again serving his country despite having every right to retire and live a normal life.” You answered easily, your smile finally real as you spoke passionately about your beliefs on the subject. 
“So, you believe that the Sergeant shouldn’t be treated like a terrorist and a killer despite his wrongdoings?” The interviewer sassed back making your face drop instantly.  
“I’m sorry…so if Miss Wanda Maximoff came in here and made you kill everyone in this room…would you think it fair to get charged for the murders?” You asked causing her to splutter.  
“I think this interview is over and I don’t think I will be taking any more interviews from this station. Oh, one more thing…” You started before staring into the camera. 
“Sergeant Barnes, if you are watching this, thank you for your service.” You spoke sweetly into the camera making everyone chuckle under their breaths before you took your exit out of the studio, your manager following you with a panicked expression.  
As you stepped outside of the building, your manager tried to keep the paparazzi away but pictures were still being taken and their questions were relentless, so you decided to answer some of their inquiries. Holding your hand up they easily quietened down but continued to take pictures. 
“Miss Y/L/N, is it true that your favourite avenger is Mr Barnes or was it a publicity stunt?” You shot the person a glare before crossing your arms.  
“No, I truly admire Mr Barnes.” You answered with gritted teeth. 
“Do you know Mr Barnes personally?” Someone asked in the back. 
“No, but I would absolutely love to meet him one day.” You replied with a happy nod and as you did your manager started tugging on your jacket with wide eyes.  
As her words flowed into your ear your jaw hit the floor and everyone started screaming questions again, but you couldn’t breathe, everything you had just said was being watched live from a few News stations and Captain America had seen it all. 
“That’s the end of the questions today, thank you so much for your patience’s and thank you to my fans who never stop giving.” You muttered robotically as your manager dragged you away from the crowd straight into a black car that was waiting next to the pavement. 
As the car drove, you stared at the floor wishing you knew how this had happened but you knew how… you were the only person to ever speak up about the hardships and horrors Mr Barnes must’ve been through… however you never expected to get so much from it, you had just wanted to share your opinion.  
“We’re here, Miss Y/L/N.” The driver stated as you stared up at the Stark tower with wide eyes.  
Everything from the entrance to the top floor was a blur, your mind couldn’t function knowing you were about to meet an Avenger. As you entered the room you saw three faces that looked familiar and four that didn’t, but you held your head high hoping your nerves weren’t obvious.  
“Miss Y/L/N, thank you for meeting with us on such short notice.” The most famous man in America spoke, making your eyes widen comically.  
“Well, when Captain America asks to meet you…you can hardly say no, Sir.” You chuckled nervously, tucking your hair behind your ear before straightening out your dress. 
“Please call me Steve. I asked to meet you to thank you for what you said about Bucky in your interview today. You’re the first person I have seen speak about him with such admiration.” Steve stated happily, his smile lighting up the room in a way no one else probably could.  
“It was only the truth, S-Steve.” You stuttered shyly your cheeks flushing as you noticed Tony Stark rolling his eyes which made your eyes narrow. 
“I’m sorry, do excuse me but is there an issue, Mr Stark?” You huffed with much more attitude than you probably should’ve been aiming at him. 
“I just think your ‘opinion’ is wrong.” He stated with an arrogant smirk.  
“And I think you married way out of your league and personally think you have a narcissistic personality, but I kept that part to myself when I spoke of the avengers. No offence to your genius and well achieved wife.” You stated as you gave Pepper a nod of apologies.  
“None taken, Miss Y/L/N. However, I believe your admiration for Mr Barnes is actually a good thing…he doesn’t get a lot of good publicity and I think you are good for his PR.” Pepper stated making you nod in agreement.  
“The Sergeant hasn’t seen that interview, has he?” You asked your face turning bright red as you assessed the room full of people. 
“Actually, he’s being shown it as we speak…he should be done in about… oh here he is now.” Steve stated as the man you’d defended walked through the door. 
“Oh, for the love of Thor.” You whispered in embarrassment, your hand covering your face as you shot your manager a panicked look.  
“Bucky, this is Y/N  Y/L/N from the interview… she’s a big fan.” Steve teased, his smirk not going unnoticed by you.  
“I must say, Captain, you are much more of an asshole than I thought… and your arms are way bigger than they look on pictures…” You rambled clearly your filter had completely vanished.  
“I am so sorry… when I get nervous, I tend to lose my mouth filter just tell me to shut up…Okay…big fan Sergeant.” You added with a bright red face as you turn towards Bucky and held your hand out for him to shake.  
“Thanks… Why am I here, Steve?” He huffed with a very uncomfortable half smile as he shook your hand awkwardly.  
“I think you and Y/N should spend some time together in public places…I think it would boost your PR and also make you less antisocial.” Steve snorted making Bucky glare at his longtime friend.  
“I am not antisocial, I just don’t like most people, and everything is different… even dating is done on the internet now, it’s stupid.” Bucky rolled his eyes before looking at you with a more focused gaze.  
“I appreciate your words, Doll, but I’m not about to force you to spend time with me because you don’t hate me like the rest of America.” Bucky spoke to you, and you shook your head. 
“I’m actually a big fan genuinely… I think you’re amazing also I agree, online dating is stupid.” You stated his words had made you smile in a way you hadn’t in a while.  
“You’re an interesting woman, I’ll give you that, sweetheart.” Bucky chuckled sending you a panty melting smile that made you literally clutch your metaphorical pearls.  
“Bucky used to be quite the ladies' man, back in the day.” Steve snorted suddenly making your eyes shoot towards him. 
“I was, until this asshole grew muscles, and no woman would pick me over him.” Bucky huffed playfully with an eye roll.  
“No offence, Captain, but I think I’d choose the Sergeant…” You whispered to Steve earning a smile from him. 
“I can hear you, Doll.” Bucky whispered teasingly causing your face to flush.  
“Well… moving on. I would be happy to spend some time with you, if you wouldn’t mind of course. It would be great to get to know you.” You mumbled in embarrassment your cheeks turning bright pink.  
“I guess. What could go wrong?”  
Everyone’s famous last words. 
Those words were sprawled across the front page of the New York Times.  It wasn’t that people were assuming you’d date Mr Barnes, but more that you’re embarrassed for Mr Barnes because anyone is crazy if they think that man would want to date a silly Sci-Fi author.  
“I really hope he doesn’t think I had anything to do with this.” You muttered to your manager, as you rode the elevator up to the Stark PR Office. 
“In what world would you want to date a 100 year old man?” She chuckled making you shoot a glare straight at her.  
“In every world wouldn’t I date Mr Barnes. He’s charming, handsome and a gentleman.” You snapped back at your manager, making her look down in shame. 
You slapped down the paper as you threw your head back in frustration. You had only been on a few outings with Mr Barnes but somehow the sleaze bag journalists deemed that enough to assume you were dating. Your work phone had been ringing none stop all morning with people asking for quote on your supposed new relationship. 
You had finally turned your phone off after sending a text to Steve with your personal phone number. The calls were getting too much, and your head was pounding. Your personal phone started ringing so you hurried to answer the call. 
“Doll?” The sergeants voice rang out over the speaker making you jolt up straight as you took speaker mode off and pressed the phone to your ear. 
“Hi, Mr Barnes.” You muttered sweetly, making him groan. 
“I told you to call me Bucky, Doll.” He chuckled making you flush bright red. 
“I’m so sorry about the paper, Bucky.” You sighed softly making your manager roll her eyes. 
“It’s hardly your fault, sweetheart. It doesn’t bother me let them assume whatever they want. I hope it doesn’t bother you.” He chuckled darkly making you frown. 
“It doesn’t. I was more worried you’d be bothered, kind of puts a damper on your single status.” You giggled making him laugh. 
“Hey there are worse things. Steve says it’s good PR.” He mumbles causing you to nod only to realise he couldn’t see you. 
“I’m popping to the farmers market later would you like to come? Maybe we could go for lunch after?” You asked quietly hoping he would say yes. 
“You sure? People might think we’re married next.” He teased making you giggle. 
“There are worse things.” You sassed his own words back at him causing another chuckle from the older man. 
