#i may make up a nickname for it so i can distinct it from Me me tho
butchpeabody · 1 year
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the tomesona concept....alien magical girl bunny girl liker boything
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moonastro · 8 months
your fs's cute habits
pick a picture
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left to right(top)-> 1,2,3
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑how to choose an image? take a deep breath, close your eyes, RELAX, and let your intuition do the rest.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑remember, you can be drawn to more than one picture!!
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes.
°Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as i would entirely appreciate it).
° This is a GENERAL reading, take what resonates and leave and pass on what does not!
pile one
they might have a smirk to their smile, or have this instinctive smile that they do that is unique to them. i don't know, it feels very cute though. like i see them doing it whenever they get shy or get suddenly happy. Also, along with that will be their laugh. they may have a distinctive laugh that they do. they may hit (in a friendly way) when laughing or they may get weak and pretend fall, and so on. i do see them being dramatic with it though😅. your person may randomly say what's on their mind without any context. like it will become so normal to you guys that you will either go with it or just ignore it. by random i mean like continuing a conversation you guys had 30 minutes ago and they add to it, or they purely just bring up the time when they were a kid and such. in public, i feel like they will be quite shy, they may unintentionally hide behind you especially if you are talking with someone or walk slightly behind. they may be a slow walker too, its not because they are slow but they get distracted easily. by the nature, the birds, the cars, the buildings etc etc. very much new soul vibes, taking in everything around them. they can be a collector and have a collection of little figures and items. it is their possessions and they will protect their collection with all their heart and take time to correct their positions and such when accidently moved.
pile two
awk, this is too cute, so your partner may blush quite often. it may be from embarrassment, anger, stress, or getting put in the spotlight. you may find it cute because it can make you love them even more and it may make you feel like they are like more genuine?? anyway, they may space out quite often, probably just blanking out and staring into abyss. this may be a habit and they may have a nickname given from spacing out so much 😅. like for example, you may ask them a question and they reply with mumbles and when you say 'did you even hear what i said' they come back and go 'huh' or 'no, sorry'. you may laugh at it because you find the way they look doing it cute. you may find it cute when they get mad. they may have a face that they do or do a gesture that you notice each time. its giving me every time when they're angry you cant take them seriously and then they get even more mad. the way they eat/chew may be significant, so they may pout/ make a cute face when eating.
pile three
okay, so pile 3, your person is giving very much clueless energy. i feel like most of the time they may not know what you may be talking about but they still contribute to the conversation so you wont feel upset about it. but i feel like you will always ask them if they know what you mean and then they'll admit that they don't! but i do see you laughing it off and telling them that they can admit if they don't get it. oh, they are really into structure and have really organised drawers, closets, shoe racks and so forth. you may find it cute how they keep it VERY organised and are serious about it too. you may find their concentrated face cute lol. they do portray this youthful energy so they might express those characteristics through their actions. they definitely don't like to argue and will let you win every single time which may feel frustrating sometimes but they just avoid it at all cost and feel there is no need for it. it can make you feel guilty about it though and make you want to take care of them. at the end of they day you laugh it off and find it cute. they may have trouble with their vision and may squint a lot- you can tend to make fun of them cutely for it. like, every minute of they day you see they squinting at EVERYTHING and that can catch you off guard and make you laugh by their cuteness. this is a very fun/ laughter couple so there is a lot of laughing and giggling involved.
thank you dear soul for reading this!! it is greatly appreciated, and i hope you all are doing well and enjoyed this post🤍.
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abetterdaaye · 9 months
Rewatching S4E12 (again) and I realize that Mickey is trying out pet names for Ian. It’s like he’s trying on terms of endearment, seeing what feels right, both emotionally and in his mouth. Like he’s trying to see which one will make Ian do that giggle or look at him that way.
They’re finally publicly together after years of furtive glances, clandestine link ups, and feigned disinterest (🙄), Mickey is launching into this new experience in what is, to me, a distinctive Mickey way. He “re-names” folks: From the girls at the rub-and-tug (Nanook of the North) to Kev (Steven Seagal [I’ll come back to this at some point]) to Debbie (Peppermint Patty) to his favorite ginger, Ian.
Mickey obviously loves nicknaming Ian, which may or may not have always been a sign of his interest/affection. We first hear him nickname Ian before we see them share the any dialogue, calling him Firecrotch while threatening to beat him up for what he did(n’t do) to Mandy. Later he tosses around a few nicknames that can totally seem innocent if anyone hears him use them (like tough guy). But this morning (afternoon) after he comes out, he’s just tossing out random nicknames which are contextual but also unreasonably adorable and off-the-cuff. (Please also note that him trying to wake Ian up so they can go get a dog after arranging for his sister the babysit Yev is very little-domestic-bitches coded 😍🥲)
Cinderella. Sleepy-face. Mumbles. He’s got an adorable look of contentment and amusement on his face while gauging how Ian responds, eventually realizing he’s getting no responses which then leads him into concern. Y’all have seen the scene. Mickey asks Ian if he’s feeling sick, tries to get a peek at his face (that he’d caressed tenderly when he first got up that morning), and is confused and frustrated when he can’t coax Ian to even agree to let him bring him back food. (Canonically, I feel like we see Ian enthusiastically eating pretty frequently and Mickey’s desire to care for Ian ALWAYS manages to shines through so this being the point Mickey got annoyed made sense to me). He leaves in a bit of a huff and the scene ends.
As a rewatch, this scene has a lot going on because we know that there’s so much to come in their story. Even knowing that this particular moment of happiness is a flash in the proverbial pan, I appreciate seeing this first peek of Mickey entering his devoted boyfriend era.
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star-xxx1 · 1 year
Can you do a Wanda and nat fan fic with a female reader??
Can it be a fluff at the start and then slowly an angst, then a good ending ❤️❤️
Their words and touch hurt like hell-
WandaNat x Avenger! female reader
Maria Hill x reader (for a mission)
Carol x reader
First fic, I have proof read this multiple times but im so sorry for any mistakes that may occur, please ignore them!
Summary : You loved your specials girls so much, but when a Agurment takes a turn and leads to a nasty break-up, you completely change for the worst, now they are trying there best to get back.
Warnings: Heavy angst with a happy ending, Self-violence, servere anger issues, accusations of cheating, slapping, self-neglect, swearing, allusions to smut, fluff, reader getting hurt, toxic relationships, Physical and verbal fighting, insults, depression, Insecurities being heightened, and more fluff...
These are some nicknames that the readers uses just so your not confused, the other nicknames used this fic are quite distinct: Mia (Maria), Care bear (Carol).
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A alarm sounded thoughout the spacious, dimly-lit room. You stirred slightly, slowly you opened your eyes to be met with the beautiful sight of your girlfriend, Wanda, Dead asleep. You let out a small giggle.
You felt a pair of strong, familiar arms wrapped around your waist tighten signalling that she was wake to, you knew that was your other goddesses of a girlfriend Natasha.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y turn off the alarm in room 6" you requested with a groggy voice.
The annoying sound soon stopped.
You tried to turn around in Natasha arms to face her only to be met with soreness shooting through your body, reminding you of the sensual advents of last night, you stopped in your tracks ending up on your back and let out a pained whine.
"You okay dekta?" Natasha Inquired worried.
"Yes, sweetheart, just really sore" you were able to say through gritted teeth to suppress further whines, completing the full turn around in her arms.
"Morning, love" She said with a huge grin plastered on her face from your pervious statment but that sneaky grin soon turned into a warm smile, Dam that smile you loved so much.
You blushed, burying your face into the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent.
"Morning" you replied back muffled, hugging on to her for dear life.
You knew what was happening to day and you hated it, you hated it with a burning passion.
Your girlfriends where going on a month long mission.
"Hey, what about me?" sounded a heavenly voice from behind you.
"Wanda!?" You questioned pulling back for Nats neck, looking back in excitement.
"Yes, honey" she landed a peck onto your lips making you smiled.
"Morning, Wands" Nat said smiling.
"Morning, Natty" Wanda replied back, you watched as she learned you over to steal a kiss from her.
Natasha soon sat up and pulled you onto her lap. You whinned again from your achy body being moved.
"I have training with Steve in 30 minutes" she said kissing your forehead as a silent 'sorry'. "Wanda can you please take care of our special girl"
"Of course babe" she said getting up and walking around the bed until she reached you, picking you up.
You wrapped your legs around her waist and her arms around her neck and closed your eyes basking in the warmness and soothing scent that radiated off her.
Wanda moved go to get ready for the day with you. She thought warm shower would help soothe your tight muscles, Leaving Natasha to go get dress and make her way down to the training floor off the compound.
You guys agreed that, you and Wanda would go meet Natasha after getting ready and making breakfast.
After Nat had a shower and got dress for the day and she made her way down to the compound kitchen/living room. There she saw Tony and Thor bickering over something stupid, Clint on zoom with Laura, Steve reading a book, and Sam and Peter screaming over a game. She was pulled out of her trance when the mixture of your beautiful laughter and The smell of mouth-watering food hit her.
She looked over to the stove to see Wanda stirring soup and staring daggers into something or someone. Wanda sensed Nats entrance and met her eyes, soon gesturing with her head over to you and Carol.
Natasha's face soon dropped to, the sight of you laughing and hugging Carol infurates her.
Natasha and Wanda were Extremely possessive of you. Most of your Agurments were caused by this. Wanda and Natasha recently found out that your childhood best friend, Carol had a big crush on you. They didn't mean to find out but when Wanda powers when haywire from stress during an agurment with Natasha, she started accidentally reading everybody's mind including Carol who was then, currently comforting your crying form in her arms.
They had told you after everything had calmed down and apologises had been exchanged, you brushed it off not wanting to cause anymore stress during this time. They said to 'say away' but you couldn't you love her to much she was your best friend after all.
She moved to sit down at the kitchen counter, soon accompanied by you.
"Hi, baby!" you said, she pulled you into a tight hug and kissed your cheek. "Natty?" You aksed as she pulled away, she just stared at you, a mix of love and rage potent in her eyes.
"Foods ready!" Wanda shouted, making everyone drop everything there doing and run to the kitchen.
"umm okay let's just eat" you awkwardly mumbled.
Carol tried to sit next to you but was blocked by wanda, who when sat gave her a death glare. Wanda then pulled you on to her lap and Natasha moved into your pervious seat, gesturing for Carol to sit in her old one instead of next to you.
"But I want to sit next to Care bear!" You protested only to be met with the cold glare of the ex- assassin. That immediately shut you up.
After breakfast Wanda picked you up and took you to your room, followed by Natasha.
Natasha opened the door, soon you were met with the softness for your king size bed as Wanda threw you down, you looked up to see your girlfriends either side of the bed.
