#i mean Aziraphale not muriel
conniemcfalcon · 10 months
I find it so weird that the comment about Aziraphale, an ANGEL, having a license to port and fire guns -and has a derringer in a hollow book in his library just in case- is just a passing, "you read too many books", throwaway, fun-fact. As well as the cut to the nazombie in the shop.
I definetly thought that the derringer was going to play a part in the episode, maybe that plotline got scrapped but not the license line because of the ironic implications of an angel legally owning guns but a demon never having shot one.
I want the derringer to be important somewhere in season 3.
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sentientsky · 4 months
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crowley and aziraphale negotiating child support payments in s3
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k1ranishf4 · 9 months
Y’all if our current crack ship with Dagon and Michael becomes canon next season too, I swear I will lose it
It’d be like Doofenshmirtz’ “two nickles” situation
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heyimcelery · 10 months
Jim on the left holds a sign saying "we are"
Muriel in the middle holds a sign saying "children of"
The Bentley on the far right has a sign leaning on it with the words "divorce"
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starofhisheart · 9 months
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The way Aziraphale looks at Muriel...so gentle...grandma vibes...
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itsdefinitely · 9 months
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Minecraft End Poem
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denaphoenix · 10 months
Not a book seller.
A story in pictures.
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In season one, Crowley seems really certain that he does not look like someone who runs a bookshop.
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And even in the beginning of season 2, he is incredibly opposed to the idea of selling books.
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But all it takes...
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...is Aziraphale annexing "their car". And suddenly...
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...he at least threatens to sell them.
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Notice the "we"? Something has changed. But in the end...
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...Crowley is still not a bookseller.
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wine-dark-seashells · 8 months
Over-analysing the books we saw referenced in Season Two (which I watched all in a go last night from 11pm to 4am and therefore am a little hazy on). If someone has already done this I bow to thee I just couldn't find you.
It's not reflected in my blog but one of my main special interests is Good Omens (and has been since I first read the book, a bit before season one was released) y'all I am ugly crying over the season two finale. If I've missed any books I'll just edit I guess I don't have access to the show anymore so I can't double-check anything. I KNOW Muriel was reading a book that wasn't The Crow Road but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was.
The Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett (under I for In): On a surface level, it's a fantastic little nod to Mr Pratchett, the book that started the Discworld, and, to top it off, one of the best covers in existence. Funnily enough the same edition we always stocked when I worked in a bookshop but that's not important.
On a deeper level, think about the plot in bare-bones terms. Incredibly naïve tourist from an other-worldly place shows up in a grimy but incredibly magical city with a very odd box and spends his entire holiday with a wizard who is bad at magic. It ends with the tourist floating off into space to go see other worlds. Sounds familiar, right? I'm shaking this season like a small child with a maraca and I am chewing the plot until it is tasteless.
The Crow Road - Iain Banks (under I for It): Look, this one is so obviously significant that multiple people have done it already but I'm adding layers. Crowley gives it to Muriel in the last episode, I'm sobbing, but it's actually first referenced by Gabriel when he's "sorting". The tile is a fairly common metaphor for death, such as he's away the crow road. Other than the fact that it's literally part of Crowley's name, crows are a death omen. He gives it to Muriel for so many reasons and I don't know how it was intended originally but they're curious about humanity and The Crow Road contains one of the most fundamental parts of being human - asking too many questions.
Also, The Crow Road contains a lot of themes centred around death, mystery, and quite a bit of questioning of religion. It could be interpreted as a tell towards Crowley's real feelings about the finale. Metatron is death for him, as a demon, and he's just taken Aziraphale away to "chat". Remind me to actually write down my interpretation of the finale some time.
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (under I for It): See, this one has actual plot relevance and therefore is explained in the show so I don't really think it needs an explanation. However, it is a neat little plot device to show how Aziraphale and Crowley have had very very different experiences with, and therefore perspectives on, Jane Austen herself. I think that's a pretty good way to show how they think and differ from each other in their shared experiences. Also, spitballing here, Crowley is Pride and Aziraphale is Prejudice. ("Of course you turned down Hell, they're the bad guys. Heaven is... good!")