“Okay, I’ll pick you soon. You okay with bikes?” He asked softly making your heart flutter. 
“Hell yes!” You exclaimed happily as you hung up and sent a text with your address. 
You quickly ran to get dressed. Sliding on a pair of black skintight cargo pants, khaki green long sleeved cropped Henley with your black leather lace up heels and your teddy bear fur collared leather jacket. 
Your hair was curled loosely, your makeup was simple with a glowing base. You deemed the outfit acceptable for the market and a bike ride. 
You gave yourself a nod in the mirror, just as you received a text from Bucky telling you he was here. You bid your manager goodbye, telling her to lock up when she left, before running out the house with a smile. You spotted Bucky immediately stood next to his bike with a very serious scowl on his face.  
When he spotted you, his scowl was replaced by a grin as he took you in, his eyes scanning you up and down. You flushed softly as his arm brushed you when you were close enough.  
“You look beautiful.” He stated awkwardly as he hopped on his bike passing you a helmet which you glared at him for since he didn’t look like he was about to put one on. 
“Thank you. Though these are my casual clothes.” You giggled before putting on the helmet. 
He held out his hand helping you onto the bike behind him. You were unsure of where to put your hands, so you just gripped onto the back of his leather jacket, however he seemed unsatisfied with that, so he grabbed your hands and looped them around his waist. You linked your fingers together tightly trying not to let your mind stray to how solid his abdomen was. 
He soon sped off causing your heart to pound in your chest. You loved bikes but you were always too scared to get your own so you enjoyed it while you could. He sped around cars carefully until finally, much to your dismay, you arrived at the farmer's market. 
He helped you off the parked bike before hopping off himself. He looked around noticing a few stares causing you to glare at some of them. You ignored them as you looped your arm with his metal one which appeared to shock him as he immediately tensed up. 
He gradually relaxed, sending you a grateful smile as he patted your hand that was gripping his bicep with his human one. You both began strolling through the market until you spotted a stall with fresh fruit. You tugged him towards the stall with a soft giggle as he rolled his eyes.  
“What’s your favourite?” You asked as you scanned the contents of the stall. 
“Plums, I guess.” He grumbled in his usual grumpy tone. 
“Is being out with me that bad?” You asked with a sad frown as you began letting go of his arm.  
His eyes widened as his hand shot out to keep your arm around his bicep. He shook his head silently before pulling you closer.  
“I can hear them talking.” He explains and suddenly you felt awful for forgetting he could hear better than you.  
“Ignore them. Let’s get some plums and, Hmm how about strawberry and cherries?” You muttered casually as you pulled him towards the strawberries.  
“Whatever you want, Doll.” He chuckled softly as he allowed you to tug him along. 
You finally let go so you could go pay but Bucky beat you to it paying for everything in the bag as you stood off to one side with a pout on your face. Once he’s done paying, he turned around to face you but suddenly his eyes flicked behind you widening. 
Before you knew what was happening Bucky grabbed you by the waist and spun you to the other side of himself just in time to see a guy on a moped speed past Bucky. He’s just saved your life your eyes brimmed with tears from the shock but as Bucky saw this, he must’ve thought he’d hurt you because he instantly pulled away. 
“I’m sorry if I hurt you, Doll.” He whispered; guilt evident in his voice. 
“No, you didn’t. You saved my life.” You sniffled with a pout as you wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his chest. 
“Are you okay?” He asked gently as a few people were watching the both of you. 
“Mhmm, thank you, Bucky.” You whispered against his solid chest. 
“Come on, let go get some lunch.” He muttered into your hair before pulling away. Though he kept his arm around your shoulder as you kept yours around his waist.  
You strolled down the sidewalk before leading Bucky into a little café that you enjoyed. You spent a lot of time writing in this café so sometimes fans would find you here, but you ignored the stares as you made your way to the checkout. You ordered your usual as Bucky read over the drink and food options, in the end he ordered the same as you before you both found a little table just outside the café.  
“So, your book must be quite popular?” He asked softly making you smile proudly. 
“Yeah, I just published my second one in the series.” You replied happily. 
Just as he was about to reply a young girl came up to the table holding a copy of your book which made you smile widely. She seemed a little scared to talk so you helped her by starting the conversation. 
“How are you liking the second one?” You asked softly with a bright smile still on your face. 
“Hi, I’m Veronica, It’s amazing! I’m such a big fan I used to read your work on Wattpad before you published. You’re so talented.” She rambled excitedly her enthusiasm making you chuckle. 
“Oh, thank you, that’s so sweet.” You laughed happily as Bucky watched the exchange quietly. 
“Is it true that you two are dating?” She suddenly asked making you glance at Bucky who seemed to stiffen in his seat. 
“Sorry, that was really inappropriate. Well either way your true fans are totally routing for you! It’s nice to meet you, Sergeant Barnes.” She suddenly said before you could answer. 
“It’s nice to meet you too.” Bucky replied politely with a small nod. 
“Can I get a picture with both of you?” She asked rather shyly. 
You glanced at Bucky who gave you a nod before you looked towards Veronica and gave her an affirmative nod. You both stood up one on either side of her before she pulled out her camera. Bucky had a straight face as she aimed the front camera upwards. 
“Smile, Bucky.” You snorted as you nudged his metal arm. 
“Sorry, Doll.” Bucky huffed with a playful eye roll which made Veronica laugh. 
She took her picture and thanked you both before running off back to her table where her friends were waiting. You glanced at Bucky who seemed awkward after the encounter, but you nudged him before you both took your seats. 
“You could’ve said we weren’t dating.” He said suddenly making you frown. 
“Would you prefer I told them that?” You asked seriously. 
“No, but you don’t have to let people think you’d date me just to spare me.” He sighed softly making you pout a little. 
“I would totally date you.” You blurted out making both yours and his eyes widen. You covered your face as it began heating up with a blush.   
“Hey, Doll?” Bucky whispered as he pried your hands away. “I’d totally date you too.” He teased making you hide behind your hands again. 
“I know you haven’t danced since the 40s, however there’s a really cool bar that plays stuff from 1930-1960s, if you’d like to go with me tonight?” You asked as you lowered your hands, once again not daring to look him in the eyes. 
“You asking me to go dancing with you, Doll?” He chuckled playfully as our food and drinks arrived. 
“Yes.” You giggled softly as you pulled out your phone and passed it to him once you’d found the video you wanted. It was a video of you dancing at the same bar with your grandad.  
“That’s my grandad, he taught me how to swing dance.” You chuckled as Bucky watched the video. 
“You look like you jumped right out of my era.” He laughed as he seemed to be enjoying the video. 
“What’s this song? It’s quite good.” He asked with a small smile on his face. 
“One of the greatest musicians of the 50s and 60s Elvis Presley. The song is Jailhouse Rock.” You replied casually as to not make him feel bad for not knowing. 
“I would love to go dancing with you. Although I don’t know how good I’ll be now.” He grumbled awkwardly as he seemed to shrink a little. 
“We’ll start slow and if you don’t wanna dance, that’s fine too.” You said trying to ease his tension. 
“Deal. Thank you, Doll.” He chuckled his mood lightening instantly. 
You were wearing a taffeta midnight blue, a line dress that had a wrap style around the bust, paired with cream leather original Mary Jane heels. A cream lace snap handbag with pearl earrings for accessories.  
Your makeup was simple with a black wing and red lips, which you checked for the fifth time making your mother roll her eyes. You ignored it as you turned to your grandmother with a concerned frown. 
“Are you sure I can borrow great nana’s stuff?” You asked your grandmother for the third time. 
“Honey, I’m hardly going to wear that stuff now. Plus, with that hunk of a man as your date, who would say no.” She whispered making you laugh at her words.  
“Hey, that’s my hunk, even if he is older than you.” You laughed making her join you as your mother just shook her head at your antics. 
Just then there was a knock on your front door making you freeze as you look at your grandmother who seemed to be contemplating running for the door. Your shot her a glare before making a break for it, you ran rather fast for someone in heels, but you hurried to grab your bag and keys before bolting out of the apartment. 