"Okay, why are you guys being like this?" You questioned.
"For a start you and 'Care bear'" Natasha mocked "Need to break what ever this is up"
"Okay? " you agreed.
"Good" Wanda smirked.
"Now, let's give our girl some cuddles before we leave" Wanda grined, as they both climbed in next to you.
40 mins later and it was time, You felt distraught, watching them like a hawk as they moved around the room packing there mission bags and getting changed.
You let your tears free fall, once your girlfriends stood infornt of the bed with there suits on and bags tossed over there shoulders. You shot up and flung yourself into they're arms and they happily allowed you to just stand there holding them closely.
"Okay dek-" Natasha was cut of by you pulling her in for a deep long kiss only pulling away once you were completely deprived of air, taking a deep breath you turned to Wanda repeating your previous actions.
Once you pulled away you brought them into a tight hug once again
"I love you both so much, be safe"
"I love you too" they both chucked in sync.
Once they were out the door and up to the quinjet bay you flopped down on the bed and sobbed.
You cried until the lack of sleep from last night caught up to you.
One week into being with out the loves of your life and your a total mess, you just miss you girlfriends so so so much. You miss waking up to them, you miss there touch, you miss the fun, you just miss everything about them. On top with that you had to break up your friendship with Carol which didn't end well.
During the nasty agurment, in the middle of a lot of insults, she told screamed at you that she thinks that Nat and Wanda were to possessive and you knew that well, to well, hell last time you hugged Carol for to long an agurment rose and it when all to shit. You really did ponder why the rest of the team didn't notice your fresh bloodshot eyes from crying because of the harsh words the two reheads unleash on you, especially with the severe anger issues the both hold.
One wrong move and all hell would break lose, thank god they only ever hurt you Verbally, you wouldn't stand a between the both of them physically.
You always felt a bit safer during the screaming matches with the promise they made a long time ago. "We would never do anything to hurt"
Hell you were wrong.
F.R.I.D.A.Y broke you out of your focus on tv, you were comfortably bundled up laying in bed with Natasha's grey hoddies and Wanda's black sweatpants.
"Miss y/l/n, Director fury would like you at meeting room 13 in 30m minutes"
"Okay, thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y I will be down soon"
"Nope problem miss y/I/n"
-------------------------------------------------------Once you got to the meeting room, Fury ushered you in. You took your seat waiting for the others.
Maria soon came in and your face lit up to see a close friend but soo dropped when Carol soon followed, closing the door behind her.
Maria took a seat next to you and Carol distanced herself from you choosing the seat furtherst away, which made you frown abit. You still are vexed at her but you still miss her.
Maria noticed your change in facial expression.
"You okay, Y/n/n? " Maria asked.
"Yep, Mia!" you quickly fixed your face, turning to her and nodding.
"Okay, ladies" fury proceeded to talk as you turned to face him
"I need you guys for a new mission, a dangerous, long one, are you guys up to this?"
All three of you nodded in agreement.
"This mission is about saving inhumans from a common enemy Hydra, You must inform no one about this mission even your closest of friends or family, once we put you on the list for the housing, which will done be once you reach your neighborhood, eyes and ears will be watching and we can't risk anyone else getting hurt. We are dealing with seriously dangerous people here. Do you understand me? "
"Yes" you all three answered.
"Good, now Maria and y/n you will have to act as a married couple, when I mean act, I mean acting full out, dates and public affection are mandatory. The only place you can act normal is the safe house's. It will be the only safe place and for you Carol you will be they're best friend and next door neighbor, you guys will watch the operation because Hydra Intel will be passed through during the waiting period until the inhumans arrival. Once they arrive you will storm the place and bring the inhumans here to safety" He then went on about other information, like your fake names and the apartment's addresses, and the date you guys well be returning.
You would be returning same day as your girlfriends, leaving today.
Once you had finished the meeting you had left the bland room and made your way up to your bedroom to pack and change into a different outfit.
When ready, you met Maria outside the compound and waited for Carol inside the car.
The whole drive you talked to Maria about the characters you guys would be playing. you both decided on a couple who couldn't keep your hands of each other.
God how Carol wished to be Maria so bad, so she could feel your lips on her and could be around you 24/7.
Once you arrived to the apartment's Carpark you felt uneasy. Exiting the car you pushed Maria against the car door and gave her a deep kiss you knew eyes where on you as soon as you passed them white, pearly gates and you knew you would have to play by this role to perfection.
Once you had finally settled in, around day two on the mission you started introducing your self to the neighborhood including the Hydra agents, you got 'along' with them well, you thought Hydra was your biggest enemy but no your didn't know that the your biggest enemy would be the person you just fake - lovingly hugged in the lobby of the apartment complex, 5 minutes ago.
Carol who loved you so deeply so deeply that she would kill for you. she knew about the toxic relationship between you and your girlfriends 'whom you loved so much' the thought of them with you especially in bed made her feel violently sick and oh how she wanted you all for herself.
This mission gave her the perfect opportunity for just that. She knew that you and Maria would go on a fake date today.
After getting ready and changing into a stunning red dress, you waiting for Maria in the lounge, around 15 minutes Maria came out in a lush, Royal blue dress.
"You look stunning Mia!" You remarked with a soft tone.
"Well thank you y/n/n, you too" Maria complimented back.
"let's go 'babe'" you joked and reached out your hand for her to hold. She glady took it and you both way down to the car park.
When you eventually got to the restaurant you notice that hydra agents had followed you here, clearly suspicious not falling for your married couple act yet, but you you didn't notice Carol there to.
Carol's big break happened when you asked whispered to Maria fake finger you under the table, you thought it would help knock of the agents. From the angle she was in it looked fake, but when she moved to an empty booth, it looked real. Maria moved her hand under the table and you pulled certain faces to Make it seem realistic. Carol snapped some pictures, a creepy smile stuck on her face and crept out to her car, once the hydra agents realised what you where 'doing' they soon left and you both laughed at there disturbed faces. After finishing your meal and paying the bill you and Maria headed back to the safe house, tried and wanting to sleep.
Maria eagerly guided you through the lobby and into the hallway, pushing you up against the door putting her lips against yours, making out with you. Carol snapped more pictures smiling to herself. 'Oh this gonna be so good' she thought to herslef.
When you finally got into the house after Maria struggled to put the keys in the hole, because of the steamy make out session, you whispered 'goodnight' which she replied with a friendly smile and off you went to your room to get ready for bed.
It was last day on this long mission, Carol seem really happy despite the fact you guys where still ignoring each other, you didn't know why.
It was time to storm the hydra base after watching over it constantly. You had alerted the both of them about the arrival for three inhumans, all had power damping cuffs on which made your job more easier. After getting your suit on and breaking down the door it was action time.
Misson failed..
You were so upset with yourself, you completely ingored the fact that you were bleeding out. You had gained a massive wound on your leg where a hydra agent stab you.
During the raid, many other hydra agents appear from a secret room that no one had eyes on. You where out numbered and were only able to get two out of three inhumans.
In your head you replayed the screams of terror and fear that came frlm the girl that you weren't able to save as she was roughly pulled away from the situation by other hydra agents.
Carol sped back to the compound hoping to get back to you back in time, Maria sat next you in the back seat applying pressure to the wound, rambling on to keep you focused and in the moment.
Looking at the two inhumans one seated at the front and one next to maria, you felt terrible for them they looked so tense and stress. This situation definitely didn't help them in any way.
The three of you had to sneak pass everyone, since the team and other agents been told that you all had taken time off. By the time you made it to the medbay You were unconscious. Maria wanted to stay but couldn't risk getting spotted it would make people suspicious, especially if she was seen in the medbay.
You woke up to Dr. Cho walking around near you bed.
"Ah, Dr. Cho" you said ammused with a slight rough voice, one the many sideaffects of waking up.
"Hello y/l/n, before you can ramble on with a lot of questions -I know how you act as soon as you wake up in the medbay- you are now stable and will be out soon after I check your some of your vitals"
"Thank you"
"No problem" she asserted with a small smile.
When you were in the med bay Carol sneaked through the halls of the large compound and into yours and yours girlfriends room. She carefully set pictures of you and Maria on the bed.
She did feel bad for doing this when you when hurt but she wanted you and wasn't going to wait any longer.
She snuck back out to the car, waiting for you with Maria. After a bit off hesitation you finally got up wincing slightly and snuck out to the car, furry had set up another safe house, immediately after he heard about the incident that had occur. letting out a big sigh once you were seated in the car, a wave of relief washed over you that other agents had picked up the inhumans and that they were safe now.
And with that Maria drove off.
Once you made it back to the compound you faked entering as if you had just come back from a sunny holiday, and greeted everyone holding back your limp.
You dumped your bags in the lounge and made it the training area to fake the incident of your wound with Maria, just wanting to get it out the way. After training with Maria you limped over to medbay.
Staying in the medbay bathroom for around 20 minutes for a you shuffled out and made your way back to your room.
In there you saw your girlfriends, screaming you ran to them not caring about the pain. You wrapped your arms around them but when then didn't hug you back you pulled back and looked at them confused, seeing their red eyes, tears rolling down there cheeks "why are you guys crying? "
All of the sudden Wanda slapped you hard making to fall to the ground, you laying there in utter shock, tears rolling down your red cheek .
"What the fuck!?!" you scream out getting back to your feet.
"You cheating, lying bitch!" Wanda snapped at you.
"What are you talking about!?!"
Natasha held up the pictures of you and Maria and your stomach dropped know that this was a big misunderstanding.
"That's not what you thi-" you were cut off.
"I don't want to here it y/n!, Did you enjoy your 'hoilday'?" Wanda yelled, her tone showered with vemon, air quoting the word holiday.
This soon turn into a intense screaming match filled by the most foul, vile insults from your partners well, now ex partners as they had declared that 'they want to break up'.
You sobbed and cried but also started screaming things back to the women infornt of you.
Something you said about Natasha past triggered something in the ex -asssassin, she saw red and all the sudden you were down again but this time it wasn't and slap it was a hard, heavy punch.
Your lip was busted and your forehead was bleeding, you tried to get up but the ex - assassin jumped on you making hit your head on the floor she straddled yor legs unintentionally putting weight on your wound which made everything more painful.
You looked into her eyes, while she moved a hand to your chest to keep down, still screaming insults at you, offending everything about you.
She was trying to break you, and you would be lying if you said that her words didn't hurt like hell, you witness so much anger and hurt brewing in her eyes, she didn't mean this, they didnt mean this, did they? They were clearly blind-sighted by the pure rage they were feeling, right?
You didn't want to hurt the woman that once loved you but when she started punching your face, with no signs of stopping you knew you had to get her off.