A Tale of Two Cities, Book One - Charles Dickens (under I for It): Come on. This wouldn't need an explanation except, once again, chewing here.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." is the only bit Gabriel reads out loud, but the rest is along those lines (give it a read, it's fun). All one sentence. I don't really think it needs a huge amount of explanation, except that to me Dr Manette is Gabriel. Quite a bit of the first book is about his release from jail (and, to top it off, he was there because he reported the abuse perpetrated by members of the aristocracy and was put away under a lettre de cachet, something signed by the King and at least one of the King's ministers which could not be appealed). He's briefly taken in by a former servant (who goes on to be instrumental in the Storming of the Bastille) and the man's wife, who own a wine shop together. I am going insane.
No, I did NOT forget Good Omens (under I for It): History repeats itself over and over and over -
I need to go drink some water but Mr Gaiman sir how'd I do.
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technolesbiana · 9 months
Muriel: Can I go out with Gabriel and Beelzebub?
Aziraphale: What did Crowley said?
Muriel: He said no.
Aziraphale: Then you can.
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felicitywilds · 10 months
i think theres something to be said about how in the job flashback, heaven is lit with a very warm, golden yellow light, and all the archangels are just wearing a fancier version of what everyone else wears, whereas in the present its lit with a much colder, bluer light, and all the archangels wear grey suits and lost all their gold embellishments from season 1. im just not sure what it is yet.
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theangel-aziraphale · 8 months
Well, you and Crowley seemed to run the shop smoothly together. Or, at least, you ran it and he provided company.
Maybe an angel and demon working together is good for the shop? If you're thinking of having Muriel continue to run it, perhaps ask Eric to help as well.
Well... we shall see. Really, I need to speak to Crowley first. As long as Eric treated the shop respectfully...
That means no glitter, (and if there is it must be miracled away completely!) No eating and touching books at the same time. No... well few customers should be tended to. Really I could go on.
In fact I'd just ask that Eric listened to Muriel and I'd be happy with that.
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starlightseraph · 8 months
go2’s ending was so horribly perfect. i’ve seen a few people (certainly a minority) get angry about it, but it makes so much sense.
aziraphale made a very bad but very in-character decision. crowley opened up for like the first time ever and immediately shut himself off again. they were talking past each other, assuming meanings behind the other’s words.
it wasn’t cruel or queerbaiting. it was a huge misunderstanding in a relationship that they’ve never been allowed to fully acknowledge. this was the second act, and that’s when the most painful, heartbreaking things happen. their story isn’t over, they’re having a bit of a rough patch (understatement, but still), as anyone in any kind of relationship has. cis/het characters would’ve done the same in this situation. bad things happen to characters and their relationships in almost every work of fiction, and, if we’re lucky, they make it to the other side. let neil and everyone else involved work their magic, this isn’t the end.
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littlemsterious · 10 months
ok so i originally was only gonna talk about good omens in order to explain how i got this idea but then i thought more and changed my mind
so Aziraphale as a character appreciates the inherent beauty and goodness of humanity, that’s like half his character, but he’s (how do i say this nicely) a bit stuck up about it. He likes fancy wine and old books and classical music and dining at the ritz. he’s into the finer things. which is all well and good it’s an incredibly interesting part of his character (there’s another post i should write about how this trait interacts with him being an angel but i digress).
what i think would be really interesting to see is a character meant to juxtapose this, someone who appreciates beauty and goodness in all of humanity not just the finer things. yeah, fine wine and tea are great, but so are fireball and monster energy. classical music is good, and it goes on the same playlist as the CD they bought off a stranger on the train. Art museums full of well regarded paintings and sculpture are amazing, but so are spray paint murals. Classic literature is just as good as weird children’s books or zines.
just a character who sees beauty in all parts of people and isnt put off by the weirder stuff.
my first thought if i were to make original character was someone like crowley, also immortal, been on earth the same amount of time and watched humanity progress the same way, and use that to show the dynamic there but i actually think it would be better in someone like Muriel.
much much newer to earth, without knowledge of  etiquette or prejudice. discovering the world on their own with reckless abandon. finding absolutely everything cool and fascinating with no regard to what is proper and respectable.
idk how to end this, i just think the dynamic of two characters like that would be cool. wouldnt have to be good omens, that was just the jumping off point
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grillsdontcry · 10 months
Tbh Good Omens season 2 was a little weird to me. These are just my personal thoughts on it.