“Woah! You okay there, Doll?” Bucky laughed as you ran right into him. 
“My mom and Nana are in there.” You whispered shyly making his eyes widen. 
“My nana brought round my great nana’s dress.” You added as he finally took in your outfit as he stepped back. 
“Wow.” He whispered under his breath before clearing his throat and standing up straight as you took in his appearance.  
He was wearing a black double-breasted suit with a white shirt and black satin tie. He had black shiny shoes too match his hair has been cut too which made you both sad and excited all at the same time. You’d miss his long hair, but you couldn’t argue he looked hotter than hell with short hair.  
“Fucking hell.” You whisper under your breath as you tried to stop your heart from beating out of your chest. 
“My sentiments exactly.” Bucky chuckled as he scanned you up and down once again. 
“I keep forgetting you can hear better than me.” You laughed awkwardly as you held your small bag tightly in your hands. 
“It’s fine. Come on, I borrowed Steve’s car so you wouldn’t have to ride the bike in a dress.” He stated as he held his left arm out for you. 
You were happy he finally warmed up to touching you with his metal arm, usually he tried to use his right arm whenever he touched you. Unless you made the first move.  
You drove to the bar in silence as Bucky drummed away on the steering wheel as if trying to bat away whatever anxiety was eating away at him. You reached over to grasp his hand in yours, giving him a soft smile, silently telling him you were here. 
“We can turn around, Buck.” You whispered gently, your face softening. 
“No. No, I can do this.” He replied just as softly. 
He released your hand before opening the driver's side door and stepping out. He ran around to the passenger door to open it for you, holding out his hand for you, his leather gloves still on much to your disappointment. You took his hand with a vibrant grin taking over your face. 
As you walked inside Bucky must’ve been expecting to be stared at again because he kept his head down and his other hand in his pocket. However, when you nudged him, he finally looked up only for his eyes to widen as he looked around.  
“Is that my face?” He asked as his jaw hit the floor. 
“Yeah, the walls are covered with historical war figures. The owner, Sal, has had that picture up here since the world found out, said and I quote ‘These government bastards take everything and give nothing.’” You chuckled as he glanced up to find everyone staring, not in malice but in respect.  
Once everyone had given a nod of respect, they went back to their nights. You pulled Bucky to the bar as he seemed to relax a lot more now. He was glancing around in awe of everything, what you didn’t realise was that for Bucky, you’d just given him a second to remember who he used to be. 
“You’re amazing.” He suddenly blurted out making you jump a little. 
“I think the same thing about you, Sergeant.” You giggled as you order a whiskey and a martini. 
You sat chatting over two drinks before jailhouse rock came on and Bucky stood from his seat, holding out his hand silently and you took it happily. 
He spun around as you reached to dance floor before his feet started moving subtly at first until he finally gave into it and letting his muscle memory from the 40s take him back. You were both so in sync with each other even when he did the first lift, thank you God you’d worn the booty shorts underneath. You were having so much fun that 4 songs went by before finally you both decided to get a drink. 
“I’ve not danced like this since 1942.” He pants a little making you chuckle as you sipped a coke. 
“You dance very well, Sergeant Barnes.” You flirted, batting your lashes at him. 
“As do you, Miss Y/L/N.” Bucky chuckled equally as flirty. 
You chatted for the rest of the night until it got to 2am when Sal finally announced he was closing. You and Bucky said goodnight to those who were leaving too, before making your way to the car. You didn’t want the night to end but you had to sleep eventually.  
You held Bucky’s hand all the way home, occasionally smiling over at the older man who would smirk but never take his eyes off the road. You hadn’t ever felt this connected to someone before, it felt like how they described love in books. 
You both walked up the stairs your arms wrapped around his bicep enjoying the feeling as he remained rather silent. You leaned your head against his bicep as you arrived at your front door. 
“I had so much fun tonight.” You whispered shyly making him glance down at you with a pleased smile on his face. 
“Me too.” He responded quietly; his eyes full of adoration. 
“I would very much like to do this again.” You stated calmly as you pulled away, your back now facing your front door. 
“That can be arranged.” He chuckled as he stepped a little closer causing you back to press against the door. 
You stared into each other’s eyes longingly as your heart began racing against your chest. You never wanted to kiss someone as badly as you did at that moment. His eyes were slightly dazed as they drifted to your lips, until finally he granted your silent wish. 
His surprisingly soft lips were on your red ones. Thank God you’d worn your good lipstick. His hand came up so carefully to touch your cheek as he urged you closer. It was then that you had realised he didn’t have gloves on, and it was his metal hand on your face.  
You let out a soft gasp at the feeling of the cold metal on your bare skin. He must’ve thought something different because he pulled back looking guilty about something, which confused you until he tried putting his gloves back on. You instantly snatched the leather out of his hands before grabbing his metal hand and being back to your face.  
“I made that noise because I wasn’t expecting it and I definitely wasn’t expecting how turned on I got from your metal hand touching me.” You chuckled awkwardly making his eyes widen a little before he was suddenly on you again. His lips kissing you with much more passion and less innocence than the first one.  
He backed you up until finally your back hit the door and your hands flew around his neck, pulling him closer - if it was even possible. His flesh hand was on the door at the side of your head, whilst his metal one was cupping your cheek.  
You both got lost in the kiss for a few more minutes until you were out of breath. He pulled away just enough to rest his forehead against yours. He looked down at you with hooded eyes as his metal thumb brushed across your bottom lip.  
“God, you’re making it really hard to be gentleman right now.” He whispered against you lips like he was trying to do anything to distract himself. 
“You're not using me for a lay, are you?” You asked softly making his face sober up instantly. 
“No, I would never do that to you, Doll.” He replied seriously making you grin from ear to ear. 
“Then this is the 21st century, Buck, women can do what they want. So, Sergeant…would you like to come in for some coffee?” You asked in a sultry voice that instantly brought back that same dazed look. 
“I don’t know what kind of idiot would say no to you.” He chuckled huskily as he placed open mouthed kiss on your lips before pulling back completely. 
You took that opportunity to spin around and unlock your door silently. When you got inside the apartment Bucky trudged behind you slowly, as if waiting for you to change your mind. You weren’t going to, granted you wouldn’t usually bring a first date home, but it wasn’t like Bucky was a stranger. You had been friends for a few weeks, coffee dates and lunch plans even a movie at one point, so you had no regrets inviting this sweet man in.  
He rarely allowed you to pay for anything, always held the door open for you, always helped you up and downstairs like you were a lady. You were a woman sure but a ‘lady’ you weren’t graceful or polite enough to be one. But that didn’t matter to Bucky because he always treated you like one. Yes, it’s slightly outdated but he also respects your opinions and values them. He really listens when you talk even about things he doesn’t understand.  
“Would you like me to make the coffee while you sit down. Dancing in heels can’t be kind to your feet?” He asks gently leaving you smiling like an idiot. 
“Coffee is for the morning, Sergent.” You whispered seductively as you grabbed his metal hand and started pulling him towards the bedroom. 
“You are a minx.” Bucky chuckled as he followed you until you came to your bedroom. 
“I-I haven’t…” he started but strayed from his own words as he contemplated how to say it. 
“You haven’t had sex in a while?” You finished for him making his eyes lower to the ground. 
“We can wait, if you want?” You asked softly as you cupped both his cheeks making him look at you. 
“No, it’s not that, I just don’t want to disappoint you.” He mumbled shyly making your heart literally stutter in your chest. 
“You could never disappoint me unless you ever forced yourself to do something you weren’t comfortable with.” You whispered soothingly making a smile tug at his lips. You stepped back and confidently undid you dress before letting it fall to the floor leaving you in underwear and boots shorts.  
“You’re one of a kind, Y/N Y/L/N.” He whispers against your lips before you began helping him remove his jacket and tie. 
“So are you. You quite literally just turned me on saying my name.” You teased, your tone flirty as your hands tugged at the short hairs at the back of his head, sliding them down until you were at the buttons of his shirt. You began undoing each button until he finally shed the damn thing. 