You wiggled beneath the woman but was held down by Wanda's powers. You kept on trying to push Natasha off, but to your avail you had no luck.
finally you had an adrenaline surge between the sobbing, the pain caused by the harsh insults and the punching made it almost impossible. With the new found strength you push her off and was able to break through Wanda's powers, Natasha went flying onto the ground landing near the desk, her head starting bleeding form the impact with the floor, Wanda rushed to her side.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y open the door in room 6" you shouted.
You crawled to the door using the doorknob to help you get up.
Your face bloodied and battered up you started to limp out the door only to be met with a huge shock of suprise sharp pain.
Wanda had thrown a pair of scissors with her magic full force into your side.
Your mouth fell agape, almost falling to the floor you were able to catch yourself. A hand went up to the wound clutching it. You stumbled out the room and down the hallway.
You didn't even care to knock, opening the door Carol's head whipped up from her desk. When she saw the state of you she came running.
You partically fell into her arms.
"Y/n! " Carol Blurted out as she caught you. "We need to get you to medbay!"
"No" you breathed out shakily, slowly losing to the strong force of darkness that pulled you closer by the second.
You still loved them whole heartedly and didn't want them to get in trouble, even after doing this to you, you still put them first.
Eventually you lost the challenging battle and fell into unconsciousness.
Carol immediately grabbed her first aid kit and got to work knowing the basics form training.
Once you were patched up, stable and comfortable in her bed, Carol stormed out her room and in to your ex- lovers room.
As she burst down the door and seeing wanda tending to Natasha head.
She didn't waste any time and started screaming at the two women, who were still quite angry, Natasha stood up and start Aguring with Carol.
After an other screaming battle, Carol threaten them and told them to stay away from you, as if they wanted to talk to you right now. Packing your stuff she retreated back to her room to take care of her love.
She did feel absolutely terrible to make you suffer, she didn't mean for you to get hurt, but at least you were hers now and she was there to sweep up the pieces of your broken heart and mold you into her little prefect, pretty doll.
You woke up, Pain engulfing your body soon followed by the rememberance of last night making your heart drop into your chest grief filling it up to the brim but you noticed a comforting warmness next to you, that gave you hope that is was one of your girlfriends and that everything that happened was a way too realistic nightmare. You turned your head over to see Carol.
That snapped you back into reality harshly.
"Carol?" You groaned, her eyes fluttered opened and she let out a small smile.
"Hi sweetie" her tone welcoming.
"I'm really confused, what happened to the pair of Sisscors lodge into my sid? and-"
She cut you off.
"Shhh,It's okay sweethart I patched you up and dealt with your ex's" she said as she brought and hand up to your face wiping the tears away "I will take care of you until you feel better "she pressed a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you, i- I'm so sorry" you wept.
"It's okay, honey I'm sorry too" she apologized. Putting her arm around your waist and shuffled next to you, holding you close and as you sobbed.
"Hey, princess can you please try to explain to me what happened so I can get a better understanding of what happened and so you don't have anything lying on your chest, if you do it now you won't have to do it to ever again, promise."
you caught your breath and started explaining "okay... "
After explaining to Carol the situation and venting, she gave you more comfort that you desperately neede right now, however it did deepen her guilt but you were here now and that's all that mattered.
After some more cuddling and kisses on the head she left to make breakfast for the both of you.
Walking down she saw Natasha and Wanda acting all lovey like nothing even happened between the three of you, However Natasha did look a bit dazed out, seeing that made Carol's hatred for the women grow.
After making the food, she brought it up to her room and softly woke you up. Eating with you while watching your favourite tv show in bed.
Wanda and Natasha notice her taking two plates up to her room, assuming you were in there, it made them hate you even more for going to the one person they said not too, but hey you weren't with them anymore. After all they wouldn't want 'a weak bitch like you.'
After around month of Carol taking caring of you to started making appearances around the compound explaining to the rest of the team that you were still alive and that you 'were in training and you got hurt badly so Carol took care of you for a while'
Everyone had sus-ed out that you, Wanda and Natasha broke up form the way you actively avoided and ignored each other.
During, the period of recovery you fell into great depression, you were so hurt and mad, they didn't even let you explain you thought daily. You also had the burden of that failed misson on your shoulders. you needed to put that hurt and anger somewhere.
Who Knew that, them two advents would mixed and fuel the person you are now.....
"No! " Wanda screamed at natasha, they were Aguring once again, they missed you so badly but also hated you guts for what 'you did to them'. They weren't the same with out you.
When Natasha left the room in a fit of rage, Wanda started losing her mind, well quite literally her it filled with other people's thoughts and serects. The stress for so many agurements with the other red head during the week, caused another power malfunction.
Wanda found out about Carol's big scandal.
She fell to floor clutching her chest after realising what she did to you, she threw them Scissors at you, you she cause you grand pain mentally and physically, she broke the promise, she Let Natasha beat you mercilessly infront of herself, she let you suffer.
She sobbed aggressively on the floor, hours until Natasha came in. She immediately ran to Wanda, pulling her into her lap
"Wands, what wrong?!?!" She was worried. She knew it wasnt about the agurement because she usually wouldnt cry over an agurement of that scale.
"S-she didn't cheat"
"Huh? What yes she did?"
"Carol set her up, she was on an mission, one that she couldn't tell anyone about, Maria and y/n had to play a married couple it was all fake, everything, the misson failed and y/n got hurt, she almost bled out Nat!, she is assigned to revist it soon, we hurt her badly!, she was innocent all along, we didn't even let her explain"
Natasha bursted out crying at Wanda's words.
They held each other in sorrow and despair. They thought you deserve all the pain but you were innocent.
They were going to get there you back.
After calming down they quitely got ready for bed, they miss the cuddles you would smother them with and your sweet laugh. Huddled up in bed wanda explain every little detail about the mission and the together they devised a plan to get you back that they would start tomorrow and with a goodnight kiss the lights when off.
In the morning Natasha and Wanda woke up determined to make you Theirs again. They woke up a bit more earlier to run into you, since it was one of your tactics to wake up earlier to prevent running into them. Today they would just watch you form a far to see how you are doing.
After getting ready they made there way to down the kitchen where you sat on island, phone in hand, Carol's hoodie on,hood up. You tensed up at sight of them almost throwing up in fear. You quickly grabbed a bottle of water which was your breakfast and quickly moved back to your girlfriend's room. Yes that's right girlfriend you Carol had started dating after she finally confess and you can't lie you caught feels to after wanda and Natasha left you. You thought wearing Carol's hoodie would be bad idea because if you happened to run into the women again you feared it would anger them.
It made they heart drop knowing that Carol currently had you. They hated it but they would get you back no matter what.
You went to get ready for training.
Training was more like self- torture that you inflicted on your self. Carol helped easing some of the pain, but there was still so much left, so you decide to throw yourself into work, especially training for the revist, that little girls screamed taunted you and your dreams.
You always train early so you can avoid everyone especially Wanda and Natasha.
You made your way down to the training floor and started a 2 hour long torture session in a private training room. Pushing yourself pass your limits and still didn't stop. Carol finally came in and was able to get you stop, she carried you to her room while whispering sweet nothings into your hairline, placing you down o the bed to rest.
The two red heads watched this scene with you and Carol unfolded. Wanda noticed how you always cover up more then you used to this started to make her to suspect that you were hiding two things...
The ex-spy and witch watched you for a week and were mortified by the out come of their actions. You had changed a lot, you didn't get any sleep due to nightmares of the incident, and wanda was right you stopped eating,you were also trying to actively hide your body since to them you were and 'slut and whore' only drinking water they since insulted you about your body, you tried to change your appearance due to them coming at you for that to and you also became very cold hearted to everyone around you but not towards Carol, no, you were angel towards her.
Today was the last day before the revist and you wanted to train like crazy to make sure you were going to succeed this time.
To your despair you woke up late today because of Carol. She thought that you deserve a rest and turned of your alarm after you fell asleep, drained because of a certain thing you and your girlfriend did.
When you woke up, you realized you where behind scheduled and shot out of bed rushing to get ready for the day.
More frustration was added to your pitiful day when you noticed all of your less revealing training outfits were dirty or in the wash. You had to settle for and training bra and shorts. You grimaced looking in the mirror looking, the two big scars on show.
Wiping your tears away, you made your way down to the training rooms.
However to your horror all the private rooms where in use. Upset you trudged down to train with the rest of the team. You walked into the lagre room you haven't been seen in a while, you felt eyes upon you making you more uncomfortable, wanda and Natasha heart both skipped a beat seeing you, a wave of guilt wash over them as they're saw the large scar on your side and the little scars littered now and again on your face.
"Holy, shit it's Y/n! " Sam shouted out, cheers of excitment filled the room.
You gave everyone a deadly glare avoiding the eyes of your ex-girlfriends and moved to the blue punching bags and put a of pair red, soft gloves on and started the extensive day of training.
The team were extremely impressed by your stamina, as you punched away for what felt like hours on end, you felt a pair of arms wrapped around your waist.
"hey, baby, can you maybe take a break, at least from this?" She whispered in your ear as you continued on, completely ignoring her question.
"Please" she asked, stretching out the e.
"Pretty please"
"Ugh fine!" You Shouted causing the team to look at you.
You broke free form her arms, quickly taking off the gloves and throwing them onto the floor. You moved over to the fight simulator, it was a big glass box that spawned matter- holograms for you to fight.
You stared at the control panel, looking at your options, easy, medium and hard, most people couldn't even make past medium but you wanted to succeed.
After selecting hard, you stepped in starting mentally preparing. You moved into a defense pose, waiting for the countdown to get to zero.
Zero. A buzzer sounded and the fight begun. -------------------------------------------------------
Around 30 minutes, your grunts started getting heavy causing them to escape the glass box and into the main room.
This drew attraction towards you. The whole team stopped what they were doing and watched in pure amazement as you never stopped, you body litter with bruises and cuts, hands bruised and abused, As you mindlessly kept on flipping, punching, kicking, and defending yourself. You never stoppped moving. pulling tricks they had never seen before or didn't even know was humanely possible, it was you vs a lot and you were wining. Around 5 minutes later, the team started getting worried was there notice the tears in your eyes, you refused to let yourslef stop moving. You were like a zombie that couldn't break free.
You hand been in there for around 2 hours now.
"Some turn this off! " Tony ordered, worried about you. Carol ran over to the control pannel and rapidly typed in the pin, pressing the bright right stop button.
As soon as simulation stopped and the the blue holograms fadded away with a zapping sound you fell on your knees started hysterically crying. Carol tried to come in but you screamed no.