Everything was a little off. You see how Crowley and Aziraphale have obviously known each other a long time, but they didn't really show how they know each other, the way really old friends do, friends who have helped and (pretend) fought each other for centuries. Idk, I think it's because they didn't really show any of the casual intimacy they should have.
Also: I think Crowley and Aziraphale should've been living together. Crowley was living in his car, and Aziraphale already had that room that he gave to Gabriel. It would've made sense, and would've given them the intimacy that I didn't really notice in this season? Like, people were already calling them husbands from the first season. They had that domesticity, but then it was gone in this one. Crowley could've kept his plants in the shop, and it could've shown how Aziraphale has also gotten into the habit of talking to them like Crowley does.
Besides that, it felt like we didn't really need some of the plotlines, like the zombies or Nina and Maggie, most bc we didn't see why Maggie was in love with Nina. We saw her pining over her, but we didn't see how it started, or why they might be good together. Aziraphale really didn't have to use them for his lie.
Aziraphale and Crowley also felt a little out of character compared to the first season. Aziraphale a bit too naive, and Crowley a bit too serious. Obviously Aziraphale isn't jaded by any means, and Crowley isn't the sort to be excessively jovial, but they had just successfully outmaneuvered both Heaven and Hell and averted the apocalypse. I feel like there's room for more complex characterization.
I liked Beelzebub and Gabriel's romance, but I think there could've been more. Instead of the zombie episode, we could've had one dedicated to Beelzebub and Gabriel, who both also seemed out of character in the show, ngl. Beelzebub came off as a little too open from the start, and I like Gabriel with a softer personality but that's definitely not what he was like in the beginning. I think they could meet up that one time and complain about the Apocalypse That Wasn't, and how it starts is that they would wonder why the Hell (Heaven in Gabriel's case) an angel and a demon would work together to save the world, what is it that's so good about Earth? And so, they would decide to find out. They would investigate Earth's joys together. There could be a montage where instead of just showing them meeting a couple times at a few places, they go anywhere and everywhere, they go to amusement parks and get soft serve ice cream and try ice skating and watch movies and experience so many things together. Basically they go on a whole bunch of Not-Dates around the world and experience the pleasures that humanity has to offer for the first time. And then after all that, they could be sitting at the pub, and the song would be playing in the background, and there would be a Vibe.
Beelzebub, with dawning horror: Is this...?
Gabriel, bemused, This Close to an Epiphany: Are we...?
They realize it at the same time.
Both: Oh no.
They both vanish. They ran away.
But then, unable to stay away, they meet up again. They stare at each other.
Beelzebub, unusually flustered: Well. I figured it out. What about you?
Gabriel, blustering: I also figured it out. But, uh, I think you should say what you figured out...to make sure we figured out the same thing.
Beelzebub: I want to hear you say what you figured out first.
They get nowhere. They go get drinks.
With several empty beer mugs on the table, Beelzebub says: Alright, on three, we'll say it at the same time. Ready? One...two...three.
Neither of them say it. They both take gulps from their beers. Cut to the table being absolutely stacked with empty tankers. The bartender's like, 'Uh, I think I should cut you off,' and Beelzebub does something demon-y to scare him and he's like 'Nevermind, have as many as you like, no need to pay!'
Cut again. There's a fortress of empty beer mugs.
Beelzebub, thoroughly drunk: Wha' wassit you wanned ta' say?
Gabriel, absolutely plastered: I think...it was...uh...I think...
He thinks about it. He's thinking so hard right now. Finally, he wrestles it down: Are we in love?
Beelzebub, pointing: Tha's whot I figured out, too!
And last but not least: Crowley and Aziraphale. It really didn't need to end the way it did. And I think that Metatron's first choice to replace Gabriel shouldn't have been Aziraphale, but Crowley. He would decide to return him to his full former angelic glory. Even better than his former angelic glory, actually. Aziraphale would caution him that Crowley would refuse, but Metatron would request that he ask him anyway.
Cut to Crowley's response.
Crowley: #!$*_!\":$€&`[·§Г^}₩ฯ!$% (censored for sensitive ears)
Cut to Aziraphale informing Metatron of his answer: He said no.