“Well, I do apologise, Miss Y/L/N, let me rectify that.” He replied playfully as he grabbed the back of your thigh, pulling you up and wrapping your legs around him. He then carried you over to the bed with ease as his hand gripped at your thighs. 
He lowered you down so gently you wished he’d be rougher, but you knew he’d have to work up to that, just like with his metal arm. You stared into his eyes before running your hand over his chest and all the way to his metal arm. He stiffened for a second before smirking at you. 
“You appear to have some sort of fetish for my arm, Doll.” He whispered  
“It’s called a kink and 100%.” You giggled making him roll his eyes.  
“You strike me as a woman who likes romance and gentle acts, but I have a feeling I’m wrong.” He chuckled making you smirk. 
“Oh yeah, I love romance too but without sounding too crude, Sergeant, I’d rather you fuck me like an unhinged animal.” You stated confidently making his eyes widen. 
“Fuck…can’t say shit like that, baby.” He groaned as he buried his head in your bare collar bone. The new nickname had your heart practically out of your chest as you let out a little whimper. 
“Fuck me, Sergeant.” You whimpered a hint of desperation in your voice as you clutched at both of his biceps. 
“Need to do something first.” He growled as he started down the bed and before you could ask, your panties and shorts were off, and Bucky was on you. 
His lips leaving kisses and nibbles wherever he went. You had no doubt the inside of your thighs would be covered in love bites by the end, but you didn’t care. When he licked a stripe up the top of your inner thigh a breath away from you heat, your back arched off the bed as your hands gripped at the sheets. 
“You don’t have to, Buck.” You whispered sweetly despite that being the opposite of what you actually wanted. 
“Oh, I know but I’ve been thinking about doing this all week, baby. Need to taste you.” He said his tone pleading, before finally his lips were on your clit dropping a small kiss there. 
His tongue licked up your slit with the happiest groan you’d ever heard before. His tongue began drawing small shapes on the tiny bundle of nerves. You bit you lip to contain the noises that were coming out your mouth, but when Bucky saw this his flesh hand came down on the outside of your thigh. The sensation had you gripping his hair with both of your hands. 
“Dirty girl.” He whispered into your heat before his tongue was back on you.  
His flesh fingers came down to join as he slid two inside you at an agonisingly slow pace. You half wished he’d use his metal hand, but you were sure if that would be as fun as it sounded in your head. He immediately curled his fingers upwards making you practically see stars. 
“Oh, fuck yes, Buck.” You moaned as he sucked lightly on your bundle of nerves. 
“God, you taste like heaven.” Bucky groaned as he starts lapping away at you like a mad man. You screamed out unable to hold it back anymore as you began practically humping his face. 
His metal hand gripped your thigh and suddenly you felt yourself building up to that high. He slid the warmed metal up your torso up to your bra before he ripped it off, the two cups no longer sewn together. You couldn’t even be angry because it was the hottest thing you’d ever seen. 
“So close…please, Bucky.” You moaned as your back once again arched off your bed.  
“I got you…cum for me, baby.” He muttered huskily, his breath fanning across your clit before he started his ministrations back up. 
His tongue felt so wet and soft it was making your head spin, how he was eating you like a man starved. It sounded dirty but the noise only served to drive you closer to the edge. He started thrusting his two fingers harshly into your g-spot making your eyes roll back into your skull. 
“B-Bucky.” You stuttered between moans as you finally fell over the edge. You thrust against his face riding out your high until it became too sensitive to do so. 
“Need you, Buck, p-please.” You whimpered as you began undoing his slacks.  
“You’re so pretty when you beg, baby.” He chuckled teasingly as he pulled himself up, wiping his stubble covered face as he smirked down at you. 
“If you want me to beg, Sergeant, I’ll beg.” You whispered in a sultry tone. 
“Please, Sergeant, need your cock…need it so bad please, sir.” You begged prettily, batting your eye relishes at him with a hint of faux innocence. 
“Fuck, baby.” Bucky groaned as you pulled down his pants and threw them to one side with his boxers. 
You glanced down at his member it was thick. He was big too, but his thickness was beyond anything’s you’d had before. God that was gonna fill you up. You bit your lower lip as you tried to not moan just from the sight of his painfully hard member. 
His metal fingers wound around your neck softly not wanting to hurt you but just the feeling of the fast-cooling metal had your head spinning. You leaned into his touch making his eyes darken as he squeezed once before going back to resting it there. 
“Not gonna last long, baby.” He whispered as he lined his member up with your entrance.  
“Don’t care just need to feel you. Can cum inside - on contraception.” You stated desperately, the words seemed to make him beyond enthusiastic. 
He slid inside you, stretching you a little leaving a slight burn in its wake but you relished in it. You’d never felt so full, it was bliss. Your arms around him, dragging your nails down his back with enough force he groaned into your ear. 
“You feel so good.” He moaned deeply into your neck as he left a small bite there. 
“Fuck me, Bucky.” You pleaded as you left small kisses trailing down his face until you finally got to his lips, bringing him in for a heated kiss. 
He began thrusting in and out of your heat, grunting and groaning into your mouth as you battled for dominance. You knew you’d hand it over in an instant but the little battle you were having was spurring him to go faster and deeper. 
His metal hand was still on your throat as he completely took over your every sense. You could feel yourself building again, you’d never came from penetration before, but you felt so good right now. You whimpered into the kiss before pulling away to look into his eyes. 
“Bucky.” You moaned quietly as his thrusting became stuttered. You began thrusting your hips inwards as you felt you peak nearing once again. 
“Cum with me, Y/N.” He groaned as he stared into your eyes. 
With a few more well times thrusts from both parties, you both came together, clinging to one another as you both rode out your orgasms. Bucky finally stilled as he stared down at you with a new emotion that you hadn’t ever seen in his face, but you decided at that moment it was the prettiest face you’d ever seen. 
“You’re going to steal my heart, Sergeant Barnes.” You whispered breathlessly against his lips as your eyes flickered between his lips and eyes. 
“I’ll keep it safe.” He replied sweetly as he seemed to catch his breath back. 
Bucky tried to clean you but you stated you’d need to pee anyway, so you didn’t get a UTI which he understood. He slid his boxers on after giving himself a wipe as you finally finished and ran back to bed in his white shirt that had been discarded on the floor. 
“You look tiny in my clothes.” He chuckled as he pulled you into his arms the second you were on the bed. 
You let out a giggle as you snuggled into his chest happily. This was more than you could ever ask for, this man had worked his way into your thoughts and life like he was always supposed to be there. And you didn’t have a single complaint. 
“Night, Buck.” You whispered as he pulled the covers over both of you. 
“Night, Doll.” He replied softly as he pressed a kiss to your hair. 
It was sometime in the early morning when the sound of broken whimpers dragged you from your slumber. You sat up, grogginess still resonating as you glanced down at Bucky was gripping the sheets in a deadly grip. You immediately knew what this was. Your father had PTSD after 10 years of serving his country and you knew what a night terror looked like.  
You knew you shouldn’t wake him because he could get violent especially if you touched him. So, you decided to get up and make coffee. It was 6am which was an acceptable time, so you got out of bed despite wanting desperately to wake him up. 
You walked to the kitchen and began preparing the coffee machine. Once everything was prepped you started the machine and made you way to the bedroom with no intention of being quiet. You dug around your closet for a pair of joggers that used to be your brothers that you figured would fit before turning around. 
“Babe!” You shouted towards the bed but there was no change. 
You glanced down at his face that was still scrunched in a pained face and you decided you didn’t care if he hurt you, you couldn’t leave him like that.  
You decided a gentle approach might work so you slipped into bed and began kissing his naked chest. It was around the time you pressed one just under his ear his whimpers of pain turned into needy groans.  
“Doll?” He groaned as you nibbled in ear lobe before pulling away. 
“Morning, Buck, coffees on.” You giggled as he arms wrapped around you. 
“It’s still early baby what are you doing up?” He asked softly since you’d only had 3 hours of sleep.  
“You we’re having a night terror, but I knew I shouldn’t wake you cos obviously it’s dangerous but you wouldn’t wake up even when I stomped around the house like an elephant. So, I kissed you awake.” You replied gently hoping not to make him feel bad. 