That's when Wanda and Natasha knew they had to help you even if you didnt want them to, they were the only one's who knew how to calm you down during times like this.
As they entered the room you didn't notice them until Natasha scooped up your crying form, you fought and screamed more, realising that it was her, hitting her chest over and over again, trying to get out of her grip. She starting walking out the door and into the hallway towards the elevator. Carol rush after the two women.
"Hey, shes mine! " Carol screamed out still rushing after them.
"No!" Wanda whipped around, blasting Carol with her magic making her soar back and tumble to the ground.
Once Wanda joined Natasha in the elevator you had calmed down a bit slightly snuggling into her chest as she held you bridal style, missing her and her scent.
When Natasha sat down on the bed you guys used to share. She tighten her grip around around you and as Wanda kneel down infornt of you with putting both hands on your thighs. She began talking.
"Im so sorry Dekta, we're so sorry, we know your innocent, Carol framed you" Your eyes widen, and brows furrowed, Carol did this? "We miss you, please come back to us, well didnt mean to break our promise, I know it well take time for you for to trust us again, but let us work on that as a couple, please Dekta come back to us." She said holding eye contact, pleading with her eyes. You nodded.
"Im Sorry, and also sorry for all the insults too" Natasha added, kissing your forehead.
"I forgive, Sorry too for the insults too" you replied.
"Dont be, we deserve it" Wanda said getting up.
"Will you come back to us dekta? " wanda asked.
"Yes" you uttered out.
Natasha immediately showered your face in kisses, cheering you up.
"I'm delighted hunny" Wanda said as she took you out of Natasha arms and into hers. "let's get you cleaned up".
Wanda carried you to the bathroom, and set you done on the counter, Natasha helped you get undress as, Wanda turned on the shower and set aside some of her's and Natasha's clothes for you to wear for when you finish.
Once you were undress, Wanda had return to you and Natasha.
"Do you mind if we join?" Wanda asked with a smile.
"I don't mind" you returned the smile to her.
After Nat and wands got undress they helped you into the shower.
Natasha stood behind you as she washed the grime out of your hair as Wanda lathered up the loofah as softly washed your body. Natasha and wands soon clean up each other, scrubbing off the thin layer of dirt from training.
The ex - spy soon left, soon coming back wrapping you, herself and wands a up in big white, fluffy towels, giving you both a big kiss.
After Nat blowdried your hair and braided it.
Wanda helped you get dressed leaning down and kissing your scar.
"I'm so sorry"
"It's okay" you empathized cupping her face, she leant into your touch, happy to have you back.
Once you were all dressed, you were thrown onto the king size bed, then suffocate by the two redheads. You were devoured by there beefy arms, happy to die this way.
finally you felt safe and happy again, ready for the revist. You could take on the world with your special girls.
Nat and Wanda held you as could as they physically could, they watched you as your chest rised and fell over and over again. Happy that you finally were getting a good night's of sleep. They soon fell into slumber too.
They loved you so much, they would get Carol back for making them hurt and break you, they were going to make it painful and torturess, Ruin her and her life but they didn't want their little angel to know about the pure pain that there were going to inflict on this women, especially not when you had had a big day tomorrow...
Hiii :) I Hope you enjoyed this, it took like 3 days!!!
Part two here
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Maybe, reader is super funny and have a super funny laugh? like, they can laugh from literally everything, and their laughter is like the whistling of a kettle. I hope you understand me
TADC cast x reader w/ a funny laugh!
You guys know how I said that I was gonna go to sleep ab 5 ish hours ago because I had to work on a bunch of stuff the next day
Its uh
Now 4am, could not sleep at all. This always happens when I know I have busy days coming up. I hate it so much, melatonin hasnt worked. Meditating hadnt worked. Everything dodnt work
Anyways! New mission is to keep myself awake between working on stuff to try not to get tempted to nap today
So uh... more requests will be answered today
Hope you guys enjoy this !! I was admittedly a little lost on ideas for this request 😭 not sure if it's this specific request or because I've been writing so so much <\3
The writers block be hittin
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Honestly caine seems like a comedy sort of guy, you know? He looks like he enjoys telling and hearing a good joke every now and then. So I can easily see you two just rattling off jokes to each other until your digital lungs cant handle the sheer amount you guys are laughing!
I think he would lightly tease you for your laugh, but it's all in good fun!
I think she would be able to find some humor in your jokes, even through her desperation to escape the circus. I think that there would be some occasions where she would tell you to cut it out with the jokes, mostly if shes trying to look around for any clues of an exit
As for the laugh, I think it REALLY catches her off guard, especially in the beginning. Probably just stands there awkwardly
Honestly I personally see ragatha not being able to tell good jokes, be it because they dont make sense or because the punchline just isnt that funny.... perhaps both. Point is only the dullest of people will laugh at her attempts. With that being said I think she would love hearing you chatter! Really helps take the stress out of a hard day
I think your laugh would make her laugh harder. Then make you laugh harder, which makes her laugh-
Okay you get the point. It's like a whole loop
Now this man can be a real jokester. Sure a lot of his jokes revolve around some level of meanness and teasing, so theres a chance your senses of humor may clash against one another. Afterall, humor that relies on making fun of people isnt for everyone and it can only go so far until it steps into bullying territory. Similar to caine, you two have a "joke off"
I think he would either find your laugh really goofy, or annoying. No in between though it may vary by the day. Probably gives you a nickname based on what your laugh sounds like
He gives dad vibes so by law he has to enjoy dad jokes, that's his humor. Bad cheesy jokes are his go to. I don't think he himself makes many jokes, given his current state,but I think he does appreciate it when you go off and tell him a bunch of jokes
I think if you had a really distinct or intense laugh it would catch him off guard, but ultimately he grows used to it
Doesnt really understand how you can laugh at literally anything. Well, unless its jax getting karma for his antics.. then maybe they would laugh along with you. As funny as they think you are, I dont think they would be able to listen to jokes and funny stories every day for an extended period of time. Zooble had a short social battery imo and they do like their alone time. Nothing against you, this is just how they are!
Very similar to jax in regards to your laugh, just without the nickname portion. I think they would feel just a touch bad if your laugh happens to irritate them, they at least understand you cant really. Change your laugh
Ohohohoh when she had her comedy mask, you guys are bouncing off one another like in Caines piece! However when her comedy mask is broken and shes shedding tears, your jokes can still make her lighten up just a bit.. so hey at least its helping someone..!
Honestly she kind of finds your laugh endearing. It's just so genuine and open, you dont try to hide your laugh or suppress it or try to change it. I dunno, maybe I'm putting too much thought into gangle having a mask that literally effects her mood and demeanor, but I think she would wish she could be as open as you
.. or maybe she just thinks you're cute
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elementroar · 5 months
A.B.A is an experimental clone of the real Dr. Paracelsus (fan-theory)
(I made the distinction in the title but to be clear - I mean Paracelsus her creator, not Paracelsus we all know and love but the one A.B.A renamed him after. To differentiate, I'm referring to them as Dr. Paracelsus)
So, this might not be common knowledge watching Guilty Gear from the outside, but there's actually two Asukas currently 'active' in STRIVE - the original Asuka R. Kreutz and his clone Asuka R♯. In fact, it's the clone that's the main playable character, and the arcade mode is from the clone's perspective as he is his own character separate from the real Asuka.
Asuka R# was created based on Asuka admiring the construction of the Valentine sisters, and the "Frasco specimen" and creating his own clone based on that research. The 'Frasco specimen' is currently assumed to be referring to A.B.A (and was potentially a teaser for A.B.A's eventual inclusion into the game at that point in time).
Asuka (R#): No? Well, I beg to differ. Otherwise… I might never learn why you created me. Asuka: …Um, well… About that. The Valentine sisters, formed by the Universal Will, were perfect beings. I hadn’t seen such immaculate synthetic life since the Frasco specimen. Asuka (R#): So you wanted to try it for yourself. At least you're honest... if ethically bankrupt. Asuka: Let me guess... Do you resent me? Asuka (R#): No need to worry about that. Unless you resent yourself. Now, why don’t we kill a little more time?
What if I tell you there aren't just multiple examples of artificial lifeforms like A.B.A that are all clones of someone, but even in the current official Guilty Gear World entry for 'Homunculus', it's explicitly mentioned there are multiple homunculi in the world and that A.B.A could have 'siblings'?
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All the Valentine sisters are clones of the original Aria Hale. So everyone here is technically, on some level, genetically the same person:
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And R# is also a near identical clone of Asuka, down to possessing the same memories and experiences but programmed by Asuka to be more socially active than he really is, and also to lack a moral compass (which doesn't seem like a good idea but ok).
So if A.B.A is a similar experiment to the two examples we know, then it follows she is likely an experiment into synthetic clones as well.
And then there's the official entry under "Homunculus" in the offiical Guilty Gear World database (link goes to the online wiki copy of the entry).
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That's right, there's confirmation there's multiple homunculi out there, with it explicitly hinted that A.B.A is simply the only one to appear in the games "so far". And either they are going to be unique homunculi, or possibly 'clones' of/like A.B.A that vary like the Valentine sisters do.
And this may be a superficial design coincidence, but original Asuka's eyes are golden while his clone R#'s eyes are green, and quite a similar if not the exact same shade as A.B.A's
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But note that the original Aria's eye color was green, and her four clones all have very different eye colors (Elphelt's seems close but hers is actually light blue). It prolly does mean that even when making a near-identical clone like Asuka did with R#, the clone's eye color being different is one of the main differences that appear.
And this leads back to my previous theory that Dr. Paracelsus could be revealed to actually be a woman, and that A.B.A is her genetic clone. As the name 'Paracelsus' is actually a made-up name that's a portmanteau of the words 'para' (meaning 'beyond') and the name 'Celsus' and just meant 'beyond Celsus' and was the historical alchemist's way of dissing another alchemist called Celsus. So there's no inherent gender related to the name 'Paracelsus', and can be a nickname for a woman alchemist/scientist.
This would also help explain all the perfectly sized shorts that A.B.A found around Frasco in the first place to wear. They could belong to her 'mother' who would be exactly the same size as her.
I'm rooting for a future introduction of an older woman scientist that gets to be revealed as A.B.A's creator, because I think the visual would be so cool. Cos her 'mother' would be her but aged normally. And can you imagine if Dr. Paracelsus treats Paracelsus as her son-in-law!?
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highlandwhackamole · 7 months
Where Crowley Parks: Definitely in London, definitely not a Real Place
Crowley parks in the same place several times in season 2. It's so obviously the same place each time that I couldn't help but be drawn to nitpicking those scenes. Here's one just before the opening credits in episode 2:
What struck me about this location is the buildings in the background. They are iconic buildings that have colloquial nicknames. They are shapes that instantly tell you that the thing you're looking at is in London. Let's look a bit closer at the buildings using a pile of frames taken from the series:
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From right to left, I'm pretty sure we have the Gherkin, the Shard, the Walkie-Talkie and the Scalpel.