Metatron sighs and says: Very well. And you, Aziraphale? What do you think of taking Gabriel's position?
Aziraphale, smiling politely: I'm afraid I have responsibilities down here that I must see to. I can't let just anyone run my bookshop, you know. They might sell my books.
He turns away, and we see from the way his expression changes out of Metatron's sight that he feels he's just dodged a bullet on fire being chased by the snapping jaws of a crocodile which is followed by the gaping maw of an enraged grizzly bear which is overshadowed by an oncoming meteor the size of Birmingham. Basically he makes this face -> 😬
Metatron, meanwhile, is somewhat put out: I suppose I have no choice, then.
He tells Gabriel he can return to his former position.
Gabriel: Hm...nah.
Cut to Metatron sitting hunched in a chair with his face in his hands.
Muriel: Would you like some hot chocolate? :)
Metatron looks at her. His other options are Michael or Uriel.
He asks her.
Meanwhile, at the shop, Crowley is sprawled in his favored armchair while Aziraphale hands him a cup of tea. "Everyday" is playing on the record player.
Aziraphale: You know, I quite like this song. I think it's grown on me.
Crowley: Not me. I'd like it if I never heard it again. He played it every day, all day, that feathery bastard. The only reason I didn't break the record is because you'd be cross.
Aziraphale, smiling at him: That's the only reason?
Crowley: If you're implying I actually love that song, don't. There's no secret love here.
There's a pause.
Aziraphale: You know, if you really wanted to visit Alpha Centauri, I could...make some time in my schedule.
Crowley: Oh, yes? Your schedule of not selling books?
Aziraphale: Yes, that one. You let me borrow your car, after all. It's only fair I do something for you.
Crowley, scoffing: You do plenty for me. You're the one who fixed the car in the first place after it burned up spectacularly, you let me move in--insisted on it, actually--
He holds up the cup: -You got me tea.
Aziraphale: Well, I--I want to. I want to do those things for you.
Crowley, pausing (he doesn't quite know what's happening): It's good tea.
Aziraphale: Well. Good.
There's another pause.
Aziraphale: Crowley, please tell me if you don't want this.
He takes Crowley's cup and sets it aside, and then he places his hand on Crowley's shoulder and leans in, closing his eyes.
Crowley pulls his head back, a look on his face like what's happening?!
Aziraphale doesn't see it since his eyes are closed. He kind of stays in place, eyes squeezed shut, lips puckered.
Crowley's alarm fades as he stares at him. After a moment, he leans in.
Their kiss is soft. They're so in love and it's so sweet and domestic and tender I might cry
I think it could've been really nice
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yellow-faerie · 10 months
Wow, I have a fic description and a fic title before I've even established a proper fic plot
(this is probably because I'm very excited about this fic and it's potential...)
Here are my tags because I started explaining the plot and want it actually in the post rather than just the tags lol:
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#Aziraphale gets removed from the book of life is like...the main plot#and - through various means - it is Crowley remembering him and bringing him back#(with guest star appearances from Adam and the Them on a school trip to yo London; Warlock#running away from his parents for the third time; Muriel who is cheerily *not* realising that they used to be a very powerful angel before#a mind wipe; Maggie and Nina dancing around the fact that Nina might very well be ready for that next step; Beelzebub and Gabriel both#visiting Crowley separately for couple's counselling (although *why* he cannot fathom; and the second coming of Christ#although she is not at all what heaven was planning - in fact#heaven didn't know she existed yet)#but it is also Crowley being miserable and lonely and kind of not knowing why#but being reminded of something until things start to fall into place#and then history is a bit weird until they defeat Metatron (fuck 'im) and put Aziraphale's name back#(this fic *really* makes me wish I could draw because a big part of it is that Eve#- the second coming of Christ - keeps getting visions of the past as it was when Aziraphale still existed#since she's technically God and i think God is probably the only one to whom edits to the book of life don't affect#and Crowley finds it#and I think it would be so cool to have like pages of notebook and sketches in between the fic writing)#GO2#Good Omens Season 2#Good Omens#Ineffable Husbands#because I wrote an essay in the tags of my own post instead of in the main body (like a fool)#Fae Rambles Into The Void#How To Make A Nightingale Sing#<- the current working title
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