“I’m so sorry, Doll.” He muttered as he sat up, staring at bed with a scowl on his face. 
“My dad served for 10 years. He finally retired when I was in high school…but he still has some night terrors even now.” You supplied before taking his metal hand in yours. 
“It’s normal to have them when you were forced to do things you didn’t want to do, Buck. I don’t mind I just hate that you have to suffer through them.” You whispered sadly as you climbed into his quilt covered lap. 
“You’re too sweet to me Doll.” He muttered shyly into your chest; his head buried completely in your breast.  
You ran your fingers through his short hair making him sigh happily as his waist wrapped around you tightly. He eventually pulled away his eyes boring into yours as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“How did I get so lucky?” He chuckled as you preened from the compliment. 
“It’s not luck. I think I was made for you.” You whispered jokingly making him roll his eyes. 
“Mmm, that would make sense.” He laughed as you climbed off his lap. 
“I found you some of my brother's joggers for you.” You stated as you passed him the joggers. 
“Thank you, Doll. I’m surprised you don’t want me gone yet. We practically spent a full 24 hours together.” He laughed as he stepped out the bed and slid into the comfy pants. 
“You’re very goo-” 
Suddenly your phone was blowing up with notifications from messages and Google alerts that told you when something was published about you. You glanced down at the newest article but this one actually brought a smile to your face.  
“What’s going on?” He asked cautiously as he glanced over your shoulder. 
‘Secretly sweeter than Cap?’ Was the caption written across the New York Times digital paper today.  
‘It appears our most hated avenger may be our new favourite. James was seen with our favourite sci-fi author at the market yesterday morning buying fruit when a bike almost ran her over and according to my sources was quickly spun out of harms way by the Sergeant himself. (How very rom-com of you, Mr Barnes.) Later that morning the couple was spotted talking to a fan of Y/N’s and even taking pictures with her. (Picture below.) 
Now as I was editing this article it came to my attention that they were also found to have gone dancing later that day which was apparently filmed by one of the Sergeants few fans. (Link below)  
This may be our new favourite couple. We wish you the best Ship/Name!’ 
You couldn’t believe it finally people were warming to him, and you couldn’t be happier. You glanced at him to see his eyes widened but you could see a small smile forming on his lips. As he glanced at the pictures that had been taken of you both. 
“I like these pictures.” He stated seriously making you giggle. 
That’s when Bucky’s phone started going off. He quickly answered the phone before putting it on speaker as soon as he knew it was Steve. 
“You didn’t come home last night.” He said first making you giggle again which you tried to cover up with your hand. 
“On the first date, Bucky?” Steve whispered like it was beyond scandalous. 
“It’s the 21st century, Cap!” You huffed as you began walking to the kitchen, Bucky following you closely behind.  
“Yes, I’m aware. Times have changed.” He grumbled rather childishly. 
“Don’t be sad, Cap. You need to loosen up. Get laid.” You teased making Bucky laugh whole heartedly as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“I’m done with this conversation. Have a good day we’ve got no work today so come back whenever.” He groaned with what you imagined was an eye roll. 
“Oh, I will definitely have a good day. Bye, Steve.” Bucky chuckled as he brought you in for a heated kiss. 
“Let’s get you fed and some coffee then we’re going back to your bedroom.” He growled playfully making you flush softly. 
“Yes, Sergeant.” You moaned against his lips before running to get coffee as Bucky started cooking. 
You could get used to this. 
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maxwiththeaxe · 3 months
Has anyone taken advantage of the fan fiction idea of Hannibal being in a mafia?
Family dead from other mafia family, got into killing and cannibalism, rebuilt the mafia family he had to its prime again before meeting Will.
Maybe Will accidentally gets involved by the classic “oops I saw something I shouldn’t” or maybe was involved in something gone bad for Hannibal to be like “They might not see it as an acccident or something” to get Will to be in his debt and then they become bestiiieeesss.
Will can get involved with Jacob Hobbs who could be just a low ranking thug or something that he accidentally kills.
Hannibal maybe has a little talk with Will to be like “yo, we don’t need you blubbering about our very new trade with the East coast when we just started” and tries to intimidate him.
Maybe Will doesn’t stay away since the guilt eats him alive and his daughter Abigail didn’t even know her dad was a thug. He tries to help in any way that isn’t too creepy like leaving tips for her at her normal teen job of serving or something.
Hannibal, who already set up steps to ensure that Abigail has plenty of money to live a good life, doesn’t want Will spilling the beans that her dad was a thug since Hannibal already pulled a lot of strings to make the death look unrelated to the mob and the suspicious amount of money suddenly appearing look not so suspicious after reaching out to some connections.
Hannibal holds the info above Will that he can at any time have the cops know that Will killed Jacob Hobbs with one phone call.
Will still has difficulty staying away, even ends up hiring Abigail for dog sitting. Hannibal is like “seriously?”.
Will ends up telling law enforcement, taking the risk that they may convict him since he was withholding criminal activity info in an attempt to stop everything once and for all. But it is bad timing because Abigail is starting to wonder about the circumstances around her father’s death.
When Abigail Hobbs realizes that stuff is shady, she dies after being in the wrong place wrong time where a crossfire occurs after Hannibal attempts to return to Europe where his main mafia stuff is.
People want a scapegoat, Will is thrown in prison. Agents attempt to talk to him about it, but Will is inconsolable since Abigail is dead and the same agents he helped to almost catch Hannibal were now in front of him talking about how they found Abigail’s blood but not her body.
Hannibal has Abigail return with him to Europe, Abigail misses Will and Hannibal does too but doesn’t say shit about it.
The day before Will is to be convicted for Abigail’s death and other stuff, the case is thrown out after some unknown reason.
Will is pissed about Abigail, and Hannibal knows that. He sends Randal to try to take care of Will for him, but Randal fails and Will now has intentionally killed someone and pretty brutally, setting up his corpse as a sign to Hannibal.
Hannibal is kinda like “leave me alone, but don’t because I kinda like is hehehe”
Buuuuut at some point Abigail figures out Will is also in the country and wants to visit and such, but the agents did some digging around and made a few calls to see what Will was up to in Europe since many weren’t convinced he didn’t kill Abigail, for her to die after a stand off where the police were like “yo your dad was a criminal, and your new dad Hannibal is the reason why” for Abigail to be like “bitch stfu” and she dies by getting shot.
Will gets shot too, almost dies too, but lives and is hospitalized and arrested. There has to be discussion first to know if he will be sent back or not since he was involved in now two cases in different countries.
While they figure that out, which will take a while, Hannibal gets his men to drug Will and wheelchair him out if there to him.
Will is AGAIN inconsolable, now in a foreign place, with a foreign man who might or might not kill him, he has no interest in hanging out with Hannibal no matter the fatherly bond they may have shared with Abigail.
Will gets an offer by one of Hannibal’s men who was secretly hoping to get Hannibal since he had some past trouble from Hannibal’s mafia stuff, and Will takes his offer out of desperation since he is grieving the loss of Abigail.
Hannibal has a close call but lives, and he is kinda like “maybe this dude needs some time after what happened, maybe he should go back home”.
Hannibal gives him a new identity to start anew, and sends Will back to America for Will to try to piece back a life he had before in idk Maine or something so he can be a fisherman since Will would probably like that.
Will has a small boat, his little cabin, and his side hustle or selling fish for some income, but mainly is off grid.
Hannibal focuses on strengthening the connection of the East coast to Europe for better Western international relations.
Will on the other hand, had a lot of thinking to do. And sets off on his boat to Europe because why not?
Off to Europe he goes like a little pirate.
Will decided to visit a place Hannibal mentioned, the fancy church in Europe that Hannibal imagines in his mind palace to forgive Hannibal. Hannibal is like “damn, cool” and then they meet up at the museum and yada yada yada I can continue it if anyone is interested. Just an idea.
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oht8 · 29 days
Oops, Chapter 2 |18+|
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Yunho/Ateez X Reader fic
You’re working, covering an event for someone else, last minute, and in a rush- you quite literally crash into Yunho.. Oops. What comes to follow changes everything you thought you knew about love and lust.