To the left of the Scalpel are some buildings that are less distinct, but I think they may be a trio of buildings at Bishopsgate & Leadenhall. I won't worry too much about those, though, because I don't think we need them. (If you know what they are for sure, though, please do share!)
The Gherkin and the Walkie-Talkie are unmistakable. I'm 95% sure that's the Scalpel; here's a picture of it under construction from the same angle:
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I wasn't positive about the Shard until I saw the building lit up during a night scene, just before Crowley gets yoinked to hell for a chat with Beelzebub:
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Ah, yeah. In the words of the Bilfather... seems legit to me! Here's the actual real Shard at night:
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So, yes, very nice buildings. So London. Much skyscraper.
But. Why have them in the background at all?
If they were there naturally (assuming, you know, that they made a special trip to London to shoot these I guess), one could edit them out, or replace them with more nondescript building-shapes, or even just not include them in the frame -- and then the background would just fade into... itself. It would just be the anonymous place that Crowley parks, no need to call attention to the exact spot.
If they were added (spoiler: they were), that means the intent is to communicate very clearly that this spot is in London, fairly near the city center.
Okay, Good-Omens-creator-folks. You're pointing out to me that this is very particularly and specifically in London. Why are you doing that? Am I supposed to know where he's parked? I don't know, at least not off the top of my head. Maybe I can find out.
Let's look at a map!
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The circles shown here are, from top to bottom: the Gherkin, the Scalpel, the Walkie-Talkie and the Shard. The question mark is the location of the buildings that I think are the same as those appearing to the left of the Scalpel in the show, just for bonus information.
Now I just need to find roughly where one would have to be in order to make the buildings appear in their left-to-right order of Orange (Scalpel), Green (Walkie-Talkie), Blue (Shard) and then Purple (Gherkin).
... hm.
There is no such place. Those buildings can't appear in that order, regardless of where you are in the city. We can even double check, thanks to the Walkie-Talkie, which has very obviously distinct sides.
The Walkie Talkie's Wikipedia article, in fact, features an image of the building from an angle that looks like a very near or maybe even exact match to the viewing angle in the show. The article mentions that the photo was taken from the top of City Hall. Here's a Google Street View from roughly the same angle. You can also see the Gherkin!
What isn't and can't be in between them, though, is the Shard. It's on the same side of the river as the viewer in that image. It's hidden from view, behind the buildings to the left.
What if the Blue building in the show isn't the Shard? I could be wrong. Even so, this view doesn't exist in the real world. It seems pretty impossible from the map above, but I like to make sure, even if it means triple-checking.
For the belt and braces approach, peep this Google Earth view which is more or less from the same angle as the previous street view, just much higher up.
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The scalpel is right between the Gherkin and the Walkie-Talkie. There's nowhere you could stand and view that skyline such that the Scalpel appears to the left of the Walkie-Talkie, and the Gherkin to the right.
What does it mean? I think it means that the creators wanted to insert a strong, automatic shorthand for London. Why do that, when we know Crowley is pretty close to Soho already? I have some thoughts, but I'm going to make another post about that.
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thewayhelooksatyou · 4 months
The Way He Looks at You Series B. II:III Cal Kestis Week Bonus Content: In Another Life Chapter III: I Don't Know Anymore
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Audio Versions
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Chapter Summary
Tumblr celebrated Cal Kestis Week, I used the dialogue prompts for each chapter. This chapter uses: "I don't know anymore."
This mini series is what life could have looked like if Reader (lovingly nicknamed "Light" by Cal) had never lost her memory in the final battle of 'The Way He Looks at You'. Rating: 18+ Words: 1.0K Trigger Warnings: None Inquisitor Cal x Reader/OC
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Light’s eyes watch the trail of Cal’s expert fingers as he undresses before her. His pale skin revealing itself beneath the harsh black fabric. Each muscle flexing as he pulls the offending shirt from his body. 
He gestures for her to do the same, earning a huff. “It’s not like I have that much to remove, Cal, and I’d much rather watch you undress.”
Cal stands in only his trousers. “Obey me, Light.”
She smirks. “Or what? You’ll provide me with another pitiful attempt at punishment?”
His fingers curl in the air and Light feels a distinct pressure at the sides of her neck. Her eyes widening in realization at the power he possesses. 
He drops the hand. “I am fully capable of severe punishment. But I love you and I’d much rather spend our time together sinking myself into your tight cunt and listening to the sounds you make.”
She keeps her eyes glued to Cal’s, hands raising to release the bow at the back of her neck. The dress flutters down, catching at the waist, fully exposing her breasts to him. Cal almost smiles, raising his chin in approval. His hands resume removing his trousers.
Light licks her lips as he pushes them past his hips, his cock springing free, bobbing as he steps out of the fabric. She wastes no time shoving the elastic waist of the dress over her own hips and kicking it off the bed. 
Cal is quick to crawl onto the bed, spreading her legs and lining himself up with her entrance. She props up on her forearms to watch as his tip pushes against her. His eyes flick to hers before pushing forward. 
Light tenses. “Cal, stop.”
He does, giving her a curious look. “Something the matter?”
She flops back onto the mattress, covering her face in her hands. “I don’t know anymore. I don’t think I’m ready. What if I end up pregnant again?”
Cal moves to sit beside her, pulling her into his arms. “Would that be such a bad thing? Starting a family with me?”
Her face stays hidden. “It might be. I mean, we just lost one. I’m hurting, and even worse, I’m worried it might be a blessing in disguise.”
“What do you mean?”
“Fifth knew about the baby. I’m sure he intended to use that information against us. And you won’t even talk to me about him!”
Cal winces as she yells the last part. “I am truly sorry for ignoring your fears. I do care about what frightens you, and I want to do everything in my power to eliminate those fears. But I am afraid too, afraid of what may happen to you if I were to kill Fifth.”
Light reveals her face from her hands, showing the streaks of tears beneath. “I understand. But I’m not sure I can live like this. I don’t want to raise children here. At least this way, if there are no children, I don’t have to be so afraid.”
Cal nods, his stare a thousand light years away. 
She crawls to block his gaze. “Cal?”
“What if we stay together and never have children?”
He looks down, sorrow in his eyes. “Had things been different, I could have easily agreed to that. But the pain I feel in losing our child makes it impossible to not want that future with you.”
Her eyebrows furrow as she gazes at his lips. “I understand, but I can’t do that here.”
“There’s nothing I can do to convince you to stay here and start a family with me? Besides kill Fifth, of course?”
Light shakes her head and Cal lays back, pulling her with him. They lie, wrapped in one another’s arms for a long time. No words being exchanged, only thinking and breathing the other in.
All Cal wants is to take her from this life, start over, somewhere simple and easy. Or to vanquish the entirety of the Empire and rule over the galaxy with her by his side. It’s all wishful thinking, and he’s no longer the man he once was. A man who was unafraid of taking on the Empire single-handed. But he’s lost so much in this war, and he won’t risk losing her.
They can’t simply leave. Well, he can’t. But perhaps she could…
His low voice breaks the silence. “I may have an idea, but it’s far from the ideal life.”
Light tilts her head back to hear him. “What are you thinking?”
He sighs. “I do not like this plan, for the record. I’d much rather you stay and we start our family and face the challenges together.”
“You’d rather I stay? Cal, what are you saying? Are you saying I should leave?”
His lips press together. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
She rotates to look fully into his face. “Cal, I don’t want to be apart, not after the last time we were separated.”
He lets out a harsh laugh. “It won’t be anything like that. This time, I’ll know exactly where you are and you won’t have been stolen from me.”
“So you’ll just give me somewhere to live and message me when you can?”
His eyes crinkle. “Yes, and visit when I can. I travel enough for work. I’m sure I won’t be missed if I spend an extra day away with you.”
“That sounds risky.”
“It would be, but less risky than having children here or killing Fifth.”
She nods, mulling over his proposition. “I suppose so. Where would I live?”
“Where would you like to live?”
“I suppose anywhere with a Rebellion presence is unfavorable?”
He huffs. “You would be correct.”
“I don’t know. It sounds lonely.”
What if we found you a home near Kaahlii? Then you wouldn’t be alone when I’m not there?”
Her eyes light up, remembering the enjoyment she had on Aloxor before she was taken from Cal. “Do you think it’s safe? What if Theo shows up again?”
Cal’s jaw sets. “If he’s alive, I’m sure he’ll believe I’m keeping you under lock and key after what happened last time. You should be safe there.”
Light only nods in agreement, not pushing further on the issue with Theo. The room falls silent again, an understanding of another large change in their lives. Cal holds her tight until they both fall asleep.
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I agree and disagree. I think it kind of depends on context and if it adds something to the story/character for me.
Like, I love Hollow_VA but I think his character Jackal from Strange Lands, Stranger People, is a good example of what I mean. When the relationship is more romantic, Jackal uses the petname "sweet mage" which is dull and boring, just adding a nice word in front of the listener being a mage.
But, before that, Jackal uses the nickname "greenlander", explaining to the listener that it's a word that describes people from the empire, living on the greenlands and not (typically) having to fight every day to survive like Jackal and the other people in the sands have to. It adds to the world (setting up early that life in the sands is difficult which we get more elaboration on later in the story), adds to Jackal's character and that of other people in the sands (showing how they perceive the world around them and more particularly, how Jackal perceives the listener), and it adds to the relationship (it's not a compliment by any means but how Jackal describes it in the audio makes it come off as teasing the listener rather than calling them spoiled as it may initially come across.)
I think nicknames can be really good when they add something but when they don't, it just comes off a little corny. (Also, this is me formally telling everyone to listen to Strange Lands, Stranger People. It's so good. The listener has points where they get to be strong and others where they need help. There are a bunch of different characters with distinct voices, and the plot and story progression is so good.)
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natyune-writes · 1 year
oh look! an intro post!
hello! welcome to my writing side blog. this is where i hide all my oc nonsense. i will try my best to post here but i make no promises.
a little about me: you may call me nat or natyune! i don't really like any other nicknames. i'm a palestinian graduate student. as such, i am super busy and my activity is sporadic at best. my main blog is @natyune-art, which is where i post art of my ocs :)
all asks are welcome! i try to answer all the ones i get but i am a busy person.
you guys should totally follow my besties @briarborealisocs (aka @briarborealisart), @sqeedledob, and @ck-scribbles
a little about my current WIPs:
the weaver's apprentice:
vaguely a collaboration with @briarborealisocs! this wip follows auryn, a fire mage and traveling performer with a distinct inability to tell the truth. despite lacking the ability to perceive or control witch-magic, he has become somewhat obsessed with learning all he can about it. he seemingly refuses to answer questions about the spells and enchantments he is researching. auryn eventually befriends a witch named kadijah (@briarborealisocs' character), who slowly grows suspicious of him due to his seemingly coincidental connections to the recent kidnappings that have been occurring in his wake. still, she is somewhat reckless and curious and ends up attempting to figure him out while she helps him with his research, despite not fully understanding what it is he is searching for.
the fey courts:
this one doesn't have an official name yet. someday it will. regardless, this wip follows amina, a young seelie mother, as she attempts to save her changeling son's life from a magical illness with seemingly no cure. in the process of searching for a cure, things don't go to plan and she ends up transported into the unseelie fey realm. amina ends up befriending katarina, an unseelie changeling with the same set of symptoms as her son. she also befriends nikolai, katarina's twin brother, who has been researching a medicinal treatment for his sister's symptoms since he could walk. in the process of trying to understand the magical illness, amina begins to grow wary of nikolai's very unnerving methods. to put it simply, things begin to fall apart the more amina begins to uncover.
i have other WIPS, but theyre on the backburner. maybe someday i'll share about them. anyways, my ask box is open and i would love to talk about my characters, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask!
tags system!
oc tags: #nat oc: [character name] (ex: #nat oc: auryn)
story tags: #the-weavers-apprentice, #the-fey-courts
me just rambling: #nat posting
thanks for reading! <3
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rowavolo · 8 months
hi were you aware you are the FUNNIEST person on my dashboard by the way? i haven’t thought about pfps or them of me (I AM NOW THINKING ABOUT BOTH HOWEVER) but i do have a full list of my contacts of them ! i have gone into detail about my reasoning and also cannot stop talking about these guys so this ask is likely 3 miles long. anyway
the one gc with a solid name is “sweet tooth,” with barbatos, luke, n i. based on ‘sweet tooth’ and the fact that i feel my ability to bake would SKYROCKET if i had their numbers. there’s one with lucifer and dia that’s essentially just the ship name and whether or not they realize the significance beyond just “oh it’s our names” is constantly up in the air.
lucifer — ‘COLOGNE(?!)’ to ‘inkwell’. he 100% has a very distinctive cologne, i know you can tell him apart in a dark room. he uses fountain pens for official documents still (a mishap has been caused where one of his bottles spilled over his suit)(don’t ask)(satan may or may not have been involved) and at some point the name had to change. i also just think it’s a sweet nickname.
mammon — ‘monopoly man’ to ‘anklet haver’. his pants are never short enough to see it but he always manages to wear one. it’s like a shiny jumpscare. the first time i saw it it sparked a half hour discussion and the consequential contact change. he was only mildly upset (they don’t have monopoly)(he didn’t know what it meant outside of maybe ‘monopolizing time’ which is the cause of his problem with it)(stop fussing this isn’t some declaration i’ll never spend time with you again)(his contact for me after this is probably ‘anklet.’ he insists it’s because of like manacles cause “you’re always botherin me” but nobody buys it)
levi — ‘levi-fi’ to ‘jean main :/‘ after i put genshin in yet another media because he got lucky one time and it has become his entire genshin career. i like to think he’s biased towards turn-based strategies, stuff with very obvious and clear cut metas, so he probably didn’t pick up genshin (he does know a few characters and their surface lore, owns an acrylic stand of like keqing maybe, but nothing in depth) until i brought it up. i need to talk w him for hours about lore it would be good for my mental health
satan — sebastian, at first. autocorrect from a poorly written attempt at his name that stuck. he gets confused because ‘that’s not my name, and it’s not a joke, so why is it my contact?’ and after explaining it we both start to periodically change the other’s contact to be something further and further away from their name each time. think of the barnacle codswallop joke but taken to the extreme because it’s him and i’m me and we both quietly one up each other by sending screenshots of the new contact.
asmo — cycles ‘PINK(IE)’ and ‘dni after 10pm’. both are self explanatory and said affectionately. he gets mock offended whenever it’s the second one (“is my contact set to dni” “yeah” “so you hate me?” “asmo.”) and changes the heart in my contact (you know there is one) to a 💔 every time he notices. he doesn’t fix it until i, direct quote, “kiss it better.” despite his phrasing it typically is just his excuse to take me to a cafe for a while or something
beel — ‘chef gordon’ to ‘nokia brick.’ can he cook? yes. does he? not often, he’d rather eat the raw ingredients. was just brick but it was soon discovered he can navigate the most complicated uis to order his lunch but he has no idea how to like. change his brightness. it doesn’t bother him so he never looked it up.
belphie — ‘totally not suspicious’ to ‘pillow princess’ change after an invisible arc that the devs didn’t decide to show where [i devolve into an irritated blur about chapter 16]
luke — macaro(o?)n. i still forget which ones which. i think it would be fun to call him so he’d have to explain it out of his Baker Pride or something. he feels like the type to send you 10 links to various cooking sources if you ask “how do i make scrambled eggs” because he doesn’t know which one you mean.
simeon — golden bunny. bunny is autocorrect from ‘bonnie,’ logic is angel -> michael -> william. sidenote but he’d either get so startled at jumpscares or he’d be completely stonefaced and both are hilarious outcomes. levi is very conflicted about this (can’t criticize him, he’d die, but also very confused about the situation)
barbatos — barbie girl 💞💞💞. self explanatory. this one starts fights sometimes (/silly)
diavolo — ‘princiPAL’ to ‘dewdrop’ after a friendship arc. no justification i just think it’s cute and fits him :]
barbatos naming his close contacts after tea is brilliant and i am stealing it. if you’d like to use this ask to share your headcanons about their little mannerisms pretty please feel free to share!!! id love to hear them :]
- blue !
WAAAAH thank you i do enjoy making people smile/laugh . also thank you for this ask being so long its been so delightful to read over :D sorry my reply is going to be about the same length because im so AWWAAWWAAWAAA over your ideas honestly
sweet tooth is SUCH a fun group chat name . yall better make sure to share those sweets with me okay /silly
also subtly not-so-subtly shipping diavolo and lucifer to their faces is so funny. i feel like lucifer would Know but he doesnt want to admit that he knows or bring it up at all in case it makes dia uncomfy sdkfjhkds
i really like those lucifer ideas. he definitely wears a very distinctive cologne . the only thing i can liken it to (to me at least) is the way gin feels going down your throat, but like . in smell form instead, if that makes sense?? and inkwell is so fitting but simultaneously i feel like hed be Cross over it (but only on a surface level. if somebody else notices it he gets all grumpy but as long as its just you hes cool with it)
im losing my mind at the idea of mammon wearing an anklet . when i first read the nickname my brain immediately went to those house arrest anklets people wear. like, lucifer putting one on him because mamms is a mischievous little guy. HIM BEING HTE MONOPOLY MAN IS SO FUNNY TO ME ACTUALLY . you know he always insists on being the banker when you introduce everyone to the game and skims cash off the top, citing "interest" and "handling fees" and the like.
YEAH yeah in my brain i want levi to be into genshin but i think hes kind of blase about playing it regularly. he plays the occasional event and will hyperfixate on it once every few months and catch up, and also log in to spend all his money on characters he thinks are Neat (or that he's read are going to be the New Amazing Awesome Cool OverPowered Meta Guys) . he seems like an enjoyer of all the most 'typical' genshin characters, like keqing, ganyu, ayaka, raiden shogun and kokomi . like thats the extent for him sjdkhkjsd
i love the imagery of satan initially being Mildly Annoyed and Confused but the moment he's let in on the joke he's fully on board. i feel like he's that way with a lot of things, he just loathes being excluded and doesn't know how to word it so he gets snippy or even just downright mad. i could also see satan assigning haikus to peoples contact descriptions that get increasingly more ridiculous as he comes up with them.
Asmo's are so fun and silly too, i feel like he gets so grumpy if you message him too late or too early so the DNI is totally warranted but hes SUUUCH a bad sport about it . he WILL whine about it to an absurd extent. i can totally see him having hearts in almost everyone's contact name but he has this whole dictionary in his brain of the different heart emojis and their meanings . (i was gonna say something about yours being blue (because of the nickname you chose) but honestly i associate you with more of a minty green ?? not sure why. its a compliment though!) i just love asmo being SUCH a drama queen but like you know that he knows that you dont actually hate him and arent mad at him he just plays it up, its like an intricate game of cat and mouse to him. he plays the damsel in distress and you have to go save him from the evil dragon ( the fake villainous version of you that he basically made up for the funny)
IM REALLY OBSESSED WITH BEEL BEING NOKIA BRICK. THERES SOMETHING SO AMUSING ABOUT THAT TO ME. i read it initially more in the sense that he can take anything that's thrown at him (or that he gets thrown at) without a scratch . man can eat all kinds of weird nasty food without even BLINKING. the idea that he can hardly use technology simply because he doesnt really Care is also very amusing to me. hes the epitome of "damn bitch you live like this?" because he just doesnt care to learn about the things that he doesnt feel are necessary (a complete opposite to belphie, who must have everything Just Right or else he goes bonkers insane. beel will learn to do things for belphies sake i think).
Belphie is so pillow princess coded honestly, youre so right. i do not blame you for being irritated about chapter 16 it is so. its so. it is. yep. like. sorry solmare these characters are mine now ill develop them good and also not flanderise them so its okay.
ok i think macaroons are the chewy ones, and macarons are the meringue ones. i love luke so much i feel like he's a chronic over-explainer like. you ask him where a place is and he's like "oh its in this place thats sort of near this other place, do you remember when we did (xyz)? yeah its kinda adjacent to there but also not really. the building next to it is this colour and sometimes they have a sign outside oh but also sometimes they dont so its like... yeah." and you find out its like the biggest building on the main street and its just like . "dude why didnt you just say that" and he just shrugs because he genuinely didnt think about it in that way . hes a very visual thinker and he has to explain every little detail forever or else he loses his little mind (yes im projecting no i dont take constructive criticism )
calling barbatos barbie and barbie girl genuinely always SLAUGHTERS me its so so funny . come on barbie lets go party <3 . i feel like the best solution to that starting fights is to mention it to diavolo who will then be Ecstatic at the realisation because he loves barbie and suddenly he will ONLY call barbatos 'barbie' and oh boy you have opened pandora's box there barbs would NOT be happy sjkhfks
princiPAL made me giggle a lot its so silly and fun. dewdrop is also an ADORABLE name for him he is soooo dewdrop coded to me . i feel like dia loves the first one especially because he loves goofy puns and also knowing that people think of him in like a friendly light. he aches to be approachable and friendlike as opposed to a Distant Unapproachable Demon King Grr Scary
thank you so much again for sharing all of this with me, it was so so fun to read and respond to i feel like we are So on the same wavelength about a lot of things and its really delighting me :D
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childofaura · 2 years
I know that you don’t have a high opinion on Chrom but what are your thoughts on his Resplendent?