Pairings: Yunho/various Ateez members X reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, Multi-chapter fic, unfinished, casual encounters, polyamory
Warnings:*MDNI*(Minors DO NOT Interact), Coarse language. Let me know if I missed any!
Word Count: 656
(Previous Chapter) (Next Chapter)
Author’s notes:
This is my first fic, first post on here. I’m still trying to figure everything out/how to best use Tumblr for this. This story is a WIP/unfinished, and a multi-chapter fic. Please be kind in comments, I welcome suggestions on how to best use this platform/share my fics. I will do my best to edit tags/summaries, warnings, etc, as the story evolves
Stammering, you manage to get out, “all my ap-apologies, s-sir.. I will p-pay the dry cleaning-g f-fee..” as you now look at the floor, bowing towards this beautiful man.
You hear a soft chuckle.. “I said, are you okay??”
You can’t help yourself, you blurt out “I can’t believe I just did that! I’m so sorry! I was in a hurry and not paying attention.. I’m not even supposed to BE here! Now I’m probably going to get fired..” you finally stop yourself as you bury your face in your hands. You want nothing more than to just fade into the wallpaper. Did you seriously just word vomit in front of THE Yunho?! You lower your hands and look down at the floor again.
Yunho must be looking at your badge as he says, “..Miss Y/N..? Press— ah, a photographer? I’m not used to our photogs dressed so.. feminine?” he says slyly.
You blush even harder but you take a deep breath and manage to speak calmly now. “As I said, sir, if you just give me your or your people’s information, I’ll be happy to pay for the cleaning of the shirt.. if I have to, I’ll replace it..”
He grins as you —“Look.. Y/N, I have an idea.. my stylist will probably want to kill me, but, why don’t we both head to the rest rooms and freshen up and I’ll help you make this right. Give me 5 minutes..”
You’re dumbfounded and your heart starts hammering in your chest, not only is he GORGEOUS, he may be the kindest “stranger” you’ve ever met. You just completely embarrassed yourself and ruined his shirt at an important event and he wants to.. help you?!
“But, sir.. I don’t even know you.. and it was my fault for rushing and not paying attention..” just then, he holds up his hand so tantalizing close to your lips, hushing you, that scent of cedar wafting into you as he says, “no need to apologize again.. I’m Yunho.. now I’m not a stranger. Five minutes, remember? Meet me back out here and I’ll tell you how you can make it up to me..” he winks at you and walks towards the Men’s bathroom.
You stare after him, but then, it hits you that if your lipstick is all over his shirt, you are probably a mess yourself. “Fuck fuck fuck!” you mutter under your breath, as you bolt towards the Women’s.
You reach for some towels as you approach the sink and mirror and you startle yourself as you laugh out loud at your appearance. “Oh my god, y/n! You’re a mess! Shit!” you say to yourself in the mirror as you begin to clean off your face. You open your bag, grabbing what you need to quickly touch up your makeup and redo that damn red lipstick you decided to be bold with tonight.
You pull your phone out of your bag, and, glancing at the time, you’ve probably been in here more than 5 minutes, so you rush out of the bathroom to go see if Yunho is indeed waiting for you. He was probably just being polite, and if he’s not out there, you’re not going to spend any more time mortifying yourself and you will just go do the job you came here to do (if you’ll even have a job tomorrow!), and avoid him as much as possible.. you’ll worry about dying of embarrassment later. As you exit, you look for him and when your your eyes find him.. oh god, your breath hitches..
Yunho is leaning against the wall, across from you, arms folded. He smirks up at you and says, “so, Miss Y/N.. about how you can make it up to me for completely wrecking my shirt..”
He still has his beautifully tailored brown suit on, but now, he’s got his suit jacket buttoned up and.. no shirt on underneath. Oh. Fuck.
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sbg-loving-pierog · 5 months
Hunger Games (Simulator)
✨️ School Bus Graveyard ✨️
Part 1, probably. also no spoilers except for the characters that may have not appeared in the previous chapters ':)
Introducing : The squad! :D
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Are you ready? :D
The Reaping:
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The tree be like "oops, I did it again"
Ashlyn is SLAYIN' 💅✨️
UM. TAYLOR? "Traumatizing Tyler" the speed run, cause ITS NOT EVEN DAY 1
Now, DAY 1:
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Tylyn are starting their enemies to lovers story
Guys I think the tree is looking for someone.
Something about Aiden making a slingshot feels very canon
Statuses so far!
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Centipede is so out of place 😭
The ceiling is what
DAY 2:
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Well... Tyler is joining Taylor in heaven ☹️
And Alex now knows the deadly power of trees
Status time!
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Logan, my baby 😭😭
...I feel like it's doing Ben dirty.
Ashlyn 🥲
DAY 3:
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I never knew a huge phantom spraining his ankle running away from Aiden's mom is what I needed in life
Arena Event!
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Mike doesn't seem like an Aidlyn supporter.
Why are all the worst ones surviving 😭
It won't fit in one piece so I'll link part 2 HERE 👈😔
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for-a-longlongtime · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for tagging me, @lotusbxtch @qveerthe0ry! Let's see, here's a final WIP Wednesday of 'Let Me Get What I Want' because I'm really close to finishing it, finally! I'm terrible at estimating how much time something will take to do, but let's just say that I'm expecting the full fic (around 10.5-11K words, oops) to go up by the end of this week. Thanks for those of y'all who have been reading/liking/sharing for being so patient, I appreciate your support so much! 💜
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Tim Rockford x Javier Peña x OFC
Mai is so wet that she takes two of his fingers so easily, could probably take a third if he tried, but she stops him from doing so - a moan escaping from her as she almost impatiently grabs his dick. “Damnit Javi, don’t make me wait,” she practically whines. It short circuits something inside of his brain, especially as Tim chuckles next to them, and unable to wait another second he pushes inside of her, swallowing both their moans with a deep kiss.
“Fuck, you feel so goddamn good,” he gasps when he’s completely buried into her, tight heat surrounding him and making his head swim. “Easy carino, or I’m gonna blow right away…”
“No, you won’t. You’re gonna be good, Javier.” 
Javi whimpers at the feeling of Tim’s mouth close to his ear, soft words firmly ordering him, and he grits his teeth as he fights even harder to hold it together. Mai’s eyes shift from his to Tim’s, then back to him again, her lips parted as she’s breathing heavily already. “Goddamn, you two are beautiful,” she says softly, and he feels her clench around him when Tim licks his neck.
He closes his eyes as he shakes his head, taking a deep breath to compose himself. When he looks at her again, she’s reaching out to tug Tim’s hair gently. “Let him go,” she warns him, a smile playing over her lips. “He’s getting way too hot from having you breathe down his neck.”
“Bossy little thing,” Tim mocks her slyly, his hand cupping her full breast as he teases her nipple into a firm peak. “Telling me what to do, huh?”
“You’re damn right, Timothy.” Mai grins as she tugs at his curls again. Tim huffs at the name as he grabs her hand, pressing a kiss into her palm as he then reluctantly lets go. He rolls back onto the bed to resume his position as spectator, loosening the buttons on his white dress shirt as his eyes meet Javi’s again, and he gives him a wink.
“You’re a goddamn piece of work, aren’t you?” Javi can hardly suppress a laugh as he leans down to take her mouth again, feeling too damn turned on by how she just wrapped Tim around her finger like that. “You two are both trouble."
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I'm really behind on Tumblr today because a certain someone's pictures explode all over the place (damn you, Pascal - you're gonna kill us all at this rate) -- so my apologies if y'all have been tagged or posted a WIP Wed already!
@sin-djarin @perotovar @ohforficsake @magpiepills @exquisiteserotonin
@youandmeand5bucks @penvisions @oliveksmoked @ghostofaboy @senorabond
@ezrasbirdie @nerdieforpedro @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @avastrasposts @alltheglitterandtheroar
@rhoorl @i-own-loki @laurfilijames @chronically-ghosted @ozarkthedog
@marisferasiop @covetyou @luxurychristmaspudding @morallyinept @mountainsandmayhem
Dividers by @saradika!