And while we are it, any thoughts on Lucina’s Resplendent (the fairy one that has her drawn like a child)?
You know, I do feel a little bad so I have to clarify:
I may whine about Chrom too much, but he’s honestly not as bad as I make him out to be. I’m just a tad tired of the over-saturation of Chrom. But honestly he’s not the worst character. And I’ve said it before but Chrom fans come up with the funniest nicknames in FEH.
So let’s get into the Resplendents:
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For what it’s worth, I like Chrom’s Muspell incorporation. I feel like it could maybe use a tad bit more armor though? And also the scale chainmail’s a bit too long. But I get it, they’re following the original layout of Chrom’s outfit. Which… honestly Chrom’s outfit is a bit of a mess, those weird boots, the one bare arm and the other in a sleeve, this boy is a walking fashion disaster, lmao. But he’s the FANS’ fashion disaster. The cape, feathers, and armored gloves are perfect.
And I’ve already talked about PenekoR, long story short love their art, dynamic posing and amazing expressions, they need to stop being afraid to draw noses, yadda yadda.
Honestly I’m mixed on Muspell being picked for Chrom. On the one hand, Askr is too predictable, but it’s the better fitting choice since the Order of Heroes parallels the Shepherds. On the other hand, Muspell really doesn’t feel like it’s a good pick for Chrom’s personality. But on my third hand, Muspell aesthetic really goes well with Chrom. So overall I can’t give a straight answer for fitting choice.
I’d say Chrom’s a comfortable 8/10. Not bad at all.
Now… ugh… Lucina:
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Full disclaimer that yes, I’m aware that Himukai Yuji is a lolicon-drawing creep. We’re just gonna be reviewing the art. And also, with that being said, I don’t judge or dislike or blame anyone who like’s Yuji’s art in FEH. The FEH art is entirely separate from the personal art, so no bullying anyone who does like their art.
So incorporation is actually pretty bad. And no I’m not saying this as a bias against Yuji because let me explain: Lucina’s outfit still wholly looks like it’s made out of cloth, not petals and leaves like other Resplendents do. We could have had more of like a glowing nightflower look (something akin to the Silent Princess from Breath of the Wild), but nah the artis decided that you can split the ends of the garment and call it a day. It also took me a moment to realize those butterflies slapped on were her shoulder pauldrons, there was no effort to make them look like they fit as adornments.
The ONE thing I will grudgingly give Yuji’s art is that their coloring style is very vivid and distinct, and it looks nice. And posework seems to be ok. And that’s it, because they fucked up big time drawing Lucina and making her look like a fucking baby. And considering what the artist gets their rocks off to, it grossly makes sense now.
The sad thing is that yes, a Ljosalfheim Resplendent is perfect for Lucina. She’s a Princess who was forced into a world of despair, the opportunity for her to live a fairytale life is lost. So for her to be a dream princess that fights nightmares is super fitting. It’s just that this Resplendent was bungled in every possible way. There’s a few fixes I’ve seen with an image search that try to do fixes, but they mess up by not fixing the outfit cloth program and they also make Lucina’s chest too big when she’s canonically flat-chested (and don’t take away the little flat chest rep that I have ):< )
Without a doubt, Resplendent Lucina is a 5/10. She deserved better.
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oiladgivememoney99 · 3 months
Newscapepro SCP Rewrite: Season 1 Finale: Stranded
Cory’s world was flooded with blinding light as he woke up from his extended nap, he felt sand in his hair and clothes as he slowly lifted himself from the floor; groaning from the splitting headache and the pain in his limbs.
“Ugh, where… what happened?” He looked around, seeing Hooper getting up in the same dazed, pained state he was; alongside Duni who was laying still in the sand, but still breathing.
Cory looked around and saw the island, somewhat tropical with palm trees dotting the mostly sandy island; it’d probably be a decent vacation spot if he A: ever got to have those and B: wasn’t just coming back from…
Cory’s head flooded with the memories of the Sub being knocked into the island, he noticed it’s remains and the distinct lack of any of the Serpent’s Hand grunts that had come with them; he looked down sadly, even if they were the enemy they didn’t deserve to be-
“Dead… they’re all dead,” A voice spoke to his side, Cory slowly turned his head to see the Dog, not looking at the wreckage that was formerly a submarine in fear or sadness, but sheer disbelief.
“We’ll be dead too if we don’t do somethin’” Hooper said to the man, quickly getting over his dazed state as he stood up. “We’ll need to salvage to contact The Foundation,”
The dog sighed, and whispered “As if this day couldn’t get any worse,”
“What do we do, Hoop?”
Hooper cleared his throat. “You go find any shipwrecks, salvage anything you can to make a beacon; me and the dog-”
“Rude, but go on,” The dog interrupted.
“...Me and the dog will be salvagin’ parts from the sub,”
“Oh don’t worry, I can do this on my own; you go with Cor-”
“Not fallin’ for it, Doc,” Hooper smirked, pointing the pistol he had held within his armour. “You’re comin’ with us once The Foundation gets here,”
“Ugh… fine…”
“Alright, I’ll be heading off now!” Cory beamed as he ran off into the distance, surprisingly bouncy for a guy who was just in a Submarine crash.
“Good leadership from you,” The dog said to the Corporal as the two walked towards the submarine. “Surprised you aren’t in Alpha Strike,”
“Me, in… wait how do ya know what that is?” Hooper’s eyes widened for a moment before going back to his normal resting bitch face.
The dog chuckled. “Not important, not right now at least, and don’t doubt yourself man. You may be my absolute worst enemy as of now, but it doesn’t make you any less capable,”
“Humble comin’ from a Serpent… Serpent’s Hand-er,” Hooper struggled to think of a catchy nickname as he and Duni salvaged the submarine.
“Okay, shipwrecks, shipwrecks, shipwrecks,” Cory repeated, keeping himself on track as he aimlessly wandered the island. “…I should probably go to the coast to find those,”
He walked in one direction instead of the circle he was going in before, eventually reaching the coast. He hadn’t seen a ship so far, but there was a large rock that he made a mental note of to use as a way to find his way back-
“Arrr, what are ye doin’ on my island-”
The piratey voice was interrupted by a short, utterly terrified screech from the still on edge Cory… who looked down seconds later to see that it was literally just a crab.
A crab, a normal ass crab that just spoke in a pirate voice.
“What’re ye screamin’ about ye landlubber?” The crab asked. “State yer business or I’ll make ye walk the plank!”
“Nothing, I just uh… didn’t expect a talking crab,”
“Well ye shoulda, now-”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m trying to find a shipwreck so I can make a beacon to go back to The Foundation,”
“The Foundation? Forget it lad; I’m not lettin’ those landlubbers capture me,” The crab began to skitter away.
“Wait!” Cory shouted. “I promise if you help me go home I won’t tell anyone about your existence,”
The crab turned around. “Ye promise, on yer mother n’ father?”
“Adoptive or… nevermind, yeah!” Cory beamed.
The crab nodded… or at least that’s what it looked like it was kinda hard for Cory to tell. “Aye, I’ll show ye to a shipwreck, but I must warn ye there’s a monster stalkin’ this Island,”
“Oh… great,” Cory’s shoulders sank, as if this day couldn’t get any worse.
“Aye, it killed me whole crew… even stole me hat!” The crab sounded outraged. “If we’re lucky we won’t see a lick of him matey, follow me,”
And Cory did just that, glancing around him and counting the palm trees to calm himself down as the crab lead him to a shipwreck. Specifically, the shipwreck of a small, meta torpedo boat.
“Nice!” Cory smiled as he began to dig through the wreckage. “Thanks Capn’”
“All worth ye leavin’ my island,”
“Ye- hey!” Cory pouted as he continued digging through the wreckage, digging his hands through it for what felt like half an hour before finding the large battery that would’ve powered the boat; along with plenty of scrap metal. He stuffed it into the pockets of his bullet proof vest and carried the battery with both arms.
“Alright, I’ll be heading off now Capn,” No answer, Cory looked around, dumbfounded as he noticed that the crab was completely gone. “Capn?”
Cory heard the roar behind him and bolted, adrenaline filling his veins as panic took over. He still carried the battery in his arms. Running and running as he heard the creature stomping behind him.
He rolled behind a large rock once he heard the stomping get more distant, huffing and puffing as he took a moment to breathe, his vision so blurred that he could barely even see the sand in front of him.
He peeked his head around the rock he was sitting behind and got a good look at the far away monster. A humanoid with pale white skin, thin as a stick with no eyes on his head, and a large gaping mouth. He saw the thing aim its hand at the ground and bring a rock towards itself.
“Ohhh… crap,” Cory mumbled seeing the power this thing had. He picked up the battery and quickly ran in the vague direction of the submarine.
Hooper had begun to set up the beacon, setting up the salvaged navigation systems of the submarine on top of a tripod made of what remained of the structural beams of the vessel. Duni stayed nearby, pretty much silent as he refused to do much in terms of helping.
“Y’know,” Hooper began. “You could at least pretend like you’re doin’ somethin’”
“What’s the point? I’ll be arrested either way,” Duni grumbled. “We could’ve won that battle back in UnLondon, but you had to go n’ fuck it up,”
“How? We had ya surrounded,”
“Stronger Anomalies, they would’ve come in support of their brothers and sisters,” Duni sighed. “No point moping about it now, I guess-”
“Oh my God oh my God oh my God!” Cory shouted, running so fast towards the two men that he nearly fell face first as he dropped the battery in front of Hooper.
“Cory, what’s wrong?” Hooper felt his guard go up.
“S-Spooky monster, super skinny… made a…” The man was panting, putting his hands on his knees. “Made a black hole and-”
“A black hole?” Duni yelled, voice going from moping to panicking. “Oh God, ohhh this is really bad,”
“Quit panickin’ both a you,” Hooper demanded. “You seem to know plenty ‘bout skips, Dog; whaddaya say we do?”
“Okay, okay, okay; I’m gonna need gasoline, a way to start a fire and some bait,” The dog and Hooper looked at Cory.
“Oh *huf* goddammit,”
Cory stood in the centre of the circle of gasoline, a lighter in his hand, he looked down at the gasoline he was standing in the middle of.
“Alright, when it comes you run out of there and set that gas on fire,” Duni yelled.
“Then we call The Foundation and recontain this thing for good!”