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chemspxdr · 1 year
This Must Be The Place
Satoru Gojo x reader
Summary: satoru is a FATHER and he has A SON (~1k words)
Warnings: a little sad
I forgot that I have a tumblr for fics oops. Gojo satoru has won Hyperifxation of the Month!!
He always hated kids.
Well — hate is, as always, a very strong word.
It’s not children themselves, he supposes, moreso a reflection of himself. Gojo never understood children, even when he was one. Having the burden of seven assassination attempts before he could even speak tends to make a “childhood” fairly desolate.
Talking to kids was one thing, he could get by with a few dinosaur facts he’s picked up over the years. But being a guardian for one is an entirely different ball game. One he never intends to play, thank you very much.
Past tense.
Imagine his — alleged playboy Satoru Gojo’s— surprise when the fucker who tried to kill him, as in cold blooded murder, makes the man he attempted to murder the godfather of his child.
Yeah, pretty goddamn shocking. But what is he going to do? Just say no?
Yeah sorry I don’t want the child you entrusted me with, so I’ll let it get taken in by the worst motherfuckers alive simply because I’m too pussy to attempt fatherhood.
Satoru Gojo is many things, but a pussy isn’t one of them. Maybe that was Toji’s goal, the conniving bastard wanted to prove to the world that there was one thing the great Satoru Gojo could not do.
Fuck that.
The phone rings one, two, three times before she answers.
“I’m getting a kid,” he spit it out the second he heard the crackle of the line and the inhale of her breath.
The line remains silent for a moment.
“What,” not a question, moreso a statement of exasperation.
“I don’t think I can make it any clearer than that, dear,” he shifts gears and passes the minivan in front of him with a tsk. Slow fuckers.
“Are you driving?”
“No,” he shifts again, he doesn’t need to go that fast.
“Liar, I could hear that monstrosity across the pacific.”
“Girls like manual, you know. They say it’s hot when I shift gears.”
“Obviously not hot enough. That brings me to my next point: you need to have sex to make a kid,”
“I don’t like what you’re implying,”
“I don’t imply. You have no time for sex, how the fuck did you make a baby? Did someone snatch your semen in the middle of the night?” She laughs to herself then, ”the Semen Snatcher of Shibuya?”
He doesn’t have time to mock her self satisfied snorts, much less time to refute the ”no time for sex” part.
“Not a baby. A child,”
“Okay, so, adoption?”
“Sort of,”
“When are you getting it?”
He breathes out a laugh, “Him. And I don’t know, ten minutes? Traffic is pretty rough.”
“Oh my fucking—fuck. Now?”
“No. Ten minutes,” he speeds through a yellow light, “Nevermind. Eight minutes.”
“I hate you. I hate you so much. Stop talking forever.”
He laughs again, but the line stays quiet. The silence seems to get heavier with each passing second.
“Toji,” she sighs.
Satoru Gojo is untouchable.
In the obvious,most literal sense of the word— his infinity wraps him in a comfortable, Gojo-sized bubble. He is impenetrable, god on earth, the chosen atlas of a world he was born to carry and protect.
One he is —regrettably— protecting now.
The curse gurgles below him, once menacing, now crumpled on the cold concrete of an abandoned warehouse. It’s half dead, sort of…melting, almost? Whatever reaction it had to his technique has left it liquified, all discernible characteristics it may have had now flowing in a bubbling mass squirming on the ground.
It has no mouth —he thinks— but its making sounds like it’s choking on its own liquid flesh.
He had to haul his ass across the country, for this. Some half-wit “special grade” that couldn’t even talk. An accumulation of decades worth of cursed energy that no one had the balls or skill to handle themselves. So higher ups let it fester, knowing of its presence — of the multiple disappearances surrounding it’s location.
But they let it live. Brushed it under the rug until they deigned to take care of it. Or, at least, until they could haul out their government-sanctioned weapon of mass destruction on a perfectly good Saturday evening.
The flesh-blob is steaming now. Evaporating, maybe? He couldn’t give a single fuck, really. What matters is that his infinity keeps it from getting onto his shoes. A handy trick in this line of work.
It’s comforting, really. Even if the whole world was burning, Satoru Gojo would stand in the wreckage without as much of a scratch on him. Maniacally laughing — probably.
It’s comforting, he thinks as he leaves the spirit to succumb to its demise, knowing that although it has taken the lives of many, he could take it down with the snap of his fingers.
He’s greeted with a dark, raining sky as he makes his way to the rental; it’s some sort of white sports car, sleek and expensive. It's the least his superiors can offer after wasting his time like this. What was once a light drizzle begins to fall harder, not quite torrential but heavy enough to forewarn a storm in the coming hours.
It’s comforting to know that, if he wanted, he could go home dry and content. He could keep his shoes free from mud that would no doubt dirty the impeccable interior of the car and, later, his apartment.
He reaches for the driver's side door and stops, gazing up into the starless sky above.
He lets the rain hit his skin.
Today sucked.
Scratch that— today sucked ass.
Gojo mumbles as much while fumbling with the key to his apartment. He could just teleport inside, but he has class. He also doesn’t want to scare the shit out of her if she’s still up. He’d rather not risk his luck, lucky enough to have her watch Megumi for the past—
He finally manages to unlock the door, unceremoniously tossing his keys onto the kitchen island. He checks the clock on the microwave, glowing a mocking 4 am into the darkness of his home.
— 44 hours. Shit.
He pauses, listening for signs that he woke anyone with his frenzy of an entrance. The apartment resides in relative silence, save for the occasional rumble from the streets below. Light blue, pre-dawn light filters through the windows.
Grabbing a pillow from the bedroom is too risky, being brutally murdered is not in his plans for the day. What he does plan on is taking a prolonged nap, then eating his body weight in takeout.
He rips his blindfold off with a sigh as he walks around the corner to the living room. He might just have to settle with a thin throw blanket and the couch cushions—
Seems someone already beat him to it.
She’s half asleep, sprawled out on the couch, the glow of the muted television dousing her in different hues of blue and green. Snacks and drinks litter the coffee table along with the usual clutter of crayons, paper, and coffee mugs. A soft groan rises from her throat as she stretches one hand over her head and rubs an eye with the other.
“I told him you might come back tonight. He wanted to stay up until you got here.”
Gojo blinks for a moment, eyes dropping from her face to the blanket-covered mass resting on her chest.
Satoru Gojo finds comfort in his infinity for its practical uses. Any unwanted touches are thwarted — if not by his demeanor or reputation — by the invisible barrier surrounding his body.
He lives a life without the inconvenience of touch, the brushing of shoulders in a crowded room, the cordial shake of a sweaty hand, the impact of a fist to his jaw.
It’s comforting.
Oddly, as he watches her fingers tangle in the tuft of black hair peeking out from under the blanket, Satoru Gojo feels like he’s missing something.
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jweekgoji · 2 years
Yandere!Five x Reader x Yandere!Lila (Ghostface AU)
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a/n: happy Halloween btw, gonna do my request soon again.
warnings: dark/yandere content, mentions of killing people, some violence, no good ending for reader, Lila and Five is the best frenemies, my small headcanons about Lila&Five&The Comission, some threats, swearing, Lila is flirty, Five is the grumpy little old guy.
Lila and Five are already quite an interesting duo, but put these two together and add a little more craziness and these two will be the last ones you want to run into.
I mean, the two of them worked as assassins, they have a hell of a lot of experience in this, their childhood was fucking terrible and they also have superpowers?? what are you even supposed to do?
when they have to work together, they are very good. just think, Five can easily guess that Lila is hiding something, like being the reason why your recent boyfriend suddenly disappeared. would anyone else notice? I don’t think so. 
and there’s Lila. she’s annoying him and getting on Five’s nerves a little too much, Five already have to deal with another 6 mentally unstable adults that still acting like a kids and add to this all Lila? that always trying to strike him back because of their past? this man is done. 
Lila may try to make fun of Number Five all the time, but she’s not stupid. 5 is literally a legend for the entire Commission. Yes, he is the founder, but above all, he is one of the best assassins in the entire timeline, for everyone he should be an example of exactly how to do their job properly. Lila hates Five for killing her parents, and of course she spent a lot of time dreaming about how exactly she would get revenge on him. but if you plan to kill someone, then you need to know them better.
“Ha! I know it has to be you, little psycho,” Lila smirks proudly, her hands on her hips as she looks at him. “I mean, it`s easy to guess.”
Five rolls his eyes in annoyance, turning away from this crazy woman. “I’m glad you finally found the opportunity to show off your intellect, Lila,” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose. “But right now I’m busy if you didn`t notice.”
“Why won’t you just ask for help, huh?” she shrugs, sitting down on the dresser.
“What?” he frowns slightly, looking confused.
“Ask for help,” she says again. “Do you want me to spell that? A-s-k f-o-r h-”
“I don’t understand why would you even need to get into this mess and helping me.” he wipes sweat off his forehead, sighing softly when takes a quick look at her before going back to work.
She pauses for a moment, thinking about his words. Lila would never get into something like that for Five Hargreeves, no, never in her life. But she would never loose the opportunity to prove something to Number Five, who has so many fans inside the Commission that it’s makes Lila sick.
“So do you need my help or not?” now she is the one who sounds annoyed, but rather offended. “I won’t ask twice, jumpy guy.”
“You know what?” his gaze softens and he tosses towards Lila a sponge with a pair of rubber gloves. “You can actually be very helpful sometimes. Now come on, we don’t have much time until they come home.”
Lila catches everything quickly, smiling widely again, after which she jumps off the drawer and walks towards Five while wearing gloves. She accidentally step on a pool of blood on the floor, and her boots leaving several red dirty prints on a perfectly clean surface.
“I just fucking ended cleaning here-”
They get along well with each other when it is good for both of them, but not when it comes to the fact that they have to share you. No, don’t even think that they will somehow find a way where they are not going to kill each other, as soon as one of them cross the line and decides to find their own separate way with you and only with you. If Lila will try to steal all your attention from Five - bad for her. If Five will try to do the same - bad for him. It also means problems and for you.
So basically we doing this cool “the one who makes the calls” and “the one who kills” trend. Well, if we going to compare Lila and Five with Billy and Stu there is no doubt that Lila will be as Stu and Five will be as Billy.
Lila can do both roles, not gonna lie, but she really loves those long and intimidating, somehow silly conversations with you while talking on the phone, her cute attempts to scare you, make you tremble and run around the house trying to close all the windows and doors, and it’s actually makes her laugh, especially knowing how useless it is , because come on, we all know that 5 can just teleport wherever he wants and Lila can just… do the same.
Lila sometimes forget that calling at your phone in the middle of the night is an attempt to make you afraid so you’ll be more pliable and when you’re on the verge of going crazy, because almost every day you hear two different types of voices that calls you, one of which threatens to make you suffer if you continue to ignore them, and the second flirts with you, only to say something weird and scary at the end.
You’ve been wearily watching some random horror movie on your TV screen. In fact, you had already lost the countdown a long time ago, you were tired and wanted to go to bed, your eyes were barely open, but part of your waking consciousness could distantly hear the lines from the movie.
An unexpected phone call makes you jump up and wake up immediately, picking up your phone, only to find out it was some unknown number. You decide to answer this call and put the phone to your ear, expecting to hear someone’s familiar voice, thinking that it could be your friends who wanted to prank you or one of your work colleagues but from a different phone number.
“Hello?” you speak uncertainly.
“Hello, who is this?” the voice asks.
“Who are you trying to reach?” you shift slightly in your seat, rubbing your eyes.
“I don’t think it matters now, doll,” the unknown chuckles softly. “You have a pretty cute voice by the way.”
You scoff at their comment, finding this amusing how they tried to flirt with you. “Uh, thanks. But I’m kinda busy with something right now like watching a movie.”
“Is that so?” the stranger pauses briefly before continuing to speak. “What kind of movie?”
You hum softly and tilt your head slightly towards the TV, trying to remember what you watched. “It’s Halloween, so I’m definitely watching scary one.”
You can hear the voice of an unknown person laughing softly at your sarcastic response.
“You’re must be really brave little one to watch this movies all alone at night, huh?” the person asks. “So what’s your favourite scary movie, pretty?”
You yawn in the first half of the person’s sentence and don’t really paid attention to their words, stretching slightly, trying wake up fully and concentrate on the dialogue again, taking the cassette, reading the title of the film. “Uh…Saw, I think?”
“Good choice, this one was so bloody,” you hear their cheering. “So, you have a boyfriend?”
A slight smile appears on your face and you rise from the couch, walking towards the kitchen, still holding the phone in your hands.
“No, I don’t have one,” you answer, playing with a strand of your hair. “Why, you wanna ask me on a date?”
“Maybe I want,” they say and you sighs softly at their attempts. “But you still didn’t told me your name, love.”
“Why do you need to know my name?” you ask nonchalantly as you pop a bag of popcorn into the microwave.
“Because I want to know at who I’m looking right now.”
You freeze in place. It could have been a simple prank in an attempt to make you scared, but still, it really worked on you. “What did you say?”
“I said that I really want to know with who I’m talking-”
Lila doesn’t have time to finish and you immediately end the phone call, which makes her almost break the device she is holding in her hands.
“Damnit!” she swears, sighing loudly in displeasure. “This time was so damn close!”
Lila’s complaints makes Five smile smugly to himself and that only irritates her more. Five leans against the wall with his shoulder as if he was already know how this would end up.
“Don’t smile like that, you little shit,” she grumbles, trying to call you again and again, but you seem to just ignore her attempts.
“Congratulations, Lila,” he shrugs carelessly. “You screwed up again.”
Five will at first be someone you hardly notice when he does his job. Some idiot bothers you? Disappeared. Are you bullied at school? They are all gone. Is someone too close to you and you show genuine interest in them? I’m sorry, but they won’t call you back after the date. Don’t worry, you can cry in the shoulder to your best friends like Lila or Five who will be always here for you. Huh, what a coincidence…
I think Lila will often act as the one to make the calls, as she seems to be the only one who is successful in this and can hold a dialogue with you for more than a couple of minutes. Unlike Number Five. But he really wants to try talking to you. He craves it and he wants to prove that he can make the calls just as well as the dirty work like killing. He would use this as opportunity to tell you everything that he wouldn’t tell you if he was in front of you right now and you would know the real identity of the person who is always calling you so late. But he really just melts because of your sweet voice and he can listen to it for hours while you tell him about your day or plans for the future, Five is a serious and professional man who does his job perfectly. He knows that he has his own work and it needs to be done even though he really wants to forget it all and rest for some time.
“Stop calling me, you weirdo,” you say tiredly.
“Don’t even dare to hang up on me,” 5 warns you, but you immediately end the call despite his words.
As soon as you end up the call, Five, on the other side, closes his eyes and sighs, trying to calm down, them he calls you again. You barely had time to go to bed when you heard the melody of your phone and you had to pick up the device again. You really wanted like to yell at the person who was bothering you, but you are immediately interrupted.
“No, you listen here. Hang up on me and I’ll gut you like a fish, do you understand me?” he threatens you and the tone of his voice makes you tremble. “Now, do you think you can handle that for me, dear?”
I don`t think that any of them would go to kill some person in front of you. Firstly, they don’t want to hurt you, they go too far just by harassing you with calls, but it’s more of a warning, like “don’t go with that guy because he’s not good enough for you” or “you should stay at home tonight and don’t go to that party”. Yes, Ghostface most often calls victims to scare them and then kill them, but they will never touch you. And I also don’t think that they will harm any of your family or just your friends, only those who can potentially / already harm you, otherwise they warn you about it. You really should listen to those scary people that call you or be more attentive when you look out the window and notice a mysterious figure in a black costume in your backyard with those silly scream mask. you have two pairs of eyes that follow you everywhere and they can clearly see more than you so keep it in mind. but yeah, I think Lila sometimes really can just make some calls to you just for fun so Five need to bonk her time to time to remind her job.
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