“Y-Yeah… that’s uh…” Cory mumbled looking down- ROAR
Cory saw the thing running towards it at full sprint, it’s gaping mouth wide open letting him see the singular eye sat in its mouth.
Cory breathed heavily as he waited, waited for it to get in the circle, waiting for it to-
Cory jumped out of the ring, flailing his arms as he dropped the lit lighter into the ring of gasoline, turning the ring of liquid into a ring of fire, the creature stumbled around within it, panic evident in it’s raised shoulders.
Cory slowly raised himself up, breathing heavily as he stared at the fire, Hooper walked up to him.
“Hey, you okay Cor-”
“HELL YEAH!” Cory cheered raising up his arms. “WE FUCKEN’ DID IT, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
Hooper chuckled. “I guess we did, and-” Ding ding ding. A boat drove up to the island, the rest of the team alongside Flooper stepped out onto the Island.“Didn’t even wait for me to say it,”
“Cory and Hooper!” Triana looked sternly at the two. “Why the hell did you-”
“Lieutenant, leave it for now,” Flooper tapped her on the shoulder to calm her down. “Y’all captured a Skip we’ve been after for years and the leader of a Group of Interest; I practically have to promote all of ya to Alpha Strike,”
“Wh- really?” Triana’s eyes widened as a small, shocked smile formed on her face, the rest of the team felt their lips curl up in the same smile of shock.
“O’ course,”
Triana breathed heavily before-
“FUCK YEAH!” She cheered as she ran towards the Private, raising her hand in the air. “UP HIGH CORY, UP HIGH!”
The two high hived each other, Scott went to high five the both of them.
“You’re comin’ with us, Evil Uni,” Hooper walked up behind and handcuffed the former Serpent’s Hand leader.
“Yeah, I know,”
Triana ran towards Lara as the high fiving finished. Lara rolled her eyes as her girlfriend walked up to her and… practically slammed her lips into the other woman’s lips. Both turned beet red before Triana pulled away, the two of them giggling like schoolgirls.
Nikole smirked at them “Oh to be young and in love,” She thought, even though she was only about 6 years older than Triana. Her eyes drifted from the Lesbians to the dog.
Nikole didn’t know what it was, but there was something familiar about that dog man. She didn’t worry about it for now though; her team… no, Alpha Strike was going to hold the absolute biggest rager that a bunch of highly trained soldiers were allowed to throw.
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mr-divabetic · 7 months
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Stephanie Mills' voice is so distinctive that it is hard to mistake it for anyone else's. She has been nicknamed "the little lady with a big voice," but this hardly does justice to her status as a living legend. Although her impressive string of hits in the '80s and early '90s might qualify her as an R&B icon, it was her electrifying performance as Dorothy in the Broadway show "The Wiz" that made her a household name.
Did you know an up-and-coming songwriter named Luther Vandross penned "A Brand New Day," also known as "Everybody Rejoice"? 
If you do a few Google searches,  you'll find "The Wiz" wasn't her first foray into showbiz. At the ripe old age of nine, she achieved considerable success in a background role for the 1968 musical "Maggie Flynn. After that, she won amateur night not once, not twice, but six sensational times at Showtime at the Apollo. 
Her Broadway success in "The Wiz" led Stephanie Mills to be signed with 20th Century, scoring her first top 10 R&B hit in 1979 with "What Cha Gonna Do With My Lovin'." From there, she segued to Casablanca and then MCA, where she recorded five No. 1 R&B singles, including "I Feel Good All Over" and "Home."
She freely admits, "I love all my albums [but] I think my prime album would be the Home album because I put a lot of thought into re-recording 'Home 'and the songs on that album. But each of my albums [has] a story of a time in my life [and] what I may have been going through at that time."
Although we're glad to hear she loves her albums and still tours, we can imagine the time, dedication, drive, and diligence it takes to be at the top of your game for over six decades. "I sing every day, but I get a lot of rest. I sleep a lot, but I love touring," she said in an interview with one of our favorite websites, Rated R&B. "It's not taxing. I'm older, so when I come home, I am tired, but it's a good tired because I love leaving everything I have on stage with my audience."
Recently, Stephanie Mills chose to fund her own recording. She explained to the White Mountain Independent," "I'm doing this on sheer will, faith, and my experience in the business. I didn't set out to do this on my own; it just happened. But I believe in this."
When asked what keeps her inner rhinestones glowing, Stephanie Mills said, "Seeing the audience's faces and seeing them enjoy my singing. I take pride in trying to sound as close to my records as I can. In fact, when I sing, I sing to my original recording. People pay their hard-earned money to come see you. That's big. That's a lot."
On social media, Stephanie Mill has no problem speaking her mind. She's shared her feelings regarding the R&B whitewashing and defended her friend, the late Michael Jackson. 
Her recording of Angela Winbush's "I Have Learned To Respect The Power Of Love" is a standout. Her voice is rich, clear, and powerful. She pours emotion into every line of lyrical sentiment that speaks to your heart. It's one of my most beloved Quiet Storm ballads. You don't hear songs like this anymore. . 
"I've had a fabulous life and fabulous career," the legendary singer confidently told Rated R&B. Asked what she credits for her longevity in the music industry, she said, "Never following a trend. I've always done my own path and stayed on my own path. I didn't listen to a lot of noise of what people say: "Oh, you should do this, you should do that." I took the best from whatever they said that I felt was best for me and would work for me, and I would do that. I always took my time and just slowly did the slow walk. I didn't do a fast run. I did a slow walk."
After working in showbiz for half a century, Stephanie Mills must feel content knowing that people still enjoy watching her perform. It's difficult to imagine the numerous setbacks, disappointments, and frustrations she has faced throughout her career. From the singles that failed to make it to the top of the charts to auditions for roles that she didn't get, Stephanie has likely endured more challenges than most of us could handle. Therefore, we celebrate her longevity steeped in excellence with great admiration.
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Williams syndrome is the genetic condition that makes people pathologically friendly — in a lonely world
Story by [email protected] (Hayley Cuccinello)  • 23h
Since he was 5, Tobi Akbas has been nicknamed "the Mayor" in the affluent suburb of Garrison, New York, where he lives. When his mom would take him to the supermarket, he would say hi to every person they saw. In high school, he'd wait in front of the school building to greet students as they arrived.
Now 22, Tobi still craves human connection like oxygen. He's the unofficial ambassador of a Garrison volunteer firefighting squad, handing out candy canes at the annual Santa Run. He posts motivational "Tobi tips" online — as well as sharing them with anyone who asks.
Tobi has a rare genetic condition called Williams syndrome that can be characterized by extreme friendliness, low inhibitions, and a deeply trusting nature. Those who have it may treat strangers as if they were old friends. Recent studies have found that some of the genetic variants that explain why domesticated dogs are more sociable than wolves are shared by people with Williams syndrome.
It is the result of the deletion of about 20 genes and affects an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 people in the US, according to the Williams Syndrome Association. People living with the syndrome tend to have a normal life expectancy, though about 80% have cardiovascular issues, sometimes severe ones that can require multiple surgeries. There's a 50% chance of passing the condition to their children.
Three-quarters have intellectual disability, which can vary from mild to moderate. Most need support throughout their lives.
I've traveled to Garrison to spend a few days with Tobi and his family. I want to understand what his life is like and how he's managing the shift to more independence in his 20s — and maybe to pick up a few Tobi Tips for myself.
When I arrive at the comfortable suburban house he shares with his parents, he gives me a T-shirt with "Be Tobtastic" printed on it. It's an adjective he named after himself to mean "positivity, strength, perseverance, and the will to never give up no matter what." He's slight, with a wide mouth and upturned nose, which are all distinctive facial features for those with Williams syndrome, as is the starburst pattern around the iris of his eyes. He tells me directly that this interview is outside his comfort zone and says he knows that as a visitor to his house, I might be outside of mine too.
He feels his purpose is to spread optimism and help others. "I am an empath, so I see all the emotions," he says. "I can see that people are upset and everything and it's just like, 'OK, what can I do to help?'"
Tobi is at the precipice of adulthood.
His routine is managed with the close support of his mom, Terri. Some people with the syndrome need help with tasks like tying shoelaces — fine motor skills can be challenging — and cannot be left alone. Tobi has lower support needs, but he struggles with basic math, meaning time management and finances are difficult. He can't drive because of his anxiety and gets easily fatigued. He graduated from a special-needs school program and thinks about living alone but doesn't know how to get there.
For five years, he has been a volunteer firefighter. It's a passion he's had since he was little. His grandparents lived across the street from a firehouse, and he used to watch their drills through the window. Sensitivity to loud noises is a hallmark of Williams syndrome, and Tobi would obsessively watch videos of sirens on YouTube when he was young. His bedroom wall is covered with more than 100 firefighting patches that his mom has requested from departments around the world.
Read the rest here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/parenting/williams-syndrome-is-the-genetic-condition-that-makes-people-pathologically-friendly-in-a-lonely-world/ar-AA1lO4oZ?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=58d33dbb9c8542bb95cd4b2cbf3e434e&ei=14
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pl-blog-of-nikary · 2 years
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 About two weeks after the encounter with Manchineelantler, griffin siblings Phaethon and Marguerite Sparrowfeather face an unexpected twist in their fates.
 Oh, hey, a new comic! This one is short, 6 pages long, so I'm putting it all in one post. I did take two long hiatuses while lining them, though, so please don't mind the inconsistent lineart or the shapeshifting table.
 I also considered just doing it in greyscale, but I'm so tired of all the blue that I desperately needed to do some colouring in better colours, and this comic did promise to have some very nice designs in it - and I did indeed enjoy colouring it for once x3 this also means I didn't use any more blues than neccessary here, though. Foamie is the one blue eyesore here >:3 ...and yet she's still not as much of an eyesore as Kirin or the orange silouette in the last panel. Huh.
 That said, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present the guy who's sold his twin brother into slavery.
 One of the fun things about making identical twins is that I can just use the reference for one of them for the other :'D another fun thing was coming up with a design for Jake that's genetically identical to Jack's, yet looks distinct enough that someone who's not used to telling deers apart wouldn't notice they're genetically identical.
 Also, Safety Bubble didn't show it, but these griffin kids totally can fly. Phaethon's nickname Phay, in particular, comes from a corruption of "Fei", reading of the Chinese character 飛, which stands for flying. It was pretty unfair to never have him fly in his original appearance, especially seeing how the griffin kids originally weren't planned to ever reappear.
 DeviantArt:  [Page 1][Page 2][Page 3][Page 4][Page 5][Page 6]
 Mincey Snowmane (mention, name may yet be changed) (c) @darkanioid997purelightblog
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